Champion Traveler

Cost of a Trip to Cancun, MX & the Cheapest Time to Visit Cancun

The average price of a 7-day trip to Cancun is $1,116 for a solo traveler, $2,004 for a couple, and $3,758 for a family of 4 . Cancun hotels range from $25 to $525 per night with an average of $39, while most vacation rentals will cost $20 to $440 per night for the entire home. Average worldwide flight costs to Cancun International Airport ( CUN ) are between $544 and $837 per person for economy flights and $1,707 to $2,627 for first class. Depending on activities, we recommend budgeting $36 to $71 per person per day for transportation and enjoying local restaurants.

See below for average , budget , and luxury trip costs. You can also look up flight costs from your airport for more tailored flight pricing.

The Cheapest Times to Visit Cancun, MX

On average, these will be the cheapest dates to fly to CUN and stay in a Cancun hotel:

  • January 1st to March 4th (except the week of February 12th)
  • August 13th to December 16th (except the week of November 19th)

The absolute cheapest time to take a vacation in Cancun is usually late January .

Average Cancun Trip Costs

Average solo traveler.

The average cost for one person to visit Cancun for a week is $784-$1,625 ($112-$232 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $36 to $71 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $340 to $678 for economy

Lodging : $32 to $57 per night for one 2 or 3-star hotel room

or $61 to $75 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Average Couple’s Trip

The average cost for a couple to visit Cancun for a week is $1,784-$3,118 ($255-$445 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $72 to $142 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $680 to $1,356 for economy

Average Family Vacation

The average cost for 4 people to visit Cancun for a week is $2,752-$5,420 ($393-$774 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $144 to $284 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,360 to $2,712 for economy

Lodging : $64 to $114 per night for two 2 or 3-star hotel rooms

or $98 to $120 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Traveling Cheap to Cancun

How cheap can you make a vacation to Cancun? The cheapest trip to Cancun is about $87 per person per day for travelers willing to take standby flights, deal with inconvenience, and otherwise limit travel expenses. About 15% of rentals are available in the $0 to $100 range for an entire place, and vacation rentals can be booked for as low as $20 per night. These inexpensive rentals must be booked as early as possible and may not be in the most desirable areas. 1-star hotels are more likely to be available, with rooms starting at around $22.

Even cheaper trips are possible depending on where you live and whether you can drive. Check the cheapest times to fly for more saving ideas.

Budget Solo Traveler

The lowest cost for one person to visit Cancun for a week is $607-$1,332 ($87-$190 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $21 to $42 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Lodging : $22 to $25 per night for one 1-star hotel room

or $20 to $60 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Budget Couple’s Trip

The lowest cost for a couple to visit Cancun for a week is $1,094-$2,304 ($156-$329 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $42 to $84 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Budget Family Vacation

The lowest cost for 4 people to visit Cancun for a week is $2,140-$4,464 ($306-$638 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $84 to $168 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Lodging : $44 to $50 per night for two 1-star hotel rooms

or $32 to $96 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Overall it is possible but not easy to travel to Cancun cheaply.

The Cost of a Luxury Cancun Trip

There is no true ceiling on the cost of a luxury trip, so our estimates are based on what most people do in Cancun.

Luxury Solo Traveler

The high-end price for one person to visit Cancun for a week is $3,166-$7,749 ($452-$1,107 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $65 to $156 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $959 to $1,905 for first class

Lodging : $292 to $525 per night for one 4 or 5-star hotel room

or $440 to $792 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Luxury Couple’s Trip

The high-end price for a couple to visit Cancun for a week is $4,580-$10,746 ($654-$1,535 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $130 to $312 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,918 to $3,810 for first class

Luxury Family Vacation

The high-end price for 4 people to visit Cancun for a week is $9,160-$19,116 ($1,309-$2,731 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $260 to $624 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $3,836 to $7,620 for first class

Lodging : $584 to $1,050 per night for two 4 or 5-star hotel rooms

or $616 to $1,188 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Cancun Hotel Prices

The cost of staying in Cancun is about average than the average city. On average vacation rentals are less expensive than hotels. Luxury hotels are more expensive in Cancun due to hotel employees. The graphs below show how much cost can vary depending on the type of experience you’re looking for.

Cancun Lodging Cost by Star Status

The average price for the class of hotel is on the (y) axis. The hotel class (out of 5 stars) is on the (x) axis.

Prices are based on Cancun hotel averages and may not reflect current prices. In some cases, we extrapolate prices to estimate costs, and hotels with your desired star rating may not be available.

Vacation Rental Prices

The percent of vacation rentals in the price range is on the left (y) axis. Price range is on the bottom (x) axis.

There are a healthy amount of vacation rentals serving all budgets in Cancun.

Flight Costs to Cancun

Averaging flights around the world, prices go from a high of $837 average in late December to a low of $544 in late January. Median flight price is $570. These prices are based on millions of flights. For Cancun our data includes 362 originating airports, and 126 airlines. The area has average variance in price compared with other locations. Flying to Cancun from an airport like East Midlands ( EMA ) in Derby (the United Kingdom) for an average $4,656 trip fare will obviously cost a lot more than from an airport like Licenciado Benito Juarez International ( MEX ) in Mexico City (Mexico) at an average of just $136.

Average Flight Cost by Season

Average flight cost by day of week.

The cheapest day to fly in is typically Tuesday, and the cheapest day to fly back is usually Tuesday. Click here to see data for the cost of flights from your airport. In Cancun, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive week is about $293, so you can easily save about 54% simply by using our free flight guides and booking in advance.

Daily Expenses Budget

Daily vacation expenses vary more based on what you’re interested in doing. A fine dining restaurant with drinks around Cancun can easily cost $310 per person or more, while a standard nice meal might be about $21 per person. Private tours can cost $629 per day, but self-guided tours to see the outdoor sights can be free. Costs vary wildly, so recommendations are made based on the cost of living and averages we see for this type of vacation.

Other Cancun Guides

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Travel Budget for Cancun Visit Cancun on a Budget or Travel in Style

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  • Cancun Hotel Prices
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  • Best Hotels for One Night in Cancun
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  • Is Cancun Worth Visiting?
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  • How much does it cost to travel to Cancun? (Average Daily Cost)
  • Cancun trip costs: one week, two weeks, one month

Is Cancun expensive to visit?

  • How much do I need for a trip to Cancun?
  • Accommodation, Food, Entertainment, and Transportation Costs
  • Travel Guide

How much does it cost to travel to Cancun?

You should plan to spend around $148 (MX$2,469) per day on your vacation in Cancun. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Past travelers have spent, on average for one day:

  • $29 (MX$477) on meals
  • $18 (MX$296) on local transportation
  • $195 (MX$3,261) on hotels

A one week trip to Cancun for two people costs, on average, $2,070 (MX$34,563) . This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  • Travel Style: All Budget (Cheap) Mid-Range Luxury (High-End)
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day $ 148 MX$ 2,469
  • One Week Per person $ 1,035 MX$ 17,282
  • 2 Weeks Per person $ 2,070 MX$ 34,563
  • One Month Per person $ 4,435 MX$ 74,064
  • One Week For a couple $ 2,070 MX$ 34,563
  • 2 Weeks For a couple $ 4,139 MX$ 69,127
  • One Month For a couple $ 8,870 MX$ 148,129

How much does a one week, two week, or one month trip to Cancun cost?

A one week trip to Cancun usually costs around $1,035 (MX$17,282) for one person and $2,070 (MX$34,563) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

A two week trip to Cancun on average costs around $2,070 (MX$34,563) for one person and $4,139 (MX$69,127) for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period of time then your daily budget will also go down. Two people traveling together for one month in Cancun will often have a lower daily budget per person than one person traveling alone for one week.

A one month trip to Cancun on average costs around $4,435 (MX$74,064) for one person and $8,870 (MX$148,129) for two people. The more places you visit, the higher the daily price will become due to increased transportation costs.

Independent Travel

Traveling Independently to Cancun has many benefits including affordabilty, freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to control your own experiences.

All of the travel costs below are based on the experiences of other independent travelers.

Prices in Cancun are reasonable and comparable to your average travel destination. Hotels, food, and sightseeing are generally within normal price ranges.

Within North America, which is known to be an expensive region, Cancun is a moderately priced destination compared to other places. The overall cost of travel here is fair for the region and comparable to Isla Mujeres or Nags Head.

For more details, and to find out if it's within your travel budget, see Is Cancun Expensive?

How much money do I need for a trip to Cancun?

The average Cancun trip cost is broken down by category here for independent travelers. All of these Cancun travel prices are calculated from the budgets of real travelers.

Accommodation Budget in Cancun

Average daily costs.

Calculated from travelers like you

The average price paid for one person for accommodation in Cancun is $98 (MX$1,630). For two people sharing a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average price paid for a hotel room in Cancun is $195 (MX$3,261). This cost is from the reported spending of actual travelers.

  • Accommodation 1 Hotel or hostel for one person $ 98 MX$ 1,630
  • Accommodation 1 Typical double-occupancy room $ 195 MX$ 3,261

Hotel Prices in Cancun

Looking for a hotel in Cancun? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options.


Find the best hotel for your travel style.

Actual Hotel Prices The average hotel room price in Cancun based on data provided by Kayak for actual hotel rooms is $118. (Prices in U.S. Dollars, before taxes & fees.)

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world.

Recommended Properties

  • Hotel Suites La Roca Budget Hotel - Kayak $ 39
  • Finest Playa Mujeres by Excellence Group - All inclusive Luxury Hotel - Kayak $ 263

Transportation Budget in Cancun

The cost of a taxi ride in Cancun is significantly more than public transportation. On average, past travelers have spent $18 (MX$296) per person, per day, on local transportation in Cancun.

  • Transportation 1 Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. $ 18 MX$ 296

Recommended Services

  • Private Airport Transfer Cancun - Playa del Carmen up to 9 pax… Viator $ 80
  • Private SUV Transfer from Cancun Airport to Hotel Zone Viator $ 111

Flights to Cancun

Rental cars in cancun, what did other people spend on transportation in cancun.

