19 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Dresden

Written by Barbara Radcliffe Rogers Updated Dec 27, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Dresden, one of Europe's greatest Baroque cities, about 30 kilometers north of the border with the Czech Republic, stands majestically astride the Elbe River. It was the seat of the Saxon rulers, who lavished their attention on its riverside palaces and soaring churches, and left the city with their vast collections of art and antiquities.

Dresden, Germany

This wealth of historic artifacts — it even includes beautifully preserved royal clothing — is displayed today in world-class museums. However rich Dresden's treasures and proud its heritage, modern history has not been kind to the city. Dresden suffered the double blow of almost complete destruction in World War II, followed by 45 years of postwar neglect under the Soviet regime.

It's hard to believe all this from the Dresden you see today. It has risen from its ashes and bears few scars from its late 20th-century trauma. Palaces glitter, gardens bloom, and the dome of the magnificently restored Frauenkirche again stands out above the skyline.

With its wealth of museums, palaces, and other tourist attractions, there are plenty of things to do in Dresden. But don't spend all your time hurrying between these points of interest; take time to stroll along Brühl's Terrace, admire the river from one of its bridges, and smell the roses in its romantic gardens. You can find the best places to visit in this gracious and beautiful city with this list of the top tourist attractions and things to do in Dresden.

See also: Where to Stay in Dresden

Dresden Frauenkirche

Dresden royal palace and museums, zwinger and old masters picture gallery, semper opera and theaterplatz, the great garden and zoo, stroll along brühl's terrace, pillnitz palace and gardens, dresden kulturpalast, the georgentor and the procession of princes, the japanese palace and the golden horseman, cruise the elbe on a paddlewheeler, hike in saxon switzerland, take a day trip to meissen, dresden transport museum, shopping and gallery hopping in the neustadt, moritzburg palace, a weekend getaway in the erzgebirge, the german hygiene museum, where to stay in dresden for sightseeing.

Dresden Frauenkirche

Dresden's spectacular Frauenkirche is one of the most remarkable reconstruction projects ever to have taken place in Germany, if not the world. Completed in 1743, the spectacular Baroque original was considered one of the most beautiful churches in Europe. After its destruction during Allied bombing in 1945, the ruins of the old building were cataloged and stored for use in its reconstruction.

After the reunification of Germany in 1990, plans to rebuild developed rapidly, and when it reopened in 2005, nearly 4,000 original stones had been included. Topping it all - and as a symbol of international goodwill - was a gold cross provided by Great Britain, whose bomb had wrought much of the devastation.

The vast interior is simply spectacular. The restored high altar is a fantasy of Baroque flourishes highlighted in gold, and tier after tier of galleries rings its walls. You can take an elevator to the dome for views of the city, participate in worship services (once a month in English) and listen to one of the more than 100 concerts performed here each year.

Stop for a reflective moment to look at the cross that once topped the dome, its twisted remains found amid the rubble. An exhibition describes the reconstruction project, which was funded by contributions from all over the world. Guided tours are available.

Address: Georg-Treu-Platz 3, 01067 Dresden

Dresden Royal Palace

If you have time to see nothing else in Dresden, it should be this and the Frauenkirche. One of Europe's richest and probably its oldest public museum (although the Vatican disputes this), the Dresden State Art Collection , inside the Dresden Royal Palace , is also one of its most modern and forward-looking in terms of displaying and interpreting its treasures for visitors.

Priceless art, opulent court clothing, intricate needlework, even Augustus the Strong's personal garden tools are shown and their significance explained. All the detailed labeling and background information is also in English, and cases housing the dazzling collections from the fabled Green Vault are in non-reflective glass, so you can admire (and photograph) them from all sides with a clear view from every angle.

The original Green Vault, largely destroyed with the rest of the palace in World War II, has been reconstructed to house parts of the collection in their original settings. This extraordinary collection includes masterpieces of gold, silver, jewelry, and ivory from the 14th to 18th centuries, all of which had been removed to safety at the onset of the war.

Dresden Royal Palace and Museums

From 1485, the castle was the home of Saxony's electors and kings, and it was Augustus the Strong who decided that the royal collections should be open for the public to enjoy. In 1723, he began to turn the formerly private treasure chambers into a public museum.

In addition to the treasures of the Green Vault, the Turkish Chamber , established in 1614, houses one of the world's largest collections of artifacts from the Ottoman Empire. Other collections include the Numismatic Cabinet of medals and seals; the Dresden Armory of weapons and armor; and the Print Cabinet , containing graphic art, drawings, watercolors, and pastels by European artists from the 15th century onward.

Not content to imitate the delicate, original Renaissance sgraffito decoration on the exterior walls with painted designs, Dresden has chosen instead to replicate it exactly, and master stone artists are still painstakingly engraving the intricate designs into the stone. In the courtyard, step close to the decorated walls to appreciate the detail of the carved lines.

Address: Taschenberg 2, 01067 Dresden


The Zwinger — a magnificent early 18th-century palace in the center of the city beside the Elbe — is one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in Germany. It's worth walking around the outside just to appreciate its architecture. On its south side is the majestic 32-bayed Long Gallery, and flanking it to the east and west are four symmetrically arranged pavilions, the Wallpavillon and the Nymphenbad (Bath of the Nymphs), with its graceful fountains and mythological figures.

Aside from its impressive architecture, the Zwinger houses more of the Dresden State Art Collections. These include the Dresden Porcelain Collection and scientific instruments in the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments .

In the new Zwinger Xperience exhibit, you can immerse yourself in festivals, parades, and the drama of the remarkable building through panorama projections and virtual reality stations.

The Old Masters Picture Gallery, the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister , features about 750 paintings from the 15th to the 18th centuries, among them Italian Renaissance and Baroque masterpieces by Raphael, Titian, Correggio, and Tintoretto. The collection of Dutch and Flemish paintings includes works by Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck, and Vermeer.

Address: Sophienstraße, 01067 Dresden /

Zwinger - Floor plan map

The west side of Dresden's Theaterplatz, one of Germany's finest public squares, is dominated by the magnificent Semperoper , the city's opera house, built in the style of the Italian High Renaissance. To see the lavishly decorated interior, either attend a performance (which includes concerts, ballet, and opera) or take a spirited tour led by one of the staff, who will share tales of some of the great performers and guests as you tour.

In the center of Theaterplatz stands an equestrian statue from 1883 of King John, and at the southeast corner stands the Altstädter Wache, the Old Town Guard-House , built in 1831 and modeled on the famous Guardhouse in Berlin . To the southeast is the Taschenbergpalais , a Baroque palace dating from 1711.

Address: Theaterplatz 2, 01067 Dresden

The Great Garden

The lovely Great Garden (Großer Garten) was laid out in the French Baroque style beginning in 1676 and has been open to the public since 1814. The Sommerpalais , built between 1678 and 1683, is one of the earliest Baroque palaces in Germany. Also in the park are the Dresden Zoo and the Dresden Botanical Garden , where more than 10,000 species are arranged geographically for a world tour of plant life.

The Dresden Zoo, one of Germany's oldest, is home to more than 1,500 animals, representing all the continents. Through large glass panels, you can watch Humboldt penguins swim, and both the ring-tailed lemur island and the Tundra aviary are visitor accessible. More than 450 plants and trees keep the Africa House looking like home for the elephants.

Along with the zoo, another attraction for families is the miniature railway, the six-kilometer-long Parkeisenbahn, staffed largely by children. It is a good way to get from one attraction to another and to the frequent concerts and performances that are held in the park. Of interest to car enthusiasts is Volkswagen's Transparent Factory , an assembly plant that offers tours of the manufacturing and assembly processes.

Address: Hauptallee 8, 01219 Dresden

Brühl's Terrace

No trip to Dresden is complete without a stroll along Brühl's Terrace, or Brühlsche Terrasse, also known as the "Balcony of Europe." Approached from the Schlossplatz by a broad flight of steps, this area on the site of the old city ramparts was laid out in 1738 as a private garden, and opened to the public in 1814.

The sculptured groups on the staircase represent morning, noon, evening, and night, and the Dolphin Fountain is the only part left of the original garden. Bordering part of this promenade is the College of Art , built in 1894. The Moritz Monument , the oldest one surviving in Dresden, was erected in 1553. Below, the Terrassenufer on the banks of the Elbe is the main landing stage for cruise boats.

Address: Georg-Treu-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden

Pillnitz Palace and Gardens

In the 1720s, Augustus the Strong ordered a pair of Baroque summer palaces built beside the Elbe, where he could entertain at costume parties and sporting contests. Decorated in the then-popular Chinoiserie style, they face each other across a garden.

Schloss Pillnitz later became the royal family's summer residence, and in 1820 the Neoclassical New Palace was built, forming the third side of the Pleasure Garden . During all this time, the gardens grew and expanded across the estate, each new addition reflecting the tastes and styles of its era, until they stretched across much of the 77-acre park.

Apart from the beauty of their design, their charm lies in the way the Baroque, Neoclassical, and English landscape styles merge harmoniously. Wander through them to find hedge gardens; wooded landscapes; an English Pavilion reflected in a lily pond; a Chinese garden: a tropical Palm House, and the garden's prized possession, one of Europe's oldest camellia trees , now almost 30 meters tall.

The palaces are worth touring, both for their Chinese-inspired decorations and for the museums they house. The Museum of Decorative Arts and the Crafts Museum contain furniture, musical instruments, glass, pewter, porcelain, and textiles from State Arts Collections, and there is a reconstruction of the New Palace kitchens .

You can get to Pillnitz from Dresden by bus, but the best way to arrive is by paddle steamer , floating along the Elbe, under the famed Blue Wonder Bridge and past the three Schlösser (castles) on the Elbe: the late Neoclassical Albrechtsberg , Lignerschloss (built in 1850), and the Neo-Gothic Schloss Eckberg (built 1859-61).

Address: August-Böckstiegel-Straße 2, 01326 Dresden

Dresden Kulturpalast

The pride of GDR architecture when it opened in 1969 as a "House of Socialist Culture" during the Soviet era, the Dresden Kulturpalast was given new life in a complete redesign of its interior as a state-of-the-art home for the Dresden Philharmonic. After some controversy, its overtly Soviet exterior mural "The Red Flag" and the wall fresco "Our Socialist Life" were retained, a rare glimpse of GDR Dresden.

While the exterior may be in the spirit of Eastern Modernism, the interior of the auditorium is strikingly 21 st -century, with dramatic red seats descending in layers to the central podium, and folded ceilings and walls to provide outstanding acoustics.

In contrast to the classical sounds of the Dresden Philharmonic, the Kulturpalasat will be home to Die Herkuleskeule cabaret theater , known as one of Germany's best.

Address: Schloßstraße 2, 01067 Dresden

The Procession of Princes

The Georgentor, or Georgenbau, was the original city exit to the Elbe Bridge and the first of the city's many Renaissance buildings. On the west side is a doorway from the original building with its rich sculptural decoration, including an equestrian statue of Duke George. Also of interest is the Langer Gang , a long wing linking the Georgenbau with the Johanneum that was built in 1591.

Along its inner side is a long Tuscan-style arcade, with 22 rounded arches, leading to the Court Stables. Its most important attraction, however, is the famous Fürstenzug - the Procession of Princes - a 102-meter-long portrait of the Dukes, Electors, and Kings of the house of Wettin, together with leading German figures from the arts and sciences. Commissioned in 1870, it consists of 25,000 Meissen Porcelain tiles.

Address: Schloßstraße 1, 01067 Dresden

The Japanese Palace and the Golden Horseman

In the Neustädter Markt, across the river in Dresden Neustadt (the city's newer district) is the statue of Augustus the Strong in the pose of a Caesar, wearing Roman armor and seated on a horse. Made in 1736, it's commonly known as the Golden Horseman and is one of the city's most popular landmarks. It sits at the beginning of a long Hauptstrasse, a wide boulevard with a tree-lined promenade at its center, a popular place for an evening stroll.

Also here is the Japanese Palace, or Japanisches Palais, a Baroque and Neoclassical-style mansion, built in 1737. Richly decked with Chinoiserie, it was built to house Augustus the Strong's collection of porcelain (now the Dresden Porcelain Collection), but now houses the State Museum for Prehistory and the Museum of Ethnology Dresden . Another nearby attraction, housed in the 16th-century Jägerhof, is the Saxon Museum of Folk Art .

Address: Palaisplatz 11, 01097 Dresden


Built between 1884 and 1887, the Renaissance Revival Albertinum on Brühl's Terrace is as spectacular as the world-class art collection it houses. The museum is best known for its impressive New Masters Gallery , with its rich collection of works of the Romantic and Realist periods, as well as French, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, and Belgian paintings of the 19th century and German Impressionists and Expressionists.

Artists and styles represented range from Degas and Goya to Max Liebermann. Other highlights are the Sculpture Collection , including examples from Egypt and western Asia as well as Greek, Roman, and Etruscan work.

Address: Skulpturensammlung, Albertinum Tzschirnerplatz 2, D-01067 Dresden

Fleet of paddlewheel steamships moored in Dresden

The Elbe flows through the center of Dresden, and along its shore, under Brühl's Terrace, are moored a fleet of paddlewheel steamships and other excursion boats of the Sächsische Dampfschiffahrt, Saxon Steamship Company . Cruises range from 90-minute tours of the city and its surroundings to longer trips that take you beneath the dramatic rock towers of Saxon Switzerland.

You can also buy tickets for travel between 14 towns along the Elbe, a good way to get to Meissen or to the Pilnitz Palace. A day ticket that allows you to hop on and off whenever you like is a good way to spend a day exploring the Elbe towns. Lunch and romantic evening cruises, as well as special themed departures, are another option for seeing the river.

Saxon Switzerland

A favorite day trip from Dresden is to Saxon Switzerland National Park , only 30 kilometers southeast of Dresden, a wild landscape of soaring limestone pillars, with views straight down to the Elbe. Walking trails form a network throughout the park, with paths for all levels of energy, and since 1898, a little tram has carried tourists between the village of Bad Schandau and the waterfall at Lichtenhain .

The most famous sight is the Bastei Bridge , a 76-meter-high stone arched bridge that connects the rock formations. You can hike there or reach it by public transportation.

There are several ways to get to Saxon Switzerland from Dresden: by car, by S-Bahn trains that leave Dresden twice each hour, by excursion boats, or by one of the world's oldest paddle wheel steamboats (the most romantic way).

For an in-depth look at the natural wonders of this park, you can take a Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Park Day Trip from Dresden , which includes Bastei Bridge, and a trip across the border into the Czech Republic to Pravčická Gate , the biggest natural sandstone arch in Europe.


Only 30 kilometers to the west and easy to reach on a day trip from Dresden, Meissen was once the seat of the long-reigning Wettin dynasty. They made their home in the Albrechtsburg Castle , which towers above the town and river atop a high hill (the climb through narrow lanes is picturesque but steep - you can avoid it by riding the funicular).

Founded in the 15th century, the castle is one of the finest secular buildings of the Late Gothic period, and its most notable feature is its large spiral staircase. Inside, the rooms have richly decorated vaulting and ceilings, with paintings dating from 1870. Adjoining it atop the crag is the Early Gothic Meissen Cathedral , dating from 1260.

It is an almost pure Gothic building, with nothing but its Protestant pulpit, pews, and organ changed from its medieval appearance. The original front entrance was closed to preserve the early graves in the floor.

Meissen has long been famous for its porcelain, and a top tourist attraction is the Porcelain Factory . A tour there not only includes a look at examples of their work over the past 300 years, but a chance to watch as skilled artists mold objects, sculpt the delicate blossoms, and figures that adorn Meissen figurines and paint flowers on plates and teacups.

The silver mining town of Freiberg , about 40 kilometers southwest of Dresden, is also home to a stunning cathedral, a Late Gothic hall-church with the oldest and largest surviving Silbermann organ in Saxony. The town's historic center is listed as a national monument.

Address: Domplatz 1, D-01662 Meissen

Dresden Transport Museum

In the Johanneum, one of the oldest buildings in Dresden's Neumarkt, is the Transport Museum, or Verkehrsmuseum. Historic vehicles, including aircraft, steam engines, cars, motorbikes, and watercraft are displayed in engaging exhibits. The navigation exhibit, entered through a stylized ship's hull, explores 1,000 years of maritime history, its technology, and the people who lived and worked on the rivers and seas.

Other exhibits detail the progress of road transport from before the invention of motorized vehicles to the present, and a third follows the development of railways. A model railroad covers 325 square meters, with 26 locomotives pulling 115 cars through detailed models of Saxon villages and countryside. Nearby is the Peace Fountain, as well as the Bundeswehr Military History Museum , the museum of the German armed forces.

Address: Augustusstraße 1, 01067 Dresden

Art Courtyard Passage

After a fire destroyed Altendresden on the right bank of the Elbe in 1685, the new town (Neustadt) was built in the Baroque style. After major bombing in World War II, this Neustadt was again rebuilt, restoring its Baroque architecture.

Behind its rows of elegant patrician homes hide courtyards that today house restaurants, boutiques, and shops. These courtyards and their passageways are popular places to go shopping, with Dresden's highest concentration of artisan studios and shops.

Stroll through the arcades that have developed in the Baroque townhouses at Hauptstrasse 9 through 19 to find handcrafts, artworks, fine gifts, and restaurants. Look here for original one-of-a-kind works and traditional crafts of the region (remember this is where many of Germany's Christmas decorations originated), and expect to see some being created as you watch.

Not far away, the Kunsthof Passage (Art Courtyard Passage) connects Alaunstrasse 70 with Görlitzer Strasse 21-25. In this enclave of five joined courtyards, you'll feel as though you have entered another world, a Bohemian one of art, color, whimsey, and, above all, creativity. Art galleries, studios, shops, and cafés fill five courtyards, each in a different and colorful theme.

In one, the drainpipes and spouts on a building front have been diverted to create musical instruments that play when it rains. Another courtyard is themed around animals, with bas-relief monkeys cavorting between the balconies.

Moritzburg Palace

About 14 kilometers northwest of Dresden is the remarkable Schloss Moritzburg , an Electoral hunting lodge and summer palace in the ochre and white of Saxon Baroque. Begun in 1544 as a modest hunting lodge, this stunning palace was given its present form between 1723 and 1736, with Baroque statues added on the balustrades of the carriage ramp and terrace. The decoration and furnishings of the interior, including hunting trophies and paintings, are preserved unaltered.

Also on the grounds is Little Pheasant Castle , an 18th-century hunting lodge whose extraordinary interior is decorated with rare Rococo finishes : inlaid paneling of exotic woods; mural paintings on canvas; painted and gilded ceiling stucco; painted wood and plaster; faux marble; and walls finished in embroidered silk, feathers, and a remarkable combination of straw and pearls. This rare interior has recently been restored by the World Monuments Fund.

Wooden Christmas ornaments in Annaberg-Buchholz

It's Christmas all year-round in the Erzgebirge, or Ore Mountains, about 90 minutes from Dresden and one of the most fascinating and little-known regions in Saxony. The long mining history led to a wooden Christmas ornament industry, which has remained active long after the mines closed.

The central town in the region is Annaberg-Buchholz, crowned by the magnificent St. Annenkirche , a landmark with its 78-meter-high tower. Like much else in the town, the interior of the church is decorated with exceptionally fine woodcarvings . Opposite is a historical museum where you can enter an actual mine, one of the many that lie beneath the ground here.

To see more examples of the woodcarving the region is famed for (many traditional German Christmas folk arts — wooden arches, Christmas carousels, wood-shaving ornaments, and wooden angels to name a few — originated here) visit the Manufaktur der Träume (maker of dreams), a museum filled with stunning examples of carved and painted Christmas and other decorations and toys.

Just outside the Old Town, the Frohnauer Hammer is a museum that includes a fascinating iron-working mill driven by water power.

German Hygiene Museum

To the southeast of Dresden's old town is Lingnerplatz, home to the German Hygiene Museum (Deutsches Hygiene-Museum), an institution founded in 1912 to promote health education and healthy living. The museum is more interesting than you'd expect from its name - it's really a museum dedicated to medicine and medical practices.

Among its many interesting exhibits are the famous Glass Woman, first displayed in 1930; a permanent exhibit dealing with the human race; and a fun interactive children's museum that focuses on the senses.

Address: Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden

The dazzlingly restored old town (Innere Altstadt) contains Dresden's top attractions and is a convenient place to stay despite its crush of tourists in the summer. To be within walking distance of the Frauenkirche and Zwinger but away from crowds, consider the Neustadt neighborhood, just across the river and close to the Japanese Palace and folk art museum. These highly rated hotels in Dresden are all near the major tourist attractions.

Luxury Hotels :

  • A few steps from Frauenkirche, in the center of the old town, Hotel Suitess zu Dresden has large well-furnished rooms and superior service.
  • The stylish and almost playful contemporary design of rooms at Hyperion Hotel Dresden am Schloss , between Frauenkirche and the Residenz, is a nice contrast to the surrounding Baroque architecture.
  • A short walk from the Zwinger and historic center, Bulow Palais and its Michelin-starred restaurant are in Neustadt, away from the high-season crowds.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Offering spacious, modern rooms and on-site indoor parking, Innside by Melia Dresden is a few steps from Frauenkirche.
  • Halfway between Frauenkirche and the Royal Palace, the new Amedia Plaza Dresden offers chic, modern rooms in the Jüdenhof, a building with a rich Jewish history.
  • A few blocks away and overlooking the popular Altmarkt square, Star Inn Hotel Premium Dresden im Haus Altmarkt has large well-decorated rooms, between the historic and shopping districts.

Budget Hotels:

  • A block from Altmarkt and a short walk from Frauenkirche, Premier Inn Dresden City Zentrum is on a main shopping street close to the Hauptbahnhof rail station.
  • Don't be put off by the name of Motel One Dresden-Palaisplatz. It's not a motel but a smart modern hotel with spacious rooms and accommodating staff, just across the river in the Neustadt.
  • Right at the station, InterCityHotel Dresden is a 10-minute walk from the main sights and the zoo/botanic garden attractions, or take advantage of the hotel's free city tram tickets to go everywhere.
  • Ibis Budget Dresden City is close to the museums of the Zwinger and Residenz palaces and has quiet rooms despite its location in a busy shopping district.

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Places to Visit near Dresden: An easy train or car trip away, Leipzig is also a center of art and culture, and the leading city in Saxony after Dresden. Not far south of Dresden is Prague , the capital of the Czech Republic , crowned by the beautiful Prague Castle .


Where to Go from Dresden: To the north and connected by direct rail and highways is Berlin , the capital of Germany and its largest city, filled with museums and art galleries . Close to Berlin is Potsdam , like Dresden a city filled with royal palaces.

Dresden Map - Tourist Attractions

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A Complete Travel Guide to Dresden: 21 Best Things To Do & See

A Complete Travel Guide to Dresden: 21 Best Things To Do & See

Florence of the elbe.

Dresden may not be the first city you think of when you’re considering a getaway in Germany , but in our humble opinion, it would be a shame to overlook it.

Dresden is the capital of the state of Saxony and the city lies in the old East Germany two or three hours south of Berlin – close to the border of the Czech Republic and not far from Poland, either.

Therefore, it’s an obvious city to visit if you’re on a road trip in eastern Germany or on your way south by car from for example Denmark or Sweden .

Dresden, which was once Germany’s cultural centre , was more or less completely destroyed by bombings at the end of World War II, but today the city has risen from the ashes.

Located on the banks of the river Elbe , Dresden is a beautiful German city packed with amazing museums, impressive architecture and lots of history.

The city is even referred to as “Florence of the Elbe” and although we honestly don’t think Dresden looks or feels that much like Florence, the incredible Baroque buildings are truly something to marvel at.

We spent three days in Dresden in the autumn of 2020 (including a day trip to the Saxon Switzerland National Park) and we think it’s one of the most beautiful German cities we’ve visited – and we’ve been to quite a few.

In this travel guide, we share the best things to do and see in Dresden, why you should visit, where to stay, how long to stay, when to visit, how to get around the city, our best travel tips and much more.

Where to stay in Dresden?

  • Value for money: Hotel Indigo Dresden – Wettiner Platz (IHG Hotel) .
  • Luxury: Gewandhaus Dresden, Autograph Collection .

Search for the best and cheapest hotels in Dresden here .

Table of contents

Why visit Dresden

How long to stay in dresden, 21 best things to do and see in dresden, where to stay in dresden, is it safe to visit dresden, how to get around dresden, how to get to dresden, when to visit dresden, our best tips for dresden, what to bring to dresden, minimise your impact.

Dresden statues

Dresden is a relatively big German city but it’s fortunately small enough to experience the best things to do and see in a day or two, making the city particularly suitable for a weekend trip .

It’s also perfect for a stopover on a road trip through Germany (as we did in autumn 2020), or in combination with visiting the German capital of Berlin . The two cities are only 2 hours apart by train or 2-3 hours by car.

At the end of World War II , Dresden was bombed and large parts of the city were destroyed.

Since then, many of the buildings have been reconstructed so they look like they originally did before the bombings.

If you’re interested in history or culture , Dresden is just the city for you. There are so many interesting museums and unique buildings here.

And if you enjoy walking around pleasant streets among beautiful buildings while eating good food , we’re confident that you’ll enjoy both the old and new parts of Dresden.

Old town of Dresden

How many days to stay in Dresden depends entirely on your personal pace and needs, of course.

We would recommend at least 1 full day to see the most famous sights in Dresden, and preferably 2 full days to go a little deeper and have time to visit some of the museums.

If you also want to experience the nearby Saxon Switzerland National Park (which we definitely argue that you should!), it’s a good idea to set aside an extra day for the day trip.

We spent 3 full days and 4 nights in Dresden which was absolutely perfect for us.

You can also stay longer if you want time to sleep in and stroll around at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to stop at cafés and see all the city has to offer.

2 or 3 days in Dresden will be optimal for most people.

Dresden City Card

If you expect to use the public transport system in Dresden a lot on your trip, it might be worth looking into getting the Dresden City Card ( adlink ).

The card provides unlimited use of public transport in Dresden for 1, 2 or 3 days.

Apart from that, you also receive discounts on museums, city tours and selected sights in Dresden (among other things).

See the prices and read more about the benefits of the Dresden City Card here ( adlink ).

And now for the best things to do and see in Dresden… Let’s get to it!


What to do in Dresden naturally depends on what you’re most interested in but in this travel guide, we’ve written about the most popular sights – and those we enjoyed seeing ourselves.

Most of the best things to do and see in Dresden can be found in the old part of town : Altstadt (literally “old town” in German).

This is where many of the museums and Baroque-style buildings are found.

The new town , Neustadt , is more modern and this is where you’ll find many of the best cafés and restaurants in Dresden.

But we’ll get to that later…

Are you ready to know more about what to do in Dresden?

Scroll down or click directly on the links below to go to the sight or experience you want to read more about.

  • Altstadt – The old town
  • Frauenkirche – Church of Our Lady
  • Fürstenzug – The world’s largest porcelain mural
  • Neumarkt – The new marketplace
  • Zwinger – A Baroque complex with museums
  • Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister – Impressive art collection
  • Porzellansammlung – A huge porcelain collection
  • Semperoper – Dresden Opera House
  • Residenzschloss – Dresden Castle
  • Katholische Hofkirche – Dresden Cathedral
  • Altmarkt – The old marketplace
  • Brühlsche Terrasse – Brühl’s Terrace
  • Augustusbrücke – The Augustus Bridge
  • Elbe – The river that runs through Dresden
  • Hop-on hop-off bus tour in Dresden
  • Neustadt – The new district
  • Goldener Reiter – The Golden Knight
  • Kunsthofpassage – Backyard art
  • Japanisches Palais – The Japanese Palace
  • Saxon Switzerland National Park – A unique natural area
  • Schloss Pillnitz – Pillnitz Castle

1. Altstadt – The old town

Altstadt is Dresden’s old town and the area is rather small but very beautiful.

You must spend time here on your trip to Dresden. It’s really pleasant to stroll around Altstadt and admire the beautiful architecture.

Most of Dresden’s well-known buildings like the Frauenkirche, the Zwinger Complex and the Residenzschloss (Dresden Castle) can be found in the old town.

Pretty much everything is within walking distance here. It’s a good idea to wear proper shoes as most streets are cobblestoned .

