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  • The Pan American Highway: The Longest Road In The World

Last Updated: June 17, 2024 21 Comments

The Pan American Highway: The Longest Road In The World

At its fullest extent the Pan-American Highway is a network of roads stretching from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Ushuaia, Argentina, a distance of around 48,000 kilometres (30,000 miles).

According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the world’s longest “motorable road” . However it is not readily possible to drive all the way since the route is interrupted by the 160 kilometre-wide (100 mile) Darién Gap between Central and South America.

The Highway consists of both official and unofficial elements. The official section, which is referred to in Spanish variously as the Autopista / Carretera / Ruta Panamericana, runs from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico on the U.S. Border to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.

However, as shown on the map there are extensive unofficial sections to both the north and south of this.

The route shown on the map runs through 14 countries:

  • The United States
  • El Salvador

It also has links to a number of other countries. In the process it passes through all the major climate zones and many varied landscapes including arctic tundra, boreal forest, mountains, prairies, arid deserts and tropical jungles.

Moving from north to south, the route starts at Deadhorse, Alaska near the Prudhoe Bay oilfields and for the first 662 kilometres (414 miles) follows the Dalton Highway to Fairbanks.

The Dalton Highway was constructed in 1974 as a supply road to support the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System. It is a challenging drive, with no services of any kind on one 384 kilometre (240 mile) stretch, and was the first road to be featured in the BBC’s World’s Most Dangerous Roads .

From Fairbanks there is a 155 kilometre (96 mile) link to Delta Junction at the northern end of the Alaska Highway, the next part of the route.

The Alaska Highway was constructed in 1942 by the US Army Corps of Engineers, as a wartime project using around 10,000 troops . Its purpose was to link Alaska with the 48 contiguous states through Canada to help defend against a possible Japanese attack.

It was originally around 2,700 kilometres long but as of 2012 had been shortened to 2,232 kilometres (1,387 miles) and is now paved over its entire length.

The Alaska Highway terminates at Dawson Creek, B.C. from where the route shown continues to Edmonton, Alberta. After Edmonton the map identifies two possible routes.

The first goes through Minneapolis after which it follows the Interstate 35 through Dallas/Fort-Worth to the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas.

The second route runs through Calgary, Alberta and Billings, Montana and then connects with the Interstate 25 through Denver, Colorado to Las Cruces, New Mexico and from there on the Interstate 10 to San Antonio, Texas, where it joins the first route.

In practice, given the unofficial status of the routes through Canada and the United States, many other alternatives are possible.

The Mexican city of Nuevo Laredo, just across the border from Laredo marks the start of the official section of the Pan-American Highway.

From there it runs to Mexico City along Mexican Federal Highway 45 and on to the border with Guatemala along Mexican Federal Highway 190.

It then proceeds through Central America, passing through Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. With the exception of Honduras, its route takes it through the capital cities of each of these countries, namely:

  • Guatemala City (Guatemala)
  • San Salvador (El Salvador)
  • Managua (Nicaragua)
  • San José (Costa Rica)
  • Panama City (Panama)

One of the most challenging sections of the route lies in Costa Rica, where it rises to 3,335 metres (10,942 feet) at the ominously named Summit of Death (Cerro de la Muerte).

This summit marks the highest elevation on the Pan-American Highway in Central America. Indeed, following the completion of the Christ the Redeemer Tunnel between Chile and Argentina (see below), it may well be the highest elevation along the entire route.

The route through Central America terminates abruptly at Yaviza, at the edge of the Darién Gap and resumes on the other side at Turbo, Colombia in South America.

All but the most intrepid circumvent the Gap by taking one of the ferries that go from Panama to Colombia or Ecuador, from where they can reconnect with the Pan-American Highway.

In Colombia the route runs through Medellin and Cali before crossing the border into Ecuador at Tulcán.

In Ecuador the highway goes through the capital, Quito. At 2,850 metres (9,350 feet) Quito is the world’s second highest capital city , exceeded in elevation only by La Paz, Bolivia. From there the route heads south to Peru, where it follows Peru Highway 1, which runs the length of the country and connects all major cities in the coastal area, including the capital, Lima.

On crossing from Peru into Chile the highway enters the Atacama Desert, the driest non-polar location in the world . The highway then follows Chile Route 5 through Antofagasta to Valparaiso.

As shown on the map, there is an unofficial branch of the highway that continues on down the Chilean coast on Route 5 terminating in Quellón on Chiloé Island.

At Valparaiso the official route heads east following Chile Route 60 across the Andes Mountains to Argentina, where it becomes Argentina National Route 7 and crosses the Pampas to Buenos Aires.

Before 1980, the border used to be at the Upsallata Pass, which at 3,832 metres (12, 572 feet) made it the highest point on the Pan-American Highway. However, 1980 saw the opening of the Christ the Redeemer Tunnel (Túnel Cristo Redentor) at 3,200 metres (10,499 feet), which became the new crossing point.

The final (unofficial) leg of the Pan-American Highway runs for 3,045 kilometres (1,892 miles) from Buenos Aires on Argentina National Route 3 to Ushuaia passing through Bahía Blanca and Comodoro Rivadavia.

Near its southern end the route goes back into Chile and crosses the Straits of Magellan via a short ferry ride before going back into Argentina and on to Ushuaia, which is located on Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, the largest island of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago.

Argentina claims Ushuaia as the world’s most southerly city , a fact that is disputed by Chile which claims Puerto Williams for this distinction. While the Chilean town of Puerto Williams is indeed farther south , Ushuaia has a much larger population (71,000 vs. 3,000) , so take your pick.

The record for the fastest trip by car from Ushuaia to Prudhoe Bay (mostly on the Pan-American Highway) is credited to Tim Cahill and Garry Sowerby in the astonishing time of twenty-three days, twenty-two hours, and forty-three minutes .

Tim wrote about his experience in his book Road Fever . In 2003 Kevin Sanders broke the Guinness World Record for the fastest traversal of the highway by motorcycle , taking 34 days.

No account of the Pan-American Highway would be complete without a discussion of its missing link, the Darién Gap .

This area of undeveloped swampland, forest and mountain straddles the border between Panama and Colombia. Thus far, plans to build a road through the Gap have come to nothing .

There are a number of reasons for this including:

  • The sheer difficulty and cost of building a road through such difficult terrain.
  • Pressure to protect the rainforest environment
  • Concerns by indigenous groups, such as the Embera-Wounaan and Kuna that a road would pose a threat to their traditional cultures.
  • And concerns that a road would make it easier for foot and mouth disease to enter North America.

Over the years, the enormous challenge of traversing the Gap has attracted a number of diehard souls.

The first vehicular crossing of the Gap was by the Land Rover La Cucaracha Cariñosa (The Affectionate Cockroach) and a Jeep of the international Trans-Darién Expedition of 1959–60, which took 136 days!

The first crossing by a standard two wheel drive passenger car took place in 1961 with three Chevrolet Corvairs, only two of which made it out of the jungle.

Up to this point, the expeditions had used river boats for some sections. The first fully overland wheeled crossing of the Gap was that of British cyclist Ian Hibell, who rode from Cape Horn to Alaska between 1971 and 1973.

The first motorcycle crossing was by Robert L. Webb in March 1975.

The first all-land auto crossing was in 1985–87 by Loren Upton and Patty Mercier in a Jeep, taking an incredible 741 days to travel 201 kilometres (125 miles).

Ed Culberson was the first to follow the entire Pan-American Highway including the Darién Gap on a motorcycle.

There have also been a number of crossings on foot, including that of George Meegan in 1981, who walked the entire distance from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska over a period of 2,425 days !

The most unusual walker was evangelist Arthur Blessitt who traversed the Gap in 1979 while carrying a 12-foot wooden cross as part of what Guinness World Records recognized as “the longest round the world pilgrimage”.

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Principal References:

  • Pan-American Highway
  • Dalton Highway
  • Alaska Highway
  • Pan-American Highway (South America)
  • Atacama Desert
  • National Route 3 (Argentina)
  • The southernmost settlements in the world

Tim Cahill, Road Fever (1991) Ed Culberson, Obsessions Die Hard: Motorcycling the Pan-American Highway’s Jungle Gap (1966) George Meegan, The Longest Walk (1988) Russell Braddon, The Hundred Days of Darien (1974) John Blashford-Snell, Something Lost Behind the Ranges (1994) Ian Hibell, Into the Remote Places (1984) Mark A Smith, Driven by a Dream (2004) Wade Davis, The Rucksack Man (1976) Arthur Blessitt, The Cross (2009) Joseph R. Yogerst, Long Road South: The Pan American Highway (1999) Raymond and Audrey Pritchard, Driving the Pan-American Highway to Mexico and Central America (1998) Brad and Sheena Van Orden, Drive Nacho Drive: A Journey from the American Dream to the End of the World (2013) Ben Cunningham, The Longest Road: An Irish Pan-American Cycling Adventure (2009)

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Nicolás Valencia says

May 20, 2016 at 7:57 pm

I would like to clarify a point related to Chile. In our country it’s known as Route 5, but instead of arriving to Valparaiso, it goes to Santiago. In fact, in a short section, Route 5 is crossed by Route 60 (Valparaiso – Buenos Aires), before arriving Santiago, capital of Chile.

Route 5 cross Santiago as a north-south axis (well-known as “La Norte-Sur”), then continues on down to Puerto Montt. Then, you have to sail the Chacao Channel from Puerto Montt to Quellon, the southernmost city on Chiloe Island.

GeoNie says

November 2, 2021 at 10:14 pm

It’s on the internet dude!! Geez

November 2, 2021 at 10:18 pm

Hey NicolásValencia. Chile looks so beautiful in its beach front glory to that big wall separating Argentina. I envy you guys and will land in Santiago soon

Veronica Philips says

July 9, 2017 at 8:47 pm

Image what can happen on a family road trip, when your son asks the innocent question, “What’s the longest road in the world?” This was a great read, and I’m thinking it needs to be a bucket list item..

Tom Swinburn says

August 13, 2018 at 7:53 am

Meegan traversed 12 miles a day for YEARS to make his journey. Almost seven years in fact. So there were no sick days, no breaks of any kind? I guess I’m going to have to buy his book. The 12 miles a day was the average, but some days he could have walked much further, other days, like in the Darien gap a mile a day would have been tough. And the elevation changes! The feat seems almost superhuman.

August 10, 2019 at 10:06 pm

Without modern technology, navigating, writing and Reading about this would not be possible. Someday like the Jetsons someone will just be able to fly their own personal vehicle the whole way !!

Ian Sarad says

September 27, 2019 at 5:00 pm

I just did a little research and discovered that it’s actually 30,000 km (not miles).

Muhammad Naeem Khalid says

October 28, 2019 at 6:01 pm

Pan American Highway is 30000 KM or 30000 Miles please clarify

Bill Emerson says

February 23, 2020 at 9:57 pm

In 1998 I drove from my home in Kansas City to Panama…..It was a great trip! To return I put my car on a ship to Florida, and then drove back home. Even though I do not speak Spanish, I did not find language to be a problem. In fact, I had virtually no problems. I have always wanted to do another trip thru South America to southern Chile. Is there anything more that I should know?

Regards, Bill Emerson

Andrus says

September 11, 2020 at 3:51 pm

For a trip to south america, Route 40 in Argentina is far more interesting than the pan-american highway.

September 12, 2020 at 10:21 pm

In Argentina, the 5000 km of Route 40 are much more scenic that panamerica highway.

wayne winzer says

April 7, 2023 at 4:00 am

follow transmigratoty route. easier now than then. I drive Wichita to Guatemala every year

Jane Carpenter says

June 16, 2020 at 9:10 pm

Muhammad I think you’ll find your answer here in this article. Although you may not – it’s still slightly confusing! 🙂

joana galarza johnson says

April 4, 2020 at 1:51 pm

What an interesting article, thank you. I would like to offer one more reason why the Darian Gap’s closure has come to nothing. Colombian drug lords. Colombia’s notorious Pablo Escobar and countless other drug cartel leaders, hid (and had drug distillation industries) at the northernmost tip of South America. In the rainforests.

Also, there is a new book, To Shake the Sleeping Self by Jedidiah Jenkins (2019) about traversing the Pan American Highway on bicycle, from Oregon south to Patagonia. Lovely book.

Stefan White says

April 5, 2020 at 7:01 am

My stepfather was the mechanic of an Inter-American Expedition in 1953 that drove a Sunbeam Alpine non-stop from Fairbanks, Alaska to the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego, using rafts to cross the Gap and sleeping with headhunters in Central America. That would be preceding the claim made here.

June 13, 2020 at 2:43 am

I just came up with about 22,000 kilometers on Google Maps, depending on the specific routes chosen. Clearly, 30,000 kilometers, or miles, is incorrect, since the straight line pole-to-pole distance is only 20,000 kilometers, as measured on Google Earth.

stephen morrow says

March 7, 2021 at 12:59 am

Mileage stated here is way off…19,000 miles is more like it..


August 9, 2021 at 8:38 pm

Danny Liska of Niobrara, Nebraska rode a BWM motor cycle the length of the Pan American Highway (he hiked the Darien Gap) in the early 1960’s . His book Two Wheels to Adventure is a classic that out shines all.

Cleve Walstrom

Waithumbi says

October 3, 2021 at 1:34 pm

It’s a Wonderful article to read, like now when the migrants from Haiti are WALKING through the Darien Gap Jungle.

jane doe says

August 23, 2023 at 2:29 pm

wait a minute – migrant Haitians are walking the Gap? Haiti is an Island in the Caribbean – how do they get from there to the Gap? Something is off…

Gerard Deveau says

February 6, 2023 at 6:15 pm

Great article and comments as well! A Bucket List Adventure for sure God willing.

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The longest road trip roads in the world.

If you dream of epic adventures you should definitely consider traveling down one of the longest road trip roads in the world. Whether you’re in search of some good ol’ American fun, or looking to experience other countries, or even entire continents, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most unique and longest highways systems on earth.

List of the longest road trip roads in the world (header)

At nearly 3200 miles (5200km) U.S. Route 6 is the second longest road trip road in the United States

Also known as the Grand Army of the Republic Highway, U.S. Route 6 is a main route of the United States Highway system. Battling U.S. Route 20 for the title of the longest “continuous” transcontinental highway in America, this road will take drivers through fourteen different states starting in California and ending in Massachusetts.

U.S. Route 6 is one of longest road trip roads in the United States

At over 3300 miles (5400km) U.S. Route 20 is the longest road trip road in the United States

U.S. Route 20 covers 3,365 miles, from Boston, Massachusetts to Newport, Oregon. In 1926, it officially became a U.S. Highway, and during its early years, terminated at Yellow Stone National Park. Now U.S. Route 20 is the longest highway in the country, it crosses through twelve states of America’s beautiful landscape.

U.S. Route 20 is one of longest road trip roads in the United States

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway is the longest road trip road in India at 3600 miles (6000km)

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway in India is a network of highways connecting India’s four top metropolitan cities; Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, forming a quadrilateral. Launched in 2001 as part of India’s National Highways Development Project, it is the largest highway project in India. Overall the quadrilateral consists of four, six lane express highways.

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway in the longest road trip road in India

The Trans-Canada Highway is the longest road trip roads in North America

Crossing through six time zones, this once-in-a-life time road trip starts at one end of Canada and ends at the other. Commenced in 1962, the Trans-Canada Highway takes you through ten Canadian provinces and crosses the Pacific Ocean on the west and to the Atlantic Ocean on the east.

The Trans-Canada Highway is the longest road trip road in North America

The Trans-Siberian Highway runs the entire length of Russia and is the third longest road trip roads in the world

Spanning from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, the Trans-Siberian Highway is a network of federal highways. As one of the more dangerous roads on this list, it has some of the toughest environments and uneasy terrain, from the Baltic Sea of the Atlantic Ocean to the Japan Sea of the Pacific Ocean.

The Trans-Siberian Highway is the third longest road trip roads in the world

Highway 1 in Australia, also known as the “Big Lap,” is the second longest road trip roads in the world

As the second largest road in the world, it joins all the mainland capitals of Australia. Constructed almost half a century ago, the first section of the route was signposted between Brisbane and Adelaide in 1955. At the time is was Australia’s only true national highway. Now there are more direct routes that crisscross throughout the country, none of them are more scenic than Australia’s Highway One.

