White House: Biden to travel to Britain, Lithuania, Finland from July 9

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Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama

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President biden meets the lithuanian president ahead of nato summit.

President Joe Biden used his meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania to reaffirm U.S. commitment to NATO ahead of the alliance's summit in Vilnius. July 11, 2023

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Remarks by President   Biden and President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania Before Bilateral Meeting | Vilnius,   Lithuania

Presidential Palace Vilnius, Lithuania

10:42 A.M. EEST   PRESIDENT NAUSĖDA:  (In progress.)  And, first of all, I would like to remind you that we are celebrating one and — 100 years of our establishment of our diplomatic relations.  Also, our cooperation recently is improving all the time.   But I would like also to thank for the non-recognition policy of the United States regarding the occupation of Lithuania in the Soviet Union.  It was very persistent policy.  It helped us — our spirit, moral spirit high.  And I think this is very important to remember, too.   The situation in our region is unfortunately deteriorating.  And you see what is happening around us.  And we see Belarus just swallowed into the Russian Federation, and we see that Belarus is becoming additional threat, additional factor of insecurity in the region.   So this is the reason why we ask the NATO — we ask our strongest Ally, United States — to pay a consistent atten- — attention to the security of our region.    And I think the NATO Summit, which takes place in Vilnius, in absolutely near proximity to adversary countries — this is symbolic event — symbolic.  But also, at the same time, this is a great opportunity to take the bold decisions, and we expect that they will be done.   This is very important to mention that we already have this Vilnius meeting as historical one, even before it started, because the membership of Sweden is already the — on the table.  And I think we will welcome the 32nd member of NATO very soon.   We have regional defense plans approved, and now it’s important that they become executable by the end of this year, with pre-positioning, with assigned forces.   We are probably — Lithuania is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of transatlantic bond in Europe — in European Union because we think that your participation, your attention is extremely important in this field of geopolitical uncertainty.    And at the same time, Lithuania is intending to buy — to acquire military equipment from United States.  And I would like to mention Black Hawks.  Also, we intend to buy HIMARS, JLTVs — Oshkosh.  And all this military equipment helps us to modernize our military forces.   At the same time, we are closely cooperating with Germany.  And recently, the very good decision was announced by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius to scale up the forward presence of eFP country Germany in Lithuania up to brigade size on a permanent basis.  So, I think it would be very positive to welcome this decision and welcome the engagement of all eFP countries in the region to increase the forward presence in our — in our region.   So, Mr. President, thank you so much for your participation in our NATO Summit.  I’m looking forward to closely cooperating with you and with our colleagues during these two days.    I’m looking forward to — to be able to listen to your speech tomorrow in Vilnius University.  It will be another historical moment for Lithuania.    And all the Lithuanian people greet you so warmly.  Even Vilnius — you see it’s a little bit empty right now, but this is because of security restrictions and some people decided to leave the city just to — to avoid some inconveniences.  But, you know, in our hearts — from bottom of our hearts, we welcome your visit, we welcome your arrival, and we are looking forward to cooperate with United States in the future.   PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Well, Mr. President, thank you for the welcome and thank your team as well.    You know, it’s great to be back in Vilnius.  I was here in 2014 as vice president shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine the first time and, at the time, talked about what I thought Russia was likely to continue to do.  Some people were somewhat skeptical of my judgment at the time and — but, unfortunately, it turned out to be accurate.   And the United States is here today to reaffirm our commitment to NATO but also to Vilnius.  Look, we — we go back a long way.  And the — when — we — we’re committed to Lithuania and to the Baltics and to NATO.   I remember — you may recall when we were having the debate in the United States Senate about enlarging NATO, and I was arguing very strongly that the Baltics should all be a part of NATO.  And you’ve been very, very added value.   And our pledge to be with you has not wavered.  It didn’t take us long to get thousands of troops here when Russia invaded the second time.  We’ll be able to — you can be assured that you’re going to have all that you need.   We have the Secretary of Defense with us today.  We can send him alone; he’s enough.  (Laughter.)  But — but all kidding aside, we —   And, look, as I’ve said before: We take, NATO takes, all of us take Article 5 literally.  One inch of NATO territory means we’re all — we’re all in a war together against whomever is violating that space, and we’re going to defend every inch of it.   And I want to thank you, Mr. President, for hosting this historic summit at an important time: the first time that NATO leaders will meet with 31 together, and looking forward to meeting very soon with 32 members with the addition of Sweden.   The leader of Sweden was just in my Oval Office not long ago, and we were hoping this would occur when it did.  And I’m confident we’ll get that done today.   And in the coming days, we’re also going to discuss a range of issues — how to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank and modernize NATO’s deterrence and defense capabilities.  And we’re going to be doing it in a place of — where those — those efforts truly matter every single, solitary day.  And we’re also going to discuss our support for the people of Ukraine.  And I want to thank you and — for your partnership and leadership as we take on this challenge together.    So, I look forward to our conversation today and to continuing to stand with you and all the people of Lithuania for a simple reason: shared values.  We have the same value set.  It’s important.  That’s what NATO is all about.  That’s what transatlantic alliance is about.   And as you probably heard, I am a very strong supporter of the transatlantic alliance.  I’ve learned that nothing happens here that doesn’t affect us.  So, we’re all in.    We’re looking forward to today.  Thank you.   PRESIDENT NAUSĖDA:  Thank you.   10:50 A.M. EEST

