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The Best Travel Strollers

The two travel strollers we recommend, the Uppababy Minu V2 and the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller, standing next to each other.

By Elise Czajkowski

A good travel stroller can make the difference between a jaunty vacation and a miserable slog.

We researched dozens of travel strollers, tested seven on a variety of trips involving planes, trains, buses, and cabs, and concluded that the Uppababy Minu V2 is the best option to keep parents and tots happy. Unlike most travel strollers, you’re sacrificing very little in comfort and maneuverability with the Minu V2—which is why many people find it’s also the ideal everyday stroller.

If you’re looking for a lighter, simpler option, the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller is a great budget pick.

Everything we recommend

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Uppababy Minu V2

The best travel stroller.

This comfortable, sturdy travel stroller handles bumpy streets better than the competition and is easy to fold one-handed. Many parents love it for everyday use as well.

Buying Options

Budget pick.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller

Simple and sturdy.

This less-expensive option handles rough terrain well and offers the best on-the-go napping option of all the strollers we tested.

What we looked for

Being able to quickly collapse or unfurl the stroller is crucial when traveling.

We prioritized strollers that are easy to steer one-handed over bumpy surfaces and around tight turns.

A travel stroller should be small enough to store easily, whether in a closet or a packed car trunk.

You shouldn’t need to look at the manual to relearn how to use your stroller each time you pull it out.

Neither the Minu V2 nor the City Tour 2 Stroller is compatible with any of the picks in our guide to infant car seats ; if that’s a must, the Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) is another good option . And if putting your stroller in an overhead compartment is a priority, we recommend the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller .

The Uppababy Minu V2 has many features that allow it to function as a full-size stroller, including an underseat basket that holds up to 20 pounds, a simple recline option that’s good for napping, and a handy backseat pocket for storing odds and ends. Its one-hand fold is impressively simple, and of the travel strollers we tested, it has the easiest harness to adjust and the most-intuitive brakes. It also has a large, zip-out sun canopy with UPF protection. You can use it—without attachments—with children as young as 3 months, or with Uppababy’s bassinet or select car seats with newborns. A kid doesn’t officially outgrow it until they reach 50 pounds—which is often grade-school age. But at 17 pounds, it’s heavier than our budget pick.

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller isn’t quite as simple to fold, recline, or buckle as the Minu V2, but it has the most comfortable handlebar of the travel strollers we tested, a decent canopy with UV protection, and a good amount of underseat storage (though it is harder to access than the Minu V2’s). Its large, adjustable footrest, long seat, and deep recline make it the best stroller that we tested for on-the-go naps, even for older kids (it fits kids up to 45 pounds). At 15.1 pounds, it’s a couple of pounds lighter than the Minu V2 and, unlike that stroller, comes with a travel bag.

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, how we picked and tested, our pick: uppababy minu v2, budget pick: baby jogger city tour 2 stroller, other good travel strollers, the competition.

I’ve been writing about strollers for Wirecutter for more than a year, and I’ve tested dozens of strollers from 16 brands in that time. For this 2023 update to our guide to travel strollers, I researched more than a dozen popular models and tested seven with my 1-year-old son.

My husband and I brought these strollers on international flights, regional trains, and local buses, and we loaded them in and out of cabs and cars of various sizes. Other Wirecutter parents tested strollers on their summer trips, and I badgered people around my neighborhood about their experiences with travel strollers.

This article builds on the work of writer Sonjia Hyon, who logged 130 miles testing nine travel strollers for an earlier version of this guide.

For many families, a travel stroller will never be necessary; for others, it may be the only stroller they ever need. In general, travel strollers are smaller and lighter than full-size strollers and fold down to fit easily in many forms of transportation.

If you don’t travel regularly, or you’re mostly visiting people who have a spare stroller, you can forgo one entirely and rely on carriers and car seats. On the other hand, I know plenty of parents who use a travel stroller as their everyday go-to; it’s a particularly good option for anyone who is living in a small space or has to carry a stroller up and down steps on a regular basis.

Travel strollers have increasingly replaced umbrella strollers as the go-to lightweight, foldable option for travelers, which became clear when we noticed brands discontinuing their umbrella strollers and making travel models instead. They are primarily distinguished by their fold; a travel stroller collapses into a more compact, suitcase shape while umbrella strollers fold into a long, golf bag shape. This extra convenience comes at a cost; travel strollers are generally much pricier. All of the so-called budget travel strollers we tested in 2023 were more expensive than the priciest model we considered for our guide to umbrella strollers .

Three travel strollers folded up and resting next to each other.

You do, of course, have to make some compromises. The travel strollers that fold the most compactly are likely to be the hardest to fold; the lightest strollers do not maneuver as well as heavier options. And all lack some features that many parents love in their full-size strollers, such as large storage baskets, reversible toddler seats, and adjustable handlebars.

If you’ve already purchased a full-size stroller that you like and are looking to add a travel stroller, you may want to look first at options from the same brand. Stroller manufacturers keep many things consistent across their lines, so you’ll find that elements like the type of brake, the style of the buckle, and the feel of the handlebar are familiar. For instance, the Uppababy Cruz V2 and Minu V2 share the same harness that’s easy to adjust and buckle, which I consider to be one of the most important elements in a good stroller.

Nine of the travel strollers we tested standing side by side.

More travel strollers are available now than when we began testing in 2018, as high-end brands have begun to offer more luxe options. We began our 2023 research by looking at the updated models of our three past picks—the Uppababy Minu V2 has replaced the original Minu, the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller has replaced the Yoyo+ Stroller, and the Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) has replaced the original Nano. We also read online reviews for dozens of strollers to determine other good options to test. Based on our research, we determined that a good travel stroller is:

Easy to push and maneuver: Because a travel stroller needs to perform in a variety of environments inside and outside, we prioritized strollers that are easy to push on uneven terrain and able to maneuver through tight spaces. We only tested strollers that could be pushed and steered one-handed. I took seven strollers home and tested them several times in different conditions, including over cobblestones and uneven streets, in and out of subways, and up and down stairs. I also put them through a test course in our Long Island City, New York office, using sandbags in the toddler seat to test maneuverability and the one-handed push.

Easy to fold and unfold: A travel stroller needs to be easy to quickly fold and unfold; ideally, you should be able to collapse or unfurl a stroller while holding a squirming baby or kicking toddler. In my testing, I timed how long it took to fold and unfold each stroller and if it required one or two hands.

Easy to carry and stow: The stroller should fold down to a compact size; some even get small enough to fit into the overhead compartment on an airplane. We didn’t prioritize that ability, since different airlines and planes have different requirements, and it may be up to individual flight crews to decide if you can put a stroller in the overhead bin. We weighed each stroller ourselves, and the ones we tested ranged from 13 to 17 pounds, a close enough number that it didn’t end up being a major factor in our decision making. We also looked for strollers that have a shoulder strap or travel bag for carrying.

We liked to see that strollers had an option for clicking in an infant car seat, though neither of our picks are compatible with our best infant car-seat picks .

We also looked for a reclining seat, an easily adjustable harness, a decent-size canopy for sun protection, and an accessible underseat storage basket. I tested how easy it was to clean up food messes by smearing jam and whipped cream on all of the strollers and seeing how hard it was to remove stains with just baby wipes or fabric cleaner. Where small children go, messes follow—that’s why we devoted an entire article to  how to clean a stroller .

The Uppababy Minu V2, our pick for best travel stroller.

The Uppababy Minu V2 is an exceptionally comfortable travel stroller for children and parents. It’s similar to the previous version of the Minu, which was our top pick for years, but it improves on that model with a simpler-to-adjust harness, a bigger sun canopy, and an adjustable footrest.

I found that it was sturdy enough to maneuver on bumpy cobblestone streets, light enough for one person to haul up short flights of stairs with a child buckled in, and simple enough to fold one-handed and throw in the back of a car. It has a comfortable handlebar, ample underseat storage, a large canopy with UPF protection , and a harness that adjusts quickly and intuitively.

A folded Uppababy Minu V2 standing up on its own.

It has a fantastic one-handed fold. The Minu V2 is the only one of our picks with a one-handed fold—you slide a lever and push a button simultaneously on the handlebar, push the whole thing forward, and the stroller collapses onto itself. The unfold is also fairly simple; undo a latch on the side and pull up on the handlebar, and it all flings open. The stroller stands up pretty well on its own when folded. In our tests, we found that it took less than 10 seconds to fold or unfold the stroller.

It’s easy to carry. The Minu V2 includes a carry handle and a shoulder strap, so it’s easier to pick up for short hauls than our other pick. (Though at 17 pounds, it’s not particularly comfortable to tote around for long periods.) Uppababy also sells a travel bag that lets you access the TravelSafe program , an additional two-year warranty added onto the original product warranty that offers replacements for parts damaged during air travel.

The harness is simple. The simple plastic buckle is easy to close and open. I find the Uppababy’s harness straps to be the easiest to use of any strollers I’ve tested because the shoulder and waist straps are permanently connected (on other strollers, including the city tour 2, our budget pick, they can separate). This does mean wiggling your child’s arms in and out of the straps, which some parents find more taxing. The harness straps are also the easiest to adjust of any that we tested; simply slide the strap up and down along the back of the child’s seat to change the height, and pull on the ends of the straps to tighten or loosen.

The recline and incline function on the seat is straightforward. You simply pull down a buckle to recline and pull up on two straps to incline. It does take some effort to incline with a toddler in the seat, but none of the travel strollers that we tested were any easier.

The brakes are intuitive and easy to engage, even when you’re barefoot. Like the Uppababy Cruz V2 , a pick in our guide to full-size strollers , the Minu V2 has two brake pedals—a red to lock and a green to unlock—that are easy to engage and, based on their position, allow you to see from a distance if the stroller is locked.

It can be used for a long time and has plenty of storage. With an additional attachment, the Minu V2 can be used with the Uppababy bassinet as well as several infant car seats, making it a good option for newborns, and it can fit a child as young as three months without any accessories. The seat can hold a child up to 50 pounds, the maximum of the travel strollers we tried, and the underseat storage basket can hold up to 20 pounds, the most of any travel stroller we tested, making it popular as an everyday stroller, with good reason. It lacks some of the best features of the larger, more expensive Uppababy Cruz V2 —a reversible toddler seat, a storage basket that can handle a grocery haul, an adjustable handlebar—but it’s narrower, lighter, and faster to fold.

View of the storage pocket on the Uppababy Minu V2, showing sippy cup and a pair of sunglasses in it.

The canopy, seat fabric, and underseat basket can be removed for hand-washing. In our cleaning tests, it was hard to get stains out of the green fabric of our stroller; even after using a stain remover, we could see dark splotches on the seat.

Uppababy strollers come with a two-year limited warranty and an extra year if you register your stroller within three months of purchasing.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

The first Minu V2 that we tested held up well for several weeks of travel—and then, one day it refused to fold. We contacted Uppababy, which said this is not a known issue (although we found a few online complaints of a similar issue with the original Minu) and that anyone with this problem would be issued a new frame immediately; our replacement stroller has held up just fine so far. Given Uppababy’s reputation for good strollers, we’re fairly confident that we simply got a lemon.

At nearly 17 pounds, the Minu V2 is the heaviest of the strollers we tested. It’s also one of the largest when folded, meaning it may need to be gate-checked when boarding a plane. (Though it is larger than almost all airlines’ official requirements for on-board luggage, it may fit in the overhead bins on larger airplanes.) In our travels, it required some careful, Tetris-like finagling to squeeze it into a hatchback alongside our luggage, although one tester was able to fit it behind the driver’s seat of a sedan.

