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Working in Asia: What It Takes to Be the Best Tour leader 14 min read

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Welcome to  Working in Asia , a series featuring people doing all types of interesting jobs throughout Asia. Some people work as English teachers, escorted tour leaders, masseurs, or run their own companies. The opportunities and options for work are endless in this part of the world!  If you work in Asia and would like to be featured in this series, please contact us . 

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Working as a Tour Guide in Southeast Asia - Two Can Travel - Work in Asia Series Do you love to travel? Do you love meeting new people? Do you have strong organization and leadership skills? #TourLeader #TourGuideInAsia

Working as a Tour Leader in Southeast Asia

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do. .

My name Andy and I work as a tour leader guiding groups of travelers from all over the world on escorted tours through SE Asia. I still call Arizona in the good ole’ USA home but technically I am homeless. I took that memorable one-way flight to Bangkok almost a year ago and have been living a vagabond life ever since.

When did you decide to become a tour leader? What led to that decision?

Well, it wasn’t a life-long dream that’s for sure. Last year I was traveling solo around Southeast Asia and I came to the point where I knew I wanted to continue to travel but needed a way to generate income while I did so. I knew there were options out there but an adventure job like being a tour leader role wasn’t something I considered. Honestly, I didn’t know tour packages like the one I run even existed. I was out with some acquaintances in Bangkok and I met a guy named Scott who was a tour leader. After explaining what he did I realized being a tour leader would be the perfect solution.

What skills do you have that helped you get an adventure job like tour leader? 

I think my boss would agree that the most important skills for a tour leader are leadership and management traits. You can have the best customer service skills and be the most enjoyable person to be around with all the knowledge in the world. But an escorted tour will fall apart real quick if you don’t have the group where they are supposed to be or can’t handle them when a curve balls come your way. For me, I have some military experience under my belt along with a bit of management experience in a customer service setting. So really, it was just a matter of combining that “think on your feet” military mentality with the customer service skills I used to teach in the call center.

Where do you go on the tours? How long do the escorted tours last? 

Our escorted tours are broken down into 1-2 week sections all over SE Asia. It really depends on the schedule. Generally, they are able to keep us tour leaders on a consistent route that starts in Hanoi, Vietnam then makes its way south to Ho Chi Minh City. From there we head west through Cambodia and into Bangkok, Thailand. Next, we take the escorted tour on what is called the “Laos Loop” where we head up to northern Thailand, cross into northern Laos and make our way back south via Laos on our way back to Bangkok. Then it’s down to the beaches of Thailand continuing south through Malaysia with a final stop in Singapore. The whole escorted tour takes 7 weeks with about 26 different stops along the way through 6 different countries.

For those not familiar with the area here is a little route map:


How many people typically go on an escorted tour?  Where are the travelers in your groups from? What are their ages?

It really depends on the time of year. During the winter time, peak tourism season in SE Asia, I have had escorted tours with 20+ people. The summertime heat and monsoons bring in a bit less business with around 4-8 people. The seasons also tend to affect where our customers hail from as well. A lot of western hemisphere travelers come from the UK, Canada, and the States during the winter months. This summer I have had the pleasure of sharing the experience with mostly Aussies, Kiwis and a handful of Swiss.

The age range really varies as well. The escorted tour I run is advertised to the 35+ years-plus crowd. But there is no age restriction. So I have to deal with everything from your 21-year-old adventure seekers to 70-year-old exploring retirees. It has never caused a problem though. It can be a little awkward in the beginning as the younger crowd learns to appreciate the enthusiasm for museums and the older group remembers what a hangover feels like, but in the end, we become a big family. It’s quite fun to watch and be a part of. Sad when it’s all over and time to start a brand new group through.

One of the advantage of having an adventure job like tour leader is making new friends!

Some groups are big!

Adventure jobs are a lot of fun, especially as a tour leader

Some have quite the age range!

Since your escorted tours are so diverse do they tend to get along? Have you had any outstanding experiences with  groups, great or terrible?

I have had some incredible experiences meeting random personalities from all over the globe. Of course, there will always be people that won’t be friends after the escorted tour but I have never had any major issues. The bigger groups are easier since people can gravitate towards others with shared interests. There is a greater chance of conflicting personalities in a smaller group since we’re all pushed together. But I take it as a learning experience and try to impress upon the group to do the same.

Where do you get the information you share with travelers? Are you their tour leader for everywhere you go?

Most of the information I share is from prior experiences, whether from previous tour trips or solo experiences, and travel websites. Wikitravel and Wikipedia are godsends. Technically they call my role a “Tour Leader”, meaning my job is more to guide them from place to place, ensuring no one gets left behind, gets hurt and has all the general information they need to have a positive experience (when is the next toilet stop Andy!!?!!). Since we visit so many different places it would be very hard to be an expert on every historical detail but that doesn’t stop me from trying to pick up as much information along the way. Now only if this old brain was better at retaining it all…

Working with tourists can be exhausting. People can be whiny, sick, stubborn, tired, hungry. How do you  maintain your energy as a tour leader when you are with a group for days or weeks at a time? 

