Alice Adventuring

A blog about New Zealand tramping / hiking

Hiking advice

The milford track – everything you need to know.

Hiker walking along McKinnon Pass on the Milford Track

This article contains everything you need to know about the Milford Track, including the trip itself and the competitive booking process. Please note that this article also contains affiliate links, which means that any sales from these links will reward me with a small commission – at no extra cost to you! So if you like my content, trust my recommendations, and want to purchase any of the below items, then please use the links to do so to help me and this hobby blog out!

I’ve had the privilege of hiking the Milford Track twice in the past decade, and although the weather for each trip was completely different (rainstorm vs. rare four consecutive days of sunshine) I loved every second of it (apart from the sandflies). I know what questions you’ll have, and what information you need to know before completing the trip. So let’s get started!

What is the Milford Track?

The Milford Track is one of New Zealand’s ten (currently)  Great Walks . It’s also arguably one of the most popular, with tickets selling out within minutes of opening each year. The track is a one-way hike over four days, from the shores of Lake Te Anau to Milford Sound, through the famous wilderness of Fiordland National Park in the deep south of New Zealand.

Group of hikers behind the Milford Track sign at the trailhead

How long is the Milford Track?

The Milford Track is 53.5 km / 33.5 mi long (not including side-trips) and takes four days. You aren’t able to walk the track in a shorter time-frame (unless you’re planning on trail running the walk in a day). You can only book for one direction and for all three huts. Camping isn’t really permitted. You have to be 500m from the track, which is virtually impossible in most sections due to the narrow valleys and steep cliffs.

The end of the Milford Track with the signpost at Sandfly Point

Do I need to have a lot of tramping experience?

No, but if you’ve never done any hiking before then you probably won’t enjoy it anywhere near as much. Some experience would make the trip more enjoyable and safer.

You don’t need to have completed a four-day hike prior to hiking the Milford Track, but it would be helpful to have done at least a few overnight tramps before. That way you’ll have a better idea of what to expect in terms of huts, gear, food, fitness, and carrying a pack.

The track itself is very easy to follow (unless you have extremely poor weather). So you don’t need to be an expert in route-finding either. However, ultimately your safety and decision-making comes down to you and you alone. The rangers can help by providing you with information. But you still need to have the knowledge and skills to determine whether it is safe for you to go on, and what to do if you get into trouble. This includes stream crossing if the rain really sets in and water levels rise.

Tarns at McKinnon Pass

Should I book a guided walk, or hike independently?

There are two ways to hike the Milford Track – independently using the DOC huts and carrying all your own food & bedding. Or guided, carrying only your clothes + lunch, and staying at the fancy Ultimate Hikes lodges with comfy beds, private rooms, hot showers and chefs cooking you delicious meals each evening.

Your pack will be lighter if you decide to go guided (since you only have to carry your clothes and lunch for the day). It is often easier to get guided tickets. But you’ll still have to walk the same distance on the track. And in my opinion the DOC huts are actually better spaced along the track. The guided walk ends with a long 21km on the last day from Quinton Lodge, compared with 18km from Dumpling Hut. And on top of that, there’s the price tag for the guided hike – NZ$2,230+ per person.

But you do what’s right for you and choose the way that you’ll enjoy the most. You’re still hiking the same amount of distance.

Giant Gate Falls on the Milford Track in Fiordland National Park

What level of fitness is required?

You’ll need to be able to carry a full pack over (at times) semi-rough terrain for 6+ hours each day. The level of fitness that this will take varies depending on the person and their base fitness. If you’re not sure you can do that for four days in a row, then try a day hike of a similar time. Wear all of your gear and see how you feel during and afterwards. If you’re extremely tired, have painful muscles, or blisters are forming – then you need to do more training and reassess your gear and nutrition/hydration.

I have a blog post all about how you can get tramping fit (and stay that way) which you can  check out here . This particular blog post was co-written with a friend who tramps practically every weekend and competes in ultras (including Godzone, twice!) and a lovely physiotherapist colleague, so they really know their stuff!

Hikers walking in sunny weather through the Clinton Valley toward Mintaro Hut on the Milford Track

Map of the Milford Track

The talented Rachel Gamble-Flint has graciously allowed me to share her illustrated map of the Milford Track. Isn’t it amazing! You can check out her work  here .

Illustrated map of the Milford Track by Rachel Gamble-Flint

And if you’re wanting a more vanilla (but more accurate map) then here is a  topomap  of the Milford Track:

Topomap of the Milford Track

When is the best time of year to do the Milford Track?

The weather in Fiordland is unpredictable at best. So there isn’t really a “best time” to hike the Milford Track during the Great Walk season. And honestly the competition for bookings means that the best time will really just be the times that are available when you book your hut tickets. Bookings for the season normally open in June. The Milford Track season is from late October (Spring) to late April (Autumn).

You shouldn’t tramp the Milford Track out of season unless you have backcountry experience in winter conditions. DOC removes most bridges between May – October due to the risk of damage from avalanches. You’ll need to be confident crossing (or more importantly knowing when  not  to cross) icy cold rivers, as well as alpine passes. There have been  fatalities  in the past due to inexperience and poor conditions, so if in doubt, don’t go.

Inversion layer over the Clinton Valley on the Milford Track seen from McKinnon Pass

How do I book the Milford Track without missing out?

Bookings normally open in June for the following October – April season. The only place to book the Milford Track (for independent walkers) is through the DOC website  here . Treat booking the Milford Track like you would buying tickets to a gig from your favourite mainstream artist. Because they sell out, fast!

Here are my top tips to grab a much sought after booking:

  • Create a DOC Great Walk account and sign in  before  bookings open at 9.30am
  • Have the names and birth dates of everyone in your party handy (although you can change these with no fee later on)
  • Have a few trip dates in mind in case your first or second choices aren’t available
  • Have your credit card details saved on your computer (or next to you)

You need to be ready at your computer the minute ticket sales open or you’ll miss out. And if you do miss out in June, keep checking back throughout the season as tickets do become available again when cancellations occur, sometimes very last minute.

The Milford Track isn’t a loop track – you will also need to book transport (both water and road) to get back to your starting point. You take a ferry or water taxi from Te Anau Downs (a 20 minute drive from Te Anau itself) to the trailhead at Glade Wharf. At the other end of the track you take a water taxi to Milford Sound, and then road transport back to Te Anau Downs. There are plenty of options for transport. It can get a bit confusing so I’ve listed all your options in more detail (including approximate costs) below.

real journeys milford track

How much does the Milford Track cost?

I’m not going to lie – the Milford Track is one of the most expensive hikes in New Zealand. This is in part due to it being a Great Walk (you pay more for the huts since they have better facilities such as cooking gas, lighting and flush toilets). But also due to the fact that you have to pay for boat transport at the start and end of the track. The Milford Track isn’t a loop track, so unless you have a lovely soul willing to pick you up, then you will also have to pay for road transport back to the trailhead on top of the water transport.

Here is a breakdown of the costs (current as of the 2020/2021 season) per person:

  • Real Journeys : $149
  • Fiordland Outdoors Company : $154
  • DOC  huts : 3x $78 = $234 (for New Zealand citizens, $330 for visitors)
  • Tracknet : $65
  • Trips & Tramps : private charter by enquiry
  • Easyhike : $329 per car

Water taxi arriving at Sandfly Point at the end of the Milford Track in Fiordland National Park

What weather should I expect?

