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Eine Buchung – alles drin. Buchen Sie jetzt eine Pauschalreise.

Sie freuen sich bereits auf Ihren Urlaub, möchten sich aber nicht durch das Meer an Hotel- und Flugangeboten wühlen? Mit einer Pauschalreise buchen Sie Ihren Urlaub komplett stressfrei und profitieren dabei von einer exklusiven Auswahl an Hotelangeboten und günstigen Charterflügen.

Flugtickets und Hotelzimmer sind bei unseren Pauschalreise-Angeboten bereits inbegriffen. Statt also verschiedene Einzelbausteine suchen und buchen zu müssen, können Sie Ihren Urlaub ganz entspannt im Paket buchen. Auch Zusatzleistungen, wie der Flughafentransfer, sind häufig enthalten. Damit wird die Buchung so entspannt wie der Urlaub selbst.


Kreuzfahrten – auf Seereise entspannt den Urlaub verbringen

Kreuzfahrten erfreuen sich einer immer größeren Beliebtheit. Buchen Sie Ihre Kreuzfahrt online beim Spezialisten! Unsere Mitarbeiter kennen viele Kreuzfahrtschiffe aus eigener Erfahrung, weil auch sie ihre schönsten Wochen des Jahres dort verbringen. Und viele unserer Seereisen Angebote sind konkurrenzlos günstig!

Egal, ob langjährige Kreuzfahrer oder Neulinge, wir haben für jeden Geschmack die passenden Kreuzfahrten und eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Reisen im Angebot. Stöbern Sie durch unsere Kreuzfahrten-Angebote und überzeugen Sie sich selbst.



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Länder und Regionen

Südwesten der usa.

Erleben Sie auf dieser Reise die Highlights der Westküste Amerikas. Besuchen Sie mit uns gemeinsam die ‚Wunder’ der Natur, wie den Grand Canyon, den Bryce…

Saarland und Lothringen

1.Tag: Anreise nach Saarbrücken Heute beginnt Ihre erlebnisreiche Reise ins Saarland. Nach Ankunft in Saarbrücken unternehmen Sie eine Stadtrundfahrt mit anschließendem…

Flugreise zum Jakobsweg

Einer der ältesten Pilgerwege des Christentums ist die "Camino de Santiago" genannte Route, die aus verschiedenen Teilen Europas in den Nordwesten Spaniens, Galicien,…

Sonneninsel Bornholm

Bornholm ist Dänemarks östlichste Insel und liegt weit draußen in der Ostsee. Wer sich für einen Besuch der Insel Bornholm entscheidet, den erwarten neben idyllischen…

Höhepunkte Portugals

Entdecken Sie das zauberhafte Portugal auf unserer unvergesslichen 8-tägigen Rundreise durch die atemberaubenden Regionen um Porto und dem Douro-Tal. Diese Reise…

Jahr für Jahr kommen Millionen von Touristen hierher, um den Zauber dieses "Dorfes in der Stadt“ zu genießen: vorzügliche Weine und herzhafte Spezialitäten!…

Das Trentino, früher auch Welschtirol genannt, das Gebiet zwischen Südtirol und dem schon mediterran anmutenden Gardasee, ist eine Region, die mit grandiosen…

Die Toskana besteht natürlich nicht nur aus den Highlights, die nach wie vor das Ziel dieser ausgewählten Reise sind. Vielschichtig ist diese mittelitalienische…

Lassen Sie sich von der Poesie des Gardasees begeistern, während wir mit dem Reisebus in die einzigartige Welt von Garda eintauchen. Hier am Ufer des Sees erwacht…

Schönheiten Kroatiens

Lernen Sie auf dieser Reise die Schönheiten Kroatiens kennen, erleben Sie die Naturwunder der Adelberger Grotten, der Plitvicer Seen und der Krka-Wasserfälle,…


Zu langen Perlenketten reihen sie sich vor der Glut der untergehenden Sonne auf. An keinem Ort in Mitteleuropa versammeln sich mehr der sangesfreudigen Stars des…

Chester & Liverpool

1.Tag: Anreise Ijmuiden - DFDS Nachtfähre nach Newcastle Heute reisen Sie nach Amsterdam Ijmuiden. Dort liegt die Fähre der DFDS Seaways bereit zum Auslaufen…

