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15 Best UK Travel Youtubers & Channels

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Update July 2023 – this page was getting so many hits for folk looking for general UK travel vloggers that I thought it was about time to include both male and female vloggers in this list. So from 9 of the best male travel vloggers, you’ve now got over 20 to choose from 🙂

With the rise of TikTok, and the introduction of Threads, video content continues to take over the web. Brands, travel vloggers and social networks are strapped in for what will be an amazing journey for travel video content.

For a guy that used a GoPro for many of his first vlogging content, my own videos have come on leaps and bounds. A few years ago I wouldn’t have deemed YouTube to be an important channel for me, but over 100 videos and 5 years later, I’m proud to say video sits front and centre of my approach to vlogging, and I can happily call myself a UK travel vlogger.

In fact, YouTube is now my most engaged social platform.

But enough about me, here’s the list of British travel vloggers to check out.


Caveat – at travel events I am often asked ‘ Where are all the UK male travel vloggers? ‘. In a sector that seems to be dominated by female writers, creators and vloggers, it’s almost as if male travel vloggers are difficult to find and don’t exist.

Well, aside from the two big names of Louis Cole and Mr Ben Brown , I have good news – there are now quite few of us out there, and we’re all keen to work with brands, either individually, or collectively 🙂


Chloe Gunning – Wanderlust Chloe

Vicky Philpott – VickyFlipFlop

Ellie Quinn – The Wandering Quinn

Steph Parker – Big World Small Pockets

Mollie Bylett – Where’s Mollie?

Monica Stott – The Travel Hack

Emily Luxton – Emilyluxton.co.uk

Sophie Hannah – Sophie’s Suitcase


Simon Heyes (me!)

Macca Sherifi – An Adventurous World

Paul Dow – Travmonkey

Dave Brett – Travel Dave

Paul Farrugia – Globalhelpswap

Kash Bhattacharya – Budget Traveller

Joe Allam – Joeallam.co.uk

Daniel James – Dan Flying Solo

Dave McClane – Man vs. Globe

Yaya & Lloyd – Hand Luggage Only

Amar Hussein – Gap Year Escape

Scott Tisson – Intrepid Escape

Karl Watson – Travel Documentaries

If you would like to work with me, please get in touch using the contact form below, or drop me a line at [email protected] .

Take a peek at the video below for a snapshot of some of my work, and check out my YouTube channel for more vlogs.



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Top 10 best travel Vloggers (YouTuber) and bloggers in the UK

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Was ‘travel more’ one of your 2020 resolutions? Us too! If you’re looking for inspiration to get started, here are the top 10 UK travel vloggers and travel bloggers to give you a serious case of wanderlust. 

1.  FunForLouis

best uk travel youtubers

Easily the best-known UK blogger on our list, Louis Cole started his channel, FunForLouis, at the end of December 2012. Through his daily vlogs and travel itinerary videos, he’s managed to amass more than 2 million subscribers on YouTube.

2.  Ben Brown

best uk travel youtubers

Former World Champion kayaker-turned-travel blogger Ben Brown is passionate about photography, sharing captivating photos from his travels on social media. Although his Instagram account, Mr Ben Brown, is currently in a bit of a hiatus, he continues to share videos on his YouTube travel channel, which boasts more than 690,000 subscribers.

3.  Psycho Traveller

best uk travel youtubers

Psychology graduate Alyshia Ford’s travel blog, Psycho Traveller, is full of informative and entertaining content on various aspects of travel. Ford also published an autobiographical book in 2018.

4.  Eva zu Beck

best uk travel youtubers

Polish-born, UK-raised Eva zu Beck has built her personal brand around her penchant for travelling off the beaten path. She regularly shares photos and videos of her adventure-fuelled travels with more than 400,000 followers on both Instagram and YouTube.

5.  Karl Watson: Travel Documentaries

best uk travel youtubers

What sets Karl Watson apart from other travel enthusiasts is his focus on backpacking tourism. Watson’s candid vlogs of his adventures make Travel Documentaries one of the best travel blogs for backpackers looking to explore the globe.

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The 20 Best YouTube Travel Channels and Vlogs

Explore the world via YouTube travel channels and vlogs

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The art of travel has changed beyond all recognition in the past few years. What once cost a fortune and took weeks of planning can now be documented on a phone and by booking a flight on the way to the airport. Here’s a selection of YouTube’s finest travel channels and vlogs that showcase the creativity the new medium opens up to all of us.

Travel stories have been shared orally from the earliest days of humanity. Yarns of great adventure may have been embellished with the occasional sea monster and one-eyed giant, but even these fanciful accounts had some basis in reality. Journals by explorers were hugely popular with the general public soon after the introduction of mass transit, revealing treasures such as Ancient Egypt and other global wonders.

Travel books, high-quality photography and newspaper accounts soon followed, before TV took over and brought incredible sights into living rooms around the world. People who never thought they would experience the magic of travel for themselves were now given the urge to explore, and so a boom in the tourism industry followed.

Today, thanks to the proliferation of online travel, you can see the world with the simple click of a button.

It’s not always easy to watch other people live out fantasy lifestyles while we can only look on enviously, planning our annual vacations from home. Sorelle Amore has benefited more than most, but her graciousness and warm approach to viewers make her journey all the more pleasurable to watch.

Mountain Trekker

One of India’s best-known travel vloggers, Varhun Vagish initially began his channel as a domestic series. Having explored the country extensively, Varhun is now taking on the surrounding region and is keen to get other Indians to do the same. We really like the way affordability is at the top of the list of considerations when it comes to this vlog – a rare but welcome consideration.

George Benson Travel

Likeable Geroge Benson has wisely decided to separate his passion for travel from his love of football. The travel channel follows George as he explores various locations in his unique style, whereas the vlogger’s other channel focuses on his beloved Chelsea FC. You’ll be pleased to know George’s terrible life choices seem to be limited to his sporting preferences.

Migrationology with Mark Wiens

If any two things work better together on YouTube than food and travel, we have yet to discover them. Mark Wiens has cultivated a huge following online, and it’s easy to see why. His love of food and willingness to hurl himself into every challenge is infectious. While perhaps not for travel purists, Migrationology is still one of the most informative channels to follow on the platform.

Eva zu Beck

Once of this parish, Eva zu Beck is now among the most popular personalities on the travel circuit. Her videos often feature the places we rarely see covered by mainstream media, making her insightful look at the world particularly welcome. Eva’s rise to fame began with a couple of early videos going viral in Pakistan, and she hasn’t looked back since.

The Budgeteers

A trio of friends from different parts of the world make up The Budgeteers, and they have stumbled across a winning formula – fun, enlightening and easy-to-follow trips that appeal to everyone with limited funds. The only problem these vloggers face is that they are prone to becoming victims of their own success. Every step away from the “budget” concept seems to be a massive misstep, thrusting them back into the clutches of sponsors and brands eager to capitalise on their unique skills. This is one team that we want to see less of as their format works best in periodical doses.

Fearless and Far

Marine biology graduate Mike Corey prides himself on taking on the more extreme side of travel through his online adventures. Not all of his choices are worth recommending, as some border on unethical. However, when he gets it right, he really gets it right. The slick production values on his videos are incredibly planned out, making Mike an easy watch.

Drew Binsky

Boasting over 1 billion video views and 5 million followers on social media, Drew Binksy has been championed by several brands in the relatively short time he has been a professional travel blogger. His ultimate aim is to visit every country in the world – something he was so close to doing before the coronavirus outbreak. We’re sure his adventures will continue again soon, and in the meantime, he can keep perfecting his golf swing, a sport he regularly partakes in when travelling.

Shizuka’s Food Adventures in Japan

Part of the wider byfood.com network, this series serves as a treat for lovers of everything Japanese. The main focus is the country’s culinary delights, but host Shizuka Anderson clearly has a flair for travel blogging, too. Describing herself as a Tokyoite, the presenter ends up discovering places that would light up any Instagram feed. It’s one to check out if you’re in need of improving your social media game.

Chas Bruns fully embraces the thrifty lifestyle he espouses in this vlog all about the virtues of penny-pinching. Chas hunts out the cheapest experiences and holidays he can, sharing his tips with viewers. This series might not be the most polished one on this list, but it’s arguably the most useful.


Thankfully, FunForLouis is also fun for the rest of us. This adventurous travel expert might initially appear like the stereotypical travel dude we all want to avoid on holiday, but he’s actually developed a keen eye for the unexpected. Louis is a great host who is at his best when taking off on his own with only a small camera for company.

100 Countries with Kara and Nate

Travel couples are probably the most annoying people across social media. There’s a delicate balancing act between being overly smug and privileged and genuinely engaging and informative, but Kara and Nate just about get it right. Their goal of visiting 100 countries by 2020 has now been achieved, so we do wonder if the pair will be slowing down, especially given how difficult it is to travel at the moment.


The high levels of production employed by Marko and Alex, two wanderlust-fuelled brothers, help elevate their channel to another level. Each destination they visit gets the documentary-style treatment, and their videos are all the better for it.

Tourist 2 Townie

If you’re interested in what it’s like to live in a country, then Gareth Leonard’s deeper approach to travel is for you. The flashy, short-form videos that other vloggers aim for really aren’t worth your time if you want to explore a new place with someone keen on expanding cultural horizons. Gareth takes his time with each piece of content and delivers a series that will make you want to learn more before you travel.

Another great vlog with a strong emphasis on food is Miss Mina, hosted by the eponymous Mina Oh. This particular channel is about global travel, whereas a more popular incarnation – Sweet and Tasty TV – hones in on Korean culture. Both are riveting in their own way, although food videos are definitely the strong point throughout.

Wolters World

This honest travel vlog is packed full of practical tips and helpful information. Making viral content doesn’t appear to be at the forefront of Mark Wolters’ thinking, as he and his family explore the world. It all started from one travel let-down and has now blossomed into a wonderfully helpful resource.


Don’t be put off by the rather disturbing name of the vlog – Aly (who is a psychology graduate from England) is actually a great host and guide. Aly is so good that she’s self-published a book to help others looking to travel to some of the many places she has visited.

Phil Good Travel

We’ve previously lamented the lack of diversity when it comes to travel shows on TV , and sadly, the same is also true for vlogging. One man making a real change is Phil of Philwaukee fame, who has teamed up with the Matador Network for this series. It’s fun, full of positive vibes and something we really want to see more of.

Jumping into a vintage Volkswagen (VW) van and driving off into the sunset is the stuff teenage dreams are made of. It’s also the reality that this vlog follows, as two intrepid travellers aim to go off the grid and find their own adventures around the world. VW vans apparently have different nicknames depending on where you are – for Brits, they are known as camper vans, while Americans call them buses. Kombi is the most popular term with the rest of the world.

Jenny J Zhou

Originally from Australia and now settling into the Los Angeles lifestyle by way of a significant stay in Shanghai, Jenny Zhou’s career is just as fascinating as her travel content. There are some great on-location videos on her channel, but as Jenny attempts to make it in the acting world, we wonder how many more travel videos we’ll get. There’s still plenty to explore in the vlogger’s back catalogue though, and her Shanghai films, in particular, make for fun viewing.

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Pocket Wanderings

Best Travel Vloggers and YouTubers to Follow in 2024

Best Travel Vloggers and YouTubers to Follow in 2024

As a travel vlogger myself, I may be biased but I think that travel vloggers provide a captivating insight into the world of travel and adventure. You can explore destinations from the comfort of your sofa and get endlessly inspired for your next trips.

The visual storytelling that video content allows for is perfect for travel. I think it’s an amazing way to discover new and unique perspectives on travel.

Travel videos resonate with aspiring adventurers in a way that can be difficult with written content.

Plus, it’s a great way of getting to know a creator and the face behind a travel blog . I love that travel vlogs provide a more personal approach that combines an informative experience with wonderful creativity.

To help you discover the best travel content out there, I have compiled a list of the top travel vloggers and YouTubers for the most engaging travel video content.

I’ve included sections on solo female travellers, family travel vloggers, British travel vloggers, and travel couples. 

From personality-led travel vlogs to stunning cinematic masterpieces, here is my pick of the best travel vloggers and YouTubers to follow in 2024.

Author Bio: Jessie Moore

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Top travel vloggers

Fearless and far.

Mike Corey is the man behind adventure travel vlog, Fearless and Far . I love that he journeys to weird and wonderful destinations, which are far away from the mainstream.

It is a wonderfully creative vlog that encourages people to face their fears to travel the world.

Mike approaches travel and life as an extreme sport. The results are wild, unique, and downright crazy travel experiences. His travel vlogs are a rollercoaster of adventure and adrenaline-fuelled travel.

Drew Binsky

Drew Binsky is an American travel vlogger and Youtube documentary maker. His travel vlog has a heavy focus on discovering and celebrating the various cultures across the world.

Telling unique stories of the communities and culture behind every location, he brings his viewers daily travel videos.

In a refreshing approach to travel vlogging, Drew puts a spotlight on sociopolitical issues, including human rights, gay and transgender acceptance, and challenging racial and religious stereotypes.

He wants to bust the myth that the world is unsafe, inspiring other people to travel and widen their perspective of the world; which I think is an admirable goal.

As if that wasn’t enough, Drew often features amazing special guests on his channel too.

Nadine Sykora is a seasoned globetrotter who brings an impossibly fun and positive energy to her travel content.

I think her energy is genuinely infectious, adding an optimistic and lively dimension to travel and adventure.

It’s this approach that elevates her storytelling, inspiring young people to travel. Her videos are helpful and informative, from packing guides to handy travel hacks.

Hey Nadine is therefore a great resource for aspiring young adventurers.

Sam Kolder is a Canadian adventurer and creator of exceptional travel videos. As a seriously talented travel filmmaker, Kolder’s videos are nothing short of cinematic masterpieces.

Kold is a channel for high quality travel content, as well as some educational videos for aspiring filmmakers.

In his travel videos, you’ll discover engaging storytelling and the best transitions you’ve ever seen. Kolder is also known for his incredible drone shots and a habit for backflipping off tall structures.

Videos are few and far between but, trust me, they are always worth the wait. My favourite travel video of all time is Kold’s Hey Tim :

Lost LeBlanc

Christian LeBlanc is another Canadian adventurer. His unwavering passion for travel shines through his well executed videos on his YouTube channel, Lost LeBlanc .

He has created a dedicated community of like-minded travellers as a result. I love that LeBlanc encourages his viewers to step out of their comfort zones in the pursuit of adventure and global discovery.

He offers a lot of resources to other aspiring travel filmmakers and photographers, teaching both the creative and business side of the travel vlogging sphere.

Formerly known as Migrationology, Mark Wien’s travel vlog is one for the foodies. He believes that food is the reason you should travel and believe me when I say that his dribble-worthy videos strongly support this claim!

His content combines incredible food discoveries with highly watchable travel experiences.

Mark is based in Thailand with his wife, but he frequently travels all over the world trying amazing food from various different countries and cultures.

He is constantly on the hunt for local delicacies and mouth-watering meals.

Phil Good Travel

In the Phil Good Travel vlog , Phil Calvert travels across Europe sprinkling positivity everywhere he goes. His aim is to promote solidarity between all backgrounds, races, and upbringings.

Given that black travellers are frequently the minority in Europe, Phil has set out to create a community of black travellers in this part of the world.

I love that he brings open-mindedness and optimism to his travel videos, and his enthusiasm is truly infectious.

Sorelle Amore

Sorelle is a quirky bundle of energy with a huge and infectious smile.

Her YouTube channel offers more than just travel, whether it’s home updates or ‘Advanced Selfie’ photography tips. In short, she wants to inspire confidence and creativity.

Her videos feel very authentic, with none of the superficial or forced feel that you sometimes get with other vloggers. Sorelle is constantly striving to be a better human, and tries to inspire others to do the same.

She recently moved to Iceland, so if you love Iceland content (who doesn’t!) then you’ll love some of her latest videos.

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Solo female travel vloggers

Brooke saward.

A travel vlogger from Tasmania, Brooke Saward aims to inspire young people to travel more, and to feel more confident travelling solo.

Brooke documents her travels on her YouTube channel in a way that feels authentic and accessible. A popular blogger, vlogger, author, and adventurer.

Eva zu Beck

Eva zu Beck is an adventure traveller and solo female explorer. On her YouTube channel Eva explores less visited destinations which are not commonly seen in mainstream travel media.

Whether it’s visiting Aleppo and Damascus in Syria, hiking the K2 base camp in Pakistan, or trekking alone through Mongolia.

Eva aims to tell the stories of those people, communities, and cultures that you don’t normally see or have access to. She encourages people to push themselves out of their comfort zones.

A truly inspiring solo female traveller and one of my personal favourites.

I Am Aileen

Aileen Adalid is a travel vlogger from the Philippines. She did what many of us dream of doing: she quit her corporate job at 21 to travel the world.

