Leclerc Voyages

Disneyland Paris

Il était une fois… à disneyland® paris : que l’enchantement commence .

Le pays des contes de fées qui ne s'arrêtent jamais vous ouvre ses portes avec plus de 50 fabuleuses attractions, parades et spectacles pour petits et grands. Faites un voyage au cœur de la féérie dans le Parc Disneyland ® . Puis juste à côté, partez pour l'aventure au cœur de l’action, au Parc Walt Disney Studios ®  !

Parc Disneyland ®

Dans le plus beaux des royaumes enchantés, entre le pays des vœux et celui où les rêves se réalisent, les héros et héroïnes Disney ® vous attendent pour vivre des aventures extraordinaires vers l'infini et au-delà ! Que vous soyez petits, grands, rêveurs, aventuriers, pirates ou princesses, hâtez-vous car vous êtes attendu pour une merveilleuse aventure aux confins des cinq mondes magiques de Disneyland ® .

Parc Walt Disney Studios ®

Juste à côté du Parc Disneyland® , découvrez le monde enchanté du cinéma et de la télévision au Parc Walt Disney Studios® . Composé de 4 zones thématiques, proposant chacune de superbes attractions et des spectacles époustouflants, parcourez les studios de vos héros préférés au cœur de l'action. Jouez le rôle de vos rêves les plus merveilleux le temps d'un instant magique à Disney® .

Réservez votre séjour à Disneyland Paris

Disney davy crockett ranch : séjournez au coeur de la forêt .

1 à 4 nuits selon programme Destination : France Ile de France Disneyland Paris Destination : France Ile de France Paris

Disney Hotel Santa Fe® : Evadez-vous sur la légendaire Route 66 !

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Venez découvrir les 5 univers magiques du Parc Disneyland® : Main Street U.S.A.® vous fera redécouvrir les rues et l'animation d'une authentique petite ville américaine du début des années 1900 avec ses galeries, ses restaurants et ses boutiques. A Frontierland® , partez à la conquête du Far West avec le Big Thunder Mountain et son mystérieux train de la mine, frissonnez dans le Phantom Manor et reposez-vous sur le Thunder Mesa Riverboat Landing ... Adventureland® vous plongera dans l'aventure des Pirates des Caraïbes , d' Indiana Jones ™ et d' Aladdin . A Fantasyland® , plongez dans les contes et légendes de Disney avec Blanche Neige et les Sept Nains , Peter Pan, Dumbo, le labyrinthe d' Alice au Pays des Merveilles , Pinocchio, les poupées de « it's a Small World », le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant ... A Discoveryland® , envolez-vous vers le futur avec Space Mountain : Mission 2 , Autopia, les Mystères du Nautilus , le laser de Buzz l'Eclair , le Star Tours…

Un week end au Parc Walt Disney Studios®

Faites un voyage au cœur de l’action au Parc Walt Disney Studios® et découvrez les secrets de tournage de vos stars Disney dans les 5 zones de production: A Front Lot , la star, c'est vous! Vous êtes au cœur de l'action dans un studio hollywoodien au Disney Studio 1 , la caméra tourne et vous voilà star d'un jour sous les projecteurs… A Production Courtyard® , affrontez la peur du vide avec l'ascenseur du Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™ et découvrez les décors de cinéma à bord d'un tramway au Studio Tram Tour® : Behind the Magic … Au Toon Studio® vivez vos classiques Disney préférés en 3D avec les personnages Disney, Pixar et Marvel. Envolez-vous avec Aladdin et les Tapis Volants au-dessus d'Agrabah ®… Worlds of Pixar® vous plongera dans le monde des dessins animés Pixar avec Ratatouille: L'Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy et son incroyable expérience 4D à travers le célèbre restaurant "Chez Gusteau", le Cars Road Trip, le Crush's Coaster®, ou encore le RC Racer et son circuit fou en U... Rassemblement au Avengers Campus® ! Tous les héros Marvel vous attendent pour une mission à travers les univers. Faites équipe avec les Avengers pour sauver le monde d'une menace imminente et aidez Spider-Man à tisser sa toile dans une aventure épique...

Après la fête : rendez-vous au Disney Village®

Situé à l’entrée des Parcs Disney® , c’est le village où tout le monde se retrouve pour prolonger la fête et profiter des spectacles, restaurants et divertissements jusque tard dans la soirée ! Retrouvez le Lego® Store , l'incontournable Disney Store® , le Café Mickey et tous ses amis, les hamburgers chez Annette's Diner dans un décor années 50, le dîner-spectacle la Légende de Buffalo Bill avec Mickey et ses amis pour une épopée au Far West aux saveurs tex-mex, le King Ludwig’s Castle et ses succulents mets bavarois, le célébrissime Planet Hollywood , les animations de rues, les festivals, les concerts live et bien d'autres encore...

voyage paris disney

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Hello Disneyland : Le blog n°1 sur Disneyland Paris

Le guide complet pour bien préparer votre séjour 2024 à Disneyland Paris

( Dernière mise à jour : sept. 2022 ) Si vous ne deviez lire qu’une seule page sur Hello Disneyland, c’est celle-ci ! Elle résume l’essentiel des informations dont vous avez besoin pour un séjour réussi à Disneyland Paris et sera mise à jour régulièrement au fur et à mesure de la publication de nouveaux guides et de nouveaux articles sur le site. Avec cet article, j’ai la volonté de réaliser un guide vraiment complet mais exhaustif de Disneyland Paris, en prenant en compte tous les budgets, toutes les envies, tous les goûts! Bref, l’objectif vous l’aurez compris c’est de trouver un séjour qui VOUS corresponde. Allez, c’est parti.

Disneyland Paris : le guide complet par Hello Disneyland

Voici ci-dessous tous mes conseils pour préparer de la meilleure manière qu’il soit votre futur séjour Disney !

Quand venir à Disneyland Paris en 2024 ?

Le choix de la saison ou de la période pour venir à Disneyland Paris est un sujet très important. Faut il préférer l’été pour des journées plus longues ou l’hiver avec Noël ? Ne vaut il pas mieux venir en période creuse par souci d’économie ? Venir en semaine ou le weekend ? Autant de questions qui vous taraudent et auxquelles je vous propose de répondre ci-après.

à lire également : Quelle est la meilleure saison pour aller à Disneyland Paris ?

Halloween, Noël, Printemps ou Été ?

Par expérience, la période la plus forte court d’Octobre à fin Décembre avec Halloween et Noël , les saisons phares de Disneyland Paris, riches en spectacle et décorations sur ces thèmes ! C’est à ce moment la qu’il y a le plus de monde mais c’est surtout là que Disneyland Paris sort l’artillerie lourde en terme de show, de magie et d’ambiance !

Visiter les parcs au cours de l’une de ces saisons à Disneyland Paris c’est se donner toutes les chances de vivre une expérience magique et enchanteresse ! Quant l’ affluence attendue à Disneyland Paris à ces périodes, il est variable. Tantôt important – surtout pendant les vacances scolaires et certains weekend – tantôt très raisonnable.

Rappel des saisons régulières de Disneyland Paris : Le Festival Halloween : début Octobre à début Novembre Le Noël enchanté : mi Novembre à début Janvier


Les périodes creuses à Disneyland Paris en 2024

Les périodes creuses peuvent être intéressantes pour le visiteur à la recherche d’un séjour économique. Les hôtels Disney sont moins chers à cette période mais il est important de savoir que Disneyland Paris profite de ce moment de faible affluence pour réaliser quelques travaux dans ces parcs et immobiliser certaines attractions.

En période creuse c’est donc un parc au ralenti qui attend le visiteur, où les prix sont plus attractifs certes, mais où aucune décoration supplémentaire n’est présente. Votre séjour à Disneyland Paris n’en sera pas moins magique pour autant.

à lire également : Calendrier des fermetures des attractions

Les périodes creuses à Disneyland Paris Janvier – Février – Juin – Septembre

Séjour à Disneyland Paris : Semaine ou weekend ?

Voici une question qui revient fréquemment. Venir en semaine et faire manquer l’école aux enfants ou attendre le week-end ? Dilemme …

Venir à Disneyland Paris en Semaine La foule est bien moins importante en semaine, spécialement les mardi et jeudi. Mais cet adage est quelque peu faussé pendant les vacances scolaires, surtout à certaines saisons. Idéalement bien sûr, si vous pouvez venir en semaine hors vacances scolaires, vous êtes sûr de trouver des parcs avec une foule peu importante, des temps d’attente assez faibles aux attractions, ainsi que dans les restaurants. Idéal pour venir en couple par exemple, ou sans enfants.

Disneyland Paris pendant les vacances scolaires Venir en semaine pendant les vacances scolaire reste à mon sens la meilleure solution lorsque vous venez avec des enfants ( hors saisons Halloween et Noël ) , car cela vous assure moins de monde que durant les week-ends et les petits n’auront pas à manquer l’école.

-> Vérifiez le calendrier des vacances scolaires avant de réserver.

Disneyland Paris le week-end Enfin, le weekend est très prisé par les familles françaises, du vendredi soir au dimanche soir. Il y a plus de monde mais les journées sont plus longues car les parcs ferment plus tard. Certains shows offrent aussi plus de représentations le week-end et tous les restaurants sont ouverts. Bien que les week-ends soient les jours les plus chargés de l’année , avec un peu d’organisation, vous pouvez tout à fait profiter de votre séjour et en garder un excellent souvenir !

à lire également : Parcs saturés – Comment passer une bonne journée malgré la foule ?

Combien de jours à Disneyland Paris ?

Le nombre de jours à Disneyland Paris est à définir dès le début de votre projet car il va conditionner l’ensemble de votre séjour à tous les niveaux : quelles attractions faire en priorité, quel budget, accès et combien de temps pour vous reposer et / ou manger.


Idéal pour les franciliens ou les visiteurs résidant près de l’Île de France n’ayant pas un trajet trop important qui empiéterai sur une bonne partie de la journée. Ne passer qu’une journée à Disneyland Paris est aussi accessible aux voyageurs en train qui peuvent en fonction de leur temps de trajet, faire l’aller-retour dans la journée ( ex : depuis Lyon ou Lille en prenant les premiers et derniers trains de la journée ).

2 jours à Disneyland Paris

C’est le choix de séjour le plus répandu. En suivant cette formule, le visiteur accorde en général une journée à chaque parc et une partie de la soirée au Disney Village. 2 jours c’est la garantie de faire les attractions incontournables de Disneyland Paris , à un rythme assez soutenu pour le visiteur qui souhaiterai faire un maximum de choses, le tout à un tarif assez raisonnable puisque ne comprenant qu’une nuit sur place.

3 jours à Disneyland Paris

C’est à mon sens, la formule la plus confortable pour les visiteurs amoureux de Disney qui souhaiteraient prendre le temps d’apprécier leur séjour en faisant des attractions parfois plusieurs fois, en s’offrant un ou plusieurs restaurants à table ou en profitant au maximum des infrastructures des hôtels ( Spa, piscine, salle de sport … etc ) pour se détendre entre 2 visites des parcs Disney.

4 jours à Disneyland Paris

Pour les plus gourmands ! 4 jours à Disneyland Paris, c’est se donner le plus de chance de tout voir et tout faire, peut-être même plusieurs fois ! Spectacles, parades, photolocations , restaurants avec personnages , shopping, et pourquoi pas une excursion à Val d’Europe et sa Vallée Village sont autant de choses que vous aurez le temps d’apprécier pleinement pendant 4 jours. C’est aussi l’occasion de vivre son séjour sans stress, en se levant à l’heure que l’on veut, sans être rythmé par la course aux attractions.

Quel hôtel choisir à Disneyland Paris en 2024 ?

L’hôtel fait partie intégrante de votre séjour à Disneyland Paris et vous trouverez forcément votre bonheur parmi les 7 hôtels Disney , les 7 hôtels partenaires du Val de France ou les nombreux hôtels de Val d’Europe / Marne la Vallée. Notez que le Disneyland Hôtel est en travaux jusqu’à 2024.

Envie de magie ?

Visiteurs en quête de magie à la recherche de dépaysement et de Disney tout au long de votre séjour, les hôtels Disney sont fait pour vous ! Avec leurs thèmes originaux, leur décoration immersive qui vous transportera dans un autre monde, leurs restaurants gourmands et la boutique Disneyland Paris, les hôtels Disney sont les plus magiques de Marne la Vallée ! En résidant ici, vous oublierez complètement votre quotidien, vous serez dans votre petite bulle Disney de la chambre aux parcs !

Choisissez votre hôtel Disney ci-dessous :


Côté rapport qualité prix , j’ai une préférence pour le Newport Bay Club ( haute gamme ), le Sequoia Lodge ( moyenne gamme ) et le Santa Fe ( entrée de gamme )
  • Les hôtels Disney desservent les parcs Disney en navettes gratuites ( sauf le Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch ).
  • Le Disney’s New York Hotel est actuellement en rénovation
  • Le petit déjeuner continental n’est plus inclus dans les nuitées en hôtels Disney.
  • Les personnages Disney sont présents dans les hôtels disney le matin ( hors Ranch Davy Crockett ).
  • Parking gratuit.
  • Bagagerie & Consigne gratuites.

Quel hôtel Disney pour un petit budget ?

Les hôtels Disney sont certes les plus magiques mais ils représentent un budget dont tout le monde ne dispose pas forcément. Aussi, pour les petits budgets, il existe tout près des parc Disney des hôtels à petit prix, nécessitant cependant d’acheter vos billets pour les parcs séparément.

Parmi ces hôtels à petits prix je vous recommande : – le Hipark Serris Val d’Europe ( lire mon avis ) – le Kyriad Hotel – Magny-le-Hongre – le Ibis Marne la Vallée – Val d’Europe ( lire mon avis )

Ces trois hôtels restent près des parcs Disney et sont rapidement accessibles depuis la sortie de Disneyland Paris en voiture ou encore à pied pour le Hipark, en navette pour le Kyriad ou en RER pour le Ibis.

Quel hôtel pour un séjour familial à Disneyland Paris ?

Les hôtels partenaires de Disneyland Paris situés dans le Val de France sont une excellente alternative aux hôtels Disney pour un séjour familial pour qui voudrait un peu réduire le prix d’un séjour à Disney. Ces hôtels offrent d’ailleurs pour certains un cadre que les enfants adoreront avec des espaces de jeu et une piscine, alors que d’autres seront pour les visiteurs sans enfants un havre de paix propice à la détente après un passage dans les parcs qui sont d’ailleurs desservis par des navettes gratuites.

Pour un séjour en famille je vous conseille : – Algonquin’s Explorers Hotel – Magny-le-Hongre ( lire mon avis ) – Vienna International Magic Circus Hotel – Magny-le-Hongre ( lire mon avis )

Pour un séjour en couple ou sans enfants je vous conseille : – Radisson Blu Hotel – Magny-le-Hongre ( lire mon avis ) – Vienna International Dream Castle Hotel – Magny-le-Hongre – Hôtel l’Elysée Val d’Europe – Serris ( lire mon avis )


Où manger à Disneyland Paris en 2024 ?