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presidential visits to lithuania

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy makes surprise visit to Lithuania to discuss war

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made an unannounced visit to Lithuania, a key ally of Kyiv as it battles Russia’s invasion .

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said in a statement he was welcoming Zelenskyy to his country, where the two leaders would discuss the war and Ukrainian “integration into the EU and NATO.”

Zelenksy said the issue of “cooperation on electronic warfare and drones” would also be on the agenda, following sustained Russian air strikes on Ukraine in what has been a bloody start to the new year.

Support for Ukraine in the Baltics has remained resolute while it has wavered in Washington. Ukraine in December received its last package of military aid from the United States until a divided Congress approves the Biden administration’s funding request, which seeks to steel Ukraine as it prepares to enter its third year of war.

Zelenskyy said that what his country is “sorely lacking” is modern air defence systems. Speaking in Vilnius during a press conference with Nauseda, Zelenskyy said “regarding the thing that as of today we are unable to produce short-term together with our partners is modern air defence systems. This is sorely lacking.”

  • Complete coverage of the war in Ukraine

“I think you’ve seen, and journalists know the details, that in the last days of December, the ‘holiday’ days for us, and in the first days of January, Russia attacked civilian infrastructure, people, kindergartens, schools, electricity. In total, there were 500 missile and drone strikes. We were able to repel an average of 70 per cent of these attacks. Unfortunately, there were casualties. My condolences to those who lost their loved ones,” Zelenskyy said.

“That is why we should fight this enemy with technology until we drive them out of our land and the war is over.”

Zelenskyy arrived Wednesday at the airport in Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital, on a plane bearing the Ukrainian coat of arms. He will then visit the other two Baltic states, Latvia and Estonia, he said on Telegram, without giving a timeline.

The Ukrainian president last visited Lithuania in July 2023 to attend the annual NATO summit , where he pushed for a clear path for his country to join the alliance and a timeline for its accession.

But despite Zelenskyy’s urgency and optimism, US President Joe Biden told CNN ahead of the summit that Ukraine could not be admitted to NATO while war was raging on its territory.

Ukraine did, however, secure a streamlined path to future membership. NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg said the bloc had changed Ukraine’s membership path “from a two-step process to a one-step process,” by removing the Membership Action Plan – a burdensome program of economic, defence and security reforms other recently admitted countries had to go through before joining the bloc.

