
15 Best Travel Shows on Netflix Australia

Netflix Australia is the streaming service that just keeps on giving. While you can easily find a plethora of binge-worthy shows to watch with a press of a button, there are some that stand out more than others.

Surprisingly enough, Netflix still hasn’t created a travel section to help viewers narrow down their show search when they’re in the mood for something that will motivate them to explore the world.

This list of 15 best travel shows on Netflix Australia will make it easy for you to binge-watch travel content to your heart’s content, whether it be via food inspiration, fantasy style, or anything in between.

The choice is yours! Scroll down for more.

Table of Contents

1. Jack Whitehall

Since the series premiered in 2017, Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father has been a nonstop hit that provides its viewers with beautiful views, family drama, and good old-fashioned humor. 

The British comedy follows stand-up comedian Jack and his rather serious father, Michael, on a long-lasting trip across various countries where the two get to experience new things together. 

What gives this show life, aside from the amazing places you get to see, is the complicated relationship between father and son who were never close when Jack was growing up. Part of this was because his father was already nearing the age of fifty by the time Jack was born – and this drastic age difference adds to the amusement throughout the series. 

As the two travel across the continents, it becomes a constant battle about where they’ll be staying, what they’ll be doing, and especially what types of food they’ll be eating. Michael, being much older, is very set in his ways and has no interest in trying new things whereas Jack wants to try as many new things as possible.

These contrasting viewpoints make for some pretty hysterical scenes, but you will find that other scenes will pull on your heartstrings as the two build a better relationship in the process.

You’ll get to travel with them as they explore breathtaking places throughout Australia, the United States, Europe, and Asia while also fully immersing themselves in the areas’ cultures. 

2. Street Food

Based on this series’ not-so-subtle name, you can already guess the premise of Street Food – but the show actually has so much more to offer along its journeys. The series takes you to all parts of the world, many of which struggle from some type of poverty, and lets you explore some of the amazing food opportunities that await you there. 

This show is bound to get your stomach rumbling and your mouth watering as you watch street food vendors from around the globe do what they do best.

After you get to watch the cooking process, the series spends time focusing on the finished product, which is almost always displayed in a breathtaking fashion. 

What makes this series stand out in comparison to the many other traveling food shows is the time it dedicates to teach the audience about the local people and their traditions. You’ll not only admire the work of the chef but you’ll learn about the chef him/herself and the story of how they got to where they are today and the dedication it took to master their craft. 

Many of the stories you’ll hear are saddening, but being able to see how the chefs turned their life around is an amazing experience and adds to the beauty of the meals they create. 

3. Breakfast, Lun ch, & Dinner

Another food-based Netflix favorite is Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner . This show gained its popularity through its blend of celebrity guest appearances, exciting travel destinations, and delicious food. 

Known primarily for the iconic Ugly Deliciousness series, David Chang takes a different approach with this series as he covers a large variety of bases in every episode.

You’ll spend time admiring the food of the local people, exploring beautiful places around the world, and learning more about popular celebrities through the use of small talk. 

Chang wanted to win over his audience right away – and what better way to do it than to invite famous comedian, Seth Rogan, as his first guest appearance while exploring Canada.

Every place tv host Chang visits is a new adventure – and he makes sure to try a local dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner just like the title of the series suggests.

Just keep in mind that although the series’ name gives you the idea that its main premise is on food, casual conversation with celebrities definitely takes up most of the screen time. 

You’ll still get to see beautiful places from around the world and some tasty meals along the way, but at the end of the day, this is more of a hangout show than anything else. 

4. Conan Without Borders

Speaking of celebrities traveling the world, it doesn’t get much better than Conan Without Borders where this famous comedian takes you on an adventure filled with laughs, local culture, unique destinations, and so much more. 

For those of you who are familiar with Conan, you know that he has a way of making fun of things without coming off as rude – and that talent is relevant to the series. 

He visits parts of the world like Korea, Haiti, Italy, and Mexico while making jokes that are more focused on his lack of understanding than an attempt to insult the culture of a foreign place. 

This clever technique makes his show unlike any other travel show on Netflix – and guarantees that you’ll always have a good time when watching.

Plus, what makes the show even better, is that Conan dedicates screentime to more serious matters – like the struggles people are facing in third world countries – to teach the audience about major issues. You’ll meet a plethora of new people with every episode as Conan speaks with the locals to learn more about the area, culture, food, and more. 

Be prepared to laugh your head off and possibly shed a few tears as you travel the world with Conan and see places through his eyes. 

5. Dark Tourist

Although controversial, there’s no denying that the Dark Tourist series will take you to places you’ve never been before and introduce you to a world you may not have known existed. 

Tv host David Farrier deserves some credit for the bravery it took to travel to such dangerous parts of the world, but many viewers felt like he was attempting to copy the works of Louis Theroux. If you’re familiar with Louis Theroux and enjoy his work, you’ll definitely get a kick out of Farrier’s similar style – but may feel that Theroux was slighted in some way. 

Regardless, the series will keep you on the edge of your seat as Farrier winds up in some pretty dangerous situations in rough areas all around the globe.

As you explore places never shown on television before, you’ll learn some harsh truths about the major struggles that other countries are facing and just how extreme they can get. 

For example, one episode takes you deep into India where a known sex trafficking operation is taking place. Here, Farrier speaks with both the traffickers and the civilians to get a sense of what is going on. 

This is definitely not a show for the lighthearted and can be pretty devastating to watch at times as you learn about some of the unfortunate events that are taking place in the world – but it’s also a good way to stay informed about the world around you. 

6. Somebody Feed Phil

Known for his contributions to the creation of Everybody Loves Raymond , Phil Rosenthal is a simple man trying to widen his horizons by trying cuisine from around the world – and he’s taking you along for the ride. 

Phil is a pretty funny guy, and it shows in the series as he travels to new countries and tries dishes he never would have thought existed.

Phil grew up as a Jewish New Yorker and emphasizes how, because of this, he didn’t get to try many styles of food growing up – which is why he’s so eager to try as many new things as possible now that he’s older. 

This is what adds to his appeal as he is a more relatable food series host than most because he isn’t a master chef or food expert. He is simply an average guy trying new things in new places and telling you how he feels about them. 

So be prepared to find yourself loving every second of his series as you get to experience the world through his eyes and his tastebuds on an endless adventure that only keeps getting better. 

7. Restaurants on the Edge

Keeping with the theme of travel shows that’s main focus revolves around food, Restaurants on the Edge lands a spot as one of the best because of its interesting style and light-hearted approach. 

Unlike other restaurant renovation shows, there aren’t any aggressive interactions or stress-filled encounters but it is instead filled with understanding conversations and uplifting moments. 

Although you won’t be watching a drama that keeps you on the edge of your seat, you will get to be a part of something wonderful as you travel to beautiful new destinations. 

Three hosts take on different roles based on their expertise to help transform restaurants into thriving businesses, with Dennis Prescott as the chef, Nick Liberato as the restaurant guru, and Karin Bohn as the interior designer. 

Although the series is focused on restaurants, there’s an abundance of beautiful clips taken by drones as they circle around towering mountains, flowing rivers, and breathtaking vistas all around the globe. 

The problems with the restaurants, big and small, are looked at for only a moment with a clear focus on the ways things can be improved to create a successful business. 

This kindhearted approach is part of the reason fans have fallen in love with the show as well as that satisfying feeling of watching a local restaurant owner’s dream come true right before their eyes. 

8. Larry Charles’s Dangerous World of Comedy

You can thank Lary Charles’ creative brain for the unique creation of Larry Charles’ Dangerous World of Comedy where you get to explore the world with a focus on something other than food. 

Larry Charles dedicates this show completely to the comedic world and travels around the globe to learn how comedy differs in different areas and the impact it has on the community. 

He doesn’t stop there. While learning about the comedic aspects of the world, he also dives deep into some of the many major issues that countries face to inform his audience of the bigger picture. 

Watch as he travels into some pretty dangerous locations, like active warzones, where he speaks with the soldiers and civilians alike to understand their troubles and how comedy plays a role in their life. 

He also attends a variety of authentic stand-up comedy shows in different countries, which gives the audience some insight into its many differences compared to the typical work you see in the United States.

It is amazing to be able to hear some of the jokes being told, as they’re relevant to the area and provide the audience a break every once in a while from the rather serious segments of the show. 

9. Instant Hotel

Combining two of the world’s favorite things, Airbnbs and reality tv shows, Instant Hotel was an immediate success on Netflix Australia – and the competition is real. 