Like all of the travel strollers we tested, it sometimes requires a little shoving to get it to collapse fully. And because of the way the canopy is attached, it sometimes felt flimsy, and it occasionally popped off the frame on one side when unfolding or carrying the stroller up stairs with a child inside.

Weight: 17.3 pounds Frame dimensions: 20.5 by 36 inches (WL) Folded size: 20.5 by 23 by 13 inches (WLH) Child weight, height limit: 50 pounds, 40 inches Storage basket weight limit: 20 pounds Car seat compatibility with an adapter: Uppababy Mesa; Maxi-Cosi Mico Max 30 Infant Car Seat, Mico NXT Infant Car Seat, Mico AP Infant Car Seat, and Mico Max Plus Car Seat; Nuna Pipa, Pipa Lite, Pipa Lite Lx, Pipa Lite R, Pipa Rx, and Pipa Lite Rx; the Cybex Aton, Aton 2, Aton Q, and Aton M Second child adaptability: ride-along board available for purchase Wheel diameter: front wheels 5 inches, rear wheels 6.5 inches Included accessories: bumper bar Add-on accessories: cup holder , travel bag , parent organizer , bassinet , ride-along board , snack tray , rain shield , and basket cover

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller, our budget pick for best travel stroller.

If you’re willing to sacrifice a one-handed fold, an easily accessible storage basket, and a notably easy-to-buckle harness, the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller is a remarkably solid and maneuverable stroller for its price. It handles bumpy streets and cobblestones without complaint, and I found the handlebar’s height and material more comfortable than those on the other less-expensive options we tested.

The City Tour 2 Stroller also has a large adjustable footrest that allows a young toddler to lie almost completely flat; paired with its built-in UV 50+ sun canopy, it’s a great option if on-the-go naps are a priority. For many parents, the best thing about this stroller is that it doesn’t feature anything too noteworthy or fussy; it’s a simple stroller that just works.

The fold is simple, but it requires two steps and both hands. Slide a lever and push a button to fold down the handlebar, then pull up on a strap on the inside of the seat to collapse the whole thing. (If you have the adjustable footrest up, you need to put it down for maximum compactness.) To unfold, undo a latch on the side and click it all into place. In our testing, it took about 10 seconds to fold the stroller (including lowering the footrest) and about 7 seconds to unfold.

The buckle has five pieces but stays together well. The shoulder and waist straps on each side click together, which allows you to simply slide your child’s arm through the shoulder straps rather than attach five separate pieces. One tester found that these pieces tended to separate when her toddler was getting out of the stroller, requiring her to clip them again the next time. But the straps remain snug once buckled. Reclining and inclining the seat is simple—pinch a clamp and pull down on the seat to recline, then pinch the same clamp and push up to incline. As with all of the travel strollers we tested, inclining can be a challenge with larger children.

The underseat basket can easily hold a day’s worth of stuff. The underseat basket holds 15 pounds—not as much as our top pick, but more than most of the strollers we tested.

A person carrying the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller in the travel bag.

The seat fabric of the City Tour 2 Stroller can be machine washed; other parts should be hand-washed. In our cleaning tests, we found that food wiped easily off of the black fabric, and any lingering smudges disappeared with stain remover. Unfortunately, we can’t say if this was due to the dark color or the fabric itself, but this stroller only comes in black (you can also buy a blue-green, special-edition model that’s about $100 more) while the Minu V2 comes in many colors.

It also comes with a travel bag, which adds another layer of protection if you’re gate-checking a bag or putting the stroller away for long-term storage.

Baby Jogger strollers come with a lifetime warranty for manufacturer defects on the frame, and a one-year limited warranty on the fabrics. And though it doesn’t offer the same sort of TravelSafe program as Uppababy, the company said they “are always willing to help our customers where we can with damaged goods.”

The canopy can be hard to unfurl. The peekaboo window is secured with Velcro, which means it could wake up a sleeping child when undone. (The peekaboo flap can also be held open with a button.) The single brake pedal must be pushed up from the bottom to unlock, which is tricky if you’re barefoot or in open-toe shoes; the Minu V2’s two pedals are easier to use. And though the City Tour 2 Stroller does come with a travel bag, the stroller itself doesn’t feature a shoulder strap for carrying.

The seat’s most upright position is somewhat reclined. As with other Baby Jogger strollers that we’ve tested, the seat is never fully upright, which can be frustrating for a bigger kid who wants to look around (or a parent who doesn’t want a toddler to nap). The harness can be a challenge to adjust—the waist straps in particular take some time—and to change the height of the shoulder strap, you need to rethread the straps through the back of the toddler seat, which can’t be done with a child in the stroller. Unlike the Minu V2, the back of the seat doesn’t have a pocket for small items.

The stroller does not stand on its own when folded. It always needed to be propped against a wall or laid down flat. And I found that I sometimes smashed my hand when pushing down to make sure that it was folded as compactly as possible. The stroller also doesn’t have a mechanism for the whole stroller to stay attached to itself when folded; if you grab the handlebar when the stroller is folded, it will pull away from the body.

A folded Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller lying down flat.

At 5 foot 2, one tester found it was difficult to fold the handlebar down and needed to stabilize the stroller by putting her foot on the underseat basket for leverage; at 5 foot 7, I didn’t have the same issue.

Weight: 15.1 pounds Frame dimensions: 20 by 39 inches (WL) Folded size: 20 by 22.5 by 9.5 inches (WLH) Child weight, height limit: 45 pounds, 40 inches Storage basket weight limit: 15 pounds Car seat compatibility with an adapter: Baby Jogger City Go Infant Car Seat, City Go 2 Infant Car Seat, and City Go Air Infant Car Seat; Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35 Elite and SnugRide SnugLock 35 Platinum Second child adaptability: stroller cannot be adapted; City Tour 2 Double Stroller is also available, but we have not tested it yet Wheel diameter: front wheels 5 inches, rear wheels 6 inches Included accessories: travel bag Add-on accessories: belly bar , parent console , and weather shield

If you need or want to travel with a car seat: The Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) is equipped with a universal car seat adapter—a genius feature that all stroller companies should adopt. Not only can you use many infant car seats with the nano—including any of our infant car seat picks —but it works with lightweight toddler car seats and convertible travel car seats like the Cosco Scenera Next Convertible Car Seat , which we recommend as the best convertible car seat for travel .

But the canopy rests against the handlebar when closed, making the stroller uncomfortable to push for long periods, especially in the heat. It also has finicky harness straps that never felt tight enough and a brake that’s easy to trip accidentally.

If a stroller that fits in most overhead compartments is crucial: Consider the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller , which has the smallest fold of any of the strollers we tested. It meets the International Air Transport Association standards for carry-on bags, and I’ve seen people putting it in the overhead bins on several flights—even though at 17.3 inches wide, it is wider than the official width limit of 14 inches on many airlines. The fabric was also the easiest to wipe clean of every stroller we tested.

But its multistep folding mechanism is frustrating; it involves pushing a button and pulling a handle underneath the seat, which means crouching down and feeling around for the right spots. It’s also difficult to push and steer in a hurry; in our tests, it veered off course easily when pushing one-handed. And the front tires had a tendency to spin uncontrollably after hitting a bump, creating a drag that took a few seconds to correct.

This is not a comprehensive list of everything we tested in previous iterations of this guide; it only includes strollers that are still available for sale.

The 16-pound Bugaboo Butterfly is well made and easy to maneuver, but multiple testers said they found the handlebar uncomfortable to push, particularly on hills. I also found that I sometimes struggled to get it unlocked and unfolded in a hurry—an important feature of a travel stroller.

At about $500, the nearly 16-pound Nuna Trvl is the most expensive travel stroller that we tested, and it has some excellent features, including the simplest fold we saw on any travel stroller. But it is very large when folded with the belly bar attached, and when the canopy is closed, it covers the handlebar, making it uncomfortable to push.

The dual handlebars of the Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller , our umbrella stroller pick , make it nearly impossible to push one-handed—an important feature if you’re traveling by yourself and need your other hand for carrying other items. If you don’t mind using two hands and relying on a simpler but less maneuverable stroller than those recommended in this guide, you can save money by using an umbrella stroller over a travel model.

The Zoe the Traveler is only 13 pounds and has some nice features, including a parent cup holder, but it didn’t maneuver as well as I’d like. I struggled to push it off the subway, and it nearly tipped forward from a small, uneven bump in the sidewalk. It was also one of the hardest strollers to unfold.

We tested the 11-pound Zoe XL1 Best in 2018 (which has since been renamed The Tour+) and dismissed it after finding it harder to push and maneuver than other travel strollers we tested. It would frequently stop suddenly, causing the parent to pitch forward.

The 9.5 pound GB Pockit Air All-Terrain and the 13-pound GB Pockit+ All-City were dismissed because they didn’t feel sturdy.

The Kolcraft Cloud Plus Stroller was dismissed because it did not feel durable, was challenging to maneuver, and didn’t have a working lock.

This article was edited by Rachel Hurn and Kalee Thompson.

Meet your guide

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Elise Czajkowski

Elise Czajkowski is a freelance writer and editor covering strollers for Wirecutter.

Further reading

Highway sign indicating meltdown ahead in half mile.

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From compact car seats and cribs to portable blackout shades and white noise machines, the right tools for travel can lead to less fuss—and more fun.

Three of our top picks for the best travel car seats, shown side by side.

The Best Travel Car Seats

by Christina Szalinski and Rebecca Gale

After testing 17 lightweight, portable car seats, we have five good options for infants, toddlers, and big kids to recommend.

Our three picks for best stroller wagon, shown side by side in front of a pink background.

The Best Stroller Wagons

by Liz Iversen

Got kids and gear you need to schlep to the soccer field, the beach, or the neighborhood block party? A stroller wagon might be for you.

An umbrella stroller with a book and snacks in the seat.

The Best Umbrella Stroller

by Elise Czajkowski

An umbrella stroller should be hassle-free and inexpensive enough to buy as a spare to store at Grandma’s house.

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My Chocolate Moments

life. family. chocolate.

May 17, 2021

Zoe Tour+ Stroller Review

I love strollers!  I’ve had several over the years and I love trying different styles and options.  So far all of the ones I’ve had over the years have been pretty big strollers (Bob Revolution single jogger, Bumbleride Indie Twin, and Baby Jogger City Select double).  I tend to like big, sturdy strollers that can carry a lot of stuff but a couple of years ago we were going to be flying quite a bit and I wanted to get a lightweight, compact stroller that would be easier to travel with.  Several of those times I was going to be flying by myself with a baby and I wanted it to be as simple as possible to fold my stroller up and haul it around the airport/plane/hotel/city/etc.

I did a lot of reading/video watching and even bought a super popular umbrella stroller that I promptly sent back because it was so flimsy (and couldn’t be pushed with one hand).  I kept seeing the Zoe strollers pop up as a recommended travel stroller and I was very, very intrigued.

After some research I decided to get a Zoe Tour+ (at the time it was called the Zoe XL1 but has since been renamed).  It’s not the smallest Zoe stroller – the Zoe Traveler (formerly called the Zoe XLC) actually folds up small enough to fit in the overhead bin of an airplane but while I loved that feature, the Traveler doesn’t have as many features as the Tour+ (like cupholders) in order to keep it small.  I wanted this stroller to be one that we’d find useful at other times, not just for airplanes, so I decided to get the slightly larger Tour+.  It wasn’t small enough to go in the overhead airplane bin but it was still plenty small and light enough for me to travel with.

Update March 2024: Zoe has come out with an updated version, the Tour V2 – there are a few differences between it and the Tour that I share here but the overall gist is very similar.

