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A Guide to the Marriott Voyage Application & Interview Process in the U.S. and Canada

September 11, 2023  — Morgan Gibson Kanner

marriott voyage program

In case you aren’t familiar with Voyage, it’s our award-winning global leadership development program for recent college graduates. The program, which is typically 12 months in the U.S. (though it can run longer) and Canada and can be up to 18 months internationally, places participants (dubbed Voyagers) in hotels around the world to receive hands-on experience and training.

→ An Overview of Marriott’s U.S. and Canada Voyage Program → Interview Advice & Tips for Hopeful Voyage Applicants

Interested in applying? With the help of two Marriott experts, we’ve crafted a guide to the U.S. and Canada’s Voyage application and interview process. Experts:

  • Sarah D’Angelo, Director, Talent Acquisition + University Recruitment
  • Michael Wiszowaty, Senior Manager, University Relations + Recruiting

Take a look below so you can know what to expect as you apply to be a US or CA Voyager .

What is the Marriott Voyage application process?

1. applications open.

Michael: Voyage applications open just as the new school year kicks off ( they’re open now !) and will be open until the end of April of the same academic calendar. The sooner you apply, the better — many locations and disciplines may have already been selected if you wait.

Michael: As soon as the applications are open, you can apply. It doesn’t take long, and you are able to apply in multiple sittings, but please ensure that you attach your resume and fill out your university on the application.

3. Record Video Interviews

Sarah: Just 15 minutes after you submit your application, you’ll receive an email prompt to complete a pre-recorded video interview, answering questions like, “why do you want to work for us?” and “what skills make you qualified for this position?” Hopefully this isn’t intimidating, but you should dress up and treat it like a real interview. Remember, we can also see your background!

4. Submit preferences for location + department

Sarah: We might not have the exact position you’re looking for in the exact location you want, so really think about — is my city of choice more important, or my department of choice? Am I flexible at all? Your initial choices aren’t set in stone — your recruiter will discuss your preferences multiple times throughout the process to ensure we’ve got the right fit for you.

5. Complete the online leadership skills assessment

Sarah: This takes about 30 minutes. We recommend doing this in a quiet place, free of distractions, and approaching the assessment as if you were already a manager.

6. Interviews

Sarah: If you’re selected to move to the next step, you’ll receive communication from that recruiter to schedule your interview — in most cases this is via email for a virtual interview. It is possible that your recruiter may be coming to your campus; in that case, you may meet them first and schedule your interview in person.

What are the Marriott Voyage interviews like?

Sarah: Marriott asks “behavioral based” interviewing questions; a strong answer typically follows the “STAR” format: Situation, Task, Action, Result. During the interview, you can also talk in more detail about your preferences for department and location.

marriott voyage program

Kelly Loss Photography

How long does the whole Voyage hiring and interview process take?

Sarah: If you follow the guidance of your recruiter and complete all steps in a timely manner, you could complete the whole process within two weeks! Technically, you could get an offer during your senior year well in advance of your graduation date, which feels good knowing that you have a job lined up and can truly enjoy being a senior, rather than having to scramble to get a job around your graduation date.

What happens when a candidate is selected to be a Marriott Voyager?

Michael: Congratulations! If you have been selected to become a Marriott Voyager, you are joining an elite program that will help you accelerate your Marriott career! Once you are offered a position as a Voyager you will be placed in the discipline and location that you had discussed with your recruiter throughout your interview process. Depending upon your start date, you will be connected with your property leader to go over any property logistics and timelines before your first day. If you’re relocating for Voyage, you’ll be connected with Marriott’s relocation team to help move your belongings to your new city. Lastly, you will be connected with other Voyagers in your city, so that you can start building your new Marriott network!

When do applications close?

Sarah: We take applications throughout the fall semester, and generally, if you’re ready, it’s recommended that you apply early. Positions are discussed and offered on a rolling basis, so your “dream job” may not be available if you wait to apply. We do take a brief pause during winter break, so know if you apply in December, you likely won’t receive an interview until January. We continue interviews throughout the spring semester, with our last interviews and offers going out usually in April.

If a candidate isn’t accepted into the program, do you recommend they apply again next year?

Michael: Absolutely! There could be many reasons why you would not have been accepted into the Marriott Voyage Program. The first thing is to not be discouraged by this. Upon discovering that you were not selected for Voyage, your Recruiting Manager will have notified you letting you know. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain more experience in the hospitality field to strengthen your resume. You can apply next year as long as your undergrad graduation was not more than two years prior. → Voyage Applications Are Open! Apply for Marriott’s Prestigious Leadership Development Program

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voyage learning pool

Care and clinical

Care and clinical training covers a range of conditions and needs that the people you’ll be supporting may have. Your training programme will be created based on the service you’re employed at and the needs of the specific individuals you’ll work with. This will build your confidence and empower you to deliver a person-centred approach to the care and support you deliver.

Support teams must complete mandatory training before their first day of work. You’ll then take part in your induction where you get to apply your new skills for the first time while being supported by your team. The length of the induction is dependent on the service and the people you will be supporting.

The mandatory training programme is created by our Learning and Development Team, who include qualified trainers. They’re experts in autism, learning disabilities and complex needs. This team also deliver face-to-face training and help to develop e-learning courses.

voyage learning pool

We have an online training platform called Aspire. Aspire enables you to complete your e-learning at your own pace. Our e-courses are designed to suit different styles of learning. They include videos, quizzes and downloadable resources.

