Backpack Adventures

The Langtang Trek Itinerary: the ultimate guide

This post offers you the ultimate Langtang Trek itinerary. The Langtang trek is a beautiful multi day hike in the Bagmati province of Nepal . An area that is 51 kilometers north of Kathmandu . Making this an easy and accessible trek for those that love to see the Himalayas, but have limited time

The Langtang trek brings you to a beautiful valley at the foot of the snow capped mountain peaks of Kyanjin Ri and Langtang Lirung. All are part of the Langtang National Park. 

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Why choose the Langtang Trek?

So why choose the Langtang trek? My first response would be, because it is a very beautiful and diverse hike. The Langtang trek starts in lush forests where you might see langur monkeys or red panda’s and ends in the alpine meadows of Kyanjin gompa where yaks wander around.

Culturally it is also an interesting hike as you pass by multicultural villages with Tamang and Sherpa communities. Most ethnic groups along the Langtang trek are of Tibetan origin and follow Buddhism. 

The Langtang trek is one of the shortest tea house treks in Nepal and brings you to beautiful high altitude mountain sceneries in just a few days. Perfect if you are short on time, but if you prefer a longer hike it is easy to combine the Langtang trek with the Gosainkund lakes and the Helambu circuit.

The Langtang trek is also a sustainable choice as you do not need to fly to reach the start of the trail. Syabrubesi is an 8 hour bus journey from Kathmandu. Despite all these advantages, the Langtang trek gets relatively few visitors compared to the Everest and Annapurna regions. If you want to avoid the crowds, Langtang is a great destination. 

Tamand and Sherpa women in Kyanjin gompa

The Langtang Trek and the earthquake 

The Langtang area was hit hard by the earthquake in 2015 when a deadly avalanche completely destroyed Langtang village. The families that survived slowly rebuilt their lodges, but then covid came. If there is one area in Nepal where people can really benefit from the return of tourism, it is on the Langtang trek.   

I did the Langtang trek in 2010. Long before the earthquake hit the area. The Langtang village that I visited and stayed at, no longer exists and is still buried under the avalanche.  Survivors moved to Kyanjin gompa, but a new Langtang village is built 100 meters above the old one. 

As of now, the Langtang Trek is open again and there are enough lodges in the new Langtang village to receive trekkers.

Langtang village before the earthquake

Langtang Trek Itinerary

In this Langtang trek itinerary I mention every day the amount of time it took me from start to finish. I am a slow hiker though. I like to take frequent breaks to enjoy the beautiful views. 

If you are a fit hiker, you can probably do it in less time

Day 1: Bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

You need the first day to get from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi, the start of the Langtang trek. Like any bus journey in Nepal , it is a long and bumpy ride over winding mountain roads. Delays are common with frequent breakdowns or landslides blocking the road.

In theory, the bus journey to Syabrubesi takes around 8 hours. In practice, it often takes much longer. Buses stop everywhere to let in new passengers. Up till the point that the only place left for more people is on the roof.

My bus was half empty when we left Kathmandu, but one hour later was totally packed. As we left the city behind us the views got more beautiful and soon the peaks of the Himalaya were in sight. 

Right before Dunche there were some scary parts with steep cliffs right next to the road. Even the Nepali lady next to me was afraid.   

After 9 long hours I finally arrived at Syabrubesi. Because it was late in the afternoon I decided to stay the night.  

Logistics : Buses and shared jeeps to Dhunche and Syabrubesi leave everyday from the Gongabu bus station (new bus park or Machapokhari) in Kathmandu. Get there early as it is a chaotic bus station and buses to Langtang leave between 6 – 8 AM in the morning. It is best to reserve your tickets a day in advance at the bus station or at a travel agency in Thamel.

Insider tip : there are delux buses that are slightly more expensive, but don’t stop everywhere to let in new passengers. Shared jeeps are also slightly faster. The best option are private jeeps, but they are expensive ($150+) 

Bus from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Day 2: Syabrubesi (1492) – Lama Hotel (2447) 

15 kilometers, 7 hours, altitude gain 1070+

The first day of the Langtang trek is also one of the most difficult days of the trek as you gain more than a 1000 meters in altitude. It starts with a 3 hour gentle climb up to Bamboo village.

Bamboo village is about halfway and a great place for a lunch break. After Bamboo the climb gets more steep, but is still not too difficult if you take it easy. 

Overall, I really enjoyed my first day. Most of the day is right next to the Langtang river and through lush forests where I saw langur monkeys in the trees. In total it took me little over 7 hours to reach Lama Hotel or Changtang village. A cluster of lodges in the forest.  

Bamboo village

Day 3: Lama Hotel (2447) – Langtang village (3430)

14 kilometers, 6 hours, altitude gain 980+

The second day of the Langtang trek is another day of long ascents. The first half of the day is still next to the river and through the forests. However, after 3 hours you leave the forests behind you and enter the beautiful Langtang valley.

Ghodatabela is midway and a great place to stop for lunch. From here you have beautiful views on the snow capped mountain peaks of the Himalayas. The second half of the day is through the glacial valley past small rural villages.

Langtang village used to be the largest and oldest village in the Langtang valley. Famous for its yak yogurt and yak cheese. Langtang village was swept away by an avalanche in the 2015 earthquake. Slowly a new village is built and there are a number of new lodges to stay the night.

Stupa on the Langtang trek

Day 4: Langtang village (3430) – Kyanjin Gompa (3900)

7 kilometers, 4 hours, altitude gain 470+

The third day of the Langtang valley is the shortest and only has a small gain in altitude. I did feel the ascent more than the previous days though which probably had to do with being over 3000 meters high. 

I felt tired easily and was more quickly out of breath. Therefore, I had to take frequent breaks. Stil, I enjoyed every step I took because of the spectacular views. Between Langtang village and Kyanjin gompa are a few yak herding villages with visible buddhist influences such as ancient mani walls and stupas.

Kyanjin gompa was the most lively village I visited in the Langtang valley. Yaks and horses were grazing in the fields, children were playing outside and women walked outside carrying buckets of yak milk. 

Kyanjin gompa is a good place to try yak yogurt or yak cheese and the yak cheese factory is definitely worth a visit.   

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Day 5: Kyanjin Gompa

Kyanjin Gompa is a great place to stay for at least one day to explore the valley. For half day hikes you can choose between the peaks of Kyanjin Ri and Tsergo Ri that both offer beautiful viewpoints. The hike up to the summer yak pastures of Langshisha Kharka is a long and challenging day trip. 

Kyanjin Gompa at the end of the Langtang trek

Day 6: Kyanjin Gompa – Lama Hotel

20 km, 8 hours, altitude loss -1440

The sixth day of the Langtang valley trek was a very long day walking back from Kyanjin Gompa all the way to Lama Hotel. At Ghodatabela I was doubting whether to stop and still had energy, but I miscalculated the time it took to reach Lama Hotel. Being alone in the forest with misty clouds in the mountains and the sun setting was very beautiful, but I was glad to reach the warmth of my guesthouse just before dark. 

Forest views on the Langtang trek

Day 7: Lama Hotel – Syabrubesi

15 kilometers, 7 hours, altitude loss -1070

The seventh day of the Langtang valley trek I felt a bit sad that this would be my last day of hiking. I loved being back in the forests and once again saw langur monkeys. It felt too soon for my lunch break at Bamboo and my arrival at Syabrubesi.  

Syabrubesi at the start of the Langtang trek

Day 8: bus back to Kathmandu

Going back to Kathmandu after trekking in the mountains of Nepal always brings mixed feelings. Of course I am looking forward to the comforts and delicious foods in Kathmandu, but at the same time I am missing the mountains as soon as I take my seat in the bus back. 

Bus from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu

The Langtang Trek Travel tips

Langtang trek permits.

For the Langtang trek you need two permits.

TIMS card : The Trekkers information management card is necessary for almost all treks in Nepal. You can get your TIMS card at the Tourism Board office at Bhrikuti Mandap in Kathmandu. Bring your passport and two passport size photos. The TIMS card costs 2000 nepalese rupees.  

National Park Entrance permit : For the Langtang trek you also need a national park entrance permit. Although you can get this at the checkpoints in Dunche and Syabrubesi I recommend you to get it as well at the Tourism Board Office at Bhrikuti Mandap in Kathmandu. This costs 3000 nepalese rupees plus 13% VAT.  

Do I need a guide on the Langtang Trek?

The Langtang trek is moderately difficult, but easy to do without a guide. There is one trail to follow and it is hard to get lost. Unless you go off season there will be enough other hikers on the trail to keep you company. 

If you are alone and not that experienced you might want to consider joining a guided trek or hiring a guide, porter or porter guide. 

In Nepal there is a clear distinction between a porter and a guide. A guide shows you the way and can tell you more about the history and the culture of the places you visit. A porter will only carry your luggage. Despite their heavy burden they often walk far in front of you and might have reached the lodge when you are only midway. A porterguide is less common, but does both.

If you prefer a female guide I can recommend the 3 sisters adventure trekking that works to empower women and trains women to become trekking guides in Nepal.    

Update April 2023 : The Nepal Tourism Board issued a press release that trekking without a guide is no longer permitted from 1 April 2023 onwards. Trekkers planning to hike in Nepal’s National Parks where you normally need a TIM’s card should have a government licensed guide that is registered with the official Trekking Agency Association of Nepal (TAAN) . It is unclear yet how this rule will play out in practice. Everest issued a press release stating that they will not enforce it. Other areas do. However, there are no guidelines on how they are going to implement the ban on solo trekking .

Tamang women on the Langtang trek

Accomodation on the Langtang Trek

Along the Langtang trek there is plenty of accomodation and teahouses to choose from. They are rather basic compared to other treks like, The Gokyo Lakes , Poon hill trek or the Annapurna Circuit . They can’t be booked online beforehand. There is a first come first serve basis and some lodges are fully booked by big tour groups.

At the regular stops like Lama Hotel, Langtang village and Kyanjin Gompa there are enough lodges that there will always be a bed for you somewhere. 

The prices of accomodation is incredibly cheap, sometimes even free, but they do expect you to order dinner and breakfast at their establishment. 

Souvenirs for sale on the Langtang trek

Food on the Langtang Trek

The good thing about tea house treks in Nepal is that however basic lodges might be, the food is often quite good if you stick to Nepali cuisine. Yes, many lodges try all kinds of international dishes to attract tourists, but in my opinion often not the best choice.

When trekking in Nepal I eat Dahl bath at least once a day. This national dish of rice with lentils knows a huge variety. Different vegetable curries from fermented spinach to roasted cauliflower and different pickles to spice it up. Not one dahl bath is the same. 

Other Nepali foods to try are Tibetan bread, Thukpa and Momo’s.  

Yak cheese factory on the Langtang trek

When to hike the Langtang Trek

The best time to go trekking in Nepal is spring and autumn.January and February will be too cold with lots of snow on the trail. March, April and May are the warmer months before the monsoon. As the rainy season approaches it can become hot, dusty and humid, but this is not a problem at the higher altitude Langtang valley. Another highlight in spring are the blooming rhododendrons

June, July and August are the monsoon months bringing lots of rain and leeches at the lower altitudes. The biggest problem regarding the Langtang trek is the high chances of landslides on the road from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi and muddy trails.

September, October and November are the most popular months for trekking. Autumn brings clear blue skies and mild temperatures before the cold sets in in December. Autumn is also a festive season with the celebration of Dashain and Tihar . Nepal’s biggest festivals .   

Langtang river on the Langtang trek

Altitude Sickness on the Langtang Trek

The Langtang trek involves a rapid gain of altitude with Syabrubesi at less than 1500 meters high and Kyanjin gompa at 3900 meters high. Experts advise to not ascend more than 300 – 400 meters per day once you are above 3000 meters high. This Langtang trek itinerary actually ascends a little bit more than that and therefore it is important to be cautious of altitude sickness.

The key to prevent altitude sickness is to take it slow, give your body enough time to adjust to the height and to drink enough water. Diamox is a medicine that might help your body to acclimatize, but will not cure altitude sickness once you have severe symptoms. In that case, the only remedy is to go down to a lower altitude as soon as possible.   

Mild symptoms may include being tired and more easily out of breath. More severe symptoms of high altitude sickness are headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, breathing problems, loss of appetite and nausea. 

Take these symptoms seriously and watch out for symptoms in others, even in your nepali guides or porters. It is a misconception that they cannot get altitude sickness. 

Langtang Trek Books and Guides

Cicerone and Trailblazer both have excellent and comprehensive guides about treks in Nepal. Unfortunately their guidebooks about Langtang are out of print and somewhat outdated. Still, if you can get one of those I would certainly recommend it.  

Another option is the Lonely Planet’s trekking in the Nepal Himalayas guide. However, even the newest version was released shortly after the earthquake and lots of things have changed in Langtang since.

Langtang Trek packing list

If you need to carry your own gear on a multi day trek the advice is to bring as little as possible. The Langtang trek is not difficult and there is no need to bring a tent or food. Below a few things to consider

Sun protection : no matter what time of the year, you will need to bring protection against the sun. Sunscreen and a hat are a must.

Rain protection : there is always a risk of rain. I brought a poncho along that protected both me and my backpack from the rain.

Sturdy shoes : There is no need for proffesional hiking boots. However, there are rocky trails. Bring sturdy shoes that fit you well. Don’t bring brand new shoes. Make sure they are tested and comfortable to prevent blisters.

Hiking socks : Besides good shoes, hiking socks are key to prevent blisters. Merino wool socks are lightweight and dry quickly. Wrightsocks are specially designed with double layers to prevent blisters. Decathlon has good merino wool socks too.

Layers : there can be a big difference in temperatures during the day and night. The best way to deal with this is to wear layers. As a base layer I bought merino wool tshirts. I had a fleece vest as a midlayer and as the upper layer I had a windproof jacket.

Backpack : Your shoes and backpack are two things that will have a big influence on the comfort of your multi day trek. I recommend to go to an outdoor store to get some good advice to buy a backpack that fits your torso length and that is comfortable when you wear it. I own the Osprey Fairview trek 50 that I am very happy with.

Reusable water bottle : to prevent plastic waste I always bring a reusable water bottle with me and a water filter or steri pen.  

Sustainable Travel on the Langtang Trek

Although the Langtang trek is not as crowded as other trails, tourism is increasing. The trails become more crowded and pollution is a growing problem. Traveling sustainably to the Himalayas is essential to minimize your environmental impact and preserve the area’s natural beauty for future generations.

Support the local community : You can support the community by purchasing goods and services from local vendors. It is better to try Nepali Cuisine that uses local ingredients rather than imported foreign foods. Nepali food is vegetarian friendly and it is very easy to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Stay in small scale sustainable hotels : It is also better to stay in locally-owned guesthouses or homestays to support the local economy directly. These accommodations often have a more positive impact on the environment compared to large hotels.

You can try to look for guesthouses or homestays that prioritizes sustainable practices. That said, environmental awareness is still low. It’s up to you to use water sparsely, turn off lights, air conditioning, and heating when leaving your accommodation.

Leave no trace principle : When hiking the Langtang Trek, stick to designated trails to protect the fragile alpine ecosystem. Straying off the marked paths can cause soil erosion and damage to plant life. If you are lucky enough to spot wildlife, observe quietly from a distance to prevent disruption to their habitats and help maintain their natural behaviors.

I encourage you to take all your trash back with you and dispose of it responsibly. In other words, leave no trace of your visit. Even better is when you bring something to pick up any of the trash that other people left behind.

To avoid single-use plastics, invest in reusable items. For example, you can bring your own water bottle with a filter. At last, use biodegradable and eco-friendly personal care products to minimize pollution of water sources.

Respect the culture : Besides environmental concerns it is also important to be sensitive of the community’s way of life. Nepal is a multicultural country and on the trail you will encounter different ethnic groups.

People will appreciate it, if you dress modestly. Learning a few basic phrases in Nepali, can go a long way in building meaningful connections and to learn more about the local culture. Not everybody is happy to have their picture taken. When in doubt, ask permission.

Disclaimer : This post with a travel guide about the Langtang trek in Nepal contains affiliate links. If you buy any service through any of my links, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. These earnings help me to keep Backpack Adventures alive! Thanks for your support!

trek au langtang

2 thoughts on “The Langtang Trek Itinerary: the ultimate guide”

Thanks for this great overview. It’s just what I was looking for

Hi! Happy to read it! Being a trekking – tourist guide, i want leave one suggesstion : While you stay a couple of days at kyanjing gumba, should not miss to hike to Tserku-Ri (4984m)

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Langtang Valley Trek – One Of The World’s Most Beautiful Valleys

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Asia , Nepal


The Langtang Valley Trek is a relatively easy trek  and is often far less busy than other  popular treks in Nepal . The trek can be done in seven days; however, it usually takes 10 to 12 days.

On this page, you will find a comprehensive and impartial guide to the Langtang Valley Trek.

Langtang Valley Trek

Route overview.

The famed British mountaineer and travel writer, Bill Tilman (1898-1977), called this “one of the world’s most beautiful valleys.” 

The local people in the Langtang Valley are mostly of Tibetan origin and, according to legend, the valley was first discovered by a lama – a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism – who was pursuing a runaway yak. “Lang” is Tibetan for “lama” while “tang” is Tibetan for “follow.”

The highlight of the Langtang Valley Trek is the sight of the Langtang Lirung range, which is simply stunning. The eponymous mountain is 23,773 feet high and dominates the valley.


Langtang Regional Map

The Langtang valley region is in central Nepal, around 19 miles directly north of Kathmandu and near the border with Tibet. Although close to Kathmandu, closer than any other trek, this is as wild as it gets.

As you can see from the map above, the valley runs from east to west, sandwiched between the Himalayas to the north and the slightly lower Langtang Lirung range to the south.

Langtang Recommended Map

We believe the best map of the Lantang region is the Langtang & Helambu Map of the GHT which can be purchased online via Amazon. The map is produced based on data collected from the National Geographic Information Infrastructure Programme (NGIIP).

trek au langtang

Langtang Trek Itinerary

It is possible to conduct this trek staying only at tea houses, but there is some time under canvas in this particular itinerary. There are several trek itineraries for this route, however, the one below is the most popular. You could also possibly arrange to meet your operator in Syabrubesi if you want to make your own way there.

Day 1-2: Arrive Kathmandu

You will arrive in Kathmandu on the first day. 

You have the second day to spare while the provider arranges things. Kathmandu is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , so you could use the time to explore some the incredible local sites. Or you could do some last-minute shopping around the markets.

trek au langtang

Day 3: Drive to Syabrubesi

Leaving early in the morning, you embark upon a seven-hour drive to Syabrubesi at the bottom of the Langtang Valley, the valley of glaciers. The second half is unpaved and the drive becomes quite rough. You might share a bus with goats and chickens. Sometimes, during the rainy season, the road is blocked by landslides.

The route is dazzling, passing through high ridges and with a marvellous panorama of the Himalayas that includes the Annapurnas, Ganesh Himal, Manaslu and the peaks of the Langtang range. There are many waterfalls and wild bee hives. You could also potentially see yellow-throated martins, Himalayan black bears or red pandas, which are endangered. There will certainly be no shortage of monkeys.

Day 4: Trek across the Bhote Kosi

Here, the trek begins properly. The trail takes you across the Bhote Kosi, which emanates from Tibet and lies in a deep gorge. You then climb through sub-tropical forests that teem with bird life, connecting to the trail from Syabru. One of these birds is the danphe, which is a colourful bird and the national bird of Nepal.

You will follow the river, ascending through uninhabited forests of oak and rhododendron, catching sight of langur monkeys if fortune smiles upon you. Vegetation becomes sparser as you go. You will camp overnight in a forest.

trek au langtang

Day 5: Trek to Langtang

This day sees more climbing, with the occasional glimpse of Langtang Lirung visible through the trees. The trail leaves the forest at Ghora Tabela, now a Nepalese army post. The trail climbs comfortably, and the valley grows wider.

In summer, you will pass the temporary settlements of herders whose livestock grazes here. There are numerous chortens and mani walls, structures featuring inscriptions. In  Tintin in Tibet , Captain Haddock was informed that you should always walk to the left of a chorten or demons will be released, but this was an invention of the author, so there is no cause for worry.

Shortly before the village of Langtang, there is a monastery for your delectation. The village is the headquarters of the Langtang National Park, which opened in 1976, the first in the Himalayas and the most unspoiled in Nepal. Houses there are of Tibetan style, with flat roofs and surrounded by stone walls.

Day 6: Trek to Kyangjin and onward

You will climb slowly through small villages and yak pastures. The valley opens, allowing for even better views. Having crossed a few small streams and moraines (patches of dirt or rock), before lunchtime, the trail arrives at the settlement of Kyangjin.

Here, there are facilities for the production of spiritual fulfilment and cheese: a small monastery and a famous government-owned factory. The factory makes Swiss cheese from yak milk and is supported by the Swiss government. Really, it should be called nak milk, as that is the female. This is just a small, three-roomed building, but it churns out prodigious quantities of cheese in summer. The snow-covered peaks in every direction make this spot very dramatic and beautiful.

trek au langtang

Day 7: Acclimatisation Day

This is a rest day which you will probably use to explore. The glaciers of Langtang Lirung are sensational. You could even summit Kyangjin Ri (14,209 feet), known locally as Brana Chumbo, which is immediately behind the village and provides a breathtaking 360-degree view of the Langtang peaks.

Day 8: Retrace route to Langtang

You will retrace your route towards Langtang village. The trail heads is down hill through forest following the river. You pass through ethnic Tamang settlements who strictly follow religious and cultural  practices similar to that of the Tibetans.

Day 9: Return to  Syabrubesi

You will continue the return journey, finishing at Syabrubesi. This is roughly a 5-hour walk and the easy trail goes mostly downhill through lush green vegetation.

trek au langtang

Langtang Valley Trek FAQ

How much does the langtang valley trek cost.

Costs for the Langtang Valley trek range from $1000 on the low-end to $2,000 on the top-end.  Check out our list of the best trekking companies in Nepal .

Are permits required for the Langtang Valley trek?

You don't need a permit for the Langtang Valley Trek. However, you must be registered with the Trekkers Information Management system (TIMS for short) in order to do the trek. An entry fee of $30 is charged by the Langang National Park.

trek au langtang

When is the best time to trek the Langtang Valley?

The best time to trek the Langtang Valley is Autumn, from mid-September to mid-December, and Spring, from March to May. These are considered the best seasons to hike in Nepal . when the sun is out during the day, but the nights are cold. Winter is also a possibility, if you don’t mind the cold.

Is altitude sickness a risk on the Langtang Valley trek? 

Yes, altitude sickness is a risk because the Langtang Valley trek ascends to some high-altitude points. At its highest point, Tserko Ri, you will reach an altitude of 5,000 meters (16,347 feet). There are steep section on this trek where you will ascend fairly quickly.

Because of this, it is important to have a good understanding of the risks associated with high altitude trekking and how the body acclimatises to high altitude. We recommend you read our detailed article on  Altitude Sickness and Acclimatisation .

How difficult is the Langtang Valley trek?

The Langtang Valley Trek is considered to be of moderate difficulty. There are steep sections that require a good level of fitness; however, the trek is relatively short and most people with a good attitude and high level of determination should be okay.

trek au langtang

What gear do I need for the Langtang Valley trek?

Trekking the Langtang Valley requires a number of essential pieces of trekking gear and equipment. It is a long and moderately difficult trek, exposing you to a range of altitudes where temperatures fluctuate dramatically between night and day.

Much of your gear can be rented or bought in Kathmandu, but we strongly suggest bringing the most important pieces of gear and equipment with you.

To help you plan and prepare for your trek, we recommend reading our hiking packing list . Also, dont forget to take out good travel insurance for Nepal .

Are there any recommended guidebooks for the Langtang Valley trek? 

Yes, there are several recommended guidebooks for the Langtang Valley trek. The Langtang Valley trek appears in many guidebooks which you use before and during your trip. 

We highly recommend  A Trekking Guide to Langtang: Gosainkund, Helambu and Tamang Heritage Trail by Sian Pritchard-Jones and Bob Gibbons. If this guidebook isn’t available, then Trekking the Tamang Heritage Trail of Nepal by Alonzo Lucius Lyons is very good too.


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About the author 

Mark Whitman

Mark has trekked extensively in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. He founded Mountain IQ in 2014 with the sole aim to be the best online information portal to some of the most popular mountain destinations around the world. When not writing for Mountain IQ, Mark is out exploring the outdoors with his wife!

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Going the Whole Hogg


Snowy mountain view with colourful prayer flags in the foreground, seen from the first Kyanjin Ri viewpoint (4300 m) on the Langtang Valley trek


With an impressive wall of snowy mountains behind, a trekker climbs the trail to Tsergo Ri (4965 m), one of two main day hikes from Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek

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In this guide we cover everything you need to know about the Langtang Valley Trek in Nepal. This includes a suggested itinerary, a route map, and a GPX download, as well as practical information about accommodation, costs, what to pack, independent vs. guided treks, and more. Along with this written guide, we also share ‘silent hiking’ films of the trail and a video guide to trekking the Langtang Valley. For detailed trail notes, check out our Langtang Valley Trekking Route Guide .

With lush forests and snow-capped peaks, the chance to reach nearly 5000 m without crossing a high mountain pass, and an opportunity to experience the culture of the Tibetan-speaking Tamang people, there are many things that appeal about a Langtang Valley trek. What’s more, the area is relatively close to Kathmandu, the transport options make it easily accessible, and the trek itself is not too long. Read on to discover more and start planning your own Langtang Valley trek.



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  • DISTANCE | 60 – 75 km (depending on day hikes)
  • DURATION | 6 – 8 days (+ 2 days travel to/from Kathmandu)
  • START/END | Syabrubesi (accessible by public bus (8+ hours) or private jeep (6 – 7 hours) from Kathmandu)
  • PERMITS REQUIRED | Langtang National Park Fee 3000 NPR (payable at checkpoint near start of trek), TIMS NOT Required
  • TREKKING SEASON | Best Seasons: Mid-March to April, October to Mid-November; Shoulder Seasons: Early-March, May, September, Mid-November to December; Avoid: June to August, January to February
  • TREK DIFFICULTY | Moderate
  • ELEVATION GAIN/LOSS |   +/- 3420 metres (to Kyanjin Gompa only), +/- 5300 metres (including day hikes)
  • MAX ALTITUDE | 3865 m at Kyanjin Gompa, 4965 m if trekking to Tsergo Ri
  • GUIDE MANDATORY | Debatable: From April 1st 2023, trekking guides became mandatory for all foreign trekkers in Nepal, however the rule isn’t necessarily being enforced on the ground
  • ACCOMMODATION | Teahouses/Guesthouses in villages along the trail
  • TREK COST | $ 24 – 100 USD per person, per day (budget independent trekker to fully inclusive package)
  • ADD-ON TREKS | Gosainkunda , Tamang Heritage Trail, climbing Yala Peak
  • RECOMMENDED TREKKING AGENCY | Himalayan Masters , Quote HOGG5  for 5% discount

DISTANCE 60 -75 km

DURATION 6 – 8 days (+ 2 days travel to/from Kathmandu)

START/END Syabrubesi (accessible by public bus (8+ hours) or private jeep (6 – 7 hours) from Kathmandu)

PERMITS REQUIRED Langtang National Park Fee 3000 NPR (payable at checkpoint near start of trek), TIMS NOT Required

TREKKING SEASON Best Seasons Mid-March to April October to Mid-November Shoulder Seasons Early-March, May, September Mid-November to December Avoid June to August January to February


ELEVATION GAIN/LOSS +/- 3420 metres (to Kyanjin Gompa only) +/- 5300 metres (including day hikes)

MAX ALTITUDE 3880 m at Kyanjin Gompa 4965 m if trekking to Tsergo Ri

GUIDE MANDATORY Debatable: From April 1st 2023, trekking guides became mandatory for all foreign trekkers in Nepal, however the rule isn’t necessarily being enforced on the ground

ACCOMMODATION Teahouses/Guesthouses in villages along the trail

TREK COST $24 – 100 USD per person, per day (budget independent trekker to fully inclusive package)

ADD-ON TREKS Gosainkunda , Tamang Heritage Trail, climbing Yala Peak

OUR RECOMMENDED TREKKING AGENCY Himalayan Masters , Quote HOGG5  for 5% discount


Our ambient ‘silent hiking’ style films are perfect for getting a sense of the Langtang Valley trek. Our indepth video guide works well as a companion piece to this written guide and includes much more discussion of our own experience on the trek.

Watch the behind the scenes version of our Langtang Valley trek on Instagram stories

Watch the behind the scenes version of our langtang valley trek on instagram stories .

Langtang Valley Trek Stories


Langtang valley trek //.


We have created a detailed Langtang Valley trekking map to accompany this guide. The trekking route between Syabrubesi and Kyanjin Gompa, the day hiking routes to Kyanjin Ri and Tsergo Ri, and the stats for each section are all marked on the map. Villages and tea shops are also marked, as well as key sights and practical info such as checkpoints. Guesthouses as per our own trek itinerary are marked, including prices and services, phone numbers, and a copy of the menu. Photos are included with almost every pin. You can use the digital map online, or download it for offline use with a mapping app such as Organic Maps, or Gaia GPS. This is very helpful for navigation assistance on the trail and allows you to quickly pinpoint key places and services along the way and calculate distance and elevation differences between destinations. Note that while we’ve tried to be as accurate as possible when recording and mapping the route, changes on the ground are inevitable, and this map should not be solely relied upon for navigation. 



The image below shows the elevation profile of our own route for the Langtang Valley trek, going via Sherpagaon on the way up, including the day hikes to Kyanjin Ri (4586 m) and Tsergo Ri (4965 m), and ending at the Gosainkunda turn-off on the way down.  Elevation is displayed in metres and distance in kilometres.

Langtang Valley Trek elevation profile


Watch our 3D relief map video of the route to visualise the geography of the Langtang Valley and get a sense of the trek.


In the table below, we have outlined what we feel is an ideal Langtang Valley trek itinerary. This is an 8 day trek starting and ending in Syabrubesi, plus 2 days travel to and from Kathmandu.

Many Langtang Valley trek itineraries offered by trekking agencies, or outlined in other blog posts online, suggest a 6 day trek plus 2 travel days. Although that is certainly possible, when you consider factors like altitude and acclimatisation, day hikes, and alternative routes, we feel an 8 day trekking itinerary is better and will outline the reasons for this below.

The times given for each day are an average and don’t include time for lunch or other significant stops, such as tea/coffee breaks. You may of course be faster or slower than these times, depending on a variety of factors such as your pace, desire to take photos, and interest in things along the way.

If viewing on a mobile device or tablet, scroll to the right to see the full table or flip your screen to landscape mode.

*You could stop earlier at Ghodatabela (~ 3000 m) although the accommodation is more basic, or continue to Langtang if you are already acclimatised (which will save you a day)

** You could continue 30 minutes to Rimche for better views


Most Langtang Valley trek itineraries suggest trekking from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel on Day 1 (1500 m to 2485 m), from Lama Hotel to Langtang or Mundu on Day 2 (2485 m to 3450 m), and then from Langtang or Mundu to Kyanjin Gompa on Day 3 (3450 m to 3865 m). From Kyanjin Gompa, two of the absolute highlights of the Langtang Valley trek are the day hikes to Kyanjin Ri (4586 m) and Tsergo Ri (4965 m) on Days 4 and 5.

  If you are already acclimatised (ie. you have been at altitudes of 3500 m + within the previous week), then we don’t see a problem with this itinerary. However, if you are not yet acclimatised, we feel the speed of ascent to 3500 m and above puts hikers at an unnecessary risk of experiencing adverse reactions to altitude.

A view of Langtang village from above, jagged mountains rising behind

Ascending too quickly to Langtang village (3450 m) and above can put trekkers at risk of experiencing symptoms of altitude sickness

A view of Langtang village from above, jagged mountains rising behind

Everybody reacts to altitude differently. There’s every chance that you may feel fine by the time you reach Langtang or Kyanjin Gompa, but there’s also a chance that you may be suffering from headaches, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, or other symptoms of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) because the speed of ascent has been too fast for your body to properly acclimatise. At best, if your symptoms are relatively mild, you may feel pretty miserable and too unwell to tackle the day hikes to Kyanjin Ri and/or Tsergo Ri, missing out on some of the best views and experiences on the Langtang Valley trek. And at worst, you could put yourself at risk of developing HAPE or HACE, both life-threatening conditions.

Therefore, we feel that it is more sensible to follow medical advice and aim to sleep no more than 300 – 500 metres higher than the previous day when at altitudes of 2500 m and above . As such, our suggested itinerary includes a night at Thangshyap (3190 m) on Day 2 , before ascending to Langtang at 3450 m on Day 3, and finally Kyangjin Gompa at 3865 m on Day 4. This is the itinerary we followed and I (Kim) suffered almost no symptoms of AMS during the trek, having suffered from AMS at similar altitudes in the past when ascending more rapidly.


Many Langtang Valley trek itineraries include a 2 night stay at Kyanjin Gompa , however we would recommend staying 3 nights instead. This gives you plenty of time to rest and further acclimatise on the day you arrive at Kyanjin Gompa, then do the day hike to Kyanjin Ri the following morning, and the day hike to Tsergo Ri the morning after that.

These two day hikes are absolute highlights of the trek. By planning morning ascents you’ll give yourself the best possibility of clear views, and by spreading them out over two days you will be less rushed and better acclimatised.

With an impressive wall of snowy mountains behind, a trekker climbs the trail to Tsergo Ri (4965 m), one of two main day hikes from Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek

Climbing Tsergo Ri in the morning gives you the best chance of having clear mountain views

With an impressive wall of snowy mountains behind, a trekker climbs the trail to Tsergo Ri (4965 m), one of two main day hikes from Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek


The Langtang Valley trek is largely an up and down the valley route, following the same trail from Syabrubesi to Kyanjin Gompa and back again. Between Rimche and Kyanjin Gompa there is no way to avoid this, however between Syabrubesi and Rimche there is an option to take an alternative route on the way up and/or down , which we think is far more interesting than simply repeating the same trail.

Most Langtang Valley trek itineraries suggest hiking from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel on Day 1, and repeating this route in reverse on Day 6. The route follows the Langtang Khola (River), going via Bamboo. However, for a change of scenery and chance to visit more local villages in the region, we’d suggest taking an alternative route from Syabrubesi to Sherpagaon on Day 1.

Instead of climbing gradually up the valley and ending the day with a steep climb to Rimche or Lama Hotel, you’ll start the day with a steep climb up through forest to Khangjim and Surka. From here you’ll follow a gently undulating trail for the rest of the day, working your way around the hillside through attractive forest sections and across open areas with fantastic views. Sherpagaon itself is a lovely village with a mix of guesthouses and local homes, and the views from here are great. The following morning it takes less than 1.5 hours to trek to Rimche (again with fantastic views), where you’ll rejoin the classic Langtang Valley trekking route.

The village of Sherpagaon, perched on a steeply sloping hillside high above the Langtang Valley floor

High above the Langtang Valley floor, Sherpagaon (2563 m) has impressive views of the surrounding mountains

The village of Sherpagaon, perched on a steeply sloping hillside high above the Langtang Valley floor

Sherpagaon (2563 m) has impressive views of the surrounding mountains from its position high above the Langtang Valley floor

If for whatever reason you would prefer not to trek the alternative route to Sherpagaon on Day 1, we would at least suggest overnighting at Rimche instead of Lama Hotel. The views from Rimche are much better than at Lama Hotel (a riverside location tucked into a narrow valley), plus it’s more interesting to stay at different places on the way up and down the valley.

If combining the Langtang Valley trek with the Tamang Heritage Trail, note that you’ll trek via Sherpagaon anyway.


We partnered with  Himalayan Masters for our Langtang Valley, Gosainkunda, and Everest Three Passes treks, and found them to be professional and committed to a high level of service

To enquire about booking your own trek, get in touch via email at [email protected] and mention the code HOGG5 to get a 5% discount off the cost of your trip



Like many treks in Nepal , the peak seasons for trekking in the Langtang Valley are Mid-March to April and October to Mid-November . While nothing is guaranteed, as weather patterns are becoming increasingly unpredictable in Nepal and across the world, these months typically offer the best chance of clear skies mixed with warmer temperatures. In autumn, expect less wind and higher temperatures, while in late March and April, blooming rhododendrons and other spring flowers are a beautiful sight at lower elevations.

Jagged, snow-covered mountain peaks at sunrise, seen from a guesthouse rooftop at Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek

Clear, sunrise mountain views in late March from the rooftop terrace of the Holyland Guesthouse in Kyanjin Gompa (3865 m)

Jagged, snow-covered mountain peaks at sunrise, seen from a guesthouse rooftop at Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek

The shoulder seasons of Early-March and Mid-November to December can be quieter and colder, typically with clear weather, especially in December. In late May and early September there is a higher chance of early or lingering monsoon rains and cloudy skies.

The summer months of June, July, and August coincide with the monsoon season . Trekking during this period means lots of walking in rain, poor visibility with clouds obscuring the surrounding mountains, muddy trails, and leeches. The landscape is lush and green though, and some rare mushrooms and colourful wildflowers can be spotted on the hillsides. Many guesthouses close during this time, although there is usually at least one open in each settlement.

The winter months of January and February are considered too cold by most to trek, and as is the case during the summer monsoon, many guesthouses close for these two months. If you don’t mind cold mornings and evenings, December is a good option for clear skies and sunny days.



Syabrubesi is the trailhead for the Langtang Valley trek , a small town approximately 115 km north of Kathmandu. You can get there by public bus or private jeep and the journey takes around 5.5 – 9 hours depending on your mode of transport. The road is narrow and twisting at points with occasional steep drop-offs, and includes some bumpy sections on rough non-tarmac roads.


Buses from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi depart from Machhapokhari (near the New Bus Park / Gongabu Bus Park) between 6am – 8am every day. They depart from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu between approximately 6am – 7am. Tickets cost 1000 NPR per person, one way. The journey takes around 8 – 9 hours, although it’s possible it can take longer depending on road conditions that day. In Kathmandu, you can arrive early and purchase a ticket on the same day, or head to the bus stop the day before to buy your ticket. In Syabrubesi, you can ask your guesthouse owner to book your seat for the following morning.

A public bus stopped in a town at lunch time, a bus which many trekkers use to get from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi to start the Langtang Valley trek

A typical bus plying the route between Kathmandu and Syabrubesi

A public bus stopped in a town at lunch time, a bus which many trekkers use to get from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi to start the Langtang Valley trek

The bus will stop a couple of times during the journey for food and a toilet break. It’s a pretty uncomfortable trip, with no air conditioning, dust and fumes blowing in the windows, and often music blasting through the speakers for hours on end. Drivers can tear along the road at high speed, which can be potentially dangerous and a little scary.

You can get a taxi between Thamel (or elsewhere in Kathmandu) and Machhapokhari for about 500 NPR. If you hail a taxi on the street, be sure to agree the price with your taxi driver at the start. You can also use a taxi app such as Pathao ( iOS / Android ).


A private jeep from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi costs approximately $170 one way. It can seat up to 7 people plus a guide and driver (with your bags strapped to the roof). The price can be shared between all passengers. The route is the same as by bus, but the journey time is usually significantly less at around 5.5 – 7 hours, depending on the road conditions that day. You will likely stop for lunch and a toilet break along the way, and you have more flexibility to stop for photos, etc, whenever you like.

A private tourist jeep parked at the roadside, carrying trekkers from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi for the Langtang Valley trek

A private tourist jeep enroute to Syabrubesi

If you are organising your Langtang Valley trek via a trekking agency, they will be able to organise a private jeep for you. Otherwise, you can ask at your hotel or at local travel agencies. A private jeep will pick you up at your accommodation, offering door-to-door service.

It is much more comfortable to travel by private jeep than bus, and safer too.


Featured image for the Everest Base Camp trek guide, featuring a trekker walking on a rocky trail with mountain peaks in the distance

Everest Base Camp Trek: The Essential Guide

With Ama Dablam as a backdrop, a trekker and guide stop to enjoy the views while doing the Nangkartshang acclimatisation hike on the Everest Three Passes trek

Everest Three Passes Trekking Route Guide

A hiker and guide cross a flat, rocky section before Kongma La on the Everest Three Passes trek, with the snowy ridgeline to the east visible behind

Everest Three Passes Trek: The Essential Guide

A trekker and guide climbing the snow covered slope towards Laurebina Pass (4650 m), with the blue surface of Gosainkunda shining in the morning sun below

Gosainkunda Helambu Trekking Route Guide

Snow covered guesthouses reflected in the bright blue waters of Gosainkunda

Gosainkunda Trek: The Essential Guide

Trekkers enjoying mountain views and a well earned rest atop Kyanjin Ri (4586 m) in the Langtang Valley

Langtang Valley Trekking Route Guide

Snowy mountain view with colourful prayer flags in the foreground, seen from the first Kyanjin Ri viewpoint (4300 m) on the Langtang Valley trek

Langtang Valley Trek: The Essential Guide

Featured image for 'What to Pack for Trekking in Nepal', featuring trekkers, guides and porters crossing a suspension bridge on the Everest Base Camp route

What To Pack For Trekking In Nepal

A narrow trekking trail in Upper Mustang stretching off into the distance amidst some bizarre rock formations, with the snowy peak of Dhaulagiri in the background

Upper Mustang Trek: The Essential Guide

Trekkers on a trail approaching a round orange rock formation with a plateau stretched out into the distance in Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang Trek Itinerary: A Day By Day Account

trek au langtang

Annapurna Circuit Trek: The Essential Guide

Sunrise hitting the Annapurna Mountains in Nepal

Annapurna Circuit Trek Itinerary: A Day By Day Account

trek au langtang

Manaslu Circuit Trek: The Essential Guide

Trekkers look out while descending from the Larke Pass on the Manaslu Circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trek Itinerary: A Day By Day Account

Langtang valley trek permits and fees.


To trek in the Langtang Valley you will need to pay the Langtang National Park entrance fee , which is 3000 NPR (1500 NPR for SAARC nationals, 100 NPR for Nepalis). You can pay it on the way to Syabrubesi, at the NP entrance shortly before Dhunche, where all public and private transport have to make a stop. You need your passport and the fee in cash, in Nepalese rupees (NPR). Be sure to hold onto your receipt as you need to show it at checkpoints along the route.

Formerly, getting a TIMS card was also necessary, but this hasn’t been the case for a couple of years and when we trekked in March 2023, it was not required. Whether this situation will continue, we can’t say, but since 1 April 2023 a TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) card can only be obtained by a representative of a registered trekking agency. 

