difference between slips and trips

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difference between slips and trips

What is the Difference Between Slips, Trips, and Falls?

difference between slips and trips

Slips, trips and falls make up over a third of workplace accidents and are the most common workplace hazard. But what exactly do we mean when we say slips, trips and falls? More often than not, we use the terms “slip”, “trip”, and “fall” interchangeably. But there are a number of differences between the three. 

A “slip” is typically caused by a wet or slippery surface or spilt items. A “trip” is caused by an obstacle of some kind causing you to stumble. And a “fall” often happens as a result of either a slip or a trip.

In terms of workplace safety, it’s important that you are not only able to identify the differences between slips, trips, and falls but that you – and your workforce – are suitably trained so as to prevent as many instances of these happening as possible. Here, we take a closer look at the differences and how online training can educate your workforce to avoid accidents like these.

What is a “slip”?

When someone slips, it has more often than not been caused by something wet or slippery, such as water or ice on the floor. Slips can also be caused by items spilt on the floor, such as beads or other round objects. 

A loss of friction with the surface can cause the foot to slip outwards and upwards, sometimes resulting in a fall. Common injuries from slips include those to the back of the head, neck, back, and hip.

Slipping can be prevented by ensuring that all floors are clean and dry. Where this is not always possible, in instances of a leak, for example, “Wet Floor” signage can go a long way to alerting people of the potential hazard.

What is a “trip”?

Tripping is typically caused by fixed objects, uneven or broken surfaces, or obstacles in the path. In a workplace, items left on the floor, poorly lit spaces hiding obstructions, or even loose carpets and rugs can all be a trip hazard.

When a moving foot meets with resistance in the form of one such obstacle or object, forward and outward momentum can cause a fall. Some of the common injuries people may sustain from tripping and falling include: 

  • injuries or abrasions to the front of the head or face
  • fractures of the hands and/or arms
  • injuries to the elbow and knee.

What is a “fall”?

A fall is an event where a person unexpectedly comes to rest on the ground or other lower level, such as a floor or a staircase. Falls can happen for a variety of reasons, including slips and trips, as well as from heights or while working on elevated surfaces. 

Falls are a common cause of injuries such as minor bruises and cuts, broken bones or head trauma. Preventing falls is important, and understanding the different types of falls, including slips and trips, can help individuals and organizations take steps to minimise the risk of accidents and injuries.

How can you prevent slips, trips and falls?

It’s easy to prevent slips, trips and falls by ensuring that the environment is well-maintained, with no hazards such as uneven surfaces, loose wires or clutter that can cause accidents. Also, ensure walkways are free from obstructions, pathways are clearly lit, and any uneven or broken surfaces are cordoned off or clearly marked.

Another important preventive measure is to provide adequate training for employees and individuals to identify and avoid potential hazards. Online slip, trip, and fall training can be a highly effective solution in this regard, as it enables people to learn at their own pace, anytime and anywhere.

Online training can cover a wide range of topics, including identifying common hazards, best practices for preventing slips and trips, and proper use of safety equipment and more. Additionally, the courses can help individuals develop critical thinking skills, which can help them identify potential hazards and prevent accidents in the future.

Do you understand the difference between slips, trips and falls?

Understanding the differences between slips, trips, and falls is crucial for preventing workplace accidents and injuries. Each type of hazard has its own causes, and taking steps to mitigate those causes is key to reducing the risk of accidents. 

By providing adequate training and ensuring the environment is well-maintained, organisations can create a safer workplace for their employees. Ultimately, preventing slips, trips, and falls requires a collective effort and commitment to safety from everyone in the workplace.

To find out more about our slip, trip, and fall training course or any of our other online training, contact us today at 01237 477 931 or [email protected]


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difference between slips and trips

difference between slips and trips

Back to the Basics: Slips, Trips, and Falls 

By Motivated Marketing

Whether you are strolling over to a neighbor’s house for a morning coffee or simply walking into the conference room for a staff meeting, even the smallest hazard can cause a major accident – and a potentially life-changing injury. A slip, trip, and fall can occur anywhere, at any time. In fact, falls account for over eight million visits to the emergency room each year, proving how incredibly common these types of accidents are.

Handling all that comes after a slip-and-fall accident can be challenging, but you don’t have to tackle the tasks alone. Our slip-and-fall attorneys in Charleston can help. At Hoffman Law Firm , we believe an unexpected injury from a slip and fall accident should not interfere with your daily life – or leave a lasting impact on your future. Keep reading to learn more about slips, trips, and falls, and to discover how our personal injury attorneys can help in the aftermath of an accident. 

slips trips falls

Know the Difference Between a Slip, a Trip, and a Fall 

Understanding the difference between slips, trips, and falls is key. While they are often mistakenly used interchangeably, the terms are quite different in their legal definitions. For instance, defining an incident as a “trip-and-fall” can have a very different impact on your claim than a “slip-and-fall.” 

Our experienced slip-and-fall lawyers near you can help accident victims understand the legal jargon – and when to use which terms – to maximize compensation. Here’s what you need to know:


A slip is defined as a loss of balance caused by too little traction between your feet and the surface beneath them. Slips and falls are the leading cause of Workers’ Compensation claims, according to the National Floor Safety Institute. Although they aren’t a primary cause of fatal workplace injuries, they do represent the primary cause of lost days from work. 


A trip occurs when your body is moving with enough momentum that, when making direct contact with an object, you are thrown off balance. You are more likely to trip if you are in a hurry and are not paying attention to your surroundings. 

A fall is the direct result of a slip or a trip, occurring when your body moves too far off its center of balance and cannot regain a sense of equilibrium.

The Potential Hazards Behind a Slip and Fall Accident 

From the job site to the living room, there’s no shortage of dangerous conditions that can cause a slip and fall accident. The risk of falling increases with age, as older individuals experience more limited mobility.

According to the National Floor Safety Institute , one in every three persons over the age of 65 will experience a fall every year in the United States. While some of those falls may arise out of sheer happenstance, others may leave the door open for compensation. 

Slip and fall accidents typically occur on: 

  • Wet or freshly mopped floors.
  • Cracked sidewalks or pavement.
  • Broken stairs or stairs with broken handrails.
  • Torn carpeting
  • Uneven flooring
  • Newly waxed or cleaned hard floors.
  • Water overflows on hard surfaces. 

A trip and fall accident, on the other hand, typically occurs with items that have been left behind or on uneven surfaces. For example, a child leaving their toys on the floor or an uneven sidewalk is a recipe for disaster if you aren’t paying attention.

Common Injuries in Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents 

Hitting the ground unexpectedly can cause a variety of injuries, from simple to severe. With the potential to cause long-term complications or permanent disabilities, injuries from a fall should not be ignored. 

While both result in a fall, slips and trips can have entirely unique injuries. For example, slipping on a wet floor may produce different injuries than those resulting from a trip on a torn carpet. 

Common injuries seen in slips, trips, and fall accidents include: 

Sprained ankles: Misalignment of your foot with your leg can put serious pressure on the ankle joint in the midst of a slip. It can lead to damaged ligaments, tendons, and bones in the ankle, causing an injury that can leave you unable to walk unassisted for months at a time. 

Shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries: The natural reaction during a fall is to brace yourself for impact by putting your arms out in front of you. The pressure of your arms can cause broken/ sprained wrists, shoulder dislocation, and other injuries to the nerves and tissue. 

Traumatic brain injury: The victim’s head colliding with the ground can potentially cause life-altering injuries. The most mild form of a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a concussion. Symptoms of a concussion can include headache, confusion, dizziness, and more. The most severe form of TBI, however, is a hemorrhage or skull fracture. 

Spinal cord and neck injuries: A fall can be debilitating, especially to the neck and spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal cord and neck injuries can vary greatly, from painful, limited mobility to partial paralysis. 

If you have suffered a slip-and-fall, it is important to see a doctor immediately to not only document that your injuries are a direct result of the fall, but to ensure that you get the proper care.

Suffered an Injury from a Slip and Fall Accident? Contact Hoffman Law Firm Today. 

Slips, trips, and falls can go from inconvenience to debilitating if not handled properly. Because we believe that a wet floor or torn carpet should never be the deciding factor in your future, our knowledgeable team is ready to help. Here at Hoffman Law Firm , we’ll guide you through the legal process following a slip-and-fall. 

Plus,  you only pay us if we win  your case .

If you’ve been injured, reach out to a slip and fall attorney near you. Our Charleston law firm of skilled South Carolina attorneys is standing by, so schedule your free consultation today!

Our personal injury law firm offers trusted legal representation right here in the Lowcountry, including these practice areas: 

Slip and Fall

Wrongful Death

Brain Injury

Spinal Cord Injury

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difference between slips and trips

  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • What's the Difference Between Trips Slips and Falls

The Different Types of Falls: Slips vs. Trips

Difference between trips and slip and falls

The average person doesn't put much thought into the difference between "tripping" and "slipping." Often, people use these terms interchangeably. But, when it comes to injuries caused by another person's negligence, a personal injury attorney must know the difference between the two types of falls.

According to the  National Safety Council , falls are among the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. When someone is injured on another person's property, it's essential to identify the type of fall, what caused it, and what injuries resulted from it. The difference between the two types of falls may change how a fall injury lawyer approaches your case, the type of information the attorney will need, how the property owner is held liable, and even the amount of compensation that will be pursued.

The Differences Between Slip and Falls and Trip and Falls

There are different causes and potential injuries from slip and falls and trip and falls.

Causes of Falls

Falls happen for a variety of reasons. Some common causes of:

  • Slip and falls include wet or slippery substances on the ground. These substances may include water, ice, spilled items (such as beads), and recently cleaned or waxed floors. In these types of falls, there is a loss of friction with a surface that causes the foot to slip outward and upward. A person who slips usually falls backward because the person's center of mass shifts behind them.
  • Trip and falls include fixed objects, uneven surfaces, or objects in a person's path. For example, people often trip and fall on broken sidewalks, poorly placed items left on the floor, or in poorly lit spaces where obstructions can't be easily seen. In trip and falls, the trip occurs when the person's foot is met with resistance from an obstacle causing forward and outward momentum that results in a fall. A person who trips usually falls forward because the person can't bring the other foot forward to avoid a fall.

Fall Injuries

Slip and fall and trip and fall accidents also cause different kinds of injuries. For example:

  • Slip and falls may cause back of the head injuries, neck injuries, brain injuries, back injuries, spinal cord injuries, hip injuries, sprained ankles or wrists, and herniation of vertebrae
  • Trip and falls may cause front of the head or facial injuries, hand or arm fractures, elbow injuries, knee injuries, or foot injuries

What to Do After Any Type of Fall Injury

There are steps that you can take to protect your fair recovery after any kind of fall, including:

  • Reporting the accident to the property owner
  • Documenting your accident and injuries by taking pictures
  • Identifying witnesses and getting contact information
  • Seeking medical attention
  • Not making any statements about the cause of the accident to the property owner, insurance company, or anyone other than your lawyer
  • Contacting an experienced fall injury attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a fall caused by a slip  or  a trip, our experienced slip and fall attorneys  are available to help. For more information,  contact us online  or call us directly at  800-800-5678  to schedule your free consultation.

Jill Erin Wellskopf

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difference between slips and trips

Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys

What’s the difference between slips, trips, and falls?

Home » FAQs » What’s the difference between slips, trips, and falls?

While their names are similar, the main differences between trip and fall cases and slip and fall cases are how the fall occurred and the injuries sustained during the accident. A slip occurs when the victim slips on a wet floor or other slick surface , whereas a trip occurs when the victim actually trips over an object .

A fall is generally the result of a slip or trip.

What is a “trip” and fall?

A trip and fall accident occurs when a person “trips” over some sort of object, broken or uneven surface, or other type of physical obstacle resulting in a fall and potential injury. Commonly, trips and falls are caused by stray items on shelves , in aisles, or on floor fixtures in department stores, hotel lobbies, and other high-traffic areas. These items can create obstacles that patrons can easily trip over . Trip and fall accidents are also caused by potholes, pavement cracks, and other outside hazards .

Common injuries sustained in a trip and fall can include fractures in the hands or arms , abrasions to the head or face, and injuries to the elbows or knees.

What is a “slip” and fall?

S lip and fall injuries are often caused by wet or icy patches on sidewalks , parking lots , stores , and other locations where a person may “slip” on a slick surface. These dangerous areas should be cleaned up as soon as possible, and clearly demarcated in the meantime—such as with a “wet floor” sign — to alert people of the danger. If you slipped and fell in an area without those warnings , you could be eligible for financial compensation.

Common injures sustained in a slip and fall accident can include head or brain injuries , neck or back injuries , spinal cord damage , and broken bones.

If you’ve been injured in a slip, trip, or fall accident, call Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation . We have 679+ years of combined legal experience helping Louisianans recover the compensation they deserve from those responsible for their injuries. Call us today at 888.501.7888 and begin your path to healing.


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David Haenel

What Is a Slip and Fall?

What is a trip and fall, what are the most common causes of slips, trips, and falls, what are the best ways to prevent slips, trips, and falls, how do i claim damages for a slip, trip, and fall injury, what is the average settlement for a slip, trip, and fall case.

What Is The Difference Between Slip Trip And Fall

When people think of a slip, trip, and fall injuries, they may conjure up comedic images of Tom and Jerry, Buggs Bunny and Daffy Duck, or the iconic Mario Kart banana. However, in the real world, these events can have major repercussions that result in serious injury or even death. Slip, trip, and fall injuries are a leading cause of death for the elderly, whose fragile bodies and mobility issues make them especially vulnerable.

Although most people have heard of slip and fall court cases, they might not understand there is a definite legal difference between injuries resulting from a slip and fall or trip and fall. The State of Florida differentiates between the two in regard to how the injury occurred, where liability lies, and who is responsible for potential damages paid to the victim. Slip/trip and fall injuries can be pursued in civil court and can result in large settlements for the injured by responsible parties.

The Law Place can provide legal aid for your slip and fall injury lawsuits. Our team of attorneys have the combined experience of over 75 years and can make a big difference in any premises liability case. If you have been injured due to a slip, trip, and fall, you have legal recourse.

Schedule your free consultation with The Law Place and speak with a qualified personal injury lawyer today. Each case is unique, and you could be entitled to more damages than you know.

Contact us today at (888) 224-6114 .

Slip and falls occur when someone slips on a foreign substance. This is a type of personal injury claim that is pursued in civil court. Typically, slip and fall accidents fall under premises liability claims and are pursued against property owners or employers whose actions or inaction made the area hazardous in the first place.

A slip and fall can happen anywhere. Oil or grease are common causes of slip and fall accidents, as well as water, ice, or cleaning product on the ground. It is important to make sure you are aware of your surroundings, but responsibility for maintenance and prevention of environmental hazards rests with property owners and managers.

