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12 Extraordinary Movies Set In Atlanta That Will Inspire You To Visit!

Posted on Last updated: October 13, 2023

Categories Travel Via Cinema , USA

12 Extraordinary Movies Set In Atlanta That Will Inspire You To Visit!

Sofia De Vera combines a heartfelt passion for cinema with over 15 years of critiquing for esteemed film publications, wielding academic credentials from the University of Southern California and New York University, to serve as your personal guide through the enchanting worlds of film and television.  Her full guest bio can be found here.

There are certain special cities across the United States that have managed to cultivate their own enigmatic atmosphere and culture. Atlanta, Georgia, is one of those cities, and movies set in Atlanta typically manage to translate the unique atmosphere within the city to the big screen in a way that few places can ever match.

Sometimes that atmosphere is one of historical importance, sometimes it is this blending of different cultures, and other times it is the feeling of unhingedness and wall-to-wall excitement that infiltrates the city’s air. The only thing you can ever say for certain after watching these films is that Atlanta is never boring.

After all, Atlanta is not only a major economic and cultural center, with an important hub of air traffic, but it also has diverse streetscapes, heritage homes, a rich history, and an illustrious creative arts scene. A generous film incentive scheme (the nation’s largest) saw Georgia hand out $870 million in subsidies to productions in 2019 – more than California’s $330 million and New York’s $420 million combined.

These desirable traits have attracted (and continue to attract) storytellers throughout the history of modern cinema, and today the spirit of Atlanta has been immortalized in various films. As a result, we have a wonderfully intricate and excellent collection of movies set in Atlanta from which we can dive into.

We love this because one of the reasons why we watch movies is that they are an excellent way to travel to different places while staying at home – and to determine if a destination elicits that oh-so-important spirit of wanderlust in us before ever investing in a ticket there. 

movies filmed in Atlanta - films set in Atlanta - best movies set in Atlanta

This motivated us to visit Chicago , Australia , and Japan  – among many other places. Then there are those glorious moments you can step out in a real-world location and feel spontaneously transported back inside an iconic movie frame (thus the enduring popularity of  visiting Middle Earth / New Zealand  or  James Bond’s Skyfall ).

These are twelve films that perfectly nail life in Atlanta in a plethora of ways.

Wondering where to watch? It depends on where you live in the world and which streaming services you have. We link to the streaming service we watch on in each case - be it Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, or elsewhere.

You can get one month free of Amazon Prime (or a 6-month trial for students ) of Amazon Prime and also get immediate access to FREE Two Day shipping, Amazon Video, and Music. While you won't be charged for your free trial, you'll be upgraded to a paid membership plan automatically at the end of the trial period - though if you have already binged all these, you could just cancel before the trial ends.

Apple TV+ also has a one-week trial, and Hulu has a one-month trial (which can be bundled with Disney!). Another option might be using a VPN to access Netflix titles locked to other regions . Netflix is now available in more than 190 countries worldwide and each country has a different library and availability. US Netflix is (understandably) one of the best. 

While we wish everything could just be in one place - for now, it seems these are the best streaming platforms to watch on.

movies filmed in Atlanta - films set in Atlanta - best movies set in Atlanta

Page Contents

Gone With The Wind (1939)

Deliverance (1972), driving miss daisy (1989), drumline (2002), contagion (2011), flight (2012), selma (2014), triple 9 (2016), baby driver (2017), game night (2018), love, simon (2018).

Gone With The Wind is a film that comes from a very different time in both the United States and human history.

During the late 1930s, there was a lot of romanticization of slavery (especially in the southern part of the United States) and – trigger warning – this film a ton of southern propaganda. It follows the story of a spoiled daughter of a wealthy plantation owner and how she and others are figuring out how to navigate through life during the American Civil War and Reconstruction periods.

While this is a film that has admittedly aged very poorly by today’s standards, it is a film that gives an authentic look at the past. It lends an eye to what America looked like back then, how it felt like a country about the reunification of a country after the greatest test in its existence.

It’s an extremely well-crafted piece of art from a time period that feels so distant and foreign to audiences, but it does a remarkable job transporting those who watch it back in time. Much of it is filmed near Atlanta and throughout the South, and it shows what this area of the country looks like.

This film does a great job of showing the diversity of Georgia and how it includes both booming cities like Atlanta but also expands the surroundings and shows off the adventurous outdoors of the South.

Its plot is pretty simple and is one that has gained in popularity over the years – it follows a handful of businessmen from Atlanta as they journey the Georgia wilderness dead set on seeing the Cahulawassee River before it gets turned into a lake. It is easily one of the very best adventure films from the 1970s and is at its best when showing off the duality of Georgia’s city with its outdoors.

John Boorman’s iconic examination of nature’s brutality, man’s cruelty, and conscience, Deliverance , is a film based on and characterized by its tensions. The battle between man and nature evolves into a fight between man and man, man vs. self, and nature versus man. It’s a lyrical development of how human war and devastation only lead to human demise.

Thematic poetry of its conflicts is inscribed big throughout Boorman’s journey, which is couched in a heavy-toned, terrifying adventure drama. It is a perfect film to check out if you are of the adventurous type and planning a big trip to Atlanta or other parts of Georgia.

Driving Miss Daisy has to be one of the more charming movies set in Atlanta that will appear on this list. It is about two individuals who could not be more different and develop one of the more unique and endearing friendships over a two-plus decade period.

Hoke Colburn (played by Morgan Freeman) is a chauffeur for Daisy Werthan (played by Jessica Tandy). The more the story progresses, the more you find yourself falling more and more in love with their dynamic, and the theme that our differences are not as great as our similarities is one that always seems to work, even if it is one that is sometimes overdone.

While this is a pretty generic film that we have seen both before and since, and it is a little Oscar-baity, it hits all the points that one wants in a film. It feels like a perfect length, has dynamic performances by Freeman and Tandy, who have fantastic chemistry, and it has a story that can be related to on so many levels.

While it tells a great story, it also does a fantastic job of showing off Atlanta and the surrounding area – most of it was filmed there, and of this era of filmmaking, it shows off the city better than all other films in the 1980s (and maybe ever).

This is the first film that entirely nails the essence of the culture of Atlanta and the modern South. It’s a film that follows a street drummer that is originally from Harlem and enrolls in Atlanta A&T University, where he will be a part of their marching band via the drumline. Devon Mills (played by Nick Cannon) gets put through the wringer as he is trying to adapt to new surroundings and a new way of life throughout the entirety of the runtime.

Drumline isn’t difficult to watch since it follows a pretty simple narrative arc that is characteristic of its era. This isn’t, however, a terrible thing in the least. Drumline is a lot of fun. The film has an infectious excitement about it that you can’t help but feel. Drumline’s plot is kept interesting from beginning to end by the enthusiasm for music that runs through it.

As someone who can’t seem to get my mind around the complexity of music theory, it feels almost impossible not to be completely engrossed in the discussion. It is a film that does such a great job of showing what the culture of Atlanta and the modern-day South is truly like – it hones in on what it is like to live there in such an accurate depiction.

ATL is yet another one of the movies set in Atlanta that just nearly perfectly encapsulates what it is like to live and grow up in that inner city of Atlanta.

It follows four friends as they graduate and shows what they have lived through and the trials and tribulations that have led each of them to this moment. It is a great addition to the coming of age genre, and while those have been done ad nauseam , this is the first one to take place in the city of Atlanta, and it does so exquisitely.

ATL is simply a near-perfect film. It does the coming of age story as well as any other film, if not better. The characters feel like they have been written and performed with care and compassion that could have easily not been the case. You can tell that the people telling this story wanted it to be authentic to the city of Atlanta, and that’s exactly what it is.

This film is one that might hit a little too close to home based on what we as a society have lived through the last couple of years.

Contagion is about an epidemic of an airborne virus that spreads throughout the United States. It is not just the virus that spreads, but so does fear, panic, and mass hysteria. A massive chunk of this film takes place in downtown Atlanta as a big part of the setting is at the CDC headquarters, and Steven Soderbergh does a tremendous job of highlighting what that downtown feeling is like in a realistic way.

Some of the most meticulously studied, skillfully edited montages of the decade appear here – all in service of a rhythmic structure that moves with the same callous clinical contempt for human life as a viral disease. The high-profile casting creates a false sense of security for the audience. It feels like nobody is safe throughout this film, no matter how big of a movie star they are.

It is gory and unhinged in terms of how over the top it is from start to finish, and if nothing else, Contagion is fascinating to watch for a look at how everyone saw a pandemic playing out prior to 2020. Spoiler alert: the president of the US does not have musings about ingesting bleach.

This is a much different Atlanta film compared to the ones that have already appeared on the list. Flight follows an alcoholic pilot, Whip Whitaker (played by Denzel Washington), who miraculously lands a doomed plane in the countryside that is on the outskirts of Atlanta. It then spends most of its runtime having the variety of characters examine if pilot Whitaker is at fault as he tries to navigate his life full of addiction.

I know I’m in the minority when I say Flight is really great. I think it’s a solid film with one of Denzel Washington’s best performances. At the very least, it is among some of my favorite performances. I think it’s a grounded (get it!), emotional, and very relatable story at times. It’s someone who has their life spiraling out of control and coming to grips with that reality. It has heavy themes that deal with someone who is trying to overcome their past and move in the direction of life without relying on alcohol – for whatever reason, these types of films speak to me.

It also does a pretty outstanding job of highlighting what the setting is like near Atlanta, even if it isn’t directly in the city.

Selma follows one of the most influential and important American figures of the 1900s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (played by David Oyelowo), and his march to Selma, Alabama, to try and grant equal rights to all.

While this is not a film that takes place entirely in Atlanta, a big chunk is filmed there, and it is the city that King was from. It’s one of the more historical films on this list, and it nails most of it through its depiction of what happened during this groundbreaking period of time.

Selma has a multitude of flawless performances that are heaped in unity here, with David Oyelowo being the essential ingredient that brings the past to life. Given the customary sentimentalized standard of biopics, Selma avoids most clichés, with DuVernay’s cinematic flair for slow-mo set-pieces occasionally undermining the brutality’s power.

The greatest blunder is cramming the entirety of a highly charged era into two hours, with the deaths of characters as crucial as Malcolm X and John F. Kennedy reduced to tangential banter as if they were nothing to King or the story. This isn’t to say I’m not thankful for the film’s existence; nevertheless, I’d rather suggest Ava DuVernay’s other film, 13th , which is a totally respectable documentary depiction of black persecution rather than an overtly religious replica.

This feels like Atlanta’s version of The Town . It is a group of convicts and corrupt cops who plan the murder of a police officer in order to be able to pull off their biggest job yet. It has the same strokes of The Departed, The Shield , and The Town , and even though it is not quite as great as any of those, you can see all the potential here.

It has an absolutely loaded cast, and director John Hillcoat once again creates such an interesting world that we get to live in for a couple of hours. The way he creates Atlanta is so perfect and one of the more interesting looks at the city.

There are a few twists and turns in Triple 9 that you can quickly figure out, but there are a couple that will take you off guard. It’s a film with a lot of known actors, a 1970s cop action-drama atmosphere placed in the present day, great action, and maybe a few too many subplots.

It is, nonetheless, incredibly watchable and entertaining. At the end of the day, that’s all that counts to me in this circumstance; it was exactly what this kind of film needed to be. No less, no more.

Edgar Wrights Baby Driver is about a man known as Baby (played by Ansel Elgort), a driver who gets employed by a heist boss to help them execute a series of jobs. After a few things take a turn for the worst, Baby is trying to figure out how he can balance his hectic work life with his personal love life and even his love life. It does one of the more remarkable jobs of showing off the beauty of Atlanta through a series of stunning cinematography shots.

Baby Driver is as incredible in the theaters as it is watching it on your couch. The cast is essentially perfect in their roles, the soundtrack is absurdly good, and the cinematography puts you right in the middle of the action. It’s honestly one of my favorite heist/crime films, and each watch is just as fun as the previous one.

While the casting choices have not aged the best, at the moment, this film is just the ultimate thrill ride where the music feels like it is one of the characters in the best way possible.

Game Night follows the story of when Max’s (played by Jason Bateman) brother Brooks (played by Kyle Chandler) throws a murder mystery party complete with fake thugs and federal investigators; Max and Annie’s monthly gaming night receives a boost. It’s all intended to be part of the game when Brooks is abducted. As the contestants work to solve the case, they discover that neither the game nor Brooks are what they appear to be.

Over the course of one tumultuous night, the pals quickly find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unforeseen turn. It does a spectacular job of showing off a different type of life – a life of suburbia in Atlanta.

Everyone has wonderful chemistry, there are a lot more laughs than the trailer suggests, and the narrative is also fairly intriguing. There are various emotional subplots that give the tale additional weight, and the direction at times is Edgar Wright-esque.

It’s a cool film with allusions abound, and the soundtrack is also quite terrific. It’s simply one of the great surprises of a film in recent years.

Everyone is entitled to a wonderful love tale, and that is essentially what this film is about. It’s a bit more problematic for the main character, seventeen-year-old Simon Spier (played by Nick Robinson), who has yet to inform his family or friends that he’s gay and has no idea who the anonymous classmate he’s fallen for online is. It’s a story that resonates with many, and much like a film like ATL , it examines what it is like to grow up in a place like Atlanta.

Love, Simon is a fantastic and frequently flawless coming-of-age romantic comedy for the twenty-first century. Making a realistic coming-out tale may appear to be a daunting undertaking, but director Greg Berlanti succeeds admirably and handles it as it should be. It’s the same as any other regular relationship. Simon, the primary character, is a fantastic, dynamic, engaging, and likable individual. His performance and those of the other cast members expertly capture the comedic, uncomfortable, and frightening dramatic moments that come with high school.

At the very least, one of the great young adults in this ensemble will resonate with you. The film’s tone also effectively captures what it’s like to be a teenager. It’s lighthearted, carefree, and amusing, yet it’s also satisfyingly tragic when it’s needed. The final 30 minutes are a roller coaster of emotions that will test your ability to keep a dry eye.

8 Best Atlanta Film Tours [2024]

In past years, Georgia has become a filming location for hundreds of movies and TV shows. Atlanta is at the epicenter of Georgia’s film industry, earning itself the nickname of Hollywood of the South. From The Walking Dead to Stranger Things to the Avengers , here are all the best film tours you can take in Atlanta.

Whether you’re a die-hard movie fan or just looking for something fun to do in Atlanta, a film tour is a must-do. Atlanta’s film tours are simply unforgettable.


Fans of The Walking Dead will love this Walking Dead Walking Tour on Private Filming Backlot that will take you on a guided tour of some of the filming locations in Haralson, Georgia.

Atlanta is known for its booming film industry. With behind-the-scenes access and exclusive movie memorabilia, Atlanta’s film tours will take your movie-watching experience up a notch.

Get ready to explore the Hollywood of the South!

Post Contents

The Best Film Tours in Atlanta

Walk in the footsteps of your favorite movie stars. Atlanta has been the filming location for some of the biggest blockbuster hits of the past decade. Get an in-depth look at film sets for your favorite TV shows and movies, from The Walking Dead to Marvel.

Check out these top film location tours in Atlanta.

1. Walkin’ Dead Walking Tour on a Private Filming Backlot

Tour length: 45 minutes | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

Take a guided Walkin’ Dead walking tour of some of the filming locations from Seasons 2 through 5 in Haralson, Georgia. You can take a morning or an afternoon tour; both get you behind-the-scenes information from the show and fun surprises along the way.

You’ll visit places like the Cherokee Rose Retail, the Esco Feed Mill Complex, Merle’s Death Barn, and the Meeting Barn. You can even get a “walker bite” from a professional makeup artist and see a replica prop weapon.