Highway 1 in Australia is the second longest road trip roads in the world

At nearly 30,000 miles, The Pan American Highway is by far and away the longest road trip roads in the world

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Pan American Highway is the longest designated road in the world. At its fullest extent it links most of the nations of North and South America. Stretching from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina, but briefly interrupted by the 100-mile Darien Gap between Central and South America.

 the Pan-American Highway is the longest road trip roads in the world

You’ll notice that two of the world’s longest highways are located in the United States, however there are many other scenic and unique systems in other parts of the world. When you’re considering your next family vacation or solo adventure, consider road tripping down one of the longest road trip roads in the world.

If you’re looking to travel one of these longest road trip roads and need a vehicle, check out Car Rentals for a great deal.

What's the farthest distance you can drive in North America?

The Pan American Highway, almost 30,000 miles away, is by far the longest win streak trip in the world. Also, Pan American Highway is the longest designated highway throughout the globe, and as per the Guinness Book of World Records. This unites almost all of the nations of North and South America to its greatest extent.

What are the best US road trip routes?

While planning a great American road trip, you must wonder the best of bests road trips in the USA. The list of incredible USA road trips includes Route 66, Pan American Highway, Great River Road, Pacific Coast Highway, Overseas Highway, Hill Country and many more.

What are the longest road trip roads in the world?

The United States boasts of some of the world's longest highways. The Pan-American Highway is the world's longest 'motorable road,' according to Guinness Book of World Records. At over 3300 miles (5400km) U.S. Route 20 is the longest road trip road in the United States of America.

Mike Shubic

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Tags: longest road trip roads , Longest road trip roads in the world , longest road trips , longest road trips in the world , What are the longest road trip roads in the world


Bill and I travelled Hwy 6 and 20 in our travels.

Hi Jan…is that right? Did you do the entire length?

I would love to do the longest road trip in the world, but I just don’t like the countries it goes though.

It would be epic indeed.

Hey, Mike! I noticed on the Pan Am Highway, coming south from Alaska, it veers into two sections in Canada. When one fork enters the U.S., is it I-35? Thanks a lot, I enjoyed your blog!

Hi Mike…thanks for stopping by. That’s a good question, I’m not sure. Alaska is actually the only state I have not yet road tripped around. Are you thinking of driving this Pan Am Highway soon? Cheers, Mike

I am looking for travel companions to go anywhere. In some languages I am fluent, in some not, but even I do not speak Spanish I travel every winter in Mexico without any problems so far. From Maharaj to Germany I can communicate with locals, and many of them speak English as well.

Regardless of what the Guinness book of records states, the Darian gap separates the road, pretending otherwise is ridiculous.

Thank you for your thoughts.

The farthest you can drive in Alaska is Prudhoe Bay, which is a full 5335 miles from Miami, FL.

Thank you for sharing, and, for stopping by. Cheers, Mike

Wow, can you imagine road tripping one of these. Very interesting.

Epic indeed.

Such an interesting post. Your blog is amazing!

Glad you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.

I would like to thank you for the efforts, this is a great post.

My pleasure. Thank you.

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The World's Longest Road Stretches 19,000 Miles Across 2 Continents — How to Drive It

Here’s everything you need to know about the Pan-American Highway, the world’s longest road.

Harrison Pierce is a freelance writer and digital nomad passionate about personal finance and travel. He is traveling full-time with the help of points and miles and enjoys connecting with people on the ground. His work has been published in Travel + Leisure, Condé Nast Traveler, USA Today Blueprint, Matador Network, and other publications. 

  • Route Overview
  • Planning Your Journey
  • Places to Stop
  • Accommodations
  • Travel Tips and Recommendations

Rosemary Calvert/Getty Images

Road trips are a great way to see the world on your own schedule. I’ve made road trips around Bulgaria and Argentina, and they’ve allowed me to visit destinations that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten to. If you love spending time in the car racing toward a new spot, you’ll love the Pan-American Highway, also known as the longest drivable road in the world. The journey starts in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and ends in Ushuaia, Argentina, covering about 19,000 miles, depending on your route.

The idea for the Pan-American Highway originated in the 1920s. It was conceived as a way to connect the Americas, increase tourism and fellowship between countries, and, according to some accounts, help the emerging American auto industry sell its U.S.-made cars. In 1937, the plan became official when 14 countries signed the Convention of the Pan-American Highway, promising that each country would quickly complete its portions of the highway. Those countries were Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and the United States.

After a few decades, the highway was mostly completed except for a section at the border of Panama and Colombia known as the Darien Gap, an area known for treacherous conditions. Construction of this section of the road was shut down in 1975 over environmental and health concerns, and the governments involved didn't authorize a resumption of the work until 1992. By that time, though, the desire to finish the road was low, so this area was never developed. Travelers wanting to drive the Pan-American Highway must ship their car from Panama to Colombia and fly or take a boat to avoid this section of land.

To learn more about the highway, I spoke with someone who completed the journey. Dan Grec, author of " The Road Chose Me Volume 1: Two Years and 40,000 Miles from Alaska to Argentina " and a worldwide road tripper, gave invaluable insights to anyone wanting to take the journey themselves. “The Pan-American Highway is the longest drivable road in the world, and as such, you can expect to encounter basically everything,” says Grec. “From deserts to glaciers, active volcanoes to stunning beaches, tropical paradise and big cities packed with culture and delicious street food.”

If this sounds like your dream, here’s everything you need to know about the Pan-American Highway.

Route Overview 

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As mentioned, the drive totals around 19,000 miles, with termini in northern Alaska and the southern tip of Argentina. Like with other long-distance drives, you can decide for yourself (within reason) how quickly you want to complete it.

“I recommend slowing down and enjoying the journey. If you try to complete the length of the highway in anything less than six months, you will just be sitting behind the wheel for 10 hours a day,” says Grec. “Due to road hazards, it's not a good idea to drive at night, and I always take the advice of locals and other travelers about places to visit or places to avoid.”

Travelers typically start at the road's northern end, in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. From there, you'll drive to Edmonton, Canada, then choose between two routes across the rest of Canada and the U.S. Whether you pick the Winnipeg-Minneapolis-Dallas route or the Calgary-Billings-Denver-Albuquerque route, you’ll end up in San Antonio, Texas, to cross into Mexico. You'll then go through Monterrey and Mexico City and follow the western portion of Central America along the Pacific Ocean. Once you bypass the Darien Gap, you will drive along the west coast of South America through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Once you hit Valparaiso, Chile, head east to cut across Chile and Argentina, making your way to Buenos Aires before heading south to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world.

Planning Your Journey 

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A journey down the Pan-American Highway will take a good chunk of time, so you’ll want to plan your seasons well. There's heavy snowfall to avoid near each end of the route (October to April are the snowiest months in Alaska and Northern Canada, while June to October are the snowiest in Ushuaia) and rainy seasons to plan around in Central and South America. Luckily, you’re on your own schedule, so you can move intentionally to build your ideal journey.

“Because the trip includes so much, it's important to think about what you want to get out of such an adventure,” explains Grec. “Do you want to taste all the delicious street food and learn to dance the salsa, or do you want to be in the wilderness as far from people as possible? The trip is up to you, and you can get out of it whatever you want.”

The political and social systems in Central and South America can change quickly, so it’s essential to stay informed about the news in each destination you visit. That said, I’ve traveled throughout each country on the South American portion of the Pan-American Highway and can attest that common sense will generally keep you safe.

“While plenty of people will make overly hyped videos for YouTube or tell third or fifth-hand stories about how dangerous it is or how horrible the border crossings are, the reality on the ground is vastly different,” explains Grec. “Treating people with respect and a smile goes a very long way, even when there is a language barrier.” Assuming you’ve done some traveling before driving the Pan-American Highway, you'll know how to keep yourself safe and avoid trouble.

“In terms of vehicle choice, I recommend something reliable and well maintained with quality tires,” says Grec. “It's much easier to get spares or parts replaced before you enter Mexico, so be sure to do a thorough service on the vehicle and replace anything that won't last." The last thing you want is to be broken down on the side of the highway in an unfamiliar location. 

Places to Stop 

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“It's impossible to distill a two-year journey through 17 countries into a couple of dot points, but for me, the highlights were the times I got really remote and saw places I had only dreamed about,” says Grec. If you aren’t in a time crunch, you can venture off the route as he did to experience all that’s on offer in the country you’re in and parts of countries nearby. For example, although the Pan-American Highway technically follows the coast in Peru, you can head inland to visit Cusco and Machu Picchu , one of the New Wonders of the World .

“I hiked up an active volcano in Guatemala where I roasted marshmallows and poked the lava with a stick, and I climbed a 20,000-foot mountain with a glacier on top in Ecuador,” shares Grec. “In Bolivia, I crossed the world-famous salt flats of Uyuni, and in Patagonia , I camped out wild in my tent in the mountains for five months straight, never once sleeping in a real bed.”

The natural beauty found along the route is almost unmatched among driving routes around the world, and the cultural opportunities are excellent, too. “In Mexico, I ate my fill of five-cent tacos, and in Peru, a heaping plate of delicious food was 50 cents,” Grec continues. “Throughout Central America, I visited Mayan ruins , and in the altiplano of South America, I met plenty of isolated farmers who didn't speak Spanish, only their native Quechua.”

When you take your time, you’ll see that there are hundreds of places to stop along the route, each more exciting than the last.


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Some travelers who drive the Pan-American Highway choose to live out of the van they’re driving in. Others opt for hostels or vacation rentals, camping, or a mixture of all the above. “I personally much prefer to camp along the way, either out in the wild or at campsites that have the benefit of a hot shower, kitchen facilities, and people to chat to,” says Grec. “It certainly is possible now to make the trip based on Airbnb, staying inside every single night, or going full van or camping life.” It’s up to each person to figure out which path is most comfortable for them.

Travel Tips and Recommendations 

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“There is a lot of misinformation and fear around travel in Central and South America, especially unguided and with your own vehicle,” says Grec. “My No. 1 piece of advice is to seek out other people who have made the trip and get their advice and input. They will tell you the reality of travel in those parts of the world, how safe they felt, and if they recommend the trip.”

As someone who spends around eight months out of the year in South America, I can confirm that misinformation runs wild. Any destination will have safety concerns, whether you’re in the U.S., Australia, or somewhere in Asia. This holds for Central and South America, but that doesn’t mean it’s somewhere to avoid. “Spoiler alert: I've never talked to a single Pan-American traveler that did not have the time of their life,” says Grec.

His other piece of advice is to learn the language. “Learning even basic Spanish will increase your enjoyment tenfold, and once you can really converse with locals, you'll be able to learn about the real hidden gems that are worth the effort to explore,” he explains. “With your own vehicle, you won't be stuck with wherever the bus will take you, and instead, you can go wherever you please, on whatever timeline you choose.”

The Pan-American Highway is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it’s certainly not for everyone. If you don’t enjoy time in the car, you’re better off flying from destination to destination. However, if road trips are your thing, this could be a fantastic opportunity to join a network of like-minded people and experience continents' worth of new cultures. 

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The 10 Longest Road Trips in the World

There are perhaps few things more liberating than a road trip. With miles and miles of concrete ahead of you, the only two obstacles are the gas in your tank and the end of the road. While the former can easily be handled with intermittent stops at a gas station, the latter will eventually end, effectively stopping the road trip. So why not consider the longest roads so as prolonging the experience? Modern technology and government collaborations have allowed, for example, for one strip of road to span from the northern tip of North America to the southern expanse of South America—a feat, no doubt, that would've left Magellan speechless. As such, this summer, as you prepare to plan your next road trip, consider the ten longest highways in the world (just make sure you have enough gas money).

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Interstate 80

Spanning 2,899 miles, Interstate 80 is roughly 120 miles shorter than I-90. Starting in Teaneck, New Jersey, the highway stretches across 11 states before arriving in San Francisco. I-80 runs a similar route to the Lincoln Highway. Built in 1913, the Lincoln Highway was among the earliest transcontinental highways for automobiles to cross the country.

Interstate 90 over a blue lake

Interstate 90

Barely surpassing 3,000 miles, Interstate 90 is the longest interstate highway in the United States. Beginning in Boston, the road travels across the northern half of the country, continually uninterrupted until it runs through Seattle. Between those two cities, I-90 spans some 11 states.

green sign for US Route 6 with highway in background

U.S. Route 6

Almost running the entirety of the country, U.S. Route 6 begins in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and ends in Bishop, California (near the Nevada border). In total the highway stretches 3,199 miles, at one point going through the Loveland Pass, where it crosses the Continental Divide.

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U.S. Route 20

Spanning 3,365 miles, U.S. Route 20 runs east to west, covering some 12 states. Completed in 1926, the road begins in Boston and ends in Newport, Oregon. Pictured here is the Julien Dubuque Bridge, which is a part of U.S. Route 20, and runs over the Mississippi River, connecting Dubuque, Iowa, and East Dubuque, Illinois.

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China National Highway

Ranging some 3,541 miles, the China National Highway is the longest road in the country. It runs from Tongjiang in the eastern edge of the country all the way to Sanya, on the southern tip next to the South China Sea.

road running under a bridge

Golden Quadrilateral National Highway

The Golden Quadrilateral National Highway is India's largest highway project, and one that connects many of the major cities in the country. Spanning 3,632 miles, the concrete road connects Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Surat and Bengaluru, and more, effectively linking many of the major industrial, agricultural, and cultural centers of India.

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Trans-Canada Highway

The 4,860-mile-long Trans-Canada Highway crosses the entirety of Canada from east to west. If ever one finds themselves on a long stretch of road in Canada and wonders if it's the Trans-Canada Highway, it's easily identifiable by a distinctive white-on-green maple leaf route marker on its signs.

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Trans-Siberian Highway

The Trans-Siberian Highway, which starts in metropolitan St. Petersburg, runs 6,835 miles through the heart of Russia before ending in Vladivostok, on the far eastern end of the country, next to the Pacific Ocean.

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Australia's Highway 1 circles around the entire country/continent, totaling some 9,000 miles. Passing through all the major cities, the road covers a wide range of terrain such as tropical swamps, deserts, and ocean coastlines.

The Panamerican Highway with two cars and mountains in the background

Pan-American Highway

Spanning some 19,000 miles, the Pan-American Highway is the longest roadway in the world. Starting in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, the road moves south, passing through Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Central America. There, the road hits a small bump, where travelers have to pass a gap connecting Central and South America briefly by sea before moving through Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile, and ultimately ending in the southern tip of Argentina.

longest trip by road

The Runaway Family

Longest Road in the World: Driving It

Posted on Last updated: February 7, 2024

Home » Blog » Pan American Highway » Longest Road in the World: Driving It

Road trip, anyone? We have the ultimate one for you. Why not drive the longest road in the world, spanning multiple countries and continents?

Well, buckle up because we’re doing it and sharing everything you need to know about this road trip on steroids.

Driving the longest road in the world, the Pan American Highway from Alaska to Argentina.

Table of Contents

What is the Longest Road in the World?

According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the longest road in the world. This road begins in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, at the top of North America and the Arctic Ocean and stretches down to Ushuaia, Argentina, at the bottom of South America.

The official length of the Pan-American is 19,000 miles or 30,000 kilometers. Virtually everyone who embarks on this trip, though, drives many more miles, experiencing incredible sites along the way.

The Panamerican highway is the longest road in the world stretching from prudhoe bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina.

Not only does this road trip cross two continents (North America and South America), but it also passes through 14 countries.

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Who Are We?

We are just a normal American family that lost sight of what mattered most and decided to push the reset button on our lives in 2019 by selling everything to live a life of full-time travel.

Driving the longest road in the world with kids.

We’ve spent the last five years slow traveling in mostly Asia but also spent some time in Europe, North America and a bit in Africa.

My wife and I have four children (three boys and one girl), ages seven to fifteen. We homeschool our children, and both of us work online while we travel.

Why Drive the Longest Road in the World

Why not? I suggested the idea to my wife a couple of years ago, thinking inside that it was a total pipedream. I mean, we’re not free-spirited twenty-somethings without little people relying on us for survival or anything.

But, like the initial decision to leave behind our traditional life, the stars aligned for us to jump on this insanely wild road trip opportunity. We already had a camper van that, with some modifications, could serve as our home on wheels.

Pan American highway passes through the Arctic Circle in Alaska.

We’d been living in Bali for the past year, and our lease was due for renewal, so we had to make a decision quickly.

