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Melanoma: It started with a freckle

2014 Tour de France 101st edition: July 5- July 27, 2014

Stage 12 results and photos.

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Thursday, July 17: Stage 12, Bourg en Bresse - St Etienne, 185.5 km

Stage 12 live updates | Stage 12 photos | Stage 12 map and profile |

Alexander Kristoff wins stage 12

Alexander Kristoff wins stage 12. Photo ©Sirotti

  • Km 58.5: Col de Brouilly, 1.7 km @ 5.1% average gradient - category 4
  • Km 83.0: Côte du Saule-d'Oingt, 3.8 km @ 4.5% - category 3
  • Km 138: Col de Brosses, 15.3 km @ 3.3%, category 3
  • Km 164: Côte de Grammond, 9.8km @ 2.9%, category 4

The Race: Andrew Talansky was unable to start stage 12 .

Five riders were allowed to escape early in the stage: Sebastian Langeveld (Garmin-Sharp), Gregory Rast (Trek), Simon Clarke (Orica), David De La Cruz (NetApp) and Florian Vachon (Bretagne-Séché).

De la Cruz suffered a nasty fall while rounding a corner and abandoned with a broken collarbone.

The other four pressed on, but the kilometers took their toll. By the final climb Simon Clarke was alone, but with two Europcar riders chasing him, Perrig Quémeneur and Cyril Gautier. The pair caught Clarke just as they crested the final climb, the Côte de Grammond.

While the peloton ramped up its high-speed chase, Quémeneur was dropped from the break. Near the finish Gautier and Clarke were caught, setting things up for a big sprint finale.

But, the speedy chase over the technical final kilometers split the peloton. Among the missing from the front group were Marcel Kittel and yesterday's winner, Tony Gallopin. With about three kilometers remaining André Greipel and Sylvain Chavanel fell. After they remounted, Griepel was seen griping at the Frenchman, seeming to blame Chavanel for the crash.

Cannondale, which had been missing from the front all day, tried to impose its will on the pack, but it was chaos. Katusha's Alexander Kristoff chose Omega Pharma's Matteo Trentin's wheel in the sprint. It must have been a good choice because Kristoff, after patiently waiting for the right moment, pounced and won the stage with Peter Sagan second. Sagan has still to win a stage in this year's Tour, though he has a commanding lead in the points classification.

Vincenzo Nibali finished in the front group, 25th, and remains the overall leader.

Complete Results:

Winner's average speed: 40.892 km/hr

Team Classification:

Stage 12 photos:

Tony Martin, the Panzerwagen, heads to the start

Tony Martin, the panzerwagen, heads to the start. Photo ©Sirotti

Peter Sagan

Peter Sagan is feeling beter today after being under the weather. Photo ©Sirotti

Arnaud Demare

Arnaud Démare. Photo ©Sirotti

Chris Horner

Chris Horner has just signed in. Photo ©Sirotti

Andre Greipel

André Greipel. Photo ©Sirotti

Luca Paolini

Luca Paolini (Katusha, with beard), heads to the front. Photo ©Sirotti

Omega Pharma

The Omega Pharma train: Tony Martin (unzipped jersey) leads Michal Kwiatkowski and Matteo Trentin. Photo ©Sirotti

Stage 12 sprint

Here they come! Kristoff, Sagan and Démare head for the line. Photo ©Sirotti

Alexander kristoff wins stage 12

Alexander kristoff gets it. Photo ©Sirotti

Alexander Kristoff

Stage winner Alexander Kristoff. Photo ©Sirotti

Vincenzo Nibali

Race leader Vincenzo Nibali. Photo ©Sirotti

Joaquin Rodriguez

KOM Joaquin Rodriguez. Photo ©Sirotti

Simon Clarke

Simon Clarke with his well-deserved combativity award. Photo ©Sirotti

Stage 12 Live Updates:

Weather at St. Etienne, 2:45 local time: Sunny, no chance of rain. 30C (86F), wind from the north-northeast at 6 km/hr (4mph). 47% humidity.

Km 0: Andrew Talansky will not start today's stage , the last day of Tour racing before the Alps. 178 riders remain to contest today's 185.5 kilometers with its four categorized ascents.

Km 9: Dutch road champion Sebastian Langeveld (Garmin-Sharp) has taken off and has a lead of 10 seconds.

Km 15: Langeveld was quickly joined by four other riders: Gregory Rast (Trek), Simon Clarke (Orica), David De La Cruz (NetApp) and Florian Vachon (Bretagne-Séché). The quintet are 20 seconds ahead of the peloton.

Km 22: It looks like the peloton is content to let these five riders get away. After 26 minutes of racing their lead has gone out to 2min 15sec. Average speed so far has been 50.1 km/hr.

Km 34: The five are well gone, 3min 55sec ahead of the field.

Km 40: Whoa! The five riders have a 5 minute gap. Green Jersey owner Peter Sagan, who has yet to win a stage this Tour, has been under the weather. He said today he is coughing less and plans to try to win today.

Km 67: Florian Vachon was the first of the breakaway riders to cross the intermediate sprint finish line. Marcel Kittel, at 6th, won the field sprint. Kittel was follwed by Bryan Coquard, Mark Renshaw, Romain Feillu, André Greipel and Peter Sagan. Sagan picked up 5 green jersey points for his 11th place.

David de la Cruz was first over the fourth category Col de Brouilly.

The breakaway's gap has settled down now, it's at 3min 27sec. Ji Cheng of Giant-Shimano has assumed his regular place at the front of the peloton.

Km 77: The riders are winding their way through narrow, little roads on their way to the next climb, the third category Côte du Saule-d'Oingt. I count seven Giant-Shimano riders at the front of the peloton. Nibali is just moving up towards the front. Gap is 4min 9sec.

Rui Costa's problems with staying with the leaders yesterday have been explained. The world champion has bronchitis has has been on a regimen of antibiotics.

Km 85: David de la Cruz was also the first over the Côte du Saule-d'Oingt. Peloton is at 4min 42sec.

Km 91: David de la Cruz (a rider in the break) was just going around a banal little corner when his front wheel gave out from underneath him, taking down Sebastian Langelveld with him. De La Cruz looks to be in agony. Langeveld is chasing, more than 40 seconds behind Clarke, Vachon and Rast, who have pressed on.

The peloton passed safely through the same corner where de la Cruz crashed. Langeveld has rejoined the break. No word on de la Cruz's condition. Gap is 5 minutes.

Km 97: De la Cruz has abandoned. Ironically, this was what he said before the stage started, “This is my first Tour de France. Some friends of mine like Purito and Juan Antonio Flecha told me to forget everything I've experienced before. They were right. I'm living the most extraordinary moment of my life. I was targeting the polka dot jersey but Purito is too strong. We arrive on a terrain that I like. I aim at breaking away and I'd like to shine at Pla d'Adet close to my home.”

Km 106: Europcar has put a couple of riders at the front applying a bit of pressure and stringing out the field. Do they want to try to shell Marcel Kittel on the 15-km long Col de Brosses? Europcar rider and terrific sprinter Bryan Coquard must be feeling pretty good.

Km 110: The four breakaway riders - Sebastian Langeveld (Garmin-Sharp), Gregory Rast (Trek), Simon Clarke (Orica) and Florian Vachon (Bretagne-Séché) - are 3min 13sec ahead of the peloton.

Km 122, 62 km to go: The break has started the Col de Brosses. Europcar remains at the front of the strung-out pack and have brought the break's lead down to 2min 23sec.

Km 132: Florian Vachon and then Gregory Rast can't stay with their breakaway partners and are dropping back. It's now just Simon Clarke and Sebastian Langeveld up front, 2min 18sec ahead of the pack. In the peloton, FDJ GC man Thibaut Pinot flatted and is being paced back by two teammates.

Km 135: Vachon has been swept up by the Europcar-led peloton. Pinot has regained the back of the peloton after his puncture. The riders have been averaging 39.6 km/hr so far over the stage's 3hr 24min. There are still 50 km remaining in the stage.

Km 140: Langeveld led Clarke over the Col de Brosses, the pair did not contest the KOM. Neither of the breakaway pair is looking cooked. Both look good and are working well together. The peloton passed over the crest 2min 13sec later.

Km 142: Gregory Rast has been caught while Florain Vachon has been shelled by the peloton. Now comes a descent then then fourth-category Côte de Grammond. Still no sign of Cannondale at the front.

Km 156: On the ascent of the Grammond Europcar played another card. While two Europcar riders were driving the pack up the hill, two other Europcar riders, Perrig Quémeneur and Cyril Gautier attacked our of the peloton and got a quick 30 seconds. Nice move. If Giant-Shimano chases the escaping pair, Marcel Kittel will surely be dropped. OK, word is that John Degenkolb is Giant-Shimano's man for the day.

Giant-Shimano has gone to the front. Kittel is dropped.

Km 158: The situation: Clarke and Langeveld off the front with Quémeneur and Gautier chasing a half minute back and the peloton 1min 20sec behind the leaders. Riders and getting tossed out the back.

Bam! Langeveld was taking a drink and Clarke attacks. Clarke is flat-out hauling up the mountain. He looks terrific.

Giant-Shimano remains at the front of the peloton.

Km 162, 24 km to go: Clarke is holding his gap, 1min 19sec in front of the peloton. The Europcar pair are 24 seconds behind Clarke, They blew by Langeveld, who has run out of gas. Now Langeveld has been caught and dropped by the peloton.

Km 164: Clarke is riding like his hair is on fire, but the Europcar pair are just 14 seconds back.

Clarke has crested and is on the long descent to the finish. Quémeneur and Gautier caught Clarke just after they passed the summit. How will Clarke play being in a Europcar sandwich? Pack is at 49 seconds.

20 km to go: Astana has moved to the front of the pack to keep Nibali safe.

Km 168, 17.5 to go: The two Europcar riders are working hard, but the Giant-Shimano-led chase has brought the gap down to 32 seconds. The descent is fast and the peloton is in a long line. Yesterday's winner Tony Gallopin is paying for his efforts and has been dropped. Pack is screaming along at 66 km/hr. Nibali is staying well-placed, near the front.

Gallopin has regained contact.

10 km to go: The peloton can see the lead trio, 20 seconds ahead. Greipel and Sagan have survived the descent and are in the peloton. Quémeneur has been caught.

8 km to go: Clarke and Gautier have just 16 seconds. The descent is finished and now there is a technical, flat lead-in to the finish. Gautier has asked Clarke for help, but Clarke shakes his head. Gautier tries to drop Clarke, but Clarke hangs on.

6 km to go: The pair are caught. All together for a sprint. Sort of...there is a big split in the peloton.

3 km to go: Here's Cannondale at the front. Will Peter Sagan finally get a stage win?

André Greipel has crashed! So has Sylvain Chavanel. Greipel is yelling at the Frenchman.

Under the red kite: Cannondale and Katusha are at the front. Sagan is 8 riders back.

The Finish: Lots of elbows and belly buttons all over the place as the sprinters fight for position. It's Alexander Kristoff, who came off Matteo Trentin's wheel, the winner with Peter Sagan second and Démare third. John Degenkolb gave it a shot, but gave up.

