The Ultimate Travel Nurse Salary Guide: 4 Million+ Jobs Analyzed (February 2024)

We aggregated more than 4 million travel nursing salaries from the past 4+ years. Now we're revealing pay rates and job trends nationwide in our interactive pay explorer!

Average Pay (per week) $2,131.46 Based on 2,643,002 jobs analyzed across all travel nurse specialties , nationwide

Travel nursing by month (pay and count), best travel nursing agencies 🚀.

  • Highest Paying
  • Host Healthcare 50,000+ jobs $127.67 above average
  • Epic Travel Staffing (formerly Emerald Health) 50,000+ jobs $76.53 above average
  • Premier Healthcare Professionals 20,000+ jobs $63.76 above average
  • Aureus Medical Group 50,000+ jobs $62.87 above average
  • MedPro Healthcare Staffing 50,000+ jobs -$4.28 below average
  • TotalMed 50,000+ jobs -$32.71 below average
  • Triage Staffing 50,000+ jobs -$101.86 below average
  • Job Availability
  • Aequor Healthcare 50,000+ jobs -$109.95 below average

Top Locations Nationwide

  • New York 50,000+ jobs $221.18 above average
  • California 50,000+ jobs $220.11 above average
  • Massachusetts 50,000+ jobs $195.40 above average
  • Illinois 50,000+ jobs $62.93 above average
  • Ohio 50,000+ jobs $38.89 above average
  • Washington 50,000+ jobs $23.80 above average
  • Virginia 50,000+ jobs -$31.78 below average
  • Texas 50,000+ jobs -$163.44 below average
  • Pay is standarized to 36 hour per week.
  • For agency and metropolitan area ratings, results are compared against average for specialty and state. Nationwide average pay used if no state is selected. Top paying agencies and metro areas with less than the median job count for the category are excluded.
  • View all footnotes

Veronica Cooper

Want to see how your travel nurse salary stacks up in this unpredictable travel nurse job market?

How about making sure you're getting the higher compensation you should be in our challenging career?

You're in the right place to get all your questions answered about travel nurse pay.

Welcome to our  interactive pay explorer - with auto-updates every month!

Since September 2019 , we've been continuously tracking travel nurse pay packages.

View our full history of pay insights using the toggle in the right-hand corner of any of our graphs in this article.

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More than four million jobs analyzed and four years later, we're proud to bring you objective overviews on the travel RN job market you can't find anywhere else.

Get the full scoop in this ultimate guide:

How Much Do Travel Nurses Make?

  • What Is An Average Travel Nurse Salary?

Why Do Travel Nurses Make So Much?

Is travel nursing worth it, get a travel nurse pay breakdown.

  • The Highest Paying States for Travel Nurses
  • The Highest Paying Travel Nurse Specialties
  • How to Find the Highest Paying Travel Nursing Jobs

How To Find The Best Paying Travel Nurse Agencies

Do travel nurses earn more money than full-time registered nurses? Overall, definitely!

Keep in mind: Travel nurses make higher salaries on average.

Your potential average annual income will depend on demand for your nursing specialty and where you work.

The averages you see below are measured across all specialties and locations nationwide for a general comparison.

Average Travel Nurse Salary vs Staff Nurse Salary

The average hourly pay for full-time staff RN's in the U.S. is $39.05, or $1,561.92 per week, according to the most recent 2022 US Bureau of Labor Statistics registered nurse occupational outlook .

The average hourly rate for travel nurses is $64.58, or $2,324.92 per week, according to our Ultimate Travel Nurse Salary Guide in September 2023.

The average hourly wage for a travel RN is $25.53 higher than staff nurse pay, and the average salary per week is $736 more .

Extrapolating to compare the average annual salary of a staff nurse vs travel rn pay, the difference is significant, with travel nurses' average annual salary reaching upwards to $30,000 more.

We calculated the average annual salary for travel nurses for only 48 weeks a year. Travel nurses need time off to organize and move to new assignments.

In short, high demand = higher compensation.

We're all aware many healthcare facilities nationwide are experiencing "nursing shortages". Registered nurses are retiring and/or leaving the bedside altogether, a trend sped up by the pandemic.

It's estimated that by 2025 the US will have a staffing gap of 200,000-450,000 nurses . In other words, 10-20% of direct-patient care nursing jobs will be unfilled.

With nursing skills like ours in high demand, we deserve higher pay. Not to mention the inherent stress we put up with in our challenging career.

Travel nurses earn more competitive wages by having the adaptable skills necessary to fill critical staffing needs and provide meaningful patient care in a pinch with minimal to no orientation.

These critical needs are often on less desirable shifts, so preparing yourself to work night shift would open up more travel nurse job possibilities.

Healthcare facilities entice nurses with more competitive wages due to the extra hardships we take on with the lack of job stability while searching for new jobs every 13 weeks. There's also the lack of a consistent job benefits package and the inconveniences of travel costs and time.

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If you're looking to get more satisfaction in your nursing career, it could definitely be worth it.

It turns out it really is better to be a travel nurse than a staff nurse. A sweeping study analyzing feedback straight from our fellow nurses confirms it.

Nurses working in travel nurse jobs are more satisfied than permanent staff nurses in key areas:

  • better job satisfaction
  • less work-related stress
  • feeling safer on the job
  • more employer support
  • higher compensation

Working in a travel nurse job isn't easy, but it could elevate your bedside nursing practice and give you more control in your nursing career.

You'll have to decide if the pros outweigh the cons for yourself. The standard contract is only 13 weeks, so I recommend every nurse give it a try.

Pro tip: You should definitely take the time to research what to expect before you commit to a travel nurse job.

Understanding how travel nurses' higher wages breakdown will help you compare pay offers and spot the jobs that are worth your relocation.

Travel nurses are typically hired as contracted temporary employees of travel nursing agencies, getting paid on a weekly basis to work in a variety of healthcare facilities.

The most common travel nurse contracts offered are for hospital inpatient units in a healthcare facility. These contracts usually commit you to work:

  • 12 hours/shift
  • 3 shifts/week
  • 36 hours/week
  • 13 weeks total
  • 468 work hours total per contract

Our  interactive pay explorer  above standardizes all travel nurse wage data around the average 36-hour weekly pay packages.

See A Pay Package Example

Here's an average travel nurse pay package offer for a Medical-Surgical Nurse working 36 hours/week:

  • $400 M&IE (Meals & Incidental Expenses) - per Week
  • $3,200 Housing Stipend - per Month
  • $750 Travel Reimbursement - One Time payment
  • $30 Base Rate - Hourly pay rate

It's confusing!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let's break this offer down to view your pay per week and per hour. Convert all parts of your travel nurse wages to a standardized hourly rate, then combine to calculate.

Your "M&IE" (meals & incidental expenses) payment is meant to cover your living expenses and daily (diem) meal costs on assignment.

Your housing stipend covers your temporary housing in your assignment location. Remember you should be maintaining housing in your permanent tax home, as well.

Many travel nursing offer travel reimbursements to help offset the higher cost of life on the road.

Be aware you may have more living expenses coming out of your travel nursing paycheck, based on what employment benefits package you accept:

  • Taxes based on your permanent tax home rates
  • Agency health insurance - health benefits can start at $20/week
  • Agency 401k retirement plans

Ask your agency what other benefits they provide and how those affect your pay package.

Taxable vs Tax Free Pay

Following on from our pay example above, your travel nurse pay is made up of a taxable hourly wage and tax free income.

Notice that more than half of this pay package is tax free pay. Ka-ching!

Your tax free stipends, or "Per Diem" pay, are based on daily maximum rates set by the government.  Check's Per Diem rates  for your next contract location.

Travel nurses are eligible for Per Diem tax free stipends when working away from your permanent tax home. When receiving tax free pay you MUST duplicate living/housing expenses, required per IRS rules.

This means paying fair market prices for both your accommodation at your travel nursing assignment, AND maintaining your own housing at your permanent tax home.

Many agencies also offer travel reimbursements to help you get money back you spent on travel expenses moving between assignments.

Pro tip: You can still "travel nurse" while living in your own housing at your permanent tax home. The difference is your income will be fully taxed, and you won't be eligible for the the tax free travel nursing pay.

Highest Paying States for Travel Nurses

Which states are really worth the higher cost license fees? Our map shows the highest paying states for travel nurses over the past 12 months.

To view the highest paying states averages since  September 2019 , use the toggle in the right-hand corner of any of our graphs.

These averages would include crisis rate market fluctuations.

Highest paying states for travel nurses. Standardized to 36/hour week contracts to compare data accurately.

For more specific travel nurse salary by state, see our table below with detailed pay trends and job availability.

We've included the  standard deviation . This shows you how 68% of pay offers spread above and below the average travel RN rates.  Picture a bell curve.

