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Ich möchte gerne eine Führung durch das Stadion machen.

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Auch an spielfreien Tagen kannst Du unseren Tempel besuchen. Mach doch eine Stadiontour und schau mal hinter die Kulissen. Du kannst auf der Trainerbank sitzen und auch Kabinenluft schnuppern! 

Weitere Infos zu diesem Thema findest Du auch hier:

  •   BVB-Stadiontour 
  • digitale Stadiontour

Fragen & Antworten

Welche stadiontouren werden angeboten.

Mit unseren BVB-Stadiontouren hast Du die Möglichkeit, hinter die Kulissen des SIGNAL IDUNA PARK zu schauen. Wir bieten außerhalb der Spieltage unterschiedliche geführte Touren an. Mit unserem Stadionspaziergang hast Du sogar die Möglichkeit, den SIGNAL IDUNA PARK eigenständig und ohne Guide zu besichtigen. Alle Informationen zu unseren verschiedenen Stadiontouren findest Du auf unserer Homepage.

WICHTIG : In unserem Fußballstadion wird nicht nur auf dem Rasen gearbeitet. Umbauarbeiten, Spieltagsvorbereitungen, U23-Heimspiele in der Roten Erde oder Pressekonferenzen können hier jederzeit stattfinden. Daher kann es unter Umständen zu Beeinträchtigungen bei der Tour kommen. Sei Dir aber sicher: Wir halten in diesem Fall andere Highlights für Dich bereit und machen Deine Tour trotzdem zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.

Woher bekomme ich Karten für eine öffentliche Stadiontour? 

Tickets für Stadiontouren gibt es in der FanWelt und im Onlineshop .

Kann ich das Ticket auch auf dem Handy vorzeigen, wenn ich es nicht ausdrucken kann?

Wenn Du keine Möglichkeit hast, das Ticket auszudrucken, akzeptieren wir in Ausnahmefällen auch, wenn Du uns das Ticket vor Ort auf dem Smartphone vorzeigst.

Welche Corona-Regeln müssen bei der Stadiontour beachtet werden? 

Es gibt keine Einschränkungen mehr.

Was kostet eine Stadiontour?

Das kommt ganz darauf an, welche Tour Du buchst. Der Stadionspaziergang z.B. kostet regulär für Erwachsene 9 €, ermäßigt 6 €. Alle Infos und Preise findest Du in unserem Onlineshop .

Welche Personengruppe erhält den ermäßigten Eintritt bei öffentlichen Stadiontouren?

Der ermäßigte Preis gilt für Studenten, Schüler, Arbeitslose, freiwillig Wehrdienstleistende, Rentner, Schwerbehinderte und Jugendliche, die das 18. Lebensjahr noch nicht vollendet haben. Für Gäste mit einem Schwerbehindertenausweis gilt der ermäßigte Preis. Die Begleitpersonen für Schwerbehinderte (GdB 50 oder höher) dürfen kostenfrei teilnehmen. 

Dürfen Kinder unter 6 Jahren kostenfrei teilnehmen?

Kinder bis einschließlich 5 Jahren bezahlen für die Teilnahme an einer öffentlichen Stadiontour 1 €. Dieser Betrag kommt unserer Stiftung „leuchte auf“ zugute. Die Kinderkarte kann nur vor Ort gekauft werden.

Können Tickets für die Stadiontour umgetauscht werden? 

Bitte habe Verständnis, dass diese Tickets ausnahmslos von der Rücknahme und dem Umtausch ausgeschlossen sind.

Was ist der Stadionspaziergang?

Der „Stadionspaziergang” ist keine geführte Tour, nicht barrierefrei und findet an ausgewählten Tagen von 10 bis18 Uhr statt (letzter Einlass: 17:30 Uhr). Die aktuell gültigen Abstands- und Hygienevorschriften sind zu berücksichtigen. Es besteht eine Mund-Nasen-Schutzpflicht. Die maximale Verweildauer ist auf 60 Minuten begrenzt, jedoch kannst Du Start- und Endzeit in Deinem zweistündigen Zeitfenster frei wählen. Mit unserem flexiblen Ticket kannst Du zu einer beliebigen Zeit zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr am Stadionspaziergang teilnehmen.

Um den Spaziergang in vollen Zügen zu genießen, lade Dein Smartphone auf und bring bitte Kopfhörer mit. Scanne unsere QR-Codes an ausgewählten Stationen und bereichere Deinen Spaziergang mit schwarzgelben Videos.

Die Videos sind in deutscher, englischer und in Gebärdensprache abrufbar.

Wie groß sind die Touren bei einer öffentlichen geführten Stadiontour? 

Bei öffentlichen geführten Touren ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf 50 Personen begrenzt. Bei privaten Touren können wir für jede Gruppengröße ein passendes Tourenangebot erstellen. Nutze dafür gerne unser Kontaktformular.

Kann ich bei öffentlichen Stadiontouren etwas zu essen kaufen oder mitbringen?

Bei öffentlichen Touren gibt es keine Möglichkeit, während der Tour (mitgebrachte) Speisen zu verzehren oder Speisen zu erwerben. Gerne kannst Du im Melitta-Café in der FanWelt oder am Food-Truck neben der FanWelt vor dem Stadion Speisen und Getränke kaufen. Bei privaten Touren kann im Voraus (bei Buchung der Tour) Catering hinzugebucht werden. 

Wo starten die öffentlichen Touren? 

Die Stadiontouren starten von Montag bis Sonntag in unserem Foyer West. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Parkplatz Luftbad (Strobelallee 54, 44139 Dortmund). Der Stadionspaziergang startet ebenfalls an allen Tagen im Foyer West.

Einen Lageplan des SIGNAL IDUNA PARK findest Du hier:

Was passiert, wenn ich bei einer öffentlichen geführten Stadiontour verspätet bin?

Im Falle einer Verspätung bitten wir Dich um einen zeitnahen Anruf im Foyer West unter folgender Rufnummer: 0231-9020 1684. 

Bei unserem „Stadionspaziergang“ ist dies nicht notwendig.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer öffentlichen und einer privaten Stadiontour?

Bei einer öffentlichen Tour kann jeder Gast (nach Verfügbarkeit) ein Ticket kaufen und sich der jeweiligen Tour anschließen. Diese Touren starten an ausgewählten Tagen. Die Uhrzeiten kannst Du unserem Onlineshop entnehmen.

Der Stadionspaziergang wird täglich – außer an Heimspieltagen – von 10 bis 18 Uhr angeboten. Bitte beachte, dass es auch hier zu Ausnahmen kommen kann.

Kinder bis einschließlich 5 Jahre bezahlen für die Teilnahme an einer öffentlichen Stadiontour 1 €. Dieser Betrag kommt unserer Stiftung „leuchte auf“ zugute. Die Kinderkarte kann nur vor Ort gekauft werden.

Bei den privaten Touren organisieren wir eine Tour für Dich und Deine Gruppe. Dabei kannst Du (nach Verfügbarkeit) einen Termin wählen und bekommst einen eigenen Guide zur Seite gestellt, der Dir und Deinen Freunden, Verwandten, Kollegen, Mitschülern usw. ganz individuell das Stadion zeigt (Mindestberechnungsgrundlage: 15 Personen). Außerdem können weitere Zusatzbausteine wie z. B. ein Getränkeempfang am Stadionkiosk oder Currywurst am Stadionkiosk gebucht werden. Die Mindestberechnungsgrundlage liegt auch hier bei 15 Personen.

Ist es auch möglich, eine private Tour zu buchen?

Egal ob mit Deinen Freunden, den Kollegen oder der ganzen Familie, bei uns bekommt Ihr Euren persönlichen Guide. Dieser führt Euch zu allen wichtigen Orten im größten Stadion Deutschlands und versorgt Euch dabei mit geballtem schwarzgelben Fachwissen, spannenden Geschichten und vielen Anekdoten. Außerdem hast Du die Möglichkeit zusätzliche Extras, wie beispielsweise Essen und Trinken hinzuzubuchen. So wird Deine private Stadiontour zur persönlichen Vollgasveranstaltung!

Alle Informationen zu unseren Angeboten findest Du auf unserer Homepage . 

Was kostet eine private Stadiontour?

Bei Gruppen mit 1 bis 15 Teilnehmern berechnen wir einen Pauschalpreis. Ab 16 Personen wird pro Person berechnet. Die Preise kannst Du dieser Kostenübersicht entnehmen.

Wenn Dein Browser diese PDF nicht anzeigt, öffne das Dokument bitte manuell.

Im Pauschalpreis für eine Gruppe von bis zu 15 Personen sind bis zu3 Kinder kostenferei. Jedes weitere Kind muss einen ermäßigten Preis pro Person dazuzahlen. 

Bitte nutze für die Buchung einer privaten BVB-Stadiontour das Anmeldeformular auf unserer Internetseite.

Welche Personengruppe erhält den ermäßigten Eintritt bei Stadiontouren?

Wir würden gerne mit unserer ganzen klasse eine stadionführung machen. ist das möglich.

Für Schulklassen bieten wir eine 120-minütige BVB-Stadiontour an. Dieses einzigartige Gruppenerlebnis wird zum Pauschalpreis von nur 180 € für eine Gruppe von bis zu 20 Schülern angeboten. In diesem Preis ist der Eintritt für drei Lehrer/Begleitpersonen inbegriffen. Für jede weitere Person werden zusätzlich jeweils 9 € berechnet. Der Eintrittspreis für das BORUSSEUM ist im Ticketpreis dieser Stadiontour enthalten, aufgrund des Umbaus im BORUSSEUM ist ein Besuch allerdings zurzeit nicht möglich. Das Ticket ist nur am Tag der gebuchten Tour und innerhalb der Öffnungszeiten gültig. 

Termine: Montag bis Freitag, 10 bis 15 Uhr (außerhalb der Ferienzeiten und Feiertage). Bitte beachtet, dass die Lehrer/Erzieher und Begleitpersonen jeder Gruppe im SIGNAL IDUNA PARK für ihre Gruppe verantwortlich sind und die Aufsichtspflicht tragen. Ihr habt für die Befolgung ihrer Weisungen durch die Gruppenmitglieder Sorge zu tragen. 

Müssen wir 15 Personen sein, um eine private Tour buchen zu können?

Ihr könnt auch mit weniger als 15 Personen eine private Tour buchen. Die Mindestberechnungsgrundlage liegt jedoch bei 15 Personen.

Wo kann ich die private Stadiontour buchen? 

Bitte nutze für die Buchung einer privaten BVB-Stadiontour das Anmeldeformular auf unserer Internetseite .

Wie läuft die Zahlung einer privaten Tour ?

Private Touren mit einer sehr geringen Teilnehmerzahl (zwei Personen) müssen vorab angezahlt werden. Auch für das BVB-Stadionerlebnis und von Fans, die aus dem Ausland eine Tour buchen möchten, ist eine Vorauszahlung notwendig. Alle anderen erhalten im Nachgang eine Rechnung.

Wo starten die privaten Stadiontouren? 

Die Stadiontouren starten von Montag bis Samstag in unserer FanWelt. An Sonntagen starten die privaten Stadiontouren in unserem Foyer West. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Parkplatz Luftbad (Strobelallee 54, 44139 Dortmund). Der Stadionspaziergang startet ebenfalls an allen Tagen im Foyer West.

Was passiert, wenn ich bei einer privaten Stadiontour verspätet bin?

Im Falle einer Verspätung bitten wir Dich um einen zeitnahen Anruf im Foyer West unter folgender Rufnummer: 0231-9020 1684. Bitte habe Verständnis, dass die Tour im Fall einer Verspätung verkürzt stattfindet. 

Wie kann ich Tickets für eine barrierefreie Tour buchen? 

Die Termine für die öffentlichen, barrierefreien Touren findest Du auf unserer Internetseite. Bitte melde Dich für einen der angegebenen Termine per E-Mail an. Wir benötigen für die Anmeldung Deine Kontaktdaten, eine Telefonnummer sowie die Personenzahl der geplanten Tour. 

Gibt es Angebote für gehörlose Menschen? 

Im Rahmen des Stadionspaziergangs hast Du die Möglichkeit an ausgewählten Stationen alle Informationen über QR-Codes abzurufen. Diese Videos sind in deutscher, englischer und in Gebärdensprache abrufbar.

Wo kann ich parken? 

Kostenfreie Parkplätze stehen an der BVB-FanWelt auf dem Parkplatz Luftbad zur Verfügung. Auch Busse können an Nicht-Spieltagen hier parken. Die Unterführung unter der FanWelt ist jedoch zu niedrig. Mit dem Bus müsstet ihr Euch bitte rechts halten und durch das große Tor am "Bolmker Weg" fahren.

Bitte beachte die vor Ort ausgewiesenen Öffnungszeiten. 

Mehr: Anreise per Auto

Kann ich mit einem Kinderwagen/Rollator zur Stadiontour kommen? 

Die Stadiontouren sind aufgrund der zahlreichen Stufen nicht barrierefrei. Solltest Du mit einem Kinderwagen/Rollator an einer Tour teilnehmen wollen, so gibt es gesonderte barrierefreie Touren. 

Kann ich Fotos während einer Stadiontour machen?

Fotos und Videos dürfen für den privaten Gebrauch gerne gemacht werden. 

Kann ich Tiere bei einer Stadiontour mit ins Stadion bringen?

Tiere sind im Stadion nicht erlaubt. 

Gibt es Gutscheine für Stadiontouren?

Gutscheine für Stadiontouren gibt es aktuell leider nicht zu kaufen. 

