Champion Traveler

Cost of a Trip to Kauai, HI, US & the Cheapest Time to Visit Kauai

The average price of a 7-day trip to Kauai is $2,617 for a solo traveler, $4,700 for a couple, and $8,811 for a family of 4 . Kauai hotels range from $117 to $399 per night with an average of $207, while most vacation rentals will cost $240 to $480 per night for the entire home. Average worldwide flight costs to Lihue Airport ( LIH ) are between $870 and $1,487 per person for economy flights and $2,730 to $4,666 for first class. Depending on activities, we recommend budgeting $101 to $207 per person per day for transportation and enjoying local restaurants.

See below for average , budget , and luxury trip costs. You can also look up flight costs from your airport for more tailored flight pricing.

The Cheapest Times to Visit Kauai, HI, US

On average, these will be the cheapest dates to fly to LIH and stay in a Kauai hotel:

  • January 8th to March 4th (except the week of February 12th)
  • April 16th to April 29th
  • August 13th to December 9th (except the week of November 19th)

The absolute cheapest time to take a vacation in Kauai is usually late August to early September .

Average Kauai Trip Costs

Average solo traveler.

The average cost for one person to visit Kauai for a week is $1,960-$3,835 ($280-$548 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $101 to $207 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $503 to $1,204 for economy

Lodging : $148 to $197 per night for one 2 or 3-star hotel room

or $125 to $153 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Average Couple’s Trip

The average cost for a couple to visit Kauai for a week is $3,904-$7,054 ($558-$1,008 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $202 to $414 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,006 to $2,408 for economy

Average Family Vacation

The average cost for 4 people to visit Kauai for a week is $5,890-$12,976 ($841-$1,854 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $404 to $828 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $2,012 to $4,816 for economy

Lodging : $296 to $394 per night for two 2 or 3-star hotel rooms

or $175 to $214 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Traveling Cheap to Kauai

How cheap can you make a vacation to Kauai? The cheapest trip to Kauai is about $200 per person per day for travelers willing to take standby flights, deal with inconvenience, and otherwise limit travel expenses. About 0% of rentals are available in the $0 to $100 range for an entire place, and vacation rentals can be booked for as low as $140 per night. These inexpensive rentals must be booked as early as possible and may not be in the most desirable areas. 1-star hotels are more likely to be available, with rooms starting at around $98.

Even cheaper trips are possible depending on where you live and whether you can drive. Check the cheapest times to fly for more saving ideas.

Budget Solo Traveler

The lowest cost for one person to visit Kauai for a week is $1,399-$2,787 ($200-$398 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $44 to $89 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Lodging : $98 to $117 per night for one 1-star hotel room

or $140 to $160 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Budget Couple’s Trip

The lowest cost for a couple to visit Kauai for a week is $2,210-$4,614 ($316-$659 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $88 to $178 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Budget Family Vacation

The lowest cost for 4 people to visit Kauai for a week is $4,420-$8,748 ($631-$1,250 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $176 to $356 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Lodging : $196 to $234 per night for two 1-star hotel rooms

or $196 to $240 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Overall it is very difficult to travel to Kauai cheaply.

The Cost of a Luxury Kauai Trip

There is no true ceiling on the cost of a luxury trip, so our estimates are based on what most people do in Kauai.

Luxury Solo Traveler

The high-end price for one person to visit Kauai for a week is $4,477-$12,026 ($640-$1,718 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $212 to $393 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,403 to $3,227 for first class

Lodging : $265 to $399 per night for one 4 or 5-star hotel room

or $480 to $1,008 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Luxury Couple’s Trip

The high-end price for a couple to visit Kauai for a week is $7,364-$18,004 ($1,052-$2,572 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $424 to $786 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $2,806 to $6,454 for first class

Luxury Family Vacation

The high-end price for 4 people to visit Kauai for a week is $14,728-$32,378 ($2,104-$4,625 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $848 to $1,572 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $5,612 to $12,908 for first class

Lodging : $530 to $798 per night for two 4 or 5-star hotel rooms

or $720 to $1,411 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Kauai Hotel Prices

The cost of staying in Kauai is much higher than the average city. On average hotels are less expensive than vacation rentals. Luxury vacation rentals are more expensive in Kauai due to very high property costs. The graphs below show how much cost can vary depending on the type of experience you’re looking for.

Kauai Lodging Cost by Star Status

The average price for the class of hotel is on the (y) axis. The hotel class (out of 5 stars) is on the (x) axis.

Prices are based on Kauai hotel averages and may not reflect current prices. In some cases, we extrapolate prices to estimate costs, and hotels with your desired star rating may not be available.

Vacation Rental Prices

The percent of vacation rentals in the price range is on the left (y) axis. Price range is on the bottom (x) axis.

There are a healthy amount of vacation rentals serving all budgets in Kauai.

Flight Costs to Kauai

Averaging flights around the world, prices go from a high of $1,487 average in late December to a low of $870 in late August to early September. Median flight price is $905. These prices are based on millions of flights. For Kauai our data includes 352 originating airports, and 107 airlines. The area has more variance in price compared with other locations. Flying to Kauai from an airport like Shevchenko ( SCO ) in Aktau (Kazakhstan) for an average $6,795 trip fare will obviously cost a lot more than from an airport like Daniel K Inouye International ( HNL ) in Honolulu, HI (the United States) at an average of just $135.

Average Flight Cost by Season

Average flight cost by day of week.

The cheapest day to fly in is typically Tuesday, and the cheapest day to fly back is usually Tuesday. Click here to see data for the cost of flights from your airport. In Kauai, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive week is about $618, so you can easily save about 71% simply by using our free flight guides and booking in advance.

Daily Expenses Budget

Daily vacation expenses vary more based on what you’re interested in doing. A fine dining restaurant with drinks around Kauai can easily cost $670 per person or more, while a standard nice meal might be about $44 per person. Private tours can cost $1332 per day, but self-guided tours to see the outdoor sights can be free. Costs vary wildly, so recommendations are made based on the cost of living and averages we see for this type of vacation.

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How much does a trip to Kauai Cost?


How much money should you budget for your trip to Kauai?

How much does a weekend trip to kauai cost.

  • How much does a five-day trip to Kauai cost?
  • How much does a one-week trip to Kauai cost?
  • Hostel Prices
  • Hotel Prices

The Cost of a Trip to Kauai

A trip to Kauai for one person usually costs between $83 and $361 per day and $167 to $721 for two people. This is a wide range of costs, and the daily average per person from our data is $190 per person. This average includes food, accommodation, sightseeing, and local transportation expenses contributed from other travelers. Prices can vary based on travel style and activities. While the overall price for a trip to Kauai is dependent on your personal travel style and the specific places you visit, if you book standard accommodation and travel with an average level of convenience, then your budget should be somewhere close to this average cost. Later in this article, you can find a breakdown of travel expenses by category, plus a general price range of accommodation and activity costs for your visit. Also, the prices for individual attractions and hotels may vary, but generally fall somewhat close to the price ranges described in this article.

For budget travelers in Kauai, planning for around $83 per day should cover essentials such as accommodations in hostels and budget hotels, affordable meal options, local transportation, and engaging in various activities. If you're a mid-range traveler, setting aside around $190 per day would allow for more comfortable stays in typical hotels, dining at regular restaurants, and exploring a diverse range of popular attractions. Luxury travelers, on the other hand, should consider a daily budget of approximately $361 to accommodate higher-end hotel stays, dining at nicer restaurants, and indulging in more exclusive private tour options. It's important to note that these price ranges are derived from our extensive travel cost data for Kauai, which is based on valuable insights from other travelers as well as hotel and tour data provided by travel companies. For a more detailed breakdown of travel costs, you can refer to our comprehensive travel cost data for Kauai .

On average, travelers spend around $571 per person during a three-day trip to Kauai. This average includes expenses for sightseeing, hotels, food, and local transportation. To align with this average price range, consider opting for mid-range hotels and dining at mid-level restaurants, while also allocating funds for entry tickets to popular attractions. For those seeking a more budget-friendly approach, it is possible to find lower-cost accommodations, dine at less expensive restaurants, and explore free activities. Also, many visitors choose to spend a higher travel budget, as Kauai offers a range of high-end hotels and restaurants for those seeking a more luxurious experience.

kauai hawaii trip cost

How much does a five day trip to Kauai cost?

With five days in Kauai, you can expect to spend about $951 total, not including transportation to and from the city. It's possible to stay close to this daily average by booking mid-range hotels, eating at normal restaurants, and paying for some entry tickets to popular attractions. It's possible to find lower-cost accommodations, eat at less expenive restaurants, and find more free activities if you want to spent less money.

How much does a one week trip to Kauai cost?

Most visitors spend between $584 and $2,525 for a one week trip to Kauai, with the average being $1,332 . This includes sightseeing, local transportation, food, and hotels. One week is enough time to have a more in-depth experience in Kauai. Also, one week allows you to be more flexible with your time and money, so you can potentially save money on some aspects of your trip while spending more on others.

Hotel Prices in Kauai

Based on our calculations from available hotels in the Kauai, the average price for a hotel room is $545 per night. To save money, or if you're planning a more luxurious trip, it's important to look at hotel prices based on the overall star-rating as well as guest reviews. Also, prices can vary by amenities and location. Check out more details from our analysis of hotel prices in Kauai here , and below is a breakdown of hotel prices by star-rating.

Should you do a tour in Kauai?

Many visitors enjoy the convenience of booking tours and activities while they visit, and Kauai has a wide array of things to do. These activities often include knowledgable guides and unique experiences. Tours range in price from $10 for the Kauai Poipu & Koloa Town Audio Driving Tour to $339 for the From Kauai: USS Arizona Memorial and Honolulu City Tour .

  • 8 Line Zipline Tour Viator $ 160
  • 8 Line Zipline Tour: $160
  • FUV Self Guided Island Adventure Tour : $280
  • 1 Tank Discover Scuba at Koloa Landing with No Experience needed: $162
  • Kauai Poipu & Koloa Town Audio Driving Tour: $9.99
  • Kauai Luxury Farm to Bar Tour: $129
  • 5 Hrs. Kauai Eastside Small Group Tour. Short & sweet: $162
  • Kauai Deluxe Sightseeing Flight: $149
  • Secret Kauai Canyons & Coastlines Tour: $199

More for Kauai

If you're planning a trip to Kauai, Hawaii, check out these other informative travel guides.

We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis. 2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis. For example, the Food 2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment 1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.

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  • Activities, Day Trips, Things To Do, and Excursions

Plan Your Trip to Kauai: Best of Kauai Tourism

kauai hawaii trip cost


Travel advice, essential kauai.

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How to do Kauai in 5 days

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10 best outdoor adventures in Kauai

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Kauai Travel Guide

Travelers' pro tips or experiencing kauai.

kauai hawaii trip cost

The Waipa Foundation on the North Shore has a "Poi Day" every Thursday - where you can actually get down and dirty and go into the lo'i, pick the taro and turn it into poi.......absolutely unique and will give you a up close and personal experience with a ancient Hawaiian tradition.

kauai hawaii trip cost

You probably won't need long pants, but if you wear them on the plane - and your sweatshirt or sweater - you'll have them. Nice shorts/top are acceptable for all restaurants, but you might want to dress up a bit for the top-end ones. You can buy nice sundresses at many places here.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Even if it rains a day or two in are still in Kauai. You will make the most of your trip. Pack an umbrella and you probably won't even use it.

kauai hawaii trip cost


One of the best books on Kauai history, and an easy read is " Kauai -The Separate Kingdom" by Edward Joesting. This along with a good guide book like "Kauai Trailblazer" will make your visit much more interesting.

kauai hawaii trip cost

It is an incomparably gorgeous garden spot, wide open for exploring. It is quieter, less developed and more pristine than some of the other islands. If you are adventurous, there's much to do and see, much of it free; and the things that cost are well worth the investment.

kauai hawaii trip cost


Kauai is our favorite Hawaiian Island. The scenery and hiking is spectacular. The north coast, the Na Pali coast, the Kalalau trail, Waimea Canyon, and the Kalalau lookout are some of the highlights.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Even among those lucky enough to live in Hawaii or visit often, Kauai holds a special place in their hearts for its stunning scenic beauty and vast expanses of unspoiled nature

kauai hawaii trip cost

Kauai is the garden island and it earns that title. Everywhere it is green and beautiful. It is a paradise for those seeking peace and quiet.

What is the best way to get there?

Lihue Airport is Kauai's main airport and served by inter-island flights as well as those from the west coast of North America.

Do I need a visa?

If you’re visiting Kauai from overseas, use the State Department’s  Visa Wizard  to see if you need a visa.

When is the best time to visit?

The best time to visit Oahu is during a shoulder season: from mid-April to early June or between September and November. Attractions are less crowded and rates are lower. Temperatures in both seasons are typically between the mid-70s and low-80s F (20s-30s C).

Driving is the best way to see the island and the only way to get to its more remote sites. Most major rental car companies have offices at the Lihue airport or nearby by shuttle bus.

The Kauai Bus is the island’s public bus service. You can purchase a single one-way ticket or monthly pass. It goes from Kekaha to Hanalei with stops along the main highway and can take you to many, but not all, of the island's major sites. Large luggage is not permitted on board.

For more information about the network and fares,  see here .

When planning a trip by taxi, pay attention to the company’s location and operating area. Most operate out of Lihue.


Uber and Lyft are available on Kauai on your smartphone.

On the ground

What is the timezone.

Hawaiian-Aleutian Time Zone

What are the voltage/plug types?

The standard voltage in the United States is 120 V and the standard frequency is 60 Hz. The plug has two flat parallel pins.

What is the currency?

The U.S. Dollar.

Are ATMs readily accessible?

Are credit cards widely accepted, how much do i tip.

$1 a drink or $2 for a more labor-intensive cocktail

$1 to 3 per bag


$2-$3 per night


Shuttle driver.

$1-$2 per person

Are there local customs I should know?

The federal legal age for buying and drinking alcohol is 21 years old.

Take your shoes off

In Hawaii it's customary to take your shoes off before entering a home.

Don’t trespass

Respect warning signs requesting visitors to not enter private property.

Respect wildlife

On beaches, keep your distance from turtles, seals and other wildlife.

Stay on marked trails

For your own safety and out of respect for nature, don’t not go off trail when hiking.

Say “Aloha”

It’s considered rude to ignore others. Smile and say hello, or “aloha” to passersby.

Wait your turn

On a one-lane bridge, local etiquette is to let five to seven cars cross at a time. If someone let’s you pass, give them a wave in thanks.

You’re on Hawaiian time and it is considered improper to show impatience in line or to honk your horn.

  • Tunnels Beach
  • Kalalau Trail
  • Hanalei Bay
  • Secret Beach
  • Anini Beach
  • Hughes 500 Doors-Off Helicopter - ALL WINDOW SEATS
  • Secret Falls Kayak Hike in Kauai
  • Kauai ATV Backroads Adventure Tour
  • Koloa Zipline in Kauai
  • LUCKY LADY - Deluxe Na Pali Morning Snorkel Tour

Planner at Heart

Your Go-To Guide for Visiting Kauai Hawaii: Activities, Tips and Money-Saving Recommendations

Kauai Hawaii Golf courses in Hawaii

There aren’t many places on planet earth that are as wild, magical, or resplendent as Kauai Hawaii. Nicknamed the Garden Isle for its verdant landscapes, its natural beauty defies belief. Think Lost World meets Garden of Eden with a small smattering of resorts, restaurants, and other travel conveniences.

Kauai’s about the simple life. The good life. The get-back-to-basics-and-let-the-stress-subside life. It’s where you go to unwind, explore, and revel in the wonders of Mother Nature. Dramatic ridged cliffs covered in emerald rainforests rise like giants from the cobalt-blue waters of the Pacific. There are more beaches, rivers, and waterfalls than you can imagine.

