Ex Astris Scientia

Voyager's Crew Complement

by Jan Herfort and Bernd Schneider

Casualty List Crew Count Development Number of People and Names Related Issues

uss voyager personnel

In some later episodes we are given explicit figures for the current crew count, but these don't seem to correspond with the death toll among the crew. In a few cases the stated crew complement even goes up although it should be down by at least the number of deaths that we could witness on screen or that were mentioned.

In the following we will investigate the question how many people died during Voyager's seven-year journey , we will outline the development of the crew count over time and we will try to find out whether the number of seen crew members is sufficiently low and whether it matches the number of known names. We will also have a look at some related, more specific questions .

Casualty List

In order to assess the development of Voyager's crew complement it is important to compile a list of casualties among Voyager's crew. A complete list of casualties or an exact figure is not available though. But based on the deaths that were seen or mentioned on screen and on an excerpt from a list of casualties that Seven views in "Imperfection" we can nail down a lower limit for the casualties.


  • Not included are guests that stay aboard for a short time - up to a few months in the case of Marika Wilkarah ("Survival Instinct").
  • Not included are crew members who die and are revived in the same episode.
  • Not included are any parallel reality, fake, illusory or other alternate versions of crew members.
  • Seska is not included because she dies after her defection.

List of crew members that die on screen or are mentioned to have died

Observations in the list of seen or mentioned deaths.

  • The above list gives us a lower limit of 40 crew members that are killed in action. It is possible that in "Caretaker", perhaps in "Basics I" and "Equinox" and most likely in "The Killing Game" more of the crew die than the ones seen or mentioned. This could serve to increase the death toll where necessary for adjustment of the figures.
  • Decreasing the number of casualties is harder because all deaths are quite definite. However, it may be possible to discount the three of the engineering crew killed in "Living Witness", because it is only a historical reconstruction. We will need to do that in our crew chronology to adjust the figures.
  • The death rate in seasons 1-3 is about three times as high as in seasons 4-7.
  • With the notable exception of "Caretaker", almost all deaths are violent. Otherwise, only shuttle pilot Bennet dies in an accident. No one we know of dies of an illness.
  • A clear majority of dead crew members belongs to the operations division (yellow), but mostly engineers and shuttle pilots are killed, rather than security officers.
  • Four ex-Maquis that we know of are killed (plus Seska, who dies after leaving the ship).

Casualty list in "Imperfection"

uss voyager personnel

  • Ensign Marie Kaplan
  • Ensign Lyndsay Ballard
  • Technician Timothy Lang
  • Commander J. Bartlett
  • Lieutenant Commander L. McGarry
  • Lieutenant Commander T. Ziegler
  • Lieutenant J. Lyman
  • Lieutenant S. Seaborn
  • Ensign Claudia J. Craig
  • Ensign Charles Young

Observations in the casualty list 

  • Lang was last seen alive in "Equinox II", and his death is first mentioned on the casualty list. So his name needs to be added to the 40 definite deaths. 
  • With the exception of Lang, Kaplan ("Unity") and Ballard ("Ashes to Ashes"), the casualty list only contains new names. J. Bartlett, L. McGarry, T. Ziegler, J. Lyman, S. Seaborn, Claudia J. Craig and Charles Young are in-jokes, all referring to "West Wing" characters, and were quite obviously made up for only this one episode. A poor choice considering the importance of the list that ought to have included a few additional familiar names, but not detrimental to the series' continuity.
  • Since 23 casualties were shown or mentioned on screen but not identified, those 8 new names could easily belong to some of the 23 unidentified casualties. McGarry or T. Ziegler may be the name of the chief medical officer, a lieutenant commander, who died in "Caretaker".
  • It is also interesting that a commander is among the casualties. He would be the highest-ranking crew member besides Janeway. It would be extremely odd if he never showed up in some fashion even if making him the XO would not have been an option. So it is almost safe to conclude that the man named Bartlett dies as soon as in "Caretaker".
  • The order of the names on Seven's list is a mess. At least it is ordered by a criterion that is not obvious, perhaps by the serial numbers.

Crew Count Development

We now attempt to outline a development of the crew complement over time that takes into account as much evidence as possible: the known deaths and departures, the new arrivals, crew sizes mentioned on screen and other facts.

  • Scans of the ship (such as by the Voth or the Borg) are rated as reliable evidence.
  • Statements such as "There are 150 people on this ship" are likely rounded. 
  • Crew numbers do not include the Doctor. While the EMH may qualify as a lifeform, the holographic image will not register as one on scans of the ship.
  • Crew numbers include all known children, civilians and permanent guests on the ship at any time.

List of crew members over time


  • According to our reconstruction of events, no deaths or departures occured in addition to those that were seen or mentioned, with the exception of "Caretaker" where "we lost over a dozen" leaves some leeway. We use that leeway to assume as many as 18 casualties on Voyager in "Caretaker", in order to allow to allow as many as 36 Maquis to join the ship, as required by the statements in "Repression".
  • It is well possible and would seem realistic that there were more deadly attacks or accidents than those that happened during the episodes or were mentioned (like the two more in "Alliances"). However, if more people died, especially in the seasons 2 through 7, this would throw off the mentioned crew numbers.
  • It is still possible that Voyager started off with 153 people as mentioned in "Shattered" (and had a combined crew of 173 or probably even more at the end of "Caretaker"), but that would mean that as many as 10 more died or left off-screen, and only in the first season. This figure would rise to 19, if we decided to believe in Janeway's number of 152 crew members in "The 37's". Also, considering that at the time of "Alliances" no more than three crew members were lost to the Kazon, it wouldn't be plausible if there were many more unseen casualties that are not related to the Kazon in the first season.
  • Janeway's number of 152 crew members in "The 37's" has to be an error for another important reason, because it can't be explained why still some 150 are left in later seasons, after several more deaths. The same applies to Tuvok's mention of 152 crew members in "Gravity" for the opposite reason, because it is simply too high. While the first becomes wrong only retroactively (the writers did not account for all of the many casualties in seasons 2 and 3), the latter is just a stupid mistake.
  • We surmise that the death of three crew members in "Living Witness" may be an error. Either the historical reconstruction is not correct in this regard, or Tuvok's report about the three deaths was premature. With three more deaths along the way, the subsequent figures would be off.
  • The "Silver Blood" copy of Ensign Harper gives birth to a baby just before the episode "Course: Oblivion" (stardate 52586.3). The creation of the "Silver Blood" copies in "Demon" dates back to some time between stardates 51813.4 and 51929.3. This gives us a time of 7.88 to 9.27 months until "Course: Oblivion". So the real Ensign Harper could have been pregnant herself when she was duplicated. We don't count her baby but it would be absolutely possible.

Number of People and Names

Another possible problem of the series is that either too many different actors and extras may have appeared as crew members, or that too many names of crew members may have been mentioned.

Total number of crew members that were seen or mentioned by name

Annotations and analysis.

  • The above data is based on the list of USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Alpha, give or take a few people that we may have missed or falsely classified. It can't be verified whether the list is complete in the first place. Regarding "unnamed and seen", more background extras than listed there may have appeared in the series.
  • If we don't count in the later additions to the crew, more than 142 different crew members appear on screen (74 named + 8 named but barely seen + 60 unnamed listed at Memory Alpha + x seen but unaccounted for). This means we can see every member of the crew at some point in the series. This may not yet include all people in Starfleet uniform that may have appeared in situations where they were not recognizable at all. It wouldn't be necessary but might be possible not to take into account eight crew members of whom we could get only a glimpse and who could be someone more familiar, either named or unnamed. So unless many more (x) actually appeared than listed at Memory Alpha, there is no issue that we may have seen more crew members than the ship actually had.
  • We can show that the number of seen unnamed crew members (>60) roughly matches the one of mentioned unseen people (around 60). This may be a very good match, considering that on many occasions crew members were called out only as "Ensign Lastname", often not giving away their sex or division color.
  • The situation would be complicated a lot, once we decided to include the various duty rosters that appeared in the series, consisting of dozens up to over 100 names that are usually barely legible. These lists customarily consist of very few names or "real" characters and are supplemented with the names of the production staff, such as Rick Berman, Arlene Fukai, Dennis McCarthy, Michael Piller or David Stipes, to mention only very few examples. It is obvious that once we decided to include all these names, Voyager would have a crew of 300 or more. It would also cause a problem to justify why "real" characters are largely absent from these lists. Just like the plethora of in-jokes on displays in Star Trek: The Next Generation, we should ignore the exact composition of the crew manifest(s) in Voyager.

Related Issues

Number of vulcan crew members.

uss voyager personnel

In "Flashback" Tuvok refers to "the other Vulcans on the ship" , which implies that there must be at least one more Vulcan in addition to Vorik. But in "Blood Fever", when Vorik enters pon farr, it appears that the two are alone. At least, if a female Vulcan had been among the crew, it may have been considered at one point that she may "help" Vorik. In "Counterpoint" all telepaths have to hide from the Devore, and this concerns Vorik and Tuvok as the only ones of their race. However, in "Repression" there is suddenly a female Vulcan crew member in a red uniform that possibly can't have existed in the two previously mentioned episodes. It remains a mystery where she comes from. There is no good reason why she shouln't have been on board in "Counterpoint". Perhaps she isn't telepathic, perhaps she is actually Romulan, as unlikely as it seems?

Number of Maquis crew members

As already mentioned, the assumption that "almost a quarter of the crew is Maquis" would require 30+ Maquis at the very least among a crew of overall 146, and 35+ at the time of "Caretaker", if we account for the five Maquis who left or died until the fourth season. The more precise reference to 31 Maquis mutineers in "Repression" requires an original figure of at least 36, but only under the assumption that no Maquis died in addition to those explicitly shown or mentioned. Therefore we assume 36 Maquis at the end of "Caretaker" in our reconstructed crew development . We have no clue how many crew members died when the Maquis ship was pulled into the Delta Quadrant (Voyager lost over a dozen after all, 18 in our reconstruction), so in the absolutely best case all of them survived. So an original crew of 37 (36 +Tuvok) on Chakotay's ship seems to be the lower limit. On the other hand, Chakotay's ship is at most 60m long , with perhaps 3 decks, which appears too small for a permanent crew of 37. Perhaps they had additional personnel aboard because they were going to hijack a Cardassian freighter?

Lack of medical staff

It is obvious that the complete medical personnel of Voyager died when the ship was pulled into the Delta Quadrant in "Caretaker". Just after the first activation of the EMH, Paris mentions that the chief medical officer and the nurse were killed. In the following, Lieutenant Paris is assigned to assist the EMH because he studied biochemistry for two semesters ("Parallax"). It appears that no one among the crew is more qualified for the job, although biochemistry is not exactly the same as medicine. Perhaps the medical staff or the staff with medical training consisted of more than the CMO and one nurse, and they were all killed? Janeway speaks of "the entire medical staff" in "Parallax", which sounds like it could be more than two people. It is also clear that if the Maquis ship had a medic, he or she must have died before the end of "Caretaker".

Voyager Episodes index

Voyager Inconsistencies - including the famous shuttlecraft list

Redshirt Deaths in TOS - thorough chronological list of casualties, including "shirt color statistics"

Thanks to Robert Sharpe for compiling a chronology of Voyager's crew complement. Thanks to TrekCore for most of the screen caps and to Memory Alpha for crew information. Special thanks to Jörg Hillebrand for the caps of the Voyager crew manifests.

uss voyager personnel


Last modified: 12 Oct 2020

uss voyager personnel

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USS Voyager Personnel

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USS Voyager Crew

Senior staff of of the USS Voyager

  • 1 Senior staff
  • 2 Engineering personnel
  • 3 Medical personnel
  • 4 Operations personnel
  • 5 Flight control personnel
  • 6.1.1 Alpha squad
  • 6.1.2 Beta squad
  • 7.1 Stellar cartography
  • 7.2 Civilian
  • 7.3 External Links

Senior staff [ ]

  • Captain Kathryn Janeway (2371-2377)
  • Captain Chakotay (2378-2381, 2381- )
  • Captain Afsarah Eden (2381)
  • Lieutenant Commander Aaron Cavit (2371)
  • Lieutenant Commander Chakotay (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Commander Tom Paris (from 2378)
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Commander Tom Paris (2378)
  • Lieutenant Harry Kim (from 2378)
  • Alexander Honigsberg (2371)
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade B'Elanna Torres (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Vorik (2377-2381)
  • Lieutenant Nancy Conlon (from 2381)
  • Doctor Bist [10] /Fitzgerald (2371)
  • The Doctor (2371-2377)
  • Doctor Jarem Kaz (2378-2381)
  • Doctor Sharak (from 2381)
  • Lieutenant Astall (2378)
  • Lieutenant Hugh Cambridge (from 2378)
  • Ensign Harry Kim (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Lyssa Campbell (2378)
  • Ensign Kenth Lasren (from 2378)
  • Ensign Samantha Wildman (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Devi Patel (from 2378)
  • Lieutenant Veronica Stadi (2371)
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade/Ensign Tom Paris (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Akolo Tare (2378-2381)
  • Ensign Aytar Gwyn (from 2381)

Engineering personnel [ ]

  • Alexander Honigsberg (2371) [2]
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade B'Elanna Torres (2371-2377) [8]
  • Lieutenant Vorik (2377-2381) [6]
  • Lieutenant Nancy Conlon (from 2381) [9]
  • Lieutenant Joseph Carey (2371-2377) [8]
  • Lieutenant Neol (from 2381) [4]
  • Ensign Chell [15]
  • Ensign Bolya [16]
  • Ensign Seska (defected in 2371) [8]
  • Crewman Kenneth Dalby
  • Crewman Okira
  • Crewman Michael Jonas (KIA 2372)
  • Crewman Lon Suder (KIA 2373)
  • Chief Gina Thompson (KIA 2373)
  • Ensign Lyssa Campbell (2371-2377)
  • Ensign Remy Pelletier

Medical personnel [ ]

  • Doctor Bist/Fitzgerald (2371)
  • T'Prena/T'Ral (2371)
  • Kes (2371-2374)
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade/Ensign Tom Paris (2371-2377) [8]

Operations personnel [ ]

  • Ensign Harry Kim (2371-2377) [5]
  • Lieutenant Lyssa Campbell (2378) [20]
  • Ensign Kenth Lasren (from 2378) [3]

Flight control personnel [ ]

  • Lieutenant Veronica Stadi (2371) [5]
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade/Ensign Tom Paris (2371-2377) [5]
  • Lieutenant Akolo Tare (2378-2381) [13]
  • Ensign Aytar Gwyn (2381- ) [14]

Security personnel [ ]

  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (2371-2377) [5]
  • Lieutenant Josh Rand (2372 [22] -2373 [23] )
  • Lieutenant Walter Baxter (2371) [24]
  • Ensign/Lieutenant Ayala (2371-2377) [5]
  • Ensign Brad Harrison [
  • Ensign Lang [26]
  • Crewman Murphy [18]
  • Crewman Angelo Tassoni [27]
  • Torson [28]

Hazard team [ ]

Alpha squad [ ].

  • Lieutenant Lester Foster [21]
  • Lieutenant Alexander Munro [21]
  • Ensign Telsia Murphy [21]
  • Ensign Austin Chang [21]
  • Crewman Kendrick Biessman [21]
  • Ensign Chell [21]
  • Ensign Juliet Jurot [21]

Beta squad [ ]

  • Crewman Jeffrey Nelson [21]
  • Crewman Elizabeth Laird [21]
  • Crewman Perfecto Oviedo
  • Crewman Kenn Lathrop
  • Crewman Thomas Odell [21]
  • Crewman Mitch Csatlos [21]
  • Crewman Michael Jaworski [21]

Sciences personnel [ ]

  • Crewman Gerron Ral
  • Ensign Oliver (biosciences)

Stellar cartography [ ]

  • Jenny Delaney
  • Megan Delaney

Civilian [ ]

  • Neelix (2371-2377)
  • Naomi Wildman (2372-2377)
  • Seven of Nine (2374-2377)
  • Icheb (2376-2377)
  • Rebi (2376-2377)
  • Azan (2376-2377)
  • Mezoti (2376-2377)

External Links [ ]

USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .

USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works.

  • 1 Kathryn Janeway

Screen Rant

10 ways uss voyager changed in star trek’s delta quadrant.

In Star Trek: Voyager, multiple technological upgrades, most courtesy Seven of Nine and the Borg, helped the USS Voyager navigate the Delta Quadrant.

  • The crew of the USS Voyager had to find creative solutions to survive in the Delta Quadrant, making unorthodox modifications to the ship and its equipment.
  • Captain Janeway made concessions, like giving up her private dining room for a kitchen and removing replicators, to ensure the crew was fed during their journey.
  • Voyager made significant upgrades, such as the Delta Flyer and astrometrics lab, that improved its capabilities and made it unlike any other Starfleet ship at the time.

Star Trek: Voyager 's eponymous starship, the USS Voyager, changed in several ways during its time in the Delta Quadrant. While Voyager' s problematic reset button storytelling prevented most types of ongoing character development, the modifications that the crew made to the ship and its equipment carried over into following episodes. This was especially effective when the upgrades made Voyager a more formidable starship as it encountered more hostile species like the Borg, Hirogen, and Species 8472 during its long journey back to the Alpha Quadrant.

The first changes reflected the uncertainty felt by Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) that characterized early seasons of Star Trek: Voyager, when the crew hadn't yet gotten their bearings or made many allies in the Delta Quadrant. Because the crew of the USS Voyager had to make do with what they had, Starfleet and Maquis personnel had to find ways to work together to develop unorthodox but creative jury-rigged solutions that ensured the crew's survival in unfamiliar space, sometimes by reconfiguring existing spaces to fulfill unexpected needs. In later Voyager seasons, Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) upgraded Voyager's systems for greater efficiency by integrating Borg technology with existing defense and navigational systems.

10 Neelix's Kitchen

Everyone had to make some concessions to ensure their survival on the long trip back home. While Captain Janeway was reluctant to give up her beloved coffee, she did relinquish the captain's private dining room to make space for a proper kitchen. Two of the four mess hall replicators were also removed, so Neelix (Ethan Phillips) could cook meals for Voyager's 150-member crew complement. His Delta Quadrant specialties and enthusiastic attempts at recreating Alpha Quadrant favorites received mixed reviews, at best, but his cooking kept the crew fed when power was at a premium.

9 Airponics Bay

Early in their journey back home, Captain Janeway instated the practice of assigning replicator rations to the crew in an effort to conserve energy. Neelix acquired most of the ingredients for his culinary adventures through foraging or trade, which depended on external factors to be successful. To balance that, Kes (Jennifer Lien) spearheaded the creation of an airponics garden in one of the cargo bays, which provided the crew with sustainable, organically grown food on a reliable basis.

8 Home Sweet Cargo Bay

Because Seven of Nine didn't need to sleep the same way that fully organic crew members did, she also didn't need standard crew quarters. Instead, Seven chose to make her home in cargo bay 2, where several Borg components had been installed, including a regeneration alcove that provided her with the required six-hour regeneration cycle she needed to function. When Voyager picked up ex-Borg children in Voyager season 6, episode 16, "Collective", they too stayed with Seven in the cargo bay, since they also required regeneration instead of conventional sleep.

7 The Doctor's Programming

The Emergency Medical Hologram AKA The Doctor (Robert Picardo) was initially designed to be used as a supplement to Voyager's organic medical staff, so he was only supposed to run for about 1500 hours, in total. The death of the original chief medical officer meant he had to be online almost constantly, so modifications were made to extend the life of his program. Eventually, he developed his own subroutines to add personality elements, hobbies, social skills, and even command training, in case there was ever a need for an Emergency Command Hologram.

6 Borg Upgrades

During Captain Janeway's alliance with the Borg in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, episode 26 "Scorpion, Part 1", the Borg agreed to safely escort Voyager through their space. In order to uphold their end of the agreement, they modified Voyager's hull with adaptive shielding and armed them with nanoprobe torpedoes specifically designed to target the natives of fluidic space that the Borg designated Species 8472 , who were a threat to the Borg due to being immune to assimilation.

5 The Delta Flyer

The pride and joy of Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), the Delta Flyer was designed to be better than a standard shuttlecraft. It was larger, faster, and more maneuverable, with enhanced shields, tactile controls, and of course, a sleek design. Paris worked on its design in the background of several episodes, in a rare case of an ongoing subplot on Star Trek: Voyager , culminating in its construction in Voyager season 5, episode 3, "Extreme Risk". The Flyer's construction proved that Voyager's resources weren't that limited , and it was instrumental in several missions after its debut, particularly when speed or maneuverability were paramount.

4 Astrometrics Lab

Introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 4, episode 8, "Year of Hell, Part 1", the astrometrics lab was a joint effort between Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) and Seven of Nine, who made the lab her primary workstation. The combination of Borg and Starfleet technology allowed for navigational methods that were ten times more accurate than standard sensors, so Voyager could avoid more obstacles and use more shortcuts on its way home. According to Seven of Nine, the updated course plotted using the astrometrics lab would take five years of Voyager's return trip.

3 Transwarp Drive

The USS Voyager's engines were modified in order to use the transwarp coil that they harvested from a Borg cube in Star Trek: Voyager season 5, episodes 15 and 16, "Dark Frontier". The coil allowed them to generate transwarp conduits, which could be used to travel greater distances than standard warp drive at faster speeds. Use of transwarp allowed Voyager to shave much more time off of their journey, but in doing so, the ship suffered from erratic power fluctuations that discouraged further use of the coil.

2 Transphasic Torpeodes & Ablative Shielding

In Star Trek: Voyager's series finale, "Endgame", Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) traveled from the future to help the current Voyager build an ablative shield generator and convert their standard photon torpedoes to transphasic torpedoes. This advanced armor and weaponry was designed by Janeway in the future specifically to combat the Borg. Bringing it back in time would therefore ensure a quicker return with fewer casualties, and best of all, destroy the Borg Queen directly far earlier than in Admiral Janeway's timeline.

1 Quantum Slipstream Drive

The USS Voyager was outfitted with a quantum slipstream drive when they encountered the USS Dauntless, which purported to be a Starfleet vessel with the advanced technology that would help them get home. The drive allowed Voyager to enter a quantum slipstream by focusing a quantum field through the main deflector. While the Dauntless proved to be a ruse, the theory was sound, and Voyager built its own version of the quantum slipstream drive. It required constant recalculation of the quantum phase variance, so its use was risky, but it still aided Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant significantly.

By the time the USS Voyager made it back to the Alpha Quadrant in the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager , "Endgame," its extensive modifications made it very different from the ship it was when it left. With all the updates it acquired in the Delta Quadrant, particularly the changes made with Borg technology, it was unlike any other Starfleet ship at the time. Future ships were outfitted with technology crafted from the upgrades made to Voyager, like Janeway's ship in Star Trek: Prodigy , a new version of the USS Dauntless.

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Mahannah's Sci-fi Universe

Admiral Janeway , Captain Janeway , Captain Kathryn Janeway , NCC-74656 , USS Voyager - August 13, 2020

Star Trek Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway- A Personnel File Report

Kathryn Janeway- A Star Trek personnel file report

Kathryn Janeway, known best for her captaining of the Federation Star Ship Voyager (NCC-74656) on its 70,000 light year journey home from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha was born on May 20 th 2336 in Bloomington, Indiana on Earth. 

She was born to Gretchen and Edward Janeway (d. 2358), a Vice Admiral in Starfleet. She had a sister, Phoebe, who she viewed as the artist of the family. She grew up on her Grandparent’s farm, and that gave her knowledge of farming. She enjoyed and relished her Grandmother’s biryani and her Grandfather’s Welsh rarebit as her favorite foods.

She was frightened of the awesome power of thunderstorms on the plains of America. Nothing was more powerful than that to a young girl.

She took ballet as a child, learning the dance of “the dying swan” and recreated this dance for her shipmates on Voyager.

Janeway loved being with her father, including their adventures, which included hiking the Northern rim of The Grand Canyon at age 9. Her father called it "the biggest ditch on Earth", she preferred the farm, as it was too dusty. He raised her to be a skeptic of the world, to always question it. Her father would die tragically on Tau Ceti Prime, by drowning under a polar icecap.

This tragedy caused Janeway to fall into a deep depression. She stayed secluded, mostly in bed, sleeping her days away. Eventually, her sister Phoebe is able to convince her to move on with her life.

Academy & Early Federation Career She was proficient at a number of languages including American Sign Language, but Klingon was never one of them.

She enjoyed the friendship of the chief custodian of the Starfleet gardens, Boothby and he brought her fresh roses every morning. She studied under professors such as Hendricks, Patterson, and H'ohk.

Janeway's first Starfleet posting was aboard the USS Al-Batani, under Captain Owen Paris. She served as the chief science officer. She participated in the Arias Expedition, as well.

As a Lieutenant, she was part of an away team on a mission defending a Federation outpost from Cardassian attacks at the border. Her party ended up cut off and stuck for 3 days in a firefight. Her commanding officer ordered her to crawl and save a wounded Cardassian soldier. At the time she found this crazy but ended up being one of her proudest moments. Her away team was decorated for their actions in securing the outpost.

She later became a Commander aboard the USS Billings. She sent an away team to survey a volcanic moon. When a magma eruption severely injured her crew, she somehow finished the surveying herself.

In 2371 she was made Captain and given the command of the ship, Voyager. Her mission was to track, find, and capture the missing Marquis ship, the Val Jean.