Zelenskyy received a hero’s welcome from the Lithuanian public when he gave a speech in Lukiskes Square during the summit. Addressing thousands on a stage decked out with the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag, Zelenskyy said that “Ukraine will make NATO stronger.”

Lithuania was the first country to leave the Soviet Union, splitting from the bloc in March 1990. Lukiskes Square once featured a huge state of Lenin – and large crowds gathered to celebrate its removal in 1991. Many in the country retain deep historical resentment towards Russia, which has fuelled its staunch support for Ukraine.

Arriving in Vilnius Wednesday, Zelenskyy once again expressed his “gratitude” towards Lithuania. Writing on X, he thanked his ally for its “uncompromising support for Ukraine since 2014 and especially now, during Russia’s full-scale aggression.”

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, which monitors and ranks countries’ financial support for Ukraine, Lithuania has committed around 1.4 per cent of its GDP in aid for Ukraine – the second-highest amount among Kyiv’s allies, behind only Norway.

Yulia Kesaieva contributed to this report.

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presidential visits to lithuania

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Ukraine's Zelenskyy opens a visit to the Baltic nations, seeking more aid against Russia's invasion

Ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy has arrived in lithuania ahead of visits to estonia and latvia, as ukraine seeks more help to bolster its air defenses amid russia’s intensified missile and drone onslaughts in the latest development of the 22-month war, article bookmarked.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy began a visit Wednesday to the Baltic countries, arriving in Lithuania as his country seeks to bolster its air defenses amid Russia’s intensified missile and drone onslaughts in the 22-month-old war.

The focus of his two-day trip to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Zelenskyy said on his official Telegram channel, will be security concerns, Ukraine’s hopes to join the European Union and NATO, and building partnerships in drone production and electronic warfare capacities.

Zelenskyy thanked Lithuania for its military assistance and goodwill. He was expected in Estonia and Latvia on Thursday.

“We know how tiring this long-running war is, and we are interested in Ukraine’s complete victory in it as soon as possible,” Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda told reporters.

The small countries are among Ukraine’s staunchest political, financial and military supporters, and some in the Baltics worry that they could be Moscow’s next target.

They have pushed Kyiv’s other Western allies to provide increasingly sophisticated weapons since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.

The three countries were seized and annexed by Josef Stalin during World War II before regaining independence with the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. They joined NATO in 2004, placing themselves under the military protection of the U.S. and its Western allies.

“Democratic countries have done a lot to help Ukraine , but we need to do more together so that Ukraine wins and the aggressor loses,” Estonian President Alar Karis said in a statement.

“Then there is the hope that this will remain the last military aggression in Europe, where someone wants to dictate to their neighbor with missiles, drones and cannons what political choices can be made,” he said.

In his Telegram message, Zelenskyy expressed gratitude to the Baltic countries for their “uncompromising” support of Ukraine over the past 10 years, referring to 2014 when Russia’s aggression started with the illegal annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula.

Russia’s recent escalation of missile and drone attacks is stretching Ukraine’s air defense resources, a Ukrainian air force official said Tuesday, leaving the country vulnerable unless it can secure further weapons supplies.

Zelenskyy’s energetic international diplomacy during the war has been essential to maintain pressure on friendly countries to keep supplying Kyiv with billions of dollars in weaponry, including German Leopard tanks, U.S. Patriot missile systems and British Storm Shadow cruise missiles.

That support has tailed off recently, however. A plan by the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden to send to Kyiv billions of dollars in further aid is stuck in Congress, and Europe’s pledge in March to provide 1 million artillery shells within 12 months has fallen short, with only about 300,000 delivered so far.

Meanwhile, long-range strikes by the Kremlin’s forces have continued.

Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, came under attack from Russian S-300 missiles late Tuesday, said Mayor Ihor Terekhov.

The Russians hit an unoccupied summer camp on the northeastern city’s outskirts, he said on Telegram. Several buildings were damaged but no casualties were reported.