Your bag will be searched at the same checkpoint where your NP permit is issued, and the police will specifically ask if you have a drone with you. These are not permitted, unless you have the relevant permission and documents proving it.



The Langtang Valley is not a restricted area, and as such, a guide (historically) has not been mandatory. However, the Nepal Tourism Board announced on March 9 2023 that as of April 1 2023, all international trekkers in Nepal are required to hire a licenced trekking guide and obtain the TIMS card through an authorised trekking agency registered with the government of Nepal. This abrupt announcement led to much confusion and debate about where such a rule applies, and whether it is being enforced on the ground.

A common interpretation of the rule is that trekking routes where TIMS is not required are exempt from the mandatory guide rule. The Langtang Valley falls under this category (along with treks in the Khumbu region, such as Everest Base Camp or Everest Three Passes).

From our own experience trekking in Nepal in March and April 2023, we can confirm that independent trekkers are still trekking in the Langtang Valley without guides. They are passing through police and national park checkpoints without any problems. However, the situation can of course change, so it’s best to seek out on-the-trail updates from independent trekkers on active Facebook groups, forums, etc.


Assuming the situation stays the same, and hikers continue to be able to trek independently in the Langtang Valley, here are a few thoughts on the pros and cons of independent trekking here.

This is the cheapest way to trek in the Langtang Valley. You won’t have to pay for anything extra beyond your daily food and accommodation costs, permit fee, and transport to/from the trailhead.

You have complete freedom and flexibility. You can choose how long to trek for each day, what route to take and where to stay. If you like somewhere, you can choose to stay an extra day without having to consult anyone else or consider their needs.

It is easier to enjoy a bit of ‘alone time’ on the trail. If you are trekking with a guide or group it can be harder or more awkward to branch out and enjoy walking alone with your thoughts.

You’ll likely have more interaction with locals. If you are trekking with a guide it is common practice for them to deal with everything at your guesthouse and act as a go-between. It’s normal for your guide to take your order, bring out your food, and settle up the bill on your behalf, which means you may have little interaction with the owner or staff yourself. But, you’ll be doing all that by yourself if you trek independently.

With freedom and flexibility comes more responsibility and the need to do more research, preparation and daily planning. You will need to spend time organising things both on and off the trail. You will need to sort out all the logistics like your permit, transport, and accommodation by yourself, and be confident in your route planning and navigation. 

You are more vulnerable in an emergency situation or if you get sick. This is especially true if you are trekking solo. You should prepare as best you can with a comprehensive medical kit, emergency contact numbers at the ready, and ideally an emergency communication device like the InReach Explorer . 

In peak trekking season you may find it harder to get a room. Many guesthouses prefer bigger groups with organised companies and will give preference to them over independent solo trekkers or those in small groups. Guides with existing local contacts often call ahead to book rooms, something which isn’t as easy for independent trekkers with no personal contacts. 

You miss out on all the insights a knowledgeable, English speaking guide can offer. Your understanding of the region, and Nepal in general, is likely to be much broader after spending a week or more in the company of a Nepali guide rather than going it alone.

This is the cheapest way to trek in the Langtang Valley. You won’t have to pay for anything extra beyond your daily food and accommodation costs, permit fee, and transport to/from the trailhead. 

You have complete freedom and flexibility. You can choose how long to trek for each day, what route to take and where to stay. If you like somewhere, you can choose to stay an extra day without having to consult anyone else or consider their needs. 

It is easier to enjoy a bit of ‘alone time’ on the trail. If you are trekking with a guide or group it can be harder or more awkward to branch out and enjoy walking alone with your thoughts. 



Many people choose to trek the Langtang Valley with a guide, and often with a porter too. Whether you’re an inexperienced or seasoned trekker, this is a great option. Not only can an experienced guide be invaluable when it comes to your safety, a guide can also enrich your experience on the trail, giving you the opportunity to learn much more about the history, culture, and geography of the land. Hiring a porter to carry your bag will put less strain on your body, making your trek much easier and perhaps allowing you to better enjoy the surroundings. Hiring a guide and/or porter also provides jobs and supports the trekking tourism economy.

If you are trekking the Langtang Valley with a guide you will usually meet them in Kathmandu prior to your trek, travel to the trailhead together, and then return to Kathmandu together at the end. If you’re trekking with a porter, they may also travel with you from Kathmandu, or you may meet them locally at the start of the trek.

A guide and trekker walking alongside a large mani wall on the Langtang Valley trek

A guide can help with many practical things and also provide insight into local culture and customs

A guide and trekker walking alongside a large mani wall on the Langtang Valley trek

A guide can help with many practical things, but also provide insight into local culture and customs

During your trek a guide will stick with you on the trail, suggest the best spots to stop for lunch, and take you to their recommended overnight accommodation. At busy times, they may call ahead and pre-book a room for you. They will act as your go-between at each guesthouse, arranging your room, taking your food orders, and settling the bill. It’s normal for a guide to run through the following day’s itinerary each evening, giving you an overview of the trail, trekking time, and any other relevant information. Your guide will always be around at your guesthouse, but they won’t stick by you constantly. You will have plenty of freedom to hang out in your room or the dining room, read your book, chat with other guests, play cards, etc. Guides sleep and eat in the same guesthouse as you, always in a separate room.

Porters often trek at their own pace, meaning you won’t always be with them on the trail. It’s common for you to pack your porter bag before breakfast and have it ready for them, and for your bag to already be in your room when you arrive at your guesthouse for the evening. In the Langtang Valley, porters will sleep and eat at the same guesthouse as you, again in a separate room.


The easiest way to arrange a trekking guide is via a trekking agency . You can book an inclusive Langtang Valley trekking package which covers your transport, permit, guide (and porter), accommodation costs, and three meals a day. Alternatively, you can pay for a guide (and porter) only, and then pay-as-you-go for your accommodation, food, transport, and permit.

Choosing a trekking agency is often the trickiest part as there are thousands of registered agencies in Nepal and the quality of service can vary greatly between them. Many trekkers will choose a guide or agency based on a trusted recommendation from a friend or fellow trekker, and this is a good approach. An alternative option is to visit a number of trekking agencies in person when you arrive in Thamel (Kathmandu) to get a feel for a company that you like, or to contact agencies online in advance.

 Having trekked with three different agencies and three different guides on three visits to Nepal, our best experience has been with Himalayan Masters . We partnered with them for our Langtang Gosainkunda and Everest Three Passes treks, and found them to be professional, committed to a high level of service, and competitively priced.

We really appreciate the fact that Sandip, the agency owner, is super flexible when it comes to itinerary amendments that don’t just follow the norm (eg. including Sherpagaon and Thangshyap). He’s also a problem solver and what we’d call a real ‘go-getter’, a trait that’s highly valuable to his clients, whether he’s retrieving a swallowed bank card from a Thamel ATM in record time or fixing logistical issues when things go wrong last minute at 2am (both real life examples experienced by us or fellow Himalayan Masters clients we met on the trail!).

We’d also highly recommend our Himalayan Masters guide, Govinda Rai, who we spent over a month trekking with in Nepal. He is very professional, taking care of everything you would expect from a guide, but also tailoring his suggestions and advice specifically to his clients, resulting in a more enjoyable trekking experience overall. We quickly came to trust his choices for lunch stops and accommodation as we felt they were always among the best options available. His knowledge of the trail was excellent, and his advice on trekking times for each day (based on our own pace) was spot-on, making it easier for us to plan our itinerary and make on-the-go changes as we saw fit. And on a personal level, we found Govinda to be easy-going, friendly, and an all-round great person to spend time with.

Govinda Rai, a trekking guide for Himalayan Masters, laughing and smiling in front of colourful prayer flags at the top of Kyanjin Ri (4856 m) on the Langtang Valley trek

Govinda, o ur Himalayan Masters guide, enjoying a masala tea break at Kyanjin Ri (4586 m)

Govinda Rai, a trekking guide for Himalayan Masters, laughing and smiling in front of colourful prayer flags at the top of Kyanjin Ri (4856 m) on the Langtang Valley trek

Govinda, our Himalayan Masters guide, enjoying a masala tea break at Kyanjin Ri (4586 m)

We also met a number of other Himalayan Masters guides while out on the trail, including Dipak who we chatted with lots, as our Langtang Valley trek itinerary coincided for three nights at the same guesthouses. From our interactions with Dipak, and positive feedback shared over dining room chats with his two trekking clients, we’re confident that Himalayan Masters are working with great guides across the board.

To  discuss your Langtang Valley trek, get in touch with Himalayan Masters at [email protected] , and you’ll get a 5% discount off your trip cost by using our code HOGG5 .


Link image for the Everest Three Passes trek guide featuring a hiker and guide crossing a flat, rocky section before Kongma La


Link image for the Everest Three Passes route guide featuring trekkers crossing the glacier towards Cho La, the middle of the three passes on the Everest Three Passes trek




Accommodation on the Langtang Valley trek is in the form of guesthouses, also known as teahouses or lodges. These can be found regularly along the trail in local villages (Langtang/Kyanjin Gompa), in guesthouse only settlements (Lama Hotel/Bamboo), and occasionally as stand alone guesthouses such as Riverside (at Gumnachok). In general, the standard of accommodation in the Langtang Valley is quite high, as many of the guesthouses have been newly built following the devastating earthquake of 2015. The main exception is Lama Hotel, where all the guesthouses are old and the facilities are more basic. The guesthouses at Rimche, Gumnachok, and Ghodatabela are also more basic.

Snowy mountains rise behind the colourful multi-storey guesthouses of Kyanjin Gompa, the main destination point on the Langtang Valley trek

There are many guesthouses at Kyanjin Gompa

Snowy mountains rise behind the colourful multi-storey guesthouses of Kyanjin Gompa, the main destination point on the Langtang Valley trek

Guesthouses provide both accommodation and meals, and you are expected to eat dinner and breakfast at the guesthouse you sleep at. Lunch is usually at a different guesthouse along the trail, unless you arrive early at your destination for the day.

Rooms are basic, but comfortable. They usually have two single beds, although some places will have rooms sleeping three, or just one. Beds always have a sheet-covered mattress, a pillow with a pillowcase, and a blanket. We have seen plenty of bedding hanging out to dry which would suggest sheets, pillowcases, and blankets do get washed, however there is no guarantee that they will be freshly laundered for each guest. Personally, we always trek with our own sleeping bag and silk liner, using the blanket over our sleeping bag for extra warmth at higher altitudes.

There is always a light in the room, powered by mains electricity or solar. Often there is a small table, some hooks on the wall, and a bin, and there is almost always a window with curtains. Some guesthouses will have charging sockets in the room, but this is not always the case. There is no heating in guesthouse rooms, only ever in the main dining room.

A bedroom at the Holyland Guesthouse, at Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek

A better-than-average room in the Langtang Valley, this one at the Holyland Guesthouse, Kyanjin Gompa

A bedroom at the Holyland Guesthouse, at Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley trek


There are often rooms with attached bathrooms (ensuite) available, but shared bathrooms are also common. If you have an attached bathroom this will usually have a toilet, sink (not always), and shower. Shared bathroom facilities usually consist of separate toilets and shower rooms, with a sink outside, although sometimes there is no dedicated sink and you’ll need to wash your hands/brush your teeth at an outdoor tap.

Toilets may be sit-down or squat style. Toilet paper is never provided , so you’ll need to pack your own and buy more as you go. Do not flush toilet paper down the toilet, always put it in the bin next to the toilet (this may be an old tin can, a cardboard box, a plastic container, or such like.) Sit-down toilets will likely have an automatic flush, although at higher altitudes in cold weather, the pipes can freeze and you may need to flush the toilet using a bucket of water. Squat toilets never have an automatic flush; you always need to flush using the scoop and bucket of water provided.

Showers are generally solar heated, although sometimes a gas shower is available (usually for a fee). If neither are available, guesthouses can provide a bucket of hot water for a fee, which you can use to wash.


Every guesthouse has a dining room where you can eat your meals, drink tea, and hang out. There are usually tables and fixed benches around the perimeter of the room, with plenty of movable chairs too. Expect to see a display cabinet of snacks and sundries for sale (eg. chocolate bars, biscuits, Pringles, toilet paper, soft drinks), and often a Buddhist prayer altar, too. The dining room is the only room with a stove, usually lit in the late afternoon/early evening as the sun goes down and it starts to get cold, making it nice and cosy.

A traditional style, typical dining room with wooden tables, plastic chairs, a central heating stove, and sunny valley views, at the Ganesh View Hotel in Rimche on the Langtang Valley trek

A traditional and typical teahouse/guesthouse dining room, complete with stove, this one at the Ganesh View Hotel, Rimche

A traditional style, typical dining room with wooden tables, plastic chairs, a central heating stove, and sunny valley views, at the Ganesh View Hotel in Rimche on the Langtang Valley trek

A typical, traditional teahouse/guesthouse dining room, complete with stove, this one at the Ganesh View Hotel, Rimche

The kitchen is usually pretty cosy too, as most food is cooked over a wood fire stove. In smaller guesthouses, or when it’s not too busy, you might be invited to sit in the kitchen to stay warm (often at breakfast when the dining room is still cold).


trek au langtang



Every guesthouse serves meals and you are expected to eat dinner and breakfast at the guesthouse you are sleeping at, otherwise the cost of the room will be much higher. There are also a few bakeries, coffee shops, and tea shops along the route where you can pop in for treats.

Every guesthouse has a menu, and the options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at each are almost identical. Prices tend to increase the higher you go as food and fuel needs to be transported further via porters or pack mules, resulting in additional costs.


Click into the slider to see a typical example of a menu in the Langtang Valley. This menu is from Summit Guesthouse in Thangshyap (3190 m) and the prices are similar to those in both Langtang (3450 m) and Kyanjin Gompa (3865 m).

Langtang Valley Trek sample food and drink menu, showing typical prices and items available as standard

Breakfast dishes include porridge, muesli, eggs, Tibetan bread (a kind of fried dough), chapati (flat, unleavened bread), and pancakes . Honey, jam, peanut butter, apples, chocolate sauce, and yak cheese are common accompaniments on offer.

Breakfast options are generally priced between 300 – 600 NPR (approx $2 – $5 USD) , depending on location and item.


Dal Bhat is a ubiquitous Nepali meal , eaten twice a day by many locals. It consists of plain rice, a lentil soup, veggie curry, papad (poppadom), and some sort of pickle. Depending on the veggies available, you may also get saag (spinach) or something similar. Everything is served on a big plate, and you can get free refills of each item (apart from the papad!).

A serving of classic Nepali dish dal bhat on a brass plate, sitting on a peach coloured wooden table

There are always free refills of rice, dal and curry with  Dal Bhat , giving rise to the familiar catchphrase ‘Dal Bhat power 24 hour’

Dal Bhat, the national dish of Nepal, on a copper dish set on a blue wooden table

With Dal Bhat , t here are always free refills of at least the rice, dal and curry, giving rise to the familiar catchphrase, ‘Dal Bhat power 24 hour’

Other options include various soups (some fresh, some from a packet), basic pasta dishes (usually fried), fried rice, fried noodles, boiled or fried potatoes, and momos (steamed or fried dumplings). Ingredients more or less revolve around eggs, cheese, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onion, garlic, and tinned tuna.

 Meal options are generally priced between 350 – 700 NPR (approx $3 – $6 USD) , depending on location and item.

Various hot drinks include black/green/milk/masala/mint/ginger lemon honey tea, instant coffee, and hot chocolate . You can order a single cup or a small/medium/large thermos (called ‘pots’). Cups or pots of hot water are also available.

Seabuckthorn juice is commonly available, served either hot or cold. Seabuckthorn grows locally and is harvested and turned into juice in autumn, making this the best season to try it, although it is often still available in spring.

Soft drinks like Coke, Fanta, and Sprite are available to buy at each guesthouse shop, along with bottled water (although we recommend purifying tap water to drink instead of buying bottled water). You can also buy beer (bottles/cans) and small bottles of Khukuri rum , however it’s best to avoid alcohol at higher altitudes as this dehydrates you and makes acclimatisation more difficult.

Hot drinks are on average about 150 NPR per cup ($1 USD) , or up to 1500 – 2000 NPR per large pot ($11 – $15 USD). Soft drinks are about 400 NPR ($3 USD), bottled water is about 350 NPR ($2.5 USD) , and beer is about 800 NPR ($6 USD) .


You can buy chocolate bars, biscuits, and Pringles at most guesthouse shops. Other snacks like popcorn, papad, prawn crackers, yak cheese, or french fries are often available on the menu, and you can usually get desserts like apple, Snickers, or Mars spring rolls/fritters/pies/momos.

Prices for Snickers/Mars are around 300 NPR ($2 USD) , packets of biscuits start from 100 NPR ($.80 USD) , and Pringles are about 600 NPR ($5.5 USD) . Desserts range from 300 – 600 NPR ($2 – $5.5 USD) .

The snacks, drinks and sundries on sale at the Ganesh View Hotel in Rimche on the Langtang Valley trek

A typical example of what’s on sale in Langtang Valley guesthouses 

The snacks, drinks and sundries on sale at the Ganesh View Hotel in Rimche on the Langtang Valley trek

A fairly typical example of what’s on sale at guesthouses  in the Langtang Valley  


Proper coffee machines are starting to make an appearance in the upper reaches of the Langtang Valley, brought to the area at much expense via helicopter. A real americano goes perfectly with a baked goodie such as a brownie, cinnamon bun, or slice of apple pie, available at bakeries in Langtang and Kyanjin Gompa, as well as a few other select spots. Our personal favourite is the Himalayan Bakery in Langtang, run by friendly Mapsing.

Coffee costs around 300 – 400 NPR ($2 – $3 USD) , and bakery treats are usually around 400 – 600 NPR ($3 – $5.5 USD) .



Bottled water is available to buy along the trail, however a much better option (environmentally and economically!) is to treat tap water and drink this instead. Come prepared with a refillable water bottle and/or water bladder , and a method of treating the water to make it safe for drinking.

The cheapest option is to use water purification tablets . You drop these into the water, wait about 30 minutes, then your water is safe to drink (although it can have a strange taste due to the active chemical in the tablets, ie. iodine or chlorine). You can buy these easily in supermarkets and outdoor shops in Kathmandu.

Our preferred method of water sterilisation is to use a Steripen Ultra in conjunction with a filter . The filter screws onto the top of our Nalgene water bottle and ensures any weird floaty bits or particulates are filtered out. Then we stick the Steripen into 1 litre of water for 90 seconds and the UV light sterilises the water, making it safe to drink immediately and with no change to the taste. The Steripen Ultra model is rechargeable via USB, so we can charge it using our solar panel, power bank, or an electrical socket. We always carry water purification tablets as an emergency backup, although we’ve never had to use them during 6+ years of using the Steripen.

trek au langtang

Other common sterilisation methods include a Lifestraw , Grayl , Water-To Go , or a squeeze filter system .


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Nepal Telecom SIM cards work best in the Langtang Valley , with a phone signal and (weak) data connection available for most of the trek up to Rimche, and between Ghodatabela and Kyanjin Gompa. NCell doesn’t get much of a phone signal or data connection beyond Syabrubesi.

WiFi is available at a number of guesthouses and bakeries along the trail, although this is often via a hotspot connection to a staff member’s phone. The more people connected, the slower the internet service. There is often a charge of 300 NPR ($2 USD) for unlimited use per stay at a guesthouse . There is no WiFi or phone signal at Lama Hotel or other locations in the narrow valley area, such as Riverside/Gumnachok. Poor weather conditions can affect WiFi connectivity, with no guarantees that it will be working 24/7. In short, you can’t rely on having an internet connection every day, however you will be able to access the internet regularly throughout the trek.

A collection of older guesthouses at Lama Hotel, a small teahouse only settlement used by most trekkers on the Langtang Valley trek

In a deep and narrow section of the Langtang Valley, there is no wifi, data connection, or phone signal at Lama Hotel

A collection of older guesthouses at Lama Hotel, a small teahouse only settlement used by most trekkers on the Langtang Valley trek

There is no wifi, data connection, or phone signal at Lama Hotel, a collection of older guesthouses in a deep, narrow section of the Langtang Valley

Many guesthouses run off solar power and free in-room charging isn’t always available, although we had sockets in our room at four out of six guesthouses on the Langtang Valley trek. At our guesthouse in Lama Hotel, solar power was so limited that charging wasn’t possible at all, and in Thangshyap, charging in the dining room was possible for a fee per device.

Generally speaking, if there are no sockets in your room then you will be able to charge in the dining room , but there may be a fee per device (eg. 150 NPR (~$1 USD) for a phone or 250 NPR (~$2 USD) for a camera battery.

It’s a good idea to pack a power bank (or two, depending on your usage), enabling you to charge your phone and batteries on-the-go. You can charge your power bank overnight in your room or in the dining room when you don’t need it. A portable solar panel can also be useful although it’s certainly not necessary and will add extra weight to your pack; not worth buying unless you will use it on other treks and outdoor adventures in the future.



The cost of your Langtang Valley trek will very much depend on how you choose to trek (whether independently or with a guide), and how many people you share the costs with . The cheapest option is to trek independently as a duo, opting to travel by public transport and sleep in rooms with shared bathroom facilities every night. Trekking with a guide and porter as part of an inclusive trek package, taking private transport, and sleeping in rooms with attached bathrooms wherever possible, will cost more.

Below is a breakdown of the average costs for a Langtang Valley trek.


3000 NPR ($23 USD) taxi to bus station + public bus (per person return)

$340 USD private jeep return (cost can be shared between up to 7 people)

3000 NPR ($23 USD) per person (1500 NPR for SAARC nationals/100 NPR for Nepalis)

Twin Room w/ attached bathroom, average cost 1000 NPR ($7.50 USD) per night (for 1 or 2 people)

Twin Room w/ shared bathroom, average cost 500 NPR ($3.80 USD) per night (for 1 or 2 people)

3 x meals with hot drinks, average 2500 NPR ($19 USD) per person, per day

Extra Snacks (chocolate bars, biscuits, soft drinks) average 1000 NPR ($7.50 USD) per person, per day

For a detailed look at prices, check out the Langtang Valley menu in the food section above


Average 300 NPR ($2.30 USD) per person, per day

$20 – $30 USD per day (cost can be shared with up to 5 people)

$18 – $25 USD per day (max weight carried 25 kg, cost can be shared between 2-3 people)

Expected by guides and porters

Recommended minimum amount is:

500 NPR ($4 USD) per person, per day for guides

400 NPR ($3 USD) per person, per day for porters

For larger groups, tip 10% of total tour cost to be split between all trekking staff

3000 NPR ($23 USD) per person (1500 NPR for SAARC nationals, 100 NPR for Nepalis)

In summary, the average cost for an 8 – 10 day Langtang Valley trek is about $24 per day for a budget trekker sharing a room with one person and trekking independently, with no guide or porter. A fully inclusive package is about $100 per day . Other considerations, such as trekking with a guide but no porter, buying lots of snacks, or staying in more expensive rooms, would see your daily budget falling somewhere between these two figures.


You must bring all the cash you need from Kathmandu , in Nepalese rupees. There is an ATM in Kyanjin Gompa, but it wasn’t working when we visited and by all accounts it can’t be relied upon. It’s a good idea to have a mixture of large and small bills, as guesthouses, teashops, and bakeries don’t usually have change.

ATMs in Nepal have maximum withdrawal limits (usually 35,000 NPR), and your bank card is also likely to have a max daily withdrawal limit. Be sure to plan ahead and start withdrawing cash a few days in advance if you need to carry a lot.


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We have outlined packing recommendations for a Nepal trek in our What To Pack For Trekking in Nepal guide, so be sure to check this out for a complete rundown. You can also download our Nepal Packing List , a useful online or printable checklist for your trek.

In a nutshell, you will need clothes suitable for trekking in warm and cold conditions and for changing into in the evening, gear to use on the trail and at your guesthouse, any relevant electronics, hygiene and first aid items, and a few essentials such as cash, emergency contact details, travel insurance documents, and your passport.

If you arrive in Nepal without the appropriate gear for trekking, you can buy and/or rent everything you need in Kathmandu (either fake or genuine items). Some trekking agencies provide gear free of charge to clients. Himalayan Masters , for example, provide sleeping bags, down jackets, trekking poles, water bottles, purification tablets, caps, and T-Shirts, plus a duffel bag if you’re trekking with a porter.

You can leave any excess luggage at your hotel in Kathmandu and pick it up when you return from your trek.

Post link image for 'What to Pack for Trekking in Nepal', featuring trekkers, guides and porters crossing a suspension bridge on the Everest Base Camp route



Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) , also commonly referred to as Altitude Sickness, can affect people at heights of around 2500 m and above . It can affect anyone regardless of age, physical fitness, or other factors. The higher you go the less oxygen there is, and it takes time for your body to adjust. Symptoms of AMS, such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, or loss of appetite, can occur when your body is not properly acclimatised to being at a particular altitude. The highest sleeping altitude on the Langtang Valley trek is around 3865 m, at Kyanjin Gompa. The highest points you are likely to trek to are Kyanjin Ri (4586 m) and Tsergo Ri (just under 4965 m).

AMS can develop into the life-threatening conditions of HACE or HAPE, therefore symptoms of AMS should never be ignored. Read up on the causes, symptoms, and treatments for AMS prior to your trek – it could save your life or that of a fellow trekker! We have found the website helpful, along with the PDF booklet about Travel at High Altitude (available in a number of languages) produced by Medex . A number of other medical websites, such as the NHS , are also good resources.

In a nutshell, the best way to avoid developing AMS (or the life-threatening conditions of HACE or HAPE) is to follow medically advised best-practices . This includes ascending slowly , sleeping no more than 300 – 500 metres higher than the previous night , taking a rest day for every 1000 metres ascended above 2500 m, staying well hydrated by drinking lots of water, and going on acclimatisation hikes where you can climb high but return to sleep at a lower altitude .

Two trekkers and their guide smiling as they pose for a celebration shot at the summit of Tsergo Ri (4965 m), the highest point most trekkers reach on the Langtang Valley trek

Getting to the top of Tsergo Ri (4965 m) is a great feeling; make sure you acclimatise properly so you can enjoy it!

Two trekkers and their guide smiling as they pose for a celebration shot at the summit of Tsergo Ri (4965 m), the highest point most trekkers reach on the Langtang Valley trek

Getting to the top of Tsergo Ri is a fantastic feeling; acclimatise properly beforehand so you can enjoy it!

If you develop AMS symptoms, do not ascend any higher. Rest, drink water, eat something, take paracetamol and ibuprofen to help with the pain, and assess whether your condition is worsening or improving. If it is worsening, you should descend to a lower altitude immediately. If it is improving or staying the same, rest at the same altitude for a night and allow your body more time to acclimatise before ascending.

Acetazolamide (Diamox) is a tablet that can be taken as a preventative to AMS, or as a treatment to help reduce the symptoms. It helps to speed up the acclimatisation process by causing you to breathe deeper and faster, resulting in higher oxygen concentrations in the body. It usually comes in tablets of 250 mg and the dosage is 125 mg twice a day. You can speak to a medical professional prior to your trip about taking Acetazolamide (Diamox). It is available to purchase over the counter at pharmacies in Kathmandu and trekking guides will often carry it in their first aid kit. Common side effects of taking Acetazolamide (Diamox) are tingling fingers, lips, and/or feet.

Note that many guides and locals will advise you to eat garlic soup as a remedy to AMS, but there is no medical evidence to support this notion.


You will have the chance to trek up to nearly 5000 m on the Langtang Valley trek. Trekking to this altitude is NOT automatically covered by most travel insurance providers , but you should be able to pay extra for an add-on ‘activity pack’ which will cover you for trekking at such heights. When choosing your travel insurance policy, it’s also wise to ensure you have Search and Rescue cover and Medical Evacuation cover included.

Always check the inclusions and exclusions of your policy carefully. Some travel insurance providers have specific exclusions or conditions when it comes to trekking in Nepal. For example, the excess for helicopter evacuation may be considerably higher for Nepal than elsewhere. This is due in part to a scam in recent years whereby trekkers who become ill are pressured or encouraged to fly out of the mountains by helicopter for medical attention, with unscrupulous guides, helicopter companies, doctors, and even some trekkers themselves, profiting from the scam.

You should also make a note of the correct procedure for medical emergencies and the insurance company emergency contact number . Add this information to your phone, and keep a written copy with you while trekking.

Whether you are currently in your home country or are already travelling, two travel insurance policy providers that can cover you for trekking in Nepal are World Nomads (for residents of 140+ countries) and True Traveller (for UK and EEA residents only). We have purchased travel insurance policies from both of these companies on numerous occasions and have found their policies to be comprehensive, and their online claims and extension processes straightforward.

If you still need to organise travel insurance, we’d suggest getting a quote from each to see which suits you best.

Click the links below to get a quote

Click the links to get a quote.

trek au langtang



It’s possible to combine a Langtang Valley trek with other treks in the region . One option is the Tamang Heritage Trail , a 5 to 6 day route which also starts and ends at Syabrubesi. Another option (and the add-on trek that we chose) is Gosainkunda , a high altitude lake and holy pilgrimage site. This adds 4 to 6 days onto your trek. You can start/end at Dhunche just south of Syabrubesi, or cross the Laurebina Pass and end at Kutumsang, Chisapani or Sundarijal, northeast of Kathmandu.

Read our   Complete Guide to the Gosainkunda Trek and Gosainkunda Trail Notes  to find out more and plan your own Langtang Gosainkunda trek.

Gosainkunda, a high altitude lake close to the Langtang Valley, with the surrounding landscape covered in snow

Gosainkunda is a great addition to a Langtang trek, requiring an extra 4 – 6 days

Gosainkunda, a high altitude lake close to the Langtang Valley, with the surrounding landscape covered in snow

It’s also possible to climb Yala Peak (5500 m) from Kyanjin Gompa. This is usually a 2 day expedition, camping at Yala Peak Base Camp on Day 1, then summiting the peak and returning to Kyanjin Gompa on Day 2.

You can organise each of these add-on treks plus a Yala Peak climb via Himalayan Masters (our recommended local trekking agency) and get 5% off your trip cost if you mention our referral code HOGG5 . Contact them by email at [email protected] .


It’s possible to travel overland from India to Nepal, crossing the border at Sunauli. The route and details are described in this post on Seat 61 .

The easiest way to get to Nepal is by flying and this is how the vast majority of people arrive. A number of different airlines operate flights to Nepal’s only international airport, Tribhuvan International Airport, on the outskirts of Kathmandu. There are very few long distance direct flights to Nepal, so you can expect to transfer somewhere in Asia or the Middle East, depending on your direction of travel.

It’s best to book your flights at the earliest possible opportunity . During busy times, such as the peak trekking seasons in spring and autumn, flights are often fully booked.


Arriving at kathmandu airport.

There is a money exchange booth next to the visa payment counter , prior to passing through immigration. There is an ATM next to the visa payment counter too, however it is unreliable. More ATMs are available after passing through immigration, but it’s best to have some cash with you just in case.

You can arrange a SIM from NCell or Nepal Telecom at arrivals , and SIM cards are also available from many small shops in Thamel.


A taxi from the airport to Thamel costs approximately 800 – 1000 NPR ($6 – $7.50 USD) and takes between 15 – 30 minutes depending on traffic and the time of day. There are prepaid taxi counters at arrivals, or you can negotiate a fare with a taxi driver outside (there are no metered taxis). You need to pay cash .


Upper Mustang trekking guide blog post link image featuring two trekkers walking across an arid plateau with mountains in the distance


Tourist visas are available on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport and at all land border crossings that are open to foreign travellers .

While tourist visas on arrival are available for many foreign passport holders, citizens of some countries are required to get a visa prior to arrival, while those from SAARC countries can get their visa free of charge.

See the Nepal Immigration website for more details.


There are three Nepal tourist visas available and three things you must have to get one on arrival:

  • 15 Days – 30 USD
  • 30 Days – 50 USD
  • 90 Days – 125 USD


  • A passport valid for at least six months
  • At least one blank page in your passport
  • The visa fee in cash (US Dollars is best)

The Nepal tourist visa on arrival process is as follows:


  • Go to the machines to the right as you enter the arrivals hall. You’ll need your passport details and hotel address . After filling in the required details on the screen, take a photo of the confirmation page on your phone (the printer doesn’t work).
  • Next, you need to pay for your visa at the desk on the left as you enter the arrivals hall. You can show the confirmation on your phone. They want a cash payment for the visa. A sign indicates that a number of currencies are acceptable, including EUR, GBP, CAD, USD, AUD, JPY, KRW, AED, SGD, THB, MYR, CHF, DKK, QAD, SAR, CNY, HKD, KWD, and BHD. Note that they will NOT accept Bank of Scotland GBP notes, only Bank of England notes. You cannot pay in NPR. The sign says they accept card payments, but they will refuse and advise you that you must pay cash. If you insist hard enough, then they’ll send you to the desk on the far left to pay at a card machine with a $1 surcharge. The machine can be temperamental and the payment may fail to go through a few times. Also, it’s treated as a cash advance from your credit card, not a transaction, so you’ll probably be charged a cash withdrawal fee by your credit card company. After paying for your visa you’ll get a receipt .
  • Take the receipt of visa payment, your passport , and boarding pass for your flight into Kathmandu to the immigration desk and get stamped through.


Thamel is the main tourist hub in Kathmandu , with plenty of restaurants, bars, shops, and services aimed at trekkers. Below are our accommodation recommendations for before and after your Langtang Valley trek, with something to suit all budgets.


Flock Hostel | Dorm and Private rooms, modern design, close to Thamel, rooftop bar and terrace, restaurant

Zostel Kathmandu | Dorm and Private rooms, terrace, bar, restaurant, close to Thamel

Flying Yak | Dorm and Private rooms, modern design, central Thamel, bar, terrace  

Yakety Yak | Dorm and Private rooms, sleek modern design, rooftop terrace, bar, restaurant, central Thamel

Bag Packer’s Lodge | Budget private rooms with shared or private bathroom, rooftop terrace, restaurant, central Thamel location


9ine Thamel | Sleek minimalist design, central Thamel, excellent restaurant 

Nomad Hotel | Tasteful modern design, short walk from Thamel, restaurant and terrace

Oasis Kathmandu Hotel | Good location in Thamel, restaurant, generically ‘nice’ decor

Kathmandu Aagantuk Hotel | Good location in Thamel, restaurant, generically ‘nice’ decor, some rooms with balconies

Hotel Roadhouse | Stylish Modern design with heritage feel, central Thamel, popular restaurant on ground floor


Dalai-La | Central Thamel, courtyard restaurant, artistic Nepali design

Hotel Thamel House | Classic heritage style with lots of brick and wood, leafy courtyard restaurant, central Thamel

Kathmandu Marriott Hotel | Sleek and minimal design, walking distance to Thamel, Nimsdai store on-site

Aloft Kathmandu |  Modern design, Thamel location

Baber Mahal Vilas – The Heritage Hotel | Heritage boutique hotel invoking a range of historic styles 

The Dwarika’s Hotel | 5* luxury heritage style hotel, half-way between airport and Thamel


Watch our full length langtang valley film, langtang valley maps, guidebooks and apps.


You can easily pick up trekking maps of the Langtang Valley region in Thamel, Kathmandu, with many shops selling them.

Good guidebooks for the Langtang Valley specifically, and Nepal in general, include A Trekking Guide to Langtang by Sian Pritchard-Jones and Bob Gibbons (available in paperback or kindle), Lonely Planet’s Nepal Guide , the Lonely Planet Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya guide, and The Rough Guide to Nepal .

trek au langtang

We would also suggest having a mapping app on your phone that can be used offline . Our favourite is Organic Maps ( iOS / Android ) (very similar to, but with less ads) which is easy to use and has a straightforward interface. You can download maps for the area beforehand and use it offline with the GPS on your phone. Our Langtang Valley Trekking E-Map includes a KML file with the route and all relevant places pinned, which can be imported to Organic Maps or Maps.Me for easy navigation and planning.  

We also use the Gaia GPS app ( iOS / Android ) when we want more detailed topographical info, ensuring that we’ve downloaded the relevant map region online in advance. Again, our Langtang Valley Trekking E-Map includes a GPX file download of the route and key places, which can be imported directly into your app. 


If you’ve found this guide helpful, please consider leaving us a small tip. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps cover the costs of running this blog.

Kim and Del Hogg

If you’ve found this guide helpful, please consider leaving us a small tip.

Your support is greatly appreciated and helps cover the costs of running this blog.

That’s it for our guide to the Langtang Valley trek. We hope you found it useful. If you’ve any thoughts or experiences to share, or any questions about this trek, drop them in the comments below.


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A Guide to the Langtang Valley Trek in Nepal

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Langtang Valley is one of the most popular shorter trekking options in Nepal. The Langtang National Park wasn’t even on my radar for trekking in Nepal. However, within days of arriving in  Kathmandu , I decided it would be the best introduction to hiking in the Himalayas and I wasn’t wrong.

It may not boast any of the top ten highest peaks in the world like in Annapurna or Sagarmatha National Park, but what it lacks in height it makes up for with genuine down to earth people and a less commercialised feel. The Tamang people of the Langtang region were the most hospitable and friendly I’ve come across in Nepal and I’d go back in a heartbeat.

I hiked the Langtang Valley Trek at the beginning of March, which was just before the main trekking season when it was still relatively quiet. Nepal had seen some of the heaviest snowfall in decades and Langtang was completely covered in it, nothing like the pictures I had seen from a normal trekking season. It meant that it was extremely cold at night and required some trudging through snow on the trails, however, it also made the scenery extra beautiful and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Keep reading for my guide to Langtang Valley from my personal experience on the trail as a solo hiker.

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I get a commission if you buy a product through my link at no extra cost to you. By doing so, I can keep this blog going and continue to create helpful guides for you. Read more:  Privacy Policy

What you need to know before heading off on the Langtang Valley trek

Before you head off for the Langtang Valley, here’s some essential information that you need to know.

Quick info about the Langtang Valley Trek

  • Distance: 60km
  • Time: 5-7 days
  • Highest point: Kyanjin Ri 4773m
  • Difficulty: Moderate-Hard
  • Start/end: Syabrubesi, approximately 120km north of Kathmandu
  • Trail: Out and back same way
  • Permits and fees: TIMS card and national park fees
  • Accommodation: Teahouses
  • Hiking requirements: Anyone can hike the trail, with or without a guide
  • Optional add ons: Gosaikunda Trek or Tamang Heritage Trail for a longer trek

View from Kyanjin Ri

Best time to hike Langtang Valley

There are two main trekking seasons: March-April and October-November . I would advise to try and complete the trek around these months and avoid the wet season in the middle of the year. The dry winter can make for quieter trails, but many teahouses close down and the trail will be snowed in higher up.

If you’re travelling at the start of the trekking season, it’s a good idea to ask around in Kathmandu at your hostel or guesthouse about trail conditions before you set off. When I did the trek at the start of March the trails had only just been declared passable after a very long winter. Some hikers who’d left too early in the season couldn’t make it up to Kyanjin Ri.

Read next: What You Need to Know About Trekking in Nepal

Langtang Valley

Permit and fees

You will need a TIMS card (Trekkers Information Management System Card). These can be purchased at the  Nepal Tourism Board office  near Ratna Park. I simply had to fill an easy form out, hand over a few passport photos and pay 2000 rupees (AUD$25) and I was given a green card which I had to keep with me for checkpoints along the trek.

You can also purchase the  National Park fee  in Kathmandu but I was told that I could do that at the Park entrance as well, which I did with no hassles. It costs 3000 Nepali rupees and you’ll have to show your valid TIMS card and passport.

I managed to pack everything that I needed into a 30L backpack, including a sleeping bag. You don’t need a whole lot considering it’s less than a week trek and you’ll be staying in teahouses along the way.

I  hired a sleeping bag  from  Shona’s Alpine Rentals in Thamel for 120 rupees per day (AUD$1.50). The sleeping bag was extremely warm, even on the night that the water in my drink bottle froze!

You can also pick up a Langtang Valley map in many Kathmandu book stores. However, I wouldn’t say it’s overly necessary unless you’re planning on doing something like adding Gosaikunda trek onto the end of Langtang Valley.

Read next: A Guide to Kathmandu

Nepal trekking maps

Getting to Syabrubesi

The only way to get to the trailhead is by road. I had read that the hardest part of the trek was in fact the notorious bus ride north of Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. The road is a rough, dirt road that winds its way up towards the mountains and is constantly under reconstruction from landslides (I mean, look at that photo above!). The driver was a madman and I swear he’d made a bet with someone that he would make it to Syabrubesi first, as we overtook even the 4WD jeeps along the way.

The buses depart from near the New Bus Stand , across the Ring Road. There’s really only two companies and both were the same price. I purchased my ticket the day before directly at the counter, which I would highly recommend. The ticket cost 750 rupees (AU$9) and the bus left at 8am from the counter. There’s also the option of shared jeeps, although they’re more expensive and stop less often on the way.

The drive was extremely dusty and, as I was sitting in the front seat near the door, my bag on my lap was covered in a layer of brown dust by the end. The 120km journey took 8 hours to cover (even though I was told to expect around 10)! I emerged from the bus feeling as if I’d actually walked the distance rather than sat in a vehicle. Be prepared!

Road to Syabrubesi

Syabrubesi town

The trailhead is a small, one street town that has a few hotels and some basic shops. Don’t expect anything like Namche Bazaar in Sagarmatha National Park, although it’s still not a bad place to spend the night before and after trekking.

I stayed at  Old Namaste Hotel . For 600 rupees (AUD$8) per night I got a bed with a private bathroom. The food there was also really good with intermittent WiFi. The lady who owns the hotel was lovely and I sat up with her for hours talking about everything from tourism, to government corruption to the impacts of the 2015 earthquake.

The town was extremely quiet and I was the only one at the hotel for the night. You can easily walk around and ask prices at different hotels, although most looked a similar standard.

There was one ATM in the town when I was there, although it wasn’t very reliable. I would suggest taking as much cash as you think you’ll need plus extra from Kathmandu.

Langtang Valley bridge

Trek report: Langtang Valley

If you want to know more about my experience on the trail, keep reading for my day by day track notes below.

Day 1: Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel

After crossing the suspension bridge to the old part of town on the other side of the river, the trail becomes more obvious (ask locals if you’re unsure). I could already see the snow capped mountains through the valley and I was excited to think that it wouldn’t take me long to be completely amongst them.

