The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Press Releases

  • Presentation of a negative nucleic acid testing report prior to boarding will no longer be required. Instead, a declaration of the negative result of a self-arranged rapid antigen test (RAT) conducted within 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of departure should be made via the online Health & Quarantine Information Declaration of the Department of Health.
  • Boarding requirement of having completed vaccination for Hong Kong residents will be lifted. Non-Hong Kong residents aged 12 or above will still be required to be fully vaccinated or have obtained a medical exemption certificate before they are allowed to board a flight for Hong Kong.
  • "Test-and-go" arrangement will be implemented at the Hong Kong International Airport, i.e. inbound persons will not be required to wait for the test result at the airport after undergoing specimen collection for the nucleic acid test. They can take public transport or self-arranged transport to return to their home or their hotel of choice.
  • Quarantine arrangement upon arrival at Hong Kong will be changed to "0+3", i.e. no compulsory quarantine will be required. There will be three days of medical surveillance during which inbound persons are free to go out but are obliged to comply with Amber Code restrictions under the Vaccine Pass, followed by a four-day self-monitoring period, making it a 7-day observation period in total.
  • Nucleic acid tests at community testing centres, mobile testing stations or other recognised institutions on Day 2, Day 4 and Day 6 (the day of arrival is Day 0) will be required upon arrival at Hong Kong, supplemented by daily RATs from Day 1 to Day 7.
  • For inbound persons who are tested positive by nucleic acid tests or RATs, their Vaccine Pass will be converted to a Red Code. Their isolation arrangements will be aligned with that for local cases.
  • Day 0: nucleic acid test at the airport;
  • Day 2, Day 4 and Day 6: after obtaining a negative result of RAT on respective days, inbound persons should undergo nucleic acid test at a community testing centre or a mobile specimen collection station, or arrange a self-paid test by professional swab sampling at a local medical testing institution recognised by the Government; and
  • During medical surveillance and self-monitoring periods, inbound persons are subject to daily RAT until Day 7 of arrival at Hong Kong.
  • Premises required to use the QR Code Verification Scanner and is regulated under Cap. 599F, i.e. catering business premises (including bars or pubs), amusement game centres, bathhouses, fitness centres, places of amusement, indoor places of public entertainment, party rooms, beauty parlours and massage establishments, club houses, clubs or nightclubs, karaoke establishments, mahjong-tin kau premises, indoor sports premises, swimming pools, cruise ships, indoor event premises, barber shops or hair salons and religious premises.
  • Premises required to inspect the Vaccine Pass visually as far as feasible, i.e. outdoor places of public entertainment, outdoor sports premises and outdoor event premises.

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FAQs: Hong Kong’s New “0+0” Arrivals Process

Hong Kong recently adopted a new “0+0” arrivals process last week, where passengers are no longer subject to movement restrictions upon arrival for the first time since March 2020. This is a huge change from just a number of months ago, when the quarantine time upon arrival was 21 days.

Obviously this is good news for people who have been waiting to travel to/out of Hong Kong, as well as those that already had plans to return to Hong Kong over Christmas. Since I’m back in Hong Kong over Christmas, I had the opportunity to experience the new arrivals process on Saturday. I figured I’d write a post answering the questions I’ve gotten most from people since.

aerial view of a city and islands from above

As has been the case with guides on this site, this isn’t a “how do I fill in the form?” guide or an all-inclusive encapsulation of every passenger case, but rather a high-level summary of what 95% of travellers will need to do in order to get into Hong Kong by air . If this post doesn’t answer your questions, visit the government website.

TL;DR – what’s the lowdown for arriving into Hong Kong?

In order to enter Hong Kong by air, you’ll need:

  • A negative rapid antigen (lateral flow) test result – either via photo or a certificate from a licensed provider
  • You’ll need to be vaccinated in order to fill out this form successfully

Upon arriving, you’ll need to:

  • undergo a mandatory PCR test upon arrival (day 0)
  • download the LeaveHomeSafe app (read below)
  • wait at your place of residence until your test result comes back
  • undergo daily RATs (rapid antigen tests) for the following 5 days and upload your test result proof onto the Electronic COVID-19 Medical Surveillance System (ECMSS) portal
  • book a PCR at a community test center (or private test center) to be taken on Day 2 (the second full calendar day after arrival)
  • wear a mask in public spaces except when eating, drinking, or doing sport (this is a mandatory requirement for everyone in Hong Kong, regardless of whether you’re an inbound traveller)

Where do I find the Health Declaration Form?

The Health Declaration Form can be found here . You’ll need to provide contact details, vaccination details, and declare that you don’t have any COVID-19 symptoms, though you  won’t have to upload a negative RAT result  (which means that you can fill it in over 24 hours before departure). The QR code generated by the Health Declaration Form is valid for 96 hours after submission at Hong Kong Airport, and will be scanned for the last time before your PCR test result is done upon arrival (so fill it in within 96 hours of arriving). Your QR code must be green in order to be allowed to board.

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What counts as an accepted rapid antigen test (RAT)?

Any rapid antigen test is accepted for entry into Hong Kong, and it’ll only be eyed at check-in and potentially before boarding – the check-in agent for my connecting flight didn’t even ask for my RAT result until I offered it proactively. My test kit even said “do not use for travel” (presumably as rapid antigen test kits themselves normally do not suffice as a travel requirement).

The condition is that your RAT has to be taken within 24 hours of your departing flight to Hong Kong. In my case, my flight from Zurich left just before noon on Friday, so I took a RAT shortly after noon on Thursday. I’d make a habit of writing your name, test date, and test time on your test card, even though I definitely would’ve gotten away without it on this flight.

a white test strip with blue text on it

Do I need to print anything out?

I didn’t print any of my vaccination records or my health declaration form out prior to flying back this time round, and had no issues with getting in. I’d be extra sure that my devices could be powered on upon arrival (remember that airplanes may not have power ports/the power ports may not be in working order, so plan ahead with a portable power bank, or at least spare a tiny bit of battery!).

What does the PCR process look like once I arrive at Hong Kong Airport?

Upon arrival, we were funneled into a queue to get PCR tested. My green QR code was scanned, and I was given a lanyard with a barcode on it. At no point was I asked to fill in any details, but my barcode was scanned a couple of times, and the lady who helped collect my PCR sample only swabbed my throat. All staff were friendly, and the process took less than five minutes.

a boy wearing a mask and glasses

I will say that I got from the plane to the Airport Express in less than half an hour, which is a record for me, and I even checked a bag (even factoring in pre-COVID times).

Am I free to go once I leave the airport?

You’re recommended to go home and stay there until your result arrives (there isn’t a specified fine, it’s not stated as law, and it also isn’t regulated, so make of that what you will).

How long does it take for my PCR test result to come back?

My PCR result came back in 3 hours. I arrived during the European morning rush at about 7:30 AM, and my test result came back at about 10:30 AM. This was barely enough time for me to collect my bag, get home, get showered, and go to bed to nap, despite my lightning-quick arrivals process.

This isn’t a guarantee that your PCR result will come back in a similar time (the worst-case scenario I’ve heard of so far was a 45-minute queue for PCR testing followed by a result in 4 hours), though I haven’t heard any complaints of people waiting for their PCR results so they can leave the house (yet). The community PCR tests take longer, and have a turnaround time of about 24 hours.

How do I obtain my proof of vaccination to get around Hong Kong?

Upon getting your PCR registered (around 2 minutes after your swab is taken), you’ll be asked to download a self-declared vaccination record through email and SMS. This document contains a blue QR code, which you should upload as a vaccination record onto the LeaveHomeSafe app (download link for LeaveHomeSafe linked here ). You’ll also be able to download the document from this link – you’ll need the same form of ID you filled out the health declaration form with, as well as the last four digits of the reference number below your green QR code. Screenshot this QR code and select the photo on LeaveHomeSafe, and you should receive an automatically generated blue code stating that your vaccination requirements have been met.  You’ll need this QR code to go into restaurants, bars, and other vaccine pass premises in Hong Kong.

These premises are meant to also take international proof of vaccination, though from experience it doesn’t seem like many places have implemented this yet. You’re much better off downloading the LeaveHomeSafe app and getting your vaccination record from there.

You can no longer manually upload your international vaccination proof onto the LeaveHomeSafe app.

a qr code with a black rectangle

What do I have to do once I’m home (and free to go)?

