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Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 1985

Volkswagen Voyage

O preço do carro Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é de R$ 6.400 . Acesse a versão abaixo para detalhes.

1 Versão do Voyage 1985

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Anúncios de volkswagen voyage.

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Msi Total Comfortline

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Msi Total Comfortline

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC City (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC City (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Comfortline I-Motion (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 VHT Comfortline I-Motion (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage (G6) 1.0 TEC Total Flex

Volkswagen Voyage (G6) 1.0 TEC Total Flex

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC Trendline (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage 1.0 TEC Trendline (Flex)

Volkswagen Voyage a venda


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Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 1985

Consulte o preço médio do volkswagen voyage 1985, selecione uma versão do volkswagen voyage 1985, consulte outros anos do volkswagen voyage.

Preços de R$6,616 a R$6,616

Preços de R$6,668 a R$11,077

Preços de R$7,312 a R$11,826

Preços de R$7,585 a R$14,225

Preços de R$8,272 a R$16,698

Preços de R$8,522 a R$19,520

Preços de R$8,956 a R$20,340

Preços de R$11,204 a R$20,849

Preços de R$11,485 a R$23,417

Preços de R$9,246 a R$25,064

Preços de R$24,127 a R$27,212

Preços de R$25,419 a R$29,087

Preços de R$28,246 a R$30,543

Preços de R$29,699 a R$33,222

Preços de R$33,350 a R$36,126

Preços de R$37,037 a R$39,647

Preços de R$38,410 a R$42,676

Preços de R$40,560 a R$52,013

Preços de R$44,331 a R$48,369

Preços de R$47,203 a R$51,370

Preços de R$47,774 a R$58,321

Preços de R$49,171 a R$60,881

Preços de R$54,034 a R$63,529

Preços de R$56,843 a R$68,173

Preços de R$59,538 a R$59,538

Ofertas para Volkswagen Voyage 1985

Tabela FIPE Consulta

VOYAGE 1985 Tabela FIPE: Preço, Valor em Maio de 2024

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Versões do VW – VolksWagen VOYAGE 1985

VW – VolksWagen

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Tabela FIPE Volkswagen Voyage 1985

O Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é um modelo clássico da marca alemã, que se destacava pela sua robustez e confiabilidade. O design do Voyage era simples e discreto, com linhas retas e sem muitos adornos. Apesar de ser um carro simples, o Voyage apresentava um bom espaço interno e um porta-malas generoso para a época.

Foto de um Voyage 1985 azul

Mecânica e Desempenho

Em termos de desempenho, o Volkswagen Voyage versão 1985 tinha um motor eficiente e um comportamento estável na estrada. O modelo contava com um sistema de suspensão bem ajustado, que garantia uma boa dirigibilidade e conforto aos ocupantes.

Opinião dos proprietários

Atualmente, o Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é um carro considerado um clássico entre os colecionadores e entusiastas de carros antigos. A opinião dos proprietários em geral é positiva, destacando a confiabilidade e a resistência do modelo, que pode durar muitos anos com os cuidados adequados. Alguns proprietários mencionam também a facilidade de manutenção e a disponibilidade de peças de reposição, o que facilita a vida dos proprietários que desejam manter o modelo em bom estado.

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Qual é o consumo médio de um Voyage modelo 1985?

O modelo lançado em 1985 do Voyage consegue fazer uma média de 7,2 km/l na cidade e 8,7 km/l na estrada.

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Tabela FIPE Voyage

Preço médio do volkswagen voyage.

Foto Voyage

O preço FIPE do Volkswagen Voyage varia de R$ 6.400 até R$ 68.173 , dependendo do ano e versão.

No último mês, houve uma variação média de -0,80% no preço de todas as versões e anos do modelo Volkswagen Voyage.

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Foto da segunda geração reestilizada do Volkswagen Voyage (2012-)

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Dick Rutan, Who Flew Around the World Without Refueling, Dies at 85

His nine-day voyage, in a plane designed by his brother that resembled a child’s glider but had wings longer than a Boeing 727’s, made aviation history.

Dick Rutan, a man with brown hair and white sideburns, stands with his hands at his sides. He wears a light-colored flight uniform with black stripes, marked with the word “Voyager” and his name.

