How To Use Safari On Android

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Safari, Apple's widely acclaimed web browser, has long been synonymous with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience. Its sleek interface, robust performance, and array of features have made it a popular choice among users. While Safari is primarily designed for Apple devices, many Android users are keen to explore its capabilities on their devices. Fortunately, with the advancements in technology, it is now possible to use Safari on Android , allowing users to enjoy its renowned features and functionalities.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of using Safari on Android, from downloading and installing the browser to navigating its interface and customizing settings. Additionally, we will explore the diverse features that Safari offers on the Android platform, empowering users to make the most of their browsing experience.

Whether you are a long-time Safari enthusiast or a curious Android user seeking a new browsing experience, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to seamlessly integrate Safari into your Android device. Let's embark on this journey to unlock the potential of Safari on Android and elevate your browsing experience to new heights.

Downloading and Installing Safari on Android

As an Android user, the prospect of leveraging Safari's renowned browsing capabilities on your device is undoubtedly enticing. While Safari is not natively available on the Google Play Store, there are alternative methods to access this esteemed browser on your Android device.

One of the most effective approaches to download and install Safari on your Android device is by utilizing a third-party browser that supports iOS emulation. This entails installing a browser that can mimic the functionalities of iOS, thereby enabling you to access Safari on your Android device. One such browser is "iCab Mobile," which provides a platform for iOS emulation, allowing Android users to experience Safari's interface and features seamlessly.

To initiate the process, navigate to the Google Play Store on your Android device and search for "iCab Mobile." Once located, proceed to download and install the browser on your device. Upon successful installation, launch the iCab Mobile browser and access the browser's settings to enable iOS emulation. This crucial step will simulate the iOS environment, paving the way for you to access Safari on your Android device.

With iOS emulation activated, you can now proceed to access the App Store within the iCab Mobile browser. Within the App Store, search for "Safari" and proceed to download and install the browser on your Android device. Once the installation is complete, you will have successfully integrated Safari into your Android device, granting you access to its renowned features and seamless browsing experience.

It is important to note that while this method provides access to Safari on Android, the browser's performance and functionalities may vary compared to its native environment on Apple devices. However, for Android users seeking to explore Safari's interface and features, this approach offers a viable solution to integrate the esteemed browser into their devices.

By following these steps, you can unlock the potential of Safari on your Android device, enabling you to experience its intuitive interface, robust performance, and diverse features firsthand. With Safari seamlessly integrated into your Android device, you are poised to embark on a browsing journey that combines the best of both worlds, elevating your browsing experience to new heights.

Navigating Safari on Android

Navigating Safari on Android opens up a world of seamless browsing experiences and intuitive functionalities. Once Safari is successfully integrated into your Android device, familiarizing yourself with its navigation is essential to harness its full potential.

Upon launching Safari on your Android device, you will be greeted by its sleek and user-friendly interface. The browser's minimalist design and intuitive layout make navigation a breeze, ensuring a seamless browsing experience. At the top of the interface, you will find the address bar, where you can enter URLs or conduct web searches with ease.

As you begin exploring the web using Safari on Android, you will notice the fluidity and responsiveness of its navigation. Swiping gestures allow for effortless movement between web pages, while the intuitive tab management system enables you to organize and switch between multiple open tabs seamlessly. Additionally, Safari's integration with iCloud ensures a synchronized browsing experience across your Apple devices, allowing you to access your bookmarks, history, and tabs from your Android device effortlessly.

Furthermore, Safari's navigation menu provides quick access to essential features and settings, empowering you to customize your browsing experience. By tapping the menu icon, you can access a plethora of options, including the ability to manage bookmarks, view reading lists, adjust privacy settings, and explore Safari's advanced features.

The seamless navigation experience offered by Safari on Android extends to its integration with other apps and services. Safari's compatibility with various web-based applications and its seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem ensure a cohesive and efficient browsing experience. Whether you are accessing web content, managing bookmarks, or utilizing Safari's reading mode, the browser's navigation remains intuitive and user-centric.

In essence, navigating Safari on Android is a testament to the browser's commitment to delivering a seamless and intuitive browsing experience across diverse platforms. By familiarizing yourself with Safari's navigation on your Android device, you can leverage its robust performance, feature-rich interface, and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem to elevate your browsing experience to new heights.

With Safari seamlessly integrated into your Android device, navigating the browser becomes second nature, empowering you to explore the web with unparalleled ease and efficiency. Whether you are accessing your favorite websites, managing tabs, or customizing your browsing settings, Safari on Android offers a cohesive and intuitive navigation experience that embodies the browser's renowned capabilities.

Customizing Safari Settings on Android

Customizing Safari settings on Android empowers users to tailor their browsing experience to align with their preferences and requirements. Safari offers a diverse range of settings that enable users to personalize the browser's functionalities, enhance privacy, and optimize performance. By delving into Safari's settings on Android, users can unlock a wealth of customization options that cater to their individual browsing needs.

Privacy and Security Settings

Safari's privacy and security settings on Android encompass a comprehensive array of options designed to safeguard user data and enhance online security. Within the settings menu, users can configure privacy preferences, manage website data, and enable features such as content blockers to mitigate intrusive tracking and enhance browsing privacy. Additionally, Safari's security settings allow users to customize permissions for website access, manage pop-up blockers, and enable fraud and malware protection, ensuring a secure and protected browsing environment.

Appearance and Display Settings

Customizing Safari's appearance and display settings on Android enables users to personalize the browser's visual elements and optimize readability. Users can adjust text size, enable dark mode for enhanced viewing comfort, and customize the browser's appearance to align with their aesthetic preferences. Furthermore, Safari offers options to enable reader mode, which provides a distraction-free reading experience by decluttering web pages and focusing on essential content, enhancing overall readability and user experience.

Advanced Features and Integration Settings

Safari's advanced features and integration settings on Android encompass a myriad of options that cater to users seeking a seamless and integrated browsing experience. Users can configure iCloud settings to synchronize browsing data across their Apple devices, enabling seamless access to bookmarks, tabs, and browsing history. Furthermore, Safari's integration settings allow users to manage app integrations, customize search engine preferences, and enable experimental features, empowering users to tailor the browser to their specific requirements and preferences.

Accessibility and Productivity Settings

Customizing Safari's accessibility and productivity settings on Android ensures that users can optimize their browsing experience to accommodate diverse needs and enhance productivity. Safari offers accessibility features such as reader view, text-to-speech capabilities, and customizable gestures, enabling users to navigate the browser with ease and efficiency. Additionally, productivity settings encompass options to manage downloads, enable offline reading, and customize tab behavior, empowering users to tailor Safari to enhance their productivity and browsing efficiency.

In essence, customizing Safari settings on Android is a gateway to a personalized and tailored browsing experience. By exploring the diverse settings and customization options offered by Safari, users can optimize the browser to align with their preferences, enhance privacy and security, and elevate their overall browsing experience on the Android platform. Whether it's fine-tuning privacy preferences, optimizing appearance and display settings, or leveraging advanced features and integrations, Safari's customization options empower users to craft a browsing environment that caters to their individual needs and preferences.

Using Safari's Features on Android

Safari on Android offers a plethora of features that enrich the browsing experience, providing users with a seamless and intuitive platform to explore the web. Leveraging Safari's features on Android empowers users to delve into a world of functionality, performance, and integration, seamlessly bridging the gap between Apple's renowned browser and the Android platform.

Seamless Synchronization with iCloud

One of Safari's standout features on Android is its seamless synchronization with iCloud. This integration enables users to access their bookmarks, browsing history, and open tabs across their Apple devices and Android device, ensuring a cohesive and synchronized browsing experience. By leveraging iCloud integration, users can seamlessly transition between devices while retaining access to their essential browsing data, enhancing convenience and continuity.

Reader Mode for Distraction-Free Reading

Safari's reader mode is a standout feature that enhances the reading experience on Android. By activating reader mode, users can enjoy a distraction-free reading environment, decluttering web pages and focusing on essential content. This feature optimizes readability, reduces visual clutter, and enhances the overall reading experience, making it an invaluable tool for users seeking a streamlined and immersive reading experience.

Tab Management and Organization

Safari's robust tab management capabilities on Android empower users to organize and navigate their browsing sessions with ease. The browser's intuitive tab management system allows users to open, close, and switch between tabs seamlessly, ensuring efficient multitasking and streamlined navigation. Additionally, Safari's tab grouping feature enables users to categorize and manage tabs based on their preferences, enhancing organization and productivity.

Enhanced Privacy and Security Features

Safari on Android prioritizes user privacy and security, offering a range of features to safeguard browsing activities. The browser's privacy and security features include intelligent tracking prevention, enhanced anti-phishing measures, and the ability to manage website data and permissions effectively. These features contribute to a secure and protected browsing environment, empowering users to navigate the web with confidence and peace of mind.

Advanced Customization and Settings

Safari's advanced customization options on Android enable users to tailor the browser to their specific preferences and requirements. From adjusting appearance and display settings to configuring privacy preferences and enabling experimental features, Safari offers a diverse range of customization options that cater to individual user needs. This level of customization empowers users to personalize their browsing experience, optimizing Safari to align with their unique preferences and browsing habits.

In essence, using Safari's features on Android unlocks a world of functionality, performance, and integration, elevating the browsing experience to new heights. Whether it's seamless iCloud synchronization, distraction-free reading with reader mode, efficient tab management, enhanced privacy and security features, or advanced customization options, Safari on Android offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to diverse user needs and preferences. By leveraging Safari's features, users can embark on a browsing journey that seamlessly combines Apple's renowned browser with the Android platform, delivering a cohesive and intuitive browsing experience.

In conclusion, the prospect of using Safari on Android opens up a realm of possibilities for users seeking a seamless and feature-rich browsing experience. While Safari is primarily associated with Apple devices, the integration of this esteemed browser into the Android platform signifies a convergence of renowned functionalities and intuitive design. By navigating the intricacies of downloading and installing Safari on Android, familiarizing oneself with its navigation, customizing settings, and leveraging its diverse features, users can unlock the full potential of Safari on their Android devices.

The process of downloading and installing Safari on Android, albeit unconventional, provides Android users with access to a browser renowned for its sleek interface and robust performance. By utilizing third-party browsers that support iOS emulation, users can seamlessly integrate Safari into their Android devices, enabling them to explore its renowned features and functionalities. While the performance may vary compared to its native environment, this approach offers a viable solution for Android users keen to experience Safari's interface and features.

Navigating Safari on Android unveils a world of seamless browsing experiences and intuitive functionalities. The browser's minimalist design, fluid navigation, and integration with iCloud ensure a cohesive and efficient browsing experience. Whether it's effortless movement between web pages, intuitive tab management, or seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem, Safari on Android delivers a browsing experience that embodies the browser's renowned capabilities.

Customizing Safari settings on Android empowers users to tailor their browsing experience, optimize privacy and security, and enhance overall performance. From privacy and security settings to appearance and display customization, Safari offers a diverse range of options that cater to individual browsing needs. By delving into Safari's settings, users can craft a browsing environment that aligns with their preferences, ensuring a personalized and tailored experience on the Android platform.

Leveraging Safari's features on Android unlocks a world of functionality, performance, and integration, seamlessly bridging the gap between Apple's renowned browser and the Android platform. Whether it's seamless synchronization with iCloud, distraction-free reading with reader mode, robust tab management, enhanced privacy and security features, or advanced customization options, Safari on Android offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to diverse user needs and preferences.

In essence, the integration of Safari into the Android platform represents a convergence of renowned functionalities, seamless design, and intuitive navigation. By embracing Safari on Android, users can embark on a browsing journey that seamlessly combines the best of both worlds, elevating their browsing experience to new heights.

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Can You Install the Safari Browser on Android?

There's no official Safari app for Android, but there are copycats

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There is no official Safari for Android app, but there are lots of knockoffs in the wild, many of which are scamware. We don't recommend downloading any app that's masquerading as Safari for Android because there are plenty of other well-rated mobile browsers available.

Should You Install Safari on an Android?

The Safari web browser offers tons of features that make surfing the web easier, and it's usually considered superior to other browsers in terms of security, unfortunately, you're not going to find a version of Safari for Android that's sanctioned by Apple. That's because while there are plenty of 'Safari' browsers out there, none of them were created by Apple.

So, the question becomes, should you install one of these Safari files and hope for the best? Probably not, and there are a few reasons for that:

  • Many of the apps that are calling themselves 'Safari for Android' are nothing more than scamware—bits of high-demand software designed to deliver viruses and malware to unsuspecting users.
  • Even 'Safari' apps that are generally considered safe are not from Apple, therefore can have different features and capabilities than the Safari browser you may be used to using on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

It's because of this Lifewire recommends you don't download 'Safari for Android.' At best, you're likely to be disappointed by the browser you download, at worse, it could deliver malware to your device that requires loads of time to repair, or worse, it turns your phone into a useless brick.

There are many YouTube videos available that include links to a 'Safari' download file for iOS. There are even versions of Safari APKs available. None of these files are to be trusted. To be clear, there is no official version of Safari Browser for Android . And you should not download Android apps from sites that are unfamiliar. Google Play is always the safest resource for apps.

Alternatives to Safari for Android

So, since there is no Safari for Android, what are your options? There are plenty of Safari-like browsers available. For example, some of the highest rated options include:

  • Opera Browser : Opera is another super fast browser, but it also includes a free VPN that users find useful for getting around geofenced content. It also has a pop-up blocker, but does lack some importing and searching capabilities of other browsers.
  • DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser : Targeting users who are tired of their every move being tracked online, the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser offers all the features you would expect from a Safari-like browser: speed, security, and privacy. However, customization seems limited, so if you're looking for something that's highly customizable, this might not be the right browser for you.

Although none of these offers all the features of a Safari browser, each has its own strengths, and if you're ready to move away from Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge, then they're worth your time to try them out. And since they're all free, you're not going to spend anything but time trying to find a Safari-like browser that suits you.

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Arc’s mobile browser is here — and it’s not really a web browser at all

It’s a companion app. it’s a sidebar. it’s definitely not trying to replace mobile safari, at least not yet..

By David Pierce , editor-at-large and Vergecast co-host with over a decade of experience covering consumer tech. Previously, at Protocol, The Wall Street Journal, and Wired.

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Two screenshots of the Arc mobile browser

When the team at The Browser Company set out at the beginning of this year to build a mobile web browser, CEO Josh Miller made a rule: we are not allowed to build a default mobile browser. Building another Safari felt like a waste of time because, well, Safari exists. Because of the way Apple locks down browser development, pretty much every other browser on iOS is just another Safari. Besides, The Browser Company isn’t trying to build another web browser — it’s trying to build “the internet computer,” an operating system for the internet that changes the way we interact with apps and content online.