In this guide to visiting Kauai Hawaii, we’ll give you all the insights you need to make the most of your time there. From helpful tips to its top attractions and activities, read on for a comprehensive Kauai travel guide for those days when you feel like leaving your temporary slice of paradise and exploring the island.

The Kauai itinerary ideas are just around the corner! But let’s begin with some travel insights to help inform your stay and ensure you have the best possible time.  

When to Visit Kauai Hawaii

The “best time” to visit Kauai is generally considered to be either March to May or September to October/mid-November. These shoulder seasons offer the best balance of affordability, good weather, and smaller crowds. However, there is really no wrong time to visit Hawaii if you’re restricted by school or work schedules; just pick a side of the island accordingly.

Mid-summer offers the best weather but has much bigger crowds and higher prices. Go in winter, and you’re more likely to get wet! Indeed, Kauai’s known to have far more rain than the other Hawaiian Islands – especially on the north shore.

Fun fact: Hawaii only has two seasons, kau (summer) and hooilo (winter), which run from May to October and November to April, respectively.

How Long to Spend in Kauai Hawaii

Kauai Hawaii

According to the Hawaii Tourism Authority, visitors spent an average of almost eight days in Kauai in 2019. However, it all depends on your budget, intentions, and interests. If money isn’t an issue and you love sunbathing, swimming, and being in nature, you could easily spend weeks or longer here!

So if you’re retired, or have remote work options, think about booking an extended stay to really explore all the island has to offer!

How Much Does It Cost to Visit Kauai Hawaii?

According to Budget Your Trip , the average per-person daily cost of visiting Kauai is $152. That means a week-long trip for two people would set you back around $2,100.

Ultimately, though, the amount you spend will depend on where you stay and what you do!  One of the nicest parts of traveling around Kauai is the predominance of budget-friendly activities and affordable, casual Hawaiian food eateries.  From hiking on the Na Pali Coast and gawping at huge cascading waterfalls to sunbathing on tropical beaches, you can do an awful lot in Kauai Hawaii without spending a dime on activities.

How Can I Afford a Vacation to Kauai Hawaii?

Since a road trip is out when it comes to traveling to The Hawaiian Islands, it takes a bit more saving up or travel hacking to get your way there! But with just three realistic spending swaps, anyone can find money for their vacation!

Saving Money on Flights

One of personal favorite ways to dramatically cut down our family vacation costs is securing free flights for our family of 4 by using an airline credit card to pay for our regular yearly expenses.

If you’re uncomfortable, sign up for route price alerts with Google Flights or Hopper to find flight deals. Taking a Kauai Hawaii flight with a connection will also save you money.

Saving Money on Accommodations

Hawaii accommodations are notorious for being sky-high, but there are actually fantastic, award-winning affordable resort options in Kauai. One example is The Cliffs at Princeville.

One of the many draws of staying at the Cliffs at Princeville Resort is their spacious condo offerings. They offer one-bedroom suites as well as two-bedroom units that span two floors. So if you’re planning a family or group trip to Kauai, you don’t have to worry about living in a tiny one-room hotel unit. The home-like accommodations are perfect for long vacations too!

The Cliffs at Princeville is a mixed-use hotel/timeshare resort. More than half of their rooms are Kauai timeshare units affiliated with the world’s largest timeshare exchange company, RCI. So if you also own a timeshare affiliated with  RCI , you can trade yours for a week at the Best Timeshare in Kauai, according to Hawaii Magazine readers.

If you’re not a timeshare owner, it may surprise you that booking a timeshare rental can save you a significant amount of money on resort condo accommodations. Below is a real-life listing of a Redweek Rental at The Cliffs at Princeville .

kauai hawaii trip cost

And at the cost of sounding like a robot, credit card points can also be redeemed for free stays at hotels across the island, helping you afford this bucket list trip or perhaps allow you to stay for longer.

Which Part of The Island Should You Stay In?

The oldest and fourth largest island of the Hawaiian Archipelago, Kauai boasts four main regions – each offering its own unique vibe, attractions, and topography. Here’s a quick rundown of each place, including a description of its commercial center, Lihue.

A cultural hotspot located on the southeast of the island, Lihue’s, where you’ll likely start your time on the island. A beautiful place to begin, you’ll be able to explore the Kauai Museum, see the historic Alekoko Fishpond, and have easy access to one of Kauai’s biggest tourist attractions: the majestic Wailua Falls.

Known as the Coconut Coast after its abundance of palm trees, the eastern side of Kauai is the most populated part of the island. There’s a lively vibe here, with many historical points of interest, tourist attractions, pristine beaches, and dining/shopping opportunities in the towns of Kapa’a and Wailua. Don’t miss ʻŌpaekaʻa Falls!

Tip: If you’re looking for budget-friendlier accommodation, the east side’s where to go.

North Shore

The north shore’s arguably the most beautiful, dramatic, and untamed part of the island. Get ready for breathtaking landscapes characterized by jagged cliffs, lush tropical rainforests, countless waterfalls, and the charming town of Hanalei.

The weather in this part of the island’s unpredictable, but it’s the place to be to experience the best of its natural beauty.

South Shore

Offering pristine beaches, sunny weather, and first-class resorts, the south side is the most popular part of Kauai to stay in. The perfect place for a relaxing getaway, everything you could need is within easy reach.

There are masses to do here, too, including hiking, golfing , surfing, and scuba diving. The towns of Poipu, Lawai, and Omao provide excellent bases for exploring.

It’s only an hour in the car from Lihue, but the west side of Kauai has a distinct and remote feel that’s well worth experiencing. Bid farewell to road noise and resorts. The west side is all about history, hiking, and nature. Remember though, that you’re in a residential area and please be respectful of not only the people but the physical land you’re in.

Aside from the tiny towns of Hanapepe and Waimea, there are miles and miles of hiking trails here, as well as magnificent natural attractions, including Kokee State Park and Waimea Canyon.

10 Things to Do in Kauai Hawaii

Kauai’s saturated with bucket-list activities and attractions, despite many people’s opinion that’s there not enough to do here to fill a week! As clichéd as it sounds, there truly is something for everyone – regardless of your age or interests.

Suppose you’ve got a Pokémon fan in your house and hope that your next family vacation is met with more enthusiasm and fewer complaints. In that case, Kauai Hawaii (the real-life inspiration for the Alola region) has a long list of Pokémon landmarks you can visit IRL and add to your itinerary.

In this section, we’ll highlight a selection of the best things to do in Kauai Hawaii whether you’re in a couples trip or trying to keep teens busy and entertained!

1. Visit the Na Pali Coast (North Shore)

The sheer beauty on display in this part of the island makes it a must for your Kauai itinerary. You can hike a section of the incredible Kalalau Trail, explore the area by boat (and do some snorkeling while you’re there), and even splurge for a helicopter tour for an epic bird’s eye view of the region.

2. Go Snorkeling at Makua Beach

Also known as Tunnels Beach, this stunning place offers some of the best Kauai snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities. Better still, you’ll find it right at the start of the Kalalau Trail, making this the perfect way to cool off after your hike! With dramatic underwater topography and tropical marine life (including sea turtles) on display, this really is one of the best things to do in Kauai Hawaii.

3. Go Kayaking

Kayaking on Kauai has a nice ring to it. Offering picturesque beaches, peaceful bays, hidden waterborne oases, and winding rivers that lead to cascading waterfalls, going for a paddle here is hard to beat. Can’t get enough of the north shore? Hanalei Bay and the Na Pali Coast are two of the best places to do it.

4. Visit the Waimea Canyon

Known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, this 14-mile-long, mile-wide, and the 3,600-feet deep canyon is a real sight to behold. You’ll need to pay for parking and entrance fees, but the views and hikes here are worth the entry cost. The canyon’s close to the Kalalau Trail, but the lack of access from here forces you to drive all the way around the island to get there!

5. Visit Limahuli Garden & Preserve

Explore the best botanical garden in Kauai by visiting the wonderful Limahuli Garden & Preserve. Built to protect the diverse Hawaiian flora and fauna in this part of the island, it’s a tranquil place around which you can do a short self-guided tour. See the ancient taro patches (lo’i kalo), escape the hustle and bustle, and enjoy a peaceful afternoon in paradise.

6. See Wailua Falls

As we noted earlier, Wailua Falls is one of Kauai’s most popular tourist attractions. For a good reason too! This 80ft double-streamed fall is like something straight out of The Lost World. Boasting spectacular views across the Wailua valley from the top, it symbolizes the very best of Hawaii’s natural beauty. Located just over 5 miles from Lihue, it’s also easily accessible by car.

According to legend, Hawaiian men once tested their courage here by jumping from the top into the waters below (something that’s illegal today!).

7. See Opaeka’a Falls

Want to see more impressive waterfalls on your trip to Kauai? Head 2 miles along Route 580 in the Wailua Valley to see the mighty Opaeka’a Falls. One hundred fifty-one feet tall and 40 feet wide, it’s one of the most easily accessible waterfalls on the island, thanks to a paved walkway that leads from the parking lot to the viewing area. Picnic tables and restrooms make it a great place to spend a few hours.

8. Spend the Day on Poipu Beach

Once voted the best beach in America, the south shore’s Poipu Beach is the place to be if you want a relaxing day of swimming, snorkeling, surfing, boogie boarding, and sunbathing. It may not be the hidden coastal oasis you find elsewhere in Kauai, but it’s still a particular stretch of golden sand. Likewise, its easy access to amenities and facilities is a bonus if you’re traveling to Hawaii with kids .  

9. Walk the Maha’ulepu Heritage Trail

Starting at Shipwreck Beach (another great stretch of sand on the south shore that’s worth checking out while you’re there), this fantastic heritage trail offers a relatively easy walk along the coast.

One of the undeveloped places in this part of the island, you’re immersed in nature, with nothing but ocean, kiawe trees, and cliffs for company. A sacred place for Native Hawaiians, take extra care to respect the land and leave no trace.

10. See Spouting Horn Blowhole

No guide to visiting Kauai Hawaii would be complete without mentioning Spouting Horn. One of the island’s most Instagrammable spots, it’s located on the south shore, not far from Poipu. This striking blowhole shoots water 50ft into the air! You don’t have to spend long here, but it’s definitely worth stopping to see.

How to Get To and Around Kauai Hawaii

Hawaiian Flowers

The primary way to get to and from Kauai Hawaii is by plane. You’ll find the island’s one airport, Lihue Airport (LIH), on its southeastern side. It’s a relatively short and straightforward journey from the airport to wherever you’ve chosen to stay, as it’s one of Hawaii’s smallest islands.

If you’re a cruiser, you can also visit Kauai on a cruise of the Hawaiian Islands. They dock at Lihue’s main port – Nawiliwili Harbor.

The best way to explore Kauai Hawaii is in your own rented vehicle. It’s by far the easiest way to get around and make the most of your time here! Please, please be respectful of the island and its people by obey private property signs and staying on the roads.

There is a bus service in Kauai, but its resident designed, not necessarily for tourism, like Honolulu’s Waikiki Trolley, for example. You’ll find taxis and Ubers here, too – especially around Lihue Airport – but they can be few and far between elsewhere on the island. For shorter trips, consider renting a bike during your stay.

Bookmark This Guide to Visiting Kauai Hawaii

In all honesty, words don’t do Kauai justice. Another place in Hawaii where you soon run out of superlatives; you’ll see what we mean as soon as you get there. With its laidback lifestyle, natural wonders, and wealth of wonderful things to do, it’s an unbeatable travel destination that you won’t forget in a hurry.

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Danny Newman is currently writing and traveling his way around the world in a bid to figure out exactly what he’s doing with his life. He’d love you to follow along with his journey over at What's Danny Doing .

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kauai hawaii trip cost

Affordable Kauai: Get the Most for Your Travel Dollar

Janice Waugh

May 22, 2024 by Janice Waugh

On a budget in Kauai? Sunrises are free, like this one at Kumu Camp.

Kauai on a tight budget can still be fantastic. I adored my time there and, I have to say, I was frugal. I found many ways to make Kauai affordable.

I spent two weeks in Kauai solo. I stayed in a hostel and ate inexpensively for the most part but I also made a few splurges–some that I would recommend and others I wouldn't. That was a few years back yet this post is still really popular. So, for the second time, I'm updating to ensure that my suggestions on how to enjoy an affordable Kauai visit are still accurate.

This destination requires a post in our budget destination series. We also have them for London , Paris , New York , and Sydney .

Here are our tips for budget Kauai.

Kapaa Beach Shop in Kauai is recommended for budget beach rentals.

Table of Contents

Kauai Activities Free and Cheap: 12 Recommendations and 1 to Avoid

At time of writing, the information below was accurate but check for yourself before you go as things do tend to change quickly these days.

  • Grand Canyon of the Pacific . Waimea Canyon is on the west side of the island and a long way from where I stayed in Kapaa, but it was so worth the drive that I went twice when I was there. The views are stunning. They were all I needed on my first visit. The second time I went, I hiked. Read Another Hiking Humiliation and Then… Redemption .
  • Surfing Oh, I was envious. Every morning I'd see a group of 20-somethings put a couple of boards on a car and head to the beach. Fantastic, cheap entertainment. Here's a list of surfing beaches in Kauai . If you don't bring your own board, you can always rent one.
  • Snorkeling Check this list of lifeguarded beaches for swimming and snorkeling which includes descriptions, maps, and directions.
  • Kayaking Kayaking is very popular on the Wailua River. Try to go on a Sunday as, with the exception of Smith Tours, most companies don’t operate on Sundays, so the river will be quieter. Kayak to the start of the trail to the Secret Falls. The hike to the falls is about an hour. Go in the morning and you’ll have more time in that gorgeous forest without a lot of other tourists. Bring a picnic lunch.
  • Farmers' markets. There's a farmers' market somewhere on the island just about every day of the week. Check them out for local food and crafts.
  • Free music .Unfortunately, the place that I went for free, live music closed during Covid. However, here's a list of options .
  • Mead tasting . It's not your typical tourist thing to do. Try the mead tasting at Nani Moon across the way from the Kauai Photo Tours office.
  • Festivals. If you're lucky enough to have the dates of your trip coincide with a local festival you'll get a better sense of the real Kauai. Here's a link to Kauai special events .
  • The Hindu monastery . A reader named Peggy shared the following budget Kauai tip: “One of my favorite things to do in Kauai is visit the Hindu monastery . It is the most beautiful place on the island, in my book. You can only visit between 9:00 am and noon but they are very welcoming of visitors and it is interesting to attend a Hindu service without having to go to India.”
  • Kilauea Lighthouse . Also from Peggy: “The second thing not to miss is the Kilauea lighthouse . I am a birder and this is prime area for seeing red and blue-footed Boobies.” Neither of Peggy's activities cost money. Peggy's splurge recommendations: “I do recommend two things that cost money but are worth it – a helicopter flight over the island (you only need to do this once during your lifetime) and lunch or tea at the St. Regis in Hanalei. The food is farm-to-table, the hotel is posh, and the view of Hanalei Bay is unrivalled.”
  • Sunrises and sunsets on the cheap . I saw my first Kauai sunrise through the window at the foot of my hostel bed. I woke up. Sat up. And there it was. Taking in the sunrises and sunsets are essential to any trip to Kauai. You can enjoy them on a wild beach or take them in at a resort lounge such as in Princeville . A bar or lounge at a nice hotel offers a bit of luxury for the price of a beer when on a budget trip.
  • Long oceanfront walks. It's an island. It's an island with one main road that follows the coast for much of it. A long oceanfront walk beckons. It's another essential experience in Kauai.
  • Beaches. I particularly liked Anini and Anahola, both of which have lifeguards. I found Poipu, a very popular destination, to be a little too crowded for my liking.
  • Hiking . From easy to challenging, there's hiking for every level in Kauai. I did a number of hikes beyond the Waimea Canyon. I found this site to be the most helpful in planning my hikes . I particularly like the kayak/hike to the secret falls. See below for more details on this.