For example, if you are walking down the aisle in a grocery store and slip due to tomato sauce being spilled on the floor, you may be entitled to seek slip and fall damages. This depends on if the responsible parties, in this case, the grocery store management and employees, provided adequate signage for the spill or attempted to clean up the spill in a timely and reasonable manner. If not, you have a legitimate personal injury claim to pursue.


The difference between a slip fall and a trip fall is the environment that causes the fall to happen. While a slip fall is the result of a substance, a trip fall is the consequence of the building or structure itself. A pothole, exposed pipe, or crack in the pavement can catch on someone’s foot or belongings, causing them to fall and injure themselves.

An example of this is when an apartment is going through maintenance and a resident catches their foot on a loose brick in the hallway. While the resident may have known there was construction going on in their building, it is up to the building manager and owner to ensure the hallways are still safe to walk through and that adequate signage is apparent to warn anybody who may be unaware of the maintenance. The ground must be kept clear of hazards, regardless of the work that is being done.

According to The Center for Disease Control , unintentional falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injury in the United States. Slip and fall-related injuries are the cause of 15% of accidental deaths, second only to auto accidents.

In short, slip and falls are risky business. The causes of these types of accidents can vary, but some of the most common causes of these accidents are:

  • Unsalted ice on walkways
  • Loose floorboards
  • Potholes in parking lots
  • Exposed piping
  • Uneven surface
  • Uncleaned grease or oil
  • Improperly placed wiring or extension cables
  • Recently mopped or waxed floor
  • Absence of a mat or other surface after a rainy day
  • Improper footwear

If you are a property owner or responsible managers, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration gives you tips on how to prevent slip/trip and falls and the lawsuits that result from them:

  • Keep floors clean and dry
  • Display adequate signage warning of potential hazards
  • Install adequate drainage systems for wet and hazardous work
  • Use false-floor tools such as rubber mats when floors are wet
  • Properly maintain hallways, aisles, and passageways
  • Remove any obstruction from exits and fire doors
  • Have a reporting system in place for hazardous environments and materials
  • Act on reports of hazards immediately or as soon as possible

To claim damages for a slip/trip and fall case, you must first prove that a responsible party was negligent in their duties, which directly resulted in your injury. Negligence is when an individual or party disregards the safety of others through their behavior. Determining that negligence occurred allows you to determine liability. Proving responsibility, negligence, and liability are the key components of your slip, trip, and fall claim.

According to Florida Statute 768.0755 , a plaintiff must prove that a business or property owner had “constructive knowledge” of the injurious hazard. This means that the responsible party for the property must have been aware of the hazard and taken constructive steps to remedy the issue within an appropriate time frame. For example, if a restaurant has vegetable oil on the floor, the owner or manager must take steps to clean up the spill promptly and provide adequate signage to warn patrons of it.

Documenting evidence resulting from your slip/trip and fall is essential proof for your claim to calculate damages. There are many kinds of evidence you can provide your attorney, the court, and the at-fault party’s insurer. If you choose to hire a lawyer, they will collect as much evidence as possible to bolster the strength of your case.

There is no average settlement for a slip, trip, and fall case. Each case has unique circumstances that inform the amount that is owed to the victim. It is best to consult with a qualified personal injury attorney to find out how much your case is worth and how to pursue your damages or settlement.

Contact our law team today to find out more information on what you might be owed in your slip and fall case.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Slip, Trip, and Fall?

You might think that you can settle out of court for the injuries you have sustained from your slip/trip and fall accident. Although it is entirely possible, The Law Place recommends consulting with and hiring a personal injury attorney to pursue your slip/trip and fall case correctly.

Insurance companies and private parties will do everything in their power to ensure you get the minimum settlement possible, keeping their pockets full while you recover from your injuries. Having an experienced lawyer on your side will help you find the maximum settlement available to you and ensure negligent parties are held responsible for your unfortunate circumstance.

Contact The Law Place Slip, Trip, and Fall Lawyers Today

Have you been injured due to a slippery surface or faulty flooring? Do you believe it’s the result of bad management or negligent property maintenance?

Contact The Law Place today to discuss your options. Our qualified personal injury and slip, trip, and fall attorneys are here to provide all the information necessary to pursue your case. You may be entitled to compensation beyond your medical expenses, and we are here to help you find out. Schedule your free consultation with a lawyer now.

Don’t wait for your injuries to worsen.

Call us today at (888) 224-6114 .

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By : Tim Felice

What is the difference between slip and fall vs trip and fall?

Slip and fall vs trip and fall | Felice Trial Attorneys

Understanding the Basics: Slip vs Trip

Slip and trip accidents are among the most common types of personal injury cases in the United States. According to the National Safety Council (NSC) , over 6.9 million people were treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries in 2021. This includes slips, trips, and falls from a height.

  • Definition of a Slip Accident : A slip accident is when a person loses their balance and falls due to a lack of friction or traction between their feet and the ground. It can be caused by wet, slippery, oily, or icy surfaces, loose or worn footwear, or sudden changes in the level or direction of the ground.
  • Definition of a Trip Accident: A trip accident is when a person stumbles and falls due to an obstacle or a defect in the walking surface. It can be caused by uneven, cracked, or broken pavement, potholes, curbs, steps, or ramps, cluttered floors, loose mats, rugs, or cords, or poor lighting conditions.

Key Differences at a Glance

Slip and trip accidents are pretty similar, but they have some fundamental differences that affect how they are handled legally and practically. Here are some of the main differences:

  • Cause: A lack of friction or traction causes slip accidents, while an obstacle or a defect causes trip accidents.
  • Direction: Slip accidents usually result in a backward fall, while trip accidents result in a forward fall.
  • Injury: Slip accidents tend to cause injuries to the back, head, neck, or spine, while trip accidents tend to cause injuries to the face, arms, legs, or knees.

Common Causes Behind Slip and Fall Incidents

Slip and fall incidents can happen for various reasons, but some of the most common causes are

  • Wet or slippery surfaces: These are surfaces that are wet, slippery, oily, or icy due to spills, leaks, cleaning, weather, or other factors. They can reduce the friction or traction between the feet and the ground and cause a person to slip and fall.
  • Cluttered floors or loose mats: These are floors or mats that are cluttered, loose, or unsecured due to poor housekeeping, storage, or maintenance. They can create obstacles or defects in the walking surface and cause a person to slip and fall.
  • Poor lighting conditions: These are lighting conditions that are dim, dark, or inconsistent due to faulty, inadequate, or absent lighting. They can affect the visibility and the perception of the walking surface and cause a person to slip and fall.

Typical Reasons for Trip and Fall Accidents

Trip and fall accidents can happen for various reasons, but some of the most common causes are

  • Uneven surfaces: These are walking surfaces that are uneven, cracked, or broken due to wear and tear, erosion, or damage. They can make a person trip and fall over bumps, cracks, or holes.
  • Obstacles in walkways: These are objects or items that are placed or left in walkways, such as hallways, aisles, or corridors. They can make a person trip and fall over items, furniture, or equipment.
  • Unexpected steps or ramps: These are steps or ramps that are unexpected, unmarked, or poorly designed, such as at entrances, exits, or transitions. They can make a person trip and fall over edges, slopes, or curbs.

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Injuries Often Associated with Slip and Trip Accidents

The injuries from slip and trip accidents can differ depending on how and where you fall, how fast and big you are, and how safe you are. But usually, slip accidents are more painful than trip accidents because they make you fall harder and farther, and they hit your back, head, neck, or spine. Trip accidents hurt you less and are shorter than slip accidents because they make you fall softer and closer, and they hit your face, arms, legs, or knees.

Types of Injuries in Slip Accidents

  • Back injuries: When you fall, you can hurt your back badly and damage the parts that help you move, feel, or control your body. The worst kind of injury is spinal cord injury, which can change your life forever.
  • Head injuries: These affect your skull, scalp, or brain. They can make you bleed, bruise, swell, cut, break, or cause traumatic brain injury.
  • Neck injuries: These affect your neck muscles, bones, or nerves. They can make your neck hurt, stiff, numb, or weak.

Types of Injuries in Trip Accidents

  • Facial injuries: These affect the skin, bones, or tissues of your face. They can make you cut, bruise, scrape, break, or dislocate.
  • Arm injuries: These affect your arm bones, muscles, or nerves. They can make you sprain, strain, fracture, or dislocate.
  • Leg injuries: Leg injuries from trips can hurt your bones, muscles, or nerves. You might end up with a sprain, strain, broken bone, or even a dislocated joint.
  • Knee injuries: These affect your knee bones, cartilage, or tissues. They can make your knee hurt, swell, stiff, or unstable.

Legal Perspectives: Navigating Slip and Trip Claims

Were you part of a bad slip or trip accident recently? You might be eligible for compensation if you’re hurt or suffering losses due to such an accident. But making a claim can be tricky, with legal complexities, proof requirements, and potential defenses to manage. That’s where Felice Personal Injury & Accident Attorneys come into the picture. We’re here to simplify the process and guide you through the key parts of these claims:

1. Making Your Case in Slip and Fall Accidents

For slip-and-fall incidents, you’ll have to prove it was due to someone else’s failure. The person responsible for the place where you fell knew there was a risk but did nothing about it. To make a strong case, you need to show four things: the property owner had a duty to keep the place safe; they failed on that duty; their failure caused your fall; and due to that fall, you got hurt or suffered a loss.

2. Figuring Out Fault in Trip and Fall Case

For trip-and-fall cases, the same rules apply. You have to prove that the property owner didn’t fix or prevent the issue that caused your fall.

3. How an Accident Lawyer Can Help

Facing a trip and fall accident is no walk in the park and having a personal injury lawyer by your side can truly make a world of difference. Here’s how they can give you a leg up:

  • Assessing your case: They can dig into your case details, assisting you in figuring out the best path ahead.
  • Collecting evidence: They can guide you in gathering critical evidence to back up your claim.
  • Dealing with insurance: A lawyer can be your negotiator in talks with the other party’s insurance company.
  • Filing a lawsuit: If need be, they can help kickstart a lawsuit and represent you in court.
  • Protecting your rights: Your lawyer aims to make sure you get the compensation you genuinely merit.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Slip and Trip Incidents

Slips and trips happen, right? But, many times, they can be prevented. Following a few easy steps can reduce the chances of someone having a nasty fall at your home or work. It’ll help keep your place safer and well-maintained. Let’s dive in!

1. Safety Tips to Prevent Slips

  • Quick Clean-up: Swiftly mop up any spills or leaks. Put up a sign for wet floors or something to let others know there’s a slippery spot.
  • Pick the Right Shoes: Wear shoes that grip well and fit perfectly. Avoid loose or worn-out shoes.
  • Watch Your Step: Keep an eye on your pathway. Be careful of dangerous conditions like curbs, slopes, or steps that can trip you up.

2. Methods to Prevent Trip Hazards

  • Clear the Way: Remove or secure anything that blocks the way, like random items, furniture, or equipment. Tack down mats, rugs, or cords that are loose.
  • Mark the Spot: If you can’t fix a broken road or pathway right away, mark it with a sign or barrier so others can see it.
  • Light it Up: Keep walkways well-lit. Replace any lights that have burned out or aren’t working well.

Taking care of your place is not just for show. A well-kept place is also safer and helps to avoid slips and trips. By spotting problems early and fixing them fast, you can stop accidents before they happen. Plus, it could save you from some legal headaches later on. So, it’s really important to keep your place tidy and safe for everyone.

Navigating the Aftermath: Steps to Take Post-Accident

Stumbling upon a slip or trip accident can be quite unsettling and you might find yourself stuck without a clue about what to do. Let’s simplify it with a couple of easy steps:

1. Right After an Accident

First things first, after you’ve slipped or tripped:

  • Check for Injuries
  • Get to a Safe Spot
  • Call for Help

2. Speak to a Lawyer

If you’ve been badly hurt, or if it seems like the fall was because someone else didn’t take care of it, consider talking to a personal injury attorney . An experienced attorney can help you understand your situation, gather information, and fight for you in court.

3. Keeping Records

If you’re thinking of taking legal action, you’ll need proof. These could be:

  • Medical Documents
  • Proof of Lost Wages
  • Proof of damage to Personal Property
  • How the incident has affected you

Slip or trip accidents can be hard, but you are not alone. We can help you. No matter what you are going through, we are on your side. Just contact us! We can make things better for you, step by step.

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Difference Between Slip & Fall And Trip & Fall Accidents

Anderson Injury Lawyers | November 23, 2022 | Slip and Fall

You have heard the terms “slip and fall” and “trip and fall” used when discussing premises liability claims. Both terms refer to falls that could cause debilitating injuries. Even though the terms sound alike, they refer to different types of personal injury accidents.

What Are the Differences Between a Slip & Fall Accident and a Trip & Fall Accident?

When you discuss your case with our Dallas premises liability lawyer, it might not matter whether we call the claim a slip and fall or a trip and fall case. Instead, you are more concerned with recovering fair compensation for your injuries, monetary losses, and other damages.

However, the term we use has a significant meaning. To understand slips, trips, and falls , let’s discuss the difference between the two accidents.

Defining a Slip & Fall Accident 

Slip and fall accidents occur when someone loses their balance while walking on slick or slippery surfaces. Examples of slip and fall accidents include, but are not limited to slipping on:

  • Freshly or overly waxed floors
  • Wet surfaces because of a spill or overflow of water or other liquids
  • Hard, cold surfaces slick with condensation
  • Surfaces slick because of oil or grease spills
  • Dusty floors can also create a slick or slippery surface
  • Loose floor coverings and mats that do not grip well with the surface underneath causing a slipping hazard

A slip occurs when your foot does not have traction with the floor. As a result, your foot slides out from under you causing your center of gravity to shift. The sudden shift in gravity causes you to lose your balance and fall. 

Common Injuries Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents 

When a person slips and falls, they typically fall backward. Their body falls back as their foot slides out in front of them. The resulting injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken vertebrae
  • Neck injuries
  • Sprained and broken ankles
  • Broken arms and legs
  • Back injury
  • Shoulder dislocations and injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries and nerve damage

The injuries from a slip and fall accident could heal in a few weeks or months. However, some injuries from slip and fall accidents can cause permanent impairments, including paralysis and permanent brain damage. 

Defining a Trip & Fall Accident 

While a trip and fall accident also involves a fall, the cause of the fall is different. Trip and fall accidents occur when someone trips over something on the floor and falls. 

Examples of things that can cause trip and fall accidents include:

  • Uneven sidewalks or pavement
  • Items left on the floor
  • Uneven surfaces between the floor and elevators and escalators
  • Loose, uneven, or damaged flooring, including carpets, rugs, tiles, and wood flooring
  • Exposed cables and wiring 
  • Obstructions, including floor mounts, socket covers, concealed steps, etc.
  • Insufficient lighting concealing tripping hazards
  • Raised door jams

Tripping occurs when your foot hits an object and causes you to lose your balance. Trips also occur when a person’s gait is broken when they walk on uneven surfaces. When the person trips on an object or surface, their feet stop moving, but their body continues to move forward causing the fall.

