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the bit trip ps4

Review: The Bit.Trip

Image of Ben Davis


The Bit.Trip series holds a special place in my heart. With a wonderful blend of rhythm-based mechanics and arcade-style gameplay spanning various genres, the games are easy to pick up, quick to fall in love with, and yet incredibly difficult to master.

This compilation, aptly titled The Bit.Trip , marks the series’ very first appearance on PlayStation consoles, featuring all six games in one neat little bundle. And thankfully, they play just as great on PlayStation as they did on the Wii all those years back.

the bit trip ps4

The Bit.Trip (PS4 [reviewed], PS Vita, PS3) Developer: Choice Provisions Publisher: Choice Provisions MSRP: $9.99 (Cross-Buy) Released: December 5, 2015 (PS4, PS Vita), TBA (PS3)

The Bit.Trip is a collection of all six games in the Bit.Trip series which were originally released on WiiWare, similar to Bit.Trip Complete for Wii and Bit.Trip Saga for 3DS from a few years ago. It may have a different name than the other compilations, but it’s largely the same aside from the controls, menus, and a few extras.

The Bit.Trip differs in that it offers Trophies and leaderboards, which already existed for the PC versions of the games, but not for the Wii and 3DS versions. However, it’s lacking all of the bonus content and extra challenge levels introduced in Bit.Trip Complete . Those extras would have been a nice addition here as a way to entice people who have already played some of the games before, but as it stands, it’s basically just a straightforward compilation.

Even so, the Bit.Trip games still hold up incredibly well, and the price is perfect for anyone looking to experience them again (or for the first time). All six games can be accessed from the slick main menu, featuring some neat concept art whenever a title is selected. Each game also allows the player to choose between Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings, which is nice because the Bit.Trip games can be quite difficult, even on Easy!

For those who haven’t played Bit.Trip before, the series spans several different genres with an emphasis on rhythm-based gameplay, all held together with similar themes to tell the story of the life and death of Commander Video. Bit.Trip Beat and Bit.Trip Flux are very Pong -like in nature, requiring the player to move a paddle up and down to bounce incoming beats back to the rhythm. Bit.Trip Runner switches things up as a rhythmic auto-running platformer, while Bit.Trip Fate takes the series in another drastically different direction as a musical on-rails shooter.

the bit trip ps4

Bit.Trip Core and Bit.Trip Void are a bit harder to describe, but they both offer gameplay that is completely unique to the series. Core gives players control of an X and Y axis which can zap any beats that pass over them, while Void has players controlling an ever-expanding black hole which must consume other black shapes while avoiding white ones. Void is actually my personal favorite of the series, simply because I’ve never played anything else quite like it.

The biggest difference for the PlayStation versions of these games is of course going to be the controls. I found playing with the Dualshock 4 to be quite comfortable and intuitive, easily on par with the Wii controls. Both Core and Void let the player choose between the left analog stick or the d-pad for movement. I found the analog stick to be preferable in most situations, although the d-pad was useful for a certain boss in Void which requires precision movements, and some players will probably prefer to use the d-pad to play Core (I found it to be a little uncomfortable after a while). Fate uses both analog sticks — one for movement and one for aiming and shooting — and it felt perfect. The controls for Runner are about what you’d expect, since it only requires simple button inputs. It would be kind of hard to mess those up.

As for Beat and Flux , the controls work similarly to the Wii Remote in that you simply have to tilt the Dualshock 4 forward and back to move the paddle. It seemed to really pick up on my hands shaking though, which caused the paddle to sort of vibrate slightly up and down all the time. This made it feel as though I didn’t have as much control over the paddle as I would have like, but it wasn’t too much of a deal-breaker for me since I wasn’t going for high scores or anything. However, it did make the final boss of Beat especially difficult since it’s easier to win by hitting the beats back with the very tip of the paddle. I kept missing even the slow-moving beats by the slightest degree, most likely because of the vibrations.

the bit trip ps4

Finally, for players interested in leaderboards, they’ll be happy to know that each game has separate leaderboards for every individual level, divided between the three difficulty settings. These can be accessed directly from the main menu or individually from the menus of the specific games.