One thing not to do. I'd advise against going to the South Pacific Dinner show. It's not cheap (about $100), the buffet is only okay, and the musical itself is high school quality. I love going to the theater as I travel, so I thought I'd try it out. I was quite disappointed.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Cheap Kauai: Where to Eat

Food, like most things, is expensive all over Hawaii. Here are tips on where and how to eat in Kauai on a budget.

  • Food Trucks . For good quality at a reasonable price, you're best to go to one of the food trucks. As I was told by a local, they are where the locals eat and if a truck is not up to snuff, it won't last long.
  • Vegetarian . Kauai's Hindu Monastery maintains a list of vegetarian restaurants on the island.
  • Small Town Coffee, Kapaa (truck). Located right across from Kauai Beach House Hostel and on the main drag at the north end of Kapaa, Small Town Coffee serves up great coffee and baked goods. They also have Anahola Granola. It's delicious and I had it for breakfast as often as I could.
  • Safeway . You'll be doing some hiking and picnicking. Or maybe you'll be eating in. Either way, Safeway has a great deal at the deli counter. You can get one main and two sides for $8. Also, they have what they call their “Club” prices on specials throughout the store. If you’re not a club member you can always ask someone in line to swipe their card for you if you have club items. I did this twice and saved over $10 by doing so. Both times the person was happy to oblige.
  • Bubba Burgers, Kapaa, Hanalei, and Poipu. If the veggie burger is good (I enjoyed it) I think it bodes well for the beef burgers being exceptional. And that's the reputation Bubba Burgers has, with its three locations. They serve fresh ground Kauai “Grass-Fed” Beef.
  • The Mermaid’s Café, Kapaa (truck/shack on main street). This is a little anomaly on the main street of Kauai. Squeezed between buildings with just a couple of picnic tables out front for patrons, you order at the window and wait for your meal. I really enjoyed their specialty, the Ahi Nori Wrap at $13.95.
  • Hanalei Taro and Juice Company (truck). I enjoyed a fine lunch here when I was on a day-long photography tour. Everyone enjoyed the food – a lot! Being pescatarian at the time, I had the taro burger and, to be honest, I preferred the taro burger at Bubba Burgers over this one.

This is the common aread

Budget Accommodation in Kauai

  • Hostels. There were two hostels on the island and now, it seems there is only one. Fortunately, it was the better of the two. I stayed at the Kauai Beach House Hostel which has ocean views and I loved it. Call to book: (808) 631-0853.
  • YMCA camp . The YMCA camp offers camping. The road in is a little rugged but the grounds are lovely. It's at the end of the road to the Waimea Canyon. For Camp Naue Campgrounds phone: (808) 826-6419.
  • Affordable luxury in vacation rentals. This is where VRBO is amazing. Many resorts are partially financed by people buying units and then renting them out when they aren't using them. When you book directly with an owner of a unit rather than the resort itself, you often get a better price. I treated myself to two nights at the Aqua Kauai Beach Resort by booking through VRBO. Given that I booked on short notice, the owner reduced the rate by $20 per night.
  • Princeville . Princeville is an area at the north end of Kauai that includes high-end hotels and resorts. There are golf courses, restaurants, and the like there. It is possible to get a good deal here by booking through a site like VRBO . I considered this option but I don't golf and I was looking for something less resort-like, but I did the research and there were deals to be had.
  • Yurts . I stayed for a few nights at Kumu Camp , a non-profit Hawaiian Homestead Association. Accommodations range from tentalows to bungalows to yurts. If you have your own tent, you can book a campsite.

budget Kauai

Practical Tips for Kauai

  • Find free Wi-Fi. On a more practical note, you may be in need of Wi-Fi. It may be free at your resort, hotel, or hostel but once you've headed out for the day it's difficult to find. Fortunately for solo travelers on a budget in Kauai or around the world, there's Starbucks. They are a reliable source for free Wi-Fi and for outlets for charging your technology.
  • Be smart about the sun. The sun is strong in Kauai so wear a hat, protective clothing, and sunscreen to avoid burns and worse in the long term. Use an umbrella to create shade rather than a coconut tree loaded with coconuts. They can do serious damage if you're hit on the head by one falling from such heights.
  • Take care in and around water . Be careful. The waters around Kauai can be dangerous and I saw signs advising people to only swim, surf, or snorkel at beaches that have lifeguards. Apparently, one or two visitors drown every month. Here's the list of lifeguarded beaches again.
  • Hike safely . Stay on paths and watch for the signs indicating what hours you should be on the paths. Don't over-estimate your abilities for there are very challenging hiking trails in Kauai. As a solo traveler, joining a group is recommended.

Waimea Canyon is considered the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. It's accessed from the west side of Kauai.

Travel Around Kauai on a Budget

  • Rent a car. Having a car certainly makes getting to all the great spots on the island easier, however, it is expensive. One way to save a lot is to get a small car and have a credit card that will cover your insurance. If I had purchased insurance it would have more than doubled the price of my rental. Instead, I relied on my credit card insurance (the card I used to pay for the rental) and it worked. I had a fender-bender and it was covered without any hassle. However, that would not have been the case if I had rented a larger car. Check the fine print of your credit card insurance for details and be careful of any upgrade offers if your credit card insurance doesn't cover the upgrade. Word to the wise: book as far ahead as possible. Prices are particularly high and cars in great demand. Read How to Save on Car Rentals for tips on saving when renting.
  • Take the local bus . The bus is an option, though they aren't frequent and it will reduce how much you're able to do in your time there and where you can go. It costs $2 (exact fare) and it has bike racks on the front. You can get a day pass for $5. The bus stops at every stop so don’t pull the cord because it’s actually for emergencies, not there to notify the driver that you want to get off the bus.
  • Rent a bike . The highway in Kauai is very hilly and much of it doesn't have a decent shoulder, so I don't recommend biking as your main source of transportation.
  • A combination . If you can't get around to most places you want to go with the local bus, you could choose to take a day tour or two to get to the more challenging places like the Waimea Canyon. Just search Kauai tours on Viator and a variety of options will show up.

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How Much Does a Trip to Hawaii Cost?

Jennifer Coates

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Hawaii is often on the short list of dream destinations for a relaxing beach holiday. But a potential trip to paradise doesn’t happen without first asking the critical question: How much is a trip to Hawaii?

The answer varies depending on where you stay and when you travel. We’ve crunched the numbers to give you an idea of how much you can expect to spend so you’re better prepared to budget for a vacation in Hawaii.

Estimated Hawaii trip cost

kauai hawaii trip cost

Beachfront view of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. (Photo courtesy of Hilton)

We looked at the estimated costs of a 10-night trip for a family of four (two adults and two children) during the peak summer travel season, as well as a seven-night trip for that same family during the shoulder season.

Here are the hypotheticals:

Travel to Honolulu on the island of Oahu, the most popular island for visitors to Hawaii.

Round-trip flights for four from Los Angeles.

A peak-season trip assumes a June 25, 2024, departure, while a shoulder-season trip assumes a May 8, 2024, departure.

We used three property types to assess price estimates:

A beachfront four-star resort: Hilton Hawaiian Village. 

A three-star hotel: Holiday Inn Express Waikiki. 

A condo: Various Waikiki units on

Totals include resort fees :

$50 per night at the four-star resort.

$29.49 per night at the three-star hotel.

All management and cleaning fees at the condo units.

Totals include parking costs of:

$68.06 per day at the four-star resort.

$45 per day at the three-star hotel.

Parking isn't included in condo totals (varies by building/unit).

Meals include nightly dinners of about $225, including drinks, taxes and tips. 

At a four-star resort, meal estimates include breakfasts and lunches totaling about $100 per day. 

Costs at a three-star hotel, which includes free breakfast, include only lunches totaling about $50 per day. 

Tightly budgeted meals assume cutting food costs by 60% with cheap eats and/or preparing meals. 

Activities for the 10-night trip include a snorkeling excursion, surfing lessons, a Pearl Harbor visit and a day at a water park. For the seven-night trip: snorkeling, the Pearl Harbor visit and a day at a water park (no surfing lessons).

Economy rental car reserved through or Turo .

$5-a-day tip for housekeepers .

Based on the information outlined above, here are our estimated budgets.

» Learn more: The best times to visit Hawaii by travel style

10-night trip, peak summer travel season

$15,090: Four-star beachfront resort, with a 10-day rental car.

$10,447: Three-star hotel, with a 10-minute walk to the beach and a five-day rental car.

$7,781 Low-cost condo within walking distance to the beach, tightly budgeted meals and a five-day rental car. 

Seven-night trip, shoulder season

$9,574: Four-star beachfront resort, with a seven-day rental car.

$6,488: Three-star hotel, with a 10-minute walk to the beach and a rental car for two days.

$4,936: Low-cost condo within walking distance to the beach, tightly budgeted meals and a two-day rental car. 

Can you beat these numbers? Definitely. Here are tips on how to save on your vacation to Hawaii.

» Learn more: The best island in Hawaii for first timers

How to cut your Hawaii vacation costs

Stay on the beach or rent a car every day, but don’t do both.

Does your idea of a great vacation involve hitting the open road to explore every corner of the island? Then, don’t pay premium prices for a hotel on the beach.

On the other hand, if your dream trip involves tons of time lounging on the sand and splashing in the pool, don’t pay $55 a day for a rental car plus $68 a day to park it when it’s just going to sit there.

Many Waikiki hotels are within walking distance of a car rental agency, so it’s easy to get a car for just part of your trip. Select “Waikiki” instead of “Honolulu airport” as your pick-up and drop-off location for your rental car. If you pick the car up in the morning, then drop it off at the end of the day, you can save a night’s worth of parking costs, cutting down your trip cost.

The downside to this strategy is you may have to wait in a long line to get your car. So send one adult to pick up the vehicle in the morning while the rest of the crew gets ready for the day. And don’t forget to include airport transfers in your budget. Budget about $37 each way, including tip, for a taxi or rideshare between Waikiki and Honolulu airport.

» Learn more: The cheapest rental car companies

Eat cheaper

If your family of four has a nice dinner at the world-famous Duke’s Waikiki, including cocktails for the adults, an appetizer and a Hula Pie dessert to share, you’ll spend about $225, including taxes and tip. Of course, the beachfront views, tiki torches and aloha spirit might be worth it. But you don’t have to spend that much every night.

Step away from the beach and meals get much cheaper. For example, the outstanding burgers at Cheeseburger in Paradise are about $20, as opposed to the $36 baked fish at Duke’s.

In addition, pizza joints, super-affordable ramen houses, authentic Hawaiian diners such as Rainbow Drive-In, chains such as Denny’s and IHOP and fast-food restaurants including McDonald’s, Burger King and Subway can bring your meal costs down.

Or swing into one of the many ABC Stores to pick up packaged salads, sandwiches, yogurt, snacks, drinks or some spam musubi (a slice of grilled Spam sandwiched between or on top of a block of rice, wrapped in nori) to fill up on the cheap.

More affordable yet, you can buy cereal, coffee, milk, sandwich meats and bread to prepare breakfasts and lunches at your hotel or condo.

» Learn more: Is island hopping in Hawaii worth it?

Consider a condo

You can often find a vacation rental just a few minutes from the beach for much cheaper than you’d pay for a hotel.

For example, we found the condo shown below on Vrbo for 10 nights for $1,942 plus tax, for a total of $2,260. And that’s during peak summer travel.

kauai hawaii trip cost

For a seven-day rental during the shoulder season, you can cut your total accommodations expenditure by around $500 by choosing a condo over a hotel.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Many condos have kitchens, too, so you could save money by making eggs or pancakes for breakfast, spaghetti for dinner and packing sandwiches for lunches while you’re out and about.

» Learn more: Travelers: Save on meals with these tidbits

Pay with points and miles

The question “How much is a vacation to Hawaii?” has a much more appealing answer if you pay using airline miles, hotel points or credit card points — which can erase hundreds or even thousands of dollars from your trip cost.

For more information on how to maximize your points, be sure to check out these articles:

The Cheapest Ways to Fly to Hawaii Using Travel Rewards .

How to Travel to Honolulu on Points and Miles .

Where to Stay in Waikiki With Hotel Points .

How to Visit Hawaii On a Budget .

The Best Oahu Hotels Without Resort Fees .

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

If you want to go to Hawaii

So how much does it cost to go to Hawaii? It can be expensive. Hidden costs like resort fees and exorbitant parking prices can easily break a budget. But there are ways to save on the cost of a vacation to Hawaii.

Traveling before or after the peak summer season can save a considerable amount. In addition, don’t pay a premium to stay on the beach if you won’t take full advantage of that location, and don’t pay up to $68 a night to park a car as you’re splashing around the pool for several days.

To save big, consider a condo where you can cook many of your meals to save on dining. With these simple strategies, your answer to the question “How much is a vacation to Hawaii?” is one that fits your budget.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

kauai hawaii trip cost

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$105 cheap flights to kauai, hi.

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How much is the cheapest flight to Kauai?

Prices were available within the past 7 days and start at $105 for one-way flights and $216 for round trip, for the period specified. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.

Find Your Flights to Kauai LIH

Cheap flights to Kauai ( LIH)

Get started finding a cheap flight to Kauai on Expedia by either choosing a deal on this page or entering into the search bar your travel dates, origin airport, and whether you want roundtrip or one-way airfare. You can filter for flexibility, number of stops, airline, and departure/arrival times to find the best flight for you.

We recommend using the ‘Flexible Dates’ calendar at the top of the page to see the price of plane tickets on the surrounding dates. This allows you to pick the cheapest days to fly if your trip allows flexibility and score cheap flight deals to Kauai.

Roundtrip prices range from $216 - $230, and one-ways to Kauai start as low as $105.

Be aware that choosing a non-stop flight can sometimes be more expensive while saving you time. And routes with connections may be available at a cheaper rate.

Airlines that fly to Kauai ( LIH)

You have several options for which airline you choose to travel with to Kauai. There are 10 airlines flying into LIH: United, Delta, Hawaiian Airlines, American Airlines. 

Cheap plane tickets may be available from different airlines at different times and with unique terms. It’s best to understand the details of each airline’s offer before judging its value.

For example, if you plan to check a bag or bring a carry-on, check whether the cheap airfare deal includes a baggage allowance. If not, verify whether the baggage fee is higher than the difference of other airline plane ticket deals offering free checked/carry-on baggage in exchange for a slightly higher airfare. 

Additionally, your preferred frequent flyer membership programs may influence your choice of cheap airline. Expedia allows you to enter your membership numbers during checkout to earn points from your airline and Expedia Rewards—all while getting a great deal and planning all your travel in one online platform.

Find the best deals

At Expedia, we source many flight deals from multiple providers, so you can easily find the best deals that are right for you. A great strategy for getting the best deals can be to make sure you book and travel at the optimal times. Airfare to Kauai (LIH) varies throughout the year based on seasonal demand. You’ll see the lowest rates for roundtrips to LIH in September and in August for one-ways.

Cancellation & flexibility

To change or cancel eligible flights, go to ‘My Trips’ and navigate to your itinerary. If you booked within the last 24-hours, you might be able to cancel your flight for free. Learn more about flight changes or cancellations from our customer service portal . Some plane tickets are available with no change fees, which you can filter for during your search.

Frequently asked questions

  • Hawaiian Airlines - 711 flights to or near Kauai each month, including 711 flights to Lihue Airport (LIH) per month.
  • Southwest Airlines - 273 flights to or near Kauai each month, including 273 flights to Lihue Airport (LIH) per month.
  • United Airlines - 125 flights to or near Kauai each month, including 125 flights to Lihue Airport (LIH) per month.
  • Honolulu, HI (HNL-Daniel K. Inouye Intl.) to Lihue Airport (LIH) - 42 minutes
  • Los Angeles, CA (LAX-Los Angeles Intl.) to Lihue Airport (LIH) - 5 hours and 57 minutes
  • Kahului, HI (OGG) to Lihue Airport (LIH) - 50 minutes

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How much for a trip to Hawaii in 2024? (Hawaii vacation budget calculator)

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  • 8 minute read


Table of contents hide, hawaii vacation flight budget , hawaii vacation accommodation budget, hawaii vacation rental car budget, hawaii vacation dining budget , national and state park entrance fees, example budget for a couple traveling to hawaii from the east coast for a week, other expenses to consider, final thoughts.