There are definitely different types of travelers out there with different tolerance levels for what these countries will throw at you. It can be draining at times, but I try to set honest expectations up front and that helps a lot. I also don’t spend all day, every day with my group. There is a healthy balance of open days on tour where, if I do my job well, and set the group up with optional things to do, I am free to sneak back to my room for some extra R&R or go off and explore things on my own. I explain this upfront as well and they understand. They can get just as tired of me and each other as I can of them. It is funny how all it takes is one day where everyone goes off and does their own thing to bring the group right back together.

What is the most rewarding part of the job?

The people I get to meet and the things I learn from them. Just when I think I have had every walk of life join me on the escorted tour I get a new group, with new personalities, and new hometowns and new past experiences to share. In the beginning, there was a time when I felt a bit anxious as tour leader about my ignorance of the rest of the world. A lot of our customers are very well traveled. Whereas most of my experiences outside of the U.S. are just in SE Asia. Then I realized that it was stupid thought and to embrace my ignorance. So many long bus rides with nothing to do but talk and share stories.

What are the downsides of your adventure job (if any)?

Living out of a backpack and constant moving can be draining. We generally spend only 2 nights in each location, sometimes only 1, and there are times where the night is spent on a train or bus. So being on the move takes its toll. When I was traveling around on my own I wouldn’t move around this quick. Generally, I would explore a location until I felt it was time to move on, and then take one extra day to recharge and research my next destination. But leading the escorted tours, I don’t have the freedom to slow my travels when I want.

It also proves to be difficult in making friends and developing those relationships. Whether it be those I have on tour or local people that I work with along the way. I make a ton of acquaintances but my nearest close friend is 7,000 km away. People back home may not believe me since I haven’t been so great staying in touch or updating where I am but I really miss my relationships at home. Believe it or not, this adventure job can be quite lonely at times.

Being a tour leader with an adventure job has its perks!

Checking out the Tea Plantations in Cameron Highlands of Malaysia.

Is being a tour leader a sustainable career? Do you see yourself doing it long-term?

If it is, it’s a young man’s game. I am certainly starting to feel my age. We have a few guys that have been tour leading for 10+ years but they have local homes here in SE Asia. They aren’t doing back to back-to-back tours. I am taking my first contract year as it comes, not committing to anything longer yet. I may go back to the states and realize that I don’t quite fit back into American society. Life on the road may be what’s for me and I’ll head back out for another year, possibly, in another part of the world than SE Asia, just have to see.

Can you tell us about some interesting/fun/amazing experiences you’ve had on or off the job?

There are countless memories shared on every tour. But one of my favorites was spending Christmas Eve with my escorted tour. We had an overnight train scheduled for that night so we set up a time to meet at the hotel to hold a little party and do a White Elephant gift exchange.

For those of you that don’t know what that is, it’s when everyone buys a wrapped gift, puts it in a pile, and then the group takes turns choosing an unknown wrapped gift or stealing from others that have already chosen. It can turn pretty wild when there are a few “hot” gifts floating around that everyone wants. People desperately tried to get rid the less cool gifts.

I have seen the Secret Santa gift exchange before, but I have never seen anyone else play the White Elephant gift exchange the way I was taught as a kid. It is kind of a family tradition from my part of the world.

The gift exchange went just as I remember growing up. Some really great gifts making the rounds, some not so great that caused a bunch of laughs and everyone eventually having something for Christmas. To share a personal family tradition with people from all over the world, some that don’t even celebrate Christmas, and watch them have so much fun with it, was pretty damn cool.

Afterward, we piled the group onto the overnight train and rang in the early Christmas morning rocking our way down the Vietnam railway. Between our decorated cabins, drinking too much of a few “gifts” and getting kicked out of the restaurant car for being too “Jolly”, I think the Vietnamese have a whole new idea of how to celebrate our western holiday.

Being a tour leader means celebrating the holidays no matter where you are.

Dev, from India, celebrating some Christmas traditions.

What are your benefits, holidays, breaks and pay like? Are you able to save money?

In between escorted tours, I get a break. After 7 weeks of traveling, it isn’t a long one. Usually just a weekend off before picking up a new group and starting the adventure all over again. Technically I am working 24 hours a day for those 7 weeks straight. That’s why I find time during the escorted tour for myself. Recharge my batteries as I go. Some days it feels like work, but most days it’s just being the one in charge of making sure everyone is enjoying their time. With a good group, it hardly feels like work at all.

While on tour, all the business expenses are paid for (bus tickets, visas, entry fees to included excursions, etc.), and there is a small amount of tour money allocated for food and personal supplies but it doesn’t go far. There is a salary as well, comparable to local wages, but I try not to touch that. I have found if I am smart, and use the tip money given wisely, I can survive on the escorted tour just fine. After my year-long contract is finished I should have some money saved for more solo traveling. The goal is to head to Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal. Maybe hike my ass up to the base camp of Everest if the earthquake damage doesn’t prevent me. Maybe even stay a while and help rebuild. I will see when the time comes if there is an opportunity.

Can you describe a typical day on the job?

