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Where You Should Travel Based On Your Astrology Chart

Where You Should Travel Based On Your Astrology Chart

Astrology symbols

By Haley Comet

Posted June 22, 2023

Looking for inspiration on where your next travel location should be? See where the stars align for you with an astrology technique called AstroGeography ! 

This strategy imprints what locations the planets were in at the moment of your birth over a world map. It is considered that we activate that planetary’s energy every time we travel somewhere on the planet “lines.” 

These lines are unique, based on your exact time of birth, so you will need your birthday, birth location and exact time of birth to determine your AstroGeography lines . 


You can find your AstroGeography lines by  clicking here . Each of the planet lines indicates the sort of energy, challenges and benefits that the cities or countries on that line hold for you. 

Sun Orange line The planet of ego, identity and self-expression

Perfect for:  Any sort of trip that you need to take to promote yourself, such a book tour or a concert tour. You’ll find when you travel to locations on your Sun line, you experience a boost in confidence and a desire to put yourself out there. If you’re feeling lost on who you are, travel to a city or country that your sun line falls on to activate this energy of self and identity! 

Avoid:  Trips where it’s not all about you, such as a mission trip or a destination wedding for a family member. The energy of the Sun does best when it revolves around you.

Moon  Navy blue line The planet of emotions, self-soothing and intuition

Perfect for:  Trips when you need travel therapy. This astrology geography line activates our emotions and nurturing, so it’s a powerful energy to call upon if you’re in need of some soul-soothing. If you just went through something devastating in your life, a trip to the moon line will help you process what occurred, gain some clarity into your emotions and connect to your intuition.

Avoid:  Business trips to locations on your moon line. You will find you’re more emotional and reactive in these locations, so not great for vacations when you need to be level-headed and rational. 


Mercury Bright green line The planet of communication, intellect and mental processing

Perfect for:  Trips that you need to do some writing during or trips where you want to learn more about the country’s culture, history and customs. You may find cities and countries that fall on your Mercury line stimulate you intellectually and you’ll find your mind is extra busy when you travel there! You’ll be asking extra questions at the museums and be extra chatty when communicating with the locals. Great for all business, writing and learning-based trips abroad.  

Avoid:  Trips when you’re looking for some peace and quiet. You’ll find your mind will be overstimulated, which can be overwhelming at a meditation retreat. 

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Venus dark green line the planet of love, beauty and money.

Perfect for:  Romantic trips with your sweetheart, or a trip you take when you’re ready to welcome love into your life! Venus is also the planet of pleasure and loveliness, so you can be sure locations on your Venus astrocartography line you’ll be inspired aesthetically and indulged sensually.

Avoid:  Trips when you’re watching your waistline. Venus is the energy of enjoying all of the indulgences of life, so you’ll find you’re less able to turn down that croissant or that extra bottle of wine.

Mars Red line The planet of action and assertion

Perfect for:  Adventure trips you need a lot of energy for. You will find when you travel to places on your astrocartography Mars line, you are invigorated by a surge of extra energy, which can help you with your hiking, backpacking or cycling trips. 

Avoid:  Traveling when you’re craving some downtime. You may find yourself unable to just relax on the beach with a good book. When you’re on the Mars line, you’ll be craving an adventure!

Black man hiking

Jupiter  Pink line The planet of luck, growth and expansion

Perfect for:  Trips that you go on to expand spiritually or learn new things. A meditation or yoga retreat would be ideal! But overall, luck is on your side when you travel to your astrocartography Jupiter line, so it’s perfect for just about everything. 

Avoid:  Traveling somewhere on the Jupiter line for just a couple of days – you’ll want to stay for an extended trip to soak up the Jupiterian luck! 

Saturn Brown line The planet of rules, restriction and commitment

Perfect for:  Trips when you need routine or commitment within your life. You may find you are more apt to be disciplined and orderly on Saturn lines trips.

Avoid:  Traveling somewhere for leisure and fun. Saturn is the planet of rules, so you may find you’re extra uptight in these locations!

Uranus Light blue line The planet of unpredictability and innovation

Perfect for:  Trips where you’re welcoming in spontaneity! The mantra for Uranus is “expect the unexpected” so you can be sure there’s a surprise or two on your travels to Uranus line astrocartography locations.

Avoid:  Vacations where you want things to go as planned! Uranus will bring you exactly what you DON’T expect, which is great for an adventure – but not so great for sticking to your itinerary. 

astrology travel guide

Neptune Purple line The planet of spirituality, illusion and higher-level compassion

Perfect for:  Spiritual missions or altruistic trips. You’ll find when you travel to places on your astrocartography Neptune line, you are more apt to give back selflessly and to connect to a higher power. 

Avoid:  When you need to practice discernment. Neptune line can fog your vision and make you don your rose-colored glasses, so you can be a bit too trusting at these locations. 

astrology travel guide

Pluto  Black line The planet of rebirth and transformation

Perfect for:  Trips you go on when you need full and complete transformation of your life. If you want to rebuild your life from the ground up, travel to somewhere on your astrocartography Pluto line. 

Avoid:  Trips that you just want to rest or relax! Pluto PROMISES this trip will be intense and keep you on your toes.

You can even use this technique even if you can’t physically travel to this destination. Let’s say your Venus line falls on the Greek islands, and you want to bring more love into your life. Activate that energy by eating Greek food, decorating your home with Mediterranean-inspired decor and planting pink bougainvilleas on a trellis on your patio. Voila! If you can’t go to Greece, bring the energy of Greece to you!


If you notice the next place you’re looking to travel to has no lines intersecting it, that doesn’t mean you should cancel your trip! Places on your AstroGeography map that are “empty” or don’t have any lines through it can be a blessing. You’ll find you’re calmer in these areas and more able to relax. 

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Haley Comet, founder of Haley Comet Astrology, is an astrologer based in San Diego, CA. She's also the lead astrologer of NUiT App Astrology Match & Date. Haley was named after a comet and born at the peak of the full moon, so becoming an astrologer was natural. She combines her decade-long study of Western astrology to share the language of the cosmos. Listen to Haley's podcast interview HERE.

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How to Let Astrocartography Guide Your Wanderlust

Use the astrology of travel to inspire your next vacation, active adventure, or relocation.

The Basics of Astrocartography

  • What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

How to Use Astrocartography Before Making a Major Move

If you read your monthly horoscope and looked up your astrological compatibility with that hot Bumble date, you already know astrology can be a useful tool for self-awareness, getting a read on current vibes (hey, dramatic eclipse season), and understanding relationship dynamics. But did you know it can also be used to inform your wanderlust and even a big move?

Pioneered by an astrologer named Jim Lewis in the 1970s, astrocartography (or locational astrology) is a system that allows you to see how your perspective on the world, energy, love, and career prospects might be influenced when you travel or lay down roots somewhere new.

"Life may feel great for you in one location but difficult in another because of your unique astrocartography profile," explains Ralph MacIntyre , a San Diego-based astrologer who specializes in astrocartography. "There are places on Earth with energies that will have a positive influence on your work or love life, for example, or promote good health, while other locations may frustrate these developments. Astrocartography maps indicate where your unique astrological influences show opportunities for growth and highlight challenges or disadvantages also associated with particular areas."

Here's what you need to know to use astrology as your life — or vacation-planning — GPS.

If you've ever cast your astrological birth chart using a website, an app, or ideally, by working with a professional astrologer, you already know that it serves as a "snapshot" of the sky when you were born. Rack up "HBD" texts every August 3? You're a Leo . Born on New Year's Day? You're a Cap , obv. But while everyone tends to refer to themselves as their sun sign, it's basically the equivalent of a doctor looking over labwork and noting your age. Your sun sign — the zodiac sign that the sun was in when you were born — is just one detail of many that make up your individual astrological picture. And once you have your unique birth chart handy, you can use it to understand how you might be influenced when you're living or visiting a particular spot on the planet, according to the theory of astrocartography.

Astrocartography compares your birth chart to the location of the sun, the moon, and the planets relative to the Earth when you were born. By keying into these specifics, you can get a sense of where you might enjoy or struggle with certain energy shifts (and use that info to plan an adventure vacation or self-reflective yoga retreat.)

What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

To get your astrocartography map, you can consult with a professional astrologer, such as MacIntyre , or use an online tool, such as astro.com's AstroClick Travel feature . To take advantage of AstroClick Travel, you'll need to enter your birthdate (including the time) and birthplace, and voilà, your AstroClick travel chart.

If you pull up your individualized astrocartography map, you'll see lines running vertically or curving across the map. One line might run straight down the east coast, another directly through the middle of the Pacific. Each is related to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born

Check out the energetic effect of each planetary line:

  • Sun: A confidence-boosting line, the sun line can lift your mood, making you feel in sync with your core self.
  • Moon: Associated with emotions, the moon can boost feelings of vulnerability and sensitivity.
  • Mercury: As the planet of communication (as well as transportation and technology) Mercury's line bolsters self-expression, as well as travel and intellectual pursuits. (And, yes, it also goes retrograde sometimes .)
  • Venus: The planet of romance, beauty, and money, the Venus line can amplify all of these themes, leading to long-term love and partnerships, creativity, as well as feeling and appearing extra magnetic.
  • Mars: Ruling action, athleticism, energy, and sex, the Mars line can encourage combativeness — but amplify excitement and passion.
  • Jupiter: The largest planet in the solar system is linked to expansion and fortune, so it's considered one of the luckiest spots.
  • Saturn: The taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees hard work and uphill battles that are meant to teach crucial lessons. Being near a Saturn line might make life feel like a slog, but ultimately, it can boost your maturity and personal growth.
  • Uranus: Revolutionary Uranus is all about sudden, unexpected shifts, change, and freedom. The influence of the line can have you feeling energized (generally in an anxious way) and determined to break free of convention.
  • Neptune: The planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition, Neptune clouds rational thought, so its line elevates imagination — but also illusion.
  • Pluto: The planet of transformation also deals with deep-rooted, psychological issues and power struggles, so it can be an emotionally challenging spot to spend time in.

And because the sun is always rising in one spot while it sets at another, there are four lines for each celestial body, referred to as the "four angles" or cardinal points:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC): Your rising line is associated with your outward personality, and you'll identify with the energy of whichever planet(s) was coziest to your ascendant at the time of your birth. Travel or move to your sun AC line, and you could feel more confident and centered in the way you appear to others out and about in the world.
  • The Descendant (DC): The descendant line speaks to your relationships with others. For instance, your Venus descendant line might be a powerful one for finding love.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC): The IC line is associated with your origins, your home, your family, security, and how that foundation influences your identity. It has a reflective influence, so your moon IC line might be a place where you can make headway with a practice like therapy or meditation, getting in touch with deep-seated emotions.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC): The MC line reflects social standing, public reputation, who you are — or aspire to be — at your peak level of success. Spending time on your Mars MC line might have you feeling fired up to pursue bold professional goals.

