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41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

August 14, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we’ve curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning experiences for you and your young explorers! From museums to farms, TV stations to local startups, these trips will ignite curiosity and enhance learning, so let’s jump right in to explore more.

Preschool (3-5 years)

1. puppet theater.

fun class trip ideas

Ever wondered what your puppets would say if they could talk? It’s time to unleash creativity and weave magic with a charming puppet theater. The stage is set, the lights dim, and your young puppeteers have a chance to spin enchanting tales for all of their peers to enjoy.

Learn More: Bob Baker Marionette Theater

2. Children’s Museum

fun class trip ideas

This next field trip idea allows your littles to discover something new with every step they take! Children’s Museums are a galaxy of interactive exhibits- with every room designed to pique curiosity and spark fascination.

Learn More: MCM

Let’s swap those classroom walls for sun-drenched fields and wide-open skies. Among the chirping birds and friendly farm animals, your kids can delve into the heart of rural life; discovering a new respect for farmers and all the hard work they complete.

Learn More: YouTube

4. Local Library

fun class trip ideas

Let the local library shelves whisper tales of mystery, adventure, and knowledge into your students’ ears. Watch as their curious minds unearth the joy of reading and embark on countless journeys through the pages of their favorite books.

Learn More: The Colorful Apple

5. Petting Zoo

fun class trip ideas

Ready for a fuzzy, furry adventure? The petting zoo awaits to greet your students with an assortment of friendly wildlife. As your kids pet and care for these adorable animals, they’ll learn important lessons about empathy and responsibility.

Learn More: Seattle’s Child

6. Fruit Picking Farm

fun class trip ideas

Swap the hustle and bustle of the city for a day amidst vibrant orchards. A fruit-picking farm offers an opportunity to pluck, taste, and learn about various fruits. As your students reach out for those ripe apples and juicy strawberries, they are sure to experience the farm-to-table journey firsthand.

Learn More: Smith’s Nursery Inc.

7. Toy Factory

fun class trip ideas

Step into a life-sized playhouse with your students by taking them on an enchanting trip to the toy factory! Watch the wonder evolve as they discover the intriguing process behind how their favorite toys get created.

Learn More: Trip.com

8. Children’s Art Studio

fun class trip ideas

Welcome to the colorful chaos of a children’s art studio! Here, creativity reigns supreme, and messes are masterpieces in the making. Let your little Picassos unveil themselves through their imaginative designs and creations.

Learn More: Art Fun Studio

9. Aquarium

Dive into a magical underwater realm with a trip to the aquarium! As your students marvel at the vibrant marine life, they’ll gain insights into the mysteries and beauty of our oceans.

10. Local Bakery

fun class trip ideas

Tell your students to grab their chefs’ hats as you step into the aromatic world of a local bakery. During this scrumptious adventure, they will discover the science behind baking and might even get to try their hands at decorating cookies!

Learn More: Good Time DIY

11. City Park

There’s more to city parks than meets the eye. These spaces are living classrooms nestled in nature- offering lessons about local wildlife and providing countless outdoor activities for your students to indulge in.

Learn More: City Park Conservancy

12. Dance Studio

Let your students be entranced by the beat of the music and the flow of movement at a local dance studio. This field trip provides a space where your little ones can discover the joy of dancing, paired with the harmony between body and mind. Get their feet tapping and their hearts racing on this rhythmic journey.

Learn More: Jadore Dance

13. Botanical Garden

fun class trip ideas

Envision the botanical garden as a living book of floral wonders just waiting to be explored by your kiddos. As they wander through a stunning array of plants, they’ll uncover the fascinating world of nature’s extraordinary diversity.

Learn More: Naples Garden

Elementary School (6-10 years)

14. planetarium.

fun class trip ideas

Buckle up and prepare your pupils for a cosmic journey as they visit a local planetarium! As they gaze at the starlit dome, the mysteries of the universe are displayed- sparking curiosity and wonder about the cosmos with a quick voyage amongst the stars!

Learn More: HRM

15. Historical Museum

fun class trip ideas

Step back in time with a trip to the historical museum. Each artifact tells a riveting tale; bringing history to life for your young explorers. From stone tools to vintage attire, every exhibit is a time capsule for your elementary learners to enjoy.

Learn More: History Colorado

16. Art Museum

fun class trip ideas

Embark on a kaleidoscopic journey by visiting an art museum. This artistic adventure is sure to awaken your students’ creative side and inspire a deeper appreciation for the arts.

Learn More: The Art of Education

17. Recycling Center

fun class trip ideas

Reduce, reuse, recycle! At the recycling center, your everyday trash gets transformed into treasures! Here, your children can discover the importance of recycling and how it preserves our planet- making this a memorable lesson in waste management.

Learn More: Rethink Waste

18. Science Museum

fun class trip ideas

How about a trip to the science museum to ring home those hard-to-explain concepts? Interactive exhibits morph complex scientific concepts into fun-filled experiences; resulting in a hands-on approach to learning that lets your kids experience the thrills of scientific discovery.

Learn More: EdSurge

19. Historic Houses

fun class trip ideas

Peek into the past with a visit to historic houses. As your students walk through these corridors of history, they’ll develop an appreciation for the heritage and culture of eras gone by.

Learn More: Simple Homeschool

20. Conservatories

fun class trip ideas

Welcome to the conservatory, where every plant holds a lesson in biology, conservation, and ecology. As your children discover the wonder of our green planet, they’ll be encouraged to take better care of our Earthly home.

Learn More: Phipps Conservatory

21. Music Studio

fun class trip ideas

Transport your students to a world of rhythm and rhyme with a trip to the music studio. Here, your learners are sure to strike the right chord in more ways than one- getting an introduction to different instruments and the recording process at large.

Learn More: PBS

Middle School (11-13 years)

22. tech company.

fun class trip ideas

What does the future look like? Let your students discover this answer for themselves at a tech company! In our ever-changing world of technology and innovation, your children will gain insights into the possibilities of tomorrow!

Learn More: The Tech Interactive

23. Archaeological Sites

fun class trip ideas

Give your students the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of their ancient ancestors by visiting an archaeological site. As they explore these open-air museums of human history, they’ll connect with the past and unravel the threads of evolution and civilization.

Learn More: Explore Hampi

24. University Laboratory

fun class trip ideas

Enter the frontier of scientific discovery with a visit to a university laboratory. In this bustling hub of investigation, your student’s experimental ambitions are sure to be sparked; feeding their curiosity and opening their eyes to the wonders of scientific exploration.

Learn More: The Cre8ive Zone

25. Theater

fun class trip ideas

Lights, camera, action! Let your students experience the enchanting world of performing arts with a visit to the theater. From costume design to dramatic performances, they’ll get a glimpse of the magic behind the curtains- igniting a passion for drama and possibly even playwriting!

Learn More: KMS Drama

26. Sports Complex

fun class trip ideas

As your students sprint on the tracks or score goals on the fields, they’ll learn the importance of teamwork, physical fitness, and healthy competition. Taking them to the local sports complex teaches them that not only winning is celebrated, but taking part matters as well.

Learn More: LA Galaxy

fun class trip ideas

A fun-filled adventure to the zoo is a classic field trip idea! Every enclosure will provide your learners insight into the beauty of the animal kingdom; inviting them to discover facts relating to animals from around the world and learn more about the importance of conservation efforts.

Learn More: Lincoln Park Zoo

28. Community Service Centers

fun class trip ideas

At community service centers, kindness isn’t just a virtue; it’s a way of life. Here, your children will learn about the power of empathy and helping others- reinforcing the crucial lesson of giving back to the community. This field trip will allow them to grow, not just as individuals; but as compassionate members of society.

Learn More: Lancaster Edu

29. Local Newspaper

fun class trip ideas

The bustling newsroom of a local newspaper opens a window into the world of journalism. Amid the clattering keyboards and the urgent phone calls, your learners can grasp what goes into the process of news creation, from just a spark of information to a published article.

Learn More: English Classes Cygnaeus Pori

30. Historical Reenactment Sites

fun class trip ideas

Journey back in time by taking your students to historical reenactment sites. Here, history gets brought to life through vibrant performances where your kids can learn about the past in a way that textbooks could never teach them!

Learn More: Student Travel Planning Guide

31. Weather Station

fun class trip ideas

I’m sure all your students have wondered how the forecast predicts if you need an umbrella or sunglasses! Answer their burning questions by taking them to your local weather station. From temperature readings to radar images, they’ll get a firsthand experience of meteorology!

Learn More: CW3E Edu

High School (14-18 years)

32. national park.

fun class trip ideas

In the national park, lessons are etched in the rings of trees and whispered on the wings of butterflies. It’s here that your children can learn about the harmony of nature and the importance of conservation- bonding with the great outdoors and having a well-deserved break from classroom life.

Learn More: Global Travel Alliance

33. TV Station

The TV station pulls back the curtain on the captivating world of television production. From script writing to broadcasting, your learners will get the chance to witness the exciting process of how their favorite shows get created.

34. Biotech Company

fun class trip ideas

Venture into the cutting-edge world of Biotech! Here, your students will get a glimpse into the science that is shaping the future of health and medicine. It’s an awe-inspiring experience that could inspire the next generation of biomedical innovators.

Learn More: Promega Connections

35. Local Government Office

fun class trip ideas

With this field trip your pupils can learn about the inner workings of local governance- getting a practical understanding of civics that no textbook could provide. Bonus: It’s a hands-on lesson in leadership and responsibility.

Learn More: Nations Classroom Tours

36. News Studio

fun class trip ideas

Enterinto the bustling energy of a live broadcast studio. From the anchors’ desks to the control room, your children will get a dynamic view of live journalism to fuel a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

Learn More: Olympic High School

37. Courthouse

fun class trip ideas

Step into the halls of justice with a visit to the courthouse. Given the opportunity to learn about all kinds of legal processes, your learners can gain real-world insight into the judicial system; promoting a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Learn More: FHN Today

38. Botanical Research Institute

fun class trip ideas

Green thumbs at the ready! Taking your kids to the botanical research institute offers a unique opportunity for them to learn about the importance of plants and their environmental significance. Who knows, this could be the seed that grows into a future career in botany!

Learn More: GITM Edu

39. Architectural Firms

fun class trip ideas

Explore the nitty-gritty blueprints behind society with this field trip! As your learners observe how architects design and build, they’ll gain an appreciation for the relationship between art, science, and community at large.

Learn More: Arch Design

40. Local Startups

fun class trip ideas

Welcome to the ambition playground! On a trip to local startups, your students will witness the journey of how an idea transforms into a thriving business. This trip might inspire them to become the startup heroes of tomorrow

41. Film Studios

fun class trip ideas

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the big screen! From script to screen, your learners will witness the mesmerizing process of filmmaking. This cinematic adventure might inspire the next generation of filmmakers within your school!

Learn More: NST Group

fun class trip ideas

25 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas

Fuel Your Imagination and Planning

Nothing captivates students and youth groups more than the thrill of FIELD TRIPS! These special excursions give kids a chance to encounter new experiences, expand their horizons, cultivate fresh interests, and revel in fun with friends. Below, we’re sharing 25 of our favorite field trip ideas to fuel your imagination and planning.

field trip ideas

Terrific Tips for Field Trip Planning 

Wherever you decide to venture, remember these tips to ensure a safe and splendid experience for everyone: 

Align field trips with educational objectives or significant milestones in the school year.

Choose age-appropriate venues and activities, and come prepared with a game plan and instructional materials.

Provide enough chaperones to ensure the safety of all students/group members. ( Pro Tip:   Use SignUp to recruit parent volunteers! )

Follow school/group guidelines for arranging transportation, collecting permission slips, organizing buses, carpooling, etc. 

Communicate expectations for bringing or buying snacks, lunch, and beverages.

For elective and costly field trips, provide  fundraising opportunities  to enable more students to participate.

Educate both children and chaperones on safety measures and emergency procedures.

Fantastic Field Trip Ideas 

Art Museum:  Ignite creative expression and cultivate an appreciation for cultures, history, and identity by visiting a local museum. Many offer curriculum tailored to specific age groups, along with knowledgeable guides and engaging activities for your class or group.

Aquarium:  Dive into the world of ocean life and ecosystem conservation by exploring an oceanarium or aquarium.

Bank : Extend financial literacy lessons with a visit to a main bank branch, offering insights into opening savings accounts, understanding money flow, and even a glimpse into the vault.

Bakery or Candy/Ice Cream Factory : Arrange a tour of a local bakery or industrial food production site to discover the intricacies of food production, complete with delicious samples!

Botanical Garden : Embark on a journey through diverse plant species, learn about local ecosystems, and marvel at the beauty and wonders of nature.

Civil Rights Landmarks : Explore historical sites related to civil rights to enhance students' understanding of the enduring struggle for racial and social equality .

College Campus : Introduce students to the college experience, sparking excitement about higher education and future possibilities.

Cultural Neighborhood Tour : Roam through culturally vibrant neighborhoods to gain insight into various traditions, cuisines, and customs.

Environmental Cleanup Expedition:  Participate in a cleanup event at a local park, lake, or trail promoting environmental awareness and community engagement.

Farm or Dairy:  Gain hands-on knowledge of sustainable agriculture, interact with farm animals, and learn about the farm-to-table process.

Government : Foster civic participation with a tour of local, state or national houses of government, complete with an introduction to elected representatives.

