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Places To Visit In Gangtok: Unfolding The 32 Gems Of Sikkim

Dive into our guide on the best places to visit in Gangtok, explore the top Gangtok tourist attractions, and discover why this city is a must-visit spot on your Sikkim journey. As you journey through Gangtok, remember it’s the gateway to discovering the myriad of places to visit in Sikkim , each spot telling its own unique story and offering an experience unlike any other.

Get ready to be captivated by the beauty of Gangtok and the wonders it has to offer!

32 Places to Visit in Gangtok: A Guide to the City’s Top Attractions

1. rumtek monastery.


  • Golden Stupa: Contains sacred relics of the 16th Karmapa, making it a deeply spiritual site for pilgrims.
  • Vibrant Murals and Artwork: The monastery walls are adorned with exquisite murals, thangkas (Tibetan religious paintings), and statues, showcasing Buddhist art.
  • Rumtek Dharma Chakra Centre: A significant center for religious study and meditation, attracting scholars and practitioners from around the world.
  • Annual Festivals: Rumtek comes alive during special Buddhist festivals with traditional dances, ceremonies, and a display of ancient rituals.

2. Nathula Pass

  • Historic Silk Route: Explore part of the ancient trade route connecting India and Tibet.
  • Breathtaking Views: Witness the majestic Himalayan range and pristine snow-covered landscapes.
  • Border Gates: See the international border gates of India and China up close.
  • Memorial and Exhibition Center: Learn about the region’s history and the Indian Army’s role at the Sherathang Mart.

3. Tsomgo lake

  • Seasonal Beauty: The lake’s appearance changes with the seasons, from reflective waters in summer to a frozen spectacle in winter.
  • Yak Rides: Experience traditional yak rides along the lake’s perimeter, offering a unique way to explore the area’s natural beauty.
  • Sacred Significance: Revered by locals, Tsomgo Lake holds spiritual importance, adding to its serene ambiance.
  • Rope-way: For a bird’s eye view of the lake and surrounding mountains, the rope-way ride is a must-try.

4. Do Drul Chorten Stupa

  • Golden Dome: The stupa’s shining golden dome is a symbol of peace and stands out against the lush backdrop of Sikkim.
  • 108 Prayer Wheels: Surrounding the stupa, these wheels are inscribed with mantras and spun by visitors for merit and blessings.
  • Holy Relics: Inside, it houses important Buddhist relics and texts, enriching the spiritual experience for visitors.
  • Stunning Architecture: The stupa’s traditional Tibetan design is a testament to Buddhist architectural brilliance.

5. Ganesh Tok

  • Panoramic Views: Offers breathtaking views of the Gangtok cityscape and the snow-capped Himalayas.
  • Colorful Temple: The temple is vibrant and beautifully decorated, creating a serene ambiance for prayer and reflection.
  • Garden Area: Surrounding the temple, a well-maintained garden provides a peaceful spot to relax and enjoy nature.
  • Viewing Gallery: A specially designed viewing area allows visitors to take in the majestic landscape.

6. Hanuman Tok

  • Rich History: The temple has a storied past, contributing to its sacredness and allure.
  • Cultural Significance: It plays a significant role in local religious traditions and festivals.
  • Well-Maintained Premises: The clean and lush surroundings enhance the spiritual journey for visitors.
  • Accessibility: Despite its high altitude, it’s easily accessible, offering a refreshing escape from the city.

7. Seven Sisters Waterfall 

  • Magnificent Cascades: The waterfall features seven distinct cascades, creating a spectacular natural display.
  • Scenic Beauty: Surrounded by lush greenery, it offers breathtaking views, especially during the monsoon when the falls are at their fullest.
  • Accessible Viewing Platform: A well-maintained platform allows visitors to enjoy the views and take photographs safely.
  • Picnic Spot: The area around the waterfall is a popular spot for picnics, making it a great place for relaxation and family outings.

8. Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve

  • Diverse Ecosystems: Home to a wide range of habitats, from tropical to alpine, each supporting unique flora and fauna.
  • Mount Khangchendzonga: Offers breathtaking views of the world’s third-highest peak, sacred to the local people.
  • Endangered Wildlife: Sanctuary for rare species like the snow leopard, red panda, and Himalayan tahr.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site: Recognized for its outstanding natural and cultural values, enhancing its global significance.
  • Giant Statues: Namchi is home to impressive statues of Guru Padmasambhava and Lord Shiva, standing tall and visible from afar.
  • Char Dham: A spiritual and cultural complex that houses replicas of four sacred Hindu temples, making it a significant pilgrimage site.
  • Panoramic Views: Offers stunning views of the Himalayan range, including Mount Khangchendzonga.
  • Rich Culture: The town reflects Sikkim’s diverse cultural heritage, with festivals and traditional foods.

10. Tsuk La Khang Monastery 

  • Architectural Beauty: The monastery showcases exquisite traditional Sikkimese architecture, with intricate wood carvings and artistic murals.
  • Spiritual Center: Acts as a crucial place for worship and religious ceremonies, reflecting the deep spiritual heritage of the region.
  • Historical Significance: This royal monastery has hosted numerous important events, including weddings and coronations of the Sikkimese monarchy.
  • Peaceful Ambiance: Offers a peaceful retreat for meditation and contemplation amidst the bustling city of Gangtok.

11. White Hall Memorial 

  • Historic Architecture: Showcases colonial-era design, making it a standout building in Gangtok.
  • Memorial Significance: Dedicated to Claude White, Sikkim’s first political officer, adding historical depth to your visit.
  • Lush Gardens: The surrounding gardens offer a serene environment, perfect for a relaxing stroll.
  • Cultural Events: Hosts flower shows and cultural events, providing insight into local traditions.

12. The Flower Exhibition Centre

  • Wide Variety of Flowers: Showcases an extensive collection of flowers, including exotic orchids, roses, and lilies.
  • Year-Round Display: The Centre is open throughout the year, offering seasonal floral displays that change with the seasons.
  • Orchid Shows: Famous for its orchid exhibitions, highlighting the diversity of Sikkim’s orchids.
  • Central Location: Situated near MG Marg, making it easily accessible for visitors.

13. Kabi Town

  • Historic Significance: Celebrated as the site of the Blood Brotherhood Treaty between the Lepcha and Bhutia tribes, marking a significant event in Sikkim’s history.
  • Natural Beauty: Surrounded by lush green forests, offering stunning views and a serene atmosphere.
  • Cultural Monuments: Features monuments commemorating the historic treaty, providing a tangible connection to the past.
  • Peaceful Environment: The calmness of Kabi Town makes it a perfect spot for reflection and relaxation.

14. Saramsa Garden

  • Diverse Flora: Boasts a wide variety of plants, including exotic flowers and fruit trees, making it a botanist’s paradise.
  • Scenic Beauty: Offers picturesque landscapes, perfect for relaxation and photography.
  • Picnic Spots: Equipped with designated areas for picnics, allowing visitors to enjoy leisurely meals amidst nature.
  • Orchidarium: Features a special section dedicated to orchids, showcasing the region’s rich biodiversity.

15. Lal Bazaar

  • Traditional Crafts: Shoppers can find handmade crafts, traditional Sikkimese attire, and unique souvenirs.
  • Cultural Experience: The market provides a glimpse into the local lifestyle and culture, bustling with energy and color.
  • Food Stalls: Features stalls selling local delicacies, allowing visitors to taste the flavors of Sikkim.
  • Vibrant Atmosphere: Known for its lively environment, especially during the early morning hours.

16. Himalayan Zoological Park

17. banjhakri falls .

  • Cultural Theme Park: Surrounding the falls is a park themed around Shamanic culture, with statues and installations depicting Sikkim’s folklore.
  • Picnic Spots: Offers ideal spots for picnicking in the lush greenery, making it perfect for a family outing.
  • Adventure Activities: The park includes activities like rope climbing and bridge crossing for those seeking a bit of adventure.
  • Educational Value: Provides insight into the traditional shamanic practices of the region.

18. Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

  • Extensive Library: Home to one of the largest collections of Tibetan works outside Tibet, including ancient manuscripts and texts.
  • Rich Collection of Artifacts: Exhibits a wide range of Tibetan artifacts, such as religious idols, thangkas (paintings), and traditional objects.
  • Architectural Marvel: The institute’s traditional Tibetan architecture is a sight to behold, blending beautifully with its natural surroundings.
  • Cultural Insight: Offers deep insights into Tibetan Buddhism and culture, making it a key educational spot.

19. Phurchachu Reshi Hot Spring

  • Medicinal Properties: The mineral-rich waters are believed to have healing effects, especially for skin conditions and joint pains.
  • Natural Setting: Located amidst lush greenery, offering a serene and beautiful backdrop for relaxation.
  • Therapeutic Experience: Provides a soothing experience, perfect for those seeking natural healing and stress relief.
  • Cultural Significance: The hot spring holds cultural importance among locals, adding to its allure.

20. Pemayangtse Monastery

  • Rich History: One of Sikkim’s oldest monasteries, reflecting centuries of Buddhist tradition.
  • Architectural Beauty: Features stunning Tibetan architecture, intricate carvings, and colorful murals.
  • Spiritual Sanctuary: Offers a peaceful atmosphere for meditation and reflection.
  • Panoramic Himalayan Views: Positioned with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains, including Mount Kanchenjunga.

21. Yumthang Valley

  • Valley of Flowers: Known for its vibrant bloom of wildflowers, including rhododendrons, during spring, transforming the valley into a colorful carpet.
  • Snow-Capped Mountains: Surrounded by majestic Himalayan peaks, offering stunning landscapes year-round.
  • Hot Springs: Features natural hot springs, believed to have healing properties, providing a unique experience amidst the cold weather.
  • River Scenery: The Yumthang River flows through the valley, adding to its picturesque beauty.

22. Kupup Lake


  • Unique Shape: Resembles an elephant, giving it the nickname “Elephant Lake,” which adds to its charm.
  • Changing Colors: The lake’s water changes colors with the seasons, creating a mesmerizing effect.
  • High Altitude: Located at a high elevation, it offers crisp, fresh air and stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Serene Environment: Its peaceful surroundings make it an ideal spot for relaxation and reflection.

23. Tashi Viewpoint

  • Spectacular Views: Offers panoramic views of the Himalayan range, including Mount Kanchenjunga, one of the world’s highest peaks.
  • Sunrise and Sunset: A popular spot for watching breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, with the sky and mountains changing colors.
  • Viewing Facilities: Equipped with viewing platforms and telescopes for a closer look at the distant peaks.
  • Nearby Attractions: Close to other tourist spots, allowing visitors to combine several sightseeing activities in one trip.

24. Mt. Kanchenjunga

  • Third Highest Peak: As the world’s third highest mountain, it presents awe-inspiring natural grandeur.
  • Breathtaking Views: Offers stunning views from various points in Gangtok, especially enchanting at sunrise and sunset.
  • Spiritual Significance: Revered by the locals, it holds cultural and spiritual importance, adding depth to its natural beauty.
  • Trekking Destination: The region around Mt. Kanchenjunga is popular for trekking, offering routes with varying difficulty levels.

25. Harbhajan Singh Memorial Temple

  • Spiritual Significance: Dedicated to the memory of Soldier Harbhajan Singh, symbolizing loyalty and duty beyond life.
  • Patriotic Site: Acts as a lighthouse of patriotism, visited by soldiers and civilians alike to pay homage.
  • Serene Location: Nestled in the beautiful landscapes near Gangtok, offering calm surroundings for visitors.
  • Belief in Miracles: Many believe that Baba Harbhajan Singh continues to guard the border, adding a mystical aspect to the temple.

26. Enchey Monastery

  • Stunning Architecture: Features unique religious architecture with intricate designs and vibrant murals.
  • Location: Perched on a hilltop, offering panoramic views of Gangtok and the surrounding Himalayas.
  • Cultural Festivals: Hosts vibrant festivals like Losar (Tibetan New Year) and Chaam (masked dance), drawing visitors into its spiritual celebrations.
  • Sacred Site: Believed to be built on a site blessed by a powerful tantric master known for his flying abilities.

27. Shingba Rhododendron Sanctuary

  • Diverse Rhododendrons: Over 40 species of rhododendrons bloom here, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors.
  • Blooming Season: The best time to visit is from April to July, when the flowers are in full bloom.
  • Scenic Beauty: Offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, enhancing the sanctuary’s natural allure.
  • Unique Biodiversity: Apart from rhododendrons, the area is home to a variety of flora and fauna, contributing to its ecological significance.

28. Ranka Monastery

  • Serene Environment: Located amidst lush greenery, providing a peaceful retreat for meditation and reflection.
  • Cultural Insight: Offers a glimpse into the lives of monks and their daily practices, enhancing visitors’ understanding of Buddhist culture.
  • Artistic Murals: The monastery walls are adorned with beautiful paintings depicting Buddhist lore, attracting art lovers.
  • Accessible Location: Despite its calm setting, Ranka Monastery is easily accessible from Gangtok, making it convenient for tourists.

29. Gonjang Monastery

After enjoying the calmness of Gonjang Monastery, consider exploring the culinary delights Sikkim has to offer. The region is renowned for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, providing a perfect blend of taste and tradition. Whether you’re craving the warmth of a hot thukpa, the spice of local chutneys, or the sweetness of Sikkimese tea, the places to eat in Sikkim cater to every palate. 

  • Peaceful Setting: Located amidst the serene landscapes near Gangtok, offering a peaceful environment for visitors.
  • Tibetan Buddhism: Provides insights into Tibetan Buddhist practices and teachings, enriching visitors’ spiritual knowledge.
  • Stunning Artwork: Features beautiful murals and statues, showcasing the artistic heritage of Buddhism.
  • Recent Foundation: Established in 1981, it brings a modern touch to the ancient traditions of Buddhist monastic life.

30. Black Cat Museum 

  • Military Heritage: Showcases the heroic stories and significant achievements of India’s elite Black Cat Commandos.
  • Interactive Displays: Features engaging exhibits that include gear, weapons, and uniforms used by the commandos.
  • Educational Experience: Offers insights into the strategic operations and training of one of the world’s most respected military units.
  • Inspirational Stories: Learn about individual acts of bravery and the important missions carried out by these elite forces.

31. Gangtok Ropeway

  • Panoramic Views: Offers breathtaking aerial views of Gangtok and the surrounding Himalayan range, perfect for photography.
  • Exciting Ride: The cable car journey provides a thrilling experience as you glide over the city.
  • Accessible Location: Centrally located, making it easy for visitors to access from various parts of the city.
  • Family-Friendly: Suitable for visitors of all ages, including children and elderly guests.

32. Mayfair Gangtok Casino Mahjong

  • Variety of Games: Offers a wide range of games, including roulette, poker, blackjack, and slot machines, catering to different interests.
  • Luxurious Setting: Located within the Mayfair Hotel, providing a lavish and secure environment for guests.
  • Entertainment Options: Besides gaming, the casino hosts live music and performances, adding to the vibrant nightlife.
  • Professional Staff: The staff are well-trained to assist and ensure a pleasant gaming experience for all visitors.

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Travel Tips To Keep In Mind :

  • Do Obtain Necessary Permits: Some areas, especially near borders like Nathula Pass, require special permits. Ensure you have these arranged beforehand.
  • Do Respect Local Customs: Sikkim has a rich culture. When visiting monasteries or attending festivals, dress modestly and follow local etiquette.
  • Do Try Local Cuisine: Don’t miss out on the delicious Sikkimese dishes like momos, thukpa, and local beverages. It’s a key part of the experience.
  • Do Shop Locally: Support local artisans by purchasing authentic Sikkimese handicrafts and souvenirs at places to shop in Sikkim .
  • Do Stay Environmentally Conscious: Sikkim is known for its pristine environment. Keep it clean by disposing of waste properly and using eco-friendly products.
  • Don’t Litter: The natural beauty of Sikkim is unparalleled. Keep it that way by not littering, especially in sensitive areas like the Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve.
  • Don’t Disturb Wildlife: If you’re visiting parks or sanctuaries, observe animals from a distance. Feeding or trying to interact with them can be harmful.
  • Don’t Overlook Local Norms: Public displays of affection may not be as widely accepted here as they are in other places. Be mindful of local social norms.
  • Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Directions: While exploring places to visit in Gangtok, asking locals for directions or recommendations can enhance your experience.
  • Don’t Ignore Weather Advisories: Weather in the mountains can be unpredictable. Always check and respect local advisories before heading out, especially to higher altitudes.

