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Niokolo-Koba National Park: An Exciting Adventure into Senegal’s Wilderness

If you’re someone who loves nature and animals, there’s a place you absolutely have to see – Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal. This incredible park is a must-visit for anyone who wants to see all the amazing plants and animals that Africa has to offer. The park is like a whole ecosystem where lots of different kinds of animals live. So, no matter if you’ve traveled a lot or if this is your first time in Senegal, going to Niokolo-Koba National Park is something you really should do. It’s a chance to experience the wild, natural beauty of Africa, and I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Niokolo-Koba is a special place where you can find some of the rarest and most endangered animals in the whole world. It’s like their home sweet home. Imagine African wild dogs, western giant eland (they’re like big antelopes), and even chimpanzees living here! It’s like having a VIP pass to see these incredible creatures up close.

The Niokolo-Koba National Park

Senegal’s most amazing natural gem is the Niokolo-Koba National Park. It’s tucked away in the southeast part of Senegal and is huge, covering over 900,000 acres. When you step into this park, it’s like stepping into the heart of wild Africa. The scenery is jaw-dropping: wide open savannas, thick forests, glistening rivers, and towering mountains – it’s all there. And guess what? This place is like a bustling wildlife neighborhood. You can spot elephants, lions, hyenas, baboons, and a ton of different bird species living in this rich and diverse ecosystem.

Read more: Ultimate Senegal Itinerary for 7 Days, 10 Days or 2 Weeks

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Best Time To Visit

Niokolo-Koba National Park is like a wildlife wonderland! Picture this: it’s this massive area with woodlands, savannahs, and these cool semi-arid forests. Now, here’s the thing – the park’s roads are open for visitors from late November or early December all the way to June or July when the rainy season kicks in. And what’s super neat is how the park changes throughout the year, kind of like how the seasons change.

So, in December and January, everything is lush and green from the recent rains. But when February comes around, the park starts to dry up, and it’s at its driest around June. Now, this dry spell is pretty awesome for wildlife lovers because all the animals gather around the watering holes, making it easier to spot them.

But wait, there’s more! From March to June, you can explore the Mt. Assirik plateau area, which is usually only accessible during special 2-3 day tours. This mountain is like the king of Senegal, standing tall at 311 meters. And rumor has it, there are chimpanzees and elephants living there, which makes it even cooler! So, there’s always something exciting happening at Niokolo-Koba National Park.

How To Visit The Park?

To truly soak in the magic of Niokolo-Koba National Park, don’t just breeze through it on the Tambacounda-Kedougou highway. Dive deep into the heart of this amazing place by taking the interior bush roads. These hidden paths open up a world of diverse and wild landscapes within the park. But here’s the thing: you’ll need a vehicle and a local park guide to venture beyond the highway. Going on a safari-style tour is the way to go, and make sure your vehicle is a 4WD with good clearance because the park’s terrain can be pretty rugged. Those sept-place taxis won’t cut it here!

Now, if you already have a ride, you can snag a guide when you enter the park at the Dar Salam entrance. But if you don’t have wheels, it’s a good idea to set up a guide and a vehicle with a driver ahead of time. Your pick-up spot can be Dar Salam, Dialacoto (which is about 10km north of Dar Salam), or Tambacounda. You might also get some help from hotels in Tambacounda and Kedougou to set up park tours, but keep in mind that they might charge a bit extra.

For a smoother start to your wildlife adventure, consider kicking things off from Dar Salam or Dialacoto instead of Tambacounda. Dar Salam is the park’s main entrance, and you can get there easily from the Tambacounda garage. Just hop in a mini car (about 4,000 CFA, roughly 2 hours) or a sept-place (6,000 CFA, 1-1.5 hours) to Kedougou. Since there’s no direct car service to Dar Salam, you’ll need to pay the full fare to either Kedougou or Tambacounda. It’s all part of the exciting journey into Niokolo-Koba!

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Wildlife and Natural Beauty

Have you ever dreamed of exploring the wild heart of Africa? Well, let me take you on a journey to Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal. Trust me, it’s like stepping into a wild wonderland!

So, imagine this: vast open savannas stretching out as far as the eye can see, mysterious forests with towering trees, majestic mountains, and rivers that sparkle under the sun. It’s like nature decided to show off and put all its best bits in one place!

And oh boy, the animals! Fancy meeting an elephant or spotting a lion on your day out? How about saying hi to cheeky baboons or watching graceful antelopes hopping around? This park is home to all these buddies and more. And hey, if you’re someone who loves watching birds, you’re in for a treat! With over 350 kinds of birds singing and flapping around, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a feathery party.

Now, how to explore this magic land? You can either team up with a guide who’ll share all the cool stories and facts about the park, or you can go on your own little safari adventure. Either way, it’s gonna be epic! You’ll get to see animals just doing their thing in the wild, which is super cool. And if you want a change of scene, how about hiking up those mountains or camping under a blanket of stars? And hey, you can even take a boat ride on the Gambia river. Just imagine the cool breeze and all the fun sights!

So, if you’ve ever wanted to feel like a real explorer and experience the magic of Africa, Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal is where the adventure’s at!

Read more: From Tambacounda To Kolda: A Unique Casamance Itinerary

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Cultural Significance

This park is a place where people have been living for hundreds of years, surrounded by nature, and with traditions that are cooler than any superhero movie. The people here have songs, dances, and tales that they’ve shared for generations. And guess what? When you visit, you might just get to join in the fun! Imagine dancing under the stars or listening to a story that’s been told for ages.

Now, if you’re someone who loves a bit of mystery and history, check this out: there are these things called the Wassu stone circles. Think of them as ancient puzzles made out of stone. They’ve been around since wayyy before your great-great-grandparents were born—like, way back to the third century BC! People think they might’ve been a part of some super old ceremonies. Pretty cool, right?

So, in short, Niokolo-Koba isn’t just about spotting lions or elephants. It’s a place where nature and old stories come together, waiting for folks like you and me to jump in and discover.

Can I Sleep In The Park?

There’s this neat hotel and a couple of campsites. The super cool thing? Both the hotel and this place called Campement du Lion have these awesome views overlooking the Gambia River. And guess what? You might just see hippos chillin’ or crocodiles doing their thing right from where you’re staying!

But, hold on, if you’re the daring type and love the idea of being right in the middle of nature, you can totally set up camp in the wild! Especially if you’re heading to places like the Mt. Assirik plateau, which is this awesome spot in the southeast. Just imagine sleeping under a sky full of stars!

So the accommodation options available are:


Is It Worth Visiting The Park?

So, I recently went on this trip to Niokolo-Koba National Park, and I’ve got some thoughts to share. If I were to give it a star rating, it’d probably be around 2 out of 5. Let me break it down for you:

What’s cool about the place : The park has a mix of flat woodland savannah, a bit of semi-arid Sudanese forest, and some neat wetland spots. And get this, they’ve got over 1,500 types of plants! Plus, it holds a whopping 78% of Senegal’s gallery forest. That’s a lot of trees!

But here’s the bummer : The place has seen better days. Poaching, too many people and animals wandering around, and threats like a possible dam and a huge quarry have made things tough for the wildlife. I even heard that the number of big animals is now less than 900. That’s a huge drop, and it’s kinda sad.

So, while it’s got its perks, there are also challenges. If you’re considering a visit, just keep these things in mind and maybe you’ll have a different take on it!

