A Journey of 1000 Light-Years


</image> <label>Requirement</label> <label>Reward</label> <label>Difficulty</label> <label>IM Level</label> <label>Disqualified Characters</label> </infobox>

Introduction [ edit source ]

A Journey of 1000 Light-Years is an infinite mode achievement in Run 3 . Since this achievement requires you to run a certain distance, there is no specified level for when you can beat this achievement.

Since you need to run for a decent distance for the achievement, the preferred character is the one you play best with.

Gameplay [ edit source ]

For beginners, 800 meters might sound like a long distance to run, and it may be very hard. But unlike Unlimited Endurance (which is a much harder version of this achievement), this achievement allows you to respawn as many times as you like. However, every time you respawn, you are costing yourself Power cells (Unless you have bought the Power Cells Costs are reduced by 10 upgrade), so it would be wise to only attempt this achievement if you are well-prepared and feel confident.

Trivia [ edit source ]

  • The name is a reference to the quote "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," except using "light-years" instead of "miles".
  • The level shown in the icon of this achievement is Infinite Mode level 23.
  • 1000 light years is actually 9460528400000000000 m, or 9.4605284 × 10 15  km, in scientific notation.

Bug [ edit source ]

In the HTML5 version , this achievement is currently completely broken, along with Galactic Vandalism . If you play there, do not attempt to earn it because you cannot get it. However, the achievement will still show up on the list of possible achievements.

This achievement also appears to be broken on the archived Flash version found on Flashpoint.

Walkthrough [ edit source ]


a journey of 1000 light years run 3

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About Run 3

Description, the instruction to play.

Run 3 is an addictive game which takes place in the space tunnel. Control a tiny alien to run as far as possible and dodge many dangers in the tunnels.

There's a whole new galaxy out there just waiting to be discovered! To explore, you need to run in the space tunnel which is floating in the galaxy. Be careful! This tunnel is full of insurmountable holes and unsteady tiles. If you unexpectedly fall into the hole, the run is over. Therefore, you need to use the arrow keys to jump and run to avoid these obstacles.

Two modes are available in this game. They are Explore Mode and Infinite Mode. If you choose Explore Mode, you have to complete many levels. You can open the Galaxy Map to check how many levels you have to finish. For an Infinite mode, you have to run in the endless tunnel which is full of obstacles. Do your best to go as far as possible to gain the highest possible score. Especially, this mode offers power cells which are dispersed throughout the tunnels. Try to collect as many power cells as possible. You can use power cells to switch characters and continue your run. If you are bored of this running game, check out the driving game which is Drift Boss . It is the most interesting game on our website.

How to control

Press “ARROW KEYS” to jump and move left or right

Achievements and characters in Run 3

Achievements in the game.

There is a total of 35 achievements in this game. If you can complete them, you will obtain a lot of coins. Here are some achievements that you are expected to finish and some tips to get them.

  • Galactic Vandalism: Try to make 700 tiles drop out of the tunnel to get this achievement and the reward of 50 coins
  • Boldly Gone: You will gain this achievement if you can complete 65 levels in Explore mode
  • Slipping and Sliding to Victory: To earn this achievement, you have to complete the Winter game. You will be rewarded with 100 coins after accomplishing it.
  • Thoroughly Lost: If you can complete 4 different paths in Explore mode, you will gain this achievement and 100 coins.
  • A journey of 1000 light years: This achievement is completed after you reach 800 meters in Infinite mode.
  • Tetrahedron Enthusiast: To get this achievement, you have to collect enough 40 power cells in one run.
  • A breath of fresh nothing: If you can float outside the tunnel long enough to flip upside down and then land safely, you will get it and 100 coins
  • Where the power cells are: To earn this achievement, you need to attempt to reach 2000 meters in Infinite Mode without respawning
  • Unlimited endurance: It is rewarded for anyone who can reach 5000 meters in Infinite mode without respawning.
  • The conscientious Lizard: Do your best to complete Level 40 without dislodging any tiles in order to earn this achievement. 
  • Coming full circle: To finish this achievement, you have to travel all the way around Level 35.
  • Just being thorough: Try to make all crumbling tiles in Level 52 fall out of the tunnel so as to accomplish this achievement.

Cool characters

This game offers a variety of characters such as a stick runner, Halloween stickman, lady skater, winter skater, child stickman, stick rabbit and so on. Each character has a unique appearance, power and price. Use the coins you earned to purchase them. What is your favourite character.