The trail mostly climbed up through forest, following the fluorescent blue river below. I arrived at a small cluster of lodges called Bamboo at 11.15am and I was already hungry for lunch. I stopped for fried rice and some tea at a guesthouse with a pretty view and then continued on upwards.

The rocky trail continued to climb and considering I hadn’t done any proper exercise in months I knew this would really test me. However, I passed quite a few people on the trail, more than I thought I would. Despite leaving after 8am that morning, I managed to arrive at Lama Hotel (the name for the first major village where most people stop for the night) at 2pm, well before most. The man at the first lodge greeted me and I decided to stay there. 

I sat outside in the sun sipping a cup of tea and soon the lodge was full and the owner was turning people away to the next place. As the sun set, the temperature plummeted and everyone huddled inside the dining room where there was a wood fired heater. It was my first experience of the social teahouse dining rooms in Nepal where trekkers from all different countries sit around and chat without the distractions of phones and internet. Not long after finishing my dal bhat though I was in bed asleep, recovering for the next day’s climb.

Distance:  10km   Time:  6 hours   Ascended:  1100m

Langtang Valley trail

Day 2: Lama Hotel to Mundu

I decided not to hurry in the morning and didn’t leave until 9am. The trail continued to climb quite ruthlessly with a skinny, rocky trail in some sections. There was less forest coverage as the vegetation started to thin out, a hallmark that I was getting higher. I stopped for lunch early again in a newly built restaurant which had beautiful views of the valley I was walking through. 

After my lunch stop, the trail continued on its pursuit upwards, however, the views suddenly improved. The mountains on either side of the valley now had snow cascading down them all the way to the river below. Still, with the clear skies and strong sun, I was relatively warm when I was moving. However, with such incredible views around me I found myself stopping much more often to take photos.

I began to see some of the remains from the devastating earthquake of 2015. Lodges, homes, farming sheds, all destroyed and left in rubble. Most of the lodges have now been rebuilt or moved, but seeing some of the remains that had been left behind was devastating. I couldn’t help but get a little emotional. One village had been completely flattened and abandoned, looking up I could still see the landslide that had seemingly came crashing down in April 2015 to bury the structures below. It was hard to comprehend. The scenery around me was so beautiful, yet on the other hand, it was obvious that mother nature could also be destructive when it wanted to be.

Earthquake damage in Langtang Valley

Just before Langtang village (where most people stop for their second day) I met a lady who had a small shop and lodge. I decided to try the local seabuckthorn juice, a local berry that is incredibly high in vitamins. A couple more trekkers saw me there and also stopped to try the famous juice. As I got up to leave the lady hugged me and said, “Thank you for bringing business here”. It must be tough to rely on tourism and trekkers for a living, particularly when life in the mountains is so unpredictable. 

I arrived in Langtang, a village that had been completely wiped off the valley and rebuilt since 2015. A small memorial is near the trail to mark the victims of the earthquake, which also included many foreign trekkers and their guides. I decided to keep pushing on to the next village which was just another 20 minutes.

Mundu was much less commercialised than Langtang and didn’t boast Wi-Fi and hot showers, but that was okay with me. I saw a fellow trekker who had caught the same bus to Syabrubesi and we stayed at the same lodge for the night. The owners were beautiful people and while the wife cooked us dal bhat, her husband sat at the fire and told us about life in the Himalayas, including their experience during the earthquake.

He had lost a devastating 26 family members down in Langtang village, however, in Mundu just a short distance away they themselves had come away unscathed. They spent three months in Kathmandu before they could return to Langtang Valley and start the process of rebuilding, which took them nearly two years.

Distance:  13km   Time:  6.5 hours   Ascended:  1070m

Langtang Valley trek

Day 3: Mundu to Kyanjin Gompa

From Mundu it was a short couple of hours to my final destination for the Langtang Valley trek at Kyanjin Gompa. There was a lot of snow around and the trail had only recently been cleared. I passed some other trekkers coming back and they were raving about the view from Kyanjin Ri, which made me even more eager to get there. 

The valley opened up and there was just a complete blanket of white with soaring mountains towering above in every direction. I climbed up to a newly built hydropower station and crossed a suspension bridge which had amazing views of the valley below and the glacier behind me. Just 10 minutes later I walked up and over a small hill and the village of Kyanjin Gompa was spread out before me in the valley floor.

Kyanjin Gompa

A trekker that I had passed told me of a lodge that he’d stayed in, a large three storey place with WiFi and showers. As I was heading towards it, a lady stopped and begged me to have a look at her lodge, so I obliged. It was a tiny place with just three rooms and squashed between other surrounding lodges. I decided to stay. I try to avoid the overly commercialised lodges and it turned out to be a great decision. The name of the guesthouse was Dorje Lakpa and the woman spoke little English but was incredibly hospitable.

I decided to try and hike to the glacier viewpoint just past the small monastery. I tried to find the trail but there was so much snow it wasn’t visible. I attempted to just trudge through the snow in the direction my phone was telling me but I kept falling through, once up to my waist and so I gave up. I found a protruding rock instead and sat to just admire the incredible view of the valley. 

I relaxed for the afternoon, trying to keep my fluids up considering I was sitting at 3870m after just three days of hiking. A Dutch girl was also staying at the same place and together we had a great time. The couple who owned the lodge were beautiful people and we had a fun night laughing and talking, trying to learn the Tibetan language and traditional dances. It was experiences like this which made the Langtang Valley trek so memorable.

Distance:  5km   Time:  2 hours   Ascended:  315m

Kyanjin Ri

Day 4: Kyanjin Gompa to Kyanjin Ri to Langtang Village

I left just after 8am for Kyanjin Ri, the highest point of the whole trek. The trail started directly from the village and switchbacked steeply for just over an hour to the first viewpoint at 4300m. I was in absolute awe of the view around me but I was concentrating heavily on breathing, sipping water and taking small steps forward. Many people were sitting at the lower viewpoint, content with the view all the way back through the valley we’d all come. I looked up to Kyanjin Ri, another 400m in elevation and just 900m of trail. I could see a couple of people almost at the top and I thought, ‘I’ve gotta have a crack!’.

I pushed on slowly, but surely, stopping every 10 steps or so to let my heart rate settle and my lungs capture more oxygen. The trail was slippery with snow covering much of it and I had to be careful where I placed my foot each time. I kept looking up to see how long I had to go, but progress was slow.

The last few steps were sweet, I had made it even when I began thinking that I wouldn’t. I had the peak to myself and the moment I stopped on the very top and did a 360 degree turn around, I had tears in my eyes. It was the most beautiful place I’d ever seen.

I stayed nearly an hour, soaking in the view and taking photos. I didn’t want to ever leave. However, at over 4700m and with no water left in my bottle I knew I needed to get back down. It was more slippery going down but I was still much quicker, not having to stop to catch my breath anymore. I made it back to the lodge at 1pm, in time for a much needed lunch.

Distance:  4.5km return   Time:  3.5 hours   Ascended:  720m

Kyanjin Ri

I had contemplated staying another night in Kyanjin Gompa. However, with many of the other side trips and other hikes such as to Tserko Ri closed due to the snow level, I decided there was no reason to hang around. So after lunch I took off and headed back as far as I could walk.

I managed to get back to Langtang village in two hours and although I wanted to keep walking, it was after 4pm and so I decided to stop for the night. I stayed at a different guesthouse, which was much larger and more commercialised than in Mundu. However, the view from the property was incredible and a nice change.

Distance:  6.5km   Time:  2 hours   Descended:  400m

View of Langtang Valley

Day 5: Langtang Village to Syabrubesi

Having made it to Langtang the day before, I realised I could potentially get all the way back to Syabrubesi in one day from there. This meant finishing the trek in just 5 days.

I set off at 8am and moved pretty fast, my legs had quickly become conditioned to the movement and the trail over the previous few days. I made it back to Lama Hotel in no time but stopped in the next village called Rimche for some lunch just after 12pm. I was feeling tired and the sun was hot, the steep downhills had me hiking quickly but it was tough on my legs. 

The local boys at the lodge in Rimche told me they were surveying the area for a potential road construction project in the future. I couldn’t believe it. It would ruin the whole landscape of the valley if a motorable road was ever built, but the boys looked excited. “It’s just a dream,” they told me. Of course, for the locals it meant better access to the outside world.

Langtang Village

I kept pushing on, passed Bamboo where I’d stopped for lunch on the first day, over the rocky stairs where I’m sure I lost my headphones on the first day too.

I finally hit the dirt road again and I knew I had just one more hour to get back to Syabrubesi. I was almost limping by this point, dragging my walking pole behind me, absolutely exhausted. I was almost losing the sun behind the valley as I made it to the suspension bridge which took me into town. I took one last glance back through the valley at the snow capped peaks in the distance, I couldn’t believe I’d been completely amongst them just yesterday. 

I arrived at the same hotel in Syabrubesi that I’d stayed before the trek and the lady told me that there was a political strike planned for the next day and so no transport would likely run. So after all that, I’d pushed my body for 8.5 hours for nothing!

Distance:  22km   Time:  8.5 hours   Descended:  2020m

Getting back to Kathmandu

There are bus and jeep ticket counters in the main street of town so it’s easy to get a ticket and see where they leave from. They leave at around 8am and it took almost 10 hours on the way back.

Kyanjin Gompa teahouse

Langtang Valley Accommodation

Most trekking lodges have been either repaired or completely rebuilt since the earthquake in 2015. There are plenty of options to choose from, including smaller villages in between the popular overnight stops on the trail. I was always offered a free room (a few even with a private bathroom) as long as I ate dinner and breakfast there. A simple bed with 1-2 blankets and a pillow is usually all that was in the room, but the beds were always comfortable from my experience. 

In the high trekking season, many lodges and guesthouses will charge between 200-400 rupees (AU$3-5) for a room, although it’s usually negotiable.

The Tamang people are great at marketing and almost every lodge I stayed at passed me a business card of a family member who owned a lodge in the next village. Similarly, many of the locals I passed on the trail would also stop and ask me where I was heading and then proceed to hand me a business card of a cousin, sister or friend of a friend. I actually rarely even bothered to go to one of those recommended lodges as whenever I arrived I found it best to just walk around and have a look myself.

Langtang Valley teahouse

The menus were almost all identical with the standard trekking meals on offer: fried rice, chow mien, fried potatoes, spaghetti, momos and the ubiquitous, dal bhat (similar to an Indian thali consisting of rice with lentil soup and a veg curry, and unlimited refills!).

My meals were pretty repetitive and most days I ate exactly the same thing. I had porridge for breakfast, fried rice for lunch (it was usually the quickest meal for them to make) and dal bhat for dinner.

The meals get pricier as you climb higher, because the teahouses obviously pay more for porters and donkeys to get the products up the valley. Meals cost between 400-700 Nepali rupees (AU$5-8).

View of Kyanjin Gompa

Trail navigation

The trail has all been repaired since the earthquake and is well maintained. It’s relatively obvious with few if any junctions where it might be confusing, however, with the heavy snowfall some parts of the trail closer to Kyanjin Gompa were covered in snow. Still, I had no problems navigating my way.

It’s a good idea to have Maps.Me on your phone though, as the trail is clearly marked on there.

A breakdown of how much trekking Langtang Valley cost me all up:

Permit and park fees:  5000 rupees (AUD$65)

Sleeping bag rental:  950 rupees (AUD$12)

Snacks:  1500 rupees (AUD$20) purchased in Kathmandu before leaving

Meals (accommodation included):  11,600 rupees (AUD$150)

Transport:  1200 rupees (AUD$16)

Total: AUD$263 for 8 nights (5 trekking, 3 in Syabrubesi)

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[…] Langtang Valley in Nepal […]

Incredible guide! thank you

Can I ask when you did the trek, and do you know if it’s possible to hire a guide at Kyanjin Gompa to do a sunrise hike to Kyanjin Ri? I’m thinking in the dark and with possible snow coverage on trail it will be difficult for me to navigate. I’m solo trekking. thanks!

I did this trek in early 2019, so some things may have changed. I would imagine it’s definitely possible to hire a guide in Kyanjin Gompa. Many trekkers hire a guide just for a section of trail, so one of the teahouses will definitely be able to help you out! Enjoy!

Hello Mariel, I am Ang from Sherpa Goan a village 1 day before the Langtang. I own a small Homestay named Hello Trekkers Home in Sherpa Goan and also a certified trekking guide and would love to provide you also various informations you would need. Our small place is usually visited by solo trekkers so I would love to welcome you if you pass by. Yet I am in Kathamndu but will be soon going to my place. Thank [email protected]

Hey, thanks for such a detailed guide!

I am planning to do this trek at the end of December this year, but was curious about shortening it by a day — specifically, going from Lama Hotel to Kyanjin Gompa in one shot rather than staying in Mundu. The idea being to free up a day to allow for an extra hike. Do you think this is feasible? Waking up early/hiking with a headlamp isn’t an issue.

Hi Rob, glad it was helpful! It’s definitely doable, as it would be around 18km I think. I’d allow about 9-10 hours depending on fitness level, but you should also consider elevation change. If you’re fairly acclimatised, it will be fine, but otherwise, watch for symptoms and see how you feel on the trail as tbe altitude starts to climb a bit after Lama Hotel. Wish you all the best, you’ll love it!

Well written !! doing the Langtang trek this oct end !! cant wait !! thanks for the info

Hey nice write ups! Sorry for a loaded question, but you seem to have been to all 3 areas we are contemplating – but alas can only pick one! Muldai View, Lower Mustang, Tamang Hertitage – which one?? Kinda get the feeling that Lower Mustang would be more about exposure to different cultures rather than trekking, due to the roads so prob better to jeep it for some of the way with a few side treks – not a bad thing if the villages make it worth it 🙂 Any insight welcome!

Hi John, that’s a tough one! I think Lower Mustang and Tamang Heritage are both more a cultural experience, although the Lower Mustang does have some incredible landscapes that are quite different to elsewhere in Nepal. You could do some exploring around Lower Mustang by road as you say, if you have time. Muldai Viewpoint would be the best option in terms of mountain views, especially if you can also include Poon Hill in that trek. Either way, you’ll love it – Nepal is amazing! Hope that helps.

Thank you very much for that post. We love the Langtang trek and we recommend a stopover in Sherpagaun, between Lama Hotel and Syafru Bensi. Thanks again.

[…] undiscovered jewel in Nepal, the Langtang Valley Trek offers a rare fusion of alpine forests, steep climbs, and snow-capped summits. The path passes by […]

nice information and good article thank you

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trek au langtang

10 Days Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley, situated in Nepal, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and vibrant cultural heritage. Nestled close to the Tibetan border, it offers a unique blend of Himalayan beauty and Tibetan-influenced traditions.

Key Highlights of Langtang Valley:

Scenic Beauty:

Breathtaking views of the Langtang Lirung (7,227 meters).

Beautiful valleys, lush forests, and alpine meadows.

Cultural Experience:

Rich cultural encounters with the Tamang and Sherpa communities.

Visit traditional villages like Langtang and Kyanjin Gompa.


Part of the Langtang National Park, home to diverse flora and fauna.

Possible sightings of red pandas, Himalayan tahr, and various bird species.

Accessible Trekking:

Less crowded compared to other trekking routes like Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit.

Suitable for both experienced trekkers and beginners.

Historical Significance:

Region affected by the 2015 earthquake, with ongoing rebuilding efforts.

Witness the resilience and spirit of the local communities.

Typical Trek Highlights:

Kyanjin Gompa: A monastery with panoramic mountain views.

Langshisha Kharka: A remote area with beautiful landscapes.

Tserko Ri: A popular viewpoint for stunning sunrise and mountain vistas.

Langtang Valley offers an unforgettable trekking experience, combining natural beauty, cultural richness, and a sense of adventure.

trek au langtang

After the arrival at the airport, our representative who will be present at the airport showing the placard of your name will pick up at the airport. And drive you to the hotel. On arrival check-in at the hotel where you will be accommodated during your Kathmandu stay. Overnight stay at Kathmandu.

Breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, 8 hours’ drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi which is the starting point of the trek, heading north on the windy road running at the bank of Trisuli river. You can go either by public bus or private vehicle but private vehicles are safe and highly recommended. You can observe the Chilime hydropower plant on Syabrubesi designed on the run-of-the-river model. Overnight at the Hotel. We will cover 120 kilometers during the journey.

After breakfast, we trek from Syabrubesi and cross Bhotekoshi and follow Langtang Khola for the gradual climb up to Bamboo and pass through landslide to reach Lama Hotel located at the elevation of 2470 meters from sea level. During the 6-7 hours trek, we gain an altitude of 1000 meters covering 11.3 kilometers to reach the Lama Hotel overnight.

After breakfast, we leave Lama Hotel and head toward Langtang village via GhoreTabela to enjoy the amazing scenery of green meadows utilized to graze Yak and for livestock of local people. We explore graceful monastery on way to Langtang valley. On 5-6 hours today trek, we cover 14.8 kilometers gaining the altitude of almost 950 meters for the overnight at Langtang valley

After breakfast, continue the trek on the gradual uphill trail that crosses green pasture as well as other tiny villages Mondoo, singdum for the overnight at Kyanjing Gompa. During the 4-5 hours trek, we cross 6.8 kilometers distance to reach Kyanjing Gompa; beautiful village encircled by towering Kyanjing Ri and Tserko Ri and we gain the altitude of almost 500 meters from yesterday overnight venue. We will explore the traditional Yak cheese factory on Kyanjing Gompa.

Today is rest day at Kyanjing Gompa for acclimatization. And we will ascend to Tserko Ri and enjoy the scenic beauty from the top of the hill then descend to Kyanjing for overnight stay.

After breakfast, the trek from Kyanjing Gompa on the downhill trail to reach Lama Hotel as from today onwards we will gradually descend to reach the next destination for the overnight. During the 7-8 hours trek, we cross 20.6 kilometers distance where we descend almost 1300 meters we will pass through forests and culturally adorned villages enjoying the different views of the snowy peaks.

After breakfast, we leave Lama Hotel retracing the trail on 4-5 hours trek on the descending trail as we descend 1100 meters from previous overnight destination and we pass beautiful village Sherpagaon, Kyanjim to reach the Syabrubesi to indicate the end of the trek. We cover 10.9 kilometers distance on the trek.

After breakfast, return drive to Kathmandu taking almost 9 hours.

We will drive you to airport according to your scheduled flight.

What's Included

Airport pick-up & drop-off transportation by private vehicle

Twin/Double sharing accommodation at Kathmandu in 2-3 star hotel with breakfast & all taxes

Kathmandu / Syabrubesi / Kathmandu by private vehicle

Accommodation in trekking lodges during the trek

Meals – Breakfast with 2 cups of tea/ coffee, and lunch, dinner – during the trek

Sleeping bag

Trekking map for group

National Park entrance fee

A First Aid and Eco trained and government licensed English speaking guide

One porter between each two members

Accommodation, meals, salary, equipment, transportation and insurance for the trekking staff

All government taxes.

What's Not Included

International airfare

Nepal Visa fee (US$ 50 per person for 30 days)

Lunch/Dinner in Kathmandu

Medical evacuation in case of emergency

Personal gears & clothing

Tips for Nepali staffs

Soft/hard drinks

Drinking Water, electricity bill, hot shower during trek

Any expenses of personal nature

Expenses incurred due to mishaps, landslide, strikes, political unrest etc. In such case extra will be charged as per actual

Medical & Travel insurance

Anything not specified in the Cost Include section

Base Layers: Moisture-wicking long-sleeve shirts and thermal pants.

Insulating Layer: Fleece jacket or down jacket.

Outer Layer: Waterproof and windproof jacket and pants.

Trekking Pants: Lightweight, quick-drying trekking pants.

Trekking Shorts: For lower altitudes.

T-Shirts: Quick-drying, moisture-wicking.

Underwear: Moisture-wicking and comfortable.

Sleepwear: Thermal top and bottom.

Trekking Boots: Sturdy, waterproof, and broken-in.

Trekking Socks: Wool or synthetic, several pairs.

Camp Shoes: Lightweight shoes or sandals for evenings.

Gaiters: To keep out debris and snow.

Hat: Wide-brimmed for sun protection.

Beanie: Warm hat for cold weather.

Buff/Neck Gaiter: For warmth and dust protection.

Sunglasses: UV protection.

Inner Gloves: Lightweight, moisture-wicking.

Outer Gloves: Insulated, waterproof.


Trekking Poles: Adjustable and sturdy.

Backpack: 40-50 liters with a rain cover.

Daypack: 20-30 liters for day hikes.

Sleeping Bag: Rated for -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F).

Sleeping Bag Liner: Adds warmth and keeps the sleeping bag clean.

Duffel Bag: For gear transport by porters (if using porters).

Water Bottles: Two 1-liter bottles or a hydration system.

Water Purification: Tablets or filter.

Personal Items

Trekking Permits: TIMS card and Langtang National Park Permit.

Passport: With several passport-sized photos.

Cash: For teahouses and emergencies (local currency).

First Aid Kit: Including blister care, medications, and altitude sickness prevention.

Toiletries: Biodegradable soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

Towel: Quick-drying.

Sunscreen: High SPF.

Lip Balm: With SPF.

Hand Sanitizer: Alcohol-based.

Wet Wipes: For quick cleaning.


Headlamp: With extra batteries.

Camera: With extra batteries and memory cards.

Phone and Charger: With power bank.

Travel Adapter: For charging electronics.


Snacks: Energy bars, nuts, dried fruits.

Maps and Guidebooks: For navigation and reference.

Notebook and Pen: For journaling.

Plastic Bags: For keeping things dry and organized.

Repair Kit: Needle and thread, duct tape, etc.

Optional Items

Microspikes/Crampons: For potential icy conditions.

Solar Charger: For charging electronics.

Book/E-Reader: For leisure.

Binoculars: For bird watching and enjoying distant views.

  • Region Langtang
  • Activity Trekking
  • Duration 10 Days
  • Best Time August- September- October- November-
  • Max. Altitude 3430
  • Group Size 2
  • Transportation Private Bus / Private Car / Local Bus

trek au langtang

Mrs Pamfa Dhamala

 My company has been helping people plan and experience the  Himalayan treks and tours of their dreams for over 25 years.  Please Let me assist you with your inquiry.

Tour Extensions

trek au langtang

Langtang Valley to Kyanjin Gompa Trek

trek au langtang

Annapurna Base Camp - 7 Days - 499 USD

  • CASSEY Annapurna Base Camp Trek Had a great trek with Bishnu and Lomash. Would definitely recommend the Annapurna basecamp Trek with Langtang Ri. They were very accommodating with our needs and everything went smoothly.
  • IVAN VLADYKA Czech Republic It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Enquiry For 10 Days Langtang Valley Trek

Trip details, customer details, emergency details, insurance details, other details, similar trips.

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Upper Dolpo Trek-25 Days

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Langtang Gosainkunda Lake Trek - 699 USD

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Saribung Peak

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North Annapurna Base Camp Trek

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Tridevi Marg, Nurshing Chowk Thamel, Kathmandu

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Langtang Valley Trek: Everything You Need To Know

Jackson Groves

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories NEPAL , HIKING

Langtang Valley Trek: Everything You Need To Know

The Langtang Valley Trek is a unique expedition in the Himalayas of Nepal. While shorter than many other popular treks in Nepal, the adventurous expeditions and day-hikes throughout this route make it one of my favorites. After three days of trekking, you will reach Kyanjin Gompa. From this small mountain town, there are several incredible day-hikes with fantastic views.

The short 3-day trek into Kyanjin Gompa makes this trek shorter, cheaper but arguably more beautiful than other treks such as Manaslu Circuit, Everest Base Camp Trek, or the Annapurna Circuit. I did this trek with the trekking company Himalayan Masters who I’ve trekked with

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In this blog post, I will cover everything you need to know about the logistics of the Langtang Valley Trek. I’ll also share with you my experience on each day of the trek in the form of a short journal entry and my photos from that day. This will give you an idea of what to expect and a great insight into the scenery you will find on each day of the trek. I’ve already created a lengthy guide for the nearby viewpoints such as Tserko Ri, Kyanjin Ri, or the climb of Yala Peak .

Before sharing my experience in the second section of this blog post, I will detail all of the information you have to know in this complete guide about the Langtang Valley Trek and climbing Yala Peak.


a person standing on top of a mountain

Interested in trekking in Nepal or doing the Everest Base Camp Trek? I recommend booking your trek with Himalayan Masters , which is the company I use for all of my treks in Nepal. Use my code  JACKSON5  when you book to receive a 5% DISCOUNT .

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In this guide, you will find all of the valuable information you need to plan your trek as well as my personal experience on the entire trek including the Kyanjin Ri Viewpoint, Tserko Ri Viewpoint, and Yala Peak climb.


  • Distance : 77km or 48 miles
  • Days required : 9 days including 2 days of transit to and from Kathmandu (7 days trekking)
  • Total Incline : 4000 meters
  • Total Decline : 4000 meters
  • The highest point on the trek : From Kyanjin Gompa you can reach Kyanjin Ri (4,773m) or Tserko Ri viewpoint (5,033m). Additionally, you can climb Yala Peak from Kyanjin Gompa, which has an altitude of 5,500m.
  • Difficulty : The Langtang Valley Trek is much shorter than Everest Base Camp or the Annapurna Circuit although relativley similair. You will reach an altitude of 5000m, which will challenge many. Altitude sickness can be common. The route ascends quite quickly with several days having more than 1000m of altitude gain. These days of ascent are tiring and also require the body to adjust quickly. It is a good beginner trek in Nepal but not one to be taken lightly.
  • Permits : You will need a TIMS card and Park Entrance Permit, both can be purchased when entering the park.
  • Guide: A guide is not required on this trek. However, the guide manages all of the logistics, distances, directions, and tea houses for your group. I used to navigate from tea-house to tea-house and found the paths easy to follow. If it’s your first time trekking in Nepal, I would suggest having a guide.
  • Accommodation: Guest Houses, also known as Tea Houses, are available along the way where you will sleep in a comfortable bed and have access to showers (extra charge) and restaurant facilities. It was very comfortable accommodation and great after a long day of hiking. Most of the villages were Tibetan, which gave us a great insight into their unique culture.

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a person standing on top of a mountain

Manaslu Circuit : My personal favorite 2-week trek through Tibetan villages and stunning scenery. Less crowded and more authentic.

Annapurna Circuit : The most beautiful & scenic 2-week trek in Nepal although can be crowded at times.

Everest Base Camp Trek : The most iconic 2-week route reaching the famous (EBC) Everest Base Camp at 5,300m.


  • This circuit is way less crowded than Everest Base Camp Trek or the Annapurna Circuit. It is growing in popularity but it’s still a great time to trek this circuit before it hits the mainstream.
  • There are teahouses in each village along the way so each night you get a great sleep in a bed with blankets, have access to showers, eat great meals in a restaurant, and can charge your electronics and cameras.
  • The trailhead can be reached by car so there is no need to pay for expensive domestic flights.
  • I think it is important to base in Kyanjin Gompa for atleast three nights so you can hike up to Kyanjin Ri and Tserko Ri, which are the highlight of the trip.

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The Langtang Valley Trek doesn’t require a guide but it’s great to have a guide managing the logistics such as directions, tea-houses, distances, medical issues, and the overall organization. I’d say 80% of trekkers go with a guide. I did the trek with Himalayan Masters which is one of the top trekking companies when it comes to the Langtang Valley Trek.

The trek costs around $800 USD with Himalayan Masters as of 2022 and includes all transfers, accommodation, meals, drinks, permits, and even the hotel stay before and after the trek at a high-quality hotel. I honestly had a great time on this trek and I can wholeheartedly recommend Himalayan Masters.

You can use my discount code ‘ JACKSON5 ‘ for 5% off the total price of your trek with Himalayan Masters which is a pretty handy saving.

Email: [email protected]

trek au langtang


I packed pretty light and managed to wash most of my clothes each afternoon/night for the first half of the trip. In the latter stages of the trip, it was pretty cold so we weren’t sweating as much and we wore our warm gear basically nonstop while at the teahouses. There was no real need for multiple outfits.

This is just a guide and it worked quite well for me with no complaints from my set-up. You won’t need a sleeping bag as there are blankets in each guesthouse and when it got cold I just wore my down jacket to bed. This meant I didn’t have to carry a sleeping bag for the entire trek.

  • 1 pair of pants that maybe convert to shorts
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 Warm or thicker pair of hiking pants
  • 1 Long sleeve quick-dry shirt
  • 1 Long-sleeve thermal shirt
  • 2 Short-sleeve t-shirts
  • 1 Thermal long underwear
  • 4 pairs of quick-dry underwear
  • 1 Lightweight down jacket
  • 1 Heavy-duty summit down jacket
  • 1 Neck Buff
  • Hiking boots
  • 1 pair of warm summit socks
  • 2-3 pairs of regular socks
  • Trekking poles
  • Water filter

All of this should fit into a backpack no bigger than 50L and should be less than 14kg.

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  • Wifi: Costs anywhere from $free to $4 to use wifi at the guesthouses. Buy an NTC Sim before you go. It worked in most spots after Lama Hotel with a weak signal but we were able to send emails, watch Youtube, and message friends from Langtang and Kyanjin Gompa.
  • Electricity:  You will have to pay anywhere from $free at low elevation to $5 to charge your power banks, cameras, and phones. The key is to get a big power bank. Pay to charge it then charge everything from your power bank. My power bank lets me charge my phone and four camera batteries before it dies. Most of the places we stayed let us charge our gear for free but when it is busy they usually charge a fee as many teahouses run off gas or solar.

trek au langtang


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  • Ultimate Luxury: The Dwarika’s Hotel – Luxury, Spa-service, Pool
  • Best Value : Aloft Kathmandu Thamel – Swimming Pool, Gym & Great Restuarant
  • Budget Choice: Hotel Jampa is easily the top cheap hotel in Kathmandu


This is one of the shorter treks in Nepal and has a straightforward itinerary.

  • Day 1 : Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1550m) 7 hours
  • Day 2: Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2,380m) 6 hours
  • Day 3 : Lama Hotel to Mundu via Langtang Village (3,430) 6 hours
  • Day 4: Mundu to Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m) 3 hours
  • Day 5 : Kyanjin Gompa to Tserko Ri to Kyanjin Gompa (5000m) 7 hours
  • Day 6: Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel (2,380m) 6 hours
  • Day 7: Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi (1550m) 6 hours
  • Day 8: Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu 7 hours

trek au langtang



I use the Grayl Ultralight Water Purifier and it is a game-changer for hiking in Nepal, making this super easy and cheap. The Grayl Ultralight Water Purifier removes 99.9999% of viruses of disease-causing bacteria. The best thing about it is it only takes 15 seconds and one press to purify water from any fresh water source. You don’t need to buy bottled water at every tea-house contributing to large amounts of plastic waste and costing you $4+ per day.

Along the Langtang Valley Trek, we filled up at tea-houses, rivers, and local village taps. Unlike aqua purification tablets which require you to wait 30 minutes before drinking, you can have rehydrated yourself immediately with the Grayl Ultralight Water Purifier .

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GrayL Water Purifier

  • Never pay for water on the trek
  • Save 3-4 plastic water bottles a day
  • Turns any water into drinking water


Nepal can be a dangerous place for trekking or hiking because the high altitude can lead to many illnesses, weakness in trekkers, and misjudgments. There is also a risk on trails for falls, avalanches, or other mishaps. Your regular travel insurance probably won’t cover you at high altitude and won’t cover a helicopter evacuation. There is a solution though .

Need extra protection?

a man hiking up a snowy mountain with skis and poles

Regular travel insurance is great but won’t cover you for high altitude hikes or for helicopter evacuation. Each year, I purchase a Global Rescue Subscription .

For less than $500 per year or $100 per expedition, you can purchase a Global Rescue subscription and be covered no matter how extreme the hike or how high the climb is.


The peak season for the Langtang Valley Trek is March to April and October to November. The time to avoid this trek is during the rainy season from June to August .

During the winter from December to February, this region gets very cold and there will be snow cover in the higher parts of the trek. Many of the guesthouses actually close up for the winter and re-open in late February to March. However, it is possible to hike the Langtang Valley Trek on the fringe of the season in late February/early March and it can be quite beautiful with snow cover.

I hiked the Langtang Valley Trek in early March and it was warm during the day and got pretty cold at night. We experienced some heavy snow on Tserko Ri and Yala Peak but the trekking routes were clear.

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There are two main ways to reach Syabrubesi, which is the small town at the starting point of the trek. Despite the distance from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi only being 125km, the journey takes a long time due to the traffic and quality of the road.

Jeep: We went by private Jeep organized by our tour company Himalayan Masters. It costs about $180 to hire the vehicle out for the drive so can be split between your group. It’s not cheap but much less brutal than the lengthy bus journey.

Public Bus: The bus costs about $10 USD and can take anywhere from 7-10 hours depending on the traffic and if there are any roadworks or landslides recently. The bus leaves every day from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi at 6 am and 8 am as well as other defined times. The bus station in Kathmandu is called ‘ New Bus Station’ .

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Throughout this section of this guide, I will share my experience with each part of this trek. I found the Langtang Valley Trek quite unique as the trek in was actually not too exciting. However, it became an incredible experience once we reached Kyanjin Gompa and did the two hikes Tserko Ri and Kyanjin Ri as well as the Yala Peak climb.

So, unlike other treks where the trekking along the route is the highlight, I found that the time when we were based at Kyanjin Gompa was the highlight and found the trek into Kyanjin Gompa relatively mild.


Syabrubesi seems somewhat of a trekking town even though it is connected by road to the greater civilization. The main street is lined with guesthouses and some of the menus display prices that would see you are already in a remote mountain village.

I would recommend Hotel Lhasa for good Momo and friendly Tibetan owners. This is the last place you will have a reliable internet connection, a moderately warm shower, and a chance to buy any last-minute essentials.

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The journey from Syabrubesi to Kyanjin Gompa typically takes most trekkers three days. There are many different options for guesthouses along the way but most seem to follow a distinct route.

Lama Hotel (name of the town not the hotel) is the most common stop for the first night. The trek from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel is quite intense and involves about 15 kilometers in distance. However, it is the 1200m of vertical gain and sun exposure that will knock you about.

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The trail begins alongside the river and has a lot of exposed sunny sections. The elevation isn’t high yet at just over 2300m so it can be very hot. Undulating alongside the river, the trail delves into the forest and careens up endless flights of rocky stairs. You can expect a few glimpses of snow-covered peaks but today is mostly about the river, forests, and a few bridge crossings as the highlights.

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Upon reaching Lama Hotel, we were a little confused. There were six or seven hotels, all with Lama Hotel in their signage. Friendly Guest House Lama Hotel, Origin Lama Hotel, Sunrise Guest House Lama Hotel. It turns out this small village is just a collection of hotels and the location is known as Lama Hotel.

We ended up staying at the Friendly Guest House, run by a Tibetan family who was indeed friendly. Here we had a warm bucket shower, no signal, no electricity, great Tibetan food, a warm heater in the dining room, and comfortable beds with blankets. All you can ask for in the mountains really.

On our second day of trekking, we headed from Lama Hotel all the way to Langtang. You could stop earlier at smaller towns, but Langtang was recommended to us. The trail really opens up in the second half of the day as you break out of the forest and trek along the slopes of the valley towards Langtang.

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Snow-capped peaks begin to appear throughout the day. However, just after winter, the landscape is burnt orange. In the spring, you could expect lush green grass and wildflowers to create a much more vibrant setting. Personally, I prefer the trekking during the winter time when there are more snow-capped peaks.

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The journey from Lama Hotel to Langtang Village was about nine kilometers with almost 800 meters of incline. It was much softer than the first day but you are now reaching a higher elevation and may start to feel the oxygen thinning. In Langtang, I stayed at Chomo Valais and it had a hot shower and comfortable beds. It was similar to most tea-houses in the region and had a nice dining room with glass windows to enjoy the view.

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The final day of trekking from Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa is short and sweet. With just 6.5 kilometers and a few hundred meters of incline, it is by far the shortest day of the trek. Many people actually find it so short, they had up to Kyanjin Ri viewpoint on the same day as reaching Kyanjin Gompa.

On the way to Kyanjin Gompa, spectacular views of Tserko Ri and 7000m snow-capped peaks come into view. Following the river, you will pass by the stupa and monastery on your way into the town. Kyanjin Gompa is quite unique as the town is hidden from both sides until you basically reach the entrance due to the ridges and its hiding spot in the small valley.

I kept wondering when it would appear as the map said the entire town was just 150 yards away. I still couldn’t see any buildings, and then finally, we climbed the final hill and Kyanjin Gompa was revealed.

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What are my favorite pieces of trekking gear?

There are six pieces of gear that I simply never forget when I go trekking. These are five items that I using right now and this list gets updated every year! Here are my trekking essentials.

  • Arcteryx BETA AR Rain Jacket : This is my go-to rain jacket. It’s super light, folds down into a tiny ball, and protects brilliantly in a storm. This one never leaves my backpack.
  • Salomon X Ultra 3 Mid GTX Hiking Boots : For the best ankle support, waterproofing, and durable exterior I’m a fan of tough but light hiking boots like these Salomons for my adventures.
  • Black Diamond Head Torch : I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve arrived back from a hike unexpectedly late. I always keep this lightweight but strong headtorch in my bag for the unexpected.
  • Darn Tough Socks : These are the most comfortable hiking socks I’ve ever worn and last for years. They also have a lifetime warranty and you just send them in with a hole and they replace it no questions asked.
  • Osprey Atmos AG 65L Backpack : I’ve never had a more comfortable 65L pack than this one. I got it in the Navy Blue and have trekked with it through many a mountain.
  • Bl ack Diamond Trekking Poles : They might feel weird at first, but on a long trek with incline and decline you’ll begin to love these.
  • Grayl GeoPress Water Filter Bottle : I’ve used this for three years. It filters your water with one press and you can drink directly from it. Never buy a plastic water bottle again!

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Kyanjin Gompa is the end of the trek for most people. It’s a beautiful town with an incredible backdrop of snow peaks in all directions. The biggest mistake you can make on the Langtang Valley Trek is to stay one night and turn around and hike back down.

The absolute highlight of this trek is to base in Kyanjin Gompa for a few nights and spend one day hiking up Kyanjin Ri and one day hiking up Tserko Ri. We also spent another day climbing Yala Peak but that requires certain gear and experience.

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I ended up staying six nights in Kyanjin Gompa. My itinerary was the following:

  • Yala Peak Base Camp
  • Yala Peak/Sleep at Kyanjin Gompa

Understandably that is a lot of time but we were also trying to acclimatize for Yala Peak so we added in the rest days. The trek in to Kyanjin Gompa was good but not amazing. I really found that the time spent in Kyanjin Gompa was what made this trek is so great not the actual trek in itself. This is different from many other treks such as Everest Base Camp or the Annapurna Circuit where each day of trekking is the highlight rather than a specific destination or a specific town.

I stayed at Mountain View Hotel while in Kyanjin Gompa. It’s one of the smaller, older guest houses and I really enjoyed it here. Unlike many of the new multi-story hotels in the village, this hotel just had two floors and a cozy dining room.

Mipsang, the owner, is one of the kindest and most caring guys we’ve met in Nepal. Say hello to him for us if you end up staying there.

At Mountain View Hotel we had had water showers, internet connection from our sim card, great food, comfortable beds and blankets, and electrical outlets available in the room.

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From Kyanjin Gompa there are two awesome day-hikes. The smaller and most popular hike is Kyanjin Ri. This viewpoint towers over Kyanjin Gompa and has more than 700m of vertical gain in just a few kilometers. While short in distance, don’t underestimate this hike as it is incredibly steep and reaches heights of 4,700 meters.

The trail begins directly out of the town up the nearest ridge. A series of switchbacks leads you up to Lower Kyanjin Ri, which is the first viewpoint on the route. Covered in prayer flags, this viewpoint you will have you peering down over the entire town with jaw-dropping views across the valley.

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Continuing on, the ridge-line track continues higher and higher. We trekked just after winter and there was still considerable snow coverage for this trekking peak. Reaching Kyanjin Ri, we were walking across the snow at 4700m on a ridge overlooking the Langtang Lirung Glacier and the Langtang Lirung Peak (7,227m). To the right of Langtang Lirung you can find Changbu (6251m) and Yubra (6264m).

You can also spot Yala Peak (5,500m), which is the peak we ended up climbing on our trip to Kyanjin Gompa. And finally, across to the nearest peak, you can see Tserko Ri (5,000m), which will be your final objective on this trek.

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I suggest starting this hike just after sunrise as you won’t be too cold but you will also reach the summit before the afternoon clouds roll in. Take a packed lunch of Tibetan bread and an omelet from your tea house to eat at the summit and you are all set.

If you are interested in this expedition, I’ve written an entire guide about our Kyanjin Ri Hike.

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trek au langtang


Tserko Ri (5,700m) is the finale for the Langtang Valley Trek. At 5,000m of elevation, this is a true test for trekkers against the elements and the altitude. It’s an optional day-hike, but one I highly suggest. Tserko Ri isn’t as hard as it sounds and is similar in many ways to its smaller brother, Kyanjin Ri.

The trek is about 8 kilometers in total with almost 1500m of incline throughout the day. It will definitely be a tough test and took us about seven hours to complete at a slow pace with lots of photos.

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The trek takes you up a ridge all the way to the summit with very little danger to be found along the relatively wide and safe path. We visited just after winter and only encountered snow right at the last portion of the hike. Unfortunately, it was very soft and made it slow-going and difficult.

We managed to reach the summit and were the fourth and fifth people to touch the top for the season. Later in the season with less snow, this is a basic trekking peak and the only major consideration is the incline and the altitude.

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The summit of Tserko Ri is quite unique. A festival years ago at the summit involved carrying many large wooden poles to the top from which prayer flags were hung. There are so many poles and flags the summit has begun to look like a sailing ship. Nowhere in the Himalayas have I seen this many prayer flags at a summit, which made for a colorful, vibrant setting atop the peak.

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The views from Tserko Ri are simply phenomenal. With panoramic views, you can expect to see Yala Peak, Langtang Ri, Langtang Lirung, Naya Khang and many more.

As with Kyanjin Ri, it is best to be up at the summit before midday to avoid the afternoon clouds rolling in. I advise starting this hike no later than 7 am for the best possible conditions and views at the summit.

If you are interested in this expedition, I’ve written an entire guide about our Tserko Ri Hike.