For example, 68% of California travel nurse salaries are $2,537.01 +/- $681.08 = pay range of $1,855.93 - $3,218.09.

The 'job count' column gives you a snapshot of each state's job availability.

Curious what the market looked like pre-COVID19?

Below is a compilation of the states that offered the higher pay from  September 2019 - March 2020 . Compare this list to our above map and table to see what difference crisis rates made.

Top 5 Highest Paying States for Travel Nurses (Pre - Covid19)

  • California Consistently has the best pay and the most jobs by a long shot. Both inside and outside of the pandemic.
  • New Jersey Solid opportunities for both pay and job availability.
  • Washington D.C. Great income, but fewer job openings.
  • Alaska Decent pay and lots of jobs, despite reputation for low rates. Current rates lower than pre-covid19.
  • Connecticut Regularly pays above average with frequent job openings.

Highest Travel Nurse Salaries by Metropolitan Area

Not sure which areas of the country pay great for travel nurses?

We've got a summary here to get you started. Get even more location-specific data on high paying opportunities using our interactive pay explorer .

Top 5 Highest Travel Nurse Salaries by Metropolitan Area

Go after high pay AND lots of job openings in these locations:

  • California Holds 9 of our top 10 spots for highest-paying metro areas
  • East Coast New York City-Newark, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC
  • Pacific Northwest Seattle-Tacoma, Portland
  • Midwest St Louis, Chicago
  • Arizona Phoenix, Tuscon

Pro Tip: Investing in a California license is worth your time and money if you're looking for LOTS of high-paying job options.

Highest Paying Travel Nurse Specialties

Feast your eyes on the largest travel nursing specialty comparison available including more than  130 specialties . Our interactive table shows nationwide pay averages including  standard deviation  for you to get an accurate overview of the highest paying specialties.

We removed specialties with very low job counts and supervisory roles. This keeps our data relevant to the travel nursing specialties with high pay AND regular job availability.

For a different view, we've got an interactive bubble chart displaying the highest paying travel nurse specialties by their job availability. Hover over the bubbles to identify the specialties.

Not all nursing specialties have a regular high need for travel nurses. For example, RN's in Electrophysiology Lab (EP Lab) regularly have higher pay offerings, but don't have the plentiful job options that ICU or L&D nurses have.

Pro tip: If you aspire to work consistently as a travel nurse, gain experience in a specialty with higher job availability.

I repeat: Higher demand = Higher compensation.

How To Find the Highest Paying Travel Nursing Jobs

How can you cut through the lowball offers to find and land the best paying travel nurse salaries? We started StellarNurse to help you.

After analyzing the market for 4+ years, here's our best advice:

  • Use our interactive pay explorer to check pay trends, job availability and best agencies for your specialty
  • Check out the newest & highest-paying travel nursing jobs to get an objective overview on your best current opportunities
  • Message agencies anonymously on our StellarNurse jobs marketplace, focus on agencies that pay best and have lots of jobs for your specialty
  • Keep current state licenses for the locations that have your specialty's best pay and highest job availability
  • Breakdown pay packages to weekly or hourly income to accurately compare job offers
  • Prioritize high pay - above personal convenience, best locations, nicest recruiter or agency loyalty
  • Move fast for Crisis or Rapid Response rate offers

In a nutshell, stay flexible. The best offers are competitive and often need help fast. Be ready to adjust plans quickly, coordinate with a new agency or arrange travel to an unexpected location.

Bonus tip: If you like your agency, tell fellow travel nurses. Make an easy $500-$1,000. Every agency offers referral bonuses if a nurse you referred works with them too.

With more than 500 agencies posting travel nursing jobs daily it’s overwhelming to find which ones might be the best travel nurse companies for you.

After analyzing 4 million jobs over the past 4 years, we’ve organized our data to help you make informed decisions on which agencies to prioritize contacting first.

Find the best paying travel nurse agencies for your specialty and preferred locations. Use the filters to see which agencies have the most jobs available.

Refer back to our interactive pay explorer for in-depth pay trends on the best travel nursing agencies for your specialty and locations.

StellarNurse answers three important questions you should consider in your travel nurse agency choices.

Which travel nurse agencies have:

  • The highest paying jobs for your specialty?
  • The most jobs available for your locations?
  • The benefits you’re looking for?

More questions you should consider when choosing a travel nurse agency are:

  • What sets this agency apart?
  • What agency resources are available if you have issues?
  • How responsive is this agency?

Furthermore, find unbiased reviews to guide your choices.

Since I prefer to read reviews directly from my fellow nurses, here's where I look:

Bonus tip: You can message recruiters anonymously on the StellarNurse jobs marketplace totally risk-free. Get all your questions answered before giving up your contact info.

Our Data Sources

All our data is publicly available on the named travel nursing agency's website or Google jobs listings.


We'll be publishing more technical details on our GitHub in the near future.

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Your days of being underpaid are over.

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Travel Nurse Salary Guide: How Much Travel Nurses Make In 2023?

  • Last Updated: July 28, 2023

Travel nursing is a popular career path for registered nurses looking for flexibility, adventure, and higher pay rates. Travel nurses work on temporary assignments in healthcare facilities across the country, filling in gaps in staffing and providing patient care. 

One of the key benefits of travel nursing is the potential for higher salaries than permanent nursing positions, with many travel nursing assignments offering additional incentives such as travel reimbursement and housing allowances. However, the pay rates for travel nurses can vary significantly depending on various factors, including specialty, location, and experience level. 

This article will provide a comprehensive guide to travel nurse salaries, including average pay rates across different specialties, top-paying states, and ways to increase your salary. If you are interested to learn more specifics as to how much a travel nurse makes an hour, follow the guide below.

Table of contents

What is a travel nurse, lowest- and highest-paying states for travel nurses, salary based on the different types of travel nurses, salary based on experience, career outlook for travel nurses, benefits you will receive as a travel nurse, ways you can increase your travel nurse salary, what’s the bottom line.

A travel nurse is a healthcare professional who works on a temporary basis in various healthcare facilities across different locations. Travel nurses are highly skilled and experienced, often working in critical care units or other specialized areas of nursing. 

The role of a travel nurse is to provide temporary staffing support in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities, usually for a period of 13 weeks or longer. The facility may hire them directly or work through an agency specializing in travel nursing assignments. 

Travel nurses enjoy a high degree of flexibility, as they can choose their assignments based on location, specialty, and contract length. In addition to competitive salaries, travel nurses often receive benefits such as housing, travel expenses, and health insurance. 

This career path is ideal for those who love to travel and want to gain experience working in different healthcare settings.

Travel Nurse Salary in 2023

The salary of a travel nurse may vary depending on a few factors, such as location, experience, and specialty. According to recent data, the average annual salary for travel nurses in the U.S. is $106,030 or $51/hr . However, the salary range can vary widely on the factors mentioned above, with the lowest salary reported at $31,000 and the highest at $179,500.

Location plays a significant role in a travel nurse’s salary. The cost of living and demand for healthcare services vary significantly from state to state and even within cities, which can substantially impact a travel nurse’s compensation. But how much do travel nurses make in each state?

Below you can find the list of states with the lowest travel nurse salaries . The list goes as follows: 

  • Texas $87,843
  • Nebraska $85,776
  • Idaho $85,262
  • Kentucky $82,639
  • North Carolina $81,884
  • Arkansas $81,209

Conversely, the average travel nurse salary in some states exceeds $100,000. More specifically, New York is the highest paying state for travel nurses, reaching up to $104,675, followed by Idago with $102,559, and California with $100,323.

Now that we have covered the highest and lowest paying states for travel nurses, let’s see what city travel nurses make the most money in. The first in the list of the best cities for travel nurses to make the most money is Barrow, AK, with $137,200, followed by San Jose, CA, with $133,873, and Oakland, CA, and Antioch, CA, with $132,042 and $129,387 respectively. 

Travel nurse salaries can vary based on their specialty, as some specialties require more experience, skill, and demand, resulting in higher pay rates. To provide an idea of the highest-paying travel nurse specialties, we have listed the average annual salary for each specialty in 2023:

Experience plays a crucial role in determining the salary of a travel nurse. In most cases, the more experience a travel nurse has, the higher their pay will be. 

Experienced travel nurses possess valuable skills and knowledge which can benefit the healthcare facilities they work for. As a result, many employers are willing to pay a higher salary to attract and retain experienced travel nurses.

In addition, experienced travel nurses often have a deeper understanding of their specialties and can handle complex cases with greater ease. This means they can work more independently, which is particularly valuable in rural or remote locations where staffing may be limited. Moreover, experienced travel nurses have often worked in various healthcare settings, making them adaptable and able to easily handle new situations. 

According to Zippia , travel nurses with entry-level experience earn an average annual salary of $66,600, whereas mid-level experienced travel nurses have an average annual salary of $83,700. Lastly, senior-level travel nurses can expect to earn an average annual salary of over $115,000.

