The Hitting Vault

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Table of Contents

What is travel baseball, what to look for in a travel baseball team, travel baseball vs. little league, travel baseball pros and cons , criticisms and controversy, is travel baseball worth it.

For many families, the transition from Little League to travel baseball comes with stress, anxiety and questions about what to look for in a team and what to expect from the experience — not to mention the question of whether making the switch from a more laid-back rec ball program to a more competitive (and expensive) travel club is the right decision in the first place.

In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about getting started with youth travel baseball. We’ll help you answer the questions above and determine whether travel baseball is a good fit for your son or daughter. 

If you have a softball player in the family, you may also want to check out our article “ What to Look For in a Travel Softball Team ,” which covers some of the same information from a softball perspective and dives deep into my personal experience as an elite-level amateur player and college recruiting prospect.

Table of Contents :

  • How to Choose a Travel Baseball Team
  • Travel Baseball Pros and Cons
  • Is Travel Baseball Worth It?  

First, it’s important to understand what a travel baseball team is and how travel baseball is organized. 

There are tens of thousands of travel baseball teams around the country, and their popularity has exploded over the past two decades. As recently as the 1990s, travel baseball was a niche experience limited mostly to elite players in baseball-rich areas like Texas and California. Today, participation is seen by many as a near necessity for talented players to develop their skills and hone their game against the best competition they can find. 

Whereas Little League is the dominant organization when it comes to recreational youth baseball, there are multiple organizations throughout the country that host hundreds of travel tournaments each year. Some of the biggest and most popular are USSSA (United States Speciality Sports Association), AAU (Amateur Athletic Union), Triple Crown Sports , and Perfect Game . Travel baseball teams often participate in tournaments organized by more than one of those organizations. 

A team can be started by anyone. Many are formed by parents, but many others are formed by high school and former college coaches. Depending on their organizational goals, some programs have just one team that participates in one age bracket (such as 10 and under), while some are run like businesses and have teams that compete in every age group. 

Some huge organizations, such as California Baseball Academy (CBA), even have multiple teams within the same age group, located in multiple cities. CBA has teams not only in California, but also in Nevada, Texas, Utah and the southeast. High-level programs like that are often known for attracting top talent, for training recruits into elite players, and for feeding those players into nearby colleges and universities. 

Travel Baseball Competition Structure

Virtually all travel baseball games are played on weekends in a tournament format. Those tournaments can theoretically be held anywhere, but are frequently held at multi-field facilities in easily-accessible travel hubs. For example, many Florida tournaments are held in Orlando because it’s in the relative center of the state, it has plenty of hotel rooms, and it’s home to many great baseball facilities. The farther you live away from such a hub, the more you should expect to travel. 

Most tournaments begin with pool play, meaning that teams are guaranteed a number of games before heading into single elimination. A team can expect to play anywhere from three to eight games over the course of a two-day or three-day tournament, depending on how they perform.

There is no set number of tournaments a team must participate in. Each team decides which tournaments to enter on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors such as age level, skill level, and cost. In general, two tournaments per month can be seen as about average, although higher-level teams may play more frequently. 

Most organizations run regional and national championships, which are invite-only. For example, USSSA hosts “qualifier” tournaments, where the winner of the championship game (and sometimes the runner up) can earn a bid to the USSSA national tournament.

Additionally, beginning at age 14, some teams start participating in “college exposure tournaments,” where college scouts come from across the country to watch and evaluate prospects. These tournaments are typically more expensive than regular tournaments, and are often farther away.

How to Join a Travel Baseball Team

If you’ve decided to join a travel baseball team and aren’t sure where to find one, there are a number of resources available. 

It may go without saying, but word-of-mouth can be a valuable first reference point. If you’re thinking about switching to travel baseball, chances are that you already know someone in your area who has made the jump. If so, don’t be afraid to ask them questions about the team and their experience. It’s a big commitment — both in terms of time and finances — so it’s important to make sure you find the right club for your son or daughter.

In addition to word of mouth, many organizations offer a list of active teams on their website. For example, USSSA has a tool that lets you filter teams by age level, skill level, and location . There are also many state-based forums and Facebook groups where coaches post their team’s tryouts (and positions needed). As an example, here are Facebook groups for travel baseball teams in Florida and Michigan ⁠— you can find similar groups for every state. 

Another good option is , which (like the USSSA site) allows you to filter teams by state and level. While not every team is listed on that website, it does include over 4,000 clubs.

Here are eight things to think about when evaluating teams. These factors will make a big difference when it comes to your overall experience, so take the time to think about them, and don’t be afraid to ask questions of parents and coaches.

1. Coaching  

A coaching staff can make or break a team. How coaches manage players, keep the game fun, instill the fundamentals, and focus on development — not only as athletes, but as young men and women — is extremely important. 

Some travel baseball teams have parents or grandparents serving as the head coach. While that can be fine, it’s important to make sure those coaches don’t make keeping their own child on the field a priority. Before committing to a team, spend some time researching it by watching a practice and talking to current and/or former players and parents. 

What’s the coaching style? Do they have high expectations but still encourage and love their players? Or, on the other hand, are they screaming at players when they make a mistake? 

Additionally, are players treated equitably, or do some get preferential treatment based on their relationship to the coach or their financial contribution to the team?

Ideally, your child will be a part of that team and organization for consecutive years, rather than bouncing from team to team. As such, determining whether the coaching staff is a good fit is a crucial first step.

2. Cost  

For many parents, this is the most terrifying aspect of travel baseball.

Just how much of a toll is this going to take on your bank account? The specific answer varies, but the typical range of cost for participating in travel baseball is between $500 and $2,500 per year. 

That said, you can end up spending a lot more than that. Back in 2011, CBS News reported that one Georgia family paid $4,000 per year for their 9-year-old son’s travel team. You can imagine that older players in elite programs that travel all over the country can spend even more over the course of a season.

Typically, the more intensely focused a program is on developing its players for college baseball, the more money the program is going to cost. On the other hand, teams that are playing more for the fun of it — those looking for just a little more structure and competition than offered by Little League — won’t put as much of a dent in your wallet.

There are a number of specific factors that go into how much it costs to be on a team:

  • Where you live . If you live in a baseball hub, like Texas or California, you won’t have to travel as far to get to tournaments. Many teams from rural areas regularly drive across multiple states (or sometimes even fly) to tournaments. As such, where you live will likely be the single biggest variable in your overall travel baseball cost.
  • Whether you have to buy your own equipment . Some teams are sponsored by equipment companies like Easton and Rawlings and have their bats, gloves and cleats provided either for free or at a reduced cost. Obviously, this can be a huge savings. Also, keep in mind that (unfortunately) equipment is often viewed as a status symbol in travel baseball. If your child joins a team where every other player has multiple bats and position-specific gloves, he or she is going to press you for similar gear.
  • Whether you have to rent facilities . Some teams practice exclusively at public fields. Others have little or no access to such facilities and have to rent fields and/or indoor space (especially for winter workouts). This can have a huge impact on the overall cost of participation.
  • Whether or not coaches are paid . Some teams — typically the more competitive ones — pay their coaches small stipends and/or cover their cost of travel. On one hand, this tends to lead to better coaching. On the other hand, families are the ones who will ultimately foot that bill.
  • How competitive the team is . Higher-level tournaments typically have higher fees. Lower-level tournaments, operated on a more sub-regional basis, are usually much less expensive to enter. If cost is a concern, make sure you know what types of tournaments the team usually enters over the course of the season. 

3. Location  

As stated earlier, location is a key factor in deciding which travel team to play for. If you’re fortunate enough to live in California, Florida or Texas, you’re going to have a lot of opportunities to play with and against high-level competition right in your backyard. 

But outside of those states, it’s a little bit tougher, and you have to decide how committed you are to playing at the highest possible level. 

For example, if you live in a medium-sized town outside of a major baseball hub, chances are you have at least a couple of travel ball options. However, the odds are that those options are not the absolute cream of the crop when it comes to coaching and competitiveness. In order to play for the absolute “best” team possible, you might have to commute from your mid-sized town to the nearest major city. 

So you’ll be faced with the following choice: play on a lower level team that’s closer to home, or drive a hundred miles or more for twice-weekly practices? It may sound crazy, but many families do just that. 

Why would they commit so much time and money to their son or daughter’s athletic pursuits? It comes down to goals. Better teams often provide better coaching and more opportunities for exposure to college and professional scouts. 

What’s the team’s mission? Is the focus on fun, player development, college exposure, or a mix of all there? Teams can have many different goals and missions, and there’s no right or wrong approach.

However, it is possible that a team’s mission does not align with your values and goals, and you need to think about this before committing, as a compatibility mismatch can lead to coach-parent and coach-player tension. 

5. Organization

Consider the reputation of the organization you’re evaluating. When you join a team, you and your son or daughter will essentially be endorsing everything the program stands for. If they’re known for dirty play or being disrespectful to the game, you’ll be associated with that. 

And believe it or not, the baseball world is a small and surprisingly tight-knit community. College coaches tend to know which programs produce bad apples — and they avoid them. In fact, many college coaches will completely write off an entire organization that has a reputation for not playing the game the right way or for having disrespectful players.

6. Playing Time

There’s an important balance between getting enough playing time and being challenged. Before committing, ask the coaching staff what kind of playing time your child can expect — including at what position. 

If there are two returning shortstops, he or she most likely won’t be playing there and might have to learn another position. That’s not a bad thing: college coaches want players that are versatile, and many players change positions as they get older and their bodies develop. 

Still, it’s helpful to know what to expect ahead of time. Getting game reps is important from a development perspective, but also just from a fun perspective: no kid wants to consistently travel to a tournament only to sit on the bench for most of the weekend. 

7. Skill Level

Be realistic about your child’s skill level, and pay attention to the level of competition around him or her at tryouts (i.e., the skill levels of the other players). If your kid has the fight and desire to compete for a spot (like they’ll have to do if they make it to college ball), then putting them on a team where they’ll be challenged is the best option. 

But if he or she is there to have fun and make friends, with no burning desire to be constantly improving, then choosing a travel team that’s more low-key will be the better call.

8. What You’re Giving Up

Travel baseball tournaments are on weekends, and players often have to sacrifice certain things that are part of a normal childhood. 

Is your son or daughter willing to miss out on things like birthdays, sleepovers and school dances, because most of their time is spent doing homework, traveling to and from games and practices, practicing on their own (possibly including private lessons), and spending nearly every summer weekend at the ballpark?

And are they willing to sacrifice the material things that matter to kids — things like clothes, video games, new smartphones, etc. — because so much money is being spent on baseball? 

As I wrote in THV’s guide to travel softball , my family made major sacrifices to support my athletic pursuits. 

For some, their love of the game is so great that giving up these things is a no-brainer. For others, they may regret missing out on these social activities. And that’s perfectly fine! Just be honest with each other and talk about the true costs of travel baseball — because it’s not just the sticker price.

There are some important similarities and differences between competitive travel baseball and recreational baseball. Both can teach many valuable life skills, such as work ethic, good sportsmanship, teamwork and bouncing back from failure. But they are very different when it comes to time commitment and competitiveness.

The Little League schedule usually runs from the late spring through early summer, with teams practicing twice per week and playing two games per week. The total number of games per season varies, but it usually ranges from 10 to 20. It’s a local program, which means travel is either limited or non-existent. In general, Little League coaches are parents.

Little League can be a great place for kids as young as 4-years-old to start playing the game. They’ll learn the rules and the absolute basics of hitting, pitching and fielding in a fun an easy-going environment (except for the occasional parent that takes their coaching position overboard). 

Overall, Little League fits the classic stereotype of youth baseball: kids having fun playing the greatest game in the world, without much pressure or focus on player development. 

Back in the day, Little League would feed into middle school and high school programs, which carried the bulk of the weight when it came to getting payers ready for college and the pros. But today, the reality is that it’s almost impossible to get the coaching and skill development you need by participating only Little league or other rec ball programs. 

That’s especially true when it comes to the gap between “Majors” Little League (12-and-under) and high school. Few middle schools still have baseball programs, and those programs that do exist tend not to be very good. Likewise, while Little League offers both a Junior division (12-14) and a Senior division (14-16), those leagues tend to pale in comparison to the coaching and competition offered by travel ball. 

So, if your son or daughter is serious about playing baseball at a high level, it’s especially important to focus on the transition to travel ball at around the age of 11 or 12.

There are positives and negatives when it comes to travel baseball. Here are a few of each.

  • Better competition : Players are more serious about the game and more driven to improve. This higher level of competition will help push your son or daughter to improve their own skills.
  • Better coaching : Travel baseball coaches tend to be better qualified, more knowledgeable, and better-connected. At the highest levels of travel ball, teams often employ former professional coaches.
  • More exposure : Aside from high school baseball, travel ball is the primary means of exposure to college coaches and pro scouts. Plus, travel teams often attend showcase tournaments and camps.
  • More games played : Travel teams play significantly more games per year than rec ball teams.
  • Facilitates travel : Sometimes seen as an ancillary benefit, the travel itself can be a valuable and eye-opening experience for players. Many kids don’t have an opportunity to travel out of their own area or state, and travel baseball can provide that. 
  • Encourages character development : Because travel teams are more serious, there’s a greater emphasis put on things like being on time, demonstrating maximum effort, and having a good attitude.  
  • Cost : Travel baseball is expensive — sometimes absurdly so. Families often spend around $2,500 per year, but the costs can be even higher. 
  • Time commitment : Even a moderately competitive travel team can consume an entire summer’s worth of weekends. 
  • Ultra-competitive : On most travel teams, there’s a balance between player development and winning. What you won’t often find is an “everybody plays” approach. For the most part, the best players will play the most, which makes for a highly-competitive environment. 
  • Tougher workouts : This can be a pro or a con, depending on the player’s perspective and goals. Tougher workouts can lead to better outcomes, but they can also be mentally and physically taxing if the player isn’t fully invested.
  • Lack of diversity : Because travel baseball is expensive, it has often been criticized for a lack of socioeconomic and racial diversity. 

Travel baseball provides many benefits and can be a valuable opportunity for players who are serious about the game and committed to playing at the highest possible level. However, it’s not without its share of criticism and controversy. 

In an essay titled “ Left Out ,” MLB superstar Andrew McCutchen wrote about how kids like him, who grow up in low-income families, are often excluded from travel baseball and thus systematically disadvantaged when it comes to development and exposure: 

“When you’re a kid from a low-income family who has talent, how do you get recognized? Now, you have to pay thousands of dollars for the chance to be noticed in showcase tournaments in big cities. My parents loved me, but they had to work hard to put food on the table, and there wasn’t much left over. They didn’t have the option of skipping a shift to take me to a tournament over the weekend. […] That’s the challenge for families today. It’s not about the $100 bat. It’s about the $100-a-night motel room and the $30 gas money and the $300 tournament fee. 

[…] If you’re a poor kid with raw ability, it’s not enough.”

McCutchen was lucky: an AAU coach “discovered” him at the age of 13 and covered his travel ball expenses. But most kids from similar situations aren’t so fortunate. 

Why is this important for you, the parent of a child thinking about joining a travel team? 

On one hand, it’s important to be aware of how the systems we participate in affect our society. But on a much more specific level, you should know that your child will be entering a largely homogenous environment.

On top of that, kids from lower-income families can often feel out of place in travel ball — especially if they don’t come to the ballpark with the latest, top-quality gear like their teammates. This social dynamic can have a powerful impact on your child’s experience. 

Additionally, travel baseball means that both your family and your child will be spending less time within your own community.

There’s been a lot written in recent years about how travel baseball may be contributing to the erosion of communities , because it pulls families out of local baseball programs that once served as important civic institutions.

This is evidenced by the sharply declining participation in Little League. In the organization’s Southeast Region (a hotbed for a travel baseball), the number of Little League players has plunged by nearly 50% since 2007 . 

So we’ve come to the biggest question: Is travel ball worth it?

If you want to improve your skills and have the best chance to play in college or the pros, travel baseball is the way to go. But remember: there is a range of cost and time commitment within travel baseball. Your son or daughter doesn’t necessarily have to opt for the most expensive travel team in order to be sufficiently challenged (and later on, to get noticed by college coaches). 

Your goal in evaluating teams should be to find the right balance of: 

  • Financial commitment 
  • Time commitment
  • Intangible sacrifices (school events, community involvement, etc.) 
  • Baseball goals

After reading this article, you should have a very solid understanding of what Little League and travel baseball have in common, their differences, and what you should be looking for in a club. 

Remember, this is your child’s choice to. Help them see the pros and cons of each option. And although we stated it earlier, we cannot stress this enough: you cannot dictate your son or daughter’s commitment to the game of baseball. It’s up to them. So, support them in whatever capacity they want to participate. If you do, they’ll never regret or forget the amazing experiences, friends, and lessons learned playing this great game.

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The 15 best baseball stadium trips.

Plan a major league adventure while enjoying local delicacies and rooting for the game.

The Best Baseball Stadium Trips

Coors Field at sunset.

Courtesy of Visit Denver

Baseball is a classic American pastime. There's nothing like the roar of the crowd after a crack of the bat when a player sends a ball over the outfield fence. Whether you're hoping to visit every ballpark in Major League Baseball, following your home team on the road or just looking to enjoy an afternoon relaxing while eating a hot dog, this list highlights the top stadiums to consider.

To create this list, our editors researched all of the ballparks and consulted real traveler reviews. Based on those findings, along with destinations with adjacent hotel options or easy mass transit access, we curated this article of the best baseball stadiums to visit.

