trek marlin 8 opiniones

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Prueba Trek Marlin 8, ¿la nueva superventas de Trek?

Prueba Trek Marlin 8, ¿la nueva superventas de Trek?

Javier Ruiz

Hace unos meses Trek presentaba la nueva generación Marlin, su rígida de XC de aluminio que ahora adopta una geometría más agresiva, compatibilidad con neumáticos de gran anchura y la inclusión de tija telescópica en el montaje de serie. Todo para ser una alternativa más económica a la nueva hornada de rígidas de carbono. ¿Podrá así convertirse en la nueva superventas de la marca? Lo analizamos probando su montaje superior Marlin 8.

La Trek Marlin es una de las MTB de la marca más demandadas gracias a su cuadro de aluminio Alpha Silver con acabados de buena calidad, variedad de montajes y precios contenidos . Un modelo que ha sabido adaptarse a la evolución del Cross Country con diseño y componentes cada vez más versátiles, buscando rendir en subida, llano y descensos.

A las puertas de 2023, la marca estadounidense anunció su renovación , presentando un nuevo esquema de geometría, compatibilidad con horquilla de 120 mm (de serie lleva 100 mm) y compatibilidad con tijas telescópica para todos los 3 montajes de esta 3ª generación . Aunque sólo uno de ellos, la Marlin 8 que probamos en esta ocasión, incluye la telescópica de serie.

Trek Marlin 8 2023: cuadro y geometría actualizados


Qué mejor entonces que contar con una unidad de este modelo 8 para comprobar todas las mejoras y capacidades de la nueva Marlin. Se presenta con un cuadro de aleación Alpha Silver, con una estética atractiva para el segmento de precio en el que nos encontramos (1.000 – 1.500 €). Es una rígida con personalidad , que agradecemos en estos tiempos de diseños de bicis cada vez más clonados. Experimenta cambios importantes en geometría para acercarse más al Down Country o al Trail ligero . En otras palabras, es una MTB menos clásica, más bajadora y bastante más versátil .

Las modificaciones se notan en el tubo diagonal, ahora más grueso. También en el refuerzo de la parte superior del tubo del sillín, o en el sobredimensionado de la pipa de dirección.


La posición que se adopta ahora con ella se retrasa ligeramente. Es más centrada y potencia la estabilidad en bajadas y senderos, con un ángulo de dirección de 66,5º (el anterior era de 69,5º, por lo que aquí el cambio es bastante notorio) y en el tubo de sillín de 73,8º (1,9º más que la Marlin 2022). La trasera se mantiene prácticamente igual (vaina de 438 mm), pero el reach o alcance aumenta inevitablemente hasta 455 mm (talla ML de la unidad de prueba, 2,1 cm más que la Gen 2).


Pasando a los detalles de la estructura, llama la atención la abertura de su paso de rueda para poder instalar cubiertas de 2.4” , medida estandarizada en las MTB de competición y que se está extendiendo cada vez más al resto de modelos. También las dos entradas de cables en la parte superior del tubo diagonal (que sin embargo dejan los cables exteriores exterior bastante abiertos y sueltos, entorpeciendo la manipulación del bloqueo de la horquilla).


Pero sobre todo teníamos ganas de ver y probar esta bici con el nuevo eje trasero Thru Skew . Se trata de un eje de punteras cerrado para ganar solidez, estética, algunos gramos y mantener un buje estándar de 135 mm. Con el Thru Skew, además, la rueda trasera se puede extraer tanto con llave hexagonal de 5 mm como con una leva desmontable incluida con el eje .

Este es de plástico, con un cabezal de llave que, introducido en el eje, hace girar y aflojar fácilmente el eje. Se puede dejar puesto, pero recomendamos quitarlo y llevarlo en el bolsillo del maillot o en una bolsa de herramientas.


Sin embargo, en el cuadro de la Marlin 2023  echamos de menos el eficaz bloqueo de giro de la dirección Knock Block de Trek, sobre todo para evitar giros bruscos del ancho manillar de 760 mm. Lleva presente en Mountain Bikes de gama superior de la marca desde hace años y lo esperábamos en este tipo de bicicleta.


Otra de las novedades que trae esta nueva Trek Marlin 8, al igual que en el resto de montajes de esta nueva generación, es la posibilidad de elegir entre 8 tallas diferentes, incluida la nueva XXS . Se trata del Smart Wheel Sizing, que adapta el diámetro de la rueda a la talla elegida.


Así, este modelo se ofrece tanto con ruedas de 29”, para tallas de la M a la XXL, en 27,5” (S y XS) y también rescata las ruedas de 26” para la nueva XXS , manteniendo el mismo lanzamiento de la dirección a 66,5º. Nosotros para el test elegimos la M grande o ML .

La versión de montaje  8 es la más alta de la gama Marlin 2023, con un precio de 1.329 € . De él destacamos 3 puntos:


  • Tija telescópica : el único modelo Marlin 2023 que la incorpora de serie , aunque el resto son compatibles con su instalación. Se trata del modelo TranzX JD-YSP18 que en talla ML arroja 150 mm de recorrido y viene con mando remoto en el manillar, con un tacto muy cómodo, aunque deberás pulsar un poco más fuerte de lo normal para bajarla. La recuperación del recorrido, sin embargo, es muy buena y propia de tijas de mayor calidad.


  • Transmisión 1x12 : opta por la opción de primer precio de SRAM Eagle, el SX Eagle . El plato es de 30 dientes , que será un gran aliado para mover los 14,5 kg de bicicleta por las subidas, y el cassette de rango 11-50. Nos gusta que todos los elementos de la transmisión sean del mismo grupo SX.


  • Manillar-potencia : montaje puramente Trail, o Down Country , para el conjunto manillar-potencia, de Bontrager. El primero tiene un ancho de 760 mm (de serie se anuncia de 750) con altura de 15 mm, mientras que la potencia es de sólo 50 mm , además de ser compatible con el soporte Blendr de Bontrager para luces o ciclocomputadores.


Asimismo, la bici va bien servida de neumáticos, con los rodadores Maxxis Ardent de 2.4” . La horquilla es la RockShox Judy Silver con bloqueo manual TurnKey en la barra derecha y ajuste de rebote, los frenos son los Shimano MT200 con discos de 18o / 160 mm y el sillín es un cómodo Bontrager Arvada con ancho de 138 mm.