Pair these angles with your Astroclick Travel lines (or the planetary lines provided by an astrologer), and you'll get an interesting sense of what lessons or energies you might experience in a particular part of the globe. Say you go to college in Boston, right on your Venus AC line. This could mean that you're more apt to be social, make vibrant connections, and cultivate your sense of self-worth. Or if you move to Los Angeles, where your Mercury IC line lies, it may be easier to speak about your emotions and inner life or learn more about yourself through therapy or researching your genealogy.

Say you were born in Chicago and want to know how you'll feel if you take a job in Miami. You can also use the theory of astrocartography to do relocation astrology, which involves "shifting" your birth chart.

"For example, if two people are born at the same moment in time, but one is in California and the other in London, their perspective on the sky is very different," explains astrologer April Elliott Kent of Big Sky Astrology and the Big Sky Astrology Podcast . "The stars and planets are in the same signs and relationship to one another, but [people's] perspective on them shifts depending on their geographic location."

Here's how this could look: If Pisces is rising in the east in California, a child born there will approach unfamiliar situations in a Pisces way — gentle, empathetic, says Kent. And if a child is born in London at the same moment, Leo would be rising — a commanding, expressive personality. "If that child grows up and moves to California, they'll align with the Pisces that was rising there at the time of their birth," she explains. "[It would be] very disorienting for a Leo ascendant person to have to behave in a Pisces way."

The Bottom Line

Astrocartography is not a magic bullet, says MacIntyre. It's simply a way to key into the energies of a given location, which might influence you in a particular, preferable way. "You will still need to make the effort to change or accept new opportunities that cross your path," he says.

Kent echoes that point by reminding that even if you accentuate or moderate natural tendencies and opportunities by shifting your chart, you're not going to shrug off your core wiring informed by your birth chart. "You're still you, wherever you go," she emphasizes, but by understanding and applying astrocartography, you might be able to better understand yourself — and get a leg up on your dreams and goals.

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How to read your AstroCartography Map to Plan Travel

Curious about how to read your AstroCartography map so you can choose the best places to travel to and get the best out of your natal astrology? In this blog I share my own experiences and tips of living and working astrocartography as I’ve travelled and relocated around the world – so if you’re looking for tips on how to work with your AstroCartography lines, read on!

As a lover of both astrology and travel as incredibly powerful tools for self-discovery, growth, change, navigating life transitions and so much more, you can imagine how excited I was several years ago to discover that there was a tool that blends exactly these two things.

From the moment I first discovered how to calculate my AstroCartography chart, I was hooked.

Those places that had called to me all of my life, suddenly made sense.

The places that I’d never really felt at home in or had downright challenging experiences, suddenly made sense too.

The thing is, there’s a reason we feel drawn to certain places – and that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the easiest places for us to be – but in my experience it does mean that the energy – the planetary lines and influences running through there – do have medicine and wisdom for us.

As someone who has travelled the world mostly full time since 2015 and a career in travel for 13 years, AstroCartography mapping is the tool I wish I’d known about when I first started travelling 20 years ago.

So, without further ado, let’s get into some pointers for how to read your AstroCartography map, and how you can use that information to plan the perfect trip!

AstroCartography map reading

What is AstroCartography?

AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology, created by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970’s. Simply speaking, it is a visual system for mapping how your astrological birth chart (natal chart) corresponds to different locations on earth.

More specifically, AstroCartography maps the locations where the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus et al) were rising and setting around the world at the time of your birth.

When clients do readings with me, there are more types of locational astrology that I factor into the mix beyond AstroCartography for a more holistic approach, but AstroCartography is a great tool for getting started, and in particular thanks to the free map on astro.com, it’s easy to play around with if familiar with the different planetary archetypes and energies.

Using AstroCartography, you can easily locate your different lines – for example your AstroCartography Venus line or your AstroCartography Moon Line – and see which locations they run through in the world.

How to Use AstroCartography to Make Decisions on Location & Travel

There are multiple software options that offer AstroCartography, but the best free one to use is the one on Astrodienst. Simply go to astro.com and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It has handy descriptions when you click on a place so it’s perfect for beginner dabbling.

NB: For AstroCartography you need to know your accurate time of birth. AstroCartography is all based on the angles of your chart, which change by the minute.

Astrocartography map meaning

Which are the Best AstroCartography Lines?

A common question I get, is which is the best line to go to or visit? Which is the best AstroCartography line to live on?

And the answer – somewhat predictably is, it depends. Let me explain why.

AstroCartography is just one very specific form of astrology – and although working with it on its own can be helpful, it is far more powerful when combined with the wisdom and magic available through working with your natal chart as a whole and your current transits.

For example, you can be in the middle of your Pluto square Pluto transit and travel to your Venus AS line, but still feel like you’re living in deep pain and your worst fears are coming up to be dealt with. Ultimately, there’s no escape from the Pluto cycle – but we do get to choose to put ourselves somewhere more supportive for the process and healing.

Likewise, if you’re planning to launch your next big project and share it with the world, going to your Venus IC line may not help you in the ways you hope. As that’s a much more inwards energy.

It also depends very much on: What are you looking for? What are you seeking at this time? How are you looking to be supported on your life journey? What is your soul needing?

That said, there are some really supportive energies to look for when searching for where to settle longer term (eg home) – it’s really hard to go wrong with Sun, Moon, or Venus on your IC, unless you have other challenging lines crossing in the same location. But again, it’s really best to make these decisions when taking your whole natal and relocated chart into consideration, as well as current transits for big decisions like this. If you would like to take a holistic look at where is right for you looking at all of these things, you can book a Soul Travel Oracle reading with me here .

how to read your AstroCartography map

What Kind of Trip are you Planning?

When working with AstroCartography to plan travel, one of the first things to do is to spend some time sitting with your intention and what you want to get out of your upcoming trip. That will help inform you about which AstroCartography lines and which energies would be best to work with.

Or, you can simply take the AstroCartography as inspiration – by looking at where the most beneficial lines are for you, where they pass through, and consider how they relate to the places that most call to you / you most feel drawn to.

A few pointers:

  • If you want to go somewhere on a healing retreat or take time for yourself to heal after life challenges, Chiron can be a supportive energy to work with
  • If you want a lazy week in the sun look for Venus – Mars lines may have you running around more than you bargained for!
  • For those once in a lifetime journeys of the unknown and adventure, Jupiter lines are your teacher and guide
  • And if you’re really over something and ready to let it go and create something new instead, Pluto lines can be very supportive in the death-rebirth process – this energy is often avoided in AstroCartography and is incredibly powerful and transformative, even if it’s not always easy at the time.

It’s not always about the AstroCartography Lines, but it’s a great place to start

There’s more to the energy of a place of course than the AstroCartography – I believe that land holds different energies, which can be affected by the history of a place, and what has happened there. Places that have seen incredible hardships, genocide, or constant destruction through climate change can take on a heavier energy than their lines may suggest when you learn to read your AstroCartography map.

That said, I also believe that AstroCartography can be seen as a tool to guide us home. To our truest selves. And this is the deepest work.

The AstroCartography map can be seen as a way to find the missing parts of ourselves; to reclaim our stories and unfinished business from past lives, and reintegrate the pieces of our story we have forgotten – whether we can physically travel to those places or not.

And sometimes, the places we are most drawn to are on the most challenging AstroCartography lines – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go.

Following this path and journey is a process, which is why I love to support and guide women home along this journey. You can find out more about working with me here .

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Astrological adventures: where to travel based on your zodiac sign

Megan Eaves

Sep 28, 2020 • 13 min read

astrology travel guide

What does the universe have in store for you? © Viacheslav Lopatin / Shutterstock

Adventurous Aries? Voyaging Virgo? Globetrotting Gemini? Whether you find western astrology to be just a bit of fun or something more serious, it can be amusing to see what the planets say about your personality. In turn, you might just find that your astrological placements provide a useful gauge for many life choices – including where to travel.

We’ve scoured the zodiac, and Planet Earth, and come up with suggestions for where to go based on your astrological sign.

Editor's note: during COVID-19 travel restrictions are prone to change. Always check before departure and follow local guidance.

Western astrology is based on the constellations that fall along the celestial ecliptic – that is, the apparent path of the sun around the earth’s sphere. Though the recommendations below are based largely on your sun sign (your big-picture sign – the constellation that the sun was visibly positioned in front of at the moment of your birth), it’s important to note that there is more to astrology. You should also check your moon sign (said to influence your inner/emotional life) and your rising or ascendant sign (the constellation that was appearing over the horizon at the time and place of your birth) – which is believed to influence how you appear outwardly to others.

A surfer catches a turquoise wave - backdropped by bright blue sky

Aries – sunny SoCal, USA

♈ March 21 – April 19

As the first sign in the zodiac, you are the astrological young-at-heart Aries. You are pioneering, spontaneous and a burst of sunshine. You know how to get the party started and like to be challenged. For your perfect getaway, head to Southern California , where you can bask in the sunny glow. Hire a car, put the top down and live your most glamorous life cruising the Sunset Strip , clubbing with LA’s prettiest, or soaking up the rays in chilled-out San Diego . Get your hit of much-needed action by signing up for a surfing lesson or follow your strong spontaneous side and drive to Las Vegas just for the hell of it. It’s the Aries way.

Alternative getaway: Australia is huge and diverse and just as adventurous. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge for that all-important dose of adrenaline, or road-trip across the Red Centre, where you’ll feel right at home – after all, your ruling planet is Mars.

Florence's skyline at dusk

Taurus – Tuscany, Italy

♉ April 20 – May 20

No one understands how to enjoy the earth’s finest pleasures better than you, dear Taurus. Your constellation may be the bull, but your ruling planet is Venus and you are easy to seduce with fine tastes and sophisticated, beautiful surroundings. Head to Italy – Tuscany specifically – where you can cozy up in a rustic villa, crack open a bottle of fine Chianti and take in the perfect views. Make sure to plan a day to see some of humanity’s most elegant artworks – Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus hangs at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , for a start.

Alternative getaway: Napa Valley will also leave you full and happy with its exquisite New World wine, local galleries and gourmet food. Nab a table at the French Laundry at least a month in advance, and plan a relaxing hike through the vineyards the next day to soothe body and mind.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Israel

Gemini – twin cities

♊ May 21 – June 20

As the sign dominated by the twin constellation, you are known for having multiple personalities, Gemini. We know it’s just because you love meeting people, communicating and sharing ideas, and since you’re a mutable sign, you are prone to change (often, your mind). Your ruling planet is white-hot Mercury, which zips around the sun faster than any other planet, so it’s important for you to visit somewhere that stimulates your ever-ticking brain and offers something to fit your dualistic, fluctuating nature. Might we suggest a twin-city getaway? Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are sure to keep your insatiable curiosity fed – Tel Aviv’s buzzing nightlife and glitzy dining scene will fill your need for the fast-paced life, and when your quieter, more inquisitive twin comes out, you can soak up Jerusalem’s vast history and cultural mix.

