• Peru and Machu Picchu
  • Bolivia and Central Andes
  • Atacama and Salar de Uyuni
  • Chile and Easter Island
  • Argentina and Buenos Aires
  • Patagonia and the End of the World
  • Antarctica and Patagonian Cruises

If traveling to the moon is on your bucket list, you might just check it off after experiencing the Uyuni Salt Flats of Bolivia and Chile’s vast Atacama Desert

High in the Andes and as remote as one can get, the great Uyuni Salt Flats and the Atacama Desert are perfect destinations for lovers of vast, lunar landscapes and unique nature and culture. From dry and dusty towns like San Pedro de Atacama to the star-filled skies of the high Andes , if you are thrilled by getting away from it all, join us on a tailor-made adventure to one of the world’s least visited regions and get off the beaten track…way off!

Suggested itinerary

Santiago and Atacama Desert

Santiago and Atacama Desert

This is an exciting journey through the wonders of Chile! On this travel itinerary, you will pass through its capital, Santiago, and the most spectacular vineyards in the region. Then, you will cross the Andes until you reach San Pedro de Atacama, one of the main destinations in the country, where we will visit the most important attractions in the region.

Yungas Cloud Forest & Uyuni Salt Flat

Yungas Cloud Forest & Uyuni Salt Flat

This 7-day itinerary will take you around surreal landscapes in the great Uyuni Salt Flats, the wonderful city of La Paz, and the opportunity to experience the mountain bike adventure in the incredible "Death Road" in the Yungas Cloud Forest. Join us!

Atacama and Uyuni Salt Flats

Atacama and Uyuni Salt Flats

This is a 100% travel itinerary dedicated to San Pedro de Atacama, in Chile, and Uyuni Salt Flats, in Bolivia. It will take you to know the city of San Pedro de Atacama, where it will be possible to know the magnificent Atacama Desert and the famous Lagunas Altiplanas. Also, you will cross the border to Bolivia to experience the adventure of the famous and surprising Salar de Uyuni

Titicaca Lake & Uyuni Salt Flat

Titicaca Lake & Uyuni Salt Flat

This journey takes you through some of the most spectacular landscapes of the Central Andes in Bolivia. You'll begin by exploring the sprawling twin cities of La Paz and El Alto, before setting out to sacred Lake Titicaca. Then, you'll get to see the great Uyuni Salt Flats and witness the many natural wonders of the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve like geysers, colored lakes, and a surrealist desert.

La Paz, Salar de Uyuni and Atacama

La Paz, Salar de Uyuni and Atacama

Get ready for a trip in which you will pass through two magical countries in Latin America. In this itinerary, you will get to know Bolivia and its capital La Paz, recognized for being the highest capital in the world and not far from there the famous Titicaca Lake and the mystical Isla del Sol (Sun Island). You will also cross the spectacular Uyuni Salt Flats in a jeep. , the salt desert of Bolivia and come across volcanoes, lagoons and vegetation of many colors! Finally, you will arrive in the Chilean city of San Pedro do Atacama, which stands out for its arid and intriguing desert and the amazing Valle de La Luna.

Santiago, Atacama Desert and Uyuni

Santiago, Atacama Desert and Uyuni

You will get to know the best of the Chilean capital of Santiago and its surroundings. You will also spend a few days in San Pedro de Atacama, where you will discover the majestic desert landscapes. And, to close with a flourish, you will also cross the border to Bolivia to have a unique experience in the surprising salt desert of Bolivia, the Salar de Uyuni!

100% Bolivia

100% Bolivia

A full circuit to discover the different facets of this Andean country! We will begin enjoying the tropical climate of Santa Cruz to later continue visiting the colonial cities of Sucre and Potosi declared by UNESCO. We will also visit the surreal landscapes of the Uyuni Salt Flat and the Eduardo Avaroa Region to continue our trip to the highest capital in the world, La Paz. Our adventure ends with a visit to the mystic Lake Titicaca. Are you ready?

Argentina, Bolivia and Chile

Argentina, Bolivia and Chile

Our adventure goes from the capitals Buenos Aires, La Paz and Santiago to wonderful nature shows, such as San Pedro de Atacama.You will take the incredible safari to the city of Purmamarca and the region of Jujuy and venture into Atacama, cross the incredible and world famous Salar de Uyuni and soon discover the best of Santiago de Chile

Peru, Bolivia and Chile

Peru, Bolivia and Chile

This travel itinerary is an extended version of our classic tour of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. This trip, in addition to visiting Cusco, Machu Picchu, Puno, Lake Titicaca, La Paz, Salar de Uyuni and Atacama Desert, also passes through the capitals Lima and Santiago de Chile and reaches the beautiful Valparaíso on the Chilean Coast.