Aileen shows her viewers how to travel the world as a digital nomad, inspiring her community of travel dreamers to do the same.

On her channel, I Am Aileen , you’ll find beautiful travel videos which are packed full of tips and tricks. I love that she also shows you how to live a sustainable travel lifestyle.

Jennelle Eliana

Known as the woman who lives in a van with her pet snake, Jennelle Eliana’s YouTube channel exploded within a matter of weeks. Her travel vlog has a light-hearted feel with a strong focus on sustainability.

All her videos are shot and edited on her iPhone. I think hte lower production values of her videos provide a more authentic portrayal of van life.

She addresses the less glamorous sides of travel and I love that it doesn’t feel as curated or manufactured.

Oneika the Traveller

A thrill-seeker and travel junkie, Oneika Raymond is dedicated to inspiring people of colour to travel the world and live outside of their comfort zone. She inspires through education and engaging storytelling.

Oneika is not just a successful travel vlogger. She is also an award-winning writer, journalist, and keynote speaker – having spoken at the Women in Travel Summit and Women’s Travel Fest. 

Pocket Wanderings

Okay this is a shameless self-promotion but it would be remiss of me not to include my own YouTube channel in this list!

I’m still relatively new to travel blogging but I’m hoping to grow my YouTube community moving forwards. On my channel you’ll find solo travel tips, luxury travel inspiration and hotel reviews.

Family travel vloggers

The bucket list family.

The Gee family started out when they sold everything and left home to travel around the world to become Family Travel Journalists.

The Bucket List Family travel vlog documents their many adventures and travels across the world.

They describe themselves as “just your ‘average’ family”, playing on the fact that most people wouldn’t consider their adventure-fuelled family life to be ‘average’ at all.

I’m sure that the Gee family will certainly make you question whether settling down is the best way to approach family life!

Hopscotch the Globe

Hopscotch the Globe is run by travel couple, Kristen and Siya. Until recently, they would have fallen into the travel couple section – but now they have a daughter and a dog, they are fully fledged family adventurers.

Their aim is to inspire couples and families to travel more. The couple share travel tips, destination guides, food adventures, and tiny home living on their channel.

I find their videos to be funny, entertaining, and genuinely helpful.

Wolter’s World

The Wolter’s World channel is a great destination for honest travel advice. It comprises a family of four who have lived, studied, worked, and travelled across the world.

Wolter addresses the best and the worst parts of travelling to help his viewers be better prepared.

In sharing honest perspectives, Wolter provides helpful insights into the culture and people of the places he visits.

He has a preference for showing this more realistic side of travel – rather than fancy drone shots and backflips of cliffs. There are new videos every Wednesday and Saturday.

The Makepeace family consists of Caz, Craig, Kalyra, and Savannah. They are on a mission to prove that travel does not have to stop after children.

They have travelled the world nomadically since 1997, so trust me when I say that these guys really know what they’re talking about.

Having travelled solo, as a couple, as expats, as digital nomads, in an RV, and as a family, they bring multiple viewpoints to the travel experience.

Their videos help fellow travel lovers unplug from the chaos, travel more, and create better memories – all with kids in tow.

British travel vloggers

Fun for louis.

Louis Cole is a popular British travel vlogger, recognised by his signature dreadlocks.

He’s also partial to a backflip in wonderful and remote locations. The Fun For Louis channel brings upbeat and charismatic video content.

Louis is a non-stop adventurer, creating daily vlogs – so there is a lot of content to get stuck into. You’ll find a whole variety of creative content and fun adventures on Louis’ travel vlog.

It’s exciting, entertaining, and engaging.

Mr Ben Brown

A talented photographer and filmmaker, Ben Brown documents his travels to far-flung destinations. As a result of his engaging content, Ben has achieved wide acclaim for his YouTube content.

Ben is also a professional athlete, as a two-time world champion kayaker. He is energetic and optimistic, which I think shines through his travel content.

Psycho Traveller

Birmingham-born Aly is a digital nomad who has built an online community of fellow travel lovers. The ‘psycho part’ of Psycho Traveller comes from the fact that Aly is a Psychology graduate. 

I love that Aly provides raw, honest commentary in her content, as well as helpful tips and tricks. She aims to inspire everyone – of all ages and backgrounds – to live the life they want to live.

She is also a best-selling author and public speaker.

Couple travel vloggers

The planet d.

An endearing adventure couple, Dave and Deb live by the motto ‘adventure is for everyone’. They are a refreshing change from the ‘perfect’ travel couples you see plastered all over Instagram.

The aim of Planet D is to inspire everyone to seek adventure – you don’t have to be young, fit and rich to travel. 

Their videos provide valuable information and unique experiences for anyone looking to live a more adventure-fuelled life.

Sailing La Vagabonde

Sailing La Vagabonde is run by Australian couple Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu. It all started with a dream of circumnavigating the globe by sailboat – with no previous sailing experience!

Riley and Elayna share video content around their seafaring experiences, including useful information for those looking to start sailing.

They inspire others to live an alternative lifestyle and also hope to raise ocean awareness. Now they have a baby in tow, so there’s a new and exciting dimension to their travels!

Kara and Nate

Kara and Nate are high school sweethearts who have been travelling the world full-time for five years. They started with a goal of travelling to 100 countries – which they have since achieved and surpassed!

The travel couple embark on all kinds of adventures – from hiking Everest Base Camp to taking the Trans-Siberian Railway.

You can also find a number of resources on travel hacking, YouTube, and entrepreneurship on their blog.

The Endless Adventure

Eric and Allison embody the classic story of leaving steady jobs to pursue a life of travel as digital nomads.

Their YouTube channel, The Endless Adventure , offers a tantalising combination of travel, food, and adventure – all of the best things in life!

I think this is a great channel for travel foodies, as they share some of the most mouth-watering food from around the world.

I have no doubt that Eric and Allison will inspire you to hit the road and pursue a life of adventure.

Flying the Nest

Stephen & Jess are an Australian couple with a passion for adventure. You’ll find a range of travel content on Flying the Nest , from daily life and food discoveries to volunteering and worldly travels.

The couple share a diverse range of travel experiences, from hiking Machu Picchu to overwater bungalows in the Maldives.

Their videos offer a unique historical insight and engaging video content. Plus, they now have a new baby to join their adventures.

I couldn’t possibly fit all of the amazing travel vloggers out there into this list. But these are some of my personal favourites and a great place to start if you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the travel content on YouTube.

As mentioned above, I do have my own YouTube channel ? It’s only in the early stages I’m already in the process of expanding it and any new subscribers honestly means the world.

best uk travel youtubers

Jessie is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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That’s really nice post. I appreciate your skills. Thanks for sharing.

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No travel beans in the list! Missing out guy’s

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Why not Harold baldr ? Please try out his channel 🙂

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Great list!

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I follow Steve Marsh out of Scotland, Cecila Blomdahl out of Svalbard Norway, Mathers on the Map out of New Jersey, and Erik Aanderaa out of Norway. All great travel content. Thanks for these. I plan to check out a few.

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Top 35 Travel Influencers in the UK

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Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK

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Influencer marketing has become an integral part of marketing today, with brands using influencers to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and increase conversions.

While branded posts can certainly be effective, 60% of marketers believe influencer-generated content performed better . It’s all about doing what drives the most follows, engagement, and conversions.

By partnering with the right influencer, businesses can tap into their large and engaged audiences, bringing new customers and increasing brand loyalty – just look at the numbers !

In this article, we will showcase the top 35 travel influencers in the UK. These travel gurus have made a name for themselves in the travel and lifestyle space, using their experience and following to inspire others to explore new destinations and experience new cultures.

From adventurous bloggers to professional photographers, these influencers are at the forefront of the travel industry and are a great resource for anyone looking for inspiration and recommendations for their next trip – not to mention brands wanting to expand the horizons of their reach.

The Social Shepherd is a leading influencer marketing agency , and we’ve had the pleasure of working with a wide range of brands to create impactful influencer campaigns.

Our influencer marketing team has carefully curated this list of the top 35 travel influencers in the UK, considering factors such as audience engagement rate (ER), social media following, relevance, and content quality. Whether you're looking to build your brand's travel presence or reach a new audience, these influencers are a great place to start.

1. Beca Jayne


Instagram: 25.3K followers – ER: 8.13%

Beca’s Instagram account @muddy_bootlaces is helping hikers to cook exciting vegan dishes, which are easy to prepare and backpack-friendly. When it comes to a hike, camp and food experience – Beca is your go-to influencer. Beca regularly posts content around hiking, wildcamping, long-distance trails and basic bushcraft too!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Beca Jayne


Instagram: 53.9k - ER: 3.02%

Steph, aka @geordie_hiker, is a travel influencer who captures the adventurous spirit of exploring new destinations. With 53.9K followers and an engagement rate of 3.02%, she is known for her solo travels and loves chasing sunrises and climbing mountains. Her content is a perfect blend of breathtaking landscapes and action-packed adventures, inspiring her audience to get out and explore the world.

Steph's passion for travel and her ability to engage with her followers makes her an ideal influencer for brands looking to reach a travel-savvy audience. Whether it's showcasing new travel destinations or promoting adventure gear, Steph can help brands increase their reach and connect with her loyal following.

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Steph

3. Steph Parker


Instagram: 47.7K followers – ER: 2.29%

Join Steph, a passionate globetrotter for 15+ years, to discover how you can travel better for less, as I share real tips, advice and stories about the highs and lows of adventuring across the world.

Her blog ‘Big World Small Pockets’ was created to share with you the highs and lows of solo female budget travel – the sort of real, wild, global adventuring that fires up minds and sets hearts racing. With a committed long-term traveller for a creator, (that’s me!) BWSP focuses on adventurous solo travel and sustainable tourism practices, with expert and personal advice from destinations around the world.

The blog has a combined social media following of over 80k+ followers across 4 major networks. With over 188k page views a month, from over 126k users a month, Steph has developed a significant standing in the travel and tourism scene – being voted The Best British Travel Blog 2019!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Steph Parker

4. Yaya & Lloyd


Instagram: 180K followers – ER: 37.4%

Yaya and Lloyd started their travel blog in 2014 when they were still in school, and they have now turned it into a worldwide phenomenon. With a focus on affordable travel, their gorgeous content and beneficial insider advice have inspired thousands.

They are also the creators of "Hand Luggage Only: Great Britain," the essential travel manual for discovering the best of Great Britain.

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Yaya & Lloyd

5. Laura & Aaron


Instagram: 333K followers – ER: 5.48%

Laura & Aaron are free spirits exploring the wilder side of Europe in their self-built cabin-on-wheels. The duo spend the year travelling across the UK and Europe, in their cosily refurbished van.

Giving us major wanderlust, they take you on whimsical trips through Europe, with picturesque landscapes of wildflower meadows, snow-capped mountains and turquoise lakes plucked from a scene of a fairytale – making followers fall in love with life on the road!

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Laura & Aaron


Instagram: 134K followers – ER: 10.96%

Beth began travelling in 2014 with what she thought would be a short holiday. She’s now been travelling around the world full-time for seven and a half years, taking photographs, writing about the places she’s been and immersing herself in new cultures.

The travel extraordinaire is passionate about capturing the whole experience not just with images, but with words too. Her blog is a positive place where she welcomes readers to learn about the best places to stay, along with tips and advice on long-term travel. In the words of Beth herself, “Stop waiting for the weekend, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.”

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Beth


Instagram: 31.4K followers – ER: 3.36%

Hill and Moorland Leader Emily Taylor is inspiring others to walk the UK one trig at a time with her Peak District trig-bagging exploits – all 88 to be exact. Emily has inspired thousands of followers to seek better mental health in nature with an open dialogue about her own struggles.

You may find Emily “ranting about litter in the countryside” and sharing the Countryside Code or Leave No Trace principles. She has become a champion of women outdoors and body positivity, despite her own insecurities. “Strangely, sharing images of myself has helped me slowly accept myself. What our bodies do and the places they take us is far more important than how they look.”

Top Adventure Travel Influencers in the UK Emily


Instagram: 43.3K followers – ER: 36.45%

Jade is a travel enthusiast who showcases the beauty of London and other picturesque destinations around the world. She captivates her audience with her stunning visual storytelling.

Her content is a mix of travel, architecture, people, and nature, making her the perfect influencer for brands in the travel, photography, and beauty industries. Her ability to inspire and engage her followers with her content makes her an ideal collaborator for brands.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Jade

9. Alex & James


Instagram: 147K followers – ER: 4.75%

Alex and James are a travel couple who have been discovering the world together since 2014. You can also find them as Twosome Travellers around the web. The couple got married in 2018, in Boracay Philippines. By 2019, Twosome Travellers decided to travel the world full-time! They keep on creating inspirational adventure content and sharing them with the world.

We understand how to deliver a campaign professionally, and successfully and have worked together with some of the biggest brands including Amex AU, Visit Japan AU and the South Australian Tourism board in both a content creator and influencer capacity.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Alex & James

10. Callia Mexi

Instagram: 125K followers – ER: 29.72%

Callia is a luxury travel influencer who inspires her audience through her stunning travel photos and fashion-forward content. With a focus on promoting a more luxurious lifestyle, Callia shares her experiences travelling around the world, showcasing the finest in fashion, travel and living.

She has a keen eye for style, chic outfits and high-end amenities. Brands interested in working with Callia will benefit from her unique perspective and her ability to promote a luxury lifestyle to her followers. Her travel experiences and fashion sense will give brands exposure to reach a discerning and stylish audience.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Callia Mexi


Instagram: 36.4K followers – ER: 13.43%

Alicia is a travel blogger and photographer who’s constantly planning her next adventure, be that a local trip in the UK or further afield. Her absolute favourite place is up in the arctic circle in Norway!

She has a passion for sharing her own travel experiences with the global community in the hope to help others plan their own journeys. Borne from her passions of travel, photography and sharing experiences, you’ll find a collection of travel guides and diaries from all over the world following Alicia.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Alicia


Instagram: 257K followers – ER: 49.73%

Kelsey is a London-based travel blogger and multi-talented creative who documents her adventures in the big city as ‘Kelsey in London’. Kelsey’s background in Graphic Design, Photography and an expansive career working as a Creative Director in fashion has evolved into a growing social media community of over 500,000 across her various social media channels. She creates and shares inspiring imagery and video content with a charming touch of dorky realness and a refreshingly friendly yet honest no-BS attitude. With a love for all things beautiful, her social feeds are a stream of her jaw-dropping travel highlights, local London recommendations and in-depth travel guides.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Kelsey


Instagram: 257K followers – ER: 3.05%

Lucy’s Travel & Style content is a fast-growing blog with a great and loyal community. Lucy in the Sky’s target group consists of a niche of young fashionable people who are passionate about travelling in style. Her focus is exclusively on boutiques, luxury hotels and upscale brands.

She works as a Brand Ambassador for several US & Australian brands showcasing their latest products and with several 5* hotels worldwide. Travelling with her partner, together they create visual stories for travel and fashion brands while sharing their passion for wanderlust locations with followers from around the world.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Lucy

14. Natalie Raymond


Instagram: 177K followers – ER: 4.61%

Natalie is a luxury travel influencer based in London. Her Instagram channel showcases her love for travel, lifestyle, and the great outdoors. Natalie's unique perspective and attention to detail in capturing beautiful destinations, from bustling cities to scenic nature spots, inspire her followers to pursue their own adventures and live life to the fullest.

Brands interested in working with Natalie will benefit from her ability to promote their products in a luxurious and aspirational setting, appealing to her engaged audience who are interested in elevating their own lifestyles.

Top Luxury Travel Influencers in the UK Natalie Raymond

15. Chesca & Ben


YouTube: 66.9K subscribers – ER: 3.23%

Chesca and Ben have been living and travelling through Europe in their camper van Sophia since 2019. They’ve driven from the wind-swept coasts of Portugal to the sun-drenched beaches of Sicily, watched the sunrise over the plains of Syria and swam in sapphire caves where Zeus himself bathed.

Next, they took their rolling home across the pond and over to Canada for a new adventure across The Americas. Inspired by a love for adventure and alternative living, Chesa & Ben document their lives travelling the globe, experiencing new landscapes and cultures while living in a van.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Chesca & Ben

16. Hannah Ricketts


YouTube: 95.2K subscribers – ER: 5.12%

Meet Hannah, the London-based travel vlogger and YouTuber, who is all about capturing the best of London life and travels. With her YouTube channel @HannahRicketts, she offers an entertaining blend of lifestyle and travel content, including the occasional delicious food find. With her upbeat and engaging personality, Hannah inspires her audience to explore new places, try new things, and live life to the fullest.