But in all seriousness, Fiordland is one of the wettest places in the world with an  average 182 days of rain and 6,813mm of rainfall annually . That means 2/4 days of your hike are likely to be damp. Even in the summer months there is no guarantee of sunshine, and snow can fall on McKinnon Pass at any time of the year (although more likely later in the season). So go in prepared for every season (sometimes all in the same day)! The upside of all the rain though, is amazing waterfalls – the cliffs come alive! And if you’re lucky, you’ll get a bluebird day on the all-important third day for climbing up and over McKinnon Pass.

Sutherland Falls on the Milford Track

What do I need to pack for the Milford Track?

  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Pillow (optional)
  • Tramping boots I absolutely love my Oboz boots . I’m on my second pair and I take them on all of my tramps. I honestly couldn’t rate them highly enough. They are my favourite piece of tramping gear I own.
  • Hut shoes I grabbed some Croc lookalikes from Number One Shoes specifically for this trip and I loved them, especially the ankle strap so I could walk in the rivers with them.
  • 40-60L pack My 36L Osprey bag didn’t fit all my gear for a four-day trip, so I used my old but faithful Macpac Esprit Pack which I was given when I was 15, still going strong!
  • Hiking poles (optional)
  • Bug repellant (NOT optional)
  • First aid kit including blister wool & plasters
  • Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)
  • Pot , plate and cutlery
  • Warm pants for around the hut or as emergency layer
  • Merino / thermal leggings – I wore my quick-drying Lululemon tights with pockets because they’re just so comfy. But I had my thermal leggings as a backup (although never had to use them).
  • Shorts (these are my absolute go-to tramping shorts)
  • Waterproof over-trousers
  • Merino / thermal singlet(s) & a long-sleeved top
  • Warm polar fleece
  • Waterproof rain-jacket
  • Gloves – merino or polypropylene gloves are warm and quick-drying. Don’t pack your heavy snow gloves unless you’re going to be encountering snow!
  • Buff (optional)
  • Gaiters (optional)
  • Breakfasts x3 – porridge!
  • Lunches x3 – crackers + salmon and soft cheese, as well as home-made savoury scones
  • Dinners x3 – we used Back Country Cuisine freeze-dried meals, super light and tasty
  • Snacks for four days

What do you NOT need to pack?

  • Toilet paper
  • Cooking gas
  • Water purification (Fiordland water is generally crystal clear and pure)
  • Sleeping mat

I have an entire blog post dedicated to what you need to take with you on hikes that goes into much more detail. You can check out here if you want to learn more.

Group of hikers standing on top of McKinnon Pass looking out over the Clinton Valley on the Milford Track

Is the Milford Track New Zealand’s best Great Walk?

I’ve answered that heavyweight question over on my trip report for the Milford Track . (You couldn’t expect me to give away all my secrets in the one article!)

My Milford Track trip report also gives you a detailed break-down of the entire trip from Day 1 to Day 4, including all of the highlights such as McKinnon Pass and Sutherland Falls. So definitely check it out if you’re considering hiking the Milford Track.

I hope if you do decide to tackle the Milford Track, that you have perfect weather (rain or sunshine depending on your preference), and that you love the experience. I know I sure did, both times.

Where to next?

Hiker climbing up McKinnon Pass on the Milford Track

Milford Track

Arguably New Zealand’s best Great Walk, the Milford Track is a four day adventure right into the heart of Fiordland National Park.

View of hanging glaciers and waterfalls at the top of Earnslaw Burn

Earnslaw Burn

This is an absolutely amazing overnight trip near Queenstown to a tussock-covered valley with jaw-dropping views of the hanging glacier and waterfalls on Mt Earnslaw.

Lade hiker at the top of Gertrude Saddle looking towards Milford Sound and the Tasman Sea in Fiordland National Park

Gertrude Saddle

Arguably the best day hike in Fiordland National Park, Gertrude Saddle rewards you with beautiful views towards Milford Sound and the Tasman Sea.


I love hearing from readers and helping them plan their own adventures!

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2 comments on “ The Milford Track – Everything you need to know ”

Hi there My wife and I, accompanied by our two daughters and their soon to be husbands, were fortunate to experience the Milford Track back in December 2004, certainly the trip of a lifetime! We did the independent walk and found the DOC huts and their facilities to be excellent. The weather was generally kind to us, except perhaps our day climbing over the McKinnon Pass when we were treated to the typical New Zealand “four seasons in one day” effects! Still, the views on the way back down to Dumpling Hut were stunning in the sunshine and Sutherland Falls was spectacular! Lifetime memories were made on the trip which are still as clear as the day they were forged. Don’t think I could do it again at 79 years old, but can still dream! Cheers.

That sounds like a great trip, and how special to share those memories with family. And it’s always the way that Day 3 of the Milford is the worst weather somehow! And you never know what your body is capable of, it certainly gets harder as you get older but I know 90 year olds who are still backcountry skiing and tramping! I hope my body and mind allows me to follow in their footsteps one day

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Milford Sound scenic cruise Real Journeys "Sovereign"

Our group was of 4 retired siblings travelling by car. Although the trip to Milford sound from Queenstown was a 6hr journey with stops we loved the scenery and coming into Milford through the one way tunnel was awesome.The scenery on the boat trip was amazing and the staff were helpful and friendly. We booked into Real Journeys with a half hour to spare. The 11am cruise was quite crowded with a large tour group of International visitors. The front deck was crowded so went to the back of the boat to take photos however while taking photos I was pushed aside by a fellow tourist who was also taking photos. I found this an unpleasant experience. I would recommend that people who are a small group to do the optional Nature cruise where the groups are more likely to be smaller and quieter.

We took the overnight cruise on the Milford Mariner, including the coach drive up from Queenstown, and the flight back. I was somewhat dreading the long bus ride, but the bus driver/tour guide Chris was excellent and informative—-somehow it wasn’t too long, and we had just the right number of stops to stretch our legs, take photos, use the restroom etc. The Mariner was a very nice vessel, and did not seem too crowded even with 60plus people on board. Next time I would Try to request an upper level cabin, as they had bigger windows, and some even entry from the deck, so no doubt would seem larger and less claustrophobic. The food was very good— quite a nice buffet dinner and breakfast. In general the crew was professional. Most of the guests took part in either the kayaking or going out on a tender to get a closer look. There was some misunderstanding as it seemed that we were told there would be another opportunity in the morning before disembarking to do some of these things again, but that was not the case. Of course the scenery was spectacular. We were fortunate with the weather that we could go all the way out to the end of the sound (fiord). One disappointing aspect, that a number of us on the cruise expressed to each other, was that the whole time we felt we were being rushed. Hurry and get ready for the water activities (which didn’t last long), as soon as you get back time for a quick drink then dinner served; finish up and listen to nature talk....then the evening was over—-very little Time to just relax and enjoy the sense of being out there in the fiord. The worst was in the morning, when we were told breakfast was available from 645 to 7:15, at which point it would be taken up! No latecomers! And also, while we were eating our breakfast, the crew wanted to go in our cabins and strip the beds . I understand they were trying to get us off and clean the ship so they could squeeze in an afternoon group, before shooing them off for the next group of overnighters. It just felt very rushed, considering the money we were paying—-there was hardly time to relax and take it all In. This took away some from the “magic” of the experience. If Real Journeys could figure that part out, it would definitely be money well spent. Still, It was unforgettable, as was the 40 minute flight back to Queenstown on the small airplane!

