The best Star Trek games

The best Star Trek games you can find in this universe. Set phasers to fun.

top star trek games

Welcome to our list of the best Star Trek games on PC. The dream of exploring space, meeting strange new life and new civilisations; cresting the Final Frontier in the next chapter of humanity’s story; kissing green aliens. All of that. 

Star Trek’s relation to games has always been… shaky. Unlike Star Wars, which had Lucasarts’ hand on the tiller for at least the 1990s, it’s always been a licensed property and not often a successful one. Some studios tried to squeeze Trek into a genre it's not suited for. Others were just cash-grabs, like Star Trek: The Game Show, which relied on the comedic stylings of Q and his lovely female assistant Q to cover a truly soulless trivia contest. Still, companies keep trying, from early test adventures like The Kobayashi Alternative to the crappy game version of the JJ Abrams reboot.

But we’re not interested in those. What are the Trek games that do Gene Roddenberry’s vision proud? Here are our favourites, a collection of games which at least do enough to capture the Star Trek magic, even sometimes despite themselves. 

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

top star trek games

Judgement Rites isn’t the greatest game on this list, but it's arguably the best at putting you into the show. There's an authentic mix of bridge banter and combat and you're doing classic Star Trek tasks, like flying to new worlds and beaming down away teams to sort out their problems. Like its predecessor, 25th Anniversary, it followed the show’s episodic model, pitting Kirk and co against scenarios like Trelane recreating World War I on a distant planet, and a rift in time that promises the end of the Federation within eight days. Unlike 25th, there was also something of a running story involving a mysterious race watching the crew and seeing how they solved these problems, adding a little extra drama to the mix.

Neither the combat nor the adventuring is exactly top-tier, but they made a delicious pairing that was totally in keeping with The Original Series. It’s no wonder that even decades later, many still hold it up as the high point of any crew’s PC adventures. 

Star Trek: Voyager, Elite Force 1 and 2

top star trek games

Elite Force is an rare case where it makes sense to turn Star Trek into a shooter. Voyager is lost in the depths of space, surrounded by enemies, and while risking the senior staff for every casual mission works for television, in reality it’s a pretty dreadful idea. Cue the creation of the Hazard Team, just in time for Voyager to get trapped in a spaceship graveyard full of particularly troublesome trapped alien types.

The first level, set aboard a simulated Borg ship, set a great tone, right down to the Borg not reacting to your presence until triggered. Little expense was spared. The whole crew (including, retroactively, Jeri Ryan) voice their characters, and a real effort made to make the Hazard Team feel like a unit. For a while, it was even suggested that the concept might be added to the show. It wasn’t, though something similar would show up in Enterprise in the form of the MACO assault unit. Best of all, as well as fitting the show surprisingly well, it was a very solid shooter and by far the best action game spin-off. 

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Star Trek: Starfleet Command

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There are two basic ways to make a Star Trek game. Either you try and do everything, or you phaser-focus on one particular aspect. Starfleet Command goes all-in on space battles. Forget simply locking phasers and firing photon torpedoes, Starfleet Command is based on the table-top war-game Star Fleet Battles, and a brutal demonstration of just how hard it would be to lead a ship like the Enterprise into battle. Everything your ship has its at your disposal, from weapons to shields to special equipment, in full 3D.

It’s brutally hard, but satisfying with it. Three Starfleet Command games were released, adding proper campaigns and additional races. Later games would offer somewhat similar looking combat, though vastly stripped down to avoid the Command learning curve. Still, if you have what it takes, it’s a challenge that you won’t find elsewhere.   

top star trek games

Okay, this is cheating. EGATrek isn’t an official Star Trek game. However, if you’re of a certain age, it is likely the Trek game that you remember playing first. It’s based on a game called Nettrek, originally the preserve of university servers and the like, and originally simulated the adventures of the Enterprise versus the Klingons and Romulans. After a raised eyebrow and a cough from Paramount, that became the adventures of the Lexington against an invading race called the Mongols. So, totally different!

It’s Star Trek though, right down to the ship design and use of Stardates, and your goal is to travel around and blow up all the Mongols in the system. While not much to look at now, it was definitely fun for the time—and felt a good deal more tactical than it was. It hasn’t aged well, but its place in history means it earns a place here, albeit quietly. 

Star Trek: Borg

top star trek games

Borg is one of the most unusual Star Trek games. It’s an interactive movie, and that’s definitely a knock against it. It’s an interactive movie with style though, and some genuinely smart design. You play a cadet whose father was killed by the Borg. As you flee from another attack from the cyborg singularity, the all-powerful force of smugness Q appears and offers you a deal: go back in time with him, and see if you can save your father from his fate.

The result is genuinely surprising. Unlike the other big Star Trek interactive movie, Klingon, this one benefits from Q capering around and not taking anything even slightly seriously. You even get to kick him in the balls at one point. Star Trek games don’t get much more satisfying than that! It’s so good, the Wiki even lists ‘it is possible to punch Q in the face’ as a gameplay feature.

The true cleverness though is how it handles its time-travel premise. Screw up and Q resets time for you to try again, and quite often that’s required for a puzzle—one in particular involves getting some codes from the Borg Collective. How do you do that? Let yourself be caught, read them while you’re a Borg, and make use of them when Q rewinds time. That’s far too clever for an interactive movie, even if the rest of it—the pace, the acting, the depth—is what you’d expect. 

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

top star trek games

More than any other game, Bridge Crew attempted to create The Dream. It uses VR headsets to put you and your friends on the bridge of a Star Trek vessel. Largely inspired by Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, it works by giving each of you a console and thus controls/information that the other players don’t have, which forces everyone to work together. The captain is in charge, but will only know the engines are about to explode if told. The captain order the phasers fired, but it’s the weapons officer who actually pulls the trigger. Success depends on how well the crew integrates and does their individual jobs.

The main problem with it is that once you’ve done this a couple of times, the lack of depth becomes very apparent. There’s not all that much to actually do, and doing it quickly becomes rote. It doesn’t help that for full effect, you need a whole cadre of friends with expensive VR equipment, which is about as likely as the Enterprise crew not using the holodecks for sex. Still, it’s the game that many fans have been waiting for, and certainly a trip while it lasts. 

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

top star trek games

Bridge Commander is the best of the ‘command chair’ games. It is less brutal than Starfleet Command, but has more depth than the relatively simple shooter action of the adventure games or the Starfleet Academy game, which almost made the list.

The big clever feature is that you don’t control the ship so much as give orders to your individual crew members, making you feel more like a captain than a glorified pilot. You can jump in if necessary, but you’re mostly intended to sit back and trust your navigator to fly and your weapons officer to handle the combat. On top of that, it’s not just a series of quick battles; there is a full narrative campaign to work through. It is even possible to play with voice control, though not advised. When it works, it offers the full Captain experience. Far more often though, you just get blown up while swearing loudly. 

Star Trek The Next Generation: A Final Unity

top star trek games

A Final Unity is a fondly remembered game, though honestly one that’s better fondly remembered than replayed. Creators Spectrum Holobyte clearly set out to make the greatest Star Trek game ever. The game modelled space combat, away team adventure, diplomacy, freeform exploration of the galaxy, and its cleverer features let you you call the entire TNG crew for advice and handpick away teams. In practice, the developers bit off rather more than they could chew, and in trying to replicate TNG’s more serious tone, most of the adventure is honestly sluggish, humourless and slow.

So why’s it here? Primarily because in the moments that it does work, it really captures the TNG spirit, and aesthetically and in terms of story, it’s bang on. It’s just hard not to notice how, for instance, the backgrounds get cheaper and cheaper as the story goes on, or how much of the adventure consists of interminable conversations. Still, it’s easily the best of the TNG-era games, as much as that counts when the competition is the likes of super-primitive shooter Star Trek: Generations or Insurrection tie-in The Hidden Evil. At worst, it’s a game to be admired for what it tried, even if it wasn’t all it could have been. 

Star Trek: Birth of the Federation

top star trek games

That’s right, it’s the almost inevitable Master of Orion game in the Star Trek universe, and honestly I'm being a little generous including it here. Played casually, it’s absolutely fine—a fun game of expansion and discovery and scooping up minor races to be part of your growing empire. Over time though the length of turns renders it almost unplayable. Its main hook was definitely the familiar races, and being able to play with the likes of Klingons instead of just some random warlike species. The effectiveness of this shouldn’t be underestimated, and it’s easily one of the better attempts to paste the Trek universe over an existing game. If not for that though, it’s a pale shadow of not just later games like GalCiv, but prior strategy games from its own developer Microprose. 

Star Trek: Online

top star trek games

The first time I fired up Star Trek Online, I finished the tutorial, got the freedom of the universe, and immediately flew my ship to Deep Space Nine to see what, if anything, the team had done there. I was expecting to be told to come back in an expansion or two, or maybe to see the 3D model. Instead, I arrived, and was able to beam across and run around the set of the best Star Trek show of all time in pretty much all of its glory.

At its best, Star Trek Online is those moments. It continues stories from the TV shows, and even brings actors back to voice their characters. The game mixes space combot with away team action and gives you plenty of freedom to explore and chart your own path through the game. Unfortunately, since going free-to-play, much of the game pivoted around less enjoyable stuff—grinding, the push for new ships, and levelling up. Between those bits there’s still much to enjoy, including building up your crew and engaging in fun action against other players. It’s worth at least trying out, and playing for a while to enjoy the atmosphere and the satisfaction of commanding a ship in MMO space.   

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top star trek games

Best Star Trek games of all time

Boldly go where no one has gone before with our in-depth, ranked list of the best Star Trek games of all time.

Star Trek Online - best Star Trek games

10. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova

9. star trek: klingon academy, 8. star trek: invasion, 7. star trek: elite force ii, 6. star trek: bridge crew, 5. star trek: deep space nine – the fallen, 4. star trek: voyager – elite force, 3. star trek: starfleet command iii, 2. star trek: bridge commander, 1. star trek online.

It's only logical that you check out our list of the best Star Trek games of all time.

Star Trek: Resurgence , a new narrative-driven video game based on the famous sci-fi franchise, has just hit the shelves and garnered positive reviews. While it looks like a perfect entry point for newcomers to the Star Trek universe , it also reminded us of all the older titles that deserve more attention nowadays, as well as recent releases that have flown under the radar. Below you’ll find our picks for the very best Star Trek games of all time, ranked worst to best.

Much like the movie and TV franchise they’re based on, Star Trek video games have traditionally been more obscure than Star Wars titles, or at least more demanding from players trying to warp into the unknown. Still, Star Trek has produced a handful of remarkable games well worth checking out if you’ve got the time.

If you need some recommendations to better navigate through the Star Trek movies released so far, be sure to check out our list of the Star Trek movies ranked, worst to best . Likewise, we’ve got plenty of other sci-fi gaming suggestions (old and new) with our lists of the finest Alien , Warhammer 40K , Marvel , and DC games of all time.

Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
  • Developer: Tessera Studios

After a successful season 1 on Paramount+ in late 2021 and early 2022, the animated series Star Trek Prodigy received its own tie-in video game in late 2022. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova is far from being the deepest nor most representative title the franchise has received, but it’s tailor-made for the next generation of fans.

There’s plenty of top-down action and adventure for the whole family here, coupled with reasonable puzzles and a co-op option which seems perfect for Trekkie parents trying to get their children into the universe. In an age when tie-in games are rare and normally undercooked, Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova has almost all the charm of the source material and doesn’t stumble too often.

Star Trek: Klingon Academy.

  • Platforms: PC
  • Developer: 14 Degrees East

Klingon Academy is one of the many weird, overlooked Star Trek video games that were born from an era when the most obvious projects had already been developed. Movies and TV shows weren’t at their highest peak either during the late 90s and early 2000s, so many off-beat and fascinating titles came out during those years.

Star Trek: Klingon Academy was yet another space flight sim, with the main difference being that it followed a young Klingon warrior joining the Elite Command Academy in order to prepare for a future conflict with the United Federation of Planets. While it was designed as a successor to Starfleet Academy, the unique setting and storyline, coupled with complex systems that rewarded diehard players, placed it among Star Trek’s finest games as years passed.

Star Trek: Invasion.

  • Platforms: PS1
  • Developer: Warthog Games

The year 2000 also gave us Star Trek: Invasion, a pretty competent and good-looking space combat shooter for the original PlayStation. It perhaps didn’t get enough attention back then because it strayed a bit too far from the spirit of the franchise, but the quality and retro thrills are there.

On the downside, the music largely missed the mark and barely felt like a proper Star Trek soundtrack, plus many ships in the game weren’t canon-accurate. Still, Invasion landed critical shots with everything else and provided a Star Trek experience unlike anything that had come before it.

Star Trek: Elite Force II.

  • Platforms: PC, macOS
  • Developer: Ritual Entertainment

Star Trek tried its luck with the first-person shooter genre as well, and found great success twice. While Ritual Entertainment’s Elite Force II isn’t as remarkable as the first installment, there was plenty to love in it, including much-improved graphics.

Oddly enough, Elite Force II also serves as a semi-sequel of sorts to the largely derided movie Star Trek: Nemesis as well as the end of the Star Trek: Voyager series. As for the gameplay, it’s an exciting mix of FPS action and surprisingly solid puzzle-solving. The game resonated well with critics and veteran fans alike, but it was a commercial failure and marked the final Star Trek release by Activision.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Oculus Quest
  • Developer: Red Storm Entertainment

Star Trek: Bridge Crew was hard to fully recommend around launch to the average player or Trekkie because it was strictly a virtual-reality title, but there was eventually an update that introduced the option to play it without VR. It takes place in the Kelvin timeline (created by the 2009 movie) and sees the Starfleet ship USS Aegis searching for a new homeworld for the Vulcans.

Players can choose from four roles: captain, tactical officer, engineer, and helm officer. Many tasks, both story-related and randomly generated, are performed from the ship’s bridge, and it’s all about working as a team to come out unscathed from dangerous and stressful situations. It’s a rather unique and more casual experience that channels much of Star Trek’s distinctive soul without alienating newcomers.

If you do have a VR headset then that's the best way to play, but it's worth checking out regardless.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen.

  • Developer: The Collective

Back to the off-beat titles from the early 2000s, we find Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen, a rather straightforward but surprising third-person shooter that made good use of the Unreal Engine and allowed itself to be creepy and scary at times.

Players can choose to play through the entire game as either Captain Benjamin Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, or Lt. Commander Worf. The different points of view shed new light on the overall plot, and the entire story isn’t fully revealed until all three paths have been walked. Another nice touch was the inclusion of gadgets and comm mechanics that break up the action and give the whole experience a deeper Star Trek feeling than some of the reskins we've seen.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force.

  • Platforms: PC, macOS, PS2
  • Developer: Raven Software

The first Elite Force game was specifically linked to Star Trek: Voyager’s sixth season, and introduced the Hazard Team, a new elite security section created to deal with extremely hostile missions. While the USS Voyager makes some repairs after being trapped in a starship graveyard, the Hazard Team is tasked with protecting the ship and the crew.

“Set your phasers to frag”, said the game’s cover, and that certainly wasn’t a lie. Raven Software, generally known for their work on the excellent Star Wars: Jedi Knight titles, made great use of the id Tech 3 engine, which was the perfect choice at the time for top-tier FPS games. Its action-heavy approach also meant it was very appealing to players that weren’t big Star Trek fans. More than 20 years later, this one still feels fantastic to play.

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III.

  • Developer: Taldren

The Starfleet Command series had a pretty great run, and its third entry remains the best Star Trek space sim and real-time strategy title the franchise has ever had. It packs great story-driven missions split across three factions (Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire, and the Federation), engrossing RPG elements, and RTS mechanics, and yet somehow never feels overcomplicated or obtuse. Moreover, a Borg Collective campaign was also added to the game as downloadable content, though it wasn’t connected to the main storyline.

If you only have time for a handful of Star Trek titles as you explore the best that Trek has to offer, Starfleet Command III is absolutely the must-play of the space sim bunch and also a great accompaniment to a full rewatch of The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager.

Star Trek: Bridge Commander.

  • Developer: Totally Games

In many ways, Bridge Commander feels like a key predecessor to Bridge Crew, with its focus on the ship’s bridge and the crew working together to solve many problems and win battles. As this was a full-blown PC game made for diehard Star Trek fans, it offered a deeper experience than many other entries on this list, featuring tactical gameplay and hands-on control of the many ship systems.

While Star Trek: Bridge Commander might not be everyone’s cup of tea and requires a certain amount of commitment to learning the ropes, we can’t think of a richer game for massive Trekkies. Furthermore, customized scenarios in “simulated environments” can keep it going after the story campaign is completed.

Star Trek Online.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  • Developer: Cryptic Studios

It’s not often that a franchise’s best game is an MMORPG, but Cryptic Studios’ unyielding commitment to Star Trek Online has paid off for more than a decade now. Like many MMOs before, it originally launched requiring a game purchase and monthly fees, but later shifted to a free-to-play model with premium access to extra content and items.

Even if you don’t spend any money, Star Trek Online keeps expanding in meaningful ways and offers both on-foot and starship action that perfectly captures the IP’s magic with story quests and PvP battles surprisingly well-adjusted to the MMO framework. 

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Fran Ruiz

Fran Ruiz is our resident Star Wars guy. His hunger for movies and TV series is only matched by his love for video games. He got a BA of English Studies, focusing on English Literature, from the University of Malaga, in Spain, as well as a Master's Degree in English Studies, Multilingual and Intercultural Communication. On top of writing features and other longform articles for since 2021, he is a frequent collaborator of VG247 and other gaming sites. He also serves as associate editor over at Star Wars News Net and its sister site, Movie News Net.

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top star trek games

15 Best Star Trek Games, Ranked According To Metacritic

Though it is best known for its TV shows and films, Star Trek has a long history of video games across genres, platforms, and eras.

Star Trek has been around for over five decades and while there have been years-long breaks, the series has stuck around ever since Kirk met Spock. Over the years, fans have enjoyed dozens of Star Trek games, from first-person shooters to strategy games and, more recently, mobile games.

Some Star Trek games fall within the storyline of a show, featuring voices from the actual cast, whereas others are entirely new stories that expand the narrative universe. While not every gaming voyage into the stars is a successful one, there are some that offer fans a genuine Star Trek experience.

Updated on April 30 & September 12, 2023, by Ajay Aravind & James Lynch: The Star Trek franchise is arguably one of the most influential sci-fi media empires of all time. There are countless video games for multiple platforms, each of which is radically different from the next. As such, we've updated this list of the greatest Star Trek games out there, at least according to Metacritic ratings.

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15 Star Trek Away Team

Metacritic rating: 64.

With similar games proving so popular, it's little wonder developer Reflexive Entertainment saw the potential in a real-time tactical game tied to a franchise as big as Star Trek . In Star Trek Away Team , the player leads their squad of Starfleet Officers through various missions, taking on some of the most iconic enemies in the universe in the process.

The main criticism for Star Trek Away Team was that it didn't have anything particularly new. All of its features worked to an acceptable level, but it didn't have anything approaching fresh or exciting. For big fans of the franchise, it could be a nice way to spend a few hours, but many preferred to leave it on the virtual shelf.

14 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars

This time taking the real-time tactics to outer space and ship-based encounters Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars suffers from many of the same issues as Away Team . Players could select their crew, ship type and various upgrades to customize the experience and prepare for different encounters, but the game remained overwhelmingly bland.

An entirely linear experience, there is very little that would want to make players keep coming back for more after an initial playthrough. The narrative for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars proved forgettable, and the release was marred by several spectacular bugs that led to it being near unplayable for many.

13 Star Trek Armada 2

Metacritic rating: 65.

With the popularity of games like Starcraft still ringing in everyone's ears, developer Mad Doc Software did everything in their power to replicate its many successes. Unfortunately, this wouldn't prove to be enough. Instead, Star Trek Armada 2 became one of the many forgettable Star Trek games.

Set in the Next Generation era of the show, Star Trek Armada 2 isn't an objectively poor game, but there is no reason to recommend it above amazing genre entries like Alpha Centauri and Sins of a Solar Empire . With some iconic appearances from the Borg and Klingon, it remains one for the purists.

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12 Star Trek Online

Metacritic rating: 68.

It was only a matter of time before Star Trek turned its attention to the perpetually popular MMORPG genre, but, like many titanic franchises that attempted to do the same, it could have been a lot better. Star Trek Online had some cool features like a crew-based crafting system and the ability to beam down and operate as a player character in certain settings.

The ship elements in Star Trek Online were also fun, at first, but lacking in the depth necessary to offer the immersion people were looking for. After the developer couldn't maintain the numbers needed to keep the MMO functional, they switched to a free-to-play model. This wasn't enough to cover the glaring issues with the voice acting and roleplaying elements and it remains a deeply divisive game among the community.

11 Star Trek: Resurgence

Metacritic rating: 71.

Star Trek: Resurgence had all the right ingredients and could've permanently raised the standards for Star Trek tie-ins. Unfortunately, it couldn't fully capitalize on the potential it displayed early in development, though it remains a solid effort for dedicated fans to enjoy. A down-the-line action-adventure game, its greatest strength is its narrative direction and choice-based consequence system.

For a world that relies so much on diplomacy, implementing those features in Star Trek: Resurgence feels like a fitting decision on the developers' part. On the other side of the coin, the minigames leave a lot to be desired and some of the narrative threads don't feel as though they were properly resolved. Despite some poor gameplay mechanics, those who enjoy visual novels will appreciate the game's style.

10 Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Metacritic rating: 74.

