Rome's Palatine Hill: The Complete Guide

palatine hill guided tour

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

Palatine Hill

Rome's Palatine Hill is one of the famous " Seven Hills of Rome "—the hills near the Tiber River where different ancient settlements once developed and gradually joined together to form the city. The Palatine, one of the hills closest to the river, is traditionally regarded as the founding site of Rome. Legend holds that it was here in 753 B.C. that Romulus, after killing his brother, Remus, built a defensive wall, set up a system of government and started the settlement that would grow to become the greatest power of the ancient Western World. Of course, he named the city after himself.

The Palatine Hill is part of the main archaeological area of ancient Rome and is adjacent to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. Yet many visitors to Rome only see the Colosseum and Forum and skip the Palatine. They are missing out. The Palatine Hill is full of fascinating archaeological ruins, and admission to the hill is included with the combined Forum/Colosseum ticket. It's always far less visited than those other two sites, so can offer a nice respite from the crowds.

Here are some of the most important sites on the Palatine Hill, plus information on how to visit.

How to Get to the Palatine Hill

The Palatine Hill can be reached from the Roman Forum, by bearing left after the Arch of Titus once you've already entered the Forum from the Colosseum side. If you've accessed the Forum from Via di Fori Imperiali, you'll see the Palatine looming large over the Forum, beyond the House of the Vestals. You can take in the sights of the Forum as you head in the direction of the Palatine—you can't really get lost on the way.

Our favorite place to enter the Palatine is from Via di San Gregorio, located just to the south (behind) the Colosseum. The advantage of entering here is that there are fewer steps to climb, and, if you haven't purchased your ticket to the Palatine, Colosseum and Forum, you can buy it here. There's almost never a line, and you won't have to wait in the very long line at the Colosseum ticket queue . 

If you're taking public transportation, the closest Metro stop is Colosseo (Colosseum) on the B Line. The 75 bus runs from Termini Station and stops near the Via di San Gregorio entrance. Finally, trams 3 and 8 stop on the east side of the Colosseum, a short walk to the Palatine entrance.

Highlights of the Palatine Hill

Like many archaeological sites in Rome, the Palatine Hill was the site of constant human activity and development over many centuries. As a result, ruins lay one on top of the other, and it's often difficult to tell one item from another. Also, like many sites in Rome, a lack of descriptive signage makes it challenging to know at what you're looking. If you are very interested in Roman archaeology, it's worth it to buy a guidebook, or at least a good map, that offers more information on the site. Otherwise, you can just wander the hill at leisure, enjoy the green space and appreciate the vastness of the buildings there.

As you wander, look for these most important sites on the Palatine Hill:

