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Finnish Name Generator

Generate authentic Finnish names and embrace the beauty of Finland's rich cultural heritage.

Our Finnish Name Generator combines traditional and modern influences to offer you a diverse range of names. Whether you're looking for a name that echoes the tranquil forests of Finland or resonates with its contemporary culture, our generator is your gateway to Finnish naming traditions.

Finnish Name Generator

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Can i use random names i generate with this finnish name generator for any purpose.

Absolutely! We do not have any rights to the names created with this name generator, but since the names are randomly generated, please check to see if they are owned elsewhere.

Is this Finnish Name Generator free to use?

Yes, it is free and unrestricted. You may use our name generator to find as many finnish names as you wish.

What makes this random Finnish Name Generator better than others?

Simple! We give you options to help you find your perfect name quickly, and we have more names. Each name generator can provide thousands of name ideas!

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Finnish Name Generator

Finnish Name Generator

Generate cool, fantasy Finnish names for DnD with our Finnish Names Generator tool. Dive into unique Nordic charm!

Anni Marttila

Marjo Sibelius

Aleksanteri Sillanpää

Ernesti Hemilä

Elsa Leinonen

Erika Nieminen

Topias Niemelä

Tuuli Lehto

Heimo Siltala

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Discover the perfect name for your fantasy character's gauntlet with our Gauntlet Names generator tool. Unleash your creativity and find cool names for DnD adventures!

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Generate unique and captivating Star Wars Weequay names for your fantasy world or DND campaign with this cool and efficient name generator tool.

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Discover unique Tshiluba names for your fantasy characters or DnD campaigns with our cool Tshiluba Names generator. Unleash your imagination now!

Introduction to Finnish Names Generator

Our Finnish Names Generator is an innovative tool designed to generate unique and authentic Finnish names. Whether you are an author looking for character names, a game developer in need of unique identities, or simply someone interested in Finnish culture, our Finnish name generator can be of great assistance. It's a resourceful tool that creates random Finnish names, adhering to the cultural and linguistic norms of Finland. As Finnish names have a distinct sound and charm, they can add a touch of authenticity and depth to your characters or profiles.

How to Use the Finnish Names Generator

  • Visit the Finnish Names Generator page on our website, name-generator.io.
  • Choose the gender for the name you want to generate.
  • Click on the 'Generate' button.
  • Within seconds, you will get a list of random Finnish names.
  • If you're not satisfied with the generated names, simply click 'Generate' again for a new list.

Features of Finnish Names Generator

Our Finnish Names Generator is packed with several features that make it stand out. It generates both male and female names, allowing users to choose according to their needs. It's quick, efficient, and user-friendly, generating a list of names in mere seconds. The generator is also designed to produce authentic Finnish names, adhering to the linguistic and cultural norms of Finland. Moreover, it has an unlimited use feature, which means you can generate as many names as you want without any restrictions.

Understanding Finnish Naming Conventions

Finnish names often have interesting meanings and unique sounds. They follow a certain naming convention, usually comprising a first name and a surname. The first name, or "etunimi", is often chosen from a list of approved names by the Finnish Population Register Centre. The surname, or "sukunimi", is typically a patronymic, nature-related, or an occupational term. Our Finnish Names Generator is designed keeping these conventions in mind, ensuring the names generated are culturally accurate.

Example of Generated Finnish Names

Benefits of using finnish names generator.

The Finnish Names Generator is a handy tool for anyone in need of Finnish names. It saves time and effort by generating names instantly. It's perfect for writers, game developers, or anyone needing unique and authentic Finnish names. The generator also helps in understanding Finnish naming conventions, thus providing an insight into Finnish culture. It's a free tool with unlimited uses, making it an invaluable resource for creative endeavors.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Finnish Name

Choosing the perfect Finnish name involves understanding the culture and naming conventions of Finland. It's important to consider the meaning of the name, as Finnish names often have beautiful and profound meanings. Consider the sound and rhythm of the name as well. Finnish names have a unique sound that can add depth to your character. Using our Finnish Names Generator, you can generate a list of names and choose the one that resonates the most with your character or profile.

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Name Generator > Character Names > Finnish Names

Finnish Name Generator

Struggling with a script or a story? Need to name your Finnish character and unsure how to go about it? Our Finnish name generator is here to help!

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About Finnish Names

Traditions in Finland are split along an east–west border, between Russia on the east and Swedish territory on the west, and it has often been the case with names. Thanks to this, there are three separate traditions for surnames in Finnish – those of the East Finnish, those of the West Finnish, and those that hail from the Swedish (usually the nobility or the military). Some of these date back centuries – like the East Finnish system, which originated in the thirteenth century, when agrarian farmers were regularly forced to move and thus required to have surnames (these names were eventually made hereditary in the sixteenth century).

East Finnish names would usually be created from the first names of the patriarchs of the family, while West Finnish names would be based on the family's association with a certain area, farm or homestead, meaning that the surname would change whenever the family had to move. This place-based system also entered the East Finnish tradition in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but the Western European tradition of 'First Name, Surname' began to gain more of a foothold. This increased after 1921 when surnames became compulsory for all Finns, and if there was no fixed surname for the family, the name of their current homestead were chosen. Because this new surname would apply to all inhabitants of the homestead or farm, even farmhands and other non-family workers, not everyone with the same surname were guaranteed to be genetically related.

