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Java, Bali, Lombok: l’Indonésie incontournable en 2 semaines

Itineraire deux semaines Indonesie - Lombok

Mon périple de deux mois en Indonésie a commencé par un voyage de deux semaines en famille. Comme toujours, c’est moi qui étais chargée d’établir notre itinéraire, de choisir les hôtels, de prévoir les visites et de repérer les bonnes adresses de restos, spa ou autre. Pour concevoir ce voyage, j’ai décidé de me concentrer sur des étapes de charme qui valorisent le patrimoine indonésien. Voici mes trouvailles!

5 jours à Java: Yogyakarta, Borobudur & la campagne javanaise

Lorsque j’organise un voyage, je prends toujours en compte le trajet en avion et le décalage horaire. Je prévois toujours d’arriver dans un hôtel confortable (de préférence avec piscine) pour pouvoir me remettre tranquillement du voyage. Prendre le soleil à la piscine est aussi le bon moyen de recharger les batteries et de faire le plein de vitamines!

Yogyakarta: atterrir en douceur au Phoenix Hôtel

Pour arriver à Java après un long voyage, rien de tel que le Phoenix Hôtel, une adresse confortable au beau milieu de la ville. La piscine est superbe et le petit-déjeuner un vrai bonheur! La situation centrale de l’hôtel vous permettra de prendre le pouls de l’île tranquillement, d’aller visiter les quelques attractions touristiques comme le Kraton Palace.

  • The Phoenix Yogyakarta , à partir de 55€

Itineraire 2 semaines Indonesie - The Phoenix Yogyakarta

Côté activités, aller voir le Ramayana (des danses traditionnelles javanaises) dans les temples de Prambanan reste un must. Pensez à réserver à l’avance au risque de ne plus avoir de place!

De nombreux voyageurs vont visiter les temples de Borobudur depuis Yogyakarta. Personnellement, je ne trouve pas que cela soit la meilleure option: Borobudur est à plus d’1h30 de route et le mieux reste de s’y rendre pour le lever du soleil. Un réveil aussi matinal, ça fait mal… Pour éviter ce désagrément, mieux vaut mettre le cap sur la région de Borobudur pour la prochaine étape. Elle recèle de pépites!

Borobudur: temples, gastronomie et dolce vita

Le temple de borobudur au lever du soleil.

Après Yogyakarta, direction Borobudur pour une étape de charme mettant l’accès sur le patrimoine religieux et gastronomique de Java. Ici l’incontournable est bien sûr le temple de Borobudur, ensemble bouddhiste datant du IXème siècle. Inscrit au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Unesco, ce monument est l’un des plus célèbres d’Indonésie. Sa visite est magique au moment du lever du soleil. Vous ne serez pas seuls, mais il y aura toujours moins de monde que lorsque tous les cars touristiques débarquent!

Itineraire 2 semaines Indonesie - Borobudur

Le Plataran, mon resto coup de cœur en Indonésie

Avec une vue sur les stupas de Borobudur, l’hôtel Plataran Heritage Borobudur est une adresse de charme que j’ai vraiment adorée. Non seulement le lieu plein de cachet est absolument magnifique, mais c’est là que j’ai mangé le meilleur repas de mes deux mois et quelques en Indonésie. C’était un délice – rien que d’y penser, j’ai l’eau à la bouche!

  • Plataran Borobudur , repas env. 35€/pers, chambre à partir de 200€/nuit

Itineraire deux semaines Indonesie - Plataran Borobudur

Afternoon tea à l’Amanjiwo

Si vous aimez les beaux hôtels, vous connaissez forcément la chaîne Aman, qui allie luxe extrême et charme authentique. A Bordobudur, l’Amajiwo reprend les principes architecturaux de Borobudur: domes, stupas, nivelés… L’endroit est incroyable!

Y séjourner est très onéreux, mais vous pouvez très bien aller y dîner ou y déguster un afternoon tea. Veillez à reserver au préalable car les vigiles ne plaisantent pas avec la sécurité et votre venue doit être annoncée.

  • Amanjiwo , afternoon tea env. 20€/personne

Itineraire 2 semaines Indonesie - Aftertoon tea Amajiwo

Amata Borobudur, boutique hôtel de charme près des temples

En terme de rapport qualité/prix, l’Amata Borobudur est imbattable dans la région: ses maisons de bois d’inspiration javanaise entourent une vaste piscine où il fait bon plonger après avoir grimpé sans relâche les marches du temple de Borobudur.

  • Amata Resort Borobudur , à partir de 70€.

Mesa Stila, un oasis dans la campagne javanaise

Le Mesa Stila Resort est une adresse de choix pour une parenthèse enchantée au milieu des volcans et des rizières de Java. Cette ancienne plantation de café désormais transformée en hôtel offre des hébergements spacieux au charme typiquement javanais. Le resto est délicieux, le spa de grande qualité et la piscine donnant sur la jungle un vrai bonheur! Des cours de yoga, un tour de la plantation et autres activités sont proposées gratuitement tous les jours.

  • Mesa Stila Resort , à partir de 200€.

Itineraire 2 semaines Indonesie - Mesa Stila Java

J’aurais adoré ajouté à ce séjour express à Java une virée dans les volcans de l’Est de l’île, mais le temps nous a manqué. C’est une option à considérer si vous disposez de plus de temps ou que vous ne souhaitez pas consacrer 5 jours à la détente en fin de séjour.

5 jours à Bali: Ubud, ses rizières et ses temples

Selon moi, Ubud est le point de chute idéal à Bali. Non seulement est-il très facile de rayonner depuis cette position centrale dans l’île, mais c’est aussi la capitale capitale et spirituelle de l’île. Cela en fait un endroit plus préservé que l’horrible côte qui s’étend de Kuta à Seminyak et que je déconseille de tout mon cœur.

A Ubud vous pourrez, pêle-mêle: flâner dans les rizières, profiter d’hôtels plus beaux les uns que les autres, manger comme un roi, visiter des temples, saluer des singes aussi adorables que mesquins, prendre des cours de yoga ou de méditation… La liste est longue! Je vous renvoie à mon guide d’Ubud que j’ai élaboré après avoir passé un peu plus d’un mois sur place. Côté logement, ma préférence va pour les adorables Madani Antique Villas, au beau milieu de rizières.

  • Madani Antique Villas , à partir de 80€.

Itineraire deux semaines Indonesie - Tirta Empul Bali

Si vous souhaitez ajouter une étape plage à votre séjour à Bali, je vous conseille Uluwatu (pour les surfeurs), Lembongan (pour les yogis) ou Amed (pour les plongeurs). Je vous renvoie à mon article Bali, côté plage pour plus d’infos.

DreamSea Uluwatu Bali

5 jours à Lombok: détente dans une île au charme fou

Bali est complètement saturé par l’offre hôtelière, pourtant je n’ai pas été en mesure de trouver un établissement de charme avec un accès direct à la plage en dessous de 800€/nuit (prix de départ). J’ai donc décidé d’opter pour l’île voisine de Lombok, où l’offre hôtelière est bien meilleure. Non seulement les côtes ne sont pas aussi saturées qu’à Bali, mais les plages sont bien plus jolies et le rapport qualité/prix en tout point meilleur.

Mon choix s’est porté sur le Jeeva Klui, un hôtel magnifique situé sur la plage. Mon conseil: si vous le pouvez, optez pour une villa avec piscine plutôt une chambre standard, qui ont moins d’intimité.

  • Jeeva Klui , à partir de 90€ (145€ pour une villa avec piscine privée).

Itineraire 2 semaines Indonesie - Jeeva Klui Lombok

Lombok est une île merveilleuse où vous pourrez partir à la découverte de paysages fabuleux comme ses cascades et ses plages immenses! Les îles Gili sont aussi très populaires. La plupart des touristes se concentre sur Gili Air, Gili Meno et Gili Trawagan, mais l’archipel des Gili compte plusieurs dizaines d’îles. J’ai découvert Gili Kedis, Gili Nanggu et Gili Tangkong, moins touristiques que leurs grandes sœurs mais tout aussi jolies.

Itineraire deux semaines Indonesie - Lombok

Voici donc un aperçu de mon itinéraire de deux semaines en Indonésie, en mettant l’accent sur les incontournables certes, mais en évitant tout de même les coins les plus fréquentés. J’espère que mes recommandations sauront vous inspirer si vous prévoyez bientôt une escapade dans ce merveilleux pays!

Recommended for you

Petra, Jordanie | Le Cocotier Doré

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Paradisiaque et vraiment dépaysant! Bali est une destination que je rêve de faire…

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C’est ahurissant et renversant de beauté ! Merci pour ce beau partage.

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Les photos sont magnifiques, ça me donne encore plus envie de visiter l’Indonésie, je garde l’article sous le coude pour préparer un itinéraire. Je vois beaucoup de bons plans sur Bali mais j’ai bien envie d’en voir plus de l’Indonésie, Borobudur notamment a l’air très joli :)

voyage bali lombok java

Merci Sarah! Avec ses plus de 17.000 îles, l’Indonésie est effectivement loin de se résumer à Bali! Voici d’autres pistes: Flores, Komodo, les Célèbes ou encore Rajat Ampat ;)

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Ca a l’air tellement joli !! Je n’ai encore jamais été en Asie mais ça me donne tellement envie de commencer ma découverte asiatique le plus vite possible :).

voyage bali lombok java

3 semaines en Indonésie (Java, Bali et Lombok) : itinéraire et budget

  • Ecrit par Julie
  • Le 11 février 2019
  • Commentaires

Après avoir été conquise par la générosité et la bonté des Thaïlandais, j’ai décidé de rester en Asie du Sud-Est et d’aller passer 3 semaines en Indonésie .

L’Indonésie est un archipel qui compte plus de 16000 îles, alors bien évidemment tu ne visites pas l’Indonésie en une fois… Et peut-être même qu’une vie ne suffirait pas… Pour ces 3 semaines en Indonésie, j’ai donc fait le choix de me concentrer sur les îles de Java, Bali et Lombok .

Voici l'itinéraire DE MES 3 SEMAINES EN INDONÉSIE :

Itinéraire 3 semaines en Indonésie

Jour 1 : Paris

Décollage de l’aéroport Charles de Gaule direction Doha pour une escale.

Jour 2 : Jakarta - Yogjakarta

Départ de Doha puis arrivée à Jakarta vers 13h et redécollage pour Yogjakarta vers 17h, puis arrivée vers 18h15.

Jour 3 : Yogjakarta

Visite des deux temples les plus connus d’Indonésie, le temple bouddhiste Borobudur et le temple shivaïte Prambanan ainsi que d’autres petits temples aux alentours de la ville.

Jour 4 : Jakarta - Probolinggo - Cemoro Lawang

Train en direction de Probolinggo (trajet direct de 7h), arrivée vers 16h puis transfert vers Cemoro Lawang en mini-bus public.

Jour 5: Cemoro Lawang - Bromo - Probolinggo

Ces 3 semaines en Indonésie ont été rythmées par la découverte de magnifiques volcans (et oui n’oublions pas que nous sommes sur la ceinture de feu et que l’Indonésie compte plus de 120 volcans dont 80 sont encore actifs). Nous commençons par une randonnée avec un départ de nuit et lever de soleil sur le volcan Bromo, promenade dans la caldeira jusqu’au sommet pour voir le fond du cratère. Retour au village de Cemoro Lawang pour prendre le petit-déjeuner puis transfert vers Probolinggo dans l’après-midi.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 6 : Probolinggo - Banyuwangi

Train vers Banyuwangi (5h, trajet direct), arrivée vers 12h, puis prise en charge par notre hôte et transfert vers notre homestay, où nous serons logés chez une ancienne famille de mineurs.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 7 : Volcan Kawah Ijen – Banyuwangi - Gilimanuk - Permuteran

Randonnée avec départ de nuit, descente au fond du cratère du volcan Kawah Ijen pour observer le souffre en fusion et les fameuses flammes bleues puis observation du lever de soleil depuis le sommet. 
Retour chez l’hôte pour le petit-déjeuner puis départ pour le port de Banyuwangi pour prendre le bateau afin de rejoindre le port de Gilimanuk à Bali. Puis transfert vers Permuteran sur la côte nord de Bali dans l’après-midi. Promenade en scooter, visite des plages environnantes et détente.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 8 : Permuteran
 - Munduk

Après avoir visité les environs et avoir profité du bel hôtel, nous partons pour Munduk avec un chauffeur qui nous a été recommandé par l’hôtel.
Location de scooters et découverte des cascades environnantes ainsi que des premières rizières.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 9 : Munduk

Location de scooters pour rejoindre le site des rizières de Jatiluwih (site classé au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO) et visite du temple Ulu Danu en chemin.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 10 : Munduk - Ubud

En fin de matinée : transfert de Munduk vers Ubud, au centre de l’île de Bali. Visite de la ville et de ses nombreuses boutiques d’artisanat local.

Jour 11 : Ubud

Location de scooters et direction les rizières de Tegalalang (site classé au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO), retour dans l’après-midi, visite d’Ubud et spectacle du traditionnel Kecak en soirée.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 12 : Ubud - Amed

Transfert vers Amed, sur la côte Est de Bali. Journée détente et snorkelling.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 13 : Amed - Gili Air

Départ de Amed en fast-boat pour rejoindre les îles Gili, plus précisemment Gili Air (1h30 de traversée) puis transfert vers notre hôtel en calèche puisque l’île est uniquement piétonne et qu’aucun véhicule à moteur n’y circule. Après-midi détente, promenade sur l’île, coucher de soleil sur la plage.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 14 : Gili Air

Départ le matin en bateau pour une excursion pour la matinée : tour des îles, snorkelling, observation d’une multitude de poissons multicolores et de tortues… Retour en milieu d’après-midi et promenade sur l’île.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 15 : Gili Air - Lombok (Bangsal Harbor) - Senaru

Transfert de Gili Air vers l’île de Lombok. Prise en charge à Bangsal Harbor par notre hôte avec qui nous rejoignons ensuite notre hébergement à Senaru. Petite balade vers les cascades de Tiu Kelep puis détente à l’hôtel et préparatifs avant de partir pour 3 jours de trek.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 16 : Senaru - Trek au Mont Rinjani

Départ le matin en 4×4 pour rejoindre le village de Sembalun Lawang (1150m) d’où nous entamons notre premier jour de trek en compagnie de notre guide et de nos 4 porteurs. Bivouac sous tente à un premier col situé à 2639m d’altitude.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 17 : Trek au Mont Rinjani

Départ pour l’ascension du Mont Rinjani, tôt dans la nuit, dans le but d’atteindre le sommet pour le lever du soleil, puis descente au campement pour prendre le petit-déjeuner. En milieu de matinée, nous regagnons le lac situé au fond du cratère où nous nous relaxons dans les sources d’eau chaude après un bon repas. Bivouac à un autre col situé de l’autre côté du cratère à 2641m.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 18 : Trek au Mont Rinjani

Troisième et dernier jour de trek, retour à Senaru pour une dernière nuit au RudyTrekker Guest House

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 19 : Senaru - Kuta

Transfert de Senaru vers Kuta, tout au sud de l’île de Lombok. Location de scooters et visites des environs.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 20 : Kuta

Visite de la côte sud de l’île et des plages environnantes en scooter. Initiation au surf sur la plage de Selong Blanak.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 21 : Kuta

Visite de la ville et des environs en scooter. Détente.

voyage bali lombok java

Jour 22 : Kuta - Mataram (aéroport de Lombok) > Jakarta > Paris

Vol intérieur de Mataram (capitale de Lombok) pour rejoindre la capitale indonésienne Jakarta puis retour sur Paris.


Voici les excursions ou activités que nous avons réservées pendant ces 3 semaines de road-trip :

Randonnée et descente dans le cratère du Kawah Ijen puis lever du soleil depuis le sommet : – Transfert en 4×4 jusqu’au pied du volcan : 600.000Rps/4 – Guide : 350.000Rps/4 – Entrée dans le parc : 150.000Rps/pers – Total : 97€ pour 4 personnes soit 25€/pers environ . Excursion snorkelling de 5h autour des îles Gilis : 100.000Rps/pers soit 6€/personne . Trek de 3 jours avec ascension du Mont Rinjani (de Sembalun Lawang à Senaru) avec l’agence Rudy Trekker. Coût pour la formule privée tout compris : transfert vers et depuis l’hôtel + 1 nuit d’hôtel avant le début du trek + guide + 1 porteur par personne + repas/boissons + matériel de bivouac = 1000€/4 soit environ 250€/pers . 2h d’initiation au surf sur la plage de Selong Blanak : 250.000Rps/pers soit 15€/personne environ.


Les prix indiqués sont les prix par personne, pour une durée de 3 semaines en Indonésie, avec les prestations indiquées plus haut. Ce n’est que purement indicatif . 

En choisissant des hébergements différents ou en passant par d’autres agences, tu pourras certainement gagner plusieurs dizaines voire centaines d’euros sur la note finale, mais je te recommande de ne pas radiner sur l’agence de treks pour le Mont Rinjani.

Vols internationaux A/R Paris – Jakarta  : 650€

Vol intérieur Jakarta – Yogjakarta : 137€

Vol intérieur Mataram (Lombok) – Jakarta : 173€

Nuits en hôtels/auberges : 360€ (pour 17 nuits)

Trek au Mont Rinjani : 250€ (3 nuits incluses dont 2 en bivouac et 1 en hôtel)

Repas et autres activités :  env. 300€

Total  : environ 1900€

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Indonesia – Ultimate 1 Month Itinerary (2024): 30 days across Bali, Java, Lombok, Komodo

Welcome to the tropical paradise of Indonesia, where lush jungles, stunning beaches, and vibrant culture converge to create the perfect travel destination! With more than 17,000 islands, the Indonesian archipelago is so large and diverse that you’d probably need a lifetime to discover most of the islands. This one-month itinerary covers the most beautiful sights of Bali, Java, Lombok, and Komodo Islands. From visiting ancient temples, seeing unique wildlife, trekking majestic volcanoes, to surfing the best waves and savoring delicious food, you’ll have a blissful time in Indonesia!

Canggu (4 Days)

Canggu is a former surfer town that has become the hippest place with a laid-back vibe in Bali. Home to long black sand beaches, the best cafés, restaurants, and the trendiest beach clubs, Canggu is the perfect place to start your one-month trip.

tanah lot temple

Spend a few days soaking up the cool atmosphere after your long flight, explore the markets, sip a cocktail at the beach to watch the sunset. Canggu is not the most authentic part of Bali, but it has certainly a lot to offer!

restaurant canggu evening 2

  • Getting to Canggu

From the airport, the best way to get to Canggu is with a taxi, a shared transport or order a Gojek/ Gab. Canggu is relatively close to the airport, but it can take between 45 minutes to 1h30.

  • Where to stay in Canggu?

There are so many great accommodations in Canggu from backpacker hostels to boutique hotels and luxury villas. You will easily find something for your taste and budget. For a quiter option in Canggu, consider the Pererenan area.

canggu airbnb livingroom

Munduk (2 Days)

Munduk is a charming village nestled in the mountains in the north of Bali. Known for its serene atmosphere and cooler weather, Munduk has many impressive waterfalls, hiking trails, and sacred temples such as the famous Ulun Danu Bratan. Most people come for a day trip from Ubud but staying at least one night gives you a chance to experience the local life and traditions in a quiet part of Bali.

Best waterfalls around Munduk:

  • Banyumala Twin Waterfall
  • Gitgit Waterfall
  • Munduk Waterfall
  • Aling Aling Waterfall
  • Banyu Wana Amertha
  • Getting to Munduk

From Canggu, you can either rent a scooter or hire a driver for the day and stop on the way to see rice terraces, temples, and waterfalls! Hiring a driver cost approximately 600,000 IDR – 40 USD per day.

  • Where to stay in Munduk?

There are not as many options as in Canggu but Munduk offers a great selection of well-reviewed hotels and homestays that are often in the midst of rice fields or in the mountains.

Java Volcanoes – Mount Bromo & Kawa Ijen (3 Days)

From Munduk, join an epic adventure with Indo Travel Team to explore the Eastern side of the island of Java, the most populous island in Indonesia that is known for its majestic volcanoes and unique culture. Over three days you’ll explore East Java , visit traditional villages, and trek the impressive Mount Bromo and Kawa Ijen with its acid lake. Expect to witness amazing sunrises from the top of volcanoes with incredible views of the valleys.

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This was by far one of our best experiences in Indonesia – read about our trip to Java here .

  • Getting to Java

Pick-up, transport, and drop-off are included for trips organized by Indo Travel Team. Munduk is a great starting point as it’s only a couple of hours away from Java.

  • Where to stay in Java

The two nights’ accommodation are included in the tour – you’ll stay in clean, comfortable homestays in Java.

Ubud (4 Days)

After three intense days hiking in Java, head to Ubud , the cultural and artistic heart of Bali. Spend a few days discovering the sacred temples, powerful waterfalls, lush Tegalalang rice terraces, and vibrant art markets.

indonesian farmer rice terraces

Although Ubud is no longer a quiet town, it remains an authentic place and must-see in Indonesia with so many things to do. Bonus: the food scene is incredible in Ubud!

food balinese ubud

  • Getting to Ubud

You’ll be dropped off in Munduk after your Java trip where you left your main luggage. The best way to get to Ubud, in Central Bali, is to hire a driver from Munduk – the journey takes approximately 1h30.

  • Where to stay in Ubud

Ubud offers a great selection of hotels, guesthouses, and luxury villas for all budgets. You can stay in the center where many attractions and good restaurants are but bear in mind that it is very busy and congested with traffic! If you prefer peace and quiet, there are many options to stay in the middle of rice terraces in the outskirts of Ubud but you’ll need transport to reach the center (some guesthouses offer a shuttle service).

bedrooom hotel ubud

Amed (3 Days)

Take a few days to enjoy the slow life in the charming village of Amed , on the eastern coast of Bali. Amed is the perfect destination after vibrant Ubud where you can chill on black sand beaches and snorkel all day to spot colorful fish and incredible coral reefs. The atmosphere is peaceful, the locals are super friendly, and the surrounding countryside is stunning. Stop on the way from Ubud to visit the Tirta Gangga Temple and climb the Lahangan Sweet viewpoint for incredible views of Mount Agung.

  • Getting to Amed

From Ubud to Amed is a solid 2-hour drive. Hire a driver for the day and include a few stops on the way!

  • Where to stay in Amed

Amed is small but spreads out along the coast. Stay in one of the many homestays or bungalows the centre part between Jemeluk Beach and Lipah Beach.

Gili Islands (3 Days)

Next, hop on a boat to the idyllic Gili Islands ! The archipelago is made up of three islands (Gili Trawagan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air) is and it is perfect beach getaway! There are no cars or traffic here, you’ll have to walk or cycle to get around the islands. Relax at the beach, sip cocktails while enjoying incredible sunsets, and snorkel in crystal clear water in search of turtles and exotic fish. If you don’t know on which island to stay, read our detailed comparison!

Lombok Island – Kuta (3 days)

Lombok is called Bali’s sister island for a reason – it boasts popular surfing spots, countless powerful waterfalls such as Benang Kelambu and Benang Stokel Waterfalls, an iconic volcano Mount Rinjani, and stunning beaches. Unlike Bali, the island of Lombok is still untouched from mass tourism with its natural beauty making it a special place to visit while traveling in Indonesia.

benang stokel benang kelambu waterfalls 12

  • Getting to Lombok Island

From the Gili Islands, it only takes 20 minutes on a fast boat to the port of Bangsal in Lombok. Arrange a driver to pick you up at the harbor to your hotel, or try your luck haggling for a price when arriving.

  • Where to Stay in Lombok

There are two main options in Lombok – you can stay in Senggigi on the west coast where you’ll find more resorts and upscale hotels. Alternatively, head south to the surfing town of Kuta with trendy cafés and a nice vibe. We strongly recommend Rascals Hotel in Kuta which was by far our favorite hotel in Indonesia (adults only!).

rascal hotel kuta lombok 4

Komodo Islands (4 Days)

Embark on a multi-day cruise to sail the incredible Komodo Islands . On your Komodo Islands cruise you’ll be able to see it all, you’ll meet the famous Komodo Dragons, swim with sharks and – hopefully – be able to spot a Manta Ray or two also.

Not forgetting swimming in turquoise waters and hiking the iconic Padar Island at sunrise. Read about our Komodo experience here , this includes our tips on what to watch out for with the Komodo tour operators.

  • Getting to Komodo Islands

Catch a short 45-minute flight from Lombok Airport to Labuan Bajo on Flores Island, which is the largest of the Komodo islands. All shared cruises depart over the weekend (Friday morning to Sunday mid-day). You’ll need to arrive in Flores on Thursday night and stay one night in Labuan Bajo, at minimum.

  • Where to Stay in Labuan Bajo, Komdo

There are a range of accommodation options including hotels and upscale hotels to relax before the cruise.

Uluwatu (3 Days)

Fly back to Bali and head to the most southern part of the island, Uluwatu, but when you’re there – watch out for the local monkeys – the monkeys of Uluwatu are known as being the rowdiest. Uluwatu has a laid-back atmosphere with great surfing spots, trendy beach clubs, and the most beautiful beaches in Bali. Don’t miss the traditional Kecak fire dance, a captivating spiritual Balinese dance, performed against the backdrop of sunset in the iconic Uluwatu Temple.

Beach clubs: Savaya Bali – Palmillina – Ulu Cliffhouse – Finns

  • Getting to Uluwatu

Fly directly from Labuan Bajo (Flores) to Denpasar (Bali). The drive from the airport to Uluwatu is between 45 minutes to 1h30 depending on traffic.

  • Where to Stay in Uluwatu

Uluwatu area is bigger than it looks, there is a risk of possibly booking accommodation in the middle of nowhere. The most popular and convenient areas are near Thomas Beach or Bingin Beach. There are many hotels with jaw-dropping cliff views and you’ll be close to many great restaurants (and monkeys!).

Jimbaran (1 Day)

Conveniently located just 15 minutes away from Denpasar International Airport, Jimbaran is the perfect place for your last day. Head to the vibrant local fish market in the morning, rent a sunbed on the beautiful long Jimbaran beach and enjoy one last swim. The atmosphere gets lively around sunset.

