Sar Pass Trek

An ideal trek for beginners

sar pass trek difficulty level

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The Complete Guide to Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass is a perfect trek for beginners. Itā€™s apt for those who want to experience all kinds of terrain. Forests, meadows, quaint villages, or snow-covered mountains, this trail offers a gamut of experiences to trekkers. Prashant Jha, a post-graduate from BITS Pilani shares details of this well-explored trek, which lies in the Parvati valley of Himachal Pradesh.

The trek starts from Kasol, which is a haven for backpackers from around the globe, and attracts large weekend crowds; many of which are the city youth, eager for a slice of the bohemian lifestyle. To cater to the tourists, the shops are well-stocked with both, necessities and luxuries.

There are plenty of stay options ā€“ both, pocket-friendlyĀ and high-end, and one can choose from Israeli, Continental, Indian, and Chinese cuisines.

āž¤Ā Short Itinerary

  • Trek through forests, meadows and quaint villages.
  • Climb to the summit of Sar Pass at 13,799 feetĀ for stunning views of snow-capped mountains.
  • The trek starts from Kasol, which is a haven for backpackers from around the globe.
  • This trail attracts large weekend crowds.

āž¤Ā Trail Information

Day 1: kasol to grahan village.

  • Altitude: 1,700 m to 2,350 mĀ 
  • Distance: 10 kmĀ 
  • Time taken: 4-5 hours

The trail from Kasol to Grahan is a marked one through forests, following the GrahanĀ  nalah . It starts from the centre of Kasol and keeps to the true left of theĀ  nalah . The trail is easy to navigate and is frequently used by villagers. The gradient being gentle, one can effortlessly cover much distance in a matter of hours.

The trail crosses theĀ  nalah Ā and continues before abruptly becoming rocky and climbing uphill, away from the right bank of the river. One may be led to believe that this is not the right path, but one must not go astray.

Soon, the trees will give way to grass and shrubs. One can see some fields as well and can spot bright-colored tarpaulins. These are makeshift stalls with vendors selling refreshments like tea, omelets, and rhododendron syrup! Rhododendrons (locally known asĀ  buras ) grow in forests that receive snowfall. Their bright red flowers bloom in spring and are collected to make syrup. Rhododendron petals can be eaten whole and the syrup can be mixed with water to make a refreshing drink (I discovered the benefits of rhododendron on myĀ  Har-ki-dunĀ  trip, where I happily chewed on a liberal amount of the tangy petals and felt energized immediately).

After a steep climb of about an hour, look out forĀ the village of Grahan, situated on the top of a hill. Camp there for the night. Accommodation is available in guest houses and there is a camping ground after crossing the village. There is a satellite phone in the village, and one may also get network coverage on cell phones.

Day 2: Grahan to Min Thach

  • Altitude: 2,350 m to 3,400 mĀ 
  • Distance: 7 kmĀ 

From the camping ground at Grahan, a trail goes north, climbing up gently. Villagers useĀ this path often in the morning. This is the way to Min Thach.

After walking for a while, the view opens up and a guide can point to you Min Thach, Nagaru, and Sar Top on the mountain to the right. The trail also becomes steeper and leads into the woods.

After some time, you enter aĀ dense forest; the thick canopy lets in very little sunlight. The slope becomes steeper still and the path is confusing in places.

After toiling for a few hours, the forest opens up to a grassy patch on a ridge. This is Min Thach (ā€œThach ā€œ Ā means meadow in the local language; much like ā€˜ Kanda ā€™ or ā€˜ Bughyal; ā€™ it is where the villagers bring their cattle to graze).

To the north-west, across the horizon, stretch Chanderkhani and other ranges. The ridge-line continues to the east and rises up to a cliff covered in snow, on which sits the camp site of Nagaru (a guide can point it out).

To the south-east of the ridge, lie forests. There is some cleared space to pitch a tent. A seasonal vendorā€™s hut may be found here; it sells tea, coffee and omelettes. Nearby is also a tap that supplies potable water. One can camp here for the night; the ridge will protect you from strong winds. A trench should be dug around the tents so as to allow the natural drainage of water in the event of rain, hail, or snow.

Keeping one day to cover the distance from Grahan to Min Thach. It allows time for the body to acclimatise and warm-up for the trek ahead. However, seasoned trekkers can also start early from Kasol, break for an early lunch at Grahan, and reach Min Thach post-noon.

Day 3: Min Thach to NagaruĀ 

  • Altitude: 3,400 m to 3,800 mĀ 
  • Distance: 8 kmĀ 
  • Time taken: 4-6 hoursĀ 

From Min Thach, as the crow flies, Nagaru seems not far, but the route doesnā€™t go straight up the ridge-line; instead, it veers up to the south (looking up at the cliffs, towards the right) and goes into the woods. Depending on the weather, one may find snow here. It is always advisable to start early, for the weather is generally favourable before noon and the snow becomes more slippery later into the day.

After walking for a while, one comes to another ridge-line ā€“ a rocky one overlooking a grassy meadow down in the distance. The ridge goes steeply up to the left (eastward), to the cliffs, atop which Nagaru sits. The path to Nagaru goes up this ridge and is well-marked for some hundred metres, after which the tree-line ends and gives way to patches of grass and shrubs.

If there is snow, then great caution has to be exercised, for this is the trickiest and riskiest part of the trek ā€“ the slope falls steeply to the valley below and may be slippery! The trail, even if marked, may not be visible in snow. Here, having a guide and a trekking pole is of paramount importance; waterproof gloves will also come in handy. An ice-axe may be used by the guide to chisel away snow for getting a foothold. The trekker would also need to employ proper technique ā€“ digging into the snow with his toes, and only once firm foothold is established, putting the other foot ahead in the same fashion.

After a couple of hours, youĀ finally reach a welcoming patch of flatland on top of the hill ā€“ this is Nagaru camp site. It feels like a different world! Facing north, one can see magnificent mountains rising steeply across the Parvati valley ā€“ with the town of Manikaran also visible. In the di stance, to the north-west lie Chanderkhani and the ranges of the Beas valley. Down below, to the left, one can spot the campsite of Min Thach and the village of Grahan. To the south is a vast expanse of snow rolling up the hill. It is in this direction that one has to continue to reach Sar Pass. However, neither the pass nor the top of the mountain is visible yet.

Though erratic, network coverage is available in some spots. A water tap can be seen near the western edge of the cliff and it may or may not be running, which is why water has to be carried from Min Thach. Camp must be established soon as the winds are very strong and the temperature dips very quickly after sunset.

It getsĀ very cold at night due to the wind chill factor and sometimes the winds are so strong that tents get blown away! It is advisable to retire early, to protect yourself from the cold. Besides, the next day involves an early start.

Day 4: Nagaru ā€“ Sar Pass ā€“ Biskeri Thach

  • Altitude: 3,800 m ā€“ 4,200 m ā€“ 3,350 mĀ 
  • Distance: 14 kmĀ 
  • Time taken: 6-8 hoursĀ 

Wake up before dawn. The previous dayā€™s trek would have acclimatised you for todayā€™s long trek ā€“ the same techniques need to be employed. The climb to Sar Pass follows the ridge-line in a southward direction and is steep in some stretches. Feel free to keep up a slow but steady pace as you climb through snow at high altitude.

The snow is easier to walk on and the heavenly surroundings keep oneā€™s spirits high. After climbing up the hill seen from Nagaru, a higher hill that has to be climbed comes into view. A third of the distance to Sar Pass has been covered. To oneā€™s right falls the cliff steeply to the valley below, the ridge is sharper and the climb steeper; so one must be careful. If there has been good snow recently, the climb is similar to what mountaineers are shown doing using ice-axes and crampons!

After climbing for what seems like a long time, one reaches the top of the hill and a sigh of relief and joy escapes as one beholds the view ahead. From the image searches on the web, one would know that this is Sar Pass! Sar Pass derives its name from ā€˜ Sar, ā€™ which means ā€˜pond,ā€™ but the ā€˜Sarā€™ is mostly frozen till late in summer. The pass is not the kind one would have in mind ā€“ there is no saddle in the mountain range to cross.

The view opens up eastward ā€“ the lofty peaks of the Tosh valley are now visible as well. To the south extends the white blanket of snow, flanked by snow-capped mountains ā€“ the highest of which seems to be within reach. However, it would take a couple of hours to summit and much distance has to be covered before the next camp.

The onward route moves away from high ground, to the south-east, following the contours of the hill. With deep valleys on the left, one has to walk carefully. After some time, the path climbs up to a ridge running across, and one can see a flag tied to a ā€˜Trishulā€™ at the top. The slope is very steep in the last stretch and buried in the snow, one may find a rope, which can be held on to while climbing. This is a pass in the truer sense.

As one reaches the top, the view is exhilarating. After a sharp drop of some hundred feet, unfolds a beautiful valley ahead (This was the highlight of my trek ā€“ I had braved snowfall and poor visibility, and my excitement reached a zenith when I reached the top and saw the surreal sight before me!). As one is soaking in the heavenly beauty of the place, a realisation suddenly hits ā€“ there is no way to get down the hundred feet drop but by sliding!

The slide is the most fun and completely harmless as long as some precautions are taken ā€“ loose belongings (phones, goggles) should be kept inside the bag and the legs should be kept tight together and not be dug in the snow if one wishes to slow down speed; for this, elbows kept firmly by the side of the trunk can be pushed back into the snow.

The slide takes one as far as a kilometre (depending on the snow conditions) to a gentler slope of the valley. After walking for some time, you come across another slope in the valley (not as steep as the first one) and depending upon the snow conditions, you can choose to slide again, for longer than a kilometre, till you reach a level ground. The third change in slope (steeper than the second) comes not long after, and can be covered by sliding again (if there is snow).

The slide will take you past snow covered trees, through a valley that has now narrowed, and bring into view to the left, a lovely meadow. This is the camp site of Biskeri Thach, which is reached after crossing a few streams.

Biskeri presents a sublime view of the pine forests, the majestic mountains and lovely grasslands. The villages of Tosh, Pulga-Tulga, Bursheni, and Nakthan can be seen in the valley below. The grassland of Bun-Buni lies atop a ridge to the north-east. Nearby is a waterfall that comes down from the mountains that form a backdrop behind Biskeri. There is no dearth of water as a stream runs beside the camp site and there also is a water tap. Network coverage is also available.

DayĀ 5: Biskeri Thach to BursheniĀ 

  • Altitude: 3,350 m to 2,400 mĀ 
  • Time taken: 4-5 hoursĀ 

From Biskeri, a steep path goes down, keeping to the left of the stream. After some time, cross the stream and walk across a plot of land with fencing. The trail ends here, so one has to go through the plot (search for a breach in the fence) to find the trail again, which leads into the dense forest.

There are many trails here and only a guide can tell the right one, which keeps to the north-east. After descending in the dense forest for a good time, spot a crossing on a stream, with a camp site across. However, to get to the crossing is tricky! You have to rappel down twenty feet of rock with the help of a rope. After crossing the stream on wooden planks, climb up to the camp site that has a few vendor tents. The path to the village of Pulga goes to the left of the camp site.

Soon after, one comes to grassland fringed by trees, which is one of the most beautiful places in the entire trek. The path continues through a dry channel into the woods, the descent becoming steep again. In some time, one reaches a clearing in the forest where trees have been felled. The path continues to go down past a fenced property, and reaches a lumber yard belonging to the forest department. The track goes past, following a water pipeline that takes you to the village of Pulga.

The twin villages of Pulga and Tulga are separated by a stream. From Tulga, one crosses a bridge on the river Parvati, which has been dammed ahead for a hydroelectric power project, to reach the village of Bursheni. Bursheni is the last village in the Parvati valley connected by road (a bumpy one) and is used as the road head for treks to Kheerganga, Mantalai Lake, Pin Parvati Pass, and for treks in the Tosh valley. YouĀ can get buses or taxis to Kasol, Bhuntar and other places from here.

Thus comes to end a trek, the memories of which would be cherished for long.

āž¤Ā What to Take on Your Trek

Watch thisĀ instructional video about what to take and what not to take on a high-altitude trek.

Click on the image to view the Video

  • Backpack (40-60 litres): Ā Backpack with sturdy straps and supporting frame. Rain cover for backpack is essential.
  • Daypack (20 litres): Ā It is mandatory to carry a daypack if you choose to offload your backpack. If you decide to carry your backpack, day pack is not required.
  • Trekking shoes:Ā  Ā No sports shoes. The shoes need to have soles with good grip and ankle support. Do not wear a new shoe to a trek. It might cause blisters. Before bringing them to trek, wear it for a week to make it softer. We recommend FORCLAZ 100, 500, and 600.
  • Socks (3 pairs): Ā 2 cotton pairs, 2 woolen pairs (mostly to be used on campsites and while sleeping. Keep them dry.)


  • Trek pants (3 pairs including the one you are wearing):Ā  We highly endorse synthetic quick-dry pants as they are light. Plus, when itā€™s cold you can wear one over the other. While trekking a pair is what you would carry apart from the worn. You could keep the third pair for your return journey. Alternative : Cotton pant with many pockets / Track pants are comfortable too. Please do notĀ getĀ Denim jeans, shorts or 3 quarters to trek.
  • Collared t-shirts (3 pairs including the one you are wearing): Preferably light, full sleeve t-shirts. The collar and the sleeves prevent sun burns on the neck and arms.Ā Avoid loud colors that would distract birds and animals.
  • Full sleeve woolens Ā  (2 pairs including the one you are wearing): We endorse fleece over wool as it is light weight, compact and warm.
  • Thick jacket: Ā Carry 1 hollow full sleeve windproof jacket/down jacket
  • Thermal inners: Ā 1 pair of lightweight, upper and lower (optional)


  • Raincoat/poncho: Ā A lightweight poncho is preferred as it covers your rucksack as well from top. Raincoat can also be used as wind proof when required. Enquire Indiahikes for availability of ponchos at the base camp.
  • Balaclava: Ā The cap must cover your ears and neck. You may also use scarves.
  • Synthetic handgloves: Ā Ensure that the gloves are waterproof.
  • Suncap: Ā 1 pair of nice warm gloves required, fleece or woolen. 1 pair of water proof/resistant, wind proof gloves. YouĀ getĀ very thin inner gloves nowadays. You mayĀ getĀ one of those to use layering.
  • Sunglasses: Ā Curved ones will cover your eyes well. No blue coloured sunglass ā€” they donā€™t block UV. Blacks, greens, browns are fine. Avoid multi tone sunglasses. Sunglasses prevent snow blindness. Sunglasses are mandatory for this trek.People who wear spectacles, choose one of these ā€“ contact lenses, photo chromatic glasses, or if either of the above is not possible, wear your spectacles and carry a big sunglass that can be worn over your spectacles.
  • Toiletries Ā (Sunscreen ā€“ SPF 40+, moisturiser, light towel, lipbalm/chap stick, small soap, toilet paper, wet tissue)
  • Repair kitĀ  (needle & thread)
  • Headlamp/LED torch: Ā Mandatory
  • Camera: Ā Carry all accessories ā€“ spare batteries, charger, etc.
  • Cutlery:Ā  Carry a plate, spoon, coffee mug & a lunch box. We insist on trekkersĀ gettingĀ their own cutlery for hygiene reasons. To save weight,Ā  you may use your lunch box to have food in it and also carry it.
  • Water bottles: Ā 2 bottles, 1 Litre each. Packaged drinking water bottles like Aquafina, Bisleri and others are not allowed.
  • Trekking pole: Ā Trekking pole is mandatory.
  • Plastic covers:Ā  While packing, use plastic bags to compartmentalizeĀ thingsĀ and carry few extra plastic bags for wet clothes.


  • Diamox ā€“ 10 tablets (to prevent AMS)
  • Crocin ā€“ 6 tablets (fever)
  • Avomine ā€“ 4 tablets (motion sickness)
  • Avil 25mg ā€“ 4 tablets (allergies)
  • Combiflam ā€“ 4 tablets (Pain killer)
  • Disprin ā€“ 6 tablets (headache)
  • Norflox TZ & Lomofenā€“ 6 tablets each (diarrhea)
  • Digene ā€“ 10 tablets (acidity)
  • Omez/ Rantadine ā€“ 10 tablets (antacids)
  • Crepe bandage ā€“ 3 to 5 meters
  • Gauze ā€“ 1 small roll
  • Band aid ā€“ 10 strips
  • Cotton ā€“ 1 small roll
  • ORS ā€“ 10 packets
  • Betadine or any antiseptic cream
  • Moov spray (aches, & sprains)


Carry original and photocopy of government photo identity cards with you (driving license, voters ID, etc.)

Tips & AdviceĀ 

  • Avoid sports shoes. They are ill suitedĀ for trekking. We recommened FORCLAZ 100, 500, and 600. Wear the shoes for a week prior to the trek to avoid shoe bites/blisters on slope.
  • We highly endorse synthetic quick-dry pants. They are light and can be worn in layers when it gets cold.Ā Cotton pants/track pants are anĀ alternative.
  • Jeans,shorts and 3/4 pants are not suitable for trekking.
  • Light full sleeveĀ collared t-shirts are the best option. Avoid round neck t-shirts which exposes the neck during cold weather and may cause sun burns during the day.
  • We endorse fleece jackets over wool as it is light weight, compact and warm. It is better to layer your clothing with multiple light sweaters than to carry one thick heavy jacket.
  • Thermal inners are optional for those who are more sensitive to the cold.
  • You may use scarves as an alternative to balaclavas.
  • People who wear spectacles, choose one of these ā€“ contact lenses, photo chromatic glasses, or if either of the above is not possible, wear your spectacles and carry a big sunglass that can be worn over your spectacles.
  • We insist on trekkers getting their own cutlery for hygiene reasons.
  • While packing, use plastic bags to compartmentalize things and carry few extra plastic bags for wet clothes.

āž¤Ā How to Get Fit for your Trek

Click on the image to view the Video

Minimum Age:

Past experience in trekking:.

Useful but not essential.

How to get fit for the Sar Pass Trek:

Fitness required:.

You need to be in good physical condition before the start of the winter camp. You should be able to jog 4 kms in 30 minutes before commencement of the trekking expedition.

Your physical fitness is important for a successful completion of the trek. Training yourself to get to a jogging distance of 4 km under 30 minutes makes your lungs strong and gives it ability to process less air for more work.

Hereā€™s a simple and highly effective fitness planĀ that will help you be better prepared.


Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility is the ability of the muscles and tendons to relax and stretch easily.Ā  It determines the amount of movement your bones can make in any direction around joints such as shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees.Ā Ā Stretching improves your posture and helps to prevent low back pain.Ā  Stretching your hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, and lower back muscles regularly promotes relaxation in the tissues, reducing the strain on your back.Ā  On your trek, it is important that you arrive on the slopes with your muscles relaxed. Carrying a backpack, however light, can become a strain after a while. These exercises will help you be in good shape before the trek.

Warm-up stretching exercises loosen tendons, increase blood circulation, and help prevent injuries during your workouts or any activity.Ā Ā Cool-down stretchingĀ helps relieve muscle soreness and tightness.

1. How difficult is the Sar Pass trek?

Sar Pass is an easy-moderate trek suitable for fit beginners.

2. Can Sar Pass be done in the winter?

Sar Pass is not recommended during the winter months (December to February) due to the presence of heavy snow along the route. This trek can be best experienced during the spring season when you get snow in the higher reaches.

3. What is the maximum altitude of the Sar Pass trek?

Sar Pass takes you up to 13800 feet in 3 days.

Author :Ā  Prashant Jha

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sar pass trek difficulty level

Himalayan Hikers – The Trekking Community In India

Sar Pass Trek

Sar pass trek in himachal pradesh.

Sar Pass Trek Temperature


Reviews (18), things to take, available dates, include / exclude, the sar pass trek is a popular trekking route in the parvati valley of himachal kasol –Ā  india. -2024- complete information, itinerary, route, map, best season.

Sar Pass Trek is a stunning trek from Grahan village ending in Barhseini in Kullu Valley . The trek is recommended for all those who love adventure, snowy landscapes, and high mountains.

The trek starts from Kasol where you will PASS through pine forests, magnificent meadows, snow-capped mountains, and some of the most jaw-dropping landscapes which make Sar Pass one of the best treks for beginners. You will also PASS by a frozen lake (Called Sar in the local dialect) from where it got its name.

The total trek distance is 37 km. Once you reach the PASS almost close to 14,000ft, the view from the PASS is absolutely breathtaking because of the majestic mountains of Parvati Valley.