Note: Most stadiums impose a clear bag policy and bags can be no larger than 12 x 12 x 6 inches or 16 x 16 x 8 inches. Some allow small clutches, fanny packs or diaper bags. Check directly with each MLB ballpark website for further details.

Citizens Bank Park: Philadelphia

View of Citizens Bank Park from among the crowd.

Courtesy of Visit Philadelphia

Citizens Bank Park is home to the oldest continuous, one-name, one-city franchise in all of U.S. professional sports: the Philadelphia Phillies, founded in 1883. Inspired by the layouts of Connie Mack Stadium and Baker Bowl (the former homes of the Phillies), Citizens Bank Park has bowl-style seating, open-air concourses with uninterrupted views of the game, and a playing field set at 23 feet below street level. Game attendees will want to make their way Ashburn Alley to see the stadium's bi-level bullpens, enjoy some kid-focused fun at The Yard, snap a photo with the 10-foot statue of baseball great Richie Ashburn, and get some Philadelphia-inspired eats.

Pay tribute to our nation's heroes at the Veterans Memorial on Pattison Avenue, see World Series trophies and retired numbers on the Left Field Plaza, and be sure to set your eyes on the stadium's Liberty Bell with an LED-illuminated light show when the Phillies hit one out of the park. For pizza, a beer garden, fire pits and a family-friendly outdoor sports pub setting, head to Pass and Stow at the Third Base Gate.

Tour options: Take a tour Monday through Friday at 1:30 p.m. (April to September) or on select Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. (October to March).

Can't-miss activities: The City of Brotherly Love is steeped in history, so you'll find plenty of cool things to do in Philadelphia . Check out Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and the Museum of the American Revolution. Then, you can explore local flavors at Reading Terminal Market, climb the steps and snap a selfie with the Rocky Statue, and head to the Franklin Institute for interactive science-focused exhibits.

Where to stay: Consider the Kimpton Hotel Monaco Philadelphia . From the city center you can take the SEPTA Broad Street Line to NRG Station – a seven-minute walk from the ballpark.

Address: 1 Citizens Bank Way, Philadelphia, PA 19148

Get game tickets:

Fenway Park: Boston

Aerial of Fenway Park on a game night.

Courtesy of the Boston Red Sox

Home of the Boston Red Sox, Fenway Park opened in 1912 and is the oldest MLB ballpark in use today. Whether you choose to sit overlooking left field on the Green Monster wall or you get seats along the right field foul line, this venue allows you to watch a sporting event inside a living history museum. Throughout the game, keep an eye on the scoreboard in left field – installed in 1934 and operated by a staff of three, it's one of the few remaining manual scoreboards in baseball.

When you need a bite, grab a classic Fenway Frank or head to Truly Terrace for specialties like Irish nachos or a Togarashi clam roll. In addition to ballgames, the Fenway Concert Series is set to feature performers like Hootie and the Blowfish, Kane Brown, and the Foo Fighters in 2024.

Tour options: Tours are offered 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily (or 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. from November through March); on game days, the last tour departs three hours before first pitch.

Can't-miss activities: When you're not at the ballpark, explore more of the city's rich history with some of the top things to do in Boston : a walk along the Freedom Trail, local eats at Faneuil Hall Marketplace and a swan boat ride in Boston Public Garden.

Where to stay: The Hotel Commonwealth is a dream come true for baseball fans. This chic boutique hotel overlooks the left field wall and offers Fenway rooms, a baseball suite and the new Fenway Park suite – each with stadium views and baseball memorabilia.

Address: 4 Jersey St., Boston, MA 02215

PNC Park: Pittsburgh

Aerial of PNC Park.

Dustin McGrew | Courtesy of Visit Pittsburgh

Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates, PNC Park is a classic stadium overlooking the Allegheny River. This ballpark opened in 2001 and its architecture evokes a nostalgic feel, showcasing both its riverfront locale and the downtown skyline. The two-deck design of the stadium gives spectators great sight lines, and the furthest seat from the field is only 88 feet.

When you're ready to eat, head to former Pirate Manny Sanguillen's barbecue stand in the outfield, or to the Riverwalk for authentic Pittsburgh eateries like Chicken on the Hill (try the fan-favorite chicken biscuit) and Cannonball Burger (delight in a dessert pierogi). For a local brew, check out the Bullpen Tap Bar.

Tour options: Walking tours are available Monday through Saturday from April to October. Exact times vary. Tours are not offered on dates with a day game or special event.

Can't-miss activities: The stadium is located close to many top things do to in Pittsburgh , including the Andy Warhol Museum and the Museum of Illusions. Venture across the Roberto Clemente Bridge to explore additional attractions in downtown Pittsburgh or take a stroll along the river.

Where to stay: The Residence Inn Pittsburgh North Shore is located across the street from PNC Park. You can enjoy the indoor pool and free breakfast at this all-suite hotel.

Address: 115 Federal St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Yankee Stadium: New York City

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 12: A general view as the Baltimore Orioles take on the New York Yankees during the fourth inning at Yankee Stadium on September 12, 2020 in the Bronx borough of New York City. The Yankees won 2-1. (Photo by Adam Hunger/Getty Images)

Getty Images

Opened in 2009, the "new" Yankee Stadium is roughly a half-hour subway ride from midtown Manhattan. Situated in the Bronx, the famed baseball venue has hosted countless playoff games, concerts and even football games. With so much history in "The House that Ruth Built," there's an entire New York Yankees Museum on the main level of the ballpark, open to ticketgoers from 90 minutes before first pitch until the eighth inning. Venture out beyond the center field wall to Monument Park to see retired uniform numbers, plaques and monuments dedicated to legendary Yankees players.

New concessions options include loaded tater tots at Lobel's and a bacon ranch flavor at Mac Truck. Fans can also enjoy returning favorites at Bobby's Burgers by Bobby Flay, Italian specialties at Christian Petroni, fried chicken by chef David Chang at Fuku, the Halal Guys and more.

Tour options: Yankee Stadium has multiple tour options, including classic, pregame and private tours.

Can't-miss activities: NYC offers all kinds of attractions to explore, including the Jackie Robinson Museum, with exhibits that showcase the legacy of No. 42 and his impact on the civil rights movement. Be sure to check out the MLB Flagship Store to stock up on gear.

Where to stay: Plan to stay in one of the best hotels in New York City and take the subway to the game. If you want to surround yourself with baseball history, The Knickerbocker Hotel is believed to be the place where the Yankees acquired Babe Ruth – and where the martini was created.

Address: 1 E. 161 St., Bronx, NY 10451

Oriole Park at Camden Yards: Baltimore

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - MAY 02: The grounds crew prepares the baseball diamond before the New York Yankees play against the Baltimore Orioles at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on May 2, 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland. (Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)

Opened in downtown Baltimore in 1992, Oriole Park at Camden Yards was the first vintage-inspired ballpark in Major League Baseball. Set at a former railroad center, the ballpark offers an intimate feel for fans along with great sightlines and seats close to the on-field action. Watch for the installations by local artists in the Birdland Mural series inside the venue. Beyond the bullpens in centerfield you'll find the Orioles Legends Park, where six sculptures of iconic Orioles players await for one-of-a-kind photo ops.

Behind the centerfield bleachers, grab some Boog's BBQ (where you just might get an autograph from the former All-Star first baseman), or book a reservation at the SuperBook Bar & Restaurant for a state-of-the-art sports lounge experience.

Tour options: Ballpark tours are currently not available.

Can't-miss activities: Walk along Eutaw Street looking for embedded brass baseballs, which mark where home runs landed. Two blocks east of the right field fence sits the Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum, with exhibits highlighting Babe Ruth's early life and career. Then, head to the Inner Harbor for crab cakes and a visit to the National Aquarium.

U.S. News Insider Tip: Join the locals and shout "O!" during the national anthem – and don't forget to try the iconic Maryland crab fries or a crab pretzel.

Where to stay: Spend the night and take a swim in an indoor pool with a ballpark view at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor . Steps from the ballpark entrance, connected to the convention center via skyway and within walking distance of the Inner Harbor, this hotel has guest rooms and suites with stadium or home plate views, as well as an on-site restaurant.

Address: 333 W. Camden St., Baltimore, MD 21201

Nationals Park: Washington, D.C.

People walking into Nationals Park.

Courtesy of

Home of the Washington Nationals and the Racing Presidents (during the fifth inning, head to section 131 to get a photo with these presidential mascots), the ballpark has a variety of activities for all ages. Signature Sundays and Story Time offer opportunities to interact with players for autographs or to read along with them. Nationals Park also has a new postgame concert series with artists like Lady A, Carly Rae Jepsen and Teddy Swims performing on the field.

The 41,000-seat stadium updated its scoreboard and LED field lighting for 2024, and added to its already impressive local eats with offerings from places like Eli's Crepes, Rita's Italian Ice & Custard, Los Cinco Tacos and Ssong's Hotdog. Make your way to Taste of the Majors for eats inspired by the visiting team, or if you're looking for a local brew, head to one of the District Drafts locations throughout the facility.

Tour options: Pregame and non-game day tours are available on select dates.

Can't-miss activities: Washington, D.C., is loaded with plenty of attractions like the admission-free National Mall and Smithsonian museums. Since you'll be going to the ballpark, which is located in the Navy Yard neighborhood, plan to spend some time exploring The Yards and the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail.

U.S. News Insider Tip: Visit The Bullpen, adjacent to the stadium, for some pregame drinks and live music.

Where to stay: Walk to the stadium and enjoy floor-to-ceiling views of Nationals Park from a Thompson suite ballpark view room at the traveler-favorite Thompson Washington D.C. by Hyatt . There's a rooftop cocktail bar and a sophisticated American fusion restaurant. You could also choose to stay in one of the other best D.C. hotels and take the Metro to the stadium.

Address: 1500 South Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

Truist Park: Atlanta

People walking into Truist Park.

Courtesy of Discover Atlanta

Opened in 2017, Truist Park has a unique cantilever design, so none of its 41,000-plus seats have an obstructed view. With the highest percentage of seats close to the field of all MLB ballparks, the home of the Atlanta Braves lets fans get close to the action. Located in The Battery Atlanta – a new mixed-use development – the stadium has a Monument Garden with a Hank Aaron statue, plaques for Braves Hall of Fame and Cooperstown inductees, and artifacts from memorable moments.

Check out Hope & Will's Sandlot for interactive family games, or the Terrapin Taproom for brews from the Athens-based company. You can find plenty of local flavors throughout the ballpark, including at H&F Burger, Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q and the Coors Light Chop House, which has two spacious patios overlooking right field. In 2024, the park introduced the Grand Slam Nacho at the Taco Factory and the Uncle Charlie's Chicken sandwich at Coop's Championship Chicken.

For added game day fun, watch the Heavy Hitters drumline perform at The Battery before the game, take a selfie with the Home Depot Tools (and watch them race during the game), and cheer with the crowd and the energetic Tomahawk Team.

Tour options: Daily tours are available Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or Sundays at 1 and 3 p.m. (April to September); there are more limited tours from October to March. There are also VIP and historical tours.

Can't-miss activities: Explore the shops, restaurants and entertainment in The Battery, or rent a car to check out greater Atlanta . Some of the city's must-see attractions include Zoo Atlanta, World of Coca-Cola, Ponce City Market and the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum.

Where to stay: Steps from the ballpark, the top-rated Omni at The Battery Atlanta has select rooms and suites with stadium views, a chic rooftop pool, and two restaurants.

Address: 755 Battery Ave. SE, Atlanta, GA 30339

Globe Life Field: Arlington, Texas

Baseball player statue in front of exterior of Globe Life Field.

Courtesy of Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau

As the home of the Texas Rangers, Globe Life Field opened in 2020 and is the newest ballpark in MLB. In 2024, the stadium will host the MLB All-Star Game and related events. In this stadium you can choose from more than 100 concession stands with classic ballpark favorites as well as local specialties from restaurant partners like Hurtado Barbecue, Golden Chick and Arlington Eats.

The 40,300-seat ballpark has a 5.5-acre retractable roof, which eliminates rainouts and keeps the average temperature in the mid-70s. To provide natural light, the building has translucent and glass panels throughout for views inside and outside of the venue. For fan comfort, all of the seats measure at least 19 inches wide, and premium seating options include 12 field suites situated right behind home plate.

Tour options: There are year-round tour options available, including pregame and educational tours.

Can't-miss activities: Globe Life Field is located within the Arlington Entertainment District, which is also home to AT&T Stadium , home to the Dallas Cowboys NFL team. You can tour both stadiums, have some fun at Six Flags Over Texas, visit the International Bowling Museum & Hall of Fame and more without leaving the area.

Where to stay: There are multiple hotels within the Arlington Entertainment District, including Live! by Loews in Arlington, Texas . The upscale resort complex is within walking distance of Globe Life Field and has rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows offering partial or full stadium views. Other amenities include an outdoor infinity pool, a pool bar, a steakhouse and more.

Address: 734 Stadium Drive, Arlington, TX 76011

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Busch Stadium: St. Louis

ST LOUIS, MISSOURI - MAY 7: Manager Oliver Marmol #37 of the St. Louis Cardinals congratulates Brendan Donovan #33 of the St. Louis Cardinals after he hit a home run against the New York Mets in the first inning at Busch Stadium on May 7, 2024 in St Louis, Missouri. (Photo by Dilip Vishwanat/Getty Images)

The home of the St. Louis Cardinals opened downtown in 2006. This retro-style, 46,000-seat ballpark is steeped in history and offers a fan experience complete with the Cardinals Hall of Fame and Museum, which celebrates the team, the game and the fans. If you don't want to miss a moment of the game, get tickets in the all-inclusive Hoffmann Brothers Rooftop with in-seat service so you can have your ballpark eats delivered to you.

Throughout the stadium, attendees can find fan-favorite items like a Smithfield hot dog and an aluminum bottle of Budweiser. Or, try one of the new additions for 2024, including the mango shrimp taco at Mission Taco Joint, chicken tenders at Shaq's Big Chicken or a cheese steakburger at Freddy's. Dingers Donuts serves Wachos (ice cream waffle cone nachos) in a Cardinals souvenir hat.

Tour options: The Classic Tour includes the ballpark tour, along with admission to the Cardinals Hall of Fame and the Museum at Cardinals Nation. The 360 Tour highlights the best views in the stadium.

Can't-miss activities: When you're not at the game, head to Gateway Arch National Park – one of the top things to do in St. Louis . Steps from the stadium, this modern engineering marvel has an observation deck 63 stories in the air with views as far as 30 miles on a clear day. In addition to going to the top, you can take a riverboat ride to learn about the importance of the riverfront along with its history as part of the Underground Railroad. Ballpark Village features sports-themed dining and entertainment, including the Cardinals Nation Restaurant & Bar.

Where to stay: Just a short stroll from the stadium, the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark has an indoor pool, on-site dining, and a rooftop bar with fire pits and panoramic views. Book a stadium view room to enjoy a bird's-eye view into the stadium anytime, night or day.

Address: 700 Clark Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102

Target Field: Minneapolis

Target Field on a sunny day.

Rachael Hood | U.S. News

Showcasing skyline views and connected to the downtown corridor via the Skyway, the home ballpark of the Minnesota Twins opened in 2010. The venue is infused with local and regional influences, especially in food offerings like Murray's steak sandwich, Kramarczuk's brats and the banh mi brat at James Beard award-nominated chef Yia Vang's Union Hmong Kitchen. Full-service restaurants within the stadium include Truly On Deck, with indoor and outdoor seating and stadium views, and Keeper's Heart Town Ball Tavern, which has Minnesota-made Irish whiskey cocktails.

Each game has a race around Target Field with mascots like Louie the Loon and Wanda the Walleye. For a unique souvenir, Creator's Corner sells products by businesses owned by women and people of color. In terms of where to sit, this ballpark has clean sightlines from any angle. But if you're heading to the game with a group, reserve the "The Dock." Opened in 2024, this new premium seating space has 12 captain's chairs in a pontoon-inspired space overlooking right field. You'll be steps from the lake-inspired Lord Fletcher's walleye burger and the s'mores boozy ice cream served in a souvenir baseball container.

U.S. News Insider Tip: Make your way to the Twins Pub to see organist Sue Nelson serenade the crowd for the seventh inning stretch and throughout the game.

Tour options: VIP, public and private tours are available for game days and non-game days.

Can't-miss activities: Located in Minneapolis , Target Field allows visitors to explore the downtown corridor through the Skyway System. This elevated walkway connects buildings with shopping, dining and hotels in a climate-controlled environment. You can also take the light rail from Target Field Station to the Mall of America or St. Paul to explore the capital city.

U.S. News Insider Tip: The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden is just over a mile from the stadium. Home to the iconic "Spoonbridge and Cherry" sculpture, it's a great place for a stroll and makes an ideal backdrop for photos.

Where to stay: Located about two blocks from Target Field (and connected by the Skyway), The Lofton Hotel Minneapolis is an ideal place to stay. You can skip all the parking and traffic into and out of the stadium, and awake to downtown views.

Address: 1 Twins Way, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Wrigley Field: Chicago

CHICAGO, IL - APRIL 6: A general view of the Harry Caray statue outside of the bleacher entrance to Wrigley Field before a game between the Chicago Cubs and the Los Angeles Dodgers on April 6, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. (Photo by Matt Dirksen/Chicago Cubs/Getty Images)

Since opening in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood in 1914, Wrigley Field has been home of the Chicago Cubs. The "Friendly Confines" is known for its classic feel and legendary all-American experience. From the ivy wall (and its unique ground rule doubles) to the raising of the "W" flag and singing of "Go Cubs Go" following a Cubs victory, this ballpark is a must-visit for any baseball fan.