Alternative getaway: Only 2½ hours’ drive apart, Vancouver and Seattle are another perfect twin-city mix for you. What could be more stimulating than visiting two countries in one day? This pair has so much going on you’ll never get bored. Move from great coffee to cosmopolitan views to isolated islands to creative cocktails – even by the minute, if you want.

Two glasses of rose wine in Provence, France

Cancer – South of France

♋ June 21 – July 22

Kind Cancer, you really get what "slow travel" means. Cancer’s constellation is the crab and you’re ruled by the emotional moon, meaning you are most comfortable in your shell and like to feel at home wherever you are. That means having a few creature comforts and a very easy-going pace to your trip: tasty food, a thoughtful museum, maybe a cooking course. We think you should spend some time in the south of France , where the relaxed energy will revive you. Snag a cozy rental apartment (hotels are far too impersonal for you) in Aix-en-Provence , where you can wander the leafy boulevards, stop for an espresso or a glass of Provençal rosé, then meander through one of France’s oldest art museums – the Musée Granet – to fill your culture cup.

Alternative getaway: Charleston , South Carolina is the sort of small-but-cosmopolitan city that will appeal to Crabs. There is an unpretentious food scene for you to splurge on, lots of history to learn about and plenty of antiques stores to snoop around in for something fine, old and, most importantly, meaningful to bring home.

A traveller wearing a backpack enjoys an autumnal valley view in Patagonia, Argentina.

Leo – Argentina

♌ July 23 – August 22

Leos – the lions of the zodiac – are ruled by the sun and tend to light up dance floors and gatherings with their warm energy. It’s true that many Leos love the spotlight, but we know you are also big softies who crave true romance, childlike adventure and good energy. Travel is in your blood and you need to go somewhere that will produce great stories to tell for years to come. Somewhere that has it all: Argentina . The blazing Buenos Aires nights will give you plenty of opportunities to get up to no good, and you can indulge your passionate, fiery personality with lavish steaks and wine, then hit the beach for a party like no other or maybe an amorous interlude with a mysterious stranger. You do nothing by halves, so plan a hiking trip in Patagonia to find those epic views you crave... and yourself, of course.

Alternative getaway: Hong Kong is an energetic, exciting mix for Leos, who love a little bit of everything. You’ll be sampling dumplings and dim sum on every corner, stumbling in and out of cool bars, practising self-care with a high-rise spa treatment and spinning around the harbor’s quieter beaches for some all-important alone-time.

A swimmer relaxes in an infinity pool, backdropped by the Kuala Lumpur skyline.

Virgo – Malaysia

♍ August 23 – September 22

Virgo’s sign is the virgin, but really, you are a practical creator ruled by the asteroid Chiron (in Greek mythology, Chiron was a healing centaur wounded by one of Hercules’s arrows). You are exacting and value organization, clarity, luxury and well-being. Though sometimes you come across as picky, you are in fact a sign that constantly thinks about how to perfect things and are a natural-born helper. In many ways, you live to fix, and by that count, Virgo, we reckon you need a little healing time for yourself on a spa retreat. The Banjaran Hotsprings Retreat in Perak, Malaysia  offers opulent relaxation, with plenty of trickling streams, neatly arranged zen gardens, private plunge pools and stone massages on speed dial.

Alternative getaway: If your soul is calling for a little more than just spa treatments, head for serene Santa Fe, New Mexico, where upscale restaurants, plush-but-unique hotels and crystal-clear mountain air are sure to satiate your maiden sensibilities. And we know you’ll still want that hit of luxuriating, so book yourself for an afternoon at Japanese-style spa, Ten Thousand Waves .

A vast space with a dome covered in murals and Arabic writing

Libra – Istanbul, Turkey

♎ September 23 – October 22

The most balanced sign in the zodiac is Libra, whose name in Latin and constellation are weighing scales. Libras are the fair judges of the world who value balance, peace and harmony, and because you are also ruled by Venus, you’re hopeless romantics who can’t help but love beautiful things. As an intellectual air sign, you’re great philosophizers and thinkers and appreciate anything that’s thoughtful and well-made. With such a need for symmetry in your life, we think you should head to the very center of the world: Istanbul , a city that straddles two continents. In Istanbul, you won’t have to choose between Asia and Europe (we know you hate picking sides); you’ll get them both in one, or stay completely centered by taking a boat trip down the mighty Bosphorus, which divides the city and the two continents.

Alternative getaway: Peacemaker Libras will also appreciate Prague , where one of the most famously non-violent transfers of power ever took place – the Velvet Revolution. Sign yourself up for a walking tour of Prague’s architecture (it’s a huge mix, so no need to choose a favorite style) and then debrief it all with a travel companion or new friend in one of the city’s many intellectuals’ cafes.

Children with guitars busk on the streets of Johannesburg.

Scorpio – Johannesburg, South Africa

♏ October 23 – November 21

Brave, deep, dark and enigmatic, scorpions are drawn to the mysterious and like to push boundaries. Your ruling planet is Pluto – arguably not a planet at all, far away, difficult to see and composed largely of ice and rock – but if you manage to get up close, also beautiful, just like you, Scorpio. Though you’re curious about everywhere and can find the art in almost anything, we think you will appreciate somewhere that, like you, has the power to survive and thrive through difficult times. And like you, Johannesburg is a city with a rich personality and scars that only make it stronger. We know you feel a lot, though you keep a hard shell that covers your obvious emotions; you’ll relate to Jo’burg’s turbulent history and the city’s magnificent ability to hold itself up amidst times of great and deep divide.

Alternative getaway: Explore your love of the dark of night and your curiosity about the occult in simmering New Orleans . There are plenty of voodoo rituals to witness, shadowy corners to lurk in (your favorite pose) and bright bars to bask in if you decide to show that elusive and addictive Scorpio magnetism.

A traveller admires a view of many islands in Guatape, Colombia.

Sagittarius – South America (all of it)

♐ November 22 – December 21

One word for you Sagittarius: expansiveness. You’re ruled by the biggest planet in the solar system – Jupiter, a world associated with bounty, blind optimism and reach. Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer constellation and you are known wanderers – the natural travelers of the zodiac. As truth-seekers, you are prone to fly off to find yourself when any mood at all strikes. We know you’re restless and love the wild things, whether that means camping under the stars, swimming in pristine lakes, exploring gritty urban scenes or all of the above. A short city-break just won’t do for you, so that’s why we think you should set off on the adventure of a lifetime by backpacking around South America . With a whole continent at your disposal and plenty of passionate culture to fuel your fire-sign personality, you just might find the fountain of youth you always seem to be searching for.

Alternative getaway: King-god Jupiter’s most sacred animal was the eagle, so voyage into the wilds of Mongolia to stay with the last remaining eagle hunters, who commune with these magnificent birds for their livelihood. Staying in a traditional ger and living the nomadic lifestyle is about as restlessly Sagittarian a travel goal as we can imagine.

A busy street at night in Taipei, lit by lanterns.

Capricorn – Taiwan

♑ December 22 – January 19

As the most ambitious, driven and hard-working sign in the zodiac, Capricorns deserve a holiday more than any other. And yet you won’t be satisfied with just any old vacation. You desire to go somewhere important, to learn all of the things you can about the world and to remain efficient in the going. You’re ruled by Saturn, a god who ushered in a golden age on earth and was celebrated through feasting and revelry, meaning you also know how to have a good time. So, we’re sending you to Taiwan , where the work-hard/play-hard ethic has long held sway. You will marvel at Taiwan’s clean, efficient public transport, its fiercely freedom-loving attitude and its verve for getting things done. But when work clocks off here, there are all-night markets to eat your way through, temples to lose yourself in and beaches to linger on.

Alternative getaway: As driven as you are, Capricorn, you’ll appreciate a feeling of success from your travels, and you also tend to be a completionist. Taking a pilgrimage, such as walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain , will give you that sense of accomplishment, and may also encourage you to explore your spirituality and follow your heart – something you can always use a little more of in your life.

The Detroit skyline at dusk, dominated by several high-rise art deco skyscrapers

Aquarius – Detroit, USA

♒ January 20 – February 18

Oh, Aquarius, you love to act the rebel, but we know you’re a true humanitarian who’s constantly seeking all that is innovative, avant-garde and experimental. You root for underdogs and you value freedom, counterculture and, frankly, a little bit of the weird in life. We think you’ll dig Detroit : America’s greatest comeback kid, a place full of creative people employing DIY spirit to revive their city from economic peril. We suggest taking a tour of the on-the-rebound ruined Packard Plant to get a sense of just where Detroit’s coming from, and then hop from the hip-to-hipper stalls at Eastern Market looking for an eccentric souvenir to take home. And since we know you love music, don’t miss the Motown Historical Museum , where the likes of Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye all got their start.

Alternative getaway: It’s important, Aquarius, for you to feel you’re making a difference. You also love getting off the beaten track (read: non-conformist), so you could also head to Kyrgyzstan , where you can lose yourself in the remote Tian Shan mountains and avail of the strong network of community-based tourism organizations to arrange homestays and excursions like walnut-picking and horse riding, ensuring your money is flowing into the local economy for the greater good.

A stunning mountain range with clouds smothering some peaks: Mount Everest and other Himalayan peaks on a sunny day.

Pisces – The Himalaya

♓ February 19 – March 20

Dreamy Pisces, you rarely come down to earth and may not even be from this planet, but you are the healer and the lover of the zodiac. You’re also an old soul, a spiritual seeker, a romantic. You need downtime, gentle air and somewhere free of crowds. Short of sending you into outer space (where your mind mainly seems to stray anyway), we suggest you ascend to the roof of the world. Tibet is vast, exceptionally beautiful, brimming with spirituality and quiet – all things you value in life and travel. Your sign is symbolized by the fish constellation, and many Pisceans are revived by water, so aim for one of Tibet’s sacred lakes, such as Nam-tso or Yamdrok-tso , where you can gaze at turquoise waves, go for a swim, and then drift from monastery to monastery, meditating, learning and practising compassion for all humankind, just as you are meant to do.

Alternative getaway: With your highly intuitive (even psychic) nature, you gravitate towards the supernatural. On the Pampa Colorada in Peru is a series of strange and unexplained ancient geoglyphs: the Nazca Lines . These giant images of animals and insects are only visible from high above. Who made these glyphs and why? Was it aliens or an ancient fertility cult? The lines’ origins haven’t yet been explained, but you will certainly feel at home pondering all this – and ultimately the purpose of human existence – in the far western Peruvian desert.