Entre salida y salida con la esta Trek Marlin 8, hemos estado analizando el mercado actual centrándonos en la oferta de rígidas XC con tija telescópica de serie. Un elemento que cada vez piden más los mountain bikers aficionados, en base a lo que obtenemos de nuestras últimas encuestas en redes sociales. Y nos sorprende las pocas opciones que hay en un rango de precio de 1.000 a 1.500 euros , con sólo dos modelos más de grandes fabricantes. Una de ellas es la Canyon Grand Canyon 7 con horquilla RockShox Judy Silver de 120 mm , 14 kg y 1.250 euros. Y la otra es la Cannondale Trail SE 3 , también con horquilla RockShox (Judy Silver) de 120 mm, con Shimano Deore 1x11 y 1.300 euros.

No obstante, a nivel de diseño y geometría, creemos que la Trek Marlin está ahora un paso por delante . Me ha gustado la postura que confiere esta XC todoterreno, que con tija telescópica podrás meter por ese sendero o trialera que antes se te resistía o que temías.


La TranzX Dropper me pedía sendero estrecho y bajadas empinadas, huyendo de las pistas . Son más de 14 kg de bici y eso es un punto negativo para el llano y las subidas. Pero a la hora de bajar o trazar a gran velocidad apenas se nota este lastre. El accionamiento de la tija a través del mando es rápido, aunque un poco duro al momento de pulsar.

Asimismo, la combinación manillar ancho-potencia corta heredada del Trail o el Enduro aporta estabilidad y control de la dirección. Tenía en mis manos una auténtica bici de Rally en aluminio. Pero también una Trail rígida para las bajadas.


A pesar de su versatilidad, buen trabajo con el cuadro y la geometría, no me llenó como esperaba esta Trek Marlin 8. Hay puntos del montaje mejorables . Porque estamos hablando de la versión superior de la gama y  elementos importantes como los frenos o las ruedas (con ancho muy limitado de 23 mm y sin ejes Boost) piden un punto más de calidad.

A nivel de transmisión o de cubiertas, sí que he agradecido que se apostará por el 1x12, aunque sea con el pesado SX Eagle , y por un plato de 30 dientes , que mitiga con agilidad de pedaleo y amplio rango de velocidades el peso elevado de la bicicleta. Por su parte, las cubiertas Maxxis Ardent de 2.4” , con una banda muy rodadora, se agarran con fuerza al suelo y aportan confianza en los tramos más resbaladizos o el paso por curva. Además, es un modelo resistente que podrás exprimir sin miedo y con el que tendrás neumático para rodar durante mucho tiempo.


Las pocas opciones de rígida XC con tija telescópica de serie dentro de este rango de precio es, claramente, un aliciente para que la Trek Marlin 8 2023 pueda convertirse en una superventas este año. Además, el modelo está ya asentado y es bien conocido por el público. Y ha recibido una actualización de cuadro y geometría muy aceptable, aunque con puntos a afinar, como el guiado de los cables, los acabados de las soldaduras o la reducción de peso.

El montaje también pide algún elemento más de calidad o ligero, que al menos permita bajar del límite de los 14 kg. Pero otros componentes como la tija telescópica , la transmisión 1x12 , las cubiertas 2.4 de Maxxis o las diferentes opciones de instalar accesorios (dos portabidones, soportes para bolsas, etc), son aspectos positivos que harán atractiva su compra esta temporada .

  • MTB muy versátil. Control y estabilidad en tramos técnicos.
  • Tija telescópica de serie con cableado interno.
  • Peso elevado.
  • Ruedas y frenos básicos.

Precio : 1.329 €

Peso : 14,5 kg (talla ML)

Material: aluminio Alpha Silver

Talla: ML. También disponible en XXS, XS, S, M, L y XXL

Horquilla: RockShox Judy Silver 100 mm con bloqueo hidráulico TurnKey



Cambio: SRAM SX Eagle 12 v

Manetas: SRAM SX Eagle 12 v

Bielas: SRAM SX Eagle 175 mm / Plato 30T

Pedalier: Truvativ Powerspline, 73 mm, cartucho roscado // eje de 118 mm

Cassette: SRAM SX Eagle 12 v 11-50T

Cadena: SRAM SX Eagle 12 v

Pedales: Wellgo VPE-536

Frenos: Shimano MT200 // Discos Shimano RT26 de 180 y 160 mm, respectivamente


Llantas: Bontrager Kovee doble pared alu Tubeless Ready 23 mm 29”

Bujes: Del. Formula DC-20 LW aleación QR 5x100 mm // Tras. Formula DC-22-22LW QR 5x135 mm

Cubiertas: Maxxis Ardent Race tubeless EXO TPI 60 29x2.40” delantero y trasero



Dirección: Semi integrada, 1-1/8"

Manillar: Bontrager alu 750 mm; 15 mm altura y 31,8 mm de diámetro

Potencia: Bontrager alu 50 mm 7º

Puños: Bontrager XR Trail Comp con bloqueo de nailon

Tija de sillín: TranzX JD-YSP18 150 mm // mando remoto

Sillín: Bontrager Arvada 138 mm con raíles de acero



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trek marlin 8 opiniones


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Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

trek marlin 8 gen 2 mountain bike

Trek Marlin 8 is the premium build from Trek’s family of cross-country hardtail mountain bikes. 

The Trek Marlin 8’s price is $1,330, a significant increase on the 7, but this is justified by air suspension, a tubeless-ready wheelset, and wide-range gearing, making it far more capable than the other Marlins. 

Beginner and intermediate riders can be confident aboard this bike, taking advantage of its race-ready characteristics. Alternatively, load it up with a rack and kickstand and use it as a mixed-terrain commuter. 

Our Trek Marlin 8 review will examine the bike’s strengths and weaknesses and offer a verdict on who should buy it. 

How Heavy Is the Trek Marlin 8?

The Trek Marlin 8’s weight is 29.1 lbs, almost three pounds lighter than the cheapest model. In addition, this bike is two to three pounds lighter than similarly-priced hardtails, which makes it notably faster going uphill. 

  • Air suspension fork
  • Tubeless-ready wheelset
  • Lightweight for the price
  • SRAM SX Eagle is a step down from the Marlin 7’s Deore M4100

Trek Marlin 8 Specs

Trek marlin 8 gen 2 full review.

Next, we’ll dive deeper into the components and features that make this bike stand out. But first, note the Trek Marlin 8 2022 is the same as the Marlin 8 Gen 2. 

Is the Trek Marlin 8 a Trail Bike?

When comparing the Trek Marlin 7 vs. Marlin 8, there’s a discernable difference in the ability to handle chunkier terrain. However, the Marlin 8 is still considered a cross-country bike , given the 100mm of suspension and XC-specific components. Most trail bikes have 130mm or more suspension travel.