By Trip Gabriel

Dick Rutan, who in 1986 commanded the first aircraft to make a nonstop flight around the world without refueling — an aviation milestone whose ingenuity and daring recalled the heroic do-it-yourself era of early flight — died on Friday in a hospital in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He was 85.

His brother, Burt, who designed the ultralightweight plane that was flown in that nine-day voyage, said that Mr. Rutan had suffered from long Covid, which in recent weeks required 24-hour assisted breathing, and that he had decided to have his oxygen turned off after enduring a night of great pain.

“Before he made the decision to end it,” Burt Rutan said, “he was talkative.”

In the spirit of technology created by other California tinkerers, the design of the Rutan craft, the Voyager, was first sketched by Burt Rutan on a napkin at a Chinese restaurant in the desert town of Mojave in 1981.

The advent of a new material, composites of carbon fiber, made it possible for the first time to imagine an airplane light enough for a round-the-world flight on a single tank of gas, Burt Rutan told his brother and his brother’s companion at the time, Jeana Yeager.

The plane they built in a hangar in the desert was propeller-driven and resembled a child’s balsa wood glider, but with wings longer than those of a Boeing 727. It was essentially a collection of 17 fuel tanks in a sheath of carbon fiber cloth, epoxy and paper — a skin so fragile that it could be damaged by an elbow poke. Voyager was so heavy with fuel on takeoff that it took nearly three miles of runway to ascend from Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California on Dec. 14, 1986.

Mr. Rutan had flown combat missions for the Air Force in the Vietnam War. But, he said in a memoir he wrote with Ms. Yeager, his co-pilot on the flight, the home-built aircraft with its flexible wings was one plane that truly frightened him.

“I had never gotten used to the flailing wings,” he wrote in the joint memoir, “Voyager” (1987). “I would tell myself that the structures could take that motion, but I wasn’t ever really convinced. It was a gnawing, grinding fear, and it never went away.”

Adding to his anxiety was that his relationship with Ms. Yeager had run its course before the flight began — and that, in his view, she had not prepared enough to be his co-pilot.

“Tensions were developing between us long before we got off the ground,” Ms. Yeager wrote in their memoir. “I would have left if I could, but I had made a commitment.”

Putt-putting at low altitudes, taking catnaps to steal sleep, nearly slamming into a mountain in Africa and almost ditching in the Pacific Ocean, the Voyager and its crew limped home on fumes from empty fuel tanks two days before Christmas.

“The significance of their voyage can be compared to Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 Atlantic crossing,” Michael Collins , a former test pilot and astronaut, wrote in The New York Times in 1987. “Although Voyager was much more of a team effort than Lindbergh’s solo, success in each case resulted from the same combination of vision, luck, skill and guts.”

Stuart Witt, a former chief executive of the Mojave Air & Space Port, a hub for private spaceflight, said in an interview that the Voyager had demonstrated the potential of composites of carbon fibers and other high-tech materials in airplane frames, which were traditionally made of aluminum and steel. The Rutan brothers “disrupted an entire industry,” he said.

“They brought composite structures into the industry. Now look at what a 787 is made of, what an Airbus 350 is made of,” he added, referring to wide-body aircraft made by Boeing and Airbus.

Burt Rutan, an aeronautical engineer, said that other test pilots who flew the craft in trial runs cut their flying time short; the turbulence the plane experienced wore them out. “They’d end up coming back exhausted,” he said. “None of my other pilots would have been able to do it.”

He also said that Ms. Yeager had never learned to fly the plane alone, relying on autopilot while his brother caught up on sleep.

Ms. Yeager, who is not related to the famous test pilot Chuck Yeager, disputed the notion that she had a secondary role flying Voyager. “Actually, we were both co-pilots,” she said in an interview.

Speaking last year on the YouTube channel SocialFlight , Dick Rutan said that after the Voyager landed, Ms. Yeager “got out of the airplane and went back to Texas, and I’ve never heard from her again.”

He was, he added, speaking metaphorically; the pair later collaborated on their book, and on speaking tours.