The great part about this adventure job is that there really is no “typical” day. A typical day is having an adventure with people using their vacation to explore new countries. Some days that adventure may be taking them kayaking down the Mekong river in Laos. Other times its grinding through an 8-hour bus ride in Cambodia. It really just depends on where we are on the escorted tour.

Generally, there are 3 types of days:

1. Transportation days: where life is spent on a bus, train or boat. These are obviously the least exciting days but allow me to catch up on paperwork, some sleep or a good book if the road isn’t too bumpy or windy.

Even escorted tour leaders need a nap from time to time. Adventure jobs aren't easy!

Plenty of long bus rides to catch up on sleep.

2. Included Excursion days: I am joining the group for an inclusive adventure like visiting Angkor Wat or crawling through the Cu Chi Tunnels. These days are pretty fun but can be a bit repetitious (there are only so many times you can be excited about some Buddhist temples in the sweltering heat).

Being a good escorted tour leader means knowing when to let the local tour leader take over.

Letting the local guide take over and explain the Cu Chi Tunnels in Vietnam.

3. And free days, where the group is free to go off and do what they like. Museum hopping, shopping or quad biking through the countryside. The free days are for me to recharge and do the side work that keeps the escorted tour running. I am going quad biking today since I’m all caught up.

Escorted tour leaders don't always know the way. That's why it's called an adventure job!

Some free days are spent taking the group for one of Andy’s optional bike rides through the countryside with a guarantee to get “slightly” lost.

Do you have recommendations for anyone who wants to have an adventure job like yours?

You should probably travel a bit to make sure you love being on the road and constantly on the move. It can be draining and if you aren’t passionate about it. It will become old quick and you will crave going home. Some management and leadership experience is a must. While doing some personal traveling, if you find yourself naturally taking charge of the people you are with, then the job is up your alley.

Then do what I did, apply, interview well and kick ass while on tour!

Big thanks to Andy for providing such an interesting and inspiring interview!

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Working as a Tour Guide in Southeast Asia - Two Can Travel - Work in Asia Series Do you love to travel? Do you love meeting new people? Do you have strong organization and leadership skills? #TourLeader #TourGuideInAsia

Would you want an adventure job as a tour leader? Tell us what you think in the comments!

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August 7, 2017 at 3:26 pm

Hey. This sounds awesome!!

Where could one apply for this type of job?

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August 12, 2017 at 10:48 am

Hey Jason! Andy worked at Toucan Travel, but there are lots of different tour companies out there. It depends on what part of the world you want to work in, and what style of travel you like (budget, midrange, fancy). G Adventures is another company worth checking out. Good luck!

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October 12, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Hey Andy I’m also from Arizona! Tour guiding… at first thought it sounds like a great way to keep traveling and having experiences. But I’m not sure I could handle the expectations and complaints of customers well. I think my own satisfaction from that kind of job would vary greatly depending on the group’s positivism/negativism and it would just be too stressful for me… cheers to you for being able to do it and keep living your dream!

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October 11, 2015 at 8:03 am

awesome tips from a pro! thanks for sharing!

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October 11, 2015 at 3:45 am

Hmmm thats would be a good job for a traveler. … a work you really enjoy.

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October 10, 2015 at 6:32 pm

I love to read these interviews, always so inspiring. I don’t think I could do this though 😉

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October 10, 2015 at 1:15 pm

This looks like great fun! I bet being a tour guide would be hard though, seeing the same thing over and over, and being stuck with a group whether you liked them or not. I’ve had some really great ones over my years of travel, the best in Scotland on a 10 day land trip. 😉

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October 10, 2015 at 11:59 am

Great post!! I used to be a tour guide as well. Exciting job but exhausting at the same time. Kudos to you guys! 🙂

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October 10, 2015 at 11:47 am

Good insights! I guess it’s not a job for a lifetime, as it sounds very exhausting, too – but you get to know the countries well and spending time with a group of so many different people must be interesting!

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October 10, 2015 at 7:12 am

I’ve guided a tour once, or rather assistant guided, and immediately knew it was not my type of thing to do. People think it’s FREE travel but it’s not, it’s an actual job that has many more responsailities than sitting in your office all day. Great interview, loved reading it!

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October 10, 2015 at 5:42 am

Yes, it is one of the opportunities out of many to stay in Asia, I d consider that if I would settle down somewhere for a while! 🙂

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October 10, 2015 at 5:24 am

I loved reading about your experience! WOrking as a tour guide sounds like a win win situation. Never worked as one, but working in Asia is such a rewarding experience, period 🙂

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  • A full day tour with a professional English-speaking guide. Other languages are on request and may be subject to supplementary charges
  • Transportation by car / mini-van with professional driver.
  • All entrance and donation fees for visits as mentioned in the description.
  • All applicable taxes and service charges
  • Lunch at a local restaurant is included (food only)
  • Tours, inclusions of any kind and other services that are not outlined in the tour description
  • Personal expenses such as meals, drinks, tips and gratuities, shopping, portage fees and optional tours, unless otherwise stated
  • Hotel accommodation in the destination of commencement.
  • Compulsory Christmas, country-specific festival and/or New Year dinner at included hotels
  • Single supplement charges for single travelers, where applicable
  • Any airline tickets, visa fees, additional transportation cost from and to the general meeting point
  • Supplements for transfers for customers arriving or departing from any airport or resorts located outside the general pick-up and drop-off locations
  • Hotel expenses of a personal nature, should an overnight be included: this includes mini-bar consumption, laundry, room service, any telephone or other communication cost not mentioned in the program
  • Travel insurance coverage for customers (highly recommendable)