Encounter with the Likan Antays (indigenous community)

Encounter with the Likan Antays (indigenous community)

Full Day private tour to Copacabana and Isla del Sol

Full Day private tour to Copacabana and Isla del Sol

Condoriri Trek (2 days)

Condoriri Trek (2 days)

Ballon flight over the Atacama desert

Ballon flight over the Atacama desert

Day tour Tiwanaku with private english speaking guide

Day tour Tiwanaku with private english speaking guide

Private City Tour in La Paz with Cable Car Experience

Private City Tour in La Paz with Cable Car Experience

Mountain biking tour

Mountain biking tour "Death Road"


Trips from Atacama Desert | Tours & Travel | Explora

Atacama Desert

The most arid non-polar region on earth. A territorial extension in northern Chile, consisting of rocky terrain, salty lakes, sand and dry lava that flows into the Andes. Welcome to the majestic Atacama Desert!In the Atacama Desert, you have a diverse mix of rock formations, canyons, salt basins and lava flows. The dry environment and bubbling geysers combined with hot springs, crystal blue lagoons and beautiful valleys and rivers will surprise you!

Trips from Uyuni Salt Flats | Tours & Travel | Explora

Uyuni Salt Flats

The Salar de Uyuni and its surroundings are among the most beautiful and different places on Earth. This, in itself, is already a strong reason for him to enter the travel wish list of those who enjoy adventure in nature. But there are others! This incredible salt desert is famous for its dreamy landscape, which makes for an unforgettable surreal experience, also visiting bubbling hot springs, colorful lagoons, steaming geysers and snow-covered volcanoes.

Trips from La Paz - Bolivia | Tours & Travel | Explora

A metropolis situated at an altitude of 3,600 meters, it is one of the highest cities in the world. Welcome to La Paz, the capital of Bolivia! A central ensemble of church towers and office blocks surrounded by the magnificent iceberg peak of Mount Illimani, rising imperiously to the southeast.Enjoy a traditional Bolivian lunch, hop on the cable car, explore the Valle de la Luna, end the night in a bar with live music.

The Best Tours in Uyuni

The Bolivian Salt Flats have become Bolivia’s most popular attraction and a must-see for anyone traveling through South America. Their otherworldly nature and surreal beauty attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year. Read below to find everything you need to choose the perfect Salar de Uyuni tour!

Quick tips:

  • If you have a bit more time, choose a 3 or 4 Day Tour to get to enjoy everything Salar de Uyuni has to offer!
  • Unfortunately, there have been cases of tour operators scamming tourists who try to book a tour when they arrive to the salt flats. If possible, book in advance through a trusted operator.
  • Findlocaltrips.com is a highly recommended website that finds and compares local tour operators. Check them out to find the best Salar de Uyuni tours.

Salar de Uyuni tour options

With the natural beauty of Salar de Uyuni and all its breathtaking surroundings, it’s no wonder the Bolivia Salt Flat is one of the world’s most popular tours. Luckily, theres an option for all travelers, whether short on time or traveling at a slower pace. Let’s take a look in more detail.

One-day tours are a great way for those who don’t have much time to see the salt flats. Due to the time restriction, you won’t get a chance to visit the incredible surrounding attractions. However, you will be far from disappointed when you leave as these tours still give you plenty of time to soak in the magic of Salar de Uyuni and capture jaw-dropping photos that you didn’t even know were possible.

One-day tours can only be taken from Uyuni. Buses arrive here very early in the morning to allow enough time for those on board to do take the tour the day they arrive. These tours start at around 10am and finish at around 5pm, allowing enough time for those on the tour to catch an overnight bus to their next destination.

tour atacama salar de uyuni

The historical and intriguing train graveyard is the first stop on the one-day tours. This is followed by Colchani, the salt production site, where you will be taught the process of producing salt and visit one of the iconic salt hotels. A trip to Isla Incahuasi follows, where you’ll be able to discover giant cacti up to 10m high, incredible rock formations made of petrified coral and a enjoy a stunning 360-degree view of the tremendous salt flats.

Lunch is also served here as groups get their props at the ready for crazy, perspective photos set on the blinding white surface of the salt flats. The tour ends in magnificent fashion as you observe the sun magically set over the flats.

1 Day Tour include:

  • The train graveyard
  • A Salt hotel
  • Isla Incahuasi

Recommended 1 Day Tour

tour atacama salar de uyuni

Uyuni Salt Flat Full Day Tour

Red Planet Expedition

tour atacama salar de uyuni

Perla de Bolivia

3/4 Day Tour

The most popular and recommended way to discover Salar de Uyuni is by taking a 3 or 4 day tour in a 4×4 jeep. Three day tours depart from either Uyuni or San Pedro de Atacama and finish in Uyuni. The three day tour starting in San Pedro de Atacama and ending in Uyuni is ideal for those looking to continue traveling north after their visit to Salar de Uyuni. Alternatively, you can do the 4 day tour which starts and finishes in San Pedro de Atacama. This tour visits the same places as the 3 day tours but requires an extra night in order to make the relatively long journey back to Chile.

tour atacama salar de uyuni

Day one is the same as the one day tour – departing from Uyuni at the same time and visiting the same places. Following a long day of exploring, you will spend the first night in one of the iconic salt hotels or salt hostels. These remarkable designs are made up almost entirely of salt blocks, from the bed and toilet to the walls and ceilings. Get yourself an early night sleep here as days two and three begin at the crack of dawn, with breakfast at 7am and 5am respectively. Across the next two days you will see everything that Salar de Uyuni has to offer. Of course, you will also be given plenty of time to capture an abundance of photos of one of the picturesque places on Earth The second night is spent in very basic accommodation beside the Polques hot springs, where you will find yourself blown away by the magical stars of the Salar.