  • Imperial Palaces:  This vast complex includes the Domus Flavia and Domus Augustana and was the home of Roman Emperors from the time of Augustus to the fall of the Western Empire in the 5th-century A.D. It was expanded and renovated over the year,s and what remains today are fragments of five centuries or more of construction. Highlights include the Stadium, which may have been used for horse races or as the private garden of Emperor Domitian and the 3rd-century Baths of Septimius Severus, built during one of the last major expansions of the Palace.
  • View of Circus Maximus:  From the Palace area, you can wander to the edge of the Palatine Hill and look down over the Circus Maximus, the immense race course below the Palatine. You'll be taking in the same view the Roman emperors enjoyed—they watched chariot races and other spectacles from this perch high above the fray.
  • The Palatine Museum:  This small museum contains large sculptures, most of them in fragments, found during excavations on the Palatine. It is free to enter, worthwhile for a quick stop, and there are restrooms here as well.
  • Houses of Augustus and Livia:  Emperor Augustus and his wife Livia had side-by-side houses on the Palatine. Both were elaborately decorated with frescoes and mosaics, many of which remain. At the House of Augustus, you can even see the emperor's private study, where he wrote his autobiography, The Deeds of the Divine Augustus,  in 14 A.D. Modest guy. You can visit both houses on a combined ticket, but you must reserve in advance, and the sites close frequently for preservation and repairs. To find out more, visit the COOP Culture website .
  • The Romulan Huts:  Near the houses of Augustus and Livia, you'll see a sign pointing to the Casa Romuli . Make the detour to the far side of the Palatine Hill closest to the river, and you can see what's left of what archaeologists believe is the earliest site of human habitation on the Palatine. Once simple waddle and daub huts covered with thatched roofs, what remains now are post holes and foundations cut into the tufa rock bed. The group of dwellings has been dubbed "The House of Romulus"—though there's no firm evidence that Romulus ever lived here. Still, they represent an important piece of Rome's earliest development. From this vantage point, you will also have a nice view of the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica off in the distance.
  • Cryptoporticus:  This 130 meter-long covered passageway was built for the emperors to travel from one palace to another in relative secrecy and safe from weather and would-be assassins. (This did not work for the despotic Caligula, who was allegedly murdered in this corridor in 41 A.D.) The corridor contains some fragments of vaulted, carved ceilings, and, on a hot, sunny day in Rome, there's no cooler place to be.
  • Farnese Gardens:  Built by Cardinal Alessandro Farnese in the 1500s, the Farnese Gardens was the first private botanical garden in Europe. To the dismay of modern archaeologists, the garden cover much of what was the Palace of Tiberius and incorporate some of the ruins. Though it is nothing like its former glory, the garden is still a pretty place to walk around, and there are plenty of shady, grassy areas where you can rest and cool off. Be sure to duck into the Nymphaeum, an artificial grotto built to evoke earlier Roman structures. Also at the Farnese Gardens, there are several terraces overlooking the Roman Forum, the Capitoline Hill and beyond. These vantage points offer some of the most iconic views in Rome and are not to be missed. 

Planning Your Visit to the Palatine Hill

Admission to the Palatine Hill is included in a combined ticket to the Colosseum and the Roman Forum . Since you'll very likely want to visit these sites on your trip to Rome, we strongly recommend you see the Palatine Hill as well. You can buy tickets in advance from the official COOP Culture website  or through various third-party vendors. Tickets are €12 for adults and free for those under 18 years of age. COOP Culture charges a €2 per ticket fee for online purchases. Remember, if you don't have tickets in advance, you can go to the Palatine Hill entrance at Via di San Gregorio and purchase tickets with little to no waiting.

A few other tips for your visit:

  • Wear good walking shoes.  The ground underfoot ranges from packed dirt pathways to cement sidewalks to uneven paving stones and roads set in Roman times. There are also stairs in several places. You should be in reasonably good shape for walking and wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes.
  • Bring a water bottle.  Especially if you visit in the summertime, you'll be walking under the hot sun, often in areas without shade, so bring a refillable water bottle. There are a couple of water fountains on the Palatine Hill where you can refill your bottle, but there is no bottled water for sale on the hill.
  • Bring a snack or picnic, but be discreet.  Particularly near the Farnese Gardens, there are benches and a few areas where you can plop down on the grass and eat a sandwich you've brought along. However, don't bring a blanket and picnic basket and figuring on lounging for a few hours. Picnicking per se is not allowed on the Palatine Hill, however, no one will chase you off if you stop for a few minutes for a quick bite. Note that there are no food and drink sales on the Palatine Hill, so if you don't bring a snack, time your visit for before or after lunch.
  • Don't try to see all three sites in one day.  The combined archaeological area of the Palatine Hill, the Roman Forum and the Colosseum is sprawling, crowded and overwhelming. Don't try to take in all three sites in one day—you'll wind up exhausted and ultimately won't appreciate what you're seeing. Your ticket is good for 24 hours from the time you enter the first attraction. So, if you visit the Forum and the Palatine Hill the first day and entered, for example, at 10 a.m., you can see the Colosseum the next day, as long as you enter by 10 a.m. We strongly suggest you spread your visit over two days.

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Palatine Hill

  • Top Attractions
  • Tourist Attractions

Palatine Hill

Palatine Hill , one of the oldest parts of Rome, towers 40 meters (130 feet) above the Roman Forum  and is the most central of the famous seven hills.

Palatine Hill is considered to be the birthplace of the Italian capital and is believed to have been inhabited since the year 1000 B.C .

During the Republican Period,  Roman citizens belonging to the upper class settled in Palatine Hill and built sumptuous palaces , of which important traces are still preserved.