The basis of the show is to create a nail-biting competition between Airbnb hosts throughout Australia, which will ultimately end with one competitor claiming the title as the best in the country and winning a grand prize of $100,000. 

The creators of the show do a wonderful job picking competitive contestants that are willing to do anything to win and are happy to criticize others without a second thought.

The interactions between these interesting people are what really makes the show – but there’s no denying that seeing some of their beautiful rentals will have you searching on Airbnb for your next vacation. 

Bask in the drama as contestants visit each other’s Airbnbs and provide ratings for location, nearby attractions, comfort, interior design, quality, and more, which will ultimately provide an impact on the judges’ overall scores. 

If you love I nstant Hotel ’s action-filled first season, you’ll love the second even more – as the show tackles a smaller set of contestants to really put the pressure on their eye-catching vacation rentals. 

10. Stateless

Prepare for a whirlwind of emotions as Stateless takes you along for a journey through Australia’s detention camps. The fact that it is based on true events is shockingly disturbing. 

Created as an informative series, Stateless jumps between the viewpoints of four very different characters but the message remains the same. What’s happening here is not okay. 

The first person you meet is a woman named Sofie whose story follows that of Cornelia Rau, a person who was held captive in an Australian detention center for 10 months in 2004 – and you’ll learn about her life after imprisonment. 

Next up is Ameer who is used as a symbol for the thousands of men who suffered a similar fate in such camps. You get to travel with him from his home in Afghanistan on a trip to Pakistan that ultimately leads him here. 

The other two characters, Claire and Cam, are on the other side of the spectrum and give insight into what it was like to work in such camps and keep things under wraps. 

Overall, it is a moving series that emphasizes the severity of the detention camps in Australia in hopes to stop their heinous acts and gives an audience an idea of what is really going on behind closed doors. 

11. Sweet Tooth

To be fair, the storyline behind this quickly growing series is nothing more than fiction – but that doesn’t make the desire to travel to unknown places any less potent as you travel around a post-apocalyptic world. 

This a fantasy series that you won’t be able to take your eyes off of, and it’s not just because of the new era of children who are born with antlers or scaled skin. 

To put it plainly, something in the air has caused all new babies to be born as hybrids with a variety of different animal species – and because of this, havoc breaks loose. 

War breaks out, and the hybrid children that remain are forced into hiding where they must spend the rest of their days. That is until Sweet Tooth’s father passes away and he can’t help but hit the road to see the world. 

Sweet Tooth is a nice boy who just so happened to be born with some deer-like characteristics – and this makes exploring the world a very dangerous task. 

Luckily, he runs into a villain turned soft (by Sweet Tooth’s boy-like charm) who serves as his protector as they head out to explore unknown lands and travel around the country in this strange new world. 

You will be on the edge of your seat as they encounter dangerous situations and locals willing to help throughout their journey through deep forests and abandoned cities. 

12. The Worlds Most Amazing Vacation Rentals

As the name suggests, The Worlds Most Amazing Vacation Rentals takes you around the globe as three very different hosts show you some of the coolest places to stay with a combination of luxury, affordability, and unique style. 

They travel all around the world, and each episode is located in a completely different country. You’ll get to experience three different kinds of vacation rentals picked specifically by the hosts themselves. 

Ortiz is the host that will take you to some of the most luxurious accommodations, whereas Batoon will take you to an affordable place without lacking quality. Franco will find the most unique place the area has to offer. 

All of the members involved in the production of the show do a wonderful job portraying both the vacation rentals and the surrounding area through the use of natural lighting, interesting angles, and the help of a drone. 

Although you won’t learn much about the local culture or the attractions in the area, it will definitely have you interested in checking out these beautiful locations for the scenery and accommodations alone. 

What makes this show stand out is its ability to reach a large variety of audiences as you get to experience a luxurious side and an affordable side of every place they visit. 

13. Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip

Another unique travel show gem is undoubtedly Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip , as it shifts gears from the typical style and focuses almost entirely on antique cars. 

There is no lack of passion as Paul Hollywood shares his irrefutable love for cars of all makes, models, and years as he opens the show with a background on how this obsession came to pass and the impact it had on his childhood. 

Seeing the sense of pure happiness that Paul has with every antique beauty he finds along the way makes the show all that much more enjoyable.

It only makes sense that the first season takes place in Europe, where love for cars has always been apparent and celebrated unlike any other place in the world. 

You’ll get to explore many beautiful cities and countrysides throughout Germany, Italy, and France as Paul meets up with some proud antique car owners to get up close and personal with some one of a kind automobiles. 

Of course, stops are made long the way while in Italy to some of the original car dealerships of iconic companies, like Ferrari, where you get to experience the fast-paced thrill of driving 120 MPH on an open road. 

Even though the series is focused on stunning vehicles, you get to see many of the countries’ popular attractions along the way as Paul drives by them in a new kind of vehicle every time. 

14. Magical Land of Oz

There’s so much to learn about Australia’s diverse wildlife population, and the Magical Land of Oz is here to teach you just that. The 3-part documentary series dives deep into the varying ecosystems that make up Australia while also teaching its audience about the impact humans have on the environment. 

The first episode explores some of the many animals and plants that live on Australia’s mainland, whereas the second episode focuses entirely on life by the water. The third episode is all about the way we affect it all. 

What the series lacks in the narration it makes up for in the unique way it portrays the country’s rare species, and viewers are left amazed by the interesting creatures they never even knew existed. 

You won’t finish this series and become an expert on Australian wildlife, but you will get pretty darn close, as it manages to provide a plethora of information in such a short span of time. 

At the end of the day, the series should be used as a model for other countries as it describes how Australia is one of the few places where extensive pieces of land are dedicated solely to its wildlife and restrict human interaction almost entirely. 

15. Flavorful Origins

The beauty of Flavorful Origins is the way it represents the unfamiliar cuisine of China and leaves you questioning the Americanized version of Chinese food many people know and love. 

Originally filmed in Mandarin, the translated voiceover is not the clearest – but with the insanely detailed shots of decadent foods, it doesn’t have to be. 

All of your attention is focused on the natural ingredients as the camera zooms in to give you a close up of how fresh and tasty every part of a meal can be. 

The show is focused entirely on the Chaoshan region of China, which many people have never even heard of, and this adds to the curiosity to learn more about the cuisine here. 

You’ll find your mouth watering as you admire the carefully created dishes made up of seafood and vegetables and the process it takes to make them. 

Another interesting aspect is that each episode is no more than fifteen minutes long – so it’s incredibly easy to binge-watch or squeeze into a busy schedule. Just make sure to eat something before you start watching or your stomach will be screaming at you for food within seconds of its opening scene. Talk about a foodie’s dream!

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Best Australian shows on Netflix (Binge-worthy TV for 2024)

By: Author Tracy Collins

Posted on Last updated: March 20, 2024

Discover our selection of the best Australian shows on Netflix for some binge-worthy viewing! Plus a little travel inspiration for future travel to and around Australia.

If you are looking for the best Australian series on Netflix you have come to the right place! This selection of Australian TV shows on Netflix will not only provide hours of entertainment but also some jaw-dropping travel inspiration.

Get ready for these ultimate binge-worthy Aussie shows including Australian drama series and even an Australian soap opera or two!

Please bear in mind that not all these shows may be available on Netflix in your location ! If you would like unrestricted access to 15 Netflix libraries around the world (including Australia) we recommend Surfshark VPN. You only need 1 subscription to cover every gadget in your house. Click here for more information about Surfshark

This list contains a guide to recommended Australian shows on Netflix complied in conjunction with travel bloggers from around the world.

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The letdown, the bureau of magical things, secret city, instant hotel, please like me, a place called home.

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Map of Australia with a red pin flag in it.

Best Australian TV series on Netflix

Stateless follows the true story of four persons with very different backgrounds who end up in a detention center for asylum seekers in the desert of Australia.

One is a former airline hostess from Australia who, following a traumatic event, escapes a suburban cult under a fake identity; one is an Afghan asylum seeker who reaches Australia on a boat with his family; one is a bureaucrat following orders coming from higher-ranking officials, and one is a man who finds himself working as a security guard at the detention center. 

When the news that an Australian citizen was wrongly detained, Australia was forced to review its policies of dealing with asylum seekers, looking for a more humane way to treat them.

Boat asylum seekers are now detained in offshore centres where journalists have no access. By all means, Australia is not the only country in the world that employs questionable policies when dealing with migrants and asylum seekers.