It was a pleasure not to have to drive for a change but it was a long day on the bus from Queenstown to Milton Sound and return- about 10 hours. The organisation of the trip is very efficient with a taxi from the hotel to the Real offices in Queenstown and the departure by bus. There are beautiful views of the lakes and mountains with several stops on the way for comfort, coffee and views. This got us to Milford Sound and the cruise on the lake. One thing to note about Milford Sound and the west coast of South Island in general, because of the Southern alps they don't measure rainfall in cm. Last year Milford Sound had 9 metres of rain! Add to that there is usually low cloud obscuring the mountain tops and 4 metre waves where the fjord meets the sea. However it proved to be an unusual day. No rain and high cloud so that you could see the sea cliffs. With foresight we had put a decent red in the backpack and enjoyed a great picnic outside on the upper deck of the boat. We had a great three hour cruise with 2000 metre sea cliffs and waterfalls. We also saw six fur seals that rather surprised us as this was advertised as a nature cruise and this did seem underwhelming on the animal count front. The drive back was quicker and there were some spectacular sunsets as we got back to Queenstown There are options, depending on the weather and depth of your wallet, to fly back to Queenstown. However this was, overall, a very enjoyable day.

Real Journeys is a brilliant experience facilitated by real people - so friendly, so helpful, and so, so obviously happy about their jobs - their staff truly enjoy their work and it shows. Did both their Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound overnight cruises, and loved every minute of each. Did the "smaller" vessel for the Milford Sound cruise and really loved the authentic feel and smaller number of people on board. We got the sense that with the smaller vessel, we could sail much closer alongside the majestic cliffs and waterfalls of the sound. Waking up in Milford Sound in the morning, with hot fresh coffee on offer to take out to the decks, with the mist on the water, the sun beaming across from the heights of the glaciers above, and the lush forestry in between, was just postcard-breathtaking. Sailing alongside the dolphins in Doubtful Sound was also thrilling. For both trips, the afternoon tea service just after launching really hits the spot and was a great culinary "welcome aboard." The meals throughout were absolutely delicious. The cabins were comfortable. But again, it was the real staff that made the Real Journeys really incredible - so informative, so helpful, so cheerful, so welcoming, so happy to be there and so excited about showing their guests the beauty of these places. Both cruises were spectacular, unforgettable experiences. Highly recommend! Might be challenging to have to decide which of the two to do, but doing both did get a fair discount off the price. (note: actually did these trips in December 2016, no idea why the review didn't post straightaway, but a year later, they remain a brilliant memory and happy to get this posted for sure).

One of the undoubted highlights of a month touring New Zealand was the overnight cruise. The enthusiasm and professionalism of the crew was only surpassed by the quality of the food and the scenery. Even in the pouring rain this is a trip that will produce many great memories.

real journeys milford track

We booked a cabin on the Wanderer for and overnight cruise as a group of 4, luckily we are close as the cabins are pretty cosy but beautifully presented. The breathtaking drive down to Milford Sound set the scene for what was to be one of the most spectacular sights of our time in New Zealand. We booked the Wanderer as it was a smaller boat holding a maximum of 36 passengers, it's a beautiful vessel full of character and the facilities were fantastic. I was dubious about shared bathrooms but due to the smaller group I rarely bumped in to anyone. The food similarly was excellent, lovely home cooked comfort food with a view that would be hard to beat! The other big pull of this Real Journeys cruise was the opportunity to walk a small section of the Milford Track on a 1.5 hour hike, we were lucky enough to be in a group of our own and our guide Zac was an absolute legend! He was friendly, chatty and funny and we had a brilliant time admiring the scenery and traipsing through the rainforest. We were lucky enough to experience the sound both in beautiful sunshine and pouring rain, we spent a blissful evening watching the sun go down with a glass or two of bubbly in hand then rain overnight transformed the sound in to a misty otherworldly landscape with waterfalls cascading down the mountains. The captain extended an open invitation on to the bridge at any time so we whiled away the journey back from here with a couple of ventures out to feel the raw power of nature and soak ourselves with the spray from some of the more impressive falls as we passed. All in all it was one of the highlights of our time in New Zealand, the trip was brilliantly organised and wonderfully staffed and we could't have asked for more, well except for a pod of Dolphin perhaps but you can't have everything!

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Local guiding operator Trips and Tramps has catered to this need, and now offers a combo of a 4 hour guided day walk with the famous Milford Sound Nature Cruise!

Part one: The Milford Guided Day Walk

Milford Track Michael

New Zealand’s Milford Track is one of the most famous walks on the planet! This Fiordland National Park trail is one of New Zealand’s nine ‘Great Walks’. These have been given special status for having some of the best scenery in the country. (Having done all nine is quite a badge of honour!) It traverses a variety of terrain, from rainforests to alpine passes, and is a truly unforgettable experience.

The entire track  is a 53.5km long and takes 3-4 night to complete, with both guided and self-guided options. Obviously this isn’t feasible for many travellers, owing to time and/or fitness levels. However, Trips and Tramps’ half-day option gives a fantastic taste of what the track has to offer.

Trips and Tramps Info: Most travellers stay in Te Anau and head to Milford Sound. You can either be collected from Te Anau, or self-drive to Milford Sound and join the tour from there. The 2-hour drive is incredibly scenic, with walks, waterfalls and lookouts along the way.

The trip starts at Sandfly Point, where you will be dropped off by water taxi at 8:45am. (Yes, you will really need insect repellent for this place!) This is technically the end point of the Milford Track for those doing the full hike. This means that between 9am–12pm there will be no other walkers on that stretch. You can enjoy your 12 person maximum guided tour in real peace! The half-day option takes you through beautiful New Zealand rainforest, past the Arthur River to the famous Giant’s Gate waterfall. You will have plenty of incredible photo opportunities!

Part Two: Milford Sound Nature  Cruise with Real Journeys

Real Journeys is a local tourism vendor who have been operating the world-famous Milford Sound nature cruises for decades. The 2.5 hour cruise goes right into the fjord and to the Tasman Sea (subject to weather and sea conditions) taking you close enough to the famous waterfalls to feel their spray. It’s a major highlight in any New Zealand itinerary! Also, keep an eye out from some friendly dolphins and seals!

Trips and Tramps info: The water taxi will return walkers back to the Milford Sound Wharf at 1.15pm after the hike. This is perfect timing to connect with the Real Journeys Nature Cruise at!

Other options for short visits over Fiordland

If you’re really short on time, consider a scenic flight from Queenstown with either Air Milford or one of the local helicopter companies. The views are nothing short of spectacular, you allow you to experience the beauty of Milford Sound from a difference perspective

Note : all flights are subject to weather conditions on the day of travel. If the weather prevents the flight, full refunds are generally provided.

Summary of Milford Sound options

Trips and Tramps Milford Track Guided Walk and Boat Cruise is offered from the end of October to the end of April each year, with pick-up options from both Te Anau and Milford Sound. Prices and further details can be found online. 

Air Milford offer a variety of scenic flights to Milford Sound from Queenstown, some of which can be combined with a nature cruise. Check their site for more details. 

Other travel tips:

When travelling during the peak summer months between November and March, it is essential to pre-book all accommodation and tours in the Fiordland region as options are limited.

Fiordland gets the most rain out of any region in New Zealand (it has an average annual rainfall of 252 inches!) Be sure to pack your clothing accordingly.

If you are travelling in the off-peak season to Milford Sound i.e. between May and September, check out our winter guide  here.

For more nature activities, check out our specialist nature and lifestyle itineraries. 

Happy travelling in the Fiordland National Park!