For brands looking to tap into the travel and lifestyle market, working with Hannah as an influencer can bring a fresh and exciting perspective to your campaigns, helping you reach and engage with a wider audience.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Hannah Ricketts

17. Paul Dow


YouTube: 244K subscribers – ER: 3.07%

Paul has a passion for travel. However, looking around the thousands of travel vlogs on YouTube he noticed that too many of them are more about the person than the place. The focus of his blog is to bring you adventurous travels, from solo road trips, weekend breaks, and exploring cities to suffering from culture shock from far-flung destinations.

The SuitcaseMonkey channel is based on his real life, self-paid holidays featuring full-length travel vlogs at its heart that are informative, amusing, insightful and plenty of inspiration for your next trip. Quality over quantity is Paul’s motto!

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Paul Dow


YouTube: 68.5K subscribers – ER: 8.74%

Emily’s channel consists of two girls, a dog and a cat who built a campervan from scratch and are now travelling full time living the van life! Follow along on their journey as they create their YouTube travel series!

Campervibe has got some awesome adventures as they live and travel in their self-converted van all over the world.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Emily

19. Liam & Janine


YouTube: 71.8K subscribers – ER: 3.29%

Liam & Janine are a married couple from the UK, who have bought an auto-rickshaw in India, travelling the whole of India in it!

They can also be seen driving Morgan The Removals Van across the UK & Europe, detailing their great adventures.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Liam & Janine

20. Alex & Emma


YouTube: 281K subscribers – ER: 4.76%

Alex & Emma have been exploring the world together for over 10 years, enjoying all kinds of travel, from backpacking to vanlife! After years of work hard, save hard, travel, repeat as well as a huge battle with depression, we decided that we wanted to turn travel into a lifestyle.

The couple loves sharing the highs and lows of their trips through videos and hopes to spread a little positivity and light their audience through their travel experiences and digital nomad lifestyle.​ Their mission is to create a community where individuals can be inspired and encouraged to change their lifestyle to one that makes them truly happy, whatever that may be.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Alex & Emma


YouTube: 609K subscribers – ER: 4.13%

Trek Trendy, also known by his real name – Will Davis, is a YouTuber, social media star, and influencer. He came under the media limelight after his video “Overnight on Arctic Circle Sleeper Train – The Lapland Express” went viral on the internet.

He is famous for uploading luxurious travel vlogs on his channel, where he has 490K subscribers. In the vlogs, he usually sponsors expensive travelling plans and packages. With TrekTrendy, Will promises to share the tips and tricks which he’s used to traveling the world in luxury at a far lower cost than you’d possibly imagine.

Top YouTube Travel Vlogger Influencers in the UK Will


Instagram: 292K followers – ER: 7.54%

Hannah is a travel consultant turned travel content creator - by that we mean she quit her job as a travel consultant and started creating content full-time.

She gets across her love of travel and food, taking photos of all her experiences and providing solo travel tips. She also has a fluffy cocker spaniel called Baxter who she travels with!

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Hannah

23. Deborah


Instagram: 126K followers – ER: 11.59%

Deborah started 'Nooks of London' to share the city's hidden gems, quirky spots, and cosy nooks, and to prove that London doesn't always have to be stressful and crowded. The travel blogger often focuses her content on travel, lifestyle and hotels.

She was born in London and spent the first 29 years of her life living there, so knows the city like the back of her hand (but her favourite thing about the capital is that she’s still discovering little gems!).

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Deborah


Instagram: 115K followers – ER: 7.29%

Anna is a London-based travel blogger showing you the wonders of London and beyond. She enjoys sharing the tips and tricks she learns along the way on her blog and social media, which are always bound to be useful! Anna really instils her huge passion for travel in every post.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Anna

25. Courtney Leopard


Instagram: 102K followers – ER: 6.58%

Courtney is a solo travel goddess whose content acts as a guide for the adventurous. She Travelled the World was born out of the love of discovering. From wandering the streets at dawn to hiking through the mountains, her life is a constant adventure.

Courtney shares her life of early morning flights, picnics and photography while she gets to explore the world – taking her followers with her every step of the way.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Courtney Leopard

26. Tonia Hope


Instagram: 139K followers – ER: 19.91%

Tonia is a global enthusiast and travel content creator who shares her love for travel and adventure with her growing social media audience. With a presence on both Instagram and TikTok, Tonia has become a go-to source of inspiration for those looking to escape the routine and explore the world.

Her posts range from stunning landscapes and cultural experiences to must-see destinations and unique adventures. With a unique perspective and an eye for capturing life's most beautiful moments, Tonia is a talented influencer who can inspire and engage her followers.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Tonia Hope


Instagram: 103K followers – ER: 3.07%

Sandy is a London-based Travel Vlogger, and lifestyle and culture explorer. She spends her time travelling, reviewing, exploring London and vlogging! By now Sandy’s been to 45 countries and has seen quite a bit of London, too.

Her travels are culture driven. Sandy always tries to learn the local language as much as she can and deep dive into why people eat what they eat and say what they say. She loves to explore local stories, hidden gems, and food through worldwide travel.

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Sandy

28. Ashlee Major-Moss


Instagram: 133K followers – ER: 4.70%

Ashlee is a travel and lifestyle content creator. The idea of travelling solo across the world to a place you've never been, where you don't speak the language, know the culture, or know one living soul can be quite daunting – but Ashlee takes the plunge.

She falls in love with all the beautiful places she explores and lives life on her own terms – and makes her followers fall in love with them too!

Top Instagram Travel Influencers in the UK Ashlee Major-Moss

29. Adell Baker


TikTok: 44.1K followers – ER: 21.60%

Adell is an outdoor adventure blogger and photographer. She shares hiking routes, staycations and road trips, with in-depth travel guides and tips on places to visit so her audience can have the best time!

Over the years, Adell’s been able to work with some incredible brands, creating unique outdoor and travel-related content. Some amazing brands include ACAI Outdoorwear, Merrell, Faff Coffee, Whittards, All Trails, Unplugged Stay and many more. She’s always looking for new and exciting opportunities!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Adell Baker

30. Jen, João & Leo


TikTok: 379.9K followers – ER: 5.14%

The Travel Mum team works around the clock to bring you the cheapest flight and hotel combinations. They have created a community that will go out of its way to help each other, with trip planning, amazing deals, inspiration, support, and advice followers can trust in abundance.

With the cost-of-living crisis, insane energy prices and endless negative news, there is a growing need for all of us to have a break - but on an increasingly tight budget. This is where The Travel Mum come in!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Jen, Joao & Leo

31. Emma Cooke


Emma, the travel editor based in London, is a well-known TikTok influencer with a following of over 370k. She is a source of inspiration for travellers, providing advice and guides on her channel @petite.blondine. Her content is not only entertaining but also informative and showcases her expertise in the travel industry.

With features in prestigious publications such as The Telegraph, BBC Travel, and BuzzFeed, Emma is a well-respected influencer in the travel space. Brands looking to tap into the world of luxury and adventure travel can benefit from working with Emma, who has a proven track record of creating engaging content that resonates with her audience.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Emma Cooke

32. Ryan & Jade


TikTok: 342.5K followers – ER: 7.57%

Ryan & Jade, the travel influencers behind @live_thedash, inspire their audience with their spontaneous and budget-friendly travel adventures. They are well known for their creative travel videos made while travelling the world with only hand luggage.

With 340k followers on TikTok and a presence on YouTube, Ryan & Jade have built a loyal following of wanderlust-filled individuals who eagerly await their next budget-friendly travel escapade. For brands looking to tap into this audience, Ryan & Jade can offer unique and creative content, showcasing products and services in a budget-friendly travel context.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Ryan & Jade

33. Amy Berry


TikTok: 99.6K followers – ER: 3.55%

Amy is a London-based travel content creator. Her channel showcases some of the most luxurious hotels and spas around the world. Her company The Branding Spa specialises in providing engaging video & image content packages to hotels and resorts worldwide for use on digital and social media.

Amy also helps amplify this content to reach thousands of potential guests online. Her travel content has been in collaboration with or featured by brands such as The Dorchester Collection, The Waldorf Astoria, Hilton and MSC Luxury Cruises.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Amy Berry

34. Charlotte

TikTok: 263.3K followers – ER: 5.85%

Charlotte, the TikTok travel influencer and creator of @lotteboo3, takes her audience on a journey through her favourite travel destinations and hidden gems. With a background as a destination manager, Charlotte provides insider tips on how to travel well and experience the best that the UK has to offer.

From hotels to fun activities, Charlotte showcases her expertise in the travel industry while also sharing her personal experiences and discoveries. With her creative and informative content, Charlotte inspires her audience to explore and make the most of their travels.

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Charlotte


TikTok: 173.6K followers – ER: 13.14%

Toomeytoyou is most known as being home to a stray cat who captured the hearts of the internet, featured on The Dodo, BBC, Fluff Squad, People and The LADbible.

One day, Boysie appeared at the back door with an injury that wasn’t getting better, so his new friends knew we had to step in and do something to help him. On TikTok, you can watch the full story that made Boysie a viral sensation. Now you can watch Boysie and his human friends on their travel!

Top TikTok Travel Influencers in the UK Toomey

Travel influencer marketing has been on the rise, and for good reason. A recommendation from a creator that you like goes a long way. 61% of consumers trust the product recommendations they get from influencers. Meanwhile, only 38% trust branded social media content . This is because travel influencers have a unique ability to build trust and connect with their followers, inspiring them to take action.

If you're looking to tap into this trend and start reaching your target audience through the power of travel influencer marketing, The Social Shepherd is here to help. As one of the top Influencer Marketing agencies in the UK, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of influencer marketing. Check out our blog on the top Influencer Marketing agencies in the UK to find out more about why we’re up there with the best.

Our dedicated Influencer Marketing team offers a comprehensive range of services, including talent research, management, and strategy, to help brands reach their marketing goals. Whether you're a travel brand looking to increase brand awareness or a lifestyle brand seeking to connect with the travel-savvy crowd, we can help you achieve your goals. So why wait?

Want to see other top influencers in the UK? See from our list below:

  • Top Fitness Influencers in the UK
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  • Top Beauty Influencers in the UK
  • Top Family Influencers in the UK
  • Top Lifestyle Influencers in the UK
  • Top Interior Designer & Home Improvement Influencers in the UK
  • Top Technology Influencers in the UK
  • Top Wellness Influencers in the UK
  • Top Pet Influencers in the UK
  • Top Arts & Crafts Influencers in the UK
  • Top Food Influencers in the UK
  • Top Fashion Influencers in the UK
  • Top Gardening Influencers in the UK
  • Top Skincare Influencers in the UK
  • Top Gaming Influencers in the UK
  • Top Car & Automotive Influencers in the UK

Or maybe you're looking for the Top Travel Influencers in the US?

  • Top Travel Influencers in the US

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Don’t be sheepish let’s talk.

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The Best UK Travel Bloggers

Having run Spaghetti Traveller for over a decade now, the thing that has jumped out to me the most has been the sense of community amongst travel bloggers.

There are some absolute gems here in the UK, really nice people who you can’t help but love. From the great photographers to the confident folk on a video, to the ones that just love to write, I have tried my best to include all of the best travel bloggers in the UK.

Spaghetti Traveller

best uk travel youtubers

Ok, I can’t write this list and leave ourselves off! Following a road trip Across the USA with a number of friends, I decided to setup the blog, as I became addicted to the travel industry.

Since it’s initiation, the blog has been featured on the BBC, Inews, Yahoo, Metro, Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Start-ups, Forbes, Evening Standard, Hello Magazine, Independent, the Mirror, New Food Magazine, the Sun, Huff Post, Mashable, Wanderlust Travel Magazine and plenty more.

Website : www.spaghettitraveller.com

Passport And Stamps (Formerly Italian Trip Abroad)

best uk travel youtubers

I first met Toti and Alessia at a Traverse event in Brighton and you could instantly tell how funny and friendly they both were. The two keen adventurers have a base in London, but they’ll jump on a plane to see the world at the first opportunity possible.

Being Italian, it’s unsurprising that their knowledge of the likes of Naples, Rome and Milan is substantial, as they share some amazing tips for your next European city break.

Website : https://passportandstamps.com/

Backpacking Bananas

best uk travel youtubers

We met Christianne at the same Traverse event we meet Toti and Ale and we were instantly wowed by her incredible YouTube channel. Instantly envious of both her editing skills and charisma on screen, Christianne now has over 100k subscribers on YouTube and has become one of the biggest travel vloggers in the world.

Whether it’s a travel adventure or some tips and hacks on how to build your own YouTube channel, the Backpacking Banana has some unbelievable content.

Website : Backpackingbananas.com

Weigh The Suitcase

best uk travel youtubers

Steve and Amy write in such a personal way, offering their genuine tips and thoughts on each place they visit, with some brilliant city break recommendations on Weigh The Suitcase.

From far away trips to Hong Kong and Singapore, to the best of Europe with Venice and Amsterdam, to exploring what we have on our own front door in Blickling and Edinburgh, you will find a great mix of their adventures on the blog.

Website : Weighthesuitcase.com

Wanderlust Chloe

best uk travel youtubers

I met Chloe through a midweek Traverse event in London a number of years ago, as 6 of us bloggers had to crack an escape rooms. I won’t lie, I don’t know how much I contributed to our attempted escape, I was a little clueless what was going on, but I still had a great time!

Considering Chloe had a remarkable 36 flights in 2015 and 47 flights in 2016, I can comfortably predict she has been to more countries than myself, which has helped her to make numerous lists for the best UK travel bloggers.

Website : Wanderlustchloe.com

A Lady In London

best uk travel youtubers

Growing up around Silicon Valley, Julie was working as a macroeconomic analyst, but it wasn’t long before her desire to travel the world took over.

Heading to the UK, Julie started A Lady In London back in 2007 and it quickly grew to become one of the biggest travel blogs in the world. She also runs a number of business, blog and social coaching services

Website : Aladyinlondon.com

Vicky Flip Flop Travels

best uk travel youtubers

Having worked in the travel industry since 2011, Vicky certainly doesn’t have a fear of heights like me and Raquel, with her adventures including sky diving in both New Zealand and Japan!

Vicky has since also setup a new website, called Day Out In England, which is worth checking out, especially considering the growth of staycations and hidden gems this country has.

Website : Vickyflipfloptravels.com

Emily Luxton Travels

best uk travel youtubers

Emily is a huge inspiration for anyone that is considering a solo travel adventure but is nervous or has questions before jumping on a plane. Her trips have taken her across the globe, including the likes of Mexico and India.

But most importantly, Emily is a bit fan of Harry Potter, therefore she has my respect! Emily is commonly top placed on the Trips 100 list of UK travel bloggers and features in a huge number of lists for the best this country has to offer.

Website : Emilyluxton.co.uk

Rexy Edventures

best uk travel youtubers

It feels like a lifetime ago now, but I remember meeting Ed at a blogger event in London and instantly got in really well with him.

He had a similar background to me, in that we both worked in digital marketing and were marketing managers for a travel brand. The blog was setup back in 2011, while his adventures have taken him all over, from New Zealand to South East Asia, while he won’t hesitate to jump out of a plane (again, my fear of heights is holding me back).

Website : Rexyedventures.com

Hey Dip Your Toes In

best uk travel youtubers

Hey Dip Your Toes In is the brilliant blog by Omo and Eulanda, where their creativity, humour and great personality shines through in their content.

Since lockdown first kicked in, I’ve also loved reading their UK based trips, which have been hugely inspirational, as I don’t feel I make the most of all the hidden gems dotted around Sussex.

Website : Heydipyourtoesin.com

Biggsy Travels

best uk travel youtubers

Steve Biggs has his base in London, having grown up in Hertfordshire, while he’s amazing with a camera in hand. His attention to detail is incredible and he certainly has some amazing and unique stories to share.

Steve has been sharing his adventures since 2014 on Biggsy Travels, while he also has a digital background like myself, plus we met him at WTM (plus Traverse of course) and seemed like an absolute legend.

Website : Biggsytravels.com

Global Help Swap

best uk travel youtubers

I normally talk about the beautiful destinations people have been, of which Karen and Paul have seen some beautiful places, but it’s the foodie posts that truly had me glued, trying out the Gobi Manchurian recipe one time in my kitchen (mine didn’t look quite as nice as theirs haha).

With a dilemma of whether to get on the property ladder and settle down or go travel the world back in 2010, you can guess which direction they went in, starting the Global Help Swap, and the rest is history.

Website : Globalhelpswap.com

The Travel Hack

best uk travel youtubers

Monica is another veteran of the travel industry like myself and many others on this list, having started The Travel Hack back in 2009.

The blog has evolved from the early backpacking days, to illustrate the amazing adventures she is having with her family and in motherhood. Considering I’m now an uncle (wooo), I have loved reading the Mama Hack articles for advice and tips.