RockShox Judy Silver Solo Air Fork 

Trek Bikes went for RockShox’s Judy Silver Solo Air suspension fork, which is the standout component of this bike’s setup. It’s relatively light, moves smoothly through the travel, and has decent small bump sensitivity.

Marlin 8 Gen 2 front suspension

The RockShox Judy air fork will easily give you your money’s worth if you decide to take Trek Marlin 8 on proper MTB trails.

Of course, it’s not going to handle big hits on rough trails with only 30mm stanchions and 100mm of travel  (80mm on XXS, XS), but it’s plenty capable on fast, flowy XC trails. It also has basic TurnKey lockout and preload adjustments.

Can You Add a Dropper Post to a Trek Marlin 8?

Yes, you can add some of the best dropper posts to a Trek Marlin 8. There is a hole to run the dropper internally through the top tube, but you will have to run the wire externally through the seat tube, as there is no hole at the bottom.

12-speed Gearing and Shimano Brakes

The Trek Marlin 8 mountain bike uses a modern 1×12-speed SRAM SX Eagle drivetrain, comprising a 30t steel chainring and an 11-50t cassette. This combination provides tons of range for the steepest climbs you’ll encounter.

Trek Marlin 8 SRAM SX Eagle drivetrain

SRAM’s SX Eagle 1×12 drivetrain offers a massive gear range to conquer virtually any hill you come across on your rides.

Although the gear range is better than the Marlin 7, we’re disappointed with the switch to SX Eagle, as it is a step down from Deore M4100 in performance and durability. 

Thankfully, Trek maintained the Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brakes on this bike, ensuring reliable stopping power in all conditions. 

Tubeless-ready Maxxis Ardent Tires and Bontrager Kovee Rims

The Trek Marlin 8 takes a huge step up with XC-specific Maxxis Ardent EXO tubeless-ready tires. These are fast-rolling, race-ready tires for dry to mixed trail conditions. The three-compound design reduces rolling resistance and optimizes traction, while the EXO layer provides cut and abrasion protection. 

Running a tubeless setup gives the Marlin 8 MTB a massive boost in capability and comfort. Riders can run lower tire pressure to enhance traction, shock absorption, and control, opening up more trail opportunities. In addition, the risk of puncturing is greatly reduced. 

Likewise, the Bontrager Kovee tubeless-ready rims are a marked improvement over the Connection rims on the other four models. They’re lighter, more durable, and designed specifically for cross-country riding. 

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Sizing Chart

  • XXS — 4’5″-4’9″ / 135-145cm
  • XS — 4’9″-5’1″ / 145-155cm
  • S —  5’1″-5’5″ / 155-165cm
  • M —  5’5″-5’8″ / 165-173cm
  • M/L — 5’8″-5’11” / 173-180cm
  • L —  5’11”-6’2″ / 180-188cm
  • XL —  6’2″-6’5″ / 188-195cm
  • 2XL — 6’5″-6’8″ / 195-203cm

Who Is Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Best Suited For?

The Trek Marlin 8 is a proper XC bike for cross-country cycling , ideal for beginner or intermediate mountain bikers who want an affordable yet capable option to hit the trails. Likewise, this bike can double as a comfortable mixed-terrain commuter or bikepacking machine, thanks to the rack and kickstand mounts. 

Marlin 8 Gen 2 with a rear rack

Marlin 8 is compatible with a rear rack and even with a kickstand, so it can be a practical daily commuter or even a capable bikepacking machine.

The Marlin 8 is a broadly-appealing option as its versatility, reasonable price, and durability make it a great bike to develop your mountain biking skills on and even upgrade in the future. 

Other Trek Marlin Bikes We Reviewed:

  • Trek Marlin 4 Gen 2 Review
  • Trek Marlin 5 Gen 2 Review
  • Trek Marlin 6 Gen 2 Review
  • Trek Marlin 7 Gen 2 Review

Is Marlin 8 Gen 2 a Good Buy?

The Marlin 8 is an excellent buy at this price . You get Trek’s renowned reliability, air suspension, a tubeless-ready wheelset, Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, and a lightweight, compliant frame.

Marlin 8 top view

Trek gave Marlin 8 a premium finish, so the bike looks a lot more expensive than it really is, which is a nice plus if that’s something you care about.

It isn’t easy to find a hardtail at this price that handles cross-country racing, but this bike can put it up to the more expensive models. Trek Marlin 8 reviews online also paint an overwhelmingly positive picture, a testament to the quality and the value this bike offers in the sub-$1,500 price range. 

Choose Trek’s Marlin 8 if you’re looking for an affordable, race-ready XC hardtail that’s equally at home in the city. 

Buy from Trek Bikes

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Trek Marlin 8 Review: A Solid Choice for MTB Enthusiasts?

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This review of the Trek Marlin 8, the highest-end bike from the Marlin family of aluminum mountain bikes , will help you decide whether it is worth it. I interviewed one of its owners about his experience.

We will discuss the bike’s features, performance, and benefits. Of course, you will also learn about Marlin 8’s shortcomings.


Trek Marlin 8 is a great-value mountain bike suitable for cross-country and adventurous riding. However, due to the short fork travel of 100mm, it’s not the best choice for technical terrain and trails. You can buy it here or continue reading for more info.

I live in Northern England and am an experienced amateur mountain biker. I mostly ride cross country but enjoy a good trail run. I have been riding mountain bikes for the past ten years. Before my current bike, I owned a Carrera Kraken 27.5er.

Trek Marlin 8 Summary

Trek currently offers Marlin 4 up to Marlin 8. The higher the number, the more high-end (and expensive) the bike. Below is the summary of Marlin 8.

Trek Marlin 8 Main Features

  • Weight (w/o pedals): 29.1 lbs [13.20 kg]
  • Wheels: Bontrager Kovee, double-wall, Tubeless Ready, 29″
  • Groupset: SRAM SX Eagle (1×12spd)
  • Brakes: Shimano MT200 (hydraulic disc brakes) 
  • Tires: Maxxis Ardent Race, tubeless
  • Pedals: VP-536 nylon platform
  • Saddle: Bontrager Arvada

Trek Marlin 8 Pros & Cons

Below, we highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the Trek Marlin 8 bike.

Trek Marlin 8 Pros

  • Renowned brand
  • Good price-value ratio
  • Available in 7 sizes (XXS-XL)
  • Modern gearing (1X)
  • Compatible with racks 

Trek Marlin 8 Cons

  • Limited color options
  • Short travel front fork (only 100mm of travel)

Joe’s Experience with Trek Marlin 8

What other alternatives did you consider before buying the Marlin 8, and why did the Marlin 8 win out in the end?

