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The 7 Best Free Live Website Traffic Tracking Tools


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If you run your own website, it's important to know who's on your website right now. That's why you need real-time visitor tracking.

Let's have a look at why website visitor tracking is important and which tools you can use on your site.

The Benefits of Live Website Visitor Tracking

Live website visitor tracking (a sub-set of web analytics), gives you a way to instantly see what people are doing on your site in real-time.

Depending on the tool you use, some of the benefits include:

  • Knowing if your new content is immediately popular.
  • Information about which social media posts/networks are driving visitors.
  • Insight into how a visitor travels through your site.
  • See which products and sales deals are garnering the most attention.
  • Real-time notifications if a particular person/company visits your site.
  • Learn which pages generate the most sales leads.

Visitor Tracking on Other Sites

Before we dive into the tools, a quick note about website visitor tracking on sites you don't own.

Any tool which claims to be able to show you live data on third-party sites is not being truthful. Sites like Alexa can give you a few clues about the headline visitor numbers, but no external tool can see a site's real-time visitors without the owner's consent.

Okay, let's have a look at some web visitor tracking tools.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most well-known website visitor tracking tool. The app has many different features, but for the sake of today's rundown, we're only interested in Real-Time.

If you use Real-Time, you will be able to use event tracking to monitor the usage of your site's mobile app, watch the performance of any promotions you're running, and monitor your goals in line with site changes.

Google Analytics is entirely free to use. To get set up, you need to add a tracking code to your site. You can manually place the code after the <head> tag on each page you want to track. Some backends such as WordPress offer plugins that'll add the code automatically.

Check out our Google Analytics guide if you are a complete beginner and not sure where to start.

2. Live Traffic Feed

You might not need the complexity that Google Analytics offers. Although anyone can use it, it may be overkill if your site doesn't have huge amounts of traffic.

For a more straightforward way to check how many visitors are on your website right now, you could consider using the free Live Traffic Feed tool. It provides a live feed of people who visit your site. The data includes the visitor's location and the page they viewed.

To use Live Traffic Feed, you can either grab the HTML code and paste it into your site manually or download the WordPress plugin. There are several customization options, including color , time zone , counters , size , and more.

For the tool to work correctly, you need to make sure it is in the top 30 percent of your site's page. If it is below the 30 percent line, it will only update in real-time for three minutes. You will need to refresh the page to reactivate it.

Note: Anyone who visits your site will be able to see the live feed. Don't use the tool if that makes you uncomfortable.

3. Hitsteps

Hitsteps specializes in real-time website visitor tracking.

From the main dashboard, you can see which country the visitor is in, how they found you, what page they are looking at, which browser they are using, which operating system they are using, and a whole lot more.

And if a visitor fills out a form on your site (like a newsletter subscription, a comment, or a contact form), Hitsteps can automatically connect the visitor's identity to the person's form details. It allows you to build up a more complete picture of who is visiting your site.

Other Hitsteps features include keyword analytics, cross-device tracking, website heatmaps, a page speed analysis, and real-time ad blocker detection.

The free version of Hitsteps is available to sites with fewer than 2,000 monthly visitors. For 10,000 per month, it costs $4.99. The top plan costs $49.99 and supports up to one million visitors.

4. Whos.Amung.Us

Whos.Amung.Us is one of the best free website visitor tracking tools. Even though it's free, the tool will be enough for most users. It supports unlimited page views, unlimited visitors, and an infinite number of websites.

Different widgets are available. You can add a live map to your site or choose from a selection of visitor counters widgets. To install the widget on your site, you need to copy and paste the HTML code from the Whos.Amung.Us website.

You need to insert it onto every site that you want to track; it is not enough to only run it on your homepage. As an added bonus, the tool is ad-supported.

5. Watch Them Live

Watch Them Live is a real-time analysis and user behavior tracking tool. You get access to the basics, such as visitors, page views, sessions, referrers, and user segmentation, but can also enjoy some more powerful features that help the app stand out.