Gibt es auch eine digitale Stadiontour?

Ja, es gibt eine digitale Stadiontour . Du kannst Dir einen halbstündigen Film anschauen und erhältst exklusive Einblicke ins schönste Stadion der Welt, den SIGNAL IDUNA PARK. 

Wann kann ich das BORUSSEUM besuchen?

Das BORUSSEUM hat folgende Öffnungszeiten:

  • Montag bis Sonntag:                      9.30 bis 18.30 Uhr
  • Jeden 1. Donnerstag im Monat:     9.30 bis 20.00 Uhr
  • Heimspieltage:                               9.30 Uhr bis Anpfiff
  • Letzter Einlass 30 Min. vor Schließung
  • Geschlossen: 24. Dezember., 25. Dezember., 31. Dezember ab 14.00 Uhr

mehr: Borusseum

Kann ich das Stadion Rote Erde besichtigen?

Nein, das Stadion Rote Erde kann nicht im Rahmen der Stadiontouren besichtigt werden.

Noch Fragen? Deine Rückmeldung hilft uns, diese Seite besser zu machen.

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You always wanted to take part in a BVB stadium tour but did not make it to Dortmund yet? Or the Corona pandemic has upset your recent travel plans?

Stadium guide André is offering you 30 minutes of exclusive insight into the most beautiful stadium in the world – the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK.

The film is proudly presented by SIGNAL IDUNA.

Please find further information about the BVB stadium tours by clicking here.

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Eightyone thousand three hundred and sixty-five

That's how many fans fit into SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, Germany's largest football stadium

If you had told the people of Dortmund 30 years ago about a football temple with a capacity of over 80,000 in their city centre - a stadium boasting a glass façade, undersoil heating and the largest stand in Europe - they would have all smiled tolerantly at such a fanciful notion. Nowadays, though, the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK on Strobelallee is Germany’s largest football stadium with a capacity of exactly 81,365. The fact that the outlay for Borussia’s enormous arena almost crippled the club financially is another matter entirely – and one which was fortunately resolved at the end of May 2006.

The venue located on Strobelallee – known as “the temple” by fans and regularly dubbed “the most beautiful stadium in the country” by the press, professionals and VIPS alike – has been one of the largest and most comfortable stadia in Europe since the third expansion phase was completed. A long process of construction and conversion reached its peak when the stadium was renovated in the run-up the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Yet works are carried out on the stadium every summer, with BVB investing some ten million Euro in the renovation of the now-ageing arena in 2012 alone: both the grass and the drainage in the southern half of the pitch were replaced; the south stand was strengthened by support measures; concrete sanitation measures were implemented in the northern part; seven new VIP boxes were added in the part of the east stand where the press area used to be; new cameras armed with impressive digital technology provide greater security, with the away area and the lower tier of the south stand in particular under increased observation; and in the year before new scoreboards were installed.

The stadium story began some 40 years ago - on 5 April 1965 to be precise. After four long years of discussing the expansion and modernisation of the somewhat outdated "Rote Erde" arena, the city’s Central and Financial Committee "took note of the suggestion not to expand the Rote Erde stadium, but instead to build a new football stadium by incorporating the two western practice fields and the small surface area occupied by the air bath". The first step on the path to building a completely new arena - named the "Twin Stadium" in official circles in view of its parallel construction to the Rote Erde - had been taken. 

Yet the project did not gather full momentum until the city of Cologne decided against building a new stadium at the start of the 1970s, paving the way for Dortmund to apply as a host city for the 1974 World Cup – and for the construction of a new stadium. Without the federal and state funding provided, the financing of the Westfalenstadion would simply not have been feasible.


On 2 April 1974 - nine years after the official decision had been made – the Westfalenstadion was officially opened, with the stadium offering 54,000 predominantly standing spaces. The inauguration took place in a friendly match against Schalke 04. And the stadium has lost none of its aura since. Quite the opposite, in fact. Radio broadcasters rave about the “temple of German football” when they report from such a unique arena: the proximity to the pitch, the acoustics thanks to its complete roofing and the unique passion the fans in the Ruhr have for the beautiful game. All of this creates a crackling atmosphere, casting a spell over spectators and striking fear into opponents. An opinion poll in May 2006 saw professional footballers at the 18 Bundesliga clubs rate the grounds in Hamburg (28%) and Dortmund (27%) as their favourites.

To be precise, the history of the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK dates back to the year 1961. It was then that the Sporting Committee first discussed the expansion of the "Rote Erde Arena". In those days, which were characterised by structural change in the Ruhr and the onset of the coal and steel crisis, money was no less of a boundary than it is today. That goes some way to explaining why ten years went by before the Council decided on 4 October 1971 to build the Westfalenstadion. Finances still proved problematic, though.

The German Football Association might have been awarded hosting rights for the 1974 World Cup in 1966, yet Dortmund’s plans for a new stadium to be constructed in a conventional design – thus costing 30 million Euro - threatened to fall apart. Despite the clear decision by the Council, administrative authorities were still exploring the option of expanding the existing arena in a bid to save costs. 

The head of the sports department Erich Rüttel succeeded with his proposal to build a stadium based on the model of the Canadian Olympic City of Montreal (1976) using prefabricated construction methods. It was the decisive breakthrough. The costs were halved, with the outlay in initial talks estimated at 27 million Marks (almost 14 million Euro). By the end of the construction works, it came to seven million Marks more. 

Just five months later, on 19 October 1970, the Council gave the plans the green light and decided to begin building the Westfalenstadion the following year. Over 80% of the 17 million Euro costs were funded by federal and state support, lottery takings and donations. The city contributed three million Marks to this sum, realising early on that the 1974 FIFA World Cup would offer them an unprecedented chance to construct a suitable arena for the future – without the World Cup there would have been no funding. After all, the provisional stand in the south curve of the "Rote Erde" already showed signs of damage and an internal paper by the Planning Committee revealed: "After the dismantling of this stand, the capacity will be reduced to 25,000."

The Westfalenstadion, on the other hand, would hold 56,000 fans. Ultimately, it was around 54,000, although only 17,000 places were seated. The fact that the majority of spectators (47,000) were covered by a roof received special praise from BVB's then President, Heinz Günther. It offered "the average man in the street" a roof over his head, which was by no means usual at that time.


Zaire, Scotland, Sweden, Brazil and tournament runners-up Holland played their 1974 group stage matches at the Westfalenstadion as football fever gripped the city of Dortmund. All of the enthusiasm that had been present in the golden years of the '50s and '60s returned to the city during the World Cup, and could soon be felt at fixtures in the second tier of the Bundesliga. Regular attendances of over 45,000 fans - three times as many as beforehand in the Rote Erde - suddenly flocked to BVB matches as the club benefited considerably from its new stadium. Two years later, in June 1976, Borussia returned to the top tier of German football. In 1983, the club then celebrated its return to the European stage following a 15-year absence. The Black and Yellows won the DFB Cup in 1989, the German league title in 1995, 1996 and 2002 and reached three European finals, winning one - the most important one against Italian giants Juventus in the 1997 UEFA Champions League.

For the 18-year period up until 1992, the Westfalenstadion remained largely in its original condition. However, the 14 years that followed were characterised by drastic modifications - five in total. In 1992, the stadium capacity was reduced to 42,800 spectators when the standing places in the north stand were converted into seats. As part of expansion stage one, the capacity of the west and east stands was increased by 6,000 places respectively thanks to the addition of a further upper tier three years later. The second expansion phase saw the capacity increase to 68,600 in 1999 when the south stand - the focal point of Dortmund's enthusiasm for football - was increased to 24,454 to make it the largest stand in Europe. For international matches, the standing spaces can be transformed into seats.

On 6 May 2002, the works on the closure and the expansion of the corner areas finally got underway. First of all, 15-metre-long foundation piles were inserted into the ground in the north and south area and placed in the corners of what later became the stairway, redirecting the incredible load of 3,000 tonnes per stand roof onto stable ground. The foundation work for the supports and staircases took place on these piles. Yet another highly demanding engineering challenge was the construction of the stadium roofing. As part of this process, the corner pylons inside the stadium which supported the roof and therefore obstructed the view of spectators sitting in the new seats in the expanded corner area were replaced by eight externally installed yellow steel pylons.


The third expansion stage, which was completed on 13 September 2003, did more than just increase the stadium capacity to around 14,000. BVB has now sets new standards when it comes to providing top-notch hospitality. With a total of 3,450 seats in its catering areas, SIGNAL IDUNA PARK is also home to the largest hospitality area in the German Bundesliga. However, everything is still in proportion in Dortmund's ground, with the catering areas only holding a modest percentage of the entire stadium capacity.


The eight 62-metre-high yellow pylons have since become a landmark in the Dortmund skyline. In December 2005 they were joined by letters spelling the stadium name, which are up to 3.5 metres high and visible in the distance from main roads 54 and 1, appearing in black by day and glowing white by night. 

Following the expansion, BVB fans readily accepted their temple with great pride. And the club's marvellous attendance record in recent years attests to this. A breath-taking work of construction and phenomenal fans provide the club with the optimal conditions to host many great football spectacles in the greatest (and biggest) ground in the Bundesliga. To be exact, it can now hold exactly 81,365 spectators due to the reconstruction measures taken prior to the World Cup (including the removal of the last seat shells from 1974 and the demolition of the front sections) and the modernisation work carried out before the 2012/13 season.

Only one footballer has had really negative experiences in the "temple" on Strobelallee in this 32-year-period: ex-Braunschweig player Danilo Popivoda. On 23 April 1977, with worms plaguing the turf, Popivoda found himself unmarked just six metres from the Borussia goal, drew his foot back to shoot and slipped on a piece of grass no longer attached to its worm-infested roots. He landed on his nose, while the ball stopped in front of the line. Borussia and Braunschweig drew the match 0-0.



From the north:  A1 to junction Dortmund-Unna, A44/B1 towards Dortmund

From the east:  A2 to junction Dortmund-Nordost, B236 towards Schwerte, B1 towards Dortmund

From the south:  A45 to junction Dortmund-Süd, B54 towards Dortmund

From the west:  A40/B1 towards Dortmund

Here you can plan your route using Google Maps.

Parking possibilities

There are more than 10,000 payable parking spaces available for use in the area around SIGNAL IDUNA PARK and Westfalenhalle. Alternatively, make use of our shuttle service leaving from the university campus by parking in the Otto-Hahn-Straße carpark (A45 exit Eichlinghofen or B1 exit Barop). You will find further information about our P&R possibilities here  (Source: City of Dortmund).

ICE connections from the east (Berlin, Wolfsburg, Hanover, Bielefeld) and south (Mainz, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Munich). IC connections from the north (Hamburg and Bremen) each at hourly intervals. From the main train station, either take the regional train to SIGNAL IDUNA PARK station or the underground to Westfalenhalle/Stadion.

Information on all connections in the Rhine and Ruhr Public Transport Association (VRR) area.

Stadium Rules

In its capacity as the legal title holder, owner and user, and the pursuant property and organisation rights to the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA, Rheinlanddamm 207-209, 44137 Dortmund, has passed the following

Stadium Regulations

§ 1 scope of regulations.

  • These Stadium Regulations shall serve the controlled use and guarantee safety in the enclosed area of SIGNAL IDUNA PARK (hereinafter referred to as the STADIUM) including all facilities, entrances and exits to and from the Stadium, as well as adjoining parking facilities provided for the use of visitors to events held in the Stadium (hereinafter referred to as the Facilities). When entering the stadium and/ or driving into the facilities with a car, the visitor agrees with the Stadium Regulations, which he has also noticed by the announcement at the gates.

§ 2 Purpose

  • The Stadium’s chief purpose is to provide a venue for football matches. Apart from that, the Stadium may be used for other sports and miscellaneous events, in the context of the general legal provisions.

Claims by the public to the use of the Stadium shall only arise in the context of the purposes named in §1 (1).

The right of use follows current law requirements.

  • On a case-by-case basis the concluding regulations for use and enjoyment of the stadium are geared to the terms of common law.

§ 3 Entry into the Stadium

  • Entry into the Stadium and Facilities shall only be granted to persons in possession of a valid entry ticket, day ticket, season ticket or other form of entry permission (e.g. accreditation) or can supply some other proof of their right to enter the Stadium for a certain event. Children up to the completion of their fourteenth year have only the permission to enter the stadium in company with an adult. Children up to the completion of their seventh year- even in company with an adult- are not allowed to enter the standing tribune area of the stadium. Persons, who are dependent on an escort, can only enter with an escort person up to the completion of their sixteenth year at least.
  • This right to entry shall only apply to tickets that have been legitimately procured, what means a valid entry ticket, day ticket, season ticket or other form of entry permission. The commercial resale of entry tickets and the illegitimate use of the logo-, mark,- brand,- copyright,- and any other rights of the Borussia Dortmund GmbH und Co. KGaA including all associate companies in accordance to §§ 15 ff. AktG, during the preparation, the implementation and/ or the processing of a private transmission or -disposal of tickets exceeding 15% of the original ticket price especially via the Internet, shall not be permitted, and may lead to the invalidation of the corresponding ticket without refund. Otherwise, the Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA general terms of business for ticket sales and the GTC “Season Tickets” shall apply.
  • Spectators shall take the place, seat or the area of the standing room, stated on the corresponding ticket or other form of entry permission for the event, and shall present entry tickets and other forms of entry permission documentation for the Stadium and Facilities to the police or security staff on request. For safety reasons and to prevent danger, spectators shall relocate to places other than those stated on the entry ticket – even if these places are in other blocks – on the instructions of the police or security staff. The stadium with its Facilities, especially the pitch, corridors, and any other spaces and areas must not be used as a parking area, unless there is an individual contractual agreement.
  • The Stadium is equipped with an electronic entry control system. The entry ticket or any other form of entry permission shall not lose its validity until the end of the event. This shall also apply to owners of season tickets with regard to entry on a given match date.
  • The regulations and/or agreements of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA shall apply to entry to the Stadium on days without events.
  • The event organiser can reorder and/ or remove vehicles at the expense and threat of the visitor or user, especially if (a ) the right of use in case of the game or event had been expired; (b ) if vehicle is seen as a kind of danger because of a leaking tank or carburetor or any other defects; (c ) if a vehicle is not authorized by the police or if a vehicle is phased out by the council during the existing contract; (d ) if the vehicle has been parked illegally on wrong parking facilities.
  • The visitor and user of the parking facilities is liable for injury caused by himself or his escort to the event organizer or a third party. This includes impurity to the parking facilities caused by negligence and especially the storage of garbage.
  • The event organizer is not liable for damages caused by visitors or any other third party. This applies in particular to vandalism, theft of valuables out of vehicles (e.g. car radio, cell phone, personal valuables, computer, photographic equipment, sport equipment or something similar) or things which are secured to the vehicle unless the event organizer is in charge of it in accordance with §10 of the Stadium Regulations.

