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concrete pillars within the cavern

Rays of sunlight slice through pools of crystal water as clusters of fish cast shadows on the limestone below. Arching over the emerald basin are walls of stalactites dripping down the cavern ceiling, which opens to a dense jungle.

These glowing sinkhole lakes – known as cenotes – are a part of one of Mexico’s natural wonders: A fragile system of an estimated 10,000 subterranean caverns, rivers and lakes that wind almost surreptitiously beneath Mexico’s southern Yucatan peninsula.

Now, construction of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s crown jewel project – the Maya Train – is rapidly destroying part of that hidden underground world, already under threat by development and mass tourism. As the caverns are thrust into the spotlight in the lead-up to the country’s presidential elections, scientists and environmentalists warn that the train will mean long-term environmental ruin.

Deep in the jungle, the roar of heavy machinery cuts through the cave’s gentle “drip, drip, drip.” Just a few meters above, construction of the train line is in full swing. The caverns rumble as government workers use massive metal drills that bore into limestone, embedding an estimated 15,000 steel pillars into the caverns.

Engineer Guillermo D. Christy looks upon the once immaculate cave, now coated with a layer of concrete and broken stalactites, icicle-shaped rock formations normally hanging from the roof of the cave. A mix of grief and anger is painted upon the face of D. Christy, who has long studied the waters running through the caves.

“Pouring concrete into a cavern, directly into the aquifer, without any concern or care,” D. Christy said. “That’s total ecocide.”

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For nearly a thousand miles, (1,460 km) the high-speed Maya Train will wind its way around Mexico’s southern Yucatan peninsula. When it’s completed, it’ll connect tourist hubs like Cancun and Playa del Carmen to dense jungle, remote communities and archaeological sites, drawing development and money into long-neglected rural swathes of the country.

The more than $30 billion train is among the keystone projects of Mexico’s outgoing President López Obrador, who has spent his six years in office portraying himself as a champion of the country’s long-forgotten poor.

“The Maya Train will be our legacy of development for the southeast of Mexico,” the president wrote in a post on the social platform X last year.

With elections set for June 2, the future of the train, and López Obrador’s legacy, is uncertain. Both leading candidates to replace him have made promises for a green agenda, but also supported the economic promises the train brings.

At issue is the path the train takes.

It was originally planned to run along the region’s highway in more urban areas. But after waves of complaints by hotel owners, the government moved one of the final sections of the line deeper into the jungle, atop the most important cave system in the country. It’s plowed down millions of trees, a chunk of the largest tropical forest in the Americas after the Amazon.

The caves contain one of the biggest aquifers in Mexico and act as the region’s main water source, crucial at a time when the nation faces a deepening water crisis. In 2022, archaeologists also discovered some of the oldest human remains in North America within the caverns.

Photo of cenote

The area was once a reef nestled beneath the Caribbean Sea, but changing sea levels pushed Mexico’s southern peninsula out of the ocean as a mass of limestone. Water sculpted the porous stone into caves over the course of millions of years.

It produced the open-face freshwater caverns, “cenotes”, and underground rivers that are in equal parts awe-inspiring and delicate, explained Emiliano Monroy-Ríos, a geologist at Northwestern University studying the region.

“These ecosystems are very, very fragile,” Monroy-Ríos said. “They are building upon a land that is like Gruyere cheese, full of caves and cavities of different sizes and at different depths.”

López Obrador promised his government would prevent damage to the Great Mayan Aquifer by elevating the sections of the train on thousands of hefty steel pillars buried deep into the ground.

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D. Christy treks through dense rainforest and clicks on his headlight as he climbs into a split in a rock.

The engineer and hydrological expert has spent 25 years roving the intricate cave system, tracking the quality of the waters. Like many of the people studying the mysteries of the ancient cave system, his once tame job was inadvertently turned turbulent with the rise of the train project.

Today, he wanders into a small section of the caverns known as Aktun Tuyul, located less than an hour from the tourist city of Playa del Carmen. As the 58-year-old Mexican walks past layers of stalactites and steel pillars burrowing into the rock formations, the cave’s darkness is broken by wagon wheel-sized holes drilled into the roof of the cave, where even more pillars will be implanted.