Tips for Visitors

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your trip to Niokolo-Koba National Park:

  • Stay Hydrated! Bring plenty of water with you. Oh, and heads up – even though that river water might look tempting, don’t drink it. I heard there’s some mercury stuff in there. Yikes!
  • Guides are Cool Beans : Sure, you can explore on your own, but having a guide? Game-changer! They can spot animals and cool stuff that might just sneak past the rest of us.
  • Pack Smart : Think comfy clothes and good shoes for all the exploring. And hey, don’t forget the essentials: a hat, some sunscreen, and, of course, bug spray. Pesky mosquitos, be gone!
  • Be a Good Guest : We’re stepping into the homes of so many cool animals. Let’s promise each other: no littering. Deal?
  • Walking & Hiking Tips : Niokolo-Koba is mostly for epic safaris. If you’re dreaming of long hikes, might want to rethink that. There are some short paths to check out animals near water spots. But, they’re more like quick strolls rather than hikes.
  • Night Driving? Nope! : Trust the park rangers on this. They say no driving when the sun starts to set or during the night. Let’s stick to it. It’s safer for us and our wild buddies!

Read more: How To Spend 1 Week In Senegal?

Bottom Line

Niokolo-Koba National Park, with its sprawling landscapes and rich biodiversity, offers a unique glimpse into Senegal’s wilderness. But like many natural treasures around the world, it faces challenges that remind us of the importance of conservation and respect for our environment. Whether you’re an avid nature lover, a budding botanist, or just someone looking for a different kind of adventure, this park will surely leave an impression.


I’m a total Africa enthusiast! I’ve been exploring this amazing continent for years and I can’t get enough of its diverse cultures, stunning landscapes, and incredible wildlife. From hiking through the savannahs to sampling local cuisine, I’m all about immersing myself in everything Africa has to offer. I’m constantly on the lookout for new and exciting experiences, and I love sharing my passion and knowledge with fellow travel lovers. If you’re looking for an adventure like no other, Africa is the place to be, and I’m here to help you make the most of it!

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  • Parc National du Niokolo-Koba
  • Introducing Senegal
  • Eating and sleeping
  • Health and safety
  • The author’s take
  • Travel and visas
  • When and where to visit
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Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal by Eduardo Huelin

Explore the bush in a 4×4 or paddle upstream in a pirogue at Niokolo-Koba National Park, where lion still run wild.

Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981 and ignominiously added to the list of Endangered World Heritage Sites in 2007, Parc National du Niokolo-Koba extends over 9,130km 2 of river, savannah and gallery forest southeast of Tambacounda, and represents the largest and wildest area of protected and uninhabited land in Senegal. The habitats here vary between wide expanses of Sudan-Guinea savannah punctuated by riverine stretches of gallery forest, floodplains, marshes and even a few hills towards the southeast of the park, which peak at the rarely visited 311m Mount Assirik. Most of the easily accessed areas of the park lie along the Gambia River, but the park also takes in the rambling watercourses of several tributaries, including the Koulountou and the park’s namesake river, the Niokolo-Koba.

Since 1985, Niokolo-Koba has also been contiguous with Guinea’s much smaller (382km 2 ) Badiar National Park, which lies just across the border to the south (though there are no legal crossings or roads between them). Cut into two uneven halves by the RN7, nearly all tourist activity in the park takes place in the southern section, and the main hotel and ranger station are both located at Simenti (no prizes for guessing the etymology), which sits between an impressive lagoon (mare de Simenti) and the Gambia River, just over 30km into the park from the entrance gate at Dar Salam. 

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The Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal

by Phil Paoletta Dec 12, 2018 Senegal

Who knew that a little known park in eastern Senegal has lions, hippopotamus, water buffalo, the rare giant Eland, and the northernmost population of chimpanzees in the world. West Africa is not known for its game reserves, but there are a few on offer (like Pendjari ) that are certainly worth visiting. The Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal is one of them.

It sits on one million hectares of protected land , making it the largest park in Senegal. Since 1981, it has been classified as a World Heritage Site. While there is not much in the way of facilities, there is basic accommodation available. As I write this, the road is currently being worked on and will soon be newly paved all the way through the park.

The park is located in the southeastern corner of Senegal.

Inside the park, there is a basic lodge known as the “Lion Camp” , which offers very simple accommodation. However, it is perfectly located next to a bend in the Gambia River.

You can get in touch with the park itself by sending an email to [email protected]. While their website has not been updated in some time, they are still available to take questions. There is no entry fee to get into the park, but it is highly recommended that you hire a guide based at the park’s campement.

The park is officially open year-round. It is renowned for its flora and fauna. According to the Wikipedia page on the park, you can expect the following:

The government of Senegal estimates the park contains 20 species of amphibians, 60 species of fish, 38 species of reptiles (of which four are tortoises). There are some 80 mammal species. These included (as of 2005) an estimated 11000 buffaloes, 6000 hippopotomii, 400 western giant eland, 50 elephants, 120 lions, 150 chimpanzees (It is inhabited by a banded forest in the park (Lower Rim) and Mount Assirik. (north-western limit line where chimps are distributed.)), 3000 waterbuck (kobus ellipsiprymnus), 2000 common duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia), an unknown number of red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus) and a few rare African leopards and West African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus manguensis), although this canid was thought to be wiped out throughout the rest of the country.[4] Other mammals include roan antelope, Guinea baboon, green monkey, patas monkey, warthog. Around 330 species of birds have been sighted in the park, notably the Arabian bustard, black crowned crane, Abyssinian ground hornbill (Bucorvus abyssinicus), martial eagle, bateleur (Terathopius ecaudatus), and white-faced duck (Dendrocygna viduata). There are also reptiles such as three species of crocodiles, four species of tortoises

While you are not guaranteed to see some of the bigger mammals or the chimpanzees, you can easily expect to come across hippos, crocodiles, antelope, warthogs, and plenty of baboons.

I most recently passed through the park in early 2017. While we were only passing through, we did see plenty of colobus monkeys, at least one bushbuck, and a rather large black scorpion in the road. In February 2017, the road was a mess, but they were making steady progress bringing the tarmac forward. I imagine that by early 2018, the park may be paved throughout.

UPDATE: As of October 2017, the road through the park remains unpaved and in a poor state.

Anyone been to the park recently that can provide an update on the road or park conditions?

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Parc National de Niokolo-Koba

At 900 sq km, Niokolo-Koba is Senegal's largest national park. It's listed as a World Heritage Site in danger, as park resources barely suffice to adequately protect the remaining animals (including elephants, lions, warthogs and various monkey and antelope species). The park's official opening season is 15 December to 30 April. It's open at other times, but is largely inaccessible during the wet season (June to September).

The best option for wildlife viewing is a river tour , where you'll most certainly spot hippos and crocodiles, combined with an exploration of Simenti , the centre of the park. The waterhole nearby is a good viewing spot.

You can also explore the park by 4WD (indeed you'll need one just to be allowed entrance into the park), though sightings of the rare mammals are far from guaranteed. The entrance fee gives you access for 24 hours. You get your obligatory guide at the entrance gate.

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Natural World Heritage Sites

Niokolo-Koba National Park

EXPLORE SENEGAL’S NIOKOLO-KOBA NATIONAL PARK with this slideshow, check the location map and get all the facts and information below.

safari parc niokolo koba

Values: This is an extensive Guinea savanna woodland site, bordering the Gambia river, with a good variety of habitats, ranging in altitude from around 30 to 360 metres. A remnant population of Derby’s eland still exists, as well as a diversity of other fauna and flora, including distinct types (such as the Guinea baboon) that are restricted to the western part of west Africa.

The substantial populations of large mammals that existed at the time of listing, including all the giraffe, and most of the elephants have been lost to poaching.

A comprehensive review of the world heritage values of the site is provided below, together with details of the area’s conservation status and the threats it faces.

REVIEW OF WORLD HERITAGE VALUES: According to IUCN’s Conservation Outlook Assessment (2014), the specific attributes which qualify Niokolo-KobaNational Park for world heritage status can be summarised as follows:

Exceptionally diverse flora and fauna. The park has a remarkable diversity of flora and fauna, unique in the subregion. There are over 70 species of mammals, 329 species of birds, 36 species of reptiles, 20 species of amphibians and many invertebrates. Lions are a particular attraction (now extremely rare in West Africa), as are Giant (Derby’s) Eland, Africa’s largest antelope. Other important large mammal species include elephant, leopard, wild dog and chimpanzee. The flora of the park is also diverse with over 1,500 species of plants recorded.