These features include session replays (so you can see a re-run of every action visitors performed on your site and their journey through your content) and heat mapping (giving you insight on which areas of your site are receiving the most clicks).

The free plan covers 5,000 page views per month, plus 5,000 visitor events tracking and 5,000 video replays. Paid plans start at $9/month.

Clicky lets you track website visitors in real-time. You can use it to track individual visitors and their per-session actions, view visitor locations on a map and see other data such as operating system, browser, ISP, language, and even the visitor's screen resolution.

There are also some non-live features such as Google Search ranking data, HTTPS tracking, website heatmaps, and an uptime monitor.

Clicky's free plan lets you track one site with a maximum of 3,000 daily page views. The pro plan increases the limit to one million views.

7. Web-Stat

The Web-Stat homepage doesn't look too impressive, but don't let that put you off. The tool can record all the visitors to your website—not just the ones who have JavaScript enabled.

In addition to the real-time stats, Web-Stat can show details of individual visitors, precisely measure the duration of visits (rather than extrapolating the data from a sample), see visitors click-paths and conversions, and measure your referrals.

Web-Stat is also worth considering if you are a privacy fanatic. Unlike services like Google Analytics—which shares your data with third parties and uses it for targeted advertising, Web-Stat does not sell or release any of your data.

Other Ways to Monitor Your Website

The seven tools we have discussed will all help you to gain a deeper understanding of how your website is performing and how your visitors interact with the content.

But these tools are just one part of the puzzle. If you would like to learn about some other options, remember you can also increase engagement with Facebook widgets and other similar tools.

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How to Build Website visitor counter in JavaScript with code

In this article, we will build a website visitor counter app with the following functionalities :

  • Display the total number of visits on the page.
  • Functionality to reset the number of visits on button click.
  • Increment the count on refresh and future visits.

We will first start with creating HTML structure and then integrated it with JavaScript functionality which is followed by adding CSS styles.

1. Create <div> container to visitor count using HTML code

The title text is added to HTML file by adding wrapping it in <div></div>. In addition, we need to add another <div></div> with class “ website-counter ” with empty content for displaying visitor count using JavaScript.

2. DOM querySelector() to match the container using JavaScript

The next step is to use document.querySelector() to match the HTML element with the class “website-counter” and assign it to a variable for future DOM manipulation operations. Learn more about querySelector from developer.mozilla.org/Document/querySelector .

3. Retrieve visitor count using LocalStorage.getItem()

Now we retrieve the previous value of website visitor count from localStorage by using the localStorage.getItem() method by passing key “page_view” as a parameter. The value is stored in localStorage of the web browser and persists the data beyond a single session. Learn more about localStorage and its methods from tiny.cloud/blog/javascript-localstorage/ .

4. Initialize visitor count to 1 in localStorage if entry is not found

The localStorage entry is absent during first user session, hence localStorage.getItem(“page_view”) will return undefined . This case is handled by initializing the visitCount to 1 and adding the entry using localStorage.setItem(“”) with “page_view” as the key.

5. Increment visitor count and update the localStorage

On the contrary previous scenario, if an entry for the “page_view” key is already present , the retrieved String value is converted to a number datatype using Number(). The previous session visitCount is then incremented and the value is updated in localStorage.

6. Display visitor count on page using element.innerHTML

Once the correct value of visitCount is determined, it needs to be rendered on the screen . This is accomplished by assigning the visitCount variable to element.innerHTML . The .innerHTML property on selected DOM element allows HTML code to be added inside selected DOM element . As a result, the HTML code of the webpage will be updated to display the website visitor count. Learn more about element.innerHTML from developer.mozilla.org/Element/innerHTML .

7. Implement Reset functionality triggered by button click

Now that visitor count is implemented, we need to add a reset button to allow users to reset the counter back to 1 . The first step is to include the HTML code for the reset button and match the button using DOM querySelector() similar to “website-counter” .