According to the legend

Roman mythology talks of the cave that was inhabited by Luperca, the she-wolf that took care of Romulus and Remus, which is located on Palatine Hill . According to the legend, when the brothers grew up they decided to form a city on the banks of the river, but when they could not come to an agreement on some points of the decision, Romulus killed Remus and founded the city of Rome .

What to see on Palatine Hill

On Palatine Hill, you can see hundreds of ruins of imposing buildings that were created for high Roman society in ancient times. Although the whole scene is impressive, these are some of the points that deserve special attention :

  • Domus Flavia : The splendid palace Domus Flavia was built in the year 81 B.C . by the order of Emperor Domitian as a public and official residence. There are still some parts of the extensive construction that can be seen.
  • House of Livia : This modestly-built house which was built in the 1st century B.C. is one of the best-preserved buildings in Palatine Hill. It's still possible to glimpse the remains of the mosaics and frescoes that at one time cheered up the ceilings and walls.
  • House of Augustus : Built as the private residence of Octavian Augustus, the house built on two levels still has a large part of the valued and colorful frescoes that decorated its walls.
  • Farnese Gardens : Designed in the middle of the 16th century on the ruins of the Palace of Tiberius, the Farnese Gardens were one of the first botanical gardens to be created in Europe.
  • Hippodrome of Domitian : Given the appearance of a Roman circus, it's not known for certain if the stadium was created for holding races, or just to be used as a garden.
  • Palatine museum : In this small museum, several discoveries that were made during excavations carried out on Palatine Hill are on exhibition. There are sculptures, frescoes, mosaics, and other objects belonging to the golden age of Palatine Hill.

From Palatine Hill, you can get the best views of the Roman Forum from above .

A walk in Ancient Rome

Palatine Hill is a very pleasant place for a quiet stroll under the shadow of the trees while passing many of the preserved corners of ancient Rome. The best way to visit while skipping the lines is to reserve our tour , visiting the three main monuments in the city: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill - all with a specialist guide.

It's worth dedicating half a day to visit it since the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill each cover a very large space that should be very interesting .

Palatine Hill, Flavian Palace

Via di San Gregorio, 30

Every day: 8:30 am – 7 pm

Combined ticket to visit the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine : Adults: € 16 ( US$ 17.20) European Union members (18 – 24): € 2 ( US$ 2.20) Children (ages less than 17) and seniors (over 65) members of the EU: free entrance

Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour € 62.64 ( US$ 67.40)

Metro station: Colosseo , line B. Bus stop: Colosseo , buses: 60, 75, 84, 85, 87, 117, 175, 186, 271, 571, 810 and 850. Location

Nearby places

Circus Maximus (277 m) Arch of Constantine (339 m) Roman Forum (424 m) Colosseum (478 m) Santa Maria in Cosmedin (492 m)

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palatine hill guided tour


Privileged Entrance Colosseum Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

Skip the line at the colosseum, plus arch of titus, temple of julius caesar, and more.

Looking for the perfect way to see the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill in just a few hours? With a super-knowledgeable local guide, you’ll breeze past the crowds to visit the most important sites in ancient Rome. Gaze in awe at the mighty Colosseum and hear stories of the gruesome battles that took place here, then admire the ruins where the true power of the Roman Empire once lay. It’s the ideal way to see the iconic highlights of ancient Rome!

Meet your guide outside the Colosseum Metro Stop

  • Meet your guide outside the Colosseum Metro Stop
  • First level
  • Second level
  • Roman Forum
  • Arch of Constantine
  • Temple of Julius Caesar
  • Palatine Hill
  • Stadium of Domitian
  • End your tour near the Colosseum

After meeting your expert Roman guide at the Colosseo metro stop, you'll skip the line to explore this ancient arena, including the first and second tiers where Rome's rich and famous would watch the bloody battles below. After your guided Colosseum tour your guide will help you avoid the lines at the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, where they'll bring the ruins to life with stories of the powerful people that once controlled the Roman Empire from these sites.