Common Injuries Caused by Trip and Fall Accidents

Falling forward can cause a variety of injuries. Common injuries a person sustains when they trip and all include:

  • Sprained and broken wrists from putting their arms in front of them to break the fall
  • Broken bones , including fractures to the arms and legs
  • Cuts and abrasions 
  • Facial injuries, including broken jaws and noses
  • Broken hands and fingers
  • Sprained and broken ankles and feet
  • Traumatic brain injuries 

Trips and falls can cause severe injuries requiring surgeries and extensive rehabilitation. In addition, the victim could sustain a disability that changes their lives forever.

What Damages Can I Recover for Accidents Involving Slips, Trips, & Falls in Dallas, TX?

Premises liability claims require that the injured person prove the following legal elements:

  • The owner of the property owed a duty of care to the injured party.
  • The property owner breached the duty of care because they did not warn the victim of a potential hazard or fix the hazard.
  • The dangerous condition on the property was the direct and proximate cause of the injured party’s fall.
  • The injured party sustained damages.

Typically, you prove that the property owner knew or should have known about the dangerous condition and failed to do something about it. Once you prove the property owner is liable for your damages, you can recover compensation for non-economic and economic damages. Those damages include:

  • Lost wages , benefits, and a decrease in future earning potential
  • Medical expenses and bills , including nursing care and rehabilitation services
  • Out-of-pocket expenses , including help with household services and personal care
  • Pain and suffering caused by injuries, emotional distress, and mental anguish
  • Disabilities and permanent impairments 
  • Loss of enjoyment and quality of life

A Dallas slip and fall accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need to prove fault and liability. Your lawyer also documents your damages and calculates how much your claim is worth to ensure that settlement offers from the insurance company and property owner are fair.

What Should You Do After a Slip & Fall or Trip & Fall Accident?

Call for emergency medical services or see a doctor as soon as possible. Seeking prompt medical treatment can reduce the risk of permanent impairments. Conversely, delays in medical care could hurt your injury claim.

Report the fall to the property owner. If possible, document the accident scene by taking pictures and making a video. Make sure to capture the cause of your fall (i.e., an object, loose step, leaky faucet, etc.).

If anyone witnessed your fall or stopped to help you after the fall, ask them to give you their names and contact information. Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable when proving fault.

Consider contacting a personal injury lawyer for legal advice. The property owner might try to hide the reason for your fall, and the insurance adjuster could try to undervalue your claim. Having an attorney handle the case helps you avoid costly mistakes and gives you a better chance of obtaining a fair settlement. 

Contact Our Slip & Fall Accident Law Firm in Texas

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Fort Worth or Dallas and need legal help, contact our slip & fall accident lawyers at Anderson Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation. We proudly serve Tarrant County , Dallas County , and throughout Texas .

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Fort Worth Office 1310 W El Paso St, Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 294-1900

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Fort Worth Office (Secondary) 6618 Fossil Bluff Dr # 108, Fort Worth, TX 76137 (817) 631-4113

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Dallas Office 408 W Eighth St Suite 202, Dallas, TX 75208 (214) 327-8000

Anderson Injury Lawyers – Dallas Office (Secondary) 6301 Gaston Ave suite 610, Dallas, TX 75214 (469) 457-4711

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What’s the difference between Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall?

  • February 27, 2014

It’s happened to all of us – an unexpected slip or trip that leaves us “grounded” and in some cases, seriously injured.

According to the National Safety Council , “falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency department

Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall

Did you know there are significant differences between slip and falls versus trip and falls? Most of these differences revolve around the types of injuries you can incur.

Why is the language important? The terminology makes a difference.

Sometimes, the injured party may use these terms interchangeably. In instances where the individual will be seeking counsel, relaying the most accurate information is important to building a case. This could make a difference in how the case is approached, the type of information that is needed, and in some situations, even the amount of compensation that is collected.

While it is difficult to tell whether a case will be viable due to the many details that make up each circumstance, some are more straightforward than others. Every case is fact-sensitive, and the outcome will depend on many factors. These may include the ability to prove negligence on the part of the establishment and the history of both parties. If you think you have a case, fill out this free slip and fall case evaluation form to see what you could be compensated for.

Slip & fall.

  • Causes:  Wetness or slippery substances on the ground
  • Examples: Water or ice on stairs, floors, etc.; spilled items; round objects such as beads
  • Physics of the fall: Loss of friction with a surface causes the foot to slip outward and upward, propelling the body to  fall in a backward motion
  • Associated Injuries:

o   Injury to the back of the head

o   Neck injuries

o   Back injuries

o   Hip injuries

o   Herniation of vertebrae

Trip & Fall

  • Causes: Fixed objects or uneven surfaces; objects in the path that initiate a stumble
  • Examples: Broken sidewalks; poorly placed items left on the floor; doorjambs
  • Physics of the fall: The foot, advancing in a walking or running motion, is met with resistance from an object causing forward and outward momentum of the body
  • Associated injuries :

o   Injury to the front of head or face

o   Hand/arm fractures

o   Elbow injuries

o   Knee injuries

Documenting Your Slip and Fall

While most falls are unforeseen, numerous slips and trips occur yearly due to the inattentiveness of store owners or employees. Insufficient building upkeep, poor store management, and inadequate signage to warn patrons about potentially hazardous spots to make up just a few of the reasons that fall occur.  However, as startling as a sudden fall can be, it is important to gather information at the scene of the accident, especially if you are planning on pursuing compensation from the at-fault party. Contact a Slip and Fall Attorney

A personal injury case manager at LaBovick Law Group shared some crucial tips for aiding in a successful case:

1.      If possible, take pictures at the location of the fall.

Whether taken with a camera phone or personal camera, it is integral to document the surrounding area where the fall took place in order to provide proof of cause and/or negligence. Make sure to capture any spills, objects or adjacent items that might have contributed to the fall. If you are injured and not immediately able, have someone you know to do so as soon as possible.

2.      Take note of any witnesses, and secure their information.

Witness testimony can be key in proving what occurred at the time of the fall. If you are able to speak with those who may have seen the incident, take down their names and contact information.

If an accident report was filed by the location where the fall took place, request a copy as well as the contact information of the manager. This may not always be possible, but it is worth attempting as the details are crucial.

3.      If you are injured, seek help immediately.

Most importantly, visit a hospital or doctor as quickly as possible. Do not wait! The more time that passes between the incident and examination by a medical professional, the more difficult it will be to prove that any injuries occurred as a direct result of the fall.

While being attended to, make note of all complaints. Do not attempt to see if bumps, bruises and pains heal themselves over time. Some injuries have delayed symptoms, so it is important to detail all possible damages.

4.      Call a Slip and Fall Attorney.

Involve a trusted and knowledgeable attorney early in the process, so he/she can begin gathering the information needed to pursue legal action. Provide the attorney with all the information you have, including any pictures, documents, reports, and witness information is greatly useful in building a case.

Some falls may be inevitable, but those that were caused by negligence should be taken seriously and handled by a professional who is able to seek justice for those who are injured. In the event of a slip and fall or trip and fall incident in the future, be sure to heed these tips in order to facilitate your case.

Watch your step!

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May 30, 2023 | Slip, Trip & Fall Accidents

Trip and Fall Versus a Slip and Fall

Trip and falls and slip and falls are some of the most common types of personal injury claims. Although many people use these terms interchangeably, it’s essential to be aware that these types of accidents occur in very different ways — it’s important to understand the difference between a trip and fall versus a slip and fall to ensure you are discussing your accident accurately. Whether you tripped or slipped and fell, you may be entitled to compensation in a personal injury action if the cause of your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness.

Trip and Falls Versus Slip and Falls 

The distinction between a trip and fall or a slip and fall can have a significant impact on your claim. Both trip and fall and slip and fall accidents can involve either same-level falls or elevated falls. However, the conditions surrounding the accident and the way in which it occurs are different. While trips usually result in a forward fall, slips generally make a victim fall backward — in either case, severe injuries can result. 

A trip and fall typically involves a victim’s foot catching onto an object or falling into a depression, causing loss of balance. Trip and falls can happen nearly anywhere flooring, steps, or pavement is not properly maintained. There are a wide variety of hazards and dangerous conditions that can lead to trip and fall accidents. Often, they are caused by:

  • Broken sidewalks
  • Defects in flooring
  • Chipped steps
  • Potholes in the pavement
  • Items or debris left on the floor
  • Inadequate lighting where objects can’t be seen

In contrast, a slip and fall occurs when someone loses their footing due to a liquid or substance on the floor or walkway. This can be food or beverage spills — or even snow, ice, and precipitation. Other causes of slip and falls can include floor wax or polish, loose mats or carpets, and grease or oil. Notably, an owner or other party responsible for maintaining the property should place a warning sign if they know of a slip and fall hazard — such as if a floor was freshly mopped or it is raining, and precipitation is known to accumulate in a certain area.      

Liability for Trips, Slips, and Falls

Trip and falls and slip and falls can both be prevented by taking proper safety precautions. Whether you tripped or slipped and fell, a property owner has a duty to ensure their premises are kept in safe condition for those who are lawfully present. If they knew or should have known about a hazard that could cause injury to another, they have an obligation to repair it or place a warning sign. Failure to do so can result in their being held liable for the injuries you sustained.     

Liability for trips, slips, and falls can arise in various ways. If a property owner, maintenance company, landlord, architect, engineer, municipality, or another responsible party was found to have been negligent, a victim may be entitled to compensation for the economic and non-economic damages incurred due to the accident. Monetary recovery in a personal injury case based on premises liability can include unreimbursed medical expenses, out-of-pocket costs, lost wages, future lost earnings, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Contact an Experienced New York City Personal Injury Attorney 

A trip and fall or slip and fall accident can result in serious, debilitating, and life-changing injuries. If you were hurt on someone else’s property due to their negligence, it’s important to have a skillful personal injury attorney by your side who can guide you through the process of filing a lawsuit — and help you obtain the monetary recovery you deserve.  

The Edelsteins, Faegenburg & Brown LLP  is a personal injury law firm dedicated to fighting for the rights of accident victims to ensure they secure the monetary recovery they deserve for their injuries. Located in Manhattan, our firm has been handling personal injury cases throughout New York City since 1937. Call to schedule a free consultation at  (212) 425-1999  today.  


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Here’s the hard truth: lawsuits are a huge time investment and can be difficult and since we don’t get paid unless you win, we only take cases we believe in and know we can win so we don’t waste your time, or ours. Then we give it everything we’ve got.


Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall – Know the Difference

Legally Reviewed and Edited by: Terry Cochran

Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall

Understanding the differences between slip and fall vs. trip and fall accidents is crucial for your personal injury case if you were hurt in a fall on someone else’s property. Slips and falls often result from slick or wet surfaces, while trips and falls usually occur due to obstacles or uneven flooring. The evidence and legal strategy needed to prove your claim can vary based on whether you were injured in a trip and fall or slip and fall.

At Cochran, Kroll & Associates, P.C., our slip and fall attorneys understand the subtle differences between slip and fall vs. trip and fall cases. We will use our expertise in Michigan premises liability law to gather evidence and submit your claim to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall accident is a type of personal injury that occurs when an individual falls due to losing their footing on a slippery walking surface. These accidents can happen in various settings, from private residences to public places, and are typically characterized by the sudden and unexpected nature of the fall.

Slip and fall accidents can result in a wide range of injuries and are responsible for over one million ER visits annually and 12% of total falls. Some common injuries associated with slip and fall accidents include:

  • Fractures and broken bones. One of the most frequent injuries, especially among older individuals, is fractures or broken bones. These can occur in the wrist, hip, arm, or leg. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, with 300,000 people over 65 hospitalized annually for the injury.
  • Head injuries. Slip and fall accidents often lead to head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can have long-lasting consequences.
  • Soft tissue injuries. Sprains, strains, and contusions of muscles, ligaments, and tendons can occur, leading to pain and limited mobility.
  • Back and spinal cord injuries. Falls can result in serious back injuries or damage to the spinal cord, potentially causing paralysis or chronic pain.
  • Cuts and abrasions. Minor injuries such as cuts, scrapes, and bruises are common in slip and fall incidents but can still require medical attention.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents often occur due to the negligence of property owners who fail to maintain safe premises. The following are common causes of slip and fall accidents, including hazardous conditions and lack of warning from property owners or managers:

  • Wet or slippery floors. When a floor is wet or slippery, it becomes a hazard for anyone walking over it. Property owners have a duty to ensure that floors are dry, clean, and safe to walk on. Negligence occurs when they fail to address spills or wet floors or remove hazards like snow, ice, or puddles, leading to slip and fall accidents.
  • Poor lighting. Proper lighting is crucial for visibility, especially in areas where the floor may have liquid spills or other potential hazards. When property owners neglect to provide adequate lighting, it’s easy for individuals to slip on unseen hazards.
  • Lack of warning signs. Whenever there’s a potential hazard, like a wet or recently waxed floor, warning signs should be prominently displayed. The absence of warning signs can increase the likelihood of slip and fall accidents because victims are unaware of the danger.
  • Improperly maintained flooring. Worn, broken, or poorly maintained flooring can easily become slippery, especially during wet conditions. Property owners who neglect to maintain or replace flooring materials put visitors at risk of a serious slip and fall incident.
  • Lack of handrails. Handrails provide stability and support, especially in stairwells or on ramps. When property owners do not provide or maintain handrails where necessary, it can lead to slip and fall accidents because victims cannot grab on for support.
  • Cleaning products. The misuse or overuse of cleaning products can leave floors excessively slippery. When cleaning is not performed correctly, or residual cleaning product is left behind, it could create a slipping hazard for visitors.

What is a Trip and Fall Accident?

Trip and fall accidents occur when an individual stumbles or loses their balance and falls due to an obstacle or obstruction in their path. Trip and fall accidents happen when a person’s foot strikes an object or uneven surface, leading to a loss of balance and a fall.

The injuries resulting from trip and fall accidents can vary in severity depending on the circumstances and the individual’s physical condition. Some common injuries associated with trip and fall accidents include:

  • Sprains and strains. Trip and fall accidents can result in sprains and strains affecting muscles, ligaments, and tendons, necessitating rest and rehabilitation.
  • Fractures and broken bones. Falls can lead to wrist, arm, hip, or ankle fractures, highlighting the impact of unexpected trips.
  • Contusions and bruises. Minor injuries such as bruises, scrapes, and cuts are common in trip and fall incidents but can still cause pain and discomfort.
  • Head and face injuries. Tripping can lead to head injuries, including facial lacerations and dental damage, resulting in high medical bills and reconstructive procedures.
  • Back and spinal injuries. The sudden and jarring motion of tripping can result in back pain or spinal injuries, which can be chronic and debilitating for victims.
  • Concussions and TBIs. Head trauma from a trip and fall accident can cause concussions, which may have short-term or long-lasting effects such as cognitive changes and a loss of enjoyment of life.