Get a ticket in the iconic bleachers and grab a Chicago-style hot dog and a cold drink to enjoy a quintessential Wrigley experience. Throughout the game, check out the scoreboard, as it is one of only two manually operated boards in MLB (Fenway Park has the other). After the game, head into one of the Wrigleyville bars and restaurants to get the full Chicago atmosphere.

Tour options: Wrigley Field offers game day and non-game day tours, which highlight different parts of the more than century-old ballpark.

Can't-miss activities: Surrounded by the area called Wrigleyville, the ballpark allows visitors to hop on the Chicago "L" to the heart of downtown, where you can explore Chicago's best museums and attractions . For a meal with a nod to the Cubbies, dine at famed Cubs announcer Harry Caray's 7th Inning Stretch in the Water Tower Place on the Magnificent Mile.

Where to stay: Hotel Zachary, Chicago, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel is located directly across from Wrigley Field on Clark Street. This chic boutique property offers a one-of-a-kind Wrigleyville setting with afternoon tea and chef-prepared meals at Alma. The entire property blends the area's heritage with modern flair, and the guest rooms and suites are furnished with historical photographs and floor-to-ceiling windows – including some with ballpark views.

Address: 1060 W. Addison St., Chicago, IL 60613

Coors Field: Denver

People cheering at a Rockies game at Coors Field.

Jensen Sutta, Courtesy of Visit Denver

At around 5,300 feet above sea level, Coors Field has the highest elevation of all the MLB ballparks (which can make balls travel even farther, increasing the odds of a good hit becoming a home run). Situated in downtown Denver, this urban ballpark has clear sightlines and views of the surrounding area – including the Rocky Mountains in the distance – from seats on the first base and right field side of the stadium.

When you're hungry, grab a jackalope sausage or an elk jalapeño cheddar dog at Biker Jims or head to the Sandlot for loaded baked potatoes and barbecue sandwiches. Beer fans will want a brew at the Sandlot Brewery, as its original Belly Slide Wit brew from 1995 was the inspiration behind Blue Moon Belgian White wheat ale.

U.S. News Insider Tip: There's really not a bad seat in the house, and be sure to wander around the stadium for unique vantage points and ideal photo ops.

Tour options: During the baseball season, tours are available Monday to Saturday at 10 a.m. and noon (evening game days) or at 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m. (non-game days). From October to March, they're offered at noon and 2 p.m.

Can't-miss activities: With the stadium located a couple blocks from Denver 's Union Station, visitors have plenty nearby options to explore. Check out the National Ballpark Museum's collection of unique baseball memorabilia and artifacts, stroll through Union Station to see its grand architecture, and check out the array of bars and restaurants in LoDo (Lower Downtown).

Where to stay: Spend the night at The Crawford Hotel . Located within Union Station, the hotel is a short stroll from the stadium. The chic boutique hotel is one of U.S. News' best Denver hotel picks and offers guest rooms and suites with a nod to the building's railroad heritage.

Address: 2001 Blake St., Denver, CO 80205

Oracle Park: San Francisco

Aerial of Oracle Park.

Overlooking Mission Bay, Oracle Park is home to the San Francisco Giants. The stadium's architecture and waterfront setting make it a ballpark where fans can see a home run hit into the water (boats even line up to try to catch one). Attendees can nosh on plenty of local fan favorites like the Gilroy garlic fries, the Pier 44 Chowder House shrimp po'boy and a Ghirardelli hot fudge sundae. If the breeze turns cold (and it could even on a hot summer day), sip on an Irish coffee from Murph's Irish Pub.

Wander through the concourses and keep an eye out for artwork on display, including a seal statue by Alfredo Osorio depicting the logo of the Pacific Coast League team that once played in San Francisco. You'll also find plaques, statues and artwork paying tribute to San Francisco baseball legends.

U.S. News Insider Tip: Pack an extra layer, regardless of the weather. The wind can shift off the water and make it feel much cooler than the forecasted temperature.

Tour options: Daily tours are available; hours and prices vary depending on date and season.

Can't-miss activities: Oracle Park is located in a residential area, but you can hop the BART, Muni or Caltrain to explore San Francisco . There's plenty to see and do in the city, from the Ferry Building Marketplace to the Golden Gate Bridge to Chinatown.

Where to stay: The newly opened LUMA Hotel overlooks Oracle Park in San Francisco's Mission Bay neighborhood. The property features a coffee shop with local blends and breakfast options, and a rooftop bar for cocktails and bites with a view of the skyline, stadium and waterfront.

Address: 24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107

Petco Park: San Diego

A crowded Petco Park in the evening.

Courtesy of San Diego Tourism Authority

Located within the Gaslamp Quarter, Petco Park is surrounded by hotels, restaurants and nightlife. The San Diego Padres' ballpark was designed to incorporate the area's connection to the sea, sky, diversity and culture; it maximizes its skyline views and sea location with an airy design providing great sightlines throughout the venue, even on many of the concourses.

Concessions throughout the venue give visitors a taste of the city with vendors like Gaglione Brothers, Blue Water Seafood, Carnitas' Snack Shack and Negihama Sushi. In center field, fans can see the bullpens or gather a group to sit in the Toyota Beach with Adirondack chairs and a seaside-inspired atmosphere. There are standing room only tickets in Gallagher Square, as well as all-inclusive options. In addition to baseball, the park hosts concerts throughout the year and special events like The Links at Petco Park, where you can golf nine holes within the stadium.

Tour options: Daily tours are available year-round, with pregame, private and educational options.

Can't-miss activities: The area surrounding Petco Park is the Gaslamp Quarter, with dining, shopping and nightlife. There are plenty of other top things to do in San Diego as well, from Balboa Park to the USS Midway Museum.

Where to stay: Connected via skybridge, the Omni San Diego Hotel has direct VIP access to the ballpark on game days. With the time you'll save not having to park or wait in line to get in, you can enjoy the terrace with an outdoor heated pool, sundeck and fireplace. The hotel has baseball packages available, and guest rooms and suites have skyline, partial ballpark or harbor views.

Address: 100 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101

Rogers Centre: Toronto

People walking into Rogers Centre.

Courtesy of Destination Toronto

As the only MLB ballpark outside of the U.S., Rogers Centre is one of a few stadiums with a fully retractable roof – so the game won't be postponed due to weather. Set at the base of the CN Tower, the home of the Toronto Blue Jays is currently undergoing renovations, but fans can still comfortably enjoy the game.

In the 100-level outfield areas, spectators can watch pitchers warm up in the visiting and home bullpens, and in right field the Corona Rooftop Patio is a chic lounge space with Toronto skyline views (when the roof is open) and local flavors like peameal on a bun. The Outfield District is the destination for games and elevated food and beverage options, including a pressed smoked meat sandwich at The Catch Bar, a banh mi at The Stop, and a maple and bacon hot dog at TD Park Social. For a true Canadian twist on a ballpark favorite, get a signature poutine hot dog.

Tour options: Tours are currently suspended due to renovations.

Can't-miss activities: Visitors to Rogers Centre, which is set along the Harbourfront, will want to plan time to see the stadium from above at the CN Tower. Travel up to the building's Skypod – the Western Hemisphere's highest observation platform – for panoramic views of the city, Lake Ontario and as far as Niagara Falls on a clear day. Other fun things to do in Toronto include the Toronto Railway Museum, the Hockey Hall of Fame and the Royal Ontario Museum.

Where to stay: If you want to watch the game without leaving your room, book a room at the Toronto Marriott City Centre Hotel . Located within Rogers Centre, the hotel offers a unique setting with floor-to-ceiling views of the baseball field from the Sportsnet Grill, private event spaces, and select guest rooms and suites with stadium views.

Address: 1 Blue Jays Way, Toronto, ON M5V 1J1, Canada

Helpful tips:

Whether you're following your home team from stadium to stadium, or just visiting for the experience, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Research the stadium's seating areas. Get tickets in advance if you have a specific price or section you want to sit in.
  • Download the official MLB Ballpark app. This tool stores your tickets and can help you navigate finding everything from restrooms to merchandise to concessions.
  • Check the bag policy for the stadium you're visiting, as policies vary among the MLB ballparks. Clear bags make the security process easier. You can find a range of clear bag options online, or get a clear bag with your favorite team's logo .
  • If you want to take a tour, check the schedule in advance, as not all ballparks offer tours on game days.
  • Fans on the hunt to visit all 30 ballparks may want to track their travels with a scratch-off poster , a stadium scorecard journal or a baseball display case to showcase a ball from each stadium.
  • Remember, local fans are passionate and you want to be respectful as a visitor. This may mean leaving that jersey at home and wearing a fun nod to the sport, like these baseball sneakers from Keds or a BaubleBar baseball accessory .
  • A fun way to show your team pride as you travel is with a MLB-branded weekender bag, like these classic wool styles from Heritage Gear .

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Rachael Hood is an avid baseball fan on the hunt to visit all of the MLB Ballparks. She has been to 11 (and counting). To create this list, Hood used her personal experience at ballparks, along with fan reviews and research expertise.

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The Baseball Guide

Pros and Cons of Travel Baseball

February 29, 2024

James Arnold

Travel baseball sits at the heart of many heated debates among parents, coaches, and players alike. It’s a world where talent, ambition, and commitment collide, creating a whirlwind of experiences that can either shape a young athlete’s future or challenge their love for the game. This comprehensive guide dives into the exhilarating yet demanding realm of travel baseball, unpacking its highs and lows to give you an insider’s look at what really goes on beyond the diamond.

Pros of Travel Baseball

Enhanced competition and skill development.

Higher Level of Competition : Travel baseball teams often attract more skilled players, leading to a higher level of competition compared to recreational leagues.

Exposure to Different Playing Styles : Playing against teams from various regions exposes players to diverse playing styles, fostering adaptability and strategic thinking.

Intensive Training : Travel teams typically offer more rigorous training regimens, focusing on skill refinement, conditioning, and tactical understanding.

Increased Exposure and Opportunities

Scouting Opportunities : Travel baseball tournaments often attract college and professional scouts, providing players with visibility and potential recruitment opportunities.

College Scholarships : Excelling in travel baseball can lead to offers for college scholarships, easing the financial burden of higher education.

Networking : Interacting with players, coaches, and scouts from different regions can expand players’ networks, potentially opening doors to future opportunities in the sport.

Building Character and Resilience

Overcoming Challenges : Travel baseball requires commitment, resilience, and the ability to cope with setbacks, fostering mental toughness and character development.

Teamwork and Camaraderie : Collaborating with teammates towards common goals cultivates camaraderie, communication skills, and the ability to work effectively within a team dynamic.

Time Management : Balancing academics, travel, and sports commitments teaches valuable time management skills that are transferable to other areas of life.

Exposure to Different Cultures and Environments

Travel Opportunities : Participating in travel baseball tournaments often involves visiting different cities, states, or even countries, exposing players to diverse cultures and environments.

Cultural Exchange : Interacting with players and families from various backgrounds fosters cultural awareness, tolerance, and a broader perspective on the world.

Preparation for Higher Levels of Competition

Preparation for College Baseball : The competitive nature of travel baseball and exposure to college scouts help players better prepare for the intensity and demands of college-level play.

Development of Advanced Skills : Travel baseball emphasizes skill development in areas such as pitching, hitting, fielding, and base running, better equipping players for success at higher levels of competition.

Understanding of Baseball’s Professional Landscape : Exposure to the professional scouting process and interactions with scouts provide insights into the pathway to professional baseball, should players aspire to pursue it.

Cons of Travel Baseball

Financial costs.

Travel Expenses : Participating in travel baseball often involves frequent travel to tournaments, leading to significant expenses related to transportation, accommodation, and meals.

Tournament Fees : Tournaments typically require registration fees, which can add up over the course of a season, placing financial strain on families.

Equipment Costs : Travel baseball may necessitate higher-quality equipment, such as bats, gloves, and protective gear, which can be expensive to purchase and replace.

Time Commitment

Weekend Tournaments : Travel baseball tournaments often occur on weekends, requiring players and families to sacrifice personal time and potentially miss other important events or activities.

Long Hours : Tournaments can involve long days of games, practices, and travel, leading to fatigue and impacting players’ academic performance and overall well-being.

Limited Off-Season : Travel baseball may have a year-round schedule or a shortened off-season, reducing opportunities for rest, recovery, and participation in other sports or recreational activities.

Physical Toll

Risk of Overuse Injuries : The intense schedule and repetitive motions in travel baseball increase the risk of overuse injuries, such as tendonitis, stress fractures, and shoulder or elbow injuries.

Fatigue and Burnout : The physical demands of travel baseball combined with the pressure to perform can lead to fatigue, burnout, and decreased enjoyment of the sport.

Limited Development of Other Skills : The focus on baseball year-round may limit opportunities for players to develop skills in other sports or pursue interests outside of athletics.

Academic Challenges

Missed School Time : Travel baseball tournaments often require players to miss school, leading to academic challenges, including incomplete assignments, missed exams, and difficulty keeping up with coursework.

Balancing Priorities : The demands of travel baseball can make it challenging for players to balance academic responsibilities with athletic commitments, potentially affecting their academic performance and future opportunities.

Social and Family Impact

Limited Family Time : Travel baseball can strain family relationships due to the time spent away from home and the financial burden placed on families.

Social Isolation : The intensive schedule of travel baseball may limit players’ opportunities to socialize with peers outside of the sport, potentially impacting their social development and relationships.

Stress on Relationships : The demands of travel baseball, including long hours, financial strain, and the pressure to perform, can contribute to stress within families and relationships.

Is Travel Baseball Good for You?

Deciding whether travel baseball is a good fit depends on the individual player’s circumstances, ambitions, and the values of their family. For those deeply passionate about the game and aspiring toward collegiate or professional levels, travel baseball can offer unparalleled exposure, high-level competition, and development opportunities that are hard to match in other settings. However, it’s crucial to consider the potential drawbacks carefully. The physical, academic, and social challenges highlighted, along with the significant time and financial commitments required, can have profound impacts on a young athlete and their family. Balancing these factors is key. Open, honest discussions about expectations, goals, and priorities between the player, family, and coaches can help ensure that participation in travel baseball is a positive and enriching experience. Always remember, the well-being and overall development of the young athlete should take precedence in making this decision.

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New England Baseball Journal

Travel ball: The do’s, don’ts and details to have a great tryout experience

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Brendan Akashian, a four-year player at Holy Cross who played three seasons of pro ball, founded Lowell, Mass., based Boomer Baseball in 2020.

One of the most challenging periods in the travel baseball calendar is right around the corner. Travel baseball tryouts are being held for many programs across all age groups. From a director’s perspective, it is a busy time of the year as it requires a delicate balance of roster building with the creation of a successful experience for players, coaches and families. 

These coming weeks can pose a lot of questions for players and parents in regard to player placement. Here is my best advice for tryouts to both parents and players.

For parents

  • If you are trying out for a specific travel baseball team, know who the head coach will be. In my opinion, it’s a red flag when a player agrees to play for a travel team that hasn’t named a coach for his/her particular age level. That’s the equivalent of accepting a job, but not knowing your boss. The head coach can make a massive difference in the experience, and you need to know who that is before agreeing to be on a travel team.
  • Everyone’s financial situation is different, but every parent should try to quantify the value received from the program offering. There are some awesome organizations out there that charge $3,500 for a travel baseball season and offer a program that provides a ton of value for the cost. The inverse is also true. There are plenty of organizations that charge $3,500, but it’s hard to quantify what you are getting at that price point. I urge parents to put a dollar figure on what you are getting, and ask the following questions that can dictate the value:
  • Do I get private lessons as part of my tuition?
  • How many practices are there from winter through the end of year?
  • Is the uniform kit included in the cost?
  • Are tournament costs included? If so, how many?
  • How many games will you play on a normal weekend? How about over the course of the season?
  • When a program director takes a player, he is taking on a lot more than just one individual. He is taking on parents who factor into the equation just as much as the player. Every program director wants teams to perform at a high level; they also want to foster an environment of clear communication so that they’re not fielding calls from disgruntled parents every Monday morning. 

The tryout isn’t just designed to see how good your son or daughter is, but it’s also gauging the fit for the family and player.

For players

  • At the younger levels especially, playing catch at the beginning of a tryout is going to be 80 percent of your “evaluation.” It’s by far the most important aspect, and evaluators are going to look to see who has catch-and-throw skills and who doesn’t. Players need to take this aspect of the tryout seriously to give themselves the best chance to have a “good tryout.”
  • Tryouts are great opportunities to show you are coachable. Coaches want to work with players that will listen and take feedback. Show that you are interested in what the coaches are saying and seek feedback throughout the tryout.
  • Say “thank you” to the individuals in charge of running the tryout, both on and off the field. It’s a differentiator to see a kid communicate appreciation for the opportunity to try out for a team. It shows maturity and that the outcome matters to the individual.

It can certainly be a tricky part of the travel baseball season to navigate, but I wish all players, families, coaches and program directors a successful tryout season.

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Pros and Cons of Travel Baseball: Is It Worth the Cost for Young Athletes?