Zoe Tour+ Review

Zoe stroller in trunk

When it got here I was immediately baffled by how light it was!!   I mean, all my previous strollers had been 25-35 pounds and were quite difficult to lift up into my car.  The Zoe Tour is only 11 pounds and I could lift it easily with one hand!  Amazing!

And then the second thing I was super excited about was the fold.  Again, after having those huge strollers that take two hands to fold it was like a dream to do this super easy one handed fold.  Incredible!

Oh AND…this stroller can be turned into a double stroller later if I want that option!  Cool!  I’ll show you how that works too.

I could go on and on and on about this stroller.  It’s just wonderful.  And so I will – keep reading for my Zoe Tour+ Review!

(If you want to see all the features in action scroll to the bottom for my video review)

Zoe Tour+ Review

Before we dive in to the review, here’s a coupon you can use if you decide you want to get one of these strollers too:

COUPON: use this link to get $15 off

Zoe tour+ review: features.

Let’s get in to the features:

Zoe Tour+ canopy

There are several d-rings on the stroller frame that you can use to attach one or two straps ( sold separately ) and carry it with one strap over your shoulder or two straps like a backpack.  That’s not a feature that I use but it is a nice option for those who want it.

Zoe Tour+ handlebar

The canopy has a magnetic peek-a-boo mesh window so you can look in on your kids.  I do wish it had the ability to open that window and keep it open but that’s a minor complaint.

UPDATE March 2024 – in the new Tour V2 the peek-a-boo window has a latch to hold it open.  Hooray!!

Zoe Tour+ mesh window

There’s also a pocket on the back of the stroller.  My parent console usually hangs down in front of that so I never use it, but it is there if you want it.

Zoe Tour+ pocket

There is an attached, hidden foot muff thing that can be used to turn the seat into more of a bassinet for younger babies.  It rolls up under the foot rest so to use it you just unroll it and velcro it around the belly bar.  Very nifty!

(This is no longer a feature on the newer Tours so you’ll only see this if you purchase a used one)

Zoe Tour+ foot muff

There is a mesh basket in the bottom of the stroller.  It’s kind of flimsy since it’s all mesh and certainly couldn’t hold something like my heavy diaper bag, but it is surprisingly large and I can fit quite a bit of soft stuff in there (my Lillebaby carrier, coats and jackets, that sort of thing.)

UPDATE March 2024 – in the new Tour V2 has a sturdier storage basket

Zoe Tour+ mesh basket

The Zoe Tour uses a double foot break, which I’m not crazy about.  Why add extra work, right?  Honestly, most of the time I just put one brake on if I just need it to stay still on a flat surface for a bit and that has been sufficient,  but to properly brake it you need to use both.  They are easy to use, thankfully.

It’s an easy push over flat terrain but doesn’t do great on grass, definitely not good on gravel, and doesn’t easily go over curbs and bumps.  That’s all to be expected for a lightweight stroller like this, though.

I have not heard other people complain about this so I might be weird but one of my main complaints is that I kick the wheels constantly when I push the stroller.  I’m not sure if I just have an extra long stride or what.  I’m not *that* tall (I’m 5’7″) so I don’t think it’s that, but for some reason I’m constantly kicking the wheels.  After using it for over 2 years I have learned to adjust my stride so that I’m not kicking them all the time but I still think it feels odd to push, especially if I’m walking around the neighborhood at a decent pace.

Other accessories

Ethan and Emma stroller parent organizer

Now, I’m not sure what Zoe’s official stance is on hanging things off of the stroller (that’s usually not recommended by stroller manufacturers for safety reasons) but I will say that I load my Tour down.  When we go to our homeschool community days I often have the boys’ backpacks hanging on the mommy hook, our lunch box hanging over the handlebar, my carrier and our jackets in the basket, and then my diaper bag and portable high chair in the seat if I don’t have a child in the seat.  It’s a workhorse for sure!  I’ve never had problems with tipping (though I only hang light things from it and put heavy things like my diaper bag in the seat) but use your good judgment of course.

Zoe Tour+ Review: PROS

Here’s my list of pros for the Zoe Tour :

  • Takes up a tiny amount of space
  • So portable
  • Great for travel
  • Able to push with one hand

Just such an easy, amazing stroller that blows other umbrella strollers out of the water!

Zoe Tour+ Review: CONS

And my cons:

  • I step on the wheels all the time.  Not sure why but I struggle to walk behind it – I often walk beside it instead and that’s  weirdly more comfortable.  This is my biggest con for sure!
  • It does not do well on uneven surfaces or going over things like a garden hose, etc.  Definitely not a big, jogging stroller but I knew that going in to it and that’s fine!
  • The basket is kind of flimsy and I have problems with it unsnapping on the sides.

In addition to their single strollers and the tandem option , Zoe also has a side-by-side which can turn into a triple or quad stroller with additional attachments !  So cool!  I love the versatility and many configurations!  Triple and quad strollers are not that common so to find ones that can be easily modified and aren’t a bazillion dollars is pretty fantastic.

Zoe Stroller Coupon Code

Make sure you use this link when you get ready to purchase your zoe stroller to get $15 off.

WHEW!  That was a big, long review!  Hopefully it was helpful as you’re searching for strollers though!

Video Review

Looking for a double stroller?  Check out the Zoe Twin+!  See my blog review here and my video review here:

Happy strolling!

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Zoe Twin+ Stroller Review

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Best Travel Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed by Parents & Experts

Lightweight and compact, a travel stroller can help make your next family vacation a little bit easier., by jen labracio | medically reviewed by holly peretz ot.

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If the thought of trying to wrangle your full-size stroller on your next family adventure feels daunting, it’s time to consider a travel stroller.

Travel strollers make leaving home with your little one a little bit easier and a lot more convenient. Today’s travel stroller is a minimalist’s dream. Most have many of the same high-end features as traditional strollers all rolled into a compact, portable package. Many travel strollers break down to fit in the overhead bin of a plane or can be folded down quickly (and with one hand—win) and slung over your shoulder. Many parents even use them as their day-to-day stroller.

If you’re a family who’s frequently on the go, a travel stroller may be the answer to help lighten your load and simplify your life. We’re sharing Babylist parents favorites and bestselling picks to help you narrow down your search. I also added my own thoughts and picks from the countless travel strollers I’ve tested over the last decade as a mom of two and in my role as Babylist’s Gear Editor.

Babylist’s Top Picks for the Best Travel Strollers

  • Best Travel System: Nuna PIPA urbn + TRVL Travel System
  • Best for Toddlers: Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller
  • Best Budget: Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller
  • Best for Everyday Use: UPPAbaby MINU V2 Stroller
  • Best for Planes: Babyzen YOYO2 6+ Stroller
  • Best Compact: Joolz Aer+ Lightweight Stroller
  • Best Lightweight: Zoe The Traveler
  • Best Value: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Single Stroller
  • Best for Infants: Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller
  • Best Umbrella: Summer 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

In This Article

How we chose the best travel strollers.

  • Our Top Picks

Which Stroller Is Best for Travel?

What to look for in a travel stroller, how do you travel with a stroller on a plane, babylist’s picks for the best travel strollers, best travel system stroller.

Nuna PIPA urbn & TRVL LX Travel System - Caviar - $950.00.

Nuna PIPA urbn & TRVL LX Travel System - Caviar

  • Baseless infant car seat, installs in seconds
  • Stroller has one-handed fold, weighs 13 pounds
  • Car seat weighs just 7 pounds

What Our Experts Say

If you know you’ll frequently be traveling while your baby is an infant, you may want to invest in a travel system (a stroller and car seat that attach to each other; here’s more on how to pick a travel system ). This combo is the best of the best, and what I wish I’d had when I was a new mom living in New York City seven years ago and didn’t own a car. It combines the ultra-popular TRVL, the brand’s first dive into the lightweight stroller market, with the urbn, a first-of-its-kind car seat.

What’s so special about a baseless car seat? Most infant car seats can be installed without a base, but require a seat belt—along with time and patience. That’s not the case with the urbn. There’s no base to worry about AND the latch system is built right into the seat’s base. I was blown away by how quick and easy this seat was to install. I pressed a button on each side and pushed to attach it directly to my vehicle’s lower anchors—that’s it. It’s about as foolproof as it gets, and especially ideal if you’ll be using your car seat on the go in rideshares or taxis. This is also our pick for best travel car seat .

As for the TRVL stroller, it’s just as great. The two standout features for me were its fold (one-handed, quick and ridiculously easy) and its compact size (it stands on its own and weighs just over 13 pounds. While not huge, the basket is large enough to hold your essentials (and a little more) and is easy to access, and the TRVL’s maneuverability is good enough that you’ll be able to steer easily with one hand.

What’s Worth Considering

The TRVL is on the pricier side and it doesn’t have a carry strap, but the maneuverability, suspension and versatility help explain the higher price point. I found it worked as a travel stroller, but also as an everyday stroller, too. There are also lots of thoughtful design details like magnetic buckles, a no-rethread harness and leatherette bumper bar and handlebar. The urbn car seat has a lower height limit than many infant car seats—not ideal, but not a huge dealbreaker, either.

Additional Specs

Best Travel Stroller for Toddlers

Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller - Midnight Black - $479.00.

Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller - Midnight Black

  • Four-wheel suspension for a smooth ride
  • Fast, easy fold
  • Included footrest and high seat back

There are two travel strollers I recommend again and again to families, and Bugaboo’s newest compact stroller, the Butterfly, is one of them. (The other one is the Joolz Aer+—more on that below!). This style-forward stroller is packed with thoughtful, impressive features, just like the brand’s popular full-size strollers. Two of my favorites (and there are many to choose from!) are the smooth ride and the quick, easy fold. The four-wheel suspension system means the Butterfly rides more like a traditional stroller than a compact one, a huge perk when I pushed it on anything other than smooth pavement and perfect for toting around my larger toddler. It moves and turns easily and I was able to steer it with only one hand, a huge plus. The fold is just as impressive; I also did it one-handed, and the Butterfly folds down to about the side of a small bag. (There’s also a built-in carry strap, a feature I value in any stroller, but especially one designed for travel.)

A few other things I love: it accommodates an infant car seat with adapters, so you can use it from day one, and the seat has a high back for larger kiddos and reclines almost fully for napping on the go. There’s even a footrest built in for extra comfort, another toddler-friendly feature. (My 95th-percent-in-height two-year-old still fits perfectly in it.) And the sun canopy on the Butterfly is one of the best I’ve seen of all the travel strollers on our list.

There’s not much to pick on with this stroller, minus its high price tag. The back wheels on the Butterfly are fairly close together. That setup, combined with a handle that doesn’t extend (which is the norm for compact strollers), means that if you’re on the taller side like me (5’10”), you may kick the back of the stroller while you’re walking. And although I wouldn’t consider it heavy, it is one of the heavier travel strollers on our list by about three pounds.

Best Budget Travel Stroller

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller - $79.99.

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller

  • Great value
  • Extremely light—weighs less than 12 pounds
  • Easy fold but not as compact as others on our list

If you’re not looking to spend a lot on a travel stroller or you’re a family who doesn’t travel very often, the Kolcraft Cloud Light is an excellent value for an inexpensive stroller . It boasts lots of thoughtful features, especially considering the stroller’s price. Weight is the standout here—the Cloud Plus weighs less than twelve pounds, making it one of the lightest strollers on our list. The fold is also worth a second look. Although it’s not super compact (the stroller folds in on itself, much like an umbrella stroller, rather than in a tri-fold like many other travel strollers on our list), it’s quick and easy and you can do it with one hand, a feature we always appreciate especially when we’re on the go.