Stage 12 map and profile:

Stage 12 map

Stage 12 map

Stage 12 profile

Stage 12 profile

© McGann Publishing

Tour de Bretagne

UCI, Stage race, 25th April-1st May 2014, France

GC Youth Points Mountain GC Stage: 01 Stage: 02 Stage: 03 Stage: 04 Stage: 05 Stage: 06 Stage: 07


25th April-1st May 2014

tour de bretagne 2014

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tour de bretagne 2014

  • 1 FROOME Chris (DNF #5)
  • 2 EISEL Bernhard
  • 3 KIRYIENKA Vasil
  • 4 LÓPEZ David
  • 5 NIEVE Mikel
  • 6 PATE Danny
  • 7 PORTE Richie
  • 8 THOMAS Geraint
  • 9 ZANDIO Xabier (DNF #6)

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 11 VALVERDE Alejandro
  • 12 ERVITI Imanol
  • 13 GADRET John
  • 14 HERRADA Jesús *
  • 15 INTXAUSTI Beñat
  • 16 IZAGIRRE Ion *
  • 17 PLAZA Rubén
  • 18 ROJAS José Joaquín (DSQ #18)
  • 19 VISCONTI Giovanni

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 21 RODRÍGUEZ Joaquim
  • 22 ISAYCHEV Vladimir
  • 23 KRISTOFF Alexander
  • 24 PAOLINI Luca
  • 25 PORSEV Alexander (OTL #13)
  • 26 SILIN Egor (DNF #6)
  • 27 SMUKULIS Gatis
  • 28 ŠPILAK Simon (DNF #17)
  • 29 TROFIMOV Yuri

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 31 CONTADOR Alberto (DNF #10)
  • 32 BENNATI Daniele
  • 34 MAJKA Rafał *
  • 35 MØRKØV Michael
  • 36 PAULINHO Sérgio Miguel
  • 37 ROCHE Nicolas
  • 38 ROGERS Michael
  • 39 TOSATTO Matteo

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 41 NIBALI Vincenzo
  • 42 FUGLSANG Jakob
  • 43 GRIVKO Andrey
  • 44 GRUZDEV Dmitriy
  • 45 IGLINSKIY Maxim
  • 46 KANGERT Tanel
  • 47 SCARPONI Michele
  • 48 VANOTTI Alessandro
  • 49 WESTRA Lieuwe

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 51 SAGAN Peter *
  • 52 BODNAR Maciej
  • 53 DE MARCHI Alessandro
  • 54 KING Edward (DNF #10)
  • 55 KOREN Kristijan
  • 56 MARCATO Marco
  • 57 MARINO Jean-Marc
  • 58 SABATINI Fabio
  • 59 VIVIANI Elia *

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 61 MOLLEMA Bauke
  • 62 BOOM Lars
  • 63 CLEMENT Stef (DNF #7)
  • 64 KRUIJSWIJK Steven
  • 65 LEEZER Tom
  • 66 TANKINK Bram
  • 67 TEN DAM Laurens
  • 68 VANMARCKE Sep
  • 69 WYNANTS Maarten

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 71 CAVENDISH Mark (DNS #2)
  • 72 BAKELANTS Jan
  • 73 GOŁAŚ Michał
  • 74 KWIATKOWSKI Michał *
  • 75 MARTIN Tony
  • 76 PETACCHI Alessandro
  • 77 RENSHAW Mark
  • 78 TERPSTRA Niki
  • 79 TRENTIN Matteo *

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 81 PERAUD Jean-Christophe
  • 82 BARDET Romain *
  • 83 CHEREL Mikaël
  • 84 DUMOULIN Samuel
  • 85 GASTAUER Ben
  • 86 KADRI Blel
  • 87 MINARD Sébastien
  • 88 MONTAGUTI Matteo
  • 89 RIBLON Christophe

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 91 TALANSKY Andrew (DNS #12)
  • 92 ACEVEDO Janier (DNF #13)
  • 93 BAUER Jack
  • 94 HOWES Alex
  • 95 KING Ben *
  • 96 LANGEVELD Sebastian
  • 97 NAVARDAUSKAS Ramūnas
  • 98 SLAGTER Tom-Jelte *
  • 99 VANSUMMEREN Johan

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 101 KITTEL Marcel
  • 102 CURVERS Roy
  • 103 DE KORT Koen
  • 104 DEGENKOLB John *
  • 105 DEVENYNS Dries (DNF #14)
  • 106 DUMOULIN Tom *
  • 107 JI Cheng
  • 108 TIMMER Albert
  • 109 VEELERS Tom

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 111 COSTA Rui (DNS #16)
  • 112 CIMOLAI Davide *
  • 113 ĐURASEK Kristijan
  • 114 HORNER Chris
  • 115 MODOLO Sacha (DNF #2)
  • 116 OLIVEIRA Nelson *
  • 117 RICHEZE Maximiliano (DNS #6)
  • 118 SERPA José Rodolfo
  • 119 VALLS Rafael (DNF #14)

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 121 DÉMARE Arnaud *
  • 122 BONNET William
  • 123 DELAGE Mickaël
  • 124 JEANNESSON Arnold
  • 125 LADAGNOUS Matthieu
  • 126 PINEAU Cédric
  • 127 PINOT Thibaut *
  • 128 ROY Jérémy
  • 129 VICHOT Arthur (DNF #13)

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 131 VAN DEN BROECK Jurgen
  • 132 BAK Lars Ytting
  • 133 DE CLERCQ Bart (DNF #8)
  • 134 GALLOPIN Tony
  • 135 GREIPEL André
  • 136 HANSEN Adam
  • 137 HENDERSON Gregory (DNF #4)
  • 138 ROELANDTS Jürgen
  • 139 SIEBERG Marcel

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 141 VAN GARDEREN Tejay
  • 142 ATAPUMA Darwin (DNF #7)
  • 143 BURGHARDT Marcus
  • 144 MOINARD Amaël
  • 145 OSS Daniel
  • 146 SCHÄR Michael
  • 147 STETINA Peter
  • 148 VAN AVERMAET Greg
  • 149 VELITS Peter

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 151 ROLLAND Pierre
  • 152 ARASHIRO Yukiya
  • 153 COQUARD Bryan *
  • 154 GAUTIER Cyril
  • 155 GÈNE Yohann
  • 156 PICHOT Alexandre
  • 157 QUÉMÉNEUR Perrig
  • 158 REZA Kévin
  • 159 VOECKLER Thomas

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 161 SCHLECK Fränk
  • 162 BUSCHE Matthew
  • 163 CANCELLARA Fabian (DNS #11)
  • 164 IRIZAR Markel
  • 165 RAST Grégory
  • 166 SCHLECK Andy (DNS #4)
  • 167 VAN POPPEL Danny * (DNF #7)
  • 168 VOIGT Jens
  • 169 ZUBELDIA Haimar

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 171 NAVARRO Daniel (DNF #13)
  • 172 EDET Nicolas
  • 173 GARCÍA Egoitz (DNF #9)
  • 174 LEMOINE Cyril
  • 175 MATÉ Luis Ángel
  • 176 MOLARD Rudy *
  • 177 PETIT Adrien *
  • 178 SIMON Julien
  • 179 TAARAMÄE Rein

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 181 GERRANS Simon (DNS #17)
  • 182 ALBASINI Michael
  • 183 CLARKE Simon
  • 184 DURBRIDGE Luke *
  • 185 HAYMAN Mathew (DNF #10)
  • 186 KEUKELEIRE Jens
  • 187 MEIER Christian
  • 188 TUFT Svein
  • 189 YATES Simon * (DNS #16)

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 191 FRANK Mathias (DNS #8)
  • 192 CHAVANEL Sylvain
  • 193 ELMIGER Martin
  • 194 HAUSSLER Heinrich (DNF #18)
  • 195 HOLLENSTEIN Reto (DNS #17)
  • 196 KLUGE Roger
  • 197 PINEAU Jérôme
  • 198 REICHENBACH Sébastien *
  • 199 WYSS Marcel

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 201 KÖNIG Leopold
  • 202 BÁRTA Jan
  • 203 DE LA CRUZ David * (DNF #12)
  • 204 DEMPSTER Zak
  • 205 HUZARSKI Bartosz
  • 206 MACHADO Tiago
  • 207 MENDES José
  • 208 SCHILLINGER Andreas
  • 209 VOß Paul

tour de bretagne 2014

  • 211 FEILLU Brice
  • 212 BIDEAU Jean-Marc
  • 213 DELAPLACE Anthony *
  • 214 FEILLU Romain
  • 215 FONSECA Armindo *
  • 216 GÉRARD Arnaud
  • 217 GUILLOU Florian
  • 218 JARRIER Benoît *
  • 219 VACHON Florian
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Tour de France 2014: Stage 1

January 1 - July 27, Leeds, France, Road - WorldTour

Hello and welcome to the Tour de France . You can join us for every stage of the race over the next three weeks.

We are in Leeds for the start of stage 1 of the race.

There's just under an hour until the start of the stage and the crowds here are huge. The organisers are estimating that roughly a million fans will be on the road for each stage and today we have 191km from Leeds to Harrogate.

Profile image for richie_porte

Cycling is kinda big here in the UK! #tdf http://t.co/BaX1HfCCrX

@richie_porte Sat, 5th Jul 2014 10:15:07

The team buses have arrived, the riders have begun to sign on and the royal family are even here to see the start of the stage. Clouds and gentle breeze but conditions are pretty good for the opening stage. You can watch our video preview of today' stage right here .

Profile image for olegtinkov

RT @Roman86_K: Good luck in @letour to my teammates from @tinkoff_saxo ...Fight for #yellow #Tinkoff4TDF

Koen de Kort says... "The Griton Moor climb and the run into the finish line are quite difficult, but nothing a strong sprinter won't be able to survive so I'm still expecting a bunch sprint finish. Cavendish will be out to take the yellow, but we'll do all we can to help Marcel Kittel."

And today is certainly, on paper at least, a stage for the sprinters with Kittel, Griepel, Demare, Kristoff, and home favourite Mark Cavendish all hoping to pull on the first maillot jaune in this year's race.

And you can find our text preview, map and profile for today's stage, right here . On stage riders are signing on the biggest cheers coming for Cavendish and of course Team Sky, who are here to defend Chris Froome's 2013 title. After the build up and all the press conferences over the last few stages it's time for the talking to stop and the racing to begin. Well almost, we still have around 30 minutes until the start of today's stage.

Profile image for SRichardsonCW

Wow. Don't think I've ever seen crowds like this before. This is going to be some stage.

@SRichardsonCW Sat, 5th Jul 2014 10:18:30

Profile image for stephenfarrand

Belkin will have two in race video cameras on stage one. http://t.co/Gdb8KiU6Py

@stephenfarrand Sat, 5th Jul 2014 10:27:20

For the full run down on riders and teams in the race, you can check out the start list for this year's race,

Another weather update, it's cloudy at the finish but there's little wind and it's dry.

And we've saved you the effort and time by picking out the top ten contenders for this year's race. You can read the story, watch our video, here .

The majority of the peloton have signed on but made their way back to the team buses. The line is occupied by the media circus that follows the Tour. Right now Kristoff is signing on. The Milan San Remo champion is a decent dark horse for the stage win today.

Profile image for SadhbhOS

Stuart O'Grady makes an appearance at the start #TDF #TDF14 http://t.co/zQfZu6oLZT

@SadhbhOS Sat, 5th Jul 2014 10:42:05

Andre Greipel is certainly a contender for today's stage. The German always brings his best for the Tour and he has one of the best leadouts in the race. Here's what he had to say at his press conference:

“I think I have really good condition and I feel good. I am looking forward to the start now,” he said. “All the time there is a lot of good sprinters here. We have a really classy field of sprinters here. All the lead-out trains are really close to each other, it’s like track sprinting. At the end, the team makes the difference, not the sprinter.

“Of course we’re going to try and be in the mix for the bunch sprints. I have the support of the team. It’s me who has the victories but the whole team is part of it. We are not counting my victories we are not counting the victories of the team.”