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a journey of 1000 light years run 3

How Long Would It Take To Walk A Light-Year?

If you burn about 80 calories per mile walked, you’d need two trillion PowerBars to fuel the trip.

By Jessica Cheng | Published Aug 30, 2013 7:00 PM EDT

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If you started just before the first dinosaurs appeared, you’d probably be finishing your hike just about now.

Here’s how it breaks down: One light-year—the distance light travels in one year, used as the yardstick for interstellar distances—is about 5.9 trillion miles. If you hoofed it at a moderate pace of 20 minutes a mile, it would take you 225 million years to complete your journey (not including stops for meals or the restroom). Even if you hitched a ride on NASA’s Mach 9.68 X-43A hypersonic scramjet, the fastest aircraft in the world, it would take about 95,000 years to cover the distance.

You’ll need to bring a big bag, too; walking such a distance requires substantial supplies. The average adult burns about 80 calories per mile walked, so you’d need two trillion PowerBars to fuel your trip. You’d also produce a heap of worn-out shoes. The typical pair of sneakers will last you 500 miles, so you’d burn through some 11.8 billion pairs of shoes. And all that effort wouldn’t get you very far, astronomically speaking: The closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri, is 4.22 light-years away.

This article appeared in the September 2008 issue of Popular Science_ magazine._

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Explaining Space

How Long Would It Take To Travel A Light Year

a journey of 1000 light years run 3

Using the fastest man-made vehicle, NASA’s Juno spacecraft, which travels at 165,000 mph (365,000 kmph), it would take 2,958 years to travel a light year. A light year is equivalent to about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).

Traveling at the speed of light would be the fastest way to cover vast distances in space, but current technology makes it impossible for humans or even our most advanced spacecraft to reach this speed.

Can people match the speed of a light year?

According to Einstein, it is impossible to match the speed of light. It is because light is the fastest thing in the universe, traveling at 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kilometers per second). There is not one thing that we could invent that could even match a fraction of how fast light travels.

Some scientists have theorized that a new type of engine, called a warp drive , could potentially allow humans to reach the speed of travel required to match the speed of light. However, even if future spacecrafts were able to achieve this level of propulsion, it would still take thousands of years to travel from one star system to another.

Despite the challenges, scientists continue to study space travel at faster-than-light speeds, as they are optimistic that one day we will be able to explore the vast reaches of our universe and even discover life on other planets.

For now, it would take many thousands of years to travel a light year using current technology. However, scientists remain hopeful that one day we will be able to explore the far reaches of space and perhaps even discover other life forms in distant star systems. Until then, we can continue marveling at the

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A Journey Of 1000 Light Years Crossword Answer

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a journey of 1000 light years run 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

Image of Peter Hunt Szpytek

Knowing what to say about Xenoblade Chronicles 3   is hard. It’s a massive game that I’ve put about 50 hours into —  a raindrop in the ocean of its totality. The weird thing is, with just about any other game, that playtime is generally more than enough time to write a review. Still, I would probably need about another 150 hours to see everything that  Xenoblade Chronicles 3  has to offer.

That’s not to say I haven’t devoted myself to becoming a full-blown  XC3 expert since launch, but it is an important truth to understand that adds context to this review. There’s just a lot here. So, is  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 any good? The short answer is yes. The long answer? Well, that’s what the rest of the review is for. 

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 doesn’t make the best first impression, but if you’re able to muscle through its opening hours full of tutorials, you’ll find yourself deeply engrossed in its story, systems, and world, keeping your Switch within arms reach at all times, just in case you end up with a few minutes to play.

It takes quite a bit of work to like  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 in its early hours. Without exaggeration, the main tutorial lasts roughly seven to 10 hours, easing you into the depths of its systems until your head is entirely underwater.

While it’s hardly ideal, I prefer this method of tutorialization as opposed to other games in the genre like Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin , which essentially push you into the deep end with little more than a pair of half-inflated floaties in the first two hours. That said, the hours and hours of tutorials  XC3 throws your way certainly become taxing, making it tough to feel motivated to play between sessions in the early going.