Other features to note include an extendable canopy with a peekaboo window, a parent tray with two drink holders and a large storage basket (it’s one of the biggest on our list).

The seat on the Cloud Plus has multiple positions but doesn’t recline completely flat. It has a lower weight limit than many of the strollers on our list—40 pounds—and doesn’t have much in the way of suspension and shock absorption. The fold is slim but not all that compact.

And remember—this stroller is under $100. It’s not going to compare to travel strollers five times its price in suspension, maneuverability, stability or materials. But, considering the price, it’s a great option if you don’t travel all that much but want a lightweight stroller option when you do.

What Babylist Parents Say

“Easily fits in the trunk of my car.” -Cora

Best Travel Stroller for Everyday Use

UPPAbaby Minu V2 Stroller - Jake - $399.99.

UPPAbaby Minu V2 Stroller - Jake

  • Great for travel + everyday use
  • Roomy storage basket
  • Shock-absorbing suspension for a smooth ride

UPPAbaby was one of the first stroller brands to dive into the “travel stroller that can also be used as an everyday stroller” category, and the Minu does both of these things extremely well. From your own neighborhood to wherever your travel adventures take you and to everything in between, the Minu offers all the conveniences of a day-to-day stroller in a travel-friendly package. A few of my favorite features are the one-handed fold, the huge sunshade, the comfy seat with multi-position recline and a roomy, easy-access basket. The spring-action, shock-absorbing all-wheel suspension makes for a smooth ride even over bumpy terrain, so it’s a stroller you can use both in the suburbs and in a city. The Minu stands when folded and features a carry strap and a storage bag for easy transport.

As-is, the Minu works for babies three+ months; that means if you want to use it with your newborn, you’ll need to add the bassinet and adapters , which will cost you.

The Minu folds compactly but is a little bulkier than some of the other strollers on our list when it’s broken down. It’s also a little heavier, weighing in at about 17 pounds. And the seat back is on the shorter side.

“Amazing stroller. Great for travelling (fits in overhead bin), shopping (takes up minimal trunk space), walks in the park (very smooth ride, even over grass!). Has oversized canopy to block sun and folds with one hand. Bought it for travel, but use it as our primary stroller because I love it so much.” -Jessica

Best Travel Stroller for Flying

Babyzen yoyo2 stroller bundle - black frame/olive.

  • Fits in overhead bin
  • Fast, one-handed fold
  • Options to customize color, add a second rider and more

The YOYO2 was ahead of its time in the world of compact strollers and remains a parent favorite both for travel and for families looking for a smaller, lighter everyday stroller option. This compact favorite fits in the overhead bin and is the stroller of choice for many light-packing parents who don’t want to deal with the hassle (or risk) of gate-checking a stroller when they fly. It performs like a champ off the plane, too, easily steering through crowds and through narrow spaces.

There’s one other unique thing to love here—the custom options. You can change out the seat and shade fabrics with a new color pack , add a custom footmuff for cooler temps, help your older kiddo hitch a ride on the stroller board and even add a storage bag that uses wheeled support so your stroller won’t tip. With adapters that are sold separately, you can also use this stroller with some of the best infant car seats from Nuna and Maxi Cosi, among others.

The YOYO2’s fold isn’t hard, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the other travel stroller picks on our list. (There are two steps, and it takes a little getting used to.) The canopy is on the shorter side. This travel stroller does come with a rain cover, but all the other extras and custom adds will cost you. (And this stroller is on the pricier side to begin with.)

“Fits in airplane cabin. We took it on so many trips!” -Emily

Best Compact Travel Stroller

Joolz aer + lightweight stroller - stone grey.

  • One-handed fold and compact carry
  • Comfy, contoured seat

I’ve tried a LOT of travel strollers in my day, and the Joolz Aer+ is the one I come back to again and again. Pushing it doesn’t feel much different than pushing much larger, much more expensive strollers—and that’s one of the things I love about it. The Aer+ has four-wheel suspension, a feature that’s not very common in travel strollers, so it maneuvers easily and glides smoothly even across uneven surfaces like bumpy sidewalks and dirt paths. That combined with the ridiculously easy one-handed fold, the compact design and the comfortable seat that contours to fit your child’s body makes this stroller a great choice for travel and for everyday use. (It currently occupies a permanent spot in the trunk of my car.)

The Aer+ is newborn-friendly and compatible with Nuna and Clek car seats (adapters sold separately), so it works if you want to use it from day one. The stroller folds small enough to fit in an overhead bin or to sling over your shoulder (carry strap included) and tote up and down stairs, on public transportation or anywhere else you need to go. It also comes with a rain cover and travel bag included.

The Aer+ is on the pricier side, but if you’re planning on using it for travel and for everyday, then the cost doesn’t seem as daunting. I also wish it came with a footrest instead of having to purchase one separately.

“It’s so easy to push and steer and SO easy to fold with just one hand. We use it as a travel stroller and often as our everyday stroller as well.” -Jennifer

Best Lightweight Travel Stroller

Zoe the traveler.

  • One-handed fold
  • Extended canopy, full recline

Lightweight, compact and travel-ready are the three features that come to mind when I think of The Traveler from Zoe. This aluminum-frame stroller is light enough for easy portability but durable enough to handle lots of different adventures. I love the one-handed fold and that it’s small enough to fit in an overhead bin if you don’t want to wrangle with gate checking your stroller on your next trip. There are lots of high-end features like an extended canopy, adjustable footrest and a near-flat recline. And don’t forget one of the best parts: The Traveler folds in seconds with one hand and stands on its own.

The Traveler isn’t compatible with any car seats so you won’t be able to use it with younger babies. There are also no straps or backpack included; if you want those, you’ll have to pay extra to add them on. And while it shines on smooth pavement, it’s not great on bumpy or uneven terrain.

Need a double travel stroller? Zoe’s The Twin+ is a great choice. It weighs under 20 pounds and fits through standard doorways but is comfortable and roomy enough for two children up to 45 pounds each. The fold is quick, easy and compact and the stroller is Disney-approved. And it can expand to a triple or a quad stroller with additional seats.

Best Value Travel Stroller

Baby jogger city tour 2 single stroller - jet.

  • Same one-handed fold Baby Jogger full-size strollers are known for
  • 3 ways to ride: infant car seat, bassinet or toddler seat
  • Padded seat with added depth

Travel strollers can get expensive. If you don’t want to spend $500+ on one, but you travel frequently and want a reliable option, the City Tour 2 is a great mid-priced pick.

Baby Jogger strollers are known (and loved) for their easy, one-handed fold—and this travel stroller is no exception. The City Tour 2 folds into a 19-by-23-inch rectangle and automatically locks closed. You can carry it by the handle or tuck it away in the included tote bag carryall while your little one explores. The stroller has a deep, padded seat and adjustable calf support to keep your kiddo comfortable. Plus, a huge UV 50+ sun canopy provides shade.

There’s suspension system in the frame isn’t great, making for a bit of a bumpy ride. Some parents wish the tote bag carryall had backpack straps for easier transport rather than a shoulder strap.

“I love that I can carry, open and fold it with one hand. It’s easy to maneuver and the only stroller I own. Perfect for city living!” -Amie

Best Infant Travel Stroller

Mountain buggy nano v3 stroller.

  • Comes with universal car seat adapter
  • Full recline seat
  • Ventilated backrest for airflow

The Mountain Buggy Nano stroller is the best of both worlds—a travel stroller that can also act as a travel system . Unlike most travel strollers, this one comes equipped with a universal car seat adapter so you can pop in your infant seat and be on your way with your newborn in tow. (You can also purchase the Cocoon Carrycot separately if you prefer a bassinet option.)

The Nano is lightweight and compact enough to fit easily into many carry-on luggage units on planes and trains or in a trunk, and the travel bag has a handle and strap for portability. The narrow width and front-wheel swivel makes it good for use on city streets or other tight spaces and the seat features a full recline perfect for naps.

There’s no suspension system and no peekaboo window. You need to use two hands to fold the Nano. (Although it’s still really easy.)

“It folded up so small that it fit on the plane as a carryon but it also handled really well on european cobblestone” -Nikki

Best Umbrella Stroller for Travel

Summer 3d lite convenience stroller.

  • Easy to maneuver
  • Umbrella-style fold is bulky

Umbrella strollers used to be the norm in the compact stroller category. That’s changed over the last five years or so, but if you still prefer one for travel, the Summer 3D Lite should be on your list.

The 3D Lite is a great all-around travel stroller. It’s light (about 13 pounds), features a simple, compact fold and a built-in carry strap, has a seat that lays nearly flat and boasts an ample storage basket. The ride isn’t super cushy, but it’s not all that bumpy, either. And at well under $100, it’s an incredible value for a stroller with this many great features.

Since this is an umbrella stroller, you won’t find the compact tri-fold that parents love so much about many travel strollers.

“It is so easy to travel with - we used it on a cruise ship, in various airports, and for all our daily errands.” -Jeanine

Also Worth a Look…

The world of compact travel strollers has exploded recently, flooding the market with lots of options. Here are a few other travel strollers worth a look:

  • The Bumprider Connect 3 Stroller ($599.99) is totally unique. It features a magnetic lock system that allows you to join two or more strollers together. It’s pricey, though, especially if you need more than one.
  • Evenflo Gold’s Otto ($199.99) is a competitively priced self-folding, lightweight stroller with a high weight limit (55 pounds) and a two-position adjustable footrest.
  • The Inglesina Quid ($299.00) fits in an overhead bin and offers thoughtful features like a self-standing fold, an extendable canopy and a large flap on the hood that fully retracts for ventilation on warm days. The Quid weighs in at only 13 pounds.
  • We analyzed results from Babylist’s Best Baby Products survey, which polled 6,000 Babylist users and asked them to share the baby products they love the most and why.
  • We utilized insight from the Babylist editorial team, including Gear Editor Jen LaBracio, an expert in the baby space for over six years and a mom of two who has written hundreds of baby gear guides and personally researched and tested hundreds of baby products, including many travel strollers.
  • We reviewed customer reviews from hundreds of real Babylist parents.

Some families use a traditional stroller for everything, even traveling. But having a lighter, more nimble travel stroller pays off when you really need it: for airports, narrow city sidewalks , public transportation or just to lighten the load.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using different types of strollers for travel:

  • Traditional stroller: Everyday strollers typically have convenient features like lots of storage space, cup holders and trays, and large canopies. Some may also have all-terrain wheels and accommodate an infant car seat. But they’re heavier and bulkier to fold, which makes using and storing them in tight spaces more difficult (think: narrow doorways, airplane overhead bins, small car trunks).
  • Umbrella stroller: Bare-boned and exceptionally lightweight, umbrella strollers often lack many amenities you find in traditional strollers like adjustable seats and cup holders. They have skimpy canopies, minimal cushioning and seat support and don’t fold small enough to fit in airport storage bins. You also can’t push an umbrella stroller with one hand. Umbrella strollers are good for when you occasionally need a slimmer, fast-fold stroller.
  • Travel stroller: Sometimes also called a lightweight stroller, travel strollers strike a balance between traditional and umbrella stroller styles. They’re lighter than the standard stroller, easy to fold and compact in size when collapsed. (Some travel strollers fold in half, called a square fold, while others feature a more compact tri-fold.) Travel strollers have some full-size amenities like large sun canopies and a storage basket and most even have extras like cup holders.

Figuring out the best stroller to use for travel often comes down to what type of trade-offs you want to make around budget , space and personal preference.

  • Some traditional strollers offer a compact fold that’s great for travel, but the stroller weighs a ton.
  • Umbrella strollers tend to be affordable but require two hands for pushing and only offer a vertical fold.
  • Compact travel strollers are light, portable and easy to steer but come at a cost.