Il existe tellement de restaurants de tous les styles et à tous les prix à Disneyland Paris qu’il peut parfois être difficile de faire son choix. Idéalement au cours de votre séjour, je vous conseille de faire au moins un restaurant à table pour vous faire plaisir, vous reposer, manger sainement et profiter de la magie des lieux.

Walt's Restaurant - Service à table - Disneyland Paris

Voici mon top 3 pour chaque type de restaurant à Disneyland Paris :

Les meilleurs restaurants à table de Disneyland Paris en 2024 : – Bistrot Chez Rémy – Walt’s – an American Restaurant – Captain Jack’ – Restaurant des Pirates

Les meilleurs buffets de Disneyland Paris en 2024 : – Pym Kitchen – Agrabah Café – Downtown Restaurant

Les meilleurs restaurants rapides / fast food de Disneyland Paris en 2024 : – Hakuna Matata – Cowboy Cookout Restaurant – Pizzeria Bella Note – Earl of Sandwich

Les meilleurs snacks de Disneyland Paris en 2024 : – Victoria’s Home style Restaurant – Cable Car Bake Shop – The Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlour

Manger avec des personnages Disney en 2024 : – L’Auberge de Cendrillon – Inventions ( en rénovation ) – Café Mickey ( fermé ) – Plaza Gardens ( petit déjeuner uniquement )

à lire également : Bien choisir son restaurant à Disneyland Paris

Vous pouvez aussi faire votre propre choix en consultant notre page regroupant tous les menus et prix des restaurants de Disneyland Paris classés par lieux et catégorie.

à lire également : Réserver votre restaurant à Disneyland Paris

boutons restaurants Disneyland

Que faire en 2024 à Disneyland Paris ?

Il y a tellement de choses à faire ou à voir que tout lister serait beaucoup trop long. Aussi, je vous propose plutôt un top pour chaque parc et le Disney Village afin de prioriser certaines activités. J’ajouterais un top saisonnier, pour les meilleures activités à faire lors des saisons au cours de l’année que sont Noël, Halloween ou le Printemps à Disneyland Paris. Enfin, pensez également à utiliser le système FastPass pour optimiser votre journée.

Big Thunder Mountain Disneyland Paris

Top 10 des choses à faire au Parc Disneyland – assister à Disney Illuminations , le superbe spectacle nocturne – s’arrêter au Boardwalk Candy Palace pour céder à la tentation d’un petit plaisir sucré sur Main Street USA – se prendre en photo devant le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant – prendre le train fou de Big Thunder Mountain , attraction incontournable de Disneyland Paris – faire signe à Mickey, tous ses amis et aux Princesses Disney lors de la Parade – visiter La Boutique du Château parce que là-bas, c’est Noël toute l’année ! – devenir un pirate le temps d’une attraction à Pirates des Caraïbes – redécouvrir les ambiances rétro futuristes d’Autopia et des Mystères du Nautilus – faire “it’s a small world” et ne plus jamais oublier la musique – se reposer en faisant le tour du parc en Disneyland Railroad, le train du parc

Top 10 des choses à faire au Parc Walt Disney Studios en 2024 – se promener Place de Rémy et en profiter pour aller faire Ratatouille et manger au Bistrot Chez Rémy – dégringoler de quelques étages et découvrir la sensation d’apesanteur à la Tower of Terror – rencontrer Olaf à Animation Building – se prendre pour un jouet et faire une photo aux pieds de Buzz l’Eclair à l’entrée de Toy Story Playland – avoir un aperçu de l’ambiance des anciens studios de cinéma en traversant Studio 1 – s’armer de patience avant de parcourir le courant est australien à Crush’s Coaster – faire rêver les plus petits en les accompagnant avec La Fabrique à Rêves de Studio D ( ouverture prochaine ) – découvrir Avengers Campus et rencontrer les Super Héros Marvel ! – être enchanté par le spectacle Mickey et le Magicien à Animagique Theater – prendre la pose près de Martin et Flash mais aussi tourner, tourner, et tourner à Cars Quatre Roues Rallye avec les plus jeunes

Top 10 des choses à faire au Disney Village en 2024 – faire du shopping à World of Disney – dîner dans un diner rétro à Annette’s Diner … – … ou profiter de l’ambiance cosy de Starbucks Coffee pour prendre un café ! – craquer sur un pack ou des porte clés au Lego Store , c’est tellement cool ! – passer voir la maquette du Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant à The Disney Gallery – prendre un sandwich chez Earl of Sandwich car c’est le seul de la franchise en France … – … ou manger au coeur de la jungle au Rainforest Café mais attention aux orages ! – craquer sur un Spirit Jersey à Disney Fashion – profiter de la salle IMAX avec l’un des écrans les plus grands écrans de France pour aller voir un film et en prendre plein les yeux … – … ou terminer la journée par un concert Country au Billy Bob !

à lire également : Où voir les personnages Disney à Disneyland Paris ?

Côté pratique

– Disneyland Paris est accessible en voiture, en train, en RER depuis Paris et depuis l’aéroport via des navettes ( en savoir plus ) – Le parking visiteur ouvre dès 7h30 et coûte actuellement 15€ par voiture ( en savoir plus ) – Téléchargez le plan des parcs à imprimer – Consultez le programme en cours – Utilisez l’application mobile de Disneyland Paris

Voici des guides qui pourraient également vous être utiles

Pratique : – Tous les services de Disneyland Paris ( coins bébé, distributeurs, consignes, parkings … etc ) – Les meilleures places pour la Parade et pour Disney Illuminations

Bien gérer la météo : – Disneyland Paris sous la pluie : mode d’emploi – Disneyland Paris en hiver – Froid : mode d’emploi – Disneyland Paris en été – Canicule : guide de survie

Avec des enfants : – Disneyland Paris avec un bébé – Quelles attractions pour les enfants ? – 25 astuces pour une journée à Disney avec les enfants

Aller plus loin

Il restera toujours des choses auxquelles je n’aurais pas pensé, où que je n’aurais pas vécues, aussi je laisse le soin à chacun de donner son astuce, de partager son expérience, ses questions pour enrichir le débat, soulever des points que je n’aurais pas abordé dans la partie commentaires en fin d’article afin de toujours améliorer le guide ! Je tenterai du mieux que possible d’y répondre ! A vos claviers 😉

Copyright © Hello Disneyland 2024 – Tous droits réservés – Reproduction interdite

54 Commentaires

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Disneyland Paris

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À Disneyland Paris, le rêve devient réalité

Disneyland Paris est la destination la plus visitée de France. Plus qu’un parc d’attractions, il s’agit d’un gigantesque complexe touristique comprenant deux parcs à thème, un golf, deux centres commerciaux et sept hôtels. Plaisir et amusement garantis !

Le Parc Disneyland propose des spectacles et des parades thématiques, ainsi que 34 attractions (dont 4 montagnes russes) réparties sur 55 hectares. Il est divisé en cinq zones thématiques : Main Street USA, l’artère principale, Frontierland, le royaume des cowboys, Adventureland, le monde des pirates, Fantasyland, le pays des contes de fées, et enfin Discoveryland, la zone du futur.

Walt Disney Studios est le second parc à thème de Disneyland Paris. Situé à quelques pas du premier parc, il compte 18 attractions (dont 3 montagnes russes) sur une superficie de 27 hectares.

Les deux parcs ont été pensés pour satisfaire tous les visiteurs. Les plus jeunes apprécieront, par exemple, les attractions consacrées à « Blanche-Neige », à « Peter Pan », à « Toy Story » ou à « Dumbo ».

Le manoir hanté, la balade chez les « Pirates des Caraïbes », la plongée dans le « Monde de Nemo » ou encore le parcours thématique « Ratatouille » sont des attractions à découvrir en famille ou entre amis.

Quant aux amateurs de sensations fortes, ils seront séduits par Hyperspace Mountain, Star Tours, le train de la mine et les montagnes russes inspirées du film « Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril ».

Quelques voyages pour découvrir cette région


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Disneyland Paris

voyage paris disney

  • 1.1 When to visit
  • 1.2 Visitor information
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2.1 Coming from the United Kingdom
  • 2.3.1 From Paris
  • 2.3.2 From elsewhere
  • 4.1 Accessibility
  • 5.1.1 Main Street U.S.A.
  • 5.1.2 Fantasyland
  • 5.1.3 Adventureland
  • 5.1.4 Frontierland
  • 5.1.5 Discoveryland
  • 5.2.1 Front Lot
  • 5.2.2 Production Courtyard
  • 5.2.3 World of Pixar
  • 5.2.4 Toon Studio
  • 5.2.5 Avengers Campus
  • 6.1 Pin-trading
  • 8.1 Other hotels
  • 10.2 Internet

Disneyland Paris , in the Paris suburb of Marne-la-Vallée , has the Disney Empire's European variant of their archetypal "Magic Kingdom" theme park. It was the second Disney theme park resort to open outside the United States, after Tokyo Disney Resort .

Understand [ edit ]

The Disneyland Paris Resort opened on April 12, 1992. It was the first Disney resort in Europe and the second international park after Tokyo Disneyland in 1983. The resort consists of two theme parks and a shopping/entertainment complex.

  • Disneyland Park is the main draw of the resort and the first theme park to open in 1992. It is considered to be the most beautiful Disney park in the world and had 10 million visitors in 2022, being the most visited tourist attraction in Europe. The park draws guests from all over France and the continent. If you have only one available day to visit the resort it is recommended to visit Disneyland Park.
  • Walt Disney Studios is the second theme park to open in the resort on 16 March 2002. Despite being quite underwhelming at first, it has turned the corner since then, capturing much of the magic of its sister park. It is still considered the "secondary" destination in the resort but is undergoing a multi-year refurbishment and expansion set to complete in phases from late 2024 to 2026. Set to be renamed to Disney Adventure World in 2025.
  • Disney Village is a themed shopping and entertainment complex a few steps from the parks featuring restaurants, bars, shows, and a cinema.

When to visit [ edit ]

Disneyland Paris is an excellent destination year-round with many festivals and seasonal offerings like Disney's Halloween Festival and Disney's Enchanted Christmas. Factors to consider however when visiting are prices and crowds.

The parks can get quite crowded on weekends (mostly Saturdays), July and August, French school holidays and Christmas week which is the busiest time of the year. High crowds mean longer lines to enter the park and for rides, shows and restaurants, as well as higher ticket and hotel prices. It is generally recommended to visit during the off seasons (January - March and most of autumn) but keep in mind that during these times the parks usually have shorter opening hours, some rides may be under refurbishment and many of the seasonal offerings will not be available. Ticket and hotel prices are variable : they fluctuate in accordance to demand and crowds. 1 Day - 1 Park tickets usually start from around €75 but it is always best to check the Disneyland Paris website for up-to-date prices and information on the day of your visit.

Visitor information [ edit ]

  • Disneyland Paris website

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ].

Disneyland Resort Paris is connected to both international airports in Paris .

  • Availability: The TGV has limited seats, so book the ticket in advance. You can do it online, in the ticket machines or in an SNCF office. Sometimes tickets may be terminated both online and in the ticket machines but you can still buy them in the SNCF ticket office.
  • Ticket machines: Most of them accept only credit card payments. Few of them accept cash, but only using small cut banknotes ( €5 / €10 / €20 ).
  • Online payment: After buying a TGV ticket online, you will have to validate it in a ticket machine at the station. The validation requires your credit card used for that transaction, and its PIN. This is crucial, because of technical reasons the confirmation must be done automatically in a ticket machine and can't be done manually by TGV office operators, so e.g. don't forget your credit card and its PIN.
  • From Orly Airport ( ORY  IATA ), you will need to take three trains: Orlyval (from Orly Airport to Antony), RER B (from Antony to Chatelet-Les Halles), and finally RER A (from Chatelet-Les Halles to Marne-la-Vallee Chessy).

Alternatively, Magical Shuttle operates buses to Disneyland from both airports, costing €20 for adults and kids 7 and over, and €16 for children aged 3–6 one way. Under 3s travel free. The trip takes about 50 minutes.

By car [ edit ]

One choice if you live in France or in a nearby region (Central Germany, southern regions of the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) is to drive. The highway system of France is extensive and often quiet. Disneyland is located just off junction 14 of the A4 (E50) , about 35 km east of Paris (Porte de Bercy). You should keep a supply of cash and/or credit cards ready, however, as the motorway ( autoroute ) system is tolled and quite expensive. For example, a trip from Frankfurt to Disneyland can cost approximately €30 in toll fees.

Coming from the United Kingdom [ edit ]

If you are driving from the United Kingdom, note that France drives on the right.

Travel times to Disneyland Paris can vary depending on how you enter the country, but on average from Calais you can expect a journey time of 4 hours.

By train [ edit ]

The best way to reach Disneyland Paris, which has its own railway station, is by train: they are reliable and run frequently. Note that when booking tickets the official name of the station is Marne-la-Vallée Chessy (that information is more useful for ticket machines as employees all know the station for Disneyland).

From Paris [ edit ]

RER A runs from central Paris to Marne-la-Vallée Chessy, with frequent trains taking 35 min for the journey. Be aware that a Paris Metro ticket is valid on RER only for travel within Zone 1 (Disneyland Resort Paris is in Zone 5). If you use a Paris Visite, Mobilis or Navigo pass, make sure that it reads Zones 1-5 and not Zones 1-3 . In either case, using an invalid ticket will result in a €25 fine.

The seven main rail terminals in central Paris, the trains that serve them, and directions from them to RER A are explained in the chart below. All of them are served by the Metro and/or RER.

From elsewhere [ edit ]

Marne-la-Vallée Chessy is served by several TGV (high-speed train) lines from destinations across France such as Lyon , Marseille , Bordeaux , Nantes , Lille and Strasbourg . The station is also the hub for the Ouigo network of low-cost TGVs.

You can still travel by train from the UK , changing from Eurostar onto the domestic network in either Lille or Paris.

Most international railways linking Paris with other countries arrive in central Paris: see the chart above.

Tickets [ edit ]

Visiting Disneyland Resort Paris is about as expensive as visiting any of the other Disney parks around the world. There are four types of tickets sold. The 1 Day 1 Park Ticket allows you to visit only one of the two parks for a full day. In addition, there are three Park Hopper tickets, which allow you to visit both parks on the same day, available in 1-, 2- and 3-day increments. The 3-Day Park Hopper ticket represents the most economical deal; the ticket price per day is lowest.

There are day tickets with a specified date and day tickets with a flexible date (valid for a year) obviously the former are cheaper. The cheapest fixed date day tickets are €59 (12 and above) and €52 (3-11). In this list only the price for the latter will be listed. These are the prices for summer 2024:

Children under age 3 are admitted free.

Also worth investigating hotel+ticket packages available. A hotel+ticket package offers a somewhat reduced price if you plan on staying in the resort than purchasing them separately and unlimited access to any of the two parks all the days of your visit. Staying at a hotel also includes perks like the Extra Magic Hours which are more thoroughly discussed in the Sleep and See & Do sections.

Disneyland Paris has multiple websites following the same format but with different ticket prices. For example the German version of the website might have lower prices than the English or French versions. It is always recommeded to do a research if you're planning on visiting the resort as cheaply as possible.

Get around [ edit ]


Once you get inside the resort the main mode of transportation will be walking. The parks' entrances are approximately 5 minutes from each other and most of the hotels are within a 15-minute walking distance with only Hotel Santa Fe being 20 minutes away.

