
Exploring Hawaii’s unique kombucha breweries

Hawaii’s kombucha scene is as vibrant and diverse as the islands themselves, with a plethora of unique breweries offering up delicious and innovative flavors. In this post, we will take you on a journey through some of the best kombucha spots in Hawaii, from Oahu to Maui to Kauai. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned local, this guide will help you plan your perfect kombucha tour of the islands, so get ready to sip, savor, and discover the magic of Hawaii’s fermented tea!

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What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that has been enjoyed for centuries due to its potential health benefits and unique taste. Originating in Asia, kombucha is made by fermenting sweetened tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria, resulting in a fizzy, slightly tangy beverage.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of kombucha in Hawaii is its reputation as a probiotic-rich beverage that may aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and improve overall gut health. As wellness trends continue to grow in the islands, many locals and visitors have turned to kombucha as a refreshing and beneficial alternative to sugary drinks.

The Rise of Kombucha Breweries in Hawaii

Overview of the kombucha brewery scene in hawaii.

Hawaii has seen a surge in the popularity of kombucha in recent years, leading to the emergence of several unique kombucha breweries across the islands. These breweries offer visitors a chance to experience the art of kombucha making firsthand, as well as sample a wide variety of flavors that showcase the local ingredients and flavors of Hawaii.

Unique aspects of Hawaiian kombucha breweries

What sets Hawaiian kombucha breweries apart is their emphasis on using locally sourced, organic ingredients to create their signature brews. From tropical fruits like pineapple and passionfruit to indigenous herbs and botanicals, these breweries truly capture the essence of Hawaii in every bottle of kombucha they produce. Additionally, many of these breweries strive to incorporate traditional Hawaiian practices and values into their brewing process, creating a truly authentic and cultural experience for visitors.

Profiles of some popular kombucha breweries in Hawaii

Some notable kombucha breweries in Hawaii include Kauai Juice Co., Big Island Booch, and Oahu Kombucha, each offering a unique selection of flavors and brewing techniques. Visitors can look forward to guided tours, tasting flights, and even workshops on how to make their own kombucha at home. With a growing community of kombucha enthusiasts and a commitment to sustainability, Hawaiian kombucha breweries are quickly becoming a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Tasting Experiences at Hawaiian Kombucha Breweries

Description of the tasting rooms and ambiance.

When you step into a Hawaiian kombucha brewery, you are greeted with a laid-back and welcoming atmosphere that reflects the island’s spirit. Many breweries have cozy tasting rooms decorated with tropical plants, colorful murals, and rustic furniture, providing the perfect setting to savor your kombucha samples.

Highlighting the different flavors and varieties of kombucha available

From tangy pineapple-ginger to refreshing lilikoi-passionfruit, Hawaiian kombucha breweries offer a plethora of unique flavors that capture the essence of the islands. You can expect to find seasonal specialties, experimental blends, and classic favorites that cater to every palate.

Tips for visitors on how to make the most of their tasting experiences

Make the most of your visit to a Hawaiian kombucha brewery by starting with a flight of samples to taste a variety of flavors. Take your time to savor each sip, noting the subtle nuances and aromas of different brews. Don’t be afraid to ask the friendly staff for recommendations or pairings with local snacks for a complete sensory experience.

Sustainability Practices in Hawaiian Kombucha Breweries

As Hawaiian kombucha breweries continue to thrive, many have embraced sustainability practices to minimize their environmental impact and support local communities. One common practice among these breweries is the use of organic ingredients sourced from local farmers. By collaborating with nearby farms, kombucha brewers not only ensure the freshness and quality of their products but also contribute to the sustainability of the local agricultural economy.

Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling

Another key aspect of sustainability in Hawaiian kombucha breweries is the emphasis on reducing waste and promoting recycling. Many breweries use glass bottles for their kombucha products, which are easily recyclable and reduce the reliance on single-use plastics. Some breweries even offer refill programs, allowing customers to bring back their empty bottles for a discount on their next purchase.

Energy-Efficient Practices

Additionally, Hawaiian kombucha breweries have implemented energy-efficient practices to minimize their carbon footprint. From using solar panels to power their operations to optimizing water usage in their production processes, these breweries are committed to reducing their environmental impact while producing high-quality kombucha for their customers.

By integrating sustainability into their ethos, Hawaiian kombucha breweries not only contribute to the health of the planet but also create a unique and eco-friendly experience for visitors looking to enjoy delicious and responsibly brewed kombucha in the beautiful setting of Hawaii.

In conclusion, exploring Hawaii’s unique kombucha breweries is a delightful experience that offers a taste of the island’s innovative and health-conscious culture. From the lush landscapes of Maui to the bustling streets of Honolulu, each brewery brings its own distinct flavors and creations to the table. Whether you are a kombucha connoisseur or just curious to try something new, these breweries offer a refreshing and rejuvenating alternative to traditional carbonated beverages. The dedication and passion of the brewers in Hawaii shine through in every bottle, making each sip a journey of discovery and pleasure. So next time you find yourself in the Aloha State, be sure to take the time to visit these local kombucha breweries and savor the unique flavors of Hawaii. Cheers to good health and happy exploring!

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GT's Kombucha - A Dietitian's Honest Review

Richelle Godwin, RDN

So today we’re going to take the oldest and most popular kombucha brand in the USA and put it under the Essential Stacks spotlight ! Of course, that means we’re not going to do a typical review of GTs kombucha. Instead, we’re going to analyze all aspects of GTs and question everything from how long they ferment their kombucha, to exactly which probiotic species are in their drinks. Plus, we’ll even look at how GTs compare to other popular kombuchas, so you can work out which is best for you. Let’s go!

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So before we get into it, I just want to say that like all product reviews here at Essential Stacks we receive zero compensation or incentive from the company we are reviewing, which means we are completely unbiased.  

And as you’ll see in this review, we don’t hold anything back when analyzing companies in the digestive health space. 

And that’s because our missing here at Essential Stacks is to help you discover what truly works and what doesn’t for good gut health.  So with that out of the way, let’s get into our findings.

Summary of our key findings on GT's

gt kombucha hawaii trip

1) Who’s behind GTs?

Although we’ll dive into the nitty gritty of GTs specific products in a minute, I think the first thing you’ll find interesting is WHO is behind the company.  Because this can usually tell us a lot about the potential quality of their products.

So GTs was founded by George Thomas Dave - or GT Dave as he’s most commonly known.  This was back in 1995.  And remarkably, 25 years on, Dave remains the sole owner of GTs.  

There’s a bit to unpack here and I think you’ll quickly see why so many people like GTs kombucha.

So for starters, 1995…we’re talking about a time when commercial kombucha simply DID NOT EXIST in the USA.  Meaning Dave literally single handedly built the kombucha market.  

And to further put this time in context - GTs main competitors only got started in the last decade or so, with Humm in 2008, Kevita in 2009 and HealthAde in 2012, to name a few.

Now, the other fascinating detail that got our attention here, is that Dave remains the sole owner.  And in a world where MOST of the top selling kombucha brands are part or wholly owned by the big beverage players or private equity funds, the fact that GTs remains 100% family owned and independent is extraordinary.  

As you can imagine, this is a really important point and we’ll see what this means for the quality of their products, when we analyze them in a minute.

2) What products does GTs sell?

gt kombucha hawaii trip

GTs has expanded their kombucha product range over the years and now has 3 distinct categories.  And since it can be a bit CONFUSING working out what’s best for you, here’s a quick breakdown of the 3.

So most interesting to us is their first category of kombucha called Synergy Raw Kombucha.