Graveyard : Pay a visit to the resting places of local heroes and significant historical figures to pay respects, and to discover their life stories and the influence they've had on your community.

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Historical Reenactment:  Immerse in living history at reenactment events while giving students an experiential understanding of the past.

Local Business/Factory : Take a revealing tour of a prominent local business or factory to learn about their products, manufacturing processes, and community impact.

Nature Photography : Organize a nature photography expedition where students can capture the beauty of the outdoors and showcase their creativity.

Performing Arts Showcase : Attend a theater performance, dance show, or concert to foster an appreciation for the performing arts and encourage creative expression.

Preserve or Park : Explore local green spaces to study wildlife, conduct nature walks, and emphasize the importance of nature conservation.

Pumpkin Patch:  Embrace fall with a visit to the nearby pumpkin patch where students can enjoy hay rides, corn mazes, face painting, and the delight of picking their own pumpkins. 

Science or Innovation Center:  Explore a science or technical innovation center where students can participate in interactive exhibits, conduct science experiments, and learn about exciting future technologies.

Skating : Mark a school year milestone with a party at your local (ice or roller) skating rink, complete with beginner lessons, pizza, and treats.

Stadium or Sports Arena:  Visit the home of your local sports team and get a behind-the-scenes tour of the venue, complete with team autographs. 

Theme Park:  Celebrate hard work with a recreational outing to a local amusement park, water park, or other entertainment center. 

Virtual Reality Tours : Transport students to renowned museums and iconic sites around the world through virtual reality, offering a unique way to explore art and history.

Volunteer Experience : Dedicate a day to community service at a local nonprofit, teaching students the importance of supporting their community and offering insight into nonprofit operations.

Wilderness Surviva l: Collaborate with a local guide or company to arrange a wilderness survival camp that teaches students essential skills like shelter construction, fire-making, foraging for food, water purification, and more.


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50 Fun & Educational Field Trip Ideas

  • Katie Layne Contributing Writer
  • Updated Aug 29, 2023

50 Fun & Educational Field Trip Ideas

Homeschool Field Trips

Sometimes our homeschooling needs "something," some spark, something new and different, something that doesn't necessarily involve pencils and paper, something that gets our bodies moving and our spirits refreshed. Sometimes, we need a field trip!

Field trips can be used for wide and varied purposes. Sometimes a field trip is just what is needed to kick off a unit study or to pull everything together at the end of a period of study. Field trips can spark interest in various topics, fields of work, or study, which may lead to our students making a new invention or getting interested in a field that may one day become their life's work.

Get our awesome PDF of the Ultimate Field Trip Bucket List to print out and check off the ones you do!

Have you ever wondered why so many public school classes take field trips in the spring? Could the students and teachers be tired of being cooped up all year in a classroom and just want to get out and about in the fresh air? Oftentimes, the field trips are not even what you could consider "educational," but nonetheless, everyone in the class gets on a school bus, and off they go for the day. Therefore, I believe we can add one more purpose for field trips to our list above--fun! Field trips can be taken just for the fun of it.

If you are going to tour a facility that is not normally open to the public, or anywhere else that you will require a tour guide, be sure to call ahead to set up a time for your tour and find out if they have any special instructions for you.

Here are 50 awesome field trip ideas! 

1. Manufacturing facility . This would include any factory where cars, equipment, tools, toys, packaging or anything else is manufactured. The mechanized equipment and assembly lines are fascinating to watch and it is interesting to learn which raw materials are used and how they are used to make the final product.

2.  Farm. This could be a "specialty" farm that grows some specialty crop, a dairy farm, a farm that grows more ordinary crops such as wheat or corn, maple syrup farm, apple orchard or anyplace where food is grown. Think about the best time of year to visit each type of farm based on what operations may be going on at the time-planting, harvesting, cider making, sap gathering, etc.

3. Fire Department. Learn a bit about fire safety, how firemen fight fires, the gear they wear, and how they live.

4. Daily Newspaper . See the huge rolls of paper used and how the printing process works.

5. Post Office . When we toured our local post office, we were told to bring along postcards addressed to ourselves and were able to watch the postal workers process our own cards, which we then received at home in the mail a day later.

7. Military or National Guard Installation. Learn about what their duties are, what gear they use, what training they receive, and what types of situations they respond to.

8. A State or National Park . Learn about nature, plants and animals of the area. (Note: In these types of parks - as well as in the other science-oriented places listed in this article - the theory of evolution is usually presented as fact. This can provide a good opportunity for your family to study the Biblical account of creation and the scientific basis for the Christian viewpoint.)

9. Museum. There are large, well-known museums, but there are often small, little-known museums around as well that are quite interesting to visit. Check around your area to see what is available. Again, be prepared for evolutionary content. In addition, some museums (particularly art museums) may contain displays that don't fit your family's standards. Use appropriate parental caution when planning a field trip to these types of places.

10. Lock and Dam. Often there is a display area showing the history of the area and displays where you can learn how a lock and dam works. Plan your visit around a time when a ship or ships are due to pass through.

11. Pioneer Day Events. Many places across the country have special festivals or events where the lifestyle of the pioneers is the main focus. Here you can see pioneer craftsmen, equipment, cabins, clothing, animals and "experience" life as it was in our earlier history.

12. Jewelers Shop . Find a jeweler in your area that creates or repairs jewelry and plan a visit to see the tools and skills used.

13. State Capitol . Visit when congress is in session and sit in the visitor's gallery for awhile. Tour the building looking especially for pictures or plaques commemorating our Godly heritage. As you pass through the halls, pray for our leaders!

14. Lumber Mill. See how lumber is milled and hauled.

15. Ceramics Shop . Learn about the craft and how a kiln works.

16. Veterinarian . Learn about the profession and pet care.

17. Library. Learn about the Dewey Decimal System and how to use it. Learn to use the card catalog or computerized cataloging system your library uses.

19. Bank . Visit a local bank or credit union to learn about the different types of accounts and services they offer. This is a great way to follow-up #18 above. If your children don't already have savings accounts, this may be a great time to open one!

20. Recycling Center . Learn about what they recycle, how they do it and what their end products are used for.

21.  4-H Fair. See the different projects 4-H kids are involved in, from crops and animals, to baking, crafts and more.

22. Zoo . I've always enjoyed trips to the zoo! A word of caution, however: You may want to avoid the zoo during the spring season when many animals are "active" in ways you may not want to view as a family.

23. Old Cemetery . Make rubbings of old markers. Find the oldest marker. Look for interesting names and dates.

24. Planetarium . Watch out for evolutionary content here as well.

25. Local TV Station . Plan your trip to coincide with the News program. A trip to the TV Station ties in nicely with a unit study on weather, especially if you can talk with the weatherman and learn more about his job.

26. Dental Lab . See the different tools and methods used to make or fix teeth or dental appliances.

27.  Botanical Garden . This is a great opportunity to see a wide variety of plants.

28. Power Company. Learn about how power is generated and supplied to your area.

29. Wood Worker's Shop . Learn about the different tools and skills involved in making fine furniture or crafts.

30. Eye Doctor. Learn about eye care, diseases/problems, diagnosis equipment and treatment.

31. Print Shop. See the huge printing presses, trimmers and other equipment in operation.

32. Historical Sites . Most areas of the country have a variety of historical sites. Some are well-known (historical buildings, etc.), while others may just be an obscure marker commemorating some event that happened there. To supplement your historical ramblings, visit the local library to see if you can learn more about the people or time period.

33. Wildlife/Nature Preserve . Learn all about plants and animals native to the area.

34. Blacksmith. Sometimes you can actually find a working smithy shop, other times blacksmithing is part of a special pioneer or old-time event (see #11).

35. Local Bakery. This would be an operation on a much smaller scale than a food processing plant discussed earlier in this list, but can also be very interesting.

37. Pet Store. See a wide variety of pets, learn about their habits and care.

38. Symphony Orchestra. See if you can visit during a rehearsal, then go to the actual performance as well.

39. Historical Society. You can often obtain a wealth of information about your area at a local historical society.

40. Paper Mill. Learn about the paper making process from trees to tissue paper.

41. National Weather Service. Learn about how they predict weather and the science behind weather, what equipment is used, and how the public is informed of the upcoming forecast.

42. Basket Maker. Learn all about the various materials and tools used.

43. Fish Hatchery. Learn about different types of fish and how area lakes and ponds are stocked.

44. County Courthouse . Learn about what goes on in a local courthouse, enjoy the oftentimes beautiful architecture and look for pictures or plaques showing our godly heritage.

45. Nursery or Lawn/Garden Shop. Learn about different plants for your area, plant and soil care, insect control and beneficial insects.

46. Police Station . Learn about what policemen do, K-9 units, technology used, etc.

47. Make your own "old-fashioned day." Go out to a pretty park (or even your own backyard), and try to do everything the "old-fashioned" way. Gather wood and cook over fire, do without electricity, read, play string games like cat's cradles, whittle, sing, use your imagination and travel back in time for a day.

48. Water Treatment Plant. Learn about where your water comes from, how many gallons go through the plant, water purification and testing.

49. Exotic Animal Farm. Look around, there may be a farm in your area raising mink, llamas, ostriches, mini-burros, African pygmy hedgehogs, emus, cockatoos, iguanas, rheas or other unusual animals.

50. Caverns.  Learn about the geological history of your area and have fun exploring the caves!

One last note: don't forget the educational value of family vacations! Even if your family can't take a two-week trip across the country, check out opportunities for day trips within a 2-3 hour driving distance of where you live, or in a neighboring state. We took many such trips during years when we couldn't afford a "real" vacation. It provided an opportunity to see some things beyond our immediate area with much less expense.

I hope I've been able to spark your imagination and give you some new ideas that your family will enjoy. Have a fun (and educational!) summer!


This article was originally published in the May/Jun '05 issue of Home School Enrichment Magazine. For more information, visit http://HomeSchoolEnrichment.com . To request a FREE sample copy, visit http://homeschoolenrichment.com/magazine/request-sample-issue.html .

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FieldTripDirectory.com (formerly ClassTrips.com and CampDirectorsResources.com) offers field trip ideas for class trips, scout group trips, camp group field trips, and homeschool group field trips—early childhood through college. Search for class trips by geographic area, distance, and venue name or keyword. Day class trips are divided by curriculum and subject area:

  • ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Find art museums, theater, dance, and music concert field trips.
  • EARLY CHILDHOOD Find class trips to children’s museums, petting zoos, and kids’ shows.
  • HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES View history museums, government & civics, historic sites, living history museums, and multicultural field trip ideas.
  • LIFE SKILLS Find team building field trips, health & safety exhibits, and character education experiences.
  • SCIENCE & NATURE Find aquariums, botanical gardens, environmental studies & nature centers, farms & mazes, planetariums, science museums, STEAM & STEM field trips, dinosaur exhibits, and zoos.
  • RECREATION Find field trip ideas for adventure parks, ropes courses, ziplines, boat excursions, amusement parks, waterparks, kayaking, rafting, tubing, laser tag paintball, roller skating rinks, ice-skating rinks, mini-golf attractions, indoor amusement & recreation centers, and outdoor amusement & recreation centers.

Overnight field trips include trips to NYC, trips to Boston, trips to Philadelphia, trips to Washington, DC, trips to Chicago, trips to Atlanta, trips to Austin, and other historic cities throughout the US. Retreats are available for environmental education, team building, and recreation. We created field trip lesson plans to help teachers, scout leaders, camp counselors, and homeschool parents provide an enriching experience for their groups. We know funds for class trips are limited, so we’ve included grants for field trips that cover admission, transportation, and more. It’s important that students and youth explore new environments, learn about other cultures, and develop an understanding of inclusivity as part of the educational process. People learn in different ways—through hearing, seeing, touching, talking, or doing. Class trips can provide a multi-dimensional learning experience. FieldTripDirectory.com can help you find the right trip for your group. A world of experiences is just a click away at FieldTripDirectory.com.

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The Best Fifth Grade Field Trips (In Person and Virtual)

Head count!

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Being the oldest student on campus affords some privileges, not the least of which is a minimum of one awesome field trip. No baby field trips here. Take advantage of having more mature learners, and try one of these engaging field trips that you can only really do in fifth grade.

Not all of these trips will be possible everywhere, but keep in mind any local treasures that are unique to your area. And when you can’t manage a trip—for whatever reason—try our virtual fifth grade field trips below.

In-Person Fifth Grade Field Trips

1. tv station.

Current events are important in fifth grade, so take your students to learn what it really takes to put on a newscast. They’ll get to see the sets up close, meet the anchors, and maybe even be featured on the evening news (and what fifth grader doesn’t want to see themselves on television?).

2. Art Museum

Fifth graders can perhaps appreciate fine art in a way that younger students cannot. I remember being captivated by the impressionists at that age. I’m not saying a 10-year-old won’t laugh at a nude statue or painting, but they just might learn to appreciate it. And they should.

3. College or University

An aerial view of a university campus, as an example of fifth grade field trip locations

As they approach middle school, now is an ideal time to get fifth graders thinking about higher education. Take a tour, observe a class, meet college students, and visit a sports complex, bookstore, or library to get a feel for college life.

4. Community Theater

Children’s theaters often have options for older students, but for fifth graders, a local community theater is also a possibility. Lots of musicals are fifth-grade friendly. They might also enjoy an adaptation of a classic like The Secret Garden or Peter Pan , which local theaters frequently put on.