So, pack your bags with excitement, step into the heart of the Himalayas, and let Sikkim unfold its wonders to you. Remember, every corner of Sikkim has a story to tell, and every moment spent here is an adventure waiting to be cherished.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

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  • Places to Visit in Gangtok

34 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Gangtok

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  • Top 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok
  • 13 Best Gangtok Tour Packages
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Banjhakri Waterfalls & Energy Park

gangtok tourism name

#1 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 7 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Banjhakri Waterfalls is a scenic waterfalls located inside a landscaped park in Gangtok. Situated near Ranka Monastery, it is one of the most visited tourist places in Gangtok and among the best waterfalls to visit in Sikkim Tourism . Banjhakri Waterfall is a natural waterfall cascades down from a height of about 70 feet. The lush green surroundings of the waterfalls make it more beautiful and alluring. The word 'Banjhakri' means woodland shaman. According to legend, the ethnic tribes of Sikkim have a lot of faith in their local occults called Jhakris who have healing and magical powers and can influence the spirits to bring about good and evil. Spread over an area of 2 acres, Banjhakri Energy Park has been built near the falls. Also known as Energy Park, the gardens have been beautifully landscaped around the waterfalls and the place is further adorned with several statues of Banjhakri, .....

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Enchey Monastery

Enchey Monastery

#2 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 3 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Enchey Monastery is an ancient Buddhist Monastery situated in Gangtok, Sikkim. Located on Gangtok - Nathula road, it is one of the most popular places of pilgrimage in Sikkim and among the best places to visit in Gangtok. The literal meaning of Enchey Monastery is the 'Solitary Monastery'. The monastery is also an important seat of the Nyingma sect of Tibetan Buddhism. More than 200 years ago, this was the site of Lama Dhrupthob Karpo, a tantric master who was known for his flying powers. Initially, a small Gompa was established by him after he flew from Maenam Hill in South Sikkim to this site in 1840 CE. Later, it was rebuilt in 1908 CE by the 10th King of Sikkim, Sikyong Tulku. The monastery is considered sacred as it is believed that the protecting deities, Khangchendzonga and Yabdean reside in this monastery. According to a legend, the spirits of the Khangchendzonga, Yabdean and Mahakala are subdued by Guru Padmasambhava .....

Ranka Monastery

Ranka Monastery

#3 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 8 km from Banjhakri Falls and 16 km from Gangtok, Ranka Monastery is a Buddhist monastery situated at Ranka near Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim. Also known as Lingdum Monastery, it is one of the most popular monasteries in Sikkim and among the must visit places in Gangtok. Built in 1998 CE, the Ranka Monastery is the seat of Zurmang Charwang Rinpoche. The present Rinpoche is the 12th successive incarnation of this lineage. It is interesting to note that the monastery is mainly run by young monks. Since it is relatively quite a new monastery and does not provide a lot of historical or strategic significance such as Rumtek Monastery. However, the beauty of the monastery has attracted a lot of film makers. Built in the typical form of Tibetan architecture, the monastery is spread out in a vast area with great scenic views. A huge gold plated Buddha statue sits in the lotus position inside the sanctum. There are low tables lying in rows inside the sanctum .....

Tashi View Point

Tashi View Point

#4 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 8 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Tashi View Point is located at Tashi in Gangtok. Situated near Ganesh Tok, it is one of the stunning viewpoints in Gangtok and among the top places to visit in Gangtok. Tashi View Point was built by the King of Sikkim, Tashi Namgyal, who ruled Sikkim between 1914 and 1963. The circular shaped platform with railings has been built so that the visitor could view 360-degree perspective of the entire region. It is now developed and maintained by the tourism department. This point is mostly known for offering some of the best sunrise and sunset views. This is an ideal place for nature lovers as it offers great views of the imposing Himalayan Mountains, specifically Mt. Kanchenjunga and Mt. Siniolchu. The Phodong Monastery and the Labrang Monastery are also easily visible from here. Most of tourist visits the place during early morning to witness the beautiful sunrise and the dramatic play of lights over the mountains and hills. .....

Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden

Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden

#5 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 500 m from Rumtek Monastery and 21 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden is a public garden located in Gangtok. Situated close to Rumtek Monastery, it is one of the most famous tourist places to visit in Gangtok. Established in the year 1987, Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden is a well maintained lush green expanse of land with astounding beauty. The garden is maintained and managed by the Parks and Garden Units of the Forest Department of the Government of Sikkim. The garden houses rare flowers, plants and trees including Orchids of Himalayan region. It also has dense temperate forests of Oak and a beautiful lake. There are more than 50 different varieties of tree species located inside this garden. Owing to the variance in altitude ranging between 1,800 m and 2,200 m, the park has a wide assortment of plants and animals. The garden also has a greenhouse, where different types of orchids are grown. With the intention of merriment .....

International Sikkim Flower Festival

International Sikkim Flower Festival

#6 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 1 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, the Flower Festival is an international event held at the Flower Exhibition Centre near White Hall Complex in Gangtok. It is considered as among the popular flower shows in India and also the biggest flower show in Gangtok. The International Flower Show is a month long festival held every year during summer. This festival is held during the peak flowering season in Sikkim and attracts tourists from all over India. The land of mystic grandeur, Sikkim has thousands of indigenous varieties of flora which include around 600 species of orchids, 240 species of trees and ferns, 150 varieties of gladioli, 46 types of rhododendrons along with a variety of magnolias and many other foliage plants. The Sikkim government organizes this flower show cum exhibition every year. The state government invites participants from more than 12 countries to the show and related events which seek to promote Sikkim's natural wealth of horticulture produce, .....

Tsongmo Lake / Changu Lake

Tsongmo Lake / Changu Lake

#7 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 17 km from Nathula Pass and 38 km from Gangtok, Tsomgo Lake or Tsongmo Lake is a glacial lake located in the East Sikkim district of Sikkim. Also known as Changu Lake, it is one of the top places to visit in Gangtok and among the beautiful lakes in Himalayas. Located at an altitude of 3,753 m, Tsongmo Lake is one of the few and awesome high altitude lakes in India. In Bhutia language Tsomgo means 'Source of the Lake'. The lake gets its water from the melting snow on the surrounding mountains. The lake is formed in an oval shape and has a surface area of 60 acres. The maximum length of the lake is 1 km and an average depth of the lake is 15 m. The River Lungtze Chu originates from this lake and further falls into Rangpo-chu. Highly revered by the Buddhists and Hindus, the lake surface reflects different colors with change of seasons. According to the history, the colour of water of this lake was studied by Lamas so as to forecast about the future. They believed, .....

Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery

#8 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 22 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Rumtek Monastery is a beautiful Buddhist gompa situated near Gangtok, the capital city of Sikkim. Also called as Dharma Chakra Centre, it is one of the largest monasteries in Sikkim and among the best places to visit in Gangtok. The Monastery was originally built in mid-17th century under the supervision of Changchub Dorje, the 12th Karmapa Lama. Perched on a hill overlooking Gangtok, Rumtek Monastery is the seat of the Karmapa Lama, the third highest monk in Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery belongs to the Kargyu sect of Buddhism originated during the 12th century CE in Tibet. With the generosity and help of the Sikkim royal family and the local folks of Sikkim, the monastery was rebuilt by the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje and named as Rumtek Dharma Chakra Center in 1966. The shrine was established with a reason to spread the teachings of the Buddha throughout the world. The architecture of the monastery is one of the .....

Hanuman Tok

Hanuman Tok

#9 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 9 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Hanuman Tok is a Hindu temple located atop a hill in Gangtok, the capital of the Indian state of Sikkim. Situated off from the Gangtok-Nathula Highway, it is one of the religious places to visit in Gangtok and among the top places of Pilgrimage in Sikkim. Situated at an altitude of 7200 feet, the temple is dedicated to lord Hanuman, god of good health and strength. According to the legend, Lord Hanuman rested at this place while carrying Sanjeevani Parvat from the Himalayas to save Rama's brother Lakshmana. The idol of Lord Hanuman was erected here in 1950 when an officer named Appaji Pant had a divine dream at this location. Now, the temple was maintained and preserved by the Units of 17 Mountain Division of the Army. The temple is divided into three sections- the main temple, old temple and the circular temple. A hint of Tibetan style of architecture is witnessed here. The main temple has a long hall which is painted in .....

Namgyal Institute Of Tibetology

Namgyal Institute Of Tibetology

#10 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 3 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology is a Tibetan institute & museum located in Deorali area of Gangtok. Situated near Do Drul Chorten Stupa, it is one of the must visit places in Gangtok. Namgyal Institute of Tibetology is an important Tibetan institute that promotes and carries on researches in the field of Tibetan language, art, religion and its culture. The foundation stone was laid by 14th Dalai Lama in 1957 and inaugurated by Late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1958. The land of the institute was donated by the late King of Sikkim Tashi Namgyal and hence the name Namgyal Institute of Tibetology. The institute building boasts of traditional Tibetan architecture and remains as one of the finest traditional Tibetan designs in the world. It rises majestically with its tall golden towers, attractive murals and colourful frescos amidst the breathtaking natural scenery. It also has a museum, a library with rich collections .....

Do Drul Chorten Monastery

Do Drul Chorten Monastery

#11 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 3 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Do Drul Chorten is a Buddhist stupa situated in Gangtok, Sikkim. Situated adjacent to Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, it is one of the most magnificent and the biggest stupas in Gangtok and among the top places to experience Gangtok Tourism. Do Drul Chorten Stupa was built by Trulshik Rinpoche, head of the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism in 1945 CE. According to legend, it is believed that this entire place was once haunted by evil spirits and many people who wandered around this place became victims and died. Later, Trulshik Rinpoche came to this place for hermitage and built this popular stupa to drive away the spirits. Popularly known as Phurba, the white Chorten Stupa is marked by a golden top dome and can be seen from various places in Gangtok. The deity enshrined on top of the stupa is known as Dorjee Phurpa or Vajra Kilaya. The Chorten is surrounded by Chorten Lakhang, where there are two huge statues of Guru Rinpoche .....

Tsuk La Khang Monastery

gangtok tourism name

#12 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 3 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Tsuk La Khang or Tsuglakhang Monastery is a Buddhist palacial monastery located in Gangtok. Also known as Palace Monastery, it is one of the major places of worship in Gangtok and also one of the best places to visit in Gangtok. Located in the complex of Royal Palace, Tsuk La Khang is the imperial gompa of the erstwhile Royal family of Sikkim. This monastery was probably built in the year 1898 AD during the reign of 9th King Thutob Namgyal. Earlier the monastery was used to be the venue for several occasions such as weddings and coronations of the Sikkim Royalty. Located near the ridge, now this is a principal place of worship and a prime assembly of Buddhists in Gangtok. The two storey Royal Chapel of the Chogyals was built in traditional Sikkim architectural style with an assembly hall in the center. It has an impressive collection of Buddhist scriptures and literature. The walls and altars of the monastery are lavishly .....

Saramsa Garden

Saramsa Garden

#13 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 14 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Saramsa Garden is a recreational public garden located between the slopes of Gangtok and Pakyong in the north-eastern state of Sikkim. Known as Ipeca Garden, it is one of the ideal picnic places to visit in Gangtok. Saramsa Garden was established in 1922 by the then Forest Manager Bhim Bahadur Pradhan. Covering an area of 6 acres, this garden is maintained by the Sikkim Forest Department and Tourism. Initially, the garden was introduced for growing fruits for the local colonial officers. Until1940, various fruit trees such as banana, orange, pineapple and guava were grown here. Later, the garden became known for cultivating the medicinal plant ipecacuanha and thus the garden is named as Ipeca Garden. The plant was imported from Malaysia and used for producing Emetine, a powerful alkaloid which is of great significance in medical research. When growing of ipecacuanha was discontinued in 1970, the garden was transformed into .....

Bakthang Waterfall

Bakthang Waterfall

#14 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 5 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Bakthang is a small waterfall located on the North Sikkim Highway in Gangtok. Situated near Tashi View Point, it is one of the beautiful places to visit in Gangtok and among the popular waterfalls in Gangtok. The falls originates from Ratey Chu, the main water source of Gangtok area. It cascades down from the rock and forming a small pool down below. Though the height of the fall is not much, it is a wonderful sight to take photographs. For activity lovers, there is a Rope Sliding, where one can get the bird's eye view of the region. Though, it is only a short slide of only few seconds but still quite thrilling. Timings: 10 AM to 4 PM Rope Sliding: Rs.100 per person

Thakurbari Temple

Thakurbari Temple

#15 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 500 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Thakurbari is a Hindu temple located at MG Marg in Gangtok, Sikkim. Situated in the heart of the town, it is one of the most popular places to visit in Gangtok and one of the oldest Hindu Temples in Sikkim. The Thakurbari Temple was built as a small temple on a land donated by the erstwhile Chogyal of Sikkim in 1935. Subsequently, the temple was upgraded to a major temple-complex in the time period between 1945 and 1947. The temple houses almost all major deities and has emerged as an important center of convergence for the Hindu community of Gangtok. In 2011, the temple complex was further upgraded to include a multipurpose hall and library. The temple organizes many festivals and social events on a grand scale. These festivals are visited by a large number of visitors and tourists from far off places. Visitors come here to offer their worship to the Lord and receive their blessings. Timings: 6 AM - 8 PM

Gonjang Monastery

Gonjang Monastery

#16 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 8 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Gonjang Monastery is situated at Fatak Bojhogari near Tashi Viewpoint in Gangtok, Sikkim. Located at an altitude of 6066 feet, it is one of the famous monasteries in Gangtok and among the best Gangtok attractions. Gonjang Monastery was built in 1981 by H.E. Tingkye Gonjang Rimpoche. He was recognized as an incarnation of Yolmo Terton Ngakchang Shakya Zangpo, a 15th century Nyingmapa Terton. The monastery follows Jangter tradition of Nyingmapa school of Tibetan Buddhism. Monastic education along with Tibetan language and English are taught to the monk students here. The monastery imparts knowledge on close and comparative studies of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy based on moral values. The monastery looks impressive from outside with a massive Buddha figure inside. Inside this monastery one can see the Idols of Khen-lop Cho-Sum, three Religious Personalities or founding Fathers of Tibetan Buddhism in 8th century, and .....

Seven Sisters Waterfall

Seven Sisters Waterfall

#17 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 32 km from Gangtok, Seven Sister Waterfall is a scenic waterfall located on Gangtok- Lachung Highway of Sikkim. It is one of the famous waterfalls in Sikkim and also one of the top Gangtok Tourist Places. The Seven Sisters Waterfall is an extremely captivating waterfall, which got its name because it is said to fall in seven stages. However, visitors can see only 4 stages from the bottom. The rest are way higher and hidden between the rocks. The magnificent view of refreshing water with a background of lush mountains casts a spell on the visitors with its charm and make it one of the most visited and photographed waterfalls in this region. The picture perfect beauty of Seven Sister Waterfalls is much loved by picnickers, photographers, nature lovers as well as the local people. A small footbridge crosses over the stream to give the clients a better view and photographic break. To facilitate the tourists to savor the pristine beauty and to be with nature, Tourism .....

Ganesh Tok View Point & Temple

Ganesh Tok View Point & Temple

#18 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 4 km from Tashi Viewpoint and 6 km from the Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Ganesh Tok is Hindu temple located in Gangtok. Situated close to Tashi View Point, it is one of the famous places of pilgrimage in Gangtok and among the charming places to visit in Gangtok. Located at an altitude of 6500 feet, Ganesh Tok temple is dedicated to Lord Ganesh. The temple is so small that it can accommodate only one person at a time. One needs to climb a steep staircase to reach the temple. Adorned with colorful flags hoisted and tied across the roads, the path to Ganesh Tok almost resembles a rainbow. People visit the temple to offer prayers and also to enjoy the beautiful view. There is a circular balcony around the temple and a viewing lounge to soak in the view. Ganesh Tok Viewpoint offers a bird-eye's view of the entire Gangtok town, rolling hills and the snowcapped mountains including Kanchenjunga. There is small place located close to this temple, which is known as Smriti .....

Menmecho Lake

Menmecho Lake

#19 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 14 km from Nathula Pass, 22 km from Tsongmo Lake and 60 km from Gangtok, Menmecho Lake is a mountain lake situated at Kupup in East Sikkim district. Lies on the way to Jelep La Pass and ahead of the Tsomgo Lake, Menmecho Lake is considered as one of the most famous lakes of Sikkim and among the most beautiful high altitude lakes in India. Surrounded by lush forests and mountains, Menmecho Lake is situated at an altitude of 12,500 feet. The lake is fed by the waters of the surrounding mountains of Jelep La Pass and it is the source of the River Rangpo Chu, a tributary of Teesta River. Known for its scenic beauty, the lake is said to be change colors every minute and stays frozen during the winter months. There is a viewpoint on the banks of the lake for the trekkers to rest and watch the beauty of the lake unfold before them. Apart from its mystic beauty, Menmecho Lake is also famous for its trout fishing. The lake is one of the best trout cultivation centers .....