While The Bit.Trip could have been made marginally better with the addition of any kind of bonus content (such as the extra challenges found in Bit.Trip Complete ), it’s still a solid compilation of an excellent series of games. Thankfully, they hold up just as well on PlayStation consoles as they did on the Wii. If you still haven’t taken the dive into the rhythmic, arcade-y goodness of Bit.Trip , or if you’ve been looking for a reason to play through it all again, now would be the perfect time to do so.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game purchased by the reviewer.]

the bit trip ps4

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The BIT.TRIP Review thumbnail

The BIT.TRIP Review

Commander Video's glorious rock hard six-pack returns

A.J. Maciejewski

Reviewed by A.J. Maciejewski playing a PS4 on December 10, 2015

The BIT.TRIP is Cross-Buy with PS Vita

The BIT.TRIP is rated Everyone by the ESRB

Commander Video is back and this time all six of his original games can be played on your favourite PlayStation console. BIT.TRIP has come a long way since its WiiWare debut back in 2009 so let's see if these gems hold up.

│ One of Video Chums ' core principles is "it's better to be late and thorough than it is to be early and misinformed". 🧐

The BIT.TRIP screenshot 1

I'm a huge fan of the BIT.TRIP series. In fact, I still own physical copies of BIT.TRIP Complete for Wii (with the included soundtrack ) and BIT.TRIP Saga for 3DS so I can play it on the go. Now that I can enjoy BIT.TRIP on my PlayStation 4 and Vita, I'll be forever tempted to pick it up whenever I'm trying to think of what game I should play next. For the unfamiliar, the BIT.TRIP series is renowned for its simplistic yet challenging gameplay that incorporates rhythm elements. Thankfully, you don't need a sense of rhythm to play these games although it'll definitely help. Speaking of rhythm, the music is completely captivating and never fails to match the trippiness taking place on screen. This dynamic makes each game so much more immersive to the point where it's hypnotizing but enough about that, let's talk about the games already! v1d30chumz 195-190-12-77

As the first one in the series, BIT.TRIP Beat is an expectedly simple game. It's basically Pong where you try to ricochet oncoming objects by tilting the controller. Be prepared for things to ramp up quickly as the objects will come at you in varying patterns and speeds so keeping up requires full concentration. BIT.TRIP Core is probably my least favourite game simply because I'm awful at it. I think most people will agree that it's the wiliest game here. You play it by holding one of four directions in order to aim and shoot moving squares. Considering you have to pay attention to four spots at once, this game can feel downright unfair. Only those looking to test their superhuman ability to focus will be able to master it. BIT.TRIP Void is a static-screen dodge 'em up game where you avoid white dots and collect black ones. However, you expand upon collecting black dots so get ready to "pop" back to normal size whenever you're in harm's way. This game is one of the best in the series because it balances simplicity and challenge in such a perfect way.

The BIT.TRIP screenshot 2

Next up, we have BIT.TRIP Runner which is the only featured game that has a sequel and it's obvious why. You control the automatically running Commander Video to jump over, slide under, and kick through hazards while trying to collect every shiny brick of gold. This is immensely fun on its own but what makes me love it even more are the bonus rounds that play homage to one of my favourite games of all time; Adventure Island . BIT.TRIP Fate is a twin-stick shooter where Commander Video is limited to moving along a preset line. Strategizing where to position him to avoid enemy fire while blasting ahead makes for one solid formula. I'm surprised more game developers haven't copied this concept. BIT.TRIP Flux is basically a return to the first game except you're positioned on the right-hand side of the screen and it's a lot more challenging. Luckily, you have checkpoints this time around to help with the added difficulty.

There's no denying that this is one impressive collection of arcade-style games but there are a couple of issues. After playing BIT.TRIP Complete, I'm kind of disappointed that the extra challenges as well as the audio, video, and art galleries are absent here. I guess they called it "Complete" for a reason. Also, each gamer will enjoy this pack differently because not every game has universal appeal. Some may find the simplicity of certain games to be too rudimentary while others may be put off by the overwhelming difficulty of a few titles. It really is a mixed bag. As previously mentioned, I'm a big fan yet I don't even like BIT.TRIP Core that much.

The BIT.TRIP screenshot 3

The BIT.TRIP compiles six fantastic games in one convenient package. Although it's missing some previously available content and not everyone will enjoy every single game, this still remains a must-buy for any retro arcade game enthusiast.