E-learning modules cover many care and clinical courses. We have a whole range of courses, such as life support, communication, fire safety, medication and health care tasks and mental health awareness. These modules will help you in your new role and are specific to the requirements of the service and the people we support.

If you are new to health and social care, you’ll also need to complete the care certificate, which can be completed online. This is your foundation learning and the additional e-learning modules build on this knowledge.

Specialisms training

Our specialisms courses are designed to teach and create a better understanding of the different types of conditions and needs of the people we support. For example, we have a two-day autism program as part of the accreditation with the National Autistic Society (NAS) designed for those working at autism specialist services. We also have an introduction to autism course that all staff, including group support teams, must complete. Once staff complete this course, they will have better knowledge about autism. They will also understand how people with autism process information, as well as how to support them and communicate with them.

We have specific clinical courses to meet individual needs, such as peg catheter care, diabetes and insulin. You will be expected to complete these types of courses if the service you work at have people with these support needs.

This type of tailored training empowers our staff to apply a person-centred approach when delivering great quality care and support.

COVID-19 update

The safety of our staff and the people we support is of the highest importance to us. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made many changes inline with Government guidance, including adapting our face-to-face training to be online. To find out more about how we’re managing COVID-19 safely, visit our resource area on the corporate website.

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voyage care e learning

Navigating Excellence: Voyage Care E-Learning Journey

Voyage care e-learning: enhancing training and development.

Voyage Care is dedicated to providing high-quality care and support services for individuals with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries, and other complex needs. As part of their commitment to excellence, Voyage Care offers a comprehensive e-learning platform to enhance the training and development of their staff.

With Voyage Care E-Learning, employees have access to a wide range of courses tailored to their specific roles and responsibilities. From health and safety training to person-centred care approaches, the platform covers essential topics that empower staff to deliver the best possible support to service users.

The convenience of e-learning allows staff members to complete training modules at their own pace and in a location that suits them. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for employees working across different shifts or locations, ensuring that everyone has equal access to essential training resources.

Moreover, Voyage Care E-Learning enables managers to track the progress of their team members, monitor completion rates, and identify areas where additional support may be needed. This data-driven approach not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also promotes continuous improvement in the quality of care provided.

By investing in e-learning solutions, Voyage Care demonstrates its commitment to professional development and continuous learning within the organization. The platform not only equips staff with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles but also fosters a culture of innovation and excellence across all levels of the organization.

In conclusion, Voyage Care E-Learning plays a vital role in enhancing training outcomes, improving service delivery, and ultimately enriching the lives of those supported by Voyage Care services. It stands as a testament to Voyage Care’s dedication to providing exceptional care through continuous learning and development.

Maximising Your Learning Journey: 9 Key Strategies for Effective Voyage Care E-Learning

Complete modules at your own pace to fully understand the content., take notes while going through the e-learning materials for better retention., engage with interactive elements such as quizzes or simulations to reinforce learning., seek clarification from supervisors or mentors if you encounter any difficulties., apply what you’ve learned in practical scenarios to enhance understanding., stay updated on new e-learning courses and resources available for continuous learning., collaborate with peers to discuss and exchange insights on the topics covered in the modules., set specific goals for each e-learning session to track your progress effectively., provide feedback on the e-learning platform to help improve its quality and relevance..

To maximise the benefits of Voyage Care E-Learning, it is advisable to complete modules at your own pace in order to fully grasp and absorb the content. By taking the time to engage with the material at a comfortable speed, employees can ensure a deeper understanding of the topics covered, leading to improved retention and application of knowledge in their roles. This approach not only enhances individual learning outcomes but also contributes to overall staff competence and effectiveness in delivering high-quality care and support services within Voyage Care.

Taking notes while going through Voyage Care E-Learning materials is a valuable strategy to enhance retention and understanding of the content. By jotting down key points, important concepts, and personal reflections, learners can actively engage with the material and reinforce their memory retention. These notes serve as a useful reference tool for future review and application of the knowledge gained, ultimately contributing to a more effective learning experience and improved performance in providing care and support to individuals with complex needs.

To maximise the effectiveness of Voyage Care E-Learning, it is recommended to actively engage with interactive elements such as quizzes or simulations. These tools serve as valuable reinforcements for learning, allowing staff members to test their knowledge, apply concepts in practical scenarios, and receive immediate feedback on their performance. By actively participating in quizzes and simulations, employees can enhance their understanding of key concepts, improve retention of information, and develop essential skills that are directly applicable to their roles within Voyage Care.

When engaging with Voyage Care E-Learning, it is essential to seek clarification from supervisors or mentors if you encounter any difficulties. Clear communication and guidance from experienced individuals can help address challenges effectively, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of the training material. By reaching out for support when needed, you can enhance your learning experience and progress towards mastering the necessary skills to provide exceptional care and support within the Voyage Care community.

To maximise the benefits of Voyage Care E-Learning, it is essential to apply the knowledge gained in practical scenarios. By implementing what you have learned in real-life situations, you can deepen your understanding and reinforce key concepts. This hands-on approach not only enhances your learning experience but also equips you with the skills and confidence to effectively apply your knowledge in the workplace. Embracing practical application ensures that the training received through Voyage Care E-Learning translates into tangible improvements in service delivery and ultimately enhances the quality of care provided to individuals with complex needs.

