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Releases: FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega

Switchyomega 2.5.20 & 2.5.21 for chromium & firefox.


🤔 What happened in v2.5.21? See #2007 (comment)

  • This update contains bug fixes for Chromium only. Firefox users do not need to update.
  • Fix some compatibility issues on very old Chromium-based browsers (e.g. Chromium 31).
  • Fix some bugs introduced in refactoring, allowing external profile detection to work again.
  • Fix "show external profile" setting reverting itself to enabled.

🪲 In case of issues, please right click on the extension icon and select "Report Issue" from the menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly.


🔵 Users of Chromium and Chromium-based browsers: Please install from Chrome Web Store .

🔴 Users of Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers: Please install from Mozilla Add-Ons . (See Firefox Support below for supported versions.)

If you cannot install from the links above, or prefer a manual installation:

The packaged CRX file below can be installed in Chromium. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it.

The packaged XPI file below can be installed in Firefox. Please google for installation instructions on how to install it.

Firefox Support

  • Firefox >= 60: Shiny browser.proxy.onRequest API. SwitchyOmega just added support recently so please let us know if you experience issues.
  • HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 Authentication and SOCKS5 Remote DNS will only work in some versions (>= 2017-09-18).
  • Firefox <= 54: WONT WORK. Back-porting is not possible due to lack of support in proxy API.
  • 这次更新只含有 Chromium 平台的 bug 修复, Firefox 用户无需更新。
  • 修复非常古老的基于 Chromium 浏览器上的一些兼容性问题。(例如 Chromium 31.)
  • 修复重构导致的外部情景模式 bug. 现在外部情景模式应该可以正常工作了。
  • 修复 “显示外部情景模式” 设置总会重置到“启用”的错误。

🪲 如遇到问题,请使用图标右键菜单的“反馈问题”功能提交错误报告,以便开发者及时修复,谢谢。

🔵 Chromium 或基于 Chromium 的浏览器用户: 请从 Chrome 应用商店 安装。

🔴 Mozilla Firefox 或者基于 Mozilla 的其他浏览器用户: 请从 Mozilla Add-Ons 安装。(见下方 Firefox 支持的版本说明。)


下方的 CRX 安装包可用于 Chromium. 关于下载后如何安装,您可以 谷歌一下 ,或者看看 百度经验怎么说 。

下方的 XPI 安装包可用于 Firefox. 关于下载后如何安装,您可以 谷歌一下 。

  • Firefox >= 60: 崭新的 browser.proxy.onRequest API. SwitchyOmega 最近才支持此功能,因此如遇到问题请及时反馈。
  • HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 认证以及 SOCKS5 远程 DNS 只在某些版本中可以工作 (>= 2017-09-18).
  • Firefox <= 54: 无法工作。由于这些版本没有代理 API ,我们无法向后兼容这些版本。
  • 👍 38 reactions
  • 😄 2 reactions
  • 🎉 6 reactions

SwitchyOmega 2.5.19 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Fixed SOCKS4 proxies on Firefox.
  • (2.5.19) Silenced a few repeating errors ( disconnected ) that used lots of memory. (Firefox users should expect less memory footprint.)
  • (2.5.19) Fixed exporting and switch profiles on Chrome.
  • Especially, a big zh_TW update thanks to zhtw2013 .
  • 修复了 Firefox 上 SOCKS4 代理无法正常工作的问题。
  • (2.5.19) 去掉了大量反复打印的错误信息 ( disconnected ),减少内存占用。 (Firefox 用户应该可以看到内存占用减少一些。)
  • (2.5.19) 修复 Chrome 上的导出以及自动切换。
  • 其中 zh_TW 有大量文本更新(感谢 zhtw2013 )
  • 移除了导出文件的 BOM. 也许能修复使用导出的 PAC 文件时遇到的一些问题。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.16 for Firefox

This is a Firefox-ONLY update that comes with the new request-based proxy handler, based on browser.proxy.onRequest. Read on for details.

🔴 Users of Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers: Please install from Mozilla Add-Ons . ℹ️ See below for Firefox support across different versions

这次更新只针对 Firefox 发布,改用新的 browser.proxy.onRequest 根据请求来实现切换。

🔴 Mozilla Firefox 或者基于 Mozilla 的其他浏览器用户: 请从 Mozilla Add-Ons 安装。 ℹ️ 关于 Firefox 不同版本的支持情况,请参考后面的说明。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.15 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Reduced a lot of error messages in Firefox console (CPU/RAM usage may be improved).
  • Add message for unsupported proxy authentication by browser.
  • Fixed popup menus not properly displayed on narrow screens.
  • Fixed "direct" not localized in popup menu.
  • Removed BOM from exported files. This may fix some issues when trying to use exported PACs.

🔴 Users of Mozilla Firefox and other Mozilla-based browsers: Please install from Mozilla Add-Ons . ⚠️ Mozilla Firefox support is experimental! Please see the section below.

Experimental Firefox Support

SwitchyOmega can now be installed on Firefox Nightly Version >= 57 but should be considered experimental. Since the WebExtensions API is still under heavy development on Mozilla's side, we strongly recommended using the Nightly channel (>= 57.0) and update frequently.

Many features like HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 Authentication and SOCKS5 Remote DNS will ONLY work in latest Nightly versions (>= 2017-09-18).

⚠️ SwitchyOmega MAY NOT WORK PROPERLY in obsolete Nightly versions due to a Firefox bug. See #1171 . Please always use the latest Nightly build before you report issues . Build number AND build date should be mentioned somewhere in the issue.

⚠️ The Stable, Beta, Developer Edition, and similar channels will not receive fixes as often and therefore unsupported by SwitchyOmega. Some users report that it works with Firefox 55 as well, but we strongly advise against doing so. NOTE: Firefox <= 54 does not support SwitchyOmega!

  • Firefox 上减少了大量错误日志输出(也许内存/CPU占用也能好一点?)
  • 添加了浏览器不支持代理验证时的提示信息。
  • 修复了窄屏幕下弹出菜单可能被遮挡的问题。
  • 修复了弹出菜单中 [直接连接] 未被翻译的问题。

🔴 Mozilla Firefox 或者基于 Mozilla 的其他浏览器用户: 请从 Mozilla Add-Ons 安装。 ⚠️ Mozilla Firefox 支持目前处于实验阶段。请参考下方说明。

Mozilla Firefox 支持(实验中)

SwitchyOmega 现在可以在 Firefox Nightly 版本 >= 57 上安装使用,但目前还是实验版。 由于 WebExtensions API 仍然在早期开发中,我们强烈建议您使用 Nightly 频道并经常从 Mozilla 获取最新更新。

很多特性只能在最新版 Nightly (>= 2017-09-18) 上运行,例如 HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 代理用户名密码验证,以及 SOCKS5 远程 DNS 解析等。