Dresden old town buildings by the river

2. Frauenkirche – Church of Our Lady

One of the city’s landmarks and one of the sights not to be missed in Dresden is the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) at Neumarkt.

The Evangelical Lutheran church was originally built in Baroque style in the 18th century but it was destroyed during the bombing of Dresden in World War II.

More than 3,800 stones were salvaged from the original church and used in the reconstruction from 1994 to 2005, along with new stones.

All of the black stones you can see today are the old, original stones.

For a unique view of Dresden, you can go up to the dome of the church (which is one of the largest church domes in Europe).

You have to climb quite a few stairs to get up there, so if you’re out of shape or afraid of heights, it might not be the best activity.

The price is 10 EUR (~ 10.75 USD)* for adults and you can see other prices and opening times on the church’s website here .

*Prices are last updated in summer 2023.

The Frauenkirche church

3. Fürstenzug – The world’s largest porcelain mural

An über cool and totally free attraction in Dresden is the super long mural of “Fürstenzug” (Procession of Princes).

Saxony’s rulers (kings, dukes, margraves and electors) are portrayed walking and riding horses in a long parade with their names written below.

The time period ranges from the 12th to the 20th century and it’s fun to notice how the style of clothing and weapons change over time.

The 102-metre-long mural is found on the outside of the Residenzschloss complex and it’s said to consist of a whopping 23,000 porcelain tiles – which makes the Fürstenzug the world’s largest porcelain mural .

Fürstenzug of Dresden

4. Neumarkt – The new marketplace

It’s in the central place of Neumarkt you’ll find the Frauenkirche mentioned above (and the Fürstenzug mural right next to it).

The historic area was badly damaged by the bombings and accompanying fires during World War II but much has been done to rebuild the square and reconstruct the buildings.

The Neumarkt square is surrounded by pretty coloured houses and a statue of Martin Luther.

From the end of November and all throughout December, a cosy Christmas market is held on Neumarkt and at the Frauenkirche.

Frauenkirche church on the cosy square of Neumarkt

5. Zwinger – A Baroque complex with museums

In our opinion, the Zwinger is one of the most beautiful sights in Dresden – a magnificent Baroque complex with several museums, a lovely garden area and fountains.

It’s one of the most famous monuments in Dresden and a must-see!

The Zwinger was built at the beginning of the 18th century during the reign of Augustus the Strong and was very much inspired by Louis XIV’s opulent palace in Versailles (near Paris).

It’s free to walk around the courtyard and we really think it would be a shame not to.

However, you have to buy tickets in order to enter the museums.

The Zwinger ticket can be purchased here ( adlink ), granting access to all four museums:

  • Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Picture Gallery)
  • Skulpturensammlung (Sculpture Collection)
  • Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection)
  • Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon (Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments)

Below we elaborate on the two most popular museums.

Zwinger on a sunny day

6. Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister – Impressive art collection

The Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Picture Gallery) is filled with 750 incredible works of art from the 15th to the 18th century.

The impressive collection of art contains, among other things, significant European works of art, including works by Raphael, Rembrandt and Vermeer.

The collection can be found in the Semper Gallery in the Zwinger gallery wing.

Buy a ticket for the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister and the other museums in the Zwinger here ( adlink ).

7. Porzellansammlung – A huge porcelain collection

If you love porcelain, you must visit Dresden’s porcelain collection, the Porzellansammlung, which is the world’s largest collection of porcelain with more than 20,000 pieces.

Here you’ll find porcelain vases, plates, cups, human figures, animals and many other fine works of art in all sizes.

The collection was started by Augustus the Strong who loved porcelain.

His early collection consisted of porcelain from the Ming and Qing dynasties, which he bought from China, and later he founded the first European porcelain factory in Meissen.

The museum itself has some majestic rooms and colourful ways of showcasing the artworks.

Buy a ticket for the Porzellansammlung and the other museums in the Zwinger here ( adlink ).

Dresden's porcelain collection

8. Semperoper – Dresden Opera House

Right next to the Zwinger lies the Dresden Opera House called Semperoper .

Operas, ballets, music and theatre shows are on all year round, but if you can’t quite find a performance that suits you, it’s also possible to go on a guided tour ( adlink ).

Even if you skip the show and the tour, you must pass by the square and enjoy the building from the outside because it’s definitely one of the most spectacular buildings in Dresden.

Dresden Opera House, the Semperoper

9. Residenzschloss – Dresden Castle

In the middle of the old town and only a stone’s throw from the Semperoper opera house you will find Dresden Castle (also called the Royal Palace).

Dresden Castle is one of the oldest buildings in the city and it was once used as the residence of princes and kings in Saxony.

If you love old European palaces (like Victories does!), you have to experience the Residenzschloss.

The castle is now used as a wonderful museum full of treasures and art.

The general ticket ( adlink ) gives access to Neues Grünes Gewölbe (the New Green Vault), the Turkish Chamber, the Renaissance Wing, and the Armory.

For some reason, entry to the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (the Historic Green Vault) has to be purchased separately. It can be done here .

Be aware that tickets can sell out quickly, so it’s a good idea to order tickets at least a few days in advance.

Dresden Castle from the outside

10. Katholische Hofkirche – Dresden Cathedral

With a size of no less than 4,800 square metres, Dresden Cathedral is the largest church in the entire German state of Saxony .

You pass it quite naturally if you go to see the Opera House and Dresden Castle.

Dresden Cathedral, which in German is called Katholische Hofkirche, is originally from the 18th century . But like so many other buildings in Dresden, it had to be restored after the bomb damage during World War II.

Several members of the royal family are buried in the crypt – as is the heart of Augustus the Strong (the rest of his body is buried in Krakow, Poland).

The Katholische Hofkirche (Dresden Cathedral)

11. Altmarkt – The old marketplace

While Neumarkt is the new square, Altmarkt is the old square (“neu” means new and “alt” means old).

In addition to restaurants, cafés and the shopping centre Altmarkt Gallery , you’ll find the Lutheran church of Kreuzkirche Dresden here. It was built in a Late Baroque style with a tall tower.

The Altmarkt square is especially known for housing one of Germany’s largest and best-known Christmas markets , Dresdner Striezelmarkt, considered to be the oldest Christmas market in the country (from 1434!).

The Christmas market Dresdner Striezelmarkt on the Altmarkt

12. Brühlsche Terrasse – Brühl’s Terrace

The Brühlsche Terrasse (Brühl’s Terrace) is a large pedestrian promenade along the river Elbe.

As it is stretching high above the bank of the river, it’s also sometimes referred to as the “Balcony of Europe” .

It’s a perfect place to stroll around with stunning views of the Elbe River and Dresden’s iconic Baroque buildings.

You’ll find Brühl’s Terrace in the Altstadt north of Neumarkt between the bridges Augustusbrücke and Carolabrücke. Towards the latter lies The Brühl Gardens , which is a nice little park to walk through.

Sunny day at Brühl’s Terrace in Dresden

13. Augustusbrücke – The Augustus Bridge

Perhaps you have already noticed that Augustus the Strong has made his mark in Dresden.

Well, he also lent his name to the bridge Augustusbrücke, which crosses the Elbe River and connects the modern new district of Neustadt in the north with the historic city centre Altstadt to the south.

Since the 12th century, there has been a bridge at that exact location but the present-day sandstone bridge with several arches was built in the early 20th century.

We walked over the bridge a handful of times and from the middle of it, you have such a beautiful view of the city’s photogenic skyline. It’s especially great for pictures just before sunset .

The Augustus Bridge in the middle of Dresden

14. Elbe – The river that runs through Dresden

The Elbe cuts through the city and it’s impossible to avoid the river on a trip to Dresden.

That’s why we’ve included the Elbe in this Dresden travel guide – because there are many fun things to do on and along the river.

Take a walk along the banks, enjoy the view from the Brühlsche Terrasse, cross the river over one of the bridges or go on one of the popular canal cruises .

You can, for example, consider booking a relaxing trip on a charming paddle steamer ( adlink ) to the Loschwitz Bridge, where you can see beautiful Dresden from the water.

Or what about going on an extended boat trip all the way to Pillnitz Castle ( adlink ), where in addition to experiencing Dresden from the river, you also get 20 minutes to explore the beautiful palace grounds?

The Elbe in Dresden

15. Hop-on hop-off bus tour in Dresden

Is there a big city in the world that doesn’t have hop-on hop-off buses ?

They’re in Dresden , that’s for sure. And although we didn’t personally hop-on, they can be smart (and fun) to use – especially if you only have a short amount of time in the city or don’t want to walk that much yourself.

From the top of the double-decker buses , you can enjoy the fresh air and nice views while being driven directly to some of the most popular sights and things to do in Dresden (including many of those we’ve included in this Dresden travel guide).

You can take the whole trip in one 90-minute loop and learn about Dresden from the comfort of your seat on the bus or you can hop on and off as much as you like during the period your ticket is valid.

There are 22 stops along the route and buses run every 15 to 30 minutes .

You can buy tickets that are valid for 1 day or 2 days ( adlinks ) and both of the tickets also include guided tours to some of the sights and attractions.

16. Neustadt – The new district

We’ve written plenty about the old historic district of Dresden – what about the new district ?

Neustadt is just on the other side of the Elbe to the north of the old town and can easily be reached with the help of one of the bridges that cross the river.

If you’re travelling on a budget, this part of Dresden is most likely where you’ll be staying. We stayed in Neustadt ourselves during our time in the city.

The Neustadt area has a more modern feel to it with street art and lots of shops and delicious restaurants.

Although there are not too many things to do and see here, there are still a few that are worth mentioning. We’ll share them in the next few sections.

Neustadt in Dresden, street

17. Goldener Reiter – The Golden Knight

If you come to Neustadt via the Augustus Bridge, you will immediately catch a glimpse of the Goldener Reiter (The Golden Knight).

As the name suggests, it’s a golden statue of Augustus the Strong sitting on a horse – dressed as a Roman Caesar.

The area around the statue is very green with small fountains. Behind it there is a nice tree-filled avenue leading down to Albertplatz.

In winter there is a Christmas market here which is supposedly more relaxed than the big, famous Striezelmarkt mentioned earlier.

The Golden Knight in Dresden

18. Kunsthofpassage – Backyard art

One of the most special things to see in Dresden’s Neustadt is the Kunsthofpassage.

The Kunsthofpassage consists of five small backyards that were converted into an art experiment called the Ginkgo Project .

A group of artists, sculptors and designers redesigned the facades of the old buildings in 2001, so now each building and yard has its own theme.

There are also cute outdoor cafés, artist studios and small shops.

The distinctive “Hof der Elemente” (Garden of the Elements) is probably the most photographed of the backyards. Here, a drain and gutter system covers the entire facade between the windows and balconies.

When it rains, music plays from the creative system that has been set up.

If it rains on your trip to Dresden, you know where you have to go!

Kunsthofpassage is not visible from the street, so it’s not a place you easily stumble upon. Luckily it’s on Google Maps so you can find it that way.

Dresden Garden of the Elements

19. Japanisches Palais – The Japanese Palace

The Japanese Palace is a wonderful building seen from the outside.

It was originally built at the beginning of the 18th century to house Augustus the Strong’s porcelain collection, but as you know, the collection is now found in the Zwinger Complex, and today the palace instead houses the Ethnological Museum and various changing exhibitions.

There are divided opinions about the museum inside, and since we’ve not been there ourselves, we will just recommend visiting the Japanese Palace’s small courtyard .

We enjoyed a bowl of soup and a cup of coffee in the afternoon. It’s a super cosy place for a small break.

Around the Japanese Palace, there is also a park with many small paths to walk on.

The Japanese Palace courtyard

20. Saxon Switzerland National Park – A unique natural area

One of the best things to do in Dresden is, in our opinion, to venture outside of Dresden to go to the Saxon Switzerland National Park (or National Park Sächsische Schweiz in German).

The national park is for sure worthy of a day trip if you like hiking and experiencing unique nature.

In fact, the beautiful rocky canyon landscape and the famous Bastei Bridge was why Dresden got on our travel radar in the first place!

The sandstone mountains are found about an hour’s drive east of Dresden on the Czech border.

The Bastei Cliffs and the Bastei Bridge are the main tourist draws here.

The bridge is built into the rocks and most of all looks like something straight out of a fairy tale or a fantasy film .

The bridge was completely covered in fog when we were there at sunrise but we returned at sunset to an absolutely fantastic sight.

In between, we wandered around the national park and, among other things, hiked up to see the view at the Schrammsteinaussicht as well as explored Felsenburg Neurathen ; a castle built into the rocks.

We could write an entire travel guide to the Saxon Switzerland National Park because we simply loved it so much. Go there!

If you want to spend more than a day in the national park, you can consider staying in nearby Bad Schandau , for example at the beautiful spa hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme (adlink) .

Otherwise, you can take a day trip from Dresden like we did.

We drove there in our own car but there is also the option of going on an arranged trip that includes transport to and from Dresden.

You can see some of the popular options below.

Saxon Switzerland National Park Bastei Bridge

21. Schloss Pillnitz – Pillnitz Castle

The lavish castle Schloss Pillnitz is located next to the Elbe River approximately 30 minutes of driving from Dresden.

Once again, Augustus the Strong is behind one of the special attractions in Dresden…

He had the castle built and renovated as a summer residence in the 1720s. Descendants of Augustus the Strong used it until 1918.

The castle actually consists of three palaces and there are several museums.

Experience the Domed Hall , which was used as a ballroom and dining room, the Royal Kitchen and the Catholic Chapel . You can also see Saxon (and European) arts and crafts from the 17th and 18th centuries.

On the grounds of the castle, there are also some beautiful landscaped gardens and a big palm house with plants from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

For a more scenic and adventurous trip than just driving from Dresden, you can sail along the Elbe on one of the historic paddle steamers on a canal cruise that goes to Pillnitz Castle ( adlink ).

Schloss Pillnitz

Map of Dresden

Find all the best things to do and see in Dresden on the map below.

Which part of Dresden should you stay in?

Overall, Dresden can be divided into two areas: The old town and the new town .

As a rule of thumb, the old town of Altstadt is a little more expensive to live in as you’re close to the best sights in the city.

In the new and more modern district of Neustadt , you do have to walk a little further or take public transport to get to the historic city centre. In return, you’ll find cheaper accommodation .

Many of the best hotels in Dresden are located in the Altstadt (old town) but there are definitely some really good options in Neustadt (new town) as well.

Search for the best and cheapest hotels in Dresden here ( adlink ).

The best hotels in Dresden

5-star stays in dresden at 4-star prices.

There are several fantastic 5-star hotels in Dresden and last time we looked the prices were surprisingly low !

We don’t know why. Perhaps Dresden is just not as popular for city trips as for example Paris or Rome .

Anyway, this means that you can either save a little money and stay cheaper than you would otherwise – or perhaps upgrade your room a bit and get a lot of value for your money.

  • Hyperion Hotel Dresden Am Schloss (5*) : Luxury hotel in the middle of Dresden’s old town with comfortable rooms, roof terrace, fitness centre, spa and sauna.
  • Felix Suites at the Zwinger (5*) : 5-star apartment hotel where each apartment has its own kitchen. Beautiful view of the old town, modern gym and good facilities.
  • Gewandhaus Dresden, Autograph Collection (5*) : Pool, beautiful rooms and a perfect location. Doesn’t get much better.
  • Relais & Châteaux Bülow Palais (5*) : In a royal mood? Here you can sleep like an emperor or empress without being ruined.
  • Suitess – At the Frauenkirche (5*) : Choose between exclusive apartments and hotel rooms in the middle of the old town.
  • Hotel Elbresidenz an der Therme Bad Schandau (5*) : Beautiful spa hotel in Bad Schandau, located just 30 kilometres from Dresden. Perfect for visiting the Saxon Switzerland National Park.

Hyperion Hotel Dresden Am Schloss

Hotels in Dresden with good value for money

There are several fantastic 3 and 4-star hotels in Dresden where you get really good value for money. Here is a small selection.

  • INNSiDE by Meliá Dresden (4,5*) : Nice rooms and great facilities for the money while being close to the Elbe in Altstadt.
  • ARCOTEL HafenCity Dresden (4*) : A short walk from the city centre but offers large rooms, fitness, meeting facilities – and pets are welcome.
  • Hotel Indigo Dresden – Wettiner Platz (IHG Hotel) (4*) : Stylish, subdued rooms right by the Altstadt – including a fitness centre.
  • Aparthotel am Zwinger (3*) : Apartments with kitchen less than 1 kilometre from the old town.
  • NH Dresden-Neustadt (4*) : One of the cheapest hotels in Dresden which is still reasonably located in relation to the city’s sights and attractions.
  • Schiffsherberge Pöppelmann (2*) : The bathrooms are shared – but you do live cheaply and centrally on a boat in the Elbe River.

INNSiDE by Meliá Dresden

Like other German cities, Dresden is a relatively safe city to visit – also at night.

With that said, you naturally always have to be aware when you move around in a larger city.

Take your precautions and use your common sense .

Beware of pickpockets at the busiest tourist attractions and on public transport.

We felt entirely comfortable in Dresden and would personally think that the city is at least as safe to visit as other big cities in Germany and Western European countries.

Dresden is a relatively compact city, so the best way to get around is to walk .

It’s easy and safe .

Once you’re in the old town, Altstadt, you can easily walk to all the main sights of Dresden.

If you live in the Neustadt (modern part of town), it can save you some time and energy to take a tram into the old district but it’s definitely also possible to walk there – it just takes a little longer.

Put on some good shoes and get around for free by simply walking from one place to the next – and you’ll be sure to see some interesting things along the way, too.

By public transport

Dresden has a public transport system consisting of buses , trams , trains and even boats .

It’s punctual and relatively cheap to use. Just be aware that there is limited service after midnight.

If you expect to use the public transport system a lot on your trip, it might be worth looking into the Dresden City Card ( adlink ).

At the same time, you get discounts on entrance to museums, city tours and selected sights in Dresden (among other things).

See the prices and read more about the advantages of the Dresden City Card here ( adlink ).

Single-ride and day tickets for public transport in Dresden are also sold in vending machines at the largest stations and inside all trams and buses.

The old trams only accept cash, while the new trams and buses are cashless and only accept credit cards. Remember to stamp the ticket before use to validate it.

You can also use the app DVB mobil and easily buy your ticket on the phone before you get on. Read more about the public transport system DVB here .

There are also a number of options to rent bicycles and electric scooters around town.

We drove to Dresden ourselves but during our stay in the city, we didn’t use the car to get around.

Luckily we found a free parking space in a residential area so we could walk around and take the tram once or twice.

Of course, there are also quite a few paid parking spaces and parking garages in the city.

Victoria walking in Dresden

Below, we elaborate on the options for how best to get to Dresden.

Car to Dresden

Dresden is well connected to the German Autobahn system (national highways).

That means it’s easy to get here by car from all over Europe.

Dresden is one of the larger German cities that many people pass by if they drive from Denmark and further down through Europe – for example to the Czech Republic, Austria , Italy or Croatia.

Be aware that people drive very fast on the stretches of autobahn that do not have speed limits. Take caution.

Take the train to Dresden

Dresden is well connected to the Germain train network.

From Berlin, it takes approximately 2-2,5 hours to go to Dresden by train.

Flights to Dresden

Dresden has its own airport called Dresden Airport (Flughafen Dresden).

While it’s not huge, it does have connections to for example Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt as well as other big cities in Europe.

Use our adlink below to find the cheapest tickets:

Search for the cheapest flight tickets on Momondo .

tourist attractions in dresden

The weather and the seasons are worth paying attention to when planning a trip to Dresden.

But when is the best time to travel to Dresden?

We were there ourselves at the beginning of October and enjoyed the beautiful autumn colours and the warm weather.

Dresden can be visited all year round and there really isn’t a bad time to go to the city. We imagine that each season is special in its own way .

Spring is a great time to visit Germany with sunny days and blooming flowers. It can still be a bit chilly, so check the forecast before you pack.

Summer is of course the hottest season, and the temperatures can get quite high in July and August. At the same time, it’s also at its rainiest in the summer. The summer holidays in Germany are spread out between mid-June and mid-September.

Autumn is super nice with orange colours everywhere, and you have plenty of excuses to stop in at cosy cafés for cake and a cup of something hot to drink. The most beautiful autumn colours can typically be seen at the end of September and in October, perhaps also at the beginning of November before the leaves fall off the trees.

Winter can be cold in Dresden, but on the other hand, there are usually fewer tourists – except around Christmas and New Year. The city looks beautiful when it’s covered in snow. If you visit during the Christmas period, you must not miss one of Germany’s largest and best-known Christmas markets , which can be found on the Altmarkt as well as the Christmas market on the Neumarkt.

As with most other holiday destinations (and especially with big cities in Europe), it can be a good idea to plan around the most common holidays if you want to avoid large crowds and at the same time get the benefit of cheaper accommodation.

For shorter queues and cheaper hotel prices , January, February, March and November are the cheapest options – if you don’t mind colder weather.

For the best weather , we would recommend visiting Dresden in May, June, September and October.

Dresden wonderful light

  • Credit cards can be used in most shops, but as in the rest of Germany, cash is still often used and it’s not unusual for cash to be used in parking and ticket machines, at cafés and the like.
  • Get up early and be one of the first at an attraction if you want to avoid long queues in the high season.
  • Drink tap water . It’s not only good for the planet, it’s also good for your wallet. The tap water in Dresden is absolutely safe to drink – so bring a refillable bottle.
  • Travel to Dresden outside of the holidays . Accommodation prices are lower, good deals are easier found and there are fewer tourists.
  • Walk, walk and walk some more . Walking around Dresden is free, easy and good for the soul. And you’ll probably find many hidden gems along the way.
  • Consider buying a Dresden City Card ( adlink ), if you plan to use public transport to get around (and/or visit any museums).
  • Travel insurance (adlink) . Never travel without it!
  • A good camera – here’s a guide to the gear we use .
  • Sunscreen (adlink) . Especially if you visit Dresden in the summer. We recommend that you use an organic, vegan sunscreen without oxybenzone and other harmful chemicals.
  • Sneakers or other types of shoes you can walk in comfortably.
  • A refillable water bottle . Just drink water from the tap in Dresden.
  • Cash for parking and other small purchases, especially 1 and 2-euro coins. Not all places in Germany accept credit cards.

tourist attractions in dresden

To minimise your impact during your visit, follow these guidelines:

  • Bring your own drinking water in a refillable bottle.
  • Avoid single-use plastics , including straws.
  • Dispose of waste properly and do not throw it on the ground.
  • Take only photos, leave only footprints . Let everything stay in its natural place.
  • Be considerate of other visitors .
  • Respect wildlife .

Dresden skyline in sunset

Thanks for reading

Thank you for reading our travel guide to Dresden. We hope it has been helpful!

What do you think of Saxony’s historic capital?

If you’ve already been there, it would be great to hear your best tips and tricks in the comments. Is there a cool or fun thing to do or see that we forgot to include?

Don’t hesitate to ask us anything if you haven’t been to Dresden yet. We are happy to help.

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A Complete Travel Guide to Dresden: 21 Best Things To Do & See

Our favourite travel resources:

  • for cheap hotels.
  • Momondo for the best flight deals.
  • SafetyWing for travel insurance. We also like World Nomads and True Traveller . All three compared here .

Our camera gear:

  • Panasonic GH5 . Used for all of our photos and videos.
  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro . Best drone out there!
  • Sirui Tripod . Lightweight and strong.
  • See all of our camera gear here .

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tourist attractions in dresden

2 thoughts on “ A Complete Travel Guide to Dresden: 21 Best Things To Do & See ”

Hello there! I just finished reading your Dresden travel guide on the best things to do and see, and I must say, it’s an exceptional resource for anyone planning a trip to this fascinating city. Your article offers a comprehensive guide that highlights the top attractions and experiences in Dresden.

I appreciate how you’ve curated a list of the best things to do and see in Dresden, showcasing the city’s rich history, cultural heritage, and architectural marvels. From the iconic Frauenkirche and the grand Zwinger Palace to the picturesque Elbe River and the vibrant Neustadt district, your guide covers a diverse range of experiences. The inclusion of practical tips and recommendations for each attraction, such as opening hours and nearby amenities, adds immense value to the article.

Furthermore, your descriptions and insights about each place provide a deeper understanding of Dresden’s significance and charm. It’s evident that you have a genuine passion for the city, and your enthusiasm shines through your writing. The stunning photographs accompanying the post further enhance the visual experience and make me eager to explore Dresden myself.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful travel guide to Dresden. Your article has not only educated me about the city but has also inspired me to visit and discover its unique treasures. Keep up the fantastic work, and I’ll be eagerly waiting for more of your travel guides and recommendations.

Thanks so much for your kind words!

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Germany Footsteps

Germany Footsteps

Top 23 Things To Do In Dresden [Don’t Miss Them!]

Going on a trip to Dresden and want to know all the top things to do in Dresden? We have you covered! Below, you will find our guide to all the best attractions in Dresden to plan your ultimate trip.

Located by the Elbe River in the eastern part of Germany, Dresden is the perfect place to visit for Baroque beauty, interesting museums and lavish palaces. From the Old Town to the older New Town to the street art to the galleries and history, there is a lot to enjoy here.

The Saxony capital, Dresden is used to being the home of treasures. Once called the “Florence on the Elbe” because of its beauty, this city has a lot to offer visitors. While not as popular with tourists as places such as Berlin and Munich, this makes it all the better for the rest of us.

23 Incredible Things To Do In Dresden, Germany

We had a great time exploring Dresden. The mix of old, new and rebuilt is interesting and picturesque. There’s some great attractions and just walking around is a joy.

Of course, you will have the best time if you already understand all the things to do and see in Dresden Germany and that’s what we will help you with here.

Below, you will find our full Dresden travel guide with everything you need to know about the best places to visit in Dresden Germany, the best activities in Dresden as well as the best places to stay for your ultimate Dresden vacation!!

There is also a handy map of the Dresden things to do as well as a full itinerary for what to see in Dresden in 1 day and our experiences travelling in Dresden with kids.

Let’s start!

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Table of Contents

An Introduction To Dresden

With a population of over half a million, Dresden is the capital of Saxony and the third biggest city in Eastern Germany. It’s location in the basin of the Elbe River, about 100 kilometres south of Berlin and only about 30 kilometres north of the Czech border.

This beautiful Baroque city started as a Slav village called Drezdzany (Forest Dwellers on the Plain) on the north bank of the Elbe River. The German settlement on the south bank is first found in history in 1216. Even though the Slav settlement is older, it became known as New Town and the German town as Old Town which still continues today.

Dresden, Germany

In its early years, Dresden was passed around a lot. It became the capital of Margrave Henry the Illustrious in 1270 until he died. Then it passed to the king of Bohemia and the margrave of Brandenburg. In 1319, it returned to the margraves of Meissen who were the original settlers of the German town.

In 1485, Saxony was divided by the sons of Frederick II with Dresden the capital of the Albertine Saxon lands and the residence of its rulers.

A terrible fire ruined about half of Dresden in 1491. The city was rebuilt in a Renaissance style and fortified.

In the late 17th and 18th centuries, the electors Augustus I and Augustus II adopted Baroque and Rococo styles as they modernised the city and rebuilt the New Town after a fire in 1685.

Augustus II (also called Augustus the Strong) created the Zwinger complex (which is a must visit on the list of places to see in Dresden coming up) packed full of art as he created his version of an impressive royal capital after visiting Louis XIV’s palace at Versailles. He also imported porcelain from China and Japan which lead to his nearby Meissen works becoming the first place to Europe to manufacture porcelain.

It wasn’t long until Dresden saw more destruction and was 2/3 destroyed in the Seven Years’ War (1756 – 1763). There were several sieges during this war in Dresden as well as occupation by Prussian forces.

More war came in the 19th century thanks to Napoleon. The Battle of Dresden in 1813 was his last big win in Germany.

Dresden became connected to Leipzig and Berlin by rail in the 19th century and the city prospered. Thousands moved from the country side to work in manufacturing industries primary in cigarette, pharmaceuticals and chocolate. In fact, the city grew from 200,000 in 1875 to half a million by 1900.