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real journeys milford track

Real Journeys Milford Sound Scenic Boat Cruise

This post – Real Journeys Milford Sound Scenic Boat Cruise – is part of our series of posts on experiencing Fiordland National Park. 

Table of Contents

Fiordland National Park: by Land, Sea, and Air

Read an introduction to Fiordland National Park and options for experiencing Fiordland National Park by Land, Sea, and Air here .

Or, skip to one of our other Fiordland National Park travelogue posts:

  • Milford Sound Road: Self-Drive
  • Real Journeys Doubtful Sound Scenic Boat Cruise 
  • Fiordland Helicopters: Dusky & Doubtful Sound Heli Experience  
  • Routeburn Track Tramp

Our Fiordland National Park Story

We were headed to Fiordland National Park in early February 2020, concurrent with an extreme rainfall event. Between February 1st and February 4th Milford Sound received 1124 mm of rain – 16% of its normal annual rainfall! The first-ever Red Severe Weather Warning was issued, a State of Emergency declared, almost 400 people were stranded, and 440km of walking track were destroyed. 

Needless to say, our Routeburn Track walk booked to start February 15, 2020 was cancelled as the track was damaged beyond repair for the season. The Milford Sound Road was also closed for the foreseeable future. We attempted to visit Doubtful Sound instead but that kayak/camp adventure was also thwarted due to extreme weather. 

However, as luck would have it, and due to the 2020 coronavirus outbreak we were still in New Zealand well past our original planned departure date of May 2020. THANK YOU NEW ZEALAND. So, in July 2020 and again in September 2020, we headed back to Fiordland National Park. And we can’t wait to visit again. 

Milford Sound: Getting There

Milford Sound is the most popular and most accessible destination within Fiordland National Park. It is the only fjord accessible by road and is famous for its cascading waterfalls on the steep, glacially-carved cliffs that surround the 16km of the sound out to the Tasman Sea.

Milford Sound is located at the end of Milford Road (State Highway 94): an alpine drive of two hours without stopping from Te Anau. Because you’ll want to stop at the viewing points and perhaps do some of the walks along the route we’d recommend planning to spend a full day (or more!) driving the Milford Road as a self-drive if weather permits. Once you’re at Milford Sound the best way to experience the sound itself is by taking a scenic cruise. 

However, another great option is a coach + cruise combination package. This takes the stress out of driving the Milford Sound Road so that you can properly enjoy the gorgeous surroundings without driving distractions whilst still stopping at a few of the more popular viewpoints. There are a number of operators of day and overnight packages catering to all types of tourists.

Milford Sound Road: Coach + Scenic Cruise

Scenic coach + cruise packages are available with departures from both Te Anau and Queenstown. Keep in mind that Queenstown is an additional 2 hrs drive each way.

After driving part of the Milford Sound Road, we opted for a Real Journeys coach + cruise package departing from Te Anau during our July 2020 visit.  

Our driver provided insightful commentary and our glass-roofed coach stopped at the following spots, in northbound order from Te Anau Downs to Milford Sound:

TIP: The glass-roof and large side windows of the coach were stellar! Be sure you check that your tour operator has a similar set-up as this made a big difference.

Eglinton Valley Lookout

A brief stop for a Lord of the Rings photo op in an alpine valley carved by glaciers.

Mirror Lakes Viewpoint

A favorite stop of mine for super reflective images of the mountains in Mirror Lake on a calm day. There are a number of viewpoints along a boardwalk on this 10 min return walk.

Pop’s View Lookout & Monkey Creek

Quick stops for photo ops. You’ll often find kea (alpine parrots) hanging out in these locations.

TIP: See photos and read more about other recommended stops on a Milford Sound Road self-drive experience here .

Milford Sound

After arriving at the end of the Milford Road, we immediately boarded our boat to head out on the water of Milford Sound for our 2 hr scenic cruise.

Upon boarding, a lunch of fish and chips or soup and a roll was served. We then headed outside on the deck for better views of Milford Sound, Mitre Peak, and the surrounding mountains. 

FUN FACT: Although we didn’t see any sea-life, the waters of Fiordland are home to mammals and birds such as bottlenose dolphins, New Zealand fur seals, and Fiordland crested penguins. Milford Sound is classified as a Marine Reserve to protect the sea-life within Fiordland.

Our mid-July weather was cold but the sun was shining. This allowed for us to spend most of the time on the top deck without freezing but next time we’d love to visit in the rain to be surrounded by thousands of cascades.  

Once we returned to shore, we would have liked to have had time to explore the harbour and gaze at the views of Mitre Peak and Milford Sound from land. Next time! 

New Zealand Planning and Resources

If you’re planning for your vacation or holiday in New Zealand, more resources – including our trip map with points of interest and camping spots – can be found in our New Zealand planning and resources post .

Our travelogue and the details of our day-to-day activities can be found in our New Zealand itinerary and travelogue post .

travel dates: July 15, 2020 

last updated: 27-Jul-2021

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Day Walk Transport

Milford track day walk - lake te anau, departs from.

Te Anau Downs

3.5 hours return walk, 2 hour return boat trip


28 Oct 2023 - 28 April 2024

Milford track Day Walk - Lake Te anau


Experience day one of the Milford Track—New Zealand's most famous hiking track—independently and at your own pace.

A scenic 1 hour boat journey between Te Anau Downs and Glade Wharf will have you on the Milford Track for a spectacular day walk experience.

A highlight is reaching the first DOC Backcountry Hut, Clinton Hut (5km one way), where you'll find a perfect place for a picnic lunch and a swim in the nearby, stunningly clear, Clinton River.

Milford Track Day Walk Transport Options


Book your transport from Te Anau, or self-drive to Te Anau Downs. A 1 hour scenic Lake Te Anau boat journey from Te Anau Downs up to Glade Wharf, Milford Track. The boat departs at 11.30 am.

At your own pace, walk the Milford Track. Clinton Hut is a 10-kilometre return walk and will take you 3.5 hours return.

Meet the boat at Glade Wharf for your return journey to Te Anau Downs. The boat departs at 4 pm.

Bus Transport from Te Anau at 11 am.

Need to know more?

Head over to our Plan & Prepare section for more info on day hiking the Milford Track- Lake Te Anau

Milford Track Planning Info

Booking Options

Milford track day walk - lake te anau, from te anau downs, water taxis only.

Depart Te Anau Downs at 11.30am water taxi to the Milford Track, return from Glade Wharf 4pm, arriving Te Anau Downs at 5pm

Milford Track Day Walk - Lake Te Anau, from Te Anau, return by bus

Depart Te Anau on 11am bus to meet 11.30am water taxi to the Milford Track, return from Glade Wharf 4pm to meet 5pm bus back to Te Anau. Please note the 5pm bus requires a minimum of 4 fares to operate. We will refund you if there are others sharing this ride.

Milford Track Day Walk - Lake Te Anau, from Queenstown, return by bus

Interested in this adventure departing from Queenstown? Get in touch with us and we can organise this for you.

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  • Milford Track Day Walk Real Journeys

Milford Track Day Walk - RealNZ

Milford Track Day Walk - RealNZ

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Steeped in awe-inspiring natural beauty, the Milford Track is a walk so legendary that Rudyard Kipling himself declared it to be the “finest walk in the world”.

Hiking Milford Track in its entirety all the way to Milford Sound will take you four days, but those with time constraints will still be able to enjoy parts of this incredible trail.

A guided trip lasting one day is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the most stunning parts of the Milford Track.