§ 4 Use of the parking areas

  • Each visitor shall present his or her entry ticket or entry permission to the security staff on entering the Stadium and/ or Facilities without request, and shall submit the entry ticket or permission for verification.
  • Visitors shall use the adjoining parking facilities at their own risk. The event organiser is not in charge of any guarding, safekeeping, or supervision of the motor vehicle or its contents as well as the granting of a vehicle- specific insurance.
  • Opening times change and comply with the times of the game or the event. Visitors or users shall notice any other announcements. There is no claim to keep certain opening times. If there is no specific written permission or announcement, the stadium will be closed three hours after the end of the game or the event. 
  • It is permitted only to drive at walking pace. The instructions of the police or security staff as well as any signings and markings have to be followed. Motor vehicles can only be parked within the signed adjoining parking facilities. Road traffic regulations have to be followed.
  • Any residence at the parking facilities, which has any other reason than visiting a game or getting the car after the game, is not permitted, unless the event organiser has determined the parking facilities as a specific type of use. Camping or cleaning and/ or repairing of vehicles is not permitted. It is also not permitted to leave defect vehicles, store any kind of fuel or inflammable objects and garbage, to horn, to let the engine warm up and any other kind of exhaust and sound annoyance.

§ 5 Entry control

  • Each visitor shall present his or her entry ticket or entry permission to the security staff on entering the Stadium and/ or Facilities unrequested, and shall submit the entry ticket or permission for verification.
  • The security staff and police are authorised to search visitors for violation against §7 of the Stadium Regulations and/or the use of alcohol or narcotics, carrying firearms or objects that are dangerous or may cause fire, thus representing a safety risk. Technical equipment may be used in the search. This search shall extend to any objects especially outer and leg wear, shoes and objects brought by the visitor.
  • Persons that fail to prove their right to enter the Stadium or Facilities, violate the prohibitions as listed in §7 of these Stadium Regulations, and/or represent a safety risk, shall be turned back and refused entry to the Stadium. This shall also apply to persons banned from stadium entry by Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and/or DFB and/or DFL and/or any association or club member belonging to DFL, UEFA or FIFA within the Federal Republic of Germany. In the latter case, the event organiser shall reserve the right to file for prosecution. Visitors refused entry shall not be entitled to a refund on the price of the ticket.

§ 6 Behaviour in the stadium

  • Each visitor inside the Stadium shall behave in such a way as not to harm or endanger others, or unnecessarily cause a nuisance or hindrance to others over and above that inevitable due to circumstances.
  • Each visitor shall follow any instructions given by the police, fire services, security and rescue services, event management, safety officer or stadium speaker.
  • All entrances and exits, escape routes and escape doors shall be kept free from obstruction and do not have to be adjusted or changed in their function. Escape doors and escape routes may only be open in case of emergency.
  • Notwithstanding the Stadium Regulations, the persons authorised in §5 (2) may give further instructions in order to prevent or alleviate danger to life and limb or personal property. These instructions shall also be followed immediately.
  • Video recordings and photographs made by visitors on match days are only for private purposes and can only be made with equipment, which is apparently developed for personal use. Any other use of the recordings or transfer to a third party, or any publication in the media, especially in case of reselling tickets (e.g. on the internet), requires the approval of the Borussia Dortmund GmbH und Co. KGaA.

§ 6a Special provisions for the exercise of the householder’s rights

  • The Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA disassociate itself from any racist, xenophobic, anti-semitic, violent or discriminatory, as well as from right and/or left-wing extremist tendencies of all kind. Thus the event organiser reserves the exertion of householder’s rights for oneself and to prohibit specifically persons, which (a) are part of left and/or right-wing extremist parties, communities or organisations and/or (b) are able to be assigned to the left and/or right-wing scene obviously and/or (c) emerged through racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, violent or discriminatory, defamatory or other misanthropic utterances in the past the entering of the event, to exclude these persons from the event and/or to speak out – even beforehand – a local stadium ban; §8 Abs. 7 applies mutatis mutandis.

§ 7 Prohibitions

Visitors to the Stadium shall not be permitted to possess or use the following objects:

All visitors to the stadium are prohibited from bringing in or using any of the following items:

a) Subjects or media with racist, xenophobic, violent or discriminatory material, right or left-wing extremist propaganda even if it is not prosecutable; the same shall apply to clothing (e.g. with imprints and/or symbols like: Thor Steinar, Consdaple, Borussenfront, HoGeSa (Hooligans against Salafists), GnuHonnters, White Rex etc. );

b)     Weapons of any type, as well as any objects that may be used to stab, beat or otherwise injure others;

c)     Objects that may be used as weapons or projectiles;

d)     Gas spray cans, corrosives, flammables, or dyes, or containers of substances that impair health;

e)     Glass vessels, bottles (including PET bottles), cups, mugs, cans or other objects made of materials that may easily break or shatter, or are particularly hard;

f)     Bulky items such as ladders, stools, chairs, crates, prams, walking frames; wheelchairs are allowed only in section 3 and 6;

g)     Torches, flares, sparklers, fireworks, smoke powder, smoke bombs, smoke pots, smoke torches or other pyrotechnical objects, including the corresponding launching equipment;

h)     Flag or banner poles more than two metre in length or three centimetres in thickness;

i)      Mechanical or electrical instruments operated to create loud noise;

j)     Drinks and food of any type, narcotics;

k)     Animals;

l)     Laser pointers;

m)   Suitcases, large bags or rucksacks, bigger than 297mm x 210mm x 150mm;

n)   Photo cameras, video cams or other visual or sound-recording equipment used for commercial purpose as well as additional equipment (e.g. photo-bags, tripods and especially telephoto and interchangeable lenses), without corresponding permission from the event organiser in accordance to §6 Abs.5 of the Stadium Regulation.;

  • o)  Objects suitable and/or intended for concealing the visitor’s identity.

    2. The following shall be prohibited in the Stadium or Facilities:

(a) Statements, gestures and/ or outward appearance which is according to type and content apparently used for the defame of third parties, especially regarding the skin colour, religion, gender,        sexual orientation, ethical origin; It also includes the ban of calling or spreading racist, xenophobic, violent, discriminatory, or left or right-wing extremist slogans or to put tattoos and/ or body       decoration with banners or symbols of a clearly racist, xenophobic, violent or discriminatory nature or left and/or right-wing extremist tendency on display or wear them generally visible

b)     Climbing onto or over facilities not intended for public use such as building fronts, fences, walls, pitch barriers, other barriers, camera stands, trees, pylons of any type, or roofs;

c)     Entering areas not open to visitors such as the pitch, interior and utility areas;

d)     Throwing objects or fluids of any type onto sports playing or spectator areas;

e)     Setting fire, gunpowder, smoke bombs, smoke pots, smoke torches and/ or any other pyrotechnic articles including firing mechanisms; lightning or firing flares or fireworks,

f)     Selling entry tickets without permission;

g)     Writing, drawing or posting on buildings, facilities or pathways;

h)     Urinating, defecating inside the Stadium outside the toilets, or otherwise polluting the Stadium in particular by casting off objects with refuse (for any contravention Borussia Dortmund charges an         overall cleaning fee to the amount of € 50,00; see §8 Abs. 3);

i)      Driving or riding on the pathways and open spaces without special permission to do so;

j)     Presenting of each (stolen) fan material from the rival;

k)     Using any kind of objects which impede the identification (law that forbids to mask the faces);

l)      Smoking (incl. e-cigarettes) in sectors 64 and 65 as well as on level three of the northwest corner (family sector).

 3. It is also seen as an infringement of the prohibitions above if a visitor instigates, accessories or supports to infringements of another visitor.

 4. It is also prohibited to gather in the stadium and/or the stadium facilities, in order to collaboratively disturb public live or with intention to disturb the implementation of the event.

 5. Commercial activities, selling or distributing newspapers, magazines, printed materials, advertising materials or similar, or collecting or storing objects within the Stadium without the express written permission of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA or the event organiser concerned.

 6. The entry with fan- clothing of the visiting supporters is not permitted in the entire south stand (S/W, South, S/E) of the stadium. It is also not permitted to enter the visiting supporter’s area (North, N/E) with BVB- fan- clothing. The security staff is authorized to remove visitors who infringe these prohibitions out of the areas or the stadium; If possible it should be found another suitable place (not possible with sold-out-events).

§ 8 Violation

  • Persons in violation of the Stadium Regulations may be refused entry to the Stadium, or expelled from the Stadium without compensation. Further rights of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA shall remain unaffected. The same shall apply to persons recognisably under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. In case of culpable contravention in accordance with §6 Abs. 5 of the Stadium Regulations the infringer is committed to pay a penalty to the Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and/ or the BVB Stadion GmbH  at the discretion of the Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and/ or the BVB Stadion GmbH. The infringer can proof the amount of the fine through the responsible German Court. Further requirements remain unaffected.
  • Persons that endanger the safety or order of an event due to their behaviour inside or outside the Stadium during an event may be banned from the Stadium without compensation. Further rights of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA shall remain unaffected. Depending on the extent of the violation, this ban may be applied to the Stadium alone or all stadiums across the country. The DFB guidelines on improving safety at national matches as well as the DFB committee for safety issues towards uniform stadium ban management shall apply in their current versions.
  • In case of culpable offence against §6 Abs. 1 and 5, §6a and §7 of this Stadium Regulations the perpetrator is committed to pay a contractual penalty to Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA, which is based on the equitable discretion of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA. The contractual penalty will be appointed and assigned after the principle of proportionality. In this instance the perpetrator is able to let check the correctness of the height of the penalty from a court which has jurisdiction ratione loci and ratione materiae for the registered office of the Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA. In case of a culpable violation the visitor is committed especially to pay a contractual penalty to the event organiser at the amount of
  •   € 50,00 in case of an infringement against §7 Abs. 2 lit. g) and h);
  • right up to € 500,00 in case of an infringement against §7 Abs. 2 lit. a) to d), f), j) and k)
  • right up to € 1.500,00 in case of an infringement against §6 Abs. 5 and §7 Abs. 2 lit. e) of this Stadium Regulations.

The claim of further damages, injunctive relief or any other contractual charges remain unaffected.

    4. In case of infringements against §7 Abs. 6 (see above) the event organiser, especially the security service is authorised to delocalize visitors from the announced  area or to order this persons              of the Stadium; whereas - if possible in a given case – one should allot a proper seat in another area of the stadium to the visitor as milder punishment.

    5. A charge can be filed in case of suspicion of criminal offence or other types of infringements

    6. Suspicion of criminal activity or misdemeanour may lead to prosecution. Prohibited objects carried shall be confiscated and – if not needed for criminal proceedings – returned on payment of fees for their safekeeping and return once the reason for the confiscation is over, or destroyed at the expense of the visitor four weeks after the event at the latest. The event organiser is not liable for loss of or damage to secured goods.

    7. Measures taken according to §6a as well as §8 (1) to (6) shall exclude claims to compensation, such as ticket refunds,         from Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and/or the event organiser involved.

    8. The visitor shall compensate Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA for any compensation         for damages or fines charged by associations,         especially FIFA, UEFA, DFB, or DFL, arising from that visitor’s violation of the Stadium Regulations.

§ 9 Property rights, supervision, lost items

  • The property and supervision rights shall be exercised by Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and their employees and vicarious agents as well as the police and security staff at events, and the event organiser authorised by Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA.
  • Visitors can find their lost items at the lost property office (North, Level 1, Security Staff Office). The maximum period of storing lost items shall be six months. Otherwise the general terms of business shall apply.

§ 10 Liability

  • Visitors shall enter and use the Stadium and/or Facilities at their own risk. Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA is liable – where legally permissible - for personal and property damage only up to the amount of the insured risks.
  • All claims for damages - irrespective of the legal bases - as well as any liability for indirect loss or damage and loss or damage which was unforeseeable at the time the contract was concluded are excluded to the extent that Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA, its legal representatives and/or agents, have not acted intentionally or grossly negligent.
  • The above limitations shall not apply to damages resulting from injuries to life, body or health or in cases where, either by operation of law, or in circumstances of a culpable violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations), liability cannot be limited. Essential contractual obligations are those which are necessary for the fulfilment and the proper execution of the contract and in respect of which the contracting parties will generally expect that these are being complied with.
  • Any accidents and or damage shall be reported to Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA immediately.