Phensang Monastery

Phensang Monastery

#20 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 4 km from Seven Sisters Waterfalls and 27 km from Gangtok, Phensang Monastery is a Buddhist monastery situated on the gentle slope stretching from Kabi to Phodong near Gangtok, Sikkim. Blessed with best landscapes in the region, Phensang Monastery is one of the best monasteries in Sikkim and among the famous places to visit in Gangtok. Phensang Monastery was built in 1721 CE during the reign of Jigme Pawo. Unfortunately, in 1947 the monastery was completely gutted by a devastating fire and was rebuilt in 1948. Again in 1983, the structure was damaged due to heavy rain, but with the help of government aid and involvement, the monastery was rebuilt again. Currently, around 300 lamas of the Nyingmapa Buddhist order reside in Phensang Monastery. The monastery hosts an annual event on the 28th & 29th days of the 10th month of the Tibetan Calendar, which normally corresponds to the month of December. At this juncture of the year, 'Chaam' (Mask dance) is performed .....

Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary

Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary

#21 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 20 km from Gangtok SNT Bus Station, Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife reserve located in the East Sikkim district of the state of Sikkim in India. It is one of the famous wildlife sanctuaries in Sikkim and among the best Gangtok Tourist Places. At an altitude ranging between 1524 to 2749 m, Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary was established in the year 1984. It spreads over an area of about 52 sq. km above the road between Singtam and Dikchu. Recognized as an extension of Khangchendzonga National Park, the sanctuary comprises few small hamlets including Dikchu, Pangthang, and Mangan. It is maintained by the State Forest Department of Sikkim. The Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary houses a variety of flora and fauna. The sanctuary is very rich in natural vegetation and comprises of various dense forests of katus, oak, champ, kimbu, ferns and bamboo. One can also find here various numbers of rhododendrons, mosses, orchids and lycopodium. Due to varied type .....

Kyongnosla Waterfall & Alpine Sanctuary

Kyongnosla Waterfall & Alpine Sanctuary

#22 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 31 km of Gangtok, Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary situated around the area adjoining the Tsomgo Lake in Gangtok. Along the Nathula Road, it is one of the best places to experience Gangtok Tourism. Established in 1977, the sanctuary covers an area of 31 sq. km. The sanctuary extends from the 15 mile police check post up to the ridges bordering the famous Rong Chu and Tsomgo Lakes. Situated at an altitude ranging from 3,292 m to 4,116 m, the sanctuary boasts a wide variety of flora and fauna. The sanctuary is also the perfect place for trekking tours. The views of Khangchendzonga peak are awesome from the sanctuary. Since it is situated close to India-China border at Nathu La, the place is well conserved by the Indian Army. The sanctuary is very rich in natural vegetation which comprises of various rare species of plants and trees that are hard to find somewhere else. Some of the common species of vegetation seen here are tall juniper, rhododendron, .....

Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple

Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple

#23 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 16 km from Tsongmo Lake and 54 km from Gangtok, Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple is a holy shrine located in Gangtok, Sikkim. Situated on the way to Nathula Pass, it is one of the old shrines in Sikkim and among the best places to visit in Gangtok. At an altitude of 13,123 feet, the temple is dedicated to Harbhajan Singh, a hard-working soldier in the Indian Army. Popularly called as Baba Mandir, the temple is situated between Nathula Pass and Jelepla Pass. Visitors usually cover this temple along with a visit to Tsongmo Lake or Nathula Pass. There is a touching story associated with this temple. Harbhajan Singh was a soldier with the Indian army who slipped and fell into a nullah and was washed away while transporting mules. His body could not be found for so many days and later, he appeared in the dream of his colleague and informed about the spot where his body could be found and further asked for his Samadhi to be built there. His body was found exactly where .....

Phodong Monastery

Phodong Monastery

#24 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 39 km from Gangtok, Phodong or Phodang Monastery is a Buddhist monastery situated at Phodong near Gangtok in Sikkim, India. It is one amongst the six most important Buddhist monasteries in Sikkim and among the best places of pilgrimage in Gangtok. Built in 1740 AD, Phodong Monastery was founded by the fourth king of Sikkim Gyurmed Namgyal. Phodong Monastery belongs to the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Stands at an altitude of 4,500 feet, the monastery is one among the three important monasteries of the Kagyu sect in Sikkim, the other two are Rumtek and Ralang. In the course of time, an earthquake damaged the old structure. The Lamas rebuilt a new Monastery in 1977 with financial assistance from the Government of Sikkim. At present the monastery is rated as one of the most beautiful monastery of the state. The monastery houses approximately 260 monks. The walls of the monastery are adorned with beautiful murals, paintings, and frescos which can astonish .....

Lhabrung Or Labrang Monastery

Lhabrung Or Labrang Monastery

#25 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 2 km from Phodong Monastery and 39 km from Gangtok, Labrang or Lhabrung Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in Sikkim, northeastern India. It is one of the important Monasteries of Nyingmapa lineage in Northern Sikkim and among the best places to visit near Gangtok. The word Labrang literally means 'the dwelling place of lamas'. It follows the Nyingmapa order. It was commissioned by Gyalshe Rigzing Chempo in 1826 AD and was completed in 1843 AD. Gyalshe Rigzing Chempo was the son of the seventh ruler Tsugphud Namgyal and was regarded as an incarnate of Khenchen Thinlay Rolpai Dorje, the first Head Lama of Pemayangtse Monastery. The monastery was majorly renovated in 1978 with government aid. Labrang Monastery was built in typical Sikkimese architecture of 'Rinchhen Surgye'or eight pointed diamond symbolizing the indestructible and only monastery of its kind in Sikkim. With its unique architecture, this old structure is one of the premier and only monastery of .....


#26 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 2 km from Phodong Monastery and 39 km from Gangtok, Tumlong is a historical village situated near Phodong in Sikkim. It is one of the historical places in Sikkim and among the top Gangtok Tourist Places. Tumlong was historically the third capital of Kingdom of Sikkim after Yuksom and Rabdentse. As Rabdentse Palace was repeatedly attacked by the Nepal royal army, Tshudpud Namgyal, the then Chogyal of Sikkim shifted his capital from Rabdenste to Tumlong in 1793. Tumlong was the capital of Sikkim till 1894 when Chogyal Thutob Namgyal shifted his capital to present day Gangtok. Tumlong Monastery is home to a small monastery and palace. This monastery was established in 1840 as a center for the monks who had arrived in the capital at the behest of the king. It lies at the top of the village at an elevation of 1473 m, quite close to the ruins of the Tumlong Palace. A Tibetan architectural splendor, Tumlong Palace exhibits a well-constructed edifice with slanting .....


#27 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 7 km from Gyalshing, 45 km from Ravangla, 58 km from Namchi, 69 km from Darjeeling, 88 km from Kalimpong, 113 km from Gangtok, 127 km from Siliguri, 447 km from Darbhanga, 551 km from Guwahati and 682 km from Kolkata, Pelling is a wonderful hill station located in the West Sikkim district of north Indian state of Sikkim. Situated at an altitude of 6,800 feet, Pelling is the second biggest tourist destination in Sikkim after Gangtok. The name Pelling means 'the seat of the religious body' formed by Pema Linga who was a discoverer of ancient Tibetan texts and also a treasure revealer. Pelling was initially a land filled with jungle which was home to a lot of wildlife. The area developed into a full-fledged village after the construction of two Buddhist monasteries Pemayangtse and Sangacholing. Pelling offers good view of entire Kanchenjunga mountain range including Koktang, Kumbhakaran (Jannu), Rathong, Kabru, Kabru Dome, ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 113 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#28 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 45 km from Darjeeling, 49 km from Kalimpong, 65 km from Pelling, 81 km from Gangtok, 88 km from Siliguri, 512 km from Guwahati and 641 km from Kolkata, Namchi is a small town and also the district headquarters of South Sikkim district in the Indian state of Sikkim. Also known as Namtse, it is one of the fast developing tourist destinations in Sikkim and among the popular places to experience Sikkim Tourism . Literally means ' Top of the Sky', Namchi is situated at an altitude of 5,500 feet and is known for its Buddhist Monasteries and scenic locales. As per the historical facts, once Sikkim was under the reign of the Chogyals. Legends say that one of the Sikkimese princesses, Pende Ongmoo deceived a Sikkimese Chogyal. When people of Sikkim got to know about this, they killed the Sikkimese princess, Pende Ongmoo. The place where the Pend Ongmoo was killed is believed to be the present day Namchi. Often known as the ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 81 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#29 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 26 km from Namchi, 69 km from Gangtok, 71 km from Darjeeling, 74 km from Kalimpong, 89 km from Pelling, 115 km from Siliguri, 122 km from Lachung, 536 km from Guwahati and 667 km from Kolkata, Ravangla or Ravongla is a small hill town situated in South Sikkim district of the Indian state of Sikkim. At an altitude of 7000 feet, Ravangla is one of the picturesque places to visit in Sikkim and among the best places to experience Sikkim Tourism . Located on a ridge between Maenam and Tendong Hill, Ravangla is a hot tourist destination blessed with spellbinding tea gardens, adventure activities and ancient monasteries. The town and its surrounding areas offer an undisturbed view of Mt. Kanchenjunga, Mt. Pandim, Mt. Sinialchu, and Mt. Kabru. Ravangla gets a romantic look with the colours and fragrance of the flowers which are in full bloom during April-May. Buddha Park, Rayong Sunrise Viewpoint, Ralang & Borong Hot Springs, Ralang ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 69 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#30 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 47 km from Lachen, 112 km from Ravangla, 116 km from Gangtok, 146 km from Kalimpong, 200 km from Pelling, 609 km from Guwahati and 634 km from Kolkata, Lachung is a small hill station located in North Sikkim district of Indian state of Sikkim. Situated near the border with Tibet, it is one of the beautiful places to visit in Sikkim and among the picturesque hill stations in India. At an altitude of 9,600 feet, Lachung is located at the confluence of River Lachen and River Lachung, the tributaries of Teesta River. The word Lachung means 'small pass'. The Indian Army has a forward base in the town. According to history, Lachung was a trading post between Sikkim and Tibet before the Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1950, after which it was closed down. The town's economy has been boosted by tourism in recent years as the region has been opened up by the Indian government. The town is majorly inhabited by Lepchas and Bhutias who are prime followers of Buddhism. With ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 116 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#31 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 65 km from Siliguri, 98 km from Gangtok, 109 km from Jalpaiguri, 371 km from Manipur, 502 km from Guwahati, 503 km from Patna and 507 km from Kolkata, Darjeeling is a charming hill station located in the Shivalik hills of the lower Himalayas in West Bengal, India. Situated at an altitude of 6,700 feet, Darjeeling is one of the most popular tourist places in West Bengal and among the must include places in your honeymoon tour packages . The name Darjeeling comes from two Tibetan words 'Dorje', meaning thunderbolt and 'ling', means a place or land. Before being invaded by the Gorkhas of Nepal in the 1790s, Darjeeling was largely under the Kingdom of Sikkim and native tribes named Lepchas were the original inhabitants of the place. Under the Sugauli Treaty of 1815 CE, Nepal yielded one-third of their lands to the British, who established Darjeeling as the summer capital ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 96 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): 1-2 Days .....


#32 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 47 km from Lachung, 121 km from Gangtok, 151 km from Kalimpong, 613 km from Guwahati and 744 km from Kolkata, Lachen is a small quiet hill town located in the North Sikkim district of Indian state of Sikkim. Situated near the Indo-Tibetan Border, it is one of the enchanting places to visit in Sikkim . The literal meaning of Lachen is 'Big Pass' and the town is being promoted as a tourist destination by the Sikkim Government. Situated at an altitude of 8838 feet, Lachen stands on a grassy and bushy flat land separated by deep gorges of river Lachen-Chu. The village comprises of nearly 250 houses, earlier inhabited only in winters by the owners who spent the summers on the alpine pastures along the Tibet border tending to their herd of yaks. Lachen has its own system of rules and regulations known as Dzumsa and the heads of Dzumsa are known as Pipon and Gyenbos. Offering panoramic vistas of the stunning landscape and ..... Distance (From Gangtok): 121 Kms Trip Duration (From Gangtok - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Nathula Pass

Nathula Pass

#33 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 17 km from Tsomgo Lake and 54 km from Gangtok, Nathula is a snow-shrouded mountain pass located in the northeastern state of Sikkim along the Indo-China border. Situated at an altitude of 14450 feet in the Himalayas, it is one of the most exotic places to visit in Gangtok and among the top places to experience Sikkim Tourism. Located on the Old Silk Route, Nathula is one of the three open trading border posts between India and China. The other two are Shipkila in Himachal Pradesh and Lipulekh at the trisection point of Uttarakhand, Nepal and China. Also, it is one of the five officially agreed Border Personnel Meeting points between the Indian Army and the People's Liberation Army of China. Deriving its name from two Tibetan words - Nathu meaning listening ears and La meaning pass, Nathula Pass was the place through which the famous Silk Route between India and Tibet used to operate until 1962. Lines of mules used to carry silk, gold and many other items .....

Kangchendzonga / Kanchenjunga National Park

Kangchendzonga / Kanchenjunga National Park

#34 of 34 Places to Visit in Gangtok

At a distance of 122 km from Gangtok, Kangchendzonga or Kanchenjunga National Park is a National Park and a Biosphere reserve located in Sikkim, India. Also called as Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, it is one of the largest wildlife reserves in Sikkim and among the best national parks in India. At an altitude ranging from 1800 m to 8600 m, Kangchendzonga National Park is one of the few high altitude biosphere reserves in the country. The park was established in 1977 and was inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list in 2016, becoming the first 'Mixed Heritage' site of India. The Khangchendzonga National Park includes a unique diversity of plains, valleys, lakes, glaciers and spectacular, snow-capped mountains covered with ancient forests. The third highest peak in the world, the Khangchendzonga, straddles the western boundary of the park, from which the reserve gets its name. The reserve also includes the vast Zemu Glacier. The term Kanchenjunga literally means .....

Most Asked Questions on Gangtok

Gangtok has pleasant weather throughout the year. However, Post monsoon and Summer from October to February is the best seasons to visit Gangtok to experience its scenic beauty, striking views with cool weather and can enjoy the sightseeing. Better to avoid visiting Gangtok in monsoon season when there could be heavy landslides. Summer is the peak season in Gangtok and hotel prices are also high during summer.

Gangtok usually takes 2 full days to visit the most popular tourist places. Several tourists usually prefer visiting Gangtok along with Darjeeling which requires additional 2 days. Gangtok can be mixed with near by wonderful places like Namchi, Pelling, Lachen and Lachung by adding few additional days to your trip.

Budget of Gangtok trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Gangtok tour packages offered by Trawell.in start from as low as INR 10700 per person for a 4D/3N trip and from INR 17800 per person for 5D/4N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Gangtok like Rumtek Monastery, Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden, Tashi View Point, Ganesh Tok View Point & Temple, Hanuman Tok, Enchey Monastery, Ranka Monastery, Kyongnosla Waterfall & Alpine Sanctuary, Tsongmo Lake, Nathula Pass and Baba Harbhajan Singh Temple.

People always want to take back memories in the form of things that they have bought during their trips. There are several shopping options available in Gangtok and one can buy Tibetan carpets, Sikkim tea powder, Thangka paintings, Prayer Flags, etc.

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"The Gateway to Sikkim"

Gangtok tourism.

Incredibly alluring, pleasantly boisterous and wreathed in clouds - Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, is one of the most popular hill stations in India. Lying at the height of 1650 m above sea level, the town during its bright sunny days offers spectacular views of Mt. Kanchenjunga . Gangtok is a base for adventure enthusiasts comprising of trekkers and campers to the Himalayan mountain ranges. Dzongri Trek, Varsey/Barsey Trek, and Tholung Trek are among the most popular treks departing from Gangtok. The possibility of paragliding and hang gliding is also not far from Gangtok. The capital city serves as an excellent starting point for mountain biking excursions. During the months of March to Mid-May, blooming of wild Rhododendrons transform the surrounding regions in vast fields of colourful carpets.

Gangtok has an eclectic nightlife as well. Its popular MG Road is lined with trendy restaurants and pubs that stay open until 11 p.m. The location is also ideal for shopaholics, and with shops open until late at night, tourists have more time to purchase Tibetan handicrafts, woollens, and tea products. Read more about Shopping in Gangtok.  Gangtok and its surrounding regions are abundant in natural beauty and have various natural attractions such as the Tsomgo Lake, Ban Jhakri falls, Tashi viewpoint and more. Other places to visit include many famous religious sites such as the Enchey Monastery , Ganesh Tok , Do Drul Chorten Rumtek Monastery , etc. Also, river Teesta is one of the best spots for white water rafting in North East India. Its name meaning hill-top, Gangtok can be safely said to be one of the most beautiful hill stations in the country. With everything in just the right amount from a blend of cultural identities to urbanisation, Gangtok is a breathing and dynamic bit of paradise of the northeast. Whether one is looking for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, adventure tourism, or simply a peaceful place to relax and unwind in the midst of nature, Gangtok, Sikkim has it all.