5. History Museum

Fifth grade social studies focuses on all 50 states. If they already went to the state history museum in fourth grade, you might try something with more national relevance, like a manuscript museum (I saw Richard Nixon’s actual resignation letter in Tacoma, Washington!).

6. State Capitol

Close up of the Texas state capital, as an example of the best fifth grade field trips

Bring your government and civics unit to life with a visit to your state capitol. Try to time your visit for when Congress is in session so kids can get a peek at representative democracy in action. If they can meet some elected officials, even better!

7. Local Creek, Pond, or Lake

Plan to spend some time outside with your fifth graders. This might include a clean-up event to get students involved in community service. It could also be an opportunity to observe plant and animal life or take water samples for testing.

8. National Historic Site

There are plenty of sites that are significant to your state, but what about those that played a role in U.S. history? For example, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii or the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Alabama. Check out the full list of U.S. National Historic Landmarks by state .

9. Botanical Garden

A botanical garden with colorful flowers in bloom, as an example of fifth grade field trips

Most botanical gardens offer a self-guided tour option, which is a great way for students to take in the diversity of plant life. Bring notebooks and let them sketch! And consider adding on a hands-on plant science workshop (like a flower dissection!) if that’s available.

10. Ropes Course

You might consider this a “just for fun” field trip, but students will learn teamwork, cooperation, and strategy through the obstacles. Ropes courses are self-esteem boosters, and fifth graders moving on to middle school could use a good dose of confidence.

11. Planetarium

Planetarium interior, as an example of best fifth grade field trips

If you’re looking for an out-of-this-world experience for your STEM-loving fifth graders, take them on a trip to a planetarium. They’ll get a chance to stargaze while learning all about the wonders of space.

12. Concert Hall

If you’re within driving distance, consider a trip to a philharmonic or symphony concert hall. Some venues offer special programs to schools, and others allow schools to attend rehearsals for an upcoming show. Local concert halls are another great option to foster music appreciation through choral groups, jazz bands, and more musically talented community members.

13. National, State, or Local Park

Depending on the location, there may be options for a guided tour by a park ranger or a self-guided tour. Either way, your students will enjoy learning about wildlife and plants while getting some exercise and fresh air. Many parks even waive admission fees for educational groups.

Virtual Fifth Grade Field Trips

1. amazon robotics fulfillment center tour.

Amazon Fulfillment Center Tech Tours with photo of warehouse, Amazon boxes on conveyer belt, and Amazon worker wearing safety vest.

Ever wonder how Amazon delivers packages at lightning speed? Take your fifth graders on a 45-minute behind-the-scenes tour of an Amazon fulfillment center  to see how computer science, engineering, and real people work together to make the magic happen. During this interactive virtual field trip, students meet Amazon engineers who explain concepts like algorithms and machine learning. It’s aligned to NGSS, CSTA, and ISTE standards, and there’s also a Teacher Toolkit that includes a facilitation guide plus student worksheets, certificates, and extension learning opportunities. (Hint: If you like this virtual field trip, look for the release of more Amazon Future Engineer Tech Tours. The next one, Space Tour, will be available in October 2022.)

2. Slime in Space

Nickelodeon teamed up with two astronauts on the International Space Station to demonstrate how slime reacts to microgravity and had kids reproduce those same demonstrations back here on Earth. It makes for an amazing 15-minute virtual field trip!

3. U.S. Census Bureau

Kids can learn about the 2020 Census and how census data is collected and used. This virtual field trip also features interviews with subject matter experts and an interactive challenge.

4. Ellis Island

A close up of the Statue of Liberty with Ellis Island in the background

Want to enhance a unit on immigration at the turn of the century? Look no further than this virtual field trip to Ellis Island , the former immigration inspection station in New York Harbor that is also home to the Statue of Liberty.

5. Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bring the iconic New York museum into your classroom or home! Experience the Met online with any of the 26 online galleries , including Christian Dior: Ball Gowns and The Art of Music Through Time.

6. Google Arts & Culture

A collaboration with more than 1,200 leading museums and archives, Google Arts & Culture is an incredible source for learning about monumental works of art. We recommend the Street View virtual tours as well as Art Zoom guided tours.

7. National Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center serves as a “headquarters for civic education.” Their main exhibit, Story of We The People, guides visitors through milestones in America’s history while revealing how the U.S. Constitution is as important today as it was in 1787. Check out the Interactive Constitution section , and be sure to watch the virtual tour .

8. Colonial Williamsburg

This living-history museum provides a look into life in an early American community. The website offers eight different webcams , featuring areas such as the tavern, the armory, and the market house.

9. National Park

Woman looking out over a cliff at Grand Canyon National Park, as an example of virtual fifth grade field trips

If you can’t take an in-person trip to a national park, there are plenty of virtual field trip options for fifth graders. For example, you can learn about glaciers, fjords, and volcanoes during this virtual field trip to Alaska and Hawaii national parks . There are also virtual field trips available to Wyoming and Utah national parks , California and Nevada national parks , as well as Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Colorado national parks .

What are your favorite fifth grade field trips? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too).

The Best Fifth Grade Field Trips (In Person and Virtual)

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Students on field trips to the local theater and a fire station.

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Field Trip Ideas for Elementary School Students

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Apryl Duncan is a stay-at-home mom and internationally-published writer with years of experience providing advice to others like her.

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Elementary field trips teach kids about science, business, animals and more. Teach children important fundamentals outside of the classroom while staying safe on your field trip and having fun when you visit one of these locations. Plan your next outing with one of these field trip ideas for elementary school students.

Recycling Center

A guided tour through a recycling center shows kids how recyclable materials are sorted but also teaches them about recycling, reusing and waste reduction. They can take this knowledge with them to build a recycling center at home. Contact the recycling center to set up a group tour in advance.


The planetarium is an excellent way to introduce elementary students to the solar system. Students will love the shows and exhibits that will teach them about space and astronomy. Call the planetarium's admission office to schedule a tour.

You may visit the aquarium all the time. But have you ever been behind the closed doors of the aquarium? Many of the larger aquariums have more aquatic life on the premises than they can possibly display and they would be happy to take the kids on a private tour to show you how the aquarium works. Call the aquarium director's office to set up a tour.

See how candy is made, cars, guitars, soda and more. There are factories all over the country that offer tours. Some are even free. Contact the factory directly to schedule a tour.

Taking a group of kids to see zoo animals is always fun. But you can also schedule a tour to see how the zoo's staff works behind the scenes. Educational docents can give your tour group a one-on-one experience with all sorts of animals. Call the zoo's front office to get more information.

Fire Station

Kids will love touring a working fire station. Firefighters can show students the fire engine, turn on the sirens and educate the children on fire safety to keep your family safe. One of the most valuable lessons kids will learn is how a firefighter will look in full uniform, complete with mask, if he or she ever enter a burning house. Seeing firefighters fully dressed teaches kids that they don't have to be scared. Call any local fire station and ask to speak to the station commander to set up a tour.

Police Station

Tour the police station to learn crime prevention tips, how a police department functions, police equipment that's used and how patrol cars work. Contact the station's crime prevention officer.

A farm is a great idea for a field trip because there are so many types of farms to visit. One week you can visit a dairy farm and visit with cows. The next week you can visit a crop farm to see how cotton, fruits, grains or vegetables are grown. Contact the farmers themselves to ask if your group can come out for a tour or call your state's agricultural department to find out more about the types of farms in your city.

Farmer's Market

After you visit the various types of farms, take the lesson to a farmer's market. Kids can see how fruits and vegetables grow at the farm and then turn around to see how farmers try to sell their crops at the farmer's market. You may even run into some farmers you met on a previous tour. Contact the farmer's market for a guided tour or simply take your group during farmer's market hours to mingle with the customers and farmers.

Any kind of museum presents an opportunity for kids to learn and have fun. Take the kids to art, children's, natural history, technology and science museums, to name a few. The museum director can schedule your group for a behind-the-scenes tour.

Sporting Events

Take the kids out to a ball game for a field trip. Baseball can be a great field trip at the end of the school year to celebrate great academic efforts from the kids. Football is a good first field trip when the kids are getting restless as the school year seems to drag on right before the holiday break.

Veterinary Hospital

Veterinarians are usually happy to show off their hospitals. Kids can see the operating rooms, equipment used, recovering patients and learn all about the field of veterinary medicine. Contact any veterinary hospital to set up a tour.

What goes into producing a newscast? Take the kids to a TV station to find out. Children can get a firsthand look at the sets, meet the TV personalities and see the many types of equipment used to get a newscast on the air. Many stations will even put the kids on the news just for dropping by. Call the program director to set up a tour.

Radio Station

It's easy to think a radio station and TV station would be too similar to tour. But you'll notice a lot of differences when you visit both. You may even get to watch as the radio personalities play music or host a local call-in show. Contact the radio station's program director and tell him you're interested in a tour.

The inner workings of the newspaper industry are something every child should see. Meet the reporters who write the stories, learn about the history of newspapers, see how newspapers are laid out and watch the newspaper roll off the printing presses. Call the city editor to let him know you're interested in a private tour.

Fish Hatchery

Kids can learn all about the life cycle of fish, fish anatomy, water quality and more at a fish hatchery. Most hatcheries require advance reservations because of their popularity with educational tour groups.

Hospital administrators have worked hard to arrange tours that introduce kids to the hospital environment without giving them a scary experience. This helps prepare them for what to expect should they ever need to visit a relative or become a patient themselves.

It's also an educational experience because children can see how the doctors and nurses work together and use high-tech medical equipment to treat their patients. Contact the hospital's main number to request a tour. If your local hospital doesn't allow in-person tours, type "hospital tours for kids" in your favorite search engine to take the children on a virtual field trip from home.

The system that keeps the library up and running is worthy of a field trip visit for kids. Kids not only develop a deeper appreciation for books, but they also get to learn about the catalog system, how a book is entered into the system so it can start getting checked out and how the staff operates the library. Contact the head librarian at your local library branch to schedule a tour.

Pumpkin Patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch is the perfect way to celebrate fall. Most pumpkin patches also have fun activities planned for the kids, including horseback rides, inflatables, corn mazes, hayrides and more. If you would like a private tour or you're taking a large group, contact the pumpkin patch directly. Otherwise, just show up during regular business hours.

Movie Theater

Kids love the movies so take them behind the scenes to see how a movie theater operates. They can visit the projection room, see how the concession stand operates and they may even get to sample a movie and popcorn. Call the movie theater manager to arrange a tour.

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55 Simple and Memorable Field Trip Ideas

We all know that field trips are fun- we have all been there. But when you are on the side that you have to plan them, it becomes a bit less fun, and a lot more stressful. It does not really need to be, though, because there are so many fun things out there that your middle schoolers will love to do.

In this article, we will give you 29 excellent field trip ideas. And remember, these are just ideas- there are tons more out there! Get creative!

I don’t know what it is about the zoo, but there is just something about the zoo that makes it one of the best places on earth. And this is true for most ages, not just preschoolers. Running around, finding favorite animals, discovering new ones, and learning more about animals that may be endangered is so fun.

Your middle schoolers will think so, too. Many zoos offer free (or at least discounted) admission for field trips, as long as they’re booked in advance. ( Source )

2. Water Park

Visiting a water park is a great way to either say goodbye to warmer weather or to celebrate the return of it. The best thing about many water parks is that they have arcades too, so those who do not like swimming can just try to win the giant plushies and lava lamps that we all envied as children.

3. Art Museum

An art museum is a great way to infuse culture into middle schoolers. Most are old enough to know museum etiquette, and the museum can introduce them to so many different art styles, types of people, and countries. They may come out thinking about art in a completely different way.

4. State and National Parks

If you live by a state or national park, consider yourself incredibly lucky, and then go get in there! This is a great way to expose middle schoolers to nature, and it helps them to love the outdoors if they do not already. State and national parks are beautiful, and they give the perfect opportunity to teach about the importance of taking care of the environment!

5. Movie Theater

You can never go wrong with a movie. All kids like movies. As long as it’s rated G or PG, and you have parental approval, the employees will be ready with popcorn and drinks in excess for your middle schoolers to enjoy.

fun class trip ideas

6. Aquarium

Like the zoo, it is impossible to go wrong with a trip to the aquarium. Many aquariums have rehabilitated animals, which presents a great opportunity to teach about the importance of picking up after ourselves, and not throwing trash in the ocean. It is never too early to help kids become environmentally conscious.

7. Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens give the wonderful chance to be outside, and it provides a controlled environment to do so. They are beautifully landscaped, and they usually have pretty fountains and waterfalls that provide a really calming atmosphere.

An added bonus: it is easy to reinforce what your middle schoolers have been learning about plants in science classes with what you see!

8. An Actual Theatre

Exposing middle schoolers to the arts should be considered an essential part of their education. And, what’s more, going to plays just makes kids feel mature and important. Maybe it is just because of the way the phrase “going to the theatre” sounds when someone says it with a British accent. If that wasn’t enough, then the fact that education in fine arts is proven to increase students’ self-confidence, self-understanding, communication skills, and cognitive abilities. ( Source )

9. Go on a Hike

This is a good field trip for many reasons. Exercising is an important thing to get in the habit of at a young age, and nature is something that everyone should appreciate. And, as if that was not enough, learning about rocks and rock formations is fascinating, too. This is a great way to combine what you’re teaching in class with what the kids are experiencing in real life.