In the evening, all the restaurants set their tables on the beach and serve an amazing seafood BBQ with fresh local seafood. We recommend the Warung Mang Ayu where we had a delicious fish platter and prawn curry with reggae music in the background.

  • Getting to Jimbaran

Jimbaran is only a 30-minute ride from Uluwatu – ask your hotel to book a taxi or use Grab.

  • Where to Stay in Jimbaran

There are many great resorts or boutique hotels in Jimbaran near the beach.

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Get the most of authentic experiences of Indonesia in 4 weeks! Explore the jungles of Sumatra , indulge yourself with the rich culture of Yogyakarta , and go on a road trip across the island of Flores for its unique villages and climb the magnificent Kelimutu volcano . This trip combines these amazing destinations as well as a few days in Bali for you to unwind . Get ready for an authentic Indonesian adventure!

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Pickup: Jakarta, Java (CGK)

Itinerary: 4 Weeks in Indonesia

Day 1: wel-come2indonesia - jakarta       ▼.

Welcome to the largest archipelago in the world. After arriving in Soekarno International Airport, Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia), you will directly go to the hotel.  Enjoy a good rest before your trip which will start directly on the next day. The hotel’s driver will wait you at exit gate of your terminal arrival.  They bring a name board with your name stated on it and will escort you to the hotel.

Meals : –

Accommodation :  FM7 Resort Hotel – Superior Room

DAY 2: JAKARTA - MEDAN       ▼

Arrival at Kuala Namu International Airport in Medan, meeting service with our guide and then in a comfortable air-conditioned vehicle we will go to your booked hotel in the city. Today is going to be free time for you. We will do a city tour tomorrow before leaving for Tangkahan. 

Meals : Breakfast

Accommodation : Le Polonia Hotel or Similar


Breakfast at the hotel, then you will be picked up by our guide to go to Tangkahan . But we will take advantage of the morning to see the most important places in Medan such as the Great Mosque, the Sultan’s Palace, the Chinese temple , then we continue our trip to Tangkahan through Binjai and Batang Serangan route. It will be a journey of about 4 hours (156 KM) because in some sections the road is not very good. On arrival in Tangkahan, check in and free time after a long journey.

Accommodation : Mega Inn or Similar


As soon as we finish our breakfast, you will be able to join the Mahout (the elephant tamer) during the washing of the elephant in the river. Then you will go on a somewhat comfortable trekking, riding an elephant for an hour in the middle of the forest . In some sections you will cross the river, so it is advisable to wear sandals.

Once you reach the top of the river, you will go down in a kind of local rafting, made with the union of tractor tires. You can make stops at an impressive waterfall in the middle of the jungle. That is the fantastic Buluh Waterfall where you can enjoy a nice swim in the refreshing water. Then you will visit a nearby village to witness the daily life of the inhabitants. At the end of the trip, we return to your booked accommodation.

NOTE: There is no elephant activity on Mondays and Thursdays

Meals : Breakfast – Lunch


After breakfast, we leave Tangkahan and heading towards Bukit Lawang with 4×4 jeep (approximately 3 hours, 60 KM). We will pass through some palm plantations and jungle roads. We will stop at various places of interest, such as a local school, the palm oil factory and witness the daily life of the locals. Arriving in Bukit Lawang, check in at the hotel and rest. 

Accommodation : Bukit Lawang Cottage  o Similar


Today after having our breakfast, we go hiking in the jungle to explore the nature of Gunung Leuser National Park, seeing the orangutans.  We have the possibility to see the place where there is more quantity of tropical Flora and Fauna than anywhere else in Indonesia.  A wonderful experience with flora and fauna that we found during our walk, enjoy the singing of great birds like the Hornbill and apes like the Siamang or Black Gibbons, Orangutans and Macaques. In the afternoon, we will return to the hotel.

Meals : Breakfast – Lunch (Picnic)


Today is our last day in the land of Sumatra, it is time to say goodbye to this beautiful land. After breakfast, at the indicated time, transfer to Medan from where you will take the flight to Yogyakarta.

Arrival at the airport, meeting service with our guide and transfer to the south to reach the famous city of Yogyakarta  (also known as Jogja, Yogya or Jogjakarta).  Arrival at the hotel, check in and rest of the day at your leisure  to begin discovering this historic city, the cradle of Indonesian culture.

In 7th century, Yogyakarta was the center of the Mataram Buddhist kingdom , a prosperous reign, largely based on rice cultivation thanks to the region’s fertile volcanic soil. The various bas-reliefs of its temples show the daily life of that flourishing period.  During this reign, the Borobudur Temple Temple was built, which was the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Mysteriously, in the 10th century, the old Mataram Kingdom moved its central government.  The old headquarters, with its palaces and magnificent temples, were abandoned and partially buried by the eruption of the Merapi volcano, and by the thicket of the jungle.  Six hundred years later, the Mataram Sultanate was founded and established in the region, making Yogyakarta once again the center of government for the surrounding island.

Accommodation : 

A. The Phoenix – Superior Room

B. Gallery Prawirotaman – Superior Room

C. Adhisthana Hotel – Superior room


After breakfast and at the indicated time we will tour around the heart of this cultural city as well as the magnificent temples.

Yogyakarta City Tour

We will visit the Keraton known as the Sultan Palace. The palace is a complex building of two centuries old, located in the heart of the city. You will listen to the song of the “freedom” of the birds in the bird market, we will visit the Water Castle which occupies the highest part at the northern end of the vast complex of Taman Sari. Also, visit Malioboro Street, main street of Yogyakarta with its merchants, horse carts, bicycle taxis and markets . 

Borobudur Temple

Afterwards, we drive to Magelang district to visit the Borobudur temple. It is the largest Buddhist monument in the world and one of the seven wonders. We will tour the temple, observing the hundreds and centuries-old Buddha statues and observing how dozens of Buddhists come to preach from all over the world. Historically it was made during the relatively brief Shailendra dynasty of Central Java between 778 and 856 BC and is under constant restoration due to the breaks that the tremors of the neighboring Merapi volcano have produced during its history. After visiting Borobudur, you will continue the trip to Mendut and Pawon temple. These are also Buddhist temples .

Prambanan Temple

Lastly, we will go towards Prambanan Temple , the temple of Hinduists and classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1991. This temple was completed around the year 856 to commemorate the return of Shailendra dynasty of Central Java. Take your time to enjoy each carving on the rocks and feel the spirituality that each of the perched stones gives off in this set of more than 200 Hindu temples. They are dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator, the Preserver and the destroyer. After this day that you will never forget, we will take you to your hotel.

Accommodation :


Today, we are going to leave Yogyakarta and begin our adventure towards the Java volcanoes.  At the indicated time, around 6.00 am, we will pick you up at your hotel for the transfer to the train station to start a long journey to Jombang/Surabaya (around 8 hours).  Upon arrival, transfer to the slopes of the Bromo Volcano. Check-in at your hotel for deserved rest after so many hours traveling.

Meals : Breakfast 

Accommodation : Lava View Lodge –  Deluxe Room 


Very early, your guide and a jeep driver will be waiting for you at the hotel to witness one of the most spectacular sunrises in Indonesia.  Even if you have to get up early, it will be worth it. In a jeep, we will go to the slopes of the volcano  where after climbing some stairs you can get to the very edge of its crater and see the impressive activity it has.

You will go up to a high point first in the dark and, little by little, the first rays of sun give way to a huge and indescribable caldera  that makes up the entire view of the Bromo and Semeru Natural Park.

Behind Bromo with its large fumaroles, is the Semeru Volcano with explosions almost every 20 minutes.  Together will make you have one of the most rewarding experiences ever.  We return to the hotel to refresh you and enjoy your breakfast.

At the agreed time, we will leave for our next destination, the Ijen volcano.  This journey lasts about 7-8 hours by car but we will make a stop to eat. Take advantage of this journey to rest. Arriving in Ijen, we will drop you off at your hotel, check in and deserved rest.

Accommodation :  Ketapang Indah Hotel – Superior Room


The day has finally come to visit one of the most attractive volcanoes in Indonesia! One of the last surviving open pit sulfur mines on the planet.

Ijen Crater

For this climb you can choose between two schedules. Either leave very early to see the blue fire (leave the hotel around 1.30am) or leave more calmly only for sunrise (around 4am). You can choose depending on how tired you are from the trip from Bromo to Ijen, you can decide the day before with your guide.  Once we pick you up from your hotel, you will head towards the village of Licin to get to the side of the volcano to start the upward slope to the crater of the volcano itself.  During this trekking, your guide will give you double filter masks to protect you from natural sulfur chemicals.

Once up, at an altitude of 2883 meters and when it begins to dawn, an incredible contrast of colors will open before your eyes.  A scene of yellow earth and a large turquoise blue lake inside the crater that contrast with a suspended white cloud that is continuously expelling the volcano.

In turn, among so much beauty you will see the locals working where it is said to be one of the hardest jobs in the world.  These miners go down to the crater of the volcano to load 80 to 100 kilos of sulfur on their shoulders and then sell it.

After this amazing experience on the edge of the Ijen volcano crater, we begin the descent with an incredible panoramic view of the mountains that make up the national park.  We will take you to your hotel to cool off and have breakfast.  

Journey to Bali

Afterwards, we start the long journey to reach Ubud in Bali.  It takes about 4 hours to reach the port to cross to Bali, but then in Bali it can be 2 to 3 hours more to reach Ubud.  Upon arrival, check-in at the hotel for the deserved rest after so many hours traveling.  You must remember to add an hour to your watch, because we change the time zone.  Welcome to the island of the Gods.

A. Komaneka Bisma – Bisma Suite Room

B. Alaya Resort Ubud – Deluxe Room

C. Pertiwi Bisma 2 –  Super Deluxe Room


Our wonderful tour begins today at the Kehen Temple. It is an ancient Hindu temple complex with unique architectural features. The stairs that run from the ground to the temple courtyard are mythical sandstone animal figures and Balinese folk statues and also the central hall. The walls of the temple are also adorned with Chinese porcelain plates, which are a tribute to the historical relations between the local kingdom of Bali and China.

Afterwards, we continue to Penglipuran, a town that managed to preserve its 75-hectare bamboo forest located in the northern part of town. The members of this village have a strong commitment to the system of “ayahan desa”, a philosophy committed to respecting the land on which the village sits.

After Panglipuran Village, we continue our march to reach Kintamani where we will enjoy the beautiful view of Danau Batur along with Gunung Batur in the background. Danau Batur is the largest lake in Bali that works as a source of irrigation for all the farmers around it and the use for the entire Balinese society in general. Since 1800, Mount Batur has erupted about 24 times and is still active to this day. Mount Batur, 1,717 meters high, is considered the female element, along with the male element of Mount Agung. We return to the hotel to rest.

Day 13: FANTASTIC ROUTE       ▼

After breakfast, your guide will pick you up and we will visit the places on the fantastic route of Come2Indonesia.

Taman Ayun Temple

The first site will be the Taman Ayun Temple (it was founded in the 17th century), located in the Mengwi Village.  Until 1891, it was the seat of a powerful man who dates back to the Gelgel Dynasty, which is surrounded by a moat that looks like a sanctuary landscaped, which explains the term taman, or garden. The temple is a penyawangan or place to worship other sacred sites.

Jatiluwih Rice Terrace

From Taman Ayun, the compass heads towards Jatiluwih, where without a doubt we will admire and enjoy a beautiful view of rice terraces that cover the entire landscape of South Bali.  The name of Jatiluwih is made up of two words, Jati which means truly and Luwih which means beautiful, good, special. Without a doubt, this place not only has a beautiful name but that beauty is really reflected in its landscape.

Ulun Danu Bratan Temple

From Jatiluwih, we will go to Bedugul where we will visit the Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, the famous temple that stands in a small development located on the shore of Lake Beratan and has the beautiful landscape with the lake and the mountain as a backdrop.  It is without a doubt one of the most photogenic temples in all of Indonesia. This temple is dedicated to Dewi Danu, goddess of waters.

Sunset at Tanah Lot

We will close the visit on this fantastic route and end the day watching the sunset at the most famous and photographed temple in Bali, the Pura Tanah Lot.  Torn from the ground on a stone pedestal sculpted by the incoming tides, the lonely black towers of the Tanah Lot and the plumes of foliage shed by the cliffs recall the delicacy of Chinese painting. The Pura Tanah Lot or the Temple of Earth in the Middle of the Sea was built in the 16th century. Then we return to the hotel.

Day 14: FREE DAY IN UBUD       ▼

Today you will enjoy your breakfast at the hotel and the rest of the day will be for you. You can take advantage of the day for what you want most,  you can hire a massage service, enjoy a spa, go for a walk and go shopping or just relax and enjoy the hotel facilities.

You are in Ubud, here you can stroll through the local market, visit the hundreds of artisan design workshops, sculptures, paintings in the shops that are on each side of the street.  It is a perfect day to learn more about the daily activities of the locals, find some coffee with views of the jungle or cross a naughty monkey on Monkey Forest Street. At night there are Balinese Dance performances, you can contact the hotel reception and request information to attend one of them. If you need recommendations for places to visit this day, do not hesitate to call us and we will advise you on the best ones!

Day 15: BALI - MAUMERE - MONI       ▼

Today we leave Bali towards Maumere, the cultural capital of the Island of Flores. In this part of the trip, we will cross the island of Flores from East to West, by the famous and only road that crosses the island, known among locals as the Transflores. At the Wai Oti airport, our native Flores guide will be waiting for you and together with him and a driver, we go by private car to Moni. It will take about four hours to travel, but we can make a few stops on the way to Moni, to make the journey more bearable.

Meals : Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner

Accommodation :  Kelimutu Ecolodge or Similar


Today we will get up early to see the sunrise at the top of the Kelimutu. It is a large volcano, which we access practically by car only until the last 20 minutes, which will have to walk in the fields to reach the volcano. Upon reaching the top, we can see 3 craters, which have become three lakes, of different colors. One black, one yellow and one a little purple, but the magnificent thing is that they change color, especially at dawn! Take a coat, because sometimes it is a bit cold while we wait for the sunrise.

After admiring this natural wonder, we head to Bajawa . In the vicinity of our hotel in Moni, we will be able to do some stops between the villages, where we can see how most of the women make Sarongs with the looms, in a totally traditional way. We can also pass by a waterfall in the surroundings of the town.

On the way to Bajawa we will stop in the capital of Flores, an immense bay open to the Indian Ocean, the city of Ende. There where we will have lunch, visit the market, etc. On the outskirts of Ende, we will stop to see a cove, called the Blue Stones Beach (although the stones found in the area are actually green). Where we will see dozens of workers, collecting stones and classifying them to later be exported, due to the beauty they represent for gardens in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Accommodation : Virgo Hotel Bajawa

Day 17: BAJAWA - BENA - RUTENG       ▼

Today, in the morning we will be able to have our well-deserved breakfast, and then we will go to Bena, one of the best known traditional villages of Flores, belonging to the Ngadas tribes. Tribes that despite being Christianized, they still maintain their animistic beliefs. There you can see the way of life of the Bajawa people . In the village complex they have all the houses with the doors open towards the Ngadhu and Bhaga (Man and Woman) temples. Altars that they use both to bless the town and for the harvest, as they represent their ancestors.

We will also take the opportunity to stop on the slopes of the great Inerie volcano and take photos of its continuous fumaroles. After having lunch on the way, our a new long drive begins, about another 4-5 hours until we reach Ruteng. But we will stop in a traditional town, called Aimere, where we will see (or for those who want to try) how they distill the Palm liquor, called Arak. If we get to Ruteng early, we can visit the cave where the Homo Florensis was discovered.

Accommodation : Spring Hill Hotel

Day 18: RUTENG - LABUAN BAJO       ▼

After breakfast, we will head towards Labuan Bajo. On the way, we will stop at Golo Cara to see the gigantic fields of rice, could be the only one in the world to be shaped like a spider web, a wonder to behold. Upon arrival in Labuan Bajo, we will enjoy the sunset at the port, with views of the dozens of islands that dot the Komodo Sea. Check into hotel and have a well deserved rest.

Accommodation : Puri Sari Hotel – Deluxe Room

Day 19: LABUAN BAJO - LOMBOK       ▼

After breakfast, we continue to Labuan Bajo airport to take the flight to Lombok.

Welcome to Lombok, the “Island of a thousand mosques in Indonesia”. Upon arrival at Lombok airport, transfer to the hotel and enjoy your free time.

A. Sudamala Suite Lombok – 1 Bedroom Pool Villa

B. Jeeva Klui Resort – Ananda Pura Partial Ocean View Suite room 

C. Holiday Resort Lombok – Garden Chalet room


Today you will discover the beauty of the new generation of Gili Islands and almost unknown by mass tourism. We will sail from the port of Batu Kijuk, in traditional motorized boat to islands where we will enjoy its virgin beaches and incredible snorkeling. On the way to the port we will visit the morning market of Kediri and the traditional village of Banyumulek.

Then we arrive at the port to sail to Gili Sudak, where a delicious lunch awaits us on the shore of the beach surrounded by turquoise waters. Gili Sudak is famous for having various types of coral reefs that can be clearly seen with your snorkel gear. If you request it, we can also go to Gili Nanggu and Gili Kedis, a very small and uninhabited island where you can relax. Then the journey continues to the sacred mountain. Pengsong with its Hindu temple inhabited by hundreds of sacred monkeys. At the end of the day, we return to hotel in Lombok mainland.

B. Jeeva Klui Resort – Ananda Pura Partial Ocean View Suite

Day 21: LOMBOK - GILI ISLANDS       ▼

After the well-deserved breakfast at the hotel, you will have the transfer at the indicated time to the port from where you will take the boat to cross to one of the famous Gili Islands. Upon arrival, check in at the hotel. The rest of the day is free.

A. Kokomo Resort – 1Bedroom Pool Villa

B. Villa Ombak (Gili Trawangan) – Deluxe Ombak Room

C. The Beach House – Superior Room


In these days time and space will be yours. We advise you to take walks around the island or rent a bike or snorkel equipment and discover the wonderful seabed of these islands.  Search well because these islands are the home of many species of turtles and it is wonderful to be able to swim with them. Always remember that the sea is your space and we must respect it.  You can also contract a massage and go to dinner on a terrace on the beach with live music and taste local Indonesian cuisine.


Enjoy your breakfast, then at the appointed time you need to go to the port for check in and transfer back to Bali. You can leave the hotel by walking to the port or hire a Cidomo (at own expense). By fast boat, the cross will for about an hour, crossing the sea to Bali.  On arrival in Padangbai harbor in Bali, transfer to the hotel in Seminyak and then you have your free time.

A. The Seminyak Beach Resort –  Beach Room

B. Bali Niksoma Beach Resort – Deluxe Room

C. Kayumas Seminyak Resort – Suite Room

Day 24: END OF ADVENTURE       ▼

Today is the last day of your trip in Indonesia. After having breakfast at the hotel and according to the time of your flight, we will pick you up to take you to Denpasar airport  where you will fly back home.  We wish you a safe journey and thank you for marking your footprints in this land with Come2Indonesia. Sampai jumpa!

Accommodation : –

Photos: 4 Weeks in Indonesia

tangkahan elephants tour through Sumatra

Price Includes

  • Roundtrip airport transfer by hotel in Jakarta (sharing)
  • Gili Islands - Bali fastboat ticket
  • Boat transfer from Lombok to Gili Islands
  • Accommodation and meals according to the itinerary
  • Transportation and visits according to the itinerary
  • Private guide during excursions according to itinerary
  • Entrance fees to places visited according to the itinerary

Price Excludes

  • Horse riding in Bromo
  • International/domestic flights
  • Visa and airport tax
  • Travel insurance (recommended)
  • Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, personal expenses
  • Extra expenses occurred due to causes beyond our control (force majeure) such as cancellations of flights, natural disasters, diseases, etc.
  • Everything that is not mentioned in “INCLUDES”

Map: 4 Weeks in Indonesia

When is the best time of the year to do this tour?

Our favourite time for travel in Indonesia is between April to October, although Indonesia is a great year-round destination, offering memorable experiences for all kinds of adventures. July to August are the peak summer months.

In West to Central part of the weather is delightfully warm and it’s a popular time for travellers to visit for holidays, whilst if you wish to travel from October to April, the Eastern part Indonesia, like Banda and Raja Ampat, would be the best option.

If you wish to have a relaxing journey in Indonesia with less crowds, the shoulder months of April to June and September to October are ideal and slightly more economic. If you must travel in ‘high season’ but want to avoid the crowd, worry not, there are numbered of unbeaten track in Indonesia ready to be explored.

What should I bring?

Tropical areas are usually warm and often sweaty places, especially if you have Borneo or Sulawesi included in your travel. Check out our suggestions on  What to Wear:

  • Comfortable and light shirt and at least a pair of long sleeves
  • Comfortable walking shoes or trekking shoes if your trip include some trekking
  • Shorts and long pants
  • Couple of pairs of socks
  • Waterproof Jacket/Raincoat

Depends on the type of travel, you may also need these in your  What to Bring  list:

Underwater trips:

  • Dive Insurance
  • Dive certificate
  • Certificate of Nitrox (for those who are using Nitrox)
  • Dive equipment except Tanks and Weights. Please consult your travel expert to find out if the equipment is inclusive or not in your booking.
  • Swimsuit/Dive suit
  • Adapter DIN or INT
  • Sunscreen SPF +40
  • Waterproof bags

Land tours and trekking:

  • Small backpack for daily important item
  • Travel Insurance, which covers trekking and sport risk
  • Trekking shoes (check with your travel expert if you need a Goretex or simply a walking shoes)
  • Pullover (as in some areas with high altitude like Mt. Bromo, the temperature can get as low as 0 degree)
  • Small flashlight or head flashlight
  • Valid passport with valid visa (or check if you are eligible for Visa Free Entry)
  • Waterproof bag to put all important documents
  • All documents for your trip: vouchers, tickets, contact numbers ((keep the soft copies in your mobile)
  • Credit card (in some major cities, credit card is widely accepted in restaurants and shops. Small charge might be applied)
  • Cash in Euro or USD (you may change into local currency Rupiah when you arrive here)
  • Camera, Battery and Charger
  • Adapter (220V is used in Indonesia)
  • International driving license (if you plan to drive on your own)
  • Mosquito Repellent with DEET
  • Hygienic travel kits (mask, disinfectant or anti-virus spray, etc.)

How hard is this tour?

We have classified our tours in 3 different classes. Always check which one suitable for your condition. If you have any doubt, you may consult to our travel expert.

Easy: Suitable for most people in good health. These trips can include short walk for days with around 2–3 hours in good paths and at low altitudes.

Medium: A reasonable level of fitness or technique is required, as these trips can require sustained endurance levels as the trip may include longer days of approximately 5-6 hours of activity or/and in higher altitudes, or snorkelling in strong current.

Hard: These trips are physically demanding and best suited for people with a high endurance level, good level of fitness and exercise regularly. Days can be long around 7-8 hours of activity, often at high altitudes, in remote regions and sometimes without a support vehicle nearby. Travellers may be required to carry their backpack, trip with trekking overnights without access to normal toilets or accommodations.

  • All the information you would like to know before travel to Indonesia.


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The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

The BEST 2 Week Bali, Gili Islands and Lombok Itinerary in 2024!

Categories Asia , Indonesia , Itinerary

Do you want to see 3 islands in 2 weeks in Indonesia? Are you wondering if you should visit Bali or the Gili islands? Well with this Bali Lombok itinerary, you can and you can visit them all !

Bali is the most popular island in Indonesia for tourists , followed by the Gili Islands which comprise of Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno.

However, these Gili Islands are not part of Bali, they are part of Lombok and they’re very close to Lombok island.

Lombok is popular for tourists because there are lots of things to do in Lombok however, tourism is not as nearly as developed as it is in Bali, which is the reason why I think you should go to Lombok on this 2 week Indonesia itinerary when you visit Bali and do this  Bali Gili Lombok itinerary!

So here’s how to see Indonesia in 2 weeks!

Bali Lombok Itinerary

Bali Lombok itinerary

  • More of my Must-Read Bali, Lombok and Gili blog posts to help plan your trip:
  • The Best Bali Sunset Locations!
  • Everything you need to know about the Gili Islands!
  • The best places to visit in Lombok!
  • 30 Things to do in Gili Trawangan!

Find What You're Looking For Easily Here!

Best time to visit Bali and Lombok

Both islands of Bali and Lombok have the same wet season and dry season. Wet Season is from November to March and Dry Season is from April to October. You may think that dry season sounds more appealing but this also means it is high season in Bali and Lombok during these months so it depends what you want when you’re thinking about when to visit Lombok and Bali.

Personally, I’d recommend the shoulder months as the best time to visit Bali and Lombok – November, December and April bring less rain and also fewer tourists! Win win.

Map of places to visit in Bali and Lombok

Bali Itinerary

Day 1 – fly into bali airport (ngurah rai international airport). transfer to southern beaches, places to visit in bali.

Bali has one airport and it is well located for the Southern beaches in Bali which are also the most popular beaches in Bali, so this is where I recommend you go first.

There are many beaches in Bali to choose from and with 1 week in Bali on this Bali itinerary, you will need to pick one beach and explore from there.

I suggest pre-booking a taxi service like this from the airport to where you’ll stay in Bali so you don’t get ripped off by taxi’s outside and it’s hard to get Grabs and Ubers from the airport.

If you want cool cafes and good waves, head to Canggu which is popular with digital nomads and is one of the best places to stay in Bali.

If you want shops and big nights out, head to Kuta  or Seminyak which are popular for holidaymakers, especially Australians and therefore is the best place to stay on holiday in Bali.

If you want quiet beaches and culture, head to Uluwatu which is home to lots of temples and famous for its sunset.

Bali Lombok itinerary, Kuta Beach Bali with beach chairs


I lived on Gili Trawangan island for 6 months so I know it well! Here are my top posts to help you plan your trip:

  • 30 TOP Things to do on Gili Trawangan !
  • 3 Day Gili Trawangan Itinerary !
  • 2 Week Gili Islands, Bali and Lombok itinerary !
  • How to get around Gili T, Gili Air and Gili Meno by Boat ! Where to stay in Gili Trawangan – Best Hotels, Hostels & Villas !