High number of endemic sub-species and varieties. A large number of the park’s plants and animals are distinctive sub-species or varieties which used to be widespread across West Africa, but are now limited to a few remaining protected habitats in parks and reserves. Niokolo-Koba represents one of the most complete remaining natural ecosystems with a comprehensive assemblage of these unique forms.

Exceptional diversity of ecosystems characteristic of the Sudanese climatic zone. The Niokolo-KobaNational Park contains all the unique ecosystems of the Sudanese bioclimatic area including major rivers (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, and Koulountou), gallery forests, flood plains, seasonally-inundated grasslands, freshwater swamps and ponds associated with old river ox-bow lakes, dense dry forests, rocky slopes and hills with patches of closed canopy forest.

CONSERVATION STATUS AND PROSPECTS: The park is on UNESCO’s List of World Heritage Sites In Danger because the main elements of the large mammal fauna are critically endangered or on the brink of extinction. However none of the large animals has been completely lost and populations of all the endangered species could be restored in the medium term if immediate protection of remaining individuals can be established. As well as implementing an effective anti-poaching regime, management needs to carry out regular animal census and ecological monitoring, deal with invasive species and develop more productive ways of engaging with local communities. The management authority lacks the necessary technical, administrative and financial resources to carry out its mandate and the national leadership seems to lack the necessary political will towards wildlife conservation.

MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS: Protection of the park is facing many difficulties: management is weak with a high turnover of staff, and ineffective anti-poaching patrols covering little of the park’s area (due to lack of necessary vehicles and park infrastructure). The land outside the park is under heavy pressure from a growing human population for agriculture and a difficult relationship exists between the park authority and local communities.

REVIEW OF CONSERVATION ISSUES AND THREATS: The following issues represent specific threats to the ecology, conservation and values of Niokolo-KobaNational Park world heritage site.

Poaching. Commercial poaching appears to be the main threat to the park and seems widespread, particularly in the southwest area. The low density of animals in remote parts of the park (where rangers do not patrol) and the difficulty of sighting conspicuous large mammals such as Giant (Derby’s) Eland and Sable Antelope throughout the park seems to provide evidence of intensive poaching. Agricultural encroachment. Some agricultural encroachment has occurred along the northern edge of the park as farmers seek new land to accommodate an expanding human population and compensate for declining soil fertility of lands already under cultivation. The problem of encroachment has been exacerbated by the consistent failure of patrol staff to address the issue and the poor state of boundary demarcation. Grazing of domesticated animals. The park is subject to high levels of grazing pressure from cattle and other domestic stock which are driven into the park by members of neighbouring communities. Grazing pressure is particularly acute during the dry season when bush fires are started deliberately by herders to stimulate new growth, and floodplain grasslands within the park provide grazing at a time when grasslands elsewhere have been depleted or dried up. Wood Harvesting. Palm trees provide a particularly important source of termite-resistant timber which is highly valued. This has been heavily harvested within the park, with particularly devastating impact in the western part of the park. As resources in the more accessible parts of the park have become depleted the threat of further illegal cutting has declined. Fire. Fires are often started deliberately by cattle-keepers wanting to stimulate early-season grazing for their cattle, and by park management. There is however no fire management plan so the basis for deliberate management burning is not clear. It is probable that fires are destroying rare forested habitats on Mount Assirik and some gallery forests, while limiting the regeneration of woodlands. Stone Quarrying. Two basalt quarries were established within the park to supply material for road construction nearby. These have subsequently been closed down, although it is not known whether the quarry sites have been rehabilitated. Invasive Alien Species. Two invasive plant species (Mimosa and Mitrogena) are spreading prolifically throughout the seasonal ponds associated with old ox-bow lakes along the river floodplains. Little is known about the cause of their rapid spread, but they clearly represent a serious threat to the ecology of these critical habitats and the many species that depend on them. Dam construction. A major dam is planned upstream of the park on the Sambangalou River (in Gambia). This is likely to impact the park in a number of ways by reducing the seasonal fluctuations in river levels along its entire course, affecting the riverine and floodplain habitats that depend on these seasonal changes. The most significant impact may be the elimination of flooding events which currently sustain the floodplains and their seasonal ponds, leading to encroachment of these areas by woody vegetation and loss of their critical role in providing dry-season grazing for wildlife. There are likely to be other impacts on park habitats, especially its rare gallery forests and palm groves.

Links: Google Earth UNEP-WCMC Site Description IUCN Conservation Outlook Official UNESCO Site Details Birdlife IBA

Slideshow description

' title=

The slideshow provides a comprehensive overview of Senegal’s Niokolo-Koba National Park (officially designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site In Danger), showing the area’s wooded savanna landscapes, wildlife habitats, plants and animals. It highlights some of the conservation management issues, and illustrates local community livelihoods and some typical visitor experiences.

Website Category: Tropical and Sub-tropical Savannas and Woodlands

Area: 9,130 km 2

Inscribed: 1981

  • (x) biodiversity

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safari parc niokolo koba

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safari parc niokolo koba

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Forests and savannas rich in fauna

On safari in Senegal

Het Niokolo-Koba National Park is located in South-East Senegal on the border with Guinea. No less than three rivers, the Gambia River, the Niokolo-Koba and the Koulountou, cross this national park of more than 900,000 hectares. The permanent presence of water is an important protection against desertification and the park is therefore classified as 'Patrimony of the Biosphere'. The area is rich in forests, floodplains, ponds, dry forests – with open and dense spots – rocky slopes and hills. The forests and savannas of niokolo-Koba National Park have a very rich fauna, including Derby elk and in addition there are many birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Rondreizen Senegal

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The Niokolo-Koba National Park


The Niokolo-Koba National Park on the banks of the Gambia river is known for its wildlife. This includes elephants, lions, leopards, chimpanzees, baboons, hippopotamuses and the Western giant eland. Around 330 species of birds have been sighted in the park.

Most of the park consists of relatively flat woodland savannah and semi-arid Sudanese forest, with large areas of wooded wetlands and seasonal wetlands. The park contains over 1500 species of plants and 78% of the gallery forest in Senegal.

The site has been under threat for long from poaching and encroachment of human population and wandering livestock. Other threats are the proposed Sambangalou dam and a large basalt quarry. The numbers of large mammals have dropped to under 900 (UNESCO 2007).

safari parc niokolo koba

Brief synthesis

Located in the Sudano-Guinean zone, Niokolo-Koba National Park is characterized by its group of ecosystems typical of this region, over an area of 913 000ha. Watered by large waterways (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, Koulountou), it comprises gallery forests, savannah grass floodplains, ponds, dry forests — dense or with clearings — rocky slopes and hills and barren Bowés. This remarkable plant diversity justifies the presence of a rich fauna characterized by: the Derby Eland (the largest of African antelopes), chimpanzees, lions, leopards, a large population of elephants as well as many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Criterion (x): Niokolo-Koba National Park contains all the unique ecosystems of the Sudanese bioclimatic zone such as major waterways (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, Koulountou), gallery-forests, herbaceous savanna floodplains, ponds, dry forests — dense or with clearings– rocky slopes and hills and barren Bowés. The property has a remarkable diversity of wildlife, unique in the sub-region. It counts more than 70 species of mammals, 329 species of birds, 36 species of reptiles, 20 species of amphibians and a large number of invertebrates. Lions, reputedly the largest in Africa, are a special attraction, as well as the Derby Eland, the largest antelope in existence. Other important species are also present, such as the elephant, leopard, African wild dog and chimpanzee. The wealth of habitats should be noted, along with the diversity of flora, with over 1,500 important plant species.