The itinerary for those who start their tour in San Pedro de Atacama is reversed as they visit the desert, lagoons, hot springs etc. at the beginning of the tour and the salt flat at the end. The third night of the 4 day tour is spent in a basic hostel in Villa Mar village. You will wake up at 4.30 am to continue your journey, finally arriving back to San Pedro de Atacama at around 2pm.

3/4 Day Tour include:

  • The lagoons Polques hot springs
  • Arbol de Piedra
  • Valle de Rocas
  • Sol de Mañana geyser
  • Dali Desert
  • San Cristobal de Lipez
  • A salt hotel
  • Chiguana desert

Recommended 3/4 Day Tour

tour atacama salar de uyuni

Uyuni Salt Flat Tour 3 Days / 2 Nights

tour atacama salar de uyuni

Visit the largest salt mine

in the world in 2021

tour atacama salar de uyuni

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Day 1 - eduardo avaroa reserve.

Welcome to Bolivia!

We leave San Pedro de Atacama early this morning for a short and scenic drive to Bolivia’s remote southwestern border (drive is unaccompanied by guide, only driver). Upon arrival, you will be greeted by our staff who will be ready to assist with migrations procedures if needed.

Once in Bolivia, we start our 4WD adventure entering Eduardo Avaroa Reserve, home to endemic wildlife and protected Andean landscapes. Our first stops are Laguna Blanca and Laguna Verde, two jewels in the middle of an unforgiving high-altitude (4500m) desert. Continuing, we have the opportunity to spend some time in the hot springs of Polques with stunning views of the Bolivian Altiplano. Later, we continue toward the boiling geysers and steam jets of Sol de Mañana at nearly 5000m!

The day’s main highlight is Laguna Colorada with its hundreds of pink flamingos and beautiful volcanic views all around it.

End the day by reaching our very basic lodge (Basic, Standard) or the more comfortable and private hotel (Plus) further north in the evening.

MEALS Lunch, Dinner


BASIC: Very basic dormitory-style room, shared bathroom, no shower nor hot water (very basic, almost primitive accommodation) STANDARD: Private room with private bathroom and lukewarm shower PLUS: In order of availability/preference: Hotel Tayka del Desierto, Los Flamencos Eco Hotel or Mallku Cueva Hotel

SPECIAL INFORMATION Ideally, take some time to acclimatize before this trip as the altitude reaches almost 5000m. Otherwise, talk to your doctor to be prescribed altitude medication e.g. Diamox if needed

Day 2 - Lagoons, deserts & wildlife

Our second day will take us further north to our next destination in Salar de Uyuni (Plus) or the southern rim of it (Basic, Plus) The morning will see us driving across scenic Andean landscapes, including the “Jewels of the Bolivian Altiplano” (a chain of pristine lagoons home to hundreds of flamingos you can see/photograph up close). We will also be lucky enough to stop at other beautiful sites such as quirky rock formations and scenic viewpoints. The rest of the day will depend on the time of year in which you join us:

Dry season (May to November)

Plus package: We will enter the might Salar de Uyuni in the afternoon. We will enjoy our first taste of salt plains by driving to the northernmost end of the salt flats where we will be based for the night, not before enjoying the colors of sunset against the white backdrop of the salt flats. Sleep in a village in the northern rim of the flats. Accommodation: Tayka Hotel de Sal or Tambo Coqueza

Basic & Standard packages: We will arrive in a small village in the southern rim of Salar de Uyuni but will not enter it until the following day.

Rainy season (December to April)

Plus package: In the afternoon, we will head toward the town of Colchani (past the town of Uyuni) where we will arrive in the southeastern rim of the salt flats. Here, the famed Salt Hotels are located where we will be able to enjoy a picturesque sunset before arriving in one of these unique hotels. Accommodation: In order of preference/availability: Hotel Palacio de Sal; Luna Salada or Cristal Samaña

MEALS Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

BASIC: Basic room, shared bathroom, may have hot shower STANDARD: Private room with private bathroom and hot shower.

SPECIAL INFORMATION Your choice of package level will affect the location of your accommodation today. However, regardless of the package, you will see/visit all the same attractions, only in a different order/day

Day 3 - Salar de Uyuni

A full day is dedicated to enjoying the trip’s grand finale: Salar de Uyuni.