Before World War II, Dresden was considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and referred to as the “Florence on the Elbe” thanks to its architecture and art. Unfortunately, this all changed during the war with the city almost completely destroyed by bombing raids in 1945 and many of the population killed.

So much was destroyed that there was talk of starting over. Thankfully, the main area around the Zwinger and Residenzschloss in the Old Town was rebuilt. Most of the rest of the city was rebuilt with modern buildings.

Dresden became part of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after World War II and was also part of the peaceful demonstrations that lead to Germany reuniting. On the whole, it’s prospered since this time.

While basically nothing is original in Dresden, it is still a beautiful city that has much to be enjoyed.

Top 19 Things To Do In Dresden Germany

Here are the best things to do Dresden offers. Read through and select the ones that fit your interests and timeframe. If you only have one day to visit Dresden tourist attractions, find our places to visit in Dresden in one day itinerary below.

Augustusbrücke (August Bridge)

Augustusbrücke (August Bridge) Dresden

Augustusbrücke is the perfect place to start your explorations of the Dresden places to visit. Crossing the Elbe River in the centre of Dresden, you have views of both the Old and New Towns.

It makes for quite a sight and you’ll be excited to explore more!

Zwinger Dresden

Keep walking when you get off Augustusbrücke and you’ll quickly be at Zwinger, one of the Dresden best places to visit.

This impressive palace was originally built between 1710 and 1728 after Augustus II returned from visiting Louis XIV’s palace at Versailles. It was the place to go for parties.

Full of art and with a courtyard full of fountains, this palace is an absolute must visit. Add in ornate decorations and sculptures and you’ll love visiting here.

Look out for the carillon of 40 Meissen porcelain bells which ring every 15 minutes.

There are three museums here – the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Gallery), Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection) and the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon (Mathematical and Physical Salon). The first two are described in more detail below. The latter contains historic scientific instruments.

Each museum has its own entry fee but the courtyard is free.

I highly recommend you visit the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister and Porzellansammlung along with the courtyard. Its opulence is enticing – as long as they have finished construction by the time you visited. When we last visited in August 2022, it was getting a new look and there wasn’t anything to see in the courtyard.

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Gallery)

The Semper Gallery (home to Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) Dresden

Home to a fantastic collection of 16 – 18th century European Art, the Old Masters Gallery is well worth checking out when you are visiting Zwinger.

Augustus I started the collection but it was during Augustus III in 1746 that much of the collecting took place. Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish Renaissance art is the specialty and there are many big names like Rembrandt, Raphael, Giorgione, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Vermeer, Rubens and more.

At any one time, about 750 paintings are on display which is only about 1/3 of the collection. Make sure you check out the top floor where you can find Canaletto’s paintings of 18th century Dresden.

Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection)

part of the collection at Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection)

Another museum to make sure you check out while at Zwinger is the Porzellansammlung in two converted, curving galleries.

This collection was started by Augustus II in 1715 and is quite a collection. It spans 17th and 18th century Chinese and Japanese porcelain to that produced by Meissen in Europe when porcelain production started here under Augustus II.

It’s a huge collection with only about 2,000 of the 20,000 pieces on display at any one time. Highlights include Tiersaal (Animal Hall) which has hundreds of porcelain animals.

Residenzschloss (Dresden Castle)


Very close by is the next of the essential Dresden Germany tourist attractions, Residenzschloss, otherwise referred to as Dresden Castle.

This Renaissance city palace was home to Saxon rulers from 1485 to 1918. Today, it’s home to many precious jewels, gold and more.

While it needed to be rebuilt after World War II (and in fact wasn’t finished until 2013), this building has much of its original splendor and is a fantastic place to explore.

Much like the Zwinger, it has collections you can explore on separate tickets or with a combination ticket with other attractions in Residenzschloss. The top two are the amazing Historic and New Green Vaults which are coming up next on this list of things to see Dresden offers.

Inside one of the many armoury exhibits at Residenzschloss

Also here is the Kupferstich-Kabinett which is home to over a half a million drawings, photographs and prints from the Middle Ages to now including from big names like Rembrandt, Piranesi, Fragonard and Friedrich or the Münzkabinett (Coin Cabinet) which is the place to go for the history of coins in this area including tons of coins on display.

There is also the Rüstkammer (Dresden’s Armoury) which is home to one of the world’s largest collections of weapon and armour. Within here is also the Turkish Chamber which has a great collection of Ottoman art.

There are also other rooms to explore in the palace like the audience chamber and state bedroom which have been restored to how they were when Augustus II furnished them 300 years ago.

The whole site adds up to a big place to visit where you can easily spend hours. It really is one of the must see places in Dresden.

However, note that there can be long lines to buy tickets here. The ticket options are a little confusing which leads to long lines at peak times. Also, the Historic Green Vault can be sold out days in advance so buy tickets before you come.

It’s also a little confusing working out how to navigate this place as there doesn’t seem to be any maps and there are a lot of exhibits. Just keep walking around and ask for help when necessary so you don’t miss anything. No bags can be taken inside but there’s a free locker room.

Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (Historic Green Vault)

Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (Historic Green Vault) Dresden

With over 3000 precious items on display, the Historic Green Vault is the place to go for opulent sites! Homed in the western section of the Residenzschloss, these are the treasures of the old Saxony Electors.

It was started by Moritz of Saxony in the 16th century with Augustus II extending on it in the 18th century. He actually turned it into one of the world’s first public museums. He wanted to show power and wealth and I’m sure it would have worked!

The rooms that house it are also opulent and make for quite a sight themselves. The treasures include gold, silver and ivory works. It all makes for an unforgettable experience.

Entry is via timed ticket only and numbers are limited (even before covid). I recommend you book in advance here .

Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault)

Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault)

On the next floor up is the Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault). This is a separate museum which is focused on the goldsmith Johann Melchior Dinglinger who worked for Augustus II.

There are around 1,000 objects on display across ten modern rooms and they are impressive.

Some highlights include 132 figurines that are gem studded and represent the Indian Royal Court and a cherry pit carved with 185 faces.

It can get busy with lunchtimes and the end of the day being the best times to visit.

Fürstenzug (Procession Of Princes)

Fürstenzug Dresden

One of the other Dresden things to see is on the east side of Residenzschloss where there is a massive porcelain mural 102 metres in length called Fürstenzug which miraculously survived the War.

Made with over 23,000 Meissen porcelain tiles, it tells the history of the Wettins, Saxony’s ruling family. There are names and dates of rulers along the mural which was initially painted then replaced with tiles to protect it.

It’s a great way to get a quick history of the rules from the Margraves in the 12th century to the Dukes, Electors and finally the Kings in the 19th century.

This is one of the free things to do in Dresden that you won’t want to miss!

Brühl’s Terrace

Brühl’s Terrace Dresden

When it comes to Dresden top attractions, you won’t want to miss the free and easy Brühl’s Terrace. Located by the Elbe River, it’s a 500 metre terrace with fantastic views across the Elbe and to the New Town. It’s the best place to stroll in Dresden!

Once a private courtyard called the “Balcony of Europe”, it’s now available to everyone.

Sunset at Brühl’s Terrace

It’s name comes from the name of the person who constructed a series of opulent buildings here back when the city walls were taken down, Heinrich von Brühl. There are gardens on the east side as well as many interesting sculptures.

It’s located between the Augustusbrücke and the Carolabrücke, and you won’t be able to miss it.

It’s a great place to visit around sunset with great views and vibe.

Katholische Hofkirche (Dresden Cathedral)

Katholische Hofkirche (Dresden Cathedral) Dresden

Located between Residenzschloss and the Elbe, Katholische Hofkirche adds to the Baroque splendor of this area of Dresden. Originally built between 1739 and 1751, it was created to rival the nearby Protestant Frauenkirche after the Albertine Wettins converted to Catholicism during Augustus II’s rule.

The church was rebuilt after World War II and only became a cathedral in 1964. It’s home to 49 members of the Albertine line of the Wettin family including Augustus I and Augustus III. It also has the heart of Augustus II

This church is big – the largest in Saxony – with a floor area of 4,800 metres squared.

You can enter for free, although I personally prefer the outside, so take a walk around as well.

Verkehrsmuseum Dresden (Dresden Transport Museum)

Verkehrsmuseum Dresden (Dresden Transport Museum)

Another one of the Dresden things to do and see around the Old Town area is the Dresden Transport Museum which is a short walk from all the attractions in Dresden Germany in this list so far.

In this museum, there are many vehicles on display and forms of transport including planes, trains and automobiles! The four main exhibits are based on these (so one on aviation and one on each of rail and road transport) plus a shipping one based on 1,000 years of Elbe shipping history.

There are temporary exhibits as well as a huge model railway with over 785 metres of track.

For families, there are specialist children’s activities including in each of the permanent exhibits.

This museum is informative but also a lot of fun, and we enjoyed it more than we expected. It’s highly recommended.

Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady)

Frauenkirche (Church Of Our Lady) Dresden

This picturesque church should definitely be on your list of Dresden Germany things to do. Located on Neumarkt in the Old Town, it is just a short walk from Residenzschloss and the other Old Town attractions.

The original Frauenkirche was completed in 1743. Unfortunately, it was destroyed during the 1945 bombing. Initially, the remains were left as a war memorial, but from 1994 to 2005, it was rebuilt using the rubble to replicate the original.

Frauenkirche  inside dresden

Today, it has all the beauty of the original both on the outside and once you go inside. It’s amazing to think when you are looking at the altar that it was reassembled from nearly 2000 pieces 😮

91 metres high, the huge dome is spectacular and you can pay a fee to ascend to the top viewing platform. The first 24 metres is by lift but the rest of via narrow stairs and a spiralling ramp. There’s also a steep ladder stairway. This activity is only for the fit.

Even if you don’t climb up the dome, seeing it from inside and outside is amazing. It’s just so big and high. The rest of the interior of the church is also unique among the many churches I have visited, and it resembles a fancy theatre in parts.

Entry into the church itself is free and it’s well worth a look.

Albertinum Dresden

This one of the Dresden visiting places is perfect for art lovers. Built in the 1880s on Brühl’s Terrace, the Albertinum was originally the home of the royal sculpture collection.

This building wasn’t damaged as much as the rest of the Old Town in World War II and housed many art collections for a time while other buildings were restored.

Today, it still houses the sculptures as well as the Galerie Neue Meister (New Masters Gallery) which is a collection of paintings by Europeans from the 18th century to World War II. The rooms are also gorgeous.

There are many famous names here including van Gogh, Monet, Richter, Klimt, Munch, Klee and more. There’s also the impressive sculpture collection from classical antiquity to today.

It’s recommended to buy a ticket in advance.

Deutsches Hygiene Museum

Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden

Just outside the main Old Town area, the Deutsches Hygiene Museum is one of the alternative things to do in Dresden to add to your list!

While I originally thought it may be about handwashing and cleaning, it’s actually about human beings. The permanent exhibition is on “The Human Adventure” with seven rooms about aspects of human life created to take you on a journey of every day experience and how that impacts your body and self.

It’s much more interesting than that sounds with many interactive exhibits and tons of information about the human body and being human in a fascinating way.

The downside is that many of the descriptions are only in German. However, it’s still possible to get a lot out of visiting here as an English speaker and you have access to an English audio guide as part of your entry fee.

There are also temporary exhibits and a special children’s museum themed “The World Of The Senses”. It focuses on how to explore the world with our five senses and is targetted at 5 – 12 year olds. It’s lots of fun and informative.

Gläserne Manufaktur (Volkswagen Transparent Factory)

Gläserne Manufaktur Dresden

One of the unique Dresden Germany attractions is to visit the Volkswagen Gläserne Manufaktur. Located a short walk from the Old Town, it’s also next to Dresden’s botanical gardens.

If you are a Volkswagen fan like me (I miss my VW beetle!), you’ll definitely want to visit here. You get the opportunity to take a tour of the factory to watch work being done on producing electric Volkswagen cars.

This includes information on the cars being made here as well as the technologies being used. You can also take a test drive through Dresden!

It’s worth booking your tour beforehand if you want one in English to make sure it’s available as most are in German. You can find more information on their site here .

The building is cool, so even if you don’t want to do a tour it can be worth a wander here to take a look and a sneak peek inside before visiting the botanical gardens. You can also see quite a bit from the outside looking in through the glass walls. I especially loved all the car chassis we could see when we came by.

Dresden Panometer

Looking at the view from the top of the tower Dresden Panorama

If you want to see the biggest picture you’ve ever seen, consider a visit to this unique option among the places to visit near Dresden. The Dresden Panometer is located to the south west of the city centre and was created by the Austrian artist, Yadegar Asisi – the same person who created the Asisi Panometer in nearby Leipzig .

Here, the hollow interior of a disused telegraphic gasometer is used to display panoramic images which are 27 metres tall and 105 metres in circumference. It makes for quite a sight!

The images shown vary over time. At the time of publishing, you were able to see images of Dresden in the middle of the 18th century or in 1945 with the effects of the bombing in World War II – which you see depends on the time of year you go.

Whatever you see, there are exhibits with further information about the times pictured.

It’s incredibly interesting to see these images after a day wandering around Dresden to compare now with then. I spent quite awhile here taking it all in. It’s a fun and interesting way to learn more about Dresden.

You can find our full review to visiting the Dresden Panometer here.


Kunsthofpassage Dresden

It’s finally time to explore the New Town and there’s no better way to start than this one of the Dresden activities.

Kunsthofpassage is a chain of courtyards with quirky and unique patterns on the buildings. Each of the five courtyards was designed by local artists and architects and has their own theme.

Kunsthofpassage Dresden

An example is the Courtyard of the Animals where monkeys leap above giraffes and crocodiles roam. Or you can check out the Courtyard of Elements where tangled drainpipes are shaped like instruments on the building’s facade and play music when it rains.

It’s a great area to wander, have a cup of coffee and buy some souvenirs. The surrounding streets are also nice and it’s an interesting contrast to over in the Old Town.

Militärhistorisches Museum Der Bundeswehr (Military History Museum Of The Bundeswehr)

Militärhistorisches Museum Der Bundeswehr (Military History Museum Of The Bundeswehr) Dresden

Located to the north of the city centre, the Military History Museum is a great option of the Dresden places to see especially if you are interested in war and violence and looking at the roots and consequences of it.

The building itself is massive with 19,000 squared metres of exhibits. It started life as a 19th century arsenal. The museum displays over 10,000 historical items including firearms, German military technology, uniforms, documents, images and more. There are also related art collections.

It’s all there to help you learn about the role war has played in the world in the past, present and future and tells the story of German wars from the Middle Ages to today. It’s also about violence and looks at social and state violence as well.

This is a huge collection with so much to think about. Allocate as much time to it as you can. Some exhibits are quite dry but keep looking and you’ll find something that interests you for sure.

Dresden River Cruise

Dresden river cruise

To see Dresden from a different angle, consider a Dresden river cruise aboard the world’s oldest fleet of paddle-wheel steamers.

In summer, 90-minute tours leave regularly from the Terrassenufer Dock which is in between the Augustusbrücke and the Carolabrücke, in front of Brühl’s Terrace.

Find more information here .

Of course, if there is anything else above that particularly appeals, you should edit this list of things to do in Dresden in one day to add it in. Just remove the items that least appeal.

Best Things To Do In Dresden In December/Winter

While most of the things to see in Dresden Germany listed above are possible in winter time, there are also some fun things to do in Dresden Germany in winter you may want to consider.

Dresden Christmas Market

Dresden Christmas Market - Striezelmarkt

If you are in Dresden over the Christmas period, you should not miss the Christmas Markets. There are many of them! It’s a real highlight of the city.

You absolutely won’t want to miss the oldest one, Striezelmarkt. It’s considered the first Christmas market in the world after having started in 1434. It was originally a one day event but it now takes place over the month preceding Christmas, has over 240 stands and attracts over 2.5 million people a year.

The name comes from a type of cake sold at the market. Today, it is called stollen and is a light fruitcake. There’s never been a better excuse to eat some cake than if you are here 🙂

It’s based in Altmarkt. Just nearby is Prager Straße which is known as a “Christmas mile” of stalls. You can also find a 15 metre high Christmas tree here, Christmas lights and Santa Claus’ house!

Honestly, there are just so many Christmas markets here and things to see, you’ll want a few days just to explore them all and soak it all in 🙂

Semperoper Opera House Dresden

While you can visit the Semperoper Opera House at any time of year, I especially think it’s a great choice of the Dresden things to do in winter. While it’s cold outside, is there a better excuse to enjoy a show in this famous opera house?

There’s ballet, opera and more. The Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden (Saxon State Opera) is especially recommended.

Click here to find out what’s on when you’re visiting Dresden.

Ice Skating At Palais Taschenberg

For unique things to do in Dresden in winter, get ready to put your skates on! An unusual (but awesome) place for an ice skating rink, the inner court at Palais Taschenberg offers ice skating from around late November to late January.

Skates can be rented at the entrance and there is an entry fee. There are decorations and lights, and it’s quite magical.

What To Do In Dresden In One Day 

Only have 1 day in Dresden? What a shame! But it’s ok, it’s still worth going to Dresden if you only have one day.

With a day in Dresden, I recommend you stick to the main attractions in the Old and New Towns. You can explore the following on foot or take public transport to get to Kunsthofpassage.

You can follow the following itinerary of Dresden things to do in a day:

  • Start with a walk along Brühl’s Terrace and along Augustusbrücke to enjoy views of the Old and New Towns and the River Elbe
  • Start at Zwinger and explore the grounds. If the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Gallery) and/or Porzellansammlung (Porcelain Collection) interest you, be ready to enter when the museums open at 10am
  • Next up is a short walk to Residenzschloss (Dresden Castle). If you can spare the time, I recommend entering here with a combination ticket to explore everything of interest. Read the above so you already know what you are interested in seeing
  • Before leaving this area, make sure you check out Fürstenzug (Procession Of Princes) before heading on to Dresden Cathedral. Take a quick look inside
  • Frauenkirche is up next. Take a look outside and inside, and if you have the time (this will depend on how long you spent in the palaces) and inclination, take a steep walk up to the top of the dome
  • It should be getting towards late afternoon now, so it’s time to head to the New Town. Take a walk or hop on public transport and head towards Kunsthofpassage via Albertplatz where you can see a plaza with two fountains
  • If you head up Alaunstrasse from here, you can also see the Graffiti Wall on your way
  • After you pick your favourite courtyard at Kunsthofpassage, you’ll be surrounded by eating establishments so take you pick and enjoy a well earned sit down and meal

Dresden Attractions Map

Things To Do In Dresden map

Best Place To Stay In Dresden

When it comes to where to stay in Dresden, there is a great range of hotels and other accommodation options. You won’t have any problem finding somewhere to stay.

Below I’ve listed a few different places to consider depending on what type of accommodation you are looking for.

BEST – Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski Review

tourist attractions in dresden

If you are looking for the best option in the Old Town, look no further than Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski. Located opposite Zwinger palace and close to Residenzschloss, the location can’t be beat.

The building itself was built in the 18th century by August the Strong. It was restored in 1995 to form the luxury five-star hotel it is today.

It’s not just a beautiful palace to call home though. There are a great range of facilities including an indoor pool, luxury spa, fitness centre, multiple restaurants and bars. Parking is available for an extra fee.

In winter, the historic inner courtyard even turns into an ice skating rink (see more about this above).

There are a range of double and suite room options. All are comfortable, well appointed and have air conditioning and satellite TV.

Click here to see the latest prices now or here to read our full review of this hotel.

NEW TOWN – Boutique Hotel Rothenburger Hof Review

tourist attractions in dresden

For a great accommodation option in Dresden’s New Town not far from Kunsthofpassage, consider Boutique Hotel Rothenburger Hof.

This boutique hotel has a good range of facilities with a fitness centre, garden, terrace and parking on site for an extra fee. There’s also free wifi.

There are a range of room types including doubles and one and two bedroom apartments, perfect for people who want to self cater. All rooms have a desk, TV, coffee machine and private bathroom. Some have a balcony. A buffet breakfast is available.

Click here to see the latest prices.

VALUE – Dorint Hotel Dresden Review

tourist attractions in dresden

Located a short walk from the Old Town area, Dorint Hotel Dresden is an excellent value option when you want great facilities and services for a good price.

Facilities include an indoor pool, sauna, a Mediterranean restaurant, bar and the option to have buffet breakfast. Parking is available for an extra charge.

There are a range of room types including single, doubles, twins, studios and suites. Some have extra sofa beds. All rooms include mini fridge and cable TV.

Click here for the latest prices.

How To Get To Dresden

We actually had half our family travel to Dresden via hire car and half by train! Either option is easy. Dresden is a major city in this part of Germany and there are plenty of signs (or trains) to get you here.

You can hire a car to get you there by clicking here.

There are regular trains and buses here. You can find timetables and all your options here .

Or you can find all the train timetables here and discount train passes here.

You can also fly to Dresden. Check out flights here.

Once in Dresden, we found it easy to use the local public transport to go from the Old to the New Towns although most of the time, we explored on foot.

Dresden train station

Dresden With Kids

We came to Dresden while our older kids were at camp, so this time, we only explored with our six year old which made things very easy.

Below, we have an option of things to do in Dresden Germany with kids which is more specifically for families but the attractions above work well as well, although there is only so much palace that our son wants to explore.

Some favourites are the Deutsches Hygiene Museum which has a childrens museum part and it’s hard to beat the Verkehrsmuseum Dresden (Dresden Transport Museum) which has so much kids will love, especially six year old boys, including areas like this transport garden . So much fun!

Großer Garten (Grand Garden) and Zoo Dresden

Großer Garten Dresden

Dresden’s Grand Gardens are its largest at around two square kilometres. Created in the 17th century, this is the perfect place to come and run out all of your kids’ excess energy!

There is a lot here including a palace built in the 17th century for the Saxon Elector, Johann Georg III. There is also the botanical gardens and Dresden Zoo.

At the zoo, you can find around 1,400 animals from 235 species so there is plenty to explore and discover. Make sure you head to the Africa House with a four metre high viewing platform over the elephants.

Final Words

I hope you have found this guide to things to do around Dresden useful. It’s a great city to visit with a good range of attractions and stunning streetscapes. We really enjoyed our visit here and would have liked longer to soak it all in.

I hope you enjoy it as much as us!

Find all the best hotels in Dresden here for your great stay. You can find our one week itinerary to Eastern Germany here which includes Dresden. Or check out more guides to visiting Eastern Germany here or read this guide to nearby Leipzig .

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By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon first fell in love with Germany back in 2000 on her first visit. She loves the long history, the picturesque Old Towns, the castles, the food, everything really! Since then, she has visited many times and loves writing about Germany here so you can enjoy it too. In fact, Sharon loves German culture so much that she sent her kids to a German primary school in Australia. She especially loves Berlin and towns with charming Old Towns like Celle and Quedlinburg. Sharon also has a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and understands the nitty gritty of travel planning. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to Germany whether it's your first or tenth time!

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Home » Travel Guides » Germany » 15 Best Things to Do in Dresden (Germany)

15 Best Things to Do in Dresden (Germany)

On the Elbe in the state of Saxony, Dresden is a city of Baroque wonders that have been resurrected since the war. The Wettins were a long line of Electors and Kings who ruled the state and kingdom of Saxony their seat in from Dresden between the 13th and 20th centuries.

None of these rulers wielded as much power as Augustus II the Strong in the 18th century. He is the man to thank for the astounding wealth of the Staatliche Kunstsammlung (State Art Collections), which are so large they have to be organised across different historic buildings in the city. There are invaluable gold treasures, paintings by Renaissance masters, oriental porcelain, classical sculpture, ceremonial weapons and more than you could ever squeeze into one trip.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Dresden :

1. Frauenkirche


Crested by one of Europe’s largest church domes, the majestic Frauenkirche demands your attention on Neumarkt.

The original church was completed in 1743, following designs by the architect George Bähr who didn’t live to see it completed.

Frauenkirche was totally destroyed in 1945. At first its rubble was left in Neumarkt as a war memorial, but it was eventually moved to storage in the 1980s to prepare for a future reconstruction.

This was finally begun in 1994, using a lot of the preserved material (3,500 individual stones), and work was completed in 2005. The new gilded cross and orb atop the dome were forged in London as a gesture of reconciliation, while the damaged former cross can be found to the right of the church’s new altar.

2. Zwinger Palace

Zwinger Palace

One of Germany’s most lauded Baroque edifices, the Zwinger was ordered by Saxon Elector Augustus II the Strong in the late 16th century as a space for lavish court festivities.

The work was completed in the early 18th century by the court architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and the sculptor Balthasar Permoser.

What began as an orangery slowly grew into a complex of richly ornamented pavilions and gardens, overlooked by galleries lined with balustrades and statues.

One of many theatrical elements is the Nymphenbad (Nymph’s Bath), a fountain in a hollow enclosed by sculptures of nymphs that are set in niches and crowning the balustrade.

The Zwinger’s pavilions host museums based on the state collections, and we’ll come to the best one next.

3. Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister

The Zwinger’s Sempergalerie houses one of the world’s outstanding collections of Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Flemish Renaissance art.

The collection was started by Augustus I in the 16th century, but really took shape in 1746 during the reign of Augustus III when a big chunk of the Duke of Modena Francesco III’s collection was purchased.

So prepare yourself for a feast of art by Vermeer, Rembrandt, van Eyck, Titian, Raphael, Giorgione, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Hans Holbein the Younger , El Greco, Zurbarán, Canaletto, van Dyck, Rubens, the list goes on.

Around 750 paintings are exhibited at one time, just over a third of the collection.

4. Semperoper


Named after its architect Gottfried Semper and opened in 1878, Dresden’s resplendent opera house is one of the world’s most respected performing arts venues.

This was the second opera house at this location, after the first burned down in 1869. Semper had also designed the original one, which was completed in 1841. The marvellous Neo-Baroque/Italian Renaissance hall was gutted during the war and reopened in the mid-1980s.

On the facade look for the statues of Goethe, Schiller, Shakespeare, Molière, Euripides and Sophocles.

In the 19th century the Semperoper staged world premieres for operas by Wagner and Richard Strauss (Elektra, Salome, Der Rosenkavalier). If you can’t catch a performance, there are guided tours of the exuberant interior in English and German throughout the day at 15 to 30-minute intervals.

5. Dresdner Residenzschloss

Dresdner Residenzschloss

This Renaissance palace was the residence for the Electors and then the Kings of Saxony from the 16th to the 19th century.

Like the Zwinger the palace is now an ensemble of museums for the various state collections.

The most exquisite of all is the Green Vault, the royal treasure chambers, which we’ll cover next.

But you can also view the Dresden Armoury, an astounding assortment of ceremonial armour, weapons and regalia, and the Turkish Chamber, one of the most significant collections of Ottoman art outside Turkey.

Also in the palace is the Kupferstich-Kabinett, the 500,000-strong collection of sketches, prints and drawings, by artists like Albrecht Dürer, Goya, Michelangelo, Jan van Eyck, Rubens and Rembrandt.

And not to forget the Münzkabinett, which is the state coin collection composed of 300,000 pieces from antiquity to the present, and from all parts of the world.

6. The Green Vault

The Green Vault

On the first and second floors of the western section of the Dresdner Residenzschloss are the incredible treasure chambers of the Saxony Electors.

The Green Vault was started by Moritz of Saxony in the 16th century and extended in the 18th century by Augusts II the Strong who turned the chambers into one of the world’s first public museums.

His intention was to create a Gesamtkunstwerk (comprehensive artwork) to convey power and wealth.

The Historical Green Vault is the name given to the restored 18th-century chambers on the first floor, bursting with around 3,000 masterworks in gold, ivory, silver and amber.

Meanwhile the New Green Vault on the floor above is a separate museum concentrating on the works of the virtuoso goldsmith Johann Melchior Dinglinger, a favourite of Augustus II the Strong.

7. Fürstenzug


On the east side of the Residenzschloss, come around to the facade of the Stallhof on Augustusstraße where there’s a porcelain mural 102 metres in length.

This monumental artwork was initially painted in the first half of the 1870s, and this image was later replaced by porcelain tiles in the 1900s to protect it from the elements.

You couldn’t ask for a better history lesson, as Fürstenzug records all 35 rulers of the House of Wettin, from the margraves in the 12th century through the Dukes and Imperial Electors and ending with the Kings in the 19th century.