D. Christy wades through waist-deep water, now turned a murky brown by corroded metal from the pillars, and pushes his body through a narrow passage in the rock.

Sitting next to one of more than a dozen pillars embedded into this cavern, he pulls out a series of syringes and bottles, taking a sample of the water next to the metal.

“It clearly has a color characteristic of iron contamination,” he said, holding up a syringe of foggy yellow water. “We’re going to take a sample.”

D. Christy pours the water into a glass vial, mixing it with a chemical that turns it a deep blue, indicating the water contains traces of iron from the poles. Next to other pillars, he presses his ear to the metal, listening to globs of concrete pour into the hollow tube.

Photo of Guillermo near pillar inside cave

Across the cave system, stalactites broken off by vibrations from train construction litter the ground like rubble following an earthquake. In other caverns, the concrete filling the pillars has spilled out to coat the limestone ground.

While the long-term environmental consequences of the construction are unknown, what is certain is that it is transforming the entire ecosystem, said geologist Monroy-Ríos.

“Just by drilling, before you even put in the pillars, you are killing an entire ecosystem that was in those caves” he said. “Why? Because now light is coming in, the gasses within have changed, and there are very sensitive species that live in total darkness. They have already killed hundreds of millions” of organisms.

But the geologist’s greatest concern continues to be that the morphing limestone upon which the train is built and caves underneath the pillars could cause a collapse of the line. Scientists have long warned of the risks of building on soluble rock like limestone.

Already, sections of highway in the Yucatan have warped or caved in , and the Maya Train has been marred by a series of accidents, including a March train derailment, which government officials blamed on a loose clamp set by contractors.

Further damage to the limestone could lead to another accident that could be deadly. If a cargo train derailed, it could cause an oil spill that could permanently devastate the aquifer, Monroy-Ríos said.

Aktun Tuyul

Plan view of the cavern and the train construction above ground

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Not everyone is opposed to the train running through the remote communities. Some see an unprecedented economic opportunity, a chance to help poor families earn money.

Maria Norma de los Angeles and her family have long lived off a modest flow of tourists in their community of Jacinto Pat, tucked in a stretch of jungle in the southern coastal state, Quintana Roo.

They offer temazcal baths, traditional Mayan steam rooms meant to purify and relax the body, and charge visiting foreigners to swim in a nearby cenote.

The family, like many along the train’s path, was originally opposed of the project because they worried it would destroy the cenotes drawing tourists.

But their feelings about the train began to change when government officials contracted local people to build the track, De los Angeles said. They also promised to bring communities electricity, a sewage system and running water, and agreed to pay more for the land the train would pass over.

“It has its pros and its cons,” De los Angeles said as her family gathered to kill a pig to eat for her father’s birthday. “But there will be a moment when we see an economic spillover … I know that it will benefit us all.”

Photo people surrounding pig in Jacinto Pat

That’s the mentality of many Mexicans toward both the train and López Obrador. Many are willing to overlook the controversies of the populist and his train, in favor of his charisma and the strong economy seen during his presidency.

The 70-year-old leader has connected with Mexico’s long-invisible working class in a way few leaders have in recent history . López Obrador’s government has raised the minimum wage and provided cash handouts to older Mexicans and students. The government says more than 5 million people have been pulled out of poverty while López Obrador was president.

Luruama de la Cruz, a California resident whose family comes from the local town of Leona Vicario, said she bought her father tickets to the train for his birthday because it was a dream of his.

“A dream made reality,” De la Cruz says as she rode the train and took a video on her phone, meandering past passengers wearing “Maya Train” T-shirts and watching an interview between López Obrador and Russian state media.

“Whenever you build something, something else is destroyed,” she said, adding that family members worked on train construction. “This is for the good of the people.”

Photo from inside the train


López Obrador has fast-tracked construction of the train to try to keep promises to complete it before June elections, something that has appeared all but impossible . The moves he’s made have only deepened his ongoing clashes with the country’s judiciary, further fueling criticisms that his government is undermining democratic institutions.