Diese bezaubernde Küstenstadt, bekannt für ihre malerische Altstadt und kristallklares Wasser, ist der perfekte Ort für einen erholsamen Urlaub. Das Maistra…

Kaiserstuhl und Titisee

In einer reizvollen Landschaft, wo Romatik und Ruhe, sowie die noch intakte Umwelt Ihren Urlaub bestimmern, dort soll das Ziel dieser Reise sein. Von des Schwarzwaldes…


1. Tag: Anreise nach Wilhelmshaven Bequeme Anreise, check-in im Hotel, Zeit zum Ankommen und abends Abendessen im Hotel. 2. Tag - 7. Tag: Zeit zu Ihrer Verfügung…

Kulturland Ostfriesland

1. Tag: Anreise nach Dangast Genießen Sie die bequeme Busanreise, check-in und am Abend Abendessen im Hotel. 2. Tag bis 7. Tag: Zeit zur freien Verfügung Es gibt…

Die größte Stadt Flanderns blickt auf ein reiches kulturelles Erbe zurück. Seit Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts prägen Künste und Künstler das Leben von Antwerpen.…

Die Stadt Magdeburg ist die Landeshauptstadt von Sachsen-Anhalt. Hier gibt es viel zu entdecken und zu erleben. Magdeburg – ehemals Kaiserresidenz, Hansestadt…

Rügen entdecken

Das die Insel etwas Besonderes ist, spüren Sie schon, wenn Sie ankommen. Selten findet man landschaftlich so abwechslungsreiche und reizvolle Regionen wie auf…


1. Tag: Hinfahrt - Bieberach Starten Sie im komfortablen VIP de Luxe-Reisebus Richtung Schwarzwald. Es geht vorbei an Frankfurt und Karlsruhe nach Bieberach. Check-In…


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The German language Mir Tours catalogue is published once a year in August.

Additional information to the tours may be looked up on the respective tour page. . 

An English language brochure is published once ever 18 months in time for the Birmingham show. 


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von Portugal bis ins Baltikum, von Island bis nach Zypern  – mit Wanderreisen.

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nach Afrika, Asien und Australien, nach Nord- und Südamerika und in die Karibik –  mit Wanderreisen .

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Studiosus CityLights

Städtereisen in der Gruppe – jetzt neu mit nur maximal 15 Gästen . Für ein paar erlebnisreiche Tage zwischendurch.

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Studiosus me & more

Abwechslungsreicher Urlaub für Singles und Alleinreisende.

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Studiosus smart & small

Für alle, denen Badeurlaub zu langweilig und eine Studienreise zu intensiv ist. In kleinen Gruppen mit maximal 15 Gästen.

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Studiosus family

Für Erwachsene mit Kindern zwischen 6 und 14 Jahren. Mit spannendem Erlebnisprogramm.

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kultimer Ausgabe 4 - Juli 2024

Events und Kulturtrips von Studiosus. Ob kulinarisch Reisen, Kunst & Ausstellungen oder musikalische Highlights  – unsere Experten haben weltweit die spannendsten Events für Sie ausgewählt.

*zur Durchführung Ihrer Anforderung erforderlich, alle weiteren Angaben sind freiwillig

Die gedruckten Reisekataloge 2024 sind für Abreisen ab dem 1. Januar bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 gültig. 

Ihre Angaben werden verschlüsselt (SSL) über eine sichere Verbindung übermittelt. Wir verwenden die Daten zur Durchführung Ihrer Anforderung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b der Datenschutzgrundverordnung DSGVO) sowie zu Werbezwecken für eigene Angebote (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lt. f DSGVO). Ausführliche Informationen zum Datenschutz und Ihren weiteren Rechten sowie die Kontaktdaten unseres Datenschutzbeauftragten finden Sie in unserer  Datenschutzerklärung . 

Der V erwendung zu Werbezwecken können Sie jederzeit widersprechen , eine kurze Mitteilung genügt: Studiosus Reisen München GmbH, Postfach 500609, 80976 München, Tel. 0049 89 500 60-0, E-Mail: [email protected]

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Ein must-have für alle Reisefreunde: Ob neue Routen oder Reisesicherheit, unsere Studiosus-Experten halten weltweit Augen und Ohren für Sie offen.

