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Why travel should be considered an essential human activity

Travel is not rational, but it’s in our genes. Here’s why you should start planning a trip now.

Two women gaze at heavy surf while lying on boulders on the coast.

In 1961, legendary National Geographic photographer Volkmar Wentzel captured two women gazing at the surf off Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. This and all the other images in this story come from the National Geographic image collection.

I’ve been putting my passport to good use lately. I use it as a coaster and to level wobbly table legs. It makes an excellent cat toy.

Welcome to the pandemic of disappointments. Canceled trips, or ones never planned lest they be canceled. Family reunions, study-abroad years, lazy beach vacations. Poof. Gone. Obliterated by a tiny virus, and the long list of countries where United States passports are not welcome.

Only a third of Americans say they have traveled overnight for leisure since March, and only slightly more, 38 percent, say they are likely to do so by the end of the year, according to one report. Only a quarter of us plan on leaving home for Thanksgiving, typically the busiest travel time. The numbers paint a grim picture of our stilled lives.

It is not natural for us to be this sedentary. Travel is in our genes. For most of the time our species has existed, “we’ve lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving about in small bands of 150 or fewer people,” writes Christopher Ryan in Civilized to Death . This nomadic life was no accident. It was useful. “Moving to a neighboring band is always an option to avoid brewing conflict or just for a change in social scenery,” says Ryan. Robert Louis Stevenson put it more succinctly: “The great affair is to move.”

What if we can’t move, though? What if we’re unable to hunt or gather? What’s a traveler to do? There are many ways to answer that question. “Despair,” though, is not one of them.

wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers in Ocean City, Maryland

In this aerial view from 1967, wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers relax under umbrellas or on beach towels in Ocean City, Maryland .

During a fall festival, each state shows off its costumes and dances.

A 1967 fall festival in Guadalajara, Mexico , starred traditionally costumed musicians and dancers.

We are an adaptive species. We can tolerate brief periods of forced sedentariness. A dash of self-delusion helps. We’re not grounded, we tell ourselves. We’re merely between trips, like the unemployed salesman in between opportunities. We pass the days thumbing though old travel journals and Instagram feeds. We gaze at souvenirs. All this helps. For a while.

We put on brave faces. “Staycation Nation,” the cover of the current issue of Canadian Traveller magazine declares cheerfully, as if it were a choice, not a consolation.

Today, the U.S. Travel Association, the industry trade organization, is launching a national recovery campaign called “ Let’s Go There .” Backed by a coalition of businesses related to tourism—hotels, convention and visitor bureaus, airlines—the initiative’s goal is to encourage Americans to turn idle wanderlust into actual itineraries.

The travel industry is hurting. So are travelers. “I dwelled so much on my disappointment that it almost physically hurt,” Paris -based journalist Joelle Diderich told me recently, after canceling five trips last spring.

(Related: How hard has the coronavirus hit the travel industry? These charts tell us.)

My friend James Hopkins is a Buddhist living in Kathmandu . You’d think he’d thrive during the lockdown, a sort-of mandatory meditation retreat. For a while he did.

But during a recent Skype call, James looked haggard and dejected. He was growing restless, he confessed, and longed “for the old 10-countries-a-year schedule.” Nothing seemed to help, he told me. “No matter how many candles I lit, or how much incense I burned, and in spite of living in one of the most sacred places in South Asia, I just couldn’t change my habits.”

When we ended our call, I felt relieved, my grumpiness validated. It’s not me; it’s the pandemic. But I also worried. If a Buddhist in Kathmandu is going nuts, what hope do the rest of us stilled souls have?

I think hope lies in the very nature of travel. Travel entails wishful thinking. It demands a leap of faith, and of imagination, to board a plane for some faraway land, hoping, wishing, for a taste of the ineffable. Travel is one of the few activities we engage in not knowing the outcome and reveling in that uncertainty. Nothing is more forgettable than the trip that goes exactly as planned.

Related: Vintage photos of the glamour of travel

why do tourists travel

Travel is not a rational activity. It makes no sense to squeeze yourself into an alleged seat only to be hurled at frightening speed to a distant place where you don’t speak the language or know the customs. All at great expense. If we stopped to do the cost-benefit analysis, we’d never go anywhere. Yet we do.

That’s one reason why I’m bullish on travel’s future. In fact, I’d argue travel is an essential industry, an essential activity. It’s not essential the way hospitals and grocery stores are essential. Travel is essential the way books and hugs are essential. Food for the soul. Right now, we’re between courses, savoring where we’ve been, anticipating where we’ll go. Maybe it’s Zanzibar and maybe it’s the campground down the road that you’ve always wanted to visit.

(Related: Going camping this fall? Here’s how to get started.)

James Oglethorpe, a seasoned traveler, is happy to sit still for a while, and gaze at “the slow change of light and clouds on the Blue Ridge Mountains” in Virginia, where he lives. “My mind can take me the rest of the way around this world and beyond it.”

It’s not the place that is special but what we bring to it and, crucially, how we interact with it. Travel is not about the destination, or the journey. It is about stumbling across “a new way of looking at things,” as writer Henry Miller observed. We need not travel far to gain a fresh perspective.

No one knew this better than Henry David Thoreau , who lived nearly all of his too-short life in Concord, Massachusetts. There he observed Walden Pond from every conceivable vantage point: from a hilltop, on its shores, underwater. Sometimes he’d even bend over and peer through his legs, marveling at the inverted world. “From the right point of view, every storm and every drop in it is a rainbow,” he wrote.

Thoreau never tired of gazing at his beloved pond, nor have we outgrown the quiet beauty of our frumpy, analog world. If anything, the pandemic has rekindled our affection for it. We’ve seen what an atomized, digital existence looks like, and we (most of us anyway) don’t care for it. The bleachers at Chicago ’s Wrigley Field; the orchestra section at New York City ’s Lincoln Center; the alleyways of Tokyo . We miss these places. We are creatures of place, and always will be.

After the attacks of September 11, many predicted the end of air travel, or at least a dramatic reduction. Yet the airlines rebounded steadily and by 2017 flew a record four billion passengers. Briefly deprived of the miracle of flight, we appreciated it more and today tolerate the inconvenience of body scans and pat-downs for the privilege of transporting our flesh-and-bone selves to far-flung locations, where we break bread with other incarnate beings.

Colorful designs surrounding landscape architect at work in his studio in Rio de Jainero, Brazil

Landscape architects work in their Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , studio in 1955.

A tourist photographs a tall century plant, a member of the agaves.

A tourist photographs a towering century plant in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in 1956.

In our rush to return to the world, we should be mindful of the impact of mass tourism on the planet. Now is the time to embrace the fundamental values of sustainable tourism and let them guide your future journeys. Go off the beaten path. Linger longer in destinations. Travel in the off-season. Connect with communities and spend your money in ways that support locals. Consider purchasing carbon offsets. And remember that the whole point of getting out there is to embrace the differences that make the world so colorful.

“One of the great benefits of travel is meeting new people and coming into contact with different points of view,” says Pauline Frommer, travel expert and radio host.

So go ahead and plan that trip. It’s good for you, scientists say . Plotting a trip is nearly as enjoyable as actually taking one. Merely thinking about a pleasurable experience is itself pleasurable. Anticipation is its own reward.

I’ve witnessed first-hand the frisson of anticipatory travel. My wife, not usually a fan of travel photography, now spends hours on Instagram, gazing longingly at photos of Alpine lodges and Balinese rice fields. “What’s going on?” I asked one day. “They’re just absolutely captivating,” she replied. “They make me remember that there is a big, beautiful world out there.”

Many of us, myself included, have taken travel for granted. We grew lazy and entitled, and that is never good. Tom Swick, a friend and travel writer, tells me he used to view travel as a given. Now, he says, “I look forward to experiencing it as a gift.”

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7 Personal Benefits of Travel

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Forget milling around in your finest evening wear, Singapore Sling in hand: You'll be lucky to get peanuts. Flying isn't quite the party it was in Sinatra's days, and lots of time, energy, and money are expended to leave home, so why travel? How long do the  personal benefits of travel last?

Getting away from home and stepping outside of your usual routine is beneficial for both mind and body. The long-lasting personal benefits of visiting a foreign country far outweigh the costs and time to get there.

The great travel writer Pico Lyer said: "Travel is not really about leaving our homes, but leaving our habits." Here are seven ways that travel, especially  international travel, will enhance your life.

Travel Sharpens the Mind

You've done your old routine for so many years that you could run through it on autopilot. Being dropped into a new environment engages a dormant part of your mind and gets those synapses firing again.

Suddenly, you'll be required to navigate unfamiliar places, read foreign languages , try new things, make quick decisions, and choose your new eating and sleeping schedule.

Unlike at home, all the new sights, sounds, and places will require mental processing and filing. Your brain will welcome the workout! Once you return home, you'll be sharper than ever for better organizing and sprucing up your daily routine.

A Shift in Perspective

"Nobody comes back from a journey the way they started it." — Unknown

Being exposed to new cultures and people will greatly shift your paradigm and create a healthier perspective once you return back home. Seeing different social classes creates compassion and really makes you feel more blessed and content. Large portions of the world's population have to deal with daily threats such as hunger, disease , and landmines .

A hard day at work suddenly doesn't seem so bad when you see people in developing countries toiling in sun-scorched fields from morning to dark, or begging for a drink of water.

A Chance to Try New Things

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

While you may branch out at home from time to time by trying new restaurants or splurging on expenditures, traveling kicks you out of the comfort zone and forces you, for better or worse, to try new things!

Even if you don't enjoy your first attempt at scuba diving , at least you'll be able to relate in a new way the next time you see it in a movie or hear someone talking about it.

Becoming a well-rounded individual enhances self-confidence and will help you find new material for conversation in social settings with a wider variety of people.

Who knows, you may accidentally discover your new favorite food or find out that you want to pursue a new career in karaoke!

Meet New People

"A journey is best measured in friends, not in miles." — Tim Cahill

You'll meet far more friendly people on the road than you will under ordinary circumstances at home.

Other travelers are always looking to share experiences, give tips on places to go, and meet people from all over. Striking up a conversation with other travelers is extraordinarily easy.

A polite "so where are you from?" breaks the ice quite easily and may lead to lasting friendships with people from all over the world.

See the Real Deal

"To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries." — Aldous Huxley

Until you visit a place and form your own opinions, your understanding only comes from what you were taught in school, read in books, or saw on media, which may or may not be a complete truth.

Don't over-research your upcoming destination in guidebooks. Do your best to avoid building a bias toward a place or installing mental filters before you visit. Wait to form your own opinion, remaining objective until you can make up your own mind.

Exercise and Sunshine

Sure, you could just go sweat in the gym under fluorescent lighting, but chances are that you'll be much more active from day to day while on the road, regardless of whether your trip is an adventurous one or simply a relaxing beach trip .

You could be exploring new cities on foot, hiking , swimming, walking between places, and hopefully soaking up some needed sunshine while doing so. And it's guaranteed to smell better than the gym.

Come Home Renewed

After stepping away from home for a while, you'll return with renewed energy, a new set of mental filters, and ready to take on the next big project or challenge. Call it a life reboot.

Getting away for some time, even though it requires effort, will greatly enhance your attitude and productivity once you return home. Sure, you may have some mail piled up and matters to attend, but those are simple challenges easily knocked out.

Breaking up the monotony for a while is a great way to reduce stress and give your life an injection of excitement. Don't be surprised if shortly after your return, you're already counting down days until the next trip!

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10 Reasons Why People Travel

People travel for many different reasons ranging from a desire to discover the world, experience cultures and food, get some nice weather, or just to chill out. Experience every type of break for every reason we say. Travel is more than that though, it’s a mindset. Also, travel doesn’t just include international trips abroad but also discovering what is right there on your doorstep.

There are some main reasons why people choose to travel in general but also personal ones too. Here are some reasons why people choose to travel:

  • Visit family & friends
  • Educate yourself & experience different cultures
  • Change in perspective
  • Escape the routine
  • Challenge yourself
  • Self-discovery
  • Learn an activity
  • Have an adventure
  • Relax, recharge & rejuvenate
  • Experience a different climate

Travel means something different to everyone. But it can also be a very personal journey. People have different preferences for how they travel. Whether that’s quitting your job and backpacking across the world or taking shorter breaks throughout the year, travel can be tailored to your circumstances and life. That is the great thing about travel, you can make it what you want it to be!

1. Visit Family & Friends

In the world we live in today, the number of airlines, travel agents and so on have made it so easy to research and book a trip. The movement of people around the world has meant that people have settled in different countries that they were born in or grew up in for a variety of reasons, such as work opportunities.

People want to maintain their relationships that they have fostered and this is a great reason to travel to catch up and reconnect with family and friends in a different setting. Also, since they would now be classed as ‘locals’, you can take advantage and get a local perspective!

We both have close family and friends all over the world, such as, Canada, America, Tanzania, India, Singapore so we have been lucky to combine visiting friends and family during our vacation and we’re lucky to have even been invited to destination weddings, which is just a great, unique experience in itself!

why do tourists travel

2. Educate Yourself & Experience Different Cultures

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your normal routine, 9-5 job, and catching up on chores and life admin. People want to have a bit of excitement in their lives and break away from this routine once in a while and learn about different countries and cultures. And what’s the best way to do this? Well, visit of course!

The first things you should notice when you visit a different country are the differences from how the country operates and people’s way of life. This is one of our favorite things because it’s a chance to see what the people in the country do well, and sometimes you can adopt some of the behaviors in your own life.

We would love to travel more but for the countries, we have visited so far, we’ve enjoyed talking to the locals, learning about their history, way of life and fun facts! For example, did you know Durians (a type of (smelly!) fruit is banned on Singapore public transport because the smell is so bad?! You can actually get fined for this!

Cultural differences across the world are what makes the world an interesting place. Whether it’s the major festivals celebrated in a particular country or authentic food to try, this is a must-do when visiting any country. It gives the greatest insight into a country and creates the most memorable moments!

Whenever we book a trip, we will also try to find out if there are any major events occurring at the time we’re planning on being there. Taking in local life is the best way to experience a country.