Where to stay in Bali?

This will depend on which area along the coast of Bali you decide to stay on this itinerary for Bali. There are lots and lots of hostels if you are on a budget in Bali or travelling to Bali solo.

There are also many mid-range guesthouses, homestays and hotels as well as high-end resorts in Bali, there is no shortage of accommodation in Bali .

I recommend looking on Booking.com for your Bali accommodation.

Bali Lombok itinerary, Airbnb Homestay in Canggu with swimming pool

Day 2 & 3 – Explore Bali

Things to do in bali.

From your base, you can explore more of Bali and the Southern beaches in particular. Surfing is one of the top things to do in Bali because most of the beaches have great waves and waves that are good for beginners.

Bali’s cafe culture and food scene are well known for a reason so be sure to visit some of the best cafes in Bali. My favourite cafe in Canguu is The Loft and Crumb and Coaster cafe in Kuta.

The best thing about Bali is that you can see a lot on a Bali day trip too, so if you want to see some famous places like the island of Nusa Penida or go on an Instagram tour to Balinese Gates, Birds Nests and Rice Terraces, check out t hese day tours of Bali:

However, be sure not to do a day tour that goes close to Ubud or includes places to see in Ubud, as Ubud is where I recommend you go next on this best Bali itinerary.

Day 4 – Travel to Ubud

Day 5 & 6 – explore ubud, things to do in ubud.

The best way to see Ubud and visit the many places to see in Ubud and places near Ubud is to go on a day tour. A day tour from Ubud will include stops at the rice terraces, temples and markets . One of these Ubud day tours will be perfect :

Climbing Mount Batur at Sunrise is number one in the things to do in Ubud, you can do it from elsewhere in Bali but Ubud is closer meaning you don’t have to get up as early. Be sure to look into one of these Mount Batur Sunrise tours :

Ubud is the home of yoga and meditation in Bali so be sure to try and take a yoga lesson , enjoy the healthy food, especially at the Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants.

If you want to head to a unique cafe in Ubud and have a unique experience in Ubud, I recommend these local restaurants in Ubud and TIS Cafe Ubud which are next to the very famous and popular Tegalalang Rice Terraces, these are the top places to visit in Ubud but at TIS Cafe you get to go in an infinity pool overlooking the rice terraces rather than watching hundreds of tourists walk through them!

Bali Lombok itinerary, Tis Cafe Ubud Pool and Rice Terraces

Gili Islands Itinerary

Day 7 – travel to the gili islands, places to visit in gili islands.

To start your Bali itinerary including Gili islands. From Ubud, you can easily book a bus and boat from Ubud to the Gili Islands which involves taking a car or bus to Padang Bai harbour and the boat over to the Gili Islands. I really recommend the company Eka Jaya as their boat is the comfiest. You can book an Eka Jaya Boat on 12GO Asia from Padang Bai but you’ll need to get yourself to the harbour. This whole journey will take around 4 hours so I suggest you leave early in the morning so you can make the most of your Gili islands 3 day itinerary .

Which is the best Gili island to visit? There are 3 Gili Islands – Gili Trawangan, most commonly known as Gili T, Gili Air and Gili Meno, and no visit to Bali is complete without doing a Bali itinerary including the Gili Islands.

Gili T is the most popular of the Gili islands with the most things to do and the most going on. It’s known for its partying and diving but it offers a lot more than that! For example, here is my blog post with 30 THINGS TO DO ON GILI T FOR EVERYONE!

However, Gili Air is also very popular, particularly with honeymooners and couples who want a slightly quieter island. Gili Meno is good but it is very quiet.

Personally, I recommend you visit Gili T or Gili Air and with this 2 week Bali and Gili Island itinerary, I recommend basing yourself in just 1 island rather than trying to stay on them all!

However, if you’re just looking for a Bali and Gili islands 2-week itinerary without going over to the mainland of Lombok, you could spend 1 week in the Gili islands and island-hop.

Related Post: Everything You Need to Know About the 3 Gili Islands!

Where to stay in the Gili Islands?

If you’re going to stay on Gili T, here’s my accommodation guide for the best places to stay in Gili Trawangan , including hostels, bungalows, beach resorts and villas.

Again, Booking.com offers lots of accommodation in the Gili Islands including many private villas with swimming pools .

Bali Lombok itinerary, Manta Dive Gili Resort rooms

Day 8 & 9  – Explore the Gili Islands

Getting in the crystal clear water is one of the best things to do in the Gili islands so be sure to go out snorkeling or diving on this Bali Lombok itinerary!

Hiring a bike is the best way to see Gili T and you can cycle around the island in just a few hours. Be sure to look out for the Instagram famous Gili Swings .

Come evening, be sure to watch the sunset  on this Gili islands itinerary. The Gili islands are known for their sunsets and then head out for a drink to see some live music on the beach or get ready for a big night out because the nightlife in Gili T is famous!

If you want to see more than one Gili island during this part of your Gili Islands itinerary, you can easily t ake a day trip to another island by getting the boat between them. Here’s my post on how to get around the 3 Gili islands!


Bali Lombok itinerary, Swing on Gili T

Lombok Itinerary

Day 10 – travel from gili islands to lombok.

Moving onto your Lombok and Gili islands itinerary. There are regular boats leaving all 3 Gili islands to Lombok, the best thing to do is to get a local boat from Gili T to Lombok early in the morning as this is the cheapest option and only takes 20 minutes. The pier in Lombok is called Bangsal Harbour .

From Bangsal, head slightly South staying along the West coast to Klui or Senggigi. You can prebook a car from Bangsal Harbour to Senggigi here .

If you want to stay in a really quiet place with a nice, wild beach, perfect for surfing, stay in Klui.  I recommend staying at Diva Lombok Resort  or Jeeva Klui Resort as the best hotel in Klui.

If you want to stay somewhere with a holidaymaker feel to it with more hotels, restaurants and bars, but still with a nice beach, stay in Senggigi . 

This area of Lombok is quiet but it’s worth seeing for one day which is why I suggest it in this itinerary for Lombok. Out of the many things to do in Lombok, surfing is number one! If you want a surf lesson, go see my friends at Lombok Wave Surf Shack  in Klui for a lesson and a sunset chill, these are the best things to do in Klui and best things to do in Senggigi.

Related Post: Here’s my full blog post on things to do in Senggigi and Klui Beach !

Bali Lombok itinerary, Klui Beach and Surf Shack

Day 11 – Travel to Kuta in Lombok

From Klui or Senggigi head down to the South of Lombok. Southern Lombok is the best place to visit in Lombok for tourists I think due to how many amazing beaches there are and how well it’s catered for tourists, but it is not yet overdeveloped.

If you are looking for a Bali Lombok itinerary for 10 days, instead of going down to Kuta, you could fly from Lombok Airport on this day.

Related Post: Lombok Itinerary and the best places to visit in Lombok!

Where to stay in Kuta Lombok?

Once in South Lombok, I recommend Kuta   Lombok as the best place to stay on this Bali Lombok itinerary because the town offers plenty of accommodation, restaurants, tour agencies and Kuta beach is within walking distance. Pipes Hostel is a really great hostel in Kuta Lombok and you should stay there on this backpacking Lombok itinerary.

However, if you want to stay in a quiet beach village I recommend Selong Belank .

Booking.com is the best place to look for accommodation in Kuta, there are lots of options for all budgets.

Bali Lombok itinerary, Selong Belank Beach


There is only one way to get from Bali to the Gili Islands and that’s my fast boat from Padang Bay.

You can wait until you arrive to book your boat or be organised and book it in advance here. Booking in advance is especially good during the summer and Christmas months!

BUY HERE: From Bali: 1-Way Boat Transfer to Gili Trawangan/Gili Air/Lombok

BUY HERE: From all Gili Islands: 1-Way Boat Transfer to Bali

Day 12 & 13 – Explore South Lombok

Things to do in kuta lombok.

If you are confident in riding a moped , this is by far the best way to get around Lombok and see all of the places near Kuta Lombok.

As mentioned, surfing is one of the top things to do in Lombok and South Lombok is no different, you can go surfing on Kuta Beach and Selong Belank Beach . 

However, for a unique surfing experience, head to Gerupuk where you take a boat out into the ocean and surf in the middle of the sea , it’s such a cool experience and tourist attraction in Lombok.

As for more beaches to visit near Kuta and the best beaches in Lombok,  Tanjung Aan Beach is a beautiful white sand beach and you should stick around for sunset and head up Merese Hill for sunset . The beaches are where you should head in Lombok during your Lombok itinerary 1 week.

Bali Lombok itinerary, white sand in Tanjung Aan Beach

Day 14 – Fly out of Lombok Airport

Lombok Praya International Airport is just 30 minutes away from Kuta in Lombok and you can book a transfer car to the airport here or once you are in Kuta. Lombok Airport and it is well connected to cities in Australia and South East Asia so I would recommend looking at flights on Skyscanner from here to finish your 2 week Indonesia itinerary and this Bali Lombok itinerary!

If there are no flights from Lombok to where you want to go, or it’s better to book return flights from Bali, you can get cheap, internal flights from Lombok to Bali and then fly from Bali. The flight is only 45 minutes.

If you have longer to spend in Indonesia and you’re looking for a 3 week Bali and Lombok itinerary, I recommend you head into Central and North Lombok and spend an extra 1 week in Lombok there, or you could look into a Java, Bali and Lombok itinerary and spend 1 week in Java flying from Lombok over to Java .

I hope you found this 2-week itinerary for Indonesia helpful and by following this you really will see the best of Bali and Lombok in one trip!

  • Here are more of my Indonesia blog posts to help you plan your trip:
  • The best Sunset Spots in Bali!
  • Where to stay on Gili Trawangan – The BEST Hotels, Hostels & Villa’s for all budgets!
  • How to find the BEST swings on Gili T!
  • How are the horses that work on Gili T treated NOW?

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Saturday 5th of February 2022

I literally never leave comments anywhere, but had to stop on this. This post is exactly what I have been searching for for ages and ages, and its so clear and really helpful! Never planning travel again without checking in here first! Thank you :)


Monday 7th of February 2022

Hi Ange, Ooh thats so so nice to hear! I'm really glad it helped you. Let me know if you need anything else and it will be an amazing trip!

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Indonesia Two Week Itinerary – Java to Flores Without Flying

Author Carina Klein

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Itinerary Indonesia 2 weeks with map: You wonder where to go in your two weeks in Indonesia (and we don't mean just Bali)? Our indonesia trip plan shows you how to travel Java, Bali, the Gili islands, Lombok, the Komodo National Park, and Flores in just 14 days.

Our Indonesia backpacking route has some serious Indonesia island hopping in store for you. We have extended the typical backpacking Java, Bali, Lombok itinerary to include

  • the Gili Islands
  • the Komodo National Park

We have actually managed to see all these places during 2 weeks in Indonesia and so can you!

Our fast paced Indonesia travel itinerary relies completely on public transport: buses, trains, boats, and the occasional taxi - all without any inland flights!

Backpacking Indonesia Itinerary 14 Days

Indonesia travel route day 1 – arrival in yogyakarta, indonesia travel route day 2 – day trip to borobudur and prambanan temples from yogyakarta, indonesia travel route day 3 – train from yogyakarta to probolinggo, indonesia travel route day 4 – day trip bromo volcano from probolinggo, optional: tumpak sewu waterfall, indonesia travel route day 5 – day trip ijen volcano from banyuwangi, bali itinerary, indonesia travel route day 6 – explore ubud and its surroundings, indonesia travel route day 7 – bali to lombok, optional: gili islands, indonesia travel route day 8 – day trip to the secret gilis from sekotong, lombok, indonesia travel route day 9 - 12 boat trip to flores via komodo national park, indonesia travel route day 13 – labuan bajo, java indonesia itinerary.

Arrive in Yogyakarta, settle in and take in the atmosphere. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring this city and the Taman Sari Water Castle is a real hidden gem.

In the evening, go to Malioboro Stree t where you'll find a lively night market full of super delicious food stalls as well as clothes and probably the cheapest souvenirs you'll find on this whole trip. Enjoy some street food and your first Bintang beer.

Picture of Bintang beer

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. And while its sheer size is impressive, there are also plenty of details to explore, like the stupas and Buddhas on top and some intricate rock carvings. Additionally, the views are amazing.

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia and we're sure that it's equally as impressive and shouldn't be missed on your Indonesia travels.

Picture of Borobudur temple

How to get from Yogyakarta to Borobudur and Prambanan

If you only have a limited amount of time, don't repeat our mistake to try and take local buses . Yes, it's possible but it's time-consuming and they sometimes break down altogether (we write this from experience). If you want to see both of these amazing temples in one day, take a tour. They are not expensive and you can make the best of your limited time!

The next stop on this itinerary is Probolinggo because it's the perfect base to explore the Bromo volcano. It might seem excessive to dedicate a whole day of your limited time to a train journey but you'll need it. The ride itself takes at least 7 hours and is a super interesting experience in itself. And trust us: You want this day of rest before the next two days that are about to come.

How to get from Yogyakarta to Probolinggo with public transport

There are several trains from Yogyakarta to Probolinggo. Just go to the station and buy your ticket. Currently, the best option seems to be the direct train leaving at 11:15 am and arriving at 6:19 pm.

Picture of Indonesian train station

Again, if you have a limited amount of time, you want to take a tour to explore the Bromo Volcano . It's possible to do this self-guided with a scooter, but it's going to take more time. Our guided tour was amazing. You'll get up in the dark to drive to a viewpoint and see the sunrise over the volcano. This might be the best picture spot we've ever been to. Afterwards, you drive through the caldera and make the short climb to the crater rim. If you are early and a fast walker you can leave the other tourists behind. Standing on the edge and looking down into an active volcano is an indescribable feeling. But beware, the rim might be a bit disconcerting if you are scared of heights.

Because this tour is a morning activity, you can hop on another train in the afternoon to Banyuwangi, the perfect base to explore the Ijen volcano. Make sure to get a good night's rest because this next hike is going to be tough.

voyage bali lombok java

Travel Guides

Bromo or Ijen – Which Volcano Should You Visit?

Comprehensive Bromo vs. Ijen guide. Including how to visit – independent and with a tour.

How to get from Probolinggo to Banyuwangi with public transport

The train journey from Probolinggo to Banyuwangi takes roughly four hours. Although there are several direct trains per day, the 3:42 pm train currently seems to be the best option.

Picture of Mt. Bromo

If you have a day to spare visit the super instagrammable Tumpak Sewu waterfall. It's on the south coast of Java, opposite Probolinggo. Apparently, the way down is quite a hike but it seems to be quite worth it to see the several streams of water flowing down a cliff edge with a volcano in the distance.

Book a guided tour to the Ijen Volcano . You want to have a gas mask with you. And we don't assume that it's part of your regular travel gear. You'll leave in the middle of the night because the ascend begins at 1 am. You want to be in the crater before sunrise to see the unique blue flames! Don't underestimate this hike. Some people don't make it and you can even let yourself be pulled and pushed up the hill by several porters.

After you make it to the rim you'll start your descent into the crater. Here you'll see the famous blue flame. The colour originates from the sulphur, which is still actively mined in this volcano. To see the porters carry 80 kg (175 lbs) of sulphur and more up this steep mountain is awe-inspiring. And they do this several times a day! When the sun goes up you will be able to see the highly acidic crater lake. Once you make it back up to the rim, you can see the amazing views which you missed on your ascend during the pitch-black night.

Because this is a morning activity again, you can make your way to Bali in the afternoon.

voyage bali lombok java

Mount Ijen Tour – Our Honest Review

Seeing the blue flames of Mt. Ijen was a major bucketlist item for us. Can we recommend a Mount Ijen tour or not?

How to get from Banyuwangi, Java to Ubud, Bali with public transport

The ferry to Bali leaves from Banyuwangi and a bus will take you from Gilimanuk on Bali to Mengwi, from where you can take a quick taxi to Ubud. The journey should take around 5 hours.

Picture of Mt. Ijen

Bali Indonesia Itinerary

We chose Ubud as a place to stay on Bali because it's central and there will be plenty of beaches waiting for you in the days to come. This is not a Bali guide, there a plenty of those online already. Instead, we'll give you a few of our must-dos.

We loved exploring Ubud with the instagrammable vegan restaurants and its beautiful temples, like the Saraswati water temple. In Ubud's surrounding, our favourites were of course the Tegallalang rice terraces and the Tirta Empul Temple.

On Bali, there are so many temples and waterfalls to visit, just pick the ones that sound most appealing to you! Of course, you can prolong your stay on Bali to your heart's content if you do have the time.

voyage bali lombok java

Lombok or Bali – Which Island is Better to Visit?

Should you visit Bali or Lombok? Our comprehensive comparison shows the main differences and similarities of Bali and Lombok.

Picture of Tirta Empul Temple

Today, take the ferry from Bali to Lombok.

How to get from Ubud, Bali to Sekotong, Lombok with public transport

First, you need to take a taxi to Padang Bai.

If you don't plan to visit the Gili Islands, we advise you to take the local ferry to Lembar on Lombok, because it will bring you closer to your next destination Sekotong in southern Lombok.

If you do plan to visit the Gili Islands, there are speed boats readily available.

From Lembar, you will have to take another taxi. The taxi drivers there are quite aggressive. As the whole journey should take you around 5 hours, try to arrive in Lombok during the daylight hours.

voyage bali lombok java

How to Get to Lombok from Bali –Ferry or Fast Boat?

You wonder whether you should go from Bali to Lombok by ferry or by fast boat? Our quick Bali to Lombok Island by boat guide has got you covered!

Picture of infinity pool on Lombok

Lombok Indonesia Itinerary

If you do decide to visit the Gili Islands, there are three options:

  • The party island Gili Trawangan.
  • The quieter Gili Air.
  • The romantic Gili Meno.

There are plenty of guides out there on the Gili islands.

We on the other hand have a different idea for your trip: the secret Gilis – a less touristy alternative to the three main Gili islands.

The Secret Gilis are a group of small islands off the coast of Sekotong, Lombok. Most of the islands are uninhabited but some do feature guesthouses. If you do have time to spare, spend a night on one of the islands. But they are also great for a day trip. The snorkelling we've done in this area was among the best we have ever done. You'll see plenty of soft corals and have a good chance to find a turtle or two. The beaches are beautiful and more often than not you'll have them all to yourself.

Picture of Gili Layar beach

How to Get to the Secret Gilis from Sekotong, Lombok

The best way to go to the Secret Gilis from Lombok is by an island hopping tour:

voyage bali lombok java

Complete Secret Gilis Travel Guide (2023)

We loved our time in the Secret Gilis, Indonesia, and so will you – whether you opt for a day trip or an overnight stay to get off-the-beaten path!

Komodo Islands itinerary

This is where the real adventure of your trip starts. There are plenty of mixed reviews of this boat tour online and we advise you to read a couple of them before you decide to do this trip. Our journey was incredibly choppy, even the captain didn't come out of his cabin for a day because he was feeling unwell.

The boat leaves in Lombok in the afternoon and you'll watch the sunset on one of the small islands off the coast of Sumbawa. On the next day, you'll visit the beautiful waterfall on Moyo Island .

Day three is where the adventure begins. You'll visit Komodo Island where you'll get a first glimpse of the majestic Komodo Dragons. Afterwards, you'll visit Pulau Padar with the amazing pink beach (yes, it's really pink) and the Instagram-famous viewpoint.

On day four, grab the opportunity to visit the Komodo Dragons again on the island of Rinca . When we were there, we saw fewer tourists and more Komodo Dragons. Do opt for the longest hike, trust us, it's worth it! Afterwards, you'll go to Manta Point to try and find these majestic ocean dwellers.

In the evening, you'll be dropped off in Labuan Bajo . Our recommendation is to visit the local fish market for dinner, where you can gorge yourself on fresh fish for reasonable prices.

Picture of two Komodo Dragons mating

How to get from Sekotong, Lombok to the Komodo islands

The tours normally leave in the Mataram / Senggigi area so you have to make your way there first. A bus will pick you up and bring you to the dock. From here, you can try and enjoy 550 km ( 350 mi) trip along the course of 4 days / 3 nights.

voyage bali lombok java

Lombok to Komodo Boat Trip – Our Experience

We took the boat from Lombok to Flores. This is our honest review.

Flores Indonesia Itinerary

Today, explore the surrounding of Labuan Bajo. Don't miss the stunning Gua Rangko Cave , which you can only reach by boat. Additionally, there are some great waterfalls like the Cunca Wulang Waterfall and great viewpoints like the Bukit Amelia Sea View .

If you're not ready to fly home just yet, you can travel further east on Flores and explore the traditional village Wae Rebo and the three coloured lakes of the Kelimutu volcano.

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  • Wide open spaces
  • Out of the road
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voyage bali lombok java

Visit Indonesia in 3 weeks

You are planning a 3-week vacation and want to discover Bali, Java and Lombok ? Then you chose the perfect itinerary.

From  Jakarta  to the  Gili Islands , you will know the islands by heart by the end of your trip. Discover the three islands’ must-sees. You will love it!

Here is a glimpse of the beautiful experiences awaiting this in 3-week road trip in Indonesia:

  • Visit Kraton , the huge palace in Yogyakarta
  • Stroll around the Arabian district in Surabaya, and enjoy its nice atmosphere
  • Climb up the Mount Brommo at sunrise in Cemoro Lawang
  • Discover Kalibaru’s coffee plantations and cane sugar making
  • Snorkel to see Pemuteran’s beautiful sea life
  • Get your breath taken away while hiking along the Campuhan Ridge Walk in Ubud
  • Discover Candidasa, between tradition and thrilling activities
  • Explore the North of Lombok island and visit traditional villages

To travel safely and without any worry on your mind, we recommend Chapka Insurance !

Marie organizes your trip to Indonesia for you

voyage bali lombok java

Marie creates your customized dream trip at a lower cost! So, you save time and money!


3-week itinerary to discover Java, Bali and Lombok in Indonesia


Yogyakarta > Surabaya > Cemoro Lawang > Kalibaru > Pemuteran > Ubud > Candidasa > Senggigi

Some practical information before your road trip in Indonesia

You want to buy a paper travel guide ? We recommend this one ! In our opinion, it is the most complete, the most visual and the most up to date!

Need a road map to prepare your itinerary? We recommend this one , the most detailed and the most pleasant to read!

The best period to do this road trip in Indonesia is between may and september . It is dry season so the temperatures are nicer, there is less rain and humidity. Ocean’s temperature is perfect all-year long. More information here .

In addition to its gorgeous landscapes, Indonesia has amazing food ! Here are 3 dishes that you should absolutely try during your road trip. First,   Nasi Goreng , made of fried rice, onions, vegetables and chicken topped-off with a fried egg. Then, Sate , meat kebab served with rice, vegetables and the most amazing peanut sauce. Finally, there is the Soto , a broth with rice vermicelli, cabbage, soya, meat and spices.

Contents: 3-week road trip in Indonesia

1- Yogyakarta – Stop 1 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 2- Surabaya – Stop 2 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 3- Cemoro Lawang – Stop 3 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 4- Kalibaru – Stop 4 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 5- Pemuteran – Stop 5 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 6- Ubud – Stop 6 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 7- Candidasa – Stop 7 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia 8- Senggigi – Stop 8 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia

Itinerary of a 3-week road trip in Indonesia: step by step

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 1: Yogyakarta


What to do in Yogyakarta?

Start your 3-week road trip in Indonesia with the beautiful city of Yogyakarta… How did you pronounce that? Yeah better practice a little!

  • Visit the city’s impressive palace called the  Kraton . Its architecture and interior design will leave you speechless!
  • Always felt like an artist? Go explore the streets of Yogyakartaand admire the street art . Two neighbourhoods are especially famous for their art: Taman Sari , with its water castle and Prawirotaman . The drawings depict historic figures or even tell stories… They can be hard to understand but, oh well they are gorgeous!
  • Go to the  Bringharjo   market and get unique souvenirs like clothes made out of batik , the traditional Indonesian fabric.
  • Learn about  Batik , in the  Batik Winotosastro .
  • If you want to see one of the most gorgeous sunrises of your life, go up to the  Borubudur temple at 3am. You will not regret getting up that early!

Continue your visit of Yogyakarta with:

  • Want to have fun? Head to  Alun-Alun Selatan  and get in a bling car. These are small cars illuminated with anything from Hello Kitty to Pokemon, they blast loud music to go with that… Insane!
  • Feeling playful? On Alun-Alun Selatan , you can try to walk between the two big trees while being blindfolded. If you can do it, supposedly your dearest wish will come true!
  • Explore the city in a becak (cycle rickshawes). It’s kind of like a tuk-tuk but you have to pedal.
  • Get an ice-cream at  Tempo Del Gelato .
  • Coffee lovers, get your coffee at  Klinik Kopi .
  • Eat one of the traditional dishes, the  Gudeg , at  Gudeg Pawon . It’s a dish made of chicken, spices, coconut milk and palm sugar. Only thing, the restaurant is only open from 10am to noon.
  • An hour and 25min away, visit the largest Buddhist monument in the world , the UNESCO-listed  Borobudur . 

Where to sleep in Yogyakarta?

  • Mid-range: Stay in a heavenly setting amidst lush tropical gardens at Jogja Village . With colourful Javanese-style interiors, all rooms are comfortable and equipped with mosquito net beds.
  • High-end: Experience the excellence of the Yogyakarta Marriott Hotel . Enjoy its excellent service and professionalism just a few kilometres from famous landmarks such as Vredeburg Fort, Science Park and Sultan’s Palace.

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 2: Surabaya


What to do in Surabaya?

Surabaya is one of the biggest cities of Java. It is mainly a stop to get to Mount Bromo . This is a unique landscape to see during this 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 

  • Go shopping at the mall called  Tunjungan Plaza .
  • Walk around the old city of Surabaya  where you’ll discover the Arabian district and its welcoming atmosphere.
  • Visit the Sampoerna House , a cigarette factory and a museum explaining tobacco production.
  • Take a tour of the Masjid Cheng Hoo Mosque , which is a perfect blend of Javanese and traditional Chinese architecture. It is dedicated to the Chinese Muslims. Just next door, don’t miss the observation platform which offers a great view of the city!
  • Don’t miss the other beautiful places of worship in Surabaya: the Gerea Kelahiran Church and the Al Akbar Mosque .
  • Leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind and head to the mangrove of Wonorejo . You can take a boat tour or a walk to explore the area. You will also find delicious local dishes on the spot.
  • To admire the sunset , we advise you to go to the Suramada bridge . By going to its foot, you will have a superb view! It’s the longest bridge in Indonesia, of 5.5km long and connects Java to the Madura Islands.