Instead of a browser, the team set out to do one thing and one thing only: bring users’ Arc sidebars to mobile phones. The sidebar is the core feature of Arc’s desktop app , one of the reasons it has become the most exciting new browser in years. It’s a combination of bookmarking tool and app launcher and offers a way to organize your whole online life in a way that makes sense to you. “When we did a survey with over 1,000 Arc members,” Miller tells me, “people weren’t like, ‘I really want a replacement for mobile Safari.’ Every single person was like, ‘I just want my sidebar on my phone.’”

That’s what Arc for mobile — codenamed Archie — is. The app is available today on iOS , though you’ll need an existing Arc membership to use it, which is still only available by invitation. (I’m told this link will work for 10,000 people , so get after it!) The app is very much just your sidebar on your phone. Someday soon, the app will need to be much more: Miller and The Browser Company do eventually hope to replace your default browser and to build its whole “internet computer” vision into a mobile app. But even in this early state, I’ve been surprised how useful it is to have my sidebar on my phone.

When you first open the app and log in to your Arc account, it immediately populates all the individual spaces you’ve created in the app. Spaces are, in this context, like pages on your phone’s homescreen. Each space can have its own background color and its own set of bookmarks and folders. There’s also a “Recents” area that shows your last few tabs opened across spaces. Tap on a link and it opens in the app; swipe down to close it and go back to your space. At the bottom, there’s a search bar, which you can use to do a quick Google or search across all your tabs and spaces.

What’s not in Arc’s app is most of the stuff you’d associate with a normal mobile browser. There’s no “new tab” button or persistent URL bar. If you open up the search menu and Google something, when you swipe down, that page disappears forever — unless you hit the pin icon and save it to one of your spaces. 

Most of that stuff is missing on purpose, at least for now. The way The Browser Company sees it, basic web browser stuff and basic Arc stuff are two different things — and they’ve just picked Arc stuff to do first. The first version of Arc’s mobile app didn’t even have a web view, says Nate Parrott, a designer on the team. “We just opened Safari.” That felt like a step too far, so they built one, but the truth is, “it’s not a very good mobile browser,” Parrott says. “Because we didn’t set out to make an incredible mobile browser.” Internally, the team refers to it as a companion app for Arc.

A screenshot of the Arc browser showing a space called Queue.

In my time with the app so far, I’ve come to use Arc primarily for two things. One is just as a transfer tool: it is shockingly, stupidly hard to move webpages between phones and PCs, but Arc’s synced sidebar makes it easy. I can look up an address in Google Maps on my MacBook, then pin it to my sidebar, and it immediately shows up on my phone. One tap, and it launches right into the Google Maps app.

It is shockingly, stupidly hard to move webpages between phones and PCs, but Arc’s synced sidebar makes it easy

Oh, actually, quick diversion. The fact that that link opens the Google Maps app is the coolest thing about Arc’s app — and potentially the most transformative. On your laptop, Arc is a bunch of shortcuts to different web apps, but on mobile, it can also be a launcher for all the other apps on your phone. In that way, it’s more powerful than your homescreen — it can launch not just Notion but a specific Notion page, or a single YouTube video, or the exact file you’re looking for. I have an Arc space called “Queue” that is just links to Netflix shows, YouTube videos, New York Times articles, and everything else I want to get back to. All I do is tap the link, and then it opens in the right app. 

That gets to the heart of The Browser Company’s whole “operating system for the internet” vision. One of the company’s biggest ideas is that, in a web-based, online world, everything is just a URL, which means everything can be linked to and accessed from anywhere. All you need is the thin client on top. So all Arc’s app is, really, is a bunch of nicely organized URLs, which makes it a pretty good launcher.

Okay, back to the other thing I use Arc for: random stuff collection. You can send stuff to Arc from other apps through the iOS Share Sheet, and I’ve found myself using it all the time for things I want to get back to later. Blogs to read, TikToks to send to my wife, that sort of thing. In most other browsers, all that stuff gets lost in the morass of my many (many) open tabs, but in Arc, I just pin things to the sidebar and can then flip through everything when I get back to my computer.

Three screenshots showing a saved page in Arc.

For what it is, Arc is great. It’s fast, the animations are lovely, and much of Arc’s normal polish is already in place, even in early versions. I don’t even mind that it doesn’t feel like a full browser — Arc’s forced minimalism makes the app feel much cleaner, and I need Google and bookmarks much more than I need a bunch of tab management. If you’re an Android user, it’s kind of like using the built-in search bar for everything; the ephemerality of everything is mostly a positive thing.

But now, allow me to make a very long and very incomplete list of stuff missing from Arc’s mobile app. You can’t access your favorites — those tabs pinned at the top of your desktop browser — which is weird because those are the tabs you presumably want most often. You can add to your pinned tabs but not the more temporary Today section. You can’t rename tabs or change their icons. You can’t create a new easel or note, two of Arc’s best built-in features, nor can you edit ones you’ve already made. (You can view them, though.) You can’t create a new space or change the colors of your existing ones. Browser extensions don’t work, and neither do “Boosts,” Arc’s mini-extensions that can change how individual sites work. You can’t choose which app to open various URLs with. Arc’s Library feature doesn’t exist at all on mobile, so there’s nowhere to save screenshots or downloads.

None of that is news to Miller and his team. I’m told most of it is on the roadmap. But they’re also not sure exactly how it’s all supposed to work. One thing that became clear in my conversations with The Browser Company team was just how much the development process has surprised them — and challenged their assumptions about how to challenge the industry’s assumptions about mobile browsers. The two-way sidebar sync turned out to be more powerful than they expected — so did the ability to deep link to other apps. What else might be left to figure out?

Going forward, Parrott says, “There’s very much an exploration of, like, what does it mean to create on the web, on a mobile device, that feels very different from desktop?” The team once built a way to save a page just by screenshotting it — a URL and your image would be saved to a stack somewhere. “But that wasn’t it, that wasn’t right,” he says, “but it reinforced the idea that the creation experience on mobile is just so different.”

For years, Apple has hamstrung what browser makers can do, but the Arc team seems to sense that things are about to change. So does the rest of the industry, by the way: Mozilla and Google are already building browsers that don’t use Apple’s WebKit rendering engine, which is currently required of all browsers on iOS. Whether regulators force Apple to open up or Apple simply decides to let its rules slide, the mobile browser wars might be heating up. Arc on the desktop is built on top of Chromium, and if Chromium comes to mobile, so could almost everything else in Arc.

Arc definitely does hope to beat Safari and become your default iOS browser — eventually. “I feel like the bar is pretty low in terms of innovation in the mobile browsing space,” Parrott says. “I have no doubt we can do it.” But building a better Safari isn’t the goal — the goal, as ever, is to reinvent what a mobile browser can be. All the browser features, Miller says, “will be secondary to the idea that David is a human being, David has stuff going on in his life, what does David need for that stuff? And to organize his digital life around his life.”

So far, that mostly just means having all my tabs everywhere. It’s a start.

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What chrome for android needs to learn from safari.

Apple’s iOS browser does some things better than Chrome for Android

Google Chrome is one of the best browsers on Android — and elsewhere. This makes sense, as Google puts a ton of resources into ensuring that it stays the top-dog in terms of market share. However, when you look at Chrome for Android , you might notice that it feels a little long in the tooth. Sure, the browser may have recently received a Material You theme overhaul, but other than that, the basic way that you interact with it has stayed the same for years. Things are different on iOS, and Apple keeps its pre-installed browser Safari feeling fresh with significantly improvements.

These days, I much prefer to use Safari on a day-to-day basis, and I’m not happy with Chrome whenever I’m using some of my favorite Android phones .

Bottom-based interface

Apple took a leap of faith and decided to switch Safari over to a bottom-based interface. The step was initially met with criticism from loyal Apple fans, so the company added an optional screen-top interface, but the default way to use Safari is with the address bar and most control elements at the bottom. This makes Safari great for one-handed and ergonomic use. Typing in another address or reaching the tab switcher doesn’t involve overstretching your thumbs all the way across the screen and forcing you to adjust the grip on your phone. Sure, you still need to tap some options at the top, but the majority of interactions happen at the bottom.

Compare that to the state of Chrome on Android. Google experimented with a bottom-based interface for a long time, but ultimately decided to scrap the “Chrome Duet” experiment altogether (the codename under which Chrome’s bottom-based interface was developed). The decision was met with an immediate outcry from the enthusiast crowd that was already using this bottom interface through hidden Chrome flags, but Google has so far stood its ground. It’s a shame, because handling Chrome is a significantly less ergonomic experience than Safari. To open new tabs, type in an address or search term, or to get to the overflow menu, you always need to stretch your thumb to the top of the screen.

What makes this more infuriating is the fact that Chrome for iOS puts a lot of options in a bottom bar that simply doesn’t exist on Android. On iOS, Chrome offers backwards and forwards buttons at the bottom, along with the tab switcher, a new tab button, and the overflow menu. The address bar remains up top, but this is already so much more than what Chrome users get on Android.

That’s not to say that Safari’s interface is perfect, nor always intuitive. To reach the important overflow menu that gives you options like page zoom, website translation, and other website settings, you need to tap a nondescript “aA” button in the left of the address bar. It’s true that Android’s vertical ellipsis isn’t much more descriptive than that, but at least Google and third-party developers consistently use it throughout apps to denote a menu that lists more options. The unintuitive, weird “aA” menu is pretty much exclusive to Safari on iOS.

Some of my complaints here are easily enough resolved by switching to a third-party browser on Android. Virtually all other popular browsers for the OS add at least some buttons and tools to the bottom of the screen, even if most retain the address bar at the top by default. Come on, Google, there is definitely proof that people are interested in using an interface like this.

All the smooth gestures

Another aspect where Safari takes the crown is gestures. Once you know your way around Safari using them, you might never need to tap a button again for dealing with your tabs. Safari lets you switch between tabs by swiping left or right on the address bar. It even has a clever trick to teach you how to use this feature. The browser shows a small preview of the next tab’s address bar to the left or right of the one for the currently active tab (depending on how many tabs you have opened and which one you’re looking at). This indicates that you can just swipe left or right to open it, making it easy to compare two websites on the fly, without having to use split-screen or any other tricks like it.

My favorite gesture is probably the one for opening a new tab. Once you’ve reached your right-most tab, you can just swipe one more time, like you’d want to open a tab to the right of it that doesn’t yet exist — Safari will then open a new tab. I find this much faster and more convenient than long-pressing the tab switcher and hitting New tab or opening the tab switcher to do this, which are options available on both Chrome and Safari. Safari also lets you quickly access your tab overview by swiping up from the address bar, and you can close tabs you don’t need anymore from this view with a swipe to the left.

Chrome, to its credit, is capable of most of these gestures, too. You can swipe left and right on the address bar to switch between tabs, and you can swipe down from the address bar to open the tab switcher — you can even swipe away tabs you no longer need. However, the gestures feel a lot less fluid and appear more tacked-on — plus, there aren’t similarly clever indicators that you can switch tabs in this manner, not like what we get on Safari. Combined with the bottom navigation, the way Safari handles gestures is once again more ergonomic than what Chrome does.

This may be sound like nitpicking, but smooth animations and clear transitions between pages make it easier to interact with technology. Not everyone knows their way around their phone as well as people in the tech bubble, and fluid, logical animations help a great deal in helping users understand shortcuts and how their phone’s navigation functions. Plus, I also have some gripes with Safari in this category. For some reason, it’s not possible to close tabs in the tab overview by swiping to the right — left is the only way to go.

Extension support

One final thing that Safari has going for it is extension support. Given how Apple is known to love its walled garden, this actually feels like quite the surprise. Safari for iOS supports a whole range of extensions that also work on its desktop counterpart, like password managers, ad and tracking blockers, CSS tweakers, couponing services, reading services, new tab customizers, grammar and spell checkers, and more.

To find out what’s hindering Google from adding extension support, we talked to Vivaldi CEO Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner. He told us that in the open-source Chromium code (which Vivaldi also uses for its browsers) instructions concerning extensions are commented out for mobile. This means that it’s theoretically possible to enable extension support if the will were there. That’s also how browsers like Kiwi are able to support Chrome extensions on Android, though for third-party Chromium browsers like it, this support comes at a cost. For every single update, the developers have to ensure compatibility by checking if any of the extension code has broken — which is a significant hurdle in fast adoption of security patches and feature updates within Chromium code.

It’s possible that Google’s main motivation behind not allowing mobile extensions is ad blocking concerns. As long as Chrome remains the most-used browser on Android, Google doesn’t have much incentive to add features that could hurt its bottom line, even if there are more than enough ad blockers on Android. These are just a tad more complicated to use than a browser extension, though, which likely means that fewer people take advantage of these solutions than they might on desktop browsers.

Good artists copy, great artists steal

Chrome and its Chromium rendering engine may be unrivaled today, with the browser routinely winning benchmarking races. But that’s not all there is to a good browser. If Google wants to woo its users with features again, rather than just relying on its position as the default browser on Android, it needs to innovate on the feature front. Like we said, Safari isn’t the only browser that offers good ideas, so it’s time for Google to start looking at the competition — and downright steal what makes sense.

Chrome for Android vs. Safari for iPhone: Browser shootout

ios safari for android

Google has just released the too-long-in-coming Chrome for Android browser , and Phil from Android Central wasted no time loading it up on his Galaxy Nexus, and putting it up against an iPhone 4S running Safari, for a classic head-to-head, phono-e-phono, Mobile Nations browser showdown video.

Both browsers are based on WebKit, the project Apple adapted from the old Linus KHTML Konquerer browser and has been sharing back with the open source community ever since. So it's no surprise both score 100/100 on the Acid3 rendering test. Safari makes use of Apple's Nitro JavaScript engine, however, while Chrome has Google's V8 under the hood. That let Chrome edge out Safari in the SunSpider JavaScript benchmarks.

Safari and iOS in general still offer smoother, more closely-tracked multitouch scrolling, panning, and zooming. (No doubt due to iOS placing priority on interface rendering tasks , while they're left to fight as equals on Android.)

Interestingly, Chrome, like Safari, offers no support for Adobe's Flash player, or any other internet plugin.

Chrome is still in beta and only available for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich right now. No doubt the release version will be even better still.

Likewise, Apple isn't slowing down. With iOS 5.1 on the horizon, Safari will improve as well.