Typical prices for Transportation in Cancun are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Cancun, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Taxi Around Town MX$ 28
  • Airport Shuttle (for 2) MX$ 232
  • Ferry to Isla de Mujeres (for 2) MX$ 280
  • Local Bus (for 2) MX$ 34

Food Budget in Cancun

While meal prices in Cancun can vary, the average cost of food in Cancun is $29 (MX$477) per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Cancun should cost around $11 (MX$191) per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. The price of food in sit-down restaurants in Cancun is often higher than fast food prices or street food prices.

  • Food 2 Meals for one day $ 29 MX$ 477


  • Cancun Authentic Downtown Food Tour: Tacos and Local Flavors Viator $ 78
  • Feel the love on a romantic dinner at Cancun sea, with live… Viator $ 95

What did other people spend on Food in Cancun?

Typical prices for Food in Cancun are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Cancun, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Lunch for Two MX$ 350

Entertainment Budget in Cancun

Entertainment and activities in Cancun typically cost an average of $35 (MX$589) per person, per day based on the spending of previous travelers. This includes fees paid for admission tickets to museums and attractions, day tours, and other sightseeing expenses.

  • Entertainment 1 Entrance tickets, shows, etc. $ 35 MX$ 589

The Go City Cancun Pass offers great discounts on attractions in Cancun. With the Go City Explorer pass, you can choose to visit specific sights and attractions at a discount. Or, you can visit as many included attractions as you like with a multi-day All-Inclusive Pass. The average visitor saves 30% off of the regular admission prices.

Recommended Activities

  • Caribbean Cruises Cruise Direct View Price
  • 1st Life Experience Scuba Diving in Cancun FREE photos/videos Viator $ 60

What did other people spend on Entertainment in Cancun?

Typical prices for Entertainment in Cancun are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Cancun, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Seasick Pills MX$ 10
  • Whale Shark Tour (for 2) MX$ 1,700

Tips and Handouts Budget in Cancun

The average cost for Tips and Handouts in Cancun is $3.62 (MX$60) per day. The usual amount for a tip in Cancun is 5% - 15% .

  • Tips and Handouts 1 For guides or service providers $ 3.62 MX$ 60

Alcohol Budget in Cancun

The average person spends about $13 (MX$224) on alcoholic beverages in Cancun per day. The more you spend on alcohol, the more fun you might be having despite your higher budget.

  • Alcohol 2 Drinks for one day $ 13 MX$ 224
  • Brewery Tour / Craft Beer Tasting Cancun Mexico Viator $ 129
  • Social Pub Crawl in Cancun Viator $ 38

Water Budget in Cancun

On average, people spend $1.33 (MX$22) on bottled water in Cancun per day. The public water in Cancun is considered safe to drink.

  • Water 2 Bottled water for one day $ 1.33 MX$ 22

Expert Advice from Local Travelers

We're asking our community members and registered users to contribute their experiences about Cancun.

Why would you recommend Cancun to budget travelers? Or, why not?

We found an affordable hotel that was a bit back from the beach from the larger hotels and resorts, so we saved a lot. We also ate at the cheaper restaurants and had some of the fast food and street food as much as possible.

Are you an experienced traveler? Help other travelers! Answer a quick question about your past travels. + Add Comment

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Cancun on a budget.



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We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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Plan Your Trip to Cancun: Best of Cancun Tourism

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Cancun Travel Guide

Travelers' pro tips or experiencing cancun.

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Do not forget your sunglasses and biodegradable sunscreen. Studies show that some chemicals contained in regular sunscreen can be harmful to coral reefs!

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Chain restaurants are expensive, opt for the cantina with authentic Mexican food. You will not be disappointed.

price travel a cancun


While U.S. dollars are accepted at most places (buses won't take U.S. coins), it is better to use pesos. Prices are in pesos, your change will be in pesos and your service staff will appreciate tips in pesos.

price travel a cancun

I tell them to picture the most beautiful beach, the kindest people, and the most amazing selection of resorts to choose from. There is something for everybody across all interests and price points.

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Cancun offers cuisine to satisfy every taste. Whether you're looking for gourmet restaurants as part of your all-inclusive or just simple food there's sure to be a resort that offers what you're looking for. Want to dine outside your resort? No problem. Cancun has everything from the finest steakhouse and seafood restaurants to small places to just grab a quesadilla.

price travel a cancun

The hotel zone in Cancun has one of the most beautiful beaches anywhere. The hotels along here have amazing oceanfront views available and many of the hotels have pools right along the beach.

What is the best way to get there?

Cancun is served by the Cancún International Airport.

Do I need a visa?

Mexico has a visa exemption agreement with several countries, which means travelers coming from nations within this agreement (including the United States) don’t need a tourist visa for stays of up to 180 days — as long as they hold a passport valid at least six months beyond the period of intended stay, with one blank visa page.

For more information about visas and which countries are exempt,  see here .

When is the best time to visit?

Late April through May: The Spring Breakers have left it is before the thick of Summer when the humidity rises and tropical storms can bring rainfall. There are also good deals on offer at this time of year. The average daytime temperatures reach highs of 87 Fahrenheit (31°Celcius) and lows of 73 Fahrenheit (23° Celcius).

Three private bus lines connect Cancun’s downtown area and the "hotel zone" as well as more distant destinations such as Playa del Carmen and Tulum. For more information about fares and schedules,  see here .

taxi and rideshare

Public taxis hailed from the street do not have meters, so always agree on a price before you get in. Site taxis, or taxis that belong to a company that are called or booked, have standard prices — negotiation is not welcome. Ridesharing companies like Uber are also available.

For more information about Cancun taxis,  see here .

On the ground

What is the timezone.

Eastern Standard Time

What are the voltage/plug types?

The standard voltage in Cancun is 127V and the standard frequency is 60Hz. The plug has two flat parallel pins.

What is the currency?

The Mexican peso is the main currency, however, U.S. dollars are widely accepted throughout the Cancun Hotel Zone.

Are ATMs readily accessible?

Are credit cards widely accepted, is it easy to find a bank, how much do i tip.

In Mexico, tipping in either U.S. dollars (bills only) or pesos is acceptable, although pesos are more practical for the recipient.

20 pesos per drink

20-50 pesos


50 pesos per night


Only if a taxi driver helps with luggage, 10 pesos per bag

Are there local customs I should know?

The federal legal age for buying and drinking alcohol is 18 years old.

Slow it down:

Arriving 30 minutes to two hours late to a social function at someone’s house is acceptable. In fact, it is actually polite to arrive late as the host won’t be ready if you arrive on time. The same goes for dining out — don’t be in a hurry. The waiter won’t bring you the bill when you’ve finished eating as it is considered too forceful and rude. You’ll have to ask for the bill but in the meantime, sit back and relax.

Mexicans are very friendly and personable people. When meeting a group, take the time to greet each individual personally and shake their hand.

Learn the language:

Learning a few basic Spanish phrases is a sign of respect and courtesy and will be appreciated.

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  • Harry’s - Cancun
  • NAVÍOS Mexican Fusion Seafood
  • Taboo Cancun
  • Señor Frog's Cancun
  • Nicoletta | Modern Italian Kitchen Cancún
  • Happy Shuttle Cancun
  • Kalido Travel
  • Coco Bongo Cancun
  • Playa Delfines
  • Chichen Itza, Cenote and Valladolid All-Inclusive Tour
  • Cancun ATV Jungle Adventure, Ziplines, Cenote and Tequila Tasting
  • Chichen Itza, Cenote, and Valladolid Tour with Tequila and Lunch
  • Isla Mujeres Catamaran Tour with Snorkel, Open bar and Transportation from hotel
  • Viator Exclusive: Tulum Ruins, Reef Snorkeling, Cenote and Caves

Hotels in Cancun (and vicinity), Quintana Roo, Mexico

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Cancun Travel Guide

Last Updated: September 2, 2023

A row of resorts along the gorgeous white-sand beach in Cancun, Mexico with people enjoying the sunshine

If I’m being honest, the main drag is very touristy and kind of terrible. It’s a good place to go for your stereotypical vacation but there’s not much more than that there. During spring break, college kids flock here to get drunk and tan so it’s best to avoid visiting then (unless you also want to partake in the rowdy festivities). This is a city that was built for tourists.

However, if you leave the main resort area of Cancun, you’ll find a city with friendly people, character, and amazing food. It’s real Mexico!

And, throughout the region, you’ll also find plenty of Mayan ruins and numerous cenotes.

Cancun has a lot more to it than just Senor Frogs, resorts, and drunk college kids, but you do have to go looking for it.

This travel guide to Cancun can help you plan your trip, save money, and make the most of your time in the gorgeous slice of Mexico!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Cancun

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Cancun

The Wonder of the World Chichen Itza towering over a field near Cancun, Mexico

1. Explore Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá is a Mayan ruin dating back to 550 CE. It was home to an estimated 35,000 people – the most populous city in the Yucatan Peninsula. Historians believe the location was chosen due to its proximity to Xtoloc cenote, an underground freshwater source. Today, it is one of the largest (and most popular) Mayan archaeological sites in Mexico and one of the Wonders of the World. You can wander the UNESCO World Heritage Site’s ruins, including 5 square kilometers (1.9 square miles) of temples, intricately carved columns, tombs, and even ball courts. At the center of the ruins sits the famed El Castillo pyramid, a massive structure towering meters (98 feet). Entry is 571 MXN.

2. Explore the cenotes

In Cancun, you can find some of the world’s best underwater cenotes (natural pits or sinkholes that expose fresh groundwater) and cavern systems. The Yucatan Peninsula is famous for its cenotes, and they were an important resource for the ancient Maya. Popular cenotes near Cancun include Cenote Azul (150 MXN), Cenote Ik Kil (150 MXN), Gran Cenote (500 MXN), and Cenote Zahil Ha (200 MXN). Most are less than two hours away from the city by car.