This is their NON-ALCOHOL kombucha - meaning it is under 0.5% alcohol content and able to be enjoyed by everyone.  And this is what we’ll be focusing on in this article.

GTs second category of kombucha is called Classic Kombucha and actually utilizes GT Dave’s ORIGINAL recipe for kombucha.  But in doing so, it can contain ABOVE 0.5% alcohol and as such is now sold as a 21-and-over drink.  

Finally, GTs offers Hard Kombucha products, which sit around 3% alcohol by volume - which is not bad.  In fact it is LESS than light beer, which comes in around 4% alcohol. 

Just before we start looking at whether GTs kombucha passes the Essential Stacks test, it is worth noting that GTs now offers a range of other fermented products such as water kefir, mushroom infused teas and even coconut yogurt.

Comparing GTs vs other kombucha brands

Now it’s time for us to take the gloves off and shine a spotlight on what’s actually inside GTs kombucha, so we can answer 4 questions…

1) How well is it made? 2) Does it taste good? 3) Is it in fact good for you? 4) Is it worth your money?

Of course, to make this analysis even more useful for you, we’ll also look at how GTs compares to OTHER kombucha brands. 

Naturally, to make this comparison FAIR we need to make sure that we’re comparing apples with apples.  And after a bit of research we found that all major brands have 1 flavor in common with GTs, which is GINGER.  So in other words, we’re going to compare ginger with ginger. 

gt kombucha hawaii trip

In this analysis when we’re comparing brands on things like flavoring agents used, sugar content etc, we’ll be referencing GTs Synergy Gingerade, which I have here. Show gingerade

3) How well is GT's kombucha made?

Unsurprisingly, given Dave’s passion for all things fermented, GTs kombucha is made with great care.

For starters, while most of the industry has moved to brewing kombucha in HUGE vats, often around the 50 gallon mark, GTs still brews their kombucha in SMALL 5 gallon jars.  

Given GTs is selling well over 1 million bottles a year - and thus making north of 125,000 gallons every single year - that means GTs is brewing over 25,000 INDIVIDUAL batches of kombucha per year!  Extraordinary!

And also quite refreshing to see a big company sticking to its craft brewing roots.

Just as interestingly, GTs Synergy kombucha range undergoes a fermentation period of 30 days, which is important as it gives the SCOBY more than enough time to work its magic.  

While some of their competitors do a similar brew period, such as Remedy, others simply DO NOT DISCLOSE their fermentation period.  Sadly, many even hide behind statements like “Ours is a proprietary kombucha fermentation process”.  

In other words, what we’re saying...thanks for being transparent Dave!

Now, when it comes to How GTs brews the tea that goes into their kombucha, well, they’re doing it fairly similar to everyone else.  Which means they’re using a combination of organic black tea and organic green tea.  

In fact, one trend we saw throughout the entire industry, which is worth highlighting here, is that pretty much all brands exclusively use organic, non-GMO ingredients.  

Even better, most labels bear the USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified badges.  Making them many steps ahead of other sectors in the food and beverage industry.  So a hat tip to all you lovely kombucha brewers!

However, we start to see some DIFFERENCES when it comes to how GTs SWEETEN their tea versus the competition. You see, while GTs uses kiwi fruit juice, most other brands use plain old cane sugar.  

And although most of this gets eaten up during fermentation, we think we know WHY GTs is using fruit juice and it may have to do with…

How it helps the flavor;

The fact that it's a Less processed form of sugar that fits Dave’s food-first philosophy;

And if we’re putting our cynical researcher hats on for a second - it might have something to do with marketing and nutrition LABELLING LAWS, given sugar from fruit is NOT COUNTED as ‘ADDED SUGAR’ on the label.    

Okay, so the next big thing we want to look at is how GTs treat their kombucha AFTER it has been brewed.  And from our research we were happy to see that GTs has stuck true to the traditional kombucha brewing process.

That means they don’t pasteurize, filter or dilute their kombucha.  And while most good quality kombucha brands follow Dave’s lead here, the same can’t be said about 2 of his biggest competitors.  

To find out more about them, check out our free Kombucha Brands Comparison tool.

Finally, let’s look at how GTs FLAVORS their kombucha ONCE it has been brewed - focusing specifically on their ginger kombucha.   

As you can see here, GT’s Gingerade is simply flavored with fresh pressed ginger juice.  That’s it!  As a registered dietitian, I love Simple ingredient lists ; but even moreso, I love when BENEFICIAL FOODS are used as flavorings. And since ginger root has known anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive health benefits, we love to see it included here.

By contrast, when we analyzed the flavorings used by other companies for their ginger kombuchas,we saw many adding in ingredients like ginger extract  and natural flavors.  

We think this is a missed opportunity by them to pack in the health benefits of ginger root. So once again, props to you, GT Dave, for choosing ingredients that deliver on more than just taste.

4) How does GTs Kombucha taste?

  • You can watch us do the full taste test by clicking the video just below...

  • Okay, so we’ve just had an in-depth look at the QUALITY of GTs kombucha brewing process...and we got A LITTLE into the weeds there.  So I think it’s time for a QUICK BREAK.  And I bet you’re wondering… “Hey Richelle, enough chitter chatter, tell us what you think of the taste?”.

I hear you!  So let’s pour a glass of GT’s Synergy Gingerade here and give it a try.

What’s really remarkable about GTs kombucha is that the BUBBLES - that delicious effervescence you see when you open the bottle - they’re all natural. 

They come purely as a result of the brewing process.  

And that’s not always common with commercial kombuchas.  In fact, many of the other leading brands PUMP their kombucha with CARBON DIOXIDE to get the same level of fizz.  And although carbonation is not inherently a bad thing, it does beg the question...Why can’t their brewing process naturally deliver the same level of fizz?

Also worth noting is that GTs kombucha range tends to be a little LESS SWEET and a little more vinegary than other brands.  That’s not surprising given Dave doesn’t use extracts or additional flavoring agents.  In other words, GTs tastes like REAL kombucha should!

And once again, we find ourselves saying ‘Well done Dave’ for not pandering to a sweeter flavor profile that would SURELY attract more mainstream palates - something many of his competitors have done. 

Finally, when you drink GTs kombucha, you might see some strands or floaties in it, which are perfectly fine.  In case you don’t know, they are actually Colonies of bacteria & yeast from the SCOBY.  And an ENCOURAGING sign, as it shows GTs is making real, traditional kombucha. 

5) How healthy is GTs kombucha?

So we’ve already touched on a few things that relate to HOW HEALTHY GTs kombucha is. We also looked at the quality ingredients used like organic tea and fresh pressed ginger juice.  But now let’s go even deeper to find out whether GTs kombucha is really good for us or not. 

So this is going to be a big section, and we’ve tried our best to break it up for you. Nevertheless, get your thinking caps on as this information is important!

a) Probiotic count

So I want to cut straight to the chase here, and look at the probiotics inside GTs Synergy Gingerade.  After all, these are perhaps the Number one reason people are drinking kombucha these days.  

If you look at the label of GTs Gingerade, which I’ll bring up on the screen now, you’ll see it claims 9 BILLION organisms of probiotics are present in 1 bottle, which is approximately 16 fluid oz or 480 mils. 

Before we look at them, we found it interesting that GTs didn’t use the term CFUs or Colony Forming Units to describe the 9 billion probiotics.  Instead, they simply said ‘organisms’. This might be due to the fact that they CAN’T GUARANTEE the viability of ALL 9 billion by the time you go to drink it.  