Colosseum and Ancient Rome Tour Description

Your 3-hour walking tour includes:

Skip-the-line Colosseum tickets

Skip-the-line Roman Forum and Palatine Hill tickets

Guided tours of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill

An engaging, English-speaking local guide

A maximum group size of 25

Please note that depending on the assigned entry time for the Colosseum, your tour might enter the Roman Forum first and end in the Colosseum.

Skip-the-Line Colosseum Tour

Breeze past the crowds and access the special entrance for small group tours at the Colosseum. As you enter this ancient Roman structure, your passionate local guide will take you back in time with stories of the gruesome fights and epic spectacles that once happened here. You’ll explore the first and second tiers of the Colosseum—areas that were originally reserved only for Rome’s most elite classes. 

Learn how the Colosseum was built and the history of the bloody battles that defined ancient Roman history. You’ll only spend an hour inside of the Colosseum, which is perfect for those who want to cover the most ground in less time.

This product includes an entry ticket to the Colosseum, Forum, and Palatine Hill, for which our cost is 18 Euro per person.

Guided Tour of Palatine Hill

Next, your guide will take you to the site where Romulus is said to have founded the city in 753 B.C. This area is comprised of opulent ancient palaces that are still characterized by their detailed artifacts and mosaics. These palaces weren’t just the homes of Rome’s most elite, they were enormous treasure troves with every possible luxury inside. In fact, the Palace of Domitian even had an amphitheater inside of it, large enough to host chariot races! Here, you'll also see a piece of an ancient Roman aqueduct.

Ancient Roman Forum

Finally, you'll visit what we like to call downtown ancient Rome. Ever watch a movie that takes place in ancient Rome, and you see people walking around a busy marketplace? That’s the Forum. This ancient site is where all of the action happened. From senate meetings to poetry performances and political protests, the Roman Forum really was the cultural hub of ancient Rome. Your guide will give you an insight into what life was like here, as you stroll around admiring historic structures including the Arch of Titus and the Temple of Julius Caesar.

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We were with a small group of people, so I think that made the tour much more enjoyable. We had a really great tour guide! She was amazing from start to finish!

Amazing Tour with Frederico

Frederico was very knowledgable and was a very fun guide! He really seemed to love his job and care for the history!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to bring?

Government-issued ID for entrance to the Colosseum. Archaeological sites have uneven terrain so we recommend wearing comfortable sneakers. Bring sunscreen and a water bottle during the hot summer months.

Does this tour let me skip the line?

Yes! No waiting around for you. Your guide will lead you past the line so you can get straight into the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

Does this tour include access to the Colosseum Arena Floor?

This tour does not include the Colosseum Arena Floor, but you can walk onto it on our Special Access Colosseum Arena Floor Tour .

What if I have concerns about my mobility on this tour?

If you have any doubts about your mobility, we suggest you take a more comfortable Private Colosseum Tour so we can better accommodate your needs.

Will my tour time change?

Yes, the start time of your tour is likely to change. Please keep your day open. Your final start time will be sent 5 days before the date of your tour.

Can I cancel if my schedule changes?

No. Privileged Entrance Colosseum Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill is a non-refundable tour.

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Indulge in Rome's famous pizza, pasta, and wine alongside a knowledgeable foodie guide

( 11 ) From: $151.20

Trastevere: a Taste of Roman Tradition​

Trastevere: a Taste of Roman Tradition​

Trastevere Food Tour and Pasta Making Class

Sample classic Roman delicacies and learn how to make fettuccine from scratch!

From: $164.64

New Tour

Four-Course Roman Dinner with Wine Pairing Near the Pantheon

Taste exquisite Italian food with sommelier-style pairings in a stunning 15th-century building

( 4 ) From: $145.60

New Tour

Rome’s Appian Way Tour by E-Bike

Pedal through Parco dell’Appia Antica alongside an expert guide and admire ancient Roman marvels

( 6 ) From: $72.80

New Tour

Tuscany Day Trip from Rome with Vineyard Lunch and Wine Tasting

Wander through the medieval towns of Montepulciano and Pienza and enjoy a 3-course meal!