Knowledgeable, memorable, would recommend! Great group, lots of fun! If you are a fan of The Walking Dead you will enjoy this tour! – Brittany ( see more reviews )

This 45 minute walking tour is led by a professional guide and covers 0.33 of a mile on a private filming backlot.

2. Stranger Things “The Upside Down” Film Locations Tour in Atlanta

Tour length: 3 hours | Rating: 5 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

On this Stranger Things film locations tour , you’ll fit a ton of filming locations into one day. Explore Atlanta and the surrounding area to see where key scenes from Stranger Things were made while listening to behind-the-scenes secrets .

You’ll see the homes of the Wheelers, Sinclairs, and Hendersons and the neighborhood streets where the boys rode their bikes; Hawkins Middle School and Hawkins High School; Hawkins Public Pool; Screen Gems, the studios where Stranger Things is filmed; and Brimborn Steelworks, the nesting place of the Mindflayer .

Our guide, Chris, was awesome! We got to see all the cool filming locations of stranger things, while he shared interesting facts and insights. – Simona ( see more reviews )

This 3 hour tour includes hotel pickup and drop-off, transportation between filming locations, and complementary bottled water.

3. The Walking Dead VIP Tour

Tour length: 7 hours | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

Get the VIP treatment on this tour of The Walking Dead filming locations in Atlanta and Senoia. On this tour, you’ll cover the must-sees and get the lowdown on the scenes, episodes, cast, and more.

You’ll visit Atlanta locations like the iconic spot of The Walking Dead poster , Rick and Morgan’s houses used in Season 1, the building used as the CDC, and more. You’ll also visit sites in Senoia like the filming locations of Woodbury and Alexandria, as well as The Walking Dead Museum and Greg Nicotero and Norman Reedus’ restaurant.

Highly recommend this tour…Got to hear about and see all “things TWD” that we would have never been able to on our own. – Michelle ( see more reviews )

This 7 hour tour includes private transportation with a knowledgeable guide and complementary bottled water.

4. The Walking Dead in the City: Atlanta Film Location Tour

Tour The Walking Dead filming locations in Atlanta on this tour . You’ll visit locations like the hospital Rick woke up from his coma in, the house Morgan and his little boy first met Rick, the building where Merle Dixon lost his hand, and more.

This tour makes stops at the Jackson Street Bridge, the iconic spot of The Walking Dead poster; the Georgia State Capital, where the survivors raid the Smithsonian Institute; Rick and Morgan’s homes in Grant Park; Collier Metals LLC, the site of Terminus ; and the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, the site used as the CDC.

Had a great driver, he showed us walking dead and lots of marvel spots. He gave lots of good food recommendations. Just all around great! – Casey ( see more reviews )

This 3 hour includes private transportation with a knowledgeable guide and complementary bottled water.

5. Hollywood of the South Atlanta Film Locations Tour

Tour length: 3 hours | Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

Explore the many film and TV locations of Atlanta and see why the city has been deemed the “Hollywood of the South” on this tour . Atlanta has provided filming locations for tons of popular movies , blockbuster franchises, and cult classic TV shows.

On this tour, you’ll see locations from movies like Fast & Furious , Divergent , Captain America , Spider-Man , and more. Tailor the tour to your interest so that you see only the sites you’re interested in, whether it’s President Snow’s mansion from The Hunger Games or Madea’s home from Tyler Perry’s Madea movies .

Melinda, our tour guide, was fantastic. Very knowledgeable about the movies and Atlanta. Answered all of our questions and was super friendly and fun to converse with. – Andrea ( see more reviews )

This 3 hour tour includes private transportation, a knowledgeable tour guide, and hotel pickup and drop-off.

6. The Walking Dead: Film Locations Tour of Senoia

Ride from Atlanta to Senoia, Georgia on this tour of The Walking Dead film locations in Senoia . You’ll see the fictional towns of Woodbury and Alexandria, as well as surrounding rural film locations .

You’ll stop at the filming location of Woodbury; Woodbury Shoppe, the official Walking Dead store; The Walking Dead Museum; the exterior of Alexandria; and Nic & Norman’s restaurant.

Great tour guide through some of the best filming locations of The Walking Dead. Fun being there and our tour guide Melinda made us feel at home and gave us a memorable day. – Erica ( see more reviews )

This 3 hour tour provides private transportation from Atlanta to Senoia , a knowledgeable tour guide, and complementary bottled water.

7. Atlanta Hip Hop House Wives and Movie Tour

Tour length: 3 hours | Rating: 4 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

Along with its rich movie history, Atlanta is also home to top reality TV shows. This Atlanta Hip Hop House Wives and Movie Tour focuses on The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta .

On this tour, you’ll stop at Tags Boutique, owned by RHOA cast member Kandi Burruss; Old Lady Gang Restaurant, The Glam Shop, and Rasheeda and Kirk’s Frost Restaurant and Bar in Castleberry Hill; and outside of the Tyler Perry Studios.

Shelly was an amazing tour guide. We had the time of our lives. After the first hour it went from a tourist event to a family oriented outing. I enjoyed everything about this tour. – Quentin ( see more reviews )

This 23 hour tour provides transportation between stops, includes some light walking in Castleberry Hill, and provides plenty of photo opportunities .

8. The Touring Dead Walking Tour

Tour length: 2 hours | Rating: 5 out of 5 stars | Check rates & availability

Take the original walking tour of The Walking Dead filming locations in Senoia . You’ll tour film sites from The Walking Dead Season 3 onwards and get some great insider stories about Seasons 1 and 2.

You’ll get to see the locations for the Governor’s realm of Woodbury, the Season 4 neighborhood where characters sought shelter after the fall of the prison, and the Alexandria Safe Zone from the external wall.

Loved seeing Alexandria and parts of the Commonwealth. Our guide had been a walker and knew a wealth of information. – Paula ( see more reviews )

This 2 hour walking tour includes expert guides , many of whom have been on set as an extra and others who live and work in Senoia and get to see the action as it happens.

Final Thoughts: Atlanta Film Locations Tours

Exploring Atlanta through a film tour is an incredible way to experience the city.

From the storied walls of Tyler Perry Studios to the haunting locations used in The Walking Dead, these film location tours offer a a unique experience for any fan.

Atlanta is a must-visit destination for TV and movie fans. And as Atlanta continues to be a leader in the film industry, many more film tours and experiences are sure to come.

So grab your popcorn, hop on an Atlanta film tour , and create your own unique movie experiences.

Top Atlanta Tours

  • 90-Minute Guided Sightseeing Tour by E-Car
  • Atlanta’s Black History and Civil Rights Tour
  • Midtown Atlanta Food & Cocktail Tour

Where to Stay in Atlanta

  • Top Hotel: The Candler Hotel
  • Great Value: Hampton Inn & Suites Perimeter Dunwoody
  • Unique Stay: Stonehurst Place

Craving More Atlanta Activities?

If you need more things to do while visiting Atlanta, check out these top posts:

  • Top 15 Atlanta Sightseeing Tours
  • Top 10 Atlanta Food and Drink Tours
  • 75+ Free and Budget Things To Do in Atlanta, Georgia

Ready to visit Atlanta, Georgia? Plan your trip with these tips.

  • Get Familiar With the City: Check out my Ultimate Guide to Atlanta to help plan your trip!
  • Book Your Flight: Find the cheapest flights using Skyscanner , my favorite flight search engine.
  • Find Accommodation: You can find top hotels in Atlanta using
  • Save on Attractions: Save 42% on admission to Atlanta’s top attractions using the Atlanta CityPASS .

Have you taken any of these Atlanta film tours? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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Paige Watts is a travel expert and author of What's With Atlanta? , a guide to the quirks and charm of the ATL. A life-long traveler, Paige is dedicated to helping you discover the best things to do in the Southern USA and around the world. Her work has been featured in The Culture Trip, Matador, Newsbreak, MSN, NPR, and countless other interviews and podcasts.

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I had no idea so many movies were made in Atlanta – these look fun. I’m a bit weird, I always like to do the tours first and then watch the shows, so I can say oooh I’ve been there, saw that etc, lol.

I’m sure that makes watching the show more fun!

Is Hawkins a real town and the school actually are named correctly in Stranger Things? I love that show, so that tour would be my choice.

No, the school is an old school building in Stockbridge, GA that’s used pretty much just as a filming studio now I think.

Didn’t know that there are so many film tours in Atlanta. Would definitely love to join the one called Stranger Things “The Upside Down”. Lasts for 3 hours, just right, but with a lot to see. Thanks for the list. 🙂

That’s a great one! Yeah, a ton of movies have filmed here lately, so there are a lot of great tours.

I am originally from Georgia and actually got the opportunity to go on the Walking Dead VIP tour and had such a great time!! I went with my entire family, as we would always watch the show together, and I would love to be able to do it again. I actually had no idea Stranger Things was filmed in Atlanta so that tour is definitely next on my list!

That sounds like such a fun family bonding experience! There’s actually a ton that is being filmed in Atlanta, you’d be surprised. There’s a bunch of Marvel stuff currently, so I’m sure there will be plenty of superhero tours coming on the scene sometime soon!

I’m JUST now starting to watch Stranger Things. I know, I know — I’m probably the last person in America to get with the program. It’s always fun to see places in real life that are captured on film!

It is a lot of fun, and Atlanta is becoming a hotbed for movie sets, so there’s plenty of filming locations to see all around the city!

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  • 11 Films And Tv Shows...

11 Films and TV Shows Everyone Must See Before Visiting Atlanta

The Real Housewives of Atlanta

Atlanta is a city that is known for its Southern hospitality, prominent civil rights history, the rise of hip-hop, and the often imitated but never duplicated lemon pepper wing. Here are 11 television shows and films you must watch before you touch down in the A.

Gone with the wind (1939).

David Oliver Selznick adapted Margaret Mitchell’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Gone with the Wind (1936) for the silver screen in 1939. This movie tells the story of young Scarlett O’Hara, the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner in the Old South. Though this film’s depiction of slavery has been considered controversial, Hattie McDaniel was the first black performer to win an Academy Award for her role as Mammy.

Designing Women (1986)

Designing Women is about four Southern women running a successful interior design firm in Atlanta. Not only did this show change the narrative of the traditional Southern woman, but it also tackled social issues that were not traditionally unpacked on scripted television.

Driving Miss Daisy (1989)

Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Alfred Uhry, Driving Miss Daisy is a classic comedy-drama about a wealthy white woman’s 25-year relationship with her African-American chauffeur. The movie swept the 1990’s award season, taking home the Oscar for Best Picture.

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Drumline (2002)

Inspired by the life of super producer Dallas Austin, this coming-of-age film gives a bird’s-eye view into the culture of marching bands and campus life at Historically Black Colleges. Drumline ’s backdrop is in the heart of Atlanta, at the fictional Atlanta A&T University, where a drummer from New York (Nick Cannon) shakes things up with his raw talent and cocky New York persona.

ATL is a classic that gives a glimpse into Atlanta’s urban and hip-hop culture while following the lives of four teenage boys who find themselves navigating school and the streets while chasing after their dreams. The cast of ATL is filled with familiar faces, most notably, Atlanta music legends T.I. and Outkast’s Big Boi. With summer pool parties and Sunday skate nights at Cascade, this movie stays true to its Atlanta roots.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta (2008)

The cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta serves up all the drama, fashion, and entertainment with a touch of shade. Binge-watching all 10 seasons will give you a glimpse into the “reality” of Atlanta, and if you observe closely, you’ll find a few hidden gems to check out on your next visit.

Selma (2014)

Directed by Ava DuVernay, this Oscar-nominated film tells the story of the 1965 voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery led by Atlanta’s Martin Luther King, Jr. What makes this film special is that it highlights Atlanta Civil Rights heroes such as Andrew Young, Hosea Williams, and John Lewis—men that were also leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.

The Art of Organized Noize (2016)

This documentary shines a light on the rise of Southern hip-hop, as told by the super producers known as Organized Noize. Rico Wade, Ray Murray, and Sleepy Brown take the audience back to the ’90s to give a rare look into the creative process that bore megahits from Outkast, Goodie Mob, TLC, and more.

Atlanta (2016)

The critically acclaimed breakout hit created by and starring Atlanta’s own Donald Glover, better known as Childish Gambino, is not to be missed. This FX show chronicles the lives of two cousins who are working to find their way to stardom while navigating life in the process.

John Lewis: Get in the Way (2017)

Through this documentary , viewers follow the civil rights journey of activist and congressman John Lewis. As a living legend and national treasure, this is a story not to be missed.

First We Feast: Atlanta Edition (2017)

You haven’t had wings until you’ve experienced the classic lemon pepper wing, extra wet. Miss Info and a star-studded cast including Donald Glover, Waka Flaka, and Rick Ross are in this YouTube special that explains why no city does wings like Atlanta.

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30 Days in Atlanta

Kenneth DeLozier in 30 Days in Atlanta (2014)

Akpos wins a 30-day holiday for two to Atlanta, Georgia. He takes his cousin (Richard), an IT specialist on the all-expense paid trip. Akpos flings his unique personality, showing-off his sm... Read all Akpos wins a 30-day holiday for two to Atlanta, Georgia. He takes his cousin (Richard), an IT specialist on the all-expense paid trip. Akpos flings his unique personality, showing-off his smartness and foolishness in an exciting mix of rhetoric and witty humor. Akpos wins a 30-day holiday for two to Atlanta, Georgia. He takes his cousin (Richard), an IT specialist on the all-expense paid trip. Akpos flings his unique personality, showing-off his smartness and foolishness in an exciting mix of rhetoric and witty humor.

  • Robert Peters
  • Patrick Nnamani
  • Ayemere Caleb
  • Kenneth DeLozier
  • 8 User reviews
  • 1 nomination
  • (as Ayemere Caleb)
  • Park Bench Lover

Vivica A. Fox

  • MD's Wife
  • Uncle James
  • Uncle Wilson
  • (as Kesse Jabari)

Ayo Makun

  • (as Ayodeji Richard Makun)
  • Lekki Gardens MD

Richard Mofe-Damijo

  • Dr. Irikefe
  • Mama Richard
  • (as Rachel Oniga)
  • Huge Bar Guy

Karlie Redd

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  • Trivia The lead character "Akpors" known as Ayo Makun (Ayodeji Richard Makun, also known by his stage name A.Y ) is a multi-award winning Nigerian actor and comedian.