Plus: On our Plus package and in the dry season, we will visit the northern part of the salt flats, including the lesser-known village of Coqueza, gateway to the gorgeous Volcan Thunupa. You will optionally have the opportunity/time to take a moderate hike to an ancient site but what really stands out is the unmatched view of the entire extension of the Salar. Later, visit and hike to the top of Isla Incahuasi (easy to moderate hike) to enjoy the 360-degree views all around as well as the giant cacti growing on this bizarre island.

Basic & Standard: We will enter the salt flats through the southwestern end, immediately being mesmerized by the vastness and whiteness of this unique desert. Spend the rest of the day enjoying the deep-perspective effect which works great for fun photographs as well as climbing Incahuasi Island with its giant cacti to appreciate the sheer size of the salt flats thanks to the 360-degree view from here.

Plus, Basic & Standard: In the rainy season, you will enter the salt flats through the southeastern rim (all packages) and pass through the village of Colchani where you will be able to see its colorful market and optionally, a rustic, salt-processing plant. Most of the day will be spent slowly driving along the shore of the salt flats as it is not possible to drive much further. Immediately, we are in awe by the perfect “mirror” of the sky at our feet. Take your time to find the perfect reflection as well as playing with the deep-perspective effect offered by the endless, flooded plains.

Regardless of the package, you will be able to stay until sunset (time permitting) to appreciate the beautiful colors against the white backdrop of Salar de Uyuni. Alternatively, head out of the salt flats towards the town of Uyuni to make one last stop at the Train Cemetery (not a major attraction, just a picturesque stop) to end the day. We will take you to your desired place of drop off, either at your hotel, airport or bus station in Uyuni where this trip of a lifetime ends.


  • This trip covers around 800 Km in three days of off road driving at high altitude and cold climate.
  • The trip can be easily enjoyed if you are prepared. It is recommended you read the itinerary before booking
  • You may attempt to form a small group of people to reduce costs, but bear in mind that the more people in the vehicle, the less comfortable the trip will be. Consider that you will be driving through rugged terrain and in most parts, it cannot even be considered a road (which is why we use top-notch 4WD vehicles)
  • It is ideal if you are headed from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni. It can also be taken in the opposite direction (See our Classic 3-Day Uyuni Salt Flats tour)
  • Please note that the itinerary is modified during the rainy months of Dec to April (see itinerary)



  • Camera/drone
  • Effective sun protection (sunscreen, sunglasses, hat)
  • Warm layers as temperatures drop considerably in the evenings and mornings
  • Bathing suit, sandals
  • Comfortable hiking shoes
  • Money in Bolivianos for national park entrance fees and personal spending (drinks, souvenirs, tips, etc) unless you request admission fees to be included in the final price


  • We are a tour operator, not a travel agency. We organize this trip by putting everything from transport to accommodation providers together to make sure it works as flawlessly as possible. Our trusted partners both in Chile and Bolivia have been tried and tested and we put our name confidently up front because we trust the safety and reliability they offer. A travel agency merely books you with a tour operator earning a commission for themselves and not giving a lot of care to your experience
  • We put safety at the top of our priorities. We know Bolivia and Chile inside out and the roads, towns, villages, deserts, etc. that are safe to travel through. By using our services, you can rest assured that we will get you to your destination at the end of every day safely


  • The itinerary may suffer changes without previous notice due to factors outside our direct control such as weather and road conditions. If we are forced to alter the itinerary in any way, it will be based on good judgment and necessary modifications for your own safety and comfort and you will be promptly notified. We never alter or skip attractions in the itinerary without explaining the reasoning behind any possible change and providing adequate proof that such change may be necessary. Therefore, you should not take the above itinerary as “set in stone” and we will not he held liable for any loss or damage that you may feel arising from such changes made for your benefit.
  • Please note that the itinerary differs in the rainy season from the itinerary in the dry season. We will not be held liable/responsible for failure to read this information
  • This region is a remote area that lacks the usual comforts of the modern world. You should not expect high standards of accommodation, hot water is available some of the time (according to respective package) and electricity is available for a few hours or more where possible.
  • Food is handled hygienically and it is our priority and job that you are satisfied with the limited resources available in this region. Vegetarians are welcome, but should not expect special menus as we do what we can to serve appropriate portions of vegetables and fruit in the vegetarian menu
  • During the rainy season (December to March/April) some parts of the salt flats may be inaccessible such as Incahuasi Island and time on the actual salt flats is limited. Most of the regular itinerary is followed as normal

The following are dates in which other people have shown interest in forming a group for this tour. Use the ENQUIRY tab to request a new date or join one of the dates below to form a group and obtain the respective price. The number of interested persons is shown for your reference and you will be updated via email if other people are interested in the same date. If your party consist of four persons, we suggest booking a tour outright to confirm departure.


What's included.