Covering nearly one million hectares, the Niokolo-Koba National Park is sufficiently vast as to illustrate the major aspects of the Guinean savanna-type ecosystem, and to ensure the survival of species therein. However, reports indicate a considerable poaching of elephants. The proposed dams on the Gambia and the Niokolo-Koba are also a concern because they would have disastrous consequences for the ecological integrity of the property.

Protection and management requirements

The park is managed by a management administration under the direct supervision of the State through the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection and the National Parks Directorate. In 2002, a development and management plan was elaborated. This Plan should be updated through regular revisions to strengthen the conservation of the property, and provided with adequate resources to ensure its effective implementation.

safari parc niokolo koba

The property, inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2007, is subject to many pressures such as poaching, bush fires, the premature drying up of ponds and their invasion by plants. To this must be added population growth and poor soil in the surrounds, which has led to encroachment on agricultural land and livestock wandering in the park. The priorities for the protection and management of the property are thus to implement urgent measures to halt poaching, improve the park’s ecological monitoring programme, develop a plan for survival of endangered species, address premature drying up of the ponds and their invasion by plants or find alternative solutions, and minimize the illegal movement of livestock. It is also necessary to improve cross-border cooperation and measures to protect buffer zones and ecological corridors outside the park. For the long-term management, protection of the property should be a national policy, project and budgetary priority, with the assistance of development partners.

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safari parc niokolo koba

Niokolo-koba National Park

Located in a well-watered area along the banks of the Gambia river, the gallery forests and savannahs of Niokolo-Koba National Park have a very rich fauna, among them Derby elands (largest of the antelopes), chimpanzees, lions, leopards and a large population of elephants, as well as many birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Established as a reserve in 1925,Niokolo-Koba was declared a Senegalese national park on 1 January 1954. Expanded in 1969, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1981 as a UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve. In 2007 it was added to the UNESCO List of Endangered World Heritage sites.

Located in the Sudano-Guinean zone, Niokolo-Koba National Park is characterized by its group of ecosystems typical of this region, over an area of 913 000ha. Watered by large waterways (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, Koulountou), it comprises gallery forests, savannah grass floodplains, ponds, dry forests -- dense or with clearings -- rocky slopes and hills and barren Bowés. This remarkable plant diversity justifies the presence of a rich fauna characterized by: the Derby Eland (the largest of African antelopes), chimpanzees, lions, leopards, a large population of elephants as well as many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Most of the park is woodland savannah and semi-arid Soudanese forest, with large areas of wooded wetlands and seasonal wetlands. The park contains over 1500 species of plants and 78% of the gallery forest in Senegal.

Many trees and shrubs are covered by lush vegetation along the river stalks, and these vegetation changes according to the terrain and soil. In the valleys and plains, there are vast areas where Vetiveria and herbaceous savannah grow. Overgrown grasslands typically consist of the Paspalum arbiculare and the Echinochloa. Sudanian species grow in the dry forest. There are also areas where bamboo lives.

The national park is known for its wildlife. The government of Senegal estimates the park contains 20 species of amphibians, 60 species of fish, 38 species of reptiles (of which four are tortoises). There are some 80 mammal species.

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Visiter le parc national du Niokolo-Koba

Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba est l’un des parcs nationaux les plus anciens et les plus grands du Sénégal. Visiter le parc national du Niokolo-Koba c’est découvrir une biodiversité végétale et animale considérable, et abrite potentiellement l’une des dernières fiertés de lions du Sénégal. De plus, ce trésor national a été identifié comme un prestigieux site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO .

Visiter le parc national du Niokolo-KOba

Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba offre un large éventail d’observations de la faune dans une savane boisée et une forêt soudanaise semi-aride. Les routes du parc sont ouvertes de fin novembre/début décembre jusqu’au début de la saison des pluies (juin-juillet). Le parc évolue au fil des saisons. De décembre à janvier, le parc est encore vert à cause de la saison des pluies.

Le parc du Niokolo-Koba commence à s’assécher de février à juin et la rareté de l’eau se prête à l’observation abondante de la faune aux différents points d’eau. De plus, la saison sèche (de mars à juin) donne également accès à la zone du plateau du mont Assirik. Habituellement, le mont Assirik n’est visité que lors de visites du parc de 2 à 3 jours. En plus d’être le point culminant du Sénégal à 311 mètres, le mont Assirik est réputé pour abriter des chimpanzés et des éléphants.


Le parc est officiellement ouvert toute l’année. Il est réputé pour sa flore et sa faune. Le gouvernement du Sénégal estime que le parc contient 20 espèces d’amphibiens, 60 espèces de poissons et 38 espèces de reptiles. Il existe environ 80 espèces de mammifères. Ceux-ci comprenaient (en 2005) environ 11 000 buffles, 6 000 hippopotames, 400 élans géants de l’ouest, 50 éléphants, 120 lions, 150 chimpanzés, 3 000 cobes d’eau, 2 000 céphalophes communs, un nombre inconnu de colobes bai à tête rousse et quelques rares léopards d’Afrique et lycaons d’Afrique de l’Ouest, bien que l’on pensait que ce canidé avait disparu dans le reste du pays.

Les autres mammifères comprennent l’antilope rouanne, le babouin de Guinée, le singe vert, le singe patas et le phacochère. Environ 330 espèces d’oiseaux ont été observées dans le parc, notamment l’outarde arabe, la grue couronnée, le bucorve d’Abyssinie, l’aigle martial, le bateleur des savanes et le dendrocygne à face blanche. On y trouve également des reptiles comme crocodiles et tortues.

Rollier d'Abyssinie

Comment visiter le parc du Niokolo-Koba ?

Si l’on peut traverser le parc par la route Tambacounda-Kédougou, il est préférable de le découvrir sur les routes de brousse intérieures qui accèdent à des paysages plus sauvages et variés.

Pour accéder au parc au-delà de l’autoroute, vous devez disposer d’un véhicule et embaucher un guide du parc local. Les visites de style safari sont la seule façon de visiter le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. Un véhicule avec 4 roues motrices est conseillé, un taxi ne vous mènera pas loin.

Si vous disposez déjà d’un véhicule adéquat, vous pouvez embaucher un guide à l’entrée du parc à Dar Salam à votre arrivée. Si vous n’avez pas de véhicule, vous pouvez embaucher un guide à l’avance et il prévoiera un véhicule avec chauffeur, qui peut venir vous chercher à Dar Salam, Dialacoto (10km au nord de Dar Salam) ou à Tambacounda. Bien que les hôtels de Tambacounda et de Kédougou puissent également organiser des visites du parc, vous paierez bien sûr un supplément pour leurs services. Site internet du collectif des guides locaux :

safari voiture parc niokolo koba

Un départ de Dar Salam ou Dialacoto, au lieu de Tambacounda, vous permettra de démarrer votre safari dans le parc plus tôt et donc d’améliorer votre potentiel d’observation de la faune.

Dar Salam (80 km au sud de Tambacounda)

L’entrée principale du parc est située à Dar Salam et est facilement accessible depuis le garage de Tambacounda en prenant une mini-voiture (4 000 CFA, 2 heures et plus) ou une sept-place (6 000 CFA, 1h à 1h30) jusqu’à Kédougou. Il n’y a pas de voiture dédiée qui se rend régulièrement à Dar Salam, vous devez donc payer le plein tarif jusqu’à Kédougou ou Tambacounda.

Campement : environ 8 000 CFA/nuit pour deux personnes

parc national du Niokolo-Koba entrée principale

Dialacoto (70km au sud de Tambacounda)

Dialacoto offre deux avantages par rapport à un séjour à Dar Salam : un transport direct moins cher et davantage de guides originaires de ce village. Pour arriver à Dialacoto, il faut prendre une mini voiture (1 200 CFA, 2 heures) depuis le garage principal de Tambacounda. Il y a 4 à 6 départs de mini-voitures par jour avec une destination finale à Dialacoto. Là où la mini-voiture termine son parcours à Dialacoto, dirigez-vous vers le sud-est à travers la ville pour atteindre le campement.