Interestingly, other companies have approached this issue by simply disclaiming that the CFU count is measured at time of manufacture, not expiry.   

b) Types of probiotics

So, back to the types of probiotics in GTs kombucha...well as you can see here, GTs come from 3 groups of beneficial bacteria & yeast:

  • B Coagulans
  • L Bacterium
  • S Boulardii

With B Coagulans and L Bacterium being types of bacteria and S Boulardii being a type of beneficial yeast.  

All 3 have been clinically studied to confer BENEFITS on humans when administered in adequate amounts, and thus meet the WHO’s TECHNICAL DEFINITION of a PROBIOTIC.

In terms of Acid resistance, both B Coagulans & S Boulardii will likely stand up well to the LOW PH or HIGHLY ACIDIC environment of both kombucha and your stomach.  But we CAN’T CONFIRM THIS for L-BACTERIUM, because GTs does not specify it - on the species or strains level.

Meanwhile, all 3 groups of probiotics should be EASILY TOLERATED by most people.  But that said, they may take some getting used to - in fact, GTs mentions on their site that people should ease into drinking kombucha by Starting out with 4 oz or 120 mils per day.

All things considered, GTs kombucha contains 3 solid probiotics.

c) Natural probiotics vs standardization

Now, before we look at how this COMPARES to their competitors, I want to explain something here that may come as a BIG SURPRISE to you. 

The probiotics STATED ON GT’s LABEL are most likely added into the kombucha AFTER it has been brewed. Meaning, they are NOT naturally produced by the fermentation process itself.  

And before we look at WHY we believe this to be so - I want to be really clear here on 2 things:

  • This finding applies to ALL kombucha brands that state specific probiotics and amounts on their labels. Meaning it is not just GTs doing this.  
  • It is not necessarily a bad thing.  You see, while we all generally prefer products with the least amount of additives, sometimes thoughtful additions - like probiotics in this case - can actually Improve the quality & health benefits of the product.  

Okay, so HERE are the 3 main reasons why we believe the probiotics you SEE ON THE LABEL of GTs kombucha are ADDED IN and NOT the result of NATURAL KOMBUCHA FERMENTATION.

  • For starters, their labels state the EXACT same probiotic SPECIES AND in the EXACT SAME AMOUNTS across MULTIPLE flavors. That doesn’t really make sense to us, because the research shows fermentation ingredients, like flavors, or even the ratios of ingredients, can Change the overall bacteria & yeast makeup in the finished product. So in other words, we believe the chance of GTs getting the exact same amounts of probiotics across multiple flavors...NATURALLY… is very UNLIKELY.
  • Secondly and more obviously, the B Coagulans bacteria found in GTs kombucha IS MADE by a company called Kerry and is something you actually find in probiotic supplements, as well as fortified foods.   Even more interesting, in looking through studies detailing the bacteria and yeast makeup of kombucha, we haven’t seen ANY evidence that this specific strain in B Coagulans is  Not naturally present in kombucha.  
  • Meanwhile, the OTHER 2 groups of PROBIOTICS in GTs kombucha further reinforce our belief that they’re ADDED IN, and I’ll quickly touch on them now.
  • Lactobacillus bacterium - So firstly with the Lactobacillus Bacterium in GTs...well, yes it’s true that some Lactobacillus species are present in kombucha.  But the bacteria that naturally reign supreme in kombucha are known as Acetic acid bacteria, which are a completely DIFFERENT type of bacteria. And from what we’ve seen in analyzed kombucha samples, even these dominant acetic acid bacteria are present in relatively LOW quantities. So that makes us believe that it’s HIGHLY unlikely that GTs kombucha would NATURALLY contain Lactobacillus bacteria AT THE LEVEL suggested on their label.
  • S boulardii - And in regards to the S Boulardii in GTs...while our research revealed that yeasts are not only present but likely the dominant microbes in kombucha overall, we DIDN’T FIND ANY EVIDENCE that S. Boulardii was the Primary yeast making up the yeast population in kombucha. Perhaps most interesting to us - S. Boulardii is a strain that is known to produce hefty amounts of CO2. And so if we put our detective hats on here for a second, we have a HUNCH that GTs smartly chose to add S. Boulardii to their kombucha, because of its ability to give their kombucha that EFFERVESCENT and carbonated mouth-feel that we all enjoy so much. So while it’s likely added in and not naturally occurring from fermentation, we have to give credit to GT’s for formulating their product in a way that Improves not only the quality but also the potential health benefits of their kombucha. 

So with all of this research taken together, it is HIGHLY LIKELY that a STANDARDIZED PROBIOTIC FORMULA is being added to GTs kombucha AFTER fermentation.

So just to reiterate here, GT’s fermentation process MAY NATURALLY PRODUCE beneficial bacteria and yeast.   

But the reality is WE DON’T KNOW.  First of all, they HAVE NOT been identified. Also, for them to be technically defined as “PROBIOTICS”, they need to have been studied to see if they confer a BENEFIT to humans. Which, from what we have seen, hasn’t been done.

However, when it comes to delivering on consumer expectations of probiotics, we’d actually like to APPLAUD GTs. They’ve Thoughtfully processed their kombucha by increasing the benefits & quality of their product.  One might even argue that they’ve done this in a way that makes their product even MORE BENEFICIAL than home-brewed kombucha. 

But once again, if you’re drinking commercial kombucha because you think it's ONLY PACKED with NATURALLY-OCCURRING probiotics, just understand that there is NO SUCH PUBLISHED DATA from GTs or ANY OTHER kombucha company.

ALL WE KNOW FOR SURE is that GT’s kombucha contains the THREE PROBIOTICS listed on the label and they have most likely been added in AFTER fermentation.

All of this does make us wonder - given kombucha is a multi-billion dollar industry, surely some Companies can fund studies to better understand the health impacts of the bacteria and yeasts naturally found in kombucha.

Now with that out of the way, let’s see how GT’s Kombucha competitors COMPARE on the PROBIOTIC front.  

So overall, they offer significantly LESS probiotics, with some stating 1-2 billion CFUs, others simply saying “billions”, and the rest not even claiming ANY specific probiotic count.

And before anyone argues, “Hey GTs bottles come in a bigger serving size!”, well, let me assure you - even when we STANDARDIZE the CFU count of all the different brands to a COMMON serving size of 12 fluid oz or 355 mils, the results remain the same.  GTs, beats them all BY A MILE.

d) If probiotics are the #1 reason you drink kombucha, then consider a probiotic supplement

gt kombucha hawaii trip

Photo: here we compare the probiotics you'll find in GTs kombucha versus a powerful probiotic supplement, like our Smart Probiotic, which you can buy on Amazon or direct from us

6) Is there anything unhealthy in GTs kombucha?

Now, let’s look at the DARKER side of kombucha and analyze the POTENTIALLY bad stuff you will find in GTs kombucha, being alcohol, caffeine & sugar. 

So first up alcohol.  Yes, there is some in kombucha, including in GTs Synergy line.  But that’s totally understandable given it is a by-product of the natural fermentation process

Thankfully over the years, GTs, along with the other leading brands, have FINE-TUNED their manufacturing and fulfilment processes, such that this amount is UNDER 0.5% alcohol. This is both when bottles come off the line AND when you consume them.  

So as long as you’re fine with trace amounts of alcohol, there’s NOTHING WRONG with GTs Synergy kombucha range.

b) Caffeine

Now, what about caffeine?  After all, we are talking about a tea based product.  Well, once again, you’re pretty safe here. For example, GTs Synergy range contains JUST 8 to 16 milligrams of caffeine PER 16 fluid oz or 480 mil bottle. 