Initially, I planned to buy a Voodoo Bizango as a budget option, but after doing more research, I discovered that Trek was the better brand. I considered the Trek Roscoe 7 and the Trek Marlin 8, which have modern geometry. 

Ultimately, I chose the Trek Marlin 8 because it had higher-quality components and was the most cost-effective choice.

Blue/black Trek Marlin 8 shot in a forest.

Have you bought the bike online or in a store? 

I bought my Trek Marlin 8 in-store from Evan’s Cycles.

For what type of riding do you use this bike the most?

I primarily use this bike for cross-country riding, but I have also taken it on several trails.

Trek Marlin 8 shot on a hill.

How would you describe its riding characteristics?

The SRAM derailleur provides a smooth gear shift, always responsive. Due to the Ardent Race tires, the Marlin 8 is one of the faster mountain bikes on smooth and dry terrain. I often pass my friends on this kind of terrain. 

However, a downside of these low-rolling-resistance tires is that they struggle to find traction during wet and slippery conditions, and I often find myself spinning the back wheel.

Does the front suspension work well?

The front fork performs well. It has a Rockshox Judy silver air spring, which offers an adjustable recoil rate and a hydraulic TurnKey lockout, making it responsive and customizable to the rider’s preference. 

However, when riding on more technical terrain, especially downhill, I have struggled to maintain control of the bike, likely due to the short travel suspension – the fork only has 100mm of travel. 

Blue/black Trek Marlin 8 shot in front of a staircase.

Additionally, the shock absorber makes an uncomfortable whining sound upon recoil, but I believe this to be a characteristic of most MTB air springs and is a minor detail.

Would you like to have more gears, or are you ok with the modern 1X drivetrain?

My previous bike had a 3×9 drivetrain, so transitioning to a 1×12 was a big change, and I had to relearn how to use it. 

But with more modern gear ratios, I find climbing with this bike to be much easier and more controllable than with a 3×9 drivetrain. 

Trek Marlin 8 shot from the rear with a focus on its drivetrain.

The only limitation I have experienced so far is on high-speed downhill runs, where I have been unable to achieve higher speeds. Nevertheless, I have still managed to hit speeds of up to 35 mph downhill.

How comfortable is it on a scale from 1 to 10?

I would rate this bike as a 7 for cross-country runs compared to other cross-country hardtails. 

However, for trails, I would rate the comfort as more of a 4, likely due to the short travel in the front fork.

What is your overall feeling from the ride?

Since getting this bike, I have been able to climb hills that used to require me to push my bike. The 1×12 drivetrain has given me a new sense of achievement by enabling me to tackle steeper ascents.

Is there something you don’t like about it?

The only thing I would change about this bike is the lack of a gear indicator dial. Because of this, I have spent a lot of time in the wrong gear, but I have gotten better with experience riding the bike.

What do you like the most about it?

What I like most about this bike is definitely the drivetrain. The 1×12 drivetrain has enabled me to reach heights that were previously unreachable. 

I also appreciate the Ardent Race tires, even though they can be challenging in slippery conditions. They allow me to reach higher speeds with ease.

Blue/black Trek Marlin 8 near the sea.

Trek Marlin 8 Alternatives

The Trek Marlin 8 alternatives include bikes from the same family, such as the Marlin 7 or 6, and MTBs from other brands.

I recommend checking out my article on mountain bikes for under $1000 for more inspiration. 

Would you recommend buying the Trek Marlin 8?  

I highly recommend purchasing a Trek Marlin 8 for cross-country and adventure use. I use it multiple times a week and often push it beyond its comfort zone, but it has never let me down. 

However, if I were to buy a hardtail for trail use, I think it would be worth spending the extra money on a Trek Roscoe . With its longer travel suspension and dropper post, the Roscoe would be much more suitable for trails.

Joe, thank you again for your time and for sharing your experience!

Trek Marlin FAQ

The main difference between the Trek Marlin and Trek Dual-Sport is that the Marlin is a mountain bike, while the Dual-Sport is a versatile hybrid bike. The Marlin is better suited for terrain as it has knobby tires, different gearing, and longer fork travel.

The main difference between Trek Marlin 8 and Marlin 7 is in components and price. Marlin 8 uses better components (Shimano Deore vs. SRAM Eagle), is lighter, and is slightly more expensive than Marlin 7. Check out this Trek Marlins comparison for more details and differences with other models.

The Trek Marlin 8 is a great mountain bike for beginners and those who want to experience off-road adventures. It uses branded components, follows modern trends like the 1X drivetrain, is well-made, and is available in many sizes. Its biggest weakness is its front fork, which has only 100mm travel and weight.

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Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

  • good complete bike for the price
  • high quality wheels
  • 25 years warranty
  • uphill a bit sluggish
  • with 14,29 kg unfortunately a bit heavy



The most importanten ratings of the Marlin 8 Gen 3 ⬤ in comparison to the competitor bikes of following categorie: (Racehardtail up to 1500 €) ⬤ .


If you are keen on value for money, this is your chart. It shows you at a glance how many bike you get for 1299 €.

Expirience with the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

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Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

Je steiler der Winkel des Sitzrohrs ist, desto effizienter können Sie in die Pedale treten.

  • Frame Marlin Alpha Silver Aluminum, internal routing, chainstay disc brake mount, rack and kickstand mount, 135x5mm QR
  • Frame Material Aluminium
  • Fork Größe: XXS RockShox Judy Silver, Solo Air-Feder, verstellbare Zugstufe, hydraulischer TurnKey-Lockout, 42 mm Vorbiegung für 27,5"-Laufrad, 100 mm Schnellspannachse, 80 mm Federweg
  • Spring Unit air
  • Remote-Lockout yes
  • Gearrange 455%
  • Drivetrain 1x12
  • Gear Lever SRAM SX Eagle, 12fach
  • Rear Derailleur SRAM SX Eagle
  • Crank Größe: XXS SRAM SX Eagle, Stahlkettenblatt (30 Z.), 49 mm Kettenlinie, 155 mm Kurbelarmlänge
  • Cassette SRAM PG-1210 Eagle, 11-50 Z., 12fach
  • Chain SRAM SX Eagle, 12fach
  • Brake Set Hydraulische Scheibenbremse Shimano MT200
  • Brake Rotors 180/160
  • Rims Bontrager Kovee, Hohlkammerfelge, Tubeless Ready, 28-Loch, 23 mm Innenweite, Presta-Ventil
  • Front Hub Formula DC-20 LW, Aluminium, 6-Loch-Scheibenaufnahme
  • Tires Front Größe: XXS Maxxis Ardent, Tubeless, EXO-Karkasse, faltbarer Wulstkern, 60 TPI, 26 x 2.40
  • Tires Rear Größe: XXS Maxxis Ardent, Tubeless, EXO-Karkasse, faltbarer Wulstkern, 60 TPI, 26 x 2.40
  • Saddle Bontrager Arvada, Stahlstreben, 138 mm Breite
  • Seat Post Größe: M TranzX JD-YSP18, 130 mm Hub, interne Zugführung, 31,6 mm, 425 mm Länge
  • Stem Größe: M , ML , L Bontrager Comp, 31 8 mm, Blendr-kompatibel, 7 Grad, 50 mm Länge
  • Handle Bar Größe: M , ML , L , XL , XXL Bontrager aus Aluminium, 31,8 mm, 15 mm Rise, 750 mm Breite
  • Handle Bar Width 750
  • Head Set Semi-integriert, 1 1/8"