We LOVE food. We’d say the food is probably number 1 on our list when it comes to visiting another country. We always want to try the local food and make it a huge part of every day when we’re on holiday. We always say the best way to experience a country is to EAT IT!

In fact, our recent trip to Thailand, we booked a Thai Cooking Class and made 4 authentic dishes from scratch. A great instructor combined with delicious recipes, what’s not to love?!

Needless to say, the dishes turned out brilliantly, and the cooking school also kindly gave us a certificate for participating as well as a beautifully designed recipe book of the dishes we had made so we could recreate them at home. This was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. Check out what else we got up to in Thailand here .

why do tourists travel

3. Change in Perspective

Traveling can change your perspective in life. Opening your eyes to essentially a different world can mean you truly appreciate your own life more but it also can be a reminder to be on a path to fulfill your own goals and dreams.

We think a change in perspective can definitely make you rethink some things that maybe you had a strong opinion previously on and can increase your understanding generally. But that’s the great thing, right? Travelling can give you that worldly knowledge and you can have interesting conversations with everyone, whether that’s family, friends or a local!

why do tourists travel

4. Escape the Routine

Everyone can relate to this. Most people have a routine like a 9-5 job, dropping/picking up kids from school, going to the gym, visiting family and friends. At some point, most people will get bored with the monotony of this, and they will want a break in this routine. Of course having a routine is important too to have some stability in your life, but once in a while people just want to get away from it. Who can blame them?!

Going to work or running your own business – these are of course important and allow you to build a life and ultimately gives you the ability to afford your trips , whether that’s locally or internationally.

Although some people absolutely love their job and are super passionate about it, we think it’s safe to say there are a lot of people out there that work because they have to, so they can fund whatever their own, personal passions are in life, such as traveling.

Escaping the routine once in a while is a definite must! It allows you to take a step back and reassess your life goals or at a minimum give you a different scenery!

why do tourists travel

5. Challenge Yourself

Whether you’re traveling solo, as a couple, or a group, it’s great to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Challenging yourself and succeeding gives you great accomplishment and sense of achievement. This shouldn’t be underestimated. Giving you this boost can give you a huge confidence boost and allow you to take on your goals and dreams with a positive attitude!

Whether this is challenging yourself by traveling solo or going to a country that doesn’t speak your language, it’s surprising what you can achieve when you have to.

We have to admit, this is something we definitely want to do more off (once the pandemic is over of course!).

Challenging yourself can also open your eyes to more opportunities. We are a great example here! We both work full-time but have a passion to travel as much as we can. We know a lot of couples in the same boat and that is why we emphasize travel not only internationally but discover what’s on your doorstep and ultimately travel within your means. This led to us starting this blog to not only preserve our memories from our trips but share with you all useful tips and interesting travel topics we discover along the way that could really benefit all of you.

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6. Self-Discovery

This is a BIG point and ties in well with the point above. The biggest impact self-discovery can have is on those who backpack travel around the world. You must have heard so many stories of people who have completely changed their lives through travel.

They have saved loads of money, quit their jobs, and began an adventure of a lifetime. But what drives them to make this huge decision? Often it’s something major that has happened in their life, such as losing a loved one, a failed relationship, or just the drive, determination and passion to travel.

Travel should not be underestimated here. We think it’s great for your mental health. But it doesn’t just apply to backpackers, it can apply to all. It also means taking the time out to go on short breaks and even staycations or day trips. It all counts!

Going on a journey of self-discovery can really help heal those wounds but also discover who you are as a person, what you like, don’t like, what are your goals, what person you want to become.

why do tourists travel

7. Learn an Activity

Part of traveling also means discovering activities that maybe you can’t pursue in your own country or maybe there’s just a limitation on how much you can learn and experience, for example, diving. If you have a passion for certain activities, this can mean you move to that country to fullyimmerse yourself in learning and training in that activity.

We know of people who have pursued something like this, trained in it professionally, and ultimately made the permanent move to that country and become instructors themselves. Your passion for learning activities can take you anywhere in the world!

why do tourists travel

8. Have an Adventure

Lots of people travel purely to have an adventure. We would definitely say there are three types of people – those that love adventure and want to pack out their diary with sight-seeing and doing activities, those that just want to relax, recharge and rejuvenate (see below point) and those that like doing a mix of both.

Routine can be mundane, so getting out in the world, locally or internationally, doing something that shakes things up a bit and creates a bit of excitement is just what some people need. It creates the best memories and makes the most of the country you’re in.

We know we definitely feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after returning from a trip when looking at all of our photos knowing we really made the most of your trip.

why do tourists travel

9. Relax, Recharge & Rejuvenate

As described in the above point, there are some people who have busy enough lives in their day to day life that when going away for a vacation, this means completely changing the pace of life i.e. total relaxation.

We think it’s important to have this aspect on holiday. Packing in everything as much as you can with the time you have is not always the best decision. Will you enjoy everything or is it just to tick things off your list? ENJOYMENT – This is what you need to keep at the front of your mind at all times! What will make you happy on this trip?

Travel for everyone means something different and as long as YOU get out from it what YOU want, then it’s a successful trip right?

Personally, our perfect trip means a mix of both adventure and relaxation, although the relaxation part is something we both have to fight for as we both have a tendency to want to do more and more!

why do tourists travel

10. Experience a Different Climate

Depending on where you live, you’ll be used to a particular climate. We’re from the UK, which is known for having unpredictable weather – one minute the suns out, the next it’s pouring down with rain. And don’t even get us started on the temperature – you’ll be fine in shorts and t-shirt one day and the next day you’ll be needing a winter coat just to go outside!

Needless to say, a big part of choosing where we go on holiday normally revolves around the weather – mainly how hot is it going to be? People from the UK are definitely known for jetting off to warmer climates around the world when choosing where to vacation.

That being said, we have friends in warmer climates of the world and they welcome the cooler UK weather. We guess it’s a case of wanting the opposite of what we have.

why do tourists travel

Post-Lockdown Travel – The ‘New Normal’

At the time of writing this article, we are in the midst of an international lockdown. Something that no country can avoid. Travel after the pandemic is going to bring some major changes. The main one being travel safety. We’ve written an article on tips on travel after the pandemic which you can check out here .

As the spread of infection slows, the economy slowly starts to rebuild and the travel industry begins to pick up pace, there will understandably be some uncertainty to begin traveling again locally as well as internationally.

Travel is such a huge passion for some but also a necessity for mental well-being. And although travel anxiety at the start will certainly be an issue, we need to remain optimistic as the world gets back to a ‘new normal’. We think it’s a great time to start booking your trips. If you want to know why, check out our article here .

We’ve also made some predictions on how we think travel is going to look like in the future. To see what we think, check out our article here .

why do tourists travel

What is Our Top Reason to Travel?

DISCOVERY! We love to learn about different countries. The world has so much to offer! We want to enrich our lives by seeing and doing things that create the best memories.

The most amazing thing about traveling to a different country is to see how it operates, the different cultures, and food. There’s so much you can take back with you, physically and mentally!

Of course, we relate to every one of the reasons we’ve listed above and also forms part of why we travel too.

why do tourists travel

Travel is a Personal Journey

So, there you have it, the reasons why people travel. Travel is such a unique thing and means different things to different people. For some people, it’s something they priortize in their life to do more of and for some people, it’s not on the top of their list but still tries to make the most of their free time.

Whatever the reasons why people travel, we think it’s definitely beneficial to do it for your well-being. Like we said before, it doesn’t just mean traveling to an exotic destination across the world, but discovering what’s around locally – you may be surprised!

We’ve been living in our house for almost 3 years and we make time to visit our local attractions through day trips and weekend trips and there’s still plenty of places to need to discover!

why do tourists travel

Let us know below in the comments why you love to travel. We’d love to hear from you!

If you enjoyed this article and want to know more – check out some more of our content that we have linked to below:

  • The Future Of Travel – How Much Is It Going To Change?
  • 8 Tips On How To Prepare For Travel Post-Pandemic – Prep Is Key
  • How To Organize Travel Documents With These 5 Easy Tips
  • How To Plan For Your Once In A Lifetime Trip
  • Why Thailand is Worth Visiting. Everything You Need to Know
  • Cultural Diversity in the UK – Why The UK is so Multicultural

The Binge Traveller

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Why Do People Travel?

Most people at some point in their life will have an urge to travel. This may be a two week holiday to somewhere warm to top up your suntan or it could be a life changing year, or longer, trip. Everyone has their own reasons that they decide to travel but most people are triggered by something. This is often a life-changing event or it could be a sudden change of feeling giving you the desire to fly the nest and set off on an adventure. After speaking to people I have met travelling, I have discovered, what I believe, are the main reasons why people travel.

Why do people travel?

1. to visit family.

Some family members move to another country. It can be on the other side of the world or just in another country next to yours. No matter where they are you will want to visit them at some point or another. The great thing about family visits is not only that you get to catch up with loved ones but you also get to see how they live and get up close and personal with their new culture. These new cultures could also encourage you to explore different parts of the world yourself.

2. To Spend Time With friends

A Gap Year or world trip can be described as the best time of your life. The memories you will make are enough to last you a life time, what better way to enjoy these memories than with friends. Planning a holiday with friends can be a great way to say goodbye before heading off to college / uni or just a great thing to do together as something you will always remember. I mean who wouldn’t want to travel from country to country relaxing on different beaches every day with your best friend? I know I would.

backpacking friends

3. To Find Better Weather!

No matter where you live chances are you will, at some point, moan about the climate that you are in. “I’m too hot” or ‘It’s too cold”. Lots of people travel simply to escape the climate they experience on a daily basis. People who live in colder climates race to the sunshine to top up their tans and people from countries which are constantly hot may travel to places to try activities such as skiing which they could not do so easily in their home country.

nomads noosa hostel why do people travel

4. To Discover New Cultures

Some people like adventures and to escape their normal monotonous life. They like not knowing what they can expect and want to deepen their knowledge in other lifestyles. How do other people live? What do they eat? What are their hobbies and values? And what better way to find these things out than by exploring the world.

5. To Find Themselves

This is a very common one, and this one in particular seems to be triggered by a life-changing event at home. It could be that you lost your job, a long term relationship broke up, you finished university and still have no idea what you want to do as a career or it could be the loss of a loved one. People who go travelling to find themselves tend to travel alone but don’t worry, it’s incredibly easy to make friends.

6. To Find Love

Are you unlucky in love ? Live in a small town and just can’t meet anyone? Then go travelling! The very least you’ll find is someone with the same desire to travel and experience different countries and cultures as you. Going travelling certainly doesn’t guarantee you’ll meet the love of your life, but travelling around certainly gives you loads of opportunities to meet new people.

date a kiwi girl - couple kissing

7. Wanderlust

Wanderlust is a strange word but what does it mean? Descended from the German word ‘Wandern’ meaning to walk and ‘Lust’ which is described as ‘A very strong or irresistible impulse’. In short it means that you travel because you have the urge to. You may not have one particular factor that made you book a flight. All you know is that you want to travel and you want to travel NOW!

8. You Won the Lottery

Ok, so this is a very rare reason, but I reckon at least half of lottery winners go an at least an extended holiday! One day hopefully I will be so lucky that I win big on the lottery. Some people, who have won millions have no idea what to do with the money. They already bought a big house but that’s not enough. What better way to spend your money travelling from country to country taking in all the amazing sights and cultures.

So why do you travel? Whatever the reason you decide to travel I have no doubt you will have the most amazing time and will catch the ‘Travel Bug’ and never want to stop.

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27 thoughts on “ Why Do People Travel? ”

Thanks so much for your answer. This was so helpful to me and my entire family.

  • Pingback: Why Do We Travel? | Quality Inn Sudbury

that photo of the men makes me really happy I love it

it helped me with my assignment’

This is an interesting subject. I am a nomad for 3 years and I have lived incredible experiences for the places I have already spent. The cool thing about traveling around the world is that we experience many different cultures, as well as being able to try different cuisines and visit beautiful places such as beaches and tourist sites.

Interesting point … for example I started my travels around the world at my 18 years of age and even though it was not something my parents wanted very much, I followed my adventurous heart and I have been through more than 20 countries so far.

Traveling is something that to me is addictive and incredible. But I only find it interesting when you have a cash income that does not depend on physical means to win. And I also really prefer to travel by car on the roads than by plane.

You miss a lot of incredible things like amazing landscapes and places. But unforeseen events can happen and something unexpected happens. It is always great to be able to read and learn new tips and experiences on nomadism.

I love traveling the world too 🙂

awesome ideas

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thank you so much nodmads this is a great sight which can help student klike me have really learnt alot from this page.

It sure is interesting that you said how exploring the world can help you experience other cultures and allow people to break away from their monotonous life. My son has been talking to me a lot lately. He has temporarily closed his photography business after giving in to all the stress of high-pressure jobs and creative rut. I think traveling around the world and plugging out of the normalcy of life will help him put the fire back in his eyes again.

  • Pingback: Preparing for a Trip

Thanks this is so helpful

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Thank you for sharing this information. it was useful and interesting.

Thanks, I was able to complete my Annotated Bibliography.

thank you for sharing this amazing information it really helped me with my project

I really like it when you made mention of how traveling help’s one finds love… I have a friend who actually left the country cause he was having bad luck in choosing is life partner,according to him all the ladies he ever came across with always have “a skeleton in their cupboard”,…. thereafter he decided to go for an holiday in a small town…….. to cut the whole storyshort,….. he’s now happily married with two kids abroad,

I’m glad you explained that some people travel simply because they have the urge to. Lately I’ve been wanting to travel but have been having trouble justifying it. Thanks for sharing this article and helping me see that it’s okay to treat myself to some luxury traveling soon!

Really good for a project.

I wish I’d won the lottery lol!! But I have traveled for my reasons combined above… 🙂 Also found my love abroad.

very informative blog you are doing great work

Omg tysm it rly helped me with my geography assignment for school! 🙂 it also made me feel rly happy, ty 🙂

I am travel lover. It’s true and most of the reason perfectly matches with my travelling plans. Very good analysis.

Thanks for sharing this great article Very well-written! Please see my blog, 3 Main Reasons Why You Should Go on Adventure Trips Hope this will help, Thank you!

Great blog! If you want to learn more about yourself, then traveling is definitely something that you must do.