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Article first published in December 2018, and last updated in September 2020

This article was first published Dec 12, 2018 and updated Sep 28, 2020.

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The Destination You Should Visit in 2022, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

By Ashlea Halpern

Lavender fields on the Plateau de Valensole Provence.

Astrocartography is a branch of astrology that shows the exact positioning of the planets at the moment you were born. The premise is that the earth holds a resonant memory of this celestial alignment; knowing your map can help you understand why you feel happier in some places than others. Anyone can produce a free astrocartography map online, but you’ll need a professional like astrocartographer Maya White to actually decode it.

“I first got into astrocartography because I needed help understanding my own life,” says White, who purchased her first astro map in 1976 after spotting an ad in a horoscope magazine. She became a certified practitioner in the late ’80s; now she offers private readings, online learning programs, and astrology retreats.

“If you have an accurate time and place of birth, it’s just amazing what information comes out,” she says, noting that it helped her understand where she should live (currently Florida) and also where to travel (she went to India, for example, because her Sun and Uranus lines crossed there).

Climate preferences, work, social environment, and family always factor into her readings. “There is no value in me telling somebody to move to South Dakota if there’s no way they’d do that,” she says. She also pinpoints so-called “trainwreck zones,” areas of the world where certain planetary lines might make for a less-than-stellar experience. Though nothing beats a personalized reading, your star sign alone can offer insight into the types of trips you enjoy most. We asked White to share destination suggestions for where to go next based on the 12 zodiac signs—because it’s never too soon to start planning.

This gallery has been updated since its original publish date.

Amanpuri Thailand

“Aries is an electric personality that bursts onto the scene with a lot of energy,” says White. “But they crave a variety of things to do because they are easily bored.” Fortunately, there are scores of diversions to keep Aries travelers entertained in Thailand. After knocking out some of Bangkok ’s greatest hits ( Wat Pho , The Grand Palace ), the ram can charge over to Ari , a fashionably hip neighborhood with cafés, boutiques, and galleries galore. This is a sign that appreciates the finer things in life, says White, so splurge on a room at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok at Chao Phraya River , a 2021 Readers’ Choice winner with a swanky vermouth cocktail bar and dreamy riverside pool. White also suggests flying north to Chiang Mai to shop for artisan crafts or head south to the Thai Islands , where a plethora of indulgent luxury resorts await. “While Aries will get lit up by a frenetic city like Bangkok, they also need to retreat and renew,” she says.

Best Places to Live Vancouver Canada

“Bulls are rigid and don’t like to be inconvenienced,” says White. “It takes a lot of energy to make them break their routine and actually go on vacation.” But like a freight train, once this earth sign gets moving, it’s unstoppable. That’s why White suggests an outdoorsy (but not too wild) destination like Vancouver . It’s easily accessible and Taurus can hunker down in a five-star hotel while still taking advantage of everything the ultra-green metropolis has to offer. That means kayaking at Jericho Beach , ziplining over the treetops at Grouse Mountain , strolling the dizzyingly high Capilano Suspension Bridge , pointing out orcas and humpbacks on a whale-watching tour , or taking an enlightening Talking Trees Tour of Stanley Park, led by a local Coast Salish guide. “Taurus is nurtured and sustained by nature,” explains White. “These activities would be exhilarating because they would pop them out of their comfort zone—but not too much.”

Edinburgh Castle illuminated by summer evening sunshine and framed by the partial silhouettes of surrounding trees

“This mutable air sign is always thinking, thinking, thinking,” says White. That’s why Edinburgh —with its “remarkable cultural depth”—is the perfect match for this intellectually curious sign. The twins tend to prioritize experiences over material things, so a thoughtfully designed, centrally located, and budget-conscious Airbnb would suit them just fine. To keep the gears turning, they can tour the caged graves at Greyfriars Kirkyard and underground tenement buildings of Mary King’s Close , ogle the Crown Jewels at Edinburgh Castle , get lost in the artifacts at the National Museum of Scotland , or climb Arthur’s Seat for spectacular views of the city. “Geminis can be real history buffs,” says White. “And Scotland is bound up in rich European history.”

overhead view of food on black table.

“Cancer needs a great hotel, but good food is equally important,” says White. That’s why she’s drawn to an epicurean getaway like Blackberry Mountain in Walland, Tennessee, the sister spin-off of the acclaimed Blackberry Farm . Nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, the inn draws well-heeled travelers who prize warm hospitality and extraordinary food and drink. After a busy day of hiking, fly fishing, or testing their balance during a paddleboard yoga session, Cancer can tuck into a seasonally inspired Southern meal at the property’s elegant Three Sisters or Firetower restaurants. (The latter boasts 360-degree mountain views, thanks to its perch in a restored forest lookout tower.) With a full belly, they may then “retreat to their protective shell”—which, in Blackberry’s case, looks like a chic cottage with a flagstone terrace, outdoor fireplace, and fine Egyptian linens. That patient Cancer may need to book their visit months in advance only adds to its appeal. “Cancer loves doing something exclusive,” says White. “It’s a way to showcase their personality, taste, and determination.”

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The Johri

“Leo is quite prideful when it comes to love and beauty,” says White. “To see the Taj Mahal—built as a monument to love by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal—feeds the lion’s ego.” (There isn’t a Leo alive who wouldn’t secretly wish for the same thing.) After a pampering stay at the Moorish-Mogul Oberoi Amarvilas in Agra, White wants Leos to head east to the glittering jewel of Jaipur and check into The Johri , a new boutique property tucked inside one of the city’s oldest bazaars. Co-founded by Siddharth Kasliwal , ninth-generation owner of The Gem Palace, the inn blends sumptuous Rajasthani furnishings with quirky Wes Anderson-esque twists. Because Leos appreciate over-the-top experiences, she recommends ending the trip with a stay at the Taj Lake Palace in Udaipur, a royal palace plunked in the middle of picturesque Lake Pichola, or joining a safari at Ranthambore National Park to see other big cats—specifically wild tigers —in their natural habitat.

A Classic New England Lighthouse The Bass Harbor Head Light In The First Light Of Dawn Acadia National Park Maine USA

“Virgos like things neat and clean,” says White. “They crave structure and are uncomfortable in messy situations. But they’re also a mutable earth sign, which means they go with the flow.” Acadia National Park in Maine offers the best of all worlds: a beautiful “semi-tamed wilderness” with “well-constructed carriage paths” for easier hiking and biking. Virgo will be smitten by the stellar sunrises, says White, and will love exploring the port towns dotting the coastline—combing for colorful polished rocks at Jasper Beach in Machiasport and shopping for artisan-made furniture and handwoven textiles in Camden and Rockland. (“Virgo really values quality,” she notes.) Come nightfall, a safari-inspired glamping experience like the one offered by Under Canvas Acadia in Surry will help Virgo relax and unwind.

Lavender fields on the Plateau de Valensole Provence.

Libra is a cardinal air sign, ruled by Venus and drawn to all things beauty and art. Enter Provence , with its breathtaking fields of lavender, Impressionistic hilltop villages, and glasses brimming with the finest róse. “This is a very Libran-type society,” says White. “They appreciate good food and gracious service, revel in cultural pleasures, and see life as a canvas waiting to be painted.” (It’s no wonder so many famous artists—Cézanne, Picasso, Van Gogh—found inspiration here.) With their exacting standards, Libras lean into the finest accommodations: Hôtel Crillon le Brave in the foothills of Mont Ventoux trades in old-world charm, decorating its suites with still-lifes by renowned local artist Julian Merrow-Smith (with bowls of fresh fruit to match). Whether they’re shopping for sunflowers at the market in Aix-en-Provence, touring the Roman aqueduct bridge near Nîmes, or popping into a charming boulangerie in the narrow backstreets of Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, there’s always something enchanting for Libra to behold.

overlooking the Grand Canyon at sunset

“It’s been a difficult couple of years for everyone,” says White. “But Scorpio, perhaps more than other signs, needs a renewal. They’re constantly listening to everyone else’s problems and took on more than their usual share during the pandemic.” That’s why she’s sending the mercurial scorpion to a place beyond compare: the Grand Canyon . “Scorpios get inspired by being in the presence of something greater than themselves,” she explains. “A natural wonder like the Grand Canyon humbles them and helps them recalibrate.” This is particularly true when they veer off the beaten path. Instead of joining the tourist fray at the South Rim, head to the canyon’s lesser-trafficked North Rim or sign up for an intense multi-day rafting trip on the Colorado River. Post-pandemic, hiking to stunning Havasu falls in the Havasupai Indian Reservation would be a dream come true. (For now, the grounds remain closed to tourism to protect its tribal habitants.)

Herd of elephants in the african savannah


“Sagittarius loves to travel,” says White of the intrepid archer, a mutable fire sign that’s always on the hunt for its next adventure. After two years of pandemic-related lockdowns, White sees something epic in Sag’s future: a safari to Kruger National Park in South Africa and/or an ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania . “The archer has a wild streak and feels rejuvenated in the presence of animals and birds.” Tackling something physically immersive like a walking safari or climbing expedition would feel especially kinesthetic. “Sagittarius needs a wilderness experience to heal their spirit and deepen their connection with self,” says White. There’s just one caveat: While Sags aren’t terribly uppity about accommodations, they do require decent Wi-Fi. (To hang out with giraffes is amazing and all—but even more satisfying if they can share it on Instagram.) 

boats on water

The sea goat is ruled by Saturn, the taskmaster of all planets—so naturally, this serious earth sign wants to feel like the master of their own destiny. “Capricorns also appreciate status,” says White. “They’re not as flashy as Leo, but they’re still climbers—socially and financially.” That’s why White recommends chartering a yacht in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, or other beachy idyll. The Moorings , in particular, catches her eye because the long-running outfitter books crewed yachts with a professional captain and first mate as well as more D.I.Y. adventures where a licensed guest can steer their own ship. In the British Virgin Islands, this means Cap designs their own itinerary, penciling in grotto wading at The Baths National Park in Virgin Gorda or snorkeling with blue-striped grunt at Monkey Point off Guana Island. Captaining one’s own ship is the more affordable option too, which appeals to Cap’s need to control the purse strings.

waterfall to the left of a suspension bridge in Ecuador.