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Tour and Travel Coordinator


JOB DETAILS: Responsible for: Key Roles:  This is a full-time on-site role for a Tour and Travel Coordinator at Faraja Safaris located in Kampala. The Tour and Travel Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and organizing travel arrangements for clients, including booking flights, hotels, and transportation. They will also create and manage tour itineraries, handle visa applications, and provide exceptional customer service to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for clients.

Responsibilities and Duties (Skills): • Plan and organize travel itineraries for individual clients and group tours, including flights, accommodations, transportation, and activities. • Coordinate with airlines, hotels, tour operators, and other travel service providers to make reservations and bookings. • Research destinations, attractions, and travel options to provide clients with relevant information and recommendations. • Communicate with clients to understand their travel preferences, budget constraints, and special requirements. • Provide personalized assistance and support to clients throughout the booking process and during their travels. • Handle inquiries, requests, and issues from clients in a prompt and professional manner, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction. • Keep up-to-date with travel industry trends, regulations, and developments to provide accurate and timely information to clients. • Collaborate with other team members to optimize processes, improve service quality, and achieve business goals. • Maintain accurate records of bookings, payments, and other relevant information using our booking system and databases. • Assist with administrative tasks, such as preparing travel documents, invoices, and reports, as needed. • Prepare tour packages and sell them as per the tourism manual and standard of operating procedures. • Turn at least over 30% of the inquiries into actual bookings within a 24-hour turnaround response time. • Ensure the correct Markups are being followed and applied at all times • Maintaining the key accounts assigned to you as per the agent allocation list • Perform related duties and fulfil to achieve Company goals • Brief and debrief clients/guides and submit the feedback to the tour and Marketing team. • Handle marketing of the tour packages created both online and in other interactive direct approach processes. • Handling hotel and permit bookings, invoicing correctly and collecting payment within the 45-day deadline policy. • Submit a monthly report as per the assigned specific duties. • Key Performance Indicators: • Meeting and exceeding the Monthly targets i.e. meet or exceed the required USD 5000 sales target every month. • Turning 30% of inquiries into confirmed bookings • Thoroughly maintain and regular follow up with all assigned accounts • Briefing and debriefing clients and ensure welcome packs are always handed out to clients • All bookings, invoices and outstanding payments are settled as per the company policy • Monthly report submitted by the 12th of the month

Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in hospitality management, Tourism, Business Administration, or related field preferred. • Proven experience in the travel industry, with a minimum of two (2) years in a similar role. • Strong knowledge of travel booking systems, reservation procedures, and travel-related regulations. • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, with the ability to interact effectively with clients and travel partners. • Outstanding organizational skills and attention to detail, with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and prioritize workload. • Customer-focused attitude and a genuine passion for travel, with a commitment to delivering exceptional service. • Proficiency in computer software and applications, including MS Office suite and travel booking platforms. • Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced environment, with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. • Excellent organizational and time management skills • Strong attention to detail and problem-solving abilities • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Ability to multi-task and work under pressure • Proficient in reservation systems and travel booking software • Knowledge of local and international travel regulations and requirements • Customer-oriented mindset and ability to provide exceptional service • Experience in the travel and tourism industry is a plus • Fluency in multiple languages is a plus • Bachelor's degree in hospitality, tourism, or a related field is preferred

Applying Instructions

Applications (Cover letter, CV, and certified academic documents) should strictly be sent by email to  [email protected] as one document clearly addressed to The Hiring team. We will respond to ONLY shortlisted candidates.

Whilst all applications will be assessed strictly on their individual merits, qualified candiates are especially encouraged to apply. Faraja Safaris is an equal-opportunity Employer.

Disclaimer: Faraja Safaris does not solicit money from its Applicants

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Marketing Manager - Ticketing and Tours

  • Everton Football Club
  • Hybrid (Royal Liver Building, Pier Head, Liverpool, UK)
  • 27 Jun, 2024

Job Description

One of the 12 founder members of the Football League, Everton has played more games in English football's top flight than any other club.              While rightly proud of our rich past, and Goodison Park, our home of more than 130 years, we are now setting our sights on an exciting future at a state-of-the-art new stadium currently being constructed on the banks of the iconic River Mersey.            In doing so, we remain committed to developing and supporting teams across our men’s, women’s and Academy set-ups that inspire and compete at the highest level of the game.       