We laid out our options and took a family vote. It was unanimous: we were going to travel the longest road in the world, a la Pan-American Highway.

Best Vehicle for the Pan-American Highway

So far on our trip, we’ve seen everything from small sedans and SUVs to larger RVs and even Unimogs. It really just depends on your travel style and budget.

I suggest going with something that’s first and foremost reliable and not too large since the roads in Central and South America can be small and quite congested.

A popular choice is an SUV with a rooftop tent or a pickup truck with a pop-up top camper. This will allow more potential to access places that are more off the beaten path while staying small for more cost-effective options to ship across the Darien Gap.

Camper vans are also a great option since they are self-contained, and you can easily park them anywhere.

What Kind of Vehicle are We Driving

Our camper van is a 2021 Thor Motor Coach Sequence model 20L. Its base features include a two-burner cooktop top, microwave/convection oven, sink, refrigerator, TV, flushing toilet, shower, A/C, solar power system, and a heating unit.

Our van for the Panamerican highway road.

We made a few modifications in preparation for the trip. We added a rooftop tent, a three-inch lift, new all-terrain tires, an in-motion Starlink system, a secondary deadbolt locking system, a spare tire, a hard-wired dash cam, and custom window coverings.

Our ride, we’ve dubbed ‘The Runaway Van’ gets about 17 miles to the gallon and is able to sleep all six of us.

How Long Will the Drive Take?

The standing record from tip to tip is twenty-four days. However, most people plan to complete it in one to two years, taking time to enjoy the sights and the journey.

It is very rare for those who drive the Pan-American to stick to the most direct path from start to finish. There is so much to see and do that they end up zig-zagging all the way, not to mention that, at times, there can be road blockages that can cause delays or rerouting.

We’re not looking to set any land speed records and are aiming for 1.5 to 2 years. It could take us a little less time or a little more; we’ll see how it goes. We are used to traveling full-time; however, this van-life thing is all new to us, so it will be interesting to see how we do.

In Alaska to start the longest drive in the world.

Also, make sure to account for the time that it will take to get to the starting line. For us, it was driving to Alaska from Utah in the United States. That was a 60+ hour drive!

Is the Pan-American Highway Continuous?

Guinness considers the highway motorable, but this is debatable since there is a stretch of about sixty-six miles of swampland on the border of Columbia and Panama named the Darien Gap.

This stretch is known as one of the most dangerous areas in the world, and it is not recommended that tourists cross it by land. Many travelers opt to ship their vehicles by boat or plane from Panama City, Panama, to Cartagena, Colombia.

We are planning to do the same. We will ship our van to Columbia and then continue the drive in South America. We’ll document the experience and share our tips for crossing the Darien Gap.

Living in the Van Full-Time

Most travelers in campervans, camper tops, or RVs will stay in campgrounds or designated secure parking locations throughout their trip.

However, for us, this is already quite an ambitious adventure, and having all six of us living out of the van full-time for up to two years puts it too over the top. My wife made me promise that we would not be living in the van.

We plan to stay a majority of the nights in Airbnb’s and hotels, but we can sleep everybody in or on the van when necessary or when we choose to.

Is it Safe?

So far, so good. We’re currently on our way south, in Texas, getting ready to drop into Mexico. We’ve heard scary and tragic stories about foreigners traveling through Mexico and other Central and South American countries.

But if there is one thing that we have learned during our travels, it is that the best and most reliable way to get a feel for a place is to experience it firsthand. So many times, we went into a country with preconceived notions through the media or others’ influences and saw something completely different.

We are aware of the risks, have learned from others who have or are currently traveling the Pan-Am and have taken measures to help ensure our safety.

Pan American Resources

Like you, we had and still have many questions about driving the Pan American Highway, the longest road in the world. We will do our best to share updated information that is helpful and accurate to aid in your research.

We also find so much good information on Facebook groups like PanAmerican Travelers Association and On the Road in Mexico. Both are great resources for experienced advice and real-time information that has proved invaluable for us.

Cost to Drive the Longest Road in the World

The cost of driving the Pan-American Highway can vary widely depending on the vehicle, spending, and duration of the trip. We have heard that it is possible to do it for under $20k USD.

But, most couples end up spending between $30k and $90k USD for the entire trip.

Yukon river is a stop along the pan american highway.

We’re anticipating somewhere in the middle of that since we are not luxury or budget travelers. There are some major costs that need to be budgeted in, like crossing the Darien Gap. Depending on the size of the vehicle and time of crossing, you could be anywhere from $1.5k to $6k USD.

Our Van is larger, so we are planning on being on the higher end of that price range.

What We Are Bringing

We are minimalist packers, but we had to cut some more fat for this one. Each of us has enough clothing items to last five to six days. We replaced many of our pieces with merino wool to maximize efficacy and space, which helped us get one packing cube each. The fabric has qualities that work well in all climates and can be worn multiple days without smelling.

What to bring on pan american highway.

The van is also well equipped with enough bedding, dishware, kitchen utensils, and other miscellaneous supplies. We added additional items for this trip, including a tool kit, air compressor, first aid kit, tow strap, hammocks, and a few spare parts.

We also did our research and created a file with all of the necessary documents required for each country’s border crossings.

What to Know About the Longest Road in the World

  • The Pan-American Highway is about 30,000 km (19,000 miles) long and stretches from Alaska to Argentina.
  • It passes through 14 countries: Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina.
  • The road is not fully continuous, and some sections are unpaved or require a ferry crossing.
  • The best time to travel the Pan-American Highway is during the dry season or summer months.
  • It’s important to research and plan ahead for border crossings and any necessary visas or permits for each country.
  • Pack road maps or download them on your device in case you don’t have service in remote locations.
  • Make sure your vehicle is well-equipped and properly maintained before embarking on this journey.
  • Check with active Facebook groups like PanAmerican Travelers Association prior to travel days to help avoid any road closures or civil disturbances.

How to Prepare for the Longest Road in the World

Driving the Pan-American Highway takes careful preparation, especially considering some of the challenging road conditions along the way.

First and foremost, make sure your vehicle is up to date on all maintenance checks and that you have a spare tire. Some also bring spare parts that may be difficult to source on the trip, like belts, filters, etc.

It’s also essential to have a good navigation system, whether that be a GPS or maps.

Remember to research entry requirements for all the countries you will pass through to ensure that you have all of the necessary documentation.

Carefully plan your budget and have some cash reserves for emergencies. Road conditions can be unpredictable, and there may be unexpected fees or tolls along the way.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it—our family’s blueprint to conquering the legendary Pan-American Highway. It’s a colossal playground of diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and unscripted experiences that wait for no one. Make sure your wanderlust is well-fueled, and your sense of humor is packed alongside your passports because, let’s face it, the unexpected is part of the itinerary on this road. We’ll share every flat tire, serendipitous sunset, and quirky roadside eatery with you all, so stay tuned. The journey up to this point has been an adventure, and we can hardly wait to see where this highway leads.

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Everything you need to know about the longest roads in the world

Have you ever found yourself asking, “What is the longest road in the world?” Well, we’ve got the answer. According to Guinness World Records, that prize goes to the Pan-American Highway, which covers almost 18,640 miles from Alaska to Argentina . Along the way, it passes through 14 different countries across two continents, as well as six different time zones . In second place you can find Highway 1 on the other side of the world, in Australia with 9,000 miles, and behind that comes the Trans-Siberian Highway that runs through Russia covering 6,800 miles. If you are getting excited, keep on learning everything you need to know about the longest roadways in the world.

The Pan-American Highway: A road of grand proportions

If you’re looking for a real road trip adventure, traveling the full length of the challenging Pan-American Highway has to be right up there. With the route stretching from North America to South America and winding through various climates and landscapes, it can take several months to complete the journey. 

Length and status of the longest road in the world

While most consider the length of the Pan-American Highway to be around 18,640 miles – making it the longest road in the world – it’s almost impossible to measure the exact length of this sprawling roadway. That’s in part thanks to the fact that it crosses two vast continents, as well as the fact that many debate whether the numerous unofficial branch routes found along the highway should be included. Add those in and you could cover the full Arctic almost to the Antarctic , bringing the road to a total length of 24,855 miles. 

It’s also worth noting that not all of the Pan-American Highway is paved. While the network of roads that make up the PAH are nearly continuous, there is a section of around 100 miles between Panama and Colombia that is not paved . This section is known as the Darién Gap, and is generally crossed by boat. 

longest trip by road

The Darién Gap

While the Pan-American Highway has been crowned the longest road in the world, it is not actually possible to drive the entire length of the route . That is because of the Darién Gap, an unpassable section of dense jungle that is found around halfway along the Pan-American Highway . Here the road disconnects for around 100 miles in a stretch of remote wilderness between Panama and Colombia

This patch of jungle is widely regarded as one of the most remote locations on Earth, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still complete a road trip along the Pan-American Highway. Most travelers simply hop on a ferry and ship their car from Panama City to Cartagena before hitting the road again from there. Or, if you’re feeling really brave, it’s a four-day hike to travel the distance by land – though you should bear in mind that the gap is made up of dense swampland and rainforest inhabited by indigenous tribes. 

A geographical journey of the longest roadway in the world: Countries connected

As well as being the longest roadway in the world, the Pan-American Highway travels through a staggering 14 different countries across two continents . The northern part of the road starts in frosty Prudhoe Bay, Alaska , and crosses through Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica before ending up in Panama . The southern part , meanwhile, traverses Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile, finishing up at the tip of Argentina in Ushuaia . 

SIXT has you covered no matter where you plan to start your road trip, with our multiple locations in countries, like Canada , Mexico , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Colombia , Peru , Chile , Panama , Argentina , and the USA .

longest trip by road

The road’s historical development

The construction of the Pan-American Highway was a vast endeavor that started in 1923 , coinciding with the rise in automobile ownership, and aimed to include both new roads as well as pull together existing highways in the countries it would pass through. As such, instead of being a single road, it is actually made up of a complicated network of interconnected routes . 

The idea for the highway was approved in 1928 but stalled in 1929 when the Great Depression hit in the US. In 1937, a host of countries – including Argentina, Peru, Canada, and the US – signed a document agreeing to undertake speedy construction of the highway, and in 1950, Mexico became the first Latin American country to complete its section of the highway. Due to its complex nature and multiple routes and branches, today there is no one road that is officially deemed the Pan-American Highway in the US or Canada. Meanwhile, in Spanish, it is known as the Carretera Panamericana .

Experiencing the Highway

Due to its status as the longest road in the world and the fact that it crosses through so many different countries, you can expect to see plenty of spectacular scenery and diverse landscapes along the route. Drive the Pan-American Highway and you’ll encounter an array of different climates , from impenetrable jungles and tropical rainforests to arctic tundra and scorched deserts. 

As the Pan-American Highway passes through so many varying ecological zones , it’s worth bearing in mind that some areas are only passable during the dry season. In many of the regions, driving can also be dangerous at times, both due to the harsh climate and the potential to encounter criminals. Driving along the Pan-American Highway is the ultimate test of a driver’s skills, which is no doubt why this is considered one of the best roads in the world for a road trip like no other. 

longest trip by road

Scenic wonders of the longest road in the world

Though there are many legendary road trips in the US, from traveling the length of Route 66 to hitting the road between Florida and New York , nothing can beat the Pan-American Highway when it comes to scenic wonders. Where else could you embark on a road trip that begins in the arctic tundra of Alaska and ends up in Ushaia, Argentina , known for its breathtaking mountainous scenery as well as being home to colonies of penguins? Located in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago , it’s not for nothing that this part of Argentina is nicknamed the ‘End of the World ’.

Depending on which route you take along the longest road in the world, you can expect to pass through famous US cities including Los Angeles, San Diego, and Las Vegas . Further south, you’ll be able to drive through Mexico City and then on through every capital city in Central America (apart from Tegucigalpa in Honduras) before hitting the Darién Gap. When the main road picks up again in Turbo, Colombia , you’ll be able to drive through Quito in Ecuador, Lima in Peru, and Buenos Aires in Argentina . Another branch of the route will also lead you through Uruguay and into Brazil , passing through Sao Paolo and Rio . Quite the epic road trip indeed!

Unique features

Driving the length of the Pan-American Highway is truly an out-of-this-world experience . So, unsurprisingly, it comes with its fair share of challenges. Perhaps the most adrenaline-inducing of them all is the drive up to the 11,318-foot (3,450-meter) Cerro de la Muerte Mountain peak in Costa Rica . Roughly translated, the name means ‘Summit of Death’. 

Elsewhere, the most challenging terrain you’re likely to come across is in the jungle, which you’ll discover as you pass through Guatemala towards El Salvador . However, as long as you don’t bother the exotic animals or the residents who live here, you should be fine. While you’re in El Salvador , it’s worth stopping off at the Joya de Cerén Archaeological Site , which is believed to have been inhabited by the Mayans in the 1st century. Further south, don’t miss the chance to stop off at León in Nicaragua , where you can explore the ruins of León Viejo , which has been declared a Historical-Cultural World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

longest trip by road

What challenges might travelers face when journeying on the Pan-American Highway?

Travelers can expect to face a fair few challenges when driving along the Pan-American Highway. The first comes in the form of the terrain. Due to the vast length of the road and the fact that it travels through 14 different countries and two continents, drivers will encounter a variety of ecological zones along the way . Those who aren’t used to driving in freezing, icy climates or arid desert landscapes might find the route challenging. 

Travelers must also take into consideration the fact that some regions can only be crossed during the dry season, while others can suffer from extreme weather during the rainy season, and should plan their routes and timings accordingly . Other challenges could come in the form of navigating steep terrain – most notably driving up the 11,318-foot Cerro de la Muerte Mountain peak in Costa Rica – as well as criminal activity. The Darién Gap in particular is a hotspot for crime, due to its remote location and few law enforcement officials in the area. 

Highway 1 in Australia: One of the longest roads in the world

When it comes to the second longest road in the world, that accolade goes to Highway 1 in Australia. Otherwise known as the ‘Big Lap’, this network of roads covers just over 9,000 miles and links together all of Australia’s state capitals (except for Canberra). Essentially, it’s a giant coastal ring road that loops around the whole continent, taking in many of Australia’s key sights and attractions along the way.

The route passes through most of Australia’s major cities , including Sidney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne, before hopping across the Bass Strait to Hobart, Tasmania. Due to its vast size, you can expect it to take a fair while to complete the route. While it is possible to drive the full loop in less than a week, if you drive day and night and only stop to refuel, you certainly wouldn’t take in any of the scenery that way. Most travelers tend to take around three to six months to complete the route, stopping off along the way to enjoy all that Australia has to offer.

longest trip by road

Trans-Siberian Highway: The longest road in Russia

The network of roads that makes up the Trans-Siberian Highway covers the entire length of Russia , stretching across a distance of around 6,800 miles . The route runs from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok , spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Construction for the Trans-Siberian Highway began in 1949, but it only became fully paved in 2015, making it a fairly new addition to the world’s longest roads.  

Much of the route is a challenge to drive , due to the diverse terrain it covers. The highway passes through everything from tundra and forests to massive stretches of remote territory; in some areas, gasoline isn’t even available . Be warned that the quality of the road varies along the route, and can be tricky to navigate in more remote areas. But if you’re up for a challenge, this is one of the world’s most thrilling drives.

longest trip by road

The world’s three most epic road trips

If you’re looking to test yourself by tackling one of the longest roads in the world, these are the top three to pick from . Whether traversing multiple countries and continents on the Pan-American Highway, looping around Australia on Highway 1 or crossing the length of Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway, these road trips are not for the faint of heart – but you’ll be rewarded with plenty of stunning scenery and unforgettable adventures along the way.

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longest trip by road

The Longest Road in the World: Driving the Pan-American Highway

A scenic adventure that allows explorers to travel the longest road in the world, stretching around 15,000 miles from alaska in north america down to argentina in south america. this is the journey of a lifetime, not only for the overall experience but for the amount of time you will need to take out of day-to-day life to enjoy this excursion. this is nothing like route 66 or a safari around africa; this is so so so different., history of the route, in 1889 at the first international conference of american states, the usa proposed closer links to its neighbours via a continent-spanning railroad. nothing came of this to begin with; however, at the fifth international conference held in chile in 1923, a pan-american highway was proposed. this time the idea received a more enthusiastic response from the participating nations, though it wasn’t until the sixth conference in cuba in 1928 that the proposal was approved. this is where the pah was devised and developed., creating the pah was a slow process, with war, money and lack of governmental cooperation providing constant issues, but it’s now possible to travel the length of the americas (more or less) by car..