3. Relax on Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres , which translates to “Women Island,” is just a short ferry ride away from Cancun. Originally a fishing village, the island maintains its charming atmosphere while being home to some 23,000 people. Kayaking, fishing, sailing, and swimming with sharks are popular activities here. You can enjoy snorkeling or scuba diving in the crystal clear Caribbean sea. The island is also a hatching ground for baby sea turtles.

4. Check out Cancun Underwater Museum

The Museo Subacuático de Arte features over 500 underwater sculptures in Cancun National Marine Park, which are designed to be platforms for coral growth to regenerate the damaged ecosystem. You can experience the magic via snorkeling, scuba diving, and glass-bottom boat tours. Since its founding in 2009, a lot of growth has occurred and every spring, more plants bloom. Snorkeling tours of the Underwater Museum cost around 965 MXN.

5. Visit Tulum

Other things to see and do in cancun, 1. shop at market 28.

The downtown area is home to most of the colorful local craft markets in Cancun. Leather, silver, pottery, glassware, artwork, handicrafts, and traditional Mexican blankets are all sold here, making it the perfect place to browse, people-watch, and shop for souvenirs. It’s open daily from 9am-8pm.

2. Go clubbing

Cancun is famous for its nightlife. Most of the nightlife is concentrated around the Hotel Zone in an area aptly known as “party central.” Many of the world’s biggest DJs make regular appearances in the many clubs. During spring break, things get even more crowded and more expensive so be sure to book early if you’re visiting then. Coco Bongo, La Vaquita, and Grand Mambo Cafe are among the most popular places to go.

3. Hit the spa

Cancun is one of the top spa destinations in the world. There are tons of options to choose from, all offering varying treatments and package deals. Consider an ancient Mayan healing session or go with a classic massage. Temazcal Cancun offers massages for 900 MXN and is best known for its temazcal experiences. A type of sweat lodge, temazcal rituals date back to ancient Mesoamerica and were used to cleanse and purify after a battle, or to aid with healing the sick, as well as women giving birth. This experience lasts 2-3 hours and includes a temazcalero guide, volcanic stones, a bonfire, medicinal herbs, cleansing, and teas. The cost is 1,170 MXN.

4. Visit Museo Maya de Cancún

This museum is located on the south side of the Centro de Convenciones, Cancun’s convention center. Home to around 400 artifacts from important Mayan sites throughout the Yucatan Peninsula and throughout Mexico, the museum is one of the best sites in Mexico for learning about Mayan culture and history. Admission costs 70 MXN and includes access to the San Miguelito Archaeological Zone (an area of Mayan ruins).

5. Go diving

Cancun lies along the Great Mesoamerican Reef, the largest reef in the western hemisphere. The area has over 100 types of coral and more than 160 types of reef-inhabiting fish. There are also 5 different species of sea turtles here, making it a great place to spot local wildlife. Scuba diving costs around 2,700 MXN per person for a two-tank dive.

6. Swim with whale sharks at Isla Contoy

An easy day trip from Cancun, Isla Contoy is a small island nature reserve with stunning beaches and over 100 species of birds. It is also home to a large concentration of whale sharks. Whale sharks can grow up to 15 meters (almost 50 feet) in length but don’t worry, they are gentle giants! The island itself is small (it’s just 8.5 kilometers/5.3 miles long) and is only inhabited by a handful of biologists. Just 200 people are allowed on the island each day. You can book tours through a tour agency or hotel, or you can apply to visit with the park office in Cancun. Contoy Adventures is a well-known tour agency offering whale shark experiences for 3,260 MXN. Tours operate from May 20th until September 17th.

7. Take a cooking class

Cooking classes are one of the best ways to learn about a new culture (and the skills you learn are a great souvenir too). Mexico Lindo is one of the best in the Cancun area. Located in the jungle, the class duration is roughly 5.5 hours and includes breakfast, cooking a 6-course meal, snacks, and a tequila tasting. Cooking classes are scheduled Monday through Friday, with a different menu each day. The cost is 2,600 MXN.

8. Go on a taco tour

Street tacos are one of the best things about traveling in Mexico. Cancun Food Tours offers a 3.5-4.5-hour tour through downtown Cancun which includes a market tour and plenty of yummy taco tastings, with the opportunity to make your own tortillas, too. They also have vegetarian substitutions available as well. Tours cost 1,479 MXN per person.

  For information on other cities in Mexico, check out these guides:

  • Mexico City Travel Guide
  • Oaxaca Travel Guide

Cancun Travel Costs

The stunning coast of sunny Cancun, Mexico with resorts along the water and boats in the ocean

Hostel prices – Hostels are extremely affordable and plentiful in Cancun. There are 6-person dorm rooms for as little as 280 MXN, though 450 MXN is a more realistic price. For a private room, prices start at 1,000-1,500 MXN for a room that sleeps two. Most hostels offer free Wi-Fi and free breakfast.

Budget hotel prices There are plenty of budget hotels in Cancun with prices starting around 600 MXN per night for a room that sleeps two. You can find rooms in a 3-star hotel for as low as 950 MXN per night, which includes a private bathroom, Wi-Fi, and usually free breakfast as well.

For Airbnb, private rooms average around 590 MXN per night (though you can find places for as little as 300 MXN per night). However, there are very few private room options available here. Entire homes (including studio apartments) start from 800-1,500 MXN per night. Be sure to book early to find the best deals.

Food – You’ll find a lot of rice, beans, fruits, and veggies like tomatoes, corn, avocado, and peppers in Mexican cuisine. Typical Mexican dishes include tacos, salsa, enchiladas, tamales (stuffed corn pockets), pozole (hominy stew topped with onion, avocado, and chili), and guacamole.

Street stalls and markets are the bestplace to find authentic and inexpensive food. Tacos, quesadilla, sopas, tortas, and other street foods cost generally between 15-45 MXN. Sometimes, you’ll find tacos for as cheap as 10 MXN. In Mexico, street food is the best – and most affordable- option. It’s the tastiest too and you should eat it as much as possible. It’s not gonna make ya sick if you eat where other people are eating.

A beer is around 30 MXN but double that at a restaurant.

Restaurants found in the Hotel Zone or near the beach are good but they are expensive as they cater mostly to the tourists staying in the zone. You can expect to pay 500 MXN or more for a meal in these restaurants.

Closer to downtown, you’ll find a variety of restaurants with dishes between 120-300 MXN. Choose from sushi joints and cafés serving bagels, pizza and pasta, to Indian, Middle Eastern, and French restaurants. Try La Troje, Café Con Gracia, or Café Antoinette.

A meal at a Mexican restaurant serving traditional cuisine costs around 120-400 MXN. Look for the ones filled with locals as that is generally a sign that the food is really good.

Tap water is not safe to drink in Mexico. Bring a portable water purifier or use bottled water ( LifeStraw makes a good one.

If you plan to cook your meals, expect to pay between 500-585 MXN per week for groceries. This gets you staples like rice, vegetables, chicken, tortillas, and beans. However, with street food so cheap and most hostels and hotels lacking kitchens, it’s best to simply eat local rather than cook.

Backpacking Cancun Suggested Budgets

If you’re backpacking Cancun, expect to spend 1,000 MXN per day. This budget gets you a hostel dorm, street food and self-cooked meals, public transportation to get around, and mostly free or cheap activities like snorkeling and enjoying the beach. If you’re drinking a lot, I’d add another 100-300 MXN per day depending on how much you want to party.

On a mid-range budget of 1,800 MXN per day, you can stay in a private Airbnb, eat at restaurants serving cheap traditional cuisine, enjoy a few drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like cooking classes or museum visits.

On a “luxury” budget of 3,800 MXN or more per day, you can stay in a hotel, eat out for all your meals anywhere you want, have plenty of drinks, take taxis everywhere or rent a car, and do some guided food or mezcal tours. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages — some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in MXN.

Cancun Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Outside the resort and tourist area, Cancun, like the rest of Mexico, won’t break the bank. Inside that area, everything is priced for tourists and you’ll burn through your money pretty easily. Here are some ways to save in Cancun to help you keep your budget intact:

  • Eat street food – The street stalls that line the streets in Mexico are safe to eat at and provide the cheapest and tastiest food around. If you don’t want to eat there, find restaurants that cater to locals. If you start eating that’s designed for tourists, you’ll pay triple what you should.
  • Travel off-peak – Try to visit Cancun in the off-season (between June and November) as accommodation is significantly cheaper.
  • Stay with a local – Don’t want to book a room at a resort? Use Couchsurfing to stay with locals who have extra beds and couches for free. You’ll not only save money on accommodation but you’ll get to connect with a local who can share their insider tips and advice.
  • Save money on rideshares – Uber is cheaper than taxis and is the best way to get around a city if you don’t want to wait for a bus or pay for a taxi.
  • Being a water filter – Since the tap water here isn’t safe to drink and single-use plastic is bad for the environment, bring a water filter. LifeStraw makes reusable bottles with a built-in filter so you can ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Where to Stay in Cancun

Cancun has plenty of fun and affordable hostels. Here are my suggested places to stay:

  • Mayan Monkey Hostel
  • Hostel Ka’beh Cancun
  • Nomads Hotel Hostel & Rooftop Pool
  • Nomads Boutique Hotel & Hostel
  • Selina Cancun Laguna Hotel Zone
  • Hostel Natura Cancún

How to Get Around Cancun

A quiet beach along the coast of Cancun, Mexico without anyone around

Public transportation – Cancun is pretty easy to get around. The bus runs 24 hours and fares cost 8.50 MXN. Try to have exact change as drivers cannot break big bills.

Taxi – In Cancun, taxis are not metered, but 30 MXN is a good guideline for city center travel. I’d skip the taxis if you can though as they add up fast.

Ridesharing – Uber is available here and is cheaper than taxis. A ride from the hotel zone to downtown costs around 198 MXN.

Bicycle – Cancun isn’t ideal for cycling but if you want to get around by bike, rentals cost 220-350 MXN per day.