Sar Pass Trek Best Time

Ā Here are some highlights of the Sar Pass Trek:

  • Scenic Beauty: The trek takes you through beautiful forests of oak, pine, and deodar trees, offering stunning views of the surrounding Himalayan ranges. You’ll come across enchanting meadows, gushing streams, and charming villages, making it a visual treat for nature lovers.
  • Sar Pass: The highlight of the trek is reaching the Sar Pass, which sits at an altitude of approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters). The pass offers panoramic views of the snow-clad peaks of the Parvati Valley, Tosh Valley, and the mighty Himalayas.
  • Challenging Terrain: The Sar Pass Trek is considered moderately difficult, making it an ideal choice for trekkers looking for a challenge. The trail includes steep ascents, narrow ridges, and tricky descents, which add an adventurous element to the journey.
  • Camping Experience: During the trek, you’ll get to experience camping in the serene Himalayan wilderness. Camping sites like Grahan, Min Thach, Nagaru, and Biskeri Thach offer stunning views and a chance to connect with nature.
  • Cultural Interaction: The Sar Pass Trek takes you through traditional Himachali villages where you can interact with the locals and get a glimpse into their way of life. It’s an opportunity to learn about the local culture, traditions, and cuisine.
  • Adventurous Activities: The Sar Pass Trek also offers opportunities for adventure activities like rappelling and rock climbing. These activities add an extra thrill to the overall trekking experience.
  • Hot Springs: After completing the Sar Pass Trek, you have the option to visit the nearby Manikaran hot springs. These natural hot water springs are considered sacred and are believed to have medicinal properties. It’s a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate after the trek.

sar pass trek difficulty level

This trek will surely give an Adrenalin rush and thrilling experience adorned with alpine forests, wildflowers, and magical valleys.

Sir Pass Trek is a high-altitude mountain pass trek located in the state of Himachal Pradesh in India. It is considered to be one of the most challenging and scenic treks in the region. The trek begins from the village of Kasol and takes you through the lush green forests, meadows, and valleys of the Parvati Valley.

One of the unique features of Sir Pass Trek is the diverse landscapes and terrain it covers. The trek takes you through pine forests, river streams, and vast meadows, and also involves crossing high-altitude passes covered in snow and ice. This diversity in terrain and landscape makes the trek all the more challenging and exciting for adventure seekers.

Another special aspect of the Sir Pass Trek is the breathtaking views it offers. During the trek, you will get to witness stunning vistas of snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and valleys. The trek also takes you through remote villages and hamlets where you can experience the local culture and traditions.

Overall, the Sir Pass Trek is a unique and challenging adventure that offers a truly unforgettable experience for trekkers and nature lovers.

Sar Pass Trek

PASS by a glacial Lake SAR Himachal Pradesh

SAR means Lake in the local language, this trek which is at an altitude of 13,816 feet is named Sar Pass because you have to PASS by a glacial Lake ā€œSarā€.Ā  It lies in the Parvati valley of Himachal Pradesh and the starting point of this trek is Kasol.

Because of its ease of difficulty, this trek is ideal for first-time trekkers. It’s a classic choice for those who want to explore a variety of terrain all in one trek. This trail provides trekkers with a range of experiences, including forests, meadows, quaint villages, and snow-covered mountains.

  • Experience the majestic views and local legends of these spectacular snow-capped peaks.
  • Get a chance to explore the wild and exotic vegetation of the Himalayas. Pink rhododendrons painting the trails at various points is a sight not to be missed
  • Challenge yourself to explore the thrill of various ascends and descends.
  • Immerse yourself in the breathtaking view from the top of Sar Pass.
  • The lavish green meadows of Biskeri Thatch would exceptionally persuade you to yearn for more.
  • Bring back a lot of souvenirs and memories from this journey.

Sar Pass Trek is an Ultimate Trek for Beginners

One can experience all kinds of trails, and go through Himalayan old fashioned and alluring villages, wide and narrow meadows and forests.

You get to experience terrain varieties on this trek and its starting point is Kasol , away from cities .Ā  The people from different areas visit this place and itā€™s a famous tourist destination.

Sar Pass Trek

Beauty in Abundance in Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass has got inherent beauty, peace and adventure, everything! Start from Kasol and trek through rich forest to reach Grahan village .

The views of Parvati valley are spell binding and will leave you speechless.

Trek through Biskeri Thach, a wide meadow and this trek will take you to the heavenly Sar Pass.

Some of the trek highlights

The base camp for this trek is Manali, which is located near the Parvatiriver’s banks in the Parvati valley. The trek to Sar officially begins in Kasol, a town well-known for its pretty coniferous forest and mountain streams. The trek trails through dense forests and progresses to a total snow-covered setting. The trail then further loops through pining forests, charming old-world villages, majestic snow-capped mountains, and some of the most breathtaking scenery.

Rhododendrons abound in the forest near the descent; trekkers can expect to be taken aback by the breathtaking scenery. The Nagaru campsite which is also the highest point during the entire trek is blessed with beautiful mountains across the Parvati valley. It arrives after the shepherds trail of Mung Thatch. During the trek, hikers pass through several small meadows, most of which are grazed by villagers with their livestock

Things to Look out for-

  • The trek is certain to provide unrivalled feelings of accomplishment.
  • Various villages with many opportunities to interact with the locals will keep you entertained throughout the journey.
  • Explore the enthralling forest of rhododendrons.
  • Various ascents and descents will encourage you to put your endurance to the test and eventually overcome them.
  • The panoramic view of snow-covered trails and peaks from the top is well worth the effort trekkers will expend on their journey.
  • Camping under the clear night sky filled with stars is an experience in and of itself

Sar Pass Trek

Before heading towards the itinerary, it is really essential to perceive the reason behind choosing the Sar Pass

Sar Pass trek is a high-altitude mountain trek Altitudes is 4200 Meters

The Starting trail is easy to moderate as compare to other treks this is an easy to moderate trek. So, this trek is for beginners, or family or school tour. First time can easily do this trek.

Need proper gear & clothing for sub-zero temperature?

You got to see so many heavenly bodies at one place like the panoramic view of the mountains of Parvati Valley, you can see pine forests, different variety of flora and fauna

I think Do spare time in Interaction with our localā€™s team, and you will get to know about some of the ancient tales of Indian mythology and our local cultures, this is good ideas for trekkers

Beautiful landscapes so carry proper photo gear & Extra battery backup.

The backpack should not exceed 12 kg only

For Himalayan Hikers or trekkers, it’s crucial to have some emergency medical support available, given the remote and rugged terrain they often traverse. Here are some essential medical supplies to consider carrying:

  • First Aid Kit : Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, gauze pads, scissors, tweezers, and a CPR mask.
  • Oxygen cylinder- Oxygen can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Administering oxygen can provide relief and help prevent the condition from worsening.
  • Personal Medications : Any prescribed medications should be carried in sufficient quantities.
  • Pain Relief : Ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief in case of minor injuries or headaches.
  • Antihistamines : For allergic reactions and insect bites.
  • Anti-diarrheal Medication : Such as loperamide, in case of gastrointestinal issues.
  • Water Purification Tablets : In areas where clean water may not be readily available.
  • Blister Treatment : Moleskin or blister pads for foot care.
  • Tweezers : For removing splinters or ticks.
  • Emergency Blanket : To keep warm in case of exposure.
  • Whistle and Signal Mirror : For attracting attention in emergencies.
  • Flashlight or Headlamp : Essential for navigating in the dark or signaling for help.
  • Emergency Communication Device : Such as a satellite phone, PLB (Personal Locator Beacon), or a two-way radio for calling for help if needed.
  • Basic Wilderness First Aid Guide : To assist in treating common injuries or illnesses.
  • Sun Protection : Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect against sunburn.
  • Emergency Shelter : Lightweight emergency shelter or tarp for protection from the elements.

It’s also essential for hikers to have basic knowledge of first aid and wilderness survival skills. Additionally, informing someone of your hiking plans and expected return time can be crucial in case of emergencies. Always be prepared and stay safe while exploring the beautiful but challenging Himalayan terrain.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Key Points of Sar Pass Trek

Duration: – 4 Nights 05 days from Kasol to Kasol

Base camp: – Grahan base camp

Summer Temperature: – 13Ā°C to 17Ā°C and Night: 0Ā°C to 7Ā°C

Sar Pass Altitude – 4200 m

Best Time: – April, May, June, 2024

Trek Level: – Ā  Ā Moderate

Trek distance: – On foot 37 km ā€“ By taxiĀ  km by Taxi

Group Size: – Ā  AĀ  maximum 25 people

The altitude covered in the Sar Pass trekĀ 

Grahan base Camp- 2350 m

Mini Thatch- 3400 m

Naguru-3800 m

Sar Pass- 4200 m

Biskeri Thatch- 3350 m

Barsheini- 2400 m

Short Itinerary of Sar Pass Trek

Day 1 :Ā  Ā PickupĀ  from Kasol Bus standĀ  Same day Trek Kasol camp to Grahan village (07 km) (5/6 Hours) uphill (2350m)- overnight stay at Grahan village

Ā Day 2 : Trek from Grahan to Mini Thach (07 km) ( 4/5 hours) (3400 m) overnight stay at Camp

Day 3 : Trek from Mini Thatch to Naguru (05 km) (4/5 hours) (3800 m) overnight stay at Camp

Day 4 : Trek fromĀ Ā  Naguru ā€“ Sar Pass- 13875 ft)Ā  to Biskeri Thatch (12 km) (6/8hours) (6 hours) (3350 m) overnight stay at Camp

Day 5 : Trek from Biskeri Thatch to Pulga (06 km) (4/5 hours) (2400 m) same day drive to Kasol 22 km by taxi

Best Time to VisitĀ  Sar Pass Trek

The best time to undertake the Sar Pass Trek is during the summer and post-monsoon seasons, which typically fall between May and October. Here’s a breakdown of the different seasons and their characteristics:

  • Summer Season (May to June): This is the ideal time for the Sar Pass Trek, as the weather is pleasant with mild temperatures during the day and cool nights. The trails are usually clear of snow, allowing for a relatively easier trek. The meadows are in full bloom, offering vibrant landscapes and picturesque views.
  • Monsoon Season (July to August): The monsoon season brings heavy rainfall to the region, making the trekking trails slippery and risky. It is not recommended to undertake the Sar Pass Trek during this time, as the chances of landslides and flash floods increase.
  • Post-Monsoon Season (September to October): After the monsoon season, the weather starts to clear up, and the landscapes become lush green again. This period is considered the shoulder season for the Sar Pass Trek. The crowds are thinner compared to the summer season, and the weather remains favorable for trekking. However, towards October, temperatures start to drop, especially during the nights, so you should be prepared for colder conditions.

Sar Pass Trek Weather

1) Detailed Itinerary

2)Is it safe

3)Difficulty level

4)Weather conditions

5)Things to carry

6)Connectivity and transaction

7)includes and excludes

8)How to reach

Is it safe Trek?

Set amidst the high altitude ranges, concerns regarding Sar Pass trek safety are indeed very valid questions. We have all the possible probabilities calculated if anything goes off the schedule.

At every stop point of the journey, trekkers will be going through a properly guided session informing them about the upcoming terrains. All our professionals strive their best to provide trekkers with the best experience possible.

Difficulty level

The Sar Pass Trek is considered a moderate trek, suitable for trekkers with some prior trekking experience. Here are some factors that contribute to its level of Moderate or difficulty:

  • Altitude: The trek reaches an altitude of approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters) at Sar Pass. As you ascend to higher altitudes, the air becomes thinner, and the oxygen levels decrease. This can cause altitude-related challenges such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and altitude sickness. It is essential to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s signals.
  • Terrain: The trail consists of various terrains, including steep ascents, narrow ridges, rocky sections, and snow patches, especially in the early summer months. You will encounter steep climbs and descents, requiring good physical fitness, balance, and endurance. The terrain can be challenging and demanding at times, requiring careful footing and cautious navigation.
  • Weather Conditions: Weather conditions in the mountains can be unpredictable, even during the best trekking seasons. You may encounter rain, snow, and cold temperatures, especially at higher altitudes. It is important to pack appropriate clothing and gear to withstand changing weather conditions.
  • Duration and Distance: The Sar Pass Trek usually takes around 04 nights 05 Days days to complete, covering a distance of approximately 37 kilometers Each day involves trekking for several hours, covering varying distances and altitude gains. It requires a good level of stamina and endurance to sustain the trekking duration and distances.
  • Camping and Facilities: The trek involves camping in tents at designated campsites along the route. Basic facilities like toilet tents and a limited water supply are available, but you should be prepared for rustic camping conditions.

Weather conditions

Weather conditions depend on the time of the year trekkers are traveling. Months from May to October experience moderate temperatures during the day with substantially colder nights

What to Pack for Sar pass trek clothes?

When packing for the Sar Pass Trek, it’s important to consider the varying weather conditions and the duration of the trek. Here’s a suggested list of clothing items you should pack:

  • Moisture-wicking T-shirts: Lightweight and quick-drying shirts to keep you comfortable during the trek.
  • Thermal tops: For colder days or nights at higher altitudes.
  • Fleece jacket or lightweight down jacket: Provides warmth during chilly mornings and evenings.
  • Insulated trousers: To keep your legs warm in colder temperatures.
  • Waterproof and windproof jacket: Protects you from rain, snow, and chilly winds. Look for a jacket with a hood for added protection.
  • Waterproof and windproof trousers: To keep your legs dry during wet or snowy conditions.
  • Quick-drying and comfortable trekking pants or trousers. It’s recommended to carry at least two pairs.
  • Sun hat or cap: Provides shade and protects from the sun’s rays.
  • Beanie or warm hat: Keeps your head warm during colder days or at higher altitudes.
  • Buff or neck gaiter: Versatile accessory that can be used as a neck warmer, face cover, or headband.
  • Lightweight gloves: Protects your hands from cold temperatures and wind. Carry an extra pair in case one gets wet.
  • Sturdy trekking boots: Waterproof and ankle-supporting boots with good traction.
  • Comfortable trekking socks: Carry multiple pairs of moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and blister-free.
  • Rain cover for your backpack: Keeps your gear dry during rainy or snowy conditions.
  • Sunglasses: Protects your eyes from harsh sunlight and glare from snow.
  • Trekking poles: Provide stability and support, especially during steep ascents and descents.
  • Thermal innerwear: Optional but helpful for colder temperatures.

Remember to pack lightweight and moisture-wicking clothing to ensure comfort during the trek. Layering is key to adjust to changing temperatures throughout the day. Additionally, carry a small backpack for daily essentials like water bottles, snacks, sunscreen, and a first aid kit.

It’s important to pack according to the season and weather conditions at the time of your trek. Consider checking with local trekking agencies or experienced trekkers for any specific recommendations based on the current conditions.

Things to Carry in Sar Pass Trek

Other trekking Essentials-

Connectivity and Transactions

1) Because connectivity along the route is unpredictable, we urge people to do all of their work ahead of time.

2) Trekkers will be provided with walkie-talkies beforehand in case of emergency

3) Last ATM transactions available will be at Kasol but we recommend travelers to collect cash beforehand or while in Manali as ATM available at other places might not dispense cash at times.

How to Reach Kasol forĀ  Sar Pass Trek?

To reach Kasol, the base village for the Sar Pass Trek, you can follow these general directions:

By Air: The nearest airport to Kasol is Bhuntar Airport, located approximately 31 kilometers away. You can take a flight to Bhuntar Airport from major cities like Delhi or Chandigarh. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to Kasol.

By Train: The nearest major railway station to Kasol is Pathankot Railway Station, which is well-connected to major cities in India. From Pathankot, you can take a bus or hire a taxi to reach Kasol. Another option is to take a train to Chandigarh Railway Station and then continue your journey to Kasol by bus or taxi.

By Road: Kasol is well-connected by road and can be reached by bus or taxi from various cities. Here are a few common routes:

  • From Delhi: You can take a bus from Delhi to Bhuntar, which is the nearest major town to Kasol. From Bhuntar, you can take a local bus or hire a taxi to reach Kasol, which is approximately 30 kilometers away.
  • From Chandigarh: You can take a bus or hire a taxi from Chandigarh to Kasol. The distance between Chandigarh and Kasol is around 275 kilometers.
  • From Manali: If you are coming from Manali, you can take a local bus or hire a taxi to Kasol. The distance between Manali and Kasol is approximately 80 kilometers.

How to Reach Sar Pass Trek

. Some important points to note-

  • Please note that we donā€™t provide timings schedules for transportation before Manali. Subject to various conditions the scheduled timings and availability of particular rides may differ. We recommend trekkers to reach out our teams for any queries. You can drop an email or call us for an initial guided session.
  • Our teams will be collecting trekkers at fixed points of airports, railway stations and bus stands.
  • It is recommended that unless any delay arrives, trekkers are advised to reach the destinations at least 2 hours prior.

Ā  Things Himalayan Hikers recommend

As previously stated, a camera, as well as spare batteries and memory cards, are recommended. We can assure and guarantee that you will be stopping frequently along the trail to observe the grandeur of the trekking experience.

We strongly recommend trekkers to prepare beforehand for the journey ahead. Regular practicing physical fitness and mental endurance will surely assist trekkers in great times.

After the trek, we strongly encourage trekkers to tag us on social media when they post any memories from the trip; this will not only prove invaluable to us with our work but will also serve as a motivational example for all of our experts.

Why you should choose us

We’re here to give you the greatest experience possible through the eyes of highly skilled and qualified specialists who have a passion for adventure sports. We are community members attempting to promote our favorite adventure sports while also supporting local businesses. We, at Himalayan Hikers, dedicate ourselves to providing you with an unforgettable experience.

What do we do for safety in the Sar Pass trek?

First of all, the safety of trekkers is much more for us, if you see in the trek, then there are all the risks, which I do not think about.

Himalayan Hikers worry more about you that no one should ever have any problem in the trek.

Safety Precautions for Sar Pass Trek

What should we and you keep more safety in the trek

  • Whenever you are going for any trek, it is very important that you go completely fit and ready.
  • Sar Pass trek is Moderate, if you make your feet and your mind calm and strong, you will find the trek very easy.
  • While trekking, keep in mind that you are walking on the right route or not always with your guide.
  • Most people look somewhere and where they are walking, this can cause twitching in your legs, which can ruin your entire trek.
  • It is important to ask your doctor if you have any medical problems
  • I should always keep my medical kit with me, it is very important.
  • Himalayan Hikers always keep a medical kit with you, such as oxygen cylinders, medicine to be given in emergency on the trek
  • If any trekkers have any more problems, then they are brought back to the base camp by laying them in the stretcher.
  • Our Sar pass trek camp is around 6000 ft to 11,000 feet where you can not have any problem of oxygen, this is tree line area
  • In case of any medical problem, the help of your guide or well-informed trekkers should be taken
  • If there is major health problems in this trek , then Nearest Hospital is in Manali/BhunterĀ  which is about 67 Kms away from Sar pass trek
  • Our camps also move forward day by day and our bodies also work with the altitudes that are safe for trekkers
  • Along with the trek we keep getting acclimatization
  • Himalayan Hikers always take care of their trekkers anyway it is one of our local trek where we live every day

How to get fit for Sar Pass Trek in Himachal Kasol?

Here are some tips to help you get fit for the trek:

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: Trekking involves long hours of walking and endurance. Engage in activities that improve your cardiovascular fitness, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking. Start with shorter distances or durations and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.
  • Leg Strength and Endurance: Trekking requires strong leg muscles to tackle uphill and downhill sections. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, step-ups, and calf raises into your fitness routine. Include both strength training and endurance-building exercises for your legs.
  • Core Strength: A strong core is essential for maintaining balance and stability during the trek. Include exercises like planks, Russian twists, mountain climbers, and sit-ups to strengthen your core muscles.
  • Stair Climbing: Find a nearby staircase or use a stair-climbing machine at the gym to simulate the uphill and downhill sections of the trek. Regular stair climbing workouts will help build strength and endurance in your legs.
  • Backpack Training: As you will be carrying a backpack during the trek, gradually increase the weight of your backpack during your training sessions. Start with a lighter load and gradually add weight to simulate the weight you’ll carry during the trek.
  • Flexibility and Stretching: Engage in regular stretching exercises to improve flexibility and prevent muscle stiffness. Focus on stretching your leg muscles, lower back, shoulders, and neck.
  • Mental Preparation: Trekking requires mental resilience and determination. Prepare yourself mentally by setting realistic goals, visualizing the trek, and staying positive. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress and keep a calm mindset during challenging moments.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated throughout your training period and during the trek. Maintain a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and essential nutrients to fuel your body and aid in recovery.