Travel baseball can seem like a grand slam for your young athlete, offering a chance to play against top-notch competition and hone their skills. But before you pack up the gear and hit the road, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the potential downsides.

On the plus side, travel teams often provide advanced coaching and exposure to scouts, which could be a game-changer for a budding baseball career. However, the time commitment and costs involved are no small peanuts, and they could have a significant impact on family life and finances.

So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of travel baseball to help you decide if it’s a home run or a strikeout for your family.

Pros of Travel Baseball

When you join a travel baseball team, you’re signing up for Top-Notch Coaching . These teams often boast experienced coaches who’ve played at high levels themselves – just like me back in my heyday. They bring a depth of knowledge that can only be gained through years on the diamond, and they’re passionate about sharing it with the next generation.

Exposure to Scouts should not be ignored either. If you’ve got your eye on a baseball scholarship or dream of going pro, travel baseball puts you on the map. Showcasing your talent in front of college and professional scouts at tournaments is an opportunity local leagues often can’t provide.

Here’s something to remember: Skill Development . Travel baseball isn’t just about winning; it’s about pushing your limits. The level of competition is a cut above, which means you’ll need to step up your game. It’s intense, but it’s also where growth happens. You’ll learn to adapt, strategize, and refine your skills in ways you hadn’t imagined.

Let’s talk about the Camaraderie . Those long drives to tournaments and shared experiences on the road forge bonds that often last a lifetime. You’re in it together, through thrilling wins and heartbreaking losses, and these friendships are part of what makes travel baseball deeply rewarding.

And finally, don’t overlook the Life Lessons learned. The discipline, time management, and teamwork drilled into you are skills that extend far beyond the batter’s box. They’re virtues that will stand you in good stead in all areas of life.

As I watch you and your teammates grow, I see more than just the game – I see the shaping of future leaders, on and off the field.

Cons of Travel Baseball

Though travel baseball can seem like a golden ticket to your young athlete’s future, it’s not without its drawbacks. As you consider whether this path is right for your child, be aware of a few potential pitfalls.

Financial Commitment looms large in travel baseball. Let’s face it; you’ll be digging deep into your pockets to cover costs. Expenses range from tournament fees and travel costs to equipment and uniforms. For many families, these costs can add up quickly, potentially limiting participation to those who have the necessary funds.

Beyond the financial strain, there’s also the Time Commitment . Travel baseball isn’t a hobby; it’s more of a lifestyle. Weekends are spent at tournaments, and weekdays are filled with practice. This grueling schedule can lead to:

  • Missing out on school events
  • Sacrificing personal and family time
  • Potential burnout for young athletes

Consider the Risk of Injury . With intense training and competitive play comes a heightened chance of injury. Overuse injuries, in particular, are a common concern in youth sports. Young athletes specializing too early in one sport might face:

  • Higher risks of repetitive stress injuries
  • Long-term wear and tear on developing bodies

Lastly, there’s the Pressure to Perform . Travel baseball is competitive by nature. Athletes are constantly being evaluated, and there’s a relentless push to be at the top of their game. This sort of environment can sometimes lead to:

  • Excessive performance anxiety
  • Diminished love for the game
  • Unhealthy levels of competition among teammates

Navigating Family Dynamics

When you’re in deep with travel baseball, it’s not just your young athlete who’s affected. The family dynamic can become strained as resources are funneled into fostering one child’s talent. Siblings might feel overshadowed or neglected due to the disproportionate allocation of time and funds, which can evoke feelings of resentment and familial discord. Balancing the needs and interests of all family members becomes a formidable task.

Advanced Coaching and Exposure to Scouts

When you’re involved in travel baseball, you’re signing up for high-caliber coaching . This level of guidance is pivotal for players who are serious about their game. Coaches in travel baseball often have extensive experience, either as former players at the collegiate or professional levels or as long-time mentors who’ve honed their ability to develop young talent. They provide personalized feedback that can catapult your skills to new heights.

  • In-depth knowledge of the game
  • Customized training plans
  • Focus on player-specific strategies and improvements

These mentors help you refine the intricacies of your game, whether it’s perfecting your swing, mastering the art of pitching, or enhancing your defensive tactics. The individual attention you receive can be a game-changer, as coaches track your progress meticulously, providing constant tweaks and adjustments to your technique.

Amidst the thrills of competition, another significant advantage is the direct exposure to scouts . Travel baseball tournaments are often attended by scouts looking for the next wave of talent for collegiate or professional teams. These events become prime opportunities for you to showcase your abilities against some of the best players around, making it easier for scouts to notice your prowess on the field.

It’s not just about playing well; it’s about playing well when it matters, under the scrutinizing gaze of those who can open doors to future opportunities. You get to learn the critical skill of performing under pressure, an invaluable trait at any level of the sport. Networking with these influential figures might start early, but the connections you make and the impressions you leave can last a lifetime.

Time Commitment

Committing to a travel baseball team is no small feat, and it’s essential to weigh the time investment before making the leap. Unlike recreational leagues, travel baseball demands significant dedication from both you and your young athlete.

For starters, you’re looking at multiple practices per week, often year-round. It’s not just about showing up on game day; it’s the hours of drills and conditioning that build the skills necessary to compete at a higher level. The calendar fills up quickly with tournaments, many of which span entire weekends and sometimes require travel that’s further away than you might be used to.

Imagine this scenario: Your weekend begins on a Friday afternoon as you jet off to a neighboring state, and you don’t return until late Sunday—or even Monday if the tournament’s a big one. This becomes your routine, not the exception. It’s taxing, but for many, it’s part of the allure, part of what it takes to play the game at a competitive level.

Consider the impact on your family life. Vacations, family events, and even downtime at home will often need to be planned around the baseball schedule. Your athlete’s commitment can also affect their social life and academic responsibilities. Balancing schoolwork with a rigorous baseball schedule requires discipline and time-management skills that would make a CEO proud.

The flip side is the opportunity for your child to learn vital life lessons about prioritizing, setting goals, and making sacrifices. They’ll garner a sense of responsibility that comes with balancing sports and other commitments. And let’s not forget the shared experiences with teammates, which often forge lifelong friendships and memories.

But it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. The hours spent on the field, in the car, and at various sports facilities mean less time for other pursuits. It’s crucial to have a frank discussion with your athlete about what they’re willing to commit to and to check in regularly to ensure they’re still enjoying the game. After all, the passion for baseball—whether playing or watching—is what it’s all about, isn’t it?

Financial Considerations

As a seasoned baseball coach, you might already know that travel baseball can be a significant financial investment. From league fees to travel costs, the expenses add up quickly. Let’s break it down so you’re aware of what’s in store.

First up, league fees. These can vary widely depending on the organization and the level of play. They typically cover uniform costs, equipment, coaching stipends, field rentals, and tournament entry fees. It’s important to ask the team’s organization for a detailed cost breakdown to avoid surprises down the line.

Travel costs are another major expense. You’re looking at:

  • Hotel stays
  • Gas or airfare
  • Meals on the road

These can fluctuate based on location and length of the season, but it’s safe to expect a sizable sum allocated for these necessities.

Let’s talk equipment. Even with league fees covering some gear, you’ll find that the need for personal equipment—like high-quality bats, gloves, and cleats—can’t be overlooked. Plus, many players also opt for private lessons or attend specialized clinics to refine their skills, adding to the financial load.

Here’s an example of the potential costs involved for one travel baseball season:

It’s vital to keep in mind that scholarships or fundraising opportunities may be available to offset some of these costs. Teams often organize raffles, sponsorships, and other fundraising activities that can help families manage expenses.

What it boils down to is this—while the price tag for travel baseball can be steep, it’s a commitment that brings unparalleled experiences. Just remember to plan ahead and be transparent with your family about the financial implications so you can make an informed decision together.

Weighing the advantages against the financial commitment travel baseball demands is crucial. You’ll get unparalleled coaching and the chance to catch a scout’s eye while bonding with teammates and learning valuable life skills. But it’s essential to have open conversations about the costs and ensure your family’s on board. Remember, the decision to dive into travel baseball should be a home run for everyone involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of travel baseball.

Travel baseball offers benefits such as access to top-notch coaching, increased exposure to scouts for college or professional opportunities, the chance to develop skills at a competitive level, building camaraderie with teammates, and learning valuable life lessons through the sport.

How does travel baseball differ from regular league play?

Travel baseball often involves a higher level of competition compared to local leagues, with stricter commitments to practice and travel, and sometimes showcases that allow players to perform in front of scouts and college recruiters.

What financial considerations are involved in travel baseball?

Participants in travel baseball need to plan for league fees, travel costs, equipment, and potentially private lessons. These expenses can add up, so it’s important to be clear about the financial commitment before joining a travel baseball team.

Is travel baseball suitable for every young athlete?

No, travel baseball is not for every young athlete. It requires a significant time and financial investment from both the athlete and their family. It’s best suited for those serious about pursuing higher levels of competition and potentially aiming for collegiate or professional play.

How can families prepare for the cost of travel baseball?

Families can prepare for the costs by budgeting for the expenses, considering the long-term commitment required, and having open discussions about what is financially feasible for the family to ensure that the experience is positive and manageable.

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About the author.

alex chester author huff sports

Alex Chester

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Top Travel Baseball Tournaments In America: The Ultimate Guide

While there are plenty of much-beloved sports in the United States, there might not be one that is quite as synonymous with us as good old-fashioned baseball.

And, whether you’re a newcomer to the sport or someone that has been a fan for their entire life.

Top Baseball Tournaments In America [The Ultimate Guide]

Watching this game performed at a professional level is something to behold, and is a surefire way to see if this sport is for you or not.

And with the worst of the pandemic behind us, many major tournaments that were unfortunately postponed finally now have a chance to get underway again.

If you’ve perhaps lost track of some of the events and tournaments going in, then this might be just the guide for you!

We’re going to show you some of the best baseball tournaments in the United States, and when exactly they’re taking place, as well as for all age groups and ranges.

Cooperstown Dreams Park

Starting this list with an amazing Youth Baseball league, Cooperstown Dreams Park is home to one of the most popular youth baseball tournaments in New York state.

With a season that runs for 13 weeks, and with plenty of incredible 12u, this tournament might not always be the top pick when it comes to the highest level of competition.

However, it is a great place to see potential up-and-coming talent, which is why it so often ends up coming in the top recommendations for 12u youth baseball tournaments.

It has even been home to some incredible championship matches too.

This year’s season ran from May through to August, so keep your eyes peeled as the season rolls around next year!

Atlantic Coast Baseball Cap Classic

When it comes to sports tournaments on the East Coast, there’s nothing quite like the Atlantic Coast Baseball Cap Classic tournament.

The tournament wrapped up its 12th annual event this year in Pittsburgh in 2022, with a 5-game guarantee at every tournament, promising top-quality talent at its best from its teams.

Plus, with sites all across the Atlantic coast, from the aforementioned Pittsburgh to Elizabethtown in Kentucky, to Oxford in Mississippi, to Orlando In Florida.

This tournament regularly attracts upwards of 200 teams to take part in this East-Cast extravaganza, with leagues and games covering a massive range of ages and experience levels, from the 9-15-year-old leagues to plenty of adult competition levels to see this sport performed at it its best.

2022’s season took place in June, so keep your eye out for tickets for next year’s event, wherever on the Atlantic Coast it may land for you!

2022 WWBA World Championships

2022 WWBA World Championships

It wouldn’t exactly be a list of the best baseball games in America without at least one mention of a World Series on this list, would it?

This year’s event takes place in Jupiter, Florida, in the Roger Dean Complex, the only stadium in the United States to host 4 minor leagues!

Of course, you’ll only be seeing the finest level of skill in this tournament, with this 24th annual event hosting some of the most prestigious talents in this sport.

So, prestigious that you need an invite to be able to go to this event that runs from the 6th to the 10th of October!

If you’re worried that you’ll miss your chance to go to this kind of event, don’t worry.

This particular tournament may be the first, but it certainly won’t be the last on this handy guide!

National Youth Baseball Championships

If we’re looking at the top 12u baseball tournaments out there, we have to at least give a shoutout to one of the most competitive and highly regarded out there, the NYBC.

This televised tournament gives a little bit of something for the whole family to watch, from the kids watching people their age play at the highest level with their parents, as well as coaches to see some of the up-and-coming talents that are out there right now.

Probably one of the most prestigious events in the North East when it comes to 12u baseball events, this event took place around late July this year.

If you missed it, make sure that you have the rough date penciled in for when it rolls around next year!

USSSA Elite World Series

Told you that we weren’t done with World Series tournaments yet on this list!

Like one of the previous tournaments that we mentioned, the United States Specialty Sports Association Elite series is a 5 game event guarantee for those people that have their tickets ready for this particular event!

With plenty of talent on display from the 8u up through to the 14&u events, this is a great display of talent at work right here!

This year’s event took place in the Space Coast Complex in Viera Florida in early July, so make sure that you’ve got your eye on those tickets when the time rolls around next year!

Perfect Game Coastal Super Regional

For another league that showcases young talent at the highest level, we need to take a look at this series of tournaments that take place in and around North Carolina.

Probably one of the bigger events that take place when it comes to North Carolina youth baseball, this is an event that attracts some of the most ambitious young teams in the sport.

Considering that a team allegedly needs to win a regional NIT tournament in a Super Regional tournament, it certainly sounds like an exclusive club, that’s for sure!

While the event can take place in a range of locations across the North East, the event usually takes place towards the end of May, so have your diaries ready for spring 2023!

2022 PG Fall World Series

2022 PG Fall World Series

Perfect Game is more than a one-shot pony when it comes to series across the country.

This 4th annual tournament is a series of games that take place at, you guessed it, fall, with the first games of this season set to open in the PG National Headquarters in Greater Memphis Tennessee.

Like many of the other tournaments we have covered, this one is an incredible showcase of 12 and under talent across the country’s best, with almost 170 teams set to compete in just the October events alone!

That’s not even counting the two series happening in September or December.

These events take place in states across the country, so make sure you check out venues near you in Sanford, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada, alongside the Greater Memphis games.

Super Select Grand Park, Indiana

This tournament is often one that slips under people’s radars when it comes to Youth Baseball leagues and events, and that’s a damn shame!

With many incredible games scheduled for the event when it falls around Spring (it took place in May this year), there is plenty of exciting talent on display here.

And when we say plenty, we MEAN plenty!

Over 200 teams took part in the Super Select in 2021 from teams of 8u up to 14u, this is one to watch out for next year!

Top Gun Summer World Series

Now, if you’re looking for variety when it comes to the experience levels and skills on display in Youth Baseball.

This world series event covers virtually any age range that you can think of when it comes to younger baseball talent. From the 8u, all the way up to high school kids, you can bet that this is the prime location for teens and teams to show off their up-and-coming talent pool.

While the 2022 series has come and passed at this point, the registry for 2023 is well underway for the next season.

This event takes place in locations across Ohio, and around mid-to-late June as well, so keep that timeframe in mind if you’re planning to attend or register for next year’s series!

2023 PG Gulf Coast World Series

Now, time for an event that you can be ready to put on your calendar!

Situated in the South East United States, as the name would suggest, the Gulf Coast World Series is guaranteed to be a packed event for the whole summer.

With games planned for Late May running through June and into the end of July, this is a World Series that you’re not going to want to miss out on! 

Plus, with teams ranging from 8u up to 15u, you’ll get a huge range of talent and skill here in this series.

If you’re looking to plan something for late spring and summer for you or your team as a coach, this is the World Series to shoot for!

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it!

While the pandemic may have put a stop to baseball tournaments for a while, 2022 and 2023 are set to make up for this deficit in spades!

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Your Reliable Baseball House

Exploring Travel Baseball: Advantages and Drawbacks

Travel baseball offers extensive play and competition development, but can be expensive and time-consuming. It promotes skill advancement and exposure but may lead to burnout and less family time.

Travel baseball is a commitment that attracts players seeking advanced play beyond local leagues. Parents and young athletes often grapple with the decision to engage in travel baseball, weighing the potential for improved skills against the sacrifices required. This specialized form of youth baseball places emphasis on regular, rigorous training and competing against teams often far from home.

The rewards include heightened competition, exposure to scouts, and a focus on personal and team growth. Yet the challenges are equally prominent, featuring substantial financial investment, the possibility of overtaxing young players, and increased demands on players’ and families’ schedules. It’s crucial for anyone considering travel baseball to understand the full spectrum of its impact on both athletic development and personal commitments.

Table of Contents

The Rise Of Travel Baseball

The landscape of youth baseball has transformed dramatically with travel baseball taking the spotlight. Unlike traditional community-based leagues, travel teams trek across cities and states chasing higher levels of competition. This progressive shift has reshaped how young athletes and their families approach the sport, prioritizing skill development and exposure. Let’s dive into the intricacies of its popularity and the consequential shift from recreational leagues.

Popularity Among Youth

Travel baseball’s appeal lies in its intense, competitive nature. Youth players find excitement in the opportunity to compete at elite levels and the allure of playing against top talent. Such competition drives improvements in skills and game understanding . Below are key points on its popularity:

  • Advanced Coaching: Access to experienced coaches who can bring out the best in players.
  • Exposure: Opportunities to be seen by scouts and college recruiters increase significantly.
  • Quality Play: Consistent games against strong teams fast-track player development.

Shift From Recreational Leagues

The proliferation of travel baseball has caused a noticeable decline in recreational league participation . Rec leagues, known for their inclusivity and community focus, are losing players to the promise of greater personal growth in travel ball. Here’s what’s happening:

The trend towards travel baseball reflects a shift in priorities for young athletes, with increased emphasis on personal advancement over the traditional team-centric approach of rec leagues.