While other Star Trek games focus on the Federation, Star Trek: Klingon Academy assigns players the role of a student in the Elite Command Academy of the Klingon Empire, headed by the fierce warrior General Chang. Klingon Academy is a space combat simulator that follows a story set between the two original series movies, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Klingon Academy was designed as a successor to Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, mirroring the perspective shift of the Star Wars X-wing and Tie Fighter games. Star Trek: Klingon Academy' s gameplay is more strategic than many other space combat sims, making the battle experience much more tactical.

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9 Star Trek: Invasion

Metacritic rating: 76.

In Star Trek: Invasion , players control an ace starship pilot in the Red Squad tactical strike force led by Lt. Commander Worf, voiced by the actual actor Michael Dorn. Players fight through a multitude of space combat missions while they try to uncover the mystery of a surprise Romulan attack, a Borg invasion, and a renegade Starfleet Captain.

Star Trek: Invasion looks and plays similar to the Colony Wars PlayStation games, featuring combat that's challenging but fun. While returning to this game from the 2000s may not be the best trip, it is still one of the best Star Trek experiences on consoles.

8 Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Metacritic rating: 78.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew puts players into the seats of the iconic starship Enterprise . The game was originally VR only, but Ubisoft updated it to allow standard gameplay as well. While gamers can play Bridge Crew on their own, the real fun comes when players enter a lobby with their friends.

Each player must operate a single position on the starship's bridge, from the Captain's chair to Navigation, Tactical, and Ops, barking orders at each other through in-game voice communication. Teamwork is key in completing missions. Bridge Crew features the original Enterprise bridge from Star Trek as well as the Kelvin Timeline bridge. Creatives later added DLC that lets players command Picard's Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation .

7 Star Trek: Elite Force II

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force put players on the elite Hazard Team on the starship Voyager . In the sequel, Star Trek Elite Force II , players return to controlling Alexander Munro, a member of the Hazard Team, but on the Enterprise-E.

The first-person shooter gives players an array of weapons as they take on dangerous away missions. Star Trek Elite Force II also featured more open environments, rather than just the confined hallways and cargo bays of the first game. The voice cast features actual Star Trek voice actors, including Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard and Tim Russ as Tuvok.

6 Star Trek: Starfleet Command III

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III follows its predecessors in allowing players to control their very own ship. Players can customize their starship to perform different strategies in combat, such as hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, or direct assaults.

This version of Star Trek: Starfleet Command improved the user experience, adding a new interface that allows players to focus more on combat than ship management. It also added RPG elements so players could upgrade their ships and officers. Players control Federation, Klingon, or Romulan ships across a variety of missions through the Deep Space 9 , TNG, and Voyager eras of Star Trek .

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5 Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates

The standalone expansion Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates builds upon the universe set up by the base game Star Trek Starfleet Command II: Empires At War. Players take control of one of the eight factions from the original game, such as the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans.

Players can either challenge the Orion Pirates and attempt to defeat them, or join up with them and move toward a goal of dominating the entire sector. The combat in Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates is very strategic and tactical as players control many starships that are both new and familiar to fans.

4 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Metacritic rating: 81.

Fans often consider Star Trek: Deep Space Nine one of the best Star Trek series . Its popularity led the show to receive a third-person shooter game adaptation in 2000. The gameplay is fairly generic for a third-person shooter, but the intriguing story and overall Trek atmosphere work well.

The story of The Fallen , which is loosely based on a series of extended universe novels, follows Captain Sisko, Major Kira, and Lt. Commander Worf as they try to secure powerful red orbs to prevent the resurrection of the Pah-wraiths, an evil race from Bajoran legend. Players can play as any of the three characters, but the game only reveals the full story when players complete each character's campaign.

3 Star Trek Fleet Command

Metacritic rating: 82.

Star Trek Fleet Command is a mobile strategy game that puts players in charge of a space station set in the Kelvin timeline. Players can explore systems and interact with NPCs and other online players while building up their fleet of starships helmed by iconic characters like Kirk, Spock, and Nero.

Star Trek Fleet Command gives players control of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan factions in their attempt to seize control of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. In true Star Trek fashion, players have the option of forging alliances or striking out on their own for pure domination.

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2 Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Bridge Commander lets players live out their Star Trek command fantasies. Gamers control a character who must take over captain duties when a sun erupts, causing heavy damage to the ship and killing the previous captain.

In Star Trek: Bridge Commander , players will fight against the Cardassians and join up with Klingons, all while investigating the conniving Romulans to solve the mystery of what happened in this remote part of space. This 2002 space sim offers great tactical space combat and an intriguing story that honors the Star Trek franchise.

1 Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Metacritic rating: 86.

In 2000, Star Trek fans received a great FPS adaptation of Star Trek: Voyager . On the starship Voyager , players control a member of the Hazard Team, a group who must go on especially dangerous away missions . Voyager is trapped in a hostile starship graveyard and the player must discover how they got there and who is responsible.

Players take on several familiar factions like the Borg and Klingons, as well as brand-new enemies. The gameplay in Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force is fast and fun and includes the actual voices of Voyager' s characters. Elite Force plays a lot like Quake and Doom , and that is a compliment.

top star trek games

The 8 Best Star Trek Games To Play Now That Picard's Over

The 8 best star trek games to play now that picard 's over, we pick from the almost 50 star trek games to suggest the ones still worth playing today.

How The Original Series out to have been, with Spock in the captain's chair.

As the final fan-service-strewn season of Star Trek: Picard comes to an end, confusing everyone by not being absolutely awful, you may well be in the mood for some more Trek before the return of Strange New Worlds in June. But rather than heading to Netflix and struggling through the first three seasons of Deep Space Nine all over again, what about dipping into its rich history of video games?

There have been, depending upon how you count, approximately 47 official Star Trek games. Go back into the Wild West of the ‘70s and ‘80s and that number shoots up when you include the unlicensed, unofficial titles. This is, officially, too many. Fortunately, we have the authority to whittle the number down to a more manageable eight, in our legally binding list of the best among them.

While it’s fair to say that Star Trek games have not exactly gained the nostalgic prestige of Star Wars properties, that doesn’t mean there isn’t gold-pressed latinum to be found among them. Sure, it’s hard to argue there’s anything that can measure up against TIE Fighter or Dark Forces , but then nor is there really in the rest of gaming. But games like Elite Force and Judgment Rites showed that TV’s corniest license could offer a basis for some top-notch entertainment. More than you’d think, in fact, as hopefully this list—in no particular order—will demonstrate.

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

The 1990s were the decade of the point-n-click adventure, the era during which the genre was capable of being a blockbuster commercial success. While LucasArts and Sierra dominated, many others caught a piece of the action, including Judgment Rites ’ Interplay, Brian Fargo’s company that would also give us Fallout , Baldur’s Gate , and a miserable legal battle with Bethesda .

In fact, this entry should probably encompass two games, both 1992's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and 1993's Star Trek: Judgment Rites , given they work so well as a whole. These were Sierra-style point-n-click adventures, depicting cartoon versions of the original series’ (TOS) bridge crew, and most astonishingly, entirely voiced by the original actors. That’s right, Shatner, Nimoy, Nichols, Kelley, and Takei are all there, at a point when their cinematic stars were shining brightly, agreeing to voice the reams of dialogue for a lowly video game. (As it turns out, Judgment Rites would prove to be the very last time the original cast all worked together.)

The first game took the form of seven individual episodic stories that could each have been a proper entry from TOS, with an astonishing amount of variation in how its puzzles could be solved. The second, Judgment Rites , repeated the format, but this time with an arc storyline running through its seven chapters.

Both games contain some colossal issues, with possible paths that lead to unacknowledged dead ends due to decisions you made hours previously, but also remain absolutely extraordinary examples of the potential of the adventure genre.

It’s very painful to acknowledge that it’s now more years since this game came out than it was between the game and the original series’ airing. But it’s wonderful that at 30 years old, these are still well worth playing today.

Where to buy: Steam , GOG

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

While 2017's Star Trek: Bridge Crew brought something similar to VR, it’s 2002's Bridge Commander that we want to herald in this list. This is a combat sim game where you don’t have to fly the ship, or even fire the weapons. Because you’re the captain, and it’s your job to tell everyone else to do that stuff for you.

You’re a newly-appointed captain, variously in charge of the USS Dauntless and USS Sovereign, charged with working out which of the traditional enemy races was responsible for the destruction of a star, and the resulting death of your ship’s former captain. Along the way you meet Picard and Data, voiced by Stewart and Spiner (the poor bastards must have signed some awful contract at some point, showing up for bit parts in these games).

You can absolutely switch to an external view of the ship and carry out the various actions for yourself, but that really does miss the point of Bridge Commander . It’s about sitting back in your captain’s chair and barking commands, like a real Jean-Luc Picard.

Where to buy: GOG

Star Trek: Borg

Yes, no, stop, you’re right. This is an interactive movie, and it absolutely has as much interaction as any other interactive movie of the godforsaken era. But it has one other thing, and it’s really important: Q.

Oh my goodness, if you didn’t live through video games in 1996, then count yourself lucky. The CD-ROM had suddenly gone mainstream, and developers the world over went from 1.44MB per floppy disc to an astonishing 600MB per shiny circle. This vast expanse of storage space was mostly just lying empty for the majority of games, until everyone at once had the idea of filling it up with the shittiest quality FMV they could barely pay for. The deluge was horrendous, but it also brought us the surprise delight of Star Trek: Borg , and John de Lancie at his impish, overacting best.

As someone who’s watched almost every episode of Trek that’s ever aired, while struggling to like most of it, Q has always been an important character. His arrival almost always meant pricking the pomposity of the ridiculously po-faced series, breaking the fourth wall as the writers allowed themselves to observe their own folly. In Star Trek: Borg , it’s like this on steroids. De Lancie has a field day, and it’s a pleasure to watch him indulge himself.

The plot, such as it is, has you playing as the son of a crew member who popped his clogs in the battle of Wolf 359 (the one where Picard became Locutus of Borg, and over 11,000 people died), who Q sends back in time to rewrite history. You’re given the opportunity to try to save your father through various choices, with “wrong” options seeing Q reset events to let you try again. Indeed, it’s an arch reflection on the mechanics of interactive movies, even featuring puzzles that can only be solved by failing, then using acquired knowledge once the game’s reloaded.

But this is really all about watching de Lancie chewing the scenery as he prances about, unfettered by the constraints of a TV episode, which you may as well do via the YouTube video above rather than trying to find a working copy of the game.

Where to buy: Nowhere, sadly

Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Final Unity

As TOS had its greatest gaming success via point-n-click adventures, so, too, did The Next Generation . While there were quite a few Picard-led outings, it was A Final Unity that proved the most successful, again released during the heyday of the genre, this one in 1995. While 25th Anniversary and Judgment Rites came from Interplay, this TNG adventure was the work of Spectrum HoloByte, in the final throes of the once sim-focused developer that saw most of its success in the ‘80s.