Himalayan Hikers ā€“ Provided food During the Sar Pass Trek

ā€“ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  We serve five -05 times meals a day including- Breakfast, Lunch, Eevening Snakes, Soup, Dinner, A variety of delectable and healthy food is provided which includes; Indian, Chinese and other Western meals. They are nutritious and keep you fit and healthy on the trek.(Veg or non-veg Ā food) With our local food and Day Pack, for Summit Day like fresh fruits

Food Menu ā€“ Roti + Rice + Salad + Papad +Matter paneer +Daal +mix veg+ daily more vegetable +sweet+ Bread +OmeletsĀ  + jam + butter +Muesli, Milk+Banana+ Allo parantha +Tea & coffee Cornflakes, Milk +Egg bhurji +Bread, Peanut Butter +PancakeĀ  +Plain parantha +Fruits+ Porridge Oats+ +Bread & cheeseĀ  +Poha +Boiled egg + Gulab Jamun+ Custard+ Jalebi+ Chilla +Honey+ Puri + Chole more

Note: Ā ā€“ This is only list Himalayan Hikers Team or Cook provide you moreĀ  healthy food and more items of per day menu

The type of food provided during a trek can vary depending on factors like the location, duration, and the trekking company or organization youā€™re with. However, there are some common types of food that are often included in trekking provisions:

  • Carbohydrates : Foods high in carbohydrates provide energy for the trek. This includes items like rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes. More
  • Proteins : Protein-rich foods help with muscle repair and recovery. Common protein sources include lentils, beans, tofu, meat (if available), eggs, and dairy products.
  • Fruits and vegetables : These provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. While fresh produce may not always be available, dried fruits and vegetables or canned options might be included.
  • Snacks : Trekking often involves long hours of physical exertion, so snacks are important for quick energy boosts. Snacks like nuts, energy bars, trail mix, and chocolate are common choices.
  • Local cuisine: Depending on the region youā€™re trekking in, you might also get the chance to sample local dishes. This can be a delightful way to experience the culture and flavors of the area.

Day 1: Reach Our Base CampĀ  Kasol 8:30 am to 9:00 amĀ  Then trekĀ  to Grahan Village

  • Starting Point: Kasol Bus Stand Base Camp of H.H
  • Destination: Grahan Village
  • Distance: Approximately 07 kilometers
  • Time Required: Around 4-6 hours, depending on your pace and breaks
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate

Trek Details:

  • Kasol is well-connected by road, and you can easily reach there by bus or taxi from nearby towns like Bhuntar or Manali. Once you arrive at Kasol Bus Stand, you can start your trek.
  • The trail starts from Kasol and leads towards Grahan Village. You’ll need to cross the Parvati River and then start ascending through dense forests.
  • The initial part of the trek involves a gradual ascent through the forest, with occasional steep sections.
  • The trail is well-marked, but it’s recommended to have a local guide or a map with you.
  • As you ascend, you’ll pass through lush greenery, pine forests, and possibly encounter some streams.
  • After a few hours of trekking, you’ll reach the beautiful Grahan Village, situated at an altitude of around 7,700 feet above sea level.
  • Grahan Village is a quaint Himalayan hamlet, offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.
  • The trek from Kasol to Grahan Village is considered moderate in difficulty.
  • While the trail is well-defined, there are some steep sections, especially during the ascent.
  • Proper trekking gear, including sturdy hiking shoes, water, snacks, and a rain jacket (depending on the weather), is recommended.
  • It’s also essential to pace yourself and take regular breaks, especially if you’re not used to hiking at higher altitudes.
  • Start your trek early in the morning to make the most of daylight hours and avoid trekking in the dark.
  • Carry an adequate amount of water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated and energized throughout the trek.
  • Respect the local culture and environment. Avoid littering and follow the principles of Leave No Trace.
  • Check the weather forecast before starting your trek and be prepared for changes in weather conditions.

Day 2 : Trek from Grahan to Mini Thatch

  • Starting Point: Grahan Village
  • Destination: Mini Thatch
  • Distance: Approximately 7-8 kilometers
  • Time Required: Around 4-5 hours, depending on your pace and breaks
  • From Grahan Village, head towards the trail leading to Mini Thatch. You’ll find signposts or locals who can guide you in the right direction.
  • The trail initially ascends through dense forests, similar to the previous segment from Kasol to Grahan.
  • You’ll pass through scenic landscapes, lush greenery, and possibly encounter some streams along the way.
  • The trek involves a significant ascent as you make your way towards Mini Thatch.
  • The trail may become steeper and more challenging compared to the previous segment. Be prepared for some strenuous sections.
  • As you climb higher, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and snow-capped peaks.
  • Mini Thatch is a beautiful meadow nestled amidst the mountains, offering a tranquil setting for camping or resting.
  • The trek from Grahan to Mini Thatch is considered moderate to difficult, primarily due to the steep ascent.
  • You’ll need to have a good level of fitness and stamina to tackle the uphill sections.
  • Proper trekking gear, including sturdy hiking shoes, trekking poles (if required), water, snacks, and warm clothing, is essential.
  • Take regular breaks to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery along the way.
  • Start early in the morning to make the most of daylight hours and avoid trekking in the dark.
  • Carry sufficient water and snacks to keep yourself hydrated and energized during the trek.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and follow the trail markers or ask locals for directions if needed.
  • Take precautions against altitude sickness, especially if you’re ascending to higher elevations.
  • Respect the local environment and leave no trace of your visit.

Trekking from Grahan Village to Mini Thatch offers a challenging yet rewarding experience amidst the natural beauty of the Himalayas. Enjoy the journey and embrace the serenity of the mountai

Day 3 : Trek from Mini Thatch to Naguru

Trekking from Mini Thatch to Nagaru is a segment that takes you further into the scenic landscapes of the Parvati Valley, eventually leading you to the base camp for the Sar Pass trek. Here’s a guide for this part of your journey:

  • Starting Point: Mini Thatch
  • Destination: Nagaru
  • Distance: Approximately 5-6 kilometers
  • Time Required: Around 3-4 hours, depending on your pace and breaks
  • Difficulty Level: Moderate to Difficult
  • Depart from Mini Thatch and follow the trail towards Nagaru. The route may be marked with signs or cairns, but it’s advisable to have a local guide or a map to navigate effectively.
  • The initial part of the trek involves ascending further through alpine meadows and possibly rocky terrain.
  • You’ll continue to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys as you gain altitude.
  • The trail gradually becomes steeper as you ascend towards Nagaru.
  • You may encounter some challenging sections with rocky paths and uneven terrain.
  • It’s essential to pace yourself and take regular breaks, especially considering the altitude gain.
  • Keep an eye out for any trail markers or signs to ensure you’re on the right path.
  • Along the way, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the Parvati Valley below and the towering peaks surrounding you.
  • Nagaru itself is situated at a higher altitude, offering breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan landscape.
  • The trek from Mini Thatch to Nagaru is considered moderate to difficult, primarily due to the steep ascent and potentially challenging terrain.
  • Altitude gain can also be a factor, so it’s essential to acclimatize properly and be prepared for the effects of high altitude.
  • Ensure you have the necessary trekking gear, including sturdy hiking shoes, warm clothing, water, snacks, and a first aid kit.
  • Start early in the day to make the most of daylight hours and avoid trekking in the dark, especially considering the terrain’s difficulty.
  • Stay hydrated and fuel yourself with snacks to maintain energy levels throughout the trek.
  • Keep an eye on weather conditions, as they can change rapidly in mountainous regions.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles and respect the environment and local communities.

Day 4 : Trek from Naguru to SAR Pass to Biskeri Thatch

Trekking from Nagaru to Sar Pass and then descending to Biskeri Thatch is one of the most exhilarating segments of the Sar Pass trek, offering breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment as you traverse high-altitude landscapes. Here’s a guide for this challenging yet rewarding trek:

  • Starting Point: Nagaru
  • Destination: Biskeri Thatch via Sar Pass
  • Distance: Approximately 12-13 kilometers
  • Time Required: Around 8-10 hours, depending on your pace and breaks
  • Difficulty Level: Difficult
  • Begin your trek from Nagaru, situated at a considerable altitude. Ensure you’re properly acclimatized before embarking on this challenging segment.
  • The initial part of the trek involves ascending towards Sar Pass. The trail is likely to be steep and rocky, requiring careful footing and endurance.
  • As you ascend towards Sar Pass, the trail may become progressively steeper and more challenging.
  • You’ll navigate through rugged terrain, possibly encountering snowfields or icy patches, depending on the season.
  • Keep an eye out for trail markers or follow the guidance of your guide to stay on track.
  • Sar Pass, situated at an elevation of around 13,800 feet, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks and valleys, making the ascent worth the effort.
  • Once you reach Sar Pass, take some time to rest and soak in the stunning vistas before beginning your descent towards Biskeri Thatch.
  • The descent from Sar Pass to Biskeri Thatch can be equally challenging, with steep gradients and potentially slippery terrain. Use trekking poles for stability if necessary.
  • The trail from Sar Pass descends through alpine meadows and forests, providing a contrast to the rugged terrain of the ascent.
  • While the descent may be less physically demanding than the ascent, it requires caution to navigate safely, especially on uneven terrain.
  • Biskeri Thatch, nestled amidst the mountains, offers a serene camping spot to rest and rejuvenate after the day’s trek.
  • The trek from Nagaru to Sar Pass and then to Biskeri Thatch is considered difficult, primarily due to the steep ascent, high altitude, and potentially challenging terrain.
  • Proper acclimatization, physical fitness, and trekking experience are essential prerequisites for this segment.
  • Ensure you have the necessary equipment, including sturdy hiking shoes, warm clothing, trekking poles, water, snacks, and a first aid kit.
  • Start early in the day to allow ample time for the trek and to avoid trekking in low visibility conditions, especially during the descent.
  • Stay hydrated and nourished throughout the trek to maintain energy levels.
  • Keep a close watch on weather conditions and be prepared for changes in mountain weather.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles and respect the environment and local culture during your trek.

Day 5: Trek from Biskeri Thatch toĀ  Pulga roadĀ 

Trekking from Biskeri Thatch to Pulga Road offers a scenic route through the picturesque landscapes of the Parvati Valley. Here’s a guide for this segment of your trek:

  • Starting Point: Biskeri Thatch
  • Destination: Pulga Road
  • Distance: Approximately 10 kilometers
  • Time Required: Around 5/6 hours, depending on your pace and breaks
  • Begin your trek from Biskeri Thatch, situated amidst the mountains and alpine meadows.
  • The trail initially descends from Biskeri Thatch, gradually leading you towards lower elevations.
  • As you descend, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys, lush forests, and distant peaks.
  • The trail winds its way through forests, meadows, and possibly small streams, offering a varied and picturesque landscape.
  • Along the route, you may pass through or encounter several small villages inhabited by the locals.
  • These villages provide a glimpse into the local way of life and may offer opportunities to interact with the residents.
  • While the trail is generally well-defined, it’s advisable to have a map or GPS device to ensure you’re on the right path.
  • Signposts or markers may guide you along the way, but it’s always helpful to ask locals for directions if needed.
  • The trek from Biskeri Thatch to Pulga Road is considered moderate in difficulty.
  • While the overall terrain may involve some descents and ascents, it’s generally less challenging compared to higher altitude treks.
  • However, be prepared for uneven terrain, rocky sections, and possibly some steep gradients, particularly as you descend towards Pulga Road.
  • Start your trek early in the day to make the most of daylight hours and avoid trekking in the dark.
  • Carry sufficient water, snacks, and any necessary supplies for the trek.
  • Wear sturdy hiking shoes and comfortable clothing suitable for trekking.
  • Respect the environment and local communities along the way, and adhere to Leave No Trace principles.
  • Check the weather forecast before setting out and be prepared for changes in weather conditions.
  • The route from Pulga to Kasol involves driving back along the road you trekked on or taking any alternate routes available. The primary road network connects these two destinations.
  • The distance between Pulga and Kasol by road is approximately 15-20 kilometers, depending on the specific route you take.
  • The road conditions can vary, but in general, the roads in this region are narrow and winding, often with steep inclines and declines.
  • Some sections of the road may be rough or unpaved, especially in more remote areas.
  • The driving time from Pulga to Kasol typically ranges from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic, road conditions, and the specific route taken.
  • The drive from Pulga to Kasol offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and forests. Be sure to take some breaks along the way to admire the scenery and take photographs.

Mandatory Documents

Please carry the documents given below.

Original and photocopy of government photo identity card- (Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voters ID, etc, Passport and Visa important to foreigners Medical Certificate (First part should be filled by the Doctor and Second part by the Trekker) Declaration Certificates

Note: ā€“ Ā  Many trekkers commit the same mistake of carrying unnecessary items on a trek which only makes the backpack heavy. It is important to know the right items to carry. It differs from season to season if you are trekking in summers then carry less layers of warm clothing and if you are trekking in winters carry enough layers to protect yourself against chilly cold.

Necessary Items for trekkers

carry on a trek

Backpack (50 to 60 liters) A strongly built backpack with good support is compulsory for a trek. (Rain cover is important)

Sturdy Trekking Shoes The shoes should be strong enough with good support. The people ask if sports shoes would be comfortable but it is good to bring the right trekking shoes.

The Clothes You Should Bring On a Trek Avoid keeping extra clothes because it only makes you backpack heavy.

Trek Pants ā€“ The jeans are never suitable for a trek so you need at least 2-3 trek pants for treks carry more for longer treks.

Jacket ā€“ Jackets are very important to carry on a trek it protects you against the chilly weather. So carry 2 jackets on a week long trek.

Layers of warm ClothingĀ  Carry warm woolen layers or fleece. Carry more layers during winter season (at least 2 to 3) and less during summer.

Thermals ā€“ The Temperature decreases at night so you might be need thermals for Night.

T- Shirts ā€“ Bring those t shirts which dry fast.

Poncho ā€“They are needed if you are trekking on a Rainy day to keep you dry.

Hiking Pole

Water Bottle 2

Cap or Balaclava

Woolen and Waterproof Gloves

Socks (Woolen and Regular)

Torch head light

Personal Toiletry Items ā€“Ā  (toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, sanitizer etc.)

Carry Personal Medical Kit

Personal Medical Kit (Carry minimum 5 tablets and maximum 10)

Medicine for Altitude Sickness

Medicine for acidity and discomfort.

Fever and Headache Medicines

Pain Reliever

Motion Sickness Medicine

Medicine for Allergies

Medicine for Diarrhoea

Sprains Cream or Spray

Antiseptic Cream

Stretchable/Elastic bandage

Note:- Please take all medicines only when prescribed by the doctor. In case you face any problem during your trek, discuss and take advice from the Professional guide.

It is important to have some guidelines in place in case something unexpected happens. Here are some general guidelines that may be helpful:

  • Have a first-aid kit: Make sure to carry a well-equipped first-aid kit that can be used to treat minor injuries and ailments.
  • Follow safety protocols: It is important to follow all safety protocols and guidelines related to the trek. This includes staying on designated trails, avoiding risky or dangerous areas, and staying with your group.
  • Have a communication plan: Make sure to have a communication plan in place in case of emergencies. This may include carrying a mobile phone or a satellite phone, or using a walkie-talkie to stay in touch with other members of your group.
  • Know the local emergency services: Be aware of the local emergency services available in the area where you will be trekking. This includes knowing the location of the nearest hospital, police station, or rescue service.
  • Carry proper gear and equipment: Make sure to carry appropriate gear and equipment for the trek, including proper footwear, warm clothing, and rain gear. This will help you stay comfortable and safe during the trek.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles: Follow Leave No Trace principles and leave the trekking area as you found it. This includes packing out all trash and waste, avoiding damaging vegetation, and respecting wildlife.
  • Stay calm and collected: In case something unexpected happens, try to stay calm and collected. Assess the situation and take appropriate action to stay safe and help others in your group.

Itā€™s also a good idea to consult with a local trekking agency or experienced guide before embarking on a trek, as they can provide additional guidance and support to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Sar Pass Trek FAQ

1. What is the Sar Pass Trek? The Sar Pass Trek is a popular high-altitude trek located in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. It offers a mix of beautiful landscapes including forests, meadows, quaint villages, and snow-covered mountains, culminating in the crossing of the Sar Pass.

2. Where is Sar Pass located? Sar Pass is located in the Parvati Valley of Kullu district in Himachal Pradesh, India. The trek starts from the village of Kasol.

3. How do I reach the starting point of the trek? The trek starts from Kasol. Hereā€™s how you can reach Kasol:

  • By Air : The nearest airport is Bhuntar Airport near Kullu, about 31 km from Kasol. From Bhuntar, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to Kasol.
  • By Train : The nearest railway station is Joginder Nagar Railway Station, about 144 km from Kasol. Alternatively, you can take a train to Chandigarh or Pathankot and then a bus or taxi to Kasol.
  • By Road : Kasol is well-connected by road. You can take a bus or taxi from Delhi, Chandigarh, or Manali. Regular buses run from Delhi and Chandigarh to Bhuntar, from where you can take a local bus or taxi to Kasol.

4. What is the best time to visit Sar Pass? The best time to trek to Sar Pass is during the summer months of May to June and post-monsoon from September to October. During these periods, the weather is pleasant, and the trails are accessible.

5. What is the duration of the trek? The Sar Pass trek typically takes 5-7 days, including travel time to and from Kasol.

6. What is the difficulty level of the trek? The trek is considered moderate to difficult. It involves long walking days, steep ascents, and a challenging snow-covered pass crossing. It is suitable for trekkers with good physical fitness and some prior trekking experience.

7. What is the altitude of the Sar Pass? The highest point of the trek is Sar Pass, which is at an altitude of approximately 4,220 meters (13,845 feet).

8. What should I pack for the trek? Hereā€™s a list of essential items to pack:

  • Warm clothing (layers, thermal wear, down jacket)
  • Waterproof jacket and pants
  • Trekking shoes with good grip
  • Trekking poles
  • Backpack (40-60 liters)
  • Sleeping bag (if not provided by the trekking company)
  • Personal medical kit
  • Water bottles and purification tablets
  • Snacks and energy bars
  • Raincoat/poncho
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat
  • Flashlight/headlamp with extra batteries
  • Toiletries and personal hygiene items

9. Do I need a permit for the trek? No special permits are required for the Sar Pass trek, but it is advisable to carry a valid ID and inform the local authorities about your trekking plans.

10. What kind of accommodation is available during the trek? Accommodation during the trek typically includes camping in tents at designated campsites. The facilities are basic but comfortable.

11. Are there any risks or challenges on the trek? The trek involves challenges such as:

  • Steep and slippery trails, especially in snow
  • Changing weather conditions
  • Physical strain from long trekking days
  • Altitude-related issues Itā€™s essential to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and follow the guidance of your trek leader.

12. Is it safe to trek alone? While it is possible to trek alone, it is highly recommended to join a group or hire a local guide for safety, navigation, and a richer experience.

13. Can I do the trek if I have no prior trekking experience? The trek is moderately challenging and best suited for those with some prior trekking experience. Beginners should ensure they have a good level of physical fitness and perhaps undertake some shorter treks beforehand to build endurance.

14. What kind of food is provided during the trek? Most trekking packages include vegetarian meals, which are nutritious and catered to trekking needs. The food usually includes local cuisine, rice, chapati, vegetables, dal, and snacks.

15. What are some key highlights of the trek?

  • Crossing the snow-covered Sar Pass
  • Scenic views of Himalayan peaks and valleys
  • Trekking through dense pine and oak forests
  • Beautiful meadows and blooming rhododendrons
  • Campsites at locations like Grahan, Min Thach, and Nagaru
  • Panoramic views from the top of Sar Pass

16. Are there any cultural or historical aspects of the trek? The trek passes through remote villages inhabited by the Himachali people, offering a glimpse into their traditional lifestyle and culture.

17. What kind of fitness is required for the trek? A good level of fitness is required for the Sar Pass trek. Regular cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, and leg strengthening exercises can help prepare for the trek.

18. What should I be aware of regarding altitude sickness? Altitude sickness can affect anyone above 2,500 meters. To minimize the risk:

  • Acclimatize properly
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Ascend slowly and give your body time to adjust

This FAQ should provide a thorough overview for anyone considering the Sar Pass trek. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!

Are you Looking for Trekking Equipment on Rent?

If any trekker needs trekking equipment on Rent then Himalayan Hikers has the best trekking equipment available on rent.

There are many people behind this who are in great need of it, it is better to hire it at affordable price without spending much money for just a few days.

Rent Costs per Day

1. Hiking shoes Per day Rs. 100/-

2. Hiking Pant Per Day Rs. 100/-

3. Down Jacket Per Day Rs. 100/-

4. Hiking Pole Per Day Rs. 50/-

5. Headlight Per Day Rs. 50/-

6. Trekking Bag 50 to 60 litter Per Day Rs. 50/-

7. Gloves Per Day Rs. 50/-

Trek Equipment You can book directly at the Base Camp of your trek.