Grasping The Basics

To truly understand travel baseball , it’s essential to start with the basics. This guide will cover everything from what travel baseball is, to who participates in these competitive leagues. Whether you’re a player, parent, or coach, this section offers clear insights into the sport’s framework.

Defining Travel Baseball

Travel baseball refers to a more advanced level of competitive baseball for youth athletes. Teams often travel outside their local area to play against similarly skilled teams, thus offering a higher level of competition and development.

Typical Age Groups And Leagues

Travel baseball leagues cater to various age groups . Players as young as seven can begin their journey, with progression through the ranks until high school. Here’s a breakdown of the common age divisions:

Leagues vary widely but consistently provide organized structures for skill development and competition. From local tournaments to national championships, the opportunities for growth and exposure are immense.

Investment Considerations

Investment Considerations in travel baseball often draw a fine line between ambition and practicality. Understanding the commitment level required, both in time and finances, is critical. This dual-focused lens may offer insight into whether this competitive sport aligns with family resources and lifestyle.

Time Commitment

Joining a travel baseball team means committing to a schedule that can dominate free time. Practice sessions, away games , and weekend tournaments are staples. This commitment often extends beyond the player to encompass the whole family, impacting vacations, social time, and even academic responsibilities.

  • Regular practices several times a week
  • Games that may require extensive travel
  • Tournaments frequently taking up whole weekends
  • Potential summer commitments for national tournaments

Financial Implications

The dollars and cents of travel baseball can quickly add up. Not just for gear and registration, but for the travel expenses as well. Hotels, food, gas , and time off work can mean a significant financial undertaking.

It’s important to budget accordingly, keeping in mind unanticipated costs that may emerge throughout the season. Weighing the financial impact against the potential for player growth and joy in the game is a personalized decision.

Pros and Cons of Travel Baseball: A Comprehensive Guide


Benefits Of Playing Travel Baseball

Travel baseball offers young athletes an exceptional chance to enhance their game. This sport provides a platform for players to hone their abilities, understand teamwork, and confront formidable opponents. Let’s delve into the key benefits that make travel baseball a valuable experience for dedicated players.

Advanced Skill Development

Travel baseball acts as a catalyst for improving players’ skills . This is because the level of play is often higher than local leagues. Players encounter diverse techniques and strategies. It results in a more refined understanding of the game.

  • Intensive Training: Practice sessions are rigorous and focused on mastery of skills.
  • Professional Coaching: Players receive guidance from experienced coaches who have a deep knowledge of baseball.
  • Year-Round Play: Extended seasons allow for continual skill progression.

Exposure To Competitive Play

The competitive environment in travel baseball is unmatched . Players are thrust into high-stakes games against top talent. This exposure is crucial for mental and physical development on the field.

  • Diverse Competition: Athletes face teams with varied playing styles, pushing them to adapt and grow.
  • High-Level Tournaments: Participation in prestigious tournaments can lead to a significant boost in a player’s confidence and ability to perform under pressure.
  • Winning Mentality: Regular competition fosters a mindset focused on victory and resilience.

Potential For Growth

Potential for Growth shines as one of the vibrant facets of travel baseball. Young athletes find an exciting arena not just to play, but to sculpt their growing prowess. This growth stems from myriad experiences, vital exposure, and the higher stakes involved. Players get a chance to step up, match, and outdo the best of the best. Here, we dive into how this competitive environment can shape a player’s future.

Playing Against Top Talent

Imagine consistently facing pitchers who throw harder or batters who almost never miss. This is the day-to-day reality within travel baseball. Athletes compete with peers who share a mutual commitment to excellence.

  • Hones skills through high-level competition
  • Builds mental toughness in intense scenarios
  • Exposes players to diverse playing styles

Such an environment is a proving ground, ensuring that those who prevail are well-equipped for advanced play.

Opportunities For College Recruitment

The dream of playing baseball at the collegiate level becomes more tangible through travel baseball. Scouts and recruiters often flock to these games looking for the next star.

  • Travel teams frequently participate in showcases and tournaments where college scouts are present.
  • Video footage and statistics from travel league games serve as vital recruiting materials.
  • Players may receive enhanced visibility due to the team’s travel schedule.

Players demonstrate their capabilities directly to those who can offer scholarships or spots on college rosters. The exposure in travel baseball can kickstart an athlete’s journey to higher-level play.

The Social Experience

Travel baseball offers more than just competitive play – it’s a social adventure .

Team Bonding

Players learn valuable teamwork skills and create lasting friendships .

  • Long road trips and hotel stays foster close relationships.
  • Team dinners and group activities strengthen camaraderie.
  • Challenges encountered forge a unique bond amongst teammates.

Family Involvement

Families play a key part in the travel baseball experience.

Families cheer together, support the team, and often form lasting friendships with other families.

Downsides Of Intensive Training

Travel baseball brings unique opportunities for young athletes, but with it comes intense training regimens. These demand dedication, time, and physical exertion. Understanding the negatives is crucial. Let’s look at common problems associated with the rigorous demands of travel baseball.

Risk Of Overuse Injuries

Intensive training schedules can lead to overuse injuries . Young players might play year-round. This doesn’t allow their bodies to rest. Doctors often see issues such as:

  • Pitcher’s elbow
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Stress fractures

Rest periods can reduce these risks. Proper coaching and equipment are vital .

Burnout And Stress

Travel baseball can be stressful and exhausting . Constant practice and competition can overwhelm young athletes.

Signs of burnout include:

  • Lack of enjoyment in the sport
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased performance

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Balance is key.

Economic Impacts On Families

The economic impacts on families are a significant aspect of travel baseball. Balancing the thrill of the game with a budget can be challenging. Let’s explore the financial implications—for better or worse.

Strain Of Travel Expenses

The cost of travel baseball can add up quickly. Families must consider several expenses. These include:

  • Transportation costs: Gas, flights, or rentals for distant games.
  • Accommodation: Hotel stays during tournaments.
  • Food: Eating out more often than at home.
  • Equipment: High-quality gear for competition.
  • Tournament fees: Entry costs for each event.

These expenses can place a substantial burden on a family’s finances. Families should assess their budget carefully before committing to travel baseball.

The Cost-benefit Analysis

Analyzing the benefits against the costs is crucial. Benefits include:

  • Improved skills: Exposure to competitive play enhances abilities.
  • College scholarships: Potential for future educational savings.
  • Lifelong memories: Unforgettable experiences with teammates.

However, the monetary investment may not always equate to these benefits. Each family must decide if the potential rewards justify the costs.

Some families find creative solutions to manage finances. These can include:

Planning and preparation are key to managing the economic impact of travel baseball on families.

Impact On Academic Life

Travel baseball can be thrilling, but it impacts academic life significantly. Let’s explore.

Balancing School And Sports

For student-athletes, finding equilibrium is key. Effective time management becomes a skill as important as hitting a fastball. Here’s how travel baseball can tilt the scales:

  • Missed Classes: Tournaments often mean time away from school.
  • Homework Challenges: Long hours on the road cut into study time.
  • Time Management: Players learn to juggle responsibilities.
  • Stress: Balancing commitments can be pressure-packed.

Educational Support For Athletes

Schools and teams can help athletes succeed in both areas. Some strategies include:

Pros and Cons of Travel Baseball: A Comprehensive Guide


Making The Decision

Making the Decision to join a travel baseball team involves weighing the pros and cons carefully. Parents and young athletes must consider their personal goals, commitment level, and alternatives to make an informed choice. This crucial step ensures that the decision aligns with a player’s aspirations and lifestyle. Let’s explore how to evaluate these aspects effectively.

Evaluating Individual Goals

Understanding a player’s long-term goals is essential before joining a travel baseball team. Consider the following points:

  • Development of advanced skills
  • Exposure to higher-level competition
  • Opportunities for college recruitment
  • Desire for team camaraderie and travel experiences

Parents and players should discuss these goals and assess if travel baseball provides the right platform for growth and exposure.

When To Commit Or Seek Alternatives

The decision to commit to travel baseball is significant. Consider the following elements:

It’s important for families to reflect on their availability and resources before committing. If travel demands or costs are concerns, exploring local options could be more suitable.

Pros and Cons of Travel Baseball: A Comprehensive Guide


Frequently Asked Questions Of Pros And Cons Of Travel Baseball

What are the disadvantages of travel baseball.

Travel baseball often requires significant financial investment and extensive travel, which can lead to family time constraints and burnout among young players. It may also create pressure and lessen the emphasis on enjoyment.

Is Travel Baseball Worth It?

Travel baseball can be a valuable investment for players seeking advanced training, competition, and exposure, especially if they aim for collegiate or professional opportunities. Assess personal goals, commitment level, and financial capacity to determine its worth.

Why Is Travel Baseball Important?

Travel baseball is crucial for player development, offering exposure to higher competition levels and diverse playing styles. It enhances skills and provides opportunities for growth, which can lead to collegiate or professional careers.

Travel baseball presents its unique set of opportunities and challenges. It offers intensive training, exposure, and high-level competition, but it’s crucial to consider time and financial commitments. Weigh these factors against personal goals to decide if this path aligns with your aspirations in the sport.

Choose wisely, and play passionately.

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Search form, the 15 best travel destinations for youth sports.

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Cities across the country aim to attract travel teams with state-of-the-art facilities or special amenities. But only a handful of locations offer the full package: Competitive tournaments; great sporting traditions; and multiple options for families to have fun and to enjoy memorable meals.

That’s how we picked these truly great youth sports travel destinations. After surveying the entire country, we found more than a handful of cities that qualify.

Here are the 15 most sports-friendly travel destinations for youth teams in America.


travel baseball experiences

The cultural capital of the South and a city that’s produced its fair share of great athletes, Atlanta is home to the East Cobb Baseball Complex , a mecca for youth baseball stars. East Cobb hosts some of the country’s biggest amateur tournaments, including the Perfect Game invitationals in June and the Triple Crown US Nationals in July.

Just a half hour north of Atlanta is the LakePoint Sporting Community , a 1300-acre sports facility spread across the foothills that run through northern Georgia. LakePoint hosts a couple of hyper-competitive basketball tournaments each spring: The Tip-Off Classic in March and the LakePoint Showcase in early April.

And anyone who goes to Atlanta should stop by the College Football Hall of Fame , which bills itself as “a complete immersion into all things college football.” College football is a religion in the South, and thousands upon thousands make the pilgrimage here each year.

One more site to check out: The Georgia Aquarium is one of the best aquariums you will find. If you can, check out the Journey with Gentle Giants, where you can all go swimming with whale sharks and manta rays.

Once everyone has worked up an appetite, we recommend checking out Mary Mac’s Tea Room , which has served the best Southern cuisine down in Midtown for more than 70 years.


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Blaine, Minnesota

In the northern suburbs of Minneapolis, Blaine is home to the National Sports Center , the largest amateur sports facility on the planet. More than 4 million visitors come through every year to participate in or watch the 100-plus competitions it hosts annually, which include some great hockey tournaments. These include the Rush 3V3 Hockey Festival in February and the USA International Hockey Cup in the summer.

Minnesota’s other great treasure is its nature. So, if you go, definitely make some time to go hiking. recommends the Lake Harriet Loop, an easy three-mile trek that features a couple of beaches along the way.

Another good option for getting out is at Boom Island . Rent some kayaks and head out there for a great afternoon.

And for dinner, you can’t do better than Pizzeria Lola , a pizza place founded by “a Korean immigrant, inspired by the pure love of food, joy and her mother’s own delicious cooking.” We recommend the Lady Zaza pie, with a base of red sauce and topped with homemade kimchi, Korean sausage, serrano peppers, scallions, sesame and soy chili.


travel baseball experiences

Branson, Missouri

Long famous as a vacation destination, as of 2016 Branson is home of Ballparks of America , a park where youth athletes can play ball at five different replicas of America’s most iconic stadiums. The Chicago Field has an outfield wall covered in ivy, and Boston Park has an 18-foot-tall Little Monster.

The new facility is already attracting major tournaments, including the Babe Ruth League’s Cal Ripken Major/70 12-Year-Old World Series in August.

Make time for a trip to White Water at Silver Dollar City , a water park spanning 13 acres that features a half-million-gallon wave pool and a speed slide called KaPau Plummet that drops you 240 feet nearly straight down into a spiraling loop, then the splashdown.

For some intense fun on land, check out Xtreme Racing Center , where you can challenge each other to a lap or two in karts that reach up to 40 mph.

And just a few minutes southwest, you’ll find the crystal clear Table Rock Lake , which is rich in hiking and camping opportunities.

For dinner, check out Danna’s BBQ , which is every bit as tasty as what is served in KC or Memphis.


travel baseball experiences

Canton, Ohio

An hour south from Cleveland, Canton’s big draw is the Pro Football Hall of Fame , but the youth sports infrastructure that has grown up around the Hall makes the city an excellent tournament destination, as well.

For starters, the Pro Football Hall of Fame Academy opened in the spring of 2016 to offer youth football players some of the most elite training opportunities in the country. The academy’s four-day training curriculum for youth athletes consists of on-field training, character development and leadership training, and evaluations from NFL coaches.

And inside the Hall of Fame Village, the National Football and Youth Sports Complex features two turf fields and one championship-grade grass field that will host dozens of football, soccer and lacrosse tournaments (Including the Ohio Boys 5th and 6th grade lax championships ) and camps throughout the year. Organizers expect to host 200,000 players and families for the 2018 season.

Several big camps including National Underclassmen and Blue-Grey Football have already found a home at the Youth Sports Complex.

Once you’ve worked up an appetite, we highly recommend stopping by Mission BBQ on the north side of the city for their brisket.


travel baseball experiences

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Due east from Orlando on the Atlantic coast is Cocoa Beach, Florida, home of the Cocoa Expo Sports Center . Here, you will find MLB-level facilities for baseball players, including 17 different baseball and softball fields and a 35,000-square-foot indoor training facility.

Its weekend baseball tournaments attract the best youth baseball teams in the country. Cocoa Expo also hosts the state’s only Cooperstown-Style softball tournament, a national invitational that begins in July.

Don’t skip out on the beach sports, though. In the heart of Cocoa Beach, you will find Ron Jon Surf School , where you can learn how to surf from some world-class instructors.

For something inspiring, the team at Fin Expeditions leads groups out every day on kayak tours through the Thousand Islands Conservation Area, where you can spot manatees and dolphins.

And if you happen to be in town at the right time, definitely make it out to watch a rocket launch at Kennedy Space Center.

When it’s time to dine, we recommend The Tiny Turtle , a very chill family-run Caribbean food restaurant right off the Minutemen Causeway.


travel baseball experiences

Hoover, Alabama

Just south of Birmingham is Hoover, Alabama, home of the Hoover Met Complex . The Met Complex’s Finley Center features a 155,000-square-foot indoor event center, 11 basketball courts and 17 volleyball courts. Nearby, the 10,000-seat Met Baseball Stadium hosts the SEC baseball tournament every year.

Of course, Alabama has long boasted more than its fair share of sports programs. The Alabama Sports Hall of Fame should be on your itinerary if you want to immerse yourself in the state’s rich sports culture.

A half hour drive northeast, you will find Ruffner Mountain , which has 14 miles of hiking trails open to the public.

Another half hour up the road from Ruffner Mountain, you’ll find the famous Landmark BBQ , which the people of Birmingham will tell you is absolutely worth the drive.


travel baseball experiences

Los Angeles, California

From youth basketball all the way up to the Dodgers, Angelinos love their sports. And with year-round great weather, LA is an excellent youth sports travel destination.

Mercadel Basketball in Orange County hosts some of the West Coast’s most competitive youth basketball tournaments, including the Super 64 showcase in February and the Heatwave Classic in July.

The Next Level Sports Complex in Garden Grove is open every morning bright and early at 6:00 so athletes can compete on the complex’s 11 basketball courts, 14 volleyball courts and four turf fields.

The LA Galaxy Soccer Center is one of the best places in California to practice soccer. There are tournaments and leagues that run year-round, and youth pickup games take place every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

LA is also a legendary basketball town. American Roundball Corp . has been organizing tournaments and leagues since 1974, and its roster of former youth athletes is impressive. That list includes Baron Davis, Shawn Kemp and Jason Kidd.

You won’t run out of places to eat in LA, but if you get the chance stop by Mel’s Drive-In , which has been an institution in LA for 70 years. The original location has long been demolished, but the West Hollywood location is certainly full of history in its own right.


travel baseball experiences

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Myrtle Beach is basking in a brighter glow these days because the Palmetto State has become the championship capital of NCAA sports.

It helps, too, that the Myrtle Beach Sports Center opened in 2015, providing a 100,000-square-foot space where athletes from around the country can come improve their games. The National Travel Basketball Association hosts many of its biggest boys and girls tournaments here.

Not far away, you’ll find the Ripken Experience , a world-class youth baseball complex that hosts two-day, three-day and weeklong baseball tournaments that features some of the country’s future baseball stars.

A city-owned facility, the Grand Park Athletic Complex is an incredible space for outdoor sports like baseball, softball, soccer and lacrosse. USSSA and WFC hold some of their most prestigious youth baseball and youth softball tournaments here.

In the evenings, we suggest heading up to North Myrtle Beach for shopping and dining. Our two suggestions for dinner in North Myrtle Beach:

Benny Rappa’s Trattoria , an Italian restaurant that, despite the white table linens, is laid-back enough that everyone will feel at home.