Campement Des Amis de la Nature : 7 200 CFA/nuit pour deux personnes

Coûts de base du parc

  • Guide du Parc = 10 000 CFA (15€) / groupe / jour
  • Véhicule = 65 000 CFA (98€) / jour pour 6 personnes maximum (hors guide et chauffeur)
  • Frais d’entrée au parc = 5 000 CFA (7€60) / personne / jour


Conseils et informations pratiques

Les visiteurs doivent emporter toute leur eau pendant toute la durée du voyage, les guides ne permettent pas aux visiteurs de prendre l’eau de la rivière en raison de la contamination au mercure.

Si vous séjournez dans un camping, vous n’êtes pas obligé d’y acheter vos repas. N’hésitez pas à apporter du matériel de camping et de cuisine pour préparer vos propres repas, mais assurez-vous de prévoir votre guide dans votre plan alimentaire.

Ne prévoyez pas de faire beaucoup de randonnées/marches, le Niokolo-Koba est un parc de style safari. La randonnée est limitée aux itinéraires établis, dont la plupart sont de courts sentiers (moins de 1 km) menant à des zones d’observation de la faune le long des plans d’eau.

Les rangers du parc interdisent aux visiteurs de traverser le parc au crépuscule et la nuit.

parc national du Niokolo-Koba

Hébergement (dans le parc)

Il y a un hôtel et deux campements, tous situés dans un rayon d’environ 10 km l’un de l’autre. L’hôtel et le Campement du Lion sont situés sur les rives du fleuve Gambie et offrent une vue privilégiée sur les hippopotames et les crocodiles. Lorsque vous voyagez dans les parties les plus reculées du parc, comme le plateau du mont Assirik au sud-est, le camping sauvage est également une possibilité.

Hôtel Simenti

  • demandez au guide les prix actuels de l’hôtel
  • Climatisation
  • Petits sentiers de randonnée le long de la rivière
  • À proximité des zones d’observation de la faune
  • Balades fluviales en pirogue = 5 000 CFA/personne pour 1h30

Campements Du Lion et Gue Damantan

  • Camping sous tente (apportez votre propre matériel) = 5 000 CFA/tente/nuit
  • Cabane rustique = 8 000 CFA/nuit pour une double
  • Déjeuner ou Dîner = 4 000 CFA/personne/repas
  • Petit déjeuner = 1 500 CFA/personne/repas

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Our Unforgettable Adventure in Niokolodge, Senegal

“here we were, having a surprise breakfast in a secret oasis in the niokolo-koba forest as 150 monkeys were crossing their daily path in front of us to go to school”.

This is when I knew I would never forget this place!

Our next stop during our Senegal wanderlust tour was the Niokolo-Koba Forest in the Tambacounda Region; Senegal’s largest national park (2.2 million acres; 3 times the size of all of Dakar). This World Heritage Site was truly one of my most memorable life experiences.

The Surreal Entrance Into a New World

After a 9-hour road trip through Senegal, we finally arrived at the entrance of the Niokolo-Koba national park. We entered the park around sunset and were driven in safari SUVs on dirt roads for about an hour to get to our lodge. We watched our phone signal bars slowly disappear, easing into a slowdown with nature, disconnecting from the internet and cell service, and entering into another cycle of life as the sun was magically setting and the day was shifting to night. We were leaving a completely different world behind and entering a new one, in the most surreal way.

The Niokolo-Koba forest and its thriving ecosystem welcomed us, with exquisite views and soothing sounds. We arrived at our hotel, the Niokolodge , after sundown and were received by the Maître d’ Hotel Ousmane who hosted us as if we were part of his own family; one of the kindest humans we have ever met.

safari parc niokolo koba

The Luxury Glamping Experience

The Niokolodge is the only hotel in the forest and represents less than 1% of the forest’s superficy. This hotel’s spacious tents were the luxury glamping experience I always dreamt of. We were in the heart of a national park and overlooking the Gambia river that stretches to the horizon. Inside, the structure is made from locally sourced wood and other sustainable materials. The woven neutral accents made the space cozier. The outdoor showers, attached to the rooms were literally a manifestation of my dreamiest pinterest boards. Whether it is showering under the moon and stars at night or under the sun’s brightest rays during the day, the child in me never enjoyed bath time so much!

safari parc niokolo koba

Niokolodge’s  staff consists of passionate locals from nearby villages. We could see how the hotel is very intentional in being a sustainable haven for both its guests and employees. From the soap they use (made by locals using banana leaves) to the ingredients they use in their scrumptious and delectable food, the establishment makes an effort in bringing local communities together to create magical experiences. When you are their guest, you feel like you are in a home. The menu is created daily for you and the staff is fully present for all your needs. 

safari parc niokolo koba


We stayed at the hotel for three nights and every day was a safari experience organized by the hotel. We had morning safaris from 9 AM to 1 PM and afternoon safaris from 5 PM to sundown. If you’re not familiar with the concept of slow safaris, it basically means you are not in a zoo-like situation where the animals are waiting for you. Instead, you search for the animals and there’s a chance that you won’t be able to spot any and that’s ok! You learn to be a guest in the wild and to wait. The experience of trying to see them is so rich in terms of learning about patience and how to be in an environment where the human no longer rules.

safari parc niokolo koba

We saw families of monkeys jumping from tree to tree, hippo footprints (the actual hippos were hiding under the water due to the hot temperature), and leopard steps from the night before (they are nocturnal and sadly we didn’t get to see them in person), among other things.

safari parc niokolo koba

Here are hidden camera images of animals who come to the lodge at night  at different times of the year, luckily we didn’t cross their path. (ph: @niokolodge )

Animals walk freely around the park and humans are expected to behave accordingly. For example, you cannot leave your tent after dark and you need a guide to be able to navigate the park. After spending a few days with our guides, they shared some insights on how living among these creatures teaches them about humility because you may not know when the human can become the victim to these massive prey. Eventually, you learn to coexist with animals respectfully. 

safari parc niokolo koba

We spoke about the famous lions multiple times, and Ousmane shared with us how the lions often come to drink from the restaurant steps or casually walk around the hotel. We didn’t get to see them this time around, but it’s not uncommon to have them come near you. He shared that the lion will not attack you as long as a) it feels respected and b) you don’t show fear. If you want to stay alive, you can’t  scream or turn your back. Lastly, we asked him how he would handle a lion or leopard charging at him, given that they generally come and sit in front of his doorstep, and he calmly replied, “You pray!”

safari parc niokolo koba

ph: @niokolodge

The Incredible Surprises

The hotel staff was amazing, courteous, and ‘notorious’ for surprising us. On the first day, they took us on a Safari walk in the hope of spotting a certain animal and lure us into surprise sunset drinks with music and scrumptious desserts under a baobab tree. Way to earn plus hospitality points! The experience was lovely and the drinks were the perfect addition to our afternoon walks.

safari parc niokolo koba

On the following morning, they lured us into coming to watch 150 monkeys on their way to school (a.k.a. the forest, haha). The monkeys cross the same path every day at the same time and would curiously stare at us. We were already blown away by this sighting, but little did we know that it was actually a distraction for a surprise breakfast in an oasis on top of a hill that overlooks the forest and river. They literally set up tables and drove a breakfast cooking station in golf carts. Here we were, getting omelettes, crepes and tropical fruit bowls made fresh in front of us, with an infinite view in the largest forest in Senegal. It was pure magic!