In a violation of Mexican law, the government didn’t carry out a comprehensive study to assess the potential environmental impacts before starting construction. That’s led to blindly plowing into caverns with no clue what’s being damaged, scientists and independent lawyers say.

“Our president has little respect for the law. He’s in a sort of tug of war for power and he does what he wants,” said Claudia Aguilar, a lawyer at Mexico’s Free School of Law.

When a judge ordered construction of the line be suspended until an adequate report of how the train would affect the caves was carried out, López Obrador ignored the ruling, and the work continued.

At the same time, much of the project has been cloaked in secrecy as López Obrador has charged Mexico’s military with construction and blocked the release of information in the name of “national security”.

While Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional, López Obrador disregarded that ruling, too, saying it was to protect his project from “corrupt” critics.

When the AP requested an interview with leadership of the Maya Train project, spokesperson Mariana Galicia said they were “ordered that we cannot give interviews” but could respond to questions sent over email to “better control” the information shared. They did not respond to questions sent by email.

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AP journalists traveled through the jungles of the Yucatan peninsula to investigate the impact of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Maya Train. They documented the destruction of part of the country’s most important cave network, which provides freshwater to much of the region.

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Meanwhile, thousands of passengers are already riding sections of the train that have been built. The atmosphere above is far-removed from the conflicts playing out around the caverns.

Hotels and clubs host raves and even music festivals in some of the cenotes, with one club boasting it “takes the relaxation and wellness experience to another level. Let yourself be enveloped by this sacred, timeless place.”

Luxurious beach hotels and booming clubs packed with drunk, khaki-clad tourists dominate the coastal tourist city of Playa del Carmen. Once a Mayan settlement, the city is among many in the Yucatan peninsula that in recent decades have been converted into a party hub for vacationing foreigners.

Party in cenote

In the caves below, biologist Roberto Rojo paddles through a sea of trash.

Under the arching cavern roof, Rojo and a group of volunteers push a green kayak through a cenote, filling bulking bags of glass beer bottles, plastic tubes, metal grating, plastic Coca-Cola bottles, rotten wooden planks and even a printer.

“You don’t even want to know what many of those things are,” Rojo said.

It’s a fate Rojo and many others worry may await hundreds of cenotes, caves and underground lakes and rivers along the new Maya Train line.

“It’s not just the train, but everything the train brings with it – urban developments, hotel developments,” said water expert D. Christy. “Rather than solving a problem, they’re coming in and making a big problem worse.”

Millions of tourists a year flock to the region, affecting the entire underground as the industry guzzles water and sewage seeps through the earth and into the caves, killing fish and other wildlife. In 2022, authorities found that the water of more than a dozen of the caverns near the tourist city of Tulum was tainted with E. Coli bacteria .

Last year, the environmental organization Va Por La Tierra estimated that approximately 95% of the cenotes in the Yucatan state – where the Maya Train cuts through – were already contaminated due to the lack of a sufficient sewage system. Scuba diving master Bernardette Carrión even told the AP that tourists admiring the splendor of some cenotes in Tulum “are swimming in poop.”

photo of woman swimming in cenote

The underground system is connected to the sea, so waste trickles out to the ocean, where scientists say it feeds seaweed-like algae piling up on Caribbean coastlines, spurring on a slate of other environmental and health hazards .

Rojo and other volunteers created the organization known as “Urban Cenotes” in Playa del Carmen to clean the water system, cave by cave.

“We’re trying to return the dignity that these spaces have had for thousands of years, that are now being turned into landfills, sewers and drains,” Rojo said.

But it’s an uphill battle for the hundreds of volunteers, and something they worry will become impossible as pollution expands into rural areas with the Maya Train, deepening ongoing pollution caused by pig farms and massive soy plantations.

Looking forward, they’re uncertain about what will come as June elections loom, with López Obrador leaving office in the coming months. The leader will likely be replaced by either race frontrunner and ally Claudia Sheinbaum or rival ex-senator Xóchitl Gálvez.