The Australian series is truly eye-opening, portraying the lives of people coming from the most different cultures but who, after all, all have the same wish: that of a happy, peaceful life. It’s a sad story that will leave you thinking, but also a message of hope: in a place where none of them belongs, the many detainees find friendship and a new family. 

  • Genre : Drama
  • Date of release : 1 March 2020
  • How many series : One, 6 episodes
  • Starring : Yvonne Strahovski as Sofie Werner; Asher Keddie as Claire Kowitz; Fayssal Bazzi as Ameer; Jai Courtney as Cam Sandford; Marta Dusseldorp as Margot; Dominic West as Gordon; Cate Blanchett as Pat.
  • Where was it filmed in Australia? Port Augusta, South Australian desert. Barton Detention Centre – featured in the series – is called Baxter Detention Centre in real life.

Watched by Claudia Tavani of   My Adventures Across The World

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Discovering she has over 100 brothers and 2 sisters following her father’s deathbed confession that he has used his own sperm in his IVF clinic Julia sets off to meet her siblings. Organising a family gathering she meets her only 2 sisters – one a TV star and the other a lawyer.

This Australian drama series first episode aired in 2017 and has since been remade in America as Almost Family (aired 2019 – 2020 on Fox)

  • Released – 2017
  • Number of episodes – 7 (1 season)
  • Genre – Drama
  • Starring – Lucy Durack.
  • Where was the series filmed in Australia? Melbourne

Offspring is an outstanding Australian TV series about 30-something Nina Proudman and her delightfully dysfunctional family and friends. The show is a dramedy that includes fantasy sequences and flashbacks, making it a total standout.

Nina’s an obstetrician at a hospital in Melbourne. Though she’s a well-educated professional, she’s also a quirky, sometimes insecure, and very real person. The show centers around her crushes and love interests as well as those of her brother and sister and her friends from the hospital. Not to be left out, her divorced and sometimes on-again and off-again parents.

Together, they navigate this thing called life in a modern portrayal—sometimes over the top and other times in a very real and poignant way. Get ready to laugh your butt off.  

  • Genre: Dramedy
  • Date of release : August 15, 2010
  • How many series :  7 seasons from 2010 to 2017
  • Starring: Asher Keddie, Kat Stewart, Matthew Le Nevez 
  • Where was it filmed in Australia? Melbourne

Watched by Sam from My Flying Leap

The Melbourne Skyline features in some Australian shows on Netflix.

Wanted is an Australian drama where two totally opposite strangers, Lola and Chelsea, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They find themselves in complicated circumstances after they witness a murder involving dirty cops at a suburban bus stop.

After a car crashes in front of them, two men shoot the driver dead. One of the attackers has a struggle with Lola, and the gun goes off and kills him. The other attacker takes both girls hostage.

Lola and Chelsea manage to escape, but they are framed for the crime and are pursued by criminals and twisted police officers.  

  • Genre: Crime TV Drama
  • Date Of Release: 2016
  • How many series: 3 seasons (18 episodes)
  • Starring: Rebecca Gibney, Geraldine Hakewill, Kerry Fox
  • Where was it filmed in Australia: The first season was filmed across various locations in Queensland. Subsequent seasons feature locations in South Australia.

Watched by Debbie Fettback from

This is my personal favourite of all Australian TV shows. New Mum Audrey struggles to cope with the demands and expectations of motherhood. After joining a new parents support group we follow the lives of Audrey and her quirky friends as they settle into life as mothers. This is Australian TV at its best – witty, funny and sad but totally reflective of the pressures of modern motherhood.

  • Released – 2018
  • Number of series and episodes – 2 series with 13 episodes
  • Genre – Comedy drama
  • Starring – Alison Bell, Sarah Scheller
  • Where was the series filmed in Australia? Sydney though Adelaide makes an appearance in series 2


A teenager stumbles across a magical realm and discovers fairies, elves and new powers which lead her on a journey to unite the human and magical worlds.

  • Released – 2021
  • Number of episodes – 20
  • Genre – Fantasy
  • Starring – Kimie Tsukakoshi, Julian Cullen, Mia Milnes.
  • Where was the series filmed in Australia? Brisbane and the Gold Coast

Brisbane Storey Bridge.

Canberra may be Australia’s most milquetoast city – but the innocuous veneer of the nation’s capital is the perfect stage set for Secret City , an old-fashioned political thriller with a very new-age theme.

This Australian TV series follows Aussie journalist Harriet Dunkley as she wades through various political conspiracies, cover-ups and scandals. The first season, based on novels by Chris Uhlmann and Steve Lewis, centres on espionage, spyware, and growing tensions between Australia, the US and China. The sequel, a departure from the novels, follows the same main characters as they navigate their way through a military cover-up.

Well-developed characters combined with laconic Australian humour makes this Australian series binge-worthy, while the plot holds a mirror to modern-day politics and comes eerily close to imitating real-life events.

  • Genre: Political thriller
  • Date of release: 2016/2019
  • How many series: 2
  • Starring: Anna Torv, Jackie Weaver, Alex Dimitriades
  • Where was it filmed in Australia? Canberra, ACT

Watched by Emily of Wander-Lush

Aerial view of Canberra

Follow the investigations of a criminal lawyer turned PI Jack Irish. In episode one, Jack is hired to find a missing cop and ends up becoming a murder suspect.

There are also 3 Jack Irish films available to watch on Netflix Australia.

  • Number of series & episodes – 2 seasons & 12 episodes
  • Genre – Crime
  • Starring – Guy Pierce
  • Where was the series filmed in Australia? Melbourne in the suburb of Fitzroy

This captivating Australian drama crime show features detective Tori Lustigman and her partner Nick Manning who try to solve a series of unexplained murders as well as suspicious suicides. The trail leads them to connect the pieces to murders of gay men in the 1980s one of which was detective Lustigman’s younger brother.

Set in Bondi this crime show captivates its audience and leaves you wondering what’s going to happen next. With only four episodes this is a quick watch and will leave you yearning for another season.

  • Genre: Crime
  • Date of Release: 2016
  • How many series : 1
  • Starring: Yael Stone and Noah Taylor
  • Where was it filmed : Sydney/Bondi Beach

Watched by Victoria of  

Bondi Beach.

If you love travelling around Australia and want to feed your wanderlust from home, watching Australian TV shows like “Instant Hotel” on Netflix will be perfect for you!

This reality show features several teams of holiday rental owners. Each team is made up of 2 people. They come from all parts of Australia.

They all go on an overnight trip to each other’s property and rate it using selected criteria such as comfort and local activities.

Not only will you see unique B&Bs but you will also get to discover some of the most beautiful places in Australia. This includes a mix of famous sites, such as Bondi Beach, and hidden gems like Humpty Doo, between Darwin and Kakadu .

The properties are also rated by an interior design expert, Juliet Ashworth.

  • Genre: Reality
  • Date of release: 2017
  • Starring: Juliet Ashworth and  Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
  • Where was it filmed in Australia? Several locations in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory, and Queensland.

Watched by Pauline of BeeLoved City

Please Like Me is an awesome Australian coming-of-age story about a twenty-something called Josh. It’s a combination of comedy and drama which takes you through some interesting events in Josh’s life. The series starts with Josh being dumped by his girlfriend and discover that he is gay. 

The rest of the episodes follow Josh’s life from classic young adult situations to more serious and controversial topics such as homosexuality, suicide, and abortion. 

But what makes Please Like Me such a great Australian TV series is the combination between humor and sensitivity with which these topics are addressed. You will often find yourself laughing, crying, and flabbergasted at the same time. Oh, and let’s not forget listening to the Australian accent and watching the amazing scenery, of course!

  • Genre: Comedy-Drama
  • Date of release : February 28, 2013
  • Number of Episodes: 32 (spread over 4 seasons)
  • Starring: Josh Thomas (Who also wrote the series), Debra Lawrance, David Roberts, Thomas Ward
  • Filming location: Melbourne

Watched by Lara from The Best Travel Gifts

Melbourne skyline.

Australian drama Glitch is about a fictional small town where the policeman James Hayes discovers something mysterious. Seven people that were thought to be dead, return to life in perfect health.

They have no memory of their identity. Nobody knows why this happened, and the people want to know what happened and who they are. They are all linked to each other in a way, but it remains a mystery.

The series covers the search for what happened and why it happened. The policeman James tries to keep the case a secret, but this proves to be difficult.