Before you invest in a travel stroller, think through:

  • How often you travel
  • How much money you want to spend
  • Where you’ll be storing your stroller when it’s not in use

Also note that lots of parents find that a travel stroller can work just as well as a full-size option for everyday use; just keep in mind that unless the travel stroller you choose is compatible with an infant car seat or comes with a separate infant kit, you’ll need to wait to use the stroller until your baby is six months old and can sit up unassisted.  

A travel stroller should be easy to take with you on trips and be a comfy spot for your little one, especially since your child will probably spend more hours in it while traveling than at home. Consider these features as you research and shop:

  • Size and weight. You’re going to be lifting, carrying and storing your travel stroller often, so the stroller’s size and weight is important. Look for one that’s lightweight and manageable. Also pay attention both to the folded and unfolded size of your travel stroller. Hoping to If you’re planning on using it for an older toddler, also be sure it’s large enough to accommodate them.
  • Fold. There’s also a lot of folding and unfolding a stroller during travel, whether it’s to take it in and out of your car, stash it under a table at a restaurant or storing it in the overhead compartment of an airplane. Choose a travel stroller with a quick, easy fold, preferably one you can do one-handed.
  • Maneuverability. Not all travel strollers are created equally. Some offer much more maneuverability and a better suspension system than others; however, these features often come at a cost. Thinking through how often you’ll be using your travel stroller and what types of terrain you’ll encounter most often can be helpful in determining whether or not a more expensive stroller is worthwhile.
  • Canopy size. Most travel involves at least some, if not a lot, of outdoor time. A large canopy is essential for protecting your little one from the elements, especially the sun.
  • Comfort and convenience features. Similar to a full-size stroller, look for features that will make you and your little one more comfortable, especially while traveling. Things like an adjustable seat with a full or nearly full recline, an ample storage basket, an adjustable handlebar and easy to clean fabrics are all important. And don’t forget a built-in strap or a separate carrying case for easy transport.

Bringing a stroller with you on trips can seem daunting. How do you get it from point A to point B when you’re flying ? Will it count toward your carry-on and baggage allotment? And what if you need to use your stroller in the airport? Good news: You can pick how you want to travel with your stroller, depending on your needs. Here are the choices:

  • Check the stroller with your baggage: Some parents unload the stroller during check-in and switch to using a baby carrier through the airport instead. Pair a front carrier with a backpack-style diaper bag so your hands will be free to deal with other things (like the toys that will make your trip a breeze ). Note that if you have a large stroller, you may be required to check it as baggage anyway. This usually doesn’t count toward your baggage allotment.
  • Check the stroller at the gate: Want to use the stroller until you board the plane? You can check the stroller with the gate agent—it just needs to be tagged—and then pick it up outside the aircraft door when you arrive. (Just remember if you have a connecting flight to catch, waiting for your stroller to be placed on the jet bridge can eat up precious time.)
  • Stow the stroller on the airplane: Some travel strollers fold up so small they fit in a backpack and can be stored in an overhead bin. Having your stroller with you eliminates the hassle of waiting for it on the jet bridge or at baggage claim (or losing it).

Some other air-travel tips to keep in mind:

  • If you check the stroller with baggage, you do run the risk of damage. If you’re not using a travel stroller bag, ask the agent at check-in for a plastic bag to cover and protect it during transport.
  • If you’re taking the stroller through security, it will need to be folded and put through the X-ray machine. Don’t stuff the undercarriage basket until after security.
  • If your checked stroller doesn’t come out with the suitcases at baggage claim, check the oversized luggage area. It may have been set aside there (this may also be where your travel crib is, if you checked one).

Do you need a travel stroller bag?

How you plan to use your travel stroller will affect whether or not you need a travel stroller bag.

If you plan on flying with your stroller then you’ll probably want to use a travel stroller bag, especially if you don’t plan on stowing your stroller in the overhead compartment of the plane (either because you don’t want to or because it won’t fit). A checked stroller, even one that’s gate checked, may get tossed around quite a bit while in transit, so you’ll want a travel stroller bag to keep it protected.

If you’re not planning on flying much with your stroller or if you’re simply using your travel stroller as a more lightweight day-to-day option, then a travel stroller probably isn’t a must-have.

Some travel strollers come with a travel bag while others require you to purchase one separately, so check with your particular brand. There are generic travel stroller bags that may work, too.

Jen LaBracio

Senior gear editor.

Jen LaBracio is Babylist’s Senior Gear Editor, a role that perfectly combines her love of all things baby gear with her love of (obsessive) research. When she’s not testing out a new high chair or pushing the latest stroller model around her neighborhood, she likes to run, spin, listen to podcasts, read and spend time at the beach. In her past life, she worked for over a decade in children’s publishing. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and their two boys, Will and Ben.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

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best travel stroller zoe xl1

Zoe The Tour v2 Stroller Review

Price $ 259

Echelon $ $ $ $

I recently found myself in need of a lightweight stroller that would live in the back of my car (l knew I was going to pull a serious back muscle if I kept lugging my 32 lb City Select around every day – gah!). I decided to try the Zoe Tour stroller because it’s super lightweight and offers a ton of features for a decent price. So I bought one (no, this post is not sponsored). Here’s what I think–

Zoe The Tour v2  ~ $259

There were two main things I was after in a travel stroller: at just 13 lbs, it’s super lightweight, and it also has an enormous sunshade — check out this 4-panel shade…w00t! The newest version (the v2) is car-seat ready, with an added adapter for the Graco/Chicco models.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

This stroller was a cinch to put together right out of the box. All I had to do was click the wheels into the frame and we were ready to roll. This was a nice little perk, since putting together some strollers requires an engineering degree.

The Zoe The Tour has 50% larger wheels than the first version (6 ¼” rear wheels and 5 ⅜” front wheels) to help it handle rougher terrain (this was a complaint of the previous version). I’ve had no problem pushing it on pavement, packed dirt, or grass (it rolls really nicely, even when pushing it with one hand). The wheels on the “v2” version have further been improved even since I reviewed the original version. The only surface it hasn’t been able to handle was a loose gravel path we encountered on one of our outings.

Just a note: if you need to roll over rough terrain, you should opt for an all-terrain stroller (this is not one of those…).

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Despite the light weight, this stroller is quite stable — even with my diaper bag hanging on the handlebar of the empty stroller, it didn’t tip backwards. What wizardry is this?

The handlebar on this puppy is 40.25” tall. For reference, I’m 5’8 and it feels comfortable to me, though I wouldn’t complain if they were to add a telescoping handle so I could go up another inch or so. Despite my height, my feet don’t kick the bottom rear of the stroller unless I’m taking really long strides.

One thing we love (in general) about the Zoe brand is that you get some sweet extras for things you normally have to pay extra for, including a parent cup holder, a kid cup holder and a snack cup (game changer!). It also includes a belly bar, which my kids love.

Younger babies will enjoy holding onto the belly bar, while toddlers will appreciate having their sippies and cheddar bunnies within easy reach (or their toy chickens, in my daughter’s case).

lightweight foldable stroller

The rear shade (which can be rolled up) includes a pocket which fits a cell phone, keys, and doggy bags (because the dog has needs, too). The basket under this stroller isn’t the largest or the strongest (since it’s made of mesh), but it can fit my whole diaper bag, which is all I can really ask of a 13 lb stroller .

The fabulous sunshade includes a mesh peekaboo window, and the handlebar is nicely padded:

best travel stroller zoe xl1

The foot brakes are located above each rear wheel and are simple to use (above).

Note: you need to make sure to push the brakes down all the way, as they aren’t fully engaged until you feel two clicks and can’t push them down any further. Not realizing this at first, I only pushed them halfway and the stroller began to roll — yup, I learned that lesson fast!

I’m a big fan of the seat and harness on The Tour. The seat holds kids up to 45 lbs and is quite tall; for reference, my very tall 3.5 year old still had 2-3 inches to spare from the top of his head to the canopy. It has a nicely padded harness that’s easy to adjust.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

The seat is very easy to recline (its max recline is 165 degrees, which means this seat is for babes 3 months and up (without a car seat), so it’s not for newborns ).

best travel stroller zoe xl1

The Tour folds easily with one hand – just pull up on the seat handle (which is easy as pie, since it’s so lightweight). You can do this while holding a kid in your other arm if you need to.

Something to note, however, is that this stroller does not have a standing fold to keep the fabrics clean if it’s in your garage – though this won’t matter if you’re keeping it in your trunk.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

You can add a tandem seat to the stroller to turn it into a double. If you know you’re going to want the second seat, you can save some money by buying the whole shebang, the  Zoe Tandem+ ($349), instead of buying the tandem seat separately.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

You can also buy a parent console , travel backpack/storage bag , single or double carry straps (so you can wear it over one shoulder or like a backpack), a weather cover , kids’ snack tray and a removable seat liner .

Overall, if you’re looking for a super lightweight stroller for daily use and/or travel that offers fabulous sun protection and comes loaded with extras, the Zoe “The Tour” will not disappoint. The Zoe The Tour is one of our favorite travel strollers because it’s super light , simple to fold, and easy to maneuver and push around with one hand – and it does this all without skimping on any of the features parents really need.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Thanks for the great article. Is Zoe compact enough and can fit in an overhead compartment for air traveling?

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Hi Annie! I don’t think so 🙁 But double check your airline’s overhead bin size. The closed dimensions of this stroller are: 26″ (height) x 20.25″ (width) x 6.5″ (depth)

Avatar of DG

The Zoe XLC is I think. It’s almost identical to the XL1 but compact enough for overhead compartments.

Avatar of Dana S Rich

I ordered the stroller and it took forever to ship. I got a nice email from the company explaining the delay. I appreciated that and patiently awaited my stroller.

Finally it arrived and we loved it. Unfortunately it BROKE WITHIN 1 WEEK OR LIGHT USE!

I submit my claim through their site. The site said they would get back to me within a day or two. It’s not been 8 and counting and I have heard nothing. Not even an email to say we need more time.

Now I am stuck with a useless stroller with the bottom basket hanging off the frame. Again, this is from 1 week of light use! We only put the SkipHop changing pad clutch in there and used it for maybe 5 outings!

I am now worried that I cannot get a refund and they will send me a new one that will break easily too. And even if they accept a return of the stroller, I will get stuck with useless accessories.

I get there are a small company but they need more staff. I’d rather pay more for better quality products, or at least decent customer service.

I have a Zoe XL1 Best and we love it also. Bought ours April 2017 and so far so good. It stays in our trunk and we mostly use it for running errands in and out of shops; going to the zoo; and walks to the park. My husband is 6’4″ and he’s comfortable pushing it around 🙌.

Avatar of Kelly Pizzi

We have the double side by side and it is amazing! I purchased one that was open box and got it for $200 despite it being brand new. I use it every day for my two babies. The size is so easy to get through doors.

Avatar of Kendra Plott

We LOVED this stroller on a two week European vacation. So light and easy to fold, and the extended canopy helped my toddler take naps easily even though it doesn’t quite fully recline. It rained nearly every day of our trip (Norway and Iceland) and I was so thankful we got the rain cover. It fit like a glove and my kid was so happy and dry in there. Seriously, I spent months researching strollers and my whole family was beyond impressed with this one.

I’m surprised the customer above had a bad experience. We were missing the optimal color wheel caps, and they sent them overnight.

Ours also held up with daily use of many many miles per day on cobblestone, plus being thrown around the baggage claim on eight flights. Hopefully the company is still great – I still love this stroller and an debating buying the tandem or a double stroller to use with baby 2!

