Journey - Lights - Lyrics Meaning

The song "Lights" by Journey was not originally a hit; however, it gained popularity over the years. The song is thought to be about San Francisco because of the reference to the "City by the Bay." However, the song was actually written originally about Los Angeles. The band is originally from the San Francisco area; however, they relocated to LA later on and wrote the song about this city. The original lyrics to the song were "When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on LA" However, Perry didn't like the way this flowed and later changed the lyrics to "The sun shines on the bay."

Steve Perry states in an interview that the song was brought back to focus when he first joined Journey and they decided that the lyrics "by the bay" were much more suitable since the band originated from the San Francisco area. This was the first song that featured Perry as the lead singer of Journey and references the beauty of the sunset in San Francisco as it reflects off of the bay. This song was featured on the album "Infinity" which was the last album that featured Aynsley Dunbar as the drummer. He was later replaced by Steve Smith because he was "incompatible" with the band.


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Lights Lyrics as written by Neal Joseph Schon Stephen Ray Perry

Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing, Hipgnosis Songs Group

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the lights journey

i always associated it with Green BAY, seeing as how it says city by the BAY duhh -Kevin

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yes! thank you fellow wisconsin person of awesomeness!<br /> <br /> lol, but seriously, thanks to you i will now and forever be reminded of the great state of wisconsin.

Journey's best.

go ahead. argue.

and, yes, it is about San Fran, but I'd like to think it's about my home town, sea-town.

and computwiz - Journey is not a singer. journey is a band. Steve Perry is a singer. for a band. called journey. shoots

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I used to listen to this song every mourning on the ride to my daycare. And to me it's about Seattle. Thats my city, but now it had a greater meaning when I was all the way out in butt fucking Iraq fight a war. I come back in August 2003. Hey friends does that give a good enough instight for a great song.

This is a great of my favorites. Joyrney is a good band. And with regards to that Los Angeles comment...I, too, must laugh. Everybody knows that San Francisco is the city by the bay.

@zacster He said it's definitely about LA but had to change the name when he got called to join the band. He wrote this song before he joined Journey<br /> <br />

actually, compuwiz is kinda right...Steve Perry originally wrote this song about LA, then had to change it when he joined Journey to make it about San Fran cuz that's where the rest of Journey was from...i got your back compuwiz!!

hell yeah CT man. I have great memories of hearing this song on the radio while driving up I-91 throught hartford. Not a city by the bay in any means, but its still a good feeling.

YES THIS SONG IS ABOUT SAN FRANSICO, NOT LOS ANGELES! A really great memory I have of this song is when I was a kid me and my family flew to San Fransico. It was at like 2:00 in the morning when the plane was about the hit the runway, and they played this song during the landing process. Since the airport is right in the bay, MAN the sight of the Golden Gate Bridge lit up with this song playing was so beatuiful, and at the same time so emontional. Passengers were crying, it definatley is something I will remember for ever. This song always cheers me up because it makes me think of that time. Steve Perry has a powerful, and heart touching voice.

This would be a great story, if you could actually see the GG bridge from the Airport!

The fact that one single radio standard Journey song could incite such heated debate is a major source of entertainment for me at this moment.

Sure, I am easily amused. Just as Compuwiz19 is positively weird. Whats next? The assertion by FaRvELvR1992 that its about green bay? Oh, wait. wouldnt want to give anyone any ideas...

Probably my favorite Journey song (just an inch above Separate Ways).

I always love thinking about how with a few judicious changes to the lyrics, it could really be a song about wanting to go home to any city. Yeah, I know it's about San Francisco, but it's nice to imagine it could be about Tampa, New York City, or even Hell, Michigan if one felt like it. That's how universal the sensibility it invokes is.

Even though this is about San Francisco, it was written in Los Angeles, where the band had relocated. Steve Perry explained in an interview with Joe Benson of Arrow 93.1 FM: "I had the song written in Los Angeles almost completely except for the bridge and it was written about Los Angeles. It was 'when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on LA.' I didn't like the way it sounded at the time. And so I just had it sitting back in the corner. Then life changed my plans once again, and I was now facing joining Journey. I love San Francisco, the bay and the whole thing. 'The bay' fit so nice, 'When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay.' It was one of those early morning going across the bridge things when the sun was coming up and the lights were going down. It was perfect."

'City by the Bay' IS synonymous with San Francisco(Bay Area) and that's where Steve is from but this song can be interpreted as anyone's 'city by the bay'.

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Meaning of Lights by Journey

"Lights" by Journey is a song about the longing for home and the feeling of loneliness on the road. The singer expresses his desire to return to the familiar sights of his city, San Francisco, as he feels a deep sense of nostalgia and yearning for the place he calls home. The chorus, "When the lights go down in the City, and the sun shines on the bay, I wanna be there in my City," portrays the idea of wanting to return to a place that is familiar and comforting.

The song can be interpreted on different levels, as it speaks about both physical and emotional homesickness. On one hand, the singer wishes to be back in a physical place where he feels a strong connection to the city and its landmarks. On another hand, he expresses his emotional connection and longing for someone who is missing from his life. The verse "So you think you're lonely, Well my friend, I'm lonely too" suggests that the singer is not just missing his city but also someone he cares about.

Overall, the song "Lights" is about the ache for something we've lost, whether it be a person or a place. It invokes a feeling of nostalgia and yearning for home, and the comfort and sense of belonging it provides.

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Journey - Lights Lyrics

Artist: Journey

Album: Greatest Hits

Genre: Rock

the lights journey

When the lights go down in the City And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my City Oh, oo, oh Ohh, oo, ohh Oh, oo, oh So you think you're lonely Well my friend I'm lonely too I want to go back to my City by the bay Ohh, ohh Oh, oo, oh It's sad, oh there's been mornings Out on the road with you Without your charms Oh, oo, oh My, my, my My, my, my Ohh, ohh Oh, oo, oh When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my City (Oh, oo, oh) Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my City Oh, oo, oh Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh (Hmm) Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh

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Lights by Journey

the lights journey

  • When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I want to be there in my city Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh So you think you're lonely Well my friend, I'm lonely too I wanna get back to my city by the bay Ooh, ooh, oh-oh It's sad, oh there's been mornings Out on the road without you Without your charms Oh-oh, my, my, my, my, my, my Ooh, ooh, oh-oh When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I want to be there in my city Ooh-oh-oh (oh, oh, ooh-oh) When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I want to be there in my city Ooh-oh-oh (oh, oh, ooh-oh) (Oh, oh, ooh-oh) Writer/s: Neal Joseph Schon, Stephen Ray Perry Publisher: Hipgnosis Songs Group, Wixen Music Publishing Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind
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Comments: 24