01 June to 05 June 2024 (full)

02 June to 06 June 2024 (full)

03 June to 07 June 2024 (full)

04 June to 08 June 2024 (full)

05 June to 09 June 2024 (full)

06 June to 10 June 2024 (full)

07 June to 11 June 2024 (Open)

08 June to 12 June 2024 (Open)

09 June to 13 June 2024 (Open)

10 June to 14 June 2024 (Open)

What is Included In This Trek?

Transport Facility Kasol To Kasol

Forest Permit and entrance fee

Accommodation in tents on twin/three share basis

All meals: breakfast, packed lunch, tea, coffee, snacks, soup, and dinner

High-quality DomeĀ  tents

Sleeping bags

Separate Toilet tents ā€“ Ladies and Gents

Dining Tent

Dining Table

Kitchen team

Radio Walkie-Talkie for Communication

Good Experience Trek Leader guide and Technical guide

Medical Kit

Oxygen Cylinders

Crampons and Gaiters

What is Not Include In This Trek?

Personal Insurance

Medical Certificate

Personal toiletry Items and Personal Medicine kit

On the first day, En Route to base camp Breakfast was Not Included

Last Day En Route Lunch and Dinner are not Included

Porter – if you need porters for your uploading bag – The cost per bag per day is Rs. 800.00 paid to directly our manager at Kasol

18 reviews for Sar Pass Trek

sar pass trek difficulty level

Archit Soni – June 12, 2024

it’s food was good in comparison to some other trekking companies. Our guides Star and Rohit was friendly as well.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Ankur P Rathi – June 6, 2024

First time trekking the Himalayas. I had gone for SarPass trek with Himalayan Hikers. Our tour guides Sonu Rawat and Jogi Sir were simply awesome. They explained us smallest of the things in great details, gave us tricks and tips for hiking. Took care of each one of us as a family and made sure we returned safely back. At some extremely difficult parts of trek they literally held our hands and made sure we completed the trek. I highly recommend SarPass trek with HH because of our trek leader Sonu Sir. The food was great everyday. We were served heavy breakfast, lunch was to-go in lunch boxes, evening snacks (including tea), soup and. dinner were provided at campsites. Overall SarPass Trek with HH was a memorable trip to remember.

Ankur P Rathi – June 4, 2024

I went for Sar Pass trek with HH and it was simply amazing. Our Tour Leader Mr Sonu Rawat and Team Guide Mr Joginder were really great. This was my first trek and they both guided us really well with the smallest of details. At some of the toughest summits they literally held our hands and walked us through making sure we were safe during the Trek. The food at all the camp sites was amazing and timely provided. The kitchen staff was always ready to help. I would highly recommend HH because of there amazing team.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Aliakbar sujalpurwala – June 4, 2024

I recently completed the Sar Pass trek with Himalayan Hikers, and it was an incredible experience. The guides were knowledgeable, friendly, and ensured our safety at every step. The trek’s route was breathtaking, featuring diverse landscapes from lush forests to snow-covered paths. Each campsite offered stunning views and comfortable accommodations, with delicious meals that were a welcome treat. The camaraderie fostered by the team made the adventure even more memorable. I highly recommend Himalayan Hikers for a well-organized and profoundly rewarding Himalayan trek

sar pass trek difficulty level

Divyansh Shah – June 4, 2024

I recently completed the Sar Pass trek with Himalaya Hikers, guided by the amazing Sonu Sir. From start to finish, the trek was incredibly well-organized. Sonu Sirā€™s expertise and passion for the mountains made the journey exceptional.

Each day brought stunning landscapes, from dense forests to snow-covered passes. Reaching the Sar Pass summit was a triumphant moment, thanks to Sonu Sirā€™s encouragement and leadership.

The campsites were well-chosen, the food was delicious, and the overall logistics were top-notch. I highly recommend the Sar Pass trek with Sonu Sir and Himalaya Hikers for an unforgettable adventure. Thank you, Sonu Sir, for an amazing experience!

sar pass trek difficulty level

Kabeer – June 2, 2024

Great execution, Jogi bhai best

sar pass trek difficulty level

Abhishek Yede – June 2, 2024

one of the best organisation for such type of hiking in kasol. Provide good food during Trek also have proper equipment for Ice trecking and mountain trecking.

sar pass trek difficulty level

SNEHENDU MONDAL – June 2, 2024

The Sar Pass trek with Himalayan Hikers was a great experience.@ sonu Ji and @yogi Ji,and @starboy(hritwik rosan) our guides, ensured safety and support throughout the journey. The trek offered breathtaking views of the Himalayas, fostering a sense of connection with nature. As a trekker, I felt encouraged, with the guides providing a supportive environment. All the facilities were good. The camaraderie among fellow trekkers added to the enriching experience. Overall, the Sar Pass trek with Himalayan Hikers was a memorable adventure.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Siddharth Babel – June 1, 2024

A very good trek and a really good experience. The guides were the best , very helpful, staff was also good, Food was great as well And the veiw was outstanding as well. A must experience as this really pushed myself to my limits and helped me grow as a person. Great trek indeed!

sar pass trek difficulty level

Surya Pratap Singh – May 31, 2024

The Sar Pass Trek was a breathtaking adventure and was my first high altitude experience. The trek leaders Sonu, Jogi and Starboy were exceptional, providing not just guidance but also invaluable support and encouragement throughout the journey. Their knowledge of the terrain and ability to handle unexpected situations made the trek feel safe and well-organized. Highly recommended.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Ashish Gaharwar – May 31, 2024

Trek was superb and serene. Sonu, Jogi and Starboy were highly experienced and skilled for the Trek. Recommended.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Rushikesh Gume – May 15, 2024

A must visit trek.. The food was great, guides very amazing, overall great experience!!

sar pass trek difficulty level

Abhijit Gupta – April 18, 2024

We are 10 friends group successfully completed sar pass trek 12 april to 16 april -2024 Great ā€”experienced, with team Himalayan Hikers , food, our guide, camping all best

sar pass trek difficulty level

Mayuri Deshpande – April 18, 2024

The Trek experience was thrilling and this is a difficult Trek for beginners in the month of April. Wait for the snow to get cleared by May or the beginners can also avoid this Trek. About Himalayan Hikers, the team was very supportive and made our Trek memorable.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Aditya Madan – April 15, 2024

Sar Paas was my second trek with Himalyan Hikers. These 5 days were filled with amazing experiences and unreal scenic beauty. I was literally in the lap of nature. My guide Shiva was super helpful throughout the trek which had snowfall and rainfall almost all days. It was really an awesome experience which enriched my perspective on life. Thanks HH team and Shiva Bhai.

Sanjit kumar Singh – April 15, 2024

Himalayan Hikers best team made our Sar Pass Trek memorable ! thanks kuldeep sir ā€”our guide cooking team, all camp to good all experienced, humble, . Highly recommend Team Himalayan Hikers !ā€ our next trek Kashmir great lakes paka with your same team

sar pass trek difficulty level

Poulomi Saha – April 15, 2024

The Sar Pass trek with Himalayan Hikers was a great experience. Shiva Ji and Sonu Ji, our guides, ensured safety and support throughout the journey. The trek offered breathtaking views of the Himalayas, fostering a sense of connection with nature. As a woman trekker, I felt encouraged, with the guides providing a supportive environment. All the facilities were good. The camaraderie among fellow trekkers added to the enriching experience. Overall, the Sar Pass trek with Himalayan Hikers was a memorable adventure.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Kuldeep sharma – April 15, 2024

Himalayan Hikers made our Sar Pass Trek unforgettable! Shiva ji and Sonu Ji were exceptional guidesā€”experienced, humble, and generous. Their fun-loving nature added joy to every step. Highly recommend Himalayan Hikers for an adventure of a lifetime!”

sar pass trek difficulty level

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Sar Pass Trek: A Complete Guide (Updated 2024)

  • Trekking Destinations

Are you seeking an exhilarating trekking experience amidst the breathtaking Himalayan landscapes? Look no further than the Sar Pass Trek.

This trek is a favourite among outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. It offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and adventure.

In this article, we will dive into the details of the trek, including the distance, best time to visit, difficulty level, essential gear, and a comprehensive itinerary to help you plan your unforgettable journey.

Table of Contents

Overview of Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass Top

The Sar Pass Trek is a popular Himalayan trek in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. The distance of the trek is approximately 48 kilometres; this trek offers a thrilling and picturesque adventure for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

The trek begins from the quaint village of Kasol, known for its scenic beauty and serene atmosphere. Trekkers from Kasol traverse through dense pine forests, crossing gushing streams and charming meadows. The trail gradually ascends, leading trekkers to higher altitudes.

One of the highlights of the trek is the crossing of the Sar Pass itself, situated at an altitude of about 4,220 meters. This challenging section requires traversing steep slopes and snow-covered terrain, offering trekkers a sense of accomplishment upon reaching the pass.

The journey also includes mesmerizing views of snow-capped Himalayan peaks, including Sar Pass, Tosh Glacier, and Parvati Valley. Trekkers are treated to breathtaking panoramic vistas throughout the trek, creating unforgettable memories.

Depending on the chosen itinerary, the trek usually takes 5-6 days to complete. Campsites along the route provide a tranquil setting for trekkers to rest, enjoy bonfires, and soak in the beauty of the surroundings.

With its stunning landscapes, thrilling challenges, and a glimpse into the local culture, the trek is a remarkable adventure that allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Himalayas.

  • Max Altitude: 13,800 Ft.
  • Average Trekking Fees: INR 7000 – INR 12,000 + GST (Per Person)
  • Distance: 48 – 50 kms
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Duration: 5-6 days
  • Ideal For: Experienced Trekkers
  • Best Season: April – June
  • Region: Himachal Pradesh

Additional Information of the Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass Trek in April

Trek Distance

The Sar Pass Trek covers aĀ  total distance Ā of approximatelyĀ  48 kilometres (30 miles) . It is usually completed over 5-6 days, depending on the pace and acclimatization of the trekkers.Ā  Each day’s distance Ā varies, ranging fromĀ  6 to 12 kilometres (4 to 7.5 miles) , offering a perfect balance of trekking challenges and exploration.

Best Time to Do Sar Pass Trek

The best time to embark on the trek is fromĀ  May to June Ā andĀ  September to October . During these months, the weather conditions are relatively stable, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures. The summer months of May and June provide pleasant trekking conditions with moderate temperatures, while September and October offer the enchanting beauty of autumn colours.

Difficulty Level

The trek is rated as aĀ  moderate trek in terms of difficulty . It presents a reasonable challenge to trekkers, requiring good physical fitness and stamina. The trail involves steep ascents and descents, traversing through snow patches and rocky terrains. Prior trekking experience is not mandatory, but it is recommended to have basic fitness and endurance training before attempting this trek.

Acclimatization and Fitness Preparation

Acclimatization is crucial while trekking in high-altitude regions to prevent altitude sickness. Before starting the trek, spending a day in Kasol or nearby villages is recommended to acclimatize to the elevation. Engaging in light activities and staying hydrated during this period will help your body adjust to the changing altitude.

Preparing physically for the trek is advisable by engaging in regular exercises such as jogging, cycling, or swimming. Building stamina through cardio workouts and leg-strengthening exercises will greatly enhance your trekking experience.

Costing & Budget for the Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass Trek Campsite

When planning for the trek, it is important to consider the cost and budgeting aspects to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Trekking Packages:Ā  Various trekking agencies and tour operators offer packages for the trek. These packages typically include transportation, accommodation, meals, trekking permits, and a guide. The cost of these packages can vary depending on the inclusions, duration of the trek, and the operator’s reputation. It is advisable to compare prices and read reviews before choosing a package.

Average Trekking Fees Charged By Organisations: INR 7000 – INR 12000.

Travel Expenses: Ā Apart from the trekking package, you must consider travel expenses to reach the base camp. Kasol is usually the starting point for the trek, and you may need to budget for transportation from your place of origin to Kasol. This can include bus or taxi fares.

Equipment and Gear: Ā Ensure you have appropriate trekking gear, such as sturdy hiking boots, warm clothing, a backpack, a sleeping bag, trekking poles, and other essentials. If you don’t already own these items, factor in the cost of purchasing or renting them.

Food and Water: Ā Most trekking packages include meals during the trek, but carrying some extra snacks and energy bars is a good idea. Additionally, budget for bottled water or water purification tablets to ensure a safe drinking supply.

Miscellaneous Expenses: Ā It’s advisable to set aside a small amount for unexpected expenses or emergencies during the trek, such as additional meals, medical supplies, or extra days if the weather conditions pose challenges.

In conclusion, the total cost of the trek depends on various factors, including the trekking package, travel expenses, equipment, food, and miscellaneous expenses. Planning ahead, researching prices, and allocating a reasonable budget for a comfortable and memorable trekking experience are recommended.

How to Reach Kasol?

Moutain Views on the trek

The starting point of the trek is typically in the village of Kasol, which is well-connected to major cities in India. Here are the common modes of transportation to reach Kasol:

By Air : The nearest airport to Kasol is Bhuntar Airport, approximately 31 kilometres away. Regular flights operate from major cities like Delhi and Chandigarh to Bhuntar. You can hire a taxi or take a bus from the airport to reach Kasol.

By Road: Ā Kasol is well-connected and can be reached by bus or private taxi. Regular buses operate from Delhi, Chandigarh, and other major cities to Bhuntar or Manali. You can take a local bus or hire a taxi to reach Kasol. The road journey offers scenic views of the mountains and valleys.

By Train : The nearest railway station to Kasol is Joginder Nagar Railway Station, approximately 144 kilometres away. However, it is a narrow-gauge railway station, and not all trains connect directly to Joginder Nagar. An alternative option is to take a train to Chandigarh or Pathankot and then continue the journey by road via bus or taxi.

Once you reach Kasol, you can start the trek from there. Reaching Kasol a day before the trek is advisable to rest and acclimate to the altitude. You can find local transport options like shared cabs or hire a local guide to reach the exact starting point of the trek within Kasol.

Detailed Itinerary of Sar Pass Trek

Snow Trail

Here is a day-by-day breakdown of the trek itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Kasol

  • Arrive in Kasol, a picturesque village nestled in the Parvati Valley.
  • Explore the local markets and immerse yourself in the serene surroundings.
  • Attend a briefing session by the trek leaders and get acquainted with fellow trekkers.

Day 2: Trek from Kasol to Grahan Village

  • Start from Kasol, crossing the Parvati River and ascending through dense forests.
  • Reach Grahan Village, a quaint Himalayan village known for its traditional architecture.
  • Camp overnight in Grahan Village, surrounded by towering mountains and starry skies.

Day 3: Trek from Grahan Village to Min Thach

  • Begin the day’s trek, passing through scenic meadows and blooming rhododendron forests.
  • Ascend towards Min Thach, enjoying panoramic views of the valley and snow-capped peaks.
  • Set up camps at Min Thach, relishing the tranquillity of the pristine surroundings.

Day 4: Trek from Min Thach to Nagaru

  • Embark on a steep ascent from Min Thach to Nagaru, reaching an altitude of approximately 3,700 meters (12,100 feet).
  • Experience the thrill of crossing snow patches and witnessing the mesmerizing landscape unfold.
  • Camp overnight at Nagaru, with the starlit sky above and the grandeur of the mountains surrounding you.

Day 5: Summit Day – Trek from Nagaru to Biskeri Thach via Sar Pass

  • Start early for the challenging trek to Sar Pass, about 4,220 meters (13,845 feet).
  • Traverse through snowfields and conquer the past, experiencing a sense of accomplishment and awe-inspiring views.
  • Descend towards Biskeri Thach, where you will camp amidst picturesque meadows and stunning vistas.

Day 6: Trek from Biskeri Thach to Barshaini and Return to Kasol

  • Descend from Biskeri Thach through thick forests and charming trails.
  • Reach Barshaini, where the trek concludes.
  • Board a vehicle from Barshaini to Kasol and celebrate the successful completion of your trek.

Please Note: Ā This is a general itinerary, followed by most of the trekking groups in India. However, there might be slight differences in the itinerary depending on the trekking group you opt to go with.

Highlights of the Sar Pass Trek

Snowfall on the Sar Pass Trek

The trek offers a multitude of breathtaking highlights that make it a must-visit destination for adventure enthusiasts. Here are some of the key highlights of the trek:

  • Majestic Mountain Views: Trekkers are treated to awe-inspiring views of the mighty Himalayan peaks throughout the trek. The panoramic vistas of snow capped mountains, including Sar Pass, Tosh Glacier, and Parvati Valley, create a stunning backdrop and leave trekkers spellbound.
  • Dense Pine Forests: The trek takes you through dense pine forests that exude a tranquil atmosphere. Walking amidst the towering pine trees provides a refreshing experience and a respite from bustling city life.
  • Picturesque Campsites: The trek presents picturesque campsites nestled amidst nature’s bounty. These campsites, situated near gurgling streams and lush meadows, provide a perfect setting for trekkers to unwind, enjoy bonfires, and soak in the peaceful ambience of the surroundings.
  • Challenging Pass Crossing: Crossing the Sar Pass is a trek highlight. With an elevation of around 4,220 meters, it offers a thrilling adventure as trekkers navigate steep slopes and snow-covered trails. The sense of achievement upon reaching the pass is unparalleled.
  • Frozen Lake and Snowfields: During certain months, trekkers can witness a frozen lake and traverse snowfields along the trek. The pristine beauty of the frozen lake and the glistening white snowfields create a surreal experience, adding to the charm of the trek.
  • Local Culture and Hospitality: Interacting with the friendly locals along the trek route provides a glimpse into the unique culture and lifestyle of the region. Trekkers can engage with the warm-hearted villagers, savour local cuisine, and learn about the traditions and customs of the area.

Overall, the Sar Pass Trek offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences, making it a memorable journey for trekkers seeking to explore the enchanting landscapes of the Himalayas.

Safety Tips & Precautions

While embarking on any trek, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind during the Sar Pass Trek:

  • Trek with an experienced guide and follow their instructions.
  • Stay hydrated and carry an adequate supply of water.
  • Pack light and carry only the essential items.
  • Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions.
  • Respect the environment and maintain cleanliness.
  • Inform someone about your trekking plans and expected return.
  • Stay updated about weather conditions and local regulations.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking during the trek.

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Essential Gear and Equipment for Sar Pass Trek

Before embarking on the trek, it is essential to pack the right gear and equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Here is a list of items you should consider carrying:

  • Good quality Trekking shoes with good ankle support
  • Backpack with rain cover
  • Trekking gaiters
  • Warm and waterproof clothing layers
  • Sleeping bag suitable for sub-zero temperatures
  • Trekking poles for better stability on uneven terrains
  • UV-protected sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Water bottles and water purification tablets
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • First aid kit with essential medications
  • Portable power bank for charging electronic devices

The Sar Pass Trek is a thrilling adventure that takes you through the pristine beauty of the Himalayas. With its easy to moderate difficulty level, mesmerizing landscapes, and the joy of conquering Sar Pass, this trek offers an experience of a lifetime. So, pack your bags, prepare yourself physically, and get ready to embark on this unforgettable journey in the lap of nature.

The Sar Pass trek is moderately difficult and suitable for experienced trekkers due to steep ascents, rocky terrain, and changing weather conditions.

Sar Pass trek is in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India and the start point of the trek is Kasol.

The trek from Kasol to Sar Pass covers a distance of approximately 48 kilometres.

There can be snow on the Sar Pass trek in June, particularly at higher altitudes. It is advisable to be prepared for snowy conditions and carry appropriate gear.

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Sar Pass Trek

Trek in the Shivalik Mountains

  • Trek Grade Easy - Moderate
  • Trek Distance 49.7 Kms
  • Trek Duration 5 Days
  • Highest Altitude 13,797 ft
  • Basecamp Kasol, Himachal Pradesh

Call Our Mountain Experts

  • +91-7060032966 Adhish ( Mountain Expert) [email protected]
  • +91-7060017566 Shivam (Mountain Expert) [email protected]
  • Kasol to Kasol | Transport Included After Trek To Reach Kasol
  • Pickup Location - Yodo Cafe, Main Market Rd, Old Bridge, Kasol

Why Do You need to Choose TrekupIndia For the Best Trekking Experience

The Sar Pass Trek is a popular, easy-to-moderate trek that spans 48 kilometers. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the diverse and breathtaking landscapes nestled in the majestic Himalayas. The trek starts from the Himalayan village of Kasol, located in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, and reaches an elevation of 13,800 feet.

The journey takes you through a variety of terrains and ecosystems, from lush green forests of deodar, pine, and rhododendrons to snow-covered peaks and vast grasslands. The temperatures vary from 22Ā°C to -5Ā°C, making it ideal for beginners and those seeking a moderate challenge.