To maximise the benefits of Voyage Care E-Learning, it is essential to stay updated on new e-learning courses and resources that become available. Continuous learning is key to professional development and ensuring that staff members are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills required to deliver high-quality care and support services. By regularly exploring new courses and resources, employees can expand their expertise, stay informed about industry trends, and enhance their ability to provide person-centred care that meets the evolving needs of service users. Embracing a culture of continuous learning not only benefits individual staff members but also contributes to the overall excellence of care delivery within Voyage Care.

A valuable tip for making the most of Voyage Care E-Learning is to collaborate with peers to discuss and exchange insights on the topics covered in the modules. By engaging in discussions with colleagues, you can gain different perspectives, share experiences, and deepen your understanding of key concepts. This collaborative approach not only enhances your learning experience but also fosters a sense of teamwork and camaraderie within the organisation. Sharing knowledge and insights with peers can lead to a more comprehensive grasp of the material and encourage continuous improvement in delivering quality care and support services.

Setting specific goals for each e-learning session is a valuable tip for maximising the effectiveness of Voyage Care E-Learning. By establishing clear objectives before starting a course, employees can focus their efforts and track their progress more effectively. These goals serve as benchmarks for measuring achievements and help individuals stay motivated throughout their learning journey. Whether it’s mastering a new skill or understanding a complex concept, setting specific goals ensures that each e-learning session contributes meaningfully to personal and professional development within Voyage Care.

To enhance the effectiveness of Voyage Care E-Learning, it is crucial for users to provide feedback on the platform. By sharing their thoughts and suggestions, employees can contribute to improving the quality and relevance of the e-learning experience. Constructive feedback allows Voyage Care to identify areas for enhancement, address any issues promptly, and tailor future courses to better meet the needs of learners. This collaborative approach not only ensures that the e-learning platform remains up-to-date and user-friendly but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. Feedback is a valuable tool in refining the training resources offered by Voyage Care, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both staff and service users alike.

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The determination for pupils to succeed is clear from the time they start at Voyage Learning Campus - Ofsted, July 2022

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Blinken Hints U.S. May Accept Ukrainian Strikes in Russia With American Arms

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken made his remarks after some European leaders called on President Biden to lift the restrictions he has imposed on Ukraine’s use of U.S. weapons.

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A man and woman, both in suits, entering a formal room.

By Edward Wong

Reporting from Chisinau, Moldova, while traveling with the U.S. secretary of state

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken suggested on Wednesday that the Biden administration could be open to tolerating strikes by the Ukrainian military inside Russia using American-made weapons, saying that the United States would “adapt and adjust” its stance based on changing conditions on the battlefield.

Mr. Blinken said that the United States had neither encouraged nor enabled such attacks. But he said that the Ukrainians needed to make their own decisions on how to best defend themselves — a position he has stated before — and that the U.S. government had “adapted and adjusted as necessary” as the war evolves.

When asked by a reporter whether his words “adapt and adjust” meant the United States could support attacks by Ukraine with American-made weapons inside Russia, he said, “Adapt and adjust means exactly that” — meaning those words, signaling flexibility from Washington.

Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Washington has sent the Ukrainians military aid but has repeatedly asked that they not fire U.S.-made weapons into Russian territory for fear of escalating the war.

Several European leaders have called on President Biden to stop imposing those limits , among them Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France.

Mr. Blinken made his remarks in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, while standing beside Maia Sandu, the nation’s president, who is expected to face a pro-Russian candidate when she runs for re-election in October. The two spoke to journalists after an afternoon meeting in the presidential offices.

“Our neighbors, our friends in Ukraine, they pay an outrageous price on a daily basis,” Ms. Sandu said.

Mr. Blinken announced new aid to Moldova to address a range of issues arising from Russian aggression, including its invasion of Ukraine.

The first of two packages mentioned was $50 million in broad support for Moldova’s industry and government, as well as for democratic processes. Mr. Blinken mentioned the energy and agriculture sectors, and the need to combat disinformation.

“What’s so powerful here is the deep and deep-rooted commitment to democracy,” Mr. Blinken said, “in the face of bullying from Russia.”

Ms. Sandu thanked Mr. Blinken for American help in fighting corruption, building renewable-energy infrastructure and addressing the “adversities of democracy,” a nod to Russian election interference.

The second aid package mentioned was $85 million to help Moldova increase its energy resiliency and reduce its dependence on electricity generated in a Russian-backed separatist region in the east, Transnistria. These funds, part of a $300 million commitment previously announced by the United States Agency for International Development, would help Moldova strengthen its battery storage capabilities and high-voltage transmission lines, among other energy needs, Mr. Blinken said.

Moldova recently ended its reliance on natural gas imports from Russia and now buys gas from a number of countries, including the United States.

Mr. Blinken’s visit to Chisinau was the first stop in a trip aimed at showing U.S. support for nations facing a hostile Russia. Mr. Blinken is going next to the Czech Republic, where he is scheduled to attend a meeting of foreign ministers and top officials of NATO on Thursday and Friday. They plan to discuss how to best support Ukraine.

This trip follows Mr. Blinken’s overnight visit to Kyiv more than two weeks ago.

