• Travel Systems

Baby Style Oyster 2 Travel System review

Baby Style Oyster 2 Pushchair

Lightweight and compact, it has a narrow chassis but a full-width seat, so it’s handy for busy urban areas.

Suitable from birth with a lay-flat seat, this can be converted into a travel system by adding the Oyster Max carrycot or a Group 0+ car seat.

The seat unit is reversible and the pushchair can be folded with the seat in either position. Swivelling and lockable front wheels offer good manoeuvrability, and independent cantilever suspension across all four wheels makes light work of bumpier terrain.

The footrest is adjustable, and this model comes with an extendable hood and sun canopy with integral UV sunshade.

Discover the pushchair and car seat winners of the Mother&Baby Awards

Jay Brownlee, 32, from Stirling, is mum to Naomi, three, Miriam, two, and Lydia, three weeks. She says: ‘Easy to fold up, even with the seat unit in place, although the bumper bar has to be removed. Seat seemed small and not especially comfortable.’

Susanne Remic, 37, from Bolton, is mum to Isobel, two, and Elsie, four weeks. She says: ‘A travel system with a sturdy frame which is easy to fold/unfold. But attaching the car seat to the frame is fiddly. The car seat doesn’t have ISOFIX fittings.’

Gemma Ridlington, 29, from Halesowen, is mum to Alexis, two, and Robyn, seven months. She says: ‘This is lightweight and the seat position is easy to adjust. It folds down easily, so it’s great on public transport. And it’s manoeuvrable with one hand.’

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Baby Style Oyster 2 Pushchair

Weighs: 10kg

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Babystyle Oyster 2 Review – Our Best Investment!

Posted on Published: June 13, 2017  - Last updated: January 18, 2022

Home » Family » Babystyle Oyster 2 Review – Our Best Investment!

I’ve been meaning to write this Babystyle Oyster 2 review for a long time. A really long time. I don’t even know how long ago we bought our Oyster 2 pushchair now, but it must be around two years – and even a year ago I told my husband that meant I couldn’t possibly photograph it for a review because it was not looking its best.

Thankfully, he made me see sense with his logic: surely if you guys are going to read Oyster 2 travel system reviews, your preference would be for the one written by somebody who has owned the thing for longer than a week, right?

Right. So here, it is: my Oyster 2 travel system review, in all it’s battered glory…

What to Look For in a Pushchair?

I wanted a pushchair which could be used for a fairly young infant (less than 12 months), but would last through to toddlerhood – therefore a forward and rear-facing seat was essential.

I wanted something which would fold up neatly and relatively compactly, but was also substantial enough to stand the test of time; something fairly sturdy for use on slightly rough terrain – and it needed a fair-sized basket so I could do a week’s shopping on foot. Essentially, I wanted a decent all-rounder – and I didn’t want to remortgage my home in order to make the purchase.

I had no specific budget to work towards, but as with planning our wedding , I realised pretty quickly that to get a pushchair with all the features I wanted I’d need to double the loose idea I had in mind.

I decided around £400 was a reasonable amount to spend on something I’d use most days for at least a couple of years, and from reading other Babystyle Oyster 2 reviews, it seemed to fit the bill.

Babystyle Oyster 2 Review

Here’s my comprehensive review of the Oyster travel system…

Babystyle Oyster 2

Babystyle Oyster 2 Specifications

  • Chassis weight with wheels: 6.75 kg
  • Chassis with wheels & seat (complete): 11 kg
  • Stroller (with wheels) folded with seat unit: 52 x 70 x 55 cm
  • Stroller (with wheels) folded without seat unit: 33 x 70 x 55 cm
  • Chassis folded with wheels removed: 26 x 70 x 51 cm
  • Stroller erect with seat unit: 80-94 x 93-106 x 55 cm
  • Seat width: 30 cm
  • Seat depth: 26 cm
  • Seat length (fully reclined): 85 cm
  • Handle height: 94-106 cm
  • Wheel diameter (rear): 25 cm
  • Wheel diameter (front): 18 cm

Oyster 2 Add-Ons

One of the great things about the Oyster 2 pushchair is the fact that it can be used as part of a travel system. This makes it really versatile for varying ages.

