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Never before have we had the ability to travel to new countries as easily as we do today. While we are still sadly living during these weird pandemic times, hopping on a plane to go to a new place halfway around the world is still something our grandparents couldn’t fathom!

And thanks to Jim Lewis , who discovered astrocartography in the 1970s and coined / trademarked the term, we now can plan to relocate or travel to places that would most beneficially serve us on an energetic, soul level.

I’ve been studying birth charts and astrology for over ten years, but it wasn’t until after I lived on 7 different planetary lines across the globe from San Diego to NYC, Egypt to Bali and Virginia and then ultimately moving to France in 2018. It was while living in France on my Venuc IC line that my interest for reading natal charts very quickly turned to an exciting, small niche in astrology, that most captivated my love for travel: astrocartography.

If you’d like to go more in depth and learn astrocartography in my 7 week locational astrology course, click here to learn more!

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography is the astrology of place. It’s also called locational astrology, relocation astrology and astro-locality.

Based on your natal chart in astrology, there is a map that corresponds to where the different planets were at different points on the map at the specific time you were born. 

Just as there are supportive planets and challenging planets, there are more supportive and challenging places in the world for you.

As a traditional Hellenistic astrologer, I follow the stoic notion that nothing in life is good or bad; things are either preferable or unpreferable, but certainly some places in the world hold more challenging energies for us.

The more challenging places (Mars, Saturn, Pluto – but it depends entirely on the natal chart) are areas of growth. Venturing to planetary lines that are more difficult are areas to learn lessons and focus in on those particular energies in our lives.

Reading an Astrocartography Map

When you pull up your astrocartography map, by going to < astro click travel, or using professional astrology software like Solar Fire, you’ll find that your map is covered in longitudinal lines. The closer you are to a line, the closer you feel the energy of that planet.

Even if you aren’t directly on a planetary line, you’ll still feel the orb of influence of that line up to 600 miles. Which is why it’s so important to measure it! Vibrationally, the energy lessons the farther you move away from the planetary line. I share more about the distance and specific measurements for the best effect in this blog post here.

Other Lines in Astrocartography

Aside from the main natal lines, there are also local space lines, parans, zenith points, among others. There are also crossing points when longitudinal and latitudinal lines cross and points that target on a specific point on your astrocartography map. Professional astrocartography software like Solar Fire can show those other lines and crossings.

When multiple lines are together, they tell a deeper story. I’ve been studying astrology since 2011 and astrocartography for four years and now offer astrocartography readings to suit your personal needs and interests, as well as to dive deeper into your unique soul’s history in the world. You can learn more about my offerings here , but let’s get back to understanding your map!

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Steps to Uncovering Your Astrocartography Map

  • Learn the meanings of the planetary archetypes. Each planet has a positive and a negative side. (I’ve included some basic keywords at the bottom of this blog post.)
  • Research the angles and their meanings (scroll down to read more)
  • Most importantly, look at your natal chart first. Determine the sect of your chart (is Mars or Saturn more unpreferable for you? Is Jupiter or Venus your happiest planet?), the essential dignities, and where the planets are placed in which houses. What aspects are they making with one another? This will give you detailed insight as to whether a line will be positive or more challenging.
  • Look at Parans and Local Space Lines. These are crossings and horizontal lines that cross your natal A*C*G lines and give more information on specific cities, regions and places around the natal lines. You can only find paran lines and local space lines on professional astrocartography software like Solar Fire.
  • Look at your relocated natal chart , to see the different areas of your life and how they are activated in a new location!

solar fire parans 2

Example of what parans look like in Solar Fire

Examine the Natal Chart First

I’ve written some other important factors to determine a positive planetary line for you and your unique natal chart in this post here. I find many people just automatically jump right to the astrocartography map. This is where I would urge caution. Your map works in tandem with your natal chart. So if you have a very difficultly placed Venus, I would never recommend moving to a Venus line, even though Venus being benefic is typically a positive place to travel. It’s important to start always start with examining your natal chart first and seeing how the planets work for you.

Career and/or Family on your Astrocartography Map

As a general rule of thumb (definitely look to your natal chart for specifics), for career and public success of recognition, you want to ideally move to a Jupiter MC or a Sun MC or a strong 10th house placement.

Generally speaking, venus are especially supportive for creatives and artists. If you’re looking for a peaceful home and family life, Jupiter IC, Moon IC or Venus IC is lovely (After living on 7 different planetary lines, I currently live on a Venus IC line in France and love it)!

Tips for Understanding the Lines on Your Astrocartography Map

When lines are directly on top of each other, such as on an intersection, they merge to tell a more nuanced and detailed story of a person’s life there.

You don’t want to live in a place where there are too many lines; it’s just far too much energy for one to take in.  Even living directly on a natal line is intense and can feel overwhelming. I write all about how to measure the best distance from natal lines here in this recent blog post.

What if there are no lines?