  • Tobias from Walsrode , Germany Still I am very impressed , even After decades of Years passing by, my JOURNEY-cds are Constantly in the Air, just Discovered several YouTube-Videos.... to Continue ROCKING .... STAY HEALTHY!!
  • Terri from Long Beach, Wa This song was originally written by Steve Perry while he lived in Los Angeles. It wasn't quite right so he put it aside. When he joined Journey it came with him. Neal Schon helped to suggest some changes in the song that made it work. The rest is history.
  • Mary from Castle Rock, Co I love this song. I grew up listening to Journey in the 80's. When I graduated from High School we went for our Senior Trip to San Francisco and took a ride on of their bay area boats and OF COURSE they played this song...will never forget it. It brought me goosbumps. I can still remember who I danced this song with, that's how vivid my memories are of this song. Proud to be from the Bay Area!!! Love you Steve Perry!
  • Sandra from Gardnerville, Nv Hey James, San Jose, CA...Too funny! First, though...Steve Perry...What an incredible rock n' roll vocal! I love the song and the way he sang it! Anyway...While I heard the reference to this song/LA for the first time right here, I have to laugh about the SF Giants, thing. Although, I am a LA Dodgers Fan, I was in attendance to hear a friend of mine actually sing the National Anthem at Candlestick at an SF Giants game, (It was on the Fourth of July at a Giants/Dodger game. I don't remember what year for the life of me...details are sketchy...LOL), his elderly dad was there for it and it was a very special moment for all of us. Speaking of the SF Giants, I have a cute story about Will Clark and Mackey Sasser...
  • James from San Jose, Ca 3. And finally, while it's personally disappointing to learn about the "L.A." thing, I had a great "Lights" moment in San Francisco. I was at a Giant's game back when they played at Candlestick Park. It was July 4, but San Francisco weather, it was actually rainy. By the end of the game, the rain had turned to a mist, and as they prepared for the July 4 fireworks, they played Lights as they dimmed the stadium lights. I know it was planned that way, but with the mist and everything, it was just a beautiful moment that I'll never forget.
  • James from San Jose, Ca 2. lol Wish I could delete my last comment. Here is a 2nd Joe Benson interview with Steve Perry: The "L.A." claim is true, and it's about sunRISE on the Bay according to Perry. There you have it.
  • James from San Jose, Ca 1. Here's the Joe Benson interview with Steve Perry: There is NOTHING about the song being written about L.A., so stop the rumors.
  • Jeff from Seal Beach, Ca I also heard the interview with joe benson on the radio in los angeles where steve perry mentions the lyrics originally were l.A., not the bay. He also mentioned other lyrics about lights referring to los angeles that he had to change to fit the s.F. Image..I love the song but it was originally about los angeles, not San Francisco
  • Teri from Ca., Ca In an interview with Joe Benson, Steve Perry talked about this song. Originally, he wrote this song about Los Angeles. The original lyrics said "when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on L.A.". (The person(s) that mentioned this fact before was correct) When Steve joined Journey he changed it, removing the L.A. reference and added references to the bay area/San Francisco after driving across one of the bridges.
  • Beau from San Francisco, Ca So Steve Perry longs for San Francisco while he's in LA, but the distance doesn't make him forget that the San Francisco looks EAST over the bay. I have enjoyed many a sunrise and Steve describes the feeling spectacularly.
  • Brandon from Peoria, Il Actually if you think of the "lights going down" as the city's lights fading OFF. Then it makes sense. It would be refering to early morning in San Fransisco. BUT...since the sun rises in the EAST, the sun would not be coming up over the bay at the time...OKAY try this...Late evening, with the sun setting over the San Fransisco Bay and the city's lights coming ON just before dark...that sounds about right :)
  • Robert from San Francisco, Ca When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay. Doesn't happen very often but wouldn't trade it. Journey had it right - right Tilton.
  • Casey from Pensacola, Fl yep... he may have been in LA, but he says "I want to get back to my City by the bay" right in the lyrics. seems pretty clear to me...
  • Paul from Cincinnati, Oh I love this song. It always makes me feel sentimental.
  • Matthew from East Brunswick, Nj Terrific song, Excellent guitar riff. Journey rocks!
  • Becki from Hendersonville, Tn This song Is about San Francisco.I belong to a Steve Perry website and they have years of archives of interviews.Steve himself said it was about San Francisco.
  • Jennifer from San Antonoi, Tx Note to Emo in San Jose, the lyrics actually say: "When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the BAY..." not LA
  • Aj from Cleveland, Ga I also love the guitar solo.
  • Stefanie Magura from Rock Hill, Sc Well, I know the songs have different beats, but the beginning still sounds like something Hendricks would have done.
  • Stefanie Magura from Rock Hill, Sc great song! It's one of my favorites by them! I love the guitar solo. The beginning of the song sounds similar to the beginning of 'little Wing' by Jimi hendricks. Does anyone agree with me?
  • Emo from San Jose, Ca Reportedly, Steve Perry did in fact originally write the song in L.A. and the lyrics were something like "When the lights go down in the city and the sun shine on L.A...."
  • Tony from San Francisco, Ca This song may have been partially written IN L.A., but last time I checked, San Francisco was the city by the bay.
  • Josh from C.p, Mn the song was actually written about LA since steve wrote parts of it while he lived in LA
  • Chris from Aurora, Il Steve Perry has an amazing voice, and this is one of the songs that I listen to when I just get tired of bands who have talent, but still get airtime on the radio.

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Lights by Journey

  • A Journey Through the Meaning Behind the Song “Lights” by Journey

What makes a song stand the test of time? For the band Journey, it’s their hit song “Lights,” a staple of classic rock radio stations that has been played countless times since it was first released in 1978.

Table of Contents

The Inspiration Behind “Lights”

The meaning of “lights”, the legacy of “lights”, the bottom line.

But what is the meaning behind the song? Why has it resonated with so many people over the years? In this article, we’ll take a journey through the history and significance of “Lights” by Journey.