The career outlook for travel nurses is positive, with increasing demand for their services in various healthcare settings. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that the employment of registered nurses, including travel nurses, will grow by 6% from 2021 to 2031. 

This growth is due to an aging population that requires more healthcare services, a greater emphasis on preventive care, and advances in medical technology that allow patients to receive care outside of traditional hospital settings. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the need for more healthcare workers, including travel nurses, to assist with sudden surges in patient volume. Overall, travel nursing offers an exciting and rewarding career path with considerable growth and professional development opportunities.

Travel nursing comes with a range of benefits that make it an attractive career choice:

  • Travel nurses have the opportunity to work in different healthcare settings, which allows them to broaden their skills and experience.
  • Travel nurses typically earn higher salaries than their permanent counterparts, and many travel nursing assignments offer additional incentives, such as sign-on bonuses, travel reimbursements, and housing allowances.
  • Travel nurses often have greater flexibility in their work schedule, allowing them to take time off between assignments to pursue personal interests or spend time with family. Travel nursing also enables nurses to explore new cities and regions, providing a unique cultural experience.

Overall, travel nursing offers numerous benefits, making it an appealing career path for many nurses.

There are several ways that a travel nurse can increase their salary, such as:

  • Specializing in a high-demand area: Consider specializing in an area with a high demand for travel nurses, such as intensive care or emergency departments. Specializing in a high-demand area can increase your value as a travel nurse, leading to higher-paying job offers.
  • Gaining more experience in their specialty: They can achieve this by taking on challenging assignments and pursuing advanced certifications.
  • Negotiating higher pay rates when signing on for new assignments: This may involve researching typical salaries for their specialty in the location they will be working and negotiating with their agency or employer.
  • Taking on additional responsibilities: More responsibilities at work, such as precepting new staff or taking on leadership roles, can lead to increased compensation.
  • Traveling to higher-paying locations: Travel nurses can seek assignments in high-demand areas where pay rates may be higher due to a staff shortage.

In conclusion, travel nursing can be a rewarding and lucrative career path for registered nurses who enjoy new challenges and experiences. While the pay rates for travel nurses can vary depending on multiple factors, including expertise and location, there are many ways to increase your salary as a travel nurse, such as gaining experience in your specialty, negotiating for higher pay rates, taking on additional responsibilities, and more. 

It’s essential to do your research on typical pay rates for your specialty in different locations and to work with a reputable travel nursing agency that can provide you with competitive pay rates and additional benefits. With the right approach, travel nursing can offer you a fulfilling career and a comfortable lifestyle while exploring new places and meeting new people. 

Don’t wait any longer to start living your best life as a travel nurse. Take charge of your career and find your next high-paying placement in a desirable location today! 

Nurse Luke is a CRNA who specializes in Nursing content and still enjoys a very busy career with Locum, Per Diem and Travel nursing in the greater midwest. He has over 25 years of experience in the healthcare field and received his CRNA masters degree from the Mayo Clinic School of Healthcare. He is passionate about helping nurses explore the options of becoming a travel nurse as well as spending time with his Family. 

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Travel Nurse Tax Guide 2023

Navigating travel nurse taxes can be a challenge, especially because travel nurse tax amounts can be a bit different depending on what state or states you worked in. In general, however, taxes are very different for travel nurses compared to traditional staff nurses. From choosing a tax home to keeping your receipts to knowing exactly how your income will affect your long-term financial goals, here is the information you need to know about travel nurse taxes.

RN’s can earn up to $2,300 per week as a travel nurse. Speak to a recruiter today!

Travel Nurse Taxes + Income Breakdown

Travel nurses are paid differently than staff nurses because they receive both a base hourly pay that is taxed and additional “payments” that are non-taxed to make up their “total” pay. When you sign up to commit to a travel nurse position you’ll receive a pay package that will detail all of the different aspects of what will make up your actual compensation.

Essentially it’s in the travel nursing agency’s best interest to keep the base rate of a travel nurse’s pay package low, so many travel nurses have a modest base pay but will receive additional stipends. In a technical and legal sense, those additional stipends — which typically cover things like meals, housing , and work-related expenses — are expense reimbursements for doing your job as a travel nurse, which is why they aren’t considered income and are non-taxable.

Travel agencies offer “standardized” bill rates. This means that there is one rate for all workers with any given license covered by the contract. For example, all Registered Nurses have the same bill rate, all Physical Therapists have the same bill rate, and so on. It’s also possible for the licenses to be broken down by specialty and every so often by level of experience. For example, Medical Surgical and Telemetry Registered Nurses have one rate while all other Registered Nurses have another. Registered Nurses with 1-3 years of experience get one rate, while those with more than 3 years of experience get a slightly higher rate. The important thing to understand is that standardized bill rates are set in stone by the contract for all intents and purposes. There is no possibility of negotiating a higher bill rate based on a particular travel nurse’s salary history or work experience.

Joseph Smith, EA/MS Tax, an international “taxation master” and founder of Travel Tax , explains that in addition to their base pay, most travel nurses can reasonably expect to see $20,000-$30,000 of non-tax reimbursement payments in a typical year working as a travel nurse.

Find travel nurse credit cards to earn points or miles while traveling.

Qualifying For Non-Taxable Income

In order to avoid being taxed on those reimbursement payments, however, you need to clearly prove that you have what’s called a “tax home” to the IRS. The IRS defines a tax home as “the entire city or general area where your main place of business or work is located, regardless of where you maintain your family home.”

Smith explains that you can qualify for a tax home in two main ways:

  • If your primary area of residence is also your main area of income, which typically does not apply to travel nurses.
  • You visit your primary residence at least once every 12 months and can prove that you are paying for expenses to maintain your primary home.

If you can’t prove that you have a tax home, or don’t meet the qualifications for having a tax home, you will be taxed on the stipend payments you receive as part of your travel nurse pay package. Additionally, Smith cautions that most travel nursing agencies will not verify that you qualify for a tax home, so it’s up to you, the travel nurse, to ensure that you are meeting all requirements for establishing a tax home in order to collect your non-taxable stipends.

Joseph Smith, EA/MS Tax, an international “taxation master” and founder of Travel Tax, explains that in addition to their base pay, most travel nurses can reasonably expect to see $20,000-$30,000 of non-tax reimbursement payments in a typical year working as a travel nurse.

While many people commonly believe that you must have your tax home at least 50 miles away from where you work as a travel nurse, there’s actually no specific distance requirement . The only real requirement is that you must prove that it’s farther away than a reasonable commute and requires rest and sleep before going back and forth.

You should always check with a tax professional, but in general, travel nurses can take the following steps to help ensure that they qualify for a tax home in the eyes of the IRS:

  • Keep proof of any payments you are making to show that someone else is maintaining your primary residence, such as receipts for a house sitter, mortgage, rent, utilities, or home maintenance expenses.
  • Maintain your driver’s license and voter registration in your home state.
  • Keep your car registered in your home state.
  • Keep a per-diem position, if possible, in your home state.
  • Return to your permanent home at least once every 13 months.
  • File a Residence Tax Return with your home state.

To file taxes correctly, it’s very important to maintain your tax home and prove that you have to actually pay for “double” of everything—for both your tax home and your new living situation as a travel nurse. That means that if you rent out your home temporarily while you’re gone, you no longer can classify it as a tax home.

What About State Taxes?

Travel nurses should plan on filing their taxes by the April 15th deadline, just like everyone else in the United States, although there may be a little wiggle room for extensions due to the nature of being a multi-state professional as a travel nurse, according to Smith. Every state has different laws for filing taxes, but travel nurses may need to file a non-resident tax return in every state they have worked in, as well as the state that they consider their permanent tax home.

Travel Nurse Tax Tips

travel nurse income

Smith advises travel nurses to keep a receipt book to help them make tax preparation a little easier by having all of their paperwork in one place. Although digital receipts may be more convenient or “modern” for younger nurses, keeping paper copies as a backup is always recommended. Your receipts can include things like:

  • Housing and lodging expenses while traveling
  • Mileage travel
  • Uniform and scrub expenses
  • Work-related expenses, such as continuing education courses or certifications you must maintain to keep your position
  • Costs for Internet and phone providers

The 2022 tax reform laws did away with many job expenses at the federal level , which means that travel nurses can’t deduct certain travel-related expenses such as food, mileage, and gas on their federal return. You can still get a stipend or reimbursement from your travel agency for those expenses, but they may not count as deductions.

That being said, a handful of states still allow job expense deductions on your state tax return, such as New York , California , Alabama, Hawaii , and Arkansas, so there may be additional tax deductions you can make if you’ve worked in a qualifying state.