§ 11 Final Provisions

  • In addition to the Stadium Regulations, further general terms of the event organizer (e.g. the ATGB? And/ or GTC „Season Tickets“), general terms of the national and/ or international associations (e.g. DFB, DFL, UEFA and/or FIFA) and the German Law excluding the provisions of the law on conflict of laws(IPR) and the UN purchase law (CISG) shall apply.
  • Should any term of this agreement be or become completely and/ or partially invalid there shouldn’t be an effect of the validity of the remaining provisions. In such a case, the legally ineffective provision shall be replaced by a legally admissible provision. This has analogous validity for the closing of any gaps in the provisions.

Correct as of August 2017 Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA

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Borussia Dortmund Stadium Tour

dortmund stadion tour

Here’s a look at the Borussia Dortmund Stadium Tour.

Signal Iduna Park, also known as Westfalenstadion, holds nearly 82,000 people, making it biggest football stadium in Germany and the 7th biggest in Europe. Its most famous feature by far is the South Bank, or Südtribüne , which holds over 24,000 people and is known as the “Yellow Wall.”

Groundhopper Guides sells Dortmund tickets and hospitality

Touring the dortmund stadium.

Dortmund Stadium Tours cost 9 to 11 Euro, including a trip to the club museum, and are available most days when Dortmund are not playing at home. The stadium part is self guided. You can book them on the club’s website .

For more information on German football, check out our club profiles , our map of German football clubs , and our post What is the DFB-Pokal ?

Just click on the first image below to make your way through the photo gallery.

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Privacy overview.

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The Club Wembley Private Suite includes:

  • Private 12-seater box around Block 229, West Stand
  • Premium padded seats directly in front of the suite
  • Designated VIP entrance
  • Access to the suite from 3 hours before kick-off and 1.5 hours after
  • Pre-match 3-course dining in the suite
  • Beers, wines, and soft drinks are included in the price. Spirits can be ordered and paid on the day.
  • Official event program

Photo shows the location of the seats.

The West Block Club Wembley seats include:

  • Wide padded seats behind the goal, Blocks 232-242
  • Matchday program
  • Access to exclusive restaurants and bars

dortmund stadion tour

Welcome to German Football Museum

The German Football Museum in Dortmund  is the national museum of German football. We are more than a museum. We are a world of experience for the whole family. A cultural place of the past, present, and future of football. Vivid – emotional – interactive. The Bundesliga, club football, and, of course, the triumphs of the German National Team – we have all that and more. Football fans from all over the world go on an emotional journey. Our motto: One ball – 1,000 stories. Your journey begins with the trip to the stadium. Through the players´ tunnel, you reach the “Miracle of Bern”. The original ball from the  1954 World Cup  final awaits you along with the “ Heroes of Bern ”. The very players, who have won the first World Cup title with their coach Sepp Herberger. Whether the ball at  Wembley  was truly behind the goal line is investigated at an interactive media station. If the Football God at Bloemfontein finally had some mercy in 2010. Why Lars Ricken was damned to tip the ball and Rahn had to score from the backfield.

Golden Generation : An impressive video installation in German on a gigantic ball traces the steps from the 2006 home World Cup to the 2014 World Cup win in Rio de Janeiro. After the 3D cinema (German and English), the treasury with our collection of original World Cup Winner´s Trophies and European Championship Cups is waiting for you. Curiosities, highlights and things from the Bundesliga and club football you have never seen before are waiting to be explored. Finally, the masterpiece in our permanent exhibition is the German football  HALL OF FAME .

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BVB Stadion Dortmund Complete Guide - Everything You Need to Know

Josip Brajkovic

Ask any football fanatic to name a bucket list of football grounds to visit in your lifetime and if Westfalen isn't among them, remove the said title from their description. Borussia Dortmund's home, known now as Signal Iduna Park, is one of the top five stadiums for enjoying football. Even through a screen. So the BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide is a must-read, especially for those lucky fans going to the Euros.

Firstly, the stadium is known as Westfalen amongst the fans, the sponsorship name is Signal Iduna Park when BVB plays on it. But for the EURO, due to UEFA regulations, it cannot bear the name of the sponsor. Hence, for the summer of 2024, it's named after the city it's located in and the famed abbreviation for the home club.

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Euro 2024 matches

The city of Dortmund will host six EURO 2024 matches with four in the groups and two in the knockout stages.

Turkish fans will be the most numerous as their team plays two games in Group F here. With 22,000 Turks already living in Dortmund, and millions in Germany overall.

There are two open matches that have a single unknown participant at the time of writing, as they are coming from the qualification play-offs.

Italy vs Albania (Saturday, June 15th, 21:00) in Group B Turkey vs Play-off Winner C (Tuesday, June 18th, 18:00) in Group F Turkey vs Portugal (Saturday, June 22nd, 18:00) in Group F France vs Play-off Winner A (Tuesday, June 25th, 18:00) in Group D

As for the play-off teams, Turkey will play one of Georgia, Greece, Luxembourg, or Kazakhstan. So a heated Turkey vs Greece derby is on the cards.

France will play a side from the A play-off path, consisting of Poland, Estonia, Wales, and Finland.

Knockout Stage matches at the BVB Stadion Dortmund

1st from Group A vs 2nd from Group C (Saturday, June 29th, 21:00) Round of 16 W47 vs W48 (Wednesday, July 10th, 21:00), semi-finals

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: History and construction

Signal Iduna Park

Now about the origins of the goosebumps factory that contains the second most important wall in Germany, and is the third biggest football stadium in Europe!

Earlier in the 20th century, Borussia Dortmund was playing its games on the Stadion Rote Erde, the Red Eearth stadium. Bearing its name after the province it was in, Westphalia, known historically as Red Earth.

In 1974, the Westfalenstadion (also named after Westphalia) replaced the Rote Erde ground.

The two Borussia grounds are located immediately adjacent to each other.

BVB started winning its first titles in the second part of the 50s and the Rote Erde Stadion became too tight for all the fans of the club. Yet the city didn't have the money for a new ground, despite being in one of the richest industrial provinces of not just Germany, but Europe.

As in 1974 Germany was to host the World Cup, the city of Cologne got the funds to build one of the host stadiums. Yet it couldn't fulfil the task at hand and Dortmund got the nod in 1971.

At the time, the modest cost of the ground was 32.7 million Deutsch marks. By today’s numbers, it’s estimated that the initial cost of the BVB Stadion Dortmund was €200,000,000!

But with a capacity and the amenities far from what the BVB faithful have been dreaming of.

"Only" 54,000 spectators could've fit the ground at the time. Far less then the Signal Iduna’s Park capacity today.

Construction started in 1971 and it ended in 1974, meaning that in 2024, the Westfalen Stadium will have a 50-year anniversary.

A period during which it received several facelifts in terms of renovations and reconstructions.

The first one came in 1992 when the initial capacity was diminished by more than 10,000 to 42,800. Due to UEFA regulations.

However, just three years later, the stadium's capacity was increased again, to the previous capacity of 54,000. With two new terrace tiers added on the two main stands.

As BVB was enjoying their golden years at the time, winning the 1997 Champions League title, the stadium needed to host more people. This time, the north and south stands were increased, with the stadium's total capacity coming to 68,800.

Of course, as is the case today in BVB home games, the south stand is a free-standing terrace with a capacity of 25,000 people!

Providing for one of the most imposing views in football, bearing its famed name - The Yellow Wall.

As Germany won their bid for hosting the 2006 World Cup in 2000, it signalled the need for another improvement period on now the country's largest football ground.

This time, the corners were added between the stands and the capacity for international games reached 67,000.

Impressively, this addition enhanced the ground with 5,000 VIP seats!

This reconstruction was also notable because of what it uncovered - a 450-kilogram heavy undetonated bomb from the World War II era! It was located only about one metre below the halfway line on the pitch! Construction was halted and nearby neighbourhoods were evacuated for the bomb squad to come and disarm the device.

In 2024, BVB Stadion Dortmund holds a maximum of 81,365 spectators.

However, for the EURO 2024, the BVB Stadion Dortmund capacity is limited to 62,000!

From the 2022/2023 season, fans were allowed to stand during Champions League games, so the stadium has the same capacity as for the domestic games.

BVB Stadion Dortmund Complete Guide: Architecture and Dimensions

Signal Iduna Park

All of the terraces are covered by a memorable roof construction, yet due to the winds, not everyone is going to be safe from rain at all times. Not that it would hinder The Yellow Wall.

The eight-metre tall yellow pylons rising to the height of 62 metres have since become a landmark in the Dortmund skyline.

But the silhouette the roof gives to the ground isn't the only notable thing. The surface of it is covered with solar panels that shape the logo of Borussia Dortmund!

The lower echelons of the stadium's exterior consist of a glass facade. So while the interior holds an industrial, raw metal look to it, the outside is quite modern. A particular necessity in this case, as the stadium is located in the broader city centre. Not on the outskirts of the city like in Munich.

There are four video screens inside the stadium. The fifth screen on the outside of the north stands is smaller, measuring 28 square meters.

The pitch size is 105 by 68 metres.

BVB Stadion Dortmund Complete Guide: Notable matches

The inauguration match took place back in 1974 in a friendly match between bitter rivals Borussia and Schalke 04, who didn't take a fee for playing in the game due to BVB's hard financial situation. A common theme throughout the years it seems. Schalke won the game 3:0 too, which gives them two directions for poking at their BVB rivals.

But the first Bundesliga game at the Westfalenstadion happened in 1976 but once again, it was Schalke that played and won in it, against Bochum, the nominal hosts who were playing in Dortmund while their ground was being built.

In 1974, four games were played at BVB Stadion Dortmund at the World Cup. The Netherlands faced Sweden, Bulgaria, and Brazil here, while Scotland played Zaire.

At the 2006 World Cup, six games were played at Borussia's stadium. Four in the groups, two in the knockout stages.

Trinidad and Tobago faced Sweden, Germany hosted Poland, Togo and Switzerland played, while Japan played Brazil.

Brazil also faced Ghana in the round of 16. While Germany lost the semis to Italy at Westfalenstadion.

Surprisingly, only one major European club match was played at Westfalen, and that was the 2001 UEFA Cup final between Liverpool and Alaves. But it was a classic, with LFC winning 5:4 after extra time.

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Location and Travel

Dortmund is located in western Germany, just 62 kilometres away from the closest border with The Netherlands.

It's most likely the most well-known city in that area of the country, the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. With Bochum 12 kilometres away, Essen 27 kilometres, Duisburg 45 km, Dusseldorf 54 km, Wuppertal 27 km, and Cologne 66 kilometres away, Dortmund is in a highly urban area of the country.

A part of the land known for its industrial history.

Other football-notable places are in a similar vicinity, like Gelsenkirchen (Schalke 04), Leverkusen and Monchengladbach.

Dortmund's international airport is 11 kilometres away from the city centre.

While the main train station is dead-centre in the centre of Dortmund. With six subway lines crossing through the city.

Dortmund's central bus station is in the close vicinity of the main train station too, actually just behind the train tracks.

While in a major urban zone of the country, Dortmund itself is not a massive city, with 586,000 inhabitants.

But the urban area holds 5,302,000 people, and the Rhine-Ruhr metro area is home to 11,300,000 people!

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Moving around Dortmund

The BVB Stadion Dortmund is just 2.46 kilometres away from the city centre and is hence a great option for those atmosphere-enjoying walks toward the ground on matchday.

The city of Dortmund will roll out the re... green carpet for all the fans visiting for the EURO 2024. So no need to watch the maps on every corner, the green carpet will join the most important areas of the city. The Dortmund Central Station, the Fan Zone, and the Public Viewing area.

The Fan Zone (which will require no tickets for entry) will be located in the southern part of the city centre, at the stone courtyard square of Friedensplatz.

While the Public Viewing Area will be in a green Westfalen Park, which is located a kilometre away to the east of the stadium. Or a kilometre and a half away south from the city centre.

Signal Iduna Park

Matches played here will be all the ones played at the BVB Stadion Dortmund, all matches on German national team matchdays, the final, and possibly other ones.

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Transportation

As a smaller place, the hostels in Dortmund go for €40 per night, rental apartments are double that, hotels can be found at €50, and luxury hotels are around €90 per night. Of course, the prices will increase as the EURO comes closer.

The subway line U46 goes to the BVB Stadion Dortmund, with the station named exactly that - Stadion. But one can also come off on the prior station, Westfallenhalen U.

The U45 subway also passes nearby, with the Remydamm station the closest to the ground. The subway line U42 passes on the other side, west side, with the Theodor-Fliedner-Heim station closest to the stadium.

On the same side, the bus NE8 also operates.

The train line RB59 stops at the south end of the broader stadium park, at the Dortmund Signal-Iduna-Park station.

BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Other sights

The most obvious option for sightseeing in Dortmund is the Borrusseum, the Borussia Dortmund museum. Located within the stadium of course.

The other notable football sight is the Stadion Rote Erde, BVB's first ground. One you also can't miss if you're coming to the BVB Stadion Dortmund, as it's located immediately next to it. Terrace to terrace.

This was the original idea, and the working title for Westfalen was "Twin Stadium." Now BVB II plays its matches here.

The Rote Erde ground is even registered as a monument in the city of Dortmund's list of monuments. That's how much Dortmundians value football.