This can be purchased for around £130 and is recommended for small babies.

  • Carrycot weight: 3.5 kg
  • Carrycot inside dimensions: 72 x 31 (at centre) x 17 cm

There are a variety of carseats which are compatible with the Oyster 2, including the popular Maxi Cosi Cabriofix (which I have for second time around) and the Britax Baby Safe ; alternatively Babystyle also make their own carseat . All of these can easily be affixed using adaptors.

Colour Pack

The Oyster 2 boasts a wide range of colour packs (my lovely coral colour is no longer available). For the RRP of £399.99, one of these is included with the pushchair chassis and seat – and for £70 they’re also available to buy separately should you wish to freshen up or update the colour of your pushchair.

The colour pack comprises:

  • Carseat head hugger

Note: For around £324 it’s possible to purchase the pushchair base and seat without a colour pack; however, if you intend using the pushchair with a hood, the colour pack is a necessary addition.

Oyster 2 Chassis

The Oyster 2 chassis concertinas into three, which makes it quite compact and is one of the main reasons I plumped for this pushchair.

Babystyle Oyster 2

Whenever a grandparent has taken it out they’ve needed a demonstration for opening and closing the base – every time. However I don’t personally find it difficult and think it’s quite simple to operate, though you do require both hands to fold it down.

Babystyle Oyster 2

The basket is could be larger, but is sufficient enough to take around three full bags of shopping.

Babystyle Oyster 2

Raising the handle bar is simply a case of pressing one button, and can be achieved using one hand.

Babystyle Oyster 2

The wheel lock function is the typical pushdown mechanism in the centre of the back wheels and common on lots of pushchairs; again, this can be applied or taken off with the flick of one foot.

Oyster 2 Seat

Using a handle on the back, the seat can be reclined to four different positions, from very upright to almost lying flat (though in flat position I wish there was an extra piece to the hood, to keep the sun off baby). This has proven to be superb for naps . There’s also a detachable bar which can be fitted across the seat and is ideal for hanging toys from.

Babystyle Oyster 2

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Babystyle Oyster 2

Once the colour pack is zipped on, this provides a cushioning for the seat and a hood. When the canopy is pulled fully forward there’s a small clear plastic window which allows you to peer into the seat, and a flap which velcroes down.

Babystyle Oyster 2

The pack also provides an apron, which can be clipped either side of the seat and provides some weather protection, though it won’t be as warm as the cosy toes which can be purchased separately.

Babystyle Oyster 2

Possibly the best feature of the seat is the fact that it can be attached to the pushchair forward or rear-facing. When Pixie was tiny I wanted to be able to see her whilst pushing; as she got older it became inevitable that she’d be far more content looking out. (It’s worth noting that it’s quite difficult to manoeuvre the seat from one direction to the other while the baby is strapped in and I wouldn’t recommend attempting it.)

Removing the seat from the base is straight forward, though two hands are required: simply release the two clips either side of the seat and pull it up and away from the chassis.

Babystyle Oyster 2

Oyster 2 Rain Cover

As you’d expect, the Oyster 2 comes with a rain cover. This is probably the most disappointing feature of the pushchair in my opinion – it lasted poorly and I had to replace it quite quickly (with a generic Mothercare alternative – which, incidentally, was cheap and brilliant).

Oyster 2 Manoeuverability

The wheels of the pushchair are hard plastic, and therefore probably a little less suited to rough terrain than those which pump up. However, in general they’re pretty good.

I discovered that the wheels can get stuck sometimes when attempting to negotiate even a small bump or dip, and it’s necessary to raise the front wheel over uneven ground rather than simply pushing against it. Similarly, going down a kerb forwards can cause problems, it’s far safer to go backwards to avoid accidents.

Oyster 2, Folded

The pushchair chassis can be collapsed and stored with or without the seat attached, though the unit is far more compact when they’re folded down independently.