This was all made even more complicated by the Swedish tradition, where Swedish-speaking members of the upper and middle classes would adopt Swedish and German surnames for themselves. This would often happen when they attained positions of status in Finnish society, and they would abandon their previous Finnish name in order to create a new one. This would especially happen in the military, where enlisted soldiers would be forced to adopt Swedish or German surnames whether they liked it or not.

In today's Finland, names follow a structure similar to the German model, and every person is legally obliged to have a first and last name, and couple who get married can choose either of their surnames as their new family name (or they can choose to combine both into a double-barrelled name). Finns can change their name once without any specific reason, but it must be to a specifically Finnish name, and the name can't be currently being used by any person resident in Finland (although there are religious exceptions to this rule). Finnish names are often based on the natural world, and the three most popular current Finnish names are 'Korhonen' (from 'korho', meaning deaf or proud), 'Virtanen' (from 'virta', meaning stream), and 'Mäkinen' (from 'mäki', meaning hill).

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Finnish Name Generator

Immerse yourself in the essence of Nordic charm with our Finnish Name Generator. Whether you're an author seeking inspiration for a novel's character or just curious about the lyrical beauty of Finnish names, this tool is for you. It's a click away to discover a unique name that carries the whispers of lakes, forests, and the northern lights.

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Click the button and our AI generator will generate 8 unique names. If you are not satisfied with the results, just click the button again for a new list of names.

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Popular Male Finnish Names

Popular female finnish names, why would you need a name generator.

A Finnish name generator is a tool of great utility for various reasons. If you are an author looking to incorporate Finnish characters in your work to enrich cultural diversity, it helps in creating unique, authentic names that reflect Finnish traditions and language nuances, adding depth and realism to your characters. Or if you're a game developer, the generator can help create distinctive names for NPCs in games set in a Nordic environment. Additionally, anticipating the birth of a child or adopting a pet, many people get attracted to Finnish names because of their beautiful, often nature-inspired meanings and rare phonetics. Using a Finnish name generator can provide a wide array of options that you might not have considered. Moreover, for researchers and genealogists tracing Finnish ancestry, a Finnish name generator can provide valuable insights into naming patterns and customs, making their journey of discovery more authentic. And finally, if you're participating in an online role-play game or want a unique, cool screen name for your social media platform, you might find the Finnish name generator useful for creating virtual identities. Having legitimate Finnish names can add an aura of mystery, creating engaging narratives in these digital spaces.

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Random Finnish people's names. / Satunnaisia suomalaisten ihmisten nimiä.

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Your finnish name is:, men / miehiä, women / naisia.

Visit Finland Takes Inspiration From John Travolta to Give You a Finnish Name

Jason Clampet, Skift

March 21st, 2014 at 12:36 PM EDT

Your editor -- recently renamed Ilmari Aalto -- believes this is a fun way to get people talking about a country they don't usually talk about -- and mispronounce many names when they do.

Visit Finland punches above its weight when it comes to digital initiatives.

The VisitFinland website was included as one of the 20 best designed tourism websites in our spotlight last year. It has also produced one-off projects like the Laplication, an iOS app that brings a virtual Northern Lights to users iPhones and iPads (see video below).

Inspired by the Travoltify name generator that made light of John Travolta’s Oscar-night flub, Visit Finland is giving users a chance to Finnify their names with the Finngenerator web-based app .

Users tell the app their gender, type in their name, and hit ‘Generate.’ The result says: “The generator has spoken. From now on you are called Ohto Järvi,” or whatever a user’s name generates. It is followed by a description of each word — in this case “Ohto — A bear, king of the forest” and “Järvi – Lake.”

Many of the names generated in the app come from the Finnish 19th-century epic poem Kalevala .

The Finngenerator went live first on the Japanese-language version of VisitFinland, followed by the English-language version. A Chinese-language Finngenerator will be launched in China in April.

Finngenerator campaign was planned and executed by SEK and media agency Voitto . The application was produced by Byroo .

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Photo credit: Tell Visit Finland your name, and they'll give you a new Finnish one. Visit Finland

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Finnish Names

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Here you can browse names which are used in Finland . Not all of them are typical Finnish names. For typical names see also the Name Days section and the Statistics section below.

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See also Finnish Surnames

Finnish Name Days

List Finnish name days

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List Finlandswedish name days

Learn more about the Nordic name days here .

Finnish Statistics

The most popular names in Finland in 2021 were Olivia and Leo . Find out more in the annual name statistics tables .

Finlandswedish Statistics

The most popular names in Finland in 2021 were Saga and Liam . Find out more in the annual name statistics tables .

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Her Finland

100+ Unique Finnish names and their meanings

The Finnish language is filled with beautiful, unique first names. They can be hard to pronounce because they often include a handful of vowels.

It can also be difficult to understand if it’s a boy’s or a girl’s name because the generic name rules don’t apply in Finnish.