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Yala Peak is a non-technical peak near Tserko Ri, which could be a great trekking peak for those on the hunt for a challenge.

We climbed Yala Peak with a guide over a two-day period. The climb included a trek to Yala Kharka (4750), which is the base camp. The summit push followed the next morning to Yala Peak (5,500m) through some heavy snow. With views into Tibet and specifically of Shishapangma, it was an incredible experience.

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Yala Peak is not commonly part of the Langtang Valley Trek and involves prior preparation. We had to carry in our 6000m boots, extra warm gear, and climbing gear and arranged our climb in advance. While a guide can be arranged in Kyanjin Gompa, there is no gear rental shop so you may need to decide if Yala Peak is on your agenda before you begin the trek.

If you are interested in this expedition, I’ve written an entire guide about our Yala Peak Climb.

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The trek back to Syabrubesi from Kyanjin Gompa takes most trekkers just two days. With only descent on the cards, it is much quicker than the trek upwards. On our first day of trekking, we made it all the way down to Lama Hotel with a 19km hike. On the second day, we had a 12km hike back to Syabrubesi.

It’s only 31km in total and there were some trekkers doing it all in one day. However, with more than 3000m of decline, I suggest taking at least two days for the descent as it can be quite tiring on the knees and ankles to endure so many steps and uneven surfaces.

After ten days out in the Langtang region, we wrapped up our trip with a celebratory beer at the Lhasa Hotel alongside a platter of Momo. It was one of our favorite treks and the expeditions from Kyanjin Gompa were wildly adventurous and incredible memories.

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I hope you enjoyed this guide to the Langtang Valley Trek in Nepal and have a great experience yourself!


I’ve been lucky enough to have many awesome adventures in Nepal, which you can check out below where I’ve listed some of my favorite blog poss from Nepal.

  • The Most Iconic route: Everest Base Camp Trek
  • The Most Scenic Route: Annapurna Circuit Trek
  • My Favorite Trek in Nepal: Manaslu Circuit Trek
  • An Easy Nepal Trek: Langtang Valley Trek
  • A great beginner peak: Island Peak Climb (6,165m)
  • My Favorite Climb in Nepal: Climbing Ama Dablam (6,812m)
  • My first 8000er: Climbing Manaslu (8,163m)
  • My toughest climb in Nepal: Climbing Makalu (8,463m)
  • Where to stay: 16 Best Places to Stay in Kathmandu

a group of people sitting on top of a snow covered mountain

Saturday 13th of May 2023

This blog has me already planning this in my head. I love hiking and being from Australia, I didn't get much of this sort of thing there, nor, here in Thailand, but I feel like I'd be mad not to get on board with this whilst I'm living in this part of the world.

Hey guy below "Jay" I was living in Brisbane, and there are plenty of good training spots for a hike like this in QLD. Maybe not the snow, but if you want to spend a night on one of the local peaks in the middle of Winter, it'll get you ready, both physically and mentally. If you want a challenge and want to test yourself locally first, try hiking through Mount Kosciuszko area, you can go through the back way on a multiday hike and it's both physically and mentally challenging, and it feels so remote, it takes very little time in those sorts of mountains to feel very alone and vulnerable. But totally worth it!!

Thanks for the article! Brilliant.

Tuesday 2nd of May 2023

Hello Jackson! What an incredible article with so many beautiful photos! I would have loved to have done the Langtang Valley trek with my mother when she was alive - she was the adventurous one, having climbed all of the Scottish Munros, summer and winter, including abseiling down the top of the InPin (I know, not a patch on Nepal!). Sadly, I lost her a couple of years ago, but even at 84 and dying of cancer, she still took us half way up Cairngorm! Maybe I'll manage it one day! Meantine, keep on trekking and stay safe!

Saturday 22nd of April 2023

Hi Jackson! Thank you for this very informative page. I'm hoping to hike this trek in November of this year. Absolute novice, barely done any hikes. I do keep fit with regular exercise though, and will train for this trek soon. I'm based in Queensland, Australia. I do have a fear of heights though, I was wondering what your thoughts were about the trek with this issue. Are there many suspension bridges and are they pretty high up? Would the trek otherwise be all right from that point of view? Thank you for your help. And I know it almost sounds ridiculous wanting to trek with a fear of heights but its something I've always wanted to do. Thank you for your time!

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Langtang Trek | What You Need to Know to Hike Langtang Valley

Home / Plan Your Adventure / Langtang Trek | What You Need to Know to Hike Langtang Valley

Nepal’s Langtang Valley trek is one of our favourite forgotten jewels of the trekking world. With jaw-dropping mountain peaks, bright rhododendron, tiny villages, Buddhist monasteries, and welcoming locals, the Langtang is sure to solidify your love for Nepal. The earthquake that rocked the country in 2015 devastated the Langtang valley. But the area has now reopened to trekkers and choosing to trek here is an excellent way to help Langtang’s resilient earthquake survivors rebuild their livelihoods.

Hiker on the Langtang Trek in Nepal

When is the best time to hike the Langtang Valley Trek?

The best time to trek the Langtang is September to December or March to May .  Clear skies and perfect hiking temperatures create the ideal conditions for trekkers.

How much time does it take to hike Langtang Valley?

The hike is typically completed in 6-10 days , but there are plenty of ways to extend the route if you have more time.

Mountains on the Langtang Trek

How difficult is the Langtang Valley Trek?

The Langtang Valley Trek is a moderate trek by Nepalese trekking standards. It gains significant elevation, but the elevation is easily spaced out over multiple days on the trail.   Like all treks in Nepal, the Langtang Valley is high elevation and proper acclimatization should be factored in. That said, the highest village lies at 3850m, which is well below the high points reached on either the Annapurna Circuit (5416 m) or Everest Base Camp (5545m) treks. 

 Additionally, Nepal’s teahouse trekking drastically reduces your  packing list  making the elevation and mileage much more manageable than North American trips like the Rockwall trail or Rae Lakes. Not to mention, the potential of having a hot apple pie at the end of a long day! 🙂 

How long is the Langtang Valley Trek?

The one-way trip from Syabru Bensi to Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley Trek is  ~ 29 KM . Over this distance, the Langtang Valley Trek gains ~3000 meters of elevation and loses ~600 meters of elevation. 

A round-trip (out and back)    hike from  Syabru Bensi to Kyanjin Gompa  and back to Syabru Bensi is ~ 58 KM with about 3600 meters of elevation gain and 3600 meters of loss.  

trek au langtang

What permits are required for the Langtang Valley Trek?

To hike the Langtang you’ll require:

  • TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management Systems) card for 2000 RPS (pick this up in Kathmandu); and
  • Entrance ticket to Langtang National Park  (approximately 3390 RPS).

Do you need a guide or porter?

You do not need to hire a guide or porter to trek the Langtang. The trail is easy to follow and navigation is not challenging. Make sure to download a high quality offline GPS app (we like GAIA) to assist with navigation and route finding. 

That said, some people do enjoy to hire a guide for their knowledge and expertise. If you’re looking for a guide seek out a personal recommendation  and never just hire someone you meet on the street.  

Langtang Guide

Where do you stay and what do you eat on the Langtang Trek?

The incredible thing about trekking in Nepal is that the teahouses in the villages along the way offer basic accommodation and food (namely, a lot of dal bhat!),  This means you can minimize your pack weight as there is no need to carry a tent or food provisions along with you.

Why go on the Langtang Valley Trek vs. Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp?

Most travellers visiting Nepal gravitate towards the Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp treks. Langtang has always offered a quieter option with fewer tourists and less infrastructure (there’s certainly no road like the Annapurna Circuit now has). Sadly, Langtang has made its way further off the map after the 2015 earthquake that destroyed lives, homes, and trails. In the three years since the quake, homes have been rebuilt and trails reforged, but the number of trekkers has hardly increased. Trekking here provides an invaluable opportunity to bring income back into a region that is struggling to rebuild. Besides being a quieter trek where your visit can make an important difference for the income of local communities, Langtang is easy to access from Kathmandu. It’s also a lower elevation trek (the highest village is at 3850m), which mitigates the risk of altitude sickness. There are a number of great, basic teahouse options, so you can easily trek this route without a tent.

trek au langtang

Whatever you do, DON'T FORGET THIS

In remote areas travel insurance that covers emergency evacuation or medivac is absolutely essential. My former roomate was medivaced to Bangkok from Cambodia after a medical emergency and her travel insurance ended up paying out a six figure sum for the medical bills.

Hopefully, you never need to make a claim, but if you do you’ll be beyond happy you were prepared!   Don’t start your trip without it!  Check out  World Nomads  for a quote* .  

trek au langtang

Itinerary for hiking the Langtang Trek

Day 1: travel from kathmandu to syabru bensi.

Catch the bus in Kathmandu in the morning (approximately 550 RPS) to travel the 122 km north to the kicking off point for Langtang – the town of Syabru Bensi. Be forewarned that this bus ride is really quite terrifying, but that’s part of the adventure! It can take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours to reach Syabru Bensi by bus. Do be prepared to show your TIMS card and permit along the way. Once you arrive in Syabru Bensi, find a teahouse for the night and tuck into bed early to prepare for your first day of trekking.

trek au langtang

Day 2: Syabru Bensi to Lama Hotel

10.5 km | 1400 m elevation gain 400 m loss.

The first day of the Langtang valley trek takes about 6 hours, depending on your pace. The trail crosses the Bhote Kosi River and weaves through oak and rhododendron forests (watch out for animals suddenly coming around the corners!). Beautiful Lama Hotel is a great place to stop for your first night with several good teahouse options.

trek au langtang

Day 3: Lama Hotel to (New) Langtang Village

11.5 km | 1200 m elevation gain 200 m loss.

Day 3 takes just over 6 hours and ends 100 metres past the tragic site of old Langtang Village. This is where the devastation of the earthquake was felt the most strongly in the valley. Only a single house survived the landslide caused by the quake in 2015. 175 villagers and 41 foreign trekkers were killed in the village during this tragedy. These names are commemorated on a memorial mani wall where the village once was. Just a short walk up the valley, Langtang Village is being rebuilt. Staying here is an important way to support the earthquake survivors as they rebuild their lives after losing so much.

trek au langtang

Day 4: Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa

6.0 km | 400 m elevation gain.

Day 4 takes you to the highest village you can stay at: Kyanjin Gompa. As you reach the higher altitude here, the valley opens up into yak pastures surrounded by towering mountains. It’s only a 4 hour walk, so be sure to take your time and allow your body to acclimatize. The elevation here can be an issue for some people. Kyanjin Gompa is home to an incredible monastery, a yak cheese factory, and a small village. It’s a beautiful place to stay for a few nights and explore the surrounding peaks if you have the time.

trek au langtang

Day 5-6: Kyanjin Gompa (with a trip to Kyanjin Ri)

Breathe a sigh of relief as you get to leave your big pack behind at the teahouse you stay at.  Spend  a couple days  exploring this incredible area and use Kyanjin Gompa as your basecamp for these day hikes:

Kyanjin Ri – this popular and worthwhile half-day hike to a  height of 4604m offers incredible vistas of the surrounding area climbing 720m in 2.0 Kilometers (one-way).

Tsergo Ri –  This challenging full day hike to the top of Tsergo Ri  gains 1110 meters of elevation over 5.0 Kilometers (one-way).

Continue up the valley to Langshisha Kharka – Continue up the valley for more spectacular views on this long day hike which gains 450 meters of elevation over 12 KM (one-way). 

Glacier Viewpoint – For an easier option a 2.0 km hike gains 200 meters of elevation for a suberb view of the Langtang Lirung (one-way).

trek au langtang

Day 7: Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel

17.5 km | 200 m gain 1600 m elevation loss.

The way down to Lama Hotel should take about 5 hours. Your knees will feel the descent and you’ll be thanking yourself for bringing trekking poles to ease the load! Once you get to Lama Hotel treat yourself to some momos or more dal bhat.

trek au langtang

Day 8: Lama Hotel to Syabru Bensi

10.5 km | 400 m gain 1400 m elevation loss.

The final day should take around 6 hours to descend, getting you back into Syabru Bensi for a needed early bedtime.

trek au langtang

Impact of the Earthquake on Langtang

The 2015 earthquake has had immeasurable repercussions for the communities in the Langtang valley. With a significant amount of infrastructure destroyed and a rapid drop in income with fewer tourists visiting, this area continues to suffer greatly. There are fewer kids in the communities you trek through than there were before the earthquake. This is a result of the local schools destroyed by the earthquake. Families who have the funds to do so, send their children to boarding schools in Kathmandu to get an education. With the only employment opportunities being subsistence agriculture or the now quiet tourism industry in their home villages, a number of these young people won’t return to the area. Those who don’t have the money to send their children to Kathmandu lose out on giving their children an education. With this in mind, trekking to Langtang has never been more important from a sustainable tourism perspective.  For more insight, this beautiful photo story showcases the personal stories of the survivors in Langtang.

trek au langtang

What to pack for the Langtang Valley Trek

Essential langtang packing list.

If all you’re planning on doing is hiking we love the  Gregory Focal  or  Women’s specific Facet  which at ~2.5lbs provide a great compromise between barebones ultralight packs and the heavier feature-laden packs! 

If you’e stopping in Nepal as part of a longer trip, the Khmer Explorer Travel Set will be perfect for you. It’s more functional for travel, but has a hip belt and suspension system which make it extremely practical for hiking trips like the Langtang! 

Sleeping Bag

Patagonia’s sleeping bags  are 5 star!!   It’s unbelievably lightweight and packs down small. The  30°F / -1°C  to be perfect for most outings – if it gets colder you can always layer up! Like all Patagonia products, it’s not cheap, but they stand behind their gear and the quality matches the price point. If you spend a lot of time in colder environments they also make a  20°F / -7°C version .  These bags are a worthwhile splurge!

Nalgene Water Bottle

 Use it for water, soup, as a hot water bottle to warm up your sleeping bag. Don’t leave home without your Nalgene .

Water Purification

For purifying water, I’m a huge fan of the  Steripen . It’s light, portable and only takes minutes to purify a liter of water in a Nalgene. Press the button, place the pen in your bottle, and stir for a couple minutes!  

First Aid Kit

The pre-built kits from   Adventure Medical Kits  have served me well on many adventurers. At the end of your trip write down any items you used and replace them so they’re ready for your next adventure. A dd a few ibuprofen, high-altitude medicine into the kit as well.

Warm Mittens or Gloves

Wind / rain shell.

An essential piece for the wind, rain, and snow you might experience on the Langtang trek. Check out the Patagonia Torrentshell   (or Men’s Version   version).

Mountain weather can change fast and rain pants are an absolute lifesaver.   Patagonia Torrentshell Pants in men’s  or  women’s are great and can be  taken on and off without removing your shoes/boots and allowing you to stay comfortable even if you get caught in a sudden downpour. 

trek au langtang

Puff / Down Jacket

The Patagonia Nano Puff® Hoody   is a perfect multi-functional item for trekking, everyday, and pretty much anything where you might need a bit of warmth. I’m still looking for an activity it doesn’t work for. They also make the Nano Puff in a men’s version .

Bring a sun hoodie for the Langtang. It helps you cut back on the amount of sunscreen you need, makes your virutally burn proof, and prevents having to reapply. It’s probably the best item I’ve added to my hiking wardrobe!  Check out the Outdoor Research Echo Hoodie available in mens  and  womens.

Hiking Shoes or Boots

Make sure they’re broken in first! Check out the La Sportiva Bushidos for a great lightweight shoe ( mens / womens ).

Invaluable if you get stuck walking in the dark or the electricity goes out. The Spot 350 is the way to go with 6 modes including the night vision saving red light! Red light mode takes a minute to get used to, but once you do it’s a total game changer.

Hiking Pants

A couple pairs of great and durable hiking pants are essentials for the Langtang trek.

Merino Base Layer

Stays warm when wet and effectively wicks moisture. Pack a couple of long sleeves and a few short sleeves. One pair of long underwear are great to layer up with!

A pair of Teva’s are great for hanging out at the teahouses and getting out of your hiking shoes.

Hiking Socks

Darn Tough Vermont makes the best hiking socks hands down. They’re guaranteed for life/replaced free of charge and they don’t stink. Really! I typically bring 3 pair. 1 pair for hiking, 1 pair to change into at camp, and a reserve to throw into the rotation as needed. 

Trekking Poles

Poles are great for reducing the strain of long grueling descents and providing extra stability on exposed sections. Both these features you’ll experience on the Howe Sound Crest Trail, so do yourself a favor and get a pair of poles. For a reliable entry level option try these  Black Diamond Poles  or consider upgrading to the  carbon fiber  to save extra weight.

Additional items to pack

  • Map / GPS app (we like GAIA )
  • Toilet paper
  • Small bills/ money
  • Journal/book/deck of cards (good for relaxing in the evenings)

trek au langtang

*Thanks to the wonderful Lisa Smith for giving us updates on the Langtang trek post-earthquake and allowing us to share her beautiful photos that you see featured in this article.

Disclaimer:  Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. If you click one of the links and make a purchase we’ll earn a small commission at no cost to you. Just like the travel backpacks we build, we’re very particular . So any products or services we suggest, we test and use ourselves before making any recommendations or endorsements. 

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Trekking in Nepal, Peak Climbing, Mt Biking and Tours in Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet

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Langtang Valley Trek - 10 Days

Be a part of one of the most rewarding short treks along the Langtang valley and experience the diverse flora, fauna, wildlife and many more.

Langtang Trek Highlights

  • Awaken to breathtaking sunrises illuminating the Langtang Range
  • Soak in panoramic Himalayan vistas atop Tserko Ri .
  • Visit a traditional yak cheese factory in Kyanjin Gompa .
  • Explore the culture and lifestyle of the Tamang people who inhabit Langtang region.
  • Journey further into the valley to explore the mesmerizing Langtang Glacier .
  • Explore the ancient Buddhist monasteries scattered throughout the Langtang Valley.

Langtang Trekking Overview

The Langtang Valley trek stands out as one of Nepal’s most fulfilling short treks, offering an immersive experience amidst breathtaking alpine vistas and the rich tapestry of unique cultures.

While the trek typically requires a minimum of one week to complete, savvy trekkers often opt to extend their journey by a few extra days to allow for acclimatization and to indulge in the myriad side trips and experiences the valley has to offer.

The trek through the pristine wilderness of Langtang National Park adds an enriching dimension to the experience, with opportunities to witness diverse flora and fauna.

While trekking to Langtang Valley, you’ll traverse through beautiful forests, traditional Tamang villages, and alpine meadows, all set against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks. The route is well-marked and provides ample opportunities for both adventure and cultural immersion.

As you navigate the trails, keep a keen eye out for glimpses of the park’s elusive wildlife, including the playful antics of monkeys, the graceful presence of musk deer, the elusive Pika, and the resplendent hues of the national bird of Nepal, the Danphe.

The Langtang Valley trek offers two starting points: Dhunche and Syabru Besi , each providing unique scenic and cultural experiences. Starting from Syabru Besi, the trek leads through lush forests to Lama Hotel. The route then ascends to Ghodetabela, offering breathtaking mountain views and chances to spot wildlife like the red panda.

The trail continues into the valley to Langtang Village , rebuilt since the 2015 earthquake and extends to Kyanjin Gompa , a picturesque village with an ancient monastery, panoramic views, a local cheese factory, and delightful bakeries.

Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a novice, Langtang Valley trekking offers something for everyone. The blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and the sense of adventure makes the Langtang trek in Nepal a must-do for anyone looking to explore the Himalayas.

Short Itinerary

Arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu (1,400 m) and transfer to the hotel. Overnight at a Hotel.

Drive to Syabru Besi (1,503 m) from Kathmandu on a Private Tourist Vehicle – 7 to 9 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Trek to Lama Hotel (2,500 m) from Syabru Besi – 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Trek to Langtang village (3,430 m) from Lama Hotel – 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Trek to Kyanjin Gompa (3,830 m) from Langtang village – 4 to 5 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Acclimatization and Exploration Day at Kyanjin Gompa. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Trek Back to Lama Hotel (2,500 m) from Kyanjin Gompa – 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Trek to Syabru Besi (1,503 m) from Lama Hotel – 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse.

Drive Back to Kathmandu from Syabru Besi on a Private Tourist Vehicle – 7 to 9 hours. Overnight at a Hotel.

Transfer to the International Airport for Your Final Departure.

Our standard itinerary might differ slightly due to unpredictable happenings and events out of our control. Factors such as unfavorable weather, natural calamities, newly implemented government rules, political affairs, trekkers’ health conditions, etc., are possible. Evaluating the situation’s possible solutions allow the trekking to resume as much as possible based on the best alternatives. In these times, we look for your cooperation and flexibility.

It is advised you arrive a day before the trip starts, so you can rest and it also gives you time to buy clothing equipment and gear required for the trek. Also, it is best if you book your international flights with spare days in Nepal before and after your trek in case of any flight delays or cancellations. Moreover, you have options to customize this trip where you can add on a sightseeing tour in Kathmandu, other adventure sports or day trips around the country before or after the trek.

Langtang Valley Trek Departures

Our groups are small with maximum 14 people. We create groups of independent travelers, friends and families which maintains close interpersonal connection, engage more and get into depth of the journey. Choose a date from the calendar to reserve your spot.

Looking for personalized experience? We organize privately guided journey which is mainly designed to fit your taste and interest. Please fill out the form below to get started.

Departure Date

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Price Includes

  • All (international and domestic) airport transfers on a tourist vehicle

Standard twin-sharing accommodation in a three-star hotel in Kathmandu for 2 nights including breakfast

  • All your standard meals during the trek (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) including seasonal fruits

Guesthouse accommodation during the trek in mostly twin-share and occasionally dormitory-style rooms for 7 days

  • Experienced, first-aid trained, government licensed, English-speaking Ace the Himalaya's trekking guide
  • Porters during the trek for carrying luggage (1 porter for every 2 clients)
  • Wages, accommodation, meals, gear, insurance, and medications for all staff
  • Purified drinking water during the trek using Water Filter or water purification tablets.
  • Langtang National Park permits and TIMS permit for trekking

Private Tourist Vehicle transfer between Kathmandu and Syabru Besi

  • 1 Ace the Himalaya’s duffel/kit bag, trekking map, sun hat, Buff (Neck Gaiter) and trip completion certificate
  • A farewell dinner on the last night in Nepal
  • All administrative expenses and government taxes

Price Excludes

  • Meals (lunch and dinner) in Kathmandu
  • International flight fare and airport departure tax
  • Any beverages including bottled and boiled water
  • Travel insurance along with high-altitude emergency evacuation coverage
  • Tips to trekking staff and driver
  • Nepal Entry Visa (Visa can be acquired easily after your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu with a fee of USD 50 for 30 days visa and USD 125 for 90 days visa)
  • Personal Trekking gear and equipment
  • Any expenses other than the Price Include section

Langtang Valley Trek Itinerary

Day 01: arrive at tribhuvan international airport in kathmandu and transfer to the hotel.

Our airport representative will be receiving you at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu and s/he will be displaying an Ace the Himalaya signboard outside the airport terminal. You will then be transferred to your respective hotel in our private tourist vehicle.

Note : If you happen to arrive after 4 pm you would be briefed about the trip by our guide, this will be the pre-trip meeting for you, so please make sure that you ask all the questions. But if you arrive earlier than 4 pm, your pre-trip meeting would be on that very day at our office. During the meeting, we will introduce your trek leader/guide.

For the meeting, please make sure you bring the passport, three copies of passport-size photos and a readable copy of your travel insurance policy. During this meeting, please clear the due balance, if any, and sign the legally binding trip form as well as the non-liability disclaimer.

Day 02: Drive to Syabru Besi from Kathmandu on a Private Tourist Vehicle

In the early morning, we travel from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi, a journey that takes about eight hours by private tourist vehicle.

Driving through scenic foothills and ridgeline vistas to Syabru Besi passing Dhunche, we’ll get a glimpse of Ganesh Himal after driving along the mighty Trishuli River.

The journey is made enjoyable by terraced green hills and lush forests, though some sections of the road may be bumpy and under construction.

Syabru Besi

Day 03: Trek to Lama Hotel from Syabru Besi

Our Langtang trek starts with crossing the Bhote Koshi River and following the Langtang river, gradually ascending through forest paths to Bamboo at 1,960 meters.

From there, we continue with a gentle climb to Rimche , located at 2,400 meters, where we’ll take a lunch break before concluding our day at the welcoming Lama Hotel .

As we hike through the lush forest, we might be lucky enough to spot red pandas, monkeys, and bears in their natural habitat.

Lama Hotel

Day 04: Trek to Langtang village from Lama Hotel

Today, we embark on a steep climb through dense rhododendron forests to reach Gumanechok, then continue ascending to Ghodatabela which means Horse Stable.

It marks the area where the path gradually ascends to a beautiful valley dotted with yaks. The trail winds through lush forests, Tamang villages, and numerous waterfalls, spectacular mountain views that become more impressive as we near Langtang Village.

On this day, we also pass through the area affected by the 2015 earthquake, which swept away parts of the old Langtang Village.

Langtang Village

Day 05: Trek to Kyanjin Gompa from Langtang village

Today’s walk from Langtang Village to Kyanjin Gompa (monastery) is shorter yet crucial, allowing time for acclimatization.

The ascending trail takes us through the small villages of Mundu (3,442 m), past impressive rocks carved with Tibetan script, and alongside large Chortens.

This stunning village lies at the foot of Langtang Lirung , offering opportunities to explore the area and climb several small peaks.

Suspension bridge near Kyanjin Gompa

Day 06: Acclimatization & Exploration Day Kyanjin Gompa

Today is a rest day, perfect for exploring Kyanjin Gompa. Don’t miss the famous cheese factory to sample the freshest locally produced cheese.

You can visit the monastery and hike up the moraine to view the stunning ice faces and glaciers of Langtang Lirung.

Alternatively, you can climb Tserko Ri (4,984 m) for a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of Langtang peaks, including Langtang Lirung (7,227 m), Kyanjin Ri (4,773 m), and Changbu (6,251 m).

Kyanjin Exploration

Day 07: Trek Back to Lama Hotel from Kyanjin Gompa

Leaving the mountains behind us, we will begin our descent making our way to Ghodatabela. Here, we’ll take a break for lunch before continuing our journey.

The trail then takes us on a steep downhill trek, passing through charming villages such as Chhunama, Changdam, and Riverside, before finally arriving at the Lama Hotel.

Lama Hotel

Day 08: Trek to Syabru Besi from Lama Hotel

Today is our final day of hiking as we descend through charming villages and lush, dense forests along the Langtang Khola. We’ll stop for lunch in Bamboo, enjoying the tranquil surroundings.

Afterward, we’ll continue our journey, taking 5 to 6 hours of steady hiking to reach our destination, Syabrubesi, where we’ll stay for the night before driving back to Kathmandu the next day.

Syabru Besi

Day 09: Drive Back to Kathmandu from Syabru Besi on a Private Tourist Vehicle

After breakfast, we drive back to Kathmandu from Saybrubesi following the same road along the Trishuli River.

Upon arriving in Kathmandu, you will be transferred to your hotel. After some rest, you can explore the streets of Thamel. In the evening, you’ll enjoy a farewell dinner with your guide.

Day 10: Transfer to the International Airport for Your Final Flight Departure

The trip concludes – our airport representative will drop you to Kathmandu’s Tribhuwan International Airport for your flight departure from Nepal.

Packing list for Langtang Valley trek

Here is a list of what you might want to pack for Langtang trekking. Please take this as a starting point. You’ll need layers of warmer clothing during the winter. We provide a 75 liter duffel bag for you to use for the trek. It will be given to you during your pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu.

The duffle bag is yours to keep. Also, you can rent sleeping bag and down jacket with us at the additional fee of USD 25 for each once you are in Kathmandu.

  • Four-season (zero degree) sleeping bag (We have rental sleeping bags available for an additional USD 25)
  • Puffy down jacket ( We have rental jackets available for an additional USD 25)
  • Daypack (35-45 liters recommended) with rain cover
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Sun hat or cap (We'll provide you with a free Ace the Himalaya baseball cap.)
  • Knitted hat/Beanie
  • Technical fabric base layer (light for warmer months, heavy for colder months)
  • Technical fabric short (2) and long sleeve (2) shirts
  • Waterproof, windproof shell
  • Fleece jacket or pullover
  • Hiking pants (2)
  • Comfortable pants for inside the teahouses
  • Hiking shorts
  • Wool or technical fabric liner gloves
  • Hard-shell outer gloves (insulated for colder months)
  • Wool or technical fabric warm socks
  • Hiking socks
  • Liner socks (optional such as silk)
  • Trekking/hiking boots (waterproof recommended)
  • Ice Cleats /Micro Spikes (For trekking from November to March, it's recommended to include Ice Cleats/ Micro Spikes to prevent slipping on icy or wet surfaces.)
  • Casual shoes
  • Gaiters (lightweight for dust or heavy for snow in colder months)


Note: The quantity of each article of clothing can be adjusted to suit the preferences of each participant.

  • Technical fabric/quick drying is best for underwear (opportunities to launder during the trip)
  • Sports bras (women)
  • Pajamas or sleeping clothes

First Aid Kits and Medications

Note: Guides carry medications and first aid kits during the trek. However, personal kits and medications are highly recommended.

Other Essentials

  • Extra copies of passport-sized photos
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Toiletry kits
  • Water purification tablets or UV water purifier (if you plan to treat water)
  • Hydration bladder
  • Toilet paper (2 rolls)
  • High protein snacks (such as protein bars or nuts)
  • Waterproof/dry bags for carrying important documents and money
  • Airline tickets (Please leave a copy at our office in Kathmandu. This can be useful if there is a change in the date of the flight.)

Once in Nepal, if you have the time, you can purchase supplies and gear for hiking. Thamel, Kathmandu’s tourist hub, is home to many shops where you can get a variety of reasonably priced trekking equipment.

  • Power bank or extra batteries
  • Cameras and mobile phone
  • Trekking poles
  • Thermos for hot water

Important Information

  • We give you a free duffel bag and baseball cap during your pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu. The duffel bag will be used to pack your trekking supplies.
  • For every two participants, we assign one porter. The duffel bag, which should weigh around 10 kg/22 lbs, will be carried by the porter throughout the walk.
  • To carry your daily necessities like cash, crucial papers, a water bottle or bladder, a camera, toiletries, sunscreen, a notebook, clothing, etc., you must have your own daypack (with a waterproof cover).
  • You can store your luggage (non-trekking items) at the hotel in Kathmandu.
  • Down jacket with a hood is a must for altitudes above 4,000 m to keep warm. You can rent a down jacket for USD 25. Please note that in case of loss or damage, you need to reimburse the cost of USD 200 per item.
  • You can rent a 4-season sleeping bag for USD 25. Please note that in case of loss or damage, you need to reimburse the cost of USD 200 per item.

Note: Some clothing, especially form-fitting, figure-hugging items made of elastic material (like yoga pants), may offend locals. Therefore, if you choose to wear these clothes for comfort, please make sure to wear something over them.

Langtang Valley Trek Map & Elevation

Everest Base Camp Trek

FAQs for Langtang Valley Trek

Why trek with ace the himalaya.

Ace has a reputation for successfully leading treks with knowledgeable leaders and staff taking care of all your travel needs. We are a certified sustainable travel company that also endorses the idea of giving back to the community by participating in various philanthropic activities. Here are 17 reasons why you should choose Ace the Himalaya for your next adventure!

Is Nepal open to travelers following the Covid-19 pandemic?

Indeed, Nepal is entirely open. Travelers are welcome in Nepal without any restrictions. Arriving travelers can obtain a visa on arrival at the Kathmandu airport as well.

What are the conditions to travel to Nepal post Covid-19?

Traveling to Nepal is now hassle-free. You don’t need a vaccination certificate or negative PCR test, but check with your airlines and transit countries for any specific requirements.

We suggest you look at the Nepal immigration site for the most up-to-date information.

What additional documents do I need?

  • Two passport-sized photos (2×2 inch) to give to our office staff
  • A copy of your international flight ticket to give to our office staff
  • A copy of travel insurance to give to our office staff

What should I know about booking my flights to/from Nepal? Do I need to plan extra days in case of delays?

The best course of action is to add a day or two before and after your intended trek days in case of flight delays or cancellations. It also gives you time to buy clothing equipment and gear required before your trip.

Please be aware that Ace the Himalaya is not responsible for any inconveniences or missed international flights resulting from unforeseen events like airport changes, flight delays or cancellations, etc.

Is hiring a guide necessary even if I have trekking experience?

You can hike to Langtang Valley Trek without a guide. A guide is there to assist you in going forward and making alternative plans and arrangements when unanticipated occurrences happen or when things get difficult.

Our hiking leaders are qualified experts. When talking about their trip, our guests frequently remark on how much fun they had and how crucial their guide was to make it successful.

Can the guide speak English?

Our guides are fluent in English. All the guides that we assign speak and understand English. They’ll share with you the fascinating stories, traditions, and folklore of the mountains. The guides will also help you communicate with the locals since many shopkeepers and hosts of teahouses don’t speak English.

Weather and Temperature

What is the best season for langtang trek.

Our Langtang trekking season extends from mid-September to May. From early September the monsoonal rains decrease. The weather is usually stable from September to December, with mild to warm days and cold nights. February, March, April, May, June, October, November, and December are the best time to do this trek.

What is the weather & temperature like in Langtang region?

One of the most unpredictable elements of the mountain is the weather. If you’re not properly prepared for the twists, turns, and volatility of the conditions in this breathtaking region, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable and unpleasant situation. Here are some weather basics to help ensure that you come to the Himalayas as well-equipped and prepared to face anything.

Generally speaking, the nights are much cooler than the daytime hours. Many first-time trekkers are surprised to learn about the incredible range that may occur in a given day. During the day, the thermometer could reach temps as high as 25 degrees C (77 Degrees F), only to dip down as low as -20 degrees C (-4 Degrees F) in less than 24 hours. While there’s no way to know exactly what each day in the mountains will bring, the weather and temperature ranges tend to be somewhat predictable based on the month and season.

Spring – March / April / May / June Spring happens to be one of the best times of the year to visit the Langtang region, although because of this, it can become somewhat crowded. The beautiful clear blue sky can be seen and the many different species of flower are visible.

During springtime, the average temperature is 20 degrees C (68 Degrees F), with a maximum of 25 degrees C (77 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -15 degrees C (5 Degrees F), in the morning and at night for areas above 4000 meters.

Monsoon – July / August Through Mid-September This season is not really recommended to travel as it rains in the lower altitudes, below 3500 meters. In areas above 4000 meters, it rains sometimes and although it is also sometimes dry, very few people travel during this season. There are positive sides of trekking during the monsoon months as the excess rainfall can provide ample chance to see spectacular views of the waterfall and it’s also the best season to avoid the crowds.

During Monsoon, the average temperature is 22 degrees C (71.6 Degrees F), with a maximum of 30 degrees C (86 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -5 degrees C (23 Degrees F), in the morning and at night for areas above 4000 meters.

Autumn – End of September / October / November Similar to springtime, autumn in the Langtang region is also a crowded season, but it’s one of the best times to trek. The beauty of flowers, and the clear blue sky can be seen, affording incredible views from just about every angle.

The average temperature during the fall is 17 degrees C (62.6 Degrees F), with a maximum temp of 20 degrees C (68 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -15 degrees C (5 Degrees F), in the morning and at night, for areas above 4000 meters altitude.

Winter- December/ January/ February Winter start from mid December till mid February. People still like to trek in this month due to fewer crowds. View is still good but foggy so having extra days is highly recommended during this period.

The average temperature during the winter is 10 degrees C (50 Degrees F), with a maximum temp of 17 degrees C (62.6 Degrees F), during sunny days and a minimum of -20 degrees C (-4 Degrees F), in the morning and at night, for areas above 4000 meters altitude.

The above temperature is based on the outside of the guesthouse temperature. No need to worry about the cold temperature as we provide the sleeping bag plus the extra blanket to ensure our clients are warm enough during their time of need.

What is the temperature rating of the sleeping bag that you lend to trekkers?

The temperature rating of the sleeping bags that we rent to trekkers is about -10°C (14°F). Also, our guides can obtain extra blankets if needed at the teahouses.

Arrival and Visas

Is it possible to obtain a visa for nepal upon arrival at the airport.

Yes, you can obtain a Nepal visa upon your arrival at the airport. There are kiosks in the arrival hall that you use to complete the necessary forms.  The cost is USD 30 for a 15-day tourist visa, including numerous entries, or USD 50 and USD 125 for a 30-day or 90-day tourist visa including numerous entries respectively. You should carry cash (USD) with you to pay your visa fees quickly and easily, as digital payments are frequently unavailable.

To save time, we recommend filling out the online visa application form in advance. Applying online 2 weeks before your arrival will expedite the process at the airport. For detailed guidelines, please refer to our blog titled Guidelines for Online Tourist Visa Form in Nepal .

Who will come to pick me up at the airport upon my arrival?

Our staff will be waiting for you outside the airport terminal with our signboard (Ace the Himalaya). You will be accompanied to a hotel in a private tourist vehicle.

Payments and Extra Costs

How much additional money do i need per day.

Typically, USD 15 to 20 per person per day will be sufficient. This is to purchase water, tea/espresso, snacks, and hot showers in the mountains and for lunch or dinner in Kathmandu. Additionally, if you want to buy souvenirs or native Nepali goods, you can bring extra cash with you.

Is it possible to use credit cards in the places I visit during the trek?

Nepalese Rupees cash is preferred to credit cards while trekking in the mountain region. Exchanging your cash into Nepali Rupees in Kathmandu before the beginning of the trek is ideal. This can be accomplished at the airport, at banks, or your hotel. Please note the hotels will exchange up to about USD 100 for each transaction only.

Is it possible to reserve a trip now and pay a deposit later, or do I have to pay a deposit at booking/reservation?

When you book, you must pay a 30% deposit to secure your itinerary. The remaining balance can be paid upon your arrival at Kathmandu or before arrival. US Dollars cash and credit cards (Visa, Master, and American Express) are accepted once in Nepal. Please note a 4% transaction fee will be added for all credit card transactions.

How do I pay the remainder of my balance upon arrival in Kathmandu? US Dollars cash or credit card?

You can make payments via US Dollars cash or credit card (Visa, Master, and American Express). A 4% transaction fee is added if paying with a credit card. Thus, we encourage you to pay with USD cash if you are planning to pay upon your arrival in Kathmandu.

We prefer you pay with larger bills (USD 50 or 100).  Please note that the cash should not be older than 2009 and in good condition, as banks do not accept worn, torn, or crumpled bills.

How are the ATM and money exchange facilities in Kathmandu?

There are ATM and money exchange facilities almost every few meters in Thamel, where you will be staying in Kathmandu. So, you can easily use your cards to cash out limited sum of money to which a minimum charge is deducted by the ATM facility itself. You can easily exchange your foreign currencies in currency exchange centers for an exact rate.

Who Can Trek?

Do i need prior trekking experience.

Previous trekking experience is not required if you are physically healthy and have enough enthusiasm for the trek.

Are there any age requirements for mountain trekking?

Our treks have no age restrictions if members are healthy and willing. We have had families with kids as young as 5 years do the treks along this region, and our oldest adventurers have been in their late 70s.

Is trekking to mountain regions safe for solo female travelers?

It is safe for a female to trek alone in Nepal. Nepal is usually regarded as a safe nation for female visitors traveling alone. It is entirely safe for a solo woman to trek with Ace the Himalaya on any of our treks.

Physical Fitness

How challenging is the trek.

Langtang Trek is suitable for average people who are moderately fit. Some physical fitness programs such as running, swimming, and hiking is recommended before you embark on your journey.

Persons suffering from a pre-existing medical condition must seek medical advice/consent before considering the trek. Whilst on the trek, it is common to experience some discomfort before being fully acclimatized.

How quickly do you walk on the trail?

The average walking speed for a reasonably fit person is 4 kilometers per hour. At higher elevations, it is highly recommended that you walk slowly to help with acclimatization.

What kind of physical training is necessary for trek preparation?

For trekking, you must prepare your body to walk over uneven, hilly landscapes while carrying a backpack. Walking at an incline, jogging, cycling, and going for long-distance hikes are all good ways to exercise. You should work out for at least one hour four to five times a week for at least two months before trekking.

What are the physical standards that I need for the trek?

Participants in good physical condition should be able to complete this trek. If you are not physically active, we advise starting an exercise regimen two months before the trek that includes at least an hour of walking at an incline, running, or biking four to five times a week.

Incorporating hiking into your workouts is ideal. It is advised to speak with a doctor before making travel arrangements if you have any health conditions that could affect your ability to complete the trek.

Trek Preparation and Packing

What are the procedures after i make my deposit.

After making the deposit, one of our staff will email you for further information. We will require a copy of your passport photo page and your arrival/departure flight details. We will also provide you with additional trip information.

What sort of insurance do I need? How can I obtain a policy?

Travel insurance is mandatory for our hiking itineraries. We require your policy have medical evacuation coverage for the maximum elevation of your itinerary.  Insurance may also cover additional costs in the event of a flight delay or cancellation caused by bad weather, medical costs, theft, loss, and damage to your items while traveling.

Travel insurance can be obtained online by one of several travel insurance companies. Please note that insurance obtained from an airline at the time of booking your flight may not cover medical evacuation coverage.

What are the necessary items that I should pack for Langtang Trek?

You can find the necessary items to pack for the trek in the Equipment Section of this trek. Gear and equipment can be bought or rented upon your arrival in Kathmandu. If you plan on buying or renting gear in Kathmandu, please allow extra time.

Do you provide sleeping bags or down jackets for rent?

Yes, we do provide sleeping bags or down jackets for rental costs of USD 35 each. Do let us know before initiating the trek and we shall provide items.

What type of bag will the porters carry?

We provide you with a free duffel bag of 70 to 80-liter capacity that our porters will carry.  The maximum weight that porters can safely carry is 30kg, and each porter is assigned to two people.

What type of daypack should I bring?

We suggest a 30 to 40-liter capacity daypack. Wider straps and hip belts are recommended to assist you in carrying weight evenly and reduce pain.

What about my passport, medications, and belongings?

Bring copies of your passport, insurance papers, and other essential items in your carry-on during your flight. If you need to take medications daily, keep them in your daypack with your other essential possessions.  You can store other non-trekking essentials in the office of Ace the Himalaya or at the hotel in Kathmandu.


What kind of accommodation is available in langtang trek.