User reviews 8

  • macleanafun
  • Oct 23, 2018
  • October 30, 2014 (United States)
  • United States
  • Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

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  • Runtime 1 hour 51 minutes

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Kenneth DeLozier in 30 Days in Atlanta (2014)

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3-Hour Private Atlanta MCU Comics Inspired Film Location Tour

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  • 3-Hour Private Atlanta MCU Comic Book Inspired Film Locations City Tour
  • Customizable for your group
  • Hotel Pick-Up & Drop-Off
  • Private transportation
  • Complimentary Bottled Water
  • Entry to film studios not included as part of tour
  • 423 John Wesley Dobbs Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30312, USA The National Park Service parking lot is located next to the library - FREE Parking
  • Please provide pick up location in Atlanta's Midtown, Downtown or Buckhead. Your guide will contact you at the number you provided within 24 hours of your tour to confirm. If you are staying outside of our pick up area, your guide will meet you at the starting point of the tour.
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Minimum of 2-guests per booking
  • Children require a paid ticket & must be accompanied by a paid adult
  • Most travelers can participate
  • Animals are not allowed
  • We do not allow the special requirements note without prior approval
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

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  • Jessica M 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Perfect for trip with elderly parents Wonderful experience. Our guide, Bill, was extremely knowledgeable and exactly what we needed for our trip. We were traveling with my elderly parents, and Bill was incredibly patient, accommodating, and answered all of our many questions. Read more Written May 31, 2024
  • I4804BOannag 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Really fun and unique experience for me and my family. My family and I drove up to Savannah for the day from Jeckyll island. This tour was a great way to hit a lot of the highlights of Savannah and Tybee Island. Bill was awesome! Very knowledgeable and accommodating. Definitely recommend this tour to anybody visiting for the day or for folks staying in Savannah that want some suggestions on where to spend more time during their stay. Read more Written May 29, 2024
  • Natalie G 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great your for Stranger Things fans Our guide Francesca was great! She was professional and had lots of great locations and trivia for us about Stranger Things. She even had a Stranger Things playlist. She pointed out other relevant things along our way and we learned about the city and film industry as well. She was a wealth of knowledge. My teen son & I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Definitely worth the experience if you are a Stranger Things fan. Read more Written May 25, 2024
  • mylitasshop 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Worth the money & time! Best tour to do for a first visit to the city when pressed for time. Dan was very good in communicating before & after the tour (had to get recommendation for restaurant near hotel). He went above & beyond by looking for a vehicle that would accommodate a big group instead of splitting us in separate cars like what other tour companies advised me. He was a safe driver, articulate, pleasant, very patient & highly knowledgeable. I would request him specifically if I’d be back in Atlanta for another tour. Read more Written May 21, 2024
  • rosannsmith 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Cannot Recommend Highly Enough (ask for Greg, Tour Guide extraodinaire) Our guide, Greg arrived on time, clean, comfortable car, off to a good start. I was a bit worried as this was a very expensive tour and I wondered if I should have gone for a cheaper one, not a bit of it, this tour was worth every penny. Greg was extremely knowledgeable about the locations and the filming of the series, as we arrived, he played clips of the scenes at each location which brough them to life for us and refreshed our memories. Its was amazing being at the actual locations, we could get out, walk around, take photos, Greg never hurried us and had a mine of insider information. He was also funny and ensured the trip was entertaining and informative for us. It was a long day but seemed to fly past. If you treat yourself to anything when visiting Atlanta, let it be this, you won't be disappointed. Read more Written May 17, 2024
  • Trek23577839568 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Worth it for sure! Great excursion. Was able to customize based on what we wanted to see. Guide extremely knowledgeable about lots and followed up with lots to do beyond this experience in Savannah. Read more Written May 17, 2024
  • Jet01662962030 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Touring in my element - It couldn't have been better Let's just start by saying that I was in my element. I'm in the process of watching the series for the third roll, and I could not contain my excitement to visit all those sites and locations where the various episodes/scenes were done. Our tour guide, Chris, was so calculating in how he rolled us onto the sets unsuspectingly and let me just burst into glee repeatedly as I recognized the scenes one by one. We were living The Walking Dead - LOL! I got opportunities to drag along like one of the walkers. I enjoyed eating at Nic & Norman. Imagine, I was in Alexandria, Woodbury; I stopped by Rick's houses and the "CDC". Now I have 3 pairs of Daryl socks, fridge magnets for Rick and Michonne, Negan's Lucille key ring and more. Chris shared so much on the pre and post history of the various locations, how Terminus got it's name, and what it was like for him personally being in Atlanta to witness some of the filming. I can't share all the details exchanged by Chris in this post because it just too much to say. Chris was super and you just have to do the tour with him to understand why our experience was so great. We were well facilitated and Chris kept the dynamics right because for things/places we had seen in other tours, he gave us the option to skip and move into something/place else. He also shared a whole lot about the economy and social fabric of Atlanta and Georgia some of which was relevant to The Walking Dead filming and the general film making industry that's so vibrant in Georgia. Read more Written May 14, 2024
  • Passport616119 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Amazing History...and Amazing Tour! Bill is absolutely the best tour guide for Savannah! From pick up at our hotel to drop off, he gave us an amazing introduction to Savannah history, unique architecture, and amazing people. He will be our "by name" request for our return trips...and DTours as our preferred provider! Five starts to both Bill and DTours! Read more Written May 13, 2024
  • marthalP3329TR 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Charleston highlights from past and present Before the tour began Jon asked what we were interested in seeing. As this was our first trip to Charleston, we were open to suggestions. Jon chose three main sites (the Citadel, Magnolia cemetery, and parts of the historic Charleston city center hear the harbor). He wove together historical events, interesting and stories, and helpful interpretation to bring the past and present alive. The cemetery visit focused on a few families and events and provided insight about a few prominent families and military events; we found it totally fascinating. Jon's experience in real estate was very helpful as he pointed out unusual aspects of several homes in the historic part of town. We were delighted with this private tour and would highly recommend it to others. Read more Written May 12, 2024
  • RonFG 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles FABULOUS AND EDUCATIONAL Andy picked us up, a few minutes early, at our hotel after confirming our itinerary the day before. My wife and I discussed our plans and goals for the 3 hour tour—& off we went. Even though we had walked several times by ourselves through the Historic district, Andy taught us so much that it was like we were seeing it for the first time. Since we had not been to the Victorian district, it actually was all brand new. Our last stop was the Bonaventure Cemetery and all of Andy’s stories brought it to life for us. We would very, very much recommend this tour with Andy, because it was informal, but highly informative. In fact, we ended the tour by going to an excellent restaurant for lunch that he recommended. Read more Written May 10, 2024
  • KATHYQ804 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Private Charleston tour We learned so much of Charleston history on this tour. Jon was very knowledgeable & asked us before the tour of our interests. I would definitely recommend! Read more Written May 8, 2024
  • 156nanip 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Amazing He was an amazing tour guide! And a very safe driver. We saw things we would have missed on our own! He was knowledgeable about the film industry. He was very personable. Read more Written May 6, 2024
  • I7602VNtheresaw 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great tour Andy was very knowledgeable and you could tell he knew the history not just memorized his lines. The architecture of the city is beautiful and I would recommend this tour to anyone who want to know the history of the city. It was the highlight of our trip to Savannah. Read more Written May 3, 2024
  • W9498QImr 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles nailmall visit Georgia offers a diverse array of attractions for visitors to explore, from its bustling cities to its charming small towns and breathtaking natural landscapes. nailmall as visit Read more Written May 1, 2024
  • TheMarkNelson 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great tour on 4/24 Chris did a great job driving and teaching. He’s great at his craft. He knows a lot about the Civil War, especially how it relates to Atlanta. If you like Marvel or movies in general, this tour will give a bonus. Read more Written April 25, 2024

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3-Hour Private Atlanta MCU Comics Inspired Film Location Tour provided by DTours

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  • Things to do

Explore > Destinations > Atlanta > Atlanta’s Best TV and Movie Tours for Super Fans

Atlanta’s Best TV and Movie Tours for Super Fans

Atlanta is a prime destination to tour the real-life locations of Black Panther ’s magical, super-advanced Wakanda or the hedonist Capitol from The Hunger Games. Atlanta serves as the filming location for hundreds of movies and TV shows. It’s also home to the world-famous CNN studio, so immersing yourself in your favorite media is easy on one of Atlanta’s TV and movie tours. Whether you love superheroes, The Walking Dead , or Muppets, Atlanta has a thrilling, cinemagical tour for you.

Atlanta’s Undead: The Walking Dead

Three friends have fun on a zombie tour.

Get in touch with your undead side on a Walking Dead and Zombieland tour of Atlanta . Led by personable, Talking Dead-eqsue guides, you’ll visit places around Atlanta where directors filmed gripping scenes from the hit TV show The Walking Dead and the fan favorite movie Zombieland . Stop at atmospheric hospitals and creepy medical centers. Take your picture on the Jackson Street Bridge, made famous in the opening shot of The Walking Dead .  Check out the Official Walking Dead Studio Tour  or if you’re partial to seasons 2-5 of The Walking Dead , tour Woodbury or Alexandria , filmed in nearby Senoia. When you’ve finished the series, you might want to prepare for the zombie apocalypse by practicing your axe-throwing skills .

Tour Atlanta Like a Superhero

A group of superhero fans stand on Atlanta's bridge.

Grab your cape and your sidekick and head out into the streets of Atlanta on a superhero tour . Walk in the footsteps of the heroes of Black Panther and the Avengers movies. On this Atlanta movie tour, you’ll visit Asgard, Wakanda, and many more epic locations from your favorite Marvel movies. Stops along the way might include the Avengers headquarters and the site where Spider-Man stopped a bank robbery. After you work up your appetite stopping supervillains, fill up on Southern comfort food .

Atlanta’s LEGOLAND

A family plays together at Legoland.

Everything is awesome at Atlanta’s LEGOLAND Discovery Center , especially if you love Legos and the Lego Movies. Your little ninjas are sure have a blast on the Lego rides and in the ninja training room. Experience the thrill of adventure with laser-tastic rides and feel the wind and water on your face when you watch LEGOLAND’s 4D movie. 

Tour Atlanta’s CNN Studio

CNN studio boasts a very tall elevator.

If you have an aspiring journalist or reporter in your family, don’t miss a tour of Atlanta’s CNN studio . You’ll get a behind-the-scenes view of where your news is produced, step inside a live studio, and see the birthplace of the 24-hours news network. Play around with green screens, teleprompters, and CNN’s HD studio. Bonus: CNN boasts the longest free-standing elevator in the world and an impressive view of Atlanta.

Best of Atlanta Movie Tour

A trio of people wield axes.

Superheroes and zombies not your cup of tea? You can still enjoy Atlanta’s astonishing cinematic history with a zombie-free Atlanta movie tour.   Head to Atlanta’s Castleberry Hill Arts District for a guided tour of famous movie and TV sets , like Stranger Things and The Hunger Games . Your knowledgeable guide has served as an actor or stuntman and provides insider stories from Atlanta’s film scene. With your guide’s firsthand knowledge, it’s easy to imagine you’re in the Upside Down or the Capitol . When you’ve exhausted your feet and your imagination, visit the Hard Rock Café for a hearty meal and a glimpse of rock n’ roll memorabilia like Ella Fitzgerald’s evening gown.

Atlanta’s Worlds of Puppetry Museum 

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13 Georgia Filming Locations You Can See in a Weekend

By: Author Melissa

Posted on Last updated: March 21, 2023

Home » Travel » 13 Georgia Filming Locations You Can See in a Weekend

These 13 Georgia Filming Locations are perfect for a weekend trip to the Atlanta area. All of these Georgia locations made famous by movies and television are just a short road trip away from the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

I have always loved seeing filming locations in real life, just this year alone I have visited quite a few. Some of my favorites can be found in the post The Best TV & Movie Locations in New Jersey . I grew up in Jersey so I had a pretty good idea of what each of these locations would be like once I was able to see them in person. But I have found that most of the places I visit that I know from television, don’t quite look like they did in whatever show made them famous.

This was the case with the American Pickers store located in the Quad Cities . After seeing how much smaller the building was compared to how it looked on television I became curious about what the other famous locations really looked like when visiting them.

Georgia Filming Locations

This past week my family took a fun little vacation to the Atlanta Georiga area and made the most of our time there by visiting all of the famous locations from television and movies that we could find. It really shocked me how many filming locations are in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Not only is there a lot of places to see in a small area but all of them are iconic.

Let’s start with my favorite!

Georgia Filming Locations: Ozark House (The Byrde Family Home)

One of the most recognizable homes from recent television has to be the Byrde house made popular by the television series Ozark . This A-frame home is backed up to a beautiful lake and is surrounded by woods. The current owners have No Tresspassing signs posted and have a fence around the perimeter of the property. That doesn’t mean that you can’t take a decent photo from the street but be sure to not cross any lines when trying to snap a shot of this iconic filming location found in Georgia.

The home known as The Byrde Family House from Ozark is located at 6818 Gaines Ferry Rd, Flowery Branch, GA 30542

Georgia Filming Locations The Byrde House from Ozark

If you pass up the house and pay a five-dollar admission to get into a nearby park you can get a decent view of the boathouse made famous by the show. Keep in mind that I got this shot by wading in the water after climbing down a steep hill in a heavily wooded area.

So if you aren’t up for that kind of commitment, just snap a shot from the road and head to the next stop on your Georgia famous locations itinerary .

The Boathouse from Ozark

Georgia Filming Locations: Omar Navarro’s Estate

Another iconic Georgia filming location that you may recognize from the hit series Ozark is the estate of the main antagonist, Omar Navarro.

You can find this unique attraction made famous by Ozark at 1680 Westview Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Georgia Famous Filming Locations Omar's Estate

Even if you have never watched the show Ozark , this beautiful building is worth a visit. Known as the Westview Abbey, this mausoleum and chapel is made up of many intricate details that will leave you in awe.

Georgia Famous Filming Locations Omar's Estate

The Hawkins Lab from Stranger Things

If you have ever asked the question, Is the Hawkins Lab a real place , you may be interested to know that the building used as the lab in stranger things is the former Georgia Mental Health Facility. While many iconic scenes from Stranger Things were filmed here, the inside shots were filmed inside of a studio.

While there are many Stranger Things locations scattered throughout the state of Georgia, The Hawkins Lab seems to be the most recognizable. Other than the satellite dishes missing from the roof, this building looks much the same as it does on the show.

Be sure to find out if the show is filming before planning your visit because this could limit access to the building. We got lucky and had a security guard wave us in to take some pictures as long as we agreed to not get out of the car. It seems that the cast was away at the time we arrived but we did see lots of trucks and craft services set up so they couldn’t have been too far away. This means that Stranger Things fans can expect a new season soon.

The Hawkins Lab from Stranger Things is located at 1256 Briarcliff Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30306.

The Hawkins Lab from Stranger Things

Georgia Filming Locations: Walking Dead Town of Woodbury

While I haven’t watched every season of The Walking Dead yet, I am pretty familiar with the first few seasons which feature the town of Woodbury a lot. I was excited to visit this location because I knew I would find lots of fun things from the show in the shops, see the marked pavers on the sidewalk from different movies, and even get the chance to visit one of the castmember’s of The Walking Deads ‘ restaurants while there.

My favorite character in the show so far is Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus so I was excited to find out that he had a restaurant right on the main street of town. The menu has something for everyone and any fan of the show would enjoy a stop at Nic & Norman’s Restaurant , especially since it gives you a chance to get out of the Georgia heat for a few minutes.

The Walking Dead town of Woodbury can be found at Main St, Senoia, GA 30276

Senoia, Georgia from The walking dead

Georgia Filming Locations: Benny’s Burgers

Another fun location from the show Stranger Things is Benny’s Burgers. This is the restaurant that Eleven stole french fries from and the owner, Benny gave her some clothes and food. The real place is actually called Tiffany’s Kitchen and it is located at 7413 Lee Rd, Lithia Springs, GA 30122.

Georgia Filming Locations: The Quarry

You may recognize the Bellwood Quarry in Atlanta Georgia as a backdrop to quite a few popular television shows.

This location was used in Stranger Things multiple times and it can be seen in The Walking Dead as well as the television show The Hunger Games .

The famous quarry from Stranger Things, The Walking Dead , and many others is located at Bellwood Quarry Chappell Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

Georgia Filming Locations: Whistle Stop Cafe

Ever since I watched the movie Fried Green Tomatoes as a little kid I have wanted to visit the Whistle Stop Cafe .

There is something about the small town depicted in the film that seemed so welcoming and of course, I wanted to try some Fried Green Tomatoes while I was there.

This turned out to be a little more difficult than one would think but lucky for me I had my mother-in-law along for the trip and she gave me some insider info that I am excited to share in an upcoming post dedicated to the town of Juliette and the Fried Green Tomatoes movie experience.