Common Causes of Trip and Fall Accidents

Trip and fall accidents commonly occur due to hazards resulting from property owner negligence. The following common causes of trip and fall accidents include uneven flooring and obstacles in the walkway:

  • Uneven sidewalks or pavements. Uneven surfaces can cause an individual to trip and possibly sustain injuries. When a property owner neglects to address issues like cracked or uneven sidewalks, they increase the risk to visitors or residents.
  • Obstacles on walkways. Objects like misplaced furniture, loose cords, or clutter on walkways can create tripping hazards. Failing to keep walkways clear of these obstacles puts visitors at risk and can indicate property owner negligence.
  • Uneven flooring transitions. A sudden change in floor height can cause a trip and fall. When a property owner builds or maintains a property with poor flooring transitions or fails to warn about them, visitors may be likelier to fall due to the hazard.
  • Torn or frayed carpeting. Loose or damaged carpeting can snag a person’s foot, leading to a trip. The property owner’s failure to repair or replace worn carpeting heightens this risk and can show negligence.
  • Inadequate lighting. Poor lighting can obscure vision, making it difficult to see obstacles or uneven flooring, which can cause tripping. This can be due to a property owner failing to ensure adequate lighting to prevent accidents.
  • Protruding tree roots. Tree roots that protrude above the ground can be tripping hazards. A property owner’s failure to address these hazards on sidewalks or pathways may result in trip and fall accidents due to this negligence.

Legal Liability of a Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall

The legal liability in slip and fall vs. trip and fall cases is based on premises liability. This legal concept holds property owners or occupiers responsible for maintaining safe premises for visitors. While both types of accidents fall under this legal framework, there are differences in how liability is determined in slip and fall vs. trip and fall cases:

  • Cause of the hazard. To determine liability, your attorney will look at the cause of the hazard. For a slip and fall, this might mean investigating the origin of the hazardous condition and whether the property owner was aware or should have been aware of it. Liability for a trip and fall might depend on whether the tripping hazard was known or should have been known by the property owner and whether they posted adequate warnings or took corrective measures.
  • Duration of the hazard. How long hazardous conditions existed in slip and falls is a liability factor. For example, the property owner might be liable if a spill is left unattended in a busy grocery store for several hours. While the same concept applies to trip hazards, slip and fall conditions are usually temporary and easier to address. For instance, fixing uneven flooring may take longer to repair than cleaning a spill. Your attorney can examine this issue and help determine how the duration of the hazard affects your compensation claim.
  • Preventative measures. Attorneys may assess preventative measures taken by the property owner for both slip and fall vs. trip and fall cases. For a slip and fall, they may look at whether property owners took reasonable steps to prevent slipping hazards, such as putting down mats, posting warning signs, or promptly cleaning spills. For trips and falls, they may consider whether the property owner made reasonable efforts to prevent tripping hazards, such as repairing uneven flooring, removing obstacles, or providing adequate lighting.
  • Modified comparative negligence. Michigan uses modified comparative negligence for all personal injury claims. This means that both parties can be partially responsible for the accident. The percentage of fault you are assigned can lower your award under this doctrine. Also, you will not receive a damage award if you are more than 50% at fault. Your attorney can help you navigate your claim if you have partial fault. For instance, you were injured at work but failed to wear required non-slip footwear or were intoxicated when you tripped over a cord. Your attorney can investigate where the property owner may still bear responsibility, lowering your percentage of fault to help you get a fair settlement.

What to Do if You Experience a Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall

Experiencing a slip and fall or trip and fall accident can be physically and emotionally distressing. Taking the right steps to ensure your well-being and protect your legal rights is essential. If you are in a slip and fall or trip and fall, take the following actions:

  • Seek medical attention. Prioritize your health following a slip or trip incident. Always consult with a medical professional immediately, no matter how minor your injuries seem. Some fall-related injuries, like concussions or internal damage, might not show symptoms immediately. Early medical attention helps in faster recovery and establishes a documented history of your injuries, which can be beneficial should you pursue legal action.
  • Report the incident. Inform the property owner, manager, or relevant authority about the incident promptly. Ensure an accident report is filed and secure a copy for yourself. This document can act as a crucial piece of evidence, especially in determining the timing and place of the accident in case of a slip or trip and fall claim.
  • Document the scene. Visual evidence is critical to establishing the hazardous condition that led to your accident. If circumstances permit, capture photos or videos of the location where you fell. For slip and fall situations, take pictures of the slippery surface, ice, or other dangers present. In the case of trip and fall incidents, record the impediment or irregular terrain that resulted in your fall.
  • Collect witness contact information. If anyone witnessed your accident, collect their names and ways to contact them. Testimonies from these witnesses can support your version of events and shed further light on the unsafe circumstances that resulted in your slip or trip and fall episode.
  • Consult an attorney. Speak with a personal injury attorney with expertise in slip and fall or trip and fall cases. Our slip and fall attorneys at Cochran, Kroll, & Associates, P.C. can help you understand your legal rights and pursue compensation for your injuries.

What Four Elements You Must Prove in a Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall Case

In slip and fall or trip and fall cases, establishing liability and seeking compensation typically require proving four key elements. These elements are essential to demonstrate that the property owner or occupier was negligent and should be held responsible for your injuries and losses:

  • Duty of Care. It’s vital to determine that the property owner is responsible for keeping the premises safe for you. How you were on the property—be it as a business visitor, a casual guest, or an uninvited individual —determines the level of this responsibility. Your lawyer can help define your legal standing on the property by reviewing invitations, contracts, tickets, or purchase records indicating your reason for being there. We may also use witness accounts to verify your presence and determine the care duty you were entitled to under the premises liability law.
  • Breach of Duty. You must demonstrate that the property owner failed in their duty, such as neglecting a spill or not repairing a damaged walkway. Your lawyer will collect and showcase evidence highlighting the owner’s disregard for maintaining safety. This evidence can encompass maintenance logs, security camera recordings, or testimonies from witnesses. This proof can indicate a recurrent oversight or a one-time act of negligence, like overlooking a recognized danger. For example, time markers on security footage might illustrate that a spill was left unaddressed for an unreasonable duration, leading to a dangerous situation that resulted in your fall.
  • Causation. It’s essential to link the property owner’s negligence to your mishap and injuries. To establish this causation, your attorney might collect medical documents and incident reports and seek specialist opinions to draw a clear connection between the unsafe environment and your harm. In collaboration with your legal team, including partner attorney and registered nurse Eileen Kroll , they will consult medical professionals to explain how the premises’ conditions were behind the accident and your injuries. Eileen can use her background in the medical field to bolster this connection and accurately assess your current and future damages.
  • Damages. It’s crucial to illustrate the setbacks you’ve encountered due to the accident, including medical expenses and missed earnings. Your lawyer will gather all health records and other proof to highlight your losses and assist in securing maximum compensation. This may encompass economic damages, representing the quantifiable expenses you’ve experienced, derived from medical invoices, W2 forms, and other related bills. Your compensation might also account for non-economic damages like pain, anguish, and emotional turmoil. We’ll use medical reviews, psychological appraisals, and personal accounts to depict your suffering and substantiate the compensation claim.

Trip and fall or slip and fall accident

Seek a Fair Settlement With Help From Cochran, Kroll, & Associates, P.C.

Whether you were hurt in a trip and fall or slip and fall accident, you deserve financial compensation for your injuries caused by someone else’s negligence. Our experienced attorneys at Cochran, Kroll, & Associates, P.C. have the legal skill and knowledge to aggressively represent your interests in a slip and fall claim.

We can help you receive a settlement that covers the full extent of your injuries. Contact Cochran, Kroll & Associates for a free consultation for your slip and fall vs. trip and fall claim.

Our contingency fee basis means we only get paid if we win your case, so there is no financial risk to you to get started. Call our law firm today at 1-866-MICH-LAW and schedule your no-obligation, free case evaluation.

Disclaimer : The information provided is general and not for legal advice. The blogs are not intended to provide legal counsel and no attorney-client relationship is created nor intended.


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Results-driven track record.

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Medical Malpractice / Birth Injury

Monroe, Michigan


A young couple from Monroe, Michigan, was awarded a $15.8 million verdict as the result of their baby son, Jason, being inflicted with Cerebral Palsy as the result of an error during the final stages of a labor.

Result: $15.8 Million

Medical malpractice/wrongful death.

Oakland County, Michigan

What Happened:

While in the hospital a mother of three was not properly treated for a closed-head injury causing her untimely death.

Result: $1 Million

Accidents & injuries/brain injury.

Livonia, Michigan

A Livonia pedestrian recovered $1.4 million when he was struck by a commercial van resulting in a traumatic brain injury in Redford, Michigan.

Result: $1.4 Million

Medical malpractice / misdiagnosis.

Wayne County, Michigan

Patient suffered cardiac arrest and brain damage when a hospital failed to recognize internal bleeding and treatment was delayed for more than 14 hours.

Result: $9 Million

Accidents & injuries/auto accident.

Tuscola County, Michigan

A Tuscola County jury awarded $3.3 million to a severely brain injured motorist as the result of a defective Michigan highway.

Result: $3.3 Million

Accidents & injuries/construction site injury.

Flint, Michigan

A seventeen-year-old construction worker suffered a traumatic brain injury resulting from a fall in Flint, Michigan, and was awarded $1.25 million.

Result: $1.25 Million

Medical malpractice.

Middle-aged woman suffered severe disfiguring facial burns from a simple surgical procedure.

Result: $1.9 Million

Medical malpractice / birth trauma.

Southern Michigan

Child developed cerebral palsy with developmental delays due to lack of oxygen and brain injury during labor and delivery.

Result: $3.8 Million

Accidents & injuries/construction site/workplace injury.

Westland, Michigan

A Westland construction worker recovered $1.5 million after sustaining a traumatic brain injury while on a construction site in Detroit, Michigan.

Result: $1.5 Million

Accidents & injuries/truck accident.

Marlette, Michigan

A Marlette, Michigan, family reached a $1.3 million settlement in the traffic death of their 5-year-old son when they were struck by a semi truck.

Result: $1.3 Million

Medical malpractice/cancer misdiagnosis.

Redford, Michigan

The misdiagnosis of breast cancer resulted in a Redford, Michigan, woman recovering $225,000.

Result: $225,000

Workers compensation.

Detroit, Michigan

A construction worker redeemed his worker’s compensation case for $125,000 in Detroit, Michigan.

Result: $125,000

A paraplegic woman from Monroe, Michigan, recovered Michigan no-fault benefits including the purchase of a new home and attendant care in excess of $400,000.

Medical Malpractice/Birth Injury

Brighton, Michigan; Detroit, Michigan

A Brighton family recovered $1.3 million and a Detroit family recovered $900,000 as the result of birth injuries and medical malpractice to their children.

Result: $2.2

Bay City, Michigan

A Bay City grandmother was awarded $80,000 following an auto accident resulting in a broken leg.

Result: $80,000

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difference between slips and trips

Victor Malca P.A.

Trip and Fall vs. Slip and Fall: What’s The Difference?

So you’ve fallen on the ground and injured yourself. In the aftermath of the accident, the last thing you’d probably think about is whether it was a trip and fall or a slip and fall. I mean, you fell and got hurt, does it really matter how? 

Well, if you’re looking to claim compensation for your injury, it will. Knowing whether it was a trip and fall or a slip and fall can have serious legal implications. It can affect how much you should receive or if you’re eligible for compensation at all.

Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall

Trip and fall and slip and fall are two terms often used interchangeably. Here’s how they differ:

Trip and Fall

A trip and fall accident happens when the foot strikes or collides with an object resulting in a loss of balance. It’s usually caused by an uneven surface or an object sticking out of the ground. But it can also be caused by the following factors :

  • poor lighting
  • Items and clutter left on the floor
  • uncovered cables
  • obstructed views
  • wrinkled carpets
  • loose or broken floor tiles
  • buckled wood floors

For example, imagine walking in your workplace and your foot unexpectedly colliding with an uncovered cable. Unless you’ve got some sick ninja moves, you’ll most likely end up falling face down on the floor. 

Most of us will also attempt to brace the fall by extending our arms. This is why most trip and fall injuries usually include:

  • head trauma
  • facial wounds
  • dislocated wrists and elbows
  • dislocated knees
  • hyperextended elbow

Slip and Fall

As the term suggests, a slip and fall accident happens when there is a lack of traction or too little friction between your foot or footwear and the ground. This causes your feet to slide over the surface you’re walking on, thus propelling you to the ground. 

Most slip and fall injuries result from a slippery surface but they can also be caused by:  

  • shiny or glossy surfaces
  • liquid spills on smooth surfaces
  • loose or unanchored mats
  • banana peels
  • recently waxed hardwood floor
  • muddy ground
  • any surfaces with uneven traction

Since slipping tend to make you fall backward , a slip and fall accident is likely to cause:

  • traumatic brain injuries
  • neck injuries
  • hip fractures
  • back and spinal cord injuries
  • sprained ankles and wrists
  • cuts and abrasions
  • soft tissue injuries
  • broken elbow

Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), slips trips, and falls account for 18% of nonfatal and 17% of fatal work injuries in 2020. This makes it one of the most common workplace accidents in the US. 

It’s especially more common in the construction industry where it’s responsible for about 36.5% of all fatalities. The most common non-fatal slip trip and fall injury is fracture which occurs in 5% of all injured workers. 

The risk of developing a serious injury after a slip and fall or trip and fall accident also increases with age. This means that older workers are more likely to develop permanent disabilities as a result of such types of accidents. 

Because they’re so common and often occur so suddenly, many workplaces tend to ignore the hazards that often cause these accidents. For instance, a construction site usually has a lot of debris lying around which can cause some people to trip and fall on their faces. Even OSHA itself doesn’t have set rules and regulations that specifically deal with slips, trips, and falls.

Legal Implications

As mentioned, being able to tell the difference between a trip and fall and a slip and fall is important if you’re planning to pursue legal actions. 

In trip and fall accidents, you tend to fall facedown. While slip and fall accidents tend to send you falling backward. So if you’re claiming a hip injury because you tripped and fell, it doesn’t exactly add up. I mean, if you’re falling forward, you’ll likely hurt your face or arms more than your hips. That alone will throw doubt on your testimony of what exactly happened. 

Remember that when you’re in court, the primary goal is to get the judge to rule in your favor. If the circumstantial evidence doesn’t make sense, how can you convince them that you’re telling the truth? You might end up losing your claim. 

Of course, if you’re hurting or unconscious after the fall, the details might become hazy. This is why you need to remember as many details as you can. You can also gather testimonies from witnesses and medical records to prove your claim. The more information you have, the better your chances of winning your case.

Can You Claim Workers Comp Benefits?

According to the National Floor Safety Institute , slips trips, and falls are the leading causes of workers’ compensation claims. So if you’re wondering whether you can claim workers comp benefits after a trip and fall or a slip and fall accident, then yes, you can – as long as it’s work-related. 