Ukraine also kept up its attempts to hit targets inside Russia.

The Russian Defense Ministry said its air defenses downed a Ukrainian drone early Wednesday over the Saratov region of southwestern Russia, on the Volga River.

Saratov Gov. Roman Busargin said the drone was downed over the Engels district, which is home to Russia’s main strategic bomber base that have launched cruise missiles at Ukraine. He said there were no casualties or damage.

Associated Press writer Hanna Arhirova in Kyiv, Ukraine, contributed.

Follow AP’s coverage of the war in Ukraine at https://apnews.com/hub/russia-ukraine

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Home » Travel Guides » Lithuania » 25 Best Things to Do in Lithuania

25 Best Things to Do in Lithuania

Lithuania became the first country in the Soviet Republic to leave the USSR in 1990 and since then has been trying to re-establish itself in its own right ever since. There are many relics of the Soviet period such as bunkers and museums, but you will also find a whole lot more in this country including beautiful churches, monasteries, and palaces.

From the capital city of Vilnius to wide open spaces like the Curonian Spit, there is a lot to see in this country and a surprising number of quirky and interesting museums like the Beekeeping Museum and the Money Museum. Several spots in the country are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and wherever you choose to go you will find winding cobbled streets, charming local markets, and impressive red brick architecture.

Here are the best things to do in Lithuania :

1. Wander around Vilnius Old Town

Vilnius Old Town

Vilnius Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and sits at the point where two of Lithuania’s main rivers converge.

It is known for being one of the premium medieval towns in Europe thanks to its amazingly well preserved buildings, and showcases architecture in the Gothic, Renaissance, and Neo-Classical styles.

All the structures are centered on a main piazza and you will find cobbled streets that are dotted with bars and eateries.

Some of the signature spots here include St. Anne’s Church, the Presidential Palace, and two Jewish quarters.

2. Take a trip to Trakai

Trakai Castle

Trakai is a lake resort and historically important city that sits close to Vilnius and makes a nice day trip if you are looking to get out of town.

Trakai dates from the 13th century and is also the home of the Trakai Historical National Park that dates from 1991. One of the main sights in the city is the Island Castle which is also the host of the Trakai Castle Festival and the entire town is surrounded by pretty water.

In the wider Trakai region there are some 200 lakes to enjoy during the warmer months.

3. Brave the Devil’s Museum

Devil’s Museum

The Devil’s Museum is found in Kaunas and as you would expect from the name it has a huge collection of art work that depict images of the devil, witches, and a range of other wicked mythological creatures.

You will find over 3,000 different pieces here and visitors can even donate items to the collection.

There are a huge range of works here that use different materials such as ceramics, textiles, and paintings and you can even find other interesting items like pebbles that feature images of the devil.

4. Visit St. Anne’s Church

St. Anne’s Church

St. Anne’s Church in Vilnius is one of the prettiest buildings in Lithuania and is made up of picturesque brick towers and rose windows.

The spires date from 1501 and were designed in the Gothic style and inside the church you will find high ceilings as well as carved pews.

The church has a grand bell tower that sits to its right and together with St.

Bernadine and St. Francis churches that nestle close by it makes up part fo the wider Bernadine Priory.

5. Explore the Curonian Spit & Kursiu Nerija National Park

Curonian Spit & Kursiu Nerija National Park

The Curonian Spit refers to a long strip of sand between the Curonian Lagoon and the mighty Baltic Sea.

Part of the spit is located in Russia with the northern side in Lithuania.

The spit is the product of a glacier that dates back 5,000 years and it has some of the highest dunes in all of Europe.

Some of these measure 60 meters and lead on to beautiful sandy beaches.

The national park here was formed in 1991 to guard the precious ecosystems found in the Curonian Spit and you will find a wide range of waterfowl here in the wetlands and dunes.