In the Badlands, Voyager and the  Marquis ship Val Jean are thrown 70,000 light years across the galaxy into the Delta Quadrant by a displacement wave.  The creator of this wave was a sporocystian lifeform known as the Caretaker. The Caretaker was dying and had been pulling vessels to the Delta Quadrant to test and find a mate so that his offspring could continue to care for a short-lived species known as the Ocampa.  He did this because he was responsible for the permanent damage done to the planet. None of the crew of either ship however, is compatible with him. Janeway was left with the choice of protecting the galaxy from a species like the Kazon, that would take the technology of the Caretaker and use it for greed or mispurpose, or take advantage of a one time opportunity to go home and leave the Delta quadrant to handle their own future. Janeway couldn’t allow such a wrong to pass, even if it meant being stranded over 70 years from home, so she destroyed the Caretaker’s array. With the Array destroyed, she and Marquis leader Chakotay decide to become one crew and she made him her first officer.

Making both sides work was not easy. There was strife in the integration of the two ships with the two opposing sides. The Marquis rebellion attracted a type that was the anthesis of the protocol of Starfleet and the Federation. The decision to fill slots left vacant by dead crew members was difficult for Janeway….For example, it took her time to accept that B’Elanna Torres was the better choice over a Starfleet Officer with more seniority to take the role of Chief Engineer. Several other Marquis did not fit in as well as B’Elanna did though; Seska, a Cardassian spy made to look Bajoran, was caught stealing and giving Starfleet technology to the Kazon-Nistrim. Eventually,with training from her Chief of Security Tuvok, she was eventually able to bring the two crews together into one unified crew under Starfleet & Federation principles.

The overriding theme for Janeway during her time in the Delta Quadrant is one of weighing what is good for her crew vs the galaxy.

The first year in the Delta Quadrant was one of adjustment and discovery.

Janeway made first contact with a number of species, one of which was the Vidiians, a species that had been struck by a plague, they called the phage, to live they harvested the organs of other species. Mr. Neelix fell victim to them but Janeway couldn’t kill the Vidiian to save Neelix. (They were eventually able to find a way to save him though.)

Several times the Crew’s hopes to get home quicker were raised and dashed.

In the second year of being in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway and her crew came across a floating truck from the 1930s and a Morse code SOS. Following the signal they came across several people in statis chambers. They turned out to be from 1930s Earth and included Amelia Earhart. Janeway was delighted in meeting such an important female avionic and history maker.

The crew tried other ways to get home faster, including Tom Paris outfitting a shuttle craft, that he dubs the Cochrane, to go faster than Warp 10, known as trans warp. However doing so causes a genetic reaction that transforms Paris into a strange type of creature. The new Paris creature kidnaps Janeway and escapes to trans warp again, causing Janeway to become subjected to the same genetic transformation that transformed Paris. The shuttle is found, having landed on a planet, when Voyager catches up and the crew find the 2 creatures have mated.

The offspring is left on the planet, and the 2 crewmembers are brought back and reverted back into Janeway and Paris.

Voyager, like many Federation ships, was visited by the Q. The Voyager crew accidentally released what turned out to be a Q from the core of a comet that they were exploring. A certain Q known as “Quinn" had tried to kill himself many times after becoming tired of his immortal life. That “crime” was the reason for his captivity and why he was inside the comet. He pleads to live as a human on Voyager, and Janeway grants him asylum on Voyager. However, the now human Quinn still commits suicide, being helped by the well known Q that repeatedly entertained himself on board the USS Enterprise D.

In another adventure, while attempting to avoid a number of Vidiian ships, Voyager entered a divergence field which duplicated the ship in every aspect, from ship to crew. The two ships were connected by a rift in the lower decks that allowed passage between both ships. The danger was that they drew on the same antimatter supply. The Vidiians attempted to board one of the Voyagers, which left both crews in mortal danger. To remedy this, one of the Janeway’s destroyed her ship, killing the Vidiians and saving the other Voyager and its crew.

This showcased the Captain’s resolve to do the hard thing to save others, including sacrificing her own life. Her strong beliefs in doing what is right, however, was tested when Neelix and Tuvok endured a transporter accident that lead to a new sentient type of being to be created, Tuvix. This became one of the most controversial decisions ever recorded by a Starfleet officer, as the only way to bring back Tuvok and Neelix as individuals was to eliminate Tuvix, who protested what he felt was murder.

The rest of the year was spent in confrontation with the Kazon. Janeway tried to form alliances, Paris went under cover, Chakotay was captured and tortured to get information about Voyagers defenses. Even a peace conference was attempted. The Voyager was captured and the crew stranded but they were able to take the ship back. It led to their old nemesis Seska being killed that caused a power shift within the Kazon Nistrim that led Voyager to finally be able to leave Kazon space without any further interactions.

In another pivotal situation for Janeway, Tuvok began suffering mental issues. Janeway engaged in a mind meld with him to try to help stabilize his condition. This meld took them back to his tour of duty onboard the USS Excelsior, captained by Hikaru Sulu. His issues were found to have been caused by an alien virus that had laid dormant in Tuvok's brain for years

Later, Q again appeared on the ship and wanted to have a baby with Janeway. He wanted to do this in order to stop a civil war in the Continuum. The human perception of this war was of the civil war in the United States of America. Eventually Janeway and Voyager successfully forge a truce within the Q Continuum and are then returned to normal space. The Qs have had a child, which they present proudly to Janeway.

 After a shuttle craft accident left Janeway in a coma, an alien energy being tried to convince Janeway that she was dying so it could feed off of her soul's energy. It tries every trick to get her to cooperate, even appearing to her as her late father, but she was able to see through the ruse and flatly refused the alien. The Doctor was able to revive her once the being had left her body.

To take advantage of an opportunity to get home, Voyager had to cross Borg space (the Federation’s most deadly enemy) and also the territory of an even more deadly species called Species 8472. Janeway forges an alliance with the Borg to help them fight Species 8472 and get Voyager through their space. Chakotay warns her that the Borg are like scorpions, they cannot help their nature. Janeway is prepared for this and the last Borg drone helping them, Seven of Nine, is separated from the Borg Collective and begins her long journey back to her humanity as a member of Voyager’s crew.

Later on, Voyager made contact with the species called the Krenim. They had created a time ship to change history to restore the Krenim Imperium that had been devastated by a war. What they did not count on was Voyager being in their space. This derailed their time change calculations and they felt the only way to fix it was to destroy Voyager. A year of endless scrimmages ensued with the Voyager being attacked by the technologically advanced Krenim time ship. It resulted in the loss of many of Voyager’s crew and severe damage to the ship. The war between them ended when Janeway crashed a badly damaged Voyager into the time ship, destroying it and wiping it from existence. This restored the timeline and allowed Voyager to plot a course around Krenim space.

Another race called The Srivani also menaced Voyager, subjecting the crew and Janeway to experiments. Janeway was able to free Voyager from them by destroying one of the 2 ships in a binary pulsar.


Janeway had a romantic relationship with a Devore commander, who is charged with finding telepaths to arrest. He puts on a ploy, requesting asylum but it ends when the commander revealed himself as only pretending to defect in order to discover the telepaths.

In another situation she found herself in, Janeway discovered another Federation ship that was also lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom.

His ship had been attacked by “nucleogenic” lifeforms and much of his crew was killed, it was later discovered that the lifeforms attacked because Ransom was using the creatures as fuel. Janeway confronts him but his EMH Doctor sabotages Voyager and kidnaps Seven of Nine as the creatures attack again.

Finding Ransom begins to consume Janeway as an obsession. She allows herself to do what would not have been acceptable to Starfleet. She was willing to kill a captured Equinox crew member if they didn't reveal the location of the Equinox. Chakotay interferes with Janeway’s plan, and is relieved of duty and confined to quarters. Ransom has a change of heart, drops his shields, returns Seven of Nine in exchange for his crew joining Voyager. Her last words to him are a promise to get them home. Ransom is killed and the Equinox is destroyed in a final attack of the nucleogenic creatures while helping Voyager escape.

The last 2 years of Voyager’s trip back to the Alpha Quadrant dealt with mutinies of former Marquis, and even the Ferengi.

Nunk, a Ferengi, attempts to steal some of Seven's nanoprobes by using a hologram of Barclay, the Starfleet Officer that had earlier set up communications between Earth and Voyager.

A Bajoran named "Teero Anaydis" had used the “Barclay relay” to set off a mind control program implanted in Tuvok. He sets off a chain of events from attacks on Marquis that lead to a full mutiny. Tuvok regains control of his mental capacities and is able to stop the rest of the Marquis before they are able to abandon the crew on a planet.

Voyager’s finds dozens of wormholes that Voyager could possibly use to finally get back to Earth, but after further investigation, discover it to be a Borg “hub” swarming with Borg. Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway (from an alternate timeline in the early 25th century) reaches out and assists Voyager. She provided her present-day counterpart with sophisticated anti-Borg technology so that Voyager could enter the nebula and use the hub.

When Voyager reached the nebula and was able to go into transwarp, through the Borg hub to get home, Captain Janeway decided to not miss the opportunity to destroy the Borg's transwarp infrastructure. Admiral Janeway was hesitant, but eventually, with pressure from the entire Voyager crew, she relented.

Pursued by a Borg sphere and unable to fight back against the Borg’s defenses, Janeway takes her ship inside the sphere, where, upon its arrival one light year away from Earth's solar system, she detonates a torpedo that destroys the sphere from the inside. Voyager, exited the transwarp conduit in the Alpha Quadrant less than a light year from Earth. Greeted by a fleet of Starfleet vessels that had arrived to fight the Borg sphere, Captain Janeway issues her final orders with the same words she used at the start of Voyager's journey from the Delta Quadrant: "Set a course... for home." 

Shortly after Voyager's safe return to Earth, Kathryn Janeway was promoted to the rank of Admiral and took a position at Starfleet Command.

Natalie Anderson May 20, 2022

I have watched the last episode several times but I can never figure out how Voyager is chased by the sphere and shot at but then the Borg vessel ends up in front of Voyager and it exits the apperature first which Voyager then fires on blowing it up… Around 1:20:00 Tom says “I can’t keep ahead of it Captain”, 7 of 9 and Chocotay say “where’s the nearest apperature” and “it’s 30 seconds away but it leads back to the Delta quadrant” to which Janeway replies “Mr. Paris prepare to adjust your heading”? Where/what did Voyager do to end up behind the cube so they could fire at it? For the life of me I have tried to figure that part out but it still remains a mystery to me. Can someone please explain what I’m missing? Thanks 😁

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USS Voyager

uss voyager personnel

A legend on par with the USS Enterprise, the USS Voyager embodies the phrase “Where no man has gone before.” Shortly after its launch, the USS Voyager was cast over 70,000 light years away from home into the Delta Quadrant, unwillingly becoming the first Federation vessel to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant and make numerous first contacts. During its seven-year journey, this ship became more than a research vessel - it became a home for its diverse and skilled crew. Apart from the emotional value, the USS Voyager is one of the most technologically advanced ships in the Federation fleet, including the upgraded sensor equipment and the capability of reaching a cruise velocity of warp factor 9.975, making it one of the most suitable ships for the exploration of the Galaxy. 

Embark on a thrilling adventure, collect Artifacts, and uncover the hidden wonders of the Delta Quadrant by building the USS Voyager. Let your journey unfold as you delve into uncharted territories and rise as a legendary explorer.

How can you add the USS Voyager to your fleet?

To acquire blueprints for the USS Voyager, you need to reach Operations Level 30 and defeat Hirogen hostiles in the Delta Quadrant. Collect Hirogen Relics as spoils of victory, and refine them in the Voyager refinery. Once you reach Operations Level 34 and have gathered all the blueprints, you can build the USS Voyager.

The USS Voyager enables you to acquire Isolytic damage Artifacts and ship parts for various vessels, including the Cerritos, Amalgam, G4 ships, and more.

Advanced Sensors (active) uncover hidden hostiles in the Delta Quadrant, such as the elusive Species 8472. This state has a cost, Deuterium Canister, duration, and cooldown.

Astometrics Scan (active) scans a player's ship and reveals the location of their station. This state has a cost, Deuterium Canister, duration, and cooldown.

Deuterium Canister can be found after refining Hirogen Relics in the USS Voyager Refinery. Hirogen Relics can be found in the Delta Quadrant systems on Hirogen Hostiles.

How to upgrade it?

To upgrade the USS Voyager, you need to refine Exotic Biotoxins and Anomaly Samples . These valuable materials need to be refined in the Voyager refinery, harnessing their true power to enhance the starship's capabilities.

Exotic Biotoxins can be acquired from Species 8472 Bioships in the Velixys system, while Anomaly samples can be mined from systems such as FSEP-505, FSEP-3819, FSEP-247, and FSEP-001.

Important note : Species 8472 Bioships are elusive and can only be spotted while using Advanced Sensors.

USS Voyager research nodes will further enhance not only the ship itself but also provide fleetwide buffs. From the Below Deck Assembly (unlocks Below Deck slots in officer presets), to the Artifact Hunting Extraordinaire (adds a bonus roll of Artifact rewards in the common and rare Anomaly Sample refinery), Dismantle Tinkering (increases base scrapping speed for all ships), and Ship Maintenance Efficiency (increases the base cost efficiency for repairing all ships); these nodes are an invaluable addition to your buffs. 

USS Voyager

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USS Voyager

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The USS Voyager ( NCC-74656 ) was an Intrepid -class Federation starship launched in the year 2371 .

  • 1.1 Construction history
  • 1.2.10 2381
  • 1.2.11 2382
  • 1.2.12 2385
  • 1.2.13 2402
  • 1.2.14 2409
  • 1.2.15 2410
  • 1.3 Alternate timelines
  • 2 Crew manifest
  • 3.2 Deckplan
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2.1 Appearances
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Service history and disposition

Initially believed lost during her first assignment, Voyager became famous throughout the Federation for her 70,000 light-year journey back to Federation space across the Delta Quadrant under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway . After seven years in that distant part of the galaxy , Voyager reached Earth through the use of a Borg transwarp conduit. ( VOY episodes : " Caretaker ", " Endgame "; WizKids module : Tactics )

Four years later, Voyager returned to the Delta Quadrant to lead the Federation task force known as Project Full Circle . ( VOY novel : Full Circle )

Construction history

Voyager dock

The USS Voyager nearing completion at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards .

USS Voyager departing Deep Space 9

Voyager departs DS9.

Construction began on the USS Voyager in the late 2360s at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards along with her sister-ships, USS Intrepid , USS Bellerophon and USS Pathfinder , under the direction of Admiral Patterson . Voyager was the second ship of the class built after the Intrepid herself, and in early 2371, Voyager was launched, and command was handed over to Captain Kathryn Janeway . ( VOY episode : " Relativity ", ST website  : StarTrek.com )

Following the launching ceremony, Captain Janeway took Voyager on a shakedown cruise to the area bordering the Demilitarized Zone . During the voyage, the starship's bio-neural gel packs malfunctioned and left Voyager stranded in space. The USS Hood , under Robert DeSoto , rushed to Voyager 's aid, and she was towed back to Utopia Planitia for repairs. ( VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact )

Service history

Caretaker wave

The Caretaker's wave transporting Voyager across the galaxy.

After undergoing repairs at Utopia Planitia, Voyager proceeded to Deep Space 9 to await its first mission: to travel into the Badlands to locate Chakotay and his Maquis crew, along with Lieutenant Tuvok , who was operating undercover. Once the final crew complement arrived, the Voyager departed DS9 and headed into the Badlands. Shortly after entering the Badlands, Voyager was transported over 70,000 light years across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker , a member of the Nacene species. ( VOY episode & novelization : Caretaker )

At the beginning of their journey home, Voyager unknowingly enters the territory of the Dresh , a fiercely territorial race that uses mines to guard its borders. When Captain Janeway is injured in a collision with a Dresh mine, Commander Chakotay must take command to save the ship. However, his attempts to save Voyager are hindered by the fact that Tuvok has disabled his command codes. ( VOY short story : " Command Code ")

When Voyager suffers damage, Neelix directs them to a spaceship graveyard on the planet Alcawell . When Lieutenant Torres, Ensign Kim, and Neelix enter a spaceship to investigate they are transported across time. They are apprehended by the Alcawellians and charged with temporal violations. ( VOY novel : The Escape )

After detecting a tetryon beam emission from a derelict First Federation vessel in the Kuriyar Cluster , Voyager is drawn into a centuries-old war between the Hachai and the P'nir . The intervention of Captain Janeway means that both parties unite in a war against the Federation. ( VOY novel : Ragnarok )

While negotiating for the coordinates of known wormholes, Voyager is attacked by the Cartel freighter , Kapon , and her main computer processor is stolen. With Voyager on emergency power, Captain Janeway is determined to get the stolen technology back. ( VOY novel : Violations )

Stardate 48531.6 : ( VOY novel : Incident at Arbuk )

Stardate 48579.4 : Voyager discovers a micro-wormhole that leads to contact with a Romulan vessel in the Alpha Quadrant. Unfortunately, time is not on the crew's side as they prepare messages for their distant loved ones. ( VOY episode : " Eye of the Needle ")

State of Flux

Voyager confronts the Kazon-Nistrim . (" State of Flux ")

Stardate 48658.2 : Ensign Seska is found to have been trading Voyager 's replicator technology to the Kazon - in clear violation of the Prime Directive - and an investigation uncovers an even more surprising revelation: she is a Cardassian spy. ( VOY episode : " State of Flux ")

Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres crash-land a shuttle on the planet Pathon . They meet a young alien girl named Quator and eventually are forced to destroy the shuttle before beaming back to Voyager. ( VOY short story : " Touched ")

VOY novel : The Murdered Sun -- Stardate 43897.1 is given in the story, but is inconsistent with other dates.

While the Federation battles the Furies in the Alpha Quadrant, Voyager encounters a Starfleet distress call leading them to a vast assemblage of non-humanoid races engaged in a monumental project of incredible magnitude. Here is the source of the terrible invasion threatening the entire Alpha Quadrant -- and, for the starship Voyager , a possible route home. ( VOY novel : The Final Fury )

Voyager discovers a world being torn apart by awesome volcanic stresses. The primitive inhabitants of Drenar Four face extinction unless Voyager intervenes -- something the Prime Directive forbids. ( VOY novel : Ghost of a Chance )

A mysterious signal lures Voyager to a uncharted sector of the Delta Quadrant -- and an enigmatic ghost ship floating adrift in space. Janeway mounts an investigation, hoping the alien ship may hold a clue to the whereabouts of the Caretaker's long-lost ship and his mate -- the only known entity with the power to send Voyager home. ( VOY novel : Cybersong )

Voyager travels to Sardalia, a planet blessed with great natural beauty and apparently friendly inhabitants. The Sardalians welcome Voyager enthusiastically, but the Sardalians seem almost too eager to help. Janeway fears they are hiding some secret agenda. When Tom Paris and Harry Kim disappear while visiting the planet, the captain and her crew find themselves caught in the middle of a planetary war -- and faced with an agonizing moral dilemma. ( VOY novel : Bless the Beasts )

Stardate 49373.4 : Lieutenant Paris becomes the first person to achieve warp 10, but the historic flight has unusual consequences on his physiology, and provides a glimpse of the next stage of human evolution. ( VOY episode : " Threshold ")


Voyager 's crew being marooned on Hanon IV .

Voyager suffers a series of violent attacks masterminded and conducted by Seska and the Kazon-Nistrim. The starship ultimately falls to its brutal attackers, and the Starfleet crew are left stranded on the hostile world of Hanon IV as their vessel departs without them. ( VOY episode : " Basics, Part I ")

Stardate 50032.7 : As Captain Janeway and her crew adapt to life on Hanon IV, Lieutenant Paris gathers the support of the Talaxians, as well as the Doctor and the Betazoid murderer Lon Suder, in an attempt to retake Voyager from the Kazon-Nistrim. The attempt is successful, the starship is retaken and the crew are rescued from the planet. ( VOY episode : " Basics, Part II ")

Stardate 50312.5 : Voyager is attacked by the 29th century timeship UTS Aeon , and drawn through a temporal rift to Earth in 1996 . The crew must negotiate both an unfamiliar culture, and the attentions of businessman Henry Starling . ( VOY episode : " Future's End, Part I ")

Stardate 50312.5 : The crew of Voyager race to prevent Henry Starling from using the Aeon to travel to the future in order to acquire new technologies - and unwittingly cause the destruction of the Sol system . ( VOY episode : " Future's End, Part II ")

Stardate 50348.1 : Kes is invaded and possessed by the consciousness of Tieran , a ruthless Ilari warlord who uses the Ocampans slight form and formidable psychokinetic powers to overthrow his homeworld 's government. ( VOY episode : " Warlord ")

As Kes finds it increasingly difficult to deal with the lasting psychological effects of Tieran's possession she turns to Lieutenant Torres to help her control her anger. As Kes learns to master her emotions by building a windmill , she also proves to be vital in solving the mystery of an alien starship that is stalking Voyager . ( VOY short story : " Winds of Change ")

As Voyager continues its voyage through the Nekrit Expanse, Neelix suggests that the crew have a talent night to keep everyone entertained and stave off boredom. Captain Janeway agrees and suggests that all senior staff play some part in the night to encourage all the crew to participate. ( VOY short story : " Talent Night ")


Voyager before an armada of Borg Cubes . (" Scorpion ")

Stardate 50984.3 : The crew of Voyager enter Borg space - and discover that the collective has lost the upper hand in a war against Species 8472 , an immensely powerful race who hail from fluidic space . ( VOY episode: " Scorpion , Part I")

A failed transwarp experiment leads to Voyager having to eject the warp core . Lieutenant Paris and Lieutenant Torres are sent to retrieve it, but when their shuttlecraft is destroyed, leaving them adrift in space with only a few hours supply of oxygen , personal truths are revealed. ( VOY novelization: " Day of Honor ")

Seven of Nine finds an abandoned subspace relay network that has the ability to send a message to a Starfleet ship detected in the Alpha Quadrant. Voyager is able to send The Doctor through the relay network and he arrives on board the USS Prometheus . The Doctor is able to get a message to Starfleet letting them know of the fate of Voyager . ( VOY episode : " Message in a Bottle ")

Stardate 51501.4 : Lt. Joe Carey receives a message from his wife letting him know that she and their two children are doing fine. She has not moved on and is still waiting for him to come home. Meanwhile, other members of the crew receive other personal messages from home: Tuvok has become a grandfather, the rest of the Maquis are either dead or imprisoned, and Janeway's fiancé, Mark Johnson has married another woman. ( VOY short story : " The Ones Left Behind " and VOY episode : " Hunters ")


Voyager using Quantum slipstream drive . (" Timeless ")

Stardate 52619.2 : Captain Janeway devises a mission to retrieve a transwarp coil from a damaged Borg Sphere. Captured by the Borg Queen , Seven of Nine is taken to the heart of Borg space - Unimatrix One . The crew of Voyager work to rescue her from captivity and utilize the new technology. ( VOY episodes: " Dark Frontier , Parts I & II")

Captain Janeway reflects on the life of her ancestors, Shannon O'Donnel and Henry Janeway , and the events of the year 2000 that brought them together under the shadow of the Millennium Gate . ( VOY episode : " 11:59 ")

The crew of Voyager comes to the rescue of another Federation starship, the USS Equinox - but its beleaguered crew hide a secret that may threaten both vessels with destruction. ( VOY episode & novelization : Equinox, Part I )

Stardate 53015.1 : Captain Janeway vows to track down Captain Rudolph Ransom III after learning how he has surrendered his principles in order to expedite the Equinox ' return to the Alpha Quadrant by murdering innocent life forms. ( VOY episode & novelization : Equinox, Part II )

Stardate 53167.9 : Voyager's warp field caused it to be pulled into some kind of Underspace corridor. The ship then made first contact with a Turei ship that was pushed out of the corridor. Voyager was pulled 200 light years from its last position. It was then forced to land, where they found, awakened and made first contact with the Vaadwaur . ( VOY episode : " Dragon's Teeth ")

Stardate 53689 : Voyager encountered a debris field. They got locked by a tractor beam by a crew of pirates that had their ship enhanced with Borg technology. ( VOY comic : " False Colors ")

Stardate 53854.7 : Voyager came under a attack by a unknown ship. After destroying the ship, Voyager was pulled into a place called the Forge . There they came under attack by scavengers from other ships trapped there and were attacked by harvester ships .( VOY comic : " Elite Force ") Following that event, Voyager diverted to a primitive medieval planet filled with ion storms where a warp capable species hid weapons and equipment. The aliens asked Voyager 's crew to help remove the weapons before the natives got their hands on them. ( VOY comic : " Avalon Rising ")

Stardate 54315.3 : Voyager receives a distress call from a Hirogen training facility, only to find the advanced holograms used as prey in their combat simulations have achieved sentience and intend to wage war against all organic life. ( VOY episode: " Flesh and Blood , Part I")

Stardate 54337.5 : The Doctor's loyalties to his holographic brethren are tested to the limit as the megalomaniacal tendencies of the rebel holograms' leader, Iden , continue to manifest during the voyage toward a Class Y planet on which they intend to build their own society. ( VOY episode: " Flesh and Blood , Part II")

Stardate 54732.3 : The Doctor's attempt to write a holonovel , Photons Be Free , causes trouble for the crew of Voyager . Even more troubling, however, is the fact that it brings into question the Doctor's rights as a sentient individual. ( VOY episode : " Author, Author ")

Endgame - Voy in sphere

Voyager inside Borg Sphere 634. ( TNG video game : Elite Force II )

Stardate 54973.4 : Ten years after Voyager 's return to the Alpha Quadrant after 23 years in the Delta Quadrant, Admiral Janeway plots to alter the course of history and bring her starship home via a Borg transwarp hub . After journeying to 2377, she soon comes face-to-face with the Borg Queen as the crew of Voyager commit themselves to the most dangerous mission of their lives - and the greatest opportunity they have ever had of returning home. ( VOY episode & novelization : Endgame )

After Voyager arrived in the Alpha Quadrant in December , Captain Janeway and Starfleet Command agreed to return to Earth slowly. Starfleet dispatched counselors to help Voyager's crew adjust to the welcome but sudden return home. Among them were Counselor Deanna Troi , who had come to know Voyager's crew through her friend and longtime colleague Reginald Barclay .