Your guide will meet you in Milford Sound, where you will board a water taxi for a short ride to Sandfly Point. Thereafter, embark on a guided walk in idyllic surrounds that takes you along the end section of the Milford Track.

You will be accompanied by a nature guide who will tell you all about the Milford Track’s illustrious history, as well as point out fascinating native plants and birds. An easygoing pace means you will have ample time to marvel at the stunning scenery and compose photographs.

The walk is an easy one that runs at a relaxed pace and does not involve any steep climbs.

Trip Includes

  • Scenic water taxi from Milford Sound to Sandfly Point
  • Picnic lunch
  • 3 hours of leisurely walking (11kms return)
  • Informative nature guide
  • Allow 4 hours
  • Water taxi from Milford Sound to Sandfly Point
  • Operates Thursday to Tuesday in summer months only (Nov - Apr)

Other Information

  • Suitable for children 10 years & over
  • Child rates available (10-15yrs)
  • Picnic lunch includes: ham & salad roll, chocolate chip shortbread, cheese & crackers, piece of seasonal fruit, tea & coffee
  • For a self-guided option, check out the Self-Guided Milford Track Day Walk

*** This tour is currently unavailable. For a self-guided option, check out the self-guided Milford Track Day Walk ***

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Genuine Customer Reviews powered by

Service rating:

This is a really nice tour. Absolutely magical forest (you find yourself looking for the pixies and the elves), and our tour guide was knowledgeable and entertaining. Recommended!

Reviewed 30-Dec-2018

great service from pre booking to booking to follow up

Product rating:

Reviewed 19-Mar-2013

Latest Questions about Milford Track Day Walk - RealNZ

Do you pick up from Queenstown hotel for this trip?

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If you are doing the Milford Track Day Walk (from Queenstown) ... can you also fit in the Glow worms cave tour on the same day?

Hi mary. Unfortunately, you can't fit both the Milford track day walk from Queenstown and the Te Anau glow worm caves tour on the same day. The reason being is that the Milford track day walk finishes at 4.30pm and the boat brings you back from Te Anau Downs to Te Anau by 5.30pm for a 6pm coach connection back to Queenstown. In order to catch this last coach back to Queenstown you would have to do the early glow worm cave tour at 2pm. You would need to go down to Te Anau the night before and do the Milford Track day walk the following day.

Comment by: Everything Travel Group (Callum) on 9th Dec 13 at 15:50

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Trip Reviews

Where do I start?! New Zealand had been number one on my bucket list for as long as I can remember, and it didn’t disappoint. Don’t wait another moment, if New Zealand is the dream, find a way! The ‘Manuka’ trip was beyond any expectations I could have dreamed of! Yes it was physical, but our amazing guides Claire and Jess kept me going and the accomplishment and the views were always worth it. I have memories that will last a lifetime, best money I have EVER spent. Trust me, don’t wait! Go!

A Day Walk on the Milford Track – Giant Gate Falls

A collection of thoughts and reflections from a New Zealand guide.

Many visitors to New Zealand arrive here with only several weeks to explore the country. New Zealand is famous for having so many different landscapes, not just between the North and South Islands, but within each island too. So if your time here is limited, then we’ve got a suggestion to help you make the most of it – why not do a day hike on the Milford Track? Rather than walking the whole thing, consider a day hike on one of the most beautiful sections, and free up some vacation time to explore some other Great Walks and stunning locations around the country.

The Falls are the halfway point for our day hike, you’ll most likely stop and eat some lunch on the trail, or boil up a billy of water and make hot drinks if it’s a chilly day. Then turn around and walk back the way you came, comparing photos of the beautiful waterfall, and feeling invigorated, and ready for the next experience on your New Zealand adventure.

Active Adventures and New Zealand Walking Tours both operate trips with day walks on the Milford Track. Check out these options:

  • Great Walks Discovery ‘Takahe’ Trip – 5 days – all inclusive – Active Adventures.
  • ‘Pristine New Zealand’ Trip – 13 days – all inclusive – New Zealand Walking Tours.
  • ‘Beautiful South’ Trip – 10 days – all inclusive – New Zealand Walking Tours.

Or if your heart is set on walking the whole of the Milford Track, then check out Active Adventures’ Milford Hiking Adventure ‘Manuka’ Trip .

Milford Track Location Milford Track Hiking Gear List Milford Track Reviews Milford Track Photo Gallery Milford Track Video Milford Track History Milford Track FAQ Milford Track Itinerary Hiking Tours New Zealand The Great Walks Discovery ‘Takahe’ trip Milford Track Blog

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Doubtful Sound is the deepest of all the fiords. It’s long and winding with three distinct ‘arms’ and several outstanding waterfalls…

Hike the Milford Track with

Active Adventures Logo

The Milford, Routeburn and Kepler Track Transport Packages and Sector Transport can now be booked online.


Tracknet Transport 77 Manapouri-Te Anau Highway Te Anau 9679 New Zealand [email protected]

  • Bike Trails
  • Milford Sound Private Tour
  • Lake Manapouri Ferry Transport

Milford Track Transport.

Great walks fiordland, milford track, milford track hut & transport bookings are now open for the 2023/2024 hiking season, book your milford track transport packages with tracknet transport.

Tracknet's all-inclusive bus and ferry transport services are designed specifically for Milford Track walkers and feature convenient timetables to ensure a smooth journey. Packages departing Te Anau, Queenstown and Te Anau Downs are available.

Tracknet make it simple to book your Milford Track transport from either Te Anau or Queenstown. Travel in our comfortable coaches to and from the connecting ferries. Be sure to start the track in style, travel onboard the large, all-weather ferry for a relaxing cruise to begin your Fiordland adventure.

Hiker with backpack looking into a misty valley

The Milford Track is known as 'The finest walk in the world' and is very popular, with hut tickets selling out quickly for the Great Walks season each year. Freedom walk the 53.5 km track over 3 nights & 4 days and experience the lush green rainforest, pristine lakes and rivers, and be captivated by the spectacular views on offer. Tracknet has Milford Track Transport packages with services connecting with each boat to and from the Milford Track during the Great Walks season. Our bus & boat transport packages can be booked from either Te Anau or Queenstown.

How to book milford track.

Tracknet make it simple for you to book your Milford Track transport with our package deals.

Book Hut Tickets

Visit the DOC website to make bookings for your hut tickets. Book Huts

Book Transport

Book your track transport packages with Tracknet. Book Transport

Get a pack, sort your food & gear, book your accommodation! Plan Your Trip

Why book your Milford Track Transport with us?

Arrive at the trail head in comfort.

Travel Te Anau Downs to Glade House aboard an all-weather catamaran with large viewing windows, viewing deck, toilets and complimentary tea & coffee.


Tracknet has been operating a dedicated Track transport network in Fiordland for over 35 years


Tracknet is a truly family owned and operated business with three generations currently working in the business


Tracknet is a major supporter of local conservation efforts, including the whio breeding programme & predator control lines. We love Fiordland and are committed to its future!

real journeys milford track

Milford Track Transport Packages

Prices listed are for the 2024/2025 summer hiking season (for winter transport please see the milford track winter transport page)..

  • Ex Queenstown

Depart Te Anau > Walk the Milford Track > Return Te Anau

Depart te anau 3 day hike return to te anau.

real journeys milford track

  • Bus + Ferry: 9.45am or 1:25pm Bus from Te Anau to Te Anau Downs connecting to fast ferry from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf 10.30am or 2pm (arrival time 11:30am or 3pm)
  • Walk: Walk the Milford Track (3 nights)
  • Ferry: Ferry from Sandfly Point to Milford Sound (15 mins)
  • Bus: 2:30pm or 5:00pm Bus from Milford Sound to Te Anau (2 hrs 15 mins) You can select a later date should you wish to spend a night (or more) in Milford Sound after the track.