The Much Needed Lessons

Our trip to Nioko Lodge taught me so many important lessons, with gratitude being the most important one. From the sounds of the forest to the soothing breeze from towering trees, I’ve never felt more centered and aligned with nature. This experience gave me a renewed perspective on life and how to live it more intentionally and with more gratitude for the smallest things.

safari parc niokolo koba

I also learned about patience. Try spending three days searching for wild animals that you may or may never see. To sit in silence, to relinquish control and to be comfortable waiting, taught me so much about myself. Just like our lovely guides, I learned to be more humble. I realized how tiny I really am in this vast world and learned to let nature be in power and sit with comfort in that.

safari parc niokolo koba

Lastly, I learned the importance of fully disconnecting. Not having phone reception and internet for three full days was the longest for me and my team. It taught us the importance of slowing down, reconnecting with each other, and easing into life. I wrote so much in that time, from gratitude letters to my friends and family to self-introspection journals to focus on growth. I got to spend more time with Joe, Ranier, Adriana, Payam and Monica. I got to listen more. I got to watch and pay attention to body language, sounds, gestures, smiles. I ultimately got to have the incredible realization that actually we are enough and that in itself made me feel so centered.

safari parc niokolo koba

It took us a 10-hour road trip to a remote forest, disconnected from the world as we know it, to realize how connected we all really are in the simplest ways and that in itself was the most beautiful lesson

safari parc niokolo koba


safari parc niokolo koba

ROOMS AND RATES  We had the privilege of staying in one of the hotel’s luxury tents (price starts at €145 per night). You have all the amenities you need, including hot water, a large fan, AC, a coffee machine, and a fridge bar. To know more about their rates, visit their website here:  

HOW TO GET THERE The hotel offers transfers from Les Manguiers de Guereo for a one-way trip. Learn more about it here:  

HOTEL CODE OF CONDUCT Nioko Lodge is home to hundreds of different species that are protected by Senegal. You’ll be totally immersed in nature when you get here, as we have been, so it’s important to follow the hotel’s rules at all costs. Visit this page to learn more:

Muses & Photo Credit: Adriana, Ranier, Joe, Payam, Monica, Diarra

Nioko Lodge sénégale

safari parc niokolo koba

Posez vos valises au cœur du plus grand Parc National du Sénégal

Oubliez les bruits du monde et son agitation : au NiokoLodge, vous êtes en profonde déconnexion mais en totale communion avec la nature qui vous entoure, littéralement.

safari parc niokolo koba

Votre suite aux millions d’étoiles

Surplombants le fleuve Gambie, les tentes NiokoLodge disposent de tout le confort pour vous offrir ce que vous êtes venu chercher : le calme, la tranquillité et une certaine idée de la sérénité.

safari parc niokolo koba

A voir, à faire, à vivre

Le Niokolodge est idéalement situé pour vous faire vivre de merveilleuses aventures. Sorties 4×4 accompagnées aux aurores ou à la tombée du jour, observatoires et affûts dans l’enceinte du camp pour vivre au plus près de la faune, ou simplement ne rien faire et profiter d’un site exceptionnel … faites votre programme !

Au Sénégal, le cœur du Sénégal

Accueil / Découvrir / Nature et écotourisme / Safari dans le parc de Niokolo Koba

Safari dans le parc de Niokolo Koba

J’ai enfin eu l’occasion d’aller visiter le parc de Niokolo Koba pendant la saison de pluie avec l’espoir de tomber sur le roi de la savane ou sur un éléphant... L’ hivernage     n’est pas très propice, mais j’ai pu constater que l’hôtel de Simenti renaîssait de ses cendres.

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Niokolo Koba ! Rien que le nom est déjà une promesse d’aventures et de surprises. Accompagné d’un guide, nous voilà lancés à la découverte des trésors de ce parc animalier et botanique.

safari parc niokolo koba

Dans la jeep brinquebalante qui nous sers de moyen de transport, nous sommes tous aux aguets, espérant apercevoir quelques unes des 80 espèces de mammifères (lion, léopard, lycaon, chimpanzé, hippopotame, éland de derby, koba, Buffles, etc.), 330 espèces d’oiseaux (outarde à ventre noir, grue couronnée, bucorve d’Abyssinie, aigle martial, bateleur des savanes, dendrocygne veuf…), 60 espèces de poissons, et 36 espèces de reptiles (varan du Nil, tortue, crocodile …) qui peuplent le coin nous a-ton dit.

Après une heure de route sans voir autre chose que des arbres, nous nous rendons compte qu’il ne fait pas bon venir ici pendant la saison des pluies, au risque de ne rien voir comme animaux. Les pistes qui conduisent à l’intérieur des terres sont fermées pour la plupart à cause du mauvais état des routes, les mares d’eau où les animaux viennent s’abreuver d’habitude sont désespérément vides. C’est à peine si on arrive à entrevoir des cornes de gazelles cachées par les arbres ou quelques phacochères qui traversent la piste au pas de course.

safari parc niokolo koba

Si les animaux ne sont pas présents ce jour là, la végétation, elle, est à couper le souffle. À perte de vue à certains endroits, de belles herbes hautes et vertes dans lesquelles se cachent sûrement les animaux qui nous narguent au passage. Une bonne odeur de terre mouillée nous chatouille les narines. Les bruits d’oiseaux et de bêtes autour de nous, nous donnent l’impression de jouer à Indiana Jones...

De temps en temps, le guide nous indique les noms d’arbres centenaires et des termitières hautes comme des maisons. La vue d’oiseaux aux plumages féeriques nous empli de joie, même s’il est difficile de les filmer (le bruit de notre pétaudière les fait fuir dès qu’on approche). Nous arrivons aussi à voir un petit alligator qui s’est perdu dans une des mares sur la route.

safari parc niokolo koba

Après environs 2 heures de secousses, nous nous arrêterons enfin pour une pause pique- nique à Simenti. Une superbe vue sur le fleuve, un coin repas aménagé, c’est l’hôtel Simenti, vestige incontestable de ce parc qui essaye de se relever de plusieurs années de ruines.

L’hôtel Simenti : la renaissance d’un sphinx

Depuis sa construction dans les années 70, l’hôtel du Parc Niokolo Koba, Simenti, a connu toutes les étapes d’une vie. Gloire, déclin, et aujourd’hui renaissance. À l’abandon depuis des années, l’établissement a été repris par Alice Gueguen, propriétaire de l’hôtel Oasis de Tamba, qui s’est lancée comme défi de lui redonner peau neuve.

safari parc niokolo koba

Les douze travaux d’Hercule pour relever l’hôtel

L’état avancé de délabrement dans lequel se trouve cet établissement emblématique a fait fuir les plus tenaces des investisseurs qui étaient intéressés par sa reprise. Il aura fallu un petit brin de folie, mais surtout un amour pour cette réserve et sa survie, pour qu’Alice se porte candidate. Cuisine complètement détruite, bâtiments vétustes, mobilier tout entier à remplacer, construction de nouveaux bâtiments, musée à rénover, la liste est longue. Pourtant, la nouvelle propriétaires lieux ne compte pas baisser les bras et compte sur l’appui de l’État pour trouver les financements nécessaires afin de finir les travaux et accueillir à nouveau tous les amateurs de safari.

safari parc niokolo koba

Pour l’instant, une dizaine de chambres sur les 50 prévues ont été rénovées pour permettre d’accueillir les clients impatients. La piscine est en réfection, ainsi que le musée, une des attractions du lieu. Le restaurant à la vue imprenable sur le fleuve attend aussi la fin de son toilettage pour proposer à nouveau ses repas. En attendant, on mange sous une tente aménagée.

Le Simenti est le poumon du parc

Cet hôtel fait partie intégrante de la réserve et sa disparition sonnerait le glas de la fréquentation du site. Sa position stratégique, dans une des courbes du fleuve, est un observatoire de rêve pour ceux qui veulent capturer l’instant où les animaux sauvages viennent s’abreuver. Vous pouvez aujourd’hui trouver des lions assoupis à quelques mètres de votre porte (pas d’inquiétude, ils sont inoffensifs et acceptent la présence humaine).

Pour ceux qui viennent en avion, la piste d’atterrissage a été restaurée, ainsi que la piste menant jusqu’au parc. C’est dire que l’enclavement de Niokolo Koba est un vieux souvenir aujourd’hui.