You’ve seen ads for Hawaii featuring photos of beautiful beaches lined with palm trees and the bluest of blue water. Now you want to go, but you have no idea how much a trip to Hawaii costs. Where do you start? Good news, you’ve found the right place to help you estimate a Hawaii vacation budget!

In this article, I’m providing you with the easy-to-use estimates to calculate your personal Hawaii trip budget. It can’t be exact, but it will give you a rough idea of how much to start budgeting for a Hawaii vacation.

Before we jump to the calculator, it’s worthwhile to discuss why there’s not an easy answer when it comes to determining a Hawaii vacation budget. The challenges are that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer since multiple factors influence the budget.

Let’s look at some of the main factors that influence a Hawaii vacation budget:

  • When you go to Hawaii. Some dates/times are cheaper than others. When demand is down, so are the price of flights and hotels. See my post on the best time to go to Hawaii for tips.
  • How far you’re flying. For example, West Coast flights are usually cheaper than Midwest or East Coast flights because there is less distance, i.e. less fuel and cost.
  • Whether you typically prefer budget, mid-range or luxury hotels
  • The length of your stay
  • Whether you prefer fine dining or eating on the cheap.
  • Whether you want to go on guided tours or you’re willing to sightsee on your own.

Though we can’t wave a magic want to determine your perfect budget for a Hawaii trip, you can review the following numbers to generate your budget to Hawaii. Just remember, these are rough numbers that can vary from city to city, island to island, etc.

I recommend that you print out this page to follow along for estimating your cost to visit Hawaii. At the bottom of this post, you will see an icon to generate a printer-friendly version of this page.

  • East Coast to Hawaii – $900 per person (Note: we fly from the East Coast to Hawaii. Over our many trips to Hawaii, we’ve spent as little as $575 and as much as $1250 per person.)
  • Midwest – $750 per person
  • West Coast – $475 per person (We’ve seen round-trip fares as low as $124 on a fare sale, but those are rare to find.)

To estimate your flight costs:

______ cost per person   x  ______ number of travelers   = ______ estimated cost of flights

The cost of accommodations mostly vary based on the type of property – budget to luxury. (In our many trips to Hawaii, we’ve paid as little as $150 per night to as much as $525 and up.) In 2023, the average daily hotel rate was $378 per night per data reported by the Hawaii Tourism Authority.

You can find hotels and condos that are fairly nice and clean for less than the average — especially if you are willing to book a room or condo without an ocean view. (See our article for advice on saving money on Hawaii accommodations .) You can also spend significantly more if you’re aiming for a luxury Hawaii vacation.

In addition to the hotel rate, there are more accommodation costs to add, unfortunately. Those costs are taxes and resort fees. You can’t avoid taxes, but you might be able to avoid resort fees for your Hawaii hotel .

Let’s start with taxes. Though taxes can vary slightly by island, as for 2023, plan on spending roughly 18% in taxes.

The next cost to include in your budget is resort fees. We hate these fees, but unfortunately, they’ve become the norm rather than the exception in Hawaii. Resort fees can vary significantly from resort to resort and statewide data is not tracked for these fees. Our best estimate based on our knowledge and experience would be a nightly rate of $35.

So, if we tack on taxes (18%) and resort fees (approximately $35) to the average daily rate of $378, the total comes to $481 per night. To estimate your cost for lodging using the statewide average follow this formula:

$481 (avg cost/night)   x  ______ number of nights   x ______number of rooms you need = _______ estimated cost of accommodations

(Of course you can spend more or less than $481 per night, but that gives you a starting point to estimate the cost to stay in Hawaii.)

You will most likely want a rental car for Hawaii sightseeing adventures. If you are staying on Lanai or in Waikiki, you might not need a rental car, but for all other Hawaii destinations, I highly recommend getting a rental car. (See more about where we advise renting a car in Hawaii .)

Depending on what you rent and which method of booking, rental car rates will vary. See our tips for saving money on rental cars in Hawaii .

Prior to the 2021 rental car shortage, including taxes, you could have expected to use a rough number of $40 per day for an economy or mid-sized car. When the demand for rental cars bottomed out in 2020, rental car companies sold off much of their fleets. Then in 2021, when more people started traveling, rental cars became difficult to find and extremely expensive in Hawaii . Though the rental car companies have increased their fleets since the 2021 shortage, prices are still much higher than before. If you can get a rate for under $75 per day with taxes, you’ve probably found a good deal. Pricing varies significantly by island and by demand. For our budgeting calculations, let’s estimate $75 per day with taxes.

To estimate your cost for renting a car, use this formula:

$75 per day   x  _______ number of days =  _______ estimated cost of rental car

Estimating the cost to dine in Hawaii is yet another one of those factors that can range from a little to a lot.  As a rough round number, I think estimating $80 per person per day is doable without skimping too much or overdoing it. (See our tips for saving money on dining and meals in Hawaii .) That would be $20 for breakfast, $20 for lunch, and $40 for dinner. (By the way, it’s not unheard of to drop $45 or more for breakfast or lunch at high-end Hawaii resorts.)

To estimate your budget for meals, use this formula:

$80 per person per day x _______ number of people x _______ number of nights =   ________ estimated cost for meals

Up until 2020, very few Hawaii state and national parks charged an entrance fee. Unfortunately, new fees have gone into effect across the islands in 2021. As such, we recommend planning some of your vacation budget spends. Each park has a different fee structure, so, again, there’s not a one-size-fits-all estimate. Some have a per-car entry fee while others have a reservation fee, plus parking fee, plus a per person entrance fee. For budgeting purposes, we recommend an estimate of $50 per person for the entire trip.

$50 per person per trip x _______ number of people = ________ estimated cost for entry fees

Total Budget for Your Hawaii Vacation

Now, add up each of the four estimates to get your budget.

Estimated cost of flights _______

Estimated cost of accommodations _______

Estimated cost of rental car _______

Estimated cost for meals ________

Estimated cost for park entry fees _________


______________ = Your rough budget to vacation in Hawaii

Now, using the numbers above, I calculated the following for a 7-night Hawaii vacation for two people flying from the East Coast.

Flights = $900 per person x 2 people = $1,800

Accommodations = $481 per night  x 7 nights = $3,367

Rental car = $75 per day x 8 days = $600 (I use eight days instead of seven since most times the return hour is later than pick up.)

Dining = $80 per person per day x 2 people x 7 days = $1,120

Park entry fees = $50 per person per trip x 2 people = $100

The grand total for this example is $6,987 .

These estimates do not include:

  • Guided tours, such as helicopter tours, guided hikes, snorkeling excursions, etc. Hawaii offers many free and inexpensive things to see and do. Check out our post with advice on saving money on Hawaii vacation tours and activities .
  • Parking fees which some hotels charge while others don’t. Be sure to determine parking costs as you consider your accommodation options.   Parking fees in Waikiki and Ko Olina on Oahu and Kaanapali and Wailea on Maui can be particularly expensive. If you choose a VRBO condo option, you are less likely to pay a parking fee. For an estimate on parking fees, plan for an average of $30 per night.
  • Rental car refueling costs. Gas costs depend on the length of your stay and how much you plan to explore by car. Just one word of caution, Hawaii’s gas prices are higher than the US Mainland.
  • Island hopping in Hawaii via ferry or plane

I want to reiterate that your exact costs depend on your preferences and a bit of luck. You might catch an airfare sale and save $100 to $300 per person. You might find a hotel deal that includes breakfast. I could go on and on.

If you have a Costco membership, look at their vacation packages that include hotel and car. We have often found deals through Costco Travel that include room, breakfast, resort fees and car that are significantly less than what we find anywhere else.

You can definitely spend less in each of the main categories. On the flip side, you can certainly spend more – a lot more. It’s all up to you. I just wanted to provide rough numbers that are, in my opinion, realistic, middle of the road costs.

How much money do you budget when you go to Hawaii? What is your length of stay with that budget?

When we find extraordinary deals, we let our readers know. If you’re not already receiving our free email subscriptions, carefully enter your email address at this link .

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Sheila Beal

Sheila Beal is the founder and editor of Go Visit Hawaii. You can connect with Sheila Beal on Twitter , Go Visit Hawaii on Facebook , or Instagram .

Thanks! This was helpful!!

Glad to hear it’s helpful, Dawne. Thanks for the kind feedback.

Informative post, Sheila! I would also add gratuity to the list of expenses. That can add up depending on how generous you want to be for housekeeping and the wait staff when dining out.

For my upcoming Hawaii trip, I actually factored in my award miles that I’ve accrued over the last couple years. Luckily, I was able to use my miles to book my roundtrip airfare…saving up to $650 if I had paid for it.

Thanks for your comment, Michael.

I did have gratuities in mind for the dining estimates.

Very helpful, thanks for this. I think people underestimate how much things will cost and it’s important to sit down and go through a detailed list – including the little things you mention that they might not originally think of like souvenirs, tours, etc.

True, Josh. As I started to calculate the expenses for flights, hotel, car, and dining, I was surprised at how quickly it added up.

its really helpful. Will let my friends know about it.

Hey for the airfare cost the estimated flying cost you came up with is that for a round trip? or only to Hawii? I would love to know a how much I need for in a couple years Im planning to flyout there with my boyfriend!

The airfare cost is for round trip tickets.

Very useful post, thanks!

I just booked a trip to Kauai, HI for April, 2013 for 8 nights and 9 days. Roundtrip airfair, hotel and rental car, i even included resort fees, rental car taxes, and parking at the airport in my home state (Colorado). There are two of us going and NOT including meals,gas for rental car and souviners. Total was $3415.00. That is only $1707.74 a person. SO you can do alot cheaper if you look. My advice is find a reputable travel agent. They know of discounts that we cant find.. Have fun.!!

Random. We live in Colorado and are planning our first trip to Hawaii in September of this year. I’d love to know who you worked with to get you those great prices!

U did awesome. I need a lesson . did u look this up or did u have a travel agent?

Hi thank you for the great information. Will you happen to know if Nov is a good time to go to Hawaii? I know flights look like they go for cheaper, but I have no idea on the weather. Most likely to visit Maui. Thank you

Alex – See this post that provides more details on the best times to visit Hawaii –

Just starting our “three 50 year old gals” trip to Hawaii planning. Need all the advice we can get! this site is helpful for sure. Thanks so much.

Hello everyone, I NEED HELP!!!! My cousin has invited me to visit her in Honolulu. I always thought I would visit her in the fall so I would always check for airfare flying from san diego to honolulu in the fall, but it looks like i wont be able to visit her until March 2015…. I had not researched tickets during sprink break in Hawaii and have no idea what the average decent price to pay is. Right now im looking at Hawaiian airlines $634 per person this a good price to pay as they were as cheap as $350 during fall season just last year

Laura – there’s no way to know if airfare will increase or decrease. Our guess is that it will most likely decrease. Read this article that provides strategies for finding the lowest airfare to Hawaii:

Sheila thank you for responding sooo quickly. I understand prices can go up or down, another family member went to honolulu from san diego for $900 last March and I really didnt believe it but then again he got his tickets 2 weeks before so I guess you never know right?

Firstly…for first timers to Hawaii found this site superb. My better I/2 and I leave next week for 7 days on Oahu (Waikiki) followed by a week on Maui (Lahania). With business class flights there and back using airmiles ($7500 Cdn for $380 round trip). Hotel in Waikki with breakfast, $1248 taxes in, and Maui same price no breakfast. Airport transfers are the $23 (Oahu) bucks and 58 (Maui). Inter island flight 55 bucks. Plan travelling on bus tours/trolley bus etc…no plans to rent a car this time around. I have just retired at 52…and hope to get to know the islands well in the years ahead. Including via a cruise. Thanks again for putting the site together. It’s solidly bookmarked!

Kev – thanks for the kind words and for sharing the costs for your upcoming trip to Oahu and Maui. Enjoy!

Dear Shelia, I have a question. I need to find three airlines that match 3600 dollars, as there are 4 people in my family. Your post was very helpful, and so I thought maybe you were the person who could find hotels that match 3600 dollars. Can you please do this for me? Thanks, Lily.

Hi Lily – a travel agent would be glad to assist you with that. (We aren’t travel agents.)

Just finished planning and budgeting our first trip to Hawaii. It’ll only be a few days, and I’m going to take the cheapest route possible, if only to serve as a reference point for our next trip.

With the flight/ hotel package, we’re paying 600 a person, leaving from California. Including meals, that brings us to about 1650. ( I don’t plan on skimping the meal budget, there has to be a limit to my frugality) I may rent a scooter to sight see or necessary travel, but I’m really hoping to not drive around too much, thus negating the rental car cost. This keeps us under 2,000 dollars. I’m still going to budget for 3,000, as I don’t want this trip to sour in the interest of saving money.

Rick – hope you beat your budget. Come back and tell us how it works out after your trip to Hawaii.

Thanks for this post! I think this is a really good starting point when planning for a Hawaii trip. These are pretty typical middle of the road budgets. My husband and I just got back from a trip this month and saved significantly by using points for flights, renting a well equipped guest house in Kona (Big Island) for $110 a night and cooking all but 3 of our dinners over 10 days (2 travel days). Our actual amount spent for the full 10 days (including travel days) was: Flights: $20 House Rental 8 nights (with cleaning and taxes): $1150 Rental Car: $241 Other Travel (airport parking + rental car gas): $180 Food: $463 Activities and Shopping (fishing charter, manta ray snorkel, tour, spa, tips, gifts: $1153 Grand Total: $3207

We intentionally saved significantly by getting groceries (and gas) at Costco and cooking our own dinners primary as well as staying in a rental guest house instead of a resort so we could splurge more on activities. I like the idea of using the numbers above to plan as a baseline with the idea that you can save if you are intentionally thrifty in some areas. I agree $50-$70 per person per day is very typical if you plan to eat every meal out. We spent $60 one night that we want out for sushi (without drinks) and even the really casual places like Pizza Hut are more expensive there (around $35 for 2 people including sodas).

Tiffany – thanks for adding your actually Hawaii trip cost numbers.

My husband and I took our honeymoon in Hawaii about a year ago and ended up spending over 7100$ between everything for 8 days. Your calculator is a great tool for a base estimate with the exception of excursion costs. If you plan on doing any excursions/sightseeing/surf lessons/pearl harbor/luaus… those can add up as quickly as food, especially if you do any helicopter rides (which avg 60$ per 10min). We split our time in Honolulu exploring Ohau and in Maui and spent probably and avg of 275$ (between us) a day on excursions alone, although I would estimate that 150-200$ a day is a more normal estimate for a couple, or 75-100$ per day per person.

Rebecca – yes, excursions do quickly add up! Thanks for adding your estimate for what you spent on tours. We do note in the article that tours are an extra expense to consider when budgeting a trip to Hawaii. However, many people don’t like going on guided tours, so including tour costs is not a Hawaii trip requirement/necessity. There are a ton of amazing things to see and do in Hawaii without ever going on paid tours. For example, seeing Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial is absolutely free, so there’s no need to pay a tour company to go to Pearl Harbor.

Regarding luaus, it’s worth noting that a luau includes dinner, so in budgeting, either budget in a dinner or a luau, but not both.

Sheila, I would like your input on a matter. I have never been to Hawaii, but have always longed to since a child. I would like to plan a trip there in the future, but I am not sure where to go. You see I am more interested in the more primitive parts of the land, as opposed to the more “touristy” part. I love the idea of the volcanos and wonderful hiking trails and being close to the naturalistic aspect of the country. But I still would like to be near some nice beaches. If you’ve seen enough of Hawaii maybe you can give me some input. Thanks!