Heck, now that BlackBerry has their new WebKit-based Torch browser , and Microsoft has embraced modern Internet Explorer builds on Windows Phone, it's getting harder to find a bad browser out there.

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Check out the video below for full out web rendering showdown.

Source: Android Central

Rene Ritchie

Rene Ritchie is one of the most respected Apple analysts in the business, reaching a combined audience of over 40 million readers a month. His YouTube channel, Vector, has over 90 thousand subscribers and 14 million views and his podcasts, including Debug, have been downloaded over 20 million times. He also regularly co-hosts MacBreak Weekly for the TWiT network and co-hosted CES Live! and Talk Mobile. Based in Montreal, Rene is a former director of product marketing, web developer, and graphic designer. He's authored several books and appeared on numerous television and radio segments to discuss Apple and the technology industry. When not working, he likes to cook, grapple, and spend time with his friends and family.

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ios safari for android

Safari browser review

Experience personalization at your fingertips with safari.

Website screenshot for Safari browser

TechRadar Verdict

After our careful evaluation, we found Safari to be one of the best apps Apple has ever launched. It's fast, responsive, and comes with tons of tab management features that make it easy for users to maintain an online workspace.

Optimized to load CSS and HTML pages super fast

Clean and navigable design that’s easy to understand

Lets you sync all your devices together for uninterrupted reading

The default security features are good enough to keep each session private

Not available for all operating systems, such as Android and Windows

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

  • Ease of use
  • Competitors
  • Final verdict

Safari is a popular web browser launched by Apple in 2003. In the past few years and through multiple upgrades, Safari has transformed into a power-packed, privacy-centric browser that aims to give you the best web experience in every session.

It's faster compared to many popular browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, is highly reliable, and comes with a million customization options that make you feel a little at home every time you log in. It might not be the top leader of the browser industry, but it surely has a massive user base of more than 1 billion people.

So if you’re planning to set Safari as your next default browser, read our guide till the end and find out what you can expect.

Safari browser: Features

Safari’s best-known feature is “Intelligent Tracking Prevention,” which protects you from online trackers. Such malicious software have countless ways to keep following you across the web. Thankfully, Safari’s dynamic system is not only capable of tackling their current tricks, but it can also adapt and counter any hack they might develop to steal your data.

If you’re working on multiple projects at the same time, grouping the tabs together might be an efficient way to work faster and reduce the clutter. You can also label these tab groups, with each category leading you to a certain set of sites. To take it a step further, you can also add Focus Modes to these Tab Groups. This way, when a user opens the Safari browser with a certain Focus active, only those tab groups that are attached to it will show up.

Safari’s intuitive auto-fill feature will save you tons of time. For starters, it connects to your passwords saved on iCloud or other third-party password managers and auto-fills while logging. It also extracts information from your Contacts, Calendars, Credit Card, and other saved documents to auto-fill empty fields of forms and registration pages on your behalf. For sensitive information such as credit card details and passwords, Safari uses a special 256-bit AES encryption.

Safari also helps you create stronger passwords the first time you’re signing up for an account. You can either opt for traditional passcodes with a combination of numbers, letters, and symbols or go for advanced face ID or touch ID for better security. 

To minimize spamming from websites, Safari provides a unique feature called “Hide My Email” in collaboration with iCloud. Under this, instead of suggesting your actual email, it’ll suggest an alias to the website you’re signing into. This will help you recognize the spammers, and you can cut them off by simply deleting the alias email address.

Safari claims that it takes minimal battery power. Compared to Firefox and Chrome, Safari offers up to 3 hours of additional browsing and 4 hours of additional video streaming.

Safari browser: Privacy

Safari offers a decent level of privacy. It may not completely stop data collection from third parties, but it minimizes the transfer of user data to a great extent. On top of that, users get access to all its privacy settings by default, ensuring they’re protected from the get-go.

You can also modify the privacy settings if you want. For example, you can adjust how often you want your web history deleted or tell websites not to track your information, such as location or contact details.

We recommend adding a VPN to your arsenal, which, along with Safari, will prove to be the security you’ve always wanted on your device. 

Safari browser customizations.

Safari browser: Ease of use

Safari is pretty easy to use. The address bar is at the top of the screen, and you’ll find the open tabs stacked right below it — much like Google Chrome.

What sets apart Safari’s user interface is options such as Bookmarks, History, and Edits are placed above the address bar. 

Our favorite thing about its user settings is that it lets you get the complete overview of your tabs on a much higher level. If you have multiple tabs open at once, this feature lets you zoom out and check them all at once.

The only thing we didn't like about Safari was some of the features, such as Tab Grouping, were slightly hidden on its Mac Version. You’ll have to click on the Page Icon for a panel to appear before you can use the grouping feature. 

Safari browser: Competitors

Safari’s biggest competitors are Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. But thanks to its features and outstanding performance, it’s not too far behind them in the race. 

For starters, a speedometer test by Safari revealed that it's almost 1.4 times more responsive than Chrome and Firefox. 

Another series of tests found that when the macOS is used for animation rendering and Javascript, Safari is 2 times and 1.4 times faster than Chrome and Firefox, respectively. 

With such outstanding performance, it's no wonder that millions of users are flocking to Safari every year.

Another benefit of Safari is that it's lightweight and doesn't take up too much battery power. In fact, compared to other browsers, Safari gives you at least 3 to 4 hours of additional battery life.

Also, unlike Edge, Safari lets you pick and put any picture you want as the browser's background. While Edge and Chrome let you experiment with multiple themes, Safari goes a step ahead and lets you personalize it.

Managing tabs with Safari is easier than most browsers. You can group them together, label them for quick searches and attach them to a particular Focus Mode to reduce the crowd of tab groups. No other renowned browser offers this feature.

Safari browser: Final verdict

After our careful evaluation, we found Safari to be one of the best products Apple has ever launched. It's fast, responsive, and comes with tons of tab management features that make it easy for users to maintain an online workspace.

Compared to Chrome and Edge, Safari is much more serious about user privacy and data leaks. After all, it has developed a whole new technology (Intelligent Tracking Prevention) just to combat that. 

It also comes pre-installed on every Apple device, be it an iPhone or Mac. If you’re a proud Apple device owner, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try Safari since there’s no trouble downloading and setting it up.

Also check out our roundup of the best anonymous browsers .

Desire Athow

Désiré has been musing and writing about technology during a career spanning four decades. He dabbled in website builders and web hosting when DHTML and frames were in vogue and started narrating about the impact of technology on society just before the start of the Y2K hysteria at the turn of the last millennium.

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How to switch from iPhone to Android: The ultimate guide

You have an iPhone, but that Samsung Galaxy S21 smartphone is calling your name. Yet jumping out of the proverbial Apple basket and into Google's robotic arms seems to be an overwhelming if not daunting task. Believe it or not, the process is really quite simple.

Making the transition

Using phone manufacturer apps or tools, use google drive, manually transfer contacts using icloud, transfer contacts using my contacts backup app, transfer contacts individually, sync apple’s calendar with google calendar, sync apple’s calendar with icloud, switching from apple to google services, manually move photos and videos using google photos, other ways to manually move photos and videos, moving your music: download and upload to youtube music (windows 10), moving your music: download and upload to youtube music (macos), moving your text messages, finding your way on android, meet the app drawer, customization and widgets, alleviating your worries, extra options: rooting and other tips, what you need.

Google Drive (optional)

iCloud (optional)

My Contacts Backup app (optional)

Google Calendar (optional)

USB cable (optional)

External hard drive (optional)

Google Photos (optional)

YouTube Music (optional)

Before you embark on this journey to the promised land of Android, think about this. Android isn’t consistent across all related devices. Unlike comparing an iPhone X to an iPhone 12 Pro Max, a Samsung Galaxy doesn’t have the same experience as a Google Pixel 5. However, that’s the beauty of customization, even on the end-user level, which an iPhone clearly lacks.

Know what you're leaving behind. Many of the cases, docks, and other accessories you bought for your iPhone are not going to be compatible with Android smartphones (though it’s worth checking because some are).

Understand what you'll have instead. Your iOS apps cannot go with you, but you’ll find that most have Android counterparts awaiting your arrival. If you have any paid apps, you’ll be required to purchase them again through the Play Store, the Galaxy Store, and so on. In-app purchases will need to be bought again unless they’re tied to a specific app account.

What about your media? Any DRM-protected content you purchased, like e-books, podcasts, movies, and TV shows, will remain in their respective Apple-based stores. Your music is accessible through Apple Music for Android while certain movies and TV shows bought using iTunes can be accessible if they support Movies Anywhere and/or Vudu. You can easily and legally remove the restrictions from music, but not from TV shows and movies.

Last, but not least, there’s your iPhone itself. Before you wipe it with a factory reset , you’ll want to work through the rest of our guide. When you’re done, assuming you’re not gifting your iPhone to someone, you might want to peruse our guide on how to sell an iPhone without getting ripped off.

Before we dig into various methods for moving over different bits and pieces, it's worth mentioning that you can often save some time by using the tools that the smartphone manufacturer provides. You'll usually be asked during the setup of your new phone if you want to copy over files from your old phone.

If you buy a Samsung phone, like the Galaxy S21 5G , for example, you'll get a USB-OTG connector in the box, which allows you to plug in your old iPhone and copy over a lot of files and data. You can also use the Smart Switch software .

If you don't get such an option on your new Android phone, or you lack the connector you need, don't worry because we're about to run through some alternative methods.

Google provides a backup tool within the Google Drive app for iOS that does the following:

  • Backs up contacts to Google Contacts.
  • Backs up calendar events to Google Calendar.
  • Backs up photos and videos to Google Photos.

Any files you downloaded to your iPhone will need to be manually uploaded to Google’s cloud. Otherwise, everything listed above will be transferred to your Google Account with the touch of a button. Here’s how:

Step 1: Tap to open the Google Drive app.

Step 2: Tap the Three-Line icon in the top-left corner.

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Step 3: Tap Settings on the list.

Step 4: Tap Backup .

Step 5: Tap each option ( Contacts , Calendar Events , and Photos & Videos ) and make sure they’re toggled on — they should be enabled by default.

Step 6: Tap the Start Backup button.

Keep in mind that the free Google Drive account only provides 15GB of storage. If your backup requires more, you’ll need a Google One subscription — at least temporarily until everything is moved over to your new Android phone.

If you just need to transfer contacts, there are a few ways outside using Google Drive. One way is to download them from iCloud. First, make sure the Contacts app is synced with iCloud and then download your contacts using a web browser. Here’s how:

Step 1: Tap to open the Settings app.

Step 2: Tap on your Apple ID .

Step 3: Tap iCloud .

Step 4: Tap the toggle next to Contacts if syncing is disabled.

Step 5: Open a web browser and log in to the iCloud website .

Step 6: Click Contacts .

Step 7: Click the Cog icon at the bottom left.

Step 8: Choose Select All on the pop-up menu.

Step 9: Click the Cog icon again.

Step 10: Select Export vCard on the pop-up menu.

Step 11: Using the same browser, log in to Google Contacts .

Step 12: Click Import listed on the left.

Step 13: Click the Select File button on the pop-up window.

Step 14: Select the file located on your computer and then click the Open button.

Step 15: Click Import .

You can also transfer contacts using the free My Contacts Backup app.

Step 1: Install it on your iPhone.

Step 2: Launch it.

Step 3: Tap Backup.

Step 4: Email the backup file to an email account on your Android phone. You’ll get a VCF file.

Step 5: Import the VCF file into Google Contacts, similar to how we imported the file from iCloud.

If you want to use the process as an excuse to thin the herd and edit your contacts, then you might consider doing it one by one. In this case:

Step 1: Open the contact you want to transfer on your iPhone.

Step 2: Select Share Contact to send it as a text message or by email.

For more information, check out our guide on how to transfer contacts between iPhone and Android devices.

Again, the Google Drive app can sync Apple's calendar automatically if you go with that option as Google suggests. However, you have a few other options.

If you already have a Google Account set up on your iPhone, chances are Google Calendar already syncs with your iPhone. If you’re not sure, do the following:

Step 1: Tap to open the Setting app.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap Mail .

Step 3: Tap Accounts . Here, you can also tap Add Account and follow the steps if you don’t have a Google Account synchronized to your device.

Step 4: Tap Gmail .

Step 5: Tap the toggle next to Calendars to turn synchronization on (if it’s not already).

Now we’re going to sync Apple Calendar with Google Calendar:

Step 6: Tap to open the (Apple) Calendar app.

Step 7: Tap the Calendars tab located at the bottom.

Step 8: Tap the Info icon next to the calendar listed under iCloud that you want to sync.

Step 9: Tap Share Link . If you don’t see this option, you’ll need to tap the toggle next to Public Calendar first.

Step 10: Send the link to yourself using an email.

Step 11: Open a web browser and log in to Google Calendar .

Step 12: Click the Plus symbol next to Other Calendars listed on the left.

Step 13: Click the From URL option on the pop-up menu.

Step 14: Enter the URL you emailed to yourself.

Step 15: Click Add Calendar.

You can even sync multiple Google calendars to your iPad if you need to do so.

You can also download an app to sync your calendar from iCloud, assuming you have Calendar switched on in Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud . You could try One Calendar to sync all of your calendars into one place or check out some of our recommendations for the best calendar apps .

Apple is renowned for its tightly integrated ecosystem, but if you’re switching to Android , you’ll want to start using more Google services.

Overall, Google is more universally accessible. Any media purchased through Google Play can be accessed through apps and web browsers. The only Apple-purchased media you can access on an Android device is Apple Music — apps related to Beats and moving to iOS are the only other Android apps Apple offers. Can you get Safari on an Android phone? No, but you can install Google Chrome on an iPhone.

That said, forget about iCloud and Safari — you can find all the same functionality, and more, via Google. As long as you are signed in to your Google Account, you can access all your contacts, bookmarks, appointments, and files on almost any device. Here’s a list of what to expect:

  • Contacts for backing up and sharing contacts.
  • Messages for texting.
  • Google Calendar for keeping on top of your schedule.
  • Chrome browser can sync bookmarks and open tabs between computer and Android phone.
  • Google Drive for backing up your files.
  • Google Docs for editing and sharing documents.
  • YouTube Music or Google Play Music for storing and streaming your music from the cloud.
  • Google Photos for backing up and sharing photos and videos.
  • Google Fit for tracking your health and fitness.
  • Google Keep for notes and lists.
  • Android Auto for when you’re driving.
  • YouTube for watching videos.
  • Google Maps for easy navigation.
  • Google Pay for tap-to-pay services.
  • Google Assistant (similar to Siri but more universal).