As per the National Safety Council , the average workers’ comp settlement for fall and slip accidents is $47,681 – one of the highest among all types of work-related accidents. People who suffered a fracture, crush, and dislocation received an average of $59,749. 

These figures, however, will still depend on the severity of your injury and how many days off from work you’ll need. If you suffered a severe injury, like a broken spinal cord or serious neck injuries, you’ll most likely need more intensive medical care and treatment as opposed to minor bruises and cuts. You’ll also need more time off from work. All these can increase your workers comp benefit amount.

But as with any other type of work-related injury, claiming workers comp won’t be that easy. 

It’s not exactly a secret that employers and insurance companies don’t like paying compensation. The process will be even harder if you can’t even tell whether you tripped or slipped. 

This is where hiring an experienced workers comp lawyer like Victor Malca would help a lot. Aside from advising you on what your rights are as an injured worker, he can help you gather evidence for your case too. Plus, a workers comp lawyer will also represent you in court should you and your employer fail to agree on a settlement.

A person who has tripped and fallen near a wet floor sign.

Workers Comp Benefits for Slips, Trips, and Fall

Since workers compensation is implemented on a state level, the rules and regulations tend to vary across the country. But in general, workers comp benefits for slips, trips, and fall will consist of the following:

Medical Benefits

In most states, workers comp medical benefits will cover all necessary medical expenses. This includes emergency medical treatment, medical bills, medical supplies, medications, surgery and orthopedic devices (if necessary). Though most workers comp laws require that your treating doctor must be accredited by your insurance provider. Otherwise, your claim can get denied.

In general, workers comp will pay for all your medical bills and expenses until you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). In case of permanent disabilities, your compensation may also include payment for maintenance medications as needed.

Lost Wages Compensation

Aside from paying for your medical expenses, your workers comp benefits will also include lost wages compensation if your injury caused you to miss work. The amount will be based on your average weekly wage from before you got injured.

In Florida , you can receive up to 66 ⅔% of your average weekly wage depending on the severity of your injury. However, you’ll only be paid for the first seven days of your absence from work if your injury extends to over 21 days. 

For temporary slip, trip, and fall injuries, lost wages benefits will last until you reach MMI but shall not exceed 104 weeks. Though if you return to work before that, your workers comp payments will most likely stop.

What to Do After a Slip, Trip, and Fall Accident

If you’ve been involved in a slip, trip, and fall accident, especially in the workplace, here’s what you should do:

1. Get Medical Help

This is pretty basic in almost all emergency situations. If you are conscious, the first thing you need to do immediately after the accident is to get medical help, especially if you suffered a severe injury. 

If you’re alone and you have your phone with you, don’t hesitate to call 911. If you’re with a group of people, get them to call an ambulance or take you to the emergency room. 

At this point, the most important thing is to get medical help. You may be conscious but there’s no telling how the impact affected your body until after you get to the hospital. Getting medical treatment will also make it easier for you to secure a doctor’s report which will be useful when you pursue legal action or file a workers comp claim.

2. Gather Evidence

One way our body deals with trauma is to suppress our memory of the actual accident. This is why most people who’ve been involved in an accident usually find it hard to remember details of the accident. 

Unfortunately, those details will most likely be necessary if you decide to take your case to court. So while waiting for help to arrive, take photos or videos of the accident scene. If you can’t, ask someone to do it for you. Take photos of the slippery surface, that uncovered cable, or whatever it is that caused your injury. In addition to the doctor’s report, you can use this as evidence that the accident is indeed work-related.

3. Report the Accident

After getting a first aid treatment, the next thing you should do is formally report the accident to your employer. 

In most states, workers’ compensation laws impose a time limit for reporting injuries. In Florida, for instance, you need to report your injury within 30 days after it happened. Otherwise, you won’t be able to claim workers’ compensation benefits.

4. Look for Witnesses

Having testimonies from eyewitnesses will add more credibility to your case. So if one of your coworkers or anyone saw what happened, get their contact information like name, address, phone number, or email. You might need their testimonies later on. Or they might have taken a photo or video of the accident. Those might come in handy too.

5. Talk to Your Lawyer

Getting compensation for slip, trip, and fall accidents can be complicated especially if there’s doubt that the accident is work-related. This is why, ideally, you should talk to your lawyer before negotiating a settlement with your employer or insurance company. 

Most of the time, employers and insurance companies have their own legal team who works on disproving cases like yours. But having an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer like Victor Malca by your side can even out the playing field. His extensive experience in defending workers’ comp cases will help you get a more favorable settlement. He has already helped a lot of injured workers in Florida. He can help you get the benefits you deserve too. Contact us for a free consultation .

(Related: How Does A Workers Comp Investigation Work? )

VICTOR MALCA – Florida Workers Compensation & Social Security Disability Attorney

Victor Malca P.A. has over 27 years of litigation experience in Workers Compensation and Social Security Disability lawsuits. His experience and continued success when fighting for his clients puts him among the most trusted workers’ compensation attorney’s in Florida. He specializes in representing injured workers on compensation benefit cases and disabled individuals claiming lost social security disability benefits.

Book a free consultation today. Our unwavering advocacy for employee rights and privileges are recognized by our past clients across South Florida.

About The Author

Judy Ponio is a writer and editor for the Victor Malca Law P.A. website and blog. She enjoys helping people in need with questions about social security disability and workers compensation law. She has a passion for helping those in need and the elderly with accurate legal information that can make a positive difference in their lives.

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Personal Injury Law Firm in Clearwater, Tampa and New Port Richey, FL

What’s the Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents?

Mark Roman | December 29, 2020 | Premises Liability

The National Safety Council revealed that every second , someone in the US is injured from a preventable event, like a car crash , accidental poisoning, or fall. Reports of slips, trips, and falls have risen sharply over the last couple of decades and are now the leading cause of preventable injuries.

With so many slip, trip, and fall incidents happening each day, it makes sense that several Americans find themselves in need of legal help to recover damages. If you’ve been the victim of a fall, you may find yourself unsure of how to classify the accident. Is it a slip & fall or a trip & fall ? What distinguishes them anyway? Here’s everything you need to know about the difference between a slip and a trip—and why it matters.

The Type of Fall Frames the Case

In law, the meaning of every word is carefully analyzed. Slips and trips are similar in nature, but as far as tort law is concerned, the minor things that set them apart make a big difference. 

What Constitutes a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall accident occurs when a slippery surface causes a person to lose their footing and fall to the ground. 

Slip and fall accidents can be caused by many different types of surfaces, but common offenders include: 

  • Smooth floors that have been waxed
  • Round objects left on the floor
  • Loose or worn carpets and rugs
  • Carpets with poor traction
  • Icy walkways
  • Muddy paths

When people walk, they usually have a good idea of the floor’s slip potential, and they adjust their level of caution accordingly. Most people know to tread lightly on icy surfaces or avoid walking through the spilled milk in aisle 12. When someone crosses a muddy patch of grass, they move a little slower and carefully place their feet in areas that look the least slick.

Most often, a slip and fall happens when someone believes that their feet have a better grip on the ground than they do: The slippery surface sneaks up on them, only revealing itself once the person loses traction and begins to slide.

Typically, when a person’s foot loses its grip and slips forward, the rest of their body is left behind, causing their weight to shift and make them fall backward. Backward falls affect specific areas of the body, meaning slip and fall accidents create unique traumas. Slip and fall injuries may include:

  • Sprained joints
  • Spinal cord injuries , back problems , and nerve damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Dislocated shoulders
  • Bruised, sprained, and fractured hips

Of course, the fall speed and landing place can affect how badly a person is injured. Plenty of people slip without suffering severe damage, but in some cases, the injuries from a slip and fall accident can be very extreme and even life-threatening . Slip and fall accidents pose a great risk of internal damage to the body.

What Constitutes a Trip and Fall Accident?

In some ways, tripping is the opposite of slipping. Slip and fall accidents propel a person backward, but trip and falls fling a person forward. A trip and fall accident happens when someone is walking and stumbles on a grounded object in their path. One of their feet gets caught on the impeding object, and the rest of their body stays in motion, causing them to topple forward.

Almost anything can get in someone’s way and cause them to trip, but common offenders of accidental trip and falls include:

  • Raised surfaces like stairs and street curbs
  • Cracked or uneven sidewalks
  • Boxes, clutter, or any items left on the floor
  • Door frames
  • Furniture that juts out into a walkway
  • Low lighting that conceals objects in a person’s way

Trip and fall accidents vary in severity, but when injuries are sustained, they often include:

  • Foot injuries
  • Neck and face injuries
  • Broken bones , especially arms and fingers
  • Sprained thumbs
  • External wounds and bleeding

People often have more control over their landing in a trip and fall accident and therefore suffer more external injuries than long-term internal problems, but that doesn’t mean trip and falls should be taken lightly.

Are Slips, Trips, and Falls Worthy of a Lawsuit?

Florida law allows people four years from the date of an injury to file a lawsuit seeking compensation. In most slip and fall and trip and fall cases, the claimant tries to prove negligence on behalf of a third party. This means that the person who has been injured is not to blame for the accident, but rather someone else’s careless actions.

The goal of a negligence case is to hold the responsible party accountable for the pain and suffering , as well as the financial burden caused by an accident. Money can’t always undo the damage, but it can help to restore a person to their pre-accident condition as best as possible. When a person believes that negligence caused their fall, it’s definitely worth exploring legal options.

5 Steps to Take After a Fall Accident

Taking the proper actions after sustaining a slip and fall or trip and fall injury goes a long way toward both physical and financial recovery. Here’s what to do should you ever find yourself injured:

  • Get medical attention right away and save any documentation from hospital or doctor visits.
  • Report the fall to a manager, landlord, property owner, or fitting authority and ask for a written copy of the report.
  • Document as many details about the fall as possible, including where, when, and how it happened. If you can, take pictures of where it occurred and collect contact information for anyone who witnessed the incident.
  • Don’t give any statements without a lawyer’s help or talk about the fall on social media.
  • Get in touch with a Clearwater personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience handling premises liability cases like yours.

Carefully following these steps will give you the best chance of fully recovering damages caused by the accident.

Contact the Clearwater Premises Liability Law Firm of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for Help Today

For more information, please contact the legal team of Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers for a free initial consultation with a premises liability lawyer in Clearwater. We have four convenient locations in Florida : Clearwater , New Port Richey , and Tampa .

We serve throughout Pinellas County , Hillsborough County , Pasco County , and its surrounding areas:

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Clearwater Office 1811 N. Belcher Road, Suite I-1 Clearwater, FL 33765 (727) 787-2500

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Congress Ave Office 2360 Congress Avenue Clearwater, FL 33763 (727) 591-5610

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – Tampa Office 6601 Memorial Hwy Suite 202 Tampa, FL 33615 (813) 686-7588

Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers – New Port Richey Office 2515 Seven Springs Blvd. New Port Richey, FL, 34655 (727) 815-8442

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difference between slips and trips

Slip and Fall OR Trip and Fall? Why the Difference Matters

Posted February 1, 2022 by Rich Bucheri & filed under pain and suffering , Personal Injury Attorney , Personal Injury Blog , Slip and Fall Accidents .

Slip and Fall OR Trip and Fall? Why the Difference Matters

Falls are considered the second leading cause of unintentional injuries and deaths globally.  However, the initial cause of the fall and how the incident happened precisely can vary. In legal settings, the term “slip and fall” is often used to reference specific types of personal injury cases where the victim slipped and fell due to another party’s negligence. However, while a slip is different than a trip, people often use the terms interchangeably.

There is a difference between the two, and it is important to make the distinction when you file a personal injury claim. While it may not seem like a big deal, wording is crucial when dealing with legal matters and can make a huge difference in how your case plays out.

If you suspect you were injured in a slip and fall accident , you should consult with an experienced Indianapolis personal injury attorney. Though “slip and fall” might be used as a catch-all phrase for slips and trips, your attorney can help you clarify what type of accident actually happened to ensure there are no misunderstandings with your case.

Slip and Fall vs.Trip and Fall

Though slips and trips are very similar, it’s essential to make the distinction when filing a personal injury claim or even a lawsuit.

When you trip and fall , typically, you fall forward . While this can happen in various ways, it commonly happens because you trip or catch your foot on something on the floor or ground.

When you slip and fall , you will generally fall backward . Again, there are varying ways this can occur, but often it is the result of the foot slipping forward on a wet, slippery, or smooth surface, causing the body to lose its balance.

Causes of Trips

Common causes or factors that contribute to a trip and fall accident include:

  • Loose cords
  • Raised, uneven, or broken pavement and flooring
  • Loose carpeting or rugs
  • Elevated thresholds
  • Objects cluttering the floor
  • Poorly lit or maintained stairwells (going up)

Causes of Slips

Common causes or factors that contribute to a slip and fall accident include:

  • Spilled oils or liquids
  • Recently mopped or waxed floors
  • Snow and ice outdoors
  • Melted snow or ice on floors indoors
  • Poorly lit or maintained stairwells (going down)

Injuries That Result From Slips and Trips

While you can sustain similar injuries whether you tripped or slipped, specific injuries can occur more often depending on the way a person falls. Trips, for example, are more likely to result in injuries to the front of the body because a person who trips tends to fall forward.

Examples of injuries from a trip and fall include:

  • Facial injuries
  • Head and brain injuries (towards the front)
  • Hand and wrist injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Elbow injuries

In contrast, slips and falls are more likely to result in injury to the backside of the body. This includes:

  • Back injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Head and brain injuries (towards the back)
  • Hip injuries
  • Arm and shoulder injuries

Why Does the Distinction Matter?

Again, when dealing with legal matters, classifications and wording are important. You will need to describe exactly what happened to you and how it happened when filing a personal injury claim or a lawsuit against a negligent party. The defending party may try to deny fault or claim that the fall occurred differently than you stated. So it’s important to get your story and wording straight to help insurance companies and the judge (if the case goes to trial) understand exactly what happened so they can determine fault and award damages.

It is often necessary in this situation to work with an attorney who can help you win your case so you can get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Generally, slip or trip and fall cases are matters of premises liability. Property owners are responsible for keeping their property reasonably free of hazards that could cause an accident. To prove fault, you will need to work with your attorney to show that the property owner failed to exercise reasonable care and address the hazard.

Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery — Indianapolis Personal Injury Attorneys

If you or someone you love are injured due to a slip or a trip and fall accident, the experts at Poynter & Bucheri can help. While we use the phrase “slip and fall” for various types of fall accidents, it’s important to distinguish between a trip and a slip when it comes time to file your personal injury claim. Our team can help you correctly identify the type of accident that occurred to ensure there are no misunderstandings that could negatively affect your case. We will do everything within our power to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.  Don’t hesitate — one of our experienced attorneys can assist you right away. Call 1-800-265-9881 for a free case review .