Other modes of transportation are the Disneyland Railroad and free shuttles that carry guests from the hotels to the entrance of the Disney Village and the Marne-la-Vallée Chessy train station. The Disney Village is also a 5 minute walk from the parks. The Disneyland Railroad circles Disneyland Park with stops in Main Street U.S.A., Frontierland, Fantasyland and Discoveryland. The railroad is not available for guests without a park ticket.

Accessibility [ edit ]

Wheelchair accessibility is very good, and there are very few areas that have the usual obstacles, such as confined stairs, that make access impossible. A very good system of disabled access for most rides is in place, but for safety and evacuation reasons, some rides still require that the rider be able to walk or climb a ladder. It is a good idea to get a disability pass from the Information Center on arrival at the park; doing so makes it easier for staff to identify and assist disabled visitors. The pass will not grant a disabled person the right to jump the queue, but it does allow assisted access to rides via the exit gates rather than the more restrictive entrance gates.

See and do [ edit ]

Before diving into what each theme park has to offer there are several things that may affect guest experiences:

  • The Extra Magic Hours allow guests staying in on-site hotels to enter the parks and select rides one hour before the official opening. Notable rides that are open during this time are Hyperspace and Big Thunder Mountains, Peter Pan's Flight, Crush's Coaster and Ratatouille Adventure.
  • Disney Premier Access is paid skip-the-line option that allows visitors to bypass the regular standby line in 16 rides and is categorised into to two options. The ultimate option is paid for once and allows premier access to all 16 rides only once, while the one option is paid for once per ride. The more popular rides have a higher price.
  • Single Rider is a separate queue for some rides, mostly rollercoasters, where the people waiting fill empty seats on the vehicles. It usually has much lower wait times than the regular queue but keep in mind your party will be separated.
  • Baby Switch is a system for parents whose children do not meet the height requirements of certain rides. Both parents can enter the queue and then one can sit with the child while the other one goes on the ride. When the first one returns the second parent goes directly into the ride without having to queue all over again

Disney characters are scattered throughout the parks. Except for those with their exclusive meet and greets like Mickey Mouse and the Princesses in Fantasyland, all the other characters do not have a set schedule of appearing and are either found near their respective rides and lands or wandering about the park. Some characters may only appear on special occasions and not everyone appears in the park every day. Also keep in mind that many characters can be found both at Disneyland and Walt Disney Studios. The lines for meet n' greets may close quickly once the characters appear and except Mickey Mouse and the Princesses no other characters have set times of appearance. In general however, all of them will usually appear at any time between 10:00 and 15:00 before the main parade.

The wait times and advice given for some rides may not always be accurate and are highly dependent on crowd levels when you visit.

Disneyland Park [ edit ]

The main draw of the resort, Disneyland Paris opened on 12 April 1992 and is considered to be the most beautiful disneyland in the world. With 21 rides, multiple stage shows, a parade and a nighttime fireworks display, the park has enough to keep someone occupied for a full day. What places it above other theme parks however is its very rich and elegant theming of every aspect of the park from buildings and rides to pathways and shops. It has a circular shape and consists of five thematic lands that are connected to the central plaza, where the Sleeping Beauty Castle is located.

Main Street U.S.A. [ edit ]

The first land guests encounter, Main Street U.S.A. is a cobblestoned street that connects the entry plaza, called Town Square , to the central hub and Sleeping Beauty Castle. It is themed after an early 20th-century American town, inspired by Walt Disney's hometown, and its main draw are its multiple restaurants and shops.

  • Disneyland Railroad — The Disneyland Railroad is a relaxing ride aboard four steampunk trains that start from Main Street do a 20-minute circle of the park with stops at every land except Adventureland. It is mainly a mode of transportation but also has some very good scenery and offers unique views on some rides like Pirates of the Caribbean. There is also a diorama between the Main Street and Frontierland stations where riders can see into the Grand Canyon! The station is directly above the park entrance.
  • Main Street Vehicles — These unique vehicles go up and down Main Street and guests are able to hop on to any of them. They include a turn-of-the century fire truck, a double decker omnibus, a Cadilac limousine and a Mercer.
  • Horse-Drawn Streetcars — Horse-drawn streetcars with same function as the Main Street vehicles.
  • Shops — There are 12 shops on Main Street that sell all kinds of Disney-themed merchandise. The most popular and largest one is Emporium an early 20th-century department store that sells things like costumes, toys, accessories and pins. Other well-known shops are Flora's Unique Boutique (a Parisian-themed photography store), Plaza East & West Boutiques (sells a lot of Disneyland Paris souvenirs), Lilly's Boutique (with tablewear and decorative products) and the Boardwalk Candy Palace (with, you guessed it, lots of candy). You can even get a haircut at Dapper Dan's Haircuts !
  • Liberty and Discovery Arcades — Two covered walkways running parallel to the east and west of Main Street. They are themed to the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Arcade) and the inventors of the 19th century (Discovery Arcade).

Fantasyland [ edit ]

Probably the most recognizable place in the park, Fantasyland is located directly behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle and is the largest land in the park with the most rides. It is themed after a European village with a lot of fairytale elements and is dedicated to the iconic disney characters and stories such as Peter Pan, Pinocchio and Alice in Wonderland. All of the Disney princesses can also be found here either roaming the land or in their exclusive meet n' greets. It is also home to many of the classic rides that the park is known for.

Fantasyland may close earlier than the rest of the park for the firework show.

  • Sleeping Beauty Castle — The undeniable icon of Disneyland Paris, the pink-painted castle with its blue spires and beautiful gardens towers at over 50 m (167 feet) tall and is the tallest structure in the park. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful castles in Europe, taking inspiration from the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany and was constructed in a way that it could be seen from almost anywhere in the resort. Everyone can enter the castle and visit La Gallerie de la Belle au Bois Dormant (Sleeping Beauty Gallery), a walkthrough attraction that retells the story of princess Aurora through illustrated books, tapestries and stained glass windows. There is also La Taniere du Dragon (Dragon Cave), an atmospheric cave with an impressive animatronic dragon. It is accessible to from a pathway to the left of the castle (to the right from Fantasyland).
  • Peter Pan's Flight (Premier Access) — One of the most iconic and famous disney rides anywhere has been enchanting people since opening day. In Peter Pan's Flight you board small pirate ships and fly with Peter Pan, Wendy and Tinkerbell above the nighttime sky and glittering lights of London to Neverland where you will see indians, mermaids and of course Captain Hook and his crew. The feeling of flying is achieved by holding the ships from the ceiling so that they never touch the ground. It is a truly beautiful and unmissable ride that will surely evoke nostalgia not only on children but probably on adults too. Due to its popularity however it usually averages wait times of 45-90 minutes most of the day. Better visited very early in the morning, at night or with Premier Access.
  • It's A Small World — Jokingly called "happiest cruise on earth<", this ride is another classic where this time you board boats and set sail through colorful, sometimes cliche, displays celebrating different countries and cultures from around the world. It has pacifist, anti-racism message and there is a large number of animatronic dolls in every scene, meant to symbolize the children of the world, that also sing the ride's song. Rarely has a wait above 30 minutes due to its large capacity.
  • Princess Pavillion — The Princess Pavillion small meet n' greet building next to It's A Small World, that hosts meet-and-greets with the disney princesses. The princess cast is not always the same but the most common princesses are Cinderella, Aurora, Belle and Ariel. The Pavillion has the longest lines in the park and the wait to meet the princesses can sometimes exceed two hours . If it's a priority better visit at opening (opens at 10:00) or before closing (it's usually closed by mid-afternoon).
  • Meet Mickey Mouse — Another small building themed as a theater next to Peter Pan's Flight that houses a meet-and-greet, this time with Mickey Mouse. Guests head ackstage to meet and chat with famous mouse. Also a very popular and very crowded meet-and-greet. Better visited early (opens at 10:00) or at closing (closed by mid-afternoon).
  • Blanche Neige et Les Sept Nains — A standard dark ride through the story of Snow White and how she defeated the evil witch with the help of the seven dwarves. While it has no height requirement, the ride has some scary scenes (a dungeon with hanging skeletons, a haunted forest, appearences from the evil witch) that may frighten younger children. Almost never has a long line.
  • Les Voyages de Pinocchio — Another old-school dark ride located next to Snow White, this one goes through the story of Pinocchio and how he escaped the circus and returned back to this father Geppeto. Also has some scarier scenes (appearence from the whale Monstro and Pinocchio in a cage) that may frighten young children. Wait times usually below 30 minutes.
  • Casey Jr Circus Train — A charming experience on a board a small train (called Casey Jr. hence the ride's name) that goes on a tour around miniature scenes from fairytales like Rapunzel's Tower from Tangled, Prince Eric's Castle from the Little Mermaid and Arendelle from Frozen. Lines above 30-40 minutes are rare. Opens later and closes earlier than the rest of Fantasyland.
  • Le Pays des Contes Fees — The ride follows the same layout as Casey Jr, though this time guests are on boats with narrators and can get closer to the miniatures. Songs from the movies will be played on the boat when it is close. Less popular than Casey Jr always has short waits. Also opens later and closes earlier than the rest of Fantasyland.
  • Dumbo the Flying Elephant — The iconic spinner ride (and the only ride to be in every disneyland park in the world) where you can board small elephants and spin above Fantasyland. You can also control how high your elephant is going through a lever on the vehicle. The ride can be skippable if you don't have small children. If you intend to ride it visit early or late as it can build a fairly long line (30-60 minutes) from mid-morning to the afternoon.
  • Mad Hatter's Teacups — Another classic spinning ride this time on board teacups that spin around themselves, themed after Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. For people prone to motion sickness, the spinning of the teacups is controllable by the riders but some spinning is unavoidable. The ride can be skippable if you don't have small children. Always has short waits.
  • Alice's Curious Labyrinth — An enjoyable labyrinth themed after Alice in Wonderland. It features appearences from 21 characters from the film including Alice herself and, sometimes, a meet-and-greet with the Red Queen. Be sure to head up the queen's castle for some amazing views.

Adventureland [ edit ]

In the north-west corner of the park resides Adventureland. A tropical-themed area with heavy Arabian and Asian influences and a small island in the middle, the land is dedicated to the more adventurous characters such as Jack Sparrow, Indiana Jones and Aladdin and their many stories.

  • Pirates of the Caribbean (Premier Access) — Located within a stone castle is another iconic Disney ride. In Pirates of the Caribbean guests board boats and go on a adventurous journey through the beautifully crafted, 17th-century world of Captain Jack Sparrow, visiting iconic locations like Dead Man's Cove and Isla de la Muerta. The ride also features appearences from the famous characters of the movie series (which was inspired by this ride) like Jack Sparrow, Captain Barbossa and Davy Jones. It is an unmissable experience that is fun for all ages. Despite it's popularity, Pirates of the Caribbean rarely has wait times above 45 minutes due to its high capacity (and has a very detailed queue). If it's still a lot ride it early, at night or with Premier Access.
  • Indiana Jones et le Temple du Peril (1.40 m height requirement, Premier Access) — The other ride in Adventureland, an outdoor rollercoaster in an ancient jungle temple (the Temple of Peril ) that is, vaguely, themed to Indiana Jones. It is a hit or miss but nevertheless a fun experience. The coaster has a full inversion and can be rough on some parts. The ride is popular so expect 30- to 45-minute waits in the afternoon. Ride it earlier or later in the day, with Premier Access or via Single Rider.
  • Adventure Isle — The small island in the middle of Adventureland is fun to explore and has 3 attractions: La Cabane des Robinson (a large treehouse themed to the Robinson Family), the Pirate Galleon (a small pirate ship with interactive exhibits surrounded by a beach) and Skull Rock (inspired by the one in Peter Pan). It is one of the best places to let kids play in the park.
  • Le Passage Enchante d'Aladdin — A walkthrough exhibit with miniature scenes retelling the story of Aladdin.

Frontierland [ edit ]

Situated on the southwest corner of the park, Frontierland is themed after the wild west. It is based on the fictional city of ''Thunder Mesa'', an American mining town of the late 19th century around Big Thunder Mountain.

  • Big Thunder Mountain (1.02 m height requirement, Premier Access) — The famed orange mountain is situated inside the land's lake and can be seen from across the park. Its ride is a mine cart rollercoaster that dives below the lake, then emerging and zig-zagging around the very detailed and well-themed mountain and then diving again to emerge back in Thunder Mesa (the ride's entrance is not on the mountain itself). The coaster is a must-do as it is thrilling but also smooth and family-friendly. Big Thunder Mountain is the most popular ride in the park frequently posting 1-2 hour waits. Better experienced around park opening, with Premier Access, Single Rider or at night (the ambience of the mountain at night cannot be understated).
  • Phantom Manor (Premier Access) — This classic ride is Disneyland Paris' version of the Haunted Mansion found in other Disney parks. Tucked away in a dilapidated brown manor, guests board two-person omnimovers and go for slow tour inside the hallways, rooms and gardens of the house discovering its story and seeing all the ghosts that now call it home. The ride is more fun and wacky than scary but younger children may be frightened by a few scenes. High capacity attraction almost never has a line above 30-40 minutes so good to go all day.
  • Thunder Mesa Riverboad Landing — A leisurely experience on board two large, 19th-century paddle-steamer boats, called Mark Twain and Molly Brown, that do a 15-minute circle of the river around Big Thunder Mountain. The cruise is especially beautiful in the afternoon and at sunset.
  • Frontierland Playground — A kids playground themed after the indian village from Pocahontas.
  • Rustler Roundup Shootin' Gallery — A shooting arcade with interactive moving targets.

Discoveryland [ edit ]

The equivalent of the Tomorrowland found in other disney parks, Discoveryland is an idealized vision of tomorrow as imagined by European thinkers and explorers like Leonardo da Vinci, H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, with its retro-futuristic buildings and bright blue/brown colors.

  • Hyperspace Mountain (1.20 m height requirement, Premier Access) — The highlight of the area and one of the highlights of the park as whole, Hyperspace Mountain is a large circular pyramid building located at the land's center. It houses an indoor rollercoaster that is now themed after the Star Wars franchise, taking the place of the original Space Mountain, where guests are launched on to high speed journey across the galaxy and see the battles between the Empire and the Resistance. An absolute must-do ride, be warned however that the coaster takes place in darkness and has 3 inversions so it may be rough for some people. Very popular ride with frequent wait times in the vicinity of 1 hour, it is better experienced early in the morning, at night and via Premier Access or Single Rider.
  • Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast (Premier Access) — An interactive shooter dark ride themed after Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. Guests shoot lasers from the guns on their vehicles at targets with the Z insignia throughout the ride, competing with each other about who gets the highest score. It's a really fun experience and many visitors ride it more than once trying to beat each other. At the end is the Star Command rank where everyone is given a rank based on their scores. Also a very popular ride same advice applies here as in Hyperspace Mountain.
  • Star Tours: The Adventures Continue (Premier Access) — Another Star Wars ride in the back of the land. This time it's a 3D-motion simulator (meaning that the vehicle also simulates movement seen on the screen) where guests board a spaceship and go on voyage with C-3PO in the world of Star Wars. The ride has more than 60 randomised scenes based on all the Star Wars movies and series so that every experience is completely unique. Not as popular as the previous rides. Its queue is also fun to wait built as an intergalactic space station with interactive talking robots.
  • Autopia (Premier Access) — A car-driving attraction where you can board 1950s futuristic cars and go for a 5- to 6-minute drive. Riders can change only the speed of the car not its direction. It's especially fun for young children that can't drive but a skippable ride otherwise. Always has short lines except on the busiest of days.
  • Orbitron — A spinner ride similar to Dumbo in Fantasyland but this time you board small spaceships and the height that your vehicle reaches is controllable by the riders. Very slow-loading with long lines, it is generally recommeded to skip this one as it is usually not worth the wait.
  • Les Mysteres du Nautilus — A nice walkthrough attraction in the land's lagoon where you go down an actual submarine themed after the Nautilus from the stories of Jules Verne.
  • Mickey's Philharmagic — A 12-minute, 4D show where Donald Duck leads a digital orchestra that plays famous songs from disney movies like Be Our Guest , You Can Fly and A Whole New World .