For example, a first name ending with A, can in Finland, be a female or male name. For example, Mika is a man’s name but Minna is a woman’s name.

Today we will explore over 100 Finnish names, many of which have their roots in ancient Finnish folklore or nature. Some names, of course, do not mean anything at all.

I have made sure I included many of the names that make the list of most popular names in Finland year after year and also those popular right now.

Finnish names

Table of Contents

Finland’s naming laws and first names

How do finns choose a name, finnish girl’s names inspired by folklore, mythology and royals, finnish boy’s names inspired by folklore, mythology and royals, finnish girl’s names inspired by nature, finnish boy’s names inspired by nature, but wait, aren’t some finnish names gender-neutral.

Before we dive into the names themselves, it might be good to know a little bit about what type of names Finns usually give and have. In Finland, a person must have at least one first name and one surname. In addition, they can have up to three middle names.

When you look at the list of most popular names given each year, the names given as middle names are often different from those given as first names. For example, in 2021, the most popular first name for a girl was Olivia and the most popular name (both first and middle names) Maria , which was not one of the first 50 most popular girl’s first names.

Once in a while you might find out the name you are used to calling your Finnish friend is actually their middle name. Like elsewhere in the world, Finns also have nicknames that are commonly used for certain names ( Pirjo might be known as Pike, Karoliina as Karo, and Johanna as Jossu) and we are quite relaxed about people choosing what they want to be called.

The Finnish language does not use patronyms formed out of the father’s name, common for example in Russia, but especially men are sometimes given such middle names as Jukanpoika which means Jukka ’s son. There are 380 men in Finland who currently have this name, compared to just under 50 000 men called Jukka.

Traditional names

In Finland, a child gets a name after they are born. It can be a secret only the parents know until the official name giving day.

When I was reading about the ancient Finnish traditions , I found out there was a belief back in the day that revealing your child’s name before the name giving day would mean your child will talk too much. That is sooo Finnish!

Back then people used various methods that would help them determine what the right name would be. For example, if you lift the cradle and it feels light, you might have found the right name for this child. Another way would be to soothe a crying baby with different names. When the baby stops crying, you have found the real name.

Based on studies, for Finns today, one of the most important criteria for choosing a name is the meaning behind it. Many of our names literally mean something.

Name meanings

First names used in the family have had a long tradition of being passed down to newborn babies. It’s quite popular that your middle name belonged to your great grandparents or other ancestors.

Sometimes these older names also suddenly become trendy to use as first names. Out of the most popular names given to girls in 2021, for example, Aino , Kerttu , and Elsi are traditional names.

For boys, the traditional Eino and Elias , both made it to the top 5, probably inspired by well known Finns Eino Leino (poet) and Elias Lönnrot (philologist, Kalevala).

Get to know the finns

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Meanings of Finnish names

If meaning is so important, what kind of meanings do names most commonly have in Finland?

Nature is one of the most common inspirations. Out of the 20 most popular names given in 2021 for both girls and boys, eight names had a meaning and six of them referred to nature. In addition to nature, two popular boy’s names, Onni and Toivo , mean happiness and hope.

My name Varpu is nature inspired and means a small branch. The branches of different berries are also called varpu. For example: blueberry branch is mustikanvarpu.

Nature inspiration

Another common theme is Finnish mythology and folklore. You might find names of gods you might be familiar with from Kalevala but also Finnish versions of biblical names, like Eeva and Aatami for Eve and Adam. There are also Finnish versions of royal names, like Meeri , Kaarle and Yrjö for Mary, Charles and George.

English names or names that work globally are also becoming more and more popular in Finland. In 2021, the most popular girl’s name in both England and Finland was Olivia!

Next, let’s look at those names that are inspired by nature and folklore!

Names from the literature

Some very well known Finnish names come directly from some of our best known writers. The name Aino was created in Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot. The word ainoa he based the name on means “only one” and she was the only sister of Joukahainen.

Lönnrot wasn’t the only Finnish author who has left a lasting impression on Finnish naming traditions. In his book The Egyptian or Sinuhe egyptiläinen in 1945, Mika Waltari introduced a woman called Minea . The name was the 45th most popular female name given in 2021.

Another name made its way into Finland from the book “Prinsessa Lumisirkku ja kääpiöt” or Princess Snow White and the Dwarfs, published in the 1812 by brothers Grimm. Sirkku became a girl’s name and later took the now more common form Sirkka .

Names from folklore, religion and royals

Lempi , which still means love, is one of the older names in Finland that was reintroduced in the 1800s and in 1860s became a female name. Before then it was mostly used for males.

These early Finnish names were used as part of two-part names such as Hyvälempi (good love) or Kaikkivalta (all power) which can be found in documents from around 1200s and 1300s.

Folklore roots

Some of the popular names have their roots in religions: Inkeri is based on the Swedish name Inger, which refers to the Scandinavian Ing-god and Isabella is the Finnish version of Isabel from the Hebrew word “elisheba”, God’s promise. The popular Lyydia (36th of all girl’s middle and first names in 2021) also has biblical origins.