If you plan on visiting this area I would suggest you read my tips before heading out. So be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and follow along on social media so that you don’t miss that post.

The Whistle Stop Cafe can be visited at 446 McCrackin St, Juliette, GA 31046

The Whistle Stop Cafe from Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried Green Tomatoes House/Railroad Tracks

While many people are familiar with the world-famous Whistle Stop Cafe from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, there are other locations fans should add to their itinerary, the famous railroad tracks, and the Threadgoode home.

This beautiful area is not only a must-see for fans of the movie but even those who haven’t watched the film will enjoy a stroll through the beautiful scenery here.

The railroad tracks and house are best known from the part of the movie where the accident happens.

The bridge is where Ruth and Idgie watch Buddy try to retrieve Ruth’s hat before tragedy strikes.

The next scene shows the family running across the street to the tracks and you can see the house in the background.

The Threadgood home is located at 204 Bridge St, Senoia, GA 30276, and the famous bridge is right across the street.

The bridge from Fried Green Tomatoes

Sleepy Hollow Farm

Another fun location for Stranger Things fans to visit while in the area is Sleepy Hollow Farm.

This is where you will find Hopper’s cabin, a pumpkin patch, and a corn maze that you may recognize from Stranger Things.

Sleepy Hollow Farm is located at 628 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Powder Springs, GA 30127

Georgia Filming Locations: Downtown Hawkins

Downtown Hawkins is located at 101 E 2nd St, Jackson, GA 30233. Just punch in that address and park. Stroll through the area to see many locations you will remember from the show including the general store that Joyce worked at, the Radio Shack that Bob worked at, the library, and many other locations you will remember from Hawkins.

Fans can head into the alley behind the Roots Outdoors store to see the location of the Steve Harrington fight scene.

On your way there you will see a giant Stranger Things mural on the side of the store that you won’t want to miss.

The library from Stranger Things

Georgia Filming Locations: My Cousin Vinny Sac-O-Suds

This road trip of iconic Georgia filming locations wouldn’t be complete without a stop for snacks and drinks. The best place to do this while enjoying famous locations in Georgia is at the Sac-O-Suds from My Cousin Vinny.

This convenience store sells souvenirs for fans and plenty of snacks for your Georgia road trip.

You can even pick up some boiled peanuts for the road or get a picture of a can of Two Yutes Tuna.

The Sac-O-Suds made famous by the movie My Cousin Vinny is located at 54 GA-16, Monticello, GA 31064

Sac-O-Suds from My Cousin Vinny Georgia filming locations

My Cousin Vinny Courthouse

Visit the backdrop of some of the most iconic scenes from the movie My Cousin Vinny in the town of Monticello Georgia.

Visit the courthouse as well as many of the businesses on Forsyth Street that can be seen in the movie.

The Courthouse from My Cousin Vinny is located at126 W Greene St, Monticello, GA 31064

Georgia Filming Locations Two Yutes Tuna

Georgia Filming Locations: Madea’s House

While there are many locations made famous by Tyler Perry in the Atlanta area, the most iconic may be Madea’s House.

Most of my favorite scenes took place here and it’s so much fun to see in person.

For fans that just can’t get enough of the scenery, there is an Airbnb right across the street that gives you the perfect view for your entire stay.

Madea’s House is located at 1197 Avon Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Have you visited any of these iconic Georgia filming locations ? I would love to hear from you!

Did the actual location of your favorite shows live up to your expectations?

Leave a comment below to let me know your thoughts and be sure to sign up for the free newsletter as well as follow along on social media so that you never miss a post again.

About Thirty Something Super Mom

Melissa Dixon Thirty Something Super Mom

My journey started after a Crohn's disease diagnosis, inspiring a commitment to well-being. This site shares my distinctive approach to healthy living with my collection of nutritious recipes that boast authentic flavors, mimicking the indulgence of traditional dishes. I love sharing guilt free recipes for low carb, keto, gluten-free, paleo, and the specific carbohydrate diet. I also share tips on natural living, including homemade cleaners and cleaning hacks. I also share my experience as a veterinary technician and pet groomer, to integrate pet health tips, homemade dog food recipes, and grooming insights to ensure your pets thrive.

Friday 21st of April 2023

Should have added the old Kmart in Mableton for one of Madea’s movies

Wednesday 26th of April 2023

Thanks for the info, I didn't know about that spot but I love Madea. I will have to visit when I go back and add this one, thanks again for the comment!

Monday 2nd of January 2023

We visited The Whistle Stop and the rest of the stores along the street. However, they were having water issues and the Cafe was closed. We did enjoy visiting the location, the church and cemetery where Ruth and Buddy are "buried" We also visited the railroad tracks and bridge and the Threadgoode home. Loved it!

Tuesday 3rd of January 2023

I'm sorry to hear that the cafe was closed but it sounds like you had a good time anyway. Hopefully, you can make it back to try the fried green tomatoes someday!

Best Mosaic Art Surfaces

Monday 18th of July 2022

That is so so cool. I had no idea Georgia is that gorgeous, a must-see for sure...

Jennifer Passmore

Saturday 16th of July 2022

Oh, this is too cool! I would love to visit filming locations! These look like great ones, especially the Ozark house!

Melissa Cushing

It has been a Lon time since I visited Georgia and I may have to make a trip to see all of theses colors locations plus their delicious restaurants!

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This Is My South

A travel guide to the Southern USA

25 TV Shows and Movies Filmed in Atlanta

August 13, 2021 By Caroline Eubanks 1 Comment

For decades,  Atlanta, Georgia has been used for its stunning scenery in  television shows  and  movies . Some are classics, while others you may have forgotten about. This is by no means an exhaustive list as there are hundreds thanks to state tax incentives. For more television shows and movies filmed in Atlanta, check out the  IMDB page .

Television Shows Filmed in Atlanta

Dozens of television shows have been filmed in Atlanta ranging from dramas to comedies to reality.

The FX comedy series around an aspiring rapper, his cousin, and their oddball friend trying to hustle their way to the top. It stars Donald Glover, Brian Tyree Henry, Zazie Beetz, and Lakeith Stanfield. Many Atlanta landmarks are included like JR Crickets and Zesto restaurants. There’s even an episode filmed in  Helen !

Being Mary Jane

The BET series Being Mary Jane stars Gabrielle Union as a woman working as a news anchor in Atlanta and later New York City . She juggles her personal and professional lives. The show’s five seasons were filmed throughout the city, including in the Virginia Highland and Castleberry Hill neighborhoods.

Black Lightning

The CW series adds some much-needed diversity into the “Arrowverse” of DC Comics. A retired superhero must put back on his suit to fight a dangerous gang. But he’s joined by his daughters with surprising abilities. It is filmed in Atlanta locations including Walton and Mitchell streets downtown and the Boogalou Restaurant & Lounge.

Following the 1980s film The Karate Kid , Cobra Kai revisits the relationships of the original characters as adults, starring Ralph Macchio and Billy Zabka. They open rival dojos and their students face off with a new generation of rivalries.

Among the locations around Atlanta that have been used are the Cascade roller skating rink, Underground Atlanta, and the Fernbank Science Center.

Devious Maids

The Lifetime series Devious Maids describes a group of Latina housekeepers for the rich and famous in Beverly Hills. Through their work, they learn about their employer’s secrets, especially after the mysterious death of a maid. While the show was set in California, it was filmed in Atlanta spots like Stone Mountain.

The reboot of the 1980s soap opera features a young woman who comes to blows with her father’s new girlfriend over the future of the family business. Starring Elizabeth Gillies, Nathalie Kelley, and Grant Snow, it’s both set and filmed in Atlanta. Much takes place at a studio in Norcross but the mansion is in Buford.

Created for Oprah Winfrey’s network OWN, Greenleaf is about a Memphis mega-church and the family that runs it. The series stars Oprah herself, along with Keith David and Lynn Whitfield. It was filmed at the same Norcross studio as Dynasty and at a number of nearby churches.

Halt and Catch Fire

The AMC show is set in the 1980s around the creation of the personal computer. It stars Lee Pace, Scoot McNairy, and Mackenzie Davis. It’s set in the “Silicon Prarie” of Dallas, Texas but Atlanta is used as a stand in. Buildings in downtown Atlanta were used.

The gritty series features a family on the run after a money-laundering operation gone wrong. They move to the Lake of the Ozarks but soon pick up their life of crime again. Jason Bateman stars alongside Laura Linney and Julia Garner. Lake Allatoona is the primary location but the production has also used Chateau Elan and Stone Mountain.

The reboot of the popular series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Queer Eye has a new “Fab Five” that seeks to improve the lives of people that are struggling. The first two seasons were filmed in Atlanta, including at Ponce City Market, Cabbagetown, Sweet Auburn Market, and the Fox Theatre. For more locations from Queer Eye, check out this story from Discover Atlanta .

Real Housewives of Atlanta

Atlanta has been the site of a number of reality programs like Love and Hip Hop and Love is Blind. But none compares to Bravo’s the Real Housewives of Atlanta, the most successful of the franchise. The rotating cast of ladies can be seen at countless restaurants around the city like Mary Mac’s Tea Room as well as hotels like Barnsley Resort .

The Resident

Fox’s medical drama The Resident is about a group of residents that clash with hospital executives over its policies. It stars Matt Czuchry, Emily Van Camp, and Manish Dayal. It’s set in Atlanta and includes references to real places. The High Museum of Art is used as the setting for the hospital and the adjacent Woodruff Center for the Arts is used for interiors.

Stranger Things

A group of friends meets a mysterious girl with unique abilities. But the “bad men” are after her, along with an otherworldly creature. The series has been set in different seasons and stars Millie Bobby Brown, Winona Ryder, and David Harbour.

Stranger Things  is filmed throughout Georgia but primarily in the Atlanta area. Some of the locations have included the Emory University Briarcliff campus, the South Bend Pool, and Sleepy Hollow Farm.

The Walking Dead

The iconic zombie series is about a group of survivors searching for something resembling home in the apocalypse. Andrew Lincoln stars with Norman Reedus and Danai Gurira. There are countless  Walking Dead locations  in the state but the first season especially highlighted the city including the Cobb Energy Center, Jackson Street Bridge, and the Goat Farm Arts Center.

Based on the series of graphic novels, the follow-up show Watchmen follows the events following the Tulsa Massacre and the rise of vigilantes. Regina King stars with Don Johnson and Jeremy Irons. Computer generated special effects added to the real places around the city like the Decatur Cemetery, Oakland Cemetery, and the Decatur Square.

Movies Filmed in Atlanta

The big screen loves Atlanta as a location, often transformed into otherworldly settings with the big studios. You might be surprised at which of your favorite movies were filmed here!

Baby Driver

The movie Baby Driver is about a hearing impaired getaway driver unwillingly working for a crew of bank robbers. It stars Lily James, Jon Hamm, Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, and Ansel Elgort. Downtown Atlanta plays heavily into the scenery, including The Candler Hotel , Pratt-Pullman Yard, the Georgia World Congress Center, and Bacchanalia.

The Blind Side

The Blind Side  is the true story of football player Michael Oher who is adopted by a family and goes on to become an NFL star. Oher came from a drug-addicted mother but was a scholarship student. He is taken in by a local family and later goes on to play professionally.

The Academy Award-winning film stars Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw, along with Quinton Aaron, Lily Collins, Kathy Bates, and Kim Dickens. The Buckhead neighborhood and a number of private schools were used.

Driving Miss Daisy

Driving Miss Daisy  is about an elderly Jewish woman, played by Jessica Tandy, and her African American chauffeur, played by Morgan Freeman. They develop their relationship over the years in the American South. Dan Aykroyd also stars. The Druid Hills neighborhood was used, along with Castleberry Hill and Little Five Points.

Set in the world of drumlines and historically black colleges,  Drumline  tells of a rising star street drummer from Harlem. He is recruited to go to school down south, but he soon finds that while he was the best back home, there are plenty of other talented drummers in  Atlanta .

Nick Cannon, Zoe Saldana, and  Orlando  Jones star in the film. Most of the movie is set in downtown Atlanta, with appearances by the Georgia Dome, Clark Atlanta University, and Morris Brown College.

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures  tells the untold true story of a team of African-American women who team up with NASA to compute mathematical data to launch the first successful space shuttle mission. Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, and Jim Parsons star. The campus of Morehouse College, Emory University, and Fort McPherson were used.

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games was primarily filmed in North Carolina, but the following movies, Catching Fire and Mockingjay, used many locations around Atlanta. Most famous is The Swan House , used as President Snow’s mansion, the Pratt-Pullman Yard, the Goat Farm, and the Marriott Marquis Hotel.

Marvel Movies

In the last few years, dozens of Marvel movies have been filmed around Atlanta including (but not limited to!) Venom, Spiderman, Avengers, Black Panther, and Ant-Man. And it’s not just movies! WandaVision, Loki, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier have also been filmed in Atlanta.

Among the popular locations used are Sweetwater Creek State Park, the High Museum of Art , the Porsche headquarters, and the old DeKalb Courthouse.

Smokey and the Bandit

In one of Burt Reynolds’ most memorable roles, Smokey and the Bandit was filmed throughout the South. Rednecks Bandit and Cledus accept a challenge to pick up a shipment of beer from Texas and return with it in a specified amount of time. Along the way, they have trouble with “the law” and pick up a young woman running away from her wedding, played by a young Sally Field.

The Lakewood area was used, along with roads in McDonough and Jonesboro. Burt Reynolds even had a house nearby for many years!

Tyler Perry Movies

Tyler Perry got his start in Atlanta so it makes sense that most of his projects would take place in the city. Among the Atlanta-filmed movies are Madea’s Family Reunion , Why Did I Get Married, For Colored Girls, I Can Do Bad All By Myself, and Diary of a Mad Black Woman .

Perry even has his own permanent studio in Atlanta at Fort McPherson and often uses the same house in Southwest Atlanta as Madea’s home.

In Zombieland , a shy college student exists in a world overtaken by the undead and attempts to go home to Ohio to see if his parents are still alive. Along the way, he is introduced to an unstable zombie hunter and a pair of sisters in search of a zombie-free amusement park. Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, and Abigail Breslin star in the movie and its sequel.

Specific scenes were filmed at Atlanta Motor Speedway, One Park Place in Atlanta, downtown Hapeville and at a private residence on West Paces Ferry Road.

trip to atlanta movies

About Caroline Eubanks

Caroline Eubanks is the editor of this website, a Lowell Thomas award-winning travel writer, and the author of This Is My South: The Essential Travel Guide to the Southern States. Her stories from the South have appeared in National Geographic Traveler, Afar, Thrillist, Roads and Kingdoms, and BBC Travel.

Reader Interactions

trip to atlanta movies

April 5, 2022 at 12:20 pm

[email protected] Thank you for this fabulous story of TV and Films in Atlanta. I would love to know more. My company does a movie tour. Please feel free to reach out.

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Itinerary Atlanta: Your Ultimate Guide To Fun!

Anna Taylor

Are you and your family set to explore Atlanta?

As a dedicated globetrotter with my own little tribe, I know the immense value of a well-structured trip that pleases everyone.

In this article, I’ll provide some prime tips and recommendations to carve out a memorable itinerary Atlanta visitors like yourself will love.

Atlanta is home to attractions like the iconic Georgia Aquarium, World of Coca-Cola, picturesque Piedmont Park, and historic Stone Mountain.

In short, the city has an irresistible charm for all ages.

It’s an enticing blend of history, culture, and the great outdoors, creating a vibrant experience in the heart of the South.

So, how can you maximize your family’s time in Atlanta and ensure a stress-free journey?