Babystyle Oyster 2

An average-sized car boot is more than sufficient to house the pushchair, but you may struggle to fit much more than the Oyster 2 itself.

My Verdict of the Babystyle Oyster 2 Travel System

For a versatile, mid-range travel system the Babystyle Oyster 2 is a fab investment. I’ll be using it again for baby number two, and apart from a little wear and tear it’s mostly held up for around two years already. The fact that I can freshen it up with a new colour pack should I choose to do so means that this is a really great choice for families who plan to use a pushchair for more than one child.

Head over to my hub round-up post for more  breastfeeding, baby, and toddler reviews .

Privacy Overview

Babystyle Oyster 2

The Babystyle Oyster 2 (also known as the Oy2) is an improved version of the popular Oyster . The Oyster 2 is relatively light and narrow, but still quite sturdy. The chunky wheels with foam-filled tires have a light suspension to ensure the smoothest ride. It can handle all kinds of terrain, but it is not designed for off-roading. To get through rougher terrain, optional rear wheels with air-filled tires are available. An enlarged basket can handle even a mountain of shopping.

The Oyster 2 looks more luxurious thanks to the visible silver frame around the entire seat part and hood. The padded seat with built-in mosquito net is even more comfortable. The seat is more upright, so the baby will not lean when sitting. In addition to the three original positions, the fourth - fully reclined position was added, so you could place even the smallest children into the seat. The safety harness have been extended so the larger children will also fit in comfortably. The upgraded hood is more curved, so it won’t rub against the child’s head so soon. In addition, it extends silently so that the little sleeper doesn’t wake up. If you are looking for a full-featured system from birth, you can create it with a carrycot or a car seat. You can place them onto the chassis at the standard height or raise them with the optional elevating adapters.

You can personalize your Oyster 2 by mix and matching different colors. The chassis is available in glossy silver and black. For the new model, you can also pick black or "camel" brown color of the leatherette handle. To the basic black seat, you can add an optional Color Pack. The set consists of a hood, matching seat liner, head support and now a footmuff in a fabric bag. You have plenty of colors to choose from including the popular striped Vogue Humbug. The Oyster 2 underwent a mini facelift in 2016 improving the quality of textiles available in new colors.

The Oyster 2 also came out in limited editions with a hand-sewn leather handle. The City Gray is all in gray, including its chassis. The City Bronze is a combination of beige and black with a bronze chassis and trimmed parts. For the year 2018, the Rose Gold will surprise you by the glossy black textiles that contrast with the pink gold chassis.

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Being musicians as well, we created a special holiday song for you to share a wintery, Christmas vibe with us. We hope it brings you a bit of calm (we all need it). ♥️


Babystyle Oyster 2 Features & Specifications

The seat unit, the canopy (hood), the bumper bar, the suspension, the handlebar, the carrycot, the car seat, the accessories & extra features, parent reviews of the babystyle oyster 2, it has everything you need.

  • color packs for both seat and bassinet part (hood, pad)
  • an apron / - thanks to it I can create a "new stroller" when I feel like I need a change of style
  • a lot of accessories - built-in mosquito net, raincoat, stroller pad, footrest; in other strollers it has to be laboriously adjusted and the price increases
  • comfortable padding and really soft seating in the seat part
  • height-adjustable handle covered with eco-leather, also a belly bar / handle in front of the child
  • sprung wheels
  • spacious basket and especially easy to access
  • relatively light, approx. 11 kg
  • good manoeuvrability
  • window in the hood
  • the only major drawback I see is the inability to adjust the height of the canopy as with the newer oyster 3 model - if this could be done, the stroller would last from birth to the end of the stroller need without the need to buy a buggy; but then we wouldn't be able to change strollers so much :)

The ideal city stroller. Smart, agile - it has everything you need. I recommend from birth to about 2 years. Great advantage - the "color packs" .

My daughter does too

Not only do I like the stroller, but my daughter does too. She seems to be happy in it 🙋♀️We'll use it 100% 😗

A great stroller

Its a great stroller in my opinion <3 <3 <3

Your questions about the Babystyle Oyster 2

I've noticed that there are 2 stud buttons at the top of the pushchair seat unit (right at the top of headrest, on the inside where the hood starts). I cannot figure out what they are for as the padded insert doesn't have any corresponding buttons to secure it to.