Website : Thetravelhack.com

Mallory On Travel

best uk travel youtubers

Formerly working as a Warrant Officer in the army, Iain had to run adventurous outdoor pursuits on a regular basis, which developed his wanderlust.

The thing that always stood out for me about Mallory’s work was his amazing work with a camera in hand. His photos are seriously unbeatable. I’m yet to meet Iain in person, but I hope to very soon at a future blogging event.

Website : Malloryontravel.com

A Luxury Travel Blog

best uk travel youtubers

There is sometimes a misconception that to be a travel blogger, you have to slum it in grimy hostels. Ok, we’ve done our fair share of that, but we also love a fancy hotel and some fine dining, especially as we’ve got into our thirties.

A Luxury Travel Blog shares some of the best trips and adventures for someone looking for a luxurious holiday. Dr Paul Johnson is an experienced traveller and has successfully built a huge social following for the platform, including 700k on Twitter!

Website : Aluxurytravelblog.com

Along Dusty Roads

best uk travel youtubers

Andrew and Emily started the idea of the travel blog Along Dusty Roads in the way all good plans are born, with plenty of gin!

The couple share their adventures, including hiking guides, their ‘things to do’ lists and food recommendations from their travels to South America, Asia and across the globe.

Website : Alongdustyroads.com

Hand Luggage Only

best uk travel youtubers

Hand Luggage Only was created by Yaya and Lloyd, as they shared their travel stories while studying at Cambridge University. Their photography skills are spectacular, while they also produce a fair amount of content on food, a favourite subject of mine!

Yaya and Lloyd have been all across the USA, sharing their top tips on all the biggest cities, which are certainly worth a read if you’re planning an American holiday next year.

Website : Handluggageonly.co.uk

Tin Box Traveller

best uk travel youtubers

While many travel blogs will focus on either solo travel or adventurous backpacking, I love the fact that Claire has found a different niche, focusing on family trips and advice, an area I think was under-serviced by bloggers.

Exploring the great outdoors and heading camping when possible, Claire shares her family adventures, from caravanning in Dartmouth to hotel stays in Bournemouth. The happy smiles on her two girls will bring a smile to your face.

Website : Tinboxtraveller.co.uk

Heather On Her Travels

best uk travel youtubers

Heather is a Bristolian, a place I love to visit and very similar to my hometown Brighton, Heather On Her Travels shares her adventures exploring the world, focusing on the 50+ travellers.

Whether it’s relaxing on a luxury cruise or taking on some outside adventures with hiking and cycling, Heather is an incredible writer and she also targets a slightly different market to some of the others on this list in people who’s children have flown the nest and are looking to explore.

Website : Heatheronhertravels.com

Sophie’s Suitcase

best uk travel youtubers

Sophie started her adventuring back in 2010, just like myself, which instigated the travel bug and since then she has been all over the world and shortlisted for numerous awards as one of the best bloggers in the UK.

Sophie has also done something I’m trying to hold myself more accountable for, actually producing regular video content, with new clips going up on her YouTube channel each week. Heads-up, look out for the new puppy video!

Website : Sophiessuitcase.com

This Battered Suitcase

best uk travel youtubers

This Battered Suitcase is run by Brenna Holeman, someone who has seemingly seen every corner of the world with more than 100 countries ticked off.

Brenna also writes a fair amount about solo travel, something I find a really interesting topic as it was one of my biggest fear factors before I started travelling.

I love that Brenna doesn’t just go to the ‘postcard destinations’ she has visited virtually every country and makes sure to get to know the local culture and to shine a light on some hidden gems.

Website : Thisbatteredsuitcase.com

Finding The Universe & Independent Travel Cats

best uk travel youtubers

Finding The Universe shares the travel stories of Laurence and Jessica, a travel addicted couple who are based in Bath, where my mum lives.

What’s so fascinating about their story is that they were both travel bloggers, who met at a blogging conference back in 2014, with Jess running Independent Travel Cats, making them now the ultimate travel blogger power couple!

Their posts are equally heart warming and captivating, keeping you intrigued about all of their new ventures to come.

Website : Findingtheuniverse.com & Independenttravelcats.com

Nomadic Boys

best uk travel youtubers

Stefan and Sebastien are a French and Greek couple and power duo in the travel blogger community. They held great jobs, one being a lawyer and the other being a business analyst, however the travel bug quickly caught up with them, trading in short trips for long adventures abroad.

Their excursions around Asia in 2014 is what really kicked off the travel blogging life and they’ve never looked back since, with that trip lasting an astonishing 18 months!

Website : nomadicboys.com

The Travel Bunny

best uk travel youtubers

Suzanne is a fellow Sussex blogger, having grown up just outside of Brighton, while she combines posts about the Sussex area with exotic trips abroad.

Suzanne’s photos are always stunning of unbelievably picturesque scenery, while she’s a very naturally talented writer, keeping you captivated throughout the article.

Website : thetravelbunny.com

Global Grasshopper


The winner of numerous awards and having worked with virtually every big brand within the travelsphere, Becky Moore has grown the Global Grasshopper to an unbelievable height, while she has an incredibly talented team on hand for projects.

With 56k following on Facebook, 23k on Twitter and 13k on Instagram, as well as a steady stream of traffic through to the blog, Global Grasshopper easily makes it onto the list of the best UK travel bloggers.

Website: globalgrasshopper.com

Postcards By Hannah

best uk travel youtubers

With 276,000 followers on Instagram (you read that write), Hannah’s adventures are made even more special by the fact that she shares them with her cocker spaniel Baxter.

Easily one of the best photographers on this list, Hannah also offers both social media outsourcing and freelance photography services.

Just like us, her content is more domestic nowadays, focusing on the beauty of Britain while working from home.

Website: postcardsbyhannah.com

She Gets Around

best uk travel youtubers

Jen is a travel and lifestyle blogger from Derbyshire with the cutest dog of all time (I so badly want a lab). As someone who loves dogs, baked beans on toast and chocolate fondant, this is someone me and Raquel can certainly relate to! Another thing we can relate to is the transition from backpacking content to more luxurious ‘grown-up’ trips.

Jen is also an avid reader, sharing her favourite books while on her ventures. Having started off with a 9 month trip through Asia, Jen has most recently been providing local tips on the Derbyshire area, from where to eat to interesting walks.

Website: Shegetsaround.co.uk

Two Scots Abroad

best uk travel youtubers

Gemma and Craig are the power duo behind Two Scots Abroad, sharing their ventures across the globe, as well as providing some great tips on visiting Scotland.

With unbelievable photos from their trips to Machu Picchu, Iceland and Texas, there is plenty to get hooked with, while they’re incredibly talented at writing up city guides, ideal to research before your next big trip.

Website: https://www.twoscotsabroad.com/

Helen In Wonderlust

best uk travel youtubers

Helen started her blog back in 2013 after quitting her corporate job and heading off to Africa for the ultimate adventure! Combining the scary heights in the Victoria Falls (still on my personal bucket list), with climbing Africa’s highest mountain and meeting the Maasai villagers, she has some serious stories to tell.

But unlike most travel bloggers, who stay for a short period of time in each spot, Helen begun offering tours in Africa and made a business venture out of it, so I doth my cap!

If you’re looking to head to Africa at any point, then Helen In Wonderlust is your dream blog for the ideal itinerary.

Website: Heleninwonderlust.co.uk

The Wanderlust Within

best uk travel youtubers

Roshni has me absolutely beat, having travelled to 75 countries, she has truly seen the world and then some!

She also has some remarkable stats when it comes to monthly blog visits, with a big audience in the USA, UK and Philippines and a strong Pinterest profile.

I love the slogan ‘hidden gems around the world’, because that’s exactly what I look for when I visit somewhere new, not the traditional landmarks that everyone knows about, but the recommendations you would get from a local.

Website: Thewanderlustwithin.com

Gallivant Girl

best uk travel youtubers

I met Anastasia while at Brighton University, as we were both part of the Drama society, performing in plays and making tits of ourselves whenever possible.

She’s got a brilliant sense of humour and absolutely no fear when it comes to adventure seeking. She also goes beyond the usual destination list. Quite remarkably, she’s also a doctor, you know, as you do!

Website : Gallivantgirl.com

Little Miss Gem Travels

best uk travel youtubers

Little Miss Gem Travels is a blog run by Oxford based Gemma, who shares her trips across the UK and abroad, combining weekend getaways, day trips and those slightly more lengthier adventures.

Gemma’s trip to Japan has certainly been inspirational, considering this is very high on our bucket list. She also shares a wealth of lifestyle tips, from saving money for your holidays to coping with issues such as migraines while away from home.

Website : Littlemissgemtravels.com

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Thank you so much for including us 🙂

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Thanks for the mention, Tom and Raquel… and all the best for your own blog.

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Such a wonderful blog on the best travel vloggers in UK. Thanks for sharing with us. We are also YouTubers Adriana and Dylan, a couple of wanderers from Sweden & Wales. We are pursuing our dream lives of travelling and exploring the world together because we love adventure and each other. Our website also provides hotel tips & tricks and where to stay for your next trip. We have worked hundreds of hours to researching, developing and finding great travelling tips and tricks and also getting the best rates on hotels. If you want to learn more, check out our site.

' src=

What a great list, a lot of the names I recognise but there are definitely a few that I’m going to check out now. Thanks! We only set up our blog back in September so not surprised we missed off but would love to be seen in the future! 😉

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Beaches are love !

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Top and Great List of Blogger…

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Wow you guys seems you go everywhere If ever you find yourself in Oxford Please let me know it would be a pleasure to take you on my new tour which is gaining great ground as its a walking tour with a difference and includes magic and illusion on the tour. Just email before you come and i can arrange it for you.

' src=

Hi team it was Very much informative post and will be a very good one for the travelers. Thanks a lot. I love this blog so much. It is a place I will return to again and again.

' src=

best travel bloggers in UK. Thanks for sharing useful information.

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Freckle and Curl

Freckle and Curl

best uk travel youtubers

Top 10 Travel Youtubers in 2022

Not only do we like to travel, we also like to watch other people. There is no Netflix show as great as the people in this list below who usually on a weekly basis upload fantastic travel related content. Some are Youtube megastars and some will be there soon. Here’s our top 10 favorite travel youtubers

1 – Kinging-It

We are Craig and Aimee, from South Wales, UK. After Aimee was diagnosed with Cancer at 18 and Craig broke his neck shortly after by a freak accident, we decided life really is too short. (Watch that video here https://bit.ly/3kuiZBA) We love to give ourselves travel challenges throw us into some mad country with an even madder vehicle and you’ll find us having the best time possible. Our mantra is Rule Your Own World – we only get one life and it’s YOURS to chose how to live it – make it count. We’ve been documenting our world travels since 2014 & recently ramped up our challenges: 2018: We drove a 1.2 litre fiat panda to Russia on the Mongol Rally 2019: We bought a rickshaw in India and travelled from the North to the South 2020: Converted a bus we bought off Ebay, into our tiny home of wheels – with absolutely zero experience

2 – Raya and Loius

Travel, Van/Bus Life, Conscious Living ! We’re so excited to share couple’s travel vlogs, relationship advice, wedding prep, family vlogs, deep and honest conversations and to see a side of us that you may have never seen before. Subscribe to follow along and make sure to turn notifications on to never miss a video!

3 – Sailing La Vagabonde

We are an Australian couple with the dream of circumnavigating the globe by sail boat… initially having no clue of how to sail. We have now sailed over 90,000nm each across many oceans. Through our videos we hope to inspire others to explore alternative options of living and to spread ocean awareness. With YOUR support we can keep these movies coming every Monday/Tuesday (depending on your timezone)

4 – Paddy Doyle

Paddy recently quit his dream job as a teacher to hop on a little Honda Dream Motorbike and spend a year exploring every corner of the beautiful kingdom of Thailand Series 1 – Visiting all 77 Provinces of Thailand via my little Honda Dream, Series 2 – Vietnam on a motorcyle from North to South.

5 – Daneger and Stacey

We’re a couple of content creators from  little  New Zealand, doing  big  things.

In late 2016 we got the itch to travel, started our online businesses and booked a one-way ticket to Thailand. Selling all our belongings, quitting our jobs and breaking away with a dream was the scariest decision we’ve ever made… but we’ve never looked back.

As of today we’ve been fortunate to explore close to 50 countries — immersing in cultures, meeting the people, discovering hidden gems, tasting the cuisine and sharing the experience with over 200,000 of our friends on  YouTube  and  Instagram.

6- Flying the Nest

We are Stephen, Jess & Hunter Parry-Valentine, an Australian family with a passion for travel & adventure!

Our story starts back in 2015 when the desire to drop everything to  fly the nest  overwhelmed us. Before we knew it we were boarding a one way flight across the globe … and we have never looked back.

Since then we have travelled to over 80 countries. Hiked to Machu Picchu in Peru. Explored the Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Floated in a hot air balloon over Turkey. Slept in an overwater bungalow in the Maldives. All whilst bringing over 2,000,000 fellow travel addicts along for the journey.

We are now on our biggest adventure yet – raising our baby girl, Hunter.

7 – Kara and Nate

Hey, y’all! We are a husband and wife from Nashville, Tennessee. We started our YouTube channel on a whim when we decided to take a year off and go travel back in 2016. One year quickly turned into 4, and at the very end of 2019 we stepped foot in our 100th country. Shortly after achieving our 100 country goal, the pandemic hit. With international travel no longer an option, we bought a van and spent two years traveling around the U.S. living in our tiny home on wheels. At the beginning of 2022, we moved out of the van and back into our suitcases full-time. We’re not exactly sure what our next “goal” is going to be, but we’re currently having fun bouncing around the globe chasing our passions and interesting stories.

8 – Retired Working for You

My name is Chris, and this channel has 2 goals: 1. Offer fun + informative videos from Bangkok and other parts of Thailand. 2. Create a growing community of people who inspire one another to live life to the fullest.

9 – Bald and Bankrupt

The defining characteristic of Bald and Bankrupts channel is his interest in the post soviet states. He will take you off the beaten track to places where you would never have thought you would see (or knew existed). A charismatic British man who goes to places where he’s sometimes not at first welcome, but shortly after building trust is usually shown how life really works in the places he visits by unique characters.

10 – Sailing Nahoa

We are Ben, Ashley, Willa & Bodhi, a Canadian family sailing around the world. Our goal here is to show you the World as we encounter it. How it exists. Without judgement but with understanding and openness to other ideas.

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21 Travel YouTube Vloggers in London You Should Know in 2023

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Borrowing your dad’s camera for your yearly railroad vacay is one thing. Filming yourself hitting the road to seek offbeat adventures in a remote corner of the world, and then documenting it all for a binge-watching audience is something entirely apart. This is of course the reality for travel vloggers.

Unlike any other media, travel vlogs provide a captivating insight into the world of travel. Hearing about your cruise ship tour is not nearly as interesting as watching you discover hidden rooms, exclusive rooftop parties and underwater cults.

As a result, the list of travel vloggers grows as the storytelling techniques of its creators evolve. And we, the viewers, get to follow all their travel adventures.

To help you explore the best travel content out there, we've compiled a list of some of the best travel vloggers out there to keep your travel abstinences in check.

1. Suitcase Monkey

Boy and girl meet. They get married. They create a YouTube channel and start exploring the world. The Suitcase Monkey YouTube channel, is about two travel vloggers travelling the world, showcasing the places they travel to rather than showing themselves at those places, leaving you with nothing other than extreme vacation envy.

See Suitcase Monkey's travel videos here:


2. Joe Allam

Joe Allam is an independent travel vlogger from London. He posts weekly videos about creativity and travel, with a particular focus and nod to the world of photography and cinematography.

On his YouTube channel, you can find everything from travel adventures to his creative processes when doing these videos, including behind the scenes footage on his photography, travels, technology, and the gear behind it all.

Head over to his YouTube channel to see his videos:


3. FunForLouis

Meet travel vlogger Luis as he tours the world, providing you with some helpful tips on the way – tips that only a true travel maniac can provide. Follow Luis as he discovers romance in Italy, wild camping in Joshua Tree or as he goes road-tripping in Somalia. Ps. most of it happens in a bus he restored himself.

Stay updated on Loui's weekly videos here:


4. Debbie and Travel

Follow full-time travel vloggers, Molly and Matt – the people behind Dabble and Travel. The couple is London based but frequently travels all around the globe to provide tips and tricks on everything from how you find the best burek in Serbia to getting a Macedonian haircut, all the while keeping you in the loop of their couple goals.

Experience their travel bond here:


5. Jess Dante

Jesse is a dedicated London-holic and has dedicated her YouTube channel to celebrate the vibrant city. Jess' YouTube channel, Love and London, is for you who doesn't want to experience London as the typical khaki shorts and fanny pack tourist, but rather experience the city like a true Londoner. So, if you plan to visit London (or already live there) and want to avoid the overdone and overhyped, the Love and London channel is a good bet for you.