Get ready to uncover top-notch suggestions for a smooth and memorable exploration, peppered with insider tricks to help you conquer this dynamic Southern city.

Itinerary Atlanta: How to Spend 3 Days

Itinerary Atlanta: How to Spend 3 Days

Day 1: Downtown Atlanta

Welcome to Downtown Atlanta, the perfect place to kick off your Atlanta adventure.

Let’s dive into some must-see attractions you and your family will surely enjoy.

Start your morning with a visit to the World of Coca-Cola .

Here, you’ll hear about the story of this famous soft drink through fascinating exhibits, classic ads, and a replica of the bottling process.

Pop in at 121 Baker St. NW and plan for about 2 hours to explore the world of Coke.

Next, plunge into the wonders of the deep at the Georgia Aquarium .

It’s home to thousands of marine life species and features one of the largest indoor aquatic habitats in the world.

Make a splash with your family as you marvel at the mesmerizing creatures swimming around you.

When you’re ready for some fresh air and outdoor fun, head to Zoo Atlanta .

With over 1,000 animals, including giant pandas and African elephants, it’s an animal lover’s paradise.

The kids will especially enjoy the petting zoo and playground areas.

After visiting the Zoo, it’s time for some sports-related fun at the College Football Hall of Fame .

Showcase your skills in the interactive exhibits or learn about the legends of college football.

You’ll score big memories with your family at this stop.

Fancy a leisurely stroll?

Centennial Olympic Park offers 21 acres of green space filled with fountains, sculptures, and plenty of room to relax.

It’s an ideal spot to slow down, soak up the sun, and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.

For some fast-paced excitement, the CNN Center offers guided tours that take you behind the scenes of the global news network.

You’ll get a peek at how news is made and maybe even catch a live broadcast.

Finally, cap off your day with a soaring ride on the Ferris wheel at SkyView Atlanta .

This giant wheel offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city that will add a touch of magic to your day.

So, pack your bags and prepare for a fun-filled day in Downtown Atlanta.

Day 2: Midtown Atlanta

Ready to get a taste of Atlanta’s vibrant and artsy atmosphere?

Midtown Atlanta is the place for you.

This bustling neighborhood houses some of the city’s most popular attractions, like Piedmont Park, the Atlanta Botanical Garden, and Ponce City Market.

Start your day with a stroll through Piedmont Park.

This lush, green oasis in the heart of Atlanta offers gorgeous skyline views and boasts a variety of walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic spots perfect for your family.

Catch a glimpse of locals zipping by on their bikes or taking leisurely jogs on the snaking paths.

Next, explore the next-door neighbor, the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

Dive into a world of vibrant blooms and lush foliage that’ll make you forget you’re in the city.

The canopy walk, edible garden, and children’s garden appeal to all ages, so there’s fun for the whole family.

After a leisurely morning, it’s time to refuel with a delicious lunch.

Ponce City Market is your one-stop spot for all things culinary.

With an array of eateries to choose from, you’ll satisfy the diverse cravings of your family members.

It’s all under one roof, from pizza to sushi, ice cream to craft cocktails.

Once you’ve had your fill, venture out and explore the surrounding area.

From Ponce City Market, you can access the famous Atlanta BeltLine .

This multi-use trail connects different neighborhoods around the city.

Rent some bikes and enjoy the urban art adorning the path, or simply soak in the energetic Atlanta atmosphere as you walk.

Finish your day with a touch of history by visiting the Atlanta History Center.

This captivating museum showcases exhibits that delve into Atlanta’s past, from the early settlers to the Civil Rights Movement.

It’s an enriching and educational experience that’ll transform your understanding of the city.

That’s it.

You’ve just spent a fantastic day exploring the heart of Midtown Atlanta.

Enjoy the memories, and remember to take lots of photos.

Day 3: Historic Atlanta

Today, you’ll explore Atlanta’s rich history and cultural heritage, focusing on the Civil Rights Movement and other pivotal events.

Grab your comfy shoes, and let’s start this inspiring journey.

Begin your day with a visit to the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park.

Here, you can tour Dr. King’s childhood home, the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he and his father preached, and The King Center, which houses the Civil Rights leader’s final resting place.

Walking through the park, you’ll better understand his work’s significance and impact on the nation.

After exploring the park, head to the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.

This engaging museum provides a comprehensive look at the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and globally.

Through interactive exhibits, you’ll get immersed in pivotal moments that shaped the world you live in today.

Don’t miss the powerful “Lunch Counter” experience, which allows you to participate in a simulation of civil rights protests.

Ready for a little outdoor time?

Make your way to Stone Mountain Park, a massive sculpture commemorating Confederate leaders carved into a granite mountain.

While the carving itself is controversial, the park offers many family-friendly activities .

Enjoy the scenic hike up the hill, or take the Summit Skyride for a more leisurely experience with breathtaking views of Atlanta.

The park also has attractions like a scenic railroad, adventure ropes courses, and a museum dedicated to the park’s history.

On this day filled with history and reflection, remember that your experience in Atlanta goes beyond sightseeing.

It’s an opportunity better to understand the past and its impact on the present.

So, take these memories and lessons with you as you continue your journey.

Neighborhood Guide

Atlanta Neighborhood

Atlanta is a delightful mix of unique neighborhoods, each with its charm, character, and attractions.

As a family visiting Atlanta, you’ll want to taste these vibrant districts.

Buckhead is known for its upscale shopping, dining, and entertainment.

You’ll find exquisite boutiques and galleries in this neighborhood, perfect for a day of retail therapy.

Visit Lenox Square and the Shops at Buckhead for a luxury shopping spree or a leisurely family stroll.

Downtown Atlanta is bustling with attractions that cater to families with kids of all ages.

Your family might love the exciting attractions, including the Georgia Aquarium, the World of Coca-Cola, and the Skyview Atlanta Ferris Wheel.

Admire Centennial Olympic Park, a lovely green space to unwind and relax after a day of sightseeing.

Moving on to Midtown , this lively area is the city’s arts and culture hub.

Here, you can catch a show at the Fox Theatre or explore the High Museum of Art.

For families that enjoy green spaces, visiting Piedmont Park is a must.

It’s an excellent spot for a picnic, a walk, or family-friendly outdoor sports.

Other Neighborhoods

Atlanta’s neighborhoods are packed with unique adventures, no matter which area you explore.

Other neighborhoods worth visiting are the Little Five Points for its alternative vibe and street art and Sweet Auburn, where the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park is.

Planning your itinerary around these neighborhoods allows you to experience Atlanta’s diverse opportunities throughout its various districts.

Food and Drink

Atlanta has a thriving food scene that caters to every palate.

As a family visiting Atlanta, you’ll find countless restaurants , bars, and food destinations to try during your stay.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast at Atlanta Breakfast Club .

Known for its mouth-watering chicken and waffles, this place will surely brighten your morning and fuel you for a day of adventures.

Not in the mood for chicken and waffles?

No problem.

This city offers tons of fantastic breakfast and brunch spots to suit all tastes.

Make sure to branch out and sample the delicious local cuisine.

When it comes to lunch or dinner, you’re spoiled for choice.

Atlanta is home to a wide range of restaurants serving diverse flavors and dishes.

From tasty seafood to juicy burgers, you’ll find something that satisfies every appetite.

  • Busy Bee Cafe : Located in the West End, this award-winning establishment is perfect for indulging in Southern soul food.
  • Slutty Vegan : For those looking to explore Atlanta’s growing vegan scene, this spot is a popular choice, along with other options like Soul Vegetarian No. 2 and Herban Fix.
  • Bon Appétit : If you’re searching for the city’s best cocktails, head to Bon Appétit at 2277 Peachtree Road Northeast. This place is well-loved by chefs who often hang out here after their shifts.

During your stay, be sure to explore the local breweries and markets.

Atlanta’s food and drink scene is as diverse as the city itself.

Embrace the opportunity to try new flavors and dishes—it’s part of the experience.

It’s also known for its craft beer scene and vibrant markets that showcase fresh produce, handcrafted goods, and artisan foods.


The Candler Hotel Atlanta, Curio Collection by Hilton

When planning your family trip to Atlanta, finding the perfect place to stay is crucial for a memorable experience.

Here are a handful of excellent hotels that cater to families and are conveniently located near popular attractions.

The Hyatt Regency Downtown is a comfortable hotel that offers a unique experience with its revolving rooftop restaurant.

With stunning city views and amenities, you and your family will enjoy every moment of your stay here.

The glamourous Candler Hotel is another fantastic option, showcasing historic art-deco architecture.

This charming hotel is not only a feast for the eyes but also offers top-notch services and facilities that cater to families.

While selecting accommodations, consider factors like proximity to attractions, restaurants, and public transportation.

After all, you want to make the most of your time in Atlanta without spending too much time traveling back and forth.


Navigating Atlanta as a family doesn’t have to be a headache, especially with transportation.

You can stay on schedule with various options while keeping it fun and stress-free.

Public Transportation

The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is Atlanta’s main public transportation, including buses and trains.

A breeze card is just what you need for a hassle-free experience, as you can load it with credit for your rides.

Atlanta is known for its traffic, so planning around peak times (7-9 am & 4-7 pm) will help you make the most of your days.

Want to avoid getting stuck on the road with hungry, tired kids?

Use Google Maps or Waze to check real-time traffic updates before heading out.

If you’d prefer to ride in the comfort of your own vehicle, Lyft is an excellent option for getting around the city.

It provides the flexibility to plan your itinerary without worrying about public transportation schedules.

Remember that you should budget for the cost of rides, as prices can vary based on the distance traveled.

Outdoor Activities

Piedmont Park

Atlanta is a city that loves the outdoors, with plenty of parks and adventures waiting for you and your family.

Piedmont Park is a local favorite, with its vast green spaces perfect for picnicking and enjoying a beautiful day together.

Take a stroll through the nearby Atlanta Botanical Garden, where you’ll discover stunning floral displays and captivating art installations.

Looking for more of an adventure?

The Atlanta BeltLine is calling your name.

This 22-mile loop of multi-use trails, parks, and public art showcases the heartbeat of Atlanta.

It’s the perfect place for a family bike ride, walk, or jog.

Keep your eyes peeled for eye-catching artwork as you navigate the trails.

Now, if you’re up for something more physical, how about climbing to the top of Stone Mountain?

Test your strength and endurance as you hike up and be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the city.

If you time it right, you might even catch the famous laser light show from the summit.

One can’t forget about Atlanta’s famed Centennial Olympic Park.

A central hub during the 1996 Olympics, the park features the Fountain of Rings—an interactive, synchronized water display that’s fun for all ages.

Gather your family and take plenty of photos as you enjoy this unique experience.

Atlanta Events and Festivals

Atlanta is your go-to city for fabulous events and memorable festivals.

Whether you’re a music lover, an art enthusiast, or just looking for family-friendly entertainment , this Southern gem has plenty in store for you and your loved ones.

BeltLine After Dark

A can’t-miss event for all you music lovers is the BeltLine After Dark.

This free arts and music festival is set along the picturesque Westside Trail.

It features pop-up performances, vendors, and an overall exciting atmosphere.

Alpharetta Brew Moon Fest

The Alpharetta Brew Moon Fest is another delightful affair for your trip to Atlanta.

This biannual beer festival transforms downtown Alpharetta into a street party filled with local craft beers, live music, and delicious food.

Arrange for a designated driver or alternative transportation if you plan on sipping some brews.

Cricket MEAC/SWAC Challenge Kick-Off

But wait, there’s more.

The ultimate HBCU celebration, the Cricket MEAC/SWAC Challenge Kick-Off, takes place at Center Parc Stadium.

This delightful event is perfect for college sports fans and those looking to immerse themselves in the HBCU experience.

Lastly, Atlanta hosts Dragon Con, a multi-genre convention filled with all things pop culture.

Attendees can enjoy panels, workshops, and other activities in costumes or as themselves.

So if you’re a sci-fi, fantasy, comics, or gaming fan, this is definitely a must-see.

Museums and Cultural Experiences

Atlanta offers a plethora of museums and cultural experiences.

Check out these hotspots that will spark your curiosity and enrich your mind.

Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Aquarium

First up, visit the Georgia Aquarium, one of the largest aquariums in the world.

You and your family will be captivated by thousands of marine creatures, mesmerizing exhibits, and engaging interactive experiences like touch pools.

Explore the Ocean Voyager exhibit, where gigantic whale sharks and manta rays steal the show.

Atlanta History Center

When you’re ready to step back in time, head to the Atlanta History Center.

This outstanding institution chronicles Atlanta’s past through fascinating exhibits, historic homes, gardens, and interactive displays.

Don’t miss the famous Swan House, a beautifully preserved 1928 mansion featuring period furniture and decorative arts.

The Atlanta Cyclorama exhibit also deserves mention.

It displays a 49-foot high, 358-foot-long painting depicting the Civil War’s Battle of Atlanta.

The emotional impact of this artwork won’t soon be forgotten.

For an even richer experience, consider investing in a CityPASS card or digital ticket.

It will give you significant savings on Atlanta’s top attractions, including many museums. 

It’s a fantastic way to create an enriching and affordable itinerary for you and your family.

High Museum of Art

Ready for more engaging exhibits?

Dive deeper into Atlanta’s culture at the High Museum of Art, showcasing an extensive collection of global artistic masterpieces.

You’ll find everything from European paintings to contemporary sculptures, with special exhibitions frequently on display.

Fernbank Museum of Natural History

If you’re seeking a blend of history and science, head to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History.

Try your hand at interactive science experiments, marvel at their IMAX theater presentations, or stroll through exhibitions featuring the world’s largest dinosaurs.

Whatever you choose, Fernbank promises a delightful day packed with entertainment and education.

Travel Tips and Advice

Atlanta, the city of heat and humidity, is a great weekend destination.

To make the most of your three days in Atlanta, follow these travel tips and advice to have an enjoyable, stress-free family adventure.

First things first, you’ll want to prepare for Atlanta’s climate.

With its often hot and humid weather, pack lightweight, breathable clothing, sunscreen, and a refillable water bottle to stay cool and hydrated.

Remember your comfortable walking shoes, too, as there’s so much ground to cover when exploring the city.


The city offers a variety of sites and experiences that cater to everyone’s interests.

For instance, have a fantastic day visiting the World of Coca-Cola to learn about bottling and get as many fizzy drinks as possible.

History and entertainment buffs will enjoy exploring sites like CNN Center Studio, the Georgia Aquarium, Piedmont Park, and Fernbank Museum.

Let’s not forget Movie Filming Locations Tours, where you can visit the sets of famous movies like The Hunger Games or Walking Dead.

Here’s a funny story that happened to me when I visited Atlanta.

I was so excited about the Georgia Aquarium that I forgot to double-check my bag while leaving the hotel.

Halfway through the day, I realized I left my wallet behind, which left me cashless for the entire day.

Learn from my embarrassing experience and always double-check your belongings before heading out for the day.

Skyview Atlanta

Looking for fantastic views during your visit?

The Skyview Atlanta Ferris wheel will give you a birds-eye view of the city.

You’ll get an impressive and unforgettable perspective of Atlanta’s skyline from 200 feet up.

Make sure to time your ride strategically to see the city during the day or illuminated at night.

Kid-Friendly Activities

For those visiting with families, take advantage of Atlanta’s many kid-friendly restaurants and activities .

There’s plenty to keep your little ones entertained and well-fed throughout your stay, making for a perfect weekend getaway.

Atlanta for Sports Fans

As a true sports fan, your trip to Atlanta would not be complete without joining the city’s loyal fans in cheering on some of their beloved teams.

With everything from NFL to NBA, MLB, and even college football, there’s something for every sports aficionado to enjoy.