Although there was a major reception, Voyager's crew was made unwelcome by a Federation still reeling from the ravaging Dominion War . Voyager was docked at McKinley Station , laid open and stripped of its custom and futuristic technology. When a Borg virus broke out on Earth, gradually assimilating the population, Voyager was blamed and its former Borg crewmembers Seven of Nine and Cadet Icheb incarcerated. At the same time, the Doctor was imprisoned at the same facility for his connections to Oliver Baines ' HoloRevolution . ( VOY novel : Homecoming )

In January , Vice Admiral Janeway reassembled her former senior officers to free Seven, Icheb and the Doctor, and to uncover the conspiracy behind the Borg virus. They received help from Lieutenant Commander Data of the USS Enterprise -E , and grudgingly joined forces with Oliver Baines. They received support from "Peregrine", who sent them vital information. Peregrine was none other than Lieutenant Kim's girlfriend Libby Webber , a secret Starfleet Intelligence operative. After the Voyager officers broke out their fellow crew people, they boarded the gutted Voyager , took over the ship from a Starfleet security crew to allow Icheb and Seven to regenerate. Meanwhile, Data, the Doctor and their new-found ally, Doctor Jarem Kaz , worked on the Borg virus. Admiral Kenneth Montgomery , in charge of Project Full Circle , boarded Voyager . Instead of taking Janeway and her officers into custody, they joined forces and infiltrated Starfleet Covert Ops headquarters, where Admiral Brenna Covington was transforming into a new Borg Queen . She was stopped and the virus cured. The public did not learn of the incident.

Shortly after, Janeway had successfully lobbied for Chakotay to become the next captain of Voyager . ( VOY novel : The Farther Shore )

In July , Voyager was officially re-launched and sent on its first mission under Captain Chakotay. Starfleet Command had denied Tom Paris to become first officer and instead posted Commander Andrew Ellis on Voyager . Voyager was to return a group of semi-independent colonists to Loran II , a home they had been forced to abandon during the Dominion War. Chakotay's sister Sekaya was retrieved from Deep Space 6 to support the colonists as spiritual adviser .

Harry Kim became the second-in-command and took over security/tactical from Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, who had left Voyager to teach at Starfleet Academy. Lieutenant Lyssa Campbell , who had been with Voyager in the Delta Quadrant, inherited Kim's position at ops, while several Alpha Quadrant veterans joined the crew as well. Chakotay was pleased to have a Huanni counselor, Lieutenant Astall . Jarem Kaz succeeded the Doctor as chief medical officer, and HoloRevolution victim Akolo Tare was named senior flight controller while Devi Patel became senior science officer.

Andrew Ellis, a Changeling in disguise, had arranged for Voyager to journey to Loran II, where acquitted war criminal Crell Moset conducted experiments on the population left behind during the war. The Changeling killed the real Andrew Ellis and impersonated Chakotay after he and his sister had been captured. ( VOY - Spirit Walk novel : Old Wounds )

Admiral Janeway was in command of Voyager during the return of the rogue Vulcan scientist T'Uerell and her Borg forces. Janeway confronted T'Uerell alongside Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise -E . As Picard took command of the fleet to oppose T'Uerell, Janeway left, assuring him that she would be back with some friends.

After T'Uerell's failed attack on Bajor and Deep Space 9 , Janeway's reinforcements joined with Picard's fleet, and that of the Klingons and the Romulans . The combined fleet pursued T'Uerell to a nebula where they finally defeated her. ( ST video game : Legacy )

During the Borg Invasion of 2381 , Voyager was one of the vessels able to be reallocated to an allied fleet to reinforce the position of the USS Enterprise -E and the USS Aventine at the Azure Nebula . While the Enterprise and Aventine traversed subspace tunnels , hoping to find the Borg launching area, Captain Chakotay and Voyager remained in command of the fleet, overseeing efforts to open other tunnels. However, from an allied fleet of over 300, Voyager was the only ship to survive the Borg invasion force of over 7000 Borg cubes from the subspace tunnel within the nebula, and was able to emit a distress call to Starfleet Command . ( ST - Destiny novel : Mere Mortals )

While the ship was intact, it had its port warp nacelle sheared from its pylon by a grazing collision with a Borg Cube and was drifting in space. The Voyager crew were attempting to salvage material from the battle site to rebuild the nacelle before joining the USS Enterprise -E and the USS Aventine on their search for the source of the Borg invasion. ( VOY novel : Full Circle , ST - Destiny novel : Lost Souls )

After the Borg Invasion of 2381, Voyager was refitted with a quantum slipstream drive and made the flagship of Project Full Circle . Chakotay resigned after the Borg invasion and the ship was placed under the command of Captain Afsarah Eden . One of the first missions after getting into the Delta Quadrant would be to meet up with B'Elanna and Miral Paris , who had faked their own deaths. ( VOY novel : Full Circle )

In late 2381, several days from the year 2382 , Voyager had made contact with the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant , a civilization modeled similarly to the Federation. Voyager was rescued en route to their space, when they had become under attack by an armada of at least fourteen vessels, all crewed by enemies the ship and crew made during its first tenure in the Delta Quadrant. The Confederacy ships drew the armada away and allowed Voyager safe entry into their space via a subspace phenomenon known as the "stream". Not long after arriving, the leaders of the Confederation had shared a desire to meet the crew of the ship, as a result of their actions with the proctors . After settling into their space, Voyager flew off to meet the USS Vesta , a ship carrying the fleet's new commander, Vice Admiral Janeway. Chakotay would then proceed to give his report about the Confederacy, which prompted further meetings with the new civilization. The ship would remain in the quadrant, the Full Circle Project continuing. ( VOY novel : Protectors )

By 2385 , Voyager would still be in the Delta Quadrant along with the USS Galen . ( TNG novel : The Light Fantastic )

In 2402 , the USS Voyager made first contact with the Lorians , an avian species. ( STO novel : The Needs of the Many )

The USS Voyager remains in service under the command of Rear Admiral Tuvok in 2409 . ( STO video game : Star Trek Online )

Later that year, the Voyager was part of the task force to push the Borg out of fluidic space. ( STO mission : " Fluid Dynamics ")

The USS Voyager was part of the fleet to intercept the Undine during the attack on Earth and Qo'noS . ( STO mission : " Surface Tension ")

Alternate timelines

In an alternate timeline in which the Cardassian Union did not withdraw from Bajor in 2369 , Captain Kathryn Janeway was in command of a version of Voyager which was not stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371 . In addition to Janeway, its senior staff included first officer Lt. Commander Aaron Cavit , tactical officer and security chief Lieutenant Tuvok , conn officer Lieutenant Veronica Stadi , chief medical officer Fitzgerald , chief engineer Joseph Carey and operations manager Ensign Harry Kim .

The ship was part of a taskforce consisting of nine ships - which also included the USS Bellerophon and the USS Intrepid - sent to Dorvan V in 2373 order to investigate recent suspicious activities being carried out by the Cardassians on the Federation border. The ships were soon fired upon by a fleet of Galor -class warships armed with phased polaron beam weapons. Unbeknownst to the Federation at this time, these weapons had been provided by the Cardassians' newfound Gamma Quadrant allies, the Dominion . The Cardassians had made contact with the Dominion several years earlier via the wormhole which they discovered in the Bajoran sector , the existence of which they kept secret from the other major Alpha Quadrant powers.

In the midst of the battle, Voyager was able to gather detailed sensor readings. Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command , enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. The Intrepid was destroyed along with Voyager whereas the Bellerophon barely escaped intact. Of the six other vessels in the taskforce, only one survived. ( TNG - Myriad Universes novel : A Gutted World )

In a possible future, a back-up copy of the Doctor was activated at the Museum of Kyian Heritage during the 31st century . In this future, the Doctor finds that the Kyrians have mistakenly recorded that Voyager was a heavily-armed warship that laid waste to their planet and sparked a bloody war between the Kyrians and Vaskans. With the help of the museum's historian and curator Quarren, The Doctor was able to use a recovered tricorder with medical scans to prove Voyager's innocence. ( VOY episode : " Living Witness ")

Crew manifest


The command crew of the USS Voyager

  • Captain Kathryn Janeway (2371-2377)
  • Captain Chakotay (2378-2381, 2381-present)
  • Captain Afsarah Eden (2381)
  • Rear Admiral Tuvok (2409-pres)
  • Lieutenant Commander Aaron Cavit (2371)
  • Commander Chakotay (2371-2377)
  • Commander Andrew Ellis (2378)
  • Lieutenant Commander Tom Paris (2378-2382, 2382)
  • Lieutenant Harry Kim (2382) (Temporary duty assignment)
  • Lieutenant Commander Kyla VanZyl (2410)
  • Lieutenant / Lieutenant Commander Tuvok ( 2371 - 2377 )
  • Lieutenant Commander Tom Paris ( 2378 )
  • Lieutenant Harry Kim (from 2378 )
  • Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Harry Kim (2378-2382, 2382)
  • Lieutenant Alexander Honigsberg (2371)
  • Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Vorik (2378-2381)
  • Lieutenant Nancy Conlon (2381-2380s)
  • Commander Mason Rhodes (2410)
  • Ensign Harry Kim (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Lyssa Campbell (2378)
  • Lieutenant Kenth Lasren (2378-pres)
  • Lieutenant Veronica Stadi (2371)
  • Lieutenant Tom Paris (2371-2377)
  • Lieutenant Akolo Tare (2378-2381)
  • Ensign Aytar Gwyn (2381-pres)
  • Lieutenant Devi Patel (2378-2380s)
  • Lieutenant Kimberly Maran (2410)
  • Lieutenant Commander Fitzgerald (2371)
  • The Doctor (2371-2377)
  • Commander Jarem Kaz (2378-2381)
  • Doctor Sharak (2381-pres)
  • Lieutenant Astall (2378)
  • Lieutenant Hugh Cambridge (2378-pres)
  • Lieutenant Les Foster (2376)
  • Ensign / Lieutenant Alexander Munro (2376-2377)
  • Crewman Telsia Murphy
  • Crewman Kendrick Biessman (KIA 2376)
  • Crewman Chell
  • Crewman Juliet Jurot
  • Crewman Thomas Odell
  • Crewman Perfecto Oviedo
  • Crewman Kenn Lathrop (KIA 2376)
  • Crewman Mitch Csatlos
  • Crewman Elizabeth Laird
  • Crewman Michael Jaworski
  • Crewman Jeffrey Nelson
  • Seska (2371)
  • Neelix (2371-2377)
  • Kes (2371-2374)
  • Naomi Wildman (2372-2377)
  • Seven of Nine (2374-2377)
  • Icheb (2376-2377)
  • Sekaya (2378)
  • Ensign Bokali (2410)
  • Andrew Ellis was actually a Changeling .

Technical information

Voyager was designed to hold up to 200 crewmembers and was 345 meters in length. As of her return home, she was one of the fleet's most powerful and fastest vessels. The ship's folding nacelles allow warp drive without the damaging the space continuum and for short amounts of time can reach warp 9.975.

Some of the modification made to the vessel included power relays on some decks using Borg technology while the EPS system and backup made use of Enaran power conservation technologies. ( ST website  : StarTrek.com )

The Master Systems Display for the USS Voyager

  • main bridge (fore) - ( VOY episode : " Caretaker ")
  • captain's ready room (starboard) - ( VOY episodes : " Caretaker ", " Good Shepherd ")
  • briefing room (port) - ( VOY episode : " Parallax ")
  • cargo bay (aft) - ( VOY episode : " Twisted ")
  • captain's dining room (cabin 125 Alpha) (converted to galley ) - ( VOY episodes : " Phage ", " Macrocosm ")
  • mess hall - ( VOY episode : " Learning Curve ")
  • officers ' and VIP quarters - ( VOY episode : " Ashes to Ashes ")
  • captain's quarters - [ citation needed ]
  • crew quarters - [ citation needed ]
  • brig - ( VOY video game : Elite Force )
  • cargo bay 2 (starboard) - ( VOY episode : " Maneuvers ")
  • crew quarters - ( VOY episode : " Twisted ")
  • Hazard Ops - ( VOY video game : Elite Force )
  • transporter rooms 1 & 2 - ( VOY episode : " Phage ")

Intrepid-class Deck 5

deck 5, section 15 alpha

Deck 5 (section 15 Alpha)

  • sickbay - ( VOY episodes : " Tuvix ", " Vis à Vis ")
  • medical laboratory - ( VOY episodes : " Tuvix ", " Vis à Vis ")
  • armory - ( VOY episode : " The Raven ")
  • holodeck 2 - ( VOY episode : " Twisted ")

7of9 Brig

Seven of Nine in Voyager's brig .

  • brig - [ citation needed ]
  • astrometrics (built 2374 ) - ( VOY episode : " Shattered ")
  • cargo bay 2 (section 4) - ( VOY episodes : " Drone ", " Equinox ")
  • science lab (section 22) - ( VOY episode : " Drone ")
  • crew quarters (sections 12, 22) - ( VOY episodes : " Someone to Watch Over Me ", " Equinox ")
  • shuttle hangar - [ citation needed ]
  • shuttlebay (junction 32 Alpha) - ( VOY episodes : " Parallax ", " The Raven ", " Macrocosm ", " Alice ")
  • deflector control room (section 59) - ( VOY episode : " Prey ")
  • main engineering - ( VOY episode : " Twisted ")
  • environmental control room - ( VOY episode : " Macrocosm ")
  • navigational control room (section B7) - ( VOY episode : " Cathexis ")
  • secondary command processors (starboard ventral) - ( VOY episode : " Basics ")
  • stasis chambers - ( VOY episode : " One ")
  • plasma relay room - ( VOY episode : " Good Shepherd ")


Appearances and references, appearances.

  • VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact
  • Stardate 48305.8 : VOY novella : The Badlands, Part III
  • Stardate 48315.6 : VOY novelization : Caretaker
  • VOY novel : Pathways Chapter 8 Section 19; 12 Section 12; and 6 Section 14
  • VOY - The Brave and the Bold, Book Two novella : The Third Artifact Third Interlude
  • VOY - Distant Shores short story : " Command Code "
  • Stardate 48439.7 : VOY episode : " Parallax "
  • VOY novel : The Escape Chapters 1-3; 4 Section 1; 8-11; 12 Section 1; 13-16; 17 Section 2; 18; 19 Section 1; 20-22; 24
  • VOY novel : Ragnarok
  • VOY episode : " Time and Again "
  • VOY novel : Violations
  • VOY novel : Incident at Arbuk
  • Stardate 48532.4 : VOY episode : " Phage "
  • Stardate 48546.2 : VOY episode : " The Cloud "
  • Stardate 48579.4 : VOY episode : " Eye of the Needle "
  • VOY episode : " Ex Post Facto "
  • Stardate 48623.5 : VOY episode : " Emanations "
  • Stardate 48642.5 : VOY episode : " Prime Factors "
  • Stardate 48658.2 : VOY episode : " State of Flux "
  • VOY - Strange New Worlds II short story : " Touched "
  • Stardate 48693.2 : VOY episode : " Heroes and Demons "
  • Stardate 48734.2 : VOY episode : " Cathexis "
  • Stardate 48784.2 : VOY episode : " Faces "
  • Stardate 48832.1 : VOY episode : " Jetrel "
  • Stardate 48846.5 : VOY episode : " Learning Curve "
  • VOY novel : The Murdered Sun
  • Stardate 48892.1 : VOY episode : " Projections "
  • Stardate 48921.3 : VOY episode : " Elogium "
  • VOY - Invasion! novel : The Final Fury
  • VOY episode : " Twisted "
  • Stardate 48975.1 : VOY episode : " The 37's "
  • Strange New Worlds I : " Good Night, Voyager " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 49005.3 : " Initiations " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49011 : " Non Sequitur " ( VOY episode)
  • Ghost of a Chance ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 49068.5 : " Parturition " ( VOY episode)
  • Cybersong ( VOY novel)
  • Bless the Beasts ( VOY novel)
  • " Persistence of Vision " ( VOY episode)
  • " Tattoo " ( VOY episode)
  • Mosaic ( VOY novel) Chapters 1;3;5;7;9;11;13;15;17;19;21;23
  • Stardate 49164.8 : " Cold Fire " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49208.5 : " Maneuvers " ( VOY episode)
  • " Resistance " ( VOY episode)
  • The Garden ( VOY novel)
  • " Prototype " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49337.4 : " Alliances " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49373.4 : " Threshold " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds V : " On the Rocks " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 49373.4 : Day of Honor #3: Her Klingon Soul ( VOY novel)
  • " Meld " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49447 : " Dreadnought " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49301.2 : " Death Wish " ( VOY episode)
  • Chrysalis ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 49504.3 : " Lifesigns " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49485.5 : " Investigations " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49548.7 : " Deadlock " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49578.2 : " Innocence " ( VOY episode)
  • " The Thaw " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49655.2 : " Tuvix " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 49690.1 : " Resolutions " ( VOY episode)
  • " Basics , Part I" ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50023.4 : " Basics , Part II" ( VOY episode)
  • Day of Honor ( VOY novelization) "Then: One year ago..."
  • Stardate 50126.4 : Flashback ( VOY novelization)
  • The Black Shore ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 50156.2 : " The Chute " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50252.3 : " The Swarm " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50074.3 : " False Profits " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50203.1 : " Remember " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50063.2 : " Sacred Ground " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50312.5 : " Future's End " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds I : " Ambassador at Large " ( VOY short story)
  • Echoes ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 50348.1 : " Warlord " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Winds of Change " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50384.2 : " The Q and the Grey " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50425.1 : " Macrocosm " ( VOY episode)
  • " Fair Trade " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50446.2 : The Amazing Stories : " A Night at Sandrine's " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50460.3 : " Alter Ego " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Talent Night " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50518.6 : " Coda " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50537.2 : " Blood Fever " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds III : " The Second Star " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50614.2 : " Unity " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50693.2 : " Darkling " ( VOY episode)
  • " Rise " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50714.2 : Strange New Worlds I : " Monthuglu " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50732.4 : " Favorite Son " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50973 : " Before and After " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50836.2 : " Real Life " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds I : " Fiction " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50573.2 : Marooned ( VOY novel)
  • " Distant Origin " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds I : " I, Voyager " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 50912.4 : " Displaced " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50953.4 : " Worst Case Scenario " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 50984.3 : " Scorpion " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51003.7 : " Scorpion , Part II" ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds 8 : " This Drone " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 51008 : " The Gift " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds II : " The Healing Arts " ( VOY short story)
  • Strange New Worlds V : " Witness " ( VOY short story)
  • Day of Honor ( VOY novelization)
  • Stardate 51186.2 : " Revulsion " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51244.3 : " Scientific Method " ( VOY episode)
  • The Captain's Table : Fire Ship ( VOY novel) Chapters 2-24
  • Stardate 51268.4 : " Year of Hell " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51425.4 : " Year of Hell , Part II" ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51367.2 : " Random Thoughts " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51386.4 : " Concerning Flight " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51449.2 : " Mortal Coil " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51471.3 : " Waking Moments " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51462 : " Message in a Bottle " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51501.4 : Strange New Worlds III : " The Ones Left Behind " ( VOY short story) seventh entry
  • Stardate 51501.4 : " Hunters " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51652.3 : " Prey " ( VOY episode)
  • The Captain's Table : Fire Ship ( VOY novel) Chapters 1;25
  • Stardate 51679.4 : " Retrospect " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51715.2 : " The Killing Game " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51762.4 : " Vis à Vis " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds VI : " The End of Night " ( VOY short story) sections 2-7
  • Stardate 51871.2 : " The Omega Directive " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51813.4 : " Unforgettable " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds II : " Seventh Heaven " ( VOY short story)
  • " Living Witness " ( VOY episode)
  • " Demon " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 51929.3 : " One " ( VOY episode)
  • Pathways ( VOY novel) Chapters 1;3;5;7;9;11;13;15
  • Stardate 51978.2 : " Hope and Fear " ( VOY episode)
  • String Theory , Book 1: Cohesion ( VOY novel)
  • String Theory , Book 2: Fusion ( VOY novel)
  • String Theory , Book 3: Evolution ( VOY novel))
  • Spirit Walk #1: Old Wounds ( VOY novel) Prologue
  • Stardate 52081.2 : " Night " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Closure " ( VOY short story)
  • Seven of Nine ( VOY novel)
  • " Drone " ( VOY episode)
  • " Extreme Risk " ( VOY episode)
  • Death of a Neutron Star ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 52136.4 : " In the Flesh " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds 9 : " Unconventional Cures " ( VOY short story)
  • " Once Upon a Time " ( VOY episode)
  • Battle Lines ( VOY novel)
  • Stardate 52143.6 : " Timeless " ( VOY episode)
  • Planet Killer ( VOY comic)
  • Stardate 52356.2 : " Infinite Regress " ( VOY episode)
  • " Nothing Human " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 52179.4 : " Thirty Days " ( VOY episode)
  • " Counterpoint " ( VOY episode)
  • " Latent Image " ( VOY episode)
  • " Bride of Chaotica! " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds III : " The Monster Hunters " ( VOY short story)
  • Distant Shores : " The Secret Heart of Zolaluz " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 52438.9 : " Gravity " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 52542.3 : " Bliss " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds III : " Gift of the Mourners " ( VOY short story)
  • Distant Shores : " Isabo's Shirt " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 52619.2 : " Dark Frontier " ( VOY episode)
  • The Amazing Stories : " When Push Comes to Shove " ( VOY short story)
  • " The Disease " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 52586.3 : " Course: Oblivion " ( VOY episode)
  • " The Fight " ( VOY episode)
  • " Think Tank " ( VOY episode)
  • " Juggernaut " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 52647 : " Someone to Watch Over Me " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 52861.574 : " Relativity " ( VOY episode)
  • Equinox ( VOY novelization) Prologue
  • " Warhead " ( VOY episode)
  • Section 31 : Shadow ( VOY novel)
  • Equinox ( VOY novelization)
  • Equinox , Part II ( VOY novelization)
  • Stardate 53049.2 : " Survival Instinct " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Brief Candle " ( VOY short story)
  • " Barge of the Dead " ( VOY episode)
  • " Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53167.9 : " Dragon's Teeth " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : " The Little Captain " ( VOY short story)
  • " Alice " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53263.2 : " Riddles " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53292.7 : " One Small Step " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds 9 : " Choices " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 53329 : " One Small Step (episode) " ( VOY episode)
  • " Pathfinder " ( VOY episode)
  • " Fair Haven " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53447.2 : " Tsunkatse " ( VOY episode)
  • " Blink of an Eye " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Eighteen Minutes " ( VOY short story)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : " I Have Broken the Prime Directive " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 53556.4 : " Virtuoso " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Or the Tiger " ( VOY short story)
  • " Spirit Folk " ( VOY episode)
  • " Memorial " ( VOY episode)
  • " Collective " ( VOY episode)
  • Gateways #5: No Man's Land ( VOY novel)
  • Gateways #7: What Lay Beyond : In the Queue ( VOY novella)
  • Stardate 53679.4 : " Ashes to Ashes " ( VOY episode)
  • " Child's Play " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53753.2 : " Good Shepherd " ( VOY episode)
  • " Fury " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53849.2 : " Live Fast and Prosper " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 53854.7 : Elite Force ( VOY comic)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : " Black Hats " ( VOY short story)
  • " Life Line " ( VOY episode)
  • Avalon Rising ( VOY Comic)
  • Stardate 53896 : " Muse " ( VOY episode)
  • Dark Matters : Cloak and Dagger ( VOY novel) Chapters 1-2; 3 sections 2-4; 4 section 1; 5-14; 15 sections 1,3,5; 16
  • Dark Matters : Ghost Dance ( VOY novel) Chapters 1-2; 4-5; 7-8; 10-12; 14-15; 17-19
  • Dark Matters : Shadow of Heaven ( VOY novel) Chapters 1-2; 4-5; 7-8; 10-11; 13-18; 19 sections 2-5; Epilogue; Coda
  • " The Haunting of Deck Twelve " ( VOY episode)
  • " Unimatrix Zero , Part I" ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54014.4 : " Unimatrix Zero , Part I" ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54002.5 : Star Trek: Special : Exercises in Futility ( VOY Comic)
  • Stardate 54129.4 : " Imperfection " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54058.6 : " Drive " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds 8 : " You May Kiss the Bride " ( VOY short story)
  • " Critical Care " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54090.4 : " Repression " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds VII : " Redux " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54208.3 : " Inside Man " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54238.3 : " Body and Soul " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : " Welcome Home " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54274.7 : " Nightingale " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds V : " Restoration " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54337.5 : " Flesh and Blood " ( VOY episode)
  • Shattered ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds 8 : " Transfiguration " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54452.6 : " Lineage " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : " Return " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54474.6 : " Repentance " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54518.2 : " Prophecy " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54553.4 : " The Void " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54584.3 : " Workforce , Part I" ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54622.4 : " Workforce , Part II" ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds IV : " Shadows, in the Dark " ( VOY short story)
  • The Nanotech War ( VOY novel)
  • Human Error ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54704.5 : " Q2 " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54732.3 : " Author, Author " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds VI : " Hidden " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54775.4 : " Friendship One " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54814.4 : " Natural Law " ( VOY episode)
  • Strange New Worlds VI : " Seven and Seven " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54868.6 : " Homestead " ( VOY episode)
  • Distant Shores : " Bottomless " ( VOY short story)
  • Stardate 54890.7 : " Renaissance Man " ( VOY episode)
  • Stardate 54973.4 : " Endgame " ( VOY novelization) Chapters 8-18
  • Distant Shores : " Da Capo al Fine " ( VOY short story)
  • Homecoming ( VOY novel)
  • The Farther Shore ( VOY novel)
  • Spirit Walk , Book 1: Old Wounds ( VOY novel)
  • Spirit Walk , Book 2: Enemy of My Enemy ( VOY novel)
  • Full Circle ( VOY novel)
  • Star Trek: Destiny
  • Unworthy ( VOY novel)
  • Children of the Storm ( VOY novel)
  • The Eternal Tide ( VOY novel)
  • Protectors ( VOY novel)
  • Acts of Contrition ( VOY novel)
  • STO mission : " Fluid Dynamics "
  • STO mission : " Surface Tension "
  • STO mission : " Fluidic Destruction "
  • PIC novel : Firewall

External link

  • USS Voyager article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 The Chase
  • 3 Preserver (race)

Star Trek Voyager (Kelvin Timeline)

  • View history

In the 23 rd century of the Kelvin Timeline, a powerful alien being sweeps a Kazon ship across the galaxy into the Alpha Quadrant. Five years after her former captain was killed, Captain Nicole Tyson and the young crew of the new USS Voyager , with the guidance of an unexpected ally, must find a way to work together to prevent the one who killed her captain, the Kazon known as Jal Dukar from threatening the Federation .