Tidewater Grill , an independent restaurant with an amazing fried shrimp dinner.


travel baseball experiences

Orlando, Florida

The world’s capital of family entertainment, Orlando can also boast its status as home of the Seminole County Sports Complex , which features 15 world-class lighted athletic fields. Prospect Wire hosts some of the southeast’s biggest baseball tournaments here.

Over at Walt Disney World Resort, you will find ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex , which covers more than 270 acres and hosts competitions in 70 different sports for athletes of all ages. This is also the home of the Pop Warner and the AAU National Championship, as well as the Atlanta Braves’ spring training facility.

Later, head over to Aktion Parks’ Orlando Watersports Complex , one of the best places in the country to learn wakeboarding or waterskiing. Beginners and professionals are all welcome.

Orlando has several great options for a group meal. A couple of standouts are The Metro Diner up in Altamonte Springs, a perennial winner of local awards for best breakfast spot and best family dining, and Antonella’s Pizzeria , recently named best pizza place in Central Florida.


travel baseball experiences

Overland Park, Kansas

Just outside of Kansas City, Overland Park is home to the Overland Park Soccer Complex , a unique place to work on your soccer skills in the United States. The best travel teams play tournaments in Overland Park regularly.

Also in Overland Park, Blue Valley Recreation has some of the best facilities in the Midwest, and hosts excellent youth basketball, softball and baseball tournaments. Two big youth sports events here are skills competitions: The MLB’s Pitch, Hit & Run competition in the spring and the NFL’s Punt, Pass & Kick in the fall.

Home of the 2015 World Series Champions Kansas City Royals, Kauffman Stadium offers daily tours that will take you into the dugout and through the Royals Hall of Fame.

And just between the stadium and Overland Park is the Kansas City Zoo , which at more than 100 years old is easily among America’s best zoos.

But if you make the trip to Kansas City, don’t forget the main reason you’re here: KC-style barbecue. We recommend Jack Stack BBQ , which has a handful of excellent locations throughout the KC metro area.


travel baseball experiences

Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg, Tennessee

The gateway to one of America’s most-visited national parks, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the adjacent cities of Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg have welcomed millions of visitors every year for decades.

Start at Rocky Top Sports World , an 80-acre campus in Gatlinburg that features seven outdoor fields, a championship-level stadium, 10 basketball courts, 17 volleyball courts and team rooms where everyone can huddle up before a big tournament game.

A couple of noteworthy tournaments are the FC Alliance Premier Cups for boys and girls youth soccer teams in the spring and the Tennessee Miracle Fall Classic for basketball teams at the end of August.

Pigeon Forge has its own Ripken Experience facility, which features six lighted synthetic turf fields. As with the Ripken Experience in Myrtle Beach, this site plays host to endless tournament opportunities throughout the year

Head just a few minutes east from downtown Gatlinburg, and you’ll find yourself on the Appalachian Trail , America’s premier hiking route. The trail runs more than 70 miles through the Great Smoky Mountains park.

And for some pure, unbridle fun, head over to Dollywood’s Splash Country , consistently voted one of the best water parks in America.

Finally, a good breakfast goes a long way when you’re on the road, so we recommend starting the morning off at one of the seven Flapjack’s Pancake Cabin restaurants in the Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg area.


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Round Rock, Texas

Just north of Austin, Round Rock has emerged as the Sports Capital of Texas , which organizes many of the best youth sports tournaments in the Lone Star State. One of its premier facilities is Old Settlers Park , which features acres upon acres of space to play sports. There is even a regulation cricket field here, in addition to

an 18-hole disc golf course,

ample fishing,

two lighted football fields,

seven soccer fields,

12 lighted tennis courts,

two sand volleyball courts, and

3-plus miles of paved trails.

For the best views of Austin, climb to the top of Mt. Bonnell , which towers 775 feet above the city and offers excellent panoramas of America’s live music capital.

And for dinner, you’re really spoiled for choice in and around Austin. The area has earned its reputation as a food capital in America. So, we’ll recommend a couple of places to grab a midday snack, instead:

Sprinkles Cupcakes — The famous cupcake bakery that was founded in LA opened up its first Austin location in early 2017.

Bougie’s Donuts — On the south side of Austin, down in Sunset Valley, you’ll find some of the best donuts you’ve ever had in your life.


travel baseball experiences

Sandusky, Ohio

An hour west of Cleveland, Sandusky initially made a name for itself with its Cedar Point theme park, a mecca for roller coaster fans around the world. Today, the park also features the nearby Sports Force Parks at Cedar Point Sports Center on the shores of Lake Erie. Here, there are youth baseball, softball, soccer and lacrosse tournaments that take place year-round.

If you go, don’t miss Lake Erie Shores & Islands , where you can rent bikes and tour the coast, head over to the water park, go fishing, rent a kayak or Jet-Ski, and even climb some incredible lighthouses for spectacular views.

Until recently, dining options in Sandusky were fairly limited — with some exceptions. One of those exceptions was Berardi’s , a family-style Italian restaurant that first opened in 1939. A relative newcomer worth checking out, too, is The Bates Farm Kitchen , whose chef sources ingredients locally and serves breakfast all day.


travel baseball experiences

Spartanburg, South Carolina

On the other side of the state from Myrtle Beach, Spartanburg is home to the Upward Star Center . At this 60-acre complex that features

six basketball courts,

12 indoor volleyball courts plus four sand courts,

a half dozen locker rooms,

six soccer fields,

and four indoor batting cages.

Nearly every weekend, the Upward Star Center hosts competitive youth sports tournaments at the local, regional and national levels.

Nearby, you can also visit the Glendale Outdoor Leadership School for group training exercises that will teach student athletes important life lessons about healthy living, teamwork, environmental stewardship and how to grow into leaders.

For all of the great parks and outdoors opportunities the Spartanburg area provides, it’s also worth mentioning that Climb Upstate has an excellent indoor climbing facility just next to the Upward Sports Center.

Two restaurant recommendations for Spartanburg:

Check out Wade’s Restaurant , just north of the Wofford campus, for incredible Southern cooking.

And as with Kansas City above, you can’t visit South Carolina without trying the local barbecue. Your best bet is Carolina Barbecue on the northwest side of town. There, the kitchen hickory-smokes its BBQ for at least 14 hours.


travel baseball experiences

Westfield, Indiana

A northern suburb of Indianapolis — one of America’s great sports cities — Westfield, Indiana, is home of the 400-acre Grand Park , which welcomes nearly 800 thousand visitors each year.

Numerous tournaments take place here to showcase the best talent in the state, in the Midwest and in the country. These include the Indiana Fire Juniors Grand Park Cup and Bullpen Tournaments’ Amateur Baseball Championships.

One of college basketball’s great gyms, Hinkle Fieldhouse , is nearby, as well, and it’s open to the public every weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

No trip to Indy is complete, however, without a stop at two of America’s best sports museums:

The NCAA Hall of Champions in the heart of downtown has dozens of interactive exhibits that tell the stories of the NCAA’s 24 different sports. Be sure to check out the retro 1930s gymnasium and the virtual sports simulators.

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum , at the site of America’s most famous race track, features 36,000 square feet of exhibits that will teach you all about the history of motorsports in the US, including IndyCar, Formula One, NASCAR and all other types of racing.

To cap off a perfect trip to Indy, you need at least one good meal in one of the city’s legendary steakhouses. One newcomer to that scene, Charblue , founded by former Indianapolis Colt Gary Brackett, is worth a long look because, really, can you go wrong with a place that has filet, duck ham, Maine lobster and swordfish on the menu?

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15 Bucket List Destinations for Baseball Fans

Pay homage to the people and places that made the game great.

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Monument Park, Bronx, N.Y.

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Photo By: John Greim/LightRocket via Getty Images

Photo By: Rich Sugg/Kansas City Star/MCT

Photo By: Andy Lyons/Getty Images

Photo By: Michael Ivins/Boston Red Sox/Getty Images

Photo By: Alex Trautwig/MLB Photos via Getty Images

Photo By: Courtesy of the Shoeless Joe Jackson Museum

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Photo By: Aldrin Capulong/Daytona Tortugas

Photo By: Carol M. Highsmith/Buyenlarge/Getty Images

Photo By: Brad Mangin/MLB Photos via Getty Images

Photo By: Enrique Castro Sanchez/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Monument Park, Bronx, N.Y.

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Cooperstown All Star Village is a world-class baseball tournament and family resort located just outside the birthplace of baseball: Cooperstown, New York!

Each summer, our baseball camp offers players the opportunity to compete against the best 12U teams from across the country.

In addition to major league style baseball fields and amenities , we offer luxurious onsite accommodations for the whole family. Enjoy full service dining, heated swimming pools, our very own CASV gear store, and so much more.

Cooperstown baseball player throwing baseball at Cooperstown All Star Village

Why are we different?

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Top-notch bunkhouses that come equipped with 52” cable TVs, air conditioning, and breakfast coffee for coaches. Other amenities include a players-only pool shaped like a baseball glove, and an on-site field dedicated to wiffle ball tournaments.

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Parents have the opportunity to stay on-site in CASV’s own hotel. Each room includes access to a swimming pool and spa, Hall of Fame tickets, and designated parking.

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A unique minimum 7-game tournament experience which includes opening day ceremonies, a skills competition, closing ceremonies, a championship game and a firework celebration . All fields are visible from the hilltop restaurant, which also televises the action.

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Multiple food and beverage experiences, including a full-service bar and restaurant for guests, in addition to concession stands throughout the property.

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Make lasting memories with the opportunity to create one-of-a-kind bats, baseballs, and pins with customized engravings.

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Premier team packages including professional-grade jerseys and a variety of other CASV gear.

All Star Village is the ultimate Cooperstown baseball experience! Bring the whole family for a week’s stay at our world-class facility. Got questions? We have answers.

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Striking Out: The Top Problems with Travel Baseball and How to Overcome Them

Short answer problems with travel baseball: Issues with high costs, excessive time commitments, burnout among players, and overemphasis on winning can all be potential drawbacks of participating in travel baseball programs.

How to Identify and Address the Problems with Travel Baseball

As travel baseball continues to grow across the country, so do the problems that come with it. While traveling and competing against different teams can be a fun and exciting experience, there are several issues that parents, coaches, and players need to address in order for everyone involved to have a positive outcome. Here are some tips on how to identify and address the problems with travel baseball:

1. The Cost: One of the main concerns for many families is cost. Traveling can get expensive quickly when you factor in transportation, lodging, meals, tournament fees, and equipment expenses. It’s important for coaches to communicate these costs upfront so parents can make an informed decision before committing their child.

2. Overcommitment: With competition comes pressure – but if kids or their parents commit themselves too much just one sport (even youth sports), then they open up more risks than rewards When children become overcommitted putting demands on time; pulling them away from ordinary family life This could impact gaming skills particularly if kids don’t measure up.

3. Burnout: Another concern regarding overcommitment is burnout . Many athletes spend year-round playing a variety of sports which puts both physical wear-and-tear as well emotional stress levels behind breaking point Upping Competitions end up taking precedence makes getting into university essential – turning athletics no longer about enjoyment.

4.Unequal Playing Time- As great as having multiple ‘travel’ teams sounds like its not entirely fair especially because each member must contribute similar effort Tackling this problem requires transparency outlining game rules goals intended better playing experiences unbiased assessment of all participants making out schemes fit what helps team-win

5.Travel Exhaustion – Going here there everywhere let alone repeated hours spent practicing results exertion & exhaustion that comes hand-in-hand The solution lies within balance & awareness Be sure athletes receiving enough restful sleep between bouts while knowing recovery at least optimization whether through nutrition hydration stretching therapy etc nonetheless energy drinks should never be used

6.Coaches Must Prioritize Development: As coaches, it is important to prioritize the development of individual players rather than constantly focusing on winning. Winning a game or tournament does not trump ensuring each player progresses and grows into complete athlete learning weaknesses over extending themselves beyond what they can handle in order celebrate every small success no matter how minor teams gains.

7.Managing Safety- Lastly safety while engaged in baseball travels necessitates common knowledge for navigating unfamiliar environments working with entities ensuring sane & secure settings Coordinating suitable care medical attention procured when required makes appreciating sports more worry-free

In the end, addressing these problems comes down to open communication between parents, players, and coaches. By being honest about expectations, costs, goals and challenges associated with travel baseball; everyone will have chance provide insight towards making sound decisions that lead to beneficial experiences on Team for all involved.

Step-by-Step Guide: What to Do When You Encounter Problems with Travel Baseball

Travel baseball is a dynamic and fun way for young athletes to develop their skills, compete against other teams from different locations, and grow as players. However, like any sport or activity that involves travel, organization, teamwork, and communication are critical components that can make or break your experience.

Encountering problems with travel baseball can be frustrating but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this step-by-step guide, we will provide some practical tips to help you navigate common issues in travel baseball effectively.

Step 1: Identify the Problem The first step when encountering problems with your travel baseball team is identifying the issue. Is it a logistical problem such as scheduling conflicts with practices or tournaments? Does it relate to player’s playing time? Has there been any breakdown in communication between coaches/parents/players?

Being specific about what the issue is will enable you to come up with appropriate solutions. Remember also to separate fact from fiction before presenting your concern or seeking resolution.

Step 2: Communicate Effectively Effective communication within any team is vital. Whether it means communicating information beforehand regarding attendance at practices or showing respect during game days through good sportsmanship practiced by both parents & players

Additionally try having frequent check-ins with coaches who run things behind the scenes – asking how they think each game went overall opinion on where everyone stands etc can foster better understanding of overarching goals which inevitably benefits all parties involved.

When communicating concerning concerns- always endeavour to do so politely without coming off combative; appreciate decision-makers might have differing opinions shows should explain positions professionally listen carefully ask questions if necessary seek clarification offering helpful suggestions may yet proffer workable ideas especially as regards resolving disputes while maintaining positive relationships amongst stakeholders ultimately yielding best results long-term wise.

Step 3: Seek cooperation towards mutual gain (win-win mindset) Having identified possible causes of discomfort informed relevant people creating platform dialogue its now essential joint efforts harness perspectives collective resources gives opportunities act towards achieving mutually beneficial objectives. In this context, it is critical considering the interest of all parties concerned and finding a way to create a win-win situation.

When tackling issues such as playing time or position on a team, instead of only focusing your concerns on how they personally affect you (or your child), consider maybe suggesting solutions that address multiple perspectives – including those about other similarly affected athletes’ welfare.

Step 4: Get involved In many instances, being more proactive in addressing problems can help resolve issues before they escalate into larger conflicts. That means getting actively involved with what happens behind the scenes like volunteering for jobs teams need fulfilling outside parent-helper requirements besides regular practices & games may well be great stepping stone fostering better relationships between parents/coaches/players while enriching experiences simultaneously.

Remember also participating fundraisers injects capital needed keep programs running during even trying economic times so once implemented everyone benefits from improving not just performances but also equipment, facilities condition fields

Lastly we must note continuity essential travel baseball highly competitive requires consistent dedication hard work steadying overall commitment aimed steady improvement progress get adequate support guidance keeping lines open essential successful outcomes long-term basis-wise additional ripple effects might include opening doors to lucrative college scouting scouts likely offer scholarships whilst ensuring high performance sports crucial.


Travel baseball is exciting for young athletes who want to improve their skills and compete against other teams from different locations. However, encountering difficulties can sometimes take away the fun if problematic situations do not receive proper handling promptly. Sticking through these steps equips you ways navigate challenges by utilizing protective approaches relevant decision-makers coaches et al resolving disputes properly headed desired outcome ultimately leading enhanced enjoyment gainful experience raising their game in reaching highest levels made possible through smart internal strategies fully responsive external network driving success forward converging around balanced gameplay factor precipitated superior talent nurtured concerted efforts champions future- willing make requisite sacrifices strategically moving beyond temporarily glitches towards improved satisfaction boundless success.

FAQ on the Top 5 Facts about Problems with Travel Baseball

As much as we all love baseball, sometimes things can go awry when it comes to travel teams. Whether you’re new to the scene or a seasoned veteran, there are some common problems that crop up time and again when playing with traveling baseball teams.

So let’s get into the top 5 facts about problems with travel baseball:

1. Misaligned Expectations

One of the biggest problems facing both parents and players is misaligned expectations. When first signing up for a traveling team, many young players may have visions of grandeur – they want recognition from college coaches and possibly even professional scouts.

Parents too can elevate their expectations – perhaps hoping that this will be their child’s golden ticket to college acceptance or financial success in life.

However, despite these lofty goals, only around 2% of high school student-athletes score scholarships at NCAA schools per year (source: NCSA). It’s important to temper expectations from the outset so your player isn’t set on an unattainable goal which could lead to frustration and disappointment down the road if things don’t pan out exactly as expected.

2. High Costs

An often-overlooked problem faced by parents is how expensive these events can become pretty quickly! Traveling fees alone can add up fast on top of equipment costs and any required lessons outside game play making it hard for some families not able financially support children’s participation due lack or resources.

Traveling leagues require far more practice times compared to regular little league games leading kids being pushed harder than usual middle-aged adults face burnout but imagine what this pressure does on younger minds trying desperately show themselves worthy during such events?

Many coaches are supportive however extra training besides one training session every day shouldn’t come at cost mental stress health getting burned out physically emotionally without ultimate motivations behind going through whole event afterward depression followed currently being higher rate among teens aged between 10-14 years making this a prime concern for parents.