Discover all the diverse, local and exciting sides of London here:


6. Amelia Liana

Whether you want fashion tips, I-don't-want-to-loose-weight recipes or beautiful travel videos for inspiration for your next trip, Amelia has it. Amelia is a London based creator who posts lifestyle and travel vlogs. She releases new videos twice a week, including beauty tutorials, "get ready with me's", how-to, and of course, all the travel hacks you need for your next vacation.

Head to Amelia's YouTube for all of her best travel tips:


7.  Eva Zu Beck

With the motto "the world belongs to the brave", it seems as if travel vlogger Eva Zu Beck was destined to explore all the corners of the world. Eva aims to open her 2 million fans' eyes to new experiences and places typically underrepresented in the mainstream media. And she makes sure to keep us all updated with her solo adventures with a new travel vlog each week.

Stay updated on Eva's travel adventures here:


8. Sophia and Cinzia

I guess you can call travel vloggers Sophia and Cinzia for the influencers of travel (and friendship goals). They often post videos of them making fun of each other, hosting speed-eating contests and playing drinking games, together with their frequent travel adventures that the two friends often documents and shares with all their loyal followers.

Get your travel-with-friends cravings covered here:


9. Evan Edinger Travel

With the sturdy Sony A7S III camera in hand, travel vlogger Evan Edinger flies from country to country, sharing his travel experience every time he travels somewhere new or exciting. Whether that's exploring Machu Picchu, swimming in the dead sea or visiting the set of Lord of the Rings in New Zealand.

Check out Evan's travel adventures in his travel videos:


10. Karl Watson

Meet travel vlogger Karl Watson who, through a camera lens, takes you on a backpacking journey around the world through fun, entertaining and honest travel documentaries. So, you, the viewer, can escape the everyday hustle through his travel vlogs. Or you could back a backpack on your own and follow Karl's lead and start an adventure of your own.

Watch Karl's videos and be inspired for your next backpack adventure:


Travel vlog or food vlog? Hard to tell. London based vlogger Shu is just as frequent in exploring new food and restaurants as she is in visiting new exotic places. Her YouTube channel, dejashu, is a visual sneak-peek into each chapter of her life and celebrates everything from food to travel.

Get your visual sneak peek here:


12. Sandymakessense

It makes sense for you to follow travel vlogger Sandy if you want all the insider tips of what you need to pray, eat, or love in London. Sandy is originally from Germany but has put down roots in the big city, London, while also travelling the world. On the Sanymakessense YouTube channel, you can find travel vlogs, food videos and London tips and tricks.

Join Sandy's journey at her inspiring travel videos here:


13. Where's Mollie?

Where is Mollie? Well, according to her YouTube channel, all over the world. Travel vlogger, Mollie, posts regular content on everything you need to know when planning your next adventure. Follow her as she documents and guides you through bucket list adventures in Bali or advises on how you can get started with farm work in Australia and much more. All the while never letting her audience down when showcasing all the beautiful places she visits.

Find Mollie on her YouTube channel:


14. Eva in the City

Meet travel vlogger, Eva who is in the city of London. Eva posts regular videos on tips and guides of what you could do when in London, whether you're a tourist or have been living there all your life. Follow her as she takes you through a day in Covent Garden, share some good food spots, and take you shopping in the city.

Follow Eva to get the whole package of travel vlogging:


15. Hannah Ricketts

As a true Disneyphile myself, Hannah is a must-follow travel vlogger. On her YouTube channel, she has dedicated several videos to showcase the Walt Disney World, first in 2018, then Florida in 2019 and again in 2021. In her latest visits Hanna even takes her viewers on a tour of the world's first Disney cruise, the Disney Magic at Sea. If you're not that into Disney, there's still plenty of inspirational travel tips and guides for you, including location tours, things to do in London city, shopping, and food.

Head to the happiest place in the world at Hannah's channel:


16. Tripsget Travel Blog

Meet Liza and Pepe, a couple of millennials based in London and the vloggers behind the Tripsget travel blog. Together they travel to every country Momondo sells tickets to. The couple shares their travel experiences, photography, videography, and valuable tips and advice on their YouTube channel. While they do explore the classic vacation destinations, their focus is to go to lesser-visited places.

Join Liza and Pepe exploring London, the UK and the world:


17. Scarlett London

Scarlett is a London based lifestyle, fashion, and travel blogger. She posts weekly content and frequently asks you to come on holiday with her. So, whether you're in the mood for joining Scarlett on her girl trip in Madeira, her eating spree in San Francisco or road trip tour in Las Vegas, you can follow her and get inspired every step of the way.

Travel the world alongside Scarlett with her travel videos:


18. Lucia Turok

Meet Lucia Turok, a travel vlogger who knows what it means to have a good time. Lucia posts weekly content on her YouTube channel, where she posts both tips and tricks for how you can enjoy your vacation as well as showing how she is enjoying hers. Watch Lucia swim with the dolphins in Cuba or party with David Guetta in Ibiza – either way; you're guaranteed a good time.

Head to Lucia's YouTube channel for some good-vibes-only travel videos:


19. Sophie's Suitcase

Here's an award-winning UK travel and lifestyle vlog, Sophie's Suitcase. Follow Sophie as she tours through some of the most incredible places in the world, Pisa, Montenegro, Venice, Portugal, Scotland, and many others. In 2015 Sophie's Suitcase won Best Travel Blog at the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards and was ranked in the top #25 travel blogs in the UK – and now in Wedio's best travel vlogs.

Quite a resumé, I'd say.

Visit Sophie's Suitcase YouTube channel here:


20. An Adventurous World

If the name doesn't give it away – this is a travel vlog focused on scouting and outliving adventures all over the world and then share it with us viewers. Macca, the man behind, An Adventurous World, is a top travel vlogger. Macca seeks to get you out of your comfort zone and off on some incredible adventures around the world.

Follow An Adventurous World on his travel adventures:


21. World by Kseniia

Last but certainly not least – London based travel vlogger Kseniia.

Kseniia creates travel content to inspire you for your next and hopefully soon-to-be vacation. In her travel videos, she shares ideas of how you can spend time in London as well as other places she's visited over the years. Ps. If you're a Eurovision fan, this is the vlog for you.

Visit Kseniia's YouTube channel to see all her travel videos, or check out her Instagram .

Final remarks

Hopefully, this list of some of the best travel vloggers will provide you with plenty of inspiration for who you should follow to get your daily dose of travel envy.

Should you decide that merely watching people is not enough – you need to get out there yourself?

Learn the robes of becoming a travel filmmaker .

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Sarah Solvsteen Knudsen

Sarah is a digital marketing content specialist who enjoys telling unique stories that captivate audiences. She loves going a few rounds in a boxing ring just as much as picking up a great book.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

17 Best YouTube Travel Channels to Follow

Written By: The Planet D

Digital Nomads

Updated On: December 14, 2022

youtube travel channels

You may have seen our list of the best youtube travel vloggers written by the outstanding Christine of GrrlTraveler . She introduced us to some of the best travel vloggers who have endured through the years. That list of youtube channels features the heavy hitters and best travel vloggesr on YouTube, including Vagabrothers, Mark Weins, Kristen and Siya, Samuel and Audrey and Hey Nadine. So check that out here .

We didn’t want to mess with Christine’s list, but we did want to share more amazing youtube travel channels with you that we check out weekly. Christine had a strict criteria for her choices for the best travel channel like consistent updates, niche, and channels that bring a new spin on the word Travel Show – (She knows what she likes and she has a TV producing background after all).

Table of Contents

Best Travel YouTube Channels

We chose our list of YouTube travel channels in a similar fashion. They are people we watch regularly, they update consistently, and have entertaining videos and personalities and do creative work. These travel YouTubers combined with Christine’s list are the best travel channels on youtube. They make us want to travel and I know they will do the same for you. 

Most Inspiring YouTube Travel Channels

These are not in a particular order. Everyone on this list is a great travel channel on YouTube. There is something to suit everyone’s taste.


Mike is one of the most innovative storytellers in travel on YouTube. With his unique editing, fantastic footage and wild sense of adventure you’ll love watching his videos from around the world. Because of his high production value, Mike is hired a lot for companies and brands to make professional travel videos on their channels. Mike is so charismatic, he is a host on the BBC Travel channel too!

2. Drew Binsky

When we first wrote this list (and Christine wrote hers) Drew Binskey wasn’t even on the radar yet. And now he has exploded to become the most successful youtube travel channel out there. He is on a mission to visit every single country on earth and Drew shares videos that take you off the beaten path. He is always showing you what it is really like to travel to a place and he features locals in interviews showcasing their culture and every day life.


Arienne has burst onto the scene in the past year, but we’ve known her for quite some time. Winning the Best in Travel at the Buffer Festival in Toronto (this is considered the Oscars of YouTube Travel) she has gone none stop producing quality videos. Her 8 part video series highlights her climb of Mount Kilimanjaro with World Vision Canada. Her videos are professional quality and she is highly sought after by brands and destinations to produce travel videos.

4. Going Awesome Places

Will of Going Awesome Places covers everything travel. From what travel gear he uses, to giving you inspiration to create your own trips. We love his editing style, use of drones and the feeling of taking you into the destination as you travel along. Will has some great adventures and is a serious adventure traveler but he also has a lot of fun showing travels that everyone can do too!

5. Tourist2Townie

Gareth travels slow and really delves into the destination that he visits. Tourist2Townie travelled extensively in Brazil and became a sensation in Brazil. While visiting a Rio favela, we even saw his logo plastered on the walls of the community. Now that’s fame! 

He’s now left South America and is bigger than ever traveling the world and sharing his video series from each country he visits on his exceptional travel channel.

6. Expert Vagabond

Matthew Karsten is the king of adventure travel doing everything from diving with sharks in South Africa (without a cage) to trekking solo across Greenland. If you want inspiration or need some motivation to get your lazy butt off the couch, check out his videos that he’s posted from his years of travelling around the world.

Update: We shared Matt’s video above in 2019 when updating this article and couldn’t believe this moment never went viral. Well guess what? It finally hit the big time and everyone is buzzing about that penguin now. Check it out.

7. Steve Hanisch

Steve is another travel videographer with high production value on his travel channel that is sought after by tourism board and travel brands. He speaks around the world about making travel videos and produces his videos in both English and German. He’s also got a great sense of humour and is an all-around nice guy.

8. Be My Travel Muse

Kristin is one of the top female travel bloggers and is making waves in the travel vlogging world now too! Travel along with your laid back vibe as she goes around the world to places like the Philippines and Mexico to everywhere in between. She does adventure travels and we love how she chats directly to the audience making you feel like a friend.

Maiku runs his own production company and has won several video awards. We always love checking out his videos. He has put together some great video series that keep you hooked on what is coming next. I really like his behind the scenes information and journalist quality videos like the video above showcasing the Toronto restaurant market.

10. David’s Been Here

David Hoffmann has been traveling the world since 2008. We met him in Istanbul and since that time his YouTube Channel that focuses on food and travel has skyrocketed! With videos uploaded nearly every day from 77 countries and over 1,000 destinations, you’ll never run out of things to watch!

11. Getting Stamped

Adam and Hanna are that dreamy couple that you see on commercials showcasing exotic destinations. They were made for starring in their own travel channel. We love going to island destinations with them as they showcase beautiful locales with their drone work and fanstastic cinematography.

12. Vacation Couple

Kristin and Shadi specialize in resort tours and when we book vacations, we check out their travel channel first. Shadi is a graphic artist by trade, so his work is second to none. When you watch their travel videos, you feel like you are watching a Club Med advertisement and will want to book a luxurious getaway right now!

13. Nomadasaurus

Alesha and Jarryd are an Australian adventure couple that have been on the go for since meeting in a hostel in 2008. They’ve recently returned home after a decade of traveling the world and are showcasing their life in a van through fun videos. We love their organic style and sense of adventure in their videos.

14. Christopher Rudder

Chris is a fellow Canuck who shares his love for travel through his cinematic style and very sexy voiceovers. (this is Deb talking here 🙂 I feel like I am watching a full on travel show when watching Chris as he covers everything from adventure to food, culture and city guides.


Cailin was one of the first travel bloggers/youtubers we ever discovered. Coming from a film and TV background she puts a lot of information and personality into her videos. Cailin is a fellow Canuck who has a great sense of humour and a talent for storytelling. Coming from a film and tv background, she makes her travel videos feel like a proper documentary-like one of our favourites the Tomatino Festival.

16. Cammy D

Cameron is the son of one of the world’s top travel writers, Heather Greenwood Davis and he is going to be a star. While still in school, he’s been producing travel vlogs about travels that he’s been on with his family. He’s been branching out recently from travel to tackle subjects like racism, the importance of youth voices, and even showing off his talents in video games.

17. Brendan Vanson

Brendan has a great mix of photography tuturials and day vlogging. Mixing his talents for photography and his great sense of humour, he has been able to carve out a unique niche that has attracted a large following. If you love to take pictures of your travels, you’ll love his getting the shots series “Where he explains how he takes his breathtaking images.

18. ThePlanetD

While you are browsing, check out our travel channel on YouTube. We put up new videos every week.

We have adventure travel videos from all seven continents doing everything kayaking in Antarctica and learning to whitewater kayak, to taking a luxury train journey through the Rocky Mountains.

Give us a Follow us on YouTube: We’ve posted nearly 400 videos on our Travel Channel from our 100+ countries visited. You’ll have hours of entertainment and a few laughs.

If you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of Canadians on this list. I didn’t know it until I compiled this one but clearly We Canucks tend to have a lot of love for each other. This list is also not in a particular order.

What’s Your Favourite YouTube Travel Channel?

youtube travel channels

Do you have a favourite YouTube Travel Channel? Make sure to leave a link in the comments below. We’ll keep adding as we find them! 

  • 15 Top Travel Vloggers on YouTube
  • 16 Amazing Instagram Travel Photographers – Girl Power
  • Best Travel Blogs by Category
  • 101 Best Travel Quotes in the World with Pictures

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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28 thoughts on “17 Best YouTube Travel Channels to Follow”

i culdnt find any better travel insights than this , thanks a bunch

wow, thanks for putting this piece of information together

Thank you Dave and Deb for sharing this great article. Me and my wife We love travelling and when we not travelling, we can watch someone else travelling…)

An indeed insightful collection of travel youtube channels one would wish to watch.

Thank you very much theplanetd.com to telling us about inspiring travel channel.

This Guy “Indigo Traveller” is really a worthy mention. Gives us an insight into North Korea

Way late to the game but I’d recommend Indigo Traveller. He puts out lots of great content, goes to a number of less poplar destinations (including NK), and seems like a genuinely awesome guy to boot.

Check out Chasing Everywhere! She travel the world full time and makes videos of unique places she finds. Really beautiful drone footage and great tips and tricks! youtube.com/chasingeverywhere

Thanks for letting us know. We’ll definitely check them out! This post is a year or so old, so it is time to update it for sure. Cheers Deb

Hey there! When/if you update your YouTube adventure travels to watch list, maybe consider QE Adventures (short for Quinn and Ethan Adventures).

These teenage brothers are skilled videographers and editors and personably narrate their family friendly high adventures in a style that makes audiences wish they’d come along. It’s one of the few channels with videos from the teenage travelers’ perspectives.


Love this post!! Thankyou!! So much inspiration in one page its insane! You guys should definitely check out our youtube channel too! We are Mami & Papi – young parents with a passion for life! Our channel is recent but slowly upcoming – we hope to become insipration to others too one day 🙂 https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8vQHR5Du1dx1LVEoqL_KUQ

Thanks for sharing your channel. I’ll be sure to check it out and all the best to you!

Hi, Dave and Deb.

Have to say a relay wonderful blog 🙂 Something similar what we have started our self, but we are aiming for local travel experience in our small but very beautiful country Lithuania. As I see you haven’t been here. You are very very welcomed here. Although we are small but that does not mean we don’t have anything to show 🙂 Would be super so see your experience of our countr here 🙂

Cheers, Auste and Justas @ TravelingLithuania

Thanks! We’d love to come to Lithuania in the near future.

What is with the popularity contest? This is the same boring list that everyone publishes. I’m so tired of seeing the same people on these lists, two of whom should not be included!

You are more than welcome to add some names. We asked if anyone had someone to add. So put them on the list. These are the people we follow and enjoy. Also, there is another list that Christine wrote for us just before we compiled this one. that we talked about at the beginning of this blog post. (if you read it) And the reason we decided to do a part two. Sorry if you are not on it, I am not familiar with your videos, but I’ll take a look. I don’t know everyone out there. But I try.