Sheinbaum, an environmental scientist who leads the race by a comfortable margin, has portrayed herself as a champion for the environment, but has supported López Obrador’s fossil-fuel agenda and made few remarks about the environmental damage the train has wrought.

Little more than a week before the presidential election, Sheinbaum said she was meeting with leaders of neighboring Guatemala and Belize in talks to extend the Maya Train to Central America.

Gálvez, a López Obrador opponent, has taken advantage of the controversy to tear into her adversaries , calling the train’s damage “irreversible” and a “consequence of the negligence of the government because they didn’t do any environmental impact studies.” Months earlier, though, she said she would also continue with plans to extend the train.

Meanwhile, groups like Rojo’s do everything they can to salvage an ecosystem that took millennia to form. They worry they might not have all that much time left.

“I’m not going to sit quietly and wait for the government to solve things,” Rojo said. “The people who live in the Yucatan peninsula are on the verge of a water crisis."

Drone photo of train construction

Text: Teresa de Miguel and Megan Janetsky

Photos: Rodrigo Abd

Video: Teresa de Miguel and Rodrigo Abd

Design and development: Caleb Diehl

Illustrations: Peter Hamlin

Text editor: Anna Jo Bratton

Photo editor: Enric Marti

Creative direction: Teresa de Miguel

Handout footage of drill in cavern courtesy of Elias Siebenborn

The AP used data and estimates provided by scientists and activists on the ground to build these maps. The Mexican government has not responded a number of information requests by the AP, and has released scarce official information on the project.

The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org


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MWSS wants Angat water share retained at 52 cms

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THE Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) said it is seeking to retain its water allocation at 52 cubic meters per second (cms) for July.

“Our request was 52 cms during our meeting last Monday with the Angat TWG (Technical Working Group),” Patrick James B. Dizon, manager of the MWSS water and sewerage management department, said on Thursday via Viber.

The request will be presented during the board meeting with the National Water Resources Board next week for its approval, he said.

For June 1-15, the MWSS was given a water allocation of 51 cms, rising to 52 cms for June 16 to 30.

Angat Dam is the primary water source for Metro Manila, providing approximately 90% of the capital’s potable water.

As of early Thursday, the water level at Angat Dam was 175.90 meters, against 175.55 meters the previous day.

Mr. Dizon said the average daily decrease in the water level was around 14 centimeters since June 1.

“Looking at the historical elevation of Angat Reservoir for the second half of the year, the reservoir will start to re fi ll. We need this refill in preparation for next year,” he said. — Sheldeen Joy Talavera



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Egypt cracks down on dodgy operators after hundreds of hajj pilgrimage deaths

An overhead shot of thousands of pilgrims. There is a mosque building to the left and trees in the centre.

Egypt's prime minister has ordered 16 tourism companies to be stripped of their licences for organising illegal trips to complete the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

More than 1,000 people have died during this year's hajj, many due to extremely high heat, with temperatures soaring past 50 degrees Celsius. 

One Australian has been confirmed among them .

The hajj is an annual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia performed over five to six days. 

It is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all Muslims who are able to must complete it at least once in their lives.

Women taking shade from extreme heat during hajj in Mecca

Arab diplomats told the AFP news agency this week that Egyptians accounted for 658 deaths, and that 630 of them were unregistered pilgrims. 

"The prime minister has ordered the licences of these companies to be revoked, their managers to be referred to the public prosecutor and the imposition of a fine to benefit the families of the pilgrims who died because of them," the Egyptian cabinet said in a statement.

The deaths have been attributed to some companies organising pilgrimages using a personal visit visa which doesn't allow its holder to enter Mecca.

The government accuses the companies of not providing adequate services "causing unregistered pilgrims to be exhausted as a result of high temperatures".

Unregistered visitors also contribute to overcrowding issues.  

Hajj pilgrims require a specific visa, allowing them to enter the holy city.

An overhead shot of a large crowd of pilgrims wearing white. There is a mosque building to the left.

The permits are allocated to countries on a quota system and distributed to individuals via a lottery.

Even for those who do receive an official permit, the steep costs lead to many attempting to complete hajj without one. 