Ms. Sandu has advocated Moldova’s entry into the European Union, and has scheduled a referendum on the question for the same day as the presidential election in October.

U.S. and European analysts say Moscow is likely to try to interfere in the election, as it has done elsewhere in Europe. The Biden administration has spoken publicly of Russian agents carrying out such interference using different means, from hacking to orchestrating campaigns over social networks to doling out money to favored politicians.

About 1,500 Russian troops are in Transnistria, which borders Ukraine. U.S. officials are watching for any signs that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia might try to annex the territory.

The NATO session in the Czech Republic is officially aimed at firming up the agenda for a meeting of alliance leaders in Washington in July. The group is not expected to declare that Ukraine will now join NATO, an aspiration that Mr. Zelensky has reiterated following the Russian invasion. They are, however, expected to work out details for moving Ukraine along the process of joining.

As Russian troops press an offensive in Ukraine’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, the Ukrainian war effort has been flagging, in large part because of a shortage of weapons and munitions. There are also fewer citizens able to join the fight.

Mr. Biden recently signed a bill passed by Congress, despite some Republican opposition, that grants new military aid to Ukraine.

Russia is producing munitions at a rapid rate, and U.S.-led sanctions have failed to cripple its military industrial capabilities. Mr. Biden and his aides say China has played a decisive role in bolstering Russia through exports of dual-use equipment and other goods that have allowed it to strengthen weapons production. Mr. Blinken is expected to highlight China’s support for Russia in his discussions at the NATO meeting in Prague.

Edward Wong is a diplomatic correspondent who has reported for The Times for more than 24 years from New York, Baghdad, Beijing and Washington. He was on a team of Pulitzer Prize finalists for Iraq War coverage. More about Edward Wong

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

U.S. and allied intelligence officials are tracking an increase in low-level sabotage operations in Europe  that they say are part of a Russian campaign to undermine support for Ukraine’s war effort.

Some American-made, precision-guided weapons supplied to Ukraine have proved ineffective on the battlefield , their accuracy badly diminished by Russian jamming efforts.

Ukraine has begun releasing prisoners to serve in its army , part of a wider effort to rebuild a military that has been depleted by more than two years of war and is strained by relentless Russian assaults.

Zelensky Interview: In an interview with the New York Times, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine challenged the West  over its reluctance to take bolder action.

Striking a Chord: A play based on a classic 19th-century novel, “The Witch of Konotop,” is a smash hit among Ukrainians who see cultural and historical echoes  in the story of what they face after two years of war.

Europe’s Defense Industry: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine jolted Europe out of complacency about military spending. But the challenges are about more than just money .

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .

Our Programmes

Our unique programmes are delivered in a community college setting by committed people who bring experience, cultural relevance and a solid track record of proven engagement methods. Our programmes are completely transferable and can be delivered in any location, in any community or institution. If you are interested in introducing our work to your young people,  register for one of our programmes below.

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Young leaders for safer cities (ylfsc).

A BTEC level ii course created by Voyage’s cohort of facilitators and community leaders is designed to support young people who are at risk of being marginalized due to challenging behaviour, damaging relationships and poor engagement with school. Through 100 hours of teaching at weekend, Safer City participants are challenged to understand the nuanced aspects of their community and surroundings, develop critical thinking skills and build confidence to inspire a lasting change in both the participants and the wider community

Students create a presentation and present this to their peers to receive the award.

Access is by school referral or Voyage website

Course starts in March most years lasting for 10 weeks

Support young people achieving education outcomes at school

Young Leaders are Voyage BTEC accredited courses requiring a solid commitment.

Available to schools, community groups and concerned parents

Young Leaders for Safe Cities

Young Leaders for Sustainable Cities

Our newest BTEC level ii course, created and designed by a team of environmental sector professionals, young people and our lived experienced tutors. Our Sustainable Cities course is designed to encourage young people at risk of being marginalised due to challenging behaviour, damaging relationships and poor engagement with school. Through over 100 hours of structured teaching during weekends, Sustainable City participants are encouraged to take a deep dive into environmental challenges, climate injustices and global majority perspectives.

Young Leaders for Sustainable Cities

Young Leaders for Smart Cities

Voyage is currently exploring the development and production of this new course. This course will complete Voyage trinity of leadership Courses helping Voyage to explore national expansion possibilities.

Young Leaders for Smart Cities

Leadership Academy

As a follow up to our leadership Courses Voyage offers young people access to an annually ran Leadership Academy designed to deepen relationships with peers, the Voyage team and our partners. Sessions run at weekend, half term and holiday periods. We focus on progression and access to opportunity encouraging young people to develop a deeper world view. We encourage this through introductions to professionals from environmental agencies/ corporate companies, higher educational institutes whilst helping young people sustain positive progress at home, school and in their communities. ‍ We aim to encourage young people to undertake volunteering, work experience and internships intensifying our work each year.

Leadership Academy


Know your rights workshop:.

A flexible series of workshops for schools, colleges and community organisation to spread knowledge of UK laws and police operations. We believe these procedures drive a wedge between young people from all backgrounds and the police and we want to change that. Voyage Know your Rights Workshops cover the three core themes of PSHE education: health and well being, relationships and living in the wider world. Our workshops are always individually tailored to  a broad range of audiences which include teachers, youth workers, social/ community workers and young people. Workshops can be delivered as part of teacher inset days,  delivered over a series of sessions and for young people in assemblies or classroom sessions for both targeted and mainstream cohorts. They are appropriate for girls and boys aged 13-16 years.