  • undergo daily RATs for the next 5 days (except on your day of arrival) and upload them onto the Electronic COVID-19 Medical Surveillance System (ECMSS) portal
  • book a COVID-19 PCR test at a Community Testing Center

The ECMSS portal was easy to use, and I only had to fill out my details once (even though I had to upload five separate RATs on five separate days). You’ll be sent a reference number (two letters and six numbers long, separated by a hyphen, which you’ll need in order to book these tests.

The Community Testing Center experience was very efficient – you’ve got to applaud Hong Kong for the efficient way they navigate these convoluted procedures.

Is travelling to Hong Kong the same as travelling to anywhere else?

No – not yet. Masks are still mandatory in all public spaces, and you’ll need to scan your vaccine pass on LeaveHomeSafe in order to access restaurants, bars, and various other premises (if you’re reading this post as an inbound traveller, you’re probably eligible for this vaccine pass, with details for obtaining this pass given above). Additionally, gatherings of over 12 people are still banned. Negative RAT proof (with name, date and time!) is still required before entering bars and nightclubs.

Conclusion: Hong Kong’s “0+0” Arrivals Process

This is the closest to “normal” that travelling to Hong Kong has ever been, and probably the first time travelling to Hong Kong has had any sort of appeal for those that don’t have close ties to the city. That being said, arriving in Hong Kong is still a structured process, and not carefree as of yet.

I’m hoping this post helps answer a few key questions and clear a few things up.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

More From YTHK


Nope. HK is dead….and it’s never coming back. I’m thankful for the time I did spend there but between the Chinese takeover and the continued covid silliness I won’t ever return. HK has decided to divorce themselves from the reality and actually, the rest of the world.

As Ebenezer Scrooge says “Dead as a Door Nail”. Glad my wife and I went 10 years ago. Sad, Very Sad.

Alvin, thanks so much for the write-up, this is by far the most detailed explanation I’ve seen for HK entry requirements. That said, I still wouldn’t visit given these restrictions… even though I really miss HK!

Glad I got to go one last time in December 2019.

Ill return when they end all restrictions, but I know it won’t be the Hong Kong I loved.

Thank you for your time and effort putting all this information together. It was really clear and explained very well.

Hong Kong like the rest of China, will not be visited by me until the Chinese govt. stops with the Covid restrictions. I have many other options.

I hope this finds you well. I found this article very insightful and I know for sure I’ll be prepared well for the arrivals process into HONG KONG Intl in the near future.

Kind regards, Martin

So what if you’re going to HK to catch a cruise? Cruising begins in January 2023….

Similar PCR testing process, but you need to fill in the HDF within 24 hours of arrival, instead of 96.

Marry Christmas and it is unfortunate to have to go through all that for a visit, but for family it’s understandable. I’ve visited HK and MO a number of times as multi-day stop-overs when I travelled from the US to Australia, last time being February 2019, and sadly that may just be the last time forever (or at least a very long time).

Hi, Any idea for day 2 pcr must wait for the result before we can roam around restaurants & attractions? Or must wait for the result then can roam around?

There’s no movement restriction for the Day 2 PCR (other than the fact that you have to do it, and you have to isolate if it comes back positive).

Hi Alvin, thanks for the detailed information. I have a question regarding the five days Rapid tests. Do the government provide you the test kit to take home / to the hotel with you, or do you need to buy the kit yourself?

Unfortunately, they’re self-provided (lots of kits to purchase for cheap in HK, though).

Hi Alvin, very helpful information you provided here. Thank you for that. I have a question that I cannot find answer for it anywhere. I am flying mid March 2023 to HK from Germany and have 9hr layover to my next flight to Vietnam. I was really hoping that I can explore Honk Kong for half a day instead of just sitting inside the airport 9 hours. Since I wont have a booked hotel, I guess it is not possible to go out of the airport right? I really regret that I bought this ticket to Vietnam via HK but it is too late now.

Georgi, proof of accommodation normally isn’t checked, email me at [email protected] if you need more help 🙂

Hello! I arrived last night around 11pm and took PCr at airport and it’s now 8am but still no result. Already got other messages to download docs (blue QR code docs) and Whrrr to submit daily rat results.

Any idea where to call to find out and follow up airport PCr result so I can leave hotel?

Thank you for the detailed post! It was so helpful. I have a 19 hour layover (arriving 2 PM one day, leaving 7 PM the next day) next month so I’m assuming I’d have to take a RAT on “Day 1”? Would I purchase that myself and then upload the result to the app? Does that mean taking a photo of the self-provided kit?

Also – if the arrival test result doesn’t come back in time for the outgoing flight, would there be any restriction on getting my flight out the next day?

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Follow our news, recent searches, visiting hong kong soon here's what you need to know about the revised entry rules, advertisement.

While arrivals no longer face restrictions on moving around - provided they test negative for COVID-19 - there are still several regulations in force.

Passengers arriving at Hong Kong International Airport on Dec 8, 2022. (Photo: AFP/Isaac Lawrence)

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Ashley Tham

SINGAPORE: From Wednesday (Dec 14), international passengers arriving in Hong Kong will no longer face COVID-19 movement controls following the axing of a mandatory mobile application.

Travellers were previously issued an "amber code", which meant they could not visit venues like restaurants or bars for their first three days in Hong Kong. 

Health Secretary Lo Chung-mau said on Tuesday that "international arrivals don't have any restrictions" after the easing of COVID-19 rules.

"So the same day they step off the aircraft, they are free to enter any premises," he added.

While arrivals no longer face restrictions on moving around - provided they test negative for COVID-19 -  there are still several regulations in force.

Inbound travellers to Hong Kong have to be fully vaccinated and undergo a pre-departure Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within 24 hours before the scheduled time of departure.

After submitting their negative test result and vaccination records via a health and quarantine declaration form, a green health declaration QR code will be generated for visitors for presentation at their airline check-in counter. 

Upon arrival, they must take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test at the Hong Kong International Airport and on their third day in the city. 

The PCR tests can be conducted at community testing centres, mobile specimen collection stations or any recognised local medical testing institution.

Travellers are also required to undertake RAT testing for the first five days of their visit and report the results through Hong Kong's electronic COVID-19 Medical Surveillance System. 

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Masks are also still compulsory both indoors and outdoors, unless engaging in exercise or in country parks, while group gatherings are currently capped at 12 people. However, people are able to go to nightclubs and banquets. 

For those intending to visit eateries or drinking establishments, Mr Lo said visitors will "need to show a photograph or paper record of their COVID-19 vaccines at some venues which require it".

Hong Kong has followed closely in China's footsteps in enforcing a zero-COVID policy but began scaling down the tight regulations in the last few months. 

COVID-19 rules that travellers to Hong Kong must continue to follow:

Inbound travellers to Hong Kong have to be fully vaccinated and undergo a pre-departure RAT test within 24 hours before the scheduled time of departure.

Two PCR tests - one at the airport and one on the third day of their visit.

RAT testing for the first five days of their visit, with results to be submitted online.

Mask-wearing remains largely compulsory both indoors and outdoors.

Group gatherings of more than 12 people in public places are not allowed.

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Quarantine rules for arrivals relaxed

(To watch the full press conference with sign language interpretation, click here .)

Starting September 26, the Government will do away with compulsory hotel quarantine for people arriving in Hong Kong from overseas places or Taiwan, but they must undergo medical surveillance at home or at a hotel for three days.

Chief Executive John Lee made the announcement at a press conference this afternoon where he unveiled the new "0+3" quarantine arrangement and other facilitation  measures for arrivals.

Currently, inbound travellers from overseas places or Taiwan are required to undergo quarantine at a designated quarantine hotel for three days, followed by a four-day medical surveillance period at home or in a non-quarantine hotel.

From 6am on September 26, such arrivals will be allowed to go home or go to the hotel of their choice for a three-day medical surveillance period right after they have completed a nucleic acid test at the airport. They do not need to wait for the test result at the airport and can leave there by any transport means.

Upon obtaining a negative test result, the travellers will be given an amber code on their LeaveHomeSafe mobile app to restrict their entry to scheduled premises. While they can go out during the medical surveillance period, they cannot enter premises which proactively check the vaccine pass, such as restaurants and bars.

Moreover, they have to take rapid antigen tests (RATs) daily and nucleic acid tests once every two days in the first seven days upon arrival in Hong Kong.

After completing the medical surveillance period, the travellers will be subject to self-monitoring in the subsequent four days.