  • Genre: Drama / paranormal
  • Date of release: 9 July 2015
  • Number of series : 3
  • Starring: Patrick Brammall, Genevieve O’Reilly, Emma Booth, and others.
  • Where was it filmed? Castlemaine, Victoria

Watched by Dymphe of Dymabroad

View over Castlemaine  Australia

I breezed through the Australian TV series A Place to Call Home at the beginning of the pandemic. The story surrounds a nurse returning to Australia in the 1950s after spending the war in Europe.

She connects with the wealthy Bligh family of Ash Park and the following 6 seasons detail their lives, struggles, and triumphs. The acting is superb and the scenery of New South Wales is stunning. A wonderful escape! 

  • Genre: Drama, Historical Fiction
  • Date of release: April 2013
  • How many series: 6 
  • Starring: Marta Dusseldorp, Brett Climo, Noni Hazlehurst
  • Where was it filmed in Australia? The central, fictional home of Ash Park was filmed at Camelot in Camden. They filmed in Camden and the Southern Highlands in New South Wales. 

Watched by Jennifer from

Southern Highlands New South Wales Australia features in the Australian TV series A Place Called Home.

The Australian drama ‘Tidelands’ follows the story of Cal McTeer, who returns to her hometown, the small fishing village of Orphelin Bay, after serving ten years in juvenile detention.

Cal gets in to investigate the secrets of her town when the body of a local fisherman washes ashore. She comes across a commune of outcasts known as ‘Tidelanders’ who are siren-human hybrids amidst her investigation.

The Tidelanders are shown to have superhuman strength and speed, along with the ability to control water and breath underwater. Their leader, the mysterious Adrielle Cuthbert, vows to protect her tribe from exposure.

The story revolves around some really interesting characters, and the supernatural touch makes it a good Australian series to binge on!

  • Genre : Mystery/Supernatural
  • Date of release: 14 December 2018
  • How many seasons: 1
  • Starring: Charlotte Best, Elsa Pataky, Marco Pigossi, Aaron Jakubenko and Mattias Inwood
  • Where in Australia: Queensland and North Stradbroke Island

Watched by Neethu of OurBackPackTales

Stradbroke Island Australia

Rake’s lead character Cleaver Green, is a brilliant lawyer with a self-destructive tendency and numerous addictions. He tends to take on “lost” criminal cases of guilty clients that no other lawyer is willing to take on.

From a self-proclaimed cannibal to a bigamist, Cleaver will represent them all, and usually manage to eventually win their case. Outside of the courtroom, life is not a stroll in the park. His creditors are impatient to get their money back after he gambled it away. He struggles to resist his urge to take drugs and is not doing a great job as a father figure, as far as his son and ex-wife are concerned. Cleaver is deceitful, cynical, but undeniably charming and endearing.

Richard Roxburgh , who plays the lead character (who also created this Australian TV series) has a strong Australian accent and a sometimes unusually high pitched tone. At the same time, he is charismatic in a way that in my opinion is indisputable, making the whole series worth every minute of viewing. The series will appeal to anyone who loves complex “Bad Boy” characters and surprising plot twists.

  • Genres : Comical Drama, Legal Drama, Political Satire
  • Date of release: 2010
  • How many seasons : 5 seasons
  • Starring : Richard Roxburgh, Matt Day, Adrienne Pickering.

– Where was it filmed in Australia? The series is set in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Watched by Adi Ben Ezer of Adi Sees World

For the kids – Izzy’s Koala World

Izzy’s Koala World is a kids’ documentary series on Netflix Australia telling the story of Izzy, a young wildlife warrior living on Magnetic Island with her parents. Izzy and her mum (who is a vet) take care of injured and sick koalas and nurse them back to health before releasing them back into the wild. 

The show highlights the incredible natural beauty of island life, while also shining a light on the plight of protecting koala habitats and taking care of our native wildlife.

The series of eight episodes was released in 2020 and hopefully, more will follow as the series does a great job of inspiring the next generation of conservationists. My 8-year-old daughter has watched the series four times already and she now wants to be a wildlife vet when she grows up after watching it! 

It’s a great watch for nature-loving kids. 

Watched by Karen of Smart Steps to Australia

A Koala in a tree many Australian animals such as the koala appear in Australian shows on Netflix.

Enjoy all those Australian TV shows on Netflix!

For more Netflix series (and your next Netflix binge) check out these articles:

  • Best Italian TV series on Netflix & Amazon Prime to watch now!
  • Best French Movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime
  • 25 Must-Watch British TV Series (& where they are set)
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  • Best Spanish TV series on Netflix
  • 39 travel movies to inspire wanderlust
  • Best French TV series to watch on Netflix
  • Best German Movies on Netflix

For more travel inspiration for Australia check out these articles:

  • Australia Travel Guide – everything you need to know about visiting Australia
  • Queensland bucket list – 23 must see places in Australia’s Sunshine State
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Australia
  • Australian movies on Netflix

13 Best Travel Shows on Netflix to Watch in Australia in 2022

Joshua Garner

  • Last updated: 9 May, 2023


Table of Contents

Are you a travel junkie who also loves watching Travel shows? You’ll probably be looking for the best travel shows on Netflix to watch right now in Australia. There are many great travel shows, but picking the best ones isn’t always easy. However, this article has some of the best!

So what are travel shows? A travel show is a tv program that follows one or more hosts as they explore different travel destinations. They offer tips and information about the places they visit. Travel shows usually have a theme or focus on a particular type of travel, such as budget or luxury.

Netflix is the largest online movie and TV show streaming service, with over 220 million subscribers in over 190 countries . It has a wide variety of content, including many Netflix travel series, grouped into different regions.

For instance, you can watch Japanese Netflix in Australia  using the best VPN for Netflix AU . However, sadly there is no Netflix free trial in Australia because it was discontinued. Though, you can still buy a subscription, and Netflix costs as low as 14.44AUD or US$9.99 for the basic package.

Some of these shows are classic, while others are new releases that will give you a hint on what to do on your next vacation.

What are the Best Travel Shows on Netflix in Australia 2022?

Whether you are looking for romantic getaways or lost civilizations, there is something for everyone on this list. This article will discuss 13 of the best travel shows on Netflix Australia for anyone who loves to travel. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to travel the world from your living room.

Here are the best travel series on Netflix for you to binge-watch right now in Australia;

Dark Tourist (2018)


Genre: Documentary

Director: David Farrier, Dylan Reeve

Writer: David Farrier, Dylan Reeve

Cast: David Farrier, Scott Michaels, Christian Wolf

IMDb Rating: 7.5/10

Dark Tourist is a 2018 documentary series that explores some of the world’s most unusual tourist destinations.

From a nuclear disaster site in Japan to a voodoo festival in Haiti, the show looks at the dark side of tourism and what draws people to these places.

The series is directed by David Farrier and Dylan Reeve and features interviews with locals, tourists, and experts on the subject. It’s an exciting look at the phenomenon of “dark tourism” and why some people are drawn to these places. It is one of the best series on Netflix Australia .

Magical Andes (2019 – )


Director: Luis Ara, Alexandra Hardor

Writer: Luis Ara, Alexandra Hardorf

Cast: Sascha Rotermund

IMDb Rating: 7.8/10

Magical Andes is a 2019 6-part documentary that showcases the landscape and people living in Andes mountain in Southern America.

It features countries including Chile, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia. It is one of the best documentaries on Netflix in Australia.

The show is directed by Luis Ara and Alexandra Hardorf and features many interviews with locals as they go about their everyday lives. It has beautiful cinematography that captures the stunning scenery and will make you want to book a trip to see it for yourself.

Restaurants On The Edge (2019 – )


Genre: Reality TV

Director: Martin Buzora, Justin Harding, Rob Brunner

Writer: Courtney Hazlett

Cast: Elias, Nick Liberato, Karin Bohn, Micah Kamohoalii, Dennis Prescott

IMDb Rating: 6.8/10

Restaurants On The Edge is a 2019 Canadian reality TV show that follows three professional chefs as they travel to remote locations to help struggling restaurants.

They do this by connecting the restaurants with the local culture behind some gorgeous views. It involves a lot of cooking and drama as the chef’s butt heads with each other.

The show is in its second season and has started gaining a lot of popularity. It is a great show for anyone who loves food and travel in Australia.

Street Food Collection (2019 – )


Director: Various

Writer: David Gelb, Brian McGinn

Cast: Philip Hersh, Chawadee Nualkhair, Caitlyn Elizabeth

IMDb Rating: 7.0/10

Street Food is a 2019 collection of 9 documentary-style short Netflix travel series from around the world that focus on popular street food and the vendors who make it.