Other names that have arrived from elsewhere with a connection to well known stories or royals include such names as Helena (Greek helios, sun light, the daughter of Zeus), Elisabet , and Aleksandra (20th most popular) or Alexandra (31st).

Names from folklore and mythology

More traditional names of gods or mythological creatures are still used as boy’s names in Finland. Some characters you might recognise from Kalevala or Finnish folklore include:

Ahti the god of the sea

Tapio the god of the forest

Ilmari from ilma meaning air, Ilmarinen is the blacksmith in Kalevala and the name has been used for a god before 1550s

Jouko is a shorter version of Joukahainen from Kalevala, probably originally meaning a white swan or related to words meaning snow.

Kalevi might come from a giant, kalevanpoika, in Finnish mythology

There are also some names that probably trace their roots to Kalevala, folklore and mythology in other ways than as gods. In Kalevala, Viljo means the best or excellent, and Otso comes from the pseudonym for bear, and is the king of the forest.

The bear was deeply respected in ancient Finland and also reflects Finnish folklore and Kalevala. Otso has become quite the popular name and actually ranks in the top 40 most popular boy’s names in Finland.

Another older name worth mentioning includes Kauko, a form of an old Finnish name meaning distant or far away (see the description for Lempi). Veikko, although not directly related to folklore, is a great one too, since it is similar in meaning to fellow in “a jolly fellow”.

Boy's names

Biblical and royal Finnish names

Since ruling a kingdom has often meant being chosen for the task by higher powers, royal and biblical names for men tend to have strong connections. There are Finnish versions of most of the common English male names of biblical origins. Often there is a longer version and then, often a more common, shorter and more Finnish sounding version.

Some examples of longer and shorter variants for names like William, Michael, Matthew, Stephen, Christian, Benjamin, Thomas, Oscar, Timothy, Joachim, and Samuel include:

Viljami , Vilho or Ville

Mikael , Mika or Mikko

Matias or Matti

Tuomas , Tommi , Tomi or Tuomo

Samuel or Sami


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I mentioned earlier that Finns choose names based on their meaning and names that refer to nature are especially popular. It has become a bit of a trend to identify new nature-based names too.

What different things feature in Finnish girl’s names?

Weather, light and times of the day

Beautiful words that mean something that appeals to people have become more popular. A great example of this is Lumi , which is not a traditional name and means snow. It was the 50th most popular name given to girls in 2021.

Different weather phenomena have made their mark on Finnish names in other ways too. Tuuli for wind and the derived Tuulikki found in Kalevala are traditional examples but more recent versions include names like Merituuli which means sea wind. Naturally these are air, light delicate names. Another similar name is Pilvi which means cloud.

Ilta which means evening and Aamu which means morning have both become sweet and straightforward names that have a magical ring to them. As of 3 years ago, only about 1083 people had the name Aamu in Finland. Säde , meaning ray of light, could be part of the same family of names.

Even more striking landscapes are painted in names like Aava (open, no land in sight at sea) and Aurora (dawn).

Weather and times of the day

Trees, flowers and berries

Little treasures found in nature have also found their way into Finnish names. More traditional nature-inspired names include Helmi (pearl) and Marja (berry). The name Hilla means cloudberry and is rising in popularity. In my mind this sounds like an independent girl.

Marjatta , on the other hand, has only a connection to berries despite the fact the name could mean “without berries”: it is a name from the end of Kalevala given to a character who eats a berry and gets pregnant as a result!

Other things from nature you can find in Finnish names include Vilja (grain), Pihla (derived from the rowan tree with the beautiful red berries in the autumn), Paju for willow, Kanerva for heather, Lilja for lily and Nuppu for bud. What a delicate girl’s name that last one is!

My parents were very inspired by nature when choosing the names for us, as my sister is called Vanamo . It stands for twinflower.

What about boy’s names then? Interestingly most berries and trees are more common as girl’s names. Perhaps many of the things we like about the natural world have more feminine qualities?

We already know of Otso, the bear from Kalevala. Kuutti is also quite a fun and unique name as it means seal pup. The name Aarne can also be derived from names that originally might have meant an eagle. In Finnish mythology, “aarni” is the guardian of a treasure. 

Nature names

On the weather front boys can get names like Pyry . Fun to pronounce right? This name means that it’s snowing a lot, but it’s not yet a storm. This could be a strong and powerful name. At the end of 2019, the name Pyry was given to about 3,832 men.

Next we have another stormy name: “ Myrsky ”. It literally means “storm.” This name feels untamed and wild. It doesn’t yet have a nameday on the Finnish calendar, like many of the names that are just picking up popularity.

The beautiful name Otava refers to the Big Dipper constellation. Havu is one of the few tree related male names and means conifer. This name is quite new and the majority of people this name were born in the 2010s.

While many of the especially newer nature-inspired names are actually not that tightly tied to gender, at least Talvi , Ruska , and Myrsky can be gender-neutral. Talvi means winter and Ruska means the winter foliage.

Winter inspired

Other such names might include Tuisku for another type of snowfall, Aalto or Laine which both mean wave, Kataja for Juniper, Kuura for frost, Leimu for flame, Pouta which means dry weather, Puro for stream, and Sumu for fog.