6. Wonder at the Siauliai Hill of Crosses

Siauliai Hill Of Crosses

Close to the city of Siauliai is the Hill of Crosses which sits atop a small promontory.

Here you will find thousands of different types of crosses that include small crucifixes as well as large crosses made from metal and wood.

The site is meant to pay tribute to the devotion of many people in Lithuania and has become a pilgrimage spot for many followers.

The Hill of Crosses is also a memorial for those who have died in the country over the years due to uprisings and other civil strife.

7. Visit the Money Museum

Money Museum

The Money Museum is aptly located on the former site of the Bank of Lithuania and will take you on a journey to find out all about Lithuanian litas.

As well as the currency of Lithuania you can also find out about other world currencies and much of the museum is interactive to allow you to get hands-on.

The museum also tells the history of banking in Lithuania and how silverware was returned to the country after the fall of Communism.

There is also a great exhibit where you can weigh yourself to determine your weight in gold or other precious metals.

8. Journey to the Gate of Dawn

Gate Of Dawn

The Gate of Dawn is part of the original walls of defense of Vilnius which date from the medieval period.

In the days of old the walls would have had nine different entry points which would have been marked with a picture of the Virgin Mary as a good luck symbol to protect the city.

The wall was attacked by Russia in 1799 and most of it was destroyed except for the Gate of Dawn which can still be seen to this day.

9. Visit the Ginuciai Water Mill

Ginuciai Water Mill

Nestled close to Ignalina is the Ginuciai Water Mill which dates from the 19th century and still straddles the waters that travel down to scenic Lake Linkmenas.

In the days of old it would have been used to make flour and produce electricity although now it is a museum that also has a hotel attached.

It is famous for being the only remaining wooden mill in Lithuania and you can still see all of its traditional machinery such as water wheels and mill stones.

10. Enjoy Grutas Park

Grutas Park

Grutas Park is made up of a cultural center that has a range of quirky relics from the Soviet era as well as an adjoining sculpture garden.

After independence in 1991 Lithuania began to dismantle and jettison Soviet monuments, and these have now been preserved in the park.

The grounds sprawl over 20 hectares and you will find 86 different monuments here as well as models of Soviet prison camps including guard towers complete with barbed-wire fences.

There are also a range of statues of famous Communist leaders like Marx, Stalin, and Lenin and for any history buffs this is definitely not to be missed off the itinerary.

11. Visit the Museum of Genocide Victims

Museum Of Genocide Victims

The Museum of Genocide Victims sits in the old Gestapo and KGB headquarters in Vilnius and acts as a permanent memorial to all those who lost their lives during the Soviet occupation of Lithuania after the Second World War.

The museum tells the story of how Lithuania suffered under Stalin and has models of torture chambers and execution grounds.

There is also a section of the museum dedicated to the Jewish ghettos and the period during the Holocaust.

12. Explore Aukstaitija National Park

Aukstaitija National Park

Aukstaitija National Park sprawls for over 400 square kilometers and is filled with beautiful pine and spruce trees.

If you want to check out the local flora and fauna in Lithuania then this is the place to do it and you will find wild boar as well as deer and elk.

An amazing 30% of the park is made up of water and you will also find 30 rivers and 126 lakes here.

The most famous of these is Lake Baluosas which has seven islands within it that let you island hop and take in the gorgeous natural landscapes.

As well as natural attractions you will also find buildings such as a water mill and the quirky Beekeeping Museum.

13. Learn some history at Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum

Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum

Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum is the place to come if you want to learn more about the fascinating folk customs found in Lithuania.

This open-air museum celebrates traditional customs that date back 200 years including national costumes, traditional toys, historic buildings, and religious artifacts.

There are around 80 buildings here including farms and reconstructed villages with churches.

You can look at the traditional rooms here and see typical Lithuanian period furniture as well as cooking implements and tools.

14. Pay your respects at the Church of the Holy Spirit

Church Of The Holy Spirit

The Church of the Holy Spirit dates from the 15th century and is one of the most picturesque churches in Vilnius.