  • Transportation by private vehicle from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni for 3 days
  • Spanish-speaking driver (digital guide in IOS or Android app included) or English speaking guide (price varies)
  • 2 nights’ accommodation according to selected package
  • 3 lunches, 2 dinners, 2 breakfasts
  • Bottled water


  • National park and other sites’ admission fees: Approx. 30 USD, paid only local currency (Bolivianos/BOB). Please exchange to BOB before you leave San Pedro de Atacama (you may choose to have these included at the time of booking).
  • Soft/fizzy and alcoholic drinks
  • Optional tips/gratuities (highly recommended, but not mandatory)


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Around The World With Me

How to Plan the Salar de Uyuni Tour from San Pedro de Atacama

Salar de Uyuni

If you’re planning on doing the Salar de Uyuni tour from San Pedro de Atacama in Chile and looking for detailed information about the adventure then you’ve come to the right place! This page will discuss everything there is to know about exploring the magical Bolivian salt flats when you’re coming from the Atacama Desert in Chile.

The Bolivian salt flats, Salar de Uyuni, are the largest and highest salt flats on the planet. Covering 3900 square miles at an elevation of nearly 12,000 feet (3650m), you won’t find anything else quite like this elsewhere in the world.

If you are not familiar with salt flats, it’s exactly what it sounds like; a flat plain of salty earth. The landscape is truly fascinating. We loved every minute of our tour and still dream of that sunrise over the salt flats. The tour featured so much more than just the salt flats though, so read on to see what this part of the world has to offer and why you should book that trip to Bolivia starting in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile!

Salar de Uyuni – What You Need to Know

Booking your salar de uyuni tour, salar de uyuni tour basics, salar de uyuni tour highlights.

Note: this article contains affiliate links, which means that should you purchase something or get a quote through them I may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps keep the site running with up to date information. I do not represent World Nomads, Booking.com, or GetYourGuide. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy the product mentioned in this article.

Where is Salar de Uyuni?

Salar de Uyuni is in the southwestern corner of Bolivia, high in the Andes Mountains. The closest major city is La Paz, Bolivia, though many places in Chile are far closer.

How to get to Salar de Uyuni

There are multiple options for how to see the salt flats, ranging from doing it yourself using public transportation to a multi-day organized tour. The quickest way will be to fly to the town of Uyuni from La Paz or Santa Cruz and take a day tour from there.

However, for a more fascinating tour of the volcanic landscape of the Andes in southwest Bolivia I highly recommend doing a 4-day / 3-night Salar de Uyuni tour from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile . This post focuses on that option. 

Chris Heckmann and Nimarta Bawa at Volcanic Lake in Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni from San Pedro Tour Cost

It’s possible to see the salt flats on your own, but you will see so much more with an organized tour. The tours are very cheap, as Bolivia is a very poor country. We went with Lithium Aventura (Lithium Adventures). Including transportation, lodging, all food, and the guide, it cost only about $50 USD per person per day, which is pretty standard for the basic tours. 

There are more luxurious tour options, and if you opt to do a private tour and not a combined group tour you’ll naturally pay well more than this. 

The currency in Bolivia is Bolivianos and if you want to purchase anything from the local towns you will need cash. You likely won’t encounter a bank or ATM until you get to the town of Uyuni after you visit the salt flats, so you will need to get some Bolivianos in San Pedro de Atacama. You will also need cash for tipping your guide/driver, though they will be happy to accept USD or EUR. 

Weather and when to do the tour

The weather is tricky up in the salt flats. You are very high in elevation, so nights and mornings can be very cold. But when the sun shines during the day it reflects off the white salt and it can be very hot.

It doesn’t rain much at Salar de Uyuni – only 5 inches per year – and if it does rain your trip could be ruined as the salt flats will flood. It can be beautiful to see this layer of water on the flats, reflecting the nearby mountains, but it can seriously hamper your movement around the flats.  

The rain usually falls in summer (Dec – Feb) so to be safe your best time would be outside of those months, though it will be a bit colder. That being said, I went in January and it only rained and that was on the first day. Luckily it didn’t rain up in the salt flats for me. The best time of year to visit would be Feb-April and Oct-Nov.

Your tour guide/driver and the people working at local hotels and cafes will most likely not speak any English. If no one in your group speaks Spanish, you will miss out on some of the information the guide can provide. Our guide could only speak a few words of English, though we had one person on our tour that spoke Spanish, so that really helped. 

Food on the tour

This part of Bolivia is not really for foodies. Don’t expect great food here in the mountains. The meals provided on the tour are mediocre at best. They are mostly rice and meat based or pasta based. Talk to the tour operator when you book if you’re a vegetarian and see what they can arrange for you. 

I will say, however, that the mangoes I bought on the side of the road in Uyuni were the best mangoes I’ve ever tasted in my life. If you see fresh fruit for sale, it’s gonna be pretty damn good.

Salar de Uyuni elevation

If you have ever struggled with altitude sickness you should speak with your doctor before committing to this trip. Most of the trip is spent high in the mountains, considerably higher than you can go in the United States unless you’re climbing Denali in Alaska.