Journey was formed in San Francisco in 1973, and “Lights” was written in 1977 by keyboardist Gregg Rolie and guitarist Neal Schon. The song was initially inspired by a view of the city from the top of Twin Peaks, a popular viewpoint in San Francisco.

“Lights” is a tribute to the band’s hometown and the city that they love. In an interview with Classic Rock Magazine, Schon said, “It’s about San Francisco, and we all love that city. It evokes beautiful memories for us and holds a special place in our hearts.”

At its core, “Lights” is a song about feeling at home in a particular place. The opening lines of the song, “When the lights go down in the city / And the sun shines on the bay,” evoke a feeling of comfort and familiarity.

For many people, San Francisco is a place that feels like home. Whether you’re a native San Franciscan, a transplant, or a visitor, there’s something about the city that feels like it welcomes you with open arms.

“Lights” speaks to that feeling. The chorus of the song, “So you think you’re lonely / Well my friend, I’m lonely too / I want to get back to my city by the bay / Oh, oh / It’s sad, oh there’s been mornings out on the road without you / Without your charms / Oh, oh, oh, oh,” speaks to a sense of longing for a specific place.

The song also touches on the sense of magic that San Francisco holds for many people. From the hippie counterculture of the 1960s to the tech boom of recent years, San Francisco has been a city of dreams and possibilities.

In “Lights,” the band captures that sense of magic. The lyrics, “If you’re alive and you’re in San Francisco / You’re feeling the magic / It’s all around you” speak to the idea that San Francisco is a place that is full of life and energy.

Over the years, “Lights” has become an anthem for San Francisco and a beloved classic rock song. It’s been covered by numerous artists, including Taylor Hicks and Pentatonix.

The song has also been used in various movies and TV shows, including the hit series “The Sopranos” and the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness.”

In an interview with Songfacts, Journey’s lead singer, Steve Perry, said, “I think ‘Lights’ is one of the best things we ever wrote. It’s just a sweet song about coming back to San Francisco.”

For many people, “Lights” is more than just a song. It’s a reminder of a time and a place, a song that captures the essence of San Francisco and the magic that the city holds.

“Lights” by Journey is a classic rock song that has stood the test of time. It speaks to a sense of longing for a specific place and captures the magic of San Francisco.

For those who love the city by the bay, “Lights” is a reminder of the place they call home. For those who have never been to San Francisco, the song is a window into the city’s culture and spirit.

As long as people love San Francisco, “Lights” will continue to be an anthem for the city, and a beloved classic rock song for generations to come.


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And despite winning the first six games of the season, Rattler had failed to deliver with just 11 touchdown to five interceptions as Riley became unsatisfied with his quarterback's performances... especially as his back-up began to make his case to take over the starting job - none other than recent number one overall pick Caleb Williams .

After being benched for Williams, Rattler's hype came crashing down. No longer was he to be the first-overall pick in the draft, but instead he would need to transfer away from Oklahoma to prove himself all over again.

In need of a fresh start, Rattler swiftly entered the transfer portal - with a host of schools declaring their interest, including Oregon and UCLA.

Instead, the quarterback shocked everyone in college football, when he chose to go to the South Carolina Gamecocks - a struggling team playing in the most competitive division in the NCAA, the SEC.

While his decision to join the Gamecocks was originally met with confusion, Rattler seemed to land in the perfect situation with a team that he would need to drag to relevance.

ANALYSIS: Where Spencer Rattler ranks among NFL quarterback prospects

READ MORE: Three winners and losers from historic NFL Draft as Kirk Cousins dealt cruel blow

Almost immediately, it seemed to be a humbling experience for him as a former five-star recruit - perhaps being precisely what he had needed.

Rattler's demeanor began to change. No longer was he the 'big man on campus', but instead he blossomed into a true quarterback - becoming a leader of the team, taking the blame for their lows and praising his teammates for their highs.

Rattler had every right to be frustrated in the 2023 season, playing behind one of college football's worst offensive lines and being pressured almost instantly in a barely functional offense. However, his maturity showed throughout his final year in school - never blaming anyone but himself for team issues and becoming a quarterback who players wanted to play for.

Still, Rattler made things happen - with his elite pocket presence and ability to keep his eyes downfield.

The Gamecocks had very little in the way of offensive weapons, but Rattler managed to get the best out of one in particular - working closely with Xavier Legette who went from back-up with 400 yards in four years, to exploding with 1,255 yards and seven touchdowns in his final year with Rattler at quarterback. On Thursday's first round of the NFL Draft, Legette was picked in the first round, staying in Carolina with the Panthers.

Despite a tough two years in South Carolina, turning down offers to play for offenses that had been exceedingly simpler for him to thrive in and potentially hurting his own draft value, Rattler had no regrets in choosing the school.

When asked why he joined the Gamecocks, he told reporters: "You’re playing the best players every single week. It’s the closest thing to the NFL. This is why I wanted to come here, to compete with the best and prove myself as a player and just, yeah, it’s been great."

And when recalling his time with the Sooners, Rattler showed a level of maturity, believing his struggles were necessary to get him where he needed to be.

"You've got to take it all," Rattler said "I think it was a great learning experience for me. Coming here to South Carolina, it helped me a lot to be in this position."

Spencer Rattler has had a humbling few years after starring in the Netflix show


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the lights journey

About Lights

"Lights" is a song recorded by American rock band Journey and written by Steve Perry and Neal Schon, released in 1978.

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Journey is an American rock band formed in 1973 in San Francisco by former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987, after which it temporarily disbanded. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including 1981's "Don't Stop Believin'", which became in 2009 the top-selling catalog track in iTunes history. Its parent studio album, Escape, the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and yielded another of their most popular singles, "Open Arms". Its 1983 follow-up, Frontiers, was almost as successful in the United States, reaching No. 2 and spawning several successful singles; it broadened the band's ap… more »

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Written by: Stephen Ray Perry, Neal Joseph Schon

Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing, WORDS & MUSIC A DIV OF BIG DEAL MUSIC LLC

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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Know any other songs by journey don't keep it to yourself, image credit, the web's largest resource for, music, songs & lyrics, a member of the stands4 network, watch the song video, top hot 100 songs 1978, billboard #68, more tracks from the album, greatest hits fanpack [cd/dvd].

the lights journey

  • #1 Don't Stop Believin'
  • #2 Wheel in the Sky
  • #3 Faithfully
  • #7 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
  • #12 Girl Can't Help It
  • #13 Open Arms
  • #15 Stone in Love
  • #16 Feeling That Way
  • #18 I'll Be Alright Without You


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Journey Into The Light

Journey Into The Light

Journey Into The Light (or "Journey" for short), formally known as Essence of the Gods, is a large exploration mod that not only expands the vanilla content added - but also adds 8 new dimensions, over one hundred mobs, strong weapons and armor, and more


THIS MOD NEEDS Patchouli , Gekolib AND Curios IF PLAYING 1.20.4 NEOFORGE

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Experience an immersive RPG-style adventure mod that doesn't stray too far from Vanilla's roots.