The selected DOM element is attached with a click event listener to trigger the reset handler function. The website visitor count is reset by reinitializing visitCount to 1 and updating the value in localStorage. The visitor count is updated on the screen using element.innerHTML similar to previous step .

8. Add CSS Styles to website visitor counter

Once all the functionalities of the website visitor counter are implemented, it is now time to add CSS styles to the app in order to add a professional look and improve usability . The CSS file is then linked to the HTML webpage by using the <link> tag .

Refer Final code section below for the styles.css code.

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For your website or blog.

Add W3Counter to your site to learn about your visitors, build a following, increase sales and track your growth along the way.

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See where they live, what languages they speak, and what kinds of devices they browse your site on

Follow In Their Footsteps

See who's recently visited your site, where they're located, and exactly what path they took through your website.

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Easily identify your key traffic sources and exactly what content they're looking for on your website.

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  Meet the Widgets

Add widgets to your website with just a click: popups, lead capture forms, attention bars, social media buttons and custom contact forms.

Get More Customers

Offer a coupon just as someone's leaving your site with a promotion popup, or highlight your free shipping special with a promotion bar.

Get More Subscribers

Pop up a newsletter signup form when someone's scrolled to the end of an article and is ready for more, or add a floating opt-in bar to the top or bottom of your entire site.

Fully Customizable

Every widget perfectly matches your design with custom colors, background images, positioning and text.

Zero Coding Required

Any of these widgets can be added to your site in just a click, powered by the same bit of code W3Counter already uses to track your traffic.

  Promotion Popup

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  Contact Form

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  Promotion Bar

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  Email Opt-In Bar

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  Email Opt-In Popup

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  • W3Counter Branding on Widgets
  • 6 Months of Data
  • 10 Published Widgets
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Google Sites Visitor Counter widget


Google Sites Visitor Counter widget

Embed Visitor Counter on Google Sites with the Elfsight widget

Visitor Counter for Google Sites is a simple widget which lets you to control your number of visitors and the most popular pages viewed within specific interval of time. Basic metrics are now convenient to analyze without specific skills of coding or data analytics. Moreover, using it you can easily ensure the users you are trustworthy company and get much more leads. With our customizable stylish options and handy layouts, you can create the widget into your website just in a few clicks.

Make your e-commerce strategy more successful to have more leads with Visitor Counter

The widget offers practical and easy features, check some of them:

  • Use CTA buttons to guide site visitors towards conversion
  • Easy to manage with no specific skills of SEO and coding required
  • A great variety of time-intervals to count your metrics
  • useful layouts to organise all info in the accessible way
  • Light, Dark and Customizable color schemes to make the tool stylish the tool
  • Configure the font size and weight
  • Simply to implement even for non-tech users

You can explore what the widget is worth with the help of the demo

How to embed Visitor Counter to my Google Sites site?

Simply follow these steps presented below to add the tool.

  • Open our free editor and start forming your own widget. Determine the custom interface and options of the plugin and apply the edits.
  • Receive your unique code appearing in the box on Elfsight Apps. As soon as the generation of your personal plugin is complete, copy the personal code in the emerged window and keep it for later use.
  • Get started with using the tool on Google Sites homepage. Enter the code you’ve saved before into your homepage and save the adjustments.
  • You’re done! The integration is successfully performed. Go to your page to take a look at how’s the widget performing.

Supposing you experience some problems, have no hesitation to appeal to our support team. Our consultants are eager to resolve all the issues you might have with the plugin.

Is there a method for embedding Visitor Counter to my Google Sites site with no coding knowledge?

Elfsight company provides a Cloud solution that lets site owners generate a Visitor Counter plugin yourself, learn how uncomplicated the process is: Go to the live Editor to create a Visitor Counter widget you would like to integrate on your Google Sites website. Decide on one of the many premade templates and adapt the Visitor Counter settings, switch the layout and color scheme, add your content, with no coding knowledge. Save the settings you’ve made to Visitor Counter and obtain the installation code that can be included in your Google Sites website free of charge. With the help of our easy-to-use Editor every internet user can form a Visitor Counter section online and easily paste it to their Google Sites web page. There’s no need to get a paid subscription or enter your card credentials to access the service. If you run into any obstacles at any step, please feel free to address our technical support team.