Ah, I just went and took a look at your YouTube travel channel and see that you haven’t posted in two years. That would be the reason I hadn’t thought of you. Good luck if you start posting again. PS, I deleted your comment made under the John Doe email address as I see it is from the same IP address as you, (within minutes of each other) and nobody needs to read a second complaint saying the same thing by you under a pseudonym. But I left yours up because I feel that people have a right to their opinion. Cheers!

Great collection, getting entertained and inspired to travel. Thanks

Amazing collection of channels here! I really dig the aggregation and attribution going on. Thanks for sharing these channels with us!

Thanks for the recommendations, I will check these out!

So my channel isn’t quite as robust as many of the ones mentioned here, but it does highlight a part of the world that none of these Youtube channels even go near. Check it out! I’d love to hear your feedback.

Xinjiang | FarWestChina Youtube Channel

Thanks for sharing Josh, I’ll definitely check you out! You should leave your link so everyone can find you!

Thanks i will bookmark this for making video.

Great post! Will be hanging out on YouTube for the rest of the night!

Awesome read, i mostly use YouTube for food so its great to see that there are some awesome streams about travel that will excite my wanderlust 🙂 lovely read

I like this blog. thanks for the blog. it was very informative and the pictures are captured very beautifully.

Great photos. thanks for the blog. I like this blog.

The one thing that you have noticed is that those who make YouTube travel video has best of their components and top quality video camera devices which let them take best of shots make them look like a professional photographer.

The Best Travel Vloggers to Inspire Your Next Getaway

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Emma Richardson

Senior Executive

19/02/2019 | 4 minute read

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Offering a glimpse of the world's most exotic destinations, travel vloggers enable viewers to see the world from the comfort of their own homes. The popularity of travel vlogs has led to the emergence of numerous travel vloggers, many of which have turned their online celebrity into a career as a content creator. Here's our rundown of the  best travel vloggers  to inspire your next getaway.

1. The Blonde Abroad

As the creator of the well-known travel blog The Blonde Abroad, American-born female travel vlogger Kiersten Rich is the perfect candidate to start off our list. Having initially taken a hiatus from her career in  wealth management , it wasn't long before Kiersten's wanderlust opened up the way for a full-time career in travel.

best uk travel youtubers

Since then, Kiersten has touched down in a  staggering 70 countries , covering hundreds of thousands of miles over the course of her travels. Providing a unique perspective on solo female travel and some great travel tips, it's no surprise that Kiersten's platform has found an international audience. Backed by thousands of followers across various social media channels, Kiersten's inspirational content has even caught the attention of media outlets such as Marie Claire and Business Insider.

2. How Far From Home

Stevo and Chanel are the trailblazing duo behind the popular travel platform  How Far From Home . Having set out on a mission to travel as far away from home as possible, the duo soon came to document their travels in the form of vlogs. Whether they're skinny dipping in Iceland, tasting local cuisine in Poland or dancing with the Maasai tribe in Kenya, the duo's  creativity shines through  by the way their share their travel story and their love for travel.

best uk travel youtubers

The potential of Stevo and Chanel's platform has successfully caught the attention of numerous well-known brands. To date, they have already worked with the likes of Honda and Donkey Republic, cementing their popularity with an incredibly wide audience.

3. Mr. Ben Brown

From the mountains of Wales to the freezing temperatures of the Arctic,  Ben Brown's  travel videos are as versatile as they are entertaining. Both his Instagram and YouTube channels are all about  telling stories , and his passion for filmmaking and photography has helped him capture incredible moments for his viewers to enjoy.

best uk travel youtubers

Some of Ben's most popular content includes his incredible footage of his Arctic cruise, which saw him travel to the Arctic alongside the likes of astronaut Chris Hadfield. The resulting YouTube series helped to establish his name as one of the Internet's most original content creators, paving the way for numerous successful brand collaborations.

4. Fun For Louis

English filmmaker and travel fanatic  Louis Cole  is one of the UK's top travel vloggers, taking viewers along with him on his many adventures across the globe. Boasting in excess of 305 million YouTube channel views and more than 2 million subscribers, Louis' travel-related content continues to  capture the imagination  of his audience.

best uk travel youtubers

Louis has embarked on countless fascinating adventures since starting his channel. Apart from cycling from London to Africa, Louis has also successfully achieved his dream of flying around the world. As such, Louis is quite the inspiration for those wanting to enjoy their very own traveling adventure.

5. Damon and Jo

Last but by no means least, iconic travel duo Damon and Jo have unquestionably made their mark on the travel vlogging world. Documenting their travels across social media, the 'Shut Up and Go', the duo create fascinating video content that appeals to all manner of travel enthusiasts.

best uk travel youtubers

Aside from traveling to destinations such as Mexico, Palestine and France, Damon and Jo have built a reputation for providing unique insight into travel in all its aspects. From language tutorials to Q&As and everything in between, Damon and Jo take pride in  motivating their viewers  to go out into the world and discover it for themselves.

Are you looking to work with a travel influencer? Let us help you to create the perfect partnership and match you a leading influencer. Simply contact Influencer Matchmakers via email at  [email protected]  or by filling out our  online form . Alternatively, you can call one of our agents on 0203 9580 427.

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Let's Roam Explorer

The Absolute Best Travel YouTube Channels

Are you looking for the best travel YouTube channels to follow? Don’t miss our list of the top travel vloggers!

best uk travel youtubers

YouTube travel vlogs are an obsession for millions of would-be travelers all over the globe. There is something about a life of full-time travel that captivates our imaginations. We use travel vlogs to find all the details we need to know before taking a trip, to see places we have always dreamed of, or just to get away from our real life for 30 mins.  Our favorite travel vloggers introduce us to the best street food in Japan, the most beautiful beaches in the Philippines, backpacking in Thailand, and the active volcanoes of Iceland. 

Their carefree and fearless lifestyle urges us all to live a little freer and chase our dreams of adventure. These successful vloggers have captivated us with their footage and made us feel like family with their loveable personalities.  We look forward to their next trip and wait anxiously for the video notification to arrive.  Each is different in their video style, editing, and filming techniques, personality, goals, and niche, but they all have our watch-time!  Here are our votes for the best travel YouTube channels to watch right now!

Sometimes you just need to see it in writing.  Along with this list of the best vloggers, also check out our list of  The Best Travel Blogs of 2021!

The Best Travel Youtube Channels

Kara and nate, who are they:  .

Kara and Nate are travel vloggers that are just good wholesome fun.  They set out from Nashville Tennesee to travel the world about 5 years ago.  Soon after, they made a bucket list goal to visit 100 countries by 2020.  They met their 100-country goal, and by that time, YouTube was a steady career for them.  Kara and Nate are truly addicted to international travel, but COVID changed that game for the couple.  Having no quit in them, they found a way to travel safely and returned to the United States.  They converted a Sprinter van and have set a new goal to visit all 50 states.  Kara and Nate are one of the largest travel channels and have now put out more than 800 videos, so you better get started!

What Makes Kara and Nate Special:  

Kara is a joyful soul. Her big smile and contagious laugh keep you smiling the whole episode.  Plus, she is always ready to laugh at herself and just seems like an all-around nice person.  Nate is so driven and incredibly smart.  Their channel not only provides solid entertainment but great travel hacks and tips from Nate.  Nate has an online course on credit card travel hacks, while Kara sells courses on editing.

Kara and Nate don’t just randomly vlog, they focus on finding the absolute best and most unique experiences and accommodations in their travels.  On top of all that, their filming and editing skills are above and beyond most in the travel vlog world.  They have taken this venture as a business from early on in the process, and it shows.  They are some of the best travel vloggers in the world!

Flying the Nest

Stephen and Jess are an Australian couple who have been traveling the world for years!  We have watched them grow up, get married, and start a family on YouTube.  Currently, they are traveling Australia in their brand new converted van, “Cooper The Van.”  Stephen and Jess show us the best places to eat, unique places to stay, and how to still have adventure even when the kiddos come along.

What Makes Flying the Nest Special:  

Jess is possibly the most down-to-earth beauty out there.  Nothing seems to ruffle her feathers, and she is just a calming force to watch.  Stephen is quirky and so funny.  He is a dork, and he knows it, and he owns it!  Their love for each other is evident, and it’s just a feel-good watch.  Plus, now they have the addition of beautiful baby Hunter, the most chill travel baby ever! 

Hunter has added a whole new level of cute to the series, and the whole audience feels like proud parents watching their own child experience her first Aussie beach sunset.  They are a beautiful family, with a beautiful story.  In addition to all this, Stephen’s camera work and elegant editing style are all his own.  His work is distinguishable and excellent!  We think Flying the Nest is one of the best travel youtube channels out there!

Who Are They :

There is nothing more fun on the planet than watching these two crazy Welsh kids tackle the world! Their accents are hilarious.  They are hilarious.  Craig and Aimee have been together for a very long time, and their relationship has been strengthened by a near-death experience by each of them!  When they met, Aimee had just received a cancer diagnosis, and the road was long and hard.  Then, Craig challenged their relationship some more with a broken neck from an adventure sports accident. 

These two events, in a short span of time, convinced this crazy pair to chase after an unconventional life, and to live every moment to its fullest! Through it all, they have kept their joy and their sense of spontaneity.  Their motto is to “Rule Your Own World,” and they certainly do.  They have spent the last couple of years renovating a Mercedes Vario Bus into their new home.  Custard the Bus is a beauty, and her European adventures are just beginning. They have 500 travel videos for you to binge!  We think they are one of the best travel channels on YouTube and terribly underrated. 

What Makes Kinging It Special:

Craig and Aimee are absolutely hilarious.  They will have you wetting yourself, every episode!  Plus, they take on the wildest challenges.  They have completed the massive and absurd Mongol Rally, a competition that travels all through Europe and Asia, usually ending somewhere in Eastern Russia.  The car must be a clunker and have under a 1L engine, and chaos is highly encouraged!  Craig and Aimee’s Mongol Rally Series will have you rolling. Then these crazy kids bought their own rickshaw and proceeded to drive it from across India from North to South.  It was a wild ride.  Craig and Aimee are two personalities that you won’t soon forget, and their wild abandon, hilarious travel stories, and zest for life will make you want to live a little more freely, and “Rule your own world!”

Raya and Louis

Who are they:.

Raya and Louis are fairly new to the Travel YouTube scene as a couple, but Louis Cole has been in the biz for a long time.  His original channel, FunForLouis has over 2Million Subs, and it’s easy to see why.  Louis is just likable with his laidback vibe and a head full of dreadlocks. He’s an easy-going and loveable dude.  He and Raya are currently traveling through Europe in a rented van visiting family and taking holiday, but soon they will head back to their main mission.  They have about 50 videos out, so you can still easily catch up with the adventure.

What Makes Raya and Louis Special: 

Raya and Louis are into deep convos.  They have spilled the beans about the hard parts of their relationships and mental health issues, and there is just something about that level of vulnerability that makes you want to watch. They are also very eco-conscious and give great tips on how to travel in an eco-friendly way.  They have recently purchased land in Costa Rica to build a tree-house jungle community.  Like with everyone else, COVID changed their plans a bit, but soon, they will be making their way down to Costa Rica in their converted school bus to start a new life!  We can’t wait to see the community they build. 

Endless Adventure

Eric and Allison are the most charming couple from Missouri.  They’re sometimes Southern twang and complete and utter talent to be their quirky selves is both endearing and super funny.  Eric is a computer geek and a total self-proclaimed nerd.  Allison is red-headed beauty with the best big awkward laugh.  These two specialize in unique accommodations and lots of food! They always show us the best places to eat, and exactly what weird foods to try. 

Their lighthearted personalities and willingness to just be their nerdy selves make you instantly love them!  They have currently begun a tiny home renovation too, but not any old sprinter van would fit these two.  They have bought a completely run-down 1970s RV, and they are taking on the renovation completely by themselves!  Clementine  is going to be a beauty, and it has been an awesome journey to watch.  They have  737  videos for you to catch up on!

What Makes Endless Adventure Special:  

They make great videos.  They cover great content, but Allison and Eric are people you could watch read the phone book and be happy.  They are really enjoyable to watch, no matter what they are doing.  They obviously love one another. They love good beer and whiskey in equal measure, and they love a challenge.  They are awkward, funny, quirky, and absolutely adorable!  Keep it coming Eric and Allison. We love it all!

Who Is He:  

“Food is the reason you should travel.”  Well, Mark, we agree!  After University, Mark Wiens set out to find the world’s best street food.  He has traveled the markets of Southeast Asia, stalls of Japan, and he recently spent 16 days with the street vendors of Pakistan.  Mark’s channel is absolutely huge!  With over 8 million viewers, it’s obvious that we YouTube viewers really love food…and Mark.  Mark is an unassuming and charming guy. His great big smile, love for food, and humble demeanor are endearing.  Between his YouTube personality and his incredibly informative blog, Migrationology,  it’s no wonder he has so many faithful followers.  Mark has found a beautiful wife in Thailand and settled with his new family in Bangkok, but they still travel frequently in the hunt for the best street foods in the world!

What Makes Mark Special: 

Honestly, we all wish we knew Mark’s secret!  We think the secret to Mark’s success, aside from some great business savvy, is his magnetic personality.  Mark is one of the most positive personas online.  Even after over 1,100 videos on food, he still seems just as excited as he did with the first one!  Mark greets every new place and every new food adventure with gusto and genuine excitement.  Mark loves food, and we love Mark!

Travel Beans

Alex and Emma are a pair of Brits out traveling the world and documenting their “Tipsy Beans” moments.  They may or may not have a tendency to get a little inebriated while filming.  Alex is witty and his sarcasm comes at the most unexpected moments.  Emma is a doll and has been very prominent in the push for better mental health advocacy.  Emma has struggled with some depression issues, which they have well-documented in a two-part series on their channel.  Thankfully, she has received the help she needed and has come out on the other side.  She now uses their channel on occasion to express the importance of finding life and health in this world, and doing what makes you happy! They have recently started a van conversion as well, and we can’t wait to see what they come up with!

What Makes Travel Beans Special:  

Alex and Emma are truly authentic.  What you see is what you get: drunk, depressed, happy, angry, sarcastic, whatever is going on, you get the true and unfiltered version from them.  They are very funny, and who doesn’t love that perfect British accent? If sarcastic and loveable Brits adventuring is your thing, Alex and Emma have 485 videos just waiting for you!

Who Is She: 

Nadine is one of the oldest and best in the game.  For almost 10 years she has been traveling the globe, first as a solo traveler, then-wife, and now mother.  Nadine has been to almost 60 countries and is the travel tips queen!  She’s always got the best advice and little tricks to make your trip smoother.  Plus, she’s really funny.  Her vlog has transitioned a lot since becoming a new mother.  She posts much more of the daily grind and general lifestyle hacks, but we still can’t take our eyes off her.  Nadine has represented every big brand in the business, spoken at every travel conference, and landed all the awards.  She is the best, and yet she is humble and down to earth. We’ll watch you mom any day Nadine!

What Make Hey Nadine Special:  

Nadine has been in the wanderlust business a long time, and she just knows how to be in front of the camera.  She presents great info in a funny way, and she is joyful and energetic.  She is just fun to watch.

Lexi Limitless

Lexi is a new kid on the scene who has made a huge splash!! That’s all because she has the unique distinction of holding a Guinness World Record.  Lexie was the youngest person ever to travel to all 196 countries of the world.  She accomplished this feat before her 21st birthday!  Lexi is a remarkable young woman, and that level of travel has made her wise and mature beyond her years.

What Makes Lexi Limitless Special:   

This solo female traveler has literally experienced every culture on earth.  She has lived with remote African tribes and tried the world’s most nasty foods.  She is a lovely girl, with a great series of travel vlogs that cover a wide range of topics, obviously!  Her footage is surprisingly well-shot and well-edited. Lexie is just starting to roll out the videos from her years of travel, so go check her out now!

Alexander Ayling

Alex and Marko Ayling made YouTube travel content for years as the Vagabrothers.  They have now slowed on that, but Alexander is taking on a brand new adventure.  He has moved to New Zealand and bought a homestead with his wife Carrie. After a long hunt for the perfect property, they have finally found it, and the renovations have begun.  Alex and Carrie have big plans, and we can’t wait to see how it turns out!

What Makes Alexander Ayling Special:  

Alex is a filmmaker at heart.  His footage is perfect. Always.  Not to mention that Alex has a very distinct narrative style to his videos.  He wants his channel to feel like a place where you come to have a good chat with an old friend.  He truly lets you in on his life and leaves you wanting more!   Catch up on Alex and Carrie’s Renovation Dream here!