Cementing its place as one of Germany's best football cities is the German Football Museum. Another one for the "can't miss it" category, as it's located across the street from the central train station.

A minute walk away from there is the Dortmund U-Tower, formerly a brewery, now an art and creativity hub of the city.

While Dortmund holds more football goodies for the explorers. Holding its own Walk of Fame, with 100 stars embedded in the sidewalk, each of them commemorating a significant point in Borussia's history. From its birthplace near Borsigplatz, to the Westfalenstaidon.

Another piece of Dortmund's football history is also located on the ground, next to the sidewalks though. In 2011, then Borussia Dortmund centre-back Neven Subotic stopped his car to celebrate the Bundesliga title with the fans. Climbed on top of the car shirtless and sang with the joyous fans.

Quickly after, the spot was marked as a parking place in BVB colours, but with a catch - "only for Neven Subotic" it said.

Clearly, BVB Stadion Dortmund visit is a must-see location for the football gourmets, as you’ll hardly find a place that lives and breathes football more than this German city.

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Please understand that due to events, match day preparations and U23 games, as well as due to conversion or renovation measures, some areas may be spontaneously inaccessible. Furthermore, we would like to inform you in advance that before UEFA Champions League matchdays, sensitive areas, such as the dressing rooms, mixed zone and players' tunnel, cannot be visited.

Where do the BVB Stadium Tours start?

The Stadium Tours start from the Foyer West (Mondays – Sundays). Foyer West can be accessed via the Luftbad parking lot (Strobelallee 54, 44139 Dortmund). The stadium walk also starts almost every day (Wednesday closing day) in the Foyer West.

Which group of people receives the reduced admission?

The reduced price applies to students, pupils, unemployed persons, voluntary conscripts, pensioners, severely disabled persons and all minors under the age of 18. The reduced price applies to guests with a severely disabled passes. Accompanying persons for severely disabled persons (GdB 50 or higher) may attend free of charge.

Where can I park?

Free parking spaces are available at the BVB-FanWelt in the Luftbad parking lot. There is no separate parking space for buses. Here you can find our directions. Please note the opening hours shown on site.

Can I come to the Stadium Tour with a pram/rollator?

The Stadium Tours are not barrier-free due to the numerous steps. If you want to take part in a tour with a pram/rollator, there are separate barrier-free tours.

Am I allowed to take pictures?

Photos and videos may be made for private use.

Am I allowed to take animals into the stadium?

Animals are not allowed in the stadium.

Are there stadium tours for international visitors?

We offer public tours in English (see our homepage for dates). Private tours can also be requested in English, Polish, French, Spanish and Japanese.

Public Stadium Tour

Where can i buy tickets for public stadium tours.

Tickets for Public Stadium Tours can be purchased in the BVB FanWelt, in the Foyer West or in the online store .

Is there a minimum number of participants for Public Tours?

There is no minimum number of participants for Public Tours. The tours start in any case.

The ticket contingent for public tours is limited to 40 participants.

Can tickets for Public Stadium Tours be exchanged?

Please understand that the tickets are excluded from return and exchange without exception.

Can I buy or bring something to eat on Public Tours?

On Public Tours there is no possibility to eat (brought along) food or to buy food during the tour. You are welcome to buy food and beverages at the Melitta Café in the FanWelt or at the food truck next to the FanWelt in front of the stadium. 

What happens if I am late?

Please understand that it is not possible to bring individual guests to the group if they are late. In this case the ticket loses its validity. When walking around the stadium and looking into SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, you can choose the start and end time freely within your booked time slot.

Private Stadium Tour

Where can i buy tickets for private stadium tours.

On our homepage you will find the registration form for a private tour, which is required to fill in and submit. Once we receive the completed registration form, we will check availability and confirm the tour by e-mail.

What private stadium tours do you offer and what do they cost?

An overview of all our private stadium tours and their costs can be found here .

What additional services do you offer?

Additional modules, such as a champagne or beer reception or a snack at the stadium kiosk, can be booked in addition. The minimum calculation basis is also here 15 persons.

EMMA, our official mascot and chairman of the BVB KidsClub, can also take part in a BVB tour. To do so, please first book your desired private stadium tour via the registration form . Once the tour is successfully booked, EMMA can be added to the tour on request for the desired date, depending on availability. Please contact EMMA by e-mail at [email protected] .

Do we have to be 15 people to book a Private Tour?

You can also book a Private Tour with less than 15 people. However, the minimum calculation basis is 15 persons. 

Can children under the age of 5 participate in Private Tours free of charge?

In the all-inclusive price for a group of up to 15 persons, up to 3 children are free of charge. Each additional child must pay a reduced price per person. 

In case of a delay, please call the Foyer West as soon as possible on the following number: 0231-9020 1684.

Please understand that the tour will be shortened in case of a delay.

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Borussia Dortmund

Signal iduna park.

Capacity: 81,365 (53,028 seated and 28,337 standing) Address: SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, Strobelallee 50, 44139 Dortmund, Germany Telephone: +49 (231) 90200 Ticket Office: +49 (231) 90200 StadiumTours: +49 (231) 90200 Pitch Size: 105m x 68m Pitch Type: Grass Club Nickname: Die Borussen Year Ground Opened: 1974 Undersoil Heating: Yes Shirt Sponsors: 1&1 Ionos Kit Manufacturer: Puma Home Kit: Yellow and Black Away Kit: Black and Grey


Signal Iduna Park Stadium Tours

Stadium tours at Signal Iduna Park are conducted throughout the year. All tours provide fans with access to VIP areas, the tunnel, the club museum, the press room and dressing rooms.

There are two types of tour at Signal Iduna Park –

Public tours take place throughout the week where groups of up to 40 people are taken on a tour around the stadium. Private tours can be booked in advance if you would like a more intimate walk around the stadium with a personal guide for you and your party. Naturally, private tours cost more than public ones.

All tours can be provided in either German or English and they are generally very accommodating of any requests at the stadium. Tours can be booked through the official Dortmund website .

Ticket Prices

The ticket prices set by Dortmund are dependent on the seating plan, type of opponent, and competition. There are several categories available.

Category 1 matches (games against top opponents such as Bayern Munich) cost €70 during the 2023-24 season while Category 6 matches (the lowest category offered) cost €35.

Standing tickets across all matches cost €18.50 during the 2023-24 season while the club also offer discounted rates for concessions and disabled supporters.

How to get there by car & where to park?

It is very easy to reach the Signal Iduna Park due to excellent connections with the Autobahns nearby. The stadium is located in the south of the city. The A1 that heads towards Dortmund-Unna junction will be your pick for reaching the stadium from the North. Then, you have to take the A44/B1 to reach the stadium. If you are coming from the East, then you should take the A2 on the way to the Dortmund-Nordost junction. From there, you have to take the B235 until Schwerte before switching to the B1. If you are travelling from the south, the A45 to the Dortmund-Sud junction will be your option. From there, you can take the B54 that heads into the stadium. The A40/B1 is the choice for those coming from the west.

After driving to the stadium, you will encounter several options to park your car. The stadium has more than 10,000 parking spots, while there are more spaces available at Westfalenhalle.

If you do not wish to drive yourself, there is easy connectivity to the Dortmund Hauptbahnhof airport in the form of many taxis. The taxis will cost around €15 and it takes about 10 minutes to reach the stadium. An added advantage would be the presence of many ride possibilities that are operated by the club, who also provide parking options in plenty.

By train or metro

Signal Iduna Park is located in an advantageous position for reaching by a train. The main railway station is about 3 km away from the stadium. The process of finding the right train station is made a lot easier since the closest station is known as the Dortmund Signal Iduna Park. A journey from London will take around seven hours and you will be passing through the likes of Brussels before reaching the city. There are many connections from the likes of Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Wolfsburg. After reaching Dortmund, you can easily take a regional train that will take you to the Signal Iduna Park.

Alternatively, you can also pick the U-Bahn tramline. This can be a lot more convenient due to the presence of many stations in the city. If you are taking the tramline, you have to get off at the Westfalenhallen. The lines 45 and 46 are ideal for this purpose. After getting down, you are just five minutes away from reaching the ground. On match days, you can even try using the next stop – Westfalen Stadion – since the walk is even less.

The train services are abundant in number with around 3 to 4 available every hour. The prices are very light in the pocket, as you will be spending around a few euros at the most.

What is it like for visiting supporters?

It is very common for away supporters to be put inside the corner of a ground, but that is not the case with Signal Iduna Park, where you will be sitting in the central section of the North stand. This is a remarkable touch that will impress supporters straight away, but the ticket allocation usually ranges from 2000 to 3000 – and it is also dependent on the opposition.

The view from here is excellent, but the best bit about Dortmund away is typically the atmosphere. The noise that comes from one end of the stadium inside the Yellow Wall is something that all football fans should try and experience at least once if they can.

Pubs for Away Fans

Germany is one of the renowned destinations for beer and it is not a surprise that many pubs are available in town for you to enjoy just before the game or even after the game. The top pubs in Dortmund are:

  • Strobels Bar – Strobelallee 50, 44139 Dortmund, Germany
  • Manhattan Sportsbar Dortmund – Von-der-Tann-Straße 13, 44143 Dortmund, Germany
  • Ratsschänke – Prinzenstraße 7, 44135 Dortmund, Germany

What’s the Signal Iduna Park like?

The Signal Iduna Park was opened in 1974 to serve as one of the host stadiums for the World Cup. As a result, this is a stadium that enjoys a lot of history and you will be able to feel the same when you visit the ground, which was previously known as the Westfalenstadion. This historically rich ground manages to stay quite unique with a rectangular shape, which is quite different from the bowl style adopted by many European grounds during this period. There are also separate stands that are very reminiscent of the British-style stadiums.

The key sections of the stadium are:

Nord Stand – This is a steep section of the stadium. It is capable of providing very close views of the action due to this incline. An advantage of this stand would be the presence of a cantilevered roof. This is also the section where away supporters are placed.

Sud Stand – This is easily one of the iconic aspects of the Signal Iduna Park and it is widely known as the Yellow Wall. The stand has been able to pick up this name as a result of being the largest single-tier section in a European stadium. This section alone has the capacity to hold 24,500 fans. In many ways, this stand directly goes with Liverpool’s Kop stand – including the rituals like singing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ before a game.

West Stand – Regarded as the main section of the stadium, the West stand holds all the changing rooms, dugouts, and tunnels through which players make their way to the pitch. This stand is also where fans with hospitality tickets are accommodated.

Ost Stand – This is the section of Signal Iduna Park that comes with executive boxes and stands that are very close to the sides of the pitch. There can be a maximum of 17,000 supporters in this section alone.

Record and Average Attendance

Record Attendance

83,000 v Schalke, Stuttgart, Bayern Munich, Rostock (2004-05 & 2005-06 season)

Average Attendance

2023-2024: 81,302 (Bundesliga)

2022-2023: 81,228 (Bundesliga)

2021-2022: N/A (Covid)

2020-2021: N/A (Covid)

2019-2020: 57,297 (Bundesliga)

2018-2019: 80,841 (Bundesliga)

2017-2018: 79,496 (Bundesliga)

Disabled Facilities

A number of measures are taken by Borussia Dortmund to make life easier for the disabled fans to visit the Signal Iduna Park. For starters, there is a healthy availability of 150 parking spaces for the disabled. There is also a special entrance to the stadium. In order to be eligible for the privileges, fans must make sure that they have all the necessary documents to prove their disability.

The discounted tickets are also one of the ways followed by Dortmund to encourage disabled fans to visit the matches. The price for a severely handicapped ticket will be €16.8 while an accompanying person has to pay €39.90.

Borussia Dortmund fixtures

Local Rivals

Schalke 04 are Borussia Dortmund’s biggest local rivals while Bayern Munich are their biggest rivals from a competitive point of view.

Euro 2024 venue

Signal Iduna Park has been selected as one of the ten host stadiums for Euro 2024. They will play host to the following matches:

Dortmund Euro 2024 matches

15/06 : Italy vs Albania 18/06 : Türkiye vs Georgia   22/06 : Türkiye vs Portugal   25/06 : France vs Poland 29/06 : Round of 16 – 1A vs 2C 10/07 : Semi-final

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Signal Iduna Park

Signal Iduna Park

Club: Borussia Dortmund | Opening: 1974 | Capacity: 81,359 (25,000 standing)

History and description

Signal Iduna Park, before 2005 called Westfalenstadion, was built to serve as a playing venue for the 1974 World Cup.

Until then Dortmund had played their home matches at Stadion Rote Erde, and while an expansion of that stadium was first considered, in the end was chosen to build a new stadium all together.

Westfalenstadion officially opened on the 2nd of April 1974 with a friendly between Dortmund and Schalke 04. The stadium back then only consisted of one tier that could hold 54,000 spectators, of which 37,000 standing.

The stadium stood out because of its rectangular shape in a time when most large stadiums were still bowl-shaped, and its four separate stands served as inspiration for a new generation of stadiums. Ibrox Stadium ‘s redevelopment in the late 1970s was, for example, largely based on Westfalenstadion.

During the 1974 World Cup, Westfalenstadion hosted three first round group matches and the second round group match between Holland and Brazil (2-0).

The stadium remained largely unchanged until the early 1990s, when the increased successes of Dortmund grew the need for expansion.

Works started with the conversion of part of the standing areas into seats, actually reducing capacity, but then continued in 1995 with the construction of a second tier on top of the East and West Stand.

Shortly after, building works started on a second tier for the North and South Stand, which were completed in 1999. The stadium could then hold 68,600 spectators, and the 25,000-capacity South Stand had become the largest terrace of Europe.