10. Planetarium

The planetarium is another one of those places that are impossible for someone to not enjoy, even if they are starting to act more and more like a teenager. Besides, middle schoolers will understand the concepts and words used at the planetarium a lot better than elementary schoolers would.

fun class trip ideas

11. Local High School

If there is one thing middle schoolers love, it is that they are going to be in high school soon. Take advantage of that! Take them to high school productions of plays, on tours of the high school they will be going to, and to other high school concerts and athletic events.

12. Local Colleges

While college is still far off for middle schoolers, it’s never too early to give them a good impression of college. Communicate how important a college education can be, and do not forget to mention how fun college life is, either. Get them excited about college before the application process rolls around. The best part about this trip: it’s free!

13. Library

Going to the local library is always a good idea. There is so much to learn (Dewey Decimal System, anybody?), and it is a great way to encourage kids to read. Making this trip coincide with a book report project or readathon might help them to check out books, too!

14. Government Buildings

A government building may be fun to tour. This includes things like the state Capitol building, or maybe even a local government office. There are often tours of the bigger buildings, and these are great opportunities to help students learn more about the government system in our country.

15. Local Festivals

Taking your middle schoolers to local festivals is another great field trip idea. Every town has some sort of interesting festival that they are known for. Take advantage of teaching the kids about the history of their town! Some examples are music festivals, farmers’ markets, local races, and holiday events.

fun class trip ideas

16. Railroad

Local railroads may be hard to come by, but if you are lucky enough to have one in your area, they have tons of history. In addition to this, taking train rides is so much fun. Middle schoolers will love learning about the history of the railroad, taking a ride, and let’s be honest- the concessions on the train will help, too.

17. Local Factories

Going to local factories or businesses is another really great opportunity for middle schoolers. Exposing them to how things work is a great way to help them on the path toward finding out what they want to do in their life. When they see how many types of businesses work, they can better figure out what they like and what they don’t.

18. Amusement Park

Amusement parks are tons of fun. That said, they do require a bit more effort as a field trip. Especially if you are a public school teacher taking 20-30 kids with you, you will need chaperones, permission slips, and plenty of focus, because middle schoolers can wander off.

19. Just a Regular Park

This one is almost effortless, and it is still so much fun. Going to a park, sitting in nature, having a picnic, and then just playing exploring is so good for kids. Getting that time to just relieve stress is key to creating a balanced lifestyle for middle schoolers.

20. Historical Monuments

Historical monuments are there for a reason. They exist to teach us about the people and events that came before us. So why not introduce your middle schoolers to these amazing monuments? They are beautifully built, and being in a historical spot to learn about something that happened before is such a cool experience. What if there is not a monument in your town? There probably is, but if not, a neighboring town will definitely have one.

fun class trip ideas

Caving is such a blast. If you live near a cave, taking middle school students caving would be a fantastic field trip. Before you go, make sure you check the difficulty level of the cave, so that everybody can participate. This is a great way to either introduce or just reinforce what students are learning about rocks, erosion, weathering, and more.

22. Historical Buildings, Homes, or other Sites

This is a great way to learn about specific people that may have had a huge influence on your town, organizations that shaped how your town functioned, or just other historical events that may have caused your town to be built in the first place.

Middle schoolers will love seeing places that appear in books they have read or movies they have seen, and if they are not familiar, they will just enjoy seeing the collection of old things.

23. Local Fire Station

Visiting the local fire station would be a very fun field trip for those who have dreams of being a fireman, but it will also be fun for those who don’t. Kids find it fascinating to learn about the process of it all: seeing the fire station, the fire trucks, and asking the firemen what their typical day looks like is a great way to get them engaged.

24. Local Police Station

It’s the same for the local police station. Not only will kids learn a lot about the government and what police do, but they’ll also learn that they don’t have to be afraid of all police officers. This is a great way to help middle schoolers become more comfortable around police and other emergency personnel. In addition to this, seeing the inside of a police officer’s car is sure to keep middle schoolers occupied: there’s a lot there!

25. Pottery Studio

There are several commercial pottery studios sprinkled around the country that anybody can use. So why not make a field trip out of it? Middle schoolers love working with their hands, and one thing that always makes field trips extra special is a souvenir that they can take home at the end of the day.

fun class trip ideas

26. Fish Hatchery

If you live near a fish hatchery, this would be a really interesting field trip for middle schoolers. It does smell weird, but kids will love seeing the process that they go through in the hatchery. They will get to see a couple of different kinds of fish, and this field trip also gives the added benefit of some outdoor time.

27. Aviation Museum

An aviation museum is another excellent idea for a field trip for middle schoolers. Even if some students are not obsessed with planes and vehicles, the things that one can see at an aviation museum are undeniably fascinating.

Students will get to see several different types of planes, learn about famous pilots and wars, maybe see a rocket, and learn how aviation has changed since it first came into practice.

28. Local Power Plant, Dam, or Locks

This is another information-filled field trip. Though many dams and locks may not have tours, they usually have plenty of signs with blurbs to read that will provide for a lovely, self-guided tour. A lot of power plants will offer tours, though. In these places, middle schoolers will learn so much about modern technology, how things are powered, and more.

29. A Walking Tour of Your Town or City

Obviously, if you live in a big city, this may not be the safest idea, but if you feel you can conduct a safe walking tour of your town or city, do it! Even if they have lived in the town or city for a long time, many middle schoolers may still learn something about the town, and they may find something new to do. Pick a few destinations beforehand so that you can show your students the best-kept secrets of your city.

Remember that these ideas only scratch the surface of possibilities for fun field trips for middle schoolers. Students will appreciate any effort to add variety to their learning, so get creative!

30. Farmers Market

The Farmer’s Market is a great way for students to become involved in the community. Beforehand you can teach them about farming and how important it is to support your local farmers. Then you can take them to the market and let them pick something out or learn about all of the different produce. There are also sometimes animals there that they can pet.

Many communities host Farmer’s markets on Saturdays, so you might need to find out if your local farmer’s market takes place during the week!

31. Animal Shelter

The Animal Shelter is an awesome field trip not only for the kids but for the dogs and cats as well. The animals in animal shelters have often been neglected and abused. All they want is some love, which the kids will gladly give. It may inspire some families to adopt and give the animals a loving home.

32. Recycling Center

Learning about recycling is important. Visiting a Recycling Center might not be the most entertaining for the kids, but they will learn a valuable lesson about the importance of recycling and why we do it. They will also learn how to recycle and what can be reused, from plastic to paper to clothes.

33. A Hospital, Clinic, Dentist’s Office, etc

It is always a great idea to take the children to certain places where they can learn about different professions and what they could be when they grow up. Some kids may be scared of the hospital or doctor, but this way they can learn that doctors and nurses are here to help them.

If you can’t get the hospital to offer a tour, consider a tour of just any local clinic of a medical professional. Perhaps even a parent of a student in the class could offer a tour so that kids can learn about different professions.

Going to the bank may not sound the most fun to elementary school students, but they can learn important information that isn’t being fully taught in schools. Kids can go behind the scenes and possibly get a tour of the vault as well as learn how to write a check and what the purpose of a credit card is.

35. News, TV, or Radio Station

These field trips are fascinating because you can see the behind-the-scenes of the studio that the online viewers or listeners don’t get to see. The children will love to see the cameras and recording equipment, maybe even meet the people that their parents watch on TV every morning. Some kids could decide that this is the career path they want to move towards. The world always needs people to tell stories and report on what’s happening.

36. Local Business

It’s always important to highlight and remember local businesses. Local business owners would love to give back to the community by giving a tour to the students, inspiring them to chase their dreams. You never know which field trip is going to spark interest and help a kid decide what they want to be someday.

37. Restaurant or Bakery

Going to a restaurant or local bakery is something that children will love because they can get a behind-the-scenes tour, as well as some sampling of the food or treats. It will probably end up being one of their favorites since food is involved. Many local businesses will offer tours free of charge. ( Source )

fun class trip ideas

38. Senior Care Facility

Taking the elementary school students to a retirement home is a great opportunity to teach them about the importance of service and learning from their elders. Children can oftentimes be egotistic because their brains aren’t fully developed. Volunteering is a great way to teach them compassion and kindness, and it will make the residents’ day as well.

39. Sporting Game

Sporting games are purely an entertaining field trip, and the students will be very excited. Most areas in the United States have a sports team, but even if you don’t live near a major city, you can find some minor league teams as well. Taking the students to a baseball or soccer game is probably the most common sport for a field trip. ( Source )

fun class trip ideas

40. Theatre

Going to a theatre to see a play is also very exciting and entertaining. Communities almost always have a local theatre putting on a play for all ages to enjoy. You could even take the students to a play at the middle school or high school in the area. Make sure to pick an age-friendly play that they are willing to sit through for a few hours since young kids have a hard time sitting for long periods of time.

Going to the movies is a great indoor winter activity and very exciting for the children. It can get expensive, but there are also oftentimes group rate discounts, especially for schools. Maybe the movie field trip can be at the end of a big test as a reward. Don’t forget to get popcorn!

42. Orchestra

Going to the symphony or orchestra is a very special experience that not every child would normally experience. Classical music is very healthy for the brain. These days, everybody wants to listen to recorded music, but it’s important to instill a love of live music in the newer generations as well.

43. Pumpkin Patch

Fall is always a fun time of the year, and there are so many activities to do! This includes going to the pumpkin patch. Oftentimes, pumpkin patches not only have pumpkins to pick out and carve, but hayrides, mazes, and fun foods to try. My favorite pumpkin patch treats as a kid were apple cider donuts.

Picnics are easy and simple, probably costing zero dollars to the budget. All you have to do is make sure that every student brings a lunch from home and a blanket to sit on. Then all you have to do is take the class outside, set up the blankets, and they can sit with their friends and eat their lunch. Field Trips don’t always have to be big and extravagant.

45. Waterpark

The waterpark could be a great end-of-the-year activity since it needs to be warmer weather to go swimming. This field trip idea would probably need the most organizing, but it will be much worth it when it all comes together and you can celebrate the year together with students, parents, and teachers. This activity is recommended for older elementary school students that know how to swim.

There are endless opportunities for elementary school field trips! These young students are excited and curious about everything. Many of these places are free of charge and are happy to give a tour or experience to the students. Just make sure to plan everything out in advance and find enough chaperones to supervise the kids alongside the teachers. Good Luck! ( Source )

46. Explore a Local Recreation Center

Another great local resource that students can explore is a local recreation center. Finding and understanding available resources in the community is an important skill for kids as they transition to adulthood. A field trip to a recreation center can also emphasize the importance of health and lifelong physical activity to students as they begin to have more control over their lives.

47. Volunteer at a Food Pantry

Field trip education can be about more than just the sciences; giving high school students opportunities to serve in the community can be an important way for young adults to build character.

Many local food pantries would welcome the assistance of a large group of high school students. Taking a field trip day to volunteer at a local food pantry can help students understand more about supply chain management, while simultaneously helping them to build empathy.

48. Visit a Technology Company/Area

Technology is another area experiencing lots of growth. Helping to expose more students to areas like this can help give them direction when they may have none, and can also help fill a societal need.

If possible, arrange for students to take a field trip to a local software company where they can have opportunities to see the background processes of coding, system networks, and other tech phenomena. Showing students something like a server room, or cable management practices could be beneficial as well!

49. Visit the Capitol or Other Government Building

Whether it’s for History class, Political Science, or just to increase students’ social understanding, taking students to visit a capitol building or other government building can be both interesting and thought-provoking. This can be beneficial for all students as citizens, whether they are interested in pursuing education or careers in government or not.

50. Plan a College Visit

With students looking to the future, being able to get them on a university campus can be extremely helpful in guiding them in their decisions. Planning to visit a campus—or multiple campuses—could be a beneficial experience, especially for those on the fence about going.

Many colleges love to welcome high school students for campus visits and tours. Additionally, students may feel more comfortable being able to do a visit with friends and other peers with similar interests. Since Juniors will be thinking about which colleges to apply to, plan these trips preferably during students’ Junior year!

51. Plan a Photography Trip

With the invention of smartphones, and the popularity of Instagram, all students like to be both the photographer and the model. You can provide a field trip for them by taking them somewhere unique to take pictures and teaching them about principles of good photography, like lighting, balance, and the rule of thirds!

Alternatively, you could take them to a studio and allow them to take portraits or shoot other professional pieces, such as jewelry.

52. Plan a Painting Trip

For your more artsy individuals, you could consider planning a day trip to somewhere scenic where they could practice their painting skills. They could practice landscapes, nature scenes, or even portraits in nature.

53. Plan a Geological Trip

Another trip that could be fun is a trip to a location of geological significance. This could be something visual, such as being able to identify different strata on the side of a mountain, or something more tactile, like digging in an area for pieces of archeological or historical significance. It could even be something as simple as comparing rocks and their features depending on the area in which they’re found.

54. Do a Service Project Using Just Serve

We mentioned service in some of the above ideas (food pantry or homeless shelter), but you could also consider planning your own service project! Whether that’s planting trees locally, visiting an old folks’ home to visit with the residents there, or picking up trash.

There’s actually a great free website called Just Serve that allows you to quickly find service project needs for local non-profits. You could probably find something easy.

Allowing students to plan and prepare their own service activity can get them more engaged and help them feel like they can make a difference themselves.

55. Visit an Escape Room — or Any Activity Just for Fun!

Finally, we’d encourage you to be okay with some field trips being just for fun. Let your students go to an escape room, an amusement park, or a pool just for fun. Students need a break sometimes too!