Our values underpin how we behave, how we represent our club in our city and across the world of football, and how we look after one another and our community. They provide a framework for how we work and engage with partners, suppliers and, most importantly, our fans.         

About the opportunity: In Summer 2025, we will kick off our first Premier League season in our new home on the Liverpool waterfront. Everton Stadium will be a gamechanger for our Club commercially and afford us the opportunity to provide a greater choice and flexibility for supporters through a range of premium seats, bars, restaurants, experiences and events.   

As we rapidly gear up our plans for the move from Goodison Park to Everton Stadium, we are looking for a Marketing Manager – Ticketing & Tours who will lead in the development, implementation and delivery of marketing plans for ticketing products, including match by match for Everton men’s first team, season ticket memberships and stadium tours.   

As Marketing Manager – Ticketing & Tours, you will ambitiously drive record sales across all areas, through the development and coordination of insight led creative campaigns, monitoring and delivering against budget requirements for each applicable cost centre and maintain and develop a 12-month campaign calendar covering all the necessary sales periods with relevant communications.  

You will co-ordinate across department projects to ensure the sales targets are hit, drawing on support from the broader marketing department, ticketing, premium & events, content, media, PR and digital for large scale campaigns, including facilitating meetings between collective stakeholders where required.  

Not only will you get to be a part of something special as we move towards entering our new Everton Stadium, but you will be responsible for driving forward a key strategic pillar for the Club.   

Who we’re looking for: We are looking for a proven marketing professional with experience of working with a design studio, either directly or through an agency, and has experience of delivering high performing marketing campaigns ideally within the sporting or events industry.  

Our ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of insight and data, brand and the broader resources within the Marketing department to ensure full functionality of the department’s capabilities are realised in respect of every campaign.   

If you are passionate about marketing and a self-starter with ambitious spirit who is prepared to work in a fast-paced environment, execute against ambitious goals and consistently embrace our Everton values in what you do, then we would love to hear from you!    

This position is on a permanent contract and will be contracted to 35 hours per week.     

The location for this role is within our Club’s iconic headquarters in the Royal Liver Building in Liverpool, with the opportunity to work flexibly with our Hybrid working approach.   

The closing date of this advert is on Thursday 11 th July 2024.   

We reserve the right to close this vacancy early should we receive a substantial amount of applications.     

Everton Family Safer Recruitment Practices            

The Everton Family is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.           

This role is subject to both evidence and verification of relevant qualifications including proof of eligibility to work in the UK which will be discussed with you if your application is successful.                 

Equity & Inclusion        

Everton is committed to ensuring everyone is respected, celebrated, and empowered for who they are, regardless of their identity. We welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds, those who identify as female and those from racially diverse communities. We are dedicated to supporting the physical and mental/emotional wellbeing of all our people. Should you have a disability or long-term health condition and require reasonable adjustments to be made to the application/interview/onboarding process, please let us know by contacting the Talent Acquisition Team via email - [email protected]        

To support our pledge to diversify our organisation and through our commitment to the FA’s Football Leadership Diversity Code, Everton welcomes applications from people of all walks of life. As part of our commitment to Disability, Inclusion and Accessibility we are more than happy to make reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process should you require.    

Everton Football Club

Everton FC Careers

We are Everton Football Club and are one of the icons of world club football. As one of the bastions of the global game, with a rich and successful history, we are now setting our sights on a new, exciting future.

Our values underpin how we behave, how we represent our club in our city, and across the world of football, and how we look after one another daily. They provide a framework for how we work with partners, suppliers, and most importantly our fans.

Everton, 'the people's club,' is a mainstay in English football dating back to a time when Everton's Mere Green development was the first 'major' football stadium in the country. Today's facilities at Goodison Park are a little different, of course, but the passion and loyalty of its supporters, coupled with the values of the club, stands as strong as it once did.

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With Everton's plans for a new 52,888 capacity stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock in Liverpool approaching, perhaps now is the perfect time to begin a career at Everton Football Club. Now under Farhad Moshiri's management, the club has its sights firmly set on improving both on and off the football pitch. The opportunities which the new project will bring to Liverpool are vast, and it will likely mean that jobs at Everton FC will be hot property.