8. Dresden Porcelain Collection

Dresden Porcelain Collection

The southern halls of the Zwinger Palace are reserved for state porcelain collection, which was set up by Augustus II the Strong in 1715. You can marvel at a treasury of Chinese and Japanese porcelain acquired in the 18th century.

There are pieces like Imari ware, which was produced for export in the 17th and 18th centuries, and china from the Ming (14th-17th century) and Qing (17th-20th century) dynasties.

But the museum also excels for its locally produced Meissen porcelain, including figurines, a table set belonging to Frederick Augustus III and vessels decorated with Rococo and oriental motifs.

There are over 20,000 pieces of the collection, but only exhibition space for 10% of that, so the displays are regularly updated.

9. Brühl’s Terrace

Brühl's Terrace

Just north of the Frauenkirche is a regal 500-metre panoramic terrace, looking out on the Elbe from the left bank between the Augustusbrücke and the Carolabrücke.

The terrace connects with the cathedral via a ceremonious stairway, and goes back to the time of Dresden’s fortifications.

It got its name in the 18th century from the statesman Heinrich von Brühl who constructed a series of lavish buildings here when the walls were pulled down.

Only the gardens on the east side survive, while the remainder of the terrace is traced by public buildings and museums in the historicist style.

There are many sculptures on the way, including a statue of Gottfried Semper and a monument to Caspar David Friedrich.

10. Albertinum


On Brühl’s Terrace, the Renaissance Revival Albertinum was constructed in the 1880s as a home for the royal sculpture collection.

Now, as well as containing the “Skulpturensammlung” the building holds the New Masters Gallery, for contemporary works purchased after 1843. The New Masters Gallery is a who’s who of European art up to the Second World War, loaded with works by Romantic (Friedrich, Richter), Impressionist (van Gogh, Monet), Symbolist (Klimt, Munch) and Expressionist painters (Klee, Kirchner). The Skulpturensammlung has more than five millennia of sculpture, from Classical Antiquity to the 21st century via the likes of Rodin, Degas and Lehmbruck.

11. Dresden Cathedral

Dresden Cathedral

After the Albertine Wettins converted to Catholicism under Augustus II the Strong to make them eligible for the Polish throne in the 18th century they set about building a new court church.

By the Elbe on the western end of Brühl’s Terrace, it was designed in an Italian Baroque style by the Rome-born architect Gaetano Chiaveri.

The church only gained cathedral status in the 1960s, and was another of Dresden’s monuments to be resurrected after the war.

In all, 49 members of the Albertine line of the Wettin Family are buried in the crypt, including Augustus I, Augustus III and all of the 19th-century Kings of Saxony, as well as the heart of Augustus II the Strong.

The cathedral holds the last survivor of four organs designed by the master Gottfried Silbermann in the early 1750s.

12. Neustadt


Made up of an inner and outer neighbourhood on the right bank of the Elbe, the Neustadt is the district of Dresden that was reconstructed after a fire in the 1730s, which is why it’s called “new”. The inner part fell within Dresden’s old fortifications and since 1989 has been recognised by its street art and counter-culture, rubbing shoulders with architectural landmarks like the Japanisches Palais hosting Dresden’s ethnology and pre-history museums.

With some 150 restaurants and bars, the outer Neustadt is one of best places to go out in Germany.

Come for the Bunt Republik Neustadt festival, three days of mayhem in June.

13. Kunsthofpassage


In the Neustadt you may stumble upon a passage through a chain of courtyards, all with whimsical designs.

Take the Hof der Elemente (Courtyard of the Elements), which has a tangle of drainpipes shaped like musical instruments on the facade.

When it rains the water creates its own music.

Hof des Lichts (Courtyard of Light) has projection screens for multimedia performances, as well as well as metallic mirrors that illuminate the courtyard and throw artistic patterns on the walls.

Also check out Hof der Fabelwesen (Courtyard of Mythical Creatures), where the artist Viola Schöpe has adorned the walls with paintings and ceramic mosaics of bizarre creatures.

All along the Kunsthofpassage are cafes, art galleries and one-off shops.

14. Pillnitz Palace & Park

Pillnitz Palace & Park

A few kilometres up the Elbe from Dresden is the summer residence for the Electors and Kings of Saxony.

Pillnitz is actually a complex of three palaces: The Wasserpalais (Waterfront Palace), Bergpalais (Upper Palace) and the Neues Palais, a Neoclassical palace from the 1820s.

The Wasserpalais and the Bergpalais have a delightful fusion of Baroque and the Chinoiserie that was in fashion in the 1720s.

Today they house the state applied arts collections of ceramics, furniture and textiles dating back to the 1200s.

The Neues Palace has a museum about the history of the complex and the court intrigue that took place here in the 18th century.

The 28-hectare grounds are stunning, and the Conifer Garden and Dutch Garden are sprinkled with rare trees.

15. Panometer


In 2006 the Austrian artist Yadegar Asisi brought his “Panometer” concept to Dresden, installing a panoramic image 27 metres in height and 127 metres in circumference in a disused telegraphic gasometer in the Reick district.

The attraction takes advantage of the gasometer’s completely hollow interior to show panoramas of Dresden from the past.

When the attraction opened the image depicted Dresden at the height of its power in the middle of the 18th century.

Since 2015 and the 70th anniversary of Dresden’s bombing there has been a panorama revealing the extent of the damage (and its reconstruction), rotated with scenes from the city’s Baroque heyday, partially inspired by Canaletto’s famous landscapes of Dresden.

15 Best Things to Do in Dresden (Germany):

  • Frauenkirche
  • Zwinger Palace
  • Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
  • Dresdner Residenzschloss
  • The Green Vault
  • Dresden Porcelain Collection
  • Brühl's Terrace
  • Dresden Cathedral
  • Kunsthofpassage
  • Pillnitz Palace & Park
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Top 12 Things to Do in Dresden, Germany

Dresden's historic landmarks have been rebuilt to their former splendor

tourist attractions in dresden

TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

Dresden, located in eastern Germany , is sometimes called "Florence at the Elbe" thanks to its idyllic location on the banks of the river. It's a city of  biergartens and Baroque architecture, peppered with world-class museums that house some of the world's most remarkable treasures and jewels. Although 80 percent of Dresden’s historic center was destroyed in World War II , many significant landmarks have been restored to their former splendor and new attractions attest to Dresden's playful atmosphere. As an added perk for visitors, most of the city's best sights are all within walking distance from Dresden's Altstadt , or Old Town. 

See Funky Buildings in the Kunsthofpassage

TripSavvy / Erin Porter

The Kunsthofpassage is an art revitalization project that was completed in 2001. Taking advantage of the collective area behind buildings in the Neustadt, this quirky attraction consists of different themed areas, like the Court of the Elements, which features a blue building decked out in pipes that create music in the rain, and the Court of Lights, where multimedia presentations are displayed in a courtyard lit up by mirrors reflecting the sun. Located among the courtyards are also several boutiques, restaurants, and creative studios where you can find unique workshops and exhibitions.

Go for Baroque in the Grand Garden

ZU_09 / Getty Images

If you luck out on a beautiful day in Dresden, there's no better place to enjoy it than the Grand Garden . Built in the baroque style during the 17th century, the garden consists of large grassy lawns and a giant pond surrounding the main palace and takes inspiration from French and English gardening styles. One of the park's most beloved features is the Dresden Park Railway , which is a kid-sized steam locomotive that tours around the park. There is also a zoo and a botanical garden.

Marvel at the Church of Our Lady

Dresden’s Church of Our Lady, also known as the Frauenkirche , has a moving history: In World War II, when air-raids wiped out the city center, the grand church collapsed into a 42-foot high pile of rubble. The ruins were left untouched until 1994 when the painstaking reconstruction of the church began. Almost wholly financed by private donations from around the world, the people of Dresden celebrated the resurrection of their Frauenkirche in 2005.

Act Like Royalty at Zwinger Palace

The Zwinger Palace is one of the most excellent examples of late Baroque architecture in Germany. Built between 1710 and 1728, the Zwinger was used for court festivities and tournaments. Today, the Baroque complex of pavilions, galleries, and inner courtyards is home to first-class museums including the Old Masters Picture Gallery which displays the famous Sistine Madonna by Raphael and is considered one of Germany's best museums.

Stroll the Brühlsche Terrasse

Brühl's Terrace is set between the Elbe and the Old Town. Nicknamed “the Balcony of Europe,” the terraced promenade was part of Dresden’s original rampart until it became the garden of the Royal Palace. Here you can climb a monumental staircase, flanked by four bronze statues, and take a walk along the promenade. It is lined by some of Dresden’s most beautiful historic buildings, including the Royal Art Academy and the Albertinum Museum .

Follow the Procession of Princes

The Procession of Princes is the largest porcelain mural in the world at 330-feet long. The artwork depicts a parade of Saxon princes and dukes and was created to commemorate the 1000-year-long reign of the House of Wettin. It is impressively composed of 25,000 tiles and covers the exterior of the Royal Mews in Auguststrasse. At night, the painting is illuminated, creating a magical effect.

Admire the Largest Green Diamond in the World

Dresden’s Green Vault is home to one of the most beautiful royal treasures collections in Europe. Housed in the Dresden Palace, Augustus the Strong founded the treasure chamber in the eighteenth century. It is filled with elaborate artworks of gold, silver, gems, enamel, ivory, bronze, and amber, and includes the largest green diamond in the world. This is one of the most popular attractions in Dresden, so it's wise to get your tickets in advance.

Take a Ride on the Historic Paddle Steamer

In Dresden, you can take a very special boat trip on one of the Elbe River's most historic paddle steamers, an old-fashioned steamship powered by just one engine. Coffee cruises offered in the afternoon serve German cakes and sweets while gliding down the river towards the town of Meissen where porcelain is made, or take a cruise through the peaceful scenery of Saxon Switzerland National Park , which sits on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic and is not actually in Switzerland .

Get Cultured at the Semperoper

Spend an unforgettable evening in the lavish Semperoper , built in 1841 by the German architect, Gottfried Semper. Set at the Theater Square in the heart of Dresden, the portal of the Opera depicts famous artists such as Goethe, Shakespeare, and Molière. The Semperoper was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1945. After extensive reconstruction, the Opera reopened in 1985—with the same piece that was performed just before its destruction.

Eat at the Most Beautiful Milk Shop

The Guinness Book of Records lists Pfund’s Dairy as the most beautiful milk shop in the world. Opened in 1880 by the Pfund brothers in the Neustadt quarter, this assessment is hard to argue with. This unique dairy is elaborately decorated from floor to ceiling with hand-painted porcelain tiles from the neo-Renaissance period. It’s a feast for all eyes and tastebuds, so don’t leave without trying some local cheeses, homemade ice cream, or a glass of fresh buttermilk.

Discover Germany's History of War

Dresden Museum of Military History ​ is a fascinating exploration into Germany's military history including some of the darker elements of the country's past. Originally an armory from 1876 for Kaiser Wilhelm I, the site has undergone many transformations and at one point was a Nazi museum, a Soviet museum, and an East German museum. Ironically, it survived the Allied attacks of 1945 while much of the city burned because of its location on the outskirts.

The museum has more than 10,000 exhibits, ranging from large equipment and ammunition to scale-based replicas and models. It boasts an impressive collection of over 800 land, air and sea vehicles, over 1,000 guns, rockets and flamethrowers, and historically significant items like the ship's bell from SMS Schleswig-Holstein. Instead of focusing on the glory of battle or the mightiness of weaponry, exhibits highlight the human aspects of war.

Ride a Hanging Cable Car

You only need to spend a few Euros to get a wonderful view of Dresden. The Schwebebahn Dresden is a unique hanging cable car. The Schwebebahn Dresden went into service in 1901, which makes it the oldest suspension railway in the world. From the top, you can see down the river towards Saxon Switzerland National Park.

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22 Top Tourist Attractions in Dresden, Germany

By Mike Kaplan · Last updated on May 6, 2024

Situated in the far east corner of Germany, Dresden boasts a reputation for being one of the country’s most striking cities. Before it was severely damaged in World War II, the city was known as the Jewel Box because of its lavish collection of stunning art and architecture. After many years, most of the tourist attractions in Dresden haven been fully restored, including world-famous landmarks like the magnificent Zwinger Palace and the Semper Opera House.


The baroque and rococo influences throughout the city make for a majestic and royal sensation. While wandering through the cobblestone streets, prepare yourself to be transported to an era where art, science, and culture flourished as you take in the Old German architecture.

However, the best things to do in Dresden are not all about history and architecture. Beyond the architectural splendor, you’ll also uncover a vibrant nightlife, renowned museums, and scrumptious culinary delights. Dresden, which is the capital of the Free State of Saxony, is situated along the pretty Elbe River. This remarkable city is truly a cultural and architectural wonderland.

Mao of Dresden

Dresden Map

22. Hofkirche


The catholic hofkirche was built by Saxon ruler Augustus III in the 18th century as a counterweight for the protestant Frauenkirche. The Baroque church is one of the most beautiful buildings in Dresden.

The original Dresden Cathedral was left in ruins during the Allied bombing of the city in WWII. It was restored in the 80s by the East German government. Today, visitors can once again enjoy the amazing beauty of this cathedral, which has been painted in pastel tones and trimmed in gold.

The Dresden Cathedral is also known for its unusual round shape. During the restoration, pieces of the original structure were incorporated into the construction of the new building. In addition, a twisted and burned cross that once sat atop the dome has been placed next to the alter as a remembrance of the past.

21. Golden Rider

Golden Rider

Glistening in the mid-day sun, the Golden Rider stands tall in the middle of a large stone brick courtyard. Unlike many famous bronze statues that have since lost their shine, this gold platelet monolith of King August II shimmers on.

Also known as The Statue of Augustus the Strong, this artistic monument dates back to 1736. Located in the New Town Market, you will not only be treated to the unique view but you will also be spoiled for choice as to where to shop and what to eat.

The surrounding streets offer a look into the new and old of the city and if you are looking to enjoy some fine art then head just east of the statue to Galerie Gebr. Lehmann gallery.

20. Pillnitz Palace

Pillnitz Palace

The Pillnitz Castle is located on the banks of the Elbe River and was once the summer residence for the kings of Saxony. The restored royal site is actually home to three palaces — the Riverside Palace, the Upper Palace and the New Palace — and boasts lovely English gardens.

Admission is free and so these gardens are a favorite spot for the locals to enjoy a sunny afternoon or to go for a walk, and it is, of course, also a popular tourist destination, as well.

The Arts and Crafts Museum and the Dresden State Art Collections and the Palace Museum can all be found on the grounds of the Pillnitz Castle. Pillnitz was formerly a Saxony village, but it is now a district in Dresden.

19. Cruise the Elbe River

Cruise the Elbe River

Climb aboard a paddle-wheel steamboat and take a cruise down the River Elbe. With an array of experiences to choose from, such as the Pillnitz Castle Cruse or the Saxon Wine Route Steamer Day Cruise, you are sure to find an aquatic adventure that meets your personal preferences.

If you are looking for something a bit more romantic, then an Evening River Cruise may be the way to go. With dinner included, you and your lover can enjoy a date night on the river which delivers scenery that is almost reminiscent of Le Sen in Paris as the lights glitter on the calm water.  

18. Striezelmarkt


If you are planning to visit during the Advent season then the Dresdner Striezelmarkt is a must-see! The Striezelmarkt is one of Germany’s oldest and most famous Christmas markets, dating back to the 15th century. The market itself is a festive extravaganza located in the heart of the city’s historic Old Town.

Featuring numerous decorated wooden stalls selling a wide range of goods. When walking the market street, you will find many of these stalls selling a traditional Christmas cake made with dried fruits, nuts, spices, and powdered sugar.

This cake is known as “Striezel” and is where the market gets its name. This festive fruit cake looks a bit like a homemade bread loaf all covered in snow and can be enjoyed year-round at Bäckerei Emil Reimann Eiscafé in Old Town if you can’t make the festival. 

17. Transport Museum Dresden

Transport Museum Dresden

Have you ever wondered about how a Zeppelin can fly through the sky? Or perhaps you are curious about the progression of the railway and how it spread throughout Germany?

From masterful blueprints and modern flight physics to the discoveries made during the war efforts, your curiosity is sure to be satisfied.  The Transport Museum was founded in 1952 and the Renaissance exterior features design aspects that date back to 1586 when the building was being used as a stable for the Saxon court.

The interior, of course, has been completely reinvented to play host to the many multimedia learning sights and exhibitions – some permanent, some on rotation. Located in the heart of Old Town, it is an easy must-see to check off your list as you traverse the city.   

16. Trip to Koenigstein Fortress

Koenigstein Fortress

Looking to get out of the city for some time away from it all? Or should I say, above it all? Festung Königstein is a massive stronghold that looms 240 meters above the Elbe River.

Towering over the landscape perched atop a large sandstone plateau, it is no wonder that this Castle is one of the most well-defensible locations in all of Europe. People have lived in the area dating all the back to the Bronze Age and the first mentions of this impressive mountain fortress date back to 1233-1241.

You can get to the Fortress from Dresden via car, bus, or boat, but the most popular option is to take a tour train. It takes about 40 minutes from Dresden Hauptbahnhof Station to Königstein Bahnhof Station. From there you would want to take a shuttle bus up the steep climb to the entrance of Koenigstein Fortress.

Do note that this is a large area full of popular hiking routes and you should expect to do a fair bit of walking, shuttle or not.   

15. Pfunds Molkerei

Pfunds Molkerei

An elaborately hand-painted dairy shop where you can find the best cheese in the world, this is a must for any art historian with a craving for cream. Located in the Eastern part of New Town this gorgeous location was opened in 1892 by the Pfund brothers.

It has since been included in the Guinness Book of Records as the “most beautiful milk shop in the world”. Boasting an impressive 247.9 m² of hand-painted tiles along the walls, floors, and ceilings.

Right next door is the Café und Restaurant Pfunds which expands upon the selection of dairy-made products offering a place to sit and a snack bar. The only thing better than an elegant glass of perfect milk is to enjoy said milk with a cake made of the finest dairy alongside it.   

14. Museum of Military History

Museum of Military History

If the nitty-gritty details of historical warfare are more your speed, then the expansive Dresden Bundeswehr Museum of Military History is a stop you won’t want to miss. Here you can explore Germany’s past and learn how machines of war led to human advancement in the world of engineering.

The main exhibit is a chronological walkthrough of German military history with the addition of Daniel Libeskind’s extension from 2011 adding a five-storey triangular rise on the left side of the exhibit floor.

The Museum sits north of New Town, in a large elegant compound of neoclassical buildings. If you take the tram uptown to visit, you will want to get off at the Stauffenbergallee Tram Stop. From there you can then walk north through the Denkmal der Roten Armee Memorial Park all the way to the outstanding museum.   

13. Albertinum


On the northeast side of Old Town sits the Albertinum, a grand art museum famous for its large Renaissance building. Named after King Albert of Saxony, the building was once used as an armory before being redesigned by the regional master builder Carl Adolf Canzler in the 16th century.

Home to numerous enchanting statutes from Romanticism all the way up to present times, the connection still holds a few of its original pieces from the Albertinum’s first years of exhibiting. After undergoing renovations, as of 2010 the museum has been reopened and is better than ever.

Boasting its recent New Masters Gallery addition, the museum has taken to supporting upcoming ace artists of our own era. You will find that the New Masters Gallery and the original Sculpture Collection complement each other in a dance between master craftsmanship.  

12. Deutsches Hygiene-Museum

Deutsches Hygiene-Museum

Interestingly enough, Dresden is home to a very unique medical museum in this, the German Hygiene Museum. Humankind’s struggle with health, wellness, and hygiene, is a tale as old as time. You would be shocked to know what it was like working in the medical field even just 200 years ago.

At one point in history, much of Europe even considered bathing to be un-clean. As you can see already, the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum may hold many more surprises upon inspection than one may think at first glance. Sitting just east of Old Town, and full of surprises for both parents and kids, it is the perfect place to bring a curious scientific mind.

11. Panometer Dresden

Panometer Dresden

Get a 306-degree view of history! Get to know Dresden’s architecture and city art on an intimate level with a voice-guided tour in the most unique way. This extraordinary audio-visual experience will surround you with lights and take you to a Dresden of the past.

Discover the Dresden of 1756 as a detailed painting of the city comes to life all around you, or walk the panorama of a destroyed Dresden after World War II bombings during the Panometer’s yearly anniversary event.

Do take note that the tickets can be pricey, and the location is southeastward heading out of town. But if you want to experience something rare to find anywhere else in the world, then this is the place you need on your to-do list of things to do Dresden.  

10. Hike in Saxon Switzerland National Park

Saxon Switzerland National Park

One of the most popular ways to get to Saxon Switzerland National Park is to take a cruise down the River Elbe. Here you can hike the iconic fissured and rocky canyon landscape, which is quite a unique sight to see.

Featuring a vast variety of breathtaking panoramic views, the iconic jutting sandstone cliffs are a hiker’s dream! Bastei Bridge is the foremost hike to do, as you can traverse atop the River Elbe 194 meters in the sky. It is also free of charge and relatively close to the Bastei bus stop.

Other recommended Hikes include Malerweg Trail (AKA Painters’Trail), Stolpen Castle, Bielatal Trail, and Bad Schandau which is one of the most demanding hikes available. If you are looking to take your GPS out to find an adventure all your own, then is it good to do research and learn what to expect ahead of time for each section of the terrain. 

9. Grosser Garten

Grosser Garten

The appropriately named Grosser Garten (Great Garden) is a relaxing refuge during the warmer months. The centerpiece of the park is the Summer Palace, a Baroque masterpiece from the 17th century.

It is one of the earliest examples of Baroque architecture in Germany. The area around the palace has been a public park since 1814. Now the biggest park in Dresden, it is home to the Zoo Dresden and the Botanical Garden where visitors can explore a variety of trees, shrubs, and flowers. From April to October a miniature train rides around the park.

8. Kunsthofpassage


A showcase of modern art, Kunsthofpassage is a colorful and imaginative neighborhood located in Dresden’s student district in Neustadt.

The passage consists of several courtyards where visitors can stroll by whimsically painted buildings. One of the most famous is known as the “Courtyard of Elements.” This bright blue painting boasts an amazing feature, “singing” drain pipes.

When the rain falls, the elaborate gutter system on this bright blue building plays “music.” There is another courtyard that is adorned with lively animals, including monkeys. Kunsthofpassage is also known for its artsy boutique shops and small cafes.

7. Bruehl’s Terrace

Bruehl's Terrace

A terraced promenade overlooking the Elbe River, the Bruehl Terrace (Brühlsche Terrasse) is a popular gathering spot that has earned the nickname “The Balcony of Europe.”

It was once a part of Dresden’s protective ramparts. But between the years 1739 and 1748, the ramparts were turned into a beautiful garden. Today, visitors enjoy strolling the promenade and taking in the gorgeous views and seeing the impressive statues and the architecture in the area.

There are several historical buildings located along the terrace including the Academy of Fine Arts (Kunstakademie), and Saxony’s Supreme Court (Sächsisches Ständehaus). It is also a favorite spot for people viewing.  

6. Royal Palace

Royal Palace

Also known as Dresden Castle, the Residenzschloss is a grand Renaissance-style palace dating back to the 14th century. After being destroyed in the fire of 1701, it was rebuilt and is now by far one of the most impressive residences in Germany. From the white English staircase, Boulle furniture to the State rooms, and everything in between it is apparent that the kings of Dresden’s past had expensive taste.

Inside the palace, visitors will find various collections and exhibitions. The gold and gem-laden historical Green Vault is the epidemy of the extravagance here at Dresden Castle. Art enthusiasts should not miss the Copperplate Engraving Cabinet, which holds an extensive collection of prints and drawings dating back to the Renaissance era.

Another interesting area within the Royal Palace is the Turkish Chamber. This exhibition showcases splendid Ottoman-style artifacts, costumes, and textiles that were once gifts from diplomatic exchanges with the Ottoman Empire.

Exploring the Royal Palace will also lead guests to the Rüstkammer, or Armory, which contains an amazing display of weapons, armor, and Renaissance-era militaria. An especially stunning piece of this collection is the suit of armor made for Augustus II the Strong, the Elector of Saxony.

5. Green Vault

Green Vault

The Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe) houses what is considered to be one of the largest collections of treasures in Europe. Located in the Dresden Castle, it contains more than 4,000 items. Visitors to this baroque castle will find magnificent works of art, including gold figurines and unusual pieces such as gilded goblets made from ostrich eggs.

It is also a showcase for an amazing collection of gems and jewels, including the 41-carat Dresden Green Diamond. This nearly flawless apple-green gem is the largest green diamond in the world.

4. Procession of Princes

Procession of Princes

This outdoor mural depicts a parade that includes most of the rulers of Saxony between 1127 and 1918, starting with Konrad the Great. The original painting was created by the artist Wilhelm Walther between the years 1890 and 1876.

The artist included himself in the painting and appears as the last figure in the Procession of Princes. The original was created using the sgraffito pottery technique. But when that mural faded, it was replaced with 25,000 Meissen ceramic tiles and is now the largest porcelain mural in the world.

3. Semper Opera House

Semper Opera House

Built in 1841, the Semper Opera House, or Semperoper, is an impressive example of baroque architecture and is located in Dresden’s historic center. It is named for its architect, Gottfried Semper.

The Semper Opera House is the home of the Saxon State Orchestra and the Semperoper ballet. The structure has been rebuilt several times during its history.

A fire in 1869 damaged part of the structure and Allied bombing destroyed much of the building in 1945. The Semper Opera House was rebuilt as an exact replica, with the exception of a few modern conveniences. It reopened exactly 40 years after its destruction on February 13, 1985.

In 2002, the building was once again damaged when the nearby Elbe River flooded. It was repaired and is once again open for tours.

2. Zwinger Palace

Zwinger Palace

This impressive complex of buildings, which was built between the years 1710 and 1732, is located across the road from Dresden Castle.

The Zwinger is made up of six stunning pavilions and was originally used to host tournaments and was also the site of various court activities. Today, the palace is home to several museums, including one that houses a large ceramics collections as well as an armory that is a showcase of Germany’s weapons.

Then there is the wing known as the Semperbau, where visitors can feast their eyes on paintings from the Old Masters, including Van Dyck, Rubens and Raphael. One of Zwinger’s most famous and photographed features is the Crown Gate. This gate is a baroque masterpiece, as is Zwinger’s beautiful Nymphaeum fountain.

1. Frauenkirche


The most famous tourist attractions in Dresden, the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady) is a Lutheran church that was originally built in the 18th century. The impressive dome was finished in 1738 and consists of a double shell with two casings that make up the inner and outer dome.

The church graced Dresden’s skyline for two centuries before collapsing after the February 1945 bombing. After the reunification of Germany a grassroots movement helped raise funds to rebuild the famous landmark. The church was reconstructed using original plans from the 1720s and reopened in 2005.

The city of Coventry, which was raided by the Luftwaffe donated the golden cross for the dome of the church. The dome can be climbed. From the top visitors can enjoy magnificent views of Dresden and the Elbe river.

Where to Stay in Dresden

Dresden has a myriad of excellent accommodation options that cater to different tastes and budgets. Consider the Innere Neustadt district if you’re into historical charm and artsy vibes. This area delights with its architectural wonders. It’s also conveniently close to many of Dresden’s popular attractions.

Alternatively, you can stay in the heart of Dresden at Altstadt. This area boasts top-notch hotels and proximity to iconic landmarks, ensuring that your sightseeing trips are a mere stone’s throw away from your cozy abode. If you’re looking for more affordable accommodations without compromising on accessibility, check out Äußere Neustadt. It’s a lively hub of pubs, eateries, and artistic scenery.

A great budget option, the Leonardo Hotel has a variety of rooms perfect for both the individual traveller or the entire family. They are even pet friendly, so you can bring your furry adventuring pal along if you so choose. Located just northwest of Old Town on the edge of the Friedrichstadt district and close by to Mitte Station.

The Maritim Hotel is a well reviewed midrange hotel that sits right on the banks of the River Elbe, abut to Old Town. Only an 8-minute walk to Dresden Castle and boasting classic elegance, any traveling couple would be happy to stay at the Maritim Hotel. After some relaxation, you may want to find yourself at the hotel bar or the Restaurant Wintergarten.