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Exciting Field Trip Ideas for High School Students

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Field trips are great opportunities for teachers and students to take a break from their usual routines, open up and enjoy themselves. While enjoyment is the most important factor, field trips should still have some sort of lesson or educational value, especially as students get older. That’s why planning a trip for high school students is more difficult than planning one for grade-schoolers. Still, you have plenty of options if you know where to look. Here are some field trip ideas for high school students that are sure to leave a lasting impression!

History-based attractions are generally the easiest to find compared to other subjects, because history is all around us. Thousands of cities and towns have their claim to fame, and chances are your area has something too. Consider these historical field trip ideas for your high school students!

1. History Museum

A historical museum is the best way to expose students to as much information as possible in one day. Some museums specialize in a specific topic or time period, while others cover the entire human experience, from pre-history to the present day. It also takes the pressure off teachers to organize the entire day’s schedule. A typical museum tour takes several hours to complete, and the exhibits will keep students captivated throughout. 

2. Historical Site

Historical sites might not have the same visual appeal as museums, but walking on the hallowed grounds of a great battle or through the house of a heroic individual makes the experience more immersive. They’re also more widespread and easily found than museums. You might have to travel to the nearest big city for a museum, while an interesting historical site could be right in your local area. The employees at historical sites are unmatched experts on the subject, which makes the tours more informative and allows students to fully appreciate the site’s importance.

3. Reenactment

Most historical sites perform annual or biannual reenactments on the event’s anniversary, which can add another layer of entertainment to your field trip. Such reenactments are known for their accuracy and attention to detail, as enthusiasts from all over the world bring their own gear and artifacts to make the experience as immersive as possible.

4. Renaissance Faire

This field trip might be hard to find compared to other historical attractions, but a renaissance faire drops you into another time period in a way that few other attractions can replicate. The workers are wholly devoted to their characters, the food tastes delicious and the variety of entertainment is unmatched. Jousting, fencing, plays and other activities will keep your students more than busy. Simply interacting with the employees is a treat, and students can bring home all kinds of souvenirs. 

Science attractions are unique because they work just as well on adults as they do on children. In other words, they’re highly entertaining. Who doesn’t love to see animals up close and interact with exhibits? Here are some great science-based field trip ideas for your high school students.

1. Science Museum

Science museums cover a wide range of studies, from geography to chemistry to biology, so each of your students should find something that interests them. Plus, since all science is based on experimentation, these museums tend to have more interactive features to engage visitors of all ages. 

2. Aquarium 

Aquariums are known for their breathtaking marine life exhibits and amazing biodiversity. From seahorses to great white sharks, your students will see everything our oceans have to offer. The animals’ graceful movements and effective lighting make the environment extremely relaxing for visitors. Teachers and students will both thoroughly enjoy a slow stroll through your nearest aquarium.

3. Planetarium

A planetarium is another impressive science attraction that makes for a good field trip. These places are generally less interactive than other science museums, but since they focus on the nature of the universe, the exhibits are naturally more intense. The planets, stars and galaxies on display bring out humanity’s desire to explore, which makes the experience more profound and almost emotional. Oh yeah, and the laser shows are pretty cool too.

4. Outdoor Education

Outdoor education can mean many things: a hike, a trip to the zoo, collecting samples for your science class, or a simple nature walk. Anything that gets students outdoors and interacting with nature makes for an entertaining field trip. However, the best option that combines all those activities is a wildlife park, which has cool geography and lets its animals roam freely around a wide area. These parks also have interactive exhibits like reptile rooms and petting zoos, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

As students get older and their curriculum becomes more complex, more educational out-of-school activities present themselves, namely activities revolving around the arts. High schoolers are finally at the age where they can keep up with in-depth stories and musical numbers. Here are some artistic field trip ideas for your high school students!

1. Art Museum

Art museums are pretty straightforward compared to science or history museums, as visitors can walk around at their leisure and admire each exhibit for as long as they want. Oftentimes the exhibits are in chronological order to make the experience feel like a passage through time, and most art museums provide audio tours and descriptions of each display. These places offer high school students a near-perfect balance of education and entertainment.

Plays, musicals and other theatrical acts are great field trip ideas for high schoolers, as the students are mature enough to appreciate the practice and skill that goes into each performance. These attractions can also pair well with the students’ curriculum. For example, if they are reading Shakespeare, see if a local theatre is putting on any Shakespearean plays. Your students will have a much easier time understanding the themes, remembering the story and identifying with the characters.

A musical act is another sophisticated and entertaining attraction that high school students will enjoy. Music also teaches important themes about hard work and following your dreams. It’s important for kids to witness adults working together to complete a difficult task while doing something they love, and few things embody that concept better than a band or an orchestra.

Sometimes, your students just deserve an afternoon of good old-fashioned fun. These recreational activities will keep them entertained and encourage them to test their courage and teamwork skills.

1. Sports Game

A sports game is a popular field trip choice for many reasons: it keeps the kids entertained, has easy access to food, water and utilities, and usually only takes the better part of an afternoon. Like a musical performance, it also teaches students the importance of hard work and playing as a team. Just make sure you check the weather forecast and dress accordingly!

2. Amusement Park

Perhaps the most thrilling field trip idea on this list, amusement parks can make for a fun-filled afternoon at a very affordable price. Some students might not like roller coasters, but these parks have all kinds of different rides and attractions for everyone to enjoy. With so much to do, the only real difficulty is keeping everyone together.

3. Rock Climbing Gyms

Rock climbing gyms are indoor recreational areas with artificial rock walls, ziplines and other features that students can enjoy (under proper supervision, of course). These places also have unique team-building activities that require the participants to communicate in order to succeed, so they are both fun and educational. You can also find similar attractions at some state parks and mountain resorts during the warmer months if you’re looking for something outdoors.

High Schoolers Can Have Fun Too

Field trips don’t happen very often past eighth grade, but high school students love to have fun just as much as kindergarteners do. These field trip ideas will give them a break from their rigorous studies and allow them to cut loose for a day, while still learning valuable life skills and lessons. Give them the trip they deserve and try one of these attractions!

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Awesome Field Trip Ideas for Students of All Ages

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There’s no question about it: students love field trips! Field trips are an exciting and unique way to get students out of the classroom and into the “real world” during the school year. Some of your best memories from your own school days might be the awesome field trips you and your classmates took. Are you looking for fun and educational field trip ideas to inspire students of all ages? Maybe you’re stumped on where to take older students or brainstorming homeschool field trips. Whether you’re teaching elementary, middle, or high school students, look no further than these great ideas for field trips!

Visit a Museum

Museums are time-honored field trip destinations for a good reason! They provide entertaining and educational talking points for classes of all ages and are already created to appeal to younger and older students alike. Check out these kinds of museums.

  • Art museums
  • Science museums (don’t skip the planetarium!)
  • Maritime museums
  • Archaeology museums
  • Historic house/building museums
  • Cemetery or gravesite museums
  • Technology museums

Enjoy Nature

The natural world is an invaluable learning resource and a source of countless field trip ideas! These nature-based field trip ideas will be sure to keep your students entertained.

National or state parks

Go for a hike or tour the visitor’s center at your local state or national park. Supporting the national parks system helps it stay beautiful for years to come! You can integrate geography, biology, history, geology, and more into your visit.

Botanical gardens

Botanical gardens are beautiful and a great place to talk about science and art. You can even have your students do a photography project!

Sculpture gardens

While sculpture gardens are technically more art than nature, they are another fabulous field trip idea. Some are even interactive or encourage touching the art!

Meet the Animals

Whether you’re wrangling 35 middle school students or you’re a parent teaching homeschooled kids, you’d have a hard time finding a student without a favorite animal, and chances are they’ll see that animal when you visit one of these destinations!

Zoos or conservation centers

The zoo is another field trip idea that has stood the test of time. Many zoos offer group or student discounts and include built-in activities for your visit, such as scavenger hunts or guided tours.

Farms are not only a place to visit animals but also a chance to talk about history, biology, and even economics. Plus, you can never go wrong by supporting your local farmers!

If you asked students their favorite field trip idea on this list, many would vote for a visit to the aquarium! Aquariums engage students of all ages while providing helpful information about the natural world.

Fish hatcheries

A fish hatchery might not be the first location that comes to mind when you think about entertaining your students, but it’s actually a great field trip idea. Fish hatcheries are full of interesting information, often offer tours, and can provide a wealth of knowledge on your local region’s waterways.

Watch a Show

Taking your students to a show serves as a jumping-off point for conversations about literature, art, theater, music, and everything else under the sun. It also makes an ideal rainy-day trip as your students will stay safe and dry. These and more performances make great learning experiences for your students.

  • Theater productions
  • Acrobatic performances
  • Magic shows
  • Presentations (think TED Talks!)
  • Book talks or poetry readings

Get Patriotic

The United States has many unique characteristics that you can talk about while teaching anything from history to archaeology to government. Visit these uniquely American destinations!

Capital buildings

Whether you visit your state capital or the nation’s capital in Washington, DC, there’s always something to learn about American history when you visit its source!

Historical sites

You don’t have to go to a museum to see historical artifacts and buildings — some of them are in your own backyard! Check out historical sites near you and see if any offer tours.

Post offices

The United States Postal Service is a venerable and uniquely American institution that’s been around for hundreds of years, and your students can learn about anything from history to commerce to government by taking a post office tour! Many post offices will be glad to help you arrange a visit with your students.

Teaching the value of ecological preservation? It’s always a good lesson for students to learn their impact on the world around them. Try these field trip ideas for a greener world:

  • A recycling center
  • An alternative energy plant
  • The local landfill or garbage processing facility
  • An ecological cleanup site (can also serve as an opportunity for volunteer work!)

Explore the Working World

It’s never too early to talk to your students about the future, which means career-based field trip ideas are always on the table. Explore the working world when you visit these destinations.

  • TV stations
  • Manufacturing plants or factories
  • Science labs
  • Technology companies
  • Courthouses
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Food production facilities
  • Colleges or universities

Reward Your Students

While field trips are about having fun as much as they’re about an educational experience, some field trips serve more to reward your students for their hard work at the end of the school year or after a particularly hard quarter or semester. Sometimes you can even sneak in a few physics, math, or English lessons, too! You’re sure to make students happy when you arrive at these destinations.

Bowling alley

Bowling is a great field trip idea for students who just need some time to have fun. You can often rent out a whole bowling alley to accommodate as many students as needed.

Laser tag/arcade

Everyone loves laser tag! Laser tag arenas often include arcades as well for students who don’t want to run around in the dark. There are often group and student discounts for laser tag, although it can be on the pricier side of field trip ideas.

Ice skating

Ice skating is a unique and fun field trip idea that is relatively easy to organize! It’s best suited for older students who view learning to skate as a fun challenge.

Sports game

Do you have a class full of aspiring MLB or NBA players? Trying to get your homeschooled kids interested in sports? Going to a baseball, football, basketball, or soccer game can be a fun class activity. Make sure you can book seats all together so your students can bond and relax watching the game while you keep an eye on the venue.

Amusement park

What list of field trip ideas would be complete without mentioning a visit to an amusement park? Amusement parks are designed to be fun, meaning there’s something every student can enjoy. However, they can be somewhat overwhelming, so be sure to check out these tips for an amusement park trip with kids before you go.

School Bus Rentals For Field Trips

Ready to take your students to a destination they’ll love? YellowBird Bus Company provides school bus rentals for all kinds of field trips, no matter where you’re headed! Contact us today, and we’ll get you and your students rolling!

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The Teaching Couple

Top 20 School Trip Ideas

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Written by Dan

Last updated February 13, 2024

Teaching can be a gratifying job, and it’s even more fun when you get the chance to take your students on a school trip. Trips are a great way to connect with your students while they learn something new outside the classroom—something that will stay with them for years to come.

But as any teacher knows, planning a successful school trip can be challenging in terms of organizing transport and activities and finding one that fits your budget.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of top 20 school trip ideas, which are full of fun learning opportunities for all ages at different price points so teachers everywhere can take their classes on an unforgettable educational journey!

Related : For more, check out our article on  Top 20 Assembly Ideas  here.

Table of Contents

School Trip Idea 1: Local Museums.

A day spent exploring a local history museum, art museum, science centre, or planetarium can be both educational and fun. Students can learn about different cultures and periods, as well as gain an appreciation for the work of artists and scientists past and present.

School Trip Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures.

Nothing gets students outdoors like a school trip to a campground or state park. Kids can explore nature while learning about the environment, and they’ll get to try new activities like canoeing, rock climbing, zip-lining and more!

School Trip Idea 3: Cultural Destinations.

Embark on an educational adventure at a cultural destination such as a historic site, a cultural centre, or an archaeological site. Students can explore the customs and beliefs of different cultures, gain insights into people’s lifestyles in other countries and periods, or even participate in interactive workshops to learn about various topics.

School Trip Idea 4: Farm Visits.

One for younger kids! Farms offer the perfect opportunity to explore nature up close and personal. On a farm trip, students will learn about the importance of sustainable farming practices, animal husbandry, and healthy food choices. Plus, they can have plenty of fun collecting eggs or feeding animals!

School Trip Idea 5: Aquariums & Zoos.

Aquariums and zoos offer a wealth of educational opportunities for students. Kids can learn about animals in their natural habitats and uncover the ocean’s mysteries and inhabitants. Plus, it’s always a treat to see some incredible wildlife up close!