A far better use of the then-new CD-ROM, I remember A Final Unity blowing my mind as footage of the Enterprise played out in a postage stamp window on my CRT monitor, then getting even more thrilled that the surprisingly well-rendered characters spoke with the real voices of the stars of the show. And for once in a game, Patrick Stewart didn’t sound like he was reading out lines in a hostage video.

Things are split between rather stilted conversations aboard the Enterprise, as Picard chats with the crew about their current mission, and the away missions, which play more like classic LucasArts adventures, letting you switch control between multiple stars of the show, exploring locations and solving puzzles.

What was so much fun about A Final Unity was just how Trek it felt. You got to use proper Star Trek computers and scan things with tricorders, all while hearing the original cast voicing their own characters.

Where to buy: Somehow, nowhere. But it’s on this abandonware site .

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guard

It feels like this Unreal   Engine FPS game has been completely forgotten by time, and that’s not entirely fair. Sure, it’s definitely not the best game, but it contains some absolutely fantastic elements that oughtn’t go unrecognized.

The main problem with Klingon Honor Guard is that, like its official title, it’s far too long. And boring. Huge stretches of this near-infinite shooter are just brown corridor after brown corridor, lacking in moments of inspiration. However, and this is why it’s listed here, it also features the mag boots.

KHG featured sections on the outside of the ship, where you could switch off your magnetic boots, jump forward, and drift weightlessly through space toward another section of the ship. Switch on the boots again and ker-chunk, you’d land back on the metal. (So long as you hadn’t messed it up and drifted off into the endless reaches of space.) It was so damned satisfying, and a movement mechanic that desperately needs to be the central feature of a modern shooter.

Accompanying this, in amongst a messy old game, is one of the best weapons ever to grace the FPS genre: the Spin Claw. It’s a spinning sawblade that you fire from a mechanism in your hand, that ricochets all around a room, before kwappinging back to you once more. Or, left click and it would come flying back from wherever it was currently bouncing, slicing through anyone between you and the blade. This offered the amazing trick of opening a door to an enemy-filled room, firing the Spin Claw inside before backing away, and then returning to the room to find everyone dead and your eager blade delighted to see you once again. Damn, that was good.

Where to buy: Once again, the game is completely abandoned .

Star Trek Online

Despite originally releasing in 2010, Star Trek Online is indeed still online . That’s no mean feat, and while the shine has certainly somewhat come off since it went free-to-play over a decade ago, it remains an enormously popular way to Trek , and features a huge number of original actors in little cameo appearances.

These are perhaps its last days, the game not having received a full expansion since 2018, since shifting to more regular, smaller updates and new seasons, but so long as  Gearbox leaves its servers online, the Cryptic-developed MMO will feature a core of players. It’s available across PC and consoles, and is packed with missions to complete in a very open and free galaxy.

Where to buy: It’s free-to-play

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

We’ve had The Original Series , The Next Generation , and we’re about to finish on Voyager , so it seems only fair to make sure we include some Deep Space Nine. (And no, even if Enterprise had a game, which it doesn’t, I’d refuse to include it on principle.) And deservedly so.

The Fallen is a third-person shooter based on a trilogy of DS9 books by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, and features voice acting from the original cast of the show. In fact, you can play the game as Sisko, Nerys or Worf, the game changing based on which character you pick.

Rendered in the 2000-era Unreal Engine , the game still manages to look decent today thanks to that engine’s surprisingly forward-thinking resolution scaling. However, like too many games on this list, it’s not currently being sold anywhere. Quite how the rights to so much of the Star Trek collection have been lost is bewildering, although it does mean you’ll find unofficial versions on abandonware sites. Or, if you search eBay, you’ll find copies for around ten bucks.

Where to buy: Abandonware , or eBay

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force  

What a pleasure to finish on a classic Star Trek game that you can still easily buy and play today. Where Star Wars has Dark Forces as its FPS classic, Star Trek has Elite Force , a genuinely great shooter that stands the test of time.

Why so good? Well, primarily because it was developed by genre experts Raven, the studio that brought us Hexen and Jedi Outcast . The result was a really mature realization of the Voyager universe, delivered using 2000's id Tech 3, and feeling far more legitimately good than Star Trek fans were used to.

The opening of Elite Force is just fantastic, set on a Borg cube, and delivering on that creepiest aspect of the cyborg horrors: they just don’t care that you’re there. You have a task to complete, as instructed by Tuvok, but you’re warned to avoid engaging in combat if possible. That’s a bold way to open an FPS! And it’s better still, given how it puts you in that position of moving about the cube while the uninterested Borg just mill about around you. Even better, should you start firing at them, they’ll pretty quickly develop immunity to your blaster fire, and you’re stuffed. (It’s all on a Holodeck, it’s eventually revealed, but still.)

You’re part of the Hazard Team, the titular elite force, challenged to protect a very damaged Voyager that finds itself trapped in a ship graveyard. There are over 30 levels to play across eight missions, with a bunch of favorite enemy types to shoot at. And best of all, between levels you get to mooch about on board the Voyager, chatting with the crew, and doing odd jobs.

There was a sequel, a game that despite being pretty good sold so badly it saw developers Ritual Entertainment go bust, that you can also pick up today.

Screen Rant

The 10 best star trek video games, according to ranker.


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8 Important Star Trek Events That Happened In The Badlands

Where to watch star trek movies, 9 versions of the borg in star trek.

The  Star Trek   franchise seemed tailor-made for the jump to video games, and dozens of classic games have been based on the space adventure series.  Trek  is uniquely suited for games because of the endless possibilities for exploration and limitless adventures that are possible within the universe.

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From the more action-based games like  Voyager - Elite Force  to the exploration-based games like  Star Trek: 25th Anniversary,  there is a Trek  game for everyone. Fans of  Star Trek  games have taken to Ranker to voice their opinions on which game they think is the best from the celebrated franchise.

Star Trek: Generations

The beauty of the  Star Trek  video game franchise is that there is a wide variety of types of games and  Star Trek: Generations  combines most of them into one game. The game is directly based on the film of the same name and follows the plot of the movie closely.

Though  Generations  isn't considered one of the best  Star Trek  films , it still made for an interesting game. While navigating space, the player can also fight other ships before beaming down to a planet to fight Soran face to face. Though repetitive at moments,  Generations  is a great introduction to the mechanics of  Trek  games.

Star Trek: Borg

The Borg are one of the strongest aliens in the  Star Trek  franchise , therefore it was only logical that they are the focus of a video game.  In Star Trek: Borg, the story follows a young Starfleet officer who is given a chance to travel back in time to stop the death of his father at the hands of The Borg.

The game is essentially an interactive movie that allows players to make decisions as to what happens next in the story. Though lacking traditional game elements,  Borg  still has enough to keep die-hard  Trek  fans invested by way of its story and the wonderful performance from John de Lancie as the notorious being named Q.

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force

Once Activision took over the  Star Trek  license, they began producing games more like their usual slate of releases, and  Elite Force  is one of the most celebrated. The game puts the player in the role of an ensign on the U.S.S Voyager who is part of the elite Hazard Team. Through a series of first-person shooter adventures, the user encounters many hostile alien races threatening the ship.

Eschewing the usual strategic elements of other  Trek  games,  Elite Force  instead is entirely action-based. Though it is far removed from the usual adventures seen in the shows,  Elite Force  still provides a fair amount of familiar  Trek  gadgets and locations. On top of that, the action elements of the game are exciting and fluid.

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard

While most  Star Trek  games allow the user to take control of a familiar Starfleet character,  Klingon Honor Guard  gave fans something entirely different. As a Klingon warrior, the player goes on a series of first-person adventures to foil an assassination attempt against Chancellor Gowron.

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By switching to a Klingon character, the game is untethered from the usual moral strictures of Starfleet. With a game more resembling first-person classics like  Doom , fans are given a chance to see another side of the  Trek  universe. Interestingly, the game also features many performances from some of the most popular Klingon characters from the series.

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Birth Of The Federation

While  Star Trek  games have existed in nearly every genre, it is the strategy games that often benefit most from  Trek 's rich story lore.  Birth of the Federation  is a turn-based strategy game that tasks the player with conquering the galaxy with one of five main races.

Each race has their own strengths and weaknesses and the details are cleverly extracted from the shows to make the game more realistic. Like many 4X style classics like  Civilization ,  the player is given several options as to how they want to conquer the galaxy. By giving five possible races, and four possible ways of winning,  Birth of the Federation  has a lot of replay value.

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

The beauty of the  Star Trek  franchise is that there are millions of smaller facets to explore and  Star Trek: Starfleet Academy  attempted to flesh out the famous school that trains Starfleet officers. In the game, players navigate through several simulated scenarios as well as attempt to foil a real-life plot against the Federation.

The game brings to life famous moments such as the Kobayashi Maru scenario from  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan  as playable simulations. The game also features an interesting mechanic in which the user must manage the morale of their crew by mediating disputes between officers. Though it was released in the late 1990s, the game was incredibly ambitious for its time.

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

While most of the  Star Trek  video games focused on  The Next Generation   and beyond,  Star Trek: 25th Anniversary  took the player back to  The Original Series . Broken up into a series of seven "episodes", the game featured strategy elements as well as third-person exploration segments.

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The game shines because of its dedication to the tone of  The Original Series . Each adventure feels like it was pulled directly from the screen and they are all cleverly laid out like a scripted episode of television. The game was also made for the NES, though not a port, and was one of the best-licensed games to ever appear on the classic console.

Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Like its predecessor,  Starfleet Academy ,  Star Trek: Klingon Academy  brought to life the day-to-day training of a young Klingon officer. Set during the waning days of the Klingon Empire, between  Star Trek V  and  Star Trek VI , the game is mostly focused on a theoretical war with the Federation.

With enhanced combat elements,  Klingon Academy  was one of the most complex starship simulators up to that point. Many players enjoyed the improvements to the flight systems of the ships which addressed much of the criticism against  Starfleet Academy. 

Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity

Like the best episodes of the show ,  Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity  features a complex plot that plays out throughout the game. The Enterprise embarks on a mission to find a mysterious ancient structure that is integral to the peace between two alien races.

Eschewing action scenarios, the game focuses on the exploration aspects of  Trek  as the players navigate through the story. The game is a point-and-click style game that allows users to explore the ship, as well as go on several away missions. To add to the realism of the show, the main cast reprised their roles for the video game.

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

Acting as a spiritual successor to  Star Trek: The 25th Anniversary ,  Judgment Rites allowed the player to go on a series of eight more  Original Series  adventures. Featuring several recognizable characters from some of the best episodes of  The Original Series ,  Judgment Rites  saw minor improvements to the game it succeeded.

By allowing the player to skip the in-space battle sequences, the game allowed users to focus on the adventure aspects if they wanted. With the addition of the show's cast appearing in the game, users were treated to an experience that closely resembled the classic series.