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  • Truck Accidents
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  • Dog Bite Injuries
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  • Boating Accidents
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  • Slip and Fall Injuries
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difference between slips and trips

Difference Between Slip-and-Falls and Trip-and-Falls

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. The risk of falling is a constant concern whether at home, work, or out and about. Two common types of falls that can occur are slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls. While they might seem similar, the differences can affect their causes, outcomes, and legal implications. This essential guide will delve into the disparities between slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls, helping you better understand how they occur and how to prevent them.

Difference Between Slip-and-Falls and Trip-and-Falls

  • 1 Understanding Slip-and-Falls
  • 2 Unraveling Trip-and-Falls
  • 3 Factors Influencing the Severity
  • 4.1 ●     Slip-and-Falls
  • 4.2 ●     Trip-and-Falls
  • 5 Legal Implications

Understanding Slip-and-Falls

A slip-and-fall occurs when a person loses traction and balance due to a slippery or hazardous surface, resulting in a fall. This type of fall is often linked to wet floors, icy pathways, or spilled liquids. The critical element in a slip-and-fall incident is the lack of proper friction between the person’s footwear and their walking surface. According to a seasoned slip and fall lawyer , legal aspects come into play when determining liability and seeking compensation for injuries sustained in slip-and-fall accidents. Some common scenarios that can lead to slip-and-falls include:

  • Wet Floors: Whether it’s a freshly mopped floor without proper signage or a rainy day causing water accumulation indoors, wet floors can pose a significant risk.
  • Icy Surfaces: In colder climates, icy sidewalks and parking lots can turn into treacherous paths, leading to slip-and-fall accidents, primarily if not adequately maintained or salted.
  • Spills: Whether it’s a spilled drink in a restaurant or a leak in a grocery store aisle, liquids on the floor can create a hazardous situation.
  • Uneven Surfaces: Transitioning from a carpeted area to a tiled one without proper notice can also lead to slips and uneven flooring.
  • Inadequate Footwear: Wearing shoes with insufficient grip on slippery surfaces can increase the risk of a slip-and-fall incident.

Unraveling Trip-and-Falls

On the other hand, trip-and-falls occur when a person’s foot collides with an object or uneven surface, causing them to lose balance and fall. Unlike slip-and-falls, where the primary issue is inadequate friction, trip-and-falls are caused by obstacles impeding a person’s movement. Some common scenarios that can lead to trip-and-falls include:

  • Uneven Walkways: Cracked sidewalks, potholes, or other uneven surfaces can catch a person’s foot and lead to a trip-and-fall.
  • Cluttered Areas: Objects left in walkways, such as cords, toys, or debris, can become hazards and cause someone to trip.
  • Poor Lighting: Inadequate lighting can make it difficult to spot potential tripping risks, increasing the likelihood of a trip-and-fall incident.
  • Loose Flooring or Carpets: Loose tiles, floorboards, or carpets that aren’t correctly secured can create unexpected obstacles.
  • Uneven Stairs: Uneven steps, lack of handrails, or faulty stair design can result in trip-and-falls on staircases.

Factors Influencing the Severity

The severity of injuries resulting from slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls can vary based on several factors. For slip-and-falls, the impact often occurs suddenly and is more likely to result in injuries like sprains, fractures, and contusions due to the forceful impact of hitting the ground. In contrast, trip-and-falls can result in injuries like cuts, bruises, and broken bones due to the effects of colliding with objects or uneven surfaces. Additionally, the angle and direction of the fall can also play a role in determining the severity of injuries. Falling forward or backward can result in different types of injuries, so understanding the dynamics of these falls is crucial for prevention and proper medical care.

Preventive Measures

Preventing slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls requires awareness, maintenance, and caution. Here are some preventive measures for each type of fall:

●     Slip-and-Falls

Use clear signage to indicate wet floors, freshly mopped areas, or other slippery surfaces. Maintain outdoor walkways to prevent ice buildup and clear indoor spills promptly. Encourage wearing proper footwear with non-slip soles, especially in environments prone to spills or wet surfaces. Use entrance mats to prevent moisture from being tracked indoors, reducing the risk of wet floors.

Moreover, regular safety reminders and training sessions can significantly enhance slip-and-fall prevention strategies by fostering awareness among employees and visitors. By addressing potential hazards promptly and promoting responsible behaviors, businesses can create safer environments for everyone. These comprehensive measures work in synergy to mitigate risks and promote a proactive approach to safety, ultimately reducing the likelihood of slip-and-fall incidents.

●     Trip-and-Falls

Keep walkways and corridors clear of obstacles, clutter, and debris. Ensure proper lighting in all areas to help individuals spot potential tripping hazards. Repair loose tiles, floorboards, and carpets promptly to prevent unexpected obstacles. Install handrails and guards on staircases and ramps to stabilize and prevent falls.

Additionally, fostering a culture of vigilance within households and workplaces can further aid in reducing trip-and-fall incidents. Regular checks for potential hazards and immediate corrective actions underscore the commitment to safety. By proactively addressing these factors, individuals and organizations can create environments prioritizing safety and minimizing the risks associated with trip-and-fall accidents.

Legal Implications

Understanding the differences between slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls is crucial for personal safety and legal matters. Property owners and businesses are responsible for maintaining safe premises for visitors and customers. If negligence can be proven, individuals who suffer injuries in slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall incidents may be eligible for compensation to cover injuries and other damages. It’s important to note that the legal process and liability can vary based on local laws and regulations. If you’ve been involved in such an incident, seeking legal advice from professionals specializing in premises liability can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system.

Furthermore, understanding the nuances of these fall types empowers individuals to take proactive steps to prevent accidents and make informed decisions in case of legal challenges. While personal safety remains paramount, recognizing the legal dimensions underscores property owners’ and businesses’ responsibilities toward their visitors’ well-being. The compensation eligible for those affected by slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall incidents highlights the importance of accountability and maintaining safe environments. Given the diverse legal landscapes, seeking guidance from professionals well-versed in premises liability ensures your rights are protected, and you can effectively pursue rightful claims.

Difference Between Slip-and-Falls and Trip-and-Falls

Slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall incidents might share the common element of causing a fall, but their underlying causes, dynamics, and preventive measures differ significantly. Understanding these differences can empower individuals to take proactive steps to prevent such accidents and make informed decisions if faced with legal challenges. By staying aware of your surroundings, wearing appropriate footwear, maintaining clear pathways, and advocating for proper safety measures, you can contribute to a safer environment for yourself and those around you. Remember, knowledge is the first step towards prevention, and with the information provided in this guide, you’re better equipped to protect yourself and others from slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents.

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Personal Injury Blog

The Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

Gregg Hollander | February 13, 2021 | Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents differ from trip and fall accidents in the types of injuries they cause. But the things you need to win a case and the damages you can recover will be the same, no matter whether your accident was caused by a slip or a trip.

Here are some important things you need to know about the differences between a trip and a slip and how to recover compensation for any type of falling injury.

An Overview of Slip and Fall Accidents

The phrase “slip and fall accidents” is often used as a catchall term to describe any accident that happens on someone else’s property. However, slip and falls are legally defined as a specific type of accident.

The Mechanics of a Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall happens when the friction between your foot and the floor is at such a low level that you lose your footing. If you viewed a slip in slow motion, you would first see your foot begin to slide. This would then throw off your center of gravity, causing it to become out of line with your feet, and ultimately making you lose your balance.

As your feet slip forward, you throw your hands back to try to catch yourself. You fall to the ground, usually backward or to the side. In many cases, your hands and arms also strike the ground as you try to brace against the collision.

How Slip and Fall Accidents Happen

Slip and fall accidents almost always occur because some substance has made the floor or ground extra slippery. Some examples of slip and fall hazards include:

  • Water or snow
  • A waxed floor
  • Spilled liquids
  • Spherical objects, like marbles or candy
  • Fruits or other moist foods

These hazards appear in retail stores, apartment buildings, offices, hotels, event venues, movie theaters, and other public places. When they result in a fall, the person or business responsible for the property might be liable for the damages caused.

Common Injuries From Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can cause many types of injuries. But some injuries are distinctive to slip and falls, including:

Back Injuries

Since slip and fall accidents usually result in a backward fall , your back could easily strike the ground or an obstacle behind you. This can in turn cause broken vertebrae, slipped or ruptured discs, or strained back muscles.

Spinal Cord Injuries

If a disc or vertebra slips out of place or a disc bulges into the spinal column, the spinal cord could become compressed , leading to nerve pain, loss of sensation, or even paralysis.

Head Injuries

As you fall backward, your head might strike the ground. This can lead to bruises, bleeding, or even a skull fracture.

  • Brain Injuries

A concussion or contusion to the brain can occur when your head hits the ground. Severe brain injuries can lead to death. Less severe brain injuries can affect the sensory, motor, and speech centers of the brain or lead to behavioral changes.

Shoulder and Arm Injuries

An impact on the ground when trying to catch yourself may result in a broken or sprained wrist, arm, elbow, or shoulder.

Hip Injuries

Since people tend to fall onto their buttocks or side during a slip and fall accident, it’s easy to break a hip or strain hip muscles.

Other kinds of injuries can also occur. For example, if you slip on the stairs, you could suffer from broken ribs or neck injuries as you fall down the stairs.

An Overview of Trip and Fall Accidents

Most of the time, trip and fall accidents are not very different from slip and fall accidents. Both types of accidents are often generalized under the category of premises liability accidents. On occasion, the difference between a trip and a slip might be relevant in explaining how you received your injuries and how the person or business responsible for the property contributed to the circumstances that caused your injury.

Mechanics of a Trip and Fall Accident

A trip and fall occurs when an object catches your foot or leg and causes the center of your gravity to shift forward. As you fall forward, you reach out with your hands to catch yourself. Since your foot is caught, you might be unable to regain your balance before you fall forward to the ground.

How Trip and Fall Accidents Happen

Trip and falls usually happen due to something above the surface of the floor. This distinguishes them from slip and falls. Some examples of hazards that can cause trip and fall accidents include:

  • Broken or cracked floors or concrete
  • Uneven pavers or concrete slabs
  • Warped wood flooring
  • Raised thresholds
  • Rippled carpet
  • Changes in floor elevation, including steps up or down
  • Objects on the floor

Tripping hazards are often made worse by poor lighting or a failure to warn guests about a hazard. This is why you will often see signs warning customers of a “step up” using bright tape or markings where a raised door threshold is present.

Common Injuries From Trip-and-Fall Accidents

Like slip and fall accidents, trip and falls produce some distinctive injuries. Some examples of these injuries include:

Finger, Wrist, Elbow, and Arm Injuries

As you fall forward, you might try to catch yourself. The impact on the ground can fracture your bones and dislocate joints in your arms.

Facial Injuries

If you are unable to catch yourself, your face could strike the ground, breaking facial bones, bruising the face, or knocking out teeth.

Head and Brain Injuries

A hard fall can lead to a concussion or contusion of the brain. Similarly, a skull or facial bone fracture may push bone fragments into the brain, leading to bleeding and permanent brain injury.

Neck Injuries

An impact can cause the head to snap forward, straining the muscles of the neck. The discs in the neck could also compress or rupture, damaging or impinging on the spinal cord.

Knee and Leg Injuries

A forward fall can cause the knees to connect with the ground. This can tear ligaments, cartilage, tendons, and muscles in the knees and legs.

Again, other injuries could result if the trip occurs near objects or stairs. For example, a trip and fall accident near a railing might lead to strained muscles or broken bones where the body impacts the hard rail.

Recovering Compensation for Falling Injuries

Whether you slipped or tripped, you must prove negligence occurred in order to recover compensation for your injury. Negligence has four elements:

Property owners or lessees must provide reasonably safe conditions for guests on their property.

Property owners fail to uphold their duty if they do not take reasonable measures to identify hazards and repair them or warn guests about them.

You must suffer damages.

The breach must be the factual and proximate cause of the damages.

These elements will have to be proven by a lawyer . They may examine security videos, interview witnesses, and obtain expert opinions about the cause of your injuries. This evidence will help your lawyer to persuade an insurance company or a jury that the property owner or lessee is liable for your injuries.

Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm in South Florida

If you’ve been injured in an accident, please contact our experienced personal injury lawyers in Florida at Hollander Law Firm Accident Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today. We have three convenient locations in Boca Raton , Fort Lauderdale , and West Palm Beach .

We proudly serve Palm Beach County , Broward County , and its surrounding areas:

Hollander Law Firm Accident Injury Lawyers – Boca Raton Law Office 7000 W Palmetto Park Rd #500 Boca Raton, FL 33433 (561) 347-7770

Hollander Law Firm Accident Injury Lawyers – Fort Lauderdale Law Office 200 S.E. 6th Street #203 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 287-0566

Hollander Law Firm Accident Injury Lawyers – West Palm Beach Law Office 319 Clematis St #203 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 556-7873

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Personal Injury 2022

The Differences Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

Published in Premises Liability on January 11, 2021

The Differences Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

Falling is one of the most common types of accidents, causing tens of thousands of injuries every year. Falling accidents range from inconvenient and frustrating to dangerous and debilitating. But not all falling accidents are the same. 

“Trip and fall” and “ slip and fall ” accidents arise from very different circumstances. They often result in distinct types of injuries. Unfortunately, people often mistakenly believe that these two types of accidents are the same. However, there are important distinctions between the two.

If you are seeking financial compensation from a falling injury, the manner in which you’ve fallen could have important legal implications. An experienced personal injury attorney can advise you about the significant differences between “slip” and “trip” injury cases. In this post, we’ll examine some of the distinctions between these two types of falling accidents. 

Understanding a “Slip & Fall” Accident

Slip and fall accidents occur when the surface that someone is walking or standing on is unexpectedly slick. When a surface does not provide the expected amount of grip, the victim loses their balance and falls.

Typical examples of unexpectedly slippery surfaces include:

  • Hardwood floors or tile floors that have recently been waxed or cleaned
  • Surfaces that are unexpectedly wet (for instance, from an overflow, leak, or spill)
  • Flooring surfaces on which condensation has gathered
  • Carpeted floors with a low coefficient of friction

Some surfaces and floors are reasonably slick. For instance, the surfaces of ice rinks or roller-skating rinks are likely to be slick. A reasonable person would understand and expect that these surfaces will offer lower traction for standing or walking. 

However, slip and fall injuries occur when people stand or walk on surfaces that are unreasonably slippery. When a surface is unpredictably slick, the victim’s feet usually slide out from under them. This causes them to lose their balance and fall. 

Slip and fall accidents almost always result in the victim’s feet sliding forward unexpectedly. Next, the rest of their body falls backward uncontrollably, landing on the hard surface below.

Common Slip & Fall Injuries

Because this type of falling accident typically results in the victim falling backward, certain injuries are more likely. Some of these common injuries can result in long-term and debilitating consequences.