Where to sleep in Surabaya?

  • Mid-range: Located 500 metres from the Sharp Bamboo monument and 3 kilometres from the centre, Hotel Kampi Surabaya offers a restaurant, free private parking, a gym and clean, spacious rooms.
  • High-end: Surrounded by landscaped gardens, Hotel Majapahit Surabaya MGallery offers spacious rooms with marble bathrooms, a spa and a wellness club with an outdoor pool.

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 3: Cemoro Lawang

bali-itineraire-Cemoro Lawang

What to do in Cemoro Lawang?

To explore Mount Bromo, Cemora Lawang is the best place to spend the night and leave early in the morning, before the sun rises. 

  • Go for a night hike, walk for an hour up to the top of  Mount Pananjakan or rent a car to get there in 15 min and get to see the sun getting up over the  Bromo .
  • Get across the dunes and up to the crater of Bromo , world’s most beautiful volcano, it’s a must on this 3-week road trip in Indonesia.

Where to sleep in Cemoro Lawang?

  • Mid-range: Stay at Homestay Lereng Bromo . Located in a quiet village near Mount Brotto, the hosts are very welcoming. It has a restaurant, the rooms are clean and they can arrange excursions to Mount Brotto for you.

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 4: Kalibaru


What to do in Kalibaru?

Kalibaru is specialized in iron work, it sells white iron utensils . This is a particularly interesting stop on this-week road trip in Indonesia, culturally speaking.

  • Visit the  Margo Utomo Resort  and its fruit and veggie plantations.
  • Discover how palm sugar is made in one of the city’s factories.
  • Hike through the city and meet the locals . They are very welcoming!
  • Explore the coffee plantations and learn about its cultivating process.

Where to sleep in Kalibaru?

  • Mid-range: In a peaceful location amidst the mountains, Rumah Senang Guesthouse offers a restaurant, free private parking, an outdoor pool and a communal lounge. Enjoy the comfortable beds as well as the quality of the food offered.

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Stop 5 : Pemuteran


What to do in Pemuteran?

Fishermen’s village, Pemuteran and its inhabitants love to welcome and meet travelers from all around the world. Its authenticity will make you fall for this village. 

  • Go snorkeling or diving and explore the translucent sea.
  • Visit the city’s many temples , they are all different. There is a monkey temple, these cunning animals like to steal your shiny things and food…beware! One of the most beautiful temple is  Pebean   temple , right next to the sea.
  • Make sure to get to Batu Kursi   temple right before the sunset and get to see this beautiful show. It will be a wonderful memory of your 3-week road trip in Indonesia.
  • Explorers, walk in the wild jungle and, just like Tarzan, swing from liana to liana.

Where to sleep in Pemuteran?

  • Mid-range: Located 1.5 km from Pemuteran Beach, Tiara Homestay Pemuteran Bali offers a restaurant, garden and a front desk open h24, in a quiet and relaxing setting.
  • High-end: With attentive staff and breathtaking mountain views, Sumberkima Hill Retreat offers luxury and tranquillity.

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 6: Ubud


What to do in Ubud?

A city of absolute calm, Ubud is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It surely will be one of the highlights of your 3-week road trip in Indonesia.

  • In the city center, discover the  Saraswati temple  and its impressive interior design.
  • Go meet your cousins, you know, monkeys! In the  Monkey Forest .
  • Early bird or night owls head to Ubud ‘ s market at 4am and get some fresh local products. And we’re not kidding, come that early because after 8:30 am, you won’t find any food but rather handbags and other souvenirs.
  • Go see a Balinese dance show in one of the city’s temple.
  • Hikers, you’ll love to walk on  Campuhan Ridge Walk  between hills and rice fields.
  • Explore the rice route starting from Ubud and go for a hike : 2 hours in the jungle and rice fields. Enjoy the calm and serenity!

What more to do in Ubud?

  • Art lovers, head to Blanco Renaissance Museum where you will get to admire Antonio Blanco’s artwork. Maybe you’ll also make a friends with a parrot.
  • Need to freshen up? Get on a scooter or in a car and head to the Tegenungan waterfall .
  • Be sure to check out the Bali Swing . Get on a swing at the top of a hill above the jungle. You’ll get amazing Instagram worthy pictures !
  • Get yourself a balinese massage and get all of your stress out!
  • Head to the view point of  Mount Batur  where you’ll get a stunning view and enjoy the hot springs.
  • Visit  Gunung Kawi   temple and get an amazing panorama over the surrounding rice fields.
  • Experience a Balinese night attending a traditional dance show .
  • Rent a scooter and explore the surroundings : landscapes, rice fields , mountains and Besakih temple .
  • Go for a beach/surfing afternoon in  Canggu  and appreciate the sun setting over the  Tanah Lot temple .
  • Bring balinese know-how home by participating a cooking class or a jewellery making class .

Where to sleep in Ubud?

  • Mid-range: Set amidst lush tropical vegetation, Angsoka Bungalow offers Balinese-style accommodation overlooking the Petanu River. It has various common rooms with soothing views of the forest. Also enjoy the free shuttle bus to the palace and Ubud market.
  • High-end: Surrounded by tropical vegetation, The Kayon Jungle Resort offers accommodation with an outdoor pool. In traditional Balinese style, this resort has a spa and a gym. It is also possible to rent bikes.

voyage bali lombok java

Stop 7: Candidasa


What to do in Candidasa?

Candidasa is a calm city with beautiful nature where you will be able to recharge your batteries before going on with your 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 

  • Walk on beautiful hidden beaches like Pasir Putih , white sand, vibrant blue water and palm trees …
  • Sip on a fresh coconut juice , feet in the water and head under the warm sun.
  • Get your snorkelling gear out and go explore the sea.
  • Visit  Goa Lawah   temple and enjoy the stunning view of the sea.
  • A lagoon in the city? Are you sure? Yes we are! Lotus Lagoon  will be heaven on Earth.
  • You love big thrills? Go rafting with your friends or family. Laughs, splashes and breathtaking landscapes will make a unforgettable memory.
  • Right next to  Candidasa , go back in time while visiting the village of Tenganan  where Balinese indigenous tribes used to live.
  • Hikers and explorers, go for the amazing hike up Mount Agung . Ready to live a once-in-a-lifetime experience?
  • If you are not the hiker type, go to  Mount Agung  too but to visit   Pura Besakih temple .
  • Eat some roasted duck, called « Bebek Betutu », a local speciality.
  • In the evening, attend one of the live concerts at  Vincent’s , a jazzy restaurant.

Where to sleep in Candidasa?

  • Mid-range: Surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens, Rama Shinta Hotel offers spacious air-conditioned rooms, an outdoor pool, and traditional decor.
  • High-end: If you want to relax like kings and queens, head to Villa Barong . This villa, surrounded by coconut trees has beautiful rooms and a large terrace with a swimming pool. You can also get a massage or go on book water activities.

voyage bali lombok java

Step 8 of the itinerary : Senggigi


What to do in Senggigi ?

Senggigi is THE seaside resort to relax in. So take advantage of the last stop on this 3-week road trip in Indonesia to recharge your batteries before returning to your daily routine!

  • Walk on the beach and swing on one the swings, facing the ocean. What an experience ! 
  • Stroll through the farmers market and enjoy the smell of the fresh fruits and veggies. 
  • Go surfing on  Pandanan beach .
  • Walk along the sea on the black sand of  Magsit beach .
  • Go fishing with the locals on their colorful boars called jukung .
  • Visit  Pura Batu , a rocky area where you can easily go diving/snorkelling. 
  • 3 and a half hours away, go up  Mount Rinjani .

What activities in Senggigi?

  • Lombok’s coastline is home to beautiful coral reefs and paradise islands, making it the perfect place for a snorkelling trip . We recommend this one , which allows you to discover different spots.
  • Explore the wilder side of Lombok , inland. You can see beautiful waterfalls, lush vegetation and traditional villages. We recommend this tour , which takes you to the north of the island.

Where to sleep in Senggigi?

  • Mid-range: Surrounded by vegetation, Cozy Cottages Lombok offers a restaurant, free private parking, an outdoor swimming pool and a shared lounge. With a modern and local style, this property is sure to please!
  • High-end: With large outdoor pools and a private beach, Katamaran Hotel & Resort offers spacious beachfront accommodation. The on-site restaurants serve international dishes and you can enjoy a drink at the bar as the sun sets.

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Learn more about your road trip to Indonesia…

  • Check out all the practical informations you need to know about the country, by clicking here .
  • To book a flight at the best price, we recommend you this website .
  • You are looking for a great travel insurance  for your 3-week road trip in Indonesia?  We recommend this one !

Do not hesitate to share your trip with us, we can’t wait to hear all about your adventures!

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En mode voyage

Java, Bali & Lombok

Java, Bali & Lombok

Circuit privé Java, Bali & Lombok avec guide francophone et/ou anglophone sur 16 jours / 15 nuits.

B = petit-déjeuner

L = repas de midi

D = repas du soir

Java - Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta - borobudur-yogyakarta, yogyakarta - cemoro lawang, cemoro lawang - mont bromo - banyuwangi, banyuwangi - kawa ijen - pemuteran, pemuteran-ubud.

Etape incontournable lors d’un voyage à Bali, la ville d’Ubud est le centre culturel et artistique de l’ile. Profitez de votre temps libre pour déambuler dans le marché traditionnel, faire un passage par la « Sacred Monkey Forest » ou au musée Neka qui abrite une collection impressionnante de tableaux. Ne manquez pas d’assister en soirée à une représentation de danses traditionnelles au palais royal et pour les plus petits à faire un arrêt à Ubud Art Lesson pour en apprendre davantage sur la culture indonésienne et balinaise en prenant part à un atelier artistique. (2 heures de choix d’apprentissage entre la musique ou la danse traditionnelle – à préciser au moment de la réservation)

Nuit au KORI UBUD (ou similaire) – chambre Deluxe Suite

Ubud - Sidemen


EXCU 2 – HOSPITALITE SASAK (déj) Départ ce matin avec votre guide pour un petit village traditionnel sasak perdu au milieu des rizières. En compagnie d’un jeune du village, explorez les environs. Découvrez les fruits et plantes médicinales; prenez part à la torréfaction du café ou à la fabrication des gateaux et petites friandises locales; essayez-vous à la riziculture … Puis déjeuner dans la famille de votre guide et retour vers votre hotel après une belle journée authentique riche en rencontres. Prix: CHF 105.- par personne (2 pax) – CHF 95.- par personne (3 pax) – CHF 88.- par personne (4 pax et plus) Inclus: transport avec chauffeur – guide francophone – déjeuner sasak et eau mineral – parking et frais d’entrée

EXCU 3 – AU MILIEU DES RIZIERES (déj) Explorez la région ce jour avec votre guide local lors d’une balade de 3h au cœur des rizières. Découvrez les plantes sauvages utilisées dans la confection de remèdes traditionnels, mais aussi la vanille, les épices et fruits et légumes locaux. Rejoignez ensuite un joli lac et 2 cascades où vous aurez l’occasion de vous baigner, puis observez les singes noirs dans leur habitat naturel. Découvrez les activités quotidiennes des Sasaks et prenez part à la torréfaction du café : une méthode ancestrale ! Puis rendez-vous dans la famille de votre guide pour le déjeuner et transfert vers votre hôtel avec arrêt en cours de route dans un marché traditionnel si le temps le permet. Prix: CHF 105.- par personne (2 pax) – CHF 95.- par personne ( 3 pax) – CHF 75.- par personne (4 pax et plus) Inclus: transport avec chauffeur – guide francophone – déjeuner sasak et eau mineral – parking et frais d’entrée

EXCU 4 – ILES SECRETES DU SUD – OUEST (déj) Départ ce jour pour de minuscules iles émergeant des eaux turquoise, au large de la presqu’ile de Sekotong. Contrairement aux célèbres Gili du Nord, les Gilis du Sud sont pour la plupart inhabitées. A votre arrivée, vous prenez un bateau pour rejoindre la petite ile de Gili Nanggu, réputée pour la plongée avec masque et tuba dans ses eaux cristallines. À quelques mètres de la plage seulement, vous pouvez admirer une multitude de poissons multicolores. Le déjeuner se prend sur l’ile et après une après-midi de baignade et de détente, il est malheureusement déjà l’heure de quitter ce petit paradis du bout du monde. Prix: CHF 125.- par personne (2 pax) – CHF 100.- par personne (3 pax) – CHF 88.- par personne (4 pax et plus) Inclus: transport avec chauffeur – guide francophone – bateau privatisé et materiel de snorkeling – déjeuner bbq et eau mineral – parking et frais d’entrée Nuits au SUDAMALA SUITES ou similaire – Narmada Ocean Suite

Hôtels durant votre séjour et prix par personne :

Catégorie 3 *, prix par personne en france suisses :, valable du 1 er mai 2024 au 30 avril 2025.

  Supplément pendant dans la haute saison les mois de juin, juillet, août et septembre ainsi que durant la période de Noël – Nouvel An, pour les prix merci de nous consulter.

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Souhaitez-vous prolonger votre voyage avec un séjour balnéaire ou une découverte de ville?

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Itinéraire de 30 jours pour votre séjour à Bali, Lombok et Java

Voici une proposition d’itinéraire de 30 jours pour votre voyage à Bali, Lombok et Java . Vous découvrirez les choses à ne pas manquer à Bali, Lombok et Java. Utilisez cet itinéraire tel quel ou personnalisez le, j’espère qu’il vous sera utile.

Important : Le Visa gratuit à l’arrivée (VOA) permet de rester 30j sur le territoire Indonésien, au delà de 30j et jusqu’à 60j il vous fautre le Visa à l’arrivée Payant renouvelable. Assurez vous donc au préalable du Bon visa en accord avec votre durée de séjour.

  • Du Jour 1 au Jour 5 : Java
  • Du Jour 6 au Jour 9 : Nord de Bali
  • Du Jour 10 au Jour 13 : Centre de Bali
  • Du Jour 14 au Jour 16 : Est de Bali
  • Du Jour 17 au Jour 19 : les îles Gilis
  • Du Jour 20 au Jour 22 : Lombok
  • Du Jour 23 au Jour 26 : les îles Nusa
  • Du Jour 27 au Jour 30 : Sud de Bali


Jour 0 : Arrivée vol, transfert hôtel, repos

Jour 1 – Borobudur & Prambanan (Java) : Mont Merapi, temple de Borobudur, coucher de soleil au temple Prambanan

Jour 2 – Yogyakarta (Java) : Keraton, Taman Sari Water Castle, Quartier de Malioboro Street

Jour 3 – Yogyakarta/ Mont Bromo : Route vers le Mont Bromo

Jour 4 – Mont Bromo : Départ vers le Mont Bromo, Retour à l’hôtel pour le petit-déjeuner, Route vers le Mont Ijen

Jour 5 – Mont Ijen : Départ vers le Mont Ijen, Retour à l’hôtel pour le petit-déjeuner, Route vers le Nord de Bali

Jour 6 – Pemuteran : plongée ou snorkeling sur l’île de Menjangan, temple Pura Pulaki, Pura Pabean et Pura Melanting

Jour 7 – Lovina : Les dauphins au lever du soleil, temple Bouddhiste Brahma Vihara Arama, source d’eau chaude de Banjar

Jour 8 – Lovina : chutes de Sekumpul

Jour 9 – Munduk : Cascades, rizières de Munduk

Jour 10  – Ubud Région :  temple Royal de Mengwi ,  temple du mont Batukaru ,  rizières de Jatiluwih , les lacs Bratan, Buyan et Tambligan,  temple Ulun Danu

Jour 11  – Ubud Centre :  forêt des singes , balade à Campuhan, musée Blanco, spectacle de danse au palais d’Ubud.

Jour 12  – Ubud Région :  rizières de Tegellalang ,  temple de Tirta Empul ,  cascade de Tegenungan

Jour 13  –  Ascension Mont Batur  : Départ vers 2h vers le Mont Batur, Petit-déjeuner au sommet, Visites des sources d’eau chaude de Batur / Plantation de café ou Sortie VTT de Kintamani à Ubud .

Jour 14 – Sidemen : Sortie Rafting à Sidemen ou  Visite de Taman Nusa , coucher de soleil depuis les rizières de Sidemen

Jour 15 – Candidasa : Temple Goa Lawah, Lotus Lagoon, Secret Beach, Tirta Gangga

Jour 16 – Amed : Lever de soleil depuis un bateau de pêcheur, snorkeling ou plongée à Tulamben , coucher de soleil au Warung Sunset Point

Jour 17 – Gili Trawangan : fastboat vers Gili Trawangan , faire le tour de l’île en vélo, snorkeling ou plongée dans la matinée, admirer le coucher de soleil à l’ouest de l’île, marché de nuit

Jour 18 – Gili Meno : tour de l’île à vélo, snorkeling

Jour 19 –  Gili Air : tour de l’île à vélo, snorkeling

Jour 20 – Autour du Mont Rinjani (Lombok) : Cascade de Mangku Sakti, Bukit Pergasingan

Jour 21 – Ouest (Lombok) : Village traditionnel Sasak, Taman Narmada, Coucher de soleil depuis la plage de Senggigi

Jour 22 – Kuta (Lombok) : Batu Payung, Cave de Bangkang, Coucher de soleil depuis la plage Selong Belanak ou la plage de Seger

Jour 23 – Nusa Penida Ouest : fastboat vers Nusa Penida, Sortie Snorkeling ou plongée (Manta Point, Crystal Bay, The Wall), visite de l’Ouest de l’île (Angel Billabong, Broken Beach, Kelingking Beach, Crystal Beach)

Jour 24 – Nusa Penida Est : Atuh Beach, Diamond Beach, maison souterraine

Jour 25 – Nusa Lembongan : Sandy Beach, Maison souterraine Gala Gala, Pont jaune vers Nusa Ceningan, Blue Lagoon, coucher de soleil depuis Devil’s Tears

Jour 26 – Nusa Lembongan : Dream Beach, visite de la Mangrove en pirogue, fastboat vers Sanur

Jour 27 –  Sanur : Visite de Sanur à vélo

Jour 28  – Canggu : plage ou surf , visite des rizières au Nord de Canggu,  temple de Tanah Lot au coucher de soleil , sortir le soir pour boire un verre

Jour 2 9 – Sud : Activité nautiques à Nusa Dua , Falaises de Melasti, Coucher de soleil au Sunset Point Uluwatu

Jour 30 – Sud : Parc GWK, plages du Bukit,  temple d’Uluwatu au coucher soleil ,  spectacle de Kecak fire

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 1 :  Vous logerez 3 nuits à Yogyakarta. Choisissez un hôtel dans le centre de la ville.

Les jours 1 et 2 seront dédiés à la visite de Yogyakarta et de ses alentours. Vous vous lèverez aux aurores pour aller admirer le lever de soleil au temple Borobudur. Puis, vous irez découvrir le Mont Merapi en Jeep. Vous finirez la journée au temple Prambanan pour admirer le coucher de soleil.

Le Jour 2, vous pouvez débuter le matin avec la visite du Kraton et d’un atelier de Batik (8 000 IDR / personne). Ensuite, vous irez au Taman Sari Water Castle où vous découvrirez la mosquée souterraine. Vous terminerez la journée au quartier de Malioboro Street.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 2 :  Vous logerez 1 nuit près du Mont Bromo.

Le Jour 3, vous prendrez la route en direction du Mont Bromo. Profitez de cette journée pour vous reposer avant l’ascension du Mont Bromo puis du Mont Ijen.

Le Jour 4, vous partirez vers 3h en direction du Mont Bromo où vous assisterez au lever du soleil. Vous reviendrez à votre hôtel pour prendre le petit-déjeuner. Puis, vous prendrez la route vers le Mont Ijen.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 3 :  Vous logerez 1 nuit près du Mont Ijen

Le Jour 5, vous partirez vers 1h en direction du Mont Ijen où vous assisterez au lever du soleil. Vous reviendrez à votre hôtel pour prendre le petit-déjeuner. Puis, vous prendrez la route en direction de Banyuwangi. Vous prendrez un ferry de Banyuwangi vers Gilimanuk. Un chauffeur vous attendra au ferry et vous déposera à votre hôtel à Pemuteran. Le soir, allez déguster un délicieux poisson au Tirta Sari Restaurant.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 4 :  Vous logerez 1 nuit à Pemuteran.

Le Jour 6 sera dédié à la  découverte de Pemuteran  et de ses alentours. Commencez la journée par une sortie plongée ou snorkeling sur l’île de Menjangan. Puis, vous irez visiter les temples Pura Pulaki et Pura Pabean. Ensuite, vous prendrez la route en direction de votre hôtel à Lovina.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 5 :  Vous logerez 2 nuits à  Lovina .

Le Jour 7, vous vous lèverez aux aurores pour prendre un bateau et aller admirer les dauphins au lever du soleil. Puis, vous irez au source d’eau chaude de Banjar et au temple Bouddhiste Brahma Vihara Arama. Le soir, vous pouvez aller dîner au Buda Bakery & Resto.

Le Jour 8, vous prendrez la route en direction de Munduk. En chemin, arrêtez-vous aux chutes de Sekumpul et à la cascade GitGit.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 6 : Vous logerez 1 nuit à Munduk .

Le Jour 9, vous irez profiter d’une randonné dans la forêt de Munduk pour admirer les rizières et les nombreuses cascades de la région. Au choix : Cascade red Coral, Cascade Melanting, Cascade Laagan, Cascade Santhipala, Cascade Gobleg…

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 7 :  Vous logerez 4 nuits à  Ubud . Choisissez un hôtel dans le centre d’Ubud pour la facilité d’accès, ou en plein milieu des rizières pour le calme et la beauté des paysages. En fonction de votre horaire d’arrivée, vous pouvez passer le reste de la journée à vous reposer ou alors découvrir le centre d’Ubud.

Le Jour 10, vous prendrez la route en direction de Ubud. En chemin, vous irez visiter le   temple Ulun Danu et les lacs Bratan, Buyan et Tambligan. Puis vous irez au temple Royal de Mengwi , au  temple du mont Batukaru . Allez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis les rizières de Jatiluwih .

Pour votre Jour 11 à Bali, commencez la matinée par savourer un délicieux brunch au Clean Café, situé au centre d’Ubud. Puis, allez visiter la forêt des singes (1-2 heures). Vous irez ensuite vous balader au Campuhan en plein milieu des rizières et faire un tour au Musée Blanco. Vous passerez la soirée au Palais d’Ubud pour admirer la danse legong.

Le Jour 12 sera consacré à la découverte de la région d’Ubud. Vous irez admirer  les rizières de Tegellalang  et le  temple Tirta Empul . Vous finirez votre journée à la cascade de Tegenungan. Le soir, vous pourrez réserver une table au Melting Wok Warung , situé dans le centre d’Ubud.

Le Jour 13, vous aurez  réservé au préalable votre ascension du Mont batur , le chauffeur vient vous chercher vers 2h du matin. Vous prendrez votre petit-déjeuner au sommet. Vous redescendrez vers 9h et vous pourrez, au choix, aller visiter les sources d’eau chaude de Batur et/ou une plantation de café.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 8 :  Vous logerez 2 nuits à Sidemen.

Le Jour 14, au choix, vous pourrez réserver la  Sortie Rafting à Sidemen  ou  aller faire la  Visite de Taman Nusa . Le soir, allez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis les rizières de Sidemen.

Le Jour 15, vous irez découvrir Candidasa. Vous découvrirez le temple Goa Lawah, Lotus Lagoon et la plage secrète de Candidasa, Secret Beach. Puis, vous prendrez la route en direction d’Amed. Allez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis Tirta Gangga.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 9 :  Vous logerez 2 nuits à  Amed .

Le Jour 16 sera dédié à la découverte d’Amed et de ses environs. Tôt le matin, vous prendrez un bateau de pêche pour aller contempler le lever de soleil et le Mont Agung depuis l’océan (comptez 250 000 IDR par groupe). Puis, vous irez faire du  snorkeling ou de la plongée à Tulamben pour découvrir l’épave Liberty . Le soir, vous irez admirer le coucher de soleil au Warung Sunset Point.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 10 :  Vous logerez 3 nuits  à Gili Trawangan .

Vous passerez les Jours 17, 18 et 19 sur les iles Gilis. Vous aurez réservé au préalable  vos tickets de Fastboat . Vous prendrez votre fastboat depuis le port d’Amed vers Gili Trawangan. Une fois sur l’île, vous prenez possession de votre chambre et repartez ensuite pour faire du snorkeling ou de la plongée dans la matinée autour de l’île. Puis, vous irez faire le tour de l’île en vélo et admirer le coucher de soleil à l’Ouest de l’île. Le soir, vous pourrez vous installer dans un des nombreux bar de plage offrant un concert de music.

Le Jour 18, vous prendrez un bateau local pour aller sur Gili Meno. Vous pourrez faire le tour de l’île à vélo, vous reposer sur la plage ou encore aller faire du snorkeling autour de l’île.

Le Jour 19, vous prendrez un bateau local pour aller sur Gili Air. Vous pourrez faire le tour de l’île à vélo, vous reposer sur la plage ou encore aller faire du snorkeling autour de l’île.

voyage bali lombok java

Le Jour 20, vous prendrez un bateau de Gili Trawangan vers le port de Bangsal (Lombok). Vous irez vous balader autour du Mont Rinjani. Allez vous rafraîchir à la cascade de Mangku Sakti et vous balader à Bukit Pergasingan. Puis, vous prendrez la route en direction de Kuta Lombok.

Hôtel 11 :  Vous logerez 2 nuits à Kuta Lombok.

La journée sera consacrée à la visite de l’Ouest de Lombok. Vous irez à Taman Narmada et au Temple Batu Bolong. Ensuite, vous irez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis la plage de Senggigi. Une merveille ! Le soir, allez déguster une délicieuse pizza au Cafe Alberto.