It features vendors from countries such as Thailand, Taiwan, India, Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia. The show is directed by various directors and features many interviews with vendors and locals.

It has beautiful cinematography that captures street food’s vibrant colors and flavors. It is one of the best travel shows on Netflix for foodies who want to learn about global cuisine.

Street Food: USA (2022)


Director: Daniel Milder, Suzy Beck, Tamara Rosenfeld

Cast: Bill Esparza, J.J. Johnson, Lanai Tabura, Carlos Frias, Karen Brooks

IMDb Rating: 6.9/10

Street Food: USA is among the Netflix travel documentaries 2022 exploring the street food scene in America. It will be directed by Daniel Milder and Suzy Beck and will feature interviews with some of the country’s most popular street food vendors.

The series will also explore the history and culture of street food and how it has evolved over time.

It is one of the best travel shows on Netflix because it will show you a side of America that you may not have known existed. Street Food: USA is among the new travel shows on Netflix you can watch right now in Australia.

Accomplice (2021)


Director: Jeremy Grant

Writer: Jeremy Grant

Cast: Graham Agassiz, Garett Buehler , Paul Basagoitia, Jason Hanold, Paul Genovese

IMDb Rating: 7.2/10

Another one in the list of the best travel shows on Netflix, Accomplice (2021) is a traveling documentary featuring the world’s top riders as they explore some of the most iconic and challenging terrains.

The film follows their journey as they attempt to ride lines that have never been ridden. Accomplice is among the best Netflix travel shows.

It is directed by Jeremy Grant and features stunning cinematography that will leave you in awe. The film is sure to inspire anyone who loves adventure and travel.

Instant Hotel (2017 – )


Genre: Reality-TV

Director: N/A

Writer: N/A

Cast: Juliet Ashworth, Terry Brouwers, Luke Jacobz, Serena Dc, Anita Bocquee

IMDb Rating: 7.3/10

Instant Hotel is an Australian reality TV show aired on Seven Network in 2017. The show follows couples who own and operate hotels around Australia as they compete to be crowned the best Instant Hotel.

The show is hosted by Luke Jacobz and features a panel of judges who visit each hotel and rate them on various criteria.

The show is a great way to see some of Australia’s most unique hotels and get an insight into running a successful business. Don’t miss this if you are in search of the best travel shows on Netflix.

Stay Here (2018 – )


Cast: Genevieve Gorder, Michelle Young, Peter Lorimer

Stay Here is one of the travel programs on Netflix you can watch in 2022. The show follows interior designer Genevieve Gorder and real estate expert Peter Lorimer as they help homeowners turn their rental properties into money-making vacation rentals.

The show is full of tips and tricks on making your rental stand out and attract guests, as well as advice on what to do and what not to do to be a successful vacation rental owner.

If you’re thinking of renting out your home or are just interested in learning more about the business, this is the show for you.

Somebody Feed Phil (2018)


Director: John Bedolis

Writer: John Bedolis, Rich Rosenthal, Phil Rosenthal

Cast: Philip Rosenthal, Judy Gold, Monica Horan, Julia Reed, Lily Rosenthal

IMDb Rating: 8.2/10

Somebody Feed Phil is among the food travel shows on Netflix hosted by comedian Philip Rosenthal. In each episode, Rosenthal goes to a different city and explores the local food scene with the help of a guide.

He also visits various landmarks and attractions and interviews locals to get their insights into the city.

The show is shot in a light-hearted and comedic style, making it an enjoyable watch for all. It is one of the best TV shows on Netflix for foodies and travel lovers of Australia.

Tales by Light (2015 – )


Director: Abraham Joffe

Writer: Abraham Joffe

Cast: Art Wolfe, Jonathan Scott, Angela Scott, Stephen Dupont, Eric Cheng, Eric Cheng

IMDb Rating: 8.3/10

Tales by Light is a documentary series that follows photographers worldwide as they capture stories through their lenses.

Each episode features a different photographer with a unique style and takes viewers on a visual journey to some of the most remote and beautiful locations on earth.

The show is narrated by Australian actor Joel Edgerton and features stunning photography and incredible stories. This is one of the best shows if you’re interested in photography or travel and adventure.

The above are some of the best travel shows on Netflix you can watch right now in Australia. As you can see from the list, there is a little something for everyone when it comes to travel shows.

Whether you are looking for something to make you laugh, or something to inspire your next trip, there is definitely a show on this list that will do the trick.

The good thing is that you can stream all these Netflix travel documentaries 2022 in the comfort of your home, on Netflix. So what are you waiting for? Start watching one of these shows today and get inspired for your next great adventure.

You can get American Netflix in Australia to enjoy all the titles. Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection so you can enjoy your travel shows to the fullest.

Joshua Garner

Joshua calls himself nerd+geek who is also passionate about rugby. He enjoys comics, animes, and science fiction. He finds his comfort in writing about suspense, thrillers and science fiction shows and movies.

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Travel Guides Season 7

Travel guides.

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Everything you need to know about Travel Guides 2023

Pack your bags and don't forget your passport this time, because Travel Guides is returning for a world tour.

The sixth season of the Logie Award-winning show will feature all-new overseas adventures when it premieres on Wednesday April 19 at 7:30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

Stream new episodes of Travel Guides on 9Now.

While you can expect spectacular international destinations and the same hilarious antics there is one change coming to the Aussie favourite...

Travel Guides 2023

In 2023 we're welcoming a new Guide and he's sure to bring a lot of fun to the show.

Who are the Travel Guides cast?

The all-new season of Travel Guides sees the return of our favourite travel critics: the budget-hunting Fren family from Newcastle, fun-loving Matt and Brett , jetsetters Kevin and Janetta , and best mates Kev, Dorian and Teng .

But there is one beloved duo that's getting a bit of a shakeup.

While cowgirl Mel takes time off to be with her gorgeous new baby, twin sister Stack is joined by their younger brother, Josh.

READ MORE: The Travel Guides head to Louisiana as their USA road trip continues

Stack, Josh and Mel, Travel Guides 2023

Josh has never been overseas before, and he has packed an extra pair of jocks along with his passport.

Like his sisters, Josh is a true-blue country boy who will no doubt struggle with the lingo, the customs and the crowds in foreign lands. But lucky for him, he is just as game as the girls and will give anything a crack.

READ MORE: First look at new season of Travel Guides

How can I watch Travel Guides ?

Season 6 of Travel Guides will premiere on Wednesday April 19, at 7:30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

To make sure you don't miss out on a minute of all the fun, you can catch up on every episode for free on  9Now .

What can we expect from this season of Travel Guides ?

The new Travel Guides sneak peek gives us a little glimpse of what's in store for the new season.

The trailer promises a lineup of "spectacular new places" including Vanuatu, Malaysia, Morocco, Great Britain, Finland, South Africa – just to name a few. With such a jam-packed itinerary, there'll be no time to slow down.

And the Guides are back with their 'all or nothing' attitude, throwing themselves into the most outrageous situations.

Teng can be seen dangling over the edge of a mammoth waterfall while Matt and Brett tumble over dogsledding in the snow – and that's just the start of it.

Travel Guides 2022 Stack and Mel

Travel Guides Season 6 will premiere on Wednesday April 19, at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

You can stream complete seasons of Travel Guides for free on 9Now.

travel shows in australia

  • Kevin And Janetta
  • Kev Dorian And Teng
  • Stack And Mel
  • Matt And Brett
  • Stack And Josh
  • Travel Guides 2023

Auto news: The newest ute coming to Aussie shores.