Journey Into The Light (or "Journey" for short), formally known as Essence of the Gods, is a large exploration mod that not only expands the vanilla content added - but also adds 8 new dimensions, over one hundred mobs, strong weapons and armor, and much more.

We recommend to install JER (Just Enough Resources) to assist you along the way

Journey Into the Light, formally Essence of the Gods, was created by AllShamNoWow101(The_SlayerMC)

Development Team:


Dizzlepop12 - EX DEV

Artists / Modelers:



Blue Water Documentary (Sounds by ZeeCount)


Time_Conqueror - assistant developer

DiamondWalker - assistant developer

Eternaldoom123 - assistant developer

Yes, you can use this mod in a modpack or review it, as long as you give credit where its due. No sane person would say no to that.

External resources

Featured versions, project members.

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Technical information

From Turks & Caicos to South Jersey to ... NFL? That's the plan for Yvandy Rigby

the lights journey

Yvandy Rigby wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

As he anxiously waits to hear if his name gets called at the NFL Draft this weekend, the hulking 6-foot-2, 230-pound linebacker plans to just “chill with (his) family.”

Amazing when one considers that the kid from a tropical island didn’t even know what a football was, nor did he know the people he now calls family, when he reached the United States a decade ago.

Rigby is projected to be a late-round pick in this weekend’s NFL Draft and, if that doesn’t develop, he would likely be signed as an undrafted free agent by a team.

“It’s been a great journey,” said Rigby, a native of Turks and Caicos, an island group about 230 miles north of the Dominican Republic and 1,300 miles from South Jersey.

“If it’s going to happen, it will happen. This is what I’ve worked for.”

He would become the second player drafted from Turks and Caicos, joining Faion Hicks, who was selected by the Denver Broncos in the 2022 NFL Draft.

Rigby hopes to celebrate with the Stetsers — who took Rigby into their family when he was a junior at Egg Harbor Township High School. Kevin Stetser is a special education teacher and former head football coach at EHT.

“When I came to live with them, that’s when I began to flourish like a flower,” Rigby said. “They sacrificed so much for me. Coach was the father figure in my life and (with his wife Laura), they definitely took on the mom and dad role when I needed it the most.”

Long way from home

Rigby calls his homeland a “beautiful island,” a paradise for tourists and fishermen.

What it doesn’t have, according to Rigby, is a lot of opportunities.

“I had a lot of ambition and it just wasn’t going to happen there,” he said.

His mother, Almonthe, wanted the best for son, a chance to succeed in life. That was going to be a challenge on the British Overseas Territory.

So, at the age of 14, Rigby entered the United States and lived with a family friend. He attended Atlantic City High School as a freshman.

That’s where he was introduced to football.

“Never even grabbed a football in my life, but it was love at first sight,” said Rigby, who was recruited by one of the football players to give the sport a try because of his size.

Love didn’t translate into success right away. It was more like heartache.

“I was terrible,” he said with soft laugh. “They put me on defense, I was playing safety. The running back broke through the hole. I had no idea what I was doing. He juked me and I fell down on the ground. Everybody on the whole field was laughing at me.

“I never wanted to feel that way again. I knew I had to get better.”

So Rigby kept practicing, but he also turned to YouTube.

“I just watched as many videos as I could,” Rigby said. “I became a student of the game. I watched Peyton Manning on how to throw spirals. I watched Jerry Rice on how he worked out. I watched all the greats and how they worked to get better. I needed to sharpen my tools and get better.”

No Friday Night Lights

When he arrived stateside, Rigby joined the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, his guardian’s faith.

The church observes Saturday as the Sabbath, which begins at sunset on Friday.

That meant no Friday Night football for Rigby.

While he was practicing hard throughout the week, not being able to compete in a game with his teammates really tested his faith.

“I just felt like there was this big cloud over my head that I couldn’t shake off,” Rigby said. “I was a true believer in Christ. I was also passionate about the game.

“I went all out at practice. I wanted the guys next to me to get better. It made me feel good as a teammate. But it also took a toll on me not being able to go out there and showcase my talents. I got angry during that time. I was questioning things like why I had this skill, but couldn’t showcase it (in games).”

Before his junior season at EHT, Rigby and Stetser arranged a meeting with the church’s pastor and Rigby’s guardian to talk about playing football on Friday nights.

After getting the OK from his mother, Rigby said the pastor also gave his blessing for him to play. However, his guardian still balked at the idea.

“I thought that meeting was going to go nice and smooth,” Rigby said. “The pastor said I was a young, Black man who came to this country and is trying to better his life. But my guardian got so angry, and said, ‘If he plays in that game on Friday night, I’m going to kick him out of the house.’”

“That’s when I started to get really paranoid. I was worried. I was 16 years old.”

The day of the season opener against Millville, Rigby was thrilled to wear his varsity jersey to school, but was “also losing my mind” about what would happen later that night when he got home.

But he drew some comfort, remembering that Stetser said he would have his back whatever decision he made.

Rigby took the field that night. When he arrived home, all of his clothes were in a black trash bag.

Before moving in with the Stetser family, Rigby remembers meeting Laura for the first time.

When Rigby was a sophomore, Kevin Stetser noticed he kept looking at the sun as he competed in the javelin throw at the Woodbury Relays. The athlete was getting really antsy, the coach realized.

“He tells me he has to be home before that sun goes down and I’m like, 'You couldn’t have told me that earlier?'” Kevin said. “There I am, asking my wife to drive a kid who she’s never met in her life back home.”

The usually quiet Rigby was a “chatterbox” on the one-hour ride, opening up to Laura like she was a best friend.

“We talked the whole ride home,” Rigby said. “She was just so accepting. We talked about a lot of things, but I just remember telling her Coach was wrong, I’m not a linebacker, I should be a safety.”