Although saving them thousands of dollars, they risk being arrested or deported if caught.

Saudi officials had earlier said 1.8 million pilgrims took part this year, a similar total to last year, and that 1.6 million came from abroad.

The timing of the hajj is determined by the Islamic lunar calendar, shifting forward each year in the Gregorian calendar.

For the past several years the mainly outdoor rituals have fallen during the sweltering Saudi summer.

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After Hajj Deaths, Egypt Suspends Companies That Took Pilgrims to Mecca

The action against 16 tour companies came as governments look into whether many travelers were not properly registered to make the journey into the desert.

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People shading themselves with umbrellas.

By Gerry Mullany

After hundreds of pilgrims died in the scorching desert heat during the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, the Egyptian government announced on Saturday that it had suspended the licenses of 16 tour companies that had facilitated travel for some pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.

At least 450 people have died during this year’s pilgrimage, in which travelers endured maximum temperatures that ranged from 108 degrees to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (42 to 49 degrees Celsius). But the actual number of fatalities is expected to climb as governments get more accurate tallies of the deaths. (Egypt, for one, has officially acknowledged only 31 deaths.)

In announcing the suspension of the 16 travel companies, the Egyptian government said the businesses failed to offer the pilgrims important services like medical care. It said the companies did not provide the pilgrims with “appropriate accommodation,” which caused them to suffer from “exhaustion due to the high temperatures.”

Reuters reported that some travel agencies may not have officially registered for the pilgrimage, to get around the high costs of package tours. And, Reuters said, companies were being blamed for letting pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia on personal visas, rather than hajj visas, which provide access to medical care and the holy sites.

Mahmoud Qassem, a member of Egypt’s Parliament, said the travel companies “left the pilgrims stranded and turned off their mobile phones” so they could not hear the travelers’ calls for help.

There were also complaints that pilgrims were not given access to enough cooling stations or water amid the intense heat.

The number of unregistered visitors — in addition to the intense desert heat — could have left Saudi Arabia unprepared for dealing with such a large influx of people.

Tunisia’s government has said that the death toll of pilgrims from that country was expected to rise from the 49 reported on Friday, as the number of people traveling on tourist visas became more clear.

The hajj has been the site of several tragedies, including a stampede in 2015 that killed more than 2,200 people . In recent years, with rising temperatures, many pilgrims have also succumbed to heat stress .

The Saudi government has said that during this year’s hajj, more than 1.8 million Muslims traveled to Mecca, 1.6 million of them from outside Saudi Arabia.

Hager Al-Hakeem contributed reporting from Luxor, Egypt.

An earlier version of this article misattributed reporting on travel agencies that may not have officially registered for the pilgrimage to the hajj. It was from Reuters, not The Associated Press.

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Gerry Mullany is an international news editor in New York. He previously held that role in Hong Kong, where he was responsible for coverage of breaking news in Asia and Australia.  He served as deputy politics editor for the 2008, 2012 and 2016 U.S. presidential races. More about Gerry Mullany

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Tourism and water, a difficult relationship that should be exemplary

Brac Island /Croatia ©Szabolcs Emich

Tourism and water, a difficult relationship that should be exemplary

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Tourism is a promising economic driver for many emerging countries and one of the key distribution elements of wealth in the world. But it is a great consumer of water and it has a special impact on the environment. The sector is directly menaced by climate change and should advance with proper management towards a sustainable model that serves as a reference.

Tourism provides over 10% of the world GDP and generates around 115 million jobs. It is a growing industry on a global scale, with 1.133 billion international arrivals registered by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in 2014, with an estimation of 1.8 billion arrivals by 2030.

Nowadays, tourism absorbs 1% of the global consumption of water. This is a quantity that seems of little importance if we compare it to the agricultural sector, which consumes nearly 70% of the supplied water in the world, or to industry, which reaches 19%. However, in some emerging countries, in which tourism is a cornerstone of their development, consumption exceeds 7%, and in some islands such as the ones in the Caribbean or in Polynesia, the tourism sector is the main consumer of water.