As you traverse the Sar Pass trek, you’ll encounter a diverse range of flora and fauna, including towering pine, spruce, deodar, and fir trees and medicinal plants such as Brahma Kamal and Hatha Panja. Wildlife enthusiasts will also be thrilled to spot rare species like Brown Bears and Himalayan Tahr and beautiful bird species like Western Tragopan and Monal Pheasant.

The Sar Pass Trek takes you on an exciting adventure through vibrant green woodlands, charming villages like Grahan, and scenic meadows like Min Thach and Biskeri Thach. At Grahan Village, you can enjoy breathtaking views of a starry night sky that will leave you spellbound. The trek then proceeds to Nagaru, where the landscapes transform into snow-covered expanses of pure white.

On the fifth day of the Sar Pass, you’ll return to Kasol via Barshaini, completing the journey through incredible sights and experiences. The moderate gradient of the trek makes it accessible to a wide range of participants, including beginners and seasoned trekkers. The Sar Pass Trek is undoubtedly an unforgettable experience that should be on every adventurer’s bucket list.

Day 01: Kasol - Grahan Village by Trek

Day 02: grahan ā€“ min thach by trek, day 3: min thach ā€“ nagaru by trek, day 04: nagaru ā€“ biskeri thach via sar pass by trek, day 5: biskeri thach ā€“ barshaini - retun to kasol by drive, trek logistics.

  • Pick location – Yodo Cafe, Main Market Rd, Old Bridge, Kasol reporting time 8.30 am
  • Drop Location: All trek participants will be dropped off at Kasol between 4:00 and 6:00 pm.Ā 

On the last day, if you plan to visit Manikaran, the following conditions apply:

If only some trekkers wish to visit, the vehicle will drop them off at Manikaran. Afterwards, trekkers can arrange their own transport to Kasol, which is only 3 kilometers away. Alternatively, we can arrange a vehicle for an additional cost of Rs. 500 per vehicle.

If all trekkers wish to visit Manikaran, waiting charges for the vehicle will be applicable at approximately Rs. 200-300 per hour.

Want To Trek Like Pro?

Check out the following videos if you want to trek like a pro trekker and improve your skills. These videos contain helpful tips, tricks, and techniques to help you trek like a pro. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trekker, these videos can provide valuable insights to enhance your trekking experience. So, watch the videos below by Trekup India experts to take your trekking skills to the next level.

Know Everything About Acute Mountain Sickness

Acute Mountain Sickness is a medical condition that can occur when individuals travel to high altitudes, typically above 8,000 feet. It is caused by the decrease in air pressure and oxygen levels in the air as altitude increases. Symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness may include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping. To avoid Acute Mountain Sickness, it is important to gradually adjust to high altitudes and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen. To learn more about this condition, check out the videos by Trekup India.

What Mountain Expert Say

Preetam | Founder & C.E.O

Picture of Preetam Singh Rawat

Preetam Singh Rawat

The founder of this trekking organisation and have almost 12 years of experience in mountain guiding with 6000-7000 meters peaks scaled by him.

Not only this, but the founder have also guided over 200 Himalayan treks like Bali Pass, Buran Ghati, Rupin Pass, Pin Bhabha, Stok Kangri, Black Peak several times.

Why You Should Do Sar Pass Trek?

Sar Pass Trek

The Sar Pass trek is meant for people who want to trek but are not professionals and want to be as close to snow-covered mountains. While trekking, you can enjoy the hospitality of the locals as you pass through various villages. It is a great experience for people who want to experience mountain life. It is an unforgettable experience to see lush green meadows, a forest, and snow-covered hills. You test your physical and mental endurance as you pass through difficult terrains like ridges and snow-covered trails. You enjoy the scenic view of the river gushing through the rocks, walk on the bridges, and watch the river from close.

Route Map, Temprature And Rain Fall Charts

Best time to do sar pass trek.

Sar Pass Trek

Sar Pass Trek is best done during Summertime, between mid-April and June, or Autumn, between September and mid-November. As you can see, the panoramic view is because of the clear sky. Changing weather makes you enjoy the different shades of weather, like changing color. In the summer, wildflowers are in full bloom, with the mountains covered in lush green. In winter, you can enjoy snow covering the trail and hills all around.

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hampta pass trek 4

Day Wise Detailed Itinerary

  • Trek Distance: Ā 10 Kms;Ā 
  • Trek Grade:Ā  Ā Ā Gradual ā€“ ModerateĀ 
  • Altitude gain: Ā Approx 2123 Ft / 650 Mtrs.Ā 
  • Altitude: Ā Ā Kasol (5577 ft / 1700 Mtrs.), Garhan Village (7700 ft / 2350 Mtrs.)
  • Time Taken: Ā approx 4-5 HrsĀ 
  • Overnight stay will be at Homestay

Meal: Lunch & Dinner Only.Ā 

The Sar pass trek begins in Kasol, Himachal Pradesh. From there, the trail follows the Parvati River, which passes through Grahan Village and is known as Grahan Nalah. The trek from here is easy, as villagers usually take it, and you can enjoy the scenic view. The trek from here is approximately 10 km after you pass through the dense coniferous forests and the aroma of pine trees. You will come to a clearing where you will see grassland, and on the side, you will see local vendors selling tea and snacks. Here the locals also sell rhododendron syrup made from the Buras flower (rhododendron). From there on, it is a steep climb until you reach Grahan Village, where you will stay at our homestay and have lunch. If you desire, you can explore the village or the surrounding hills. Rest of the evening at leisure.

  • Trek Distance: Ā 7 Kms;
  • Altitude: Ā  Ā Garhan Village (7700 ft / 2350 Mtrs.); Min Thach (11,155 ft / 3400 m)Ā 
  • Altitude gain: Ā Approx 3455 Ft / 1050 Mtrs.Ā 
  • Trek Grade:Ā  Ā Gradual- Moderate
  • Overnight stay at Trekking Tents Ā 
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Only .

Today morning woke up with a hot cup of Himalayan black tea; after that, along with our trek leader, we practiced some light exercises followed by basic yoga and meditation in the calm mountains and enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by Trekup India’s high altitude mountain chef. After that, we were on our trail from the Grahan Village trek toward the north. The climb from here is gentle, often taken by the villagers to reach Min Thach. After walking through the meadows, you will come to a dense forest where the treks become a little steeper and more confusing. There will be some clearing in the forest to set up a tent at Min Tach. On reaching Trekup India campsite, we will be assisted to check into the camps, and rest of the evening at leisure, followed by evening tea and snacks, evening briefing for the next day’s plan, delicious dinner, and a good night’s sleep.Ā 

  • Trek Distance: Ā 6 KmsĀ 
  • Time Taken: Ā Approx 4 HrsĀ 
  • Altitude: Ā  Ā Min Thach (11,155 ft / 3400 m); Nagaru (12467 Ft/ 3800 Mtrs)
  • Altitude gain: Ā Approx 1312 Ft / 400 Mtrs.Ā 
  • Trek Grade:Ā  Ā Gradual- ModerateĀ Ā 
  • Overnight stay at Trekking TentsĀ 
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Only.

Wake up to a beautiful Himalayan morning with the natural alarm of birds chirping, and follow the daily routine of exercise, meditation, and warm breakfast to have an idea from Min Thach, Nagaru is not that far, and it can be seen from your current campsite, after passing through the forest, you will climb a rocky ridge to reach Nagaru, enroute you might find snow which makes the trail tricky and risky. You must be cautious; trekkers must know how to cross or walk on snow. The expert Trek leader of Trekup India will help and assist in all manners to successfully walk and cross the snow. Nagaru is a flat area at the top of the hill. It is mesmerizing and rare; you have an amazing view of Min Tach and Garahan Village from the campsite. During the night time, the temperature dips; hence Trekup India recommends and advises all its trekkers to carry appropriate clothing to keep themselves warm and cozy during night chilling nights when in adventure.Ā 

  • Trek Distance: Ā 14 Kms;Ā  Time Taken: Ā approx 7-8 HrsĀ 
  • Altitude: Ā  Ā Nagaru (12467 Ft/ 3800 Mtrs); Sar Pass (13780 Ft/ 4200 Mtrs), Biskeri Thach (10991 Ft. / 3350 Mtrs)
  • Altitude gain: Ā Approx 1313 Ft / 400 Mtrs.Ā  Altitude Loss:Ā  2789 Ft. /Ā  850 Mtrs.Ā  Ā  Ā 
  • Trek Grade:Ā  Ā Moderate -DifficultĀ 
  • Overnight stay at Trekking Tents
  • Note: this day they will start early morning trek at 02:30 am towards Sar Pass

Wake up for an exciting morning, and we start a bit early as it will be one of the longest but indeed exciting from here on; today, we will be climbing through the ridge line in a southward direction; here, you will find a few steep stretches. There will be snow patches on the way, which will be easy to go through, and beautiful sights to see; you will be climbing another hill that is a little sharper and steeper. Caution must be made, too, while crossing. Once you have surpassed the difficult trek, you will see theĀ  beautiful sight of Sar Pass. Ā From the pass, enjoy theĀ  breathtaking peeks around Tosh Valley . The final descent from the pass is entertaining as weĀ  slide down towards the valley on the snow, Ā be prepared for sliding on snow; however, strictly follow all necessary instructions provided by the Trekup India trek leader. By evening well in time, we reach our campsite at Biskeri; we might get some mobile network here to get in touch with our family and friends you have saved some charge of your phone. Evening at leisure time for complete relaxation after such a long day.Ā 

Day 5: Biskeri Thach ā€“ Barshaini and retun to Kasol by drive

  • Trek Distance: Ā 10 Kms;Ā  Time Taken: Ā approx 4-5 HrsĀ 
  • Altitude: Ā Ā Biskeri Thach (10991 Ft. / 3350 Mtrs); Barshaini (7874 /2400 Mtrs)
  • Altitude Loss:Ā  3117 Ft. /Ā  950 Mtrs.Ā  Ā  Ā 
  • Trek Grade:Ā  Ā Easy
  • Meal: Breakfast, Lunch Only.

On the final mountain morning, we start with our morning routine and commence on our last day of the trek through the slightly steep trail. You will go across a stream and pass through fenced land. The Sar Pass Trek trail ends at a fenced plot; after crossing land, you will be back on the trail, and from there, the trail will lead into the dense forest, where you will find trails going in all directions, but you must follow the northeast one. After walking through the forest, you must pass through another stream. Crossing the stream is tricky as you must rappel through huge rocks. Then you would have to walk through wooden planks, climb a bit to reach the trail, and then follow the water pipeline to Pulga village, one of the twin villages of Pulag and Tulga village. From Tulga, you must cross the Parvati River to reach Barshaini, which is the endpoint of the trek; from here, we hop into our vehicles and drive to Kasol; from here, you have your further plans and arrangements.Ā 

Food Provided by Us During Trek

We provide only Indian vegetarian food and mainly your meal is going to contain Indian bread, vegetable, lentils and Rice along with delicious dessert. During your trek, we will serve three meals a day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.Ā In the evening, you will also be served tea & snacks and lip-smacking soup before dinner. If it will be a long day of trekking, you will be given a packed snack.

After doing a lot of research on the nutritional requirements for the trekkers, we prepare the menu. Before putting all the meals together, we also consider altitude gained and weather.

The meal served by us while trek is perfectly balanced with the right amounts of calories, carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals. You need to know that all our cooks have great expertise in cooking and have undergone thorough training. So, get ready to enjoy delectable and lip-smacking dishes during your trek.Ā You will be served with lemon tea in the tent in order to start your day with a refreshed feeling. Before leaving the campsite for trekking, you will be given a hot finger-licking breakfast like upma, Aallu Prantha, Besan Chilla, Poha, Daliya,Ā  Corn flakes, Maggie, along with tea or coffee.

In case, your trek will be longer one then we also offer some fresh local fruits such as apples and even healthy drinks like Frootie or Maaza. In the afternoon, you will be served simple & healthy lunch, while at around 04:00 pm, you will be given tea and a light evening breakfast.Ā After you reach your campsite at night, you will be served a hot and delightful dinner. After reading this, you must have got the idea about the food provided by us on trek, you donā€™t need to worry about food. Many trekkers trek with us again and again because of the food we provide. Thus, we will definitely give you unforgettable experiences.

Safety During Sar Pass Trek

Trekking with us for Sar Pass trekĀ is completely safe because we have a team of trek leaders who are qualified in Wilderness first-aid and also have complete information about the high-altitude glitches.Ā During Trek, we carry a complete first-aid kit that contains all the important medicines. Before trekking with us, you need to ensure that you are medically fit for the trek and if you are able to judge yourself then it is better to take advice from a professional.Ā For us, your medical fitness is very important than anything else.

Know About Us:-Ā  You need to know that our company Trekup India has been in the field of Adventure Tourism for the last 23 years. Right from our inception, we have been involved in providing treks, voyage & hiking programs as well as high altitude expedition rafting.

We keep on organizing treks in Uttarakhand, Kashmir, Sikkim and Himachal, while being a part of the trekking community, we feature more than 75 Himalayan documented treks. Apart from other outdoor activities, our company also organizes trips for schools, colleges, and family.

We ensure complete technical safety in the mountain

Our company has a vast team of more than 100 guides, as well as trainers in order, serve in the mountain treks.Ā One of the best things about our team is that all the members are trained professionally from Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Indian mountaineering foundation Delhi as well as Hanifle Center Outdoor Education Mussoorie.

Therefore, we never believe in compromising on the quality as well as services offered to our valuable customers.

For Us, Your Safety Is the Top Priority

At Trekup India, you will find a team with local knowledge and fluency in English as well as Hindi. This helps in ensuring that you have an amazing trek and not only this, we also pay attention to your health as well as safety because this is something we cannot ignore.Ā All the team leaders involved in trekking have already undergone several professional courses in First Aid, Portable Altitude Chamber Training, CPR, Environmental Awareness Training as well as Advanced Wilderness Emergency Medicine.

We also carry a complete first aid medical kit not only on the trek but on each and every trip which is organized by us. Apart from the medical kit, we carry a portable altitude chamber and medical oxygen for all kinds of high-altitude treks .Ā Our company has great expertise in organizing all sorts of group adventure holidays for family groups, school & college groups as well as friend groups. When it comes to travel options, we have a wide range that suits different fitness levels as well as traveling styles.

Therefore, no matter who big the group size, we pay personal attention to each and every member present in the group.

How We Ensure That Your Trek Is Safe with Us

Right from our establishment, we at Trekup India, are continuously involved in introducing new safety practices into Indian trekking in order to ensure the safety of voyagers.Ā For walking on snow, Trekpp India introduced Microspikes and also made emergency bottled oxygen mandatory for all kinds of treks.Ā In order to test pulse as well as oxygen saturation levels, pulse oxymeters are used. As a safety communication device, we at TrekupIndia introduced radio.

Though we have noticed that most of the organizations organizing treks do not follow these systems but with time several competing companies are adopting these practices and organizing great and safe treks.

Explore our New Safety Protocols

In order to ensure a perfect Trek, we have introduced some new safety checks that will assure more safety for our trekkers.Ā 

Our On-trek safety checks includes:

  • Daily oxygen saturation along with pulse readings
  • Stretchers team appointed on every trek
  • Trained mountain staff and full safety
  • Additional oxygen cylinders
  • Special medical kit for high altitude treks
  • Microspikes on all types of snow treks
  • Experienced Trek leaders as well as safety
  • Technical team on all snowy slopes

What should you pack for the Sar Pass Trek?

Being an trekking, adventure & travel company, we get many questions from our trekkers and most common question that arises is what to carry or what should we pack for the Sar Pass trek? Sometime it becomes difficult to explain in details and therefore below we have prepared the detailed packing list, helpful for all trekkers coming to the Himalayas. Whenever we go on trek or start packing things one should remember the packing pattern i.e. either you start from head to foot or foot to head, this way there will be rare chance that you will forget the items to pack, so go step by step.

Make sure your backpack should be comfortable neither too big nor to small and for a week trekĀ  60-70 liters of backpack Ā should be enough to hold all your belongings. Ensure that your backpack has good hip & Shoulder support and pockets should be accessible quickly.

All trekkers should keep in mind that daypack is very important, this will be a great help to you while on trek, also every single day you wonā€™t be carrying you backpack therefore for day excursion , shorter hikers, sightseeing you can carry your stuff in it.

  • Trekking shoes:Ā  Preferably water proof, ankle support.
  • Walking / Hiking sandals:Ā  This can be used off trek i.e. in the morning and evening hours, basically to get your feet rest from heavy boots, sometime used for crossing streams and rivers, itā€™s more comfortable and safe than crossing barefoot or wetting your boots.
  • Sneakers (Optional) : For normal driving days or can useĀ  around the camp
  • Socks (3-4 Pairs) ā€“ Ā Make sure to choose material wisely, it should be quick drying, warm and comfortable.
  • Hiking / trekking jacket:Ā  Carry good quality layer jackets
  • Hiking pants: Ā Check some kind of long nylon blend, light and quick drying pants. Warm covers ups like fleece-lined tracksuit pants or ski pant.
  • UndergarmentsĀ  as per your habitual requirement
  • T-Shirts and ShortsĀ  (3-4 Warm comfortable)
  • Ordinary Shirt / T-shirt ā€“ Ā Just in case everything gets wet this will help for roaming around.
  • Long Sleeve shirt ā€“Ā  can be used as a base layer on colder days
  • Socks ā€“Ā  at least 4-5 pairs
  • Leggings ā€“Ā  Can be used specially chilling morning and evening , to keep your body warm
  • Thermals ā€“Ā  get 2 pairs of thermals, this will be great need a body to keep it warm.
  • Buff / Balaclava ā€“Ā  This is a must to carry to cover your neck and this item is an ideal solution to keep your neck / throat warm.
  • Beanie Cap-Ā  Very helpful item for colder and windy days should carry 1, also sometime when its freezing cold you can use it a night as well.
  • Hiking Hat- Ā this will basically help during the day time specially from the sun rays, make sure it has a strip so that wind does not below is far from your headJ..
  • GlovesĀ  ā€“ 01 pair will be enough to keep your hand warm and nice.
  • Rain Coat and Pant Ā ā€“ Carry a pair of it to protect you from the rainĀ  OR
  • Rain Poncho Ā ā€“ during long rains, the waterproof jackets starts leaking but poncho does get work in keeping you dry, so choose accordingly.
  • Rain covers: Ā Some small water proof to cover your backpack and daypack as well for your gadgets.
  • Gadgets and Electronic
  • Trekking Poles
  • Mobile phone
  • Spare batteries for phone and camera, powerbank
  • Light weight flash light or headlight
  • Waterproof bag made up of plastic for camera
  • Music system / Bluetooth
  • Plug/converter for electrical items
  • 1 liter water bottle
  • Journal with pen would be good idea to keep your notes.
  • Some book of your interest for ideal time
  • Get into habit of keeping Map and guide book of the region.
  • Hygiene & Personal toiletry
  • Sunscreen with UV protection
  • 1 or 2 small quick-drying towels
  • Toilet paper/tissues/wet-wipes
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste/ mouth freshener
  • Deodorant / Talcum powder
  • Lip-gloss/salve
  • Sanitary pads/tampons (For female traveler)
  • Bio gradable Soap
  • Nail clipper
  • Your other personal items that you use on daily basis
  • Personal First aid Kit and Energy ā€“Ā  below are some common medicine generally required / used during your adventure trip, however please consult your doctors prior.
  • Antiseptic towel or water syringe (to clean the wound)
  • Butterfly bandage for small cut
  • Cotton and elastic bandages and sterile gauze pad for larger wounds
  • Latex gloves used when its wound bleeds
  • Medicine for Diarrhea (Upset stomach)
  • Medicine for cold, flue / fever headache
  • Some pain killers
  • ORS pouches
  • Quick pain relief spray (External use)
  • Any personal medicine prescribed by your doctor
  • Dimox / Similar for high altitude sickness
  • Bug Repellent
  • Carry some nutria / energy bars and drinks (non-alcoholic)

Note: Ā Kindly consult your doctor before purchasing or taking any medicine.

9.Compulsory Documents to Carry

These are files needed to be submitted at Forest Department before ypur trek. With no of these, you will not be permitted to trek .Original and photocopy of government photo identity card. Carry Idā€™s like adhaar, voter id, etc.

Important note:Ā  You can bookĀ  rent gears , what you can rent & buy from us and what you need to get from your home town, make your bagpack easy not heavy.

Click the link:Ā

Now you are all set for your Adventure trip with Trekup India!!