Stop and Search Workshops

Stop and Search and Joint Enterprise Workshops:

A powerful range of workshops delivered in schools, colleges and in community settings guiding young people of all ethnicities through various policing and gang based scenarios. We use role play, film and discussions to help young people to improve their reactions, decisions and choices. We aim to change young people’s attitudes when their power is being challenged and their associations can be compromising.

Joint Enterprise Workshops

Reducing Violent Crime:

A flexible and expandable workshop exploring the issue of violence in our communities. Our workshops are designed for schools, colleges and community organisations who wish to understand how to counter and reduce knife crime and other forms of grooming, exploitation and youth violence.

County lines and going county

Emotional Intelligence:

An adaptable series of powerful and interactive workshops framing tailored discussions helping young people think about themselves and how they are perceived. We encourage young people to understand themselves and others through discussion film, media and music in order to challenge self notions.

Self Leadership and Emotional Intelligence


VOYAGE offers a structured yet flexible and adaptable course to assist those aged 16 and over who are deemed vulnerable, at risk of re-offending or are on managed exclusions. Most young people have limited educational options and we aim to correct that. We offer a 10 sessions delivered weekly or through an intensive 3 - 5 day programme with optional mentoring to follow. We screen young people before starting the course to determine suitability. Screening helps to fine tune our workshops inline with the needs expressed by young people and determine commitment and readiness. Young people who complete the course show significantly reduced levels of re-offending patterns and behaviour, greater levels of emotional intelligence and resilience to peer pressure. Most show improved attitudes to study, work and those in positions of authority and, as a result, improved career prospects.


Horizons Plus

Voyage has learnt to integrate Horizons with a mix of vocational programmes linked to specific employment industries. Voyage has done this to encourage programme participants to emerge with both hard and soft skills helping them secure employment opportunities and they progress from our workshops. Voyage is focusing Horizons Plus through a co-production model bringing creative, environmental, construction and retrofit companies together to build a stronger pathway toward employment for disadvantaged young people. Horizon and Horizons Plus workshops are delivered from New City College but can be ran in any location across London.

Horizons Plus

Voyage offers mentoring to strengthen its young people and deepen relations with our supportive partners.

The young people who attend our Leadership programmes are students and Voyage graduates who live and attend school in some of London’s more challenging Boroughs. We consider the young people living in these areas as vulnerable due to the often negative behaviours that they can be exposed to on a regular basis as it is where they live and go school.

Voyage mentoring

Our Mentoring Program

Mentoring is best offered weekly for 1 hour over a 6 month period  ideally, but we have seen amazing impacts in 3 months and  transformations in 12 months. Mentors will meet up with young people on a weekly or bi weekly basis during term time (September to June). So it is important both mentors and mentees following our on boarding phases set out below:

Phase 1:- Fact finding and Safeguarding

The process begins by us gathering information on both mentees and mentors via a survey. All relevant information shared will be treated in line with GDPR guidelines and stored on our central data base controlled by Voyage, and is not accessed by any other external party. All mentors complete DBS checks before they are introduced to young people.

Phase 2:- Screening, training & Introductions

Following this we will begin to scrutinise the information gathered. This process will allow us to see what areas the mentor and mentee appear to be similar. Mentors and mentors are invited to participate in training to learn about how to mentor and mentee effectively. Training becomes an opportunity to introduce young people to professionals. Pairing is always done with the intention of ensuring comfortably between a mentor and mentee to allow success.

Phase 3:- Matching and Pairing

After introductions we invite both parties either virtually or in person to conduct a meeting with Voyage staff present. This will be done in an informal manner, just to let the mentee be aware of who they are being paired with. It is also a chance for mentors, to see their mentee and start an initial conversation. Having a Voyage member of staff present helps to ensure a positive exchange and observe how well the pair gel together.

Phase 4: Mentoring Starts

After the initial meeting, and once everything has been finalized, mentoring sessions can begin! This will allow you to introduce yourself to your mentee in more depth and for your mentee to get to know you. As weeks proceed, momentum will be picked up and your mentee and both parties should begin to feel more comfortable with one another.

Intersted in becoming a Mentor for Young People?

Voyage has developed a mentoring scheme to improve retention and provide greater guidance and support to our young leaders. Mentoring increase our young leaders understanding of different industry areas, enabling them to mitigate adult life productivity and successfully. Sign up to volunteer with us here. ‍ If you are a young person please follow the survey links below to register interest: ‍ https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Q2R78LF

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Ritz-Carlton Reserve Makes Grand Entrance in the Middle East With Exclusive Private Island Oasis in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

Nujuma, a ritz-carlton reserve, offers guests a rare and immersive escape to discover saudi arabian culture and the untapped wonders of the red sea.

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Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve , the first Ritz-Carlton Reserve in the Middle East was unveiled today on Ummahat Island in the tranquil waters of The Red Sea. The private island retreat is nestled within the captivating Blue Hole cluster of islands, where pristine coral reefs thrive beneath the surface and the celestial canopy above paints an endless tapestry of stars. Nujuma – inspired by the meaning of ‘stars’ in Arabic – invites travellers to embark on an unchartered journey to one of the world's most secluded and protected archipelagos. Here, amidst the azure expanse, guests are beckoned to explore and immerse themselves in the region’s culture and traditions.