Avec la réouverture de cet hôtel, une aubaine pour les tours opérateurs à la recherche d’un hébergement digne d’accueillir des touristes dans une des dernières réserves d’Afrique de l’Ouest. C’est une relance de l’activité touristique au niveau du parc qui est assurée.

Contact :

221 78 203 82 04

safari parc niokolo koba

Eva Rassoul


Lire 3 commentaires


Il y a longtemps qu’il n’y a plus de lions en liberté dans ce parc et au Sénégal, sauf dans des cages exigus dans le zoo du Hann qui font pitié à voir... Encore, plus longtemps qu’il n’y a plus d’éléphants au Sénégal... Il faut arrêter de raconter des conneries sur les animaux au Sénégal, comme le dernier ministre du tourisme sénégalais qui voit des éléphants (roses) partout au Sénégal... Les Touristes détestent les mensonges et détruisent la destination Sénégal à cause de ces mensonges... Ne pas comprendre cà : mensonges, tromperies et harcèlements incessants des touristes qui les font fuir, c’est être... Plus cons ! Tu meurs !

Toi t un frustré de naissance. Il n ya que ça que tu cherches au Sénégal. Dommage y a temps de choses à voir dans chaque coin bouffon.

les animaux n’aiment pas les disputes , un éléphant a été vu encore cette année au Niokolo Et il reste des lions même s’ils sont durs à voir. il faut savoir que le parc est loin d’être accessible partout ; alors c’est difficile de les voir mais il y en a

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Un suivi photographique des animaux au niokolo koba, réouverture du parc de niokolo koba, des éléphants aperçus au niokolo koba : c’est confirmé, formalités pour pratiquer la chasse, un nouveau départ pour le parc du niokolo koba, le braconnage dans les aires protégées : une problématique transfrontalière, chasser au sénégal, les parcs et réserves du sénégal, à faire dans la région.

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Safari en Senegal: precios, cuando ir y donde

Safari en Senegal: precios, cuando ir y donde

Indice de Contenidos

Albero Majestic Africa Selvaggio

Senegal, en la costa atlántica de África, es un país aún poco conocido y explorado, sin embargo, el hecho de que aún no se haya encontrado con el turismo de masas es bueno para esta maravillosa tierra. De hecho conserva sus entornos naturales en su mejor momento y esconde paisajes impresionantes , todo acentuado al adentrarse en sus parques para realizar un safari.

Estos son los mejores lugares para un safari en Senegal !

Viaja informado: información útil

  • Habitantes : 15,410,000
  • Capital : Dakar
  • Idiomas : Francés y wolof
  • Moneda local : Franco africano (1,00 € = 657 CFA)
  • Clima : clima tropical, temperaturas medias 18/33 ° C
  • Vacunas : no hay vacunas obligatorias, pero se recomiendan las vacunas contra la fiebre tifoidea, la hepatitis A y la fiebre amarilla
  • Requisitos de entrada : Se requiere un pasaporte con una validez residual de al menos 6 meses. El visado de entrada obligatorio para ciudadanos de la Unión Europea ya no está en vigor desde 2015
  • Distancia desde España : 3.997 km (7 horas de vuelo) – vuelos desde 291,99 € – ver las ofertas

Cuándo ir: clima y mejor época

En Senegal, el clima es tropical, muy caluroso y lluvioso en los meses de verano y seco y ligeramente más fresco en los meses de invierno. La mejor época para visitar Senegal es de noviembre a mayo , pero si entre tus intereses también está la observación de aves entonces elige un período entre diciembre y abril, para poder avistar muchas especies que acaban de migrar de la fría Europa que de otra manera no podrías ver en los meses más cálidos.

  • Clima : clima tropical, temperaturas medias 18/33 ° C, precipitaciones de julio a septiembre, temperatura del mar 25 ° C
  • Mejor tiempo : Noviembre / mayo para todas las áreas, diciembre / abril para la observación de aves
  • Periodo para evitar : Noviembre y mayo para la migración de aves, julio / septiembre para la temporada de lluvias

1 – Parque Nacional Niokolo-Koba

búfalo búfalo animal mamífero

  • Mejor tiempo : Noviembre / mayo
  • Duración recomendada : 2 días y medio
  • Precio promedio : desde 200,00 €

2 – Reserva de Bandia

Se trata una pequeña reserva natural de unas 3.500 hectáreas , ubicado a pocos kilómetros del Aeropuerto Internacional de Dakar y la pequeña costa en el sur inmediato de la capital. Esta reserva fue creada con el objetivo de reintegrar a los grandes animales de la sabana en Senegal, que de otra manera estarían destinados a desaparecer en esa zona geográfica. En su interior se encuentran hienas, jirafas, cebras, rinocerontes, búfalos, antílopes, monos, lagartos monitores, cocodrilos, avestruces y diversas especies de aves que podrás observar durante un recorrido de casi 3 horas durante el cual tendrás la oportunidad de observarlos muy de cerca.

  • Duración recomendada : 3 horas
  • Precio promedio : desde 35,00 €

3 – Reserva de Vida Silvestre Fathala

En el suroeste de Senegal se encuentra esta curiosa reserva de unas 6.000 hectáreas, también creado para salvaguardar las especies típicas de la zona . En su interior se pueden encontrar diversos antílopes, aves como halcones y pelícanos, búfalos, leones, cebras, jirafas, rinocerontes, monos, cocodrilos y jabalíes, pero el atractivo de esta reserva son las actividades propuestas. De hecho, es posible alquilar un vehículo para un safari sin conductor. o use un guía local gracias al cual se le ofrecerá un juego de aventura, también puede optar por la observación de aves y el encuentro con leones para experimenta la emoción de un paseo libre entre los leones . ¡Te aconsejamos que dediques un par de días a esta reserva para no perderte ni una de las actividades propuestas!

  • Duración recomendada : 2 días
  • Precio promedio : desde 30,00 €

4 – Parque Nacional Djoudj

zarapitos tristes aves fauna senegal

  • Mejor tiempo : Diciembre / marzo
  • Precio promedio : desde 50,00 €

5 – Parque Nacional del Delta del Saloum

vivero de pelícanos del santuario de senegal

Que llevar y que empacar

Hemos visto que Senegal ofrece dos tipos de safaris, uno en medio del bosque y la sabana para observar grandes animales africanos y otro en lagunas entre los manglares para avistar aves. Dadas las altas temperaturas de Senegal, para ambos safaris Se recomienda ropa ligera y fresca. , como pantalones cortos y camiseta, o pantalones largos siempre que sean anchos y de algodón. Las chanclas están bien para los safaris en piragua, mientras que los zapatos para caminar son preferibles para los safaris en el bosque o la sabana. Para la observación de aves no olvides tus binoculares y para ambas experiencias traer repelente, bloqueador solar, gorra y lentes de sol .

  • Ropa recomendada : pantalones cortos o pantalones de algodón, camiseta sin mangas y zapatos para caminar o chanclas
  • Accesorios útiles : sombrero, gafas de sol, bloqueador solar, binoculares, repelente

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  1. Parc National du Niokolo-Koba

    You can email them ([email protected]) but I would suggest calling for a faster response (+221-763-362-640). Once I got Ousmane's cell phone, it was easiest to communicate via SMS. He helped me book a driver and jeep with local agency Senegal Oriental Voyages since I could not reach them directly. ... Parc National du Niokolo-Koba - All ...

  2. Niokolo-Koba National Park

    Safari Journal; Visit the Reserves; About Us; How to Use This Site; Niokolo-Koba National Park. Niokolo-Koba National Park. In southeast Senegal, this is one of West Africa's finest for large mammals—a beautiful wilderness of Sudanese savannah, lakes, marshes, and Guinea forest, large and varied enough (3,300 square miles/8,500 km2) to ...