Making it a FRACTION of the caffeine you’d find in an equivalent serving of coffee.  

And this is a similar story for most other brands, with the exception of Kevita, which comes in at roughly 70 mg of caffeine per bottle - or said differently, roughly 5 - 8 x’s more than GTs.  

Lastly, what about sugar?  Well, as we saw earlier, a lot of the sugar added in during the brewing process WILL GET EATEN UP by the SCOBY.  But not necessarily ALL of it. 

So if we look at GTs Synergy Gingerade, we can see 12 grams or 3 teaspoons of sugar is expected to REMAIN in 1 bottle of their kombucha when you drink it.   If you standardize the serving size against its competitors, GTs is pretty LOW in sugar.  For example, it’s roughly equal to Health Ade and Humm, and about 30% LOWER in sugar than Kevita. 

That said, if you want zero sugar, then GTs is not the brand for you. Instead, Humm’s ZERO kombucha range or Remedy kombucha are the best bets.   But of course, this DOESN’T take into account ALL the things we mentioned earlier in this article - such as Brewing process, probiotic content & so on.    So if you want to see exactly how all these brands compare and which is best for you, then check out our kombucha brand comparison tool.

7) How much does GTs kombucha cost?

Finally, let’s look at price...after all, kombucha is one of the priciest drinks you’ll find in the grocery store!

So looking at GTs website, at the time of this article, we can see a bottle of their GT’s Synergy Gingerade Kombucha costs $3.30. Which is not cheap.  But since we are talking about Real authentic kombucha, it is not unreasonable.

Meanwhile, GTs competitors all come in around a similar price range, starting at $3 with Kevita and going up to $4 with Health Ade.  

But interestingly, if we Standardize them all to an EQUAL serving size, then we can see ONLY 1 brand is ACTUALLY CHEAPER than GTs, and that is Kevita - which as we talked about before, might fall a BIT SHORT of the quality standard set by GTs.

So what we’re really saying here, is that in the kombucha world, GTs represents Great value for money & best quality kombucha on the market and at the same time the 2nd most affordable. 

Bravo Dave!

8) Our conclusion

So we’ve been on a bit of a journey.  And along the way we’ve seen that GTs has an AMAZING founder behind it in GT Dave, who makes kombucha in line with the traditional brewing process, and that their end product is as authentic a kombucha as you can possibly buy.  

We even saw that it's almost the most affordable too, when you standardize the serving size.  

For us here at Essential Stacks, GTs is the Number 1 commercial kombucha brand.

Of course, if probiotics are the #1 reason you're interested in kombucha, then consider trying a probiotic supplement like our Smart Probiotic , which can deliver 5-10x more probiotics and at a fraction of the price.

Evidence Based

An evidence hierarchy is followed to ensure conclusions are formed off of the most up-to-date and well-designed studies available. We aim to reference studies conducted within the past five years when possible.

  • Systematic review or meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  • Randomized controlled trials
  • Controlled trials without randomization
  • Case-control (retrospective) and cohort (prospective) studies
  • A systematic review of descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method studies
  • A single descriptive, qualitative, or mixed-method study
  • Studies without controls, case reports, and case series
  • Animal research
  • In vitro research

How much should I be drinking? And is there a preferred time to drink. Morning vs bedtime?

I never even tried kombucha until a few years ago, when I was left with chronic diarrhea after a course of antibiotics. I read somewhere that of all probiotics that might help, S. boulardii might be the most important one to look for. So I looked at EVERY pill-form probiotic in Walmart and a bunch of other products in the health isle … no S. boulardii. I almost left, but something drew me to the cold juice section, and though I knew NOTHING about kombucha, it was like my hand just reached for it, a bottle of GT Synergy (Guava flavor). I read the tiny fineprint of organisms and couldn’t believe my eyes —the creature I sought was THERE. Now I know this will be hard to believe, but I drank that bottle (LOVED it by the way) and my weeks-long, frustrating, exhausting (and honestly getting a bit scary) ordeal with diarrhea ENDED COMPLETELY, OVERNIGHT. I still drank an additional bottle the next day, just to reinforce the goodness. Then just a couple months ago, I had the whole thing repeat: antibiotics….diarrhea that wouldn’t quit …… bottle of GT Synergy …BAM, overnight cure. Again I know that’s hard to believe and might not work so well for everyone, but it’s worth a shot. And so delicious, I will occasionally spring for it just for enjoyment (guava is still my favorite).

Well written article. When I travel to different parts of the US, kombucha is always on my mind. I try all the local brands but I still come back to GTs. In Ohio, I have tried GTs hard boocha and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the review.

GT’s was my first ever and my favorite for the reasons you’ve discovered and mentioned here, for nearly 20 years. I remember the adjustments made in 2012, which was stupid to me, honestly. The original is a superior product to me. I wrote to them once a few years ago just to thank them for making a quality product and to let them know just how much I love their “root beer” mushroom elixir and they wrote me back and sent me a letter with coupons and GT’s actual signature on it. I just say, an ACTUAL penned signature is VERY cool in an age when no one is running a company and caring anymore. It’s a replaceable person just doing a job. GT’s cares about life. Product. People. I love that. Thanks for this article. And if you haven’t seen that funny YouTube video of the guys poking fun of GT’s interview with Forbes, watch it. What’s more funny is that GT reached out to them and invited them over! A guy with a sense of reality and humor. Love that!

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Valley Isle Kombucha / Alchemy Maui

Published: Jun 9, 2019 · Modified: Jul 3, 2019 by Kathy · This post may contain affiliate links · Leave a Comment

Valley Isle Kombucha makes kombucha with local fruits (like passion fruit, pineapple, and guava). Find them at local Hawaii markets or visit their cafe/kombucha bar in Maui.

gt kombucha hawaii trip

It wasn't until I moved to NYC, and started traveling lots for work that I realized I really missed out on traveling to other parts of Hawaii. It was like I needed to leave Hawaii to fully understand how special it was. Nowadays I make a point to travel to all the main Hawaiian islands as much as possible. Aside from Oahu, I'm in Maui the most, followed by the Big Island. I love Kauai and Lanai. And I hope to get to Molokai soon (mainly for the original hot bread location!)

Visiting Valley Isle Kombucha

My husband and I were in Maui recently. We stayed in Lahaina (which is the west side of the island), and visiting Valley Isle Kombucha was at the top of my list. I love kombucha, and Valley Isle Kombucha makes my favorite. It's extra bright and effervescent. The local fruit flavors (they have so many different ones) come through real clear. (One day I'll try make kombucha myself, in the meantime, I am happy to support local kombucha businesses 🙂 ).

gt kombucha hawaii trip

Valley Isle Kombucha (the kombucha factory, not officially open to the public) and Alchemy Maui (their cafe/kombucha bar) are next door to each other.

What to get at Alchemy Maui

In addition to kombucha, Alchemy Maui has a full food menu which includes a great pastrami sandwich (the pickles are no joke either). Look at all those frills on the pastrami! I love how it's sliced super thin. FYI, that picture is of a half sandwich (we split it because we were going to a wedding right after). They serve it on bread from Maui Artisan Sourdough (they bake right upstairs).