For eight months after playing in that fateful Friday night game, Rigby bounced around, staying with the Stetsers, offensive coordinator Jim DeBendictis Jr.’s family, and his guardian. On Mother’s Day weekend in 2017, Rigby moved in full-time with the Stetsers.

While he was the newest member of the Stetser household, Rigby was still for responsible for chores, even one he had never experienced before: shoveling snow.

“I’d never seen snow in my life,” Rigby said.

He was even pressed into some babysitting duties, watching the Stetsers’ son Jack and daughter Madeleine, who were 7 and 8 at the time.

Higher learning

Rigby’s dream of playing in the NFL will likely be as a linebacker, something he and his high school football coach still laugh about now.

“As frustrating as it is, I tell him every day that he was right, I’m a linebacker," Rigby said.

Kevin Stetser knew where Rigby’s strength was on the football field, but he also had a good feeling of what type of kid he was bringing home to join his family.

“He attached himself to this crazy train of our family and what a ride it’s been,” Stetser said. “We consider him our son. He has a heart of gold. And we’re extremely proud of what he has become.

“He’s worked for everything that he’s earned. When he first moved in with us, he learned one of our neighbors was a reading specialist. He met with her every single night to help improve his reading level. He wanted to be a better student.”

After graduating from Egg Harbor Township, Rigby played one season at Milford Academy (N.Y.) before landing in North Philadelphia at Temple University.

Rigby was a three-year letter winner with 207 tackles in 35 career games for the Cherry and White and earned a single-digit uniform number, a huge deal in Temple tradition that is awarded to those who lead on and off the field. He was only the second TU player to ever wear No. 0.

Rigby graduated last spring with a bachelor’s degree in Adult Organization Development.

“Getting that degree was the highlight of my career,” Rigby said. “It means a lot because I wasn’t the most studious student in school when I got to the United States. Football came natural for me. School was more challenging than football for me, a lot more challenging.

“I wanted to make my mom proud. She gambled and risked a lot in me (in letting me come to the United States). She would never ask me about football, she always asked me about getting my degree and how that was going.”

Rigby’s mom and two sisters, Johnika and Ashley, have moved to the United States and remain a big part in Yvandy’s life. His two older brothers, John and John Paul, remain in Turks and Caicos.

“My mom has come to some of my games, but she always watches with her hands over eyes. She’s afraid of me getting hurt,” Yvandy said.

If Rigby gets the opportunity to play on Sundays in the fall, he would become the first player from Egg Harbor Township to make the NFL.

A path that began with so much uncertainty has turned into an unbelievable journey.

Tom McGurk is a regional sports reporter for the Courier-Post, The Daily Journal and Burlington County Times, covering South Jersey sports for over 30 years. If you have a sports story that needs to be told, contact him at (856) 486-2420 or email  [email protected] . Follow him on Twitter at @McGurkSports. Help support local journalism with a digital subscription.

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Sophia Bush ‘Wouldn't Change a Thing’ After Coming Out as Queer in Glamour Essay

The 'One Tree Hill' alum said she feels "free and light and scared and trembling" after penning the April 25 cover story

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Monica Schipper/Getty

Sophia Bush is sharing how she feels in the wake of her Glamour essay.

In the candid April 2024 cover story , an essay penned by the One Tree Hill alum herself, Bush opened up about her marriage with ex-husband Grant Hughes , got real about her fertility journey and publicly came out as queer .

Now, two days after the piece was published online on April 25, Bush is giving fans a glimpse into her mental state.

Lauren Dukoff/Glamour

On Instagram Stories, the star shared a post from businesswoman and activist Erin Gallagher, who said she was “proud of” Bush and echoed some the lessons she shared in her essay.

Alongside the star’s April Glamour cover, Gallagher wrote, “The moment you decide to stop living your life for others — that only the opinions of the safe, caring people who love you matter — everything becomes so simple and clear.”

In her response to the Gallagher’s praise, Bush revealed that she would not have done anything differently.

“Free and light and scared and trembling and wouldn't change a thing,” the actress wrote.


Bush’s use of “free and light” evokes the moment in her essay after she comes out and shares how her loved ones responded to her sexuality and relationship with former women's soccer player Ashlyn Harris .

“I finally feel like I can breathe,” the actress wrote. “I don’t think I can explain how profound that is. I feel like I was wearing a weighted vest for who knows how long. I hadn’t realized how heavy it was until I finally just put it down.”

She continued, “This might sound crazy — but I think other people in trauma recovery will get it — I am taking deep breaths again. I can feel my legs and feet. I can feel my feet in my shoes right now. It makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time.”

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This sense of weightlessness comes after Bush made headlines for filing for divorce from Hughes after a year of marriage in August 2023.

Two months later, PEOPLE broke the news that the actress had started seeing Harris, who filed for divorce from ex-wife and fellow soccer pro Ali Krieger in September 2023.

Elsewhere in her Glamour essay, Bush addressed the “home-wrecker” rumors and allegations she faced after her separation from Hughes.

Todd Williamson/Peacock via Getty 

“The idea that I left my marriage based on some hysterical rendezvous — that, to be crystal-clear, never happened — rather than having taken over a year to do the most soul crushing work of my life? Rather than realizing I had to be the most vulnerable I’ve ever been, on a public stage, despite being terrified to my core? It feels brutal,” Bush wrote.

“Just because I didn’t want to process my realizations in real time on social media and spell them out for the world doesn’t mean the journey wasn’t long and thoughtful and exhaustive,” she added.

Now on the other side of this journey, the star said she now has “real joy,” which she found by coming to terms with her sexuality. 

“It took me 41 years to get here,” she shared. “When I take stock of the last few years, I can tell you that I have never operated out of more integrity in my life. I hope that’s clear enough for everyone speculating out there, while being as gentle as I possibly can be.”

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the lights journey

Dev Update: New Season Availability, Design, Solving Power Creep?! Q&A

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Behind the New Season Launch Schedule

To ensure a consistent experience for all players on a server, the new season will be available when the server has been active for at least 42 days. The earliest servers will gain access to the new season on May 10. For example, if your server was created on April 12, you can start playing the Song of Strife season on May 24. Keep in mind that the exact opening time may vary depending on your time zone. In order to make sure everyone knows when the season starts on their server, a countdown event banner will be available in-game. The countdown will start 14 days before the season starts, adjusted based on when each server was opened. Typically, a season runs for 4 months and ends simultaneously for all servers running it, followed by a synchronized transition into the next season.