( 6 ) From: $150.08

2-Hour Tour by Segway​

2-Hour Tour by Segway​

Segway Tour of Imperial Rome

Admire the Colosseum, Circus Maximus and more, during a guided 2-hour journey in a Small Group

From: $66.08

Best Squares of Rome by Segway

Best Squares of Rome by Segway

Segway Tour of Baroque Rome in a Small Group

Zip to the Pantheon, Piazza Venezia, theTrevi Fountain, and more of ancient Rome’s treasures!

New Tour

Rome by Vespa Small Group Driving Tour

Join an intimate Vespa convoy and scoot past the Pantheon, Spanish Steps and Piazza Navona

From: $166.88

New Tour

Guided Buggy Self-Drive Tour of Rome

Cruise to the Eternal City’s most iconic landmarks, historic monuments, and breathtaking viewpoints!

From: $266.56

New Tour

Private Tour of Rome’s Seven Hills by Tuk Tuk

Cruise to the Orange Gardens, and admire the view from Circus Maximum from a real tuk tuk.

From: $168.00

New Tour

Rome Vintage Fiat 500 Sightseeing Tour

Cruise around in style as you explore the Eternal City’s top landmarks, sights, and attractions!

( 5 ) From: $338.24

Meet your guide at Piazza Barberini​

Meet your guide at Piazza Barberini​

Golf Cart Tour of Rome with Pizza and Gelato Dinner

Indulge in authentic Italian pizza, savor gelato, and whizz between Pantheon, Trastevere and more

From: $232.96

New Tour

Authentic Pizza and Gelato Cooking Class in Rome

Embark on an Italian culinary adventure in a 17th-century palace near Piazza Navona!

From: $116.48

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  1. Colosseum, Roman Forum, Palatine Hill VIP Guided Tour in Rome, Italy

    palatine hill guided tour

  2. Rome: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill Guided Tour

    palatine hill guided tour

  3. Colosseum Guided Tour with Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Tickets

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  4. Colosseum Guided Tour with Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Tickets

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  5. Colosseum Guided Tour with Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Tickets

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  6. Colosseum & Palatine Hill Guided Tour With Arena Access: Triphobo

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  1. Palatine Hill Ruin Inside /Joane Arlene

  2. Palatine Hill Tour #ancientrome #history #beautiful /Joane Arlene

  3. The best view from the Palatine Hill


  1. Palatine Hill, Rome

    3. Rome: Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Guided Tour. Explore the most famous amphitheater in the world on this guided tour. Enter the Colosseum with skip-the-line tickets and learn its incredible history. With your guide, walk on Palatine Hill and through the Roman Forum to see the most iconic monuments of Ancient Rome.

  2. Colosseum Underground Tour with Roman Forum and Palatine Hill

    Guided tour of the Colosseum with 1st and 2nd tiers. A guided tour of the Roman Forum with skip-the-line tickets. Walking tour of Palatine Hill. An expert English-speaking guide. A maximum group size of 24. After booking this epic underground tour, you'll hear from our friendly Travel Experts who'll ask for your name and birthday.

  3. Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Guided Tour

    This pre-booked admission ticket grants skip-the-line access to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill with an option to include a guided tour. That leaves you with peace of mind and more time to explore two of Rome's top attractions. Roman Forum and Palatine Hill skip-the-line admission tickets. Upgrade to include a guided tour with audio headsets.

  4. Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum Guided Tour

    Colosseum Arena Floor, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Guided Group Tour. 330. from $81.24. Rome, Italy. Evening Elegance: Romantic Rome by Night Private Tour with Driver. from $182.23. Price varies by group size. Rome, Italy. Skip the Line Vatican, Sistine Chapel, Basilica & Papal Tomb Tour.

  5. Rome: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill Guided Tour

    Then head over to the Roman Forum for the second part of your tour, enhanced with live commentary from your guide. After around 45 minutes exploring the forum, head up to Palatine Hill, the final stop on your tour. Wrap up your tour exploring the ruins and learning about how Rome was founded. Colosseum. 1 hour 30 minutes • Admission Ticket Free.

  6. Book Palatine Hill Tours

    A guided tour is a great way to explore Palatine Hill while gaining an in-depth understanding of its history, without having to spend a whole day at the attraction. Cancelation Policy You can cancel these tickets up to 24-72 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.