When to Go to Cancun

Summer (May to October) is the rainy season in Cancun. You can expect it to rain each day heavily, but the downpour is usually short. Temperatures during this time are somewhere between 24-32°C (75-90°F).

From the beginning of August to the end of November is hurricane season and is not a good time to visit.

December to the end of April (winter) is the busiest tourist season and Cancun is packed with travelers from all over North America and Europe. This is the best time to visit if you’re looking to take advantage of Mexico’s tropical environment. The hotel zone is overflowing at times, so think about staying outside the zone if you’re on a budget. The average daily temperature during this time is 28°C (82°F). Prices are also higher during this time, especially in the hotel zone.

Spring break is probably one of the busiest times in Cancun as college and university students flock to the hotels and hostels. It is a crazy party and things can become very crowded very quickly. Prices also spike during this time, especially near the beaches. I would avoid coming here during this time unless you really want to splash out and party.

Note: If you plan to do anything in the ocean, be sure to pack biodegradable sunscreen before you leave for your trip. The guides on your snorkeling/diving excursions sometimes won’t tell you until the last minute that regular sunscreen is not allowed (it’s damaging to the coral and overall water quality).

How to Stay Safe in Cancun

Cancun has long been the playground of tourists from throughout North America and Europe. As with most tourist hotspots, the most common crimes here are pickpocketing and bag snatching. This is especially common in crowded areas and on the beach when you’re not paying attention. Make sure to always keep your valuables secure and out of reach.

Overall, dangerous crimes against tourists are uncommon here (it’s mostly jsut petting crime). The people who do tend to be involved in incidents are usually doing drugs or taking part in sex tourism. Avoid all of that and you’ll greatly reduce your risks here.

During busy times like spring break, petty crime increases. Don’t leave drinks unattended and be vigilant with your valuables. Be careful and aware of your surroundings when withdrawing your cash from an ATM. When possible, use indoor ATMs just to be safe.

If you’re worried about getting ripped off, read this blog post about common travel scams to avoid here .

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here but you’ll definitely want to keep an eye on your drinks, avoid walking alone late at night outside busy areas and just keep a watchful eye. Despite the glitz, this isn’t one of the safest parts of Mexico. For specific tips, check out one of the many solo female travel blogs on the city.

If an emergency occurs, dial 911. If that doesn’t work (since 911 isn’t available everywhere), dial 066.

Always trust your gut instinct. Avoid isolated areas at night, don’t wander around alone at night, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. And make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past.

Cancun Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

Cancun Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on backpacking/traveling to Cancun and continue planning your trip:

The 20 Best Things to Do in Mexico City

The 20 Best Things to Do in Mexico City

The 5 Best Hotels in Oaxaca

The 5 Best Hotels in Oaxaca

Where to Stay in Oaxaca: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in Oaxaca: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

How to Spend 5 Days in Oaxaca

How to Spend 5 Days in Oaxaca

The 15 Best Things to Do in Oaxaca

The 15 Best Things to Do in Oaxaca

Is Tulum Safe?

Is Tulum Safe?

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Cancun Prices & Travel Costs

Cancun has exploded in popularity in the recent decade, and it’s now among the most popular winter-travel destinations in the world. It didn’t even exist until the early 1970s, and now it’s lined with hotels and very crowded in season. In fact, the greater Cancun area consists of the Hotel Zone, downtown, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and more. Here is our guide for where to stay in the Cancun area for your own style .

Cancun City Featured Image

Travel Costs to Cancun

Accommodation costs in cancun.

While Cancun is definitely cheaper than cities like Los Angeles or Miami, it’s not really the bargain that many people are hoping for. The nicer hotels charge prices that aren’t too far from similar hotels in Hawaii, and hotels lower down the quality range can be disappointing. On the other hand, you can get excellent rates at many of the all-inclusive hotels, especially in the low season, but even during peak periods if you book early enough.

Cancun Hotel Seasons

Hotels in Cancun are at their peak in price and activity during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday weeks, as well as during the Easter vacation weeks in late March and April. The rest of the period from December through April is considered the high season, so starting in May bargains can be had, and during summer you can often get great deals at some of the nicer hotels.

Cancun Hotel Prices

Cancun hostels prices, cancun attractions prices.

Most people who come to Cancun are happy to relax on the beach or at the resort pool during the day, but there are plenty of other options for those with the energy.

Visit a cenote for photogenic swimming

The most unique and Cancun-specific thing to do is visit a Cenote (si-NO-tay), which is a sea cave with an opening in its roof. There are dozens of these places close to Cancun and you’ll hear about options once you arrive. Some are cheap to enter and others are part of large nature parks that can also include food and drinks for one price.

Visit some famous ruins

Tulum has a relatively small and popular group of ruins just outside of town and perched along the beach. You can visit on a tour or even by public bus.

Chichen Itza ‘s ruins are much larger and more famous, but also much farther away. You’ll recognize the photo of the pyramid at the heart of the complex. They are about 3 hours from Cancun by bus, and it’s easy to book a tour that takes you there and another few stops as well.

Visit a local island

Cozumel is a large island directly across the straight from Playa del Carmen, and Isla de Mujeres is a smaller island across from the Cancun Hotel Zone. In both cases you can book a ferry or a tour that can also include other things such as fishing or sailing.

Best tours in Cancun

All of the things mentioned in our Things To Do section are also popular with tours. Your hotel will probably have a tour desk that offers dozens of options, usually with pick-up directly from your hotel.

The Tulum Ruins are about 90 minutes south of Cancun’s Hotel Zone and only about 30 minutes south of Playa del Carmen.

Tours going to the islands of either Cozumel or Isla de Mujeres are popular as all-day excursions. They can include boat transportation as well as fishing or sailing or all food and drinks, and many also include a beach stay on the island for a few hours.

Many ground tours of the area will stop at one or more cenotes, often for a swimming session of an hour or two. Do yourself a favor and visit at least one of these gorgeous sea caves to see what all the fuss is about.

Cancun Food and Drink Prices

Almost everyone visiting Cancun will be spending most (or all) of their time at a large resort on the beach, and those places are fairly expensive. You can find some more affordable food and drinks in the small town area around the corner of the hotel zone. Prices are lower in the city of Cancun itself, although there isn’t much to see or do there so it probably isn’t worth it for most visitors.

Featured articles

Cancun transport prices, when to visit cancun, temperature and rainfall, cancun weather advice.

Cancun has extremely pleasant weather for most of the period from November through March, although it can rain in downpours at almost any time of year. The rainy season runs from May through October, though summers aren’t nearly as rainy as many other tropical places. Ocean breezes keep things nice most of the time, though expect fairly high humidity even during the dry months.

Sunrise and sunset

Where to go before and after.

price travel a cancun

$73 Find cheap flights to Cancún

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight to cancún departing on 9/21. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to cancun.

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Cheap flight deals to Cancún

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Based on KAYAK searches from the last 72 hours, if you fly from New York , you should have a good chance of getting the best deal to Cancún as it was the cheapest place to fly from. Prices were found for as low as $73 one-way and $182 for a round-trip flight. Also in the last 72 hours, the most popular connection to Cancún was from Los Angeles and the lowest price for a round-trip flight was $263.

How much is a flight to Cancún?

On average, a flight to cancún costs $334. the cheapest price found on kayak in the last 2 weeks cost $75 and departed from atlanta. the most popular routes on kayak are chicago to cancún which costs $390 on average, and new york to cancún, which costs $449 on average., see prices from:, what is the cheapest day to fly to cancún, based on kayak data, the cheapest day to fly to cancún is tuesday where tickets can be as cheap as $381. on the other hand, the most expensive day to fly is thursday, where prices are $446 on average., what is the cheapest month to fly to cancún, the cheapest month for flights to cancún is february, where tickets cost $221 on average for one-way flights. on the other hand, the most expensive months are november and december, where the average cost of tickets from the united states is $379 and $362 respectively. for return trips, the best month to travel is september with an average price of $337., what is the cheapest time of day to fly to cancún, the cheapest time of day to fly to cancún is generally in the afternoon, when flights cost $411 on average. the most expensive time of day to fly to cancún is generally in the evening, which is peak travel time and where the average cost of a ticket is $472., what is a good deal for flights to cancún, if you’re looking for cheap airfare to cancún, 25% of our users found tickets to cancún for the following prices or less: from fort lauderdale $79 one-way - $215 round-trip, from chicago o'hare intl airport $102 one-way - $267 round-trip, from tampa $128 one-way - $272 round-trip., how far in advance should i book a flight to cancún, to get a below average price, you should book around 0 weeks before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 30 days before departure., which airlines fly to cancún, american airlines, united airlines, and southwest usually have the most frequent connections from united states to cancún. see the amount of flights per week for popular airlines flying to cancún., which airline offers the most flights to cancún, of the 5 airlines that fly to cancún, vivaaerobus offers the most flights, with around 289 per week, followed by volaris with 205 flights per week., how long is the flight to cancún, the duration of your flight to cancún depends on your departure and arrival airports. obviously any flights that include a layover will also be longer. the most popular routes to cancún on kayak are from miami , which takes 1h 50m, new york , which takes 3h 57m, newark , which takes 4h 00m, and los angeles , which takes 4h 35m., how many direct flights to cancún are there each day, there are around 131 direct flights from within united states to cancún every day. most flights depart in the morning, with 8:00 am the most common departure time and 87% of flights departing in the morning., how many direct flights to cancún are there each week, each week there are around 911 direct flights from within united states to cancún. the most common day for departures is saturday, with 16% of flights taking off on this day., how many long-haul flights are there to cancún each week, each week, there are 209 medium-haul flights (3-6 hour flight duration) and 700 short-haul flights (up to 3 hour flight duration) to cancún. there aren't any long-haul flights (6-12 hour flight duration)., how many cities have direct flights to cancún, from the united states, there are direct flights to cancún from 34 cities. the city with the most direct flights is dallas/fort worth airport, with 95 direct flights each week., good to know, when to book flights to cancún, faqs - booking cancun flights, where are the atms and currency exchange counters located at cancun international airport (cun).