How to get there

Dresden Train Station

Dresden Airport (DRS) is the most common way to get into the city. The international airport has direct flights from major European cities like London, Paris, and Frankfurt. From the airport, visitors can take the S2 train or a taxi to reach the city center.

If you’re more of a train traveler, Dresden has two main railway stations: Dresden Hauptbahnhof (main station) and Dresden-Neustadt station. Both stations have direct connections to German and European cities such as Berlin, Prague, and Vienna. Grab a seat, enjoy the picturesque journey, and you’ll be in Dresden in no time.

Buses offer a budget-friendly alternative when it comes to reaching Dresden. Many long-distance bus companies, such as Flixbus and RegioJet, provide routes that connect the city with others in Germany and Europe.

Approximate travel times:

  • Leipzig – 1 hour by car, 1 hour by train
  • Prague (Czech Republic) – 2 hours by car, 2 hours by train
  • Berlin – 2 hours by car, 2 hours by train
  • Nuremberg – 3.5 hours by car, 3 hours 30 minutes by train
  • Vienna (Austria) – 5 hours by car, 6 hours by train
  • Munich – 4 hours by car, 4 hours by train
  • Frankfurt – 4 hours by car, 4 hours by train
  • Hamburg – 4.5 hours by car, 5 hours by train

Best Time to Visit Dresden

As temperatures average around 19 to 24°C (66 to 75°F), the sun is shining and everything is incredibly green, May to September is arguably the loveliest time to visit Dresden. Although the city is at its busiest (and priciest), the warm weather means there are lots of fun events and outdoor activities to enjoy.

Highlights include the Dixieland Festival – Europe’s largest jazz festival – and the huge Bunte Republik Neustadt street party. You can also take scenic boat trips to the Saxon Switzerland National Park or hike and rock climb about its dramatic formations.

Outside of these months, April and October still see quite a few visitors though the weather is unpredictable. While temperatures hover around 13 to 14°C (55 to 57°F), its winds can also bring sudden cold spells. If warm, the city’s countless parks are nice to wander about thanks to their emerging buds or attractive autumnal colors.

While the rest of the year is very quiet, December sees thousands head to Dresden for the Striezelmarkt; one of Germany’s oldest Christmas markets. Dating to 1434, it is most famed for its tasty Stollen fruitcakes and shining candles that light almost every window in town.

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23 Best Things to Do in Dresden, Germany (2024)

  • January 18, 2024
  • by Jenoa Matthes

Zwinger Dresden

Dresden is the capital of Saxony and is one of Eastern Germany’s most beautiful cities. Known as the “Florence on the Elbe”, Dresden is home to spectacular Baroque buildings, excellent museums, and a fascinating yet turbulent past.

In this guide, we are sharing all of the best things to do in Dresden, Germany. We also include day trips, a map to help you navigate around, restaurant recommendations, and transportation tips.

We spent 5 days in Dresden exploring the best of the city and the region. Our takeaway? This city, once nearly devastated during World War II, has now blossomed into a thriving cultural center. We loved our time here, and it’s definitely worth spending a few days in Dresden.

Read on to discover the top things to do in Dresden.

23 Things to do in Dresden

1. altmarkt (old market).

Altmarkt Dresden

At the center of the Old Town is the Altmarkt (Old Market). Dating back to the 13th century, this is one of the city’s oldest squares. It was severely damaged during World War II but has since been rebuilt into a modern and bustling hub.

Around the square, you’ll find the Kreuzkirche (Church of the Holy Cross), known for its impressive baroque architecture, and next to it a modern shopping complex. It serves as unique juxtaposition and reminder of Dresden before the war, and the thriving city it has become post-war.

Throughout the year, the Altmarkt hosts many events, such as the annual Dresden Christmas Market (Striezelmarkt). The square transforms into a magical and festive event with booths selling traditional crafts and foods.

Additionally, we visited Dresden in early September and ran into the Herbsmarkt (Autumn Market) in the square. We wandered around the stalls that were selling baked fall goods and drinks. There were also some activities set up for kids.

Keep your eye out for these events, as they are a fun way to experience the local culture.

Here’s an overview of seasonal events in the Altmarkt in 2024:

  • Frühjahrsmarkt (Spring Market) | April 26 – May 20, 2024
  • Herbsmarkt (Autumn Market) | September 13 – October 6, 2024
  • Striezelmarkt (Christmas Market) | November 27 – December 24, 2024

2. Neumarkt (New Market)

Neumarkt Dresden, Germany

The Neumarkt (New Market) is a historical and significant square in Dresden. It serves as a stark reminder of the city’s turbulent past during World War II.

In the middle of February 1945, over the course of several days, the U.S. and British Air Forces bombed the city of Dresden. This resulted in a fast-spreading fire that ultimately decimated Dresden’s Old Town, especially the buildings surrounding the Neumarkt.

Most of the historical buildings in this square were largely destroyed in the bombing raids, including the Frauenkirche. Restoration began in the late 20th century and the square has since been restored to its former glory

Walking around the Neumarkt is both heavy and hopeful. You can feel the sorrow that people must have felt when their city was destroyed but seeing it come back to life is inspiring.

Today, the Neumarkt is a testament to Dresden’s resilience and commitment to preserving its history while embracing modernity.

3. Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady)

Frauenkirche Dresden

Situated in the Neumarkt, the Frauenkirche is a beautiful Lutheran church built in the Baroque style. The original structure dates back to the 11th century; however, the Baroque building that we see today was constructed in the 18th century marking a transition from its earlier Gothic style.

During this time, the dome was added on and is considered a masterpiece designed by George Bähr. It took an impressive 17 years to complete and is one of the tallest domes in Europe.

Tragically, the Frauenkirche was destroyed in the 1945 Dresden bombings and ultimately collapsed due to the heat of the firestorm that ravaged the Old Town. The church sat as a pile of ruins for many years until the city was able to fund its rebuilding in the 1990s.

The church’s restoration was completed in 2005 using the same plans by George Bähr from the 1700s. On the exterior, you’ll notice many blackened stones from the original structure intermixed with lighter stones to remind us of the church’s tumultuous history.

Stepping inside, the Frauenkirche’s interior is covered in pastel hues and Baroque details. Fun fact: the walls seem to be covered in marble; however, it has been painted in such a way to create a marble-like effect.

Practical info: The church is free to visit. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10:00-11:30 & 13:00-17:30. Hours vary on the weekends.

4. Brühls Terrace

bruhls terrace dresden

At the edge of Old Town, perched high above the River Elbe, is Brühls Terrace. Also known as the “Balcony of Europe,” this terrace sits atop the city’s old fortress and offers one of the most picturesque views in the city.

We bought a Bratwurst from a popular food cart called Imbiss, Thüringer Rostbratwurst , and walked up to Brühls Terrace to enjoy the views while eating our lunch. We highly recommend doing this if you’re looking for a quick and cheap lunch on the go, plus it was delicious!

5. Theaterplatz

Theaterplatz is a grand square that serves as the entrance into the Old Town. Surrounding the square are several of Dresden’s main attractions, including the Zwinger Palace, Hofkirche, Semperoper, and the Residenzschloss.

From here, make your way to the Zwinger Palace to start your visit to some of Dresden’s most significant sights.

6. Zwinger Palace

Zwinger Dresden

Visiting the Zwinger Palace is one of the most popular things to do in Dresden. The palace is one of the best examples of Baroque architecture and is considered a masterpiece.

Originally built in the early 18th century as place to host events and tournaments for nobility, the palace is now home to several museums, which are also part of the Dresden State Art Collections.

These include the Old Masters Picture Gallery, Dresden’s Porcelain Collection, and the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments.

Additionally, the gardens are wonderful to walk around and feature orange trees and manicured lawns. Stop by the Bath of Nymphs to admire this beautiful fountain.

Sadly, like many buildings in Dresden, the Zwinger Palace was destroyed during World War II; however, much of its contents inside were stored away and survived.

The palace was rebuilt in the mid-20th century and reopened to the public. Below, we’re sharing some more information on the can’t-miss sights at the Zwinger.

Practical information: The palace is open Monday to Friday from 6:00AM – 8:00PM and on weekends from 8:00AM – 8:00PM.

7. Glockenspiel

glockenspiel in dresden, germany

At the center of the Zwinger Palace courtyard, you’ll find the Glockenspiel, a unique instrument made of 40 porcelain bells. It was originally built in the 1930s with 24 bells but was replaced after World War II.

Every 15-minutes, the bells chime and play a variety of melodies. You can walk up close to see the bells in action as they play their song.

8. Dresden Porcelain Collection (Porzellansammlung)

The Dresden Porcelain Collection contains one of the most impressive porcelain collections in the world, boasting over 20,000 pieces, including Chinese, Japanese, and Meissen porcelain.

As a result of his obsession with East Asian porcelain, Augustus The Strong founded the first European porcelain factory in Meissen, Germany in the early 18th century.

The Porcelain Collection is the best place to view some of the first pieces produced in Meissen, from plates to large vessels. Additionally, the museum hosts exhibitions every year featuring porcelain from Asia and other parts of Europe.

Practical information: The museum is open daily from 10:00AM – 6:00PM, except Monday. Tickets can be purchased online at the official website or upon arrival.

9. Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister)

The Old Masters Gallery hosts an incredible collection of 15th to 18th century artworks.

Established in the mid-18th century by Augustus the Strong and further expanded by his son Augustus III, the gallery is renowned for its exceptional collection of European paintings from the Renaissance to the Baroque period.

The most famous piece inside of the gallery is Raphael’s “Sistine Madonna,” an inconic work of art that people from all over the world come to see. In addition, masterpieces by Rubens, Rembrandt, Titian, and Van Eyck can also be found here.

10. Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments ( Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon)

The Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments is a fascinating museum that features an incredible collection of historical scientific instruments.

Located within the Zwinger Palace since the early 18th century, this collection dates back to the 16th century when Augustus of Saxony began accumulating many scientific devices.

Over the centuries, this collection grew to include an extraordinary variety of instruments used for astronomical, geographical, and physical measurements. You’ll find an array of globes, telescopes, clocks, and many other curiosities here.

11. Semperoper (Opera House)

Opera House Dresden

The Semperoper in Dresden is one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. Named after its architect, Gottfried Semper, this magnificent building first opened in 1841.

The original structure, however, was raged by fire in 1869 and subsequently rebuilt in another style by Semper. Tragically, the opera house was again destroyed during the bombings of World War II but was eventually restored to its former glory, reopening in 1985.

The Semperoper is famed not only for its stunning Baroque architecture, with its elaborate interiors and grand facade, but also for its rich musical history. Composers, such as Richard Wagner and Richard Strauss, premiered major works here.

Today, you can attend a ballet or opera performance in this historical building. Alternatively, you can book a tour of the building if you are interested in visiting the interiors without paying to see a performance.

12. Hofkirche (Dresden Cathedral)

Catholic Church Dresden

The Hofkirche, also known as the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, is an important catholic church in Dresden. The cathedral was commissioned by Augustus III, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, and was completed in 1751.

Designed by Italian architect Gaetano Chiaveri, the cathedral is a masterpiece of Baroque architecture, featuring an 85-meter-high bell tower that dominates the Dresden skyline.

Notably, King Augustus the Strong’s heart is buried here, along with other members of the royal family of Saxony.

Practical information: The Hofkirche is free to visit.

13. Residenzschloss (Dresden Royal Palace)

Theaterplatz Dresden

The Residenzschloss, also known as the Dresden Royal Palace or Dresden Castle, was the seat of power for many electors and kings of Saxony for centuries. The palace has undergone various renovations over the years – from Baroque to Renaissance styles – and is one of Dresden’s oldest buildings.

The castle was destroyed during the bombing of Dresden in 1945 and has since been restored, with some of the most recent works being completed in the 21st century.

Today, the Residenzschloss houses several museums, including the Historic Green Vault and New Green Vault, the Cabinet of Prints, Drawings and Photographs, Armoury, Turkish Chamber, and Coin Cabinet.

In 2019, the State Apartments of Augustus the Strong were opened to the public featuring several ornately decorated rooms and items from his porcelain collection.

Practical information: The Dresden Royal Palace is open daily from 10:00AM – 6:00pm, except Tuesdays. Tickets can be purchased online at the official website or upon arrival.

14. Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault)

Located inside of the Residenzschloss, the historic Green Vault is one of the most popular attractions in Dresden.

Set inside of an opulent 18th century Baroque room, the Green Vault is the treasury of Augustus the Strong. It is famed for its meticulously crafted and artistically arranged collection of objects, including ivories, bronzes, gold and silver treasures, gemstones, and intricately carved amber and coral pieces.

The highlight of the museum is the breathtaking Dresden Green Diamond, a 41-karat green diamond from India.

Practical information: The Residenzschloss is open daily from 10:00AM – 6:00pm, except Tuesdays. Tickets can be purchased online at the official website or upon arrival.

15. Fürstenzug

Furstenzug in Dresden, Germany

One of the top things to do in Dresden is to see the Fürstenzug, a 102-meter-long porcelain mural located on the outer wall of the Dresden Royal Palace.

The Fürstenzug, or the Procession of Princes, is renowned as the largest porcelain artwork in the world. This grand mural depicts the procession of the rulers of Saxony, showcasing a lineage that spans nearly eight centuries.

Originally painted by Wilhelm Walther between 1872 and 1872, the mural was later transferred onto 23,000 porcelain tiles in the early 20th century to help preserve the artwork.

Remarkably, this masterpiece survived the allied bombing in 1945, suffering only minimal damage.

Book this Dresden Walking Tour to learn more about the history of the Fürstenzug and other historical sights in the city.

16. Grand Garden of Dresden (Großer Garten Dresden)

Grand Garden Dresden

Exploring the Grand Garden is one of our favorite things to do in Dresden. It is only a 20-minute walk from Neumarkt and features the Summer Palace, the Dresden Zoo, and Dresden Botanical Garden.

If you’re visiting on a nice day, spend a couple of hours wandering around this beautiful garden with landscaped lawns, flower beds, and tree-lined pathways.

17. Neustadt (New Town)

Make your way across the Elbe River from the Old Town to Neustadt (New Town). Surprisingly, the New Town has more preserved historic buildings and streets from before World War II than the Old Town because it wasn’t as heavily bombed.

Walking around Neustadt feels quite different than Altstadt. It’s hip, has a cool restaurant scene, and you’ll find much of the Dresden nightlife here.

It also hails a much younger and less-touristy crowd. We stayed in Neustadt and really enjoyed the area.

18. Pfunds Molkerei

Pfunds Molkerei

Pfunds Molkerei is a 19th century shop that has been named the “most beautiful dairy shop in the entire world.” It’s true.

The interior is completely covered in hand-painted blue and white tiles and is one of the most unique cafes we have ever visited.

The shop sells a selection of delicious cheese, milk, and other food products. You can also dine at their formal restaurant upstairs or at the cafe on the main floor, which both sell dairy-focused dishes.

19. Courtyard of Elements

Courtyard of Elements Dresden

Make your way to Kunsthofpassage in the Neustadt district, and you’ll find a small alleyway that has been transformed into an outdoor art gallery. Murals and other art installations line the alleyway, but the real showstopper is the Courtyard of Elements.

The Courtyard of Elements is a wall of drainpipes that transforms rainwater into a musical performance. This is the place to go on a rainy day in Dresden.

Unfortunately, it didn’t rain when we were in Dresden, but it’s still neat to see nonetheless.

20. Albertinum

The Albertinum, located in the Altstadt, is an art museum that showcases art from the Romantic period (1800s) to the present day.

Inside, you’ll find a fantastic sculpture collection featuring artists such as Degas and Rodin. Additionally, the museum hosts exhibitions throughout the year featuring contemporary artists.

Practical info: The Albertinum museum is open daily from 10:00AM – 6:00PM, except Monday.s You can purchase tickets at the museum upon arrival.

21. Pillnitz Palace

Pillnitz Palace in Dresden

Pillnitz Palace, located on the banks of the River Elbe near Dresden, is a stunning blend of Baroque and Chinoiserie architecture.

The palace dates back to the 14th century, but it was during the 18th century that Augustus the Strong used it to host many events, festivals, and weddings.

Today, you can visit Pillnitz Palace and its beautiful gardens, including a 250-year-old Camelia plant that apparently was brought back from Japan in the 18th century. If this is true, then it is one of Europe’s oldest Camellia trees. Although no one knows for sure.

To get here, you can either drive (takes 25 minutes), or take the tram and bus from Dresden city center. If you opt for public transport, then plan on a 1-hour journey to Pillnitz Palace from Dresden.

Practical info: The palace is open daily from 6:00AM – 5:00PM. Tickets can be purchased upon arrival. Note: The museums are closed during the winter. Make sure to check opening times before visiting.

22. Dresden River Cruise

Dresden River cruise

Taking a Dresden river cruise is a fantastic way to explore the Elbe River and to enjoy some beautiful views of the city from the river.

Here are a few options to book:

  • Dresden to Pillnitz Palace – This 3-hour cruise takes you along the Elbe River to Pillnitz Palace. The boat stops at the palace for only 20 minutes, so if you want to spend more time here, it’s best to visit on your own.
  • Dresden River Cruise | This 1.5 hour cruise takes you along the Elbe to see several different palaces.
  • Dresden to Meissen | This full-day trip takes you along the Saxon wine route to the town of Meissen. You’ll have 3 hours to explore the city before taking the boat back to Dresden.

23. Take a day trip from Dresden

Street in Meissen, Germany

Dresden’s central location within Saxony makes it easy to take day trips around the region. Below, we are sharing our favorite day trips that we took from Dresden.

Meissen | A day trip to Meissen is a fantastic idea if you want to explore one of the most charming towns in the Saxony region. From Albrechtsburg castle to the Meissen Porcelain Factory, there are plenty of things to do here to fill up your day. We did this day trip from Dresden and loved it. Just hop on the local train and you’ll be there in under 1 hour.

Moritzburg | We loved taking a day trip to Moritzburg from Dresden to see the castle. A half-day is plenty of time to explore the town and castle. You can either get there by steam train or bus from Dresden.

Saxon Switzerland National Park | A day trip to Saxon Switzerland National Park is a wonderful idea if you’re looking to take a break from the city and want to enjoy some nature. Located on the border of Germany and the Czech Republic, this national park has many wonderful hiking trails and unique sights, such as the Bastei Bridge. We recommend booking this full-day tour from Dresden or renting a car to get here.

Top Ten Things to do in Dresden

Don’t have time to see everything on this list? Below, we’re sharing the top 10 things to do in Dresden that you can’t miss!

  • Zwinger Palace Gardens
  • Dresden Porcelain Collection
  • Old Masters Picture Gallery
  • Frauenkirche
  • Residenzschloss
  • Green Vault
  • Grand Garden

You’ll need 1.5-2 days to see everything on this top ten list.

Getting Around Dresden

Dresden is a very walkable city. Once you are in the Old Town, you can walk to all of the main sites very easily.

If you are staying in the New Town, like we did, then you might want to take a tram to the Old City. It’s a doable walk, but much quicker to take the tram. Since we stayed in New Town, we opted to take the tram to save us some time.

The tram system is convenient to use. There are stops all around the city. Just buy a ticket at a tram stop, or you can buy a single-day pass online here.

Map of Dresden

To help you best navigate your way around, here is a map of all of the best things to do in Dresden.

To save the map to Google Maps on your phone or computer, click on the star next to the title. Once you do this, you’ll be able to find the map in your “saved maps” list on your phone.

To see a list of all the items on the map, click the box with arrow on the left. To enlarge the map, click the box on the right.

Dresden Welcome Card

Dresden offers several discount cards to make it cheaper and more convenient to get around during your stay. There are several offers – one includes free transportation and another offers discounted museum tickets.

You can learn more about the different city cards here. Please note – this does not include free entrance to any of the main museums. The major perk with the card is that transportation is included; however, you may not need this if you are staying in the Old Town.

How to get to Dresden

View of Old Town Dresden, Germany

Located in Eastern Germany near the borders of Poland and the Czech Republic, Dresden is easy to access by train, bus, or plane.

There is an international airport in Dresden with access to many European countries. The closest major airport is in Berlin.

Alternatively, you can get to Dresden by bus or train easily from nearby cities, such as Berlin, Leipzig, and Prague.

Berlin to Dresden: The high-speed train from Berlin takes around 2 hours each way. We highly suggest taking the fast train.

Prague to Dresden: The direct train from Prague takes around 2.5 hours, making Dresden an easy day trip destination or weekend trip from Prague.

Leipzig to Dresden: The train from Leipzig to Dresden takes around 1.5 – 2 hours each way.

How much time in Dresden

Planning on visiting Dresden but not sure how much time to spend here? We recommend spending a minimum of 2 days in Dresden to visit the main attractions. If you want to take a day trip or two, then you should spend 4 days here.

We stayed in Dresden for 5 days and spent 2 days in the city and 3 days taking day trips to Meissen, Moritzburg, and Saxon Switzerland National Park. In our opinion, this was the perfect amount of time.

Best time to Visit Dresden

view overlooking Dresden Germany Old Town

Dresden is a wonderful city to visit all year. In November and December, you can visit the Dresden Christmas markets, which is a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday months and enjoy the winter months here.

Fun fact: The Striezelmarkt in Dresden is actually the oldest Christmas market in Germany – dating back to the 15th century.

Of course, the summer months have the best weather but visiting during this time means more crowds and higher prices.

The shoulder seasons, April to May and September to October, are the best times to visit Dresden for pleasant weather and less tourists. We visited in September and would highly recommend visiting this time of year!

Where to stay in Dresden

The Old Town in Dresden is the best area to stay if you’d like to have everything within walking distance. We stayed in the New Town and really enjoyed it; however, it was a much longer walk to the main sights, and we ended up having to take the tram most days.

Luxury hotel: Hotel Taschenbergpalais Kempinski | A stunning 5-star hotel located in the heart of the Old Town with well-decorated rooms and modern amenities (including a pool).

Boutique hotel: Hotel Suitess | This 5-star hotel is located near the Frauenkirche in the Old Town and features comfortable rooms.

Mid-range hotel: Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe | This beautiful hotel is located in the Neumarkt and features modern rooms and great views.

Budget hotel: Hotel Indigo Dresden | This hotel is located within walking distance to all of the main attractions and offers affordable prices.

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The 11 Best Things to Do in Dresden, Germany

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Best Things to do in Dresden

You’ll find Dresden and its glorious medieval, baroque, and neo-renaissance architecture on the serene banks of the River Elbe. Arrayed across the Elbe Valley, Dresden’s history can be traced back to the 12th century, while its famous Christmas market is not much younger, having been held almost continuously since 1434.

As you stroll through the Neumarkt and along Bruhl’s Terrace (nicknamed the “Balcony of Europe”), you’ll soon understand why the dukes, electors, and kings of Saxony made Dresden their royal capital. Along the banks of the River Elbe are grand palaces and palatial gardens, while the riches, treasures, and artwork of the Saxon nobility can be found in the Green Vault and the Old and New Masters’ Galleries.

With so many things to see and do, you might not know where to begin. That’s why we’ve compiled our list of the absolute best things to do in Dresden for you. Stick to these fun and unique Dresden bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt you’ll have an amazing time exploring this gorgeous European city!

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11 Fun and Unique Things to do in Dresden, Germany

1. see saxon royalty at dresden castle.

Best Things to do in Dresden: Dresden Castle

Dresden Castle is one of the most impressive Dresden attractions. Rising above the banks of the River Elbe, for centuries, this was the home of Saxony’s noble and royal families. 

Today, the sprawling royal complex is a mélange of baroque and Renaissance architecture largely dating from the 18th and 19th centuries when Saxony was an independent German kingdom. The history of Dresden Castle can be traced back much further than this, to when it was founded as a fortress in the 12th century AD.

Cool Things to do in Dresden: Dresden Castle

Like much of Dresden, the castle and its royal palace were destroyed during World War II. It was slowly rebuilt (renovations are still ongoing today), and as you tour through stately rooms and grand dining halls, you’ll see the lavish lifestyles lived by the Saxon royal family. 

2. Examine Treasures Inside the Green Vault 

A visit to the Green Vault is easily one of the best things to do in Dresden. Located within the Dresden Castle complex, the Green Vault is one of the oldest museums anywhere in the world.

The Green Vault (named for the green-colored pillars found within) was originally used in the 17th century as a secure vault for the Saxon nobility’s treasures. In the 1720s, Saxon ruler Augustus the Strong decided to open the vault, and its many treasures, to the public, inadvertently opening an early type of museum in the process. 

Augustus the Strong displayed treasures from across the world, including ivory and bronze from Africa and his royal family’s crown jewels. The Green Vault was damaged during World War II, but it was reopened in 2004. 

3. Join a Walking Tour of Dresden’s Old Town 

Fun Things to do in Dresden: Old Town

Nothing beats a walking tour, and if you’re looking to see the best sights in Dresden, it’s the best introduction to the city. 

Free, tips-based walking tours depart several times per day from the Martin Luther Statue (near the Frauenkirche) in the Neumarkt. From here, you’ll delve into the Saxon history of Dresden before learning how the city’s medieval and baroque architecture was almost obliterated during the Second World War. 

Dresden Bucket List: Old Town

But Dresden is like a phoenix, and from local guides, you’ll also hear how the city was rebuilt, over many decades, from the rubble. There are niche tours you can book in Dresden, too, including food, beer, and most intriguing of all, the Night Watchman’s Tour by lantern light !

4. Walk Along Bruhl’s Terrace 

Must do things in Dresden: Bruhl's Terrace 

Taking a walk along Bruhl’s Terrace is one of the top things to do in Dresden. This beautiful terrace sits high above the River Elbe, offering sweeping views of Dresden’s cityscape from its lofty perch. 

Bruhl’s Terrace was originally part of the city’s defensive walls, but in 1814, after the Saxons won the Battle of Leipzig, the walls were opened to the public and transformed into a glorious viewing terrace worthy of victory. 

What to do in Dresden: Bruhl's Terrace 

Bruhl’s Terrace is now nicknamed the “Balcony of Europe,” and as you stroll above the river banks, walking past the Frauenkirche and Dresden Castle, you’ll soon understand why!

5. Admire the Reconstructed Frauenkirche

Best Things to do in Dresden: Frauenkirche

One of the most iconic Dresden attractions, the Frauenkirche , with its beautiful baroque architecture, is both a symbol of Dresden’s past and its more recent history. 

Built as a Lutheran church in the 18th century, the Frauenkirche was the seat of religion in Saxony’s capital. The church’s splendid dome and lavish interior were a tribute to Dresden’s prestige, but during World War II, the Frauenkirche was razed to the ground.

Cool Things to do in Dresden: Frauenkirche

The Allied firebombing of Dresden caused unprecedented loss of life and cultural destruction on a level unknown before. Much of the city was destroyed, and as a monument to those who lost their lives, the East German government decided that the Frauenkirche would remain a pile of symbolic rubble in the city center.

However, the citizens had other plans, and once Germany reunited in the 1990s, the Frauenkirche was pieced back together, brick by brick. Today, it stands proud once more, after a massive rebuilding effort brought this Dresden landmark back from the dead. 

6. Visit the New Masters’ Gallery at the Albertinum

Fun Things to do in Dresden: Albertinum

Art lovers have made a great choice to visit Dresden, given the capital of Saxony is home to one of Europe’s most impressive art collections.

Head to the Albertinum (built in the late 19th century and named after King Albert of Saxony), and you can see the work of Europe’s New Masters on display. The gallery is home to several hundred classic paintings by a range of artists, including Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh, who were active in the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Unique Things to do in Dresden: Albertinum

The Albertinum is located on Bruhl’s Terrace, where it forms a particularly aesthetic addition to Dresden’s skyline. 

7. And the Old Masters Gallery at The Zwinger 

Dresden Bucket List: The Zwinger

Dresden’s baroque architecture found its apogee with the construction of The Zwinger, a vast palace and gardens built during the reign of Augustus the Strong in the early 1700s.

Located in the Old Town, the palatial grounds are home to lavish sculptures and pleasure gardens, just as the 18th-century Saxon nobles envisaged it. Much has been reconstructed, however, given The Zwinger was heavily bombed during the Second World War. 