Commencez le Jour 22 avec la découverte du village traditionnel de Sasak. Puis vous irez à la Cave de Bangkang et à Batu Payung. Enfin, vous pourrez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis la plage de Selong Belanak ou depuis la plage de Seger. Le soir, vous pouvez aller dîner dans l’un des nombreux restaurants de Kuta Lombok : El Bazar pour son ambiance chic et sa cuisine méditerranéenne, KRNK Bar & Restaurant pour ses délicieux burgers et pizzas, Kenza Cafe pour ses plats healthy.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 12 :  Vous logerez 1 nuit à  Nusa Penida . Choisissez un hôtel près du port ou à l’Ouest de l’île.

Vous passerez les Jours 23 à 26 sur les îles Nusa. Le matin du Jour 23, vous prendrez un Fastboat de Lombok vers Nusa Penida . Une fois sur l’île, vous prenez possession de votre chambre et repartez ensuite pour une sortie snorkeling ou plongée autour de 3 spots (Manta Point, Crystal Bay, The Wall). Puis, vous irez visiter l’Ouest de l’île (Angel Billabong, Broken Beach, Kelingking Beach, Crystal Beach). Le soir, allez tester un des nombreux warungs de l’île; nous vous conseillons Warung JUN ou Warung Jungle.

Le Jour 24, vous irez déguster un petit-déjeuner au Sunny Café, situé près du port. Puis, vous irez découvrir Penida Est : Atuh Beach, Diamond Beach et la maison souterraine. En fin d’après-midi, vous prendrez un bateau local en direction de Nusa Lembongan (50 000 IDR/personne).

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 13 :  Vous logerez 1 nuit à  Nusa Lembongan , choisissez un hôtel à Jungutbatu ou Mushroom Bay facile d’accès.

Le Jour 25, vous irez savourer un petit-déjeuner au B’Fresh, situé près du port. Puis, vous irez découvrir Lembongan : Sandy Beach, Maison sous-terraine de Gala-Gala, Pont Jaune. Si vous êtes en scooter, vous pouvez continuer vers Nusa Ceningan et aller voir Blue Lagoon. Le soir, allez admirer le coucher de soleil depuis Devil’s Tears.

Le jour 26, vous irez profiter de la plage Dream Beach, puis allez visitez la Mangrove en pirogue. En fin de journée, vous reprendrez un fastboat en direction de Sanur. Au port de Sanur, une navette collective viendra vous chercher et vous déposera à votre hôtel suivant.

voyage bali lombok java

Hôtel 14 :  Vous logerez 4 nuits au Sud de Bali (Hôtel au choix à :  Seminyak ,  Kuta ,  Sanur ,  Jimbaran  ou  Nusa Dua ).

Vous passerez vos 5 derniers jours au Sud de Bali. Le Jour 27, vous irez découvrir Sanur. Vous pouvez faire la  Visite de Sanur à vélo .

Le Jour 28, allez déguster un délicieux brunch dans l’un des nombreux restaurants de Canggu : Crate Cafe pour ses plats délicieux à 55K, Milu by Nook pour sa vue magnifique sur les rizières, Satu-Satu pour son excellent rapport qualité/prix. Vous pourrez profiter des plages de Canggu et  vous initier au surf . Puis, allez vous balader dans les rizières au Nord de Canggu. Finissez cette dernière journée par le  temple de Tanah Lot au coucher de soleil . Enfin, vous pouvez sortir le soir pour boire un verre à Canggu ou Seminyak.

Le Jour 29, commencez la matinée par la visite du Parc GWK. Puis, allez  découvrir les activité nautiques à Nusa Dua  (au choix : jet-ski, parachute ascensionnel, bateau banane, plongée…). Vous pouvez ensuite aller contempler les falaises de Melasti et profiter de la plage. Finissez la journée en admirant le coucher de soleil au Sunset Point Uluwatu.

Le Jour 30, profitez de cette journée en découvrant les nombreuses plages de la péninsule du Bukit : Plage de Jimbaran,  Plage de Balangan , Plage de Bingin,  Plage de Dreamland ,  Plage de Padang-Padang  et la  Plage de Suluban (Blue Point) . Après la plage, direction le temple d’Uluwatu, ballade autour du temple pour ensuite acheter vos tickets à 17h pour le spectacle de Kecak Fire qui débutera à 18h.

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Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces informations. Etais-tu motorisé(e) pour tes déplacements ? Nous aimerions faire Bali en 1 mois et Java en 1 mois, penses-tu que ce soit trop long ? belle journée

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Bonjour Christine, Ce n’est pas trop long, cela vous permettra de voyager à votre rythme sans vous presser et ajuster le temps passé à chaque étape en fonction de vos envies. Pour les transports vous pouvez utiliser les services de chauffeurs avec voiture au fur et à mesure de votre parcours.

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The Ultimate Java Itinerary for 7 Days from Bali

Are you visiting Java Island for the first time and looking for the perfect 1 week Java, Indonesia Itinerary?

1 week in Java is not enough to discover the whole island. But you can see the most visited places, and at least you’ll have a reason to return to Indonesia.

We’ve put together a detailed Central & East Java Itinerary for 7 days, covering all of Java’s main attractions and some hidden gems.

You’ll also find all the useful tips and information you need to plan your one-week Java Itinerary.

Disclosure: This post contains a few affiliate links, which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through our link. This is a free way to support us and allow us to continue to create inspiring travel guides.

How to Get to Banyuwangi from Bali

Best hotels in banyuwangi, east java, best hotels in malang, east java, best hotels in yogyakarta, central java, no time to read now pin it.

voyage bali lombok java

Where is Java, Indonesia?

Java is an island located in Indonesia between Sumatra and Bali. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is located on the northwest coast of Java.

How to Get to Java from Bali

Getting to Java Island may seem difficult, but depending on your time and budget, there are a few ways to get there. You can easily get to Java from Bali by ferry or plane.

The plane is the most comfortable and fastest way to get to Java!

Java has several airports. There are many international flights from Singapore or Kuala Lumpur and domestic flights from other parts of Indonesia, such as Jakarta and Bali.

Buy an eSIM and data package for Indonesia.

From Bali, you can fly to Java from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (airport code DPS).

The flight takes just 1-1.5 hours, and plane tickets start from 30-40 USD (without luggage) per person for one way.

TIP Use Skyscanner to find cheap flights to Java, Indonesia.

If you follow our Java Itinerary, the easiest way to get to Java from Bali is by ferry. We have a detailed post on  how to get to Java  with all the information you need.

Best Time to Visit Java

Indonesia has two seasons: a dry season and a rainy season.

Java is a popular destination all year round!  But the best time to visit Java is during the dry season, from May to October.

The weather is sunny and dry during these months, perfect for sightseeing, hiking, and exploring the Java attractions.

Java Island has a tropical climate, hot and humid, and the average temperature is 27°C all year round. However, we recommend you pack warm clothes for the Mount Bromo and  Kawah Ijen  volcano tour.

The busiest time to visit Java is between July and August.

The rainy season in Java runs from November to April. We did this Java Itinerary in May.

TIP In high season, we strongly recommend booking accommodation and tours in advance!

See also → Things to Do in Java

East Java Itinerary

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Java Itinerary: Central and East Java Route

You can easily modify our Java Travel Itinerary to extend or reduce the days.

Day 1: Arrive in Banyuwangi – East Java Itinerary

Welcome to Java! We hope you had a great ferry journey and are ready to explore Java Island.

Banyuwangi is the perfect place to start your East Java Itinerary. Depending on when you arrive in Banyuwangi, you can choose to start exploring the town or relax at the accommodation.

We rented a motorbike for the next day. After that, we checked into a hotel where we could sleep for a few hours before the trek. Then, at midnight, we started our tour by motorbike to Mount Ijen Volcano.

TIP Make the most of your experience by visiting the Ijen and Mt Bromo volcanoes on a  3-day tour from Bali.

The easiest way to get from Bali to Java is to travel from Gilimanuk Harbour to the Ketapang Port, Banyuwangi.

The ferry departs approximately every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So there is no need to book in advance!

The boat ticket is only 13,000 IDR (0.85 USD) per person, and the journey takes approximately 30-60 minutes.

Once you arrive at Ketapang Ferry Port, you can reach Banyuwangi in about 20 minutes by taxi.

Recommended post → How to Get from Bali to Java

voyage bali lombok java

Day 2: Mount Ijen Crater Tour – A highlight of your Java Itinerary

Mount Ijen hike is a must-do in Indonesia, so you can’t miss it on your Java Itinerary. Kawah Ijen is an active volcano in East Java, and on your tour, you can see the world’s largest acidic lake and the famous Blue Fire.

The public transport in Banyuwangi is limited, so the best way to reach the Kawah Ijen Volcano is to rent a motorbike or join an organized tour.

The journey takes about 1 hour from Banyuwangi to Mount Ijen. If you want to see the famous Blue Fire, we recommend you arrive at 1 AM.

Important note Due to volcanic activity, you can only start hiking at 4 AM, and it is not allowed to descend to the lake. Therefore, the natural phenomenon of electric Blue Flame at Kawah Ijen is unfortunately not visible. You should check for up-to-date information before you travel!

Once you arrive, you can buy your entrance ticket and rent a headlamp, gas mask, or warm clothes. It takes 1.5-2 hours to get from the parking lot to the Mount Ijen Crater Rim.

If you don’t want to do the Kawah Ijen hike independently, we recommend booking your tour via GetYourGuide.

After the tour, have breakfast, return to your accommodation, and spend the day relaxing. But if time is limited, you can continue your Java Itinerary and travel to Malang by private driver or taxi.

The trains only run in the early morning hours between Banyuwangi and Malang, so we recommend traveling onwards the next day. Book your train tickets  HERE.

We decided to relax and spent 2 nights in Banyuwangi.

Read the full post → How to Climb Kawah Ijen Volcano

Kawah Ijen Volcano

Where to Stay in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi is a town in East Java and the gateway to the Ijen volcano for hikers.

If you want to make the most of your trek, you can camp at the Kawah Ijen.  The camping fee is just 5,000 IDR (0,35 USD).

You can spend 1-2 days in Banyuwangi, these are our accommodation recommendations.

  • Mid-Range:   Aston Banyuwangi Hotel  or  eL Hotel Banyuwangi
  • Budget:   Banana Homestay

Day 3: Travel to Malang and Visit Jodipan Colorful Village

Good morning! It’s time to continue your East Java Itinerary! Check out from your accommodation and travel by train to Malang.

The distance between Banyuwangi and Malang is 305 km, and the travel time is approximately 7 hours. As the journey is long, we recommend you bring water and some snacks.

From Banyuwangi to Malang, train tickets start from 62,000 IDR (4 USD) per person. The train is the cheapest way to travel in the Java itinerary.

TIP You can easily buy train tickets at the Ketapang railway station, but we recommend booking online with 12Go!

Since you will arrive in Malang in the early afternoon, you will have enough time to walk around the Jodipan Colorful Village and visit the Blue Village.

Hungry? Here are our recommendations for the best restaurants in Malang.

As the village of Jodipan is not so crowded, you can visit at any time of day and explore the streets, find the best photo spots, and talk with locals.

From Jodipan, you can easily get to the Blue Village on the other side of the bridge. Plan at least 2-3 hours to explore the Rainbow and Blue Village.

TIP If you have a drone, bring it with you because the views from above are stunningly beautiful.

Keep reading → Things to Do in Malang

voyage bali lombok java

Day 4: Take a Day Trip to Mount Bromo – A popular place on your Java Itinerary

A visit to Mount Bromo Volcano is the highlight of every Java Itinerary, and you can easily take a day trip from Malang to Mount Bromo.

Mt Bromo is an active volcano in East Java, and on your tour, you can see the beautiful sunrise and take the epic crater rim walk.

Group tours include hotel pick-up and drop-off, jeep ride, entrance fee, and breakfast.  Pick-up time usually starts at midnight! Book your Mount Bromo sunrise tour via  Viator.

Depending on traffic, the journey time from Malang to Mount Bromo takes 2-2.5 hours.

Once you arrive at the jeep parking lot, you can walk to the Penanjakan Bromo viewpoint, where most people watch the sunrise.

TIP Get the most out of your day trip and book a Mount Bromo sunrise and Madakaripura Waterfall tour  HERE.

Recommended post → Mount Bromo Guide with Best Viewpoints

Java Indonesia Itinerary

Day 5: Visit Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

Are you looking for the best things to do near Malang, Java? Tumpak Sewu is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia and a highlight on your East Java Itinerary.

Tumpak Sewu translates from the Javanese language to mean “Thousand Waterfalls” and is 120 meters high.

The best way to visit Tumpak Sewu Waterfall is to  join a day trip from Malang.

Depending on traffic, the journey time from Malang to Tumpak Sewu Waterfall takes 2-3 hours.

From the parking lot, you can reach the impressive viewpoint in about 10 minutes and enjoy a fantastic view of the waterfall.

After that, a challenging hike leads to the waterfall, and depending on your fitness level, the tour takes at least 45 minutes.

Book a multi-day tour,  including Mount Bromo and the Kawah Ijen.

Read the full post →   Tumpak Sewu Waterfall Guide

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

Where to Stay in Malang

If you plan to visit Bromo Volcano and Tumpak Sewu Waterfall, Malang is the best base. These are our accommodation recommendations.

  • Luxury:   The Shalimar Boutique Hotel
  • Mid-Range:   Harris Hotel  or  Hotel Tugu Malang
  • Budget:   Ibis Styles Malang

Day 6: Travel to Yogyakarta – A featured destination in the Java Itinerary

Good morning! It’s time to continue your Java Itinerary! Check out from your accommodation and travel by train to Yogyakarta, Central Java.

The best and most comfortable way to get from Malang to Yogyakarta is by train. The journey time is approximately 6-7 hours, and depending on the type of ticket, train tickets start from 230,000 IDR (15 USD) per person.

Book your train tickets.

Alternatively, you can travel by night bus, but the journey takes at least 12 hours. Damri bus tickets start from 15 USD per person.

Once you arrive in Yogyakarta, start exploring the city’s attractions. Visit the Taman Sari Water Castle & Underground Mosque and walk through the famous Malioboro Street.

You can explore Malioboro Street independently or join a  guided walking and food tour  in Yogyakarta.

Malioboro is the perfect place to shop, eat, and offer fantastic photo opportunities. The Taman Sari Water Palace is just a 10-minute drive from the famous Malioboro Road and is easily accessible. Plan to spend 1-2 hours around Taman Sari.

TIP Add an extra day to your Central Java Itinerary and take a day trip to Jomblang Cave.

Places to Visit in Java

Day 7: Visit Borobudur and Prambanan Temple

Most people will only do the East Java route, skipping Central Java, but in our opinion, visiting the temples of Prambanan and Borobudur is a must-see in the Java Itinerary.

The best way to visit Prambanan & Borobudur Temple is to join a day trip from Yogyakarta.

Important note At the moment, the Borobudur and Prambanan temples are closed every Monday, so check for up-to-date information before you travel!

We recommend watching the sunrise at the  Borobudur Temple  and combining your visit with the magnificent Prambanan Temple at sunset. Prambanan Temple is just a 1.5-hour drive from Borobudur.

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia.  The three main temples are dedicated to the most important Hindu gods, like Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. Shiva’s shrine is the tallest at 47 meters and offers the most beautiful scenery.

Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world!  Buddhists and many tourists come from all over the world to visit this important pilgrimage place.

Book the best Borobudur Sunrise and Prambanan tour through  GetYourGuide , where you can get great prices.

See also → Yogyakarta Guide

Central and East Java Itinerary

Where to Stay in Yogyakarta

Although Yogyakarta is a popular tourist destination in Java, accommodation options are available for all budgets.

The city has good restaurants and great places to shop. These are our recommendations.

  • Luxury:   The Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta
  • Mid-Range:   The Victoria Hotel Yogyakarta
  • Budget:   Java Villas Boutique Hotel & Resto

Day 8: Combine your Java Itinerary with Lombok or leave Java

We hope you enjoyed your Java, Indonesia Itinerary! But it’s time to leave Java and travel back to Bali or visit Lombok.

The easiest way to get from Yogyakarta to Bali is to take a short domestic flight. The flight takes just 1.5 hours, and plane tickets start from 40 USD (without luggage) per person for one way.

Yogyakarta has an International Airport,  the Yogyakarta Kulon Progo International Airport (airport code YIA). The distance between Yogyakarta Airport and the city center is 47 km, and the travel time is approximately 1.5-2 hours.

TIP Use Skyscanner to get cheap flights to Bali, Indonesia.

Alternatively, you can fly directly from Yogyakarta to Lombok. The journey takes just 1.5 hours, and tickets start from 90 USD (without luggage) per person.

Come to Lombok and visit the epic beaches, go snorkeling or surfing, see the stunning waterfalls, and if you’re looking for an adventurous activity, hike the famous hiking trails.

Recommended post →   2 Weeks in Lombok

voyage bali lombok java

Java Travel Guide: FAQ about Java Itinerary

Is java worth visiting.

Absolutely, we loved exploring Java!

The island of Java is home to beautiful temples, breathtaking waterfalls, volcanoes, tea plantations, and friendly Javanese people.

TIP You can also start your Java Itinerary in Central Java by flying from Bali to Yogyakarta Airport (airport code YIA).

Use iVisa to check if you need a tourist visa for Indonesia and apply for an e-visa online.

Is it Safe to Travel to Java Island?

Yes, Java is generally safe. However, always keep an eye on your valuables and beware of pickpockets!

Make sure you have travel insurance! If you rent a motorbike, drive carefully, always wear a helmet, and avoid driving at night!

Don’t forget to buy travel insurance! We always choose  SafetyWing  for our travels.

How to Get Around Java

The best way to get around on your Java Itinerary is by train and rent a motorbike. On Java Island, trains are modern, cheap, and comfortable. Book your train tickets HERE.

We recommend travel between cities by train, and within the towns rent a motorbike and explore the sights at your own pace.

Alternatively, you can hire a private driver or join an organized tour to reach the sights.

How many Days do You Need in Java?

Most people spend 7 days to explore Java on their first visit.

But if you can, we recommend spending at least 10 days on the island and exploring the best places at your own pace.

TIP Save money, avoid ATM transaction fees when going abroad, and pay in local currency with a Wise Card.

Central & East Java Itinerary Map

We hope our 1 week Java Travel Itinerary will help you plan your next trip to Indonesia. If you have any questions or thoughts, let us know in the comments below.

Travel Resources

Hotels – Booking.com Car Rentals – Discover Cars Flights – Skyscanner Travel Insurance – SafetyWing Tours & Attractions – GetYourGuide Bus/Ferry/Transfer – 12Go


9 Best Things to Do in Java, Indonesia

9 Best Things to Do in Java, Indonesia

7 Best Things to Do in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

7 Best Things to Do in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

How to Visit Prambanan Temple in Java, Indonesia

How to Visit Prambanan Temple in Java, Indonesia

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The Best of Java in 7 days: Java To Bali Trip Itinerary

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Java to Bali trip itinerary

After seeing Yogyakarta, many travellers visit Mount Bromo, an active volcano in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. However, fewer include a stop at Ijen and even fewer travellers visit the Sewu waterfalls in the east of Java.

That’s a big shame. The Ijen volcano is one of the most spectacular sights to visit in Indonesia and the Sewu waterfall are famed as the most beautiful waterfall in all of Indonesia.

A reason not so many travellers include the Ijen and Sewu waterfall in their trip itinerary is that it can be overwhelming to plan a trip with all these stops.

And that’s exactly what you are going to find out in this post. We have done the research for you, which means you can just follow our guide on how to get from Java to Bali and see the best of Java along the way.

With all these highlights, this trip is for many travellers the most enjoyable part of their entire trip to Indonesia!

The destinations we will cover are:

Destination #1: Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta - Indonesia

As the heart of Javanese culture, we think there’s no better place to begin your journey than Yogyakarta.

Also fondly known as Yogya or Jogja, this vibrant city is the only one in Indonesia still ruled by a monarch — a Sultan to be specific. That alone is a testament to how much Yogya values its history and culture.

How to get to Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta has its own international airport, but not a lot of countries have direct flights to Jogja. If you’re coming from outside Indonesia, your most probable entry point is Jakarta.

From the capital, you can you can take the train for 6-9 hours, a flight for 3 hours (including transfers), and the bus for 10.5-16 hours. Fares start at 175,000 IDR ($11).

See here a more detailed description of the route from Jakarta to Yogyakarta .

Destination #2: Mount Bromo

Bromo - Indonesia

Mount Bromo boasts of a view that is out of this world. Sitting on the Tengger caldera with its top blown off and its crater continuously smoking with white sulphur — it’s a lunar landscape that will take your breath away, especially at sunrise.

No wonder it is one of the most hiked volcanoes in Indonesia. Another reason why it’s so popular is that it’s quite relatively accessible with less than 1-hour hiking.

PRO TIP: It can get really chilly on your way up as you wait for the sun to rise. Temperatures can get as low as 5°C. It’s best to wear a sweater and jacket that can protect you from the cold and the wind, but nothing too thick for innerwear — It gets really hot as soon as the sun is up! Don’t have a warm jacket with you? No problem, it’s easy to rent a jacket for just a couple of dollars as soon as you get out of the jeep.

How to get to Mount Bromo

It all depends on where your base camp is! The basecamps you can choose from when visiting Mount Bromo are: Malang, Surabaya, Probolinggo and Cemoro Lawang. We’ve written a more detailed guide about which Bromo basecamp to choose.

For the purpose of this itinerary, we will focus on Malang because it is also the most accessible gateway point when visiting the next destination, which is Sewu Waterfalls. To get from Yogyakarta to Malang, you can take an 8-hour train for 114,000 IDR ($7) or a 6-hour bus for 300,000 IDR ($18.30).

From Malang, you can arrange a private jeep through your hotel to get you to the foot of Mount Bromo. Alternatively, you can book a Bromo sunrise tour with Klook . Rates start from 620,000 IDR ($38).

PRO TIP: In this Java to Bali itinerary, we describe the DIY version to visit Bromo, Sewu and Ijen, but in all honesty, it requires quite a bit of planning. To travel with more ease, you can also book one of the tour packages described in this post about how to visit mount Bromo .

Destination #3: Sewu Waterfalls

sewu waterfalls in java

Sewu Waterfalls are most commonly known as Tumpak Sewu, which means “a thousand waterfalls”. Not that there are really a thousand waterfalls here, but it surely looks like that when you look at its majesty!

From the entrance of the park, your first stop will be the Tumpak Sewu viewpoint. That’s just a 10-minute walk. From here, you can get a view of Sewu Waterfalls in all its glory. Backdropped by the highest mountain in Java, Mount Semeru, it’s truly a sight to behold.

POR TIP: For a more magical experience, get here early in the morning, even before sunrise. The fog adds a dreamy element that makes for some of the best photos of this multi-tiered waterfall.

From the viewpoint, you can reach the bottom via a 30 to 40-minute walk. The trail is pretty safe, but definitely requires some courage and upper-body strength. You’ll be passing by bamboo ladders, slippery rocks, and makeshift bridges. Definitely wear sandals or trekking shoes. Flip-flops are a no-go.

You can’t really swim at the basin, and you won’t have to — the power and strength of the waterfalls around you will be enough to make you feel rejuvenated.

For its grandness, Sewu Waterfalls is still a relatively unknown destination. If you are already making your way from Java to Bali, we really think you shouldn’t miss the chance to see what we think is the most beautiful waterfall in Indonesia.

How to get to Sewu waterfall?

From Malang, it’s about a 2-hour drive to get to Tumbak Sewu. we described it in more detail in our post about how to visit the Sewu waterfalls .

Destination #4: Mount Ijen

Ijen vulcano Indonesia

Ijen Volcano, or Kawah Ijen, is one of Java’s most unique destinations because it houses the world’s largest acidic volcanic lake. Its crater glows a beautiful turquoise emitting electric blue flames. These flames are especially beautiful at night.

It’s best to arrive at the crater a few hours before dawn. And just when you think the magic show is over, the sun slowly rises and displays the most enthralling backdrop to Ijen Lake.

Note that you will need a gas mask as you near the crater because the high level of sulfur can be toxic (and smelly). Don’t worry if you don’t have one. Gas masks are available for rent for around 50,000 IDR ($3) and are mostly included in the tour.

Apart from being a tourist destination, Kawah Ijen is also a fully commercial volcano. You’ll see locals hard at work at the crater, collecting sulphur deposits and bringing them down the mountain. Some try to sell small sculpted rocks to visitors, which is a great way for the miners to earn a little extra.

How to get to Mount Ijen

The most common base camp to Mount Ijen is Banyuwangi, Java’s easternmost town. If you visited Sewu before going to Ijen, we recommend taking the southern train route and taking the train from Jember station to Banyuwangi .

If you stayed in any of the other basecamps and didn’t visit Sewu before continuing to Bromo, you can find the exact route details for the northern route to Banyuwangi in this route guide from Bromo to Ijen .

Destination #5: Bali

Bali - Indonesia

Bali is an island paradise with a compelling mix of nature and culture. It is a constant item on many travellers’ bucket lists for the famous Balinese culture, sandy beaches, rice terraces and age-old temples.

It has a laidback vibe, also making it a go-to destination for surfers and digital nomads. The beach towns on the west coast of Bali like Kuta, Seminyak and Canggu are the most tourist destinations but if you want to visit the best beaches of Bali, you have to visit the south.

There is the famed art heritage of Ubud, miles of rolling paddy fields, hidden waterfalls and volcanoes to hike. Bali is also a great base to explore the many offshore islands such as Nusa Penida or a side trip to neighbour island Lombok.

How to get to Bali

From Banyuwangi, you can get to Bali by ferry, and then continue to your destination by taxi or bus.

The ferry to Bali leaves from Ketapang station to which you can either take a taxi, or a train from Karangasem Station in the city centre. A ticket costs around 43,000 IDR ($2.60) and travel time is 20 minutes. From Ketapang station, the harbour is just 10 minutes away on foot.

Next, take a ferry from Ketapang Harbour to Gilimanuk Harbour on Bali Island’s western coast. Ferries are available 24 hours and a ticket costs 10,000 IDR ($0.60) for the 45-minute journey.