You will top out at about 16,250 feet (4950m) and not get any lower than about 12,000 feet (3650m). There is not really any time to acclimatize, but San Pedro itself is about 7900 feet (2400m) so if you spend a few days there first it will help. There is not much hiking on the tour, so that helps with avoiding altitude sickness.  

You should expect to see quite a few llamas and thousands of flamingos, but not much else, maybe an elusive fox or two. There is very little vegetation along the tour route, so not ideal grounds for wildlife. You also won’t see a tree the entire trip, just a few species of cactus.

Poverty and litter

Bolivia is a pretty poor country. Nearly 40 percent of the country lives in poverty, and it’s higher in rural regions where you will be on this tour. The extreme poverty makes it very cheap to travel here, but remember how fortunate you are compared to the locals when you are there.

In a small village in the mountains I played soccer with a little boy named Santiago on a dirt pitch without a single patch of grass with a dilapidated old ball. It broke my heart seeing this kid playing in such poor conditions and knowing that he’ll likely never be able to experience playing on a grass pitch. Of all the poverty I saw in Bolivia, this image sticks with me. 

I am always saddened to see the amount of litter everywhere in developing nations, and Bolivia was no exception. Sanitary services are lacking and locals just throw their garbage anywhere. As a tourist, do your part to keep Bolivia beautiful and don’t litter just because the locals do it. 

Tourist Visa

Bolivia offers visa free travel for nearly everyone from developed nations. But not for Americans. If you’re an American going to Bolivia you need to be prepared with $160 USD of cash (in good condition) to pay when you enter the country, whether by air or land. There are some forms and you need to show proof of travel accommodations and proof you will leave the country.

Technically you are also required to show you have been vaccinated for Yellow Fever, but if you do the Salar de Uyuni tour from San Pedro de Atacama this will not be required, as the elevation you will be at is so high that mosquitoes are not present. If you are going to Uyuni a different way, like through the airport in La Paz, be prepared to show your vaccination card. 

Where to stay in San Pedro de Atacama

To do this tour you’ll base yourself in the Chilean resort town of San Pedro de Atacama. It’s a beautiful little town that is catered to tourists so you have a ton of options for booking your hotel or hostel.

We stayed at Hostal Candelaria and highly recommend it for a comfortable and very affordable stay. We had a few nights booked at a $200/night resort outside of town and had such a horrible experience we left after one night and went back to Candelaria.

You can check out all the properties in San Pedro de Atacama on booking.com here .

Salar de Uyuni tour - salt flats

Travel Insurance

For your trip across the desert I recommend purchasing travel insurance so that you’re protected for the unexpected. We use World Nomads and had a good experience the one time we unfortunately had to actually use it. World Nomads provides coverage to travelers in over 100 countries. You can search for a coverage plan using the link below.

tour atacama salar de uyuni

As mentioned before, the best way to see Salar de Uyuni is with an organized tour and this post focuses on the 4 day / 3 night tour from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.

If you are on a very, very tight budget you can see the salt flats on your own , but you will miss out on a lot of amazing places that you can only get to with a 4×4 off-road vehicle. For the vast majority of the drive there are no actual roads. You cruise along sandy trails and drive freely on the salt flats.

The tours are all small groups, as only 6 or 7 people can fit into the SUVs that the tour companies use, so it doesn’t even feel like a group tour. Using a licensed tour company is absolutely the way to go. 

How to book the tour

It is easy to book a tour online by email with one of the operators or using an online tour booking platform like GetYourGuide . You can check out the various options for a Salar de Uyuni tour from San Pedro de Atacama using the banner below.

But even if you don’t plan ahead, you will have no problem booking something in San Pedro. There is always availability to squeeze a few more people in. We literally booked our tour the day before it left.

In the city center there is a street that is lined with tour offices . Posters on the window advertise various tours. Nearly all the operators will offer tours to Salar de Uyuni and they will all offer a pretty similar experience.

We chose Lithium Adventura based on online reviews and the fact that someone at their office spoke English. I can certainly recommend them, but can’t say the others aren’t just as good. They were up front about how our guide/driver would not speak English so we appreciated that.

I also appreciated that they warned me that as an American I would need $160 of cash in USD (see visa requirements above). I had to go to a bank and withdraw cash in USD. You can also go to an exchange kiosk, as these are everywhere around town. 

More interested in hiking in the Andes? Then the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu might be for you!

We paid for the tour in cash directly to the office and we were booked for a 7:20 AM pickup the next day. The process was incredibly easy. My biggest gripe was that my Bolivian visa would cost more than the tour itself!

When we did the tour it was about $150 USD for a 4 day / 3 night tour (currently more like $200-$300 as of 2023). It’s an incredibly affordable trip for what you get. 

PRO TIP: if you’re on a longer jaunt around South America don’t take all your luggage with you on the tour. Make sure to book ahead where you will stay on the day you get back to San Pedro and go there beforehand to drop your bags. In the SUV there is not much room and all luggage is kept atop the vehicle. Pack lightly if you can. 