Jasmine – check out our article that’s designed to pick the perfect island(s) for your Hawaii vacation: You can download free guides and there are lots of resources. Almost every island suits your interests, but if you review the resources, it should help you hone in on the islands that seem to resonate with you the most. I will add that our favorite island for hiking is Kauai.

Thanks, for the value information.

Thanks for this information! We are travelling from New Zealand to Hawaii early 2016 and have absolutely no idea how much to expect to pay in terms of food, accommodation etc. Are all islands similar in price? We are looking at heading to Oahu and Big Island for 7 days each. I am amazed at how realistic traveling to Hawaii is for us – flights are only $1000NZD return(approx. $690USD) the biggest cost seems to be accommodation

Leah – that’s an amazing deal on flights! It costs many folks on the US mainland more than that!

The average accommodation price on Maui is higher than the other islands. Restaurant prices on Oahu seem to be a tad lower compared to the other islands. Also, you can usually get a better deal on a luau on Oahu.

My boyfriend and I went to Kauai this last October for a week and are planning for another trip in a year or two. We saved significantly on flights by using frequent flyer points. Our costs were: flight: free (would be around $800-$900 per person from the mid-west), hotel: $800 (“garden” facing room and a discount after switching from another hotel), rental car: $250, food: (estimate) $100 per day, we did spend a significant amount at Walmart on things like snacks, cases of water, and beach towels (which were nowhere to be found in Kansas in October). We did a lot of free activities, but did pay $60 to Kayak Kauai for a really stellar kayak trip and bought a lot of souvenirs (tshirts, rum, coffee, etc). We spent somewhere around $2,000 for the week. We saved huge on flights and are pretty darn cheap in most other aspects. That being said, we had a great time and plan to again! You don’t have to spend a lot to really enjoy yourself 🙂

Our daughter is serving as a camp counselor in Oahu North Shore this summer, so we (five of us) are planning to visit in late June for her birthday. Does anyone know the cost to visit the Big Island from Oahu? This might be my closest shot at seeing the Mauna Kea summit.

Brett –

You can find guided day tours to the Big Island from Oahu. They include everything like flights, ground transportation and guided tour.

A cheaper method is to plan your own trip. Use the resources on this post to price out the cost of inter-island flights: You’d need a rental car as well. See our page on saving money on rental cars:

This is very informative. We will be taking our first trip in May 2017 and this helped me a lot in knowing what to expect financially speaking.

I am planning a trip to Hawaii around jan,Feb of 2018, approximately 8 people. I’m wondering how much it might cost to fly round trip?

Look at the Flights section of the above article. It has all the resources for you to estimate your own costs.

My husband and I are planning our honeymoon to Maui in the first week of December. We would love to stay at a nice resort like the Sheraton/ Westin/ grand wailea and I’ve found good deals for this time of year but I’ve read that these get really crowded. Being that it’s an off season time do you think the beach and pools will be more quiet?

See this post about a December vacation in Hawaii: which indicates that early December is a very quiet time to visit Hawaii. If the hotels are busy depends on if there is a convention going on. Call the hotels directly to find out.

We are planning our first trip to Hawaii in Jun of 2018. The wife and I turn 50, it’s our 20th Anniversary, and it’s our son’s HS graduation. It’s our “Once in a Lifetime” trip! I’ve been saving for about 3 years and we’ve saved about $10K for our family of four. Our dates are just now opening up to book for June of ’18 and it’s been a bit of a shock! Looks like I’m gonna need to save at least another $3-4K before next year. The one option we may decide to use is AirBNB rather than staying in hotel/restorts. I hate the idea of my kids having to sleep on a sleeper sofa when they can sleep in an actual bed. I also hate the idea of all those resort fees and parking fees. Anyways, thanks for some great articles and tips. As much as I hate “procrastinating”, we might need to wait a little bit to see if the airfares drop more since the sweet spot recommendation for lower prices is about 5-6 months out.

Yay! I am so glad I found this article because when it comes to planning for a trip… my mind is all over the place! This made it so simpler! Like really easy and small and really the only thing I’ll have to figure costs for is the places I want to check out which should be easy to book online. Hawaii will be my second oversees trip and it is going to be with significant other and it will be our first trip so I wanted it to be fun and he wants to go too. Thank you for this article because it made it so more easier for me!

sheila your calculator is very helpful you do a great job my wife &i are planing a trip to celebrate our 54th wed aniv. oct 2018 i belive most estim. are spot on but do not forget travel insur. unless you are a big gambler many thanks for all you do

Great article! I’m planning a 10 day trip to Oahu and Big Island in May 2018. From my research and bookings this seems like pretty good estimates except for the rental car estimates. I think this was posted a few years ago. I’m finding the lowest prices on rental cars run about 75.00 per day for economy and then up into the 80.00’s for midsize and full size.

thank you so much so helpful I’m levying to night

Love this thank u so much it is helping me buget for 4 people when we go next year

The two of us just did 8 nights (4 in Kauai, 4 in Maui) for $3002 (or $1501 each) for just the flights, lodging and rental car. However, if we had just stayed in Maui, rather than flying to Kauai too, it would have only been $2502… but I was dead set on hopping over to Kauai, and it was more than worth it!. After including all other expenses like food, parking, gas, and activities (sunset catamaran, doors-off helicopter, a luau, and snorkeling), it came to $4432, or $2216 each. It helped that our flights to Maui from Austin were only $247 round trip since we purchased during the Southwest deal. Our round trip inter-island flights from Maui to Kauai actually cost more than getting to Hawaii in the first place! We also used Hotwire to get our lodging at the last minute (2 days before for each location), so we were able to get condos that are normally $300/nt for less than $150/nt. For the rental cars we used Discount Hawaii Car Rental to book them and kept checking prices up until the date of the trip to rebook if prices declined (which they did more than once, including just 2 days beforehand, so keep checking!). We booked a jeep for both locations so we could have the top down and have 4 wheel drive, but if you rent a smaller car, your rental car would be half what ours was (ours was about $475 total, both islands). Our food total was less than $200 for the entire trip, but two of our activities also provided food (dinner catamaran and luau). We only ate at sit down restaurants twice, and most of our meals (including the very best ones!) were from small markets and food trucks. The best poke we had was from Ishihara market and cost only $5 bucks for a container plus a side of rice! Our activities total was $1257. We got a military discount on many of the activities so if you are military/veteran always ask if they have one! We splurged for a private doors-off helicopter (which i absolutely recommend over doors-on, its totally worth it!) @ $310 each. $112 each for the Old Lahaina Luau, and $148 each for sunset Na Pali catamaran w/surf & turf dinner and open bar included. For snorkeling, we just rented snorkeling gear in each location and went at our leisure to various spots on the islands. We did some free activities which were just as exciting and memorable, if not more than, some of the expensive ones. These included hiking the Awa’awapuhi, Pihea & Alakai swamp trails, seeing Waimea canyon, and driving the Road to Hana (and all the fun stops along the way of course). The views on the Kauai trails and swimming in the waterfalls/beaches along the Road to Hana were unforgettable and absolute highlights of our trip, so it’s definitely possible to spend $0 on activities in Hawaii and not regret it.

Hope this info helps. We loved it so much there, we are already tentatively planning our next trip!

Been to Hawaii 5 times, recent as August this year. Probably not any more. The Australian dollar is crap, the hotel prices, drinks and costs are going through the roof. Shame as we love it.

Is there any all inclusive resorts in Hawaii? I maybe Maui

Not really — see this article about the lack of all-inclusive resorts in Hawaii: As you will read, Hawaii doesn’t really need all-inclusive resorts.

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Discover Kauai on a Budget: Top 10 Things to Do Under $10

Heading to kauai on a budget keep scrolling to find out my top 10 things to do on kauai for under $10.

If I had to choose only one Island in Hawaii to visit, it would be Kauai ! But is it possible to go to Kauai on a budget? Yes, you can.

The thing we all love about the place is just how many Kauai activities there are to do on our little island.

Even at only 552 total square miles and 75 miles to get around the island, there is more than enough to keep you busy for any amount of time.

The hardest part of a visit is deciding what to do in Kauai. There is literally no way to enjoy everything Kauai has without up and moving there!

Something everyone considers is cost. How many of us hear “Hawaii” and think “expensive”?

The truth is that once you get to Kauai, you can stick to the bare necessities and not need to spend much more! In fact, there are tons of free things to do in Kauai !

In an effort to speed up your planning process and help you narrow down your choices to the bare necessities, I have a gift for you!

Check out my list of things to do in Kauai on a budget to help you plan your trip , stay on budget, and not miss the best things to do in Kauai.

Don’t miss my top 105 genius tips for visiting Hawaii on a budget!

Want to skip all the planning and just access my detailed Kauai Itinerary, complete with daily schedules, kid-friendly activities, and travel hacks? Click the button below.

Kauai on a Budget FAQs

If Kauai is the only Hawaiian island you are visiting, you’ll want at least 7-10 days. That gives you enough time to see the top attractions, go for a few scenic drives, do some outdoor adventures, and just relax at one of the many gorgeous Kauai beaches! There are so many amazing things to do in Kauai Hawaii!

There are lots of ways to eat cheap on Kauai. Definitely take advantage of happy hour deals for their appetizers. You can also split plate lunches (they are usually massive.) And stock up on groceries at local Kauai grocery stores, Costco, and the farmers market . That way, you can make your own meals in your hotel/condo.

You’ll definitely want to rent a car on Kauai . It’s the easiest way to explore the island, especially since there are limited Uber/Lyft drivers. They do have a bus system, but it doesn’t go everywhere. One of the cheapest places to rent a car on Kauai is through Discount Hawaii Car Rentals .

Kauai on a Budget: Best Things to Do on Kauai for $10 or Less

If you’re heading to Kauai on a budget, you’ll definitely want to check out some of these cheap things to do on Kauai!

1. Make sure to plan to visit at least one beach!

What is the point of visiting Kauai without a trip to the beach? It’s a total Kauai must-do! Kauai beaches are gorgeous, relaxing, and, best of all – free!

The activities available on each beach vary quite a bit, so make sure to check out the information about your chosen beach before you head out.

Lifeguards are on duty at most of the bigger beaches, but you should still check out the daily ocean report before heading out.

I have a lot of personal favorites, but Lydgate Beach on the east shore, Hanalei Beach on the North Shore , and Poipu Beach on the south shore stand out in my mind.

No matter where you decide to stay in Kauai, you can find a sandy beach to enjoy nearby.

So pack some snacks, grab your towel and reef-safe sunscreen , and go find a beach to relax on!

2. Enjoy the views at Waimea Canyon State Park!

Waimea Canyon has long been called the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific,” and for good reason!

The Waimea Canyon State Park has just as much to see and do as its sister canyon on the mainland. And it’s one of the top attractions on Kauai.

At $10 per car to enter, this experience is a steal, no matter how you look at it! There are trails for amateur hikers (or families with littles) as well as harder treks for the more experienced hiker.

If you want to stay in the car and enjoy the scenery, you can do that too.

Make sure to at least stop at the lookout points, or risk missing some of the most absolutely breathtaking rainbows and interesting plants and animals in the US!

And I totally recommend continuing up to Kokee State Park!

3. Walk through Kauai’s historical landmarks!

The Koloa Heritage Trail is a 10-mile tour through some of the most important events and history on the Garden Island.

Visitors can explore everything from Spouting Horn near Poipu to a Buddhist Temple built in 1910.

There are 14 stops along this self-guided trail, so make sure you plan plenty of time.

For the price (Free!), you could even spread the stops out over several days to give you and your family time to absorb and explore all the different sites on this historic trail!

It’s definitely one of the top things to do in Kauai with kids of all ages!

4. Make your way up to Kilauea Point!

You know that lighthouse that everyone thinks of when they think of Kauai? It’s at Kilauea Point !

The lighthouse is the Daniel K. Inouye Kīlauea Point Lighthouse Station (or sometimes referred to as Kilauea Lighthouse), which offers tours “depending on the availability of staff or volunteers” and is an iconic image of Kauai.

The lighthouse is just one attraction, though! There’s something more when you visit Kauai from this point.

The bigger, more important activity (at least to my boys!) is the Wildlife Refuge. This refuge is a very important, protected area for many species of seabirds and Hawaiian plants.

If you are planning a trip to the refuge, it would be a good idea to bring some binoculars , so that might be an added cost.

But when it only costs $10 per car to get into the refuge, maybe those binoculars seem a bit more affordable. I guarantee this isn’t the only place on Kauai you will use them!

5. Tour and taste at the Kauai Coffee Company!

If you are a coffee lover or have one in your family, this will be a non-negotiable, must-do stop!

The Kauai Coffee Company has it all: a visitor center, free self-guided tours, and free coffee tastings. It is also the biggest coffee farm in the US.

Visit the estate for free to learn all about growing, roasting, and tasting some wonderful coffee!

They also have an option for a personalized, guided tour with a coffee professional for $25/person.

Regardless of which tour you do, it’s pretty amazing walking around this coffee estate. Plus, there are tons of cool photo ops along the way! If you stay in a nearby hotel room, you can easily visit multiple times.

This is one of the top things to do in Kauai for free that the whole family will love!

6. Experience the calm and history at the Kauai Hindu Monastery

If you are looking for the most peaceful experience on Kauai, look no further than the Kauai Hindu Monastery .

As a member of the public, visiting hours and options are a bit restricted, but the planning will be well worth it. It’s one of the most underrated Kauai attractions.

Make a plan to arrive between 9 am and noon, and enjoy the visit while you learn about the Hindu religion and enjoy the peace and quiet of the gorgeous monastery landscape.

There are plenty of places to walk around and take photos. And it’s one of the least touristy places on Kauai!

7. Challenge yourself to the Kalalau Trail!

Did you know that the highway around Kauai – Kaumualii or Kuhio Highway, depending on where you are – doesn’t actually go all the way around the island?

There is a section of Kauai on the northwest side that isn’t able to be accessed by car. This is where the Kalalau Trail comes in!

The Kalalau Trail is an 11-mile trail that traverses some of the most beautiful sections of the Nāpali Coast. The trail itself almost never flattens, so be prepared for a great workout.

From the trailhead at Kee Beach to the North, day-hikers can get to Hanakāpī’ai Beach and to the Hanakāpī’ai Falls to the south within a day.

Any further down the Kalalau Trail will require a camping permit and gear, whether you plan on camping or not.

To make this 11-mile trek in one day would challenge even the most experienced hikers, but the views of the Kalalau Valley and Kalalau Beach towards the end make every ounce of sweat and camping gear so worth it!

Insider tip: You must make a reservation to park or plan on taking the shuttle to the trailhead.

8. Enjoy the shops in Old Kōloa Town!

The very first successful sugar plantation serves as the site of the shopping center, which is Old Kōloa Town .

Having now been turned into adorable shops, you can find anything from snacks to souvenirs to a wonderful meal here on the south side of Kauai.

Come for the shopping, but stay for the entertainment like free Hula shows or the Old Kōloa Town Night Market . Head to Old Kōloa Town to enjoy the perfect mix of modern and classic Kauai!

Being within walking distance of several attractions makes this a convenient stop on your itinerary. Exploring Old Kōloa Town is a great way to experience the charm of this small island while enjoying some of the best local flavors and culture.

9. Hunt for rainbows at Wailua River State Park!

If you are looking for amazing Kauai waterfalls , look no further than Wailua River State Park !

The state park is free to enter but does offer a pay-to-ride boat tour down the only river on Kauai wide enough to be navigable.

Near the entrance, be sure to see the Wailua Complex of Heiau . This National Historic Landmark showcases some of the most significant historical finds on Kauai and Hawaii.

Between the historical landmarks and the hiking trails , you will be sure to find something to interest anyone in the family!

Wailua Falls is one of the prettiest things to see on Kauai!

10. Wishing Well Shave Ice

Did you really go to Hawaii if you didn’t get Shave Ice? My answer would be no.