“Some very special people came together in this project, and I remember them fondly,” Ms. Yeager added. “I’m sorry that we’re not all together again.”

On Voyager’s final night aloft, Burt Rutan flew up in a chase plane to greet his brother. “The totality of the thing finally hit all of us,” Dick Rutan recalled last year. “We’re literally crying, tears coming down our face. You couldn’t even speak, you were crying so hard.” Thousands of people came out to welcome Voyager home.

The plane is in the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum , along with Lindbergh’s Spirt of St. Louis and the Wright brothers’ Flyer.

Richard Glenn Rutan was born on July 1, 1938, in Loma Linda, Calif., the eldest of the three children of Irene (Goforth) Rutan and George Rutan. His father was a farmer who enlisted in the Navy and after World War II, with the help of the G.I. Bill, became a dentist.

His first marriage ended in divorce. In 1999, he married Kristin Cremer, a kindergarten teacher. In addition to his brother, she survives him, as does a sister, Nell Rutan, a retired American Airlines flight attendant who, the family likes to say, has flown more miles than either brother. His survivors also include two daughters, Holly Hogan and Jill Hoffman, and four grandchildren.

“Somebody said when Dick was born, he didn’t have a birth certificate — he had a flight plan,” his brother said.

He earned a pilot’s license on his 16th birthday and enlisted in the Air Force at 19. As a Tactical Air Command fighter pilot, he flew 325 combat missions in Vietnam, according to the National Aviation Hall of Fame. Many of his missions were in a two-seat F-100 as part of a special squadron, nicknamed Misty, that flew fast and low to identify targets on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Mr. Rutan was awarded the Silver Star, the Purple Heart and five Distinguished Flying Crosses before retiring from the Air Force in 1978 as a lieutenant colonel. He then became a test pilot for his brother’s Rutan Aircraft Factory, which designed planes for amateur builders.

Following the epic Voyager flight, Mr. Rutan set his sights on other quests. In 1992, he ran unsuccessfully as a Republican for a congressional seat in San Bernardino County, Calif. He tried to circle the globe in a balloon in 1998, but that voyage ended above Texas after three hours.

In 2001, he became a test pilot for an experimental rocket-powered plane. He told The Los Angeles Times, “I’m pretty much a hero pilot, so they came and asked me to fly their airplane.” The reporter, Glenn Gaslin, wrote that there was no trace of irony in Mr. Rutan, not even when he hiked up the sleeve of his flight suit and rubbed the arm he used to control the plane.

“See this right here?” he said. “This is the velvet arm. It is without equal in the universe.”

Trip Gabriel is a national correspondent. He covered the past two presidential campaigns and has served as the Mid-Atlantic bureau chief and a national education reporter. He formerly edited the Styles sections. He joined The Times in 1994. More about Trip Gabriel


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

tabela voyage 85

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

tabela voyage 85

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

tabela voyage 85

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

tabela voyage 85

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

tabela voyage 85

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

tabela voyage 85

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

tabela voyage 85

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

tabela voyage 85

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  1. Tabela FIPE Volkswagen Voyage 1985

    Variantes de carros Volkswagen Voyage 1985. Escolha um modelo pelo nome ou pelo código FIPE para ver o valor médio de mercado da Tabela FIPE Voyage para cada ano. Depois pode também consultar o gráfico de desvalorização do modelo escolhido ou escolher outro modelo. A Tabela FIPE de referência é de Maio de 2024.

  2. Preços Volkswagen Voyage 1985: Tabela Fipe

    Consulte os preços de Volkswagen Voyage 1985 na Tabela Fipe Webmotors de forma fácil e rápida. Confira já! Ir para a Webmotors. Preços Volkswagen Voyage 1985 na Tabela Fipe. VOLKSWAGEN; VOYAGE; 1985; VOYAGE. Escolha uma versão abaixo. 1.5 LS 8V GASOLINA 2P MANUAL

  3. Preço do Volkswagen Voyage 1985

    Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 1985. O preço do carro Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é de R$ 6.275. Acesse a versão abaixo para detalhes.

  4. Preço de Volkswagen Voyage 1985: Tabela FIPE

    Descubra qual o preço de mercado, com base na tabela FIPEtrue, para o Volkswagen Voyage 1985.