Some of the most common slip and fall injuries include:

  • Ankle Sprain:  When the victim’s foot moves forward along the slick surface, his or her leg can become misaligned. This puts pressure on the ankle and the surrounding soft tissue. Tendons, bones, ligaments , and muscles surrounding the ankle joint can suffer damage as the result of a slip and fall accident. This may prevent the victim from walking and require weeks or months of recovery.
  • Shoulder Dislocation:  This type of falling accident also often results in the victim’s shoulder becoming dislocated. When the victim slips, they may instinctively try to break their fall with their hands. This can cause their shoulder joint to suffer the force of the fall and become dislocated. Shoulder dislocations often require surgery and entail a long recovery period.
  • Brain Injury:  When a slip and fall victim fails to break their fall, they sometimes hit their head on the surface below. This can cause a traumatic brain injury . Brain injuries are incredibly serious. They can result in long-term loss of cognitive function and other debilitating symptoms. 

These are only a few of the possible injuries that victims suffer following slip and fall accidents. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident because of someone else’s carelessness, speak to a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. 

Understanding a Trip & Fall Accident

Trip and fall accidents usually occur when a person faces an unexpected object or obstruction in their path. The victim’s foot catches on the obstruction and they lose their balance. 

Some examples of obstructions that cause trip and fall accidents include:

  • Varying elevations of streets, curbs, and sidewalks
  • Uneven stones or concrete on an outdoor walking path
  • The thresholds between interior rooms
  • Uneven interior flooring in a restaurant or business
  • Items negligently left on the floor, like ropes, boxes, construction materials, brooms, or other objects

These accidents usually occur because the victim trips and is unable to bring his or her foot forward in time to keep from falling. The victim may not be aware of the unexpected obstruction or may simply have misjudged the height of the object in question.

Common Trip & Fall Injuries

Unlike slip and fall accidents, trip and falls often result in the victim falling forward. When the person’s foot is unable to move forward because of the obstruction, their center of mass falls in the direction in which they were previously walking. 

Some of the most common injuries from trip and fall accidents include:

  • Broken or Fractured Arm Bones:  When people trip, they tend to put their arms out in an attempt to catch themselves. If they land on their arms, this can result in fractures or breaks in their limbs. Elderly individuals are at an increased risk of bone fractures and breaks.
  • Abrasions, Cuts, and Lacerations:  Because trip and fall victims tend to fall forward, they are more likely to suffer lacerations or abrasions . Victims may scrape their hands, elbows, knees, or head on any other objects that their body encounters as they fall forward. For instance, a victim who trips over a box may scrape their hand on a storage shelf as they try to stop themselves from falling. 
  • Broken Fingers:  Usually, a person’s hands sustain the majority of the impact in a trip and fall accident. This happens because the victim instinctively tries to break their fall by stretching their hands out in front of them. Therefore, broken finger bones are a common outcome of trip and fall accidents. 

Falling accidents can result in a range of injuries, some of which may be life-threatening.

If you have been injured in a falling accident because of another party’s negligence, speak with a skilled personal injury lawyer right away. You have the legal right to seek financial recovery for the costs associated with your injury. 

For more information, call our law office at (617)-391-9001 . Or if you would prefer to email us, then please visit our contact page .

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Understanding the Differences between Slips, Trips, and Falls

Over 3 million  persons are admitted to hospitals each year due to tripping or slipping on hazards. These mishaps can be avoided the majority of the time. It is often possible to file a “slip and fall” or “trip and fall “claim to recover damages in such circumstances.

Many accident victims cannot distinguish between a “slip” and a “trip.” It may result in contradictory testimony and other evidence, which could hurt a case in court.

Victims must learn the distinctions between “trip and fall” accidents and “slip and fall” accidents to obtain the compensation required for recovery successfully. This blog will cover the differences between slips, trips, and falls to help you distinguish between them.

What Is a Slip?

More often than not, anything wet or slick on the floor—like water or ice—is to blame when someone trips and falls. Things spilled on the surface, such as beads or other spherical articles, can also cause slips.

A loss of surface traction can force the foot to slide upward and outward, occasionally leading to a fall. Slips frequently result in injuries to the hip, the head’s backside, the back, and the neck.

Ensure all floors are dry and spotless to prevent slip and fall accidents in Nevada. When this is not always practicable, such as when there is a leak, the “Wet Floor” sign can be very helpful in warning people of the potential danger.

What Is a Trip?

Usually, immovable items, uneven or damaged surfaces, or obstructions in the way lead to tripping. Workplace trip hazards can include:

  • Things left on the floor.
  • Dimly lit areas that hide obstacles.
  • Even loose carpeting and rugs.

Forward and outward motion can lead to a fall when a moving foot encounters opposition in the shape of one of these obstacles or objects. Injuries or bruises to the head or face’s front, injuries to the knee and elbow, and fracturing of the arms or hands are typical injuries individuals may suffer from tripping and falling.

Once more, it is simple to avoid trips at work by making sure that all walkways are clear of obstacles, that all paths are well-lit, and that any uneven or damaged surfaces are fenced off or prominently marked.

Why Is It Important to Differentiate Between Trips and Slips?

Particulars and nuances frequently affect an accident injury lawsuit’s outcome. When describing an accident to a court, it’s essential to keep the details factual, descriptive, and in chronological order.

Throughout the case, the plaintiffs want to repeat the same testimony, the same as the first time it was delivered right after the accident.

Because of the discrepancy between the injured person’s experience and the facts produced, a defense counsel may be able to prevent them from obtaining the maximum compensation to which they are entitled. For example, one can accidentally create a disparity that could be exploited by initially saying that one suffered a trip and fall accident in Nevada and then revising the narrative to a slip and fall accident.

How Can You Get Compensated For Slips, Trips, and Falls in Nevada?

You may settle outside of court for the injuries you experienced in your trip/slip accident. While it is certainly possible, we advise using a personal injury lawyer to pursue your case correctly.

To save themselves money while you recuperate from your injuries, insurance providers will do everything they can to ensure you receive the minimal settlement possible. A skilled attorney can enable you to obtain the maximum payment possible and guarantee that those responsible for your tragic situation are held accountable.

Contact The Bourassa Law Group right away to go over your options. We have experienced personal injury and slip, trip, and fall lawyers who can give you all the details you need to prosecute your case. We are here to assist you in determining if you may be eligible for compensation in addition to your medical costs. Call us at (800)870-8910  for a free consultation!

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difference between slips and trips

Slip-and-Fall vs. Trip-and-Fall: What’s the Difference?

difference between slips and trips

Thousands of people are hospitalized yearly because of slipping or tripping hazards. Often, these premises liability accidents are preventable. In most situations, it is possible to file a trip-and-fall or slip-and-fall lawsuit to collect compensation for damages. It is important to speak with a personal injury lawyer with experience successfully handling slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accident claims so you can better understand what to do if you slip and fall in a store . These attorneys can explain the differences between trip and fall vs slip and fall accidents, how to build a strong case, and the damages that can be recovered.

Fall Injury Statistics

According to the National Floor Safety Institute, more than eight million hospital emergency room visits a year are due to accidents involving falls; and, one million of those result from slip-and-fall injuries. Slip-and-fall accidents are the leading cause of workers’ compensation claims. Moreover, they are the leading cause of occupational injury for those who are 55 years old and older.

Data from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission shows that floors and materials used to make floors directly contribute to more than two million fall injuries annually. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 15,000 people who are age 65 or older die from falls yearly. These fall injury statistics illustrate the real harm the negligence of another individual or organization can have on the victims of slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents.

The Differences Between Slip-and-Fall and Trip-and-Fall Accidents

When you have an accident you need to understand the difference between trip and fall vs slip and fall incidents. Both types premises liability accidents can cause serious personal injury. The main difference between the two is the cause of the fall. Most people think tripping and slipping are similar since you wind up fall down and landing on the floor regardless, possibly with injuries. For legal purposes, however, trips and slips are thought of differently.

A slip-and-fall accident occurs when someone slips on a wet or slippery surface, such as a spilled liquid in a grocery store aisle. A trip-and-fall accident occurs when someone trips over an object, such as a worn rug. Slip-and-falls are usually caused by wet surfaces or spilled items, while trip-and-falls are caused by obstacles in the environment.

Trips and falls happen when someone’s foot or feet get caught on something, causing a fall. Slip and fall dangers often involve transient issues like spills or leaks. When the surface you’re walking on is slippery, you can’t get the needed traction you can when walking on a dry surface. This lack of traction can cause a foot or both feet to slide out from underneath you, making you fall.

Why the Differences Between Slip-and-Fall and Trip-and-Fall Accidents Matter

It is natural to wonder why it matters that there are differences between slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents. It matters because accidentally using slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall interchangeably in a courtroom setting shows a lack of consistency, which could make the judge or jury think you are not telling the truth. If they think you are not telling the truth, then your odds of winning and getting the compensation you deserve plummet.

The average person who has never had a fall injury before can easily get mixed up about the differences between slipping and tripping. For this reason, having a firm understanding of the exact kind of injury you suffered is the foundation of a solid case.

Examples of Trip-and-Fall Accidents

Trip-and-fall accidents can occur when a person trips over an object on the floor and cannot bring their other leg forward fast enough to prevent the fall. Examples of trip-and-fall scenarios include the following:

  • Tripping over the elevation between the street and the sidewalk
  • Uneven paving stones on the sidewalk
  • Loose floorboards
  • Poor lighting
  • Protruding displays
  • Wires or extension cords crossing over walking areas
  • Worn out carpeting
  • Bunched up rugs
  • Parking lot potholes
  • Defective sidewalks
  • Poorly constructed staircases

All of these scenarios can lead to various trip-and-fall injuries, ranging from mild to severe.

Examples of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur due to common hazards such as:

  • Wet floors and walkways
  • Ice and snow
  • Failing to repair and/or maintain leaky appliances like freezers, refrigerators, and washing machines
  • Freshly waxed or mopped surfaces
  • Spills that are not cleaned up
  • Splashed grease or oil
  • Moisture collection
  • Inclement weather
  • Failure to install warning signs of slippery surfaces

The injuries that can arise from slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents are similar because they both involve falling.

Common Slip-and-Fall & Trip-and-Fall Injuries

Many injuries can occur because of slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents. Below are some of the most common injuries:

  • Broken bones
  • Knee injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Hip fractures
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Severe cuts and bruises

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you suffer a fall injury, it is crucial to work with an experienced premises liability lawyer who knows how to win your case.

How to Win a Slip-and-Fall or Trip-and-Fall Case

What happens when you are injured in a store ? To win a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall legal case, the plaintiff must prove that the property owner or occupier failed to fulfill their duty of care. This generally requires demonstrating that the at fault party caused the hazard, knew or should have known about it and fixed it, and that the hazard caused injury to the victim because of this negligence.

The liability usually rests on the owner of the property where the accident occurred, and pursuing a slip-and-fall lawsuit involves gathering evidence, filing a claim with an insurance company, negotiating a settlement, and going to trial if necessary.

Contact Wolf Law PLLC for A Free Case Evaluation

Being the victim of a premises liability injury can make you feel a mix of emotions and cause a severe amount of pain. At Wolf Law PLLC, our clients come to us because they know we hold negligent parties accountable for fall injuries and get victims the compensation they need and are entitled to receive. Contact our slip and fall lawyer in Dallas today so we can help.

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Dealing with insurance companies and at-fault parties can be frustrating. Let the highly skilled Dallas Personal Injury Lawyers at Wolf Law, PLLC guide you through the process to obtain the results you want and deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. Hablamos Español.

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difference between slips and trips

Educating Injury Victims

  • Slip and Falls
  • Trip and Fall Injury Claims

Differences Between Trip and Fall and Slip and Fall Claims

difference between slips and trips

Matthew Carter, Esq.

Matthew has been a licensed attorney since 2004. He was awarded the Martindale rating of AV – Preeminent. This is given to attorneys ranked at the highest level of professional excellence by their peers.

Here’s how a trip and fall differs from a slip and fall, and what that means for your personal injury case. Protect your legal rights to fair compensation.

Slip and fall accidents and injuries, trip and fall accidents and injuries.

  • Who Pays Slip or Trip and Fall Claims?

Pursuing Payment for Fall Damages

At first glance, you might think that “slip and fall” and “trip and fall” mean the same thing.

In legal terms, “trip and fall” describes a different type of incident with a different type of injury. The differences can change your legal claim.

Slip and falls are caused by slick surfaces and victims usually fall backward.

Trip and falls are caused by obstacles that trip up a person and make them fall forward or to the side.

As with all personal injury claims, the value of a trip and fall case largely depends on the specific facts of the case.

Slip and fall accidents usually happen when the floor or ground is made slick or slippery. When you put your weight on the slick surface, your feet slide out from under you and you typically fall backward, onto your bottom, hips, or your back.

These kinds of falls can result in serious injuries to your head , neck , back , and various other body parts. Common causes of slips and falls are snowy or icy sidewalks, a wet floor, or some other slippery surface.

Case Example: Icy Parking Lot Causes Slip and Fall Injury

Paul was staying at a big hotel with a private, secured parking lot for guests. It’s the busy holiday season, with parties and business conventions booked every day. However, it was a bad winter with frequent ice and snow storms.

Paul’s company hosted a business conference at the hotel. One evening, Paul was carrying a box of conference materials as he headed to his car. The parking lot was still covered with snow from the night before.

Because of the snow cover, Paul didn’t see the icy patches on the untreated parking lot.

He slipped and fell, slamming the back side of his head and body to the asphalt. A concussion and dislocated shoulder kept Paul out of work for several weeks.

Person tripping over a wire

Trip and fall accidents happen when there is some kind of obstruction on the floor or ground. This dangerous condition, known as a “tripping hazard,” can catch someone’s foot or leg while they are walking or running.

The momentum of a trip and fall accident usually results in the victim falling forward and suffering an injury.

Trip and fall accidents tend to injure different parts of the body. Hands, arms, knees, elbows, and the face can all be potential areas for trip and fall injury claims.

Case Example: Jury Awards $3 Million in Trip and Fall Case 

Lynda Sadowski was walking through the Jack Casino when she tripped over a flattened Wet Floor sign, falling forward and fracturing her kneecap. Her knee required surgical repair and left her with diminished mobility.

Casino security film showed that another customer had knocked over the sign earlier. Moments before Sadowski’s fall, a casino employee walked around the flattened sign without picking it up.

The casino argued that Sadowski wasn’t watching where she was going. Sadowski’s attorneys argued the casino “failed to use ‘ordinary care’ for Sadowski’s safety and failed to maintain a reasonably safe environment, resulting in the injury.”

The jury agreed with Sadowski, awarding $3 million for her injuries and pain and suffering.

Sadowski vs. Jack Casino

A trip and fall accident can happen anywhere. Perhaps a crowded antique shop’s narrow aisles are strewn with merchandise that present tripping hazards. Or a rubber mat in front of a building entrance bunches up and presents a tripping hazard. Maybe a veterinarian allows unleashed animals in the office that then get tangled under guests’ feet.