Regards Mike

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Why Do People Travel? 10 Powerful Reasons To Change Your Perspective


Table of Contents

The thrill of traveling to a new place is almost second to none. Since the dawn of civilization, people have been attracted to the unknown. Whether it was an unknown land or an unknown community, our ancestors were always intrigued by the idea of discovery. Even now, within yourself, you have the same motivation to meet new people and seeing new aspects of this world.

The modern society hardly allows you to take a break from anything. Either you’re working 24/7, or you have to take care of your family. When the going gets tough, any human being, including yourself, needs a break. Some people travel to get away from their daily lives, while others look for new adventures. But behind all the reasons of why people travel is a motivation that fuels your desire to travel to an unknown place. 

What motivates a person to travel?

In modern society, everyone lives inside their bubble, often detached from the intricacies and uniqueness of the earth. You only know what you’ve been taught. But have you ever wondered what a person is doing on the other side of the world? If you got to live inside their bubble, your perspective would change completely.   

If you have a 9 to 5 job, you’d know how boring things can get at the end of the week. Sometimes you might have even felt like quitting your job. But have you considered taking a break from everything and going to a new place? It doesn’t even have to be a new country. You can go to a neighboring city and meet new people and get to know the place a bit better. In most cases, people are motivated to travel because they need to relieve their stress.

Then, there are people who you read about on Facebook and see posts on Instagram. They backpack across Europe, Asia, or any other continent for that matter. Most backpackers love to travel because they don’t want to stay inside a box. The fixed life doesn’t suit them. Can you blame them? Who wouldn’t want to watch the sunrise from the peak of Mount Everest?

Every individual has different ideologies, beliefs, and experiences that motivate them to travel.   

10 Powerful Reasons Why Do People Travel

Traveling isn’t just a one-off thing. It has a long-lasting impact on a person both physically and mentally. A lot of the time, people become a completely different person after they’ve traveled, and the change is good. Here are some of the notable benefits of traveling that influences people.

1. Traveling is Good for Your Health

Traveling plays a vital role in lowering your stress levels. People who have desk jobs stay stressed most of the days. And because they don’t get enough time to step outside and enjoy some pressure-free moments, their work performance takes a dip. If you’re someone like that, you can easily go on a trip on the weekends. If you don’t want to travel to a faraway country, then go to a nearby city. In the age of the internet, it isn’t too difficult to find information related to an unknown place.

Staying stuck within the walls of your home can be suffocating for some. And as a result, your mental health might deteriorate. Traveling can help you ease the tension and take your mind off of unnecessary things. Even traveling to a nearby beach and soaking your feet in the sand-mixed water can do wonders.  

2. Taking a break from the Normal Life 

This is arguably one of the major benefits of traveling. Living a routine life is perfect as long as you’re taking breaks from it. Even experts say you can only maintain your packed schedule only for a certain amount of time. After that, your body and mind will be aching for a vacation. There’s so much pressure you have to handle.

Continuous assignments from your boss? Your parents weighing in too much on your life decisions? Is your partner being inconsiderate? All of these issues can build up inside your head and one day explodes out into unwanted anger. Before that happens, now you know what you’ll have to do.

Did you always want to try out that famous ice-cream parlor in the next city? You should take a break from everything and try that out. As simple as that sounds, that complete experience of traveling will make your life a lot easier.

3. Getting to Know Different Cultures 

People travel to different places for different personal reasons. But people who have traveled a lot tend to be more considerate and knowledgeable regarding various aspects of the world.

For instance, if you’re someone who is living in America, you wouldn’t know much about South Asian culture unless you travel to that region. Only when you travel to India , Sri-Lanka, or Bangladesh, you’d understand the true essence of their cultures and norms. Even then, each country is different from the other.

Even a small conversation with someone belonging to a different country can increase your knowledge. That’s why people who travel tend to be more empathetic and respectful towards people of a different culture, race, and religion.  

Miguel De Unamuno , a famous Spanish poet, has a saying that, “ Fascism is cured by reading and racism is cured by traveling.” Even to this day, this quote rings true to the ears.

4. Traveling Improves Your Knowledge about the World

Most of the knowledge that we have of the known world is acquired through textbooks from schools and colleges. Even then, you don’t get to see the full picture. Unless and until you travel to a particular destination, you wouldn’t know whether the books are true or not.

People often learn a new language before going to a new country. This is a beautiful example of the benefits of traveling. It’s always good to be bilingual. If Hollywood has ever taught us anything, it’s this. Not just the language, your geographic knowledge will get better immensely. You’ll have a firsthand experience of different cultures and norms.

When you’re in a new place, you’ll have to be proactive and intuitive as you might not know the local language. This can help in building your confidence so that you can face future adversities head-on.    

5. Trying out Delicious Food 

Who doesn’t love food? Traveling allows you to taste different cuisines. If you travel enough, maybe one day you’ll know which country truly has the best food. 

You might have restaurants right next to your home that serves Italian pasta or pizza. But to get the true essence of the Italian pizza, you’ll need to go Sicily and try out the world-famous Sicilian crust pizza.

When you’re at a new place, don’t just go to fancy high-end restaurants. Mix it up with street food. New York has a huge collection of street food, which is tasty and inexpensive. As a result, it has become an inseparable part of the New York culture. If you travel to New York and don’t try out the street wrap or the burger, you’re missing out on the experience.   

6. Good for the Stories 

You probably have someone in your life, or you’ve met someone who tells the most badass travel stories. They somehow turn it into a high budget movie directed by James Cameron . They instantly become the center of the group. Who wouldn’t love to experience such stories and maybe get some social points while exaggerating the story a bit more? For that to happen, you need to travel more. 

Going out of your comfort zone and dealing with unpleasant situations make for the best bar conversations. Who knows, maybe the stories can even help you in your dating life! Ask yourself, who would you rather have a conversation with? Someone who has never been outside the city? Or someone who went backpacked across Europe in a classic Fiat car, saw the Northern lights and skinny-dipped in subzero temperature?

Traveling doesn’t only make good stories; it also makes the traveler more interesting and sophisticated. 

7. Seeking Discomfort to the Fullest 

Comfortable can be boring at times. When you get accustomed to your routine life, anything inconvenient will bother you. It can be as simple as the weather turning bad or raining. Because you’re comfortable in the sun, you don’t want to deal with the rain. But even the heavy drizzle has a unique beauty to it if you know where to look. That’s where traveling helps so much. It’s almost like a crash-course on how to develop yourself as a better person. 

When you’re traveling it doesn’t have to be anything as scary as bungee jumping from a cliff, but if you’re afraid of heights, you can push yourself and try climbing a mountain perhaps. The main point is, you need to get out of your comfort zone and deal with uncomfortable situations.

One such example is the famous YouTube channel called the Yes Theory . The group consists of four friends who are constantly pushing their boundaries. Their main motto is to seek discomfort, whether it’s in your everyday life or when you’re traveling. At first, it can feel a bit weird, but once you get over the initial hurdle, you’ll become a completely new version of yourself.

8. Making New Friends 

If you’re respectable to the people of a new city or country and be spontaneous, then making new friends isn’t that difficult. Even if you’re an introvert, you’ll easily find new people who like the same things as you, even if you’re from the other side of the world.

The key to meeting new people is always conversations. If you can go up to someone and have a decent conversation, that should be more than enough to make that person your acquaintance. With the inclusion of Airbnb to the traveling industry, it has become even easier. 

With the help of social media, you can find interesting people. Having friends in different time zones is highly beneficial when it comes to accommodation and travel expenses. You’ll get to crash at your friend’s place. Maybe you can use their vehicle, which will save you a lot of money.

On top of everything, you’ll receive gift cards, postcards, and if you’re lucky enough, maybe even a wedding invitation from your international friend.

9. Strengthening Your Relationships

Traveling has the power of bringing people close and strengthening the bond. Whether it’s a trip with your family or a romantic getaway, traveling is a good way to clear your head and reflect on the relationship. 

To keep up with the changes in society, family members spread out across the country and for some families throughout the globe. So you probably don’t get to see your relatives too often. Wouldn’t it be a fun experience meeting up with your parents or siblings and enjoying a walk on the beach? You’ll get to share your childhood stories and look back on how far you have come as an individual. 

Now romantic getaways are the perfect way to get even closer to your loved one. If you’re in a relationship, it doesn’t take too long for things to get boring. Traveling can spice up your relationship and ignite such a spark that solidifies your bond with your partner even more. Imagine yourself watching a sunset from the coast of Greece while the waves come crashing in on the shore. Or sipping coffee while sharing a blanket under the starry night sky in Paris? Have a movie-like experience in your real life.

Traveling with your friends often creates the best memories. Because you don’t have to filter anything with them, you can do stupid stuff and still get away with it. Nothing can beat the thrill of going to a new country with your school gang. Reminiscing and getting nostalgic while getting drunk with your buddies, what’s better than that? But never forget to be respectful and responsible when you do decide to get drunk.   

10. Come Back Rejuvenated

No matter which place it is, if you stay there for too long, you’d eventually get tired of it. The same goes for your small apartment home. There are days when you can’t wait to get home from work and binge-watch a show on Netflix. Then, there are days when you don’t want to return to your place. The secret to having a peaceful home is mixing things up, and travel can help you with that.

In the beginning, you were trying to escape from your normal life. So, you traveled to a new place. Now you have to return to that busy life of yours. But your experience while traveling has given you new perspective and motivation. It won’t feel the same. The first day at work, after your trip, you’ll be greeting everyone with a smile. That’s the impact traveling can have on people. 

That’s why you should always take a break when you’re drowning in your work. Your soul needs peace, never forget that.

Best Travel Tips to Make Your Experience Better 

These tips and tricks will help you to have a better all-round experience the next time you decide to travel somewhere. 

1. Keep an Open Mind 

Never forget the fact that not everyone is going to be like you, and not every place is perfect. So, don’t judge people when you’re in a new environment. Not everyone is going to have the same economic or social status as you.

Be accepting of different religions, cultures, and norm s. Something that might be appropriate for you may well be a taboo for the other people. So be humble whenever you’re traveling to a new place. 

2. Do Your Research

Finding out about a new place will help you to plan better and discover unknown facts about the new place you’re traveling to. Try finding out what the place is famous for and how to navigate from one place to another. If you know someone who has traveled there before, get in touch with them. 

3. Don’t Plan Everything 

Being spontaneous is way more fun than planning out every little detail. When you plan out everything, it can get very stressful. Not over planning will allow you to bump into some amazing people and have experiences that you otherwise wouldn’t have had. Let the universe dictate your path. 

4. Learn the Language

Even if you learn a few words that would help you a lot when you’re traveling to a non-English speaking country. People are a lot friendly than you’d think. They just need to understand what you need help with, and everyone would come to your support.

5. Protect Your Important Documents 

Things like passport, visa, and credit cards are valuable assets. These things have the power to get you in trouble or save you from it. So, keep them somewhere safe and don’t lose them.

Final Thoughts 

So, why do people travel? Traveling lets you be free and spontaneous.

No one likes to deal with the same things every day. A change of scene can do wonders in your work life and personal life. When you invest in travel, you’re investing in yourself, and that’s something that will never go to waste.

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17 Reasons Why Around the World Travel is Good For You

Why travel around the world.

We’ve compiled a list of the best reasons why everyone should enrich their life with around the world travel. And while we’re at it…all these reasons can also be taken as our motivation for doing what we do at AirTreks.

1. Traveling is easier than you think.

We believe that traveling around the world shouldn’t be hard: it’s actually something everyone should be able to do at least once in their lives. Whether you choose to spend a few years or just a couple months traveling this beautiful planet, it’s important to see what’s out there. It’s up to you to make the dream come true and take the first step. Launch TripPlanner to piece together and price your ideal route. Not sure where to start?  You can always call one of our travel consultants and get some complimentary advice!

2. Travel opens your eyes.

If you’re open and willing, travel will make you an incredibly more well-rounded human being. And that’s really the goal, isn’t it? If you don’t know where to start, check out our Around the World planning guide .

3. Traveling helps you learn who you are.

All the challenges and opportunities travel lays at your feet help you discover who you are in a way that’s only possible on the road.

4. Travel creates meaningful relationships

People you meet while on the road become some of the most valued names on your contact list. They become places on the map to visit later on. These folks give you a glimpse outside your hometown circle of friends, and force you to take in new and refreshing perspectives, and ultimately realize that everyone is the same.

5. Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had

Sometimes it’s only far from home that you realize you you’ve got skills you’ve never used. It’s travel that brings them to the surface and makes you smile, satisfied to have reached the mountain top, or  crossed a gorge  or helped a villager clean up after a storm, or even to have successfully ordered a meal at a rural Chinese restaurant.

6. Travel helps you learn new languages

There’s something satisfying about being able to throw around a few words of Greek, knowing how to say thanks in Thai, pulling out that long dormant Spanish to book a room in Santiago, or simply hearing a language you didn’t know existed just a few weeks before.

7. Travel means adventure

Zip-lining over the jungle canopy in Peru, successfully navigating the maze-like streets of Venice, bartering for the best price in the traditional markets of Marrakech, taking a speedboat ride in New Zealand, or hopping in a Land Rover and heading out to watch animals grazing  in Tanzania: these are adventures worth having. People are hardwired for the excitement of adventure and travel may just be the best way to tap into it.

8. Traveling gives you perspective

Meeting people from other cultures will teach you that the way you’ve been looking at the world isn’t the way everybody else does. In fact, your point-of-view might have some major blind spots. Seeing the world for yourself will improve your vision and your grip on reality.

9. Travel helps you move forward

If you’re between jobs, schools, kids, or relationships, around the world travel can be a perfect way to move from one of these life stages into your next great adventure. A big trip won’t just ease your transition into the next stage of your life , it’ll give you a chance to reflect on where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you want to end up.

10. Travel is education

Seeing the world provides an education that’s absolutely impossible get in school. Travel teaches you economy, politics, history, geography, and sociology in an intense, hands-on way no class will.  Fortunately, the school of travel is always taking applications , no entrance exam required.