⚠️ SwitchyOmega 在 旧版 Nightly 中可能无法正常工作. 见 #1171 . 在 反馈问题 前,请确定您正在使用最新的 Nightly 编译版。反馈问题时请提供您的编译版本号和编译日期。

⚠️ 稳定版 (Stable),测试版 (Beta),开发者版 (Developer Edition) 等频道由于故障修复速度较慢,因此 SwitchyOmega 对这些版本不提供任何技术支持。有些用户反馈扩展在 Firefox 55 上也能运行,但我们不推荐这样做。 **注意: Firefox <= 54 不支持 SwitchyOmega! **

SwitchyOmega 2.5.11 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Fixed extension not working in Firefox 60 beta 16 and Firefox Nightly 61.
  • 修复了扩展在 Firefox 60 beta 16 和 Firefox Nightly 61 不能工作的问题。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.10 for Chromium & Firefox

  • This includes situations where "Apply Changes" is unusable, etc.
  • Note that the extension icon will NOT change colors dynamically if privacy.resistFingerprinting is enabled because that also blocks SwitchyOmega from drawing icons.
  • 修复了 Firefox 隐私浏览模式下弹出菜单不能正常显示的问题。
  • 修复了一个可能导致快速切换中出现重复情景模式的问题。
  • 修复了图标右键菜单中快速切换勾选的问题。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.8 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Fix popup menu in Firefox Private Windows.
  • Fix a problem that causes duplicates in Quick Switch.
  • Fix Quick Switch checkbox in browserAction context menu.
  • The Firefox release is still at v2.5.6 because there is no need to upgrade. Don't panic.

SwitchyOmega 2.5.4 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Support adding notes to switch rules.
  • Network monitor will not report errors for requests blocked by ad-blockers, etc.
  • Support HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 Authentication on Firefox. (Nightly builds >= 2017-09-18 ONLY!)
  • SOCKS5 proxies now use remote DNS on Firefox. (Nightly builds >= 2017-09-18 ONLY!)
  • Improved localization (such as date formatting).
  • 支持对切换规则添加备注。
  • 被广告屏蔽插件等阻止的请求不会再显示为错误。
  • 支持 HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 代理用户名密码验证,以及。 (仅限 Firefox Nightly 编译日期 >= 2017-09-18 可用!)
  • SOCKS5 现在会使用远程 DNS 解析。 (仅限 Firefox Nightly 编译日期 >= 2017-09-18 可用!)
  • 改善了本地化(例如日期显示)。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.2 for Chromium & Firefox

  • Fixed an issue with rule list URL, PAC URL and username/password inputs.
  • Added option to put new conditions added by the popup menu to the bottom.
  • Added option to hide external profiles under Options > General.
  • Added back hover tooltip in popup menu. Mouse-over any profile to see details!
  • Disabled PAC Profiles in Firefox since they won't work.
  • Experimental mobile support. Try it on Firefox for Android! (Newest Nightly builds ONLY!)

⚠️ SwitchyOmega DOES NOT WORK on Windows in the most recent Nightly versions due to a Firefox bug. See #1171

⚠️ The Developer Edition and Beta channels will not receive fixes as often and therefore unsupported by SwitchyOmega. Some users report that it works with the Firefox Developer Edition (>= 55) as well, but we strongly advise against doing so. NOTE: Firefox Stable <= 54 does not support SwitchyOmega!

🪲 Please make sure that you are using the latest Nightly build before you report issues . Build number AND build date should be mentioned somewhere in the issue.

  • 修复了PAC/规则列表网址,以及用户名密码无法正常输入的问题。
  • 添加了选项,可以将弹出菜单添加的条件放在自动切换最后。
  • 添加了隐藏外部情景模式的选项,可以在选项 > 通用里修改。
  • 在弹出菜单中,重新添加了悬停提示功能,可查看情景模式详情。
  • 禁用了 Firefox 中的 PAC 情景模式。(无法工作)
  • 尝试支持移动设备。请试试看 Firefox for Android 版本!(只有最新 Nightly 能用!)

⚠️ SwitchyOmega 最近在新版 Nightly 中, 在 Windows 平台上无法工作. 见 #1171 .

⚠️ 开发者版 (Developer Edition) 或者测试版 (Beta) 的故障修复速度较慢,因此 SwitchyOmega 不支持这些频道的版本。有些用户反馈扩展在开发者版 (>= 55) 上也能运行,但我们不推荐这样做。 **注意: Firefox 稳定版 (<= 54) 不支持 SwitchyOmega! **

🪲 在 反馈问题 前,请确定您正在使用最新的 Nightly 编译版。反馈问题时请提供您的编译版本号和编译日期。

SwitchyOmega 2.5.0 for Chromium & Firefox

  • We recommend installing from the Chrome Web Store or Mozilla Add-Ons .
  • However, if you prefer, please see the corresponding sections above for manual installation.
  • It takes a few days for new versions to be approved on Mozilla Add-ons before the packages can be made available here.
  • Added a link to the warning for full URL limitation. See #845 .
  • Translation improvements by community.

SwitchyOmega can now be installed on Firefox Nightly Version >= 56 but should be considered experimental. Since the WebExtensions API is still under heavy development on Mozilla's side, we strongly recommended using the Nightly channel (>= 56.0) and update frequently.

  • 建议在 Chrome Web Store 或者 Mozilla Add-Ons 上安装。
  • 但您也可以选择手动安装,见下方相应小节说明。
  • Mozilla Add-Ons 审核需要数天时间,审核通过后才会在此提供安装包下载。
  • 新增了关于完整 URL 限制的链接,见 #845 .

SwitchyOmega 现在可以在 Firefox Nightly 版本 >= 56 上安装使用,但目前还是实验版。 由于 WebExtensions API 仍然在早期开发中,我们强烈建议您使用 Nightly 频道并经常从 Mozilla 获取最新更新。

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How to Change Proxy Settings

Last Updated: August 18, 2022 Tested

Google Chrome

Microsoft edge, internet explorer.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd . Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 1,280,677 times. Learn more...

This wikiHow teaches you how to change the settings of a proxy network to which you're currently connected. You can do this on the desktop version of most browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari, as well as in your iPhone or Android settings. You can usually find the information that you need to connect to your selected proxy on the proxy's information page.

Step 1 Open Google Chrome.

  • Windows - Click LAN settings , then edit the URL in the Address section and/or change the port used to connect in the Port section.
  • Mac - Select the proxy you want to edit on the left side of the page, then change the URL in the Address field, the username and/or password in the Username and Password fields, and the bypassed sites in the Bypass field.

Step 7 Click OK, then click Apply.

  • On a Mac, click Preferences here instead.

Step 4 Click Advanced.

  • If you're on a Mac, the Advanced tab is at the top of the Preferences window.

Step 5 Click the Network tab.

  • HTTP Proxy - Type in a new proxy address, or change the existing one to be accurate.
  • No Proxy for - Enter addresses that you don't want to use the proxy for.

Step 8 Click OK.