Avatar of angela

I got the same stroller for the same reason and love it! Super light, easy to open and stores great in the trunk. I loved all the extras it came with too. I’m sad to hear the feedback on the customer service, as the small family company was one aspect I really liked — I try to support them as much as I can.

Avatar of Stefanie

Wow! I am really surprised by Dana’s poor experience. I have owned my Zoe for 8 months now and use it everyday. No breaking or major wear.

My best friend owns one too and her bottom basket broke after trying to shove the diaper bag in there and the Zoe sent them a brand new stroller! I’m hoping it’s just a really busy time for them with the recent launches and they will get back to Dana.

To answer the other question, yes it will fit in the overhead compartment. I have the backpack travel bag for mine and have always put it in the overhead – going on 6 total flights. I don’t know that it meets the required measurements, but no one has ever stopped me!

Avatar of alice shuber

Our stroller malfunctioned after we used it for the first time last weekend (one of the wheels keeps slipping out of its shaft, and stroller won’t expand from its collapsed position because the locking mechanism on one side of the stroller is stuck and won’t release).

Zoe’s proposed solution was to have me purchase a new stroller at a full price, even though my initial purchase was using a discount coupon (which has now since expired). They were unwilling to honor the initial price I paid for the stroller. This is after days of emailing back and forth, wasting our time. Note that they do not have a customer service number so all correspondence is back and forth through email.

It is pretty ridiculous not to honor the original purchase price, or provide a hassle-free replacement when their product is defective.

Also look up Zoe on Better Business Bureau to set expectations on customer service. Great stroller design though. Hope customer service will catch up.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Thanks for the comment, Alice. Yes, we do not love their lack of customer service either. Good to note.

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Expert World Travel

Best Lightweight Travel Strollers in 2023

Carrying your baby around the airport can be incredibly stressful, for both you and them. Not only will you soon get tired, but chances are that your little one is going to get anxious too. And nobody wants that, right?

That is why you should bring a stroller to the airport, but not any kind. A good, portable travel stroller.

What’s the difference? Jogging strollers are usually packed with features and storage space, and they can get really bulky and heavy. Because of that, airport security will not allow you to check them – you can only check travel strollers. The same often goes for larger strollers for bigger kids , so just check to be sure.

I’ll talk a little bit more about the details later. For now, all you need to know is that I’m going to find you the best travel stroller money can buy. Some will be pretty affordable, and others won’t be as cheap, but there will be something for everyone’s budget.

So, if you want to travel worry-free with your little one this summer, enjoy this review.

Top Product Overview

Top products, baby trend rocket lightweight stroller.

Baby Trend Rocket Lightweight Stroller, Princeton

The Baby Trend Rocket stroller is great for traveling because it’s very lightweight it takes up very little space when folded . This is also an umbrella stroller  since it does fold up just like an umbrella.

Good Features

This particular travel stroller features a reclining seat, but it can only recline 4-6 inches. So, it might not be the best one for nap time, but it will do just fine for transport from point A to point B.

It also features a large shade canopy, which will protect your child from the sun. And there is a large storage basket underneath the seat for any on-the-go necessities for the little one.

But there is also a spot for you to put all your things – the parent organizer, which has two cup holders and a pocket just large enough to fit your phone or wallet.

Other good features of this travel stroller include a 5-point harness designed to keep your child safe at all times. And for you, there are the comfort grip handles that make it easier to push around.

Annoying Features

The shade of the stroller is good for small babies, but it won’t do much for larger toddlers. It is pretty small, and keep in mind that your child could grow it out very quickly.

The reclining feature could be much better, as 4-6 inches really isn’t a lot. Your child will be sitting straight up most of the time, which certainly won’t be helpful when it’s nap time.

  • Decent recline
  • Large shade canopy
  • 5 point harness
  • Not good for large toddlers
  • Recline could be better

Product Information

  • Dimensions: 29.5 x 40.55 x 18.3 in
  • Weight: 12.5lbs
  • Carrying Capacity: up to 50 lbs
  • Price Range: $

ZOE XL1 BEST v2 Lightweight Stroller

The ZOE XL1 stroller is a great purchase, but it’s definitely not for everyone’s budget. It is incredibly lightweight – with only 9lbs , it might just weigh less than the child in it!

Just look at the size of that canopy. It will do a great job at protecting your baby from the sun, regardless of the angle it’s coming from. And it’s adjustable – you can fold it and extended it as much as you need.

The seat of the Zoe travel stroller can recline up to 135 degrees (90 is upright, and 180 is flat). So, it is very adjustable and it will work perfectly for getting your baby to lie back when it’s time to sleep.

You will also get plenty of accessories and storage space with this stroller. The storage basket below the seat is pretty large, and there is also a rear canopy storage pocket. The lightweight stroller also comes with a cup holder for both you and the baby, and a snack cup for them.

I wouldn’t say that any of the features on this lightweight stroller are bad – you get what you pay for.

The only thing that would make it better is a lower price tag so that more people could afford to get it!

  • Large canopy
  • Great recline
  • Lots of accessories
  • Closed Dimensions: 26.5" (height) x 15.5" (width) x 7" (depth)
  • Weight: 9 lbs
  • Price Range: $$

Pockit Lightweight Stroller

Pockit Lightweight Stroller

What’s so special about this lightweight stroller ? Well, just look at the second photo.

That’s how the GB Pockit looks when completely folded – it can literally fit in your purse , and without a doubt in your carry-on. You wouldn’t even have to check it, and it would certainly make traveling with the little one so much easier.

This lightweight travel stroller is packed with features, so let’s get straight into them. There is a storage basket below the seat, and it can hold up to 11 lbs, which is just enough for an extra blanket or a bottle.

The wheels can be locked and unlocked. When unlocked, they can turn 360 degrees each, which means excellent maneuverability. When you lock them, you will have more stability on uneven surfaces, since they won’t be able to rotate.

The harness is fully adjustable, and it features a 5 point safety system, along with shoulder and crotch pads for the comfort of your little one.

Well, the canopy of the GB Pockit stroller is pretty small and practically non-existent. It won’t really protect your child from the sun, and so the manufacturer wants you to purchase an additional, larger shade that you attach to this lightweight stroller.

But there is some good news – you can get a much larger shade for less than $15. I’d say that it’s worth it, but that is up to you to decide.

The seat doesn’t recline at all. However, most moms didn’t encounter this to be an issue since their children could comfortably sleep in this stroller.

  • Great storage basket
  • Wheel locks
  • Maneuverability
  • Adjustable harness
  • Small canopy
  • Closed Dimensions: 12" x 7" 14"
  • Weight: 9.5 lbs
  • Carrying Capacity: up to 55 lbs
  • Price Range: $$$

Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller

Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller, Black – Lightweight, with Aluminum Frame, Large Seat Area, Mesh Siding, 4 Position Recline, Extra Large Storage Basket – for Travel

The Summer Infant 3Dlite Stroller is one of the most popular ones in the market. That’s mostly because it’s travel-friendly, it is very affordable and packed with features.

The seat can recline to a nearly flat position, which is super convenient for nap time and changing diapers on the go. Plus the 5 point safety harness can be adjusted to several different height positions so that you can make it fit your child as it grows.

This stroller comes with a large, adjustable canopy that will protect your baby from the sun. The canopy can be extended far beyond that point.

You will also have plenty of storage space in this travel stroller. There is a large basket below the seat, which can comfortably fit diaper bags and even purses. And there is also a rear storage pocket, for all necessities you need handy – keys, phone, and whatnot.

Well, the stroller weighs less than 20 lbs, so you shouldn’t have any issues checking it at the airport. But this is one of the heaviest strollers we checked out today and that is a downside.

With other brands, you can get a product that is 5-6 pounds lighter, and that ultimately makes it more portable.

Just one cup holder. And that means that you can use it for either the baby’s bottle or your own one. The stroller is a really good purchase overall, but I think it would be much better if it had just one more cup holder.

The wheels aren’t the best ones in the market. You might have issues with them breaking or falling off, and they are just not that sturdy overall. But they are okay for a stroller you won’t be using on a daily basis.

  • Nearly flat recline
  • Large adjustable canopy
  • Plenty of storage
  • Only one cup holder
  • Dimensions: 41 x 8.75 x 10 in
  • Weight: 15.87 lbs 

Evezo 2141A Recliner Lightweight Stroller

Evezo 2141A Full-Size Ultra Lightweight Umbrella Stroller, Reclining Seat, 5-Point Safety Harness, Canopy, Storage Bin (Hot Pink), 214-1A

The Evezo stroller is reclinable and lightweight. It’s obviously collapsible, and it’s a good and affordable travel stroller. Definitely not the best one out of the bunch, but maybe it is the best one in its price range.

I would honestly say that the best thing about this stroller is the fun and colorful canopy. It is adjustable, and you can let your child enjoy the sun for a little while, and then completely shield them from it.

Tip: The stroller with the pink canopy is the cheapest option.

Like I mentioned, the seat can be reclined from a folly upright position to a crib-like one. So, it will be perfectly comfortable for your baby to lie in this lightweight travel stroller.

As for storage space, you don’t get too much, but you do get something. This stroller has a basket below the seat, which could fit an extra blanket and I’m afraid not much else. But you also get a pocket on the back, for any of your own necessities.

But in terms of safety, you get plenty. Not only does the harness have a 5 point safety system, but there is also a collision bar at the front that will stop your child from accidentally falling out of the stroller.

Again, when compared to other strollers, this one is much heavier than most of them. The difference is that big, I mean it still conforms to airline standards. But, you are looking for the best travel stroller, and that one is going to be light like a feather.

  • Colorful canopy
  • Dimensions: 32 x 11 x 39 in
  • Weight: 16 lbs
  • Carrying Capacity: up to 40 lbs

Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller

Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller, Nautical

A real lightweight stroller for travel is the Mountain Buggy Nano . It’s super popular with traveling parents and for the price offers a lot of features that you certainly won’t sneeze at.

For starters, it can recline, which is great for that tired baby on your arm while traveling. The latest Version V3 also full reclines if you want that option, but it’s not for everyone.

The flip-out sun visor is a lifesaver if you are waiting around on a sunny afternoon but obviously adds to the bulk of traveling. And the large under seat basket is a godsend when you just have too much to carry. But, weighing in at only 13lbs and with a folded size of 12 x 22 x 20 inches, it’s hard to beat in terms of portability.

Last but not least, the wheels of the Mountain Buggy Nano can be removed, on top of the already compact fold, for those wanting to slot it into the overhead bin, even though many airlines ask you to check travel strollers.

  • Small, light and compact
  • Underseat storage
  • Reclines for naps
  • Sunshade can get in the way
  • Not the simplest to fold
  • Dimensions: 12 x 22 x 20 inches
  • Weight: 13 lbs
  • Carrying Capacity: up to 44 lbs

What’s A Travel Stroller & Why You Need One

A travel stroller is a lightweight, collapsible stroller that was designed to be portable. The best ones weigh less than 20lbs – anything heavier and most airlines will not allow you to check it at the gate. That would mean that you won’t get it back before baggage claim, which would certainly be inconvenient if you happen to have a long layover.

You need a travel stroller because it will make flying with your baby much easier. For one thing, you can check a lightweight portable stroller at the gate, which means you get it back as soon as you deplane.

That is particularly beneficial for parents who have a very young baby, or who have to switch planes and spend another couple of hours at the airport. And the same goes for driving or traveling via bus or train.

Also, do you really think it will be fun to drag around your fancy jogging stroller while you are on vacation? Of course not! It might be so good and have all the accessories you need, but it’s not really travel-compatible.