11. Travel challenges you

Getting your daily latte at the same place and staring at your screen at your nine-to-five every day not nearly interesting enough? Even if you choose to work on the road (and keep staring at the screen), you’ll have to find a new place to drink your latte, and depending on your destination, finding coffee, and foamy milk or a good place to sip them could prove to be a sizeable challenge. Travel is full of moments of joy and challenges. Overcoming the challenges gives you some of the greatest joys of all.

12. Travel shakes things up

It sucks to be stuck in a rut. Everyone knows what that’s like. A big trip can be your perfect solution. Fly around the world, stopping over in all of the places you’ve always wanted to visit. Go ahead and plan your ideal route around the world  (it’s easier than you think!)

13. Traveling proves that dreams do come true

You imagined it, daydreamed about it, envisioned it. Guess what? It can be done. Around the world travel is possible, you just have to decide you’re willing to take the first step and start planning your itinerary.  What are you waiting for? We’ve put together some specials to inspire you to live your dream .

14. Travel gives you cool stories

Let’s face it. Even for folks who can’t tell a story, just the words “last year in Mongolia” get you instant party points.  Even when events seem trivial, nostalgia and distance create an irresistible spin that makes mundane things like getting your laundry done in Zanzibar, entertaining. Just don’t be that person and overdo it!

15. Travel is literally food for thought.

You’ll be constantly surprised at the flavors the world has to offer.  The way people in other cultures and countries prepare food, and break bread together (not that all cultures even eat bread) will astound you.

16. Travel gives you a sense of accomplishment

If you’re the kind of person that dreams big, you’re probably one to reach for new challenges. Finishing a trip gives you the satisfaction that you were able make a goal to travel and  accomplish what you set out to do–see the world.

17. Traveling for the hell of it

Why travel? Because you can. Because you want to. Because it beats the alternative (staying home). Why not  pick up your tickets and get the ball rolling!

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Tourism Teacher

21 reasons why tourism is important – the importance of tourism

Disclaimer: Some posts on Tourism Teacher may contain affiliate links. If you appreciate this content, you can show your support by making a purchase through these links or by buying me a coffee . Thank you for your support!

Tourism is important, more important than most people realise in fact!

The importance of tourism is demonstrated throughout the world. From the economic advantages that tourism brings to host communities to the enjoyment that tourism brings to the tourists themselves, there is no disputing the value of this industry.

The importance of tourism can be viewed from two perspectives: the tourism industry and the tourist. In this article I will explain how both the industry and the tourist benefit from the tourism industry and why it is so important on a global scale.

What is the importance of tourism?

Enhanced quality of life, ability to broaden way of thinking, educational value, ability to ‘escape’, rest and relaxation, enhanced wellbeing, who are tourism industry stakeholders, foreign exchange earnings, contribution to government revenues, employment generation, contribution to local economies, overall economy boost, preserving local culture, strengthening communities, provision of social services, commercialisation of culture and art, revitalisation of culture and art, preservation of heritage, empowering communities, protecting nature, the importance of tourism: political gains, why tourism is important: to conclude, the importance of tourism: further reading.

When many people think about the tourism industry they visualise only the front-line workers- the Holiday Representative, the Waiter, the Diving Instructor. But in reality, the tourism industry stretches much, much further than this.

As demonstrated in the infographic below, tourism is important in many different ways. The tourism industry is closely interconnected with a number of global industries and sectors ranging from trade to ecological conservation.

The Importance of tourism

Why tourism is important to the tourist

When we discuss the importance of tourism it is often somewhat one-sided, taking into consideration predominantly those working in the industry and their connections.

However, the tourist is just as important, as without them there would be no tourism!

Below are just a few examples of the importance of tourism to the tourist:

Why tourism is important. Importance of tourism.

Taking a holiday can greatly benefit a person’s quality of life. While different people have very different ideas of what makes a good holiday (there are more than 150 types of tourism after all!), a holiday does have the potential to enhance quality of life.

Travel is known to help broaden a person’s way of thinking. Travel introduces you to new experiences, new cultures and new ways of life.

Many people claim thatchy ‘find themselves’ while travelling.

One reason why tourism is important is education.The importance of tourism can be attributed to the educational value that it provides. Travellers and tourists can learn many things while undertaking a tourist experience, from tasting authentic local dishes to learning about the exotic animals that they may encounter.

Tourism provides the opportunity for escapism. Escapism can be good for the mind. It can help you to relax, which in turn often helps you to be more productive in the workplace and in every day life.

This is another way that the importance of tourism is demonstrated.

Rest and relaxation is very important. Taking time out for yourself helps you to be a happier, healthier person.

Having the opportunity for rest and relaxation in turn helps to enhance wellbeing.

Why tourism is important to stakeholders

There are many reasons why tourism is important to the people involved. There are many people who work either directly or indirectly with the tourism industry and who are therefore described as stakeholders. You can read more about tourism stakeholders and why they are important in this post- Stakeholders in tourism: Who are they and why do they matter?

Stakeholders in tourism

The benefits of tourism are largely related to said stakeholders in some way or another. Below are some examples of how stakeholders benefit from tourism, organised by economic, social, environmental and political gains; demonstrating the importance of tourism.

The importance of tourism: Economic gains

Perhaps the most cited reason in reference to the importance of tourism is its economic value. Tourism can help economies to bring in money in a number of different ways. Below I have provided some examples of the positive economic impacts of tourism .

The importance of tourism is demonstrated through foreign exchange earnings. 

Tourism expenditures generate income to the host economy. The money that the country makes from tourism can then be reinvested in the economy. How a destination manages their finances differs around the world; some destinations may spend this money on growing their tourism industry further, some may spend this money on public services such as education or healthcare and some destinations suffer extreme corruption so nobody really knows where the money ends up! 

Some currencies are worth more than others and so some countries will target tourists from particular areas. Currencies that are strong are generally the most desirable currencies. This typically includes the British Pound, American, Australian and Singapore Dollar and the Euro . 

Tourism is one of the top five export categories for as many as 83% of countries and is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38% of countries.

The importance of tourism is also demonstrated through the money that is raised and contributed to government revenues. Tourism can help to raise money that it then invested elsewhere by the Government. There are two main ways that this money is accumulated. 

Direct contributions  are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism employment and tourism businesses and things such as departure taxes. 

According to the World Tourism Organisation , the direct contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP in 2018 was $2,750.7billion (3.2% of GDP). This is forecast to rise by 3.6% to $2,849.2billion in 2019.

Indirect contributions  come from goods and services supplied to tourists which are not directly related to the tourism industry. 

There is also the income that is generated through  induced contributions . This accounts for money spent by the people who are employed in the tourism industry. This might include costs for housing, food, clothing and leisure Activities amongst others. This will all contribute to an increase in economic activity in the area where tourism is being developed. 

The importance of tourism can be demonstrated through employment generation.

The rapid expansion of international tourism has led to significant employment creation. From hotel managers to theme park operatives to cleaners, tourism creates many employment opportunities. Tourism supports some 7% of the world’s workers. 

There are two types of employment in the tourism industry: direct and indirect. 

Direct employment  includes jobs that are immediately associated with the tourism industry. This might include hotel staff, restaurant staff or taxi drivers, to name a few. 

Indirect employment includes jobs which are not technically based in the tourism industry, but are related to the tourism industry.

It is because of these indirect relationships, that it is very difficult to accurately measure the precise economic value of tourism, and some suggest that the actual economic benefits of tourism may be as high as double that of the recorded figures!

The importance of tourism can be further seen through the contributions to local economies.

All of the money raised, whether through formal or informal means, has the potential to contribute to the local economy. 

If  sustainable tourism  is demonstrated, money will be directed to areas that will benefit the local community most. There may be pro-poor tourism initiatives (tourism which is intended to help the poor) or  volunteer tourism  projects. The government may reinvest money towards public services and money earned by tourism employees will be spent in the local community. This is known as the multiplier effect. 

Tourism boosts the economy exponentially. This is partly because of the aforementioned jobs that tourism creates, but also because of the temporary addition to the consumer population that occurs when someone travels to a new place. Just think: when you travel, you’re spending money. You’re paying to stay in a hotel or hostel in a certain area – then you’re eating in local restaurants, using local public transport, buying souvenirs and ice cream and new flip flops. As a tourist, you are contributing to the global economy every time you book and take a trip.

For some towns, cities and even whole countries, the importance of tourism is greater than for other. In some cases, it is the main source of income. For example, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism accounts for almost 40% of the Maldives’ total GDP. In comparison, it’s less than 4% in the UK and even lower in the US! In the Seychelles the number is just over 26% while in the British Virgin Islands it is over 35% – so tourism is vastly important in these nations.

The importance of tourism: Social gains

The importance of tourism is not only recognised through economic factors, but there are also many positive social impacts of tourism that play an important part. Below I will outline some of the social gains from tourism.

It is the local culture that the tourists are often coming to visit and this is another way to demonstrate the importance of tourism.

Tourists visit Beijing to learn more about the Chinese Dynasties. Tourists visit Thailand to taste authentic Thai food. Tourists travel to Brazil to go to the Rio Carnival, to mention a few…

Many destinations will make a conserved effort to preserve and protect the local culture. This often contributes to the conservation and  sustainable management  of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a renaissance of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts. 

The importance of tourism can also be demonstrated through the strengthening of communities.

Events and festivals of which local residents have been the primary participants and spectators are often rejuvenated and developed in response to tourist interest.

The jobs created by tourism can also be a great boost for the local community. Aside from the  economic impacts  created by enhanced employment prospects, people with jobs are happier and more social than those without a disposable income. 

Local people can also increase their influence on tourism development, as well as improve their job and earnings prospects, through tourism-related professional training and development of business and organisational skills.

The importance of tourism is shown through the provision of social services in the host community.

The tourism industry requires many facilities/ infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourist. This often means that many developments in an area as a result of tourism will be available for use by the locals also. 

Local people often gained new roads, new sewage systems, new playgrounds, bus services etc as a result of tourism. This can provide a great boost to their quality of life and is a great example of a positive social impact of tourism. 

Tourism can see rise to many commercial business, which can be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance the community spirit as people tend to have more disposable income as a result. 

These businesses may also promote the local cultures and arts. Museums, shows and galleries are fantastic way to showcase the local customs and traditions of a destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local traditions.

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to be revitalised. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions, in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the entertainment on offer, for example. 

This may help promote traditions that may have become distant. 

Another reason for the importance of tourism is the preservation of heritage. Many tourists will visit the destination especially to see its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations will make every effort to preserve its heritage. 

This could include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful  tourism planning  and sustainable tourism management. 

Tourism can, if managed well, empower communities. While it is important to consider the authenticity in tourism and take some things with a pinch of salt, know that tourism can empower communities.

Small villages in far off lands are able to profit from selling their handmade goods. This, in turn, puts food on the table. This leads to healthier families and more productivity and a happier population .

The importance of tourism: Environmental gains

Whilst most media coverage involving tourism and the environment tends to be negative, there are some positives that can come from it: demonstrating the importance of tourism once again.

Some people think that tourism is what kills nature. And while this could so easily be true, it is important to note that the tourism industry is and always has been a big voice when it comes to conservation and the protection of animals and nature. Tourism organisations and travel operators often run (and donate to) fundraisers. 

As well as this, visitors to certain areas can take part in activities that aim to sustain the local scenery. It’s something a bit different, too! You and your family can go on a beach clean up walk in Spain or do something similar in the UAE . There are a lot of ways in which tourism actually helps the environment, rather than hindering it!

Lastly, there is something to be said for the political gains that can be achieved through tourism.

The tourism industry can yield promising opportunities for international collaborations, partnerships and agreements, for example within the EU. This can have positive political impacts on the host country as well as the countries who choose to work with them.

Tourism is a remarkably important industry. As you can see, the tourism industry does not stand alone- it is closely interrelated with many other parts of society. Not only do entire countries often rely on the importance of tourism, but so do individual members of host communities and tourists.

If you are studying travel and tourism and are interested in learning more about the importance of tourism, I recommend you take a look at the following texts:

  • An Introduction to Tourism : a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to all facets of tourism including: the history of tourism; factors influencing the tourism industry; tourism in developing countries; sustainable tourism; forecasting future trends.
  • The Business of Tourism Management : an introduction to key aspects of tourism, and to the practice of managing a tourism business.
  • Tourism Management: An Introduction : gives its reader a strong understanding of the dimensions of tourism, the industries of which it is comprised, the issues that affect its success, and the management of its impact on destination economies, environments and communities.

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10 reasons to love travel

What does travel mean to you here are just 10 of the many reasons i love to travel….

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In today’s tech-obsessed world, social media may well be the perfect platform to showcase the world’s beauty to armchair travellers across the globe, but travel is so much more than just getting that perfect Instagram shot. Travel should be meaningful. It should excite and inspire you, rejuvenate and ground you, educate and challenge you, and most of all, it should humble you.

Travel gives us our greatest stories, our most cherished memories and countless irreplaceable learnings that we can choose to pay forward to others. It teaches us about ourselves and each other, it broadens our horizons and, just like a reset button, it forces us to refocus on what really matters.

Here’s what travel means to me…

For me personally, travel is a way of life. I was born into a travel-obsessed family and had already lived on three different continents by the time I started school, so wanderlust (and an often ridiculed hybrid accent) was inevitable for me. My sister and I are incredibly fortunate to have parents that insisted that travel was the best classroom and, thankfully, our school holidays were spent exploring fascinating places, both near and far.

Upon graduating university (and turning 21), I was given the greatest gift: the gift of travel. Armed with a round-the-world plane ticket and a sense of adventure, I took off on a six-month solo backpacking trip through Europe, Southern Africa and Australia and, without a doubt, it changed the way I saw the world. So, as a self-confessed travel addict, here are the 10 reasons why I love to travel.

1. Travel to leave our world a better place

I have been fortunate to work and travel with &Beyond for more than 13 years now and what inspires me most is our company ethos and unwavering commitment to care for the land, wildlife and people. Travelling with &Beyond has given me the rare privilege to actively take part in so many unforgettable and truly meaningful experiences, such as: witnessing endangered rhino being safely translocated; observing an elephant cow being collared for research and monitoring purposes; helping to relocate a vulnerable nest laid by an enormous and highly endangered sea turtle; spending a night in a traditional Maasai manyatta (homestead); and so much more. &Beyond ’s authentic, experiential travel not only enables travellers to participate, engage and learn, but it also allows them to travel with purpose and to help leave our world a better place.