If there are no lines anywhere around a place, that means the energy in that place isn’t supportive or challenging. It’s a respite of sorts. Personally, I think it’s better to travel or relocate to a more supportive planetary line to receive the maximum benefit. One can still feel the effects of astrocartography lines within 600 miles, so it’s important to measure the distance, even if a line is in ocean. Keep in mind the parans and local space lines, if there are no natal lines. 

Learning Astrology and Astrocartography

Astrology is complicated. It’s not as simple as knowing your sun, moon or rising sign. We are so much more than just our rising sign. We have many  planets telling a story in our natal chart. How you communicate with others (mercury) may not appear anything like your sun sign. There are various houses (areas of life), rulers of planets and aspects that tell a deeper story of how the planets  relate to one another. 

It’s always important for me to note that astrology is a system of correlations; it’s not causal. The stars don’t  cause us to do things or tell us to behave in a certain way. Rather, astrology is a reflection, a window of your karmic unfolding. Astrology is a language, and when you begin to study the language of astrology, you start to understand the symbols, the glyphics, the lines and their meanings.

Reading a full chart can then be like reading a book of a person’s life…which is w hy I love zodiacal releasing  – an ancient Hellenistic timing technique that divides a person’s life into positive and challenging “peak periods” which can help with planning purposes.

Essentially, astrology is the  language of life. If you don’t speak the language, of course, you’re not going to understand it. But by working one-on-one with experienced astrologers, reading books ( I recommend this one to get started and learning the basics) or learning the basic planets/aspects, which I’ve included down below, astrology can be easily learned with time and dedication.

Astrology isn’t a psychic or intuitive practice. It’s simply looking at what the chart says and simply acting as a messenger.

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Book an Astrocartography Reading with Me

I love studying the chapters and places of a person’s destiny. And I’m far more fascinated by other people’s charts than my own. That’s why I love giving client readings. I’ve been passionately studying astrology for over 12 years but I uniquely specialize in astrocartography (or travel and relocation astrology) and zodiacal releasing as travel and time are my favorite topics to explore in a person’s life biography. As a storyteller and seeker, I feel most at home uncovering the truth within a chart. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing what I’ve learned with you.

If you’d like to book a personalized one-on-one reading with me, where we go deeper on the map of your soul’s blueprint and look at the detailed themes that will emerge for you in those specific places in the world. You can learn more details and book an astrocartography reading with me here.   I consider both parans, local space lines and natal lines. 

Learn Astrocartography in my Locational Astrology Course

Want to learn astrocartography and add this valuable skill to your business offerings? Take my in-depth 7 week locational astrology course. This self-paced course includes 7 modules, including how to understand the story of a place as well as how I created a thriving business as an astrocartographer! Get more details and join the course program here!

Learn astrocartography in Helena's Locational Astrology Course

Just Have a Quick Question?

I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about your natal chart, zodiacal releasing or travel/relocation astrology map here on Hey Hero! Send me your questions and I’ll look up your chart and send you a unique, personalized video answering your questions!

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Basic Keywords of Planets –

Sun: Most positive luminary. It’s where we shine and are seen! Leadership. It’s our will and spirit.

Moon: Feminine, nurturing, emotions and desires, inner needs and nourishment, a feeling of home and belonging

Neptune: Spiritual, unconscious, the unseen, the mysteries of life. A bit foggy and vague in energy.

Mars: Aggression, achievement, drive, stamina, motivation

Mercury: Communication, writing, technology. A very social and mentally stimulating line.

Jupiter: Fortune, blessings, luck, abundance. This planet is expansive!

Venus: Visual beauty, love, affection, style, art, partnership.

Uranus: Surprises, rebellious energy, changing society, instability

Saturn: challenge, discipline, hard work, order, delay, isolation, limitation

Pluto: transformation, death, rebirth, corruption, power, intensity

Angles and their Meanings in Astrocartography:

Ascending (AS) – Self / adopting the appearance and energy of that particular planet. Self-focused.

Imum Coeli (IC) – A sense of home and belonging, you will feel centered through the energies of this planet. More private.

Midheaven (MC) – Career, public reputation. How you are affected socially and in your career. More public.

Descendant (DS) – Relations. What you are drawn to in others and how others impact you. (partner, relationships, community)

Lunar Node – This special point shows a karmic connection. South nodes indicate a feeling of deja vu or familiarity, having come from. The North Node is your focus, obsession and the direction you’re heading toward.

Watch my astrocartography videos on Youtube!

I share more educational content on Youtube at Astrocartography with Helena, where I share example relocated natal charts, the meanings behind each astrocartography line and more tips on where the best places to live are based on your map!

I also make more spiritual, creative short films on Youtube here . đŸ•Šâ˜€ïž

I hope this provides some useful information on your astrocartography journey ☀ Have a magical day!

Astrocartography: The Best Places to Travel or Relocate Based on Your Map

Client tips , travel, january 5, 2022.

astrocartography moon photograph on beach


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Keep it Simple: A [Realistic] Beginner's Guide to Meditation 

What You Must Know Before Looking At Your Astrocartography Map

Paran Lines and Relocated Charts in Astrology 

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Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others. 