There are money exchange counters and ATMs at the Arrivals Level of each International Terminal in Cancun International Airport (CUN). Banco Santander runs ATMs in the Domestic Arrivals Area in Terminal 2 and International Departures in Terminal 3. On the other hand, Multiva and Citi Banamex have ATMs in the International Departures in Terminal 4. CI Banco offers currency exchange services in the International Departures Levels of Terminal 3 and Terminal 4.

Which US airports offer flights to Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

If you’re looking to fly to Cancun International Airport (CUN) from the US, you’ll be happy to learn that most major US airports offer flights on this route. Some popular US airports with Cancun flights include Orlando International Airport (MCO), Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport (FLL), John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), and Miami International Airport (MIA).

How can I access lounges at Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

Cancun International Airport (CUN) has several lounges where passengers can relax before or after a flight. Travelers can access these lounges through payment at the doors. Mera Business Lounge is available behind the escalators at Gate A in Terminal 2 and only accepts travelers with scheduled departure flights. Mera Business Lounge has an International Lounge near Gate 67A on the airside of Terminal and a National Lounge near Gate 55 in Terminal 5. Aeromexico Salon Premier Lounge is on the 2nd Floor of Terminal 2. The Lounge by Global Lounge Network is Airside of Terminal 2’s Second Floor.

What are the layover options for flights to Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

The layover options for flights to Cancun vary depending on your airline and origin city. If you’re flying from New York, the common layover options are Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Dallas, Detroit, Miami, or Montreal in Canada. Passengers flying on one-stop flights from Chicago should expect a stop in Denver, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, or Houston.

How to get from Cancun International Airport (CUN) to Cancun city center?

Tourists landing at Cancun International Airport (CUN) have various options for reaching the city center including numerous taxi services and the ADO bus, which is the cheapest option. The Happy Shuttle Cancun is a good choice for groups. Cancun International Airport (CUN) is also the largest car rental location in the area, with many major brands onsite.

What hotels in Cancun offer free shuttle service to Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

If you’d like to go directly to your hotel without having to source public transport, you’ll find quite a few hotels in Cancun offering free shuttle services. They include Courtyard by Marriott Cancun Airport, Krystal Altitude Cancun, Hampton Inn by Hilton Cancun Cumbres.

What is there to do at Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

In addition to shops and restaurants, Cancun International Airport (CUN) offers its passengers a great range of services including banks and ATMs, convenience stores, beauty parlors, a video arcade, medical services, information booths, a business center. You’ll also find VIP lounges which provide unlimited Internet, TVs, open bars, massage chairs, and children’s play areas.

What is there to eat at Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

Mexican food is well represented by restaurants within the Cancun International Airport (CUN), to start or finish your holiday with the famous local food. You’ll also find fast food outlets, snack bars, cafes, ice cream stores and bars.

Are there good malls near Cancun International Airport (CUN)?

The closest large shopping venue is the International Jewelry Center & Shopping Outlet, located near El Rey, about 10.6 miles from the Cancun International Airport (CUN). Downtown Cancun also offers shopping opportunities. Cancun International Airport (CUN) itself provides a great range of shops including designer items and high-end souvenirs, as well as duty free shops.

How far is Cancún from central Cancún?

Central Cancún is 9 miles away from Cancún.

What is the name of Cancún’s airport?

All flights to Cancún land at Cancún. The airport code is CUN,and it can also be referred to as Cancun, Cancun Airport, Cancún Intl, or Riviera Maya.

On average, a flight to Cancún costs $334. The cheapest price found on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks cost $75 and departed from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights to Cancun?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights to Cancun.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket to Cancun?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Cancun is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights to Cancun?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Cancun with an airline and back with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight to Cancun?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Cancun up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Cancun

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Cancun flight deals.
  • Arriving at Cancun International Airport (CUN) is the first step on the holiday of a lifetime for a lot of travelers. It’s located about 12 miles from downtown Cancun and it’s the second busiest airport in Mexico, including both domestic and international flights to and from Europe as well as North, Central, and South America.
  • Cancun International Airport (CUN) is a major international hub with four terminals. Transportation within the airport has been made easy, thanks to the airport's free shuttle buses . These shuttles run every 30 minutes and are easy to use. You will get the buses at the shuttle stops outside each terminal. Passengers who need faster transit within the airport can take a taxi.
  • Cancun International Airport (CUN) offers a handy 24-hour hotel transportation service. Its fleet of vehicles are suitable for all needs, and include cars, small buses suitable for groups, and even luxury vehicles for a true VIP service. Vehicles are equipped with child car seats upon request.
  • Cancun International Airport (CUN) has been undergoing constant renovations in order to improve its 1970s structure and provide the greatest possible comfort to passengers spending time there between flights. Today, the airport boasts dozens of first class restaurants and high-end shops , and also useful services such as lockers, car rental agencies, and money exchange stores.
  • Passengers looking to tour the airport can leave their luggage in the lockers at Cancun International Airport (CUN). The storage lockers at the airport are provided by Bounce and are billed hourly or daily. Note that the lockers are ideal for small and medium-sized luggage.
  • Smoking passengers arriving at Cancun International Airport (CUN) can find designated smoking areas in the bars and restaurants in the Departures Terminals. Note that smoking in any other place within the airport is prohibited.
  • Citizens of the US, Canada, and EU can stay in Cancun visa-free for a period of up to 180 days. However, you must present a Tourist Card when entering Cancun by air. Additionally, you will need a visa for stays longer than six months.
  • Passengers who need any last-minute medication can stop by one of Cancun International Airport (CUN) pharmacies . They are available near Gate A2 in Terminal 2, Gate C14 in Terminal 3, and Gate C11 in Terminal 3.
  • Apart from the convenience of arriving near downtown Cancun, landing at Cancun International Airport (CUN) also means you’re close to other accommodation such as the Riviera Cancun Golf & Resorts and the Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort, located 4.8 miles and 7.2 miles away respectively.

Prefer to fly non-stop to Cancun?

Find which airlines fly direct to Cancun, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

United States to Cancun

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +47 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +48 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +48 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +49 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +45 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +46 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +51 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +52 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +49 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +50 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, Aeromexico, +52 more

ANA, Aerolineas Argentinas, +53 more

Nonstop returns

Cancun to United States

Top 5 airlines flying to cancún.

Great! I love Jet Blue. My favorite airline! Very efficient, clean and timely.

Run out of snack choices. Why are the seats not padded for your butt? Are we sitting on blocks of wood or metal for $250-300 a pop? This ain’t spirit. Let’s get it together people

We were told that our flight would be delayed for 90+ minutes because of weather, so we went to get something to eat only to have them randomly start boarding 15 minutes after the announcement, with no warning.

Entertainment... No earphones passed out. Many including me couldn't use the TV. Legroom was good. Crew was indifferent and a bit surly. Free wifi was a nice convenience. Check in desk location was unknown. Gate number on the boarding passes was wrong.

Going through JFK’s security is a mess. The TSA security said no shoes on the bins. So, we place our shoes in the belt and they came out all over the belt. Boarding was delayed and Flight as well.

Safe and on time were the positives. The plane wasn't cleaned before boarding, there was garbage and food on the floor and in the seat pocket. The TV screen was small and the picture fuzzy, audio quality was poor. Seatbelt was fraying and seat did not recline properly. No charging ports near the seats,

Confusing. Delay updates were out of whack At one point it said my flight was 25 hours. Three gate changes and two delays only to change back to original departure time. Gate announcer and on board flight attendant (Alejandro) making the announcements was impossible to understand due to accent and speed of speech. After beverage service the rear flight attendants sat back there on their phones. No refills no checking in, one sweep through for trash collection. Very impersonal. Bring back Coke products

Delayed departure. Delayed after landing pulling into gate. Delay due to sky bridge malfunction

Great. Loved that there was WiFi on flight to keep in touch and excellent service of beverages and snacks.

Business class is great. New airplane, very comfortable, better than some of the major airlines I am used to

Fine. Though no food or entertainment so the survey needs to be updated with those options.

Backpack should NOT allowed put in the flight bin , only put it under the seat. I can't find space put my carry on luggage!!! and I pay for it ! that was very bad experience

Fantastic. Smooth boarding with an infant. Never experienced it with any other carriers.

This was a flight operated by Lufthansa. See me prior comments, which were meant for this experience. The CSA, Ashley, should be reprimanded if not fired for incompetence, being rude, and very, very slow. She was whispering to other CSAs, blaming my flight change on others, unable to give me a seat assignment, telling me could not help without offering any advice (I travel 200,000 miles a year and am a consultant to the airlines, so I know how this gets done PRETTY DAMN WELL). Then, she gave me literally the worst seat on the airline (yes, there were other seats open) - the one right next to the bathroom that was so bad the other PAX next to me left to move to another seat. My seat kept getting rammed (3x) by the crew with their carts (no turbulence to speak of), other passengers grabbing the seat to get in or out of the bathroom, and listening to the bathroom flush all night.

This was a Lufthansa flight, not United. The CSA at the counter, Ashley, was not only incompetent, but quite rude. Me and two other PAX waited over 7 minutes standing in front of her and another CSA and they ignored us. We joked that we must have accidently taken invisibility pills. She could have at least said "I'll be with you in a moment, I'm currently....". I could go on about how rude she and the other CSAs were (whispering, not communicating with me, blaming the situation on others, etc.). She would not work for me. Then, she gave me literally the worst seat on the plane. the worst. My seat kept getting bumped (rammed twice by the crew with their carts and about every 5 minutes by someone using the bathroom), listening to the bathroom all night, crowded seat, etc.

My seat was broken. WiFi didn’t work. Gate crew at HOU were rude and condescending. Treated all the passengers badly. Bad experience, United.

First flight of the day… MINIMUM FUEL! 15 minute landing delay at HOU due to fog turned into a 2+ hour delay! Rather than circle, they had to divert to another city to refuel! Sat on tarmac at Austin to refuel. We ALL missed our connections! The crew, including pilots, were clueless. Crew was really a mess. At HOU, Untied employees were exceedingly rude to all. It was pitiful.