The studio behind the game, Monolith Soft, knew this, bringing their A-game with the story in its first act. That narrative kept me coming back until XC3 ‘s mechanical ideas were fully baked and as delectable as one of Manana’s delicious dishes. 

a journey of 1000 light years run 3

The premise of  Xenoblade Chronicles 3  is excellent: two warring countries have been fighting for longer than anyone on either side can remember, and three soldiers from both factions are exposed to the potential truth that the war is pointless. From there, the six go on a mission to find real answers to what’s happening behind the scenes. On top of that, all people are bred for war, only living for 10 years before dying, so there’s a ticking clock for the cast, some of whom are getting quite close to the end, all of which adds a nice level of drama to the mix.

Because I haven’t finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3 just yet (remember: there’s a lot here — really ), I can’t say if it sticks the landing on all fronts, but so far, I’ve seen some incredible character growth from just about the entire main cast that makes each cutscene exciting, simply for the sake of seeing what happens next.

In a recent session, one character has truly accepted the grim ending that awaits them and discusses the fear of being forgotten to time before they inevitably pass on. It’s heavy stuff, but XC3 takes its time to make some of its more poignant points. Because of that, they resonate and feel earned; you understand each character’s point of view before they start opening up.

The cutscene choreography also brings a cinematic flair to things that was completely unexpected but absolutely lovely. The fights are masterfully animated, and their visuals do a lot of heavy lifting to compensate for the Switch’s hardware limitations that often result in low-resolution video.

On top of having excellent choreography, the camera placement is always interesting, making each cutscene feel uniquely handcrafted. While not every scene gets the full treatment, enough of them do, showing a lot of care went into its most emotional moments.

Another notable element is that fully animated and voiced cutscenes aren’t a rarity in  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 . Many optional side quests feature cutscenes so spectacular that you’d think they’re essential to the main story. Because they aren’t, there’s always the sense that you’re discovering meaningful additional content every time you stray off the main path.

a journey of 1000 light years run 3

While the story drives much of  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 ‘s early hours, the combat mechanics ultimately share the spotlight when the training wheels come off. There is a glut   of complexity in XC3 ‘s combat system, which gives the game a genuinely satisfying loop. Because it’s so cooldown-focused and complex, it took me a while to understand just how active combat truly is. Once it clicked, however, I found myself engaging in every fight, completely invested in the combat systems. 

Usually, when a story really hits, I rush to the next beat and skip more of the mechanic-focused sections, but XC3 ‘s depth still has me fighting everything I can to get the immediate satisfaction of lining up multiple attacks, performing flashy Talent Arts, and pulling off team-powered Chain Attacks, which temporarily stop the action for what are essentially small math puzzles that deal devastating damage to enemies and bosses alike.

It’s unfortunate, then, that the combat can be so obtuse in the early going, despite the hours of tutorials. Only after I watched a video explaining the sheer depth of its mechanics that I understood some of its vaguer elements. Because of that, it’s tough to say that I felt adequately prepared by the game itself to face the challenges it had in store. Once it all makes sense, it’s a wonderful system, but it’s a shame that  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is so poor at explaining itself.

a journey of 1000 light years run 3

Beyond that,  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 struggles the most with its presentation. The Switch is pushed to its absolute limit here. Poor textures, low resolutions throughout, and frequent pop-ins could potentially be enough to put players off. It’s the thing that makes you wonder what could be if the Switch received any  performance upgrade. 

However, not all of  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 ‘s presentation issues are solely the blame of the Switch’s outdated hardware. Incessantly repeating (and irritating) voice lines, stiff character animations outside of proper cutscenes, and the very inclusion of the ever-grating Nopon characters highlight some of the game’s rougher edges. While these things aren’t precisely dealbreakers thanks to the heights  XC3 reaches, they are little annoyances that can quickly stack up.

While the game certainly has its share of presentation issues, that didn’t stop me from exploring as much of the open world as I possibly could. The various areas that make up  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 ‘s Aionios are vast and fully realized, radiating a true sense of place no matter where you are  — and all that makes the narrative that much stronger.  Likewise, the optional side quests and Hero quests can do a lot to bolster that feeling.

In particular, the optional Hero quests that have you recruit new characters to your team, unlocking new classes and Combat Arts along the way, often feel like essential pieces of the game’s story that shouldn’t be skipped over. It’s always exciting to find quests like these because, while the main story is compelling in its own right, there’s something special about finding these missions that add unique elements to your journey.

That’s not to say every quest is worth doing; there are some dull fetch quests here and there. It’s a little frustrating that there’s no real distinction between which quests are filler and which have additional story elements, but it’s pretty easy to figure that out quickly and move back to the meatier quests at hand. 