In the year 2259, the Federation starship USS Reliant is on patrol near the Romulan Neutral Zone when a black hole appears. Suddenly, a massive ship emerges and opens fire on Reliant , inflicting heavy damage on the vessel. The attacking vessel ceases fire and its commanding officer, First Maje Jal Dukar, hails Reliant .

Dukar demands that Reliant 's commanding officer, Richard Dreyfuss, surrender or he will destroy Reliant . Dreyfuss refuses stating, " we don’t surrender to terrorist. " Dukar acknowledges and resumes the attack on Reliant . The fire power from the enemy vessel overwhelms Reliant . A plasma blast strikes the bridge, killing several crewmen.

Critically injured from the blast, Dreyfuss transfers command to his first officer, Nicole Tyson, then dies. With no chance of defeating the enemy vessel, Tyson orders the crew to abandon ship. Tyson stays behind and continues the attack in order to protect the crew. With the crew safely evacuated, Tyson sets the ship's autopilot on a collision course with the enemy ship and jumps into an escape pod. Reliant smashes into the enemy vessel, disabling it and giving the shuttles time to escape.

One year prior, on Vulcan, right before its destruction, Tuvek is about to enter Starfleet Academy at his parents’ wishes. Tuvek is conflicted with entering Starfleet, finding the egocentric nature of humans difficult to deal with and believes he should enter the Vulcan Science Academy instead. Tuvek's mother explains that they want him to learn as his father had from Starfleet that there is much, he can learn from other species such as humans. Tuvek obliges and agrees to go.

In 2261, at Tranquility Base on the moon, a young Alex Ryder gets into trouble and is arrested by Starfleet security. Furious, Ryder's father, the base's commander, Admiral Mark Ryder, forces him to enter Starfleet Academy. Early the next day, Ryder heads to the base's shipyard, where the USS Voyager is under construction. Tyson, now a captain, is the recruiter. On the recruitment shuttle, Ryder meets Kim Sato as the shuttle leaves for Earth.

Three years later, USS Serapis is patrolling in an unknown part of space when the First Officer, Martha Sutter, informs the captain that they have picked up a distress call. The call lures them to the damaged alien vessel adrift in space, which turns out to be a trap set by Dukar who captures the Serapis with a tractor beam.

Meanwhile, at Starfleet Academy, cadets gather in a hanger for a training cruise aboard starships. Cadets are assigned to ships based on their aptitude, with the most capable cadets assigned to the USS Voyager , a ship completed so recently it had just been launched from space dock earlier that day. Ortega (who originally wanted an assignment aboard the USS Enterprise ) is originally assigned to USS Phoenix , but complains directly to Tuvek, insisting she had earned an assignment on Voyager (since the Enterprise was destroyed the previous year). Tuvek quickly corrects the oversight. Meanwhile, Ryder and Sato are also assigned to Voyager , but Ryder is disappointed to learn that Cobbs will be at the helm instead of him.

The training cruise is interrupted when Voyager is ordered to investigate an attack on a Starfleet outpost bordering the Romulan neutral zone. While enroute to the outpost, Tyson makes a ship-wide mission broadcast announcing that the crew's orders are to investigate the attack on the outpost and the possibility of Romulan involvement.

Arriving at the outpost, Voyager is ambushed by the Serapis , which takes heavy damage. Dukar offers to spare Tyson and her crew if they surrender their ship; instead, Tyson stalls for time, and takes advantage of Dukar’s unfamiliarity with Starfleet ships, remotely lowering Serapis ’ shields, enabling a counterattack. Dukar is forced to retreat and effect repairs. Meanwhile Tyson, Ryder, Skyla Cobbs, and Chief medical officer Cade Zimmerman beam aboard the station and find an injured alien engineer named Kaylah and Commander Sutter, who reveals that the rest of Serapis ’ crew are marooned on the planet below.

While Zimmerman beams back to Voyager with Kaylah, Tyson and the others beam down to the snow-covered planet. They find Serapis’ crew taking refuge in a cave with Tam, an Ocampa prisoner of Dukar’s crew. Before Tam can explain, the group is threatened by Sutter, who has joined Dukar explaining she seeks revenge against Starfleet for choosing to promote Tyson instead of her, she kills Cobbs and beams back aboard the Serapis .

Tam explains that she is from the Delta Quadrant and that Dukar and his crew are Kazons, an aggressive warrior race enslaved by an alien race called the Trabe. Dukar and his followers stole a Trabe ship as part of their plot to overthrow the Trabe and unite the Kazon under his rule. At some point, she was captured by Dukar’s men and forced to lead them to the Caretaker, an alien being who serves as the protector of her people, intending to steal its technology. To stop them, the Caretaker opened a portal, transporting the Kazons and Tam across the galaxy. Now in the Alpha Quadrant, Dukar seeks to steal Federation technology and find a way back to the Delta Quadrant so he can fulfill his plans to conquer both the Trabe and Kazon.

The team beams back to Voyager with Tam and Serapis ’ crew. While Tam and others are being treated in sickbay, on the bridge, Tuvek suggest they regroup with the fleet, but Ryder argues they should go after Dukar. Tyson agrees with Ryder and orders an immediate pursuit of the Serapis .

Meanwhile, the Serapis arrives at Starbase 1 where Dukar intends to capture more Starfleet ships. With Sutter’s help, they get past the station’s security and prepare to dock. Just then, Tyson contacts the Serapis and offers to surrender Voyager (the most powerful ship in the galaxy) if he leaves Starbase 1. Dukar agrees and goes to meet Voyager .

Once the Serapis drops out of warp, Tyson has Tuvek distract the Kazons while she and an away team beam aboard the Serapis . After a brief firefight, the team heads to engineering while Tyson makes her way to the bridge. In engineering, the team is confronted by Sutter who is then wounded by a phaser blast. On the bridge, Tyson is confronted by Dukar, and after a brief scuffle, Dukar pins Tyson and is about to finish her off when Tyson grabs Dukar’s phaser and fires, killing him.

The team disable the Serapis ’ weapons and trap the rest of the Kazons, regaining control of the ship.  However, unbeknownst to them, a wounded Sutter sets the ship’s warp core to explode before dying. Unable to stop it, Tyson and the team beam back to Voyager and warp away as the Serapis’ core breaches, destroying the ship and killing the remaining Kazon aboard.

Back on Earth, Tuvek meets with his father, who congratulates him. Tuvek thanks his father, telling him that he finally understands why he and his mother wanted him to join Starfleet. Ryder reconciles with his father, who tells him that he is proud of him. Tyson is commended by Starfleet Command for her actions against the Kazon.

Back aboard Voyager , Tyson walks onto the bridge. She welcomes Tam (who is now a nurse in sickbay) aboard as part of their crew and family and receives assurances from Ortega, Ryder, Sato, and Kaylah that their sections are ready to depart. Tuvek awaits Tyson's orders to which she simply replies, "Let’s see what's out there. Engage."

  • 1 Invincible class
  • 2 Deep Space 9 (Prime)
  • 3 William V of the United Kingdom

USS Voyager

Voyager warp range by player level, 8472 hostiles, hirogen loot and species 8472 exchange, common anomaly sample exchange, rare anomaly sample exchange, commerce exchange, voyager refit claim.

The Voyager has one of the most complicated chain of requirements to get all its loot. Scopely released the graphic below to help you follow what you have to do.

So basically you kill Hirogen Hostiles to get relics, which get you the mats you need to summon 8472 hostiles, whose loot lets you get Voyager travel tokens for the Voyager to mine Common and Rare Anomoly Samples, which get turned in for more loot.

In the refinery, you have access to ship parts for normal ships, the Amalgam, the Cerritos, the Franklin-A and the D'vor Feesha. This is by far the quickest way to get 4* and 5* ship parts.

There is a Silver Blood Voyager flying around the Delta Quadrant. To find it, you just use the summon ability like you normally would, and it has a chance of being summoned if it's in the system. Eventually you'll probably encounter it. When you do and kill it, you'll get a chest that pops up eventually in the Voyager refinery.

April 22, 2024

After Months of Gibberish, Voyager 1 Is Communicating Well Again

NASA scientists spent months coaxing the 46-year-old Voyager 1 spacecraft back into healthy communication

By Meghan Bartels

Artist's rendering of Voyager in space

NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft is depicted in this artist’s concept traveling through interstellar space, or the space between stars, which it entered in 2012.


After months of nonsensical transmissions from humanity’s most distant emissary, NASA’s iconic Voyager 1 spacecraft is finally communicating intelligibly with Earth again.

Voyager 1 launched in 1977 , zipped past Jupiter and Saturn within just a few years and has been trekking farther from our sun ever since; the craft crossed into interstellar space in 2012. But in mid-November 2023 Voyager 1’s data transmissions became garbled , sending NASA engineers on a slow quest to troubleshoot the distant spacecraft. Finally, that work has paid off, and NASA has clear information on the probe’s health and status, the agency announced on April 22.

“It’s the most serious issue we’ve had since I’ve been the project manager, and it’s scary because you lose communication with the spacecraft,” said Suzanne Dodd, Voyager project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in an interview with Scientific American when the team was still tracking down the issue.

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The Voyager 1 spacecraft is a scientific legend : It discovered that Jupiter’s moon Io, far from being a dead world like our own companion, is instead a supervolcanic world . The craft’s data suggested that Saturn’s moon Titan might have liquid on its surface. And for more than a decade, Voyager 1 has given scientists a glimpse at what space looks like beyond the influence of our sun.

Yet its long years in the harsh environment of space have done a number on the probe, which was designed to last just four years. In particular, degraded performance and low power supplies have forced NASA to turn off six of its 10 instruments, and its communication has gotten even spottier than can be explained by the fact that cosmic mechanics mean a signal takes nearly one Earth day to travel between humans and the probe.

When the latest communications glitch occurred last fall, scientists could still send signals to the distant probe, and they could tell that the spacecraft was operating. But all they got from Voyager 1 was gibberish—what NASA described in December 2023 as “a repeating pattern of ones and zeros.” The team was able to trace the issue back to a part of the spacecraft’s computer system called the flight data subsystem, or FDS, and identified that a particular chip within that system had failed.

Mission personnel couldn’t repair the chip. They were, however, able to break the code held on the failed chip into pieces they could tuck into spare corners of the FDS’s memory, according to NASA. The first such fix was transmitted to Voyager 1 on April 18. With a total distance of 30 billion miles to cross from Earth to the spacecraft and back, the team had to wait nearly two full days for a response from the probe. But on April 20 NASA got confirmation that the initial fix worked. Additional commands to rewrite the rest of the FDS system’s lost code are scheduled for the coming weeks, according to the space agency, including commands that will restore the spacecraft’s ability to send home science data.

Although, for now, Voyager 1 appears to be on the mend, NASA scientists know it won’t last forever. Sooner or later, a glitch they can’t fix will occur, or the spacecraft’s ever dwindling fuel supply will run out for good. Until then NASA is determined to get as much data as possible out of the venerable spacecraft—and its twin, Voyager 2, which experienced its own communications glitch earlier in 2023 .

Memory Alpha

  • Unnamed Starfleet personnel (24th century)
  • Starfleet operations personnel

Unnamed USS Voyager operations division personnel

  • View history

The following is a list of unnamed operations division crewmembers aboard the USS Voyager .

  • 1.1 Ensign 1
  • 1.2 Ensign 2
  • 1.3 Ensign 3
  • 1.4 Ensign 4
  • 1.5 Officer 1
  • 1.6 Officer 2
  • 1.7 Officer 3
  • 1.8 Officer 4
  • 1.9 Officer 5
  • 1.10 Officer 6
  • 1.11 Officer 7
  • 1.12 Officer 8
  • 2.1 Chief engineer
  • 2.2 Engineer 1
  • 2.3 Engineer 2
  • 2.4 Engineer 3
  • 2.5 Engineer 4
  • 2.6 Engineer 5
  • 2.7 Engineer 6
  • 2.8 Engineer 7
  • 2.9 Engineer 8
  • 2.10 Engineer 9
  • 2.11 Engineer 10
  • 2.12 Engineer 11
  • 2.13 Engineer 12
  • 2.14 Engineer 13
  • 2.15 Engineer 14
  • 2.16 Engineer 15
  • 2.17 Engineer 16
  • 2.18 Engineer 17
  • 2.19 Engineer 18
  • 2.20 Engineer 19
  • 2.21 Engineer 20
  • 2.22 Engineer 21
  • 2.23 Engineer 22
  • 2.24 Engineer 23
  • 2.25 Engineer 24
  • 2.26 Engineer 25
  • 2.27 Engineer 26
  • 2.28 Engineer 27
  • 2.29 Engineer 28
  • 2.30 Engineer 29
  • 2.31 Engineer 30
  • 2.32 Engineer 31
  • 3.1 Ensign 1
  • 3.2 Ensign 2
  • 3.3 Ensign 3
  • 3.4 Ensign 4
  • 3.5 Lieutenant junior grade
  • 3.6 Lieutenant
  • 3.7 Officer 1
  • 3.8 Officer 2
  • 3.9 Officer 4
  • 3.10 Officer 5
  • 3.11 Officer 6
  • 3.12 Officer 7
  • 3.13 Officer 8
  • 3.14 Officer 9
  • 3.15 Officer 10
  • 3.16 Officer 11
  • 3.17 Officer 12
  • 3.18 Officer 13
  • 3.19 Officer 14
  • 3.20 Officer 15
  • 3.21 Officer 16
  • 3.22 Officer 17
  • 3.23 Officer 18
  • 3.24 Provisional officer 1
  • 3.25 Provisional officer 2
  • 3.26 Provisional officer 3
  • 4.1 Officer 1
  • 4.2 Officer 3
  • 4.3 Officer 4
  • 4.4 Officer 5
  • 4.5 Officer 6
  • 4.6 Officer 7
  • 4.7 Officer 8
  • 4.8 Officer 9
  • 4.9 Officer 10
  • 4.10 Officer 11
  • 4.11 Officer 12
  • 4.12 Officer 13
  • 4.13 Officer 14
  • 4.14 Officer 15
  • 4.15 Officer 16
  • 4.16 Officer 18
  • 4.17 Officer 19
  • 4.18 Officer 20
  • 4.19 Officer 21
  • 4.20 Officer 22
  • 4.21 Officer 23
  • 4.22 Officer 24
  • 4.23 Officer 25
  • 4.24 Officer 26
  • 4.25 Officer 27
  • 4.26 Provisional officer
  • 5.1 Officer 1
  • 5.2 Officer 2
  • 5.3 Officer 3
  • 5.4 Officer 4
  • 5.5 Officer 5
  • 5.6 Officer 6
  • 5.7 Transporter chief 1
  • 5.8 Transporter chief 2
  • 5.9 Transporter chief 3

Bridge officers [ ]

Ensign 1 [ ].

On the bridge

This male ensign talked to other crewmembers on the Promenade outside Quark's aboard Deep Space 9 .

He manned the operations station on the bridge of Voyager when Captain Kathryn Janeway introduced Harry Kim to his new workplace. He then went to work on one of the aft stations.

He visited the mess hall aboard Voyager following the departure from Deep Space 9 and used the food service a moment before Tom Paris ordered his tomato soup .

He manned the operations station before he was relieved by Harry Kim and when the ship detected an energy wave inside the Badlands . He manned the station again, when Harry Kim went missing and Chakotay , Ayala , and Tuvok beamed onto the bridge of Voyager . He pointed his phaser onto the Maquis crewmembers.

He was performing repairs on the bridge when the away team from the Caretaker's array was transported back aboard Voyager by the Caretaker . Later, he was working on the bridge when Voyager made first contact with Neelix .

A short time later, he operated the transporter console in transporter room 2 and beamed Neelix aboard the ship where he was welcomed by Tuvok.

He listened to Captain Janeway's speech about the junction of the Starfleet and Maquis crews aboard Voyager following the destruction of the Caretaker's array. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

He was working on the mission ops station on the aft bridge when Voyager encountered a type-4 quantum singularity and tried to escape. He was thrown off his feet when the ship was hit by several discharges. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

He was also on duty when Voyager changed course to investigate a planet on which surface they found evidence for a population which was erased by an accident. ( VOY : " Time and Again ")

USS Voyager ops ensign 1, cave

As a member of the away team

He accompanied Captain Janeway, Tuvok, and Harry Kim into the caverns of an asteroid where Neelix was attacked by Vidiians who stole his lungs . The away team found the laboratory and organ storage room and encountered Dereth , one of the Vidiians. ( VOY : " Phage ")

He was working on the bridge and manned the console Mission Ops II when Voyager went into a nebula and learned that this nebula was a lifeform , a nucleogenic cloud being . ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

He was working on the bridge when the crew discovered a micro-wormhole and was able to establish contact with the Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor on the other side, the Alpha Quadrant . ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

He was working on the bridge when Harry Kim returned to Voyager from the planet Banea . He served as relief tactical officer while Tuvok was assigned to find the true murderer of Banean scientist Professor Tolen Ren . ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ")

He was working on the bridge when the crew discovered the 247th element in the ring of a class D planet. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

He was working in engineering when Seska and B'Elanna Torres discussed using the spatial trajector matrix and it's technology aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

He manned an aft station and later the tactical station on the bridge during an encounter with the Kazon-Nistrim and their First Maje Culluh . ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

He worked as relief tactical officer on the bridge when security chief Tuvok went missing on the holodeck . ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

USS Voyager ops ensign 1, transporter room

As security officer in the transporter room

He was sitting in the mess hall when Neelix served Tuvok his plomeek soup á la Neelix. Later, he was working on the bridge as relief tactical officer when Tuvok joined the away team mission to Avery III . ( VOY : " Faces ")

He accompanied Lieutenant Tuvok and Captain Janeway a security detail to transporter room 1 to stop Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel using the transporter. He stood guard at the door and pointed his phaser at Dr. Jetrel. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

He replaced Lieutenant Tuvok at the tactical station on the bridge during Tuvok's mission to train the Maquis crewmembers. He was present when the ship lost it's systems due to a virus . ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

Together with Crewman Sharr , he escorted the Akritirians Piri and Vel from the transporter room into the briefing room and later into their quarters. ( VOY : " The Chute ")

Caretaker scene 27, original filming 1

Anthony in the original filming of "Caretaker"

Ensign 2 [ ]

At the Caretaker's array

This operations division ensign visited the Promenade aboard Deep Space 9 and passed Quark's Bar while Voyager was docked at the station in 2371.

Later aboard Voyager , he passed Tom Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor carrying a case. He was also present on the bridge when Captain Janeway introduced Harry Kim to his new workplace. Following the departure of Voyager from Deep Space 9, he had dinner in the mess hall.

He was on duty on the bridge manning his side station, the engineering station, when the ship was hit by an energy wave in the Badlands and the crew gained consciousness in the Delta Quadrant. He was among the crewmembers who were transported aboard the Caretaker's array and gathered with them in front of the farm house. He went with Captain Janeway to answer a distress call from Tom Paris. When the team arrived inside the barn , they witnessed the farm folk appear and threaten them with forks .

Later, he was performing repairs on the bridge of Voyager when the away team was transported back aboard Voyager by the Caretaker. He witnessed the first contact with Neelix when Voyager identified his humanoid lifesign in a debris field .

He passed Tuvok in a corridor when the security chief entered the guest quarters of Neelix and was back on the bridge, working on the operations station when Captain Janeway contacted Voyager and asked to be beamed out of the Ocampa underground city.

He listened to Captain Janeway's speech following the destruction of the Caretaker's array and the junction of the Starfleet and Maquis crews. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager encountered a type-4 quantum singularity and tried to escape from within the singularity. He manned an aft station and was talking to the sciences officer at the port science station when the ship was hit again. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

He was working on the bridge and manning the engineering side station when Voyager changed course to investigate the disappearance of the population on the surface of a planet. ( VOY : " Time and Again ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager was in pursuit of a Vidiian starship. ( VOY : " Phage ")

He walked past Commander Chakotay when the commander entered the captain's ready room . Later, he also worked on the bridge when the senior crew tried to find a way to assist the nucleogenic cloud being in regeneration. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

He manned the Engineering II console on the bridge when the crew found a micro-wormhole and was able to establish contact with the Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor on the other side, in the Alpha Quadrant. ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

He was working on the bridge at an aft station when Harry Kim returned to Voyager from a mission on the planet Banea . He was also on the bridge when the ship made contact with the Numiri. When Voyager left Banea, he was seen outside the mess hall talking to a sciences officer. ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ")

He was working on the bridge when the crew discovered the 247th element in the ring of a class D planet. He later manned the engineering II side station on the bridge when instead of Harry Kim the dead Vhnori Ptera was beamed aboard. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

He manned the operations station on the bridge when Voyager received a distress call from a Sikarian starship. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

He was working on the bridge when a team of engineers tried to identify technology found aboard a damaged Kazon-Nistrim raider and when First Maje Jal Culluh contacted Voyager . ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

He was working at his station on the bridge when Voyager studied a protostar and also later, when Captain Janeway announced new orders to rescue the missing crewmembers. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager beamed Chakotay and Tuvok aboard, both unconsciouss, when they returned from their trade mission with the Ilidarians . He also witnessed how Tuvok, taken over by the Komar , stunned the whole bridge crew with a wide spread dispersal phaser shot. He was then taken hostage until Captain Janeway forced the Komar to leave Tuvok's body. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager arrived at the planet Avery III to pick up an away team. ( VOY : " Faces ")

He crossed the bridge to get to the side engineering station when Neelix entered to identify the Haakonian shuttle arriving at Voyager . ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

He manned again the side engineering station on the bridge when Captain Janeway ordered Tom Paris to deactivate the nacelle control system and this the heat got higher and higher. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

He was part of the security team which accompanied Tuvok to the surface of a planet and was attacked by John Evansville and his colleagues. ( VOY : " The 37's ")

USS Voyager ops ensign 2, holo duplicate

As a holographic duplicate, dead on the bridge

A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the casualties aboard Voyager following the transport of the ship into the Delta Quadrant . He was lying on the ground of the bridge. ( VOY : " Projections ")

He crossed the bridge to get to his station, the Engineering II side station when Voyager discovered a swarm of space-dwelling lifeforms . He continued to work at this station when several of these lifeforms attached themselves to the hull and left this station to make room for B'Elanna Torres when she joined the bridge crew. He continued to work on an aft station. ( VOY : " Elogium ")

He participated in the bets on the holodeck in 2372. ( VOY : " Meld ") The same year he passed Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay near a turbolift and later worked on an aft station on the bridge during Voyager 's first contact with the Drayans . ( VOY : " Innocence ")

He was on the bridge when Tuvok decided to seek help from the Vidiians. ( VOY : " Resolutions ")

He was working on a side station on the bridge when Captain Janeway and Chakotay were beamed back aboard while the ship was over Los Angeles in 1996 . ( VOY : " Future's End ")

Off duty, he attended the Hawaiian luau at the Paxau Resort holoprogram organized by Neelix. He shared drinks with fellow crewmembers and received a lei . ( VOY : " Alter Ego ")

He was present in the mess hall when Neelix offered B'Elanna Torres blood pie for her Day of Honor . ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 5

A biomimetic copy of him

He attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. Later, he was working on the engineering side bridge station when Captain Janeway agreed to let The Doctor lead the away team aboard the Serosian vessel. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

He was eating and talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall when Seven of Nine attacked Neelix and threw him over a chair. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He was working in engineering when Seven of Nine uncovered the cloaked Srivani scientist Alzen by using a phaser. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

He was part of the away team which conducted scans and analysis on the bridge of the Dauntless . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager was trapped in chaotic space and passed Commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway later in a corridor. ( VOY : " The Fight ")

He was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres informed Captain Janeway, Jippeq , and Derran Tal about the microfractures on the Varro generational ship . Later, he was working on the bridge and witnessed Harry Kim's behavior against Captain Janeway. When the Varro generational ship broke into several pieces, he manned the side station "Engineering II" on the bridge. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

A biomimetic copy of him attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris aboard the Silver Blood copy of Voyager . ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

He was working in engineering when Commander Chakotay prepared the crew for the rescue of the Malon export vessel in 2375 . ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

He passed Astrometrics while several alien visitors from the Markonian outpost were aboard Voyager . Later, he visited the mess hall where he talked to some of the alien visitors. ( VOY : " Survival Instinct ")

He was part of a hallucination experienced by B'Elanna Torres following a shuttle accident. In this hallucination, he was on duty in engineering where a Klingon artifact was scanned and later visited the mess hall where he celebrated the official Klingon day of the Delta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Barge of the Dead ")

He worked as transporter chief and beamed the alien trader Abaddon aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Alice ")

Simon Stotler, Caretaker

Stotler in the first filmed version of "Caretaker"

Ensign 3 [ ]

Voyager operations bridge officer, 2373

A bridge officer

This ensign worked on a station behind the captain's chair when Voyager assisted the Nezu . ( VOY : " Rise ")

Ensign 4 [ ]

Voyager ops ensign 3 in sickbay

A Starfleet ensign

Pablo Soriano Mortal Coil

Off duty in the mess hall

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 4

This ensign served aboard Voyager while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant in the 2370s .