On Kauai, Wishing Well Shave Ice in Hanalei is the ultimate place to go! Most of their shave ice is $8 or a little more, depending on what size you get and how many flavors you want.

While this isn’t the cheapest shave ice on Kauai , it is worth every dollar!

They make their own organic syrups from local Kauai fruit and you’ll get to eat it in one of the prettiest areas of Kauai.

There’s also a few other food trucks nearby, so it’s an easy place to stop for lunch first. And they have a super cute shop.

Wishing Well Shave Ice is a delightful stop along the way, offering a refreshing treat during your Hawaiian Islands adventure.

Bonus: Animal lovers, here is your chance!

Have you ever wondered what could make your vacation any better? Are you someone who loves animals? Have you ever thought about giving back while enjoying a wonderful new experience?

The Kauai Humane Society has a program that I just love.

Their Field Trips for Shelter Dogs program allows visitors to “check out” a dog from the shelter for a day. The dog gets a day out and socialization, and you get your animal fix while doing a good deed!

The only catch is that this particular experience is a bit more expensive at $40 per day, but it’s a donation, so that makes it better, right? You can also explore the natural beauty of the island with a furry friend.

It’s definitely one of the most unique things to do in Kauai with kids!

Follow the Kauai Humane Society to see pictures of the current pups out on their field trips!

Kauai on a Budget Wrap-Up

There is a reason that Kauai is called “The Garden Isle.” You will see the most gorgeous, lush scenery you have ever seen. The north shore offers stunning ocean views, especially around Hanalei Beach, which is one of the favorite beaches for many visitors.

Even if all you do is walk around every day to take in the sights and sounds, you will leave happy, relaxed, and planning your next trip back. If you’re on a tight budget, consider renting a rental car to explore the island, or visit places like Polihale Beach for an incredible, budget-friendly experience. Use snorkel gear to fully experience Kauai’s underwater wonders and maximize your visit to this beautiful small island.

Looking for more Kauai Travel Resources? Find out the top 10 things to know before booking a Kauai trip , the best free activities on Kauai , plus my 105 tips for Hawaii on a budget !

The post Discover Kauai on a Budget: Top 10 Things to Do Under $10 appeared first on Hawaii Travel with Kids .

Heading to Kauai on a budget? Keep scrolling to find out my top 10 things to do on Kauai for under $10! This list of the top 10 things to do on Kauai for under $10 was written by Hawaii travel expert Marcie Cheung and contains affiliate links, which means if you purchase something from ... Read more

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Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa

Limited-time package.

  • Five Nights for the Price of Four
  • Book by 6/3/24
  • Included Extras Valued at $1,140

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Kauai: Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa Limited-Time Package

This classic resort features 50 oceanfront acres of exquisite beauty. Celebrate the sun in the water playground featuring river pools, a waterslide and saltwater lagoon, golf at world-class Poipu Bay, and for the ultimate pampering visit, the award-winning Anara Spa offers treatment rooms in a tropical garden setting.

Vacation Package Details

Included extras.

Five nights for the price of four (will be reflected in price)

$300 Resort credit (per room, per stay)♦

Daily buffet breakfast for two (a $104 value per day)♦♦

Waived mandatory daily resort fee (per room, a $64 value per day)♦♦♦

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Included Extras above valued at $1,140 for a five-night stay

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Accommodations at Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa

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kauai hawaii trip cost

Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa

Costco member reviews.

4.8 of 5 stars

1571 Poipu Rd, Koloa - Kauai, HI, 96756, United States

Lush gardens and dramatic waterfalls set the mood for a spectacular experience.

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Other room categories and lengths of stay are available. Airfare is available at an additional cost. The vacation shown is based on availability. The price and inclusions will vary based on the selected travel dates.

Terms & Conditions

♦The resort credit is applicable toward any charges made at the resort that can be billed back to the guest room. This includes, but is not limited to, food and beverage purchases, spa services, and valet parking charges. The credit will be applied to the final statement upon checkout. Any unused portion of the credit is nontransferable, nonrefundable, and may not be redeemed for cash.

♦♦Breakfast is served at Ilima Terrace and is applicable to all adults in the room. Breakfast for children ages 17 and younger is not included and is available for an additional cost. Breakfast is complimentary for children ages 0 to 5. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 are charged 50% of the buffet price. Children between the ages of 13 and 17 are charged the full buffet price. Gratuities are not included. No meal substitutions are allowed. Any unused portion is nontransferable, nonrefundable, and not redeemable for cash.

♦♦♦The daily resort fee includes the following: self-parking, use of beach chairs and umbrellas (available at the recreations desk), Poipu Bay golf course and club house shuttle service, two reusable water bottles per stay, purified water stations, coffee maker in room with coffee and tea, self-service washer/dryer and detergent, unlimited local and toll-free calls, use of guest computers near lobby, in-room safe, reusable logo tote bag (located in closet), access to 24-hour Anara Spa fitness center, fitness classes, yoga and water aerobics at Anara Spa (14 years and older, see daily activities schedule), welcome lei, morning sunrise walk, nightly entertainment at Seaview Terrace, Hawaiian artisans (daily in lobby), lei making and hula lessons, Koi fish feeding and parrot talk, Hydroponic garden tour (twice per week), sunscreen samples at pool recreation desk, daily one-hour tennis court time (reservations required, equipment rental available), recreational bicycle usage (based on availability, see valet for rental) and arrival/departure hospitality lounge offering lounge area, showers and computer access, USD 20 discount on green fees at Poipu Bay golf course, and nightly shuttle service to restaurants in the Poipu area. The fees and inclusions are outside the control of Costco Travel and are subject to change by the hotel without notice.

‡Rental car includes unlimited mileage, one additional driver, all taxes and service fees. It does not include gasoline, optional insurance charges, underage driver charges, upgrades, overtime, drop charges or infant-child seats. Parking fees may apply and are paid directly to the resort upon checkout.

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How Much Does a Trip To Hawaii Cost for a Family of Four (2024 prices)

hawaii cost for family hawaii trip cost estimate 2022

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase through my links we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Read about our affiliate policies here .

Visitors to Hawaii returned faster than many travel experts expected in 2022. The high demand and inflation resulted in the cost of a Hawaii vacation increasing in 2023. Lucky for you, how much a trip to Hawaii costs for a family of four has gone down in 2024!

Let’s look at previous years for some perspective. In 2019 we estimated that a comparable mid-range trip to Hawaii would cost $10,100 for a family of four. In 2021 the same trip cost $8,914. The price increased 37 percent in 2022 to $12,239 as demand for Hawaii vacations surged once travel restrictions ended. In 2023 that number climbed to $13,493.

So how much does a trip to Hawaii cost for a family of four in 2024? A 10-day trip to Hawaii in June 2024 for a family of four is quoted to cost $11,321.

Of course, a Hawaii vacation is never particularly cheap, but it’s not often that we get to report a decrease in the cost. In fact, it’s gone down by 16% from 2023 which is a refreshing change in pace as we see our day-to-day lives becoming more expensive than ever.

Here is what a trip to Hawaii costs in 2024 for a family of four:

Read on for details on the quotes and ways to save on your Hawaii vacation.

hawaii cost estimate trip cost for hawaii

We know you’re here for some travel tricks, and we have your back: – If you’re looking for the cost for two, we’ve covered that here . – We’ve figured out how to get some of the best airfare prices available. – We’re here to help you decide whether a hotel or vacation rental is right for you. – Don’t overspend on a rental car in Hawaii again. – Oh, and did we mention our coupon codes ?

How Much Does a Trip to Hawaii Cost For a Family of Four in 2024?

To get to our estimate of $11,321, we used the following assumptions:

  • A 10-night trip to Oahu
  • Flights leaving from Los Angeles ( 25% of domestic flights to Hawaii leave from LAX)
  • A family of four includes two adults and two children
  • Trip booking for mid-June 202 4
  • Staying in a value hotel in Waikiki (central location and best prices)

As stated above, the average trip to Hawaii cost for a family of four came to $11,321. That’s $2,830 per person. 

For our cost estimates, we averaged hotel prices on Expedia for a non-ocean view room, car rental prices from Hawaii Discount Car Rental, airplane tickets using our booking method , and a few of our favorite Oahu tours and activities .

Oahu is the most visited Hawaiian Island, the Cheapest Hawaiian Island to Visit , and Waikiki is the best place to stay on Oahu in price and location (in our opinion). Hence, we used Oahu for our cost estimate.

For a 10-day trip, you may want to consider a 10-Day Oahu and Maui Itinerary . See our Hawaii island-hopping guide for info.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Of course, there are ways to do this trip cheaper (think: glamping on Maui ) and there are ways to make this trip much more expensive. But this is a pretty reasonable cost estimate for a mid-priced vacation that you’ll love.

The summer of 2023 saw a near return to 2019 visitor counts by the summer, pre-pandemic levels.

See our recommendations below on how to save money on your 2024 Hawaii Vacation. Then sign up for our Hawaii Travel Newsletter to stay up to date on visiting Hawaii this year.

Here’s how costs break down for our 10-day trip to Oahu in June.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Cost of Airfare to Hawaii

You can find some great deals on airfare right now to Hawaii. The low-cost carriers to Hawaii are Southwest Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and Hawaiian Airlines. See our article How to Get a Cheap Ticket to Hawaii .  Personally, we like Hawaiian Airlines as they make it feel like your Hawaii vacation has started when you board.

Roundtrip flights from Los Angeles to Honolulu (HNL) for mid-June (as of January 2024):

  • Hawaiian Airlines $2,426
  • Southwest $1,898
  • United Airlines $1,710

The average cost of airfare to Hawaii: $2,011 for four people

Hotel on Oahu

The biggest chunk of your budget is going to be spent on lodging. The majority of people who come to Hawaii stay in a hotel over a vacation rental. In June 2022, data from the Hawaii Tourism Authority showed that 67 percent of visitors stayed in a hotel vs a vacation in Hawaii .

So for this, we used nightly rates for staying in some of our favorite value hotels in Waikiki for 10 nights. The quotes are for a non-ocean view, standard room. Click the hotel links to learn more about the hotels.

  • Hilton Hawaiian Village $302
  • Queen Kapi’olani Hotel $355
  • Waikiki Beachcomber by Outrigger $268 per night ( watch our video tour )
  • The Laylow, Autograph Collection $305 per night

Just like with most places, hotel prices can range. You have budget accommodations and luxury resorts. For your interest, luxury Oahu resorts are quoted below.

For luxury resorts on Oahu, the nightly rates for June were the following:

  • Royal Hawaiian Hotel : $438
  • Turtle Bay Resort (North Shore): $ 679
  • Disney Aulani (Ko Olina): $ 839

These prices include taxes and a resort fee. Taxes and resort fees can be 20% to 30% of the total cost of your stay. Because there is such a wide range of prices, we averaged the value-hotel total costs.

Total hotel costs for four people: $ 4,136

Related articles:

  • The Best Affordable Family Resorts in Hawaii Your Kids Will Love
  • The 7 Best Family-Friendly Hotels on Oahu
  • Why are Hotels So Expensive in Hawaii? (clever ways to save!)
  • 6 Best Big Island Luxury Hotels

hawaii vacation cost hotel rates 2022 Hilton Hawaiian Village

Your lodging will be your biggest expense when you visit Hawaii. 2023 experienced a surge in hotel rates, especially during the summer, as visitor demand increased to the islands. Our 2024 quoted hotel rates are slightly lower than 2023 summer hotel prices, per the chart below.

Trip to Hawaii cost for a family

If you’re looking for a luxury resort or a value hotel, we have some ideas for you. Check out the videos below of Waikiki resorts and hotels from your favorite YouTubers.

You can technically skip the car rental and save on this cost, but there is so much to do and see on Oahu, we recommend sticking with a rental car for at least part of your stay. Yes, it can be frustrating to pay for nightly parking charges, but if you plan to see a lot and drive to different spots on the island, a rental car is well worth it.

To help save money, we book our rental cars through Discount Hawaii Car Rental . We always get the best prices and you reserve a car with the major car rental companies. There’s also no need to pre-pay your reservation. 

On an average trip, we usually save $60-$75 per week booking with Discount Hawaii Car Rental . But on a trip to the big island over New Year’s Eve, we saved over $300!

For this estimate, we used Discount Hawaii Car Rental and received a price for a 10-day rental in a standard-size car to be $546 (half the price compared to 2023!).

Let’s factor in a tank of gas for $100 and parking fees at a Waikiki hotel. The parking fees, even without valet, are stiff at $45 a night. The total for parking and fuel is $550

Total rental car costs: $ 1, 096

Hawaii car rental guides:

  • How To Get Around Maui Without a Car
  • How to Get Around Oahu
  • 7-Day Oahu Itinerary Without a Rental Car

Hawaii cost trip estimate rental car cost

Just when you think that you’ve paid for all of the expensive things on your trip, think again. Eating out in Hawaii is expensive.

Even hitting the food trucks ( Maui food trucks and Kauai food trucks are the best!) can add up to a considerable amount (though they’re delicious and worth it). 

But because we’re estimating the total cost of a 10-day trip, we have to include food. The average dinner can run $50 – $100 per person, depending on the type of restaurant and the number of beverages ordered. 

At Duke’s in Waikiki, for example, a fish entree is $34 – $39. Add in a drink, tax, and tip, and you’ve spent $70 without trying. Add on an appetizer or dessert and the bill climbs. 

Across the street at Paia Fish Market, you can get a less expensive meal, but an entree will still cost $15 – $20.

All that to say we estimate an adult will spend $75 per day on food and a child eating off the kid’s menu (keiki menu) will spend $30 per day. Costs are obviously less if you’re staying at a vacation rental and not eating out.

We think it’s safe to say you’ll spend around $210 per day on food for four people, with a comfortable budget. 

Total food costs: $2,100

hawaii trip cost food cost estimate

The last and possibly most exciting money you’ll spend on the trip will be on your activities. There are plenty of free and cheap things to do in Hawaii, so this category is a little challenging to estimate. Hiking is free , snorkeling is inexpensive ( Oahu has good snorkeling ), and even visiting the Pearl Harbor National Memorial is free.

Our Oahu Itinerary highlights the free or low-cost things to do, it isn’t full of paid activities!

So you can either go all out and spend a ton on activities, spend next to nothing, or somewhere in between. 

If this is your first trip to Hawaii , you may want to do a few special things. We recommend the following activities for 2 adults and 2 kids . These were selected from our favorite Oahu vetted and tested Oahu tours and activities .

  • Kualoa Ranch’s UTV Jurassic Valley Tour : $ 450
  • Polynesian Cultural Center Ali’i Luau Package : $ 765
  • Ko Olina Adventure Snorkel & Sailing Tour : $763 

The cost for these three activities is $1,978 (gratuity not included). Consider adding a tip for the guided tours of $10 to $20 per person.

Total activities cost: $ 1, 978

The Polynesian Cultural Center is a lot of fun and educational for kids and adults. See our Ali’i Luau vs Gateway Buffet article for ways to save and see what package is best. Booking with our direct Polynesian Cultural Center link here includes a discount on packages.

Explore all our favorite Oahu luaus here!

trip to hawaii cost for family itinerary

More things to do in Hawaii:

  • 23 Best Things to Do on Oahu with Kids
  • 68 Things to Do on Maui with Kids
  • 24 Things to Do on Kauai with Kids
  • 12 Epic Things to Do in Kona with Kids

kauai hawaii trip cost

Oahu Wayfinder Itinerary

kauai hawaii trip cost

Maui Wayfinder Itinerary

kauai hawaii trip cost

Kauai Wayfinder Itinerary

kauai hawaii trip cost

Cruising Hawaii Guide

kauai hawaii trip cost

Big Island Wayfinder Itinerary

How to cut costs on your trip to hawaii without sacrificing fun.

Now that you know how much a trip to Hawaii costs for a family of four, are there ways that you can save? Here are tried and tested ways to save on a trip to Hawaii. 