TIP: Relax and unwind at Sumberkima Hill Retreat

Once you arrive in Bali, you can take a bus or taxi to the island’s most popular destinations like Ubud, Canggu, Seminyak, or Uluwatu. We’ll discuss these options below, but first, we want to introduce a new idea: take a few days to rest at Sumberkima Hill Retreat.

The itinerary we shared above will likely be one of the highlights of your trip to Indonesia, as you’ll visit some of Java’s most incredible places in less than a week. This includes several sunrise tours, but also plus 8-hour journeys to reach your next destination.

Experience True Peace at Sumberkima Village

Now imagine yourself relaxing by a gorgeous swimming pool, taking in views of Mount Ijen (and possibly Bromo on a clear day) after this intense trip. That’s exactly what you can do at Sumberkima Hill Retreat .

Forget about busy traffic or street vendors at every corner; Sumberkima is a quiet little village located on Bali’s northwest coast, just a 30-minute drive from the harbour where boats from Java arrive. It’s a relatively new destination for travellers to Bali, and that’s what makes it so unique.

There are not many accommodations, but if you choose to stay here, we highly recommend booking two or three nights at Sumberkima Hill retreat. They offer bungalows for very reasonable prices. Prices range from 800,000 IDR ($49) per room for 2 person bungalow, up to 4,500,000 IDR ($275) for a 6-person villa. All bungalows and villas are amazing in their own way, and no matter which room you book, you’ll always have access to all their common facilities.

This includes transportation via an electric golf cart to their stunning swimming pools or on-site restaurants. The pools are truly spectacular, and on a clear day, you can see the sun setting behind the Ijen volcano. They also offer several nearby activities, like visiting a stunning white sand beach strip , snorkelling tours, or hiking the Sumberkima Hills.

The best part is that you won’t need to leave the retreat at all, as they offer everything you need — including room service. For me and my family, this was the perfect way to rest for a few days after our East Java itinerary, and I highly recommend this stay to anyone.

How to get to Sumberkima?

When arriving from Java, all boats dock at Gilimanuk, which is just a 30 to 40-minute drive to Sumberkima Hill Retreat. You can easily find a taxi at the harbour for around 0 IDR ($0), or arrange a pickup with Sumberkima Hill Retreat directly.

How to continue your trip through Bali from Sumberkima

After our stay at Sumberkima, we booked a private driver who took us to the Jatiluwih rice terraces, with a stop at the stunning Munduk waterfalls en route. Munduk is a picturesque valley in northern Bali, home to some of the island’s most impressive waterfalls.

A 2-3 hour trek allows you to visit four waterfalls, making it an ideal stop on the way to Jatiluwih. Additionally, there’s a fantastic eco-restaurant where you can enjoy a delicious lunch while admiring the jungle views.

After the trek, our driver, Putu, drove us to Jatiluwih where we arrived at night. Waking up the day after in this guesthouse , with a view on never-ending views of lush, rolling rice paddies, was just a dream (TIP: Book first floor).

Interested in making the same trip? Our driver, Putu, is truly exceptional. His extensive knowledge of Bali’s history made the day fly by and provided an excellent introduction to Bali’s culture following our Java visit. You can reach out to him you can contact him here via Whatsapp .

From Gilimanuk to other destinations in Bali

Gilimanuk Port is located all the way in northwest of Bali. From here, it’s still a 3-hour drive to Canggu, 3.5-hour to Ubud and more than 4.5-hour drive to Uluwatu.

If you are heading to any of these destinations, you can choose between taking a taxi directly to your destination or taking the bus to Denpasar or Mengiwi.

If you have the budget for it, it’s possible to take a taxi from Gilimanuk Terminal all the way to your Bali destination. Expect to pay close to 1,000,000 IDR ($61) for popular destinations like Canggu, Seminyak or Ubud.

By Bus to Denpasar

From the port, Gilimanuk Bus Terminal is a just 10-minute walk. Here, you can take a bus going to Terminal Ubung in Denpasar. Tickets cost 50,000 IDR ($3) for the 3.5 to 4.5-hour bus ride.

You can then take a taxi from Terminal Ubung to your hotel in Bali. Expect to pay around 70,000 IDR ($4.30) – 100,000 IDR ($6.10) to Kuta, Seminyak or Canggu.

Bus schedule from Gilimanuk to Denpasar

By bus to mengwi.

There are also buses from Gilimanuk to Mengwi Bus Terminal , which is more or less between Ubud and Canggu. A ticket costs around 65,000 IDR ($4) for the 3-hour bus ride. However, the last time we checked (March 2023), we couldn’t confirm the bus schedule for this route.

From Mengwi, you can book a Grab taxi to Ubud for around 50,000 IDR ($3), Canggu 80,000 IDR ($4.90) or Kuta for around 145,000 IDR ($8.80). The drive to Canggu and Ubud will take about 30-45 minutes and about 1 hour to Kuta.

Alternatively, you can pre-book the Perama Tour bus from Mengwi to Kuta with rates from 120,000 IDR ($7.30) on 12Go.Asia .

PRO TIP: Heading to northern Bali? From Gilimanuk, there is a direct bus service to Singaraja in North Bali. This passes through the main beach resort area of Lovina. Fares are from 45,000 IDR ($2.70) and it takes about 1.5 hours.

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Maarten founder of Gecko Routes

Based in Bali, Maarten’s passion for travel is undeniable. In 2016, he decided to quit his job as a stock analyst and started doing what he always dreamed of: travelling through South East Asia and helping other people plan their trips. When he is not working on Gecko Routes, you’ll find him surfing in the ocean or exploring the best gems of Indonesia.

Komdo National Park Flores

Excelente información,yo viajo con amigos de bali a yoyakarta por tierra en 2 días mas 1 día para yoyakarta serías tan amable de indicarme donde debería parar para descanzar.Queremos conocer Monte Bromo,Ijen,pueblos de colores,Málagan y si queda algún templo en el camino.Desde ya muchas gracias Ana

Hi Ana, thanks for your comment. It sounds like I’m talking to a very ambitious traveler here! Unfortunately, I have to share that 2D1N is a bit too ambitious tho! Also, both Bromo and Ijen are best visited at night so I would really recommend spending at least 2 nights in east Java.

That’s why I would also recommend following the itinerary explained in this post, and visiting the Sewu waterfalls as an extra stop. It will require careful planning, but it will be two incredible days. You could also look for a driver in Malang who can bring you all the way to an accommodation in Ijen. This can go a bit quicker as you can take a more straightforward route than with the train.

Oh and temples, are not really that common as far as I know in east Java because Islam is the main religion. But don’t worry, in Bali you’ll find plenty, in particular around Ubud.

I know it’s tempting to rush your way to Bali, but taking one extra day for East Java is 100% worth it.

Have an amazing trip!

Spanish: PD: Esta respuesta está escrita en inglés para que sea útil para los viajeros de todo el mundo. Recomiendo usar Google Translate para traducir esta respuesta al español.

Bonjour, votre blog est génial ! petite question : est-il possible de faire Bromo et Tumpak Sewu le meme jour ? je pensais par exemple faire le mont le matin et ensuite prendre la route vers les cascades directement, est ce possible ?

Hello Sofia, it is possible to hike Mt. Bromo and visit Tumpak Sewu on the same day, but we wouldn’t recommend it. The hike to the waterfalls can be quite challenging, especially during the rainy season. You’ll have to rush your visit to Sewu to arrive back at the top before it gets dark.

Consider visiting Tumpak Sewu the next morning to get some rest first. The weather is often better and brighter at this time too.

However, if you’d still like to visit Mt. Bromo and Tumpak Sewu in one day, we suggest departing from Malang. It’s the common base camp and gateway to both destinations.

From Malang, you’ll start your trip to Mt. Bromo at midnight, catch the sunrise, hike to the crater, and be back at your guesthouse around 11:00. After the hike, you can take a little rest and take a 2-hour taxi from Malang to Sewu. You can also take a public bus, but these run less regularly, take longer, and aren’t as comfortable. The bus is not recommended if you want to make it on the same day to Sewu.

Upon arrival in Sewu, you’ll need about 2-3 hours to visit Sewu, which includes the hike and some time to admire the waterfalls. Summing it up, if you arrive back from Bromo at 11:00, need an hour to freshen up, eat and then take the taxi, you would be at Sewu around 14:00. This would be very optimistic, so expect to arrive at Sewu around 15:00. This does still leave you enough time to visit the waterfalls if everything goes well. However, keep in mind that you will have woken up at midnight to visit Bromo and won’t have had a chance to catch up on any sleep yet.

Lastly, if you plan on heading to Iljen after seeing Sewu, you can take a taxi to Klakah Station near Sewu. From here, take the 19:41 train to Banyuwangi near Iljen. If not, you can ask the driver to wait and bring you back to Malang after.

Hope this helps you to plan your trip to Java!

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Transport Guide For Java, Bali, Lombok and Gilis, Indonesia in 2024.

Nic Hilditch-Short - Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 10:10 am

voyage bali lombok java

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 Java to Bali  Java is a huge island

Travelling between the islands of Indonesia is pretty easy with most of the most visited being close enough to comfortably take the ferry. However there are many options and booking them can be confusing and often the most irritating part of the journey is organising transport once on the island as public transport in Indonesia isn’t easy to navigate!! Here is a guide to travel between Java, Bali to Lombok and the Gili islands, a popular backpackers route.

 Java to Bali 

Getting from bali to lombok, book your ferry or a flight here:, how to explore the gili islands from lombok, returning from the gili islands to bali .

Java is a huge island and depending on where you find yourself you will probably want to either fly from closer to Jakarta or take a broken up route through the islands towards the eastern end.

We flew into Jakarta from Manila via KL and from there took a 15 hour but to Yogyakarta. From here is was another 12 hour bus to Probelingo for Mt Bromo before a 5 hour train over to Banyuwangi/ Ketapang.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

From here it should be simple but as it is a common route for backpackers there are many scams and price gouging tricks to look out for. Firstly the terry terminal is a good few KM from the town and you will likely be overcharged to get there, you can also make your way to the bus station and take a bus headed for Dempasar which will include the ferry fee but again the bus station is a little out of the town.

The ferry itself is very quick and cheap costing only 7,500 Rupiah (£0.42 / $0.55) and taking around 30 mins to get to Gilimanuk, they run every 15 mins all day.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

The ferry is the easy part, both getting to the bus station/ ferry port on the Java side is a pain but you will usually not be too badly done by on price. However once you get to Gilimanuk you are quite a distance away from the main areas of Bali and this journey can be fraught with issues. We have had friends tell us of how their “cheap” bus stopped and demanded they paid extra (quite a lot extra) to continue or they would be kicked out at the side of the road! The journey to Dempasar from Gilimanuk is around 5 hours!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

It is entirely possible to get a non air conditioned bus for as little as around 30,000 Rp and then there are companies charging much much more for a large coaches usually for tourists. We ended up somewhere in the middle with the guy at the homestay selling us a ticket all the way, including the ferry, for 90,000 Rp (£5.00 / $6.63) each. We most definitely got overcharged but we also didn’t have any issues and were able to just stay on the same bus.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

Most buses will only take you to Dempasar or Mengwi and so you will have to take a further bus or Grab/ Uber up to places like Ubud, Kuta etc.

Our advice would be to get a bus that takes you all the way through as these seem to be the most trust worthy compared to the buses from Gilimanuk itself. Expect to pay between 30-100,000 Rp (£1.67 – £5.56 / $2.20 – $7.36) depending on your negotiation skills, the standard of bus and how accommodating they are feeling to foreigners!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

Our Favourite Backpacks

voyage bali lombok java

Osprey Farpoint/ Fairview

We’ve used the Osprey Farpoint / Fairview for all our backpacking adventures over the past 5 years and highly recommend them!

The main area of the pack opens like a suitcase, which is great for using packing cubes to keep everything organised and they even come with a detachable day pack!

Lombok is a great place to visit from Bali offering a different culture and less saturated with tourists. Getting from Bali to Lombok is pretty simple though of course the main issue is getting transport from say Kuta or Ubud over to the ferry ports and the same once you are on Lombok. There are various options to consider when making the trip from Bali to Lombok!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

There is a public ferry that leaves from Padang Bai and takes 4-5 hours from Bali to Lombok. This is by far the cheapest option however getting to the ferry station can be a pain with the public transport on Bali not being the best. A good option is to book the ticket in an office which includes a shuttle bus, some even provide one at the other end too. Expect to pay around Rp250,000 per person from Bali to Lombok for this option though we did manage to negotiate it for around 200,000 Rp each with a shuttle bus at both ends.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

Our Favourite Camera Bag

voyage bali lombok java

Wandrd PRVKE 21

We absolutely love the Wandrd Prvke ! 

It’s mega comfortable when when fully loaded. Has side access so you can grab your camera on the go. The material is weather resistant and there’s even a secret passport stash pocket!

There’s an expandable upper section with a roll top to keep gear separate from your camera.

From Lombok it is really easy to get over to the Gili Islands, there are three, Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan which go in that order away from Lombok. Each has its own characteristics and atmosphere from the tiny Gili Meno which is hardly developed at all to the larger party atmosphere of Gili T, all are well worth spending at least a day on and so the best route is to go from Lombok to Gili Air then Gili Meno, Gili T and finally to Bali from there!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

From Lombok you will want to get down to Senggigi where it is easy to book a boat, you can also do it from the ferry terminal however it is best to book the day before and transport is an issue on Lombok. Most bookings from here include a pick up and drop off at the harbour. Once you are on the Gili islands everything is within walking distance!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

Gili Air is very close by to Lombok and there are two boats that go over, the fast and the slow boat. The slow boat itself only takes around 20 mins and is a little traditional craft usually full of locals which in itself is a cool experience. You will have to wait for the boat to fill and usually these will do a loop stopping at each island, so to Gili T the journey might be over an hour.  The prices are: 8,000 (Gili Air), 9,000 (Gili Meno) and 10,000 (Gili Trawangan).

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

Travelling between each island on the slow public ferries is also very easy, with services running several times a day, crossing times of around 20 mins and low prices! With these boats is is usually ok to just turn up in the morning and buy a ticket, though getting from Gili Meno to Gili T is more than you might expect at around 35,000 each.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

From the biggest island of Gili Trawangan it is easy to get back to Bali and the most convenient. As always there are many different options available with the main choice being whether you go with the slow or the fast boat!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

There are many different companies that run each and the easiest way is to just book from one of the vendors in the shacks along the front. If you book something else like a tour etc. from the same place then you will be able to negotiate a small discount, but generally all the prices on the island are very similar.

The slow boat takes around 4-5 hours and they run around the clock. However be prepared to set off at hour after you should as they are not the best organised service!! They are a little more roomy than the fast boat but still pretty basic and can get quite stuffy in the heat. Expect to pay around 125,000 including shuttle bus once in Bali

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

The fast boats take around 2.5 hours and can be quite bumpy and some companies have bad safety records. Prices vary more depending on the company you go with. Expect to pay around 250,000 which should include a shuttle back to Kuta and Ubud, other areas on Bali might cost a little more.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

It is also quite easy to take these ferries in the opposite direction from Bali over to Gili Trawangan including shuttle bus.

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

When you arrive at the port in Bali you will be greeted with chaos, shouting, touts and scammers. You should have your shuttle bus pre booked if you can because otherwise it’s going to be a nightmare. Sure, this will cost you a little more but transport on Bali itself isn’t great and can be overpriced. Be sure to ignore all the people on the port telling you buses are full or that they work for the company and instead take you to a taxi. Make your way over to the car park at the end of the pier and find someone who actually works for your ferry company and/ or their mini bus. I saw lots of naive backpackers being told it was another 4 hours to Kuta or that the buses were full and they would take them instead!

How to get to the paradise islands of Java, Bali, Lombok and the Gilis in Indonesia, Gili Air, Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan, ferry, slow boat, fast boat, time, price, cost, safety, Bali to Lombok ferry, bus, scams, taxi, shuttle bus, backpackers, backpacking, Indonesia, cheap, low cost, adventure, Yogyakarta, Bromo, Ijen, tour, speed boat,

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Nic Hilditch-Short

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Hey! I’m Nic, one-half of The Roaming Renegades.

I have a passion for travel, photography, heavy metal music (particularly Rammstein), Arsenal FC, gaming, mountaineering and pugs (Dooku RIP & Billy)

I have a BA in Fine Art and an MA in Design & Art Direction before I started galavanting around the globe! So far, I’ve been to 68 countries in 5 continents.

I’ve spent 2 years travelling around Southeast Asia including travelling the length of Vietnam twice on a motorbike, visiting off the beaten track locations such as Myanmar and Brunei and seeking out adventure opportunities along the way like canyoning, climbing and mountain hiking.

I’ve also spent 6 months exploring Eastern Europe, again visiting more unusual places such as Moldova, Kosovo, Ukraine and the breakaway state of Transnistria. I’ve visited all but 3 countries in Europe whilst both backpacking and using the UK as a base to explore Western Europe.

I have also lived in Australia and New Zealand for a total of over 3 years whilst doing Working Holiday Visas. I called Melbourne and Christchurch home during this period and explored both countries extensively whilst using these as bases.

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why didn’t you take train to go across Java? I found it more comfortable than bus.

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Because it was over Eid when we were travelling and it was booked solid for weeks! The bus was a nightmare because the roads were even busier due to everyone travelling for Eid! We only managed the train between Bromo and Ijen which was still busy but it wasn’t a train you could pre book so we got on!

5 Days East Java Itinerary (Visit Java from Bali)

Volcano at sunrise with turquoise water

People come to Bali in masses seeking enlightenment and witness everything the island of the gods has to offer. However, being only a 40 minutes ferry ride from Bali, Java is a place like no others. From walking alongside the rim of Mount Bromo’s crater to exploring the countless waterfalls, make sure to experience its grandiose landscapes. This 5 days East Java itinerary will guide you through the main highlights you have to see.

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east java itinerary - malang, bromo, ijen

East Java is so easily accessible from the North of Bali. It could be the perfect week-long adventurous getaway from your Bali vacation. The planning is only a suggestion. We actually did this itinerary in 7 days as we like to travel slowly and take our time!

Day 1 – Ferry/train + Rainbow city & Blue city

Day 2 – mount bromo, day 3 – tumpak sewu waterfall + kuneer hill plantation, day 4 – train back to banyuwangi, day 5 – blue fire at mount ijen.

Firstly, The ferry from Bali to Java leaves from Gilimanuk and arrives in Banyuwangi. It operates 24 hours a day every day of the week and sails every 20 minutes for the cost of 6,500 Indonesian Rupiah (IRP) which equals to 0,45 USD.

Once in Banyuwangi, the train station is only a couple of minute’s walk – station Banyuwangi Baru (BW). The train to Malang costs 62,000 IRP (4,30 USD) and leaves once a day at 5:00 a.m. every day of the week. It arrives in Malang (ML) at 12:35 p.m., giving you the rest of the day to visit the Rainbow Village!

jodipan rainbow village drone shot sun river

Jodipan village & Arema village

Jodipan’s Village (Rainbow Village) and Arema (Blue Village) are both walking distance from the train station. For a small entrance fee, you can spend hours walking around the colorful alleys. They are separated by a bridge, and very hard to miss!

Up until quite recently, the Jodipan’s village used to be considered a slum on the verge of collapse. The place seemed to be beyond savings when a group of students decided to change things around. They came up with the incredible idea of coloring the entire city in different colors. The students partnered up with a paint distributor and with the help of the army and a couple of local artists, gave a fresh coat of paint to the entire area.

Guy standing next to kid in Jodipan village Malang

The walls of the villages now adorn creative murals, where colorful animals meet Disney characters. You can spend hours getting lost in the narrow alleys and socializing with the locals, who all seem genuinely happy to see support from tourists.

All in all, this initiative has completely changed the village’s image and quality of life. The incredible changes Jodipan has seen is a reason on its own to go visit the place and encourage them.

Sunrise from King Kong Hill

Mount Bromo is definitely a sight to see when visiting the island of Java. The way to get to the mountain itself may be long and uncomfortable, but it’ll all be worth it. We suggest you keep a full day for the Bromo Sunrise Tour as you will start at 1:00 a.m and finish at around 12:00 p.m. You deserve a nap after that!

The guided tour to get to the mountain begins late at night. It allows enough time to arrive at the right spot in order to see the magnificent sunrise that awaits.

The starry night sky slowly becomes filled with orange light. The clouds retreat from the mountains, presenting you one of the most beautiful sunrises of your life.

east java mount bromo at sunrise

Walk around the edge of the crater

You will then drive to the base of Mount Bromo where you can climb the stairs all the way to the top, giving you a once-in-a-lifetime look into a smoking volcano crater.

You can also walk around the rim if you’re feeling bold! The view from the top is very impressive, and the desert surrounding it seems otherworldly.

walk on the edge of mount bromo's crater

Tumpak Sewu

Tumpak Sewu is also known as the Niagara Falls of Indonesia! You will first head to the viewpoint where you are greeted with the most spectacular waterfall view of your life. The Semeru volcano is guarding over the falls while a rainbow appears out of this gigantic wall of water.

Getting to the base of the waterfalls isn’t the easiest task, but the trekking itself is extremely beautiful. You will climb down a massive mountainside full of vegetation and smaller waterfalls. Once at the bottom of the mountain, you are immediately met with a Jurassic park like biome.

east java itinerary - tumpak sewu

The feeling of walking to the base of this waterfall with water raining on you is one that every traveler should feel at least once. We even included it in our Top 10 Travel Bucketlist. There are other waterfalls and natural pools on the way back up and the path is a totally new and exciting adventure. We think it’s a must to add on any East Java itinerary!

Kuneer Hill tea plantation

The next stop is the tea plantation of Kuneer Hill! It is located fully on the other side of Malang and the drive is about 4 hours (don’t listen to Google Maps). We did both on the same day but were short on time. If you have time, it might be better to go the next day.

You can literally spend hours getting lost and taking in the panoramic view of the plantation. We decided to walk to the top of the hill, but you can also buy a ticket where they drive you up there.

east java itinerary kuneer hill

The best way to get to these places is probably to rent a taxi for the day. You could rent a scooter but the road was pretty steep on the way to Tumpak Sewu, and it takes about 3 hours to get there from Malang. We had an awesome experience with our friend Azhar ! Contact him by WhatsApp at (+62 813-3604-2045).

The train back to Banyuwangi only leaves once a day, at 4:00 p.m. and arrives at 11:50 p.m. You can enjoy one last morning in Malang to take it easy and walk around. Head to the Blue Village if you didn’t get the chance to visit it yet.

Once you get to Banyuwangi, make sure your hotel knows you are coming on the train. They can usually arrange for pickup, as it is pretty late at night. After your arrival, you can either, go straight to climb Mount Ijen which starts at 1:00 am. (if you’re short in time). However, you can also take a full day of rest and do it the next day. You should modify this East Java Itinerary to your schedule, and spend more time if you can!

The ‘Blue Fire’ of mount Ijen is a rare sight and the fact you are exploring this alien-like terrain at night makes it even more special. You will need to be dressed warmly and equipped with a gas mask for the sulphuric gas.

kawah ijen banyuwangi drone shot

After 1.5 to 2 hours of trekking up, you will start descending in the crater where the hike is steeper, and the air heavier. If you’re lucky and all the conditions are right you will be able to see the blue flame. Not everyone gets to see it, and your guide won’t be able to guarantee you will. We got lucky when we went, as they told us they didn’t see it the day before.

The miners you meet along the way trek the same mountain as you every day, sometimes twice a day to extract and carry the sulfur. They each bring back about 88 pounds of sulfur on every trip. They are doing such hard-work and the compensation they receive for it is not even close to cover for their work. It is common to stop by, talk to them, and give them a few dollars or a chocolate bar. They will be happy to rest for a couple of minutes and take a picture with you. That will make their day better, and in return your day as well.

Sunrise at Kawah Ijen Crater

During the hike back up the crater and while the sun is rising, you’ll see the turquoise sulphuric lake, clashing on the yellowish sulfur mountain surrounded by thick white smoke. The views are simply out of this world. We hope that one day the locals could stop doing this inhumane work and people will come to Kawah Ljen for the views only.

east java itinerary - kawah ijen lake

The Ijen tour ends at around 11:00 am, ending this East Java itinerary perfectly. You’ll make in time to take the train back to station Banyuwangi Baru (BW) and hop on a ferry back to Bali.

We hope this East Java Itinerary will be useful to you. This Island has so many destinations that are still not flooded with tourists. Being around 8 times bigger than the island of Bali, there is so much to see and you might end up spending much more than a week discovering the area!

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east java - mount ijen sulfur

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Heavenly Java is a local travel agency based on Java Island, Indonesia. In 2015, we made the decision to explore the beauty of our country, from Java, Bali, Lombok, Celebes, Flores, to Raja Ampat. Indonesia is a country full of contrasts. Our exploration also introduced us to incredible and warm local people. We shared our knowledge of tourism and began working with them to support the local economy. Now, we are ready to bring our guests to experience the same adventure in our wonderful Indonesia. We offer personalised private tours by providing travel itineraries, guides, transportation, and accommodation. We carefully select everything to ensure that our guests' needs and desires are met during their holiday in Indonesia. Not sure where to start? We always happy to help you!

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A la frontière de deux plaques tectoniques, l’Indonésie est un vaste archipel comptant près de cinq cents volcans dont certains restent parmi les plus actifs et les plus esthétiques de la planète. Cette aventure unique, avec l’ascension de sept d’entre eux, vous conduit successivement sur les îles de Java, de Bali et de Lombok. Une découverte sportive de l'Indonésie depuis le "siège des Dieux"... une expérience unique ! Réservé aux randonneurs averties et aux passionnés de volcans, ce programme exceptionnel est complété par les sites culturels incontournables de Java et les plages paradisiaques de Bali ou Lombok.