In 2001, Westfalenstadion hosted the UEFA Cup final between Liverpool and Alavés (5-4).

The redevelopment of the stadium was completed between 2002 and 2003 when all four corners got closed up with stands. Two years later, in 2005, the stadium changed name to Signal Iduna Park as a result of a sponsorship deal.

In 2006, Signal Iduna Park was one of the playing venues of the 2006 World Cup . Temporarily renamed and with a reduced capacity of 67,000 seats, the stadium hosted four group matches, a round of 16 match, and the semi-final between Germany and Italy (0-2).


(photos of the present Signal Iduna Park below)

How to get to Signal Iduna Park

Signal Iduna Park is located in the south of Dortmund near the Westfalenhallen conference centre. Dortmund’s city centre and main rail station are about 3 kilometres away.

The stadium can be reached by car from either the B1 (north, east, and west), or B54 (south). If coming from the B1, take exit Im Rabenloh. The stadium lies a few hundred metres to the south. If arriving from the B54, take exit An Der Buschmühle. Drive east until you will turn with a curve onto the Strobelallee and head straight ahead until you see the stadium.

Signal Iduna Park can be easily reached by train from Dortmund’s main railway station in the centre. In just 5 minutes you will arrive at Dortmund Signal Iduna Park station, from where it is a short walk to the stadium. Trains typically run three to four times an hour.

Alternatively, you can take the U-Bahn from the centre and get off at station Westfalenhallen, from where it is a 5-minute walk to the stadium. Both line 45 and 46 serve the station.

On matchdays, there is a special service that will continue to station Stadion, which is even closer to the stadium.

The stadium is furthermore within walking distance of Theodor-Fliedner-Heim station, which is on U-Bahn line 42.

Address: Strobelallee 50, 44139 Dortmund

Eat, drink, and sleep near Signal Iduna Park

Signal Iduna Park is located next to conference centre Westfalenhallen, which means that there are quite a few hotels close to the stadium. Mercure Hotel Dortmund Messe is located right across the stadium and gets good reviews. Arcadia Grand Hotel and Steinberger Dortmund are other options. Expect to pay over €100 per night though. Hotel Gildenhof and B&B Hotel Dortmund Messe are cheaper alternatives. Click here for all hotels near Signal Iduna Park.

As the stadium is easy to reach from Dortmund’s city centre, you can just as well stay there. Dortmund is not the most interesting city, but there is more entertainment around than near the stadium. There are more cheaper hotels in the centre as well. Click here for the options.

If you are planning to stay more than one day or want to join the nightlife, Düsseldorf or Bochum (for nightlife) might be better options to find accomodation. S-Bahn line S1 and regional trains directly connect both cities with Dortmund’s main railway station.

There is a nice beer garden next to the stadium which is great if you pass by for a tour on non-matchdays.

Borussia Dortmund Tickets

Tickets for Borussia Dortmund games can be bought online , by phone +49 1805 309000 (Tickethotline), in person at the BVB Fanwelt clubshop at the stadium, or at one of the other sales  points in the Dortmund area.

Dortmund sell out Signal Iduna Park pretty much every match, and most league matches sell out right after coming on general sale.  Therefore make sure to be prepared and buy straightaway when the tickets go on sale.

In the rare case that a match does not sell out, tickets can also be bought at the ticket office of Signal Iduna Park from 4.5 hours before kickoff.

If you do miss out and wish to buy tickets for a sold out match, secondary ticket websites such as viagogo offer a generally reliable alternative. Of course, be prepared to pay well over face value.

Tickets range in price from €31.20 for a seat in the upper corners to €54.40 for a central seat for the main stand. A ticket for the South Stand (standing) costs €16.70. Prices are increased with 20% for the games versus Schalke and Bayern.

You can find a seating plan here .

Signal Iduna Park stadium tours

Borussia Dortmund organise guided stadium tours that include the dressing rooms, players’ tunnel, VIP areas, mixed zone, stadium prison, and Borusseum club museum (including trophy room). The tour lasts about 90 minutes, or 120 minutes for the PLUS version including the South Stand.

Tours typically run two to three times a day, generally at 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm and 4:00pm, but the schedule varies depending on the season. There are additional tours on the weekend, including one English-language tour.

There are no tours on matchdays. The Borusseum opens daily from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Tickets can be bought online , at the Borusseum, or at any of the other matchday ticket sales points in the Dortmund area. Tickets can also be bought before the start of the tour, though the group size is limited to 40 people and it is therefore advised to arrive early.

The tour costs €12.00, which includes the museum. For more information email  [email protected] or call +49 231 90 20 6600.

Photos of Signal Iduna Park

Signal Iduna Park

Relevant Internet links

BVB.de – Official website of Borussia Dortmund. Signal-iduna-park.de – Official website of Signal Iduna Park. Stadion-live.de – Signal Iduna Park event management website. Dortmund-tourismus.de – Official tourism webiste for the city of Dortmund. Bahn.de – Train times and fares. Bus-und-bahn.de – Bus and metro routes and times.

Went to watch BVB against VFB Stuttgart in 2014. Amazing experience. Very loud fans. Stadium is easy to reach from Dortmund city centre. People are friendly. It is a-must-see place.

Fantastic and friendly fans, great atmosphere, impressive stadium, and good football. Lives up to its reputation. Surely one of the best places to watch football in the world

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Signal Iduna Park - Borussia Dortmund Stadium Guide

Home » Germany » Signal Iduna Park

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By Football Tripper Last Updated: September 3, 2021

Exterior of Signal Iduna Park

Table of Contents

Stadium facts.

  • Borussia Dortmund
  • Seating Plan
  • Stadium Tours
  • Ticket Information

Airports and Flying

Westfalenstadion is the legendary home stadium of every neutrals’ favourite German side, Borussia Dortmund. Officially the ground is known as Signal Iduna Park for sponsorship purposes in a deal set to last until 2021.

The 80,000 capacity makes it the largest stadium in Germany and the third biggest in the top-flight of football (behind Camp Nou and the Bernabéu) .

Borussia Dortmund Stadium Guide

Signal iduna park history.

Borussia Dortmund’s Westfalenstadion was originally built as a playing venue for the 1974 Fifa World Cup with enough room for 54,000 supporters.

The first match was held on April 2nd against rivals Schalke 04 in a Charity Game as Borussia Dortmund were in a poor financial position at the time.

The first “official” match occurred 5 days later on the 7th of April and this time the home side managed to scrape a point against Bayer Uerdingen.

The newly built Westphalia stadium hosted 4 group matches of the World Cup including three games of the Netherlands including an intriguing clash against Brazil.

After the world cup, the stadium became pretty much unchanged for the next 18 years until the early 1990s when some of the seating was converted to standing areas in 1992.

Spurred on by a Bundesliga tittle in the 1991-1992 season and a runners up place in the UEFA Cup the following season the club’s revenues began to grow which gave Dortmund the financial platform to redevelop parts of the stadium which would eventually occur in three distinct phases.

Phase 1 (1995-1997) saw establishment of an upper tier brining the capacity up to 55,000, Phase 2 (1998-1999) continued the creation of a uniform upper tier and remodelling of terraced south stand capable of holding 25,000 visitors, and Phase 3 (2002-2003) saw the corners of the stadium filled in resulting in the current 80,000 plus capacity .

For the 2006 World cup finals a modification took place which focused on additional VIP boxes, improved disabled access, electronic ticketing and refitted changing rooms.

Fifa World Cup Stadium Dortmund hosted four group matches and a legendary semi final between the home side, Germany and Italy with the Italians winning 2 nil in extra time following a goalless draw at the end of 90 minutes.

Exterior of Signal Iduna Park

View of Signal Iduna Park

Borussia Dortmund Info

Signal iduna park seating plan.

Below is a seating plan of Borussia Dortmund's Signal Iduna Park:

Signal Iduna Park Seating Plan

Stand Photos

You can break Signal Iduna down into four unique parts: Nord, Ost, Sud and West.

dortmund stadion tour

Click the thumbnails above to enlarge an image of each stand and to read a more detailed description of each part of the Stadium.

Matchday Experience

Signal iduna park away section.

The away section is housed within the central column of the Nord Tribune slightly towards the right hand-side, and whether through a conscious decision or not, away supporters aren’t confined to the corner as they so often are in football stadiums across Europe.

Appearing to be a nice touch by Dortmund at first, one you’ve had a glimpse of the famous Yellow Wall Kop Stand you may be feeling angry your club’s stadium hasn’t got anything like it.

The ticket allocation is usually around 2,000 – 3,000 depending on the opposition, and seating is distributed across both tiers of the north stand between sections: 08, 60, 61, 70, 71 and 75. You can cross referee the seating plan above to see where you will be sitting.

Best Pubs near ground

One of the most popular pre-match hang-outs is the large Strobels Bar located north-east of the stadium which serves beer and has a large outdoor area. Inside the ground you can also purchase pints and take them into the stadium which really does help with the atmosphere!

As for drinking either before or after the match in the city centre the highest rated pub amongst visiting football fans is continually the amusingly named Brauhaus Wenkers. Located centrally it has a decent selection of local pilsners and multiple TV screens showing the football.

Food - Places to eat

Around the business park where Signal Iduna is location there are a few dining options before the game such as Steakhouse Rodizio next to Theodor-Fliedner-Heim tram station and the NRW Cocktails bar near to the Westfalenhallen stop. North of the stadium there is also the likes of Mongos Asian restaurant,  Das Allegro and Restaurant de Luca.

Within the stadium itself Strobels Dortmund restaurant comes highly rated and the numerous fast-food stalls and outlets will ensure you don’t starve. Plus you can drink beer in the stands, so what more could you possibly want?

Borussia Dortmund Club Shop

Borussia Dortmund merchandise truck

Borussia Dortmund operate several fanshops throughout the city in addition to their very own International Online Store which allows fans the opportunity to purchase goods 24/7 from the comfort of their own home. The most popular one for most fans is located in the north-east corner of Signal Iduna Park stadium across two floors.

Opening Times:

  • Monday – Saturday 10.00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Sundays: Closed
  • Matchdays: Open before kick-off and for one hour after full time whistle.

Can you take a stadium Tour?

Die Schwarzgelben (The Black and Yellows) offer fans the chance to undertake a 75 minute guided tour of the iconic Westfalenstadion, now known as Signal Iduna Park.

The tour costs a more than reasonable €10.00 for adults and €7.00 for concessions, with tours running everyday between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm except on matchdays which coincides with the museum opening times. Tickets can either be purchased at official BVB stores across the city, or at the stadium before the tour with a limit of 40 people per group.

For further information and confirmation of tour times, please visit the official website of Signal Iduna Park . Note: There are no online ticket sales!

How to buy Borussia Dortmund Tickets

Tickets to see Borussia Dortmund play football can either be purchased online, by phone +49 1805 309000, or in person at one of the numerous BVB fan shops throughout the city.

The pricing at Westfalenstadion is very affordable with tickets generally starting at just €16.00 for a place to stand in the Southern Terrace and then up to €30.00 for a seat in the upper corners, with a central positioned seat within the main stand on average €50.00.

As one of the most popular football clubs in Germany, acquiring tickets can often be difficult as most matches tend to sell out – including those against the less popular teams. This means that you might have to search for resellers.

How to get to Signal Iduna Park

Where is signal iduna park.

Signal Iduna Park is located next to the Westfalenhallen conference centre which is approximately 3km South Westish of Dortmund’s city centre.

The Stadium has good connections to the nearby Autobahns with the address for satnav is as follows:

  • Westfalenstadion, Strobelallee 50, 44139 Dortmund

The area around Signal Iduna and Westfalenhalle has over 10,000 metered parking spaces available to use. There is also a free parking and shuttle bus service from the Dortmund Megastore located at Dortmund-Horde, Felicitasstraße, B54 exit Rombergpark.

Train - Public Transport

Signal Iduna Park is only a 5 train journey from Dortmund’s main train station (Hauptbahnhof abbreviated to HBF) with the closest station conveniently named “Dortmund Signal Iduna Park”.

Trains typically run anywhere between three to four times an hour, and it will cost you no more than a few euros for a single or return.

Road signs for Westfalenstadion

Public Transport of Signal Iduna Park

Alternatively you can take the U-Bahn tramline which may be more convenient depending on your starting location as it has lots of Stations/Stops throughout the city.

Lines 45 and 46 drop you off at Westfalenhallen which is the nearest stop at 5 minutes walk away, with a special service on matchdays going slightly further and taking you along to the next stop, “Westfalen Stadion” which is even less of a walk.

The nearest Airport is located 10 km east of the city and is known as just Dortmund. As it is the second largest in the North Rhine-Westphalia region (Behind Düsseldorf  Airport), it is served by numerous low cost and budget airlines making it ideal for a cheap football weekend.

In terms of ground transportation once you arrive there is an express bus to Dortmund’s main station as well as shuttles to the metro lines and nearby railway stations.

Hotels Near Signal Iduna Park

As Signal Iduna Park is situated within a business park area with conference centres there are a few accommodation options such as the affordable B&B Hotel Dortmund-Messe, Mercure Hotel Dortmund Messe & Kongress (Ex Best Western) and Hotel Pullman Dortmund which is just the other side of the A40.

As the stadium is less than 3 km from the city centre you’re probably much better off looking there with the concentric ring road marking off numerous choices such as Park Inn by Radisson, City Hotel Dortmund and Hotel Carlton near the station.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who plays at signal iduna park.