The average water consumption of the world tourist is very high. The data collected in Spain, a world tourism power (11% of the GDP and nearly 13% of the employment) confirm this: while an average citizen consumes 127 litres per day, the consumption of a tourist ranges between 450 and 800 litres, depending on the season and the area. These figures are calculated based on the hotel and restaurant expenditure (kitchen, laundry, toilets, swimming pools, cooling and irrigation), as well as activities such as golf, saunas, theme parks and municipal spending in hygiene services.

This consumption tends to increase and may reach 2000 litres per day in areas located in the tropical belt, and in hotel terms it can reach 3423 litres per day and room, according to data of the UNWTO.

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Croatia. Mediterranean. @pasosypedales.blog

Tourism is therefore an important factor in the increase of hydric stress in countries that are already suffering it and that are, in general, the more threatened ones by climate change. “Sun and beach” are terms that are very often close to “drought and environmental vulnerability”. This is a trend that will be sped up by climate change, putting a factor of economic growth in check, which many developing countries need to pull themselves out of poverty.

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Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. © f.ermert

According to AR5 , the report on climate change issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of United Nations, forecasts indicate that many areas in which tourism is a key economic factor will register a decrease in rainfall in the next few decades. It will rain less in the Mediterranean, Northern Africa, Middle East, Central America and the northern and southern tips of South America, Southern Africa, Southern Indonesia, Australia and most areas of Polynesia. In many countries in the tropical and subtropical belt, the risk of extreme events such as floods and cyclones will also be an upward factor, as it is already happening.

But climate change also threatens to lead to the disappearance of many destinations due to the rising sea levels caused by polar ice melting. According to AR5, the increase of the average sea level will continue during the 21st century, probably at a faster rate than the one analysed between 1971 and 2010, and will range between 0.26 and 0.55 metres, something that could be fatal for some Polynesian islands that could even disappear. The rising sea levels also have an impact on the flooding of wetlands and the pollution of aquifers, affecting the supply of freshwater and causing the habitat loss of many species of flora and fauna.

This directly affects many existing tourist destinations and it is an important constraint to the development of the sector in those areas. The modern tourist sector is aware of this reality and it advances towards solutions that take into account a proper management of the travelling population, something that is essential in countries such as Spain, in which tourism is already fully developed, and also in emerging countries that see it as a growth factor.

As explained by Miguel Ángel García , director of the Portfolio and Expansion Business Area at Iberdrola Inmobiliaria in this video during the debate Smart Water, Smart Cities organized by the We Are Water Foundation at the iWater show in Barcelona, “water is one of the key resources both for the definition of infrastructures and landscaping.”


As stated by García, the sector evolves towards sustainable solutions that are increasingly demanded by clients. This is the key to evolve, and some destinations are becoming real models of hydric and energetic efficiency and of respect to the environment, and can even help to regenerate it. The reuse of water with renewable energies, the recovery of plant life with indigenous species and the recycling of waste are the base of the design of modern tourist resorts that show us a sustainability model that may be applied to any type of residential area.

Water is one of the key lines of work in any tourism expansion policy, as explained by Xavier Torras, director of the We Are Water Foundation, in this video:


Indeed, raising awareness of the perception of consumption by customers is essential, but high consumption rates can also be related to inefficient procedures. This is what has happened in Spain and in many Mediterranean countries in the last few decades: areas with a tourist tradition that were poorly planned and built without a consciousness of the water consumption and the management of waste. It is necessary to advance towards a well-planned tourist offer and an efficient financial management in these areas.

The green tax (the sustainable tourism tax), which is already applied in some Spanish regions such as Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, could be a tool that leads to a tangible regeneration.

The world looks upon the tourist industry as a reference of harmonious development with the environment. The UN General Assembly appointed 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. We are therefore at a crucial moment to foster change in the policies, the business practices and the behaviour of consumers for the sake of a kind of tourism that contributes to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Russia's Sovcomflot says its ship rescued crew from tanker off Yemen

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Water World Tourism Company Private Limited - Overview, CEO, Products, Business

Water world tourism company private limited.