Smith also adds to be careful when filling out residency on your tax return, as he sees many travel nurses make the mistake that working a travel assignment means they have moved. However, working a temporary (under 12 months) travel nursing position does not qualify as a move of your permanent residence — instead, they are just away from home temporarily and that’s an important distinction to make come tax time.

Keep your tax home as a permanent residence address, and don’t change it unless you actually move permanently!

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Can You Get Audited As A Travel Nurse?

The travel nursing industry as a whole does tend to be scrutinized closely, says Smith. As a travel nurse, you may be more at risk for an audit if you’re displaying high expenses and low income. For instance, if your mortgage is $10,000 a month, but your overall income with your base pay as a travel nurse is only $20,000 annually, the IRS may be puzzled as to how you’re actually affording your lifestyle.

You can reduce your risk of an audit, or increase your risk of getting through an audit favorably by always making sure to work with a certified tax professional who is familiar with traveling healthcare professionals and not solely relying on your nurse recruiter or travel staffing agency for tax advice.

Lower Taxable Income Considerations

One of the appeals of travel nursing is that you have the potential to make a high income, especially through non-taxed stipends. And although at first glance, having non-tax stipends for things like housing may sound like a great deal for you as a travel nurse, it does come with a catch: because the additional stipends you receive as a travel nurse are not taxed, they are not considered income, and as such, will not be reflected in your annual income.

That may not sound like that big of a deal unless you find yourself in need of a loan, mortgage, or disability payment, or are nearing the age to collect Social Security. All of the aforementioned items are calculated based on your income. The lower your income, the lower the loan amount you will qualify for, and the less you are contributing to Social Security and therefore will be eligible to collect when you’re ready for retirement.

If you know that you will be needing a loan or a mortgage in the near future, Smith suggests talking to your lender as far in advance as possible to explain your situation and plan ahead. Working with a lender who is familiar with the pay structure for travel nurses can also be helpful.

In some circumstances, such as for nurses who are nearing Social Security’s retirement age, it may also be helpful to legally declare that you don’t have a tax home on your tax return, and instead, pay taxes on all of your stipends, so you can count it as taxable income.

And remember – you should use this guide as information to help you learn more about filing taxes as a travel nurse but remember that it is not tax advice. You should always consult your own CPA or tax professional before filing your tax return.

Travel Nurse Tax FAQs

Yes, all travel nurses must pay taxes on all income that they earned. They will need to file a tax return for every state that they worked in, as well as their home state where they have permanent residence.

If possible, it’s always beneficial to work with a tax professional, such as a Certified Public Accountant who can help you file and pay taxes that you owe as a travel nurse. An accountant can provide you with the physical paperwork that you can use to mail your tax payment in or help you set up an online account if digital payments are acceptable. If you file your own taxes using TurboTax or another software, you will be provided with the exact mailing address and instructions to submit payment. If you don’t have one already, you may need a book of checks in order to pay your taxes. The most important thing you need to know about paying taxes as a travel nurse is that you will need to both pay taxes and file a tax return in every single state you have worked in. If you’ve worked in many different states, that’s where hiring a CPA can be very helpful to help you navigate all that paperwork and payment.

It depends. American Traveler explains that you may end up paying taxes in every state you worked in as a travel nurse, depending on which states those are. Some states have what’s called a “reciprocity” agreement, which means that they have agreed that travel nurses working in those states will only be responsible for paying taxes to one state in total. You will have to check with your accountant or look into the tax rules for each state that you’ve worked in to determine exactly how much you owe in taxes. You should also check with your travel nursing agency if this is your situation because you will most likely need to file tax exemption paperwork through them as well. You will also need to pay taxes in both your home state and any state you worked in. That means that all income you make will be ultimately taxed through your home state taxes as well as the state where you earned the money. That might look like getting taxed twice, but the good news is, your home state will deduct the difference if the percentage rate of your home state is higher. And if it’s the other way around, you will generally only pay the higher state rate. This can get a little confusing, which is why we recommend hiring a tax professional.

Some states do not have an income tax , including Alaska , Washington , Wyoming, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas , Florida , New Hampshire, USVI, and the District of Columbia (if you don’t live there.) If you live in one of these states, you will still need to pay any set income tax rate in the state where you work. If you don’t live in those states but you do work in those states, you will still pay your home state tax rate, so be sure you keep that in mind with your total earnings so you can have enough to pay your taxes come tax time.

This depends on if you’re considered a W2 employee or a 1099 contractor, but in general, travel nurses may be able to deduct the following expenses: – Mileage or the cost of gas – A rental car – Uniform and equipment costs – Continuing education – Licensing fees – Travel expenses – Some meals – Retirement and insurance contributions – Expenses that go into paying for your tax home

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Travel Nurse Pay & Benefits

Understanding Travel Nurse Salary and Your Benefits Package

How much do travel nurses make?

There are many factors to consider when talking about how much travel nurses get paid, including:

Aya Healthcare - Nurse

When looking to optimize pay, it’s important to understand that pay packages differ based on specialty and location. For instance, a travel L&D nurse in California will make a different amount than a travel med-surg nurse in Kentucky.

Many travel nurses bounce around between states — sometimes even between specialties — and will be paid differently from assignment to assignment. You may also be eligible for housing, meal and incidental stipends to reimburse you for actual expenses incurred while on assignment. Your recruiter will discuss all these details with you during your search. Your recruiter will work diligently to find you positions that meet your financial goals. Keep in mind that flexibility during your job search with location, shift and other factors usually results in the potential of higher paying opportunities.

Log in and view pay packages and facility information for all jobs.

Travel Nursing Benefits with Aya

You can enroll and contribute to your 401k on the first of the month following eligibility, which is working 4 consecutive months or one year from your original hire date (with at least 1,000 hours worked). After a year (with at least 1,000 hours worked) you’re eligible for matching!

Medical Plan

A comprehensive medical, dental and vision plan from the first day you start an assignment with Aya Healthcare. You also have the option to add a spouse and/or dependents to your plan!

Sick Pay While on Assignment

You’ll start accruing sick time on the first day of your assignment and earn 1 hour for every 30 hours worked which you can start to use after 90 days.

Perks & Discounts

Wellness and fitness programs (like free virtual meditation and yoga) employee assistance programs (including clinical escalation if your work environment could be improved) and so much more.

Aya Scholars Program

This is the industry’s only clinical ladder program for travel nurses. In exchange for dedication to professional development, Aya Scholars candidates may be eligible for reimbursements for tuition and a specialty certification exam.

Where can I make the most money as a travel nurse?

Like we mentioned earlier, quite a few factors affect your pay, including specialty and location. But like with any job, you need to consider more than just pay. When evaluating an assignment, you should also consider the cost of living in the area. You can rely on your recruiter and the rest of your Aya Healthcare team for valuable advice to help you make the best career choice for you.

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Travel Nurse Salary in United States

How much does a travel nurse make.

As of May 28, 2024, the average annual pay of Travel Nurse in the United States is $83,197. While is seeing that Travel Nurse salary in the US can go up to $100,434 or down to $67,947, but most earn between $75,215 and $92,220. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills , and your experience levels . With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.

View Travel Nurse Salary by Hour, Week, Month, Year provides you with accurate and diversified Travel Nurse salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary. Click the switch button below to see more details about Travel Nurse hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.

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Travel Nurse RN - Telemetry - $2,050 per week

Travel Nurse RN - Telemetry - $2,005 per week

Travel Nurse RN - Long Term Care - $1,710 per week

Travel Nurse RN - Med Surg / Telemetry - $3,192 per week

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View Travel Nurse Salary by Experience Levels

An entry-level Travel Nurse with no related experience makes about $80,142. With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level Travel Nurse makes around $80,379. After 2-4 years, the Travel Nurse pay rises to about $83,418. Those senior Travel Nurse with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $87,169, and those Travel Nurse having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $87,437 on average.

Best Paying States for Travel Nurse

The states and districts that pay Travel Nurse the highest salary are District of Columbia (around $92,599) , California (around $91,767) , New Jersey (around $91,184) , Alaska (around $90,602) , Massachusetts (around $90,519), Washington (around $89,687), Connecticut (around $89,354).

Highest Paying Cities for Travel Nurse

The metropolitan areas that pay the highest salary in the Travel Nurse profession are San Jose,CA, San Francisco,CA, Oakland,CA, New York,NY, Queens Village,NY, Paramus,NJ, Passaic,NJ, Bergenfield,NJ, Stamford,CT, and Huntington,NY.

Best-Paid Skills and Qualifications for Travel Nurse

What skills does a travel nurse need.

Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.

Planning: An act or process of making or carrying out plans. Establishment of goals, policies, and procedures for a social or economic unit city planning business planning.

Nursing Process: The nursing process is a modified scientific method. Nursing practise was first described as a four-stage nursing process by Ida Jean Orlando in 1958.