  3. Niokolo-Koba National Park: An Exciting Adventure into Senegal's Wilderness

    It's tucked away in the southeast part of Senegal and is huge, covering over 900,000 acres. When you step into this park, it's like stepping into the heart of wild Africa. The scenery is jaw-dropping: wide open savannas, thick forests, glistening rivers, and towering mountains - it's all there.

  4. Parc Niokolo Koba

    Présentation. Le Parc animalier du Niokolo Koba, a une superficie de presque 10 000 km2. Dès 1951, la flore y fut protégée sous le statut de "réserve forestière". C'est en 1953 que la faune eut droit au même traitement de faveur. Mais la vraie naissance du Niokolo Koba eut lieu en 1954, date à laquelle il devint officiellement un parc national.

  5. Welcome to the site of the Guides of Niokolo-Koba

    Latest news. Checklist of Niokolo-Koba birds; New ornithological loop walk near Niokolo-Koba National Park; Report of the nature and birding expeditions in Senegal from 21 January to 5 February 2017 and from 5 to 19 February 2017

  6. Parc National du Niokolo-Koba

    Inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981 and ignominiously added to the list of Endangered World Heritage Sites in 2007, Parc National du Niokolo-Koba extends over 9,130km 2 of river, savannah and gallery forest southeast of Tambacounda, and represents the largest and wildest area of protected and uninhabited land in Senegal.

  7. The Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal

    West Africa is not known for its game reserves, but there are a few on offer (like Pendjari) that are certainly worth visiting. The Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal is one of them. It sits on one million hectares of protected land, making it the largest park in Senegal. Since 1981, it has been classified as a World Heritage Site.

  8. Parc National de Niokolo-Koba

    Africa. Senegal. At 900 sq km, Niokolo-Koba is Senegal's largest national park. It's listed as a World Heritage Site in danger, as park resources barely suffice to adequately protect the remaining animals (including elephants, lions, warthogs and various monkey and antelope species). The park's official opening season is 15 December to 30 April.

  9. Parc National du Niokolo-Koba

    We began our safari with the 1.5 hour drive to the main game-viewing area - here we stayed at Campement du Lion. If you are expecting a safari like those in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana etc, you will be disappointed. ... Parc National du Niokolo-Koba - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) Kolda.

  10. Niokolo-Koba National Park

    The Niokolo-Koba National Park (French: Parc National du Niokolo Koba, PNNK) is a World Heritage Site and natural protected area in ... Established as a reserve in 1925, [1] Niokolo-Koba was declared a Senegalese national park on 1 January 1954. Expanded in 1969, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1981 as a UNESCO-MAB Biosphere ...

  11. Le parc national du Niokolo Koba

    Parc national du Niokolo Koba. Au cœur du Sénégal oriental, le milieu est relativement plat. Quelques petites collines, dont l'Assirik (311 m), surplombent les cours d'eau, la Gambie et ses deux affluents, Niokolo-Koba et Koulountou, où les animaux s'abreuvent. La végétation est variée : savane sèche, forêt le long des cours d ...

  12. Niokolo-Koba National Park

    The slideshow provides a comprehensive overview of Senegal's Niokolo-Koba National Park (officially designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site In Danger), showing the area's wooded savanna landscapes, wildlife habitats, plants and animals. It highlights some of the conservation management issues, and illustrates local community ...

  13. Niokolo-Koba National Park

    On safari in Senegal. Het Niokolo-Koba National Park is located in South-East Senegal on the border with Guinea. No less than three rivers, the Gambia River, the Niokolo-Koba and the Koulountou, cross this national park of more than 900,000 hectares. The permanent presence of water is an important protection against desertification and the park ...

  14. The Niokolo-Koba National Park

    The Niokolo-Koba National Park on the banks of the Gambia river is known for its wildlife. This includes elephants, lions, leopards, chimpanzees, baboons, hippopotamuses and the Western giant eland. Around 330 species of birds have been sighted in the park. Most of the park consists of relatively flat woodland savannah and semi-arid Sudanese forest, with

  15. Niokolo-koba National Park

    Established as a reserve in 1925,Niokolo-Koba was declared a Senegalese national park on 1 January 1954. Expanded in 1969, it was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1981 as a UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve. In 2007 it was added to the UNESCO List of Endangered World Heritage sites.

  16. Ecotour Niokolo

    Mar 2019. The Niokolo-Koba National Park (Parc National du Niokolo-Koba - PNNK) is one of the first national parks in Africa. Although immense, most visitors stay around the central part, Simenti. You will be obliged to hire a guide at the entrance. Our guide, Bembe (Keita) was excellent, and showed us different things every day (we stayed ...

  17. Visiter le parc national du Niokolo-Koba

    Les visites de style safari sont la seule façon de visiter le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. Un véhicule avec 4 roues motrices est conseillé, un taxi ne vous mènera pas loin. Si vous disposez déjà d'un véhicule adéquat, vous pouvez embaucher un guide à l'entrée du parc à Dar Salam à votre arrivée.

  18. Our Unforgettable Adventure in Niokolodge, Senegal

    This World Heritage Site was truly one of my most memorable life experiences. The Surreal Entrance Into a New World After a 9-hour road trip through Senegal, we finally arrived at the entrance of the Niokolo-Koba national park. We entered the park around sunset and were driven in safari SUVs on dirt roads for about an hour to get to our lodge.

  19. Ecotour Niokolo

    We also guide single day-trips to Niokolo-Koba National Park. Our tour itinerarires are flexible and include unique cultural and natural sights. All tours are led by a private local Senegalese guide. contact. Address: Dialakoto, Senegal. Tel: +221-78-228-3843 +221-33-984-0828. Email: [email protected] . CONTACT US.

  20. NiokoLodge au cœur du plus grand Parc National du Sénégal

    Le Niokolodge est idéalement situé pour vous faire vivre de merveilleuses aventures. Sorties 4×4 accompagnées aux aurores ou à la tombée du jour, observatoires et affûts dans l'enceinte du camp pour vivre au plus près de la faune, ou simplement ne rien faire et profiter d'un site exceptionnel … faites votre programme !

  21. Safari dans le parc de Niokolo Koba

    Belle verdure en saison de pluies dans le parc de Niokolo koba-Tambacounda-Sénégal. Si les animaux ne sont pas présents ce jour là, la végétation, elle, est à couper le souffle. À perte de vue à certains endroits, de belles herbes hautes et vertes dans lesquelles se cachent sûrement les animaux qui nous narguent au passage.

  22. Safari en Senegal: precios, cuando ir y donde

    Indice de Contenidos. Safari en Senegal: precios, cuando ir y donde. Viaja informado: información útil. Cuándo ir: clima y mejor época. 1 - Parque Nacional Niokolo-Koba. 2 - Reserva de Bandia. 3 - Reserva de Vida Silvestre Fathala. 4 - Parque Nacional Djoudj. 5 - Parque Nacional del Delta del Saloum.

  23. Safari MB Sénégal

    Safari Sénégal MBS. 3 campements de chasses. Marc BRIGAS. Propriétaire, Gérant et Guide de Chasse. _____. 1er zone (vierge depuis 1951) et chasse depuis 2020. avec 1 campement de chasse. . ... La zone était jusqu'alors classée et intégrée au sein du Parc Animalier du "Niokolo Koba", interdite à la chasse depuis 1951 et classée au ...

  24. Park Nazzjonali ta' Niokolo-Koba

    Ix-xmara Gambja fil-park nazzjonali. Il-Park Nazzjonali ta' Niokolo-Koba (bil-Franċiż: Parc National du Niokolo Koba, PNNK) huwa Sit ta' Wirt Dinji tal-UNESCO u żona protetta naturali fix-Xlokk tas-Senegal qrib il-fruntiera mal-Guinea.Il-park huwa moqdi mill-Ajruport ta' Niokolo-Koba b'mitjar mhux pavimentat.