Wall of Kombucha Taps

But back to the kombucha. Alchemy Maui has this wall lined with kombucha taps. It's a kombucha fever fantasy. But real life! And they have all these new and different flavors that you can't find bottled at the supermarket. (It's sort of like their test taps/kitchen. The flavors that sell well make it to bottle form.)

gt kombucha hawaii trip

Go-To Kombucha Flavors

And then you can also get some bottles to take home or for the car ride. Drinking a bottle a day would make me so happy. If you find them at the local market, look for these flavors (aka my go-to favorites):

  • Island Watermelon
  • Kula Strawberry
  • Papaya-Lime

gt kombucha hawaii trip

INFO: Valley Isle Kombucha / Alchemy Maui | 157 Kupuohi Street J1, Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 | (808) 495-8886 |

COST: Sandwiches/bowls/tacos: $10-22, Kombucha on tap: $5-7 (10-16oz) or $14 for a tasting flight (6oz each) of four flavors

HOURS: Mon–Thurs: 11am–4pm, Fri: 11am–8pm, Sat-Sun: closed

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Ginger Berry Kombucha [Recipe]

Ginger Berry Kombucha [Recipe]

Even though delicious and tremendously good for you, the expense of a daily kombucha fix can really start to add up. At $3 a pop you could be treating yourself to a monthly single item purchase from Lulu ! Am I the only one that uses Lululemon as a benchmark to gain monetary perspective?! ? Financial sacrifices aside, the benefits of this potent elixir is that it provides your body with a natural dose of probiotics (healthy bacteria). Probiotics aid digestion, reduce inflammation and improve your overall gut health, which is a crucial component of whole-body health and weight loss.

On a recent trip to Hawaii, Jason and I stumbled across a cute little neighborhood near Princeville on the north side of Kauai. We had heard good things about the poke from Kilauea Fish Market so we went to scope it out. We were pleasantly surprised to find that the old stone cottage was also home to a yoga studio, coffee shop and Kauai Juice Company . Jay had been wanting to get some kind of “herbal juice shot” since we got to the island so we wandered in. Not only did they have cold press juices, but this place was full of healthy cocktails, nut milks, elixirs and jars of pickled foods like kimchi. Then I spotted their kombucha on tap! They had a sweet deal going for a full gallon growler for only $8 and you got to keep the growler. Naturally I’m not one to resist such a tempting deal! I was also lured in by the vibrant pink hue of their dragonfruit kombucha which was on special. It turned out to be just as pleasing to taste!

I had purchased a home brewing kombucha set online just before Christmas – I’d bought one for a friend and one for myself, because that’s typically how my Christmas shopping goes. ? Ever since I was first introduced to kombucha by a yogi friend back in Cayman I had fallen in love with the stuff as a healthy alternative to sodas. But after I left Cayman I kind of forgot about it. Then one day I was in Whole Foods and came across Kevita kombucha. I love their lemon cayenne flavor, it is SO refreshing on a hot day in Florida. I also discovered GT Synergy’s Gingerberry Kombucha  which became an instant favorite too. But as I mentioned before, at $3 a bottle I couldn’t justify feeding my addiction. So, inspired by my friend at Saucha Living , I thought, why not make it myself ?

Naturally, those moments of inspiration often need to time to ferment  (pun totally intended!) and build momentum. I needed this tasty reminder whilst on vacation that I really could and really SHOULD set my kombucha home brewing project in motion when we returned home. I’m not usually one to procrastinate, but my poor SCOBY had been sitting in a box for a couple months simply because I had this expectation like the process was going to be long, hard and ridiculously complex. Any time I have to read instructions these days I’m loathe to sit down and actually do it. It’s a reaction I’m trying to become more aware of and overcome by telling myself that most instructions are pretty idiot proof these days! ? Of course, my expectations couldn’t have been further from the truth. When I finally got round to pulling my kombucha kit out of the cupboard a couple weeks ago, I discovered that the process was VERY straight forward and simple. In fact, it’s kind of like throwing your food in a crockpot and forgetting about it for the rest of the day. And if that sounds too complex for you, well, you’re making tea. Don’t overcomplicate it!

Ginger Berry Kombucha

Ginger Berry Kombucha

Ingredients   .

  • 1 SCOBY
  • 1 gallon glass brewing jar
  • 3 tbsp organic tea blend (black or green tea)
  • 1 cotton tea bag
  • 1 cup organic sugar
  • 1 coffee filter or cotton cover & rubber band
  • 1 temperature gauge sticker


Stage 1 fermentation - brewing your kombucha.

  • In a medium pot bring 4 cups of filtered water to a boil and then turn off.
  • Add tea to the cotton tea bag and add to the pot to steep for 5-7 minutes. Remove the tea bag and discard the tea leaves. Rinse and air dry the cotton bag for next time. 
  • Pour the sugar into the pot and stir. Once the sugar has dissolved, pour your sweet tea mixture into the glass brewing jar. 
  • Fill the brewing jar with 8 cups of cold filtered water. Your jar should now be about 3/4 of the way full. Add your temperature gauge sticker to the side of the jarred check to make sure your sweet tea mixture is now somewhere between 68 and 86 degrees before moving on to the next step. If it's still too warm add another 1/2 cup of cold water. 
  • Take your SCOBY which, if new, should be in a starter liquid pouch and add it to the brewing jar. Give it a quick stir to combine. 
  • Cover the jar with a cotton cloth and seal with a rubber band. 
  • Place your brewing jar in a warm place out of direct sunlight, with plenty of airflow (no closed cupboards). Leave it there for 7-9 days. By days 7-9 you should see a new cream-colored layer has grown on the top of your brew. This is your new SCOBY! Try not to disturb your new culture as you taste test your brew with a spoon. If you like the taste, then you're done! If it's still a little too sweet then put the cloth back on and let it ferment for a few more days. 
  • You can enjoy your kombucha plain, or if you really want to blow your taste buds out the water then continue with this second stage of the fermentation process. 

Stage 2 Fermentation - Adding Flavor

  • For a raspberry ginger flavor combo, add 2 tbsp of fresh or frozen raspberries to each of your bottles with 1 tsp chopped or grated fresh ginger. 
  • Using a funnel, pour the kombucha into each bottle leaving about an inch of space at the top.
  • Seal the bottles tightly and store in a warm, dark place for 2-5 days.
  • After 2-5 days, move your bottles to the refrigerator. 
  • Once chilled, pop the top and enjoy! ?

Are you a kombucha home brewer?   What are your favorite flavors of kombucha? I’d love some more inspiration for my next batch! 

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The Wild Gut

Island Fire Kombucha with Pineapple & Cayenne Pepper

April 10, 2017 By Alana 14 Comments

This kombucha recipe combines the sweetness of pineapple with the heat of cayenne pepper! I hope it reminds you of the island life!

My trip to Hawaii had me craving all things pineapple once I returned home. Since I am a spice lover, I thought it would be fun to heat it up a bit with some cayenne pepper. Drinking this pineapple and cayenne pepper kombucha gives me that relaxed feeling of swinging in a hammock on a tropical beach.

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Island Fire Kombucha with Pineapple and Cayenne Pepper

  • 64 ounces plain kombucha (store bought or homemade )
  • 4 cups cut pineapple (about one average size pineapple)
  • 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 4 16oz  Glass bottles
  • Optional: chalk marker pen for labeling

First peel and cut up your pineapple. Then add the pineapple, cayenne pepper and approximately one cup of plain kombucha to a blender. Blend into a puree type consistency. An immersion blender would work for this recipe as well.

At this point, I prefer to filter out the pineapple pulp before adding to my glass bottles. Alternatively, you can filter once you are ready to drink the kombucha as well. Or don’t filter it at all, it is your preference.

I prefer to filter before adding to the bottles because it allows for more room for the kombucha in the bottles. The pulpy puree tends to be very frothy right out of the blender pitcher, so once the froth calms down you will find that your bottles aren’t actually as full as you thought they were.