2. Travel to meet different cultures

Travel exposes us to different cultures and ancient traditions and through these authentic encounters, we learn to embrace and celebrate both our similarities and our differences. Travel teaches us about humanity and gives us an appreciation, understanding and respect for different points of view and ways of life.

3. Travel to learn

Not all classrooms have four walls and travel is the best way to immerse yourself in geography, history, culture, gastronomy, languages, biology … you name it. Travel enriches the mind and educates us far beyond any textbook or travel guide. Not only do curious travellers learn about different landscapes, languages and lifestyles; glean fascinating facts while observing wild animals in their natural habitat; delve into a region’s history and taste the local flavours; but they also learn about themselves (and each other) along the way.

4. Travel to escape reality

We all need to fall off the radar and escape reality every once in a while. Travel allows us to enjoy complete anonymity in new and unexplored territories. It gives us absolute freedom to live in the moment and it allows us to be anyone, to go anywhere and to do anything. The best part of my six-month trip around the world, way back when, was the freedom of being able to just wake up and pick a spot anywhere on the map and find a way to get there. Travel enables us to be spontaneous and seek new experiences.

5. Travel to relax

Our lives are time-starved and technology-driven and, let’s be honest, it’s not often that we actually take the necessary time to de-stress and truly switch off. Travel allows us to escape life’s daily demands, dramas and deadlines and enables us to clear our minds. It encourages us to recharge our batteries and to truly disconnect (from our phones, Wi-Fi, emails, laptops, social media, etc.) in order to reconnect (with ourselves, each other and the natural environment).

6. Travel to explore

Travel takes us out of our comfort zones and inspires us to see, taste and try new things. It constantly challenges us, not only to adapt to and explore new surroundings, but also to engage with different people, to embrace adventures as they come and to share new and meaningful experiences with friends and loved ones. Whether you seek adrenaline and non-stop activity, or unapologetic siestas and ultimate relaxation, travel gives us the opportunity to explore with an open heart and an open mind.

7. Travel for humility

Without a doubt, travel is a crash course in humility. As we cross borders, and oceans, we gain true perspective. We learn to recognise and be grateful for all of the things we take for granted in our own lives, and we also gain an appreciation and respect for how others live. Travel teaches us to be tolerant, flexible and open-minded, and most of all it makes us humble.

8. Travel to eat

One thing you’ll never find on a suggested packing list is a diet. Leave it at home! Just make sure you bring a healthy appetite and a willingness to taste new flavours and sample all of the local delicacies. Remember, mimosas are totally acceptable at breakfast and dessert is always a good idea. Indulge, go back for seconds and exercise when you get home.

9. Travel to be transformed

Don’t just travel for travel’s sake. Travel to seek adventure and feel alive. Take part in authentic experiences that will not only change the way you see the world, but that will also encourage self-reflection, environmental awareness and global action to help protect and conserve our planet.

10. Travel to live out your bucket list dreams

Every traveller’s bucket list is different. Whether you long to watch the sun set over the Taj Majal, snowshoe on the side of an active volcano, witness Africa’s Big Five and the Great Migration, or find your Zen on a yoga retreat in the Himalayas, if you can dream it, you can do it. Travel is the best medicine and long may it continue to take our breath away and turn us all into storytellers (and committed custodians of our precious planet).


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10 Powerful Reasons Why People Love to Travel

why do tourists travel

If there is one thing most elderly people encourage young adults to do, it is to travel more and see the world. You don’t have to take expensive vacations or holidays to travel. Traveling is all about visiting someplace that you’ve never been before with an open schedule. When you do this, your mind becomes receptive and you get more opportunities that will improve the quality of your life .

Traveling is amazing in many ways. You’ll get the chance to do things you’ve never done before, meet new people, eat different kinds of food and experience different cultures . As great as traveling is, most of us think we should postpone until we buy our cars, get that promotion or win the lottery.

You should start traveling as soon as you can. You don’t have to be loaded to visit new place s. All you need is determination and willingness. Life is fragile. On your deathbed, you’ll definitely regret not allowing yourself to travel and see the world.

Benefits of traveling

There are many benefits associated with traveling that we are going to discuss. As you’ll see, traveling will add more spice to your life.

1. Finding your purpose

Traveling is another form of investing in yourself . As you travel, you are going to meet new people, experience different cultures and lifestyles and engage in new activities that are not common in your hometown.

When everything is new in your life, you’ll be open to new ways of seeing and living the world. And this will give you a new purpose in life. If you haven’t figured out what your purpose in life is, all you need to do is travel. You’ll be surprised by what you are going to discover .

travel is Finding your purpose

2. You’ll realize that your home is your world

Most people define their homes as the place grew up. However, when you start traveling, you’ll realize that home is much more than just a town or city. It’s your world. Knowing that different places in the world are not just peoples’ homes but their world will improve your consciousness and make it easier to support people who are in need.

discovr the world

3. You’ll realize how little you know

You can spend several years in class studying planet earth and other galaxies. But you’ll never know your planet until you start traveling. Theory and practice are completely different from each other. When you travel, you’ll realize how little you know about the world and the people living in it.

Most of the things that we see on television and social media platforms are not the truth. We see what other people want us to see. But when you travel, you see things for what they really are. You’ll also realize how friendly strangers can be. Every person or culture you interact with will be a learning experience. The world is like a book . The more you travel, the more pages you read.

asia travel

4. You’ll realize how similar people are

In our small worlds, we tend to magnify the differences that we have with other people. We look at other people differently from how we look at ourselves. But the truth is you are much more similar to the people around you than you think. We all have common basic needs.

Young people tend to dress in one way while the elderly dress following specific trends even if they are not fashionable today. People follow similar patterns. How you think of another person is the same way he or she thinks of you. Learning this basic truth will help you appreciate the people around you .

people around you

5. You’ll realize that it’s easy to make friends

Approaching and conversing with new people is one of the greatest fears people face today. This fear is growing and getting out of hand because people don’t travel a lot. They associate with the same old people every day.

When you start traveling, you won’t have an option but to associate with new people. You’ll have to ask for directions, purchase things and associate with other travelers. No one will judge you based on how you talk or look. Communicating in a real and raw way will inspire others to be authentic . To make new friends, all you need to do is be you. I guess this isn’t the most difficult thing you’ve ever done.

woman eating

6. Life is a wonderful gift

As you travel, you’ll realize how precious your life is. Following the same old routine, every day leads to stress or worse, depression. When you start traveling, you’ll see that the world is filled with beautiful people and things. And you’ll be grateful for all the moments you’ve had in your life.

You don’t have to wait until something significant happens in your life to start traveling. If you wait, you’ll end up with regrets. As Mark Twain said , 20 years from now, you’ll be disappointed by the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did. Life has given you the energy, time and resources to see the world.

travel the world

Reasons why people travel

As you’ve seen, there are a lot of benefits associated with traveling. Apart from these benefits, there are a lot of reasons why people leave their homes to travel around the world. The reasons why people travel are personal and varied .

1. To challenge themselves

If you’re feeling stuck in your daily routine and life has started becoming more mechanical than magical, you are probably craving for new experiences and challenges. Traveling is one of the best ways to test and push yourself out of your comfort zone . You’ll realize how resourceful you can be in a new environment. Overcoming challenges will not only boost your energy but also make you happy in the end.


2. To learn new things

Learning is one of the major motivators of traveling. Experiencing something unfamiliar will make you knowledgeable and improve your skills .

Seeing the world is much more than attending a geography class. Every new destination will have a unique learning experience . You’ll get to experience new cultures, learn new things and meet new people. And all this will add to your insights.

horse riding

3. To understand yourself

Changing your daily routine by spicing things up will give you the chance to think and reflect on your life. As you travel, you’ll have all the time and space to let your mind wander. As you learn more about the world , you’ll end up learning more about yourself. Knowing yourself will greatly improve the quality of your life.

travel nature

4. Building quality relationships

Traveling with other people will help you understand and bond with them. Deepening your friendships will greatly improve the quality of your life. Research shows that 80% of your happiness in life will be determined by the relationships you have in your life.


5. Having an adventure

Conquering a new territory is just exciting. Most people travel to have an adventure. We all crave for new experiences. And traveling offers exactly what we need. Tasting new food, hiking, and camping in the mountains or scuba diving will spice up your life. When you return home, you’ll be happy.


6. Relaxing

Working hard and pushing yourself is great. However, you need to exercise moderation. Taking a break to relax and recover your lost energies is essential if you want to improve your productivity and performance. Taking a break over the weekend to visit a hiking spot or lie on the beach will recharge your batteries. You’ll also get the chance to reflect and come up with ways to make things at work easier.


7. Celebrating

People travel for happy reasons. They could be celebrating a birthday, wedding anniversary, graduation, landing a new job or a promotion. While traveling during such moments will greatly improve your life, you don’t have to wait for such significant moments to travel. The door is always open.

discover the world

8. Escaping

People travel to escape a bad breakup, demanding job or the loss of a loved one. Traveling is one of the best remedies for stress and unhappiness in life. You can also travel to get what you don’t have at home. This could be the scenery, weather and the freedom to do what you want. If you are a workaholic, you should consider traveling.

travelling escaping freedom

9. Appreciating life

When you are facing problems or stuck in a boring routine, you may start to lose sight of the most important thing in life. And that is you are alive. Everything is important to you because you are alive. Traveling helps you realize how lucky you are.

relaxing and appreciating life

10. Appreciate your home

When we spend some time away in a foreign place that doesn’t have the same luxuries that are usually available to us like villages that don’t without electricity, we not only become more aware but also appreciative of the things we have at home.

Some parts of the world don’t have access to clean water and learning institutions. Traveling through such areas or living there for a few days will make you appreciate what you have at home and even support the people who live there to improve the quality of their lives .


If you’ve been thinking of the reasons why you should travel, you have more than enough right now. Don’t wait until something significant happens in your life to start traveling. The doors are always open. Plus, you don’t have to be loaded to start traveling. You have all you need to start your journey. By traveling, you are going to see new things, taste different kinds of foods, meet new people and experience new cultures. You’ll also break your normal routine which is starting to get boring. Life is precious. Travel as much as you can and enjoy yourself.

Cover image: Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Tiffany Harper

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10 Reasons We Travel

For an updated version of this article from 2022, click here . 

1. To get a new perspective There’s nothing like travel to help you see that what you think is “the way people do things” is really just the way YOU do things. From our families to our work to our food to our homes, humankind is alive with differences you cannot imagine—until you see them for yourself.

2. To see the world through new eyes “We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment at no matter what,” wrote philosopher George Santayana in “The Philosophy of Travel.”

3. To gain appreciation for what you have There’s no place like home—but that’s so easy to forget. Leaving the comforts behind gives you a renewed appreciation for them when you return.

4. To get some distance from work Americans have a reputation the world over have for being unable to leave their jobs behind. But taking a step away from the job is good for your physical and mental health. It’s good for your work, too— it gives you the space to see the big picture in a new way, and builds a stronger team by forcing you to delegate and let someone else have your back.

5.  To settle grievances through shared experiences There’s nothing like a glass of wine by the cruise-ship pool to open a discussion that helps you see another person’s side of things. Family grudges and hurt feelings that rumble beneath the surface of the annual Thanksgiving dinner look different when you’re making memories and sharing pleasurable experiences—and seeing each other, literally, in a new light.

6. To get you out of your comfort zone  Whether you’re stuck in a rut or looking to gain a little independence, traveling can teach you things you never knew about yourself. Discover your resourcefulness while mingling with the locals. Realize your capabilities while navigating your way through a foreign city. You’ll never learn more about yourself than when you travel.

7. To admire Mother Nature Travel gives us the gift of seeing how small we really are in comparison to the beauty of Mother Nature. From crystal blue waters to pink sands to lush greenery, the real world is full of colors and sounds, sights and sites, that no computer screen can duplicate.

8. To learn about other cultures Every destination has its own unique history and style. A passionate local tour guide will immerse you in a world that’s completely different from the one in which you live.

9. To strengthen relationships There’s something about the shared experience of travel that can bring people together. Family vacations, a trip with a significant other, or a girls’ weekend will build a lifelong bond.

10. To unplug We’re constantly checking in on our phones, living life through other’s status updates or posts. Traveling allows you to disconnect from emails and social media. Sit back, relax, and take in the moment without the screen of your phone blocking the view.

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25+ Powerful Reasons Why Travel is Important, Don’t Miss the Infographic!!

why do tourists travel

Infographic: Why Travel? – Learn about the various benefits of travel

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1. Travel is educational

young traveler learning his journey

  • You Learn to Step in Today's World
  • You Feel Sense of Independence to do New Things
  • You Learn About History and Human Race
  • Magic of Nature Will Help You Find The New You
  • Traveling Gives You Sense of Infinity

2. Travel as a stress buster

young man relieving stress

  • New Environment Steals your Stress
  • You Become Healthier with Delightful Traveling
  • Let it Go your Worries, Past and Sadness
  • Traveling Makes You Find Better Version of YOU
  • You are no More in the Cage of Depression

3. Helps you re-discover yourself

young traveler enjoying herself doing meditation

  • You become Free to Explore Your flows
  • You Listen to Rhythm of Your Soul
  • Create the Harmony With Nature
  • Traveling Lightens up the Sparks Within You
  • Traveling Helps to Initiate the Innovations

4. Travel creates everlasting memories

Travel memories

  • Create Priceless Memories with Family
  • Rekindle Sparks with Your Best Friends
  • Solo Travel – Love Yourself
  • Journeys of Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Life is Short - You Deserve to Travel

5. The fun of adventure

Man enjoying water sport

6. Strengthens your relationships

couple enjoying their vacation

  • Kindness Shown By Other People
  • Mastering the Art of Patience and Tolerance
  • Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Partner
  • Creating Unique Memories with Parents and Siblings
  • Make New Friends and Reconnect with Old Friends

7. You get great business ideas

young traveler enjoying city view

8. Helps you gain some new friends

travelers becoming friends

9. You will be rejuvenated

female feeling rejuvenated at beach

10. Enjoy the pleasure of planning your travel

planning your travel

  • Find Out the Objective
  • Set the Budget
  • Decide Your Destination
  • Follow the Checklist
  • Keep the Documents Ready
  • Pack the Enthusiasm
  • Insured Yourself With Insurance

Click here for the 25 Ultimate Travel Inspirations for Travelers - Infographic

The 25 Ultimate Travel Inspirations for Travelers


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10 Reasons Why You Should Travel to the Caribbean

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Is the Caribbean on your travel bucket list? If it’s not, it should be. With its sunny climate, sparkling clear waters, and colonial charm, the Caribbean is sure to capture your heart from your very first visit. By the time you’ve finished reading our 10 reasons why you should travel to the Caribbean, you’ll be ready to book the first flight out to this tropical paradise!