In Kathmandu, we use three-star hotels including breakfast. We use Hotel Thamel House, Gaju Suite Hotel, Hotel Jampa, or comparable-class lodging in Kathmandu. Teahouses with clean rooms are used during the trek. For further information see  Teahouses in the Langtang region trek.

Is it possible to have private rooms while trekking or while in Kathmandu?

A private room in the teahouses cannot be guaranteed during peak season. During the non-peak season, the teahouses may provide a private room without any additional cost. The accommodation during the trek will remain very basic with twin sharing rooms and occasionally dormitory rooms for our trekkers.

We can arrange for a private room while in Kathmandu for an additional cost of USD 35 per room per night.

What happens if I end up staying an extra night/s in Kathmandu due to an unforeseen delay or cancelation?

In case of unforeseen circumstances such as your health, or for any reason you decide to discontinue the trip and arrive early in Kathmandu then you will need extra accommodations in Kathmandu.   In such cases, we will arrange your accommodations, but you will need to pay a supplemental charge.

Is it necessary to bring toilet paper for the trek?

You can buy toilet paper in the guesthouses during the trek, but it can be expensive, so we suggest you bring some with you. You also need to bring personal items such as towels, soap, hand sanitizers, and so on.

Are there restrooms along the trail?

There are toilet facilities in the teahouses/lodges during the trek. Trekkers can also find private areas along the trail for emergencies.

What sort of food can I expect during Langtang trekking?

Multiple food choices are available in the guesthouses. Options include daal bhat (rice and lentil), bread, eggs, potatoes, noodles, soup, pasta, and pastries. We suggest eating vegetarian during the trip. You will find a great deal of garlic on the menu since it helps with acclimatization.

Each meal includes one hot drink.  Hot drinks include coffee, hot chocolate, tea, and hot lemon drinks. You can purchase an additional hot drink or sometimes soda at your own expense. You can also purchase candy or cookies (crisps) at your own expense

I'm a vegetarian. Is that a problem?

Most of the teahouses in the mountains offer vegetarian meals. So, being a vegetarian is not a problem. Vegetarian meals are preferable to avoid food poisoning and indigestion.

Is the water okay to drink? Do I need to bring purifying tablets or filters?

Natural spring water or tap water can be found along the trek and in guesthouses but must be treated. We use Katadyn filters to purify the natural water sources to make them safe to drink. This way, it is sustainable and pocket friendly as you need not buy bottled mineral water. You must carry a water bottle that can hold both hot and cold water and a hydration pack.

If the temperature drops too low for the Katadyn filter to function properly or if any technical issues occur, it is recommended to buy boiled water from the teahouse to ensure safe drinking water as an alternative.

Can we get hot or boiled drinking water? Does it cost extra?

Yes, teahouses do provide hot boiled water for an extra charge of USD 2 to 5 per liter. The cost varies and increases at higher altitudes.

Can I shower/bathe during the trek?

In major places, we arrange guesthouses with proper running showers, especially at lower altitudes. And in the rest of the places (at higher elevations), warm water in the bucket will be provided for showering.

For all the above showers, it would cost you extra of about USD 2 to 4 per shower. The higher you go the hot shower would be expensive.

Are there any laundry services available on Langtang Valley Trek?

Some teahouses provide laundry services for an extra charge. However, it’s not guaranteed that your clothes will dry on the same day. Thus, we recommend you pack enough clothes for your trek and not rely on laundry services.

Can I charge my electronic equipment during the trek?

Yes, you can charge your equipment during the trek for an additional cost. The cost will vary but is around USD 1-5 per charge. Two pins (type C) and three pins (type D) adaptors are highly recommended. Bring these adaptors or purchase them while you are in Kathmandu.

Health and Safety

Do your guides have the trekking guide certificates from the hotel management and tourism center have they received first aid training for high altitudes.

We provide licensed trekking guides with fluent English. Our guides are certified by the Hotel Management and Tourism Center after receiving 45 days of training. Similarly, the guides receive high-altitude training from Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP).

What are safety measures in place? What safety equipment do your guides carry on the trek to deal with sickness/accidents?

Our guides are well trained and certified in first aid. Throughout the journey, our guides will evaluate your condition and your oxygen level using an oximeter. Our head office receives continuous updates on your condition and location through the guides. In places without a phone signal, your situation will be updated through a satellite phone during emergencies.

How do you allocate guides and porters in a group?

We allocate one guide for groups of up to 8 participants. For groups of over 8 participants, we allot an associate guide. As per the size of the group, we may add more guides or divide them into sub-groups.

We provide one porter for every two clients. Two clients’ duffel bags will be carried by one porter. The weight limit is 30kg or 15kg for each client. For an additional cost, we can arrange for one porter to carry one participant’s duffel.

Is Ace the Himalaya's staff insured?

Our company insures all our trekking staff members, including guides, cooks, Sherpa, and porters. Please browse through our legal docment page to view insurance details.

What vaccinations will I need?

While no vaccinations are strictly mandatory for travel to Nepal, it is highly advisable to take precautionary measures to protect your health. To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, we recommend the following vaccinations: Routine Vaccines, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Rabies, Cholera, etc.

It is also helpful if you inform us of any medical condition that is relevant so we may convey this information in the event of an emergency. Ace the Himalaya keeps your medical condition confidential unless treatment is necessary.

What if I am very sick in the mountain?

Our guides are 24 hours available for the services during the trek. They are trained to use first aid kit and have knowledge to use Oxy meter. They are very much aware that higher the altitude the oxygen level gets lesser so to get updated on the oxygen level of our client and to know whether they are fit enough or needs extra precautions to continue.

Guides carry local sim cards both Nepal Telecom and Ncell in order to update whereabouts and situation of our every client. During the time of emergency our guides are alert and keeps updated to head office in Kathmandu that is available 24 /7 to arranging from horse to mules or helicopters in the must needed cases especially when client is seriously sick in the mountain and needed to be hospitalized.

How are acclimatization and altitude related?

Air at higher elevations has less oxygen available. To avoid altitude sickness, acclimatization days and slow climbs are recommended at higher elevations. Along the trek, you’ll be assisted by our professional guides in recognizing and preventing altitude sickness.

What kind of trekking boot would be best for the trek?

An important piece of equipment is your trekking boots. Invest in a durable and comfortable pair, preferably with water-proof lining. Boots that provide ankle support on rough ground and have stiff soles are recommended.

What is necessary for sun protection during the trek?

Even when the sun isn’t shining, sun protection is essential. UV rays are reflected by the snow and the harshness of the sun will damage your skin before you notice it at high elevations. Therefore, proper clothing and sunblock are necessary. Hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, clothes, etc. are vital for sun protection.

Practical Matters

What is your cancellation policy.

Notice should be provided 20 days before the trip start date in case of cancellation. The trip can be canceled for justifiable reasons. Once the trip is canceled, a fee of 30% of the trip cost is retained for administrative costs.

However, the trip amount is entirely non-refundable if the cancellation is not made before the 20 days as per our terms and conditions. For submitting a claim to your insurance company after the cancellation, we can assist with documentation such as a receipt of monies paid. Refund will not be provided for unused accommodation in case of trip cancellation caused by personal reasons/sickness/weather.

More information about our cancellation policy can be found here in Terms and Conditions page.

Do I need to tip my guide and porter? How much would that be?

Tipping is both expected and appreciated, and it reflects your satisfaction and enjoyment of the trek. We recommend tipping based on the number of participants in your trekking group and the duration of the trek. As a general guideline, consider allocating at least 10% of your total trek cost for tipping. Detailed tipping recommendations for your guides and porters will be provided during our pre-trip briefing in Kathmandu.

Is there any communication while we are trekking?

Yes. The guides carry local cell phones, so you can use their cell phones if necessary and reimburse them. Assuming you have brought your cell phone, you can obtain a local SIM card and use it. Our guides or representatives can help you get a local SIM card after your arrival. There is the availability of Wi-Fi at most teahouses for an additional cost.  We utilize satellite telephones for emergencies.

Does it cost an extra amount if I am a solo traveler?

If you are a solo traveler and book one of our published dates, there is no additional fee. If you sign up for a private trip or change the trip date from one of our published trip dates, you will be charged an additional fee.

Is there a provision for a refund policy if I don't accomplish the trek?

Trekkers occasionally fail to complete the journey for medical or personal reasons. In this situation, be aware that we do not issue any refunds for products purchased or unused trek days. We must pay our administration staffs, guides, and porters, purchase trekking permits, and all other booked accommodations in advance, so our expenses remain the same.

Who else will be joining my trekking group?

If there are any, you will be allocated to a trekking group. The details of the personal data of your group members cannot be disclosed. However, feel free to contact us if you have queries about other trekkers in the group and we shall give you a general idea of the ages, nationality, and sex of your group members. Chances are you will be trekking with others unless you have booked a private trip.

Can I add extra days to my trekking trip?

You can extend your trekking trip for an additional cost. Potential arrangements will be made if we get a request from your guide. This is applicable for private or solo trips as the itinerary can be easily adjusted. The addition of extra days is bound by time when you are in a group. Therefore, discuss with your group and guide, what changes can possibly be made.

I want to extend my holiday, any recommendations?

Yes, you can extend your holiday. Ace the Himalaya offers many options and alternatives for your holiday extension. For more information, you can visit our Day trips pages.

Transportation and Flights

Do i need to book my international flights for the travel to nepal.

Yes, you must book your international flights. We are a local agency and do not make international flight arrangements. You can easily browse through flight tickets in airlines sites to book ones most feasible for you.

What form of transportation do you utilize?

We utilize private tourist vehicles for touring, city visits, highway tarsfers, and airport pickups. Based on the group size and the current  road situations, we use cars, minibusses, or vans. We use 4WD SUVs when necessary.

Traveler Reviews

These full and frank reviews are from travelers who have traveled with Ace the Himalaya previously. The reviews and experiences shown here are from reputable travel websites like TripAdvisor, Google, Facebook, and Trust Pilot, etc.

Ariel - I’ll be returning!

Google Reviews

Tanja Kerscher

What makes this trip different ?

Our csr with sambhav nepal.

  • Ace the Himalaya believes in giving back to the communities that surround and support tourism in Nepal. Ace provides logistical support and, if needed, cash donations to the projects of Sambhav Nepal (a local NGO).
  • Sambhav Nepal and Ace work together to plan volunteer programs that will bring in foreign volunteers and make use of their enthusiasm, time, and talents in a variety of projects.

Sustainability and Responsible Tourism

  • Of the few Travelife Partners in Nepal, Ace the Himalaya is one. We respect the procedures for sustainable tourism. Our excursions are socially and environmentally conscious, leaving the lowest possible impact in the Himalayas.
  • About 80% of Ace the Himalaya’s staff members are natives of the regions where our trips are organized. It is one of our sustainable and responsible efforts to help local communities, support small businesses, and promote regional culture and way of life.

Related Information

Embarking on the Langtang Valley trek is a thrilling adventure. To make the most of it, having essential information is crucial.

This section offers key insights to help you plan and prepare this trek. Be well-prepared to fully enjoy the stunning landscapes and rich culture of the Langtang region.

What is the highest point in the Langtang Valley trek?

The highest point in the Langtang Valley trek is Tserko Ri, which stands at approximately 4,984 meters (16,352 feet).

Trekkers often ascend Tserko Ri for a challenging day hike, rewarded with breathtaking 360-degree panoramic views of the Langtang mountain range and surrounding peaks.

This high-altitude viewpoint provides a stunning vista of glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and the vast, rugged landscape of the region.

As an alternative, trekkers can climb Kyanjin Ri, which reaches about 4,773 meters (15,656 feet), offering equally spectacular views and a slightly less strenuous ascent.

Accommodation during Langtang trek

During the 10-day Langtang Valley Trek, you’ll have a total of 2 nights of accommodation at a hotel in Kathmandu and 7 nights at guesthouses in the trekking areas.

The trekkers can find comfortable teahouses with amenities like hot showers and Wi-Fi, and you can find delightful bakeries along the Langtang valley offering fresh pastries and coffee.

Kathmandu accommodation for Langtang trekking

Upon arrival in Kathmandu, you’ll be promptly transported to your designated hotel, a comfortable and well-maintained 3-star option in the heart of the tourist hub; Thamel area, like Hotel Thamel House, Gaju Suite, Hotel Jampa, etc.

Your stay includes twin-sharing/double accommodation with breakfast. All the rooms have private bathroom, TV, and ample storage for your luggage.

If you desire a more exclusive experience, you can upgrade to single occupancy or enhance your stay to a 4- or 5-star hotel at an additional charge.

Nearby, Thamel offers various restaurants, shops, and trekking gear stores for your convenience.

Side trips that can be included in the Langtang Valley trek

You can add the Gosaikunda trek , which involves a detour to the sacred alpine lakes, starting from either Sing Gompa or Thulo Syabru.

Another option is climbing Yala Peak , a non-technical climb that starts from Kyanjin Gompa, offering panoramic views of the Himalayas.

Understanding the Difficulty of the Langtang Valley Trek

The Langtang Valley Trek is a relatively moderate adventure, making it accessible even for beginners with a reasonable level of fitness. The trails are generally well-marked and not excessively steep, allowing trekkers to enjoy the journey without facing overly strenuous climbs or descents.

However, as with any trek, it’s important to be mindful of the altitude as you ascend above 3,500 meters, where some may experience mild altitude-related symptoms.

For a more in-depth look at what to expect, including tips on how to prepare, check out our detailed Langtang Valley Trek Difficulty blog.

Permits for Trekking in Langtang region

For your Langtang trekking adventure, you’ll need two types of permits: the Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) permit and the Langtang National Park permit.

All these permits are already covered in our packages, as detailed in the Price Include section. For SAARC nationals, the permit costs are as follows: TIMS permit – NRS 600 per person, Langtang National Park permit – NRS 2,000 per person.

For foreign nationals, the permit costs are TIMS permit – NRS 2,500 per person, Langtang National Park permit – NRS 3,500 per person.

How safe is it to embark on Langtang Trekking?

Trekking to Langtang is generally considered safe for individuals who are in good health and eager to undertake the adventure. Ace the Himalaya has been organizing treks to the Langtang valley since 2006 and has had a diverse range of participants.

Based on our experiences, it’s important to note that high altitude presents a significant challenge during this trek, and altitude sickness can affect anyone, regardless of their physical fitness level.

It is difficult to predict altitude sickness which can strike at any time. When you’re in the mountains, mental preparedness is just as important as physical fitness. Choosing the right travel company and an experienced certified guide to support you on the journey is crucial.

Having said that, at Ace the Himalaya safety is our top priority. To ensure that, our certified guides are equipped with oximeters and first aid training. We provide one guide for small groups of up to 8 people and an associate guide for larger groups above them.

Along with that we tag 1 Porters for every 2 clients which have weight limits of 30 kg or 15 kg for each client, and all our trekking staff are insured as well. Not only that, but we also offer 24/7 support and emphasize acclimatization to prevent altitude sickness. Besides that, proper gear and optional oxygen support are also available at an additional cost.

Similarly, it’s important to acknowledge that the real danger during the trek is the unpredictable natural calamities and disasters beyond anyone’s control. It is strongly recommended to obtain travel insurance before starting your journey.

How to prevent altitude sickness during the Langtang valley trek?

Prevention measures are crucial due to their unpredictability. Consulting medical experts beforehand for a physical exam and risk assessment is essential.

Avoiding substances like alcohol and tobacco, while limiting caffeine, aids in acclimatization. Whereas, adhering to safe altitude gain rules, maintaining hydration, and a carb-rich diet is a key factor while trekking the Langtang region.

Likewise, gradual acclimatization through slow ascents and hiring experienced guides are highly recommended. Similarly, when you recognize symptoms like nausea and dizziness and descending to lower altitudes promptly is suggested.

For such cases carrying altitude sickness medications, a first aid kit, and testing local remedies are prudent precautions. Overall, while physically fit individuals are still susceptible, proactive steps can mitigate altitude sickness risks during trekking.

What is the best time for Langtang Trekking?

Trekking to Langtang  is possible throughout the year, with each season offering distinct experiences. Spring (March-June) is vibrant with blooming flowers, mild temperatures (20°C/68°F), and clear skies, making it ideal.

The monsoon season (July-mid-September) brings heavy rain, particularly at lower elevations, but offers quieter trails and temperatures averaging 22°C (71.6°F). Autumn (end of September-November) is popular due to pleasant weather, clear views, and colorful landscapes.

Winter (December-February) provides solitude with cold temperatures (10°C/50°F), dropping to -20°C (-4°F) at higher altitudes. Proper gear is crucial for warmth.

Overall, spring and autumn stand out for their pleasant conditions, while the monsoon and winter offer unique experiences with challenges to overcome.

For more detailed information, check out our blog on the best time to trek Langtang Valley

Travel insurance for Langtang trek Nepal

Having travel insurance that covers high-altitude adventure activities is mandatory. This includes contingencies like flight disruptions, accidents, and emergency evacuations.

You can buy such insurance online from various providers. Some of the common choices based on client experiences for Langtang Hike include:

USA and Canada: Tugo, United Health Care, World Nomad, Blue Cross

Australia and New Zealand: Fast Cover, Allianz Australia

Singapore: Ergo, World Nomad (Explore plan level 3)

Europe: Europe Assistance, Austrian Alpine Club, Allianz Europe

India: ICICI Lombard

However, please ensure that the policy covers trekking up to 6,000 m altitude. While these are just suggestions, the policies, and coverage may vary accordingly. Contact these insurers directly to inquire about their offerings before making a purchase.

Tipping tips for your Langtang valley trekking

Tipping is customary for guides in Langtang Trekking, and it’s also a kind gesture for local restaurants, drivers, and porters. A good practice is to set aside around 10% of your total trek cost to tip the staff.

Typically, we suggest a minimum of 10% of the total trip cost, divided between the guide and the porter. For instance, if the trip price is $1,300, each customer could contribute $130, dividing it by a 60-40 ratio between the guide and porter.

This recommendation considers that many hospitality establishments already include a 10% service charge for their staff. However, the decision on the tipping amount is entirely at your discretion, whether it’s 10% or more or less.

Phone and Gadgets charging

In the trails of Langtang, they normally use renewable energy like solar power. If you need to charge your devices, certain guesthouses may charge a fee, usually around USD 1-5 per charge.

It’s advisable to bring two-pin (type C) and three-pin (type D) adapters. However, you can either bring these adapters or buy them in Kathmandu.

Trip Extensions

Upon completing your Langtang valley trek or before embarking on it, you can further discover Nepal’s beauty through various alternatives.

These include Trishuli River Rafting , Scenic flight to Everest, Paragliding in Nepal (Pokhara) , Kathmandu Day Tour , Bardia Jungle Safari , and Chitwan Jungle Safari .

These options unveil Nepal beyond its mountains. To delve into these captivating alternatives, explore our Extend Your Trip page.

Food options during Langtang trekking in Nepal

Teahouses on the Langtang trekking route follow international guidelines for food preparation, ensuring clean and warm meals. Ingredients are often sourced locally, guaranteeing freshness.

The main food while trekking is ‘Daal Bhat’ – rice and lentils. Teahouses offer various options, from American breakfast to Nepali dishes. Breakfast includes items like bread, eggs, porridge, and more.

Lunch and dinner feature Daal Bhat and other choices like fried rice, noodles, and soups. You can find a number of bakeries along the Langtang trekking trails offering great variety of confectionaries and coffee.

Carrying protein bars and dried fruits for snacks is recommended, along with staying hydrated.

Can a beginner trek to the Langtang Valley?

Certainly! Infact we highly suggest Langtang trek as a beginner friendly trek in Nepal. We believe that with the right support and guidance, a beginner can absolutely trek to the stunning Langtang valley.

Our team comprises seasoned guides who boast in-depth knowledge of the terrain and are well-trained in first aid, ensuring the safety and comfort of every trekker throughout the journey.

We highly recommend that beginners undergo comprehensive physical training and conditioning before setting off on this unforgettable adventure. This may involve engaging in cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and hiking to build endurance and stamina.

By dedicating time to this preparatory phase, beginners can enhance their overall fitness levels, making the trek a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

With Ace, beginners can rest assured that they’ll receive the necessary guidance, support, and encouragement, enabling them to fully embrace the splendor of the Langtang region while creating lasting memories of a lifetime.

Training for Langtang trekking

Proper preparation is key for a successful trekking experience, necessitating physical and mental readiness starting around two months in advance is highly recommended. Prioritize gradual progress, rest, and hydration to avoid strain.

Along with weekly uphill hikes, gym workouts, and diverse cardio activities to enhance stamina and endurance. Similarly, balanced nutrition with complex carbs and protein is required to support increased calories need. Incorporate stretching and yoga for flexibility and stability.

Therefore, mental preparation involves understanding challenges, setting realistic expectations, and practicing mindfulness. By blending these strategies, you’ll cultivate the necessary resilience for a triumphant and gratifying your Langtang journey.

What is the trekking distance from Syabrubesi to Kyanjin Gompa?

The trekking distance from Syabrubesi to Kyanjin Gompa is approximately 35 kilometers (22 miles). The roundtrip takes around 6 to 8 days and covers approximately 70 kilometers depending on your itinerary.

From Syabrubesi, you will be covering two main locations including Lama Hotel and Langtang Village before you finally reach Kyanjin Gompa. Along the way, trekkers will traverse lush forests, traditional villages, and breathtaking alpine landscapes.

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Trekking in Nepal Creative Trip Designer

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Trekking in Nepal

Climbing and expedition, cultural tour and sightseeing, cycling and mountain biking, luxury treks, luxury tours, multi country tours, voluntourism trips, extend your trip.

  • Everest Base Camp Heli Trek – 8 Days
  • Everest Panorama Trek – 9 Days
  • EBC Trek with Helicopter Return – 12 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek – 14 Days
  • Gokyo Lake Trek – 13 Days
  • Gokyo and Renjo La Pass Trek – 14 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek without Lukla Flight – 17 Days
  • Gokyo to Everest Base Camp Trek – 17 Days
  • Everest Base Camp with Island Peak – 19 Days
  • Everest Three Passes Trek – 20 Days
  • Everest High Passes and Island Peak – 23 Days
  • Classical Everest Base Camp Trek – 21 Days
  • Langtang Valley Trek – 10 Days
  • Langtang Valley Ganja La Pass Trek – 14 Days
  • Langtang Helambu Trek – 17 Days
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek – 9 Days
  • Mardi Himal Trek – 10 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trek – 13 Days
  • Himalayan Highlights – 13 Days
  • Nar Phu Valley Trek with Annapurna Circuit – 18 Days
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek – 19 Days
  • Tilicho Lake Trek With Thorong La Pass – 19 Days
  • Khopra Danda Trek – 11 Days
  • Shivapuri-Chisapani Trek – 4 Days
  • Upper Mustang Trek (Drive & Trek) – 16 Days
  • Tsum Valley Trek – 16 Days
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek – 15 Days
  • Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek – 21 Days
  • Upper Dolpo Trek – 25 Days
  • Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek – 29 Days
  • Yala Peak Climbing – 13 Days
  • Island Peak Climbing – 15 Days
  • Mera Peak Climbing – 19 Days
  • Everest Base Camp and Lobuche East – 18 Days
  • Tent Peak Climbing with Annapurna Base Camp – 18 Days
  • Pisang Peak and Thorung La Pass – 21 Days
  • Ama Dablam Expedition – 29 Days
  • Kathmandu Cultural Heritage Tour – 3 Days
  • Kathmandu Heritage – 3 Days
  • Inheritances of Kathmandu – 4 Days
  • Glimpses of Kathmandu & Nagarkot – 5 Days
  • Kathmandu and Pokhara Unveiled – 5 Days
  • Explore Kathmandu – 6 Days
  • Glimpse of Nepal – 8 Days
  • Nepal Heritage Tour – 10 Days
  • Nepal Adventure Tour – 11 Days
  • Nepal Multi Sports Adventure – 11 Days
  • Nepal Vista – 10 Days
  • Nepal Highlights – 14 Days
  • Experience Nepal – 15 Days
  • One Day Biking Trip – Kathmandu – 1 Day
  • Annapurna Circuit Biking – 14 Days
  • Upper Mustang Biking – 16 Days
  • Kathmandu Valley Rim Biking – 8 Days
  • Annapurna in Luxury – 9 Days
  • VVIP Everest Base Camp Trek – 10 Days
  • Everest View Luxury Trek – 11 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek – 14 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Deluxe Trek – 16 Days
  • Mt Everest Base Camp to Gokyo Trek – 19 Days
  • Kathmandu Luxury Tour – 3 Days
  • Kathmandu and Pokhara Luxury Tour – 5 Days
  • Nepal Multi Sport Luxury Adventure – 11 Days
  • Best of Nepal – 14 Days
  • Trishuli River Rafting – 1 Day
  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour – 1 Day
  • Everest Base Camp Heli Tour with Gokyo Extension – 1 Day
  • Langtang Heli Sightseeing – 1 Day
  • Pokhara and Annapurna Heli Sightseeing – 1 Day
  • Paragliding in Nepal (Pokhara) – 1 Day
  • Scenic Mountain Flight (Everest Flight) – 1 Day
  • Ultra Light Flight – 1 Day
  • Jamacho Day Hike-One day hiking trip – 1 Day
  • Kathmandu Uncovered with Nagarkot – 1 Day
  • Day Tour to UNESCO Heritage Sites – 1 Day
  • Nepal and Tibet – 15 Days
  • Nepal and Bhutan – 15 Days
  • India, Nepal and Bhutan – 19 Days
  • Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan – 20 Days
  • Arupokhari School Volunteer Program – 14 Days
  • Rebuild Home Volunteer Program – 9 Days
  • Bardiya Jungle Safari – 4 Days
  • Chitwan Jungle Safari – 3 Days

Trekking in Bhutan

Festival tours, motorcycling.

  • Druk Path Trek – 8 Days
  • Chomalhari Trek – 12 Days
  • Laya Ghasa Trek – 18 Days
  • Bhutan Vistas Tour – 5 Days
  • Cultural Heartland Tour – 10 Days
  • Hidden Valley – 11 Days
  • Bhutan Multi Sports Tour – 11 Days
  • Paro Tshechu Festival – 8 Days
  • Punakha Tsechu – 9 Days
  • Trongsa Lhuntse Tshechu – 9 Days
  • Bumthang Tangbi – 11 Days
  • Bhutan Ura Yakchoe – 12 Days
  • Tamshingphala Choepa – 12 Days
  • Mongar and Trashigang – 16 Days
  • Bhutan Biking – 8 Days
  • Bhutan Motorcycle Tour – 12 Days

Trekking in Tibet

  • Tibet Advance Everest Base Camp – 21 Days
  • Cho Oyu Expedition – 45 Days
  • Shishapangma Expedition – 47 Days
  • Everest Expedition via North Side – 63 Days
  • Lhasa Tour from Kathmandu – 10 Days
  • Lhasa Overland Tour from Kathmandu – 13 Days
  • Kathmandu to Lhasa Overland Tour with EBC – 15 Days
  • Tibet Tour with Everest Base Camp via Lhasa – 15 Days
  • Kailash Mansarovar Yatra – 16 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Biking Tour – 21 Days

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Vallées et lacs sacrés du Langtang

  • Voyages Népal

Vallées et lacs sacrés du Langtang

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Vallées et lacs sacrés du Langtang (Népal) est un nouveau voyage Tirawa

Code voyage

17 jours dont 11 jours de marche

4 à 12 personnes

Période idéale

Gautier, spécialiste Népal chez Tirawa

Gautier Renault

Créateur des voyages au Népal

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04 79 33 76 33 /

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Situé au nord de Kathmandu, le Langtang est une région plus confidentielle et plus intimiste que les Annapurnas, l'Everest ou le Manaslu. Pourtant le Langtang ne manque pas d'atouts, entre l'une des plus belles vallées du Népal, des forêts magnifiques où s'épanouissent les rhododendrons, des sommets étincelants et spectaculaires, et une fréquentation faible. Les sentiers nous amènent au cœur des géants de glaces et de pierre, longeant les murs mani et les chortens bouddhistes. Au-delà des vues extraordinaires sur 170 kilomètres de chaîne himalayenne, c'est également la découverte d'un Népal authentique, où vivent de multiples ethnies : Newars, Brahmanes, Tamangs et Sherpas. Avec des altitudes d'étapes peu élevées, c'est un trekking s'adressant tant aux voyageurs faisant un premier trek au Népal, qu'aux connaisseurs avides de nouveaux panoramas.

Vous aimerez

  • Un superbe trek non loin de Kathmandu, dans une zone préservée
  • Forêts sauvages, pics glaciaires et lacs sacrés, des ambiances très différentes !
  • La remontée de la vallée du Langtang, l'une des plus belle vallée du Népal
  • Un itinéraire permettant une bonne acclimatation

Les + Tirawa

  • Une journée libre à Kathmandu en fin de séjour
  • Un voyage en pension complète

Itinéraire du voyage Vallées et lacs sacrés du Langtang - Népal - Tirawa

Trek Langtang, Hélambu : Le Trek des Lacs Sacrés

Votre voyage

11 jours de marche en itinérance avec une altitude maximale de 4984 m au sommet du Tsergo Ri (facultatif), ou de 4600 m au col du Laurebina La. Des étapes moyennes de 5 à 6 heures et des dénivelés moyens de 700 m par jour. Trek dans un environnement peu éloigné sur de bons sentiers avec quelques pierriers et névés. Hébergement en lodge parfois rudimentaire avec aucune nuit en altitude au-delà de 4000 m.

Itinéraire jour par jour

Vol au départ de Paris

Vol sur une compagnie régulière avec escale, puis continuation vers Kathmandu. Nous privilégions toujours des compagnies proposant des services de qualité, un faible temps d'escale, des horaires confortables afin de faciliter les connections pour celles et ceux partant de province. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de détails à propos de ces vols.

Kathmandu - Népal

Arrivée à Kathmandu

L’arrivée à l’aéroport de Kathmandu (en général dans l'après-midi) marque déjà notre entrée dans un autre monde… Formalités de douanes, récupération des bagages et accueil par notre guide local francophone. La traversée de la ville jusqu’à l’hôtel offre déjà une première découverte de la capitale du Népal , grouillante et colorée. Bus, camions, vélos et vaches sacrées s’entrecroisent dans une sympathique pagaille… Selon l’horaire d’arrivée, visite des environs ou simplement installation et repos à l'hôtel avant votre dîner à l’hôtel.

En cas d'arrivée matinale à Kathmandu, le déjeuner sera prévu au programme.

  • Hébergement : Hôtel Royal Singi ou équivalent
  • Repas : Dîner

Paysages d'Helambu - Népal

Kathmandu > Shyabru Besi (1500 m)

Nous partons au petit matin pour rejoindre le point de départ de notre trek, à 50 km à vol d'oiseau de la capitale . La route quitte la vallée de Kathmandou jusqu'à rencontrer la rivière Trisuli , que nous remontons facilement. Nous sommes dans les piémonts himalayens , peuplés d‘agriculteurs qui cultivent des parcelles de terres gagnées à la pente par un important travail de terrassement. Les villages sont construits au sommet des collines et les cultures s’étagent sur leurs flancs. Par temps clair, le panorama est superbe : sur notre gauche l’Annapurna II, le Manaslu et, devant nous, le massif du Ganesh Himal. Arrêt pour faire valider nos permis de trekking à l'entrée du parc national du Langtang , puis nous arrivons au bourg de Shyabru Besi . Première découverte des alentours, aux croisement des vallées du Langtang et du peuple Tamang.

  • Hébergement : Lodge
  • Repas : Petit-Déjeuner, Déjeuner, Dîner
  • Transport : 6h

Cascade près de Shyabru Besi - Langtang

Trek > Lama hotel (2480 m)

Début du trekking et remontée de la vallée du Langtang . Nous traversons le village de Shyabru , puis des cultures en terrasses et une épaisse forêt de chênes, aulnes et bambous. Nous changeons de rive en franchissant la rivière Langtang Khola par un large pont suspendu. Quelques montées et descentes dans des zones d’éboulements font que cette journée n’est pas monotone, malgré le peu d’habitations visibles dans cette région boisée. Nous retraversons la tumultueuse Langtang Khola avant d’entreprendre une montée raide jusqu’à Rimche, à 2250 mètres. La descente en direction de Changtang, appelé “ Lama Hotel ” (nom du premier lodge construit dans ce hameau) est enfin douce.

Les premiers jours sont superbes au sein des forêts de rhododendrons, en fleur de début mars à début mai.

  • Marche : 6h
  • Dénivelé 1160 m 180 m

Rhododendrons - Langtang

Trek > Langtang (3400 m)

Nous montons progressivement au sein de la forêt et quelques ouvertures entre les arbres nous laissent contempler la rivière d’un bleu limpide en contrebas. Puis, au détour d’une clairière, le Langtang Lirung (7246 m) fait son apparition, majestueux. Le sentier traverse un pont suspendu puis monte au milieu des prairies à yacks jusqu’à Ghora Tabela , village pastoral occupé principalement par des Tibétains. Le sentier grimpe régulièrement au sein de la vallée s’élargissant au fur et à mesure de notre progression. Nous croisons plusieurs maisons typiquement tamangs, ainsi que les premiers manis, les murs à prières. Peu avant l'arrivée au nouveau village de Langtang , nous franchissons l'impressionnante langue de débris coupant la vallée en deux, et issue du tremblement de terre de 2015.

  • Marche : 5h30
  • Dénivelé 1020 m 100 m

Murs mani - Langtang

Trek > Kyanjin Gompa (3870 m)

Le sentier serpente agréablement et sans diffciulté à travers la vallée et rejoint une crête dominée par un gros chorten carré et son long mur à prières. De là, l’accès à une petite moraine permet de contempler Kyanjin Gompa et d'y descendre en direction des lodges pour y poser nos sacs pour 3 nuits. L’après-midi, possibilité de faire une excursion en direction du Kyanjin Ri (4773 m) qui offre un point de vue remarquable : Langtang Lirung (7227 m), Yala Peak (5050 m), Langshisha Ri (6560 m), massif de l'Urkeinmang Himal (6143 m), parmi de nombreux autres sommets. Si vous ne souhaitez pas faire cette excursion, repos ou découverte des alentours de cette vallée décrite par l'explorateur Tillman comme "la plus belle du monde".

  • Marche : 3h
  • Dénivelé 500 m 30 m

Lever de soleil - Langtang

Ascensions ou découverte de la Vallée du Langtang

Ce matin, lever matinal pour aller profiter d'un point de vue magistral sur la vallée. Nous allons atteindre quasiment les 5 000 mètres avec le sommet du Tsergo Ri culminant à 4 984 m. Nous partons peu après le lever du soleil et les lumières roses dansent sur les parois glacières des sommets adjacents. La montée commence après avoir atteint la base de la montagne, plantée au pied de Kianjin Gompa et surplombant la vallée du Langtang. Le sentier ne présente pas de difficultés particulières, outre une montée raide, des traces possible de névés et une fin du parcours parmi de gros blocs de rocher. Du sommet plat et de la taille d'un terrain de handball, la vue panoramique s’impose et offre un spectacle grandiose : Langtang Lirung (7246 m), Naya Kanga (5846 m), Dorje Lakpa (6966 m), Langshisa Ri (6427 m), Ganchenpo (6378 m) et, au loin, le sommet du Shishapangma (8013 m). Nous en profitons pleinement avant de redescendre par un autre sentier qu'à l'aller et revenir à Kyanjin Gompa .

L'ascension du Tsergo Ri reste facultative. Vous pouvez en parallèle, avec un assistant guide anglophone, faire un autre sommet près de Kyanjin Gompa, nommé Kyanjin Ri (altitude max de 4400m, dénivelé de +/- 530 m, aller-retour en 4h30) ou remonter la vallée en direction du lieu-dit de Langshisa Kharka .

  • Marche : 7/8h
  • Dénivelé 1114 m 1114 m

Murs mani - Langtang

Trek > Lama Hotel (2480 m)

Aujourd'hui est une longue journée de descente afin de sortir de la vallée du Langtang. En effet, les autres passages pour en sortir sont tous les deux glaciaires (col du Ganja La et col de Tillman) et nécessitent de l'équipement. Peut être une autre occasion de revenir dans la vallée du Langtang ? Nous retrouvons ainsi les villages laissés derrière nous, avec néanmoins une petite variante après Ghora Tabela au sein de la belle et épaisse fôret. L'occasion de découvrir aussi les langurs , fameux singe blanc à tête noire (Semnopithèque de l'Himalaya), pacifique et déambulant de manière nonchalante de branches en branches, souvent en famille.

  • Hébergement : Lodge ou équivalent
  • Dénivelé 130 m 1520 m

Vers Bamboo - Langtang

Trek > Thulo Shyabru (2200 m)

Nous poursuivons notre redescente par une agréable matinée de descente en forêt, en traversant puis suivant la Langtang Khola . Après les hameaux de Bamboo et les sources d'eau chaude, nous prenons un petit chemin sur notre gauche. Le chemin est un peu rude au milieu des fougères mais nous débouchons rapidement sur un joli belvédère. Un peu plus tard, nous arrivons à un replat et apercevons le village de Thulo Shyabru . Suspendu à une crête avec son chorten blanc à son entrée, ce village offre un beau belvédère sur les contreforts du Tibet. Encore un petit effort pour contourner une gorge et nous remontons vers les premières maisons au milieu des champs en terrasse . A la tombée de la nuit, les couleurs changeantes des arbres, collines et cimes enneigées du lointain laissent d’agréables souvenirs et ravissent les photographes.

  • Marche : 5h
  • Dénivelé 410 m 690 m

Forêt vers Sing Gompa - Langtang

Trek > Sing Gompa (3300 m)

Ce matin, le petit-déjeuner nous aide à affronter la colline dominant Thulo Shyabru et à arpenter le sentier en lacets pour la gravir. Mais heureusement cela dure peu et nous retrouvons ensuite une montée plus douce. Nous progressons la majeure partie de la journée au sein d’une magnifique forêt , où quelques singes sautent d’un arbre à l’autre. La forêt du Langtang , classée en parc national, est une des plus belles du Népal. Elle abrite une faune riche et abondante : ours noirs, pandas roux, daims musqués,... La pente s’adoucit encore un peu plus, puis un dernier effort nous permet d’atteindre un balcon offrant une large vue sur les massifs des Ganesh Himal et du Manaslu . Nous poursuivons au travers d’un bois de grands résineux avant d'arriver à Sing Gompa , charmant village avec sa petite fromagerie et son monastère au bord du chemin.

  • Dénivelé 1120 m 20 m

Le massif du Langtang Lirung - Népal

Trek > Lacs de Gosainkund (4420 m)

Le spectacle d’un somptueux lever de soleil mérite que l’on se lève tôt pour profiter d’une balade contemplative avant le petit déjeuner. Nous quittons Sing Gompa par un chemin remarquablement ouvragé sur une crête aérienne et quittons progressivement la forêt, avant d’atteindre le lieu-dit de Laurebina Yak . Le sentier monte jusqu'à un éperon vers 4 300 mètres, puis se stabilise en direction de Gosainkund. Le plateau de Gosainkund abrite pas moins de 8 lacs sacrés dans lesquels pèlerins hindous et sâdhus viennent se purifier depuis des siècles. La légende dit que le dieu Shiva, assoiffé, planta ici son trident pour recueillir une eau pure et s’en abreuver. Le plus grand lac, dédié à Shiva, est un haut lieu de pèlerinage et voir affluer au mois d'août des milliers d’hindouistes. Nous prenons le temps de profiter des lieux, insolites et mystiques...

  • Dénivelé 1200 m 80 m

Arrivée au col de Laurebina, au fond la chaîne du Ganesh Himal - Népal

Trek > Col du Laurebina La (4610 m) > Tharepathi (3600 m)

De bon matin, nous pouvons contempler cet endroit magique, en prenant un peu d'altitude. Serpentant d’un lac à l’autre, le sentier grimpe vers le col de Laurebina en traversant une zone de moraines : joli point de vue depuis le col. Sur le versant opposé, la descente est raide et caillouteuse. Le chemin, en bordure de torrent, monte puis descend, comme des montagnes russes. Arrêt déjeuner puis nous quittons la grande combe de Phedi pour traverser un immense versant abrupt, sculpté par l’érosion. Eperons panoramiques, ravins humides et raidillons se répètent tout au long de l‘étape. Nous perdons de l’altitude jusqu‘au tea house de Gopté, avant de remonter, toujours sur des flancs escarpés et souvent à couvert des arbres, vers le col de Thadepati .

  • Marche : 8h
  • Dénivelé 370 m 1190 m

Vue sur le massif de l'Everest - Langtang

Trek > Kutumsang (2470 m)

Aujourd'hui, dernière étape de notre superbe trek ! Le sentier à notre gauche plonge raide vers le chef-lieu de Melamchigaon, mais nous préférons celui qui s’élève sur une crête, d'où nous apercevons le Dorje Lhakpa, le Shishapangma et jusqu’au Khumbu ! La descente sur l’autre versant est belle, à travers les forêts et les pâturages. Encore quelques montagnes russes, puis une descente raide, et nous arrivons à Magengoth , une zone d’alpages avec de nombreux abris de bergers. Montée jusqu’à la crête de Panghu Danda (3345 m) avec un joli panorama sur les collines de l'Helambu , les villages et les champs en terrasse. Nous terminons par une descente raide jusqu'à rejoindre le village de Kutumsang , situé sur un replat.

  • Dénivelé 450 m 1130 m

Bus privé - Népal

Kutumsang (2470 m) > Kathmandu (1340 m)

Du village de Kutumsang , retour vers Kathmandu . Bien qu'étant à une trentaine de kilomètres à vol d'oiseau de la capitale, il nous faudra quelques heures pour y revenir, car la première partie se passe sur des pistes. Arrivée en milieu de journée et repos à l'hôtel.

  • Transport : 5h


Kathmandu (1340 m)

Temps libre à la découverte de la capitale et de ses alentours. Le guide reste avec le groupe (mais ne pourra pas se diviser si chacun va de son côté...). Nous vous conseillons le stupa de Bodnath tôt le matin, (pour profiter de l’ambiance des pèlerins), ainsi que les visites des anciennes villes royales de Bhaktapur (véritable musée vivant de la vallée) et de Patan . Capitales de petits royaumes aux XVII e et XVIII e siècles, les deux villes sont réputées pour leur magnifique architecture de style newar avec des temples de briques et de bois superbement sculptés et leurs toits en pagode de plusieurs étages. Nous nous retrouvons le soir pour un dernier diner en commun .