NEXT: The 15 Best Star Wars Video Games Ranked, According To Metacritic  

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The Best Star Trek Games

Video Game Info

Here is a list of the best Star Trek  video games, ranked from best to worst by tons of gamers' votes. If you think the coolest Star Trek game isn't as high as it should be, then make sure to vote it up so that it has the chance to rise to the top. If you and your friends are arguing over what the greatest Star Trek game of all time is, you can use this list to see how many people agree with you and end the squabble once and for all.

This list is kept up-to-date with all new video game releases and includes everything from Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force , Star Trek: Legacy and more. So if you're wondering what the greatest Star Trek video games are, this is the list for you. After you vote on this list, head on over and vote on the greatest James Bond games of all time.

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Birth of the Federation

Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity

Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guard

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guard

Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force

Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Armada

Star Trek: Armada

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III

Star Trek: Armada II

Star Trek: Armada II

Star Trek: Starfleet Command

Star Trek: Starfleet Command

Star Trek Generations

Star Trek Generations

Star Trek: Legacy

Star Trek: Legacy

Star Trek: Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates

Star Trek: Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates

Star Trek: Borg

Star Trek: Borg

Star Trek: Elite Force II

Star Trek: Elite Force II

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

Star Trek: Hidden Evil

Star Trek: Hidden Evil

Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Star Trek: Away Team

Star Trek: Away Team

Star Trek: Encounters

Star Trek: Encounters

Star Trek: Invasion

Star Trek: Invasion

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Echoes from the Past

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Echoes from the Past

Star Trek: Klingon

Star Trek: Klingon

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Harbinger

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Buy Star Trek: Infinite

WEEKEND DEAL! Offer ends 23 May

Packages that include this game

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Includes 4 items: Star Trek: Infinite, Star Trek: Infinite - Designing the Galaxy, Star Trek: Infinite - Galactic Tracks, Star Trek: Infinite - Neutral Zone Tunes

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“Star Trek: Infinite is a 4X grand strategy game that shares a lot of qualities with a good Star Trek episode: It’s cerebral, accessible, occasionally a little clumsy, and overall a good time.” Polygon “...If you’re a huge Trekkie and just happen to also like video games, Star Trek: Infinite will beam boatloads of fun right into your living room.” Video Games (Sports Illustrated) “This game is made for Star Trek fans through and through. From the well-crafted story elements to the small random easter egg events, there is something for those with various entry points into the fandom.” But Why Tho?


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Klingon voice pack, downloadable soundtrack, more star trek music, about this game.

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Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content

System Requirements

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: Windows® 7 SP1 64 Bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i3-530 or AMD® FX-6350
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 460 or AMD® ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 (1GB VRAM), or AMD® Radeon™ RX Vega 11 or Intel® HD Graphics 4600
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • OS: Windows® 10 Home 64 Bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-3570K or AMD® Ryzen™ 5 2400G
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 560 Ti (1GB VRAM) or AMD® Radeon™ R7 370 (2 GB VRAM)
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • OS: 10.11 (El Capitan)
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-4570S
  • Memory: 15 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GT 750M or equivalent AMD® card with 1GB Vram
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • OS: 10.13 (High Sierra)
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-4670
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 780M with 4GB Vram or AMD® Radeon™ R7 370 (2 GB VRAM)

© 2023 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

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The 11 Best Star Trek Games To Get You Ready For The Picard Premiere

Image of Ty Arthur

CBS is going all in with original Star Trek series to get us hooked on yet another streaming service as the long-awaited Picard spin off premieres this month on January 23 via CBS All Access. 

This beloved anti-Kirk character was exactly what the franchise needed for its reboot as The Next Generation , and exactly what we need now going into an uncertain future.

Renowned for his ability to overcome obstacles and solve problems through logic, reason, and compassion, the titular star ship captain still has plenty of adventures ahead. Hopefully he still takes his tea Earl Gray and hot.

Want to jump into some classic games to fuel that nostalgia trip and get in the proper mood for the Picard premiere on January 23?

Much like geeky fantasy counterpart  Dungeons and Dragons , the Star Trek franchise has seen an absolutely absurd number of game releases of wildly varying quality.

Starting with text based games back in the late '70s all the way up to VR titles in more recent years, there's no shortage of Star Trek video, board, card, and roleplaying games to sift through.

Many of the best are far in the past, sadly, but if you don't mind dated graphics there's a treasure trove of top-notch games to relive. Ready to see the best of the best? Engage!

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Star Trek Adventures

We'll look at plenty of digital adventures shortly, but first up its worth noting that infinite Star Trek tales await if you go the tabletop RPG route rather than pulling up a PC or console game.

Right no w Star Trek Adventures is the one to keep your eye on, whether you just want the main rulebook or are willing to shell out for the the ludicrously expensive (and ludicrously awesome) Borg Cube version. That release for the uber-fan includes its own Borg ship complete with drawers to hold the books and dice.

This latest iteration of the Star Trek pen and paper RPG comes from Modiphius, a designer known for making high quality and visually appealing RPGs like the latest Conan , Fallout , and Mutant Year Zero tabletop games.

Not a fan of the Modiphius rules system, or prefer something a little more classic? There have been plenty of other versions over the last few decades that can still be readily acquired second hand.

The sadly defunct FASA (known for classics like Earthdawn , Shadowrun , and Battletech ) released dozens of supplements throughout the '80s before The Next Generation even hit TV, and many of them can still be found on Amazon or eBay.

If you prefer a system more directly derived from the TV series, the hard cover Star Trek: The Next Generation core book released by Last Unicorn Games in the late '90s had a solid rules framework as well.

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Star Trek Ascendancy

One of the absolute best board game iterations of the franchise, Ascendancy goes an unusual route in that there's not actually a board at all!

To maintain ultimate flexibility as the Romulans, Klingons, and Federation vie for supremacy, the entire board has been ditched for a more freeform experience with cards and tokens.

Despite that change, there's still a ton of depth here (as you'd expect from a $100 tabletop box set) and a lot of give and take between exploration, diplomatic trade ties, and conquest.

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Star Trek Fluxx

The polar opposite of Ascendancy , the Fluxx take on Star Trek is way less epic, but also has way less setup time. Additional pluses lie in its far fewer pieces to keep track of, and it having basically no learning curve.

You can jump right into Fluxx even with a brand new group of players for fast paced, zany fun with a Star Trek twist. Just about every franchise out there was received the Fluxx treatment already, but if you haven't played before, here's the low down: the rules are constantly changing.

In essence, the changing rules are the game itself, so no two matches are ever the same and a player who seems on the verge of victory is probably the farthest from the finish line. 

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Klingon Academy

Now its time to get to the real goods: the actual Star Trek video games. While many of them throughout the last 40 years have been mediocre to outright bad, more than a handful are rightfully remembered as hallowed classics.

We'll start with one many players have probably forgotten about, despite being one of the best Trek games of all time: Klingon Academy . If you have fond  memories of Starfleet Academy , do yourself a favor and make sure to return to this Klingon focused follow-up that is the pinnacle of Star Trek space flight simulators.

It's great fun, but you won't be able to buy this anywhere. Instead you'll have to scrape the abandonware sites if you don't still have the old discs, because this one never made it to GOG or Steam!

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Star Trek Bridge Crew VR

A VR take on the tactical decisions taking place in the iconic bridge,  Bridge Crew  is as close as you are going to get to running your own star ship anytime soon.

For serious Trek fans, this is a must-play experience — and its available on PSVR, so you don't have to buy a whole new gaming rig.

Since Bridge Crew is heavily multiplayer focused, you have to actually work together as a team like the characters from the show, while dealing with diverging personalities and leadership types.

Want to really, really get into the universe? Some players will only go rounds speaking in Klingon! That's a level of dedication I haven't been able to get into yet.

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Star Trek Judgement Rites

Don't let the pixel graphics turn you off — Judgment Rites  is the ultimate original series game experience. The episodic nature of the levels, usage of classic sound effects, and overall storylines on display here are a serious love letter to the Enterprise crew.

Unlike most other old school Star Trek titles, Judgment Rites somehow got a digital re-release and can now be picked up for a very reasonable price through outlets like GOG and Steam.

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Star Trek Armada

An RTS set in the Trek universe, Armada  should be on your shortlist if you like the idea of outfitting ships and then going around firing photon torpedoes at your enemies. 

While the sequel had improved mechanics, the original probably still has the best overall campaign missions, and there are plenty of mods to extend its life.

Sadly, Armada doesn't play well with Windows 10 on its own, even if you find an abandonware version. You'll need to conjure up some serious computer magic to get it running, but there are tutorials out there to help you along with a little Google Fu.

For now, be sure to add the series to the GOG wishlist  and keep your fingers crossed we get a legitimate re-release that works on modern PCs one of these days!

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Armada 3 Mod For Sins Of A Solar Empire

This might sound like heresy, but one of the best Star Trek games of all time isn't even a Star Trek game at all, but rather a total conversion mod for Sins Of A Solar Empire !

Basically this a spiritual successor to Armada 2 that is entirely fan-made, and its absurdly high quality. With five factions to pick, a customized UI, and a complete re-skin of the game to match Star Trek lore, somehow this mod ends up being one of the definitive titles in the entire franchise that you could easily sink 40 - 50 hours into.

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Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

While those early 2000s 3D graphics are looking pretty dated now, and there are some repetitive areas,  The Fallen  is one of the few attempts at a third person shooter in Star Trek that actually works.

While this isn't exactly a horror game, you'll notice some big similarities between the gameplay here and later big name sci-fi horror entries. It's clear The Fallen had some influence on how characters are interacted with and even level design in a few titles.

Fans of DS9 in particular will want to jump into this one, since you get to play through as Sisko, Worf, and Major Kira Nerys. In fact if you want the whole story, you need to play through all three characters in separate runs, as the major plot beats are split between each character option.

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Star Trek Voyager Elite Force

Even more of a rarity than The Fallen's third person shooter take, Elite Force is probably the only first person shooter that makes sense and is worth playing in the Star Trek franchise.

Yes, the character models (particularly the faces) are quite ugly by modern standards. Some of the injury sound effects are obnoxious, too — but otherwise Elite Force is a solid FPS. This is basically  Unreal masquerading as a Star Trek story, and its a lot of fun.

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Star Trek Bridge Commander

Long before Bridge Crew offered a virtual reality take on ship command, there was  Bridge Commander  to put you in the role of newly-minted captain needing to keep your crew alive while researching space mysteries. 

The aesthetics of the UI and way you issue orders to complete tasks on your ship will be very pleasing to Next Generation fans, and as a bonus you get to interact directly with Picard and Data! 

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Despite some solid contenders, I don't think we've seen the pinnacle of Star Trek gaming yet. While there are have been some great command sims, RTS space combat titles, and third person action games, we haven't seen them all come together yet.

One day we'll get a title that seamlessly combines the exploration, diplomacy, logic and reason-based method of overcoming conflict, ship combat, and RPG elements all together.