  5. Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 1985

    Tabela Fipe Volkswagen Voyage 1985 Consulte o preço médio do Volkswagen Voyage 1985. Ver ofertas de Volkswagen Voyage 1985 em todo o Brasil. Volkswagen. Voyage. 1985. Selecione uma versão do Volkswagen Voyage 1985. Modelos Preços Código Fipe; Volkswagen Voyage LS 1.6: R$6,329. 005070-9: Volkswagen Voyage Super 1.6: R$5,346.

  6. VOYAGE 1985 Tabela FIPE: Preço, Valor em Março de 2024

    Tabela FIPE Volkswagen Voyage 1985. O Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é um modelo clássico da marca alemã, que se destacava pela sua robustez e confiabilidade. O design do Voyage era simples e discreto, com linhas retas e sem muitos adornos. Apesar de ser um carro simples, o Voyage apresentava um bom espaço interno e um porta-malas generoso para a ...

  7. Tabela FIPE Volkswagen Voyage 1985

    Qual o preço do Voyage 1985 na Tabela FIPE? O preço FIPE do carro Volkswagen Voyage 1985 é de R$ 6.400.Preço atualizado em Maio/2024.

  8. Volkswagen Voyage LS 1.6 1985

    Sobre. A Volkswagen Voyage LS 1.6 1985 é um carro de sedan compacto produzido pela Volkswagen em 1985. Ele possui um motor de 1,6 litro com uma configuração única de árvore de cames única única, produzindo 81 cavalos de potência e 12,8 kgfm de torque. O carro possui uma transmissão manual de 5 velocidades e um layout de tração dianteira.

  9. Tabela FIPE Voyage: Consulta dos Preços Atualizados

    Preço médio do Volkswagen Voyage. O preço FIPE do Volkswagen Voyage varia de R$ 6.400 até R$ 68.173, dependendo do ano e versão. No último mês, houve uma variação média de -0,80% no preço de todas as versões e anos do modelo Volkswagen Voyage.

  10. Volkswagen Voyage Plus 1.6 1985: Ficha Técnica

    Volkswagen Voyage Plus 1.6 1985: Ficha técnica completa. Motor, performance, dimensões, consumo, mecânica e itens de série.

  11. PDF Recommendations on Voyage Data Recorder 85

    These Recommendations refer to VDRs installed on or after 1 July 2014. For VDRs installed before 1 July 2014 refer to Res. A.861(20), as amended by resolution MSC.214(81). 1. Type Approval. The VDR should be type approved (ref. SOLAS reg.V/18.1) and installed according to IMO Res. MSC.333(90).

  12. Volkswagen Voyage

    O Volkswagen Voyage está disponível no mercado nacional nas versões: Comfortline, Comfortline Tiptronic e Highline. O veículo trouxe novidades no segundo semestre de 2012, sendo chamado de Novo Voyage ou Voyage Geração III. A Volkswagen comercializa o Voyage em versões com motorização 1.0 e 1.6 litros. Versões do Volkswagen Voyage no ...

  13. PDF Manual de instruções Voyage

    modelos e versões do Voyage. - Você encontra um índice remissivo de termos em ordem alfabética no final do manual. - Um índice de abreviaturas ao final do manual es-clarece abreviaturas e denominações técnicas. - Indicações de direção como esquerda, direita, di-anteiro e traseiro têm como referência, via de re-

  14. troca painel traseiro Voyage 85

    neste vídeo mostro um pouco do processo da troca do painel traseiro do Voyage 85a oficina está localizada Inoã, Maricá Rio de janeirotelefone pra contato, (...

  15. Offshore Yachts 85 Voyager boats for sale

    2025 Offshore Yachts 80/85/90 Voyager. Request price. Olson Yacht Group | Taiwan. Request Info < 1 > * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of transaction.

  16. Dick Rutan, Who Flew Around the World Without Refueling, Dies at 85

    He was 85. His brother, Burt, who designed the ultralightweight plane that was flown in that nine-day voyage, said that Mr. Rutan had suffered from long Covid, which in recent weeks required 24 ...

  17. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  18. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  19. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  20. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...