Greipel's compatriot Marcel Kittel pulled on the first Tour de France yellow jersey last year's and he won four stages in the race. We caught up with him before the race. The message: he's here to win. Watch the video interview him here .

Mark Cavendish is now signing on at the moment and is thanking the fans for turning out. There have been six Brits in yellow before and  he's looking to make history as the first British rider to wear yellow, in Britain.

Profile image for EllisBacon

Extraordinary scenes in Leeds for the Tour start. 10 mins to go, and crowds around start line are 10 deep, with surrounding balconies packed

@EllisBacon Sat, 5th Jul 2014 10:50:01

Cavendish has played down his chances slightly but this is certainly the stage he's built a lot of his season around. His approach in public at least is different to that from the one he took into the Olympic Games in 2012, when the GB team, the GB media pretty much told everyone how the race would unfold.

But Cavendish certainly comes here with his best leadout,  with Martin, Renshaw, Trentin and Petacchi all featuring.

The sun is out and the riders are now on the start line. The race time has been changed and 11:05 the race will roll out.

Kittel and Griepel catch up on the line, there's even time for a quick hug but both riders will be putting friendship aside once the flag drops.

There's a long neutralized zone of 17.5km as the riders head to Harewood House and they're off. Mark Cavendish at the front of the race, with Contador next to him and Froome there of course too.

Prudhomme and Verity are standing up in the race car and waving to the huge, huge crowds by the side of the roads. Andy Schleck moves up and gives Froome a pat on the back.

The pace is gentle through the neutralized zone as riders soak up the atmosphere. Contador and Froome remain at the front as at the back, French champion Demare catches up with riders from IAM Cycling.

It's bright sunshine now for the peloton as they continue to roll along.

Cavendish is joined by Renshaw on the front of the peloton with Tony Martin also there. Contador has a couple of teammates with him, you can't miss that kit, while Froome has dropped back slightly.

Ahead of the race inCycle TV caught up with Froome to talk about pressure, the race route, and his chances of defending his Tour de France crown. Depending on how you read the record books, Froome is looking to before the first rider since Indurain to win back-to-back Tours. Watch the video interview, here .

Mark Cavendish is still on the front with Tony Martin as the peloton rolls through this neutralized zone but it's not long until the racing starts.

Close the Harewood House now and the peloton have slowed down as they await the official start to stage 1 of this year's Tour de France.

And the riders have stopped. A ribbon cutting will now take place.

The French national anthem blasts out and the riders wait as members of the Royal Family look on.

Froome is chatting to William and Kate, Contador too. The Red Arrows fly over head and Rui Costa has made an appearance near the front as well.

And the royal couple cut the ribbon, there's a ripple of applause and the riders begin to put their helmets on.

And the riders have set off once more. The action will start in a few minutes.

 Susan stepping in to kick the race off officially. The km 0 marker is approaching!

Off they go! And we have the first attacks!

Who else but Jens Voigt? He has two riders with him, we will try and catch those names.

His companions are Edet (Cofidis) and Jarrier (Bretagne).

186km remaining from 190km

Well, that went fast, the three already have a gap of 1:36.

Two minutes now, and still fans along the way. Not so many as here, but they are there.

The peloton has obviously decided to let this group go. Perhaps a little honour for the 42-year-old Voigt in his last Tour?

Just for comparison, Edet is 26 and Jarrier is 25.

Two Europcars dangling at the back of the field, evidently looking for the team car.

Nope, their captain Pierre Rolland had fallen back (we know not why) and the other two are obediently bringing him back up to the field.

Ji Cheng, the first Chinese rider to ever be in the race, is now at the head of the chasing field. Giant-Shimano and Lotto Belisol seem to be sharing the honours of being at the front.

Hm, seems to us that maybe those two teams have sprinters who might like to win today?

Edet is, as we said, 26 years old. He has been with Cofidis since turing pro in 2011. No question as to why he is in this early break, he wants to be the first to wear the polka-dot jersey for the best climber. He claimed that honour in last year’s Vuelta a Espana.

By the way, this is not his first big appearance in the first stage of the Tour. In 2012 he won the combativity award in stage one.

The race will soon pass the interestingly named "Cow and Calf Rocks".

Garmin seems to have gathered at the back of the peloton. Which is not always the best place to be, actually....

166km remaining from 190km

With 166 km still to go, the gap has climbed to 2:47.

Jarrier joined Bretagne last year. He has had a good season so far, winning a stage and finishing second overall at the Tour de Normandie, and third at the Route de Vitre.

The field is letting this group go, but not letting them go very far. The gap has come down again to about 2:30.

Having said that, of course the gap is now at 3:00.

The stage today is anything but flat. There are three ranked climbs (category 4 and 3), with the first one coming at km 68. But with 60 km between the last climb and the finish line, a bunch sprint finish is expected.

A mechanical for Arnaud Demare, French national champion.

What can we say about Jens Voigt? He has been around since the creation of the bicycle and procycling will cease to exist when he retires. Ok, maybe not, but it will certainly be a little less exciting.

“Jensie” turned pro in 1997 with ZVVZ-Giant-AIS, and has since ridden for Credit Agricole, CSC/Saxo Bank, and since 2011, Trek under its various team names. This is his 17th Tour de France, and he has won stages in 2001 and 2006.

Edet got dropped by his two companions, a mechanical we understand. That left Voigt looking around in search of the Frenchman.

We now hear that Edet had to change his bike.

Voigt has never ridden the Vuelta a Espana, and was in the Giro d’Italia three times, with one stage win.

145km remaining from 190km

The gap has crept up to 3:10. 

Meanwhile a Tinkoff-Saxo rider is modelling a new Bottle Vest. He has five bottles on his back, presumably it is easier than stuffing them in the jersey.

The first climb of the 2014 Tour is coming up, the Cote de Cray, as letour.fr calls it. It is category 4, a 1.6km long climb with an average gradient of 7.1%.

What else has Voigt won? He twice took the title at the Deutschland Tour, and made the Criterium International “his” race, winning there five times, including three years in a row.

There are a lot of wide open spaces along the route here, with ridges. And that means the wind can play a role. So far we haven't seen echelons or other evidence that it is affecting the race, but we still have 134 km to go.

An AG2R rider has hit the round, Mikael Cherel. He possibly made contact with a fan. Team Sky is on the spot to help him out, which is nice.

The oldest rider and the youngest rider are both on the same team: Trek. Oldest of course is Voigt, and the youngest is Danny van Poppel, who will turn 21 the end of this month.

A field of yellow sheep! No, it is not a mistake. Apparently they have been painted so in honour of the Tour.

Hard to believe how many fans are along this entire course. What an incredible turn out!

Andre Greipel at the back of the field. Perhaps he too had a mechanical?

Handing things back over to Dan.

Afternoon. We're stil having problems publishing content on the main site but our mobile version is working. You can find that right here .

Cookson on his son's role at Team Sky, Zorzoli and Froome's TUE http://t.co/wk7BUma7zq

@Cyclingnewsfeed Sat, 5th Jul 2014 13:31:20

The three leaders have 3:10 seconds at the moment, with 124km remaining. The trio are currently climbing and racing through perfect conditions.

All three leaders are on the Côte de Cray with Voigt leading at the moment. The crowds, as we've come to expect are huge.

Voigt opens the sprint but it's Edet who goes next but Jarrier takes the single point on offer.

In less than 10km we have the intermediate sprint while at the back of the bunch Joaquim Rodriguez sits with a teammate.

The peloton are now climbing with Team Sky monitoring the race from the front. So far, so good for the British team.

2km until the sprint, with the first three riders set to take the top points available. However the sprint for fourth should be hotly contested by the riders behind. Wil the likes of Cavendish and Kittel go for it or will they hold off for the sprint into Harrogate?

Voigt jumps early and takes 20 points and he's not waiting for the rest of the break. It looks like Jarrier was second, with Edet third. The gap to the peloton is at 3'42.

Here comes the sprint from the peloton. Coquard takes fourth while Greipel marks out Sagan to take fifth ahead of the Cannondale rider. Cavendish is next over the line. Kittle didn't sprint.

Garmin-Sharp has fielded a young team for this year’s Tour de France, which includes two debutants. Alex Howes is one of those who is riding his first Tour de France. Cyclingnews caught up with the American at the start in Leeds to see how he was feeling.

“It’s pretty exciting. It’s not exactly just another bike race. It’s a big deal. I’m super happy to be here,” he told Cyclingnews.

The Tour is also Howes’ first Grand Tour appearance and he’d like to make it a good one. “Goal number one is to help Andrew. It’s going to be really critical over these first few days and after that, I’d love to get a picture on the Champs Elysees.

“We’ve come here to support Talansky, he showed at the Dauphiné that he can be a contender. We’ll see how far he can go. We’re not going to put a specific number on it, we’re not shooting for a specific place. It’s a young team, we have a couple of years to build on this and we want to see what we can do against the big guys.”

Voigt is still pushing on and the two chasers are struggling to match him.

And the lead goes out to 4'46 and the peloton ride through the feedzone with Lotto and Giant Shimano setting the tempo. 104km to go.

Voigt has 30 seconds on the chasers and five minutes on the peloton.

Stunning countryside as the peloton roll along towards Harrogate but the pace is increasing now as Voigt continues to push out on his own. He now has one minute on the two chasers with the bunch at 5'10.

The lone leader now has 1;46 on the chasers. We caught up with Voigt before the start of the race and shot this video .

Edet and Jarrier are sitting up now so that leaves Voigt on his own. The stage win is probably too big of an ask but the KOM jersey is possible.

The English crowds are cheering on Voigt, he's certainly popular with cycling fans.

Voigt has reached the second climb of the day the Côte de Buttertubs, a third cat pass. He'll take the points at the top and move into the lead in the KOM competition. Back in the bunch and Cannondale have joined Lotto on the front of the bunch.

Voigt is near the top of the climb now and he's still pushing on ahead of the field with crowds all around him. It's akin to an Alpine pass with people on both sides as the German winds his way up to the summit.

Jarrier hasn't been caught yet and he's now working his wayy to the summit, which Voigt will reach in 300m.

There are so many people on the roads that the peloton have been forced to briefly stop. Rodriguez is still at the back and appears to be suffering.

Just over 20km to go until the next climb, the Côte de Griton Moor. Voigt still has four minutes with Edet and then Jarrier. Horner is coming back through the cars.

Unbelieveable crowds, but what stands out is how well behaved they all are. Standing well back #TDF

@SadhbhOS Sat, 5th Jul 2014 14:48:07

That last climb caused a few splits due to the narrow roads and sudden loss in pace and there's a brief bit of work for Garmin-Sharp who are forced to move Andrew Talansky back to the front again. The American team are built around Talansky this year and have one major ambition.

Remember you can find out complete set of videos from this year's Tour de France, right here .

77km remaining from 190km

77km to go and Lotto have moved up and taken a minute off Voigt's lead. It looks like quite a few riders struggled to hold contact with the peloton on that last climb and there are splits all over the place. Jarrier has been caught meanwhile.

It's all coming back together but the sight of Rodriguez having problems may spur some teams to keep the pace high. He says he's here for stages and training but he was third here last year and can't be ruled out this early in the race.

Ted King, the lone rep for Cannondale, slips in behind the Lotto train but still comes through to take a turn now and then. Voigt has 3'21 with 74km to go.

The bunch are on a long but narrow and technical descent at the moment and a number of the GC men have moved up.

Who are you tipping for the win today, let us know on Twitter .