Dirt road on the Pan American Highway

Route & Map 🗺️

The pan-american highway is a network of roads that start in prudhoe bay, alaska and travel south through north america and south america until its ending point in ushuaia, argentina. it’s the longest road in the world because it connects two continents, north to south. passing through 14 countries along the 15,000 miles, you are in for a real treat when looking at different sites and exploring the world., north american destinations include; the us, canada, mexico, guatemala, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, costa rica, and panama. in the south, the pan-american highway passes through: colombia, ecuador, peru, chile and argentina. this trip is excellent for ticking off those bucket list destinations, despite the route being mapped out to be 15,000 miles, no adventurer sticks directly to the suggested route. most tend to take detours and venture out to these destinations to enjoy some time to explore and enjoy the culture, location and all they have to offer. on average, most people end up driving around 30,000 miles during their pan-american road trip. despite the trip stating to start in alaska, most start in canada due to the remoteness and distance to travel for alaska., (see the bottom of the page for the map itself).

Road section of the Pan-American Highway

How Long Does It Take? ⏰ 📅

A trip across the pan-american highway can really take as long as you have time (or money) for it. most people that we met travelling along the pan-american route do it anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. it all depends on your travelling style as an individual, and whether you want to stop and enjoy particular countries and their sites., how much does it cost 💰, just like the duration of the trip, the cost of travelling the pan-american highway is completely dependent on the person and their style of travel. it depends on what you want to splurge your cash on e.g. fine dining meals when travelling, the finest hotels, or tickets to every tourist site., the biggest one-off expense of the pan-american highway for most is shipping your car/van across the darien gap which can cost over $1000., crossing the darien gap 🛥️, although the pan-american highway is known as the longest road in the world, there is a section between panama and colombia that is not drivable. this section is called the darien gap. visitors are not allowed to travel into this section due to political and environmental reasons. the only way to get your car across the darien gap is on a ship. this ship typically takes a few days to get your car across from panama into colombia (or vice versa) and costs anywhere from $1000 to a few thousand, depending on your car size., places of interest along the way 👀, lake atitlan, guatemala - with breathtaking scenery, looming volcanoes, the long list of things to do, traditional culture and intriguing villages all make this a very unique place to visit. what better than to snap a shot for your memory book than a clear lake, surrounded by volcanos and the most scenic sunsets in all of central america. you can hop on boat taxis from his dock to visit the other towns around the lake. check out our guide to visiting guatemala for more inspo..

Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

San Ignacio Bay, Mexico - When travelling for days on end, whether that being in a car or van, you are going to want to stretch your legs and burn some of that energy inside of you! At San Ignacio, visitors can partake in the oceanside activities of this top Mexican resort destination. Whether you want to go swimming, boating, kayaking, snorkeling, sport fishing, or scuba diving, there is something for everyone here. One top tourist attraction here, is the opportunity to go whale spotting. A large number of whales migrate here each year meaning tourists can experience a surreal and once in a lifetime experience. Plus, you can't go wrong with food in Mexico can you?

Whale Watching at San Ignacio Bay, Mexico

Ostional Beach, Costa Rica - Known as a top surf and relax location, this beach is starting to gain some popularity due to the fact that it is a Turtle Sanctuary! For the past 60 years or so, tens of thousands of sea turtles have been coming to this 7km long beach to lay their eggs and, if you're lucky enough to be there at the right time, you can watch the babies hatch!

Turtles Laying Their Eggs, Costa Rica

The Monarch Butterfly Migration, Michoacan State, Mexico - After migrating from Canada, to a small catholic town high up in the mountains of this Michoacan state in Mexico, tourists who are willing to take on the 2 hour hike to the village, are able to watch the flight of hundreds of beautiful butterflies. At midday when the sun is at its warmest they lift up into the sky and swirl all around you in an incredible dance. Orange wings against a bright blue sky. A ONCE in a lifetime experience!

Monarch Butterfly Migration in Michoacan State, Mexico

Starting from Skratch? Here are a Few Tips to Get you Started:

longest trip by road

Tips For A Road Trip

💤 get plenty of sleep before your drive. think about exhaustion before you begin your journey, not after., 🍌 bring healthy road trip snacks - avoid feeling sluggish., 💧stay hydrated., ✋ plan your rest stops., 🎼 keep passengers entertained., share this post.

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Tapped Out Travellers

World’s Longest Roads

June 29, 2022 by JohnathanLeger

World's Longest Roads

Exploring the world’s longest roads…amazing road trips for all. Let’s explore the Longest Roads in the World. #roadtrip #familytravel #panamericanhighway #transcanadahighway #usroute20 #australia #canada #russia #southamerica

Taking the (really) long way home

I must confess, I love road trip culture. Singing old songs, seeing weird out-of-the-way places, learning about local culture, and participating in unique food challenges; all these are par for the course. Not to mention road trip cuisine, filled with favorites like Combos, Chex Mix, Moon Pies, and Sour Cream & Onion Pringles.  What could be bad?

And despite the stereotypes you hear, I actually love road tripping with my kids. Usually, our car adventures are way better than anything we get into once we reach our destination.

It’s almost enough to make me want to hit a really long road — like one of the world’s longest — to go from point A to B — to see if we could do it. Just me and the fam-squad out on the long highways and byways.

But this guide of nearly interminable roads put together by (the longest being about the length of the equator) gives even me some pause. I’m not sure there are enough Sun Chips in the world to keep us on some of these holiday roads.

Here are a few from their list that (despite myself) have me itching to get behind the wheel:

The Longest Roads

The longest highway chain in the world, The Pan American Highway, runs continuously (but for a trip on a ferry through 100 miles of swampland in Panama) from the top of Alaska to the tip of Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego. It’s 30,000 miles of “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” fun. If you can make it past Costa Rica’s “Summit of Death” (at more than 11,000 feet), that is!

The longest roads in the world. #roadtrip #familytravel #panamericanhighway #transcanadahighway #usroute20 #australia #canada #russia #southamerica


Circumnavigating Australia is easy, just give yourself a few months and you can ride Highway 1 (AKA The Big Lap) all the way from Perth to Perth. That’s right, it’s a never-ending 14,000-mile circle that goes through all the largest cities down under – Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, and then back again and again and again… kind of like a boomerang.

World's Longest Roads - Highway 1 - Australia


The Trans-Siberian Highway runs the length of Russia from St. Petersburg, past Red Square in Moscow all the way to Vladivostok near the sea of Japan (what used to be called Kamchatka when playing Risk). At just 11,000 miles you think it might be an easy 1-2 month jaunt, but the weather conditions are notoriously nasty with common avalanches, heavy snowfalls, and landslides. And the fact it was built by Gulag labor might be a bit of a turn off too.

World's Longest Roads - Trans-Siberian Highway

From Vancouver’s Lookout Tower all the way to the brightly colored row houses of St. Johns, you can witness the great Canadian nation in all its glory. It’s a very doable 5000 miles of gorgeous territory. Watch out for moose and be mindful of mounties and you’ll get along fine.

World's Longest Roads - Trans-Canada Highway


Route 20 and Route 6 both run the length of the US of A hitting some amazing sites along the way. US 20 is the longest American road running from sea to shining sea, starting in Boston and rambling over purple mountains majesty all the way to the relatively sleepy shore town of Newport, Oregon (Go Newport High School Cubs!). At only 3100 miles, Route 6 is a sweet trip all the way from Provincetown, Mass on the tip of the cape through amber waves of grain and across the Nevada desert to beautiful Long Beach, California. The scenic drive includes a stop in Denver to see the Rockies play. You can’t beat that.

World's Longest Roads - U.S Route 6

Trips like these are once in a lifetime and with summer around the corner, it’s the perfect time to say what the hay and hit the road. Maybe traveling through Panamanian swamps isn’t your idea of a great time, but renting a car and getting out on the open road is a celebration of freedom that every family should experience.

They say that life is about the journey and not the destination. Maybe embark on a nice long road trip and find out why that is.

Thank you to for providing this great article and even better infographics.

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Longest Roads in the World The longest roads in the world. #roadtrip #familytravel #panamericanhighway #transcanadahighway #usroute20 #australia #canada #russia #southamerica

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Road through valley

The world's longest and greatest road trips

Road-trips are the perfect way to experience many different countries, cultures and landmarks all in one epic journey.

Being in control of your destiny and the freedom that comes with jumping in the car and driving wherever you see fit can be liberating. Whilst road-trips do need a decent period of time to undertake there are plenty of options to suit whether you’ve got a long weekend or taking a year to travel the world.

We’re concentrating today on those longer trips, those inspirational life affirming journeys that take you from one side of the world to the other by looking at the world’s longest road trips.

Sagres to Talon Road Trip

Sagres to Talon: The Longest Overland Road Trip

The furthest that you can drive without the need of ferries or trains is from Sagres in Portugal to Talon in eastern Russia.

This 9,414 mile (15,151km) journey will take around 200 hours of continuous driving. Clearly you’ll be wanting to break up the journey, doing so means you’ll be able to explore a number of wonderful countries from the start point in Portugal, through Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Belarus and across the breadth of Russia via Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and to Talon.

Pan American Highway Road Trip

Prudhoe Bay to Ushuaia: Pan American Highway

The Pan American Highway spans the North and South American continents, from Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to the southernmost city in the world Ushuaia in Argentina.

It’s a distance of 19,000 miles (30,000km) making it the longest road in the world. It would take an estimated 720 hours to drive the length of the Pan American Highway – which is a solid 3 months of driving, but most people choose to take a much more leisurely approach over the course of 6-12 months.

The journey takes you through Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, United States and Canada – which gives you plenty of places to explore and enjoy along the way. From the Patagonian icefields to the Atacama Desert and the Rockies mountains.

We should be honest and admit that this isn’t fully achievable by car alone, the Darien Gap, which separates South America and Central America is a region of mountainous rainforest and swampland which can only be covered by boat.

Highway 1 Australia's Big Lap Road Trip

Highway 1 in Australia: The Big Lap

Australia’s Big Lap is essentially the world’s biggest ring road. The 9,000 mile (14,500km) Highway 1 connects the capitals of Australia’s states (except Hobart and Canberra) by joining Perth (Western Australia), Darwin (Northern Territories), Brisbane (Queensland), Sydney (New South Wales), Melbourne (Victoria) and Adelaide (South Australia). 

In doing so it becomes the second largest road in the world. It showcases all that Australia has to offer from the Great Ocean Road between Melbourne and Adelaide to the isolation of the north eastern coasts with swamps, deserts and scrubland in between.

Although the record for the Big Lap is a remarkable 6 days, those of us with more time could enjoy the journey over the course of 3-6 months. Taking in all that Australia has to offer in that time.

Trans-Siberian Highway Road Trip

St. Petersburg to Vladivostok: The Trans-Siberian Highway 

Many would have heard of the Trans-Siberian Railway, but did you know there was a highway as well?

Running the length of Russia from St Petersburg in the north west to Vladivostok in the south east it covers 7,000 miles (11,000km) making it the third longest road in the world.

The journey takes goes from the Baltic Sea coast to the Sea of Japan, through some inhospitable terrain making it one of the toughest road trips you can choose to do.

Driving constantly and going at full tilt will still take around 14 days to make it from one side to the other. Happily though, if you allow 4-6 weeks you can make the journey in a more manageable way and enjoy the cities of Moscow, Kazan and Irkutsk whilst the natural wonder of Lake Baikal. 

St John's to Vancouver - Canada's Road Trip

St John’s to Vancouver: The Trans-Canada Highway 

Canada is the second biggest country in the world, so it’s not a surprise to see it on a list of the world’s longest road trips. The Trans-Canada Highway meanders from St John’s in Newfoundland and Labrador in the east to Vancouver, the largest city in British Columbia on Canada’s west coast.

The journey is 5,000 miles (7,000km) takes you through ten Canadian provinces and takes you from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Coast in the west. In total, it would take around 120 hours of pure driving, but more realistically a 2-month trip would allow you to leisurely journey where you can take in all that Canada has to offer.

Along the route, stop in the beautiful Quebec City, explore the lakes and mountains of Alberta and try whale watching in Vancouver Bay.

The Golden Quadrilateral - India Road Trip

Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata: The Golden Quadrilateral Highway 

India’s longest road trip in 3,600 miles (6,000km) long and connects 4 of India’s largest cities – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.

In doing so it forms a quadrilateral where the highway gets its name. It is the newest highway on this list having been completed in 2001

2-4 weeks driving this route around India would be able to provide good time to explore each city and immerse yourself in some of India’s most famous landmarks including the world-famous Taj Mahal. 

US Route 20 Boston to Newport Road Trip

Boston, Massachusetts to Newport, Oregon: U.S. Route 20

America and road trips go hand in hand, although Route 66 is probably the famous road trip in the world, the longest road trip in the United States is actually Route 20 which connects Boston, Massachusetts on the east coast with Newport, Oregon on the Pacific coast in the north west of the country.

Covering 3,365 miles (5,415km) it runs through 12 different states and some fascinating cities including Cleveland – where you can visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Minneapolis - for some retail therapy at the Mall of America, and Chicago - The Windy City. Aside from cities you can also experience the USAs natural beauty including Yellowstone National Park, Craters of the Moon National Preserve and, if you’re willing take a 2-hour detour, you can see Mount Rushmore.

The 60 hours of driving that it will take can make for an excellent 3-week journey across the route, giving you enough time for a leisurely drive and multiple night stays along the way. 

Asian Highway 1 Road Trip

Istanbul to Tokyo: Asian Highway 1

The longest road trip across Asia spans 12,774 (20,557km) from Istanbul in Turkey – known as the gateway to Asia – to Tokyo in Japan.

Asian Highway 1 takes around 125 hours to complete, but given the number of different countries through which it runs you’ll likely want to allow yourself 4-6 weeks to fully appreciate everything that this route has to offer.

The route runs through South Korea, North Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. Whilst some of these countries may not be the easiest to navigate through geo-politically speaking the routes does hold some magnificent treasures throughout south east Asian and parts of the Indian sub-continent.

If you’re not sick of driving by the time you arrive in Istanbul, it is possible to continue the trip via the E80 which will lead you across Europe to Lisbon in Portugal. 

John O'Groats to Cape Town Road Trip

John O’Groats, UK to Cape Town: The Longest Euro-African Road Trip

Here’s one that is perfect for us Brits. A 200 hour drive takes us 9,100 miles (14,650km) from the UK’s most northerly mainland point – John O’Groats to Cape Town in South Africa.

It would take just over a week of solid driving to make the distance, but a much more sensible timescale will be 2 to 3 months – that way you can enjoy your trip through Europe and down the length of Africa.

This unique journey travels through France, Spain, Algeria, Nigeria, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, Namibia and South Africa – allowing you to get up close and personal with the wildlife of Africa in the various deserts, game reserves and national parks with the Algerian Sahara and Deadvlei and Etosha National Park in Namibia being particular highlights.

Serai, Indonesia to Cape Town, South Africa: The Longest Land Route with Ferries

If you’re willing to push the definition of a road trip a bit further and are happy to use a number of ferries, then the longest land route you can do with ferries is between Cape Town and Serai, North Sulawesi in Indonesia.

The longest road trip covers a distance of 20,885 (33,612km) through Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Kazakhstan, Russia and then across Europe from Belarus to Spain. Then head over to north Africa and travel through Algeria, Niger, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and more.

This is a mammoth journey that with constant driving would take 550 hours – the equivalent of 23 days straight!

Ready to hit the road for your next adventure?

Have we inspired to take a road trip? Even if you don’t have the time or the willing to travel tens of thousands of miles there are some excellent road trips closer to home including:

  • North Coast 500 – Scotland
  • Wild Atlantic Way – Ireland
  • Ring Road - Iceland
  • The Amalfi Coast - Italy
  • Atlantic Road – Norway

If you are planning a driving adventure this year, remember to get yourself covered with travel insurance and car hire excess cover and breakdown cover to make sure you’re fully protected before you hit the open road.

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The World Bucket List

Top 20 longest ROADS in the WORLD, ranked

Jade Poleon

From the E roads in Europe to National Highways in China, these are some of the longest roads on the planet, and their distances are mind-blowing.

Top 20 longest ROADS in the WORLD, ranked.