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Astro Mapping Cheat Sheet

My astrocartography  guide.

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Looking for some inspiration to live free and true to your heart? These posts will uplift and encourage you! 


Free tips and resources for how to read your astrocartography map of the world!

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Helena shares her heart, experiences and what she's learned through trial and error!


A gorgeously designed hardcover coffee table book with Helena's photographs from around the globe, this practical how-to guide includes everything needed to live a slow, simplified life. For anyone who's ever felt the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and feels the desire to let go of the busy go-go-go energy of a time we're living in, this book is for you. Free yourself by living slow. 

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Astrocartographer, author and guide sharing inspirational content on travel, relocation and the simple joys of life. Have a magical day! ☀

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Ellie Cleary

How to read your AstroCartography Map to Plan Travel

Curious about how to read your AstroCartography map so you can choose the best places to travel to and get the best out of your natal astrology? In this blog I share my own experiences and tips of living and working astrocartography as I’ve travelled and relocated around the world – so if you’re looking for tips on how to work with your AstroCartography lines, read on!

As a lover of both astrology and travel as incredibly powerful tools for self-discovery, growth, change, navigating life transitions and so much more, you can imagine how excited I was several years ago to discover that there was a tool that blends exactly these two things.

From the moment I first discovered how to calculate my AstroCartography chart, I was hooked.

Those places that had called to me all of my life, suddenly made sense.

The places that I’d never really felt at home in or had downright challenging experiences, suddenly made sense too.

The thing is, there’s a reason we feel drawn to certain places – and that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the easiest places for us to be – but in my experience it does mean that the energy – the planetary lines and influences running through there – do have medicine and wisdom for us.

As someone who has travelled the world mostly full time since 2015 and a career in travel for 13 years, AstroCartography mapping is the tool I wish I’d known about when I first started travelling 20 years ago.

So, without further ado, let’s get into some pointers for how to read your AstroCartography map, and how you can use that information to plan the perfect trip!

AstroCartography map reading

What is AstroCartography?

AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology, created by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970’s. Simply speaking, it is a visual system for mapping how your astrological birth chart (natal chart) corresponds to different locations on earth.

More specifically, AstroCartography maps the locations where the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus et al) were rising and setting around the world at the time of your birth.

When clients do readings with me, there are more types of locational astrology that I factor into the mix beyond AstroCartography for a more holistic approach, but AstroCartography is a great tool for getting started, and in particular thanks to the free map on, it’s easy to play around with if familiar with the different planetary archetypes and energies.

Using AstroCartography, you can easily locate your different lines – for example your AstroCartography Venus line or your AstroCartography Moon Line – and see which locations they run through in the world.

How to Use AstroCartography to Make Decisions on Location & Travel

There are multiple software options that offer AstroCartography, but the best free one to use is the one on Astrodienst. Simply go to and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It has handy descriptions when you click on a place so it’s perfect for beginner dabbling.

NB: For AstroCartography you need to know your accurate time of birth. AstroCartography is all based on the angles of your chart, which change by the minute.

Astrocartography map meaning

Which are the Best AstroCartography Lines?

A common question I get, is which is the best line to go to or visit? Which is the best AstroCartography line to live on?

And the answer – somewhat predictably is, it depends. Let me explain why.

AstroCartography is just one very specific form of astrology – and although working with it on its own can be helpful, it is far more powerful when combined with the wisdom and magic available through working with your natal chart as a whole and your current transits.

For example, you can be in the middle of your Pluto square Pluto transit and travel to your Venus AS line, but still feel like you’re living in deep pain and your worst fears are coming up to be dealt with. Ultimately, there’s no escape from the Pluto cycle – but we do get to choose to put ourselves somewhere more supportive for the process and healing.

Likewise, if you’re planning to launch your next big project and share it with the world, going to your Venus IC line may not help you in the ways you hope. As that’s a much more inwards energy.

It also depends very much on: What are you looking for? What are you seeking at this time? How are you looking to be supported on your life journey? What is your soul needing?

That said, there are some really supportive energies to look for when searching for where to settle longer term (eg home) – it’s really hard to go wrong with Sun, Moon, or Venus on your IC, unless you have other challenging lines crossing in the same location. But again, it’s really best to make these decisions when taking your whole natal and relocated chart into consideration, as well as current transits for big decisions like this. If you would like to take a holistic look at where is right for you looking at all of these things, you can book a Soul Travel Oracle reading with me here .

how to read your AstroCartography map

What Kind of Trip are you Planning?

When working with AstroCartography to plan travel, one of the first things to do is to spend some time sitting with your intention and what you want to get out of your upcoming trip. That will help inform you about which AstroCartography lines and which energies would be best to work with.

Or, you can simply take the AstroCartography as inspiration – by looking at where the most beneficial lines are for you, where they pass through, and consider how they relate to the places that most call to you / you most feel drawn to.