Must Visit Places in Gangtok

Nathula Pass

Nathula Pass

MG Road, Gangtok

MG Road, Gangtok

Gangtok Ropeway

Gangtok Ropeway

Tsomgo Lake

Tsomgo Lake

Places To Visit In Gangtok

Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery

Ganesh Tok

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

Top Hotels In Gangtok

₽ 1,331 onwards

₽ 1,054 onwards

₽ 1,698 onwards

₽ 443 onwards

₽ 1,006 onwards

₽ 349 onwards

More on Gangtok Travel

Nathula pass- indo-china border, shopping in gangtok.

  • Canvas paintings and wall hangings give you a taste of the traditional day Gangtok and is sure to make your living room extremely appealing like a chunk from one of the travel magazines.
  • Gangtok is famous for handicrafts and Tibetan carpets which reflect the arts and culture of the city. Hand-woven jackets are extremely exquisite and pretty and a must-have souvenir.
  • Sikkim is popular worldwide for its most delicious tea. You can try a couple of varieties of ‘Sikkim Tea’ from any of the local stores.
  • Black cardamom is exclusively farmed here and is famous for making any dish aromatic and better tasting.
  • Hand carved wooden tables are another popular work of the city.
  • The locally produced wine and hard liquor is of premium quality. You must take a bottle or two of Wine for your next hang-out with friends.

Riding In Cable Car

Restaurants and local food in gangtok, suggested itinerary for gangtok, best time to visit gangtok, top stories about gangtok tourism.

Travel Tips

Travel Tips

Gangtok to Nathula Pass | Permit, Cost, Tips, Things to Do



Things to do in Gangtok: Exploring the 'Gateway to Sikkim'


Nightlife In Gangtok - 8 Nightclubs & Casinos to Rave


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Gangtok, Sikkim

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  • For Foreign Tourists
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  • IHCAE (Indian Himalayan Centre For Adventure & Eco-Tourism)
  • IHM (Institute of Hotel Management)
  • Swadesh Darshan 2.0

gangtok tourism name

Extremely alluring, pleasantly boisterous and wreathed in clouds - Gangtok, the capital city of the Sikkim can also give you a spectacular view of Mt. Kanchenjunga, at a distant skyline. The pristine hill station nestled in mountains and clouds is also a base for a whole lot of trekkers to the Himalayan mountain ranges. The mesmerising prismatic beauty and the beautiful winding hill roads are even more breathtaking if seen from a bird’s eye view in a cable car.

The name meaning hill-top, Gangtok can be safely said to be one of the most beautiful hill stations in the country. With everything in just the right amount from a blend of cultural identities to urbanisation, Gangtok is a breathing and dynamic bit of paradise of the northeast. It has an amazing view of mount Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain peak in the world. Also like everything around it, Gangtok is abundant in natural beauty and has various natural attractions such as the Tsomgo Lake, Ban Jhakri falls, Tashi viewpoint and more. Other places to visit include the Enchey Monastery, Ganesh Tok, Do Drul Chorten Rumtek Monastery, etc. Also, river Teesta is one of the best spots for white water rafting in North East India.

Gangtok experiences pleasant weather during the summer season. The temperature hovers 18°C to 25°C during the season. It is the best time to visit Gangtok if you would like to escape the heat. The blend of warm sunshine and cool breeze promises every visitor with an unforgettable vacation of indulging in amazing things to do with your family and friends. Honeymoon couples planning a trip to Gangtok are certainly in for a treat as it offers absolutely delightful weather.

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Tale of 2 Backpackers

PLACES TO VISIT IN GANGTOK – A Comprehensive Travel Guide

Northeast India , Sikkim

Last Updated on: Mar 11, 2017  

About this blog: Gangtok is perhaps one of the most beautiful hill stations of India. This small Himalayan town has a myriad of attractions in and around. Once you are here, you will feel that you are in a different place altogether. Neat and clean, the city is as peaceful as you want it to be and as beautiful as your heart wants to see. The capital of Sikkim with all its beauty and charm will make you fall in love with it. We have visited Gangtok a number of times and in this blog, we will share with you our experience and expertise on Gangtok. Read this comprehensive Gangtok Travel Guide to know about the places to visit in Gangtok, how to reach, where to stay and other relevant details.

Gangtok, the heartland of the mystical Sikkim is definitely one of our favourite destinations in northeast India. Perched at an altitude of 5410 feet in the ridges of Eastern Himalayas, Gangtok is quite a beautiful travel destination in Sikkim . . The name Gangtok literally means the ‘ Top of the Ridge ‘. The city spreads over a forested mountain that faces the snow-clad Kanchenjunga peaks. There are many vantage points in and around Gangtok from where you can get magnificent views of Kanchenjunga and other Himalayan ranges. The city definitely offers a great sight to all its visitors.

Ranka Monastery - Places to visit in Gangtok

So once you are at the city, there are a lot of places to visit in Gangtok and loads of things that will simply make you fall in love with this hilly capital of Sikkim. We have collated the best of them for your next trip to Gangtok.

About Gangtok, the Capital of Sikkim

Gangtok was not always the capital city of Sikkim. When the Namgyal dynasty established their rule in Sikkim in 1642, Yuksom was declared the capital of the kingdom of Sikkim. Quite obviously, Sikkim was then a free kingdom ruled by monarchy. Later, Rabdentse was declared the capital from 1670 to 1814 and then Tumlong was the capital between 1814 and 1894. Finally, King Thutob Namgyal transferred the capital of Sikkim to Gangtok in 1894 and it became the centre of royal administration in the kingdom of Sikkim.

Much later in 1975, Sikkim joined India as its 22nd state and Gangtok became the capital of Sikkim. While Lepchas are the original inhabitants of the city, Bhutias and Nepalis also form a large part of the population. Gangtok has always remained a peaceful place having an eclectic mix of cultures and ethnicity. 

Flowers of Gangtok at M G Marg

How to reach Gangtok?

Like Darjeeling, you can reach Gangtok from Bagdogra, Siliguri or NJP. New Jalpaiguri or NJP is the nearest railhead. Gangtok is located about 125 km from NJP and Bagdogra Airport and it takes about 4 to 5 hours to reach there.

Recently, Sikkim has opened its own airport at Pakyong. The town is located about 22 km south of Gangtok. Pakyong Airport, located at an altitude of 4646 feet is one of the highest airports in India. However, Pakyong airport is not fully operational and you will get flights only from Kolkata and New Delhi to Pakyong. Private taxis are available from Pakyong Airport to Gangtok city and it takes about 1 hour to reach.

Those looking for budget options, numerous shared jeeps are also available for Gangtok from Siliguri SNT Bus Stand. Buses are also available from Siliguri Bus stand to Gangtok, but jeeps are more comfortable.

Winding roads towards Chungthang in North Sikkim

Gangtok is located about 98 km from Darjeeling and it takes about 3.5 to 4 hours to cover the distance from Darjeeling to Gangtok . Kalimpong is about 75 km (3 hours journey by car). Private cars are available from all these places to Gangtok and vice versa.

Tip: Travelers coming from America will need to get a visa online prior to arrival. The India evisa for US citizens is very easy and is usually issued in 2-4 days.

Getting Around Gangtok

Taxis, both private and shared, are the main mode of transport in and around Gangtok. You can get a total tour package from local travel operators or can go to the local taxi stands and negotiate on your own.

For travelling from Gangtok to other parts of Sikkim, you can either book a car or travel by shared sumos and jeeps. Buses also ply in Gangtok, but the numbers are very less.

There are a number of taxi stands in Gangtok, each earmarked for specific destinations.

View of Gangtok city

Gangtok Taxi Stands

Deorali Taxi Stand

Deorali Taxi Stand, also known as the Mainline Taxi Stand is the most popular taxi stand located at Deorali Bazar on the NH10, about 2 km from Gangtok town centre. Commercial taxis from West Bengal and other states are not allowed to enter Gangtok town beyond Deorali Taxi Stand.

From Deorali Taxi Stand you will get small taxis and larger SUVs for sightseeing in Gangtok.

You will also get shared sumos to Siliguri, NJP, Darjeeling and Kalimpong from Deorali Stand. Taxis for Siliguri are usually available everyday from morning till 5:30 PM in the evening.

Vajra Taxi Stand Gangtok

Vajra Taxi Stand or North Sikkim Taxi Stand

This Taxi Stand is located near the Vajra Cinema Hall in Gangtok. As the name suggests, you will get shared jeeps to various places in North Sikkim like Mangan, Phodong, Kabi Lungchok and sometimes even Lachen and Lachung.

Please Note: You need a separate permit to visit protected areas of North Sikkim like Lachen, Lachung, Gurudongmar Lake and Yumthang Valley.

You can actually book private taxis from Vajra Taxi Stand with the local drivers and negotiate the rates. The drivers can also help you with the required permits.

M G Marg Taxi Stand

This is another taxi stand just below the M G Marg. From here you will get taxis, both private and shared to places in West and South Sikkim. You will get shared jeeps to places like Pelling, Geyzing, Rinchenpong , Jorethang, Ravangla and Namchi. You will also get private cars from here for local sightseeing in Gangtok.

There is another Taxi Stand near the Children’s Park near M G Marg from where you can get shared cabs and taxis to places nearby in and around Gangtok.

There are no city buses within Gangtok. So you have to depend on taxis for sightseeing tours.

However, SNT (Sikkim nationalized Transport) buses are available from Gangtok to Siliguri and Kalimpong. The main SNT Bus Stop is located near the Paljor Stadium Road, about 7 minutes walking distance from M G Marg. There is another bus stand at Deorali Bazar area.

Roads of Sikkim

What is the Best Time to Visit Gangtok?

The weather of Gangtok is quite similar to that of Darjeeling . This is usually one of the reasons why these two places are often visited together. Like most of the hill stations, Gangtok too experiences extreme cold and rains.

Places to Visit in Gangtok

There are a lot of tourist attractions in and around Gangtok including beautiful monasteries, waterfalls and viewpoints. Here, we have given a few of the main attractions and places to visit in Gangtok.

1. M G Marg

M G Marg Gangtok - Places to visit in Gangtok

The M G Marg is the heart of Gangtok and is literally so. It is a pleasant walking street with no vehicles, rowdy traffic or garbage. This is definitely one of the best places to visit in Gangtok. There are numerous shops and food joints on either side of the M G Marg and seats in the between. Once you visit M G Marg, you will simply realise that you are in a different place and not in any crowded Indian city.

2. Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery - Places to visit in Gangtok

Located about 23 km from the main city, Rumtek Monastery is the most famous monastery in Gangtok and must be on your list of places to visit in Gangtok.

Rumtek monastery is one of the largest in Sikkim and belongs to the Kagyu sect that originated in the 12th century in Tibet. The architecture of the monastery is one of the finest in the world and resembles the original one in Tsurphu, Tibet.

Situated on a hill-top, you can see an amazing view of Gangtok town from the monastery. It houses some of the rarest Buddhist religious artwork in the form of wall murals, silk paintings and thangkas (scrolls with intricate hand paintings) and 1001 miniature golden models of Buddha.

3. Enchey Monastery

Enchey Monastery - Places to visit in Gangtok

Situated on the northern outskirts of the city on the Nathula-Gangtok road, Enchey monastery is almost 200 years old. Enchey Monastery literally means ‘the solitary temple’ . The small Buddhist monastery is surrounded by pines and conifers is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Gangtok.

The monastery was rebuilt in 1908 by the 10th King of Sikkim and renovated in the style of a Chinese pagoda. Entrance to the main shrine depicts the Kings of four cardinal directions that protect the monastery and the universe. It remains open for visitors everyday between 6 AM to 4 PM. You can hire a taxi from Gangtok and reach Enchey in 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Lingdum or Ranka Monastery

Ranka Moanstery - Places to visit in Gangtok

Lingdum Monastery or Ranka Monastery is situated 20 km from Gangtok and is considered to be the most beautiful in East Sikkim. Like the other two, Ranka monastery is surrounded by forested mountains as well.

A monk at Ranka Monastery

The monastery has a huge courtyard and comprises a two-storeyed building. There is a stairway that leads to the upper level where the inner sanctum is located with a huge golden Buddha statue. The walls are adorned with intricate paintings and beautiful thangkas.

5. Tashi View Point

View of Gangtok from Tashi Viewpoint - Places to visit in Gangtok

Tashi viewpoint is located around 8 km from Gangtok town. It is the perfect place to witness the surrounding mountains and valleys of Gangtok and the town itself. It offers the gorgeous view of the sunrise with the snow clad peaks illuminated with changing colours. On the opposite side, you can view the Phodong and Labrang monasteries.

6. Ban Jhakri Waterfall and Energy Park

Ban Jhakri Waterfall in Gangtok - Places to visit in Gangtok

Ban Jhakri waterfall is located in a beautiful landscaped park within a forested area about 7 km from Gangtok town and is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Gangtok. The park spread across an area of 2 acres is well manicured with paved pathways and footbridges. There is also a manmade lake here where you can go boating.

There are gazebos at several points where you can relax while soaking in the view of the flowing stream that forms at the bottom of the waterfall and the greenery all around. The park uses non-conventional energy sources like solar energy. Also there are slides and swings in the park that generate power when used by the children. The 100 foot waterfall, known as the Ban Jhakri Waterfall is located at the end of the park and is a great site to enjoy.

7. Bakthang Waterfalls

Bakthyang Waterfall on the way towards North Sikkim

This wonderful waterfall is located on the North Sikkim Highways towards the Tashi View Point around 3 km from Gangtok. It is not that high but the width makes it look powerful. There is a rope sliding available here for the adventure enthusiasts. It is a small slide, but can be quite thrilling as the droplets of water are sprinkled on you as you slide down the rope. It takes around 20 min to reach the place from Gangtok and the place offers great views of the mountains and a part of the Gangtok city.

8. Ganesh Tok

Ganesh Tok is located close to Tashi viewpoint and is a temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. It is located at an altitude of 6,500 ft and at a hill adjacent to that of the huge TV Tower. Tourists come here not only to offer prayers to Ganesh, but also to admire the magnificent views from the viewing lounge and the circular balcony around it. Beside the small temple is the viewing lounge with glass panels. You can see Gangtok town, rolling hills and the snow capped mountains including Kanchenjunga.

A monk walking on the roads of Gangtok

9. Hanuman Tok

Hanuman Tok, dedicated to the Hindu God, Lord Hanuman is located at an altitude of 7200 ft and 11 km from Gangtok town on the road towards Nathula. The place has a serene atmosphere and offers one of the best views of the Kanchenjunga ranges from Gangtok.

Legend has it that Hanuman stopped here for some time before he flew down to Lanka with Sanjeevani (herb) Mountain from the Himalayas to save Laxman, Lord Rama’s brother. There is also a temple of Sirdi Sai Baba here just right of Lord Hanuman Temple. The cremation ground of erstwhile Namgyal Royal family is located nearby.

10. National Institute of Tibetology, Deorali

The National Institute of Tibetology or the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (as it was earlier called) is one of the most important institutes doing research in Tibetan language and culture. The building is a fine example of the Tibetan architecture and designs. It has a museum in its premises and a Tibetan library that has a rich collection of books about Tibet and the Himalayas. The Institute is located at Deorali within a serene ambience. The most remarkable thing to see here is the majestic image of Manjushri (Bodhisattva of knowledge and wisdom), which was brought here all the way from Tibet.

11. Do Drul Chorten

Drodul Chorten Gangtok - Places to visit in Gangtok

The Do Drul Chorten is located at Deorali at a short walking distance from the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology. The Chorten was built by Trulshi Rimpoche in 1945. The Stupa is marked by a golden dome that can be seen from various places in Gangtok. The Stupa is surrounded by 108 prayer wheels all of which have Tibetan prayers inscribed on them.

12. Ridge Park, White Hall and Flower Exhibition Centre

gangtok tourism name

Ridge Park is a beautiful garden that boasts of Himalayan orchids and shrubs that Sikkim is so famous for. The Ridge is actually a flat road located uphill from the Gangtok town leading to the Palace Gates. It is just a fifteen minutes’ walk from M.G. Marg in Gangtok.

The White Hall is a historical two storey building of British architecture built in 1932 in memory of the first British Political Officer Sir James Claude White. The Flower Exhibition Centre just adjacent to the White Hall is the place that draws a large number of visitors during the annual flower exhibition. You will find a number of orchids and flowers all around the year, but the best time to visit the place is during the spring season between April and May. The International Flower Festival at Gangtok , held in May every year, takes place here. This place must be on your list of places to visit in Gangtok in May.

Ridge Park is open from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

13. Ropeway Ride

View from Ropeway Ride at Gangtok

If you are at Gangtok, do not miss the ropeway ride. It starts from Deorali and covers a kilometer of zig-zag way to Tashiling. You will get a magnificent view of the city from the ropeway.