There are still splits in the field, hence why Lotto are still working so hard. It looks like a number of sprinters and Rodriguez have missed the split.

There's Contador and van Garderen, right near the front and where they should be. On the right Team Sky are keeping Froome out of trouble. Voigt has 2'43 on the peloton.

And Rodriguez is over a minute down on the peloton.

There's no sign of Omega near the front of the peloton, or Mark Cavendish. Is he dropped?

I dont think Cavendish is there and I think he and his team are trying to chase the peloton, hence my Lotto are racing along at the moment.

Race radio crackles through and Cavendish's number isn't listed as one of the riders in the Rodriguez group. He must be in the peloton, which as certainly swelled in numbers.

Profile image for LukeHollomon

@dnlbenson Gotta be Cav. @marcelkittel is an absolute monster and @AndreGreipel is a machine, but this is the UK. 'Twil be @MarkCavendish

@LukeHollomon Sat, 5th Jul 2014 15:08:43

And Côte de Griton Moor is next and Voigt is climbing again. He's really starting to suffer and the gap to the bunch is at 2'11.

If Voigt gets to the top of the climb first, and he should, then he'll wear the KOM jersey for tomorrow's stage.

Profile image for willfoth

minor panic over, Cav back in bunch we think - not listed among those in back group

@willfoth Sat, 5th Jul 2014 15:13:29

Tinkoff have now moved to the front of the peloton with Alberto Contador nearly tucked in. The bunch are on the final categorised climb of the day.

Pinot has been dropped and Chris Horner too it seems.

Voigt has just 1km to go before he reaches the summit of the Côte de Griton Moor.

Again the bunch are forced to stop on the climb and it keeps happening at the back of the bunch and that's what is causing the little splits.

The Trek Factory rider is first over the summit and will wear the KOM jersey tomorrow but he has only 44 seconds over the bunch.

There are a couple of Sky riders off the back at the moment but Froome isnt' one of them.

Just 15 seconds for Voigt now with Lotto still on the front of the peloton.

Vasil Kiryienka is one of the Sky riders suffering off the back of the bunch, Zandio is the other.

Greipel is up for this one today. He's put his team to work very early and he's near the front and making sure that he's keeping out of trouble. There's still a long way to go in the stage though.

With the break now caught it means that we could face more attacks. Horner's group are now 44 seconds down on the bunch.

Into the final 50km and the Horner/Rodriguez group are coming back, the gap down to 25 seconds.

It's been such a frantic chase for this second group but the main field has slowed as Lotto tap out a steady pace.

And the Rodriguez group have made contact with the back of the field.

And Cavendish has moved his team to the front of the peloton, just behind the Lotto train.

Profile image for joelindsey

RT @mcewenrobbie: looks like a 2 - 3% false flat drag in the last 600m on the stage profile. #powersprint

@joelindsey Sat, 5th Jul 2014 15:41:16

As the pace dips gently a few more riders move to the back of the bunch to call up their team cars. We're into the final 45km of racing with Lotto still setting the pace.

Petacchi is apparently in another group and still off the back of the bunch. If that's the case then Omega will need to alter their lead out for Cavendish. The British rider is near the front at the moment and has the rest of the Omega team with him. There's a lot more tension in the field though and that's only going to increase from here until the finish.

What the likes of Cavendish, Greipel and Kittel have to watch out for are the riders who think they can mix it with the best sprinters. They'll take more risks and can cause problems.

Profile image for ProCyclingNow

(CyclingNews) Belkin hunting for a sponsor as well as success during the Tour de France http://t.co/dGrN9KfC45 #ProCycling

@ProCyclingNow Sat, 5th Jul 2014 15:55:06

Both Omega and Lotto continue to set the pace, while Giant take a back seat for now. Cannondale are a little further back but it's all pointing towards a bunch sprint between the fastest men in the world.

Froome and Thomas both of Team Sky are near the front. The Australian can even muster a smile so the pace isn't to high at the moment.

Profile image for inCycleTV

HERE's our great feature with @BaukeMollema of @TeamBelkin - http://t.co/HKsqQ7NzM4 RT if you think Bauke is set for a big 2014!

@inCycleTV Sat, 5th Jul 2014 16:01:43

27km remaining from 190km

Into the final 27km racing. Tony Martin moves up too and has Cavendish close by as the Omega Pharma team settle themselves for the sprint that wil decide not just the stage but who wil wear the first yellow jersey in the race.

Garmin bring Talansky up with Vansummeren put to work. Nibali, Contador, Froome, and Rui Costa are all doing the right thing and staying close to the front.

Just 20km to go and there are a few uncategorised climbs before the finish. The roads have narrowed and there's almost a crash on one of the corners.

It's still a moderate pace though and the road briefly widens as we race towards Harrogate.

Lars Boom may have fallen as he's now back with the medical car as Omega take up the front and start to set the pace.

The pace drops once more as more and more teams look to organise their leadout. Richie Porte is on the far right as Greipel comes from quite far back to move into fourth wheel. He does look really strong and Sagan is on his wheel.

Into the final 15km for the first stage in this year's Tour de France.

And Katusha have also moved up with Kristoff at the end of the train. IAM are also there, and Cannondale. Everthing seems to think that they can win today.

Contador isnt' taking any chances and he's got his entire team on the front now. Movistar have done the same with Valverde but the road is going to narrow again soon.

Almost a crash as an Astana rider just avoids a traffic island right at the front of the bunch and more and more risks are being taken on the outside as more and more riders try and move up.

And here come Giant for the first time today.

Terpstra is near the front but he's on his own as Greipel slips back and we've just 10km to go.

Rui Costa is there too but it's chaos now as the leadout teams try and impose themselves on their rivals. Katusha and Astana are currently in control.

Cavendish is in the left and at the back of his train. Sagan rides by him but there's still a long way to go.

Into the final 8km of racing.

Lotto with Hansen on the front take control as Omega try and pull into contention too.

Cannondale hug the middle of the road but Giant are waiting in the wings.

It's still Hansen on the front of the bunch.

Just 5km of racing left now.

Hansen is doing a great job for Lotto but here come Cannondale and Katusha again.

Omega are boxed in as Giant look to get organised.

And Omega smash through.

They looked boxed in but Martin has surged forward and now Cavendish's team are leading the race.

And he has all his team on the front with 3.5km to go.

Renshaw has Cavendish on his wheel.

Lotto are second, then it's a collection of sprinters and trains.

But it's Omega Pharma on the front with 2.8km to go.

And here come Giant on the other side.

It's Terpstra's turn to set the pace

Giant are coming back though.

Into the final 2km.

Cavendish has all the support though and he's welll placed but here come Cofidis.

And Giant but Omegea lead with Martin setting the pace.

They're on the final rise before the line.

And there's an attack from Cancellara.

Cancellara has a gap.

1km to go  and Martin has to chase Cancellara.

Cancellara could do this.

And there's a crash.

And Cavendish crashes. .and so does Gerrans.

And Kittel is coming through to take the win and he does it.

Kittel has taken the win, Cancellara caught just before the line. Sagan was second or third with a Garmin rider in the mix too.

Cavendish and Gerrans seemed to make contact with a Europcar rider but Cavendish looks in trouble and he's holding is collarbone.

It was Navardauskas who took thrid.

Cavendish is on his bike and riding over the finish but he looks to be in a lot of pain.

Sagan came through the gap, Gerrans tried to take Sagan's wheel and Cavendish and Gerrans seem to have run out road. Gerrans can't be blamed though as he had Coquard on his left.

But a superb win for Kittel. He kept out of trouble and had enough to hold on at the end. A strong attack from Cancellara almost spoilt the sprinters' party though.

Result 1 Marcel Kittel (Ger) Team Giant-Shimano 4:44:07 2 Peter Sagan (Svk) Cannondale 3 Ramunas Navardauskas (Ltu) Garmin-Sharp 4 Bryan Coquard (Fra) Team Europcar 5 Michael Rogers (Aus) Tinkoff-Saxo 6 Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky 7 Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha 8 Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Belkin Pro Cycling Team 9 Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Spa) Movistar Team 10 Michael Albasini (Swi) Orica GreenEdge

General classification after stage 1 1 Marcel Kittel (Ger) Team Giant-Shimano 4:44:07 2 Peter Sagan (Svk) Cannondale 0:00:00 3 Ramunas Navardauskas (Ltu) Garmin-Sharp 0:00:00 4 Bryan Coquard (Fra) Team Europcar 0:00:00 5 Michael Rogers (Aus) Tinkoff-Saxo 0:00:00 6 Christopher Froome (GBr) Team Sky 0:00:00 7 Alexander Kristoff (Nor) Team Katusha 0:00:00 8 Sep Vanmarcke (Bel) Belkin Pro Cycling Team 0:00:00 9 Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Spa) Movistar Team 0:00:00 10 Michael Albasini (Swi) Orica GreenEdge 0:00:00

Still no news on Mark Cavendish but as soon as we have more information we'll let you know.

Meanwhile you can find our report, race images, and brief results, right here .

Profile image for JohnMacLeary

RT @planetcycling: Patrick Lefevere to #eurosport : "Nothing broken for @MarkCavendish " #goodnews #TDF2014

@JohnMacLeary Sat, 5th Jul 2014 17:52:24

Profile image for tejay_van

@BMCProTeam boys doing a great job today. Making my life a Lot easier.

@tejay_van Sat, 5th Jul 2014 17:51:11

Profile image for Vaughters

Andrew Talansky will get same time as winner. He flatted with 3kms to go, within the permitted zone. Check http://t.co/0dvv7TpRKo

@Vaughters Sat, 5th Jul 2014 18:02:58

Thanks for joining us today. You can find our complete results, race photos, and report, right here .

We will be back tomorrow will full live coverage from stage 2 of the Tour de France.

tour de bretagne 2014

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Tour de France

Results: 2014 tour de france, stage 21, results from the 21st and final stage of the 2014 tour de france.