A few pointers:

  • If you want to go somewhere on a healing retreat or take time for yourself to heal after life challenges, Chiron can be a supportive energy to work with
  • If you want a lazy week in the sun look for Venus – Mars lines may have you running around more than you bargained for!
  • For those once in a lifetime journeys of the unknown and adventure, Jupiter lines are your teacher and guide
  • And if you’re really over something and ready to let it go and create something new instead, Pluto lines can be very supportive in the death-rebirth process – this energy is often avoided in AstroCartography and is incredibly powerful and transformative, even if it’s not always easy at the time.

It’s not always about the AstroCartography Lines, but it’s a great place to start

There’s more to the energy of a place of course than the AstroCartography – I believe that land holds different energies, which can be affected by the history of a place, and what has happened there. Places that have seen incredible hardships, genocide, or constant destruction through climate change can take on a heavier energy than their lines may suggest when you learn to read your AstroCartography map.

That said, I also believe that AstroCartography can be seen as a tool to guide us home. To our truest selves. And this is the deepest work.

The AstroCartography map can be seen as a way to find the missing parts of ourselves; to reclaim our stories and unfinished business from past lives, and reintegrate the pieces of our story we have forgotten – whether we can physically travel to those places or not.

And sometimes, the places we are most drawn to are on the most challenging AstroCartography lines – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go.

Following this path and journey is a process, which is why I love to support and guide women home along this journey. You can find out more about working with me here .

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Free Astro Map, AstroCartography Online Cartography, Relocation Chart

AstroCartography, Astro Map Free Astrology Online Calculator

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How to Let Astrocartography Guide Your Wanderlust

Use the astrology of travel to inspire your next vacation, active adventure, or relocation.

The Basics of Astrocartography

  • What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

How to Use Astrocartography Before Making a Major Move

If you read your monthly horoscope and looked up your astrological compatibility with that hot Bumble date, you already know astrology can be a useful tool for self-awareness, getting a read on current vibes (hey, dramatic eclipse season), and understanding relationship dynamics. But did you know it can also be used to inform your wanderlust and even a big move?

Pioneered by an astrologer named Jim Lewis in the 1970s, astrocartography (or locational astrology) is a system that allows you to see how your perspective on the world, energy, love, and career prospects might be influenced when you travel or lay down roots somewhere new.

"Life may feel great for you in one location but difficult in another because of your unique astrocartography profile," explains Ralph MacIntyre , a San Diego-based astrologer who specializes in astrocartography. "There are places on Earth with energies that will have a positive influence on your work or love life, for example, or promote good health, while other locations may frustrate these developments. Astrocartography maps indicate where your unique astrological influences show opportunities for growth and highlight challenges or disadvantages also associated with particular areas."

Here's what you need to know to use astrology as your life — or vacation-planning — GPS.

If you've ever cast your astrological birth chart using a website, an app, or ideally, by working with a professional astrologer, you already know that it serves as a "snapshot" of the sky when you were born. Rack up "HBD" texts every August 3? You're a Leo . Born on New Year's Day? You're a Cap , obv. But while everyone tends to refer to themselves as their sun sign, it's basically the equivalent of a doctor looking over labwork and noting your age. Your sun sign — the zodiac sign that the sun was in when you were born — is just one detail of many that make up your individual astrological picture. And once you have your unique birth chart handy, you can use it to understand how you might be influenced when you're living or visiting a particular spot on the planet, according to the theory of astrocartography.

Astrocartography compares your birth chart to the location of the sun, the moon, and the planets relative to the Earth when you were born. By keying into these specifics, you can get a sense of where you might enjoy or struggle with certain energy shifts (and use that info to plan an adventure vacation or self-reflective yoga retreat.)

What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

To get your astrocartography map, you can consult with a professional astrologer, such as MacIntyre , or use an online tool, such as's AstroClick Travel feature . To take advantage of AstroClick Travel, you'll need to enter your birthdate (including the time) and birthplace, and voilĂ , your AstroClick travel chart.

If you pull up your individualized astrocartography map, you'll see lines running vertically or curving across the map. One line might run straight down the east coast, another directly through the middle of the Pacific. Each is related to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born

Check out the energetic effect of each planetary line:

  • Sun: A confidence-boosting line, the sun line can lift your mood, making you feel in sync with your core self.
  • Moon: Associated with emotions, the moon can boost feelings of vulnerability and sensitivity.
  • Mercury: As the planet of communication (as well as transportation and technology) Mercury's line bolsters self-expression, as well as travel and intellectual pursuits. (And, yes, it also goes retrograde sometimes .)
  • Venus: The planet of romance, beauty, and money, the Venus line can amplify all of these themes, leading to long-term love and partnerships, creativity, as well as feeling and appearing extra magnetic.
  • Mars: Ruling action, athleticism, energy, and sex, the Mars line can encourage combativeness — but amplify excitement and passion.
  • Jupiter: The largest planet in the solar system is linked to expansion and fortune, so it's considered one of the luckiest spots.
  • Saturn: The taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees hard work and uphill battles that are meant to teach crucial lessons. Being near a Saturn line might make life feel like a slog, but ultimately, it can boost your maturity and personal growth.
  • Uranus: Revolutionary Uranus is all about sudden, unexpected shifts, change, and freedom. The influence of the line can have you feeling energized (generally in an anxious way) and determined to break free of convention.
  • Neptune: The planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition, Neptune clouds rational thought, so its line elevates imagination — but also illusion.
  • Pluto: The planet of transformation also deals with deep-rooted, psychological issues and power struggles, so it can be an emotionally challenging spot to spend time in.