14. Paragliding in Gangtok

Paragliding at Gangtok

The thrill of getting an aerial view of Gangtok city as well as some Himalayan peaks is simply inviting. You can go for a paragliding in Gangtok . There are two types of paragliding trips offered in Gangtok – Medium fly and High Fly. You do not require any special training for these trips as you will be accompanied by a trained pilot.

Baliman Dara near Gangtok is the takeoff location for the medium Fly. The flying time is 5-10 minutes. Landing takes place at a stadium field at Reshithang Sports Village. For the High Fly, the takeoff location is Bubbuley Dara and the altitude from where you take off is almost 2200 meters.

Gangtok Sightseeing Tours

Just like any other hill stations, Gangtok offers sightseeing tours as well. You have to take a local taxi or reserve a car for the sightseeing tour in Gangtok.

The most popular sightseeing tours in Gangtok are the 3-point tour, 7-point tour and the 10-point tour. These are just the standard tours. You can definitely talk with your driver and adjust the places as per your choice. Here, I will just mention the places visited in these tours.

Clouds over mountains

Places visited in Gangtok 3-point Tour (takes about half-day)

  • Tashi Viewpoint
  • Hanuman Tok

Tentative cost for small taxi: Rs 1200 (In high season) and Rs 1000 (in low season)

Places visited in Gangtok 7-point Tour (half-day tour)

  • Bakthang Waterfall
  • Enchey Monastery
  • Flower Exhibition Centre
  • Handicrafts Centre

Tentative cost for small taxi: Rs 1800 (In high season) and Rs 1500 (in low season)

Places visited in Gangtok 10-point Tour (half-day)

  • Drodul Chorten
  • Institute of Tibetology
  • Ropeway or Cable car

Tentative cost for small taxi: Rs 2000 (In high season) and Rs 1800 (in low season)

There is another 10-point tour offered where you will be taken to Ranka Monastery, Rumtek Monastery and Ban Jhakri Waterfall.

The tentative cost for this full-day trip is Rs 3000 (In high season) and Rs 2800 (in low season)

Day Trips from Gangtok

The most famous day trip from Gangtok is the full day trip to Tsomgo Lake, Baba Mandir and Nathula Pass.

Tsomgo Lake

At Tsomgo Lake in Gangtok

Tsomgo Lake or Chhangu Lake (as it is locally called) is an oval-shaped beautiful glacial lake situated at an altitude of 12310 ft. The lake is located about 35 km from Gangtok and takes about 2 hours to reach by road. The name Tsomgo means ‘ Source of water ’. Tsomgo Lake is definitely one of the most beautiful places to visit in Gangtok.

During summer and autumn, you will find primula flowers and other alpine vegetation around the lake. The lake becomes frozen and a snowfield during the winter months. There are a number of stalls and shops selling food, drinks and snacks. You can also take a ride on the yaks at Tsomgo Lake.

Nathu La and Baba Mandir

Playing with snow at Nathu La - Places to visit in Gangtok

Nathu La is a mountain pass that was a part of the old trade route between India and China. Nathula Pass is located at the Indo-Chinese border at an altitude of 14,140 ft. Permits are required to visit the Nathu La which can be obtained from the Gangtok DC office. The Baba Mandir located atop the pass is named after the Sentry Harbhajan Singh, who died here in 1968.The border security personnel here believe that his spirit is still alive and is looking after the army officials posted at the terrain.

Snow covered Tsomgo Lake

You have to take a large vehicle for a trip to Tsomgo Lake, Baba Mandir and Nathula Pass. These places are restricted areas and you will need permits to visit them. You have to carry valid ID proofs (PAN Card is not accepted) and photographs to get the permits.

We would suggest you get your permits done by some reputed travel agents or your hotel in Gangtok. Also get your permits done at least a day in advance.

Tentative Fare for Car

Tsomgo Lake and Baba Mandir: Rs 4000 – 4500

Tsomgo Lake, Baba Mandir and Nathula Pass: Rs 5500 – 7000

Yak at Tsomgo Lake

Day Trip to Pelling

You can go for a day-trip to Pelling, Geyzing and Pemayangtse while staying at Gangtok. However, I would recommend staying at Pelling, which is a wonderful destination in West Sikkim.

Where to Stay in Gangtok?

Gangtok offers a wide range of accommodations starting from hostels, homestays, budget hotels, mid-range to luxury stays. There are a number of hotels around M G Marg, the most popular option for staying in Gangtok. M G Marg is literally the heart of the town and you will get all the good restaurants, shops and attractions nearby.

However, if you wish to avoid the crowds, then you can stay at homestays a little away from the town.

You can book your stay from here. This is one of the sites from where we do most of our online bookings.

Where to Eat in Gangtok?

Cafe in Gangtok - Places to eat in gangtok

Gangtok is a place for the foodies. You will get various Tibetan and Sikkimese cuisines. Also, simple street food like momos, thukpa are yummy. Most of the restaurants and eateries are around the M G Marg Area. Didn’t we mention M G Marg to be the heart of Gangtok?

A few famous restaurants of the city are Taste of Tibet, Café Culture, Green Tara restaurant, Gangtalk among so many others.

Momos of Sikkim

Gangtok Travel Guide (FAQs Answered)

Gangtok can be a bit expensive, especially for solo travellers, mainly because of transport options. But if you plan well, you can explore Gangtok on a budget very well. Budget accommodations are found in Gangtok and food is also cheap. Transportation to non-restricted places (where you do not need permits) can be cheaper if you opt for travelling in shared vehicles. For solo travellers or couples, you can look for other travellers like you and travel together to places like Tsomgo Lake and North Sikkim.

March to June is the best time to visit Gangtok and it is also the peak season. The weather is cool and is perfect for those who want to beat the heat of the plains. The months of October and November are also a good time to visit Gangtok. We would recommend you to avoid the monsoon.

Gangtok, as well as entire Sikkim is one of the safest places to visit in India. The people are helpful and the crime rate is also quite low there. Gangtok is also one of the safest places for women travellers. I have travelled across Sikkim solo without facing any problems or feeling unsafe!

2 days are enough to visit the major attractions of Gangtok. You can use one day for local sightseeing and another day for visiting Tsomgo Lake and Baba Mandir. From Gangtok, you can also visit North Sikkim, Pelling in West Sikkim and South Sikkim as well.

M G Marg area is the best area to stay in Gangtok. There are a number of hotels of all budget, mid-range and high-range categories in the M G Marg area. M G marg is the heart of the city and markets, restaurants are all quite accessible from there.

If you are visiting Gangtok in the summer months, carry light woolen clothes and jackets with you for the evening. While mornings can be bright and sunny, the evenings can get colder. For winter months, you must carry heavy woolen like sweaters and jackets. Also carry your scarfs, woolen caps and gloves for the winter months. Do carry proper shoes and socks as you might have to walk a bit to explore Gangtok.

Gangtok usually does not get snowfall in the winters. However, routes to high altitude places like Tsomgo Lake, North Sikkim might get snowfall and remain blocked during the winter. Tsomgo Lake and Nathula Pass get a lot of snowfall during late December and January. And so do places in North Sikkim (Gurudongmar Lake and Yumthang Valley) and some places in the Silk Route (Zuluk and Nathang Valley).

Hope our Gangtok Travel Guide helped you in planning your trip and decide on the places to visit in Gangtok. If you have any questions regarding Sikkim, ask your questions in the comment below or drop us a mail. If you found this blog useful, please share this with your family, friends and neighbours.

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Places to visit in Gangtok

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I found North Sikkim very beautiful. Have you guys been there. This is a very well written article. Great tips.

Damodar ropeways & infra limited

GANGTOK is capital town and a popular holiday destination of Sikkim. A bi-cable Jig-back Passenger Aerial ropeway of 935 meters long from Deorali Bazar to Tashiling Secretariat via Sikkim Legislative Assembly was built in the year 2003. The visitors can have a panoramic view of the full Gangtok city while taking a ride in this ropeway. DRILL (Damodar ropeways & infra limited) provides the cable car or ropeway ride service at Gangtok.

Chitra Pandey

Wonderful post.This blog has an amazing information about the destination. Pi. Thank you so much for sharing the details.

2 Backpackers

Thank you so much!

Purnata Bhattacharya

What a well written article and beautiful photos. Your blog really captures the picturesque beauty of Gangtok. Last year before the pandemic hit, I along with my best friends planned a trip to Gangtok. Needless to say we were searching for a hotel which was both aesthetic and budget friendly. So with crossed fingers, we booked our 3 nights stay in Gangtok at Rosedell Inn. I must say, all 3 of us were so thrilled when we reached the hotel. The view from the balcony was astounding. The rooms were clean and spacious. The staffs were friendly and helpful. They even arranged camp fire for us with music and good food. It was definitely a night to remember!

Agni Amrita

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  • 1 Understand
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2 By train
  • 2.3 By road
  • 3.1 By taxi
  • 3.2 By road
  • 8.2 Alcohol
  • 9.2 Mid-range
  • 9.3 Splurge
  • 10 Stay safe
  • 13.1 By bus

gangtok tourism name

Gangtok is a bustling, friendly hill station, and the capital of the Himalayan state of Sikkim . The name Gangtok is derived from the Tibetan word for 'hillside,' and the city has a population of around 100,000 (2012) being a mixture of indigenous Sikkimese and people of Nepalese and Tibetan ancestry.

Understand [ edit ]

Gangtok is popular place with tourists heading on treks, although the facilities do not reflect the number of international visitors. However, efforts are being made by the government to improve the conditions. Gangtok is one of the cleanest cities in India and is well organised and beautifully maintained.

Gangtok resembles the Bhutanese capital, Thimphu . Mostly devoid of large shops, this place is a nice break away from typical city lives. The city is a fascinating place to spend a few nights, the winding side alleys hide some unexpected gems, and the main street (MG Marg) is pedestrianized and a pleasant place to take a stroll.

The city sleeps by 21:00 mostly, except for a few pubs which are open till 23:00.

The best season to visit Gangtok is Jan-March.

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ].

Bagdogra Airport ( IXB  IATA ) is farther away, roughly 14 km from Siliguri and 120 km from Gangtok, but offers more flight connections. It is served by direct flights from Kolkata and New Delhi. From the Bagdogra airport you have a number of options to reach Gangtok:

  • Hire a taxi - a lovely highway passing through beautiful scenery, waterfall and mountains will take you there.
  • Pick up a shared taxi or bus from Siliguri Bus Station, located on Hill Cart Road. Around ₹400 for the four hour journey.
  • Sikkim Helicopter Service ( STDC Helicopter ), ☏ +91 3592-203960 . A helicopter flies once a day from Bagdogra to Gangtok, departing around 14:30 and taking 35 minutes. The return flight departs Gangtok at 11:00 in the morning. Pre-booking required, as it carries only 8 passengers. ₹3,500 per person, paid by bank transfer . ( updated Nov 2016 )

By train [ edit ]

The nearest train station to Gangtok is New Jalpaiguri in Siliguri which has direct connections to New Delhi , Kolkata , and other major cities in India. It is a 10- to 12-hour journey from Kolkata.

Once you arrive in New Jalpaiguri, you can either hire a taxi from the station itself or take an auto-rickshaw to the Siliguri bus stand. From there, you have the option of travelling to Gangtok by state bus, roughly a 5- to 6-hour journey.

By road [ edit ]

The roads in the area are all winding mountain roads in poor condition. The average travel speed between Gangtok and other cities is around 30 km/h.

Shared jeeps connect Gangtok to Siliguri , Darjeeling , Kalimpong , and other mountain locales. Jeeps leave when full and are filled up by priority order so the price is generally fixed.

Jeeps to Namchi, a nearby tourist destination with many holy sites, costs around ₹110 and takes about 3 hours. Jeeps to Kalimpong cost ₹120 and are available from Deorali (or Mainline) Bus Stand, distance of around 80 km and time around 3.5 hours.

Fare of the shared taxis is generally fixed, around ₹400 to Gangtok from Siliguri. Drivers might try to charge high so check for the fare with other taxis before taking one.

Get around [ edit ]


By taxi [ edit ]

Tourists are of paramount importance to the economy and so rules have been enacted to prevent them from being cheated. Taxi fares are mostly fixed.

Taxis are the dominant form of transportation due to Gangtok's hilly and steep roads. There are standard charges within the main areas: at least ₹100 for private service and ₹20 for shared. Taxis are available from designated taxi stands.

It may be available from the private taxi stand a few minutes downhill from MG Marg. However, most of these will be shared jeeps that are one-way so it would be prudent to inquire ahead of time.

See [ edit ]

gangtok tourism name

Gangtok provides beautiful views of the surrounding valleys and hills. There are also several viewpoints near the city with views of Kanchenjunga ranges.

  • Dodrupchen Monastery . A monastery in the Nyingma tradition, famous for its large chorten. When in residence, Dodrupchen Rinpoche receives devotees to offer blessings from around 20:00 to 21:30. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Do-drul Chorten ( Deorali district at the bottom of Gangtok ). a Buddhist stupa complex constructed in 1945. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Flower show ( 1818 m ), Ridge Park Complex . 10:00-17:00 . Near the White-Hall, flower show is at its best during the flowering season which is mid March to end of May in spring and October to mid December in autumn. The annual Cymbidium Orchid Show is from mid-March to mid-April. ₹10 . ( updated Jul 2016 )
  • Guru Lhakhang , Deorali Bazar ( around 500 metres below the taxi stand, directly opp to Gurudwara on the main road ). A Nyingma monastery famous for its large Guru Rinpoche statue and 100,000 smaller statues. A larger version of the Guru Rinpoche statue was supposed to have been constructed in Tibet to protect it from invasion, but the authorities neglected to follow the advise of a high lama, and a smaller statue was built. HH Dalai Lama regretted this oversight, and to compensate had a number of statues built throughout the Himalayas. Those at Guru Lhakhang were created as a result of this command. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Kanchenjunga Tourist Complex ( nearby Ranka Monastery ). A combination hotel and family amusement park. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Lake Tsomgo . A popular and scenic lake around 40 km from Gangtok at an elevation of 3,780 m. Make sure to see Hanuman Tok and Ganesh Tok along the way, monasteries with views of Kangchenjunga. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Ranka Monastery ( 20 km from Gangtok ). Ranka Monastery is newer and quieter but also very beautiful. ( updated Dec 2020 )
  • Mahatma Gandhi Marg ( MG Marg ). A pedestrian only avenue which forms the main shopping district. Near the main entrance of MG Marg is the tourist information office and a taxi stand, the final destination of many taxis from other parts of the city. ( updated Dec 2020 )

Do [ edit ]

A few minutes walk down the hill from Do-Drul Chorten is the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, a small but informative museum providing a general introduction of Tibetan Buddhism using authentic artifacts such as thankas and statues. Entrance fee is ₹10. About 5 minutes from the museum is the Gangtok Ropeway (or Damodar Ropeway), a cable car which connects Deorali to a hill above Gangtok. One way or round trip cost is ₹80, with a children's discount.

  • Banjhakri Falls . This waterfall has an entrance fee of ₹30 for two people and parking fee of ₹20. The site is developed with pathways and bridges around streams leading up the waterfall, decorated with sculptures. The waterfalls are accessible and soft enough to swim in. There is also a restaurant and gift shop.  

Buy [ edit ]

gangtok tourism name

Aside from the local handicraft, Sikkim is famous for its fruit processing and tea. Passion fruit squash, alpine cheese, Temi Tea & Maha Gurudev Tea are some of the local products.

  • Curio Craft Gallery , Paljor Stadium Road ( Entrance next to Hotel Mayur, just above the main hospital ), ☏ +91 3592 220-551 , +91 99333 22333 . M-Sa 08:00-13:00, 14:30-20:00 . One of the better quality handicraft stores in town. Excellent selection of Buddhist artwork. Fair prices for quality work . ( updated Feb 2017 )
  • Rachna Books , Jeewan Theeng Marg ( about a 10-minute walk north from the main bazaar; on the first floor upstairs of a cafe ), ☏ +91 3592 204-336 . By far the best bookshop in the city. The store has a great collection of Asian English Translations and books about North-East India. Check the Instagram account for book events and other cultural events. The cafe downstairs serves delicious Ramen, Corndog and sandwiches. ( updated Feb 2017 )
  • Souveneir , MG Marg . Good place to buy prayer wheels, flags and other handicraft. Little expensive.  
  • The Wayside Gardens & Nurseries Pvt. Ltd. ( 1060 m ), Sixth Mile, Tadong ( Near Sikkim University ), ☏ +91 9832060555 . 09:00-16:00 . Well known House of exotic plants including Orchids. Azaleas and Cattleya hybrid orchids, besides range of Citrus, are their specialities. A must visit place for any plant lover. Visits by prior appointment. Conducted tour in the well spread out garden for groups conducted by travel agents and interactions about Himalayan flora with Sr. Pradhan, authority on Himalayan flora and environment, over cup of tea on payment of nominal fee, possible. Free . ( updated Jul 2016 )

Eat [ edit ]

There are many great and cheap places to eat in Gangtok. In fact Gangtok is the best place if you want to try the Sikkimese, Nepali and Bhutanese dishes. Along with that you will also get North Indian, South Indian and vegetarian places, but they are few in number. Most of the restaurants are located near Mg Marg. Moreover, today one can easily use Zomato to know the menu and food options in some of the restaurants, but keep in mind that not all restaurants are listed there.