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  • 1. Marcel KITTEL, Giant-Shimano, in 3:20:50
  • 2. Alexander KRISTOFF, Katusha, at :00
  • 3. Ramunas NAVARDAUSKAS, Garmin-Sharp, at :00
  • 4. André GREIPEL, Lotto-Belisol, at :00
  • 5. Mark RENSHAW, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :00
  • 6. Bernhard EISEL, Sky, at :00
  • 7. Bryan COQUARD, Europcar, at :00
  • 8. Alessandro PETACCHI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :00
  • 9. Peter SAGAN, Cannondale, at :00
  • 10. Romain FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :00
  • 11. Daniele BENNATI, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :00
  • 12. Arnaud DEMARE, FDJ.fr, at :00
  • 13. Greg VAN AVERMAET, BMC Racing, at :00
  • 14. Adrien PETIT, Cofidis, at :00
  • 15. Sep VANMARCKE, Belkin, at :00
  • 16. Daniel OSS, BMC Racing, at :00
  • 17. Davide CIMOLAI, Lampre-Merida, at :00
  • 18. Romain BARDET, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :04
  • 19. Tejay VAN GARDEREN, BMC Racing, at :04
  • 20. Johan VAN SUMMEREN, Garmin-Sharp, at :04
  • 21. Roger KLUGE, IAM Cycling, at :06
  • 22. Kévin REZA, Europcar, at :06
  • 23. Jack BAUER, Garmin-Sharp, at :06
  • 24. Tom VEELERS, Giant-Shimano, at :06
  • 25. Elia VIVIANI, Cannondale, at :09
  • 26. Jens VOIGT, Trek Factory Racing, at :09
  • 27. Alejandro VALVERDE BELMONTE, Movistar, at :09
  • 28. Samuel DUMOULIN, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :09
  • 29. Peter VELITS, BMC Racing, at :09
  • 30. Bram TANKINK, Belkin, at :09
  • 31. Matteo MONTAGUTI, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :09
  • 32. Sylvain CHAVANEL, IAM Cycling, at :09
  • 33. Haimar ZUBELDIA AGIRRE, Trek Factory Racing, at :09
  • 34. Sébastien MINARD, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :09
  • 35. Christophe RIBLON, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :09
  • 36. Jean-Christophe PERAUD, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :09
  • 37. Christopher HORNER, Lampre-Merida, at :09
  • 38. Nelson Filipe SANTOS SIMOES OLIVEIRA, Lampre-Merida, at :09
  • 39. Geraint THOMAS, Sky, at :09
  • 40. Mickael DELAGE, FDJ.fr, at :15
  • 41. Koen DE KORT, Giant-Shimano, at :15
  • 42. Martin ELMIGER, IAM Cycling, at :15
  • 43. Michael ALBASINI, Orica-GreenEdge, at :15
  • 44. Anthony DELAPLACE, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :15
  • 45. Julien SIMON, Cofidis, at :15
  • 46. Michael SCHÄR, BMC Racing, at :15
  • 47. Bauke MOLLEMA, Belkin, at :15
  • 48. William BONNET, FDJ.fr, at :15
  • 49. Lars BOOM, Belkin, at :15
  • 50. Laurens TEN DAM, Belkin, at :15
  • 51. Markel IRIZAR ARANBURU, Trek Factory Racing, at :15
  • 52. Luis Angel MATE MARDONES, Cofidis, at :15
  • 53. Frank SCHLECK, Trek Factory Racing, at :15
  • 54. Leopold KONIG, NetApp-Endura, at :15
  • 55. Peter STETINA, BMC Racing, at :15
  • 56. Thibaut PINOT, FDJ.fr, at :15
  • 57. Jan BARTA, NetApp-Endura, at :15
  • 58. Pierre ROLLAND, Europcar, at :15
  • 59. Mikel NIEVE ITURALDE, Sky, at :15
  • 60. Tom DUMOULIN, Giant-Shimano, at :15
  • 61. David LOPEZ GARCIA, Sky, at :15
  • 62. Jean-Marc BIDEAU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :15
  • 63. Matteo TRENTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :15
  • 64. Jérémy ROY, FDJ.fr, at :15
  • 65. Imanol ERVITI, Movistar, at :15
  • 66. Cyril GAUTIER, Europcar, at :15
  • 67. Yury TROFIMOV, Katusha, at :15
  • 68. Grégory RAST, Trek Factory Racing, at :24
  • 69. Michael MORKOV, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :24
  • 70. Gatis SMUKULIS, Katusha, at :24
  • 71. Jon IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Movistar, at :24
  • 72. Andriy GRIVKO, Astana, at :24
  • 73. Matthieu LADAGNOUS, FDJ.fr, at :24
  • 74. Jurgen ROELANDTS, Lotto-Belisol, at :24
  • 75. Lieuwe WESTRA, Astana, at :24
  • 76. Marco MARCATO, Cannondale, at :24
  • 77. Florian GUILLOU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :24
  • 78. Michele SCARPONI, Astana, at :24
  • 79. Brice FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :24
  • 80. Alessandro VANOTTI, Astana, at :24
  • 81. Vincenzo NIBALI, Astana, at :24
  • 82. Benoit JARRIER, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :24
  • 83. Marcel WYSS, IAM Cycling, at :24
  • 84. Ben GASTAUER, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :24
  • 85. Matthew BUSCHE, Trek Factory Racing, at :24
  • 86. Michal GOLAS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :24
  • 87. Kristijan KOREN, Cannondale, at :24
  • 88. Kristijan DURASEK, Lampre-Merida, at :24
  • 89. Jose Rodolfo SERPA PEREZ, Lampre-Merida, at :24
  • 90. Mikael CHEREL, Ag2r La Mondiale, at :24
  • 91. Bartosz HUZARSKI, NetApp-Endura, at :24
  • 92. Jurgen VAN DEN BROECK, Lotto-Belisol, at :24
  • 93. Rafal MAJKA, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :24
  • 94. Steven KRUIJSWIJK, Belkin, at :24
  • 95. Jens KEUKELEIRE, Orica-GreenEdge, at :24
  • 96. Tom Jelte SLAGTER, Garmin-Sharp, at :24
  • 97. Ruben PLAZA MOLINA, Movistar, at :24
  • 98. Maciej BODNAR, Cannondale, at :24
  • 99. Marcel SIEBERG, Lotto-Belisol, at :24
  • 100. Dmitriy GRUZDEV, Astana, at :24
  • 101. Jakob FUGLSANG, Astana, at :24
  • 102. John GADRET, Movistar, at :24
  • 103. Tanel KANGERT, Astana, at :24
  • 104. Sergio Miguel MOREIRA PAULINHO, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :24
  • 105. Sebastian LANGEVELD, Garmin-Sharp, at :24
  • 106. Andreas SCHILLINGER, NetApp-Endura, at :24
  • 107. Michael ROGERS, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :34
  • 108. John DEGENKOLB, Giant-Shimano, at :36
  • 109. Tony MARTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :39
  • 110. Niki TERPSTRA, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :39
  • 111. Perrig QUEMENEUR, Europcar, at :41
  • 112. Matteo TOSATTO, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :41
  • 113. Nicolas ROCHE, Tinkoff-Saxo, at :41
  • 114. Jan BAKELANTS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at :41
  • 115. Yohann GENE, Europcar, at :45
  • 116. Tiago MACHADO, NetApp-Endura, at :47
  • 117. Paul VOSS, NetApp-Endura, at :47
  • 118. Yukiya ARASHIRO, Europcar, at :47
  • 119. Thomas VOECKLER, Europcar, at :55
  • 120. Giovanni VISCONTI, Movistar, at :55
  • 121. José Joao PIMENTA COSTA MENDES, NetApp-Endura, at :57
  • 122. Richie PORTE, Sky, at :57
  • 123. Armindo FONSECA, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at :57
  • 124. Albert TIMMER, Giant-Shimano, at :57
  • 125. Sébastien REICHENBACH, IAM Cycling, at :57
  • 126. Roy CURVERS, Giant-Shimano, at :57
  • 127. Alex HOWES, Garmin-Sharp, at :57
  • 128. Benjamin KING, Garmin-Sharp, at :57
  • 129. Amaël MOINARD, BMC Racing, at :57
  • 130. Benat INTXAUSTI ELORRIAGA, Movistar, at :57
  • 131. Maxim IGLINSKY, Astana, at :57
  • 132. Nicolas EDET, Cofidis, at 1:02
  • 133. Cédric PINEAU, FDJ.fr, at 1:02
  • 134. Adam HANSEN, Lotto-Belisol, at 1:04
  • 135. Fabio SABATINI, Cannondale, at 1:06
  • 136. Marcus BURGHARDT, BMC Racing, at 1:08
  • 137. Luca PAOLINI, Katusha, at 1:12
  • 138. Alessandro DE MARCHI, Cannondale, at 1:17
  • 139. Jean Marc MARINO, Cannondale, at 1:17
  • 140. Simon CLARKE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 1:20
  • 141. Luke DURBRIDGE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 1:20
  • 142. Christian MEIER, Orica-GreenEdge, at 1:20
  • 143. Danny PATE, Sky, at 1:20
  • 144. Svein TUFT, Orica-GreenEdge, at 1:20
  • 145. Rudy MOLARD, Cofidis, at 1:20
  • 146. Joaquin RODRIGUEZ OLIVER, Katusha, at 1:20
  • 147. Vladimir ISAICHEV, Katusha, at 1:20
  • 148. Tony GALLOPIN, Lotto-Belisol, at 1:20
  • 149. Jérôme PINEAU, IAM Cycling, at 1:20
  • 150. Rein TAARAMAE, Cofidis, at 1:20
  • 151. Arnaud GERARD, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 1:20
  • 152. Maarten WYNANTS, Belkin, at 1:20
  • 153. Thomas LEEZER, Belkin, at 1:20
  • 154. Arnold JEANNESSON, FDJ.fr, at 1:20
  • 155. Cyril LEMOINE, Cofidis, at 1:26
  • 156. Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 1:30
  • 157. Lars Ytting BAK, Lotto-Belisol, at 1:41
  • 158. Zakkari DEMPSTER, NetApp-Endura, at 1:51
  • 159. Florian VACHON, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 1:56
  • 160. Jesus HERRADA LOPEZ, Movistar, at 1:59
  • 161. Vasil KIRYIENKA, Sky, at 3:39
  • 162. Biel KADRI, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 4:05
  • 163. Alexandre PICHOT, Europcar, at 4:33
  • 164. Cheng JI, Giant-Shimano, at 9:25
  • 1. Vincenzo NIBALI, Astana, in 89:59:06
  • 2. Jean-Christophe PERAUD, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 7:37
  • 3. Thibaut PINOT, FDJ.fr, at 8:15
  • 4. Alejandro VALVERDE BELMONTE, Movistar, at 9:40
  • 5. Tejay VAN GARDEREN, BMC Racing, at 11:44
  • 6. Romain BARDET, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 11:46
  • 7. Leopold KONIG, NetApp-Endura, at 14:32
  • 8. Haimar ZUBELDIA AGIRRE, Trek Factory Racing, at 17:57
  • 9. Laurens TEN DAM, Belkin, at 18:11
  • 10. Bauke MOLLEMA, Belkin, at 21:15
  • 11. Pierre ROLLAND, Europcar, at 23:07
  • 12. Frank SCHLECK, Trek Factory Racing, at 25:48
  • 13. Jurgen VAN DEN BROECK, Lotto-Belisol, at 34:01
  • 14. Yury TROFIMOV, Katusha, at 36:41
  • 15. Steven KRUIJSWIJK, Belkin, at 38:15
  • 16. Brice FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 43:59
  • 17. Christopher HORNER, Lampre-Merida, at 44:31
  • 18. Mikel NIEVE ITURALDE, Sky, at 46:31
  • 19. John GADRET, Movistar, at 47:30
  • 20. Tanel KANGERT, Astana, at 52:11
  • 21. Ben GASTAUER, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 58:00
  • 22. Geraint THOMAS, Sky, at 59:14
  • 23. Richie PORTE, Sky, at 1:01:08
  • 24. Jan BAKELANTS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 1:06:28
  • 25. Cyril GAUTIER, Europcar, at 1:08:47
  • 26. Michael ROGERS, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 1:17:53
  • 27. Peter VELITS, BMC Racing, at 1:19:38
  • 28. Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 1:21:55
  • 29. Tony GALLOPIN, Lotto-Belisol, at 1:29:24
  • 30. Arnold JEANNESSON, FDJ.fr, at 1:33:27