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5 Best WordPress Visitor Counter Plugins in 2024

Are you looking for the best WordPress visitor counter plugin?

A website visitor counter plugin can show you and your audience the number of people who have visited a page or section of your website.

This is an excellent way of showing your website visitors how popular your content or product pages are. It helps new visitors trust your brand, and, as a result, you’re more likely to increase your website conversion rate .

But how do you track visitor counts in a way that’s honest, accurate, and easy to set up?

For that, you’ll need the right WordPress visitor counter plugin.

And that’s exactly what we’re going to cover today.

So gear up as we share with you the five best visitor counter plugins for WordPress.

First, let’s clarify what a visitor counter plugin is and why they’re such an effective marketing tool.

What Is a WordPress Visitor Counter Plugin?

WordPress visitor counter plugin lets you monitor the number of visitors and the most popular pages. It also allows you to display the statistics to your website visitors as a form of social proof to encourage them to engage with your site and improve conversions.

Why Use a WordPress Visitor Counter Plugin?

You’d want to use a visitor counter plugin for many reasons. Here are the top 3 advantages of adding this tool to your WordPress site:

1. Increase Brand Credibility

One of the biggest reasons for using a visitor counter plugin on your WordPress website is to build trust in your brand. It’s a well-known fact that most people don’t buy products or services the first time they visit a website.

But you may still want them to take other actions like signing up for your newsletter or allowing push notifications.

You can increase your odds of getting new visitors to take action on your site by showing them how popular your content is.

When people see how many others have visited a product page or blog post, they’ll be more likely to trust your brand and engage with it.

2. Boost Sales With FOMO

While it’s true that not everyone will make a purchase when they first visit your site, there are exceptions.

And one of the most powerful motivators for online consumers is the “fear of missing out” (FOMO).

FOMO marketing is a compelling psychological concept that comes from people feeling like they’re missing out on some benefit. If you show how many people have visited your product pages, other online consumers are likelier to feel FOMO and have the urge to buy your products.

As a result, you can expect more sales from popular product pages with high live visitor counts.

Check out this article for the best FOMO marketing examples that can help boost conversions .

3. Optimize Content with Data-Driven Decisions

Finally, you can use the data you get from your WordPress visitor counter plugin to make a better content marketing strategy .

By learning which posts and pages of your site are the most popular, you’ll get an idea of what your target audience is responding to. Then you can use that information to craft better content to attract even more qualified leads to your email list.

Again, these are only three advantages of using a WordPress visitor counter, but there are many others.

Now that you know why you should have a WordPress visitor counter plugin, let’s look at how you can make it happen.

Let’s turn to our five best visitor counters plugins for WordPress.

Best Visitor Counter Plugins for WordPress

1. trustpulse.

TrustPulse Home Screen

TrustPulse is hands down the best WordPress visitor counter plugin on the market. It allows you to quickly and easily create live visitor count notifications that leverage FOMO and boost conversions.

This is done with TrustPulse’s Visitor Analytics campaign.

It shows the number of people who’ve visited a page or a post checked out a product, seen a contest page, and more.

Here’s an example of what these kinds of notifications look like:

trustpulse visitor analytics demo-min

There are two big advantages to creating live visitor notifications for your website.

  • First, you can display these notifications across various pages and add a link to the notification itself. For example, users might see a notification like an example above when they read a blog post. Then they can click that message to be redirected to the popular landing page. And if your landing page is optimized to convert, you’ll get more people flooding your sales funnel.
  • Second, live visitor notifications are perfect for websites with little social proof but don’t want to use fake social proof to boost conversions. Instead, you can use a genuine form of social proof by displaying the number of people who visit a page or post (rather than the number of people who took action). That makes live visitor count notifications the best way for new sites to leverage social proof in an honest way.