Have you got any idea what they are for???

As far as I know, they should be used for an original footmuff.

This is your place to ask us a (quick) question about the Babystyle Oyster 2

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BabyStyle Oyster 2 - Travel System - Special Edition Wolf Grey (Tan Handle)

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The Oyster2 Special Edition Wolf Grey

  • Colour Pack
  • Changing Bag

Pushchair Features

  • Suitable from birth
  • Multi position, lie-flat seat unit
  • Parent facing or forward facing option
  • Narrow lightweight chassis
  • Height adjustable handle
  • Lockable swivel front wheels
  • Leatherette handle and bumper bar
  • Large shopping basket
  • Transforms into a travel system
  • Wide range of accessories available in a choice of co-ordinating colours
  • Chassis weight with wheels: 6.75kg
  • Stroller (with wheels) folded without Seat Unit: 33 x 70 x 55cm

Carrycot Features

  • Includes Hood, Apron, Raincover and Safety Mattress
  • Carrycot inside dimensions: 72 x 31(at centre) x 17cm
  • Weight: 3.5kg

Car Seat Features

  • Suitable from Birth(0-13kg)
  • Chest harness comfort pads
  • Buckle comfort safety pad
  • Lightweight base
  • Folding sun/weather hood
  • Easy 3 point harness

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  • Oyster Car Seat

BabyStyle Oyster Car Seat

Oyster Car Seat

4.45 /5 40 reviews --> -->

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  • Comfortable
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« Small and light car seat »

« great car seat ».

Comfy and sturdy

« Good all rounder »

Attatches onto pushchair frame well

Flimsy hood

Good colours to match pram comfortable for newborns very lieghtwieght

Very small doesn’t last until age it says doesn’t lie back enough very flimsy hood

« Very cheap material »

Not comfortable

« Lovely Carseats »

Light and Good padding

« Oyster catseat »

Fits travel system, comes with footmuff comfy can fit any car easy to use

Hood could be more supported

« Perfect first time car seat »

Very comfy straps fitted nice easy to strap into car

« Lovely car seat »

Nice looking, easy to use

Hood doesn't stay up very well

« Safe and simple »

Extreamly safe and comfortable for baby and very user friendly

Not available in isofix

« Flimsy hood »

Seems sturdy

Quite upright for a newborn, hood very flimsy

« Looks nice but isn't practical »

Looks good, matching colours to pushchair and carry cot

Not laid back enough for new borns, very stuff seat belt clip at the back

« Comfort zonw »


« Carseat »

Detachable sun canopy

Securing the seat belt is difficult and awkward

« great quality »

amazing quality on this car seat

« Good value car seat »

Gets along with our double oyster max pram

Design could be better

« Good little car seat though doesn't feel as sturdy as some »

Light and small

Feels a bit flimsy

Best safety

Bit heavy with the baby

« Live this »

Lightweight easy to use

Havent found one yet

Light weight and easy to use. Keeps baby secure and comfy

3 point harness instead of 5

« Loved this »

Very comfortable for Baby and easy to hold

The good doesn’t stay up very well even when not windy

Easy to carry around

« Great product »

« carseat », write a review.

Suitable from birth, the BabyStyle Oyster car seat is an ideal choice for your baby's first car seat.

Easily fitted with your vehicle's 3 point seat belt, you will be ready to travel in seconds!

  • Lightweight - easy to transport
  • One Pull 3 point adjustable harness
  • Matching hood and apron included to co-ordinate with your Oyster Pushchair
  • Other co-coordinating accessories available in the range
  • Suitable from birth - 12 Months
  • Direction of Travel: Rear Facing
  • Fits: Babystyle Oyster Pushchair
  • Material: Cotton and PVC
  • Length (cm): 35 Weight of Child: birth to 13kg Width (cm): 78 Height (cm): 42
  • Car Seat Group: Group 0+ Car Seat Fitting Type: Belted
  • Weight: 4kg
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oyster 2 travel system car seat

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Review: Babystyle Oyster 2

The Babystyle Oyster 2 is a pushchair/pram travel system which replaces the original Oyster. It was brought out in 2014 in two ‘finishes’ one black and the other a mirror finish chassis. We bought the black colour pack, however, many bright colours are available eg. reds, blue, purple as well as some additional ‘Vogue’ patterns. You can see them here on the Babystyle website .