Trek Cost Inclusion

  • Stay:Ā  1 night home stay on Sharing Basis and 3 Nights tented accommodation at respective campsites of Trekup India on twin sharing basis.
  • Meals: Ā Trekup India provided cooked meals during the trek starting with Lunch on Day 01 to Lunch on day 05 lunch (Meals are simple, nutritious and vegetarian and non-repeated meals)
  • Transport: Ā Barshaini to Kasol on sharing jeeps Ā 
  • Trek Equipmentā€™s:Ā  Sleeping bag, Sleeping tents, Kitchen tent, Dining tent, Toilet Tents.
  • Amenities:Ā  All utensils, sleeping mattress (Black form mats), Crampons, Gaiters for snow. Ā  Ā  Ā 
  • Health & Safety:Ā  First Aid Box, Oxygen Cylinders, Stretchers, Oxi meters, BP Machines, health.
  • Permits:Ā  Forest Permits and Camping Permission Fee
  • Trek Crew:Ā  High Altitude Chef, Helpers, Trek Leader & Guides and other support team.
  • Potters & Mules:Ā  Potters and Mules to carry all trek equipmentā€™s, ration and vegetables.

Trek Cost Exclusion

  • GST 5% (it is Mandatory)
  • Any kind of insurance (Trekup India recommends each trekker to get insurance)
  • Any Meals / accommodation beside the itinerary or no mentioned in the program
  • Any Bus / Airfare to/from trek start / end point
  • Personal Medical expenses, do carry your own person medication
  • Any personal services such as Laundry, phone call, liquors, mineral water etc.
  • Any still / video camera fee
  • Any Entrance fee Monuments, Monasteries, Museums, Temples ā€“ Pay direct on the spot
  • Mules or porter charges to carry private baggage (Offload Charges for bag 500 per day, per bag.Ā Note:Ā bag weight should not be more than 10 kg.
  • Any kind of emergency evacuation charges
  • Any services that is not mentioned in cost inclusion section

How To Reach Kasol, Himachal Pradesh?

If you’re planning a trip to kasol in himachal pradesh, india, there are several options available for you to get there. let’s delve into each of these options in detail:.

One of the most common ways to reach Kasol is by taking an overnight bus journey from Delhi or Chandigarh. There are two options to choose from. The first option is to reach Chandigarh first and then take a bus to Kasol. The journey typically takes around 10 hours. The second option is to reach Kullu first and then hire a private taxi or shuttle bus to reach Kasol. Following this route, you can catch an overnight bus to Kullu, then take a taxi or shuttle bus to Kasol. Regardless of the option you choose, it’s advisable to take government-run buses instead of private buses when departing from the bus station, as private buses are more likely to experience delays. Government buses are known for their reliability. Regardless of your choice, make sure to arrive in Kasol by 9 a.m. at the latest.

While flying to Bhuntar Airport is an option, we advise against it due to the expensive fares and frequent flight cancellations. However, if you do choose to fly to Bhuntar, Kasol is only a short distance away, and you can easily find transportation by bus or private taxi. If you opt for this route, it’s recommended that you arrive at least a day before the trek’s starting date. The best option is to fly to Chandigarh Airport and then take a bus to Kasol.

You can also travel by train and get off at Pathankot railway station, which is around 300 km from Kasol. From there, you can catch direct buses to Kullu/Kasol. The journey usually takes an overnight journey. It’s advisable that you reach Kasol a day before your planned trip.

In conclusion, if you’re planning a trip to Kasol, you have several options to choose from, each with its own benefits. Regardless of the route you choose, it’s important to plan your journey in advance and arrive in Kasol with ample time to enjoy your trip.

Ramya Sundari

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Love for  snow and high mountains?  

Sar pass trek, ā‚¹9999 + 5% gst, june to september, via kasol (4223 m), ā‚¹9999+ 5% gst, kasol to kasol, + rs. 1800 backpack offloading + rs. 757 mandatory insurance, difficulty level - 3, himachal pradesh  - 6 days - 50 kms, up to 15% off in may-jun batches for a limited period āœØ, june to september 2023.

The Sar Pass Trek is a popular trekking route located in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is considered a moderately challenging trek suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers. Here's some information about the Sar Pass Trek:

1. Duration: The Sar Pass Trek typically takes around 5 to 6 days to complete. The actual duration may vary depending on factors such as the trekking speed, weather conditions, and the itinerary chosen.

2. Difficulty Level: The Sar Pass Trek is graded as a moderate trek. While it does not require any technical climbing skills, it does involve trekking through steep ascents, traversing snow patches, and walking on uneven terrain. Prior trekking experience and a moderate level of fitness are recommended.

3. Route and Highlights: The trek starts from Kasol, a popular tourist destination, and takes you through beautiful pine forests, meadows, and scenic landscapes. Some of the highlights of the Sar Pass Trek include camping at scenic spots like Grahan, Min Thach, Nagaru, and Biskeri Thach, crossing the Sar Pass (located at an altitude of approximately 4,200 meters or 13,800 feet), and enjoying panoramic views of snow-capped peaks such as Tosh Glacier, Pin Parvati Pass, and the Pir Panjal Range.

4. Best Time to Visit: The best time to undertake the Sar Pass Trek is during the summer months of May to June and the post-monsoon season of September to October. During these periods, the weather is generally favorable with mild temperatures and clear skies. The trek is not recommended during the monsoon season (July and August) due to heavy rainfall and the risk of landslides.

5. Permits and Guide: Trekkers are required to obtain a trekking permit from the Forest Department or the local authorities before embarking on the Sar Pass Trek. It is also advisable to trek with an experienced guide or join organized trekking groups for safety and to enhance the overall trekking experience.

6. Facilities and Accommodation: Along the trek route, basic facilities such as guesthouses, tea houses, and tented accommodations are available at various camping sites. It's important to note that these facilities may vary in terms of amenities, so it's advisable to carry essential supplies and camping equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and cooking utensils.

The Sar Pass Trek offers a wonderful opportunity to explore the scenic beauty of the Parvati Valley and experience the thrill of high-altitude trekking. It's important to prepare adequately, including physical fitness training, carrying appropriate trekking gear, and being mindful of safety guidelines while on the trek.

Duration: 4-5 days Maximum Altitude: 4,223 meters Difficulty Level: Easy Best Season: June to September

Sar Pass is a breathtaking mountain pass located in the enchanting Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayan ranges, Sar Pass offers a mesmerizing trekking experience to adventurers from around the world. This popular trek is renowned for its scenic beauty, diverse landscapes, and a moderate level of difficulty.

At an elevation of approximately 4,220 meters (13,845 feet), Sar Pass presents a challenge that is both exhilarating and rewarding. The trek begins in the quaint village of Kasol, a popular base camp for trekkers. As you embark on this remarkable journey, you leave behind the hustle and bustle of city life and enter a world of serene natural beauty.

The trekking route to Sar Pass covers a distance of about 48 kilometers (30 miles) and takes around 5 to 6 days to complete. The trail meanders through dense pine forests, picturesque meadows, and charming villages, offering a glimpse into the local culture and way of life. As you ascend higher, the landscape transforms, revealing stunning vistas of snow-capped peaks, gushing streams, and alpine meadows adorned with vibrant flowers.

The Sar Pass trek presents a moderate level of difficulty, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced trekkers. While it doesn't require technical climbing skills, it demands a certain level of physical fitness, endurance, and mental resilience. The trail involves steep ascents and descents, crossing rivers and streams, and navigating through snow patches. However, with proper preparation, the Sar Pass trek is well within the reach of trekkers with basic fitness levels and some prior experience.

The best time to undertake the Sar Pass trek is during the summer months of May to June and the post-monsoon season of September to October. During these periods, the weather is generally favorable, with mild temperatures and clear skies. The trail is less affected by heavy rainfall or snowfall, making it safer and more accessible. It's important to note that trekking during the monsoon season (July and August) is not recommended due to the risk of landslides and difficult trail conditions.

As you embark on the Sar Pass trek, you are greeted by a mesmerizing landscape at every turn. The trail takes you through dense forests of deodar, pine, and oak trees, providing shade and a refreshing ambiance. The sound of gurgling streams and the chirping of birds accompany you on your journey, creating a serene and tranquil environment.

One of the highlights of the Sar Pass trek is reaching the Sar Pass itself. As you ascend to the pass, you are welcomed by panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, including the mighty Parvati Valley. The sight of the snow-covered landscape and the sense of achievement upon reaching the pass make for a truly unforgettable experience.

Throughout the trek, you have the opportunity to interact with the warm and hospitable locals who inhabit the villages along the route. Their simple way of life and rich cultural heritage add a unique charm to the trekking experience. Camping at night under the starlit sky, sharing stories and laughter around a bonfire, and enjoying delicious local cuisine are moments that create lasting memories.

While the Sar Pass trek is a remarkable adventure, it is important to prioritize safety and responsible trekking practices. It is recommended to trek with an experienced guide or join organized trekking groups that ensure proper guidance, safety measures, and support. Carrying essential trekking gear, such as sturdy trekking shoes, warm clothing, a waterproof backpack, a tent, and sleeping bags, is crucial for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Itinerary of Bara Bhangal Trek

The Sar Pass trek is a 5-6 day adventure that takes you through the mesmerizing landscapes of the Parvati Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India. Here is a detailed itinerary for the Sar Pass trek:

Day 1: Arrival in Kasol

On Day 1 of the Sar Pass trek, you will arrive in Kasol, which serves as the starting point of the trek. Here's what you can expect on this day:

- Arrival in Kasol: Reach Kasol, a small village nestled in the Parvati Valley, either by road or by taking a bus from nearby towns like Bhuntar or Manali. Kasol is known for its scenic beauty and serene atmosphere, attracting backpackers and nature enthusiasts from all over.

- Acclimatization: Spend the day in Kasol to acclimatize to the altitude, especially if you have arrived from lower elevations. It's essential to give your body time to adjust to the altitude to minimize the risk of altitude sickness. You can take a leisurely stroll around Kasol, explore the local market, and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

- Accommodation: Check-in at a guesthouse or campsite in Kasol where you will spend the night. Kasol offers a range of accommodation options catering to different budgets and preferences.

- Relaxation and Preparation: Use this time to relax, rejuvenate, and prepare for the upcoming trek. Ensure that you have all the necessary trekking gear and equipment, such as sturdy trekking shoes, warm clothing, a backpack, and other essentials.

- Orientation and Briefing: If you have joined an organized trekking group, there may be an orientation session or briefing by the trek leaders. They will provide information about the trek, and safety guidelines, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Pay attention to the instructions given to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trekking experience.

- Rest and Sleep: Get a good night's sleep to ensure you are well-rested and ready for the trekking adventure that awaits you the next day.

Day 1 of the Sar Pass trek in Kasol serves as a transition day, allowing you to acclimatize and prepare yourself physically and mentally for the trek. Take the opportunity to enjoy the serene ambiance of Kasol and recharge for the exciting days ahead.

Day 2: Kasol to Grahan Village

On Day 2 of the Sar Pass trek, you will embark on your journey from Kasol and make your way toward Grahan Village. Here's a detailed overview of what to expect on this day:

- Trek Start: After an early breakfast, gather your belongings, and meet your trekking group or guide. The trek starts with a gradual ascent from Kasol, gradually leaving behind the village and entering the lush green surroundings of the Parvati Valley.

- Pine Forests and Scenic Views: As you trek further, you'll pass through dense pine forests, which provide shade and a refreshing ambiance. Enjoy the fragrance of the pine trees and the soothing sound of nature. The trail offers glimpses of the stunning mountain vistas and panoramic views of the valley.

- River Crossings: During the trek, you may come across streams and rivers that need to be crossed. Depending on the water level, you may use makeshift bridges or step on stones to cross them. Take caution and follow the instructions of your trek leader while crossing the water bodies.

- Villages and Local Culture: En route to Grahan Village, you'll pass through picturesque hamlets and interact with the locals. Immerse yourself in the local culture, observe their traditional way of life, and interact with the friendly villagers. It's a great opportunity to learn about the local customs, traditions, and daily routines.

- Grahan Village: After a few hours of trekking, you will reach Grahan Village, a charming village nestled amidst the mountains. The village is known for its rustic beauty, traditional wooden houses, and terraced fields. Set against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks, Grahan Village offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

- Campsite Setup: Upon reaching Grahan Village, set up your campsite for the night. Depending on the trek arrangements, tents may already be set up, or you may need to pitch your own tents. Enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings and soak in the beauty of nature.

- Evening Activities: Spend the evening exploring Grahan Village, interacting with the locals, or simply relaxing at the campsite. Engage in conversations with fellow trekkers, share stories, and enjoy a warm and hearty meal prepared by the trekking team.

- Rest and Sleep: As the day comes to an end, unwind and get some rest. Ensure you have a good night's sleep to recharge for the next day's trek.

Day 2 of the Sar Pass trek takes you from the starting point in Kasol to the picturesque Grahan Village. It offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and the joy of trekking through the enchanting Parvati Valley. Embrace the serenity of Grahan Village and prepare for the adventures that lie ahead on this incredible journey.

Day 3: Grahan V illage to Min Thach

On Day 3 of the Sar Pass trek, you will continue your journey from Grahan Village and make your way toward Min Thach. Here's a detailed overview of what to expect on this day:

- Morning in Grahan Village: Wake up early in the morning, breath in the fresh mountain air, and enjoy a hearty breakfast at the campsite. Pack your belongings, ensure you have enough water and snacks for the day, and get ready for another day of trekking.

- Departure from Grahan Village: Bid farewell to the charming Grahan Village as you start your trek towards Min Thach. The trail initially descends before gradually ascending through the enchanting forests and meadows of the Parvati Valley.

- Lush Green Meadows: As you ascend, you'll pass through lush green meadows adorned with colorful flowers, creating a picturesque landscape. Take in the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys as you make your way through this scenic section of the trek.

- River Crossings: During the trek, you may encounter streams and rivers that need to be crossed. Be prepared to navigate across them using makeshift bridges or by stepping on stones, depending on the water level. Exercise caution and follow the guidance of your trek leader.

- Ascending towards Min Thach: The trail gradually climbs uphill, providing a moderate level of challenge. As you ascend, you'll witness the changing landscape with a mix of forests, meadows, and occasional glimpses of snow-capped peaks in the distance.

- Reaching Min Thach: After a few hours of trekking, you will reach the scenic campsite of Min Thach. Nestled amidst the mountains, Min Thach offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Set up your campsite and take some time to relax, soak in the beauty of nature, and rejuvenate for the next day's trek.

- Evening Activities: Spend the evening exploring the campsite surroundings, taking photographs, or simply unwinding amidst nature's tranquility. Engage in conversations with fellow trekkers, share experiences, and relish a warm and nutritious meal prepared by the trekking team.

- Rest and Sleep: As the day comes to an end, rest and recharge for the next day's adventure. Enjoy a peaceful night's sleep in the midst of the mountains, surrounded by the sounds of nature.

Day 3 of the Sar Pass trek takes you from Grahan Village to the beautiful campsite of Min Thach. This leg of the journey offers a m ix of natural beauty, including lush meadows, forests, and the thrill of trekking in the mountains. Embrace the serenity of Min Thach, connect with nature, and prepare for the exciting days ahead on this remarkable trek.

Day 4: Min Th ach to Nagaru

On Day 4 of the Sar Pass trek, you will continue your adventure from Min Thach and make your way towards Nagaru, a high-altitude campsite. Here's a detailed overview of what to expect on this day:

- Morning at Min Thach: Wake up early in the morning to witness the beauty of the sunrise illuminating the surrounding mountains. Enjoy a hearty breakfast at the campsite, pack your belongings, and prepare for the day's trek.

- Ascending to Nagaru: The trail from Min Thach to Nagaru is a challenging and steep ascent. As you trek higher, the terrain becomes rocky and the vegetation becomes sparse. This section of the trek requires stamina and endurance, as well as careful footing.

- Snowfields and Alpine Scenery: As you ascend towards Nagaru, you will start encountering snowfields, especially during the winter months. Traverse through the snow-covered landscapes, taking in the breathtaking alpine scenery and panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

- Altitude Gain: Nagaru is situated at a significantly higher altitude compared to the previous campsites. The climb can be physically demanding, and it's crucial to maintain a slow and steady pace to acclimatize properly. Listen to your body, take breaks when needed, and stay hydrated throughout the trek.

- Nagaru Campsite: Upon reaching Nagaru, set up your campsite and take some time to rest and relax. The campsite at Nagaru offers awe-inspiring views of the snow-capped mountains and the valley below. Embrace the serenity of the high-altitude surroundings and savor the accomplishment of reaching this point.

- Sunset Views: Nagaru is renowned for its stunning sunset views. As the day draws to a close, find a vantage point to witness the magical hues of the setting sun painting the sky and mountains. Capture this breathtaking sight in your memories and photographs.

- Evening Activities: Spend the evening at the Nagaru campsite, enjoying the camaraderie of fellow trekkers and engaging in conversations. Share stories, and experiences, and marvel at the starry night sky, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

- Rest and Sleep: As the night falls, have a warm dinner and rest well in your tents. Ensure you stay warm and cozy, as the temperatures can drop significantly at high altitudes.

Day 4 of the Sar Pass trek takes you from the picturesque Min Thach to the high-altitude campsite of Nagaru. It's a challenging day of trekking that rewards you with stunning snow-covered landscapes and magnificent mountain views. Embrace the spirit of adventure, relish the sense of achievement, and prepare for the next phase of the trek on this unforgettable journey.

Day 5: Nagaru to Biskeri Thach via Sar Pass

On Day 5 of the Sar Pass trek, you will embark on the most thrilling and anticipated part of the journey - crossing the Sar Pass. Here's a detailed overview of what to expect on this day:

- Early Start: Wake up before dawn to ensure an early start for the day's trek. Have a light breakfast and pack your daypack with essentials such as water, snacks, and extra layers of clothing.

- Sar Pass Ascent: The trek from Nagaru to Sar Pass involves a steep climb over snow-covered terrain. You will navigate through narrow trails and ascend gradually, using trekking poles and following the footsteps of your guide. The climb requires physical stamina, mental determination, and careful footing.

- Sar Pass Summit: Reach the summit of Sar Pass, which stands at an altitude of around 13,800 feet. Celebrate this milestone achievement and take a moment to absorb the awe-inspiring panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. Capture photographs to preserve the memories of this significant accomplishment.

- Descending from Sar Pass: After spending some time at the summit, begin the descent towards Biskeri Thach. The descent can be challenging, as the trail may be slippery due to snow or loose scree. Take it slow and steady, using trekking poles for balance and stability.

- Biskeri Thach Campsite: As you descend, you will reach the scenic campsite of Biskeri Thach. Set amidst lush meadows and surrounded by towering mountains, Biskeri Thach offers a tranquil and picturesque setting. Set up your campsite and enjoy the rest of the day in this serene environment.

- Evening Activities: Spend the evening at Biskeri Thach exploring the surroundings, engaging in conversations with fellow trekkers, and relishing a well-deserved meal. Share stories, laughter, and appreciate the beauty of nature all around you.

- Rest and Sleep: As the day comes to an end, rest and rejuvenate in your tents. Take in the tranquility of the campsite and appreciate the accomplishment of crossing Sar Pass. Ensure you have a good night's sleep to recharge for the remaining days of the trek.

Day 5 of the Sar Pass trek marks the highlight of the journey as you conquer the Sar Pass and make your way to the beautiful campsite of Biskeri Thach. It's a day filled with adventure, breathtaking views, and a sense of triumph. Embrace the spirit of exploration, cherish the memories created, and prepare for the remaining days of this remarkable trekking experience.

Day 6: Biskeri Thach to Barshaini and Departure

On Day 6 of the Sar Pass trek, you will conclude your journey by trekking from Biskeri Thach to Barshaini, the endpoint of the trek. Here's a detailed overview of what to expect on this day:

- Farewell to Biskeri Thach: Wake up in the morning to the beautiful surroundings of Biskeri Thach. Enjoy a hearty breakfast at the campsite, pack your belongings, and bid farewell to this serene mountain haven.

- Descending to Barshaini: Begin your descent from Biskeri Thach towards Barshaini, which is the endpoint of the trek. The trail will take you through lush green forests, meadows, and occasional streams. Take your time to soak in the last views of the mountains and valleys along the way.

- Serene Nature and Local Villages: As you descend, you'll be surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. The trail may pass through small villages where you can catch glimpses of local life and interact with the friendly villagers. Immerse yourself in the local culture and appreciate the simplicity of mountain living.

- Arriving at Barshaini: After several hours of trekking, you will reach Barshaini, a small village located at the confluence of the Parvati and Tosh rivers. Take a moment to celebrate the completion of the Sar Pass trek as you arrive at this picturesque village.

- Farewell and Departure: Once you reach Barshaini, bid farewell to your trekking companions, guides, and support staff who have been part of this incredible journey. Take some time to reflect on the experiences and memories you have created during the trek.