Food wasn’t very good, old business seating configuration on an old A340

An hour and a half late is UNACCEPTABLE. The negative impact to our family is unconscionable. And for the price we were forced to pay...

Standard flight experience, but there is only power at the seat to row 20 on the aircraft, on my initial check in it did not say that was the case

Was lucky to have a employee at the AA checkin counter that had compassion and understood they ordeal that we went through with our original flight being diverted, needing to stay in the aircraft and then flying to the original destination; adding hours to the trip and forcing us to miss our connection and our rebooked connection. She was able to get up on standby on the highest priority on the next flight to the closest airport we need to be at and it all worked out despite being many hours late.

Delayed so that missed connecting flight. Connecting flight was also delayed on the tarmac but they closed the gate before the rescheduled time.

Attendants were rude. Scowling. Seats were miserable and we paid extra.

Took off over an hour late with multiple mechanical issues. Gate agent in Dallas was lazy and was slow as molasses. Had a line 10 people long. Spirit bad..

The preferred seats where awful. Impossible to use them again

The flight was short. However, my bag was delayed and was put on another flight.

Flight attendant was incredible. Very efficient, friendly and pleasant. Patricia was one of the best I have ever seen. Please give her a big raise!

Delayed multiple times. Boarding was ok but getting off the aircraft was a mess. So disorganized with staff trying to help the elderly but completely blocking path for anyone else to move. Bathroom was disgusting, probably caused by one of the customers but staff couldn't care less to help clean it. No one wanted to use it since the floor was completely soaked so everyone just lined up the other restroom while the staff just chit chat with each other while looking at us.

LIT to DFW - 3 hours late; the entire plane had been boarded before they told us there was a delay due to a weather-related ground stop in Dallas. DFW to MAY - 2+ hours late due to A/C needing to be repaired after everyone had boarded, then when we finally reach the runway, the First Officer timed out and we had to taxi all the way back to the gate and wait for a new one. I arrived in New Orleans 5+ hours later than I should have. Return flights were completely cancelled; rebooked through the app to fly through CLT instead of DFW. MSY to CLT had no issues, but CLT to LIT was delayed 1.25 hrs because flight attendants had not arrived to the airport yet. At least they didn’t make us all sit on the plane to wait for them. I should have driven.

Tray table was filthy when I sat down. I needed to have someone come clean it because there was food and stains on it WiFi didn’t work after paying for in flight WiFi Food was terrible and was not filling at all Chicken was rubbery Flight attendant had an attitude, interrupted me and wasn’t able to answer basic questions about the food selection such as “does the chicken have red sauce in it”. If your flight attendants are not going to know what is in the meals so we can make an educated decision based on dietary restrictions, they shouldn’t be on the plane. My 1.5 year old niece was sleeping and dropped her binkie. I went on the ground under the chairs looking for it. It was at that time that she came up to me as I’m CLEARLY on all 4s with a flashlight and said “I need to get by”. I said one moment please I’m getting something from under the seat (while my head was literally under the seat). Her reply was “no you need to move now” and proceeded to almost push me out of the way. I looked up and all I saw was her toes under my eyes. When I looked in front of me, her private parts were inches away from my face. I then made a comment “you couldn’t waited 2 seconds?” and her response was, “no I need to use the bathroom”. I understand that and would never want to be the reason someone couldn’t get to the bathroom but I was under the seat. She could’ve gone around the other way instead of harassing me, basically placing her private parts on my head and borderline pushing me out of the way. You don’t pay (especially this much) for this deplorable experience. This was by far the worst experience I have ever had on American. I will be absolutely thinking twice and thrice about flying American Airlines again. I would rather pay more to fly delta because at least I know their WiFi will work and their flight attendants won’t have a terrible attitude for no reason, nor will they act the way this woman did. Unacceptable.

I got a one-way, last-minute nonstop flight from PDX to BWI for only $125. Yes, I got nicked $79 more for a checked suitcase and $89 more for the BIG SEAT option, but it was worth it, even with $4.50 for coffee and $10 for a snack (the latter no different than any other airline). The grand total was still less flying on any other airline.

It was the worst ever, i will be filing a lawsuit to get a refund. Our flight was delayed 4 hours so we would miss our connecting flight, we were not rebooked to our destination the same day, we were not offered any options to get home on the same day despite being clear that we absolutely cannot get stranded at night due to family, we were forced to book our own flights on a different airline to get home, and spririt is refusing a refund because our flight wasn't cancelled, only delayed. oh yeah, and they lost our luggage on the first part of the trip and you cannot get a hold of customer service when anything goes wrong, on hold for 30+ minutes. and their app breaks so you can't use that either.

This recognisable no-frills airline gets me from point-A to point-B. I was able to get to Chicago without stress. The checked baggage collection and reclaim could be improved.

The crew was the best and very accommodating I know you don't offer any complimentary items but water and coffee will not break the bank !!

My flight was cancelled!!! I had to spend 200.00 on another flight!!

The whole day was a nightmare. Flight extremely late. Boarding was a mess of a nightmare.

When we landed, they kept us on the plane for almost 25 minutes. Could do better.

worst trip ever Spirit lost our Baggs which were never put on the plane in Atlanta. 24 hours ago they are telling me now that the bags are still missing.

Never been on this flight as i had missed it due to delayed connecting flight

Horrible. Delays, no customer support and fake promises and everything. i am suffering to help as due to connecting flight getting missed no support on ground and customer support window is closed and we are sitting o ground without anything

The Frontier app wasn’t working. So I could not pay for a carry on the week prior to flying. They charged me 99$ at the gate to carry on a duffle bag.

Good for the price. My only complaint is that the pilot should keep the air flowing while passengers are waiting to getting out of airplane.

Plane could have been more on time. More leg room .

I arrived 1 hour prior to boarding, and they said I was too late for a domestic flight. First time I heard that :-(

Check in online was easy. Seats aren’t very comfortable

Fecal matter in seat back pocket. Presumably from a kids diaper.

Worst airline to travel with. They treat you like a prisoner in a jailhouse barking out orders and threats. Nickle and dime you to the same price or higher than a respectable airline like one of the big 3 . Might as well fly with standard airlines

Well I mean u get what u pay for so 🤷‍♂️

Over an hour delay in departure but I was notified beforehand. Another delay on tarmac upon arrival at LGA. We ended up departing the plane almost 2 hours later than expected

I fly Frontier because it’s affordable. I understand that the seats are tight and not the most comfortable…but that’s part of it. The problem with this flight was that there was a group of travelers directly behind me at the back of the plane who were ridiculously loud and obnoxious the entire flight. I’m pretty sure they were drunk and I could periodically smell an odd odor that I believe was one of them using a smokeless vape pen. The stewards had to remind them to keep quiet during the pre-flight instruction, but that was it. They never said another thing to them for the rest of the flight. It was a miserable.

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Paradisus Cancun Limited-Time Package

All-inclusive resort.

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Cancun: Paradisus Limited-Time Package

This beachfront all-inclusive resort offers something for everyone, with 658 spacious suites, expansive free-form pools and a nine-hole golf course. Guests staying in the The Reserve or Nikté suites will receive additional services and amenities.

Vacation Package Details

Unlimited meals, wine and premium spirits

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Paradisus Cancun - All-Inclusive

Costco member reviews.

4.0 of 5 stars

Blvd Kukulcan Km 16.5, Zona Hotelera, Cancun, Quintana Roo, 77500, Mexico

This beachfront all-inclusive resort offers something for everyone, with 658 spacious suites, expansive free-form pools and a nine-hole golf course. Guests staying in The Reserve or Nikté suites will receive additional services or amenities.

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Escape Cancun crowds: 8 quieter Mexico beach towns for your next vacation

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  • Cancun is one of the world’s top tourist destinations, but there are a plethora of other, less popular Mexican beach towns just waiting to enchant travelers.
  • From charming surf towns to snorkeling along sea turtles, travelers should explore the diverse beauty of the rest of Mexico’s expansive coastline.
  • With no shortage of warm weather, sun and surf throughout Mexico, these destinations offer a quieter, less crowded experience.

Cancun reigns as one of the world’s top tourist destinations, and there’s no mystery why. The Caribbean Sea-adjacent locale has a myriad of sprawling beach resorts, clear turquoise waters and a vibrant nightlife. In 2023, Cancun welcomed over 21 million tourists .

While Cancun is beautiful and lively, there are a plethora of other, less popular Mexican beach towns just waiting to enchant travelers. From charming surf towns to snorkeling along sea turtles, travelers should explore the diverse beauty of the rest of Mexico’s expansive coastline.

With no shortage of warm weather, sun and surf throughout Mexico, these destinations offer a quieter, less crowded experience than enjoying Cancun alongside 30 million other tourists. 

Far Homes spotted hidden gems across Mexico’s coast, looking at the destinations’ natural beauty, recreational activity offerings, safety and accessibility to learn and experience the local culture. To assess each town’s safety ratings, Far Homes released a report looking at crime statistics from data by the Executive Secretary of the National Security System. While some of these spots are known to attract tourists, they’re nowhere near as saturated as Cancun or Cabo. 

Here are eight under-the-radar beach towns in Mexico to consider adding to your travel list.

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Cancun without the crowds: Meet Isla Mujeres, a quieter Mexican getaway

Located about an hour from Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita perfectly balances bustling and mellow energy. “Sayulita is a fun little town full of eclectic restaurants and shops,” said Gene Alvarez, a local real estate agent from Net Real Estate who works with Far Homes. “With several great surf breaks and a laid-back atmosphere, it attracts surfers, backpackers, and bohemians.” It’s easy to get around for travelers not well-versed in Spanish, and many people rent mopeds or golf carts to cruise around the town. While the main beach in town, Playa Sayulita, can be crowded for both surfers and beachgoers, travelers can head north to the neighboring village of Playa San Pancho for quieter, more serene beaches.