  • This tour is operated on full private basis with English-speaking guide. Other languages are on request / subject to availability and supplementary charges may apply.
  • Transfers are only operated within the downtown Chiang Mai areas and restricted to main hotels only.
  • Regions outside the central business district such as Mae Rim, Hang Dong, Doi Saket, Mae Taeng and Chiang Mai International Airport are excluded and supplementary charges apply.
  • We regret that are unable to provide pick-up and drop-off transfer services from and to apartment complexes, local guest houses or private apartments. We advise you kindly to head on your own arrangement to the nearest hotel inside the downtown Chiang Mai area.
  • We will do all possible to comply with any dietary requirements during this excursion; it may not always be possible to confirm your wishes in advance based on the choice of local restaurant.
  • Due to the nature of this tour, we regret to inform you that this excursion is not suitable for wheelchair users.
  • Guests are advised that some walking is required during this excursion; we always ensure that we take the most comfortable ways from the entrance of the sight to the sight itself.
  • The road up and down Doi Angkhang is not suitable for large coaches; for group travel, note that the group needs to be split up into mini-vans. We always will make efforts to confirm the exact pick-up time upon reservation.
  • For any operational issues in which are not able to confirm the exact pick-up time in advance, we reserve the right to inform you the day before the departure of the tour.
  • Due to the absence of ATM machines and credit cards payment portals, we highly recommend to bring sufficient cash with you. Please ensure that you bring sunglasses, a hat /cap and sunblock with a high SPF factor when traveling with us on this tour – even when it is cloudy, the sunrays still have an immense power.
  • We reserve the right to make necessary changes to the excursion in case of unfavourable weather conditions or situations where we are forced to make alterations to guarantee the safety of our guests.
  • It is recommendable to bring a jacket / sweater with you as temperatures on Doi Angkhang are often much cooler than around Chiang Mai.
  • It is the responsibility of the customer to provide us with the correct hotel information, should pick-up and drop-off services be included in the package.
  • Any changes in accommodation outside 48 hours will be handled accordingly: changes within 48 hours may be on request.

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Thank you for your interest in Expat Explore, and welcome to our recruitment page.

As the founders of Expat Explore, we are confident that you will find working as a tour leader and becoming a part of the Expat Explore family to be a rewarding experience. As a tour leader, you will be the face of the company, giving our passengers the time of their lives.

What you will experience when tour leading for Expat Explore is a direct result of the work that ourselves and our hardworking team have put into designing and operating every tour. Every day, we aim to improve the tours and surprise the clients with the standard of service that they receive on tour.

We hope to see you on board with us very soon!

Carl Cronje & Jakes Maritz


Bid the 9-to-5 adieu and make the world your office!

  • Ensure the tour is well organised and runs according to the itinerary
  • Book or confirm all meals and accommodation required by the company
  • Providing passengers with a detailed programme for the day every morning and/or evening
  • Proactive planning for days ahead and upcoming tours
  • Responsible for your own mobile phone budget and keeping spend within this budget
  • Reconfirming hotels and suppliers before arrival
  • Provide expert, informative commentaries on countries, cities and sights visited
  • Stimulate the social aspect of the tour by organising activities and competitions
  • Encourage groups to mingle wherever possible
  • Deal with a wide variety of people and situations diplomatically and professionally as the tour leader and a representative of Expat Explore
  • Facilitate a harmonious relationship between passengers, staff and service providers
  • Always be polite and friendly towards passengers     
  • Sharing your knowledge in a professional and informative manner
  • Develop your knowledge of cities, sights and countries
  • Keeping your knowledge up to date and recent
  • As the tour leader, it's your responsibility to know the answer to every possible question Learning basic language skills of the countries you are visiting
  • Complete a neat, balanced, receipted set of accounts at the end of each tour
  • Pay all tour bills, accommodation, parking, city/road taxes, etc.
  • Plan expenditure in advance so that you always have money available for expenses
  • Collect money for optional excursions and make a payment for the services
  • To be aware of passenger safety at all times
  • To educate passengers to ensure their personal and property safety
  • To deal with emergency situations that arise such as ill health, accidents and loss of property
  • Liaise with the London office
  • To facilitate quick and efficient professional help such as doctors, lawyers and ambulances when needed
  • Exceeding customer expectations on a daily basis
  • Make it easy for passengers to talk to you
  • Understand what passengers want
  • Maintain a one-on-one relationship with passengers
  • Make the tour a true representation of the tours offered online
  • Be upfront, direct and honest
  • Clearly communicate what you can and cannot do as well as what the company does and does not offer
  • Explain how you go about your work and what can be expected of you

Who should become a tour leader?