There are various tour options for Salar de Uyuni from San Pedro de Atacama. The most popular – and the one we did and have dedicated this post to – is the 4 day / 3 night San Pedro to Uyuni and back excursion. The tour includes three nights of lodging in basic accommodations as well as food, which is typically served at the lodges (though really they are more like hostels).

Accommodation types

The type of room you get at the lodges seems to vary based on what’s available at the lodge that particular day. The first night we slept in a dorm style room with four of our tour mates in the middle of nowhere. The other two nights we had private rooms with twin beds.

The rooms were very basic. There was no AC or heat, but the weather was pretty temperate so that didn’t really matter. Electricity is off and on. You are off the grid here so everything is run on generator power. Bathrooms will be shared.

Meals will be served at specific times (dinner is late in the evening) and will be pretty basic rice or pasta based entrees. An appropriate way to describe the food would be mediocre at best.  

Salar de Uyuni tour

Days in the Jeep

You will spend most of your day packed in the SUV riding across dirt and sand so try to get comfortable. The SUVs are reliable, but old. The tour is off road, so breakdowns are relatively common. The drivers are all basically licensed mechanics though, so you’re not gonna get stuck.

If all this sounds a bit much like roughing it to you there are other more luxurious options. Some tour operators will offer upgrades to stay overnight at actual hotels, but you also have the option to book a private tour tailored to your needs. There are some pretty glamorous hotels near the salt flats. Expect these private tours to be anywhere from 5 to 25 times the cost of a group tour however. 

The route between San Pedro and Salar de Uyuni is loaded with spectacular sights. Conical mountains of active volcanoes rise from the red and brown valley. You won’t see a tree anywhere around here. Pink flamingos fly around you as smoke from geothermal pools of boiling water carries off into the distance. Valleys of endless sand and funky rocks stretch on as far as the eye can see. And you still haven’t even reached the salt flats.

After experiencing this exotic landscape of what seems like it should be another planet you reach the flats. Here you freely drive along the endless white plains of salty earth, small mountains covered in giant cacti scattered here and there.  (Note that the route shown in the map below is not an exact representation of the trip, as Google Maps cannot account for all the off-roading that is done)

Salar de Uyuni

After being picked up from your accommodation in San Pedro de Atacama you will ride on a bus to the Bolivian border. You’ll climb straight up about 5000 feet in elevation until you’re as high as the tip of the tallest mountain in the contiguous United States.

At the border you’ll get split into the smaller group that you’ll be with for the rest of the tour. We ended up in a Land Cruiser with 4 other travelers and our driver, Carlos.

You will spend the entire first day in Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve of Flora and Fauna. This is a large national park that costs an extra 150 Bolivianos (about $22 USD, not included in the tour). Known for its lakes full of flamingos and giant volcanoes, you’ll most likely spend your first night here in a very basic lodge. 

Laguna Verde on the Salar de Uyuni tour in Bolivia

Key stops on day 1

Some of the key stops on the first day are: 

  • Laguna Verde (green lake) 
  • Laguna Blanca (white lake)
  • Sol de Mañana (geothermal area with smoking ponds and geysers)
  • Laguna Colorada (red lake known for its flamingos) 
  • Desierto Salvador Dalí (Salvador Dali desert, named after the painter due to its raw and rugged terrain)
  • Termas de Polques (hot springs, just a tiny pool, I didn’t go in)

a flamingo at Pink lake in Bolivia

Driving around this park, you really feel like you’ve left earth and landed on Mars. The scenes of flamingos eating from pink and red lakes with snow-capped volcanoes in the background are simply stunning. You’ll have plenty of time to walk around all these uniquely colorful lakes and take photos.  

The second day is a long day in the Land Cruiser, the focus being on getting to Salar de Uyuni for the night. But you will pass quite a few more lakes and odd rock formations, such as Arbol de Piedra (Tree rock), a rock that resembles a tree. It’s the closest thing you’ll get to seeing an actual tree on this tour. The region between Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve and Salar de Uyuni is barren, with funky rock formations protruding from the desert sand everywhere you look.

Tree Rock in the high desert of southern Bolivia

You might stop in the tiny town of Villa Martin to try some quinoa beer. Quinoa production is one of the main sources of income in this part of Bolivia. There are quinoa farms all over the place around here. The quinoa beer is expensive compared to everything else in Bolivia, but do the locals a favor and try it.

Here in town you’ll also see your first sightings of the Bolivian echinopsis atacamensis . This is a cactus species that looks strikingly similar to the American saguaro cactus found in Arizona. I love cacti so I was super excited to see these things growing in Bolivia. 

Cactus in Bolivia

You will spend the second night of the tour in a hostel literally made out of salt. We stayed at the Hostel de Sal , but if you don’t stay there it will be something similar. Instead of using stone or brick and mortar to build masonry structures, they use salt blocks in this part of the world. Even the tables, beds, and furniture were made of salt. Everything except the roof. I found this building made of salt absolutely fascinating.