  • Repas : Petit-Déjeuner, Dîner

Kathmandu, vol de retour

Matinée libre à Kathmandu , avec le quartier commerçant de Thamel facilement accessible à pied depuis notre hôtel (environ 10 min). Comme la veille, le guide reste disponible pour faciliter l'organisation de la journée . Rendez-vous pour le repas de midi , puis selon l'horaire du vol de retour vers la France, nous prenons encore un peu de temps pour flâner, visiter ou faire du shopping, avant de partir pour l’aéroport.

Le vol retour vers la France peut également se faire le lendemain matin, avec arrivée tardive à Paris le dernier jour. Dans ce cas, la nuitée à Kathmandu entre l'avant-dernier jour et le dernier jour, ainsi que le dîner, sont pris en charge par Tirawa.

  • Repas : Petit-Déjeuner, Déjeuner

Arrivée à Paris

Cet itinéraire est compatible avec une extension. Découvrez nos suggestions et complétez votre voyage ! Voir toutes les extensions

Tous les avis du Népal  Lire notre charte des avis

Népal - Gokyo et Balcons sur l'Everest

17 jours Départ du 29 mars 2024

Népal - Couleurs du Mustang

16 jours Départ du 27 avril 2024

Françoise C.

Mireille B.

Marie Irène M.

17 jours Départ du 15 mars 2024

Virginie L.

Brigitte D.

Népal - Tour du Manaslu

Laurence D.

17 jours Départ du 3 novembre 2023

Népal - Tour du Manaslu et vallée de Tsum

23 jours Départ du 4 novembre 2023

Népal - Le Tour des Annapurnas

Jean Philippe B.

15 jours Départ du 4 novembre 2023

François S.

16 jours Départ du 20 novembre 2023

Népal - Médecine d'altitude au Pied de l'Everest

Beranger B.

17 jours Départ du 17 novembre 2023

Philippe B.

Emmanuel M.

Népal - Les Hauts Cols de L'Everest

Pierre André A.

Jean Frédéric S.

Jocelyne B.

Dominique F.

Népal - Sentiers du Népal

Micheline D.

14 jours Départ du 6 novembre 2023

Isabelle M.

Népal - Balcons des Annapurnas et Dhaulagiris

Frédérique G.

23 jours Départ du 14 octobre 2023

Bérenger A.

17 jours Départ du 19 octobre 2023

Népal - Voyage sur mesure

11 jours Départ du 17 octobre 2023

Marc Antoine M.

17 jours Départ du 4 octobre 2023

14 jours Départ du 16 octobre 2023

Françoise D.

15 jours Départ du 14 octobre 2023

Népal - La Grande Traversée du Haut Dolpo

30 jours Départ du 21 septembre 2023

Népal - Grand Tour du Mustang

Philippe Alain G.

22 jours Départ du 5 août 2023

16 jours Départ du 8 mai 2023

Népal - Sanctuaire des Annapurnas

15 jours Départ du 18 mars 2023

Rose Marie T.

14 jours Départ du 16 mars 2023

Frédéric D.

15 jours Départ du 7 novembre 2022

13 jours Départ du 25 septembre 2022

Norvège, Spitzberg - Randonnée et Croisière au Spitzberg

13 jours Départ du 20 août 2024

Colombie - Balade des Andes aux Caraïbes

Christel P.

22 jours Départ du 7 août 2024

Caroline B.

Indonésie, Bali - Balade de Java à Bali

16 jours Départ du 5 août 2024

16 jours Départ du 1 juin 2024

Japon - Alpes Japonaises et Mont Fuji

15 jours Départ du 17 août 2024

Bonjour, nous vous remercions de votre confiance et de votre disponibilité lors de notre échange téléphonique à votre retour de voyage.  Nous restons à votre écoute pour vos prochaines aventures. Bien à vous, l'équipe Tirawa.

Madagascar - Trek et Rencontres à Madagascar

Isabelle B.

22 jours Départ du 4 août 2024

Réunion, France - La Grande Traversée de la Réunion

15 jours Départ du 4 août 2024

Inde, Inde Himalayenne - Grand Tour du Ladakh Zanskar

23 jours Départ du 5 juillet 2024

Christian I.

Namibie - Charmes de Namibie

Christine B.

14 jours Départ du 4 août 2024

Mongolie - L'empire des steppes

Elisabeth J.

16 jours Départ du 3 juillet 2024

Bonjour, merci d’avoir renseigné l’enquête de satisfaction et pour nos rapides échanges. Effectivement, les autorités mongoles ont bouleversé tardivement le calendrier du Naadam pour les lier aux festivités du centenaire de l’indépendance de la Mongolie (août 1924 – août 2024). Nous en sommes désolés et comme nous l’avons indiqué à l’ensemble du groupe, nous échangeons actuellement avec notre partenaire local et reviendrons vers chacun de vous rapidement car cela ne correspond pas au soin que nous apportons habituellement à nos circuits. Dans l’attente, nous sommes ravis que globalement le voyage vous ait enchanté. Nous vous remercions de votre confiance. A très bientôt, l’équipe Tirawa.

Afrique du Sud - Du Kruger au Cap de Bonne Espérance

Alexandrine B.

15 jours Départ du 13 juillet 2024

Tibet, Chine - La Grande Traversée du Tibet

Christiane B.

22 jours Départ du 2 juin 2024

Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour votre disponibilité au téléphone pour échanger en détail sur votre voyage, vos retours nous sont précieux. Nous nous réjouissons que vous soyez enchantée de ce circuit, des hébergements, de l’acclimatation à l’altitude, des guides, et de l’itinéraire plus généralement. Nous restons à votre écoute pour vos projets de voyage et vous remercions de votre confiance. Bien à vous, l’équipe Tirawa

Delphine R.

Bonjour, nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de répondre à l’enquête de satisfaction et de l’envoi par mail de vos impressions générales sur ce circuit, et sommes ravis que vous ayez fait un très beau voyage. Nous sommes désolés que le guide n’ait pu répondre à toutes vos attentes, notamment en termes d’explications dans les monastères. Il a peu pratiqué le français depuis 2019, le pays ayant été totalement fermé, mais il a toujours donné grande satisfaction. A la suite de votre message, nous avons repris l'attache de notre équipe locale pour nous assurer que la maîtrise du français soit à la hauteur de la qualité Tirawa et apporte pleine satisfaction.  Merci de votre confiance. Bien à vous, l’équipe Tirawa.

Pérou, Bolivie - Fêtes Sacrées Incas

Jean-Pierre G.

21 jours Départ du 7 juin 2024

Namibie - Voyage sur mesure

15 jours Départ du 1 juillet 2024

Marie Thérèse R.

Catherine B.

Pérou - Balade au Pérou

Véronique M.

15 jours Départ du 16 juin 2024

Bernadette L.

15 jours Départ du 2 juillet 2024

Ouganda - Volcans, Lacs et Gorilles d’Ouganda

Angélique L.

18 jours Départ du 13 juin 2024

Pérou - Rencontres Incas

17 jours Départ du 15 juin 2024

Tibet, Chine - Du lac Namtso à l'Everest

20 jours Départ du 2 juin 2024

François-Xavier G.

Islande - Volcans et Glaciers d'Islande

8 jours Départ du 22 juin 2024

Marie, Caroline B.

Pérou - Voyage sur mesure

24 jours Départ du 1 juin 2024

Pérou - La Cordillère Huayhuash

22 jours Départ du 8 juin 2024

Patricia S.

Japon - Trésors du Japon

15 jours Départ du 4 mai 2024

Bolivie - Grande Traversée de la Cordillère Royale

Florence M.

Pérou - Ausangate et Montagne des 7 Couleurs

Enrico Giovanni D.

15 jours Départ du 8 juin 2024

Bonjour, Nous vous remercions d'avoir répondu à notre enquête et sommes ravis de votre satisfaction globale sur ce voyage. Toutefois, nous avons aussi noté vos réserves et vos mésaventures au niveau aérien que nous regrettons. Sans parvenir à vous joindre, nous restons à votre écoute et disposition. Cordialement, l'équipe Tirawa. 

Voir plus d'avis Népal

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Le Tour des Annapurnas

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Savoir faire et expertise

Des voyages élaborés sur le terrain

Indépendant et responsable

Un tour opérateur à taille humaine

Qualité au juste prix

Des prestations soignées

Petits groupes

Voyage enrichissant et convivial !

Guides experts

Vous êtes en bonne compagnie

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Des témoignages en toute confiance


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Nous joindre par téléphone

Vous pouvez nous joindre par téléphone aux horaires d'ouverture de nos agences .

Tirawa France

04 79 33 76 33

Tirawa Suisse

021 566 74 91

Signaler un avis

Un voyage au bon rapport qualité / prix pour des hébergements simples. La plupart de nos trekkings se situent dans cette catégorie de confort. Notre valeur ajoutée : nous ne nous privons pas de recourir à des hébergements plus confortables, avant ou après un trek, soit pour bien se préparer, soit pour se reposer !

Classification des conforts

La plus grande partie du voyage dispose d’hébergements de catégorie supérieure à la norme locale (Hôtels, Guesthouses, Camps fixes). Nous les avons sélectionnés pour leurs cadres et leurs prestations de qualité. Bien entendu, nous n’excluons pas le fait de dormir ponctuellement chez l’habitant pour vivre une expérience forte et en adéquation avec l’état d’esprit d’un voyage.

Des voyages tout confort et dont les hébergements participent indéniablement au caractère exclusif du périple. Généralement à taille humaine, ces hébergements sélectionnés pour leur cachet ou leur environnement remarquable assurent un service optimal dans une ambiance cosy et couleur locale. II ne s’agit pas d’hébergements de luxe mais d’une d’atmosphère unique et authentique.

Téléchargement de l'itinéraire

Merci d'inscrire vos coordonnées afin d'accéder à l'itinéraire de ce voyage.

Tamang Heritage & Langtang Valley Trek

15 days | trek wild terrain and be welcomed into tiny mountain villages.

Enjoy spectacular views of the Himalayas, as you trek through the Tamang & Langtang heritage trail

Sacred Tibetan culture permeates every inch of this 15-day Expedition, seemingly touching everything in its path. Venture deep into Tamang hinterland as you follow the quiet Tamang Heritage Trail (restricted until 2004) and explore the wilds of Langtang National Park on an unforgettable trekking adventure. Discover surprisingly verdant midlands and stay in villages to immerse yourself in Tamang culture and connect with locals. All this, and we haven’t even mentioned the soaring views of Manaslu Massif, Ganesh, Langtang and Jugal Himal. This trek is perfect for the adventurous and active traveller looking for something different that lies well off the tourist trail. ALTERNATE ITINERARY: Due to the nature of trekking in Nepal, please be aware that this trip will operate on an amended itinerary in the event of high-risk weather conditions.

Trip overview

  • Forest filled with monkeys, stunning ice-capped peaks, plateaued grasslands and epic mountains in Nepal’s little-seen Tamang hinterland.
  • This trek follows trails that run through villages and local communities, instead of teahouses built for tourists, so you’ll gain real insight into life in these remote areas.
  • An overnight homestay with a family in Briddim allows you to share stories, experience some traditional home cooking and sleep overnight in a comfortable wooden home.
  • Hike to a 100-year-old monastery in the village of Gatlang then head out to find Parvati Kunda, a sacred lake that is revered for its apparent powers of fertility.
  • Learn about the Himalaya from your experienced local crew, and hike easier in the knowledge that we take the safety and ethical treatment of trekking guides seriously.
  • By travelling on this trip, you’ll directly support our Intrepid Foundation partner, Sagarmatha Next. Donations help them remove waste responsibly and turn rubbish into art in the Everest region.
  • We can’t overstate how important it is to have a high level of fitness to tackle this trek. You’ll be moving for up to 8 hours a day, at altitudes over 4000 metres. Training and preparation is an absolute must. Our training guide is a good start:
  • No matter how fit you are, altitude sickness can still affect you. Our leaders are trained to spot he symptoms, but it is very important that you make yourself aware of the cause and effects of travelling at altitude, monitor your health and seek assistance accordingly. You can find our guide here .
  • On this trek you’ll be stepping off the typical tourist trail and into the Tamang hinterlands. This trip is ideal for those looking to experience something unique, where you won’t be surrounded by many other people.
  • You’ll be rewarded with hot showers and running water in Gatlang, Thuman, Briddim and Syabrubesi. In other places you’ll use a simple bucket shower. Most of the toilets are in local squat style and shared.
  • Due to the nature of outdoor travel, please be aware that this trip will operate on an amended itinerary in high risk weather conditions.
  • If you are looking for a trek on a more established route, check out our Everest Base Camp (code HNXE) or Annapurna Explorer (code HNXR) treks on our website.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2024

You’ve arrived! Meet your group leader and fellow travellers for a welcome meeting at 2 pm. After the briefing you’ll have a free afternoon and evening, but the tour leader will usually organize an optional evening dinner at one of the Kathmandu’s great restaurants. Arrived early with time to spare? Check out some of the Urban Adventures on offer in this incredible city.

  • Hotel (1 night)

There are no meals included on this day.

  • Kathmandu - Rickshaw Night Explorer Urban Adventure - USD49
  • Kathmandu - Home Cooking Class Urban Adventure - USD60
  • Kathmandu - Everest Scenic Flight - USD240
  • Kathmandu - Spiritual Nepal Experience Urban Adventure - USD59

It’s very important that you attend the welcome meeting as we will be collecting insurance details and next of kin information at this time. If you are going to be late please let your travel agent or hotel reception know. Ask reception or look for a note in the lobby for more information on where the meeting will take place.

Wake up bright and early and drive northwest through Balaju. Make a steady climb to the rim of the Kathmandu Valley, eventually arriving at the pass at Kakani. As we wind ever upwards to the Trisuli bazaar you’ll get views of the Manaslu Massif, Ganesh, Langtang and Jugal Himal. Prepare yourselves for a few humps and bumps, because the road from Trisuli onwards begins to deteriorate. You’ll be driving in these conditions for around 50 kilometres (31 miles) to Dhunche and then another 15 kilometres (9 miles) to Syabrubesi. Tonight’s accommodation is a basic teahouse.

Total driving time approximately 7 hours.

Hope you had a good night’s sleep, because today starts with a 2-hour ascent via a slew of switchbacks that mark the beginning of the trail. It’s all worth it when you reach a vantage point with views of Ganesh Himal, the Gosainkunda range and Langtang Lirung. Along the trail you’ll see numerous Buddhist Chortens and mani walls, which all add another dimension to this picturesque landscape. After descending for around 45 minutes, arrive at the little Tamang village of Goljung for a lunch break. Continue trekking for 2.5 hours to another Tamang village called Gatlang (2238 metres). Besides its obvious cultural richness and stunning location, Gatlang also boasts a 100-year-old Tamang monastery and the secret lake, Parvati Kunda. Legend has it that this lake was discovered in ancient times while the King of Gatlang was on his way to find a missing hunting dog. It is now revered by women for its apparent power to increase fertility. You’ll reach each of these landmarks after a 45-minute uphill walk.

  • Teahouse (1 night)

Trek Distance: 10.5 km Approx time: 6 hours Ascent: 1080 m Descent: 340 m

Are you ready? Today is widely considered the toughest day of the trek. But the rewards far outweigh the gruelling part. Descend gradually along a ridge to the Bamdang Khola, which turns north along the Chilime Khola until you reach the town of Chilime (around 2 hours). After crossing a suspension bridge (always fun) you’ll begin an arduous climb of around 450-metres to the village of Gongang. It’ll take around 1.5 hours of steep uphill climbing but there’s a lunch break on arrival. The next section is much less physically strenuous, as you continue the ascent for around 2 hours until you reach Tatopani (2607 metres).

Trek Distance: 11 km Approx time: 5.5 hours Ascent: 1025 m Descent: 680 m

Pass through an incredible rhododendron forest clinging to the side of the mountain, where vines and moss-covered trees may be filled with troops of gray langur monkeys. Pass through village of Brimdang then continue up the side of the highest and steepest part of the trail. One ridge after another offers better and better views of Ganesh Himal to the west and the Langtang range on the east. The ridgeline ends atop the open grasslands of Nagthali Hill (3210 metres), approximately 45 minutes from Brimdang. All of a sudden you are surrounded by jaw-dropping views of Langtang Lirung, Kerung, Ganesh Himal, Shishapangma on the Tibetan side, with the Sanjen Ranges before you. Spend time taking in the views, visit the Monastery and enjoy the sense of accomplishment, before an approximately 900-metre descent through deep woodlands to Thuman, which faces the Shisapangma and Langtang Lirung peaks (about 45 minutes). A distinct Tibetan influence can be felt in the village, with its Shamanistic beliefs, ancient monasteries and houses covered in woodcarvings.

Trek Distance: 9 km Approx time: 6-7 hours Ascent: 650 m Descent: 900 m

Descend through deep woodlands, which faces the Shisapangma and Langtang Lirung peaks (about 45 minutes). A distinct Tibetan influence can be felt in the village, with its Shamanistic beliefs, ancient monasteries and houses covered in woodcarvings. Pass through rhododendron forests and meadows to reach the Tamang village of Briddim, located in the heart of the Langtang Himal. It will take just over 2 hours of uphill walking. Briddim marks the end of the Tamang Heritage Trail and is often a highlight for many of our travellers. Here you will get to experience a teahouse owned by a local family, sleeping overnight in their comfortable wooden rooms. You’ll get a richer understanding of the culture here plus the chance to share stories with your host.

Trek Distance: 9 km Approx time: 5 hours Ascent: 720 m Descent: 840 m

Continue along the trail through the hilly region of Khangjim and Sherpagoan, learning about the rich culture of the Tamang and Sherpa communities along the way. After trekking for around 7 hours, reach tonight’s guesthouse. Lama Hotel is the name of a collection of guesthouses that marks the start of the Langtang Valley. The standard of accommodation in Lama Hotel is slightly below the usual standard on this trip, but still comfortable.

Trek Distance: 15 km Approx time: 7 hours Ascent: 1035 m Descent: 780 m

Ascend through Langtang National Park via Gumnachowk and Ghotatabela, finally reaching the village of Langtang (approximately 5–7 hours). Langtang National Park was established in 1976 to conserve the unique flora and fauna of the region. Rhododendron, Nepalese alder and oak forest thrive here due to the temperate conditions. The park is also home to red pandas, Himalayan black bears, snow leopards and more than 250 species of birds. Spend the evening at a newly built guesthouse. Don't forget to refill your water bottles tonight at the newly installed water purifier, installed as part of a joint World Wildlife Fund–Intrepid project.

Trek Distance: 12 km Approx time: 5-7 hours Ascent: 1140 m Descent: 175 m

In the morning, follow the trail towards the rebuilt village of Kyanjin. Both sides of the path are flanked by stunning views of distant snow-capped mountains. Today we’ll encounter Tamang and Sherpa inhabitants along the trail as they go about their daily lives. Today’s hiking is between 4– 5 hours. Acclimatise this evening with a short climb above the village for great views of the surrounding valley.

Trek Distance: 7 km Approx time: 4-5 hours Ascent: 480 m Descent: 30 m

You can choose how to spend your time today. After breakfast, go for an optional walk to Kyanjin Ri (4600 metres) for a stunning mountains view. It’s a tough, 2-hours hike up a switch back trail in the dark, gaining about 750 metres of elevation along the way. If you’d prefer, sleep in, and have a relaxing breakfast before heading out to explore the village and learn more about the lifestyles of the Tamang and Sherpa community or even visit a local cheese factory to taste Nak cheese. Yes, you heard it right, not Yak cheese, it’s Nak cheese (Yak is male). Keep your eyes peeled for the German Bakery! You could also take a short hike up to the glacier or try one of several interesting walks around the village. Its a big downhill walk back to Lama Hotel tomorrow.

Trek Distance: 3 km Approx Time: 4 hours Ascent: 750 m Descent: 750 m

After breakfast, head back down the trail via Langtang and Ghoretabela to Lama Hotel. Today’s trekking will take around 7 hours, descending 1600 metres. The long descent will be rewarded with a ‘mountain cold’ Sherpa beer (subject to availability).

Trek Distance: 18 km Approx time: 7 hours Ascent: 380 m Descent: 1560 m

Embrace another early start and, after breakfast, descend the trail through corn fields. Cross the Trisuli River via suspension bridge. Follow the river for around 5 hours until we reach our lodge in Thulo Syabru.

Trek Distance: 12 km Approx time: 6-7 hours Ascent: 725 m Descent: 980 m

After breakfast, walk approximately 3 hours to Thulo Bharku (Dhunche), then transfer to Nuwakot via private vehicle. Our charming accommodation is set on an idyllic organic farm. In the evening you will accompany your leader to the old Nuwakot Durbar (Palace).

  • Farmhouse (1 night)

Trek Distance: 8.5 km Approx time: 3 hours Ascent: 415 m Descent: 750 m

Rise early today for breakfast then hop in a private vehicle for the drive back to Kathmandu. Spend some further time exploring Kathmandu before joining with our group for an optional dinner tonight.

Total driving time is approximately 4 hours

The trip ends today, and you are free to depart at any time after check out. If you plan on spending more time in Kathmandu, let your booking agent know and they can organise more accommodation for you (subject to availability).

  • Kathmandu - Panorama Hike Urban Adventure - USD76
  • Kathmandu - Explore Patan & Bhaktapur Urban Adventure - USD108
  • Kathmandu - In Focus: Handmade Kathmandu - USD93

1 breakfast

Private vehicle, Public bus

Hotel (2 nights), Teahouse (11 nights), Farm House (1 night)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. This trip begins with a welcome meeting at 2 pm on Day 1. 2. A single supplement is available if you’d prefer not to share a room, the single supplement will only be included on Days 1 and 14 (Hotels) and is subject to availability. Please speak to your booking agent for further information. 3. Please bring TWO passport sized photographs for your trekking permit to the welcome meeting on Day 1. 4. Due to the demands of travelling at high altitudes a Passenger Self Assessment Form is required for this trip. The form can be obtained through your booking agent. The form will confirm your self-assessed ability to trek on hilly terrain for anywhere between 2–7 hours per day. 5. Please be aware that in the event of an emergency evacuation, Intrepid does not have control over which helicopter service may be used. Some helicopters are not in regular use with Intrepid and have not passed our internal safety auditing.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek

  • Duration 12 Days
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Destination Nepal
  • Start/End KTM/KTM
  • Group Size 1-12
  • Max. Altitude 4400
  • Quick access to trail from Kathmandu and an easy trekking route
  • Perfect for travelers looking for a short trek in the Himalayas
  • Trek in the Langtang National Park with high chance of coming across wildlife
  • Explore the verdant Langtang Valley and the picturesque villages
  • Trek through dense forests and cross thrilling wooden bridges
  • Intimate encounters with the indegnous communities of Tamangs and Sherpas
  • Enjoy guesthouse trekking and have a close glimpse of local’s lifestyle
  • Less crowded trekking route and a tranquil venture
  • Visit the old Kyanjing Gompa and other stupas on the way
  • Witness gorgeous sunrise from Tserko Ri and breathtaking mountains views as well as excellent sceneries throughout the trek

Langtang Valley Trek 12 Days

Explore authentic rural Nepal, experience guesthouse trekking, and get to witness some of the most stunning mountain panoramas during Langtang Valley Trek . Meet friendly locals, learn about the rich cultural heritage of Sherpas & Tamangs, and walk-through beautiful rhododendron forests.

We have a short 12-days Langtang Valley Trek Hollidays for travelers who are looking for a quick venture into the Himalayas. You'll be trekking in the Langtang National Park, abundant in flora and fauna. The trail is adventurous and full of thrills like suspension bridges, waterfalls, etc. You'll walk through lush forests of rhododendron, bamboo, pine, and cedar.

Langtang Valley Trekking is located near Kathmandu. You do not have to take any domestic flight to reach the starting point of the trek. A 6-7 hours comfortable drive from Kathmandu leads you to the starting point of the Langtang Valley Trek . Regardless of easy access to the Langtang trail, the tourist flow in the region is quite low, unlike the famous Everest base camp trek & Annapurna base camp trek .

Langtang valley trek is famous, especially among novice trekkers. Still, not many people trek in this region, which makes the trail less crowded. You'll have a lot of time to soak in the breathtaking landscapes and unwind amidst the tranquility of high mountains.

Within three days of walking from Syabrubesi, you'll reach Kyanjin Gompa, the last village of the Langtang Valley Trek . The trail to Kyanjin Gompa ascends and descends through lush woodlands, meadows & small picturesque villages. You'll come across many stupas, mani walls, chortens, and prayer flags along the way. And with a hike to Tserko Ri, you'll retrace your way back to Lama Hotel and drop down to Dhunche to end the trek.

Meet with the indigenous community of Tamangs, descendants of Tibetans. Have intimate encounters with the locals and get to know about their simple mountain lifestyle. Langtang Valley has preserved Tibetan Buddhism culture, and the trail showcases it.

There are a bazillions of reasons that make the Langtang Valley Trek a fantastic option. From impressive trekking experience to heartwarming hospitality of the locals and stunning glaciers & mountain views. We hope the below reasons make it easy for you to choose Langtang valley trekking in Nepal.

Guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu

So, all of our packages cover an exciting guided sightseeing tour in Kathmandu. First of all, Kathmandu is called the city of temples for a solid reason. Every corner has a temple or a site where locals worship. The city has major monuments that reflect the rich Nepali diverse cultural heritages and arts.

During the tour, our friendly English-speaking guide will accompany you. You visit monuments like Pashupatinath Temple , Boudhanath Stupa , Swayambhunath , and Kathmandu Durbar Square .

Comfortable & scenic drive to/from Syabrubesi

Syabrubesi is the starting and ending point of the Langtang Valley Trek . Situated at 1,500 meters, Syabrubesi is located 122 kilometers away from Kathmandu. The drive takes around 8 to 9 hours. Kathmandu to Syabrubesi's driving route is smooth and well-built. The ride offers beautiful views of green hills, mountains, terraced fields, and waterfalls. It's a comfortable drive.

Trek in the Langtang National Park

Established in 1976, Langtang National Park is Nepal's first Himalayan national park. The climate ranges from lush temperate river valleys to glacial-carved cliffs. The national park has varieties of forests and green meadows.

From 2,000 m to 2,600 m, you can see rhododendron & pine forests. From 2,600 m to 3,000 m, there are mainly oak forests that are further mixed with larch, hemlock & fir forests from 3,000 m to 3,600 m. Similarly, 4,000 meters above has expansive grassland meadows.

As the Langtang National Park is home to numerous wildlife like Himalayan black bear, screeching langur, red panda, snow leopard, wild dog, serow, and more than 250 species of birds.

Adventurous but easy trekking route

Langtang Valley Trekking Route has an easy to moderate difficulty level. The trail has all the wonders of trekking in the Himalayas regardless of an easy route. You'll cross suspension and wooden bridges over streams & rushing rivers. Likewise, trekking through dense forests, you come across many flora & fauna.

Some part of the route is off-beat, steep, and also passes by landslide-prone areas. You walk along the ridge of high cliffs, enjoying phenomenal landscapes. Not only this, but the encounter with yaks and mules on the grazing sites & along the way is also compelling.

Meet with indigenous Tamangs

The Tamangs are an indigenous tribe with a great history. They are the descendants of Tibetans, residing in the Langtang regions for centuries. Their main language is Tibeto-Burmese. More than 90% of Tamangs practice Tibetan Buddhism and have their own dialect.

While trekking in the Langtang valley, you learn a lot about these communities and their culture. The stupas and monasteries along the way showcase their traditional practices. Likewise, the trail is also enriched in prayer wheels, chortens, prayer flags, and mani walls.

Learn a lot about the lifestyle of the locals and visit ancient monasteries

The Langtang valley trail passes through villages like Lama Hotel, Ghat, Ghoda Tabela, Langtang village, Kyanjin Gompa, etc. We stay overnight in the guesthouses in these villages. The guesthouse accommodation means you stay in the houses of the locals, so the experience is very immersive. You can see closely the lifestyle of the locals and their daily chores. Likewise, we visit the Kyanjin gompa. It is believed to be 280 to 300 years old. It's one of the significant monasteries in the Langtang region.

Witness stunning mountain views and landscapes

If you love the Himalayan landscapes, then you'll love Langtang Valley Trekking . The landscapes during the Langtang Valley Trek are out of this world. The forested hills with well-made terraced fields and meadows & snow-capped Himalayan mountains on the backdrop are nothing less than a storybook scenery.

Some of the mountains you see during this trek are Langtang Lirung (7,234 m), Dorje Lhakpa (6,966 m), Shishapangma (8,027 m), Ganesh Himal (7,422 m), Mt. Kang Guru (6,981 m), etc. Likewise, you also get to see glistening glacier views.

Permits for Langtang Valley Trek

You require to have some permits to do the Langtang valley trek , and they are Langtang National Park entry permit and TIMS (Trekkers information management system) permits. We apply and get all these permits once you book the trek.

Accommodation on Langtang Valley Trek

We provide a 3-star hotel for three nights in Kathmandu and simple lodge/teahouse accommodation for the rest of the eight nights on the Langtang valley trek trail . The rooms are basic, just a bed with a pillow and blankets on trek lodge/guest house on trekking, and please note some of them are very basic, and a sense of adventure is necessary.

Availability, Booking & Last Minute Booking

We at Outfitter Himalaya have opened the booking for 2024 & 2025 on private and small group departures. The Trek is available on group departure, find the selected date below and join one of the dates for the group trek, Our group trek size is from 1 to 12 passengers. If these fixed dates are not suitable for you or looking for a private trek with a private guide, Look at the right bar of the page, select any date, and book your own date.

However, we advise you to ask us first for up-to-date information about the trekking trails, etc… before making a booking.

Booking the Langtang Valley Trek in advance is advisable. When you make a booking in advance, we will have enough time to prepare for the trek, schedule our guide, etc.. However, we accept last-minute bookings too.

Find the detailed day-by-day itinerary for the Langtang Valley Trek 12 Days . The 12-Day Langtang Valley Trek itinerary is inclusive of your arrival and departure days to and from Nepal and a cultural day tour in Kathmandu . If you prefer to make your arrangement for the accommodation for pre and port trek or if you want a shorter or longer itinerary also available from us. If you have longer holidays then you can consider the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek or Langtang Circuit Trek as well.

The 12 Days is the standard itinerary that we have designed to offer you, however, we at Outfitter Himalaya are always happy to customize the trek itinerary for you as per your requirements and fitness level. Let us know your own requirements.

Day 1: Arrive Kathmandu airport and tranfer to hotel

On your arrival day, we'll be at the international airport to welcome you and escort you to the hotel. You'll have no hard time getting from the airport to your hotel. As we have not planned anything for the remaining day.

  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Max. Altitude 1345

Day 2: Full Day Kathmandu Tour

Today, we have one more full day in Kathmandu. In the first half of the day, you'll visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites like Boudhnath Stupa, Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu Durbar Square. It is a guided tour, so one of our friendly licensed guide will accompany you during the tour.

Later in the day, we take some time to meet with the trek guide and prepare for the venture. We'll check all the permits and trekking gear. Pack our duffel bags and do last-minute shopping if needed.

Day 3: Drive from Kathmandu Syabrubeshi

From this day onwards, our Langtang Valley trek begins. First, we’ll drive to Syabrubesi, enjoying green hills and snow-capped mountain views.

Likewise, well-built terraced fields, waterfalls, and small villages also enhance the driving route. From Dhunche, we follow Trishuli river banks and ride towards Syabrubesi.

  • Meals B, L, D
  • Accommodation Guest House
  • Max. Altitude 1500

Day 4: Trek from Syabrubeshi to Lama hotel

From Syabrubesi, the trail follows Bhote Kosi and Langtang Rivers. We trek through lush woodlands and terraced fields. On the way, we pass by small settlement areas. As the trail is forested, we may spot rare wildlife like the red panda.

From Rimche (2,400 m), we walk through dense bamboo forests alongside the Langtang river and ascend to Lama Hotel.

  • Max. Altitude 2480

Day 5: Trek from Lama hotel to Langtang village

The day begins with a gentle walk alongside a river. We then walk on an uphill route through dense forests, enjoying beautiful landscapes. Every now and then, we can also see snowy mountains peeking behind the lush hills. At Ghoda Tabela (3,030 m0, the narrow river valley spread out.

We register our permits here and continue trekking through Chyamki village (3,230 m). Further, passing by chortens, water mills, prayer wheels, and mani walls, we reach the picturesque Langtang village.

  • Max. Altitude 3430

Day 6: Trek from Langtang village to Kyanjing Gumpa

It's a short and easy walk from Lama Hotel to Kyanjin Gompa. We'll get a lot of time to rest today. From Lama Hotel, we walk past small plateaus and mani walls. The trail ascends through yak pastures and a few remote villages.

Gradually, we ascend to Kyanjin Gompa, surrounded by mountains and hills.

  • Max. Altitude 3830

Day 7: Hike to Kyanjung Ri and walk around

We take a rest day at Kyanjin Gompa. The first thing we do today is wake up early and hike to Kyanjung Ri. It is a viewpoint that offers stunning views of Langtang Lirung, Ganesh Himal, Shishapangma, Kang Guru, Dorje Lakpa, etc. We then spend the rest of the day exploring the monastery and village.

Day 8: Trek from Kyanjing Gumpa to Lama Hotel

Following the same trail back, we descend to Lama Hotel. From Kyanjin Gompa, first, we descend to Langtang village, walking through pastures. The trail then drops down through dense forests. We walk along the Langtang river bank and pass by waterfalls to Lama Hotel.

Day 9: Trek from Lama hotel to Syabru Beshi

Continue retracing your steps to Syabrubesi, enjoying the quiet forested hills. If you are feeling fit, take the spectacular route from Rimche to Syabru Besi; it will take much longer to reach the ultimate destination, but it’s a stunning detour. Trekking duration (for average fitness level) is approximately 6-7 hours.

Day 10: Drive from Syaprubeshi to Kathmandu

Bid farewell to the mountain regions and drive back to Kathmandu. The drive begins early in the morning. We drop you at the hotel upon arriving in Kathmandu. In the remaining day, do the shopping and explore the local market. We meet you in the late evening over farewell dinner.

Day 11: Free Day in Kathmandu/Shopping

Today is yours to spend at leisure in the beautiful city of Kathmandu. Or you can do the Everest Mountain flight tour, Everest Base camp Helicopter tour or Bhaktapur Tour, which can be arranged directly with the operator once you reach in Nepal.

Day 12: Tranfer to international airport for your departure flight home

Today, you check out from the hotel and fly to your home or your next destination. Our trip with you has ended. We'll drop you at the international airport.

Is the offered itinerary not suitable for you?

Looking for a customized itinerary? Reach out to our experts.

Map & Altitude Graph

Langtang Valley Trek map

  • Airport transfers on Arrival & departure
  • Three nights Accommodation in Kathmandu includes breakfast
  • Sightseeing tour in Kathmandu
  • A total of 26 Meals (11 breakfasts, 08 lunches, and 08 dinners) during the trek
  • National park entry permits and TIMS permit
  • Ground transportation by Local bus from Kathmandu- Syaprubesi and Dhunche to Kathmandu
  • Seven nights’ accommodations in lodges/tea houses on the trek
  • A trained trekking guide
  • Salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transportation, and insurance for guide and crew
  • Arrangement of emergency helicopter service (paid by travel insurance company)
  • Sleeping bag, down jacket, if necessary, (returned after the trek)
  • Office expenses, Tax & VAT
  • Serve fresh fruits after dinner as dessert
  • T-shirt & trekking map
  • A farewell dinner
  • First Aid with ogymeter
  • Nepal entry visa fee
  • International flight to and from Nepal
  • Travel insurance (compulsory)
  • Entrance fees on Kathmandu tour
  • Food (lunch and dinner) while you are in Kathmandu
  • Trekking porter US $160.00
  • Your personnel expenses/shopping
  • All the alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks
  • Sweet things like chocolate bars and bar bills
  • Hot shower, internet, telephone and laundry
  • Tips for the guide and staffs
  • Anything not mentioned in the included section

Add-Ons & Options

Add trekking porter.

A trekking porter carry about 22-22 Kg and we suggest to hire a porter for each 2 trekkers which cost US $160.00 for the trek.

Upgrade transport from Kathmandu to Syaprubeshi

You can upgrade the transportation to more comfortable drive on Private Jeep. The Private jeep cost US $175.00 and can drive up to 6 person.

Upgrade transport from Syaprubeshi to Kathmandu

Group departures.

We at Outfitter Himalaya offers small group trek to Langtang Valley Trek. Find the fixed dates below to join the group trip and book your most suitable date.

The size for the group trek would be from 1 person to 12 people. If you are more than 12, contact us for the discounts and booking process.

If the offered dates are not suitable for you, or want to have private trip, Proceed booking from the right bar on your own date.

Essential Info

Fitness for langtang valley trek.

A moderate level of fitness is required with daily trekking between 3 to 8 hours to do the Langtang valley trek as you will reach an altitude of 3870m above sea level. Good health with good stamina and a strong desire for trekking is required, and you do not need to have previous trekking experience. However, physical fitness is required.

Meals & Drinks on Langtang Valley Trek

We provide a total of 28 meals (11 breakfast, 9 lunch, and 9 dinners) on the Langtang valley trek, and these meals are provided in hotels and lodges. You have breakfast and dinner at the lodge where you stay overnights and lunch at the lodge available along the trail.

You can find a wide variety of Nepali and Western meals trek and drinks (coffee, tea, milk, soft drinks, and beer), and the drinks are not included in the cost. So, you can buy them yourself at the available lodge/guest house.

We also advise bringing water purification pills/medicine while coming for a trek in Nepal since you have normal water for free. You can use this medicine and drink or buy bottled/boiled water to drink. Know more about meals and drinks on Langtang Valley Trek .

Langtang Valley Trek for Children

Langtang Valley Trek is suitable for children, and this is a family-friendly trek in Nepal. If you are planning to take your children on a Langtang valley trek, we suggest you do private trekking to Langtang Valley. Private trekking offers much flexibility as different people on group treks may have different walking paces. And, you can trek at your own pace on private trekking.

Shorten the Langtang Valley Trek

It is possible to shorten the Langtang Valley Trek . We have 9-day trekking in this itinerary with a rest day in Kyanjing. However, we can cut this day, and we can also remove the trek to Syaprugaun, and can make it for 7-8 days .

Let us know if you have limited days and want to complete the trek in fewer days, and we can make a suitable itinerary program for you.

Langtang Valley Trek Extension

It is possible to extend the trek by a few days and include the Gosaikunda Lake after Syaprugaun, Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, or we can cover the Gosaikunda pass and extend to Helambu valley as well. We have another program in this region which are the Langtang circuit trek and Langtang Gosaikunda Lake Trek . Let us know if you want to extend the trekking in Langtang.

Extras and Extensions

If you have some extra days in hand, we highly suggest you extend your Langtang Valley Trek to Gosaikunda Lake . It's a holy lake and offers jaw-dropping scenery. Combining Gosaikunda lake visit in your trek makes the journey more offbeat and adventurous.

Likewise, here are some other short treks for you in the Himalayas- Everest View Trek , Poon Hill trek , Mardi Himal Trek , and Khopra Danda Trek .

There are some tours such as there is Everest Mountain flight every morning from Kathmandu airport, which you can do in the early morning of day 3 before the day tour in Kathmandu starts at 9:00 am, and you do not need any extra days to add this tour.

Furthermore, if you have some extra days at the end of the Langtang valley trek . We suggest you add Chitwan Jungle Safari , Pokhara Tour , Lumbini Tour , or if you want to travel to another neighbouring country of Nepal Tibet , or Bhutan .

Travel Insurance for Langtang Valley Trek

Travel insurance is required when you go on the Langtang Valley Trek , in case of a serious sickness or injury on the trekking, we do everything to transfer you to the nearest hospital. However, you will be entirely liable for all the expenses incurred in the evacuation/rescue. So, please make sure that these expenses are covered by your insurance policy when you buy the policy.

Q1. How difficult is the Langtang valley trek?

You cover approximately 95 kilometers during the Langtang valley trek. The trek lasts for seven days, and another five days of our Langtang valley trek itinerary involve your arrival/departure in Kathmandu and to/from Syabrubesi. The Langtang valley trail has a gentle pace. The trek is easy (if we compare it with other treks) and doable for everyone.

There are a few steps to ascend and descend, which is the essence of trekking in the Himalayas. As all the heavy luggage is carried by the porters, you do not have to worry about load and can walk freely. Each day around 6-7 hours of walking is needed.

Gradually, walking along the trodden path, you reach the highest point of the Langtang valley trekking, Tserko Ri, at 5,000 m. The elevation gain is huge, but the risk of altitude sickness is quite low, thanks to our well-designed Langtang itinerary.

Non-technical climbing or any special equipment is needed for the Langtang valley trek. Likewise, no previous trekking experience is needed for this trek. Anyone who can walk six hours a day is eligible for this trek.

Q2. How to prepare for the Langtang valley trek, is any training required?

You do not need to do anything special or any training for Langtang valley trekking in terms of physical preparation. All you have to make sure of is you can walk and keep your stamina constant during the trek. To do so, you can go on long walks frequently before the beginning of the trek.

The best way to build stamina, which is very much needed for a trek in the Himalayas, is by doing cardio. You can simply go on jogging or do other activities like swimming, cycling or running. If you have access to a treadmill or gym, you can add cardio to your routine.

You can buy/rent heavy trekking clothes and gear in Thamel, Kathmandu. No need to carry everything from your home. As per your budget, you'll find a range of options here.

If you are thinking of getting a new pair of trekking shoes, then we recommend getting them early and wearing them to avoid any blisters while trekking.

Q3. Where is the Langtang valley trail located?

The Langtang valley trek is located in the Northeast of Kathmandu valley and it is in the Langtang National Park. The Langtang valley Trekking starts from Sybrubeshi or Dhunche. You need to drive to Syaprubeshi or Dhuche and start the trek to Langtang Valley. The Ky-anjing village is the last place to stay overnight.

Q4. When is the best time to do the Langtang valley trek?

The Langtang Valley Trek is doable throughout the year. However, the Autumn (from mid-September to end of the December) and the Spring season (from mid-February to the end of May) are the best time for the trek. Find the detail about the best time for the Langtang Valley Trek .

Q5. Is there an ATM along the Langtang valley trek route?