Until then, we've got these 11 classic games to play, and you can soon watch Picard on CBS All Access. What did you think of our listing of the best Star Trek games, and did we miss any that should have made the list? Let us know in the comments below while you're waiting for the new show to premiere!

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Published Dec 13, 2022

The 10 Best Star Trek Table Top Games

From Risk to Panic, we're diving into Star Trek's storied board game history.

Illustrated banner of Star Trek game cards, delta game pieces, and dice / Rob DeHart

Table top games are a great way of gathering together as a family or group of friends, and enjoying a communal experience away from screens. Thanks to their reliance on strategy and thinking over fast, impulse reactions, they're particularly great when you need something that appeals to a wide range of age groups.

If you all happen to be massive Star Trek fans, what could be better than getting involved in some Star Trek table top gaming? There are some great Star Trek themed board games out there that are sure to make you feel part of the Star Trek universe, while also giving you all a great challenge.

Here's a look at ten of the best table top games for capturing the Star Trek spirit.

Risk: Star Trek


There are plenty of Star Trek themed tie-ins of popular games but they don't always do a fantastic job of making you feel part of Star Trek . Risk: Star Trek bucks that trend. Released for the 50th anniversary, it brings together Captain Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Archer with each player getting to choose their favorite era.

The rules are similar to regular Risk with some key tweaks that it's borrowed from other Risk games. It's a shrewd strategy meaning that it's far from imposing for those not used to table top gaming, but it's also reasonably complex too. You assemble a crew before taking them on away missions with each character providing a specific skillset. There are quests to complete too as you aim to control all the territories.

It's a good bet for a challenging family gaming experience, but it also works well as a two-player title.

Star Trek : Fleet Captains


Designed for two or four players, Star Trek: Fleet Captains is a more adversarial table top game than most. You choose to take the role of either Klingons or the Federation before competing for dominance. While that sounds aggressive, success can also be gained through completing various missions and the decisions you choose to make.

Various decks of cards play an important role here, with each deck offering unique bonuses such as the Klingons' ability to have larger ships while the Federation is more shrewd. Each ship also has strengths and weaknesses which tie into their ability to complete missions and become stronger over time.

Some of the Fleet Captains can be quite complex but it's consistently entertaining because every session is different from the last. That's helped massively by random encounters which typically correspond to a single episode of the show, such as one encounter centered on Tribbles. It's been described as a game that's like playing out an entire season of Star Trek due to its story arc and varied missions. Who could resist that kind of experience?

Star Trek : Five-Year Mission


Star Trek: Five-Year Mission is a co-operative dice game for three to seven players. You take on the role of crew members on either the U.S.S. Enterprise or U.S.S. Enterprise-D . Together you have to solve a series of alerts in order to score points before the Enterprise is eventually destroyed.

Each crew member has a different ability so you have to work together in order to complete the tasks. It's important to adhere to the prime directive, avoid injuries as well as ship damage, and (of course) fix the alerts.

It's the kind of game that takes minutes to learn so it's ideal if you're not experienced in tabletop gaming. Being able to work together as a team feels perfectly in keeping with the Star Trek ethos too, so it's a lot of fun with family or friends.

Star Trek Panic


Based on the family game Castle Panic , Star Trek Panic is a light cooperative tower defense board game. While the original game had you working together to defend a castle, this time round, you must defend the U.S.S. Enterprise from enemy attacks.

It's a fairly simple game to learn and ideal for all the family to gather around, no matter what the age range. Based in The Original Series , games can take between 45 and 90 minutes depending on what you choose but it's a fun ride throughout.

Star Trek Panic includes some exclusive mission cards and unique challenges based on the original series, as well as character cards so you can assume the role of all your favorites from TOS. Best of all, it won't take too long to learn so it's a good introduction to table top gaming.

Star Trek Frontiers


If you're keen for a highly involved and complex Star Trek table top experience, then Star Trek Frontiers is the game for you. The average playing time is a couple of hours with that easily extending to three or four hours depending on how things unfold. It's pretty complex stuff too but highly rewarding.

Like many table top games, you command your own ship, recruit new crew members, and use your skills and experience to confront a series of challenges. The space map is randomly built using a tile system so each session is different from the last.

Designed for one to four players, there are numerous different competitive, cooperative, as well as solo scenarios to work through. Also in keeping with the Star Trek nature, not all require aggression. Expanding your knowledge and using leadership skills is often just as crucial to your success. Star Trek Frontiers isn't a great option for newbies or young players, but for those who know what they're doing, it's a rich universe out there.

Star Trek Adventures


A roleplaying adventure, Star Trek Adventures is a lot like Dungeons and Dragons - Star Trek style. It's hard to resist anything that's packaged up in a Borg type cube. Inside that cube is a wealth of dice, figurines, maps, and other things that are sure to excite you the moment you unpack it.

And it's a pretty great experience. It feels like you're living through scenes from actual episodes, while crossing the generations so you can be part of whichever Star Trek lore you prefer. It's a really enjoyable way to work together to seek out new worlds, while being exactly what you want to be courtesy of the extensive character creation made available to you.

Don't expect this to be a brief experience as there's so much going on, but do expect to enjoy many fun evenings gathered around seeing where you can go next. A fine way to share winter night in particular.

Star Trek Ascendancy


Another weighty game, Star Trek Ascendancy works best with four players. Capturing the spirit well, it's all about exploration as well as expansion and some conflict. That conflict is varied given that Star Trek Ascendancy involves the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Empire. The game comes with more than 200 miniatures so you get the idea of just how far reaching expansion can be.

There's the option for peace and exploration but few will be able to resist challenging opposing players too. After all, there are 30 different star systems to check out, and each represents some of Star Trek 's most memorable locations.

With a chunky rule book, and a plethora of decisions to make, Star Trek Ascendancy is a bit intimidating at first but it feels suitably in key with the theme. You'll enjoy mastering it.

Federation Commander: Klingon Border


Combat is everything in Federation Commander: Klingon Border which explains why it's a fast-paced game that typically takes under an hour to complete. Loosely based on Starfleet Battles, a much longer experience, Federation Commander: Klingon Border is a more welcoming time.

Via a mixture of using cards well and rolling dice just so, destroying competing starships is all you're aiming for here. Planning out your power distribution well, however, is where strategy becomes a crucial part of the game. Your ship needs to be moving fast while still steadily producing energy and, of course, firing at enemies effectively. If you've ever wanted to feel a key part of Starfleet's tactical wing, this is the game for you.

It can be a little tricky to juggle all the different elements of ship management at first, but you'll soon find yourself embroiled in massive fights that feel like the climatic scene in a war. If you're keen on war-gaming, this is a good route to pursue.

Star Fleet Battles


One of the older Star Trek- themed board games out there, Star Fleet Battles is a little unruly for newbies. Expect for it to take a few hours to play through, and much longer still if you're figuring out the rulebook.

At its heart though, it's a ship-to-ship warfare simulation game and a lot of fun. A hexagonal map guides you around with cardboard counters to place where you are, as you choose to work as a fleet or work against each other. Ships represented include the Federation, Romulan Empire, Klingon Empire, as well as a few Star Fleet Battles exclusives such as the Hydran Kingdom.

Interestingly, while its focus is squarely on The Original Series, it also includes some elements from The Animated Series , which is a great coup for anyone who loved that much underrated show. Just don't be surprised if it takes a long time for Star Fleet Battles to truly gel. It's not for the casual board game player.

Star Trek : Expeditions


Star Trek : Expeditions is based in the Kelvin Universe that we've seen in the 2009 movie and onwards. It's a cooperative four player game where you work together to beat the game effectively.

Players take the role of Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Uhura, as they attempt to defuse the threat of civil war, deal with a Klingon threat, as well as help a planet join the Federation. It's peak Star Trek with a suitable mixture of diplomacy and strategy.

It's also a fairly speedy game as all of this has to be achieved in roughly 30 turns, meaning you won't be stuck for hours on end. A scoresheet tracks your progress with the decisions you make vastly affecting how well you're doing. The only downside is that replay-ability is a little limited but it's great to see a game based on the Kelvin Universe.

This article was originally published on September 24, 2019.

Jennifer Allen (she/her) is a freelance journalist who has written for Playboy, Mashable, and Eurogamer amongst others. She lives in South Wales with her three guinea pigs and cat. Find her on Twitter @jenjeahaly.

Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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Star Trek Discovery Just Brought Back a Beloved Piece of Next Generation Canon

As Discovery enters the “Labyrinths” of Captain Burnham’s mind, fans should be reminded of a Star Trek: The Next Generation classic.

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Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation

This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers.

With the release of this week’s “ Labyrinths ,” Star Trek: Discovery only has two more episodes to go before its series finale, which will have to wrap up not only its season-long Progenitor mystery but multiple character arcs at the same time. It’s a lot for one of the most action-adventure-oriented Trek series ever. Still, we didn’t mind that Discovery took a second to pause with an introspective episode before jumping back into the breakneck action of what will become the final two stories. In “Labyrinths,” Captain Burnham enters inside what she thinks is an ancient Betazoid book. Instead, she ends up in a mindscape created by her own subconscious.

This is classic Star Trek stuff, an entire sci-fi adventure that happens almost exclusively in the mind of one character but is full of emotional stakes that directly impact the physical stakes in the outside world. And, for longtime fans, the method by which Burnham ends up in this mindscape should seem very, very familiar, as it’s a callback to one of the most beloved Next Generation episodes of all time.

While onboard the Eternal Gallery and Archive, Book and Burnham finally locate the manuscript called Labyrinths of the Mind , written by Marina Derex, a Betazoid scientist who lived 800 years in the past, way back in the 24th century. Book and Burnham are told that nobody else before has requested this book, and we quickly find out why. When Burnham opens it and presses a specific panel, she’s zapped unconscious. Dr. Culber explains she’s been hit by a “nucleonic emitter,” which should ring some bells in the minds of people who love The Next Generation .

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Just before the end of The Next Generation’s fifth season, on June 1, 1992, the series dropped what is almost certainly its best standalone episode, “The Inner Light.” This story, from writer Morgan Gendel, begins with a different kind of archive in space: a probe sent by an ancient civilization from the planet Kataan. As in the new Discovery episode, Picard is zapped by a nucleonic beam, and ends up on the planet Kataan, which from the point-of-view of the 24th-century timeline, life has been extinct since the 14th century.

Discovery isn’t 10 centuries in the future from The Next Generation , but it is eight centuries ahead. This is one of those strange quirks of Discovery’s time-jump from the end of season 2. By leap-frogging beyond the The Original Series timeframe where the show began, the series is also now 800 years beyond The Next Generation . For people like Burnham, Culber, and Kovich, the fact that Jean-Luc Picard was one of the first humans to discover the Progenitor tech (in “The Chase”) means very little, he’s just some guy lost to history. And yet, it’s interesting that the timespan between Picard and the death of the planet Kataan is now comparable to the timespan between Discovery’s future and the now-classic era of The Next Generation .