These are all suggestions for gender-neutral Finnish names from the internet but none of them are very common yet. Many of these nature-inspired names also feature as Finnish surnames.

As a fun fact, like in any language, you can also give these unique names to your pets. For example, I know a dog named Varpu!

There you have it! 100+ Unique Finnish names and their meanings where applicable – many of them from the nature or local folklore.

Which name was the most interesting to you? Let me know in the comments!

If you want to learn more about the Finnish language and culture, here are some other posts you might enjoy:

20 Cute Finnish Nicknames for Your Loved One

Which Ancient Finnish Goddess Or God Are You?

30+ Famous Finnish Sayings that Will Inspire You

My YouTube video about Unique Finnish Baby names





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About Varpu I’m the founder of Her Finland. I love cultural tidbits, aha moments, Finnish folklore, and cinnamon buns. My newest interest is learning bird songs. Read more about me..

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Kylee or Keuhlehh or Kaili or Raila... that is the question

Friday 14th of July 2023

Hei Varpu! I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I was wondering what I should introduce myself as if I go to Finland. My name is Kylee, but I don't know if I should pronounce it like how it would be pronounced in Finnish (which, if I were to spell out in English would look like Keuhlehh) or if I should just spell it like Kaili or something during my time there, or if I should pronounce and spell it exactly the same, or if I should just pick a Finnish name and go by that during my time there (I'd do Raila). What is the custom for foreign names? I know in America we just spell and pronounce it exactly the same, meanwhile in France, for example, they seem to pronounce the names in French. Sorry if this is hard to understand, it's pretty difficult for me to convey this question for some reason. Kiitos!

Saturday 1st of July 2023

Have I told you this already? My half Finnish - half American granddaughter is named Onerva. Learning to say it and trill the “r” took a little time, but I love her name.

Tuesday 11th of July 2023

Hei Claudia, that's such a beautiful name! Thank you so much for sharing!

Anja Whisenhunt

My mom is Marjatta Hillavi. She named me Anja Marita. Is my name popular in Finland, just curious ? Both of her names were mentioned in your article which was cool. Hillavi a version of Hilla?

Hei Anja! Anja, Marita and Marjatta are all popular in Finland. They are lovely names! It's the first time I hear the name Hillavi, it's beautiful! It sounds it really could be coming from Hilla or vice verca.

Friday 10th of February 2023

I adored my Great Aunt Lempi! Nice to know the name means love... Thanks for this list. I write stories for children and always include a Finnish name in honor of my Finnish ancestry. (And they just sound unique and interesting to the American English-speaking ear! ; ) I've saved this list for future reference. Cheers

Saturday 25th of February 2023

Hei Heidi, thank you so much for your comment. Such a wonderful way to incorporate a touch of Finnish into your art, amazing!!! Kiitos for sharing. <3

Sunday 6th of November 2022

Mojakka (stew or soup)

Kalamojakka (fish stew or soup)

Lihamojakka (meat stew or soup)

From the Amerikan Suomalaiset https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Finnish

Paljon kiitoksia,

Friday 18th of November 2022

Kiitos Jimmy, great dishes there!

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Popular Names in Finland

Sophie Kihm

Popular names in Finland for 2023 are a complementary pair, with Aino and Eino at Number 1.

Along with Aino, other top girl names in Finland include Olivia, Aada, Lilja, and Sofia. Along with Eino, other popular names for boys in Finland include Oliver, Väinö, Elias, and Onni.

Some of Finland's most popular baby names are international favorites like Emma and Hugo . Others are well-known names in disguise, like Aava (Ava) and Niilo (Nicholas).

Popular Finnish word names include Helmi (pearl) and Lumi (snow) for girls, and Toivo (hope) and Otso (bear) for boys. Other unique and appealing choices found in the Finnish Top 50 include Minea , Hilla , Rasmus and Kasper .

For popular names lists from around the world, visit our main Popular Names page. You might also want to browse Nameberry's real-time lists of Popular Girl Names and Popular Boy Names .