Mountain Bike Novelties 2024

This article is regularly updated. Last update 26.10.2023

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Bikepacking Alliance

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

Are you looking for a mountain bike to tackle rugged terrain and push yourself to explore new paths? If so, the latest edition of the 2023 Trek Marlin 8 might be a great choice for you.

Trek is widely recognized as one of the top brands in mountain bikes, and their Marlin series has been gaining steadily increasing popularity in recent years due to its blend of superior performance and relatively low cost.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The 2021 version of this bike was met with widespread praise from customers around the world who praised its excellent balance between speed, responsive handling, and overall durability.

Now Trek has unveiled the 2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2, which promises to take this beloved bike to new heights. 

Let’s take an in-depth look at this updated model and see if it lives up to its expectations.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 is a hardtail mountain bike designed for riders who want versatility, stability and downhill performance. 

With features such as adjustable suspension, Sram components, large tires and wide rims, the Marlin 8 Gen 2 is the go-to choice for riders who seek adventure on their two-wheeled steed. 

In this review, we will cover its defining features, how it handles different terrain and overall value.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The 2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 is the perfect bike for your next bikepacking adventure. 

With an aluminum frame, Sram components and 29-inch wheels, this gravel bike is designed to maximize stability, speed and comfort on long rides.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The Marlin 8 offers an optimized chainstay length to enhance pumpability and traction over rugged terrain, while a more upright riding position keeps you comfortable all day. 

The Alpha Silver Aluminum frame features internal routing, chainstay disc brake mount, and integrated mounts give you plenty of room to carry all the gear you need for bikepacking excursions. 

Recommended for dedicated gravel riders and adventurers alike, the 2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 is true do-it-all machine!

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

– Alpha Silver Aluminum Frame

– 27.5” Wheels for the smaller size frames and 29″ for Medium and up frames

– SRAM SX Eagle 1×12 drivetrain

– Respectable weight of 29.1 lbs

– RockShox Judy Silver adjustable rebound fork with 100mm of travel

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 boasts an Alpha Silver alloy frame with integrated internal cable routing for more sleek cable routing and protection. 

Its RockShox Judy Silver, Solo Air spring front fork allows you to adapt your ride to suit your skillset or local terrain; increasing (or decreasing) stiffness of the frame without any tool needed.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

The Marlin 8 Gen 2’s drivetrain has Sram SX Eagle components including an 12-speed rear derailleur making shifting smooth in all conditions and challenging terrain. 

Its hydraulic disc brakes offer reliable stopping power regardless of conditions. The SRAM SX Eagle, 30T steel ring crankset is mated to a 11-50t cassette giving you plenty of gear range for ripping the trails.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

Tires & Rims

The tubeless Maxxis Ardent Race tires provide excellent grip on corners while its wide rims increase cornering control and stability, giving riders confidence to push further through technical terrain at speed. 

Its aluminum alloy double wall Bontrager Kovee rims include Tubeless Ready technology so those who wish to can further reduce rotating weight for improved acceleration responsiveness on climbs yet maintain stiff sidewalls on descents for better cornering control under load.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review


It’s worth mentioning that these features make the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 suitable for everyday commuting as well as tackling more demanding trail rides by simply adjusting the air suspension setting from soft to firm accordingly – which takes less than a minute! 

When rolling on tarmac roads, you’ll be pleased with how easy it is to spin up speed and dominate flat roads. 

On steep inclines, traction won’t be a problem thanks largely to its larger tires which provide ample grip across all surfaces.

2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 Review

Overall Value

For what you get in terms of quality components and design it’s clear that the 2023 Trek Marlin 8 Gen 2 is certainly worth its $1329 price tag – especially if versatility is what you’re after! 

All-in-all, this is an ideal option for intermediate mountain bikers looking for an approachable entry into technical trails but also having flexibility between taking longer day trips or just weekend romps around town!

Order online and have it shipped to your local dealer for final assembly!!

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Trek Introduces Marlin+, an Affordable eMTB Series

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Trek offers the Marlin+ in two different builds, the Marlin+ 8 and the Marlin+ 6. These are hardtail eMTBs equipped with Bosch Active Line Plus mid-drive motors and 400Wh Bosch CompactTube batteries . Both e-bikes use 27.5-in. wheels for the XS and small sizes and 29-in. wheels for the medium, large and XL sizes. The XS is equipped with a 100mm-travel fork, while the small, medium, large and XL sizes all receive a 120mm-travel fork.

The Bosch Active Line Plus motors are rated at 250W and produce up to 50Nm of torque. The choice to go with a Bosch is a bit of a surprise; we don’t often see their motors spec’d in this price range, and that detail alone makes the launch of these eMTBs very exciting. In our experience, the Bosch motors are the gold standard for eMTB performance.

And because offroad terrain can vary so much, rather than list a mileage estimate, they suggest that riders will enjoy two to four hours per charge. Riders wanting greater range can purchase Bosch’s PowerMore range-extending battery. These are Class 1 eMTBs, legal to ride anywhere e-bikes are permitted.

With five sizes to choose from, Trek says that the Marlin+ will fit riders from 4 feet 9 inches up to 6 feet 5 inches.

Marlin+ 8

The Marlin+ 8 features a 12-speed Shimano Deore drivetrain, 4-piston Shimano hydraulic disc brakes, 203mm rotors and a dropper post. It comes set up for tubeless riding complete with sealant. The Marlin+ 8 retails for around $3500.

trek marlin 8 opiniones

The Marlin+ 6 features a 9-speed Shimano drivetrain, Tektro hydraulic disc brakes, 203mm rotors and an alloy seatpost. The Marlin+ 6 retails for less than $3000.