This fixed air sign is ruled by Uranus, the planet of questioning and innovation. “They need to be mentally stimulated,” says White. “They’re deep and eclectic thinkers who prize inventiveness and want to understand the forces that drive creation.” Aquarians also tend to be humanitarian, keen to change the world for the better. White believes a journey to the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon would be eye opening for the inquisitive water bearer. ( Papangu Tours , an Indigenous tour operator, can make the arrangements.) They’re intrigued by other people’s lives and spirituality and would want to educate themselves about the oil, mining, and logging industries threatening sacred jungle land and communities. Aquarius might also like to experience a healing session with an Indigenous shaman. (Experimenting with ayahuasca is optional, as many Aquarians are happy to live vicariously through the transcendental experiences of others.) “This adventure is a total wild card, but one Aquarius would absolutely embrace,” says White. “It’s also a bit of a bragging point. Aquarius likes being different, tackling something others may perceive as strange or crazy.”

North Island a Luxury Collection Resort Seychelles

White calls this mutable sign “the environmentalist of the Zodiac” because they care deeply about the earth and their role in it. Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces is naturally drawn to watery destinations—the farther flung, the better. The Seychelles , a small island nation about 1,000 miles off the coast of East Africa, checks all the right boxes: A remote ecological paradise with a host of wildlife and non-motorized water sports to experience. Lock in one of 11 sustainably built, thatched-roof villas at Gold List 2020 winner North Island , sandwiched between a forest of tacamahac trees and a pristine coralline beach, and then go exploring. Pisces, which White calls a “deeply compassionate sign,” would enjoy partaking in a marine conservation program (dugongs and giant tortoises are both protected here) or other voluntourism effort. “They really do care, and want to feel like they’ve contributed,” says White.

astrology travel guide

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Through the sharing of experiences I hope to achieve further insight into the subject of astrogeography, and how it might enrich us all.

Have you had an Astrology Adventure that you’d like to share?

Perhaps you’ve passed under one of your lines with incredible results, or been touched by a unique encounter or event connected with your  Astro Map . If you’d like to contribute your experience of locational astrology simply  email me, [email protected] .

Include as much information as possible about the line in question – how you felt, what happened, who you came into contact with and what you saw. If you have further information about transits that were occurring this would also be interesting and relevant. Feel free to include your birth data and where in the world you journeyed to.

Your story will remain anonymous unless you state otherwise.

  • Indicate the line you passed under, and the angle (i.e. Mercury on the descendant).
  • What happened? What did you see or notice? Who did you meet?
  • Were there any transits to your natal chart at the time of your journey?
  • Your birth data: Time / Place / Date of Birth, and
  • Where you visited.
  • Is this the only place on your astrological map that you’ve visited?

Thank you for taking the time to contribute!

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North America

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Latin America + The Caribbean

  • Buenos Aires
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  • Rio de Janeiro

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Tips + Trends

Illustration of a person looking at zodiac signs in sky

Let the stars be your vacation guides. (Illustration: Yeji Kim)

Tap Your Inner Astrologer: Where to Travel Next Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Planning your year of travel and stumped on where to start? Let your sun sign be your guide.

According to astrology, each sign grants certain traits that are universal to anyone born during that sign’s cycle. Match your sign’s characteristics to a destination’s unique vibe and you have a match made in the heavens.

As always, check for travel guidelines and closures before planning your trip.

Illustration of Capricorn zodiac sign

It’s all about the money, money, money for Capricorns — and they’ve worked hard for it. Caps are experts at navigating finances and are excellent savers, so they likely have enough funds in stowage for  Singapore .

The  well-heeled setting of “Crazy Rich Asians”  is where Capricorns will find plenty of opportunities to exercise their credit cards and find a few networking opps in the meantime. After all, for Capricorns, every  vacation is bleisure.

Singapore is full of luxe shopping and Michelin-starred restaurants. It’s also where you’ll find  The Singapore EDITION , an ultra-chic hotel that embodies the country’s unique balance of gentle, calming yin and bustling, energetic yang.

Illustration of Aquarius zodiac sign

Mystical or spiritual exploration? Aquarians are into it. And Machu Picchu in  Peru  is a bucket-list-worthy destination for this air sign.

The mythology and speculation around Machu Picchu are widely known. It is understood to have been an  estate or religious site for the Incas  until the 16th century. Today, the UNESCO world heritage site continues to inspire awe in those who visit.

Before heading into the misty mountains for a tour of Machu Picchu, you’ll have to spend a night or two in Cusco, a terracotta-hued city with the beautiful  JW Marriott El Convento Cusco , a former Augustinian convent, at its center. Though the building has been fully transformed, you can view ancient Inca ruins in the basement.

Illustration of Pisces zodiac sign

There’s nothing Pisces won’t like about  Seattle  — moody weather, long chats in storied coffeehouses, plenty of opportunities to be near the water. Guided by their emotions, Pisces are bound to love the Pacific Northwest, and the  Seattle Marriott Waterfront  is the perfect backdrop for a seaside sojourn.

Visit spots like the  Seattle Aquarium ,  Chihuly Garden and Glass , and the  Seattle Art Museum  to get in touch with your deeper side.

Stop by  Pike Place Market  and the home of the  very first Starbucks Coffee location  before heading back to the Seattle Marriott Waterfront to sip your brew while enjoying the view of Elliott Bay.

Illustration of Aries zodiac sign

If there’s anything Aries look for in a vacation destination, it’s adventure and excitement. (Bragging rights don’t hurt, either.) These warriors are always looking for somewhere far-flung and super fun, and  Phuket , Thailand, is where the party doesn’t stop. Whether it’s a beach bash on a sugary strip of sand or an all-night club hop, Aries are in it to bring home travel stories that will leave their friends speechless.

The Westin Siray Bay Resort & Spa, Phuket  is just what an Aries needs to unwind after a long day of adventuring and before heading back out on the town for round two. With panoramic sea views and a showstopping infinity pool, the hotel offers a relaxing respite from Phuket’s nonstop fun.

Illustration of Taurus zodiac sign

A picturesque destination where comfort and luxury are around every corner? Sign a Taurus up. The bull is all for anything that caters to cozy creature comforts, and  Switzerland  — known as the priciest country in Europe — is just the place to indulge by a fireplace, enjoy a foamy Swiss coffee and watch the beauty around you.

Overlooking the Alps and Lake Geneva, the  Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic, Autograph Collection  is elegant and timeless. The building is an example of the opulence of late-19th-century Belle Epoque architecture and design, which is carried through the plush rooms and the stunning dining concept,  Le 45 .

Illustration of Gemini zodiac sign

With Geminis, you get both sides of the coin. On one hand, they’re friendly, flirty and gifted with gab. On the other, they’re introspective, impulsive and intelligent.  Tunis , Tunisia, with its friendly locals and heaps of history, is a sweet spot for the sign of the twins.

In the heart of Tunisia’s capital city, the  Tunis Marriott Hotel  is the perfect spot from which to explore. Wander the romantic alleyways of the historical center, and visit the  ruins of Carthage  and the  Bardo Museum , full of locally revered antiquities. Visitors will find that many locals are ready with recommendations for authentic experiences, and chatty Geminis should feel right at home in their company.

Illustration of Cancer zodiac sign

A visit to the enchanting city of  Halifax , Nova Scotia, will feel like a homecoming to this water sign. With a rich maritime history and a sense of comfort and familiarity, the city’s vibe is warm and welcoming — perfect for Cancers.

Halifax’s vibrant  cultural , culinary and art scenes offer opportunities for the intuitive sign to explore deeper connections. Cancers love a place where they can indulge in reflective moments, and they’ll find solace in the serene beauty of places like Peggy’s Cove and Cabot Trail.

With incredible sea views,  Muir, Autograph Collection , is where Cancers should  set up shop in Halifax . The hotel, named for the famed naturalist, is home to the most desirable waterfront terrace, a private art gallery, a hidden speakeasy and a spa where Cancers will feel pampered and blissed out.

Illustration of Leo zodiac sign

Confident, friendly, loyal: Leos have exactly what makes the Second City a place the lion will love.  Chicago’s  unique brand of Midwest niceties and big-city ambition offers plenty of opportunities for fun-loving Leos to make friends and enjoy life — traits that come easily to them.

The  Moxy Chicago Downtown  will cater to this sense of confidence and charisma. Set in the River North neighborhood, this funky hotel oozes dynamism and spirit, and Chicago’s impressive skyline will make Leos feel on top of the world. Settle in for a cocktail at  Bar Moxy  before hitting the town, full of positive and playful vibes.

Illustration of Virgo zodiac sign

Virgos appreciate precision and logic in all they see and do, so they’re sure to find calm in  Calgary’s  meticulous city planning. Known as the “cleanest city in Canada” for good reason, Calgary is lauded for its well-organized urban layout, modern and sleek architecture, and efficient, easy-to-use public transportation system.

At  Delta Hotels by Marriott Calgary Downtown , you’ll be right in the center of the city’s action while remaining  close to the mountains and other outdoor adventures  Virgos also love. The welcoming vibe and famous Canadian politesse will have Virgos looking up Calgary’s real estate market in no time.

Illustration of Libra zodiac sign

Friendly, intelligent and frank — all things that make Libras lovable — Dublin’s vibe oozes “cool-girl” energy.  Dublin  is a balanced destination for the sign of the scales, with its vibrant culture and opportunities for tranquility.

The city’s convivial atmosphere will speak to Libras on a visceral level, while its historical heritage — it was home to literary greats like James Joyce and Oscar Wilde — will play to Libra’s intellectual side. If you need a break from the urban bustle, wander over and take a scenic (and extremely photogenic) walk along the River Liffey.

The lively  Aloft Dublin City  has the perfect atmosphere for meaningful and memorable connections to bloom for Libra.

Illustration of Scorpio zodiac sign

Intense and transformative, Scorpios will find their spirit destination in  Goa , India. From private and secluded beaches to rich spiritual heritage, this alluring coastal paradise has much to appeal to Scorpios.

On the other hand, the sign of the scorpion will find passionate energy in Goa’s nightlife, which fills beach parties and eclectic events up and down the shoreline. Make sure to learn about the evolving  Goan drinks scene  while you’re in the area.

At  W Goa , Scorpios will find the same intensity, self-discovery and immersion in Indian culture. The beachfront resort is the gateway to West India’s famous New Age raves and is a spot to see and be seen.


Illustration of Sagittarius zodiac sign

Destined to fall in love with the lush landscape and dynamic energy of  Rio de Janeiro , Sagittarii will find themselves the center of attention on the iconic beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema (as well as the  city’s secret coves and beaches ).

Sagittarii are free-spirited and outgoing, so Brazil is an ideal locale for flexing their adventurous and optimistic nature, whether joining beach volleyball and soccer pickup games or  sipping caipirinhas  on the promenade.

The waterfront  Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resort  is where the lush and tropical meets the sandy and sensual. With 538 hotel rooms and suites, it offers serial Sagittarius overpackers (no such thing as too many bathing suits in Brazil, after all) space for all of their luggage — along with the dozen or so friends they brought with them.