Long Term Care: Long-term care (LTC) is a variety of services which help meet both the medical and non-medical needs of people with a chronic illness or disability who cannot care for themselves for long periods. Long term care is focused on individualized and coordinated services that promote independence, maximize patients' quality of life, and meet patients' needs over a period of time. It is common for long-term care to provide custodial and non-skilled care, such as assisting with normal daily tasks like dressing, feeding, using the bathroom. Increasingly, long-term care involves providing a level of medical care that requires the expertise of skilled practitioners to address the multiple chronic conditions associated with older populations. Long-term care can be provided at home, in the community, in assisted living facilities or in nursing homes. Long-term care may be needed by people of any age, although it is a more common need for senior citizens.

View Travel Nurse Salary Trends

For those exploring the changing dynamics of Travel Nurse salaries, offers detailed insights through our Job Trending in CA Labor Market analysis. Our research highlights a notable shift in Travel Nurse compensation over the past six years. For instance, the median salary has moved from $73,508 in 2023 to about $74,140 in 2024 ( for a comprehensive analysis of Travel Nurse salary trends, click here ). It's crucial to consider several elements, including geographical location, experience level, industry demand, and economic development, as they play a significant role in influencing salary variations.

Average Annual Salary of Travel Nurse Over Time

Travel nurse salary by year, view salaries of jobs related to travel nurse, what are people talking about travel nurse salaries.

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Faqs regarding travel nurse, 1. what is the average salary of a travel nurse.

The average annual salary of Travel Nurse is $83,197. In case you are finding an easy salary calculator, the average hourly pay of Travel Nurse is $40; the average weekly pay of Travel Nurse is $1,600; the average monthly pay of Travel Nurse is $6,933.

2. What does a Travel Nurse do?

Travel Nurse provides professional nursing care to assigned patients. Records patient histories, performs various diagnostic tests, administers medications, and develops patient care plans in conjunction with other medical professionals. Being a Travel Nurse assists physicians during examinations and procedures, operating and monitoring medical equipment as necessary. Observes patients' progress and records observations in patient medical records. Additionally, Travel Nurse promotes patients' independence by teaching patients and families to understand conditions, medications, and self-care skills. May require a bachelor's degree in nursing. Requires a valid state Registered Nurse (RN) license. Typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. The Travel Nurse occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Gaining exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. To be a Travel Nurse typically requires 2-4 years of related experience.

3. What’s typical Career Path for Travel Nurse?

A career path is a sequence of jobs that leads to your short- and long-term career goals. Some follow a linear career path within one field, while others change fields periodically to achieve career or personal goals.

For Travel Nurse, the first career path typically progresses to Head Nurse - CCU.

The second career path typically progresses to Maternity Services Director.

The third career path typically progresses to Head Nurse - Emergency Room.

Additionally, the fourth career path typically starts with a Head Nurse - Intensive Care Unit position, and then progresses to Head of Intensive Care Unit.

4. Where can a Travel Nurse earn the most?

A Travel Nurse's earning potential can vary widely depending on several factors, including location, industry, experience, education, and the specific employer. According to the latest salary data by, a Travel Nurse earns the most in San Jose, CA, where the annual salary of a Travel Nurse is $104,413.

5. What is the highest pay for Travel Nurse?

The highest pay for Travel Nurse is $100,434.

6. What is the lowest pay for Travel Nurse?

The lowest pay for Travel Nurse is $67,947.

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Home Travel Nursing Travel Nurse Benefits & Salary

Travel Nurse Benefits & Salary

Female holding hat on head and looking up at trees

Unparalleled Benefits for Your Travel Nursing Adventure

Your Journey. Your Reward.

Ready for your next travel nursing adventure? Discover a competitive travel nurse salary, unparalleled service, and exceptional benefits to ensure that your travel experience is not just fulfilling, but also rewarding.

As a traveler, enjoy a comprehensive package, top-notch health and wellness benefits, and a support that recognizes and values your expertise.

Competitive Travel Nurse Salaries

Your Expertise. Your Pay.

Discover the CareerStaff difference! We recognize the dedication and skillset that travel nurses bring to the forefront of healthcare. That’s why we’re proud to offer a commitment to guaranteed pay, enticing travel stipends, and competitive compensation packages designed to meet your unique needs.

Earn What You Deserve

As a travel nurse, receive highly competitive compensation packages reflective of your skills, experience, and dedication to providing exceptional patient care, with many above the national average. Get the salary that you deserve for the invaluable contributions you make to healthcare facilities across the country.

Housing and Travel Stipends

Maximize your travel nurse salary with tax-free stipends for housing and travel. We understand the importance of financial flexibility. Therefore our stipends are designed to ensure you enjoy your travel nursing adventure without worrying about your travel expenses.

Travel Bonuses and Incentives

As a travel nurse with CareerStaff, you’ll have the opportunity to earn additional bonuses and exclusive incentives. These include seasonal bonuses of up to $1200* average and our referral bonus program, where you can earn up to $750* for each traveler you refer.

Guaranteed Weekly Pay & Direct Deposit

As a travel nurse, you can receive your salary and weekly earnings via direct deposit. This gives you the financial freedom to fully embrace all the exciting opportunities that come with your travel job. If you don’t have a bank account, no worries! You can also choose to access your earnings through a pay card.

Comprehensive Travel Nurse Benefits

Your Wellness. Your Care.

From onboarding and credentialing support to health and wellness, we’ve got you covered! At CareerStaff, your well-being is as important as the exceptional care you provide. Therefore, we offer a suite of benefits designed to cater to your every need, ensuring you can focus on what you do best—making a difference in the lives of patients nationwide—while we take care of you.

Health, Wellness, and Life Coverage

Your well-being is our priority. As a travel nurse, enjoy comprehensive health benefits including health, vision, dental and life insurance coverage, ensuring you have access to the care you need while on assignment.

401k Retirement Plans

Invest and plan for your future with confidence. Our travel nurses have the opportunity to enroll in 401(k) retirement plans, helping you build a secure financial foundation for the years ahead.

Flexible Scheduling for Your Lifestyle

As a travel nurse, you have the flexibility to create a schedule that aligns with your preferences. Whether you thrive in the hustle of daytime activities, prefer the tranquility of night shifts, or crave the excitement of weekend adventures, we’ve got the perfect assignment for you.

Personalized Support for Your Journey

Feel supported around the clock with our dedicated team available 24/7. If you have a question about your assignment, need assistance with scheduling, or need clinical support during your travels, our team is here to ensure you have the resources and guidance you need.

Salary and Benefits FAQs

Nurse in hospital hallway setting

In 2023, the  average travel nurse base salary  is $2,139 per week or $116,923 a year, and rates vary depending on location, facility, or state. However, some CareerStaff travel nurses earn over $3,000 per week, depending on incentives, stipends, and bonus opportunities! Take flight with us and connect with a travel nurse recruiter to see how much you can earn!

Yes! In addition to competitive travel nurse salary, weekly pay, and travel stipends, the full suite of comprehensive travel nurse benefits typically includes: Medical Plans Dental Plans Vision Plans 401(k) Plan Life Insurance Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)/Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Pre-Tax Spending Accounts, and more. Additionally, there are also many other perks our travelers enjoy, from hundreds of assignments nationwide to referral bonus opportunities.

In 2023, the roles of critical care (ICU), emergency room, operating room, and cath lab fetched some of the highest nurse salaries. However, the amount paid typically depends on various factors such as the work setting, nurse specialty , demand, location, and more. By partnering with CareerStaff, we’ll work with you to maximize your earnings and reach a compensation package that you deserve!

Travel nursing is an exciting career path that offers a multitude of benefits and opportunities. From exploring new and unique destinations across the United States to experiencing freedom, flexibility, and professional growth, the possibilities are endless. With high demand, benefits, and top pay, travel nursing is more than just a job, it is a chance to make new connections, discover new passions, and create lifelong memories. Discover the unparalleled  benefits of becoming a travel nurse  with CareerStaff!

Happy male traveler wearing a hat and sunglasses smiling at the camera

Your Setting. Your Next Travel Nursing Job.

When you travel with CareerStaff, you’ll have the benefit of hundreds of available assignments every day, in a wide variety of travel nurse settings and specialties , including: 

  • Hospitals, health centers, and surgical centers
  • Post-acute care, critical care, and ICU wards 
  • Senior living, skilled nursing (SNF), and long-term care facilities (LTC)
  • Schools and educational facilities
  • Correctional facilities

Featured Travel Nurse Blogs

Questions about travel nursing? Whether you’re navigating the onboarding process, curious about travel nurse benefits, or seeking guidance on how to best prepare for your assignments, our Clinician Life Blog has you covered!