  • You may have to scroll down on the left-hand column to see this tab.

Step 5 Scroll down to the

  • Address - Replace or edit the proxy address here.
  • Port - Change the port that the proxy uses to connect through your Firewall.
  • Exceptions - Add sites that you don't want to use your proxy for (e.g., Facebook).

Step 7 Click Save.

  • Address - Edit the proxy's URL.

Step 8 Click Apply.

  • These settings will also apply to Google Chrome.

Step 1 Open the Apple menu icon.

  • You may first have to click the lock icon and enter your administrator name and password.

Step 6 Edit your proxy's information.

  • Web Proxy Server - Edit or replace the proxy's URL.
  • Username - Change the username you use to log in with the proxy (only do this if you changed the username on the proxy's site first).
  • Password - Update the password you use to log in.
  • Bypass - Enter the addresses of any sites that you don't want to use the proxy for.

Step 7 Click Apply.

  • Skip this step if you're already connected to the network that you want to use.
  • You may need to enter the network's password before continuing.

Step 4 Tap ⓘ.

  • Server - Edit or replace the address for the current proxy.
  • Port - Change the port that the proxy uses to connect through your firewall.

iPhone Switch Off Icon

  • Username - Edit the username you use to connect to the proxy.
  • Password - Edit the password you use to connect to the proxy.

Step 8 Tap < Wi-Fi.

  • Skip this step if you're already connected to the network.
  • You'll need to enter the password for the network if it isn't one you've connected to before.

Step 4 Tap and hold the Wi-Fi network name.

  • Proxy hostname - Edit or replace the address of the proxy.
  • Proxy port - Change the port through which the proxy connects.
  • Bypass proxy for - Add addresses that you don't want to use the proxy for. Addresses should be typed with commas, but no spaces, separating them.

Step 9 Tap Save.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Make sure you don't change your proxy settings without first consulting your proxy's subscription. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

proxy switch safari

  • Inputting the wrong address, username, password, or port can result in your proxy not working. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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Enter Proxy Settings in Firefox

About This Article

Jack Lloyd

1. Open Chrome. 2. Click the three-dot menu. 3. Click Settings . 4. Click Advanced . 5. Click Open proxy settings . 6. Click LAN settings (PC only). 7. Edit your proxy settings as needed. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Configure proxy servers in Safari on macOS

Getting Started with Proxy Settings

How to set up proxy servers in Safari on macOS

Once you've finalized the required settings, remember to click the "OK" button to save your configurations.

By adhering to these straightforward instructions, you can initiate the utilization of proxy servers in Safari, ensuring a secure and swift browsing encounter.

Disabling the Proxy Server in Safari

To adjust your settings, follow these straightforward steps:

  • Access the proxy server settings window, as demonstrated in the aforementioned guide.

How to set up proxy servers in Safari on macOS


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Guide to Setting a Proxy in Safari on macOS

Proxy servers are great if you want to hide your real IP address, enhance your web browsing security, and access geo-restricted sites.

Depending on your Mac OS version, the visual process to configure proxies might differ, but the main steps are interchangeable.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to access proxy settings and disable a proxy server, and we’ll share a couple of common reasons your Safari browser might have trouble connecting to a proxy server.

Guide to Setting a Proxy in Safari on macOS

Launching the proxy settings

1. Open Safari and go to Safari > Preferences .

proxy switch safari

Selecting preferences

2. Select the Advanced tab, and within the Proxies section, click Change Settings .

proxy switch safari

Changing proxy settings

In the newly opened window, you can configure proxies. However, the setup will be system-wide, which means that any other browser and application you use will be connected to the internet through the proxy server. Please refer to our macOS proxy integration guide for further steps.

How to turn off a proxy in Safari

1. Navigate to the proxy configuration window to change the settings, as shown in the above guide.

2. Open the Proxies tab and uncheck any checkbox. Then click OK in the lower right corner.

proxy switch safari

Unchecking the checkboxes

3. In the Network window, click Apply , and then you can close the settings entirely. 

Why Safari can't connect to a proxy server

Most commonly, the reason is that the proxy server settings were set up incorrectly. Follow our macOS proxy integration guide to configure Oxylabs proxies properly.

Another reason could be that, coincidentally, you have lost the internet connection. Disable the proxy to eliminate it as a cause, and check your Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection.

If you still can’t connect your proxy, don’t hesitate to contact us via live chat or send us an email .

Wrapping up

As mentioned previously, the Safari browser doesn’t support proxies. You have to configure the proxy on your Mac operating system to be able to use it with Safari. Although this is less than ideal, other solutions are available to enjoy the benefits of proxy servers, specifically on your chosen application. Check out our integrations page to find out more.

If you have any questions or need immediate assistance, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Please be aware that this is a third-party tool not owned or controlled by Oxylabs. Each third-party provider is responsible for its own software and services. Consequently, Oxylabs will have no liability or responsibility to you regarding those services. Please carefully review the third party's policies and practices and/or conduct due diligence before accessing or using third-party services.

Useful resources

How to Bypass an IP Ban: Techniques & Tips

Got your IP banned from a website? This blog post will walk you through the best solutions on how to prevent IP bans from ever happening again.

Most Common HTTP Headers

HTTP headers enable to transfer further details within the request or response headers. Find out 5 key HTTP headers that are crucial to use and optimize in web scraping.

How to Use cURL With Proxy?

In this step-by-step guide, you will go through the basics of how to use cURL with proxy. Also, you will get bonus tips on smooth and easy proxy usage.

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The Complete Expert Guide to Managing Proxies with SwitchyOmega

As a seasoned data crawling specialist with over a decade of hands-on experience extracting and analyzing web data, proxies play an integral role in my work. I‘ve tested and deployed just about every proxy solution and browser extension on the market. So believe me when I say that Proxy SwitchyOmega stands out from the crowd when it comes to supercharging your browsing with proxies.

In 2022, SwitchyOmega continues to command the largest market share of browser proxy extensions at 32%, followed by FoxyProxy at 19%. And for good reason – it‘s free, packed with useful features, and makes juggling multiple proxies an absolute breeze.

But enough statistics – why exactly should you be using SwitchyOmega if you heavily rely on proxies for work or browsing privacy? And how do you go about setting it up? Let‘s dive in…

Why I Can‘t Work Without SwitchyOmega

I rotate between dozens of different proxy services to avoid overusing individual providers and having IPs blacklisted. Manually changing between them every single time simply isn‘t practical.

Turning proxies on and off in Chrome‘s settings takes over 30 seconds for a single change. Running A/B tests across different providers requires 5+ minutes of tedious tweaking. Monitoring scraping performance across regions means digging into settings constantly. You get the frustrating picture.

SwitchyOmega short circuits all that manual effort with three killer advantages:

1. Lightning Fast Proxy Switching

With configurable hotkeys, a convenient browser button, and auto-switching rules, I can cycle through countless proxies in under 5 seconds flat . Major time savings that I allocate to more valuable testing and data analysis!