  • Heart 1 Eino Chevron - Right
  • Heart 1 Aino Chevron - Right
  • Heart 2 Oliver Chevron - Right
  • Heart 2 Olivia Chevron - Right
  • Heart 3 Väinö Chevron - Right
  • Heart 3 Aada Chevron - Right
  • Heart 4 Elias Chevron - Right
  • Heart 4 Lilja Chevron - Right
  • Heart 5 Onni Chevron - Right
  • Heart 5 Sofia Chevron - Right
  • Heart 6 Leo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 6 Eevi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 7 Emil Chevron - Right
  • Heart 7 Ellen Chevron - Right
  • Heart 8 Vilho Chevron - Right
  • Heart 8 Linnea Chevron - Right
  • Heart 9 Eeli Chevron - Right
  • Heart 9 Helmi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 10 Aatos Chevron - Right
  • Heart 10 Aava Chevron - Right
  • Heart 11 Noel Chevron - Right
  • Heart 11 Isla Chevron - Right
  • Heart 12 Alvar Chevron - Right
  • Heart 12 Viola Chevron - Right
  • Heart 13 Oiva Chevron - Right
  • Heart 13 Kerttu Chevron - Right
  • Heart 14 Toivo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 14 Emma Chevron - Right
  • Heart 15 Eemil Chevron - Right
  • Heart 15 Pihla Chevron - Right
  • Heart 16 Leevi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 16 Venla Chevron - Right
  • Heart 17 Nooa Chevron - Right
  • Heart 17 Hilla Chevron - Right
  • Heart 18 Hugo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 18 Seela Chevron - Right
  • Heart 19 Joel Chevron - Right
  • Heart 19 Emilia Chevron - Right
  • Heart 20 Otso Chevron - Right
  • Heart 20 Ella Chevron - Right
  • Heart 21 Viljami Chevron - Right
  • Heart 21 Elli Chevron - Right
  • Heart 22 Kasper Chevron - Right
  • Heart 22 Livia Chevron - Right
  • Heart 23 Eemi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 23 Alma Chevron - Right
  • Heart 24 Eelis Chevron - Right
  • Heart 24 Selma Chevron - Right
  • Heart 25 Anton Chevron - Right
  • Heart 25 Elsi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 26 Aarni Chevron - Right
  • Heart 26 Elsa Chevron - Right
  • Heart 27 Niilo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 27 Enni Chevron - Right
  • Heart 28 Lenni Chevron - Right
  • Heart 28 Matilda Chevron - Right
  • Heart 29 Aapo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 29 Ilona Chevron - Right
  • Heart 30 Daniel Chevron - Right
  • Heart 30 Oona Chevron - Right
  • Heart 31 Julius Chevron - Right
  • Heart 31 Frida Chevron - Right
  • Heart 32 Milo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 32 Vivian Chevron - Right
  • Heart 33 Leon Chevron - Right
  • Heart 33 Minea Chevron - Right
  • Heart 34 Edvin Chevron - Right
  • Heart 34 Vilma Chevron - Right
  • Heart 35 Aaron Chevron - Right
  • Heart 35 Aurora Chevron - Right
  • Heart 36 Viljo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 36 Hilda Chevron - Right
  • Heart 37 Luka Chevron - Right
  • Heart 37 Hilma Chevron - Right
  • Heart 38 Samuel Chevron - Right
  • Heart 38 Stella Chevron - Right
  • Heart 39 Veikko Chevron - Right
  • Heart 39 Lumi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 40 Mikael Chevron - Right
  • Heart 40 Amanda Chevron - Right
  • Heart 41 Eetu Chevron - Right
  • Heart 41 Alina Chevron - Right
  • Heart 42 Eliel Chevron - Right
  • Heart 42 Alisa Chevron - Right
  • Heart 43 Lukas Chevron - Right
  • Heart 43 Mila Chevron - Right
  • Heart 44 Jooa Chevron - Right
  • Heart 44 Mette Chevron - Right
  • Heart 45 Lucas Chevron - Right
  • Heart 45 Nella Chevron - Right
  • Heart 46 Rasmus Chevron - Right
  • Heart 46 Viivi Chevron - Right
  • Heart 47 Sulo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 47 Bea Chevron - Right
  • Heart 48 Eemeli Chevron - Right
  • Heart 48 Siiri Chevron - Right
  • Heart 49 Iivo Chevron - Right
  • Heart 49 Nelli Chevron - Right
  • Heart 50 Jasper Chevron - Right
  • Heart 50 Saimi Chevron - Right

Finnish Name Generator

We have spent 3 years collecting data from every country to generate this enormous database. These numbers speak for themselves:

  • 34 610 Male names
  • 43 115 Female names
  • 420 405 Phone numbers
  • 23 900 Companies
  • 82 different Countries
  • over a Billion random names and profiles!

It is a perfect tool for generating a fake address, random phone number, fake email, random username and password. We can even generate fake payment details for Visa, MasterCard, American Express and even IBAN.

Collin Miller Review

Collin Miller, age 32 says, “This tool is so good at faking data that no validator can tell it is fake!”

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Find, grow and live your passion

Finnish Name Generator

If you have problem picking a finnish name for a baby or character you can use this name generator to get some inspiration.

This name generator will generate 5 random finnish names per spin.

You are able to choose between boy and girl names and start the generator by simply pressing the corresponding button.

visit finland name generator

  • My Contests
  • Instagram Names
  • Youtube Names
  • Random Names

Finnish Name Generator

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Name or Nickname Name, nickname or keywords:

What are you like?

Things you Like

Important Words?

Numbers or letters

Exact Words

Keep clicking SPIN until you find the perfect name

Keywords are optional

Click on the names to check availability

Keyword Suggestions

Personalized Username Ideas

This intelligent username generator lets you create hundreds of personalized name ideas. In addition to random usernames, it lets you generate social media handles based on your name, nickname or any words you use to describe yourself or what you do.

Related keywords are added automatically unless you check the Exact Words option. To generate fun alliterative names, be sure to try out the Rhyming Words option once you’ve entered some keywords. Click the Spin button as many times as you like to create a new set of random names.