Nursing Onboarding Process: What to Expect & How to Prepare

Nursing Onboarding Process: What to Expect & How to Prepare

CareerStaff's recruiters, Sharmeda and Gabrael, wearing professional attire behind a blue-gren background, and answering questions about nursing for national healthcare recruiter recognition day

Clinician Life Blog

9 Questions About Nursing Jobs: Ask a Healthcare Recruiter

healthcare specialist looking up with question marks above them

Travel Nursing

The Most Important Questions to Ask a Travel Nurse Recruiter

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25 Highest Paying States For Travel Nurses In 2023

travel nurse income

Traveling around the country is a desirable possibility for nurses like me who want to make more money and shake up our professional life. Not only is there the potential for a higher salary, but there is also the excitement of visiting new places. Most nurses considering traveling look for the highest-paying states for travel nurses. After years of contemplation, I took a travel assignment in California because I needed to make money quickly while in graduate school and was relocating out west that year. Before I made a significant thirteen-week move across the country, I looked up “What are the highest paying states for travel nurses?” What I found after all my research surprised me! This article covers the 25 highest-paying states for travel nurses in 2023.


What are the highest-paying states for travel nurses, state #1: california, state #2: hawaii, state #3: oregon, state #4: massachusetts, state #5: alaska, state #6: washington, state #7: new york, state #8: new jersey, state #9: nevada, state #10: connecticut, state #11: minnesota, state #12: rhode island, state #13: maryland, state #14: arizona, state #15: colorado, state #16: new mexico, state #17: georgia, state #18: delaware, state #19: texas, state #20: new hampshire, state #21: illinois, state #22: virginia, state #23: wyoming, state #24: wisconsin, state #25: michigan, my final thoughts.

travel nurse income

How to Become a Travel Nurse

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  • Career Overview
  • Steps to Become
  • Education Options
  • Certification and Specialization

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Male travel nurse walking outside

Are you interested in a financially rewarding nursing career that offers the flexibility to take short-term assignments across the country and abroad? The nursing shortage has increased the demand for travel nurses in every type of healthcare setting, often in underserved communities in both urban and rural locations. Employers offer higher pay and more generous benefits to travel nurses with certain specialties, such as ICU or neonatal nursing, or those holding advanced practice registered nursing licenses.

Keep reading to learn how to become a travel nurse, what kind of license and certifications you need to enter the field, and what to expect on the job.

How Long to Become 2-4 years

Degree Required ADN or BSN

Average Annual Salary $83,386

Source: Payscale , May 2024

What Is a Travel Nurse?

A travel nurse is a skilled nursing professional willing to take short-term assignments locally, across the U.S., and even internationally . These assignments can last from a few weeks to several months. Instead of seeking permanent positions in healthcare facilities, these nursing professionals find temporary placements using the services of staffing agencies that specialize in travel nursing. Travel nurse contracts outline the start and end dates for the placement, total compensation for the duration of the assignment, and work expectations.

The demand for registered nurses has increased throughout the healthcare industry, along with critical nursing shortages in some geographic locations and in high-demand specializations. Travel nurses have stepped in to fill these gaps. According to data compiled by Zippia , there are 1,733,502 traveling nurses currently employed in the United States. For comparison’s sake, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that as of 2023 there were about 3.2 million registered nurses (RN) employed in the U.S.

Popular Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Learn about start dates, transferring credits, availability of financial aid, and more by contacting the universities below.

Steps to Becoming a Travel Nurse

A travel nurse must meet the same educational and clinical requirements as all registered nurses (RNs). You must first earn an associate degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). According to the Zippia data, 47% of travel nurses have a BSN degree, more than any other degree type.

Once you earn your degree, you need to pass the NCLEX-RN exam and acquire your state nursing license. Because employers expect travel nurses to immediately begin working, travel nurse staffing agencies typically look for applicants with at least one year of clinical experience. Specializations and certifications can give you an advantage.

Earn an ADN or BSN Degree From an Accredited Program.

Travel nurses must earn an ADN or a BSN to qualify for RN licensure. An ADN offers the fastest pathway to an RN nursing career. However, a BSN, which typically takes four years to complete, provides graduates with a higher level of training and clinical experience, leading to broader employment opportunities. The major travel nurse staffing agencies and large healthcare systems prefer to hire RNs with a BSN degree.

Pass the NCLEX Exam to Receive RN Licensure.

You need to pass the National Council Licensure Exam for RNs (NCLEX-RN) to earn an RN license. This computer-adaptive test takes up to six hours and covers nursing practice, conditions and treatments, how the healthcare system works, legal and ethical issues, and patient communication and education.

Gain Clinical Nursing Experience.

The more clinical experience you have, the more likely you will find a placement. Most agencies only consider applicants with a minimum of one year of experience. However, some healthcare contracts require two years or more of clinical experience. Travel nurses must have the skills and background to jump into assignments without on-the-job training or orientations, adjusting to new environments, staff, and procedures.

Find a Travel Nursing Agency.

Nurse staffing agencies have grown in popularity, filling the nursing shortage gap resulting from RNs who retire or leave the workforce. Consequently, many agencies have emerged that specialize in travel nurse staffing. Travel nurse agencies advertise for specific positions, often recruiting at nursing school career offices, professional associations, and online. Before working with a travel nurse agency, it is important to research its reputation. When evaluating agencies, you should compare if the contracts they offer meet your expectations about available locations, types of assignments, salary and benefits, and travel and housing arrangements.

Begin Your First Travel Nursing Assignment.

Because travel nurses work in multiple settings with varied patient populations , duties and responsibilities differ for each new assignment. In most cases, you will receive little on-the-job training. Depending on the employer, your first shift may begin with a full orientation or just a brief introduction to the facility’s procedures and policies. You may be paired with a nurse for your first few days, but then you will be expected to work independently soon after.

While some travel staffing agencies handle housing arrangements to help you settle into your new environment, you may decide to find your own accommodations to save on living expenses.

Travel Nurse Education

Different employers and positions have different travel nurse requirements. Generally, it takes at least two years to earn an ADN, the minimum requirement to become an RN.

Most travel nurse positions require a BSN, but some nurses start with an ADN, which takes two years to complete rather than the four years required for a BSN. Many BSN programs offer RN-to-BSN bridge programs .

Admission Materials

Program curriculum, time to complete, skills learned.

All travel nurses must be licensed RNs by earning an undergraduate nursing degree, either a BSN or an ADN, and passing the NCLEX-RN examination. However, many employers require or strongly prefer a BSN.

Travel Nurse Licensure

If you plan on becoming a travel nurse, you must have a valid nursing license in the state where you intend to practice. If the state where you earned your initial RN license participates in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), you do not need to apply for another license to work in any other NLC state. However, not all states are NLC members . If your intended travel nurse assignment is located in a non-NLC state, you must apply for a license in that specific state before starting your contract. Some states have expedited processes for temporary licenses, and certain staffing agencies can assist you with the application process.

Maintaining an active license as a travel nurse is no different than for other RNs. You need to renew your RN license periodically, meeting the specific requirements for contact hours and continuing education units in your home state. If you are working in a non-NLC state, you must meet the renewal requirements for that jurisdiction.

Travel Nursing Certification and Specialization

RNs often choose to earn specialty nurse certifications in a variety of areas, including emergency care, pediatrics, obstetrics, and infection control. While earning a certification may not be required for a certain position, a specialization helps distinguish you from other job applicants and may boost your salary.

According to a 2019 travel nurse compensation report , the demand for travel nurses is highest for those with specializations in ICU, medical-surgical, operating room, and emergency room nursing. ICU nurses, the most in-demand travel nurse specialty, accounts for 16.5% of all travel nurses. Healthcare employers and staffing agencies often look for travel nurses with specialties in particular patient populations, including neonatal nursing and pediatrics, or those with experience in specific types of services, such as emergency and critical care nursing.

Working as a Travel Nurse

Travel nurses fill temporary assignments wherever nurses are needed. They may find placements in hospitals and clinics facing nursing shortages, community health facilities, and healthcare organizations in the U.S. and abroad that must respond to public health crises, disease outbreaks, and other medical emergencies. The average travel nurse contract lasts between 13 and 26 weeks, but hours and shifts vary widely depending on the assignment.

Travel nurse salaries also vary by setting, location, and specialization. According to Vivian , a major healthcare hiring service, the average weekly pay for travel nurses is $2,104 or $44.79 an hour, compared to $42.80 per hour for RNs overall, according to BLS data . However, earnings can range from $458 weekly for the lowest-paid travel nurses to $6,419 for the top earners, and some travel nurses may be given a housing/relocation stipend.

Although working as a travel nurse has many benefits, there are some potential downsides. Travel nurses may be required to complete onboarding for each new contract they begin, even if they have already previously worked at a facility. This process can require time-consuming steps, such as providing proof of vaccination, fingerprinting, and documentation of your medical history, which can delay your start date.