But, one has to wonder, did the Betazoid Dr. Derex adapt technology from the Kataan probe to use in this manuscript? We know that the various scientists hid the clues to the Progenitor tech that were created in the 24th century during the Dominion War, which would be after the events of TNG’s “The Inner Light.” So, it’s totally conceivable that the technology of the nucleonic beam was adapted by Federation scientists, and used in this book, specifically.

Burnham’s journey differs from Picard’s in “The Inner Light,” of course. She’s totally aware of what is happening, and the projections from her mind, including a representation of Book, make her aware she’s in a mindscape puzzle, and that her goal is to get out. In “The Inner Light,” the world of Picard’s other life, living as Kamin, wasn’t a puzzle for him to solve, or really a quest of any kind. Instead, Picard was encouraged just to live out his days in that world. However, there was a ticking clock on the other end, and Crusher was concerned he might die if the nucleonic beam isn’t severed. This is paralleled in “ “Labyrinths” when Dr. Culber resists beaming Burnham out until the program has run its course.

What’s really fascinating about all of this is the idea that Burnham has to deal with herself before moving onward into the rest of the mission. It’s a ruminative episode, jammed in the middle of some action episodes, which also repeats Star Trek history. In 1992, “The Inner Light” was the penultimate episode of The Next Generation season 5. The episode that followed “The Inner Light,” was the time travel cliffhanger “Time’s Arrow Part 1,” which brought together the entire TNG crew on an epic quest. 

Discovery seems to be doing something similar; right toward the end of its own season 5, the captain of the ship goes on an inward journey, right before the next two episodes kick things into maximum warp. Captain Burnham is nothing like Captain Picard, but as Discovery proves, sometimes, the farther one travels, the less one knows. And when that happens, it’s time to chill out and get nucleonic.

Star Trek: Discovery is streaming now on Paramount+.

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Ryan Britt

Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek! He is also the author of three non-fiction books: the Star Trek pop history book PHASERS…

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“I think I stole them”: Marina Sirtis Stole 2 Star Trek Props, One of Which She Ended up Wearing 18 Years Later in ‘Picard’

O ne of the very few franchises that have been able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Star Wars  since the dawn of the modern science fiction era in cinema is Star Trek  and it has been a battle worthy of being dubbed as the Space Race of Hollywood. However, where  Star Wars  has remained at the top of its game since the advent of A New Hope , the same cannot be said for its contemporary show, The Next Generation.

Star Trek:  Nemesis Comes to the Rescue of  Star Trek:  Picard

Fans will do very well to remember that Sir Patrick Stewart reunited with his old castmates in Picard after 26 long years. In that time, while Stewart built on his portfolio with a pronounced presence in the X-Men films, the other Next Generation actors, such as Marina Sirtis , languished on the outskirts of Hollywood.

As such, every opportunity to revive their old roles in the  Star Trek  universe, not only brought back a spark of life into the dreary pace of their lives but also gave them a sense of renewed purpose.

For Sirtis, that purpose took on another meaning entirely after she literally saved the day due to a prop she stole from the sets of  Star Trek: Nemesis 18 years ago. As Sirtis recalled, the costume department on Star Trek: Picard was completely unprepared regarding her props before filming was scheduled to begin, and to make a whole new set of wigs and costumes for Sirtis would have been a burden that could have significantly delayed production.

In a January 2020 interview with  TrekCore , Sirtis admitted:

I called and I said, ‘You do know that I wore a wig and black contact lenses.’ They went, ‘What?’ I was like, ‘Do you know what? I think I stole them so I think I have them. So let’s just get the contact lenses cleaned because they’ve been sitting in a lens case for 15 years, and I have the wig – [both] that I wore in Nemesis. ’ I’m a bit of a tea leaf as they say in England. I’ll have that, thank you very much, which was really good that I did. Trust me, they wouldn’t have had time to make a $10,000 wig. I was in England doing a play anyway. I wrapped on Saturday and was at Universal on Monday having traveled from England on Sunday. I wasn’t even here. It would’ve been like wig, contact lenses, what? It was lucky that I did pilfer them.

The Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode That Was So Controversial the UK Banned it

Although Marina Sirtisʼs timely pilfering did save the day 18 years later, stealing a piece of prop from movie sets has become a common ritual among actors and actresses. From iconic costumes to vintage cars, celebrities have been known to carry home an object which their on-screen character is closely associated with as a token of appreciation for their work on the show or film.

Marina Sirtis Compares Herself to Carrie Fisher in Star Wars

The legacy that was established by Carrie Fisher due to her Star Wars  arc is one that can neither be imitated nor replicated even under the most controlled environments. As such, Fisher remains one of the most enigmatic and admired actresses of her generation and beyond for revolutionizing not only the genre of science fiction but also the portrayal of women in a different light in cinema.

Marina Sirtis, in a similar fashion, feels almost equal to Carrie Fisher due to their shared experience of reprising their most iconic roles in their 60s. Sirtis thus recalls her return to the sets of  Picard , saying:

As Carrie said when she went back to Star Wars, I remember seeing her on the Today show. The interviewer said to her, ‘Was it a difficult choice to resuscitate Princess Leia?’ Carrie said, ‘I’m a 60-year-old actress in Hollywood. People aren’t exactly throwing scripts at me’ which is kind of the place I’m in.

Patrick Stewart Had to Go to Some Extremely Dark Places for One of Best Ever Star Trek Episodes That’s Beyond Normal

Marina Sirtis who played the role of Counselor Deanna Troi appeared in four additional  Star Trek  films, including Star Trek: Nemesis  (2002) after her initial arc in The Next Generation. Star Trek: Picard , the latest of the bunch, ran for 3 years from 2020 to 2023.

Star Trek: Nemesis and  Star Trek: Picard  are available for streaming on Max and Paramount+ respectively.

Star Trek: The Next Generation [Credit: Paramount Domestic Television]

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Denise Crosby Returns As Captain Sela From Another Universe For ‘Star Trek Online: Unparalleled’

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| May 14, 2024 | By: Staff 13 comments so far

Star Trek Online is getting ready to launch a brand new season which will see the return of one of the stars of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Unparalleled arrives in 2 weeks

Today Arc Games and Cryptic Studios announced Trek Online: Unparalleled , the 32nd season of their long-running free-to-play Star Trek MMORPG. This new adventure features Star Trek: The Next Generation star Denise Crosby, playing Captain Sela, Captain of the Enterprise from a parallel universe. This is a return to Star Trek: Online for Crosby who voiced her TNG characters Tasha Yar and Sela for the game back in 2013.

Star Trek Online: Unparalleled also includes a new event, a gender/race change feature, along with updates to the Infinity Lockbox. Unparalleled will launch on May 28, 2024 for PC and will launch on PlayStation and Xbox consoles on June 19, 2024.

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Key art for Star Trek Online: Unparalled

Defend the Iconians against a new Borg threat

Season 32 continues Aetherian and Mirror Borg story content. Here is the official synopsis for the story:

In Star Trek Online: Unparalleled, the Borg threat to the multiverse continues as the player’s Captain discovers a last stand between a new, peaceful alternate universe Iconians and a new type of Borg, infused with a mysterious nanite technology. The player’s Captain must work with allies across the universe including Enterprise Captain Sela from this new parallel universe and Aetherian ally Captain Grendat-Bex to defend the Iconians against this new Borg threat and their queen.

New features

Unparalleled also includes the following new features…

New Episode – Situation Under Control The Aetherians will send you on a mission with one of their own into a new universe, and you must join forces to stem the tide of a new Borg foe!

Brand New Task Force Operation – Borg Battle Royale

  • A new 5 Captain Ground TFO.
  • After the Season event ends, an infinite round version will be available.

Season 32 Event – Delete Alt Control For this new event, players can play selected content to earn the following rewards:

  • Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher
  • Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron
  • 500 Lobi Crystals
  • 1 Phoenix Epic Prize Token
  • 30,000 Dilithium Ore

Infinity Lockbox Update T6 Aetherian Revelation will be added to the Infinity Lockbox .

Captain Alteration Token Want to change your character but keep your hard earned rewards? Now you can, with the Captain Alteration Token. This new token will allow you to change your Captain’s species and/or gender, within your chosen faction.

Star Trek Online  is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. To download and play Star Trek Online today for free, visit .

Keep up with all the  Star Trek Online news and updates here at .

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Key art is incorrect. Phaser would not fire from the area illustrated. When the top lens is exposed the phaser is in “kill” mode and would fire from there. Only when lens in down does it fire from the area shown.

And this matters because…

but it’s a fake gun…..

I’m not sure what’s worse, that you took the time to muse about a pointless alternate universe phaser, or that I’m banging out this rather pointless reply.

Everything about this screams badly written fan fiction.

it’s an MMORPG – that’s pretty much a sub-category of badly written fan fiction

the guys on Mission Log used to say “when Star Trek is out of ideas they turn to Shakespeare” – nowadays it’s the multiverse

Everything even remotely resembling science fiction and fantasy these days is the multiverse. It’s Shatners last chance to put on the gold tunic and be an action hero one last time, so there’s that…..

I may be only one who thought Sela was a terrible character, created just to appease an actress who unwisely decided to leave the show early and decided to come back when the show became successful. There was more potential with that character but we didn’t see enough of the character to fully realize her full motives or character traits.

TNG was always successful, though. It was not like Denise Crosby left because the show had bombed. She left because she was unhappy with the fact that they did not give her character anything to do. The writers of Season 3 brought Tasha back for Yesterday’s Enterprise to give her the heroic send off she was denied in Season 1- and from there she and the producers came up with Sela.

Yes and it’s unfortunate the producers were not wise enough to see the potential in her character. She was a little over the top sometimes but that’s the writing and all the characters were still being defined in season 1. She remains one of my favourite characters in all her incarnations and would have been even more so had she stayed in the show.

In the first couple of seasons, everyone was over the top…..


8 Best Star Trek Games Of The 90s

Star Trek games were prevalent in the 90s, but which are the best?

The first Star Trek video game appeared in 1971, and by the 1990s, the series was flourishing in the industry. A significant factor was the various gaming platforms, including the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), Sega Genesis, and home computers, where Star Trek games could appear. Genres ranged vastly, with developers pumping out point-and-click adventures that fit the spirit of the TV series, along with first-person shooters, strategy games, and flight simulators that may have caught more of the energy of the movies.

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With Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and a variety of movies happening in the 1990s, it's easy to see why so many games also popped up to take advantage of Trek-mania decades after the original series aired.

8 Star Trek: Generations (1997)

For kids of the 1990s, this was the PC game to have as it was a valiant attempt to bring the first TNG movie into a video game. Star Trek: Generations follows the movie's plot and is an adventure game with different modes.

While considered a first-person shooter by some, it blends a ton of different game types and non-linear paths through the game. Though it's weird that this game was released three years after the movie's release, it's an excellent treat for Trek fans.