He was working in main engineering when the engineering crew received assistance from Seven of Nine in removing the Borg technology from the ship. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

He was working on the bridge when Captain Janeway ordered to seal off deck 6 to stop Seven of Nine. He was also on the bridge when the B'omar ended their negotiations with the Voyager . ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He was working on the bridge on an aft console when the ship approached and studied a binary pulsar . He was also working on the bridge when Captain Janeway tried to revive a dying crewmember as a result of the Srivani experiments on the crew. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

He was working on the bridge when the Voyager encountered a Krenim patrol ship. In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, he was also working on the damaged bridge. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

Following the destruction of the Krenim weapon ship , she was working on the bridge when the Voyager followed the advise of a Krenim commandant . ( VOY : " Year of Hell, Part II ")

He attended the party in the mess hall held for Neelix in 2374. ( VOY : " Mortal Coil ")

He was present in the mess hall when Neelix delievered several letters from the Alpha Quadrant to some crewmembers but received none. ( VOY : " Hunters ")

He was working on a console in the back of engineering when Seven of Nine attacked the Entharan arms dealer Kovin and left him with a bleeding nose. ( VOY : " Retrospect ")

He was among the crewmembers in sickbay whose DNA was tested by The Doctor to exclude an impostor of Species 8472 among the crew. Later, when Boothby contacted Voyager , he was working on an aft station on the bridge. ( VOY : " In the Flesh ")

He participated in the meeting in the cargo bay to find the cause of the microfractures at the Varro ship. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

His biomimetic copy was listening to Captain Janeway's speech in the mess hall after they realized they're not the original crew but Silver Blood copies. Later he suffered from degradation due to the new warp core technology and its radiation and was treated in the mess hall by Neelix. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

He was working on the aft bridge when Voyager became trapped in chaotic space. ( VOY : " The Fight ")

He was working on the bridge when Voyager found an abandoned Malon export vessel and took aboard the only two survivors Fesek and Pelk . ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

In 2375 he was treated in sickbay by The Doctor for the symptoms of space sickness . ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He was part of the day shift and came with Captain Janeway and Tom Paris in the turbolift to the bridge where he replaced a female officer at the tactical station . He remained at the tactical station during the encounter with a series 5 long-range tactical armor unit and its takeover of Voyager and was only briefly replaced by Tuvok. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

He was on duty in engineering when The Doctor tried to eject the warp core. ( VOY : " Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy ")

He was on the bridge and received a PADD from Commander Chakotay while Tom Paris and Harry Kim tried to guess Tuvok's age. ( VOY : " Alice ")

He visited the mess hall when Tuvok tried himself as chef of the galley and created a variety of desserts. ( VOY : " Riddles ")

He manned the side engineering bridge station when Voyager encountered a graviton ellipse . Later, he was working on an aft station and attended the funeral ceremony, held for Lieutenant John Kelly on the bridge, where he played the boatswain's whistle . ( VOY : " One Small Step ")

He assisted at the celebration in the mess hall in honor of Lieutenant Reginald Barclay 's initial contact between Voyager and Starfleet. He also appeared as one of the crewmembers in the mess hall in barclay's holographic recreation of Voyager . ( VOY : " Pathfinder ")

He attended the concert by The Doctor held for the Qomar delegation in the mess hall in 2376. He also attended the social gathering after the concert and then went on duty in engineering. ( VOY : " Virtuoso ")

Shortly before Seven of Nine started her shore leave along with Lieutenant Tuvok, this ensign passed Seven and The Doctor in a corridor. ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

He was present in the mess hall when Harry Kim replicated some flowers for Maggie O'Halloran . ( VOY : " Spirit Folk ")

The same year, he visited the first Annual Voyager Science Fair in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Child's Play ")

He was on duty on the bridge and manning an aft station when a complete power shutdown was performed. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

He was on duty on the bridge while Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres participated in the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in 2377. He later manned the ops station on the bridge during O'Zaal ' speech. ( VOY : " Drive ")

He was among the crewmembers who listened to Barclay's imitation of Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Tuvok in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Inside Man ")

He performed repairs on the bridge while the ship landed on the surface of a planet in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Janeway gave the Annari Geral a tour of the ship. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

He was in the mess hall being treated by Tom Paris for radiation poisoning due to the temporal anomaly. ( VOY : " Shattered ")

In 2377 he assisted Tuvok in finding and stunning the Nygean and Benkaran prisoners after their breakout. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

He was on duty on the bridge when Q Junior created a Borg scenario and three Borg drones beamed aboard to assimilate the bridge crew. ( VOY : " Q2 ")

He was on duty on the bridge when Voyager contacted the Ledosian Ambassador for help in the rescue of Seven of Nine and Chakotay from the surface of Ledos . ( VOY : " Natural Law ")

In 2378 he celebrated First Contact Day in the mess hall aboard the ship. Later, he served as relief tactical officer on the bridge when Lieutenant Tuvok joined Neelix and Tom Paris on a mission with the Delta Flyer . When Neelix left the ship, he was one of the crewmembers who stood in the row to bid him farewell. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

Officer 1 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 75

On the bridge

This female operations officer was working on one of the aft stations on the bridge of Voyager when Captain Janeway introduced Harry Kim and Tom Paris to her first officer , Lieutenant Commander Cavit .

She was also on duty on the bridge when the ship was hit by an energy wave in the Badlands and the crew gained consciousness in the Delta Quadrant.

She witnessed the transport of Chakotay, Ayala, and Tuvok onto the bridge of Voyager . During Captain Janeway's speech following the destruction of the Caretaker's array, she stood on an aft station and listened to the captain. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was working on the bridge when Voyager used a navigational scan to monitor the distance between the ship and a type-4 quantum singularity. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

She was working on the engineering side station on the bridge when Voyager approached an asteroid rich of dilithium deposits. Later, when Tuvok left to meet the Vidiians in transporter room 3, she went to the security/tactical station to replace him. ( VOY : " Phage ")

Officer 2 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 83

An ops officer

This operations officer was working on the bridge when Voyager was hit by discharges of the type-4 quantum singularity . He was thrown off his feet and fell down the stairs on the bridge. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

Officer 3 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 19

This operations officer was assigned to the operations station on the bridge during the absence of Harry Kim in 2372. ( VOY : " Non Sequitur ")

He also replaced Harry Kim at the ops station on the bridge when Voyager went to " Planet Hell ". When Harry Kim returned to his station, he went to an aft station and was present during the attack of the Reptohumanoid vessel and the flight into the atmosphere of "Planet Hell". ( VOY : " Parturition ")

Officer 4 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 16, 2373

This male officer was standing next to the tactical console on the bridge when the console exploded due to an attack by the Kazon-Nistrim . He fell on the ground. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

Officer 5 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 17

A Starfleet officer

This female officer was on duty on the bridge when the Kazon took over Voyager in 2372. She was shot by a Kazon officer who entered the bridge. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

Officer 6 [ ]

Voyager operations officer 28

This bridge officer was working on the bridge of the Voyager in 2374 when the ship was attacked by several Species 8472 bio-ships . He fell over the railing onto a command chair and to the ground. ( VOY : " Scorpion, Part II ")

Officer 7 [ ]

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 12

Eating in the mess hall

This male officer manned a station on the bridge when the Voyager rescued Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres who were adrift in space in their environmental suits. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

He had lunch in the mess hall in 2374 , when Neelix delivered some letters from home, the Alpha Quadrant . ( VOY : " Hunters ")

He was working on the aft bridge when the Voyager encountered an adrift Hirogen ship and found a wounded Alpha-Hirogen and a member of Species 8472 . ( VOY : " Prey ")

A biomimetic copy of him attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager in 2375. Later, he was one of the crewmembers who listened to Captain Janeway's speech in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

Officer 8 [ ]

Dying voyager crewmember, 2374

A crewmember

This crewmember was killed when her blood pressure was raised beyond fatal levels by the Srivani experiments . She suffered the rupturing of every blood vessel in her body and died on the bridge. Captain Janeway tried to revive her with CPR but was unsuccessful. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

Engineers [ ]

Chief engineer [ ].

The chief engineer was one of the early casualties aboard Voyager following its transport into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker . After contact was made with engineering , following their transport, Lieutenant Joe Carey reported to Captain Kathryn Janeway that "the Chief's dead." ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

After they began their journey back to the Alpha Quadrant , Janeway, and her new first officer Commander Chakotay discussed the ship's personnel situation, noting that they had already found a replacement for the transporter chief , but they still needed an astrogation plotter , a chief engineer, and medical support personnel. Though Chakotay felt that B'Elanna Torres was the best candidate for becoming the new chief, it was noted that Carey was next in line for the position. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

Engineer 1 [ ]

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 8

A biomimetic copy of her

This female officer worked as engineer aboard Voyager in the 2370s.

In 2371, she was working on controls in a corridor when she was passed by Captain Janeway and Vice Admiral Patterson while Voyager was still in drydock . ( VOY : " Relativity ")

In early 2375, she passed Seven of Nine and B'Elanna Torres in a corridor shortly after Torres' orbital skydiving adventure on the holodeck. ( VOY : " Extreme Risk ")

She was working on the bridge at an aft station while Voyager crew assisted a Varro generational ship in repairs of their warp core. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

A biomimetic copy of her was working in engineering shortly after the wedding of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris aboard the Silver Blood Voyager . Later, while suffering from degradation caused by radiation from the new warp core technology, she listened to Captain Janeway's speech in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

She worked as relief operations officer on the bridge when the Garan trader Onquanii fired at Voyager and while Harry Kim was taken hostage in sickbay. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

Engineer 2 [ ]

Female voyager engineer, 2375

An engineer

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 7

This female officer was working in a corridor while Voyager was still in drydock in 2371. She had to hide herself because Seven of Nine hunted Captain Braxton down the corridor and fired her phaser. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

She was forced to descend to the planet Hanon IV when the ship was taken by the Kazon-Nistrim . ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ", " Basics, Part II ")

She was on duty in engineering when technical equipment including a console was transported off the ship by the pirate Tau . ( VOY : " Concerning Flight ")

She passed Captain Janeway and Arturis in a corridor shortly after the alien cryptologist arrived aboard Voyager . She later passed Seven of Nine in a corridor shortly after Voyager received good news from home . She was also part of the engineering team which worked on the bridge of the Dauntless . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

She passed Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine in a corridor shortly before Janeway beamed aboard Terrasphere 8 . Janeway smiled at her. ( VOY : " In the Flesh ")

She was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres informed Captain Janeway, Jippeq, and Derran Tal about the microfractures on the Varro generational ship. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

A biomimetic copy of her was working in engineering aboard the Silver Blood Voyager shortly after the wedding of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris. Later, she had a drink in the mess hall and talked to another crewmember. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

She was working in engineering when Commander Chakotay briefed B'Elanna Torres about the rescue mission of the damaged Malon export vessel. ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

She was working on the bridge and passed the security station when Voyager arrived at Tarakis . ( VOY : " Memorial ")

She visited the mess hall when Neelix told B'Elanna Torres and Chakotay how he got sunburned on the surface of the Norcadian homeworld. ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

She was present in the mess hall when Harry Kim replicated some flowers for Maggie O'Halloran. ( VOY : " Spirit Folk ")

She was also in the mess hall when Captain Janeway helped Crewman Tal Celes . ( VOY : " Good Shepherd ")

She was on duty in engineering and assisted in the repairs of the system failures aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Live Fast and Prosper ")

Engineer 3 [ ]

Female engineer in mess hall, 2371

A female engineer in the mess hall

This female operations officer talked to fellow crewmembers on the Promenade outside Quark's aboard Deep Space 9 . Following the departure of Voyager from Deep Space 9, she had dinner with fellow crewmembers in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was working in engineering when Lieutenant Carey informed B'Elanna Torres about the senior staff meeting and her participation and when Torres later took over as chief engineer. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

She was working in engineering when Torres and Harry Kim demonstrated the polaric generator with which Captain Janeway and Tom Paris should be retrieved. ( VOY : " Time and Again ")

Voyager ops officer 1

Working in engineering

She was also working in engineering when Voyager gained a power loss due to the Vidiian technology inside an asteroid. ( VOY : " Phage ")

She worked in engineering when Captain Janeway made a tour through the room. Later, she was also present when B'Elanna Torres analyzed some matter from within the nebula. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

She was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. She crossed behind Torres and worked on a PADD . ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

She was working on a console behind Kenneth Dalby in engineering when Dalby talked to B'Elanna Torres about his training with Tuvok. When Torres left for sickbay she addressed her as an ensign and told her that she was in charge of engineering until Torres' return. Later, still in charge of engineering, she crossed the room when the Maquis trainees passed engineering to get into a Jefferies tube . When the ship's systems malfunctioned, she was working on a console at the warp core with Ensign Culhane . ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the wounded crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated. ( VOY : " Projections ")

She was working in engineering and talking to Kurt Bendera when B'Elanna Torres suggested a solution for the problem with the space-dwelling lifeforms to the captain. ( VOY : " Elogium ")

She was working in engineering when an away team purchased some tellerium to increase the antimatter reaction rate inside the warp core . ( VOY : " Resistance ")

In a dream of Harry Kim, she passed him and Seven of Nine in a corridor when Seven requested his assistance. ( VOY : " Waking Moments ")

Engineer 4 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 79

A female engineer

This operations officer was on duty in engineering when Voyager was pushed into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371. She was wounded and cared for by a medical officer. Later, she gained consciousness back in engineering following her visit to the Caretaker's array. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She visited the mess hall when Captain Janeway was searching for coffee in the galley. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

She was on duty in engineering when Joseph Carey listened to Seska and B'Elanna Torres and their talk about testing the spatial trajector matrix with the ship's systems. She was also in engineering when the trio tested the matrix and Torres had to evacuate engineering. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

She was on duty in engineering and passed Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres while Torres examined the debris of Commander Chakotay's shuttlecraft. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the crewmembers in engineering when The Doctor was first activated. ( VOY : " Projections ")

She accompanied Susan Nicoletti to the counter in the mess hall where the two took something to drink while Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered the mess hall. Nicoletti and she then moved to one of the corners of the mess hall near the replicator where they had their hot drink. Later, when Neelix and Tom Paris got into a "food fight" and threw Alfarian hair pasta on each other she stood shocked and watched the two fight and crash on a table. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

Engineer 5 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 2

In engineering

This operations officer worked in engineering when Voyager was transported into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. He assisted a female engineer leaving engineering following the transport. Later, when all crewmembers regained consciousness following their visit aboard the Caretaker's array, he woke up in engineering next to Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

He was on duty in engineering when Lieutenant Carey and B'Elanna Torres worked on a way to release Voyager from a type-4 quantum singularity and when Torres took over as chief engineer of Voyager. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

He was working in engineering when Torres and Harry Kim demonstrated the polaric generator with which Captain Janeway and Tom Paris should be retrieved. ( VOY : " Time and Again ")

He was on duty in engineering when Captain Janeway made a tour through engineering. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

He was also on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim worked on a way to free the microprobe inside the micro-wormhole. ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the crewmembers in engineering, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for another wounded officer . ( VOY : " Projections ")

Engineer 6 [ ]

At the Caretaker's array

This operations officer was among the crewmembers who were transported aboard the Caretaker's array by the Caretaker in 2371. She gathered with the other crewmembers in front of the farm house and went with Captain Janeway to answer a distress call from Tom Paris. When the team arrived inside the barn , they witnessed the farm folk appear and threaten them with forks. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was working in engineering when the ship started to shake due to the contact with a type-4 quantum singularity. She was also present when Lieutenant Carey informed B'Elanna Torres about the senior staff meeting and her participation. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

She replaced the former transporter chief in transporter room 3 after the Vidiians were beamed aboard and welcomed by a security team. ( VOY : " Phage ")

She was on duty in engineering when Captain Janeway made a tour through the section. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

She was standing on the second level in engineering when a dead Vhnori body suddenly appeared in front of her. Ayala and another crewmember brought the body away. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

She was working in engineering when Seska , B'Elanna Torres, and Joseph Carey decided to violate the Prime Directive and tested the spatial trajector matrix with the ship's systems. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

She was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres and a team of engineers tried to identify the technology found aboard a Kazon-Nistrim raider. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

She was also on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres collected photonic energy in two containers and during the rescue attempt of the crewmembers converted into photonic energy. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

She was on duty in engineering when Chakotay took over the body of B'Elanna Torres and ejected the warp core. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

She was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. She was seated behind Torres and worked on a console next to Kurt Bendera . ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

She was present in the mess hall and crossed the room when Chakotay entered, shortly before he had a dispute with Kenneth Dalby . She was also in the mess hall when Tuvok and the Maquis crewmembers Dalby, Gerron , Chell , and Henley crossed the room during their training. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

She took something to eat from the counter in the mess hall when Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered and Paris tried to avoid Kes. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

Engineer 7 [ ]

At the Caretaker's array

This operations officer was wounded during the transport of Voyager into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. She was lying on a biobed in sickbay.

Like several other crewmembers, she was transported aboard the Caretaker's array where she gathered with fellow crewmembers in front of the farm house. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was working in engineering when suddenly dead Vhnori bodies appeared aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Emanations ")

She was also on duty in engineering when Seska and B'Elanna Torres discussed the use of the spatial trajector matrix and Joseph Carey interrupted their talks. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

She was one of the engineers on duty when B'Elanna Torres picked a team of engineers including Henard and Susan Nicoletti to identify the technology from aboard a damaged Kazon-Nistrim raider. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

Voyager engineering crew, 2371

Standing in engineering

She was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. She crossed the section near the cylinder. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

She was working in engineering when Kenneth Dalby talks to B'Elanna Torres about his training with Tuvok. Later, she was standing next to Ensign Culhane when the Maquis trainees passed engineering to get access to a Jefferies tube . She was also working in that section when the ship's systems were malfunctioning due to a virus . ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

She was working in engineering and passed Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres while Torres examined the debris of Commander Chakotay's shuttlecraft. Later, she was working at one of the consoles when Torres contacted the bridge to inform the captain about her results. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the wounded crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for by another officer . ( VOY : " Projections ")

Engineer 8 [ ]

In engineering

This operations officer was working in engineering when Joseph Carey and B'Elanna Torres worked on a way to take Voyager out of a type-4 quantum singularity . He was also working in engineering when Torres took over as chief engineer and gave him orders. ( VOY : " Parallax ")

He was part of the security detail called to transporter room 3 when the Vidiians were beamed aboard. Along with Kashimuro Nozawa , he escorted them to sickbay and guarded them during their stay. Later, he was working in engineering when Voyager gained a power loss due to the Vidiian technology inside an asteroid ( VOY : " Phage ")

He passed Harry Kim and Tom Paris in a corridor when the two went to visit the holodeck. Later, he was working when Captain Janeway made a tour through engineering. When Voyager tried to assist the nucleogenic cloud being , he was working on the second level in engineering. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

He was also on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim worked on a way to free the microprobe inside the micro-wormhole . ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

He was working in engineering and talking to a fellow crewmember when B'Elanna Torres worked on a way to protect the warp core from the suddenly appearing dead Vhnori. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

He was talking to a female sciences officer when they passed Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay, and Tuvok in a corridor . Later, he visited the mess hall when Commander Chakotay entered to talk to Tuvok. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

He was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres collected photonic energy in two containers and also during the rescue attempt of the crewmembers converted into photonic energy. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

He was on duty in engineering when the Komar took over several crewmembers and when Chakotay took over the body of B'Elanna Torres and ejected the warp core. He also passed the senior officers in the corridor outside sickbay. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

He was on duty in engineering and talking to Susan Nicoletti while passing Torres who examined the debris of Commander Chakotay's shuttlecraft. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for another wounded crewmember . ( VOY : " Projections ")

When under the command of Tuvok Voyager discovered a distortion ring in space, he crossed the bridge to get to an aft station. Later, when Voyager turned into a maze , he was sitting at a table in the mess hall and having a drink while B'Elanna Torres entered on her way to engineering. After Voyager passed the distortion ring, he was back on duty on the bridge at an aft station. ( VOY : " Twisted ")

Engineer 9 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 78

This operations officer was working in engineering when Captain Janeway made a tour through engineering. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

She was also on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim worked on a way to free the microprobe inside the micro-wormhole. ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

She passed Seska and Commander Chakotay in a corridor. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

She was working on the bridge at an aft station while Tuvok was in command of Voyager and discovered a distortion ring in space. When Voyager turned into a maze due to the inversion field , she visited the mess hall where she had a drink. Later, when Voyager passed the distortion ring, she was back on duty on the bridge at an aft station and briefly manned the tactical station when Neelix brought a birthday cake for Kes on the bridge. ( VOY : " Twisted ")

Engineer 10 [ ]

At the tactical station

This male officer was assigned as an engineer to Voyager when the ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

He was on duty in engineering and talking to a fellow engineer when Captain Janeway went into engineering for a tour. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

He was working on a console when the first dead Vhnori body appeared in a Jefferies tube next to engineering. Later, he was working on the second level in engineering when another body appeared right in front of him. Together with Ayala , he transported the body out of engineering. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

He manned the tactical station on the bridge when Voyager received a distress call from a Sikarian starship and Captain Janeway and Tuvok were ordered to the bridge. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

He was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres picked a team to identify technology from aboard a damaged Kazon-Nistrim raider. He was also on duty, when Commander Chakotay and Tuvok were in engineering, awaiting the traitor to identify himself. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

He was working in engineering when the Komar took over several crewmembers of Voyager and when Chakotay took over the body of B'Elanna Torres and ejected the warp core . He also passed the senior officers in a corridor outside sickbay when they discussed the situation. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

He was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. He worked at a console next to the test cylinder. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

He was talking to a sciences ensign while walking down a corridor and both had to step aside when Tuvok and the Maquis trainees passed them. Later, he worked with Kurt Bendera in engineering when the ship's systems malfunctioned. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

He manned the side engineering station on the bridge when Voyager detected rust in space and an SOS signal. He also manned the station when blue alert was activated and Voyager landed on an Class L planet. He was also present when Tom Paris explained the navigation console to Amelia Earhart . ( VOY : " The 37's ")

USS Voyager ops officer 8, engineering 2

On duty in engineering in 2371

He was manning an aft station on the bridge when Voyager tried to locate Commander Chakotay aboard his shuttle. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

He was on duty in engineering and worked on a console when B'Elanna Torres seated herself next to him and suggesting a solution for the problem with the space-dwelling lifeforms to the captain. ( VOY : " Elogium ")

He shared a drink with another operations officer near the door at the mess hall when Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered. Later he witnessed how Tom Paris and Neelix got into a "food fight" and seemed shocked when Neelix threw his Alfarian hair pasta on Paris. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

He assisted B'Elanna Torres during repairs in engineering while Voyager was trapped inside a cyclone . ( VOY : " Tattoo ")

He was working in engineering when an away team purchased some tellerium to increase the antimatter reaction rate inside the warp core. ( VOY : " Resistance ")

Engineer 11 [ ]

On the holodeck

This operations officer visited the holodeck and Tom Paris holographic program Paris 3, depicting the Chez Sandrine pool bar. She was standing next to the door when Captain Janeway visited the program for the first time. Later, she watched a pool game between Tom Paris and Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

She was working in engineering when Seska, Joseph Carey, and B'Elanna Torres tested the spatial trajector matrix with the ship's systems and Torres had to evacuate engineering. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

Engineer 12 [ ]

As transporter chief

This female officer was assigned as an engineer to Voyager when the ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

She was on duty in engineering when Seska, B'Elanna Torres, and Joseph Carey tested the spatial trajector matrix working with the ship's systems and had to evacuate engineering as their result. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

She was working on the bridge when Voyager engaged a protostar and Harry Kim went missing on the holodeck. Later, she manned an aft station when Captain Janeway announced new orders. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

She was on duty in engineering when the Komar took over several crewmembers including B'Elanna Torres who ejected the warp core while possessed by Chakotay. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

Talking to another officer , she passed the transporter room when Harry Kim left it to leave Crewman Chell alone with his task. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

She talked to the Irish couple in the mess hall during the visit of the 37's aboard Voyager . Later, she walked past Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay in a corridor when the two senior officers headed to the cargo bay to see how many crewmembers would leave Voyager . ( VOY : " The 37's ")

She was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres tested a theory about the space-dwelling lifeforms and handed Culhane a PADD . ( VOY : " Elogium ")

She was working in engineering when an away team purchased some tellerium to increase the antimatter reaction rate inside the warp core. ( VOY : " Resistance ")

In 2373, she operated the transporter and beamed The Doctor back from the Garan mining colony . Unknown to her and The Doctor, they also beamed aboard some samples of the macrovirus . ( VOY : " Macrocosm ")

In a dream of Tuvok, she and an ensign passed the Vulcan in a corridor while he was naked . Both women tried to look away. ( VOY : " Waking Moments ")

She was working on near the warp core in engineering when Seven of Nine attacked the Entharan arms dealer Kovin and left him with a bleeding nose. ( VOY : " Retrospect ")

She was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres activated the newly installed Quantum slipstream drive . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

Engineer 13 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 85

This operations officer was working in engineering when Seska and B'Elanna Torres discussed using the spatial trajector matrix aboard Voyager and later when they actually used it aboard the ship. Torres had to evacuate the engineering crew including him. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

He was leaving engineering when B'Elanna Torres collected photonic energy in two containers. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

He was on duty in engineering when Chakotay took over the body of B'Elanna Torres and ejected the warp core. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

He was on duty in engineering and passed B'Elanna Torres while Torres informed the captain about her examination of the debris from Commander Chakotay's shuttlecraft. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

He manned an aft station on the bridge and briefly talked to a command officer when Harry Kim returned to Voyager and went to talk to Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Non Sequitur ")

Engineer 14 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 86

He was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres picked a team of engineers to identify technology found aboard a damaged Kazon-Nistrim raider. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

He accompanied Captain Janeway and Tuvok in the transporter room to welcome the Haakonian scientist Doctor Ma'Bor Jetrel aboard Voyager . He carried the medical equipment of Jetrel from the transporter platform into the corridor and then to sickbay. Later, he was one of the engineers on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. He was working with a PADD directly at the cylinder. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

He was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres examined the debris from Commander Chakotay's shuttle. ( VOY : " Initiations ")

Engineer 15 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 25

In 2377 in astrometrics

This female officer served as engineer aboard Voyager .