The Marlin+ is available on Trek’s website and should be in Trek stores later this month.

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Based on frame geometry and build specs.

A bike with lower gearing will be easier to ride up steep hills, while a higher top end means it will pedal faster down hills.

Marlin 8 Gen 3

X-Caliber 8


Based on build material and quality level of the frame, fork, wheelset, groupset, suspension system, and more.


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(2024) Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review | Trail-Tested Brilliance!

Table of Contents

Revealing the Ultimate Trail Companion

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3, Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

  • Exceptional Performance
  • Versatile Design and Durability
  • Reliable Components
  • Comfortable Ride
  • Sleek Aesthetic
  • Easy Assembly and Setup
  • Excellent Value
  • Limited Color Options
  • Suspension Tuning Required

Introduction – Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 represents the standard of innovation and engineering in the realm of mountain biking. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this trailblazing bicycle embodies Trek’s commitment to excellence in design and performance. As the latest iteration of the Marlin series , the Gen 3 model builds upon its predecessors’ success while introducing cutting-edge features and advancements. At its core, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is a versatile and capable mountain bike designed to tackle a wide range of terrain with ease. 

Ultimately navigating rugged trails , conquering challenging climbs, or cruising along smooth paths, this bike delivers a ride experience that is both exhilarating and dependable. With its durable frame construction, responsive suspension system, and reliable components, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 sets a new standard for performance and reliability in its class. Beyond its exceptional performance capabilities, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 also boasts a sleek and modern aesthetic that is sure to turn heads on the trails. 

From its eye-catching paint scheme to its sleek lines and contours, every aspect of this bike has been meticulously crafted to provide both form and function in perfect harmony. Additionally, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is more than just a mountain bike – it’s a testament to the endless pursuit of excellence in cycling technology. Whether you’re a seasoned rider seeking the ultimate thrill or a newcomer looking to embark on your first adventure, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 is sure to exceed your expectations and elevate your riding experience to new heights. Let’s dive into the detailed aspects of it!

Pricing and Availability

Pricing of the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is set at $1,299 , positioning it competitively within the mid-range segment of the mountain bike market. At this price point, riders can expect exceptional value for their investment, with the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offering a potent combination of performance, durability, and features typically found in higher-priced models. Despite its accessible price, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 does not compromise on quality, boasting premium components and meticulous craftsmanship that ensure a superior riding experience.

Availability of the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 may vary depending on location and demand. However, Trek’s extensive network of authorized dealers and retailers ensures widespread accessibility to the bike for riders around the globe. Additionally, online retailers and Trek’s official website offer convenient purchasing options for those unable to visit a physical store. While availability may fluctuate due to factors such as seasonality and production schedules, interested buyers can typically find the Marlin 8 Gen 3 in stock at select retailers or through special order arrangements.

Technical Specifications

Frame Material and Geometry :

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 features a meticulously engineered frame crafted from premium Alpha Silver Aluminum. The material strikes a perfect balance between strength, durability, and weight, ensuring a responsive and agile ride experience. The frame geometry is optimized for performance, with a relaxed yet efficient riding position that enhances comfort on long rides while maintaining nimbleness on technical terrain.

Drivetrain and Gearing :

Equipped with a precision-engineered drivetrain, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers smooth and efficient power transfer with every pedal stroke. Its 1×12 Shimano Deore XT drivetrain offers a wide range of gearing options, allowing riders to conquer steep climbs with ease and maintain momentum on fast descents. The simplicity of a 1x setup reduces maintenance requirements and enhances reliability, making it ideal for rugged off-road adventures.

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3

Suspension System :

The Marlin 8 Gen 3 features a high-performance suspension system designed to soak up bumps and impacts with ease, providing riders with confidence-inspiring control and comfort on challenging terrain. Up front, a RockShox Judy Silver TK fork with 100mm of travel smooths out rough trails, while the adjustable rebound damping allows riders to fine-tune their suspension preferences. Coupled with a reliable RockShox Deluxe Select+ rear shock , this suspension setup delivers a plush and controlled ride experience in any riding conditions.

Braking System :

Stopping power is crucial when navigating technical trails, and the Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers precision-engineered braking components. Shimano MT410 hydraulic disc brakes provide consistent and powerful braking performance, allowing riders to modulate their speed with confidence in all conditions. The 180mm front and 160mm rear rotors offer ample stopping power, even on steep descents and in wet weather, ensuring maximum safety and control on every ride.

Wheelset and Tires :

Rolling on a set of robust Bontrager Connection rims paired with Bontrager XR2 Comp tires, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 strikes the perfect balance between durability, traction, and efficiency. These tubeless-ready tires feature a versatile tread pattern that provides excellent grip on a variety of surfaces, from loose gravel to hardpacked dirt. With their wide 2.2-inch width , they offer stability and confidence-inspiring traction, allowing riders to tackle challenging terrain with ease.

Performance Analysis

On-road Performance :

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 excels in on-road performance, delivering a smooth and efficient ride experience that is ideal for both commuting and leisurely outings. The bike’s agile geometry and lightweight frame make it a joy to handle on paved surfaces, allowing riders to navigate crowded streets and tight corners with ease. The 1×12 drivetrain provides ample gearing options for maintaining speed on flat terrain and tackling moderate inclines, while the responsive hydraulic disc brakes offer precise control and confidence-inspiring stopping power in traffic or urban environments.

Handling and Stability :

The Marlin 8 Gen 3’s balanced geometry and responsive handling characteristics inspire confidence and stability, whether cruising along bike paths or navigating busy city streets. The bike’s nimble agility makes it easy to maneuver through tight spaces, while its stable platform ensures a smooth and controlled ride experience, even at higher speeds.

With its relaxed riding position and ergonomic design features, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 prioritizes rider comfort on long rides or daily commutes. The bike’s compliant aluminum frame helps absorb road vibrations and impacts, reducing fatigue and discomfort during extended periods in the saddle. Additionally, the plush suspension fork smooths out rough pavement and uneven surfaces , further enhancing the overall comfort and enjoyment of the ride.

Efficiency :

Equipped with a lightweight frame and efficient drivetrain components, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers impressive speed and agility on paved roads and bike paths. The bike’s 1×12 gearing system provides a wide range of gear ratios for maintaining optimal cadence and efficiency, whether cruising at a leisurely pace or sprinting to beat traffic lights. Combined with its responsive handling and aerodynamic frame design, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers a highly efficient and enjoyable riding experience for urban commuters and recreational cyclists alike.