Walt Disney Studios Park [ edit ]

The resort's second theme park opened on March 16, 2002 and is themed after the world of Hollywood, Pixar and Marvel. Originally considered a very subpar theme park, it is now home to some excellent rides and shows. It is also undergoing a multi-phase refurbishment and expansion expected to be completed from late 2024 to 2026. If you are visiting the theme park before this time expect to see a lot of construction and closed-off areas.

Front Lot [ edit ]

The Front Lot functions as the park entrance and is home to Studio 1 , a large soundstage with an indoor boulevard , themed after a Hollywood studio with fake-facade buildings, restaurants and shops. Studio 1 will have have a lengthy refurbishment and retheme starting in April 2024 and will not be open to guests.

Production Courtyard [ edit ]

A small land that acts as the park's main plaza, Production Courtyard has two shows and the iconic Tower of Terror.

  • Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (1.02 m height requirement, Premier Access) — The park's icon and tallest building, the Tower of Terror is themed after the Hollywood Tower Hotel from the 1960s tv series The Twilight Zone. Guests enter the hotel to see the ride's preshow explaining how the hotel became cursed before boarding an elevator where they are visited by its ghosts. The elevator functions as drop tower launching and dropping riders on board multiple times inside the hotel (with some great views up top). The ride may be intense for some people. Very popular ride that can reach an hour worth of wait, plan to head here in the morning, late afternoon or with Premier Access.
  • Disney Junior Dream Factory — A 20-minute live show in a steampunk factory setting where famous disney characters sing and dance.
  • Stitch Live — A show where a digital Stitch appears on a screen and, with the help of computers, interacts and talks with guests

World of Pixar [ edit ]

This land is dedicated all-things Pixar. Guests can visit rides and eat at restaurants inspired by famous Pixar characters like Lightning McQueen, Ratatouille, Woody and Nemo.

  • Ratatouille: The Adventure (Premier Access) — One of the two headliners of the land, Ratatouille: The Adventure is a 4D-dark ride where riders are "shrunk" to the size of a rat and travel through the world of Remy visiting the sewers, back alleys and Gusteau's Restaurant. It uses a mix of physical sets, projections and screens to give a more wholesome experience for the whole family and is the only one of its kind in the resort. Very popular with all guests the ride is best avoided from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, unless Premier Access is available (may sell out sometimes).
  • Crush's Coaster (1.07 m height requirement, Premier Access) — The other major ride of the land, Crush's Coaster is an indoor, wild-mouse rollercoaster named after Crush from Finding Nemo. The 4-person, spinning turtle shells start calmly passing through a coral reef and an abandoned submarine, where guests meet Nemo and Bruce, before they start racing and spinning, simulating the feeling of being in the East Australian Current. Keep in mind that the ride is more intense than it seems and the spinning may affect guests with motion sickness. Crush's Coaster has by far the longest and most persistent lines in the park frequently staying at 60-90 minutes all day. Head there first thing in the morning or right before closing, or use Premier Access and Single Rider.
  • RC Racer (1.20 m height requirement) — A flat ride based on RC Racer from Toy Story, it is an orange halfpipe rollercoaster where the vehicle travels up and down the semicircular track. The ride offers some thrills but it's short, around 1 minute. Head here early or otherwise skip it. It is usually not worth the long lines it gets during the day.
  • Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop (81 cm height requirement) — A small drop ride with green parachutes geared towards children and inspired by the toy soldiers from Toy Story. While it offers some great views it is short and slow and like the RC Racer it may not worth it's wait.
  • Slinky Dog Zigzag Spin — A very small rollercoaster geared for younger children, where you board Slinky from Toy Story and go around a tiny circular track. Never has much of a wait.
  • Cars Road Trip — A rethemed part of the now-closed Studio Tram Tour, guests are on a tram are wizzed through 3 scenes featuring characters from Pixar's Cars. Generally considered a bad ride and is unpopular with guests.
  • Cars Quatre Roues Rallye — Another Cars attraction for young children, this time a flat ride with spinning cars. Never much of a wait.

Toon Studio [ edit ]

Toon Studio is a very small land nestled between Production Courtyard and the World of Pixar. It has two attractions.

  • Magic Carpets of Aladdin — A spinning flat ride, like Dumbo and Orbitron at Disneyland Park, but instead of elephants and spaceships this time riders are on magic carpets in front of painted backdrop. Never has much of a wait but, again, it is geared towards younger children.
  • Animation Academy — A themed gift shop.

Avengers Campus [ edit ]

The first land to open as part of the ongoing expansion, Avengers Campus is themed after the Marvel Superheroes and took the place of the former Hollywood Backlot. The land has two rides and many character meet-and-greets with the Marvel characters.

  • Avengers Assemble: Flight Force (1.20 m height requirement, Premier Access) — Set inside the Avengers Headquarters , this is an indoor rollercoaster where guests ride through space with Iron Man and Captain Marvel as they fight the Kree. The queue is very detailed and has a preshow with an impressive Iron-Man animatronic. Keep in mind that the rollercoaster is fast, takes place mostly in darkness and has multiple inversions. Waits above 40-45 minutes very rare.
  • Spiderman W.E.B. Adventure (Premier Access) — W.E.B. Adventure is an interactive shooter ride themed after Spiderman where guests shoot webs into moving targets, like Buzz Lightyear in Disneyland. Unlike Buzz Lightyear though there are only digital screens, riders now wear 3D glasses and shoot the webs with their hands. Very popular ride, it is usually clogged by crowds at midday and afternoon.
  • Shows and Meet n' Greets — There are many small outdoor, interactive shows and meet n' greets with the superheroes throughout the land. They are not timed and happen randomly throughout the day.

Buy [ edit ]

If there is one thing you will never have a problem finding in Disneyland Paris it's stores. Various themed and general stores are spread liberally throughout the park, selling Disney merchandise and general memorabilia. They carry everything from pencils to books, from Indiana Jones fedora hats to Cinderella costumes. The sky is basically the limit on the money you can spend at Disneyland Paris: you can buy glass/crystal trinkets and sword replicas in the central castle. If you come to Disneyland Paris with children, be prepared to reach deep into your pockets. A set of goodies for a child will probably set you back approximately €50 . Add to this plush dolls, t-shirts and action figures, it's easy to spend €50-100 or more a head on "souvenirs".

The main shopping area of Disneyland Paris is Main Street USA . The largest store at Walt Disney Studios Paris is Disney Studio 1 , which you will see straight ahead after you enter the park. Disney Village has a large collection of retailers, including a Disney Store. In addition almost every ride in the park has a gift shop that you pass through at the exit, selling memorabilia connected to it.

Because of the sheer number of stores there is some variation in what they will stock. For example, a shop in Frontierland may sell different cuddly plush toys when compared to a store in Fantasyland. If you are after merchandise of a specific franchise or character then speak to a cast member.

Pin-trading [ edit ]

Pin-trading, while present, is not hyped as much as it is in the American parks. While you can still trade and buy pins and lanyards, you will find a smaller selection and fewer traders.

The main pin trading hub is the Pueblo Trading Post shop, found at the back of Frontierland next to the Pocahontas Indian Village play area. Except for special pin trading events, the shop is only open on Saturdays and Sundays. This is the only place in the entire park to buy Limited Edition or "mystery bag/box" pins, so if you're a pin fan then it's worth popping in for a look. There are also usually a few pin traders hanging around who are mostly happy to chat about pin trading and collecting.

Eat [ edit ]

Disneyland Paris sports many restaurants and bars that have mostly one thing in common: They're expensive, and in the parks themselves they're universally not very good. Vegan and vegetarian options are available in all restaurants. Takeaway food is easy to find thanks to the Disneyland Paris app. If you're not eating in your hotel then Disney Village offers better options, especially for lunch. Some are simple fast-food spots, others are quite fancy.

  • The cheapest food on the premises can be bought at McDonald's. Unsurprisingly, they are much more expensive than any average McDonald's. The McDonald's in Disney Village is the largest in France and can become insanely busy at lunchtime.
  • The primary place to eat, drink, shop and party is in the Disney Village, which contains some nicely-themed restaurants including King Ludwig's Castle, the very atmospheric Rainforest Café, and a nice steak house.
  • Perhaps the most interesting ambiance can be had in "Captain Jack's — Restaurant des Pirates" which is built inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Prices are steep, but the atmosphere is very nice. You can also look in on the ride itself which can be very entertaining.
  • If you booked yourself into a Disney hotel this includes breakfast - basically an all you can eat buffet of cereal, rolls, yogurt, and so on. The food is not fancy, but it'll feed you well. You should also get vouchers for food in the Park at least once (they may offer more than once depending on the booking situation). The food is the same, but you are admitted to the park one hour before it officially opens, giving you a head start to the rides. Not all the themed "lands" are open for this, you can get a list of the ones that are from your hotel. For instance "its a small world" doesn't open until 10:00 and Autopia (cars that the kids can drive) doesn't open until 12:30.
  • There is the large shopping mall Val d'Europe located near the park (one stop west on RER A, also free parking is available). This may help if you are on a budget.
  • Bring something to drink into the park with you - if you're walking around for hours, especially when it's hot, you will need a lot of liquid to avoid dehydration spoiling your day. Don't forget that drinks at kiosks are very expensive. If you bring a reusable water bottle you can refill it at various free drinking fountains that are scattered throughout the parks. The tap water is perfectly safe to drink.
  • There are signs at the entrance stating that there is no picnicking inside the parks. However, this rule is not strictly enforced. Just don't climb all over the ornamental fenced-off grass.

The parks close early in the winter, spring and autumn so it is hard to eat dinner in the park after dark. Also, if you are visiting for a full day, it's a good idea to go to the park early then retire to the Disney Village for lunch, returning into the park later.

Sleep [ edit ]

Disneyland Paris is home to 6 onsite hotels and one offsite property. They vary in theming and pricing and all except the Disneyland Hotel and Davy Crockett Ranch offer free shuttle services to the parks and the Disney Village. Hotel guests are also eligible for free parking and the Extra Magic Hours, as referenced before, giving them one hour early access to select rides in the parks.

  • The Disneyland Hotel (5*) is the resort's signature hotel. The instantly recognizable building is the most expensive and lavish of them all having recently received a fairytale retheme and offers exclusive experiences like princess meet n' greets and dining with characters like Belle or Cinderella. It is also in an ideal location right on the entrance of Disneyland, with great views of the firework show at night and 5 minutes away from Walt Disney Studios.
  • New York Art of Marvel (4*) is located on the upper side of Lac Buena Vista and is considered a luxury hotel. It has a distinct New York feeling and has recently been rethemed to include Marvel characters with exclusive meet-and-greets. It has a swimming pool and is a 10 minute walking distance from the parks.
  • Newport Bay (4*) is located on the southern side of Lac Buena Vista and is also considered a luxury hotel. It has a nautical style decor with blue rooftops, a swimming pool and offers Mickey and Friends character meet-and-greets. Also a 10-minute walk to the parks.
  • Sequoia Lodge (3*) is located on the eastern side of Lac Buena Vista and is considered a moderate hotel. It has a beautiful national park theme with wooden brown buildings and lots of trees. It also offers Mickey and Friends character meet n' greets, a swimming pool and a bar with log fire. 10-minute walk from the parks.
  • Hotel Cheyenne (2*) is located on Rue du Boeuf Agile and is a value hotel with a Wild West theme. It is the resort's largest hotel with multiple buildings creating a small "town" and is located 15-20 minutes from the parks. Hosts meet-and-greets with Woody and Jessie from Toy Story.
  • Hotel Santa Fe (2*) is located directly opposite Hotel Cheyenne and is also a value hotel and the cheapest. With the same small "town" feel and orange colored buildings, it has a Cars theme and hosts Mickey and Friends character meet n' greets. Again a 15- to 20-minute walk from the parks.
  • The Davy Crockett Ranch is an offsite property situated 15 minutes drive away. It is quite different from the other hotels and consists of separate motel style accommodation with cooking facilities. There is also a shop (open late), a swimming pool, horse rides and a petting zoo. There is no shuttle service to the parks.

All Disneyland Paris' hotels are generally expensive . The price for a double room in Hotel Santa Fe, the cheapest, can easily run up to €400-500 /night. The luxury/moderate/value characterisations are made in comparison to the other on-site hotels and do not apply to the rest of Paris.

Other hotels [ edit ]

Except for the above there are many hotels around the resort mostly in Val d'Europe. Most of these offer transport to the park and have generally lower prices but they don't have a Disney theme and may not be part of special packages and perks provided for guests of the official Disney hotels. A special category are the 5 Disney Partner hotels:

  • Hotel L'Elysee Val D'Europe
  • Stay City Aparthotels Paris Marne-La-Vallee
  • Ki Space Hotel and Spa
  • Aparthotel Adagio Serris - Val D'Europe
  • B&B Hotel

It is best not to limit yourself in Disney or Disney-affiliated hotels if you are travelling on a tight budget and planning to stay close to the resort, but expand your research to the entire Marne-La-Vallee area and the surrounding villages.

  • 48.85855 2.78602 1 Aparthotel Adagio Serris - Val D'Europe , 18 Cours de l'Elbe , ☏ +33 164173200 , fax : +33 164173201 , [email protected] . Another cheaper, self-catering option. Free shuttle bus to and from the parks. Apartments spacious, comfortable and self-catering. Designed on the model of a private mansion house, with decor combining an urban style with the spirit of an English garden-city, the residence is next to one of Europe's largest shopping centres.  
  • 48.85537 2.80819 2 Radisson Blu Hotel Paris, Marne-La-Vallee , 40 Allée De La Mare Houleuse , ☏ +33 1 60 43 64 00 , [email protected] . The Radisson Blu hotel is ideal for those wanting a bit more space, this modern hotel also boasts the Disneyland Golf course on its door-step so it is ideal for golfing enthusiasts.  

Talk [ edit ]

Communication should not be an issue for English-speaking visitors. Although Disneyland Paris is mainly French as you'd expect, all menus and signs are also available in English and some in other languages. All Cast Members speak English; and as they are recruited from all over Europe, several of them speak more than three languages. If all else fails, your fellow park visitors are from all over Europe and around the world, so a bystander might be able to translate for you. Besides French, many signs are also written in English and sometimes German as they are the three most commonly used languages in Disneyland.