She was on duty in engineering in 2371 following the transport of Kes and witnessed the attack of the Vidiians. ( VOY : " Fury ")

She was working in main engineering when the senior staff reviewed data from one of their probes . Later, when the crew prepared to enter Borg space, she and Culhane armed themselves with phaser rifles . ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

She passed Captain Janeway and the Varro Jippeq on their way to engineering in a corridor. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

In 2375, she was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres gave the Malon Emck a tour and presented him options to filter his contaminated antimatter . ( VOY : " Night ")

In 2377 she was among the crewmembers who watched the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in astrometrics . She stood behind Chakotay and next to William McKenzie . ( VOY : " Drive ")

Engineer 16 [ ]

Working in engineering

This female officer served aboard the USS Voyager during its time in the Delta Quadrant.

She was part of the engineering team which worked in engineering when B'Elanna Torres beamed samples of atomic fragments from the Metreon cloud around Rinax into a test cylinder in engineering. She worked at a console near the cylinder. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

While studying a PADD , she was passed by Tuvok, Chell , Kenneth Dalby , Henley , and Gerron in a corridor during their training and watched after the group when they passed her. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

Together with Ayala , she accompanied an away team to the surface of a Class L planet and into an underground cave system. Later, she was also part of a security detachment which was briefed and armed in the cargo bay and then left for the surface of the planet where they were attacked by John Evansville and his colleagues. ( VOY : " The 37's ")

USS Voyager ops officer 30, holo duplicate

A holographic duplicate

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for other crewmembers. ( VOY : " Projections ")

She was working at the engineering side station on the bridge during a Kazon attack on Voyager in 2372. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

Together with Ensign Murphy , she stood guard in the transporter room when the two Ferengi Arridor and Kol were beamed aboard. ( VOY : " False Profits ")

She visited the Paxau Resort holoprogram where she had a drink and talked to fellow officers while Tom Paris and Harry Kim talked about a possibility to convince Captain Janeway to held the briefings on the holodeck. ( VOY : " The Q and the Grey ")

She was on duty in engineering when Captain Janeway brought Seven of Nine to assist in removing the Borg technology from the Voyager . She eyed Seven suspiciously. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was among the wounded crewmembers in the triage mess hall. Later, she also listened to Captain Janeway's speech before the crewmembers left Voyager aboard the escape pods. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

She passed Tuvok and Neelix in a corridor after the Talaxian returned from the Mari homeworld. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

She was working in engineering when the crew tried to get their stolen computer processor back from the pirate Tau. ( VOY : " Concerning Flight ")

She passed Harry Kim and Tom Paris in a corridor shortly after the two returned from the Varro generational ship back aboard the Voyager . ( VOY : " The Disease ")

Engineer 17 [ ]

Male relief tactical officer, 2374

This officer served aboard the USS Voyager .

He was on duty in engineering during a Kazon attack in 2372. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He guarded Captain Janeway and The Doctor into cargo bay 2 where The Doctor presented Seven of Nine's new outfit. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

He was walking down a corridor when the Caatati Lumas discovered Seven of Nine being a Borg drone and tried to attack her. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

He attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok 's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander . ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

He was eating and talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall when Seven of Nine attacked Neelix and left the mess hall. He was the one of the crewmembers who cared for Neelix. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He was working in engineering when Tuvok surprised the kissing couple Torres and Paris. Later, he was among the crewmembers in the mess hall on which the Srivani conducted medical experiments on. Seven of Nine witnessed these experiments. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

He passed Tom Paris and Captain Janeway in a corridor outside of the transporter room while Voyager was in orbit of the Mari homeworld . ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

In 2374, he passed Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres in a corridor, when the chief engineer was complaining about Seven of Nine's behavior. ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

He worked as relief tactical officer on the bridge when Lieutenant Tuvok was assigned to investigate an explosion in Jefferies tube 84 and retrieve an intruder, a member of Species 8472 . ( VOY : " Prey ")

He assisted in storing cargo Neelix and Tom Paris brought from their trip aboard Voyager in the cargo bay. ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

In 2375, he was working in engineering when Command Chakotay instructed B'Elanna Torres how to save and repair the damaged Malon export vessel. ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

He went through a corridor and passed Seven of Nine when Captain Janeway ordered the crew to abandon the ship. In a different timeline, he accompanied Tuvok to arrest Captain Braxton in a corridor. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He was working in engineering when the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit was transported aboard behind a containment field . He was also present when the armor unit was brought into sickbay and when the Garan trader Onquanii tried to deal with Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

Voyager security guard

... escorting Gilmore

He escorted Marla Gilmore to her quarters aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Equinox ")

He assisted Tuvok to rescue Seven of Nine from her former Borg drones in the cargo bay. Later, he stood guard outside of the cargo bay. ( VOY : " Survival Instinct ")

He was on duty in engineering during the visit of Tash . ( VOY : " The Voyager Conspiracy ")

He passed Captain Janeway in a corridor when the captain was on her way to the holographic research lab . ( VOY : " Fair Haven ")

Voyager security detail, 2377

As part of a security detail

He visited the mess hall when Neelix told Tuvok he had to sleep and Tuvok told the Talaxian he could be two weeks without sleep. ( VOY : " Muse ")

He was on duty in engineering when the power aboard Voyager was shut down. He was also part of Neelix's peaceful though during his meditation in a Jefferies tube, as told by Neelix to the Borg children. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

He was part of a security detail which was led by Tuvok to the mess hall to regain control over a group of Hirogen . ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ")

Engineer 18 [ ]

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 3

The biomimetic copy of this officer

Female relief tactical officer, 2374

At the tactical station

Security detail trying to stop Seven of Nine

Trying to stop Seven of Nine

This female officer walked with Captain Janeway down a corridor during a Kazon attack in 2372 and received orders from the captain. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

She assisted Neelix in his preparations and decorations for the luau he organized at the Paxau Resort holoprogram . ( VOY : " Alter Ego ")

She was working on the bridge when the crew prepared to enter the Borg space in 2373 and when they made first contact with Species 8472. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

She manned the engineering side station on the bridge while Tuvok and Captain Janeway were aboard the Borg cube and looked puzzled when Chakotay git harsh to B'Elanna Torres. ( VOY : " Scorpion, Part II ")

She was working from the engineering station on the bridge when the ship encountered an armada of Caatati vessels and had to eject their warp core. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

She attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. Later, she manned the tactical station on the bridge when Captain Janeway agreed to let The Doctor lead the away team aboard the Serosian vessel. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

She was part of the security detail which was trying to stop Seven of Nine on deck 6 but her phaser had no effect due to the Borg personal shielding . ( VOY : " The Raven ")

She was working on the bridge when another crewmember died due to the experiments of the Srivani and Captain Janeway performed CPR . ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was working on the damaged bridge of the Voyager . ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

She was working on the aft bridge while the Voyager was in orbit of the Mari homeworld. Later, she escorted Chief Examiner Nimira into the briefing room for a conversation with security chief Tuvok. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

She was on duty on the bridge, manning one of the side stations, when the crew decrypted the message from Starfleet Command in 2374 . She was also present when Commander Chakotay received the first letter from home, manning the tactical station . ( VOY : " Hunters ")

She was again working on a bridge side station and took over the operations station when Harry Kim accomapnied Tuvok to Jefferies tube 84. ( VOY : " Prey ")

She passed Seven of Nine in a corridor shortly after Voyager received good news from home. Later, she passed Seven and Captain Janeway again in acorridor when the two prepared to arrest Arturis aboard the Dauntless . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

She was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres informed Captain Janeway, Jippeq, and Derran Tal about the source of the microfractures on the Varro generational ship. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

The biomimetic copy of this officer attended the wedding of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres aboard the Silver Blood copy of Voyager . She was standing next to Torres and giving her the bridal bouquet . ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

She was working on a bridge side station while the ship was trapped in chaotic space . ( VOY : " The Fight ")

She was working in engineering when Commander Chakotay instructed the crew for the rescue mission of the damaged Malon export vessel . ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

She walked down the corridor where she passed Neelix and Captain Janeway when the two entered the turbolift to deck 1 . Later, during an inofficial "briefing" in the captain's quarters, she passed again when The Doctor entered the quarters. ( VOY : " 11:59 ")

She went to the bridge when the day shift started and started to work at the engineering side station while Harry Kim led an away team to the surface of a planet. Later, she manned an aft station on the bridge when The Doctor was taken over by a series 5 long-range tactical armor unit . ( VOY : " Warhead ")

She was in the mess hall when Tom Paris replicated a bottle of champagne to christen Alice . ( VOY : " Alice ")

She attended a concert of The Doctor in 2376, held for a Qomar delegation in the mess hall. Shortly after the concert she was on duty in engineering. When a group of Qomar fans came aboard the ship to meet the idol, The Doctor, she talked to some of them in a corridor in front of the mess hall. ( VOY : " Virtuoso ")

She was on duty in engineering when Lyndsay Ballard had her first day back on duty aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Ashes to Ashes ")

She worked as relief tactical officer on the bridge when Voyager detected a small starship piloted by Kes. Later, when Tuvok returned to the bridge, she manned an aft station. ( VOY : " Fury ")

Engineer 19 [ ]

Voyager engineer, 2372

This male officer worked in engineering in 2372 when the warp core needed tellerium to get on-line again. He assisted Harry Kim. ( VOY : " Resistance ")

Engineer 20 [ ]

Male Voyager engineer, 2374

This male officer was on duty in engineering when Neelix returned from the surface of a planet with a vial of tellerium . ( VOY : " Resistance ")

He worked in engineering in 2373 when the crew prepared to enter Borg space and made first contact with Species 8472. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

He was working in engineering during the tests of the transwarp drive, when the warp core had to be ejected from the ship, and was evacuated from engineering. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

Engineer 21 [ ]

Female engineer 2375

The biomimetic copy of her

This female officer was working as an engineer aboard Voyager during its journey back home through the Delta Quadrant.

In 2373 , she was present in the hallucination of the Captain Kathryn Janeway , who experienced about her death and funeral . ( VOY : " Coda ")

She was working on the second level in engineering when the engineering team received help from Seven of Nine in removing the Borg technology from the Voyager . ( VOY : " The Gift ")

She was on duty in engineering when Seven of Nine uncovered the cloaked Srivani scientist Alzen by using her phaser. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was among the crewmember who cared for the wounded in the triage mess hall. Later, she was working in a corridor when Seven of Nine and Tuvok passed her on their way to Deflector Control . She was also among the crewmembers who listened to Captain Janeway's speech before they left the Voyager aboard one of the escape pods. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

In a dream of Tuvok, she passed him in a corridor and starred at him because he was naked. ( VOY : " Waking Moments ")

She was working on the second level in engineering when Chakotay informed B'Elanna Torres about the death of their fellow Maquis friends after receiving a letter from the Alpha Quadrant through the Hirogen communications network . ( VOY : " Hunters ")

Her biomimetic copy was working in engineering shortly after the wedding of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

In 2375 she was working on the second level in engineering when the ship's power went off-line. Later, while B'Elanna Torres gave the Malon Emck a tour through engineering, she was working on a console. ( VOY : " Night ")

As part of B'Elanna Torres' hallucinations following her shuttle accident, she appeared in engineering when the Klingon artifact was scanned. ( VOY : " Barge of the Dead ")

A hologram of her was part of Reginald Barclay 's recreation of the Voyager engineering. ( VOY : " Pathfinder ")

She was working on an aft console on the bridge when Voyager was trapped in the atmosphere of Kelemane's planet . Due to the different time, she appeared frozen on the bridge. ( VOY : " Blink of an Eye ")

In a story told by Neelix to the Borg children during a power shutdown, she was one of the wounded crewmembers who found shelter in engineering. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

She attended the reception held for the participants of the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in the mess hall aboard Voyager in 2377. She was talking to the Terrellian delegate . ( VOY : " Drive ")

She performed repairs in engineering while the ship landed on the surface of a planet in the Delta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

She was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres, Tuvok, and Captain Janeway examined debris from a wing of the class 2 shuttle which transported Chakotay and Seven of Nine through Ledosian space. ( VOY : " Natural Law ")

She was among the crewmembers who stood in the corridor between the turbolift and the shuttlebay to bid Neelix farewell when he left Voyager in 2378. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

She was working on the bridge, manning an aft station, when Captain Janeway informed the bridge crew that she was not feeling well and would be in her quarters. Later, she was working in engineering when The Doctor disguised as a hologram of B'Elanna Torres asked Vorik about the location of the bio-neural gel packs . ( VOY : " Renaissance Man ")

She was working on the second level in engineering when the crew installed the new technology brought by Admiral Kathryn Janeway aboard Voyager . She was also working in engineering and passing B'Elanna Torres when Torres and Paris talked about the birthplace of their daughter. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Engineer 22 [ ]

Voyager operations officer 23

An engineering crewmember

This engineering officer was working in main engineering in 2373 when Voyager entered Borg space. He was working at a console when B'Elanna Torres , Chakotay , and Captain Janeway watched the data submitted by a probe . He later repaired some isolinear chips after the ship engaged the Borg and disposed some Starfleet phaser rifles to Culhane and other crewmembers in engineering. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

He was also among the engineers on duty in engineering who tried to remove the Borg technology from the Voyager . ( VOY : " The Gift ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax when using his temporal weapon ship , he was among the wounded crewmembers on the Voyager brought in and treated in the triage mess hall. He was placed on a stretcher . ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

Engineer 23 [ ]

USS Voyager engineer 15, cargo bay

An operations officer

This female officer was one of the engineers on duty in engineering during the test of the transwarp drive. She also had to be evacuated from engineering when the warp core had to be ejected. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

She attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

She was working in the cargo bay after Neelix returned to Voyager and introduced Arturis to Captain Janeway. She handed Commander Chakotay a "bizarre alien object" similar to a jellyfish and smiled when Paris took it from Chakotay to ask Neelix if this belongs to the galley . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

She was among the crewmembers in sickbay whose DNA was tested by The Doctor to exclude an impostor of Species 8472 among the crew. ( VOY : " In the Flesh ")

Engineer 24 [ ]

This male engineer contacted B'Elanna Torres over com and informed her about a problem with the plasma manifold . He asked her if she wants to take a look but Torres declined because she was having dinner with Tom Paris in his quarters . She informed the engineer she'll have a look on the next morning. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

Engineer 25 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 42

This female officer was among the engineering crewmembers who were attacked by a member of Species 8472 in engineering in 2374 . She was wounded during this attack and later treated in sickbay. ( VOY : " Prey ")

Engineer 26 [ ]

USS Voyager engineer 24, sickbay

Standing guard in sickbay

This operations officer worked as part of the engineering team on the construction of the Delta Flyer in 2375 . ( VOY : " Extreme Risk ")

He was working on a side station of the bridge when Voyager crashed on an ice planet after initiating the slipstream drive . ( VOY : " Timeless ")

He stood guard in sickbay when Tuvok performed a Vulcan mind meld on Seven of Nine. ( VOY : " Infinite Regress ")

He was working in engineering when Ensign Tabor was recruited by The Doctor to assist in separating B'Elanna Torres from the cytoplasmic lifeform. ( VOY : " Nothing Human ")

Engineer 27 [ ]

Voyager engineer, 2375

This male officer was working in engineering in 2375 when B'Elanna Torres informed Captain Janeway and the Varro Jippeq and Derran Tal about the source of the hull microfractures. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

He left the mess hall when Tom Paris and Neelix entered while discussing the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World . ( VOY : " 11:59 ")

He passed Tom Paris in a corridor when Paris was on his way to engineering to tell B'Elanna about the race he was allowed to participate in. ( VOY : " Drive ")

Engineer 28 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 50

An engineering officer

This female officer took part in a meeting in the cargo bay in which Commander Chakotay told the team to find the source for the hull's microfractures. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

Engineer 29 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 63

A security officer

Voyager ops officer 63 on Quarra

As an employee on Quarra

In 2376 , this male officer appeared in a daydream of The Doctor in which he listened to the songs of The Doctor in the mess hall. Later, in the normal reality, he was present in the mess hall when The Doctor received the Starfleet Medal of Commendation . ( VOY : " Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy ")

He passed Tom Paris, Neelix, and Abbadon in a corridor shortly after the trader was beamed aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Alice ")

He was on shore leave when he was in the audience of a Tsunkatse match near Norcadia Prime . ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

He was passed in a corridor by The Doctor and Gotana-Retz when the alien was leaving Voyager . ( VOY : " Blink of an Eye ")

He passed Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres in a corridor shortly after the away team returned aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Memorial ")

He escorted Yifay and Leucon – the parents of Icheb – to the briefing room . ( VOY : " Child's Play ")

He was part of Neelix's story he told the Borg children during a power shutdown. In this story, he was one of the crewmembers in the mess hall. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

He passed Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay in a corridor when the Borg Queen tapped into the com system of Voyager . ( VOY : " Unimatrix Zero ")

In 2377 , he was seen in the mess hall talking to a command officer near the entrance of the mess hall while delegations of the Antarians , Imhotep , Terrellians , and another alien species visited the ship. ( VOY : " Drive ")

He was working on a console in a corridor where he was passed by Seven of Nine and Icheb shortly after they said goodbye to Mezoti , Azan , and Rebi . ( VOY : " Imperfection ")

He performed repairs on the bridge while the Voyager landed on the surface of a planet in the Delta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

He was one of the security officers in the cargo bay who guarded the Nygean and Benkaran prisoners. During their attempt to escape he was shot by one of the Benkaran prisoners when he aimed his phaser rifle from the second level of the cargo bay onto them. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

He stood guard on the bridge and left to accompany Tuvok as Crewman Thompson to the transporter room to stop the invading Klingons. ( VOY : " Prophecy ")

He was working in engineering when the ship stranded in the Void and Captain Janeway ordered to shut down all non-relevant systems aboard the Voyager . ( VOY : " The Void ")

He was among the Voyager crewmembers who were kidnapped and brainwashed to work in the Central Power Facility on Quarra the same year. ( VOY : " Workforce ")

He was on duty in engineering in 2378 during repairs done by B'Elanna Torres and Vorik. He was also in engineering when The Doctor impersonated Commander Chakotay and later B'Elanna Torres to eject the warp core . He was among the engineering crewmembers who were evacuated by Torres. ( VOY : " Renaissance Man ")

He was also on duty in engineering in 2378 after the installation of the ablative armor on Voyager was complete and B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris talked about their future and the birthplace of their daughter. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Engineer 30 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 58

A male engineer

This male engineer delivered a PADD from B'Elanna Torres to Mortimer Harren . ( VOY : " Good Shepherd ")

Engineer 31 [ ]

Voyager ops officer 60, 2378

Standing in corridor

This male officer visited the mess hall when Neelix told Harry Kim how to act as a commanding officer regarding his first "in command" mission aboard the Nightingale . ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

He was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres paid him a compliment. ( VOY : " Lineage ")

He was one of a handful of officers that joined the senior staff in standing at attention in Voyager 's corridors to honor and say farewell to Neelix when he was rejoining his people in 2378 . ( VOY : " Homestead ")

General [ ]

USS Voyager ops ensign 3

A male ensign

This male ensign and his female companion were interrupted one morning in the turbolift while kissing by Commander Chakotay , to which the startled ensign stated when caught, " Oh! Sir. We, er. We're just er, " before abruptly exiting. When Tom Paris caught the end of the exchange, Chakotay described it as "an example of indiscreet shipboard fraternization."

When Captain Kathryn Janeway later questioned Chakotay's appearance of preoccupation, he told her, " This morning I interrupted a couple who were kissing in the turbolift, and I've been wondering if we should establish a policy regarding fraternization, " before the two came to the conclusion that their unique situation would eventually reach a point where " people will begin to pair off. " ( VOY : " Elogium ")

USS Voyager engineering ensign, 2374

An engineering ensign

This male ensign was on duty in engineering during a Kazon attack on Voyager in 2372. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He operated the transporter console while the ship was in orbit of the Mari homeworld. He transported Tom Paris back aboard the ship and witnessed a conversation between Paris and Neelix about the Talaxian's taste of fragrance on which he smiled. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

In 2374 , when the Voyager was invaded by a member of Species 8472 , B'Elanna Torres ordered him to secure all the engineering consoles. A short time later, he was among the engineering personnel who were attacked by the Species 8472 individual. ( VOY : " Prey ")

He stood in line with some other crewmembers to be reviewed by the Devore . ( VOY : " Counterpoint ")

He was part of the team receiving instructions from Commander Chakotay in the cargo bay in 2375. Their task was to find the source of the hull's microfractures. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

He was one of the spectators of the ping pong tournament in the mess hall and witnessed how a temporal duplicate of Seven of Nine hunted down Captain Braxton. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

Voyager ensign, 2374

This operations division ensign was ordered by Captain Janeway to beam up to the ship following the discovery of the Omega molecules . ( VOY : " The Omega Directive ")

Burned Ensign

Burned ensign

This ensign died as a result of exposure to subnucleonic radiation in 2374 . ( VOY : " One ")

Lieutenant junior grade [ ]

On the bridge

This female lieutenant junior grade of the operations division was working in engineering when the ship was hit by an energy wave in the Badlands and transported into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. She was among the crewmembers who gained consciousness in engineering following their visit aboard the Caretaker's array.