Vous aimerez

  • L'ascension des 7 volcans les plus esthétiques d'Indonésie, du Merapi au Rinjani
  • La traversée de Java, Bali et Lombok, trois îles indonésiennes contrastées
  • Un soin tout particulier sur la qualité de la logistique en trek
  • La découverte des temples majeurs : Borobudur, Prambanan, Besakih...
  • Repos sur quelques unes des plus belles plages en milieu et fin de voyage

Les + Tirawa

  • Un voyage tout compris : pension complète, entrées de sites

Itinéraire du voyage Volcans d'Indonésie (Java - Bali - Lombok) - Indonésie - Tirawa

Ascension des volcans d'Indonésie : Merapi, Semeru, Bromo, Kawah Ijen, Mont Batur et Agung, Rinjani

Votre voyage

Excellente condition physique indispensable pour la montée à 4 volcans majeurs : 12 jours de marche avec des dénivelés parfois importants (jusqu’à +1900 m et -2000 m). De nombreuses ascensions de nuit. Pentes raides et terrain volcanique. Quelques passages dans des pierriers.

Itinéraire jour par jour

Vol au départ de Paris

Masque à Jogja, Java - Indonésie

Denpasar (Bali), vol > Yogyakarta (Java)

Accueil à l’aéroport et vol intérieur pour rejoindre la ville de Yogyakarta , située au centre de l'île de Java. Surnommée "Jogja", cette cité historique est le creuset de la culture javanaise , cœur du patrimoine artistique et intellectuel de l'île et d'une grande partie de l'archipel. Accueil par votre guide et installation dans notre hôtel pour deux nuits.

  • Dans le cas d'une arrivée tardive du vol international, nous logeons à Bali à proximité de l'aéroport. Le vol domestique à destination de Yogyakarta ne s'effectue alors que le J3 matin. Ce changement n'ampute en rien les visites prévues sur Yogyakarta et les environs.
  • Selon les dates de départ, l'arrivée du vol international peut se faire sur Jakarta avec une nuit dans un hôtel à proximité de l'aéroport et un vol domestique à destination de Yogyakarta le J3 matin.
  • Selon l'horaire d'arrivée du vol, le dîner sera pris soit dans l’avion, soit au restaurant.
  • Hébergement : Hôtel
  • Repas : Dîner

Yogyakarta, Indonésie

Yogyakarta > temple de Prambanan

La matinée est consacrée à la  visite de la capitale culturelle de Java.  Nous partons à la découverte du  palais du Sultan (Kraton)  et, dans les ruelles alentour, des  ateliers de marionnettes et de batiks , avant de poursuivre vers le  Jardin des Plaisirs (Taman Sari) , ancien palais de détente et de méditation des sultans. Nous achevons notre visite de la vieille ville par un passage au  fameux marché aux oiseaux , bruissant du chant de tous les volatiles de l'archipel (perruches, loriots, tourterelles...) ! Après le déjeuner dans un restaurant du centre-ville, nous mettons le cap pour les environs du complexe de  temples hindouistes de Prambanan ,   inscrit au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. Avant d'entamer la visite de ce site culturel majeur, nous partons pour une  balade  depuis le petit temple de Candi Barong  à travers forêt, villages traditionnels javanais et rizières . En fin d'après-midi, nous partons découvrir ce chef d'oeuvre cuturel.  Témoignage exceptionnel de la période hindoue à Java , Prambanan fut édifié au IXe siècle, environ 50 ans après Borobudur (que nous visitons demain). L’enceinte extérieure abrite les  vestiges de 244 temples  du groupe d’origine. Huit temples majeurs et huit temples mineurs se dressent dans la plus haute cour centrale dont le somptueux temple de 47 mètres dédié à Shiva. Le séisme de 2006 n’a pas épargné le site mais l’ensemble reste particulièrement impressionnant à visiter ! Cette belle journée s'achève par une  représentation de théâtre d'ombres  (ou  wayang kulit ), un  spectacle populaire de marionnettes traditionnelles  reprenant les histoires et les légendes de Java... Ce sont des  figurines plates de cuir maintenues par des tiges  et manipulées par un marionnettiste, le tout placé derrière un drap et apparaissant en ombre chinoise. Accompagné de  percussions et d’une flûte , il donne aussi sa voix aux personnages. Après un dîner sur place, retour à notre hôtel de Yogyakarta en soirée.

  • Repas : Petit-Déjeuner, Déjeuner, Dîner
  • Marche : 1h
  • Transport : 2h

Ecolières en chemin , sur le hauteurs de Borobudur, Java - Indonésie

Marche > temples de Borobudur et Mendut, Babadan (flancs du Mont Merapi)

Les alentours étant de toute beauté, c’est  à pied,   entre rizières et volcans,  depuis les collines du Mont Suroloyo (900 m), que nous atteindrons le  sanctuaire de Borobudur  ! Le panorama nous offre un angle élargi et nous permet d’observer, par temps clair,  quatre volcans  : les  Monts Sumbing ,  Sundoro ,  Merbabu  et  Merapi . Descente en direction du temple, que nous avons en ligne de mire tout au long de la randonnée. Rizières et plantations (clous de girofle, café, légumes...) dominent le paysage. La traversée de  plusieurs villages traditionnels  nous permet de chaleureuses rencontres. Nous prenons le  déjeuner chez l'habitant , l'occasion aussi de  s'initier aux   techniques du gamelan  (orchestre local). Dans l'après-midi, nous entamons la  visite de Borobudur ,  joyau de l'art bouddhique,  niché dans un écrin de volcans et de rizières, classé à l'Unesco. Oublié pendant des siècles et recouvert par des couches de cendres volcaniques, ce n’est qu’en 1815 que le site fut déblayé. Les archéologues découvrirent alors ce fabuleux temple édifié au VIIIe siècle. Vue du ciel, la structure ressemble à un immense mandala de 118 mètres de côté. De  Borobudur , nous poursuivons vers le  petit temple de Mendut , abritant un  magnifique bouddha  de trois mètres de haut. Après cette ultime visite, trajet en minibus pour atteindre les flancs sud-ouest du volcan Merapi (3142 m). Au village de Babadan, découverte de l’ observatoire volcanologique avant de rejoindre nos hôtes pour la nuit. 

  • Hébergement : Nuit chez l'habitant
  • Marche : 3h
  • Dénivelé 300 m
  • Transport : 3h

Montée au volcan Merapi, Java - Indonésie

Ascension > volcan Merapi (2911 m), Selo > Tawangmangu

Depuis l'observatoire de Babadan, départ avant l’aube pour l’ascension du volcan Merapi. Dominant la ville de Jogja (avec ses 500 000 habitants), ce gigantesque cône extrêmement surveillé par les scientifiques, est l’un des volcans les plus actifs au monde. Quatre postes d’observation sont réparties sur ses flancs pour mesurer son activité et prévenir rapidement les populations alentour d’un éventuel danger. En gage de respect envers cette montagne apportant fertilité à la terre et menace sur les environs, une procession annuelle avec des offrandes est organisée. Sur un sentier bien marqué , début de la montée à travers les plantations de piments, tomates, carottes et patates douces... A mi-parcours, nous devons franchir une immense tranchée (vestige d’une coulée de lave récente ) qui nous barre le chemin... il faut parfois s’aider des mains ! Traversée d'une forêt de pins avant de poursuivre sur une portion raide jusqu'au plateau de Pasar Bubar à 2600 m d'altitude. Dernier effort dans un pierrier de roches volcaniques et de cendres nous menant jusqu'au sommet. La récompense est là ! Très belle vue sur les volcans alentour de Java , l’océan Indien et la ville de Yogyakarta. Selon l'activité volcanique du moment, présence possible de nombreuses fumerolles. Nous empruntons la voie classique pour la descente par le versant nord du volcan, jusqu'au village de Selo et route pour Tawangmangu , perché sur les flancs du Mont Lawu (3265 m).

  • Hébergement : Lodge
  • Marche : 8h
  • Dénivelé 1600 m 1300 m

Temple de Sukuh, Java - Indonésie

Temple de Sukuh > Tawangmangu > Tumpang

Nous rejoignons ce matin le fascinant temple hindouiste de Sukuh (900 m) érigé au XVe siècle et perché sur les flancs ouest du Mont Lawu (3265 m). Plusieurs sculptures et bas-reliefs très explicites lui ont valu son surnom de "temple érotique" ! Ce sanctuaire était sans aucun doute consacré à un culte de la fertilité . Après sa visite, nous poursuivons par une belle marche au coeur d'une campagne très bucolique sur les hauteurs de Tawangmangu. Dans un paysage de collines , nous profitons de très belles vues sur ces patchworks de plantations étonnamment ordonnées : haricots, carottes, choux, piments, oignons... C'est aussi l'occasion de plusieurs rencontres tout sourire avec ces paysans javanais... De là, nous quittons la région de Java Centre pour rejoindre celle de Java Est. Long trajet jusqu'à la bourgade de Tumpang , près de la ville de Malang.

Selon les disponibilités hôtelières, nuit possible sur Malang.

  • Marche : 2h
  • Dénivelé 200 m 400 m
  • Transport : 8h

Plantations vers les volcans Bromo et Semeru, Java - Indonésie

Tumpang > Ranupani (2200 m), trek > Kalimati (2700 m), camp de base du Semeru

Départ matinal en 4x4 en empruntant une piste parfois raide et chaotique, nous remontons les contreforts ouest du complexe volcanique Tengger-Bromo-Semeru . Nous découvrons en chemin de superbes plantations sur des terrains fertiles particulièrement pentus, avant de longer la crête sud de l'immense caldeira du Tengger (16 km de diamètre et contenant 5 volcans). Arrivée au village de Ranupani (2200 m d’altitude), dernière localité habitée sur les contreforts du volcan Semeru (3676 m). L'ascension du point culminant de Java se déroule sur deux jours. En éruption quasi permanente depuis 1818, c’est l’un des volcans les plus actifs de l’île, avec la particularité de produire une petite éruption toutes les 30 minutes environ . Rencontre avec notre guide local ainsi que l’équipe de porteurs qui nous accompagnent pour ces deux prochains jours. L'étape du jour, tout en longueur, avec un dénivelé modéré, est la marche d'approche jusqu'au camp de base du volcan . Le sentier parcourt collines et forêts denses (filaos, fougères arborescentes...) avant d’atteindre le joli lac de Ranu Kumbolo , à 2400 m d'altitude. Dans l’après-midi, après avoir traversée une grande savane herbeuse, nous poursuivons notre montée progressive à travers la forêt jusqu’au plateau de Kalimati, situé à 2700 m d'altitude. Installation des tentes au camp de base, dominé par le cône majestueux du Semeru . Coucher tôt pour tout le monde car demain une grosse journée nous attend avec un départ nocturne…

  • Hébergement : Camp
  • Marche : 6h/7h
  • Dénivelé 870 m 330 m

Lever de soleil au sommet du Semeru, Java - Indonésie

Ascension a/r > volcan Semeru (3676 m), trek > Ranupani (2200 m)

Dans la nuit (vers 2h du matin), à la lueur de nos lampes frontales, nous débutons notre lente ascension sur les pentes raides du cône terminal du Semeru , par le versant nord. Traversée d'une forêt dense jusqu'à 3050 m d'altitude et poursuite de notre montée, plus raide à présent, sur un terrain poussiéreux de cendre et de scories volcaniques rendant l’ascension jusqu'au sommet relativement éprouvante ! Notre effort est récompensé par un lever du soleil inoubliable depuis le siège des Dieux. Par temps clair, la vue panoramique est exceptionnelle sur le volcan Arjuno au loin, sur la caldeira du Tengger d'où émerge les volcans Bromo et Batok ... Depuis la crête dominant le cratère situé en contrebas, et en restant suffisamment à distance, nous sommes aux premières loges d’un spectacle naturel exceptionnel et rare ; des explosions régulières libèrent des panaches de cendres et de poussières . Un moment fort du voyage... Retour jusqu'à notre camp de base de Kalimati pour se reposer et prendre un bon petit-déjeuner, avant de rejoindre la bourgade de Ranupani par le même chemin que la veille. 

  • Marche : 9h
  • Dénivelé 1300 m 1850 m

Dans la caldeira du Tengger, Java - Indonésie

Ranupani > caldeira du Tengger, marche a/r > Mont Bromo (2329 m)

Départ en 4x4 vers le célèbre Mont Bromo (2329 m) et ses paysages lunaires à couper le souffle... Nous repassons dans la forêt du Parc national du Tengger-Bromo-Semeru avant de descendre au cœur de l'immense caldeira. Traversée de cette gigantesque mer de sable pour rejoindre la base du volcan Bromo . Nous partons alors pour l'ascension du Mont Bromo (sans aucune difficulté) après avoir grimpé quelques 250 marches d'escaliers. Balade sur le bord du cratère offrant une vue plongeante sur ses entrailles sulfureuses et fumantes... C'est le volcan le plus vénéré des Tengger , un peuple hindouiste ayant trouvé refuge dans ce massif pour fuir au XVIe siècle la vague d'islamisation de Java. Ceux-ci viennent parfois jeter leurs offrandes de légumes, de fleurs, de riz ou même de chèvres et de coqs... lors de cérémonies religieuses importantes. Dans l'après-midi, installation dans notre hôtel simple situé dans le village de Cemorolawang . L'avantage est son emplacement offrant une très belle vue plongeante sur la caldeira.

  • Dénivelé 250 m 250 m

Volcans Bromo et Semeru depuis Penanjakan, Java - Indonésie

Mont Penanjakan (2775 m) > Ketapang (volcan Kawah Ijen)

Avant l’aube, nous rejoignons en 4x4 le sommet du volcan Penanjakan (2775 m), pour un point de vue extraordinaire au lever du soleil sur toute la caldeira parcourue la veille. Ambiance de création du monde, lorsque le bleu-gris de la nuit prend des teintes rose-orangé au fur et à mesure que le jour se lève. Le spectacle de l'aube devient alors tout à fait exceptionnel ! Le Bromo s'illumine , avec en arrière-plan le Semeru (3676 m) crachant ses cendres à intervalles réguliers. Après ce lever du jour mémorable, cap vers l'extrême est de Java jusqu'à Ketapang , aux abords du volcan Kawah Ijen . En chemin, découverte de bateaux traditionnels madurais.

  • Transport : 6h

Lac de cratère du Kawah Ijen, Java - Indonésie

Marche a/r > Kawah Ijen (2148 m), bateau > Ile de Bali : Pemuteran (bord de mer)

Lever matinal pour prendre la direction du poste de Paltuding (1780 m), point de départ de l’ ascension du Kawah Ijen ou "cratère vert" en indonésien. Après une montée régulière à travers la forêt, nous atteignons le bord du cratère offrant une belle vue sur le plus grand lac d’acide au monde , composé de nombreuses fumerolles et dépôts de soufre . Descente (facultative) dans ce chaudron jusqu'au bord du lac couleur vert laiteux, où travaillent de véritables forçats du soufre. A l'aide de barres à mine, ils extraient le précieux minerai avant de transporter à dos d’homme des charges énormes (80 à 100 kg), à l’aide de paniers équilibrés sur leurs épaules. Descente par le même sentier où l'on croise ces hommes faisant la navette entre le cratère et le poste de pesage en contrebas. L'activité du Kawah Ijen est généralement caractérisée par des éruptions phréatiques ; bouillonnement des eaux du lac provoqué par l'augmentation de l'activité gazeuse et qui induit le changement de couleur des eaux. Nous quittons Java pour rejoindre Pemuteran, sur l'île de Bali , après une traversée en ferry (1 à 2h). Nous débutons alors la deuxième partie de ce voyage indonésien, au rythme de la douceur balinaise ...

  • Hébergement : Hôtel en bord de mer
  • Marche : 4h
  • Dénivelé 500 m 500 m
  • Transport : 4h/5h

Lors de cérémonies religieuses à Bali - Indonésie

Pemuteran (repos, baignade, snorkeling...) > Munduk

Matinée libre pour se reposer et profiter des très belles plages de Pemuteran . Cet ancien village de pêcheurs est aujourd'hui une  petite station balnéaire  située sur la côte nord-ouest de Bali, loin de la frénésie touristique du sud de l'île. Dans l'après-midi, nous partons pour Munduk, village d'altitude situé à 800 m d'altitude. Les anciens colons hollandais aimaient y venir en villégiature, depuis l'ancienne capitale coloniale de Singaraja, sur la côte nord.

Pour ceux qui le souhaitent, possibilité de snorkeling ou de plongée dans la féerie d’un aquarium polychrome, autour du récif corallien de l’île de Menjangan (activités optionnelles à réserver et à payer sur place).

  • Hébergement : Losmen
  • Transport : 1h30

Rizières de Munduk, Bali - Indonésie

Marche et bateau > lac Tamblingan, temple Ulun Danu Bratan > Ubud

Depuis le centre de Munduk , descente en contrebas du village pour découvrir une nature luxuriante ; traversée de différentes cultures : piments, café, girofle, vanille, cacao... Remontée à travers de superbes rizières en terrasses . La vue est magnifique ; par temps clair on aperçoit facilement la côte est de Java. Cette randonnée  permet une immersion dans la vie agricole balinaise, en longeant quelques belles forêts de l’île. Montée jusqu’à un plateau et traversée de cultures de mandariniers, hortensia, œillets d’Inde (fleurs utilisées pour les offrandes balinaises)… Arrivée au-dessus du lac volcanique de Tamblingan que nous traversons en canot traditionnel . Dans l’après-midi, après un court trajet, visite du temple hindo-bouddhiste d'Ulun Danu Bratan qui se reflète avec élégance sur les eaux miroitantes du lac Bratan . Avec son immense banian à l'entrée et ses jolis jardins, le lieu est enchanteur… Principalement dédié à la trinité hindouiste (Brahma, Visnu et Shiva), on trouve aussi dans l’enceinte du temple un stupa bouddhiste. Continuation vers la petite ville d'Ubud, capitale culturelle de Bali. Ce grand village, qui a su préserver son charme, se trouve au milieu des rizières. Découverte de l'ancien palais royal (Puri Saren Agung) et passage par le marché avant de rejoindre notre hôtel en fin d'après-midi.

  • Dénivelé 500 m 100 m

Centre-ville de Ubud, Bali - Indonésie

Ubud > caldeira du Batur, ascension > volcan Mont Batur (1717 m)

Après la visite d'un musée de peintures , nous rejoignons le bord de la caldeira du volcan Batur : beau panorama sur le volcan gisant au milieu d’une immense caldeira de 13 km de diamètre et au pied duquel s’étale le lac du même nom. Observation des coulées de lave basaltique des éruptions de 1917 et 1926. Descente dans la caldeira et installation dans notre losmen situé proche du lac Batur. De ce lieu, nous débutons l’ ascension du Mont Batur culminant à 1717 m d’altitude pour atteindre d’abord le sommet du cratère le plus ancien : la vue est splendide ! Découverte du lac Batur , dominé par le Mont Abang et le Mont Agung , point culminant de Bali. Descente, avec vue sur les coulées de laves récentes, en contournant les cratères adjacents et passage à proximité du cratère le plus récent, toujours actif.

  • Hébergement : Losmen, situé au pied du volcan
  • Marche : 5h
  • Dénivelé 600 m 600 m
  • Transport : 1h

Temple de Besakih, Bali - Indonésie

Caldeira du Batur > temple de Besakih, trek > camp de base Mont Agung (2550 m)

Nous prenons ce matin la direction du temple de Besakih ; blotti au pied du volcan Agung , c’est un haut-lieu de spiritualité pour les hindouistes balinais. Conjuguant tous les superlatifs, ce temple est à la fois le plus grand, le plus ancien et le plus sacré de l’île… Après la visite du temple, en fonction de l'activité volcanique du moment, rencontre avec notre guide local ainsi que l’équipe de porteurs qui nous accompagnent pour cette  ascension du Mont Agung (3142 m). Le plus haut et le plus vénéré de Bali, ce volcan explosif domine pratiquement tout le sud et l'est de l'île de son imposante silhouette. L'ascension se déroule d'abord dans une forêt tropicale dense avec un sentier soutenu par endroits. Après 1200 m de dénivelé, nous installons notre campement légèrement au-dessus du couvert forestier , nous dominons l’immense caldeira du Batur. Le coucher de soleil sur la mer de nuages (souvent le cas en soirée), avec les volcans de Java qui émergent au loin , est inoubliable. Après le dîner préparé par l'équipe locale, coucher tôt pour tout le monde car demain une nouvelle grosse journée nous attend avec un départ nocturne...

Attention depuis 2018, l’ascension du volcan Agung est impossible suite à une série de plusieurs petites éruptions. Nous restons en veille constante sur l’activité volcanique et nous proposerons l’ascension du volcan en 2019 si cela est à nouveau autorisé par les autorités locales. Si l'ascension est toujours interdite, une randonnée de substitution sera proposée dans la région de Sidemen.

  • Marche : 4h/5h
  • Dénivelé 1200 m

Lever de soleil depuis le sommet du Mont Agung, Bali - Indonésie

Ascension > volcan Mont Agung (3142 m), Besakih > Candidasa (bord de mer)

Au petit matin (vers 4h) nous partons sur les pentes dénudées du Mont Agung pour l’ascension finale du cône sommital. A cette altitude, les vêtements chauds sont de rigueur... Après environ 1h30 de montée, nous atteignons le point culminant (3142 m) et non l’antécime. De ce véritable sommet, le lever de soleil est magnifique, la vue à 360° est fantastique ! A l’est, le volcan Rinjani dominant l'île de Lombok, à l’ouest, l’immense caldeira du Batur , et au loin l'île de Java . A ce spectacle unique, il faut ajouter l’ombre portée du volcan Agung qui semble s’étendre à l’infini... Par temps clair, nous profitons de ce spectacle grandiose pendant plus de 600 m de descente. De retour à notre campement, il ne nous reste plus qu’à profiter d’un bon petit déjeuner avant de démonter le camp et effectuer la longue descente jusqu'à Besakih. Nous prenons alors le cap pour la petite station balnéaire de Candidasa , sur la côte est de Bali. Temps libre pour se reposer à l'hôtel et profiter de sa piscine ou du bord de mer.

  • Marche : 7h
  • Dénivelé 600 m 1800 m

Côte vers Candidasa, Bali - Indonésie

Bateau > Ile de Lombok, port de Lembar > Senaru

Après avoir rejoint rapidement le port de Padangbai , nous embarquons à bord d'un ferry pour atteindre l'île de Lombok (traversée en 4h/5h environ), troisième et dernière étape de notre aventure indonésienne ! Débarquement au port de Lembar et départ le long de la côte nord-ouest de Lombok jusqu'à la bourgade de Senaru , situé à 700 m d'altitude. Depuis notre losmen, belle vue sur le volcan Rinjani (3726 m) d'un côté et sur l'océan de l'autre. En fin de journée, si le temps le permet, petite balade aller-retour vers les belles chutes d’eau de Sindang Gila.

  • Marche : 1h30

Magnifique caldeira du volcan Rinjani, Lombok - Indonésie

Volcan Rinjani : trek > Pelawangan I (2634 m) > lac Segara Anak (2100 m)

L'ascension du volcan Rinjani , point culminant de Lombok se déroule en trois jours, en partant depuis les contreforts nord du massif. Nous retrouvons ce matin notre guide local sasak ainsi qu'une équipe de porteurs pour les trois jours à venir. Comme pour pratiquement tous les volcans indonésiens, la première partie de l'ascension s’effectue à travers une forêt tropicale dense. Une lande d’altitude prend le relais avant de laisser place à un chaos de rochers volcaniques. Après de nombreuses heures de marche, arrivée à Pelawangan I (2634 mètres d'altitude) sur le rebord de l'immense caldeira (8 km de diamètre, parois de 500 m de haut), au fond de laquelle repose le lac Segara Anak . Descente raide jusqu'aux rives de ce lac, au fond de la caldeira où l'on installe le camp. Un cadre absolument magique !

En cas d’éruption du volcan Baru, qui gît au bord du lac de la caldeira, le camp sera installé sur la crête de la caldeira, et non au bord du lac.

  • Dénivelé 1900 m 500 m

Marche vers le camp Pelawangan II (2700 m), volcan Rinjani, Lombok - Indonésie

Volcan Rinjani : trek > Pelawangan II (2700 m)

Aujourd'hui, une courte étape permet de se reposer un peu avant la longue journée de demain ! Marche facile jusqu'à un petit plateau, Pelawangan II , situé à 2700 mètres d'altitude, juste à l'aplomb du sommet .

  • Marche : 3h30
  • Dénivelé 600 m

Montée au sommet du volcan Rinjani, Lombok - Indonésie

Ascension > volcan Rinjani (3 726 m), trek > Sembalunlawang (1140 m), Senggigi

Départ dans la nuit pour l’ ascension terminale du volcan Rinjani . Aux premières lueurs du jour, on aperçoit au loin la crête sommitale se déployant en arc de cercle au-dessus du camp de Pelawangan II. L'assaut final se déroule dans des pierriers pénibles menant au pic sommital. Par temps clair, la vue est grandiose sur les îles de Lombok, Bali et Sumbawa . A 1700 m en contrebas, la caldeira s'ouvre comme une bouche béante... Un spectacle de toute beauté. Par le même chemin, retour à notre campement de Pelawangan II. En début d'après-midi, descente par un nouveau sentier en direction du village de Sembalunlawang (1140 m d'altitude), situé sur les flancs est du massif. Nous quittons à présent les  pentes du Rinjani  et rejoignons la  station balnéaire de Senggigi , située sur la côte ouest. Installation pour deux nuits dans des bungalows faisant face à la mer. 

  • Hébergement : Bungalow en bord de mer
  • Marche : 9h/10h
  • Dénivelé 1000 m 2600 m
  • Transport : 2h30

Senggigi : journée libre (repos, baignade...)

Journée libre à Senggigi pour se reposer après ce trek et profiter des plages de sable fin ourlées de cocotiers , sur fond de falaise et de montagne. C'est au coucher du soleil que le cadre est fantastique ... Par temps clair, on aperçoit au loin le volcan Agung que l'on a grimpé il y a quelques jours lors de notre traversée de Bali...

Masque balinais

Senggigi, vol Lombok > Bali, vol de retour

Ce matin, nous quittons les plages de Senggigi pour rejoindre l'aéroport de Lombok. Vol intérieur à destination de Bali, avant le vol de retour sur Paris.

Selon les horaires du vol international retour, déjeuner sur place ou dans l'avion.

  • Repas : Petit-Déjeuner, Déjeuner

Arrivée à Paris

Arrivée à Paris en début de matinée.