Checking A Stroller At The Ticket Counter Vs. Gate

If you check your stroller at the ticket counter, you will get it with the rest of your checked baggage. If you don’t think that you will need it before, then you can check it there.

But keep in mind that it will be treated just like all your other luggage. Remember those scuffs your brand new Samsonite suffered the last time you checked it? Just imagine what the stroller will look like.

So, be sure to remove all accessories from it, particularly anything that dangles. It won’t be treated gently, and chances are that it could break, or some things could come apart from it and you wouldn’t see them again.

If you check your stroller at the gate, then you should get it back as soon as you get off your plane . That would certainly help to transport your child through customs and immigration, and even more so if you have to get on another flight.

But keep in mind that you can only check collapsible strollers up to 20 lbs at the gate . Heavy and non-collapsible ones must be checked at the ticket counter.

Always take your time to weigh your options and figure out which of these suits you best.

Bringing A Stroller Inside The Cabin…

…is something US airlines will not let you do. However, some European airlines allow you to bring your (travel) stroller inside the cabin, depending on how much space they have left in the plane. And naturally, depending on the size of the stroller – they won’t let you carry it on if it can’t fit in the overhead compartment.

Things To Keep In Mind

Size of the stroller.

Travel strollers come in many different sizes, and you always need to make sure that the one you buy will fit your child . Some are designed for newborns, while others can fit children that are up to 50lbs. Definitely check for this information – I will put it in the Product Info box at the bottom of each section , so it should be easy to find.

But none of them are for twins, so if you need that, check out this post here .

One more thing – the smaller the stroller the better. It will be easier to transport from one place to another, it will be easier to carry around the town or the beach (check out our top 20 beach essentials for toddlers ), and it’s just easier to travel with. Definitely try to pick the smallest one, but that can still fit your baby.

Price Of The Stroller

Just like everything else, travel strollers come with different price tags. You will find some really affordable ones, but also some that are probably more expensive than your suitcase.

Define your budget – if you can’t afford to spend $100 on a travel stroller, then don’t. I will find you something cheaper, so you don’t have to splurge. But I will also find some more expensive ones, for luxury lovers.

Anyway, look for price range info at the bottom of each section . And here’s how you can immediately know if the travel stroller you have your eyes on is within your budget:

  • $ – Less than $100
  • $$ – Over $100
  • $$$ – Over $150

Car Seat Compatible

Although you may or may not be bringing your infant car seat with you, it is handy to have a car seat compatible stroller if you are driving at your destination. There is nothing worse than having to take your child out of the stroller, and then into the car seat or vice versa. Not all car seats fit in all strollers of course, so it pays to check the specifications before buying.

What Are The Best Travel Strollers For You?

Well, that depends on a couple of things – your budget and the size of your child.

If you are looking for a cheap product that you don’t really need to be super functional because you already have a kickass jogging stroller, then I would recommend the  Evezo 2141A Recliner Lightweight Travel Stroller . It is probably the best value for money out of the bunch since it is equipped with a ton of useful features that you normally wouldn’t expect from a travel stroller.

And it’s pretty affordable, so you don’t really need to go out of your budget. This travel stroller can fit babies and toddlers who weigh up to 50 lbs , which pretty much means that it’s suitable for all small children. The only downside? Well, it’s not as lightweight as it could be. But it is still under 20 lbs, which is pretty much all you need to care about.

  • Steel frame. Net weight of 16 pounds. Product dimension is 39 X 11 X 32 inches.
  • Recommended age for use is 6 months to 3 years old. Accommodate your baby up to 40 pounds.

I would say that the ZOE XL1 BEST is the best mid-range stroller. It’s expensive but not too expensive, and all of its cool features make the high price tag worth it. Plus you get a ton of accessories with it, so it’s definitely great value for money. This travel stroller has one of the best and largest canopies out of the bunch, which is pretty important for your baby’s safety.

Plus it can carry up to 50lbs without a hitch, so your child won’t outgrow it so quickly. And did I mention that you get plenty of storage space, for both your and your child’s on-the-go necessities?

I also really liked the GB Pockit travel stroller . Yes, it is pretty expensive, but it’s also the only stroller that can actually fit inside your purse when folded. So, you will be able to store it in the overhead compartment of any plane without an issue. Or just in your carry-on. It might not come with a ton of accessories or storage space, but that isn’t what we’re looking for anywhere.

We’re looking for the best portable and convenient stroller, and the Pockit sure looks like one. And for one that can fit your baby perfectly, and this stroller will, as long as your kid isn’t over the 55 lb weight limit.

  • WORLD’S SMALLEST FOLDING STROLLER - With its innovative two-step folding design, the Pockit is the 2014 Guiness World Records most compact stroller folding down to 11.8” x 7” x 13.8” and a weight of 9.5 pounds
  • SMALL BUT STRONG - Built using high quality, durable materials, the Pockit can hold a child from 6 months up to 55 pounds as well as 11 pounds of gear in its convenient storage basket

Those are my favorites! I really hope you found a stroller you loved. If you did, be sure to check it out on Amazon. There is always some kind of sale going on there, so you’ll be able to get a pretty good deal!

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Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review (2024)

As mothers, when we have to go out to run errands, we find it tough to handle the stroller and our kid alone simultaneously. Some strollers can be too heavy to lift and not enough space to store our baby’s items.

But, the Zoe Umbrella XL1 stroller comes to the rescue!

How to Choose the Right Stroller for Your Infant

Presenting to you the travel-friendly zoe umbrella xl1 single stroller, design, materials, and quality, seat and comfort, wheels and steering performance, safety features, canopy and storage, other bonus features, social proof, maclaren mark ii stroller, mountain buggy nano stroller, uppa baby g-lite stroller, comparison of zoe umbrella xl1 single stroller with its alternatives.

This Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review is here to provide you with an ideal solution. I will share with you how this wonderful stroller can solve the problems I mentioned earlier. It is super lightweight, quick to fold and release, and very friendly for public transport commute!

  • Pros: Super lightweight, airplane friendly, tons of storage, easy folding
  • Cons: No flat lay for baby to sleep, expensive price tag, stiff steering
  • Bottom line: Beautiful looking compact stroller with a traveling friendly design!
  • Editors Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0
  • Manufacturer: ZOE

Handling stroller while running errant might be tough. - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

When looking for the perfect stroller for your child, you need to consider five essential elements.

Durability – I recommend you pick a baby pushchair with aluminum frame. It is not prone to rust and does not break easily.

Comfort – Since your son will be the user of the stroller, you need to make sure the seat is pleasant enough for him. It should have proper air ventilation, well-padded, and enough space.

Ease of use – A good stroller should have a smooth pushing. A high-quality set of wheels and suspension help to ensure this!

Safety – It is essential if your baby is below one year old. So, make sure it meets JPMA standard, has a 5-point well-padded harness, easy rethreading, and it fits the weight of your child (not just age or height).

Full features – Important features you should look for are a full canopy, snack tray for both child and parent, and big basket to store diaper bag .

ZOE XL1 Best Xtra Lightweight Stroller, or known as the Zoe Tour+ stroller, is one of the lightest umbrella strollers on the market (we included this brand in our Best Lightweight Stroller list ).

The manufacturer has designed ZOE XL1 to fit the lifestyle of urban mothers, just like you! It is slim, compact, and weighs only 9 pounds.

The model I am introducing here is the first version of the ZOE XL1 model. Currently, there is a latest 2017 model, ZOE XLC BEST V2 , otherwise known as the Zoe Traveler+ stroller.

The brand-new model of XLC offers several upgraded features that include better wheels, smaller when folded, adjustable footrest, and lower seat reclines. The Traveler+ as the name suggests is better suited for traveling compared to the Tour+ stroller.

There’s also another sibling model, which is ZOE XL1 Deluxe. Deluxe features a bigger canopy, removable padded seat, and comes with comfort pad on the seat belt.

With ZOE XL1 stroller, you will no longer have to think twice about taking your little one along as you go out for a walk in the park, shop in the malls, or pay bills in town.

While it is perfect for always-on-the-go mothers, it might not be ideal for parents who wish to have a spacious seating for their child.

  • Very lightweight at 9 pounds
  • Durable frame
  • Offers much storage
  • Can carry on airplane
  • Easy to fold and carry
  • Price a bit high
  • Not flat lay for newborns
  • Stiff plastic wheels

Features and Benefits

The XL1 Stroller I am recommending in this Zoe XL1 Stroller Review is orange in color. But you can also choose one of the two beautiful color options of ZOE XL1 Deluxe, which is Aqua and Eloise Plum .

The Zoe XL1 Stroller comes in various colors. - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

The ZOE XL1 Sport Travel Stroller uses a durable aluminum frame. As you assemble the stroller and use it daily, you can feel how sturdy the stroller is, thanks to this tough material. Plus, it is also anti-rust. You can use it in the rain without any worries.

As for the wheels, it uses a plastic material. While it may not provide a smooth ride, like rubber wheels, but it still reliable. You can push the stroller on any surfaces quickly; it won’t break or tear easily.

On one of the features that I love on ZOE XL1 Xtra Lightweight Stroller is its compact yet comfortable seating.

The Zoe XL1 has well air-ventilation seat design.- Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

The seat may not be as spacious as I have wished but the well air-ventilation design makes up for it. If you use the stroller on summer days, your kid will not get grumpy easily due to trapped heat in the seat.

With the 135 degrees recline positions, you can adjust the seat per the needs of your son. Just note that you cannot release the seat into a horizontal, flat lay position.

As I was researching on the ZOE XL1 Sport, I could see that many parents have complained about the lousy wheels . They stated that the wheels were very stiff. Pushing was troublesome, and it could get squeaky over times.

 The manufacturer upgraded the wheel to a bigger one for smooth stroll. - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

However, I also noticed that the manufacturers had upgraded their wheels on the model since then. Now, the size of the wheels is bigger.

Plus, they also promise that its steering has also been improved. It comes with a suspension system for the front, dual wheels.

ZOE XL1 Xtra Lightweight Stroller offers you a complete 5-point harness. With it, your child will be able to sit, well-secured on his shoulders, thighs, and hip.

The 5-point harness ensure your baby safety sitting in the stroller. - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

Also, to give you a peace of mind, the stroller meets JPMA standard, which means it has been thoroughly tested and certified. Check out the explanation by Consumer Reports Organization to learn more about JPMA .

Here’s another reason why I love ZOE stroller – the full canopy for your kid! The sun visor features a 3-panel canopy. It closes till the end and provides shade well to your little one. I adore this kind of protection!

ZOE Stroller provides plenty of storage.  - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

As for the storage, it has everything that a mother could ask. When you purchase the stroller, you will get a huge basket at the bottom of the stroller, storage pocket on the canopy, snack tray for your toddler, and a cup holder for your coffee!

At a price, slightly above $100, XL1 Stroller also gives you other bells and whistles, that help to make your commute easy and pleasant.

The Zoe XL-1 is compact after folding.  - Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

I am sure you will enjoy the compact folding, which allows you to store the stroller on the overhead cabin in the airplane. There is also a magnetic peek-a-boo window on the canopy for you to watch your kid directly as he sits in the stroller.

While it is not compatible with an infant car seat, there is a travel bag that will be useful during a hiking trip . You can store the folded stroller inside it and carry it on your back – ideal during a family trip!

For this XL1 review, I scoured the internet to look for more information. Let’s check out what other happy moms got to say about this lightweight umbrella stroller.

Sharon from Where’s Sharon Blog

best travel stroller zoe xl1


Sharon has so many positive points to say about ZOE XL1 Best Xtra Lightweight Stroller. She loves how useful the canopy in protecting her child from the sun and how easy it is to fold and carry this stroller around.