In addition to the "0+3" quarantine arrangement, Mr Lee announced that boarding requirements for inbound travellers will be simplified, under which they must present a negative result of a RAT conducted within 24 hours before departure, instead of a nucleic acid test that was conducted within 48 hours.

Unvaccinated Hong Kong residents are also allowed to board a flight for Hong Kong. However, they will not be eligible to get a provisional vaccine pass.

For non-Hong Kong residents aged 12 or above, only those who are fully vaccinated or hold a COVID-19 vaccination medical exemption certificate are allowed to come to Hong Kong.

Furthermore, the quotas under the Come2hk and Return2hk schemes will be cancelled and the schemes will be applicable to people arriving in Hong Kong from all places in the Mainland and Macau.

The above measures will also take effect from 6am on September 26.

The Chief Executive emphasised that the Government aims to provide inbound travellers with more convenience while maintaining control of the overall epidemic situation.

“By introducing this new measure of "0+3" quarantine arrangement for arrivals from overseas and Taiwan, obviously this is a kind of relaxation from the "3+4" model.

“So we want to ensure that we will monitor the situation closely so that all the risks are well controlled and things can progress in an orderly manner.”

He also explained that the Government had taken into account a series of factors in considering the anti-epidemic measures.

“All the measures that we consider and roll out take into consideration the prevailing local COVID-19 situation.

“We have to ensure that, first of all, our hospital services can cope. We have to protect the very young and the very old who are high-risk groups. We have to ensure that we reduce the number of serious cases and death cases and we want to do it scientifically.

“And then, of course, we want to balance the need for controlling the epidemic with society's needs, economic needs, and also the need to raise Hong Kong's competitiveness.”

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Inbound Travel

Inbound arrangements.

  • All inbound persons must pass temperature checks upon arrival. Those found with symptoms will be referred to the Department of Health for further handling.
  • No further restrictions upon arrival.

Handling Arrangements for Persons Tested Positive After Arrival at Hong Kong

  • For persons tested positive after arrival at Hong Kong, please refer to the webpage on Points to Note for Persons who Tested Positive .

Please refer to this webpage .

More Information

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Hk Airport

Travelling to Hong Kong? Here's what you need to know

A guide to help you prepare for your entry into the city

Tatum Ancheta

International travellers are free to come to Hong Kong, and there are no more restrictions upon arrival.  If you have some enquiries about travelling to the city, we've compiled a guide to help you with everything you need to know when entering Hong Kong, from things to prepare before arriving at Hong Kong International Airport to all the steps you must take as soon as you land.  

RECOMMENDED:  Keep updated with the  latest Covid-19 measures in the city . 

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Who can visit Hong Kong now?

Who can visit Hong Kong now?

Hong Kong has already dropped the vaccination requirement for Hongkongers and international arrivals. Unvaccinated residents and non-residents will be able to enter the city without restriction .  

What are the requirements to enter Hong Kong?

With Covid-19 measures now eased in Hong Kong, including arrival restrictions, international travellers looking to explore the city are now free to enter. Of course, if your country requires a visa to visit Hong Kong,  please obtain one before your trip . 

Negative RAT or RT-PCR test results before boarding are no longer required . 

Will they allow entry if my visa is expiring?

If you're not a permanent Hong Kong resident and travelling under a work or tourist visa, ensure your visa has a sufficient validity period, or you will be denied entry. 

The Immigration Department (ImmD) provides electronic services for visa application and 'e-Visa' arrangements , allowing applicants to complete the entire process without going to the immigration office in person. Suppose your visa is under renewal and is getting delayed. It is best to send an authorised representative to the ImmD office to fix your reentry as emails and phone calls will take a long time. 

Visit this link to see ImmD online services for acquiring Hong Kong visas. 

Can arrivals move freely around the city?

Yes, Covid-19 regulations have already eased in Hong Kong. You can freely  explore all the incredible things to do in the city . Mask-wearing mandate, the last major rule to fight against Covid-19, has been lifted since March 1. 

For more clarity,  here's our guide on everything you need to know  about Hong Kong's current Covid-19 restrictions. 

Do I still need to take Covid-19 tests?

Do I still need to take Covid-19 tests?

You don't need to present negative Covid-19 results when you arrive at the Hong Kong airport, but the government recommends taking daily RAT until the fifth day of arrival (arrival date count as Day 0). Those who take the test may voluntarily declare the result  via the Department of Health's Electronic Covid-19 Monitoring & Surveillance System (eCMSS) .  

Ok, so you finally booked your flight, what to do next?

Ok, so you finally booked your flight, what to do next?

To ensure a smooth and efficient arrival, prepare all your travel documents, including visa for non-Hong Kong residents. 

What time should I go to the airport for departure? 

Delays, cancellations, and a whole lot of waiting may happen before departure, so make sure to be at the airport at least three hours before your flight. Account for extra time if you encounter any problems with airline check-in. 

Arrival at Hong Kong International Airport

Arrival at Hong Kong International Airport

Yes, you're finally in Hong Kong, but not just yet. You still have a few more steps to finish before entering. Though the new system significantly cuts the waiting time in the airport, the influx of inbound travellers may affect processing time.

After landing, all inbound persons will pass through temperature checks upon arrival. Those with symptoms will be referred to the Department of Health for further handling. If you're cleared, you can proceed with immigration procedures, baggage collection, and continue taking public transportation to your hotel or home.

What are the options for airport transfers?

Travellers arriving in the city can take public transport to their destination. Those who want a limousine service can contact their hotels for arrangements.  One of the fastest ways to travel from the Airport to the city is through Airport Express.

Find more information  here . 

What if I tested positive for Covid-19?

Hong Kong government no longer issue isolation orders to infected Covid-19 cases since January 30. The government advises symptomatic persons to stay at home to rest and avoid going out. Those who are asymptomatic can go out at will or go to work.

If you belong to high-risk groups and suffer from fever, cough, shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhoea, the government recommends that you seek medical attention. 

For more information, visit this  link .   

Got more questions?

The government has set up a page for all your questions about inbound travel to Hong Kong . Due to the changing nature of Covid-19 measures, please  visit this link  to keep updated with the latest travel regulations. 

Feel free to roam Hong Kong!  These itineraries will give you a dose of inspiration . Looking for hotel accommodations during your trip?  Here's a guide to some of our favourite Hong Kong hotels  – all tried and tested by our editors. You can also check out   the most romantic hotels  in the city or schedule a weekend getaway from the  best beachside hotels ,  boutique hotels , or  luxury camping spots in town .  

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Covid-19: Hong Kong’s ‘0+3’ policy is basically ‘0+0,’ Beijing loyalist says

Almond Li

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With Hong Kong under pressure to further ease all Covid-19 entry requirements and adopt a “0+0” arrangement – meaning no quarantine and no self-monitoring period for incoming travellers – one Beijing loyalist has said the city has all but embraced the 0+0 policy, just not in name.

Under the current “0+3” measure , international arrivals do not need to undergo compulsory quarantine but must adhere to a three-day “medical surveillance” period, during which they are barred from certain venues , such as restaurants, bars and gyms. Inbound travellers must also take and report the results of a total of 11 Covid tests in their first week in the city.

Hong Kong International Airport Covid-19 arrival travel

Lo Man-tuen, vice-chair of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, wrote in a Ming Pao op-ed published on Tuesday that the central and Hong Kong governments understood people’s wishes for a complete relaxation of travel rules. Hong Kong has been “refining” its 0+3 policy, he said, and trying to eliminate as many restrictions as possible.

“In fact, the ‘0+3’ arrangement we have now is almost like ‘0+0’,” Lo wrote.

Lo cited sources who said that retaining the 0+3 measure was a thought-out move, as Hong Kong had to “take the mainland’s perspective into consideration.”

“If Hong Kong were to rename its arrivals policy ‘0+0,’ the mainland may think Hong Kong had ‘completely lets its guard down.’ [If this were the case,] when Hong Kong asks the mainland to make travelling across the border for Hongkongers more convenient, it will be more difficult,” Lo wrote.

The Beijing heavyweight added that the central government “greatly supported” Hong Kong’s easing of quarantine measures, and that the city’s policy amendments acted as a reference for the mainland. The mainland started to ease some restrictions this month as well, Lo said.

‘Zero plus whatever’

On Tuesday, when asked about the government’s plan to roll out the 0+0 arrangement, Chief Executive John Lee said he had stopped describing Hong Kong’s quarantine policy as “zero plus whatever.”