Tour leader applications are open to anyone with:

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Good organisational skills
  • Previous tour leader experience (beneficial, not required)
  • Good leadership skills
  • Good accounting foundations
  • The ability to research each destination in depth
  • High English proficiency (other languages will be greatly advantageous)
  • The ability to work well in a team and on your own

If you have a passion for working with people, See tour leading as a career, Have a diplomatic mindset, And are proven to deal with groups confidently,

YOU should become a tour leader!


Will it be a worthwhile career?

Being a Tour Leader is not only worthwhile but rewarding! Take a look at just some of the benefits:

  • Living expenses are covered during a tour (accommodation, breakfast and most dinners)
  • It is an incredible opportunity to explore and learn about Europe
  • Competitive commission structure & daily wages
  • Meet new people from around the world
  • Be part of the best road crew in Europe (uniform supplied)
  • Enjoy all breakfasts and some dinners/lunches with the travellers on tour
  • Accommodation in single rooms on tour and the night before a tour begins
  • Supplied daily allowance for calls, texts and data
  • One complimentary excursion/entrance per tour
  • Access to computers and tour library between tours
  • Discounts on personal travel


Will you receive any training?

Trainees will attend our Training Programmes for up to 4 weeks. The exact programme and training manual will be provided to successful applicants before the training commences.

Only the most skilled trainees will make it through the Training Programme and become established Expat Explore Tour Leaders. If you are lucky enough to get invited to our Training Programme, you will need to start practising and researching immediately.

Before the training begins, trainees must prepare themselves extensively – practising country and city spiels and walking tours. Depending on knowledge and previous experience, this phase might take up to 4-5 months.

The Expat Explore Training Programme consists of:

1. Online assignments prior to the start of training. 2. Classroom training for 3 days, mainly in our London office, where your progress will be monitored. No accommodation, meals or compensation will be provided at this stage. 3. Training tour, which will last up to 4 weeks. 4. Shadow tour of up to 2 weeks. 5. Final preparation in the office before you start your tour.


What does the application entail?

If your profile matches our requirements, we will invite you to the first interview – either via Skype, in our London office or we will ask you to complete a short video interview. During this interview, we evaluate your experience, personality and knowledge of our tours.

The second interview will be a performance interview where we will ask you to present different spiels. We’ll assess your reaction to different scenarios and your commitment to the role. We expect you to know everything about the company by now.

If your interviews are successful, we will invite you to attend our Training Programme. Please note that we might ask you to attend a third interview.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we do! Scroll back up to see what's included in our training programme.

Expat Explore will cover expenses during the training tour such as accommodation, breakfasts and some dinners (as per tour itinerary). Expenses during the classroom training will not be covered.

Expat Explore have tours throughout the year with our busiest periods being April to September and during the festive period.

Most Tour Leaders will know their exact schedule up to a week before the following month. During the busy season, Tour Leaders are on the road for around 25 days of each month.

This is completely up to you. One of the great things about being a tour leader is that the time between tours is completely yours.

All our Tour Leaders will need training on how to lead tours for Expat Explore, but the training for experienced tour leaders will be tailor-made and might not follow our Training Programme strictly.

Expat Explore groups can be up to 52 passengers plus the tour leader and the driver.

Most tour leaders will be training on the Europe Escape tour, as this is our most popular itinerary (in Europe). Within a few months, Tour Leaders are trained to lead different itineraries, and there are plenty of possibilities to develop further when leading tours for several seasons.

Yes! We are very flexible with time off, and we do our utmost to make sure the tour leaders get gaps to re-energise.

What's it like on our tours?

As an Expat Explore Tour Leader, you'll conduct coach tours that include transport on comfortable coaches or minibuses, depending on which tour you're going on.

On our European tours, passengers travel in our full-size coaches. In North America, South America, the Middle East and Asia, passengers will travel either on a full-size coach or a slightly smaller vehicle.

Coach selection depends on how big the group is, and which roads we'll take on tour. Whichever option, we ensure comfort and convenience.

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  • Tour Leaders
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Become a Tour Leader.

Our tour leaders    .

Our leaders are the best folk to show you the heart of a destination, they are not only travel experts, but teachers, travel gurus and enthusiastic purveyor of grassroots experiences.  As a local leader with Intrepid you’ll guide our travellers through authentic, experience-rich travel - all with a smile.   

What we look for in our Tour Leaders  

An important part of our customer experience is that they fully immerse themselves in the destination with authentic experiences, so our leaders are true locals. They know the urban legends behind every town square, the shortcuts down timeworn alleys and the traditional dishes you wouldn’t find on the tourist menu.  Our leaders come from strong customer service backgrounds and are incredible at building relationships with a broad range of people.  

But most importantly, our leaders are passionate and love sharing the joy of travel.  

Our Leaders  

Our leaders are the best folk to show you the heart of a destination, they are not only travel experts, but teachers, travel gurus and enthusiastic purveyor of grassroots experiences.  As a local leader with Intrepid you’ll guide our travellers through authentic, experience rich travel - all with a smile.   