- Exploring Barshaini: If time permits, you can explore the village of Barshaini and its surroundings. You may visit the nearby Tosh village or enjoy a relaxing moment by the riverside. Alternatively, you can head to nearby towns like Kasol or Manikaran to unwind and reflect on your trekking adventure.

- Departure: Arrange for transportation from Barshaini to your next destination. Whether you are heading back to Kasol, Manali, or any other place, plan your departure accordingly. Reflect on the incredible journey you have just completed as you leave the mountains behind.

Day 6 of the Sar Pass trek marks the end of your exhilarating adventure. It's a day of bidding farewell to the mountains, reflecting on the incredible experiences, and cherishing the memories made along the way. As you depart from Barshaini, carry the spirit of the mountains with you and treasure the sense of accomplishment from completing this remarkable trek.

Please note that this itinerary is a general outline and can be subject to variations based on weather conditions, the pace of the trekking group, and the preferences of the trek organizers. It is always recommended to trek with an experienced guide or join organized trekking groups to ensure safety and enhance your overall trekking experience.

What is included in package?

Veg Food (Day 1 Lunch till Day 6 Breakfast). Three Meals a day.

Forest Permits/Camping Charges/Permits, Trek Permit Fee/IMF Permission (up to the amount charged for Indian nationals).

Camping tents, Temp rated sleeping bags, mattress

Safety Equipment includes static rescue rope, seat harness, carabiners, pulleys

Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with Wilderness Emergency Responder & Rescue.

First Aid Certified Local guide, cook, helpers

Porters or mules for carrying common luggage

Last day transportation from Barshaini to Kasol

What is not included in package?

Meals during road journeys

Offloading of personal bags

Any kind of Insurance

Any expense of personal nature

Any expense not specified in the inclusion list

What is the difficulty l evel of the Sar Pass trek?

The Sar Pass trek is considered a moderately difficult trek. It is suitable for beginners who have a basic level of fitness and some prior trekking experience. The trek involves traversing through varied terrains, including steep ascents and descents, rocky trails, and snowy sections (depending on the season). 

The total distance of the Sar Pass trek is around 48 kilometers (30 miles) and is usually completed in 5 to 6 days. Each day involves an average of 5 to 6 hours of trekking, with some days requiring longer hours and higher altitude gains. The maximum altitude reached during the trek is approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters) at the Sar Pass summit.

While the trek does require a certain level of physical fitness and stamina, it is achievable for individuals with proper preparation and a positive mindset. It is recommended to engage in regular exercise and cardio workouts before the trek to build endurance. Additionally, acclimatization to higher altitudes is crucial, and trekkers should be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness and take necessary precautions.

It's important to note that weather conditions and snowfall can significantly impact the difficulty level of the trek. During the winter season (December to March), the trek becomes more challenging with colder temperatures, heavy snowfall, and the need for specialized equipment like crampons and ice axes.

Overall, while the Sar Pass trek is considered moderately difficult, with proper preparation, fitness training, and the assistance of experienced guides, it can be a rewarding and memorable adventure for trekkers of varying skill levels.

How long does it take to complete the Sar Pass trek?

The Sar Pass trek is typically completed in 5 to 6 days, depending on the itinerary and the pace of the trekking group. Here's a general breakdown of the trek duration:

Day 1: Arrival in Kasol - This is the starting point of the trek. Trekkers usually spend a night in Kasol to rest and prepare for the trek.

Day 2: Kasol to Grahan Village - On the second day, trekkers hike from Kasol to Grahan Village, which takes around 5 to 6 hours.

Day 3: Grahan Village to Min Thach - The trek from Grahan Village to Min Thach takes approximately 6 to 7 hours.

Day 4: Min Thach to Nagaru - On this day, trekkers hike from Min Thach to Nagaru, which is a higher campsite. The trek usually takes around 6 to 7 hours.

Day 5: Nagaru to Biskeri Thach via Sar Pass - This is the most challenging and crucial day of the trek. Trekkers cross the Sar Pass and descend to Biskeri Thach. The entire day's trek can take around 8 to 9 hours.

Day 6: Biskeri Thach to Barshaini and Departure - On the final day, trekkers descend from Biskeri Thach to Barshaini, which takes approximately 4 to 5 hours. From Barshaini, trekkers usually arrange transportation to their next destination.

It's important to note that the duration mentioned above is an approximate estimate and can vary depending on factors such as the group's pace, weather conditions, and the overall fitness level of the participants. Some trekking itineraries may also include additional rest days or buffer days to account for unforeseen circumstances or to allow more time for acclimatization.

It's always recommended to check with your trek operator or refer to the specific itinerary provided by the trekking company for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the duration of the Sar Pass trek.

What is the best time to do the Sar Pass tr ek?

The best time to do the Sar Pass trek is during the summer and post-monsoon seasons, which are considered the ideal months for trekking in the region. The recommended time frame for the Sar Pass trek is from May to June and September to October. Here's a breakdown of the seasons:

1. Summer Season (May to June):    - This period offers pleasant weather with mild temperatures during the day and cool temperatures at night.    - The snow starts to melt, making the trail more accessible and less challenging.    - The landscapes are lush green, with blooming flowers and vibrant meadows.    - The views of the surrounding peaks and valleys are clear and breathtaking.

2. Post-Monsoon Season (September to October):    - After the monsoon season, the weather stabilizes, and the skies clear up, offering excellent visibility.    - The temperatures are cooler than in summer, making it comfortable for trekking during the day.    - The landscapes are still lush, and the vegetation is rejuvenated after the monsoon rains.    - Autumn brings vibrant colors to the forests, adding to the beauty of the trek.

During these seasons, the weather conditions are relatively stable, with lower chances of heavy rainfall or snowfall. However, it's always essential to keep track of the weather forecasts and consult with local authorities or trekking agencies before planning your trek.

It's worth noting that the Sar Pass trek during the winter season (December to March) is also an option for experienced trekkers seeking a more challenging adventure. However, winter trekking requires specialized equipment, such as snow boots, crampons, and proper knowledge of snowcraft and avalanche safety.

Ultimately, the choice of the best time for the Sar Pass trek depends on your preferences, trekking experience, and comfort level with different weather conditions.

Are there any age restrictions for the Sar Pass trek?

There are no specific age restrictions for the Sar Pass trek. However, it is important to consider the physical fitness and stamina required to undertake the trek, as well as the potential risks and challenges involved.

The Sar Pass trek is classified as a moderately difficult trek, involving steep ascents, descents, and long hours of walking each day. It reaches an altitude of approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters) at the Sar Pass summit. Therefore, it is recommended that participants have a good level of physical fitness and stamina to endure the trekking distances and cope with the changing terrain and altitude.

While there is no set age limit, it is advisable for participants to be in good health and consult with their healthcare provider before undertaking the trek, especially if they have any pre-existing medical conditions or concerns.

It's important to note that the trek can be p hysically demanding and may involve long hours of walking, carrying a backpack, and navigating uneven terrain. Additionally, high-altitude trekking comes with risks such as altitude sickness, which can affect individuals differently. Adequate acclimatization and following proper safety guidelines are essential.

For children or elderly individuals who wish to participate in the trek, it is recommended to assess their fitness levels and consult with trek organizers or experienced guides who can provide guidance on the feasibility and safety of the trek for them.

Ultimately, the decision to undertake the Sar Pass trek should be made based on an individual's physical fitness, health condition, and consultation with healthcare professionals and experienced trekking guides.

What permits are required for the Sar Pass trek?

Permits are required for the Sar Pass trek as it is located in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India. Here are the permits that you need to obtain:

1. Forest Entry Permit: Since the trek passes through forested areas, you will need a Forest Entry Permit. This permit allows you to enter and trek through the forested sections along the Sar Pass trek route. It is usually obtained at the starting point of the trek or at the forest check post.

2. Trekking Permit: The Sar Pass trek falls within the jurisdiction of the Parvati Valley, and you may need to obtain a trekking permit. The permit is issued by the Forest Department or the local administration, and it is a mandatory requirement for undertaking the trek. It is advisable to check with the local authorities or trekking agencies regarding the specific process and fees for obtaining the trekking permit.

3. Identity Proof: You will need to carry a valid government-issued identity proof, such as a passport or Aadhaar card, during the trek. This is required for verification purposes and may be requested by the authorities at certain checkpoints.

It is important to note that the permit requirements and procedures may vary, so it is advisable to check with the local authorities or trekking agencies for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding the permits needed for the Sar Pass trek. They can guide you on the specific permit application process, fees, and any additional requirements that may be applicable during your trek.

Is prior trekking experience necessary for the Sar Pass trek ?

Prior trekking experience is not necessary for the Sar Pass trek, but it is highly recommended. The trek is considered moderately difficult, involving steep ascents, descents, and long hours of walking each day. While it is feasible for beginners with a basic level of fitness and a positive mindset, having prior trekking experience can enhance your overall trekking experience and help you better prepare for the challenges you may encounter along the way.

Here are a few reasons why prior trekking experience is beneficial:

1. Physical Fitness: Trekking requires a certain level of physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, strength, and stamina. Prior trekking experience can help you understand the physical demands of trekking, allowing you to train and prepare your body accordingly before undertaking the Sar Pass trek.

2. Familiarity with Trekking Gear and Equipment: If you have prior trekking experience, you are likely familiar with the gear and equipment required for trekking, such as trekking shoes, backpacks, clothing layers, and camping gear. This familiarity can help you make informed choices when selecting and packing your gear for the Sar Pass trek.

3. Understanding Trail Conditions and Terrain: Trekking experience exposes you to different trail conditions and terrains, helping you develop the skills to navigate through varying landscapes. This can be particularly useful on the Sar Pass trek, where you will encounter rocky sections, snow patches (depending on the season), and potentially challenging weather conditions.

4. Knowledge of Altitude and Acclimatization: If you have previously trekked at higher altitudes, you may already be familiar with the effects of altitude on your body and have experience with acclimatization techniques. This knowledge can be valuable on the Sar Pass trek, as it reaches an altitude of approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters) at the summit.

While prior trekking experience is not mandatory, it is recommended to undertake shorter treks or hikes in the months leading up to the Sar Pass trek. This will help you build your fitness, familiarize yourself with trekking essentials, and gain confidence in your abilities.

If you are a beginner without prior trekking experience, consider joining organized trekking groups, hiring experienced guides, or taking part in training programs that can provide guidance and support throughout the trek.

Remember, trekking is an adventure that requires preparation, physical fitness, and mental determination. The more experience you have, the better equipped you will be to handle the challenges of the Sar Pass trek.

Are there any risks or dangers involved in the Sar Pass trek?

Yes, like any outdoor adventure activity, the Sar Pass trek comes with certain risks and potential dangers that need to be taken into consideration. It's important to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe trekking experience. Here are some of the common risks and dangers associated with the Sar Pass trek:

1. Altitude Sickness: The Sar Pass trek reaches an altitude of approximately 13,800 feet (4,200 meters) at the summit. Altitude sickness, also known as Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), can occur when ascending to high altitudes too quickly without proper acclimatization. Symptoms of altitude sickness may include headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. It is important to ascend gradually, stay hydrated, and allow time for acclimatization during the trek.

2. Weather Conditions: The weather in the mountains can be unpredictable and can change rapidly. It's essential to be prepared for various weather conditions, including rain, snow, wind, and temperature fluctuations. Sudden changes in weather can increase the risk of hypothermia, frostbite, and other weather-related hazards. It's crucial to carry appropriate clothing and gear to protect against cold, wet, and windy conditions.

3. Steep and Challenging Terrain: The Sar Pass trek involves steep ascents and descents, rocky sections, and narrow trails. Some parts of the trail can be physically demanding and require careful footing. It is important to be cautious while navigating through such terrain and maintain proper balance and stability to avoid slips, falls, or injuries.

4. River Crossings: There are a few river crossings along the Sar Pass trek, which can be challenging, especially during the early summer months when water levels are high. Trekkers should exercise caution and follow the instructions of experienced guides while crossing rivers to ensure safety.

5. Avalanches and Landslides: The Sar Pass trek passes through areas prone to avalanches and landslides, especially during the winter and monsoon seasons. It is important to check the weather and trail conditions before undertaking the trek and to follow the guidance of local authorities or trekking agencies regarding any potential risks associated with avalanches and landslides.

6. Limited Medical Facilities: The Sar Pass trek takes place in remote areas with limited medical facilities. It is essential to carry a basic first aid kit, any necessary personal medications, and to be aware of basic first aid practices. It is also advisable to have travel insurance that covers emergency evacuation in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

To minimize these risks and ensure a safe trekking experience, it is recommended to trek with experienced guides or join organized trekking groups, follow proper safety guidelines, acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, maintain a moderate pace, and be prepared with appropriate clothing, gear, and emergency supplies.

Remember, safety should always be the top priority, and it's important to assess your own capabilities, consult with experienced trekkers, and make informed decisions based on the prevailing conditions and your level of experience.

What is the cost of the Sar Pass trek?

The cost of the Sar Pass trek can vary depending on several factors, such as the trekking season, the duration of the trek, the type of accommodation, the inclusion of transportation, the services provided by trekking agencies, and individual preferences. It's important to note that the cost mentioned here is an estimate and can vary from one trekking operator to another. 

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the approximate cost for the Sar Pass trek can range from INR 8,000 to INR 15,000 per person for a 5-6 day trek. This cost typically includes the following:

1. Trekking Guide and Support Staff: The cost generally includes the services of an experienced trekking guide and support staff who will accompany you throughout the trek. They provide guidance, assistance, and ensure your safety during the trek.

2. Accommodation: The cost usually includes accommodation in tents or basic guesthouses/homestays along the trekking route. The type of accommodation can vary, ranging from camping in tents to shared dormitories or rooms in guesthouses.

3. Meals: Most trekking operators provide all meals during the trek, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The meals are typically basic, vegetarian, and prepared by the trekking team.

4. Trekking Permits: The cost generally includes the fees for trekking permits and entry fees required for the Sar Pass trek. This includes permits for forest entry and any other relevant permits.

5. Equipment Rental: Some trekking operators may provide essential trekking equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and mats as part of the overall cost. However, it's important to clarify with the trekking operator if equipment rental is included or if there are additional charges for renting equipment.

6. Transportation: The cost may or may not include transportation to and from the trek starting point. This varies depending on the trekking operator and the package chosen. It is important to check if transportation is included or if it needs to be arranged separately.

It's important to note that the cost mentioned above is a rough estimate and can vary based on various factors. Additionally, personal expenses such as travel to the trek starting point, additional meals or snacks, trekking gear, and any optional activities or services are generally not included in the trek package cost.

It is advisable to research and compare different trekking operators, read reviews, and consider the services and facilities provided before making a booking. Also, check with the trekking operator about the specific inclusions and exclusions of the trek package to get a clear understanding of the overall cost.

Are there any camping facilities available along the Sar Pass trek route?

Yes, there are camping facilities available along the Sar Pass trek route. Camping is an integral part of the trekking experience, as it allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Himalayas and spend nights under the starry sky. Here are some key points regarding camping facilities on the Sar Pass trek:

1. Campsites: There are designated campsites along the Sar Pass trek route where trekkers can set up their tents and spend the night. These campsites are strategically located and offer beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

2. Tents and Equipment: Trekking operators generally provide tents, sleeping bags, and mats for trekkers as part of their package. These camping essentials ensure a comfortable and safe camping experience during the trek. It is advisable to check with the trekking operator about the availability and quality of camping equipment.

3. Campfire: In most campsites, a campfire is organized in the evening, allowing trekkers to gather around, share stories, and enjoy the warmth. However, it is essential to follow the guidelines set by the trekking operator and local authorities regarding campfires to prevent any risk of forest fires or damage to the environment.

4. Toilet Facilities: Along the Sar Pass trek, toilet facilities are typically basic and may consist of temporary pit toilets or eco-friendly dry toilets. These facilities are usually available at or near the campsites. It is important to maintain cleanliness and follow responsible waste disposal practices while using these facilities.

5. Water Sources: Water sources such as streams or springs are often available near the campsites. However, it is advisable to carry water purification methods like water filters or water purification tablets to ensure safe drinking water. Trekkers should consult with their trekking operator or guide for information on safe water sources and water treatment methods.

6. Environmental Considerations: While camping, it is crucial to practice Leave No Trace principles and minimize the impact on the environment. This includes proper waste disposal, avoiding littering, and respecting the natural surroundings.

It's important to note that camping facilities can vary depending on the trekking operator, the specific campsite, and the duration of the trek. Some trekkers may prefer to carry their own camping equipment, while others may choose to rely on the facilities provided by the trekking operator. It is advisable to clarify with the trekking operator regarding the availability and details of camping facilities before embarking on the Sar Pass trek.

What are the accommodation options during the Sar Pass trek?

During the Sar Pass trek, accommodation options are typically limited to basic guesthouses/homestays and camping. Here are the common accommodation options available along the Sar Pass trek route:

1. Guesthouses/Homestays: Along the trek, you may come across small villages or settlements where basic guesthouses or homestays are available. These accommodations offer simple rooms or shared dormitories with basic amenities like beds, blankets, and sometimes attached or shared bathrooms. The facilities may vary from place to place, but they generally provide a roof over your head and a place to rest.

2. Camping: Camping is an integral part of the Sar Pass trek experience. Trekking operators usually provide tents for accommodation during the trek. Trekkers camp at designated campsites along the route, where they set up their tents for the night. These campsites are often located in scenic areas with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Camping allows you to connect with nature and experience the serenity of the Himalayas.

It's important to note that the accommodation options during the Sar Pass trek are basic and may not offer luxurious amenities. Facilities like electricity, hot water, or room service may not be available. It is advisable to carry your own sleeping bag and personal toiletries for comfort.

It's also worth mentioning that the availability of guesthouses/homestays and camping facilities may vary depending on the time of year and the specific trekking route chosen. During peak trekking seasons, such as spring and summer, when the weather is more favorable, accommodation options may be more readily available. However, during the off-season or in remote sections of the trek, camping may be the primary option.

When planning the Sar Pass trek, it is recommended to book through a reputable trekking operator who can arrange the necessary accommodations along the route. They can provide more detailed information on the available accommodation options and make the necessary arrangements to ensure a comfortable trekking experience.

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Sar pass trek

The Sar Pass Trek is one of the beautiful thrilling and adventurous trek in Parvati Valley, Sar pass is located 14,000 feet above sea level. It is one of Himachal Pradesh's most famous trek. For this Trek no prior experience is necessary. The Sar Pass trek starts from Kasol and ends at Barshaini.

A 42 km Trek leads to Sar Pass in Himachal Pradesh. The trekking routes pass through pine forests, snow-covered mountains, stunning meadows, and some of the most breathtaking scenery. The Sar Pass trek allows you to discover the Himalayas' untamed and unusual flora. A sight to be noticed is pink rhododendrons painting the paths at numerous locations

One of the best trek for novice trekkers is the Sar Pass trek. This is the native word for lake. Because trekker must pass via a glacier lake, this journey is called Sar, The Sar Pass trek is located near Kasol, Parvati valley. Trekkers can experience a variety of landscapes along the Sar Pass trekking trail, including woods, adorable Garahan villages, meadows, and snow-capped mountains.

You can take in the beautiful vistas of the stunning snow-capped peaks on this trek. The trek officially begins in Grahan near Kasol, a town renowned for its lovely evergreen forest and mountain streams. The Sar Pass walk is rated as simple to moderate in difficulty.

This walk is appropriate for families, school groups, and beginners. This Trek is simple to complete the first time.

Best Time To Visit Sar Pass Trek:

May through October are ideal for the Sar Pass walk because the skies are clear, and you can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic vista. The weather is erratic from October through December, and the paths will be heavily snowed. Therefore, the walk is typically not organized by companies at this time.

Short Itinerary

Day 00: arrival in kasol:, day 01: kasol to grahan village:, day 02: grahan to min thach:, day 03: min thach to nagaru:, day 04: nagaru - sar pass - bishkeri:, day 05: bishkeri to barshaini to manikaran/kasol:, detail itinerary.

Kasol city

Day 00: Entry into Kasol

Once you get to Kasol, book a hotel, a homestay, or camping. You can stroll around, go shopping, make trip preparations, or even go to Manikaran.

Trekking to Grahan cMp

Day 01:  Kasol to Grahan village

  • Altitude: 1,700 m to 2,350 m 
  • Distance: 10 km  
  • Time taken: 4-5 hours

We will begin the trip from Kasol after a quick breakfast. The walk passes through waterfalls, streams, and dense, beautiful forests. The trail is easy at first, but soon it will encounter difficulties, including a rocky, steep road and a crossing of the Grahan Nallah. The trail gets steep as we move closer to the Grahan Settlement, and we can see the village.

The Rhododendron trees encircle the campsite in Grahan, which is close to the hamlet. The settlement of Grahan is hundreds of years old. Near the camp are charming traditional homes where one can spend lovely evenings and capture locals on camera.