German side Borussia Dortmund play their home matches at Signal Iduna Park.

What is the capacity of Signal Iduna Park?

As of 2024 Signal Iduna Park has an official seating capacity of 81,365 for Football matches.

When was Signal Iduna Park opened?

Signal Iduna Park officially opened in 1974 and is home to Borussia Dortmund

What is the postcode for Signal Iduna Park?

The postcode for Signal Iduna Park is 44139.

Are there any Covid restrictions at the stadium?

Covid Restrictions may be in place when you visit Signal Iduna Park in 2024. Please visit the official website of Borussia Dortmund for full information on changes due to the Coronavirus.

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Allianz Arena from above

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Olympiastadion Berlin Aerial

Olympiastadion Berlin

Exterior of Veltins Arena


dortmund stadion tour

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Aerial View Volksparkstadion


exterior of esprit arena

Merkur Spiel-Arena

Aerial view of Borussia Park Stadium


Main Entrance Commerzbank Arena

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Bundesliga stadiums, related football stadiums.

  • Useful Sites
  • Old Grounds

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Dortmund Stadium travel

dortmund stadion tour

Premier League clubs are already making plans for the 2024/25 season by arranging pre-season friendlies across the globe.

Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool will renew rivalries in the USA this summer, while Tottenham face Bayern Munich twice in the space of a week.

Keep track below of all the friendly fixtures and results. This page will be updated as more clubs announce pre-season dates and confirm kick-off times.

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  • Summer 2024 transfer window dates and Deadline Day
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Which Premier League sides are going to the USA in summer 2024?

Several Premier League heavyweights are heading to the States.

Arsenal will play Manchester United and Liverpool in Los Angeles and Philadelphia respectively in July, while Chelsea will take on Manchester City in Columbus and have also lined up friendlies against Wrexham and Real Madrid.

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Aston Villa, Crystal Palace, Wolves and West Ham are also heading to the US for warm-up games.

Premier League pre-season friendlies - confirmed dates so far

July 27: Arsenal vs Man Utd - SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles (kick-off 1am July 28 UK time) July 31: Arsenal vs Liverpool - Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, kick-off 7pm local time (12.30am August 1 UK time)

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Aston Villa

July 17: Aston Villa vs Walsall - Bescot Stadium, kick-off 7.30pm July 27: Aston Villa vs Columbus Crew - Lower.com Field, Ohio, kick-off 8pm local time (1am July 28 UK time) July 31: Aston Villa vs RB Leipzig - Red Bull Arena, New Jersey, kick-off 8pm local time (1am August 1 UK time) August 3: Aston Villa vs Club America - Soldier Field, Chicago, kick-off 4.30pm local time (10.30pm UK time) August 10: Aston Villa vs Borussia Dortmund - Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, kick-off 4pm UK time

August 3 : Brentford vs Watford - Vicarage Road, kick-off 3pm August 9 : Brentford vs Wolfsburg - Gtech Community Stadium, kick-off 7.45pm

July 24: Chelsea vs Wrexham - Levi's Stadium, Santa Clara July 27: Chelsea vs Celtic - Notre Dame Stadium, Indiana July 31: Chelsea vs Club America - Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Atlanta August 3: Chelsea vs Man City - Ohio Stadium, Columbus August 6: Chelsea vs Real Madrid - Bank of America Stadium, Charlotte

Crystal Palace

July 31: Crystal Palace vs Wolves - Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, Maryland, kick-off 8pm local time (1am August 1 UK time) August 3: Crystal Palace vs West Ham - Raymond James Stadium, Florida, kick-off 7pm local time (12am August 4 UK time)

July 27: Ipswich vs Fortuna Dusseldorf - Portman Road, 3pm

July 27: Liverpool vs Real Betis - Acrisure Stadium, Pittsburgh, kick-off 12.30am UK time July 31: Liverpool vs Arsenal - Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, kick-off 7pm local time (12.30am August 1 UK time) August 3: Liverpool vs Man Utd - Brice Stadium, South Carolina, kick-off 12.30am August 4 UK time

July 23: Man City vs Celtic - Kenan Stadium, Chapel Hill, N.C. July 27: Man City vs AC Milan - Yankee Stadium, New York July 30: Man City vs Barcelona - Camping World Stadium, Orlando August 3: Man City vs Chelsea - Ohio Stadium, Columbus

July 15: Man Utd vs Rosenborg - Lerkendal Stadion, Trondheim, kick-off 5pm UK time July 20: Man Utd vs Rangers - Scottish Gas Murrayfield, Edinburgh - kick-off 4pm July 27: Man Utd vs Arsenal - SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles, kick-off 1am July 28 UK time July 31: Man Utd vs Real Betis - Snapdragon Stadium, San Diego, kick-off 5am August 1 UK time August 3 : Man Utd vs Liverpool - Brice Stadium, South Carolina, kick-off 12.30am August 4 UK time

May 22: Newcastle 1-1 Tottenham (Newcastle won 5-4 on penalties) - MCG, Melbourne May 24: A-League All Stars vs Newcastle - MCG, Melbourne, kick-off 8.45am UK time July 31: Newcastle vs Urawa Red Diamonds - Saitama Stadium, Saitama, kick-off 7.30pm local time (11.30am UK time) August 3: Newcastle vs Yokohama F. Marinos - National Stadium, Tokyo, kick-off 7pm local time (1pm UK time)

May 22: Newcastle 1-1 Tottenham (Newcastle won 5-4 on penalties) - MCG, Melbourne July 27: Tottenham vs Vissel Kobe - National Stadium, Tokyo August 3: Tottenham vs Bayern Munich - Seoul World Cup Stadium, South Korea August 10: Tottenham vs Bayern Munich - Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, kick-off 5.30pm

July 27: West Ham vs Wolves - EverBank Stadium, Florida, kick-off 7pm local time (12am July 28 UK time) August 3: West Ham vs Crystal Palace - Raymond James Stadium, Florida, kick-off 7pm local time (12am August 4 UK time)

July 27: Wolves vs West Ham - EverBank Stadium, Florida, kick-off 7pm local time (12am July 28 UK time) July 31: Wolves vs Crystal Palace - Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, Maryland, kick-off 8pm local time (1am August 1 UK time)

When does the 2024/25 Premier League season start?

The 2024/25 Premier League season will start on the weekend on August 17/18 .

When are the 2024/25 Premier League fixtures released?

The Premier League fixtures - all 380 of them - will be released at 9am on Tuesday June 18 .

Last year, Sky Sports confirmed its opening weekend picks for live coverage at the same time.

Dates and kick-off times for all Premier League fixtures are subject to change.

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Live Premier League on Sky Sports in 2024/25

Sky Sports will show 128 games exclusively live in the 2024/25 season - and a brand new agreement between Sky Sports and the Premier League means even more live matches from 2025/26.

From 2025, Sky Sports will broadcast a record minimum of 215 Premier League matches a season after finalising a new four-year agreement.

Throughout the 2024/25 season, you can watch Premier League match highlights for free - without being a Sky Sports subscriber.

You'll find highlights from every Premier League game in the Score Centre, as well as on the Sky Sports website and Sky Sports app shortly after full-time , or from 5.15pm for midday Saturday kick-offs. You can also watch them on the Sky Sports Football YouTube channel.

You can stream Sky Sports live with no contract on a Month or Day membership on NOW - find out more about instant access to live action from the Premier League, EFL, F1, England cricket and much more.

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Sky Sports+ will give more choice to sports fans via live streams and a new dedicated channel, at no extra cost.

Launching this August, Sky Sports+ will be transformational in the amount of choice sports fans will have access to via live streams on Sky TV , streaming service NOW and the improved Sky Sports App on mobile.

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🚗 Parken am Stadion

Stadion an- und abreise.

Montag, 15. April 2024


Hier erfährst du, wie du am Spieltag zum BVB Stadion Dortmund und wieder zurück kommst. Allgemeine Infos zur Reise nach Dortmund findest du auf dieser Seite .


🌿 Eintrittskarteninhaber/-innen für Dortmund haben ohne zusätzliche Kosten Anspruch auf eine 36-Stunden-Fahrkarte für das VRR- (Verkehrsbund Rhein-Ruhr) und VRS-Netz (Verkehrsbund Rhein-Sieg) . Diese Fahrkarte ist von 06:00 Uhr am Spieltag bis 18:00 Uhr des Folgetages gültig.

Damit du die Vorfreude auf das Spiel zusammen mit den anderen Fans schon auf dem Weg zum Stadion genießen kannst, solltest du unserer Routenempfehlung unbedingt folgen. 🏟️

Dortmunds Stadtzentrum ist kompakt und das BVB Stadion Dortmund lässt sich am besten fußläufig erreichen. Nutze den Fußweg über den grünen Teppich , welcher dich vom Hauptbahnhof an der Fan Zone vorbei zum Stadion führt. Falls du nicht laufen möchtest, kannst du auch mit dem ÖPNV zum Stadion anreisen, aber beachte bitte, dass hier am Spieltag eine große Auslastung zu erwarten ist.

Kenne deinen Eingang!

🚪 Schaue schon vor deiner Anreise zum Stadion auf deinem Ticket nach, welchem Eingang dein Sitzplatz zugeordnet ist (A, B, C, D oder E). Deine empfohlene Anreiseroute kann sich je nach deinem Stadioneingang unterscheiden.

🚇 Dein Weg ins BVB Stadion Dortmund am Spieltag

dortmund stadion tour



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Informationen zur Buchung

Informationen zu ticketauswahl & buchung, rollstuhlfahrer und schwerbehinderte.

Um eine Buchung für Rollstuhlfahrende und Menschen mit Behinderung (Schwerbehinderung), inkl. Begleitung, vorzunehmen, prüfe bitte zunächst, ob es bei deinem Wunschevent auch die Möglichkeit gibt, Tickets direkt im Webshop zu buchen. Gehe dabei auf deine Veranstaltung und deine Stadt und prüfe die angebotenen Preiskategorien und Rabatte. Ob Tickets für Rollstuhlfahrende und Menschen mit Behinderung (Schwerbehinderung), inkl. Begleitung, im Webshop angeboten werden, entscheidet der Veranstalter des Events. Solltest du im Webshop kein entsprechendes Angebot finden, kontaktiere bitte unseren Kundenservice unter der Telefonnummer 0421 353 638. Aus technischen Gründen können unter dieser Rufnummer nur Anfragen und Buchungen von Tickets für Rollstuhlfahrende und Menschen mit Behinderung (Schwerbehinderung) bearbeitet werden! Abhängig von den Vorgaben des Veranstalters kann in einigen Fällen die Buchung direkt an unserer Hotline durchgeführt werden, in anderen Fällen muss die Buchung zunächst beim Veranstalter angefragt werden. Bitte habe Verständnis dafür, dass, abhängig von der Veranstaltung, Plätze für Rollstuhlfahrende und Menschen mit Behinderung (Schwerbehinderung) nicht immer angeboten werden können. Bist du beim Besuch des Events auf eine Begleitperson angewiesen (Merkzeichen B im Schwerbehindertenausweis) und das Begleiter-Ticket unterliegt einer Rabattierung oder Freikarte, halte bitte am Einlass zur Veranstaltung deinen Schwerbehindertenausweis als Nachweis für das Begleiter-Ticket bereit. Eine Prüfung vor Ort findet in allen Fällen statt.


Bei der Bestplatzbuchung entscheidest du dich für eine Platzkategorie und wählst die Anzahl der gewünschten Tickets aus. Innerhalb der gewählten Kategorie findet eine automatische Vergabe der Plätze statt, du erhältst die besten verfügbaren Plätze. Nummerierte Sitzplätze befinden sich in der Regel nebeneinander.


Bei der Saalplanbuchung wählst du deine Plätze persönlich und präzise im grafischen Saalplan aus. Starte die Saalplanbuchung und entscheide dich für einen Bereich. Dort kannst du die Plätze per Mausklick auswählen. Bei einigen Events wird die Saalplanbuchung nicht angeboten.

Freie Platzwahl

bedeutet, dass du mit deinem Ticket entsprechend den örtlichen Gegebenheiten deinen Platz frei auswählen kannst. Es kann sich dabei um Sitzplätze, Stehplätze oder eine Teilbestuhlung ohne Sitzplatzanspruch handeln.

Sitz- oder Stehplatz je nach Verfügbarkeit

In der so bezeichneten Preiskategorie werden überwiegend (jedoch nicht garantiert) Sitzplätze angeboten. Unter Umständen werden auch Stehplatzkarten zum gleichen Preis zugeschickt. Einen bestimmten Wunsch bezüglich Steh- oder Sitzplatz können wir leider in diesem Zusammenhang nicht erfüllen. Ein späterer Umtausch der gelieferten Eintrittskarten ist nicht möglich.

Zurzeit nicht verfügbar

bedeutet, dass die uns zur Verfügung stehenden Ticketkontingente zur Zeit erschöpft sind. Wir bemühen uns, neue Kontingente zu erhalten und bitten darum, unsere Webseite regelmäßig wieder aufzusuchen.

Nicht mehr zustellbar

bedeutet, dass die Veranstaltung zeitnah stattfindet und eine Lieferung der Tickets nicht mehr möglich ist. Je nach Event kannst du eventuell mit ticketdirect die Tickets selbst ausdrucken, die Versandart Mobile Ticket wählen oder die Tickets vor Ort an der Kasse abholen.