No, there is not an ATM along the Langtang valley trekking route, and there is not even a money exchange shop along the trail. So, please have enough cash in Nepali currency to spend on the trail.

Q6. How Safe is the Langtang valley trek?

The Langtang valley trek is safe, however, few trekkers have lost their lives on this trail in his-tory. Some of the trails go through jungles, and people may lose the trail when they trek alone. So, trekking in a group with people or a local guide who knows the trail well, which is important while going on the Langtang valley trek. The safety of our clients and staff is the top priority at Outfitter Himalaya.

Our trekking guides are professional and well trained, and they are well-known about the trails. So, we advise you to hire a guide from the local company when you go on the Lang-tang valley trek. And, if you are worried about safety in terms of criminality, the crime is al-most non-existent on Langtang valley trail, no worries.

Q7. Is there Wifi on the Langtang valley trek trail?

There is internet service on the Langtang valley trekking trail, which you can have free to 400-500NPR to use. Or, you can buy a local NTC sim in Kathmandu and use the internet through it while on the Langtang valley trek.

Q8. Is there electricity in the Langtang valley trek?

Yes, the electricity available in almost all the places/villages along the Langtang valley hiking trail. You need to pay anywhere from free at low elevation to 500.00 NPR to charge cameras, phones, etc...

Q9. How long is the Langtang valley trek?

You can do the Langtang valley trek from 5 days up to 9 days, which depends on your wak-ing paces etc…. and more depends on whether you just want to trek and reach the destina-tions and return or spend your holiday. It takes three days to reach Kyanjing village and an-other two days to return.

However, if you want to spend more time in the region and do some side trips and about 12 days with your arrival and departure days to and from Nepal is ideal for the Langtang Valley Trek. You can find the day-to-day itinerary of the program above the page.

Book on your own date!

Client Reviews

This was an amazing trek. So scenic and beautiful - blew our minds. Saw monkey's and deer in the jungle. The tea houses and guest houses were clean and offered delicious food. Our guide Bhim and porter Ramesh were the best - great sense of humour plus really supportive and helpful. The first days trek was really hard so I suggest practising steps after that it's very manageable.

Can't recommend thus trek highly enough!


Awesome Langtang Valley Trek Experience

An unforgettable experience to say the least. Our guides Raj and Deepak were awesome. Always smiling, catering, and friendly with tonnes of knowledge. Raj would explain to me how these guys were all like family to each other.

The Langtang Valley Trek was amazing, to say the least. Tough, but amazing. I miss the hills, mountains, and my guides tremendously and wish I would see them again someday. I would definitely recommend these guys.

5/5 - Excellent, would definitely go through this organization again if I returned to Nepal.


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Langtang Valley Trek

  • Destination Nepal
  • Region Langtang
  • Duration 8 Days
  • Transportation Drive
  • Max Height 3870 m.
  • Activities Trekking
  • Trip Grade Moderate
  • Accomodation Hotel/Lodge
  • Group Size Mini. 1 Pax
  • Best Season Sep-Dec & Mar-May
  • Meals B.L.D.
  • Start / End Point Syabrubesi

Trip Overview

Langtang Valley Trek is a congenial delightful and ideal journey in the Langtang region .  It is famous for providing exceptionally beautiful vistas of the mountains, native hidden culture, and Langtang Himalayas ranges. The Langtang Trekking Trail is an extremely beautiful and fascinating destination in Nepal. Which is not far from the capital city of Kathmandu and it’s just 123 KM away. Most of the way goes off the beaten trail in the Langtang Valley Trek.  This Short 7 Days Langtang Trek takes you to discover the unique culture and natural beauties of the Langtang Himalayas. Likewise, you will extremely soak into nature and culture without any hassle.

What makes the Langtang trek special in 2024/2025?

Langtang Valley Trek is a distinguished destination that leads to discovering astonishing peaks with an amusing walk around the beautiful Langtang valleys. It’s a great occasion to discover the Langtang glacier, Langtang lirung base camp, various landscapes, wild animals, renovated villages, an old Buddhist monastery, a local cheese factory , marvelous mountains, and extraordinary scenarios too.  The peak of Langtang Lirung  and the distinct culture of the famous ethnic group  Tamang  make this trek more authentic. 6 Days Short Langtang Trek offers alluring views of grand mountains and a mirthful walk around the glorious valleys.

The 8 Days Langtang Circuit Trek  starts as well as ends at S yabrubeshi or Dhunche.   It could be approached from Kathmandu through the 6 hours of drive by jeep. Since there is no airport, the only roadway is the option to attend the Langtang trek. Syabrubeshi, Bambo, Lama Hotel, Ghoda Tabela, Khangsher, Langtang Village, Mundo Village, Kyanjin Gompa- Kathmandu is the summarized 6 days itinerary from our company Nepal High Trek & Expedition Pvt. Ltd.

Kyanjin Gompa (3870m)

There are local old Buddhist monasteries and a small local cheese factory in the K yanjin village/Kyanjing gompa. It’s one of the best cheeses available around the Langtang area. There one can learn about the socio-economic life of the locals.   Interacting with the local community and taking photos of their children are the best part to make the trek more memorable. Kyanjin Gompa is the last tea house place in short Langtang Trek and the place would be excellent to explore the beauty of hidden nature.

Langtang National Park (Buffer Zone)

Besides, the  Langtang National Park  conserves rare animals and plants that also can be explored through the  Langtang Valley Trek . The Langtang National Park was established in  1976, has an area of 1710 sq km , and consisting a buffer zone area of 420 sq km. You will witness a variety of flora and fauna. Walking in remote places like Langtang suppresses all the stress and releases happiness within you. This feeling is awesome.

Magnificent Panorama Scenarios

Throughout the journey, you would pass through lightly populated and remote areas. But the mesmerizing views of the  Ganesh Himal, Langtang Lirung (7324m), Dorje Lakpa (6966m), Gangchempo (Langtang Ri 7205m), Porong Ri (7292), and Yala Peak (5520m) would make your heart pounder. In addition, the beautiful vistas of the glacier moraine in the north provide a superb view of  Langtang Lirung  being popped out in the crystal clear sky.

Authentic Food and Accommodation

Despite the remoteness, the valley provides suitable accommodation with typical Nepalese food service. People are not as outgoing as in the urban area but they are humble and eager to chat with you. Local people have good hospitality and conduct. Regarding accommodation, in the Langtang region, the accommodation is ordinary and has twin-sharing beds. Each tea house has a warm dinning hall and cozy rooms as well. Along the trail somewhere you will get a bathroom inside the room but are not allowed shower inside. Throughout peak season you must the accommodation a week before.

A Engrossing Tamang culture and Festival

Around the Langtang Region, more than 80% of people are from Tamang. They have a brilliant tradition, and  unique culture including a distinct language, cultural dress, script, ethnic instrument , and social manners. They have over 120 sub-clans in the Tamang caste . Approximately more than 80% of the Tamang have been flowing the Buddhist. Their language, Tamang, comes from the Tamangic branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family and it is 75% similar to Gurung Language.

Damphu and Cello are the identities of the Tamang people . Tamang Cello songs represent humor, satire, joy, and sorrow. It has a brisk movement and rhythmic beat specific to the Tamangs. Sonam Lhochhar is the major festival of the Tamangs and is celebrated in the month of Magh (February–March) . It is celebrated to welcome the Tamang New Year.

Sacred Gosainkunda Lakes (4,380 Metres)

Another reason that people Trek to the Langtang region is due to the holy Gosainkunda Lake . The lake on the top of the hill often gets frozen in winter. Many trekkers have fancy skating in the lake which is awesome. That’s the most attractive part of the Langtang region. There are altogether 108 (ponds) lakes around the area but Saraswati Kunda, Bhairab Kunda, Surya Kunda, Naga Kunda , and Gosainkunda lakes are the most fascinating and popular too.

Moreover, the pristine  Lake Gosainkunda  is also worshiped by Hindu and Buddhist Devotees on special occasions. Besides, the Langtang Tamang Heritage Tre k is the best option to explore the religion, culture, and festivals of the Langtang Valley.

A Beautiful Hike To Tserku Ri Viewpoint 4984 m

When you trek to Langtang Valley don’t omission to hike up to the brilliant Tsurerku viewpoint. Perhaps, it’s an extraordinary place to relish the scenarios of the enchanting Langtang Himalayas with Tibetain Himalayas range too. The place offers to see the world’s 14th highest peak Mt Shishapangma 8027 m and an unbelievable outlook. A day hike to Tserku Ri is quite an arduous walk than previous days because should climb up almost 1100 m from Kyanjin Gompa.

Low Altitude and Short Treks in Langtang Region

If you are not really high adventure seekers the Langtang trekking routes would be good for hike and fun with spectacular mountains. This region has many various treks that you can find out the trek according to your choice. Moreover, all treks are based on the low altitude that everyone easily completes and have fun with nature. This trek can be completed within a week and also it’s one of the guaranteed trips in Nepal.

The Following Treks Are The Most Popular in the Langtang Region

  • Short Langtang Valley Trek 5 Days
  • Langtang Trek 6 Days
  • Langtang Valley Trek 7 Days
  • Gosainkunda Lake Trek 8 Days
  • Tamang Heritage Trek 10 Days
  • Langtang Valley with Ganja La Pass Trek 14 Days
  • Gosainkunda Pass Trek 12 Days
  • Langtang Helambu Trek 6 Days
  • Langtang Valley Via Yala Peak Climbing

Alternative & Reliable Langtang Region Treks

Langtang Trekking Region is one of the most reliable and guaranteed treks in Nepal. It’s one of the closest and most popular destinations in Nepal. Moreover, the Langtang Trek Route would be the finest and everyone easily join to explore and discover the flora and fauna of Langtang Valley. The trek can start from many places like Syabru Bensi, Dhunche, and Sundarijal. The major transportation is only driving but if are interested you can get luxurious transportation too.

Perfect Family Trekking Route Beyond the Kathmandu

Take your kids to the lap of the Himalayas. Trekking with kids is tricky. You may need to consider lots of things. From altitude to walking hours as well as distance plays a crucial role while traveling with kids. However, it is not an issue while doing the Langtang Valley Trek. The trail is easy to walk and the distance between the two teahouses is short. Therefore, lots of family trekkers are choosing the trail as their ideal trekking destination.

Alternative Treks Around the Langtang Valley                             

Note : Langtang Trekking Route is one of the major assets of the Nepal tourism sector. Langtang Valley trekking trail is easily combined with popular treks like Tamang Heritage Trail, Langtang Valley and Ganjala Pass Trek , Helambu Circuit Trek, Pangsang Pass with Ruby Valley Trek, Gosainkunda Pass Trek, and Gosainkunda Lake Trek also famous trekking route. This Trekking is best for exploring the sacred holy lake. Find the diverse trekking packages of the Langtang Region in 2023/2024 and we can make customize the itinerary and budget according to your desire and preference plan.

When to Trek in the Langtang Region?

The best time to trek is the dry season from October to May . The worst time is the monsoon season period from June to September. This generalization does not allow for the peculiarities of individual treks.  Some people claim that the undeniable difficulties of trekking during the monsoon are outweighed by the virtual absence of western trekkers.

Autumn Season ( September, October, November & December)

The first three months of the dry season from mid-September to mid-December offer the best weather for trekking around the Himalayas in Nepal. The air freshly washed by the monsoon rains is crystal clear, the mountain scenery is superb and the weather is still comfortably warm. December, January, and February are still good months for trekking but are too cold and frozen on the trail. Even though, the Langtang treks are always a favorable and low risk of altitude sickness and tough too.

Spring Season ( February to May)

From March to May , the weather has been dry for a long time and dust is starting to hang in the air, affecting visibility. The poorer quality of the Himalayan views is compensated for by the superb wildflowers such as the wonderful rhododendrons. Furthermore, would highly recommend the autumn and spring seasons for hiking, trekking , and climbing in Nepal.

100% Successful & Guaranteed Trip

We assure you that Langtang Region Treks will be 100% successful and Guaranteed Trips for the whole year. It’s always a pleasing and acceptable trek for everyone. We have multi-trip departures in the autumn, winter, and spring seasons for 2022/2023. The itinerary can be altered according to your holiday length and preference plan.

 Conclusion of the short Langtang Trek Itinerary & Cost

6 Days Langtang Trek   is generally the moderate type which is completed within a week time frame. The climate in these regions is almost cold throughout the year and is windy in higher altitudes. As the maximum elevations are lower than 5000m it has no threats of Mountain Sickness. Spring and autumn are the best Langtang trekking seasons.

Thus, Langtang Short Trek is one of the low altitude and cultural trip that is suitable for all age groups. The trek experienced the graceful local culture of the Langtang Valley and the awe-inspiring view of beautiful mountains. It’s a significant and acceptable destination in Nepal that would highly recommend to all beginner mountain lovers. The Nepal High Trek & Expedition team is very eager to host your trip to Langtang Valley in 2024/2025.

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Details Itinerary

Day 01: arrival in kathmandu (1395 m) with transfer to the hotel - 25 m.

On arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu then get a transfer at the hotel. After then received by our guides and staff, at the hotel check in and join in for a group briefing regarding treks and other useful information and checking the necessary gear.

Day 02: Drive to Syabrubesi by local sharing jeep 1,503 m - 6/7 hours

An early morning departure from the hotel taking an overland drive to reach towards North around Langtang Himal, during six hours drive views of snow-capped peaks, then arriving at Syabrubesi village after driving past Dhunche headquarter town of Rasuwa district and Langtang Himal area.

Day 03: Trek from Syafrubensi to Lama Hotel 2,450 m – 6/7 hours

The walk commences from Syafrubesi village as the morning trail leads to a cross over a bridge of Langtang River. After then the trail heads to an uphill climb into farm areas entering the green dense forest to reach our second overnight of the journey at Lama Hotel, a nice spot within a forest clearing.

Day 04: Trek From Lama Hotel to Langtang Village 3,430 m - 07 hours

From Lama Hotel morning walk follows the river upstream within deeply forested areas and in a gorge, a route leads to the much cooler area past Ghodetabla to reach Langtang village for an overnight stop surrounded by tree lines and views of Langtang Lirung peaks towards the north above high rocky cliff wall.

Day 05: Trek from Langtang village to Kyanjin Gompa 3,830 m – 04 hours

Today a short walk to reach Kyanjing Gompa our final and major destination of this lovely journey, morning trek starts with a short steep climb to reach a ridge on leaving the forested area, where the trail leads into a wide scenic Langtang valley enclosed with an array of peaks as our morning walk reaches a nice settlement at Kyangjing Gompa for few overnight stops.

Day 06: Optional Hike to Tserkuri Viewpoint (4984m) Explore the Langtang Himalayas with Tibetan Himalayas Ranges

A free day for you to enjoy a scenic walk with the hike on top of Tsergo-Ri viewpoint (4,984 m), the highest spot of the adventure overlooking the panorama of the whole Langtang Himalayas range of peaks with some mountains of Tibet across the border beyond Langtang mountains. We highly suggest you hike the stunning Tserku Ri viewpoint to discover the mesmerizing scenario of the Langtang Himalayas.

Day 07: Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel 2,450 m – 07 hours

Having an enjoyable marvelous time around beautiful Langtang Valley at Kyanjing our adventure comes to an end following the downhill walk to Lama Hotel with an overnight stop. The mostly trail is coming down through the Mundu village, Langtang village, and Ghodatabela village. Approximately, 6 to 8 hours to get back to Lama Hotel.

Day 08: Trek from Lama hotel to Syabrubesi - 06 hours

From Lama Hotel our last day walk of the adventure, as the morning trek follows into the forest with a downhill to cross over a bridge then reaching our last overnight halt at Syabrubesi for the last overnight around Langtang Himal.

Day 09: Drive to Kathmandu by local sharing jeep and transfer to hotel – 07 hours

After a most remarkable journey in Langtang Valley around Rasuwa district, we'll back to Syafrubensi. Early in the morning, we will drive back to Kathmandu by local sharing jeep through beautiful places like Dhunche, Langtang National Park, Trishuli Bazar, Trishuli river, landscapes, hills, and beautiful countryside. It takes 6 to 7 hours to get to Kathmandu and afternoon you'll have a short time to explore the Kathmandu valley.

Day 10: Final departure to homeward bound or to respective destinations.

Last day in the land of Himalayan wonders, as per your international flight time depart from the hotel for an airport for your international flight back to home countries or other respective destinations.

Cost Includes

  •  Airport pick up and drop off service.
  •  Two-night best Boutique Hotel in Katmandu with breakfast.
  •  Full board meals throughout the trip (Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner)
  •  Langtang National Park Permit (Rs, 3000)
  • Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) (Rs, 2000)
  •  Kathmandu to Syafrubesi, Syafrubesi to Kathmandu by local sharing jeep.
  • Kathmandu hotel to Buspark and Buspark to hotel by taxi.
  •  Hot beverages, three cups of tea/coffee per day.
  • Seasonal fruits during the trek.
  •  Local familiar government license holder mountain guide from Kathmandu.
  •  Trekking gear: down jacket, sleeping bag, company t-shirt, trekking pole, and duffle bag.  (If you needed)
  •  Medical supplies (first aid kit will be available).

Cost Excludes:

  •  Your Travel and rescue insurance.
  • Porter cost US$190 for the trip ( A power can be used by two trekkers & 10kg per person)
  • Private jeep cost per way $170
  • All personal expenses.

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Langtang valley trek route map.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is located langtang valley trek.

Langtang Valley Trek is located in mid-north Nepal and this Trek is into the Langtang Region of Nepal. The Langtang Trekking Region is the third most popular and most beautiful trekking route in Nepal.

How difficult is the trek to Langtang Valley?

Langtang Valley Trek is an easy hike and culture trek in the Langtang region. This trek leads you to 3830m a maximum height at Kyanjin Goma. The Langtang trek is not a difficult and high-altitude trek in the Langtang region.

What is the major transportation of Langtang Trekking Region?

What types of accommodation get along the trek.

Around the Langtang valley all accommodations like the same quality as a basis on tea houses. Whereas, in the mountains, you will be accommodated in the best available lodges and Guesthouses.

When is the best time to trek around the Langtang Valley?

March to May and September to December are the best months to trek in the Langtang region. Both seasons Spring (March to May) autumn (September to November) would be a more favorable time to hike or trek in Langtang. If you choose any of these reasons you are able to see an excellent view of mountains with hidden local cultures with majestic landscapes.

Do I need high-quality gears for Langtang Trek?

Usually, the trekking equipment is very crucial to complete the trek but Langtang treks are not high altitude treks that do not require very high-quality gears. You should have medium qualities gears and compulsory gears like boots, a down jacket, a sleeping bag, and related goods too.

How long does take to complete the Langtang Trek?

However, Langtang Region has many popular treks around the valley that references the trekking day depending on the trek. If you want to do the Langtang trek it could be completed within 6 to 8 days from Kathmandu to Kathmandu. Normally, the Langtang region treks can be finished within 6 to 16 days from Kathmandu.

What is the level of Langtang Trek?

The Langtang valley trek is based on a moderate and easy level. We do commit to you that anybody easily completes the Langtang trek without difficulty and acute mountain sickness.

Which is the highest mountain in the Langtang Valley?

In the Langtang region, there are many mountains that are very popular and tallest but there are not any above the 8000m. However, the Langtang Lirung (7234m) is the tallest peak in the Langtang region and along the trail, we are able to see the Shishapangma (8027) peak which is located in Tibet. Don’t worry, when you trek to Langtang valley you can see many beautiful and popular mountains throughout the trek.

Do I need a permit for the Langtang Trek?

Yes, the permit is mandatory for foreigners to do a trek around the Langtang region. A permit cost is RS 3000 rupees. The permit can buy at Langtang National Park at Dhunche and Sundarijal National Park. Moreover, you need also Tims cards as (Trekkers Information Management System).

What is the major culture in the Langtang valley?

Around the Langtang valley are available many cultures and customs but in the current context, Tamang culture is remarkable. It’s one of the charming tribe’s cultures in Nepal. When you hike around the Langtang able to explore the Tamang cultures with flora and fauna too.

Can I do Langtang Trek without Guide?

Regarding the guide, we never prefer and recommend the Langtang Trek without a guide. Trekking is always an adventure and difficult journey that better to hire a guide for the Langtang trek. If you hired a guide the trip would be safe and more enjoyable

Is there any alternative route to complete the Langtang Valley Trek?

Yes, the Langtang region trekking routes combined the many popular treks around the Langtang valley. There is another alternative trekking route Helambu and Gosainkunda Pass trek amalgamate the Langtang valley. If you want to follow this trekking route it would be an excellent journey to explore the flora and fauna of Langtang valley.

Is this trek for beginners ?

Yes, this trek is acceptable for all age groups and it's suitable for beginner travelers. Probably Langtang Trek is a low altitude and easiest trek in Nepal. If you're not an adventure seeker highly prefer this trip. Furthermore, throughout the trek, you will reach a maximum height of 3830m at Kyanjin Gompa except for the Kyajin viewpoint (4380m) and Tserkuri viewpoint (5030m).

Is possible to do the Langtang Trek in Monsoon ?

The Langtang Trek is possible during the monsoon season, but it comes with certain considerations and potential challenges. The monsoon season in Nepal generally lasts from June to September, and during this time, the country experiences heavy rainfall, increased cloud cover, and occasional landslides. Besides, when you trek around the Langtang Valley you must walk carefully and be careful of landslides along the trail

Is age group restriction for this trek ?

We assure you that the Langtang Trek is a low-altitude and easiest journey in Nepal. So this trek can be completed by any age group or any season. The trip requires fluctuated walking that better to keep well your physical fitness level. From Syafrubensi to Kyanjin Gumpa the trail is completely uphill and you should climb up almost 2345m. Let's make a plan to discover the hidden gems of Langtang valley and relish the stunning view of Langtang valley.

Is tip compulsory for trekking crews ?

In fact, the trekking crews appreciate and expect tips when completing the trek. Although,  the Tipping is not fixed and you can give as you wish. It depends on the trekking difficulties and length.

What kinds of amenities get throughout the trek ?

The Langtang region trek is a unique delightful journey that offers the natural beauties and cultures too. However, throughout the trek, you will get good amenities along the local tea houses. The accommodations are based on the hotel and guest house. Each guest house has an attached bathroom inside the room and as well as you get a wife services each hotel. Besides, around the Langtang Valley available access to 4G coverage but due to bad weather 4G service would be weak.

Is allowed to fly the drone around the Langtang valley ?

Not prohibited to fly the drone without a drone permit. The Langtang region is protected by the Langtang National Park so without permit not allowed to fly drones or any documentaries and harm vegetation. If you want to fly around the Langtang Valley during the trek you should take a drone permit from the Ministry of Civil Aviation in Kathmandu.

Does Langtang trekking trails combine other treks too ?

Usually, the Langtang trek can be completed within 6 to 8 days from Kathmandu to Kathmandu. If you've ample time towards to more nature and culture. This trek combines other popular treks to Tamang Heritage Trail, Ganjala Pass, Gosainkunda Lake, and Pangsang Pass too. The Langtang region is highly recommended as the destination to explore the majesty Himalayas and diverse ethnic cultures too.

Client Reviews

trek au langtang

Eleanor Kristin

United state, 7 days langtang valley trek.

We had the most amazing experience doing Langtang with Nepal High Trek and Expedition. The blend of culture and nature was amazing, we saw all sorts of different wildlife from mountain goats to monkeys. Our guide, Pawan, was extremely knowledgeable about the area. He was super friendly and we learned so much about the local animals, plants, and culture. The relationships this company has with the tea houses along the way add to the experience as you feel welcomed everywhere you go. Plus the food was fantastic and we were never hungry. Our porter Tarjan spoke little English but was a friendly and kind person, we really enjoyed his presence on the trail. The views were jaw-dropping, the company was fantastic and the culture added a unique aspect to the experience. This trip could not have been any better we absolutely loved our time in Langtang Valley. I undoubtedly recommend the Nepal High Trek and Pawan for Nepal trips.

trek au langtang

Harish Darry

Sydney australia, unforgettable langtang valley trek with nepal high trek.

My Langtang Valley trek with Nepal High Trek was an unforgettable experience. The scenery was breathtaking, the trails were challenging yet rewarding, and the cultural immersion was incredible.

I would highly recommend using Nepal High Trek for your Langtang Valley trek. Their organization was excellent, and their communication from the start was exceptional. Anjan was fantastic throughout the planning process, ensuring everything was in order and providing detailed briefings before I started the trek.

My guide, Indako, was truly a gem. He was very knowledgeable about the area. We shared meaningful conversations throughout the trek, where I learned a lot about Nepali culture, Buddhism, and the local way of life. He was incredibly caring and attentive to my needs, ensuring I was comfortable and safe throughout the trek. Indako also knew when to encourage breaks, making sure I had the energy to fully enjoy the experience.

Even though this was my first time trekking and I was doing it solo, Indako’s positive energy and enthusiasm made the experience even more enjoyable. He’s a fantastic guide, and I highly recommend him to anyone considering the Langtang Valley trek.

trek au langtang

Daniel Richard (30/04/2024)

Washington dc, usa, family langtang trek.

What an incredible experience my family and I had with Nepal High Trek . We brought our 11 and 14 year old children over from the US to see a completely different part of the world. Our guide was excellent and helped to make sure our kids were well looked after, and they went out of their way to make sure they enjoyed the experience. He even helped our kids spot a Red Panda off the trail, which both had said was a ‘goal’ of theirs at the beginning of the trek! Nepal High Trek was always very attentive and made sure we enjoyed our experience. I even consider our guide, Indako Gole Tamang, a friend. Just a word of caution, the trek is not ‘easy’ as there are long sections of steep ascents, so come prepared. It is probably one of the easier treks compared to the other treks offered by Nepal High Trek , but you definitely work up a sweat. All that to say, I cannot recommend this company enough! They wowed us from beginning to end. We felt valued throughout. Constantly encouraging and coaching us once we got up into the higher elevations and we started to feel the altitude. We’ve done many treks throughout the world, and we have rarely experienced the level of attentiveness and personalization that Nepal High Trek gave to us. We will be back and will definitely be using Nepal High Trek again in the future!

trek au langtang

California USA

8 days langtang valley trek.

My sister and I were first time trekkers and were absolutely impressed with the service from the agency Nepal High Trek. The itinerary was well organized and everything went smoothly from start to finish. Communication from Anjan was amazing and quick prior to booking when I was just doing my own research. All my questions and concerns were addressed in a timely manner.

The agency was very accommodating in adjusting the itinerary to our needs which I was impressed. On the first day of arrival in Kathmandu, Anjan and our trekking guide Subodh greeted us directly and reviewed the itinerary once again and allowed the opportunity for any questions and concerns. Subodh was an amazing and knowledgeable trekking guide and always looked after us during the trek. At one point during the trek, my sister was struggling with carrying her backpack and he willingly offered to carry it in addition to already carrying his own. I’m glad to have utilized this agency for my first time trekking experience as they’ve made it a great one. For future Nepal treks, I’ll def utilize them again and highly recommend this agency to every person out there who’s looking to trek in Nepal and needs guidance.

trek au langtang

Langtang Valley with Tserkuri Hike

This was our first time trekking. Thank you so much for making it a memorable and wonderful experience from the beginning till the end. Communication was quick and efficient from Anjan prior to, during and after the trek. Our trekking guide Subodh was the best! I should have got a porter but Subodh helped me carried my bag and a few of my items during the trek because it got too difficult for me.

Subodh was very knowledgeable of the terrain. He was encouraging and went at our pace during the trek. He always made sure we were okay and safe. His communication was great because he would keep us informed of what to expect each day of the trek.

The views and terrain were beautiful. The food was great! The hospitality from the guesthouse was wonderful as well. I would highly recommend Nepal High Trek to friends or family that wants to trek here in Nepal. Their service exceeded my expectations. They treat their clients with the utmost respect.

trek au langtang

Responsive Service, Experienced Guide Team

We traveled as a group of three from Singapore in Dec 2023. While generally considered “off-season”, we booked our Langtang Valley trek on a whim with Nepal High Trek just a few weeks before the trek.

The valley was indeed amazingly beautiful with clear skies, comfortable temperature in the day when we were hiking (it was cold at night though) and certainly no crowds.

We were able to make quick decisions to go with the trek all thanks to Anjan (boss of Nepal High Trek), who was superbly quick in responding on the tour package (which was at a very reasonable price) and to our multiple queries which helped with our planning. He was flexible in our itinerary planning so we could make the best out of the limited days we would be in Nepal. Anjan is also a generous boss who catered to our requests.

Overall a positive experience with the trekking staff, led by Pawan, who navigated us through the challenging terrains (at least to us beginner trekkers). Pawan took good notice of our preferences and needs (eg food) and ensured we had a good experience. Tareje was the our most admired porter who managed our combined 25kg duffel throughout the trek effortlessly.

Recommend to contact Anjan at Nepal High Trek when planning your next adventure up the Himalayas!

trek au langtang

Veen Baskaran

Langtang valley trek in december.

Amazing! I booked at the very last minute and Anjan, the tour operator was extremely helpful and accommodating. With his guidance, i sorted out everything i needed and arrived in Kathmandu 2 days later. What i liked the most was the transparent pricing, online payment options and the patience he had in answering my 1,001 questions.

From Kathmandu, i met my guide Suraj without whom i never would’ve made it past the first day of the trek!

Suraj was not only a super helpful guide, he kept an eye on me and advised me accordingly to take proper breaks and to not give up!

needless to say, trekking over 4 days across mountains, rivers, valleys and then the summit plus glaciers was just wow!

suraj pointed out wild animals, cool rock formations and was ever willing to help me take some amazing shots!

we came back a day earlier due to my flights and both Anjan and Suraj were kind enough to not let me waste my last few hours without seeing some sights around Kathmandu before dropping me off at the airport,

Huge thank you to Anjan and Suraj for making this the trip of a lifetime!

trek au langtang

Saranaya Sayar

Langtang valley trek with the best team.

My brother and I did an unforgettable Langtang Valley Trek in December 2023 with Nepal High Trek and we had an amazing time! Nepal High Trek was helpful to all our questions from the start and attended to all our queries. When we made changes to the Trek dates, Anjan was patient and accommodated to all the changes.

We did our Trek with Suraj and Surya, who made an exceptional and amazing team! They were so kind, patient, and friendly and went the extra mile to make us feel comfortable by checking on our needs consistently. Even when I fell sick during the 3rd day of the trek, Suraj helped me with my day pack on top of his bags. He explained a lot during the Trek about Nepal’s history and geography too. He made sure we had ample tea breaks and consistently checked on us. For Surya, I’m also very thankful as he was carrying our backpacks, yet timely, he guided me down the descent whenever I needed help. He even went the extra mile to pack our sleeping bags in the morning as we needed help. We can safely say that they made a huge difference to our Trek as we were in safe hands!

Overall, we enjoyed our Trek so much and returned home with so many beautiful memories and rate this trek 10 out of 10 stars. We’re planning to do another Trek and will definitely book Nepal High Trek again with no hesitations!

trek au langtang

Daniel Cole

My wife and I did an 8 day Langtang Valley Trek with Pawan as our guide. The company picked us up from the airport and booked us a great room at a hotel in the Thamel district of Kathmandu. Our hotel was fantastic, with great breakfast, clean room and a rooftop restaurant. The guide and owner were both available for any questions we had and gave us great tips for things to see while in Kathmandu. They then got us a jeep and driver to take us to the start of the Langtang Valley Trek. We had a great lunch halfway though our drive and our guide helped us through all the police checkpoints along the way. The hike itself was absolutely incredible! Our guide was very knowledgeable about the area, where to stay, the history of all the towns, the wildlife, and even the many plants we saw along the way. Unfortunately, I had come down with altitude sickness during our hike but I was very happy to have our guide with us from Nepal High Trek. It was nighttime when I got sick and was snowing heavy that night so I could not hike down. Our guide Pawan checked on me constantly, monitoring my oxygen saturation and blood pressure as well as bringing water/tea etc. He was able to coordinate with the owner Anjan back in Kathmandu and they got me on the next available helicopter, safe and sound. They took me to the hospital and kept in contact the whole time I was there to make sure everything was alright. If your are looking for a reliable company with friendly, knowledgeable guides that truly care and will help you out through anything, then this is it. We could not recommend Nepal High Trek enough and definitely plan on booking another trip with them in the future!!

trek au langtang

Andrew Clarke

100% Recommendation for Nepal High Trek & Expedition Team !!! My wife and I are booked for the 7 Days Langtang Valley Trek with this team. Begging of our trip we got everything is very customized and free of hassle. Anjan has made the trek itinerary according to our holiday length and preferences plan. He did respond to us very quickly with an affordable package. Communication was clear and professional from the outset, and we felt reassured before we left that we were in safe hands and wouldn’t have to decipher and possibly risk choosing from the multitude of trekking companies in Kathmandu. Our guide Pawan and porter Dorje were very helpful and friendly. Pawan has explained very well about the trail, accommodations, mountains, and local cultures.

Moreover, in December weather was perfect and we had an excellent time despite the cold. If you are planning to trek to Langtang valley don’t miss climbing the Tserkuri viewpoint and which was a brilliant viewpoint to see the numerous mountain views. We would like to thank the entire Nepal High Trek team and we will be back again with you.

trek au langtang

Natalie Silver

United stated.

Langtang valley is stunning. A quieter trail, less traffic, filled with raging rivers, waterfalls, and simply gorgeous scenery. We were fortunate to have our guide, Shyam, take us on this trek. He is calm, and caring, and works hard to accommodate all needs.

Anjan, the company owner goes ABOVE & BEYOND to make sure your trek is a lifetime, memorable, experience. Would recommend Nepal High Trek & Expedition if anyone is interested in treks throughout Nepal.

trek au langtang

Miriam Hans

Langtang valley with chitwan tour.

We had a wonderful trip to Langtang Valley Trek with the 3 days Chitwan tour. We fully enjoyed and had fun with the glorious mountains, beautiful walk, and a spectacular Chitwan jungle safari with native cultures. The trip was organized by Nepal High Trek & Expedition, it was a brilliant team and affordable package too. Langtang Trek is a superb and moderate journey that had spent a memorable time in the mountain.

We are very happy and content with Nepal High Trek & Expedition team for an awesome trip. I’d highly recommend this perfect team those who are planning to visit Nepal in near the future. Namaste & Thanks to the entire team.

trek au langtang

Cindy Campell

We did complete the 7 days Langtang Valley Trek in May. Instantly our trip was booked with Nepal High Trek & Expedition and genuinely there were perfect and very flexible in everything. The trekking itinerary, budget, services, guide and porter were brilliant. We had a great time around the beautiful mountain and it was a great trip. Our guide Pasang was professional, friendly and helpful. He had helped us to complete the whole trip and the trip was easy that we didn’t feel AMS. I would highly recommend this trek and use to this perfect local team if anyone planning to visit in Nepal.

trek au langtang

Langtang Valley with Gosainkunda Lake Trek

I traveled to Nepal with my parents and completed the Langtang Valley with Gosainkunda Pass Trek for over two weeks with Nepal High Trek & Expedition. We all played dice games together and had a load of fun but what impressed me most was Anjan’s knowledge and experience of the area, the culture, the mountains and around the valley of Langtang. Anjan’s calm confidence was always reassuring particularly when my mother got altitude sickness. A beautiful and memorable experience. I’ve recommended Anjan to friends and he would be my first choice if and when I will return soon to Nepal. We had a wonderful time with Nepal High Trek Team. A lot of thanks to everyone !!!

trek au langtang

Wonda Williams

Langtang valley with gosainkunda.

I traveled to Nepal two years ago with my parents and completed the Langtang Valley Trek and Gosainkuda Pass Trek with over two weeks with Nepal High Trek & Expedition Team. Our Guide was Anjan and he was professional and honest. We all played dice games together and had a load of fun but what impressed me most was Anjan’s knowledge of the area, the culture, and the trek. Anjan’s calm confidence was always reassuring particularly when my mother got altitude sickness. A beautiful and memorable experience. I’ve recommended Anjan to friends and he would be my first choice if and when I will return soon in Nepal. we had a wonderful time with Anjan.

trek au langtang

Torborg Sinow

I had an amazing time with Nepal High Trek! I planned my itinerary with Anjan by mail, who tailor-made it according to I my specific dates and requests. I was going to do the Langtang valley with Gosainkunda.

For the trek, I had the fortune of traveling with Indako, a very knowledgeable, friendly and funny guide. He was always ready to help, and fixed everything with food and accommodation. When I wanted to change the itinerary (see Tsergo Ri, and not go to Gosainkunda but return two days earlier) he planned a new itinerary on the fly. When I brought inadequate shoes he traded his for mine (they fit him better) which saved my summit attempt for Tsergo Ri. He also takes great pictures. Cannot recommend him enough

trek au langtang

Robyn Henderk

My husband and I did a trek up the Langtang Valley in May 2024 with Nepal High Trek. Pawan was our guide. We had the most amazing experience with this guide service. They were honest, knowledgeable, and affordable. They made sure we were taken care of from the moment they picked us up from the airport to when we were dropped off.

I could recommend Pawan as a guide if anyone planning to trek in Nepal. My husband ended up getting a moderate/severe case of altitude sickness and needed to be helicopter evacuated to a lower elevation. Pawan was very helpful in walking us through our options, getting him the medication he needed, and attempting first to have him hike down before a flight was needed.

When it was clear my husband could not hike down, he arranged a helicopter which came as quickly as it could given the weather. We did a lot of research looking into guiding companies for this once in a lifetime trek. Nepal High Trek was our first choice and they lived up to our high expectations. We are planning to back again for Mount Everest Base Camp in 2024. Cheers Anjan & Pawan

trek au langtang

John Karpuk

Short langtang valley trek.

Excellent experience from start to finish! I had a last minute change of plans and contacted Anjan with less than 24 hours to go. He put together a 5 day Langtang Valley trek for my wife and me without missing a beat. We had an excellent guide (Buddhi) who took incredible care of us.

Reasons I would book with Anjan: personalized itinerary, experienced planner (Anjan used to be a guide himself), great guides, flexible planning, great value. Our 5-day itinerary included two private shuttles, 3 meals a day, lodging, a porter, and a guide for about a grand. On the trek, I didn’t have to worry about anything. If I felt like I could walk further, our guide knew the best place to stay in each stop and had the valley memorized like the back of his hand. Also, on the drive there are multiple army/police checkpoints and I didn’t have to deal with any headaches.

This trek would’ve been stressful (or impossible) to plan myself and Anjan and Buddhi made my life easy and made my wife happy. Worth every penny. I would book with these guys again next time I’m in Nepal.

trek au langtang

Andrew Wadsley

Australia new south wale.

In 2024, my son, husband and I did the Langtang Valley Trek with Anjan as our amazing guide. His knowledge of the area was extensive, including walking expectations, weather and terrain conditions, and the best places to stop, rest, eat and sleep. So much so, that other Trekkers called on his advice despite having their own guides. He was a very acknowledges an expert mountain guide. On the trek, Anjan was nurturing, fun and extremely amicable with everyone. He had a very endearing personality, and over the two-week trek, he became a member of our family. I highly recommend Anjan to anybody considering undertaking any trek in Nepal.

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  • Langtang Helambu Trek
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Langtang Trek

Langtang classic trek.

  • Gosainkunda-Langtang Ganja la Trek
  • Gosainkunda - Helambu Trek
  • Tamang Heritage Trek - Langtang Valley
  • Helambu-Gosainkunda Trek
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  • Gosainkunda Trek
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  • Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek (22 Days)
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  • Machhapuchhre Base Camp Trek (11 Days)
  • Numbur Cheese Circuit Trek (16 Days)
  • Indigenous Peoples Trail Trekking (8 Days)
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  • Badimalika Culture Trek (15 Days)
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  • Kathmandu-Chitwan-Pokhara Tour (9 Days)
  • Kathmandu Nagarkot Tour (6 Days)
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  • Kathmandu - Chitwan - Pokhara Spring Tour
  • Kathmandu - Chitwan - Lumbini - Pokhara Tour
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  • Kanchenjunga Expedition (8586m)
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  • Cho Oyu Expedition (8201m)
  • Dhaulagiri Expedition (8167m)
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  • Annapurna Expedition (8091m)
  • Ama Dablam Expedition
  • Ama Dablam Expedition with Island Peak Climb
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  • Mera Peak Climbing with Baruntse Expedition
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  • Mera Peak Climbing
  • Chulu East Peak Climbing
  • Naya Kanga Peak Climbing
  • Lobuche East Peak Climbing
  • Mera Peak and Island Peak climbing over Amphu Lapcha Pass
  • Chulu Far East Peak Climbing
  • Everest Base Camp trek with Island Peak Climbing
  • Chulu West Peak Climbing
  • Paldor Peak Climbing
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  • Tent Peak (Tharpu Chuli) Climbing
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  • Kongde Ri Peak Climbing
  • Ramdung GO Peak Climbing
  • Bokta Peak Climbing (6114m.)
  • Pachermo Peak Climbing
  • Dormo Peak Climbing
  • Kyazo Ri Peak Climbing
  • Chekigo Peak Climbing
  • Yalung Ri Peak Climbing - Tashi Lapcha Pass
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  • Gosaikunda Yatra
  • Dudhkunda Trail Trek
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  • Kathmandu Sightseeing Tour
  • Kathmandu Valley Tour
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  • Chitwan Jungle Safari (3 Nights / 4 Days)
  • Bardiya Jungle Safari Tour (3 Days)
  • Bardiya Jungle Safari Tour (4 Days)
  • Koshi Tappu Wildlife Tour
  • Parsa Wildlife Reserve Tour
  • Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve Tour
  • One Day Trishuli River Rafting
  • Trishuli River Rafting
  • Kali Gandaki River Rafting
  • Marshyangdi River Rafting
  • Sunkoshi River Rafting
  • Tamor River Rafting
  • Karnali River Rafting
  • Bhote Koshi River Rafting
  • Bheri - Karnali River Rafting
  • Seti River Rafting
  • Jomsom - Pokhara Mountain Bike Tour
  • Kathmandu Valley Mountain Bike Tour
  • Mountain Bike Tour to Annapurna Circuit
  • Mustang Mountain Bike Tour
  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour
  • Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter Tour
  • Gosainkunda Helicopter Tour
  • Muktinath Helicopter Tour
  • Kathmandu Helicopter Tour
  • Chamapadevi Day Hiking Tour
  • Phulchowki Day Hiking Tour
  • Namobuddha Day Hiking
  • Shivapuri Day Hiking
  • Kakani to Bhanjyang Day Hiking
  • Nagarkot Day Hiking
  • Everest Mountain Flight
  • Honey Hunting in Gorkha (Nimrung Khola)
  • Honey Hunting Trip in Ludi
  • Honey Hunting in Ghanpokhara and Ghalegaun
  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter trek
  • Annapurna Base Camp Helicopter trek
  • Langtang Helicopter Trek
  • Bungee Jumping in Nepal
  • Paragliding in Nepal
  • Ultra Light Flight in Pokhara
  • Bird Watching Tour in Nepal
  • Fishing in Budi Gandaki
  • Fishing in Ankhu Khola (Netrawati)
  • Fishing and Rafting in Bheri and Karnali River
  • Rara Lake Motorbike Tour
  • Motorbike Tour to Manang
  • Motorbike Tour to Upper Mustang
  • Central and Eastern Nepal motorbike tour
  • Nepali Cooking Course
  • Simikot to Mount Kailash and Lhasa Tour
  • Simikot - Kailash - Limi Valley Trek
  • Kailash - Mansarovar trip (fly-in and fly-out)
  • Mt. Kailash - Manasarovar Tour (drive-in and fly-out)
  • Kailash Manasarovar Tour (Kerung - Kailash - Kerung)
  • Simikot - Kailash - Kyirung Trip
  • Tibet Tour - 5 days (Fly-in and Fly-out)
  • Lhasa Impression - 4 Days Package
  • Lhasa - Ganden Tour (5 Days)
  • Lhasa - Namtso Lake Tour
  • Lhasa - Tsedang Tour
  • Lhasa Kathmandu Overland Tour
  • Tibet Tour - 8 Days (Drive-in and Fly-out)
  • Tibet Tour with EBC and Namtso Lake (8 Days)
  • Tibet Tour with EBC - (Drive-in and Fly-out)
  • Tibet Overland Tour with EBC (9 Days)
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  • Ganden Monastery to Samye Monastery Trek
  • Kharta Valley Trek
  • Tingri to Everest Base Camp Trek in Tibet
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  • Namtso Lake Trek
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  • Tsurpu - Yambajing Trek
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  • Based On 6 Reviews

Langtang Classic Trek

Overview And Highlights

Tea house / lodge.