  • + A collection of six simple, enjoyable, and addictive BIT.TRIP games
  • + Offers plenty of gameplay variety
  • + Trippy visuals and incredible music
  • - Missing challenges and extra content from BIT.TRIP Complete
  • - Not all games will appeal to everyone

Gameplay video for The BIT.TRIP thumbnail

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Comments for The BIT.TRIP Review

A.J. Maciejewski (crazyaejay): Thanks for reading my review of The BIT.TRIP. Feel free to ask any questions about the game or provide feedback and I'll gladly reply.

Tylerh1701: Playing it now for review. Beat is fine but I can't put up with the motion controls for long, they're so imprecise. Core is hard and not really fun. Void is simpler and I've had a good time with it. Runner is great. Haven't got to the other two yet.

A.J. Maciejewski (crazyaejay): That's what I think of those games except I didn't find the motion controls to be imprecise. I think you just have to use subtle movements.

Tylerh1701: I just must not be very subtle. I've never been a fan of motion controls though, except for a couple of the Wii party games when the console first launched. So I'm pretty impatient when it comes to them.

the bit trip ps4

Review: The Bit Trip (PS4)

by Jim Smale · Published December 10, 2015 · Updated February 26, 2016

THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER.

Review The Bit Trip (PS4)  (2)

  • Classic pixel art graphics.
  • Beat: Uses the motion controls within the DS4. You play a re-imagination of Pong. You play as a bar and knock back beats to play the tune. Can unlock 3 game types: Transition, Descent and Growth.
  • Core:  Rhythm action game where you shoot beats within a 4 direction limit. Three modes: Discovery, Exploration and Control.
  • Void: Catch black dots whilst avoiding white dots. You grow as you collect the dots and can pop yourself to unleash power moves. Three modes: ID, Ego and Super Ego.
  • Fate:  On rail twin stick shooter with two modes: Extermination and Patience.
  • Flux:  Basically Beat but on the opposite side.
  • Runner:  Classic original endless runner. Jump, Slide and kick your way through levels racking up high scores.
  • All games have three difficulty options: Easy, Medium and Hard.
  • Full online leader board with game filter.
  • 714.MB download file size.
  • Full Platinum trophy.
  • Central hub. You can back out of games to get back to the game selection screen.
  • Classic retro atmosphere.
  • Hours upon hours of fun and pain.


  • Difficulty spikes a plenty.
  • Few games are very slow and basic.
  • No option to turn off motion controls.

Review The Bit Trip (PS4)  (3)

Gaming since the Atari 2600, I enjoy the weirdness in games counting Densha De Go and RC De Go as my favourite titles of all time. I prefer gaming of old where buying games from a shop was a thing, Being social in person was a thing. Join me as I attempt to adapt to this new digital age!

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The Bit.Trip – Reviews

Playstation 4 3ds playstation 3 playstation vita wii, detailed reviews.

  • 8 Amazing games marred by a few technical problems 3DS 11/25/2013 By Jerrynsteph4eva

Quick Reviews

  • 7 A fun collection of small games 3DS 09/08/2024 By ivory_soul

GameSpot Review

the bit trip ps4

  • 7.9 User Score Based on 26 user reviews.
  • 80 Gamereactor Sweden Except for a few slow downs with the 3D effects on, this is just what portable gaming is all about. Snack sized fun with great music that just as easy to pick up as it is to put it down. Bit.Trip Saga is must have in all Nintendo 3DS collections.
  • 50 Gaming Age Bit.Trip Saga, the 3DS set, is certainly disappointing in that it's more of a bare bones grouping of the titles as opposed to the Wii compilation.
  • 70 JeuxActu Only 6 mini-games in this compilation but if you like Pong and old school experiences, you will be excited to meet the very famous CommanderVideo.
  • 70 Nintendo Life The new control variations offer a fresh spin on the games, and despite looking absolutely amazing on the small screen of the 3DS, the frame rate issues do end up bringing down the overall experience a bit. Ultimately, BIT.TRIP is still one of the best gaming series to come out of this generation, but you can't help but feel that this 3DS compilation could have been much better with a little more polish.
  • 5.8 User Score Based on 9 user reviews.
  • 70 Brash Games An awesome collection of games in one package. They offer diverse modes, with tight controls and visual flair. The new challenges and unlockables offer something intriguing for those who have played the games before, while the new difficulty modes offer replayability and another layer of depth.
  • 90 Destructoid While The Bit.Trip could have been made marginally better with the addition of any kind of bonus content (such as the extra challenges found in Bit.Trip Complete), it's still a solid compilation of an excellent series of games. Thankfully, they hold up just as well on PlayStation consoles as they did on the Wii.
  • 50 PSNStores Overall, the segments in the games are lengthy besides for in Runner and it’s a pain to restart from the beginning if you die.
  • 90 Vandal It is likely to go unnoticed, but it's a very interesting collection, with addictive gameplay, outstanding soundtrack and great design. The Bit.Trip might not look appealing but it is surprisingly rewarding.
  • 8.2 User Score Based on 26 user reviews.
  • 80 Game Informer A few new difficulties and 120 new achievement-like challenges even make this a tempting collection for those who already downloaded the games individually.
  • 80 GameSpot Bit.Trip Complete expertly presents the Bit.Trip games with a complement of changes that make it easier than ever to enjoy this remarkable series.
  • 85 GameTrailers The very embodiment of addicting.
  • 86 Official Nintendo Magazine UK This is the perfect way to enjoy five fantastic Bit.Trip games (and Bit.Trip Core) in one place. [Apr 2012, p.102]