Although there is a feeling of genuine change at Everton FC, spearheaded by the legendary Carlo Ancelotti, the sense of family and togetherness is still at the core of the club's day to day running. Everton FC boasts such values and is recognised as a family-orientated club with proud traditions. A career at Everton FC should be considered for those reasons alone, as Amanda Chatterton, Community Business Development Manager at Everton FC   ,  highlights in her staff testimonial on the club's website , " It has been amazing from day one. Family is the most important thing to Everton. It has been my family from both working life and personal. People are friendly and supportive, and I have built some great relationships. The fact that we are in  The Sunday Times  Top 100 companies to work for says it all. It really is a pleasure to come into work every day."

The inclusion of Everton FC in The Sunday Times top 100 companies to work for in 2019 is recognisable for what it is within the club; a fantastic achievement. This recognition was largely thanks to Everton implementing several employee initiatives, including groups for the workforce, such as the LGBT+ Network and The Women's network. The Toffees were the first football club ever to be named on the list, highlighting just how appealing jobs at Everton FC are to jobseekers.

The organisation presents a diverse workforce across a variety of different roles and sectors, with benefits including but not limited to:

  • Living Wage Employer
  • Over 39% of the workforce earning over £35k 
  • Sunday Times Top 100 Companies 2019 - voted 71st in the UK
  • The Workplace Wellbeing Charter accredited
  • Locality - Royal Liver Building, Goodison Park / New Development, and USM Finch Farm training complex
  • Everton FC offers either free gym/ sports facilities or subsidised gym membership
  • The club provides support for non-work related training

If the type of inclusive family-orientated workplace that Everton strives to promote sounds like it would complement your aspirations, maybe a career at Everton FC, or their related charity - Everton in the Community - is for you.

To check out current Everton FC jobs, click on the "Jobs" tab at the top of this text.

Alaska Job


Search for a summer job in alaska or the yukon for an amazing adventure in 2024.

Whether you crave leading tours, desire to sharpen your culinary skills, want to be a part of the ultimate guest experience, or hit the road in transportation operations, we have a job for you.

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More About Us

From cook to tour guide or room attendant to payroll clerk, we've got the right job for you. Learn more here.

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Princess cruises

Latest from The Alaska Experience:

Affordable Housing Recommendations for Fairbanks Employees


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At HAP Alaska-Yukon, we are committed to preserving the environment and communities where we operate. Learn more about our Sustain Alaska and the Yukon program , as well as other initiatives, projects, and how you can participate in making a sustainable difference.


Select a destination to learn more:

  • Copper River
  • Dawson City
  • Mt. McKinley

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From those who have gone before

You’re going to work, no doubt about it, so come with a great sense of adventure because you-re going to meet a lot of people,”

Working in Alaska means checking places off every year! Besides living next to a national park, we get cruise benefits. Last winter it was Rome”

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Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Centre (Zvezdny Gorodok - Star Town) (7 hours)

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The Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Center is a Russian training facility responsible for training cosmonauts for their space missions. It is in Star City of Moscow Oblast, a name which may refer to the facility itself or to its grounds. (Read more about Yury Gagarin Cosmonauts training center )

The secret Star City was built to train Soviet cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin, the 1st man in space. Many other famous Russian cosmonauts trained here with Gagarin: German Titov, Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut, and Alexei Leonov, the first cosmonaut to exit the spaceship into space . The best facilities were built for them: the world’s largest centrifuge and hydro laboratory. Many cosmonauts from other countries (USA, Japan, Germany and many others) also have trained here together with Soviet Russian cosmonauts. On this Star (Space) City Tour you will see:

  • Models of Soyuz Soviet spacecraft 
  • World's largest centrifuge with an 18-meter radius 
  • Hydro laboratory, with the model of the International Space Station in water, which allows to simulate the weightlessness and many more

Important info

Ask a travel expert.

  • Professional English-speaking guide assistance. Other languages upon request (additional charge may apply)
  • Roundtrip transportation to and from your central hotel (Comfortable car/minivan with A/C)
  • Fully private tour to ensure a personalized experience
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre (territory)
  • Entrance fee to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre Museum
  • All taxes, fees and handling charges
  • Food  / Drinks
  • Personal expenses
  • Gratuities to guide/driver (optional)

The tour price already includes all the taxes & fees, you will not see any of them later during the checkout.