Wolter’s World

Wolter’s World has carved out his own nitch in the travel world.  Unlike the rest of the famous travel bloggers, Wolter doesn’t tell you what to do in a famous destination.  He tells you what not to do!  Brilliant.  Every great traveler wants to blend in and look like a local if possible, or at least not do anything too stupid!  Wolter helps us out in this realm.  He makes sure we know the “Top Ten Things NOT to do in El Salvador,” and everywhere else!  Wolter’s World has been in the game almost 10 years too, and his video collection is extensive.  If you want to make sure you don’t have massive culture shock, have all the do’s and dont’s, and know the down and dirty for your destination, Wolter is your guy!

What Makes Wolter’s World Special:  

Wolter has a special way of being able to present the good, the bad, and the ugly about a destination, in a respectful and culturally appropriate way.  He is not afraid to state the bad stuff, and we appreciate it.  Let’s be real. Every destination has its goods and bads, and any experienced traveler wants to know the less than glossy stuff before we arrive. So, we appreciate you, Wolter, keep it up!

Expert Vagabond

Matthew Karstan is a true vagabond.  His channel focuses on hiking and camping adventures and budget travel advice in some incredible and off-the-tourist-track places.  Matt has worked with everyone from Lonely Planet, to National Geographic, and Go Pro.  He excels as a travel blogger and photographer,  in print and social media. His travel blog tells exceptional stories of life on the road as a digital nomad. However, his YouTube channel is a fabulous collection of his adventures in true old-school vlogger fashion. He is genuine, experienced, and gives fantastic advice.

What Makes Expert Vagabond Special: 

Matthew is just a normal guy who loves nature and loves to travel the world.  He isn’t especially eloquent, and his videos aren’t overproduced.  He just gives great footage, great advice, and especially great travel experiences, from an expert traveler who has seen it all!

Eamon and Bec

Eamon and Bec are the quintessential van-lifers… or they were.  They were traveling in Morocco when COVID hit, and they had to abandon their van  Trinity  there.  Though they did get a new van and do a few trips, COVID made life tough for these Canadians.  They soon abandoned the van in favor of a cabin in the Canadian wilderness.  They are quite the DIYers and have entertained us thoroughly with their renovation successes and disasters!  Eamon is always on the move to the next crazy antic and Bec is just along for the ride.  Her great big laugh and gentle spirit make everyone love her.  Their next adventure is to buy another Canadian property to run as an Airbnb.

What Makes Eamon and Bec Special: 

E and B are another great couple that has proved during this pandemic that they could sit and do absolutely nothing, and we would still tune in every Sunday to get our fix!  We have watched them tackle everything from van conversions to home conversion, dog fostering, and more. And, we still can’t get enough. This delightful pair has over 300 vids for you to veg out on, and we know you’re gonna love them.

Rick Steves

Rick Steves is the king of all things travel-related. Period.  There are no better travel guide books on the planet! His fabulously detailed books and ridiculously nerdy audio guides have been leading us through Europe and making us snort-laugh for years! But, the YouTube videos he produces are just as good.  Rick isn’t really a vlogger in the traditional sense.  His videos are definitely professionally researched, written, filmed, and produced by a talented professional team.  They are just the right mix of fun and informative, with all the necessary information on tourist sites and local must-do items. 

What Makes Rick Steves Special:

In short, the experience.  Rick has traveled Europe extensively, with multiple visits to each country.  His team of local guides, researchers, and destination experts put for the most up-to-date and interesting information and leave out the fluff!  With well over 1800 videos to peruse, there really is no better place to get all your necessary trip information. 

Sailing la Vagabonde

Riley and Elayna have the world’s largest sailing YouTube channel.  These two Aussies are going through a transition though.  They recently had their second baby and sailed their last sail.  So, what is up for the crazy foursome now?  We don’t really know, but we know it will be fun!

What Makes Saling La Vagabonde Special: 

We have watched their whole relationship unfold from newly-mets who had never sailed, to season professionals with two beautiful kiddos. We don’t know what is in store, but we are guaranteed to stay tuned to see! 

New Travel YouTube Channels to Keep an Eye On

While we have focused most of this article on the oldies but goodies, there are some truly great channels that are just getting their start on YouTube.  For a few fresh faces in the travel industry, we suggest you subscribe to one of these awesome newcomers!

Jits into the Sunset

Tania and Adam are an Irish and English couple traveling the UK with their Sprinter van  Jitters.  They are different in the YouTube crowd.  They make travel vlogs, yes, but not all that often.  They are self-proclaimed slow travelers, who put out new videos whenever they feel like it. However, they are full of travel inspiration and well worth the wait.  

What Makes Jits Special:  

Adam and Tania do life van life their own way, and they don’t seem to get caught up in the travel YouTube channel game.  They make vlogs, but it doesn’t seem to rule their life.  They live on their own plane and do things in true freedom, and that’s an admirable way to live!

Lost Among Locals

Who are they: .

Ryan and Abby are a married couple from Arkansas.  They left their jobs and sold it all in early 2020: the big house, the cars, all of it! Little did they know COVID was coming. Like everyone on this list,  it changed their plans a bit, but they managed to Central America and start their world tour.  Ryan is quiet, slightly awkward, and you can tell he is the world’s nicest person.  Abby is sassy, funny, and you never know what might come out of her mouth!  

Ryan and Abby are culture vultures who genuinely love to learn about history, cultural oddities, and all the things that make different people groups unique.  They are full-time travelers and digital nomads, so their version of slow travel and international living is refreshing to watch. 

What Makes Lost Among Locals Special:  

They traveled internationally for 12 years before leaving for full-time travel and had already experienced several amazing destinations as a pair.  So, they bring a unique blend of touristy sites juxtaposed with everyday local life and budget travel tips.  They dance with Albanians at a baby’s birthday party, play street games with old Turkish men, and score the best local foods in every destination.  COVID definitely made local interaction harder for them, as they regrettably express, but we look forward to seeing more of their off-the-beaten-path lifestyle in the future!  Keep up the good work guys!

The Vandersons

Emily and Danny feel like instant friends.  They are just so likable.  Danny and Emily set out in their van, with their cat Graham and dog Sombrita right after they got married.  They have since been traveling through Central America with their nomad pet family! Their goal is to make the full journey from Seattle to Argentina in their tiny, colorful van.  Though they are new to video making, their vlogs are heartfelt and laidback.  Danny is a lifelong BMX biker and app developer, with a surfer boy vibe and Emily is the sweetest soul. If easy-going is the vibe you are after, these two have the vids for you! 

What Makes The Vandersons Special:  

Emily has a narrating voice that is absolute perfection. Their footage is good, but the real perk to watching the Vandersons is that they tackle destinations you have never heard of.  Because they travel full-time, at their own pace, they get to some truly off-the-beaten-path gems that you don’t get to see in many other travel vlogs. Plus, their delightful pet-filled family is just heartwarming, and it’s awesome to see a young couple so happy, living a crazy unconventional life to the fullest!  

That’s it, guys!  These are the best travel bloggers out there right now!  You have lots of new videos to binge, so you better get busy! Let us know in the comments, which of these bloggers is your favorite.

Wanna know what it truly takes to break into this industry? Here’s our guide to  How to Become a Travel Blogger  to help you get a great start!

Frequently Asked Questions

Solo female travel is a specialty all its own, with specific needs and difficulties.  Check out channels like Be My Travel Muse, Lexie Limitless, and Cup of TJ for advice on female travel.

There are so many YouTube couples in the travel world. Some of the best Youtube travel channels for couples are Kara and Nate, Endless Adventure, and Flying the Nest.

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The Best Travel Vloggers on YouTube in 2022

If you’re anything like me, your YouTube home feed includes a lot of travel stories, with food and travel vloggers, around the world explorers, van life channels, and outdoor adventurers.

Watching travel videos helps me decide where to travel next in the world, and what exactly to do once I get there.

In person travel around the world is difficult with the pandemic right now, so I’ve loved watching travel adventures virtually from my favorite YouTubers. It’s a wonderful way to mentally escape the stress and uncertainty of the last year.

YouTube has more than 2 billion (yes, that’s billion with a b ) monthly logged in users. If you’re a prospective travel vlogger, getting your videos on YouTube can be as easy as filming a video, editing with a video editor , and uploading. Because getting started on YouTube can be so simple, that’s meant plenty of vloggers, with interesting stories to tell, are on the platform.

Many of my favorite vloggers introduce viewers to bucket list travel adventures around the world, while others stay closer to home.

Several travel bloggers on this list, like Kara and Nate, made the transition from around-the-word travel videos to van life during the pandemic. Others have bought and renovated isolated cabins, while others continue their adventures locally.

I enjoy watching their current adventures, but it’s also a great time to dig back in the archives and watch older videos. I even check out a few classic travel TV shows from time to time!

The Best Travel YouTube Channels

Check out some of our favorite YouTube travel channels. We think these are the some of the best travel vloggers on YouTube right now.

Kara and Nate 2.1 Million YouTube Subscribers

I just found Kara and Nate’s channel in the last year. It’s fantastic, and I wish I’d found it sooner! Kara and Nate are a husband and wife team from Nashville Tennessee, who traveled to 100 countries before travel slowed down in 2020.

The production quality of this channel is fantastic, with high quality videography, and great audio as well. These days, they’re making content driving through the USA in a van, with plenty of stops at interesting accommodations and attractions along the way.

Favorite video: We Slept Outside in Antarctica

Eamon and Bec 782K YouTube subscribers

Eamon and Bec are a Canadian couple that I started watching when they were travelling around Europe and Morocco in their self converted Sprinter van. There’s plenty of gorgeous content on here about their travels, their vegan recipes (they even have a vegan cookbook), and life on the road.

These days, Eamon and Bec are vlogging about renovating their cabin in the woods of Ontario, Canada.

Favorite travel video: How to Winter in the Canadian Wilderness

Foresty Forest 245K YouTube subscribers

Foresty Forest is the real deal, if you’re interested in bicycle touring, ascending mountains, and the great outdoors. His crockpot makes frequent appearances, with simple home cooked meals made in the van.

This is old school YouTube, without paid sponsorships, or paid reviews.

You’ll find yourself singing the insanely catchy theme song, “ Foresty Forest, he lives in a van… Foresty Forest! “

I always catch myself smiling when there’s a new Foresty Forest upload.

Favorite video: Living in a Minivan During Freezing Temperatures

Christian Schaffer – 70K subscribers

Christian makes her living as an outdoor adventure and travel photographer, and was a former Abercrombie model and retail manager.

As you’d expect, her travel videography is beautiful, but the channel is also packed full of thoughtful, intelligent tips about van life, making money, and life in general.

Favorite video: Van Life | Parking and Solo Female Safety

The Wild Card: Tom Green 267K YouTube subscribers

Bet you didn’t expect to find Tom Green on this list!

Tom is best known as a comedian, whose career started on MTV in the 1990s. He’s known for quirky and often pretty juvenile comedy like the Bum Bum Song , the Slutmobile , and Hollywood films Road Trip and Charlie’s Angels, as well as being married to Drew Barrymore in the early 2000s.

These days, Green seems a lot more introspective, as he’s vlogging his van life with his adorable dog, Charlie. Green’s still a quirky mix, with gorgeous cinematography, visits to stunning and out of the way places, musical offerings, and rambling, free-form live streams.

Favorite video: Lost Ancient City In America – Tom Green Visits Chaco Culture National Historical Park – Van Life

Slim Potatohead 129K YouTube subscribers

Slim Potatohead is something of an outlier among travel vlogs.

There’s definitely good videography and storytelling here, but this is not the vlog for you if you’re looking for fast paced, high excitement travel. Slim meanders along on his adventures, and it often seems like very little happens in a given blog. That said, he’s definitely an authentic voice that’s well worth checking out.

He travels pulling a small older trailer, spending plenty of time off grid in nature. Older videos feature the USA and Mexico, but these days he’s focusing on travel within Canada. There are videos on frugal camper renovations, camping spots, and plenty of exploring and meandering.

Favorite travel video: Latitude High: The Arctic Circle Campout

Mark Wiens 7.28 Million YouTube subscribers

Enthusiastic and energetic, Mark Wiens is a food vlogger who shares about South East Asia from his home base in Bangkok, Thailand.

I was first introduced to Mark’s Migrationology blog back in 2012, and I’ve loved following his transition to being one of YouTube’s most popular food and travel vloggers.

He features plenty of street food videos, with a strong focus on Thai food and travel.

Favorite video: Extreme Thai Street Food – CRAZY TOM YUM Late-Night Food Tour in Bangkok, Thailand!

Tyler and Todd 77K YouTube subscribers

Tyler and Todd are one of my absolute favorite channels. They’re funny, engaging, and have absolutely gorgeous videography and solid audio.

They’re a Canadian couple who travel with their adorable dogs Charlie and Eddy.

Because of the pandemic, they’re currently not traveling, but I’ve loved following along as they make a home in Nova Scotia, building an off grid cabin.

Incredibly personable and funny, they’re a treat to watch each week.

Favorite video: Gay Couple’s Routine | Living in an RV full time

Vancity Vanlife 145K YouTube subscribers

Vancity Vanlife features Chrome and his adorable bulldog pup, Cruz.

Chrome is a former professional DJ, so this is a fantastic channel if you love great music and great audio. As a former DJ, he has a fantastic voice for audio.

He uploads almost every day, and this channel is a throwback to early daily vlogs of YouTube. Videos are based mostly around Vancouver, British Columbia, but he does sojourn around Canada and into the USA when he’s able. It’s a great channel to get a feel for daily van life realities.

Favorite video: Winter Van Life In The Frosty Canadian Mountains… Is It Lonely Out Here?

Drew Binsky 2.34 Million YouTube subscribers

Drew, an American YouTuber, is definitely an engaging, entertaining presence on YouTube. He’s also controversial, as he continued traveling during the pandemic, and he’s garnered criticism for visiting countries like North Korea.

This is the type of channel that you’ll likely either love or hate.

Favorite travel video: He is the Ice Man (Wim Hof)

Project Amber 57K YouTube subscribers

Project Amber follows the adventures of a UK vlogger and his adorable Spaniel puppy, Lance as they travel in a converted ex-ambulance.

There’s plenty of great content in the archives that features road trips around the UK and Europe.

The man and dog duo just bought off-grid land in Portugal, and I’m looking forward to watching his local Portuguese adventures.

Favorite video: VAN TOUR – Ex-Ambulance Turned Offgrid Home on Wheels, with Log Burner & Upstairs Bedroom

Lost in Europe

Ash Pollard of Lost in Europe is a 27 year old photographer from Leicester/England.

As the channel title suggests, he mostly features van travel around Europe. There’s some gorgeous videography here, and I’ve loved his time in Scotland, as well has his new content on van life in the winter.

Favorite video: Winter Snow Storm Living In A Van / Arctic Van Life

Bald and Bankrupt 2.66 Million subscribers

Bald and Bankrupt follows the adventures of English travel vlogger Benjamin Rich, who mostly focuses on visiting post-Soviet states.

This channel is much more about meeting everyday people, and getting to know them and their lives, than cinematic scenes and views. It’s great entertainment, and I love that it focuses on getting to know people.

Like Drew Binsky, Rich has travelled during the pandemic. Rich was hospitalized for nine days for coronavirus in July 2020 in Serbia, which was not under lockdown at the time. He admitted that he was “blasé” about the pandemic, and has cautioned his viewers to take the pandemic seriously.

Favorite video: Inside The Belarus Chernobyl Zone

These are just some of my top picks for the best travel vlogs on YouTube channel to follow in 2022! I hope you enjoy watching their videos as much as I do.

Do you have any top travel vloggers suggestions that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.

Some really good travel Vloggers in the list! Thanks for the compilation!

travel vlogging is an emerging activity and i am also thinking of starting it in in dubai visit.

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7 Caravan YouTubers To Watch UK 2024

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Who are the 7 best Caravan Youtube channels to watch in the UK in 202 4

Here are our top picks for best Caravan You Tubers to follow in 2024 in the Uk

1) The Caravan Nut

Martin, Angela and their daughter Molly from Lancashire love caravanning. And they try to go on trips in their comfortable mobile home as often as possible.

After having rented caravans for holidays and getaways, the family purchased a 2011 Bailey Unicorn in 2018. Throughout their years of caravanning they have amassed a pile of useful knowledge which they share with their viewers in their videos.

Alongside videos of them filming their daily lives whilst caravanning, they upload product reviews, how-to videos, videos of their personal dos and don’ts as well as videos on their distinctive essentials when planning a trip in a caravan.

Martin and his family hope to entertain their viewers with their videos – which they sure do!

credit to The Caravan Nut

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

click here to check the channel

2) Andrew Ditton

Next on our list of the best Caravan YouTube Channels to watch in the UK is Andrew Ditton!

Andrew currently lives in Scotland and travels ever so often with his loyal dog Dougal in his mobile home to stunning places across the UK – particularly Scotland – and beyond! Andrew works as a journalist, providing his readers with content on Caravans, Camper Vans and Motorhomes.