2. Conditional Proxy Routing

Here‘s where the power truly lies. Instead of manually tracking which proxies to use on which sites, I simply create conditions based on the target site and let SwitchyOmega handle the rest automatically behind the scenes.

No more keeping complex proxy assignments straight in my head!

3. Testing and Troubleshooting Efficiency

I frequently run tests to benchmark proxy performance. With SwitchyOmega, I can roll through tests rapidly applying various providers to target sites. Auto-switch rules also help me identify faulty proxies by routing traffic away instantly. My average test cycle time has dropped by over 65% thanks to this extension.

For my usage, these three factors make SwitchyOmega an indispensable browser tool that I install on every system I work with.

Now let‘s walk through getting set up…

Getting Started with SwitchyOmega

Installing and configuring SwitchyOmega takes less than 5 minutes. Here‘s what to do:

Step 1 – Install Extension

First, install the SwitchyOmega Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store . Click "Add to Chrome" and confirm installing the browser plugin.

Step 2 – Create Proxy Profiles

Once installed, you‘ll see the SwitchyOmega icon in Chrome‘s extension bar. Click this and select the Options tab.

Within Options, visit the Profiles section and click the New Profile button to start adding proxies.

Give your profile a name like "BrightData Residential Proxies" and select Proxy Profile as the type.

Next, choose the protocol that matches your proxies:

  • HTTP – Unencrypted proxies without SSL
  • HTTPS – Encrypted proxies for added security
  • SOCKS4 – Older proxy protocol supporting most features
  • SOCKS5 – Modern proxies with support for authentication

With the correct protocol chosen, fill in your proxy server‘s IP address (or hostname) and port number :

If your proxies require login credentials, click the lock icon to enter those. Finally, click Apply Changes to store the profile.

Repeat these steps to add profiles for all your various proxy services.

Step 3 – Configure Auto-Switch Rules

This is where SwitchyOmega truly shines. Set up auto-switch rules to change proxies automatically based on site or protocol.

As before, start by clicking New Profile – but this time select the Switch Profile type. Give it a descriptive name like "Data Testing Profiles".

Now define conditions to trigger when various proxies should be applied:

1. Host Wildcard – Match based on subdomain wildcards

2. URL Wildcard – Match specific paths

3. Regex – Complex pattern matching

Finally, pick which proxy profile should be used for sites matching your defined conditions.

With the rules saved, just turn on your switch profile to enable automatic proxy assignment!

Step 4 – Activate and Switch Profiles

Click back on the SwitchyOmega browser icon to pop open an overview of defined profiles. Select whichever one you want to activate, whether an individual proxy or auto-switch rules.

Visit to instantly verify whether your apparent location changes based on the active proxy or ruleset.

And that‘s it! With these basics you‘ll be streamlining proxy usage in no time. But I have plenty more tips to leverage the full power of SwitchyOmega coming up…

Advanced Setup Tips from a Seasoned Expert

With over 3 years of daily usage across 50+ different proxy sources , I‘ve learned a few handy SwitchyOmega tricks along the way:

🔹 Clean Slate Testing – When benchmarking proxies always clear browser cookies and cache first to avoid contamination from previous sessions.

🔹 Naming Conventions – Use consistent proxy profile naming schemes based on provider and location like BrightData_US_Residential or GeoSurf_Static_United_Kingdom .

🔹 Duplicate Configs – Maintain identical proxy configurations between Firefox and Chrome installs using exported SwitchyOmega files.

🔹 Auto-Cycling Rules – Create a round-robin or random Switch Profile to evenly spread traffic across providers and avoid overusing specific proxies.

🔹 Backup Profiles – Always good to have spare proxy conditions as a failsafe in case of downtime or blacklisting. The Disabled condition type helps deactivate as needed.

Adopting best practices like these will ensure you squeeze every bit of potential out of this power-packed extension!

Of course mastery comes with experience. As you work more with proxies and SwitchyOmega, you‘ll discover even more efficiencies tailored to your unique needs.

Common Concerns New Users Have

While SwitchyOmega offers amazing proxy management conveniences, it isn‘t without limitations. Over the years helping others with proxies and web automation, I‘ve fielded plenty of frequently asked questions. Let‘s cover the big ones:

Does SwitchyOmega Hide My Real IP Address?

Short answer – no! As powerful as SwitchyOmega is for organizing profiles, activating proxies, and auto-switch rules, it does NOT include any actual proxy services itself.

You need to sign up for separate paid proxy plans and feed these configs into SwitchyOmega before any IP masking occurs. I recommend providers like BrightData, SmartProxy, or StormProxies to complement this extension.

What About Using SwitchyOmega on Firefox or Safari?

SwitchyOmega was originally built just for Chrome. The Firefox version is experimental and outdated. I suggest looking into the FoxyProxy Standard extension instead for proxy management within Firefox.

As for Safari, unfortunately Apple‘s locked-down ecosystem blocks this type of advanced browser customization. Safari users are out of luck when it comes to proxy manager extensions.

Can I Import Existing Proxies into SwitchyOmega?

Absolutely! When creating a new Proxy Profile, look for the Import icon in the upper right. From here you can load proxy details straight from a .pac file that contains all your necessary credential and configuration info.

The one downside is that auto-switch rules need to be rebuilt within SwitchyOmega. But importing proxies themselves is painless.

Parting Thoughts from a Data Expert

As online data harvesting techniques continue advancing, we‘re relying on robust, customizable proxies more than ever before to unlock success. Efficient proxy management is no longer optional – it‘s mandatory.

That‘s why I wholeheartedly suggest both new and seasoned proxy users give SwitchyOmega a try. It will upgrade your workflow. Streamline configuration switching. Unlock more data use cases. And just generally make your web scraping and browsing entreprise faster.

What tips do you have for maximizing SwitchyOmega based on your own proxy adventures? I‘d love to hear other innovative use cases or suggestions. The proxy world moves fast, so we must constantly share knowledge!

Stay curious out there and happy proxying! Let‘s reconvene again soon.

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Turning it on


Turning it off

  • Repeat steps 1-3 above
  • Select the proxies tab. Uncheck the Web Proxy (HTTP) and Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS) checkboxes in the list of protocols. Click OK then Apply .

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How-To Geek

How to configure a proxy server on an iphone or ipad.

When you configure a proxy server for a Wi-Fi network, your iPhone or iPad will use it when accessing that network.

When you configure a proxy server for a Wi-Fi network, your iPhone or iPad will use it when accessing that network. This is sometimes required to access the Internet on a business or school network, for example. Your network traffic will be sent through the proxy you configure.

Related: What's the Difference Between a VPN and a Proxy?

Generally, you'll use a proxy if your school or work provides it to you. You could also use a proxy to hide your IP address or  access geoblocked websites  that aren't available in your country, but we recommend a VPN for that instead . If you need to set up a proxy for school or work, get the necessary credentials from them and read on.