Key stops on day 2

The second day on tour isn’t quite as other-worldly as the first day, but you’ll still see some cool things like:

  • Villa Martin
  • Hostel de Sal

Hostel de Sal near Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

You’ll wake early – like 4:30 AM early – to get an early start to the day. The sun rises early and you will watch it from an “island” in the salt flats. Salar de Uyuni – the Bolivian salt flats – is the highlight of the tour. It’s what you came all this way for.

An endless field of white salt with seams in a hexagonal format (hard to describe, refer to the photos), cactus-clad mountains in the background.

Salar de Uyuni tour - salt flats

The “island” actually was an island once when the salt flat was at the bottom of the ocean, but today it’s more of just a little mountain in the middle of the flats. Climb up to the highest point on the island for a beautiful view of the sun rising over the white valley floor. You’ll have a little time to watch the sun illuminate the salt flats before breakfast, which you’ll enjoy at the base of the island. 

If you like this cacti then you’ll love Saguaro National Park in Arizona!

Salar de Uyuni cactus

The rest of the morning you will get time to find an isolated spot of the salt flats and experiment with some perspective pictures. See my examples below. The flats are huge so your driver will know of somewhere he can take you to get away from other people.

Not including sunrise on the island and breakfast, you’ll probably get about an hour on the flats for photos, which is enough time in my opinion. When you’re done at the world’s largest and highest salt flats you will head east towards the town of Uyuni. 

Perspective photos on the Salar de Uyuni Tour in Bolivia

There are a few more spots along the way where you’ll stop for lunch and shopping should you wish to buy something, then you’ll arrive in Uyuni and check out a place called the Train Cemetery just south of town. This place is full of rusted steel shells of old trains.

You’ll get about two hours of free time in Uyuni before it’s time to start on your way back to San Pedro. There is not much to see in Uyuni itself. We ended up just going to a café and sitting out in the sun with a beer.

Just note that if you purchase any fresh produce you cannot take it back to Chile, so you will have to finish it before the next morning. We did not know this at the time and ended up chowing down on four giant mangos for dessert that night. 

Key stops on day 3

You will make better time on the way back to San Pedro as there will not be any stops. You even get to drive on some paved roads. We stayed in a small village called Villamar Mallcu on the way back. The highlights of your third day are:

  • The salt flats at Salar de Uyuni
  • Train Cemetery

You will again wake up at the crack of dawn so the driver can take you back to the Chilean border by about 11 AM, where the bus will be waiting to take you back to San Pedro. What a journey it has been! 

Kissing on the salt flats in Bolivia

The 4 day / 3 night tour from San Pedro de Atacama to Salar de Uyuni is a trip I recommend everyone to take at some point in their life. The entire journey is stunning and you’ll see some of the most spectacular volcanic landscapes the world has to offer.

Even when including the cost of the Bolivian visa for Americans, the trip is still worth it and very affordable for what you get. I hope you have a great time on your adventure through Bolivia!

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Chris Heckmann

The inca trail trek to machu picchu – how to plan and book, how to spend one day in bruges, belgium, you may also like, the inca trail trek to machu picchu –..., 10 comments.

[…] comfort but also contribute positively to the places they visit. Look for those who have received positive traveler reviews for their commitment to […]

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Thank you for the detailed summary of your trip. One question: how rough was the ride on the unpaved roads in the jeep? Were all extremities flying around or was it more of a constant shake? My gf has problems with her spine, so any upfront information would be really helpful to us. Thanks in advance!

Hi Mathias,

I don’t recall it being too bumpy, but it is all dirt roads or just open sand, and it’s pretty tighlty packed in the Jeeps. I don’t believe the roads were in poor condition and think they were quite smoothe. But don’t quote me on that! I don’t think it will be a problem for someone with back problems, but it might be good to inquire with one of the tour operators as they will have the best info on the latest road conditions.

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Nice summary. I know it’s possible to do the same trip but with Uyuni as final destination. Do you know a good company for this trip? I plan to go there next July. Thanks!

Hi Thierry, I recommend Lithium Adventura. There’s a link to their webiste in the post. They offer the one way version as well. So I’d check them out!

Thanks Chris!

Hi Chris, Another question: do you know if it’s possible to do a 4 or 5 day-trip from San Pedro to Uyuni or Tupiza *including* the Sud Lipez?

Thierry, I had to look up Sud Lipez, but I believe you’re referring to the volanic high mountains of southern Bolivia where the pink lakes are and the flamingos and all that stuff, right? The route to Salar de Uyuni goes through that region of Bolivia and tha majority of the tour is actually in that area. Unless you’re referring to somewhere else? I believe 3 nights 4 days is the longest tour, at least that Lithium offers. You might be able to contact them to request a custom tour though!

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Great information folks! Thank you.

Glad you found it useful!

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