Next add approximately 3-4 ounces of the pineapple/cayenne/kombucha mix to each bottle. Then fill the rest of the bottle with plain kombucha. Place the caps on the bottles and allow to 2F (second fermentation) at room temperature for at least 3-4 days.

In general, pineapple creates carbonation in bottles very quickly. *Consider storing bottles in a plastic bin or cooler in case of an explosion. Be sure to use heavy duty glass bottles that are designed to hold pressure. Bottles found at craft stores or any square bottles are not recommended for using with kombucha as they are not meant to hold carbonated beverages.

You can also ‘burp’ your bottles once a day to allow any built up gas to escape. However, that will result in a less fizzy final product.

After 3-4 days, move your bottles to the refrigerator and enjoy an ice cold glass of pineapple and cayenne pepper kombucha anytime you want!

Island Fire Kombucha featuring Pineapple and cayenne pepper!

Island Fire Kombucha with Pineapple & Cayenne Pepper


  • 64 oz plain kombucha
  • 4 cups cut fresh pineapple
  • 4 16oz glass bottles or a growler


  • Peel and cut up pineapple
  • Add the pineapple, 1 cup plain kombucha and the cayenne pepper to a blender and blend until smooth
  • Filter out the pulp (optional)
  • Add 3-4 oz of the pineapple/cayenne/kombucha juice to a 16oz bottle
  • Fill the rest with plain kombucha
  • Cap and let sit at room temperature for 3-4 days
  • Move to the refrigerator for storage

I should note that spicy peppers (and their powders) tend to get spicier the longer they ferment. This kombucha may taste spicier at the 30 day mark than it did at the 14 day mark.

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Reader Interactions

' src=

June 20, 2017 at 2:57 pm

This looks like such a great kombucha recipe! I really wanted to find a pineapple flavored recipe but you threw me for a loop with the cayenne! I think i’m not going to shy away and give it a try. Thank you for sharing this! I’ll report back with how it turns out.

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October 29, 2017 at 6:37 pm

Hey Billy, how’d it turn out? Did you ever give it a try?

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February 28, 2018 at 5:45 pm

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March 1, 2018 at 3:49 pm

Hi Laura, I wouldn’t recommend canned fruit for flavoring in general, as there are most likely preservatives included that could negatively affect the kombucha. We use fresh fruit or 100% fruit juice for our fruit flavoring, so hopefully that is an option for you. Thanks!

March 20, 2018 at 6:54 pm

Thanks for the reply!

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June 4, 2018 at 9:32 pm

July 23, 2018 at 4:34 pm

Awesome to hear! Definitely agree on feeling a little burn!

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October 31, 2018 at 4:27 am

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November 4, 2018 at 1:28 pm

You certainly can, the cayenne doesn’t totally blend up anyway.

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February 19, 2019 at 7:04 pm

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April 11, 2020 at 9:43 am

I have been brewing the ‘booch’ for almost a year, and I was reluctant to try this. Boy was I glad I did!!! It is now one flavor I keep on hand all the time now!!! Excellent! (I also load up on the cayenne. Not regretting that at all!) What a fantastic surprise! Wonderful!

' src=

April 13, 2020 at 9:00 am

Yay! We love this recipe can’t beat the sweet pineapple and spicy cayenne combo!

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Best Kombuchas

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Kombuchas are Healthy Alternative to Soda

What is kombucha? Even though this tea -based drink, which originated in China, has been around for centuries, it’s only in the past several years that this bubbly beverage has really taken off. As we become more health-conscious, we’re learning of this fermented tea’s natural health benefits . It includes probiotics (essential for good digestion), low sugar, healthy acids and energy-boosting properties. And because it’s naturally carbonated, it makes it feel like you’re drinking soda except that this tangy-sweet elixir is actually good for you.

Here at GAYOT, we taste-tested many brands (there seems to be a new one popping up every week) to help you find the best kombuchas on the market with great taste and low glycemic levels that don’t surpass 10 grams of sugar per bottle.

> For more ways to stay healthy, peruse through our Guide to Healthy Living to stay up-to-date on the latest wellness trends.

1. Health Ade

Health Ade Kombucha

We highly recommend all the kombuchas on our list, but if we had to choose just one to drink for the rest of our healthy, happy lives, it would be Health Ade.

Offering the most robust bubbles, this sparkling feel-good beverage is brewed in Los Angeles and tingles the tongue with every swig. All the flavors – from beet to carrot to plum – boast low sugar content and a perfect sweet-to-tart ratio. We can’t get enough of the Pink Lady Apple and Pomegranate comes in at a close second. Cayenne Cleanse tells no lies, so be prepared for a little kick in the throat … in a good way, of course.

Calories: 60-80 per bottle Sugar: 4-6 grams per bottle

2. WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha

gt kombucha hawaii trip

The beverage’s bubbly nature has earned it the nickname “ Champagne of Kombucha .” Female-founded brand WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha specializes in jun kombucha, a cousin of traditional kombucha crafted primarily with honey as its base instead of sugar cane, making it stand out with its refreshing and smooth taste. Brewed and bottled in Sedona, Arizona, WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha contains prebiotics, probiotics and antioxidants, with all and only organic and natural ingredients, without any artificial flavorings or sulfites. Their non-alcoholic jun kombucha comes in five flavors: Raspberry Goji Rose, Blueberry Basil, Mango Ginger, Blackberry Mint and Chai Pear. Hard kombuchas are also available. >  For more information, visit  WILD TONIC® Jun Kombucha official website.

3. GT’s Kombucha

GT's Kombucha

There are more than 20 flavors of GT’s Kombucha, all vegan , gluten-free and non-GMO.

We can’t help but reach for Synergy Trilogy, a slightly acidic and fruity sparkling elixir that will definitely give you a little buzz. It’s the perfect pick-me-up for that afternoon slump. GT is also impressively low-glycemic with just three to four grams of sugar per serving. For a real boozy sensation, try the brand’s “Classic” line, first introduced in 1995, and features bottles with more than 0.5% alcohol. In other words, you must be 21 or over to purchase these bad boys.

Calories: 60 per bottle Sugar: 4-6 grams per bottle

4. Brew Dr. Kombucha

Brew Dr. Kombucha

This 100% raw kombucha from Townshend’s Tea Company is just what the doctor ordered.

Made in Portland, Oregon, Brew Dr. Kombucha starts with loose-leaf organic teas that are blended with organic herbs, fruits and other botanicals. No juices or flavorings are added after fermentation, making it a truly 100% raw kombucha with naturally occurring probiotics. While there are many flavors such as Clear Mind (subtly minty with peppermint, rosemary and sage) and Spiced Apple (almost like drinking liquid apple pie), our favorite is Ginger Lemon Organic, a tangy lemon and ginger quencher.

Calories: 60 per bottle Sugar: 10 grams per bottle

5. Kombucha Dog

Kombucha Dog

Even if the flavor wasn’t so doggone good, we’d have to include Kombucha Dog on our list if for no other reason than the brand donates 100% of its proceeds to dog rescues and no-kill shelters.

The charitable aspect alone is worth buying a few (dozen) bottles of Kombucha Dog. Photographer Michael Faye helps homeless dogs get adopted by featuring them on the labels. You can also find this brand at restaurants , sometimes on tap, which is definitely worth trying for the unbeatable freshness. Kombucha Dog is the only kombucha naturally fermented long enough to contain the lowest amount of sugar and the highest number of probiotics and antioxidants. Plus, the level of carbonation, sweetness and tang is on point. Who needs beer when you’ve got this fizzy lifting drink?