And the best part is that with TrustPulse, you can design your notifications to match your brand’s look, voice, and style.

The entire campaign can be designed and installed in minutes with zero coding skills required.

Everything can be configured with drop-down menus, text input field boxes, or by activating a toggle switch:

This allows anyone to create the perfect live visitor count notifications in no time, regardless of their technical experience.

And that’s just one of the reasons why TrustPulse is the #1 social proof tool on the market.

Plus, it’s a fraction of the cost compared to the nearest competitors.

For more information on how TrustPulse stacks up to the competition, check out this helpful post: FOMO vs. UseProof vs. TrustPulse: Which Is Best for Social Proof?

Want to see TrustPulse in action for yourself? Sign up for your 100% risk-free TrustPulse account today!

2. MonsterInsights

Monsterinsights Home Page

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and a visitor counter plugin for optimizing your site’s content.

That’s because MonsterInsights syncs with your Google Analytics (and Google Search Console) to give you a complete analytics dashboard directly in the admin section of your WordPress site.

Not only are these reports more conveniently located (meaning you don’t have to log in and out of your Google Analytics account), but they’re much easier to digest.

With MonsterInsights, you get all the information you need at a glance, such as:

  • Bounce rates
  • Visitor locations
  • Visitor device
  • And much more

And, of course, you can easily see how many people are visiting your posts and pages.

With this information, you’ll understand what attracts your target audience to your site. And by setting up custom events, you can also better understand what types of content gets that audience to take action.

Then you can refine your content marketing strategy and optimize your site for even better performance.

Want to learn how? Check out this post to guide you through: How to Set Up WordPress Visitor Tracking: A Beginner’s Guide .

  • Syncs with Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Set up custom events
  • More user-friendly reports
  • Addons for eCommerce tracking
  • WooCommerce integrations for easier WordPress tracking
  • Valuable data for live visitor counts

All these features and more make MonsterInsights the best analytics plugin for WordPress.

Check out MonsterInsights today!

3. The Visitor Counter

the visitor counter plugin

As the name suggests, the Visitor Counter plugin shows the number of visitors who visit your posts or pages.

It’s a simple plugin that does exactly what it promises. You can gather unique data on your visitors and display that data on your WordPress site.

Plus, you can style your Visitor Counter widget to match your brand’s voice and style.

This includes changing aspects of your widget like:

  • Background and text colors
  • Border radius
  • Elements width

This gives you more control over how your widget looks, so it attracts just the right amount of attention.

Live Visitor Counter is a free WordPress visitor counter plugin to leverage FOMO on your site today!

  • Simple and easy to set up
  • Customizable widgets
  • Add to any page with short codes
  • Free to use

4. Advanced Page Visit Counter

Advanced Page Visit Counter Home Page

The Advanced Page Visit Counter plugin is a free but powerful tool that gives you detailed analytics on your site’s visitors.

With this WordPress visitor counter plugin, you can customize the frontend to blend in better with your website. And you’ll get valuable data, such as:

  • Total visits (by day, week, month, or year)
  • Browser traffic
  • Traffic source
  • Operating system
  • Real-time counter
  • Trending pages

You can also display some of this customer data on your product pages or posts to leverage social proof and build your site’s credibility.

And like other analytics plugins, you can use the information to optimize your content strategy to engage your target audience.

  • Fully customizable frontend
  • Gathers LOTS of data on your site’s traffic
  • Displays via short code for easier page placement
  • Quick setup that doesn’t require technical knowledge

A few 1-star reviews from the WordPress community claim that the plugin didn’t work.

It caused problems, didn’t track accurately or had hidden 401 errors.

5. WP Visitor Statistics

wp visitor statistics real time traffic plugin

WP Visitor Statistics is an analytics plugin that allows you to show live visitor counts.

It allows you to track valuable data across your WordPress website without using external services (like Google Analytics, for example).