4. Player Selection – Lack of Fairness

Despite common beliefs, more often than not the choices team coaches make based on which players are selected isn’t usually based purely on skill and performance however instead being biased toward personal relationships with parent or school districts played or lived in etc. This can lead to tremendous dissatisfaction amongst parents who may feel their child has been skipped over due to something beyond his/her control ie got stuck living somewhere no key decisions makers involved ever go!

5. Travel Fatigue

Tournaments placed outside statewide limits cause substantial time spent away from home combined with long hours traveling and competing stretches lead health issues such as mental physical exhaustion turning people off travel ball especially playing younger ages group around 11 years old age tired after intense days may end up falling asleep during games or missing practices thereby hampering own chances success.

In conclusion…

Travel baseball is an amazing opportunity for young athletes to hone their skills, meet new friends, and see parts of the world they might otherwise miss out on! However, it’s important to remember that there are potential hurdles along the way. By understanding these top five facts about problems faced by traveling teams, you’ll be well-equipped to avoid (or at least minimize) any snags that come your way!

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Tryout Info - 2025 Season

2025 tryout dates.

Below please find Devils Baseball tryout dates for the 2025 season. Please note that we have made changes to the timing of our offer process to bring us in line with other organizations in our area. We will make the majority of offers across all classes by July 11, following the main tryout dates on July 8 and 9. While we understand that unavoidable conflicts with the main tryout dates may arise, we ask that players in all classes do their best to make their assigned date.  We will hold some spots at each class until after the July 22 makeup date, but we will not offer private or individual tryouts. For the incoming 8u class only, there will be a main tryout date and players in consideration for a spot will be asked for a callback tryout the following day.

Tryout registration will open in early June. Offers made in July will only be for participation in the Devils program in the 2025 season. Final team selection for each class will take place following winter training camp in January 2025. 

For existing classes up through the current 11U teams, we expect to have the same number of teams in 2025 as we did in 2024. For example, 9u had two teams in 2024, so we expect that they will have two teams at 10u in 2025. 

For the incoming 8u class, we expect to have two teams in 2025. 

TRYOUT REGISTRATION: Register for the LEVEL which corresponds to the Grade your player will be entering in the Fall of 2024!

Main Tryouts (Peirce Park)

July 8th: 8u, 9u, 10u

July 9th: 8u callbacks, 11u, 12u, 13u

Make ups: (Peirce Park)

July 22nd: All ages

All tryouts will occur prior to 3pm,  exact times TBD

2025 Season Tryouts

Devils Baseball Club Mission Devils Baseball Club is a travel baseball program providing high quality instruction, training, and game competition to players (8U-13U) interested in developing the skills necessary to play competitive high school baseball and beyond.  The program will focus on placing players in age and skill appropriate competition to maximize their individual development while working within a team environment. The program’s goal will be to keep local players together to train and become successful baseball players while always coordinating with local little leagues to maintain their viability.  

Organization  •    Devils Baseball Club is a Not for Profit Organization •    The Devils Board is focused on continuing to improve the travel baseball experience, monitors all age levels and works very closely with our Pro Trainers and Managers to ensure objectivity and development of all Devils players and teams. •    Professional instruction is designed to provide individual skill development and a focus on fundamentals.    •    The program is committed to the Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Oak Brook, Westmont and Burr Ridge communities and will support 8U-12U players to play Little League. •    Devils Baseball Club will work closely with Hinsdale Central HS coaches, as the primary feeder program in the area.

Tryout Date and Information:

Dates (see below): Please arrive 30 minutes early to check in.  We ask that you please register online prior to tryout (see below).

Devils players will play with their GRADE level.  Thus please register for the age level that corresponds to the grade your player will be entering in the Fall of 2024.  The age ranges set forth below are included merely to ensure that the players in the corresponding GRADE qualify based on birthdate requirements. 

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ESPN baseball package aimed at the most avid fans

ESPN’s decision to offer a five-day, four-night, MLB ballpark tour package this Labor Day weekend is the first venture by the Disney-owned subsidiary into tourism and experiences, and a test case for creating other bespoke experiences across ESPN’s vast rights portfolio.

ESPN Experiences

Take me out to the ballparks, cost: $6,999 (double occupancy) and $8,499 (single occupancy), what’s included: transfers upon arrival and departure (transportation to and from the starting destination, such as airfare, is not included); transportation within the trip; accommodations; meals; tickets to each baseball game and other activities.

The experience will take fans to games at three major league ballparks (Blue Jays-Red Sox at Fenway Park, Cardinals-Yankees at Yankee Stadium and Braves-Phillies at Citizens Bank Park) starting Aug. 29 in Boston. Stops also include ESPN’s Bristol, Conn., headquarters and the Jackie Robinson Museum in New York City. Guests will watch the games from a suite at Yankee Stadium and Citizens Bank Park, and from the Green Monster seats at Fenway. A host of ESPN on-air baseball talent will greet guests along the way. The packages include transportation between the host sites, accommodations, meals and other activities.

The package has generated strong interest from not only those looking to attend, but also teams and leagues that are interested in being part of similar future offerings.

“They just want to learn more and learn how we can work together and make a special experience,” Malet said. “That’s been really encouraging, but we’re also thinking about the future of this with corporate partners and how we can work together on this and integrate and manage corporate partnerships into this.”

The cost for the experience ranges from $6,999 to $8,499. ESPN would not disclose how many packages it has sold, but said the intended group size was up to 45 people.

While no other events have been announced, Malet said ESPN and Disney “have all the latitude in the world” to create more opportunities that span the continuum of its rights portfolio. He added ESPN Experiences could do events as short as two or three days, or even something like a full-season experience for college football.

“We’re really trying to evaluate what customers’ feedback is after this tour and try to understand what makes sense as the next proof of concept to scale out,” Malet said.

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City of Boerne plans downtown celebration for Little League All-Stars team

After team returns home, city says parade planned for monday afternoon.

Nate Kotisso , Digital Journalist

SAN ANTONIO – The Boerne Little League All-Stars will experience a hero’s welcome when players and coaches return home on Monday.

The City of Boerne announced Friday its plans to host a Little League World Series celebration parade honoring the team’s achievements.

Boerne lost Saturday’s U.S. Championship game to Lake Mary, Florida , 10-7 in a dramatic, back-and-forth finish that bumped the All-Stars into Sunday’s third-place game against Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Venezuela, the Latin American regional champion, defeated Boerne 4-3 in the third-place game Sunday at Howard J. Lamade Stadium in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

After the team returns to Boerne on Monday afternoon, city officials said the downtown parade is expected to begin around 4:45 p.m.

The city has asked the public to start lining Main Street around 5 p.m. between Main Plaza and Thiessen Street.

At approximately 5:15 p.m., officials said Main Street will be blocked off as the Boerne Little League All-Stars will be escorted by the city’s police and fire departments. The parade route will start at Main Plaza, run to River Road and end with a return to Main Plaza, the city said.

After the team passes through, officials said parade attendees can head toward Main Plaza for the team’s formal celebration, which is expected to begin around 5:30 p.m.

During the formal celebration, the Boerne Little League All-Stars will be recognized by Boerne Mayor Frank Ritchie, Fair Oaks Ranch Mayor Greg Maxton, Kendall County Judge Shane Stolarczyk, Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Kim Blohm and Boerne ISD Superintendent Dr. Kristen Craft.

City officials said the festivities are expected to end around 6 p.m., but the event times could change based on when the team returns home on Monday.

If you are unable to attend Monday’s parade, KSAT will provide live parade coverage on KSAT 12, and streaming on KSAT+.

More Boerne at the Little League Baseball World Series coverage on KSAT:

  • Boerne All-Stars loses third-place game to Venezuela at Little League Baseball World Series
  • Q&A with Boerne Little League manager Justin Newson following US final of LLWS
  • KSAT’s Mary Rominger discusses Boerne and Florida’s US final of Little League Baseball World Series
  • Chaotic last two innings carry Florida over Boerne All-Stars to Little League Baseball World Series Championship Game
  • Win or lose, Boerne Little League All-Stars adds more success to Hill Country community

Copyright 2024 by KSAT - All rights reserved.

About the Author

Nate kotisso.

Nate Kotisso joined KSAT as a digital journalist in 2024. He previously worked as a newspaper reporter in the Rio Grande Valley for more than two years and spent nearly three years as a digital producer at the CBS station in Oklahoma City.

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Our mission is to serve the 50+ traveler who's ready to cross a few items off their bucket list.

19 Unique And Fabulous Experiences In Moscow

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Thinking of visiting Russia? When visiting such a famous city, one must, of course, visit the iconic landmarks first. Moscow has plenty of those, most of them in the center of the city, which is very well-planned for tourists. Once you’ve seen the sights that are on most travelers’ lists, it’s time to branch out and visit some of the lesser-known sites, and there are some fascinating places to see and things to do.

I know this list is long, but I just couldn’t help myself. You probably won’t have the time to see them all. But that’s okay. Just scroll through the list and choose what sounds the most interesting to you. Where possible, make sure to book in advance, as things can get crowded, especially during high season.

Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia

1. The Red Square, Kremlin, And Surroundings

Red Square (Krasnya Ploshad) is the heart and soul of Russia, and where much of the country’s history has unfolded. This is the most famous landmark in Moscow and indeed the whole country, it’s an absolute must-do! The square is always full of people and has a rather festive atmosphere!

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

This is the famous church with the rainbow-colored, onion-domed roof. The cathedral was commissioned in the 1500s by Ivan the Terrible and according to legend, the Tsar thought it was so beautiful, that he ordered that the architect’s eyes be cut out afterward, so he could never build anything more beautiful! He wasn’t called Ivan the Terrible for no reason!

Lenin’s Mausoleum

The “love-it-or-hate-it” of tourist attractions in Russia. A glass sarcophagus containing the embalmed body of Russian revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin. It may seem a bit bizarre to display the mummy of a person, but it has been there for almost half a century and the 2.5 million visitors who come each year, clearly feel the queuing and thorough body search are worth it, to be in Lenin’s presence.

Pro Tip: no photos and no loud talking are allowed inside the Mausoleum.

Eternal Flame

There is an Eternal Flame in honor of an unknown soldier on the left side of Red Square. The hourly changing of the guards is worth seeing.

The Kremlin is the official residence of the Russian president. You can see it from the outside, or you can take an excursion to one of the museums located inside. This is the biggest active fortress in Europe, and holds a week’s worth of attractions! Once behind the 7,332-feet of walls, there are five squares, four cathedrals, 20 towers, various museums, and the world’s largest bell and cannon to see. Worth a special mention is the Armory Chamber that houses a collection of the famous Faberge Eggs.

Pro Tip: You can only go inside the Kremlin if you are part of a tourist group.

Interior of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscos

2. Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre translates to “The Big Theatre” in Russian, and the building is home to both the Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera — among the oldest and most famous ballet and opera companies in the world.

Pro Tip: It’s hard to get an inexpensive ticket, so if you’re reading well in advance of going to Moscow then try buying tickets on the official website . Last-minute tickets cost around $250 per person. If this is out of your budget, about an hour before a performance, you can try buying a ticket at the entrance from a reseller. Most can speak enough English to negotiate the price.

Tour the Bolshoi Theatre: You can take a group guided tour of the Bolshoi Theatre which focuses on the history and architecture of the theatre and behind the scenes. There’s an English language tour that lasts 2 hours and costs around $300 for a group of up to six.

GUM, a popular department store in Moscow

3. Luxury Shopping At GUM And TSUM

Russia’s main department store, GUM, has a stunning interior that is home to over 100 high-end boutiques, selling a variety of brands: from luxurious Dior to the more affordable Zara. Even if shopping is not on your Moscow to-do list GUM is still worth a visit; the glass-roofed arcade faces Red Square and offers a variety of classy eateries. TSUM, one of the biggest luxury malls in town, is right behind the Bolshoi and GUM. It’s an imposing building with lots of history, and worth a visit just for its design and its glass roof.

Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow

4. Christ The Savior Cathedral

This is one of Russia’s most visited cathedrals and is a newer addition to the gorgeous array of Muscovite cathedrals, but don’t let its young age fool you. After perestroika, in the early 90s, the revived Russian Orthodox Church was given permission to build a cathedral on this site. It did the location honors and built the largest temple of the Christian Orthodox Church. The façade is as grand as you’d expect, but it’s the inside that will mesmerize you, with its domes, gold, gorgeous paintings, and decor!

The cathedral is located just a few hundred feet away from the Kremlin and was the site of the infamous Pussy Riot protest against Putin back in 2012.

Pro Tip: Bring a shawl to cover your hair as is the local custom.

Gates at Gorky Park in Moscow

5. Gorky Park

Moscow’s premier green space, Gorky Park (Park Gor’kogo) is the city’s biggest and most famous park. There is entertainment on offer here for every taste, from outdoor dancing sessions to yoga classes, volleyball, ping-pong, rollerblading, and bike and boat rental in summer. In winter, half the park turns into a huge ice skating rink. Gorky Park is also home to an open-air movie theater and the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. There is also Muzeon Art Park, a dynamic contemporary space with a unique collection of 700 sculptures. It is located right in front of Gorky Park.

6. Sparrow Hills Park

If you take a walk from Gorky Park, along the Moscow River embankment, you’ll end up in the city’s other legendary park, Sparrow Hills. Although the park doesn’t offer as many activities as its hip neighbor, it has a great panoramic view of the city

Pro Tip: You can take a free walking tour to all of the above attractions with an English-speaking guide.

River cruise in Moscow

7. River Cruising

One of the best ways to experience Moscow, and see all the famous landmarks, but from a different angle, is from the Moscow River. Take a river cruise. Avoid the tourist crowds. There are little nameless old boats that do the cruise, but if you are looking for a more luxurious experience take the Radisson Blu cruise and enjoy the sights with some good food and a glass of wine.

Moscow Metro station

8. Metro Hopping

Inaugurated in the 1930s, the Moscow Metro system is one of the oldest and most beautiful in the world. Started in Stalinist times, each station is a work of art in its own right. I’d recommend touring the stations between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. This way, you’ll be able to properly see it without the crowds. Ideally, I’d recommend taking a tour with a knowledgeable guide with GuruWalk, who will tell you stories of forgotten stations and how the history of the country is interconnected with the metro development. If going by yourself, then I definitely recommend checking out: Mayakovskaya, Ploschad Revolutsii, Kievskaya, Kropotkinskaya, Kurskaya, and Novoslobodskaya stations.

Visit the free Moscow Metro Museum: For real train enthusiasts, located in the southern vestibule of Sportivnaya station is a small free museum. Here you can take a peek into the driver’s cabin, see a collection of metro tokens from different cities, and see different models of a turnstile, traffic lights, escalator, and more.

Moscow State University at dusk

9. Moscow State University View

In his effort to create a grander Moscow, Stalin had seven skyscrapers built in different parts of town; they’re called the Seven Sisters. The largest of these buildings and the one with the best view is the main building of the Moscow State University. Although this is a little outside the city center, the view is more than worth it.

Izmailovsky Market in Moscow, Russia

10. Izmailovsky Market

Mostly known for the city’s largest flea market, the district of Izmaylovo is home to a maze of shops where you can get just about anything, from artisan crafts to traditional fur hats, handcrafted jewelry, fascinating Soviet memorabilia, and antiquities. It’s also one of Moscow’s largest green spaces. There are often no price tags, so be prepared to haggle a bit. Head to one of the market cafes for a warming mulled wine before continuing your shopping spree.

The History of Vodka Museum is found here, and the museum’s restaurant is the perfect place to sample various brands of the national drink.

Once you’ve covered the more touristy spots, Moscow still has plenty to offer, and the places below will also be full of locals! So for some local vibes, I would strongly recommend the spots below!

The skyscrapers of Moscow City

11. Moscow City

With a completely different vibe, Moscow City (also referred to as Moscow International Business Center) is like a mini Dubai, with lots of impressive tall glass buildings. Here is where you’ll find the best rooftops in towns, like Ruski Restaurant, the highest restaurant both in Moscow City and in Europe. Moscow City is great for crowd-free shopping and the best panoramic views of the city.

Art in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

12. Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery started as the private collection of the Tretyakov brothers, who were 19th-century philanthropists. They gave their private collection to the government after their deaths. If there is just one museum you visit in Moscow, I recommend this one!

Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve, former residence of Catherine the Great

13. Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve

Tsaritsyno was a residence of Catherine the Great more than two centuries ago. It became derelict during the Soviet era but has now been fully renovated. With its opulently decorated buildings, gardens, meadows, and forests, Tsaritsyno Park is the perfect place for a green respite in Moscow.

Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve in Moscow

14. Kolomenskoye

A 10-minute metro ride from the city center is Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve, where you can get an idea of what Russia looked like 200 years ago. You’ll find ancient churches (one dating back to the 16th century), the oldest garden in Moscow, and the wonderful fairytale wooden palace of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, father of Peter the Great.

Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow at night

15. Ostankino TV Tower

Built in 1967, Ostankino TV Tower was the tallest free-standing construction in the world at the time, it’s still the 8th tallest building in the world and the highest in Europe. It’s also the best observation deck, with a glass floor and 360-degree views. The speedy elevators take you 1,105 feet in next to no time.

Pro Tip: You need to book in advance; entrance is based on specific ticket times and the capacity is limited and only a certain number of tourists are allowed per day. Don’t forget your passport, you’ll need it to get through security.