Many of these services are also available on Apple devices, but the experience is optimized for Android. The fact that you can have all of these as your default options under one Google Account makes it easy and accessible, and you’ll be tempted to use more and more Google services. There are also loads of great alternatives that you can use instead of — or as well as — Google offerings like Dropbox, and Mozilla Firefox.

With the Google Drive method, photos and videos are already backed up to the cloud if this specific setting is toggled on. You can also use other methods to transfer this media, including Google Photos.

If you just want to transfer photos and videos, you can turn on Back Up & Sync in the Google Photos app. Here’s how:

Step 1: Tap to open the Google Photos app.

Step 2: Tap your Google Account Profile in the top-right corner.

Step 3: Tap Photos Settings .

Step 4: Tap Back Up & Sync.

Step 5: Tap the toggle next to Back Up & Sync to switch this feature on. All media should eventually sync with your new Android device.

You can plug an iPhone into a Windows PC or Mac using a USB cable and then transfer your photos and videos, similar to moving files from an external storage device. You can always use Bluetooth too as long as your PC can recognize the phone. For detailed instructions, we provide a guide on how to transfer photos from an iPhone to a computer . After that, follow our guide on how to transfer files from Android to your PC . The latter transfer instructions would be reversed for both USB and Bluetooth connections.

However, these methods can be a pain. Using cloud services like Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive requires you to upload to the cloud from one device and download to another. Using the Drive/Photos method is probably the easiest, more native method of getting your photos and videos into Android.

For more details on using apps to back up and share your photos, check out our guide on how to share photos on Android. You can use a number of the apps and services discussed there to transfer your photos and videos from your iPhone.

One involves a USB cable and an external hard drive. To use this method:

The easiest way to access your music bought through iTunes is to use the Apple Music app for Android. All you need to do is install the app, sign in with your Apple ID, and you’re good to go. There’s no need to download and import anything, and you don’t need a subscription.

However, if you want to rid yourself of iTunes, you can always download the music and upload it all to YouTube music.

Step 1: Download and install iTunes for Windows. ( Microsoft Store ) ( Desktop )

Step 2: Download the music you want to be transferred to YouTube Music.

Step 3: Sign in to YouTube Music .

Step 4: Click on your Google Account Profile icon in the top-right corner.

Step 5: Click Upload Music in the drop-down menu.

Step 6: Navigate to (C:) > Users > Your Profile Name > Music > iTunes . This is the default location.

Step 7: Select the music you want to upload and click Open .

The process is slightly different if you're using a MacOS. Here's what to do:

Step 1: Open the Music app.

Step 6: Navigate to Macintosh HD > Users > Your Profile Name > Music > Music > Media > Apple Music.

You can’t legally copy movies or TV shows from your iTunes to your Android smartphone because you would have to remove the DRM protection first. Unfortunately, that applies to e-books purchased through iTunes as well.

This is a lot trickier than anything we’ve discussed so far, but some people will want to keep those precious text conversations and transfer them to their new Android smartphones. Thankfully, it is possible.

One of the easiest methods is to use the free iSMS2droid app , but it may not work for everyone. It also requires you to back up your SMS to iTunes and then go digging around to find the right file to convert.

You can also use Samsung Smart Switch or Kies software to restore an iPhone backup (including text messages) to a Samsung Android smartphone. You’ll also find quite a few premium software options online that purport to allow you to copy text messages, contacts, photos, and even call logs, but we can’t vouch for their effectiveness. Many Android manufacturers have some type of data transfer app you can try and use as well.

Regardless of what method you use, don’t forget to turn Messages off before making the switch. Leaving it on could result in SMS and MMS messages still going to your old iPhone. This is because Apple sends an iMessage instead of an SMS or MMS when it detects you’re both using iOS. To turn it off, do the following:

Step 2: Scroll down and tap Messages .

Step 3: Tap the toggle next to iMessage.

Step 4: Turn off FaceTime by tapping settings. Scroll down and tap FaceTime. Tap the toggle next to FaceTime.

If you no longer have the phone, you can request Apple to deregister your iPhone with iMessage here .

Welcome to Android! At first, it may seem strange and unnerving, but you’ll soon get used to it. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you get your feet under the table and start to feel at home.

Navigation is a little different on Android. Google added a gesture system with Android 10 , which uses gestures to navigate, like iOS 13. However, users still have access to traditional Android navigational buttons, which we cover in a separate how-to guide . Third-party manufacturers may have traditional buttons toggled on by default while making complete gesture control an option.

Here is the three-button navigation setup:

  • Home : As of Android 11, this icon is a white ball that sits at the bottom center. It will always take you to the home screen. However, long-press on this button, and Google Assistant will activate.
  • Back : As of Android 11, this icon is a white triangle that sits at the bottom left. Tap it, and you will be returned to the previous page, level, screen, and so on. You can also use it to back out of apps.
  • Recents/Overview : As of Android 11, this icon is a white block that sits at the bottom right. Tap it, and you’ll see a tiled list of the most recent apps used. Just tap the app-preview window to jump back into that app. You can shut down apps from this menu by swiping them away, or touch the app shortcut icon to enter Split Screen mode.

Android also provides a two-button navigation system:

  • Home line : Replacing the home button is a “home line” of sorts. Tap it, and you’re returned to the home screen. To switch apps, swipe up from the home line. To see all apps in the App Drawer, swipe up from the line again.
  • Back : This icon is a small “less than” symbol that only appears as needed. Tap it to return to the previous page, screen, and so on.

With Android, all apps are stored in an App Drawer. What you see on the home and other screens are app shortcuts. Apple introduced a similar feature in iOS 14, which places all apps in a stationary App Library screen. On Android , however, the Drawer is accessible by swiping up from the bottom — think of it as an App Library screen tucked below the home button.

Like iPhones, you can have multiple screens for all the app shortcuts you want, widgets, and so on. Apple’s Today View resides to the left of the home screen in iOS, and the Google Feed page is in the same spot in Android. To switch between all screens, just swipe left or right with a finger.

If anything, Android and iOS are becoming more alike than in recent years, making the transition from one to the other easier than ever. You can even remove app shortcuts from an iPhone’s home screen!

One difference in the home screen layout is that iOS has a visible dock where you’ll typically have access to the Phone, Safari, Messages, and Camera apps. This dock remains stationary as you swipe between screens. Android 11 and Samsung’s One UI have a similar setup, only the dock isn’t visible. Android 11 places this dock above the Google Search widget, while One UI shoves it to the very bottom.

On older Android phones, you may see an apps icon on the invisible dock for accessing the App Drawer. Newer versions of Android do not have this icon — just swipe up from the bottom to access all your installed apps. Want to add a shortcut to a screen? Long-press on an app and drag it onto a screen, creating a shortcut.

Everything important that happens on your phone will spark a notification. To access these notifications, swipe down from the top to expand the Notification Shade. You can tap on these notifications to open their parent app, tap the Down Arrow on each to expand, or swipe them left to dismiss.

One of the big attractions of Android is the ability to customize your smartphone. To customize the look, you can just long-press on an empty section of any screen to get a pop-up menu allowing you to set the wallpaper (including animated “live” wallpaper if you like).

On a lot of Android devices, you’ll also see the option to add widgets , app shortcuts, web shortcuts, and folders. You can drop one app icon on top of another to create a folder. You can also change the wallpaper for your lock screen or home screen via Settings > Display > Wallpaper .

Widgets are small windows into individual apps that can update automatically to bring you new information. This means you can see the latest weather, sports scores, or tweets without having to enter the actual app. Not every app has a widget, but you can long-press on an empty portion of any screen and select widgets to review your options, or go into the Apps Drawer and scroll over on most newer phones.

If you’re keen on personalizing the aesthetic of your smartphone, then you should explore the world of launchers . There are all kinds of different looks and styles available, often completely free. A couple of popular launchers to get you started are Nova Launcher and GO Launcher EX . However, launches don’t fully customize Android — they only change fonts, icons, the App Drawer layout, and so on. If you’re looking to convert Samsung’s build into one that resembles stock Android 11, that won’t happen without a launcher.

Even though the Play Store has overtaken Apple’s App Store when it comes to sheer numbers, there’s no denying that there are more high-quality, polished apps, and games on iOS. That’s because it’s easier to develop an app for a specific number of iPhones and iPads versus the multitude of different Android devices. That means most new apps and games will launch on iPhone first.

The good news is that the gap is closing, and the vast majority of the big apps and games that you knew and loved on your iPhone will be available for Android. You’ll also find that apps and games are generally cheaper and a higher proportion of them are free on the Android platform.

To get you started, check out our list of the best Android apps and our roundup of the best Android games . With Android, you’re not forced to use a set of default apps. In fact, you’ll typically find duplicated functionality in pre-installed Google apps and manufacturer or carrier apps. You can simply select the one you like best, or install another third-party option to do the job. When you have more than one app capable of performing a task, you’ll get a pop-up window asking you which one you’d like to use (you can tick Always to make it the default).

When you want to check your complete app list, you can go to Settings > Apps . You can choose to uninstall apps , Clear Cache or Clear Cata , and review the apps’ permissions on this screen (you can also disable bloatware that you don’t use). You’ll find app updates will appear in your notifications bar from time to time, or you can enter the Play Store, tap Menu , and choose My Apps to update everything at once. If you find you are getting too many annoying notifications from specific apps or games, you can always check out our guide on how to turn notifications off .

Every criticism of Android refers to the same potential problems. Some things could make you reticent to leave Apple’s walled garden, but these issues are sometimes exaggerated. There are also ways to dispel those concerns.


A great deal is made of the fragmentation issue , but it is unlikely to impact your Android experience. There is a huge choice of Android devices running different versions of the platform, and the main problem is updates.

Unlike Apple, Google can’t just push an update out for every Android device. The manufacturer and the carrier have a say, and sometimes they hold things up. There can also be issues with manufacturer UIs like Samsung’s One UI and HTC’s Sense UI.

In practice, most of the top phones get updates fairly quickly. If you want guaranteed fast updates, then opt for a Google device, like the Pixel 5. If you want the latest version of Android, Pixel phones are still the way to go.

In terms of apps, the Play Store doesn’t allow you to install incompatible apps.

Every day, there’s a new article raising the specter of malware on Android . As the most popular mobile platform, Android will inevitably be targeted, but it is relatively easy to stay safe.

Consider installing one of the top Android security apps and don’t install apps from outside of the Play Store. Sideloading from sketchy Android markets can lead you to a life full of malware-ridden woes.

Early Android versions were prone to crashing and lag, but times have changed. From software updates to new devices packed with features, Android is now a frontrunner in the smartphone OS race.

Unfortunately, the platform’s history hasn’t earned it a great reputation. The fact that you can buy Android smartphones with relatively low specs at a fraction of the price of an iPhone has also impacted brand perception. For a fair comparison, you have to equate apples to apples. Or, in this case, compare a top-line, comparably priced Android smartphone with the iPhone.

The latest versions of Android are fast and smooth, and the newest Android smartphones can match, or even occasionally best, the iPhone when it comes to performance. Google has also worked tirelessly to improve stability and performance on lower-end hardware with Android One and Android Go .

When you root your phone, you can customize everything, which can be a fun feature if you like to make custom icons and keyboards, or even if you just want to be able to control the inner workings of your device. It’s not without risks, though, so most people might want to avoid it. Our how to root your Android phone guide goes into the pros and cons and how to do it. We have a top 10 apps for rooted Android phones roundup to help guide you, too.

If you are unsure what device to buy for your transition, check out our best Android smartphones roundup. For those completely new to Android, our beginner’s guide will help you get further acquainted. We also have a wide range of other Android guides, including everything from how to block calls on your Android phone to how to wipe your Android device to how to use dark mode . If you need other insight into Android life, search the term on Digital Trends to find even more resources, including device-specific information.

Some of you thought there was no chance you’d give up your iPhone. Maybe you’re beginning to see some of the positives of owning an Android, such as the variety of phones to choose from, picture quality, or just having standard connectors instead of Apple chargers. There’s always a learning curve with any new electronic device, so tackle the switch to Android with enthusiasm regarding the unique features you’ll be able to harness.

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Simon Hill

If you’ve slept through an important meeting or missed your alarm lately, it may not be entirely your fault if you’re an iPhone user. For weeks now, iPhone users have been reporting on social media that their devices are no longer ringing.

Today, The Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern finally confirmed this. According to Stern, Apple has confirmed that it’s aware of the issue causing some alarms not to play a sound and is working on a fix. iPhone alarm issues explained The iPhone alarm problem seems to be tied to Apple’s Attention Aware features. For those unfamiliar, it’s a feature that lowers the volume sound of your alerts and alarms if you’re looking at your device and avoids dimming the screen, similar to how Samsung phones keep the screen on if they see you looking at your screen.

While the iPhone 15 may be Apple’s most recent iPhone release, that only makes the iPhone 14 a better way to save. The iPhone 14 isn’t far removed from being among the best phones on the market, and it’s still a powerhouse option for most smartphone users. There are a lot of ways to save on an iPhone 14, with shopping refurbished models being one of the best. You'll get a good warranty and a large return window shopping refurbished with most major retailers, which makes them some of the best iPhone 14 deals you'll find. With so many to take advantage of right now, we thought we’d do the heavy lifting and put all of the best iPhone 14 deals together in one place. Reading onward you’ll find some impressive savings on all models of the Apple iPhone 14. Apple iPhone 14 -- from $479, was $699

With the Apple iPhone 14 you’re getting what is still one of the most popular smartphones on the market. This is the iPhone 14 model that’s meant for everyone. It holds back a few features you can only get on the Pro model, but it still has an impressive 6.1-inch display, an impressive camera, and dozens of ways to personalize your iOS experience with widgets and fonts. The phone can reach up to 26 hours of battery life on a single charge, and it’s powered by Apple’s A15 Bionic chip. Face ID, emergency SOS via satellite, and super fast 5G cellular connectivity round out the top features of the Apple iPhone 14. Buy Refurbished at Amazon — from $479

If you’re mysteriously missing calls on your iPhone or Android smartphone, it may be because call forwarding is activated on your line. In that case, all your incoming calls could be going somewhere else.

Call forwarding shouldn’t typically be active unless you’ve specifically turned it on, but another person or app may have done so without your knowledge. And since call forwarding is a carrier feature, it could still be enabled on a line you inherited from someone else, even if you’ve swapped their SIM card into your phone or transferred it to a new account.