10 Reasons to Travel to the Caribbean

Caribbean travel

Pink Sands Beach

1. The sunny beaches

It’s obvious why beaches must be number one on our list– the Caribbean has plenty of them! In addition, these islands have some of the best beaches in world. Pelican Beach in South Water Caye, Belize , is on National Geographic’s list of the top 21 beaches worldwide. It’s located right next to the South Water Caye Marine Reserve, which you can reach with just a short, safe swim.

Also on the list is Curacao’s Cas Abao Beach, known for its crystal-clear waters teeming with colorful fish. It affords some incredible snorkeling opportunities right from the beach. According to Forbes, Pink Sands Beach in Harbour Island, Bahamas is number two on the list of the world’s top 50 beaches. As its name suggests, the sand is truly a delightful shade of pink. Also in the Bahamas is the famous Pig Beach in Exumas. It’s actually the only place in the entire world where you can swim with wild pigs. 

2. The festivals

If you’re looking for a good time, look no further than the Caribbean’s tropical festivals. Head over to Curacao for the North Sea Jazz Festival , or Barbados’s colorful Crop Over Festival. Trinidad and Tobago celebrates the famous Carnival with exuberant street parades each year in February. While participating in festivals, you’ll not only be entertained, but also you can learn a great deal about traditional Caribbean culture, and enjoy great Caribbean food and music as well.

3. The food

Caribbean cuisine is highly varied and is influenced by many other cultures, including African, Amerindian, European, East Indian and Chinese. The incredibly variety allows Caribbean dishes to appeal to all ages and tastes. Since most Caribbean countries are located on islands, it goes without saying that you’ll find succulent seafood in nearly every restaurant. However, even those who don’t enjoy seafood, or enjoy vegetarian or vegan options, will find something to suit their fancy.

Bahamian cuisine

Bahamian Cuisine

4. The history

On many Caribbean islands, beautiful structures from the colonial period remain intact, and many have been restored. You’ll find historical sites dedicated to the culture of the natives who first inhabited the islands, as well has sites constructed by European explorers. In particular, San Juan is home to El Morro, a well-preserved Spanish fort. In the Dominican Republic, you can visit Christopher Columbus’s estate in Santo Domingo. Furthermore, Aruba is filled with beautifully preserved Old Dutch Colonial buildings. Every Caribbean country contains rich evidence of colonial history.

5. The people

In general, Caribbean culture is one of hospitality and warmth. The people who inhabit these island countries love to have fun and take pride in their unique traditional customs. Many of them will be more than happy to share personal anecdotes and teach you a few words in their native languages. Luckily, the languages most spoken on the Caribbean islands today are English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Creole, so speaking with the locals may not be too difficult, depending on where you’re from, and what languages you speak.

6. The accomodations

The Caribbean is the perfect place to find hotels and resorts with spectacular ocean views. In some countries, you can even rent your own private villa , or even your own private island! You can find something for every taste– from the money-saving hostels, to family-friendly hotels, to secluded private places , to luxurious resorts. Many Caribbean resorts offer amazing amenities like relaxing massages and concierge services. Some are so “all-inclusive” that you won’t even need to leave the resort during your entire vacation!

Caribbean travel

7. The adventure

Wondering what exactly there is to do in the Caribbean? The answer is: everything! Since Caribbean countries have vast oceans, tall mountains, city scapes, and lush rainforests, you can go sailing one day, and hiking the next. You can snorkel by day and enjoy the city lights by night. In addition, the Caribbean is the perfect place to do something adventurous, such as diving with sharks in Curacao or swimming with wild pigs in the Bahamas. You’ll also have the opportunity to try out some amazing water sports, such as jet skiing, surfing, jet blading, and paddle boarding. However, if out-of-the-water adventure is more your style, you can try hiking in the rainforest, horseback riding along the beach, or an off-road 4×4 excursion through the jungle.

8. The sunsets

There’s nothing like a Caribbean sunset to make you feel at peace. That’s why the Caribbean is such a favorite for those who are looking to get away from a stressful, busy lifestyle. It’s also one of the reasons why the Caribbean makes the perfect place for a honeymoon getaway, since couples can enjoy the majesty of an ocean-side sunset together.

Caribbean travel

9. The culture

Caribbean culture is generally laid-back, making it the perfect place to escape from your typical 9 to 5 work routine. Life moves at a tortoise pace on these islands, and since many of them thrive on tourism, fun and adventure are ingrained into the Caribbean lifestyle. Many Caribbean inhabitants value family very highly, and delight in spending time dining, relaxing, and even singing karaoke with their loved ones. They are proud of their traditions and are generally patriotic toward their countries, as expressed through their magnificent festivals, such as the Crop Over festival in Barbados.

10. The prices

Depending on where you live and currency rates, a Caribbean vacation may prove a viable, affordable option. Since many islands are in close proximity to one another, you can “island hop” from one country to another with ease, and there are affordable options for traveling by boat or plane. Caribbean countries offer both economical dining options as well as luxurious ones, and due to the fact that public beaches are free, you could essentially pay only travel, accommodation, and dining expenses during your vacation.

Ready to head to the Caribbean? Take a look at these top Caribbean destinations !

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I like that you mentioned that the Caribbean is a perfect place to travel to because of the many adventuring opportunities like diving with sharks! My wife and I are traveling to the Caribbean soon for our honeymoon. I’m curious how much it would cost to rent or at least ride on a yacht.

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Reasons Why You Should Visit the Bahamas

Turquoise waters and white sands await at Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island in the Bahamas

For many people, the Tiffany-blue waters and the golden beaches are reason enough to visit the Bahamas . However, there’s even more to this place than photogenic sands and sea: the country’s 700 islands and cays are home to national parks, walking trails and some of the best diving spots in the world. Here are the top reasons why the Bahamas are unmissable.

1. there are 700 islands and cays to explore by boat.

Natural Feature

Bahamas, Abaco Islands, Great Abaco, Beach at Treasure Cay

With more than 700 islands and cays, the Bahamas are best explored by boat. If you have sailing experience, Great Abaco is one of the most rewarding places to charter a yacht. The nearby Treasure, Green Turtle, Man-O-War and Elbow Cays are dotted with sheltered anchorages and people-free beaches. Alternatively, join a day sailing tour – trips from Nassau to the uninhabited, hammock-topped Sandy Toes Rose Island are always popular.

2. There’s sunset-to-sunrise nightlife

Hotel, Resort

Screenshot 2021-07-30 at 15.19.37

Elegant cocktail places, craft brewpubs and nightclubs that close at dawn are all part of the Bahamas’ nightlife portfolio. To experience them all under one roof, head to the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island. Sip the signature Pineapple Passion cocktail beneath the chandeliered ceiling of the Sea Glass bar, order a flight of locally produced beer at the Pirate Republic, then swap drinking for dancing at the 9,000sqft (836sqm) Aura nightclub.

3. It’s a paradise for scuba divers

Tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, looking at a scuba diver, Bahamas

There are rich pickings for divers in the Bahamas. The country is home to the Andros Barrier Reef, one of the largest barrier reefs in the world. There are underwater shipwrecks to discover here, too, such Theo’s Wreck, a sunken 80m (262ft) freighter off the coast of Grand Bahama. Plus, the waters are teeming with wildlife such as seahorses, rays and turtles. Braver divers can also head to Tiger Beach, an hour’s boat ride from West End in Grand Bahama, for mettle-testing dives with tiger sharks.

4. It features one of the largest underwater cave systems in the world

Path in Lucayan National Park, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas.

5. You can retrace the steps of pirates in Nassau

Fort Fincastle, Bennets Hill, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas.

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6. There are more than 2,000 beaches

Caribbean, Bahamas, Nassau, Paradise Island, Cabbage beach

The islands of the Bahamas are belted by more than 2,000 beaches. If you’re looking for bands of sand with all the trimmings, head to Cable, Junkanoo or Cabbage Beach on Nassau; if you prefer a lower headcount, try French Leave or Taino Beach on Eleuthera. For something a little different, go to the Love Beaches on Long Island, where coral gives the sand a tutu-pink hue.

7. The restaurants specialize in net-fresh seafood

Restaurant, Caribbean

Nassau Bahamas - Fish Fray Heritage Village

Food plays a huge role in the lives of Bahamians. Why wouldn’t it? The waters are filled with seafood like rock lobster, snapper and grouper, while fresh tomatoes, hot peppers, mangos and avocados grow on land here. For a taste of real Bahamian cooking, head to the Fish Fry strip on Arawak Cay in Nassau. Here, you can tuck into national dishes like conch fritters alongside mountains of rice and peas.

8. You can discover Mount Alvernia Hermitage

The Ermite small monastery at the top of Mount Alvernia on Cat island, over 63 meters, Bahamas. Mt. Alvernia Hermitage and Father Jeromes tomb atop Como Hill.

At 207ft (63m) above sea level, Mount Alvernia is the highest hill in the Bahamas. It’s crowned by a grey stone hermitage, built by a Roman Catholic priest in 1939 as a retreat from the rest of the world. Follow a walking trail up the hillside to visit the turreted building. Once at the top, you’ll be rewarded with sweeping views over Cat Island and the distant Atlantic Ocean.

This is an updated rewrite of an article originally by Sheri-Kae McLeod .

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36 Reasons Why Do Tourists Travel | Visit | Go to Nepal

Why do tourists travel to Nepal? Why do tourists go to Nepal? Why do tourists travel to Nepal? What are the reasons to travel to Nepal? What are the reasons to go to Nepal? What are the reasons to visit Nepal? Why should we visit Nepal? All the question are similar and the best answer to these question are given below. Have read…. Get a post about 36 best reasons to visit in Nepal.

Nepal is a multi-geographic, multicultural, multi-religious, multilingual, and multiethnic country Itti small in size and shape, but represents every feature of the world. It is highly enriched with natural beauty and biodiversity. Moreover the Nepalese are hospitable and respect the visitors as the god. In sum up, the top ten components found in Nepal and the Nepalese can be described as the best factor to pull the tourists.

Nepal is a beautiful country. Nepal is not only beautiful with the beautiful landscape and Himalayas but also beautiful with its unique culture, art, and tradition. You can enjoy lots of activities in Nepal which is the reason to visit the beautiful country Nepal. These funny and adventurous activities assist in creating the wonderful and unforgettable memories. Culturally and historically rich places of Nepal provides the good opportunities to explore new things which are interesting in their own way more than expected by the visitors. The beautiful country Nepal has its own unique blend of different culture and tradition that makes it different from the other countries.

Nepal is a small but rich country in terms of natural beauty, resources, and cultural heritage. Within the difference of about 4° latitude, we can feel so much of diversity in landscape, climate, vegetation, cultures, and lifestyles. Many visitors visit Nepal every year. The number of tourists is increasing every year. About 8, 03,092 tourists visited Nepal in 2012 AD. There is a tremendous potentiality of tourism in Nepal.

The number of tourists visiting Nepal is going high every year. They come to view the peaks, hills, lakes, rivers, plains, and various flora and fauna. They also come to enjoy our traditions, cultures, rituals, costumes, food pattern and way of life. Hence, Nepal grips high potentiality for tourism development. If the prerequisites of tourism are well developed, Nepal can soon turn to be the highly prosperous country in the world.


13 Reasons why do tourists visit Nepal

The 13 Reasons Why Do Tourists Travel, Visit, or Go to Nepal are as follows. Some of the funny things to do in Kathmandu can be mentioned below:

Unique Geographical Setting:

The unique` geographical setting is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. Nepal’s geography is unique in itself. The highest mountain in the world, Sagarmatha and eight of the 14 mountains over 8,000 meters are in Nepal. There are many world-record holder natural wonders: Lake T’ilocho, a lake at the highest altitude, Dana, the deepest gorge, Arun Valley, the deepest valley etc are there in Nepal. Caves and caverns like Hevesi, Mahendra Cuba, and semi-deserts of Manang and Mustang are unique in their own way. Nepal has a variety of climates. It is very suitable for adventurous tourism. No wonder, the world famous magazine called ‘National Geography’ declared Nepal as the best destination for adventure tourism in the world in 2008 AD.

nagarkot places nepal visit see mountain beautiful nature pictures

Rich in Natural Beauty

Rich in Natural Beauty is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. Nepal possesses high potentiality of tourism development due to its unparalleled natural beauty and scenery. Nepal has perennial rivers and streams etc originated from a snow-clad mountain. The peaks, hills, mountain ranges, gurgling rivers, glaciers, lakes, plains, gorges, forests, etc. can pull the eyes and hearts of tourists at least once.There are fastest flowing rivers and lofty grasslands. There are numerous lakes like Rara, Fhewa, and Foksundo. Nepal is equally rich in biodiversity. There are over 6800 of flowering plants. Sagarmatha National Park, the highest national park; Chitwan National Park, a world natural heritage site; Spiny Babbler (Bhyakura), the rarest bird in the world and one-horned rhinoceros are found in Nepal. It is suitable for holidaying tourism. Pokhara is such a home of natural beauty. Such picaresque features of nature cannot be excelled by anything else in the world.

beautiful-places-visit-tourist-spot-fewa-lake pokhara-nepal-picture

Religious Sites

Religious Sites is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. Since Nepal is a common home of more than 10 religious groups, we can attract tourists through the publicity of religious sites. The major religion in Nepal is The Pashupatinath Temple, the world’s largest temple of Shiva, located in Kathmandu, attracts many pilgrims and tourists. Other Hindu pilgrimage sites include Swargadwari in Pyuthan district, lake Gosainkunda in Rasuwa. the temple at Devghat, Chitwan, Manakamana Temple in Gorkha District, and Pathibhara in Taplejung, Mahamrityunjaya Shivasan Nepal in Palpa District etc.

Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Gautam Buddha, a founder of the Buddhism, was born in Nepal. Buddhism is the largest minority religion in Nepal. Lumbini is an important pilgrimage site. Another prominent Buddhist, the site is Swayambhunath, the Monkey Temple, in Kathmandu.

Chhath Puja festival in Nepal celebration in birgunj places to visit and see

The Muktinath is a sacred place for Hindus as well as Buddhists. The site is located in Mustang. Goddess Sita and her famous father King Janak of Janakpur were also born in Nepal. Lumbini, Boudhanath, Swayambhunath, etc. are the center of pilgrimage to the Buddhists throughout the world. The Hindus can pay their visit to Pashupatinath, Muktinath, Manakamana, Pathibhara, Swargadwari, Gosaikunda, Devghat, Baraha Kshetra, Janaki temple, etc. Moreover, Kathmandu, the city of temples, is an epitome in itself to lure millions of tourists across the globe.

Diversity In Cultures and Customs

Diversity In Cultures and Customs is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. There live more than 125 nationalities and they speak more than 123 dialects and languages. They have different costumes, cultures, lifestyles, customs and traditions and religions Nepal. It is very suitable for festival tourism.

Sama Chakeva

There live more than 125 nationalities and they speak more than 123 dialects and languages. They have different costumes, cultures, lifestyles, customs and traditions and religions Nepal. It is very suitable for festival tourism.

Rich in Ancient Art and Culture

Rich in Ancient Art and Culture is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. Nepal comprises the people following various cultures, languages, and religiosity. These characteristics have enriched the identity of Nepal. We do have uncountable historical, cultural and religious monuments, sites and artifacts scattered throughout the nation. The art, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc. can really glorify us. There are several ancient monuments. Ashok Pillar of Lumbini, Changunarayan Temple, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Basantapur Dubar Square, Krishna Mandir, Patan Durbar Square, Gorkha Durbar, Nuwakot Durbar etc is some of them. They are the reflections of our ancient arts and cultures. The Kathmandu valley along with Lumbini, Janakpur, etc. possesses the power of pulling a large flow of tourists. The three Durbar Square sites in the valley are its typical examples. Besides, Changu Narayan temple and Idol of Budhanilakantha hold the mighty grip of attracting tourists. The tourists may visit these sites for acquiring knowledge, experience or even having fun.

Arts masks sculputre Kathmandu Nepal girl shop image

image source:

Simple Rural Life

Simple rural life is one of the major reason to visit in Nepal. Nepal is an agricultural country. The majority of the people are farmers. They are innocent and still not much influenced by the modern development. There are about 3500 villages. Rural areas of Nepal can be good; destinations for rural tourism.

doko bhariya labour nepali boy profession agriculture

Friendly and Hospitable Behavior of People

Friendly and Hospitable People is one of another major reason to visit in Nepal. The Nepalese are hospitable by   birth and polite by nature itself. They respect guests as god and treat them in a friendly manner. Nepal is the country of world famous warriors: the Gurkhas, probably the bravest and boldest. At the same time, Nepalese people are very tolerant, hospitable and friendly. They consider the guest as God.

visitors and Nepalese tourist in Himalayas region Nepal

Tourists are the guest for them. They have the ritual of offering what they can to their guests, even by borrowing. They are always guided by the Sanskrit principle, “Atithi Debo Bhawa” (Guests are god). This nature of the Nepalese has always been good to pull the tourists to Nepal and their homes. There are many good hotels and lodges. It is very suitable for conference tourism as well.

Highest peaks

Out of the ten highest peaks in the world, eight are found in Nepal. Everest and Kanchenjunga – the world highest and third highest respectively – are our glory and identity. Other highest peaks include Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Yu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna.

Nepal Himalayas Mountain Everest Image

They are always snow-clad and hold a sort of miracle to attract the tourists. These peaks rest on awe-inspiring and majestic mountain ranges stretching over the long distance. These peaks, Himalayas, and hills also support for mountain tourism and adventure tourism.

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Why Tourists In Italy Shouldn't Even Try To Flag Down A Taxi

F or those of us who've spent time in U.S. cities, flagging down taxis has become second nature. But travelers should know that this practice is not universal. In Italy, for example, drivers might occasionally stop when you wave at them, just to be polite, but they're not actually supposed to. And in a more sinister twist, taxis that flout the rules and respond to unknowing, hand-flapping tourists may be "unregistered" taxis, which have been known to rip people off. Therefore, to abide by the rules and  keep yourself safe from taxi scams , avoid taxi hailing when in Italy. 

What you should do instead is head to the main train station, a major tourist attraction, or one of the main squares (piazzas) in the city you're visiting, most of which have designated taxi stands. If more than one person is waiting for a cab at this location, get in line behind them, and when it's your turn, the next available taxi will pick you up. In Florence, for example, taxi stands can be found at intersections near the main train station, Santa Maria Novella, and the famous bridge Ponte Vecchio, along with many of the city's piazzas, such as Piazza San Marco, Piazza della Republica, and others. Some of the bigger Italian cities (e.g., Rome) publish lists of all the taxi stand locations to eliminate the guesswork; you can quickly find these sites via a simple Google search. 

Read more: Tips For Protecting Your Passport When Traveling Abroad

Other Ways To Find A Taxi In Italy

If you're in Italy and you want the taxi to come to you versus the other way around, you have to call them on the phone. Again, in most major Italian cities, it's pretty easy to find contact information for taxi companies via Google. You're probably wondering right about now, "Can't I just use Uber in Italy?" The simple answer to that question is yes, if you're in a major city like Rome or Milan. But for now, only Uber Black is available, which is usually more expensive than a regular taxi. In other words, the cheap and easy Uber service that you're familiar with in the U.S. and other countries is currently not available in Italy. 

However, those who appreciate the convenience of using apps to find rides can use an app like WeTaxi, which is very popular throughout Italy. Like the Uber app, it employs geolocation to estimate the fare to get you from where you are to your desired destination, and then enables you to call a nearby driver. Other apps with similar capabilities are FreeNow, ItTaxi, and Apptaxi. The FreeNow app allows you to reserve a taxi four days in advance, and ItTaxi saves your regular routes. Through Apptaxi, users can earn miles and discounts. However, do note that not all of these apps work in all Italian towns and cities. Speaking of apps, check out our article on our favorite travel itinerary app . 

Less Expensive Ways To Get Around Italian Cities

Now you know that taxi flagging is one of those things tourists should never do when visiting Italy and what you should do instead to find a ride. But what if you use one of the above-mentioned apps to estimate your taxi fare and end up with sticker shock? While taxi rides in Italy are not as expensive as they are in Switzerland, they are generally higher than in other southern European countries, like Greece, Spain, and Portugal. So we totally get that you might have second thoughts about hitching that ride to the Colosseum. 

Here's our first bit of advice for controlling those transportation costs within Italy's big cities: When you can, walk. Invest in a high-quality pair of walking shoes, load up your backpack with water and sunscreen, and hit the road. Most cities and towns in Italy are infinitely walkable, and the great news is that the more you walk, the more pasta, pizza, and gelato you can eat without gaining weight on your vacation. Another option to consider is the underground metro if you're in Milan, Rome, Naples, Turin, Brescia, Catania, or Genoa. While these metro systems may not be as large as those in other European urban areas, they can often get you where you need to go quickly and cheaply. Buses are also a much more affordable alternative to taxis, with comprehensive bus networks within and between most Italian towns and cities. 

Read the original article on Explore .

Woman flagging down a taxi

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Bali Tourist Tax

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Beware of Scammer Websites, selling the Tourist Tax Registration. They are not representing the Balinese Government. ONLY use the official LoveBali Portal that we linked in our FAQ below

Bali tourist tax / bali tourist levy.

The Tourist Tax for international visitors to Bali is a tax charged by Bali’s provincial government. This is all you need to know to get ready to come to Bali. Make sure you are only using the links mentioned tha guide you to the official website of the Bali government. 

Planning your trip to Bali?

In the FAQ Section below we will answer your questions about the tourist tax.

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Bali Tourist Tax Regulations and How to Pay the Bali Tourist Tax

Faq - must know about the tourist tax (levy), the tourist tax will have to be paid by international travelers coming to bali, the tax applies to foreigners coming to bali..

For arrivals to Bali from outside Indonesia and also if you arrive coming from another province to Bali. 

The Bali Tourist Tax costs IDR 150,000 per person (ca. USD 10 and AUD 15). Regardless of the age of the traveler.

It seems, that for the online payment there is also a surcharge of Rp 4,500

Most probably you will not be checked (yet). The reason is, that the immigration officers and airport personnel is not responsible to check if you paid. And the Balinese government has not yet installed check points to control the payment (which might happen at some point).

Still you have to pay the tax and checks can happen at popular tourist destinations or then also at the airport and harbours upon entry. 

You can pay the tax online on the official Bali Tourism Website ( ONLY use that website, don't pay the tax anywhere else, there might be websites run by scammers).

Official website to pay the bali tourist tax

You will also be able to pay the tax upon arrival (airports and harbours). We strongly suggest however you pay already online before you arrive.

At times the Official Bali Tax Website might be offline.

Don't pay the tax anywhere else! Keep trying and come back to the website. Worse case, you can arrive in Bali without paying for the tourist tax online in advance, and then pay at the lovebali-counters. The Balinese government is in the process of installing payment counters at the checkpoints at the airports and harbours.

Travelers with following Visas are exemption from paying the Bali Tourist Tax, without having to apply for the exemption online (automatic exemption)

  • Holders of Diplomatic Visas and Official Visas
  • Crew Members of Conveyances are exempted
  •  KITAS & KITAP Holders (Holders of Temporary and permanent stay permits)
  • Family unification visa holders
  • Student Visa Holders

Foreigners can apply for an exemption on the official website . Apply at least 5 days before your arrival

  • Golden Visa Holders
  • Any other Visa issued by the immigration office, that do not have the travel purpose tourism ,. In other words, travelers with any visas that is issued with the travel purpose "tourism"  will have to pay the tax.

On the official website the government states:

Bali tourist tax exemption

We are not the government, so unfortunately we cannot help you with this issue. 

First we would check the Spam / Junk Folder, to be sure you did not receive it. 

You can also write a message to the support on 

It seems that the official site from the Bali government still has problems from time to time. Since we are not representing the government and are not charging any taxes or fees, we cannot assist you in this matter. We suggest you keep trying opening the website. Worse case, you can pay the tourist tax upon arrival.

Only use the official Bali Tax Website:

The tourist tax (levy) is a local tax that the Bali administration is implementing, it is only related to Bali and not to Indonesia

The bali administration has issued following statement:, the levy is paid only 1 (one) time while traveling in bali, before the person leaves the territory of the republic of indonesia., how they will control this is not yet clear to us, but it seems that if you travel to bali, pay the tax, then go to lombok, return to bali, you would not have to pay the tourist tax again., the bali administration has announced that they want to use the income of the tourist tax for the following initiatives (official statement from the bali administration):, preserve heritage, protecting balinese customs, traditions, arts and local wisdom, ensuring the sustainable culture of bali island., nurture nature, contribute to the nobility and preservation of bali's unique culture and natural environment, making it an even more beautiful destination., elevate your experience, improve the quality of service and balinese cultural tourism management, promising you a safe and enjoyable travel adventure in bali., bali and the indonesian tourism officials have discussed over the last few years how they can protect the environment better, handle mass tourism, improve infrastructure and handle the growing trash problem, increase income for the local population who do not yet benefit from the growing tourism sector. they wish to encourage travelers to respect and participate the local culture more and overall have a better experience when they visit the island of gods., for the moment it seems, yes, but we expect the local administration to clarify at some point., 14th february 2024, essentials for your bali vacation.

  • Digital Discount Card - The BaliCard
  • SIMcards & e-Sims online (NEW)
  • International Driving License (mandatory)
  • Hotels, Resorts and Villas in Bali
  • Trekking Tours & Sightseeing
  • Car Rental with Driver (half- & full day)
  • Airport Transfer DPS
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  • Golf Tee Time

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News & features, winter center, news / weather news, why some scientists think extreme heat could be behind people disappearing in greece.

By Laura Paddison, CNN

Published Jun 19, 2024 4:26 AM PDT | Updated Jun 19, 2024 4:26 AM PDT

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The search operation for a missing Dutch tourist whose body was found in a ravine. (Photo credit: Hellenic Rescue Team of Samos via CNN Newsource)

(CNN) —  It was a shock when Michael Mosley, a doctor and well-known TV presenter in the UK, was  found dead earlier this month  after hiking in scorching temperatures on the Greek island of Symi.

But it is now one of a series of tourist deaths and disappearances in Greece as the country endures a powerful, early summer heat wave with temperatures pushing above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

On Saturday, a Dutch tourist  was found dead  on the island of Samos. The following day, the body of an American tourist  was found on Mathraki , a small island west of Corfu. Albert Calibet, another American tourist, has been missing since he set out for a hike on June 11 on Amorgos. And two French women disappeared on Sikinos after going for a walk.

The bodies of those who died still need to be examined to establish the precise cause of death, but authorities are warning people not to underestimate the impacts of the searing temperatures.

“There is a common pattern,” Petros Vassilakis, the police spokesman for the Southern Aegean, told Reuters, “they all went for a hike amid high temperatures.”

Some scientists say what’s happening in Greece offers a warning sign about the impacts of extreme heat on the body, and in particular the brain, potentially causing confusion, affecting people’s decision-making abilities and even their perception of risk.

As climate change fuels longer and more severe heat waves, scientists are trying to unravel how our brains will cope.

The brain is ‘the master switch’

Research has traditionally focused on the impact of extreme heat on muscles, skin, the lungs and the heart, but “the brain, for me, is the key to it all,” said Damian Bailey, a physiology and biochemistry professor at the University of South Wales. It’s the “master switch” for the body, he told CNN.