And because the sun is always rising in one spot while it sets at another, there are four lines for each celestial body, referred to as the "four angles" or cardinal points:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC): Your rising line is associated with your outward personality, and you'll identify with the energy of whichever planet(s) was coziest to your ascendant at the time of your birth. Travel or move to your sun AC line, and you could feel more confident and centered in the way you appear to others out and about in the world.
  • The Descendant (DC): The descendant line speaks to your relationships with others. For instance, your Venus descendant line might be a powerful one for finding love.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC): The IC line is associated with your origins, your home, your family, security, and how that foundation influences your identity. It has a reflective influence, so your moon IC line might be a place where you can make headway with a practice like therapy or meditation, getting in touch with deep-seated emotions.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC): The MC line reflects social standing, public reputation, who you are — or aspire to be — at your peak level of success. Spending time on your Mars MC line might have you feeling fired up to pursue bold professional goals.

Pair these angles with your Astroclick Travel lines (or the planetary lines provided by an astrologer), and you'll get an interesting sense of what lessons or energies you might experience in a particular part of the globe. Say you go to college in Boston, right on your Venus AC line. This could mean that you're more apt to be social, make vibrant connections, and cultivate your sense of self-worth. Or if you move to Los Angeles, where your Mercury IC line lies, it may be easier to speak about your emotions and inner life or learn more about yourself through therapy or researching your genealogy.

Say you were born in Chicago and want to know how you'll feel if you take a job in Miami. You can also use the theory of astrocartography to do relocation astrology, which involves "shifting" your birth chart.

"For example, if two people are born at the same moment in time, but one is in California and the other in London, their perspective on the sky is very different," explains astrologer April Elliott Kent of Big Sky Astrology and the Big Sky Astrology Podcast . "The stars and planets are in the same signs and relationship to one another, but [people's] perspective on them shifts depending on their geographic location."

Here's how this could look: If Pisces is rising in the east in California, a child born there will approach unfamiliar situations in a Pisces way — gentle, empathetic, says Kent. And if a child is born in London at the same moment, Leo would be rising — a commanding, expressive personality. "If that child grows up and moves to California, they'll align with the Pisces that was rising there at the time of their birth," she explains. "[It would be] very disorienting for a Leo ascendant person to have to behave in a Pisces way."

The Bottom Line

Astrocartography is not a magic bullet, says MacIntyre. It's simply a way to key into the energies of a given location, which might influence you in a particular, preferable way. "You will still need to make the effort to change or accept new opportunities that cross your path," he says.

Kent echoes that point by reminding that even if you accentuate or moderate natural tendencies and opportunities by shifting your chart, you're not going to shrug off your core wiring informed by your birth chart. "You're still you, wherever you go," she emphasizes, but by understanding and applying astrocartography, you might be able to better understand yourself — and get a leg up on your dreams and goals.

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Astrocartography Is the Key to Planning Travel and Making Fulfilling Moves

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Your Birth Chart

  • Reading Your Map

The Bottom Line

You already know  astrology  can be an indispensable tool for bolstering self-awareness, learning more about the people you love, and understanding why the vibe of a moment may feel jubilant, intense, or just plain off. There are practically endless applications of the language of the sky, and one of them is getting a read on how you'll feel and fare when you're in a particular location on the globe.

Yep, astrology, or more specifically, astrocartography, can allow you to gauge how your energy could shift depending on where you travel or relocate. You could pinpoint where you might feel at your most creative or where you could be challenged to do deeper self-work. Ahead, more about astrocartography and how to use it to plan your travel or next move.


Astrocartography, or locational astrology, is a system that was pioneered in the 1970s by astrologer Jim Lewis. It involves comparing your astrological birth chart to a map of the globe.

As long as you know the precise time and location you came into the world, you can create an accurate snapshot of the sky at the time of your birth. From that info, you can cast — generally via software these days, but it can also be done by hand — what's referred to as a natal, or birth, chart.

Your birth chart will not only show what signs the planets and luminaries (the sun and the moon) were in when you were born but also other information that offers even more insight into your astrological wiring, like houses, degrees, and the relationships between the planets and luminaries. (There are several free sites like  or , where you can plug in your info and receive your birth chart in seconds.)

Once you have your birth chart, you're ready to dip your toe into astrocartography, which involves taking your natal info and comparing it to the location of the sun, moon, and planets relative to the Earth when you were born.

How to Read an Astrocartography Map

Before computers were household items, astrologers would draw charts and astrocartography maps by hand. Now, in order to get your very own unique astrocartography map — which is a combination of your natal chart details and a world map — you can just head to a site like, which offers an  AstroClick Travel feature , or see a professional astrologer who specializes in astrocartography.