John Lee

“Hong Kong’s anti-epidemic policy is simple and clear, that is as long as the risks are manageable, we will minimise the restrictions. I will no longer discuss whether that is ‘0 + whatever.’ The important point is Hong Kong does not have a centralised isolation [policy],” Lee told the press ahead of his weekly Executive Council meeting.

Lee stressed that any Covid-19 measures were about striking a balance, with the government working to allow social activities.

The administration has been urged to scrap more Covid-19 related restrictions , such the group gathering ban and the Vaccine Pass. Public health experts have also called for the number of Covid tests required from incoming travellers to be cut.

Hong Kong has reported 1.99 million Covid-19 infections and 10,536 related deaths since the pandemic began.

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Almond Li

Almond Li is a Hong Kong-based journalist who previously worked for Reuters and Happs TV as a freelancer, and as a reporter at Hong Kong International Business Channel, Citizen News and Commercial Radio Hong Kong. She earned her Masters in Journalism at the University of Southern California. She has an interest in LGBT+, mental health and environmental issues.

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Travel Advisory April 12, 2024

Mainland china, hong kong & macau - see summaries.

Updated due to new national security legislation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Summary:  Reconsider travel to Mainland China due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, including in relation to exit bans, and the risk of wrongful detentions.

Exercise increased caution when traveling to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws .

Reconsider travel to the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) due to a limited ability to provide emergency consular services . Exercise increased caution when traveling to the Macau SAR due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws .

See specific risks and conditions in each jurisdiction . 

Consulate Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

One month beyond the date of your intended stay

One page required for entry stamp

Not required for stays under 90 days

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau 26 Garden Road Central, Hong Kong Telephone:  +852 2841-2211, +852 2841-2225, +852 2841-2323   Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +852 2523-9011   Fax:  +852 2845-4845 Email:   [email protected]  

Destination Description

See the U.S. Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Hong Kong for information on U.S.-Hong Kong relations.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Visit the  Hong Kong Immigration Department  website for the most current visa information. 

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our website.

To enter the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), you need:

  • a passport that is valid for at least one month beyond the date of your intended stay;
  • adequate funds to cover your stay without working locally; and
  • evidence of onward/return transportation.

You only need a visa if:

  • You plan to stay for more than 90 days – obtain an extension with the Hong Kong SAR Immigration Department, if necessary.
  • You plan to work or study in the Hong Kong SAR – visas must be obtained prior to departing the United States.

You must possess a valid passport and PRC visa to enter the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from Hong Kong. Further information on travel to and around the PRC is available on our  China International Travel Information and Macau International Travel Information pages.

West Kowloon Train Station:  The West Kowloon Train Station is the terminus of the Hong Kong section of the  Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link  (XRL). Once passengers pass through the Hong Kong immigration exit checkpoint on their way to mainland China inside the train station or on the train itself in that area, they are in the mainland Port Area. Likewise, passengers arriving from mainland China are in the mainland Port Area until they exit the Hong Kong immigration entry checkpoint. 

Health Requirements: There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens. The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of the PRC, including Hong Kong. 

Safety and Security

Since the imposition of the National Security Law on June 30, 2020, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has demonstrated an intent to use the law to target a broad range of activities such as acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign entities. The National Security Law also covers offenses committed by non-Hong Kong SAR residents or organizations outside of the Hong Kong SAR, which could subject U.S. citizens who have been publicly critical of the PRC and/or the administration of the Hong Kong SAR to a heightened risk of arrest, detention, expulsion, or prosecution. Mainland PRC security forces, including an Office for Safeguarding National Security, now operate in Hong Kong and are not subject to oversight by the Hong Kong SAR judiciary.

Drug and Alcohol Enforcement: PRC law enforcement authorities have little tolerance for illegal drugs, including marijuana and products containing cannabidiol, also known as CBD . Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking illegal drugs in the PRC, including Hong Kong, are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences, heavy fines, or the death penalty.

Hong Kong also has strict laws against driving under the influence of alcohol that can lead to immediate detention on a criminal charge.

Demonstrations:  Participating in demonstrations or any other activities that authorities interpret as violating Hong Kong law, including the National Security Law, could result in criminal charges. On June 30, 2020, as part of its color-coded system of warning flags, the Hong Kong police unveiled a new purple flag, which warns protesters that shouting slogans or carrying banners with an intent prohibited by the law could now bring criminal charges. Any protests that take place without a permit are considered illegal.

U.S. citizens are strongly cautioned to be aware of their surroundings and avoid demonstrations.

If you decide to travel to Hong Kong: 

  • Monitor local media, local transportations sites and apps like  MTR Mobile  or  CitybusNWFB , and the  Hong Kong International Airport website  for updates and traffic advisories. 
  • Avoid the areas of the demonstrations. 
  • Exercise caution if you are in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests. 
  • Avoid taking photographs of protesters or police without permission. 
  • Be aware of your surroundings. 
  • Keep a low profile. 

Hong Kong has a low crime rate. Even so, you should exercise caution when in congested areas and pay particular attention to personal belongings while in crowded areas and while traveling on public transportation. Violent crime, though rare, does occur.

  • Take routine safety precautions. 
  • Report any concerns to the local police. 
  • Call “999,” the local equivalent to “911” 

Please note that mace, pepper spray, stun guns, bullets, switch blades, knuckle-dusters and other self-protection weapons are banned in Hong Kong. 

Do not buy counterfeit and pirated goods, even if they are widely available. Not only are the bootlegs illegal in the United States, but, if you purchase them, you may also be breaking local law. You may also pay fines or must give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Be alert to criminal schemes, such as internet, phone scams and dating scams, as well as financial scams. See the  U.S. Department of State's  and the  U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)'s  pages for information on scams. 

Victims of Crime:  Report crimes to the local police at “999” and contact U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau at +(825) 2523-9011. U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault should first contact U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau.

Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime. See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

We can: 

  • help you find appropriate medical care.
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent.
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion.
  • provide a list of local attorneys.
  • provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the United States .
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution.
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home.
  • replace a stolen or lost passport.

Hong Kong has a crime victim compensation program available to U.S. citizens who are legal residents or tourists in Hong Kong. For more detailed information on the program and its requirements, please see the  Hong Kong Social Welfare Department webpage.  More resources for victims of crime in Hong Kong are available in our  Help for U.S. Victims of Crime in Hong Kong  information sheet. 

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence can/should contact the Hong Kong police and/or U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau for assistance. 

Tourism:  The tourism industry is generally regulated and rules with regard to best practices and safety inspections are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout Hong Kong. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to Hong Kong SAR laws, including certain PRC laws applied to Hong Kong. If you violate Hong Kong SAR laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business. Furthermore, some crimes are prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  U.S. Department of Justice  website. 

Arrest Notification:

  • If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.
  • Hong Kong must notify a U.S. consular officer within four days; however, this does not always occur in a timely manner.
  • The PRC and Hong Kong SAR governments do not recognize dual nationality. The PRC and Hong Kong SAR governments may prevent the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulates General from providing consular services to dual U.S.-PRC citizens and U.S. citizens of Chinese descent. Please see the page on dual nationality for more information on the limits on consular notification and access to dual nationals.
  • A consular officer may be the only authorized visitor during your initial detention period.
  • Detention may last many months before a trial.
  • U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau is unable to represent you in a legal matter.
  • Travelers to the PRC should enroll in the U.S. Department of State’s  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) , and you may wish to have someone contact U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau if you are detained.

Hong Kong law provides for an independent judiciary, but PRC actions have eroded the judiciary’s independence and ability to uphold the rule of law, particularly in cases designated as involving national security. U.S. citizens traveling or residing in the PRC, including the Hong Kong SAR, should be aware of varying levels of scrutiny to which they will be subject from PRC state security and Hong Kong local law enforcement. In Hong Kong, police have the right to detain you for questioning if you are not carrying your passport.


Assisted Reproductive Technology:  Hong Kong strictly forbids surrogacy, and surrogacy contracts will not be considered valid. The use of reproductive technology for medical research and profit is strictly controlled.