Zebedee Springs, The Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Australia Recommends 2024

Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Come and Say G'day

Uluru, NT

G'day, the short film

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria © Tourism Australia

Discover your Australia

Kangaroo Island, South Australia © Tourism Australia

Travel videos

Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD © Tourism Australia

Deals and offers

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australian Capital Territory

Bondi, Sydney, NSW © Georges Antoni and Ken Butti

New South Wales

West MacDonnell Ranges, NT © Tourism Australia

Northern Territory

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism Australia

South Australia

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Western Australia

Aerial shot of Emily Bay on Norfolk Island © Rose Evans (Norfolk Island Tourism)

External Territories

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW ©  Daniel Tran

The Whitsundays

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Mornington Peninsula

Paddleboarding, Noosa, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Port Douglas

Cape Byron Lighthouse, Byron Bay, NSW © Destination NSW

Ningaloo Reef

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, QLD © Tourism Whitsundays

Airlie Beach

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. © South Australian Tourism Commission

Kangaroo Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island

Lake McKenzie, K’gari (Fraser Island), QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

Hamilton Island

Lord Howe Island, NSW © Trevor King, Destination New South Wales

Lord Howe Island

Tiwi Design, Tiwi Islands © Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

Tiwi Islands

Little penguins, Phillip Island Nature Park, VIC © Phillip Island Nature Park

Phillip Island

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Bruny Island

Cape Naturaliste, near Dunsborough, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Margaret River

St Hugo Wines, Barossa Valley, SA © Tourism Australia

Barossa Valley

Grampians National Park, Victoria © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

The Grampians

Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, NSW © Audrey Wilkinson

Hunter Valley

Dominique Portet Winery, Yarra Valley, VIC © Tourism Australia

Yarra Valley

Sea turtle, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

McLaren Vale

Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Glass House Mountains

Bubble Tents, Capertree, Mudgee Region, NSW © Australian Traveller

Alice Springs

Cable Beach, Broome, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and

  • Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

Waterline Charters, Wessel Islands, NT © Aussie Fly Fisher

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW

  • Backpacking

Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

Work and holiday

Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

Beginner's guide

Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Accessible travel

 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Planning tips

travel shows in australia

Trip planner

Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

Australian budget guide

 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

Itinerary planner

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

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Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

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Indian Pacific, Lake Hart, SA © Andrew Gregory

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Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

Visitor information centres

Deals and travel packages

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Visa and entry requirements FAQ

Passengers using SmartGate © Australian Border Force

Customs and biosecurity

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

Working Holiday Maker visas

Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Facts about Australia

Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Experiences that will make you feel like an Aussie

Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

People and culture

Castle Hill, Townsville, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Health and safety FAQ

Sorrento Pier, VIC © Visit Victoria, Ewen Bell

Cities, states & territories

Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

Iconic places and attractions

  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

Seasonal travel

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

Events and festivals

Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

School holidays

Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

Public holidays

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

How to get to Australia's most iconic cities

Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

How long do I need for my trip to Australia?

Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

How to travel around Australia

Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

Guide to driving in Australia

Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


Come and say G'day

Come and say G'day

Uluru, Northern Territory © Tourism Australia

Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

15 places to Come and Say G'day in 2024

Unique experiences.

Heart Reef, the Whitsundays, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Things to do

Explore Australia's natural landmarks

Ningaloo Reef, Coral Coast, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Swim with Australian marine life

Heli Pub Crawl, Airborne Solutions, Darwin, Northern Territory © Liam Neal

Australia's unique dining experiences

Cape to Cape Track, Margaret River, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Is the Cape to Cape Walk Australia's most luxurious hike?

Top places to go.

Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary, Arkaroola, Flinders Ranges, SA © Tourism Australia

Why Australia is The Best Overseas Adventure Travel Destination

Two people with limited mobility adaptive skiing with instructors down a snow-covered mountain in Thredbo, Snowy Mountains, New South Wales © Tourism Australia

The best ski resorts in Australia

Kangaroo Point picnic, Brisbane, QLD © Brisbane Marketing

Brisbane / Meeanjin

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism Australia

Rose Byrne’s top 5 Australian destinations

True North, King George Falls, Kimberley, Western Australia © True North

The best Australian cruise destinations

The Ghan, Port Augusta, South Australia © Journey Beyond

Luxury train vacations in Australia

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Sydney / Warrane

Gold Coast, Queensland © Tourism Australia

The Gold Coast

Darwin, Northern Territory © Tourism Australia

Darwin / Gulumerrdgen

Blue boats sitting on the calm water of Hobart Harbour in Hobart, Tasmania © Adam Gibson

Hobart / nipaluna

Elizabeth Quay, Perth, WA © Tourism Australia

Perth / Boorloo

Mia Margarita, Adelaide, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Adelaide / Tarntanya

Melbourne, Victoria © Ray Captures

Melbourne / Narrm

Canberra, ACT © Tourism Australia

The best beaches in Australia

Leighton Beach, near Fremantle, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Perth's best beaches

Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Queensland © Jamie MacFadyen, Tourism Australia

The Sunshine Coast

The Boathouse Palm Beach, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Esperance / Kepa Kurl

Whale shark swimming at Ningaloo Reef © Tourism Western Australia

Ningaloo / Nyinggulu

Shark Beach, Nielsen Park, Sydney, New South Wales © Andrew Gregory / Destination NSW

Sydney's secret beaches

Pumpkin Island, Capricorn, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Private island vacations in Australia

Orpheus Island Lodge, Orpheus Island, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

7 luxurious island resorts on the Great Barrier Reef

Tangalooma Wrecks, Moreton Island, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Moreton Island / Mulgumpin

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Heron Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island / Wadjemup

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Romantic getaways in Australia's countryside

People dining outside at Mountain View Hotel in King Valley © Mountain View Hotel

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Kata Tjuta, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Jason Charles Hill

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Van driving on a dirt road between pink Lake MacDonnell and Green Lake in the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia © Jaxon Foale

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Optus Stadium, Perth, WA © Tourism Western Australia

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Pt. Leo Estate, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria © Visit Victoria

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Person using a mobility device with another person walking beside them approaching the Sydney Opera House with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background in Sydney, New South Wales © Destination NSW

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Tilligerry Habitat Reserve, Tanilba Bay, NSW © Rob Mulally

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Aurora Australis, Tasmania © Luke Tscharke

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Babinda Boulders, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Katie Purling/Tourism and Events Queensland

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Australian Coastal Safaris, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia © Tourism Australia

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Aerial view looking towards Whitehaven Beach from Hill Inlet in the Whitsundays ©  Tourism and Events Queensland

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Couple look out at Curtis Falls waterfall in Tamborine National Park © Destination Gold Coast

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Two sea lions on the beach at Seal Bay Conservation Park in Kangaroo Island © Exceptional Kangaroo Island

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Great Barrier Reef, Heron Island, QLD © Paul Giggle, Tourism and Events Queensland

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Woman sits on rock beside rockpool at Mossman Gorge © Tourism and Events Queensland

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Mossman Gorge Centre, Daintree, Queensland © Kristi O'Brien

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Newtown Hotel, Newtown, Sydney NSW © City of Sydney, Katherine Griffiths

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Sydney New Years Eve, Sydney Harbour, New South Wales © City of Sydney

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Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

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Art Mob, Hobart, Tasmania © Art Mob

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Brunch served at The Kettle Black cafe in Melbourne © Visit Victoria

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West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Sean Scott

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Empress Falls, Blue Mountains, New South Wales © Jake Anderson

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Mountain biking, Maria Island National Park, TAS © Flow Mountain Bike

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Waterline Charters, Wessel Islands, NT © Aussie Fly Fisher

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Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

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12 Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Visit Victoria

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Snapper Rocks, Gold Coast, Queensland © Destination Gold Coast

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Perisher Ski Village, Snowy Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

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Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel, Cairns, Queensland © Tourism Tropical North Queensland

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Family exploring the Pinnacles, Nambung National Park in Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia/David Kirkland

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Warner Brothers Movie World, Gold Coast, Queensland © Destination Gold Coast

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Rock Pools at Burleigh Heads, Gold Coast, QLD © Tourism Australia

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Clarkes Beach, Byron Bay, New South Wales © Destination NSW

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Kimo Estate, Gundagai, New South Wales © Matt Beaver Photography

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Pumphouse Point, Lake St Clair, TAS © Emilie Ristevski

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Airborne Solutions Helicopter Tours, Darwin, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Tourism Australia

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Uluru, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Lola Hubner

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Turners Beach, Yamba, NSW © Destination NSW

Tips for solo travellers

Hemingway's Brewery Cairns Wharf, Cairns, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

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Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

A handy guide to the Australian lifestyle

Florence Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Liam Neal

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Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays, QLD © Jason Hill, Tourism and Events Queensland

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Vivid Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales © Destination NSW

Australia’s best events

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

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Margaret River Pro ©

12 Australian sports events worth travelling for

Sydney Oyster Farm Tours, Mooney Mooney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Australia’s sustainable food and drink experiences

Couple dining at Dier Makr restaurant in Hobart © Osborne Images

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Maybe Sammy, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

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Young Henrys, Sydney, New South Wales © Young Henrys

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Native ingredients on a table at Ayers Rock Resort © Voyages

Australia’s native ingredients and where to try them

Seafood platter, NSW © Destination NSW

Typical Aussie foods to try

Tali Wiru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory © Tourism Australia

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Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

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Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD © Tourism Australia

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9 Ways to Eat Like a Local in Sydney

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The Sydney Opera House

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Shock moment airline worker falls out of plane door after ground crew moved stairs without him realising

Shocking footage has captured the moment an airline worker fell from a plane door and onto the runway after a colleague removed the stairs without him realising.