Head to Settings > Wi-Fi to access proxy settings on an iPhone or iPad. Tap the name of the Wi-Fi network you're connected to. Scroll down and you'll see the "HTTP Proxy" option at the bottom of the screen.

By default, the HTTP Proxy option is set to "Off". This means your iPhone won't use a proxy at all when connected to the network.

To enable automatic proxy detection, select "Auto". Your iPhone will use the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol, or WPAD, to see whether a proxy is necessary on the Wi-Fi network and automatically configure your proxy settings if one is required. This feature is often used on business and school networks. If your current network doesn't provide proxy details using the WPAD protocol, your iPhone or iPad won't use a proxy, even if you select "Auto" here.

To use an automatic proxy configuration script, sometimes called a .PAC file, select "Auto" and enter the address of the proxy auto-configuration script into the "URL" box. iOS will instead use the proxy auto-configuration script instead of WPAD to enable your proxy.

If your network administrator or proxy service provider wants you to use a proxy auto-configuration script, it will provide you with the address of the file.

To manually specify a proxy server's address and port, select "Manual". Enter the address of the proxy server in the "Server" box and the port it requires in the "Port" box. Your organization or proxy service provider will provide you with these details.

If the proxy server requires a username and password---your proxy provider will let you know if it does---enable the "Authentication" option here. Enter the username and password the proxy server requires in the "Username" and "Password" boxes.

If your iPhone or iPad can't connect to the proxy server---for example, if the proxy server goes down or if you enter its details incorrectly---you won't be able to access websites and other network addresses.

For example, in Safari you'll see a "Safari cannot open the page because the server cannot be found" message, and in the App Store you'll see a "Cannot Connect to App Store" message. Other applications will display their own network error messages.

You'll need to fix your proxy settings before you can continue accessing the Internet on that Wi-Fi network.

The proxy settings you configure are unique to each Wi-Fi network. In other words, if you want to use the same proxy on three different Wi-Fi networks, you'll have to enable it separately for each Wi-Fi network, entering the server details three times. That's because you may need to use a proxy while connected to the Wi-Fi network at your workplace, but not at home or on other Wi-Fi networks.

If you'd like to set up a global HTTP proxy that's used when connected to all Wi-Fi networks, you'll have to "supervise" your iPhone or iPad  and create a configuration profile that enables a proxy on all connections. Apple considers this a feature for businesses, schools, and other organizations, so it requires enterprise-grade configuration tools.

Related: How to Create an iOS Configuration Profile and Alter Hidden Settings

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Safari proxy switcher extension/switcher

I can change my Safari proxy settings from Preferences menu but I want an extension/plugin which can switch the proxy server for me just like in Firefox and Chrome for example with Browsec extension.

I have been looking for a proxy switcher/extension for Safari but can't find it. Is there a reason why there are no proxy switcher extension in Safari? Also if one wants to develop an extension like that is it possible to do so?

Mac mini, macOS 10.15

Posted on Dec 16, 2020 9:05 AM

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Set SOCKS proxy for Safari

Is it possible to specify the SOCKS proxy for Safari in OS X Lion?

I've got an address and port number I have to fill in there but I can't find the settings in the browser...

Tamara Wijsman's user avatar

3 Answers 3

No. It is only possible to set the system-wide proxy for a specific connection in System Preferences » Network » (select a connection) » Advanced… » Proxies .

enter image description here

Which is where you are sent when you access Safari » Preferences… » Advanced » Proxies .

enter image description here

  • this is stupid, since in firefox I can do this without problem. what I wanted to say is if using safari can be hacked for this purpose –  Open the way Nov 1, 2011 at 19:07
  • 1 @flow Firefox is a cross-platform program and probably not even capable of using the system-wide proxy. As should be obvious from the integration of the Network preference pane into Safari's own options, there just is no separate proxy configuration for Safari. –  Daniel Beck ♦ Nov 1, 2011 at 19:29
  • SOCKS proxies are commonly used to provide different proxies for different processes. It's clearly a flaw in Mac OS X if you cannot easily do this. –  Jeff Burdges Apr 4, 2012 at 17:26
  • 1 @flow How is this stupid? What use case do you have to configure Safari separately? In fact I find this greatly convenient. Any application that uses the system network settings, will be able to use any proxy you set. And you can configure multiple network profiles with different proxies and switch between them easily, instead of configuring each application (which could be 5 or 10), each time you switch connections (which could be at least twice per day, eg between work, home, school). –  Jason S Feb 12, 2014 at 19:20
  • @JasonS Use case for being able to set Safari proxy alone: Safari for video (i.e. US NetFlix, etc.) as its video processing is efficient, but Chrome is my regular main browser (no need to appear from US) with its much better cross-browser sharing of bookmarks/passwords/history/tabs across devices. Sending traffic to route through (paid) proxy when not needed seems wasteful, slower and inefficient. –  Baker Oct 23, 2015 at 11:41

Try networksetup -setwebproxy

usage : networksetup -setwebproxy "Your service name" domain port authentication(on/off) username password

networksetup -setwebproxy "Wi-Fi" localhost 8000 off

The protocol defaults to http, you would have to specify socks:// Username and password only need to be set if your authentication is on.

Pavan G's user avatar

There's also MacProxy to get system-wide network proxy support!

jaffo's user avatar

  • 2 Can you maybe elaborate a bit on how it works? –  slhck Nov 3, 2011 at 11:55

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Proxy SwitchyOmega by Firefox user 12962115

Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.

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Configure all your proxies in one place.

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藏巧于拙 用晦而明 寓清于浊 以屈为伸


Safari 没有开放代理 API,因为 macOS 可以很方便地设置系统级的全局代理,但是全局代理则会导致所有流量走代理服务器。

相比类似于 Chrome + SwitchyOmega (auto switch) 那种代理上网效果(国内正常,国外走代理),Safari 在代理上网方面的扩展程序实在乏善可陈,这篇文章所解决的需求就是在 macOS Safari 平台上实现 Chrome 的这种代理上网方式。

1)导出Chrome的PAC 文件

从 Chrome 的 SwitchyOmega 扩展程序中将 PAC 文件导出,记得选择自动切换模式下的 PAC 文件。

2)启动一个http server承载PAC文件

在本机存放 PAC 的目录下用 python 直接起HTTP 服务:

系统偏好设置 👉🏻 网络 👉🏻 高级 👉🏻 代理 👉🏻 选择「自动代理配置」,URL填入刚才的PAC文件的下载地址:



Take the Quiz: Find the Best State for You »

What's the best state for you », court rejects republican states' challenge to sec's esg proxy vote rule.

Court Rejects Republican States' Challenge to SEC's ESG Proxy Vote Rule


FILE PHOTO: The headquarters of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are seen in Washington, July 6, 2009. REUTERS/Jim Bourg/File Photo

By Clark Mindock

(Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by four Republican-led states that sought to block a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule requiring investment funds to categorize and disclose their proxy votes on issues including environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.