School Trip Idea 6: Art Galleries & Historic Sites.

Immerse yourself in art and history by visiting an art gallery or historic site. Here, students can explore the works of famous artists, view unique artefacts from centuries past, and gain a greater understanding of different cultures and traditions worldwide.

School Trip Idea 7: Theater & Dance Performances.

Encourage appreciation of the performing arts by taking your students to a theatre or dance performance. Not only will they be exposed to different forms of art, but they’ll also pick up on important lessons about collaboration, communication, and expression.

School Trip Idea 8: Amusement & Theme Parks.

Give your students a thrilling educational experience at an amusement or theme park. Here they can learn about physics and engineering while riding rollercoasters, find out what it takes to run a successful business by exploring different attractions and practice mathematics by figuring out the cost of rides and food.

School Trip Idea 9: Sports & Recreation Facilities.

Take your students to the sports facility for a day of physical activities. Not only can they get some exercise, but they’ll also learn about teamwork, competition and fair play. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop skills like problem-solving and coordination.

School Trip Idea 10: Factories & Industrial Sites.

Bring your students to a factory or industrial site and watch how things are made. Here they’ll learn about the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, and gain insights into the production of everyday items.

It’s an eye-opening experience that can help them understand the value of hard work and effort.

School Trip Idea 11: STEM Centers.

A trip to a STEM centre is an excellent opportunity for students to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a hands-on environment. Kids can participate in interactive workshops, build robots or learn about coding—all while having fun!

School Trip Idea 12: National Parks.

Give your students a chance to experience nature in all its glory at a national park. Here, they can observe the wildlife, explore different ecosystems and gain insights into conservation efforts. Plus, there are usually plenty of activities for them to try, like camping, hiking and canoeing.

School Trip Idea 13: Local Rivers and Streams.

To help kids understand the importance of conservation, take them on a trip to a nearby river or stream. Once there, they can collect data about water quality and identify different species of fish and plants. Plus, it’s always fun fishing or playing water games!

School Trip Idea 14: Transport Museums.

Give your students a fascinating glimpse into transportation by taking them to a transport museum. Here they can learn about the history of different modes of transport, explore how vehicles are made and operated, and gain insights into the science behind motion and energy.

School Trip Idea 15: Planetariums & Observatories.

Take your students to a planetarium and observatory for an unforgettable experience. Here they can learn about the stars, planets and galaxies, as well as fascinating facts about solar systems and astrology. Plus, they’ll have a chance to use telescopes and gaze up at the night sky!

School Trip Idea 16: World War Historical Sites.

To help your students understand the impact of World War II, take them to a nearby historical site. Here they can learn about important battles and key figures from that era, better understand different political ideologies and gain insights into how wars are fought and won.

School Trip Idea 17: International Trips.

Take your students on an international trip and give them a taste of another culture. Here they can explore different customs, sample exotic cuisines, learn about foreign languages and appreciate the beauty of other countries. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for everyone!

School Trip Idea 18: Profesional Sports Games.

Bring your students to a professional sports game and give them a chance to cheer for their favourite teams. Not only can they learn about the game’s rules, but they’ll also experience the energy and excitement of watching live sporting events. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience!

School Trip Idea 19: Charity Events & Fundraisers.

Let your students give back by taking them to a charity event or fundraiser. Here they’ll learn the importance of helping others and gain insights into how even small contributions can make a big difference.

Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop teamwork, competition and public speaking skills.

School Trip Idea 20: Business Tours.

Take your students on a business tour and let them explore the world of entrepreneurship first-hand. Here they can learn about different industries, gain insights into how businesses are run and even meet entrepreneurs who can share their inspiring stories. It’sIt’se to be an invaluable experience for all!

School trips are an excellent way to help students develop essential skills and gain fresh perspectives. From national parks and observatories to charity events and business tours, plenty of exciting options can create an educational and unforgettable experience.

With careful planning and consideration, you can make a successful school trip that will benefit your students in many ways.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next school trip today!

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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10 exciting in-person and virtual STEM field trips

Engaging stem field trips help students link classroom learning to real-world possibilities.

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STEM field trips are no longer limited to traditional science centers–today’s STEM trips are interactive, engaging, and bring classroom concepts to life for students.

Every student loves a field trip, and with a little planning, it can be mostly fun and low-stress for teachers and chaperones.

One of the best things about a STEM field trip is that it gives students a chance to apply their classroom learning to a real-life situation. This kind of engagement helps students see how professionals use STEM each day, and it also prompts them to consider STEM for their own future.

While in-person field trips are exciting, they’re not always feasible for schools with funding or geographic challenges. In those cases, virtual STEM field trips might be the best option.

We’ve put together a list of in-person and virtual STEM field trips to get you thinking about where your next trip might take your students.

1. Sports games offer a fun and engaging way to challenge students to use STEM concepts they’ve learned in class. Many minor-league baseball teams offer STEM days for students at all grade levels, featuring simple concepts and demonstrations for younger students and more complicated challenges for older students. Check out the nonprofit Science of Sport to get started.

2. If you’re near an iFLY indoor skydiving center , a field trip is a great way to illustrate STEM learning. iFLY’s STEM program uses a vertical wind tunnel to inspire and educate students through an interactive presentation, demos in the wind tunnel, and grade-appropriate lab activities.

3. Roller rinks double as a great throwback to your younger days and as a fun STEM activity, covering topics such as friction, physics, design, and engineering. Here’s an intro from the Roller Skating Association International , and don’t forget to check out your area’s local roller skating rinks.

4. If you want to learn or brush up on some basics, check out this Microsoft Education crash course on using Skype for virtual field trips.

5. EarthEcho features a wide variety of virtual STEM field trips, including topics on water and sustainable futures, how one female biologist forged her career path, and engineering and its contributions to everyday life.

6. Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants hosts 20+ Google Hangout events for classrooms each month. Full day, week-long, and month-long events focus on oceans, biodiversity, women in science, space exploration, and more.

7. Discovery Education’s STEM field trips  let students examine the annual polar bear migration on the tundra, investigate real-life STEM professionals and what a day on the job entails, take a peek at a space center, and more.

8. These three science and nature virtual field trips take students across the globe as they tackle climate change, ecotourism, combating desertification, and different ecosystems.

9. With a Navy STEM virtual field trip, students will hear personal stories from service members and learn about how STEM takes these professionals from an F-18 to the flight deck control on an aircraft carrier.

10. Local science centers and science exploration zones shouldn’t be overlooked–many of them have updated their field trip curriculum to be more modern, relevant, and engaging for students.

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20 Engaging and Educational Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

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Field trips are momentous times in a preschooler’s life. Preschool field trips allow children to enjoy a change of scenery and spend time outside the classroom doing more hands-on learning.

In addition to the memories children create on field trips, they’re a valuable opportunity for educators to reinforce lessons. With the right planning and preparation, field trips for children can be an engaging, educational day for all involved.

Children standing on the shore pointing out toward a body of water

Why are preschool field trips important?

Field trips are more than extra-curricular activities. They can be an integral part of a child’s early education. Preschool field trips afford many substantial benefits for children:

Broadens their education

Children are exposed to only so much in a classroom setting. Field trips allow children to get a richer picture of educational subjects by observing them outside of books, lessons, or videos.

Exposure to real-life experiences

In preschool, children are developing their understanding of life and the world around them. Field trips expose them to everyday life in a setting where their teacher can help them connect what they’re learning to what happens in the real places in their community. Experiential learning (authentic, first-hand, sensory-based learning) through field trips is a way for children to reflect on and apply their new knowledge.

Research shows academic improvement

Studies support the idea that field trips have real effects on a child’s education. Field trips are linked to improvements in academic performance. According to a study on youth educational trips by the Wagner Group and the U.S. Travel Association, adults who took educational trips when they were younger…

  • Had better grades (59% of study respondents)
  • Graduated from high school at a higher rate (95% of study respondents)
  • Reported that educational trips had a positive impact on their education (89% of study respondents)

Expands their world

Field trips allow all children to experience more of the world. Whether they live in a busy city or a rural town, field trips introduce children to experiences and environments they may not have access to otherwise. Preschool teachers have the opportunity to make a child’s world a little larger with each field trip and show them new places, people, and adventures.

Child holding pinecones outside in nature

How to plan and prepare for preschool field trips

A lot of preparation goes into a successful field trip. For teachers and administrators, there are people, places, and schedules to coordinate weeks or months in advance.

Consider the below areas as you plan your trip:

Teaching moments

Sometimes preschool field trips are planned around a specific topic the class has been covering. Sometimes trips are simply a good learning opportunity that you’ll weave a lesson into. No matter which scenario you’re in as a teacher, it’s helpful to have your notes and activities prepared in advance.

How many adult chaperones will you need for the field trip? When you’re planning field trips for kids, it’s crucial to have a confirmed, appropriate number of chaperones based on the number of children attending. 

You can request family volunteers or set up a rotating schedule so families can plan ahead. Consider offering incentives like free lunches or gift cards and remind them it’s a great opportunity to have a meaningful experience with their child and get to know the other children and families in your program.

Plan to bring extra snacks in case meal times run late. Prepare to answer questions from parents about whether to pack a lunch or work out an eating arrangement at the field trip location. If you'll be serving meals on the field trip, prepare the food before and determine how you will transport it. Consider packing a cooler for any perishable foods that need to be kept cold, and pack plenty of water if there is no water available at your destination.


Some preschool policies require that school vehicles are used for field trips. Before the trip, determine transportation needs, such as how many vans or buses will be needed and if parents are permitted to drive.

If there’s a cost associated with the trip, how will you secure funds from the school or handle payments from parents? Use your communication platforms to alert parents of any expenses they’ll need to cover as far in advance as possible.

Sometimes drop-off and pick-up schedules can be impacted by field trips. Create an agenda and itinerary that shows where the class will be and breaks down how long you’ll be at each location. This helps parents plan their day and gives school administration information they would need in an emergency. 

If any children have medication, medical equipment, or anything else that needs to be on hand for them, it needs to be accounted for in field trip planning. Bring any health and safety documents such as an accurate roster to count the children and emergency contact information. Teachers should also pack first aid kits and antibacterial hand wipes if there is no access to clean running water on your trip. 

Families' participation on field trips is a great way to include them in the curriculum and share a day in the life of the class. Check out our calendar template to keep families up-to-date with all major school events and spark new ideas for family engagement year-round. 

Download our free calendar template for early education programs for more  activity ideas!

Field trip safety tips

Taking young children on a field trip can be an overwhelming experience without the right preparation. Field trips are very exciting, so be aware that the children may have extra energy or be more distracted. To have a fun, safe, and smooth trip, focus on safety measures before and during the excursion.

Before the field trip

  • Review the schedule with the children and tell them what to expect 
  • Give children safety guidelines and procedures to follow
  • Assign pairs or small groups for headcount checks
  • Involve children in checking the field trip supply checklist
  • Instruct children to wear bright clothes or a certain color to make them easy to spot
  • Prepare and bring a first aid kit

  During the field trip

  • Do headcount checks frequently and always before leaving or entering any location
  • Follow pedestrian rules carefully when walking such as using sidewalks and crosswalks and only crossing the street when traffic signals say it is safe
  • For traveling by bus or van, check every seat before exiting
  • Ensure children understand and follow the security and safety measures of the field trip location
  • Continue practicing basic hygiene, such as washing hands or using hand wipes before eating
  • Keep a copy of emergency contact lists with you at all times
  • Take bathroom breaks together as a group

Field trip ideas for preschoolers

Choosing where to take the children in your preschool class is one of the most exciting parts of field trip planning. Here are 20 engaging and educational field trip ideas for preschoolers:

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches can show children how these foods are grown and offer a truly hands-on education as they pick their own.

Nature walk

Nature walks are an educational adventure that allow children to discover various plants, leaves, critters, and trees. It’s also great physical activity!

Farmer’s markets

A field trip to the local farmer’s market or grocery store can be an opportunity to teach children lessons about nutrition and where their food comes from.

Many children’s books are full of stories and illustrations of sea creatures, so the aquarium is sure to be a hit with preschoolers. They’ll get a chance to see these creatures up close and learn more about them.

A local bakery is another food-focused field trip that supports a small business and allows children to see how some of their favorite sweet treats are created.

Zoos are a common preschool class favorite! Children can visit and hear facts about a wide variety of animals, including birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Local library

Libraries are often a familiar place for young children, but a preschool field trip to the library gives children a chance to learn details about what a librarian does and the many types of books available to them.

Fire station

Preschoolers tend to love fire trucks. Use a field trip to a fire station to teach them about the work that happens behind the scenes and age-appropriate fire safety tips.

Local events

Sometimes the best educational events don’t need to be booked—they’re already happening in your community! From holiday celebrations and parades to the annual fair, local events can provide children with a wealth of learning opportunities.

Farmers have so much they can teach young children, from lessons about the way food is grown to how the animals are raised.

Children’s museum

Museums that cater specifically to young children are educational and interactive places that are ideal for preschool field trips. They also tend to change exhibits regularly, which means they’re a great choice for multiple trips.

Home improvement store

Show children how chairs, tables, and other items they use on a daily basis are built. Another way to do this is to find a local builder with a small shop who’s willing to give a workshop tour and demonstration.

If you have a child-friendly state park nearby, they make excellent field trip destinations. State parks are a beautiful place to teach about the great outdoors and ways to protect and respect our planet. 