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Where to Travel in 2020, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

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If there’s one person you should listen to when it comes to where to travel in 2020, it’s Pia Lehmann . Not only is she one well-traveled woman, but she can also see it all in the stars. As a professional psychological counseling astrologer (and gold medal winner of the Federation of Australian Astrologers), Lehmann works with clients to push past emotional roadblocks and clearly see what’s ahead. Lehmann also happens to be a true travel expert and works as an in-house astrologer for The Ultimo hotel in Sydney, Australia . There, she helps create tailor-made trips based on guests’ star signs and introduces the public to the ancient science of astrology. Guests staying at the hotel can book a face-to-face reading with Lehmann, request an introductory report, or chart comparisons with their partner. But, lucky for us, she’s willing to share a few travel tips, too. Related : Which Beach You Should Be Sitting on Right Now, Based on Your Zodiac Sign So, what does she see in everyone’s collective travel future? According to Lehmann, 2020 is a year to “reset.” “Important planets align: Saturn conjoins Pluto, followed by Jupiter, all in the stern sign of Capricorn,” Lehmann explained to Travel + Leisure via email. For water signs, Lehmann says it’s best to stick by the beach, take a cruise , or visit a far-off romantic island . For fire signs, she adds, 2020 may be the year for an active adventure, like mountaineering or other outdoor activities. As for earth signs, Lehmann says it’s all about taking a break at a spa, digging into a foodie retreat, or focusing on personal health. Lastly, she notes that air signs need to find an escape that offers plenty of variety and is “mentally stimulating.”Want specifics? Keep scrolling to find out what kind of trip Lehmann says each sign should take , along with our suggestions on exactly where each sign should travel in 2020.

What to Do: Go on an action-oriented getaway. Trip to Try: Hike through the mountains in Peru.

This is your year to get out there and explore, Aries. Those under the Aries sign are known for being adventurous and intrepid. Why not give into that thrill-seeking side in 2020 with a trek through the Andes in Peru? You can do just that by booking a trip with Mountain Lodges of Peru , an outfitter that perfectly blends adventure and luxury with its lodge-to-lodge treks from Cusco to Machu Picchu.

What to Do: Eat like a king. Trip to Try: Dine out in Paris.

According to Lehmann, 2020 is all about food-based adventures for the Tauruses out there. (And hey, those born under the sign are known to be a bit gluttonous anyway.) Book a trip to a city like Paris where you can dine on tasty food. Best of all, you don’t have to spend a ton of money while you’re eating to your heart’s content. Here are our tips for eating in Paris for less than 15 euros a meal .

  • What to Do: Find a place filled with both action and curiosity.
  • Trip to Try: Visit a city like Dubai.
  • It’s got glitz, glamour, and adventure for days. Yes, dear Gemini, Dubai is the city for you in 2020. Those born under this sign are well-known to be curious and filled with passion, which makes a place like Dubai an excellent fit for a once-in-a-lifetime Gemini vacation. While in the city, check into a hotel like the Bulgari Resort Dubai , which comes with all the luxe amenities you’d ever need.

What to Do: Find a cozy place filled with deep traditions. Trip to Try: Take a curated vacation in Italy.

Italy is one of the best vacation destinations for families, which is ideal for those under the Cancer sign, as they are quite family-oriented. In the European nation, children stick by their parents’ sides well into adulthood, and it’s not uncommon to have first, second, or third cousins over every night of the week for a family dinner. To visit Italy in the most familial way possible, book a trip with Access Italy , a family-run operator who puts together itineraries for the likes of Oprah and the Obamas.

What to Do: Get in on the party. Trip to Try: Embark on a VIP experience with Virgin Voyages.

Leos are known to be the life of the party , which means traveling in 2020 should be all about a good time. And that’s where Virgin Voyages, the latest project from Richard Branson, comes in. Though the ship hasn’t set sail yet, it’s already the hottest ticket in town. This year, its first vessel will hit the high seas and bring guests to its own personal paradise, the beach club on the Bahamian island of Bimini . The private party experience is exclusive to Virgin Voyages, so make sure to get on board as soon as you can.

What to Do: Focus on health and well-being travel. Trip to Try: Visit the Mulia Villas in Bali.

Virgos tend to have a difficult time calming down, as the sign rules over the nervous system . But there is one place worrywart Virgos can go to chill out: The Mulia in Bali. The gorgeous property comes with enough beachfront space to ensure everyone can find some alone time. There are also a number of wellness offerings, like daily yoga classes. However, the real gem of this property is the over-the-top, five-hour spa experience, which includes a body treatment, massage, facial, and pedicure to help cure any ailment.

What to Do: Take in all the artwork you can. Trip to Try: Head to Lisbon for a street art tour.

Libras know a great piece of art when they see it, as the sign happens to be one of the more artistic and visual in the zodiac chart. In 2020, Libras are encouraged to visit Lisbon in Portugal and take in all the glorious art. However, rather than just perusing any old museum, opt for a street art tour. It’s a place filled with talented artists who are happy to share their works on public walls around the city.

What to Do: Delve into something mysterious. Trip to Try: Go on a surprise trip.

Scorpios simply love to be in control at all times. We get it, it’s hard to give up control, especially when it comes to travel. However, 2020 is the year to let it all go for Scorpios. Don’t worry, you don’t need to leave it all up to chance. Instead, book a vacation through a company like Pack Up + Go , which creates custom three-day itineraries that come with a surprise destination, so you don’t know where you’re going or what you’ll be doing until you arrive.


What to Do: Get outside into Mother Nature. Trip to Try: Go on a glamping-inspired safari.

Those under the Sagittarius sign don’t just like the outdoors, but they need it to feel fulfilled. One great way to connect to nature in 2020 is by taking a safari. However, you can double down on this trip by booking a safari with The Bushcamp Company in Zambia and requesting a stay in its off-the-beaten-path bushcamps . These camps come with zero Wi-Fi or cell service and are powered by solar energy, meaning it’s just you, the surrounding nature, and a few wild animals roaming outside your door.

What to Do: Take a historical journey. Trip to Try: Hop on a cruise. Those born under the Capricorn sign are known to value things that last for generations. There may be no better place to celebrate that than in Egypt on a history-inspired vacation. To see and do it all, embark on a river cruise down the Nile with Original Travel . On its new itinerary called A Taste of the Nile , guests can travel down the same route that Agatha Christie took, which inspired her to write Death on the Nile . The journey includes stops at historical attractions along the way. Who knows, maybe you’ll be inspired to write the next great novel, too.

What to Do: Go on a trip that gives back. Trip to Try: Sign up for a female-only expedition around the globe.

The Aquarius is known as the “water bearer” that is “eternally giving.” With that in mind, it makes sense that those under this sign should head out for a trip that gives back. Aquarius women are in for a treat in 2020, as they can now take female-only trips to a number of countries around the world with Intrepid Travel. In 2018, the tour operator launched its women’s-only trips with a few key destinations such as Jordan and Turkey . This year, hop aboard its expedition through Kenya , where guests meet with local female entrepreneurs, spend time in women’s-only villages, and get to interact with female rangers fighting poachers in the Maasai Mara park. The expeditions all help to create a stronger female economy by staying in female-owned hotels and purchasing goods in their stores, as well as strengthen the ties that bind us all across borders.

What to Do: Enjoy a romantic journey. Trip to Try: Check out a remote island.

Anyone born under the Pisces sign will tell you that they’ve got a lot going on in their ever-racing minds. That’s why a trip to a secluded island, where they can find a little bit of calm, is not only recommended, but necessary in 2020. Book a trip to the Galapagos Islands with Ecoventura . The small boat company focuses on sustainability and ethical travel to the islands. Aboard the vessel, each guest will be accompanied by two naturalists, who will help you dive into the water to swim with turtles, sea lions, sharks, and more while respecting everyone’s boundaries. But be warned, my Pisces friends: You may never want to leave the islands or the crystal-clear waters again.

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Astrocartography Is the Key to Planning Travel and Making Fulfilling Moves

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Your Birth Chart

  • Reading Your Map

The Bottom Line

You already know  astrology  can be an indispensable tool for bolstering self-awareness, learning more about the people you love, and understanding why the vibe of a moment may feel jubilant, intense, or just plain off. There are practically endless applications of the language of the sky, and one of them is getting a read on how you'll feel and fare when you're in a particular location on the globe.

Yep, astrology, or more specifically, astrocartography, can allow you to gauge how your energy could shift depending on where you travel or relocate. You could pinpoint where you might feel at your most creative or where you could be challenged to do deeper self-work. Ahead, more about astrocartography and how to use it to plan your travel or next move.


Astrocartography, or locational astrology, is a system that was pioneered in the 1970s by astrologer Jim Lewis. It involves comparing your astrological birth chart to a map of the globe.

As long as you know the precise time and location you came into the world, you can create an accurate snapshot of the sky at the time of your birth. From that info, you can cast — generally via software these days, but it can also be done by hand — what's referred to as a natal, or birth, chart.

Your birth chart will not only show what signs the planets and luminaries (the sun and the moon) were in when you were born but also other information that offers even more insight into your astrological wiring, like houses, degrees, and the relationships between the planets and luminaries. (There are several free sites like  cafeastrology.com  or  astrology.com , where you can plug in your info and receive your birth chart in seconds.)

Once you have your birth chart, you're ready to dip your toe into astrocartography, which involves taking your natal info and comparing it to the location of the sun, moon, and planets relative to the Earth when you were born.

How to Read an Astrocartography Map

Before computers were household items, astrologers would draw charts and astrocartography maps by hand. Now, in order to get your very own unique astrocartography map — which is a combination of your natal chart details and a world map — you can just head to a site like astro.com, which offers an  AstroClick Travel feature , or see a professional astrologer who specializes in astrocartography.

When you look at your astrocartography map, you'll see it looks like a series of lines that run vertically up and down over continents and oceans. With the AstroClick Travel feature, they're color-coded, and you can actually click on them to get detailed info on what they mean. Each line corresponds to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born, and each planetary line offers its own unique energy that you'd experience when you're near that line geographically.

Planetary Lines

Sun:  Visiting or living near this line will lead to greater confidence, a brighter mood, and a sense that you're comfier than usual in your skin.

Moon:  Because the moon is all about emotions, you could feel especially sensitive when you're near this line.

Mercury:  Being near the line of the messenger planet could boost your ability to think and communicate.

Venus:  Being near the line of the planet of love, beauty, and money can make you extra attractive, charming, and a bit of a magnet for romantic and creative pursuits.

Mars:  Because Mars rules action, energy, and sex, being near its line can make you braver, bolder, and perhaps a bit more argumentative.