Here’s an expert tip from Jason Friedman, Sports Traveler and writer for Itinerant Fan, “Atlanta has a vibrant sports scene, so check the team schedules before your trip to maximize your chances of catching a game or two during your stay.”

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Start your sports-laden escapade by attending an Atlanta Falcons game in their stunning Mercedes-Benz Stadium.

As the city’s NFL team, the Falcons will have you on the edge of your seat as they fight for victory on the field.

State Farm Arena

Right up your alley for some basketball action, the Atlanta Hawks represent the NBA in Atlanta.

Catch their exhilarating games during your stay and feel the buzz in State Farm Arena while you watch those heart-stopping buzzer-beater moments.

Truist Park

For lovers of America’s favorite pastime, the Atlanta Braves are the city’s MLB team.

Visit the famous Truist Park to experience the excitement of a live baseball game as the Braves aim to hit another home run.

While at it, don’t forget to sample the ballpark’s signature food and beverages—it’s all part of the experience.

Parting Words

atlanta 1

There you have it: a well-crafted itinerary Atlanta locals and experts like us suggest to experience a memorable trip.

It will surely be jam-packed with entertaining and iconic attractions , mouth-watering meals, and meaningful moments shared with your family.

As you explore the city together, you may discover new interests and cultivate a deeper appreciation for this vibrant destination.

From iconic landmarks like the Martin Luther King Historic District to the captivating exhibitions at Atlanta’s museums, this trip offered something unique for every family member.

Looking back on your experience, cherish the special connections formed and the smiles, laughter, and joy shared by all.

And who knows?

Your adventures may just spark a newfound love for future family getaways.

Related: What is Atlanta Famous For?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the must-see attractions in a 4-day atlanta trip.

In a 4-day Atlanta trip, you should visit the Georgia Aquarium, World of Coca-Cola, Centennial Olympic Park, and Piedmont Park. For a touch of history and culture, don’t miss out on Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park and the High Museum of Art.

Which Popular Sites Can Be Covered In A 2-Day Trip To Atlanta?

In a 2-day trip, prioritize attractions like Centennial Olympic Park, the World of Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium, and Piedmont Park. These iconic sites give you a taste of Atlanta’s vibrant city life, history, and green spaces.

What Are Some Cost-Effective Atlanta Trip Packages?

Cost-effective Atlanta trip packages usually include accommodations and tickets to major attractions, like the Georgia Aquarium and World of Coca-Cola. Look for packages that bundle hotel stays with discounted admission fees to help you save money on your visit.

Is The Atlanta CityPASS A Good Option For Tourists?

The Atlanta CityPASS is a fantastic option for tourists, as it provides discounted admission to top attractions like the Georgia Aquarium and World of Coca-Cola. It can save you up to 44% on regular ticket prices, which makes it a cost-effective way to explore the city.

What Activities Can Fill A Day In Atlanta, Georgia?

To fill a day in Atlanta, visit Centennial Olympic Park and explore its numerous attractions. Then, head to the nearby World of Coca-Cola or the Georgia Aquarium for a fun-filled afternoon. If you’re in the mood for art or history, consider stopping by the High Museum of Art or the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park.

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Top Filming Locations to Visit in Atlanta

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Posted By: Guest Post February 14, 2020

Atlanta, Georgia, has become a popular place for filming movies and more. It’s more affordable than filming in LA, it has a huge international airport, and there are some great tax incentives that attract filmmakers too. In fact, Atlanta has been called the Hollywood of the South for its large film industry. Any movie lovers or TV geeks can find plenty of fun filming locations to visit on a trip to Atlanta. Whether you take the kids or decide to go on an adults-only trip, there are top filming locations that are not only fun to see but offer some entertaining things to do too.

If you’re flying into Atlanta, you might want to start at the airport. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is the   biggest airport in the US . It’s not exactly a filming location, but it is a place where you could possibly spot some stars flying in. If you’re visiting during the filming of a movie or TV show, you could be lucky enough to spot a favorite actor.

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Woodruff Park

A good park is always a smart choice of place to visit for a family day out. Atlanta’s Woodruff Park is a 6-acre park in the middle of the city, which is surrounded by tall tower blocks. It’s for this reason that it’s often used to look like New York in movies such as Anchorman 2. It has been used as a filming location in Zombieland and The Change Up, and the TV show Black Lightning is shot in The Muse’s apartments, which overlook the park. While you’re there, you can discover fun events and fun things to do, from interesting talks to history tours and places to eat.

One of the most popular filming locations in   Atlanta , this Downtown area of the city is undeveloped, but there are big plans to use it as a site of major development. The area is at ground level, with the streets around it elevated. It has been used to shoot scenes for Captain America: Civil War, The Walking Dead, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. 1, and Baby Driver. The Gulch is often used for tailgating sports events for the Mercedes Benz Stadium too. The site will soon be home to a $5 billion mix of apartments, offices, hotels and retail spaces, and is sure to be unrecognizable.

Atlanta History Center – The Swan House

History lovers will enjoy a trip to the Atlanta History Center and the beautiful Swan House mansion. The building featured in The Hunger Games franchise and was built in 1928, just before the Great Depression. The Atlanta History Center offers plenty to see and do, including historic house tours, exhibitions, gardens, and interactive activities. They have a variety of family and adult programs all year.

Castleberry Hill

This neighborhood, adjacent to Downtown, has a longer filming history than other areas in the city. Among the movies it has been used for is Driving Miss Daisy. Today, there are some great things to see and do, including a farmers’ market and a yearly loft tour to see some of the neighborhood’s best architecture and interiors.

If you and your family love movies, take a tour of Atlanta to find your favorite locations. It’s a great way to discover the city.

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Photo of Atlanta Movie Tours, Inc.

Atlanta Movie Tours, Inc.

327 Nelson St SW, Atlanta , Georgia 30313 USA

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“See where your favorite shows and movies were made!”

We Atlantans pride ourselves on being the friendliest city in the south. It’s no wonder so many television shows and movies have chosen to film here! We bring all the magic right to you, while helping to showcase our great state! Let us take you to the stars as you board our luxury coach. Our entertaining tour guides are actors that have been on these sets and will give you the inside scoop and exclusive behind-the-scenes stories. Whether you are in town for a convention, vacation or family reunion, Atlanta Movie Tours has something for everyone! We Atlantans pride ourselves on being the friendliest city in the south. It’s no wonder so many television shows and movies have chosen to film here! We bring all the magic right to you, while helping to showcase our great state! Let us take you to the stars as you board our luxury coach. Our entertaining tour guides are actors that have been on these sets and will give you the inside scoop and exclusive behind-the-scenes stories. Whether you are in town for a convention, vacation or family reunion, Atlanta Movie Tours has something for everyone! Come visit our shop in Castleberry Hill!

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Reviewed by oglesbee99

We had a fantastic time doing this movie tour. We took just the Atlanta movie tour. Well worth the money. We felt like we got to stop at great spots and even met some extras in our favorite movies!

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Atlanta’s Best Outdoor Movies and Drive-in Theaters

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Summertime in Atlanta is often spent hanging out at the pool or taking advantage of the cool A/C while visiting the city’s lineup of one-of-a-kind attractions, but as nightfall arrives, everyone comes outside to enjoy the warmth of summer with friends and family. With the city’s many parks and green spaces, it’s no wonder that movie nights on these sprawling lawns are a hit amongst Atlantans. Whether you want to feel the nostalgia of Atlanta’s only drive-in theatre or feast on a picnic dinner with your family while watching a recent Hollywood hit, there will be something everyone in the family can agree on.

Starlight Drive-In Theatre

An Atlanta institution since 1949, the Starlight Drive-In Theatre is Atlanta’s only remaining classic drive-in theater. Beloved for their signature double features, there are four screens on-site, each of which shows two movies back-to-back for the price of one. With eight movies to choose from ranging from classics like Disney's Dumbo to current blockbusters like Captain Marvel, be sure to check the lineup for each screen before you go, as you cannot switch screens between movies. Although concessions are available, you’re allowed to bring your own food and drink. Just leave the alcohol at home. Check their website for seasonal events which the theatre regularly hosts, such as the Drive-In Invasion and Rock and Roll Monster Bash, where local artists, food trucks, live music, on-site camping and classic movies are only part of the fun. The theatre is open year-round from Thursday through Monday.

Admission: $10 for adults and $1 for children 5-9 years old.

Flicks on the Bricks in Duluth

As part of the city's Food Truck Fridays, Flicks on the Bricks starts the fun at 6 p.m. with family activities and your favorite local food trucks, like Yumbii, Crepe Suzette Food Truck  and Tasting Maine. Movies start around sundown (9 p.m.), and the 2020 lineup features Onward (August 7) and Mulan (September 4).

Finish your night with sweet treats from dessert food trucks, like Chay J's New Orleans Candies, Great Atlanta Custard Company and King of Pops.

Admission: Free

Georgia Movies in the Park

The Georgia Movies in the Park™ series features over a dozen free family outdoor movie events throughout north Georgia, including Alpharetta, Canton, Cumming, Dawsonville, Lake Lanier and Woodstock. Films begin sundown rather than dark (about 30-40 minutes before 9 p.m.). All locations, like Historic Downtown Canton and the Ameris Bank Amphitheatre at Encore Park, will offer concessions for moviegoers to buy. If you choose to see one of the movies at Lake Lanier , consider bringing a tent and camping overnight at the park.

Movies in Central Park at Atlantic Station

Editor's note: Movies in Central Park have been suspended until further notice.

After walking around one of Atlanta’s best outdoor shopping communities, cozy up in Atlantic Station’ s Central Park, which boasts a big screen showing new and old movies alike. From classics like Casablanca to family favorites like  Mary Poppins Returns, the annual lineup has something for everyone in the family. Be sure to bring along a picnic while you lounge on the lawn, or forget the hassle and grab takeout from one of the many of Atlantic Station restaurants, like Meehan’s Public House and The Pig & The Pearl, which have special takeout offers for moviegoers each Thursday night.

Movies on the Town at Town Brookhaven

Editor's note: Outdoor events at Town Brookhaven have been suspended until further notice.

Every summer, Town Brookhaven hosts a free movie night, complete with live music, raffles and shopping specials to boot. Past features have included the 50s-inspired favorite Grease and Disney hit  Frozen , which are shown around 9 p.m. when dusk arrives each night. Take advantage of special offers from the local eateries—dinner on the green comes with 10 percent off all to-go orders from THERE Brookhaven , or get $1 off of each ice cream with unlimited mix-ins at Marble Slab Creamery. Check the website for updates on 2019 features, which will be announced in May. 

Candler Park Movie Night

Editor's note: Candler Park's Movie Night series will not take place in 2020.

Stop by about an hour before sundown to enjoy the local food and drink vendors, like Fox Bros. Bar-B-Q and SweetWater Brewery , at Candler Park’s popular Movie Night series in the park. The large screen set up at the front of the park showcases family-friendly Hollywood favorites.

Consider bringing a cooler with your own food and drinks to enjoy while the movie plays—or food for your leashed, four-legged friends!

Dodd After Dark at Georgia Tech

Calling all Yellow Jackets! Bobby Dodd Stadium hosts Atlantans for a movie night in May—bring a blanket to relax on the field and sidelines or sit in the club section of the stands. Although you cannot bring your own food, you’ll be able to purchase classic movie concessions, such as popcorn, candy and Coca-Cola products. You are allowed to bring you own water bottles, as long as they’re unopened. Parking is free for moviegoers in designated parking decks. Gates to the field open at 7 p.m. and recent flicks—past viewings have featured Big Hero 6 and Furious 7 —will begin playing at 8 p.m.

Movies Under the Stars at Mall of Georgia

Editor's note: Mall of Georgia will not be hosting Movies Under the Stars in 2020.

Make the most of summer at Mall of Georgia, where shoppers can take a break from stocking up on summer sales and enjoy a free concert and movie in the mall’s Village Amphitheatre. The pre-movie festivities begin at 6:30 p.m., and live music, bounce houses and picnic-friendly dining options will keep you fully entertained before seasonal box office hits, such as Big Eyes and Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 , begin playing at dusk around 9 p.m.

Dive-In Movies at Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead

Editor's note: The Grand Hyatt Atlanta will not be hosting dine-in movies in 2020.

Spend your summer nights at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead’s chic pool at 8:30 p.m. every Saturday night throughout the summer. Surrounded by a Japanese Zen Garden, you’ll get to watch recent, family-friendly motion pictures. From animated favorites like How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Paddington , to recent additions to Hollywood classics, you’ll get to relax in the heated pool or on the deck while watching movies under the stars. Popcorn, candy, drinks and a full-service poolside menu will be available for moviegoers throughout the night.

Admission: Free for both hotel guests and members of the public.

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Guide to 2024 Outdoor Movies in Atlanta

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Grab your lawn chairs and blankets and head out to one of these area parks for a free movie night. Check the websites before visiting for weather cancellations.

Table of Contents

Family to Park Days

Thurman Springs Park:  4485 Pineview Dr., Powder Springs 6:30 p.m. May 23 – “Super Mario Brothers” (PG) June 6 – “Wish” (PG) Jun 20 – “Trolls Band Together” (PG) July 11 – “Migration” (PG) July 25 – “Kung Fu Panda 4” (PG)

Movie on the Green Series

Church Street Greenspace:  4316 Church St., Tucker 7 p.m. May 23 – “Elemental” (PG) June 20 – “Migration” (PG) July 18 – “Wonka” (PG) Aug. 15 – “Trolls Band Together” (PG)

REEL Friday

Town at Trilith: 305 Trilith Pkwy., Fayetteville 7 p.m. May 31 – “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero” (PG) June 28 – “Under the Boardwalk”  (PG) July 26 – “Migration” (PG) Aug. 30 – “Elemental” (PG) Sept. 27 – “Wish” (PG) Oct. 25 – “Inside Out 2” (TBA)

Flicks on the Green

Peachtree Corners Town Green: 5140 Town Center Blvd., Peachtree Corners 7 p.m. June 1 – “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” (PG) July 6 – “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark” (PG) Aug. 3 – “Lilo & Stitch” (PG) Sept. 7 – “Secret Life of Pets” (PG) Oct. 4 – TBD

Movies On The Square

Colony Square: 1197 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta 7 p.m. June 6 – “Father of the Bride” (PG) July 11 – “Shrek” (PG)

Outdoor Movie Series

Swift-Cantrell Park: 3140 Old 41 Hwy., Kennesaw. 6 p.m. June 21 – “Lilo & Stitch” (PG) July 19 – “Top Gun: Maverick” (PG-13)

Lawrenceville Movie Club

Lawrenceville Lawn: 210 Luckie St., Lawrenceville 7 p.m. June 21 – “Daddy Day Care” (PG) July 17 – “Harriet the Spy” (PG) Aug. 9 – “Zootopia” (PG)

Movies Under the Stars

Mall of Georgia: 3333 Buford Dr., Buford. 7 p.m. June 22 – “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (PG) July 20 – “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (PG-13) Aug. 24 – “Shrek” (PG) Sept. 21 – “Barbie” (PG-13) Oct. 12 – “Trolls Band Together” (PG)

More Free Movie Series:

Movies @ the wadsworth.