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is a private company and Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is classified as a Non Government company. Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is a Community, Personal & Social Services based company and has headquarters in Ernakulam, Kerala, India. It was founded in 1997. Get Meesho company profile, CEO, top employees, contacts on EasyLeadz.

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited - Overview, Employees, Industry, Products & Business Model

Below Table Gives all details of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited, including but not limited to its Industry, Headquarters, Founder, CEO, Founded Year & Ownership of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited.

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Water World Tourism Company Private Limited Frequently Asked Questions

When was Water World Tourism Company Private Limited founded?

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited was founded in 1997.

Where are Water World Tourism Company Private Limited headquarters?

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited headquarters are in Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

What sector does Water World Tourism Company Private Limited operate in?

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is in community, personal & social services sector.

Is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited a private company?

Yes, Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is a private company.

What does Water World Tourism Company Private Limited Do ?

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is in to community, personal & social services and related business category.

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The legal name of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited

What is the CIN number of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

The CIN number of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is U92199KL1997PTC011732

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Is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited an exporter ?

No, Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is not an exporter of products or services.

Who is the CEO of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

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Who are the directors of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

The directors of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited are John Mathew, Biji Kaleekkal John, Betty Chandy, Mary Kalathiparampil Chandy, Mathew Joseph, Toby Chandy, Thomas Kalathiparambil Thomas

Which Products are sold by Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

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What is the stock symbol of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Stock Symbol of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited listed on stock exchange ?

We do not have the information about the Stock listing of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Who is the brand ambassador of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Brand Ambassador of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

Is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited an Indian Company ?

Yes, Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is an Indian Company.

Is Water World Tourism Company Private Limited an MNC ?

No, Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is not a Multinational Company.

Who are the top competitors of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

We do not have the information about the Competitors of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited. Our systems are trying to find it, we will update it as soon as we have it.

When was Water World Tourism Company Private Limited incorporated ?

Water World Tourism Company Private Limited was incorporate on 1997-08-27

What is the authorized capital of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

The authorized capital of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is INR 60000000

What is the paid up capital of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

The paid up capital Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is INR 60000000

What is the registered address of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited ?

The registered address of Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is room no 18 muncipal shoppingcentre zilla court; ward opposire boat jetty; alleppey; alappuzha; kerala; 688013; india

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Ukraine war latest: Russia says it is considering nuclear shift - and tells West it is 'playing with fire'; US leads drills after North Korea warhead test

A senior Russian diplomat says Putin is reviewing the country's nuclear doctrine - and warns the West it is "playing with fire". Meanwhile, a Russian navy missile cruiser carries out drills in the Mediterranean. Listen to a Sky News podcast on Putin and North Korea while you scroll.

Thursday 27 June 2024 22:30, UK

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We're pausing our live coverage of the war in Ukraine for this evening.

Scroll through below to catch up on the latest developments.

Two people have been killed and two more are wounded as a result of Russian shelling in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, an official has said.

Vadym Filashkin, head of the regional military administration, said Russian forces struck the centre of Kurakhove city, killing a woman and a 40-year-old man.

Two injured people were taken to hospital, he said.

He added that the extent of the damage in the attack was being assessed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had a seemingly lively chat ahead of a meeting of European leaders in Brussels today.

It's not known what that the two men discussed - but relations between Budapest and Kyiv have become more strained since the Russian invasion in 2022.

Hungary is Russia's closest ally in the EU and Mr Orban has maintained a friendship with Vladimir Putin while criticising the EU's strategy on Ukraine.

In December, Mr Orban blocked a €50bn aid package for Ukraine in a move that frustrated other EU leaders. He lifted the veto several months later.

Two people have been injured in a Russian drone attack on southern Ukraine, an official has said.

The Kherson regional administration said Russian forces launched an attack on the village of Novodmytrivka, leaving a 66-year-old man and 71-year-old woman hurt.

Both have blast injuries and have been taken to hospital for treatment, it said on Telegram.

The US, Israel and Ukraine are all in talks to provide Ukraine with up to eight Patriot air defence systems, according to the Financial Times.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has repeatedly called for NATO members to send his country the US-made Patriot systems as it battles intensifying Russian attacks.