Unlocking seasonal content requires reaching Resonance Level 240, clearing AFK Stages 1125, and completing the main questline. You might ask: Why the emphasis on Resonance Level 240? Why wait 42 days before granting access to the new season? Why not make it available to all players right away, with no requirements? These requirements ensure that you start a season on a level playing field, preventing significant progression and reward gaps. Our goal is to get most players on roughly the same footing when it comes to exploring Esperia's seasonal content at the beginning of each season.

Getting to Resonance Level 240 is not that hard! It's time to begin your Journey with AFK!

But what if you're falling behind and can't reach Resonance Level 240? 

Don't worry, the AFK Final Push will kick in just before the season starts for your respective server. If you are falling behind in progression, this mechanism will automatically activate to help you catch up. In addition to the AFK Rewards, you'll earn extra Essence rewards by participating in the main quests and various game modes, speeding up your journey to the maximum Resonance Level and preparing you for the adventure of the new season.

20240428 112730

Even if you're just playing casually, simply collect your AFK Rewards every day. Thanks to the acceleration mechanism, hitting Resonance Level 240 is practically assured. Once you achieve that milestone, you'll unlock not only this season but also all upcoming ones! Several content creators have already acknowledged the benefits of this acceleration mechanism. Let's see what they have to say!

【EASY Reso 240 with FINAL PUSH in AFK Journey】

【AFK JOURNEY BOOSTED Everyone! EASY Level 240 Before Song of Strife Season】

New Season, Unbound by Conventional Worries

Many gacha game players express concern naturally when they hear "a new progression system": Will this be another money sink? At AFK Journey, we want to address this issue, especially the problem of long-term power creep that is common in gacha games. The progression systems in AFK Journey will be divided into two categories: permanent progression systems and seasonal progression systems. The seasonal progression systems will reset at the end of each season, but the permanent progression systems will remain unchanged. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Currently, all progression systems are considered permanent. Artifacts, Resonance Level, Class Equipment, Hero Tier, Hero Exclusive Equipment, and other systems. They will remain effective across all future seasons. These systems are the foundation of your power. Expect the permanent progression system to have the greatest impact on your exploration of the main story quests and progression through most of the game modes. Upon entering the Song of Strife season, the game introduces the season-exclusive progression systems, which overlay the permanent progression systems. The seasonal progression systems consist of the Season Resonance Level, Season Class Equipment, Season Artifacts, and other seasonal items. You can earn these items, stats, and abilities by playing seasonal content, and they are only effective within the current season.

The new seasonal progression systems include the following:

- Season Resonance Level: Resets every season

- Season Hero Skills: Each hero gains 1 seasonal skill, only effective during the season. Unlocked after reaching Season Resonance Level 51.

- Season Class Equipment: Resets every season

- Season Artifact: 8 new Season Artifacts are introduced each season, obtainable through Season Journey and various game modes. They can only be used within the current season.

- Magic Charms: Resets every season. Charms come in 5 different qualities. Collecting 3 Charms of the same quality will activate a hero's special ability. In the later stages of a season, you can customize your hero's stats by equipping different sets of Charms. This feature was designed to be easy to develop. So Magic Charms don't have levels, randomized stats, or require complex inventory management skills. Soon, you'll learn more about Magic Charms in our Journey Unfolds video series!

All resources needed for the seasonal progression systems are available for free. We hope that all players will be able to experience the gameplay of progression and strategy. Stay tuned for more information on the new season in the coming days.

Season after Season, Playing Across a Decade

Each season lasts four months, but that's only a small part of Esperia's long history. With each new season, we'll explore deeper into the rich tapestry of Esperia, where new features on the world map and Magister Merlin's new journey await. These enhancements aren't just about introducing new heroes and characters; they're about taking you into the heart of Esperia, revealing its hidden history and secrets.

Once you have met the requirements to enter the Song of Strife season, you will be able to pick up new main quests in Holistone and travel to new areas. In addition to telling the story of Esperia, the new areas will feature fresh and exciting exploration mechanics and puzzles for you to enjoy. It's worth noting that there are no time limits on exploring areas or storylines. So, if you enjoy storytelling and map exploration, you can enjoy the game at your own pace without worrying about when the season will end. After each season ends, it's archived in the Temporal Nexus and is not limited by the seasonal progression system. This means that you can experience all of the world and story content from past seasons whenever you want. In addition, any unfinished story quests from that season can be completed in Temporal Nexus after the season ends. These chapters are independent, and each season contains its own story. Just like Netflix, you can explore them in any order you like.

In addition to advancing the storyline, we will be releasing a number of limited-time events on a regular basis. These events will offer generous rewards and will be open to all players. So even if you didn't meet the requirements to join the season in time, you won't miss out on participating in these events. Additionally, to make the Guild events more friendly to all players, those who haven't entered the season will automatically be adjusted to the season's baseline level in the Season Battle Drill mode.

We welcome you to embark on the world of Esperia any time for the next ten years!

Q: If I'm just AFK-ing every day, is that ok? A: It's perfectly fine to play casually and only AFK Stages, but don't forget other features like Dream Realm, where you can discover top-tier equipment for endless enjoyment.

Q: If I start playing in the middle of the season, will I miss anything? A: Starting mid-season may mean missing out on some time-limited event content and rewards. However, with each season lasting four months, it doesn't take long to complete the story. Also, new story content will be added with version updates. You can explore Esperia's story at your own pace, and even if you don't finish it by the end of the season, you can still experience it in Temporal Nexus.

Q: Since I've already reached Resonance Level 240, unlocking new regions in the new season will be effortless, right? Can't I just race through the whole map? A: While unlocking regions may be faster, your journey is about progressing with your companions. Through various features and seasonal content, you'll continue to grow, rather than just race through.

Q: You mentioned that Seasonal Story Chapters are tied to seasonal progressions. Will there be any problems with seasonal Story Chapters after the season ends? A: No, story chapters in the Temporal Nexus are not affected by seasonal progressions.

Q: Should I just return to AFK Journey after 10 years and unlock a ton of story chapters and rewards at once? A: Theoretically, yes. But we still hope that you start your journey today. In addition, to prevent players from claiming massive rewards all at once in the future, there will be certain mechanics for claiming rewards in Temporal Nexus to ensure that both the distribution and acquisition of rewards make sense over the long term.