  • Agarwal's , MG Marg . Serves South Indian and North Indian snacks and sweets. Good place to have breakfast. There are two outlets, one on MG Marg and other on the way near the taxi stand. Dosas are not so good.  
  • House of Bamboo , MG Marg . Authentic Tibetan and Indo-Chinese fusion cuisine. The beef/pork chilli, the momos and the tea momos are recommended. The beef chilli is not so good. ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Potala , 1st Floor, Sypraj Plaza, Opposite Denzong Cinema Hall, Lal Bazaar . 12:00 to 21:00 . This place has excellent Sikkimese and Tibetan food. You might find yourself to be the only tourist/ non-local at any time of the day. Good selection of thenthuk, thukpa, faley, momos, chowmein, meat dry fry, rice plates, etc offered with beef, pork or chicken. Vegetarians may have some difficulties. A big bottle of beer starts from ₹90. Definitely try their pork thenthuk and pork momos. ₹100 to ₹150 . ( updated Jan 2016 )
  • Parivar's , on MG Marg down a short flight of stairs, good food and is popular with locals.
  • Porky's , Deorali ( 10 mins from central Gangtok ). Amazing sizzlers and momos. ( updated Jul 2016 )
  • Quick Bite , and numerous other sweet shops along MG Marg, serve up everything from samosas to momos.
  • The Roll House , tucked on the side of a stairway between MG Marg and the main market, serves up Veg Momos & hot chapatis (Roll)with various fillings (paneer, egg, veggies). This place is always packed with both tourists and locals.
  • Zongri Cafe (Tibet Road) : Just a five minutes walk from MG Marg, Zongri offers Thai Pad rice, Ramen, Pizza, Burgers and Bakery stuff.
  • Happy Town Pizzeria (MG Marg) : Great authentic Pizza.
  • Thalung (Mahatma Gandhi Marg, about 3/4 of the walk away from the Tourist Information Center to the far end of the central pedestrian promenade, on the right side). A cultural relic not to be missed, this fast food outlet located in a wooden hut (perhaps the last traditional building surviving in the remodelled central area) serves a rigorous menu consisting of 2 items: beef momos (Tibetan dumplings) and beef noodle soup. The food is devoid of spices and salt. Chili paste, soy sauce and salt are provided as condiments. The building is somewhat skewed and may present safety hazards, but it appears to have survived generations of customers, and the upper floor offers an agreeable view. An antique portrait of Dalai Lama XIV is displayed at front counter. Visit this one before it has been replaced by another McDonald's.

Drink [ edit ]

Coffee [ edit ].

There are a number of cafes in MG Marg (Road).

  • Baker's Cafe , MG Marg . Was the first cafe in the city to sell cappuccino and latte. A wide selection of Western-style pastries. ( updated Jul 2016 )
  • Cafe Culture , Ground Floor, Hotel Pandim, Secretariat Road ( Below Royal Palace ), ☏ +91 9832615236 . At the ridge which is an ideal location for walk and best view of the mountain, the cafe offers fresh Himalayan cuisine like phale (local bread), shiafale (local bread filled with meat and deep fried), momos and grilled sandwiches.  
  • Cafe Tibet . On the way up towards the Zero point, left side. Run by a Tibetan, serves very good coffee although the food is just decent.  

Alcohol [ edit ]

  • Downtown Multi-cuisine Restaurant and Bar ( Downtown ), MG Marg ( on MG Road, Opposite SBI Bank, about 2/3 of the way from Titanic Park ). Until 23:00 most nights. On Saturdays until the police come . They have a couple of guitars, a saxophone etc if you feel like playing. Don't be surprised if the whole pub starts singing along. The best time to go is Saturday or Sunday nights, when it is jam packed with both locals and visitors. Saturday night is Karaoke night with songs ranging from Bollywood classics, Napali and English rock, and modern Hindi tunes. The owner Dheeraj Gurung is an amazing host. ₹150 to ₹300 . ( updated Jan 2016 )
  • Pub 25 , MG Road, Gangtok . Until 23:00 . An upscale pub in the heart of MG Road. Great drinks, tasty food (especially the Malai Tikka and sauteed mushrooms), and an amazing ambiance. The price is higher than other pubs on the street, but worth it. ( updated Jul 2016 )
  • Taste of Tibet , MG Marg . Serves Tibetan food, thupkas, gyathuk and thentuk. Includes a bar.  
  • Wa Chipa Organic Restaurant ( Wa Chipa ), 2nd Floor Star Hall ( on the extreme end of New Market towards Namnang; it is in the building with the big Buddha face painted on it ). 11:00-23:00 . This place is a cheap local hangout. In addition to the popular Hit and Dansberg beers, are traditional Nepali and Sikkimese drinks such as Nigar, Raksi, Chhang, Tongba, and various fruit and flower wines/spirits. They may run out of food, but when available includes various meat sekwas (traditional barbeque), wachipa and momos. ₹100-200 . ( updated Jan 2016 )

Sleep [ edit ]

gangtok tourism name

Budget [ edit ]

  • 27.33022 88.61263 1 Modern Central Lodge , MG Marg ( at the corner of MG Marg and the main road, near the Tourist Information Centre ), ☏ +91-3592-231631 , [email protected] . A decent place for budget travellers and a good base in the centre of town. Rooms are basic, with old furniture, but that is to be expected for the price. Do bring earplugs as the road-facing rooms are very noisy at night. The building is next to the busiest road in town, and windows cannot be fully closed. ₹900 . ( updated Apr 2017 )
  • Green Hotel , Mahatama Gandhi Road , ☏ +9779851121210 . ₹200-500 . ( updated Oct 2019 )
  • Hotel Nirvana , Namang Road , ☏ +91 63914473 . TV, carpeted rooms. ₹700-1500 .  
  • Hotel Palbheu , ☏ +91 98323 48837 (cell) . A nice place for budget tourists and just above the popular MG Marg. Fair rooms and nice good food. Wise to book in per person per day format inclusive of fooding & lodging. It also organizes tours throughout Sikkim.  
  • Hotel Pandim , ☏ +91 3592 207540 , +91 98320 80172 (Cell) , [email protected] . A family-run guest house with the best location, just above the Mall Road and below the Royal Palace offering the best mountain view. Also has a nice cafe called Cafe Culture offering fresh Himalayan cuisine.  
  • 27.33714 88.60966 2 Hotel Sonali International , Nh-31/a, "Baluwakhani" ( Opp- B S N L & C P W D Office ), ☏ +91 33 2552 3432 , +91 33 2584 0080 , +91 98302 87429 (Cell) , [email protected] . A nice place for budget tourists and a good base to meet other travellers - in the main town near the Tourist Information Centre. It also organizes tours throughout Sikkim.  
  • Hotel Susantaawas ( beside mall ), ☏ +91 9051 115 228 . ₹800-1200 .  

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Bamboo Grove Retreat , Bamboo Grove, Kazi Road . A boutique 2-star hotel. Theme : Sikkimese design with modern amenities. Available : car parking, peaceful environment, Internet, mountain view from rooms, mountain biking, bar & restaurant.  
  • Hotel Delamare , Church Road . Warm, elegant decor and excellent service. From ₹1,200 per night .  
  • Hotel Golden nest & Hotel Hill View Near mall, ₹600-1500.
  • Hotel Rigwa International Libing Complex, M.G.Marg & Nam Nam Crossing, above Star Cinema Hall.
  • Hotel Tibet , Paljor Stadium Road. Clean and comfortable rooms with an excellent restaurant. ₹1500-2500.
  • Sonam Delek , Tibet Road. Good value. The standard room (₹1100) is spartan; the super-deluxe (₹2200) is well-furnished and has an excellent view of the hillside. All facilities are well maintained. The staff's knowledge of English is poor, but you can get by.

Splurge [ edit ]

  • Hotel GreenDave , MG Road . Check-in: 12:00 , check-out: 12:00 . TV, carpeted rooms. Staff very kind and helpful. ₹4200-5000 .  
  • Mayfair Gangtok Spa Resort & Casino , ☏ +91 3592 250 888-999 , [email protected] . Five-star deluxe resort, spread over 15 acres of lush forest, some of the villas with temperature controlled dip pools.  
  • 27.33395 88.61283 3 The Nor-Khill , Paljore Stadium Rd , ☏ +91 3592 200 170 , [email protected] . Unit of Elgin Hotels and Resorts. Colonial decor and luxury at its best. From ₹6000 .  
  • 27.30618 88.53636 4 Teen Taley Eco Garden Resort , Rumtek, Gangtok , ☏ +91 9832052995 , [email protected] . Situated near the Rumtek Monastery about 20 km from the town. Spread over 6 acres with its own garden and organic farming. 12 rooms spread over 5 cottages. 4 suite rooms and 8 deluxe cottages, with ethnic Nepali style.  

Stay safe [ edit ]

Gangtok is generally safe. However, the standard rules of safety like being alert with strangers and not hanging out in deserted places are applicable to everyone.

If you are travelling alone then it is advisable to take a hotel in Gangtok itself and not in a remote area.

The roads in Gangtok are not intact, and sometimes the main highway remains closed due to frequent landslides.

Respect [ edit ]

No plastic bags can be sold or used in Gangtok.

Spitting, littering or smoking in public areas of Sikkim is a punishable offence and can incur a large fine. Streets in Sikkim have bins for garbage and spitting.

Connect [ edit ]

Since the introduction of 4G, the Internet connectivity has tremendously improved. Jio and Airtel provided good internet speed on wireless as well as Broadband. Zongri, Bike & Cafe and Rachna Books provide free WiFi.

Go next [ edit ]

By bus [ edit ].

Private and Sikkim Nationalized Transport (SNT) buses are available for intercity travelling. For Tashiding , Yuksom and Pelling , buses depart from 07:00 and 12:30 from SNT bus stop. Hourly services are also available for some places like Jorethang , Namchi , Ravangla and Geyzing .

gangtok tourism name

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Prayer wheels

Getty Images/Moment Open

Irreverent, cheerful and pleasantly boisterous, Sikkim’s modern capital is layered along a precipitous mountain ridge, descending the hillside in steep tiers. Viewpoints survey plunging green valleys that remain beautiful even when partly shrouded in mist. If the weather plays ball, look for glimpses of snow-topped Khangchendzonga on the distant skyline. More than specific sights, Gangtok is appealing as a place for post-trek R & R or for meeting fellow travelers to organise group tours and permits. The city's mostly pedestrianised social-commercial heart is Mahatma Gandhi (MG) Marg, packed with restaurants, shops, travel agents and a bustling early-evening passeggiata of relaxed wanderers. High above, the contrastingly calm central ridgetop links manicured gardens and an almost jungle-like area around the Chogyal Palace (former royal residence).


Must-see attractions.

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

The NIT's 1958 core building feels like a Tibetan fantasy palace, with corner towers, colourful mural frontage and a forest-glade setting. The main hall…



Gangtok's 'royal' monastery has a very impressive centrepiece temple whose superb interior incorporates a pair of carved dragon columns flanking the main…

Ganesh Tok

If you're visiting the zoo, whose ticket booth is 50m away, it's well worth stopping at this viewpoint tower to survey a vast sweep of cityscape: notice…

Himalayan Zoological Park

Himalayan Zoological Park

Among India's best-maintained zoos, this lushly forested park occupies an entire hillside. The star attractions are Sikkim's animal emblems, the red…

Tashi Viewpoint

Tashi Viewpoint

When clouds lift, Gangtok's best glimpses of Khangchendzonga are from this roadside knoll at the junction of routes to Mangan and Nathu La, around 7km…

Enchey Gompa

Enchey Gompa

On the city's northern outskirts, approached through rustling conifers, Enchey is a small but appealing Nyingma-Buddhist monastery that is, in a sense,…

Flower Exhibition Centre

Flower Exhibition Centre

Flower-wise it's less exciting than many a British garden-centre shop, but a visit to this small, covered collection of potted plants is perversely…

TV Tower

Useful orientation point.

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gangtok tourism name

Latest stories from Gangtok

gangtok tourism name

Oct 10, 2019 • 9 min read

From mountain monasteries to rhino-filled national parks, these are the highlights of Northeast India – just make sure you get there before the crowds do.

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Get to the heart of Gangtok with one of our in-depth, award-winning guidebooks, covering maps, itineraries, and expert guidance.

8 Popular Places to Visit in Gangtok

gangtok tourism name

Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim , is constructed on a cloudy ridge 5,500 feet above sea level. It's perhaps the cleanest city in India, making it a pleasing place to spend a few days sightseeing and organizing onwards travel. If you feel like some pampering, one of India's top Himalayan spa resorts is located in Gangtok. It also has a casino.

Many of the places to visit in Gangtok can be seen on ubiquitous "three point", "five point", and "seven point" local tours offered by travel agents, hotels and taxi drivers. The "three point" tours incorporate the city's three main viewpoints (Ganesh Tok, Hanuman Tok, and Tashi Viewpoint). Variants such as Enchey monastery can be added for "five point" tours. "Seven point" tours include monasteries outside Gangtok, such as Rumtek and Lingdum. 

Enchey Monastery

Sikkim's monasteries are among its most popular attractions. You'll find Enchey monastery perched on a ridge above Gangtok. The name of this serene place means solitary monastery . It was initially constructed in 1909 but had to be rebuilt after catching fire in 1947. This monastery is relatively small and noncommercial. However, it's beautifully decorated inside, with colorful murals, statues, and a large collection of masks used in ritual dances. The founder, Lama Druptob Karpo, was a Tantric master known for his ability to levitate and fly!

Enchey monastery is open from 4 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and until 1 p.m. on Sunday.

Two renowned monasteries can also be seen on scenic day trips from Gangtok: Rumtek, and the newer and more eye-catching Lingdum (Ranka) with its huge golden Buddha statue. Be at Lingdum at 7.30 a.m. or 3.30 p.m. to hear the monks chanting in mesmerizing unison.

Ganesh Tok and Hanuman Tok

From Enchey monastery, take the road northeast up to colorful Ganesh Tok with its fluttering prayer flags, for dramatic views over Gangkok. There's a temple dedicated to Lord Ganesh there, along with cafe and souvenir shops. Higher up beyond Ganesh Tok, and arguably with a better viewpoint, sits Hanuman Tok. Visitors are greeted by a towering orange statue of Lord Hanuman.  The Hanuman temple there is maintained by the Indian Army, so it's clean and peaceful. It's surrounded by lovely sprawling gardens, walking trails, and the splendid sight of Mount Khangchendzonga on a clear day.

Himalayan Zoological Park

Opposite Ganesh Tok, the Himalayan Zoological Park is one of India's better maintained zoos with a natural jungle setting. It's spread across 230 hectares of hillside and houses rare animals, many of which have been rescued from traders and poachers. They include Himalayan bears, snow leopards, Tibetan wolves, and red pandas. 

The zoo is open daily from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., except Thursdays. Tickets cost 60 rupees.

Tashi Viewpoint

Tashi Viewpoint, north of town, is said to offer the best views of Mount Khangchendzonga within Gangtok. However, some people complain that it's not worth the climb, and similar views can be found elsewhere. The views are very weather-dependent and you'll most likely be disappointed on a cloudy day. There are telescopes that you can pay to use, and a gift shop by the roadside that's run by the Indian Army. The money from sales helps support it.

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology and Do-Drul Chorten

Those interested in Buddhism and Tibetan culture will find the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology worth exploring. Established in 1958, its traditional Tibetan-style building houses a museum, and a library with one of the largest collections of Tibetan works in the world outside of Tibet.  The museum has a rare collection of statues, relics of monks, ritual objects (including a thöpa bowl made from a human skull and kangling human thighbone trumpet), art works, thangkas (painted, woven and embroidered scrolls), and ancient manuscripts in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese and Lepcha. There's also a souvenir shop and coffee shop on the premises.

The Institute is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday. It's closed on Sundays, the second Saturday of every month, and official government holidays. The entrance fee is 10 rupees.

The gleaming white Do-Drul Chorten is located not far from the Institute, on the same road. According to its fascinating history, this stupa was built by a powerful Tibetan lama who came to rid the site of evil spirits that were haunting it. It's surrounded by 108 prayer wheels, and at dusk hundreds of lamps are lit in a glass room beside it to guide the way for departed ancestors. 