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Pilot dead after plane ejection seat went off

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Boeing engine catches fire in wild footage

Dramatic footage shows the moment an airline worker plunged from a plane and crashed onto the runway.

The unsuspecting crew member had no idea the stepladder had been moved away as he stepped off the jet at Jakarta Airport in Indonesia, The Sun reports.

Flight crew were preparing the TransNuse Airbus for takeoff when the unnamed man fell.

Shocking video appears to show him talking to someone inside the plane.

Airline worker plummets out of plane door as staff remove stairs

As he was still distracted by the conversation, he began stepping outside.

But the staffer failed to notice his colleagues were already moving the stepladder away from the boarded aircraft.

He then loses his footing, plummeting several feet to the runway.

The worker landed on his back on the harsh tarmac, dropping a number of sheets of paper in the process.

Horrified onlookers can be heard shouting in the background as his co-workers rushed to help him.

It is understood the man suffered several injuries – but none life-threatening.

According to reports, the incident was in violation of aviation rules that dictate the mobile ladder should not be removed until the aircraft’s doors are closed.

Jakarta airport authorities said they are investigating the accident.

They assured preventive measures would be taken to avoid similar cases in the future.

In another airport incident in Indonesia, a Boeing plane was forced to turn back after flames were spotted shooting from the engine during takeoff.

Onlookers could be heard shouting as the man fell to the ground. Picture: Jam Press

Frightening footage showed streaks of orange flames blasting from the jet as it took to the air with 450 passengers on board.

The latest blunder for Boeing comes as the company faces questions over several concerning incidents in recent months thanks to malfunctions on its planes.

The Garuda Indonesia flight – also carrying 18 crew members – was bound for Medina in Saudi Arabia but had to land back at Makassar, Indonesia.

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Many of those on board the Boeing 747-400 aircraft were due to take part in the Hajj annual pilgrimage in Mecca.

The aircraft immediately returned to the airport after “fire was observed in one of the engines”, a Garuda Indonesia spokesman said.

This article originally appeared in The Sun and has been reproduced with permission.

A dad and his two adult children were killed when the small plane they were in broke apart in the air – just days before an important milestone.

An instructor pilot has died after an ejector seat went off during ground operations.

Scary footage has captured the moment flames shot out of a Boeing engine just as it was about to take off, with 450 passengers on board.

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' class=

We’ve just identified that if we travel to Chile on our AU passports then we need to pay a visa fee of $187AUD. We’ve already done the application but haven’t yet paid the fee as we found out that if we travel on our EU passports then there is a visa free entry granted for up to 90 days.

My questions are this:

*Do we need to contact the airlines (both for flights departing and returning AU and flights internally in STH America) to update our passport information for the tickets OR is it simply ok to show them the EU passports at the desk for them to check we are approved to enter the country?

*If we show the EU passports at the check in at Sydney (and for return flight from Santiago) can we still use our AU passport to leave Sydney and re-enter Australia at immigration?

*I understand we will need to ensure we use the EU passports when entering and leaving chile

*What happens to our visa application if we don’t pay? Does it just lapse and expire?

Is there anything else we need to know for this or other tips?

Many thanks!

3 replies to this topic

' class=

Just show your EU passport at check in.

Yes you still use AUS passport to exit and enter AUS.

No idea about the visa application, maybe email them to cancel it.

' class=

People use multiple passports when travelling all the time. It's not a big deal.

Yea use your Aus passports to exit and enter Australia.

You don't need to contact anyone.

Your visa application will expire. Don't worry.

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Amsterdam, Singapore, London ... top destinations on Indian travellers' list this summer

Among the top 10 international destinations chosen by Indians to travel to this summer, three places are in Australia - Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane read more

Amsterdam, Singapore, London ... top destinations on Indian travellers' list this summer

Summers in most parts of India are excruciatingly unbearable, with mercury in some places shooting over 50 degree Celsius. Schools declare long summer holidays and many people pack their bags to travel to cooler places with several opting for overseas trips.

For Indian travellers, the top three summer holiday destinations in 2024 are Amsterdam, Singapore and London, according to Mastercard Economics Institute’s “travel trends 2024: breaking boundaries” report.   

Where most Indians are travelling in Summer of 2024?

Among the top 10 international destinations chosen by most Indians to travel to this summer three are in Australia, while two are in Germany.

Following is the list of international cities which are trending destinations for June-August this year where demand of Indian travellers is gaining momentum. The report said these are as measured by the change in share of flight bookings.

1 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

2 - Singapore, Singapore

3 - London, United Kingdom

4 - Frankfurt, Germany

5 - Melbourne, Australia

6 - Bali, Indonesia

7 - Montreal, Canada

8 - Sydney, Australia

9 - Brisbane, Australia

10 - Munich, Germany

Why are more Indians exploring international destinations for vacation?

The report said, “a growing middle class and expanded route capacity” have seen more Indians travelling to different countries for holidays.

The first three months of calendar year 2024 (January, February and March) saw 9.7 crore air travellers. “Just 10 years ago, the same figure would have taken a whole year to achieve," the report said.

The US dollar gaining strength over the Indian rupee is making international trips more expensive for travellers from India, but their hopes have not dampened.   

“This trend signifies a major shift in Indian travel habits towards widespread exploration and discovery," it said.   

The report also said airports in India saw 9.7 crore passengers, domestic and international combined, in January-March 2024.   

In March this year, domestic travel was 21 per cent higher, while international travel was 4 per cent more than the same month in pre-pandemic 2019, the report said.

“Indian travelers are increasingly exploring key markets, with a 53 per cent, 248 per cent and 59 per cent surge in visits to Japan, Vietnam, the US, respectively, compared to 2019," it further said.

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How Does Outer Range's Time Travel Work? I Asked Josh Brolin And The Showrunner About It, And Their Answers Are Super Helpful

Let's talk about time travel and that black hole.

Mild spoilers for Season 2 of Outer Range are ahead. If you haven’t seen the show, you can stream it right now with an Amazon Prime subscription . 

If time travel is involved, you know the story is going to be really complicated. However, when you don’t know exactly how the time travel system works, that’s where a real mystery begins. Outer Range has intentionally kept its rules of time travel ambiguous, creating a major question for both its characters and viewers. However, when I interviewed Josh Brolin and showrunner Charles Murray ahead of the series release on the 2024 TV schedule , they told me a bit about how the dark hole that sends its characters through time works generally, and it’s so helpful. 

For context, in many of the best time travel movies , the rules of traveling through time are typically laid out. In Back to the Future time travel is done by Doc and Marty picking when they want to go in the DeLorean. From time-traveling comedies like Hot Tub Time Machine to superhero time-jumping movies like X-Men: Days of Future Past , there are rules to how it works and what it impacts which are fairly clear. 

All of this isn’t obvious in Outer Range , which is the point. All we know is that when a character goes in the time travel hole they come out at a different time with no way of knowing why that time was chosen or if they’ll get back. However, Josh Brolin and Charles Murray gave me the lowdown.  

Cecilia Abbott and Royal Abbott looking into the hole with horses standing behind them in Outer Range.

Josh Brolin Explains How The Hole Decides Where A Person Lands

Since Josh Brolin is the star, executive producer and a director of Outer Range , he’s played a big role in developing time travel in the show. The actor behind Royal – the character who has used the portal the most times – started explaining how it works by recalling his character’s experience with it, he told CinemaBlend:

Well, everybody can only go by their own experience. I mean, he's jumped in a hole, you know, consumed by shame, and was spit out at another time. And then luckily, [he] was brought on by these people and raised and all this stuff. So what it represents for him is something where he comes from is this shame.

Royal fell through the hole as a child after accidentally killing his father. He lands on Cecelia’s family farm and he grows up there. For other characters, the hole takes them back into the past. For example, Joy was taken back to the 1880s, where she lived with a Native American tribe. 

Unlike some projects about time travel, in Outer Range, you can’t decide when you go. The black hole decides where the person falling ends up. According to Brolin, that time is determined by what the person falling needs to confront. The Dune actor explained this point further, telling me:


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I think it was really fun to get more specific with it. And the hole seems to have revealed itself to be this thing that makes you deal with the thing that you least want to deal with. So it puts you in a scenario you think you may want to be in. But it confronts you most with the thing that you're trying to avoid the most. That's what I think it is.