Fly into Cancun Airport and head about three hours south to Akumal for a quieter escape from Cancun and Tulum. Scoring high with Far Homes for its natural beauty, Akumal has become more known among travelers for its pristine beaches and lush jungles. Must-dos in Akumal include snorkeling with sea turtles in the clear waters of the marine protected area of Half Moon Bay and swimming in the enclosed cenote Yal-Ku Lagoon, said local real estate agent Rob Kinnon from BuyPlaya. Just 15 minutes south is the famous Tulum Archaeological Site, where Mayan ruins made of limestone sit perched upon a cliff.

Puerto Escondido

Located in the Pacific Ocean-facing state of Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido is a rising destination for its world-class surfing breaks and easy-going lifestyle. Travelers can fly directly to Puerto Escondido International Airport, less than two miles from town. “From the trendy bars of Zicatela to the laid back vibes of La Punta, the town has something for everyone,” said local real estate agent Jon Ferioli from Bayside Real Estate. “And with nods from international magazines, Puerto Escondido is quickly becoming the go-to spot for digital nomads seeking inspiration and connection.” The town scored high for its activities offerings. Even if you don’t want to brave the often powerful waves, travelers can go on crocodile boat tours through the mangroves, witness the glowing bioluminescent plankton in two of the nearby lagoons at night, or visit Casa Wabi, a contemporary art and architecture museum. 

Isla Holbox

If you’re really itching to escape the crowds, head to Isla Holbox, a 26-mile-long car-free island located right off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. While the island has grown in popularity and therefore development, it still offers travelers a secluded beachside retreat. Travelers can wander the streets, which are paved in sand, barefoot or in golf carts – the main mode of transportation on the skinny island. To get there, travelers fly to Cancun International Airport then travel by car for two hours to Chiquila to board a 15-minute ferry ride to the island. While it may take more effort to visit Isla Holbox over Cancun or Cabo, it’s well worth it. The resort town ranks high for natural beauty, including bioluminescent lagoons and whale shark tours, and safety. 

Those seeking out the sun and sand will find Huatulco to be paradise with its 36 beaches and nine bays, and endlessly sunny weather. Less developed than Puerto Vallarta and Cancun, the small resort town offers activities like kayaking, hiking waterfalls or scuba diving, and is bordered by the Huatulco National Park. Of course, travelers can just relax on the beach as well. To get there, travelers can fly into Bahias de Huatulco International Airport, a short hour-and-a-half flight from Mexico City. “The international airport is only 10 minutes away, and the area attracts tourists looking for a more authentic Mexican experience and small-town feeling,” said Brent May, founder and CEO of Bayside Real Estate. 

Located on the Pacific coast in Oaxaca, Zipolite’s former hippie culture is still retained with its laidback, rustic charm and a focus on eco-tourism. The community evolved around a hippie beach culture and has now become known for its excellent restaurants, bars, trendy boutique hotels, and low-key party culture,” said May. Over an hour’s drive from Puerto Escondido International Airport, the town scored high for activities and safety, and there are not as many tourist traps as in the more developed parts of Mexico. The massive Zipolite beach remains Mexico’s only legal nude beach, but there’s also a western end known for surfing and a small eastern bay called Playa del Amor that's known among the LGTBTQ+ community. “

This sleepy fishing village of Mahahual has grown in popularity among travelers, thanks partly to cruise ships. However, it still has much to offer travelers, ranking high for culture and safety by Far Homes. “This charming coastal town is best explored by bicycle,” said Gaby Ortiz, sales manager at Maya Ocean, a local real estate broker. “As you pedal through its scenic streets, you can lose track of time, immersed in the natural beauty and tranquility of your surroundings.” To get to Mahahual, travelers can fly into Chetumal International Airport and drive for about two hours. Travelers eager to experience vibrant marine life will find Mahahual to be the perfect destination. Spanning nearly 72 miles, the largest barrier reef system in Mexico and the Caribbean, Banco Chinchorro, is just an hour-long boat ride away. The UNESCO biosphere reserve is home to coral, American crocodiles, rays, turtles, nurse sharks and even sunken ships. On land, travelers can visit the Museum of Costa Maya and the Chacchoben Mayan ruins to learn more about local history and culture. 

Todos Santos 

About an hour’s drive from Los Cabos International Airport on Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, Todos Santos is known as a haven for artists and creatives as well as its colonial architecture. Nestled between the coast and the desert, the town ranked highly for natural beauty, safety and culture with Far Homes. If travelers venture away from the bustling town center – home to boutique galleries, shops and restaurants – they can go surfing at the nearby Playa Los Cerritos or hike the coast of Punta Lobos. “At one time a small fishing village, Todos Santos now boasts several chic hotels and world-class dining, but it hasn’t lost its indie soul. Make sure to stop at Jazamango for a true Todos Santos dining experience,” said Nancy Costa, a local real estate agent with Costa Cabo Realty. 

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

Para reservar llama a: 55 8663 8825

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Los mejores tours en Cancún y Riviera Maya


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¡Reserva tu traslado!

Reservar tu traslado aeropuerto – hotel – aeropuerto tiene muchos beneficios, ya que te permite ahorrar dinero, tiempo y viajar con mayor seguridad y tranquilidad.

Nuestros vehículos con aire acondicionado se adaptan a tus necesidades y proveen el espacio y la comodidad que requieres a tu llegada. 

Llámanos ahora al 5586638825 para reserva tu traslado.

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Los mejores tours y actividades en Riviera Maya

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Pasa todo un día entre ríos subterráneos, selva, el mar Caribe, espectáculos, la fauna tropical y mucho más. Parque Xcaret , uno de los lugares turísticos que debes vivir.

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Parque natural con una enorme laguna natural ideal para nadar, senderos por la selva para caminar y observar flora y fauna, actividades terrestres y acuáticas para día inolvidable.

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Xplor es un mundo subterráneo único, con 7 circuitos de aventura que te invitan a redescubrir tus emociones y sentidos en medio de la naturaleza.

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Disfrutar de un agradable paseo en trajinera, donde podrás  brindar, cantar, bailar con tus amigos y familia al son de la música tradicional mexicana, degustar platillos tradicionales y a celebrar a lo mexicano.

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Empezarás tu recorrido navegando tu catamarán, realiza snorkel en el mejor arrecife de la isla y  sorpréndete en la bahía El Cielo. Termina tu visita en un club  de playa que te va a encantar. 

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Disfruta una de las 7 nuevas maravillas del mundo. Te transportaremos a la raíz de la cocina regional en una única demostración gastronómica. Al terminar visitaremos el cenote Ik Kil.

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Este tour es la mezcla perfecta entre una aventura a bordo de un catamarán y la experiencia de hacer snorkel. A lo largo del viaje podrás refrescarte con bebidas incluidas. Al llegar a la isla te dirigirás a un club de playa donde podrás relajarte. 

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El paraíso tiene nombre: Holbox . Conocido por ser el santuario natural de muchas especies, además de la gran diversidad de aves que la habitan y visitan durante el año como los flamencos, pelicanos y fragatas.

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Parque natural, recreativo y acuático conocido por su belleza natural y sus increíbles actividades para toda la familia. Podrás admirar paisajes increíbles, descansar en hamacas y realizar actividades como kayaks y snorkel en los arrecifes de coral. 

¿Prefieres combos?

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Combina las Experiencias Xcaret a tu gusto y disfruta de momentos inolvidables. 

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Comienza con una visita guiada en la Zona Arqueológica de Tulum. Enseguida visitas las claras aguas del cenote Dzonot Wayak y termina tu recorrido en Playa del Carmen.

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Convive con amigables delfines en su ambiente natural. Podrás descansar en cómodas camas de playa plegables y saborear exquisitos platillos y frescas bebidas.

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The 8 best underseat luggage of 2024.

Skip the worry of overhead space with a carry-on that tucks under your seat.

The Best Underseat Luggage

CALPAK Luka Soft-Sided Mini Carry-On Luggage under the seat on an airplane.

Rachael Hood | U.S. News

When you're flying, there's often a rush to board to get your carry-on bag a slot in the coveted overhead bins – as well as multiple announcements asking travelers to gate-check their bag to help reduce the amount of luggage in the overhead space. Some airlines even charge an additional fee if you want to bring a carry-on bag. To avoid these problems and keep your luggage with you, an underseater is an ideal option.

Designed to stow neatly under the seat in front of you on a plane or train, underseat luggage comes in a variety of styles, including hard - and soft-sided mini suitcases, backpacks, totes, and briefcases. What's more, depending on airline luggage size requirements , these bags are considered a personal item with most airlines, so you'll save on bag fees and have continuous access to everything you pack in your carry-on bag .

U.S. News editors researched dozens of review sites, including Amazon, online retailers, travel industry review sites and more, to come up with this selection of the best underseat luggage.

Best Overall: CALPAK Luka Soft-Sided Mini Carry-On Luggage

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Best Backpack: ZOMAKE Lightweight Packable Backpack 30L

Best briefcase: vera bradley underseat rolling work bag, best tote: travelpro maxlite 5 carry-on rolling tote, best wheeled: samsonite spinner underseater with usb port, best expandable: biaggi zipsak boost underseater expands to carry-on, best hard-sided: calpak hue mini carry-on, best budget: tprc 15-inch smart under seat carry-on.

(Note: Prices and availability were accurate at the time of publication; they may fluctuate due to demand or other factors. Dimensions are listed in order of length by height by width.)

CALPAK Luka Soft-sided Mini Carry-On in chocolate against white background.

Courtesy of CALPAK

What sets it apart: Lightweight and constructed with a matte-finish polyester fabric, this small carry-on suitcase has organizational features that make it stand out from the rest. The spacious interior compartment includes a padded laptop sleeve (which holds up to a 13-inch laptop), a mesh slip pocket, a removable mesh zipper pocket and two additional small zipper pockets.

On the outside, there's a large front zip pocket for reading material or other documents, and a side zippered pocket ideal for a phone cord, writing utensils, earbuds or other small items you may want to reach midflight. The trolley sleeve allows you to attach this underseater to a larger carry-on or a checked rolling bag once you reach your destination.