Don’t forget to check our Hawaii Vacation Guide Coupon Codes to find deals on snorkel tours to shave ice (most discounts are on Maui).

Also, our Planning a Trip to Hawaii: 15 Essential Details for more information can be a huge help for your Hawaii family planning!

Stay in a Vacation Rental

I love a good resort experience and most visitors stay in a resort when they come to Hawaii. But if a family really wants to save money, a vacation rental can offer significant savings. The best savings are on Waikiki vacation rentals, you may find more expensive options on Maui and Kauai, for example.

kauai hawaii trip cost

It would be a safe estimate to say that staying in a vacation rental during this trip can easily save you $1,200 – $2,000. 

There are pros and cons to staying in a vacation rental and we’ve laid them all out in this video Where to Stay in Hawaii: Hotels vs Vacation Rentals . 

Costco Hawaii Vacation Packages

A Costco Hawaii vacation package can be a good way to save money on your Hawaii vacation if you book flights, hotel, and a car rental with them. 

Our community member James T. found booking his Hawaii vacation with Costco saved him about 30% compared to Expedia and Orbitz. 

There are drawbacks, like a strict cancellation policy, so see our article below for details.

Related article: Costco Hawaii Vacation Review: 9 Things to Know Before You Buy

Travel to Hawaii with Points and Miles

My partner Erica and I have made traveling our passion and one of our biggest expenses in life. No regrets! We travel throughout the Hawaiian Islands, of course, but we have also been around the world a few times. With all this traveling, we were always nervous about taking advantage of points and rewards offered through credit cards.

A great way to save on your trip to Hawaii, if you have good credit and know how to use credit cards responsibly, is to use credit card and hotel points and rewards for free travel to Hawaii. Our goal this year is to save $2,000 a year on travel around Hawaii and trips to visit family on the mainland. To do this, we have signed up with Zac at Travel Freely. Zac is an expert on using points and rewards for free travel. We have partnered with him to share his resources with our community.

For example, Travel Freely members have saved $7,400+ and $9,500+ on their trips to Hawaii. See the articles below for details as it is totally doable.

  • Member Success Story: Travel Freely Members Save $7,400+ on Anniversary Trip to Hawaii!
  • Member Success Story: Travel Freely Members saved $9,500+ on a 10-day Trip to Hawaii!

This isn’t overnight savings, but as most people plan more than 6-months in advance for a trip to Hawaii, using points & miles is a good way to save on a trip to Hawaii. I recommend becoming a Travel Freely member (FREE) for free video tutorials and info to learn of the best cards and programs to get to Hawaii. Sign up to be a Travel Freely member here .

We now have the Travel Freely app that we use to track our credit cards and maximize the rewards. Also free to download and use.

Travel During Hawaii’s Shoulder Seasons

The majority of visitors to Hawaii come either in the summer or the winter . It makes sense: if you have kids in school your options to travel are limited. But those are also the most expensive times to travel to Hawaii. 

Costs dip considerably if you visit in September and October or April and May. Not only that, but the weather is generally better during these months and you’ll escape the most crowded months. See our Best Time to Visit Hawaii for details.

If you can, planning a trip to Hawaii during the shoulder months could save you a lot of money.

Luxury Vacation to Hawaii for Less

There are a lot more ways to save on a trip to Hawaii. If staying in a value hotel in Waikiki doesn’t sound like your type of family vacation, see our How to Have a Luxury Hawaii Vacation for Less: 12 Ways to Save .

If you’re planning a trip to Hawaii for the first time, download our FREE Hawaiian Island Cheat Sheets . These downloadable or printable one-page cheat sheets will get you familiar with the islands. Especially if you are trying to figure out which island to visit! We have a quiz on that!

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Thanks for reading The Hawaii Vacation Guide! I'm the co-founder, with my wife Erica, of the best Hawaii travel guide on the internet in our biased opinions. We enjoy traveling throughout Hawaii after living on Maui and Oahu. We share our adventures, travel tips and resources, and honest reviews so you can easily plan your dream vacation to Hawaii. Editing our videos, teaching the kids how to snorkel, and learning about the 'aina (land) and Hawaii culture are my favorite things to do. Have a wonderful trip to the Aloha State.

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This sprawling kauai resort boasts 50 lush acres and a stunning saltwater lagoon.

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Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa

There’s a lot to love about the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa — like its prime location on Poipu Beach, just a short walk from picturesque Shipwreck Beach. Then, there are the 50 tranquil acres of lush and vibrant gardens, surrounded by mountains, and filled with birdsong. But the best reason to call the resort home during a stay on Hawaii’s “garden island” may be its sprawling pool complex, which is often touted as the best on the island.

Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa's sprawling pool complex

The heart and soul of the resort, the oceanfront complex features two multi-level freshwater pools, which are connected by tranquil rivers you can float down. There’s also a waterslide, and one of the pools is a designated quiet pool — the perfect place for grownups to read a book, or sip a cocktail in peace.

A swimmer floats in the saltwater lagoon

Reflections on the saltwater lagoon

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Then there’s the dreamy saltwater lagoon, which sits at the bottom of the complex, next to the beach. With water depths ranging from a shallow couple inches to many feet, it suits swimmers from toddlers splashing around in arm floaties, to adults looking for a peaceful nighttime swim after the kiddos have cleared out for the day. It’s hypnotic to watch the ever-changing reflections of swaying palm trees and floating clouds move across the lagoon’s surface — especially at sunset when the sky glows rose gold.

The resort sits on 50 lush acres of Kauai's south shore

Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa is located on the island’s sunny south shore, on the soft white sands of Keoneloa Bay’s Poipu Beach.

Lihue Airport is 15 miles away, about a 30-minute drive.

The dining room of a Royal Suite

Number of Rooms & Suites

The resort's architecture and decór showcases the gardens and landscape

Classic Hawaiian luxury dreamscape

The resort is known for its beautiful landscaping

Architecture and Decór

The architecture and decór are classic Hawaiian, with a palette of tasteful neutrals and calming blues and greens, complimented by gleaming wood and marble. But it’s all in service of the views you came to Kauai to enjoy: wide windows and expansive lanais showcase the garden isle’s panoramic ocean views, stunning natural landscapes, and lush, verdant gardens.

Poipu Beach, with Shipwreck Beach in the distance

  • Gorgeous location on Poipu Beach
  • 50 stunning acres of stunning lush gardens and ocean landscapes
  • Massive outdoor pool complex with two multi-level freshwater pools connected by “river pools,” a waterslide, lagoon, and wrap-around sundeck
  • All rooms feature private lanais
  • 45,000-square-foot Anara Spa with 24-hour fitness center, open-air yoga studio, and dry sauna and steam room
  • Enrich program connects guests looking to do some good while they’re on the island with volunteer opportunities, including helping preserve ecosystems at the National Tropical Botanical Garden, doing a beach cleanup with the Surfrider Foundation, or taking a pup from the Kauai Humane Society out for a field trip
  • Activities and classes rooted in local Hawaiian culture, including throw-net fishing, ukulele lessons, Hawaiian language basics, and lei-making with kukui nuts
  • 18-hole Poipu Bay Golf Course
  • Just a short walk to Shipwreck Beach

Presidential Suite

Rooms & Suites

Guest rooms are a roomy 500 square feet, while suites range from 577-800 for pool suites to 2,254 for the presidential suite.

Every room and suite has its own lanai

Every room features a private lanai with views of the glittering Pacific, beautiful gardens, or picturesque mountains.

Tidepools restaurant

Restaurants & Bars

The resort offers nine options for drinks and dining. Highlights include:

  • Tidepools: the hotel’s romantic signature restaurant is a must for any visit. Set amid the koi-filled lagoon and waterfall, guests can tuck into a menu of steaks and raw and grilled fish and seafood.
  • Stevenson’s Library: sushi and spirits are served at a 24-foot koa wood bar on the open-air lanai.
  • Hale Nalu : a poolside surf shack for casual daytime eats like salads, fish tacos, and burgers.
  • Captain’s Bar: perched above the sprawling pool complex, this is the spot for cocktails and snacks during the afternoon and at sunset.

Who It’s Best For

  • Anyone looking for top-notch resort pools

Anara Spa's relaxation room

Other Notable Services & Amenities

  • 24-hour in-room dining
  • On-site convenience store, gift shop, florist, and hair & manicure salon
  • Car rental desk
  • Camp Hyatt kids program
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi
  • Two tennis courts

For more information or to book a stay, visit Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa .

Elizabeth Brownfield

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Hawaii Trip Costs

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2024 hawaii budget calculator & cheapest times to visit.

The first step toward planning a great vacation is to budget for it. That way, you can ensure that you have enough to spend to make the vacation worthwhile and possibly save some money in the process. There are many things to budget for any vacation, and Hawaii is no different.

You will have to budget everything from airfare to food costs for a Hawaii vacation. There are also some essential things that you will need to budget for, such as attractions and where you will stay.

The following article is a detailed description of everything you need to know when budgeting for a trip to Hawaii. It covers everything from when you leave for the airport the morning of the trip to returning home once it is over.

— article continued below —

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Hawaii Trip Costs Summary

This article has the general expenses for planning a trip to the Hawaiian islands. It also has a calculator to help you with an estimated total cost amount.

Click any topic link below to drop to that section on this page.

How Much Airport Expenses Cost

How much accommodation expenses cost, how much vacation activities cost.

  • Hawaii Budget Calculator - Trip Cost Estimator

Airport expenses can vary depending on multiple factors, such as what airline you choose and if you purchase any snacks or meals. There are also parking fees and baggage fees to consider.

Airport expenses are one of the most expensive things to budget for on a trip to Hawaii, aside from the hotel or vacation home you decide to stay at. Since there are multiple airlines to choose from, it’s difficult to pinpoint precisely how much airport expenses will cost.

The main things to consider when budgeting for the airport are:

  • The plane tickets
  • The baggage fees
  • Any snacks or meals
  • Parking fees

There are also ways to save money on each of these expenses.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Plane Tickets

The average forecasted prices for flights to Hawaii in 2023 are:

  • $925 for the East Coast 
  • $490 for the West Coast
  • $810 for the Midwest
  • $1,120 for international flights

However, ticket prices can still vary depending on multiple factors.

When planning a trip to Hawaii, the first thing you should purchase is airplane tickets. Purchasing them two or three months in advance will save you a significant amount of money and ensure you have a flight when you plan to go.

If you are traveling from anywhere on the East Coast of the United States, tickets usually cost about $925 per person for a round-trip flight. If you are traveling from the West Coast or the Midwest, they are slightly less expensive. Flying from the West Coast costs about $490 per person round trip, while Midwest flights cost about $810 per person round trip.

Landing an Inexpensive Flight

The highest flight prices are for those traveling internationally to Hawaii. If you are traveling to Hawaii from somewhere outside of the United States, then the average cost of round-trip airfare is about $1,120 per person. However, ticket prices can fluctuate depending on two main things, the airline you purchase from and when you purchase the tickets.

The majority of inexpensive flights to Hawaii land in Honolulu or Maui. As for which cities have the most affordable flights heading toward Hawaii, California, and other West Coast states, they are the ones to go for. If you want to save money, you could drive to California and fly to Honolulu or Maui. It’s also recommended to search multiple airline websites for ticket prices to find those that fit your budget.

The other main factor that can help you save money on plane tickets is the time you buy them. It is recommended to buy them at least two months before you plan to leave, but there are also certain times of the year that are better for a Hawaii vacation than others. The worst and most expensive times to go to Hawaii are during its peak seasons during the summer months and major United States holidays.

Everything is much more expensive during the peak seasons, not just airfare tickets. To save money and time, the best times to fly to Hawaii include the following:

  • Late summer
  • After the winter holidays
  • Before Thanksgiving

Not only will you have a higher chance of booking a flight for a reasonable price, but you will also be able to save money and time on other vacation expenses.

Baggage Fees

The average cost of airport baggage fees is around $50 per bag. These fees must be paid if you have bags that exceed a specific weight limit or have more than two bags. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid paying this fee or save money on the cost if you need extra bags.

If you have a bag over a specific weight limit or more than two bags, you will need to pay an airport baggage fee. The average cost of airport baggage fees is about $50, but it can vary depending on how heavy your bag is or how many you have.

The best way to avoid paying this fee is to pack light. Having a personal item with you at your seat and a small carry-on bag that can fit in the overhead compartment is the best way to ensure you don’t have to pay for baggage fees. You can also include more items in your bag to avoid having to check a bag if it’s over a certain weight.

If you need to check a bag, there are a few ways to make it less expensive. One way is to check the bag at the airport gate rather than check in for your flight. The airline might offer a free bag check to ensure everyone’s luggage gets on if your flight is full. This method isn’t guaranteed, but it’s worth a shot as long as your bag fits the weight requirements instituted by the airline.

Another way to avoid paying the full baggage fee is to get a discount. Whether a military discount or a discount through elite flight status, any deal can make a considerable cost difference in the long run.

Meals and Drinks

The price of snacks and meals at the airport varies depending on how much you purchase. The average price of snacks and meals is around ten dollars, which can add up fast if you buy a significant amount.

Snacks, meals, and drinks from the airport usually cost about ten dollars. Some airlines offer free snacks on flights, but you still have to pay for meals, drinks, and snack packs. The cost of meals and snacks can rack up fast. Fortunately, there are ways to save money at the airport.

The primary way to avoid buying meals and drinks at the airport is to bring your food. Most small snacks can get past security, such as fruits and vegetables, and having small snacks available will make you less tempted to purchase snacks from the airport and save you money.

Another great way to stay full and save money on snacks is to eat lots of protein-filled snacks, such as protein bars. Protein will help you feel full for an extended time, lessening your chances of getting hungry and buying food at the airport. If you need to stop at a layover, it’s recommended to pack snacks that can keep over time. The most popular snacks include nutrition bars and trail mix since they are filling and can last for days in a backpack.

Parking Fees

Parking at an airport isn’t ideal if you’re on a budget, but it’s doable with a few money-saving tips. The average cost for parking at an airport is anywhere from $42 to $273 for one week, and the prices vary depending on the airport and how long you want to park your car there.

It’s recommended that someone drive you to the airport or take a taxi to avoid airport parking fees altogether. But if you do need to park your car at the airport, you can expect to pay around $42 to $273 for one week of parking. The prices might be a little more or less expensive depending on the airport and how long you park there, but there are ways to save money on parking for any circumstance.

The best ways to save money on airport parking are to book parking in advance and look for coupons. Reserving a long-term parking spot a month or so before your flight can save you significant money. You should contact the airport you plan to fly from to check advanced scheduling versus drive-up rates.

Another way to save money on airport parking is to look online for coupons. Even a Google search with the name of the airline you plan to park at and the word “coupons” after it can turn up some unexpected finds.

When you get to Hawaii after your flight, the next step is to find somewhere to stay. Hotels and vacation rentals are popular, but you also have to determine which one works best for your budget when including parking and food costs.

Getting to Hawaii is half the battle, but booking accommodations for when you get there is also essential for budgeting your stay. The primary things that need to be budgeted for accommodations include the following:

  • Hotels or Resorts and/or Vacation rentals
  • Parking and rental car expenses

There are multiple ways to configure accommodations that can work for your budget.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Hotels and Resorts

Hotel and resort prices vary depending on how many stars they are rated. The average cost of a three-star hotel is about $350 a night, while a four-star resort is about $455 a night. Lastly, most bed-and-breakfast inns are about $190 a night.

Hawaii is famous for having beautiful hotels and resorts that are steps away from beaches and other island attractions. However, their price varies depending on their star ratings and how much they offer their guests. For example, the average cost of a room at a four-star resort is about $455 a night, but you will also likely be right next to a beach and other attractions.

A three-star hotel in Hawaii may also be near a beach and is less expensive at $350 a night. However, you might not have access to other attractions or amenities. If you decide to stay at a standard bed and breakfast inn, this is the least expensive option at $190 a night. But a traditional inn likely won’t be near a beach, and you’ll only have access to a room and one meal.