Along with Royal and Joy, Perry, Royal’s oldest son, also went in the hole and ended up in the time when his father was in his late 20s to early 30s. While there he faces the consequences of jumping into the hole, and he learns more about his father’s origins. To this point, Brolin told me that the hole decides where people go, and it helps them re-examine their lives right when they need it:

It's an opportunity for me to look at another aspect of myself and have a different maybe a shift in perception about how I'm going about living this life.

Considering when everyone who has fallen into the hole has ended up, these ideas make a lot of sense. What helps even more is when you mix Brolin’s comments with the showrunner’s which address the emotions and science behind time travel in Outer Range and how they use it to enhance the stories. 

Joy and Falling Star looking at each other in the 1880s in Season 2 of Outer Range.

Outer Range’s Showrunner Breaks Down How They Use Science To Back Up Emotional Stories

When I asked Charles Murray, the showrunner for Outer Range Season 2, how they developed the time travel in the show, he noted that they consulted a lot of people who work in science as well as folks who deeply understand science fiction. He said:

We had an astrophysicist in the room: Dagny Looper. And we had, you know, sci-fi heads. And then we had historical people who love history, and we just kind of talked about what was ‘fact’ from a science perspective. Then we kind of leapt from there to wherever we wanted to deal with something emotionally, right?

Murray went on to tell me that when you think about time and memories there are moments where “it feels like it’s happening as you’re remembering it.” Then there are other instances where somebody has to remind you about something. No matter what though, emotions are tied to these memories. So, when it came to the stories in Outer Range and the time travel in the show, they wanted it to be a vehicle for the characters to face their feelings and internal struggles. The showrunner said:

So we decided that we would deal with time, kind of based on what Josh said, about the first season about the hole. Metaphorically, it was a man who had to go into this hole to deal with his own issues.

Tom Pelphrey covered in sludge from the black hole in Outer Range.

This helps us understand why Perry and Joy ended up when they did. Both of them had to face themselves and their personal fears and demons. Royal has also been doing the same thing in the present. To this point, Murray told me this is possible because they used this sci-fi device to tell an emotional story:

So we took whatever science fact we had, and butted right up against where we needed to be emotionally in these episodes, so that the time in the portal on the other side of the portal, back on this side of it would affect the character so that we could grow conflict from it.

Obviously, there are still a ton of questions surrounding time travel on Outer Range -- especially in regard to the mineral from the hole, if traveling to the past impacts the present, and why it opens and closes at seemingly random times . 

The sci-fi Western is very thought-provoking , and it’s because it doesn’t obviously give you answers to questions like: How does time travel work? However, Josh Brolin and Charles Murray’s explanations of it help us better understand why various characters end up when they do. 

To see how the time travel system in Outer Range has evolved, you can stream all of Seasons 1 and 2 on Amazon Prime. 

Riley Utley

Riley Utley is the Weekend Editor at CinemaBlend. She has written for national publications as well as daily and alt-weekly newspapers in Spokane, Washington, Syracuse, New York and Charleston, South Carolina. She graduated with her master’s degree in arts journalism and communications from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. Since joining the CB team she has covered numerous TV shows and movies -- including her personal favorite shows  Ted Lasso  and  The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel . She also has followed and consistently written about everything from Taylor Swift to  Fire Country , and she's enjoyed every second of it.

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3 surfers from Australia and the U.S. were killed in Mexico's Baja California. Here's what we know.

Updated on: May 7, 2024 / 4:08 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Two Australians and an American were doing what they loved on the stunning, largely isolated stretch of Baja California's Pacific coast. Their last images on social media showed them sitting and gazing at the waves.

What happened to end their lives may have been as random as a passing pickup truck full of people with ill intent. The  surfers were shot in the head , their bodies dumped in a covered well miles away. Here's what we know:

Who were the victims?

Brothers Jake and Callum Robinson from Australia and American Jack Carter Rhoad had apparently stopped to surf the breaks between Punta San José, about 50 miles south of Ensenada, and La Bocana, further north on the coast.

Callum Robinson's Instagram page showed several images from the trio's Mexico trip: enjoying beers with their feet up in a bar, lazing in a jacuzzi, eating roadside tacos, looking out at the surf.

Mexico Missing Foreigners

Callum, who was six-foot-four, had played in the U.S. Premier Lacrosse League, which left a  message on its website  saying the lacrosse world was "heartbroken by the tragic loss" of the trio.

"We offer our hearts, support and prayers to the Robinson and Rhoad Families, as well as all who loved Callum, Jake and Jack," it said.

On social media, his devastated girlfriend shared a black and white photo of the couple kissing, with the message: "You are one of one. I will love you forever."

In another photo she shared, in which the two can be seen embracing,  she wrote: "My heart is shattered into a million pieces. I don't have the words right now."

Jake Robinson was a doctor in Perth, according to Australian media.

Rhoad was engaged and set to marry Natalie Weirtz on Aug. 17 in Columbus, Ohio, according to a  Zola  online wedding registry. A GoFundMe which was launched to "rally support for Natalie" had raised over $57,000 as of Tuesday morning.

"In the wake of the heartbreaking loss of Carter Rhoad, Callum Robinson, and Jake Robinson, our hearts ache with grief for their families, friends, and community," reads a separate GoFundMe set up for Rhoad's family.

What happened to them?

The three friends were attacked there on April 28 or 29.

As soon as police arrived at their last known camp site, it was clear that something had gone violently wrong.

There were bloodstains and marks "as if heavy objects had been dragged," leading to suspicions of an attack, the Baja California state prosecutor's office said in an attempt to reconstruct the scene.

Chief state prosecutor María Elena Andrade Ramírez described what likely would have been moments of terror that ended the trip for the three men.

She theorized the killers drove by and saw the foreigners' pickup truck and tents and wanted to steal the truck's tires and other parts. But "when (the foreigners) came up and caught them, surely, they resisted."

FILE PHOTO: Members of a rescue team work at a site where three bodies were found, in La Bocana

She said that's when the killers would have shot the men. She said they were likely not attacked because they were tourists. "The evidence suggests they (the killers) did not know where they were from."

Andrade Ramírez said the reconstruction of events was based on the forensic examiner's reports, noting all three had bullet wounds to the head.

There was a hurried attempt to destroy evidence. The foreigners' tents were apparently burned. The pickup truck was driven miles away and burned. The assailants' truck was later found with a gun inside.

Then, at "a site that is extremely hard to get to," the bodies were dumped into a well about 4 miles (6 kilometers) away. Investigators were surprised when, underneath the bodies of the three foreigners, a fourth body was found that had been there much longer.

"They had to have previous knowledge of it," Andrade Ramírez said of the attackers, acknowledging the possibility they were behind the previous killing.

The well had been covered with boards. "It was literally almost impossible to find it," Andrade Ramírez said. It took two hours to winch the bodies out.

Who are the suspects?

Prosecutors have said they were questioning three people in the killings. Two were caught with methamphetamines. One of them, a woman, had one of the victims' cellphones when she was caught. Prosecutors said the two were being held pending drug charges but continue to be suspects in the killings.

A third man was arrested on charges of a crime equivalent to kidnapping, but that was before the bodies were found. It was unclear if he might face more charges.

The third man was believed to have directly participated in the killings. In keeping with Mexican law, prosecutors identified him by his first name, Jesús Gerardo, alias "el Kekas," a slang word that means quesadillas, or cheese tortillas.

Andrade Ramírez said he had a criminal record that included drug dealing, vehicle theft and domestic violence, adding, "We are certain that more people were involved."

She emphasized that she could not discuss anything related to the suspects, or their possible statements, because that was not allowed under Mexican law and might prejudice the case against them.


Andrade Ramírez noted that the victims' families said the brothers and Rhoad had come many times to the seaside spot and never had any problem. This time, however, "there was no way to ask for help when the attackers showed up."

What's next?

In a statement to CBS News, the FBI said it "continues to work with our international law enforcement partners in resolving this ongoing situation" and has been in contact with the family of the American victim.

"While we cannot comment on specifics to preserve the sanctity of the investigative and legal processes, along with protecting the privacy of those impacted, we can assure you that we are assessing every tip. If credible, we will pursue those leads with rigor," the FBI said.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Tuesday he had requested an opportunity to speak to the brothers' parents Deborah and Martin Robinson.

"This is a terrible tragedy and my heart goes out to them. To identify these wonderful young men and they have been travelling in Mexico. We've been dealing with them through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. I've indicated that I wish to speak to them at an appropriate time of their choosing," Albanese told reporters in the Queensland state town of Rockhampton.

AFP contributed to this report.

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