  • Social & Messaging
  • Safari Browser 3.0.4 for Android

ios safari for android

Safari Browser APK for Android

Apple Inc. (Free)

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Safari Browser

Safari is a browser for iOS that’s now available for Android. It has most features of the original and functions the same way. You get Dark Mode, Private Browsing, and other minor options. The speed is still there almost no load times between pages.

Security-wise, there’s no way to tell if it retains the level of protection of iOS. The settings are very limited. You have the basic setup like cookies and history management. Nothing your Firefox or Chrome can’t already do. There are no special utilities that entice you to replace your default.

Lightning-fast speed

The best thing about Safari is its speed. It’s lightning-fast. You can say it rivals even Chrome when it comes to loading time. Download time is also great, but not as fast as the iOS version. Switching between pages and tabs are seamless.

The interface is very clean and easy to use. You don’t have that many adjustment options to choose from, but then again, that’s the whole point. The design is to keep things as simple as possible. They may have gotten carried away on simplicity. The Android version doesn’t retain the sophistication of its iOS counterpart.

Too few choices make the whole app look empty and dated.

Doesn’t use many resources

Safari comes in a small size, which makes sense, considering it doesn’t have any plugins. It uses less data than mainstream Android browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer. The app is also lenient on your RAM. So, you can run more programs alongside it, no problem. Having multiple tabs doesn’t slow down your process, either.

All tabs are interconnected

There are no indications that Safari protects Android users from data collection or malicious sites. It doesn’t handle each tab as a separate instance like Chrome. This means if one tab crashes, so do the others. That says enough about the lack of security. You also don’t have the restore previous session option after a crash.

Other than the built-in Dark Mode, this browser doesn’t offer any other extensions. You can still sync your Google account, but it wouldn’t carry over the addons you had. You will have to use specific plugins for Safari, and there aren’t many of them for this version.

Fast but not secure

The app has good overall qualities and is reliable when it comes to speed. Unfortunately, that’s the extent of its advantages. If all you do is browse the internet, Safari is the way to go.

For more sensitive tasks, stick with your default. There is nothing this browser offers that your main one doesn’t already do. It also doesn’t retain the level of protection that the iOS version has. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be safe as it claims.

  • Android 4.2.1,
  • Android 4.3,
  • Android 4.2,
  • Android 3.1,
  • Android 3.3,
  • Android 2.3,
  • Android 2.2,
  • Android 4.0,
  • Android 4.1,
  • Android 4.2.2,
  • Android 3.2,
  • Android 2.1,
  • Android 3.0,
  • Android 4.1.2,
  • Android 4.1.1

Also available in other platforms

  • Safari for Windows

We don't have any change log information yet for version 3.0.4 of Safari Browser. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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  • Browser Extensions

ios safari for android

Mobile Browsers

These are our currently recommended mobile web browsers and configurations for standard/non-anonymous internet browsing. If you need to browse the internet anonymously, you should use Tor instead. In general, we recommend keeping extensions to a minimum; they have privileged access within your browser, require you to trust the developer, can make you stand out , and weaken site isolation.

Android ¶

Brave ¶.

Brave Browser includes a built-in content blocker and privacy features , many of which are enabled by default.

Brave is built upon the Chromium web browser project, so it should feel familiar and have minimal website compatibility issues.

  • Google Play

Recommended Brave Configuration ¶

Tor Browser is the only way to truly browse the internet anonymously. When you use Brave, we recommend changing the following settings to protect your privacy from certain parties, but all browsers other than the Tor Browser will be traceable by somebody in some regard or another.

These options can be found in → Settings → Brave Shields & privacy

Shields ¶

Brave includes some anti-fingerprinting measures in its Shields feature. We suggest configuring these options globally across all pages that you visit.

Brave shields global defaults ¶

Shields' options can be downgraded on a per-site basis as needed, but by default we recommend setting the following:

  • Select Aggressive under Block trackers & ads

Brave allows you to select additional content filters within the internal brave://adblock page. We advise against using this feature; instead, keep the default filter lists. Using extra lists will make you stand out from other Brave users and may also increase attack surface if there is an exploit in Brave and a malicious rule is added to one of the lists you use.

  • Select Upgrade connections to HTTPS
  • Select Always use secure connections
  • (Optional) Select Block Scripts (1)
  • Select Strict, may break sites under Block fingerprinting
  • This option provides functionality similar to uBlock Origin's advanced blocking modes or the NoScript extension.

Clear browsing data ¶

  • Select Clear data on exit

Social Media Blocking ¶

  • Uncheck all social media components

Other privacy settings ¶

  • Select Disable non-proxied UDP under WebRTC IP handling policy
  • Uncheck Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved
  • Uncheck IPFS Gateway (1)
  • Select Close tabs on exit
  • Uncheck Allow privacy-preserving product analytics (P3A)
  • Uncheck Automatically send diagnostic reports
  • Uncheck Automatically send daily usage ping to Brave
  • InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a decentralized, peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed filesystem. Unless you use the feature, disable it.

Brave Sync ¶

Brave Sync allows your browsing data (history, bookmarks, etc.) to be accessible on all your devices without requiring an account and protects it with E2EE .

Mull ¶

Firefox (Gecko)-based browsers on Android lack per-site process isolation , a powerful security feature that offers additional protection against a malicious website exploiting a security vulnerability. Missing this feature likely won't pose an issue for low-risk web browsers who keep their browser up-to-date, but those visiting higher-risk sites or at risk of targeted/0-day attacks should strongly consider a Chromium-based browser like Brave instead.

Mull is a privacy oriented and deblobbed Android browser based on Firefox. Compared to Firefox, it offers much greater fingerprinting protection out of the box, and disables JavaScript Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation for enhanced security. It also removes all proprietary elements from Firefox, such as replacing Google Play Services references.

Enable DivestOS's F-Droid Repo to receive updates directly from the developer. Downloading Mull from the default F-Droid repo will mean your updates could be delayed by a few days or longer.

Mull enables many features upstreamed by the Tor uplift project using preferences from Arkenfox . Proprietary blobs are removed from Mozilla's code using the scripts developed for Fennec F-Droid.

Recommended Mull Configuration ¶

We would suggest installing uBlock Origin as a content blocker if you want to block trackers within Mull.

Mull comes with privacy protecting settings configured by default. You might consider configuring the Delete browsing data on quit options in Mull's settings if you want to close all your open tabs when quitting the app automatically, or clear other data such as browsing history and cookies automatically.

On iOS, any app that can browse the web is restricted to using an Apple-provided WebKit framework , so there is little reason to use a third-party web browser.

Safari ¶

Safari is the default browser in iOS. It includes privacy features such as Intelligent Tracking Prevention , Privacy Report, isolated and ephemeral Private Browsing tabs, iCloud Private Relay, fingerprinting protection by randomizing and presenting a simplified version of the system configuration to websites so more devices look identical, and the ability to lock private tabs with your biometrics/PIN. It also allows you to separate your browsing with different profiles.

Recommended Safari Configuration ¶

We would suggest installing AdGuard as a content blocker if you want to block trackers within Safari.

Profiles ¶

All of your cookies, history, and website data will be separate for each profile. You should use different profiles for different purposes e.g. Shopping, Work, or School.

Privacy & Security ¶

Enable Prevent Cross-Site Tracking

This enables WebKit's Intelligent Tracking Protection . The feature helps protect against unwanted tracking by using on-device machine learning to stop trackers. ITP protects against many common threats, but it does not block all tracking avenues because it is designed to not interfere with website usability.

Enable Require Face ID to Unlock Private Browsing

This setting allows you to lock your private tabs behind biometrics/PIN when not in use.

Advanced → Privacy ¶

The Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection setting will randomize certain values so that it's more difficult to fingerprint you:

  • Select All Browsing or Private Browsing

Privacy Report ¶

Privacy Report provides a snapshot of cross-site trackers currently prevented from profiling you on the website you're visiting. It can also display a weekly report to show which trackers have been blocked over time.

Privacy Report is accessible via the Page Settings menu.

Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement ¶

  • Disable Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement

Ad click measurement has traditionally used tracking technology that infringes on user privacy. Private Click Measurement is a WebKit feature and proposed web standard aimed towards allowing advertisers to measure the effectiveness of web campaigns without compromising on user privacy.

The feature has little privacy concerns on its own, so while you can choose to leave it on, we consider the fact that it's automatically disabled in Private Browsing to be an indicator for disabling the feature.

Always-on Private Browsing ¶

Open Safari and tap the Tabs button, located in the bottom right. Then, expand the Tab Groups list.

  • Select Private

Safari's Private Browsing mode offers additional privacy protections. Private Browsing uses a new ephemeral session for each tab, meaning tabs are isolated from one another. There are also other smaller privacy benefits with Private Browsing, such as not sending a webpage’s address to Apple when using Safari's translation feature.

Do note that Private Browsing does not save cookies and website data, so it won't be possible to remain signed into sites. This may be an inconvenience.

iCloud Sync ¶

Synchronization of Safari History, Tab Groups, iCloud Tabs and saved passwords are E2EE . However, by default, bookmarks are not . Apple can decrypt and access them in accordance with their privacy policy .

You can enable E2EE for your Safari bookmarks and downloads by enabling Advanced Data Protection . Go to your Apple ID name → iCloud → Advanced Data Protection .

  • Turn On Advanced Data Protection

Criteria ¶

Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend. In addition to our standard criteria , we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. We suggest you familiarize yourself with this list before choosing to use a project, and conduct your own research to ensure it's the right choice for you.

Minimum Requirements ¶

  • Must support automatic updates.
  • Must receive engine updates from upstream releases quickly.
  • Must support content blocking.
  • Any changes required to make the browser more privacy-respecting should not negatively impact user experience.