When you look at your astrocartography map, you'll see it looks like a series of lines that run vertically up and down over continents and oceans. With the AstroClick Travel feature, they're color-coded, and you can actually click on them to get detailed info on what they mean. Each line corresponds to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born, and each planetary line offers its own unique energy that you'd experience when you're near that line geographically.

Planetary Lines

Sun:  Visiting or living near this line will lead to greater confidence, a brighter mood, and a sense that you're comfier than usual in your skin.

Moon:  Because the moon is all about emotions, you could feel especially sensitive when you're near this line.

Mercury:  Being near the line of the messenger planet could boost your ability to think and communicate.

Venus:  Being near the line of the planet of love, beauty, and money can make you extra attractive, charming, and a bit of a magnet for romantic and creative pursuits.

Mars:  Because Mars rules action, energy, and sex, being near its line can make you braver, bolder, and perhaps a bit more argumentative.

Jupiter:  Living or visiting the line associated with the magnifying, fortune-boosting planet can bring more luck and abundance.

Saturn:  The taskmaster planet is all about putting your nose to the grindstone, setting boundaries, accepting limitations, and committing fully — basically, being a grown-up. (Hello,  Saturn Return .) For that reason, living or visiting near this line could promote maturity but feel like a bit of a downer at times.

Uranus:  Being near the line of the rebellious planet, which brings sudden change, can inspire you to strike out against convention.

Neptune:  Being near the line of this dreamy, rational, thought-hazing planet could bolster your imagination but also make you more susceptible to illusion and escapism.

Pluto:  Proximity to the line associated with the planet of transformation, power, death, and rebirth could require you to burn it all down and start again.

Chiron:  Being near the line of this comet, referred to as the "Wounded Healer" in astrology, can help you care for others.

North and south nodes (lunar nodes):  The lines associated with these mathematical points (versus actual celestial bodies) speak to your destiny (north node) and karmic past (south node).

Four Angles or Cardinal Points

Additionally, there are four angles or cardinal points — just like in your natal chart — to pay attention to when you're working with astrocartography. You'll notice on your astrocartography map that there are four Jupiter lines, four sun lines, four moon lines, et al. Basically, each planet pairs with each of these angles to offer multi-layered intel. The angles are:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC):  Just like your  rising or ascendant  in your natal chart, your rising or ascendant here represents the mask you wear out in the world.   An example of how this might manifest in your astrocartography chart: If you travel or move to your moon AC line, you might be extra emotional, sensitive, or nurturing in a public-facing way, inspired to volunteer or become a nurse or caregiver.
  • The Descendant (DC):  The descendant line is associated with the seventh house of partnership, so it reflects one-on-one relationships. Find your Venus descendant line to get a sense of where you might meet your soul mate.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC):  The IC line, also known as the cusp of the fourth house of home life, speaks to your family and roots. You'll be more meditative and internally focused when you're near your IC lines.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC):  The  MC line , or cusp of the 10th house of career, has to do with public image and success. So, if you're hanging out near your Jupiter MC line, you can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy some major luck related to your professional path.

How to Use Astrocartography for Travel or Relocation

For some people, it could feel daunting to find out that the town where you just bought a house isn't the most fortunate spot on the planet for you. Or you may fear you'll look at your astrocartography chart and feel like you have to high-tail it to the U.K. because you're certain your Uranus MC line there could bring about the professional change you've been wanting.

On the flip side, you could be so ready for something new, lucky, or exciting that you're fired up to go wherever your strongest lines might fall, practicality be damned. However, just as with all astrological concepts, practical application of astrocartography is nuanced.

  • "It's not always practical to move to your strongest astrocartography places," acknowledged astrologer April Elliott Kent of  Big Sky Astrology . "But sometimes you can benefit from those places anyway."

For example, you might log in to LinkedIn only to find out you've been messaged by a potential, thrilling client who lives in a faraway destination where one of your strongest, most positive lines falls. Maybe in the midst of using Tinder Passport, you match with someone who's based where you have a sexy Mars or romantic Venus DC line.

As Kent noted, "Surprising offers can come to you from a city where positive planets are strong in your astrocartography."

Although astrocartography may make it seem as though your fate has already been written in the stars, you can think of it more as a weather forecast — helpful insight on what you  could  expect to be working with when you travel or move to a certain location. Ultimately, how you apply the knowledge offered by your unique map is entirely up to you.

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Astro-tourism: Expert tips on traveling to see eclipses and meteors

Vahe Peroomian  is a professor of physics and astronomy at the  University of Southern California's Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences .

For years, small groups of astronomy enthusiasts have traveled the globe chasing the rare solar eclipse. They have embarked on cruises to the middle of the ocean, taken flights into the eclipse's path and even traveled to Antarctica . In August 2017, millions across the U.S. witnessed a total solar eclipse visible from Oregon to South Carolina, with a partial eclipse visible to the rest of the continental U.S.