Jupiter:  Living or visiting the line associated with the magnifying, fortune-boosting planet can bring more luck and abundance.

Saturn:  The taskmaster planet is all about putting your nose to the grindstone, setting boundaries, accepting limitations, and committing fully — basically, being a grown-up. (Hello,  Saturn Return .) For that reason, living or visiting near this line could promote maturity but feel like a bit of a downer at times.

Uranus:  Being near the line of the rebellious planet, which brings sudden change, can inspire you to strike out against convention.

Neptune:  Being near the line of this dreamy, rational, thought-hazing planet could bolster your imagination but also make you more susceptible to illusion and escapism.

Pluto:  Proximity to the line associated with the planet of transformation, power, death, and rebirth could require you to burn it all down and start again.

Chiron:  Being near the line of this comet, referred to as the "Wounded Healer" in astrology, can help you care for others.

North and south nodes (lunar nodes):  The lines associated with these mathematical points (versus actual celestial bodies) speak to your destiny (north node) and karmic past (south node).

Four Angles or Cardinal Points

Additionally, there are four angles or cardinal points — just like in your natal chart — to pay attention to when you're working with astrocartography. You'll notice on your astrocartography map that there are four Jupiter lines, four sun lines, four moon lines, et al. Basically, each planet pairs with each of these angles to offer multi-layered intel. The angles are:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC):  Just like your  rising or ascendant  in your natal chart, your rising or ascendant here represents the mask you wear out in the world.   An example of how this might manifest in your astrocartography chart: If you travel or move to your moon AC line, you might be extra emotional, sensitive, or nurturing in a public-facing way, inspired to volunteer or become a nurse or caregiver.
  • The Descendant (DC):  The descendant line is associated with the seventh house of partnership, so it reflects one-on-one relationships. Find your Venus descendant line to get a sense of where you might meet your soul mate.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC):  The IC line, also known as the cusp of the fourth house of home life, speaks to your family and roots. You'll be more meditative and internally focused when you're near your IC lines.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC):  The  MC line , or cusp of the 10th house of career, has to do with public image and success. So, if you're hanging out near your Jupiter MC line, you can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy some major luck related to your professional path.

How to Use Astrocartography for Travel or Relocation

For some people, it could feel daunting to find out that the town where you just bought a house isn't the most fortunate spot on the planet for you. Or you may fear you'll look at your astrocartography chart and feel like you have to high-tail it to the U.K. because you're certain your Uranus MC line there could bring about the professional change you've been wanting.

On the flip side, you could be so ready for something new, lucky, or exciting that you're fired up to go wherever your strongest lines might fall, practicality be damned. However, just as with all astrological concepts, practical application of astrocartography is nuanced.

  • "It's not always practical to move to your strongest astrocartography places," acknowledged astrologer April Elliott Kent of  Big Sky Astrology . "But sometimes you can benefit from those places anyway."

For example, you might log in to LinkedIn only to find out you've been messaged by a potential, thrilling client who lives in a faraway destination where one of your strongest, most positive lines falls. Maybe in the midst of using Tinder Passport, you match with someone who's based where you have a sexy Mars or romantic Venus DC line.

As Kent noted, "Surprising offers can come to you from a city where positive planets are strong in your astrocartography."

Although astrocartography may make it seem as though your fate has already been written in the stars, you can think of it more as a weather forecast — helpful insight on what you  could  expect to be working with when you travel or move to a certain location. Ultimately, how you apply the knowledge offered by your unique map is entirely up to you.

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Free Astro Map, AstroCartography Online Cartography, Relocation Chart

AstroCartography, Astro Map Free Astrology Online Calculator

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  • Relocation Chart
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Astrocartography: Discover Your Best (and Worst) Places to Live or Visit


Find your best places in the world using locational astrology

To calculate an astrological birth chart, you need three things: birth date, birth time, and location. The third and final piece of critical information is often the most overlooked. Is location really that important?

It’s important enough to call for an entire branch of astrology known as Locational Astrology, commonly referred to as astrocartography or astrogeography. It can help you discover the best (and worst) places to live all around the world. 

Whether you’re born in Tokyo or Boston, the planets in your chart will stay in the same signs. But thorough astrology is much more than planets in signs––there is a whole chart to unpack!

What should I look for in astrocartography?

One of the most significant parts of any natal chart is the sign rising up on the horizon when the chart is created (a.k.a., the time you were born). You might know this as the rising sign or ascendant , which says a lot about how you show up to other people. However, it also determines the remaining twelve houses of the chart. 

The difference between a baby born in Tokyo and a baby born in Boston at the exact same minute of the same day is the sign on the horizon–– the rising sign! Obviously, this is because of time zones and the fact that it’s always night and it’s always daylight somewhere in the world. 

If the baby born in Boston is a Leo rising and the baby born in Tokyo is an Aquarius rising , they will have vastly different personalities, life experiences, and birth charts just because they’re born in different locations. 

A “relocated natal chart” in astrology

How does location impact astrology and energy after you’re born?

While you will always default to your natal chart using the location where you were born for just about any astrological inquiry, you can learn a lot about how you will experience a place based on what’s known as the “relocated natal chart.”

The relocated chart is the basis for most locational astrology, even astrocartography, perhaps the most common (and prettiest) locational astrology technique, where planetary lines of a million hypothetical relocated charts are condensed onto a map of the world in vibrant colored lines. 

If you want to explore the best places for you all over the world, the astrocartography map is the best place to begin. While there is also lots of nuance in any astrology-related conversation, use the guide below to help you get acquainted with the general energies of each planetary line. 

Planetary line themes in astrocartography

  • Sun : a place to be seen, the ego can develop, creative talents become more visible
  • Moon : a place to call home, go deeper into yourself, be with family, and nurture self-care practices
  • Mercury : a busy place with lots to do, many people to meet, and so much to learn – Go here to write a book!
  • Venus : a place to love and be loved, to indulge, create, and find pleasure and romance in all things
  • Mars : a place to stake your claim, get motivated, take action on your passions, and do big things
  • Jupiter : a place of expansion, good fortune, luck, overindulgence, and grand new beginnings
  • Saturn : a place of discipline, restrictions, and limitations, tough life lessons that make you stronger
  • Uranus : an unconventional place with lots of twists and turns, alternative experiences and people, and disruptions
  • Neptune : a dreamy place of bliss, confusion, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism
  • Pluto : a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life
  • Nodes : a place you may have been in a past life that can still feel like you’ve been there before, fated experiences will often occur
  • Chiron : a place to heal your inner child, explore wounds from the past, and turn pain into art or healing practices

In addition to these themes, in astrocartography it’s essential to consider the sign where the planet lives in your chart because it will flavor your experience. An Aries Sun line will have a very different vibe from a Virgo Sun line––one will emphasize one’s love of action, adventure, and taking the initiative, while the other might bring light to a desire to be of service or develop skills in helping others. 

You’ve probably experienced the difference location can make

You might have experienced the power of locational astrology before without even realizing it. If you’ve ever traveled to a place that felt absolutely magical but you couldn’t figure out why, this might be a favorable place for you astrologically.

If you’ve gone on vacation only to be riddled with multiple bad luck scenarios, you might be in a less favorable place! This recently happened to my friend on vacation to Mexico. A well-planned trip was turned on its head with cancellations, disruptions and unexpected wild experiences. As it turns out, she was directly on a Uranus line, which wouldn’t be my first choice for relaxing vacation conditions. On the other hand, Venus is a crowd favorite for a blissful trip away. 

I grew up on my Saturn line on the East Coast and couldn’t figure out why I disliked it so much until I discovered locational astrology many years ago while living on the West Coast, a place where I felt like I could finally breathe again. 

Examples of how astrocartography can impact lives

Annie took a sabbatical to India with her new husband, which changed the course of her life forever. It wasn’t until 17 years later that she realized this spiritual awakening occurred at the strongest point of her Neptune line. Her natal Neptune is in Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy and other cultures. 

Brianna was having trouble moving forward in her career as a project manager but wanted to break into a new niche putting her passion for music to work. Less than a month after landing on her Jupiter line in Los Angeles, she secured a dream job in the industry. Her natal Jupiter is in Libra, the sign of music and artistic pursuits. 

Tony and Sarah met right before the pandemic but knew their connection was something special, so they dated long-distance for 16 months until they were able to reconnect! They both have strong Venus lines in the Maldives, which is exactly where they decided to get married so they could reunite once again stateside. 

Relocate your natal chart to find your astrocartography––where to live or visit (or where to avoid!)

If you want to explore locational astrology beyond what the astrocartography map can deliver, you’ll want to relocate your natal chart. Here’s how it’s done:

Let’s say you’re born in New York City. When calculating a relocated chart for a specific area, instead of entering your birthplace as New York City, you would enter the city of the new place and adjust the time so that it is correct.

How do you know if the time is correct?

The position of the planets and the signs do not change in the slightest. Take note of the degree of your Moon in your natal chart and ensure it stays the same once relocated. The only piece of the chart that changes is the Rising sign and, therefore, the houses.

This provides much more information about your experience in a place than the map on its own. Since this primarily revolves around the houses, it’s a good idea to know what you want in a place––career advancement, love, to feel at home, deep connections, or anything else! 

Have you always felt the pull to travel somewhere far away, but not sure why? Maybe you’re planning a big move but haven’t decided where or when to go. Astrocartography helps you discover the best places in the world, unique to you, and when you’re most supported to make the change.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

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Zodiac sign illustrations by  Bodil Jane ,  The Grande Dame  and  Yoko Furusho

How Your Astrological Chart Can Tell You Where to Travel Next

Feeling restless with your location or in need of a getaway — but can't quite figure out where to go? Astrocartography is an emerging travel trend to help with those destination dilemmas.

How Your Astrological Chart Can Tell You Where to Travel Next

Plenty of people in the world find themselves restless with their surroundings — they're yearning for a change in location, but figuring out where that next Big Move is supposed to take them, or where to spend their hard-earned money on visiting, isn't always easy to determine. The answer might be closer to home than you think: your Astrological Chart.

Recently in the travel space, some travelers have started turning to their own zodiacs in the form of Astrocartography, an astrology-based system that uses your chart and a map of the earth to find out which places on the planet might suit you best for your next jaunt, near or far. Feeling bogged down by your career? Maybe skip New York. On a path of growth and change? A hike up a mountain could do the trick. Lovelorn? Get thee to Italy!

It's a little more complicated than that, so let's break down the specifics of Astrocartography and how it could help you decide your next trip.

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography, at its most basic, is the process of adding lines to a global map based on your astrological birth chart that gives personal meaning to certain locations. More precisely, it is a locational astrology system that takes your astrological birth chart — based on the time, date and place of your birth — and overlays it with a map of the Earth.