Connect [ edit ]

Mail [ edit ].

You can buy postcards and stamps at most shops in the park. Mailboxes exist in some central locations. Ask the shopkeepers about the postage required to your destination.

Internet [ edit ]

The park does offer wifi access thorough the parks. Use the official Disneyland Paris app.

Go next [ edit ]

  • Val d'Europe [dead link] is the first stop from Marne-la-Vallee on RER A.

Or visit the other Disneyland parks worldwide at:

  • Walt Disney World in Florida .
  • Disneyland Resort in California .
  • Tokyo Disney Resort in Japan .
  • Hong Kong Disneyland in Hong Kong .
  • Shanghai Disney Resort in China

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Paris in a day - discover the best one day itinerary including the gorgeous Luxembourg Gardens

Paris in a Day: The Perfect Itinerary

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Paris lives up to the hype. The elegant boulevards, iconic architecture, beautiful parks, and delicious food really do make this a magical city and one we never tire of exploring.

Even if you only have one day in Paris (perhaps on a London to Paris day trip), you can still see (and eat) a lot.

On our last visit, we had one full day in the city on our way from London to Italy by train.

We focused on the major sights and put together an itinerary that would be ideal for first-time visitors to Paris wanting to make the most of a short stay.

In this post, you will find our perfect Paris day trip itinerary, a loop that takes you to the city’s classic sights and beautiful neighbourhoods with some tasty treats along the way.

At the end, there is a map with everything mentioned. 

When to Visit Paris

One day in paris itinerary, where to stay in paris, our paris costs, how to get to paris, getting around paris, paris in a day map, is it worth visiting paris in one day, more france posts.

Our Paris in one day trip was in April, but you could follow this route at any time of year—just dress appropriately.

In spring, wear layers as the weather is very changeable—we had a mix of sun and clouds with variable temperatures.

Our packable down jackets were ideal as when Simon got too hot, he could stuff his inside our daypack .

In winter, I recommend getting an early start to make the most of the daylight.

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We started in Jardin de Plantes as it was just across the river from our hotel, but you could start at any point. There are no ugly sections on this route—it is all gloriously Parisian.

This itinerary does involve a lot of walking—we walked about 14 miles/22.5 km (30,000 steps) in seven hours (10.30am – 5.30pm) and were exhausted by the end.

I have included suggestions of where you could reduce the route or take the metro.

I do think walking is the best way to see this beautiful city, though, and there are plenty of cafes and parks along the way for breaks.

We love exploring the city at our own pace, but if you’d prefer to have a guide show you around, this Paris Highlights tour takes you to many of the attractions we visited and includes Eiffel Tower access. 

Breakfast – Blé Sucré

There’s no need for a hotel breakfast in Paris—affordable bakeries selling delicious croissants and pastries are everywhere.

Luckily our favourite bakery was only a 10-minute walk from our hotel (the Timhotel Paris Gare de Lyon ).

The croissants and pain au chocolat at Blé Sucré (7 Rue Antoine Vollon) were as good as we remembered—huge and perfectly flaky. As it’s always busy, we took our pastries to eat in the park opposite.

See these suggestions for the best croissants in Paris if you want somewhere closer to your hotel.

Another fancier breakfast option would be Angelina tea house near the Louvre. I have included it later in the itinerary, but there’s no reason you couldn’t start there.

Jardin des Plantes

Cherry blossoms in Jardin des Plantes, Paris, France

After breakfast we headed across the Seine enjoying views of Notre-Dame as we walked over the Pont d’Austerlitz .

Jardin des Plantes is the main botanical garden in France and dates back to 1626. Entry is free and it’s a lovely place for a stroll.

In early April, flowers had just been planted in the formal beds that line the broad walkways and the pink and white cherry blossom trees were blooming.

You can also visit the Natural History Museum in the gardens, but it is closed on Tuesdays when we visited.

Latin Quarter

Rue Mouffetard in the Latin Quarter, Paris, France

The area of Paris on the Left Bank between the Seine and Luxembourg Gardens is known as the Latin Quarter .

It’s home to the Sorbonne University , one of the oldest colleges in Europe, and got its name from the theology students who spoke in Latin until the French Revolution.

This iconic neighbourhood can be touristy, but it’s still charming, and the narrow winding streets are a good place to wander and discover little bistros, independent boutiques, and cosy bookshops.

The market street Rue Mouffetard is one of the most typical and historic streets to explore.

Pantheon in the Paris Latin Quarter, France

One of the major sights of the Latin Quarter is the grandiose Pantheon , which was originally a church until the French Revolution and now contains the tombs of many famous French figures including Victor Hugo, Marie Curie, and Alexandre Dumas.

Law Faculty of the Pantheon-Sorbonne University opposite the Pantheon in Paris

It’s worth admiring the Pantheon from outside (like we did) even if you don’t go inside (tickets cost €11.50 adults/ free for children).

The mammoth building is very imposing and is surrounded by more grand buildings including the curved facade of the Law Faculty of the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, the Sainte-Geneviève Library , and the Saint-Étienne-du-Mont church .

The area was buzzing with students enjoying their lunch break in the sun.

Saint-Étienne-du-Mont church opposite the Pantheon in Paris

Jardin du Luxembourg

Luxembourg Gardens with small pond, Paris, France

Luxembourg Gardens dates back to 1612 and is one of the most popular parks in Paris.

There’s plenty to explore, but it’s also a good place to take a break as there are lots of chairs, so pull one up and admire the fountains and magnificent Luxembourg Palace .

The tulips were blooming and we realised why everyone raves about spring in Paris (we’ll forget about the pouring rain we arrived to the night before!).

Saint Germain

Cafe de Flore in Saint Germain, a stylish neighbourhood in Paris, France

Continue through Sant Germain , the quintessential Parisian neighbourhood of elegant buildings, charming streets, and picturesque squares.

This chic area is full of interesting-looking (but pricey) shops selling antiques, clothes, paper, chocolate, macarons ( Pierre Hermé is our favourite) and more.

You can take a break at one of the classic cafes like Les Deux Magots which was frequented by writers and artists including Hemingway, Sartre, and Picasso. The outdoor tables were packed on a sunny spring lunchtime.

Hot Chocolate at Café de Flore

Hot chocolate at Cafe de Flore in Paris, France

By this point, after nearly three hours of walking, we were in definite need of a break.

We’d eaten breakfast too late to want lunch, so we went to Café de Flore (172 Boulevard Saint-Germain), known to make some of the best hot chocolate in Paris (the food is reportedly average), and another hangout of the early 20th century intellectuals.

We knew what we were getting into—it is touristy—so we weren’t too shocked by the €7.80 price tag for a Special Flore hot chocolate, and it was excellent—rich, thick and intensely chocolatey.

Café de Flore has a classic bistro vibe with red booth seating, mahogany tables, gold-rimmed Art Deco mirrors, and waiters in long white aprons and black waistcoats. It all feels very Parisian.

Although we enjoyed our drink, I prefer the chocolate and extravagant decor of Angelina (see below), so you could stop there for your hot chocolate break instead.

Option 1: Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, street view on a cloudy day, Paris, France

Our plan for the day was rather ambitious, and at this point we were due to visit the Rodin Sculpture Museum and continue to the Eiffel Tower .

We realised we didn’t have the energy for both, so we left the museum for another visit and walked 40 minutes from the cafe to the Eiffel Tower.

Along the way we strolled down the stylish Boulevard Saint Germain and stumbled upon random grand buildings and stunning squares.

We ended up at the east pillar of the Eiffel Tower, walking down a narrow street with it looming above us.

We didn’t climb the tower as the queues are horrendous, but it was impressive to see it up close.

If you want to go up, it’s essential to book your tickets in advance here to avoid the queues. 

You could also save your legs by taking the metro from Saint-Germain des Pres station to Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel —take line 4 two stops to Saint-Michel then switch to the RER C train.

Option 2: Cross the Seine River

Although we were glad we did the walk to the Eiffel Tower, it is a long detour from the rest of this itinerary and adds about 3.7 miles / 6 km.

A shorter route after Café de Flore would be to walk down to the Seine, walk along the Left Bank until the magnificent Alexandre III bridge , cross over, and continue down the opposite side to the Louvre area. You could combine this with Option 3.

Option 3: Art Museum

Rather than trek all the way to the Eiffel Tower, you might decide to spend part of the day at an art museum, one of the most popular things to do in Paris.

If it’s your first trip to Paris, you might feel like you have to visit the Louvre , but don’t feel any pressure to do so—honestly, the Mona Lisa is rather disappointing.

If you’re not that into art, you’ll probably have a much better day in Paris wandering the streets and chocolate shopping.

It’s worth seeing from the outside, though, which is why it’s a stop later on this route.

If you really want to visit the Louvre, buy your tickets online in advance or at least use the quieter Carrousel entrance in the mall below the museum. Note that it’s closed on Tuesdays. These Louvre tips  will help you make the most of your visit. 

I think the Musée d’Orsay is a better choice if you only have time for one art museum in Paris.

It’s not as crowded, the old train station setting is beautiful, and there’s a stunning collection of Impressionist art by Monet, Degas, Cézanne and more. It’s closed on Mondays.

Other options are the Musée de l’Orangerie for Monet’s Water Lillies (closed Tuesdays) and the Rodin Museum for sculpture (closed Mondays).

Walk Along the Seine

The Eiffel Tower from the Seine river in Paris, France

Whichever option you choose, you’ll next cross the Seine .

From the Eiffel Tower cross the Pont d’Iena and you’ll get fantastic views of the tower from the other side.

From here we took a long walk along the river. There are many sights to enjoy along the way including the incongruous gold domes of the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral , the ornate Alexandre III bridge , and the Grand Palais .

Ornate Alexandre III bridge on the Seine in Paris, France

If you are very energetic, you could take a detour to see the Arc de Triomphe and Champs-Élysées , both major Paris attractions, but honestly not our favourite part of the city.

If you are feeling tired, take the metro to Concorde and continue with the itinerary.

Place de la Concorde and Jardin des Tuileries

Water fountain and Luxor Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris, France

Once you reach Place de la Concorde walk through this grand square, which is the largest in Paris and features an Egyptian Obelisk and two fountains.

Statue in Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France

It leads into the Jardin des Tuileries where you can ride the Ferris wheel, relax on chairs by the pond, and stroll the wide boulevards past fountains and statues. We took a break on some of the chairs here.

Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France

From Jardin des Tuileries walk through the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel  (a smaller version of the famous arch) to the Louvre.

Even though I don’t think it’s worth braving the crowds to go inside unless you are a major art buff, it’s well worth visiting the courtyard to see the splendid Louvre Palace contrasting with the modern glass pyramid entrance.

The iconic Louvre pyramid, Paris, France

La Maison du Chocolat Shop

It wouldn’t be Paris without sweet treats. Usually, our favourite place for macarons is Pierre Hermé (which has branches all over the city), but on this trip we decided to try somewhere different.

La Maison du Chocolat has a branch in the upmarket Carrousel du Louvre shopping centre under the museum.

As you’d expect from a Parisian chocolate shop, all the products are exquisite, delicious, and pricey (€2 for a macaron or €1.20 for a small chocolate). You can buy gift boxes or choose a selection in a bag for yourself. It’s all wonderful, especially the chocolate and passionfruit macarons.

Read about the best chocolate shops in Paris for more ideas. 

Angelina: An Alternative Hot Chocolate Stop

Instead of Café de Flore (or as well as, if you can manage it), you could stop at the Angelina tea house (226 Rue de Rivoli) next to Jardin des Tuileries.

The African hot chocolate is even more decadent than at Café de Flore and the elegant Belle Époque decor makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time.

Île de la Cité 

Simon strolling along the Seine, Paris, France

After the Louvre, continue your stroll along the Seine —the views are beautiful all the way. Remember to turn around to see the Eiffel Tower behind you.

Île de la Cité is a picturesque little island in the Seine that’s home to the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral.

We crossed over to the island on the Pont Neuf and walked through the pleasant triangular square Place Dauphine .

We were exhausted, thirsty, and in need of a toilet at this point and really should have stopped for a break at one of the bars here.

Instead, we continued on, and it became very touristy very quickly.

Place Dauphine on Île de la Cité near Notre Dame, Paris, France

Notre-Dame is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and dates back to the 13th century.

Tragically a massive fire in April 2019 destroyed the spire and most of the roof of the cathedral. It is being rebuilt but this could take five years or more. 

It’s no longer possible to go inside Notre-Dame, but you can still see the outside from a distance. 

Why not try this Notre Dame Outdoor Walking Tour with Crypt Entry to find out more about the ongoing restoration work?

An alternative place to visit on the island is Sainte-Chapelle , a 13th-century gothic chapel with stunning stained glass windows.

The queues are long so it’s worth buying a skip the line ticket in advance as it costs the same as purchasing it onsite (€11.50). 

From Notre-Dame we crossed to the quieter neighbouring island Île Saint-Louis and stopped for a much-needed drink at La Chaumiere en l’Ile .

Bistro opposite La Chaumiere en l'Ile on Île Saint-Louis, Paris, France

From here we returned to our hotel for a break before dinner.

Le Marais for Dinner

We planned to head to Le Marais neighbourhood for dinner, and I do recommend this if you have the energy.

We couldn’t face any more walking so ended up at upmarket vegan restaurant Gentle Gourmet near our hotel, which unfortunately is now closed.

In Le Marais there are plenty of options for dinner . If you are on a budget (or vegetarian), this area is known for its falafel— L’As du Fallafel is the most famous but there are many others. The grilled vegetable pitta sandwiches at Miznon also sound delicious.

For something more traditionally French, Breizh Cafe is one of the best places for galettes and crepes in Paris and they have vegetarian options. It’s popular so make a reservation, get there early, or be prepared to wait. It’s on our list for next time.

While you are in the area, it’s also worth seeing Le Village St Paul and Place des Vosges .

If you are in Paris for a night or two, I recommend either staying somewhere on this route ( St Germain or the Latin Quarter would be ideal) or if you have an early morning train, choose a hotel close to the train station.

Gare du Nord is where the Eurostar train arrives and departs for London, and Gare de Lyon is the main station for travelling south (including the TGV to Italy).

Gare de l’Est is a 10-minute walk from Gare du Nord and is for trains east such as to gorgeous Colmar .

Where We Stayed Near Gare de Lyon

We stayed near Gare de Lyon (only two stops on the RER D train from Gare du Nord) because our train to Italy left at 6.30am.

We stayed in an ensuite classic double room at the Timhotel Paris Gare de Lyon . It’s one of the most affordable options in the area (prices from €148 a night) and is only five minutes walk to the station.

It’s clean and comfortable but the rooms are small and the WiFi didn’t work in our room (request one with a better signal). While it’s nothing special, it’s fine for a night or two.

Hotels Near Gare du Nord

These are about a five-minute walk from Gare du Nord, perfect if you have an early Eurostar train.

  • Le Rocroy Hotel Paris Gare du Nord  – Comfortable, spacious, and affordable rooms with air conditioning. 
  • Hotel Mademoiselle – A stylish boutique hotel with all mod cons, spa, and small gym. 