The interest in astronomical events that this eclipse sparked will likely return with two eclipses visible in the U.S. during the next year – the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, and the total eclipse on April 8, 2024. But astro-tourism – traveling to national parks, observatories or other natural, dark-sky locations to view astronomical events – isn't limited just to chasing eclipses.

According to a recent study, 80% of Americans and one-third of the planet's population can no longer see the Milky Way from their homes because of light pollution . As a consequence, most people have to travel to witness meteor showers and other common astronomical events.

I am a space scientist with a passion for teaching physics and astronomy and photographing the night sky. Every summer I spend several nights backpacking in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, where the skies are sufficiently dark to allow the Milky Way to be seen with the naked eye. My son and I also like to take road trips – often along U.S. 395, the Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway – that coincide with eclipses and meteor showers.

Can't-miss astronomical events

There are two types of eclipses. Lunar eclipses occur when the full moon passes through Earth's shadow. Solar eclipses occur when the new moon briefly blocks the Sun.

There are three types of solar eclipses. During a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, with totality, or the time during which the Sun is completely eclipsed, lasting as long as seven minutes. During totality, those in the path of the eclipse will see the Sun's corona , or its outer atmosphere, behind the Moon's silhouette.

The Moon's orbit around the Earth is an ellipse, so the Moon can appear to be 15% smaller when it's at its farthest point from Earth, its apogee, compared with its size when it is at its closest point to Earth, its perigee. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon doesn't cover the entire disk of the Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight around the Moon.

Finally, a partial eclipse occurs when the Moon blocks only a part of the Sun's disk, as the name implies.

Meteor showers are a far more common astronomical event than eclipses, and they are visible from any dark-sky location on Earth. Meteor showers occur when Earth's orbit around the Sun takes it through the dust left behind by a comet . The Earth sweeps up the dust like a car speeding through a cloud of insects on the highway.

Meteor showers are named for the constellations from which the meteors seem to emanate , though it's not necessary to stare in that direction to see meteors. The most prominent meteor showers, occurring on approximately the same dates every year, are the Perseids , named for the constellation Perseus and peaking on the night of Aug. 12-13; the Geminids , named for the constellation Gemini, on Dec. 14-15; and the Lyrids , named for the constellation Lyra, on April 21-22. The night sky will be mostly moonless for the first two this year, but a nearly full moon will make the Lyrid shower of 2024 difficult to see.

Tips for aspiring astro-tourists

One of the most important factors to consider when planning an outing to stargaze or to watch a meteor shower is the phase of the Moon. The full moon rises at about 6 p.m. and sets at 6 a.m., making stargazing all but impossible because of its brightness. For ideal stargazing conditions, the Moon should be below the horizon, and the best viewing conditions are during new moon. You can use a moonrise/moonset calculator to determine the phase of the Moon and its rise and set times for any location on Earth.

Another important factor is weather. Amateur astronomers always joke that the sky is cloudy during the most interesting astronomical events. For example, most major cities in the U.S. that are in the path of the April 2024 eclipse have had cloudy skies on April 8 60% of the time since the year 2000.

Most Americans live in heavily light-polluted areas. A light pollution map such as can help identify the nearest dark-sky location, which, in my case, is hours away. These maps often use the Bortle dark-sky scale , which reports 1 for extremely dark skies to 9 for highly light-polluted city centers.

Though you may still see the brightest meteors from city suburbs, the darker your sky, the more meteors you'll see. In general, expect to see fewer than 25 meteors per hour. To see the complex structure of the Milky Way with the naked eye, look for a location with a Bortle index of 3 or below.

It's important to arrive at your chosen site early, preferably during daylight hours. Stumbling around in the dark at an unfamiliar site is a recipe for disaster and may also disturb others who are already at the site. Arriving early also gives time for your eyes to adapt to the dark as night falls, as it typically takes 30 minutes or even longer for your eyes to reach their full dark-adapted potential.

Make sure to carry a headlamp or flashlight that has a red light setting, as red light doesn't ruin night vision . Avoid using your phone, as even a glance at the screen can ruin your eyes' dark adaptation. If you're using a sky-viewing app, switch the app to night mode.

Plan ahead if you're thinking of traveling to view one of the eclipses visible in the U.S. next year. If you're in the path of the eclipse , stay put! If you're traveling, staying at the same location overnight before and after the eclipse can help avoid the hourslong traffic jams experienced by eclipse watchers in 2017.

Also, you should never look at the Sun directly with the naked eye, even during a total eclipse . You'll need a pair of inexpensive eclipse glasses to watch and fully enjoy the eclipse, but get yours early, as many stores ran out of glasses during the 2017 eclipse.

No matter where you travel during the next year, don't forget to look up at night and marvel at the beauty of the night sky away from city lights.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.


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Mercury Retrograde Dates for 2024


What Is Mercury Retrograde and What Does It Mean for You?

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Mercury Retrograde will begin on August 4, 2024. These four periods of the year are thought to significantly influence your mood and actions. Learn more and find the 2024 Mercury Retrograde dates.

What Is “Mercury Retrograde”?