  • 31. Luis Angel MATE MARDONES, Cofidis, at 1:36:52
  • 32. Marcel WYSS, IAM Cycling, at 1:38:27
  • 33. Tom DUMOULIN, Giant-Shimano, at 1:48:00
  • 34. Sylvain CHAVANEL, IAM Cycling, at 1:48:13
  • 35. Peter STETINA, BMC Racing, at 1:52:36
  • 36. Jakob FUGLSANG, Astana, at 1:54:50
  • 37. Giovanni VISCONTI, Movistar, at 1:56:28
  • 38. Greg VAN AVERMAET, BMC Racing, at 1:56:34
  • 39. Nicolas ROCHE, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 1:58:45
  • 40. Bram TANKINK, Belkin, at 1:59:02
  • 41. Jon IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Movistar, at 2:00:50
  • 42. Thomas VOECKLER, Europcar, at 2:08:38
  • 43. Michael SCHÄR, BMC Racing, at 2:09:43
  • 44. Rafal MAJKA, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 2:17:53
  • 45. Amaël MOINARD, BMC Racing, at 2:19:13
  • 46. Kristijan DURASEK, Lampre-Merida, at 2:21:18
  • 47. Tony MARTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 2:25:35
  • 48. Jose Rodolfo SERPA PEREZ, Lampre-Merida, at 2:29:06
  • 49. Michele SCARPONI, Astana, at 2:31:40
  • 50. Paul VOSS, NetApp-Endura, at 2:32:48
  • 51. Rudy MOLARD, Cofidis, at 2:34:22
  • 52. Alessandro DE MARCHI, Cannondale, at 2:34:54
  • 53. Benjamin KING, Garmin-Sharp, at 2:41:59
  • 54. Joaquin RODRIGUEZ OLIVER, Katusha, at 2:45:17
  • 55. Michal GOLAS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 2:49:03
  • 56. Tom Jelte SLAGTER, Garmin-Sharp, at 2:49:20
  • 57. Jérémy ROY, FDJ.fr, at 2:49:28
  • 58. Jérôme PINEAU, IAM Cycling, at 2:51:46
  • 59. Mikael CHEREL, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 2:52:00
  • 60. Peter SAGAN, Cannondale, at 2:52:52
  • 61. Jesus HERRADA LOPEZ, Movistar, at 2:53:18
  • 62. Florian GUILLOU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 2:53:20
  • 63. Markel IRIZAR ARANBURU, Trek Factory Racing, at 2:53:44
  • 64. Adam HANSEN, Lotto-Belisol, at 2:54:18
  • 65. Yukiya ARASHIRO, Europcar, at 2:55:27
  • 66. Matteo MONTAGUTI, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 2:55:47
  • 67. Jens KEUKELEIRE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 2:56:12
  • 68. Bartosz HUZARSKI, NetApp-Endura, at 2:58:00
  • 69. Daniel OSS, BMC Racing, at 2:58:41
  • 70. Michael ALBASINI, Orica-GreenEdge, at 3:05:51
  • 71. Jan BARTA, NetApp-Endura, at 3:07:18
  • 72. Tiago MACHADO, NetApp-Endura, at 3:08:03
  • 73. Kévin REZA, Europcar, at 3:08:12
  • 74. Johan VAN SUMMEREN, Garmin-Sharp, at 3:08:40
  • 75. Martin ELMIGER, IAM Cycling, at 3:12:10
  • 76. Matthieu LADAGNOUS, FDJ.fr, at 3:14:41
  • 77. Nicolas EDET, Cofidis, at 3:19:34
  • 78. Anthony DELAPLACE, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 3:20:48
  • 79. Lieuwe WESTRA, Astana, at 3:21:04
  • 80. Marco MARCATO, Cannondale, at 3:21:16
  • 81. Imanol ERVITI, Movistar, at 3:22:48
  • 82. Lars Ytting BAK, Lotto-Belisol, at 3:23:41
  • 83. Perrig QUEMENEUR, Europcar, at 3:25:46
  • 84. Biel KADRI, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 3:26:23
  • 85. Sébastien REICHENBACH, IAM Cycling, at 3:27:52
  • 86. Vasil KIRYIENKA, Sky, at 3:30:23
  • 87. Nelson Filipe SANTOS SIMOES OLIVEIRA, Lampre-Merida, at 3:30:36
  • 88. Rein TAARAMAE, Cofidis, at 3:35:01
  • 89. Sergio Miguel MOREIRA PAULINHO, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 3:36:33
  • 90. Samuel DUMOULIN, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 3:38:04
  • 91. Ruben PLAZA MOLINA, Movistar, at 3:38:27
  • 92. Koen DE KORT, Giant-Shimano, at 3:38:52
  • 93. Matteo TRENTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 3:38:56
  • 94. Niki TERPSTRA, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 3:39:04
  • 95. Andriy GRIVKO, Astana, at 3:39:28
  • 96. Daniele BENNATI, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 3:40:46
  • 97. Lars BOOM, Belkin, at 3:41:24
  • 98. Matthew BUSCHE, Trek Factory Racing, at 3:41:58
  • 99. Sébastien MINARD, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 3:42:23
  • 100. Gatis SMUKULIS, Katusha, at 3:43:25
  • 101. Grégory RAST, Trek Factory Racing, at 3:43:37
  • 102. Cédric PINEAU, FDJ.fr, at 3:44:22
  • 103. Bryan COQUARD, Europcar, at 3:44:45
  • 104. David LOPEZ GARCIA, Sky, at 3:45:13
  • 105. Sep VANMARCKE, Belkin, at 3:45:54
  • 106. Florian VACHON, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 3:46:12
  • 107. Alexandre PICHOT, Europcar, at 3:46:35
  • 108. Jens VOIGT, Trek Factory Racing, at 3:46:37
  • 109. Julien SIMON, Cofidis, at 3:46:56
  • 110. Cyril LEMOINE, Cofidis, at 3:47:16
  • 111. Jurgen ROELANDTS, Lotto-Belisol, at 3:52:39
  • 112. Maciej BODNAR, Cannondale, at 3:52:52
  • 113. Simon CLARKE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 3:55:38
  • 114. Benat INTXAUSTI ELORRIAGA, Movistar, at 3:55:53
  • 115. Jean-Marc BIDEAU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 3:58:08
  • 116. Roy CURVERS, Giant-Shimano, at 3:58:23
  • 117. Maarten WYNANTS, Belkin, at 4:01:09
  • 118. Fabio SABATINI, Cannondale, at 4:01:21
  • 119. Matteo TOSATTO, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 4:01:53
  • 120. Christophe RIBLON, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 4:04:00
  • 121. Christian MEIER, Orica-GreenEdge, at 4:05:13
  • 122. Luke DURBRIDGE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 4:05:59
  • 123. John DEGENKOLB, Giant-Shimano, at 4:06:42
  • 124. José Joao PIMENTA COSTA MENDES, NetApp-Endura, at 4:07:34
  • 125. Alexander KRISTOFF, Katusha, at 4:11:46
  • 126. Bernhard EISEL, Sky, at 4:13:21
  • 127. Alex HOWES, Garmin-Sharp, at 4:18:43
  • 128. Yohann GENE, Europcar, at 4:19:11
  • 129. Maxim IGLINSKY, Astana, at 4:22:07
  • 130. Dmitriy GRUZDEV, Astana, at 4:22:33
  • 131. Svein TUFT, Orica-GreenEdge, at 4:22:52
  • 132. Arnaud GERARD, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:24:15
  • 133. Thomas LEEZER, Belkin, at 4:24:21
  • 134. Michael MORKOV, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 4:26:29
  • 135. Kristijan KOREN, Cannondale, at 4:29:14
  • 136. Luca PAOLINI, Katusha, at 4:29:43
  • 137. Jack BAUER, Garmin-Sharp, at 4:29:57
  • 138. Armindo FONSECA, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:30:52
  • 139. Roger KLUGE, IAM Cycling, at 4:33:45
  • 140. Sebastian LANGEVELD, Garmin-Sharp, at 4:34:29
  • 141. Ramunas NAVARDAUSKAS, Garmin-Sharp, at 4:37:42
  • 142. Mark RENSHAW, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 4:39:03
  • 143. Mickael DELAGE, FDJ.fr, at 4:39:40
  • 144. Andreas SCHILLINGER, NetApp-Endura, at 4:40:06
  • 145. Marcel SIEBERG, Lotto-Belisol, at 4:41:21
  • 146. Albert TIMMER, Giant-Shimano, at 4:42:28
  • 147. Alessandro VANOTTI, Astana, at 4:42:48
  • 148. Alessandro PETACCHI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 4:44:47
  • 149. André GREIPEL, Lotto-Belisol, at 4:44:54
  • 150. Romain FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:45:04
  • 151. Benoit JARRIER, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:46:28
  • 152. Zakkari DEMPSTER, NetApp-Endura, at 4:46:31
  • 153. Danny PATE, Sky, at 4:47:52
  • 154. Marcus BURGHARDT, BMC Racing, at 4:48:40
  • 155. Tom VEELERS, Giant-Shimano, at 4:53:23
  • 156. Adrien PETIT, Cofidis, at 4:58:20
  • 157. Vladimir ISAICHEV, Katusha, at 4:58:30
  • 158. William BONNET, FDJ.fr, at 4:59:57
  • 159. Arnaud DEMARE, FDJ.fr, at 5:00:29
  • 160. Jean Marc MARINO, Cannondale, at 5:03:46
  • 161. Marcel KITTEL, Giant-Shimano, at 5:06:27
  • 162. Elia VIVIANI, Cannondale, at 5:10:40
  • 163. Davide CIMOLAI, Lampre-Merida, at 5:11:58
  • 164. Cheng JI, Giant-Shimano, at 6:02:24
  • 1. Thibaut PINOT, FDJ.fr, in 90:07:21
  • 2. Romain BARDET, Ag2r La Mondiale, at 3:11
  • 3. Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 1:13:40
  • 4. Tom DUMOULIN, Giant-Shimano, at 1:39:45
  • 5. Jon IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Movistar, at 1:52:35
  • 6. Rafal MAJKA, Tinkoff-Saxo, at 2:09:38
  • 7. Rudy MOLARD, Cofidis, at 2:26:07
  • 8. Benjamin KING, Garmin-Sharp, at 2:33:44
  • 9. Tom Jelte SLAGTER, Garmin-Sharp, at 2:41:05
  • 10. Peter SAGAN, Cannondale, at 2:44:37
  • 11. Jesus HERRADA LOPEZ, Movistar, at 2:45:03
  • 12. Anthony DELAPLACE, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 3:12:33
  • 13. Sébastien REICHENBACH, IAM Cycling, at 3:19:37
  • 14. Nelson Filipe SANTOS SIMOES OLIVEIRA, Lampre-Merida, at 3:22:21
  • 15. Matteo TRENTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 3:30:41
  • 16. Bryan COQUARD, Europcar, at 3:36:30
  • 17. Luke DURBRIDGE, Orica-GreenEdge, at 3:57:44
  • 18. John DEGENKOLB, Giant-Shimano, at 3:58:27
  • 19. Armindo FONSECA, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:22:37
  • 20. Benoit JARRIER, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:38:13
  • 21. Adrien PETIT, Cofidis, at 4:50:05
  • 22. Arnaud DEMARE, FDJ.fr, at 4:52:14
  • 23. Elia VIVIANI, Cannondale, at 5:02:25
  • 24. Davide CIMOLAI, Lampre-Merida, at 5:03:43
  • 1. Peter SAGAN, Cannondale, 431 points
  • 2. Alexander KRISTOFF, Katusha, 282 points
  • 3. Bryan COQUARD, Europcar, 271 points
  • 4. Marcel KITTEL, Giant-Shimano, 222 points
  • 5. Mark RENSHAW, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 211 points
  • 6. Vincenzo NIBALI, Astana, 182 points
  • 7. André GREIPEL, Lotto-Belisol, 169 points
  • 8. Ramunas NAVARDAUSKAS, Garmin-Sharp, 157 points
  • 9. Greg VAN AVERMAET, BMC Racing, 153 points
  • 10. Samuel DUMOULIN, Ag2r La Mondiale, 117 points
  • 11. Tony GALLOPIN, Lotto-Belisol, 105 points
  • 12. Martin ELMIGER, IAM Cycling, 101 points
  • 13. Tony MARTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 96 points
  • 14. Thibaut PINOT, FDJ.fr, 94 points
  • 15. Michael ALBASINI, Orica-GreenEdge, 94 points
  • 16. Romain FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 93 points
  • 17. Jean-Christophe PERAUD, Ag2r La Mondiale, 85 points
  • 18. Daniel OSS, BMC Racing, 84 points
  • 19. Biel KADRI, Ag2r La Mondiale, 83 points
  • 20. Arnaud DEMARE, FDJ.fr, 82 points
  • 21. Cyril GAUTIER, Europcar, 79 points
  • 22. Rafal MAJKA, Tinkoff-Saxo, 77 points
  • 23. Tejay VAN GARDEREN, BMC Racing, 74 points
  • 24. Sylvain CHAVANEL, IAM Cycling, 74 points