Instant Availability Check

To check availability on Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, Twitch and other social networks, simply tap on the name you like. If that particular name is taken, try adding some variations, such as extra characters, prefixes or suffixes. You can also try using partial words - strip 1 or 2 characters from the end or beginning or replace letters with those that sound similar.

Unique Words Make Best Names

No algorithm can match the creativity of a human brain. There are some types of names that cannot be generated easily - such as puns or wordplay. But hopefully, we can give you a bit of a push to spark your own ideas. If you can come up with some cool creative words, then we can add our own unique spin to them and make tons of variations and alternatives.

Think conceptually - for example, to convey speed, you might want to use words like lightning, bullet, rocket or cheetah. To convey spirituality, words like mystic, enchanted, hypnotic, or karma may be a good start. You get the idea.

Good luck with your name search!

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Username contests.

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YouTube channel name

1 word (unless you have a really good name), compound or single. Relating to or using one of the following: smart, savvy, genius, knowledge,..


Instagram name

I want to change my instagram name. It should be travel related. I'm into authentic backpacking, adventure, traveling on a budget. local ..


art name for Instagram

It can be anything I just really have a hard time thinking of usernames. It can be Japanese or any Language. My perferd language is Japanese..


Xbox Gamer Tag

Hey I need help thinking of a short and simple gamer tag for xbox thats not taken, it can be a different language


Need vlogging username

My name is Jimmy Hernandez. Will be doing vlogs: travel, food, videogames, languages. Usernames I like: LaVidaDeRodrigo, KanadaJin3,..


Need harmonic Youtube Name

wanna have something with Hawaii, Flowers, Sky or Lani idk or i really like just my name in another language? (Franzi or Sky)


Legolasthearchergreenleaf's new Tumblr URL contest!

Hello, everyone! I think it's time to change my Tumblr url. I've tried and tried, but I can't seem to think of a good url! Below are some of..


Programmer/YouTube channel username

Something catchy, I would like to start making programming tutorials and need a username to represent me, something easy to remember and coo..

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Fake Name Generator

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  • Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Cyprus (Anglicized) Cyprus (Greek) Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greenland Hungary Iceland Italy Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Tunisia United Kingdom United States Uruguay
  • Advanced Options

Finnish , Swedish


Logged in users can view full social security numbers and can save their fake names to use later.

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Kaija Järvilehto

Curious what Kaija means? Click here to find out!

Physical characteristics

Tracking numbers.

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The most advanced name generator.

With 37 languages and 31 countries, the Fake Name Generator is the most advanced name generator on the internet. Generate names, addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, occupations, UPS tracking numbers, and more absolutely free.

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Copyright © 2006-2024 Corban Works, LLC . Fake Name Generator and the Fake Name Generator logo are trademarks of Corban Works, LLC.

by Nothke click anywhere to get a new name


  1. Finnish Names and Surnames

    visit finland name generator

  2. 100+ Unique Finnish names and their meanings

    visit finland name generator

  3. A Complete List of Finnish First Names and Name Meanings

    visit finland name generator

  4. Finnish Name Generator

    visit finland name generator

  5. 20 Cute Finnish Nicknames for Your Loved One

    visit finland name generator

  6. Visit Finland

    visit finland name generator


  1. Coca-Cola: Every Bottle Counts

  2. 112.800 Mhz VOR/DME PVO

  3. Countries as guardians generated by AI Part 2 #shorts #ai #aiart #geography #aiartist #countries

  4. 112.800 Mhz VOR/DME PVO

  5. Perpetuum Mobile! Free energy generator!

  6. Tram TRO05 changing direction at tram line terminus area near Nokia Arena, Tampere, Finland


  1. Finnish names

    Finnish name generator. This name generator will generate 10 random Finnish names. Finland is a country in north Europe with a population of roughly 5.5 million people. They're a fairly young country, as they've only been independent from Russia since 1917. Finland is ranked among the top countries in terms of stability, sometimes taking the ...

  2. Finnish Name Generator

    Finnish Name Generator. Generate authentic Finnish names and embrace the beauty of Finland's rich cultural heritage. Our Finnish Name Generator combines traditional and modern influences to offer you a diverse range of names. Whether you're looking for a name that echoes the tranquil forests of Finland or resonates with its contemporary culture ...

  3. Finnish Name Generator

    Rich in traditions, mythology, and natural beauty, Finland offers a treasure trove of unique names that reflect its distinct culture. Whether you are searching for a character name for your story, looking to embrace your Finnish heritage, or simply fascinated by Finnish culture, our Finnish Name Generator is here to help.

  4. Finnish Name Generator

    How to Use the Finnish Names Generator. Visit the Finnish Names Generator page on our website, name-generator.io. Choose the gender for the name you want to generate. Click on the 'Generate' button. Within seconds, you will get a list of random Finnish names. If you're not satisfied with the generated names, simply click 'Generate' again for a ...

  5. Finnish Name Generator

    Finnish names are often based on the natural world, and the three most popular current Finnish names are 'Korhonen' (from 'korho', meaning deaf or proud), 'Virtanen' (from 'virta', meaning stream), and 'Mäkinen' (from 'mäki', meaning hill). Writers! Use our Finnish name generator to create culturally accurate fictional Nordic characters!