Must do things in Dresden: The Zwinger

The Zwinger is also home to one of the best art museums in Dresden, the Semper Galerie, which opened in 1855. The Semper Galerie is where you’ll find the Old Masters’ Gallery , an impressive collection of artwork created by the likes of Raphael, Rubens, and Rembrandt between the 15th and 18th centuries.

8. Cruise on the River Elbe 

Best Things to do in Dresden: River Elbe

The River Elbe is the lifeblood of Dresden, and there’s no better way to experience the city’s glorious skyline than with a cruise along the river.

The river is well-known for its historic paddle steamers, pleasure boats that have plied the waters for decades. One of the most fun Dresden activities, this is the oldest paddle steamer fleet in the world, and you can sit back in historic surroundings as you take in famous sights like the Frauenkirche and Bruhl’s Terrace.

Dresden Things to do: River Elbe

You can take a short cruise through Dresden, book a romantic dinner cruise at sunset, or join a longer day tour along the River Elbe to romantic Saxon towns like Meissen. 

9. Get Festive at the Striezelmarkt 

Cool Things to do in Dresden: Striezelmarkt

The Striezelmarkt is one of the most famous things to see in Dresden. The city has hosted its iconic Christmas market almost every year without fail (World War II aside) since 1434. And if you’re planning an end-of-year trip, this is easily one of the best things to do in Dresden.

Celebrations begin at the end of November, as the start of Advent is marked as the market is officially opened.

Best Things to do in Dresden: Striezelmarkt

For the Advent period, Dresden’s Old Town is thrown over to wooden market stalls, carol singers, and Gluhwein drinkers in one of the most traditional Christmas markets in Germany . 

10. Day Trip to Saxon Switzerland National Park

Dresden Bucket List: Saxon Switzerland National Park

A day trip to Saxon Switzerland National Park is one of the most incredible Dresden activities. Located just a one-hour drive from the city, you’ll be awed by the dramatic rock formations of this spectacular national park.

The national park protects the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, a unique mountain range on the border with Czechia, where the rocks and peaks have been eroded over time into dramatic shapes.

Must do things in Dresden: Saxon Switzerland National Park

The most famous sight in Saxon Switzerland is the Bastei Bridge, which offers glorious views as it weaves its way through tall rock formations. The national park is the perfect place for hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and many more active pursuits, making it a great place for outdoor lovers to visit during their stay in Dresden.

11. Admire Pillnitz Palace and Park

What to do in Dresden: Pillnitz Palace and Park

Saxon king Augustus the Strong left an indelible mark on Dresden’s skyline, especially so when he commissioned the lavish Pillnitz Palace for his mistress. 

Located on the serene banks of the River Elbe, in what were then the suburbs of Dresden, Pillnitz Palace quickly became the favored summer escape for Saxony’s nobility. 

Best Things to do in Dresden: Pillnitz Palace and Park

Surrounded by vineyards and home to English and Chinese gardens as well as greenhouses and exotic flora sourced from all over the world, today, the Pillnitz Palace and Park continues to offer a refreshing escape from the city. 

There you have it! The 11 best things to do in Dresden. What’s your favorite thing to do in Dresden?

Planning a trip to Germany? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!

tourist attractions in dresden


Best Things to do in Dresden

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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Frauenkirche with Neumarkt market, Saxony, Germany, Europe


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20 Must-Visit Attractions in Dresden

Gerhard Richter Abstraktes Bild (947-3)

Known as a city of art and architecture, Dresden offers visitors to Germany a wealth of attractions, from sensational Baroque buildings through to Gerhard Richter ‘s Abstract creations. We’ve selected from the city’s museums and galleries, as well as festivals, history and culture, to bring you the ultimate must-visit list when in Dresden.

Canaletto's view.

Canaletto Dresden

Royal Palace

Residenzschloss Dresden

Jazz events

If you’re in Dresden for even a short period, there is a chance you’ll happen upon a festival or two during your stay. The International Dixieland Festival Dresden will hit its 48th edition in May 2018 and continues to be a major success – claimed to be the largest ‘old-time jazz’ festival in Europe, it features bands from across the planet. Fans of more modern jazz will enjoy the several-week November Jazztage festival.

Dresden’s Dixieland Festival

City Festival

Another major annual marker on the calendar is the Dresden Stadtfest city festival, also known as Canaletto, which celebrates the foundation of Dresden. It takes place in the third weekend of August and features thousands of artists, attracting more than half a million visitors. Favourites are the arts and crafts from the Middle Ages, jousting tournaments, musical events and – of course – the obligatory fireworks.

Dresden’s City Festival is one of the city’s biggest events

Opera at Semper

people cheering on a mountain

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Gerhard Richter at the Albertinum

Christmas market.

Striezelmarkt Dresden

Großer Garten park

Botanical Garden, Museum, Park

Palais Grosser Garten


Concert Hall, Library

Kulturpalast Dresden

Bundeswehr Military History Museum

Dresdens Bundeswehr Museum of Military History, strikingly altered by Daniel Libeskind

The World of the GDR

New synagogue.

Dresdens New Synagogue

Brühl's Terrace

Festung dresden.

Festung Dresden

Dresden Cathedral

tourist attractions in dresden

Blue Wonder Bridge

Steamboat with the Blue Wonder bridge behind



Meissen porcelain

Meissen porcelain

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Neustadt Dresden

12 Particularly Interesting Things to Do in Dresden, Germany

Last Modified: July 19, 2023 //  by  Anda //   43 Comments

Dresden is one of the most amazing European cities , totally worth adding to your Europe bucket list ! When it comes to tourist attractions, Dresden has much to boast about. From fabulous museums, art galleries, and churches to chic cafés and restaurants and a great array of cultural events, there is a great deal of things to do in Dresden.

Dresden is very compact, therefore quite easy to visit. We’ve spent a week in town, but also visited some places around Dresden. The city’s great location make it the ideal base for many exciting day trips, so if you have more than 4-5 days in Dresden, you should visit the nearby  Bastei Rocks, Pillnitz Castle, Konigstein Fortress , or the town of Meissen.

Things to do in Dresden

Table of Contents

    • Stroll Through the Baroque Quarter 

  • visit dreikönigskirche (church of the three magi),    • listen to the singing drain pipes of kunsthofpassage.

  •    • Grab a Bite at Pfunds Molkerei (Pfund’s Dairy Shop) 

   • Attend a Performance at Semperoper (the Opera House)

   • visit the zwinger palace .

  • • Visit Frauenkirche (The Church of Our Lady)
  •   • Admire the Fürstenzug (the Procession of Princes Mosaic)

• Visit Katolische Hofkirche (Dresden Cathedral)

  •    • Immerse Yourself in Art at the Albertinum
  •    • Spend an Afternoon on the Brühlsche Terrasse (Brühl’s Terrace) 

  • Visit the Green Vault of the Royal Palace

Tips for visiting dresden, best things to do in neustadt (dresden new town).

The funny thing about Neustadt Dresden (New Town Dresden) is that it’s actually quite old. Until the 17th this part of town was actually known as Old Dresden ( Altendresden .) 

After a disastrous fire burned down the quarter in 1685, Altendresden received some good renovation and a new name: Neustadt Dresden, or “New Town Dresden.”

Things to do in Dresden

The baroque reconstructions done produced attractive streets and sites which can still be see today in the area around Königstrasse. During the Second World War, Neustadt suffered very little destruction, compared to the rest of the city, which is why the attractions in this part of Dresden are still the original ones 

Things to do in Dresden

New Town Dresden is home to some very fine buildings, trendy shops and small bars where you can go out for drinks. Here are some exciting things to do in Dresden New Town:   

The Baroque Quarter (a.k.a. Inner Neustadt) is located between the Neustadt train station, Albertplatz and Glacisstrasse. The most elegant street in Dresden Neustadt is, Königstrasse. Although not severely damaged during the war, this street fell into complete neglected under the GDR-era .

Things to do in Neustadt Dresden

In the 1990’s, after the fall of Communism, the buildings have been repaired or rebuilt. An array of boutiques, art dealers, galleries and upscale appeared in this part of town. 

Today, Königstrasse is home to the most sophisticated shops in Dresden. Many of the stores and small restaurants are in passageways leading off Königstrasse are also worth visiting. 

restaurants in Neustadt Dresden

One of the must-sees in the Baroque Quarter is the Church of the Three Magi (Dreikönigskirche). The baroque church stands between the Haupstrasse and the Königstrasse. 

The original building dates back to the 18th century, but its 87-meter high tower was added only 100 years later.

Church of the 3 Magi/Dresden

Although not very ornate, the interior of the church is worth seeing for the beautiful altar piece. The sandstone altar suffered big damage in the bombing of 1945, but has now been restored. 

Altar piece at the Church of the 3 Magi in Dresden

Kunsthofpassage is undoubtedly Dresden’s best kept secret. The passage is actually a series of five small courtyards –not visible from the street– that were turned into an art experiment, called the  Ginkgo project.

Kunsthofpassage came to life when a group of artists sculptors and designers took a bunch of old buildings and redesigned their façades. Each building and courtyard has its own specific motif and a theme. They completed the project in 2001. 

building in the Kunsthofpassage, Dresden

Wandering through the small alleys of the Kunsthoffpasage was my favorite thing to do in Dresden. 

Tip: To find this place you have to know exactly where it is, since it’s not likely that you’ll stumble upon it. Kunsthofpassage is in Dresden Neustadt (new town), between the Alaun and Görlitzer streets. This neighborhood is also known as the student district, so it’s unlikely that you’ll find in described in the mainstream travel books. 

    • Grab a Bite at Pfunds Molkerei (Pfund’s Dairy Shop) 

This little dairy shop in Neustadt Dresden made quite a name for itself over the years. It wasn’t for the milk products it sells however, but rather for its unusual beauty. I’ve seen pictures of this place before visiting Dresden, so I was very excited to visit it. However, when I found myself in front of it I felt a little disappointed.

Visiting a diary shop in Dresden

I was expecting a bigger, fancier shop. But after stepping inside I was in awe. If from the outside  Pfunds Molkerei  looks quite insignificant, the interior is an amazing feast for the eyes! 

Every inch of the walls, ceiling, floor and counters displays hand painted tiles and enameled sculptures. These sophisticated tiles are produced in the stoneware factory of Villeroy & Boch. No wander Guinness Book named Pfunds Molkerei “the most beautiful dairy shop in the world!”

The dairy shop sells a big range of farm and artisan cheeses, different milk products, wines, chocolate and replica tiles. Upstairs there is a café-restaurant serving food with a strong lactose theme. 

Due to its popularity, the small milk shop swarms with people at all times. Photography is not allowed in the shop and the store keepers are very serious about making you respect this rule. I was able to take a few shots because I showed them my press care. 

Tip for photographers : The shop is difficult to photograph because is very small and almost always has people around. But if you wait for the brief moment when a group of visitors is leaving you may be able to catch a few shots.

Attractions in Dresden Old Town

Old Town Dresden it’s a true miracle of rebirth who has risen like a Phoenix from its own ashes. Between the Allied bombing that leveled it to the ground during WWII and the 50 years of Soviet occupation, there was not much left of this great city. 

Those who visited the city during the Cold War, would not recognize it today. But despite the devastation caused by the Second World War, the city has regained its architectural splendor and charm. There are very few city skylines more striking than that of Dresden.  

Dresden at night

You don’t have to be a music lover to like sumptuous building of Semperoper, but for me this was one of the best things to do in Dresden! The building was designed in 1841 by the German architect Gottfried Semper, but after the bombing of 1945 there was nothing left of it.

In 1985 a massive reconstruction bought the Dresden Opera House to life again. The Opera reopened with Carl Maria von Weber‘s “ Der Freischütz ” – the same piece that was performed before the destruction.  

The beautiful plaza in front of the Opera (Theater Square) is the place where most of the organized city tours begin.

tourist attractions in dresden

Not everybody likes opera though, so if you don’t want to attend a performance, you can still visit the venue. There are 45-minute guided tours (both in English and in German) that talk about the history and acoustics of the Semperoper.

A splendid example of German Baroque architecture, Zwinger Palace is one of the most famous castles in Germany . It is also one of the most popular attractions in Dresden.

The palace is home to first-class museums, like the impressive Old Masters Picture Gallery, the Zoological Museum and the Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon and a fascinating porcelain collection. But as much I enjoyed the inside of the palace, I liked the outside even more. 

tourist attractions in dresden

I started my visit in the inner courtyard. As I was strolling through the beautiful water fountains, taking pictures and trying to make the most of the morning light, 40 Meissen porcelain bells began a sweet three-minute melody. I put my camera away and tryed to see where the music was coming from.

visiting the Zwinger Palace Orologe

It was the Glockenspiel Pavillion (Carillon Pavilion), the most impressive of the six pavilions of the complex. Like much else in Dresden, Zwinger was built in 1709 by Augustus the Strong, prince Elector of Saxony. 

I continued my visit up to the terraces garnished with numerous statues of nymphs and tritons. What a beautiful sight! I stayed there trying to imagine this palace in its times of glory. Could it have been even better?

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• Visit  Frauenkirche (The Church of Our Lady)

Frauenkirche is a symbol of the city and one of the most beloved attraction of Dresden. The church dates back to 1726. George Bähr, Dresden’s master carpenter, designed an impressive 95m high baroque church with a stone dome which became known as the ‘stone bell’.

visiting Frauenkirche in Dresden

Although not directly hit by the bombs, Frauenkirche collapsed during the bombing of 1945 due to the heat around it. The church was very dear to the residents of Dresden who wanted to begin the reconstruction right after the war. But for political reasons, the project was postponed for a long time. As a result, Frauenkirche remained a pile of rubble for almost 50 years. 

Visiting Frauenkirche in Dresden

The church reconstruction started after the reunification of Germany, but it ended only in 2005. Most of the funds for the reconstruction came from private donations from all over the world. The builders used salved stones from the original church in the reconstruction.

One of the most popular things to do in Dresden is climb atop the dome of Frauenkirche. From the viewing platform at the dome you can enjoy spectacular views of Dresden and the Elbe river.

  • Admire the  Fürstenzug (the Procession of Princes Mosaic)

My favorite attraction in Dresden is Fürstenzug  (the Procession of Princes), a mosaic mural located on the outside of the Royal Palace complex. The 330 feet long panorama is the largest porcelain mural in the world.

The mosaic depicts a parade of Saxonian princes, dukes and kings of the Wettin Dynasty. Each ruler’s name is inscribed below his image. 

the Procession of Princes mosaic

Artist Wilhelm Walther painted the original mural in 1876 in celebration of the 800 year anniversary of the Wettin Dynasty. But by the end of the 19th century the color started to fade away. So in order to make it weather-proof, they covered the original painting with  25,000 ceramic tiles from the famous porcelain manufacturer in Meissen. The mosaic tiles miraculously survived the devastating bombing in 1945.

Dresden Cathedral is also known as the Cathedral of Holy Trinity. This is the city’s most outstanding landmark and one of the must see places in Dresden.

Visiting the Dresden Cathedral

Katolische Hofkirche  measures 4800 square meters, making it the largest church in Saxony.  Commissioned by Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony, the cathedral became the church of the royal court. The Italian Baroque architect Gaetano Chiaveri designed the building plans around 1738.

While visiting the church, don’t miss the crypt that contains 49 tombs of the Wettin princes and kings as well as their families. Dresden Cathedral also suffered severe damages during the bombing of 1945.

   • Immerse Yourself in Art at the  Albertinum

Named after King Albert of Saxony, the Albertinum is a modern art museum located on the famous Brühl Terrace. The museum houses the New Masters Gallery which contains more than 2,500 paintings from the 19th and 20th century, and also a vast Sculpture Collection.

 The Renaissance building of the museum sits on the foundations of a former armory. At the end of the 20th century,  Albertinum  underwent massive renovations in 2002, following some severe flood damages.  

View of Albertinum, Museum of modern art

    • Spend an Afternoon on the Brühlsche Terrasse (Brühl’s Terrace) 

Brühl’s Terrace is a beautiful promenade that runs for about 500 meters along the Elbe, atop the Dresden Fortress. Built as a ring of walls surrounded by a water trench, the fortress is the oldest Renaissance structures in the city.  

Nicknamed “The Balcony of Europe” the terrace is one of the attractions of Dresden because of the gorgeous views over the Elbe river and the monumental buildings of the Neustadt district, (the new part of Dresden).

View of the Bruhl's Terrace

Brühl Terrace starts in the Schlossplatz (Castle Square) with a monumental staircase and continues all the way to the Albertinum Museum. 

Four bronze sculptures – each symbolizing one season – flank the staircase. The promenade is one  of the most popular places in Dresden for both tourists and locals. 

One of the must-see attractions in Dresden is the Green Vault. Located in the Royal Palace, the Green Vault is a unique museum that contains to one of the finest collections of treasures in Europe. 

Founded by Augustus the Strong in 1723, the Green Vault was named after the formerly malachite green column of the initial room. 

The exhibition includes the Historic Green Vault and the New Green Vault. The Historic Green Vault has 9 theme rooms, each displaying an impressive array of gem stones, jewelry, works in ivory, and intricate art object of the finest quality and artistry. The New Green Vault includes 12 rooms where you can see individual art objects.

Dresden Royal Palace courtyard

During the Second World War, the Royal Palace burned down to the ground, but the collection escaped the Allied bombing. The Germans hid it in the Königstein Fortress .  The extensive reconstruction process began in 1985 and lasted for almost 20 years.

READ NEXT : 20 Amazing Destinations to Visit in Your Lifetime

The best way to visit Dresden’s attractions is by purchasing a pass for the hop-on-hop-off sightseeing bus. You can easily explore the sites at your own pace. 

The tours start in Theaterplatz (Theater Square) and it lasts about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The cost is 20 Euros/person.

There are 22 stops throughout the city and 7 guided tours to choose from. The buses audio guide system works in several languages. Just the bus tour itself is very instructive, if you don’t have time to walk.

Planning a visit to Germany? You may find this article helpful: The Ultimate Guide for Visiting the Neuschwanstein Castle

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Things to do in Dresden

Anda is an award winning travel writer, avid globetrotter and passionate photographer. She is the voice behind "Travel Notes & Beyond," a collection of stories and travel impressions from her wanderings around the world. When she is not busy writing, traveling, or editing photographs, you can find her hiking in the foothills behind her house together with her husband and their dog.

View of Bastei Rocks

Reader Interactions

Bhushavali N

February 27, 2021 at 12:36 pm

My cousin is studying at Dresden university and I’ve been considering visiting here since quite sometime. Just that it would take about 5-6 hours for me to reach there, but I guess its worth it when there are so many good things to do here! 4-5 days in Dresden is what I might be doing too, so thanks for all the tips including daytrip ideas. Kunsthofpassage is very interesting. Totally my kinda place to visit.

February 27, 2021 at 11:30 pm

You live so close to Dresden, you should definitely go visit it. It’s a really beautiful city and there is a lot to see and do there.

March 18, 2019 at 2:35 pm

I usually don’t have much time when I go on vacations so good to know Dresden could be done in 4-5 days. Pfunds Molkerei is totally up my alley and you’re so right that the interior is a feast for the eyes. Wow! Kunsthofpassage looks amazing too. All of your suggestions are so lovely and they make me want to visit Germany now!

Shreya Saha

March 18, 2019 at 1:36 am

Dresden is surely an interesting historic town, not very far from Berlin. I would love to explore the Old Town – I found the Zwinger Palace very interesting. I can spend a lot of time in the Baroque district. The Procession of Princes Mosaic and the Cathedral also beautiful. Such a small town and yet so many significant and artistic places to see there. I would love to spend a day or two there when in East Germany.

Blair villanueva

March 17, 2019 at 8:56 am

Reading your blog makes me think of adding Dresden to my travel list. It would be hard to resist this beautiful city, and enormous architecture. Oh this is dreamy, i best Christmas season here is fabulous 🙂

Aisha Sylvester

March 15, 2019 at 7:08 pm

I missed the opportunity to visit Dresden while in the area earlier this year and having read your post I’m definitely regretting that I didn’t make the extra effort to fit it in. Dresden looks so amazing and the experiences it offers – especially the singing pipes – seem to be right up my alley in terms of what I enjoy taking in when I travel. Thank you sooo much for sharing! Next time I’m in this neck of the woods Dresden will be top of my list!

Soumya Gayatri

March 15, 2019 at 7:06 pm

Dresden is charming and your pictures show the real beauty of the place. I so regret not being able to make it there on my recent trip to Germany. I would have loved a stroll through the Baroque quarter. And those singing pipes – I had no idea about them. They are such a wonderful piece of art. Dresden is very much on my list for the next time. You have got me planning again for Germany!

Leslie Price

March 15, 2019 at 5:25 pm

I’ve been putting together an itinerary for visiting Germany and I almost wasn’t going to put Dresden on it, just because there are so many places I want to see. But after seeing your photo of the interior of the Frauenkirche, I’ve reconsidered! Absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for putting together such a comprehensive guide to the city.

March 14, 2019 at 9:37 pm

Wow, the architecture is phenomenal! Especially Old Town and Zwinger Palace, they seem straight out of a fairytale. I will hopefully be visiting Dresden next time I am in Germany!

March 14, 2019 at 10:14 am

Dresden seems like such a beautiful place. The beautiful architecture gives it an old world charm. I love visiting heritage museums and churches. The Singing Drain Pipes of Kunsthofpassage seem really interesting.

Catherine Salvador Mendoza

March 14, 2019 at 3:52 am

I agree – despite the devastation caused by the Second World War, the city has regained its architectural splendor and charm, it’s so obvious by the stunning photos you’ve taken at night. Also, I’d love it even more here because they have a gorgeous Cathedral, coming from a Catholic country, Ima big fan of churches and cathedrals. I’ve heard about Dresden but haven’t visited yet. This year I will move to Germany particularly in Munchen and I’m looking forward to seeing this beautiful country!

Elaine Masters

July 9, 2018 at 8:00 pm

Dresden is high on my list of places to visit in Europe but I’d never heard of that cheese shop. What an incredible interior! So glad you had a press pass to get pictures.

Anda Galffy

July 9, 2018 at 9:16 pm

It wasn’t easy to take the shots though. Too many people around.

July 8, 2018 at 7:34 pm

WOW! That looks like a beautiful historic town to visit. I absolutely love old buildings with lots of character. I would be in awe of them! That dairy shop tho, wow! Have been never been to Europe, but would love to visit one day!

July 8, 2018 at 1:10 pm

Oh wow, Dresden looks beautiful, that restuarant looks so nice! I’m currently doing a PhD in the UK and am always looking for places in Europe that are historical small towns that could be seen in weekend. Is Dresden somewhere that would be good for a weekend trip, or does it require a longer visit?

July 9, 2018 at 9:21 pm

We stayed in Dresden for a week and still didn’t cover all sites. Old Town Dresden could probably be covered in a week-end though.

Jenn and Ed Coleman

July 8, 2018 at 8:46 am

Königstrasse looks like a great urban renewal project. It’s interesting to see how Dresden is changing after the fall of the GDR. There are plenty of places to see (and eat) on a visit to Neustadt, Dresden.

July 6, 2018 at 7:38 am

I’m really enjoying your Dresden posts Anda. It honestly wasn’t near the top of my Germany list before, but each post has it rising further up. Always happy to explore for some elegant baroque architecture.

July 5, 2018 at 2:20 pm

I haven’t been to Dresden yet, but heard so many wonderful things about it! Pfunds Molkerei interiors are impressive and the streets with these baroque reconstructions look so natural … can´t imagine typical Communist buildings there! #TheWeeklyPostcard

July 1, 2018 at 9:40 pm

We wanted to visit Dresden as a day trip from Prague but decided to dedicate a decent amount of time at a later time. I really want to see as much as possible of it. The dairy shop is way too cute. I am intrigued about your press card. What do you use / have?

July 2, 2018 at 11:09 am

I have a couple of them, Ruth. One is from the North American Travel Journalists Association and the other is from the International Travel Writers Association. They second works better in Europe.

July 1, 2018 at 3:07 am

What an adorable dairy shop! Those painted tiles are absolutely charming, and the ceiling is stupendous as well, I must say. Did you go upstairs to sample their menu? I would be all over anything related to cheese! Was the cafe full as well?

July 1, 2018 at 2:49 pm

The café wasn’t full, but it wasn’t as nice as the shop itself.

Rhonda Albom

July 1, 2018 at 2:26 am

Your photo of the outside of Pfunds Molkerei definitely belies its charm. Your interior shots are great (and show a lot of patience). I did not know a lot about Dresden so the information on its history is interesting.

Catherine's Cultural Wednesdays

June 30, 2018 at 10:37 am

Dresden is on my list, we are heading that way this summer so fingers crossed!

Angharad Paull

June 30, 2018 at 6:43 am

Lovely photos. I’ve never been to Dresden, but the buildings look so colourful and characterful.

June 30, 2018 at 6:09 am

Duly noted and putting it on the list!

June 29, 2018 at 11:46 pm

Wow that store is really something! I have not been to Dresden and would love to do a road trip in Germany so will keep that in mind.

June 29, 2018 at 8:22 pm

I’ve always wanted to visit Dresden, ever since I read a book about it in college. I can’t believe they have those beautiful tiles in a dairy!

California Globetrotter

June 29, 2018 at 5:43 pm

Ooh you did find some nice gems in Dresden! Pfunds Moklerei looks amazing and I’d love to see it myself! We plan to return to Dresden one day as our first visit was an ultimate trip fail!

June 29, 2018 at 6:26 pm

Dresden is quite close from you, Lolo. You can it visit anytime.

June 29, 2018 at 3:10 pm

One of the first few books I read before my study abroad semester was the I Will Bear Witness series by Victor Klemper. His stories of Dresden put it on my list, and though I haven’t made it there yet, it is definitely on my list. I’m curious to see how the old and the new co-exist as you mentioned in your post and based on what I saw in Berlin.

June 29, 2018 at 6:29 pm

I’ve never heard of that book, but it must have been quite a beautiful description of Dresden in it if it helped you fall in love with this city.

June 29, 2018 at 7:24 am

I’ve never been to Dresden but it looks like there’s a lot to see, particularly in Neustadt. The diary shop is very impressive inside, love those tiles!

Economical Excursionists

December 13, 2015 at 2:47 am

I know it is not year-round, but right now (and every Dec) Dresden is the perfect place to go for the Christmas Market! One of the largest and most famous in Europe. Might as well make a whole weekend out of it and do all these suggestions on the other days. Sounds like the perfect getaway to me!

December 12, 2015 at 9:12 pm

I hope your feet felt better the next day so you could keep walking around Dresden. What a gorgeous city! The first photo looks like a movie set-the scene is so clean and perfect! And that really must be the most beautiful dairy shop in the world 😀 I would love to climb up the Neo-Baroque tower. Getting to the highest point in a city is one of my favorite things to do!

December 12, 2015 at 9:22 pm

Thanks, Jen. Pfund’s Diary is quite unique and beautiful and so is Dresden, which in my opinion is very underrated.

December 12, 2015 at 2:35 pm

I’e been curious about Dresden, particularly because it’s said to have a fantastic Christmas Market that is not as well-visited as some of the others in this part of Europe. The Baroque District looks lovely for a stroll (with healthy feet, though 🙂 )

At first, when I read the Dairy Shop is in the Guinness Book for the most beautiful Dairy Shop in the world, I thought really?!? Dairy Shops are given world records for beauty?! I was quickly silenced with your photos. OMG, that is amazing. You would never know it from the outside, either. Thanks for sharing!

December 12, 2015 at 8:54 pm

Well, thank you Jackie. I’m really glad you liked my photos of the Pfund’s Dairy Shop. It’s a very unusual Diary indeed.

December 12, 2015 at 12:56 pm

It looks like it was worth the pain of having to walk around! How come you wore tight shoes though?

December 12, 2015 at 2:39 pm

They didn’t seem too tight when I started walking, but I probably walk for too long.

December 12, 2015 at 6:21 am

What’s the food like in Dresden? Any particular favourites you’d recommend? 🙂

December 12, 2015 at 8:45 am

I don’t particularly like German food, except for the schnitzel. They eat a lot of pork which I don’t eat, but if you like it they have a lot of tasty dishes.