Some travel nurses have difficulty finding affordable housing options for the duration of their contract. You can review a travel agency’s benefits to determine if they may provide assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Becoming a Travel Nurse

Do travel nurses get benefits.

In addition to the attractive salaries, some travel nurse placements offer benefits. These may include medical and dental coverage, 401K contributions, sign-on bonuses, and stipends for housing, travel and per-diem living expenses.

Can travel nurses choose where they work?

One of the major perks of working as a travel nurse is the flexibility to choose when and where to work. However, your ability to choose your placement depends on the demand for your particular specialty or the number of available positions in the location where you want to work.

What is the best degree to become a travel nurse?

Many staffing agencies prefer to hire travel nurses who have completed a bachelor of science in nursing. A BSN equips nurses with a solid foundation of nursing knowledge and skills. This can prepare them for a travel nursing role, where they may need to transition between healthcare facilities and effectively adapt to diverse patient populations and settings.

How do I find a travel nurse staffing agency?

Travel nurse staffing agencies may recruit at nursing schools, through referrals, or through advertisements for specific positions or general placements. You can also look online for travel nurse staffing agencies or discover agencies through networking. Be sure to double check references and the agency’s reputation.

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Traveling Nurse Job Openings: What You Need to Know

T ravel nurses are licensed registered nurses who move between positions. Rather than taking a permanent position, they accept short-term contracts to fill staffing gaps in hospitals and clinics. How can a person become a travel nurse? What qualifications do they need? 

Travel Nursing

Travel nurses provide temporary assistance when staff members are unavailable for any reason. They may take over for a nurse on maternity or paternity leave, fill a vacancy until a permanent replacement is found, or cover for someone on a sabbatical. The listings for traveling nurse job openings typically don’t explain why help is needed; they share what the organization seeks. 

Assignments typically range from eight to 26 weeks, although most nurses work for three months. The nurse determines which assignments they take. Regardless of their chosen jobs, travel nurses’ pay tends to be higher. 

Travel nurses must be registered nurses with experience in the desired specialty. These individuals must be able to step in with little training or supervision and provide the same care a permanent nurse would. 

Travel nurses care for patients just as all nurses do. Although they may work in several specialties when taking on this role, they perform the same duties they would if they had a permanent job. 

Travel Nurse Salary

Travel nurse pay varies by specialty, level of education, and experience. Contract lengths also vary, but most travel nurses work full-time. They may also be asked to work nights, weekends, and holidays. Private-sector employees typically pay more than their public counterparts. Many employers also provide stipends for housing and travel expenses. 

Becoming a Travel Nurse

The first step in becoming a traveling nurse is to become licensed as a registered nurse. A person might pursue an associate degree in nursing, obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing , or participate in an accelerated nursing program. The accelerated nursing program is for men and women with bachelor’s degrees in another field. However, the student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and 54 transferrable college credits to enroll in the accelerated program. 

Licensing Requirements

To work as a travel nurse, the RN must be licensed in their state. They cannot obtain this license until they pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses . Additional licensing requirements vary by state, so the applicant must learn what they are. Fortunately, the nurse licensure compact allows these individuals to work in most other states once they have a license from their home state. 

Voluntary Certifications

Nurses might wish to pursue voluntary certifications to open up more job opportunities. Once they have a year of experience, they can become certified in Advanced Diabetes Management, Oncology Nursing, or Pediatric Nursing. Other certifications are also available, so nurses should research the options and choose which they feel will most benefit their careers. 

Prepare a Resume

Before searching for nursing travel contracts, the individual should have a resume and cover letter ready to share. Include qualifications and work experience in these documents and show competency with measurable results where possible. Most nurses work with a staffing agency to make finding open positions easier. Consider sharing the resume and cover letter with one or more agencies to reduce the time needed to find work. 

Many individuals find working as a travel nurse is ideal for their needs. They love the flexibility, variety, and pay that come with this work. Anyone looking to make a career change should consider this option, as the rewards are immense. 

The post Traveling Nurse Job Openings: What You Need to Know appeared first on Mom and More .

Travel nurses are licensed registered nurses who move between positions. Rather than taking a permanent position, they accept short-term contracts to fill staffing gaps in hospitals and clinics. How can a person become a travel nurse? What qualifications do they need?  Travel Nursing Travel nurses provide temporary assistance when staff members are unavailable for any […]

The Australia Institute study finds superannuation tax concessions widen gender, income inequalities

A woman with short grey hair in a black top smiles with her little white dog on her lap

After working hard her whole life and raising a family, Debra Moxon had always hoped to retire by the time she was 60 so she could travel.

But that birthday came and went and the grandmother was still working as a nurse, still renting, and still struggling to accumulate the super she needed.

Then she decided she'd had enough.

She walked away from the career she had once loved, bought herself a campervan with some of her super, and set her sights on travelling around Australia with her little dog.

"I've never been out of work my whole life, so it's a really big thing [for me]," Ms Moxon said.

"I can't afford to do this really, but figure I can't afford not to.

"So many people have horrible things happen to them and they pass away and they haven't done [the things they wanted to]. You know, you only get one chance." 

To prove to herself she could, she drove her new home on wheels 2,600 kilometres from Adelaide to Townsville in just three days.

A woman with short grey hair in a black top looks at a map of Australia with her little white dog on her lap

Super tax concession to worsen gender divide

While it is a good seven years before Ms Moxon is eligible for the age pension, she said she "definitely" will not have enough superannuation for retirement.

Head-shot of a man with short grey hair and glasses wearing a brown suede jacket

It is a common story for many women in Australia where superannuation is the biggest driver of wealth inequality .

But according to research published by think tank The Australia Institute, the federal government's super tax concessions exacerbate income and gender inequality even further.

The concessions, which will be given to those who make voluntary contributions to their super, will overwhelmingly benefit high-income earners, the report said.

The Australia Institute lead economist Greg Jericho said the current system of superannuation tax concessions would soon outpace the age pension in costs to the federal government and ultimately leave low-income earners, women, and small business owners in the lurch.

"[In Australia], we are very much on the low end of the scale when it comes to incomes and, unfortunately, we're at the high end of the scale when it comes to the proportion of people over 65 who are in poverty," he said.

"When you've got a situation or retirement policy based on how things were in the 1980s and the 1990s, it may be time to change the way we think."

And he said if the situation remained unchanged, the gap between those who retired in poverty and those who retired into wealth would only widen.

Reflection of woman in the driver's side mirror of her campervan

"We will be in this rather absurd situation where it is costing the government more to provide benefit to wealthy people than it is to provide benefit for lower–middle income earners," Mr Jericho said.

Tax system failing many

Before becoming a nurse 20 years ago, Ms Moxon had worked in aged care. 

Then she spent a decade buying, renovating, and selling cafes with her then-husband while raising her two daughters.

"That was the best and worst time of my life. I used to work 100 hours a week, but I absolutely loved that work, but that was 10 years out of my superannuation," she said.

"Here I am [now] and you just think, 'All that work, and it's still not going to be anywhere near enough to retire on.'

"The amount [in my super] is just minuscule. [The system is] pretty useless."

A woman with short grey hair sits behind the wheel of a campervan next to a small white dog

Mr Jericho said the system needed to be rethought, as other elements like the cost-of-living crisis and Australia's ageing population come into play.

He added that narratives about how the system worked needed to be quashed.

"It's not a death tax, it is not a tax on retirement, it is more to do with fairness and to ensuring that we're reducing tax avoidance by the very wealthy," he said.

"Australia's retirement system is very much based on people owning their own home and having paid it off. And if you are not in that situation, then you are really going to be behind the eight ball," he said.

In a statement, the Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones said the federal government supported the tax concessions for superannuation. 

"They encourage and reward retirement savings but they have to be sustainable," he said.

"Our Better Targeted Super Concessions Bill is aimed at this."

'There's got to be a better life out there'

Adding to Ms Moxon's woes was the age discrimination she said she spent the last few years of her nursing career dealing with.

A woman with short grey hair looks over a map of Australia

So when her finances took another hit by a rent increase on her Townsville unit, she decided to change her situation.

"I ended up working myself into the ground … and I was absolutely exhausted," Ms Moxon said.

"It totally dashes your whole self-worth. Nursing has lost its shine now. I sort of think if that's nursing today, I don't know that I want to do that anymore."

A woman with short grey hair inside a campervan with her small white dog

She decided to put her happiness first and embark on the adventure she had dreamed of for years but was forced to "put on the back burner".

"I thought to myself 'there's got to be a better life out there'. I've watched so many of my family's friends [get sick] and ... you hear about that all the time," Ms Moxon said.

"Once you hit 60 you do sort of think about mortality a little bit. 

"I just think 'what's the worst that can happen?'