  6. Finnish Name Generator

    Ever since Finnish people first settled in the area that is now Finland, they have cherished their unique and traditional names. In fact, a person's full name is often the most important part of their identity. Finnish names reflect a person's ancestry, occupation, and place of residence. ... The Finnish Name Generator can generate thousands of ...

  7. Finnish Name Generator

    Our Finnish Name Generator is your magical digital tool, conjuring a profusion of Finland's compelling nomenclature at the click of a button. Unleash an avalanche of names steeped in the charm of the Land of a Thousand Lakes and create protagonists that possess the mystique of the aurora borealis and the resilience of the Finnish winter. An ...

  8. Finnish Name Generator

    The Finnish Name Generator is a fun and creative tool that allows users to generate unique and authentic Finnish names. This generator draws inspiration from the Finnish language and culture to produce a wide variety of names that reflect the rich heritage of Finland.

  9. Finnish Name Generator

    Finnish Name Generator. Over 300,000 Finnish names can be generated from this Finnish Name Generator. You can easily find one that you like. Choose the gender below. The system will automatically generate a large number of qualified Finnish names in a random manner according to the gender you chosen. These names are common names in reality, and ...

  10. Finnish Name Generator

    Chocobo Name Generator; So many ideas, but can I use the Finnish names for free? All random Finnish names created with this tool are 100% free to use without any need to provide credit (although we do appreciate the occasional shoutout). Be a little careful though, as there is always a small chance that an idea already belongs to someone else. ...

  11. Finnish Name Generator: 2500+ Unique Finnish Name Ideas?

    A Finnish name generator is a tool of great utility for various reasons. If you are an author looking to incorporate Finnish characters in your work to enrich cultural diversity, it helps in creating unique, authentic names that reflect Finnish traditions and language nuances, adding depth and realism to your characters. ...

  12. Let Finngenerator discover your inner Finn

    Finngenerator created by Finnish Tourist Board lets you know what you would be called if you were a Finn. The generator was launched in Japan last week, and so far over 800 000 names have been generated worldwide. The generator creates names from traditional Finnish names that have a nature related meaning.

  13. Finnish name generator

    Finnish name generator. Random Finnish people's names. / Satunnaisia suomalaisten ihmisten nimiä. Find your Finnish equivalent. First name: Surname: Gender > male > female

  14. Visit Finland Takes Inspiration From John Travolta to Give You ...

    Inspired by the Travoltify name generator that made light of John Travolta's Oscar-night flub, Visit Finland is giving users a chance to Finnify their names with the Finngenerator web-based app.

  15. Finnish Names

    List Finlandswedish name days sorted by date; sorted alphabetically by name; Learn more about the Nordic name days here. Finnish Statistics. The most popular names in Finland in 2021 were Olivia and Leo. Find out more in the annual name statistics tables. Finlandswedish Statistics. The most popular names in Finland in 2021 were Saga and Liam.

  16. Discover 100+ Unique Finnish names and their meanings

    Often there is a longer version and then, often a more common, shorter and more Finnish sounding version. Some examples of longer and shorter variants for names like William, Michael, Matthew, Stephen, Christian, Benjamin, Thomas, Oscar, Timothy, Joachim, and Samuel include: Viljami, Vilho or Ville. Mikael, Mika or Mikko. Matias or Matti.

  17. Popular Names in Finland

    Some of Finland's most popular baby names are international favorites like Emma and Hugo. Others are well-known names in disguise, like Aava (Ava) and Niilo (Nicholas). Popular Finnish word names include Helmi (pearl) and Lumi (snow) for girls, and Toivo (hope) and Otso (bear) for boys. Other unique and appealing choices found in the Finnish ...

  18. Finnish Name Generator

    Supported Countries: Fake Finnish name generator. Random email, phone, address from Finland is perfect for filling a form, finding a name for your baby or writing a fiction story. Give it a try!

  19. Finnish Name Generator

    Finnish Name Generator. 2. If you have problem picking a finnish name for a baby or character you can use this name generator to get some inspiration. This name generator will generate 5 random finnish names per spin. You are able to choose between boy and girl names and start the generator by simply pressing the corresponding button.

  20. Finnish Name Generator

    Personalized Username Ideas. This intelligent username generator lets you create hundreds of personalized name ideas. In addition to random usernames, it lets you generate social media handles based on your name, nickname or any words you use to describe yourself or what you do. Related keywords are added automatically unless you check the ...

  21. Generate a Random Name

    The most advanced name generator With 37 languages and 31 countries, the Fake Name Generator is the most advanced name generator on the internet. Generate names, addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, occupations, UPS tracking numbers, and more absolutely free.

  22. Finnish Town Generator

    click anywhere to get a new name. Loading... What does it mean in English? Tooltip text bla bla bla ...

  23. Your Official Finland Travel Guide

    Journey: Sauna meets design - the Finnish way. 0°C. Helsinki region: cloudy. Use this guide to plan a trip to Finland and immerse yourself in the country's nature, forests, lakes and culture.