Q: Will resources be refunded for reset content at the end of the season? A: Resources will not be refunded directly, but rewards will be calculated and distributed according to seasonal progression. Specific calculation rules will be announced later.

Q: With the recent addition of the cross-server friend system, I'm hoping for more cross-server features. Are there any plans for this in the new season? A: We're preparing to implement a mechanism called Dynamic District. This mechanism, designed by our team based on years of experience, will assign multiple servers to a District at the beginning of each season. Throughout the season, you will experience different cross-server cooperative or competitive modes, some of which are District-based while many others are not restricted by your District. The servers will then be reassigned to different Districts for the next season. Some features will also make Districts compete with each other during the season. We will provide more detailed information in future patch notes.

Q: Will every server have a full four months to experience the season? A: Not necessarily. To access the season, servers must have been created for at least 42 days. Servers that are ready when the new season starts will have a full four months. A server may, at most, be delayed the first time they enter a new season, then enter all future seasons on the first available date without a subsequent delay.

That's all for this issue. Stay tuned for future announcements if you are interested in more details.

the lights journey

5 things to know about the Mississippi Flyway as spring bird migration begins

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Dale Gentry speaks in almost reverential terms about a birding experience he had back in 2002 in La Crosse's Hixon Forest.

It was the height of spring migration on the Mississippi Flyway, a migration route that follows the Mississippi River . Birds were "dripping" off the trees, he recalls, resplendent, foraging for food and singing. Gentry, now director of conservation for Audubon's Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri region, couldn't move his binoculars fast enough, but there were fellow birders all around him willing to share which species they'd spotted.

"'Oh, what did you just see?' 'Someone just saw this over there!'" he describes the conversations. "It is just one of the best things, that brings me back to birding every year."

Spring migration is underway along the flyway, making the river and its floodplain a hotspot for waterfowl and soon-to-arrive songbirds.

The Mississippi plays a critical role guiding these birds across the country and providing them habitat to rest. Here's everything you need to know about this important flyway — and when and where to see the birds amid their long journey.

What is the Mississippi River flyway, and which birds use it?

The Mississippi Flyway is a migration route along the Mississippi, Missouri and lower Ohio rivers that birds take each spring and fall to make their way between their breeding grounds in Canada and their winter homes in the Gulf of Mexico and Central and South America.

It's one of four flyways in the U.S. The others are the Central Flyway, the Pacific Flyway and the Atlantic Flyway.

More than 325 bird species use the Mississippi Flyway each year, including sparrows, warblers, owls, ducks, plovers, cranes, chickadees and many more. It's estimated that roughly 40% of waterfowl and shorebirds in North America use the flyway.

Where do they come from, and where are they going?

Waterfowl typically winter in the southern and southeastern U.S., about as far south as the Gulf of Mexico, Gentry said. When they migrate along the river, they're headed to the Prairie Pothole region of Canada, western Minnesota and the Dakotas. Some species, including wood ducks, buffleheads and mergansers, will stay in the forested areas of Wisconsin and Minnesota to nest in tree cavities.

More: For Wisconsin birders, 2023 was a year of ‘celebrity’ sightings

Many songbird species, by contrast, make much farther journeys, flying from Central and South America. They migrate at night and pay close attention to atmospheric pressure to decide when to travel, Gentry said, preferring pressure systems with no storms or clouds. Once in the air, they can fly around 200 miles per night before stopping to rest and recharge for a few days.

It's "every birder's dream" to be in the right spot when a massive flock of colorful songbirds arrive, exhausted, to hang out for a bit, Gentry said.

Why do birds like the Mississippi River?

Just like many of us humans have memorized landmarks that chart the route between our homes and certain familiar places, birds use the Mississippi River as a guide to help them travel south to north and vice versa, Gentry said.

Birds that migrate elsewhere use mountain ranges or the coasts as guides, but in the middle of the country, there's no better visual marker than the Mississippi, he said.

It also comes with a valuable added bonus: reliable habitat to stop and rest in. Despite the massive changes the river floodplain has undergone as cities have developed around it, there's still water and a ribbon of forest alongside it in many places that make it an attractive place to rest and refuel, Gentry said.

More: The Mississippi River's floodplain forests are dying. The race is on to bring them back.

More: What to know about the aggressive grass taking over forests along the upper Mississippi River

Although all species seem to appreciate it, there are some birds that are particularly attached. The prothonotary warbler, for example — a bright yellow songbird named for the yellow robes worn by papal clerks in the Roman Catholic church — enjoy big, old forests surrounded by floodwaters, Gentry said. In southeast Minnesota and southwest Wisconsin they're abundant along the Mississippi, but birders elsewhere in the state will rarely see them.

How could climate change, habitat loss and light pollution affect birds on their journey?

The crucial habitat the flyway offers is facing a series of threats. At Audubon, Gentry said, there's concern about what scientists call "phenological mismatch." In other words, birds are genetically cued to leave the south when the weather warms, and they arrive in the north when insects emerge and trees bud.

But climate change is throwing off the timing of those events.

More: Gone barely a month, migrating birds are making their way back to Wisconsin already

As winters and springs warm up , data is showing birds are arriving a little sooner than they were historically, Gentry said. The idea that the early bird gets the worm holds true here — birds want to arrive to their final destination as early as possible to claim the best breeding grounds. The danger is that the weather could fluctuate and a spring cold snap could kill off tree buds and insects that the birds need to eat, eventually causing them to die.

The river's floodplain forests are also struggling. Between 1891 and 1989, the upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers  lost nearly half  of their floodplain forest cover due to urban and agricultural land use, as well as changes to the way the water flowed  after locks and dams were installed in the 1930s .

Those losses have accelerated in the last few decades, both because of climate change and land use changes. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture,  which can produce more intense rainfall . Longer-lasting floods, including a massive one in 2019 in which the river was above flood stage for more than 100 days, are killing off the trees.  

More: High water and prolonged flooding are changing the ecosystem of the Upper Mississippi River, a new report finds

Light pollution has also been a threat to birds, particularly during their migration journeys. Birds orient in part by the moon and the stars, Gentry said, making them attracted to light. Bright urban environments can draw them in, and it can be deadly: nearly 1,000 birds died one night during migration last fall when they flew into a Chicago building on the shore of Lake Michigan.