What is retrograde motion, read next, how mercury retrograde affects each zodiac sign, your monthly horoscope: april 2024, virgo zodiac sign: dates, personality traits, and more.

Sometimes, it can appear (from our perspective) that a planet has abruptly switched directions and has started to move in reverse across the sky. This is, of course, an illusion caused by the position of Earth in relation to that of the planet since a planet in orbit always travels in one set direction and can’t suddenly reverse course. This is why we call the phenomenon  apparent  retrograde motion, as it only looks like the planet is moving backward (“retrograde motion”)!

When Is Mercury in Retrograde in 2024?

In 2024 , Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the following ranges of dates: 

  • December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024
  • April 1 to April 24
  • August 4 to August 27
  • November 25 to December 15

Please note that dates reflect Eastern Time U.S., not Universal Time.

What You Should Do When Mercury is Retrograde

The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail.

So, when Mercury is retrograde, try to remain flexible, patient, and understanding, allow extra time for travel, and avoid signing onto any new contracts that you’re unsure of. Double-check your email responses and check in with reservations before you take that trip. Take time to review projects and plans before making decisions.

You can’t stop your life, but plan ahead, have backup plans, and be prepared for people’s shorter fuses and miscommunication.

Take a Moment to Reflect

Some blame Mercury retrograde for all the chaos that happens in their lives. However, this is a good time to sit back and review what you put your energy toward.

For example, if family and faith are important to you, are you putting enough energy into them, or have you overextended in other areas such as your career or a hobby? Losing the balance between different parts of your life can cause them to suffer, so being aware of their connections—especially during Mercury retrograde—can help you maintain or at least better understand how that balance works.

Take a moment to reflect. Mercury retrograde can be an excellent time to take a step back and reanalyze who you are and what you are doing—but do refrain from making any drastic changes until after retrograde has ended.

When Retrograde Ends

When Mercury’s Retrograde ends, some astrologers believe there is a short “shadow period” of adjustment of a couple of weeks as Mercury moves forward again. Don’t rush. Let any miscommunication work itself out. Be prepared for electronic kinks to get resolved. Stay calm, but start planning to move forward as well. Move into your routine and rhythm. Put the touches on that trip you want to take. Get the paperwork ready to sign contracts or sell your house. Use your energy towards intelligent changes.

Mercury and the Zodiac

The type of influence you feel also depends on which of the 12 zodiac signs Mercury is in when it goes retrograde.

What’s your Zodiac Sign? See here:  “Mercury Retrograde and Zodiac Signs .”

Learn more about zodiac sign profiles in general, and check out our monthly horoscopes . Make sure that your gardening does not go awry when Mercury is in retrograde by reading your zodiac profile for gardening .

Catherine Boeckmann

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Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Monthly Horoscope for December 2023

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January Horoscope 2024

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Monthly Horoscope for August 2024

During the pandemic there was a tremendous force in my life. I had lost my husband to cancer in 2019. I remember in Spring, going into my backyard and feeling like everything or something big was off. This was before I heard of the pandemic. I have several irises in various lo ations in my large yard. They had always bloomed every year. Not a single one bloomed that Spring. Also the milk weed was taking over with them growing over 2 feet tall. I had several things break in the house and i tried to plan a possible move to another state. Communication with people was very confusing. I almost lost $2000 on a moving van. They shouldn't have charged me ahead of the move. My realtor and I were in a whirlwind of non-productive emails and calls. I was so confused I decided not to move for the time being. I became aware of Mercury retrograde and it seemed these things were happening to me due to it. I was in mourning, but there were so many things going on I really couldn't sort it out. It may sound ridiculous, but this is unexplainable to me. I have never had anything like this ever happen to me. I am now 70, and not senile. lol

I did not include personal details as that would derange the entire subject and blow out of sorts I do that quite a lot , analysis every little detail of that topic , anonymous kind regards ..

I just became a believer.Why?Because every thing is upsetting me and I am like a bear .My server is the pits and my stove is burning my cookies and I walk into my walls and cant think staight.I am usually easy going and not bothered by much.I think I should start following astronomy more.Thanks

“The type of influence you feel also depends on which of the 12 zodiac signs Earth is in when Mercury goes retrograde.”

I didn’t know Earth could be “in” a zodiac sign, since we are looking at the Zodiac (the sky) from our position ON Earth. How do we determine which sign Earth is in when Mercury goes retrograde, or any other time?

I think it might refer to what the current zodiac month is. For example Dec 13 th 2023 - Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It depends on which sign Mercury (not Earth) is in when it goes retrograde. We apologize for the error and have fixed the copy.

Instead of debunking superstitious horoscopic garbage you feed into this insanity by advising people about how Mercury moving retrograde should influence their decision making. Some people may think you're serious.

Your comment is a run-on sentence. You started off with instead but didn't finish the sentence to make it a complete thought. Did you mean to place a comma between making and some? I am just trying to understand your thoughts.

I think a little kindness and understanding is called for here. Why go after one another, when I thought we all strived to learn and share.

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