So, you choose your chassis (black or mirror), then your pushchair seat colour pack (this also includes the hood, seat cover and apron cover), and if you’d like a carrycot, you select that and it’s colour pack (again includes the hood and apron).

The chassis: ?It has a lovely finish and feels very robust. We tried lots of prams and some felt wobbly or plastic-y. This feels well made and like it will last. The handle extends and I must say mine is always up a few knotches. It is very very easy to adjust and comfy to push. Hubby likes it too (he’s close to 6 foot and I’m 5’5″). The chassis folds really easily. Pull the levers and lift over and slot the handle into the catch. To undo, just undo the catch and lift up. Easy peasy!

Wheels: the wheels look very hard wearing, we’ve used ours pretty much daily, ranging from half hour walk to the shops to several hours for a proper walk. There is some wear, there is not much tread left, but we’ve never had a problem or puncture like some friends do with their pushchairs. The front wheels can be locked into position for going over rough ground, or, unlocked so they swivel 360 and give you a very tight turning circle and great manouverability. We generally leave them unlocked.

Pushchair: nice and sturdy and so easy to attach to the chassis. It can also face front or back so brilliant for all ages. Even better, it is suitable from birth as it lies flat! However, when young, I thought Baby H looked so so lost in this mode. She obviously has to be strapped in and the straps didn’t really go tight enough (even when I tried at 3 months). I would say we’re very glad we bought the carrycot, and if we hadn’t, then we very quickly would have. I also think the seat seems a bit exposed as it’s completely flat, other pushchairs often have sides and in the way Baby H never seems very cosy -I didn’t notice this at when shopping for pushchairs, but have noticed friends’s babies always look nice and cosy and protected.

Apron cover: the cover is really easy to attach it just poppers onto the back of the seat cover. The apron cover is more a thin rain cover and definitely not for warmth – it’s not fleecy and really feels quite harsh on both sides. You’d really need to buy the proper footmuff (or a generic one, the lady we spoke to in John Lewis said most footmuffs fit all pushchairs, but please don’t hold me to that!!).

Pushchair rain cover: great as it’s included, it just attaches on with Velcro. But seems a bit flappy when you have baby facing you, I can’t really see where to attach both bottom Velcro straps. I think it works better when baby faces away. Baby H does get her little fingers around the cover, so she sometimes has one wet hand, but I think this is partly because the pushchair in very flat and she’s not ‘inset’ into it, like in many others (there are no sides). However, with the apron cover on, Baby H looks much more wrapped up and protected.

Pushchair bug cover: built in to the bottom of he seat! So easy to use just pop it over the hood and attach to the poppers on the back of the seat. Brilliant and well thought out. I often use it I’d it’s windy to stop any dust getting into the pushchair (I don’t really know if it works, but it feels like I’m helping)

Carrycot: again very easy to fit, all of the attachments just pop onto the chassis. Like the pushchair, the carrycot feels very sturdy, well built and secure. It covered Baby H well throughout the winter rain, sleet and snow and we just popped a blanked over the matress so she was snug underneath as well as a pram blanket over her (under the apron cover). Snug as a bug in a rug!

Carrycot rain covers: included with the carrycot, which is fantastic, he last thing you want to do is buy more! It fitted well, it was quite tight, but it just meant it withstood the weather!

Car seat adapters: very easy to use. If you have a maxi cosi car seat you can leave the adaptors on the car seat all the time instead of adding them on every time…! We learnt that lesson after much fiddling around putting the adaptors onto the chassis each time then slotting on the carrycot. We were always paranoid of loosing one or forgetting them if we switched car or something!