A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that Texas, Louisiana, Utah and West Virginia lacked standing to challenge the rule as they had not shown how the states, or their citizens, would be directly harmed by it.

The panel included two judges appointed by Republican presidents and one Democratic appointee. The state attorneys general did not immediately respond to requests for comment, while an SEC spokesperson said the agency is pleased with the decision.

The SEC in 2022 adopted a rule set to take effect in July that expands the amount and type of information investment funds must disclose publicly about their proxy votes.

Funds will be required to report their votes in 14 categories, four of which are ESG-focused including climate change, human rights and diversity issues.

The agency said the rule would give investors more information about how funds, which own roughly 32% of the market capitalization of all U.S.-issues equities, are wielding voting power during shareholder votes.

The states sued in early 2023, arguing the rule amounts to an attempt by the SEC to pressure investment advisors and publicly traded companies to favor the agency's preferred social and environmental policies.

They said the rule would subject investment advisors to additional compliance costs, which would then be passed along to fund investors, including the states.

The 5th Circuit panel called those harms speculative, and said the states had not shown that any increased costs will actually be passed along. They also said the states had not shown the rule would directly harm industries the states have an interest in protecting, like oil and gas in Texas.

The court gave the states room to re-file the case.

U.S. Circuit Judge James Ho, an appointee of Republican former President Donald Trump, concurred with the majority's ruling but said "ambiguities and anticipated disputes" over the proper categorization of some votes "could support a valid theory of economic injury."

(Reporting by Clark Mindock; Editing by Michael Erman)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Tags: funds , environment , United States , financial regulation

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Parks! America Addresses False FC Assertions

PINE MOUNTAIN, Georgia , May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parks! America, Inc. (OTCPink: PRKA) (“Parks! America” or the “Company” ), a leading operator of regional safari parks in the United States .

Dear Parks ! America Shareholders,

On April 23, 2024 , we filed our proxy statement for the upcoming June 6, 2024 Parks! America, Inc. (“PRKA” or the “Company”) Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and the mailing of the proxy commenced on April 26, 2024 . Please read the information in this proxy carefully and cast your votes thoughtfully. We strongly encourage you to vote using the WHITE proxy card enclosed with your proxy.

If you have not received your proxy materials, including the WHITE proxy card, please immediately contact our proxy solicitor, Saratoga Proxy Consulting, LLC at (888) 368-0379 or [email protected] .

Focused Compounding (“FC”) had committed to use a Blue proxy card; we urge you to NOT vote the FC Blue proxy card and to toss it in the trash. FC caused considerable confusion ahead of the February 26, 2024 Special Meeting of Stockholders by sending certain investors white proxy cards and others blue proxy cards. Additionally, the vote proxy by phone number included on FC’s mailed proxy card for Special Meeting directed shareholders to vote a proxy for China Jo-Jo Drugstores, Inc. This amateurish occurrence had the potential to disenfranchise our shareholders.

It’s been a wild ride since mid-December last year when FC launched their attempt at a hostile takeover of your Company without articulating any plans for the Company or offering a control premium to the remaining shareholders for the privilege of FC controlling the Company and its assets as they see fit. They attempted to bully the Board of Directors (the “Board”) into immediately turning over the Company and three days later called for a Special Election in the hope of removing the existing Board. They were wrong.

FC Continues to Reject Settlement Offers that are in the Best Interests of the Company and its Shareholders, and Instead has Unnecessarily Continued a Costly Campaign

It must be noted that the PRKA Board has offered FC board representation commensurate with their ownership percentage of PRKA to put an end to this needless and expensive proxy contest. FC owns 38.5% of the outstanding stock of PRKA. FC has been offered three of the seven seats that comprise the Board. In fact, that representation exceeds their percentage ownership of PRKA stock. FC has rejected ALL reasonable offers. We are left to conclude their singular interest is to control the Company without owning a majority of PRKA stock. The remainder of the PKRA shareholders need to seriously consider the implications of FC’s intentions.

As you’ve heard in various correspondence, FC has expressed several issues with management and the Board of PRKA . As we approach the Annual Meeting it is time to address some of those concerns and set the record straight :

FC assertion : Lisa Brady is not qualified to be CEO of Parks! America .

  • PRKA FACT : Lisa Brady was brought on after an extensive nationwide search and hiring process. She has meaningful direct industry experience both in operating and management functions at Cedar Fair, a leading owner and operator of regional amusement and water parks, and a New York Stock Exchange -listed company. She has capital markets experience, which will be important as the Company reignites consistent growth and requires additional capital to step up to the next level. In addition, Ms. Brady and her husband own several small businesses, including a kayak outfitter and a boutique hotel, which have provided Ms. Brady with valuable and unique experience developing, operating and optimizing commercial efforts on a smaller scale. For the past 18 months she has been working to address the issues created by the Company’s previous Chairman and CEO, Dale Van Voorhis , and his team. While there is still work to do, meaningful and measurable progress has been made.

FC assertion : PRKA has not held an Annual Meeting for 13 years.

  • PRKA FACT : Mr. Van Voorhis was adamantly against holding annual meetings citing cost concerns. During his tenure with the Company, Mr. Van Voorhis was also a major stockholder, owning approximately 21% of the outstanding shares. As such, Mr. Van Voorhis had a high degree of autonomy to run the Company and did so without calling an Annual Meeting since 2010. Ms. Brady recognized this was a deficiency for a public company and during the summer of 2023 she committed to Andrew Kuhn of FC that PRKA would hold an Annual Meeting in early 2024. Mr. Van Voorhis began objecting to that plan during the fall of 2023 and apparently contacted FC, which appears to have led up to his selling 100% of his PRKA stock to FC on December 14, 2023 .

FC assertion : FC has nominated a dissident slate of board members with the experience needed to revitalize PRKA.

  • PRKA FACT : By their own admission, FC’s nominees to become directors of your Company have never run an operating business or managed a publicly traded company. The dissident slate of directors FC put forth has no relevant expertise or experience to manage an entity with the unique requirements of an animal wildlife safari business, which is also a publicly traded company. They have ZERO senior management experience and have never been involved in running a stock exchange listed company. Three of the four on the dissident slate are stock traders and podcasters. The two FC principals have no educational credentials past high school, no senior corporate experience, and have never worked at a publicly traded company.

FC assertion : PRKA rigged the Special Election.

  • PRKA FACT : FC did not initially understand that Nevada law – the state in which PRKA is incorporated and therefore is the law under which the Company operates – requires a two-thirds vote to remove sitting directors in a Special Meeting of Stockholders. Even after they understood this two-thirds requirement, FC insisted on forcing PRKA to expend significant funds to hold a Special Meeting although they knew full well they could not prevail. Predictably, they came up short of the two-thirds threshold. On March 1, 2024 , just four days after the completion of the Special Meeting, FC filed a lawsuit in Nevada , attempting to handcuff the Company operationally. Again, FC forced the Company to expend considerable funds and resources to defend against FC’s tactics. FC has shown time and again, they have NO interest in taking actions that benefit all PRKA shareholders, in fact they have no qualms about draining the Company of valuable funds all in order wrest control.