For budgeting purposes - the average statewide cost of a hotel room in Hawaii is roughly $375/night  as of this writing. Each island has a price modifier to help further estimate costs by island. The price modifiers are as follows:

  • Oahu - Price is approximately 68.55% of the statewide average 
  • Maui - Price is approximately 163.22% of the statewide average
  • Kauai - Price is approximately 98.63% of the statewide average
  • Big Island - Price is approximately 105.90% of the statewide average

 These modifiers are based on average hotel rates in Hawaii, so they might differ if you park and stay at a rental home.

Hawaii Hotel & Vacation Rental Prices

Hawaii Hotel Rates 2023

Hawaii Hotel Rates 2023

Hawaii Vacation Rental Rates 2023

Hawaii Vacation Rental Rates 2023

Vacation Rental Homes

Renting a vacation home has become trendy over the last few years. The average rent per night for a Hawaii vacation home is $170, and there is also an average tax rate of 18% on rental houses.

Renting a vacation home can be a great way to save money on accommodations. But the prices fluctuate depending on where the rental home is located and which type of home you select. If you choose an average rental home, the average rate is about $170 a night, much less expensive than a hotel or resort room. But if you rent a luxury home, the price can increase to over $1,000 per night.

It’s also important to note that the average tax rate is about 18% on rental homes in Hawaii, so it’s recommended to factor that in when choosing which one to stay at.

If you’re still undecided on where to stay during your vacation, you can expect a statewide average of about $335 in shelter costs. The island modifiers we discussed above are also applicable to vacation rentals.

Parking and Rental Car Fees

You will likely have to rent a car to get around the island, and parking and gas fees come with that additional accommodation cost. The average is about $30 per night for rental car parking.

The best way to get around the island is to purchase a rental car. In addition to how much you pay for the rental car, there are also parking and gas fees to worry about. The first step is to determine what kind of rental car you want. The average rental car prices in Hawaii include the following:

  • $70 per day for a regular car
  • $110 per day for an SUV
  • $125 per day for a convertible
  • $150 per day for a luxury car

Once you know which car you want, you must figure out parking and gas fees. The average cost of gas in Hawaii is about $4.95 - $5.15 per gallon, so you can expect to spend about $75-$100 on gas alone. Your rental vehicle's fuel efficiency and the total miles driven during your visit will determine the total amount.

Even if you're staying somewhere with restaurants close by or accessible continental breakfasts, you will likely have to purchase and cook most of your food. The average cost for ​​breakfast is $15 per person, lunch is $25 per person, and dinner is $45 per person.

Food in Hawaii is expensive, even if you don’t go to a restaurant for each meal. The average cost of food per person per day is about $61, but it can fluctuate depending on where you eat and how many people you go with. Fortunately, there are also some ways to save money on food costs during your vacation.

Planning your meals ahead of time and how much they will cost can give you a good idea of what to buy and cook and which restaurants you want to visit. It can help you plan out which ingredients to use in multiple meals and is the most cost-effective way to try everything the island offers. You can also bring any spices or pantry staples you already have to avoid buying them there.

For anything you need to buy fresh there, such as fruit or vegetables, it’s recommended to shop at local stands. They are usually much less expensive than supermarkets or chain stores, and you also get to experience Hawaiian culture while at it.

The last piece of budgeting for your Hawaii vacation is figuring out fun activities while you’re there. There are so many different activities for you, ranging from island tours to exploring local souvenir shops.

While the beach is part of an excellent Hawaiian vacation, you can do plenty of other activities while you’re there. Each island has beautiful tours and excursion experiences, not to mention all of the local shops and attractions you can explore. The average price for attraction fees is about $45 per person, but it fluctuates depending on what attractions you do.

kauai hawaii trip cost

Guided Tours and Excursions

The average cost for guided tours and excursions is about $50 to $100 per person, and the price fluctuates depending on what is included in the tour or excursion. If you want to explore state or national parks on your own, you can expect to pay about $35 per person.

Hawaii offers a wide variety of tours and excursions for you to choose from. Tours usually include a guided tour of the island's most beautiful and historical parts. You can ride on a bus or other mode of transportation and listen as a guide tells you about the stories behind different island sites.

On the other hand, you can do excursions while exploring the island. They usually include scuba diving, hiking, and other activities that explore the island, along with a guide. The islands also have state and national parks that you can explore independently. Each of these activities is optional, but it’s highly recommended to budget for a few so you can experience everything Hawaii offers.

Shopping and Souvenirs

Shopping and souvenirs are also optional, but it’s highly recommended to budget for them just in case. The price of shopping and souvenirs depends on how much you’re willing to spend, so deciding on a number that’s comfortable for you is the best practice.

There are multiple places to shop for souvenirs and other keepsakes on any Hawaiian island. Since their price highly depends on the shop and how much you’re willing to spend, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how much shopping and souvenirs will cost.

The best practice is to come up with a number you’re comfortable with plus a little extra. This will give you some breathing room when deciding how much to spend.

Attraction Parking Fees

The majority of Hawaiian attractions also have parking fees. They vary depending on the attraction, but the average cost of attraction parking is about $3. Fortunately, there are usually a few free parking areas near the attraction, but you’ll have to walk a bit and get there early.

Parking lots close to any attraction usually have a fee of about $3, allowing you to park there for a full day. However, a quick google search about any free parking lots near the attraction can save you from paying any fee. The only downside is that you’ll likely have to walk a bit from the parking lot to the attraction. On the plus side, you might get to see more of the island by walking than if you did while driving.

It’s recommended to look up any parking fees the attraction has before you book it to be sure that you’re prepared. Some excursion attractions even have an option where a shuttle or bus will pick you up from your hotel or rental home and then drive you back at the end of the day. This option can be beneficial if you’re trying to avoid car and parking costs altogether.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot to budget for when planning a Hawaiian vacation. But planning out everything you can in advance can make the entire experience much less stressful and help you make the most of an incredible trip.

2024-2025 Hawaii Budget Calculator

Estimate the cost of your hawaii vacation.

Aloha, guest readers can calculate five (5) trip cost estimates for Hawaii each day. Rates included within this calculator are based on projected 2024-2025 rates aggregated from current OTA pricing. Rates will be updated regularly.

HawaiiGuide Premium members can submit unlimited trip estimates each day.

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Currently, you have

Calculator overview.

This calculator is designed to provide both a comprehensive and regularly updated budget estimate for planning a trip to Hawaii. Currently, rates are applicable for 2024-2025. Generally, these rates should provide a good estimate for any time period between 2024 and mid 2025.

This budget tool considers all of the following:

  • Hawaii Flight Costs including airfare from various destinations, baggage fees, etc.
  • Hawaii Accommodation Costs including different lodging types, Hawaii's now roughly 18% accommodation tax, parking fees (if applicable), which island you're staying on, etc.
  • Hawaii Vehicle Rental Costs including various types of vehicles, fuel costs, and number of miles driven daily.
  • Additional Costs including dining + gratuity, visitor fees to parks, etc., and Hawaii Tours and Activity costs.

Hawaii Flight Costs

First, consider your flight costs to Hawaii. Select your departure location, update the number of travelers (if applicable), and check whether you expect to pay baggage fees, below.

Hawaii Accommodation Costs

Next, let us know which island you'll be visiting (select the primary island if you're visiting more than one), select a lodging type/classification, update the number of nights (default is set to a week), update the number or rooms (if applicable), and check whether you expect to pay parking fees (common in more densely populated areas on Oahu and/or Maui).

Statewide Rate : 18%

Hawaii Car Rental Costs

Now, let's consider your vehicle rental costs (if applicable). If you're not renting a car, select 'No Car,' but for most visitors, we highly recommend a rental. Update the number of days (which will default to +1 day more than you selected in accommodation nights) and choose an estimate for your mileage each day. If you're not sure, we recommend you leave the default option selected.

If you select 'No Car' this will be zeroed out by default!

Other Hawaii Costs

Finally, consider a few last potential costs and fees for your trip. There's dining (we've included gratuity in the estimates), and we've selected all three meal options by default. Then, there are potential fees for parks and other attractions, which are a relatively new factor to now consider when estimating a Hawaii budget; select the applicable options below. Finally, select the amount, if any, you expect to spend on Hawaii Tours and/or commercial Activities. Be sure to update the number of people dining and people the fees/tours apply to if applicable; these numbers will default to the same number of people you selected previously for this trip estimate.

Email + Expected Travel Dates

We'll email you a copy of your results to this email address for your records.

You may not have exact dates yet, but provide a rough guess or estimate below. This will help us refine the calculator and provide more accurate data throughout the year. Mahalo!

Final Question

If you're visiting another island, please let us know below. This will not affect the estimate or rate you're provided. This is for research and calculator improvement purposes only. Mahalo!

- Click To Estimate Trip Cost -

Hawaii driving tour apps.

Location-Based Applications

It's like having a tour guide in your car! Listen to stories, legends, history, and what to do and see at the right place and time.

Shaka Guide uses your GPS to guide you to exciting places along the way on the main Hawaiian islands. Automatic audio tours with turn-by-turn directions mean all you need to do is to turn on the tour and drive. Check out driving Tours for Circle Island Oahu, North Shore Kauai, and Waimea Canyon & Na Pali Coast.

Island Driving Tours - App

Recommended Hawaii Tours

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  2. Kauai Vacation, Hawaii Travel, Vacation Spots, Hawaii Ocean, Honolulu

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  5. Kauai, Hawaii Family Vacation 2023 in 4K

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  1. Kauai Travel Cost

    A two week trip to Kauai on average costs around $2,664 for one person and $5,328 for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

  2. Cost of a Trip to Kauai, HI, US & the Cheapest Time to Visit Kauai

    The average price of a 7-day trip to Kauai is $2,617 for a solo traveler, $4,700 for a couple, and $8,811 for a family of 4. Kauai hotels range from $117 to $399 per night with an average of $207, while most vacation rentals will cost $240 to $480 per night for the entire home.

  3. Kauai Vacation Packages

    Dramatic mountain peaks, sweeping valleys, coconut palm-lined drives, and golden beaches, no wonder it's known as the Garden Island - welcome to Kauai, Hawaii.

  4. How much does a trip to Kauai Cost?

    A trip to Kauai for one person usually costs between $83 and $361 per day and $167 to $721 for two people. This is a wide range of costs, and the daily average per person from our data is $190 per person. This average includes food, accommodation, sightseeing, and local transportation expenses contributed from other travelers.

  5. Kauai: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Discover the best of Kauai with Tripadvisor's reviews of hotels, attractions, and restaurants. Plan your dream vacation on this Hawaiian island.

  6. The Ultimate Kauai Travel Guide: Plan Your Best Trip

    Our ultimate Kauai Travel Guide is everything you need to plan your perfect trip — it includes when to go, where to stay, what to do, and more.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to Kauai

    If you really want to see Hawaii with all of its lush greenery and brilliant coastline, you will want to be planning a trip to Kauai. Read our ultimate guide to Kauai as you start the planning process for an unforgettable trip.

  8. Your Go-To Guide for Visiting Kauai Hawaii: Activities, Tips and Money

    According to Budget Your Trip, the average per-person daily cost of visiting Kauai is $152. That means a week-long trip for two people would set you back around $2,100.

  9. Planning a Trip to Kauai in 2024: Itinerary, Costs, Flights & Tips

    This guide will provide everything you need to know for planning a trip to Kauai. This includes the best things to see, how to get around, finding cheaper flights, cultural considerations, and general Kauai travel tips!

  10. Kauai Official Travel Site: Find Vacation & Travel Information

    Find travel information about the island of Kauai, including activities, lodging, dining and more from the official resource for the state of Hawaii.

  11. Kauai Vacation Packages 2024 from $1,044

    1 room, 2 travelers. Bundle Kauai flight + hotel & save up to 100% off your flight with Expedia. FREE cancellation on select hotels .

  12. Kauai Itinerary

    Our five-day Kauai itinerary below includes many of the recommendations in our three-day Kauai itinerary, plus some other must-see sights, attractions, and activities for the extra two days on the island.

  13. Planning your first Kauai trip

    First trip or vacation to the island of Kauai? If you love the color green, you're going to be in a little slice of heaven. The very idea of enjoying an afternoon on the beach on a tropical island or exploring the…

  14. How to Travel Kauai on a Budget (2024)

    The state of Hawaii is known for being one of the most beautiful places in the world, but visiting usually comes at a price. We're here to give you our best money-managing tips to make a trip to the island of Kauai an affordable option for anyone. Here's how to travel Kauai on a budget!

  15. Budget Kauai: 32 Free and Low-Cost Tips

    Does budget Kauai exist? It's a challenge for the solo traveler to find, but you'll save lots with these 32 free and low-cost tips.

  16. What Is a Typical Hawaii Trip Cost in 2024?

    How much does it cost to go to Hawaii? The exact price tag on a trip to Hawaii will be different for everyone, but we did the math to help you get an estimate.

  17. $105 Cheap Flights to Kauai, HI

    Looking for cheap flights to Kauai? Many airlines offer no change fee on selected flights and book now to earn your airline miles on top of our rewards! Find great 2024 Kauai flight deals now!

  18. How much for a trip to Hawaii in 2024? (Hawaii vacation budget

    If you're wondering how much a Hawaii vacation will cost, we've itemized all the expenses to help you plan your budget.

  19. How Much Does a Trip to Hawaii Cost for Two People? (2024)

    Hawaii is a notoriously expensive destination, so whether you have a tight budget or a bit more flexibility, get an idea of a trip to Hawaii cost for two.

  20. Discover Kauai on a Budget: Top 10 Things to Do Under $10

    This list of the top 10 things to do on Kauai for under $10 was written by Hawaii travel expert Marcie Cheung and contains affiliate links, which means if you purchase something from one of my ...

  21. Best Time To Visit Kauai

    Post-pandemic inflation will continue to impact flight costs, the costs associated with Kauai rental vehicles, and potentially Kauai accommodation rates due to increases in local electricity costs (Hawaii generates a significant amount of its electricity from petroleum fuels).

  22. Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa

    Kauai: Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa Limited-Time Package. This classic resort features 50 oceanfront acres of exquisite beauty. Celebrate the sun in the water playground featuring river pools, a waterslide and saltwater lagoon, golf at world-class Poipu Bay, and for the ultimate pampering visit, the award-winning Anara Spa offers treatment ...

  23. How Much Does a Trip To Hawaii Cost for a Family of Four (2024 prices

    The trip to Hawaii cost for a family of four in 2024 is quoted at $11,321. The price has gone down from 2023, so be sure to get the breakdown here!

  24. This Sprawling Kauai Resort Boasts 50 Lush Acres And A ...

    The resort sits on 50 lush acres of Kauai's south shore. Location. Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa is located on the island's sunny south shore, on the soft white sands of Keoneloa Bay's Poipu ...

  25. How Much a Trip to Hawaii Will Cost on a Budget or in Style

    Estimated total budget cost: $2,500 - $4,000 per person. Estimated total luxury cost: $6,000 - $13,000 per person. If you're traveling to Hawaii on a budget, you can still expect to spend at ...

  26. Hawaii Trip Costs :: 2024 Vacation Budget Calculator

    If you are traveling to Hawaii from somewhere outside of the United States, then the average cost of round-trip airfare is about $1,120 per person. However, ticket prices can fluctuate depending on two main things, the airline you purchase from and when you purchase the tickets.

  27. Hawaii visitors uncertain about going as traveler numbers decline

    While Hawaii is open and encourages travel to all islands, including Maui, visitors are still unsure whether to go.

  28. June 3, 2024

    A Maui Lawmaker Ponders The Question | HCB. ADDITIONAL Maui Wildfire news - June 3, 2024 |. $2M Grant Provides New Nursing Scholarships At UH Maui College | SA. Maui Council Budgets $300,000 To Study Impacts Of Eliminating 7,000 Vacation Rentals | MN. Council Advances Gift Ban Bill For Honolulu City And County Employees | SA.