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The Bit Trip for PS4 & PS Vita

The bit trip for playstation 4 & playstation vita.

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This tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired music/rhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed.

PS4 version limited to 3.000 PS Vita version limited to 2.300

Price $24.99 each plus shipping

Pre-order date January 19th, 2018 (10AM US Eastern // 16:00 CET) January 19th, 2018 (6PM US Eastern // 24:00 CET)

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THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platformer on Earth! This tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired music/rhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed. And for those trying to keep an eye on their blood pressure, we’ve also added in the ability to toggle the difficulty in each game. Because we care. Few have completed the entire series fewer still have managed to earn the elusive PERFECT score for each game. But whether or not you possess the skills and patience to accomplish such a feat, you’re sure to find a lot to love in this collection of retro arcade greatness! 1 player 700MB minimum save size DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function Cross Platform Features PS4™ - PS Vita HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p Compatible with PlayStation®Vita only. Gameplay requires PlayStation®Vita memory card (sold separately). 1024 minimum space required 1 Player Motion Sensor This product supports the following languages: In-game speech: English On-screen text: English. Compatible with PlayStation®3. 1024 KB minimum space required 1 Player DUALSHOCK®3 Vibration Function HDTV screen resolution: 720p 1080i 1080p This product supports the following languages: In-game speech: English On-screen text: English. Download of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product. See Terms of Service for more important information. PS4: One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems. PS Vita: One-time fee for use of downloads on up to 3 activated compatible Portable Console systems. See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product. Library programs ©Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. exclusively licensed to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Software Usage Terms apply, See eu.playstation.com/legal for full usage rights. © 2015 Choice Provisions

The BIT.TRIP (Level)

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(For the PS4 and PS Vita re-releases of the same name, see The BIT.TRIP .)

The BIT.TRIP is the fifth and final Level in Runner2 , and is deliberately designed to evoke the simple, voxel aesthetic of the original BIT.TRIP Hexalogy, most specifically, the original BIT.TRIP Runner . Though it is worth noting that the graphics are far more visually complex than what they're emulating. This world comes with two songs for its levels, being BIT.TRIP and Re-Fusion. It also has a unique overworld map theme similar to the other four worlds.

The world seems to resemble IMPETUS moreso than the other two worlds in Runner, which is odd considering the game is meant to take place between Runner and FATE chronologically. The background is a brilliant starry night sky, featuring the elongated commanders from CORE and several games of BEAT being played looming in the background.

CaptainVideo is this world's unlockable character and as such, he mans the checkpoints here.

It comes after The Mounting Sadds and is followed by PATIENCE in FATE, and Foodland in Runner3

Gaming Age

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The BIT.TRIP review for PS Vita, PS4

the bit trip ps4

As far as I’m concerned, Runner 2 was one of the best — if also one of the most severely underappreciated — games of the last generation. Its colourful visuals popped off the screen, its gameplay was the perfect mix of simple and addictive, and Charles Martinet (aka the Voice of Mario) added some playful charm. It was, in short, ridiculously fun.