Controlled Items in Hong Kong:  Hong Kong customs authorities enforce strict regulations concerning controlled items you might be carrying while transiting Hong Kong (temporary importation or exportation). Hong Kong International Airport (HKG) security routinely and thoroughly screens any luggage loaded onto an aircraft in Hong Kong, whether belonging to a departing or transiting passenger. Discovery of weapons or ammunition of any kind—including mace, pepper spray, stun guns, bullets, air gun pellets, switch blades, knuckle-dusters, and other self-protection weapons—during this screening will be referred to the police for investigation, leading to arrest and detention.

If you bring controlled items into Hong Kong without the necessary Hong Kong documents, you may be prosecuted, and the goods may be seized. The penalty for trafficking in dangerous drugs can be life imprisonment and a heavy fine. Among the other items that you must declare to customs officials are liquors, tobacco, cigarettes and cigars, methyl alcohol, and merchandise imported for commercial purposes. There are no currency restrictions for travelers.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of controlled and/or prohibited items:

  • dangerous drugs
  • psychotropic substances
  • controlled chemicals
  • antibiotics
  • strategic commodities
  • rough diamonds
  • endangered species
  • telecommunication equipment
  • powdered formula

Please visit the website of the  Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department  for specific information regarding Hong Kong customs requirements.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection encourages the use of an ATA (Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission) carnet for the temporary admission of professional equipment, commercial samples, and/or goods for exhibitions and fair purposes.

For additional information, please visit the  U.S. Council for International Business website  and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection web page on  Traveling with Samples .

Please see our  Customs Information  sheet for general information.

Dual Nationality:  Dual nationality is not recognized under  PRC nationality law . Be mindful of the following special circumstances for dual nationals when traveling in the region.

Enter the Hong Kong SAR on your U.S. passport to ensure U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau can provide consular assistance in case of arrest or other emergency. Regardless of your travel documents, if you are a dual national, or otherwise have ethnic or historical ties to the PRC, it is possible that Hong Kong authorities will assert that you are a PRC citizen and deny your access to U.S. consular representatives if you are detained.

Your child will be considered a PRC citizen if one or both of the parents are PRC nationals regardless of U.S. citizenship.

If traveling onward to mainland China, enter mainland China on your U.S. passport to ensure U.S. consular protection. See our  China International Travel Information  page for more information.

For further information on consular protection and  dual nationality , please refer to our website.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or must give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Cruise Ship Passengers:  Please see our Cruise Ship Passengers page for safety information and travel advice.

Earthquakes:  Earthquakes occur throughout the PRC and have affected Hong Kong in the past. Check here for information about  preparing for a crisis or disaster overseas .

Faith-Based Travelers:  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Reports
  • Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers:  In Hong Kong, there are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTQI+ events in Hong Kong. See  Section 6 of our Human Rights Practices in the Human Rights Report for Hong Kong  and read our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information page .

Pets:  You must have a permit to bring dogs and cats into Hong Kong. Dogs and cats imported from the United States may be exempted from quarantine when they have valid health and vaccination certificates and when the animal has been in the United States for at least six months immediately preceding travel.

Additional information on importing pets is available on the  Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department website.

Political Activity:  Participating in unauthorized political activities, including participating in unauthorized public protests, or writing social media posts or other online publications critical of the government,   may result in detention, criminal charges, and/or PRC government-imposed restrictions on future travel to the PRC, including Hong Kong.

Social Media:  Social media accounts are widely monitored in the PRC, including Hong Kong. Social media posts—even content posted outside of Hong Kong—that local authorities deem illegal, including under the National Security Law or other Hong Kong laws, may result in criminal charges against both the poster of the material and the administrator of the social media forum.

Students:  See our  U.S. Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Surveillance and Monitoring:  Security personnel carefully watch foreign visitors and may place you under surveillance. Hotel rooms (including meeting rooms), offices, cars, taxis, telephones, Internet usage, and fax machines may be monitored onsite or remotely, and personal possessions in hotel rooms, including computers, may be searched without your consent or knowledge.

Transferring Money to/From Hong Kong:  The U.S. Department of State may be able to help transfer funds to a destitute U.S citizen overseas through our office in Washington, D.C., to U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau. More information on this option is available on our Sending Money to Destitute U.S. Citizens Overseas page .

Travelers with Disabilities:  Sidewalks often do not have curb cuts and many streets can be crossed only via pedestrian bridges or underpasses accessible by staircase. Assistive technologies for blind people and those with other vision disabilities are unreliable, and access to elevators in public buildings can be restricted. In major cities, public restrooms in places visited by tourists usually have a least one accessible toilet.

Hong Kong law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities in employment, education, access to health care, or the provision of other state services, and the government generally enforces these provisions. The law mandates access to buildings, information, and communications for persons with disabilities. The  Hong Kong Social Welfare Department  is primarily responsible for coordinating and funding public assistance programs to persons with disabilities. The  Hong Kong Tourism Board  publishes “ Accessible Hong Kong , ” a guide for visitors with disabilities and the  Hong Kong Transport Department  publishes  A Guide to Public Transport for People with Disabilities . In addition, the Hong Kong government created  Cyberable  to provide one-stop information for persons with various disabilities.

Weather:  The southeast coast of the PRC is subject to strong typhoons and tropical storms, usually from July through September. The  Hong Kong Observatory  has an excellent notification and monitoring system and issues typhoon warnings an average of six times a year and heavy rainstorm and hot weather alerts more frequently. Please be advised that if Hong Kong announces a Typhoon Signal 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning, U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau will be closed for services. You may find additional information on Check here for information about  preparing for a crisis or disaster overseas  on the Bureau of Consular Affairs website.

For current information, please consult the  Joint Typhoon Warning Center  and the  National Weather Service's Central Pacific Hurricane Center .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

For emergency services in Hong Kong, dial 999.

Ambulance services are widely available.

Quality of Care:  Good medical facilities are available, and there are many Western-trained physicians. Hong Kong emergency service response times for police, fire, and ambulances are good.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. 

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage  for more information on insurance coverage overseas. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation.

Payment and Insurance:  Travelers will be asked to post a deposit prior to admission to hospitals to cover the expected cost of treatment. Hospitals and clinics generally accept credit cards.

U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau maintains a list of local  English-speaking doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Medication : Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Prescription drugs are widely available, although names may vary. You need a prescription from a doctor in Hong Kong to purchase medications locally. Bring prescription medications to cover your stay in Hong Kong or plan to see a physician in Hong Kong to obtain a new prescription. If traveling with prescription medication, check with the  government of Hong Kong  to ensure the medication is legal in Hong Kong. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. 

Air Quality : Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates. The air quality in Hong Kong varies considerably and fluctuates with the seasons. It is typically at its worst in the summer.

People at the greatest risk from particle pollution exposure include: 

  • Infants, children, and teens;
  • People over 65 years of age;
  • People with lung disease such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
  • People with heart disease or diabetes; and 
  • People who work or are active outdoors.

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the CDC.

COVID-19 Testing: COVID-19 PCR tests are available at private laboratories and clinics in Hong Kong. The price for these PCR tests generally ranges from 50 to 100 US Dollars. The Hong Kong government maintains a list of recognized laboratories . Rapid COVID-19 tests are readily available at pharmacies and retail establishments throughout Hong Kong.   

COVID-19 Vaccines:  The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizen residents of Hong Kong. U.S. citizens who are not Hong Kong residents are not eligible to receive Hong Kong government-provided vaccines.   Visit the FDA's website to  learn more about FDA-approved vaccines  in the United States.   

For further health information :

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Road conditions differ significantly from those in the United States. Each year there are approximately 14,000 traffic accidents.

  • Traffic moves on the left.
  • Speed limits vary depending on location.
  • Use of seatbelts is mandatory.
  • You can drive using your U.S. driver’s license for up to a year. If you hold a valid U.S. driver’s license and have resided in the United States at least six months, you can apply for a Hong Kong driver’s license. Visit the  Hong Kong Transport Department online  for further details. 

Traffic Laws:  Many traffic violations are similar to those in the United States, including penalties for reckless driving, driving under the influence, and using a hand-held device while operating a vehicle. Hong Kong law requires that all registered vehicles carry valid third-party liability insurance. 

Public Transportation:  Approximately 90 percent of the population in Hong Kong depends on public transport. Taxis, buses, and the mass transit railway (MTR) are readily available, inexpensive, and generally safe. The MTR, an underground railway network, is the most popular mode of public transport, carrying an average of 3.5 million passengers a day. Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department (CAD) as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Hong Kong's air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s Safety Assessment Page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Hong Kong should check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Security Communications with Industry (MSCI) web portal. Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard Homeport website , and the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Navigational Warnings website .