Best Season

Spring and Autumn

The 12 days Langtang classic trek takes you through the diversified beauty of Nepal along with viewing the highest peaks of the world at close quarters.

Langtang Himal is a region geographically based in the north part outside of the Kathmandu valley and in close proximity just south of the Tibetan border. This gracious, beautiful and lush green valley is surrounded by high peaks of great appeal. It has become famous ever since the British mountaineer Bill Tilman described it as the most beautiful valley in the world.

The highest peak in this area is Shisapangma or Gosaithan 8027m in Tibet . The course from the Langtang valley to Gosaikunda is embraced with diverse natural beauty. Langtang valley is also known as the ''treasure house'' of Alpine plants. The whole valley is carpeted with an array of beautiful flowers during the summer, a specter that should never be missed. This high and isolated region is inhabited by Tamangs whose religious customs, language and dress are similar to that of the Tibetans.

Itinerary Expand All Close All

On your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport, you will be met and welcomed by our airport representative. You will be greeted traditionally with flower garlands and then transfer to your hotel. In the afternoon, you can take a stroll around and visit shops. Stay overnight at hotel in Kathmandu.

After morning breakfast, drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi (1460m.) which takes about seven hours. You head north out of Kathmandu driving through scenic foothills and ridgeline vistas to Syabru Besi passing through Dhunche, which is the headquarters of Rasuwa.

Stay overnight at lodge.

After breakfast, trek from Syabru Besi (1460m.) to Lama Hotel (2470m.) takes about five and half hours. The first part of the trail crosses Bhote Koshi River and follows the Langtang Khola. Thereafter, the trail ascends gently to Rimche (2400m.) through Bamboo (1960m.) which lies at the bank of Langtang Khola.

Early morning trek from Lama Hotel to Langtang village (3430m.) via Ghora Tabela takes about six hours. The path ascends to Ghora Tabela [3000m], where there is a Nepalese army post. The trail continues to climb gently past a few temporary settlements used by cattle herders.

After breakfast, trek from Langtang Village to Kyangjin (3870m.) takes about three hours. The trail climbs gradually through small villages, yak pasture and small stream. You will eventually arrive at Kyangjin Gompa which is an old Buddhist monastery. There is also a government-operated cheese factory nearby.

This is a rest day at Kyangjin Gompa. You can visit the monastery and the cheese factory, hike up a moraine to see the spectacular ice faces and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung. You can also choose to ascend Kyangjin Ri (4350m.), for a breathtaking panorama of the Langtang peaks.

Early morning trek from Kyangjin Gompa to Lama Hotel (2470m.) takes about six hours. From Kyangjin you retrace your route, following the Langtang Khola to Langtang village and unto Ghora Tabela. After lunch, continue a steep descent to Lama Hotel.

Trek from Lama Hotel to Thulo Syabru (2130m.) takes about six and half hours. You follow earlier route to Thulo Syabru followed by a quiet trek through forests.

Trek from Thulo Syabru to Sing Gompa (3330m) takes about five hours. From Thulo Syabru it is a steep climb through forests of oak, fir and rhododendron to the top of a ridge. From here it is only a short descent to Sing Gompa.

Trek from Sing Gompa to Dhunche (2030 m.) takes about four hours. Enjoy a downhill trek all the way to Ghatte Khola (stream) passing through forests, Dimsa village and farm terraces. Now, you trek on a leveled path along Ghatte Khola (stream) till you reach Dhunche.

Drive from Dhunche to Kathmandu which takes about five hours. The road journey involves scenic drive through winding foothills, rivers and ridgeline mountain vistas to Kathmandu. 

Stay overnight at hotel in Kathmandu.

As per your flight schedule, our airport representative will transfer from your hotel to the airport for your final departure. 

What Is Included ?

a) Kathmandu

  • Airport pick-up and drop-off services by private vehicle
  • 2 night hotel accommodation with breakfast 
  • One farewell dinner in Kathmandu with live cultural performance at authentic Nepali restaurant on the last evening

b) Trekking

  • Trekking guide
  • One porter for every 2 trekking participants (1 porter carries 25 kilograms of luggage)
  • All meals three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Accommodation in Lodge (Tea hose) during the trek
  • Trekking equipment: Sleeping bags, down jackets, duffle bags, trekking poles, etc. 
  • Entry Permit for Langtang National Park
  • Trekkers' Information Management system (TIMS) card
  • Land transportation from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi and Dhunche to Kathmandu by bus/jeep
  • Insurance and equipment for the guides and porters
  • First aid kit
  • Tax, VAT and our service charge
  • Rescue assistance (In case of emergency, we will organize prompt and professional rescue services. To arrange timely evacuation/rescue by helicopter, you must be well insured from a reliable travel insurance company that covers both helicopter evacuation and medical treatment cost.)

What Is Excluded?

  • Personal expenses (telephone calls, internet, toiletries, battery recharge, hot shower, laundry, soft drinks, beer, or any alcoholic beverages)
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for guide and porters
  • Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu

Langtang Classic Trek Altitude Profile

Route map

Additional Information

Trekking gear.

Below is a list of equipment and clothing required for trekking. The necessity of these items depends on the type, altitude, timing and destination of trekking. Appropriate trekking gears are not only required for the comfort/pleasure of your trek but also to improve safety factor.  Please have a look over these items in order to fully prepare and thoroughly enjoy the trekking. 

General Items:

Daypack, Rucksack, Sleeping bag, Duffel bag, Walking Poles, walking boots, sandals, Toiletries (Soaps, Toilet papers, Sanitizers, toothpaste, tooth brush, etc.)

Clothing Items:

Thermal underwear, Down jacket, Shorts, Trekking trousers, Towels, Woolen gloves, Gaiters, Fleece jacket or Pullover, Wind/water proof jacket, Raincoat, Warm socks, buff   

Sun-worn Items:

Sun hat, Sunglasses, Snow goggles, Sunscreen, Lip balm

Headlamp, Flash light, Binoculars, Cameras (chargers and batteries),  


Water bottle/bladder, Water purification Iodine tablets, Energy bars and snacks

Medical Essentials:

First Aid Kit 

Altimeter, Compass, Binoculars, Books/magazines, GPS, Pocket knife, Candles (for lodges), Notebook with pencil/pen, etc 

Additional items for camping trek:

Tent, Stove and fuel, Utensils for cooking, eating and drinking, sleeping mattresses

Note:  We can also provide sleeping bag, down jacket, duffel bag, walking poles, and First Aid Kit in case if you don’t have one. These items are inclusive of total package price. 

Client Reviews

What an amazing experience, i've just returned from the langtang classic hike and what an amazing experience.

Niels E B Hansen

Nice trip to Langtang

Had a nice trip to Langtang with Gopal and Kumar which was excellent to help 

Tomos Merino, Francisca Arancibia

Langtank Trek

Nava and Team, We would like to thank you and your team;  

Ahmad Rifai B. Nasir, Anna king, Kho Ai Siam, Khoo Sock Ting, Mariana M. Mansor, Khoo Ai L

This company is one of the best in Nepal.

FOR ALL THE TREKKERS This company have provided us with great hospitality and even planned every trek according to one's capabilities.   

Sjoerd and Cornelis

Netherlands Antilles

Thank you Ratna & Harry for making our trek as comfortable as possible. Sorry for the loud songs, the lost mom and boy, and sorry for crying women.Haha, tata gariko!!

Mischa and Roger


Fantastic trip to the langtang area..

Thank you very much for the fantastic trip to the Langtang Area.

A very peaceful and beautiful place. All the effort was worth it, even the pains. We would recommend it to anyone that has a bit of hiking experience. A special thank you to our wonderful and friendly guide, Surya, who was very friendly and helpful. We always felt sure wherever he guided us. Same counts for our strong back.



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trek au langtang

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Himalayan Rescue Association, Nepal



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Langtang - Helambu via Lacs sacrées de Gosaikunda

Trek Langtang - Helambu via Lacs sacrées de Gosaikunda

  • Durée 15 Jours
  • Niveau Difficulté Modéré
  • Altitude Maxi 4610m
  • Périodes conseillées Oct-Dec, Mar-Mai

Vue sur le Langtang Lirung (7334m), le Ganesh Himal (7146m). Dorje Lakpa (6990m), les monastères de Kyanjen, la magie du parc national de Langtang,     

Trek vallée de Langtang et Lacs sacrés de Gosaikunda avec une option gravir sur Surya peak 5145m

Le trek Langtang vallée et Helambu vous emmène entre la principale chaîne himalayenne au nord de Kathmandu et  permet de voir des paysages de haute montagne vraiment spectaculaires et panoramas de l’Himalaya des deux côtés et les lacs sacrés de Gosaikund et la région Helambu à l'est. En parcours vous passerez par des monastères bouddhistes assez décorés, des stupas et les cultures. La zone, conservée comme un parc national protège une haute vallée qui s'étend vers le nord depuis Helambu jusqu'à la frontière Tibétaine

trek au langtang

Premier contact avec la capitale népalaise. 

  • Hébergement Hôtel
  • Repas Libre
  • Altitude Maxi 1340m

Le tôt matin vous prendrez le bus en direction de Syabrubesi petite ville commerçante et touristique à l’entrée du parc du Langtang au pied des montagnes via Dhunche. Normalement la route ne devrait pas poser trop de problème et cela prend environ 7h de route.  

  • Distance : 137km de route
  • Temps de route: environ 6h de route
  • Hébergement Lodge
  • Repas dîner/petit déjeuner/déjeuner
  • Altitude Maxi 1450m
  • Temps de marche: 5/6h
  • Dénivelés : /+1030m.
  • Altitude Maxi 2480m
  • Dénivelés : +1034m./-150m
  • Altitude Maxi 3514m
  • Temps de marche: environ 3h
  • Dénivelés :/ +432m.
  • Altitude Maxi 3900m

Retour par le même chemin

  • Temps de marche: 6/7h de marche
  • Dénivelés : +110m./-1472m
  • Dénivelés : +694m./-910m
  • Altitude Maxi 2050m
  • Temps de marche: 5/6h de marche
  • Dénivelés:+1280m./-75m
  • Altitude Maxi 3330m
  • Temps de marche: environ 4/5h de trek
  • Dénivelés:+800m. /– 30m.
  • Altitude Maxi 4100m
  • Temps de marche: 7/8h de marche
  • Dénivelés : +516m./-1500m
  • Altitude Maxi 3430m
  • Dénivelés : +200m./-1050m
  • Altitude Maxi 2550m
  • Dénivelés : +300m./-300m
  •  Dénivelés : +300m./-300m
  • Repas petit déjeuner/déjeuner
  • Repas Petit déjeuner
  • Hébergement Avion

Le parcours ne correspond pas!

Ce parcours n'est pas adapté à vos attentes ! Vous désirez organiser un voyage personnalisé selon vos préférences! Veuillez nous faire parvenir un message.

  • Le transfert: Aéroport / Hôtel A/R trajet en voiture ou en fourgonnette cela dépend de la taille du groupe.
  • Les transferts: Katmandou/Syabrubesi en bus collectif et Melamchipool/Katmandou en véhicule réservé
  • En pension complète durant le trekking, l'hébergement se fait en chambre  double. les repas comprennent ; petit déjeuner avec café/thé, déjeuner, dîner + boisson chaude. Les boissons froides ne sont pas incluses ni les boissons chaudes en dehors des repas.
  • Un guide expérimenté Anglophone de Trekking
  • Le permis du parc national de Langtang et permis et le nouveau permis de Trekker's Information Management System (TIMS) qui permet d’accéder, en sécurité, aux régions de trekking. Prévoir 2 photos d'identités,
  • 3 nuits à l’hôtel International Guest House de Katmandou ou dans un autre hôtel de catégorie similaire avec petit dejeuner.
  • Tous les équipements personnels des membres du groupe seront transportés par des ‘porteurs’  (1 porteur pour 2 clients, un porteur porte 20-25 kg maximum).
  • L’assurance de l’équipe.
  • Les repas pris sur Katmandu. Compter environ 10/15 € par jour
  • Le visa d'entrée au Népal (Vous pouvez obtenir facilement un visa à votre arrivée au Népal à l’aéroport de Katmandou)  Prévoir 2 photos d'identités,
  • Les billets internationaux.
  • Les droits d'entrées dans les sites historiques et les monuments à KTM.
  • Tout type d'alcool, boissons froides.
  • L’équipement personnel de trekking, l’assurance voyage et médicale ainsi que l'assurance de l’hélicoptère en cas d'évacuation d'urgence par les secours et les dépenses personnelles.
  • L'eau chaude pour la toilette (payante dans certains lodges, compter 200 à 500 Roupies pour 20 litre d'eau d’un seau soit une douche)
  • Les pourboires.
  • Tous les autres frais qui ne sont pas mentionnés dans la partie ‘Le prix inclus’.

Parcours possible extension au parc de Chitwan ( 3 jours/2nuits)

Jour 01: Katmandou / Green Mansions Resort ou autre Resort par la route De Katmandou ou de Pokhara - Chiwan 5-6heures de route (160km) selon l’état de la circulation sur la Mugling Highway sont nécessaires pour atteindre Chitwan. On traverse des petits villages et des cultures de riz en terrasse le long de la Rivière Trishuli.

En arrivant à Chitrasari, les réceptionnistes des lodges vous accueil et vous transférerons à l’aide de jeeps au Green Mnason Resort.  

A votre arrivée aux lodges, vous assisterez à une présentation générale du parc national effectuée par le responsable chargé de la protection et du développement des programmes de valorisation de la vie sauvage. Apres le déjeuner vous aurez la possibilité de participer à des activités préparées par les responsables du parc.

Jours 02: Vous découvrirez les diverses activités dans la jungle comme safari a dos d'éléphant, canoë, marche dans la jungle avec observation des animaux (en particulier des oiseaux), présentation du dressage des éléphants, coucher de soleil depuis le point d'observation, visite d'un village Tharu, danses typiques (en particulier la "danse du bâton" de l'ethnie Tharu) et nuit au lodge

Jour 03: Le tôt matin observation des oiseaux et après  le petit déjeuner transfert vers l’aéroport de Bharatpur et vol de retour sur Katmandou ou retour par la route.

Il est possible d'extension du Rafting 1 ou 2 jours sur la rivière Trisuli: La rivière Trishuli est considérée comme une rivière de type white water communément aussi appelé aussi torrent. Le rafting est un des sports de destination du Népal, la Trisuli en est la démonstration. Facile d’accès pour ceux qui recherchent une descente courte en eaux vives sans risque, dans de très beaux paysages.  Lors de la mousson, le volume de l'eau se dresse avec force, les rapides augmentent et attirent les sportifs chevronnés désireux d’en découdre. L’adrénaline est garantie car nous ne sommes plus dans le même registre

Vous pouvez nous contacter pour plus d'information par e-mail ou par WhatsApp: +977 98510 87 925 (Iman, manager de l'agence) pour le programme au fur et à mesure

Nous avons bien apprécié l'accueil d'Iman, directeur de l'agence, dès notre arrivée à l'aéroport. Notre trek de 3 semaines dans la vallée du Langtang et le passage du col du Gosainkung a été une belle découverte. Nous étions un groupe de quatre, conduit par le guide francophone Saïla, ainsi que deux porteurs, très attentifs et prévenants pour tous. Nous avons également été accompagnés d'un guide "touristique" et francophone durant cinq jours. Le prix très compétitif nous a donné entière satisfaction pour les services rendus. Nous ne pouvons que recommander l'agence Yatri trekking très professionnelle. Claire, Dominique, Véronique et Edouard


Vallée de Langtang et Helambu passant par Tamang Héritage

Trek Langtang Lacs sacrées de Gosaikunda puis Sundarijal

Langtang et Lacs sacrés de Gosaikunda suite poursuite à Sundarijal

Trek vallée de Langtang et franchir le col de Ganjala (5130m)

Vallée de Langtang et franchir le col de Ganjala (5130m)

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l a n g t a n g v a ll e y t r e k i t in e r a r y g uid e a n d cost

Langtang Valley Trek Itinerary | Women Adventures | Female Travel Guide

Aug 08, 2024

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The Langtang Valley Trek offers magnificent views of the Langtang and Ganesh Himal ranges, along with diverse flora, fauna, and the rich culture of various indigenous groups. Trekkers will encounter Tamang and Sherpa communities in numerous ethnic villages along the route. These friendly villagers will eagerly share their culture, which is deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, thriving in the Himalayas.<br><br>This 11-day trek begins from Syabrubesi, a dayu2019s drive from Kathmandu, and takes trekkers through a world of mountains, glaciers, forests, and rivers. The trek through Langtang National Park

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LangtangValleyTrekItinerary,Guide,and Cost Tripinfo Duration:11Days MaxAltitude:TsergoRi5000m. Difficulty:moderate Startsfrom:Kathmandu TripsEndsat:Kathmandu Overview TheLangtangValleyTrekisashortandmoderate-leveltrekinthestunningLangtangRegion.Spanning11 days,thistrekisafavoriteandclassicjourney,oftencomparedtothefamousEverestandAnnapurna treks,yetitremainsahiddengem. Located justa few kilometersnorthof Kathmanduand southof theTibetan border,the Langtang Valley is surroundedbybreathtakingpeaks.Thevalley,alsoknownasthevalleyofglaciers,is encircledby LangtangLirung(7,246m)tothenorth,GangChhenpo(6,388m)andNayaKangaRi (5,846m)tothe south,andDorjeeLakpa(6,966m)totheeast.

The Langtang Valley Trek offers magnificent views of the Langtang and GaneshHimalranges,alongwith diverse flora, fauna,and the rich culture ofvariousindigenousgroups.Trekkers will encounterTamang and Sherpacommunitiesin numerous ethnic villagesalongthe route.These friendly villagers will eagerly sharetheirculture,whichisdeeplyinfluencedbyTibetanBuddhism,thrivingintheHimalayas. This 11-day trek beginsfromSyabrubesi,a day’s drivefromKathmandu,and takes trekkers througha worldof mountains,glaciers, forests,and rivers. The trek throughLangtangNational Park features lush forests,tropicallowlandjungles,andhigh-altitudeglaciers,offeringspectacularviewsofLangtangLirung (7,246m), Kimshung(6,781m), and LangshishaRi (6,370 m) in Kyangjin Gompa.Wildlife enthusiastsmay spotelusivecreaturessuchasmuskdeer,Himalayantahr,orredpandasinthedensewoodlands,and keen-eyedhikersmightevencatchaglimpseoftherare snowleopard. Overall, the 11-day Langtang Valley Trekis a short,classic, and lesser-known trail, ideal for thoseseeking agenuineHimalayanexperienceinabriefperiod.Thistrekprovidesataste ofNepalesetrekkingand remainsrelativelyuncrowdedevenduringpeaktrekkingseasons. Note: The 11-day Langtang Valley Trek itineraryincludesa side trek onthe 7th dayto oneof three viewpoints:KyanjinRi(4,773m),TserkoRi (5,450m),orLangshisaKharka(4,100m).Thechoiceof destinationdepends on the weather, trekkers' interests,andconditions.Kyanjin Ri is the mostpopular, LangshisaKharka is the easiest, and TserkoRi is the least popularand mostchallenging.Regardlessof popularityor difficulty,all threeside treks offer 360-degree views of the Himalayas, Kyanjin Village, numerousglaciers,yakpastures,andthewidebankoftheLangtangRiver.

HighlightsofLangtang ValleyTrek • Experiencethecontrastbetweenthebustlingcityandtheonce-isolatedLangtangValley. • Trek throughtheLangtangregion'swilderness,fromsubtropicaljunglestoalpinerhododendronforests. • EnjoytrekkingintheValleyofGlaciers,alsoknownas LangtangValley. • Exploredeepgorges,rivers,andterracedmeadows. • Walkthroughlushgreenforestsfilledwithrhododendronsandotherwildflowers. • SpotendangeredwildlifespeciesliketheRedPandaandLangurMonkeys. • EnjoymarvelousviewsofsnowypeakssuchasDorjeLakpa,LangtangRi,andLangtangLirung. • Visitvariousmonasteriesandayakcheesefactory. • ExperiencetheuniquecultureandtraditionsoftheTamangandTibetancommunities.

DifficultyLevelofLangtang ValleyTrek The Langtang Valley Trek is a moderatejourney requiring6-7 hours of walkingeach dayfor 8-9 days. Suitablefor all ages, this trek doesnot demandpriorexperience,but physicaland mental preparation is essential. This11-dayLangtangValleyTrekiseasiercomparedtoNepal'sotherfamoustreksliketheAnnapurna Circuit, ManasluTrek, or Everest Base Camp Trek. The trails are straightforward,consisting ofuphilland downhill hikes on narrowmountainpaths.Numerous teahouses and lodges along the way provide convenientlodgingand foodoptions.A moderatelevel of physicalfitness and a willingnessto explore new places are necessary. Regularexercise before the trek, includingdayhikes with someelevation changes,willhelpprepareforthevariedterrain. Altitudesickness is a commonchallenge duringhigh-altitudetreks and can affect anyone,regardlessof age or fitness level. Althoughthe Langtangtrek doesnotreach the extreme altitudesof the Everest trek, altitude sickness can still occur.Symptoms includeheadache, nausea, vomiting,shortnessof breath, dizziness,lossof appetite,increasedheart rate, and difficulty sleeping.If you experience any of these, informyourgroupandguideimmediately.

Unpredictableweather and temperatureconditionsadd to the Langtang Trek's challenges.The weather and climate in the Langtang regionvary by season.It's advisable to research the weatherconditionsof yourdestinationbeforethetrek forthebestexperience. Despitethorough preparation, the mountainousregioncan be unpredictable,and unexpected challenges mayarise. The besttimetodoLangtangValleyTrek Trekking in the Langtang Valley is feasible in all fourseasons,each offeringuniqueexperiences. However, themostpopulartimestovisitareinthespring(MarchtoMay)andautumn(SeptembertoNovember). Spring,whichfollowsthecoldwinter,bringslongerandwarmerdayswithclearskies,makingitidealfor Himalayantrekking.The Langtangregionin spring is vibrant with pink,red,and white rhododendron forests, and the greeneryflourishes after the drywinter.Higher altitudesare adornedwith aromatic wildflowers. Autumn is considered the best time to explorethe Langtang region.Trekkers enjoybeautifulblueskies, freshair,andclearmountainviews.Theweatherismildandstable,makingthetrekkingexperience perfect.Thefestiveseason,stunningvistas,andwell-maintainedtrailsenhancethejourney.However,the trailscanbecrowdedduringpeakseason.

Winterin Langtang is marked by coldand harsh weather,especiallyat higherelevations.Although challengingduetothicksnowandfreezingtemperatures,trekkingisstill possiblewithproper • preparation.Clearskiesprovidebreathtakingviewsofsnow-coveredvalleys,rivers,andmountains. • Themonsoonseasonis theleastfavorablefortrekkinginLangtang.Unpredictableweather,dampand slipperytrails, insects, and foggyconditionscan pose challenges.Despitethese difficulties, therain- washedlandscapesandclearmountainviewsaftertherainoffertheirowncharm. • OutlineItinerary • Day1:ArrivalinKathmandu • Day2:FullDayKathmanduSightseeing • Day 3: Drivefrom Kathmandu to Syabrubesi Day4:TrektoLama Hotel • Day5:Trekto Langtang Village • Day6:TrektoKyangjinGompa • Day7:HiketoTserkoRi(5000m)/ LangshisaKharka(4100m) Day8:TrekbacktoLama Hotel • Day9:TrekbacktoSyabruBesi • Day 10: DriveBack to Kathmandu Day 11: Departurefrom Kathmandu Inclusion&Exclusion • Included • Privateairporttransfer • Twin/doubleaccommodationsata 3-starhotelinKathmandu • DailybreakfastatthehotelinKathmandu • GuidedsightseeinginKathmanduaspertheitinerary • Allgroundtransfersas pertheitinerary • English-speakingtrekkingguideandportersbasedongroupsize • Entrancefees forheritagesites andmonumentsaspertheitinerary • PrivatetransferfromKathmandutoSyabrubesiandback(basedongroupsize andtravelers'interest) • Twin/doubleaccommodationsinguesthouses/teahousesduring thetrekaspertheitinerary

Meals(breakfast,lunch,anddinner)duringthetrek • LangtangNationalParkandTIMSfees • Wages,insurance,meals,accommodations,andequipmentfortheguide,porters,andsupportcrew • Welcomeandfarewelldinner • Allapplicabletaxes • Excluded • Nepalvisafee(canbeobtaineduponarrivalattheairport/border) • Internationalairfareandtaxesto/fromKathmandu • Meals(lunchanddinner)inKathmandu • Yourtravelinsurance • Anykindofbeverages • Personalexpensesandadditionaltrips/servicesnotincludedinthepackage • Personaltrekkingclothing/gear • Tipsand gratuities • Expensesduetounforeseencircumstancessuchas badweather,naturaldisasters,politicalissues, personalillness,etc. • Anyotherexpensesnotmentionedintheincludedservices Other packages of Langtang Region Trekking Langtang Valley and Gosainkunda Trek

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Langtang trek photos

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Solo Female Travel Guide

Solo Female Travel Guide

Go! Girl Guides publishes travel guidebooks for women. Online, we feature stories that inspire and empower women to travel the world. Know more about us at

84 views • 6 slides

Hunder Nubra Valley Travel Guide

Hunder Nubra Valley Travel Guide

Hunder Village in Nubra Valley seems to be no less than a heavenly dream. Beautiful yet remote, like an oasis situated right in the middle of the cold dessert. Check out the travel guide at Bforbiker.

66 views • 5 slides

Langtang Trek

Langtang Trek

UFO Adventure Travel aims at enriching your life through promoting adventure traveling in the Himalaya and other mountainous regions likeu00a0langtang trek.

86 views • 7 slides

Annapurna Circuit Trek- Travel Guide

Annapurna Circuit Trek- Travel Guide

Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the classic treks in the Annapurna region that rewards you with varied landscape, warm hospitality, ancient monasteries and local cultures. This trek is one of long-distance treks in the world and is famous among the trekkers. The trek is graded moderate to difficult as you have to go above 5000m, thus it is recommended to have a level of fitness. You do not require any technical climbing for this trek. You have to walk for an average of 6-7 hours daily. The trek

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Limi Valley Trek, Upper Dolpo Trek

Limi Valley Trek, Upper Dolpo Trek

We, Himalayan Companion, are the team of well knowledgeable & equipped personnel, we have been organizing treks, and hiking, we are the local leader for Himalayan trips at entire areas of Himalayas.

59 views • 5 slides

Travel Itinerary API

Travel Itinerary API

BookingXML, a leading Travel Technology Company, introduces travel itineraries to assist travel companies in providing the best trip plans and itineraries to their customers or end-users. BookingXML, Travel Itinerary Builder Software is ideal for travel operators and travel agencies that strive to provide unique and memorable travel experiences to their valuable customers. We help you streamline your customeru2019s travel with its unique and smart Itinerary Builder Software.

128 views • 11 slides

Travel Itinerary API

FlightsLogic provides Travel Itinerary API, Itinerary Builder Software to travel agencies, tour operators, and travel management companies all over the world. With API integration, customers can make payments directly on your website to complete their travel reservations. For more details, Pls visit our Website:

27 views • 14 slides

Travel Itinerary Software

Travel Itinerary Software

Travelopro Itinerary software allows travel agents, tour operators, and travel companies across the globe to build and send visually impressive itineraries to customers using different travel itinerary templates. For more details, please visit our website:

20 views • 10 slides

Langtang Trek

Langtang trek lies in Rasuwa district within langtang valley(Langtang national park 1976) near the Shisa Pangma Tibet border close to the north Kathmandu of Nepal. According to myth the settlement of migrated Tibetan Buddhist Tamag people langtang valley was ancient salt trade route between Tibet and Nepal. The valley is lap of entire gigantic over the 7000 meters mountains with an admiring beautiful landscape and great hospitality. But unfortunately, Valley was terribly destroyed by earthquake in 2015 April and many of trekkers ,local people influenced.

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Travel Itinerary Software

FlightsLogic Itinerary software permits travel agents, tour operators, and travel firms across the world to create and send visually impressive itineraries to customers using completely different travel itinerary templates. FlightsLogic develops Travel Itinerary Software, Travel Itinerary Planners, and Travel Itinerary Builders for global travel agencies, and tour operators. For more details, Please visit our website:

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Everest view trek.

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New Project – 2024-01-06T153535.434

Upon arrival at MOSCOW Inter'l Airport, Meet an English tour guide.Transfer to hotel Overnight at hotel.

After Breakfast at hotel. Panoramic tour of Moscow - the ideal way to get in touch with the city, including its historical center and major monuments: Tverskaya Street, Sparrow Hills. Victory Park, Novodevichy Convent, the White House, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Parliament Building (Duma), Bolshoi Theatre, and the imposing facade of Lubyanka, headquarters of the KGB. We will continue through the alleyways of the ancient merchant district Kitay-Gorod, which contains numerous small churches, finally arriving at Red Square, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world and designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Time at leisure. Overnight at hotel.

After Breakfast at hotel. tour of the Moscow Kremlin (with its territory and cathedrals), a historic fortified complex at the heart of Moscow that has played a dominant role in Russian life for over eight hundred years Overnight at hotel.

After breakfast at your hotel, spend your morning at leisure until checkout time, then you’ll be transferred to Moscow International Airport for your departure to Kathmandu.

What's included

  • 3 Nights stay at hotel with breakfast
  • All transfers including arrival & departure
  • Professional English tour guide
  • Panoramic tour of Moscow
  • Moscow Kremlin tour
  • All Entrance Fee & Gov.taxes mentioned in itinerary
  • Tip for local Guide
  • Russia Tourist visa fee

What's not included

  • International Flights
  • Personal Expenses
  • Meals other then mentioned, optional program
  • Any activities not mentioned in the program
  • Good to Know

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

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“Everest View Trek” also known as Everest Panorama Trek lasts for 5days making it a short trek for those who...

trek au langtang


Everest Base Camp Trek (EBC) – the best trekking package in Everest region. It will offers an exciting views of mountain peaks with unique...

trek au langtang


Langtang also known as the valley of glacier trek is a great option to pick if you want a short...

trek au langtang


Mustang trek is an exploration of the concealed valleys of upper Mustang in Nepal, nestled between Tibet and the Himalayas...

trek au langtang


Dhampus is a beautiful village lying in the mid hills of Annapurna region which is inhabited by Gurungs, Magars and...

trek au langtang


Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is a wonderful opportunity to experience short, easy and most beautiful trekking. Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek offers panoramic views...

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The Great Moscow Circus! AUSTRALIA

Australia's favourite! An all new extreme show,  featuring some of Australia's top BMX & Scooter riders, exciting Trampoline, Russian Swing and the worlds best dare devil motorcycle Cage Riders. Breathtaking Aerial performances and much much more. A circus not to be missed! 

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Tue - Sun: 10am until show time (5pm if no show)

Closed Monday's except for Public Holiday shows.

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0497 667 269.

Loritz Circus T/a The Great Moscow Circus EXTREME

 HEAD OFFICE - 537 Jacobs Well Rd 

Alberton Qld 4207

[email protected]

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  1. Langtang Trek: A Complete Guide to Nepal's Underrated Hike

    trek au langtang

  2. Langtang Helambu Gosaikunda Trek

    trek au langtang

  3. Langtang Trek

    trek au langtang

  4. Pourquoi faire un trek au Langtang (Népal)

    trek au langtang

  5. Langtang Valley Trek and Tamang Trail, Nepal 2024/25

    trek au langtang

  6. Langtang Valley Trek 7 Days Itinerary

    trek au langtang


  1. Gosaikunda Yatra 2022 Part #1

  2. Langtang trek(1)


  4. Langtang river #trek #solotravel

  5. Trek au Kalapattar

  6. Langtang trek//Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful destination❤️🇳🇵


  1. A Complete Guide to Langtang Trek

    Langtang Trek is a favorite short trek destination in the Langtang valley located close to Kathmandu city, in the central Himalayas. The 11 days trip takes you across the Langtang National Park through some low and high elevation terrains with natural views and integration of rich Tamang community culture. Bordering closely to Tibet in the north, it offers expansive views of Nepali and Tibetan ...

  2. Langtang trek

    A 2023 update for the Langtang trek. From the 1st of April 2023, it's compulsory for all international trekkers to have a licensed guide for hiking most routes in Nepal including the Langtang trek. It's a very recent change that was made in March 2023. Unfortunately, it's still unclear if it's compulsory for the Langtang trek or not.

  3. The Langtang Trek Itinerary: the ultimate guide

    The Langtang trek is also a sustainable choice as you do not need to fly to reach the start of the trail. Syabrubesi is an 8 hour bus journey from Kathmandu. Despite all these advantages, the Langtang trek gets relatively few visitors compared to the Everest and Annapurna regions. If you want to avoid the crowds, Langtang is a great destination.

  4. Langtang Valley Trek

    The famed British mountaineer and travel writer, Bill Tilman (1898-1977), called this "one of the world's most beautiful valleys.". The local people in the Langtang Valley are mostly of Tibetan origin and, according to legend, the valley was first discovered by a lama - a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism - who was pursuing a runaway yak.

  5. Langtang Valley Trek: The Essential Guide

    Syabrubesi is the trailhead for the Langtang Valley trek, a small town approximately 115 km north of Kathmandu. You can get there by public bus or private jeep and the journey takes around 5.5 - 9 hours depending on your mode of transport. The road is narrow and twisting at points with occasional steep drop-offs, and includes some bumpy ...

  6. A Guide to the Langtang Valley Trek in Nepal

    The couple who owned the lodge were beautiful people and we had a fun night laughing and talking, trying to learn the Tibetan language and traditional dances. It was experiences like this which made the Langtang Valley trek so memorable. Distance: 5km Time: 2 hours Ascended: 315m. Trail up to Kyanjin Ri.

  7. Langtang Valley Trek Guide: 10-Day Itinerary, Checklist & Tips

    Day 3. Syabrubeshi to Lama Hotel Overnight in trekking lodge (2,500m) After breakfast, we trek from Syabrubesi and cross Bhotekoshi and follow Langtang Khola for the gradual climb up to Bamboo and pass through landslide to reach Lama Hotel located at the elevation of 2470 meters from sea level. During the 6-7 hours trek, we gain an altitude of ...

  8. Langtang Valley Trek: Everything You Need To Know

    This is one of the shorter treks in Nepal and has a straightforward itinerary. Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1550m) 7 hours. Day 2: Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2,380m) 6 hours. Day 3: Lama Hotel to Mundu via Langtang Village (3,430) 6 hours. Day 4: Mundu to Kyanjin Gompa (3,870m) 3 hours.

  9. Langtang Trek

    The one-way trip from Syabru Bensi to Kyanjin Gompa on the Langtang Valley Trek is ~29 KM.Over this distance, the Langtang Valley Trek gains ~3000 meters of elevation and loses ~600 meters of elevation. A round-trip (out and back) hike from Syabru Bensi to Kyanjin Gompa and back to Syabru Bensi is ~58 KM with about 3600 meters of elevation gain and 3600 meters of loss.

  10. Langtang Valley Trek

    Overnight at a Guesthouse. Day 03 : Trek to Lama Hotel (2,500 m) from Syabru Besi - 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse. Day 04 : Trek to Langtang village (3,430 m) from Lama Hotel - 5 to 6 hours. Overnight at a Guesthouse. Day 05 : Trek to Kyanjin Gompa (3,830 m) from Langtang village - 4 to 5 hours.

  11. Trek au Langtang

    Langtang et lacs sacrés de Gosainkund, Allibert Trekking propose un trek au Langtang de 17 jours, avec pour points forts : des vues magnifiques sur les hautes montagnes himalayennes, Au nord de Kathmandu, réalisez un agréable trekking dans le massif du Langtang à l'écart des circuits classiques. A mi-chemin entre Annapurna et Rolwaling ...

  12. Trek Langtang, Hélambu : Le Trek des Lacs Sacrés |Tirawa

    Situé au nord de Kathmandu, le Langtang est une région plus confidentielle et plus intimiste que les Annapurnas, l'Everest ou le Manaslu. Pourtant le Langtang ne manque pas d'atouts, entre l'une des plus belles vallées du Népal, des forêts magnifiques où s'épanouissent les rhododendrons, des sommets étincelants et spectaculaires, et une fréquentation faible.

  13. Tamang Heritage & Langtang Valley Trek

    Sacred Tibetan culture permeates every inch of this 15-day Expedition, seemingly touching everything in its path. Venture deep into Tamang hinterland as you follow the quiet Tamang Heritage Trail (restricted until 2004) and explore the wilds of Langtang National Park on an unforgettable trekking adventure. Discover surprisingly verdant midlands ...

  14. Langtang Valley Trek

    Langtang Valley Trek is suitable for children, and this is a family-friendly trek in Nepal. If you are planning to take your children on a Langtang valley trek, we suggest you do private trekking to Langtang Valley. ... Susan Bishop From: Australia,Apr 11, 2023. 5/5 Awesome Langtang Valley Trek Experience. An unforgettable experience to say the ...

  15. Langtang Trek

    This is a famous trek that takes you from lush green forests to alpine meadows and into the barren snow-capped mountains of Langtang National Park. Langtang National Park is known for red pandas, Himalayan black bears, gorals, tahrs, wild dogs, serows, snow leopards, musk deer, and more than 250 species of birds.

  16. Trekking langtang

    A mi-chemin entre les Annapurnas et le Rolwaling Himal, non loin du Shishapangma (8012 m), le massif du Langtang, au nord de Kathmandu, offre plusieurs sommets de belle ampleur, dont le Langtang Lirung (7225 m) et le Dorje Lhakpa (6990 m), magnifique pyramide glaciaire en fond de la vall&eacut

  17. Langtang Valley Trek

    The peak of Langtang Lirung and the distinct culture of the famous ethnic group Tamang make this trek more authentic. 6 Days Short Langtang Trek offers alluring views of grand mountains and a mirthful walk around the glorious valleys. The 8 Days Langtang Circuit Trek starts as well as ends at S yabrubeshi or Dhunche.

  18. Langtang Classic Trek

    The 12 days Langtang classic trek takes you through the diversified beauty of Nepal along with viewing the highest peaks of the world at close quarters.. Langtang Himal is a region geographically based in the north part outside of the Kathmandu valley and in close proximity just south of the Tibetan border. This gracious, beautiful and lush green valley is surrounded by high peaks of great appeal.

  19. Langtang

    Trek vallée de Langtang et Lacs sacrés de Gosaikunda avec une option gravir sur Surya peak 5145m. Le trek Langtang vallée et Helambu vous emmène entre la principale chaîne himalayenne au nord de Kathmandu et permet de voir des paysages de haute montagne vraiment spectaculaires et panoramas de l'Himalaya des deux côtés et les lacs sacrés de Gosaikund et la région Helambu à l'est. En ...

  20. PPT

    The Langtang Valley Trek offers magnificent views of the Langtang and Ganesh Himal ranges, along with diverse flora, fauna, and the rich culture of various indigenous groups. Trekkers will encounter Tamang and Sherpa communities in numerous ethnic villages along the route. These friendly villagers will eagerly share their culture, which is deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, thriving in the ...


    LANGTANG TREK. 10 Days - 9 Nights $ 0. Langtang also known as the valley of glacier trek is a great option to pick if you want a short... View Details. UPPER MUSTANG TREK. 16 Days - 16 Nights $ 0. Mustang trek is an exploration of the concealed valleys of upper Mustang in Nepal, nestled between Tibet and the Himalayas...

  22. The Great Moscow Circus An all new extreme show

    Australia's favourite! An all new extreme show, featuring some of Australia's top BMX & Scooter riders, exciting Trampoline, Russian Swing and the worlds best dare devil motorcycle Cage Riders. Breathtaking Aerial performances and much much more. A circus not to be missed!

  23. Eric Bana

    Eric Martin Andrew Banadinović, AM (born 9 August 1968), known professionally as Eric Bana (/ ˈ b æ n ə /), is an Australian actor.He began his career in the sketch comedy series Full Frontal before gaining notice in the comedy drama The Castle (1997). He achieved further critical recognition for starring in the biographical crime film Chopper (2000), and as the titular character in Hulk ...