It’s one of the more powerful tools we’ve found and is super easy to set up. With WP Visitor Statistics, you can create a dashboard in your WordPress admin area. The basic version includes:

  • Real-time statistics
  • Visitors and visitor location
  • User-friendly interface
  • GeoIP (by country)
  • Search engine queries

But with the advanced version of this plugin, you can use short codes to display live visitor counter widgets and other user information across your site.

Features of the PRO Version

  • Online counter
  • Widgets to display live counts
  • Short codes for various types of data
  • Email reports of statistics
  • Maps of visitor locations
  • Recent visitors by IP

The fact that this WordPress visitor counter plugin doesn’t use external tracking tools like Google Analytics is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, not using external tracking sources means your data is owned by you and can’t be used by other 3rd-party platforms (again, like Google).

On the other hand, it means the platform can’t leverage user data to make the product as powerful as competing services.

How To Add a Visitor Counter in WordPress?

Using TrustPulse, we’ll show you how to add a visitor counter to your WordPress website.

If you already do not have a TrustPulse account, Sign up for your 100% risk-free TrustPulse account today!

Let us begin with the tutorial, assuming you now have TrustPulse and are logged in to your dashboard.

Step 1 . In the TrustPulse dashboard, click the Create Campaign button.

Select Create Campaign to create a new campaign

Step 2 . Next, give a name to your campaign. For this example, we’re creating a campaign to “Show site wide page views.”

Step 3 . Then select the site for which you want to capture the visitor data.

Set the name of your campaign and what site will capture data

Step 4 . Remember to select Visitor Analytics from the available Campaign Types and click on the Next Step button .

Set Analytics campaign type

Step 5 . Now, you can customize the appearance and design of your campaign.

Analytics campaign type appearance settings

Step 6 . Optionally visit the Display Rules and update the setting Number of days to aggregate to change the time period used to count the displayed information.

Adjust the aggregated time for the On-Fire type campaign

Tip: If you only want to show analytics above a threshold, open Advanced Settings and set the number in Minimum Activity before displaying.

Step 7 . Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Step 8 . Lastly, click on the Publish button to launch your visitor counter campaign.

Which Is the Best WordPress Visitor Counter Plugin?

Now, you might be wondering, “Out of the options provided, which is the best website visitor counter plugin?”

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive tool to gather more data on your audience, then we’re confident that MonsterInsights is the tool for you.

That’s the most reliable analytics plugin for WordPress. MonsterInsights gives you all the power of Google tools to track your visitors (and your site’s performance) but delivers the information in

an easily digestible format.

This gives you faster access to the data you need to create better content for your audience.

If your goal is to use social proof to boost conversions, then TrustPulse is 100% the right tool for the job.

Not only is it the most powerful social proof plugin on the market, but it’s a fraction of the cost compared to competitors.

Plus, it allows you to use a variety of notifications, so you’re not just limited to live visitor counts (though you have that option, too).

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On Black Friday, product views and purchases on Amazon increased by 8% and 18% YoY, respectively.

The pandemic drove an extraordinary amount of traffic to the real estate industry. Consumer favorite zillow.com received 31% of traffic share, a 14% lead over its closest competitor realtor.com .

The New York Post is the top news & media site in the Northeast region of the U.S., with over 1.4B visits in 2020.

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Beyond Ozempic: New GLP-1 drugs promise weight loss and health benefits

Photo Illustration: An abstraction of semiglutide injectors

The next wave of obesity drugs is coming soon.

Drug companies are racing to develop GLP-1 drugs following the blockbuster success of Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic and Wegovy and Eli Lilly’s Mounjaro and Zepbound.

Some of the experimental drugs may go beyond diabetes and weight loss, improving liver and heart function while reducing side effects such as muscle loss common to the existing medications. At the 2024 American Diabetes Association conference in Orlando, Florida, researchers are expected to present data on 27 GLP-1 drugs in development.

“We’ve heard about Ozempic and Mounjaro and so on, but now we’re seeing lots and lots of different drug candidates in the pipeline, from very early-stage preclinical all the way through late-stage clinical,” said Dr. Marlon Pragnell, ADA’s vice president of research and science. “It’s very exciting to see so much right now.”