Hotels in St Germain

If you want to stay in the heart of the action, St Germain is one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods in Paris and perfect for this one-day itinerary. It isn’t cheap, but a few affordable options can be found.

  • Hôtel Bel Ami – A chic five-star hotel in an ideal location just steps from Cafe de Flore. 
  • Millésime Hôtel – Elegant rooms and friendly staff. 
  • Hotel Clément   – One of the most affordable options in this area with small but comfortable rooms. 

For two nights/one day in Paris we spent £367 for two people (£184 per person) which is broken down as:

  • Eurostar train (one way) £88
  • Metro (2 single tickets) £3.31
  • Hotel (2 nights) £161.42
  • Food and drink £114

You could reduce expenses by choosing cheaper accommodation (likely with shared bathroom), avoiding cafes, and buying a baguette and cheese for dinner rather than eating in a restaurant (we usually happily do this in Paris).

On a previous trip we managed to spend £30 a day per person—see our Paris on a budget guide for details.

Of course, prices may have increased considerably since our last visit.

Eurostar from London to Paris

The fast, comfortable Eurostar train is the best way to travel from London to Paris.

The journey from London St Pancras International to Paris Gare du Nord takes from just two hours 16 minutes, and there are trains almost every hour during the day.

The cheapest tickets cost £44, but you’ll need to book far in advance (up to 180 days) and travel off peak to get the best rates.

We paid £44 each for tickets on a Monday afternoon in April booking three months in advance. You can book on the Eurostar website .

If you are travelling with an Interrail or Eurail pass the Eurostar is included but you must book in advance and pay a seat reservation fee of €30. 

London to Paris Day Trip

It is possible to visit Paris in a day from London on the Eurostar. On weekdays the earliest train departs London at 6.01am and arrives in Paris at 9.21am or the 7.01am train arrives at 10.21am.

There are return trains back every hour until 9.09pm (which arrives in London at 10.30pm), so you could have up to 12 hours in the city—more than enough time for this Paris one day itinerary. Return tickets can be as low as £78 if you book months in advance.

On Sundays, the earliest train is at 8.01am (arriving 11.20am), so you’ll have more time if you travel on a different day.

Don’t forget to bring your passport and remember that Paris is an hour ahead of London.

If you don’t want to organise your day trip yourself, see this London to Paris day tour which includes train tickets, guided tour, and boat trip.

From Other European Destinations

Search on Rail Europe for trains from other destinations in Europe to Paris and Kiwi for cheap flights.

Although most of this route is on foot, you will likely need to take the metro or RER train from your hotel or train station.

Metro tickets are valid on both systems and you can buy them from machines in the stations.

A single ticket costs €2.10 or if you’ll be travelling on the metro a lot, you can buy a one-day Mobilis pass valid in zones 1–2 for €8.45.

You can plan your route on Google Maps, the RATP website , or see a map here .

Absolutely! Even if you only have time for one day in Paris, it’s worth visiting the City of Lights. It’s a walkable city and you can see a lot on a short break, plus enjoy some delicious treats along the way.

  • Disneyland Paris Itinerary for Adults: Two Parks in One Day
  • Belleville: An Alternative Side to Paris
  • How to Visit Paris on Under $50 a Day
  • Colmar: Explore This Fairytale Village in Alsace, France
  • A Budget Ski Trip to Tignes, France with Alpine Elements
  • A Perfect Day Snowboarding in Tignes, France

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Thanks for the how to dress in April comment. My daughter and I are doing the London to Paris to Frankfurt to Munich and on to Italy. 13 days . April 23 2022- May 9. Really looking forward to eating our way through Paris and Italy. We are dieting in order to fit the desserts in and stay in the clothes we bring. Lol.

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Enjoyed your article as it reminded me of our month-long tour of Europe in September 2018. My husband and I decided to take advantage and visited 11 cities, starting in London and ending in Rome. After Chunneling to for our three days in Paris, we stayed in the Saint Germain area, taking the hop-on hop-off (which we did on practically every city) and formal tours of the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Catacombs, boating the Seine, Moulin Rouge and Versailles, using the subway and bus to get around. Seemed like we walked everywhere, taking advantage of the little bakeries, cafes and markets along the way to ensure we got rest breaks and snacks so my husband could manage his blood sugar. Paris is so beautiful and historic. Where do you get to meet the actual owner of your hotel or talk with the locals at the cafes? Exhausted, we took the train to Lyon to transfer to our next stop Geneva, looking forward to a rest with a side trip to Chamonix. We are going back to Paris in April 2019 for 10 days. Already planning a side train trip to a nearby destination for a couple of days within. Happy to share info on all of our destinations if requested. Signed up for your newsletter. Thank you for a wonderful blog.

That sounds like a wonderful trip Candace! I love how walkable Paris is (and how many treats there are along the way!). Enjoy your next trip and thanks for reading and signing up for the newsletter.

We did something fairly similar to you in terms of what we chose to do for one day in Paris, just order was slightly different. You are right putting bakery first! I don’t think we planned for it but we did go to one in the morning and yum!

I am so glad to have stumbled across your blog!! My hubby and I are doing a one day trip in July! I’m a little nervous about the crowds since we will be there the day before Bastille day. But your blog has given me an idea of how we can make a day work!! Thank you!!!

We love Paris in the summer – enjoy!

I visited Paris in late September when its boulevards and parks were just spectacular with warm-coloured foliage. I’ve covered almost everything featured on your blog. Also, I’ve explored flea markets and suggest to consider adding Le Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen to a one-day itinerary. However, expect to spend some time among its endless stalls and note that open-air flea markets operate mostly April to October. Another thing which I can’t see in your itinerary was the abandoned railway Chemin de fer de Petite Ceinture. But I was told it’s much more impressive during the spring bloom than in autumn. Had the queues been shorter, I’d also have visited Paris catacombs. I’m doing that during my next visit.

Paris in autumn sounds wonderful! There are so many things to do in the city it’s hard to narrow it down to just a one day itinerary.

Jardins du Luxembourg! I have spent a cumulative year or two in Paris, and this is still my favorite garden. A must see! Especially in the summer when there are kids pushing around little sailboats! I would add in a couple glasses at a cave de vin, many gorgeous ones around the Marais and Republique as you suggested!

It is gorgeous, isn’t it? We got so lucky that the sun was out when we were there.

Musee de l’Orangerie was my choise. Since Monet is my favourite artist I rather spend my time there than standing in the long line to the Louvre.

I really want to go there! And to the Giverny gardens to see his inspiration.

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Disneyland Paris : on a vu le nouveau spectacle sur Alice au pays des merveilles ... avec des BMX

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Le parc d’attractions orchestre la revanche entre Alice et la Reine de cœur dans un duel loufoque imaginé par le Chapelier fou, entre chant, danse et cascades. Le Figaro l’a vu en avant-première.

Il y a une chose que Disney n'avait pas tranchée dans son dessin animé culte de 1951 Alice au pays des merveilles  : qui d'Alice ou de la Reine de cœur gagne la partie de croquet engagée lors de la «tea party» du Chapelier fou ? Dans son nouveau spectacle, qui débute samedi 25 mai au parc Walt Disney Studios, Disneyland Paris orchestre la revanche… Et c'est le public qui aura le dernier mot ! Univers coloré et décalé, trampolines et cascades en BMX : Le Figaro a découvert en avant-première «Alice et la Reine de cœur : retour au pays des merveilles».

Pour cette réadaptation du grand classique, c'est sous forme de battle que vont s'affronter les deux protagonistes. Pas moins de 46 artistes sur scène, dont dix riders de BMX et dix acrobates sur les trampolines, qui peuvent rebondir jusqu'à cinq mètres de hauteur. Alice au pays des merveilles s'est rapidement imposée aux équipes créatives, raconte Matteo Borghi, le metteur en scène : «Tout le monde connaît l'histoire, ça nous permet de l'explorer et de la revisiter sans avoir besoin de la raconter en entier à nouveau.» Sans compter que l'univers «coloré et décalé» se prêtait bien au ballet urbain qu'il avait imaginé.

À lire aussi Pixar, musique et effets spéciaux : dans les coulisses du nouveau spectacle de Disneyland Paris

Une scène XXL de 68 mètres de large

Dès l'entrée dans l'arène extérieure - où était joué le spectacle de cascades de voitures «Moteurs, Action !» jusqu'en 2020 - le décor fait de conteneurs, de rampes de skate park et d'une scène centrale enveloppée de lianes, écrase par ses dimensions XXL : 68 mètres de large, 26 mètres de profondeur, 16 mètres de haut. Mais il offre des points de vue depuis n'importe lequel des 2800 sièges des immenses gradins, au point qu’il est impossible de tout voir tant il y a de l’animation de tous les côtés. «On l'a conçu comme une alcôve, pour englober le champ visuel des spectateurs» , décrypte Olivier Dusautoir, scénographe. Plus d'une dizaine d'écrans ont également été disséminés dans ce décor, «pour renforcer le sentiment d'être à un concert en plein air» .

Entrent alors en scène Alice et la Reine de cœur, réunies par le Chapelier fou, hôte de cette fête décalée à laquelle nous sommes tous conviés. La première, accompagnée de danseurs habillés en fleurs colorées et d'acrobates qui évoluent sur les trampolines, s'est vue attribuer un univers pop. La seconde, plus rock'n'roll, parade sur scène dans un char attelé à une sorte de Harley Davidson, avec ses sbires perchés sur des BMX, intimidant le camp adverse par leur ballet de cascades.

Du BMX… dans Alice au pays des merveilles  ? «Il fallait combler cet espace très vaste avec de l'énergie, qu'on ne pouvait avoir qu'en combinant des éléments traditionnels tels que le chant et la danse avec des acrobaties» , justifie Matteo Borghi. Si l'idée peut laisser sceptique sur le papier, l'ensemble est finalement très réussi : les figures s'intègrent tout aussi bien que les trampolinistes à cet univers qui n'a de toute façon que très peu de sens et donne du rythme à l'ensemble, renforçant le côté menaçant du camp royal.

Il a fallu adapter la scène pour y intégrer des rampes de saut pour les riders . «Il y a eu beaucoup de réflexion sur l'intégration des différentes disciplines» , se rappelle Olivier Dusautoir, qui a fait appel à Jean-Damien Climonet, consultant en cascades de BMX venu du Cirque du Soleil. «Il a fallu les cadrer, sourit d'ailleurs ce dernier. Ce ne sont pas des danseurs, ils n'ont pas cette habitude de précision et il faut leur laisser un peu de libertés dans la chorégraphie sinon ils se sentent bridés.»

À lire aussi Disneyland Paris : notre parcours parfait pour visiter les parcs en un jour, tout en évitant d'attendre

Le public, juge du duel

La musique est capitale dans ce spectacle, et contribue notamment à différencier les deux univers pop et rock d'Alice et de la Reine de cœur. Les chansons originales sont entraînantes, et l'on y trouve évidemment des clins d'œil aux mélodies du dessin animé de 1951. La bande-son a été enregistrée en studio, mais quatre musiciens et six chanteurs viennent en renfort en live. «Cette hybridité nous permet d'avoir un grand orchestre qu'on n'aurait pas pu avoir sur scène, tout en rendant le spectacle plus vivant avec le live» , explique Guillaume Coignard, producteur musical. Sur scène, on découvre également des percussionnistes armés de bidons transformés en instruments. «On a même utilisé les sons de percussion sur une cuve à fioul, enregistrés et retravaillés, dans la musique !» glisse Claire Salmon, la productrice du spectacle.

Quant aux costumes, ils s'inscrivent dans l'explosion de couleurs qu'est ce spectacle, tout droit venus de l'univers sans queue ni tête du pays des merveilles. Chaque personnage a été revisité et modernisé par rapport au dessin animé, «tout en gardant quelques codes pour que les visiteurs les reconnaissent tout de suite» , explique Claire Salmon. Alice est ainsi toujours vêtue de sa robe bleue et blanche, et la Reine de cœur arbore toujours des couleurs rouges et vives.

La clé du spectacle, c'est le public, invité à départager les deux compétitrices : à l'applaudimètre, c'est la tribune qui choisit qui de la jeune fille ou de la reine a été la meilleure, et son verdict change la fin du spectacle. Et ne croyez pas que la gentille Alice va forcément gagner, la Reine de cœur s'en étant plutôt bien sortie lors de notre passage...

«Alice et la Reine de cœur : retour au pays des merveilles» sera joué trois par jour jusqu'au 29 septembre et mobilise une centaine de personnes par représentation, des artistes à la technique. Disneyland Paris continue ainsi de renouveler l'offre de son parc Walt Disney Studios, qui fait l'objet d'un ambitieux plan de rénovation et d'extension , à l'issue duquel il sera renommé Disney Adventure World.

Carnet Pratique

«Alice et la Reine de cœur : retour au pays des merveilles», tous les jours au parc Walt Disney Studios, à Disneyland Paris, du 25 mai au 29 septembre.

En TGV et Ouigo via la gare de Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy, située devant l'entrée des parcs. Depuis Paris, en RER A via la même gare. En voiture, par l'autoroute A4, sortie Disneyland Paris.

Selon la date choisie, pour un adulte, de 57 à 99 euros pour un billet 1 jour / 1 parc ou 82 euros à 124 euros pour un billet 1 jour / 2 parcs permettant de naviguer à volonté entre le Parc Disneyland et les Walt Disney Studios.

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  • Disneyland Paris
  • Parc d'attraction

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De la côte Vermeille à la Costa Brava, à la découverte du chemin des merveilles entre Collioure et Cadaqués

GRAND REPORTAGE - La côte Vermeille, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, et, dans son prolongement, la Costa Brava, en Catalogne, irradient la lumière, éclaboussent de couleurs, enivrent de saveurs. Entre mer et montagne, Matisse, Derain, Maillol ou Dalí y découvrent un petit paradis.

Le numéro un mondial du tourisme s’inquiète des protestations aux Canaries

Le président du directoire de TUI a affirmé par ailleurs que le tourisme à forfait ne contribuait pas à la crise du logement sur les îles, alors que d’importantes manifestations locales s’insurgent contre le tourisme de masse.

Le saviez-vous ? La plus longue ligne de tramway du monde se trouve à quelques pas de la France

Au départ de la frontière française, le Kusttram longe la mer du Nord sur 67 km jusqu’aux portes des Pays-Bas. Une invitation à découvrir les plages sauvages, stations balnéaires et réserves naturelles de la côte belge.

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Disneyland Paris, votre voyage de rêve en France

Vos rêves prennent vie pendant votre voyage à disnelyand paris.

C'est le moment de réaliser le voyage de vos rêves en France, en famille ou entre amis ! Laissez-vous porter par la magie de Disneyland Paris et plongez ensemble dans nos univers enchantés.

Our spectacular shows, parades and experiences are coming back!

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Mickey and the Magician

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The Lion King: Rhythms of the Pride Lands

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The Disney Junior Dream Factory

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Get ready for the return of Character Dining!

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Disney Stars on Parade

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Disney Illuminations

Pour votre voyage, vibrez dans nos 50 attractions .

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Donnez vie à vos rêves d’évasion

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Réalisez les rêves de vos enfants

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Vivez vos rêves d’aventures

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Enjoy Selfies galore!