  • 25. Daniele BENNATI, Tinkoff-Saxo, 74 points
  • 26. Alessandro DE MARCHI, Cannondale, 73 points
  • 27. Romain BARDET, Ag2r La Mondiale, 69 points
  • 28. Sep VANMARCKE, Belkin, 69 points
  • 29. Tom DUMOULIN, Giant-Shimano, 68 points
  • 30. Alejandro VALVERDE BELMONTE, Movistar, 67 points
  • 31. John DEGENKOLB, Giant-Shimano, 66 points
  • 32. Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 64 points
  • 33. Lieuwe WESTRA, Astana, 63 points
  • 34. Thomas VOECKLER, Europcar, 61 points
  • 35. Alessandro PETACCHI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 61 points
  • 36. Lars BOOM, Belkin, 55 points
  • 37. Michael ROGERS, Tinkoff-Saxo, 54 points
  • 38. Jens VOIGT, Trek Factory Racing, 51 points
  • 39. Nicolas EDET, Cofidis, 51 points
  • 40. Leopold KONIG, NetApp-Endura, 49 points
  • 41. Bauke MOLLEMA, Belkin, 46 points
  • 42. Cyril LEMOINE, Cofidis, 44 points
  • 43. Anthony DELAPLACE, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 44 points
  • 44. Elia VIVIANI, Cannondale, 44 points
  • 45. Luis Angel MATE MARDONES, Cofidis, 43 points
  • 46. Kévin REZA, Europcar, 42 points
  • 47. Alexandre PICHOT, Europcar, 40 points
  • 48. Matteo TRENTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 39 points
  • 49. Matteo MONTAGUTI, Ag2r La Mondiale, 39 points
  • 50. Bernhard EISEL, Sky, 39 points
  • 51. Arnaud GERARD, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 39 points
  • 52. Jan BARTA, NetApp-Endura, 38 points
  • 53. Geraint THOMAS, Sky, 34 points
  • 54. Maciej BODNAR, Cannondale, 34 points
  • 55. Jan BAKELANTS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 32 points
  • 56. Jakob FUGLSANG, Astana, 32 points
  • 57. Simon CLARKE, Orica-GreenEdge, 32 points
  • 58. Tom Jelte SLAGTER, Garmin-Sharp, 30 points
  • 59. Florian VACHON, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 29 points
  • 60. Steven KRUIJSWIJK, Belkin, 29 points
  • 61. Richie PORTE, Sky, 29 points
  • 62. Giovanni VISCONTI, Movistar, 29 points
  • 63. Jérémy ROY, FDJ.fr, 29 points
  • 64. Marco MARCATO, Cannondale, 29 points
  • 65. Rein TAARAMAE, Cofidis, 29 points
  • 66. Julien SIMON, Cofidis, 29 points
  • 67. Jack BAUER, Garmin-Sharp, 29 points
  • 68. Niki TERPSTRA, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 28 points
  • 69. Pierre ROLLAND, Europcar, 28 points
  • 70. Frank SCHLECK, Trek Factory Racing, 28 points
  • 71. Perrig QUEMENEUR, Europcar, 28 points
  • 72. Fabio SABATINI, Cannondale, 28 points
  • 73. Mikael CHEREL, Ag2r La Mondiale, 27 points
  • 74. Jurgen VAN DEN BROECK, Lotto-Belisol, 26 points
  • 75. Amaël MOINARD, BMC Racing, 26 points
  • 76. Jose Rodolfo SERPA PEREZ, Lampre-Merida, 26 points
  • 77. Matthew BUSCHE, Trek Factory Racing, 26 points
  • 78. Vasil KIRYIENKA, Sky, 24 points
  • 79. Laurens TEN DAM, Belkin, 23 points
  • 80. Bartosz HUZARSKI, NetApp-Endura, 23 points
  • 81. Jens KEUKELEIRE, Orica-GreenEdge, 21 points
  • 82. Christophe RIBLON, Ag2r La Mondiale, 21 points
  • 83. Adrien PETIT, Cofidis, 21 points
  • 84. Jean-Marc BIDEAU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 20 points
  • 85. Roger KLUGE, IAM Cycling, 20 points
  • 86. Haimar ZUBELDIA AGIRRE, Trek Factory Racing, 20 points
  • 87. Mikel NIEVE ITURALDE, Sky, 20 points
  • 88. Markel IRIZAR ARANBURU, Trek Factory Racing, 20 points
  • 89. Lars Ytting BAK, Lotto-Belisol, 20 points
  • 90. Tom VEELERS, Giant-Shimano, 20 points
  • 91. Sergio Miguel MOREIRA PAULINHO, Tinkoff-Saxo, 19 points
  • 92. Jurgen ROELANDTS, Lotto-Belisol, 19 points
  • 93. Armindo FONSECA, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 19 points
  • 94. Matthieu LADAGNOUS, FDJ.fr, 17 points
  • 95. Grégory RAST, Trek Factory Racing, 17 points
  • 96. Joaquin RODRIGUEZ OLIVER, Katusha, 16 points
  • 97. Andriy GRIVKO, Astana, 16 points
  • 98. Yohann GENE, Europcar, 16 points
  • 99. Thomas LEEZER, Belkin, 15 points
  • 100. Jérôme PINEAU, IAM Cycling, 15 points
  • 101. Benoit JARRIER, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 15 points
  • 102. Adam HANSEN, Lotto-Belisol, 14 points
  • 103. Davide CIMOLAI, Lampre-Merida, 14 points
  • 104. Cheng JI, Giant-Shimano, 13 points
  • 105. Arnold JEANNESSON, FDJ.fr, 12 points
  • 106. Marcel WYSS, IAM Cycling, 12 points
  • 107. Brice FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 11 points
  • 108. Albert TIMMER, Giant-Shimano, 11 points
  • 109. Nicolas ROCHE, Tinkoff-Saxo, 10 points
  • 110. Sebastian LANGEVELD, Garmin-Sharp, 10 points
  • 111. Zakkari DEMPSTER, NetApp-Endura, 10 points
  • 112. Christopher HORNER, Lampre-Merida, 9 points
  • 113. Tanel KANGERT, Astana, 9 points
  • 114. Jesus HERRADA LOPEZ, Movistar, 9 points
  • 115. Yukiya ARASHIRO, Europcar, 9 points
  • 116. Michele SCARPONI, Astana, 8 points
  • 117. Christian MEIER, Orica-GreenEdge, 8 points
  • 118. Maxim IGLINSKY, Astana, 8 points
  • 119. Kristijan KOREN, Cannondale, 8 points
  • 120. Jon IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Movistar, 7 points
  • 121. Roy CURVERS, Giant-Shimano, 7 points
  • 122. Jean Marc MARINO, Cannondale, 7 points
  • 123. Yury TROFIMOV, Katusha, 6 points
  • 124. Dmitriy GRUZDEV, Astana, 6 points
  • 125. Marcel SIEBERG, Lotto-Belisol, 6 points
  • 126. Danny PATE, Sky, 5 points
  • 127. Bram TANKINK, Belkin, 4 points
  • 128. Michael SCHÄR, BMC Racing, 4 points
  • 129. Florian GUILLOU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 4 points
  • 130. Gatis SMUKULIS, Katusha, 4 points
  • 131. Michael MORKOV, Tinkoff-Saxo, 4 points
  • 132. John GADRET, Movistar, 3 points
  • 133. Paul VOSS, NetApp-Endura, 3 points
  • 134. Koen DE KORT, Giant-Shimano, 3 points
  • 135. Vladimir ISAICHEV, Katusha, 3 points
  • 136. Luke DURBRIDGE, Orica-GreenEdge, 2 points
  • 137. Luca PAOLINI, Katusha, 2 points
  • 138. Svein TUFT, Orica-GreenEdge, 1 point
  • 139. Mickael DELAGE, FDJ.fr, 1 point
  • 140. Marcus BURGHARDT, BMC Racing, 1 point
  • 141. Alessandro VANOTTI, Astana, -2 points
  • 142. Sébastien MINARD, Ag2r La Mondiale, -5 points
  • 143. Tiago MACHADO, NetApp-Endura, -13 points
  • 144. Andreas SCHILLINGER, NetApp-Endura, -20 points
  • 1. Rafal MAJKA, Tinkoff-Saxo, 181 points
  • 2. Vincenzo NIBALI, Astana, 168 points
  • 3. Joaquin RODRIGUEZ OLIVER, Katusha, 112 points
  • 4. Thibaut PINOT, FDJ.fr, 89 points
  • 5. Jean-Christophe PERAUD, Ag2r La Mondiale, 85 points
  • 6. Alessandro DE MARCHI, Cannondale, 78 points
  • 7. Thomas VOECKLER, Europcar, 61 points
  • 8. Giovanni VISCONTI, Movistar, 54 points
  • 9. Alejandro VALVERDE BELMONTE, Movistar, 48 points
  • 10. Tejay VAN GARDEREN, BMC Racing, 48 points
  • 11. Romain BARDET, Ag2r La Mondiale, 44 points
  • 12. Leopold KONIG, NetApp-Endura, 44 points
  • 13. Biel KADRI, Ag2r La Mondiale, 43 points
  • 14. Jose Rodolfo SERPA PEREZ, Lampre-Merida, 36 points
  • 15. Mikel NIEVE ITURALDE, Sky, 36 points
  • 16. Bauke MOLLEMA, Belkin, 34 points
  • 17. Nicolas ROCHE, Tinkoff-Saxo, 33 points
  • 18. Tony MARTIN, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 26 points
  • 19. Vasil KIRYIENKA, Sky, 24 points
  • 20. Pierre ROLLAND, Europcar, 22 points
  • 21. Jesus HERRADA LOPEZ, Movistar, 22 points
  • 22. Frank SCHLECK, Trek Factory Racing, 20 points
  • 23. Michael ROGERS, Tinkoff-Saxo, 19 points
  • 24. Bartosz HUZARSKI, NetApp-Endura, 17 points
  • 25. Jan BAKELANTS, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 17 points
  • 26. Michal KWIATKOWSKI, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 17 points
  • 27. Yury TROFIMOV, Katusha, 16 points
  • 28. Amaël MOINARD, BMC Racing, 13 points
  • 29. Laurens TEN DAM, Belkin, 12 points
  • 30. Cyril GAUTIER, Europcar, 12 points
  • 31. Nicolas EDET, Cofidis, 12 points
  • 32. Greg VAN AVERMAET, BMC Racing, 11 points
  • 33. Jon IZAGUIRRE INSAUSTI, Movistar, 11 points
  • 34. Geraint THOMAS, Sky, 10 points
  • 35. Julien SIMON, Cofidis, 10 points
  • 36. Luis Angel MATE MARDONES, Cofidis, 9 points
  • 37. Matteo MONTAGUTI, Ag2r La Mondiale, 9 points
  • 38. Tom Jelte SLAGTER, Garmin-Sharp, 8 points
  • 39. Haimar ZUBELDIA AGIRRE, Trek Factory Racing, 8 points
  • 40. Daniel OSS, BMC Racing, 8 points
  • 41. Cyril LEMOINE, Cofidis, 6 points
  • 42. Sylvain CHAVANEL, IAM Cycling, 6 points
  • 43. Kristijan DURASEK, Lampre-Merida, 6 points
  • 44. Martin ELMIGER, IAM Cycling, 5 points
  • 45. Christophe RIBLON, Ag2r La Mondiale, 5 points
  • 46. Jens VOIGT, Trek Factory Racing, 4 points
  • 47. Steven KRUIJSWIJK, Belkin, 4 points
  • 48. Jérôme PINEAU, IAM Cycling, 4 points
  • 49. Lieuwe WESTRA, Astana, 4 points
  • 50. Perrig QUEMENEUR, Europcar, 2 points
  • 51. Lars BOOM, Belkin, 2 points
  • 52. Sebastian LANGEVELD, Garmin-Sharp, 2 points
  • 53. Simon CLARKE, Orica-GreenEdge, 2 points
  • 54. Brice FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 2 points
  • 55. Peter VELITS, BMC Racing, 2 points
  • 56. Tony GALLOPIN, Lotto-Belisol, 2 points
  • 57. Peter SAGAN, Cannondale, 2 points
  • 58. Rein TAARAMAE, Cofidis, 2 points
  • 59. Niki TERPSTRA, Omega Pharma-Quick Step, 2 points
  • 60. Andriy GRIVKO, Astana, 1 point
  • 61. Dmitriy GRUZDEV, Astana, 1 point
  • 62. Benoit JARRIER, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 1 point
  • 63. Tom DUMOULIN, Giant-Shimano, 1 point
  • 64. Tiago MACHADO, NetApp-Endura, 1 point
  • 65. Kévin REZA, Europcar, 1 point
  • 66. Lars Ytting BAK, Lotto-Belisol, 1 point
  • 67. Grégory RAST, Trek Factory Racing, 1 point
  • 1. Ag2r La Mondiale, in 270:27:02
  • 2. Belkin, at 34:46
  • 3. Movistar, at 1:06:10
  • 4. BMC Racing, at 1:07:51
  • 5. Europcar, at 1:34:57
  • 6. Astana, at 1:36:27
  • 7. Sky, at 1:40:36
  • 8. Trek Factory Racing, at 2:06:00
  • 9. Fdj.fr, at 2:30:37
  • 10. Lampre-Merida, at 2:32:46
  • 11. Tinkoff-Saxo, at 2:59:36
  • 12. IAM Cycling, at 3:21:32
  • 13. NetApp-Endura, at 3:24:11
  • 14. Omega Pharma-Quick Step, at 3:26:34
  • 15. Lotto-Belisol, at 3:36:07
  • 16. Cofidis, at 3:37:12
  • 17. Katusha, at 4:02:46
  • 18. Bretagne-Seche Environnement, at 4:52:09
  • 19. Garmin-Sharp, at 5:52:54
  • 20. Orica Greenedge, at 7:03:46
  • 21. Cannondale, at 7:20:37