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tourist attractions in dresden

Heather on her travels

15 fun things to do in Dresden, Germany – in just one day!

Dresden is a city that’s packed with cultural gems, a poster child for the Baroque. The city was largely destroyed in the Second World War, after the terrible fire storm inflicted by the English and American bombers. It has now been rebuilt into a lively and exuberant city, so you won’t be short of things to do in Dresden!

Zwinger Palace in Dresden Photo

I knew that Dresden was part of East Germany until reunification in 1990, but I think I’d been expecting somewhere a bit smaller and more quaint. Our visit was part of a 4 day trip to explore the Cultural Heart of Germany , a driving tour through Thuringia and Saxony . We certainly packed in a lot on that trip!

If you only have one day in Dresden as we did, here’s what you might want to explore first.

Things to see in Dresden - Dresden Frauenkirche Photo Maxmann on Pixabay

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Table of Contents

1. Brühl’s Terrace in Dresden – views over the River Elbe

Our 1 day in Dresden began at our hotel INNSiDE by Melia , a stylish, modern hotel that’s well located close to the River Elbe that runs through the city. Just a short stroll from the hotel took us to the promenade known as Brühl’s Terrace.

Known as The Balcony of Europe , it overlooks the river and is lined with gorgeous Baroque buildings. it’s a great place for a stroll, to people watch. You’ll also see the paddle steamers on the river that offer boat trips starting from the river level below.

The terrace is named after Count Heinrich von Brühl, who was chief minister and great friend to the King of Saxony Augustus III. Brühl had a palace built in this area in the 1730s and was subsequently given the whole terrace by the king, in recognition of his services to the crown.

You may also enjoy: 3 fabulous Day trips from Dresden for Culture Lovers

Things to see in Dresden - Brühl's Terrace in Dresden Germany Photo

In the 19th century the terrace became a public promenade, with fountains and ornate buildings. It runs towards the Augustus Bridge, where a flight of steps takes you down into Castle Square.

There were crowds of people waiting to take their photograph of the view from the terrace down the narrow street towards the Frauenkirche. We concluded that it must be one of the most popular instagram spots of Dresden, so we duly stopped to take the photo too.

If you’d like a guided tour to the old town of Dresden check out this Historic Walking Tour , which will give you information about the main cultural and historic sites.

Things to do in Dresden - Brühl's Terrace in Dresden Germany Photo

2. The Albertinum modern art gallery in Dresden

At one end of Brühl’s Terrace, we popped in for a quick look at the inner courtyard of the Albertinum modern art museum. Built in the 1880s, the museum covers art from the Romantic period of the 1800s to the present day. It is especially known for the sculpture hall which includes The Thinker by Auguste Rodin.

Albertinium in Dresden Germany Photo

The collection of New Masters includes well known names such as Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. You’ll also find many German painters in the Romantic, Impressionist and Expressionist style.

Nearby, look out for the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, with a ridged glass dome that has a nickname of The Lemon Squeezer . There’s a charge to enter the Albertinum collection, but you can go into the inner atrium without charge.

Fun fact: In 2002 the River Elbe rose 9 metres, flooding the ground floor of the museum. Luckily all the sculptures and artworks were saved, but the museum’s archives are now housed in the roof to prevent any future damage.

Sculpture Hall at Albertinum Dresden with The Thinker by Rodin Photo David Brandt

3. The Frauenkirche Dresden – symbol of rebirth.

Continuing down the steps from Brühl’s Terrace, our walk took us to the Frauenkirche , the Church of Our Lady. The Frauenkirche is a powerful symbol of the city’s rebirth and one of the top things to see in Dresden.

This church holds so many stories from the terrible Allied bombing in Dresden of February 1945, when people sheltered in the stone crypt of the church. Fortunately the church stood long enough for those inside to escape, but the heat of the firestorm caused the dome and walls to shatter leaving just a pile of rubble.

Looking at the church today I’d assumed that the church had been restored immediately after the war. In fact, for many years the remains of the church were left as a war memorial.

It was only after German Reunification that resources became available to rebuild the church. Reconstructed as closely as possible to the original at a cost of €180 million, it reopened in 2005.

You may also enjoy my article: A guide to Wartburg Castle and Eisenach – on the Martin Luther Trail in Germany

Frauenkirche in Dresden Photo

Best known of the churches in Dresden, the Frauenkirche presides over a busy Neumarkt square surrounded by Baroque buildings. In reality, many of these have been constructed in the last ten years. Their 18th and 19th century facades are restorations or copies of the originals, hiding modern apartments and offices with underground car parks.

Fun Fact: Take a look at the Frauenkirche exterior and you’ll see both dark and light stones. The dark stones are the original and the light stones are the from the new reconstruction. You can see there’s not much of the original that remained.

QF passage for some designer shopping

The square of the Frauenkirche is a great place to stop in a café and watch the world go by. Or, indulge in a spot of shopping if you have a taste for luxury and designer brands.

To get a feel for how the old style facades are backed by more modern buildings, you can take a walk through the QF Passage . We also enjoyed the bronze sculptures by Dresden based artist, Małgorzata Chodakowska.

Sculpture in QF Passage Dresden by Małgorzata Chodakowska Photo

4. Coffee and a slice of Eierschecke cake

If you’re ready for a coffee, the elegant cafés that surround the Neumarkt square are an excellent location to stop. You’ll be in good company, as the people of Saxony are well known for their addiction to coffee.

To taste a sweet Dresden specialty, look out for the Eierschecke cake . It’s a popular baked cheesecake that’s made with layers of curd cheese and eggs, sometimes also flavoured with ground almonds, apple or raisins.

The cake is found in lots of bakeries and cafes. We were told that the small cafe Dresdner Kaffeestübchen (Salzgasse 8) right by our hotel makes one of the best!

Fun Fact: As testament to the taste for coffee in Saxony, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the Coffee Cantata, a short comic opera set in nearby Leipzig. It features a coffee loving heroine and her father who tries to prevent her indulging her coffee addiction.

Eierschecke in Dresden Photo

5. Lunch at Kurfürstenschänke – for hearty Saxon dishes

If instead you’re ready for lunch and wondering where to eat in Dresden, we tried the traditional Saxon dishes offered by the historic restaurant Kurfürstenschänke. It’s located just behind the Frauenkirche (An der Frauenkirche 13).

We ate there when we were in Dresden on their sunny outdoor terrace, watching the world go by in the Neumarkt square. For colder months they also have a cosy interior, with an atmospheric bar on the ground floor and a traditional dining room on the upper floors.

Kurfürstenschänke in Dresden Germany Photo

Choose from a menu that’s full of Saxon specialties such as river perch, roast venison or hearty stews with dumplings. Your meal is accompanied by local wines from the Elbe valley. If you’re more of a beer drinker, look out for the local Radeberger pilsner which is brewed locally – they also do brewery tours.

If you want to taste more of the food of Dresden, take this Taste of Dresden Food Walk tour around the old town with 6 different food and drink stops.

Kurfürstenschänke in Dresden Germany Photo

6. Stallhof of the Residenzschloss Palace in Dresden

The next stop on our walk through the old quarter or Altstadt of Dresden was the Stallhof or Stable Yard of the Residenzschloss Palace. Used in the Middle Ages for jousting and tournaments, the courtyard still hosts many events and festivals. A Medieval themed Christmas market is held here during Advent.

It’s a beautiful part of the palace to walk through, although what we see today is an elegant reconstruction of the original that was destroyed during the bombing of 1945.

You may also enjoy my article: 12 fun things to do in Erfurt, Thuringia

Dresden Palace in Germany Photo

7. The Fürstenzug or Procession of Princes in Dresden

As you walk down Augustusstrasse towards the palace, look up at the outside wall of the Stallhof. The Fürstenzug mural covers the wall above your head. This Procession of Princes shows a succession through the centuries of the rulers of Saxony.

It was originally painted in the 1870s to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Wettin dynasty. In the early 1900s, the painting was replaced with mosaic Meissen tiles to make it weatherproof.

Fortunately it was spared during the bombing of Dresden during WW2. You can follow the mural to see the names and figures of all the Electors, Dukes and Kings of Saxony from the 12th century until George of Saxony in the 1900s.

Fürstenzug in Dresden Photo

8. The Semperoper in Dresden

After taking a look in the Stallhof courtyard, we continued into the Theaterplatz which was full of market stalls for the Canaletto festival. We couldn’t get a really good look at the Semperoper , an opera house and concert hall that’s another of Dresden’s landmark buildings.

It’s an example of the Italian Renaissance style that was popular in the 1840s when it was built. This is another building that was largely destroyed in the Dresden WW2 bombings and was reconstructed in 1985.

INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden Photo

We stayed at the modern and stylish hotel INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden

Search for other hotels in Dresden

Even if you’re not attending a performance, you can take a guided tours of the Semperoper in German, English and other languages. Or, you can combine this with a tour of Dresden’s old quarter – you can book a skip the line ticket and guided tour of the Semperoper or buy a ticket for the Semperoper and Old Town tour .

Semperoper in Dresden Photo Pixabay David Mark

9. The Zwinger Dresden – Palace and Gardens

We were, however, able to walk up the steps to the rooftop terrace that overlooks the courtyard of the Zwinger Palace . This is another beautiful example of Dresden’s Baroque architecture and one of the top attractions of Dresden.

You can walk freely into the courtyard of the palace with topiary, grass parterres and fountains. This is in keeping with the original purpose as an orangery and pleasure garden for the Royal court.

Zwinger Palace in Dresden Germany Photo

The Zwinger was built in the Baroque style for Augustus the Strong, inspired by his visit to King Louis at Versailles. It was inaugurated in 1719 for the marriage of the elector’s son Frederick August to the Hapsburg Emperor’s daughter Maria Josepha.

If you’d like to know more about the Zwinger palace and gardens, you can download the free smartphone app to guide you around.

Fun fact: Keep an eye on the clock above the Glockenspiel Pavilion (shown behind me in the photo.) The Meissen porcelain bells chime every 15 minutes, with longer tunes at 10.15am, 2.15pm and 5.15pm. Melodies change each season and it was playing Mozart’s Magic Flute when we were there.

Dresden Zwinger Palace Photo Filip Altman Pixabay

The palace buildings around the courtyard now house museums, including the Porcelain Collection, Old Masters Picture Gallery and Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments.

You may also enjoy my article: Schloss Friedenstein in Gotha – The Victoria and Albert Connection in Thuringia, Germany

Long gallery of the Zwinger Porcelain Museum Dresden Photo Jürgen Lösel

10. A chocolate stop at Camondas in Dresden

With all this sightseeing you may be ready for an afternoon break. We discovered the Camondas chocolate shop and museum on Schloßstraße 20, which is just behind the Residenzschloss palace.

In summer they have a kiosk selling their famous chocolate ice cream as a block on a stick or in small tubs to take away. During the winter you may prefer a hot chocolate with whipped cream, or a look around their small chocolate museum to get your chocolate fix.

Camondas in Dresden Germany Photo

11. Museums in Dresden

Dresden truly is a city of culture with numerous museums that showcase the historic heritage and art treasures of the rulers of Saxony. While we didn’t have enough time to visit them, culture lovers may want to finish their day in Dresden with a visit to some of the following museums in Dresden.

Top Tip: If you plan to visit a lot of museums, a Dresden City Card is a great way to get discounts and free admission into many tourist attractions.

Museums in the Zwinger Palace

You can pay to visit each of the museums individually or buy a joint ticket covering them all.

Porcelain Collection – housing the collection of Augustus the Strong who was mad on the exquisite and luxurious porcelain that was initially imported from China. Later these porcelains were made in the factory he founded at nearby Meissen. The galleries designed by architect Peter Martino show the collections on the walls rather than behind glass, allowing a close up look at the delicate porcelain.

Old Masters Picture Gallery – The works of the European Old Masters reflect the taste of the Saxon electors and many were hung in the apartments of the electoral residence palace, before Augustus the Strong set up his first picture gallery in the palace in 1718.

Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments – This collection of Augustus the Strong with telescopes, pocket watches and globes were the high tech inventions of the age, allowing mathematicians and astronomers to explore the big questions of the universe.

Stay in the heart of Dresden at the Felix Suiten am Zwinger

Stay in the heart of Dresden at the Felix Suiten am Zwinger

Zwinger Porcelain Museum Dresden Photo Jürgen Lösel

Museums in the Residenzschloss

A ticket for the Residenzschloss is €14 and covers the state apartments and museums with a free audio guide.

The Green Vault – The Residenzschloss was almost completely destroyed during the Dresden bombings of WW2 but the historic Green Vault was one part of the palace that survived. Named after the green walls of some of the rooms, this part of the palace houses the treasures of silver, gold and jewels. Entry is normally by timed ticket.

Münzkabinett of Coin Cabinet – holds a collection of 3000 coins, medals, banknotes, bonds, and minting technology, telling the story of making coins in Saxony as a political message as well as a source of wealth.

Rüstkammer – shines with ornate armours, firearms, swords and sabres decorated with valuable metals, as well as with magnificent garments and riding gear from the collections of the Saxon dukes and electors.

12. A Paddle Steamer boat trip on the River Elbe

If museums aren’t your thing, why not take to the river for a different perspective on Dresden? Did you know that Dresden is known for its paddle steamers that have been built here since the 1830s, to take passengers up and down the River Elbe?

We were in Dresden during the Canaletto festival in August, which offers music and street-markets around Dresden. A section on the quayside of the river Elbe celebrates all things relating to steam engines and paddle steamers. The Dampferparade was taking place over the weekend with all the paddle steamers decorated with flags, to create a parade along the river.

You don’t have to visit Dresden during the festival time to take a paddle steamer trip on the river. There are many boat trips taking place throughout the day and evening, especially in summer. Buy tickets or get information on timetables from the kiosk on the quayside below Brühl’s Terrace.

Dresden Paddle Steamers at the Canaletto Festival

13. Visit the Christmas Market in Dresden

While the paddle steamers are a great option in the warmer summer months, as winter approaches everyone’s looking forward to the Christmas Markets . Set in the beautiful market squares and courtyards of Dresden, you can end your day in Dresden as dusk falls.

The Dresden Striezelmarkt is set up daily during advent from late November to Christmas eve. Enjoy a drink of gluhwein and a snack from the food stands, while browsing for crafts and Christmas gifts.

There are themed markets in multiple locations throughout the old town. The picturesque courtyards of the Stallhof hosts a Medieval market. In the Residenzschloss courtyard there’s a Romantic Christmas market.

You may also enjoy my article: Seasonal things to do in Tubingen – the ChocolART chocolate festival

Dresden Christmas Market

14. Dinner at Felix Restaurant in Dresden

To complete your day in Dresden, we can recommend Restaurant Felix , where we had dinner in the old town. This modern restaurant offers something different from the traditional German fare, with more refined dishes that change with the seasons.

The highlight is the roof terrace location, with an outdoor bar where you can sit on a deckchair in summer, looking out over the Zwinger palace and main square.

Felix in Dresden Germany Photo

Inside the decor is an eclectic mix of techno coloured lights and vintage style furniture covered in old coffee sacks. The menu nods towards Asian flavours, and I tried the raw marinated beef fillet with grilled Thai asparagus, peanut mayonnaise and ginger sorbet.

Guy ordered the flank of beef with corn textures. It was adventurous cuisine, a refreshing change from the pork and dumplings, and moderately priced considering the level of cooking and the setting. You may like to check out their stylish Felix Suiten am Zwinger suites and their other restaurant in Leipzig.

Felix in Dresden Germany Photo

15. Exploring the Neustadt of Dresden

As we had only a day in Dresden, we stayed on the Altstadt (Old Town) side of the river. Most of the major landmarks and tourist attractions are located here.

If you have more time or are looking for something different, you should walk across the bridge to explore the Neustadt (New Town) side of the river. This area is still pretty old but has a more arty and creative vibe.

Neustadt Dresden Photo by Tassilo on Pixabay

The Elbe floodplain on this side of the river is purposely left undeveloped and natural. In summer you can relax here with a picnic and get some great photos looking back at the skyline of the Altstadt.

Dresden Skyline from the river Photo: S.Niedrigwasser

This is probably the cheaper side of the river for hotels, bars and restaurants. Off the broad boulevard of Konigstrasse with its smart shops are many more indie boutiques and interesting shops.

If you enjoy street art, you’ll find lots of great examples in the Neustadt. The Kunsthofpassage features quirky buildings, cute cafes and shops hidden within a colourful courtyard. Street art lovers will enjoy this Dresden Street Art tour to see the best street art and wall paintings in Dresden.

Kunsthofpassage in Neustadt Dresden Photo Brosis on Pixabay

Day trips from Dresden

Dresden makes a great base for exploring more of this fascinating and historic region of Saxony. If you have more time, why not stay a few days here and visit some of the interesting places nearby.

You can read about some of the day trips from Dresden that we enjoyed like the fairytale Moritzburg castle set on a lake. Nearby Meissen is easily reached by train from Dresden. At the delightful winery of Schloss Wackerbarth you can taste the wines over an excellent lunch.

Another place to visit for hiking, is the Saxon Switzerland National Park that’s south east of Dresden, with its photogenic rocky peaks. If you don’t have a car, you can book this Bohemia and Saxon Switzerland day trip including transfers from Dresden.

Terraces of Schloss Wackerbarth winery near Dresden, Saxony, Germany Photo

Where to stay in Dresden – INNSiDE by Melia

We spent two nights at the stylish and modern hotel INNSiDE by Melia , which makes a great base for sightseeing in Dresden. It’s well located just behind the Frauenkirche and close to the Bruhl’s terrace, so you can walk everywhere.

INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden Photo

Behind the unassuming facade hides a 180 room hotel, with an internal courtyard bringing light to the ground floor reception, bar and restaurant. The courtyard also serves as an outdoor terrace where you can have breakfast, meals or drinks in warm weather. There are some fabulous night time views of the Frauenkirche dome from the Twist Skybar on the 6th floor.

INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden Photo

If you’re driving as we were, the hotel has an underground car park which is quite small and places cannot be reserved. When it’s full there’s another paid underground public car park nearby.

Our bedroom at the 4 star INNSiDE by Melia was contemporary in neutral colours with flashes of colour and arty photos of local landmarks. The bathroom was filled with glass and marble, and a powerful shower.

Stay at the INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden

INNSiDE by Melia in Dresden Photo

The buffet breakfast is served on the ground floor restaurant with a wide selection of dishes including some regional produce and Asian dishes. Overall we found the hotel a very stylish and comfortable place to stay. More information on the INNSiDE by Melia Website .

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3 fabulous Day trips from Dresden for Culture Lovers

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Visitor Information for your trip to Dresden, Germany

tourist attractions in dresden

If you are looking for a guidebook for your visit to Saxony and Germany, we recommend the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide to Germany .

DK Eyewitness Germany Travel Guide

Need a guide book for Germany? We recommend the DK Eyewitness Germany Travel Guide

Guided Tours: Check out some of the fun tours that are available in Dresden , such as this Hop on Hop off Bus tour , Original Night Watchman Tour by Lantern Light or a River Sightseeing Boat Cruise .

Where is Dresden in Germany?

Dresden is the capital of Saxony, one of the federal states of Germany. Between 1949 and re-unification in 1990, it was part of the former GDR (East Germany). Dresden sits in the heart of Europe close to Saxony’s other major town of Leipzig.

The state of Saxony is bordered by Thuringia to the west, Bavaria to the south, Lower Saxony to the north and the Czech Republic to the east. With so many historic and cultural attractions in these regions of Germany, Saxony and neighbouring Thuringia have become known as the Cultural Heart of Germany .

You can see all the places we visited on the map below .

Map of Saxony and Thuringia Germany Road Trip

Getting to Dresden in Germany

The closest airport for international flights to Dresden is Dresden airport or Leipzig airport. Larger international airports are Prague, Berlin or Munich.

When staying in Dresden you do not need a car to see most things. The main sights of the old town are within easy walking distance and many streets are pedestrianised.

However, a hire car is an excellent option if you are taking a road trip and visiting places close to Dresden. This gives you the option to easily reach all the main towns and attractions of Saxony.

If you prefer not to drive, you can also use the efficient German train and bus network to get around. More information for train travel on the Deutsche Bahn website and for public transport options around Dresden on the VVO Website.

Plan 3 fabulous day trips from Dresden for culture lovers – Saxony, Germany

3 fabulous day trips from Dresden Germany

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Things to do in Dresden Germany, in just one day

This article was sponsored* by The Cultural Heart of Germany, Thuringia Tourism and Visit Saxony who provided the 4 day trip and experiences mentioned.

* More info on my policies page

This article is originally published at

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Saturday 29th of February 2020

That was a Crisp Information., also with a Purpose of creating a good Content. I would give anything to see it before the unfortunate bombings. I have ridiculously beautiful porcelain from there, and such admiration for that city.

Naddya from NTripping

Wednesday 8th of January 2020

Hey Heather, such a great post about one of the coolest, in my opinion, cities in Germany!

One awesome thing I enjoyed thoroughly in Dresden, which I don't see on your list, is the amazing street art.

Heather Cowper

Sunday 12th of January 2020

@Naddya - we had such a short time that we stayed in the old centre north of the river, but I know there is lots of great street art on the other side of the river!

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Wide World Trips

25 Marvellous Tourist Places to Visit and Things to Do in Dresden

Dresden is the capital city of the Saxony state in Germany. Some of the best things to do in Dresden , Germany include exploring palaces, royal collections, historic monuments, churches, museums, and art collections.

The city has been the historic seat of Prince-Electors of the Holy Roman Empire, Kings of Saxony, and even Polish monarchs (by union). Many of the best places to visit in Dresden were either used or commissioned by these royalties. Owing to the influence of nobility, the old part of the city is called the Jewel Box.

These Dresden tourist attractions show a heavy influence of rich and elegant architectural styles including Baroque and Rococo. The elegant nature of these architectural styles lends a regal grandeur to these Dresden attractions . You will see flowing designs, sculptures, reliefs, frescoes, tall windows, intricate carvings, and more. Even from inside the palace, churches, and historical buildings are the most beautiful things to see in Dresden , Germany.

The entire old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site owing to its history, architecture, art collections, and cultural heritage. Many of these places to see in Dresden were damaged during the WWII bombings. But, most of them have been restored with great detailing. These events give a tragic element of the story to Dresden sightseeing .

If you want to see how the city looked in its historic prime and how the bombs devastated it, you should visit Dresden Panometer. This art exhibit has panoramic paintings depicting two states of this city. It is a must-see in Dresden as it puts the rest of the trip into perspective.

Another great aspect of Dresden travel is the collections in museums and art galleries. The rulers brought a lot of wealth to the city in terms of artifacts, artworks, fine art, interior decor, sculptures, jewels, and more. Almost all the palaces exhibit some part of these collections.

These are the most interesting tourist places in Dresden as you will find creations brought in from around the world. The royals often brought creators and artists from different places to deck their palaces.

While there is a lot to history, culture, art, and architecture to see in the city, you should take a day to go for some fun things to do around Dresden as well. You can take tours in paddle steamboats to the wilderness of Saxon Switzerland National Park. You will see forests, waterfalls, and huge limestone pillars.

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Table of Contents

Top 25 Tourist Places to Visit in Dresden, Germany

1. brühl’s terrace (brühlsche terrasse).

Also known as the “The Balcony of Europe”, this terrace stretches along the shore of River Elbe. Just walking along this path is one of the best things to do in Dresden, Germany. You will be literally walking on history and surrounded by culture.

The terrace dates back to the 16th century and was part of the city’s fortification. It is surrounded by many Dresden tourist attractions, public artworks, sculptures, and more.

The walkway also has many small cafes and viewpoints to admire the city. You can easily spend an hour walking this path when you visit Dresden.

Brühl's Terrace

2. Albertinum

This building houses the Modern Art Museum of the city. The collection of this museum spans an era of 200 years. It includes paintings, sculptures, art installations, and more. These are some of the most magnificent things to see in Dresden, Germany.

The Albertinum building is also a phenomenal work of art in its own right. It was built in 1887 and exhibits Renaissance revival architecture. It is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Dresden, Germany. You will need about 2 hours to tour this museum.

I suggest you should get your Admission Ticket to Albertinum Museum in advance.


3. Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche Dresden)

This church was first built in the 11th century in Romanesque style and used to be a Catholic Church. It was rebuilt in the 18th century as a Baroque-style Lutheran church. It is one of the most wonderful Dresden attractions.

The church has great historical and cultural significance. It was desolated when the city was bombed during World War II. It was rebuilt between 1994 and 2005 in stages.

As you explore the church, you will see layers belonging to different time periods. You will need about an hour from Dresden travel to tour the church.

I suggest you should go for a Guided Tour of Frauenkirche with an Entry Ticket .

Frauenkirche Dresden

4. Church of the Holy Cross (Dresden Kreuzkirche)

The history of the church on this site dates back to 1168, although it used to be a small basilica back then. The rebuilding to its current glory began in the 15th century. Today it is one of the magnificent tourist places in Dresden, Germany.

The church predominantly exhibits Romanesque architecture. Although you will notice elements from different periods. These include neoclassical, baroque, and art nouveau. You will need an hour from Dresden sightseeing to tour this church.

Dresden Kreuzkirche

5. New Town Hall (Neues Rathaus)

The design for this town hall is the result of an architectural competition held in 1901. It was completed in 1910. It is one of the most important historical places to see in Dresden, Germany.

The building was damaged in the bombing of 1945 and was rebuilt in 1948. You should head to the viewing platform in the 100-meter-tall tower to get a view of the city. The sight is a must-see in Dresden. You need an hour to explore the town hall and its interiors.

New Town Hall

This magnificent palace is one of the most beautiful things to see in Dresden, Germany. The baroque-style architecture and expansive lawns express the grandeur of the royalty.

The palace was part of the city’s fortification and was later developed as a palace. You can explore several parts of the palace including the gardens, interiors, rooms, and museums.

The palace is home to several popular tourist places in Dresden. You can visit the Porcelain Collection, Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments, Zoological Museum, Old Masters Picture Gallery, and more. It is one of the top things to do in Dresden, Germany. You will need 2 to 3 hours to tour this palace.

I suggest you should get your Entry Ticket to Zwinger in advance. Also, I suggest you should experience the Gala Concert in the Dresden Zwinger .


7. Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe)

This museum exhibits a vast collection of fine arts, decorations, jewelry, artworks, and more. It is considered the largest collection of such treasures in Europe. It is one of the most fascinating places to visit in Dresden, Germany.

The collection was initiated by Augustus the Strong in 1723. It is the second oldest museum in the world after the Vatican Museums. You will see artifacts from various cultures, design styles, and time periods. You will need 2 hours to tour this museum when you visit Dresden.

Grünes Gewölbe

8. Dresden Castle (Dresdner Residenzschloss)

This castle is one of the oldest structures in the city, dating back 400 years. It is one of the most popular Dresden attractions for its history and architecture. This castle has been home to several kings of Saxony of the Albertine line of the House of Wettin.

The castle is home to six museums, which are also important Dresden tourist attractions. These include the Historic Green Vault, the New Green Vault, the Numismatic Cabinet, the Collection of Prints, the Museum of Drawings & Photographs, and the Dresden Armory. You will need at least 3 hours from Dresden travel to tour the entire place.

I suggest you should get your Admission Ticket to Dresden Castle in advance.

Dresden Castle

9. Fürstenzug

This mural shows the procession of Saxony rulers in a mounted procession. It is a must-see in Dresden. The mural celebrates the 800th anniversary of the Wettin Dynasty. The mural is built with 23,000 tiles of Meissen porcelain. Take a few minutes from Dresden sightseeing to admire the artwork and appreciate the history behind it.


10. Dresden Transport Museum (Verkehrsmuseum Dresden)

This museum looks at the evolution of several modes of transportation including shipping, railway, road, and airway. The collection specifically focuses on 120 years of Saxon transport history. You will need an hour to explore this museum.

I suggest you should get your Entrance Ticket to Dresden Transport Museum in advance.

Dresden Transport Museum

11. Semperoper Opera House

This historic opera house was built in 1841 and is one of the most magnificent places to see in Dresden, Germany. The structure is renowned for its Italian High Renaissance design.

Even the interior of the opera is marvelous. You will see classic decorations, paintings, murals, statues, furniture, and more. One of the best things to do in Dresden, Germany is watching a show at this opera house.