What we look for in our Tour Leaders

We work with Local leaders in our destinations, it is an important part of our customer experience that they fully immerse in the destination with authentic experiences, so our leaders are true locals, they know the urban legends behind every town square, the hand shortcuts down timeworn alleys and the traditional dishes you wouldn’t find on the tourist menu.  Our leaders come from strong customer service backgrounds and are incredible at building relationships with a broad range of people. 

But most importantly, our leaders are passionate and love what they do. 

Hend | Cairo, Egypt

How long have you been an Intrepid Tour Leader?

What is one thing travellers must do in Eqypt?

Spend a night under the stars on a felucca on the Nile.

What is the best thing about being a Tour Leader?  

Getting people back travelling and sharing my country’s history and beauty with all my travellers.

Darlene | Nairobi, Kenya

What is one thing travellers must do in Kenya?

Sleep under the stars in the Maasai Mara.

What is the best thing about being a Tour Leader? 

Learning from travellers around the world. I learn so much from them.

Ibrahim | Amman, Jordan

What is one thing travellers must do in Jordan?

Walk through the Siq and visit Petra.

Bringing people together. We’re all one big family at the end of the trip.

Hend | Cairo, Egypt

The world needs intrepid people, global, united, fun .

Our Tour Leaders are Intrepid, they are the heart of our customer experience, and it is because of them, that our travellers have truly authentic experiences, whether that be finding the tastiest mole in Mexico, seeking the best merchants through the bazaars of Morocco, or getting you from A to B like a local.  Tour Leaders are united with their passion for travel and love of their country and region - and our travellers. If you'd like to learn more about our legendary leaders, you can meet some more of them here! 

Benefits of Tour Leading with Intrepid 

At Intrepid, we understand our Leaders are the core of our customer experience, and in return, we offer a range of benefits that vary from destination to destination. You can expect:  

  • Variety of work/tours   
  • Flexible scheduling  
  • Discounts off your own travel with Intrepid  
  • E-learning platforms to further develop your skillset  
  • Full training is provided before you even begin 
  • A wealth of career opportunities throughout our global business  
  • High levels of on-ground support   
  • Reward & recognition programs with company events 

Become a Tour Leader

If you’d like to become a Leader with us, we’d love to hear from you!  We encourage you to check out our  current opportunities  to look over and apply for any opportunities in your region!  Our recruitment is seasonal and each region has different specific requirements for you to lead with us 

If there are no availabilities in the regions you'd like to lead, you can express your interest below and register to receive updates for when we do start recruiting. 

If you’d like to become a Leader with us, we’d love to hear from you! We encourage you to check out our  current opportunities  to look over and apply for any opportunities in your region!  Our recruitment is seasonal and each region has different specific requirements for you to lead with us 

If you’d like to become a Leader with us, we’d love to hear from you!   We encourage you to check out our  current opportunities  to look over and apply for any opportunities in your region!  Our recruitment is seasonal and each region has different specific requirements for you to lead with us 

we are intrepid

We are intrepid.

Our leaders don't simply read from a guidebook, they share who they are, their passion, their love of their culture and region every single day, and they are as unique as the destinations we visit.  Every single day they create positive change through the joy of travel and every day our local leaders change the way travellers see the world.

We recruit for leaders seasonally, if there is nothing advertised for your region and you'd like to hear from us when we start recruiting, we encourage you to express your interest below.


As an Australian-owned business, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to their Elders past, present and future.

Learn more about Intrepid:  Trips  |  Company  |  Purpose

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Moscow Metro Tour

  • Page active



Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

Write your review

  • Preplanned tours
  • Daytrips out of Moscow
  • Themed tours
  • Customized tours
  • St. Petersburg

Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.

In-form Söderberg leads by 3 shots at China Open on European tour

SHENZHEN, China — Sebastian Söderberg looks ready to turn a pair of second-place finishes into a win on the European tour.

The Swedish golfer shot 7-under 65 in the second round of the China Open on Friday, giving him a three-stroke lead on 16 under par overall.

Paul Waring of England was alone in second place after a 65, with Guido Migliozzo (67) in third, one shot further back.

The No. 98-ranked Söderberg has been runner-up in the last two events — the Indian Open and the ISPS Handa Championship. They are part of his five top-10 finishes in his nine tournaments so far in the 2024 season.

“I feel pretty confident with my game at the moment but obviously the pressure will be a lot higher with me at the top of the leaderboard heading into the weekend,” Söderberg said. “I really need to keep my emotions in check and hopefully I can get over the line.”

The four-tournament “Asian Swing” concludes after the China Open and the best performer in those events will earn $200,000 and be among those gaining a spot in the US PGA Championship this month. Söderberg leads those rankings at the moment.

The China Open is back on the European tour schedule after an absence of five years.