Charles Wadsworth Auditorium:  25 Jefferson St., Newnan See website for times. June 3 – “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (PG) June 10 – “Migration” (PG) June 17 – “Wonka” (PG) June 24 – “Up” (PG)

Movie Mondays

Cultural Arts & Community Center:  10 College St., Norcross 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. May 28 – “Wish” (PG) June 10 – “Wonka” (PG) June 24 – “Arthur the King” (PG-13) July 8 – “The Boys in the Boat” (PG-13) July 22 – “A Million Miles Away” (PG) Aug. 12 – “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3” (PG-13) Aug. 26 – “Barbie” (PG-13) Sept. 9 – “A Man Called Otto” (PG-13) Sept. 23 – “Mean Girls” (PG-13) Oct. 14 – “Golda” (PG-13) Oct. 28 – “Hocus Pocus” (PG) Nov. 11 – “The Color Purple” (PG-13) Nov. 25 – “Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” (PG-13) Dec. 9 – “A Christmas Carol” (PG) Dec. 23 – “Journey to Bethlehem” (PG)

Discount Movies

These theaters offer a chance to see recent or current movies without the expensive prices.

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Discover the power of activism at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights © wayfarerlife / Shutterstock

My Atlanta story began in 1990, when my parents moved their young family to the metro area so they could pursue new job opportunities. It was an exciting time to grow up in the unofficial capital of the South . Atlanta’s first Black mayor, Maynard Jackson, was in his third and final term; local leaders were working on their successful bid to host the 1996 Summer Olympics; and Freaknik, the biggest college party for historically Black college and university (HBCU) students, had already gained a national reputation.

As an adult I’ve moved away from home a few times, but this city always seems to draw me back in. I find new ways to fall in love with Atlanta every time I move back. If you’re planning a visit, here are a few insider tips to help you navigate our rules, culture and even the streets.

Coca-Cola memorabilia from around the world at the World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta.

1. Plan to spend at least three days in the A 

It’ll take a first-time visitor at least two days to see all the typical sites, starting with Atlanta’s downtown tourist district – home to the Georgia Aquarium , the World of Coca-Cola museum  and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights , all within the same square. Centennial Olympic Park is a short walk away. The King Historic District is about a five-minute drive from there, but given the legacies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King , it needs time to absorb it all. After that, visitors can choose their own adventure by exploring Atlanta's neighborhoods; strolling along the Beltline, a 22-mile multi-use trail; or getting a seat at one of Atlanta’s award-winning restaurants. 

Add these top experiences to your Atlanta itinerary .

Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Georgia

2. Know the pros and cons of each season 

Summertime is filled with incredible festivals and outdoor celebrations, but brace yourself for 90°F (32°C) temperatures and sweltering humidity. Winters are mild, but there’s considerably less to do in Atlanta since Southerners don’t appreciate cold weather of any kind. Spring and fall are magical times in the city, but check with your allergist first. Atlanta gets blanketed in pollen, particularly in the spring thanks to our abundant tree cover, but at least we can all admire the blooming dogwood trees while we sneeze.

3. Prepare to see and be seen in Atlanta

Atlanta doesn’t believe partying should be limited to the night. Day parties and restaurants with a lounge atmosphere – a term one website aptly called the clubstaurant – are plentiful. This style may be strange to some visitors. The popular TikTok food critic Keith Lee was shocked by the lack of hospitality at some of these businesses. But to enjoy them like a local, go for the vibes, not for traditional restaurant service.

4. Sunday booze sales can be confusing 

Southern cities have a complicated relationship with alcohol sales on Sunday, and Atlanta is no different. It can be tough to keep track of the regulations, especially when ordinances change from county to county. If you’re in the city limits of Atlanta, you can order a Sunday morning mimosa or bloody mary at brunch beginning at 11am. If you’re outside of Atlanta/Fulton County, be aware that the local laws may be different.

5. Getting around without a car is challenging 

MARTA is Atlanta’s public transportation system, and it’s generally reliable and safe. Many people use the train’s red and yellow lines to get to and from the airport, but the train system isn’t robust enough to take locals or visitors to all of the area’s best offerings, which are sprawled across a large metro area. Renting a car or using rideshare apps are your best options. Local politicians haven’t managed to keep up with infrastructure to support the city’s rapidly growing population, so spontaneous traffic jams occur regularly. Make sure you plan ahead for any timed entries.

Navigate like a local with these tips for getting around .

6. Atlanta has all the Peachtree Streets 

Whoever was in charge of naming streets in Atlanta seemed to run out of ideas. You’ll notice a lot of roads are named after peach trees. On one hand, it’s cute because Georgia is known as the peach state, but the charm tends to wear off quickly. At last count, 71 roads in Atlanta have Peachtree in the name. It can get confusing quickly, so pay attention to the details to see if you’re looking for Peachtree Street, Road, or Way.

7. Fill your soul with local cuisine

You can’t come to the South without filling up on soul food, and Atlanta has some iconic options for you. Look out for local favorites such as shrimp and grits, and fried green tomatoes with pimento cheese. Then try new classics like lemon pepper wings. For eclectic international offerings, try the food hall at Ponce City Market, Buford Highway Farmers Market or East Atlanta Village.

Other states may disagree, but here, we embrace the diner food chain Waffle House. It was founded in Avondale Estates, a suburb of Atlanta, after all. Most people have their hash brown order memorized, whether it’s smothered (with sautéed onions), covered (in melted cheese), diced (with chopped tomatoes) or capped (with mushrooms).

8. Saying Hotlanta will get you the side eye 

Yes, we know Atlanta gets hot in the summertime, and yes, we also know our city is poppin’ with fun things to do all year long. But neither of those truths would ever warrant someone calling the city Hotlanta. The nickname may have been acceptable when it was first coined in the 20th century, but today it will instantly label you as an outsider. Casual nicknames locals prefer are “the A,” and “A-T-L.” If you’re looking for more high-brow nicknames, The Gate City and the City in a Forest also apply, but are not typically used in casual conversation.

The tomb of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King in the MLK National Historical Park

9. Black culture is intrinsically connected to Atlanta

Atlanta has the second largest population of Black Americans in the US , behind New York City. But that’s not the only reason why the Black community sees Atlanta as a central city for the culture. It's also home to four HBCUs and Tyler Perry Studios, and has deep roots in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. Atlanta has remained a major hub for hip hop, from early pioneers such as Frank Ski and Kilo Ali and legends like OutKast, Ludacris and T.I. to fresh talents including Two Chains, Gucci, Future and 21 Savage. 

People carry large balloon letters that spell out "Proud" as they walk in the annual pride parade in Atlanta, Georgia (2023)

10. Atlanta embraces our LGBTQ+ community 

Atlanta is also a hub for the Black queer community, and has been for at least two decades. Every Labor Day weekend the community comes together to celebrate Atlanta Black Pride . But there are opportunities to celebrate all year long, whether it’s during Atlanta Pride in October, or at any of the city’s gay bars and clubs, including the established favorites, Bulldogs and My Sister’s Room . 

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Movies filmed at hotels in atlanta.

By Carol Carter

Published May 30, 2024 Last Updated May 31, 2024

Remember the movie, “Deliverance?” Of course, it was filmed in Georgia. In fact, it put Georgia “on the grid as a film state,” according to the Georgia Department of Industry and Trade. A year after “Deliverance,” Gov. Jimmy Carter established the Georgia Film Office. Since then, the industry has grown into $4 billion dollar Georgia industry. YouTube do-it-yourselfers love tracking down locations where Georgia and Atlanta scenes in movies and TV shows were shot. Travelers sometimes select their Atlanta hotel because a scene in one of their favorite movies was shot there. Do you recollect the scenes identified below?

Atlanta Marriott Marquis

Who can forget the elevator scene in “Hunger Games: Catching Fire?” Walk into the Atlanta Marriott Marquis and step right into that elevator. We do not recommend disrobing as Johanna Mason did in that scene. And, in case you don’t know, Jennifer Lawrence wasn’t on set the day that scene was shot even though you’d never know it from watching the movie. It certainly looks as if she had been there.

Another movie partially shot at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis was “Flight,” in which Denzel Washington’s character, Whip Whitaker, gets drunk in the hotel lobby.

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The Candler Hotel, Curio Collection by Hilton

The Beaux Arts Candler Building dates to 1906 and was built by Atlanta Coca-Cola Co. magnate Asa Griggs Candler. In the movie “Baby Driver,” the building is depicted as the First Bank of Atlanta. Movie-goers see the exterior of the beautiful building.

Georgian Terrace

Atlantans know that the Georgian Terrace’s grand ballroom was the site of the premiere gala for the movie “Gone With the Wind.” Recent movies partially filmed at the Georgian Terrace include “The Change-Up” (the ballroom was depicted as the Plantation Oaks Country Club); and “Identity Theft” (the hotel where Sandy and Diana stay in the movie).

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Journalist Carol Carter writes and edits for Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau.

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Japan billionaire Maezawa cancels moon trip due to uncertainty over SpaceX rocket development

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Japan Billionaire Moon Trip FILE - Space flight participant Yusaku Maezawa attends a news conference ahead of the expedition to the International Space Station at the Gagarin Cosmonauts' Training Center in Star City outside Moscow, Russia, on Oct. 14, 2021. Japanese billionaire Maezawa on Saturday, June 1, 2024, cancelled his planned flight around the moon on a Space X spaceship because of uncertainty about when it may be possible. (Shamil Zhumatov/Pool Photo via AP, File) (Shamil Zhumatov/AP)

TOKYO — (AP) — Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa on Saturday canceled his planned flight around the moon on a SpaceX vehicle because of uncertainty about when it may be possible.

The tycoon in 2018 launched plans for the lunar flyby voyage. He bought seats for eight traveling companions in 2022 for what would be his second space journey after his 12-day trip to the International Space Station on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in 2021.

Maezawa was aiming the moon trip for 2023, a target seen by most space observers as overly optimistic given the progress of SpaceX’s Spaceship mega-rocket project. It would have been the first private flight around the moon.

That project became “unfeasible,” said the mission organizer on Saturday in a statement posted on its website. “Without clear schedule certainty in the near-term, it is with a heavy heart that Maezawa made the unavoidable decision to cancel the project.”

“To all who have supported this project and looked forward to this endeavor, we sincerely appreciate it and apologize for this outcome,” it said.

Maezawa had selected eight people for his "dearMoon" project from 1 million applicants. They included a lead rapper for the K-pop group Big Bang, and Americans DJ Steve Aoki and filmmaker Brendan Hall.

Separately on Saturday, Maezawa said in his message on X: “I can’t plan my future in this situation and I feel terrible making the crew members wait longer, hence (I made) the difficult decision to cancel at this point in time.”

“I apologize to those who were excited for this project to happen,” he said.

He said he signed the contract with SpaceX in 2018 assuming the launch would be possible by the end of 2023. “It’s a developmental project so it is what it is, but it is still uncertain as to when Starship can launch.”

SpaceX's two test flights of its mega-rocket last year ended in explosions minutes after liftoff. In a third test in March , its spacecraft was lost as it descended back to Earth.

Maezawa and his producer in December 2021 became the first self-paying tourists to visit the space station since 2009.

Maezawa made his fortune in retail fashion, launching Japan’s major online fashion mall, Zozotown.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Butterfly Festival, Outdoor Movies, and More Things to Do this Weekend in Atlanta with Kids

Looking for the best things to do in Atlanta this weekend? Here are some family-friendly events and activities to add to your list for this weekend! 

School's out for summer and that means great Atlanta events, like FREE outdoor movies , including  Lawrenceville Movie Club on Friday and Peachtree Corners' Flicks on the Green on Saturday . The first weekend of June in Atlanta means the popular return of the  Chattahoochee Nature Center Butterfly Festival, where visitors get close to these beautiful creatures. Read on for more fun ideas to make the most of the start of summer! 

More Things To Do in Atlanta This Week With Kids:

  • Summer  Activities Guide for Atlanta Kids
  • 41 Free Things to Do This Summer with Kids
  • Guide to Free Activities in Atlanta
  • Atlanta Family Calendar

Subscribe to our newsletter  for your ultimate summer vacation plans! 

Best Things To Do This Weekend in Atlanta With Kids

Reel friday at trilith movie series.

Friday, May 31

As the temperature heats up, so does the “Big Screen” at Town at Trilith’s Central Plaza. Family-friendly flicks will be the featured attraction on the 25-foot permanent screen and its powerful sound and projection system. Free admission. read more

Sneaker Stories Pop-up at Ponce City Market

May 31-June2

Museum of Graffiti’s Traveling Exhibit, presented by Modelo, “Sneaker Stories” Pop-up comes to Ponce City Market. read more

Lawrenceville Movie Club on the Lawrenceville Lawn

Enjoy a family-friendly movie when the sun goes down on the Lawrenceville Lawn. Families can purchase food from food trucks. read more

Glover Park Concert Series

Families can enjoy free concerts on the last Friday of every month from April to September on the Marietta Square.  read more

Free First Saturday at Dunwoody Nature Center

Saturday, June 1

Join Dunwoody Nature Center staff on a family walk around the property. Every month is a different theme.  read more

Movies Under the Stars at Mall of Georgia

Head to Mall of Georgia in Buford for the Movies Under the Stars entertainment series. Festivities (face painting, characters, a band/DJ) begin at 5pm, movie begins at 7PM. read more

Flicks on the Green at Peachtree Corners Town Center

Parents and children bring blankets to Peachtree Corners' Town Green for super-themed movies the first Saturday of each month, May-October. Families can grab food from nearby restaurants and have a picnic. The Red Popcorn truck will also have popcorn, treats and drinks for purchase.  read more

Adventure Cubs at Zoo Atlanta

Adventure Cubs, ages 0-5, and their favorite grownups are invited to Zoo Atlanta for a morning of exploration, learning and fun.  read more

Hot Wheels Legends Tour

The Hot Wheels Legends Tour stops at Walmart on Sardis Church Road in Buford with an all-new search for the next fan-created custom car to be made into a Hot Wheels die-cast toy. read more

First Saturday at High Museum of Art

Families head to the High on the first Saturday of each month to experiment, play, and make art in studio workshops and learn about art on view through gallery tours. read more

Georgia Renaissance Festival

Final weekend! June 1-2

Huzzah, the Georgia Renaissance Festival is here! Time for turkey "legges," jousting, games, rides, and the artisan market. read more

Chattahoochee Nature Center Butterfly Festival

June 1 & 2

Kids can enjoy all things butterflies at the Annual Flying Colors Butterfly Festival, which runs for two days. Serving as a fundraiser for the Chattahoochee Nature Center, the festival includes live butterflies at the butterfly encounter, pollinator experts, games, food and entertainment. read more

Concerts by the Springs

Sunday, June 2

Families bring blankets, chairs and picnics to the monthly outdoor concerts at Heritage Amphitheatre at City Springs. Visitors can also opt to purchase refreshments from local food trucks.  read more

Day Out With Thomas in Cordele, GA

Opening day! June 1-16

Thomas the Train fans visit Cordele, GA to see the beloved tank engine and his pals. The event stops in at Georgia Veterans Park for three weekends in a row in June. Tickets include a train ride on Thomas.  read more

More Fun Things Do in Atlanta with Kids

Lego discovery center atlanta shows kids how everything is awesome, 16 family-friendly breweries in atlanta, 19 summer festivals and fairs in atlanta for families, atlanta summer camp guide.

Butterfly Festival, Outdoor Movies, and More Things to Do this Weekend in Atlanta with Kids

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Bored of the City? Here Are 10 Quick Weekend Getaways From Atlanta

Our list of the top weekend trips from Atlanta will perhaps inspire you to venture out of your comfort zone.

Camilla Amadi • May 30, 2024

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Want a distraction from the noise in Atlanta, or perhaps just a breath of different air? While Atlanta, Georgia is a vibrant city that offers a wealth of attractions and activities, when the weekend rolls around, it’s the perfect opportunity to escape the city’s hustle and bustle and explore the surrounding regions.

Our list of the top weekend trips from Atlanta can inspire you to venture a bit out of your comfort zone. Thick green forests, charming old villages, and even beaches are all within a 4-hour driving radius. So, pack your bags and get ready for some weekend adventures .