Recycling center

Teach children the importance of recycling and how everyday items like plastic water bottles and aluminum soda cans are recycled. 

Local ponds are perfect for a low-cost, science and nature focused field trip. They’re often home to frogs, ducks, and aquatic plants, making great lesson topics for preschool children.

Around town scavenger hunt

Teach children about where they live with a scavenger hunt in your community. Downtown areas are usually ideal locations for this field trip activity.

Expose children to the performing arts with a preschool field trip to the local theater. This trip can teach them about storytelling on the stage, theater etiquette, and stage acting as a career.

Train station

Learning about different types of transportation expands children’s minds and view of the world. Add in a train ride to make it both engaging and educational!

Botanical garden

Botanical gardens are a stunning environment to teach children about the beauty of nature and various types of plant life.

Historic monuments

A field trip to an age-appropriate historic site can provide early lessons on important historical figures and events.

Post-field trip actions and education

Get the most out of your day away from the classroom by following up with children and their families after your field trip. Parents will appreciate knowing what their children learned and children will get a chance to relive the best moments of their trip.

To update families, consider including a brief summary of your field trip in your preschool newsletter . Ask children to share their favorite parts of the trip and include photos! 

Plan a memorable outing

There are plenty of details to consider and plan when it comes to executing preschool field trips. Taking a trip is a great opportunity for educators to build upon everything their children are learning in the classroom and engage them in hands-on, memorable experiences. 

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Use These Field Trip Ideas to Create Outings That are Educational and Fun

Ahh, field trips. Remember those great adventures from your not-so-distant past? School days and classroom sessions felt a little ho-hum compared to the excitement of everyone in your class piling on a bus and heading out to learn in the real world.

While you felt very much like a kid in the classroom, you felt totally adult out in public on a field trip. You felt EXTRA good about being in charge of keeping your class’ lines straight or buddy system intact - the responsibility felt good! Away from the walls of your typical classroom and immersed in the new environment of a field trip, you felt your potential skyrocket. Maybe field trips are what kick-started your love for travel, or fascination with museums?

Field trips were certainly that catalyst for us. A team-wide survey here at Goosechase found that field trips ranked amongst the best memories of our elementary and high school years. We doubt that’s changed much for today’s students, who spend more time in front of a screen for school than we ever did.

fun class trip ideas

As fully grown adults, we can appreciate all the hard work, sweat, and tears that go into planning and executing a fun, educational, memorable, and of course, safe field trip. Can we help you tick those boxes? Check out these fun field trip ideas that both students and teachers will enjoy (and maybe even a few parents, too - can’t forget about those essential volunteers!).

Field Trips Are a Great Way to Engage Students in Learning

Schools are a terrific place for active learning , but every once in a while, you have to “go to the source,” so to speak, and challenge your students to learn through adventures. Field trips are a great opportunity to experience life outside the classroom.

We’re not surprised that the NEA ( National Education Association ) says educational field trips contribute to better student outcomes in school and beyond. Carylann Assante, executive director for Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA), believes that:

Today’s students are visual learners, and a field trip lets them touch, feel and listen to what they’re learning about, which helps them build on classroom instruction, gain a better understanding of topics, build cultural understanding and tolerance, and expose them to worlds outside their own.

In a piece on student engagement strategies , the George Lucas Educational Foundation seconds the idea that field trips are worth the effort. The article reveals that culturally-enriching trips can boost grades, while decreasing absences and behavioral infractions – results we’d say are worth every effort!

While we agree wholeheartedly with what the experts have to say, we didn’t really have to do all that scholastic research to prove what we already know is true. Field trips are an oft-cited “favorite memory” from school. Now that we are adults, though, we can really understand just how much time and effort it takes to plan and coordinate a meaningful field trip. We want to make it easier for today’s teachers, so their students can have great field trip experiences, too.

Fun Field Trip Ideas

Field trips or tours don't need to be elaborate productions to have a big impact on your students. Even a trip to a local business or an excursion around the school yard or a nearby park can pack a punch. Here are some fun field trip ideas for children of all ages that are both engaging and stimulating:

  • Artist for a Day: In an age when many schools are trimming the art budget, you can contact a local art school or museum to put together an “Artist For a Day” field trip. Ask them to explain what art is, and give your students a chance to practice some of their observational skills by discussing paintings or sculptures. Have students create their own masterpieces, which you can then assemble into an art exhibit at school.
  • Study Science: Look at the resources in your local community . Many areas have an aquarium, zoo, planetarium, or botanical gardens that would be thrilled to provide tours for your students. Adapt our Goosechase aquarium experience to get your students even more involved by completing photo, video, and text missions about the different species they encounter. Use our Zoo Adventure to help younger students learn about the different types of animals, or the Biology Zoo Trip for older students. If your area does not have a major science facility, an outdoor field trip to a park or local farm can be the perfect opportunity to connect with nature.
  • Historical Sites : Learning about history from books can be dull, but what group of children wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to recreate an actual battle scene? Just about every town has a place where something interesting happened in the past that led to the town’s formation, so why not give your students a chance to get to know more about their hometown? Depending on the site, they may offer tours or have re-enactors who dress in period costume and teach visitors about what life was like in their day. Check out the Gettysburg Field Trip to find ideas for Goosechase missions that match your town’s unique history.
  • Fall Fun : Since students head back to school in the fall, visit a pumpkin patch or local farm for a harvest festival . They’ll have a great time learning about where food comes from, where harvested crops go, and they might even learn about healthy eating, too!

Goosechase is here to help create great memories for today’s students with fun and educational field trips. A dynamic learning experience in school can lead to better outcomes in life (and set the scene for powerful bonds and memories), and we think that’s a good thing for everyone!

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20 Fun Things Parents Can Encourage Their Kids To Do Over Summer Break

Posted: June 22, 2024 | Last updated: June 22, 2024

Summer break is full of good weather and warm sunshine, so make sure your kids take full advantage of that and enjoy the great outdoors. Encourage them to head outside so they can breath in all that fresh air while they can. It might also help them better appreciate the beauty of nature!

1. Explore Nature

It's been shown that reading is directly connected to improving vocabulary, comprehension, and creativity in kids, so keep their brains active during the summer by picking up some books for them to read. Find out what genre they best enjoy so they see it as a fun activity they might grow to love rather than a chore.

2. Read Regularly

If you see your kid lingering around the house doing nothing and feeling bored, it's a good idea to encourage them to try learning something new or finding a new hobby. Whether it's cooking, gardening, reading, or playing a musical instrument, learning new skills can be just as fun as it is rewarding.

3. Learn a New Skill

Or how about doing some good for the community during your free time? If your kid is up to it, volunteer together to give back to those who need it. Participate in some community service or volunteering activities that will have them understand the significance of being kind and helpful.

4. Volunteer

Make sure they're not just sitting around all day - get them up and running by encouraging them to exercise daily. Find some form of physical activity that they enjoy, be it sports, cycling, swimming, or whatever, and have them do it frequently throughout the summer. It's important you keep them healthy too!

5. Exercise Daily

With just a few tools, your kids can let their imagination fly free with the stroke of a paintbrush or the line of a pencil. Painting and drawing are fun activities that allow kids to be completely free and creative, letting them draw up whatever they want.

6. Engage in Creative Arts

Keep their brains refreshed by throwing in some fun math and science activities or experiments to do over summer break. Make it as fun as possible so it doesn't seem like homework!

7. Practice Math and Science

With summer making the weather bearable to be outside at night, give your kids a fun night out by setting up a tent in your backyard. Camping at home! Without the stress of going to an actual campsite, you can set up camp, have some s'mores, share stories, and take in all of the beautiful night sky together.

8. Create a Backyard Camping Experience

Summer break is the perfect time for your kids to reconnect with friends and improve their social skills. Maintaining and building new friendships is an important part of growing up, so make sure you give your kids all the time and opportunities they need to excel in that.

9. Connect with Friends

With so much free time set aside, why not go over some goals with your kids? It'll help them stay motivated throughout the break, and give them challenges and rewards to look forward to.

10. Set Goals

If you've got some active kids who hate sitting around, love making new friends, and enjoy being outside, sign them up for summer camp! It's the perfect way to provide them with plenty of activities that match their interests.

11. Join a Summer Camp

Keep track of all the summer fun your kids are having by getting them to start a journal. Instead of having them see it as a chore, explain how it's a way to write down all the fun times they're having, and that you can look back on them as fond memories when the break is over.

12. Start a Journal

Summer might be hot, so take advantage of this opportunity to engage in fun water activities! Whether it's a simple water balloon fight on the lawn, taking an exciting trip to a water park, or going to the local swimming pool, these refreshing activities are a fun way to bond and cool down under the summer sun.

13. Have a Water Day

There's a lot of time to have fun and play games during summer break, so why not throw in some educational games that are both entertaining and informative? Promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills, it's truly the best of both worlds.

14. Play Educational Games

Sometimes, you don't need to go far to experience some new and exciting things. Just take a walk outside and see what your city has to offer! From local festivals to cultural events, there's always a lot going on in town during the summer.

15. Explore Local Culture

For the kids who love playing or working with their hands, challenge them to build something over the break, whether it be a fun lego project, DIY crafts, or some basic woodworking (with some parental supervision of course). It's a great way to keep their bodies moving, minds active, and enhance their creativity skills.

16. Build Something

Just because they're young doesn't mean they don't have stresses of their own! Take the time during the break to check in with your kids and teach them basic mindfulness techniques that can help them keep calm during rough situations. It's a good time to teach them about mental health and emotional well-being.

17. Practice Mindfulness

Whether it's laundry, cooking, or helping around the house, take a moment to encourage your child to learn some new basic life skills that will help them out in life. It's a great time to do so as they finally have some time to dedicate towards that!

18. Learn Basic Life Skills

And of course, while everyone's normally busy with work, school, or their own personal projects, summer break is a great opportunity for family members to reconnect and spend some time together. Have some fun game nights, plan exciting movie nights, or go on some adventurous outings! Whatever it is, this quality time is a great opportunity to strengthen some family bonds.

19. Spend Quality Family Time

With the sun high in the sky, there's no better season to participate in some outdoor sports. There's no worry of rain or bad weather getting in the way, so your kids can run around outside playing sports that they enjoy best.

20. Play Outdoor Sports

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Educational Tours & Graduation Trips

  • Best Class Trip Ideas for 6th Graders

Best Class Trip Ideas for 6th Graders

A class trip or even a field trip should be more than just educational but explorational. Students of all ages, but especially in the influential and sometimes-difficult middle school years, soak in their surroundings. Take them somewhere to discover new people, places, cultures, and customs. Help them find lifelong passions or rediscover interests as you take a revitalizing, interesting, and fun class trip getaway.

Florida's Space Coast

Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA at the pier.

Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA at the pier. Shutterstock

Discover and explore space through NASA's Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex where you can take extensive tours of the facility. Here is where many of the shuttles and rockets have been launched on NASA missions that have changed the face of the Space Race, and of our modern understanding of life beyond our little blue marble. However, there's plenty more to see once you've explored all NASA has to offer. Explore the towns along the Space Coast's narrow strip of land from Palm Bay to Cocoa Beach to Cape Canaveral, all of which have great shopping centers, museums, and attractions, plus the waves of the Atlantic to surf and bodyboard.

Savannah, GA

Savannah, Georgia, USA oak tree lined road at historic Wormsloe Plantation.

Savannah, Georgia, USA oak tree-lined road at historic Wormsloe Plantation. Dollarphotoclub

Steeped in history, rich in Southern culture, and best yet, affordable, Savannah is a jewel in the American South. This succulent city is absolutely gorgeous with drooping mossy oaks and perfectly planned city parks, including the world-renowned Forsyth Park. Films such as Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil were set in Savannah, and based off one of its most notorious haunted houses. Famous individuals like Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts, was born in Savannah and today her house is open for tours. Set within easy driving distance of the Atlantic Ocean and Tybee Island, afternoon trips from Savannah to the sea are not only possible but recommended if only to visit the island's fort and lighthouse. With a city so rich in Civil War history, it'd be a shame not to visit with a student group.

There are many stunning wonders of New Mexico , from the ancient Native American Anasazi landmarks to the natural white gypsum sand dunes of White Sands National Monument. Visitors to New Mexico will be looking for adventure and discovery, though it helps if they enjoy outdoor recreation, exploring nature, and event photography. At places like Carlsbad Caverns, Tent Rocks National Monument, and the Bisti Badlands, loving the outdoors is almost a prerequisite for fun. If it's education you're looking for, try the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science in Albuquerque, one of the best in the country for examining the history of evolution from dinosaur fossils to the present day. Also in Albuquerque is the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Petroglyph National Monument, and the National Museum of Nuclear Science.

Wisconsin Dells


Wisconsin Dells Pixabay Public Domain

Travel up north for a change of pace in the scenic and travel-worthy Wisconsin Dells. Originally made popular as a tourist destination, the Wisconsin Dells hasn't disappointed visitors with its multitudinous options from indoor waterparks to the first attraction, the Dells themselves. The Dells, free-standing rock formations and tributary canyons, lie along the Wisconsin River and make for perfect boat-side viewing. You may also find the many entertainment attractions interesting, from Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park to the Wizard Quest fantasy-themed maze complete with riddles. There are plenty more theme parks and waterparks where that comes from, but if you're wanting a little education stop by Tommy Bartlett Exploratory, a science center with wonderful interactive exhibits, or go exploring nature on your own at Mirror Lake State Park.