There is no better way to experience this place when you visit Dresden, Germany. You will need at least 2 hours to enjoy a show and explore this place.

I suggest you should book a Guided Tour with an Entry Ticket to Semperoper in advance.

Semperoper Opera House

12. Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister)

This museum is housed in the Zwinger Palace. The museum houses several paintings created between the 15th and 18th centuries. It is one of the most popular tourist places in Dresden for art admirers.

You will see works by renowned Renaissance artists like Raphael, Tintoretto, Titian, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Vermeer, and so on. You will need about an hour from Dresden travel to tour this museum.

Old Masters Picture Gallery

13. Dresden Panometer

Housed in a former gasometer, this building displays panoramic paintings created by Yadegar Asisi, a renowned Austrian-born artist. The wonderful exhibit was created by the artist himself. It is one of the top places to visit in Dresden for artists.

The two panoramic paintings are shown alternatively. The Dresden Baroque depicts the city as it would have been in 1756. The Dresden panorama shows the devastation suffered by the city during WWII.

These are some of the most impressive things to see in Dresden. You will need at least an hour to admire the artwork.

I suggest you should book your Entry Ticket to Dresden Panometer in advance.

Dresden Panometer

14. The Grand Garden of Dresden (Großer Garten)

This place is actually called Großer Garten and is part of the Sommerpalais. The palace and the gardens date back to the 17th century. It is one of the most beautiful historical Dresden attractions.

These were among the first French Baroque-style palace and gardens of Germany. Aside from its historic and aesthetic appeal, this place is also known for fun things to do in Dresden for families.

It is home to the Dresden Zoo which has more than 1,500 animals hailing from different continents. The zoo also has a miniature railway for children.

The palace gardens also houses Dresden Botanical Gardens and Volkswagen’s Transparent Factory. Each of these are popular tourist places in Dresden in their own right. You will need 2 to 3 hours to tour the entire place.

The Grand Garden of Dresden

15. Kunsthofpassage Dresden

In 1685, a fire decimated parts of the city on the right bank of Elbe. This was rebuilt as Neustadt, a baroque-style town. If you are looking for quirky and cool things to do in Dresden, Germany this is the place to be.

The Kunsthofpassage is a lane that is the most creative in Neustadt. It has several happening venues including shopping streets, artisan studios, handicraft shops, restaurants, and more. Take an hour or so from Dresden sightseeing to see this creative, colorful, and quirky neighborhood.

I suggest you should go for a Neustadt District Street Art Walking Tour in Dresden.

Kunsthofpassage Dresden

16. Dresden Cathedral / Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Kathedrale Sanctissimae Trinitatis)

Also known as the Cathedral of Holy Trinity, this church was first built in the 18th century. It is a must-see in Dresden for its architecture, design, carvings, and artifacts.

The church was damaged during the 1945 bombings and was later restored during the 21st century. The church is also known for the crypts of Saxony royalty. You will need an hour and a half to explore this cathedral when you visit Dresden.

Dresden Cathedral

17. German Hygiene Museum

This museum is dedicated to health, medicines, and hygiene. It is one of the best Dresden tourist attractions for families. It educates people about the human body and healthy living.

The museum has several exhibits concerning psychology, genetics, biology, zoology, and more. It has several fun things to do in Dresden for children.

Your younglings can enjoy 5 islands themed around human biology. It takes about an hour from Dresden travel to explore this museum.

German Hygiene Museum

18. Pillnitz Castle (Schloss Pillnitz)

This palace was commissioned by Augustus the Strong during the 1720s. It was meant to be a summer palace to host social and entertainment events. It is one of the most magnificent places to visit near Dresden, Germany.

The palace and its garden exhibit a blend of several styles including baroque, and neoclassical. The palace is home to several Dresden attractions including the English Pavilion, Museum of Decorative Arts, Crafts Museum, State Arts Collection, and more. You will need 2 hours to explore this palace and its gardens.

I suggest you should go for a Guided Tour of Pillnitz Castle .

Pillnitz Castle

19. The Japanese Palace (Japanisches Palais)

Although named the Japanese Palace, this structure exhibits a blend of oriental, baroque, and Neo-classical styles of architecture. However, as you explore the interiors you will see Chinoiserie decor, which better matches the name of this Dresden tourist attraction.

The palace is also home to the State Museum of Pre-History and the Museum of Ethnology. You will need at least an hour to tour this palace, its gardens, and its museums.

The Japanese Palace

20. Meissen Porcelain Factory

This is the oldest porcelain factory in all of Europe. The history of this renowned brand dates back to 1710. You can explore the 300+ years of its journey as you tour the factory and its museum. It is also one of the top tourist places in Dresden to pick up interesting souvenirs.

The tour takes you through the creation process of molding and decorating all kinds of things made from porcelain. The museum and gallery gives you a tour of the brand’s history and all the wonderful pieces it has created over the years. You will need 2 hours for this tour.

I suggest you should get your Entrance Ticket to Meissen Porcelain Factory in advance.

Meissen Porcelain Factory

21. Volkswagen Transparent Factory

This state-of-the-art factory is designed to be see-through and focuses on the future of Volkswagen vehicles. The factory makes electric vehicles and sheds light on the incredible technology and futuristic cars.

Some of these vehicles look like they were pulled from science fiction. It is a must-see in Dresden for automobile enthusiasts. You get to tour the factory to see how the vehicles are made. People can also check out the unbelievable features of digitized vehicles. You will need 2 hours from Dresden travel for this tour.

You should get your Entry Ticket to Volkswagen Transparent Factory in advance.

Volkswagen Transparent Factory

22. Elbe River Cruise

This river tour takes you on a journey exploring the history, architecture, stories, and legends of the city. The steamboat and paddle-steamer tours cruise along river Elbe are among the top things to do around Dresden as well.

People can also take a multi-day cruise to tour 14 towns on the banks of River Elbe. There is also a nature boat trip through Saxon Switzerland National Park. The shortest boat cruise takes 90 minutes and includes a tour of the city’s palaces, churches, historical buildings, and other things to see in Dresden, Germany.

I suggest you should book a Sightseeing Boat Cruise in Elbe River in advance.

Elbe River Cruise

23. Saxon Switzerland National Park

When you move straight down southeast along river Elbe, you reach the beautiful Saxon Switzerland National Park. It is known for its huge limestone pillars and exceptional natural beauty.

People also come here for fun things to do around Dresden including hiking, nature trails, camping, and wildlife spotting. The national park has waterfalls, limestone pillars, stone bridges, forests, mountains, and more.

You can get here by road. But if you are looking for a more scenic tour, take a train or a paddle-wheel steamboat. You will need at least a day trip from Dresden to explore the wonders of nature in this national park.

I suggest you should book a Full Day Trip to Saxon Switzerland National Park from Dresden.

Saxon Switzerland National Park

24. Moritzburg Castle (Schloss Moritzburg)

This palace was completed in 1736 and was built as a summer palace and a hunting lodge. The exterior exhibits Baroque architecture with elements of Rococo architecture inside the palace. It is one of the most interesting places to see in Dresden, Germany.

The interior includes hunting trophies, paintings, weapons, classic furniture, murals, faux marble, and more. You will need about 2 hours from Dresden sightseeing to explore the palace.

Moritzburg Castle

25. Erzgebirge

This town is one of the most interesting places near Dresden. It began as a mining town and later became famous for making wooden Christmas ornaments. This industry is still active and you can see how the wonderful ornaments are made. You can also buy some as souvenirs.

It is also popular for its mining history and some historical places to visit near Dresden. These include St. Annenirche, Frohnauer Museum and Manufaktur Der Traume Museum. It is best to make a day trip from Dresden to explore this town.


If you are looking for more tourist places in Dresden and around it, check out the sections below. We have compiled an exhaustive list of attractions and fun things to do in and around the city.

Things to do in dresden, monuments, museums & historical places to visit in dresden, germany.

  • Frauenkirche Dresden
  • Zwinger Palace
  • Semperoper Dresden
  • Dresden Castle
  • Old Masters Picture Gallery
  • Mortizburg Castle
  • Green Vault
  • Pillnitz Castle
  • Kathedrale Sanctissimae Trinitatis
  • Museum of Military History
  • The Grand Garden of Dresden
  • German Hygiene Museum
  • Dresden Transport Museum
  • Schloss Wackerbarth
  • Porzellansammlung
  • Dresden Panometer
  • Galerie Neue Meister
  • Dresdener Molkerei Gebruder Pfund GMBH
  • Dresden City Museum
  • Karl May Museum
  • Theaterplatz
  • Transparent Factory
  • Holy Cross Church
  • Kunsthaus Dresden
  • Museum of Saxon Folk Art
  • Kupfertich-Kabinett
  • Schloss Weesenstein
  • Albrechtsberg Palace
  • Japanisches Palais
  • Eisenbahn Museum
  • DDR Museum Pirna
  • Sculpture Collection from 1800
  • Dresden Armory
  • Friends of Dresden Contemporary Art
  • Chateau de la Faisanderie
  • Erich Kastner Museum
  • The Grand Garden Palace
  • Tram Museum of Dresden
  • Museum of Ethnology
  • Stallhof Palace
  • Neurathen Castle
  • Festung Fortress
  • Technische Sammlungen Dresden
  • Lingnerschloss
  • Carl Maria von Weber Museum
  • MTB Museum of Natural History
  • Kronentor Palace Gateway
  • Jagdschloss Graupa
  • Hausmannstrum
  • Kunstgewerbe Museum
  • Leonardi Museum der Stadt
  • Mathematisch Physikalischer Salon
  • Krasewski Museum
  • Kamelienhaus Pillnitz
  • Kleine Sachsische Schweiz
  • Sonnenstein Castle
  • Vineyard Church to the Holy Spirit
  • Feldbahn Museum Herrenleite
  • Munzkabinett
  • Heimat Museum Dohna
  • Schloss Klippenstein
  • Lugen Museum

Nature & Wildlife Tourist Spots in Dresden, Germany

  • Dresden Elbe Valley
  • Dresden Heath
  • Rabenauer Grund
  • Lossnitzgrund
  • Seifersdorfer Tal
  • Widgehedge Moritzburg

Entertainment & Leisure Tourist Spots in Dresden, Germany

  • Dresden Zoo
  • Suspension Railway
  • Dresden Park Railway
  • Oskarshausen
  • BOT Botanical Garden
  • Barockgarten Grossediltz
  • Spitzhaustreppe
  • Rosengarten Aulunpark
  • Forstbotanicher Garten Tharandt
  • Elbamare Erlebnisbad
  • Bruhl’s Garden

Shopping in Dresden , Germany

  • Callejon de Arte
  • Kunsthofpassage
  • Altmarkt Galerie
  • Centrum Galerie
  • Prager Strasse
  • Wilsdruffer Strasse
  • Elbe Flea Market
  • Neutadter Markthalle
  • Elbepark Dresden

Offbeat Places, Tours, & Adventures in Dresden, Germany

  • Boat Cruise
  • Ski Jumping
  • Rock Climbing

Sightseeing in Dresden, Germany

  • Bruhl’s Terrace
  • Loschwitz Bridge
  • Augustus Bridge
  • Golden Rider Statue
  • Schlossplatz
  • Waldchlosschen Bridge
  • Memorial Bautzner Street
  • Nymphenbad Fountain

Food, Dining, Restaurants, & Street Food in Dresden, Germany

  • Sachsenmarkt
  • Watkze Ball
  • Kutscherschanke
  • Carolaschlosschen
  • Pfunds Molkrei
  • Coselpalais
  • Kastenmeiers
  • Altmarketkeller
  • Kugelgenhaus
  • Waldschloesschen
  • Alte Meister
  • Sophienkeller
  • Falscher Hase
  • Cafe Vestibul

Where to Stay in Dresden?

Here we have listed Top Rated Luxurious, Mid-Range, and Budget Hotels in Dresden. You can check the below listed hotels for your perfect stay in Dresden.

Luxurious Hotels

  • Hotel Bulow Palais
  • Steigenberger Hotel de Saxe
  • Hotel Suitess
  • Hyperion Hotel Dresden am Schloss
  • Gewandhaus Dresden, Autograph Collection
  • Townhouse Dresden
  • Romantik Hotel Bulow Residenz
  • Schloss Hotel Dresden-Pillnitz
  • Aparthotel Am Schloss
  • INNSiDE by Melia Dresden

Mid-Range Hotels

  • Holiday Inn Dresden – Am Zwinger, an IHG hotel
  • Star Inn Hotel Premium
  • Hotel und Restaurant Schloss Eckberg
  • Hilton Dresden Hotel
  • Maritim Hotel Dresden
  • ibis Styles Dresden Neustadt
  • Hotel Indigo Dresden – Wettiner Platz, an IHG Hotel
  • NH Collection Dresden Altmarkt
  • IntercityHotel Dresden
  • Pullman Dresden Newa Hotel

Budget Hotels

  • Hostel Louise 20
  • Holiday Inn Dresden – City South, an IHG hotel
  • Guesthouse Mezcalero
  • AMEDIA Hotel Dresden Elbpromenade
  • AZIMUT Hotel Dresden
  • Dorint Hotel Dresden
  • Ibis Budget Dresden City
  • Leonardo Hotel Dresden Altstadt
  • Hostel Mondpalast Dresden
  • Hotel Novalis Dresden


Custom Tours Package in Dresden

How to reach dresden.

The city is served by Dresden International Airport. You can get direct flights to this airport from Antalya , Burgas, Dusseldorf , Amsterdam , Palma de Mallorca, Frankfurt , Munich , London , Rhodes, Zurich , and several other cities in Europe.

You can get local trains, buses, and cabs to reach Dresden from the airport.

You can get direct trains to visit Dresden from several cities in Germany. These include Berlin , Hamburg , Leipzig, Munchen, Dortmund, Cologne , Frankfurt, and more. You can also get buses from Dresden and travel from almost anywhere in Germany.

If you are planning to reach Dresden by road, you should head for Autobahn routes: 4, 97, 6, 17, or 172S.

There are no direct water routes for Dresden travel. Although, the city is part of the 14-town river Elbe tour.

Image Reference

  • Brühl’s Terrace (Brühlsche Terrasse) – Simon / Flickr
  • Albertinum – Hugh Llewelyn / Flickr
  • Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche Dresden) – David Mark / PixaBay
  • Church of the Holy Cross (Dresden Kreuzkirche) – James Stringer / Flickr
  • New Town Hall (Neues Rathaus) – Fred Romero / Flickr
  • Zwinger – Anja / PixaBay
  • Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe) – Andraszy / Wikimedia Commons
  • Dresden Castle (Dresdner Residenzschloss) – a.canvas.of.light / Flickr
  • Fürstenzug – Andreas Skuin / PixaBay
  • Dresden Transport Museum (Verkehrsmuseum Dresden) – Phil Beard / Flickr
  • Semperoper Opera House – Anne Valdambrini / PixaBay
  • Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) – Allie_Caulfield / Flickr
  • Dresden Panometer – User:Kolossos / Wikimedia Commons
  • The Grand Garden of Dresden (Großer Garten) – Lloyd Morgan / Flickr
  • Kunsthofpassage Dresden – Hans Porochelt / Flickr
  • Dresden Cathedral / Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Kathedrale Sanctissimae Trinitatis) – Waldo Miguez / PixaBay
  • German Hygiene Museum – © Raimond Spekking / Wikimedia Commons
  • Pillnitz Castle (Schloss Pillnitz) – Polybert49 / Flickr
  • The Japanese Palace (Japanisches Palais) – X-Weinzar / Wikimedia Commons
  • Meissen Porcelain Factory – Carole Waller / Flickr
  • Volkswagen Transparent Factory – Dave Pinter / Flickr
  • Elbe River Cruise – Manfred Reinert / PixaBay
  • Saxon Switzerland National Park – Ma_Frank / PixaBay
  • Moritzburg Castle (Schloss Moritzburg) – Toni Paul / Flickr
  • Erzgebirge – Jörg Blobelt / Wikimedia Commons
  • 18 Wonderful Tourist Places to Visit and Things to Do in Dundee, Scotland
  • Popular 20 Tourist Places to Visit and Things to Do in Leuven, Belgium

Mustafa Natalwala

Mustafa is a content writer and digital marketing expert at His mainly interests are into travelling, photography, film-making

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Kyle Kroeger

Written by Kyle Kroeger

Is Dresden city a worthy tourist destination ? Here is a list of unique things to do in Dresden that you probably didn’t know.

Owing to its numerous architectural landscapes and baroque wonders, Dresden fits well among Germany’s most charming cities. When visiting the city, you’ll be spoilt for choosing the best things to do in Dresden.

First, Dresden is where modernity meets history. Why say so? Having been hugely ruined during the WWII bombing of Dresden, most of Dresden city’s old structures have been reconstructed to their former state using modern ideas.

Before its destruction, this beautiful city in Saxony state was a communication hub and a manufacturing center. Between the 13th and 20th centuries, Dresden was also home to many electors and Kings.

For instance, Augustus II the Strong wielded the greatest power in the 18th century. But what makes Dresden a perfect destination for your next vacation? First, there are tons of things to see in Dresden, ranging from invaluable gold, classical sculptures, oriental porcelain, treasures, and ceremonial weapons to paintings by the Renaissance and more.

Let’s take a deeper look.

Things to Do in Dresden, Germany

1. visit dresden cathedral, katholische hofkirche.

Dresden Cathedral

Address: Schloßstraße 24, 01067 Dresden, Germany

A visit to Dresden Cathedral is well worth it as a tourist. This is one of the top churches in Dresden and is located on the right side of the Georgenbau, Dresden’s Old Town exit.

It’s a historical landmark that will first capture your eyes when you enter the Old Town area. Although destroyed during WWII, this beautiful old Roman Catholic Cathedral was rebuilt and is now one of the unique Dresden attractions.

The church is one of the burial spots for the House of Wettin, along with the Polish Monarch. Consider touring this church when you visit Dresden.

2. Tour the Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe)

Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe), Dresden

Address: Residenzschloss, Taschenberg 2, 01067 Dresden, Germany

The Green Vault is one of Europe’s largest relic collection museums. It is a highly guarded chamber with a collection of treasures, from coins, green diamonds, art, and jewels from Russia to other priceless treasures.

After being opened in the 18th century by Augustus the Strong, the Green Vault suffered massive losses in subsequent times. It, however, reopened its doors in 2004 after some major reconstruction.

Located on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Residenzschloss, the museum is usually open for visitors. To enter the vault, you must purchase tickets in advance to be allocated a specific time slot.

Although one can buy a ticket in the morning, it’s highly discouraged because such tickets are limited. Visiting the Green Vault is undoubtedly one of the most fulfilling things in Dresden.

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3. Visit the Zwinger Palace

Zwinger Palace- things to do in Dresden

Address: Sophienstraße, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Another elaborate piece of architecture in Dresden is the Zwinger Palace. This is certainly one place you shouldn’t miss on your visit to Dresden.

When walking around the palace, you’ll see many art exhibitions that can help you learn more about the city’s historical status. The place is surrounded by beautiful gardens, bordered by porcelain objects and physical and mathematical instruments.

From the beginning of the 19th century, this place has offered a glimpse of the age’s high life, tournaments, and court festivities. It’s a German complex of galleries, art, pavilions, courtyards, and museums.

5. Marvel at the Size and Scale of Fürstenzug Mural

Procession of Princes Mural Wall in Fürstenzug Dresden, Germany

Address: Augustusstraße 1, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Fürstenzug is the largest porcelain mural in the world. It represents the procession of the various Saxony rulers. The mural was originally painted in 1876 to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Wettin dynasty. Undoubtedly, it remains one of the finest sights to behold to date.

Also called the ‘procession of princes,’ it is a 334-foot-long and 34-foot-high porcelain mural that runs across the stables (Stallhof) of the Residenzschloss. Between 1904 and 1907, it was replaced with over 23,000 Meissen Porcelain tiles, each measuring 8.1 inches by 8.1 inches.

This mural depicts the long reign of the famous Saxony ruling family, which dominated the region for over eight centuries. It represents scientists, artisans, dukes and kings, and other famous German figures of the age.

During WW2, the mural miraculously remained almost unscathed, with only minimal damage to the tiles. The dates and names of the rulers are inscribed on the mural below each image.

See Related: Things to Do in Lower Saxony

5. Enjoy Performances at Semperoper, Dresden’s Opera House

Semperoper opera house

Address: Theaterplatz 2, 01067 Dresden, Germany

The Semperoper is not very far from the Dresden Cathedral. If you’re a theater enthusiast, visiting the Semperoper should be at the top of your list of things to do in Dresden.

First, even before you enter inside, you’ll be mesmerized by the intricate design of this house. At the main entrance, the spectacular statue of Dionysos will blow off your mind. Moreover, the house’s interior is another marvel of Dresden’s architectural prowess. Here, you’ll be entertained by different electrifying performances, from musicals and play operas to ballet dances.

6. Explore the Hidden Passageways of Dresden

Kunsthofpassage in in Dresden, Germany

Dresden has hidden gems that are fun to discover and interesting to see. Kunsthofpassage Dresden is among the top-secret gems to explore in these alleyways.

This run-down backyard has been refurbished into a modern art center. It has five cool art installations, including the Courtyard of Light, the Courtyard of Element, the Courtyard of Animals, Metamorphosis, and Mythical Garden.

The Courtyard of Element, for example, is also known as the singing drain pipes. It’s a place that creates music when water runs down a sophisticated drain pipe installation erected on a stunning turquoise building. This means that when it rains, what seems like a drainpipe system transforms into an incredible musical instrument.

These are spectacular things you don’t encounter daily; thus, you should make this top of the list of things to see in Dresden.

7. Dresden Frauenkirche Church, Our Lady Church

Dresden Frauenkirche Church

Address: Neumarkt, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Considered one of the most elegant churches in Germany , Dresden Frauenkirche church is a remarkable baroque building situated in Dresden. You cannot visit Dresden and fail to stop over to see this famous landmark .

The church was initially a catholic church, but during the Reformation, it became protestant. This Lutheran church is located at the center of the Neumarkt square and offers a great example of Protestant sacred architecture. It features one of Europe’s largest domes.

The church was completely ruined during the Second World War but was later reconstructed from ruins meticulously. Other than that, it remains a veritable symbol of reconciliation in Dresden between former fighting enemies.

8. Check Out the Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister)

Old Masters Picture Gallery (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister), Dresden

Address: Theaterplatz 1, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister  is a good place to consider when planning what to do in Dresden . This is a museum with an Old Master picture gallery that has over 750 paintings. The paintings were crafted between the 15th and 18th centuries by French, German, and Spanish painters.

The Old Masters form an integral part of the art collections in Dresden state. The collection includes paintings from renowned painters such as Correggio, Giorgione, Raphael, Titian, Jan Van Eyck, etc.

During the Dresden Bombing in 1945, the museum was destroyed, although most of the artwork remained intact. However, the 1963 records show that 206 paintings were destroyed during this period, while another 507 pieces went missing.

Viewing these paintings gives the feeling of enjoying art that almost resembles real life or realism. You can also immerse yourself in some interesting history. These are must-see gems when visiting the city of Dresden.

See related : Must-See Castles in Germany

9. Go to a Free Jazz Concert

tourist attractions in dresden

Attending one of the free jazz concerts is also among the most incredible things to do in Dresden. Here, the jazz fanatics organize a free concert where you can sit back and relax while enjoying some good music.

The concerts happen at Kulturzentrum Scheune every Monday. Besides that, many other events happen during the week and over the weekends.

While some are free, some might require you to part with a few euros (as little as 5 EUR). You might want to check out or attend some of these events while there. 

10. Enjoy Dresden’s Nightlife

dresden nightlife

While Dresden’s nightlife is less crowded and not as extensive as Berlin’s , the place is still a popular destination for night outs. The vibe and the buzzing of the revelers keep the night fun.

You can grab a cocktail or wine in one of Dresden’s clubs and local bars. Most of these dive and cocktail bars are at the Elbe Rivers’ North Bank in Neustadt.

One of the oldest pubs in this area is the Hebedas bar. The place offers an ideal atmosphere to chill out at night, and their beer is reasonably priced and nice.  If you’ve come for the tour with a few friends, consider a night out there, party, and chat your night away while playing pool.

Also, you may check out Madness Bar & Pub or Mondfisch Kneipe & Bar. Both of these bars host live events and concerts. If you are looking for things to do in Dresden at night, you can never go wrong with these.

See Related : German-Speaking Countries Around the World

11. Explore Elbe River Banks

Elbe River Banks in Germany

Elbe River is one of the most famous Dresden tourist attractions and a fine spot to explore. This river valley has complex but serene recreational areas for both locals and visitors.

The place is open and surrounded by the attractive city’s old and new towns. Leading away from it are spectacular bridges and vast green spaces for sports, barbecues, and relaxation. It’s also a famous spot for fishing adventures and theater performances.

When around, consider walking along ‘The Brühl’s Terrace,’ locally called “The Balcony of Europe.” This is a terrace stretching high above the River Elbe shores.

On one side of the terrace, you can explore the stunning architectural wonders of the Old Town’s buildings. Then, on the other side along river Elbe, you can have a cup of coffee while appreciating the beauty of the surroundings as you are with locals.

12. Walk and Hike to Bastei Bridge

Bastei Bridge, Dresden, Germany

Address: Basteiweg, 01824 Lohmen, Germany

Bastei rock formation in Saxony Switzerland towers 194 meters above River Elbe. It is made of sandstone meant to link rocks, but it’s now one of Dresden’s most exceptional tourist attractions.

When taking the Bastei bridge nature walk, you can’t resist marveling at the beautiful landscapes in the surroundings. The walk can take an hour, but walking slowly can help you become engrossed in the area’s beauty.

There are plenty of viewpoint areas at Bastei Bridge. One of them is along the cliffside, a vantage point where you can see the beautiful Kurort Rathen town.

Walking further along the trail, you will see the extensive splendor of the Saxony Switzerland landscape. For that great adventure, you can walk across the Bastei Bridge.

To get to Bastei Bridge, you may opt for a train from the Dresden Neustadt station, which heads to Schöna or Bad Schandau, then to Kurort Lathen station. Once there, you can enter the town, cross the river with a ferry, and start your hike. The bridge is indeed worth a visit when you’re in East Germany .

See Related: Famous Castles in Germany

13. Grab a Cup of Coffee at the Cafe Oswaldz

Cafe Oswaldz in Dresden, Germany

Address: Bautzner Str. 9, 01099 Dresden, Germany

When you want to enjoy coffee in a quiet place in Dresden, consider visiting ‘Cafe Oswaldz.’ This cozy little cafe serves a wide range of coffees and a tasty selection of bakeries.

You can meet up with friends to have coffee while you surf the internet. The café has power outlets that let you recharge your phone and laptops. It also offers free Wi-Fi, although its reliability depends on how many people use it.

You can smell and gobble hand-brewed coffee in Cafe Oswaldz, which has moderate background noise. This is indeed one of the best places to visit in Dresden to pass the time or complete some tasks.

Related Resources

  • Things to Do in Nuremberg
  • Things to Do in Heidelberg
  • Things to Do in Aachen

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    1. The Dresden Zwinger. 4,817. Historic Sites. Baroque palace with a blend of museums, art galleries, and lush gardens, showcasing historical artifacts and royal atmosphere amidst ongoing restorations. See ways to experience (51) 2024. 2. Frauenkirche Dresden.

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    Sophienstraße, 01067 Dresden, Germany. Get directions. Phone +49 351 49142000. Visit website. The Zwinger Palace is one of the most excellent examples of late Baroque architecture in Germany. Built between 1710 and 1728, the Zwinger was used for court festivities and tournaments.

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    The Dresden Zwinger. 4,816. Historic Sites. Baroque palace with a blend of museums, art galleries, and lush gardens, showcasing historical artifacts and royal atmosphere amidst ongoing restorations. See ways to experience (51) 2024. 2. Frauenkirche Dresden. 6,725.

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    Top Attractions in Dresden. Map. See all. These rankings are informed by traveler reviews—we consider the quality, quantity, recency, consistency of reviews, and the number of page views over time. 2023. 1. Frauenkirche Dresden. 6,717. Points of Interest & Landmarks.

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