Hop on stage with beloved Disney Characters or float like a snowflake into the world of Frozen with a voyage to the heart of Arendelle! Heroes and heroines from Disney, Pixar, Star Warsᵀᴹ and MARVEL are ready to capture an unforgettable moment with you throughout the Disney Parks.

Make your visit even more memorable

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Take some time out in a Disney Hotel

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Share Disneylicious moments

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Browse our themed boutiques

Planifiez un voyage à disneyland paris qui vous ressemble.

Vous venez en couple ou avec des amis ?

Attractions, restaurants, boutiques... Planifiez une journée qui vous ressemble !

Vous avez un enfant de 0 à 6 ans ?

Préparez cette journée d'aventure et de rêve, pour plaire à toute la famille !

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Thank you for your confidence in us!

In 2020, Disneyland Park, Walt Disney Studios Park and Disneyland Hotel were included in the Travelers' Choice Best of the Best awards, chosen by Tripadvisor reviewers.


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Our official mobile app: your key to the magic!

Unlock all of the magic of Disneyland Paris with the official mobile app! Store your Tickets, reserve a Standby Pass, speed up your Hotel check-in and much more that you can’t do anywhere else. Download your essential Disneyland Paris companion now.​

Your questions

Are all the attractions open?

We have 50 attractions, most of which are open. Some may be closed for maintenance. See our list of open attractions on our dedicated page .

When and where can I see Disney Characters?

Our Disney, Pixar, Star Warsᵀᴹ Characters and MARVEL Super Heroes will be ready to strike a pose with you at our numerous Selfie Spots. Find out more on our dedicated page or see the locations directly on the map in the official Disneyland Paris app!

What are the opening times of the Disney Parks?

You can find opening times of the Disney Parks for your visit date on our dedicated page . Guests with an Annual Pass or who are staying in a Disney Hotel still have access to the Disney Parks before they officially open, as part of Extra Magic Time.

Can I access Disney Village without a ticket?

Yes! You don't need a ticket to come and enjoy the restaurants, bars and shops at Disney Village.

Do I have to register my visit date to enter the Disney Parks?

With our free official mobile app, you can book a table in advance for one of our many popular restaurants, find all the times and locations of our Selfie Spots, and find your way around the Parks using the interactive map on the day. It's your key to unlock the magic!

Do I have to register my Ticket to enter the Parks?

If you have a non-dated Ticket or Pass, you must register on our online registration platform in order to ensure admission to the Disney Parks on the date of your choice (subject to availability).

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Safety first!

Find all you need to know about our enhanced health and safety measures.

Price Estimate Calendar

Use our handy calendar to compare different periods of the year and find your best time to visit.

Disney Premier Access

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Sign up to receive by email special offers and updates about Disneyland Paris and other products and services of The Walt Disney Family of Companies.

Keep your eyes on what’s hot at Disneyland Paris.


Prestations incluses

2 nights at a Disney® theme hotel

3 days’ entry to Disneyland® Paris & Walt Disney Studios®

Tickets for Magic Over Disney®

Shuttle from hotel to park entrance (excluding Davy Crockett Ranch)

Enjoy more magical moments with extended opening hours for guests at Disney hotels

Points forts

Accommodation for up to 4 persons + baby

Extended opening hours and early access

Access to both parks with a hopper ticket

Light shows on 06.11.2023 and 08.11.2023 as well as on 17.01.2024, 22.01.2024 and 24.01.2024

On 6th and 8th November 2023 and on 17th, 22nd and 24th Januray 2024 Disneyland® Park will gleam in the stunning glow of a spectacular light show!


Magic over disney® on 6th or 8th november 2023 or on 17th, 22nd or 24th january 2024.

Disneyland® Paris is just as famous for its roller coasters and parades as it is for its events and seasonal highlights . So it’s hardly surprising that the theme park in Paris has come up with something extraordinary: In November 2023 and January 2024, Disneyland® Paris will be transformed into a stunning, glowing paradise fit to rival any of the countless, classic Disney® films.

An enchanting evening at Magic Over Disney® in Disneyland® Paris : On 6th and 8th November 2023 and on 17th, 22nd and 24th January 2024, Disneyland® Paris will be lighting up the night sky! There will be a stunning light show in the sky above Disneyland® Park which brings iconic Disney® characters to life before your eyes. Children and adults alike will be astounded!

Stay at Disneyland® Paris in a Disney® theme hotel

Wake up and be at Disneyland® Paris in a matter of minutes - what could be more convenient? Make this dream a reality at the Magic Over Disneyland® Paris event! As if that wasn’t enough, you can also make the most of up to 2 extra magical hours in the parks if you stay at a Disney® hotel :

4⭑ Disney Hotel New York – The Art of Marvel

Marvel exhibition - Pool - Fitness centre - Shuttle or 10 minute walk to the park

Boasting over 350 Marvel art works , this hotel is perfect for meeting your favourite superheroes and enjoying an unforgettable stay in the indescribable New York atmosphere. From water slides at the Metro Pool to the chance to design your own comic book and access to Metro Health Club, there’s plenty to keep you occupied. If you don’t feel like waiting for the free shuttle to the park, you can get there on foot in 10 minutes.

4⭑ Disney Newport Bay Club

Lake view - Pool - Sauna - Shuttle or 15 minute walk to the park

Ahoy and welcome! Located right next to Lake Disney , this hotel is a welcoming haven, decorated in a maritime style. Treat yourself to some delicious dishes at the Yacht Club, take a dip in the indoor and outdoor pool or relax in the hotel sauna. The walk to the hotel is similarly stress free, so you can head to the park on foot in 15 minutes or take the free shuttle.

Disney Sequoia Lodge

Gorgeous forest - Cosy ambience - Pool - Shuttle or 15 minute walk to the park

Surround yourself with greenery on your trip to Disneyland® with a room at Disney Sequoia Lodge. The Lodge boasts over 500 redwood trees which have been imported from America and Canada and lend the Lodge a sense of the American National Parks. Relax with a drink in front of the fire , take a dip in the Quarry Pool or work up a sweat in the fitness centre. For young adventurers, the hotel has a range of animated films and video games . If you don’t want to take the free shuttle bus, the walk to the parks takes around 15 minutes.

Disney Hotel Cheyenne

Indoor and outdoor play area - Pony rides - Shuttle or 20 minute walk to the park

Explore the Wild West with Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the other heroes of Toy Story. For keen cowboys and cowgirls, there is a themed indoor and outdoor play are and the chance to ride a pony. You can walk to Disneyland® Paris in 20 minutes or you can take the free shuttle to the parks.

Disney Hotel Santa Fe

Route 66 design - Play area - Shuttle or 20 minute walk to the park

Fans of the film Cars will love this hotel which offers you an unforgettable stay in the atmosphere of Route 66 with Lightning McQueen and his friends! Enjoy some tasty Mexican food and take some pictures with your favourite Disney heroes. Younger guests can burn off some energy in the play area . The parks are 20 minutes away on foot or you can take the free shuttle.

Disneyland® Paris – even more magical moments

As a guest of an official Disney® hotel, you can enjoy special access to certain areas ahead of regular opening times. Perfect for grabbing a photo with Micky, Minnie & Co! Certain attractions at the parks also open earlier for Disney® hotel guests so you can take a hair-raising ride before the queues hit. Make your holiday unforgettable with these extra hours of Disney® magic.

Your Magic Over Disney® booking options

  • 2 nights at a Disney® hotel and 3 days in the parks (arrival day + next 2 days)

The Magic Over Disneyland® Paris shows are taking place in the evening on 6th and 8th November 2023 and 17th, 22nd and 24th January 2024.

Disneyland® Paris theme parks

Disneyland® Paris boasts two large themed areas, which are home to a variety of attractions, shows and events:

Disneyland® Park : Disneyland® Park is made up of five different lands which contain countless roller coasters including Big Thunder Mountain, Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast and Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain. The colourful parades also happen here. One of the highlights of the park is the world-famous Sleeping Beauty’s Castle in the centre of Disneyland® Park, which is synonymous with the park.

Walt Disney Studios® Park : At Walt Disney Studios® Park it’s all about the films: soak up the Hollywood ambience and learn more about the production of your favourite animations and cartoons. Don’t skip the roller coasters such as the new Cars ROAD TRIP and the shows, there’s something here for everyone.

Your included services: Entry to both parks with the hopper ticket on your arrival date and the following day!

Travellers Choice Award

A trip to Disneyland® Paris is a treat for the whole family. Over 15 million visitors a year flock to Europe’s most fantastic theme park. The popularity of Disneyland® Paris is clear in the glowing reviews on platforms such as HolidayCheck and TripAdvisor.

Former guests particularly praise the excellent shows and the vibrant parades . Visitors also love the stunning design of the park and the culinary options. For all these reasons and more, Disneyland® Paris has been awarded the title of Europe’s Leading Theme Park Resort on multiple occasions and in 2018 it was selected as the World’s Leading Theme Park Resort.

From October 2023, the entrance to Walt Disney Studios Park will be reconstructed in phases. This includes the closure of Disney Studio 1 from April 2024.

Individual restaurants and boutiques will be closed during this time. However, you will still have a wide choice of alternatives at Disneyland Paris.

Disney Studio 1 is scheduled to be refurbished by spring 2025. All work is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Services et équipements

  • Accommodation at your booked hotel
  • 3 days’ entry (arrival day + next 2 days) to Disneyland® Paris & Walt Disney Studios®
  • With tickets for Magic Over Disney®
  • Even more magical moments: Earlier opening hours exclusively for guests at Disney® hotels (according to availability)
  • Free shuttle bus to the parks (excluding Davy Crockett Ranch) and free parking at the hotel
  • Free parking at Disney Parks for guests staying at a Disney Hotel with an Easy Pass issued at the hotel
  • Breakfast is not included

Please note : As part of this offer, you can book half board at an additional cost. You can look forward to a balanced breakfast at the Disney themed hotel and lunch or dinner in the parks. You will receive meal vouchers at the reception of your booked hotel on arrival, which you can redeem in the restaurants of the Disney© Parks, in the Disney© Hotels and in the Disney© Village (McDonald's®, Planet Hollywood®, King Ludwig Castle®, Rainforest Cafe®, Starbucks®, Earl of Sandwich®, Five Guys® and Vapiano® are excluded).

To help you prepare for your visit to Disneyland® Paris, we'll send you a Disneyland® Paris travel guide with lots of tips and tricks after your booking. Be curious!

Legal information: Experiences, shows, attractions and events may be changed, postponed or cancelled without notice due to inevitable or extraordinary circumstances.

As Disneyland® Paris is open all year round, some attractions may be closed for renovations and maintenance. All information concerning current and future renovations can be found here:

Further Information

You can check into your booked Disney Hotel in the morning on your arrival date and pick up your tickets for the parks there . Your room will only be ready for you later in the day. You can leave your luggage with the hotel until you can move into your room. The details for the 4⭑ Disney Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel, 4⭑ Disney Newport Bay Club, Disney Sequoia Lodge, Disney Hotel Cheyenne & Disney Hotel Santa Fe are as follows:

  • Check-in: in the morning
  • Room(s) ready: from 15:00
  • Check-out: before 11:00
  • 4⭑ Disney Hotel New York - The Art of Marvel: Avenue René Goscinny, 77700 Chessy, Marne-la-Vallée France
  • 4⭑ Disney Newport Bay Club: Avenue Robert Schuman Disneyland Paris, 77700 Chessy, Marne-la-Vallée France
  • Disney Sequoia Lodge: Avenue Robert Schuman, 77700 Coupvray France
  • Disney Hotel Cheyenne: Rue du Boeuf Agile, 77700, Marne-la-Vallée France
  • Disney Hotel Santa Fe: Avenue Robert Schuman, 77700 Coupvray France

When you arrive, please ask for check-in for tour groups specifically.

Please check the details and ages of all travellers when you book. Ensure that you bring a printed copy of your booking confirmation when you get to your hotel. You do not need to register your tickets for the park online beforehand. Collect your tickets from the hotel reception when you arrive. You can pick them up before you check in.

Options supplémentaires

  • City tax/tourist tax: included
  • Wifi: free of charge
  • Pets: not allowed
  • Parking: free

Additional occupants

  • Disney Hotel Santa Fe: max. 4 persons + 1 baby under 2 years
  • Disney Hotel Cheyenne: max. 4 persons + 1 baby under 2 years
  • Disney Hotel Sequoia Lodge: max. 4 persons + 1 baby under 2 years
  • Disney Hotel New York – The Art of Marvel: max. 4 persons + 1 baby under 2 years
  • Disney Hotel Newport Bay Club: max. 4 persons + 1 baby under 2 years

Annulation et modifications

The conditions and the form for information regarding package holidays can be found in the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Travel of the organizer "Wagner Kurzreisen GmbH". For trips that involve the purchase of tickets (e.g. musicals, concerts, operas), 100% of the ticket price is non-refundable after booking.

Free cancellation up to 90 days before your trip

You can cancel your trip free of charge up to 90 days before you travel and receive a travel voucher for the value of your booking (excluding any insurance costs) which is valid for 2 years and can be redeemed to book a later travel date or to book any other travel offer from Travelcircus. The voucher is transferable.

If you wish to make use of this, please contact our customer service team via email at [email protected] at least 90 days before your trip.

From the 89th day before your booked travel date, cancellation is subject to charges of 95% of the price of the trip.

Changes to the names on the tickets are possible up to 30 days before your trip.


Arrivée et alentours, getting there.

Disneyland® Paris is approximately 30 km east of the centre of Paris and is easy to reach by car and on public transport.

If you are travelling by car , enter the following address into your navigation system:

Magic over Disney at Disneyland Paris November 2023 and January 2024 Boulevard de Parc 77777 Marne-la-Vallée France

If you are taking the train , you can take the RER A from Châtelet – Les Halles station to Gare de Marne la Vallée Chessy which is right in front of Disneyland®.

It takes about ten minutes to get from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport to Disneyland® Paris on the train.

Quand a lieu Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

L'événement Magic Over Disneyland® Paris aura lieu les 6 et 8 novembre 2023 et les 17, 22 et 24 janvier 2024.

Le petit-déjeuner est-il inclus dans l'offre du Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

Non, le petit-déjeuner n'est pas inclus dans l'offre du Magic Over Disneyland® Paris.

Comment se rendre de l'hôtel au parc pour profiter de l'événement Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

Une navette gratuite est incluse dans tous les hôtels à thème (sauf Davy Crockett Ranch), ce qui vous permet de profiter de Magic Over Disneyland® Paris sans stress.

Quand vais-je recevoir mes billets pour Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

Vous pourrez retirer vos billets pour Magic Over Disneyland® Paris lors de votre arrivée, à la réception de votre hôtel. Les billets vous seront remis avant l'enregistrement.

Dans quel hôtel séjournerons-nous pendant l'événement Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

Vous pourrez choisir de séjourner dans l'un des hôtels à thème Disney® de votre choix.

Des places de parking sont-elles disponibles à l'hôtel lorsque j'assiste à l'événement Magic Over Disneyland® Paris ?

Oui, vous pouvez même vous y garer gratuitement.

Pour quel parc les billets du Magic Over Disneyland® Paris sont-ils valables ?

Les billets du Magic Over Disneyland® Paris sont valables pour les deux parcs à thème.