Depart Queenstown > Walk the Milford Track > Return Queenstown

Post Image

  • Bus: 6:55am or 10:25am bus from Queenstown to Te Anau (2 hrs 30 mins)
  • Bus + Ferry: Meets bus Te Anau to Te Anau Downs connecting to the fast ferry to Glade Wharf (1hr 45 mins)
  • Ferry: 2:00pm Ferry from Sandfly Point to Milford Sound (15 mins)
  • Bus: 2:30pm Bus from Milford Sound to Queenstown (5 hrs 25 mins) You can select a later date should you wish to spend a night (or more) in Milford Sound after the track.

Depart Te Anau Downs - Walk the Milford Track > Return to Te Anau Downs

real journeys milford track

  • Ferry: 10:30am or 2:00pm Fast ferry from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf
  • Ferry: Ferry from Sandfly Point to Milford Sound (multiple departures between 2:00pm-4:30pm)
  • Bus: 2:30pm or 5:00pm bus from Milford Sound to Te Anau Downs

Depart Queenstown > Overnight Te Anau > Walk the Milford Track > Return Queenstown

real journeys milford track

  • Bus: 6:55am, 10:25am or 4:30pm Bus from Queenstown to Te Anau (2 hrs 30 mins)
  • Bus + Ferry: 9:45am or 1:25pm Bus the following day from Te Anau to Te Anau Downs with connecting fast ferry from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf (1hr 45 mins)
  • Bus: 2:30pm Bus from Milford Sound to Queenstown (5 hrs 15 mins) You can select a later date should you wish to spend a night (or more) in Milford Sound after the track.
  • Note: There are different price options for the morning and afternoon Ferries from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf. Choose your option below, depending on which ferry you intend to take.

Depart Queenstown > Walk the Milford Track > Milford Cruise > Return Queenstown

Post Image

  • Bus: 6:55am or 10.25am bus from Queenstown to Te Anau (2 hrs 30mins)
  • Bus + Ferry: 9:45am or 1.25pm bus Te Anau to Te Anau downs connecting to the fast ferry from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf (1hr 35 mins)
  • Cruise: 2.45pm Milford Sound Cruise (operated by Cruise Milford) (1hr 45mins)
  • Bus: 5:00pm Bus from Milford Sound to Te Anau (2 hrs)
  • Bus: 7.00am, 11.30am or 5:00pm Bus from Te Anau to Queenstown (2hrs 45 mins) You can select a later date should you wish to spend more nights in Te Anau before returning to Queenstown.

Depart Te Anau > Walk the Milford Track > Milford Cruise > Return Te Anau

real journeys milford track

  • Bus + Ferry: 9.45am or 1:25pm Bus from Te Anau to Te Anau Downs connecting to fast ferry from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf 10.30am or 2pm (arrival time 11:30am or 3:00pm)
  • Bus: 5:00pm Bus from Milford Sound to Te Anau (2 hrs) You can select a later date should you wish to spend a night (or more) in Milford Sound after the track.

Plan Your Trip

Milford track info.

  • 2024/2025 Information

Fiordland Base Camp

The Milford Track, spanning 53.5 km through the heart of Fiordland National Park, is often hailed as the finest walk in the world. Located within the Te Wahi Pounamu World Heritage Area in Southwest New Zealand, this iconic trail is a must-visit.

Track Details:

  • Duration: 4 days / 3 nights
  • Season: Great Walks Summer Season (late October to late April)
  • Direction: Track is walked one-way, from Glade Wharf to Milford Sound
  • Daily Capacity: 40 independent walkers and a similar number of guided walkers
  • Pre-booking your hut tickets is essential. Stay three nights on the track at the Clinton, Pompolona and Dumplings Huts. You must reserve your space through the Department of Conservation website during the Summer season from October to April each year.

Route Highlights:

  • Start: Head of Lake Te Anau (near Te Anau township, 180 km from Queenstown)
  • Beech forests, Clinton River, Mackinnon Pass (1154 metres), Sutherland Falls (NZ's highest waterfall), Arthur Valley
  • End: Sandfly Point, with a ferry ride to Milford Sound
  • Wildlife: Look out for a variety of native birds along the track.
  • Transport: After your walk, the Tracknet bus will take you to the Divide, Te Anau Downs, Te Anau, or Queenstown.

Booking Information (2024/2025)

The transport options on this page are only available during the Great Walks season from 29th October 2024 to 1st May 2025. Milford Track Hut bookings open on Tuesday, 28th May 2024 . Please contact us if you require transport outside of these months. Please read the following details before booking:

  • Availability: Transport services are only available during the Great Walks season (29th Oct 2024 – 1st May 2025). For transport outside these dates, please contact us .
  • Hut Bookings: Reserve your Milford Track huts on the Department of Conservation website, space is limited
  • Queenstown to Te Anau Downs: Includes a 15-minute stop at the Te Anau DOC Visitor Centre for hut ticket collection and a possible bus change.
  • Ferry Details: The 10:30am and 2:00pm ferries from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf are operated by Real NZ. These comfortable vessels offer local commentary, tea, and coffee; the trip takes one hour.
  • Morning Connections: The 7:00am bus from Queenstown and the 9:45am bus from Te Anau connect with the 10:30am ferry.
  • Afternoon Connections: The 10:25am bus from Queenstown and the 1:25pm bus from Te Anau connect with the 2:00pm ferry.
  • Return Services: The 9:25am and 2:30pm buses from Milford Sound to Queenstown include a restroom break and possible bus change in Te Anau
  • Sandfly Point to Milford Sound: Ferries run from 2:00pm to 4:30pm, connecting with the 2:30pm bus to Te Anau/Queenstown and the 5:00pm bus to Te Anau.
  • Optional Cruise: The 5:00pm bus from Milford Sound allows time for an optional 2:45pm Milford Sound Cruise (additional cost).
  • Accommodation: Not included in transport packages.
  • Bus Stops: All services have limited pick up and drop off points, these can be chosen when booking.

Bookings: You can check departure times and availability online. Book online and receive an instant email confirmation. Alternatively, please contact us to make your bookings or for further details.

The Tracknet office is based at the Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels (77 Te Anau-Manapouri Highway, Te Anau), and because of our fantastic location we are able to offer our customers so much more than just transport! Stay with us at Fiordland's Base Camp, and take advantage of these convenient extras

real journeys milford track

  • Wide variety of accommodation options available
  • Across the road from the Department of Conservation (DOC) office, where you can pickup your hut tickets
  • FREE overnight carparking
  • FREE excess luggage storage
  • 10 minute walk into Te Anau town centre to supermarkets & restaurants
  • Showers after your walk for $15.00
  • Coffee shop on site

We have been organising track transport in Te Anau for over 35 years, so know what people need to get them there. Make your trip even easier and book your accommodation at the Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels , your Fiordland Base Camp.

Milford Track Map

Milford Track elevation profile and track guide map one

Image from: DOC

Winter Season Transport Information

Tracknet provides a milford track winter transport package for experienced hikers who want to explore the milford track at its most wild. in the winter season (may to late october) walkers can travel the track, staying up to two nights at each hut with back country hut tickets. departures are dependent on weather and track conditions..