Calories: 60 calories per bottle Sugar: 6 grams per bottle >  For more information, visit  Kombucha Dog  official website.

gt kombucha hawaii trip

You’ll hang loose when you take a few swigs of The Bu kombucha.

This brand, launched in Hawaii, has five flavors from which to choose: honeydew, ginger peach, lavender, strawberry hibiscus and tropical. Our favorite is the unusual, slightly floral experience of the lavender, although the strawberry hibiscus comes in at a close second. The bubbles are at a moderate level – not too light, not too strong – and each bottle of The Bu is organic, raw, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan and contains more than 1 billion probiotics.

Calories: 60 per bottle Sugar: 6 grams per bottle

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How To Drink GT Kombucha

  • How To Drink


What is GT Kombucha?

GT Kombucha is a popular fermented tea drink that is known for its probiotic benefits and unique flavor. Made from a blend of tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), GT Kombucha is a fizzy, tangy beverage that has gained a loyal following among health-conscious consumers.

How to Enjoy GT Kombucha

Drinking GT Kombucha can be a delightful experience, especially when you know how to savor its flavors and reap its potential health benefits. Here are some tips on how to drink GT Kombucha:

Choose Your Flavor

GT Kombucha comes in a variety of flavors, including gingerade, lavender love, and trilogy. Before you take your first sip, consider the flavor profile that appeals to you the most. Whether you prefer something fruity, spicy, or floral, there’s a GT Kombucha flavor for every palate.

Serve Chilled

For the best experience, it’s recommended to serve GT Kombucha chilled. The cold temperature enhances the refreshing and invigorating qualities of the drink, making it a perfect choice for a hot summer day or as a post-workout refreshment.

Enjoy Slowly

When you’re ready to drink GT Kombucha, take your time to savor each sip. The effervescence and complex flavors of GT Kombucha are best appreciated when enjoyed slowly. Take a moment to appreciate the tangy notes and the subtle sweetness with each sip.

Pair with Food

GT Kombucha can be a great accompaniment to a variety of foods. Its tangy and slightly acidic nature makes it a perfect match for spicy dishes, grilled meats, or even as a palate cleanser between courses during a meal.

Health Benefits

Aside from its refreshing taste, GT Kombucha is also known for its potential health benefits. It is a natural source of probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health and digestion. Additionally, it contains antioxidants and organic acids that may contribute to overall well-being.

Drinking GT Kombucha can be a delightful and healthful experience when done right. By choosing your favorite flavor, serving it chilled, savoring it slowly, and even pairing it with food, you can make the most of this fizzy, probiotic-rich beverage. So, the next time you reach for a bottle of GT Kombucha, remember these tips to enhance your drinking experience.

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GT’s Living Foods Celebrates 25 Years of Making Kombucha in the U.S.

The #1 selling kombucha brand introduces new limited-edition ‘sacred life’ kombucha.

GT's Kombucha

GT's Living Foods, the #1 selling Kombucha brand in the U.S., enters the new year in celebration of its 25th anniversary and its continued mission to share the gift of Kombucha with the world. In honor of the brand’s history and the ancient tradition of Kombucha that dates back to 221 B.C., GT’s Living Foods will introduce Sacred Life, a special limited-edition Kombucha that will only be available during GT’s Living Foods 25th anniversary year.

Founder and CEO, GT Dave pioneered the Kombucha category in 1995 bringing the traditional Eastern drink to the U.S. market. The journey began when GT and his family were gifted a Kombucha SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) and experienced first-hand the positive impact Kombucha had on his mother’s battle with breast cancer at the time. What started out of his home kitchen is now the largest producer of Kombucha in the world, leading what is expected to become a multi-billion-dollar category by 2025.

“I began bottling traditionally handcrafted Kombucha 25 years ago with a mission to bring authentic fermented food to the Western World,” said GT. “I feel blessed and humbled that in many ways Kombucha chose me as its steward which has allowed me to share a global message that living foods and all forms of life are sacred. I look forward to amplifying this message with even more people around the world for years to come.”

GT continues, “With the new Sacred Life Kombucha, we're displaying it in a limited-edition Sacred Geometry-inspired embossed glass bottle that showcases the ‘Flower of Life.’ The ‘Flower of Life’ is an extension of our Lotus Flower (seen on all our packaging) which has been a symbol of our brand for over two decades.”

The limited-edition Sacred Life Kombucha infuses fresh pressed ginger, young coconut water, and alkaline-rich blue spirulina that naturally gives the liquid a vibrant blue color rarely seen in natural food products. The blue hue comes from the antioxidant-rich qualities of spirulina and is symbolic of the life that flourishes around the planet and its precious oceans. Sacred Life is USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, traditionally handcrafted, raw, never processed or pasteurized, and benefits natural systems of the body through healthful microbes.

Sacred Life will be available at specialty, natural and conventional grocers nationwide.

About GT’s Living Foods:

We believe that Mother Nature is the ultimate healer.

Since 1995, GT’s Living Foods has revolutionized how people think and feel about Kombucha and fermented foods in the Western World. From the womb, founder GT Dave was raised vegetarian and taught that food can be medicine. He and the company continue to uphold that philosophy with always pure, potent and plant-derived fermented offerings produced in their most authentic form, never compromised. The fiercely independent, family-owned and operated company is available in over 55,000 retailers across North America and Europe. Today and beyond, GT’s Living Foods’ driving purpose is to spread a global message that food can be medicine and through proper nutrition one can heal thyself.

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Synergy GTs Kombucha

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GT's Kombucha

Since 1995, GT’s Living Foods has revolutionized how the Western World thinks, feels, and integrates fermented foods into our everyday lives as part of our collective pursuit of personal wellbeing.

Our guiding purpose is to spread a global message that food can be medicine and, through purposeful nutrition, one can heal thyself—and, therefore, the world.

12 x 16oz case of GT's Kombucha ($56)

Enter below to win a haul of one of the world’s leading Kombucha brands and treat yourself to crisp, delicious flavor for World Kombucha Day!

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GT Dave with his mother and SYNERGY Raw Kombucha cases

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  1. GT'S Enlightened Organic & Raw Multi-Green Kombucha, 16.2 Fl. Oz

    gt kombucha hawaii trip

  2. Gts synergy kombucha

    gt kombucha hawaii trip

  3. The healthful benefits of GT's Kombucha

    gt kombucha hawaii trip

  4. 8 Best Kombucha Brands

    gt kombucha hawaii trip

  5. GT Kombucha

    gt kombucha hawaii trip

  6. GT's Kombucha Synergy Cherry Chia

    gt kombucha hawaii trip


  1. Hawaii State Flag and Meaning #shortsfeed #usa #hawaii

  2. A Week In Hawaii Vlog✨

  3. Miss Hula Hawaii Contest 2011(Wahine)

  4. Two Girls in Hawaii

  5. Island Trails

  6. Maui police chief requesting funding for nighttime helicopter


  1. Island Bliss Sweepstakes

    SHOP ISLAND BLISS. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Promotion ends 05/31/23 at 11:59PM PST. See Island Bliss Sweepstakes Rulesfor details. Our Offerings. Find A Store. View All Collections.

  2. Win a Trip to Hawaii from GT Living Foods!

    Enter for your chance to win a trip to Hawaii (in the form of a check for $5,000) from GT Living Foods PLUS one hundred more winners will receive GT Living Foods swag and 12 FREE coupons for GT's 16oz Synergy raw Kombucha! Click Here to Enter. Eligibility: US, 18+. Entry Dates: April 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm PT.