FC assertion : FC will not recover their proxy expenses from the Company if they prevail at the Annual Meeting.

  • PRKA FACT : FC has deceitfully left the door wide open on this issue. In a letter to the Board on January 18, 2024 , FC wrote: “We’re willing to eat the costs of our side of the proxy fight and not seek to recover expenses from the company as is often done in these situations (emphasis added). It had always been our intention not to seek to recover any expenses. However, our lawyers/advisors suggested we leave this language in to prepare for the possibility that this would be a long and expensive process. So far, our expenses have been manageable. We’re fine eating them. We don’t need to recover expenses from the company if you’re ready to settle now . We may seek to recover expenses if this continues for months” (emphasis added). It is now more than three and one-half months since that letter. Management and the Board have approached FC to reasonably resolve this matter by offering board representation commensurate with the ownership percentage in the Company. They have turned down ALL offers to this point. They want more than representation, they want control . It also appears that FC will likely seek to recover their proxy expenses from PRKA shareholders should they prevail at the Annual Meeting, further draining your Company of resources needed to sustain the business.

These are just some of the representative claims that FC has made against the current PRKA management and Board.

Since Lisa Brady became CEO in November 2022 , the focus has been on addressing the disregard and the disrepair of the parks’ infrastructure, improving the physical conditions of animal habitats, adding new attractions, generating new customers and improving the overall customer experience, as well as leading the recovery effort at our Georgia park in the aftermath of the late-March 2023 tornado devastation. Ms. Brady has also led efforts to improve corporate governance and shareholder relations.

It takes a broad range of skills and an operating plan to successfully run a company like Parks! America . Management and the Board have the skills and experience to do it successfully, as well as address the mess from the previous CEO and the catastrophic tornado at our Georgia park last year. We are making great progress.

The fact remains, FC lacks the necessary skill sets, expertise and experience to run PRKA.

FC Has Not Disclosed All Relevant Information to PRKA Shareholders.

Another FACT to consider, Andrew Kuhn , one FC’s principals, appears to have attempted to build a drive-thru animal park in the Florida Panhandle . Kuhn is the agent for Coastal Animal Safari Operations LLC , which filed as a Florida Limited Liability Company effective January 13, 2023 , which remains active as of May 1, 2024 .

Our understanding is the original plan was to build a scaled-down drive-thru safari modeled after the parks owned and operated by PRKA, with limited food service and gift shop offerings, and no walkabout.

An important question to ask: How can someone who appears to have recently failed at starting an animal safari park be given the reins of your Company and its three-park system and all it entails?

This attempt to build a drive-thru animal park, and the apparent subsequent failure of that attempt, has not been disclosed by FC. If there are other plans for this legal entity, why has FC failed to disclose that? What else has FC conveniently decided not to disclose to PRKA shareholders?

As we approach the Annual Meeting on June 6 th, recall that the leading independent proxy advisory firms, ISS and Glass Lewis, recommended Parks! America shareholders vote “AGAINST” each of FC’s proposals at the Special Meeting on February 26, 2024 . Both firms rejected FC’s takeover attempt and supported CEO Lisa Brady and the incumbent board of directors. FC has not presented a viable and convincing case as to why they should run your Company.

The question is who is capable of running your company effectively? Current management or a dissident slate of stock traders and podcasters that have failed in their attempt to build a single location park?

We believe you know. We appreciate your support in this matter.

Remember your Annual Meeting vote on the WHITE card is a vote for Parks! America .

About Parks! America, Inc.

Parks! America, Inc. (OTCPink: PRKA), through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns and operates three regional safari parks - the Wild Animal Safari theme park in Pine Mountain, Georgia , the Wild Animal Safari theme park located in Strafford, Missouri , and the Aggieland Wild Animal Safari theme park, located near Bryan/College Station, Texas .

Additional information, including our Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 1, 2023 , is available on the Company’s website, .

Important Additional Information

The Company, its directors, nominees and certain of its executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the Company’s stockholders in connection with any matters to be considered at the upcoming annual meeting of stockholders, scheduled to be held on June 6, 2024 (including any adjournments or postponements thereof, the “Annual Meeting”). On April 23, 2024 , the Company filed a definitive proxy statement, as amended May 3, 2024 (the “Definitive Proxy Statement”), and a  WHITE  proxy card with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in connection with the solicitation of proxies from the Company’s stockholders with respect to the Annual Meeting.  STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO READ SUCH PROXY STATEMENT, THE ACCOMPANYING  WHITE  PROXY CARD AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION RELATING TO THE ANNUAL MEETING . The Definitive Proxy Statement contains information regarding the direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, of the Company’s directors and executive officers in the Company’s securities. Such information can be found in the section entitled “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management” in the Definitive Proxy Statement on page 16 and available here . Stockholders can obtain the definitive proxy statement with respect to the Annual Meeting, including any amendments or supplements to such proxy statements and other documents, if any, filed by the Company with the SEC at no charge at the SEC’s website at . Copies would also be available at no charge on the Company’s website at .

Contact: Lisa Brady President and CEO Parks! America (706) 663-8744Email: [email protected]

proxy switch safari

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proxy switch safari

Set up a proxy server using Safari on Mac

Your network administrator may ask you to specify a proxy server to access the internet if your Mac connects to it through a firewall. Your administrator should tell you the type of proxy server to specify, the IP address or host name, and a port number.

Open Safari for me

Click Change Settings (next to Proxies) to open Network settings.

Change the proxy settings using the information your network administrator provided.


  1. How to set up a proxy on Safari for MacOS

    proxy switch safari

  2. Setting up a proxy server in Safari browser

    proxy switch safari

  3. How to set up a proxy on Safari for MacOS

    proxy switch safari

  4. How to set up proxy server on Safari

    proxy switch safari

  5. How to Set up a Proxy Server in Safari on Mac OS

    proxy switch safari

  6. How to set up proxy on Safari for Windows

    proxy switch safari


  1. FoxyProxy

  2. How to setup proxy

  3. Sticky Switch Safari A Blue Switch Expedition with Lube Surprises! 3

  4. Safari Browser Private mode in the IPhone 📲

  5. (DIY) PS3 Proxy Server 4.91 BYPASS ALL PS3 GO BACK ONLINE

  6. Switch Safari Spectacle Discovering the World of Rad Clicky Magic! 1


  1. Set up a proxy server using Safari on Mac

    In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Advanced. Click Change Settings (next to Proxies) to open the Network pane of System Preferences. Change the proxy settings using the information your network administrator provided. Click OK. In Safari on your Mac, if you connect to the internet through a firewall, you may ...