The floating bridge of Zaryadye Park in Moscow

16. Zaryadye Park

Zaryadye is a newly opened, landscaped urban park so new you won’t find it in a lot of tour guides. The park is near Red Square and is divided into four climatic zones: forest, steppe, tundra, and floodplains, depicting the variety of climatic zones in Russia.

These last three suggestions are a little quirky, but all are really worth checking out.

17. Museum Of Soviet Arcade Games

Release your inner child playing on 66 arcade machines from the Soviet era! What a great way to spend a couple of hours when tired of visiting museums and palaces. The staff speaks excellent English and are happy to explain how the games work.

The rooftops of Moscow, Russia

18. Moscow Rooftop Tour

Take a 1-hour private Moscow rooftop tour with an experienced roofer. I can just about guarantee none of your friends will be able to say they’ve done it! For your comfort, I recommend wearing comfortable shoes. Take your camera, there are some amazing photo opportunities out there!

A pool at Sanduny Banya in Moscow

19. Sanduny Banya

This classical Russian bathhouse opened its doors in 1808 and is famous for combining traditional Russian banya services with luxurious interiors and service. If you enjoy spas and saunas, then you should experience a Russian bathhouse at least once in your life! Go with an open mind and hire a specialist to steam you as it’s meant to be done — by being beaten repeatedly with a besom (a leafy branch)! This is said to improve circulation, but is best done by a professional!

So there you have my list of things to do in Moscow. I could have gone on and on and on, but I didn’t want to try your patience! There are so many things to do in this vibrant city that you’ll definitely need to allocate several days for exploring.

Here are some other reasons to visit Moscow and Russia:

  • 7 Reasons To Put Moscow On Your Travel Bucket List
  • Russia 30 Years (And 30 Pounds) Ago
  • Massive Mysterious Craters Appearing Again In Siberia

Image of Sarah Kingdom

Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, before moving to Africa at the age of 21, Sarah Kingdom is a mountain climber and guide, traveler, yoga teacher, trail runner, and mother of two. When she is not climbing or traveling she lives on a cattle ranch in central Zambia. She guides and runs trips regularly in India, Nepal, Tibet, Russia, and Ethiopia, taking climbers up Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro numerous times a year.

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Moscow Millionaire Fair is underway

Haute Living

A Swarovsky crystal-covered Mercedes. A Bentley Coupe with $1 million diamond-covered rims.

Typically, these are the sorts of luxuries that stand out, even in high society.

Not so at the Moscow Millionaire Fair; that’s what it takes to fit in.

At a show where there simply is no such thing as “excess”, 45,000 visitors were treated to more than 200 brands, ranging from rare taxidermy company Ice Age to private jet powerhouse Luxury Air Jets. The Crocus Expo exhibition plays host to the event, located in a city that Forbes magazine recently pegged as having more millionaires than any other city in the world. Talk about a target audience.

There was also plenty of sparkle on display, with diamonds adorning generally mundane, day-to-day accessories, such as cell phones and pocket knives. The real sparkle, though, likely came from the eager eyes of potential consumers, who were treated to a spread of jaw-dropping products meant for only the most upscale clientele.

For these reasons – and many more – there’s no denying that the Moscow Millionaire Fair is the crown jewel of luxury exhibitions.

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7 of the best and 7 of the worst cocktails to order, according to bartenders and beverage directors

  • Business Insider asked drink experts about the best and worst cocktails to order at a bar.
  • Classics, like an old-fashioned or a Negroni, are hit staples and easy to make.
  • House margaritas and daiquiris are often too sugary and syrupy to actually enjoy the alcohol.

Insider Today

If you're looking to enjoy a great-tasting cocktail, there are classics and new concoctions that are sure to please. But that also means there are others that may disappoint. 

Business Insider spoke with bartenders, beverage directors, and hospitality workers to find out which cocktails you should (and shouldn't) order at restaurants and bars.  

An old-fashioned is easy to make and delicious

Alisha Kaplan, a bar manager at Wolf's Ridge Brewing, told BI that a classic old-fashioned — typically made with sugar, bourbon, and bitters — gets you the most for your money. 

"If you're looking for a boozy, spirit-forward cocktail, go with an old-fashioned," she said. "It's a simple, three-ingredient, bang-for-your-buck cocktail that can be easily altered according to your taste."

Kaplan suggested asking the bartender for whiskey recommendations or mixing things up with an Oaxaca old-fashioned, which uses tequila and mezcal instead.

Order a Negroni if you're looking for consistent quality

Corey Phillips, the beverage director at Nina and Rafi, told BI that Negronis are likely familiar to any bartender you sit in front of — and odds are they're going to have all the ingredients. 

"In my opinion, a Negroni is a great way to get a consistent, delicious, and sophisticated cocktail," he said.

The cocktail is easy to throw together since it's made by combining equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari.

You can't go wrong with a Tommy's margarita made with quality tequila

Kim Haasarud, a professional bartender and beverage consultant, told BI that simple margaritas with fresh ingredients can't be beaten. 

"A Tommy's margarita is a full 2 ounces of tequila, fresh lime juice, and agave nectar," she said. "Call out a good tequila when you order it. It's simple but delicious."

If you're unsure what a good tequila might be, ask your bartender for recommendations.

If you like sweet drinks, a mai tai is a classic choice

Kaplan told BI that mai tais are a great option for people who like their drinks sweet , yet strong. 

"This tiki classic is not only delicious but sneaky with its booze," she said. "It may not taste strong, but you're definitely getting your money's worth." 

The bar manager added that the orgeat syrup — a sweet addition made with almonds, sugar, and orange-flower water — is what gives the drink a complex and rich flavor.

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Old Cubans are an underrated drink that nearly every bar can make

Shawn Soole, a cocktail-book author and the owner of Soole Hospitality Concepts, recommended Audrey Saunders's old Cuban if you're looking to steer away from the classics.

"A mix of rum, lime, mint, and sparkling wine served up, it's a hybrid daiquiri-mojito-royale cocktail that most bars should have all the ingredients for and is always a crowd-pleaser," he told BI.

Soole added that old Cubans are especially refreshing in the summer.

Most restaurants have unique mojitos

Chef Omar Torres, the food and beverage director at Bonsai at Hilton Pensacola Beach, said citrus-based cocktails, like mojitos, are a surefire hit. 

"Mojitos are versatile, elegant, pleasant to the palate, and most bars will have a different version of it," he told BI.

Although you can order a specialty mojito to switch things up, the beverage director said options like Moscow mules and French 75s offer similar flavor profiles. 

When in doubt, order a drink from the specialty cocktail menu

Haasarud told BI that the trick to getting a high-quality spirit at a lower price is to order a drink from the bar's featured cocktail menu. 

"The bar may have worked out a special deal with the distributor or supplier, so you may be getting some liquor that is much more expensive at a lower cost," she said.

She added that bartenders also typically have more training in making the drink, so you're more likely to get an excellent pour.

On the other hand, Long Islands will cost you more for less

Kaplan called Long Islands "the amalgamation of everything terrible in a cocktail" that will "guarantee you the worst hangover of your life."

On top of all that, she said the classic cocktail is overpriced and poorly made at most bars. 

Amaretto and whiskey sours can pose a health risk if made incorrectly

Austin Carson, the founder and co-owner of Restaurant Olivia, told BI that he doesn't recommend any drink made with egg whites, like classic amarettos or whiskey sours. He doesn't think it's worth the potential risks of consuming the raw ingredient.

"I'll generally stay away from egg-white drinks," Carson said. "Doing so implies a sanitary wherewithal that I have to trust as well as proper execution."

Many bars and restaurants now make these drinks without egg whites or will accommodate special requests. 

Miami Vices are often filled with less wholesome ingredients 

Torres said that although he understands the appeal of a Miami Vice, a frozen drink layered with strawberry daiquiri and piña colada. He doesn't think it's a great option for those who want a quality cocktail experience . 

"Enjoying a cocktail at a bar or restaurant should be fun, fresh, pleasant to the palate, and good for you," he said. "Unfortunately, there are many bars out there that use syrups and many other chemicals to make their cocktails."

Manhattans should only be ordered at specialty cocktail bars

Kaplan recommended steering clear of vermouth cocktails, like Manhattans, in order to save yourself from drinking spoiled alcohol . The fortified wine doesn't really age well and can go bad. 

"If you see an old dusty bottle of vermouth on the back bar, run for the hills," she said.

The bar manager added that ordering the drink at bars or restaurants that are not cocktail-focused is especially risky.

House margaritas are usually made with low-quality ingredients

Haasarud recommended avoiding house margaritas to skip the potential hangover from sickly sweet mixers and bottom-shelf tequila. 

"Not all house margaritas are made with fresh lime juice," she said. "Rather it's usually the cheapest version of a margarita made with a sour mix out of the gun and with a cheap tequila."

Don't order an Adonis unless the bar specializes in the cocktail

Carson told BI that, similarly to a Manhattan, an Adonis is made with ingredients that can be spoiled easily, making it a bad choice at dive bars and restaurants that aren't known for their cocktails . The old-school drink is made with sweet vermouth and sherry.

"I'd stay away from cocktails built upon ingredients that oxidize quickly, like sherry and vermouth," he said. "It's sort of a 'don't order seafood at a restaurant that doesn't sell a lot of seafood' bit of advice." 

The alcohol in blended cocktails is not the focus of the drink

Montes told BI that you should skip popular poolside blends, like strawberry daiquiris and piña coladas, if you want to truly enjoy the alcohol in your drink and get the most for your money. He added that they're often diluted by whatever sugary mixture the bar is using. 

"As perfect as they are by the pool and as beautiful as they look in photos, I would overlook having a blended drink," Montes said.

The bartender recommended ordering the martini version of the drinks instead for a similarly sweet and tropical option.

This story was originally published in June 2021 and most recently updated on August 29, 2024.

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The University of Chicago The Law School

Summer experiences: ally swartzberg, ’25, summer associate, proskauer rose llp.

Ally Swartzberg on a red carpet in front of an NBA backdrop.

Ally Swartzberg, ’26, followed her interest in sports law to New York City this summer where she worked as a summer associate for Proskauer Rose LLP , a law firm that focuses on legal work in the sports industry. During her summer experience, Ally got to tackle projects for professional sports organizations and expand her network in the industry she plans to work in after she graduates.

How did you connect with this summer opportunity?

During my 1L Property Law course, Professor Strahilevitz cold called me. He asked me who owns a home run baseball. After that cold call, Professor Strahilevitz realized I was interested in sports and asked if I wanted to pursue a legal career in the sports industry. I said yes, and he connected me with one of his former law school classmates who is a sports industry “heavy hitter” and a partner at Proskauer.

How does your experience connect with what you currently envision doing with your law degree?

Proskauer is one of the most highly regarded law firms specifically for legal work in the sports industry. This summer, I was able to work on projects for professional sports leagues like Major League Soccer and the National Football League and to attend events like the NBA Draft. Proskauer alumni are also in general counsels’ offices across professional sports teams and leagues, and I was able to do things like attend a Yankees game with two of the Yankees’ attorneys. By working at Proskauer, I have gained a really strong network in my preferred industry as well as directly relevant work experience.

Please describe a “typical” day at work.

I would usually get to work between 8:30 and 9:30 am depending on what I had on my calendar. Some mornings, I would have breakfast or coffee with an attorney before spending a few hours working on my assignments. Some days I would be reading and comparing contract provisions, other days I was helping with a closing checklist or doing specific research for a client. I would usually have lunch around noon and some days I would have a small group meeting or a check-in with one of my mentors. I typically finished work around 5:30 pm and oftentimes we would have an event beginning at 6 pm.

What is something you learned or experienced that was surprising or particularly compelling during this summer position?

I had the opportunity to participate in a pro bono project alongside three other summer associates and a handful of Proskauer corporate attorneys. Each summer associate was paired with an associate and assigned a city and a team of eighth graders to mentor through a mock NBA expansion proposal. Each team then had to present why their city should be the site of the next NBA expansion team and answer questions from a panel of judges. This experience of mentoring young people with the same dreams I once had made me realize how close I am to finally becoming a lawyer, and that was really impactful. Also, my team won, so that was fun.

What are a couple of your key takeaways from the experience so far?

Only working for ten weeks, especially if you have to move, can throw off your routine like crazy. If you are the kind of person who likes to exercise regularly or enjoys cooking, make the effort to prioritize finding a gym and a good grocery store that are close to your apartment. You will feel so much more grounded. Also, we don’t know anything yet about how to actually be a lawyer, but we are smart, capable people. It’s humbling to be “new” at something, but trust in yourself and your ability to learn and do well.

What advice would you offer another law student contemplating working in a similar position next summer?

Be open to mentorship and new experiences while also being vocal about your goals and interests. Not every assignment you get will be the most exciting, but every assignment is an opportunity to meet more attorneys, establish a positive reputation for yourself, and learn more about how to be a good associate. I really think having the attitude of “I’m happy to do whatever needs doing” is important. At the same time, don’t be shy to vocalize your interests or to reach out to lawyers who do the work you hope to do.

How are you spending your free time this summer?

I cofounded and codirected a youth football program called the Big North Takeover, so I have spent a lot of time this summer planning, executing, and doing follow-ups with our coaches and participants. We had seven NFL players, two NFL scouts, and five D1 players coach roughly eighty high school athletes, so it was a big lift. Otherwise, I plan to travel (I’m currently in Florida), take some much-needed rest, and spend some time in the Jersey Shore with my family.

What are you most looking forward to in returning to UChicago Law this fall?

I’m really looking forward to the fall in Chicago and seeing so many of my friends I haven’t seen since leaving for New York this summer. At the law school, I am looking forward to being a student director of the Corporate Lab Clinic and to seeing what cool topics our new staffers come up with for the Business Law Review. Really, though, I’m counting down to graduation.

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Moscow invites india to enhance tourism by creating new experiences.

Moscow invites India to enhance tourism by creating new experiences

Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh) [India], February 22 (ANI): Russia is prioritising tourism infrastructure enhancements with a particular emphasis on Indian tourists, aiming for a more inviting and convenient experience. Moscow seeks to engage and attract Indian visitors, facilitating cultural exchange and exploration in Moscow.

Evgeny Kozlov, Acting First Deputy Head of the Moscow Mayor and Government Office, and chairman of the Tourism Committee of the City of Moscow on Thursday at South Asia's leading travel show SATTE 2024 invited Indian tourists to travel to Moscow and called it the safest and cleanest city in the world.

Speaking with ANI, Evgeny Kozlov said, "For Moscow, it means a lot to be here at SATTE because it's a great possibility to inspire, to attract, to invite all the Indian tourists to come to Moscow and to be inspired by society, by the cuisines, by the culture heritage, maybe for the place for taking a wedding. I don't know maybe to study here. Just maybe to live your life in Moscow."The improvements include enhanced transportation links, signage in multiple languages, cultural information centres, and accommodations tailored to the preferences and needs of Indian tourists.

"Moscow is the safest, and maybe the cleanest city in the world. Because we are keen on being open, polite, and safe to every person. Not only for citizens but for every tourist coming from every country and every region of Russia also," he added.

Indian tourists will benefit from smoother travel logistics, better access to information, and accommodations designed to cater to their cultural and culinary preferences, making their Moscow visit more enjoyable.

When asked about how sees the India-Moscow relationship, Kozlov said, "Through the times, we have a really strong and close relationship. We believe that it will stay the same in future and you know, I can mention the figures it is 25 per cent increase year to year in the number of tourists and I believe that is still not enough. So once again, we invite all the Indian people to come to Moscow and see the city with their own eyes."Indian tourists can make the most of their visit by exploring Moscow's rich history, architecture, and cultural attractions, while also enjoying local cuisine and participating in cultural events and festivals.

On general strategy for the tourism sector of Moscow, he said, "As for now, we are planning to make firstly, new content. what does it mean for us making new content? It's not like renovating the infrastructure. Once you know that, reopen the new hidden gems, make some kind of interactive events where you can as a tourist participate in to live like locals to provide you with tourist products to reinvent Moscow and to come back once again and once again."Moscow is a city with a rich history and culture, and there are many attractions that Indian tourists may find interesting. Some of the most popular cultural and historical attractions for Indian tourists in Moscow include the Kremlin, Red Square, St Basil's Cathedral, Tretyakov Gallery, Bolshoi Theatre, Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Metro, etc.

SATTE (South Asia's TravelTourism Exchange) offers a comprehensive platform to domestic and international buyers and professionals from across the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry along with National and State Tourism Boards (NTOs and STOs), according to the official website of SATTE.

ANI 23rd February 2024, 01:18 GMT+11

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  27. Summer Experiences: Ally Swartzberg, '25, Summer Associate, Proskauer

    Ally Swartzberg, '26, followed her interest in sports law to New York City this summer where she worked as a summer associate for Proskauer Rose LLP, a law firm that focuses on legal work in the sports industry. During her summer experience, Ally got to tackle projects for professional sports organizations and expand her network in the industry she plans to work in after she graduates.

  28. Moscow invites India to enhance tourism by creating new experiences

    Evgeny Kozlov, Acting First Deputy Head of the Moscow Mayor and Government Office, and chairman of the Tourism Committee of the City of Moscow on Thursday at South Asia's leading travel show SATTE 2024 invited Indian tourists to travel to Moscow and called it the safest and cleanest city in the world. Speaking with ANI, Evgeny Kozlov said, "For ...