Cet itinéraire est compatible avec une extension. Découvrez nos suggestions et complétez votre voyage ! Voir toutes les extensions

Les avis de nos voyageurs sur ce voyage   Lire notre charte des avis

100% de satisfaction client

Indonésie - Volcans d'Indonésie (Java - Bali - Lombok)

Jean Jacques B.

23 jours Départ du 3 septembre 2016

23 jours Départ du 8 juillet 2016

Jean Pierre S.

23 jours Départ du 6 septembre 2014

23 jours Départ du 2 août 2014

Françoise W.

Yves FINAS @.

Jean Daniel Alfred V.

23 jours Départ du 1 août 2013

Tous les avis de l' Indonésie  Lire notre charte des avis

Indonésie - Grand Tour d'Indonésie

24 jours Départ du 8 mai 2024

Bonjour, nous vous remercions de votre disponibilité au téléphone à votre retour. Nous avons bien noté que vous avez fait un beau voyage. Mais nous regrettons que les voyageurs du groupe n’aient pas pu dépasser leurs différences d’appréciation. Nous espérons néanmoins que vous conserverez de beaux souvenirs et restons à votre écoute pour vos projets de voyage. Bien à vous, l’équipe Tirawa.

Indonésie - Balade de Java à Bali

16 jours Départ du 4 mai 2024

Philippe G.

16 jours Départ du 8 octobre 2023

Christian M.

Véronique R.

24 jours Départ du 6 septembre 2023

Emmanuelle V.

Philippe B.

16 jours Départ du 18 septembre 2023

Bonjour, nous sommes ravis que vous ayez été enchantée par ce circuit, les paysages et notre guide, sur ce voyage unique de 24 jours permettant d’explorer plusieurs iles de l’archipel indonésien . Nous sommes surpris de votre observation à propos de la taille du bateau, car comme nous le spécifions bien dans la fiche technique du voyage, il est adapté à la taille du groupe. Vous étiez 5, donc il y avait 3 cabines doubles avec sanitaires à partager. Concernant le prix du voyage, cela fait l’objet de nombreux échanges entre vous et nous. Vous nous avez adressé plusieurs demandes de prix début 2023, pour votre vol, une chambre single et l’extension à Nusa Penida. Nous vous avons transmis nos propositions de prix, que vous avez acceptées en vous inscrivant mi-mars. Puis courant août, vous êtes revenue vers nous estimant que le prix était trop élevé. Après de nombreuses discussions infructueuses, nous avons décidé de faire un geste commercial exceptionnel en vous remboursant intégralement et sans frais l’extension à Nusa Penida, que vous avez (re)réservée de votre côté. A votre retour, vous êtes revenue vers nous, mécontente du prix de la single. Mais tous les prix étaient connus à l’avance, vous avez fait le choix de vous inscrire sur ce voyage, il n’y a pas de surprise, d’autant plus que nous sommes l’un des rares tours opérateurs à indiquer sur notre fiche le prix de la single (et non pas « sur demande »). Concernant l’incendie dans la région du Mont Bromo, nous avons été contraints – après fermeture du site par les autorités – de modifier l’itinéraire afin de permettre au groupe d’accéder à un autre côté du volcan. Nous avons de ce fait engagé des frais, dont nous vous avons apporté le détail. Le delta, entre les nouveaux frais, les prestations payées non remboursables et celles partiellement remboursables, est au final faible. En réagissant vite et en organisant une solution de remplacement, notre principal souci était de satisfaire nos voyageurs en leur offrant la possibilité d’accéder à une autre randonnée pour rejoindre un point de vue sur le cratère. La qualité Tirawa n’est pas de « laisser en plan » nos voyageurs, mais de tout de suite se mobiliser pour résoudre un aléa, malgré le décalage horaire et dont par ailleurs nous ne sommes pas responsables. Nous restons à votre écoute et espérons surtout que vous garderez de belles images de ce grand tour d’Indonésie. Bien à vous l’équipe, Tirawa.

Indonésie - Charmes Balinais

16 jours Départ du 12 septembre 2023

16 jours Départ du 14 août 2023

Indonésie - Voyage sur mesure

20 jours Départ du 22 juillet 2023

25 jours Départ du 15 juillet 2023

Indonésie - Raja Ampat, Archipel du Paradis

Geneviève P.

17 jours Départ du 18 décembre 2022

Bonjour, merci beaucoup de partager vos impressions à votre retour de voyage. Nous avons apporté des précisions sur les conditions de balades sur les sentiers, parfois un peu raides, et soulignant la nécessité d'être plus attentif lorsque les sentiers sont glissants. Pour la météo, nous sommes désolés qu'elle ait été capricieuse alors que le mois de décembre est habituellement une très bonne saison. Les fonds marins y sont exceptionnels, au moins aussi spectaculaires qu'aux Maldives ou dans les grands spots de snorkelling. Bien à vous, l'équipe Tirawa.

Ghislaine D.

Bonjour, nous sommes désolés que nous n’ayez pas apprécié cette croisière dans l’archipel des Raja Ampat, mais nous trouvons votre note très sévère. Comme vous le soulignez, l’itinéraire est bien décrit dans notre fiche technique, et rejoindre ce paradis du bout du monde se mérite, de la France à Bali, puis Sorong en Papouasie occidentale avant de rejoindre notre bateau. Malheureusement, cette année, la météo a été particulièrement capricieuse (phénomène La nina), alors qu’habituellement la saison en décembre est idéale. Pluie et vent ont apporté leur lot de désagréments, fonds marins brouillés, houle, sentiers détrempés… Contrairement à ce que vous décrivez, ce sont parmi les plus beaux fonds marins au monde, un endroit d’exception comme il n’en existe plus beaucoup pour le snorkeling. Concernant les passages délicats en randonnée, les pluies ont notamment rendu l’accès à la cascade plus glissant, d’autant qu’une partie est en dévers. Nous vous remercions d’avoir souligner ce point, qui nous permet de réinsister dans notre fiche technique sur la nécessité d’être plus attentif à chaque pas sur ces sentiers. Bien à vous, l’équipe Tirawa

Marie Thérèse L.

Indonésie - Croisière des Raja Ampat aux Moluques

21 jours Départ du 23 octobre 2022

Bonjour, nous sommes désolés que ce voyage ne vous ait pas entièrement apporté satisfaction et avons d'ores et déjà amélioré les points qui ont pu altérer l'appréciation de cette croisière des Raja Ampat aux Moluques. Nous espérons que vous garderez néanmoins de beaux souvenirs de ce voyage et restons à votre écoute. Bien à vous, l'équipe Tirawa

Bonjour, merci beaucoup de votre retour et nous nous réjouissons que vous ayez fait un beau voyage. Nous avons bien noté vos observations et notre équipe locale a déjà remplacé le matériel qui posait problème pour nos prochains départs. Bien entendu, les conditions de vie sur ce bateau (restauré mais traditionnel) entrainent une certaine promiscuité et nécessitent un peu d'adaptation. C'est l'occasion de rappeler qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une croisière luxueuse,  car le luxe réside dans la confidentialité des zones traversées, des iles visitées, totalement hors des sentiers battus. Merci encore de votre confiance, bien à vous, l'équipe Tirawa.

Indonésie - Croisière des Iles Oubliées, de Flores à Banda

Françoise S.

22 jours Départ du 1 octobre 2022

Françoise V.

Bonjour, nous vous remercions pour les détails apportés à votre appréciation du voyage et sommes très heureux que vous en reveniez enchanté. C'est un voyage rare et exceptionnel pour tout voyageur curieux et à l'âme d'explorateur. Bien à vous, l'équipe Tirawa.

Marie Thérèse J.

16 jours Départ du 17 septembre 2022

Philippe F.

20 jours Départ du 4 septembre 2022

Indonésie - Croisière de Komodo à Wakatobi

22 jours Départ du 5 octobre 2019

Dominique A.

22 jours Départ du 11 mai 2019

Catherine L.

21 jours Départ du 18 février 2019

Dominique C.

12 jours Départ du 23 janvier 2019

Jean Pierre W.

18 jours Départ du 25 novembre 2018

21 jours Départ du 20 octobre 2018

20 jours Départ du 10 septembre 2018

Jean Paul D.

22 jours Départ du 6 août 2018

Marie Céline G.

16 jours Départ du 7 juillet 2018

16 jours Départ du 19 mai 2018

20 jours Départ du 20 janvier 2018

Patricia C.

Marie Joelle V.

Marie Christine L.

20 jours Départ du 21 octobre 2017

16 jours Départ du 30 septembre 2017

Jean Pierre F.

Marcelle C.

Jean Michel F.

16 jours Départ du 2 septembre 2017

Isabelle G.

15 jours Départ du 2 août 2017

Emmanuelle D.

16 jours Départ du 29 juillet 2017

Indonésie - Bali, Balade sur l'Ile des Dieux

Concetta L.

14 jours Départ du 4 juin 2017

Patrice Olivier T.

23 jours Départ du 6 mai 2017

Laurence P.

20 jours Départ du 11 mars 2017

Jean Claude N.

Jean Marc P.

20 jours Départ du 16 janvier 2017

Nathalie B.

20 jours Départ du 14 novembre 2016

Françoise T.

20 jours Départ du 30 novembre 2016

Dominique L.

14 jours Départ du 9 octobre 2016

23 jours Départ du 1 octobre 2016

Micheline L.

20 jours Départ du 19 septembre 2016

16 jours Départ du 30 juillet 2016

Patricia R.

Françoise H.

Indonésie - Trek des Volcans, de Sulawesi aux Moluques

17 jours Départ du 4 mars 2016

Jean Marie B.

21 jours Départ du 1 mars 2016

Jean Pierre D.

Stéphane B.

Jean Louis F.

20 jours Départ du 14 novembre 2015

Danielle V.

18 jours Départ du 16 septembre 2015

16 jours Départ du 5 septembre 2015

Laurence V.

16 jours Départ du 1 août 2015

Dominique M.

Jean Marie H.

31 jours Départ du 11 juillet 2015


31 jours Départ du 25 avril 2015

9 jours Départ du 23 avril 2015

Elisabeth M.

20 jours Départ du 14 mars 2015

Indonésie - Bali, la Grande Traversée

16 jours Départ du 6 septembre 2014

Jean-François T.

16 jours Départ du 27 septembre 2014

Jean Michel C.

Indonésie - Immersion Toraja et Volcans de Sulawesi

Florence G.

20 jours Départ du 4 août 2014

Marie Odile F.

Christine M.

14 jours Départ du 3 août 2014

16 jours Départ du 2 août 2014

23 jours Départ du 6 juin 2014

Jean-Claude S.

16 jours Départ du 7 septembre 2013

Indonésie - Trésors de Sumatra

17 jours Départ du 19 juillet 2013

16 jours Départ du 28 septembre 2013

Jean Paul L.

Jean Marie P.

20 jours Départ du 9 septembre 2013

Nathalie C.

14 jours Départ du 4 août 2013

Christian C.

16 jours Départ du 27 avril 2013

Indonésie - De Bali à Lombok

Catherine B.

Voir plus d'avis Indonésie

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Trek des Volcans, de Sulawesi aux Moluques

à partir de 5 550 €

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Immersion Toraja et Volcans de Sulawesi

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Savoir faire et expertise

Des voyages élaborés sur le terrain

Indépendant et responsable

Un tour opérateur à taille humaine

Qualité au juste prix

Des prestations soignées

Petits groupes

Voyage enrichissant et convivial !

Guides experts

Vous êtes en bonne compagnie

Avis voyageurs

Des témoignages en toute confiance


Nos équipes vous accompagnent pour le choix d'un voyage et répondent à vos questions.

Nous joindre par téléphone

Vous pouvez nous joindre par téléphone aux horaires d'ouverture de nos agences .

Tirawa France

04 79 33 76 33

Tirawa Suisse

021 566 74 91

Signaler un avis

La plus grande partie du voyage dispose d’hébergements de catégorie supérieure à la norme locale (Hôtels, Guesthouses, Camps fixes). Nous les avons sélectionnés pour leurs cadres et leurs prestations de qualité. Bien entendu, nous n’excluons pas le fait de dormir ponctuellement chez l’habitant pour vivre une expérience forte et en adéquation avec l’état d’esprit d’un voyage.

Classification des conforts

Un voyage au bon rapport qualité / prix pour des hébergements simples. La plupart de nos trekkings se situent dans cette catégorie de confort. Notre valeur ajoutée : nous ne nous privons pas de recourir à des hébergements plus confortables, avant ou après un trek, soit pour bien se préparer, soit pour se reposer !

Des voyages tout confort et dont les hébergements participent indéniablement au caractère exclusif du périple. Généralement à taille humaine, ces hébergements sélectionnés pour leur cachet ou leur environnement remarquable assurent un service optimal dans une ambiance cosy et couleur locale. II ne s’agit pas d’hébergements de luxe mais d’une d’atmosphère unique et authentique.

Téléchargement de l'itinéraire

Merci d'inscrire vos coordonnées afin d'accéder à l'itinéraire de ce voyage.


voyage bali lombok java

I'm Felicia, founder of Heavenly Java, a trusted companion in crafting unforgettable travel experiences in Indonesia.

For some time now, we've had the pleasure of curating dream honeymoons for couples seeking romance and adventure amidst the stunning landscapes all over Indonesia.

After years of providing personalised honeymoon experiences under the Heavenly Java brand, we realised the growing demand for a dedicated platform tailored specifically for honeymooners. Thus, Voyage De Noces Bali was born.

At Voyage De Noces Bali, our mission remains the same: to provide couples with meticulously planned, romantic escapes that celebrate their love in the most enchanting destinations across Indonesia. From the breathtaking vistas of Bromo Volcano and Kawah Ijen to the cultural wonders of Java , Bali, Lombok, Flores and Raja Ampat we ensure that every moment of your honeymoon is filled with magic and memories. More about us here  

Felicia Travel Specialist


Embark on a journey to Lombok's pristine shores. Our tailor-made honeymoon experiences in Indonesia promise idyllic escapes


14 days - bali + cruise .

Book your dream Tailor-made honeymoon in Bali, Lombok, Flores, Java, Raja Ampat


Discovery the beauty of indonesia.

lombok, bali, honeymoon, voyage de noces bali

Island of Tranquility

Capture the breathtaking allure of Java's volcanic landscape, ideal for unforgettable honeymoons in Indonesia

Island of volcanoes 

Discover the enchanting beauty of Flores. Our tailor-made honeymoon experiences, create unforgettable memories

Jewel of the east 

Behold the untouched paradise of Raja Ampat, a haven for romance and adventure. Tailor-made honeymoon experiences Indonesia

Eastern Indonesia paradise

Experience the magic of Bali, where lush landscapes and vibrant culture converge to create an unforgettable honeymoon escape

Island of the gods 

Destinations, lombok , top picks , get tailor-made .

  • Croisières tout compris
  • Afrique & Océan Indien
  • Amérique Du Sud
  • Antarctique
  • Arctique Et Groenland
  • Australie & Nouvelle-Zélande
  • Canada & Nouvelle-Angleterre
  • Caraïbes & Amérique Centrale
  • Europe Du Nord & Îles Britanniques
  • Îles Galápagos
  • La Côte Ouest Américaine
  • Méditerranée
  • Polynésie Française & Pacifique
  • Transocéanique
  • Nouveaux Voyages Été 2025
  • New Voyages Winter 2025/26
  • Croisieres Combinées d'Exception
  • Vacances En Croisière
  • Réunions Venetian Society
  • Silver Cloud
  • Silver Dawn
  • Silver Endeavour
  • Silver Moon
  • Silver Muse
  • Silver Nova
  • Silver Origin
  • Silver Shadow
  • Silver Spirit
  • Silver Whisper
  • Silver Wind
  • Des Services Personnalisés
  • Suites de luxe
  • Gastronomie à Bord
  • Spa et Centre de Fitness
  • Land Programmes
  • Hôtels & Transferts
  • Expeditions
  • Tarifs et Offres
  • Économies supplémentaires

Croisières Asie

Brisbane à Singapore

Brisbane à Singapore

  • Garantie du meilleur prix
  • Assistance de la réservation au départ
  • Paiement sécurisé
  • Annulation flexible

Le luxe du choix

Nous tenons compte des préférences de voyage de tous et nous sommes ravis d’offrir à nos voyageurs le luxe du choix pour sélectionner le meilleur tarif.

Prix valables jusqu'au 31 août 2024 mais peuvent augmenter à partir du 1 septembre 2024 sous réserve de disponibilité.

SEGMENT DU TOUR DU MONDE  - Un voyage captivant de 19 jours à travers cultures et continents. Au départ du littoral subtropical de Brisbane, vous passerez par le paradis pittoresque des îles Whitsunday, Cairns et la Grande barrière de corail. Savourez de reposantes journées en mer, à l’approche des riches traditions des temples et des paysages luxuriants de l’Indonésie. L’étincelante métropole de Singapour marquera la conclusion de cette aventure éclectique et inspirante à travers le Pacifique, pour un grand final fascinant en Asie du Sud-Est.


Les excursions sont fournies à titre d’exemple, pour donner une idée des possibilités offertes lors du voyage que vous ferez, mais elles sont amenées à changer. Nous revoyons constamment notre programme d’excursions à terre pour proposer des moments authentiques, en immersion. N’hésitez donc pas à parcourir le contenu du programme d’excursions que vous avez choisi à l’approche du départ de votre croisière. Nous invitons les voyageurs à consulter leur espace my.silversea.com pour avoir des informations à jour.

As suites com vista para o oceano da Silversea são das mais espaçosas dos cruzeiros de luxo. Todas incluem os serviços de um mordomo, graças ao maior índice de serviço no mar, e quase todas têm uma varanda privada de teca, para que possa respirar o ar fresco do mar mesmo ao lado da sua porta. Selecione a sua suite e solicite um orçamento. Os hóspedes que reservem antecipadamente garantem as melhores tarifas e podem escolher a suite que mais desejam.

Avantages tout compris à bord

Un nouvel univers de luxe vous attend à bord du Silver Dawn . Adoptant une ligne classique sans oublier d’être moderne, ce navire incarne l’évolution naturelle de notre flotte : suffisamment spacieux pour proposer huit options de restauration et notamment le programme Sea And Land Taste (S.A.L.T.), il adopte néanmoins des dimensions assez modestes pour conserver l’ambiance intimiste qui fait la renommée de Silversea. Si le Silver Dawn a hérité des remarquables caractéristiques de ses aînés, le Silver Muse et le Silver Moon , c’est un navire unique en son genre. Renfermant des suites somptueuses, empruntant des itinéraires exceptionnels, le remarquable concept de bien-être OTIVM et associant au design une technologie d’avant-garde, le Silver Dawn place la barre encore plus haut en matière de luxe. Est-ce réellement le début d’une nouvelle ère ? Silversea vous le Dawn en mille.

Silver Dawn GASTRONOMIE À BORD : 8 Restaurants

S.A.L.T. Kitchen

S.A.L.T. Kitchen

La Dame

La Terrazza


Silver Note



Espaces publics.

S.A.L.T. Bar

S.A.L.T. Bar

S.A.L.T. Lab

S.A.L.T. Lab

La Salle Panoramique

La Salle Panoramique


Centre De Fitness

Otium Spa

Observation Library

Le Coin Des Connaisseurs

Le Coin Des Connaisseurs

Arts Café

La Piscine Et L’espace Jacuzzi


Otium Beauty Salon

Venetian Lounge

Venetian Lounge

Aller au bout des découvertes.

voyage bali lombok java

The Rituals Behind Japanese Wedding Ceremony Traditions

voyage bali lombok java

What Do Geishas Do: A Day in the Life of a Japanese Geisha

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What Does a Dragonfly Symbolize in Japanese Culture?

voyage bali lombok java

The Japanese Zen Garden: Explore the Different Types, Elements & Pictures


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  2. Itinéraire de 15 jours à Bali, Lombok et Java

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  3. 3 semaines en Indonésie (Java, Bali et Lombok)

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  5. Indonesia 2024 Itinerary: Bali, Java, Lombok, Komodo

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  6. Indonesia in 4 Weeks


  7. The BEST 2 Week Bali, Gili Islands and Lombok Itinerary in 2024!

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    Yeah, we've seen you perusing the Bali, Lombok, and Java trips and thinking, "Why don't they just put all three of them together?" Here you go: All the natural splendour, bustling cities, remote villages, and exotic wildlife of Indonesia's most popular territories in one convenient, 22-day bundle. Explore the volcanoes of Yogyakarta, endless rainforests, the rugged and untouched ...

  10. Visit Indonesia in 3 weeks

    2- Surabaya - Stop 2 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 3- Cemoro Lawang - Stop 3 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 4- Kalibaru - Stop 4 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 5- Pemuteran - Stop 5 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 6- Ubud - Stop 6 of the 3-week road trip in Indonesia. 7- Candidasa - Stop 7 of the 3-week ...

  11. Java, Bali & Lombok

    Circuit privé Java, Bali & Lombok avec guide francophone et/ou anglophone sur 16 jours / 15 nuits. Jour 1 Java - Yogyakarta (-) Jour 2 Yogyakarta (B) Jour 3 Yogyakarta - Borobudur - Ygyakarta (B) Jour 4 Yogyakarta - Cemoro Lawang (B) Jour 5 Cemoro Lawang - Mont Bromo - Banyuwangi (B) Jour 6 BanyuwangiRead more

  12. Indonesia Java, Bali & Lombok

    Yeah, we've seen you perusing the Bali, Lombok, and Java trips and thinking, "Why don't they just put all three of them together?" Here you go: All the natural splendour, bustling cities, remote villages, and exotic wildlife of Indonesia's most popular territories in one convenient, 22-day bundle. Explore the volcanoes of Yogyakarta, endless rainforests, the rugged and untouched ...

  13. Itinéraire de 30 jours à Bali, Lombok et Java

    Itinéraire de 30 jours pour votre séjour à Bali, Lombok et Java. Voici une proposition d'itinéraire de 30 jours pour votre voyage à Bali, Lombok et Java. Vous découvrirez les choses à ne pas manquer à Bali, Lombok et Java. Utilisez cet itinéraire tel quel ou personnalisez le, j'espère qu'il vous sera utile.

  14. The Ultimate Java Itinerary for 7 Days from Bali

    The distance between Banyuwangi and Malang is 305 km, and the travel time is approximately 7 hours. As the journey is long, we recommend you bring water and some snacks. From Banyuwangi to Malang, train tickets start from 62,000 IDR (4 USD) per person. The train is the cheapest way to travel in the Java itinerary. TIP.

  15. The Best of Java in 7 days: Java To Bali Trip Itinerary

    The ferry to Bali leaves from Ketapang station to which you can either take a taxi, or a train from Karangasem Station in the city centre. A ticket costs around 43,000 IDR ($2.60) and travel time is 20 minutes. From Ketapang station, the harbour is just 10 minutes away on foot.

  16. The Roaming Renegades How to travel between Java, Bali to Lombok and

    There is a public ferry that leaves from Padang Bai and takes 4-5 hours from Bali to Lombok. This is by far the cheapest option however getting to the ferry station can be a pain with the public transport on Bali not being the best. A good option is to book the ticket in an office which includes a shuttle bus, some even provide one at the other ...

  17. 5 Days East Java Itinerary (Visit Java from Bali)

    The planning is only a suggestion. We actually did this itinerary in 7 days as we like to travel slowly and take our time! Day 1 - Ferry/train + Rainbow city & Blue city. Day 2 - Mount Bromo. Day 3 - Tumpak Sewu waterfall + Kuneer Hill plantation. Day 4 - Train back to Banyuwangi. Day 5 - Blue Fire at Mount Ijen.

  18. Java Travel Guide: Best Things to do (8-day Route)

    In this Java travel route, you will see waterfalls, temples, the rainbow village, Bromo, and Ijen. Java Travel Guide: Best Things to do (8-day Route) ... have breakfast at the base camp and catch the ferry to Bali. From Java to Bali, the ferry only takes 30 minutes. It runs every hour, 24/7, and costs around 8000 IDR. Book your ferry tickets to ...

  19. Heavenly Java

    Heavenly Java is a local travel agency based on Java Island, Indonesia. In 2015, we made the decision to explore the beauty of our country, from Java, Bali, Lombok, Celebes, Flores, to Raja Ampat. Indonesia is a country full of contrasts. Our exploration also introduced us to incredible and warm local people. We shared our knowledge of tourism ...

  20. Java

    Agence de voyage sur Lombok et Bali, Indonésie, créateurs de voyages sur mesure. Accueil Lombok Circuits Activités/ Sports excursions à la journée Indonésie Bali ... Jour 1: départ de Bali ou de Java. Arrivée à l'hôtel. Jour 2: Dans la nuit, ascension du Mont Ijen (4km / 1h15 d'ascension dont 25 minutes de « bonne » montée). Une ...

  21. Trek Java, Bali, Lombok : Ascension des volcans d'Indonésie

    Trek à Java, Bali, Lombok : Ascension des volcans d'Indonésie. Tirawa vous invite à un trekking réservé aux sportifs et aux passionnés de volcans ! En plus de la traversée de 3 îles indonésiennes, faites l'ascension de 7 volcans.

  22. JAVA

    Designing bespoke honeymoon experiences amidst Java's captivating landscapes and beyond. Immerse in personalised journeys amid the tranquil beauty and cultural richness of Indonesia's vibrant island gem. ... VOYAGE DE NOCES BALI . BOOK NOW. DESTINATIONS. BALI. LOMBOK. JAVA. FLORES. HIDDEN GEM. INSPIRATION. ABOUT. CONTACT. JAVA. ABOUT.

  23. voyage de noces bali

    At Voyage De Noces Bali, our mission remains the same: to provide couples with meticulously planned, romantic escapes that celebrate their love in the most enchanting destinations across Indonesia. From the breathtaking vistas of Bromo Volcano and Kawah Ijen to the cultural wonders of Java , Bali, Lombok, Flores and Raja Ampat we ensure that ...

  24. Croisière de Brisbane vers Singapore

    Croisières de luxe : Asie de Brisbane vers Singapore à bord de navires de croisière Silversea. Découvrez l'itinéraire et les excursions ! Départ le 22 févr. 2027