The BIT.TRIP is sort of a prequel to Runner 2, collecting the six Bit.Trip games that precede it. Spoiler: none of them are as good as Runner 2. While all of them have their moments, it seems fair to say that none of them quite live up to Gaijin Games’ masterpiece.


That’s not to say that none of them come close. Indeed, depending on what you’re looking for in a game, it’s entirely possible that some of the titles included in The BIT.TRIP may even appeal to you more than Runner 2. Want something as simple as Pong, but with a more modern sensibility and soundtrack? Then Bit.Trip Beat will be right up your alley, with Bit.Trip Flux there for when you’ve mastered that game and are in the mood for something a little more complex. In the mood for a game that’s slightly more arcade-y (but, again, with a distinctly modern soundtrack)? Then Bit.Trips Core and Void should meet that need, pairing deceptive simple ideas with executions that quickly show how complex they can get. Elsewhere, shmup fans should find plenty to enjoy with Bit.Trip Fate, while anyone wanting to experience Runner 2 in a more minimalistic, embryonic form should be pleased to learn that the original Runner is here too.

You don’t have to look very hard to see a common thread running through these games (beyond the basic fact they’re all easy to pick up and play, but very difficult to master). All six games have style to spare, with their frantic paces, vibrant colour schemes, and pulsating soundtracks. Even if the Bit.Trip series didn’t reach its full potential until Runner 2, the six games on The BIT.TRIP show that whatever else their developer had to figure out (which, admittedly, wasn’t much), the exceptional aesthetics were there basically from Day 1.


You don’t need to rush out and download it this instant, though. No, that’s an honor you should give to Runner 2 — which, again, is a must-play for anyone with any of the many, many systems on which it appeared. The BIT.TRIP is more an after-dinner mint: it’s certainly enjoyable, but not quite as good as the main course.

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About The BIT TRIP PS4

The BIT TRIP PS4 gameplay

THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platformer on Earth! This tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired music/rhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed. And for those trying to keep an eye on their blood pressure, we’ve also added in the ability to toggle the difficulty in each game. Because we care. Few have completed the entire series fewer still have managed to earn the elusive PERFECT score for each game. But whether or not you possess the skills and patience to accomplish such a feat, you’re sure to find a lot to love in this collection of retro arcade greatness! Purchasing this content entitles you to both the PS4™ system and “PS Vita” system versions! Additional hardware required for Interconnectivity.

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Limited Run #112: The Bit.TRIP (PS4)

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Sony PlayStation 4 Video Games Limited Run

Sony ps4 video games, sony playstation vita limited run games video games, sony playstation vita video games limited run, sony ps4 video game controllers, sony playstation 4 video games.


  1. The BIT TRIP

    THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platformer on Earth This tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired musicrhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed. And for those trying to keep an eye on their blood pressure, we've also added in the ability ...


    THE BIT.TRIP is a compilation re-release of the original BIT.TRIP hexalogy released digitally on Sony's PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PlayStation Vita (PS Vita) systems on December 5th, 2015. The compilation included all six of the original games with the difficulty modes from in BIT.TRIP COMPLETE , as well as its own collection of Trophies, the ...

  3. Review: The Bit.Trip

    The Bit.Trip (PS4 [reviewed], PS Vita, PS3) Developer: Choice Provisions Publisher: Choice Provisions MSRP: $9.99 (Cross-Buy) Released: December 5, 2015 (PS4, PS Vita), TBA (PS3)

  4. The BIT.TRIP Review · Commander Video's glorious rock hard six-pack returns

    Commander Video is back and this time all six of his original games can be played on your favourite PlayStation console. A.J. Maciejewski offers an honest review of The BIT.TRIP; a great game compilation for PS4 and PS Vita.

  5. The BIT.TRIP PS4 Trailer

    THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platfor...

  6. BIT.TRIP Bundle

    Four BIT.TRIP Games All Their Avatars. Get ready for the ultimate rhythm-platforming challenge! This bundle delivers the complete Runner series, Plus, embark on the mind-bending journey that started it all with the original BIT.TRIP. Prepare for intense challenges, addictive gameplay, and unforgettable soundtracks!

  7. The Bit.Trip for PlayStation 4

    BIT.TRIP RUNNER builds on the rhythm-based gameplay, with 50 levels of pixel-perfect platform fun. You'll then take on the sinister Source in a shoot-'em-up showdown in BIT.TRIP FATE, before coming full circle to a brilliantly-conceived combination of all the most well-loved elements of the series in the grand finale, BIT.TRIP FLUX.