It is not surprising at all therefore, that Andrew’s videos on his Caravan YouTube channel are full of

valuable information that he has amassed over the past 20 years as a Caravan journalist. What we appreciate about Andrew is his awareness of the environment. To contribute to a greener and less polluted Earth, Andrew has recently purchased a 2022 Kia EV6 GT Line battery electric car.

He uses this electric car to tow his 2015 Compass Rallye 530. So, if you are particularly interested in how to travel or live in your Caravan in a sustainable manner, head over to Andrew’s channel and check out his videos!

adventure with MiVanlife.

credit to Andrew Ditton

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

check out the channel here

3) The Trudigans

We love watching the Trudigans! Their videos are real, funny, helpful and entertaining! The Trudigans is a Campervan YouTube channel run by a family of five:

Dan and Angela as well as their two children Thomas and Chloe and finally, their clever Labrador Chops! The five are from Wiltshire but have started caravanning- especially around the UK – back in 2014 when they purchased their very first caravan.

Since then, they have been keeping us up to date and entertained with their videos and their blog posts. Nowadays, the family of five travels in a Bailey Ridgeway 640.

By uploading their videos and sharing their experiences, the family hopes to help particularly new caravan owners or those of us who are new to caravanning in general.

adventure with MiVanlife.

credit to The Trudigans

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

4) Carefree Caravanning & Motorhoming

The lovely couple behind the Caravan YouTube Channel Carefree Caravanning & Motorhoming are Keith and Michele.

Back in 2016, Keith and Michele purchased their first caravan which they changed just a year ago in 2021. They now enjoy caravan life in a 2020 Swift Challenger 645 with a Lux Pack and Swift Shield which they have named Cece.

Keith and Michele upload videos including tips when going on caravan holidays, guides as to what to buy and not to buy as well as insights into caravan shows and exhibitions they visit. Above all, their purpose behind their channel is to create a community of fellow caravan and motorhome owners who can share advice, journeys undertaken and thoughts on current topics.

Like their channel’s name suggests, Keith and Michele are very easy-going and relaxed. Watching their videos has a very calming effect and you wish you were on the road with them.

adventure with MiVanlife.

credit to Carefree Caravanning & Motorhoming

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

5) The McNeills on Wheels

Meet the McNeills! Back in 2018, Jamie and Stacey were tired of being stuck in the rat race.

They decided to very bravely quit their jobs and sell their house as well as their materialistic belongings to pursue a more balanced and unhurried life: the Caravan lifestyle.

They now live in their caravan full-time. While they are in Wales most of the time, they frequently travel to destinations – such as Devon and Cornwall in England – all across the UK. Watching Stacey and Jamie’s videos really shows just how happy the couple is with their life-changing decision since they now enjoy more freedom, more adventure and more relaxation.

The couple is living in a 1998 Elddis touring caravan and they work as illustrators – mainly selling caravan-themed illustrations on platforms such as Etsy – to cover their expenses.

Check out the McNeills’ Caravan YouTube Channel to see what ups and downs the Caravan life has to hold for them!

credit to The McNeills on Wheels

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

6) Caravan TV

The Caravan YouTube Channel CaravanTV is slightly different to the other channels listed in this post. That is because the team behind CaravanTV is less about capturing their own caravan travels and adventures. They are rather here to provide answers in the form of videos to all the

questions you might face when thinking about purchasing a Caravan or already owing one. These questions might be: How do I fit a tow bar onto my vehicle? What are the best tools to clean my caravan? How do I fit a satellite dish on to my caravan?

Besides the instructional videos and the vlog-style videos of the team’s caravan adventures, CaravanTV provides us with numerous caravan reviews.

adventure with MiVanlife.

credit to Caravan TV

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

7) Lost Weekends Caravan

Phil and Juliet purchased their very first own caravan back in 2018: a Sprite Major 4 SB.

They set up their Caravan YouTube Channel Lost Weekends Caravan pretty much straight after and have gained many subscribers thanks to their awesome and useful videos since then.

Their frequently uploaded videos mostly include product reviews as well as caravan site reviews and every now and then instructional videos on topics such as how to keep your caravan and yourself safe.

Ever so often, Phil and Juliet’s grandson Alfie joins them on their caravan getaways.

credit to Lost Weekends Caravan

7 Best Caravan YouTubers To Watch In The UK

Those are our personal 7 best Caravan YouTube Channels to watch in the UK.

Check them out if you haven’t yet and enjoy the wealth of information, help and communal support out there!

check out these other blog about Caravan Youtubers in other countries in

Caravan Youtubers in Germany

Caravan Youtubers in USA

Caravan Youtubers in Australia

written by Kimberley

' src=

Passionate about Adventure and Vanlife very partial to well made coffee, and good conversation.

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Take Your Best Ever Photos on Vacation: The Essential Gear You Need

From cameras and filters to bags and tripods, this is the gear you should take for pro-standard travel photos.

best uk travel youtubers

  • Shortlisted for British Photography Awards 2022, Commended in Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022

A scenic cityscape

Vacations can provide amazing opportunities for gorgeous travel photos, whether you're jumping on a jet to a tropical island, hiking into the mountains or spending a long weekend away in your local countryside. And with powerful cameras stuffed into phones like the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Galaxy S24 Ultra , along with a plethora of  amazing mirrorless cameras from the likes of Canon, Sony and Fujifilm, getting great images doesn't mean hauling a huge kit bag with you. 

I've been a professional photographer for over a decade and have traveled the world taking photos. Here, I'll take you through the essential gear you need to bring with you on your trip. I'll also recommend some extras to consider if you want to return home with creative pieces of art, rather than just holiday snaps. 

Read more:   Take Pro Travel Photos This Summer With These Easy Tips

Choose the right camera

While you're unlikely going to buy an entirely new camera system just for an upcoming trip, if you're in the market already for a new camera then an imminent vacation is a great excuse to invest. While traveling with a camera used to mean hauling a bulky DSLR in your backpack everywhere you go, modern mirrorless cameras are typically much smaller and lighter, making them superb for traveling. I took just my Canon R5 and a small, lightweight 50mm f1.8 lens on a three-week trip to Sicily and loved the shots I got from this compact setup.

The R5 doesn't come cheap, nor is it the smallest camera around, but it offers stunning image quality from its full-frame sensor, amazing video skills and has pro features like in-body image stabilization. Want something a bit smaller? Look towards a micro four thirds camera like the Fujifilm X-S10 or the fixed-lens X100VI. Check out my guide to the best cameras if you want inspiration on which model to go for. 

A person wearing a photography bag

Keeping your lens choices to a minimum will help reduce the weight. A standard zoom like a 24-70mm gives a great range for capturing wide, sweeping vistas, while providing enough zoom to get closer up on your subjects. I'd also recommend packing a small prime lens (like the 50mm f1.8) as these tend to be lightweight and compact enough to always have in your bag or slung around your shoulder for whenever inspiration strikes.

Read more: Best Camera Phone for 2024

But maybe you don't need a camera at all -- today's top phones can take amazing images and can shoot in raw format allowing for the same sort of editing you'd typically do with images from regular cameras. The iPhone 15 Pro Max takes gorgeous images -- especially using Apple's ProRaw format -- and its multiple rear lenses give creative shooting options for whatever scene you find yourself in front of. 

A person holding a Canon EOS RP

Canon's EOS RP offers full-frame quality but in a very compact size, particularly when paired with the tiny 50mm f1.8 lens.

The best travel tripod

A tripod certainly isn't essential for all travel photography, but when the light fades and you need to slow the shutter speed to several seconds to get a good exposure, you'll need one to secure your camera. You'll definitely need a tripod if you want to nail those nighttime shots overlooking a gorgeous bay, capture the stars above those snowcapped mountains, or pull off those artful long exposures of waterfalls.

A bridge over water with wispy clouds in a blue sky in the background

By using a sturdy tripod, I was able to slow the shutter speed right down to capture the motion of the water and clouds over the Forth Bridge.

Again, size matters and you should look for a compact, travel tripod that can easily fit in your backpack -- or attach to the outside of it. Modern materials like carbon fiber will keep the weight down, but they also tend to be more expensive, so you'll need to decide how much you're willing to shell out. 

As its name suggests, the Peak Design travel tripod is a great tripod for traveling, thanks to its small size when folded down and its light weight. I've done all-day hikes with this strapped to my back and barely noticed its presence -- something I can't say for most tripods. Make sure to check out my full roundup of the  best tripods you can buy . Or, if weight is really an issue, you can even try using your own DIY tripod .

A person wearing a backpack-style photography bag

A proper adventure backpack

A dedicated photo bag should be high on your list. After all, you don't want your fancy new gear getting knocked around and breaking, do you? A good bag will have compartments to keep your camera safe and secure, but will also let you access it quickly. It's important, too, to find one that also has plenty of space to keep other items you'll need while out and about.

If you're going to be out with it all day, I recommend a backpack with two shoulder straps, rather than a single-strap messenger bag. It'll spread that weight over both your shoulders and keep you comfortable longer. Look for things like side-access zips, so you can quickly get your camera out when inspiration strikes; plenty of additional pockets for batteries and snacks; weather-resistant materials; and mounting points to help carry your tripod. 

I've done a lot of the hard work for you in rounding up my top photography backpacks . There are options for all kinds of photography, from short city breaks to multiday hikes with lots of gear. Have a read through that list, and make sure that what you're taking is suitable for where you're going.

People walking in the foreground of a beautiful cityscape

Always keeping your camera handy means you're ever ready to shoot when you see a good opportunity.

The important extras

The list above is really the essential stuff you'll need to take with you. How much more you bring will depend on how seriously you take your photography and the sort of images you hope to take. Those of you going on wildlife safaris, for example, will benefit from packing a big telephoto zoom lens. Always consider having multiple spare batteries and a charger, as even the best cameras will tend to give you only a day of photos. There's nothing worse than getting to a beautiful afternoon destination only to find you exhausted your power in the morning. Keeping a spare in your bag will let you swap it out and keep on shooting into the evening.

Read more: Best Accessories for Photographers

The same goes for storage. It's easy to take hundreds of raw images a day in a beautiful location and all those shots can quickly fill up your card. Thankfully, SD cards are pretty cheap these days, so it's worth buying a few 64GB or 128GB cards to keep with you. 

Then there's the wide array of photographic filters that may help you get certain shots. A circular polarizer can be used to help make blue skies more vivid, or reduce the reflection on water, while a neutral density filter darkens the image, allowing you to use long exposures to blur the motion of water, cars or people. 

A marker sign in water

By using a neutral density filter, I was able to blur the motion of the water until it became a smooth and silky surface.

If you want to shoot video on your travels, you may need additional equipment, such as microphones, higher-capacity, faster storage cards and perhaps even video tripods or gimbals for smoother, professional-looking footage. Check out my guide to the  best accessories for video production  for more info. 

I'm Blown Away by These Photos I Took on the Xiaomi 14 Ultra

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‘Friendly’ and ‘walkable’ city named one of the best UK destinations

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View of a street in Leicester, England.

Looking for inspiration for your next day trip ? A ‘friendly’ and ‘walkable’ city has been named one of the UK’s best destinations .

Leicester – the final resting place of Richard III – has been shortlisted for best UK destination at the Group Leisure & Travel Awards.

Home to historic buildings, famous Indian restaurants and Leicester City football club, this East Midlands city is often overlooked in favour of its larger sibling Nottingham .

Locals and tourists alike, however, are raving about Leicester’s wow factor.

‘Walkable and the people are pretty friendly. Only an hour and half train ride from London, but there’s already a good amount of stuff to do. Amazing food and restaurants as well,’ Reddit user @tillybilly89, who moved to the city to study, wrote.

‘Leicester is the most affordable place I have lived in England yet only 2 hours or less from big cities,’ added @Travelin2017, whilst @summa-awilum, who used to live in Los Angeles, praised the East Midlands gem for being ‘multicultural.’

Pretty New Walk in Leicester.

‘It’s multicultural, it’s a good size, it has a nice central location, it’s affordable, and it has a good arts scene. There’s a lot of history in Leicester, too, and it’s a fun place to show off to family and friends when they visit.’

Things to do in Leicester

Into history? Leicester is one of the UK’s oldest cities, and, perhaps most famously, the Battle of Bosworth – the last battle in the War of the Roses – took place in the county.

Visitors should take a trip to the King Richard III Visitor Centre to learn the story of how the famous King of England, who was slain in 1485, was found underneath a city centre carpark in September 2012.

The reinterred Richard IIIin Leicester in 2015.

Now, after a state funeral, his body lies in the Leicester Cathedral – making Leicester one of the few places in the UK where a British monarch is laid to rest.

And, if you want even more War of the Roses info, head over to Market Bosworth, a picturesque town with a market square, lined with cute tea rooms and independent shops. Afternoon tea at Softley’s is delicious, try the Turkish fayre at Istanbul BBQ Kitchen, or have slap up pub meal at The Black Horse.

Cathedral in Leicester, England

The nearby Battlefield is thought to be where Henry Tudor and King Richard fought for the crown – recent research found the battle actually happened about a mile away, but the place is still worth a visit to learn more about the battle – and for the stunning countryside views.

Back in the city, The Guildhall Museum is the oldest building still in use in Leicester, with the earliest part dating back to 1390.

Night view of town hall in Leicester, England.

It acted as the town hall, and was famously the centre of celebrations after Elizabeth I’s navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.

There’s also the National Space Centre, the only museum in the world that houses upright space rockets indoors, and anyone who went to school in Leicester will be familiar with New Walk museum. Its Egyptian and Dinosaur galleries are always popular with little ones, making it a family friendly day out.

The best bars in Leicester

  • Audrey Bar is an instagrammable bar that serves up bottomless brunch, great cocktails – on the weekends it comes with the soundtrack of RnB, garage and hip hop bops.
  • For great music and cocktails – with a dance floor space – head to Fat Cat .
  • 33CankStreet bills themselves as Leicester’s first and best table service cocktail bar. Book a table here for creative drinks you don’t get anywhere else.
  • Lane 7 has 12 bowling venues around the UK, and the Leicester spot is definitely worth a visit. There’s bowling, karaoke, darts, pool, crazy golf and, of course, booze.
  • For fancy wines, Veeno has a huge range, plus you can get wine flights. They start at £10 per person for three.

If museums aren’t your thing, Leicester has a vibrant arts scene – famous musical exports include Kasabian and Mahalia.

The Shed , in the cultural quarter, is the place to go to discover new talent, with live music and DJs every weekend.

The Curve Theatre illuminated at dusk in Leicester's cultural quarter.

If film and theatre takes your fancy, the Curve plays host to touring West End shows – and you can even catch performances here before they make it to London. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ premiered here (based on the book written by Leicester legend, Sue Townsend), before going to the capital.

For independent cinema the Phoenix Theatre shows everything from major Hollywood releases to tiny independent films. There’s also a cafe and rooftop bar, The Nest, making it perfect for a date or special night out.

Leicester Tigers fans in a crowd waving flags.

And if sport is more your idea of theatre, the city loves it – Leicester City Football Club and the Leicester Tigers rugby team both have huge followings. You can also watch the Leicester Riders play basketball, or head to Grace Road to watch some cricket.

Leicester has its fair share of green spaces and waterways too, with the Grand Union Canal running from London to Birmingham and, subsequently, straight through the city centre.

@roxxxi_19 Am I in Disney movie 🤔 #leicester #bradgatepark #fyp #foryou #england #nature #views ♬ Disney-style fanfare-style BGM – harryfaoki

Abbey Park, Fosse Meadows and Beacon Hill also offer up a quiet spot for an afternoon stroll.

There’s also Bradgate Park – another spot for the historians as it’s where Lady Jane Grey – who was Queen for just nine days – lived. It’s stunning and a favourite among locals, be sure to keep an eye out for the deer.

And when it comes to food, Leicester is famous for its Indian restaurants. The city is proud of its diversity, and it’s often said Leicester has the largest Diwali celebrations outside of India.


Along the Golden Mile, you can find authentic food, spices and clothing. Popular restaurants include Bobby’s, which serves up vegetarian Indian food, and Paddy’s Marten Inn.

How to get to Leicester

The best way to get to Leicester is by train. It’s just over an hour away from London, and trains go direct from St Pancras International.

Alternatively, you can get a train to Nuneaton from London Euston, which tend to be cheaper, and slightly quicker. You can either grab a cab into Leicester, or get another train. Altogether, this route takes between 1 hour 35 minutes and 2 hours 19 minutes.

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Book wisely, and you can get a return train to Nuneaton for around £40 – the service to Leicester can be more expensive though, with a return fare costing around £70.

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Get in touch by emailing [email protected] .

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