Blue and green Tracknet logo

Looking for Accommodation

View from Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park unit over Lake Te Anau on a calm day

Te Anau Lakeview Holiday Park & Motels

Steamers Backpackers accommodation kitchen block in the shape of a boat

Steamers Beach for Groups

Marakura Deluxe Motel units with view over a calm Lake Te Anau

Marakura Motels

Can't find what you are looking for, we can also provide private transfers or charters , please contact us for more information:, like our page.

DevGAMM Moscow 2018

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Game Design Track

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real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 17, 11:15 am

The original War Robots meta was based on only three classes of robots: light, medium, and heavy. Vladimir Krasilnikov , Head of Game Design Department, Pixonic will tell you what kind of problems you may encounter with this approach, and how to find practical solutions to these problems.

How to figure all it takes with Excel and elementary education

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 17, 11:45 am

A lot of game designers who don’t have any higher technical education need to do math on their projects. More often than not, it is very time consuming and is a real pain in the neck, yet the results can still be disappointing. This talk from Aleksey Rehlov , Head of Russian Branch, Creative Mobile , will help you save your glial cells and attain more predictable results in the future.

Game Design by Community (based on Surgeon Simulator, I Am Bread and Worlds Adrift)

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 17, 12:30 pm

Bossa Studios is famous for creating strange games in strange ways. Imre Jele , Co-founder, Creator-In-Chief, Bossa Studios , is going to touch on how they let go of dictatorial auteurship and embrace co-creation with their audience, allowing players to make them laugh through the irreverent comedy of Surgeon Simulator and build Worlds Adrift together, making it the first community-crafted MMO.

Neighbor’s design

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 17, 03:30 pm

“Hello Neighbor” is unexpected YouTube phenomenon of 2017. Game that stretched its gameplay over a year long period. Nikita Kolesnikov , Game designer, Dynamic Pixels , is going to cover such questions as ‘How was it all created?’ ‘How everything worked out?’ ‘Is it fun to sleep on the floor?’ ‘How not to die?’

From idea to proposal: a method to make your game concept viable and strong

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Green Hall, May 17, 04:45 pm

This talk will explain a method to create and revise your game idea in a new, unexplored way. Sviatoslav Torik , Product Vision Expert, Research & Development, , will guide you through the whole process: from stating the idea to explained possibilities and USPs. To be totally fair with you Sviatoslav will provide a challenging game idea example as well.

Creating Game Design Tools

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 18, 11:00 am

This talk from Konstantin Sakhnov , Head of Game Department, Rocket Jump , will cover useful cases of creation and tuning different game design tools (no need of in-depth programming skills) that can help every game designer optimise his work.

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Red Hall, May 18, 11:00 am

Such experienced game-designers as Serge Himmelreich , Game Designer, Co-founder, GDCuffs , ARPU.GURU , Vladimir Kovtun , Creative Mobile , Sviatoslav Torik , Product Vision Expert, Research & Development, , Gregory Choporov , Producer, 2RealLife , will offer publicly practical ways of gameplay improvement to 3 selected but not released projects.

Prototyping pipeline: Lessons learned

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Orange Hall, May 18, 15:00 pm

The session of Ivan Barishnikov , Team Lead Prototyping division, , will focus on prototyping pipeline. Building process from the scratch, evolving and working on mistakes. Problems that we’ve got and solutions that we’ve found.

real journeys milford track

When & Where: Pink Hall, May 18, 04:45 pm

During this session, Pavel Sovushkin , Head of UX department, WOWlab, is going to share the insights on UX design for VR projects. You’ll learn: what actions will help you to reduce the risks and improve the quality of a project at the pre-production stage; what you should take into account to make a VR project intuitively understandable and interesting for audience; how to make a prototype of a VR project in two days.

We’re waiting for you at DevGAMM Moscow. Take the chance to learn great insights on how to improve your game design and what tools you should use. Tickets are on sale 🙂

Get your tickets

Lerika Mallayeva

Lerika Mallayeva

Email: [email protected] Skype: mallayeva Phone: +79035826001

Maria Chyrvona

Maria Chyrvona

Email: [email protected] Skype: chyrvona Phone: +380938368195

Sergey Chernobrivets

Sergey Chernobrivets

Email: [email protected] Skype: sergey_ukraine_acc Phone: +380990311747

Tori Pavlenko

Tori Pavlenko

Email: [email protected] Skype: viktory1209 Phone: +79689363486

Sales and business relationships with sponsors.

  • Parties & Networking
  • Career Wall
  • Awards 2018 Winners
  • Speed Game Dating
  • Submit Game


We have provided a number of suggested itineraries to help you in planning your holiday in Southern New Zealand. These suggested touring plans include both single and multi-day itineraries to suit different travel times and allow you to experience our different excursions.

If you require assistance in planning your holiday, please contact our Reservations Team.  We can tailor itineraries to your preferred tour options. If you would like a quote please advise:

  • Which tours you would like,
  • Month that you are travelling,
  • How many people, and
  • If you will have transportation or require our coach transfers. 

Displaying 1 to 2 of 2

A family views the TSS Earnslaw departing from the Walter Peak shoreline

Fun for the whole family

Boat cruising on a sunny day in Milford Sound

  • Fantastic Fiordland
  • Driving Times
  • Useful Links
  • Family Friendly
  • Why RealNZ?
  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Why Book With Us?
  • 12 must do stops on the road to Milford Sound

real journeys milford track

  •   +7 (499) 398-01-93 
  •  Russia, Moscow, Novozavodskaya street, 10A, office 2-2 


Gold-domed Moscow

Moscow is magnificent and dignified. There are a lot of cultural objects such as more than 400 museums, about a thousand monuments, 150 theatres and dozens of concert halls. A lot of secular events are happened here, such as the world premiere, exhibitions and etc.

The route is thought out in a way that you will have the opportunity to stop in historical places and take photos of picturesque nature.

All included. You will receive a motorcycle and health insurance. All museums tickets are included in the price.

It is possible to change the program only if it’s the group’s wish.

Throughout the route you will be accompanied by a guide, guard and mechanic (we will replace motorcycle in case of serious damage).

All inclusive tour

Tour overview.

real journeys milford track

Motorcycle Centre “Sexton”

The Kremlin and the Red Square

Saint Basil's Cathedral

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

The Cathedral of the Immaculate

The Bolshoi Theatre

The State Tretyakov Gallery

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva (VDNKh) (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy)

Ostankino Tower

The Seven Sisters (Stalin's high-rises)

Expenses for registration of passports and visas

State fees for entry and exit to / from the country

A separate room in the hotel

Alcoholic beverages and other entertainment outside the program

All insurance except medical and motorcycle insurance

Charges for extra baggage, overweight

Airline tickets

Contact us 

 10A, office 2-2, Novozavodskaya, Moscow, Russia 

 +7 (499) 398-01-93 

 [email protected] 

Best tours 

The Golden Ring



    real journeys milford track

  2. Milford Track Guided Day Walk

    real journeys milford track

  3. Milford Track Guided Day Walks

    real journeys milford track

  4. The Milford Track

    real journeys milford track

  5. A first-timer's guide to hiking the Milford Track

    real journeys milford track

  6. Milford Track: The Complete Guide

    real journeys milford track


  1. Milford Sound Scenic Cruise with Real Journeys

  2. Milford Track Flooding

  3. Milford Track NZ 2024

  4. Milford Track

  5. Milford Track

  6. Milford track and Kepler Track


  1. Milford Track Transport

    Milford Sound. Te Anau Downs. Boat Transport Only | From $129. Make your own way to the Te Anau Downs Wharf. This package includes boat transfers to the start and off the track. Choose from two daily departures at 10:30am and 2pm. Book Now. From Queenstown | Coach & Boat Transport | From $327.