Fitting in the car : well it fits in my Skoda Fabia on its side, however, we could not fit it, and the car seat in the Nissan Note (the boot was big enough if the back seats were slid right forward, but then the car seat didn’t fit!). Also fits nicely flat in the boot of the Hyundai IX20 or Kia Venga – there’s even space to the side for quite a few shopping bags! Obviously fits very nicely in bigger cars like the Hyundai i30, Vauxhall Astra or Audi A3.

Remember if your car seat fits, to buy the car seat adaptors as well. Buy the Maxi-Cosi Car Seat Adaptors from Amazon by clicking here .

Verdict: 9/10

A great pram system, that seems sturdy and robust and, when we asked about repairs and returns at our local pram centre queried they said it was a great system and they didn’t really come across any problems (if they did they wouldn’t stock and recommend it). The carrycot is definitely worth it as the pushchair is a bit big for a little newborn.

It is a bit bulky, but is better than so many others we looked at. It’s only 56cm wide so is narrower than most and fits through doors and around shops nicely. It’s also very nice to push and the extending handle is very easy to adjust. I wouldn’t be without it!

Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review and did not receive any items for free. We and our family paid for this ourselves and this review is my honest opinion after 8 months of use.

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Thank you! X

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Love From Clueless Mum

Thank you ?

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Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)

Thank you Sarah. It is good, but I think you’re right a lot do similar. We also noticed that they all have little quirks that are just down to user preference. X

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I’ve heard good things about the Oyster. We have just had to get a quinny zapp so that it fits in our boot when we have the seat up. Great review. Thanks for linking to #picknmix

The Buzz is meant to be neat. Thank you!

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There’s nothing worse than a wobbly feeling pram is there! What a great thorough review. Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week 🙂

Thank you Colette x

August Review, September Bucket List - New Mummy Blog

[…] I’ve also #reviewed: Munchkin 360 No Spill Cup, Mothercare Panda Highchair, & the Babystyle Oyster 2 Travel System. […]

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[…] but has some drawbacks, and I waited 6 months before reviewing it. You can read my Oyster 2 review here. I love my Oyster, my car seat slots onto it, and it has the pram attachment, however, as a […]

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  1. Baby Style Oyster 2 Travel System | Pushchairs & Prams | Buy

    Baby Style Oyster 2 Travel System review. Lightweight and compact, it has a narrow chassis but a full-width seat, so it’s handy for busy urban areas. Suitable from birth with a lay-flat seat, this can be converted into a travel system by adding the Oyster Max carrycot or a Group 0+ car seat.

  2. Babystyle Oyster 2 Review - Pros and Cons of the Travel System

    Oyster 2 Seat. Using a handle on the back, the seat can be reclined to four different positions, from very upright to almost lying flat (though in flat position I wish there was an extra piece to the hood, to keep the sun off baby). This has proven to be superb for naps.

  3. Babystyle Oyster 2 stroller reviews, questions, dimensions ...

    If you are looking for a full-featured system from birth, you can create it with a carrycot or a car seat. You can place them onto the chassis at the standard height or raise them with the optional elevating adapters.

  4. BabyStyle Oyster 2 - Travel System - Special Edition Wolf ...

    Pushchair Features. Suitable from birth. Multi position, lie-flat seat unit. Parent facing or forward facing option. Narrow lightweight chassis. Height adjustable handle. Lockable swivel front wheels. Leatherette handle and bumper bar. Large shopping basket.

  5. BabyStyle Oyster Car Seat - Reviews - ConsoBaby

    Suitable from birth, the BabyStyle Oyster car seat is an ideal choice for your baby's first car seat. Easily fitted with your vehicle's 3 point seat belt, you will be ready to travel in seconds! Features:

  6. Review: Babystyle Oyster 2 - New Mummy Blog

    Car seat adapters: very easy to use. If you have a maxi cosi car seat you can leave the adaptors on the car seat all the time instead of adding them on every time…! We learnt that lesson after much fiddling around putting the adaptors onto the chassis each time then slotting on the carrycot.