She passed transporter room 2 when Neelix was beamed aboard Voyager and welcomed by Tuvok. Later, she operated the transporter consoles in transporter room 2 when she beamed Chakotay aboard Voyager during his collision course maneuver against a Kazon carrier vessel. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was on duty in engineering when Lieutenant Carey and B'Elanna Torres worked on a way to release Voyager from a type-4 quantum singularity and when Torres took over as chief engineer of Voyager . ( VOY : " Parallax ")

She was working in engineering when Voyager gained a power loss due to the Vidiian technology inside an asteroid ( VOY : " Phage ")

She was working on the engineering side station on the bridge when Voyager entered a nebula. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

Shortly after Voyager left the planet Banea, she was seen sitting in the mess hall and talking to fellow crewmembers. ( VOY : " Ex Post Facto ")

She was working on the bridge when the crew discovered the 247th element in the ring of a class D planet. ( VOY : " Emanations ")

Chakotay beamed aboard voyager

Beaming Chakotay aboard Voyager

She was working on the bridge on an aft station when Voyager received a distress call from a Sikarian starship. Later, she manned the side engineering station when Captain Janeway decided to leave the orbit of Sikaris. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

She manned an aft station on the bridge while an away team of Voyager collected fruits and vegetables on the surface of an M-class planet and when a distress call from a Kazon-Nistrim raider was answered by Voyager . Later, she was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres and a team of engineers were tasked to identify the technology from aboard the raider. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

She was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres collected photonic energy in two containers and also during the rescue attempt of the crewmembers converted into photonic energy. ( VOY : " Heroes and Demons ")

She was on duty on the bridge when Voyager beamed aboard Chakotay and Tuvok, both unconsciouss, after they returned from their trade mission with the Ilidarians. She was later among the bridge crew who was stunned by a wide beam dispersal phaser shot from Tuvok's phaser and was taken hostage by Tuvok until Captain Janeway forced the Komar to leave Tuvok's body. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

She was working on the bridge when Voyager arrived at the planet Avery III to pick up an away team and had to face the Vidiians. ( VOY : " Faces ")

She crossed the bridge to work on an aft station while Neelix identified a Haakonian shuttle and faced his past on Rinax . She again crossed the bridge to work on an aft station when Voyager arrived at Rinax. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

She was among the bridge crew which suffered from the malfunctioning life support system and the heat intentionally caused to neutralize a virus which spread over the ship. She was lying on an aft station. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

She was working on the bridge when the crew discovered a Ford truck drifting in space. She stood next to Ensign Culhane at an aft station when an explosion happened next to them during the blue alert and the landing maneuver on a Class L planet. After the crew discovered the location and woke up the 37's she was also on the bridge when Amelia Earhart was given a lesson about the navigation console by Tom Paris. ( VOY : " The 37's ")

USS Voyager ops lieutenant 1, bridge 3

Crossing the bridge

In 2372 , she went to work on an aft station on the bridge, passing Tuvok at the tactical station, when Ensign Kim detected the debris of Commander Chakotay's shuttle. She worked on an aft station while Tom Paris was in command and made contact with Kazon-Ogla Maje Razik aboard his Kazon carrier . ( VOY : " Initiations ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the crewmembers in engineering, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for Culhane . ( VOY : " Projections ")

She was working on the bridge, manning an aft station when Voyager discovered a space-dwelling lifeform , this lifeform attached itself to the hull of the ship, and Commander Chakotay discovered a way to let these lifeforms loose interest of Voyager . ( VOY : " Elogium ")

She was on duty on the bridge and passed Harry Kim before she left the command center when Harry Kim returned to Voyager and wanted to see Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Non Sequitur ")

USS Voyager ops lieutenant 1, engineering

Receiving orders from Torres

She was on duty in engineering when Voyager discovered a distortion ring and the ship turned into a maze . She was sitting at a console and talking to Culhane when Janeway, Chakotay, and Paris entered engineering. B'Elanna Torres then adressed her as ensign and ordered her to prepare a site-to-site transport which she later performed and transported Paris and Torres who rematerialized on the pool table on the holodeck . ( VOY : " Twisted ")

She manned an aft station on the bridge, next to Ensign Culhane , when Voyager arrived at " Planet Hell ". She was also present when the Reptohumanoid vessel engaged Voyager and Captain Janeway decided to take Voyager into the atmosphere of the planet to rescue Tom Paris and Neelix from the surface. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

She was working on a bridge aft station and later on a side station while the ship was in orbit of a planet controlled by the Mokra Order . ( VOY : " Resistance ")

She was in engineering after Neelix had suspicions of a mole serving on Voyager . ( VOY : " Investigations ")

Having traveled back from 2373 to 1996 , she manned an aft station on the bridge when the senior staff faced Henry Starling and destroyed the Federation timeship Aeon . ( VOY : " Future's End, Part II ")

She was working in main engineering in 2373, when the senior staff reviewed data from one of their probes and when the crew prepared to enter Borg space. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

Lieutenant [ ]

This lieutenant spent time with a sciences crewman in Voyager 's mess hall enjoying silmic wine together. In 2372 , Neelix mentioned them without naming names in his show, A Briefing with Neelix , and wished them all the best. ( VOY : " Investigations ")

In the mess hall

This female operations officer had breakfast in the mess hall when Neelix suffered from the hidden experiments of the Srivani scientists and had to be brought to sickbay. Later, she passed Seven of Nine in a corridor near the mess hall. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was among the wounded crewmembers brought into the triage mess hall. Later, she listened to Captain Janeway's speech in the mess hall before she left the Voyager aboard an escape pod. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

During a deuterium supply shortage in 2374 , she was "sleeping" in sickbay on a biobed . ( VOY : " Demon ")

She was one of the crewmembers in the cargo bay which assisted in storing and transporting the cargo Neelix and Tom Paris brought aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

Female tumor patient

This female officer was among the crewmembers who suffered from the experiments of the Srivani without knowing being " lab rats ". Due to the experiments, tumors grew on her hand and in her face. She was brought into sickbay by William McKenzie and treated by Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

Voyager ops officer 48, 2378

This male officer was walking past Tom Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor shortly after the two returned from the Varro generational ship. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

He was working in engineering while B'Elanna Torres and Vorik conducted repairs. He left engineering shortly before The Doctor disguised as Torres entered. He was also in engineering when The Doctor disguised as Chakotay and Torres tried to eject the warp core and was among the crewmembers evacuated from engineering by Torres. ( VOY : " Renaissance Man ")

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 10

A biomimetic copy of this male officer was a sideline musician at the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall in 2375. He played the guitar and accompanied Harry Kim's play on the oboe . ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 2

A biomimetic copy of the officer

A biomimetic copy of this male officer passed Tom Paris and Harry Kim in a corridor when Paris went to B'Elanna Torres' quarters. Later, he was among the Silver Blood individuals who suffered from degradation in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

Working in engineering

He was working aboard Voyager prior to its launch in 2371. He passed Captain Janeway and Vice Admiral Patterson in a corridor shortly after Janeway was beamed aboard for the first time and Patterson welcomed her in the transporter room. He was working in a corridor when Janeway and Patterson tracked down a temporal distortion in a Jefferies tube . ( VOY : " Relativity ")

In 2372, he was one of the officers in a corridor during an attack by the Kazon. Seven of Nine passed him. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He was on duty in main engineering when B'Elanna Torres activated the incomplete installed new Quantum slipstream drive aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

A biomimetic copy of him attended the wedding ceremony of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris in the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager in 2375. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

Female operations officer in sickbay, 2376

Receiving treatment in sickbay

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 11

This female operations officer was working in engineering in 2371 during a Vidiian attack. ( VOY : " Fury ")

A biomimetic copy of her visited the mess hall aboard the Silver Blood Voyager in 2375 when Tuvok scanned Neelix' inventory for radiation. Later, she suffered from this radiation and was again present in the mess hall, treated by Neelix and others. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

In 2376, she was treated by The Doctor in sickbay and got medicine through a hypospray . ( VOY : " Fair Haven ")

She was working in engineering when Voyager stranded in the atmosphere of an alien planet . Later, when Gotana-Retz came aboard, she was "frozen" while leaving sickbay due to the time difference of this species. ( VOY : " Blink of an Eye ")

She was working on an aft console on the bridge during the first contact with a Borg cube . ( VOY : " Collective ")

She was walking past Captain Janeway and Tom Paris in a corridor after Janeway ended the Fair Haven holoprogram. ( VOY : " Spirit Folk ")

She was working on deck 15 when Captain Janeway was searching junction room sixteen to talk to Mortimer Harren . ( VOY : " Good Shepherd ")

She was on duty in engineering when the crew performed as complete power shutdown. Later, in one of Neelix's stories, she visited the mess hall. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

Officer 9 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 43, cargo bay

This male operations officer was part of the team in the cargo bay which stored the goods and cargo brought aboard Voyager by Tom Paris and Neelix in 2374. He received instructions from Paris to which department the cargo belongs and should be transported to. ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

He manned an aft station on the bridge during the night shift under the command of Ensign Harry Kim after the crew took back control of the ship from a series 5 long-range tactical armor unit . ( VOY : " Warhead ")

Officer 10 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 73, 2375

This female operations officer was working on the aft bridge under the command of Harry Kim in 2374 when Voyager detected the USS Dauntless . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

She was part of the day shift in 2375 for which she took the turbolift with Captain Janeway, Tom Paris, and another officer . She entered the bridge and manned an aft station where she remained while the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit took control over The Doctor and Voyager . When the Garan trader Onquanii came aboard Voyager , she was on duty in engineering. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

Officer 11 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 74, turbolift

This male operations officer worked in engineering in 2375 when a series 5 long-range tactical armor unit was transported into engineering. Later, he and another officer carried the armor unit from engineering into a turbolift and then to sickbay for further studies. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

He was present in the mess hall when the Equinox survivors payed tribute to their fallen crewmembers. ( VOY : " Equinox ")

Officer 12 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 80

A wounded officer

This operations officer was wounded during the transport of Voyager into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. She was lying on a biobed in sickbay and suddenly disappeared when The Doctor told her she was not hurt badly and could go back to work.

She was transported aboard the Caretaker's array where she gathered with other crewmembers and witnessed the farm folk dancing and celebrating the arrival of newcomers. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the wounded crewmembers in sickbay, when The Doctor was first activated, and cared for by Doug Bronowski . ( VOY : " Projections ")

Officer 13 [ ]

In sickbay

This operations officer passed Captain Janeway in a corridor near engineering after the ship was brought into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

She was working in engineering when Captain Janeway made a tour through engineering. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

Together with Ayala , she was the security team which escorted Kazon-Nistrim First Maje Culluh and his aide to sickbay and later back to the transporter room. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

She was on duty in engineering when B'Elanna Torres was taken over by Chakotay to eject the warp core. ( VOY : " Cathexis ")

A holographic duplicate of her was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, she was one of the crewmembers in engineering, when The Doctor was first activated, and worked on a console at the warp core. She watched Parsons and Jarvis arresting The Doctor and Barclay . ( VOY : " Projections ")

Officer 14 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 82

This operations officer was wounded during the transport of Voyager into the Delta Quadrant and treated by The Doctor in sickbay. Following the return of all crewmembers back aboard Voyager from the Caretaker's array later, he was back in sickbay on the biobed. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was in sickbay when The Doctor was activated and Harry Kim asked The Doctor to treat him. ( VOY : " Projections ")

Officer 15 [ ]

On the holodeck

This operations officer visited the holodeck and Tom Paris holographic program Paris 3 , depicting the Chez Sandrine pool bar. He was talking to Ensign Brooks when Captain Janeway visited the program for the first time. ( VOY : " The Cloud ")

Off duty, he visited the same program again when Tuvok and Tom Paris had a game of pool and Neelix and Gaunt Gary watched them play. He talked to one of the holographic characters of the program. ( VOY : " Jetrel ")

Officer 16 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 89

In Astrometrics

This operations officer was among the crewmembers who watched the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally in Astrometrics . ( VOY : " Drive ")

Officer 17 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 90

In the mess hall

This operations officer shared a drink with Ensign Murphy in the mess hall aboard Voyager while the 37's visited the ship. The two stood in front of the replicator . ( VOY : " The 37's ")

Officer 18 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 91

This female operations officer was standing in the mess hall in front of the replicator and talking to a sciences officer when Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered the mess hall. They moved to the counter and picked something to eat. They then chose to sit at a table near the window and opposite to William McKenzie with whom they had a talk. When Tom Paris and Neelix got into a "food fight", they crashed onto her table. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

Provisional officer 1 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 5

A female officer

This female provisional officer , who was a former Maquis , along with her male companion were interrupted one morning in the turbolift kissing by Commander Chakotay . While her companion stumbled to give an explanation, she said nothing, as the two abruptly exited the turbolife. When the nearby Tom Paris caught the end of the exchange, Chakotay described it as "an example of indiscreet shipboard fraternization ."

When Captain Kathryn Janeway later questioned Chakotay's appearance of preoccupation, he told her, " This morning I interrupted a couple who were kissing in the turbolift, and I've been wondering if we should establish a policy regarding fraternization, " before the two came to the conclusion that their unique situation would eventually reach a point where " people will begin to pair off. "( VOY : " Elogium ")

Provisional officer 2 [ ]

Voyager Maquis ops crewmember, 2373

A former Maquis crewmember

This officer served on board Voyager and had a provisional rank like the majority of the Maquis crew. ( VOY : " Worst Case Scenario ", " Equinox ")

Provisional officer 3 [ ]

Maquis crew of USS Voyager

This male provisional officer , who was a former Maquis, worked aboard Voyager in the 2370s.

In 2376 , when two members of Kelemane's species entered the bridge, he was frozen along with Tuvok. ( VOY : " Blink of an Eye ")

He was part of the Maquis crewmembers who met in the mess hall in 2377. ( VOY : " Repression ")

He, a command division officer , and another command division officer were in the mess hall when the hologram of Reginald Barclay entertained the crew with his imitations of Kathryn Janeway . ( VOY : " Inside Man ")

He was in the mess hall with other crewmembers congratulating Tom Paris on his upcoming fatherhood. ( VOY : " Lineage ")

Security officers [ ]

Andrew English, Repression

This security officer served aboard Voyager throughout the seven years of its journey through the Delta Quadrant.

In 2372 , he was standing in the background next to a window in the mess hall together with the other crewmembers when Quinn suddenly appeared to meet Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Death Wish ")

He was sitting in the dining room when Neelix passes in front. ( VOY : " Meld ")

In 2373 , he assisted Tuvok along with Ensign Murphy to rescue Tom Paris and Harry Kim from an Akritirian maximum security detention facility. ( VOY : " The Chute ")

In 1996 (traveled back from the above year), he guarded the transporter room when Henry Starling was beamed aboard the Voyager . ( VOY : " Future's End, Part II ")

In 2374 , he was working in engineering when the crew tested as transwarp drive and had to eject the warp core . He was evacuated into the corridor in front of engineering. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

He attended the ceremony in the mess hall held to celebrate Tuvok's promotion into the rank of lieutenant commander. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

He was one of the treated patients in sickbay following the experiments of the Srivani on the crew. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

He was working in engineering when the crew tried to get back their computer processor from the pirate Tau. ( VOY : " Concerning Flight ")

His distinctive figure looked down the hall when Neelix was accompanied by the captain to his quarters after being resurrected. ( VOY : " Mortal Coil ")

In 2375 , together with a female crewmember, he was carrying a power cell through a corridor while Voyager passed a region known as the Void. ( VOY : " Night ")

He was at the mess hall when Neelix arrived with Naomi Wildman . ( VOY : " Once Upon a Time ")

He had a meal in the ships mess hall while Voyager was caught in a subspace sandbar . ( VOY : " Bride of Chaotica! ")

He was working in engineering when B'Elanna Torres told Captain Janeway, Jippeq, and Derran Tal about the source of the microfractures on the Varro generational ship. ( VOY : " The Disease ")

He was working on the bridge when Chakotay entered the captain's ready room to inform Captain Janeway about the increasing temporal incursions aboard the ship. Later, he was one of the security officers with Captain Janeway who arrested Captain Braxton in a corridor. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

He walked behind Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway in a corridor. Later, he and Lydia Anderson stunned Captain Ransom and his crew. ( VOY : " Equinox ")

Voyager operations bridge officer, 2376

Working on the bridge

In 2376 , he attended the funeral ceremony of Lieutenant John Kelly on the bridge. ( VOY : " One Small Step ")

He attended a concert by The Doctor in the mess hall, held for a Qomar delegation. ( VOY : " Virtuoso ")

He worked as relief tactical officer on the bridge when Voyager made contact with a Borg cube . ( VOY : " Collective ")

Together with Ayala , he tried to stop Kes in a corridor when she transported herself aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Fury ")

He was working on the bridge when Tom Paris turned the engines off for Voyager 's approach to a nebula. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

In 2377 he was part of the security team which guarded a group of wounded Hirogen in the mess hall. When Neelix was attacked and a brawl occured, he tried to stop the Hirogen. ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ")

He had a drink in the mess hall when Neelix confronted Harry Kim for his hesitant attitude. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

He served as security guard for the Nygean prisoner Iko in sickbay. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

The same year he assisted Tuvok in escorting Valen from Voyager after Valen made it clear he didn't want to play by Janeway's rules. ( VOY : " The Void ")

He guarded Q Junior to his quarters alongside Captain Janeway and another security officer. ( VOY : " Q2 ")

In 2378 , his likeness was used in The Doctor's holonovel Photons Be Free . His character also was a security guard who chased and captured the protagonist's holomatrix. ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

He celebrated First Contact Day in the mess hall among other crewmembers and stood in a row to bid farewell to Neelix, who was leaving the ship. Then this man and a handful of other officers joined the senior staff in standing at attention in Voyager 's corridors to honor and say farewell to Neelix when he was rejoining his people in 2378. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

He was working on the aft bridge when Seven of Nine talked to the bridge crew about the emissions she detected which might lead to several wormholes . He was also on the aft bridge when Voyager returned home to the Alpha Quadrant. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Steve Carnahan Voyager

An operations division officer

Security guard in sickbay 2, 2374

Guarding in sickbay

This male officer served as a security guard on board Voyager during the 2370s .

He was on duty in engineering when Neelix made his speech for Tom Paris. Later he was ordered by Michael Jonas to bring B'Elanna Torres the interlink sequencers . ( VOY : " Investigations ")

He had a meal in the mess hall when Samantha Wildman 's labor pains started and was informed by Neelix that "they have a baby". ( VOY : " Deadlock ")

He was a member of away team on a Borg cube and later served as guard for Riley Frazier when she visited Voyager . ( VOY : " Unity ")

He attended the party held for Kes at the Paxau Resort holoprogram . ( VOY : " Before and After ")

He guarded Seven of Nine when she was brought into the captain's ready room to discuss the further alliance between the Voyager and the Borg with Commander Chakotay. ( VOY : " Scorpion, Part II ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, he was among the wounded crewmembers in the triage mess hall where he was resting on a stretcher in pain until The Doctor cared for him. Later, he shared one of the crew quarters with Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

Together with another security officer , he was guarding the Alpha-Hirogen in sickbay during his stay aboard the Voyager . He was knocked unconscious when the force field dropped due to a power surge. ( VOY : " Prey ")

Voyager operations bridge officer, 2374

This male officer was present when the ship was taken by the Kazon-Nistrim. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

He was working on an aft station of the bridge when Captain Janeway agreed to let The Doctor lead the away team onto the Serosian vessel. ( VOY : " Revulsion ")

He was assigned to the team in cargo bay 2 which was tasked to investigate Seven of Nine's irrational behavior. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He was one of the crewmembers in the mess hall observed by Seven of Nine as the test subjects of the Srivani scientists . ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, he cared for the wounded crewmembers in the triage mess hall. Later, he listened to Captain Janeway's speech before he left the Voyager aboard an escape pod. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

He was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Voyager sent The Doctor through the Hirogen communications network aboard the Prometheus in the Alpha Quadrant. ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

He was among the crewmembers in the mess hall who awaited a letter from home during Neelix's mail call . ( VOY : " Hunters ")

He was part of the security detail which guarded Captain Janeway and Tuvok to the cargo bay where they gave the Hirogen an optronic data core . ( VOY : " The Killing Game, Part II ")

USS Voyager casualty 2, 2372

This security officer stood guard in front of Teirna's quarters and was killed when Teirna committed a suicide bombing during the Kazon takeover in 2372. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

Voyager crewman, killed in 2373

This security officer was killed by a Swarm species alien in 2373 when he tried to fire at him with a phaser. ( VOY : " The Swarm ")

Voyager operations officer 26

As a "lab rat" of the Srivani

This male officer was guarding sickbay in 2373 where Harry Kim was held in quarantine after he was infected by a member of Species 8472 . ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

He worked as relief tactical officer on the bridge and replaced Tuvok when the security chief accompanied Captain Janeway to her talks with Seven of Nine. He also manned an aft station when Kes left the ship and transported it 9,500 light years closer to home. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

He was part of the security detail which tried to stop Seven of Nine on deck 6. But their phaser fire did not affect Seven due to her personal Borg shielding. He later informed Captain Janeway about this situation over com. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He passed Tom Paris and Tuvok in a corridor following the incident in engineering between Paris and Torres. Later, he was also among the crewmembers in the mess hall on which the Srivani performed medical experiments on while Seven of Nine observed the situation through her modified ocular implant. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, he was one of the patients in sickbay who were evacuated from deck 5 shortly before the deck blew off. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

He escorted Chief Examiner Nimira into the briefing room during her second meeting with Tuvok to discuss the situation about B'Elanna Torres crime. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

He was standing guard in front of the force field which held a member of Species 8472 on deck 11. ( VOY : " Prey ")

Voyager operations officer 27

This male security officer was part of the security detail which accompanied Commander Chakotay to cargo bay 2 in 2374 where a group of Borg was transported when their Borg cube was destroyed. He was carrying a compression phaser rifle . ( VOY : " Scorpion, Part II ")

Voyager ops officer 31

This male officer guarded Seven of Nine when she was brought into engineering in 2374 to assist in removing the Borg technology from the Voyager . He stood guard at the door to the Jefferies tube in which she was working when she suddenly pushed Harry Kim against this guard and placed a force field around the door. ( VOY : " The Gift ")

Voyager ops officer 10

This male security officer passed Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay in a corridor on their way to sickbay. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

He was working in engineering when the crew tried to get their stolen computer processor back from the pirate Tau. ( VOY : " Concerning Flight ")

He was working on a console in engineering when Seven of Nine attacked the Entharan arms dealer Kovin and left him with a bleeding nose. ( VOY : " Retrospect ")

He was working on a port side station on the bridge of the Dauntless when Captain Janeway, Tuvok, Seven of Nine, O'Donnell , and a security officer were beamed onto the bridge to arrest Arturis . He was evacuated back aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

He was working on the bridge, manning a side station, when the Voyager was hunted down by the Hazari and met Kurros of the " Think Tank ". ( VOY : " Think Tank ")

He guarded sickbay in 2375 when the two wounded Malon Fesek and Pelk were treated by The Doctor. ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

He was one of the security officers who went with Captain Janeway to find the reason for the chronition surges on deck 4 and found Seven of Nine behind a force field. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

USS Voyager ops officer 34, engineering 2375

He was working on the second level of engineering when a series 5 long-range tactical armor unit was beamed aboard. He later worked with a female officer on the upper level. He was also present in engineering when the armor unit was brought to sickbay and when the Garan trader Onquanii tried to make a deal with Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

He was one of three crewmembers who entered the mess hall and started laughing while Neelix experienced hallucinations. Later, he was part of the security team behind one of the tables in the mess hall when Neelix took Naomi Wildman hostage . ( VOY : " Memorial ")

He was one of the spectators of a Tsunkatse match who were surprised by a new fighter, Seven of Nine . ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

He, another crewmember , and other crewmembers were in the mess hall when a duplicate of Reginald Barclay entertained the crew with imitations of the captain. ( VOY : " Inside Man ")

Transporter operator, 2374

At the transporter console

Security guard in sickbay 1, 2374

Working as security guard

Biomimetic copy, operations officer 1

A biomimetic copy suffering from degradation

This male officer operated the transporter console in 2374 when he beamed Captain Janeway back aboard from the surface of the Mari homeworld . ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

He was treated in sickbay by Tom Paris after he had lunch in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

He was present on bridge in Tuvok's "daydream" when the Vulcan started his shift nude. ( VOY : " Waking Moments ")

The same year, he was one of the security guards stationed in sickbay and guarding the Alpha-Hirogen . Due to a power fluctuation during an attack by Hirogen ships , the force field around the Alpha-Hirogen collapsed and this security officer was knocked unconscious. ( VOY : " Prey ")

He was working in engineering when the ships power went off-line while passing the Void. ( VOY : " Night ")

In 2375 , he guarded Kashyk 's quarters. When Janeway told him goodnight, she left with a grin on her face. He went to attention as she passed, and was told by Janeway, " As you were ." ( VOY : " Counterpoint ")

A biomimetic copy of him visited the mess hall before he went on duty into engineering. Later he was one of the Silver Blood lifeforms who suffered from degradation in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

He assisted Tuvok in aiding Seven of Nine with the assault of Two of Nine , Three of Nine , and Four of Nine . ( VOY : " Survival Instinct ")

Holding the rank of an ensign, he guarded Naroq , a visiting scientist , to the briefing room . ( VOY : " Riddles ")

He was working in engineering after Voyager stranded in the atmosphere of Kelemane's planet . Due to the different time frame, he later appeared frozen in a corridor. ( VOY : " Blink of an Eye ")

He was working in engineering when Lyndsay Ballard arrived early for her first day back at duty to surprise B'Elanna Torres. ( VOY : " Ashes to Ashes ")

He was working on an aft console on the bridge when Voyager arrived at a transwarp conduit to rescue Icheb . ( VOY : " Child's Play ")

He was working in engineering when the Voyager landed on a planet in the Delta Quadrant to undergo repairs. He was also present when Icheb confronted B'Elanna Torres about her "feelings" for him. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

He, Ayala , Tuvok, and Tom Paris went to see Torres in sickbay. ( VOY : " Lineage ")

In 2377 , he was one of the security officer who guarded the Nygean and Benkaran prisoners in their detention cells in the cargo bay . ( VOY : " Repentance ")

He was working in engineering along with B'Elanna Torres. ( VOY : " Prophecy ")

He escorted the young Q along with Chakotay to the holodeck where Chakotay created the diplomacy scenario 12-alpha . ( VOY : " Q2 ")

In 2378 , his likeness was used in The Doctor's holonovel Photons Be Free . His character was also a security guard, who held Three of Eight while the protagonist's holomatrix was decompiled. ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

The same year he was among the crewmembers who celebrated First Contact Day in the mess hall and later bid farewell to Neelix in the hallway. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

He was with Tom Paris when they conducted a search for missing crewmembers deck by deck. They found Commander Chakotay and Ensign Kim in the morgue . ( VOY : " Renaissance Man ")

An operations officer

This male officer was one of the security officers who were stationed on deck 11 in 2374 to guard a member of Species 8472. ( VOY : " Prey ")

His biomimetic copy was working in engineering shortly after the wedding of B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Course: Oblivion ")

Security officer on deck 11 2, 2374

A transporter chief

This male officer was one of the security guards stationed on deck 11 in 2374, when a member of Species 8472 was held on this deck behind a force field. ( VOY : " Prey ")

He was on duty in engineering and watching the work of Dorado when Seven of Nine knocked out the Entharan arms dealer Kovin . He assisted Kovin who had a bleeding nose while B'Elanna Torres and Ashmore held Seven back. ( VOY : " Retrospect ")

In 2375 , he was about to beam Riga off the ship, he was dismissed by Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Thirty Days ")

He was among the crewmembers in the mess hall when Neelix handed out isolinear chips with different numbers to every crewmember which allowed them to have free call time to people on Earth including their families and friends. ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

USS Voyager security officer 1, Dauntless bridge

This female security officer was part of the security team along with Crewman O'Donnell which escorted Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine aboard the USS Dauntless to face Arturis and his false claims. When Arturis turned around to active the quantum slipstream drive of his ship, she and O'Donnell tried to stop him but were knocked to the ground by Arturis. She was then among the Voyager crewmembers who were successfully beamed back aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

This male security officer was part of the security detail which was called by B'Elanna Torres into engineering after Seven of Nine attacked her when she was possessed by the son of K'Vok . He was thrown to the ground by Seven when he grabbed his phaser. ( VOY : " Infinite Regress ")

In 2376, he guarded the ship's brig while Dala was imprisoned. When Dala overwhelmed Neelix and took his phaser, she shot at this security officer. ( VOY : " Live Fast and Prosper ")

He served as one of the guards in the cargo bay which was used as a detention cell for the Nygean and Benkaran prisoners in 2377. During the breakout of the prisoners he was knocked down by Joleg , who overwhelmed him with a compression phaser rifle . ( VOY : " Repentance ")

As a security guard in engineering

This security officer tried to stop Seven of Nine in a corridor while she was possessed by the Klingon son of K'Vok in 2375 . He was thrown against a wall and became unconscious. Patrick Gibson brought him to sickbay. ( VOY : " Infinite Regress ")

Voyager security officer 2377

This security officer served as guard for the Benkarans and the Nygean prisoner Iko after Voyager beamed them aboard. Together with another security officer he stopped the warden Yediq and his two officers in abusing Iko. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

Officer 19 [ ]

Voyager security officer 19

This security officer and Crewman Sharr were the security detail for the Species 8472 member David Gentry in sickbay after Gentry was abducted by Chakotay and Tuvok from Terrasphere 8 .