Over the years it has seen a lot of changes and used to be a Catholic church and a monastery before becoming an Orthodox parish church.

The interior of the church is something of a spectacle and you will see ornately carved wooden pews as well as flower arrangements, gilt furnishings, and brightly colored decorations.

There are also different hued frescoes and marble inlays as well an impressive 16 altars.

15. Marvel at Pazaislis Monastery

Pazaislis Monastery

Pazaislis Monastery is widely thought of as the most beautiful Italian baroque building in Lithuania and, along with the church of Kaunas, it is also the largest monastery complex in the country.

The monastery dates from 1662 and was restored in the 1990s having been used as a psychiatric hospital and an art gallery.

Aside from being incredibly beautiful the monastery is also home to an international music festival held here every summer.

16. Visit Kaunas


Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania and sits at the point where the majestic Neris and Nemunas rivers converge.

It is known throughout Lithuania as the city of culture as there are over 40 museums housed here as well as a picturesque Old Town area.

Many of the buildings located here showcase baroque, renaissance, and gothic designs and tops spots not to miss include the Kaunas Cathedral Basilica, the Kaunas Castle, and Vyautas Church.

17. Take in the views from Gediminas Tower

Gediminas Tower

Gediminas Castle Tower is part of what would have been called Upper Castle, a wider complex built in the 14th century in Vilnius.

The tower can be reached by either climbing Castle Hill or you can take a scenic funicular if you are in the mood for something a little more relaxing.

The tower is located 48 meters above the city allowing you scenic views and you can take in the signature hexagonal shape from the outside or explore the weapons and armory exhibitions inside.

18. Explore vibrant Uzupis


Uzupis used to be part of neighboring Vilnius when it was known for being the main Jewish area of the city.

In 1997 it declared independence from Vilnius and has its own president and even its own constitution.

Nowadays it is known for being one of the most exciting areas of Lithuania and has a great street art scenes as well as a wealth of art galleries and underground music venues.

It is also famous for its street market every Thursday which sees a range of organic produce from all over the country.

19. Visit the Presidential Palace

Presidential Palace

The Presidential Palace in Daukanto Square in Vilnius is the official home of the President of Lithuania and dates from the 14th century.

It sprawls over a large piazza and has a signature neo-classical façade.

One of the big draws here is the flag changing ceremony that is held at noon every Sunday as well as the daily Changing of the Guard that takes place at 6 pm.

20. Have a spa session in Neringa


Neringa is located in the Curonian Spit National Park and is primarily known for being a scenic spa own.

The reason for this is the waters of the Baltic Sea which flow here and which are said to be rich in healing minerals that can treat a range of illnesses.

Visitors from all over Lithuania flock here for the spa treatments and the area is surrounded by sandy beaches and majestic sand dunes.

21. Buy some gems at the Amber Museum-Gallery

Amber Museum-Gallery

Amber used to be referred to as Baltic Gold and was once the most important part of the maritime trade routes in this part of the world.

The Amber Museum in Vilnius is located in the basement of a home that dates from the 15th century and you will find pieces here that are said to be over 50 million years old.

As well as traditional amber you will also find different hued pieces including red, green, black, and white and some even contain the fossilized remains of insects that date from the prehistoric period.

There is also a gift shop here where you can buy your own amber jewelry pieces that make great souvenirs.

22. Enjoy the Beekeeping Museum

Beekeeping Museum

There was once a time in Lithuania when bees where considered sacred, and even in the modern era honey is considered a friendship symbol.

Located in the Aukstaitija National Park, the Beekeeping Museum is one of the stranger attractions in Lithuania and first opened its doors in 1984. The museum tells the story of beekeeping in the country over the years and you can see ancient bee related tools and hives.

There are also a range of glass fronted beehives located outside the museum where you can watch the industrious bees making honey and the museum also takes you through the importance of beekeeping in other cultures such as Egyptian and Native American.