Dans quel parc de Disneyland® Paris se déroule le spectacle de lumières ?

Le spectacle de lumières de Magic Over Disneyland® Paris a lieu dans le parc Disneyland®.

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Sleeping Beauty Castle 4

Cross-curricular school trip to Disneyland® Paris

Disneyland® Paris - a dream destination for your students! Whether a DisneyDash, or bolting Disney onto the end of a longer school trip to Paris, Voyager School Travel will tailor each trip to your group's needs.

Show your students the magic of Disney at the happiest place on earth!

Our school trips to Disneyland® Paris will bring the magic of Disney alive. We offer shorter school trips where your pupils can spend two days enjoying the Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney Studios® or longer  school trips which incorporate sightseeing in Paris to take in the city's iconic landmarks and attractions  such as the Montmartre, Champs-Élysées, Musée d’Orsay, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower.

Disneyland® Park  is where make-believe becomes a reality with thrilling rides, street parades and shows in the five incredible lands as well as an impressive firework and light display. Walt Disney Studios® is where Disney meets the magic of cinema where your pupils can discover the mystery behind Disney’s most magical scenes in the studios five production zones.  

Organise a trip to Disneyland® Paris as a shorter school trip or as part of a Paris cultural or language trip.

We can tailor your itinerary to your unique learning requirements, book a school trip to Disneyland Paris contact us for a bespoke quote.

You can combine Disneyland® Paris with a cultural tour of Paris or as part of our Paris Parle language immersion programme, talk to our Paris experts to organise a bespoke itinerary.

  • Meet your coach and make your way to Dover/Folkestone for your crossing to Calais 
  • Arrive in Paris and join a river cruise along the Seine, admire the main sights such as the Grand Palais, Palace des Invalides, Musée d’Orsay and Notre Dame Cathedral rising above the Ile de la Cité.
  • Check in to your accommodation followed by dinner in a local restaurant.

  Day 2

  • Full day at  Disneyland® Paris to  enjoy a day of fun and thrills. Your tickets give you access to both the Disneyland® Park and the Walt Disney Studios® Park. Explore Adventureland and beware of the pirates, discover Fantasyland and find your way in Alice’s Curious Labyrinth before jumping on board Space Mountain and travelling through Discoveryland, unforgettable memories guaranteed!
  • Dinner in the Disneyland® Paris  park

  Day 3

  • Another full day enjoying the delights of  Disneyland® Paris
  • Evening meal at Disneyland®  followed by the impressive firework and light display.

  Day 4

  • Morning visit to Paris centre to explore the cities world-famous landmarks such as the  Montmartre, Champs-Élysées, Musée d’Orsay, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower
  • Afternoon coach to Calais with the option to stop en route at a hypermarche.
  • Travel from Calais back to Folkestone/Dover and return journey your school


Disneyland® Paris

Disneyland® Park Paris is the second-largest Disneyland® Park, after Shanghai, and is dedicated to fantasy and fairy tales where classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never-ending. Disneyland® Park Paris is divided into five themed "lands", which house 49 attractions. Designed like a wheel with the hub on Central Plaza before Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant, pathways spoke out across the 140 acres leading to Mainstreet USA, Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland and Discoveryland. A world where enchantment lives and your school tour can come alive.

walt disney studios

Walt Disney Studios®

Discover the secrets behind the most magical scenes of Disney film and television at Walt Disney Studios® Paris. Step through the Studio Gates and let your imagination soar. Time to immerse yourself in the never-ending, always-fascinating world of movies, animation and television. From legendary moments in motion at Toon Studio to the mind-boggling effects of the Backlot, 5 production zones bursting with thrills to entertain, amaze and engage your pupils.

Bateaux Mouches river cruise

Seine River Cruise

Take in Paris from the waters of the river Seine on a cruise that will take you under many of the city's beautiful bridges. It's even more magical by night when the city of lights really comes alive.

Paris eiffel tower excursion photo

Eiffel Tower

In a city bursting with monuments and landmarks, there is no greater Paris icon than The Eiffel Tower. Visit the lawns in the 7th district for the perfect group photo.

Montmartre and Sacre Coeur

© Juanedc

Explore the winding cobblestoned streets of this charming district, historically the playground of artists and writers. Marvel at the grand Sacré-Cœur atop the hill and take in the views of Paris.

Musee dOrsay in Paris

Musée d’Orsay

Get lost amongst 5 floors of paintings, sculpture and decorative arts in a stunning former railway station right on the Seine. Notable artists include Monet, Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec & Van Gogh.

Champs Elysees


The Avenue des Champs-Élysées is a boulevard in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, 1.9 kilometres long and 70 metres wide, which runs between the Place de la Concorde and the Place Charles de Gaulle, where the Arc de Triomphe is located. It is famous for its theatres, cafés and luxury shops, and for the military parade that takes place each year on the avenue on 14 July to celebrate Bastille Day. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the paradise for dead heroes in Greek mythology.

Louvre exterior

The largest art museum in the world is on most peoples' Paris wishlist—and it won't disappoint. Don't fancy facing massive crowds? Opt for one the other art museums we've selected instead.

Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysees

© Martyn Davis

Arc de Triomphe

It's enough to experience one of France's most iconic monuments from the ground—and a great photo opportunity. Buy a ticket to climb to the top and observe the frenzy of Champs-Élysées below.

Our European school trips include:

  • Board and lodging as specified in your itinerary
  • A detailed itinerary with pre-booked excursions
  • Your choice of return travel; coach travel, with the ferry crossing, applicable tolls and taxes included, or return flights and overseas transfers
  • Free teacher to student ratio approx 1:8 (coach trips) / approx 1:10 (air groups)
  • 24-hour emergency support
  • Comprehensive travel insurance
  • Assistance with inspection visits

Extras to budget for:

  • School to airport transfers and meals en route (if required)
  • Visa charges and supplements for small parties, single rooms and additional adults
  • Local tourist taxes which can only be paid in cash to the hotel
  • Entrances other than those specified in your itinerary
  • Hotel damage deposits


Voyager School Travel School Trip Disneyland Paris


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Paris Christmas market in front of the Eiffel Tower

The best time to visit France

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GCSE Drama student workshops at Disneyland® Paris

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Cross curricular school trip to Paris

Cross-curricular school trip to Paris

Ace your Paris trip with us. With so much on offer, we'll use our expertise to create an itinerary that's perfectly suited to your educational focus

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  • Disney Vacations

We Got a First Look Inside Disney's Newest Theme Park Land — Here’s Everything to Know About Fantasy Springs

We rode every ride and ate everything at Fantasy Springs — the newest land at Tokyo DisneySea.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

voyage paris disney

Frozen Kingdom

  • Rapunzel’s Forest

Peter Pan’s Never Land

  • Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel
  • How to Access Fantasy Springs

Elizabeth Rhodes/Travel + Leisure

In Disney's newest land, fantasy meets real life with adventures and eateries inspired by "Peter Pan," "Frozen," and "Tangled."

Aptly called Fantasy Springs, it's the newest themed land and the eighth “port of call” at nautically themed Tokyo DisneySea, a theme park regarded as one of the very best in the world thanks to its super-immersive, larger-than-life design and unique attractions.

As you walk through the land’s entrance between Arabian Coast and Lost River Delta, a cinematic score with musical themes pulled from Disney films builds as you approach the stunning carved rockwork featuring Peter Pan, Anna and Elsa, and Rapunzel — along with several of their companions — amid colorful blooms and waterfalls. The lush landscaping and intricate carvings continues throughout the springs with dozens of Disney characters hidden (and not-so-hidden) in coves and grottos spread from the entrance to the new Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel.

Fantasy Springs officially opens on June 6, but we got a first look at the land’s rides, restaurants, and gorgeous mini-lands themed to favorite Disney stories. So, after riding every new attraction (several times!), taste-testing all the new food items, and exploring the land before it opens to the public next month — here’s everything you need to know about Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea, broken down by each mini-land.  

Elizabeth Rhodes/Travel + Leisure

Step into the world of Arendelle in Frozen Kingdom. The gorgeous land inspired by the hit Disney film series features a restaurant — the Royal Banquet of Arendelle — located inside Arendelle Castle, Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey attraction, and, not to mention, some of the prettiest bathrooms I’ve ever seen at a Disney park. 

Anna and Elsa’s Frozen Journey 

A stunning retelling of the events of the original “Frozen” movie, this 6.5-minute boat ride showcases stellar audio-animatronic figures singing beloved songs from the film including “For the First Time in Forever” and “Let It Go.” Throughout the attraction, guests sail forward and backward through beautiful scenes — including a few that incorporate mind-blowing effects that make the journey all the more immersive. Of the four all-new Fantasy Springs rides, this was my favorite, thanks to the impressive show scenes (using primarily practical sets, rather than screens), fluid ride movement that drives the storytelling, and the inclusion of the most popular songs from the movie. These details also make the ride a unique experience compared to the existing “Frozen” attractions in other Disney parks. 

And like all the attractions in this new land, the audio is completely Japanese, but guests familiar with the stories will have no trouble following along, no matter what language they speak. 

Royal Banquet of Arendelle

Join a celebratory banquet and explore the halls of Arendelle at this new “Frozen”-themed counter-service restaurant. Here, guests can indulge in “Arendelle’s Royal Set,” with a warm savory pie, potatoes, salad, dessert, and a fluffy roll. Guests used to the American parks may be surprised to find that each dining location (throughout the Tokyo parks) only has a couple of menu options, so definitely check out the offerings ahead of time so you know where to find the dishes you want to try. 

 Oaken’s OK Foods 

This snack stand, inspired by the cheerful Oaken, serves Oaken’s Yoo-Hoo Bread. It’s a cardamom-flavored bread filled with Scandinavian-inspired meat with lingonberry jam for a delightful mix of sweet, savory, and spiced. 

Related: More Disney news and vacation ideas

Rapunzel’s Forest 

This “Tangled”-themed land is instantly recognizable thanks to Rapunzel’s soaring tower. Rapunzel’s Forest is home to the Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival ride and The Snuggly Duckling quick-service restaurant. 

Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival 

Sail through iconic scenes from the fan-favorite movie during Rapunzel’s Lantern Festival, a peaceful five-minute boat ride. Seeing Rapunzel sing from her tower high in the sky is a highlight of the beginning of the attraction, but the beautiful recreation of the lantern festival scene is undoubtedly the best part of the romantic ride. 

The Snuggly Duckling

The Pub Thugs’ favorite hangout, The Snuggly Duckling comes to life at this quick-service restaurant just steps from the ride. Find a cheeseburger, fried shrimp burger (my preferred option of the two burgers), milk tea, and a Dutch baby-adjacent dessert served in a plastic  mini frying pan (a reference to Rapunzel’s weapon of choice). 

Join Peter Pan and the Lost Kids in Never Land, a sizeable mini-land with plenty of space to play in the shadow of smoking mountains that look like they’re straight out of the animated film. This land has two rides plus a recreation of Captain Hook’s Jolly Roger ship and a quick-service restaurant. 

Peter Pan’s Never Land Adventure

Board a boat and get sprinkled with pixie dust to take off on an adventure to save John from the pirates on this six-minute motion simulator dark ride. After a cute pre-show, guests will don their 3D glasses and take off on an adventure through Never Land and the skies of London. The ride uses a mix of practical sets and 3D motion simulators to give guests the feeling that they’re really flying alongside the Lost Kids. The motion is very smooth, and I loved the final sequence where you fly from London back to Never Land — it’s charming and even a little thrilling. 

Guests must be 102 cm or taller to ride, and guests who struggle with severe motion sickness on motion simulators may want to consider sitting this one out — but don’t worry, there’s another ride in this land for you. 

Fairy Tinker Bell’s Busy Buggies

This adorable two-minute ride takes guests on an outdoor journey through the four seasons of Pixie Hollow. Darling scenes and fun details (like the scent of honey when you pass the bees) make this a great attraction for younger guests. 

Lookout Cookout

This counter-service restaurant serves up snack boxes filled with fried chicken tenders, seaweed fritters, shrimp chips, and more (I loved the butter chicken flavor), plus a kiwi-flavored Pixie Dust Soda. You can also find the roast beef popcorn wagon (specially flavored popcorns are a big deal at Tokyo Disney!) nearby. 

Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel 

Tokyo DisneySea Fantasy Springs Hotel offers two distinct hotel concepts overlooking Fantasy Springs. Fantasy Chateau is a deluxe hotel with 419 guest rooms and easy access to the new land, and Grand Chateau is a luxury hotel — the highest-level hotel at the resort — with just 56 rooms and exclusive amenities. The pastel hotel has a whimsical art nouveau design with Disney princess-inspired touches throughout the rooms and common spaces. Downstairs, there’s also a park-facing shop, Fantasy Springs Gifts. 

How to Access Fantasy Springs 

To enter Fantasy Springs, guests will need to obtain either a free standby pass or a Disney Premier Access pass for an eligible attraction (for a fee). Currently, the only attraction that does not offer Premier Access is Fairy Tinker Bell’s Busy Buggies. Guests staying at the new hotel and those who have purchased eligible vacation packages can also access the land with a 1-Day Passport . Find more information on the Tokyo Disney website.  

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  16. Disneyland Paris : on a vu le nouveau spectacle sur

    00:00/00:00. Le nouveau spectacle de Disneyland Paris mêle chant, danse, trampolinistes et figures de BMX, sur l'univers d'Alice au pays des merveilles. Thibaut Déléaz / Le Figaro. Le parc ...

  17. Voyage à Disneyland Paris

    Vos rêves prennent vie pendant votre voyage à Disnelyand Paris. C'est le moment de réaliser le voyage de vos rêves en France, en famille ou entre amis ! Laissez-vous porter par la magie de Disneyland Paris et plongez ensemble dans nos univers enchantés.

  18. Disneyland Paris Guide

    We got the "Dated Ticket 1 Day/2 Parks" option with Premier Access. This means we picked the day we were visiting (no flexibility on when we can visit) and we are visiting their 2 parks: Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios. The dated ticket itself was $103.53. The Premier Access allows you to skip the line on almost every ride one time.

  19. Seine River Cruise + Disneyland Paris

    Listen, learn, and fall in love with Paris on a scenic boat ride on the Seine. 1h 10mins Seine River Cruise. Audio commentary in 8 languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) Route map, available in 25 languages (pick up before boarding) Normal ticket value: $17.23. Read description.

  20. Magic over Disney at Disneyland Paris November 2023 and January 2024

    Make your holiday unforgettable with these extra hours of Disney® magic. Your Magic Over Disney® booking options. 2 nights at a Disney® hotel and 3 days in the parks (arrival day + next 2 days) The Magic Over Disneyland® Paris shows are taking place in the evening on 6th and 8th November 2023 and 17th, 22nd and 24th January 2024.

  21. Disneyland® Paris

    Disneyland® Paris . Disneyland® Park Paris is the second-largest Disneyland® Park, after Shanghai, and is dedicated to fantasy and fairy tales where classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never-ending. Disneyland® Park Paris is divided into five themed "lands", which house 49 attractions.

  22. Everything to Know About Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea

    Fantasy Springs officially opens on June 6, but we got a first look at the land's rides, restaurants, and gorgeous mini-lands themed to favorite Disney stories.