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Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Hong Kong . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report. 

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Hong Kong Scraps Mandatory Quarantine For International Travellers With New "0+3" Rule

Overseas arrivals will also need further PCR tests on days two, four and six in the city.

Hong Kong Scraps Mandatory Quarantine For International Travellers With New '0+3' Rule

Strict pandemic rules will stay in place for international travellers

On Friday, Hong Kong announced that it will end mandatory hotel quarantine, scrapping some of the world's toughest travel restrictions, which battered the economy and kept the finance hub internationally isolated for almost two years. 

This move has brought relief to residents and businesses, which have been suffering due to the strict travel restrictions. For the past two and a half years, Hong Kong has adhered to a version of China's strict zero-Covid rules. After Hong Kong's announcement, China will be the only country still hewing to lengthy quarantine for international arrivals. 

Hong Kong to Follow 0+3 scheme

Chief Executive John Lee said the current three days of hotel quarantine would be reduced to zero for those arriving from overseas, reported AFP. From September 26, travellers will be subject to PCR tests on arrival and will be unable to visit restaurants and bars for the first three days under system authorities have dubbed "0+3". 

"Under this arrangement, the quarantine hotel system will be cancelled," Lee told reporters.

Rules to follow: 

Strict pandemic rules will stay in place, including social distancing restrictions, mandatory mask wearing and digital health codes to enter public venues. 

Tourists who test positive face being isolated in hotel rooms at their own expense. Most residents can isolate themselves at home, but those who cannot be sent to government facilities. 

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Group gatherings of more than four people in public remain banned.

Authorities also said they were lifting quotas on arrivals from mainland China -- but those going in the opposite direction must still quarantine under Beijing's strict zero-Covid rules, said an AFP report.

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A man charged with helping the Hong Kong intelligence service in the UK has been found dead

Police stand next to a black forensic tent in Grenfell Park, Tuesday May 21, 2024, in Maidenhead, England, west of London, where Matthew Trickett was found dead, Sunday, May 19. Trickett, one of three men charged earlier this month with assisting Hong Kong authorities with gathering intelligence in the United Kingdom, died in unexplained circumstances, British police said Tuesday. (Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)

Police stand next to a black forensic tent in Grenfell Park, Tuesday May 21, 2024, in Maidenhead, England, west of London, where Matthew Trickett was found dead, Sunday, May 19. Trickett, one of three men charged earlier this month with assisting Hong Kong authorities with gathering intelligence in the United Kingdom, died in unexplained circumstances, British police said Tuesday. (Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)

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LONDON (AP) — A man accused of assisting Hong Kong authorities gather intelligence in the United Kingdom who was found dead in a park over the weekend had attempted suicide after he was charged, a prosecutor said.

Matthew Trickett, 37, was found dead in a park in Maidenhead, west of London, on Sunday afternoon, police said. They termed the death “unexplained” and were investigating.

Trickett, 37, was one of three men charged earlier this month with agreeing to engage in information gathering, surveillance and acts of deception that were likely to materially assist the Hong Kong intelligence service from late 2023 to May 2. Prosecutors also alleged that the men forced entry into a U.K. residential address on May 1.

At a hearing last week, Prosecutor Kashif Malik had asked that Trickett be held in custody for his own welfare because he attempted suicide after he was charged.

The three defendants were bailed and due to appear Friday at London’s Central Criminal Court. No one has entered a plea.

“We are mourning the loss of a much-loved son, brother and family member,” Trickett’s family said in a statement. They asked for privacy.

Participants take part in the annual cheese rolling at Cooper's Hill in Brockworth, England, Monday, May 27, 2024. The traditional event attracts people from around the globe who come to chase a 7lb Double Gloucester cheese down the steep Coopers Hill. (Jacob King/PA via AP)

British media said Trickett was formerly a Royal Marine who recently worked as a Home Office immigration enforcement officer. He was also reportedly the director of a security consultancy.

He was charged along with Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63. The men appeared at a brief court hearing to confirm their identities on May 13.

Hong Kong authorities have confirmed that Yuen was the office manager of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London.

Trickett’s lawyer, Julian Hayes, said he was “shocked” at Tuesday’s news. He declined to comment, because investigations were ongoing.

Chinese authorities in the U.K. and Hong Kong have decried the charges, saying they were the latest in a series of “groundless and slanderous” accusations that the U.K. government has leveled against China.

Hong Kong’s government demanded that the U.K. provide full details on the allegations and protect the rights of the office manager of the trade office.

The spying charges came amid simmering tensions between Britain and China. U.K. officials have been increasingly vocal in warning about security threats from Beijing, and recently accused China of being behind a string of cyberespionage operations targeting politicians and Britain’s election watchdog.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said Britain is facing an increasingly dangerous future because of threats from an “axis of authoritarian states,” including Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

In another ongoing court case, two men, including a parliamentary researcher, were recently charged with spying for China . Christopher Cash and Christopher Berry were charged with violating the Official Secrets Act by providing information or documents that could be “useful to an enemy” — China — and “prejudicial to the safety or interests” of the U.K. between late 2021 and February 2023.

Hong Kong, a former British colony, returned to Chinese control as a semi-autonomous territory in 1997.

More than 100,000 Hong Kongers have moved to the U.K. since Beijing imposed a sweeping national security law triggered by the huge pro-democracy protests in the city in 2019. Britain’s government has established a fast-track immigration route for the migrants, many of whom want to settle in the U.K. because of dwindling civil liberties in their home city.

Rights groups have warned that Hong Kongers who have moved to Britain continue to face “transnational repression” by supporters of the Chinese government.

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Love Exploring

The Best Airport Lounges Around The World

Posted: May 27, 2024 | Last updated: May 27, 2024

<p>It's one of the least appealing aspects of traveling the world, but transiting through the airport need not be uncomfortable nor inconvenient. In fact, if you have access to one of the latest incarnations of plush airport lounges, it can be a positively pleasant experience. From private suites and spa treatments to chef-designed catering and even games rooms, some airport lounges are so swanky these days, you might even find it hard to leave. </p>  <p><strong>Read on to see some of the finest and fanciest airport lounges around the world...</strong></p>

Beyond the buffets

It's one of the least appealing aspects of traveling the world, but transiting through the airport need not be uncomfortable nor inconvenient. In fact, if you have access to one of the latest incarnations of plush airport lounges, it can be a positively pleasant experience. From private suites and spa treatments to chef-designed catering and even games rooms, some airport lounges are so swanky these days, you might even find it hard to leave. 

Read on to see some of the finest and fanciest airport lounges across the globe...

<p>Why end a luxury break in the Caribbean at a busy, stuffy departures lounge when you could check-in to the <a href="">VIP Lounge at Punta Cana International Airport</a>? This pay-to-use lounge takes the edge off the disappointment of leaving this idyllic isle, with complimentary food and drink, and ample soft seating.</p>

Punta Cana VIP Lounge, Punta Cana International Airport, Dominican Republic

Why end a luxury break in the Caribbean at a busy, stuffy departures lounge when you could check into a VIP Lounge at Punta Cana International Airport? These two pay-to-use lounges take the edge off the disappointment of leaving this idyllic isle, with complimentary food and drink, and ample soft seating.

Expect all the usual facilities, such as free Wi-Fi and shower rooms, as well as plenty of magazines and newspapers to keep you occupied. Come boarding time, though, you'll be wishing you were delayed, as this lounge comes with one very special feature...

They boast the only outdoor airport lounge pools in the world, positioned on sun terraces overlooking the runway. The first infinity pool opened in 2017, and another bigger pool followed in October 2023 in a newer lounge across from Gate 30. It's a truly special way to end a week or two in the Dominican Republic. You better hope your flight is leaving from Terminal B...

<p>If you're passing through Dallas, the <a href="">American Express Centurion Lounge</a> makes it very difficult to continue with your onward journey. This lounge really goes the extra (air)mile for its customers. Forget the sad buffets of other airport lounges – here there's an à la carte menu designed by James Beard Award-winning chef Dean Fearing, with dishes like vanilla French toast for breakfast or Texas mole for dinner.</p>

Amex Centurion Lounge, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, USA

If you're passing through Dallas, the American Express Centurion Lounge makes it very difficult to continue with your onward journey. This lounge really goes the extra (air)mile for its customers. Forget the sad buffets of other airport lounges – here there's an a la carte menu designed by James Beard award-winning chef Dean Fearing, with dishes like vanilla French toast for breakfast or Texas mole for dinner.