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Tour de France Route, Stages and Results 2014

tour de bretagne 2014


2014 UCI cycling calendar | 2014 Tour du Finistère

2014 tour du finistère.

Took place on Saturday 19 April 2014 .


In the UCI calendar ...

Europe Tour

  • takes place in France
  • is part of the Europe Tour 2014

Result / Final classification

More information ....


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Le programme du GP de Grande-Bretagne F1 2024

Le Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne est la 12e manche de la saison 2024 de Formule 1 et la dernière étape de la triple manche de ce début d'été. Lire aussi :

Horaires et programme TV du GP de Grande-Bretagne 2024

Pour le public français, il faudra compter sur la diffusion de l'épreuve par le groupe Canal+, qui agence la programmation sur ses différentes chaînes. Le groupe proposera sa couverture habituelle de l'intégralité des séances du week-end. Il y a une heure de décalage avec Silverstone.


Infos et palmarès du GP de Grande-Bretagne F1

Le circuit de Silverstone

Le Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne à Silverstone est un monument de la Formule 1 puisque c'est ici qu'est né le Championnat du monde en 1950. Il s'agira ainsi cette année de la 75e édition de l'épreuve, sur un site qui en a accueilli 58 jusqu'à présent compte tenu de l'alternance qui a parfois eu lieu avec Brands Hatch et Aintree pour l'organisation de cette course, sans oublier le Grand Prix du 70e Anniversaire en 2020.

Long de 5,891 km et comportant 18 virages, le tracé de Silverstone propose sa configuration actuelle depuis 2011, date à laquelle la ligne droite de départ/arrivée a notamment changé de localisation, ainsi que les stands. Malgré cette évolution, son caractère unique a été conservé, surtout avec le légendaire enchaînement des courbes de Maggots, Becketts et Chapel. En course, il faut boucler 52 tours pour une distance de 306,332 km.

L'accrochage entre Lewis Hamilton et Max Verstappen avait été un des tournants de la saison 2021.

Les records F1 de Silverstone

Les derniers polemen et vainqueurs du gp de grande-bretagne f1, météo à silverstone.

Les prévisions météo font actuellement état de potentielles averses lors des journées de vendredi et dimanche, même si le risque semble actuellement plus important pour la journée des EL1 et EL2. Le samedi devait être plus calme mais pourrait tout de même démarrer sur une piste rendue humide par des averses de la nuit. Quoi qu'il en soit, les températures devraient être assez basses sur l'ensemble du week-end, oscillant entre 17 et 19°C au meilleur de la journée.

Course suivante :  Grand Prix de Hongrie (19-21 juillet)

Retrouvez le calendrier F1 2024 complet

Programme F1 2024 GBR

  • Les Décodeurs
  • Élections législatives 2024

La carte des résultats des législatives au premier tour et le tableau des candidats qualifiés

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Les faits Selon les résultats définitifs fournis par le ministère de l’intérieur, le Rassemblement national, allié à Eric Ciotti, président des Républicains, arrive en tête avec 33,1 % des voix, suivi par le Nouveau Front populaire (28 %), et la coalition présidentielle (20 %). Les Républicains ont réuni 6,7 % des voix. La participation s’élève à 66,7 %.

Retrouvez ci-dessous les résultats du premier tour des élections législatives , qui se sont déroulées le 30 juin 2024 dans les 577 circonscriptions françaises. Les scores des candidats ne sont pas disponibles avant la fermeture des derniers bureaux de vote à 20 heures, et s’affichent progressivement sur la carte au gré du dépouillement et des remontées du ministère de l’intérieur. Les grandes villes et Paris arrivent généralement en fin de soirée.

La carte permet de visualiser le parti du candidat arrivé en tête ainsi que les scores réalisés par les candidats des principaux partis dans chaque circonscription, en les sélectionnant à l’aide du bouton en haut à gauche.

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    Tour de Bretagne Féminin 2014. 16 July 2014 | France | 2.2 WE. Cyclingnews is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Visit our corporate site.

  3. Tour de Bretagne 2014

    modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata La 48 e édition du Tour de Bretagne a lieu du 25 avril au 1 er mai 2014 . La course fait partie du calendrier UCI Europe Tour 2014 en catégorie 2.2. Présentation [modifier | modifier le code] Cette 48 e édition du Tour de Bretagne se déroule du 25 avril au 1 er mai 2014 . Les 3 premières étapes sont plutôt propices aux routiers sprinteurs ...

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  9. 2014 Tour de France stage results and photos by BikeRaceInfo

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  12. 2014 Tour de France stage 21 results and photos by BikeRaceInfo

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  14. Tour de Bretagne

    The 2014 Le Tour de Bretagne Cycliste was won by Bert-Jan Lindeman of Rabobank Development Team. Road Cyclocross Junior Amateur MTB Track Fantasy. Home Races & results Teams Ranking Transfers. Tour de Bretagne UCI, Stage race, 25th April-1st May 2014, France Race info Results Startlist History

  15. Startlist for Tour de France 2014

    216 GÉRARD Arnaud. 217 GUILLOU Florian. 218 JARRIER Benoît *. 219 VACHON Florian. DS HUBERT Emmanuel, TREHIN Roger. team statistics in race. * = competes for youth GC. Competing teams and riders for Tour de France 2014. Top competitors are Alejandro Valverde, Alejandro Valverde and Alejandro Valverde.

  16. Tour de France 2014 : Stage 1 As It Happened

    2014-07-05T12:39:47Z. Jarrier joined Bretagne last year. He has had a good season so far, winning a stage and finishing second overall at the Tour de Normandie, and third at the Route de Vitre ...

  17. Results: 2014 Tour de France, stage 21

    Results from the 21st and final stage of the 2014 Tour de France. TOUR DE FRANCE Don't miss a moment with our daily Tour de France newsletter. ... 107. Brice FEILLU, Bretagne-Seche Environnement, 11 points ; 108. Albert TIMMER, Giant-Shimano, 11 points ; 109. Nicolas ROCHE, Tinkoff-Saxo, 10 points ; 110. Sebastian LANGEVELD, Garmin-Sharp, 10 points

  18. List of teams and cyclists in the 2014 Tour de France

    The 2014 Tour de France was the 101st edition of the race, one of cycling's Grand Tours.The 3,358.1-kilometre (2,086.6 mi) race included 21 stages, starting in Leeds, United Kingdom, on 5 July and finishing on the Champs-Élysées in Paris on 27 July.. The race was contested by 22 teams. All of the eighteen UCI ProTeams were automatically invited, and obliged, to attend the race.

  19. Tour de France 2014 Route, Stages & Results

    Stay up to date with the full 2014 Tour de France schedule. Eurosport brings you live updates, real-time results and breaking Cycling - Road news.

  20. 2014 UCI cycling calendar

    2014 Tour du Finistère Date. Took place on Saturday 19 April 2014. In the UCI calendar ... takes place in France; is part of the Europe Tour 2014; class 1.1; Result / Final classification 1/ Antoine Demoitié (Wallonie-Bruxelles) - 4h48'22" 2/ Julien Simon (Cofidis, solutions crédits) 3/ Armindo Fonseca (Bretagne-Seché Environnement)

  21. 2014 Tour de France by BikeRaceInfo

    Winner's average speed: 41.1 km/hr. Final 2014 Tour de France GC after Stage 21: 3,660.5 km raced at an average speed of 40.68 km/hr. 2014 Tour quick numbers: The 2014 Tour de France will have 21 stages covering 3,656 kilometers, beginning in Harrogate, Yorkshire in Great Britain. This will be a hilly Tour with visits to the Vosges, Alps and ...

  22. 2014 Tour de Bretagne

    2014 Tour de Bretagne. No description defined. Statements. instance of. Tour de Bretagne Cycliste. 0 references. part of. 2014 UCI Europe Tour. 0 references. sport. road bicycle racing. 0 references.

  23. Le programme du GP de Grande-Bretagne F1 2024

    Douzième manche de la saison 2024 de Formule 1 avec le Grand Prix de Grande-Bretagne, qui aura lieu du vendredi 5 au dimanche 7 juillet à Silverstone. ... Meilleur tour en course Max Verstappen ...

  24. La carte des résultats des législatives au premier tour et le tableau

    Selon les résultats définitifs fournis par le ministère de l'intérieur, le Rassemblement national, allié à Eric Ciotti, président des Républicains, arrive en tête du premier tour des ...