Xenoblade Chronicles 3  — The Bottom Line

a journey of 1000 light years run 3

  • Gripping narrative with beautifully animated cutscenes.
  • Solid voice performances from the main cast.
  • Extraordinarily deep combat mechanics.
  • Excellent musical score.
  • Well-realized open world.
  • Overly long tutorial.
  • Presentation issues.
  • Irritating repeated voice lines.

Ultimately,  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a testament to excellent mechanics and good storytelling. Although the depths of both can be overwhelming, especially to newcomers, they overshadow the game’s weaker components, some of which could be enough to keep some from playing if they were in a lesser game. I’ll put up with Nopons and a boringly simple traversal system if it means I can fight cool, big monsters with flashy team attacks set against a story about how we spend the precious moments of our lives.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is about a world where the dead are honored through emotional remembrance, which is how I’ll likely look back on the game for quite some time after its credits roll. There’s still so much to experience that I look forward to in the game’s vast, sprawling world each time I pick up my Switch.

A recommendation for  Xenoblade Chronicles 3 comes pretty easily if you’re a fan of previous  Xenoblade  games or just a fan of JRPGs in general. For others, it’s tougher due to its complex mechanics and slow early pacing. Regardless, though there are rough edges,  XC3 makes up for it thanks to areas of absolute brilliance, and it’s a game well worth experiencing. 

[Note: Nintendo provided the copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 used for this review.]

Kitty's owner gives them a collar in Little Kitty, Big City

  • View history
  • 1 Introduction
  • 3 New Tunnel
  • 4 Walkthrough

Introduction [ ]

This is Level 15 of the Main Tunnel of Run 3


Gameplay [ ]

There are two ways to play this level.

You can use the Skater to leap across the platforms, and aim for farther target locations. But you can't reach very high places, or other platforms right in front of you.

As the Runner , jump through the platforms, one by one. You can jump on the left side of the platform every time. There is always a platform waiting for you, and it won't be too far or hard to reach.

New Tunnel [ ]

After you finish this level, you have found a new side tunnel— the Winter Games !

The tunnel is 20 levels long, and it also introduces ice tiles and ice ramps. If you finish the Winter Games, you unlock the winter costumes for the Runner and the Skater!

Click on the Galaxy Map and you will see the Winter Games tunnel.

Walkthrough [ ]


Level 15 Walkthrough (Run 3)

  • 2 Duplicator
  • 3 The Construction Zone (Y-Tunnel)


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  1. A Journey of 1000 Light-Years

    A Journey of 1000 Light-Years is an infinite mode achievement in Run 3. Since this achievement requires you to run a certain distance, there is no specified level for when you can beat this achievement. Since you need to run for a decent distance for the achievement, the preferred character is the one you play best with. For beginners, 800 meters might sound like a long distance to run, and it ...

  2. A Journey of 1000 Light-Years

    A Journey of 1000 Light-Years is an infinite mode achievement in Run 3. Since this achievement requires you to run a certain distance, there is no specified level for when you can beat this achievement. ... Despite its name, you only run 800m, not 1000 light-years. 1000 light years is actually 9460528400000000000 m, or 9.4605284 × 10 15 km, ...

  3. Run 3- A Journey of 1000 Light Years


  4. Achievements

    A Journey of 1000 Light-Years - Run 800 meters in Infinite mode. A True Engineer - As the Angel, beat Plan C, part 11 with only one dash. Across the Frozen Pond - Don't touch the ice! Angled Surface Enthusiast - Touch a Box, then a ramp, and then another box; Angry Green Thing - As the Lizard, dislodge all the crumbling tiles in Level 63.

  5. Walkthrough Guide

    Welcome to our Run Wiki's walkthrough guide for the game Run 3. This guide will seek to assist you through the story and gameplay of the levels, from the start in Level 1 to the later levels like Plan A, part 16 and Level N-9. But if you want specific level guides, try searching the levels up. With a system of completely new game mechanics, this particular game in the Run series can let you ...

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    Voyager was 70,000 light years away, warp 10 TOS was 10 cubed, or 1000 times the speed of light. 70,000 light years divided by 1000 times speed of light equals 70 years. Less than a parsec per day. But they would get home - eventually. I understand speed was limited for literary reasons, to keep space from becoming too small.

  8. Run Achievement List

    A Journey of 1000 Light-Years 7500 XP. Run 400 meters in Infinite mode. Tetrahedron Enthusiast 10000 XP. Collect 40 power cells in one run. Respawning will not count against you. The Conscientious Lizard 15000 XP. Complete level 40 in Explore mode without dislodging any tiles.