Nur 1 Ticket auswählbar / Einzelsitzplatz

bedeutet, dass über die Bestplatzbuchung nur noch einzelne Plätze (keine zusammenhängende Plätze) in der entsprechenden Kategorie buchbar sind. Einzelsitzplätze sind vereinzelte Restplätze. Auch wenn eine größere Anzahl verfügbar ist, sind diese Plätze nicht zusammenhängend. Möglicherweise stehen über die Saalplanbuchung noch zusammenhängende Plätze zur Verfügung.

Ermäßigte Karten

Häufig sind ermäßigte Tickets, z.B. für Kinder, Studenten und Senioren, buchbar. Diese werden an den Platzkategorien angezeigt. Bitte halte deinen Ermäßigungsnachweis am Einlass zur Veranstaltung bereit. Bitte erkundige dich ggf. bei unserem Call-Center unter der Telefonnummer: 01806 - 570 070 (0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt aus allen dt. Netzen).

Informationen zum Veranstalter

Die CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA ist nicht selbst Veranstalter der angebotenen Veranstaltung. Die Veranstaltung wird durch den Veranstalter durchgeführt, der auch Aussteller der Tickets ist. Die CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA hat es lediglich übernommen, die Tickets als Kommissionär für den Veranstalter zu vertreiben.

Live Nation GmbH, Mörikestraße 14, 60320 Frankfurt, Deutschland

Angezeigte Preise inkl. der gesetzl. MwSt., Vorverkaufsgebühr,  Buchungsgebühr von max. € 2,50 zzgl.  Versandkosten .

Deutsche Bank Park

Anfahrt mit öffentlichen verkehrsmitteln.

Sie könnenden Deutsche Bank Park gut und barrierefrei mit der S-Bahn erreichen. Die S-Bahn benötigt ab dem Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof nur 6 Minuten. Ab Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof  Nehmen Sie im Tiefbahnhof des Frankfurter Hauptbahnhofs die S-Bahnen S8 oder S9 in Richtung "Mainz" oder "Wiesbaden" bzw. die S7 in Richtung Goddelau bis zum Bahnhof "Stadion". Die Linie S7 fährt an den Bahnsteigen des Regional- und Fernverkehr ab. Vor dem Hauptbahnhof fahren am Spiel- bzw. Konzerttag zusätzlich zu der Straßenbahnlinie 21 auch Sonderzüge der Linie 20 im 3-Minuten-Takt zur Station "Stadion".

Anfahrt mit PKW

Wenn Sie von außerhalb Frankfurts kommen, fahren Sie auf der A3 oder A5 zum Frankfurter Kreuz. Dort folgen Sie den Hinweisschildern mit dem Stadionsymbol, die Sie zu einem der vier Parkplätze führen. Von der Innenstadt fahren Sie über die Mainbrücken nach Sachsenhausen und dann über die Kennedyallee stadtauswärts bis zum Oberforsthaus. Dort sehen Sie die Verteiler zu den Parkplätzen. Die Parkgebühr beträgt bei Sportveranstaltungen € 4,50 und bei Konzerten € 5,-. Es wird empfohlen mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln anzureisen, da die Parkplätze rund um den Deutsche Bank Park stark begrenzt sind. In der Regel ist die Eintrittskarte zu einer Veranstaltung im Deutsche Bank Park ein RMV-Kombi Ticket, d.h. der Gast kann ab 5 Stunden vor der Veranstaltung bis Betriebsende kostenfrei mit den Verkehrsmitteln des Rhein-Main-Verkehrsbundes fahren.

Von der Innenstadt fahren Sie über die Mainbrücken nach Sachsenhausen und dann über die Kennedyallee stadtauswärts bis zum Oberforsthaus. Dort sehen Sie die Verteiler zu den Parkplätzen. Die Parkgebühr beträgt bei Sportveranstaltungen € 4,50 und bei Konzerten € 5,-. Es wird empfohlen mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln anzureisen, da die Parkplätze rund um den Deutsche Bank Park stark begrenzt sind. In der Regel ist die Eintrittskarte zu einer Veranstaltung im Deutsche Bank Park ein RMV-Kombi Ticket, d.h. der Gast kann ab 5 Stunden vor der Veranstaltung bis Betriebsende kostenfrei mit den Verkehrsmitteln des Rhein-Main-Verkehrsbundes fahren.

Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit

Sie können den Deutsche Bank Park gut und barrierefrei mit der S-Bahn erreichen. Bei Fragen, Buchungswünschen und Interesse an Rollstuhlfahrerplätzen und Plätzen für Begleiter wende dich bitte an die Servicehotline 0421 353 638.

  • Travis Scott
  • 27.07.2024 18:30

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  1. Groundhopper Soccer Guides

    dortmund stadion tour

  2. Borussia Dortmund Stadium Tour

    dortmund stadion tour

  3. Groundhopper Soccer Guides

    dortmund stadion tour

  4. Unsere BVB Stadiontour im Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund

    dortmund stadion tour

  5. Buy Official Borussia Dortmund Tickets

    dortmund stadion tour

  6. STADIUM TOUR: Signal Iduna Park: BORUSSIA DORTMUND FC (The Largest Football Stadium in Germany)

    dortmund stadion tour


  1. Brit Explores DORTMUND's WESTFALENSTADION 🤩 Germany's BIGGEST Stadium Tour 🏟️

  2. Borussia Dortmund vs Paris Saint German

  3. Atmosphere Schalke 04 vs Borussia Dortmund. Revier Derby (11.03.23)

  4. Gelbe Wand Dortmund mit TRIUMPHMARSCH I BVB Bundesligastart 2022 vs. Leverkusen

  5. Mainz

  6. Signal Iduna Park


  1. Stadiontour

    1&1. 1&1 ist seit der Saison 2020/21 Haupt- und Trikotsponsor von Borussia Dortmund. Neben der Präsenz auf der Trikotbrust, wo das Logo in schwarz und weiß abgebildet wird, zählen auch umfangreiche redaktionelle und werbliche On- und Offline-Aktivitäten zu den Maßnahmen, mit denen 1&1 den BVB begleitet.

  2. BVB-Tour Express

    -then experience the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK in a 60-minutes express tour-Enjoy a unique BVB stadium tour with your own guide, who will accompany you with heart, passion, anecdotes and a lot of knowledge through the most beautiful stadium in the world! Look forward to: 60 minutes of pure adrenaline; The legendary South Stand "Yellow Wall

  3. Stadiontour

    Für Schulklassen bieten wir eine 120-minütige BVB-Stadiontour an. Dieses einzigartige Gruppenerlebnis wird zum Pauschalpreis von nur 180 € für eine Gruppe von bis zu 20 Schülern angeboten. In diesem Preis ist der Eintritt für drei Lehrer/Begleitpersonen inbegriffen. Für jede weitere Person werden zusätzlich jeweils 9 € berechnet.

  4. BVB-Stadiontour

    EM Stadiontouren Dortmund 2024 BVB Experience Stadionspaziergang oder Kombiticket inkl. BORUSSEUM BORUSSEUM BVB-Mittagstisch Adrenalinverstärkt After-Work-Tour Frühschoppen-Tour Triff EMMA! Private Stadiontour


    EXPERIENCE THE BVB STADIUM TOUR ON YOUR SCREEN. You always wanted to take part in a BVB stadium tour but did not make it to Dortmund yet? Or the Corona pandemic has upset your recent travel plans? Stadium guide André is offering you 30 minutes of exclusive insight into the most beautiful stadium in the world - the SIGNAL IDUNA PARK. The film ...

  6. BVB-Stadiontour

    Der Signal Iduna Park (Westfalenstadion) in Dortmund ist mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 81.365 Zuschauern das größte Fußballstadion in Deutschland. Nur fünf ...

  7. Borussia Dortmund

    Experience an entertaining and thrilling football weekend in Dortmund including tickets for a Bundesliga game at Signal Iduna Park. Borussia Dortmund's home ground is Germany's biggest stadium with a capacity of 81,365 and known for its fantastic atmosphere. You'll find plenty to do and see in Dortmund, making it a perfect weekend getaway.

  8. BVB Signal Iduna Park: Stadium Access and Self-Guided Tour

    10. Dortmund: City Exploration Game and Tour. Combine the excitement of a sightseeing city tour with an City Exploration game fun on this self-guided smartphone walking tour in Dortmund. Find attractions easily with the app's navigation function. Download the app and start the game by going to the first location.

  9. BVB 09

    Eightyone thousand three hundred and sixty-five. That's how many fans fit into SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, Germany's largest football stadium. If you had told the people of Dortmund 30 years ago about a football temple with a capacity of over 80,000 in their city centre - a stadium boasting a glass façade, undersoil heating and the largest stand in Europe - they would have all smiled tolerantly at ...

  10. Groundhopper Soccer Guides

    Here's a look at the Borussia Dortmund Stadium Tour. Signal Iduna Park, also known as Westfalenstadion, holds nearly 82,000 people, making it biggest football stadium in Germany and the 7th biggest in Europe. Its most famous feature by far is the South Bank, or Südtribüne, which holds over 24,000 people and is known as the "Yellow Wall.".

  11. Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund

    Signal Iduna Park: Our most recommended tours and activities. 1. BVB Signal Iduna Park: Stadium Access and Self-Guided Tour. Enjoy a self-guided tour through the Signal Iduna Park, home to the famous German football team BVB. Your tour will start at Foyer West, where an instructor will explain to you how the tour works.

  12. This is how Dortmund's Stadium Looks Like from Inside!

    Let us take you on an epic drone flight through the Signal Iduna Park! Sub now: https://redirect.bundesliga.com/_bwCSThis is the place where the magic happe...

  13. German Football Museum

    Welcome to German Football Museum. The German Football Museum in Dortmund is the national museum of German football. We are more than a museum. We are a world of experience for the whole family. A cultural place of the past, present, and future of football. Vivid - emotional - interactive.

  14. BVB Stadion Dortmund Complete Guide

    BVB Stadion Dortmund complete guide: Euro 2024 matches. The city of Dortmund will host six EURO 2024 matches with four in the groups and two in the knockout stages. Turkish fans will be the most numerous as their team plays two games in Group F here. With 22,000 Turks already living in Dortmund, and millions in Germany overall.

  15. BVB-Stadium Tour

    Once the tour is successfully booked, EMMA can be added to the tour on request for the desired date, depending on availability. Please contact EMMA by e-mail at [email protected]. Do we have to be 15 people to book a Private Tour? You can also book a Private Tour with less than 15 people. However, the minimum calculation basis is 15 persons.

  16. Borussia Dortmund Stadium

    Capacity: 81,365 (53,028 seated and 28,337 standing) Address: SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, Strobelallee 50, 44139 Dortmund, Germany Telephone: +49 (231) 90200 Ticket Office: +49 (231) 90200 StadiumTours: +49 (231) 90200 Pitch Size: 105m x 68m Pitch Type: Grass Club Nickname: Die Borussen Year Ground Opened: 1974 Undersoil Heating: Yes Shirt Sponsors: 1&1 Ionos Kit Manufacturer:Puma

  17. Signal Iduna Park Stadium Tour

    Two of my biggest passions in life are cars and soccer. While in Germany, I wanted to make a trip down to Dortmund and see the Signal Iduna Park, the iconic ...

  18. Signal Iduna Park

    Borussia Dortmund Tickets. Tickets for Borussia Dortmund games can be bought online, by phone +49 1805 309000 (Tickethotline), in person at the BVB Fanwelt clubshop at the stadium, or at one of the other sales points in the Dortmund area.. Dortmund sell out Signal Iduna Park pretty much every match, and most league matches sell out right after coming on general sale.

  19. Borussia Dortmund Stadium

    Westfalenstadion is the legendary home stadium of every neutrals' favourite German side, Borussia Dortmund. Officially the ground is known as Signal Iduna Park for sponsorship purposes in a deal set to last until 2021.. The 80,000 capacity makes it the largest stadium in Germany and the third biggest in the top-flight of football (behind Camp Nou and the Bernabéu) .

  20. Event guide: BVB Stadion Dortmund

    It is located at Westfalenhallen in hall 2. The centre will be open from 15:00 to 19:00 the day before matchdays and from 11:00 (kick-off at 18:00)/14:00 (kick-off at 21:00) to halftime on ...

  21. Event guide: Dortmund Stadium travel

    🚈 By public transport. From Dortmund Central Station . Option 1 (to Entrance A, B, D, E) 📍 Station: Central Station 🚈 Line: U-Bahn line U45 (towards Stadion) ️ Get off at Stadion 🚶 ...

  22. Premier League pre-season friendlies, fixtures, results 2024: Summer

    Premier League clubs are already making plans for the 2024/25 season by arranging pre-season friendlies across the globe. Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool will renew rivalries in the USA ...

  23. Stadion An- und Abreise

    Vom Hauptbahnhof Dortmund. Option 1 (Eingang A, B, D, E) 📍 Starthaltestelle: Hauptbahnhof 🚈 Linie: U45 (Richtung Stadion) ️ Zielhaltestelle: Stadion 🚶 Entfernung zum Stadion: ca. 2 Minuten. ⚠️ Manche Bahnen der Linie U45 enden an der Haltestelle Westfalenhallen. Beachte die Anzeige an der Bahn. Option 2 (Eingang A, B, D, E)

  24. Travis Scott

    Sichere dir jetzt deine Tickets für TRAVIS SCOTT - UTOPIA - CIRCUS MAXIMUS WORLD TOUR am 27.07.2024 18:30 - Deutsche Bank Park in FRANKFURT! Um den vollen Funktionsumfang dieser Webseite nutzen zu können, benötigst du JavaScript.