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iPhone User Guide

  • iPhone models compatible with iOS 17
  • R ' class='toc-item' data-ss-analytics-link-url='' data-ajax-endpoint='' data-ss-analytics-event="acs.link_click" href='' id='toc-item-IPH017302841' data-tocid='IPH017302841' > iPhone X R
  • S ' class='toc-item' data-ss-analytics-link-url='' data-ajax-endpoint='' data-ss-analytics-event="acs.link_click" href='' id='toc-item-IPHC00446242' data-tocid='IPHC00446242' > iPhone X S
  • S Max' class='toc-item' data-ss-analytics-link-url='' data-ajax-endpoint='' data-ss-analytics-event="acs.link_click" href='' id='toc-item-IPHCD2066870' data-tocid='IPHCD2066870' > iPhone X S Max
  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone SE (2nd generation)
  • iPhone 12 mini
  • iPhone 12 Pro
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 mini
  • iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone SE (3rd generation)
  • iPhone 14 Plus
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max
  • iPhone 15 Plus
  • iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max
  • Setup basics
  • Make your iPhone your own
  • Take great photos and videos
  • Keep in touch with friends and family
  • Share features with your family
  • Use iPhone for your daily routines
  • Expert advice from Apple Support
  • What’s new in iOS 17
  • Turn on and set up iPhone
  • Wake and unlock
  • Set up cellular service
  • Use Dual SIM
  • Connect to the internet
  • Sign in with Apple ID
  • Subscribe to iCloud+
  • Find settings
  • Set up mail, contacts, and calendar accounts
  • Learn the meaning of the status icons
  • Charge the battery
  • Charge with cleaner energy sources
  • Show the battery percentage
  • Check battery health and usage
  • Use Low Power Mode
  • Read and bookmark the user guide
  • Learn basic gestures
  • Learn gestures for iPhone models with Face ID
  • Adjust the volume
  • Find your apps in App Library
  • Switch between open apps
  • Quit and reopen an app
  • Multitask with Picture in Picture
  • Access features from the Lock Screen
  • View Live Activities in the Dynamic Island
  • Perform quick actions
  • Search on iPhone
  • Get information about your iPhone
  • View or change cellular data settings
  • Travel with iPhone
  • Change sounds and vibrations
  • Use the Action button on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max
  • Create a custom Lock Screen
  • Change the wallpaper
  • Adjust the screen brightness and color balance
  • Keep the iPhone display on longer
  • Use StandBy
  • Customize the text size and zoom setting
  • Change the name of your iPhone
  • Change the date and time
  • Change the language and region
  • Organize your apps in folders
  • Add, edit, and remove widgets
  • Move apps and widgets on the Home Screen
  • Remove apps
  • Use and customize Control Center
  • Change or lock the screen orientation
  • View and respond to notifications
  • Change notification settings
  • Set up a Focus
  • Allow or silence notifications for a Focus
  • Turn a Focus on or off
  • Stay focused while driving
  • Customize sharing options
  • Type with the onscreen keyboard
  • Dictate text
  • Select and edit text
  • Use predictive text
  • Use text replacements
  • Add or change keyboards
  • Add emoji and stickers
  • Take a screenshot
  • Take a screen recording
  • Draw in documents
  • Add text, shapes, signatures, and more
  • Fill out forms and sign documents
  • Use Live Text to interact with content in a photo or video
  • Use Visual Look Up to identify objects in your photos and videos
  • Lift a subject from the photo background
  • Subscribe to Apple Arcade
  • Play with friends in Game Center
  • Connect a game controller
  • Use App Clips
  • Update apps
  • View or cancel subscriptions
  • Manage purchases, settings, and restrictions
  • Install and manage fonts
  • Buy books and audiobooks
  • Annotate books
  • Access books on other Apple devices
  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Set reading goals
  • Organize books
  • Create and edit events in Calendar
  • Send invitations
  • Reply to invitations
  • Change how you view events
  • Search for events
  • Change calendar and event settings
  • Schedule or display events in a different time zone
  • Keep track of events
  • Use multiple calendars
  • Use the Holidays calendar
  • Share iCloud calendars
  • Camera basics
  • Set up your shot
  • Apply Photographic Styles
  • Take Live Photos
  • Take Burst mode shots
  • Take a selfie
  • Take panoramic photos
  • Take macro photos and videos
  • Take portraits
  • Take Night mode photos
  • Take Apple ProRAW photos
  • Adjust the shutter volume
  • Adjust HDR camera settings
  • Record videos
  • Record spatial videos for Apple Vision Pro
  • Record ProRes videos
  • Record videos in Cinematic mode
  • Change video recording settings
  • Save camera settings
  • Customize the Main camera lens
  • Change advanced camera settings
  • View, share, and print photos
  • Use Live Text
  • Scan a QR code
  • See the world clock
  • Set an alarm
  • Change the next wake up alarm
  • Use the stopwatch
  • Use multiple timers
  • Add and use contact information
  • Edit contacts
  • Add your contact info
  • Use NameDrop on iPhone to share your contact info
  • Use other contact accounts
  • Use Contacts from the Phone app
  • Merge or hide duplicate contacts
  • Export contacts
  • Get started with FaceTime
  • Make FaceTime calls
  • Receive FaceTime calls
  • Create a FaceTime link
  • Take a Live Photo
  • Turn on Live Captions in a FaceTime call
  • Use other apps during a call
  • Make a Group FaceTime call
  • View participants in a grid
  • Use SharePlay to watch, listen, and play together
  • Share your screen in a FaceTime call
  • Collaborate on a document in FaceTime
  • Use video conferencing features
  • Hand off a FaceTime call to another Apple device
  • Change the FaceTime video settings
  • Change the FaceTime audio settings
  • Change your appearance
  • Leave a call or switch to Messages
  • Block unwanted callers
  • Report a call as spam
  • Connect external devices or servers
  • Modify files, folders, and downloads
  • Search for files and folders
  • Organize files and folders
  • Set up iCloud Drive
  • Share files and folders in iCloud Drive
  • Share your location
  • Meet up with a friend
  • Send your location via satellite
  • Add or remove a friend
  • Locate a friend
  • Get notified when friends change their location
  • Notify a friend when your location changes
  • Add your iPhone
  • Add your iPhone Wallet with MagSafe
  • Get notified if you leave a device behind
  • Locate a device
  • Mark a device as lost
  • Erase a device
  • Remove a device
  • Add an AirTag
  • Share an AirTag or other item in Find My on iPhone
  • Add a third-party item
  • Get notified if you leave an item behind
  • Locate an item
  • Mark an item as lost
  • Remove an item
  • Adjust map settings
  • Get started with Fitness
  • Track daily activity and change your move goal
  • See your activity summary
  • Sync a third-party workout app
  • Change fitness notifications
  • Share your activity
  • Subscribe to Apple Fitness+
  • Find Apple Fitness+ workouts and meditations
  • Start an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Create a Custom Plan in Apple Fitness+
  • Work out together using SharePlay
  • Change what’s on the screen during an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Download an Apple Fitness+ workout or meditation
  • Get started with Freeform
  • Create a Freeform board
  • Draw or handwrite
  • Apply consistent styles
  • Position items on a board
  • Search Freeform boards
  • Share and collaborate
  • Delete and recover boards
  • Get started with Health
  • Fill out your Health Details
  • Intro to Health data
  • View your health data
  • Share your health data
  • View health data shared by others
  • Download health records
  • View health records
  • Monitor your walking steadiness
  • Log menstrual cycle information
  • View menstrual cycle predictions and history
  • Track your medications
  • Learn more about your medications
  • Log your state of mind
  • Take a mental health assessment
  • Set up a schedule for a Sleep Focus
  • Turn off alarms and delete sleep schedules
  • Add or change sleep schedules
  • Turn Sleep Focus on or off
  • Change your wind down period, sleep goal, and more
  • View your sleep history
  • Check your headphone levels
  • Use audiogram data
  • Register as an organ donor
  • Back up your Health data
  • Intro to Home
  • Upgrade to the new Home architecture
  • Set up accessories
  • Control accessories
  • Control your home using Siri
  • Use Grid Forecast to plan your energy usage
  • Set up HomePod
  • Control your home remotely
  • Create and use scenes
  • Use automations
  • Set up security cameras
  • Use Face Recognition
  • Unlock your door with a home key
  • Configure a router
  • Invite others to control accessories
  • Add more homes
  • Get music, movies, and TV shows
  • Get ringtones
  • Manage purchases and settings
  • Get started with Journal
  • Write in your journal
  • Review your past journal entries
  • Change Journal settings
  • Magnify nearby objects
  • Change settings
  • Detect people around you
  • Detect doors around you
  • Receive image descriptions of your surroundings
  • Read aloud text and labels around you
  • Set up shortcuts for Detection Mode
  • Add and remove email accounts
  • Set up a custom email domain
  • Check your email
  • Unsend email with Undo Send
  • Reply to and forward emails
  • Save an email draft
  • Add email attachments
  • Download email attachments
  • Annotate email attachments
  • Set email notifications
  • Search for email
  • Organize email in mailboxes
  • Flag or block emails
  • Filter emails
  • Use Hide My Email
  • Use Mail Privacy Protection
  • Change email settings
  • Delete and recover emails
  • Add a Mail widget to your Home Screen
  • Print emails
  • Get travel directions
  • Select other route options
  • Find stops along your route
  • View a route overview or a list of turns
  • Change settings for spoken directions
  • Get driving directions
  • Get directions to your parked car
  • Set up electric vehicle routing
  • Report traffic incidents
  • Get cycling directions
  • Get walking directions
  • Get transit directions
  • Delete recent directions
  • Get traffic and weather info
  • Estimate travel time and ETA
  • Download offline maps
  • Search for places
  • Find nearby attractions, restaurants, and services
  • Get information about places
  • Mark places
  • Share places
  • Rate places
  • Save favorite places
  • Explore new places with Guides
  • Organize places in My Guides
  • Delete significant locations
  • Look around places
  • Take Flyover tours
  • Find your Maps settings
  • Measure dimensions
  • View and save measurements
  • Measure a person’s height
  • Use the level
  • Set up Messages
  • About iMessage
  • Send and reply to messages
  • Unsend and edit messages
  • Keep track of messages
  • Forward and share messages
  • Group conversations
  • Watch, listen, or play together using SharePlay
  • Collaborate on projects
  • Use iMessage apps
  • Take and edit photos or videos
  • Share photos, links, and more
  • Send stickers
  • Request, send, and receive payments
  • Send and receive audio messages
  • Animate messages
  • Change notifications
  • Block, filter, and report messages
  • Delete messages and attachments
  • Recover deleted messages
  • View albums, playlists, and more
  • Show song credits and lyrics
  • Queue up your music
  • Listen to broadcast radio
  • Subscribe to Apple Music
  • Play music together in the car with iPhone
  • Listen to lossless music
  • Listen to Dolby Atmos music
  • Apple Music Sing
  • Find new music
  • Add music and listen offline
  • Get personalized recommendations
  • Listen to radio
  • Search for music
  • Create playlists
  • See what your friends are listening to
  • Use Siri to play music
  • Change the way music sounds
  • Get started with News
  • Use News widgets
  • See news stories chosen just for you
  • Read stories
  • Follow your favorite teams with My Sports
  • Listen to Apple News Today
  • Subscribe to Apple News+
  • Browse and read Apple News+ stories and issues
  • Download Apple News+ issues
  • Listen to audio stories
  • Solve crossword puzzles
  • Search for news stories
  • Save stories in News for later
  • Subscribe to individual news channels
  • Get started with Notes
  • Add or remove accounts
  • Create and format notes
  • Draw or write
  • Add photos, videos, and more
  • Scan text and documents
  • Work with PDFs
  • Create Quick Notes
  • Search notes
  • Organize in folders
  • Organize with tags
  • Use Smart Folders
  • Export or print notes
  • Change Notes settings
  • Make a call
  • Answer or decline incoming calls
  • While on a call
  • Set up voicemail
  • Check voicemail
  • Change voicemail greeting and settings
  • Select ringtones and vibrations
  • Make calls using Wi-Fi
  • Set up call forwarding and call waiting
  • Avoid unwanted calls
  • View photos and videos
  • Play videos and slideshows
  • Delete or hide photos and videos
  • Edit photos and videos
  • Trim video length and adjust slow motion
  • Edit Cinematic mode videos
  • Edit Live Photos
  • Edit portraits
  • Use photo albums
  • Edit, share, and organize albums
  • Filter and sort photos and videos in albums
  • Make stickers from your photos
  • Duplicate and copy photos and videos
  • Merge duplicate photos and videos
  • Search for photos
  • Identify people and pets
  • Browse photos by location
  • Share photos and videos
  • Share long videos
  • View photos and videos shared with you
  • Watch memories
  • Personalize your memories
  • Manage memories and featured photos
  • Use iCloud Photos
  • Create shared albums
  • Add and remove people in a shared album
  • Add and delete photos and videos in a shared album
  • Set up or join an iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Add content to an iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Use iCloud Shared Photo Library
  • Import and export photos and videos
  • Print photos
  • Find podcasts
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Follow your favorite podcasts
  • Use the Podcasts widget
  • Organize your podcast library
  • Download, save, or share podcasts
  • Subscribe to podcasts
  • Listen to subscriber-only content
  • Change download settings
  • Make a grocery list
  • Add items to a list
  • Edit and manage a list
  • Search and organize lists
  • Work with templates
  • Use Smart Lists
  • Print reminders
  • Use the Reminders widget
  • Change Reminders settings
  • Browse the web
  • Search for websites
  • Customize your Safari settings
  • Change the layout
  • Use Safari profiles
  • Open and close tabs
  • Organize your tabs
  • View your Safari tabs from another Apple device
  • Share Tab Groups
  • Use Siri to listen to a webpage
  • Bookmark favorite webpages
  • Save pages to a Reading List
  • Find links shared with you
  • Annotate and save a webpage as a PDF
  • Automatically fill in forms
  • Get extensions
  • Hide ads and distractions
  • Clear your cache
  • Browse the web privately
  • Use passkeys in Safari
  • Check stocks
  • Manage multiple watchlists
  • Read business news
  • Add earnings reports to your calendar
  • Use a Stocks widget
  • Translate text, voice, and conversations
  • Translate text in apps
  • Translate with the camera view
  • Subscribe to Apple TV+, MLS Season Pass, or an Apple TV channel
  • Add your TV provider
  • Get shows, movies, and more
  • Watch sports
  • Watch Major League Soccer with MLS Season Pass
  • Control playback
  • Manage your library
  • Change the settings
  • Make a recording
  • Play it back
  • Edit or delete a recording
  • Keep recordings up to date
  • Organize recordings
  • Search for or rename a recording
  • Share a recording
  • Duplicate a recording
  • Keep cards and passes in Wallet
  • Set up Apple Pay
  • Use Apple Pay for contactless payments
  • Use Apple Pay in apps and on the web
  • Track your orders
  • Use Apple Cash
  • Use Apple Card
  • Use Savings
  • Pay for transit
  • Access your home, hotel room, and vehicle
  • Add identity cards
  • Use COVID-19 vaccination cards
  • Check your Apple Account balance
  • Use Express Mode
  • Organize your Wallet
  • Remove cards or passes
  • Check the weather
  • Check the weather in other locations
  • View weather maps
  • Manage weather notifications
  • Use Weather widgets
  • Learn the weather icons
  • Find out what Siri can do
  • Tell Siri about yourself
  • Have Siri announce calls and notifications
  • Add Siri Shortcuts
  • About Siri Suggestions
  • Use Siri in your car
  • Change Siri settings
  • Contact emergency services
  • Use Emergency SOS via satellite
  • Request Roadside Assistance via satellite
  • Set up and view your Medical ID
  • Use Check In
  • Manage Crash Detection
  • Reset privacy and security settings in an emergency
  • Set up Family Sharing
  • Add Family Sharing members
  • Remove Family Sharing members
  • Share subscriptions
  • Share purchases
  • Share locations with family and locate lost devices
  • Set up Apple Cash Family and Apple Card Family
  • Set up parental controls
  • Set up a child’s device
  • Get started with Screen Time
  • Protect your vision health with Screen Distance
  • Set up Screen Time
  • Set communication and safety limits and block inappropriate content
  • Charging cable
  • Power adapters
  • MagSafe chargers and battery packs
  • MagSafe cases and sleeves
  • Qi-certified wireless chargers
  • Use AirPods
  • Use EarPods
  • Apple Watch
  • Wirelessly stream videos and photos to Apple TV or a smart TV
  • Connect to a display with a cable
  • HomePod and other wireless speakers
  • Pair Magic Keyboard
  • Enter characters with diacritical marks
  • Switch between keyboards
  • Use shortcuts
  • Choose an alternative keyboard layout
  • Change typing assistance options
  • External storage devices
  • Bluetooth accessories
  • Share your internet connection
  • Allow phone calls on your iPad and Mac
  • Use iPhone as a webcam
  • Hand off tasks between devices
  • Cut, copy, and paste between iPhone and other devices
  • Stream video or mirror the screen of your iPhone
  • Start SharePlay instantly
  • Use AirDrop to send items
  • Connect iPhone and your computer with a cable
  • Transfer files between devices
  • Transfer files with email, messages, or AirDrop
  • Transfer files or sync content with the Finder or iTunes
  • Automatically keep files up to date with iCloud
  • Use an external storage device, a file server, or a cloud storage service
  • Intro to CarPlay
  • Connect to CarPlay
  • Use your vehicle’s built-in controls
  • Get turn-by-turn directions
  • Change the map view
  • Make phone calls
  • View your calendar
  • Send and receive text messages
  • Announce incoming text messages
  • Play podcasts
  • Play audiobooks
  • Listen to news stories
  • Control your home
  • Use other apps with CarPlay
  • Rearrange icons on CarPlay Home
  • Change settings in CarPlay
  • Get started with accessibility features
  • Turn on accessibility features for setup
  • Change Siri accessibility settings
  • Open features with Accessibility Shortcut
  • Change color and brightness
  • Make text easier to read
  • Reduce onscreen motion
  • Customize per-app visual settings
  • Hear what’s on the screen or typed
  • Hear audio descriptions
  • Turn on and practice VoiceOver
  • Change your VoiceOver settings
  • Use VoiceOver gestures
  • Operate iPhone when VoiceOver is on
  • Control VoiceOver using the rotor
  • Use the onscreen keyboard
  • Write with your finger
  • Use VoiceOver with an Apple external keyboard
  • Use a braille display
  • Type braille on the screen
  • Customize gestures and keyboard shortcuts
  • Use VoiceOver with a pointer device
  • Use VoiceOver for images and videos
  • Use VoiceOver in apps
  • Use AssistiveTouch
  • Adjust how iPhone responds to your touch
  • Use Reachability
  • Auto-answer calls
  • Turn off vibration
  • Change Face ID and attention settings
  • Use Voice Control
  • Adjust the side or Home button
  • Use Apple TV Remote buttons
  • Adjust pointer settings
  • Adjust keyboard settings
  • Adjust AirPods settings
  • Turn on Apple Watch Mirroring
  • Control a nearby Apple device
  • Intro to Switch Control
  • Set up and turn on Switch Control
  • Select items, perform actions, and more
  • Control several devices with one switch
  • Use hearing devices
  • Use Live Listen
  • Use sound recognition
  • Set up and use RTT and TTY
  • Flash the LED for alerts
  • Adjust audio settings
  • Play background sounds
  • Display subtitles and captions
  • Show transcriptions for Intercom messages
  • Get Live Captions (beta)
  • Type to speak
  • Record a Personal Voice
  • Use Guided Access
  • Use built-in privacy and security protections
  • Set a passcode
  • Set up Face ID
  • Set up Touch ID
  • Control access to information on the Lock Screen
  • Keep your Apple ID secure
  • Use passkeys to sign in to apps and websites
  • Sign in with Apple
  • Share passwords
  • Automatically fill in strong passwords
  • Change weak or compromised passwords
  • View your passwords and related information
  • Share passkeys and passwords securely with AirDrop
  • Make your passkeys and passwords available on all your devices
  • Automatically fill in verification codes
  • Automatically fill in SMS passcodes
  • Sign in with fewer CAPTCHA challenges
  • Use two-factor authentication
  • Use security keys
  • Manage information sharing with Safety Check
  • Control app tracking permissions
  • Control the location information you share
  • Control access to information in apps
  • Control how Apple delivers advertising to you
  • Control access to hardware features
  • Create and manage Hide My Email addresses
  • Protect your web browsing with iCloud Private Relay
  • Use a private network address
  • Use Advanced Data Protection
  • Use Lockdown Mode
  • Use Stolen Device Protection
  • Receive warnings about sensitive content
  • Use Contact Key Verification
  • Turn iPhone on or off
  • Force restart iPhone
  • Back up iPhone
  • Return iPhone settings to their defaults
  • Restore all content from a backup
  • Restore purchased and deleted items
  • Sell, give away, or trade in your iPhone
  • Erase iPhone
  • Install or remove configuration profiles
  • Important safety information
  • Important handling information
  • Find more resources for software and service
  • FCC compliance statement
  • ISED Canada compliance statement
  • Ultra Wideband information
  • Class 1 Laser information
  • Apple and the environment
  • Disposal and recycling information
  • Unauthorized modification of iOS

Get extensions to customize Safari on iPhone

ios safari for android

Add Safari extensions

the Page Settings button

Tap More Extensions to browse through extensions in the App Store.