Plus, cocktails are designed by one of America's top mixologists, Jim Meehan (we'll have the white mimosa, please) and wines are selected by expert Anthony Giglio. Expect the finest prosecco from Italy and Malbec from Argentina.

Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse, JFK International Airport, New York, USA

Virgin Atlantic's Clubhouse oozes fun and funky style, and we'd expect nothing less from one of the coolest airlines in the business. The striking red ball sofa is an excellent place to relax with a drink, and you'd be hard pressed not to fall asleep in some of the body-hugging soft seating.

<p>If you didn't bring a laptop or book, have no fear – there's a pool table to keep you entertained and TVs all around. And for dinner, you can dine from the à la carte menu with options like chicken tikka masala and tea-smoked salmon.</p>  <p><strong><a href="">Love this? Follow our Facebook page for more travel inspiration</a></strong></p>

If you didn't bring a laptop or book, have no fear – there's a pool table to keep you entertained and TVs all around. And for dinner, you can dine from the a la carte menu with options like vegetable masala and pan-fried sea bass.

<p>Dubai – a destination synonymous with luxury – has a few fantastic airport lounges. The <a href="">Emirates First Class Lounge</a>, though, is by far the best. This is the national carrier's home, after all, so they've gone all out with amenities and that classic luxury décor, with plenty of golds and rich wood.</p>

Emirates First Class Lounge, Dubai International Airport, UAE

Dubai – a destination synonymous with luxury – has a few fantastic airport lounges, but the Emirates First Class Lounge on Concourse A is by far the best. This is the national carrier's home, after all, so they've gone all out with amenities and that classic luxury decor, with plenty of gold tones and rich wood.

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<p>This place is huge too – it spreads across the floor above the entire departures concourse, meaning you're unlikely to get bored. There's a cigar bar for drinks as well as some of the best cigars in the world, and à la carte and buffet dining options.</p>

Of the three Emirates First Class lounges at Dubai airport, the space on Concourse A is the biggest and most impressive – it spreads across the floor above the entire departures concourse, meaning you're unlikely to get bored. There's a cigar bar for drinks as well as some of the best cigars in the world, and a la carte and buffet dining options.

<p>Daybeds make for excellent napping spots, or just offer some quiet time before you fly, and the direct boarding from the lounge is a huge plus. But the clincher here is the wine cellar. Not only can you usually drink fine wines and Champagnes in this lounge, but you'll also get a rundown of what's in the cellar from an expert, who can recommend the perfect bottle to purchase. Note the lounge is currently closed due to COVID-19.</p>

Daybeds make for excellent napping spots, or just offer some quiet time before you fly, and the direct boarding from the lounge is a huge plus. But the clincher here is the wine cellar. Not only can you usually drink fine wines and Champagnes in this lounge, but you'll also get a rundown of what's in the cellar from an expert, who can recommend the perfect bottle to purchase.

Cathay Pacific is a five-star airline and its First Class lounge – The Pier at Hong Kong International – really reflects that. Not only is there a la carte dining and a help-yourself pantry for snacking, there's an elegant bar with green onyx walls and walnut wood panels.

The Pier by Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong

But the best thing here has to be the day suites. Each one has a privacy curtain, a large window with a runway view and a soft daybed for a snooze before you fly.

Plus, there's typically a personalised massage service for pre-flight pampering, and fancy toiletries and fluffy white towels in the shower rooms, some of which also have baths for a seriously luxe soak. What's more, a serene Sanctuary room is custom-designed for yoga, meditation and therapeutic stretching. 

Forget the First Class Star Alliance lounge and head straight for Business – this is by far LAX's best space. This huge lounge rarely feels overcrowded thanks to its plentiful seating – including soft chairs and dining tables.

Star Alliance Business Class Lounge, Los Angeles International Airport, California, USA

There's usually a decent buffet spread, a big bar area and an impressive wall of wine from which you can choose your favorite tipple. But the highlight here is actually outside...

The best thing about this lounge is its outdoor terrace, where guests can watch the planes on the runway and enjoy the last few bits of SoCal sunshine before take-off. 

<p>At its base in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Air France has created a spectacular and delightfully relaxing place to while away your wait. The restaurant in the La Première lounge is overseen by Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse who has crafted a fine dining menu accompanied by exceptional French wines.</p>

Air France La Premiere, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, France

At its base in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, Air France has created a spectacular and delightfully relaxing place to while away your wait. The restaurant in the La Premiere lounge is overseen by Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse, who has crafted a fine dining menu accompanied by exceptional French wines.

Even the mineral water selection is special, with high-end brands like Fiji and Voss on offer for guests. There are small business booths with workstations for anyone wishing to knuckle down, and plenty of soft seating to stretch out on.

Relaxation is taken seriously here too – there's plentiful space to chill out plus daybeds that come with plush pillows and blankets. The spa typically offers massages tailored to the needs of frequent travelers and there's a signature Sisley beauty area offering botanical treatments. You may not want to board the plane after an hour or two in here, although Air France does have a fabulous First Class cabin, so it's not all bad once you leave.

<p><a href="">Lufthansa's First Class Lounge</a> is known for its exceptional food, with a range of hot and cold dishes, and à la carte dining returning in the near future. There's a lot to love about this place, with its private cubicles ideal for working in and fantastic views of planes taking off.</p>

Lufthansa First Class Lounge, Frankfurt Airport, Germany

Lufthansa's First Class Lounge is known for its exceptional food, with a range of hot and cold dishes, and a la carte dining. There's a lot to love about this place, with its private cubicles ideal for working in and fantastic views of planes taking off.

<p>There are nap rooms where you can snooze on a proper bed with white sheets and a pillow, plus fantastic bathrooms where you can have a soak and enjoy some of the luxury toiletries.</p>

There are nap rooms where you can snooze on a proper bed with white sheets and a pillow, plus fantastic bathrooms where you can have a soak and enjoy some of the luxury toiletries.

<p>For smokers, a cigar lounge is the highlight. Here you can enjoy a classic combination: a glass of whisky and a high-quality cigar. When it comes to boarding time, you might even be lucky enough to get picked up in a limousine and taken right to the plane on the tarmac.</p>

For smokers, a cigar lounge is the highlight. Here you can enjoy a classic combination: a glass of whisky and a high-quality cigar. When it comes to boarding time, you might even be lucky enough to get picked up in a limousine and taken right to the plane on the tarmac.

<p>For British Airways' First Class passengers, the <a href="">Concorde Room</a> is a spectacular place to begin your journey. This lounge quite literally looks like someone's living room, with its funky furniture and bold, statement sofas.</p>

British Airways Concorde Room, Heathrow Airport, England, UK

For British Airways' First Class passengers, the Concorde Room at London Heathrow Terminal 5 is a spectacular place to begin your journey. This lounge quite literally looks like someone's living room, with its funky furniture and bold, statement sofas.

The restaurant serves excellent British cuisine, from Scottish salmon to Yorkshire cheeses, and guests can enjoy complimentary Laurent-Perrier Champagne. Get your work done in the business center or if you're after some serious relaxation, grab one of the sumptuous daybeds (pictured) on the terrace, which overlooks the departures terminal with views of planes in the background.

EVA Air The Infinity, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei, Taiwan

Channel your inner sci-fi nerd at this one. If you've ever wanted to spend time in the mess hall of the Starship Enterprise, or sit on the bridge of a spacecraft and give orders like a true captain, this might just be the lounge for you. Located at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport near Taipei, the EVA Air Infinity lounge looks positively futuristic.

<p>You won't find any evil klingons here though. Instead, it's all smiling staff and sumptuous luxury. Expect plush leather seating, showers and plenty of drinks and snacks. Enjoy a drink the bar and tuck into delicious Chinese and Western food.</p>

You won't find any evil Klingons here though. Instead, it's all smiling staff and sumptuous luxury. Expect plush leather seating, showers and plenty of drinks and snacks. Enjoy a drink at the bar and tuck into delicious Chinese and Western food.

<p>The main lighting installation even changes color to add to the futuristic experience in this intriguing lounge, which overall is a welcome departure from many of the basic interiors of classic airport lounges.</p>  <p><strong><a href="">From HEL to CIA – check out these hilarious real airport codes</a></strong></p>

The main lighting installation even changes color to add to the futuristic experience in this intriguing lounge, which overall is a welcome departure from many of the basic interiors of classic airport lounges.