Besides having different causes, trip and fall accidents can also cause different kinds of injuries.

FOOSH injuries (Fallen Onto an OutStretched Hand) are common. FOOSH injuries can include broken wrists, broken arms, and ligament tears. People who trip and fall forward can suffer significant facial trauma and head injuries.

Who Pays for Slip or Trip and Fall Claims?

Person going up the stairs

As with slip and fall cases, trip and fall injury claims are usually premises liability claims. This means that the property owner or manager is the main person responsible for the trip and fall injury.

In most cases, the property or business owner should have control and responsibility for any fall hazards on the premises.

Were you hurt while patronizing a business? There is probably at least one commercial general liability insurance policy that can compensate you for damages.

If you suffered your trip and fall injury at someone else’s home, their homeowner’s insurance policy or renter’s insurance should compensate you for your injury.

There may be other parties responsible for your fall accident. For example, if the owner has leased a commercial property to a business, the business owner may also have responsibility for your injury. If your fall was due to the intentional behavior of a third party, they may also be liable in addition to the owner of the premises or business.

Also keep in mind that slip or trip and fall injuries may give rise to product liability cases.

Examples of product liability in fall claims:

  • If a slip and fall was caused by a pool of melted ice leaking from a defective grocery store freezer, the freezer manufacturer may share responsibility for your injuries.
  • If a trip and fall was caused by a defective hotel rug, the manufacturer of the rug may also be liable for your injury.

Man pointing to a document on the table during a meeting

After figuring out who should pay for your fall injury, the next question is how to pursue a claim to compensate you for your injury.

Decide if you can handle your own trip and fall claim or if it should be handled by a personal injury attorney.

Create an injury claim document file for organizing your medical bills, medical records, and other evidence of how your injury has affected your life.

You’ll also need evidence of the property owner’s negligence, such as photographs of the accident scene and witness statements from people who saw what happened to you.

If you decide to handle your own claim, put together a demand letter so the insurance adjuster can see your damages and decide whether to offer you a settlement. Keep in mind that insurance companies tend to offer less money to unrepresented claimants in the hope they’ll take a quick settlement and go away.

If you cannot settle with the insurance company, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you haven’t already consulted an experienced attorney, now is the time to get legal advice. The evidence that you gathered for the insurance company will be useful here.

Most claims settle out of court. However, if your attorney takes your trip and fall case to trial, the jury may award a monetary judgment. For example, if you have a broken wrist FOOSH injury, you could get as much as $80,000-$120,000 from a favorable jury verdict.

Minding Your Step

It’s always important to watch where you’re walking and to be careful. But you can’t be responsible for everything, all the time. When you step onto someone else’s property or patronize their business, they need to make sure that you can safely walk through their parking lot, sidewalks, walkways, and buildings.

Never leave the scene of a trip and fall accident without notifying the property owner or manager. If you’re injured at a business location, ask the manager to fill out an incident report .

Seek prompt medical treatment after a slip or trip and fall injury. Tell the medical prover when, where, and how you were injured. You’ll need proof of the accident date and location, along with evidence of your injuries for a successful claim.

A broken wrist or a broken nose may not be fatal. But these injuries can be painful and expensive. You deserve to be compensated. If you or a loved one has suffered a fall injury caused by someone else’s negligence, contact a personal injury law firm in your state for a free consultation.

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Germany’s Scholz arrives in China on a visit marked by trade tensions and Ukraine conflict

FILE - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz gestures as he arrives at the Party of European Socialists (PES) Leaders Conference, at the Palace of the Parliament, the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon, in Bucharest, Romania, on April 6, 2024. Scholz arrived in China on Sunday, April 14, 2024 on a visit focused on the increasingly tense economic relationship between the sides and differences over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru, File)

FILE - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz gestures as he arrives at the Party of European Socialists (PES) Leaders Conference, at the Palace of the Parliament, the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon, in Bucharest, Romania, on April 6, 2024. Scholz arrived in China on Sunday, April 14, 2024 on a visit focused on the increasingly tense economic relationship between the sides and differences over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (AP Photo/Andreea Alexandru, File)

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BEIJING (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in China on Sunday on a visit focused on the increasingly tense economic relationship between the sides and differences over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Scholz’s first destination was the industrial hub of Chongqing, where he and his delegation of ministers and business leaders were to visit a partially German-funded company and other sites in the vast city, which is a production base for China’s auto and other industries.

Scholz is also scheduled to visit the financial hub of Shanghai during his three-day visit, before traveling to the capital, Beijing, to meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang.

German companies such as BMW and Volkswagen are highly reliant on the Chinese market, but Beijing’s support for Russia creates frictions with the West.

Israeli Iron Dome air defense system launches to intercept missiles fired from Iran, in central Israel, Sunday, April 14, 2024. Iran launched its first direct military attack against Israel on Saturday. The Israeli military says Iran fired more than 100 bomb-carrying drones toward Israel. Hours later, Iran announced it had also launched much more destructive ballistic missiles. (AP Photo/Tomer Neuberg)

Germany’s economy has benefited from China’s demand for investment and manufactured items from cars to chemicals, but those ties have frayed amid increasing competition from Chinese companies and tightened regulations. Political interference has also been blamed for a sharp drop in foreign investment.

German companies have argued they face unfair market barriers in China and the government has pushed for a policy of “de-risking” to reduce reliance on the Chinese market and suppliers.

Despite that, China remained Germany’s top trading partner for the eighth straight year in 2023, with 254.1 billion euros ($271 billion) in goods and services exchanged between the sides, slightly more than what Germany traded with the U.S. but a 15.5% contraction from the year before. German exports to China totaled 97.3 billion euros ($104 billion), according to Germany’s Federal Statistical Office, although figures have varied depending on exchange rate fluctuations and rounding of numbers.

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV showed Scholz descending from his plane in Chonqing and leaving in a motorcade, but did not carry any comments made to the welcoming delegation.

Prior to his arrival, Scholz posted on social platform X that he had discussed the “massive” Russian air attacks on civilian energy infrastructure with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday, and declared that Berlin will “stand unbreakably by Ukraine’s side.”

China has refused to criticize Russian aggression. It has maintained trade relations with President Vladimir Putin’s government and aligned its foreign policy with Moscow in opposition to the U.S.-led liberal political order, while touting its authoritarian one-party system as a superior alternative.

After visiting a hydrogen motor production facility run by German firm Bosch, Scholz toured the city with young architects and was to go on a boat cruise on the famed Yangtze River, one of two mighty waterways that partly surround the city perched on overlooking cliffs.

Following a visit Monday to Shanghai, Scholz will fly to Beijing and meet with Xi Tuesday at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse before being received with military honors by Li at the Great Hall of the People, the seat of the ceremonial legislature in the heart of the Chinese capital. Further visits and meetings will follow before he departs late Wednesday night.

This is Scholz’s second trip to China since he became chancellor in late 2021. His previous visit was in November 2022 and essentially was a one-day trip because of the strict COVID restrictions still in place at the time.

It is his first visit since the German government last year presented its China strategy, which met with criticism from Beijing . Premier Li and a delegation of senior officials visited Berlin in June.

Associated Press reporter Geir Moulson contributed to this report from Berlin.

difference between slips and trips


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  1. What is the Difference Between Slips, Trips, and Falls?

    But there are a number of differences between the three. A "slip" is typically caused by a wet or slippery surface or spilt items. A "trip" is caused by an obstacle of some kind causing you to stumble. And a "fall" often happens as a result of either a slip or a trip. In terms of workplace safety, it's important that you are not ...

  2. What Is the Difference Between Slip, Trip, and Fall?

    Slips, Trips, and Falls Explained Slips, trips, and falls are perhaps the most common causes of injuries at home, in the workplace, in stores, and in other environments. While the terms are often used interchangeably, there are some crucial differences. Slips A slip occurs when there is a loss of traction between the foot and the walking surface.

  3. What's the Difference in a Slip, a Trip, and a Fall

    Know the Difference Between a Slip, a Trip, and a Fall . Understanding the difference between slips, trips, and falls is key. While they are often mistakenly used interchangeably, the terms are quite different in their legal definitions. For instance, defining an incident as a "trip-and-fall" can have a very different impact on your claim ...

  4. Slips, Trips, and Falls: Preventing Workplace Trip Hazards

    Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention. Some slip, trip, and fall prevention measures are permanent, including: Adequate lighting. Handrails. Slip-resistant surfaces in high-risk areas. Effective drainage, ventilation, and other methods to keep surfaces dry. Marking the edges of steps or elevation changes.

  5. What's the Difference Between Trips Slips and Falls

    The Differences Between Slip and Falls and Trip and Falls. There are different causes and potential injuries from slip and falls and trip and falls. Causes of Falls. Falls happen for a variety of reasons. Some common causes of: Slip and falls include wet or slippery substances on the ground. These substances may include water, ice, spilled ...

  6. What is the Difference Between Slip, Trip, and Fall?

    While their names are similar, the main differences between trip and fall cases and slip and fall cases are how the fall occurred and the injuries sustained during the accident. A slip occurs when the victim slips on a wet floor or other slick surface, whereas a trip occurs when the victim actually trips over an object.. A fall is generally the result of a slip or trip.

  7. The Difference Between Slip, Trip, and Fall

    The difference between a slip fall and a trip fall is the environment that causes the fall to happen. While a slip fall is the result of a substance, a trip fall is the consequence of the building or structure itself. A pothole, exposed pipe, or crack in the pavement can catch on someone's foot or belongings, causing them to fall and injure ...

  8. What is the difference between slip and fall vs trip and fall?

    Understanding the Basics: Slip vs Trip. Slip and trip accidents are among the most common types of personal injury cases in the United States. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), over 6.9 million people were treated in emergency rooms for fall-related injuries in 2021.This includes slips, trips, and falls from a height. Definition of a Slip Accident: A slip accident is when a ...

  9. Difference Between Slip & Fall And Trip & Fall Accidents

    To understand slips, trips, and falls, let's discuss the difference between the two accidents. Defining a Slip & Fall Accident . Slip and fall accidents occur when someone loses their balance while walking on slick or slippery surfaces. Examples of slip and fall accidents include, but are not limited to slipping on: Freshly or overly waxed floors

  10. Difference Between Slip and Fall and Trip and Fall?

    February 27, 2014. It's happened to all of us - an unexpected slip or trip that leaves us "grounded" and in some cases, seriously injured. According to the National Safety Council, "falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency ...

  11. What's the Difference Between a Trip and Fall Versus a Slip and Fall?

    While trips usually result in a forward fall, slips generally make a victim fall backward — in either case, severe injuries can result. A trip and fall typically involves a victim's foot catching onto an object or falling into a depression, causing loss of balance. Trip and falls can happen nearly anywhere flooring, steps, or pavement is ...

  12. Slip and Fall vs. Trip and Fall

    Understanding the differences between slip and fall vs. trip and fall accidents is crucial for your personal injury case if you were hurt in a fall on someone else's property. Slips and falls often result from slick or wet surfaces, while trips and falls usually occur due to obstacles or uneven flooring. The evidence and legal strategy needed ...

  13. Trip and Fall vs. Slip and Fall: What's The Difference?

    In trip and fall accidents, you tend to fall facedown. While slip and fall accidents tend to send you falling backward. So if you're claiming a hip injury because you tripped and fell, it doesn't exactly add up. I mean, if you're falling forward, you'll likely hurt your face or arms more than your hips.

  14. What's the Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents?

    Here's everything you need to know about the difference between a slip and a trip—and why it matters. The Type of Fall Frames the Case. In law, the meaning of every word is carefully analyzed. Slips and trips are similar in nature, but as far as tort law is concerned, the minor things that set them apart make a big difference.

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    Slips, trips, and falls cause nearly 700 fatalities per year and many more injurious accident in the workplace according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are three physical factors involved in slips, trips, and falls: friction, momentum, and gravity. Each one plays a role. Friction is the resistance between objects, momentum is affected ...

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    There is a difference between the two, and it is important to make the distinction when you file a personal injury claim. While it may not seem like a big deal, wording is crucial when dealing with legal matters and can make a huge difference in how your case plays out. ... Though slips and trips are very similar, it's essential to make the ...

  17. Difference Between Slip-and-Falls and Trip-and-Falls

    Understanding the differences between slip-and-falls and trip-and-falls is crucial for personal safety and legal matters. Property owners and businesses are responsible for maintaining safe premises for visitors and customers. If negligence can be proven, individuals who suffer injuries in slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall incidents may be ...

  18. The Difference Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

    Here are some important things you need to know about the differences between a trip and a slip and how to recover compensation for any type of falling injury. An Overview of Slip and Fall Accidents. The phrase "slip and fall accidents" is often used as a catchall term to describe any accident that happens on someone else's property.

  19. The Differences Between Slip & Fall and Trip & Fall Accidents

    However, there are important distinctions between the two. If you are seeking financial compensation from a falling injury, the manner in which you've fallen could have important legal implications. An experienced personal injury attorney can advise you about the significant differences between "slip" and "trip" injury cases.

  20. Differences Between "Trip" vs "Slip" and Falls

    Legally speaking, to "trip" means that you fall forward as a result of: Tripping forward typically causes people to fall on their chests, knees, and faces, and wrists. These accidents produce different injuries compared to slips, including bruises and broken bones on the hands, knees, and face. In a "slip" and fall accident, the victim ...

  21. Understanding the Differences between Slips, Trips, and Falls

    Many accident victims cannot distinguish between a "slip" and a "trip." It may result in contradictory testimony and other evidence, which could hurt a case in court. Victims must learn the distinctions between "trip and fall" accidents and "slip and fall" accidents to obtain the compensation required for recovery successfully.

  22. Slip-and-Fall vs. Trip-and-Fall: What's the Difference?

    The Differences Between Slip-and-Fall and Trip-and-Fall Accidents. When you have an accident you need to understand the difference between trip and fall vs slip and fall incidents. Both types premises liability accidents can cause serious personal injury. The main difference between the two is the cause of the fall.

  23. Differences Between Trip and Fall and Slip and Fall Claims

    The differences can change your legal claim. Slip and falls are caused by slick surfaces and victims usually fall backward. Trip and falls are caused by obstacles that trip up a person and make them fall forward or to the side. As with all personal injury claims, the value of a trip and fall case largely depends on the specific facts of the case.

  24. Germany's Scholz arrives in China amidst trade tensions and Ukraine

    Updated 1:24 PM PDT, April 14, 2024. BEIJING (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in China on Sunday on a visit focused on the increasingly tense economic relationship between the sides and differences over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Scholz's first destination was the industrial hub of Chongqing, where he and his delegation of ...

  25. វីអូអេ ៦០ អាមេរិក៖ ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកសម្រាប់ថ្ងៃទី១៦ ខែមេសា

    ប្រធានរដ្ឋសភាអាមេរិកលោក Mike Johnson ថា ...