When you find one you want, tap the price, or if the app is free, tap Get, then follow the onscreen instructions.

Manage your extensions

Use extensions.

You can use an extension to customize the way your browser works. You can turn Safari extensions on or off at any time.

ios safari for android

Tap an extension, then turn on Allow Extension.

If you have Safari profiles set up, turn on the extension for each profile you want to use it with.

Important: Check the extensions you have installed and make sure you’re familiar with what they do.

Change extension settings for an individual website

You can turn an extension on or off for an individual website without changing your overall Safari settings.

Turn each extension on or off.

Remove an extension

Swipe down on the Home Screen, then search for the extension you want to remove.

Touch and hold the extension icon, tap “Delete app,” then follow the onscreen instructions.

How-To Geek

7 iphone and ipad safari extensions worth installing.

Safari Extensions arrived in iOS 15, so we made a list of our favorites.

Quick Links

Managing extensions for safari on iphone and ipad, dark mode everywhere: turn off the lights or nitefall, manage your tab problem:, dismiss cookie permissions pop-ups: super agent, liberate your videos: pipifier, manage your passwords: 1password, disable amp and much more: hyperweb, a welcome enhancement for safari.

With the arrival of iOS 15, Safari for iPhone and iPad gained proper extensions. Apple has taken the same curated App Store approach as it did with Safari for Mac, vastly improving Safari's web browsing capabilities.

Here are some of the highlights, and a brief overview of how extensions work on iOS and iPadOS.

Extensions for the Safari browser on iPhone and iPad are managed using the App Store. You can search for new extensions as you would any other app, and updates are managed by the App Store and can be applied automatically too.

You'll even find a dedicated Safari Extensions category in the App Store app by tapping the Apps tab then scrolling down to "Top Categories" and tapping See All > Safari Extensions.

When you have enabled one or more extensions you will see a small icon in the address bar that looks like a puzzle piece. Tapping on this will show active extensions and a "Manage Extensions" option where you can enable and disable extensions quickly.

Due to Apple's careful approach to privacy in iOS , expect to be asked to grant permission to certain websites or services. Some apps require "Access" to every website they are designed to work with, while others may ask to filter your traffic if they are designed to block certain types of content.

You can go to Settings > Safari > Extensions to see a list of currently installed extensions, what each has access to, and any privacy disclosures. You can also give an extension full access to all websites here, which gets rid of the frequent permissions pop-ups.

You should make sure you fully understand the risks of allowing an app developer to access this information. A similar comparison can be made to third party keyboards , which may require "Full Access" and thus be able to store or transmit anything that is typed.

Related: With iOS 15, the iPhone Stays Ahead of Android in Privacy

Many websites now support dark themes either with a toggle or by detecting your device's current settings. Many still don't, and that's a problem when you're trying to browse at night. Turn Off the Lights is one such free extension that attempts to remedy this.

On Safari, the app works by adding a semi-transparent dark overlay. This has the effect of dimming page content without inverting colors, so things appear much dimmer. The benefit of this approach is that it leaves page styles alone which means you're less likely to run into problems with page styles or readability.

It's not foolproof and some websites resist the extension, while the overlay can be a little temperamental at times. It also lacks the customization that you'll find on the desktop version.

Nitefall is a good alternative if Turn Off the Lights falls short. It's also free but can only be used on a limited number (25) of websites. It has three dark themes, support for maps, and site-specific settings but if you want to use it on more websites you'll need to upgrade for a one-off fee of $3.99.

Related: How to Enable Dark Mode on your iPhone and iPad

Do you have a nasty tab habit? Culling hundreds of tabs using Safari's tiled view is tedious even on the latest devices. It's not possible to read the full website name or URL, and many older tab previews will be purged. makes this process much easier.

Once you've set new tabs to open with you'll see a neat list of all current tabs, with the most recently used at the top. Each tab title is listed with its URL, and you can even filter tabs using the search bar at the top. You can then close each tab with a tap of the red "Close" button.

Related: How to Use Tab Groups in Safari on iPhone and iPad

There's even a dark mode toggle at the top of the screen for managing your tab addiction after dark. An essential extension for anyone who never closes tabs, and something Apple should probably copy to make managing tabs in future versions of Safari less of a mess.

Cookie warnings are one of the most annoying things on the modern internet. It's not necessarily a bad thing that websites now have to ask you before tracking you or gathering information, but cookie warnings introduce additional steps to reading almost any article on the web.

Super Agent is one extension that can help. Install the extension then set your cookie preferences in the app and let Super Agent take care of the rest. The extension will action your preferences on a large number of websites (though not all websites are supported).

Cookies are split into three sections: advertising, functional, and performance. Any that don't fit these categories are automatically blocked. There's no subscription, and the accompanying app makes it easy to manage your preferences.

Related: What Is a Browser Cookie?

Previously a plug-in for the desktop version of Safari, PiPifier does one thing and it does it well: restoring picture-in-picture functionality to videos across the web. Apple added this handy feature to Safari in iOS 14, but it hasn't always worked everywhere. The feature allows you to watch a video in a frame while using other apps, and it has a transformative effect on iPhone and iPad multitasking.

Notably, YouTube blocks picture-in-picture mode on Safari for iPhone and iPad in a bid to get you to use the YouTube app. The YouTube app currently sells this feature back to you as part of a YouTube Red subscription. PiPifier restores picture-in-picture mode to the web version of YouTube, allowing you to use the full functionality of Safari with YouTube once more.

Related: How to Use Picture-in-Picture on iPhone

If you use 1Password then the app's accompanying Safari extension provides a "desktop-class" experience. Of course, the extension isn't going to be of much use to you if you use another service like LastPass or Apple's iCloud Keychain (which already integrates nicely with Safari ).

You can use the extension to autofill details like passwords , credit card details , two-factor authentication codes , and more. You can also quickly access any favorite credentials or notes, and add new items to your 1Password account.

If you want one extension that includes most of the separate enhancements listed above, Hyperweb is what you're looking for. It's the Swiss army knife of mobile Safari extensions, providing features like dark mode (by inverting colors), cookie pop-up management, picture-in-picture plus content blocking, and search engine personalization too.

Related: What Is Google AMP, and Why Is It In My Search Results?

Hyperweb also allows you to apply custom styles and run custom user scripts from websites like Stylish and Greasy Fork which can change the look and feel of some of your favorite websites. It also blocks Google's AMP (Accelerated Mobile Project) pages when visiting from a search engine, and it's currently the only free extension to do so.

If you use third-party apps for services like Twitter, Reddit, or YouTube you can force content to open in apps like Tweetbot, Apollo, or Syndromi. You can also direct Apple Maps to Google Maps, open streams in apps like VLC, or send PDFs to PDF Expert.

Hyperweb's most powerful feature allows you to create your own rules known as local enhancements. You can set "If" and "Then" parameters that target specific URLs, domains, pages, and search engines that go well beyond the included enhancements. You can only create one of these rules in the free version, or you can pay $2.99/month to unlock the extension's functionality.

Safari Extensions were added to iOS and iPadOS 15, Apple's smartphone and tablet operating systems. Check out what else is new in the update , and take full advantage of the great new iOS 15 privacy features .

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Apple to unveil AI-enabled Safari browser alongside new operating systems

Marko Zivkovic's Avatar

Safari getting new AI tools in iOS 18

ios safari for android

The software — expected to debut as Safari 18 later in 2024 — is currently undergoing evaluation alongside internal builds of Apple's next-generation operating system updates, namely iOS 18 and macOS 15, according to people familiar with the matter. Should all of the new features make it to the release candidate stage, users will be treated to a new user interface (UI) for customizing popular page controls, a "Web eraser" feature, and AI-driven content summarization tools.

Intelligent Search - AI-enhanced browsing and text summarization

Engineers evaluating the latest builds of Safari 18 can find a toggle for the new page controls menu within the browser's address bar. The menu consolidates — and provides quick access to — old and new page control tools, among them being the browser's new "Intelligent Search" feature.

A screenshot of Arc Search on iPhone with a summary of an article from AppleInsider

This feature is not automatically enabled in test builds of Safari 18 and instead requires manual activation from the page controls menu. Once enabled, it's believed the tool leverages Apple's on-device AI technology — specifically the Ajax language-learning model — to identify topics and key phrases within a webpage for which to base the summarization.

In selecting key phrases, Apple's LLM software identifies sentences that provide explanations or describe the structure of objects, depending on the text in question. Words repeated within a text and key sentences are recognized as text topics.

These early indications suggest Apple is striving to deliver text summarization alongside Safari 18 later this year, though the exact implementation of this feature remains fuzzy.

Apple's text summarization features could be a response to rival generative AI tools, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. But Apple's on-device models and technologies like Private Relay could make the experience much more secure for users. Intelligent Search is also likely to be the same AI browser assistant that one X user hinted at a couple of weeks back.

Web Eraser for better content-blocking

Also accessible from the new page controls menu is a feature Apple is testing called "Web Eraser." As its name would imply, it's designed to allow users to remove, or erase, specific portions of web pages, according to people familiar with the feature.

The feature is expected to build upon existing privacy features within Safari and will allow users to erase unwanted content from any webpage of their choosing. Users will have the option to erase banner ads, images, text or even entire page sections, all with relative ease.

A screenshot of 1Blocker's element blocking feature that removes selected parts of a webpage

The erasure is said to be persistent, rather than limited to a browsing session. This means that Safari will remember the changes even after the original tab or window has been closed.

When visiting a web page with previously erased content, Safari will inform the user that the page has been modified to reflect their desired changes. The browser will also give the user the option to revert changes and restore the webpage to its initial, unaltered state.

As for where Apple got the inspiration for Web Eraser, the company could have Sherlocked the feature from the third-party app 1Blocker. The application features a similar way of erasing ads, where users would tap ads to make them disappear.

Updated UI will move key tools into one easy location

The new page controls menu referenced throughout this article will attempt to offer Safari 18 users quick and easy access to several options previously located across different menus and the Share Sheet. Running on pre-release versions of macOS 15, for instance, the menu also pulls in the "Aa" menu common on existing iPadOS versions of the browser. These include zoom options, webpage settings for privacy controls, content blocking options, extension shortcuts, and access to the new AI and erasure tools.

A mockup image of desktop Safari with an iPad-like menu that includes AI and erase features.

These various options existed previously on macOS, but were found by navigating through the Safari settings menu. Having all of these controls in one central location in the Address Bar will make these options more discoverable for end users. Other options like on-page text search and reader mode are also in this menu.

This all suggests Apple intends to unite the iPadOS and macOS Safari UI paradigms when it unveils its new OS releases during its Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

AI-enhanced Visual Lookup feature could be available in 2025

Simultaneously, Apple is also working on a much more powerful visual search feature scheduled for integration sometime in 2025 that will allow users to obtain information on consumer products when browsing through images. People familiar with the tool say it's similar to the Visual Lookup feature, through which Siri can identify plants, pets and landmarks from photos.

An image of a black cat with big yellow eyes in Apple Photos with text below classifying it as a 'bombay'

Visual Search could be implemented as a system-wide feature. So, instead of surfacing search results in the Photos app, the user may be able to use Visual Search directly in Safari by selecting an image.

Given development of this tool is in the earlier stages, it remains unclear how Apple will ultimately go about implementing it. It also remains to be seen whether or not the feature will make it through internal testing.

The iPhone maker has expressed significant interest in artificial intelligence and more recently published research related to on-device language learning models. This goes hand in hand with widespread rumors about several other AI-powered software features, many of which are expected to make their debut later this year with iOS 18.

Another big year for Safari

From its inception, Safari was always meant to rival existing web browsers.

A Flickr login screen with password auto fill shown as a pop-up

Safari was originally added to macOS as a means of replacing Microsoft's Internet Explorer for Mac, which was the default browser. Over the years, the app made its way to the iPhone , and has since received various upgrades over the years.

More recent versions of Safari provide users with personalized web suggestions, and allow for greater privacy protection with features such as iCloud Private Relay.

This latest set of enhancements only serves to better position Safari against the competition, in an ever-increasing landscape of generative AI tools and third-party ad-blockers.

While Apple tests many such features during different development stages, it is important to remember that not all of them make it to release. Apple has been known to delay features or cancel them entirely, so there's always a chance we may not see these new Safari features after all.

Along with Safari 18 and its associated improvements, we should also see a revamped Calculator with Math Notes make its way to iPadOS 18. Freeform Scenes and Adaptive Voice Shortcuts are new OS features, which are also expected to debut later this year.