It’s in the brain that body temperature is regulated. The hypothalamus, a small diamond-shape structure, acts as a thermostat. It performs a delicate dance to keep   the body’s   internal   temperature at or very close to 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 Fahrenheit). When it’s hot, the hypothalamus activates the sweat glands and widens   blood vessels to cool the body down.

But the brain functions well within a narrow range of temperatures and even small changes can affect it. Many people will be familiar with a feeling of slowness and laziness on a warm summer’s day.

But as heat increases, it can have serious effects, including lowering the fluids in the body and decreasing blood flow to the brain, Bailey said. He compares the brain to a Hummer — it needs vast resources to function.

Tests he has run on research participants in an environmental chamber, where he cranked temperatures up from 21 to 40 degrees Celsius (around 70 to 104 Fahrenheit), showed a drop in blood flow to the brain by about 9% to 10%.

“That is a big deal in terms of not getting enough fuel into an engine which is running at high end all of the time,” Bailey said.

And it has an impact. Extreme heat can disrupt typical brain activity, said Kim Meidenbauer, a neuroscientist at Washington State University. The brain networks that usually allow people to think clearly, to reason, to remember, and to construct and formulate ideas, can get “thrown out of whack,” she told CNN.

It gets harder to make complex decisions, such as which path to take on a hike — a decision that   sounds   simple but requires weighing multiple different factors.

There’s also evidence to suggest people are more likely to make risky decisions and   engage in impulsive behavior when they’re exposed to heat, she added.

An altered perception of risk coupled with impaired cognitive function can have very serious consequences. “You’re not just talking about potentially getting a little bit too warm and maybe having a sunburn,” she said. “You’re talking about potentially life-threatening (situations), like making poor decisions, having your judgement clouded.”

Scientists are only just beginning to unravel the range of impacts heat has on the brain, not just in terms of decision-making but mood, emotions and mental health.

“Our understanding is really pretty minimal,” Meidenbauer said. “It’s a major unknown at this point.”

Who is vulnerable?

Some people are more vulnerable to heat than others. Older people, especially those over 65, are more at risk, because their bodies don’t always thermoregulate as well. The people who have gone missing in Greece were all in their mid-50s and older.

Very young children and pregnant women also face elevated risk, as do those with pre-existing conditions, including mental health conditions.

But heat can be dangerous for anyone.

In 2016, a team of scientists followed 44 college students during a heat wave in Boston and found those without air conditioning  experienced significant declines  in cognitive performance.

“No one is immune to the health effects of heat,” said Jose Guillermo Cedeño Laurent, one of the research authors and an assistant professor at the Rutgers School of Public Health. “Our brain is an exquisitely sensitive organ,” he said.

Someone who is very fit understands the dangers and carries plenty of water is still gambling if they decide to go on a hike in very high temperatures, Bailey said.

“You make wrong decisions and it can cost you your life.”

How to protect yourself

There are behavioral things people can do to protect themselves and lower risk, experts say.

These include not exercising during the hottest parts of the day, instead going in the coolest parts of the day and seeking shade when possible. Wearing loose clothing and applying ice packs to the head and neck can also help.

Drinking water is vital and not just when you feel very thirsty, Bailey said. It’s important not to get to a point where the body is losing fluids faster than it can take them on. Experts also recommend electrolyte drinks, which can help replace some of the fluids lost through sweating.

Use location-sharing apps, said Meidenbauer. “Make sure someone knows where you are.”

Over the long term, regular exercise is important — providing it’s not outside during the hottest parts of the day — as it can help the body thermoregulate. “The fitter you are the more resilient you are to these climatic environmental stresses,” Bailey said.

It will take time to unravel the exact causes of death of those who lost their lives in Greece but there is a lesson that can still be taken away from the tragedies, Bailey said.

“No matter how intelligent or how fit you might think you are … if you’re going out in 40 degrees celsius plus temperatures, even if you’re well prepared, you’re running the gauntlet.”

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CNN’s Stephanie Halasz and Issy Ronald contributed to this report.

The-CNN-Wire™ & © 2024 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All rights reserved.

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Money blog: Landmark fall in inflation - but Ed Conway chart shows how much prices have gone up since prices began

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Wednesday 19 June 2024 14:00, UK

Inflation news

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  • Watch : Ed Conway breaks down inflation numbers - and shows chart that tells very different story
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Our  economics and data editor Ed Conway  has been poring over this morning's data drop from the Office for National Statistics. 

"In one sense this is a watershed moment," he says, inflation having dropped to the target 2%.

But looking at the data another way - at overall inflation over the last three years rather than annual figures - the numbers tell a different story. 

By doing so, you can see there's closer to a 20% increase in prices since the start of the cost of living crisis - rather than the 2% increase we've recorded in the 12 months from May last year to May 2024. 

And this figure - basically, prices - is still going up, just slower than it was before.

Watch Ed's full analysis here... 

After spending the morning reacting to the positive news on inflation (and less positive news on interest rates), we're going to start posting other personal finance and consumer news again now.

We'll still have any reaction coming in on the economy.

We have one more chart to show you in response to inflation having fallen to the target of 2% in May.

Like much of today's data, it is primarily good news - wages are going up significantly more than inflation.

For workers to whom this applies, it's rightly a cause for some cheer after a period of falling living standards and skyrocketing prices.

But for the economy, there's a flipside - high wage growth is inflationary, as businesses either have to absorb wage increases or put up prices. It also means people have more money to spend - again, when this happens prices tend to go up faster.

This chart illustrates how wage growth - after lagging behind price rises for some time - is now ahead...

May's fall in inflation cannot disguise "the worst period for living standards in modern times", Trades Union Congress (TUC) general secretary Paul Nowak has said.

Reacting to today's data, he said: "Over the last three years UK families have suffered the highest price rises in the G7 - with inflation going up more over that period than it usually does over an entire decade.

"Ministers can try to rewrite history all they like. But the Conservatives have presided over the worst period for living standards in modern times.

"Food and energy bills have surged. Rents and mortgages have skyrocketed. And real wages are still worth less than in 2008."

There are nearly 50 affiliated unions under the TUC banner with a total of about 5.5 million members.

We've been reporting how services inflation - which is much higher than the headline rate at 5.7% - could thwart hopes of an interest rate cut in June or August.

That's potentially bad news for borrowers - but Britons could benefit from savings rates remaining higher for longer than previously thought.

Mark Hicks, head of Active Savings at investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown, said: "Lower inflation will be music to the ears of savers, because if you hold cash in a competitive account, you'll be significantly outstripping inflation. 

"Right now, you can still earn more than 5% on everything from easy access accounts to those fixed for up to two years.

"Unfortunately, most people won't be making anything like this, because high street easy access branch rates are far less generous, and in most cases, they pay less than inflation. 

"At times like this it's key to check out the rates from online banks and savings platforms, which tend to pay more than the high street giants."

From its 40-year high of 11.1% in October 2022, the headline rate of inflation – the consumer prices index (CPI) – is back to the Bank of England's 2% target rate.

The government, naturally, will seek to take credit for it. Rishi Sunak, after all, promised to halve inflation last year and was quick to point to that when it happened.

It was a piece of chutzpah that brought to mind the old saying "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan".

If anyone deserves credit for bringing down inflation to the target rate, it is arguably the Bank of England, whose interest rate rises from December 2021 to August last year bore down on demand and on some of the inflationary pressures that can build in an economy when demand is too high.

In so far as the government can take credit for bringing down inflation, it is because - since the debacle of Liz Truss's short spell in 10 Downing Street - Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt have restored order to the public finances,  calming the panic in markets which erupted when Ms Truss sought to introduce £45bn worth of unfunded tax cuts . 

From the depths it plumbed after the mini-budget in September 2022, sterling has rallied by 22% against the US dollar and by 9% against the euro.

All things being equal, that has brought down the cost of goods and services that the UK buys from the US and from countries in the Eurozone, which may at the margins have had an impact on inflation.

In other ways, though, government policies have helped push up inflation. Public sector pay between February and April this year, the latest period for which figures were available, was up 6.4% year on year. That obviously feeds into higher prices. 

The government has also just raised the national living wage by 9.8%, the biggest increase in history, which again will feed into higher prices, particularly in sectors such as hospitality. The chancellor has also actively increased inflation by raising taxes on tobacco, as he did last year.

So the government cannot really take that much of the credit for inflation falling to target.

The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee deserves more. So, too, do some of the UK's retailers. The latest figures published by the British Retail Consortium suggest Shop Price Inflation was running at an annual rate of just 0.6% in May - down from 1.3% in March. In other words, by bearing down on prices, retailers are contributing strongly to the decline in inflation. The market is competitive and consumers are benefiting.

In truth, though, most of the heavy lifting in bringing down inflation has come from so-called "base effects" – the impact of the corresponding "base" the previous year.

Prices can still be rising, but contribute to a lower headline rate of inflation. If the price of an item in the inflation basket was rising by 10% in April last year but was only rising by 5% in April this year, that automatically feeds through to a lower headline rate of inflation.

Inflation took off in 2022 mainly because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which pushed up the price of oil and – thanks to Ukraine's position as one of the world's biggest exporters of corn, seed oils, wheat and rapeseed – a whole clutch of foodstuffs.

It had another boost when, at the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, China suddenly relaxed its COVID restrictions – unleashing a big burst of demand from the world's second-largest economy for commodities like oil. That pushed up prices elsewhere.

We have seen big falls in the energy price cap - a major contributor to lower inflation. Some of the biggest elements in the UK inflation basket - food and non-alcoholic drinks, clothing and footwear, furniture and household goods – are not rising in price to the extent that they were a year ago and certainly not to the extent they were in the autumn of 2022.

That is the main reason inflation has come back down to the Bank's target rate.

A version of this analysis was first published a month ago as inflation dipped to 2.3%

The question arises because the inflation spike was caused largely by external factors - the Ukraine war and subsequent energy crisis.

These factors have subsided, inflation is dropping in comparable economies around the world, and the key lever to squash price rises (putting up interest rates) is with the Bank of England, not the government.

But Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride says the government can, "in part", take credit.

He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Can we take credit? In part, yes, because controlling inflation is a matter both of monetary policy, which is interest rates and the Bank of England, but it's also an accommodative fiscal policy to make sure you work in the same direction as the Bank.

"So we had tough decisions to take - for example, around higher-than-inflation wage demands and how we responded to that to keep control of those wage-cost pressures within the economy."

House prices in the UK rose for the second month in a row in April, data from the Office for National Statistics shows. 

Prices rose by an annual 1.1% to an average of £281,000 after a 0.9% rise in March, figures show.

This will be welcome to some, with Britain's housing market continuing to show signs of recovery from the slowdown in late 2022 and 2023 which was spurred by the surge in mortgage rates.

We also have official - and slightly more up to date - data on the rental market.

Average UK private rents increased by 8.7% in the 12 months to May - down from 8.9% in April.

In the different regions, this looks like an average rental price of £1,301 in England, £736 in Wales, and £957 in Scotland.

This chart shows which regions are driving that increase in rent in England - with London unsurprisingly leading the way. 

Inflation returning to the 2% target is unquestionably positive news - memories are still fresh of 11.1% price rises noted in October 2022's peak.

While nothing like that is expected again any time soon - unless there is a major global shock - the Bank of England has been making noises for a while that it does expect inflation to tick up again later this year.

This could contribute to caution from the Bank in cutting interest rates.

Paula Bejarano Carbo, an economist at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, said the Bank should be wary of inflation "rebounding" from June onwards.

"Given that today's data indicates that core inflation remains elevated, this rebound might be sharper than expected," she said. 

Analysts at Pantheon Macroeconomics see inflation approaching 3% again as we near winter 2024.

They said this morning: "We expect inflation to hold at 2% in June and then to rise to 2.9% by November. 

"Food and non-energy goods inflation have no further to fall now they have converged to producer output price inflation.

"Meanwhile, Ofgem will likely hike the utility price cap by 12% in October after wholesale energy costs have risen. 

"We look for CPI services inflation to fall only to 4.8% at the end of 2024."

By Daniel Binns, business reporter

The value of the pound initially shot up this morning following news that UK inflation eased in May to the Bank of England's target of 2% .

However, sterling has since eased back slightly after it emerged that services inflation - which covers sectors such as the hospitality industry - was stickier than expected.

It fell to 5.7% in May, less than forecast, prompting predictions the Bank of England might now delay cutting interest rates until September, rather than August as previously thought.

The pound is currently up almost 0.2% against the US dollar, with £1 buying $1.27. Sterling is up a similar level against the euro, with £1 buying €1.19.

A rise in the pound is good for British holidaymakers and importers as their money goes further.

Meanwhile, the FTSE 100 and 250 are both down slightly amid the new rate cut speculation.

Ben Laidler, a markets strategist from eToro, said: "Markets are seeing a bit of indigestion on the details of the inflation report pushing back expectations of a first rate cut."

Top gainers this morning include Vodafone, which is up nearly 1.2% after it sold an 18% stake in Indian telecoms firm Indus Towers for €1.7bn (£1.4bn).

One of the biggest fallers is scientific instrument and equipment firm Spectris, which is down more than 8% on the FTSE 250 on Wednesday.

It comes after the company warned of lower-than-expected profits amid weak demand from China.

Meanwhile, the cost of oil is continuing to creep up, with a barrel of Brent Crude priced at almost $85 (£67) this morning.

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  25. Bali Tourist Tax

    Cultural Tourism Management, promising you a safe and enjoyable travel adventure in Bali. Bali and the Indonesian tourism officials have discussed over the last few years how they can protect the environment better, handle mass tourism, improve infrastructure and handle the growing trash problem, increase income for the local population who do ...

  26. Why some scientists think extreme heat could be behind people

    A series of tourist deaths and disappearances have happened in Greece as the country endures a powerful, early summer heat wave with temperatures pushing above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees ...

  27. Instagram versus Reality

    Travel 09/25/2023 September 25, 2023 01:06 min African tourists travel to discover Africa Edward Echwalu and Maureen Agena from Uganda are on a mission to inspire more Africans to discover their ...

  28. Inflation latest: Interest rate cut hopes fall away amid one concerning

    The rate of inflation dropped to 2% in May - down from 2.3% in April and ending a three-year battle to return price rises to target levels. It hasn't been this low since July 2021 - but services ...