  7. Rome: Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Guided Tour

    Full description. Discover the Archaeological Park of Rome on a guided tour with skip-the-line entry tickets to the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and the Roman Forum. Step back in time to explore these sites of Ancient Rome. Marvel at the size of the Colosseum, one of the most famous monuments in the world and the symbol of the Eternal City.

  8. A Guide to the Palatine Hill: Everything You Need to Know

    Dive into the heart of ancient Rome with our comprehensive guide to the Palatine Hill. Discover the myths of Romulus and Remus, marvel at imperial palaces, and soak in panoramic views. Plan your visit with insider tips, tour options, and must-see highlights for a journey through time on Rome's legendary hill.

  9. Rome's Palatine Hill: The Complete Guide

    Address. Palatine Hill, 00186 Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy. Rome's Palatine Hill is one of the famous "Seven Hills of Rome"—the hills near the Tiber River where different ancient settlements once developed and gradually joined together to form the city. The Palatine, one of the hills closest to the river, is traditionally ...

  10. Colosseum & Ancient Rome Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

    Colosseum Arena Floor, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Guided Tour. 2,452. from $76.74. Rome, Italy. Rome Golf Cart Tour: Highligths of the Eternal City. 194. from $197.60. Price varies by group size. Viator earns higher commissions on experiences featured here.

  11. Palatine Hill

    Palatine Hill is a very pleasant place for a quiet stroll under the shadow of the trees while passing many of the preserved corners of ancient Rome. The best way to visit while skipping the lines is to reserve our tour , visiting the three main monuments in the city: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill - all with a specialist guide.

  12. Rome: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill Guided Tour

    Travel back in time and immerse yourself in the life of Roman gladiators. Marvel at the views of Rome from atop the Palatine Hill. A small-group, more personal experience with your tour guide. Uncover the mysteries of the Colosseum from your expert guide. Channel your inner Senator in the heart of the Roman Forum.

  13. Colosseum Guided Tours

    Prices typically range from around €40 to €82. - Skip-the-line guided tours: Starting €39.90. Factors that influence the cost include the duration of the tour, the areas of the Colosseum that are covered, whether other attractions like the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill are included, and the level of access granted.

  14. Privileged Entrance Colosseum Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

    Skip-the-line Roman Forum and Palatine Hill tickets. Guided tours of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. An engaging, English-speaking local guide. A maximum group size of 25. Please note that depending on the assigned entry time for the Colosseum, your tour might enter the Roman Forum first and end in the Colosseum. Skip-the-Line ...

  15. Palatine Hill & Roman Forum Self Guided Tour

    One of my favorite places is the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. The map of attractions is HERE and the self guided walking tour is HERE. Self Guided Walking Tours - Day Trips from Rome. Visit Pompeii with a complete self guided tour map HERE and the attractions guide to the 49 points of interest HERE. Spend the day in Florence, this was by ...

  16. LOT 2 Nessies Grove Sub Aldridge Ave, Palatine, IL 60067

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  18. Ancient Rome Guided Tour: Colosseum, Forum and Palatine 2024

    See the best of ancient Rome with this small-group tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Enjoy the informative commentary of a professional guide and marvel at the size and history of the Colosseum, and admire the Arch of Constantine and the former palaces on Palatine Hill. Visit Rome's most popular attractions, the Colosseum.

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    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

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    5 temporary screenings guaranteed to blow your mind. People watching a movie in a Pioner 24-hour open-air cinema in Gorky Park.

  21. Rome: Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Forum Guided Tour

    Take in three of Rome's top ancient sites without feeling overwhelmed by their wealth of history and architecture with this guided tour of the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Explore with a guide for a deep dive into Roman history. Admire the Colosseum amphitheater before moving on to the villas and temples in the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

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    Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather ...

  23. Rome: 20+ City Sights Tour with Colosseum & Forum Experience

    Dubai Islands. Top of the Rock Observation Deck. American Museum of Natural History. Underground Naples. Casa Mila. See 20+ of Rome's sites on this tour. Follow your local guide to attractions like the Palatine Hill and the Trevi Fountain, and finish with a visit to the Colosseum and Forum with skip-the-line entry.