Apple is expected to introduce various AI-related enhancements as part of iOS 18 and macOS 15, both of which should be announced at the company's annual WWDC on June 10.


"As for where Apple got the inspiration for Web Eraser, the company could have Sherlocked the feature from the third-party app 1Blocker. The application features a similar way of erasing ads, where users would tap ads to make them disappear." They may also have been inspired by Simplified Page....

As long as I can turn it off/hide it they can knock themselves out. 

Will the web eraser feature remove pop up videos, such as the ones that appear on this site?

I use the 'Reader' function in Safari quite a bit, but sometimes it doesn't work very well. Seems like something that AI could help make better. 

Web ads suck but how else do you think your favorite websites will stay in business? Are you prepared to pay a subscription to every site? I doubt it…

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Blazing fast. Incredibly private.

ios safari for android

Safari is the best way to experience the Internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customisation options, powerful privacy protections and optimises battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it’s the world’s fastest browser. 1


More with the battery. less with the loading..

With a blazing-fast JavaScript engine, Safari is the world’s fastest browser. 1 It’s developed to run specifically on Apple devices, so it’s geared to make the most out of your battery life and deliver long-lasting power.

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Increased performance

We’re always working to make the fastest desktop browser on the planet even faster.

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Improved power efficiency

Safari lets you do more online on a single charge.

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Up to 4 hours more streaming videos compared with Chrome 3

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Up to 17 hours of video streaming 3

Best-in-class browsing

Safari outperforms both Mac and PC browsers in benchmark after benchmark on the same Mac. 4

  • JetStream /
  • MotionMark /
  • Speedometer /

JavaScript performance on advanced web applications. 4

Safari vs. other Mac browsers

Safari on macOS

Chrome on macOS

Edge on macOS

Firefox on macOS

Safari vs. Windows 11 browsers

Chrome on Windows 11

Edge on Windows 11

Firefox on Windows 11

Rendering performance of animated content. 4

Web application responsiveness. 4

4K video streaming

See your favourite shows and films in their best light. Safari supports in-browser 4K HDR video playback for YouTube, Netflix and Apple TV+. 5 And it runs efficiently for longer-lasting battery life.

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Privacy is built in.

Online privacy isn’t just something you should hope for — it’s something you should expect. That’s why Safari comes with industry-leading privacy protection technology built in, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention that identifies trackers and helps prevent them from profiling or following you across the web. Upgrading to iCloud+ gives you even more privacy protections, including the ability to sign up for websites and services without having to share your personal email address.

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Intelligent Tracking Prevention

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Safari stops trackers in their tracks.

What you browse is no one’s business but your own. Safari has built‑in protections to help stop websites and data-collection companies from watching and profiling you based on your browsing activity. Intelligent Tracking Prevention uses on-device intelligence to help prevent cross-site tracking and stops known trackers from using your IP address — making it incredibly difficult to learn who you are and what you’re interested in.

Privacy Report

Safari makes it simple to see how your privacy is protected on all the websites you visit. Click Privacy Report in the Safari menu for a snapshot of cross-site trackers currently prevented from profiling you on the website you’re visiting. Or view a weekly Privacy Report to see how Safari protects you as you browse over time.

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Putting the you in url..

Safari is more customisable than ever. Organise your tabs into Tab Groups so it’s easy to go from one interest to the next. Set a custom background image and fine-tune your browser window with your favourite features — like Reading List, Favourites, iCloud Tabs and Siri Suggestions. And third-party extensions for iPhone, iPad and Mac let you do even more with Safari, so you can browse the way you want across all your devices.

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Safari Profiles allow you to separate your history, extensions, Tab Groups, favourites, cookies and more. Quickly switch between profiles for topics you create, like Personal and Work.

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Web apps let you save your favourite websites to the Dock on Mac and to the Home Screen on iPhone and iPad. A simplified toolbar and separate settings give you an app-like experience.

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Safari Extensions add functionality to your browser to help you explore the web the way you want. Find and add your favourite extensions in the dedicated Safari category on the App Store.

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Save and organise your tabs in the way that works best for you. Name your Tab Groups, edit them and switch among them across devices. You can also share Tab Groups — making planning your next family trip or group project easier and more collaborative.

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Smart Tools

Designed to help your work flow..

Built-in tools create a browsing experience that’s far more immersive, intuitive and immediate. Get detailed information about a subject in a photo with just a click, select text within any image, instantly translate an entire web page and quickly take notes wherever you are on a site — without having to switch apps.

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Notes is your go-to app to capture any thought. And with the Quick Note feature, you can instantly jot down ideas as you browse websites without having to leave Safari.

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Translate entire web pages with a single click. You can also get translations for text in images and paused video without leaving Safari.

Interact with text in any image or paused video on the web using functions like copy and paste, translate and lookup. 6

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Visual Look Up

Quickly learn more about landmarks, works of art, breeds of dogs and more with only a photo or an image you find online. And easily lift the subject of an image from Safari, remove its background and paste it into Messages, Notes or other apps.

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Surf safe and sound.

Strong security protections in Safari help keep you safe. Passkeys introduce a safer way to sign in. iCloud Keychain securely stores and autofills passkeys and passwords across all your devices. Safari also notifies you when it encounters suspicious websites and prevents them from loading. Because it loads each web page in a separate process, any harmful code is always confined to a single browser tab so it won’t crash the entire application or access your data. And Safari automatically upgrades sites from HTTP to the more secure HTTPS when available.

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Passkeys introduce a more secure and easier way to sign in. No passwords required.

Passkeys are end-to-end encrypted and safe from phishing and data leaks, and they are stronger than all common two-factor authentication types. Thanks to iCloud Keychain, they work across all your Apple devices, and they even work on non-Apple devices.

Learn more about passkeys

Same Safari. Different device.

Safari works seamlessly and syncs your passwords, bookmarks, history, tabs and more across Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch. And when your Mac, iOS or iPadOS devices are near each other, they can automatically pass what you’re doing in Safari from one device to another using Handoff. You can even copy images, video or text from Safari on your iPhone or iPad, then paste into another app on your nearby Mac — or vice versa.

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When you use Safari on multiple devices, your tabs carry over from one Apple device to another. So you can search, shop, work or browse on your iPhone, then switch to your iPad or Mac and pick up right where you left off.

Save web pages you want to read later by adding them to your Reading List. Then view them on any of your iCloud-connected devices — even if you’re not connected to the Internet.

iCloud Keychain securely stores your user names, passwords and credit card numbers, and keeps them up to date on your trusted devices. So you can easily sign in to your favourite websites — as well as apps on iOS and iPadOS — and quickly make online purchases.

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Designed for developers.

Deep WebKit integration between Mac hardware and macOS allows Safari to deliver the fastest performance and the longest battery life of any browser on the platform, while supporting modern web standards for rich experiences in the browser. WebKit in macOS Sonoma includes optimisations that enable even richer browsing experiences, and give developers more control over styling and layout — allowing for more engaging content.

Make Safari your default browser

Customise your start page, view your browsing privacy report, monitor your saved passwords, view your tabs across all your devices, read the safari user guide, get safari support.

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New AI Features Reportedly Coming to Safari in iOS 18

Safari will gain a series of AI-powered features and UI enhancements in iOS 18 , AppleInsider reports .

safari icon blue banner

  • An "Intelligent Search" browser assistant tool that leverages Apple's on-device AI technology to identify key topics and phrases on webpages for summarization purposes.
  • A "Web Eraser" tool that allows users to remove unwanted portions of webpages easily. Erasure is persistent, remaining even when revisiting a site unless changes are reverted.
  • A new, quick-access menu emerging from the address bar that consolidates page tools, bringing over some functions that currently sit in the Share Sheet and placing them alongside the new tools.

The iPadOS and macOS versions of Safari are also expected to align further. These new features are purportedly undergoing evaluation alongside internal builds of ‌iOS 18‌ and macOS 15 ahead of their unveiling at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) in June. Earlier this month, backend code on Apple's servers suggested that a new Safari browsing assistant is in the works, corroborating this report.

Farther in the future, Apple is said to be working on a more powerful version of Visual Look Up that allows users to obtain information on products when browsing through images. The feature is expected to be released sometime in 2025.

Last week, Bloomberg 's Mark Gurman said that ‌iOS 18‌ will "overhaul" many of Apple's built-in apps , including Notes, Mail, Photos , and Fitness. Apple's next-generation operating systems are almost certain to be previewed during Apple's WWDC keynote on June 10, and the updates should be widely released in the fall.

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spaxxedout Avatar

A "Web Eraser" tool that allows users to remove unwanted portions of webpages easily. Erasure is persistent, remaining even when revisiting a site unless changes are reverted.

SmugMaverick Avatar

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ios safari for android

How to close all your Safari tabs at once on iPhone

There are two types of iPhone users: those that religiously close out their Safari tabs and those that have hundreds of tabs open at any given moment. At some point, there comes a time when you need to clear out all of your open Safari tabs and declutter your browsing experience. It can be a pain to close out every single tab individually, but luckily you don't have to. In iOS 17, there's a hidden button that'll let you close out all the tabs in a given Tab Group simultaneously. If you've been manually closing out tabs, you need to learn this crucial iPhone trick for Safari.

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How to close tabs in safari on iphone.

Recent versions of Safari split up tabs into Tab Groups , and this is something to keep in mind when trying to clear all your tabs. All iPhone users will have at least two Tab Groups: Start Page and Private . If you've created custom Tab Groups — either on your iPhone or on a device synced with iCloud — you'll have to repeat the steps below for each Tab Group.

  • Open Safari on your iPhone.
  • Tap the Tabs button in the bottom right corner of the toolbar (it looks like two squares stacked on one another).
  • Press the X button to close an individual tab.
  • Hold the Done button and press Close all tabs to clear all your tabs simultaneously.
  • Repeat the process as needed throughout your Tab Groups in Safari on iOS. Close

Why you should clear Safari tabs regularly

Safari won't let you open more than 500 tabs in a single Tab Group, so all iPhone users will have to close out old tabs eventually. However, there's a case to be made for closing Safari tabs far more frequently than that. Having minimal Safari tabs in a Tab Group can make it easier to go back and forth between the ones you really need. Plus, you may notice a slight performance benefit to running Safari with fewer tabs, although it isn't as big of a deal on the newest iPhones . Still, it's a pain to close out Safari tabs on iPhone individually, so using the hidden Close all tabs button is incredibly helpful.

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How to close all your Safari tabs at once on iPhone


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  3. Safari

    Safari is the world's fastest browser. Enjoy more third-party extensions, powerful privacy protections, and industry-leading battery life. ... Intel Core i7-based PC systems with Intel Iris Xe Graphics and Windows 11 Pro; and iPhone 14 Pro Max with prerelease iOS 17.0, and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2-based smartphones with Android 13. Devices ...

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    The Android version doesn't retain the sophistication of its iOS counterpart. Too few choices make the whole app look empty and dated. Doesn't use many resources. Safari comes in a small size, which makes sense, considering it doesn't have any plugins. It uses less data than mainstream Android browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer.

  13. Privacy Respecting Mobile Web Browsers for Android and iOS

    Always-on Private Browsing. Open Safari and tap the Tabs button, located in the bottom right. Then, expand the Tab Groups list. Select Private. Safari's Private Browsing mode offers additional privacy protections. Private Browsing uses a new ephemeral session for each tab, meaning tabs are isolated from one another.

  14. Safari (web browser)

    Safari is a web browser developed by Apple.It is built into Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and visionOS, and uses Apple's open-source browser engine WebKit, which was derived from KHTML.. Safari was introduced in Mac OS X Panther in January 2003. It has been included with the iPhone since the first generation iPhone in 2007.

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    Tap in the URL field and tap the microphone icon. The first time you do this, you're asked to let Edge access your microphone. Tap on the link to Go to Settings. At the Settings screen, turn on ...

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    A convenient way to browse online. Safari Browser - IOS 15 is a free web browser application that boasts an impressive upgrade in the realm of internet search engines. Here, you can experience a fast loading speed that allows you to access your desired information with just a single click. Moreover, Safari Browser - IOS 15 also comes with a ...

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    With Safari you can browse sites, translate web pages, and access your tabs across iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Features. • Passwords, bookmarks, history, tabs and more seamlessly sync across iPhone, iPad and Mac. • Private Browsing mode doesn't save your history and keeps your browsing your business. • Intelligent Tracking Prevention ...

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    The fastest way to access mobile apps in the workplace. Try our online demo to familiarise yourself with our product, or contact our sales team to learn more. Try Online Demo Contact Sales. Instantly run mobile apps in your browser with iOS simulators & Android emulators. Appetize is ideal for support, training, previews, testing & automation.

  22. iOS ad blocker by AdGuard: remove all ads on iOS devices

    AdGuard for iOS. The best iOS ad blocker for Safari browser. AdGuard is able to eliminate all kinds of ads in Safari, protect your privacy, and reduce page loading times. AdGuard for iOS ad blocking technology enables the best filtering quality while still allowing to use multiple filters at the same time. AdGuard app has filters optimized ...

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    The software — expected to debut as Safari 18 later in 2024 — is currently undergoing evaluation alongside internal builds of Apple's next-generation operating system updates, namely iOS 18 ...

  25. Safari

    Safari is the world's fastest browser. Enjoy more third-party extensions, powerful privacy protections and industry-leading battery life. ... Intel Core i7-based PC systems with Intel Iris Xe Graphics and Windows 11 Pro; and iPhone 14 Pro Max with prerelease iOS 17.0, and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2-based smartphones with Android 13. Devices ...

  26. iOS 18—New Apple Overhaul Reveals Exciting iPhone AI Privacy ...

    Apple's soon-to-launch iOS 18 software could include an exciting AI-based privacy feature as part of an overhaul of the Safari browser. The new iPhone feature, dubbed Web Eraser, allows you to ...

  27. New AI Features Reportedly Coming to Safari in iOS 18

    Tuesday April 30, 2024 8:38 am PDT by Hartley Charlton. Safari will gain a series of AI-powered features and UI enhancements in iOS 18, AppleInsider reports. Safari will apparently receive a range ...

  28. iOS 18 rumor: These new AI features are coming to Safari

    Safari 18 in iOS 18 and macOS 15 will also reportedly include something called "Web Eraser.". This feature is "designed to allow users to remove, or erase, specific portions of web pages ...

  29. How to close all your Safari tabs at once on iPhone

    Open Safari on your iPhone. Tap the Tabs button in the bottom right corner of the toolbar (it looks like two squares stacked on one another). Press the X button to close an individual tab. Hold ...