Built on the population influx from the 1849 Gold Rush, Sacramento went on to become the Golden State capital city. Parts of the city remain preserved from its Victorian gold mining days, such as Old Town Sacramento, the first established area of the city. Here you can find living history attractions, museums and galleries, plenty of delicious restaurants, and horse-drawn carriages. As the capital city, student groups are recommended to visit the beautiful and incomparable California State Capitol Building and take the free tour around the facility to see the legislature in action and in history. Also see the Governor's Mansion where President Reagan and his family resided when he was California's governor, as well as the Sacramento History Museum, and the Sacramento Zoo. Finally, you can't come to Sacramento and not visit Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park which preserves the site which started the entire Gold Rush, where James Marshall first struck gold in 1848.

Ice Skating

Millennium Park in Chicago Credit DRB

There's plenty to see and do in the Windy City, depending on your intended interests. If you're looking for entertainment, then the Navy Pier is the place to be with carnival attractions, a laser tag arena, performance stadiums, and even a Crystal Gardens conservatory on top of the pier. Education meets entertainment at the Shedd Aquarium, the largest all indoor aquarium, and the Field Museum of Natural History, home to Sue the T-Rex, the largest and most complete fossil skeleton. Head over to the Museum of Science and Industry for something truly spectacular, as its the largest museum of its kind in the Western Hemisphere, and showcases the only German U-boat in America. Take a relaxing day in Hyde Park or Lincoln Park and visit the Botanical Gardens and famed Lincoln Park Zoo. There's so much to do in Chicago, and so much variety, that you'll have no problem finding something equally fun and educational.

Disneyland Resort

At first glance, you might think taking a class to Disneyland is a nice idea but neither practical nor educational. Know first that Disneyland offers youth programs that make it easier for groups of students to enjoy the park. Secondly, Disney Parks can be plenty of educational, if you focus on particular aspects of the park experience (See Educational Trips to Disney World here). But your students will be absolutely thrilled with the opportunity to visit the Happiest Place on Earth, where they can experience their favorite Disney characters in person, ride the Matterhorn and find 999 haunts in the Haunted Mansion. Plus, if you're staying in Los Angeles you can explore Hollywood, visit the beach at Santa Monica, and discover all the best landmarks of the City of Angels.

fun class trip ideas

Written by Josh Hettinger

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View all posts by: Josh Hettinger

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Celebrate Juneteenth at these Maine events

The holiday is Wednesday, but events start this weekend and run through the end of the month.

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Westbrook Middle School students Bella Zollarcoffer, Priscila Nzolameso and Sarikong Oak held tables educating and informing the community on Black hair history at Westbrook’s Juneteenth celebration last year. Cullen McIntyre/Staff Photographer

Juneteenth, which became both a federal and state holiday in 2021 , celebrates the anniversary of federal troops’ arrival in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, to ensure all enslaved people had been freed. This year, the holiday falls on Wednesday, but celebrations are happening over the next two weeks.

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. –  Indigo Arts Alliance presents The Welcome Table, an intergenerational symposium celebrating global cultural and culinary histories. Activities include art, movement and meditation workshops led by activists and cultural workers. 60 Cove St., Portland.  indigoartsalliance.me

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. –  Victoria Mansion is hosting a community day with free admission and a recitation of the Emancipation Proclamation by local actors. 109 Danforth St. Portland.  victoriamansion.org

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. –  Space and the Tate House Museum are putting on a Juneteenth community day with free admission and tours of Ashley Page’s “Imagining Freedom” exhibit at the museum. The historical art piece puts viewers into the shoes of an enslaved woman named Bet. 1267 Westbrook St., Portland.  space538.org Advertisement

1-6:30 p.m. –  The first event of “The City that Carries Us: Pain, Streets, and Heartbeats” will take place at the Public Theatre in Lewiston. The celebration will have a parade and a block party with performances, as well as scheduled activities and rituals throughout the day. It is hosted by the organization Maine Inside Out. 31 Maple St., Lewiston, maineinsideout.org

2-3 p.m. –  Through “Poems of Reckoning and Resilience,” the Portland Museum of Art and Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance seek to honor the legacy of Black Americans. Featured poet Nathan McClain will join local poets in the Great Hall at the museum to celebrate Black liberation and creativity. The museum is also offering free admission Saturday through Monday, in celebration of both Juneteenth and Pride Month. 7 Congress Square, Portland.  mainewriters.org

11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. –  The fifth annual Juneteenth Celebration on House Island in Casco Bay will focus on Black joy, as well as nature, health and economic opportunity. Guests can stay for one or two days, and partake in activities like camping, hiking, yoga and games, all led by BIPOC leaders. Fortland, House Island, Portland.  eventbrite.com

4:30-7 p.m. –  The Community Organizing Alliance is putting on an event with speakers, live performances, poetry readings, a voter registration drive and catering by Bab’s Table. There will also be opportunities to get involved in the racial justice movement. The Atrium at Bates Mill, 36 Chestnut St., Lewiston.  eventbrite.com

1-3 p.m. –  Riverbank Park in Westbrook will host a community event with art, poetry, music and guest speakers. There will also be a barbecue picnic, a student fashion show, hair braiding, pick-up soccer and more activities sponsored by the city. 667 Main St., Westbrook.  On Facebook.

7-8 p.m. –  The Portland Yoga Project is putting on a class called “Liberated Breath: A Juneteenth Yoga Experience” that seeks to reflect on the holiday through yoga. The class is free for BIPOC community members and is sponsored by the Portland Public Library. 7 Bedford St., Portland, allevents.in

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  1. 10 Exciting Class Trip Ideas for Students of All Ages

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  2. Top 20 School Trip Ideas

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  1. 260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades PreK-12 (In-Person and Virtual)

    Top 10 Washington D.C. Field Trip Ideas; Field Trip Tips and Resources @poonerelray. There's a lot to do when you're organizing an off-site field trip. These resources are here to help. Preparing Parent Chaperones for a Field Trip; Free Printable Field Trip and School Permission Forms To Make Your Life Easier

  2. 41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

    A fun-filled adventure to the zoo is a classic field trip idea! Every enclosure will provide your learners insight into the beauty of the animal kingdom; inviting them to discover facts relating to animals from around the world and learn more about the importance of conservation efforts. Learn More: Lincoln Park Zoo. 28. Community Service Centers

  3. 35 Field Trip Ideas

    Coming up with fun, educational, affordable field trip ideas can be a challenge. But field trips offer great learning experiences that promote a sense of school pride and community within the student body. Even though schools operate on tight budgets, you can get creative and keep prioritizing field trips. Here are 35 field trip ideas broken up ...

  4. 25 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas

    Fantastic Field Trip Ideas. Art Museum: Ignite creative expression and cultivate an appreciation for cultures, history, and identity by visiting a local museum. Many offer curriculum tailored to specific age groups, along with knowledgeable guides and engaging activities for your class or group. Aquarium: Dive into the world of ocean life and ...

  5. 50 Fun & Educational Field Trip Ideas

    Gather wood and cook over fire, do without electricity, read, play string games like cat's cradles, whittle, sing, use your imagination and travel back in time for a day. 48. Water Treatment Plant ...

  6. The Best Virtual Field Trips for the Classroom

    Take a visit to the National WWII Museum for "a cross-country virtual expedition to discover the science, sites, and stories of the creation of the atomic bomb." Don't forget to download the classroom guide! 22. The White House. For a look inside the iconic building, check out the 360° tour of some of the most historic rooms of the People's House, from the Situation Room to the Oval ...

  7. 25 virtual field trips for your classroom

    Here are 25 virtual field trips plus 10 extension activity ideas for your class. Find a virtual field trip or activity for your class! Getting Started with Virtual Field Trips. ... an imagined trip, or even a recap of a virtual field trip. Visit The Unboxing Video: A fun classroom video activity for a how-to and examples. 5. Create or find an ...

  8. Find On-Site & Virtual Field Trips

    Search for class trips by geographic area, distance, and venue name or keyword. Find art museums, theater, dance, and music concert field trips. Find class trips to children's museums, petting zoos, and kids' shows. View history museums, government & civics, historic sites, living history museums, and multicultural field trip ideas.

  9. The Best Fifth Grade Field Trips (In Person and Virtual)

    10. Ropes Course. You might consider this a "just for fun" field trip, but students will learn teamwork, cooperation, and strategy through the obstacles. Ropes courses are self-esteem boosters, and fifth graders moving on to middle school could use a good dose of confidence. 11.

  10. Field Trip Ideas for Elementary School Students

    Elementary field trips teach kids about science, business, animals and more. Teach children important fundamentals outside of the classroom while staying safe on your field trip and having fun when you visit one of these locations. Plan your next outing with one of these field trip ideas for elementary school students.

  11. 55 Simple and Memorable Field Trip Ideas

    9. Go on a Hike. This is a good field trip for many reasons. Exercising is an important thing to get in the habit of at a young age, and nature is something that everyone should appreciate. And, as if that was not enough, learning about rocks and rock formations is fascinating, too.

  12. 6 fun field trip ideas for middle school students

    6 field trips for middle school students. Photo credit: willian_2000. 1. The food bank. One of my most memorable, yet unique, field trips was to visit a local food bank that was five minutes down the road with my middle school students. It was a particularly special event because the kids were already invested in a mission to feed the hungry.

  13. Exciting Field Trip Ideas for High School Students

    Here are some great science-based field trip ideas for your high school students. 1. Science Museum. Science museums cover a wide range of studies, from geography to chemistry to biology, so each of your students should find something that interests them. Plus, since all science is based on experimentation, these museums tend to have more ...

  14. Awesome Field Trip Ideas for Students of All Ages

    They provide entertaining and educational talking points for classes of all ages and are already created to appeal to younger and older students alike. Check out these kinds of museums. Art museums. Science museums (don't skip the planetarium!) Maritime museums. Archaeology museums. Historic house/building museums. Cemetery or gravesite museums.

  15. Top 20 School Trip Ideas

    School Trip Idea 1: Local Museums. A day spent exploring a local history museum, art museum, science centre, or planetarium can be both educational and fun. Students can learn about different cultures and periods, as well as gain an appreciation for the work of artists and scientists past and present.

  16. Top 10 Field Trip Ideas for 8th Grade Class

    New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and St. Louis all offer amazing scenery, museums, and parks perfect for your 8th-grade trip. Our Choice: New Orleans, LA - This city is vibrant in so many ways that it will be beneficial for your 8th-grade class, from history in the streets to the food and culture-filled museums. Further Info: New ...

  17. 34 Unique Educational Field Trip Ideas in NJ For Students

    Built-in 1826 and set on a 14-acre park The Cooper Gristmill is a great spot for a field trip and offers tons of places for picnics and hiking. Sterling Hill Mining Museum. 30 Plant St, Ogdensburg, NJ 07439. 973-209-7212. For an exciting scientific adventure check out the Sterling Hill Mining Museum.

  18. Educational School Trip Ideas

    Top Field Trip Ideas for 6th Graders. Fun Class Trips for 8th Graders. High School: Pritzker Pav Chicago Shutterstock. Once you enter high school, most of the field trip opportunities drop away in exchange for college prep classes and mounds of homework. This doesn't mean high schoolers don't appreciate a day away from the desk if anything they ...

  19. 10 Exciting Field Trip Ideas for 5th Graders

    Art Museum - An art museum is never a bad choice for a 5th-grade field trip. Every American art museum provides a unique, diverse, and educational glance at the art of, well, the art inside its walls. At most art museums you and your student group will be able to plan a full day of fun, with several different workshops, tours, lectures, and curriculum-based activities available for your use.

  20. 10 exciting in-person and virtual STEM field trips

    In those cases, virtual STEM field trips might be the best option. We've put together a list of in-person and virtual STEM field trips to get you thinking about where your next trip might take your students. 1. Sports games offer a fun and engaging way to challenge students to use STEM concepts they've learned in class. Many minor-league ...

  21. 20 Engaging and Educational Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

    Taking young children on a field trip can be an overwhelming experience without the right preparation. Field trips are very exciting, so be aware that the children may have extra energy or be more distracted. To have a fun, safe, and smooth trip, focus on safety measures before and during the excursion. Before the field trip

  22. Fun Field Trip Ideas for a Class Field Trip

    Check out the Gettysburg Field Trip to find ideas for Goosechase missions that match your town's unique history. Unless it's a reenactment on a field trip. Fall Fun: Since students head back to school in the fall, visit a pumpkin patch or local farm for a harvest festival. They'll have a great time learning about where food comes from ...

  23. 20 Fun Things Parents Can Encourage Their Kids To Do Over Summer ...

    Whether it's a simple water balloon fight on the lawn, taking an exciting trip to a water park, or going to the local swimming pool, these refreshing activities are a fun way to bond and cool down ...

  24. Best Class Trip Ideas for 6th Graders

    Help them find lifelong passions or rediscover interests as you take a revitalizing, interesting, and fun class trip getaway. Florida's Space Coast. Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA at the pier. Shutterstock. Discover and explore space through NASA's Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex where you can take extensive tours of the ...

  25. Celebrate Juneteenth at these Maine events

    1-6:30 p.m. - The first event of "The City that Carries Us: Pain, Streets, and Heartbeats" will take place at the Public Theatre in Lewiston.The celebration will have a parade and a block ...