She also said that the lifetime warranty on the wheels brings great value to your money.

Melissa from the Laughing Mommy

best travel stroller zoe xl1


This mother is another happy camper. She loves how she can carry the stroller directly onto the airplane and fit it in the overhead compartment. Check out her full ZOE XL1 review  here . She compared which airlines you can bring the stroller.

Also, she complimented the beautiful design of the XL1 stroller, and how colorful it is. Plus, she commented that the price is still in a reasonable range.

Nicola from

best travel stroller zoe xl1


Nicola loves the feather-like weight of the stroller. She said it folded into a compact dimension, even with the wheels are on.

She included the model in her airplane-friendly strollers list due to these two excellent features! Besides, she also recommends the ZOE Designer, which is the modern version of XL1 Best.

The Alternatives

If you wish to do more research on other models, there’s no need to look far. In this ZOE XL1 Stroller Review, I will share three more brands for you to consider.

Maclaren Mark II Stroller - Silver

Maclaren is a brand that does not need any introduction. If you would like to own a luxurious and reliable travel stroller for your baby, then consider Maclaren Mark II Stroller .

At only 7.4 pounds, it is way lighter than the XL1 model! It is highly durable thanks to the hexagon-shaped frame design. Many moms out there complimented its ultra-smooth pushing performance.

Nevertheless, there are several differences that you need consider. The Mark II stroller has smaller canopy, tighter seating space, and smaller wheels compared to the ZOE pushchair.

Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller, Black

Here is another brand worthy of your consideration – Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller . It is another perfect stroller for moms who love to travel with their children.

Firstly, it features a small dimension when folded, and the carry strap makes it easy for you to carry it around while transiting from one place to another.

Here’s a feature that might attract your attention – it is compatible with a baby car seat via a base adapter.

  • Infant car seat ready ; no need to purchase additional adapters and now has a soft shell cocoon carrycot available (sold separately) for newborns
  • New, narrower compact size at just Dimension - 12 x 22 x 20 inches (Folded) with 44 lb. weight capacity and suitable for children up to 4 years
  • Easy two-step, compact fold meets regulations for airline carryon luggage. Travel bag and shoulder strap included

UPPAbaby G-LITE Stroller, Jake (Black)

UPPA Baby G-Lite Stroller is also a great travel stroller for your little kid. It features a simple design, with net back side and storage box.

While it may look too simple for some, the quality and performance are up to par with other high-quality baby pushchairs. It is easy to carry, stands when folded, and provides cool seating with the breathable mesh panels.

The difference between this model and the stroller I recommend above is that its canopy is a bit small and you cannot recline the seat at all. So, it may not be suitable for your child who loves to recline while sitting in a stroller.

  • 2017 G-LITE model
  • Hand-level folding triggers - no foot action required
  • Extendable SPF 50+ sunshade

In summary, Zoe Umbrella XL1 Single Stroller is one of the best lightweight strollers on the market for you to consider.

The stroller has a straightforward folding system, light enough to carry with a single hand at only 10 pounds, and do not take much space. So, riding a public bus is not an issue with this umbrella stroller .

The manufacturer has fixed the wheel issue. So, you can expect a smooth pushing experience with the latest model.

Since it fits well to most airlines’ overhead cabin, it should be your primary choice if your family air trip is due soon.

You can buy it here and get ready to enjoy a lightweight stroller that has all the features you will ever need as a mom!

Zoe Umbrella XL-1 Single Stroller Review | Baby Journey

Last update on 2024-05-11 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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2 thoughts on “zoe umbrella xl1 single stroller review (2024)”.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Parenthoodbliss also chooses these types of strollers, really for kids, they need safety first. Great article.

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Thanks for the feedback, great to know!

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These 16 Compact Travel Strollers Are the Ultimate Options For Your Next Trip

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Traveling with a small child can be both intimidating and inconvenient thanks to all of their cumbersome gear. Luckily, there's an array of travel strollers that are not only lightweight but also so compact that they can fit in limited airplane overhead compartments and tiny car trunks. From one model that was just named the "world's smallest folding stroller" by the Guinness World Records to another that weighs just 10 pounds, check out these 16 travel strollers that you're going to want to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

GB Pockit Stroller

GB Pockit Stroller

New to 2016, the GB Pockit Stroller ($250) has been awarded the title of " world's smallest folding stroller " by the Guinness World Records. Its compact design will leave many parents speechless — and a little more confident navigating the airport with their little one!

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Babyzen YOYO+ Stroller

Not only does the Babyzen YOYO+ Stroller ($495) fold and unfold with one hand, it's airline-certified size of a carry-on bag and fits in an airplane's overhead compartment.

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Graco Breaze Click Connect Stroller

Although the Graco Breaze Click Connect Stroller ($150) is a bit on the hefty side for a travel stroller (it weighs in at nearly 18 pounds), its added features and one-hand fold make up for the additional weight. With the ability to recline completely back, babies can ride in this stroller from birth, and it can support a child up to 50 pounds.

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Zoe XL1 Sport Travel Stroller

A new addition to the market in 2016, the Zoe XL1 Sport Travel Stroller ($170) weighs only 10 pounds, fits in an airplane's overhead bin, and comes with a lifetime guarantee.

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Doona Infant Car Seat/Stroller

The Doona Infant Car Seat/Stroller ($499) is an innovative option with a unique car-seat-to-stroller design that is a game changer for many parents. Not only can this stroller safely carry little ones weighing in at just four pounds, but it's also certified for airplanes, making it a great travel stroller for new parents.

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Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller

Weighing in at 11.2 pounds, the Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller ($67) is a lightweight option that folds flat (which is helpful for getting through airport security) and comes with all-terrain wheels as well as snack trays for both parent and child.

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Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller

The Mountain Buggy Nano Stroller ($210, originally $250) can easily fold and fit into its own custom satchel for easy transport and also comes with built-in car seat adaptors for added convenience.

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Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller

With a reversible seat design that allows baby to face you and then the world as they grow, the Summer Infant 3D Flip Convenience Stroller ($130) stands out in the world of travel strollers.

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Peg Perego Pliko Mini Stroller

After you take advantage of Peg Perego Pliko Mini Stroller 's ($250) adjustable handles and one-handed fold, enjoy its stand-alone feature when it's time to store it.

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Baby Jogger City Lite Stroller

The compact Baby Jogger City Lite Stroller ($170, originally $180) offers a one-hand, fast-fold design that finishes with an automatic chassis lock, and the swivel-front wheel can also be locked into place for long-distance strolling.

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Bumbleride Flite Stroller

Built with a lightweight aluminum frame, Bumbleride Flite Stroller ($204, originally $219) doesn't sacrifice functionality, offering a compact fold that allows it to be stowed in small spaces.

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Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller

Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella Stroller 's ($190) lightweight, aluminum frame with shock absorbers weighs in at 13.9 pounds and offers impressive features like lockable front-swivel wheels, an automatic fold lock and carry strap, and spot-clean 300D polyester fabric.

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Maclaren Twin Triumph Double Stroller

With adjustable handles, a one-hand compact umbrella fold, front-lock double-swivel wheels, a rain cover, and a central foot brake, the Maclaren Twin Triumph Double Stroller ($300) is a strong contender.

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Inglesina Net Stroller

Not only does the Inglesina Net Stroller ($149) only weigh 11.2 pounds, but it can also support a child up to 55 pounds. This sleek stroller can stand on its own when folded and offers UPF 50 protection from the sun through its large canopy.

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UPPAbaby G-Luxe Umbrella Stroller

UPPAbaby G-Luxe Umbrella Stroller ($280) is easy to open, stands upright when folded, and can be transported with its convenient carry strap. It also offers busy parents one-action brakes and a height-adjustable canopy with a SPF 50+ sunshade.

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UPPAbaby 2015 G-Lite

The breathable mesh sling seat adds to UPPAbaby 2015 G-Lite Jake Stroller 's ($180) lightweight appeal while hand-level folding triggers and an easy-access basket that accommodates up to 15 pounds of gear make life a little bit easier.

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The Tour+ (Zoe XL1) - Best Single Stroller - Everyday Stroller with Umbrella

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Free ground shipping (typically 2-5 business days once shipped) & free returns on any stroller purchase, so you can get strollin' without stress. Applicable to the continental US. Learn More →

Your kid might not have a return policy, but we sure do! We offer a 30-day trial period so you can test out Zoe products in the convenience and comfort of your own home. The goal of this policy is to let you test drive the stroller in your home and truly *feel* how awesome our products are. We know that sometimes you just need to see it for yourself and experience the ease, comfort, and simplicity of Zoe. Please be mindful of keeping items in new condition and avoid using strollers outdoors to ensure a full refund. 

  •   What can I return?

Most Zoe products can be returned or exchanged within  30 days of purchase   for a full refund or credit of the purchase price.  Returned items must be in brand new condition, unused, unscratched, without wheel tread scuff marks, and with original tags and packaging.

  •   What will be refunded, and when will I get my refund? 

While we do provide free return shipping, your original Ground, Express and/or Overnight shipping charges will not be refunded.

As long as everything you return is in perfect condition, you'll get a full refund for your purchase. 

On the crazy chance your item looks like it's been taken around the block (or across the country), a restocking fee of up to 50% may be applied. Examples of restocking fees include $25 for used wheels, $20 if not returned with all original packaging, $25 if item requires cleaning due to pet hair / peanut butter kid hands / etc. If your item cannot be accepted for a refund under the terms of our return policy even with a restocking fee, a member of our Customer Experience team will reach out to see if you would like the item shipped back to you, or if you would like to receive a partial store credit (we try to catch all of these during the returns approval process, but there are a few exceptions). 

Refunds will only be credited to the original form of payment, or issued as store credit.   If you choose to return a gift, please note the refund will be issued as store credit only.

Once your returned item is received and inspected, you will be notified via email. If approved, the refund request will be processed within 5 working days after approval. You will receive email notification of the refund when processed; however, it may take some time for this credit to appear on your credit card statement.

  • How do I get started with my return?

We will provide a prepaid shipping label for returns that meet the requirements in our policy. 

You can start a return by clicking on the link below:

Request a Return or Exchange Authorization

Please note: If you ship a stroller back to us as a return, you assume the risk of shipping the stroller. If it is lost in transit or damaged upon arrival, we aren’t responsible for replacing the stroller, and will only award refunds based on the condition of the stroller that we receive.

  • Are there any exceptions I should know about? 

We love our long-distance friends (and we'd love to come visit you, Hawaii moms), but unfortunately, we don't process Exchanges from locations outside the contiguous (mainland) United States including Hawaii, Alaska, or international addresses. Any orders that need to be exchanged from these areas must return for a refund, then re-purchase. 

Crazy coupon ladies & discount shoppers, this one's for you: please note that items purchased during significant sale events such as Warehouse Sales or Black Friday / Cyber Monday may not be eligible for returns. Be sure to check the terms of special discount offers before purchasing, as those items may be final sale. Gift cards are also non-refundable. 

Rest easy knowing your stroller is covered.

Zoe strollers are under warranty for 1 year-post purchase under normal use, and all accessories are covered for 6 months.

For all warranty details, see here.

Prefer to talk to a human? We'd love to chat with you about our warranty and answer any questions you may have. Contact Us!

best travel stroller zoe xl1

Making memories in new places can get  a little messy .

Thankfully, our strollers are easy to clean. With stain resistant fabrics, most spills are cleaned after using a warm, damp cloth cloth and air drying.

Each stroller has specific cleaning instructions on the tag. Avoid harsh chemicals, and spot clean with detergent to test before using across all fabric.

Want a little more protection? Check out our  machine washable seat liners.

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