Audubon urges people to turn out all unnecessary lights during spring and fall migration, Gentry said, and even think about dimming necessary ones during times of peak bird traffic.

"Birds are a great entry point for understanding how humans impact the environment," he said. "They respond so quickly to all the changes we make."

When and where is the best place to see them?

Spring migration starts in earnest in April as waterfowl move north, Gentry said, arriving on the river by the tens of thousands.

Songbirds start to arrive in early to mid-May, sometimes in groups so large they can be tracked on weather radar. The best time to catch them is in the early morning, from sunrise until about 10 a.m., when they're moving around and actively feeding.

During this time frame, there's not really a bad spot along the river to be to see a bunch of birds, Gentry said, particularly public lands. He suggested Wyalusing State Park near Prairie du Chien, Hixon Forest and Goose Island in the La Crosse area, and anywhere on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, which protects thousands of acres of river floodplain between Wabasha, Minnesota, and Rock Island, Illinois.

More: Upper Mississippi national wildlife refuge, which saved the floodplain from being turned into farmland, turns 100

Of course, there'll be another opportunity for bird watching when fall migration rolls around — typically the flashier of the two, Gentry said, because the birds that came in the spring have had babies, meaning almost twice as many birds make the journey back south.

But he prefers getting out in the spring. The birds are in their breeding plumage and are often singing to attract a mate.

"It brings hope, thinking about the journey those birds made," Gentry said, "and how much they overcame to be there."

Madeline Heim is a  Report for America  corps reporter who writes about environmental issues in the Mississippi River watershed and across Wisconsin. Contact her at (920) 996-7266 or  [email protected] .


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  5. Journey When The Lights Go Down In The City

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  1. Journey

    Official HD Video for "Lights' by JourneyListen to Journey: more Journey videos:

  2. Lights (Journey song)

    "Lights" is a song recorded by American rock band Journey and written by Steve Perry and Neal Schon, released in 1978. Background and writing [ edit ] The song is about Journey's city of origin, San Francisco , although it was actually written in and originally intended to be about Los Angeles .

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    [Chorus] When the lights go down in the City And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I wanna be there in my City, oh Oh, oh, oh [Verse] So you think you're lonely Well, my friend, I'm lonely too I want ...

  6. Lights by Journey

    'The bay' fit so nice, 'When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay.' It was one of those early morning going across the bridge things when the sun was coming up and the lights were going down. It was perfect." Perry finished writing the song with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, who says they "banged it out in about 20 minutes."

  7. Journey

    The song "Lights" by Journey was not originally a hit; however, it gained popularity over the years. The song is thought to be about San Francisco because of the reference to the "City by the Bay." However, the song was actually written originally about Los Angeles. The band is originally from the San Francisco area; however, they relocated to ...

  8. Journey

    When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my city Ooh, ooh So you think you're lonely Well my friend I'm lonely too I want to get back to my city by the bay Ooh, ooh It's sad, oh there's been mornings Out on the road without you Without your charms Ooh, my, my, my, my, my, my Ooh When the lights go ...

  9. Journey

    Journey's best. go ahead. argue. and, yes, it is about San Fran, but I'd like to think it's about my home town, sea-town. and computwiz - Journey is not a singer. journey is a band. Steve Perry is a singer. ... ("City lights lay out before us", "Speeds so fast felt like I was drunk"), and the idea of starting from nothing and just driving and ...

  10. Journey

    When the lights go down in the city. And the sun shines on the bay. I want to be there in my city. Ooh, ooh. So you think you're lonely. Well my friend I'm lonely too. I want to go back to my city by the bay. Ooh, ooh. It's sad, oh there's been mornings.

  11. LIGHTS CHORDS by Journey @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Lights chords Journey * [Intro] D Bm D A Bm C D Dsus2 D [Chorus] D Bm C When the lights go down in the City D Bm C And the sun shines on the bay D Bm C Do I want to be there in my City, woh-oh-oh Bm C D Dsus2 D Ooh, ooh oooh [Verse] D Bm C So you think you're lonely D Bm C Well my friend I'm lonely too D Bm C I want to get back to my City by ...

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    Journey · Song · 1978

  13. Lights

    Journey. 2,508,399 listeners. classic rock. rock. 80s. Journey is an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1973. The band has gone through several phases since its inception by former members of Santana. The band's grea… read more.

  14. Meaning of Lights by Journey

    Journey. June 26, 2023. "Lights" by Journey is a song about the longing for home and the feeling of loneliness on the road. The singer expresses his desire to return to the familiar sights of his city, San Francisco, as he feels a deep sense of nostalgia and yearning for the place he calls home. The chorus, "When the lights go down in the City ...

  15. Journey

    When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay Ooh, I wanna be there, yeah, in my city Oh, whoa, oh Oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh So you think you're lonely Well, my friend, I'm lonely, too I wanna get back to my city by the bay Oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh It's sad Oh, there's been mornings out on the road without you Without your charms Oh ...


    When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my City (Oh, oo, oh) Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh When the lights go down in the city And the sun shines on the bay I want to be there in my City Oh, oo, oh Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh (Hmm) Ohh, oo, oh Oh, oh, oh

  17. Lyrics for Lights by Journey

    Out on the road without you. Without your charms. Oh-oh, my, my, my, my, my, my. Ooh, ooh, oh-oh. When the lights go down in the city. And the sun shines on the bay. Ooh, I want to be there in my city. Ooh-oh-oh (oh, oh, ooh-oh) When the lights go down in the city.

  18. LIGHTS CHORDS (ver 2) by Journey @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get +5 IQ. [Intro] D Bm D A Bm C D [Chorus 1] D Bm C When the lights go down in the City D Bm C And the sun shines on the bay D Bm C I want to be there in my City, ooh, ooh Bm C D Ooh, ooh, ooh [Verse] D Bm C So you think you're lonely D Bm C Well, my friend I'm lonely too D Bm C I ...

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    "Lights" by Journey is a classic rock song that has stood the test of time. It speaks to a sense of longing for a specific place and captures the magic of San Francisco. For those who love the city by the bay, "Lights" is a reminder of the place they call home. For those who have never been to San Francisco, the song is a window into ...

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  29. 5 things to know about bird migration on the Mississippi River

    Light pollution has also been a threat to birds, particularly during their migration journeys. Birds orient in part by the moon and the stars, Gentry said, making them attracted to light.

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