More golf news

Hungary and Serbia's Autocratic Leaders to Roll Out Red Carpet for China's Xi During Europe Tour

Chinese leader Xi Jinping will spend most of his five-day tour in Europe this week in two small countries at the continent’s eastern half

Hungary and Serbia's Autocratic Leaders to Roll Out Red Carpet for China's Xi During Europe Tour

Darko Vojinovic

Darko Vojinovic

Chinese and Serbian flags fly on lampposts, days before the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping in Belgrade, Serbia, Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Xi will visit France, Serbia and Hungary this week as Beijing appears to seek a larger role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has upended global political and economic security. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Chinese leader Xi Jinping will spend most of his five-day tour in Europe this week in two small countries in the continent’s eastern half, a region that Beijing has used as a foothold for its expanding economic ambitions in Europe.

Following a stop in Paris on Monday to kick off his first European trip in five years, Xi will travel to Hungary and Serbia , two nations with autocratic leaders that are seen as China-friendly and close to Russian President Vladimir Putin .

As mainstream European leaders have pursued more protectionist policies to limit Beijing and Moscow’s reach on the continent, the governments of nationalist conservative leaders Viktor Orbán of Hungary and Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia have courted economic ties with China , inviting major investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, energy and technology.

As the first European Union country to participate in Xi’s signature Belt and Road Initiative , Hungary has straddled a middle ground with its membership in the EU and NATO and an unusual openness to diplomatic and trade relationships with eastern autocracies.

Tamás Matura, a China expert and associate professor at Corvinus University in Budapest, said Hungary’s hosting of major Chinese investments and production sites — and its agnosticism on doing business with countries with spotty democratic and human rights records — has opened a crucial door to China within the EU.

“The Hungarian government is the last true friend of China in the whole EU,” Matura said. “It is very important now to the Chinese to settle down in a country that is within the boundaries of the EU ... and is friendly to the Chinese political system.”

Photos You Should See - April 2024

TOPSHOT - People watch the April's full moonset, also known as the "Pink Moon", rising behind the clouds in Singapore on April 24, 2024. (Photo by Roslan RAHMAN / AFP) (Photo by ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images)

One of the major benefits to China of establishing bases within the EU is avoiding costly tariffs. The European Commission, the bloc's executive arm, is considering raising duties on the import of Chinese electric vehicles from its current 10% to protect the European auto manufacturing market — a mainstay for Germany, the 27-member bloc's largest economy.

Yet in December, Hungary announced that one of the world’s largest EV manufacturers, China’s BYD, will open its first European EV production factory in the south of the country — an inroad that could upend the competitiveness of the continent’s auto industry.

That shift is visible in Budapest, where one car dealership has begun scaling down its supply of European vehicles and introducing models produced by BYD.

Márk Schiller, the strategy and marketing director for the family-owned Schiller Auto Group, said he believes that European carmakers are “already behind” China in transitioning to EV production. His company recently stopped selling cars made by German carmaker Opel and switched to BYD.

“This was a huge shift,” Schiller said.

Hungarian state television on Monday appeared to confirm earlier reports that Xi and Orbán would travel to the southern city of Pécs to announce another EV manufacturing investment there involving China’s Great Wall Motor.

In a news conference later, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó castigated journalists for reporting on the potential deal, saying that those who mention specific companies before agreements are finalized are “clearly acting against Hungary’s national interests.”

The report on Xi's potential trip to Pécs was later removed from the state television's website. Orbán's office didn't respond to multiple requests for information on Xi's schedule.

In Serbia, to Hungary's south, China runs mines and factories across the Balkan country, while billions more in infrastructure loans have funded roads, bridges and new facilities.

Hungary and Serbia have an agreement with Beijing to modernize the railway between the countries’ capitals of Budapest and Belgrade, part of a Belt and Road plan to connect with the Chinese-controlled port of Piraeus in Greece as an entry point for Chinese goods to Central and Eastern Europe.

The bulk of the project, which after numerous delays is expected to be completed in 2026, is financed through loans from Chinese banks — the kind of capital that Hungary and Serbia have been eager to utilize.

According to the AidData research lab at William & Mary, a university in Virginia, Chinese lenders have issued loans worth more than $22 billion to nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe between 2000 and 2021.

Of that sum, $9.4 billion has gone to Hungary and $5.7 billion to Serbia, dwarfing the totals of other regional countries.

Vučić has said he is “honored” that Xi — whom he often describes as a “friend” — is visiting on Tuesday. He said before the visit that Serbia would seek further Chinese investment, particularly when it comes to advanced technologies.

But economic analyst Mijat Lakićević said he didn't expect any major new investment deals, because “everything that Serbia does with China has already been agreed.”

Hungary, too, has created a favorable investment environment for China, providing generous tax breaks, subsidies and infrastructural assistance to Chinese companies, as well as helping them navigate Hungarian bureaucracy.

“They get the red carpets rolled out and they get everything tailor-made by the government. And that is a huge advantage,” said Matura, the China analyst.

Near Debrecen, Hungary’s second-largest city, construction is underway of a nearly 550-acre (222-hectare), 7.3 billion euro ($7.9 billion) EV battery plant, Hungary’s largest-ever foreign direct investment.

Orbán’s government hopes the factory, run by Chinese battery giant CATL, will make the country a global hub of lithium-ion battery manufacturing in an era where governments are increasingly seeking to limit greenhouse gas emissions by switching to electric cars.