A large portion of the data presented comes from animal studies or early-stage human trials. However, some presentations include mid-to late-stage trials, according to a list shared by the organization.

Approval by the Food and Drug Administration is likely years away for most. Some of the drugs showcased could be available for prescription in the U.S. within the next few years.

“We’ve witnessed an unprecedented acceleration in the development of GLP drugs,” said Dr. Christopher McGowan, a gastroenterologist who runs a weight loss clinic in Cary, North Carolina. “We are now firmly entrenched in the era of the GLP.”

While the existing drugs are highly effective, new drugs that are more affordable and have fewer side effects are needed, McGowan added.

There aren’t just GLP-1 drugs in the pipeline. On Thursday, ahead of the diabetes conference, Denmark-based biotech firm Zealand Pharma released data that showed a high dose of its experimental weight loss drug petrelintide helped reduce body weight by an average of 8.6% at 16 weeks.

The weekly injectable medication is unique because it mimics the hormone amylin, which helps control blood sugar. The hope is patients will experience fewer side effects like nausea commonly associated with GLP-1 drugs such as Wegovy and Zepbound.

Can glucagon hormone help with weight loss?

GLP-1 medications work, in part, by slowing down how quickly food passes through the stomach, leading people to feel fuller longer. In several of the upcoming weight loss drugs, a different hormone called glucagon is in the spotlight. Glucagon is a key blood-sugar-regulating hormone that can mimic the effects of exercise.

One of the drugs featured at the conference on Sunday is called pemvidutide, from Maryland-based biotech firm Altimmune .

The drug contains the GLP-1 hormone, a key ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, in addition to glucagon.

Altimmune released data from a phase 2 trial of 391 adults with obesity or who are overweight with at least one weight-related comorbidity such as high blood pressure. Patients were randomized to either get one of three doses of pemvidutide or a placebo for 48 weeks.

Researchers found that patients who got the highest dose of the drug lost on average 15.6% of their body weight after 48 weeks, compared to the 2.2% body weight loss seen in patients who got a placebo. In similar trials, semaglutide was shown to reduce body weight by around 15% after 68 weeks.

These are not direct comparisons because the drugs weren’t compared in a head-to-head clinical trial.

Dr. Scott Harris, Altimmune’s chief medical officer, said the drug has been shown to help people lose weight, as well as provide health benefits to the liver and heart. What’s more, the drug has shown benefits in preserving lean body mass. Some studies have suggested that semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, can cause muscle loss.

“If people take the drugs long term, what’s going to be their long-term health? What’s going to be the long-term effects on their body composition, their muscle, their ability to function?” he said.

Harris said that people who got pemvidutide lost on average 21% of their lean body mass, which is lower than the around 25% of lean body mass people typically lose with diet and exercise.

“We’re the next wave of obesity drugs,” Altimmune President and CEO Vipin Garg said. “The first wave of mechanisms was all driven by appetite suppression. We are adding another component.”

Altimmune expects to begin a phase 3 trial soon. The company hopes the drug will be available in the U.S. sometime in 2028.

Competition could drive down costs

Expanding the number of weight loss drugs available is important for several reasons, experts say.

More options could also help alleviate the shortages seen in the U.S. with Novo Nordisk’s and Lilly’s weight loss drugs.

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Increased competition could drive down the high cost of the drugs over time. A month’s supply of Wegovy or Zepbound can cost more than $1,000, often financially untenable for many patients, experts say.

Patients can also respond differently to treatments, said Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, an associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In fact, some have found the existing GLP-1 options ineffective.

“Different GLP-1 drugs may have varying levels of efficacy and potency,” she said. “Some patients may respond better to one drug over another, depending on how their body metabolizes and responds to the medication.”

Since starting Ozempic in June 2022, Danielle Griffin has not seen the results her doctor predicted. “She really expected to see a huge difference in my weight, and I just never saw it,” said the 38-year-old from Elida, New Mexico. Griffin weighed about 300 pounds and has lost only about 10 pound in two years. She said her “expectations were pretty much shattered from that.”