"I think I can do it. I really do think I can do it. It's scary. Absolutely scary. But it's exciting as well."

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center


  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Distance

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Elektrostal Map

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Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal weather.

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

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What you pay for Medicare will vary based on what coverage and services you get, and what providers you visit. What are my coverage options?

There's no yearly limit on what you pay out-of-pocket, unless you have supplemental coverage, like a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy, or you join a Medicare Advantage Plan .

What’s a premium, deductible, coinsurance, or copayment?

Part A (Hospital Insurance) costs

Part b (medical insurance) costs, medicare advantage plan (part c) costs.

Where can I get more cost details from my plan?

Learn more about Medicare Advantage Plans.

Part D (Drug Coverage) costs

Learn more about Part D.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance (Medigap)

Learn more about Medigap and its costs.

What do you want to do next?

  • Next Step: Get help with costs
  • Take Action: Talk to someone
  • Get details: Learn about the parts of Medicare


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    The average annual travel nurse salary in the US is $105,021 or $50/hr, according to ZipRecruiter as of May 2023. This is significantly higher than the average salary for registered nurses overall, which is $81,220 per year or $39.05 per hour per the BLS. >> Click here to see available high-paying travel nurse opportunities!

  2. Travel Nurse Salary

    Learn about the average salary and benefits of travel nurses in different types of assignments and locations. Find out how to boost your income and choose the best state to work in as a travel nurse.

  3. How Much Do Travel Nurses Make?

    Travel nurses are typically employed by travel nursing agencies and work assignments across the country wherever nurses are needed. Because each assignment is different, the total annual income for travel nurses can vary significantly. Factors include the details of the pay package, where the assignment is located, and nursing specialty.

  4. Travel Nurse Salary Guide

    Learn how much travel nurses make in different states and specialties, and what benefits and stipends they can receive. Compare travel nurse salaries with staff nurse salaries and find available contracts across the country.

  5. The Ultimate Travel Nurse Salary Guide: 4 Million+ Jobs Analyzed

    The average hourly rate for travel nurses is $64.58, or $2,324.92 per week, according to our Ultimate Travel Nurse Salary Guide in September 2023. The average hourly wage for a travel RN is $25.53 higher than staff nurse pay, and the average salary per week is $736 more . Extrapolating to compare the average annual salary of a staff nurse vs ...

  6. Travel Nursing

    The amount of money a travel nurse can make varies depending on several factors, including the specialty, location, part-time or full-time status, and years of experience. According to ZipRecruiter, as of February 2023, travel nurses earn a median salary of $105,818 annually or $51 an hour.

  7. Travel nurse salary in United States

    Average base salary. $2,092. Average $2,092. Low $1,572. High $2,784. Non-cash benefit. 401 (k) View more benefits. The average salary for a travel nurse is $2,092 per week in the United States. 202.5k salaries reported, updated at June 3, 2024.

  8. Travel Nurse Salary 2024 (State-by-State Comparison)

    Travel nurses who are registered nurses (RNs) may make as much or more than the average RN salary of $86,070 per year, while advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) salaries often exceed the annual average of $132,680. (While travel nurse positions are also available for licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and certified nursing assistants (CNAs ...

  9. How Much Do Travel Nurses Make In A Year?

    The average salary for travel nurses in 2023 was $126,384, according to That is significantly higher than the average salary for staff nurses of $93,042 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The exact salary you can expect to make as a travel nurse will vary widely based on where you choose to work, the type ...

  10. Travel Nurse Salary Guide: How Much Travel Nurses Make In 2023?

    Travel Nurse Salary in 2023. The salary of a travel nurse may vary depending on a few factors, such as location, experience, and specialty. According to recent data, the average annual salary for travel nurses in the U.S. is $106,030 or $51/hr. However, the salary range can vary widely on the factors mentioned above, with the lowest salary ...

  11. Average Travel Nurse Salary by State & Nationally

    There are many opportunities to work as a travel RN at hospitals across the country in need of nursing staff, and these jobs can earn higher salaries than similar staff positions. Last year, a Travel RN earned a gross average weekly salary of $1,716 per week working an average of 36 hours per week.

  12. Travel Nurse Tax Guide 2023

    In general, however, taxes are very different for travel nurses compared to traditional staff nurses. From choosing a tax home to keeping your receipts to knowing exactly how your income will affect your long-term financial goals, here is the information you need to know about travel nurse taxes. RN's can earn up to $2,300 per week as a ...

  13. How to Make the Most Money as a Travel Nurse

    Under normal circumstances, many travel nurses have the potential to earn over $3,000 per week. Travel nurses can bring in over $50 per hour, plus company-paid housing accommodations. Making it entirely possible for travel nurses to make well over $100K per year.

  14. Pay and Benefits

    Many travel nurses bounce around between states — sometimes even between specialties — and will be paid differently from assignment to assignment. You may also be eligible for housing, meal and incidental stipends to reimburse you for actual expenses incurred while on assignment. Your recruiter will discuss all these details with you during ...

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    In 2024, the average travel nurse salary reached $83,961 annually, marking a 2.8% increase from the previous year. This upward trend in salary has been consistent over the past decade, with an average annual growth rate of approximately 2-5%. From 2010 to 2024, travel nurse salaries have steadily risen from $63,008 to $83,961, reflecting a 33% ...

  16. Travel Nurse Salary in United States

    How much does a Travel Nurse make? As of May 28, 2024, the average annual pay of Travel Nurse in the United States is $83,197. While is seeing that Travel Nurse salary in the US can go up to $100,434 or down to $67,947, but most earn between $75,215 and $92,220. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors ...

  17. What is a Travel Nurse? Everything You Need to Know

    Apart from competitive pay, travel nurses often enjoy an array of benefits: Non-taxed stipends: Additional stipends for housing and living expenses on top of hourly rates if you qualify Healthcare insurance: Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage. Retirement plans: 401K investment options for long-term financial planning Bonuses: Sign-on, completion, and referral bonuses as incentives

  18. Travel Nurse Benefits

    What is the average travel nurse salary? In 2023, the average travel nurse base salary is $2,139 per week or $116,923 a year, and rates vary depending on location, facility, or state. However, some CareerStaff travel nurses earn over $3,000 per week, depending on incentives, stipends, and bonus opportunities!

  19. How to Become a Travel Nurse

    Travel nurse salaries are as varied as travel nurses themselves. Because you may be working in different states and even perform different nursing duties from one job to the next, travel nurses see a wide range of salaries. In general, travel nurses make more than the average RN - estimates for 2022 are around $100,000 per year, compared to ...

  20. 25 Highest Paying States For Travel Nurses In 2024

    The average salary for travel nurses in the United States is over $50 an hour. At $57.77, only the top ten highest-paying states for travel nurses consistently beat this average pay. The typical weekly salary for a travel nurse is $2,311, and the monthly is $10,010. The average wage for travel nurses who always work for an entire year is ...

  21. How To Become A Travel Nurse

    Travel nurse salaries also vary by setting, location, and specialization. According to Vivian, a major healthcare hiring service, the average weekly pay for travel nurses is $2,104 or $44.79 an hour, compared to $42.80 per hour for RNs overall, according to BLS data. However, earnings can range from $458 weekly for the lowest-paid travel nurses ...

  22. How to Make the Most Money as a Travel Nurse

    During the second week of January 2023, the average weekly travel nurse salary on Vivian was $2,557 based on active jobs posted over the previous week. This weekly salary breaks down to about $63.93 hourly in a standard 40-hour workweek. In comparison, RNs in permanent positions earned an average of $37.24 per hour, according to Vivian's ...

  23. Traveling Nurse Job Openings: What You Need to Know

    Travel Nurse Salary. Travel nurse pay varies by specialty, level of education, and experience. Contract lengths also vary, but most travel nurses work full-time. They may also be asked to work ...

  24. Top 5 States for VIT Pay/Salary

    We've compiled the top-5 states in average vascular interventional technologist pay/salary rates. Find your next location now. Job Seekers ... Unlock the secrets behind why nursing professionals are flocking to AMN for unbeatable perks, exclusive access to premier nurse travel positions across the nation, and unparalleled support from the ...

  25. The Australia Institute study finds superannuation tax concessions

    Before becoming a nurse 20 years ago, Ms Moxon had worked in aged care. Then she spent a decade buying, renovating, and selling cafes with her then-husband while raising her two daughters. "That ...

  26. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  27. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  28. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Apr 20 - Apr 21. Tonight. Apr 20 - Apr 21. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Apr 21 - Apr 22. Tomorrow night.

  29. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  30. Costs

    Skilled nursing facility stay : Days 1-20: $0. Days 21-100: $204 each day. Days 101 and beyond: You pay all costs. Home health care : $0 for covered home health care services. 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for durable medical equipment (like wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, and other equipment) Hospice care : $0 for covered hospice ...