British Airways moved its New York JFK airport operations from Terminal 7 to the upgraded Terminal 8 in 2023, replacing its old lounge with a pair of swanky new ones – the Chelsea Lounge and the Soho Lounge – shared with American Airlines and reserved only for the most exclusive customers.

Chelsea Lounge, JFK International Airport, New York, USA

The top-tier Chelsea Lounge is designed to be pure luxe, with the finest furnishings, crystal chandeliers, and high-end amenities. There are marble bathrooms with showers and luxury toiletries to freshen up and a softly lit area with chaise longues where you can take a rest.

Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse, Heathrow Airport, England, UK

Virgin’s exceptional Clubhouse at Heathrow Terminal 3 caters to passengers flying in Upper Class, Delta One and Club Gold members, who can whiz through security and kick back in one of the Eames-style chairs in the bar area. It’s a great place for celebrity-spotting too – it's a rare day that you’d visit this lounge and not spot a famous face.

Key to the lounge’s updated offering is the food. While the self-serve deli has gone, the reimagined food and drink menu can be ordered via the app and it’s top-notch. Feast on potted salmon, dig into a tasty vegan burger made with pea, mushroom and beetroot, or order a hearty, gently-spiced chicken curry.

But it’s not all about living life to excess, as Virgin’s lounges are also focused on wellness. There's a peaceful Retreat area, and cycling fans can work up a sweat with the suite of Peloton bikes that also have a fabulous view of the runway, before taking a shower with toiletries provided by luxe brand REN.

Spanning two floors, the luxurious and beautifully-designed Chase Sapphire Lounge by the Club inside LaGuardia airport’s Terminal B is more like a five-star hotel lounge than an airport bolthole. Centered on a curved bar, it’s been created with the help of award-winning interior designers Icrave, with artworks hand-picked from the extensive JPMorgan Chase art collection.

Chase Sapphire Lounge by The Club, LaGuardia Airport, New York, USA

<p>The marble-topped bar encircled with velvet bar stools serves up artisanal cocktails by Apotheke, including a signature purple creation. Meanwhile, the fresh seasonal food menu features chef-created dishes from NYC restaurant Joseph Leonard.</p>

The marble-topped bar encircled with velvet bar stools serves up artisanal cocktails by Apotheke, including a signature purple creation. Meanwhile, the fresh seasonal food menu features chef-created dishes from NYC restaurant Joseph Leonard.

<p>You can pamper yourself with facial treatments from Face Haus or relax in private rest pods with meditations from Devi Brown. Injecting a bit more fun into airport wait times, the lounge even has its own state-of-the-art games room. Just don’t get too carried away – you might miss your flight!</p>  <p><strong>Liked this? Click on the Follow button above for more great stories from loveEXPLORING</strong></p>  <p><strong><a href="">Now check out the world's coolest airports</a></strong></p>

You can pamper yourself with facial treatments from Face Haus or relax in private rest pods with meditations from Devi Brown. Injecting a bit more fun into airport wait times, the lounge even has its own state-of-the-art games room. Just don’t get too carried away – you might miss your flight!

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Now check out the world's coolest airports

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2 men will go on trial for allegedly helping Hong Kong authorities gather intelligence in UK

A judge says an office manager of the Hong Kong trade office in London and another man will go on trial in February for allegedly helping Hong Kong authorities gather intelligence in the U.K. Chung Biu Yuen and Chi Leung Peter Wai appeared at London’s Central Criminal Court for a preliminary hearing Friday

LONDON — The office manager of the Hong Kong trade office in London and another man will go on trial in February for allegedly helping Hong Kong authorities gather intelligence in the U.K. a judge said Friday.

Chung Biu Yuen, 63, and Chi Leung Peter Wai, 38, appeared at London’s Central Criminal Court for a preliminary hearing, charged with agreeing to undertake information gathering, surveillance and acts of deception that were likely to materially assist a foreign intelligence service between December 2023 and May 2.

Hong Kong authorities have confirmed that Yuen was the office manager of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London.

A third suspect, 37-year-old Briton Matthew Trickett, was also charged in the case, but he was found dead Sunday in a park under what police said were unexplained circumstances.

Prosecutor Kashif Malik said during an earlier hearing that Trickett, reportedly a U.K. immigration enforcement officer and a former Royal Marine, had attempted suicide after being charged. He was also the director of a security company.

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Police said in an updated statement Friday that a coroner has completed a post-mortem and his death is not being treated as suspicious.

Justice Jeremy Baker set a trial date for Feb. 10, set to last for about five weeks. The judge said the men were granted bail on condition that they observe a set curfew and other restrictions.

The three men were charged under Britain’s National Security Act after an investigation by the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command. Prosecutors allege that the suspects also forced entry into a U.K. residential address.

They were arrested earlier this month in London and Yorkshire in northern England by counterterrorism police, using provisions of a new law that allows suspects in national security and espionage cases to be detained without warrant.

The case drew strong criticism from officials in Beijing and Hong Kong, a former British colony that returned to Chinese control in 1997.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said Friday that the charges were “an act of political manipulation in the name of national security.”

“It seriously infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals in the U.K., gravely undermined China-U.K. relations, seriously violated the principles of international law and the basic norms of international relations and badly harmed the image of the U.K.,” he told reporters.

In Hong Kong, a government spokesman said the city’s Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Algernon Yau, met with Britain’s deputy consul-general in Hong Kong on Thursday to reiterate concerns about the case.

Yau urged British authorities to handle the matter fairly and ensure the normal operation of the Hong Kong trade office in London.

All of the Hong Kong trade office’s activities have been conducted in accordance with the law, the city’s government added.

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Champions and Charter Cup: Charlie Appleby breaks Hong Kong duck with Godolphin's Rebel's Romance

Rebel's Romance became the first British-trained Group One winner in Hong Kong since 2012, when Red Cadeaux triumphed in the Hong Kong Vase. It was Charlie Appleby's first winner in the country, the ninth he has trained a Group One in.

Sunday 26 May 2024 13:19, UK

Charlie Appleby

Rebel's Romance provided Charlie Appleby with a first winner in Hong Kong when claiming the Group One Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup at Sha Tin.

The globetrotting six-year-old had previously prevailed in England, the UAE, Germany, America and Qatar, most recently landing the Dubai Sheema Classic.

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This was his fifth triumph at elite level and a 13th career victory overall from 19 starts.

Racing over a mile and a half, William Buick settled odds-on favourite Rebel's Romance in second place behind Moments In time but made a forward move on the turn for home and forged ahead with 300 metres left to run.

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The result was never in doubt from there on and the son of Dubawi finished two lengths clear of late-surging runner-up Five G Patch.

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Blue Point was Appleby's only previous runner in Hong Kong when finishing last in the 2018 Chairman's Sprint Prize.

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"I'm delighted and firstly I'd like to thank the Hong Kong Jockey Club for all their help and support since we've been here," said the Moulton Paddocks handler.

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"I'm delighted for His Highness Sheikh Mohammed and Team Godolphin. It's always been on our bucket list to try and win a race in Hong Kong and I'm just delighted we had the right horse.

"He managed to win the UAE Derby as a three-year-old, but he's a big frame of a horse and unfortunately he went very weak.

"Since he's been back on turf, we've not looked back. He obviously had a bit of a chequered year last year, in our preparation for the Sword Dancer he had a little mishap (unseated rider) and it just took him a while to get his confidence back.

"He's a gelded son of Dubawi and loves his travels. He's a professional now and prefers being on a plane rather than in his stable!"

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  6. Arrangements for inbound Persons- Frequently Asked Questions

    Complete COVID-19 vaccination before travel according to the latest recommendations to effectively protect against COVID-19 disease (For details on COVID-19 vaccination, ... If feeling unwell when outside Hong Kong, especially if experiencing respiratory symptoms, wear a well-fitted surgical mask and seek medical advice at once. ...

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  19. A man charged with helping the Hong Kong intelligence service in the UK

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    The Pier by Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong International Airport, Hong Kong. But the best thing here has to be the day suites. Each one has a privacy curtain, a large window with a runway view and a ...

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    It was Charlie Appleby's first winner in the country, the ninth he has trained a Group One in. Sunday 26 May 2024 13:19, UK. Charlie Appleby. Rebel's Romance provided Charlie Appleby with a first ...