Adult pricing applies to all travelers

IMPORTANT! To book the tours please provide us with the copy of your passport (scan of page with photo) and the following information (for all the travellers):

1. Surname / Names (as in passport) 2. Passport number 3. Passport expiry date 4. Date of birth 5. Place of birth (country, city, state) 6. Place of current residence (country, city, state) 7. Citizenship 8. Place of work 9. Position held 

This information is required to get access to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, as per their security policy.

If it took Gagarin 1 year to get prepared, now it takes 7 years to become a cosmonaut, and 50 days to pass  security  check for foreign visitors.

Due to the security policy of the Centre, the guided tours are to be arranged in 50 days before the tour date. Last-minute arrangements are not available. 

Departure: from your Moscow hotel

Return: to your Moscow hotel (or any other place in Moscow that you choose)

Sights included in program

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Jewish Calendar 2023 Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Ross and his son, James, are renovating two cranberry bogs, one in  Barnstable  and the other in  Sandwich .

Perfect land to grow cranberries

The perennial evergreen shrub grows well in sand and peat bogs that are scattered throughout Cape Cod and southeastern Massachusetts. These hollow depressions left by glaciers thousands of years ago have been natural nurseries for the fruit.

According to a 2016 state Cranberry Revitalization Task Force report , the cranberry industry owned or controlled about 62,000 acres of land in southeastern Massachusetts. More than 13,000 acres were active bogs. That land mass provided huge environmental benefits. The task force found that habitats surrounding the bogs included grassy areas, wetlands, forested uplands, and ponds. The areas supported a diversity of wildlife including birds, fish, mammals and reptiles.

The bogs and associated wetlands provide a natural filter for the water that runs through them. Because of the Cape's single source aquifer, nutrient overload from septic systems and fertilizer run off, the natural filter function is especially important.

The beauty of the bogs and the working environment when harvests are held in the fall, make them perfect for tours. The tours expose lay people to the challenges and processes of farming and gives them a cranberry education that they can take with them.

Cranberry bogs returned to wetlands: 'Big, big growth of algae.' Restored Marstons Mills wetlands to lessen nitrogen pollution

Cranberry superstars

Scientists at Rutgers University Philip E Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research have found ways to make cranberries even better. Researchers have introduced six varieties of cranberry superstars since 2005. The hybrid varieties include Crimson Queen, Demoranville, Mullican Queen, Scarlet Knight, Welker and Hayes. The vines produce bigger fruit and are more disease- and pest-resistant.

Cranberry grower and researcher Edward Grygleski in Wisconsin has developed new varieties of cranberries that produce more barrels per acre than once popular varieties. One variety produces about 30 barrels more than the popular Stevens variety. A cultivar still in a testing phase has the potential to average 600 barrels per acre when average harvests are 350 to 400 barrels per acre.

Ross likens cranberry farming to fishing: It's all about tonnage. Farmers get paid by the pound, so they are yield obsessed, he said in a June interview.

In 2021 the price per 100-pound barrel averaged $69.80 for fresh cranberries and $38.10 for processed cranberries, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Health benefits associated with cranberries

According to Ocean Spray , a farmer-owned cooperative, research indicates cranberries can help with heart and gut health, and urinary tract balance. They are a good source of vitamins C, E, and K, manganese, and copper.

How cranberries are consumed

Americans consume nearly 400 million pounds of cranberries per year, most of that in juice and juice products, according to the Agricultural Marketing Research Center . Just take a walk down the juice aisles at grocery stories. Twenty percent of those cranberries are consumed during Thanksgiving week.

The U.S. per capita consumption of cranberries is 2.3 pounds, according to the center. Ocean Spray accounts for about 80% of raw cranberry purchases. Total cranberry production in 2021 was 6.97 million barrels harvested or about 697 million pounds. Massachusetts farmers provided 30% of the harvest while Wisconsin produced nearly 60%.

The global cranberry juice market was $3.22 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $4.07 billion by 2032, according to market research firm Dataintelo .  The dried cranberry market is expected to reach $172 million by 2027, according to Data Bridge Market Resear ch.

That's a lot of little half-inch round berries.

Denise Coffey writes about business, tourism and issues impacting the Cape’s residents and visitors. Contact her at [email protected] .    

Thanks to our subscribers, who help make this coverage possible. If you are not a subscriber, please consider supporting quality local journalism with a Cape Cod Times subscription.  

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  23. Cape cranberries create jobs, clean water, attract tours, growers say

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