Gangtok Ropeway

Close to the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology and Do-Drul Chorten, board one of Damodar Ropeway's cable cars for a bird's eye view of Gangtok and the surrounding valley. It will take you high up the ridge to Tashiling Secretariat.

The Ropeway runs daily from 9.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. Tickets cost 110 rupees per person, and there's a discount for children.

Flower Exhibition Center

If you're visiting Gangtok during April to June or September until the end of November, after disembarking the cable car at Tashiling Secretariat stroll through Ridge Park and to the Flower Exhibition Center just below it. This greenhouse is bursting with high altitude blooms, especially orchids. Orchid bulbs and seeds are also available for purchase there. It's open from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and tickets cost 20 rupees each.

Deorali Orchid Sanctuary, near the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, is another place to see exotic varieties.

Or, stay on an orchid farm at one of India's best homestays near Gangtok, Hidden Forest Retreat.

MG Marg Market

From the Flower Exhibition Center, it's an easy walk down to MG Marg, Gangkok's atmospheric main street. The street is refreshingly free of litter, spitting, smoking, and vehicles -- as all are banned there.  It's a popular hangout place though, and can get very crowded and carnival-like in the evenings. Go there to shop, and to make travel arrangements with the many tour operators that have outlets there. The Golden Tips tea showroom (Punam Building, First Floor, MG Marg) is sought after for its boutique teas, including temi tea that's grown in Sikkim's only tea garden.

The shops along MG Marg usually open by 9 a.m. and close by 8 p.m.  In addition, many shops are closed on Tuesdays.

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  • 30 Places to Visit in Gangtok

Gangtok Tourist Places

Here are the best places to visit in gangtok:, quick navigation.

Tea Estates of Darjeeling

Tsomgo Lake

Tsomgo Lake

One of the most important and magnificent places to visit in Gangtok, the Tsomgo Changu Lake is a glacial lake situated 40 kilometres from Gangtok at a height of 12,310 feet. A fairytale lake of breathtaking beauty, Tsomgo Changu should definitely be on your travel itinerary for Gangtok. The icy blue waters of the lake reflecting the grandiose peaks of the Himalayas make for a spectacular sight. The prayer wheels and the small Shiva temple on its shores are a testimony to the sacred nature of the lake in the eyes of the locals.

Spend an entire day at this lake since it is a once in a lifetime experience. Picnicking on its shores will prove to be a memorable delight and it can be augmented with the help of the tea and snack sellers who sell mouth-watering treats near the lake. If you wish to enjoy additional attractions near the lake, a visit to the Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary can be planned alongside.

Location: Tsomgo Lake, near Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to Reach: Transport can be rented in Gangtok.

Timing: Open 24 hours Also Checkout and Book:   Sikkim Darjeeling Gangtok Tour Package From Mumbai

Darjeeling Gangtok Tour Package 2022 | Book @ Flat 34% off

Nathu La Pass

Nathu La Pass

One of the most significant places to visit in Gangtok, the Nathu La Pass is a pass which connects Sikkim with China's Tibet Autonomous Region. In the ancient days, this pass formed a part of the Silk Route, one of the most important trading routes in the world. Visiting Nathu La Pass is a must-do when in Gangtok because the views and experiences that you can have here are unlike any other. The beautiful pass can simply be enjoyed by driving or hiking around it leisurely. The height of the pass ensures magnificent mountain views, especially on clear days. 

Besides enjoying the pass itself, you can also visit the border trade market at Sherathang and indulge in a unique shopping experience. You can buy raw silk, butter, china clay, goat and sheep skins, horses and a lot more from this market.  A trip to the second highest golf course in the world at Kulup should also form an art of your plans for Nathu La. The Gnathang Monastery and Gnathang War Memorial are two other attractions nearby.

Location: Nathu La, Sikkim – China-Tibet Autonomous Region

How to reach: Cabs and jeeps can be hired from Gangtok

Timing: Open 24 hours Also Checkout and Book:   8 Days Romantic Tour of Gangtok North Sikkim and Darjeeling

4 Days Budget Sikkim Trip with Nathula Pass | Flat @15% off

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

A place where Tibetan Buddhism is studied and preserved in depth, the Namgyal Institute of Tibetology is a popular attraction in Gangtok. Since the region is heavily influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, understanding it is a great way to understand the motivations of the local population Namgyal Institute of Tibetology allows visitors to do just this.

Beautiful Tibetan architecture defines the building and its museum houses several statues, coins, scrolls with hand paintings & embroidery work (thangkas), Tibetan artworks and artefacts, as well as ancient manuscripts in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese and Lepcha.

The library of the Institute houses over 60,000 books among which are the original teachings of Lord Buddha. A large image of Manjushri, who was the bodhisattva of knowledge and wisdom, is also contained within the halls of this institute.

Location: Deorali, Gangtok, Sikkim

How to reach: Public transport is available and private cars can be rented in Gangtok too.

Timing: 10 am to 4 pm Explore the beautiful North East by booking   Gangtok Darjeeling Private Tour Package


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Tashi Viewpoint

Tashi Viewpoint

The Tashi Viewpoint is one of the popular places to visit in Gangtok. Famed for its sunrises and sunsets as well as its startling views of the entire grand Himalayan mountain range, Tashi Viewpoint is a place that will leave you with some great pictures and countless memories.

Viewing both the sunrise and the sunset here is a great idea since it allows you to the experience the depth of Sikkim’s natural beauty in all its aspects. Try to plan your visit so that it falls on a clear day as clouds can really dampen the pleasure of the viewpoint. Combining the visit to the viewpoint with visits to the Ganesh Tok and the Bakthang falls is a good idea.

Location: Tashi View Point, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

Timing: 4 pm- 6 pm Feel the excitement by booking  Paragliding In Gangtok, Sikkim

North Sikkim Tour with Lachen Lachung 2022 | Flat 15% off

Seven Sister Water Falls

Seven Sister Water Falls

One of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring spectacles of Gangtok, the Seven Sisters waterfalls should definitely be visited when you are in Gangtok. The Seven Sisters waterfalls reflect the unique creativity of nature- seven separate waterfalls, originating from different sources and flowing side by side, marge into one powerful waterfall mid-way through. The combined force of these seven streams results in a thunderous waterfall which captures the imagination of all viewers with its might. Don't forget to book a romantic tour package of Gangtok covering Seven Sister Waterfalls.

A ropeway near the waterfall is a good place to enjoy the falls from up close. Since the waterfalls burst into full power only during and after the rains, tourist sheds have been built at convenient locations around the waterfalls. This allows people to enjoy the sight of the falls without getting drenched in the rains. A cafeteria also operates nearby.

Location: National Highway, North Sikkim, Gangtok, India

How to Reach: cabs can be hired in Gangtok

Timings: Open 24 hours Also Book -  Kaziranga Tour Package

Kanchenjunga Mountain

Kanchenjunga Mountain

The sight of the third highest mountain in the world is one of the best attractions in Gangtok. Kanchenjunga towers high above the other peaks of Sikkim and can be glimpsed from most places around Gangtok. But if you want to go beyond gazing and actually enjoy the mountain up close, you can engage in treks to the base camp of Mount Kanchenjunga or simply visit the Kanchenjunga National Park.

If you want to enjoy trekking to Kanchenjunga, the Green Lake trek, as well as the Kanchenjunga Base camp trek, are a great option to explore since it takes you right up to Zemu Glacier, the location of the base camp in Sikkim.

Location: Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: You can trek for 10 to 12 days and reach the base camp or take a safari through the Kanchenjunga National park.

Timings: Vary by activity.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek 2022, Sikkim | Book @ 10% off

Best of Ladakh

55 Leh Ladakh Tour Packages | Upto 50% Off Summer SALE

Phodong Monastery

Phodong Monastery

One of the best solitude rich places to visit in Gangtok, this monastery was built in the early 18th century on the remains of an older monastery and plays an important part in the cultural landscape of the place. The monastery is among the most revered monasteries in Sikkim and offers visitors a chance to enjoy the spiritual depth of Sikkim at its best. Spending some hours enjoying the ancient murals on the walls as well as the ancient sculptures and artefacts preserved in the halls is a good way to enjoy the monastery. 

For those looking to gain some peace, the meditation halls of the monastery are perfect. Situated as it is in the midst of grand natural beauty, a visit to this monastery is a meditation in itself. The annual Cham dance festival is celebrated here in February. The views from the monastery are also wonderful.  

Location: Approx. 28 kilometres from Gangtok, Sikkim, India

Timing: 10 am to 6 pm Do Checkout -  Darjeeling Package From Kolkata                           Darjeeling Tour Package For Family

Do Drul Chorten Stupa

Do Drul Chorten Stupa

A landmark sight in Gangtok, the Do Drul Chorten Stupa is a good place to visit in the city. Built-in 1945-46 by Trulshik Rinpoche, head of the Nyingma order of Tibetan Buddhism, this stupa holds significance in the city because of its said ability to drive away evil spirits. It features the traditional 108 Mani Lhakor or prayer wheels of Buddhism which are supposed to have wish-granting properties.

The golden top of the stupa enshrines the figure of Dorjee Phurpa or Vajra Kilaya. If you are interested in understanding the cultural pulse of Gangtok, a visit to this chorten, which is among the most important chortens in Sikkim, is a must. The climb to the top is slightly exhausting because of its steep nature, but the views from the top are rewarding.

Location: Near Gangtok Centre, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: Public transport is easily available in Gangtok.

Timings: 9 am to 6 pm Also Checkout -  Darjeeling Tour Packages From Bangalore                               Darjeeling Tour Packages From Surat

Ganesh Tok

Ganesh Tok is one of the famous tourist places in Gangtok, renowned primarily for the intensity of the views visible from its complex. Located close to the Tashi View Point and the Bakthang falls, a visit to Ganesh Tok is a must on the local sightseeing circuit in Gangtok. The temple in the complex is dedicated to Lord Ganesh.

Situated in the midst of nature, this temple is a delight to visit and offer prayers in. A circular balcony and lounge near the temple are perfect places to look at the view. The grand range of mountains including Kanchenjunga is visible from this point as is the spectacle of the Gangtok valley rolling down below. Sunsets from this spot are enchanting too.

Location: East District, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: Public transport is easily available from the main Gangtok city

Timings: 7 am to 6 pm Also Book & Checkout -  Darjeeling Packages From Delhi                                            Darjeeling Tour Packages From Siliguri


Best of Nainital

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Baba Harbhajan Singh Memorial Temple

Baba Harbhajan Singh Memorial Temple

A temple dedicated to the memory of Harbhajan Singh, a soldier martyred during the Sino war. Harbhajan Singh died defending his country and fellow soldiers on the Nathu La pass. His legend is also believed to have supernatural powers and his ghost is believed to guard soldiers along the border. This belief has led to the Indian army treating him as a soldier who never died.  Harbhajan Singh continued to receive his rank duly till he “retired” some years ago. This legend is the reason this temple is so popular with tourists in Gangtok. A visit to this temple is an enjoyable experience and can be combined with a visit to Nathu La pass. You must book a tour of Gangtok which includes Baba Harbhajan Singh Memorial Temple. Location: Between Nathu la And Jelep la Pass, Gangtok, India How to reach: Public transport can be availed of Timings: 8 am to 5 pm Recommended Read :  Best Sikkim tour packages

Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery

One of the most important and culturally significant monasteries in Gangtok, the Rumtek monastery is among the must-visit places in Gangtok. The monastery follows the school of Tibetan Buddhism and is especially renowned globally for its Kagyu teachings. The architecture of the place is also a major attraction. It is built in the classical Tibetan gompa style and is three storeys high. All its floors feature interesting sights that are capable of imparting the deep knowledge of Buddhism to their viewers along with the history of the sect. 

The halls of the monastery feature large hand painted and intricate wall murals, thankas, silk paintings and statues, all of them startling in their depth and beauty. The top floor of the monastery features a stupa and a terrace. The location of the monastery is such as to allow for a magnificent view of the Gangtok valley on the opposite side and is also a major attraction of the monastery.   

Location: Tsurphu Labrang Pal Karmae Sangha Dhuche, Dharma Chakra Centre, Sikkim, India

How to Reach: Transport is easily available from Gangtok.

Timing: 8 am to 6 pm Must Book & Checkout -  Darjeeling Tour Packages From Chennai                                             Darjeeling Tour Packages From Ahmedabad


Magnan is a small town situated approximately 65 kilometres away from Gangtok and is famed for its breathtaking natural beauty. Though small, the town offers a dazzling variety of engaging activities to its visitors, which ensures that no day spent here seems wasted. From simply gazing at the stalwart mountain peaks to enjoying a range of adventure activities to immersing yourselves in spiritual serenity, there is a lot to do here. 

Among adventure activities, enthusiasts can enjoy paragliding, rock-climbing, mountain-biking and forest camping while a spiritual retreat can be enjoyed in Labrang Gompa, one of the most revered monasteries in Sikkim, as well as in Phadong Monastery and Tholung Monastery. Namprikdang, located at the confluence of the Kanaka and Teesta rivers, is another magnificent place to visit near Magnan.

Location: Magnan, North Sikkim, India

How to reach: Buses and private rental cars can be taken from Gangtok. Book & Checkout -  Darjeeling Tour Packages For Couple                                   Darjeeling Packages From Mumbai


Best of Darjeeling

10 Tinchuley Homestays: Book Now & Get Upto 50% Off

Ban Jhakri Falls

Ban Jhakri Falls

If you wish to enjoy some delightful sightseeing and memorable picnicking in Gangtok, the Ban Jhakri falls are a great place to do so. Located inside the landscaped Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park, the 100-foot Ban Jhakri Waterfall is a beautiful spot. Nature reigns supreme here, and a still silence hangs all around, only punctuated by the powerful gushing of the water falling with force on the rocks.

The Ban Jhakri Falls occupy a potent place in local mythology since they are said to have a power which can repel evil spirits. When you are in the park, make sure to visit the man-made lake there which features an imposing dragon statue in the centre. The natural energy production sites of the park are also worth a visit.

Location: Banjhakri Falls and Energy Park, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to Reach: Cabs can be hired from Gangtok.

Timing: 10 am to 5 pm Book Now -  Sikkim Darjeeling Gangtok Tour Package From Mumbai                       Darjeeling Packages

Tashiding Monastery

Tashiding Monastery

An important tourist attraction In Gangtok, the Tashiding Monastery is a must visit when in Gangtok. It ranks amongst the most important monasteries of Gangtok besides being one of the oldest. The monastery runs under the Nyingma sect of Tibetan Buddhism and is rich in legends. This makes it a crucial part of the cultural landscape of Sikkim. Its location is also particularly pretty; it is located at the confluence of the Rathong Chu and the Rangeet Rivers which adds to its meditative beauty.

Spending several hours here simply gazing at the murals and paintings on the walls, the artefacts preserved in its halls, and just meditating in its serenity is a great way to enjoy a day in Gangtok. The Bhumchu festival, an important local festival, is also celebrated in this monastery, so you can plan your visit to the place such that it coincides with the festival.

Location: Yuksom, West Sikkim, India

How to Reach: Public transport and cabs are available from Yuksum and Gangtok

Timing: 9 am to 6 pm You Must Book -  Darjeeling And Gangtok Tour Packages From Kolkata                               Gangtok Tour Packages For Couple

Mahatma Gandhi Marg

Mahatma Gandhi Marg

The most popular tourist market in Gangtok, MG Marg cannot be missed when in the city. It is a wonderful place which incorporates the best of Gangtok and its tourist culture and presents it to its visitors in colourful displays. Free of litter and smoke, this pedestrian-only zone is a good way to spend your evenings in Gangtok. Many restaurants and bars line its streets and a carnivalesque atmosphere prevails all year long. 

Strolling leisurely along the road, stopping at quaint shops selling local goods and trinkets, enjoying warm beverages as the chilly winds blow all around, and dining in the cosy comfort of a Tibetan restaurant are some of the best things to do in MG Marg. If you are visiting in December, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy the annual Gangtok Food Festival held in this place.

Location: MG Marg, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: You will have to walk up to the main MG Marg from the parking lot

Timings: 10 am to 8 pm Book Now -  Gangtok Tour Package From Siliguri                       Gangtok Family Tour Packages


Best of Sikkim

50 North East Tour Packages | Upto 50% Off Early Summer SALE

Himalayan Zoological Park

Himalayan Zoological Park

Located close to Gangtok, the Himalayan Zoological Park is one of the great tourist attractions in Gangtok. Though natural beauty can be enjoyed everywhere in Gangtok, the concentrated natural variety that is to be found in this zoological park gives you a different insight into nature’s bounty in Sikkim. There is a lot that can be enjoyed inside this park including a dazzling variety of flora and fauna. Red Pandas, Himalayan Black Bears, Snow Leopards, Clouded Leopards, Barking Deer find a home here as do birds like Lady Amherst Pheasant, Kalij, Satyr Tragopan among others. 