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    A "light clock" will appear to run different for observers moving at different ... fewer than 4 years would pass on a journey to any of these stars. ... located more than 1,000 light-years ...

  10. Light-year

    A light-year, alternatively spelled light year (ly), is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and is equal to exactly 9,460,730,472,580.8 km, which is approximately 5.88 trillion mi. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days). ...

  11. Run 3

    Run 3 is an addictive game which takes place in the space tunnel. Control a tiny alien to run as far as possible and dodge many dangers in the tunnels. ... A journey of 1000 light years: This achievement is completed after you reach 800 meters in Infinite mode. Tetrahedron Enthusiast: To get this achievement, you have to collect enough 40 power ...

  12. Infinite Mode

    Several achievements in Run 3 are earned only in Infinite Mode. Achievements with asterisks next to them can only be completed if a level with a specific ID is generated in Infinite Mode; the ID of the required level is provided in parentheses. A Journey of 1000 Light-Years - Run 800 meters in Infinite Mode.

  13. If we traveled at 99% the speed of light, how long would a 100 light

    So, a 100 light-year journey would appear to be only 14.11 light-years long (100 light-years / 7.089). Since you're traveling at 99% the speed of light, it would take you 14.25 years to travel that distance (14.11 light-years / 0.99c) ... etc., all run slower at the same rate that your clock ticks slower, thus, you would perceive the clock as ...

  14. How old would I be if I travelled 1000 light years in one year

    The answer is sort of trivial. If you travel 1000 ly so fast that in your own reference frame it takes one year, then you will have aged by one year in your own reference frame. To do so, you will need a speed of almost the speed of light, so in the reference frame of Earth, you will have spent just a tad more that 1000 yr to travel 1000 ly.

  15. How Long Would It Take To Walk A Light-Year?

    Here's how it breaks down: One light-year—the distance light travels in one year, used as the yardstick for interstellar distances—is about 5.9 trillion miles. If you hoofed it at a moderate ...

  16. How Long Would It Take To Travel A Light Year

    Using the fastest man-made vehicle, NASA's Juno spacecraft, which travels at 165,000 mph (365,000 kmph), it would take 2,958 years to travel a light year. A light year is equivalent to about 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).. Traveling at the speed of light would be the fastest way to cover vast distances in space, but current technology makes it impossible for humans or even ...

  17. A Journey Of 1000 Light Years Crossword Answer

    Explore the crossword clues and related quizzes to this answer. 1 result for "a journey of 1000 light years". hide this ad. CLUE. QUIZ. Run 800 meters in Infinite mode. Run 3 Achievements. est. 2007. The most used word puzzle and crossword clues for the answer of a journey of 1000 light years.

  18. Walkthrough Guide/Late

    This is the Late Game Guide for our walkthrough guides on Run 3. Late Game starts around when one finishes all the released levels in Explore levels, and consists of: Getting all the achievements (Like Unlimited Endurance or far Infinite Mode achievements) Getting all the Characters Getting more power cells after getting all the characters Maybe doing hard challenges on Explore Mode (Like N-8 ...

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    In TNG Where No One Has Gone Before, the enterprise is thrust 2 million 700,000 light years to galaxy M-33 and LA Forge says "I calculate at maximum warp it would take over 300 years to get home" However, the crew of Voyager who were stranded 70,000 light years away routinely say they need "75 years" to get home at maximum warp.

  21. Galactic Vandalism

    Galactic Vandalism is an Achievement in Run 3, one of the first that a new player will achieve. Since all you have to do is dislodge a whole bunch of crumbling tiles, there is no preferred character. ... along with A Journey of 1000 Light-Years. If you play there, you will not get it. The achievement will still show up on the list of possible ...

  22. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

    The premise of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is excellent: two warring countries have been fighting for longer than anyone on either side can remember, and three soldiers from both factions are exposed to the potential truth that the war is pointless.From there, the six go on a mission to find real answers to what's happening behind the scenes. On top of that, all people are bred for war, only ...

  23. Level 15

    This is Level 15 of the Main Tunnel of Run 3 Suggested Characters: There are two ways to play this level. You can use the Skater to leap across the platforms, and aim for farther target locations. But you can't reach very high places, or other platforms right in front of you. As the Runner, jump through the platforms, one by one. You can jump on the left side of the platform every time. There ...