“As more and more travellers look to discover new corners of the earth, we are thrilled to reveal our newest Ritz-Carlton Reserve, located amongst the natural beauty and stunning setting of The Red Sea,” said Jenni Benzaquen, SVP The Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis and Bulgari Hotels & Resorts. “Nujuma joins a collection of rare Ritz-Carlton Reserve estates around the world, inviting the most discerning travellers to embark on a journey of exploration where every encounter reveals a deeper connection to the destination. I cannot wait for guests to discover this luxurious private sanctuary and truly transformative experience.”

The Red Sea, one of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s luxury regenerative tourism destinations on the west coast of the country, is surrounded by the world's fourth-largest barrier reef system with an archipelago of more than 90 untouched islands. From this enchanting setting, guests can embark on extraordinary snorkelling and scuba diving adventures to uncover seldom visited sites beneath the waves. Teeming with vibrant coral reefs that have thrived for over five thousand years, the barrier reef is home to fascinating ecosystems including over 165 endemic reef fish, dolphins, sea turtles, stingrays, and Napoleon wrasse.

The island’s shores are fringed by rich mangroves, known to be one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, and within this lush habitat visitors can spot a variety of sea birds, marine invertebrates and havali guitarfish. Beyond the turquoise waters, guests can discover the beauty of the coastal mainland through guided trails across majestic desert dunes.

Designed by Foster and Partners, Nujuma’s sweeping shell-inspired architecture and elegant interiors are crafted with natural materials imbued with calming sea and sand tones, and geometric patterns reminiscent of the region’s design motifs. Arabic artifacts, traditional ceramics, woven Saudi patterned rugs and intricate wall hangings celebrating local craftmanship flow through the canopied interiors. Lush landscaping of indigenous plants elegantly frame the pathways between the pavilioned spaces and villas.

Accessed by chartered boat or seaplane, Nujuma features 63 overwater and beach villas, offering one-to-three-bedroom accommodation, spacious living areas and private pools overlooking the sea. Guests can marvel at the limitless starry night skies from the comfort of their villa through telescopes positioned on each deck. Perched above the cerulean-blue sea and connected by an elevated ring walkway, the overwater villas offer panoramic views and direct access to the sea. Nestled on undisturbed soft white sand, the beach villas are secluded retreats flooded with natural light and the sea’s refreshing breeze. Each villa enjoys the services of a dedicated personal host, who will take care of every detail and guide guests through all the enriching experiences this destination has to offer.

Opportunity to gain unique insights into the Saudi Arabian culture, traditions and the destination are presented by a team of local experts dedicated to preserving and sharing their heritage. Honouring the legacy of nomadic exploration and learning, the Conservation House is an integrated space for creative pursuits to expand knowledge and foster a sense of community. Through hands-on activities hosted by resident sustainability, environmental, and cultural experts, guests of all ages can cultivate a deep connection with the destination.

Nujuma's dining philosophy is inspired by the Arabian tradition of gathering at one’s home to share stories of good fortune, poetry, philosophy and science. Each of the Reserve’s five culinary experiences honour the generations of fishermen from the Umluj region whose lives have been deeply intertwined with the area for over 50 years. Guests are warmly welcomed to Tabrah , a modern interpretation of a fisherman’s home, to share a menu of seafood specialities including, ‘The Luckiest Catch’, a communal celebration of the sea's daily bounty that has nurtured the fisherman's family through the ages. Jamaa is a relaxed alfresco space serving light dishes prepared in an open kitchen and over a wood-fire grill to the resort’s outdoor pool and beach lined with plush cabanas.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Maia is an intimate place for astrology inspired refreshments prepared by expert mixologists, including ‘Gemini’, a citrus mocktail named after the constellation, known as al-Taw‘amân in Arabic, that can be seen from Saudi Arabia’s capital all year. Designed to celebrate the wonders of the night’s sky featuring telescope and star design elements, the open-air terrace is a place to gaze above while Nujuma’s astrologer shares insights into the evening’s constellation. Inspired by vibrant bazaars, all day dining venue, Sita , is a spacious French-style patisserie and a Levantine restaurant under three woven-wood pavilions, a design nod to the tradition of leaf weaving. Guests are greeted by the aroma of freshly baked bread exuding from a traditional clay oven, paired with fresh hummus and dishes seasoned from the resort's vast spice library.

Neyrah Spa is a tranquil sanctuary dedicated to holistic wellness to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. The serene indoor and outdoor oasis invites guests to nourish the body and soul through ceremonies and methods from around the globe while connecting with regional ingredients including the enchanting scent of oud and moringa peregrina tree oil sourced from the AlUla region. Wellness experts design bespoke journeys to rebalance and relax, and guide guests through breathing techniques, meditation, lunar yoga and sound healing therapy. The sea’s breeze and gentle sounds of waves flow through five sea-facing treatment rooms and three outdoor treatment cabins. The space also features vitality and lap pools, a hammam and a fitness centre. Designed as a voyage, bespoke treatments encourage guests to reflect on the past, live in the present, and step into the future with clarity and energy.