Road trips are a fun way to travel, and if you are seeking a relatively endless trip, you need to consider packing the car and setting off on one of these epic roads.

While the longest road in the world is the famous Pan-American Highway, there are many other extensive networks through Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas. 

Many of the longest roads in the world are located within the Asian Highway Network. Still, there are many excellent long-distance roads throughout other regions of the world, making for an incredible adventure. 

So, sit back and let us inspire your next road trip with the ten longest roads in the world. 

Ireland Before You Die’s top tips for driving on these incredible roads:

  • One of the main tips is to check the speed limit before you drive, as each country has its own rules and regulations. 
  • It may be obvious, but knowing which side of the road to drive on is crucial and can sometimes be forgotten when arriving in a new country. 
  • Carry your international license, proof of insurance and car papers at all times, and always have a photocopy. 
  • These roads are thrilling to experience, so take your time to soak it all in and don’t rush the journey. 
  • One of the top tips for driving on these roads is to make sure you have cash for tolls or are signed up for the relevant e-tags to avoid fines. 

20. B-R 101 –  4,648 km (2,894 mi)

B-R 101 is one of the longest roads in the world.

The longest highway in South America is in Brazil and is consequently one of the longest roads in the world. 

19. Interstate 90 –  4,861 km (3,010 mi)

The longest expressway in the United States is Interstate 90, from Washington to Massachusetts. 

18. US Route 20 –  5,415 km (3,365 mi)

US Route 20.

This east-west US highway is the longest road in the USA, which begins in Oregon and ends in Massachusetts. 

17. Golden Quadrilateral –  5,846 km (3,633 mi)

This loop route which connects all four major metro cities in India is the longest in the country.

16. European Route 45 –  5,190 km (3,220 mi)

Europe Route 45 is one of the longest roads in the world.

The E45 is officially the longest north-south road in Europe, starting in Alta, Norway and ending in Sicily, Italy .  Driving in Sicily , Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Austria using this route is a great way to see many amazing European countries.

15. Asian Highway 3 –  7,331 km (4,555 mi)

This Asian Highway Network Route spans from Russia to Myanmar, albeit with a few missing links.

14. Trans-Canada Highway –  7,476 km (4,645 mi)

The Trans-Canada Highway.

The Trans-Canada Highway is the longest road route in Canada and a popular road trip route. It begins in Newfoundland and Labrador. It passes through all the provinces of Canada, and the end is marked by a monument erected in the city of Victoria.

13. National Highway 228 –  7,800 km (4,800 mi)

This road, which is still under construction, will run from the borders of China and North Korea to China and Vietnam. 

12. European Route 60 –  8,200 km (5,100 mi)

European Route 60 is one of the longest roads in the world.

E60 is the second longest road in Europe and connects France with Kyrgyzstan, crossing several countries.

11. European Route 40 –  8,690 km (5,400 mi)

This is the longest E road in Europe and connects Calais in France with the border of Russia and China. 

10. National Highway 331 –  9,200 km (5,700 mi)

National Highway 331.

One of the longest roads in the world is the National Highway 331 in China , which runs along the northern Chinese border. 

9. Asian Highway 9 –  10,000 km (6,200 mi)

Known as The Great Asia Highway, this cooperative road is a project among countries to connect Russia with China.

8. National Highway 219 –  10,000 km (6,200 mi)

219 is one of the longest roads in the world.

This is officially the longest road in China, and some parts are still undergoing construction. 

7. Asian Highway 5 –  10,380 km (6,450 mi)

Asian Highway 5 is an east-west route from Shanghai, China, to Turkey.

6. Asian Highway 6 –  10,475 km (6,509 mi)

Asian Highway 6.

This Eurasian highway runs from Busan in South Korea to the Belarusian border. 

5. Trans-Siberian Highway –  11,000 km (6,800 mi)

Stretching from St Petersburg to Vladivostok in Russia, the Trans-Siberian Highway is a typical long-distance road for overlanders to adventure.

It is the nickname of the network of roads that connects the whole of Russia from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Sea of Japan in the east.

4. Asian Highway 2 –  13,177 km (8,188 mi)

Asian Highway 2 is one of the longest roads in the world.

The Asian Highway 2 is one of the longest roads in the world and runs from Indonesia to Iran, which makes up a section of the Asian Highway Network. 

3. Highway 1 –  14,500 km (9,000 mi)

Located in Australia, this is the longest route within a single country and is known as the loop route since it follows the country’s outline. It is the longest national highway in the world.

2. Asian Highway 1 –  20,557 km (12,774 mi)

Asian Highway 1.

From Japan To Istanbul, Turkey, Asian Highway 1 is the longest route of the Asian Highway network and crosses various Asian countries, including South Korea, North Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand , and Pakistan, to name a few.

1. Pan American Highway –  13,000 km (19,000 mi)

Beginning in Prudhoe Bay , Alaska and ending in Ushuaia, Argentina, the Pan-American Highway has long been a famous route for overlanders seeking an incredible trip through several diverse countries in North America, Central America, and South America.

This includes routes crossing through Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru, and many more countries. 

Notable mentions

A notable mention.

Chile Route 5:  Ruta 5, which forms a section of the Pan-American Highway, is the longest road in Chile, spanning 3,364km (2,090 mi).

National Highway 27:  This East-West National Highway in India spans 3,507 (2,179 mi).

Bang Na Expressway:  The Bang Na Expressway is Thailand’s longest car bridge in the world. 

G30 Lianyungang-Khorgas Expressway:  This is the longest expressway in China at 4,244km (2,637 mi). 

Pan-Philippine Highway:  This is the longest road in Southeast Asia and is known as the country’s transport backbone, spanning 3,380 km (2,100 mi).

China National Highway 318 (G318):  This highway runs from Shanghai to Zhangmu on the China-Nepal border. It is the longest China National Highway at 5,476 km (3,403 mi) in length.

Tongsan Expressway:  Also known as China National Highway 010, was the longest such highway in China before it was abolished in 2010. It ran from Tongjiang to Sanya.

Your questions answered about the longest roads in the world

Have you read our article and still have some questions on your mind? Not to worry, for we have you covered! Here, we have put together some of the most frequently asked questions both to us and from online about this topic.

longest trip by road

Which country has the longest road in the world? 

The Pan-American Highway runs from Canada to Argentina and crosses nine countries in total. 

Which is Asia’s longest highway? 

Asian Highway 1, which begins in Turkey and ends in Japan. 

What is the longest walkable road in the world?

The longest walkable route in the world is said to run from Magadan in Siberia to Cape Town in South Africa.

What is the fastest highway in the world? 

The German Autobahn is famous for having no speed limit, making it the fastest highway in the world. 

So, there you have it, the longest roads to grace this planet. Which one do you want to take on for your next adventurous road trip?


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Jade is a seasoned traveller, yoga enthusiast, adventure seeker and travel writer passionate about seeing the world and sharing hidden gems with others. As well as having travelled to 91 countries thus far, she has written for several websites, including The World Bucket List, Meanwhile in Ireland and Ireland Before You Die. In 2022 Jade’s first book ‘ The Ultimate Irish Road Trip Guide’ was published and is currently available on Amazon. She is a keen writer of satirical articles, as well as ‘The best things to do’ and ‘The best dishes to try’ around the globe. Jade is currently on a campervan adventure around Europe, where she continues to get her travel and food inspiration. She is excited to share what she discovers with her readers.

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10 Longest Roads in the World

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longest roads in the world

While most roads are not that long, some cross countries and even span continents. The longest roads in the world range in terrain, with some being concrete stretches made for commerce and others spanning remote locations and beautiful scenery. What they all have in common though is their length, traveling thousands of miles from one destination to another. These are the ten longest roads in the world.

10. U.S. Route 6 (3,199 miles)

longest trip by road

Our tenth longest road in the world is U.S. Route 6 , nicknamed the Grand Army of the Republic Highway, to honor the American Civil War Veterans Association. The highway runs from Bishop, California, to Provincetown, Massachusetts, with the route modified several times in its history. The trip from one end to the other would take around six weeks.

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9. China National Highway 318 (3,403 miles)

longest trip by road

With 3,403 miles, the China National Highway 318 takes ninth place on our list and is also the longest China National Highway. The road runs west from Shanghai towards Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan, ending in Tibet. Many drivers say this road has four seasons all year round, creating hazardous conditions for some.

8. U.S. Route 20 (3,417 miles)

longest trip by road

Starting at Newport, Oregon, and ending in Boston, Massachusetts, Route 20 is the eighth longest road in the world. This route provides a great two-week cross-country road trip with a total of 3,417 miles to cross. One of the most famous attractions you can see while traveling on this route is Yellowstone National Park , spanning three states.

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7. India Golden Quadrilateral Highway (3,633 miles)

longest trip by road

Spanning around 3,633 miles, the Golden Quadrilateral Highway is the second-longest road in Asia. This road connects the four major cities of India – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. Starting at New Delhi, you can take a road trip and loop around the country for two weeks before returning to New Delhi. You can check out several landmarks including the famous Taj Mahal .

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6. Trans-Canada Highway (4,350 miles)

longest trip by road

Having a total length of 4,350 miles, the Trans-Canada Highway starts in Victoria, British Columbia, and ends at St. John in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is one of the most scenic drives globally as it takes you through the gorgeous landscapes in Canada. On a two-week road trip, you can plan to stop at any of the major cities the route takes you through, including Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Saskatoon, and Quebec City.

5. Western-Europe Western-China Highway (5,245 miles)

longest trip by road

Also known as the New Silk Road , the Western Europe-Western China Highway (WE-WC) is a transcontinental highway that connects the Yellow Sea Coast of China with Western Europe. This expressway stretches 5,245 miles and links the Port of Lianyungang in China with St. Petersburg in Russia. You can complete a trip across this road in just ten days, visiting major cities in China , Russia, and Kazakhstan.

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4. Trans-Siberian Highway (6,835 miles)

longest trip by road

The Trans-Siberian Highway is the third-longest road in the world, spanning 6,835 miles across Russia. A road trip across the Trans-Siberian Highway takes around a month, but be ready to face challenging circumstances while on the route including harsh weather and remote locations. Some places to check out include Moscow, Lake Baikal, and the border of North Korea.

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3. Australia Highway 1 (9,009 miles)

longest trip by road

With a total length of 9,009 miles, Highway One in Australia starts in Sydney and loops around the whole country before finishing back in Sydney. If you want to embark on a road trip on this highway it will take around two months to complete. Driving down this route is said to be one of the best ways to see the sights and sounds of Australia, taking you through all of the states.

2. AH1 Japan-Turkey (12,774 miles)

longest trip by road

Stretching across 12,774 miles from Tokyo, Japan to the border between Turkey and Bulgaria before joining with European route E80 to end in Lisbon, Portugal is Asian Highway 1 , the longest east-west route of the Asian Highway Network. The highway passes through Korea , China, Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iran, and several others.

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1. Pan-American Highway (18,641 miles)

longest trip by road

The Pan-American Highway has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest road in the world. Spanning 14 countries, this route is often called the ‘Mother of all Road Trips.’ The starting point of this long road is in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and stretches to the tip of Argentina in Tierra de Fuego, spanning roughly 18,641 miles.

READ NEXT: What is the Richest City in the World?

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Alexandria is a News Editor, writer, and reader of all things literature. She graduated from the State University of... More about Alexandria Wyckoff

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Your Guide to the Longest Road in the U.S.

Traversing the diverse landscapes of the United States by road has been a popular pastime since the early 20th century and driving vacations continue to capture the passions of Americans today. In fact, a 2019 Ford study conducted by OnePoll found that 73 percent of Americans would rather drive to their holiday destination than fly. So, why not take on the nation's longest road?

Most people know about the classic road trips— Route 66 and the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)—but the northern half of the U.S., especially the Midwestern states, often falls off the radar. Route 20 (US-20) runs right through this region, bookended by Newport, Oregon , and Boston, Massachusetts . The route is 3,365 miles long (Route 66 is 2,448 and the PCH is 665) and passes through 12 states. Most people allocate at least a week to traverse Route 20, which takes 52 to 60 hours just to drive.

South Beach State Park: Lincoln County, Oregon

Garry Gay / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images 

If you plan to cross the country from west to east, then you'll begin your journey at Oregon ’s South Beach State Park on the Pacific Coast. South Beach offers plenty of camping (including electrical hookups, hot showers, restrooms, picnic areas, and an RV dump station), so you can stay over the night before and get an early start. This Lincoln County patch of coast also features miles of hiking and biking trails, a playground, disc golf , kayak tours, and more. If the weather is terrible (as it often is on the Oregon coast), you can visit nearby Hatfield Marine Science Center or the Oregon Coast Aquarium . 

Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks: Montana/Wyoming

Elena Pueyo / Moment / Getty Images

Though two separate parks, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks are often included in the same itinerary for their close proximity (about an hour's drive). Yellowstone, located at the corners of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, is America’s oldest national park. It's packed with hiking trails, geologic features like geysers and pools, rolling meadows filled with wildflowers, and wildlife (grizzlies, wolves, and bison) you're unlikely to see anywhere else. You could while away weeks in Yellowstone, but at least dedicate a day to this pit stop on your Route 20 tour. After you're done, head toward the jagged peaks of Grand Teton National Park, a mountainous region of Wyoming. For camping, Fishing Bridge RV Park in Yellowstone offers electrical hookups, but it can't accommodate large RVs. Many road trippers camp in a nearby privately-owned park like Yellowstone Grizzly RV Park instead.

Boise River Greenbelt: Boise, Idaho

Darwin Fan / Moment / Getty Images

Boise is an outdoor lover's paradise. It is home to the Bogus Basin ski resort, the Idaho Botanical Garden, hiking trails at Table Rock, and a portion of the ever-famous Oregon Trail. Perhaps its most stunning natural feature, however, is the Boise River Greenbelt, a 25 mile-long waterway that the Boise Parks and Recreation Department has worked laboriously for years to make as scenic as possible. What was once a runoff river is now lined with lush trees, walking and cycling paths, wildlife viewing areas, and wetlands. Walk or cycle (there are nearby rental kiosks) as little or as much as you want along the Greenway; it's the perfect way to stretch your legs after a long stint of driving.

Fort Robinson State Park: Dawes County, Nebraska

Joseph Sohm / Corbix NX / Getty Images

Fort Robinson State Park is home to the Fort Robinson Museum and History Center, but there’s much more to this 22,000-acre space than Old West history. Here, you can hop on a Jeep or horse-drawn tour of the historic preservation site, play golf, go swimming in the indoor, Olympic-size Lindeken Pool, dine at the Fort Robinson Restaurant, go for a picnic, or go exploring by way of kayak or canoe. The on-site Post Playhouse puts on eight theatre shows per week (rotating between several musicals), which makes for great evening entertainment before turning in for the night in this small, often-overlooked Nebraska town.

Carhenge: Alliance, Nebraska

Rainer Grosskopf / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Route 66 has the colorful cars of Cadillac Ranch, but US-20 offers another bizarre twist on "car art" with Alliance's Carhenge. As the name implies, Carhenge is a quirky roadside attraction where several cars have been painted and stacked to resemble England’s famous Stonehenge . The monument to motoring was built in 1987 by Jim Reinders to honor his late father. Reinders studied Stonehenge while traveling in England to replicate the structure with 38 vehicles forming an almost 100-foot circle. There is a secondary exhibit at Carhenge where stoppers-by can paint their mark on the vehicles.

Millennium Park: Chicago, Illinois

Massimo Borchi / Photolibrary / Getty Images 

Get your picture taken in front of Chicago's famous Cloud Gate (i.e. "The Bean") and take a break from the car in the Windy City. Millennium Park , operated by Chicago ’s Department of Cultural Affairs, plays the dual role of park and museum, featuring interactive exhibits throughout the 24.5-square-mile urban sanctuary. You'll find prominent artworks and features like Lurie Garden and Crown Fountain, and because Millennium Park sits on top of a parking structure, it’s actually considered the world’s largest rooftop garden. If you're traveling in a camper, park on the outskirts and take the "L" (the rapid transit system) into town.

RV and Motorhome Hall of Fame: Elkhart, Indiana

 PunkToad / Flickr /  CC BY 2.0

Many who attempt this 3,300-mile road trip do it in a recreational vehicle. So, what better way than to honor your ride than by visiting the RV and Motorhome Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Indiana ? This Midwestern town is, in fact, where many American campers are built. Its 100,000-square-foot museum illustrates the history of traveling by RV and reflects on early industry giants like Airstream and Winnebago . Here, you'll see the oldest Winnebago, the smallest Airstream, and some of the more bizarre RVs to ever hit the market.