Evening view  from min thach

Day 02: Grahan to Min Thach

  • Altitude: 2,350 m to 3,400 m 
  • Distance: 7 km  

After breakfast, we will continue our 7-hour trip from Grahan to Min Thach (our next campsite). The residents typically transport their animals to higher pastures along the trail to Min Thach. The route has various plants and animals, including birds, insects, etc. The trail gets steeper and enters the trees as we climb higher.

A meadow-like area of land is accessible from the forest's trail. The flat rocks surround the mound on which the Min Thach is situated. This camp has beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Trek to sar pass

Day 03: Min Thach to Nagaru

  • Altitude: 3,400 m to 3,800 m 
  • Distance: 8 km  
  • Time taken: 4-6 hours

We will continue our hike to Nagaru after an early breakfast. The route to Nagaru is moderately challenging and time-consuming as it ascends through pastoral woodlands to snow-covered meadows. As you climb higher, the air gets thinner, and you may experience mild symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache and lightheadedness. Do as instructed by your trek leader or guide, and continue to drink enough fluids to prevent AMS.

Heights. Due to the blustery winds, it is the coldest campsite of the entire walk. At night, the temperature might fall below zero. One would enjoy breathtaking views of majestic mountains across the Parvati Valley once they arrived at the Nagaru campground. At this lovely campsite, take in the sunset's colorful painting of the sky and the starry night.

Sar pass

Day 04: Nagaru - Sar Pass - Bishkeri

  • Altitude: 3800-4200-3350 meters above sea level 
  • Distance: 14 km 
  • Time taken: 6-8 hours

The longest and most important day of the Sar Pass Trek is today. We will begin our uphill, snow-covered walk after an early-morning breakfast. The trail is easy after ascending the Nagaru Ridge. A breathtaking view of Parvati valley's lovely meadows and soaring hills may be had by climbing higher to the pass. When you reach the summit of the Sar Pass, you can enjoy the delight of seeing the trail below and the impressive snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas. One might take their picnic lunch and spend some time at the Sar Pass snapping pictures.

The most excellent part of this walk is a terrific slope that is perfect for sliding after the pass and takes one a kilometer far in a matter of minutes. After that, continue your hike till you reach Bishkeri Thach by descending on softer slopes through rhododendron woods. The lush green meadows, wildflowers, and variety of birds at Bishkeri can re-energize your body and mind after a long, exhausting day. You will spend the night at the Bishkeri campground.

Nagru campsite

Day 05: Bishkeri to  Barshaini to  Manikaran/Kasol

  • Altitude: 3,350 m to 2,400 m 

 are both uphill and downhill sections of the path from Bishkeri to Barshaini. On this route, one must take each sloped step with caution. Once more, moving slowly and steadily will make it easier to approach the road ahead. The trail will pass by numerous small creeks. You will arrive at Pulga village after a few hours of beautiful jungle trekking. After that, take a short walk to Tulga village. To get to Barshaini, cross the Parvati River and then continue climbing for a while. You can take a taxi or a bus from Barshaini to Manikaran/Kasol.

Inclusion And Exclusion

Inclusions:-  .

  • From Day 1 to Day 4, all stays will be in shared tents.
  • All meals are provided from Day 1 Lunch through Day 5 Breakfast. All of Trek's meals will be vegetarian.
  • Knowledgeable local workers who are skilled and familiar with the route. 
  • While on the Trek, restrooms, dining, and kitchen tents will be used.
  • Cooks and helpers for lugging supplies like food, tents, utensils, and groceries
  • Transportation from Barshaini to Kasol on Day 5
  • All hike necessities are provided
  • Accommodations: sleeping bags, mats, tents, etc.
  • Safety gear includes a portable oxygen cylinder, micro spikes, gaiters, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Permit with camping and forest fees included.


  • Stay in Kasol. 
  • The GST taxes (5%) are not included in the Trek as mentioned above costs.
  • Requirements for oneself
  • Gear, such as trekking poles and gumboots
  • nsurance - Personal and travel insurance
  • Beverages: Mineral water bottles and other bottled or tinned drinks
  • Snacks: protein or nutrition bars, chocolate, dry fruits, or dry fruit.
  • Amusement - Camera or drone fees
  • decisio Once you reach the beginning point of your Trek, you will not be eligible for a refund, rescheduling, or replacement for any services that you have not used due to "force majeure" or personal decision.
  • The guest will be responsible for paying any additional expenses brought on by modifications to government guidelines for travel, expeditions, or COVID-19.
  • Anything that needs to be listed as being included.

sar pass trek difficulty level

Fitness Required

Essential things to carry, things to be carried for sar pass trek.

  • Jeans / trekking pants /2/3, Shirts / T-shirts /2/3
  • A decent-quality windproof jacket (no flimsy windcheaters, please!) preferred to have a hood
  • A wool sweater with full sleeves and a warm fleece.
  • Thermal inner clothing (upper and lower), a scarf, and a muffler (optional)
  • Wool socks, a wool cap, wool gloves, and ordinary socks (3-4 pairs)
  • Comfy hiking or trekking shoes (Waterproof shoes with a thick sole are recommended)
  • Lightweight slippers, sandals, and floaties
  • Use a Poncho or raincoat small towel to dry quickly
  • A strong water bottle (no empty Bisleri bottles, please).
  • Cap or hat to shield your face from the harsh sun
  • Polarized/UV-protective sunglasses, a trekking pole and a walking stick
  • A torch or flashlight, lip balm, and sunscreen lotion (with extra batteries)
  • Medication, if a specific prescription is needed
  • Personal care products
  • Hand Sanitizer

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Is the Sar Pass hike simple?

A:  The Sar Pass is located 14,000 feet above sea level. It is one of Himachal Pradesh's simpler treks. For this Trek in Himachal, no prior experience is necessary.

Q: Is the trek to Sar Pass worthwhile?

A:  Beginners also can choose the trek to Sar Pass. It is suitable for individuals who desire to explore various terrains. This trail provides hikers with a variety of experiences, including forests, meadows, cute villages, and snow-capped mountains.

Q: Can we trek to Sar Pass alone?

A:  Yes, with help from Kasol, you may complete Sar Pass independently. The price is less high if there are 5 to 10 people at your party, but the cost increases if you travel alone with a guide.

Q: What are the allowed ages, both minimum and maximum?

A:  The age requirement is nine years old. However, children between the ages of 9 and 17 should travel with a parent or legal guardian. If you are above 60, kindly bring a doctor's note stating that you are well enough to engage in adventurous activities like hiking.

Our Terms & Conditions

At Broza Adventures, we are glad to take you on our adventurous trips. When it comes to booking tickets, please make sure that you read the below-given Terms and Conditions so that there is confusion in the future.

You can book your tickets with us over email, telephone, or simply by online transaction through our website. However, before making any payment make sure that you reach out to us to confirm that there is gladly available for you in the team.

Terms and Conditions:-

• Booking form- While filling up the application form, make sure you provide all the details correctly which should be complete and true.

• Late Booking of the tickets- There is no extra charge for late booking but you have to make your payment in full while you are looking for any of the trips with Broza Adventures.

• Payment and deposit money- Along with the booking application form, you will have to make a payment of 25%of for the trip per person. The balance money can be paid once on the arrival or before departure. The money shall be sent through bank transfer to our account, the details of which will be provided to you.

• Booking confirmation - Once we have received your advance money, we will reserve your seat on our team and we will make all the necessary arrangements for the trip and send you the confirmation in writing.

• Changes in information

In case there is any change that affects the information that you have provided in the application form then you must immediately inform us through mail or telephone. Failure to do so may result in the levy of extra charges by the government authorities which should be borne by you.

• Baggage and Luggage

We always advise the trekkers and travelers to carry as less things as possible as it makes your trip super smooth and easy. You should make all your efforts to make sure that your baggage weight does not cross 15kg. In case you carry more than the prescribed limits then you shall be responsible for the extra charges of the porter.

• Forced Cancellation

In case there is any war, riot, or dispute in the country or any terrorist attack, abnormal weather conditions, or natural disaster then in that case we will have to change or even cancel your travel arrangements and we will not pay you the compensation for the same.

• Cancellation Charges and refund policy

In case you want to cancel your bookings then it must be communicated to us in writing. However, if you are canceling your trekking booked by you before the period of 30 days of trekking then there will be a 5% deduction from the total cost tour.

If you are canceling the trek between 15-30 of the trekking date then 50% of the amount shall be deducted.

In case of cancellation in less than 15 days of the trek then there will be no cash refund from our side.

• Self-responsibility

We accept your booking on the assumption that you are physically and mentally prepared for trekking and other adventurous activities. You must accept all the risks that may be involved. In case of any medical conditions or any serious ailment, you must inform us before the booking. We reserve the right to refuse your booking in case your medical conditions are really serious.

• Insurance

We at Broza Adventures, expect that you are covered by proper insurance during the time of your trip with us. Please make sure that your insurance policy includes medical expenses, injury expenses, or even death.

• Problems or Complaints

In case you face any problem or if you have any complaint during the trip then you can at any time inform this to our leaders who will be leading you and your problems will be solved without any delay. 

All the interested trekkers are expected to read the above-mentioned terms and conditions properly and understand them properly before paying the trekking fee. During the road journey and other adventure treks, the participants are advised to follow all the safety measures as will be mentioned by our team. Also, you must take care of all the equipment that is issued to you by Broza Adventures at the start of the journey, failing which you will be liable for the losses.

You can also reach out to us in case you want any more information regarding the trek.

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Sar pass Trek 2023

  • Trip Nature: Trekking
  • Activities: Adventure
  • Group Size: 20
  • Left Size: 9
  • Departure Date: ["2023-04-01","2023-04-02","2023-04-03","2023-04-04","2023-04-05","2023-04-06","2023-04-07","2023-04-08","2023-04-09","2023-04-11","2023-04-13","2023-04-15","2023-04-16","2023-04-17","2023-04-18","2023-04-19","2023-04-20","2023-04-21","2023-04-22","2023-04-23","2023-04-24","2023-04-25","2023-04-26","2023-04-27","2023-04-28","2023-04-29","2023-04-30","2023-05-01"]

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Trip highlights.

The Sar Pass Trek offers a wide range of experiences, from trekking through dense forests and meadows to crossing gushing streams and camping under the stars. Some of the highlights of the trek include:

Kasol Kasol ,also called Mini Israel of India is a small village in the Parvati Valley and the starting point of the Sar Pass Trek. The village is known for its scenic beauty, hippie culture, vibrant markets, tasty cafes, and much more. Grahan Village Grahan Village is a beautiful hamlet situated at an altitude of 7,700 feet above sea level. The village offers picturesque views of the Parvati Valley and is known for its apple orchards and traditional architecture. Min Thach Min Thach is a serene meadow situated at an altitude of 11,500 feet above sea level. The meadow is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and is an ideal place to camp for the night. Nagaru Nagaru is a high altitude campsite situated at an altitude of 12,500 feet above sea level. The campsite offers stunning views of the Himalayan ranges and is a perfect place to witness the sunrise and sunset. Sar Pass Sar Pass is the highest point of the trek, situated at an altitude of 13,800 feet above sea level. The pass offers panoramic views of the Himalayan ranges and is covered with snow throughout the year. Biskeri Thach Biskeri Thach is a beautiful campsite situated at an altitude of 11,000 feet above sea level. The campsite is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and offers stunning views of the Parvati Valley. Tips for Trekking in Sar Pass Trek Trekking in the Sar Pass Trek requires proper preparation and planning. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Carry sufficient warm clothing and trekking gear. Stay hydrated and carry enough water bottles

Experience Which you will Get on Sar Pass Trek :-

Trekking through the serene forests of pine, oak, and deodar, offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Crossing the raging Parvati river and its tributaries on foot over makeshift bridges, which requires careful navigation and offers an adrenaline rush.

Camping in scenic locations like Grahan, Min Thach and Nagaru, where you can witness stunning sunsets and starry skies.

Reaching the summit of Sar Pass, which offers panoramic views of the snow-clad Himalayan peaks and valleys.

Scenic Trail: The trek takes you through some of the most scenic trails in the Himalayas, offering stunning views of the snow-covered mountains, valleys, and waterfalls.

Charming Villages: The trek takes you through charming villages, where you can interact with the locals and learn about their way of life.

Snow-Covered Mountains: The trek takes you through snow-covered mountains, where you can enjoy the thrill of walking on snow.

Campsites: The trek offers several campsites where you can spend the night, enjoying the beauty of the Himalayas under the stars.

Adventure: The trek offers several adventure activities such as river crossing, rappelling, and rock climbing, which add to the thrill of the trek.

Trek Overview

Sar pass trek: a mesmerizing himalayan adventure.

Are you an adventure lover looking for a thrilling trekking experience in the Himalayas? If so, the Sar Pass Trek is the perfect destination for you. The Sar Pass Trek is a popular trek in the Parvati Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India, which offers breathtaking views of the snow-clad Himalayan ranges. This article is your ultimate guide to exploring the beauty of the Sar Pass Trek.

The Sar Pass trek is a moderate to difficult level trek, spanning over 5-6 days, and covering a distance of approximately 35 kilometers. The trek starts from the quaint village of Kasol and takes you through the dense forests, gushing streams, and lush green meadows of the Parvati Valley. The highlight of the trek is the Sar Pass, located at an altitude of 13,800 feet, which offers a panoramic view of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks.

The best time to visit Sar Pass is from April to June and September to November when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear.

To make the most of your Sar Pass trekking experience, it is essential to pack appropriately, carry sufficient water and food supplies, and wear comfortable trekking shoes. It is also crucial to respect the local culture and environment and leave no trace behind.

Best Time to Visit Sar Pass Trek The best time to visit the Sar Pass Trek is from the month of April to Month of June and then from September to November. During these months, the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear, offering a clear view of the snow-capped mountains. However, if you want to witness the snowfall, December to February is the ideal time to visit. Difficulty Level of Sar Pass Trek The Sar Pass Trek is considered a moderate to challenging trek. The trail includes steep climbs, slippery slopes, and narrow ridges, making it a challenging trek even for experienced trekkers. However, with proper physical fitness and mental preparation, anyone can complete this trek. The trek can be done by both novice and experienced trekkers, with proper preparation and guidance from a professional trekking agency. Short Itinerary for Sar Pass Trek Day 1: Kasol to Grahan Village Day 2: Grahan Village to Min Thach Day 3: Min Thach to Nagaru Day 4: Nagaru Campsite to Biskeri Thach Camp Site via Sar Pass Day 5: Biskeri Thach to Barshaini.

In conclusion, the Sar Pass trek is an exhilarating experience that should not be missed by anyone seeking adventure in the lap of nature. With its stunning landscapes, challenging trails, and unique culture, Sar Pass trek is sure to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime

Select Package Option

Day 1 : kasol to grahan village.

Altitude: 1,700 m to 2,350 m

Distance: 10 km

Time taken: 4-5 hours

Follow the marked trail through forests and along the Grahan nalah

Look for makeshift stalls selling refreshments like tea, omelets, and rhododendron syrup

Climb uphill away from the right bank of the river

After a steep climb of about an hour, arrive at the village of Grahan

Accommodation available in guest houses and camping ground

Day 2: Grahan to Min Thach

Altitude: 2,350 m to 3,400 m

Distance: 7 km

Follow the trail north from Grahan, which climbs up gently

Enter a dense forest with little sunlight

The trail becomes steeper and confusing in places

The forest opens up to a grassy patch on a ridge called Min Thach

Enjoy the view of Chanderkhani and other ranges to the north-west

To the south-east, find a seasonal vendorā€™s hut and a tap with potable water

Camp for the night, protected from strong winds by the ridge

Dig a trench around the tents to allow natural drainage of water in case of rain, hail, or snow

Day 3: Min Thach to Nagaru

Altitude: 3,400 m to 3,800 m

Distance: 8 km

Time taken: 4-6 hours

Start early to avoid slippery snow later in the day

Follow the trail that veers up to the south and goes into the woods

Depending on the weather, watch out for snow

Come to a rocky ridge overlooking a grassy meadow down in the distance

The path goes up the ridge to the cliffs atop which Nagaru sits

After a hundred meters, the tree-line ends and gives way to patches of grass and shrubs

Exercise caution while trekking in snow and rely on a guide and a trekking pole

Proper technique: dig into the snow with your toes, establish a firm foothold, and then put the other foot ahead in the same fashion

After a couple of hours, reach a welcoming patch for camping

Day 4: Nagaru to Sar Pass and Biskeri Thach

Altitude: 3,800 m to 4,220 m to 3,500 m

Distance: 14 km

Time taken: 10-11 hours

Start early to reach Sar Pass before the snow gets too soft

Climb up the ridge-line, and follow the markers

Keep left of the pass, for the right side is very steep and may be slippery

After crossing the pass, descend to Biskeri Thach

Camp near the forest guest house or in the open, depending on the weather

Day 5: Biskeri Thach to Barshaini

Altitude: 3,500 m to 2,500 m

Distance: 12 km

Time taken: 6-7 hours

Follow the trail through the forest, and cross the stream

Reach Pulga, a village with a temple and a waterfall nearby

Trek along the left bank of the Parvati River, through Nakthan and from Barshaini, Then Drive back to Kasol

Trip Policies

  • Cancellation Policy

If the user wishes to cancel any booking due to any reason whatsoever, the same shall be only valid if SAR OUTDOORS is notified of the cancellation in writing on its official address or via e-mail, at least 15 days before the commencement of the trip or adventure activity. Any refund due to the user, natural calamity, road blocks will be subject to cancellation charges by SAR OUTDOORS... Read More

Refunds Policy

  • If the cancellation request is received before 30 days from the commencement of the trip, the whole amount paid for the trip will be refunded.
  • If the cancellation request is received between 15 to 30 days from the commencement of the trip, 50% of the trip cost shall be refunded.
  • In cases where the cancellation request is not received before 15 days from the commencement of the trip SAR OUTDOORS shall not be liable to pay any refund.

What is the level of Difficulty in Sar Pass Trek?

When is the best time to do the sar pass trek, what is the duration of the sar pass trek, what is the maximum altitude reached during the sar pass trek, what is the accommodation like during the sar pass trek, what should i pack for the sar pass trek, can i do the sar pass trek solo, is there mobile network coverage during the sar pass trek, what is the package cost of sar pass trek.


What is the Kedarkantha trek height?

The Kedarkantha trek height is about 3,810 meters, which is approximately 12,500 ft. high. The trek is a perfect 20 KM long trail where you can witness the beguiling beauties of the Himalayas and feast the eyes with snow-covered pathways. The route is arched with the alpine thickets and the wide array of fauna and fauna are a plus to its beauty.

As the trek height is quite high it gets cold as soon as the altitude increases and the oxygen supply also drops. If you are planning a visit to this high altitude make sure that you are not suffering from any breathing problems!

Trip Review

Is there any safety issue in sar pass trek .

Our Destination expert will be happy to help you resolve your queries for this tour.

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  • Verified Reviews --> Expertise in organizing and managing travel adventures in India.
  • 10000+ Tours and Activities --> Diverse range of activities tailored to your preferences.
  • Customer Delight --> Experienced and knowledgeable guides for a safe and enriching experience.
  • Customer Delight --> Emphasis on safety and security with strict standards and trained guides.
  • Customer Delight --> Customized itineraries to match your interests.
  • Customer Delight --> Commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism practices.
  • Customer Delight --> Excellent customer service from start to finish.
  • Customer Delight --> Competitive pricing without compromising on quality.

Choose SAR Outdoors for an unforgettable adventure in India

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Variant Description

The inclusions in the Sar Pass Trek package are as follows:

  • Accommodation in tents or guesthouses during the trek.
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek.
  • Experienced trekking guide and support staff.
  • Camping equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, and mattresses.
  • Kitchen equipment and utensils.
  • All necessary permits and fees.
  • Transportation from the starting point to the base camp and back.
  • Medical kit with basic first-aid supplies.
  • Briefing and orientation session before the trek.

It is important to carefully review the inclusion and exclusion of the package before booking to ensure that you have a comfortable and hassle-free trekking experience.

  • --> Verified Reviews --> 10000+ Tours and Activities --> Diverse range of activities tailored to your preferences. --> Customer Delight --> Experienced and knowledgeable guides for a safe and enriching experience. --> Customer Delight --> Emphasis on safety and security with strict standards and trained guides. --> Customer Delight --> Customized itineraries to match your interests. --> Customer Delight --> Commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism practices. --> Verified Reviews --> Expertise in organizing and managing travel adventures in India. --> Customer Delight --> Excellent customer service from start to finish. --> Customer Delight --> Competitive pricing without compromising on quality. -->