“With the launch of the first Ritz-Carlton Reserve in the region, we are opening the doors to an unparalleled destination and inviting the world to discover The Red Sea destination,” said Tony Coveney, General Manager, Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, “Nujuma is unlike any other property in the region, a pinnacle of luxury with discovery and sustainability at its core, offering guests a transformative journey into the extraordinary set within the picture-perfect backdrop of Ummahat Island’s natural beauty. We look forward to welcoming guests to enjoy an unforgettable exploration of the destination where every moment is infused with wonder and connection.”

Ritz-Carlton Reserve is part of Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of over 30 extraordinary hotel brands . For more information and reservation inquiries, please visit www.ritzcarlton.com.

Imagery: Here

About The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC Delivering the Gold Standard in service in coveted destinations around the world, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC currently operates more than 110 hotels in 35 countries and territories. From iconic urban destinations to stretches of paradise in untouched corners of the earth, The Ritz-Carlton offers the opportunity for true discovery and transformative escapes that stay with guests long after they depart. Committed to thoughtful innovation, The Ritz-Carlton encompasses two groundbreaking brand extensions, Ritz-Carlton Reserve and The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection. Ritz-Carlton Reserve is a collection of rare estates set apart from the world, where personalized care and cultural immersion are paramount. The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection translates the brand’s legendary service and hospitality for sea, reimagining the ultra-luxury cruising category. For more information or reservations, visit the company website at www.ritzcarlton.com , for the latest company updates, visit news.marriott.com and to join the live conversation, use #RCMemories and follow along on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram . The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAR). The Ritz-Carlton is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments and unparalleled benefits including complimentary nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com . The Ritz-Carlton is committed to supporting the destinations where it operates through Community Footprints, the company’s social and environmental responsibility program.

About Marriott Bonvoy ® Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 31 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. From The Ritz-Carlton and St. Regis to W Hotels and more, Marriott Bonvoy has more luxury offerings than any other travel program. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy Boutiques®. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy, visit marriottbonvoy.com .

Media Contact Claire Liddell Director, Luxury PR, Middle East Marriott International [email protected]

The Ritz-Carlton Dallas, Las Colinas - Lobby

Russia is finally getting serious about its war, and it spells trouble for Ukraine

  • Russia's war machine looks different today than it did at the start of the conflict.
  • Moscow has new defense leadership in place and is setting the stage for an offensive this summer.
  • Putin is finally getting serious about the fight, and it's not good for Ukraine. 

Insider Today

It took Russia more than two years of brutal war, thousands of armored vehicles damaged and destroyed, an estimated 450,000 casualties, and tens of billions of dollars to get to this point, but Moscow seems to finally be taking its war seriously.

Much of the war in Ukraine has gone poorly for Russia. Its death toll alone — by many estimates more than 50,000 troops — is staggering. But Russian President Vladimir Putin's war machine looks very different today than it did at the start of the conflict.

The country's defense-industrial base has begun firing on all cylinders, and Putin recently installed an economist as his defense minister to boost the mass production of weaponry, especially firepower. Moscow blunted Ukraine's counteroffensive last summer with a strong defense while rebuilding stockpiles and transitioning to a wartime economy.

It has effectively exploited Ukraine's material, manpower, and industrial disadvantages over the spring, especially as Kyiv's Western partners floundered, and it is now setting the stage for what could be a major, multi-pronged offensive this summer. Its forces have also found and copy-catted tactics to drive Ukraine back.

Russia finally appears committed to its ambitions in Ukraine — and, as some fear, beyond — and it comes even as Ukraine's weapons stocks are being reloaded after US lawmakers passed a major Ukraine aid deal.

"The Russians are still dangerous and they're learning," George Barros, the geospatial-intelligence team lead and a Russia analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, told Business Insider. "They're improving every day."

An 'inflection point' in Russia's war efforts

The war began with Russia's botched invasion of Ukraine , with command failures, tactical missteps, and high levels of confusion in the Russian ranks in the face of stiff Ukrainian resistance ultimately derailing plans for a swift victory.

The Russian military continued to suffer from other problems in the first year of fighting, racking up troop and equipment losses while failing to capture significant amounts of Ukrainian territory.

And Ukraine got the better of its more powerful enemy on more than one occasion, including in its 2022 counteroffensive pushes in northeastern Kharkiv and southern Kherson.

But Russia found success in using a sophisticated array of defensive lines to prevent Ukraine's 2023 counteroffensive from achieving notable forward progress. As it concluded last fall, the highly anticipated effort ended in failure, with Kyiv unable to liberate much of the territory, even with an influx of armored combat vehicles from the West.

In the months that followed, Russia took advantage of stalled US military support for Ukraine, which spent much of the winter and spring outgunned and lacking critical munitions to defend itself. Ukraine also notably failed to adequately build out its defensive fortifications until the last minute. Moscow exploited these problems to make gains in the east and prepare for future assaults.

Alarm bells have been ringing in the West in recent weeks. US intelligence assessed in March that, despite suffering serious damage in Ukraine, the battlefield deadlock has shifted momentum in Moscow's favor.

The following month, a top US official and general said, respectively, that the Russian military was "almost completely reconstituted" and had "grown back" to its pre-war strength.

"They've got some gaps that have been produced by this war, but their overall capacity is very significant still," Gen. Chris Cavoli, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the head of US European Command, told Congress in April. "And they intend to make it go higher."