Asheville, North Carolina (3.5 hours)

trip to atlanta movies

A vibrant arts scene, historic architecture, and a gateway to the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. Asheville is a haven for nature lovers and culture enthusiasts alike. The city offers an eclectic mix of outdoor adventures and urban sophistication.

Things to Do: Hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains, explore the Biltmore Estate, visit breweries, and visit art galleries. Where to Eat: Cúrate (Spanish tapas), Zambra (Mediterranean), Benne on Eagle (Southern cuisine). Where to Stay: The Omni Grove Park Inn or Grand Bohemian Hotel Asheville.

Savannah, Georgia (3.5 hours)

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Dripping with Spanish moss and southern charm, Savannah’s Historic District beckons with antebellum architecture and haunting tales. This coastal gem blends rich history with modern attractions, making it a perfect weekend getaway.

Things to Do: Stroll through the historic district, take a ghost tour, and visit Forsyth Park and River Street. Where to Eat: The Olde Pink House (Southern fare), Mrs. Wilkes’ Dining Room (family-style Southern cooking), Husk (modern Southern cuisine). Where to Stay: The Marshall House or Andaz Savannah.

Highlands, North Carolina (2 hours)

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A charming mountain village with incredible scenery, outdoor adventures, and a thriving arts community . The Highlands offer a serene escape with their beautiful landscapes and boutique shopping experiences.

Things to Do: Hike to waterfalls like Dry Falls and Glen Falls, explore Main Street shops and galleries, and take a scenic drive on the Cullasaja River Gorge. Where to Eat: Madison’s Restaurant (upscale American), Cyber Cafe (casual American), Mountain Fresh Grocery (gourmet market and cafe). Where to Stay: Old Edwards Inn and Spa or Half-Mile Farm.

Gulf Shores, Alabama (4 hours)

Pictured: Gulf State Park Fishing And Education Pier

Pristine white-sand beaches, family-friendly attractions, and a lively seafood scene make this a prime Gulf Coast destination. Gulf Shores is perfect for a laid-back beach getaway, with plenty of activities for all ages.

Things to Do: Relax on the white-sand beaches, go deep-sea fishing, and explore Gulf State Park. Where to Eat: The Hangout (beachfront dining), Lulu’s (casual seafood), Bahama Bob’s Beachside Cafe (Caribbean-inspired cuisine). Where to Stay: The Beach Club Resort & Spa or Turquoise Place.

Chattanooga, Tennessee (2 hours)

weekend trips from atlanta  Pictured: Veterans Memorial Bridge, Nashville.

A scenic city nestled along the Tennessee River, with a revitalized downtown, outdoor adventures, and underground wonders. Chattanooga is known for its natural beauty and vibrant cultural scene.

Things to Do: Visit Rock City and Ruby Falls, explore the Tennessee Aquarium, and hike in Cloudland Canyon State Park. Where to Eat: Urban Stack (burgers and craft beer), Hennen’s (steakhouse), Alleia (Italian). Where to Stay: The Edwin Hotel or The Chattanooga Hotel .

Charleston, South Carolina (4 hours)

trip to atlanta movies

Quintessential Southern charm meets coastal sophistication in this historic city with world-class dining and beautiful landscapes. Charleston offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and coastal beauty.

Things to Do: Take a walking tour of historic downtown, visit plantations and gardens, and explore the Charleston City Market. Where to Eat : Husk (modern Southern cuisine), FIG (farm-to-table fare), Rodney Scott’s BBQ (award-winning barbecue). Where to Stay: French Quarter Inn or The Dewberry Charleston.

Gatlinburg, Tennessee (3 hours)

Gatlinburg, Tennesse

A gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains with family-friendly attractions, outdoor adventures, and a lively downtown strip. Gatlinburg is perfect for those seeking both nature and entertainment.

Things to Do: Visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, explore Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies, and ride the Gatlinburg Sky Lift. Where to Eat: The Peddler Steakhouse (steaks and seafood), Cherokee Grill (upscale American), Crockett’s Breakfast Camp (hearty breakfast fare). Where to Stay: The Park Vista or Margaritaville Resort Gatlinburg.

St. Augustine, Florida (4 hours)

Pictured: St. Augustine, Florida

The oldest city in the U.S. has Spanish colonial charm, ghost tours, and beautiful beaches . St. Augustine offers a rich historical experience along with coastal relaxation.

Things to Do: Explore the Castillo de San Marcos, take a ghost tour, and visit the St. Augustine Lighthouse and Maritime Museum. Where to Eat: The Floridian (Southern cuisine), Harry’s Seafood Bar & Grille (fresh seafood), Café Alcazar (Mediterranean). Where to Stay: The Collector Luxury Inn & Gardens or Casa Monica Resort & Spa.

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (4 hours)

Pictured: Charleston, South Carolina

A laid-back beach town with world-class golf courses, eco-tours, and a renowned culinary scene. Hilton Head Island is ideal for those seeking a relaxing beach retreat with upscale amenities.

Things to Do: Relax on the beaches, play golf , explore the Coastal Discovery Museum. Where to Eat: The Crazy Crab (seafood shack), Skull Creek Boathouse (waterfront dining), Poseidon (upscale seafood). Where to Stay: The Omni Hilton Head Oceanfront Resort or The Inn & Club at Harbour Town.

Destin, Florida (4 hours)

Clearwater Beach, Florida

The emerald waters and sugar-white sands of the Gulf Coast make this a prime Florida Panhandle destination. Destin is a paradise for beach lovers and offers a variety of outdoor activities.

Things to Do: Enjoy the white-sand beaches, go deep-sea fishing, and explore Henderson Beach State Park. Where to Eat: The Back Porch (seafood and outdoor dining), Boshamps Seafood & Oyster House (fresh Gulf Coast fare), Camille’s at Crystal Beach (upscale waterfront dining). Where to Stay: Henderson Park Inn or The Henderson, a Salamander Beach & Spa Resort.

Quick Travel Tips

  • For shorter trips, driving is the most convenient option, but for longer distances, consider flying to your destination or taking a road trip with multiple stops.
  • Pack a cooler with snacks and beverages for the journey, and don’t forget to bring entertainment like audiobooks or podcasts to make the drive more enjoyable.
  • Research local events or festivals happening during your visit, as they can add a unique cultural experience to your trip.
  • Check the weather forecast and pack accordingly, especially if you plan to engage in outdoor activities.

Remember, these are just a few of the countless weekend getaways you can enjoy from Atlanta. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a mix of both, there’s a destination waiting to be explored. So embrace the spirit of wanderlust and create lasting memories with your loved ones!

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Tyler Perry shoots scenes in Memphis for new movie 'Joe's College Road Trip'

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If you thought you saw Tyler Perry on Beale Street this week, don't blame the Handy's Hurricanes from Rum Boogie Cafe.

The superstar actor-writer-producer-director was here Tuesday to shoot scenes for his new movie, Memphis and Shelby County Film & Television Commissioner Linn Sitler confirmed Wednesday.

The movie is titled "Joe's College Road Trip." The Netflix project began production earlier this month, with scenes also shot this week in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Filming also will take place in New Mexico, in early February.

The comedy-drama follows a grandfather and grandson on a road trip that includes visits to locations of cultural and historic significance to Black America. Perry, in a white Afro-style wig that is less extravagant than his famous Madea hairpiece, plays the grandfather.

In addition to shooting on Beale, the 54-year-old Perry and his traveling Tyler Perry Studios crew filmed outside the National Civil Rights Museum.

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Jon Shivers, director of Beale Street for the Downtown Memphis Commission, said the Beale scenes mainly involved the grandfather and grandson (played by Jermaine Harris) driving up and down the street in the vintage red convertible that is their road-trip vehicle. Shot on what was a somewhat misty and slightly rainy night, the sequence took "a few hours" to complete, Shivers said.

"Any time we can showcase Beale and Downtown Memphis in a positive light in the national spotlight, we're going to do so," Shivers said. He said the street was not closed and Beale remained open during the filming, although the district was not very crowded that night.

Shivers said Perry's team began working out the logistics of the Beale Street visit about two weeks in advance of its arrival in Memphis. The filming was essentially a secret project, with no advance publicity released by Perry's team or local officials.

Written and directed by Perry, "Joe's College Road Trip" is one of two new movies the highly successful playwright-turned-filmmaker is shooting this month for Netflix. The other, to be shot at Tyler's home studios in Atlanta, is "Madea's Destination Wedding," the 13th in the series showcasing Perry's signature comedy creation, the straight-talking, pistol-packing matriarch known as Madea.

Too bad that production didn't come to Memphis because "Madea hits Beale" is a phrase with promise. However, Madea will make a cameo appearance in "Joe's College Road Trip," in scenes shot in Atlanta.

  • Entertainment

‘Ezra’ review: Strong performances propel heartfelt road trip dramedy

Movie review.

Director Tony Goldwyn opens his family dramedy “Ezra” in the warm, collegial comfort of a comedy club. Max (Bobby Cannavale) perches on a stool, a handheld camera drifting closer and closer as he tells jokes about his life — including his autistic son — layering truths with punchlines, walking a tightrope of tones. It’s an invitation from Goldwyn, and screenwriter Tony Spiridakis, to sit down and listen awhile as they unfurl this heartfelt, humorous and sometimes harrowing yarn.

It establishes right away that Max is the proud and loving father of Ezra (William A. Fitzgerald, an autistic actor making his film debut), who has no problem grappling with the realities of raising an autistic child. Throughout the events that follow, we never lose sight of that, because Max fiercely loves his son, and that understanding offers a sense of emotional safety as the plot that unfolds becomes increasingly high stakes.


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It’s this place setting, as well as the strong lead performances, that allow Goldwyn to thread the needle on a story that could potentially go off the rails. “Ezra” is the story of a father, desperate to protect his son, who takes him on a cross-country road trip where they experience catharsis and healing. It’s a fairly traditional road movie formula with an autism twist. Also, the “road trip” is technically a “kidnapping,” since Max spirits Ezra out of bed from the home of ex-wife Jenna (Rose Byrne), and the film never shies away from that reality, in fact relying on this perceived danger to ramp up the dramatic tension and set characters in motion.

The kidnapping stems from a misunderstanding that spirals into an unfortunate accident, coupled with Max’s own traumatic triggers. It’s never fully explicated in the screenplay, but Max’s past mental health issues and possibly undiagnosed autism spectrum disorder are frequently alluded to, thrumming below the surface. His experience makes him an understanding father to Ezra, but also somewhat hampers his ability to properly parent his son. Upset that Ezra might be medicated with antipsychotics and placed in a special education school, Max assesses that the doctors, pharmaceutical companies and the state are in collusion to keep himself and his son apart. He’s not necessarily wrong, but his desire to expose Ezra to the world and treat him like any other kid bumps up against Jenna’s wish to provide her son with every accommodation and suggested treatment.

Every character choice in “Ezra” is plausible because it comes from a place of emotional honesty, both in the script and performances. We understand why Max acts in the extreme, and also why Jenna is hesitant to call the authorities, but feels forced to do so, because their characters are well-established and perfectly performed.

It’s no surprise that longtime life partners Byrne and Cannavale have an easy chemistry, and Cannavale and Robert De Niro, who plays his gruff father, Stan, have sparkling, rapid-fire New York-accented rapport. While Cannavale holds the center as the complex Max, demonstrating his range, as well as his ability to lead a movie, De Niro, unsurprisingly, is magnetic. It’s not a huge role, but his performance is beautifully expressed.

Goldwyn has called in the big guns to set “Ezra” up for success, and in addition to Cannavale, Byrne and De Niro, he has cast supporting actors such as Vera Farmiga, Rainn Wilson, himself in a small role, and his “Ghost” co-star Whoopi Goldberg, who plays Max’s agent. She calls him when he’s on the road to Michigan to visit a friend (Wilson) at a summer camp, to let him know that he’s been booked on Jimmy Kimmel and needs to be in L.A. in a week, extending their trip even further across the country. Despite Ezra’s protestations, they head West, with Max convinced he needs his son as a good-luck charm for his set. Meanwhile, Stan and Jenna hit the road in hot pursuit, and “Ezra” becomes a dueling odd-couple road movie.

The film is an actor’s showcase, and it’s the performances that hold everything together, especially the young Fitzgerald, who is terrific as Ezra, a young man who communicates his preferences and boundaries clearly — he’s often the only character saying exactly what he means. But Goldwyn’s direction is sure-handed in navigating the complicated tone that tiptoes through comedy and pathos. He pushes his style with cinematographer Danny Moder, utilizing those handheld close-ups for more emotionally intense moments, and imparting a sense of gritty authenticity to a story that often requires a suspended disbelief.

“Ezra” could tip into melodrama, but Goldwyn sidesteps that with a rather facile ending, seemingly skipping a story beat in the denouement. You crave one more moment to wrap things up, but sometimes it’s better to leave us wanting more, avoiding the treacle and focusing on the heart — and the humor — of the matter.

With Bobby Cannavale, William A. Fitzgerald, Rose Byrne, Robert De Niro. Directed by Tony Goldwyn, from a screenplay by Tony Spiridakis. 100 minutes. Rated R for language, some sexual references and drug use. Opens May 30 at multiple theaters.

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    The Walking Dead in the City: Private Atlanta Film Location Tour. 25. Movie Tours. from. $175.00. per adult. Private Stranger Things "The Upside Down" Film Locations Tour in Atlanta.

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    248 Oakland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30312-2292, USA. Phone +1 404-688-2107. Web Visit website. Atlanta's oldest public park, the 48 acre Historic Oakland Cemetery is located less than a mile from downtown and houses the graves of former mayor Maynard Jackson, author Margaret Mitchell and golfer Bobby Jones.

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    Atlanta Movie Tours, Inc. is a Sightseeing Tour in Atlanta. Plan your road trip to Atlanta Movie Tours, Inc. in GA with Roadtrippers.

  20. Atlanta's Best Outdoor Movies and Drive-in Theaters View Map. Address. 177 North Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA. Phone +1 404-894-5447. Web Visit website. Calling all Yellow Jackets! Bobby Dodd Stadium hosts Atlantans for a movie night in May—bring a blanket to relax on the field and sidelines or sit in the club section of the stands.

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    Adventure Cubs at Zoo Atlanta Atlanta. Saturday, June 1. Adventure Cubs, ages 0-5, and their favorite grownups are invited to Zoo Atlanta for a morning of exploration, learning and fun.

  27. Bored of the City? Here Are 10 Quick Weekend Getaways From Atlanta

    While Atlanta, Georgia is a vibrant city that offers a wealth of attractions and activities, when the weekend rolls around, it's the perfect opportunity to escape the city's hustle and bustle and explore the surrounding regions. Our list of the top weekend trips from Atlanta can inspire you to venture a bit out of your comfort zone.

  28. New Tyler Perry movie: 'Joe's College Road Trip' films in Memphis

    Too bad that production didn't come to Memphis because "Madea hits Beale" is a phrase with promise. However, Madea will make a cameo appearance in "Joe's College Road Trip," in scenes shot in Atlanta.

  29. 'Ezra' review: Strong performances propel heartfelt road trip dramedy

    Movie review. Director Tony Goldwyn opens his family dramedy "Ezra" in the warm, collegial comfort of a comedy club. Max (Bobby Cannavale) perches on a stool, a handheld camera drifting closer ...

  30. Experiencing Australia's Great Ocean Road

    Join us for a road trip down the Great Ocean Road, a storied highway than runs along the Southern Ocean in Australia. ... The 50 Best Movies on Disney+ Right Now (May 2024) By Josh Jackson and ...