  3. Exploring Hawaii's unique kombucha breweries

    Hawaii has seen a surge in the popularity of kombucha in recent years, leading to the emergence of several unique kombucha breweries across the islands. These breweries offer visitors a chance to experience the art of kombucha making firsthand, as well as sample a wide variety of flavors that showcase the local ingredients and flavors of Hawaii.

  4. GT's Kombucha

    For us here at Essential Stacks, GTs is the Number 1 commercial kombucha brand. Of course, if probiotics are the #1 reason you're interested in kombucha, then consider trying a probiotic supplement like our Smart Probiotic, which can deliver 5-10x more probiotics and at a fraction of the price. GT's is the #1 selling kombucha in the world.

  5. Valley Isle Kombucha / Alchemy Maui

    INFO: Valley Isle Kombucha / Alchemy Maui | 157 Kupuohi Street J1, Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 | (808) 495-8886 | COST: Sandwiches/bowls/tacos: $10-22, Kombucha on tap: $5-7 (10-16oz) or $14 for a tasting flight (6oz each) of four flavors.

  6. Kombucha, Kefir, Coconut Yogurt, Adaptogenic Tea

    At GT's, we are stewards of Nature—the world's greatest healer and our divine source of inspiration. We cultivate our offerings with whole raw ingredients and traditional practices, so that we can offer them to you in their purest, most potent forms. ... CLASSIC KOMBUCHA. The original recipe GT began bottling in 1995. Traditionally ...

  7. Ginger Berry Kombucha [Recipe]

    Stage 1 Fermentation - Brewing your Kombucha. In a medium pot bring 4 cups of filtered water to a boil and then turn off. Add tea to the cotton tea bag and add to the pot to steep for 5-7 minutes. Remove the tea bag and discard the tea leaves. Rinse and air dry the cotton bag for next time.

  8. Island Fire Kombucha with Pineapple & Cayenne Pepper

    Add the pineapple, 1 cup plain kombucha and the cayenne pepper to a blender and blend until smooth. Filter out the pulp (optional) Add 3-4 oz of the pineapple/cayenne/kombucha juice to a 16oz bottle. Fill the rest with plain kombucha. Cap and let sit at room temperature for 3-4 days. Move to the refrigerator for storage.

  9. Trilogy

    Organic Acids, Active Enzymes. To increase metabolism, optimize nutrient absorption, and detoxification. Pure, Potent, and Unfiltered. 100% Raw, 100% Real Kombucha. Delicious bursts of tart raspberry combine with bright squeezes of lemon and a bite of fresh-pressed ginger for a flavor as unique as you. Available in 16oz, 10oz, and 48oz.

  10. GT's Organic Kombucha Trilogy Review: Probiotic Health in Every Sip

    GT's Living Foods Organic Kombucha Trilogy is a fermented tea beverage that boasts a blend of raw kombucha cultured with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Known for its probiotic content, every bottle contains 9 billion living probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health, aid in digestion, and support the immune system.GT's Kombucha Trilogy combines the tangy tastes of ...

  11. GT's Synergy Kombucha Organic Island Bliss, Refrigerated, 16 fl oz

    Product details. GT's Synergy Kombucha Organic Island Bliss is a carefully fermented drink packed with organic acids, amino acids, and active enzymes. This kombucha combines organic passion fruit puree, orange juice, guava, and dragon fruit for a tropical burst of flavors. Fermented for 30 days, it's filled with billions of probiotics to ...

  12. Kombucha: Made in Hawaii

    I like kombucha and I appreciate the health benefits it offers. But, our son LOVES kombucha! He would drink and entire bottle each and every day if allowed. ... Kombucha: Made in Hawaii. Live With Aloha. Jan 31. Written By Martha Saunders. I like kombucha and I appreciate the health benefits it offers. But, our son LOVES kombucha! He would ...

  13. GT's Organic Kombucha Trilogy Review: Savor the Synergy of Probiotics

    GT's Living Foods utilizes organic ingredients in its Trilogy Kombucha to support sustainable agriculture that is better for the environment. These organic ingredients include raspberry juice, lemon juice, and cold-pressed ginger juice, along with a base of kombucha culture. The company's kombucha is 100% raw, maintaining the natural benefits ...

  14. Original

    GT's Kombucha* (kombucha culture*, black tea*, green tea*, cane sugar*). *Organically produced. Trust Your Gut, Subscribe for More. For fresh innovations to feed and fuel you and more about how and why GT's Living Foods does it better, sign up & begin within. Your e-mail. Subscribe. Our Offerings. Find A Store;

  15. Copycat GT Kombucha Flavors at Home with these Recipes & Tips

    Experiment for best flavor.) Add fruit/tea mixture to vessel. Fill vessel most of the way with purified water up to one gallon total. Leave at least 1-2 inches from the top for breathing room with purified cold water. Add SCOBY and starter liquid. Cover with cloth cover and secure with the rubber band.

  16. Best Kombucha Brands

    GT's Kombucha. There are more than 20 flavors of GT's Kombucha, all vegan, ... You'll hang loose when you take a few swigs of The Bu kombucha. This brand, launched in Hawaii, has five flavors from which to choose: honeydew, ginger peach, ... Travel to Mexico and dine in the vines at Latitud 32 at El Cielo Winery, Valle de Guadalupe, Baja ...

  17. GT Kombucha

    Since I can't find any GT original, or any regular non flavoured kombucha for that matter at my local stores, I've decided to try using the GT gingerade to make my first SCOBY and then first kombucha batch. My question is: the GT kombucha has been refrigerated. Should it be left at room temperature before using it as starter liquid?

  18. How To Drink GT Kombucha

    What is GT Kombucha? GT Kombucha is a popular fermented tea drink that is known for its probiotic benefits and unique flavor. Made from a blend of tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), GT Kombucha is a fizzy, tangy beverage that has gained a loyal following among health-conscious consumers. How to Enjoy GT Kombucha

  19. Using GT's Flavored Kombucha As Starter : r/Kombucha

    GTs is not "starter." It is kombucha with kiwi juice and probiotics added. The culture is there, but not the acid, and it will form a typical scum intermingled with the pellicle (look around this reddit). Just put a little nute in it, like 2-3x the volume you have, to where it can start a pellicle growing in your 1F vessel.

  20. GT's Living Foods Celebrates 25 Years of Making Kombucha in the U.S

    GT's Living Foods, the #1 selling Kombucha brand in the U.S., enters the new year in celebration of its 25th anniversary and its continued mission to share the gift of Kombucha with the world. In honor of the brand's history and the ancient tradition of Kombucha that dates back to 221 B.C., GT's Living Foods will introduce Sacred Life, a special limited-edition Kombucha that will only be ...

  21. Kombucha Near Me

    Discover the benefits of Kombucha and find a retailer near you that sells GT's Living Foods, the original and authentic Kombucha brand.

  22. GT's Kombucha

    12 x 16oz case of GT's Kombucha ($56) Enter below to win a haul of one of the world's leading Kombucha brands and treat yourself to crisp, delicious flavor for World Kombucha Day! family-owned; over 5,000 5-stars reviews! 100,000+ happy clients worldwide! exceptional customer service;

  23. Kombucha Recipes

    Join the GT's Family. Explore all the ways you can enjoy our Kombuca Recipes for blends and smoothies, healthy bites, mixed drinks and divine desserts. Share your #GTsKobucha Recipes and tag @GTsKombucha.