Cedar Point: Sandusky, Ohio

AWelshLad / E+ / Getty Images

The U.S. is filled with amusement parks, but few can hold a candle to Cedar Point . This park offers entertainment for all ages, from easy rides to some of the world’s most adrenaline-pumping roller coasters. Cedar Point bills itself as the "Rollercoaster Capital of the World," and considering it has six different coasters surpassing the 200-feet-high mark, it would be tough to refute that claim. The Sandusky, Ohio, park encompasses 350 acres of thrill rides (17 coasters in total), water parks, dining and shopping complexes, and more. However, the park is only open between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Cleveland, Ohio

Richard T. Nowitz / AWL Images / Getty Images

About an hour from Cedar Point is the bustling city of Cleveland , whose crown jewel attraction is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame . Officially opened in 1985, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame showcases the history of the musical genre across seven levels of exhibits. You can stand just a few inches from some of the most iconic items in rock history, including instruments and memorabilia that once belonged to The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Elvis Presley. You can even learn about what it takes to record a hit song. On the other hand, it may be best to avoid a trip to the Hall if the Cleveland Browns are playing a home game. The massive NFL crowds like to frequent this attraction, too, which could compromise the experience. 

Erie Zoo and Botanical Gardens: Erie, Pennsylvania

Dennis Macdonald / Photolibrary / Getty Images

You don’t have to choose between visiting gardens or the zoo when you visit Erie, seeing as this Pennsylvania town has rolled both into one highly-rated venue. At the Erie Zoo and Botanic Gardens , you can marvel at equally exotic flora and fauna. Exhibits include a children’s zoo, the Michele Ridge Rose Garden, a tropical greenhouse, African lions, river otters, and alligators. Between the exhibits, you can set the kids loose on the many carnival rides scattered around the park. You can also pack in a picnic lunch and eat it at Glenwood Park.

Baseball Hall of Fame: Cooperstown, New York

nik wheeler / Corbis NX / Getty Images

No drive through upstate New York would be complete without a visit to the museum that honors America’s favorite pastime. Stand in the shoes of baseball’s greatest sluggers and view items that are forever etched into Americana, such as the gloves Ricky Henderson wore when he swiped his 939th base or a baseball that was smacked more than 500 feet by Babe Ruth. The Hall is filled with exhibitions like Baseball at the Movies, which reflects on baseball’s role on the silver screen, and the Sandlot Kids Clubhouse, where your little ones can blow off some steam. Cooperstown, where the Baseball Hall of Fame is located, is right next to Otsego Lake, which offers kayaking, boat tours, and fishing.

Freedom Trail: Boston, Massachusetts

Pgiam / E+ / Getty Images

The long journey ends in Boston , on the city’s famous Freedom Trail . First established in 1630, Boston is filled with history on America's founding fathers. The Freedom Trail directs you through downtown Boston on a 16-stop, 2.5-mile historical walk that passes by Park Street Church, the site of the Boston Massacre, the Paul Revere House, and Old North Church, Boston's oldest surviving church. Stop by the National Park Service-operated visitor center in Faneuil Hall to grab a map of the trail or start a guided tour.

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These are the longest road trips (mapped)

Are you a travel enthusiast and want to experience a new adventure? Tired of the classic routes and common destinations? Park Indigo has mapped some of the longest road trips in the world that one could cross.

In such a journey you will have the opportunity to jump not only from one country to another, but also from continent to continent, crossing many countries, seeing dozens of enchanting landscapes and mainly traveling many miles. Have you ever wondered what the largest ring road in Europe is? Or what is the longest land route you can cover by car?

Using Google Maps, Park Indigo designed 8 of the largest road trips in the world:

The Longest Ring Road in Europe: Route 1, Iceland

Starting the road trip from Reykjavik, Iceland, you will cover a distance of 1,339 km, crossing 22 cities and communities throughout Iceland, driving a total of 21 hours and 40 minutes, and finally ending up in Reykjavik again.

longest trip by road

The Longest Coastal Route in the World: The Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

Starting your journey in Ireland's Inishowen Peninsula, you will drive 15.6 hours, and you will end up in Kinsale, Ireland covering a distance of 2,750 km.

longest trip by road

The Longest Euro-African Road Trip

It's an 181-hour drive from London to Cape Town, where it would take just over a week to complete the 13,652.07 km drive. Starting in London, UK, the inspirational journey travels to many countries, including France, Spain, Algeria, Nigeria, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, Namibia and South Africa.

longest trip by road

The Longest Leg (single road) outside of Europe: Highway One, Australia

Crossing Perth, Australia from end to end, you will need 165 hours of driving, having covered a distance of 13,563 km.

longest trip by road

The Longest Land Route

From Sagre, Portugal to Talon, Russia, a journey of 186 hours of driving, covering a distance of 15,191km between continents.

longest trip by road

The Longest Road Trip of the Future: Trans-Eurasian Belt Development 

The Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) is planned by the Russian School of Science. It would mean you could drive (with help from the Eurostar and the Panama Canal) from the top of the UK, say Wick in Scotland, to the very bottom of South America, Cape Horn, covering a distance of 19,955 km. It has not been calculated how many driving hours it would take to complete such a road trip.

longest trip by road

The Longest Highway in Asia: Asian Highway 1

Asian Highway 1  is the longest route of the Asian Highway Network, running 20,557 km from Tokyo, Japan via Korea, China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran to the border between Turkey and Bulgaria west of Istanbul where it joins end-on with European route E80. You will need 123 hours of driving and over 5 days to complete this scenic route.

longest trip by road

The Longest Land Route with Ferries

The longest road trip covers a distance of 33,612 kilometers. Starting just to the right of the Indian Ocean in Serai, Indonesia this long voyage includes ferries, travels along to Malaysia, north through China, west across Asia and Russia where it meets Europe at Belarus. From here the route carries on west through Europe to Spain, and south through Africa, reaching its final destination of Quoin Point, South Africa. Without stopping, not even for sleep or to check a map, something impossible and of course, not recommended, you would need 22 days to finish the route.

longest trip by road

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Find the best roads, the ten longest roads in the world, do you know them, what is the longest road in the world .

When you love driving, you want the road to be endless! This article brings together the longest roads in the world: they are not endless but still, some are almost.

Some of these routes cross several countries and even several continents and are therefore several thousand kilometers. If you are looking for long road trip ideas, just read the article!

We let you discover here the 10 longest roads on the earth:

10. Tarim Desert Road in China

Tarim desert road on of the longest road in China

About 550 kilometers (340 miles) through China.

This road is situated in China and passes through the Taklamakan Desert in the Xinjiang Region.

If the length of the road seems short, the feeling of being far away from civilization will be there. Indeed this road doesn’t cross any town or village and it will be just you and the desert. It’s the longest road in the world without crossing any civilization signs.

9. Road 66 in the USA

Route 66 in the USA, one of the best road trip in US

About 3500 kilometers (2175 miles) through the USA.

Road 66 is maybe not the longest road in the US but it is definitely the most iconic one!

The road traverses the country from Chicago in Illinois and goes to Santa Monica in California.

Many people choose this road for their road trips in the US because it gives a great overview of the country and allows travelers to discover many different areas, states, and towns along the route. It’s indeed one of the longest drivable road in the world.

Map of the road 66

8. Road 40 in Argentina, a long road through the country

Road 40 in Argentina

About 5000 kilometers (3100 miles) through Argentina.

This road links La Quiaca near the Bolivian border with La Quiaca in the south of the country. This road is a perfect road trip idea if you want to discover Argentina from the south to the north!

Indeed, the road offers a great diversity of landscapes. On the itinerary, you will climb a mountain pass that is higher than 5000 meters (16404 feet) above the sea level, cross glaciers, vineyards but also deserts and cactus forests.

Also, this road is a mix of Asphalted and non-paved roads (only 30% is asphalted). It’s one of the longest drivable road in the world.

Map of the road 40 in Argentina

7. Road 20 in the USA

Road 20 in the USA

About 5400 kilometers (3350 miles) through the USA.

Road 20 is as iconic as road 66 is in the United States, it crosses all the country from east coast to west coast. It starts in Boston and ends in Newport.

You will need a lot of time to drive this road and enjoy all the steps on this road like Lake Michigan or the Yellow Stone National Park! It’s one of the longest highway in the world.

Map of the road 20

6. Tongsan Expressway in China

About 5700 kilometers (3500 miles) through China.

This road passes through well known Chinese regions, and you will discover amazing and various landscapes on your way: forests, mountains, and rice terraces.

Today the Tongsan Expressway (also known as the national road 010) is composed of the different roads so it’s quite difficult to find the itinerary.

Here is a map which roughly traces the route:

Map of road 010 in China

5. Trans-Canada Highway, the longest road in Canada

The Trans-Canadian road

About 8000 kilometers (5000 miles) trough Canada.

You will need several days to cross the country from Victoria on the Pacific coast to Saint-Jean de Terre-Neuve on the Atlantic coast. This road crosses the 10 provinces of Canada and the main cities: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montréal, and Québec.

The Trans-Canadian road passes through mountains, lakes, rivers, canyons, and also other dope landscapes!

Map of the Trans-Canadian road

4. Trans-Siberian road in Russia, a road through two continents.

Photo of Kremlin in Russia

About 11000 kilometers (6800 miles) crossing Russia.

Russians started to build this road at the end of the 19th century. You will drive from the capital of the Tsars, Saint Petersburg on the baltic sea to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast!

One the most mythical road in the world, you will pass Moscow, the Oural mountains, then in Asia, you’ll drive near the Lake Baikal and near the Mongolian and Chinese border.

On your way, you’ll find big plains, forests, mountains, steppes, rivers and other natural treasures.

Map of the Transsiberian

3. Highway 1 in Australia, the longest road without interruption

Road in Australia

About 14500 kilometers (9000 miles) around Australia.

Highway 1 makes the full turn off the country so, it is the longest national road in the world! The road crosses different landscapes: cities, forests, deserts. It will be an amazing experience!

You will drive through the main cities of the country such as Adelaïde, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairn, Darwin, and Perth.

It is one of the longest roads in the world that you can drive without any interruption.

Map of the road 1 in Australia that is the longest road in Oceania

2. Asian Highway 1 , an utopia road

Road in Vietnam

About 20000 kilometers (12500 miles) through all Asian continent.

This a mythical itinerary that is quite a utopia, indeed you’ll need to drive through such countries as North Korea or Afganistan that is impossible today. You can still travel a portion of this road.

AH1 Asian road the longest road in Asia

1. Pan-American Highway, the longest road in the World.

Road in America

About 30000 kilometers (18600 miles) through all the American continent.

Also known as the Trans-American, it is the longest road trip in the world and the perfect itinerary if you are planning a long road trip. You will start in Prudhoe Bay in Alaska and will drive across North, Central, and then South America to Quellón in Chilli.

There is only one passage in Panama where there are tropical forests and swamps where you can’t drive so, you should “transfer” your car or bike on the other side of the Darien Gap .

The Pan american road is one the longest road in the world

As you just read in this article the 10th longest roads in the world are located everywhere on earth and on all continents. So if you are looking for the road trip of your life you know now where you can pick up one!

You can also read our article about one of the widest road in the world.

If you like our blog please share it on your social media!

Discover our article about the most known roads in the world: click here or see our road map!


Pictures credit: By Pravit – Own work, Public Domain, https://commons. wikimedia .org/w/index.php?curid=3575961 / Par Dietmar Rabich, CC BY-SA 4.0, / By Dario Alpern – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, / Par Fredddie — USA map(GIS data), roads (GIS data), maps to help locate the route in GIS data, CC BY-SA 3.0, / google maps / palestrina55 flickr / By Evad37Original author of GIS data:© Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2013. – Own work;GIS data sources: “GEODATA TOPO 5M 2004” from Geoscience Australia, CC BY-SA 3.0, / By Created by en:User:Seaweege and released to PD – Own work, Copyrighted free use,

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Take a Classic Road Trip on America's Longest Highway

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An aura of history and romance surrounds famous highways like Route 66 . Modernization, as well as the pursuit of convenience and safety, have led to more four- or eight-lane highways crisscrossing the nation, like I-90, I-35 or I-94. Finite stretches of state and county roads may still have that timeless two-lanes-cutting-through-the-countryside appeal, but road trips that follow the cross-country highways of yesteryear mostly take place in people’s imagination, not on the blacktop.

However, there is one historic highway where it is still possible to get in touch with the glory days of the American road trip. U.S. Route 20 covers 3,365 miles from Boston, Massachusetts, to Newport, Oregon. It is currently the longest highway in the country. For most of its length, Route 20 runs roughly parallel to I-90, which connects Boston and Seattle (a distance of 3,100 miles).

History of Route 20

Route 20 officially became a U.S. highway in 1926, and during its early years, it terminated at Yellowstone National Park. It was extended westward in 1940, before reaching its current length in 1960. Since U.S. numbered highways are not designated within National Parks, Route 20 technically does not run through Yellowstone; it stops at the park's eastern entrance and restarts at the western entrance. This had led some people to say it is not the longest “continuous” highway in the country, instead, they prefer to give the nod to 3,205-mile Route 6. But the U.S. Department of Transportation confirms that indeed, Route 20 is considered the longest.

Sections of Route 20 have been upgraded over the years, but many parts provide the setting for a two-lane trip to the past, and a few states and organizations are actively trying to retain the highway in its historic condition. Whether you are a road-trip purist or someone seeking to check “driving the longest highway in the U.S.” off of a bucket list, Route 20 holds innumerable possibilities. The road allows you to come face-to-face with some of the most famous cities, charming towns, and scenic landscapes in the country.

The Highway's Course

Route 20 passes through Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Oregon. It includes stops in Boston, Toledo, Chicago, Gary, Sioux City, Casper, Boise and two different cities named Albany (one in New York and the other in Oregon).

In Massachusetts, part of Route 20 follows the path of the old Boston Post Road, which was used to carry mail between Boston and New York City in the 17th and 18th centuries. In New York state, the scenic Finger Lakes, Lake Erie, and the beautifully rugged rural landscapes of central New York offer the kind of classic roadside sightseeing that many drivers dream about. Erie is also part of the scenery in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Throughout its easternmost quarter, Route 20 passes through a number of “frozen in time” small towns whose Main Streets have changed little since the 1950s.

As Route 20 continues west, it passes the famous Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore before offering a glimpse of another face of America: heavily industrialized cities like Gary, Indiana, and the overly urbanized landscapes of the South Side of Chicago. In Iowa and especially Nebraska, drivers will find the kind of flat, wide-open spaces that many consider a necessary element of a classic American road trip.

The beauty of rural Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park highlight the rest of the original “eastern” section of the highway. As we've already mentioned, U.S. 20 terminated at Yellowstone until 1940, when the “western” portion was added. Thus, U.S. 20 in Wyoming is still considered part of the “eastern” section.

After restarting on the other side of the famed national park, the road takes a brief cut through Montana before moving to Idaho, with stops in Boise, the otherworldly landscapes of Craters of the Moon National Monument and the beautiful Lost River Range.

Finally, in Oregon, Route 20 crosses the Cascades and the Oregon High Desert before moving through the remote Central Coast Range and the vineyards of the Willamette Valley. It terminates less than a mile from the Pacific.

Whether you are seeking two-lane romance or just trying to hit as many attractions as possible during your drive, Route 20 remains an ideal option for an epic American road trip.

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Orbit's Travel Blog - 12.04.2022.

Top 10 Longest Roads In The World

If you're looking for an epic road trip, look no further! Here's a list of the ten longest roads in the world, perfect for the adventure-seeker in you.

There are many long roads globally, but some are longer than others. Here is a list of the ten longest routes in the world, ordered from longest to shortest.

  • Pan American Highway – Several countries – 30000km
  • Highway 1 – Australia – 14500km
  • Trans-Siberian Highway – Several – 11000km
  • WE-WC Highway – Several – 8445km
  • Trans-Canada Highway – Canada – 7821km
  • Golden Quadrilateral Hway – India – 5846km
  • China Nation Hway 010 – China – 5700km
  • US Route 20 – USA – 5415km
  • US Route 6 – USA – 5158km
  • Interstate 90 (I-90) – USA – 4860km

Top 10 longest roads in the world

The Pan American Highway

The Pan-American Highway is a road network that stretches from Alaska to Argentina. It is the most extended road network globally and has a total length of about 30.000 kilometres. Therefore, the highway is also known as the Pan American Freeway or Pan American Road.