  8. Review: The Bit Trip (PS4)

    THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER. Pros: Classic pixel art graphics. 6 Games in one: Beat: Uses the motion controls within the DS4. You play a re-imagination of Pong. You play as a bar and knock back beats to play the tune.

  9. The Bit.Trip Reviews for PlayStation 4

    While The Bit.Trip could have been made marginally better with the addition of any kind of bonus content (such as the extra challenges found in Bit.Trip Complete), it's still a solid compilation of an excellent series of games. Thankfully, they hold up just as well on PlayStation consoles as they did on the Wii.

  10. The Bit Trip for PS4 & PS Vita

    The Bit Trip is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platformer on Earth! This tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired music/rhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed. PS4 version limited to 3.000

  11. The BIT.TRIP Gameplay

    BIT.TRIP Runner gameplay for The BIT.TRIP on PlayStation 4 (shown here) and PlayStation Vita.Commander Video is back and this time all six of his original ga...

  12. The Bit.Trip

    The Bit.Trip News. Latest. Articles. Dec 5, 2015. Sony Announces 3 Games Coming to the PlayStation Family. Dec 5, 2015 - Excellent games new to the PlayStation family. Nuclear Throne Brandin ...

  13. The BIT.TRIP

    THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rhythm platformer on EarthbrbrThis tough-as-nails collection of retro-inspired musicrhythm games will make you laugh, cry, scream, curse, and perhaps even bleed. brbrAnd for those trying to keep an eye on their blood pressure, we've also added in the ...

  14. Bit.Trip

    Bit.Trip is a series of nine games developed by Choice Provisions, featuring a character named Commander Video and chiptune-inspired soundtracks. The games range from pong-like, to platforming, to shooting, and each has different modes and levels based on the player's performance.

  15. The BIT.TRIP (Level)

    (For the PS4 and PS Vita re-releases of the same name, see The BIT.TRIP.). The BIT.TRIP is the fifth and final Level in Runner2, and is deliberately designed to evoke the simple, voxel aesthetic of the original BIT.TRIP Hexalogy, most specifically, the original BIT.TRIP Runner.Though it is worth noting that the graphics are far more visually complex than what they're emulating.

  16. The BIT.TRIP review for PS Vita, PS4

    The BIT.TRIP review for PS Vita, PS4. Matthew Pollesel 9 years ago 0 4 mins. Platform: PS Vita Also On: PS4 Publisher: Choice Provisions ... The BIT.TRIP is sort of a prequel to Runner 2 ...

  17. Buy cheap The BIT TRIP PS4 key

    Compare prices with GG.deals to find the cheapest The BIT TRIP PS4 key in a blink of an eye. View the current price on the Playstation Store, as well as offers from the 50 trusted game stores in our price comparison. Get the The BIT TRIP Playstation version at the best price.


    #ps4 #ps5 THE BIT.TRIP is the ultimate way to play all six games in the award-winning BIT.TRIP series, including BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the first auto-running rh...

  19. Limited Run #112: The Bit.TRIP (PS4)

    The Bit.TRIP on physical disc for the PlayStation 4. Limited to 3,000 copies available worldwide. Region free. ... The Bit.TRIP (PS4) $24.99 Sold Out Close Modal. Limited Run #112: The Bit.TRIP (PS4) $24.99 This product is sold out! Production Status Manufacturing Complete. More from LRG ...

  20. Amazon.com: The Bit.Trip Limited Edition : Video Games

    5.0 out of 5 stars : Best Sellers Rank #151,984 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games) #5,528 in PlayStation 4 GamesPackage Dimensions : 6.69 x 5.31 x 0.55 inches; 2.82 Ounces : Type of item : Video Game

  21. Guides › The Bit.Trip

    PS4 Vita With the dearth of information available for this game, it is my hope that this guide illuminates a decent path to the platinum. 13 User Favourites 9 Ratings 15,247 Views

  22. Limited Run Games #112 The Bit.trip Sony PlayStation 4 Ps4

    Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Limited Run Games #112 The Bit.trip Sony PlayStation 4 Ps4 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

  23. The BIT.TRIP

    The BIT.TRIP (PlayStation 4 Game). All the latest PlayStation goodness straight to your inbox