Expert review: "I love the stylish appearance of this particular design, along with the thoughtful design details like the two exterior zippered compartments, which are great for small items I want to reach easily while traveling," says Rachael Hood, senior editor at U.S. News Travel. "It is easy to slide under the seat in front of me, and I also really like this bag's laptop sleeve, as it is especially useful for a quick business trip or when I'm traveling and planning to work remotely. Despite its compact size, it can comfortably fit 2-3 days of clothing (even more if I use compression packing cubes), and it handles well in airports and hotels on multiple types of surfaces."

Price: $165 or less

What sets it apart: This carry-on backpack works as both an underseater and a daypack. It has multiple zippered compartments to keep things organized and secure, including two side mesh pockets for a water bottle and umbrella. Constructed with a lightweight nylon resistant to tears and water, this bag comes in a variety of colors such as orange or green. What's more, the packable backpack can also be folded up into a small pouch and put into a carry-on or checked bag , so it's perfect to stow in your bag to use as an underseater on the way home for all of finds you purchased on your journey.

Expert review: "The ZOMAKE backpack is a compact carry-on option that easily fits under a plane seat," says Erin Evans , managing editor at U.S. News Travel. "I've had two of these backpacks (in two different colors) for years – they last, they're affordable, they're versatile and they can fit a surprising amount of stuff."

Price: $21.99 or less

Vera Bradley Underseat Rolling Work Bag in Botanical Paisley design against white background.

Courtesy of Vera Bradley

What sets it apart: For a true office-on-the-go setup, this bag checks the boxes. The front compartment has a laptop sleeve and mesh pockets for work essentials. There are exterior zip pockets for earbuds, writing utensils and other meetings-in-transit needs. Given the design, you can take out all your belongings for work without going into the main compartment, where clothing and personal items can be stowed.

The inside has a removable lining for cleaning, two compression straps, a mesh zip pocket and a slip pocket for a USB battery pack (sold separately). There's a lock to keep contents secure and a trolley sleeve to attach the underseater to a full-size carry-on.

Travelers appreciate: Commuters like this bag because they can fit clothing for two to three days along with a laptop and other work necessities. The two wheels help the briefcase easily glide under the seat on an airplane, though some note it would be nice if the bag had four spinner wheels instead. Many note it is a go-to bag for travel because of its organizational features and ease of use.

Price: $200 or less

TravelPro Maxlite 5 Carry-On Rolling Tote in black against white background.

Courtesy of Travelpro

What sets it apart: This bag is constructed of a water-resistant polyester exterior and lined with a fabric made from 100% recycled plastic bottles. The interior compartment has space for clothing and essentials for a quick overnight business trip or a weekend getaway . For quick access, the front panel opens to reveal a mesh pocket for smaller items; an internal breakaway snap feature helps keep the flap secure, so you don't spill all of the bag's contents onto the airport floor. There's also a front zippered compartment for electronics and your boarding pass, along with a back trolley strap to secure it to a larger rolling bag.

Travelers appreciate: The lightweight yet sturdy handle is one of the features travelers like about this bag. They also appreciate its sturdy construction, its ability to fit in the overhead bin on smaller planes (where it is too large to go under the seat), and the high-performance wheels.

Price: $159.99 or less

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Samsonite Spinner Underseater with USB Port in black against white background.

Courtesy of Samsonite

What sets it apart: The spinner wheels and integrated charging port really set this carry-on bag apart. Designed to fit under most airline seats, the interior compartment has space for one to two days' worth of clothing, a laptop and tablet sleeve, and mesh pockets. Other features include a zippered exterior pocket with organizational features, a side zippered pocket with charging port access (personal charging device not included) and a luggage trolley sleeve.

Expert review: "I'm a big fan of the durability of the Samsonite underseater," says James Smith, founder of Travel-Lingual . "I've spent a ton of time on the road, so I know how important it is to have a dependable bag." He says the bag is built to last and that, while it doesn't have a dedicated laptop compartment, the laptop sleeve works well for travel.

Andre Robles, general manager at Voyagers Travel Specialists , says, "The Samsonite wheeled underseater stands out as my top recommendation due to its winning combination of style and practicality." He adds that the bag is versatile for business and leisure travel, fits well under the seat, and provides easy access to your belongings during the journey.

Price: $145 or less

Biaggi Zipsak Boost! Underseater Expands to Carry-On plus packing cube against white background.

Courtesy of Biaggi

What sets it apart: If you're looking for versatility, this underseater folds into a 15 x 9 x 4-inch pouch and can expand to a 21-inch carry-on size – perfect for creating space to bring those souvenirs home from your trip. Featuring a durable and water-resistant construction on a four-wheel spinner base, this underseater has an adjustable cushioned handle to pull or carry the bag over your shoulder.

The interior compartment has two mesh zip pockets and includes an extra-deep packing cube. There are three exterior pockets for small travel essentials like your earbuds, boarding pass and reading material. The bag can be stowed under the airplane seat when not expanded, or placed in the overhead bin if you choose to fully expand the suitcase.

Travelers appreciate: Owners of this 2-in-1 style rave about the expandability options, as well as the ability to fold down for easy storage when not traveling. They also appreciate that the bag is lightweight and durable, with the capacity to hold a lot of items for its size.

Price: $229.99 or less

CALPAK Hue Mini Carry-On Luggage in hazel against white background.

What sets it apart: This cube-shaped polycarbonate design offers a compact yet spacious interior space for three to five days of clothing and necessities. The zippered interior divider keeps the contents in place, and there are multiple pockets for smaller items. The bag also has a built-in TSA-accepted lock, spinner wheels and a retractable handle. For easy maneuverability, there are top and side handles to pull the bag out from under the seat or to place in an overhead bin.

Expert review: "If I'm not taking my laptop, this bag is my go-to for quick trips. Since I have lifting restrictions, this underseater glides easily under the seat, so I don't have to try to get it in the overhead bin (which also saves on baggage fees)," Hood says. "I have the poppy (coral) color, and I absolutely adore it! I use compression cubes to fit up to six days of clothing inside this bag, and even when fully packed it glides along moving walkways, sidewalks and airports like a charm. While the handle doesn't feel extremely strong, I'm able to trolley another packed tote with no problem."

What sets it apart: Compact and smartly designed, this underseater has two exterior zippered pockets for easy access to earbuds, reading material or your boarding pass. The interior has a removable clear zippered bag for TSA-compliant toiletries, plus two additional zippered compartments for smaller travel items. For easy access, there's a side slide pocket with a built-in port for a USB charger (sold separately) to charge your phone on the go. It also has a trolley sleeve so it can be used as a personal item in addition to a rolling carry-on bag.

Travelers appreciate: Given its compact design, buyers of this bag like that it fits more than it appears it would hold. They also appreciate that it fits under the seats of even small planes where overhead bins are extremely small. Most note that it is extremely well constructed for the price.

Price: $51.22 or less

Frequently Asked Questions

There's not a standard size for underseaters, and it varies by airline. Several airlines, including Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Frontier Airlines and Spirit Airlines, permit personal item bags up to 18 x 14 x 8 inches. JetBlue allows up to 17 x 13 x 8 inches, while United Airlines considers bags measuring up to 17 x 10 x 9 inches personal items. Consult our article on carry-on and personal item size limits to see each airline's specifications.

Yes, underseat luggage is designed to fit under most airplane seats. Bags that can easily be stowed under the seat are considered personal items. On really small regional jets, you may need to put some underseat luggage in the overhead bin, but having an underseater will also help avoid gate-checking a standard carry-on bag that will be too large for small regional jet overhead space.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Rachael Hood rarely checks a bag and likes to have her suitcase within reach while in flight. She has traveled extensively with the CALPAK Luka Soft-sided Mini and the Hue Mini , both of which she likes to maximize the interior space with compression packing cubes. To curate this list, she used her personal experience, research and retail merchandising background.

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Samsonite Novaire 2-Piece Luggage Set

Vegan luggage is a great gift for a travel-loving dad.

Every travel-loving dad can appreciate a great set of luggage. Here’s a two-piece set with a carry-on and large spinner. These durable hard-shell suitcases are made without leather or other animal byproducts, and they’re made to last. It has several features that makes it easy to get through the airport such as 360-degree spinner wheels. It’s also got plenty of room for everything a new dad could need to pack for himself and his baby. It has an integrated 3-digit TSA-approved lock to keep his stuff safe. It also has a removable hanging organizer and zippered pockets. Shop Now: Samsonite, $363.99 at the time of publication

Watson & Wolfe Miller Belt

This belt is made from high-quality faux leather.

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Nuna CUDL Clik Baby Carrier

The Nuna CUDL Clik Baby Carrier is terrific for dads who can travel with their baby.

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Matt & Nat Soren Vegan Briefcase

The Matt & Nat Soren Vegan Briefcase is durable for frequent travel.

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Peg Perego Stroller Travel Bag with Wheels

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LOJEL Packing Kit

LOJEL's packing kit helps new dads stay organized during their travels.

LOJEL’s packing kit has six vegan bags to help a new dad stay organized during his travels. The bags come in a variety of sizes to fit different accessories for parent and child. Each bag is tear-resistant and water-resistant to protect your dad’s stuff. When the bags aren’t being used, they’re collapsible and will lay flat for easy storage. Shop Now: LOJEL, $65

Caraa Nylon Baby Changing Mat

This baby changing mat is vegan and a must-have for dads on the go.

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Opal C1 Webcam

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PAPERCLIP Willow Diaper Bag

The PAPERCLIP Willow is practical and aesthetically pleasing.

Here’s bag that shows that leather and other animal byproducts are unnecessary. In fact, this Paperclip diaper bag is made with only recycled, sustainable materials. Its wipe-clean vegan leather is durable and aesthetically pleasing. This diaper bag has an integrated changing station, and it has plenty of room to carry all the diapers a baby might need on an outing. It also easily transforms from a backpack to a messenger bag for whatever a new dad’s travel needs are. Shop Now: Amazon, $199

Robin Raven

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