Amid insurance battles and shortages, she has also tried Wegovy and Mounjaro, but didn’t see a difference in her weight.

“I don’t feel like there are options, especially for myself, for someone who the medications not working for.”

The prospect of new medications on the horizon excites Griffin. “I would be willing to try it,” she said, adding that “it could be life changing, honestly, and you know that alone gives me something to look forward to.”

More drugs in the pipeline

Eli Lilly, which makes Zepbound and the diabetes version Mounjaro, has two more GLP-1 drugs in development.

On Sunday, Lilly released new data about retatrutide, an injectable drug that combines GLP-1 and glucagon , plus another hormone called GIP. GIP is thought to improve how the body breaks down sugar.

In an earlier trial, retatrutide helped people lose, on average, about 24% of their body weight, the equivalent of about 58 pounds — greater weight loss than any other drug on the market.

New findings showed the weekly medication also significantly reduced blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.

On Saturday, there were also new findings on the experimental mazdutide, which Lilly has given permission to biotech firm Innovent Biologics to develop in China. The drug combines GLP-1 and glucagon.

In a phase 3 study of adults in China who were overweight or had obesity, researchers found that after 48 weeks, a 6-milligram dose of the drug led to an average body weight reduction of 14.4%.

The drug also led to a reduction in serum uric acid — a chemical that can build up in the bloodstream, causing health problems, and has been associated with obesity, according to Dr. Linong Ji, director of the Peking University Diabetes Center, who presented the findings.

That was “quite unique and never reported for other GLP-1-based therapies,” he said in an interview.

The drug could be approved in China in 2025, Ji said.

Improving metabolic conditions

An estimated 75% of people with obesity have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and 34% have MASH, or metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis, according to researchers with the German drugmaker Boehringer Ingelheim. Fatty liver disease occurs when the body begins to store fat in the liver . It can progress to MASH, when fat buildup causes inflammation and scarring.

In a phase 2 trial of people who were overweight or had obesity, Boehringer Ingelheim’s survodutide, which uses both GLP-1 and glucagon, led to weight loss of 19% at 46 weeks. Another phase 2 study in people with MASH and fibrosis found that 83% of participants also showed improvement in MASH.

Survodutide “has significant potential to make a meaningful difference to people living with cardiovascular, renal and metabolic conditions,” said Dr. Waheed Jamal, Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate vice president and head of cardiometabolic medicine.

On Friday, the company released two studies on the drug. One, in hamsters, found that weight loss was associated with improvements in insulin and cholesterol. The second, in people with Type 2 diabetes or people with obesity, found the drug helped improve blood sugar levels.  

The company is looking to begin a phase 3 trial.

CLARIFICATION (June 24, 2024, 2:31 p.m. ET): Innovent Biologics has entered into an exclusive licensed agreement with Eli Lilly for the development of mazdutide in China, not a partnership.

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Berkeley Lovelace Jr. is a health and medical reporter for NBC News. He covers the Food and Drug Administration, with a special focus on Covid vaccines, prescription drug pricing and health care. He previously covered the biotech and pharmaceutical industry with CNBC.

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Reporting by Alexandra Ulmer and Gram Slattery; additional reporting by Kristina Cooke and Ted Hesson; Editing by Anthony Esposito, Diane Craft and Nick Zieminski

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Alexandra covers the 2024 U.S. presidential race, with a focus on Republicans, donors and AI. Previously, she spent four years in Venezuela reporting on the humanitarian crisis and investigating corruption. She has also worked in India, Chile and Argentina. Alexandra was Reuters' Reporter of the Year and has won an Overseas Press Club award.

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Washington-based correspondent covering campaigns and Congress. Previously posted in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Santiago, Chile, and has reported extensively throughout Latin America. Co-winner of the 2021 Reuters Journalist of the Year Award in the business coverage category for a series on corruption and fraud in the oil industry. He was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College.

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