Later, he and Sharr guarded Chakotay from Astrometrics to sickbay to let The Doctor test his DNA . ( VOY : " In the Flesh ")

He stood guard in sickbay when a cytoplasmic lifeform was beamed on board. When the lifeform attacked Torres he prepared to shoot but was stopped by Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Nothing Human ")

Officer 20 [ ]

Voyager security officer 20

This operations officer was working in engineering when the ship was hit by an energy wave in the Badlands and transported into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker. ( VOY : " Caretaker ")

He was also working in engineering when Voyager gained a power loss due to the Vidiian technology inside an asteroid ( VOY : " Phage ")

Armed with a phaser rifle , he was part of the away team which was attacked by John Evansville and Karyn Berlin . ( VOY : " The 37's ")

A holographic duplicate of him was part of a Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program in which The Doctor experienced the time when he was first activated aboard Voyager again. In this program, he was one of the crewmembers in engineering when The Doctor was first activated. ( VOY : " Projections ")

He was sitting at a table in the mess hall when Quinn suddenly appeared to meet Captain Janeway. He temporarily disappeared along with all other male crew members when Quinn attempted suicide. ( VOY : " Death Wish ")

Officer 21 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 68

This female security officer and Ayala were the security officers who stood guard in the cargo bay when the crew beamed a 1936 Ford truck aboard.

Later, she was part of the security team which accompanied Tuvok to the surface of a planet and was attacked by John Evansville and his colleagues. ( VOY : " The 37's ")

Officer 22 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 69

This male operations officer was on duty in engineering when Seska and B'Elanna Torres discussed using the spatial trajector matrix aboard Voyager . Later, he passed Tuvok when the security chief entered the transporter room to violate the Prime Directive by trading Voyager 's library with the Sikarians. ( VOY : " Prime Factors ")

He was part of the away team which collected fruits and vegetables on the surface of an M-class planet. ( VOY : " State of Flux ")

Officer 23 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 70, 2377

This security officer was part of the security team which guarded the wounded Hirogen in the mess hall following the destruction of their ship by the photonic lifeforms . He was thrown against the counter by a Hirogen during a brawl between the Hirogen and the security team. ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ")

Officer 24 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 71, 2371

This security officer was on duty on the bridge shortly after Voyager was transported into the Delta Quadrant in 2371. When Chakotay entered the bridge after the ship was hit by a chronokinetic surge , no one on the bridge knew Chakotay. He was arrested by Captain Janeway and escorted off the bridge by this security officer and Brian Sofin . While traveling in the turbolift, the two security officers disappeared due to a temporal barrier . ( VOY : " Shattered ")

Officer 25 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 72

This security officer was working in engineering when the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit was transported aboard Voyager . Later, he was one of two officers who carried the armor unit from engineering into a turbolift and then into sickbay . ( VOY : " Warhead ")

He was working in a corridor in 2377 when he stopped to listen to Neelix commentary on the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally . ( VOY : " Drive ")

Part of a security detail

He was part of the security detail with Tuvok who went to the mess hall to take over control from the Hirogen treated there. ( VOY : " Flesh and Blood ")

He was one of the security officers posted inside the cargo bay when Voyager took Benkaran and Nygean prisoners aboard. He guarded them and accompanied Neelix who served food to the prisoners. Later, he guarded Iko when he was in Astrometrics with Seven of Nine. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

He stood guard at the door to the mess hall when B'Elanna Torres told the Klingons her stories and T'Greth challenged Tom Paris to a fight until death . Later, he watched the fight between Paris and T'Greth on the holodeck where he stood behind Captain Janeway. ( VOY : " Prophecy ")

He was in the mess hall, sitting near the window and talking to Ayala , when Icheb defeated Tuvok in the game of kal-toh . Later, he manned a bridge aft station next to Ayala when Voyager detected a tritanium signature inside a nebula and when Voyager went into the Borg transwarp hub . ( VOY : " Endgame ")

Officer 26 [ ]

Voyager Tierna's guard

This security guard guarded Teirna in sickbay until he recovered. Later he accompanied him to his quarters. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

Officer 27 [ ]

USS Voyager ops officer 87

This operations officer worked as security guard for the Devore Kashyk during his visit aboard Voyager in 2375. She stood guard in the conference room . ( VOY : " Counterpoint ")

Provisional officer [ ]

Voyager ops officer 59

This security officer served aboard Voyager in 2377 and 2378. He had a provisional rank, like the majority of the Maquis crew.

The back and side contours of his figure appeared in the meeting with the Maquis in the mess hall. ( VOY : " Repression ")

He passed Harry Kim and Tom Paris in a corridor shortly before the Barclay hologram was activated aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Inside Man ")

He performed repairs in engineering while the Voyager landed on the surface of a planet in the Delta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Nightingale ")

In 2377 he was on duty in engineering when Commander Chakotay evacuated the section and tried to prevent a warp core breach . ( VOY : " Shattered ")

He served as guard for the Nygean and Benkaran prisoners in the cargo bay after the breakout was avoided. ( VOY : " Repentance ")

He was on duty in the transporter room when he was attacked by T'Greth . ( VOY : " Prophecy ")

He was working in engineering when the ship stranded in the Void and Torres informed the captain that the warp core went offline. ( VOY : " The Void ")

He was on duty in main engineering when B'Elanna Torres, Tuvok, and Captain Janeway examined debris , a broken wing , from the class 2 shuttle which transported Seven of Nine and Chakotay through Ledosian space. ( VOY : " Natural Law ")

In 2378, he bid farewell to Neelix like other crewmembers and stood in a row in the hallway when the Talaxian left the ship. ( VOY : " Homestead ")

Transporter operators [ ]

Voyager transporter chief, 2371

This female officer worked as transporter chief in transporter room 1 when the Romulan scientist Telek R'Mor from the Alpha Quadrant was beamed aboard Voyager . ( VOY : " Eye of the Needle ")

A female transporter chief

This female provisional officer was a former Maquis who served on board Voyager .

In 2372 , she had a coffee in the mess hall when Chakotay and Tom Paris had a conflict. ( VOY : " Lifesigns ")

She was on duty in engineering and listened Neelix' speech for Tom Paris. ( VOY : " Investigations ")

She was wounded and brought to sickbay, where she was scanned by The Doctor. ( VOY : " Deadlock ")

She was in the mess hall when Neelix had merged with Tuvok in a transporter accident. ( VOY : " Tuvix ")

She was working in engineering when the Kazon attacked and heavily damaged Voyager . Later she was one of the crewmembers who were left on Hanon IV . ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ")

In 2373 she was working on the bridge while the crew lost Kes, who was possessed by the Ilari Tieran . ( VOY : " Warlord ")

She served as transporter chief in 2373 . ( VOY : " Darkling ")

In 2374, she was working in engineering when the crew tested the transwarp drive, had to eject the warp core, and was evacuated from engineering. ( VOY : " Day of Honor ")

She was assigned to the team in cargo bay 2 which was tasked to find the reason for Seven of Nine's irrational behavior. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

She was on duty in engineering when Tuvok surprised the kissing couple B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris. She was also working there when Seven of Nine uncovered the Srivani scientist Alzen. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krennim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was among the crewmembers evacuated from sickbay shortly before deck 5 blew off. She then cared for the wounded crewmembers in the triage mess hall and also listened to Captain Janeway's speech before she left the ship aboard one of the escape pods. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

She passed Tuvok and B'Elanna Torres in a corridor when the two left sickbay following the incident on the Mari homeworld. ( VOY : " Random Thoughts ")

She was working on an aft station of the bridge when the Voyager sent The Doctor through the Hirogen communications network aboard the USS Prometheus in the Alpha Quadrant . ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

USS Voyager ops officer 14, tactical station

In 2375, she was off duty in the mess hall's kitchen when the ship's power went off-line due to the technology of the Night Aliens . ( VOY : " Night ")

She worked as relief tactical officer during the night shift under command of Harry Kim and was replaced by an ensign when the shift ended. She then worked on the second level in engineering when the series 5 long-range tactical armor unit was beamed aboard Voyager and back on the ground level when the armor unit was brought into sickbay and while the alien trader Onquanii tried to trade with Captain Janeway. She again worked as relief tactical officer during a night shift under Harry Kim after the armor unit was destroyed. ( VOY : " Warhead ")

This transporter operator informed Commander Chakotay over the com, from transporter room one , that he was ready to proceed and beam the away team aboard the Malon export vessel . ( VOY : " Juggernaut ")

At the transporter console

This female transporter chief with the rank of chief petty officer was assigned to Voyager in the 2370s .

In 2376 , she transported Neelix back on board from his talks to the Norcadian ambassador . She also transported Seven of Nine and the Hirogen fighter aboard after she was finally able to get a lock on both. ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

She attended the concert held by The Doctor in the mess hall for the Qomar and was seated behind Captain Janeway. Later, she was on duty in engineering. ( VOY : " Virtuoso ")

Later the same year, she along with the rest of Voyager 's crew experienced the atrocities that happened in a massacre on Tarakis . Once Voyager found out what was causing it, she worked the transporter to transport the security team down to Tarakis. ( VOY : " Memorial ")

She transported Icheb back to his respective parents. ( VOY : " Child's Play ")

In 2377 , she operated the transporter console and beamed Mezoti , Rebi , Azan , and a Wysanti aboard the Wysanti starship . ( VOY : " Imperfection ")

She was on duty in engineering and evacuated from this section when a temporal anomaly caused a warp core breach . ( VOY : " Shattered ")

Later that year, she transported Loquar and Garon back to their respective ships after their "alliance" had successfully escaped "the Void." ( VOY : " The Void ")

She participated in the lottery held in the mess hall to win free com time due to Operation Watson . ( VOY : " Author, Author ")

Voyager transporter chief, 2378

This female officer served as transporter chief aboard Voyager in 2378 . She beamed the Ledosian flight instructor Kleg aboard Voyager after she asked the shore leave group to wait a minute . After that, she beamed B'Elanna Torres, Neelix, and Harry Kim to the surface of Ledos – for shore leave. ( VOY : " Natural Law ")

Voyager transporter chief 6

This operations officer passed Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway in a corridor shortly before Janeway beamed to Terrasphere 8. Later, he was the transporter operator who beamed Janeway down to the Species 8472 facility. ( VOY : " In the Flesh ")

Transporter chief 1 [ ]

The original transporter chief was killed during Voyager 's transport to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371 . (cf. VOY : " Caretaker ")

After Voyager began its journey back to the Alpha Quadrant , Janeway, and her new first officer Commander Chakotay discussed the ship's personnel situation, noting that they had already found a replacement for the transporter chief, but they still needed an astrogation plotter , a chief engineer , and medical support personnel . ( VOY : " Parallax ")

Transporter chief 2 [ ]

In engineering

This female Starfleet officer served as transporter technician on board Voyager .

She was on duty in engineering and passed Kenneth Dalby and B'Elanna Torres while the two talked about Tuvok's training. She remained on duty in engineering and passed Torres when the ship's systems were malfunctioning due to a virus on board. ( VOY : " Learning Curve ")

Tom Paris and Neelix, 2372

Shocked by Paris and Neelix' actions

She was sitting on the couch in the mess hall, having a drink and talking to a sciences officer when Tom Paris and Harry Kim entered the mess hall. Later, she had a drink with another engineer near the door when Tom Paris and Neelix got into a "food fight" and crashed on a table. ( VOY : " Parturition ")

She joined another crewman in the mess hall in 2372. ( VOY : " Persistence of Vision ")

She had a conversation with Michael Jonas in the mess hall, when Chakotay and Tom Paris began a conflict. ( VOY : " Lifesigns ")

She was on the bridge holding Tuvok 's position at tactical, when he was in command of the ship. ( VOY : " Resolutions ")

She was among the crewmembers who were left on Hanon IV after the Kazon Maje Culluh took over command of Voyager . She was previously wounded during the confrontation with the Kazon aboard the ship. ( VOY : " Basics, Part I ", " Basics, Part II ")

In 2373 , she passed Tuvok and Chakotay in front of engineering while Voyager explored a class 17 nebula . ( VOY : " Flashback ")

The same year, she celebrated in the mess hall, along with William McKenzie and Russell , the successful return of Voyager to the 24th century. ( VOY : " Future's End, Part II ")

Off duty, she attended the luau held at the Paxau Resort holoprogram and organized by Neelix. She had drinks with fellow crewmembers and received a lei . ( VOY : " Alter Ego ")

She visited the Paxau Resort when Kes experienced one of her timeshifts and witnessed the Krenim attack on Voyager . Later, in the normal timeline, she attended the party for Kes at the Paxau Resort holoprogram. ( VOY : " Before and After ")

She was on duty in main engineering in 2373 when the senior staff reviewed data from one of their probes . She also worked in engineering when the crew prepared to enter Borg space. ( VOY : " Scorpion ")

USS Voyager ops officer 6, mess hall

Having a drink in the mess hall

She was eating and talking to other crewmembers in the mess hall when Seven of Nine attacked Neelix and threw him over a chair. She then was among the crewmembers who cared for Neelix. ( VOY : " The Raven ")

She passed Tom Paris in a corridor, smiled at him and greeted him with " sir ". Later, she also visited the mess hall while Seven of Nine observed the Srivani experiments on the crew through her ocular implant. ( VOY : " Scientific Method ")

In an alternate timeline created by the Krenim Annorax by using his temporal weapon ship, she was wounded and brought into the triage mess hall where was placed on a stretcher. After she recovered, she was working in a corridor where she was passed by Seven of Nine and Tuvok on their way to Deflector Control. Later, she listened to the speech of the captain before she left the ship aboard one of the escape pods. ( VOY : " Year of Hell ")

She carried a PADD and passed the navigation console and the main viewer on the bridge when Seven of Nine entered the captain's ready room to face the consequences of her actions in engineering. ( VOY : " Retrospect ")

She assisted Captain Janeway when she took over the transporter console and beamed the Silver Blood duplicate of Harry Kim on board. ( VOY : " Demon ")

She passed Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay in a corridor while the captain was on her way to the Delta Flyer to start her shore leave . ( VOY : " Tsunkatse ")

She was on duty in engineering during the power shutdown of Voyager . She was also part of one of Neelix's stories he told the Borg children. In this story, she visited the mess hall. ( VOY : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")

Transporter chief 3 [ ]

This transporter chief was stationed in Transporter Room 2 during the rescue of Tom Paris from the Kazon shuttle he had stolen and was under attack in. After successfully beaming Paris aboard, the chief stated " We have him, captain. He's all right. " Moments later, when it was determined that Michael Jonas had locked out access to main engineering , Janeway again contacted this chief and requested that they pull Jonas out of there. Jonas, however, had already removed his combadge , which was what was retrieved by the chief, who revealed that " All I got was his combadge, captain. " ( VOY : " Investigations ")


  1. USS Voyager personnel

    uss voyager personnel

  2. Personnel de l'USS Voyager NCC-74656

    uss voyager personnel

  3. USS Voyager Crew starter guide

    uss voyager personnel

  4. The USS Voyager Just Returned On Star Trek: Discovery, See It Here

    uss voyager personnel

  5. Crew of the U.S.S Voyager to chart new frontiers in next Star Trek

    uss voyager personnel

  6. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    uss voyager personnel


  1. USS Voyager NCC-74656 #startrek #startrekvoyager #polarlights


  3. USS Voyager LCARS Edition

  4. Introducing MS Voyager

  5. Guardians of the Mediterranean: USS Denver's Vital Role in Security, Diplomacy, and Humanitarian Aid

  6. Voyager 2 ACCIDENTALLY Made Contact With Unknown Force In Space!


  1. USS Voyager personnel

    An Intrepid-class starship such as USS Voyager normally had a complement of approximately 150 crew. When Voyager left drydock, its crew complement was 153. During the tumultuous voyage to and through the Delta Quadrant, many of those were lost. But there were also several new crewmembers taken on, first from Chakotay's Maquis and the Ocampa sector, and later from the Borg and the USS Equinox ...

  2. USS Voyager personnel

    List of crewpeople who served aboard the USS Voyager. For an illustrated version, see USS Voyager (NCC-74656) personnel roster. Commanding officer: Captain Kathryn Janeway (2371-2377) Captain Chakotay (2378-2381, 2381- ) Captain Afsarah Eden (2381) Executive officer: Lieutenant Commander Aaron Cavit (2371) Lieutenant Commander Chakotay (2371-2377) Commander Andrew Ellis's changeling impostor ...

  3. USS Voyager (NCC-74656)

    The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was a 24th century Federation Intrepid-class starship operated by Starfleet from 2371 to 2378. One of the most storied starships in the history of Starfleet, Voyager was famous for completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the Delta Quadrant, the first successful exploration of that quadrant by the Federation, as well as numerous technological innovations ...

  4. USS Voyager personnel roster

    USS Voyager personnel roster article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. This is an illustrated roster of Starfleet/former Maquis personnel assigned to the USS Voyager. For a simpler, un-illustrated list, see USS Voyager personnel.

  5. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    USS Voyager (NCC-74656) is the fictional Intrepid-class starship which is the primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: ... The intended crew complement was 141 Starfleet personnel, though it held 153 for its inaugural mission. This figure fluctuated during its time in the Delta Quadrant, ...

  6. USS Voyager personnel

    A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant.

  7. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    USS Voyager (NCC-74656) is the fictional Intrepid-class starship which is the primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. It is commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway. Voyager was designed by Star Trek: Voyager production designer Richard D. James and illustrator Rick Sternbach. Most of the ship's on-screen appearances are computer-generated imagery (CGI ...

  8. Ex Astris Scientia

    Annotations and analysis. The above data is based on the list of USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Alpha, give or take a few people that we may have missed or falsely classified. It can't be verified whether the list is complete in the first place. Regarding "unnamed and seen", more background extras than listed there may have appeared in the series.

  9. USS Voyager

    The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was an Intrepid-class starship operated by Starfleet Command in the late 24th century. The vessel and her crew are ... For full Voyager personnel, see USS Voyager Personnel. Commanding officer Captain Kathryn Janeway (2371-2378) First officer Lieutenant Commander Cavit (2371)

  10. USS Voyager Personnel

    USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek. USS Voyager Personnel at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works. Categories Categories: Other; USS Voyager; Add category; Cancel Save. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Advertisement.

  11. Category:USS Voyager personnel

    Kathryn Janeway, Captain of Voyager. This category has been created to list the names of individuals who serve or have served on the USS Voyager . This is based on the list of USS Voyager personnel. Any article or subcategory that lists unnamed USS Voyager characters will also be listed here. Category:USS Voyager dedication plaque personnel.

  12. 10 Ways USS Voyager Changed In Star Trek's Delta Quadrant

    3 Transwarp Drive. The USS Voyager's engines were modified in order to use the transwarp coil that they harvested from a Borg cube in Star Trek: Voyager season 5, episodes 15 and 16, "Dark Frontier". The coil allowed them to generate transwarp conduits, which could be used to travel greater distances than standard warp drive at faster speeds.

  13. Star Trek Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway- A Personnel File Report

    Kathryn Janeway- A Star Trek personnel file report. Kathryn Janeway, known best for her captaining of the Federation Star Ship Voyager (NCC-74656) on its 70,000 light year journey home from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha was born on May 20 th 2336 in Bloomington, Indiana on Earth.. Early Life. She was born to Gretchen and Edward Janeway (d. 2358), a Vice Admiral in Starfleet.

  14. Unnamed USS Voyager sciences division personnel

    Like the other crewmembers, she was stranded on the surface of Hanon IV in 2372. (VOY: ) She was working on a side station on the bridge when the Voyager entered Borg space and ma

  15. USS Voyager

    A legend on par with the USS Enterprise, the USS Voyager embodies the phrase "Where no man has gone before." Shortly after its launch, the USS Voyager was cast over 70,000 light years away from home into the Delta Quadrant, unwillingly becoming the first Federation vessel to successfully traverse the Delta Quadrant and make numerous first contacts.

  16. Unnamed USS Voyager sciences division personnel

    List of unnamed sciences division crewmembers aboard the USS Voyager. This male Human lieutenant commander served as Voyager's original chief medical officer in 2371. Previously in his career, he worked as a surgeon on Caldik Prime. He learned of Tom Paris, who was stationed there at the same time, and his acts that landed him in prison. They never met, however. While still docked at Deep ...

  17. USS Voyager

    For the mirror universe counterpart, see . The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was an Intrepid-class Federation starship launched in the year 2371. Initially believed lost during her first assignment, Voyager became famous throughout the Federation for her 70,000 light-year journey back to Federation space across the Delta Quadrant under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway. After seven years in ...

  18. Star Trek Voyager (Kelvin Timeline)

    In the 23rd century of the Kelvin Timeline, a powerful alien being sweeps a Kazon ship across the galaxy into the Alpha Quadrant. Five years after her former captain was killed, Captain Nicole Tyson and the young crew of the new USS Voyager, with the guidance of an unexpected ally, must find a way to work together to prevent the one who killed her captain, the Kazon known as Jal Dukar from ...

  19. USS Voyager

    USS Voyager. The Voyager has one of the most complicated chain of requirements to get all its loot. Scopely released the graphic below to help you follow what you have to do. So basically you kill Hirogen Hostiles to get relics, which get you the mats you need to summon 8472 hostiles, whose loot lets you get Voyager travel tokens for the ...

  20. Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 First Look Reveals Voyager-A, Returning Fan

    The trio of Prodigy creatives brought something special with them: a clip from Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 that brings back Robert Picardo as the voice of the Doctor and sees the USS Voyager -A ...

  21. Unnamed USS Voyager command division personnel

    The following is a list of unnamed command division crewmembers aboard the USS Voyager. This female ensign served in the command division on board Voyager. In 2371, She joined fellow crewmembers in the mess hall when Seska and B'Elanna Torres discussed Harry Kim's behavior towards the Delaney sisters. She was also present in the mess hall when Torres, Seska, and Joe Carey planned to make the ...

  22. After Months of Gibberish, Voyager 1 Is Communicating Well Again

    Mission personnel couldn't repair the chip. They were, however, able to break the code held on the failed chip into pieces they could tuck into spare corners of the FDS's memory, according to ...

  23. Unnamed USS Voyager operations division personnel

    The following is a list of unnamed operations division crewmembers aboard the USS Voyager. This male ensign talked to other crewmembers on the Promenade outside Quark's aboard Deep Space 9. He manned the operations station on the bridge of Voyager when Captain Kathryn Janeway introduced Harry Kim to his new workplace. He then went to work on one of the aft stations. He visited the mess hall ...