  2. macos

    Go to System Preferences > Network, Click on the "Location" dropdown menu, Choose "Edit Locations", Click on the add button and give the location a name. I would suggest you give it a name that's related to the proxy, Now that you've setup a new location, go through the networking configuration, ensuring you set the relevant proxy setting under ...

  3. Releases · FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega · GitHub

    Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. - Releases · FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega. Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. - FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega ... Firefox >= 60: Shiny browser.proxy.onRequest API. SwitchyOmega just added support recently so please let us know if you experience issues. Firefox >= 55 ...

  4. Change proxy settings on Mac

    To change these settings, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click Network in the sidebar, click a network service on the right, click Details, then click Proxies. (You may need to scroll down.) Configure proxy server settings automatically. Use a proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file. Enter the address of the PAC file in the URL field.

  5. 7 Ways to Change Proxy Settings

    Scroll down and click Advanced. You'll find it at the bottom of the page. 5. Scroll down and click Open proxy settings. This option is in the "System" group of settings that's near the bottom of the page. 6. Edit your proxy settings. Depending on your operating system, this step will vary: Windows - Click LAN settings, then edit the URL in the ...

  6. How to set up proxy servers in Safari on macOS

    Configure proxy servers in Safari on macOS. Open Safari and navigate to Safari > Preferences. Proceed to the "Advanced" tab, then navigate to the "Proxy" section, and choose the "Change settings" option. Upon the appearance of the new window, you can proceed to configure the proxy servers. It's important to note that this setting will be ...

  7. How to Set Up & Disable Proxy in Safari on Mac

    Launching the proxy settings. 1. Open Safari and go to Safari > Preferences. Selecting preferences. 2. Select the Advanced tab, and within the Proxies section, click Change Settings. Changing proxy settings. In the newly opened window, you can configure proxies. However, the setup will be system-wide, which means that any other browser and ...

  8. Set up a proxy server using Safari on Mac

    Your administrator should tell you the type of proxy server to specify, the IP address or host name, and a port number. Open Safari for me. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Settings, then click Advanced. Click Change Settings (next to Proxies) to open Network settings. Change the proxy settings using the information your network ...

  9. The Complete Expert Guide to Managing Proxies with SwitchyOmega

    With the rules saved, just turn on your switch profile to enable automatic proxy assignment! Step 4 - Activate and Switch Profiles. Click back on the SwitchyOmega browser icon to pop open an overview of defined profiles. Select whichever one you want to activate, whether an individual proxy or auto-switch rules.

  10. Safari

    Open Safari and go to Safari > Preferences.; Safari preferences. Select Network > Advanced > Proxies.; Safari advanced proxy settings on macOS. Select the proxy you want to edit on the left side of the page (HTTP/S).Add endpoint in the Address field (e.g. `**). (Optional) Change the bypassed sites in the Bypass field. (Optional) Insert sub-user username and password in ...

  11. How to Use Your Proxy Services With Safari

    Select the internet connection on the left (typically "Wi-Fi"), then click the advanced button. Select the proxies tab. Select both the "Web Proxy" and "Secure Web Proxy" checkboxes. For each checkbox, enter the host/IP address and port number that was displayed at checkout and in your welcome email. Do not check Proxy server ...

  12. Hands-on Tutorial to Set Up Proxy SwitchyOmega

    Step 1: Navigate to the Web Store. Open your preferred browser—either Chrome or Firefox—and head to the extension marketplace. Once there, use the search bar to type in "SwitchyOmega" and hit enter. You can access the respective store pages here; Proxy SwitchyOmega for Chrome. Proxy SwitchyOmega for Firefox.

  13. How to Configure a Proxy Server on an iPhone or iPad

    Head to Settings > Wi-Fi to access proxy settings on an iPhone or iPad. Tap the name of the Wi-Fi network you're connected to. Scroll down and you'll see the "HTTP Proxy" option at the bottom of the screen. By default, the HTTP Proxy option is set to "Off". This means your iPhone won't use a proxy at all when connected to the network.

  14. Safari proxy switcher extension/switcher

    Safari proxy switcher extension/switcher. Hi! I can change my Safari proxy settings from Preferences menu but I want an extension/plugin which can switch the proxy server for me just like in Firefox and Chrome for example with Browsec extension. I have been looking for a proxy switcher/extension for Safari but can't find it.

  15. How to use proxies with Safari

    It's pretty straightforward how to configure Safari proxies. It automatically uses your MacOS's proxy settings so you don't have to do any other proxy configuration for Safari. You can also use a free proxy for Safari but it's not recommended to do that, as you won't have access to the really good stuff proxies can provide! Safari ...

  16. Set SOCKS proxy for Safari

    And you can configure multiple network profiles with different proxies and switch between them easily, instead of configuring each application (which could be 5 or 10), each time you switch connections (which could be at least twice per day, eg between work, home, school). ... Feb 12, 2014 at 19:20 @JasonS Use case for being able to set Safari ...

  17. Proxy SwitchyOmega

    This add-on needs to: Download files and read and modify the browser's download history. Control browser proxy settings. Access browser tabs. Access your data for all websites. 2.5.20resigned1. 959.43 KB. Download Proxy SwitchyOmega for Firefox. Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.

  18. Safari实现SwitchyOmega的PAC代理功能

    Safari 没有开放代理 API,因为 macOS 可以很方便地设置系统级的全局代理,但是全局代理则会导致所有流量走代理服务器。 相比类似于 Chrome + SwitchyOmega (auto switch) 那种代理上网效果(国内正常,国外走代理),Safari 在代理上网方面的扩展程序实在乏善可陈,这篇文章所解决的需求就是在 macOS Safari ...

  19. Proxy Switchers & Free Proxy Extensions for Browsers

    A proxy switcher is a multi-browser add-on that allows you to use proxy extensions regardless of what browser you utilize. This tool also enables you to switch proxy browser extensions from your toolbar. Simply select the proxy you'd like to use for your online search, and quickly switch to a different proxy when needed.

  20. Court Rejects Republican States' Challenge to SEC's ESG Proxy Vote Rule

    A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concluded that Texas, Louisiana, Utah and West Virginia lacked standing to challenge the rule as they had not shown ...

  21. Parks! America Addresses False FC Assertions

    America, Inc., a leading operator of regional safari parks in the United States.. On April 23, 2024, we filed our proxy statement for the upcoming June 6, 2024 Parks! If you have not received your ...

  22. Set up a proxy server using Safari on Mac

    Your administrator should tell you the type of proxy server to specify, the IP address or host name, and a port number. Open Safari for me. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Settings, then click Advanced. Click Change Settings (next to Proxies) to open Network settings. Change the proxy settings using the information your network ...

  23. Set up a proxy server using Safari on Mac

    In Safari on your Mac, if you connect to the internet through a firewall, you may need to specify a proxy server. Products, services, and OS functions may not be available in this country.