Such investments are coming at a time when Hungary's sluggish economy has been further hindered by record-setting inflation and the freezing of billions in EU funding that has been withheld over Orbán's track record on democracy standards and the rule of law.

With EU money at a standstill, Matura said, China has been willing to fill in the gaps in Hungary's budget.

"EU funds have almost came to full stop flowing into the Hungarian economy, so now there is a desperate need in Hungary to turn towards other alternatives, other sources of financial capital,” he said.

Orbán has been open about why he has prioritized Chinese investment: his belief that Western economies are declining, and that China is on the rise.

During a recent speech at the CPAC Hungary conservative conference, Orbán outlined a vision of a "global economy that will be organized according to the principle of mutual benefit, free of ideology.”

Gec reported from Belgrade, Serbia.

Copyright 2024 The  Associated Press . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Taylor pendrith leads byron nelson as one of several seeking first pga tour victory.

McKINNEY, Texas (AP) — Taylor Pendrith has been here before — holding or sharing a lead after three rounds on the PGA Tour.

The Canadian was one of six among the top 10 on the leaderboard seeking a first tour victory at the CJ Cup Byron Nelson.

Pendrith chipped in twice for consecutive eagles to kick-start an 8-under 63 on Saturday for a one-shot lead over second-round leader Jake Knapp.

“I have no idea,” Pendrith said when asked if he’d ever had back-to-back eagles, which came on the par-5 fifth and par-4 sixth holes as he finished at 19-under 194. “I don’t think so. Maybe a first.”

It was the third time on the PGA Tour this season, and vaulted him ahead of Knapp. Pendrith’s lead was two before Knapp birdied the par-5 18th for a 67.

Ben Kohles (65) and first-round leader Matt Wallace (67) were two shots off the lead, one stroke ahead of Alex Noren and Kelly Kraft, playing near his Dallas home at the TPC Craig Ranch in the suburb of McKinney.

Troy Merritt, the only two-time PGA Tour winner among the top 10, shot 70 and was at 14 under with three others, including one-time winner Kevin Tway. The son of 1986 PGA Championship winner Bob Tway shot 64, while Vince Whaley and Byeong Hun An each shot 66.

Wallace and Knapp, a rookie won won the Mexico Open in February, are the others with PGA Tour victories.

Pendrith settled for second from the top of the third-round leaderboard at the Rocket Mortgage Classic in 2022. He was in the same position at the Butterfield Bermuda Championship earlier that season before a 76 left him in a tie for fifth.

“I think just stay patient and play my own game and don’t get ahead of myself,” Pendrith said. “Make as many birdies as you can, because I think it’ll take a low one tomorrow.”

Pendrith was working on a low one after a 26-foot chip shot rolled around the hole and went in, then a 41-yarder bounced about 25 feet from the hole and rolled in with almost perfect speed.

The 32-year-old who has won twice on the Canadian tour is 7 under on those two holes. They were the first two of five consecutive birdies in the second round.

“Obviously, a bonus for both of those to go in,” Pendrith said. “Two really good shots. First one had a little bit of steam so maybe got a little lucky to drop.”

Knapp was coming off consecutive 64s and had his second bogey-free round with a pair of birdies on each nine.

The 29-year-old Californian who was working as a security guard back home three years ago had to hang on during a rough final round for the win in Mexico. Now he’ll be chasing while still playing in the final group.

“I think I do best when I kind of do leaderboard watch and I see what other guys are doing,” Knapp said. “You see what guys are doing in the morning and you get an idea of maybe how the course is playing.”

Wallace — a 34-year-old Englishman with 10 international victories, including four on the European tour — answered his second bogey of the week on 16 with birdies on the final two holes.

“I don’t know many people around me have won more tournaments around the world than myself,” said Wallace, whose tour victory was in the Dominican Republic last year. “Not that that’s a big brag, but I feel like I know how to get the job done.”

Kohles, who was born in Dallas but moved when he was 10, had a 263-yard second shot to 12 feet and made the eagle putt on the par-5 ninth for a 5-under 31 on the front. He bogeyed the par-4 11th before the last two of his five birdies.

The 34-year-old shot 73 playing in the final group in Puerto Rico in March, finishing fifth. Kohles has three career top-10 finishes.

Kris Kim, a 16-year-old amateur making his PGA Tour debut, nearly had a hole-in-one on the 225-yard fourth hole, the ball rolling within inches of the cup. The son of South Korean-born former LPGA golfer Ji-Hyun Suh shot 70 and was 8 under.

Kim, who is from England and playing on a sponsor exemption from the South Korean company and tournament title sponsor CJ Group, was set to become the youngest to play the final round of a PGA Tour event since Guan Tianlang at the 2014 CIMB Classic. Tianlang was 16 years, eight days old.

At 16 years, seven months, Kim surpassed Jordan Spieth as the youngest player to make the cut at the Nelson. Spieth was two months shy of his 17th birthday when made his first PGA Tour start at his hometown event in 2010, and tied for 16th. Kim was tied for 51st.

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