And those intentions have since been put on full display. In a rather surprising move on Sunday, Putin nominated Andrei Belousov — a civilian economist with no military background — to replace his long-time defense minister Sergei Shoigu, who has faced resounding criticism over Russia's inefficiencies in Ukraine.

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The recent military leadership reshuffle indicates Putin's intent to put Russia on a "Soviet-style economy war footing" to increase the output of the country's defense-industrial base, Barros said.

But this isn't just to satisfy Moscow's immediate needs in Ukraine, he added. It's also for "long-term force regeneration" in which there's a scenario where Russia goes beyond the borders of Ukraine and looks to project force against NATO's eastern flank.

Belousov, identified as a "competent, hard-head technocrat," was essentially brought in to audit the Russian defense ministry — which is riddled with corruption — and ensure that the country's tax dollars are actually going to the procurement of weapons and equipment that will allow Moscow to more successfully wage war in Ukraine, something the Kremlin previously struggled with, Barros said.

"This is an important inflection point in the Russian effort to treat the 'special military operation' as a real war and gets serious about long-term strategic protracted efforts," Barros said, referring to the term that Moscow has long used to describe the conflict.

It's not the first time Russia has tried to improve its war footing. Ukraine's blitz-style counteroffensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region during the fall of 2022 led Putin to announce a partial mobilization and take other measures to increase defense output , such as ramping up drone and tank production . The situation improved, but it still wasn't sufficient enough for Moscow.

Now, Russia's defense-industrial base — with the help of some key partners — appears to be rolling.

The Russian defense ministry in March, for instance, announced that it would increase production of several types of munitions, including the 1,100-pound FAB-500, 3,300-pound FAB-1500, and 6,600-pound FAB-3000 bombs — a troubling development for Ukraine.

These munitions can be converted to glide bombs, which are standoff weapons that can be released from a distance, thus reducing a Russian aircraft's exposure to Ukraine's air defenses. These highly destructive weapons can't effectively be intercepted and are hammering Ukraine's trenches and defensive lines.

The employment of glide bombs to support ground maneuver is the primary example of how Russia's military is successfully learning from its past shortcomings, Barros said.

It's a tactic that did not see widespread employment until the end of 2023, but one that Moscow relied heavily on earlier this year to capture the war-torn eastern city of Avdiivka, and is currently replicating during its new assault in the Kharkiv region.

Ukraine is 'going to be in a difficult position'

Since launching a new offensive effort in the Kharkiv region last week, Russia has been using glide-bomb strikes to enable ground maneuver so it can seize territory and create what it claims is a buffer zone along the border with Ukraine.

But Ukraine's ability to defend itself has been severely hamstrung by US restrictions on striking military targets inside Russia, analysts at the ISW wrote in an assessment this week. This has effectively created a sanctuary space where Russian aircraft can lob glide bombs against Ukrainian positions, and where Moscow's troops can gather ahead of combat operations, they added.

Ukrainian officials have tried to push the Biden administration to rethink its stance, but Washington has been unwavering in its position.

Meanwhile, with its new Kharkiv push underway, Russia now appears to be setting the stage for what could be a multi-pronged summer offensive that could stretch a Ukrainian army still depleted of critical materials and much-needed manpower .

Ukrainian and Western officials, as well as war experts, have said that the months-long hold on additional US military aid to Ukraine put the country in the tough position in which it currently finds itself.

Kyiv also faces morale and recruitment issues that didn't exist a year ago, when many were rather optimistic ahead of the summer counteroffensive.

"The Ukrainians are going to be in a difficult position over the coming months," Barros said. The pattern of US support for Ukraine, where Washington surges assistance at the last minute when the situation gets dire, "is not a sustainable approach. What we're seeing now are the consequences of that approach to Ukraine," he explained

Mick Ryan, a retired Australian major general and strategist who recently returned from Ukraine, wrote in April that Russia has clearly gotten over the "shock of its early failures" and seems able "to subjugate Ukraine in a way it was not capable of when it began its large-scale invasion in February 2022."

"Russia is now a more dangerous adversary than it was two years ago," he wrote.

Jack Watling, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute think tank, said that Russia is taking advantage of its numerical superiority, stretching out Ukrainian forces across a vast front line.

Kyiv desperately needs more forces, ammunition, and air-defense interceptors if it hopes to brave Moscow's advances, he warned, noting that "the outlook in Ukraine is bleak."

But, Watling argued in a new analysis this week, "if Ukraine's allies engage now to replenish Ukrainian munitions stockpiles, help to establish a robust training pipeline, and make the industrial investments to sustain the effort, then Russia's summer offensive can be blunted, and Ukraine will receive the breathing space it needs to regain the initiative."

Watch: What's next for the war in Ukraine?

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Lap Swim Schedule

May 13 - June 7

Lap Swim hours modified: May 20, 21, 23: 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

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Lap Swim can be canceled for special events such as competitions, special rentals or for other reasons deemed necessary.


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  22. Schedule

    Teaching and Learning Center Room 128. Phone: 208-885-4357. Web: support.uidaho.edu. Division of Finance and Administration; Auxiliary Services; Administrative and Business Operations; Building Operations; Swim Center; Schedule; Swim Center Schedule. Notice. Lap lane sharing is encouraged and expected. If you have two people in a lane you can ...