23. Visit Kedainiai Old Town

Kedainiai Old Town

Kedainiai Old Town has the claim to fame of being one of the oldest towns in Lithuania and is covered in pretty baroque architecture.

The town was first founded in 1372 and used to be a fishing village before growing in size and the city center is full of wondrous sights.

These include townhouses from the Baroque period as well as Protestant and Orthodox churches and a range of synagogues.

There are also a number of market squares that sell local produce during the week.

24. Enter the Atomic Bunker Museum

Atomic Bunker Museum

One of the most famous attractions in Kaunas is the Atomic Bunker Museum which offers you a glimpse of war history in Lithuania.

The museum is located in a nuclear bunker which is 6 meters underground and would have been set up during the Soviet period.

There are 1,200 items here that date from the Second World War to the modern era and you can see Cold War memorabilia like period radios and transmitters.

There is also a range of medical equipment and you will even find gas masks and air horns.

25. Explore Vilnius Cathedral

Vilnius Cathedral

Vilnius Cathedral started out in the 13th century under the watchful eye of King Mindaugas who ordered its construction.

The building was razed to the ground by fires several times and the building that currently stands was rebuilt in 1801 in the neoclassical style.

During the Soviet period it would have been used as a garage although now it has been restored to its former glory and has ornate decorations and a belfry that measures 57 meters high.

25 Best Things to Do in Lithuania:

  • Wander around Vilnius Old Town
  • Take a trip to Trakai
  • Brave the Devil’s Museum
  • Visit St. Anne’s Church
  • Explore the Curonian Spit & Kursiu Nerija National Park
  • Wonder at the Siauliai Hill of Crosses
  • Visit the Money Museum
  • Journey to the Gate of Dawn
  • Visit the Ginuciai Water Mill
  • Enjoy Grutas Park
  • Visit the Museum of Genocide Victims
  • Explore Aukstaitija National Park
  • Learn some history at Rumsiskes Open-Air Museum
  • Pay your respects at the Church of the Holy Spirit
  • Marvel at Pazaislis Monastery
  • Visit Kaunas
  • Take in the views from Gediminas Tower
  • Explore vibrant Uzupis
  • Visit the Presidential Palace
  • Have a spa session in Neringa
  • Buy some gems at the Amber Museum-Gallery
  • Enjoy the Beekeeping Museum
  • Visit Kedainiai Old Town
  • Enter the Atomic Bunker Museum
  • Explore Vilnius Cathedral



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    President Gitanas Nausėda will meet on Monday with President of Georgia Salome Zurabichvili who will pay an official visit to Lithuania. The two leaders are set to discuss bilateral ...

  20. Dalia Grybauskaitė

    Grybauskaitė assumed presidential duties on 12 July 2009, and accepted half of her presidential salary (312,000 litas). Her first presidential visits abroad were made to Sweden and Latvia; in April 2011, she made a state visit to Norway. Grybauskaitė supported the NATO-led military intervention in Libya.

  21. 25 Best Things to Do in Lithuania

    19. Visit the Presidential Palace Source: Shuttterstock Presidential Palace. The Presidential Palace in Daukanto Square in Vilnius is the official home of the President of Lithuania and dates from the 14th century. It sprawls over a large piazza and has a signature neo-classical façade.

  22. President of Lithuania

    The president of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidentas) is the head of state of the Republic of Lithuania.The president directs and appoints the executive branch of the Government of Lithuania, represents the nation internationally and is the commander-in-chief of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.The president is directly elected by the citizens of Lithuania for a ...

  23. Foreign Affairs Committee Chairs of EU Member States Visit Georgia

    Civil.ge 15/05/2024 - 16:02. 894 5 minutes read. On May 13, the Chairpersons of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of Lithuania, the Czechia, Finland and Poland and the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag began their visit to Georgia to hold meetings with the representatives of the government ...