Trekking through the park is the best way to enjoy the minute details of the park but doing so will not allow you to enjoy all the areas of the 260-acre park. If you wish to enjoy the entire length and breadth of the ark, booking a jeep safari is a good idea. The park is well maintained and provides a truly enjoyable experience to its visitors. Gangtok never fails to amaze the tourist with its natural beauties and zoological park is a treasure of beautiful flora and faunas, so book your  Gangtok tour with Himalayan Zoological Park  now.

Location: Bulbulay, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

Timing: 9 am to 4 pm Book Now -  Tawang Packages

Fambong La Wildlife Sanctuary

Fambong La Wildlife Sanctuary

A beautiful place where natural beauty bursts into its best possible bloom, the Fambong La Wildlife Sanctuary should be on the top of your travel itinerary in Gangtok. A sanctuary is a delightful place which not only houses a bewildering variety of animals and birds including Red Pandas, Himalayan Beer and Civet Cat Binturongs, but also a gorgeous range of flora including bamboo and rhododendrons forests. Delightful wild orchids flourish beguilingly all around. 

Spending several hours roaming around leisurely in this sanctuary will allow you to enjoy nature’s gifts comprehensively. Gorgeous views can be had from this sanctuary, especially if you head over to Tinjure, the highest point in the place, located at a height of nearly 7000 feet. Permits are required to visit the sanctuary and can be obtained from Gangtok. This is one of the best tourist places in Gangtok and should not be missed.

Location: Approx. 30 kilometres from Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: You can take a private car or cab to the Sanctuary.

Timings: 7 am to 6 pm Must Book -  Arunachal Pradesh Tour Package From Guwahati                        Arunachal Pradesh Tour Package From Kolkata

Khecheopalri Lake

Khecheopalri Lake

Khecheopalri Lake, also known as Kha-Chot-Palri, is a natural lake near Gangtok and is one of the places you definitely should visit in Gangtok. A destination reverberating with legends, the lake is revered by both Hindus and Buddhists for its mythical associations. The shores of the lake are associated with powerful figures like Guru Padmasambhava, Lord Shiva and Goddess Tara apart from other important mythical figures.

The Khechoedpaldri hill near the lake is also considered to be a sacred spot by the locals. Trekkers on the Yuksom-Dzongri-Goechha La trekking corridor will get a chance to visit this lake on the route. Going to the lake with a local guide will allow you to understand the history of the place better. If you visit it in October, you will also be able to enjoy the ritual Chho-Tsho festival that is celebrated on the lake. Book your  tour to Gangtok inclusive of Khecheopalri Lake, and witness the mesmerizing beauty of the lake.

Location: Khecheopalri Lake, Pelling, West Sikkim, India

Timing: 8 am to 6 pm Book & Checkout -  Meghalaya Family Tour Packages                                   Arunachal Pradesh Trip


Best of Shillong

 Places to Visit in Shillong, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Sa-Ngor-Chotshog Centre

Sa-Ngor-Chotshog Centre

Located in the Upper Tathangchen area of Gangtok, this monastery is one of the most culturally important places to visit in Gangtok. Being the only monastery in Sikkim which belongs to the Sakya Order of Tibetan Buddhism and is, therefore, a unique monastery to visit.

There is a lot to be enjoyed inside the monastery including ancient paintings and thangkas. In addition, a large and imposing statue of Buddha beautifies its grounds s does a stupa decorated with fluttering flags. A wonderful stillness hangs over the monastery, making it a great place for meditative thoughts.

Location: Upper Tathangchen, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

How to reach: Public transport can be availed of

Timings: 8 am to 6 pm Must Checkout -  Meghalaya Tour Packages From Chennai                               Meghalaya Trip From Delhi

Flower Exhibition Centre

Flower Exhibition Centre

There is nothing quite so delightful as the sight of flowers bursting into bloom in the mountains. The chilly air and the silent ambience adds to the beauty of the sight and makes for a very memorable experience. The Flower Exhibition Centre on the Ridge above Gangtok is one such place. The exhibition centre features a dazzling variety of flowers, arranged in an open area and a closed enclosure.

A nominal fee is required in order to enter the enclosure but the money paid is absolutely worth the while. The exhibition centre comes into prominence especially during the months from March to June, when orchids bloom wildly and are put on display inside the centre. Other flowers on display include Blue Venda Orchids, Celosia, Chrysanthemum, and Paps.

Location: White Hall Complex, Gangtok, India

Timings: 9 am to 5 pm Must Checkout & Book -  Meghalaya Tour Packages From Kolkata                                             Meghalaya Packages From Bangalore

Hanuman Tok

Hanuman Tok

Best of Lachung

 Places to Visit in Lachung, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Tsuk La Khang Monastery

Tsuk La Khang Monastery

Kabi Longstok

Kabi Longstok

Gangtok Ropeway

Gangtok Ropeway

Best of Pelling

 Places to Visit in Pelling, Tourist Places & Top Attractions

Saramsa Garden

Saramsa Garden

Reshi Hot Spring

Reshi Hot Spring

Pemayangtse Monastery

Pemayangtse Monastery

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 Places to Visit in Arunachal Pradesh & Top Tourist Places

Gonjang Monastery

Gonjang Monastery

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Watch the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Kanchenjunga from the Tiger Hills

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Gangtok Top Attractions


Nestled atop a hill in the enchanting state of Sikkim, Tashiding Monastery stands as a revered bastion of Buddhism. This sacred site, believed to be blessed by Guru Padmasambhava, exudes tranquility and spirituality. The monastery, adorned with intricate murals and ancient scriptures, is a repository of religious and cultural significance. Pilgrims embark on a journey to Tashiding to seek blessings and participate in the vibrant festivals that celebrate the rich Buddhist heritage.The panoramic views from Tashiding Monastery are awe-inspiring, offering a breathtaking spectacle of the surrounding Himalayan landscape. Pilgrims often ascend to witness the ethereal sunrise, a moment of profound spiritual significance. The monastery serves not only as a religious retreat but also as a cultural beacon, preserving the traditions and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Tashiding Monastery is a testament to the harmonious blend of spirituality, history, and natural beauty in the heart of the Himalayas.

Kabi Lungchok

Wrapped in the beautiful drapes of North Sikkim, Kabi Langunch is a village that seems forgotten by time. It brims with timeless beauty and is an offbeat destination that not many might have heard about. If you truly wish to unplug and unwind, Kabi is ideal for you.The place has a rich, significant history attached to it, as it is believed to be the place where the “Blood Brotherhood Treaty” was signed by the Bhutia King and Lepcha Chief in the 1200s. The place where this phenomenal event had happened spans 3 km towards the Bakcha river, chaperoned by the majestic Mt. Kanchenjunga. The forests of Kabi are of exquisite beauty, celebrated for the spices of wildlife and flowers that inhabit them. Take short nature walks into these forests if you seek thrill and adventure.Location: North Sikkim Highway, near Phodong, Gangtok, SikkimDistance from Lachung Bus Stand: Approx. 100 km

Hanuman Tok

Hanuman Tok provides a spiritual retreat and tourists are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan range. Admire the temple’s beautiful architecture, decorated with bright prayer flags. It holds a statue of Lord Hanuman, the monkey deity celebrated in Hindu mythology for his power and devotion.It is believed that Lord Hanuman stopped here on his way back to Lanka from the Himalayas bearing the Sanjeevani herbs to cure Lord Lakshman. This is the reason why the temple is also popularly known as the wish-fulfilment temple.Climb a short flight of stairs to reach the peaceful and sacred Hanuman Tok. Admire the mesmerising vistas of the Kanchenjunga mountain range at sunrise and sunset.

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Sikkim is the smallest Northeastern state of India, flanked by Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet and West Bengal on its four sides. Home to the Himalayan mountain range, Mt Kangchenjunga, the highest mountain peak of India, is located in Sikkim. Gangtok is the capital city of Sikkim.

Sikkim became a part of India as late as 1975. An independent monarchy before, little is known about its history, apart from it being a base for Tibetans, and the British building the hamlet of Gangtok as their military base when forging into Tibet during the 19th century.

The impact of this is still vibrant today in the culture, look and feel of the city. It is dotted with Tibetan monasteries and Tibetan culture. Resembling the Bhutanese capital, Thimpu, in its structure, it is a small hill city, a perfect place to unwind and connect with nature. A popular base for treks, Gangtok attracts trekkers from all over India and abroad. Unlike big cities, Gangtok has none of the noise, pollution and bustle, nor a skyline of tall buildings, but is equipped with plentiful amenities to give its visitors are wholesome experience of life in the mountains.


Sikkim is one of the few states that has preserved its natural milieu. Plastics are banned in Sikkim, as is tobacco. For the last fifteen years, Sikkim has been the only state in India which supports organic farming and has banned the import of non-organic food items from other parts of the country.

Nepali is the local language, and spoken popularly. Due to its similarity to Hindi, most people understand Hindi as well. English is the state language. The city is a very tourist friendly locale from the standpoint of communication. Tibetan, Bhutia, Sikkimese are some of the other local languages.


Gangtok enjoys a subtropical, highland climate, which is moderate all the year round. Winter temperatures from 4-7deg C, without snowfall. Spring and summer are the best time to visit (March-June), as you get clear views of the mountain ranges. Rain showers are common in the summer season, and nights can get chilly. Autumn is also pleasant, though a little colder.

The climate of Gangtok is perfect for outdoor activities and hiking. Moving around on foot is also common. The city is well suited for exploration and making day trips to other sights in Sikkim. Gangtok serves as a great base for touring around Sikkim.


Gangtok is connected to the rest of India by air, train and road. There is no airport in Sikkim, but its proximity to the closest airport makes the commute possible.


Sikkim is set to get its own airport – the Pakyong Airport, 30 km from Gangtok – in June, 2018, as announced by the Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu. This will improve the connectivity of Sikkim to the rest of India, giving a big boost to tourism in the state. Sikkim is the only state in India that does not yet have its own airport. The inauguration of the Pakyong Airport will be a big step forward to connect Sikkim with the rest of India.

Currently, Bagdogra Airport (IXB) is the closest airport to Gangtok, and connects Sikkim by air. Located approximately 123 km from Gangtok, taxies ply from the Bagdogra airport to Gangtok. Bagdogra airport is connected to all the major cities of India like Guwahati, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai. It is also connected to international cities like Thimpu, and Bangkok via Dhruk Air and Paro international carriers respectively.

Other international cities are connected to Bagdogra via the metropolitan cities. Helicopters also fly from the airport to Gangtok, but are subject to baggage limitations of 10kg per carrier.


The nearest train station is New Jalpaiguri, in Siliguri. It connects with Guwahati and the rest of the major cities like New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Trivandrum, Ahmedabad, Jammu, Secunderabad, Ranchi, Kanyakumari, Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Puri, Bhubaneswar,Amritsar, Chandigarh, Pune and many more.

Taxis ply from New Jalpaiguri station to Gangtok.


Gangtok is connected by road to Siliguri, Darjeeling and Kalimpong. State and private bus services connect the cities. To reach Gangtok by bus, travellers can board a bus from one of these cities. Taxies are an alternative to buses, the cost for which varies based on the vehicle type.


Shared taxis can be hired from designated stands every 1km. Taxis run on most popular routes. Private taxis can also be hired on a fixed price basis. The central taxi stand is in Lal Bazaar.

The Ropeway is an intriguing feature of Gangtok, which not only makes way for easy commute in a mountainous landscape, but also gives splendid views of the terrain. It links Deorali Bazar with Namnang.


Gangtok has a little of everything – culture, nature, entertainment and food. Explore Tibetan monasteries to delve into the rich Tibetan culture which permeates festivals, music, food, architecture and the lives of the local people. A walk around the monasteries gives a peep into a different lifestyle. Young monks clad in red robes, learning subjects of the mind and soul, learning arts and sciences along with meditation, are a reminder of a way of a life lives without hassle. On the other hand, beats of Nepali, Hindi and English rock in the alleys and eateries bear testimony to the North east as the cradle for the country’s rock music culture. For those who love Tibetan food, Gangtok is a delight. Momos, Noodles, Thukpa and other local dishes are readily available all over the city and will leave little room for complaint. Nepalis by nature are food lovers, and they ensure that the travellers receive a grand gastronomical experience.

Apart from sightseeing in Gangtok, travellers also take day trips around Gangtok or travel to other parts of Sikkim.

For sightseeing in Gangtok, the following sights are popular:


It is a research institute and museum dedicated to the study and exploration of the Tibetan arts and culture. The museum displays Tibetan artifacts like scrolls of manuscripts, cloth paintings, other objects for rituals etc. This is a must visit for a history and culture junkie.


This is a Buddhist stupa, which are traditionally places of worship of sacred objects, and symbolize peace. Giant Buddhist prayer wheels circle the stupa. The prayer wheels are inscribed with mantras, and spinning the wheels is believed to spread the peaceful vibrations of the mantra in the surroundings. Young monks can be seen to pursue their studies in and around the stupa.


The Rumtek Monastery is the abode of the third highest Buddhist Monk in the Tibetan Buddhist sect, Karmapa Lama. The design of the monastery and stupa complex is based on the design of Kagyu headquarters in Tibet. Located away from the city, it is perfect for some quiet reflection and meditation. The natural ambiance makes the complex scenic, and soothing on the eyes.


This is a small monastery tucked away from the main city, at a distance of 3km from Gangtok. Legend has it that it was built in honor of Druptob Karpo who had the ability to fly and flew to the location from the Maenam Hill. The pagoda structure of the monastery was built in line with the Chinese architectural style in the 19th century. The monastery is known for its wall paintings, apart from being a calm site in the midst of tall pine trees. The deities worshiped in the monastery are Lord Buddha, Lord Padmasambhava, & Loki Sharia.


Just outside of Gangtok, Hanuman Tok is at the top of a hill, giving splendid views of the Kangchenjunga. Reachable via a stairway, the hilltop has a temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. As per the legend, Lord Hanuman halted at this peak when he was carrying the Sanjeevani booti to Lanka.


At an altitude of 3779m, Lake Tsomgo is a lake surrounded by mountain ranges. The crisp air, brilliant blue water and tranquillity of the place make for a deeply rejuvenating experience. Spring sees the lake blooming with flowers whereas the lake remains frozen in the winter.


This is a pass located at an altitude of 4309m. From here you can see the fenced Indo-China border. Soldiers on both sides of the international border guard the area, patrolling in all kinds of weather. The viewpoint is reached through a staircase after the taxis drop you off. Grand views of the Himalayan mountain range offer photography enthusiasts and trekkers alike, a refreshing break.


This is a park built around a waterfall, with ridges and bridges all around the main waterfall which plunges from a height of 40ft. Nice for a quick stop or a refreshing shower in the waterfall, this is a popular spot for children.

Many more sights in and around Gangtok make for a travel venture of for every kind of traveller.


The perfect spot to savour a beautiful sunrise and feast your eyes on the Kangchenjunga mountain. Offering breathtaking views of the mountain range, the color of the sky and the mountains as the sun rises in the sky. Binoculars are recommended. To get a full view of the rising sun, it is best to reach a little before dawn, generally around 5am, but varying as per the season.

Gangtok provides an enriching experience to every kind of traveller, with its multitude of options for sightseeing and activities in and around. It is the ideal destination to beat the heat of the summer or escape from the din of the bustling city life.

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03 Nights / 04Days

Gangtok tour, rs. 6200 rs. 7500.

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07 Nights / 08Days

Gangtok pelling darjeeling tour, rs. 14500 rs. 17500.

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04 Nights / 05Days

Gangtok darjeeling tour package, rs. 9200 rs. 11000.

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Gangtok Lachung Pelling Tour

Rs. 15000 rs. 18000.

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Gangtok Lachung Tour

Rs. 8800 rs. 10500.

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08 Nights / 09Days

Gangtok lachung pelling darjeeling tour, rs. 17000 rs. 20500.

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05 Nights / 06Days

Delightful gangtok and darjeeling, rs. 10500 rs. 12500.

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The Sparkling Gems of Sikkim

Rs. 11400 rs. 13500.

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Gangtok Pelling Tour

Rs. 10300 rs. 12500.

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Gangtok Lachen Lachung Tour

Rs. 12000 rs. 14500.

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Gangtok Kalimpong Darjeeling Tour

Rs. 10800 rs. 12900.

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06 Nights / 07Days

Extended gangtok pelling darjeeling tour, rs. 13000 rs. 15500.

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Blissfull Sikkim Darjeeling Pelling Tour

Rs. 11700 rs. 14000.

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Gangtok Lachen Lachung Pelling Tour

Rs. 15900 rs. 19000.

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Gangtok North Sikkim Tour

Rs. 13700 rs. 16500, travel guides -->.

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  • East Sikkim

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How To Reach

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About Sikkim

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Sikkim Gangtok Tour Packages

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Places To Visit In Sikkim

Published on May 28,2019

Admin, May 28,2019

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