7 Star Trek: Birth Of The Federation (1999)

This absorbing turn-based strategy game had you managing one of the races in Star Trek's The Next Generation era. Launched around the same time Star Trek: Insurrection came out in movie theaters, this game hoped to cash in on Trek's popularity but ended up being a competent enough Civilization -like game.

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The game has a 3D combat mode that curiously uses developer MicroProse's Falcon 4.0 engine, originally intended to simulate F-16 battles. If you've always wanted to run the Federation or the Klingon Empire, this is probably one of the best classic PC experiences you will have.

6 Star Trek: Starfleet Command (1999)

Star Trek: Starfleet Commands combines real-time strategy with space combat in an engaging experience. You can play one of six Star Trek powers in this game, each with its unique campaign and story. The 3D graphics tie into the tactical moves you'll be making throughout the game.

Curiously based on the 1979 board game Star Fleet Battles, Star Trek: Starfleet Command spawned several sequels and has gone down as one of the best Star Trek game series by several publications.

5 Star Trek: The Next Generation SNES (1994)

While you would expect that Star Trek excels as some space combat simulation game, the adventure game genre is where the IP seems to shine. Star Trek: The Next Generation: Future's Pass on the SNES is a great action game that has it all for Trek fans.

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You interact with characters and the game world on the main bridge and other parts of the Enterprise-D. You also take trips to alien ships and planet surfaces. It's like watching a cozy episode of The Next Generation on your SNES.

4 Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (1997)

This game screamed the 90s with full-motion video graphics in between missions. Featuring some of the original series actors and set during the original cast movie era, this game was a treat.

You play as a Starfleet cadet taking on simulated missions, and the space combat gameplay feels like Wing Commander, but each ship does handle differently and has different attributes. Along with the story, you can come up with custom scenarios, meaning Trekkies can pitch their favorite ships against one another.

3 Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (1992)

Set during the original series, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary was an incredible home computer adventure game that made you feel like you were in an episode. There is a bridge mode and away team mode, and you can navigate through seven "episodes."

RELATED: Best And Worst Star Trek Games

It was well-received by critics and got ports to several consoles. It's easy to see why, too, as this is one of the best original series experiences. An NES port of the game also came out, getting good ratings at the time.

2 Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity (1995)

Another adventure game? Yes, this was Trek's bread and butter through the 1990s. On the home computer, this game offered you the ability to interact with the game world on the Enterprise-D and during away missions.

Adventure games can sometimes become messy, but this one had a well-structured plot. Many felt this game did the best to translate The Next Generation into a video game and was up for the Adventure Game of the Year awards.

1 Star Trek: Judgment Rites (1993)

While using the same game engine as Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites was upgraded and polished. This game has eight "episodes," and you interact on the bridge, battle in space combat, and beam down for landing party missions.

Critics liked this game more than Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, and it was nominated for the Adventure Game of the Year awards. Not only was it considered one of the best Star Trek games of all time, but it's also considered one of the best PC games of all time.

NEXT: Minecraft Mods Every Star Trek Fan Needs To Try

Chris Pine’s Best Moment As Star Trek’s Captain Kirk Isn’t the One You Think

Hint: It doesn't involve the Kobayashi Maru test.

The Big Picture

  • Chris Pine's portrayal of James T. Kirk in Star Trek showcases a journey from selfishness to selflessness, reflecting growth and heroism.
  • The film reboots the iconic sci-fi franchise with action-packed sequences and a new timeline that sets up the origins of Kirk and Spock's friendship. Pine's best moment as Captain Kirk is in the final sequence of the film where he and Spock work together to infiltrate the Narada .
  • Pine brings sensitivity to Kirk's character, fulfilling his father's legacy and showcasing a vulnerability that highlights his heroic transition.

There really should not be a debate over who is Hollywood’s “Best Chris,” as Chris Pine has easily proven himself as an actor of real depth . Between his steely role in the neo-Western Hell or High Water and his charismatic romanticism as Steve Trevor in the Wonder Woman films, Pine has shown that he’s capable of standing out within talented ensembles. However, the challenges he faced when stepping into the role of James T. Kirk in the reboot of the Star Trek franchise were immeasurable. While William Shatner’s performance has been cited as the gold standard of overacting, Pine brought a surprising sensitivity and nuance to his role as the younger Captain Kirk.

The mythology of Star Trek is quite dense, but director J.J. Abrams' 2009 reboot serves as a great entry point for newcomers to the franchise. By taking place within an alternate universe known as the “Kelvin Timeline,” the new trilogy was able to forge a new direction and show the events leading up to the iconic episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series . Longtime fans may have struggled accepting a new actor in Shatner’s iconic role, but Pine gave Kirk a complete character arc during the action-packed conclusion of 2009’s Star Trek when he and Spock worked together to infiltrate the Narada.

Star Trek (2009)

J.J. Abrams' 2009 movie Star Trek rebooted the iconic sci-fi franchise in a totally new timeline. When a Romulan ship travels back in time and alters the past, the lives of James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and the future crew of the USS Enterprise are drastically changed. In this new timeline, the Romulan Nero (Eric Bana) sets out for revenge on Spock, setting off a chain of events that reshape the entire universe.

Chris Pine's Best Moment as Kirk Comes in 'Star Trek's Final Act

While the original Star Trek series took place in an established universe, the reboot film examines how Kirk rose from a humble background to become one of the bravest and most accomplished captains in the history of Starfleet . Bravery is always in his wheelhouse, but Kirk starts off the film as a selfish jerk who only uses Starfleet to advance his own ego. Kirk essentially decides to enlist in Starfleet Academy in order to win a bet with Captain Christopher Pike ( Bruce Greenwood ). Following this, he seems more interested in starting feuds with Spock ( Zachary Quinto ) and flirting with Lieutenant Uhura ( Zoe Saldaña ) than he is fulfilling the Prime Directive. However, a pivotal conversation with Spock Prime ( Leonard Nimoy ) indicates to Kirk that he has a greater legacy to fulfill.

Pine shows in Star Trek's conclusion that Kirk has grown more responsible. His mission is a critical one; the ruthless Romulan, Captain Nero ( Eric Bana ), has already destroyed the planet Vulcan, and is intent on leading an attack on Earth. While Pine has always done a great job at showing that Kirk has a keen sense of humor, his complexion grows far more grave when he informs his crew about the impending mission. Kirk realizes that everything he came from, including his family and friends on Earth, is at stake. It’s the first instance in the film where he develops a knack for heroism that is entirely selfless, and not out of a desperate attempt to prove himself worthy to the other characters.

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While the final sequence includes the type of kinetic action that is common in Abrams’ films , Star Trek shows how Pine’s Kirk has learned from his eclectic experiences . Kirk has spent a majority of the film sneaking around Starfleet facilities in order to solidify his place within the crew of the Enterprise ; it's fitting that his finest hour involves infiltrating an advanced spacecraft in a daring and heroic mission that doesn’t follow official protocols. Kirk’s final brawl with the ruthless Romulan villain Ayel ( Clifton Collins Jr. ) shows how his checkered past ends up benefiting him. Although he started the film getting into a bar brawl with haughty Starfleet officers, Kirk finally puts his nasty hand-to-hand combat skills to good use.

'Star Trek' Shows the Origin of Kirk’s Friendship With Spock

One of the most interesting revisions that 2009’s Star Trek makes to the core mythology of the franchise is positioning Kirk and Spock as rivals. Although the two eventually grow into close friends throughout the original series , Spock’s insistence on sticking to procedures initially rubs Kirk the wrong way. The ending of Star Trek teases the eventual bond that will develop between Kirk and Spock, as they are forced to work together in order to sneak aboard the Narada . Pine is more cheerful in his interactions, indicating that Kirk has taken Spock Prime’s words about their respective destinies to heart. As unlikely as it seems to him initially, he’s grown to accept the idea that he and Spock could be friends.

Although he makes a few jokes at his new ally’s expense, Pine shows that Kirk has come to acknowledge Spock’s feelings . Kirk has been so infuriated with Spock’s attitude that he has overlooked the fact that Vulcan has been destroyed; Spock lost much of his family and cultural heritage. Kirk is well-aware that Spock is half-human , and that Earth is the only planet he has left to call home. There’s a sensitivity to how Pine characterizes Kirk’s attitude; he recognizes the pain that Spock feels upon losing a parent, as it’s one that he knows all-too well.

Kirk Fulfills His Father’s Legacy at the End of 'Star Trek'

Star Trek begins with a harrowing opening sequence featuring Chris Hemsworth as Kirk’s father, George , who sacrifices himself in order to save the crew of the Kelvin from a Romulan attack. Pine gives Kirk the chance to mirror his father’s heroic action , as he goes into the mission with an acknowledgment that he could easily perish. Although the Romulans were responsible for his father’s death, Pine doesn’t turn Kirk into a vengeful character; rather, his heroic endeavors indicate that Kirk has learned to take pride in his family name.

2009’s Star Trek was a surprise hit at the box office , and spawned two direct sequels that faced Kirk off against even more ruthless villains . Pine turned Kirk into an empathetic hero whose vulnerability was an attribute; it was in Star Trek ’s finest hours that he made the steady transition into the hero fans knew he would become.

Star Trek is available to stream on Paramount+ in the U.S.

Watch on Paramount+


  1. The 10 Best Star Trek Games, Ranked By Metacritic

    top star trek games

  2. 10 Best Star Trek Video Games, Ranked

    top star trek games

  3. The best Star Trek games

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  4. Top 10 Best Star Trek Games For PC

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  5. Top 10 Best Star Trek Games For PC

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  6. The best Star Trek games

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  2. 006 Let's Try Star Trek: Generations (Data's fantastic island vacation)

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    3. Star Trek: Starfleet Command III. 2. Star Trek: Bridge Commander. 1. Star Trek Online. It's only logical that you check out our list of the best Star Trek games of all time. Star Trek ...

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    In fact, this entry should probably encompass two games, both 1992's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and 1993's Star Trek: Judgment Rites, given they work so well as a whole.These were Sierra-style ...

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    Games. Fact-checked by: MichaelChoi. The Best and Worst of Gaming. Over 500 gamers have voted on the 40+ items on Best Star Trek Games. Current Top 3: Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity, Star Trek: Judgment Rites, ...

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    From the Captain's chair to... playing as a Klingon?!Listen to the TrekCulture Podcast on:Spotify Podcasts http...

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    4 Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (1997) This game screamed the 90s with full-motion video graphics in between missions. Featuring some of the original series actors and set during the original cast movie era, this game was a treat. You play as a Starfleet cadet taking on simulated missions, and the space combat gameplay feels like Wing Commander ...

  29. Chris Pine's Best Moment As Star Trek's Captain Kirk Isn ...

    J.J. Abrams' 2009 movie Star Trek rebooted the iconic sci-fi franchise in a totally new timeline. When a Romulan ship travels back in time and alters the past, the lives of James T. Kirk (Chris ...