Off-road Performance :

When it comes to off-road performance, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 truly shines, showcasing its versatility and capability on a variety of terrain types. Whether tackling rocky singletrack, technical descents, or muddy trails, this bike is built to handle it all with confidence and control.

Handling on Various Terrains :

Thanks to its agile geometry and robust construction, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers exceptional handling and stability on a wide range of off-road surfaces. The bike’s responsive steering and balanced weight distribution make it easy to navigate tight switchbacks and technical sections, while its sturdy frame and suspension components provide ample traction and control on loose or uneven terrain.

Suspension Response :

The Marlin 8 Gen 3’s suspension system is finely tuned to provide a plush and controlled ride experience, even in the most challenging off-road conditions. The RockShox Judy Silver TK fork absorbs bumps and impacts with ease, smoothing out rough trails and enhancing traction for maximum confidence and control. Additionally, the adjustable rebound damping allows riders to fine-tune the suspension settings to suit their riding style and preferences, ensuring a customized and comfortable ride experience on any terrain.

Climbing and Descending Abilities :

Whether climbing steep inclines or descending technical descents, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers impressive performance and capability. The bike’s efficient drivetrain and wide-range gearing make short work of steep climbs, allowing riders to maintain momentum and power through challenging ascents with ease. On descents, the bike’s stable geometry and responsive suspension system inspire confidence and control, allowing riders to tackle technical terrain with precision and grace.

Overall, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is a versatile and capable mountain bike that excels in both on-road and off-road performance. With its agile handling, comfortable ride, and impressive climbing and descending abilities, this bike is sure to elevate your riding experience and inspire new adventures on the trails.

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

Build Quality and Durability

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 boasts a robust and meticulously crafted frame constructed from premium Alpha Silver Aluminum. Its high-quality material is renowned for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, providing the perfect balance of durability and agility for demanding trail riding conditions. The frame’s smooth welds and clean lines reflect Trek’s commitment to precision engineering and attention to detail, ensuring a sleek and reliable platform that can withstand the rigors of off-road adventures.

From its drivetrain components to its braking system and suspension components, every aspect of the Marlin 8 Gen 3 is built to last. The bike is equipped with top-of-the-line Shimano Deore XT components, known for their durability, reliability, and smooth performance. The hydraulic disc brakes provide consistent and powerful stopping power in all conditions, while the RockShox suspension system delivers plush and controlled performance on rough trails. Additionally, the Bontrager wheelset and tires are engineered for durability and traction, allowing riders to tackle challenging terrain with confidence.

One of the key strengths of the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is its low-maintenance design and long-term reliability. The bike’s high-quality components and durable construction minimize the need for frequent adjustments or repairs, allowing riders to spend more time enjoying the trails and less time tinkering with their bike. Routine maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and lubricating the drivetrain and inspecting the suspension components, are straightforward to perform, ensuring that the bike remains in peak condition for years to come. Overall, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 is built to last, providing riders with a dependable and durable platform for countless adventures on and off the trail.

Awesome Riding Experience & User Feedback

Having had the opportunity to ride the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 myself, I can attest to its exceptional performance and user-friendly design. From navigating technical singletrack to cruising along smooth bike paths, this bike offers a versatile and enjoyable riding experience that is sure to impress riders of all skill levels. The bike’s agile handling, comfortable ride, and reliable performance inspire confidence on every ride, making it the perfect companion for exploring new trails and pushing the limits of what’s possible on two wheels.

The bike’s relaxed geometry and ergonomic design features ensure a comfortable riding position that minimizes strain on the body during long rides. The handlebars, saddle, and grips are all carefully selected to provide optimal comfort and control, allowing riders to enjoy their time in the saddle without discomfort or fatigue.

For riders seeking a personalized fit and feel, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers ample adjustability and customization options. The suspension fork can be adjusted to suit rider preferences and riding conditions, allowing for a plush or firm feel depending on the terrain. Additionally, the bike’s stem, handlebars, and saddle can be easily adjusted to fine-tune the fit and feel for individual riders, ensuring a dialed-in riding experience that maximizes comfort and performance.

From assembly to setup, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is designed for ease of use and convenience. The bike arrives partially assembled, with clear and detailed instructions that make the assembly process straightforward and hassle-free. Once assembled , the bike’s intuitive design features and user-friendly components make setup and adjustment a breeze, allowing riders to quickly dial in their preferred fit and feel without the need for specialized tools or expertise. Overall, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers an unmatched combination of performance, comfort, and versatility that is sure to delight riders seeking adventure on the trails.

Comparison with Competing Models

Similar Models in the Same Price Range :

In the same price range as the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3, several competing models offer similar features and capabilities. One notable competitor is the Specialized Rockhopper Expert. Like the Marlin 8 Gen 3, the Rockhopper Expert features an aluminum frame, hydraulic disc brakes, and a 1×12 drivetrain. Another contender is the Giant Talon 1, which also boasts an aluminum frame, hydraulic disc brakes, and a similar suspension fork.

Notable Differences and Advantages :

While the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 shares many similarities with its competitors, it also offers several distinct advantages that set it apart in the crowded mountain bike market. One key advantage is the Marlin’s suspension system, which features a RockShox Judy Silver TK fork with 100mm of travel. Its fork provides a plush and controlled ride experience on rough terrain, offering superior traction and comfort compared to the competition.

Additionally, the Marlin 8 Gen 3’s drivetrain stands out for its Shimano Deore XT components, which are known for their durability, reliability, and smooth performance. The 1×12 gearing system offers a wide range of gear ratios for tackling steep climbs and fast descents with ease, providing riders with unmatched versatility and efficiency on the trail.

Likewise, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3’s frame geometry is optimized for performance and comfort, with a balanced riding position that enhances stability and control on a variety of terrain types. Combined with its sleek aesthetics and attention to detail, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers a premium riding experience that is unmatched by its competitors in the same price range. Overall, for riders seeking a high-quality mountain bike that excels in both performance and value, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 stands out as the clear choice.

Outlandish Features

  • Premium Alpha Silver Aluminum frame provides a perfect balance of strength, durability, and agility.
  • Shimano Deore XT 1×12 drivetrain offers a wide range of gearing options for conquering diverse terrain with ease.
  • RockShox Judy Silver TK fork with 100mm of travel ensures a plush and controlled ride experience on rough trails.
  • Shimano MT410 hydraulic disc brakes deliver consistent and powerful stopping power in all conditions.
  • Bontrager Connection rims and Bontrager XR2 Comp tires offer durability, traction, and stability on a variety of surfaces.
  • Sleek and modern aesthetic with an eye-catching paint scheme and clean lines.
  • Ergonomic design features prioritize rider comfort, with a relaxed riding position and carefully selected components.
  • The suspension system is adjustable for rider preferences and riding conditions, providing a customized ride experience.
  • Tubeless-ready tires reduce the risk of flats and enhance traction on rough terrain.
  • Easy assembly and setup process, with clear instructions and user-friendly design features.

Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Mountain Bike

Final Thoughts and Considerations

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 stands out as a top contender in the mountain biking world, offering a winning combination of performance, durability, and value. With its premium Alpha Silver Aluminum frame, Shimano Deore XT drivetrain, and RockShox suspension system, this bike delivers a smooth and controlled ride experience on a variety of terrain types. Ultimately tackling rugged trails or cruising along smooth paths, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 inspires confidence and control in every ride. Its ergonomic design features prioritize rider comfort, while its sleek aesthetic and attention to detail reflect Trek’s commitment to excellence in design and craftsmanship.

For riders seeking a high-quality mountain bike that excels in both performance and value, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is an ideal choice. From seasoned trail enthusiasts to newcomers looking to embark on their first off-road adventure, this bike offers something for riders of all skill levels. With its versatile capabilities and user-friendly design features, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 is well-suited for a wide range of riding styles and preferences. 

In conclusion, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 represents the pinnacle of innovation and engineering in the mountain biking world. With its exceptional performance, durability, and versatility, this bike is sure to delight riders seeking adventure on the trails. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned pro, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 is the ultimate companion for exploring new trails, pushing your limits, and experiencing the thrill of off-road riding like never before. And that’s all ladies and gentlemen! If you still have any questions in your mind feel free to comment down below or email us your queries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the trek marlin 8 gen 3 suitable for beginners.

Yes, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is an excellent choice for beginners and experienced riders alike. Its versatile performance, user-friendly design features, and durable construction make it well-suited for riders looking to explore a variety of terrain types with confidence and control. Whether you’re just starting or looking to upgrade to a more capable mountain bike, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers the perfect combination of comfort, reliability, and performance to enhance your riding experience.

Does the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 come with a warranty?

Yes, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 comes with a limited warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship for the original owner. The specific terms and duration of the warranty may vary depending on the region and local regulations, so it’s important to review the warranty documentation provided by Trek or consult with a local dealer for more information. Additionally, Trek offers a range of optional extended warranty plans and protection programs for added peace of mind.

What type of terrain is the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 best for?

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is designed to excel on a wide range of terrain types, from smooth bike paths to rugged singletrack trails. Its responsive suspension system, agile geometry, and durable construction make it well-suited for tackling everything from technical climbs to fast descents with ease. If you’re navigating rocky terrain, rooty trails, or muddy paths, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 delivers a smooth and controlled ride experience that inspires confidence and control in any riding conditions.

What sizes does the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 come in?

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is available in a range of sizes to accommodate riders of all heights and body types. Depending on the model year and specific configuration, sizes typically range from XS to XL, with each size offering a slightly different frame geometry and fit. It’s important to consult Trek’s sizing chart or visit a local dealer to ensure you choose the correct size for your body type and riding preferences.

Can I upgrade the components on the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3?

Yes, the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 is compatible with a wide range of aftermarket components, allowing riders to customize and upgrade their bike to suit their preferences and riding styles.

How does the Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 compare to similar models?

The Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 distinguishes itself from similar models with its combination of premium components, responsive suspension system, and versatile performance capabilities. Compared to other bikes in its price range, the Marlin 8 Gen 3 offers superior value and performance, making it a top choice for riders seeking a high-quality mountain bike that excels in both on-road and off-road riding conditions.

trek marlin 8 opiniones

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2 thoughts on “(2024) Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review | Trail-Tested Brilliance!”

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  • Marlin 8 Gen 2

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"Look fast, feel fast, go fast."

"Unlike some bikes on the cheap end of the spectrum that cater to the recreational user, this one is aimed firmly at entry-level riders who want a bike that's affordable yet capable of riding and racing hard."

Load up. Or not.

Whether you're after a lightweight singletrack shredder or sticking to the pavement on your commute to work, Marlin is compatible with all the gear you need to have a great ride.

5 things to do before every mountain bike ride

Do this quick pre-ride safety check before you hit the trails.

Product features

Will my bike have a curved top tube.

Smaller frames have a top tube that dips down as it approaches the seat tube. This design makes for a lower standover height, which is good for shorter riders because it allows them to straddle their bike more easily. Larger frame sizes have a straight top tube because taller riders with longer legs typically don’t have the same issues with standover height.

Fit for every rider

Marlin comes in seven frame sizes to suit riders of any height, and Smart Wheel Size ensures you’re on the fastest wheel that fits. The smallest sizes even come with short-reach brake levers and narrower handlebars that give smaller riders better comfort and control.

High tech, high value

Marlin looks and feels great. It’s packed with features usually found only on more expensive bikes, like a stylish frame with internal shift cable and brake hose routing, which can help your cables last longer by protecting them from the elements.

Suspension lockout

Locked suspension means your fork remains inactive, increasing pedaling efficiency. Perfect for extended road sections where efficiency is more important than bump absorption.

Rack mounts

Going for a long ride? Rack mounts make carrying accessories a breeze.

Blendr stem

Bontrager stem technology lets you clip your gear directly to the stem for clean looks, maximum user friendliness.

Internal cable routing

We route shift and brake cables through the frame to keep things clean and simple. And it looks great, too.

Top Things to Do in Zelenograd, Russia

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trek marlin 8 opiniones

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2. Zelenograd Exhibition Hall

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3. Bolshoi Gorodskoi Prud

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4. Zelenograd State Historical Local Lore Museum

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5. Temple of the Prelate Nikolay Mirlikiysky

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6. Bust Alexander Pushkin

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7. Chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh

8. angstrem.

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9. Shtyki - Monument to the Defenders of Moscow

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10. Viewpoint

11. zelenogradskiy ice dome.

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12. Dendropark

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13. Recreation Area at the Lower Kamenskiy Pond

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14. Park Zeleny Bor

15. flute house.

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16. Rubezh 1941 Goda

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17. SM Zelenopark

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18. Park of the 40th Anniversary of the Victory

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19. Memorial Line of Defense

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21. Monument to K.S. Rokossovsky

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22. Trampoline Club Adult Sport

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23. Central Square

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24. Time-Club Vmeste

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25. Cultural Center Zelenograd

26. orbita ice dome.

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27. Ruki VVerkh! Bar

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28. Iridium


29. IQquest

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  14. (2024) Trek Marlin 8 Gen 3 Review

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  16. Marlin 8 Gen 3

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