The FT said the deal would likely involve Israel first sending the systems it plans to retire to the US, before they are handed over to Kyiv.

Sources with knowledge of the negotiations told the paper the outlines of the deal have been discussed between ministers and senior officials from each of the three countries.

Mr Zelenskyy said in May that Kyiv urgently needed at least seven more Patriot missile systems to ward off Russian strikes against its power grid, civilian areas and military targets.

Pictures have emerged this evening of the aftermath of Russia's latest airstrike on the northeastern Ukrainian region of Kharkiv.

Emergency services said earlier that five people were injured and buildings were damaged in the attack (see 17.55 post).

Russian forces launched an assault on a new front in Kharkiv in May, after months of fighting focused on the east.

Ukrainian troops have repelled Russian forces from a neighbourhood in the frontline town of Chasiv Yar, a Ukrainian military official has said.

Nazar Voloshin, a spokesman for the Khortytsia operational-strategic group, told the Interfax-Ukraine news agency that Russian forces had been pushed out of the Kanal neighborhood in the east of the town.

Mr Voloshin claimed Moscow's forces were not slowing down in their push to break through in Chasiv Yar, and said two assault operations were ongoing.

"Ukrainian defenders reliably hold the defence in this area and give a decent rebuff to the Russian aggressor," he told the agency.

For context: Chasiv Yar, a strategically-important town in the eastern Donetsk region, has long been a Russian target.

It has been pummelled by Russian air, artillery and drone strikes for months now, as Moscow views the town as a gateway to launch direct offensives against several Ukrainian "fortress cities".

Chasiv Yar had a pre-war population of more than 12,000, but now only a few hundred residents remain.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged EU leaders to make good on their promises to provide his country with military aid after the bloc signed a security agreement underlining its support for Kyiv in the long term.

"Fulfilment of every promise is important, not only in terms of protecting lives but also to destroy the Russian illusion that they will achieve something by war," he said at the summit in Brussels today.

The Ukrainian president thanked countries that have so far promised equipment and arms aid, but pointed out that they were "needed urgently on the battlefield".

He also urged more help on "the urgent things - air defence, that is one".

The EU-Ukraine security agreement entrenches the EU's commitment to help Ukraine in nine areas of security and defence policy - including arms deliveries, military training, defence industry cooperation and demining,

In essence, it encapsulates what the 27-nation bloc has been doing for the country since the start of the war.

But the EU has made a specific commitment to the "predictable, efficient, sustainable and long-term provision of military equipment" for Ukraine.

Kyiv in return has promised to uphold European values and continue on its reform path in preparation to join the EU.

Five people have been injured in Russian airstrikes in Ukraine's northeastern Kharkiv region, according to emergency services.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine said the strikes hit a residential area of the region, partially destroying one building and damaging others - including a school - as well as cars.

Crews at the scene said five people were hurt.

The windows and gates of the local fire station were also damaged, the emergency service said.

While the apparent gains made by Russia during its spring offensive in Kharkiv were the focus of much of the news coverage of the way in May, a new report indicates any progress made by Vladimir Putin's troops came at a significant cost.

According to UK and other Western intelligence agency sources cited by the New York Times, more than 1,000 Russian soldiers were injured or killed each day last month.

However, the newspaper also cites US officials as saying Moscow is continuing to recruit between 25,000 and 30,000 new soldiers a month - roughly as many as it is losing from the battlefield.

American officials told the outlet that Russia achieved a critical objective of Mr Putin in creating a buffer zone along the border to make it more difficult for the Ukrainians to strike into the country.

But, the Western officials said, this did not threaten Kharkiv and was ultimately stopped by Ukrainian forces.

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    Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 27 August 1997. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Ernakulam. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 60,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 60,000,000.


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  26. Water World Tourism Company Private Limited

    Water World Tourism Company Private Limited is a Community, Personal & Social Services company and has headquarters in Ernakulam, Kerala, India. It was founded in 1997. Water World Tourism Company Private Limited specialises in community, personal & social services.

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