The Pan-American Highway was first proposed in 1915 and took more than 50 years to complete. The highway officially ended in October 1971, when a final section between Panama and Colombia was opened. Today, the route is used by millions of people every year.

The Pan-American Highway is an important transport link for North and South American countries. It enables the fast and efficient transport of people and goods between different countries. The highway has also played a role in promoting economic development and cultural exchange between countries in the Americas.

The Pan American Highway

Highway 1 in Australia

Highway 1 is one of the most popular tourist routes in Australia. Stretching from Sydney to Perth , the highway passes through some of the country's most beautiful and scenic areas. There is plenty to see and do along the route, making it the perfect destination for a road trip. Highlights include the dramatic coastline of Victoria, the vineyards and wineries of South Australia and the rugged beauty of Western Australia. There are also many small towns and villages to discover, each with its unique character. 

The Trans-Siberian Highway 

The Trans-Siberian Highway is a highway system in Russia that stretches from St. Petersburg in the west to Vladivostok in the east. At over 11.000 kilometres, it is the longest highway in the world. The route passes through some of Russia's most remote and beautiful areas, including Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake in the world. Construction of the highway began in the early 20th century and finished in the 1950s. Today, the motorway is an essential link between western and eastern Russia and a popular tourist destination.

The Trans-Siberian Highway 

The Western Europe-Western China Highway 

One of the world's longest roads takes 8.445km to go from China to St.Petersburg in Russia.

The Western Europe-Western China Highway was designed to promote trade and economic cooperation between Europe and Asia. However, the highway has also become an important transport route for people and goods between the two regions. In recent years, traffic on the road has increased significantly as more and more people and businesses take advantage of the convenient and cost-effective route. The Western Europe - Western China motorway is an essential link in the global transport network. It is sure to play a crucial role in the future growth of the worldwide economy. 

The Trans-Canada Highway

The Trans-Canada Highway is a 7,821-kilometre highway that crosses the entire country of Canada. It connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, making it one of the longest highways in the world. The route splits into 20 sections, each with its unique features. Some branches are mountainous, while others are in rural areas. There is always something to see and do no matter where you are on the highway.

The Trans-Canada Highway is a popular tourist destination for a good reason. There is so much to see and do along the route. Whether you are interested in nature, history or culture, you will find something that appeals to you. The scenery is also breathtaking, especially in the Rocky Mountains section.

Suppose you plan a trip to Canada , including the Trans-Canada Highway in your itinerary. It's an experience you will not soon forget.

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway

The Golden Quadrilateral Highway is a highway system in India that connects the four major cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. The highway was built in the early 2000s and has helped improve traffic. The road is 6,853 kilometres long and has been a great boon to the Indian economy. Travelling on the Golden Quadrilateral is faster and more efficient than trains or buses. The highway has helped reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in cities. We recommend travelling on the Golden Quadrilateral Highway when you visit India! 

China National Highway 010

China National Highway 010, commonly referred to as G10, is the second-longest national highway in China. It stretches 5,854 kilometres (3,644 miles) from west to east across the country, connecting nine provinces between Lanzhou, Gansu in the west and Hangzhou, Zhejiang in the east. It also passes through five autonomous regions: Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Tibet and Qinghai.

The highway crosses some of China's most remote and least developed areas. However, it also crosses some of the country's most beautiful landscapes, including the Qinling Mountains, the Greater Khingan Range and the Yellow Mountains.

The G10 is one of China's busiest highways, carrying a significant number of passengers and freight traffic. It is also an essential link for trade between the west and east of the country. As a result, the Chinese government has invested heavily in upgrading the G10 and building several new motorways and tunnels to improve its safety and efficiency. 

China National Highway 010

US Route 20 

Route 20 is a scenic route that begins in Boston, Massachusetts and ends in Newport, Oregon. This route passes through some of the most beautiful areas in the United States, including the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts, the Catskill Mountains in New York, and Oregon's Rocky Mountains. There are many interesting towns and attractions along the way, including Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park. Travelling on Route 20 is a great way to see some of America's most stunning scenery.

US Route 6 

Route 6 is a historic highway in the United States that stretches from coast to coast. The route was named in 1926 and has been in use ever since. Today, Route 6 is a major thoroughfare for tourists and locals alike.

The western terminus of Route 6 is in Bishop, California, on US Highway 395, from where the highway heads east through Death Valley and across the Mojave Desert. Route 6 crosses the Colorado River near Needles, California, and continues through Arizona and New Mexico before ending at its eastern terminus in Galveston, Texas. 

Motorists can enjoy some of America's most beautiful scenery along the route. From the deserts of California and Arizona to the rolling hills of New Mexico and Texas, Route 6 offers something for everyone. And with so many towns along the way, there's always somewhere to stop for a bite to eat or spend the night.

Interstate 90 (I-90) 

Interstate 90 (I-90) is a major east-west interstate highway in the United States. I-90 stretches from Boston, Massachusetts, in the east to Seattle, Washington, in the west. At 3,101 miles (4,989 km), I-90 is the longest highway in the United States.

I-90 passes through or near major cities such as Albany, New York; Buffalo, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Spokane, Washington. Much of I-90 follows the old routes of US Route 10 and US 12.

In many places along its route, I-90 is recognised by other names, such as the Ohio Turnpike and the Indiana Toll Road. I-90 has some sections with fast lanes. The shortest section of I-90 is between Youngstown, Ohio, and Cleveland, Ohio, where the speed limit is 70 mph (113 km/h). 

I-90 was initially proposed in 1956. It was approved in 1957, and construction began in 1958, with the original route running from Boston to San Francisco. In 1973, a section of I-90

Interstate 90 (I-90) road sign

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The Longest Road Trips in the World, Mapped

longest trip by road

If you’re a lover of long rides and exciting road trips and looking to explore new places this summer, then we have a great list of the longest road trips in the world for you, also nicely mapped.

Saba parking in the UK has mapped some of the longest and most unique road trips, including some that don’t yet exist.

If you’ve at one point wondered what’s the longest possible road trip by car, by ferry, or even the longest single road, then you’re about to find out.

From amazing coastal road trips to epic journeys that will take you across Asia in a single route, there’s something for everyone here.

The Longest Land Route (Europe)

Our first journey takes us all the way from Sagres, Portugal to the frozen Siberian wasteland of Talon, Russia. This is the longest road trip in the world by land.

After an incredible journey 186 hours and 15, 191km later you’ll finally make it to the edge of Asia, on the way you’ll see 7 different countries and many wondrous sites.

longest trip by road

The Longest Highway in Asia

“Asian Highway 1” is the longest highway in Asia, stretching over 20,000 km with a total driving time of 123 hours! From Istanbul, Turkey the highway will take you through Iran and the middle east, heading through Pakistan, India, Southeast Asia, China, and Korea and finally ending in Japan.

While there is no bridge from the Korean Peninsula to Japan, you’ll have to take a ferry. However, an undersea tunnel has been proposed for the future.

longest road trips in the world longest highway in asia asian highway

The Longest Euro-African Road Trip

An epic 181-hour drive and 13,652km will have you complete one of the most beautiful drives on earth, from London all the way to Cape Town in South Africa.

On the way, you’ll discover 14 wonderful countries, including 12 in Africa alone!

longest road trips in the world euro african road trip

The Longest Coastal Route in the World

The “Wild Atlantic Way” in Ireland is one of the most beautiful and unique coastal routes in the world, it is also the longest at a distance of 2,750km.

The 15-hour and 36-minute drive will have you ending up in the Peininishowen Peninsula in the north after starting from the small town of Kinsale in the south.

longest road trips in the world the wild atlantic way ireland

The Longest Land Route with Ferries

If you’re looking to not only use roads but ferries as well, then this epic 33,612km route will have you covering 3 continents, going all the way from South Africa to the remote islands of Indonesia.

The route would take around 22 days without stopping, which is of course impossible. There are many beautiful destinations on the way where you should consider staying for a while and resting.

longest road trips in the world longest land route with ferries

The Longest Single Road Outside of Europe

The longest single road outside of Europe is a loop that connects Perth by a massive loop all away around the country of Australia, with a distance of over 13,000km and a total drive of 165 hours.

longest road trips in the world longest leg single road outside of europe highway one australia

The Longest Ring Road in Europe

While not as long as the one in Australia , this is the longest “ring road” in Europe, situated in Iceland at a length of 1,339km with a total driving time of 21 hours and 40 minutes.

longest road trips in the world longest ring road in europe route iceland

The Longest Road Trip of the Future

The longest possible proposed route of the future will be from London all across the pond to New York. While it sounds like a fantasy, the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) is a proposed route by the Russians connecting Asia to North America over the Bering sea, supposedly using a bridge or tunnel.

This amazing route would be almost 20,000km but the time to drive such a long distance along this route has yet to be calculated.

the longest road trip of the future trans eurasian belt development

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The Longest Drivable Distance in the World: Discover the Ultimate Road Trip

in Maps , Travel | September 18th, 2024 3 Comments

No mat­ter what coun­try we live in, we’ve all fan­ta­sized about tak­ing our own great Amer­i­can road trip , con­sid­er­ing a vari­ety of the infi­nite­ly many pos­si­ble routes. The most obvi­ous would be dri­ving between Los Ange­les and New York, a dis­tance of 2,800 miles that would take a bit over 40 hours straight through. I myself once took a more souther­ly route, road-trip­ping from Los Ange­les to Raleigh, North Car­oli­na over a week or two; these days, I dream of an east-coast jour­ney from Maine all the way down to Key West, a rel­a­tive­ly man­age­able 1,900 miles. But if you take your road-trip­ping seri­ous­ly, you’ve got to go to anoth­er con­ti­nent entire­ly.

Such is the con­clu­sion to be drawn from the Half as Inter­est­ing video above , which finds the longest dri­vable dis­tance on Earth. “The North Amer­i­can road sys­tem goes as far as Prud­hoe Bay in Canada’s Cana­da, Alas­ka, and as far south as Yav­iza in Pana­ma,” says the video’s cre­ator Sam Den­by, “but this only clocks in at 7,500 miles.”

That may require six straight days of dri­ving, but it does­n’t set any records. A route from south­ern Africa and east Asia may seem promis­ing, but they can’t be dri­ven with­out pass­ing through west­ern Europe. That requires pas­sage across the Mediter­ranean on a fer­ry, which — for the true road-trip­per — taints the puri­ty of the endeav­or.

Start­ing in Europe, then, you should begin in Sagres, Por­tu­gal, “the most extreme point on the con­tigu­ous road net­work.” From there, you can dri­ve as far east as “the banks of the Aldan Riv­er in Rus­sia,” a dis­tance of 8,437 miles. But wait, there’s longer: you could keep going to Khasan, “the only Russ­ian town to bor­der North Korea,” and bring the mileage up to 8,726, thus com­plet­ing “the longest direct dri­ving route in the world.” If you go ped­al-to-the-met­al (to the extent pos­si­ble while observ­ing local speed lim­its, any­way) it will take six days and 19 hours — book­end­ed, ide­al­ly, by one meal of cat­a­plana and anoth­er of Khasan oys­ters.

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A Brief His­to­ry of the Great Amer­i­can Road Trip

Based in Seoul,  Col­in  M a rshall  writes and broad­cas ts on cities, lan­guage, and cul­ture. His projects include the Sub­stack newslet­ter   Books on Cities  and the book  The State­less City: a Walk through 21st-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les.  Fol­low him on Twit­ter at  @colinm a rshall  or on  Face­book .

by Colin Marshall | Permalink | Comments (3) |

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Comments (3), 3 comments so far.

Some would dis­agree — long road around Aus­tralia is 9009 miles

I‑40 has been fin­ished to Wrightsville Beach for some time now. You no long have to end your trip in Raleigh.

I sec­ond the motion from Carmel, peo­ple gen­er­al­ly (espe­cial­ly from the US) for­get about Aus­tralia & how big we are. It is over 9000 miles eas­i­ly.

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Your Road Trip Close to Home adventure guide for Sept. 12

Here's a look at all the great spots to hit from this week's episode of road trip close to home..

Sep 12, 2024, 2:26 PM

Updated 6 days ago

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  • 1 Six Flags Blvd. | Jackson Township, NJ 0852
  • 795 US-6 | Shrub Oak, NY 10588
  • Open 8 a.m. to sundown Monday through Sunday. Night golf open Thursday through Saturday, with 10:30 p.m. the last tee time.
  • 638 Selby’s Pond Road | Stratford, CT 06615
  • Open 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday
  • Throggs Neck Business Improvement District

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  • 1660 NY-25A | Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
  • Open daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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How to drive the entire Blue Ridge Parkway in five days

Erica  Jackson Curran

Sep 17, 2024 • 5 min read

Stony Man Overlook at Shenandoah National Park along the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, USA, License Type: media, Download Time: 2024-09-02T02:29:22.000Z, User: claramonitto, Editorial: false, purchase_order: 56530, job: Global Publishing_WIP, client: Best Road Trips New York City & Mid-Atlantic 5, other: Clara Monitto

Shenandoah Park has some incredible scenic views as you drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Zack Frank/Shutterstock

High up in the Appalachian mountains between Virginia and North Carolina , there’s a gently winding road that seems frozen in time. There are hardly any restaurants, stores, billboards or even homes on this route. Some of the only hints of civilization are rustic stone mile markers and nondescript signs signifying upcoming trails and overlooks.

This is the Blue Ridge Parkway, a road that exists solely for the pleasure of driving through some of the East Coast’s most stunning mountain landscapes. At 469 miles from end to end, it’s a delightfully meandering escape from the bustle of typical American roadways.

Growing up in the hills of Amherst County, Virginia, the Parkway was practically at my doorstep. It’s where my family went for leisurely Sunday drives, picnics by mountain streams in the summer and leaf-peeping in the fall . My childhood memories include hiking beside waterfalls , spotting bears in the forest, and scrambling to the summit of some of the highest peaks in the Appalachian Mountains. I’ve traveled all over the world since then, but I still consider the Blue Ridge Parkway to be one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Technically, you could drive the entire Parkway in a day, but you could also spend weeks exploring the forests along the road. There are plenty of entry and exit points along the Parkway, which means your drive can be as long or as short as you want. Here, we’ll be sharing how to drive the entirety of the Parkway in five days, but you can just as easily choose your favorite stretch and focus your attention there.

  • Trip length: The Blue Ridge Parkway stretches 469 miles through the Appalachian Mountains, between Shenandoah National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park . In good conditions, you could complete the route without stopping in about 10 hours – but taking your time is the point of this trip, so take at least a weekend to explore.
  • When to go: The views of the Appalachian Mountains from the Parkway are spectacular year-round, but they’re most stunning in the fall, when the foliage is at its peak. This is also the busiest time on the Parkway, so be prepared for more traffic, especially on the weekends. If you go in the winter, check ahead for road closures, as the higher elevations often get more snow and ice than lower areas.
  • Where to begin and where to end: The north end of the Parkway begins at Rockfish Gap near Waynesboro, Virginia. It ends in Cherokee, North Carolina. There are numerous access points along the way, many of them convenient to major highways.
  • Things to know: The speed limit on the Parkway doesn’t exceed 45 mph – and it sometimes drops even lower to account for dramatically sharp turns and steep hills. Plan to drive about 30 miles in an hour, minus any stops. Keep an eye out for wildlife, cyclists and rockslides. If you’re not accustomed to mountain driving, be prepared for steep grades, narrow shoulders and limited sight distances. Most importantly, keep your eyes on the road if you’re driving, and wait for the overlooks to enjoy the views.
  • What to pack: If you plan to take advantage of the many hiking trails along the Parkway, wear proper footwear and attire. Temperatures in the mountains are often much cooler than lower elevations – pack layers. Cell phones will not always have reception on the more remote stretches, so it’s a good idea to have a paper map and a general idea of your route. Come with a full tank of gas, snacks and water so you won’t have to exit the Parkway until you’re ready.
  • Tips for EV drivers: Electric vehicle drivers will need some extra planning to ensure that their vehicles stay charged. Charging stations are uncommon on the Parkway, so make note of where you can find them in nearby towns. Don’t expect to rely on cell service or GPS for on-the-go research, as it’s often quite spotty in the mountains. The Parkway service provides a list of nearby EV charging stations here .