  2. Milford Sound Tours & Cruises

    Piopiotahi Milford Sound. Milford Sound, situated on the west coast of the South Island, is a world-renowned natural wonder with towering peaks, cascading waterfalls and amazing wildlife. Discover this spectacular region of New Zealand with a Milford Sound tour. Choose from an overnight cruise, day cruise, coach and cruise or scenic flight.

  3. Te Anau: Glowworm Caves and Milford Track Guided Walks

    The settlement at Te Anau was first surveyed in 1893 shortly after the Milford Track opened. The opening of the Homer Tunnel in 1953 completed road access to Milford Sound leading to the development of Te Anau as a town and a tourism boom. In 1954, RealNZ was established by local couple Les and Olive Hutchins.

  4. Milford Track Guided Day Walk

    Join our guided one day excursion for a taste of the world famous Milford Track - New Zealand. Coach to Te Anau Downs and cruise to the top of Lake Te Anau t...

  5. The Milford Track

    The Milford Track is 53.5 km / 33.5 mi long (not including side-trips) and takes four days. You aren't able to walk the track in a shorter time-frame (unless you're planning on trail running the walk in a day). You can only book for one direction and for all three huts. Camping isn't really permitted. You have to be 500m from the track ...

  6. The Milford Track: how to book it, difficulty, logistics & what to

    The Milford Track is a 53.5km hike in the South Island of New Zealand from Lake Te Anau through the majestic Fiordland National Park to Milford Sound, one of the natural wonders of the world. The trail was the first inland route to Milford Sound and has been a favourite with hikers for over a century.


    Milford Track Day Walk Real Journeys. day-tours guided-walks milford-sound-and-fiordland. Previous Activity. Guided Walks - Full Day Routeburn Nature Walk. Next Activity. Mt Cook Day Tour. Connect with us. Explore Queenstown New Zealand. Activities. Food & Drink. Accommodation. Snow Reports. Live Webcams.

  8. Real Journeys

    Get up close and personal with Milford Sound on our leisurely Nature Cruise. Experience the spray of a waterfall as you cruise close to sheer rock faces. Informative, participative and more relaxed, a Nature Cruise is the perfect way to experience Milford Sound to the fullest. ... a Real Journeys Nature Cruise is the ideal way to discover New ...

  9. Milford Sound scenic cruise Real Journeys "Sovereign"

    RealNZ: Milford Sound scenic cruise Real Journeys "Sovereign" - See 2,497 traveler reviews, 2,321 candid photos, and great deals for Milford Sound, New Zealand, at Tripadvisor. ... The other big pull of this Real Journeys cruise was the opportunity to walk a small section of the Milford Track on a 1.5 hour hike, we were lucky enough to be in a ...

  10. Milford Track Day Walk from Te Anau

    The Milford Track New Zealand is the pinnacle of nature experiences. Exploring this pristine alpine environment with a local guide. ... Part Two: Milford Sound Nature Cruise with Real Journeys . Real Journeys is a local tourism vendor who have been operating the world-famous Milford Sound nature cruises for decades. The 2.5 hour cruise goes ...

  11. The Milford Mariner Boat Milford Sound

    The Milford Mariner, owned by Real Journeys, offers an exceptional experience in Milford Sound. With its substantial size, comfortable accommodation options, and a range of onboard facilities, the boat ensures that passengers can fully appreciate the natural beauty of this iconic New Zealand destination. Tags: Milford Mariner, Milford Sound

  12. Real Journeys Milford Sound Scenic Boat Cruise

    Milford Sound Road: Coach + Scenic Cruise. Scenic coach + cruise packages are available with departures from both Te Anau and Queenstown. Keep in mind that Queenstown is an additional 2 hrs drive each way. After driving part of the Milford Sound Road, we opted for a Real Journeys coach + cruise package departing from Te Anau during our July ...

  13. Milford Sound Cruises

    The address is Milford Sound Visitor Terminal, Milford Sound 9679, and the phone number is +64 3 249 6000. If you're getting a coach and cruise with RealNZ, we'll have arranged a coach pickup or meeting location with you prior to travel.

  14. Real Journeys

    Notes. Child retail prices $30 (All departures) Daily Departures: Check-in: Milford Sound Visitor Terminal, Milford Sound, 20 minutes before departure. Duration: 1 hr 30/40 mins (8.45am departure is 2 hours) Drive Time to Milford Sound: Traveling from Queenstown it will take around 5hrs to reach Milford.

  15. Milford Track

    Milford Track - Real Journeys Guided Walk, New Zealand: reviews, pictures, map, and description. One of many points of interest available for planning your trip to New Zealand from Visual Itineraries. Location #515. (503) 922-3596 Login (503) 922-3596. Explore. Australia; Bali; Big Island of Hawaii; Cook Islands ...

  16. Milford Track Day Walk, Lake Te Anau

    A 1 hour scenic Lake Te Anau boat journey from Te Anau Downs up to Glade Wharf, Milford Track. The boat departs at 11.30 am. Step 2 Walk the Milford Track. At your own pace, walk the Milford Track. Clinton Hut is a 10-kilometre return walk and will take you 3.5 hours return. Step 3 Return to Te Anau Downs.

  17. Milford Track Guided Walk & RealNZ Tours, Te Anau

    Hi mary. Unfortunately, you can't fit both the Milford track day walk from Queenstown and the Te Anau glow worm caves tour on the same day. The reason being is that the Milford track day walk finishes at 4.30pm and the boat brings you back from Te Anau Downs to Te Anau by 5.30pm for a 6pm coach connection back to Queenstown.

  18. Milford Track Day Walk

    Active Adventures New Zealand have recently launched a new trip to this end, called the Great Walks Discovery 'Takahe' trip. Over 5 days you can experience the most beautiful day walks on the Milford Track, the Routeburn Track, and the Kepler Track, as well as an overnight cruise on Doubtful Sound, and a hike to Ben Lomond above Queenstown.

  19. Milford Track

    The Milford Track, spanning 53.5 km through the heart of Fiordland National Park, is often hailed as the finest walk in the world. ... Ferry Details: The 10:30am and 2:00pm ferries from Te Anau Downs to Glade Wharf are operated by Real NZ. These comfortable vessels offer local commentary, tea, and coffee; the trip takes one hour.

  20. Game Design Track

    Game Design Track. Each conference we're organizing Game Design Track which is, by the way, one of the most favorite among our participants. Be ready to learn lots of insights on how to make your a with your community, how 'Hello Neighbor' was created, how to highlight your game idea & more. Make sure to visit Anti-Lynch within this track.

  21. Itineraries

    Experience Fiordland National Park, from the spectacular waterfalls to the glowing caves, with this incredible 3-day itinerary. Milford Sound | Doubtful Sound | Te Anau Glowworm Caves | Lake Gunn. Need help planning your New Zealand holiday? We've compiled one, two and three day itineraries with popular destinations and activities to inspire you.

  22. Moscow to Karelia

    Meeting at the airport, transfer to the hotel, accommodation; you will get a motorcycle, meet with the team, sign a contract and have a dinner

  23. Gold-domed Moscow

    Meeting at the airport, transfer to the hotel, accommodation; you will get a motorcycle, meet with the team, sign a contract and have a dinner.