Woman With Umbrella exiting former railroad tunnel now the  Blue Ridge Tunnel East Trailhead.

Day 1: Crozet / The Ridge Region

Vibes: Small-town charm and big-time mountain views.

Do: Crozet is one of the closest towns to the Blue Ridge Parkway’s North Entrance and the ideal spot to begin your journey, where you can gas up and gather supplies before hitting the road. It’s about 10 minutes from the Parkway, and also midway between the cities of Charlottesville and Waynesboro. If you want to kick off your adventure with a unique hike, the Blue Ridge Tunnel Trail is a 4273-ft-long tunnel that runs beneath Afton Mountain.

Eat: Plan to get an early start, but fuel up for your drive with a lavender latte and breakfast bagel from Mudhouse in downtown Crozet. If you’re looking for dinner the evening before you leave, Crozet Pizza claims the honor of being named “best in the world” by National Geographic .

Stay: You’ll find mostly small inns and Airbnbs in this rustic region, or you could drive a bit farther into Charlottesville, Waynesboro or Staunton for more traditional hotels. Check into the cozy bed-and-breakfast-style Inn at Stinson Vineyards , which overlooks the vines on this scenic estate. Also nearby, the Afton Mountain Inn is a boutique hotel in a 19th-century farmhouse with five guestrooms, a pool and a hot tub – all just minutes from the Parkway.

The drive (120 miles, 3.5 hours): After entering the Parkway at Rockfish Gap, you’ll focus the first leg of your journey on the Ridge Region, which stretches from here to Roanoke. Just over five miles in, stop at the Humpback Rocks visitor center and take a quick walk around the mountain farm, which offers a taste of life in 1890s Appalachia. There are also three different hiking trails here , ranging from easy to strenuous.

Continue down the road, stopping at any overlooks or trails that strike your fancy – Greenstone Overlook (milepost 8), Yankee Horse Ridge (milepost 34), and Thunder Ridge (milepost 74) are easy, worthwhile stops. At milepost 89, break for lunch at the Peaks of Otter. The restaurant at the Peaks of Otter Lodge has views of Sharp Top Mountain, and a shuttle (or strenuous hike) will take you nearly to the summit to enjoy panoramic views of the area. Spend the afternoon exploring the Peaks of Otter area – Johnson Farm, the Fallingwater Cascades Trail and Harkening Hill are all great hikes. Then continue driving south toward Roanoke (milepost 120).

Hikers take in the view of the Appalachian Mountains from McAfee Knob on Catawba Mountain.

Day 2: Roanoke / The Plateau Region

Vibes: An outdoorsy mountain town, rolling farmland and Appalachian culture.

Do: Downtown Roanoke is one of the biggest cities near the Parkway, just a few minutes' drive from multiple access points. Its vibrant historic district has all the hallmarks of a cool mid-sized Southern town: breweries, street art, museums and trendy boutiques. Enjoy a wander around the pedestrian-friendly downtown before resting up for a day of exploring the Parkway’s Plateau Region.

Eat: For dinner, River & Rail Restaurant will give you a taste of Southern cuisine sourced directly from the Roanoke and New River Valleys. Before hitting the road the next morning, swing by Bread Craft Bakery for a breakfast sandwich and/or sticky buns. Crystal Spring Grocery Co. has a nice selection of ready-made sandwiches, salads and other snacks that are ideal for taking on the road.

Stay: Roanoke has a typical range of hotel options, including chain hotels for budget-minded travelers. For something with a bit more character, check out The Liberty Trust , a luxury boutique hotel housed in a restored former bank building. The Tudor-style Hotel Roanoke is another historic property, though this one is quite a bit grander and a member of the Historic Hotels of America. Both are conveniently situated in the city center.

The drive (79 miles, 2.5 hours): Today, you’ll be driving through the Plateau Region of the Parkway, which stretches from Roanoke to Galax, just near the border of Virginia and North Carolina. Begin by entering the Parkway at milepost 120 and driving up Mill Mountain Spur Road, where you can see the largest man-made free-standing star in the world and take in views of the city below. Then head south, stopping at Cahas Knob (milepost 139) and Devil’s Backbone (milepost 143) for even more breathtaking views.

At milepost 176, stop at Mabry Mill and the Rocky Knob Visitor Center to enjoy your picnic lunch and then explore historical exhibits around the gristmill, sawmill and blacksmith shop. Keep driving to the Blue Ridge Music Center (milepost 213), a performing arts facility built to promote and preserve the historic music of the region. Exhibitions take a deep dive into American roots music, and you’ll often hear local musicians performing here. Exit at milepost 199 and wrap up the day in Carroll County, a region that’s known for mountain views and bluegrass.

Wide-angle view down Main Street in Galax, Virginia on a sunny, autumn day

Day 3: Galax / The Highlands Region

Vibes: Mountain music, old-timey towns and waterfalls.

Do: Virginia’s heritage music trail, the Crooked Road, runs through this region – it’s a worthy detour for fans of bluegrass and American roots music. Galax has a small downtown with antique shops and restaurants.

Eat: Local beer, brick-oven pizzas, and wings are on the menu at Creek Bottom Brews in Galax. Briar Patch Marketplace & Cafe is a coffee shop and antique store downtown. The Gap Deli is conveniently situated for coffee, pastries and sandwiches as you head back on the road.

Stay: Galax, Hillsville and Fancy Gap have a handful of affordable chain hotels to choose from, including a Hampton Inn and Comfort Inn. Or go for the true mountain experience by booking a cabin in the woods with Fiddler’s Roost or New River Trail Cabins .

The drive (94 miles, 3 hours): Get ready for an increase in elevation today as you enter North Carolina and the Parkway’s dramatic Highlands Region. Begin your day at the Fancy Gap entrance at milepost 199, and head south toward Cumberland Knob (milepost 217). This is where construction of the Parkway began in 1935 as part of the New Deal initiative, intended to get Americans back to work following the Great Depression.

With open meadows and rolling hills, Doughton Park (mileposts 238-244) is a great place for spotting wildlife like deer, foxes and raccoons. You can also see historical demonstrations at Brinegar Cabin, explore an old homestead, and hike more than 30 miles of trails in this area. Nearby Northwest Trading Post (milepost 258) is a good stop for souvenirs and snacks. Pause for a picnic at E.B. Jeffress Park (milepost 272), and take a quick hike to see the Cascades waterfalls afterward.

Then, continue driving into the Grandfather Mountain corridor, stopping at Moses Cone Memorial Park, home of the Parkway Craft Center and an extensive network of trails. Stop for the evening in the village of Blowing Rock (milepost 293).

Linn Cove Viaduct along Blue Ridge Parkway.

Day 4: Blowing Rock / The Highlands and Pisgah Regions

Vibes: High peaks, tunnels and a stunning gorge.

Do: Explore Blowing Rock’s storybook downtown, which is said to be the inspiration behind bestselling author Jan Karon’s books. The quaint Main Street corridor has plenty of boutiques, antique shops and cafes to choose from. Edgewood Cottage is a gallery specializing in local High Country artists, and the Blowing Rock Art & History Museum will give you a deeper understanding of the area. Five minutes from downtown, visit the Blowing Rock , a dramatic rock outcrop high above the valley with magnificent views.

Eat: On the edge of downtown Blowing Rock, the Speckled Trout explores the roots of Appalachian food and beverage culture. Bald Guy Brew and Camp Coffee Roasters are both solid stops for morning coffee and pastries. Blowing Rock Market is perfect for picking up road snacks and picnic supplies.

Stay: For an upscale stay, Chetola Resort is a luxurious mountain lodge, while Gideon Ridge Inn is a cozy B&B with an award-winning restaurant. If you prefer something more central, the Inn at Ragged Gardens is situated in an early-1900s manor house in the heart of the village.

The drive (89 miles, 3 hours): On today’s drive, continue through the Highlands Region and into the Pisgah Region, ending in Asheville. Around milepost 304, you’ll hit the iconic Linn Cove Viaduct , an engineering marvel that hugs the face of Grandfather Mountain – one of the most photographed spots on the Parkway. There’s a bridge museum and visitor center at the south end of the viaduct.

Consider exiting at milepost 305 to visit Grandfather Mountain , a privately operated attraction famed for its mile-high swinging bridge and wildlife habitats. Back on the Parkway, Linville Falls (milepost 316) has trails leading to the three-tiered waterfalls over a steep-walled gorge that’s been called the Grand Canyon of the Southern Appalachians. Stop by the visitor center and relax with a picnic nearby after your hike – but keep in mind that this is one of the most popular stops on the Parkway, and it can get crowded.

Moving on, you’ll notice the landscape becoming more rugged, and you’ll drive through an increasing number of tunnels. Enter the Pisgah Region around Crabtree Falls (milepost 340), which offers a strenuous but rewarding hike. At milepost 355, Mount Mitchell State Park boasts the highest peak in the Eastern US at 6684ft, with a road that leads nearly all the way to an observation deck at the summit.

There’s also a Natural History Museum, gift shop and restaurant on site. If you have any energy/daylight left, stop at Craggy Gardens (milepost 364) for postcard-perfect views that are especially stunning in early summer, when the rhododendrons are in bloom. End the day by driving into Asheville (milepost 382), the official headquarters of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

People enjoy the outside patio at 12 Bones Smokehouse barbecue restaurant in the River Arts District on May 11, 2018 in Asheville, North Carolina

Day 5: Asheville / The Pisgah Region

Vibes: Beer, folk art and high elevations.

Do: You won’t struggle to find things to do in Asheville , like visiting the Biltmore Estate , microbreweries and plenty of art galleries. At the entrance to the Parkway, the Folk Art Center (milepost 382) is home to the Southern Highland Craft Guild. It features exhibits, demonstrations, and a shop devoted to promoting regional artists. The Asheville Botanical Garden and North Carolina Arboretum are also notable stops for nature lovers. Visit the River Arts District to browse the working studios of hundreds of artists.

Eat: If you’re after seasonally inspired, locally sourced cuisine, Asheville has more than a few acclaimed spots helmed by award-winning chefs – Rhubarb , The Market Place and Chai Pani are just a few. 12 Bones Smokehouse is reportedly the Obamas’ pick for barbecue when they’re in town. Or get a taste of the buzzy local beer scene with your meal at Sierra Nevada , Burial Beer Co. or Wicked Weed’s Funkatorium .

Stay: Asheville has no shortage of design-forward hotels both in and around the city. In the interest of staying on theme with our Parkway drive, head to Autocamp Asheville , which offers glamping in Airstreams, cabins and tents. Wrong Way River Lodge & Cabins is a collection of A-frames just off the French Broad River Greenway. And the Omni Grove Park Inn is a luxurious, sprawling resort near the Parkway that’s been welcoming mountaineers for over a century.

The drive (87 miles, 3 hours): For your final day of driving, head southwest from Asheville to Cherokee, toward the Great Smoky Mountains. At milepost 408, you’ll hit Mount Pisgah . Pause here to enjoy the spectacular views from the hiking trails and lunch at the Pisgah Inn, then keep driving through some of the highest elevations on the Parkway, consistently topping more than 5000ft.

Stop at Graveyard Fields (milepost 418) to take in the view from the overlook, or take the two-mile loop trail to Yellowstone Falls. Richland Balsam Overlook (milepost 431) boasts the highest elevation on the Parkway at 6053 feet. And finally, Waterrock Knob (milepost 451) has views over all the major Southern mountain ranges, including the Great Smokies, the Great Balsams and the Craggies. End your journey in Cherokee, North Carolina, where the Parkway gives way to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

This article was first published Jan 31, 2020 and updated Sep 17, 2024.

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What happened at McKay's bookstore? Inside the cross-state road trip for a hot bargain

Portrait of Daniel Dassow

The left turn into and out of the Knoxville McKay's used books and record store on Papermill Drive is a headache on a normal day.

But when the store celebrated its 50th anniversary July 9 with an all-day, prize-filled road trip to five locations in Tennessee and North Carolina, traffic was exacerbated − and some got more than they bargained for.

Knoxville, as a convergence point between the far ends of Nashville and Mebane, North Carolina, took the day's frenzy to a new level, as the Knoxville Fire Department and Knox County ambulance provider AMR evaluated 23 people while they waited in a heat index that reached 105 degrees.

Another three people were taken to the hospital, Assistant Chief Mark Wilbanks of the Knoxville Fire Department told Knox News.

'Woodstock of 2024': McKay's road trippers reminisce and cash in after a hot day in lines

A crowd of 500 to 600 people snaked in a line from the store's entrance down to the road before McKay's shut down the event early at 5 p.m. and told those waiting in the Knoxville line − and those about to arrive − that they should move on to their next stop.

Wilbanks gave credit to the store's managers for closing down the event for safety while trying to ensure participants got what they came for.

"There were people there that certainly were healthy, but nobody can stand standing out in the hot sun for multiple hours, and it was so hot and humid yesterday," Wilbanks said. "I don't think they realized that it would be the size that it was. I don't think they intentionally did anything wrong."

Here's how the wildly popular McKay's got to this moment.

What happened during the McKay's Ultimate Road Trip?

McKay's created its ambitious Ultimate Road Trip in honor of its 50th anniversary. On one day, if fans ages 18 and older could navigate the roughly nine-hour road trip to five stores between Nashville and Mebane, North Carolina, they would be rewarded with $800 of store credit and other prizes.

Each store came with a prize, beginning with a passport to be stamped along the 570-mile journey. But fans didn't have to visit all five stores to get rewards, or visit in any particular order:

  • First store : McKay's passport
  • Second store : McKay's T-shirt
  • Third store : $50 McKay's store credit, travel mug and snack pack
  • Fourth store : $250 McKay's store credit and commemorative poster
  • Fifth store : $500 McKay's store credit

Our $800 McKay's shopping list: Obscure titles, a 'Peppa Pig' cap and one pricey dinosaur

On the store's FAQ page for the road trip, McKay's seemed to understand the risks involved. Under the question, "Won't too many people do this?" the site says, "You only turn 50 once, and we're looking forward to giving back to our community in a big way!"

Early in the morning, it became clear McKay's might have attracted more fans than it expected on the hot July day. At its Mebane store, people got out of their cars in a traffic jam to walk to the store, according to social media posts.

McKay's began modifying the requirements, telling thousands of exasperated travelers they could skip stores and still get stamps. The store also extended the deadline from 10 p.m. to midnight.

Some travelers said they ended the night with $800 of store credit, even if they didn't get to all the stores.

A public Facebook page for the event was flooded with memes and complaints throughout the day about logistical problems, line skippers and the heat.

How long has McKay's been in Knoxville?

McKay's was founded in North Carolina in 1974 to be a "free enterprise library," where people could buy cheap secondhand books and return them for store credit if they wished. After opening the "Edward McKay" bookstore, the company split ownership and became McKay's, according to its website .

Knoxville was the first Tennessee location for McKay's when the store opened here in 1985. It has been on Papermill Drive since 2005. Its Chattanooga store opened in 1990, and its Nashville store opened in 2007.

When McKay's bought back the Edward McKay stores in 2017, it resumed its North Carolina presence in Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Earlier this year, McKay's moved its Greensboro store to a new building in nearby Mebane.

What makes McKay's so popular?

The McKay's warehouse-style store on Papermill Drive is popular because of its abundance of used books, records, CDs, movies, video games and other collectibles. It's open seven days a week and until 10 p.m. Monday-Saturday, making it a rainy day or late-night activity.

It also has upheld its original promise of allowing customers to return items for store credit. McKay's offers cash or store credit for used books, DVDs, CDs, games, records and collectibles, regardless of whether they originally came from the store.

Why is Knoxville McKay's unionized?

In addition to heat-related hospitalizations, Knoxville's McKay's is unique in another way: It's the only McKay's store that has unionized.

Workers voted overwhelmingly to unionize on Nov. 8, 2022, though the union has yet to reach a contract with the store after more than a year of bargaining. The union formed to negotiate store labor policies, like sick leave and discipline, as well as fair pay, according to a union pamphlet.

A draft letter to McKay's owners posted online calls on them to "listen to workers' priorities, reject union-busting tactics like dragging out the bargaining process and pitting stores against one another, and instead, take the high road - come to the table and bargain a fair first contract in good faith."

Daniel Dassow is a growth and development reporter focused on technology and energy. Phone 423-637-0878. Email  [email protected] .

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