Astrocartography can be explored through often-free software online or, for more precise and perhaps trusted insight, you can get a professional reading and be shown the four angles of your birth chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Imum Coeli) and how they correspond to certain places on Earth. Any planet close to the four angles of your birth chart will affect you, and thus your travel, in a stronger way.

Where did Astrocartography come from?

Renowned American astrologer Jim Lewis (1941-1995) popularized the modern-use of location astrology in the 1980s, creating maps, writing books and articles, and formalizing the practice. He even copywrote the name as Astro*Carto*Graphy.

Today, Evolutionary Astrologer Ralph MacIntyre has been studying Astrology for the better part of the last 40 years, and in the early 2000s, he was able to utilize Google Maps to create a more sophisticated version of what Lewis had pioneered with older technology. Now, there are hundreds of Astrocartographers on the web, some with their own proprietary software, and available for readings. MacIntyre gets upwards of 50 inquiries a month from people looking to use Astrocartography, he says.

If you want to try it yourself without the professional reading, a few simple steps through free software online will get you started, but be wary: once you get into the process of reading and deciphering your chart, it can take a long time to understand the lines on the chart, what they represent, and how best to utilize them in your travels or decision to move. If you want a thorough explanation, it’s best to get a reading done, though MacIntyre humbly cautions not to put too much stock in anything someone is selling you.

“A lot of people just want me to tell them where the best place is for them to live,” he says, “but it’s not that simple. My readings tend to be more soul level, helping you to understand what you’re here to do. And then once you understand what your soul’s habits are, the karma you’re working on, then we can go to the map.”

Astrocartography in action

Text, Line, Font, Parallel, Screenshot, Map,

In Mass., my natal line of Mercury ran north to south directly through the middle of the state. Mercury is the planet ruling intellect, and it said, “When you traverse this line, you are likely to experience an eventful home life. The doorbell is always ringing, the telephone is in constant use and any computer networks are lively. This is ideal if you are seeking to set up a business in your house or if you want more stimulation in your house. [...] It is also possible you are constantly in communication with a member of your family who resides at this location.” I have always thought that I would end up back in Massachusetts; an inexplicable pull has always been there and, in my late 30s, I have been feeling this even more. And, yes, I’m definitely in constant communication with my family there!

And for London, where my Pluto line crosses nearby, I’ve been challenged professionally and personally during a Masters program and simultaneously getting psychoanalytic therapy that has ultimately made me mature my means of communication, tested my patience, and helped me grow as a person. My chart said: “Be prepared for transformation along this line. [...] Events occur that change your ideas about yourself. It is possible that unforeseen emotional and psychological issues will surface forcing you to re-evaluate yourself and your relationships. [...] Perhaps you enjoy taking more time for self-reflection. Transformation of the self is the key.”

Lifestyle and wellness expert Justine Ma did a whole year’s worth of travel based on her chart. She received an Astrocartography reading as a gift when she became displaced during the 2018 Kīlauea volcano eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii, and uncertain as to whether or not it was safe to stay on the island due to the sulfuric acid and active lava flow, she accepted a reading as a form of guidance.

“I had no idea what Astrocartography was,” says Ma, a New York City native, “however, as a world traveler, I was intrigued.”

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The Astrologer did her maps and told her that it’d be beneficial to go to Oaxaca, Mexico, skip New York City, and head somewhere south of Rome. Ma adds: “I felt like this was a message I shouldn’t take lightly. Since I make my own work schedule, I was up for the challenge. I wanted to know who or what was waiting for me in these locations. Some people asked if I was nervous to embark on a trip based on the reading, but I was ready for it. I knew getting around wouldn’t be an issue since I solo travel often, and after living abroad in Milan, I speak Italian and mediocre Spanish; I knew the biggest challenge for me would be trusting the process... and it was.”

When she began her journey, she booked one-way flights and looked for signs wherever she went. The Astrocartographer predicted she had the potential to learn a lesson to benefit her growth in Oaxaca Mexico (trust), may regret her visit to New York City (old triggers) and would enjoy her trip to Italy since she was following her Venus (love) line on the map.

”When I started to notice that the predictions were accurate, I began to rely heavily on them. While in Mexico I decided to visit a waterfall and got stuck in a lightning storm at the bottom of a mountain. The only way to get out was to put one foot in front of the other, even though I wanted to give up.”

In Italy, her electricity went out for three days and in the quiet and the dark, Ma began to think for herself and ruminate on her current journeys. It was there that she realized Hawaii was calling her home. It was there she developed a plan to build a women’s retreat for solo travelers on the property she owns in Hawaii. It was there that she realized she had to keep traveling around the world and continue unfinished business from her first world tour back in 2011. After completing her Astrocartography world tour, Ma believes the trip was beneficial, necessary, healing and abundant.

“There are places in the world that will benefit you and there are places in the world that will challenge you,” says Ma. “Reading your Astrocartography chart will guide you towards places that work in your favor, but there will always be a lesson or experience to grow from no matter where the lines fall on your chart.”

Valentina Valentini is a London-based entertainment, travel and food writer for Vanity Fair, Vulture, Variety, Thrillist, Heated and many more. Her personal essays can be read in the Los Angeles Times and Longreads and her tangents and general complaints can be seen on Twitter at @tiniv .

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The Best Type of Trip To Take This Year, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

astrology travel guide

While planning, it's also worth considering the specific celestial transits happening throughout the rest of this year, which could play a role in making travel either smooth-sailing or, well, extra-choppy during those periods of time. Because these different planetary movements will affect the signs in different ways as they occur, figuring out how to travel based on your zodiac sign may include determining precisely when to do so, too.

  • Ryan Marquardt , Los Angeles-based astrologer and founder of BizmosCEO

Below, Ryan Marquardt , astrologer for The SoulUnity , breaks down each zodiac sign's ideal type of trip based on their classic traits, and shares the best time for travel, too, given the upcoming cosmic milieu.

Here's exactly how to travel this year, based on your zodiac sign, according to an astrologer:

Aries: solo travel.

astrology travel guide

Fiery Aries is no stranger to action and adventure in their home life, and will crave the same (or, perhaps, even more) excitement from a trip. To up the thrill factor, Marquardt suggests flying solo: "While you can travel well with family and friends, your loved ones can also smother your secret travel power: the ability to fundamentally evolve by meeting new people in new places."


Because Sagittarius rules over your ninth house of travel , consider planning a vacation for when the Sag energy is strongest—when the sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, or even better, when both the sun and Mercury are conjunct in Sagittarius on November 28.

Taurus: luxe travel

astrology travel guide

Sensuous Taurus appreciates the finer things in life, leading them toward travel itineraries of deeply sensational value, like eating a five-star meal in Paris or summiting a mountain in Hawaii, says Marquardt. "You may have strong opinions on what to do and where to go, and it's possible your trips skew on the pricier side, but any travel companions will likely appreciate your thoughtful planning and top-tier taste," he says.

That said, it wouldn't be wise to do too much traveling around the holidays, if you can spare it, Taurus. "Your ruling planet, Venus, goes retrograde on December 20 in your exploration zone, which could bring trouble until it stations direct on January 29, 2022," says Marquardt.

Gemini: elaborate group trips

astrology travel guide

Gemini, gather your troupes: You travel best in a pack of your closest friends or family members and prefer itineraries that are social rather than tranquil, says Marquardt. Thanks to your affinity for variety, you'll also do well on a trip that's far-flung rather than near to home (aka somewhere far enough to require a flight) and that includes several destinations, whether that means hotel-hopping in one place or hitting a few different cities.

Given that structure-oriented Saturn is currently retrograde in your ninth house of travel, however, it'd be best to hold off on traveling until it goes direct on October 12.

Cancer: cultural-immersion travel

astrology travel guide

Set your sights on any place where you can immerse yourself with the locals or feel otherwise at home in your surroundings. "You prefer to travel with a purpose and like to mirror the cultures you encounter when possible," says Marquardt. In another vein, you also may enjoy visiting a wellness retreat or a natural hideaway with spiritual history, which can bring a welcome sense of respite, given your emotions-driven nature. Even so, you prefer to take any journey alongside loved ones with whom you can revel in the experience.

Now that Jupiter has retrograded out of Pisces—and your travel sector—travel may be fraught for the rest of this year for you. That said, you have great energy for envisioning and planning the vacation of your dreams at the moment, adds Marquardt.

Leo: under-the-radar destinations

astrology travel guide

"Leos want to go wherever few have gone before," says Marquardt. So, if you're a Leo, it's very well possible that you're already jetting off to some lesser-known island or remote jungle locale. And currently, the cosmos are aligned for an ideal trip. Mars, the ruler of your ninth house of travel, is in methodical Virgo (until September 16), granting you more energy than usual to outline and execute an exciting vacation. Bring a few free-spirited friends along with you to make the most of the trip.

Virgo: experiential travel

astrology travel guide

You're probably all set for this year's excursions, Virgo, given travel planning comes naturally to you. "Virgos do get teased for being too detail-oriented, but they're also some of the best travel companions because they relax when they get out of their usual routines," says Marquardt. The best trip for you will be one of multi-sensory experiences: You'll seek out local food and music, and the ability to enjoy it with good company and meaningful conversation.

Starting August 21, Uranus will be retrograde in your travel zone, making it possible that a previously stunted travel plan becomes viable again. You should have no issues planning a trip from now until mid-December, at which point travel becomes dicey, due to the push-pull energy of Saturn-square-Uranus .

Libra: party trips

astrology travel guide

Ever the romantic, Venus-ruled Libra loves a starlit getaway with their partner—but can also dance all night with friends in a big city. "You're social by nature and crave a memorable nightlife scene," says Marquardt. In fact, you may not mind it if you end up coming home exhausted or unprepared for work the next day. After all, vacations are about new experiences for you, not necessarily relaxation.

Venus in Libra forming a harmonious trine to Saturn in Aquarius makes August 23 an exceptional day for you to travel or book a trip. Otherwise, avoid doing so from September 27 to October 18 because Mercury will retrograde in Libra during that time, upping the potential for travel mishaps or delays.

Scorpio: travel near a body of water

astrology travel guide

Scorpios tend to research the heck out of any destination before booking. "Safety is key for a Scorpio on the move," says Marquardt, "so they like to make sure all the reviews are positive, and they're being smart about their finances along the way."

In general, you'll thrive by the water, whether in a lake house, at the beach, or on a boat (thanks to your strong water-sign qualities ), and you'll be most comfortable traveling with people you trust deeply. From now through November, you should encounter no problems doing just that—but afterward, we enter another eclipse season, and with the moon ruling over your ninth house of travel, undesirable unpredictability may surface at that point.

Sagittarius: extravagant globe-trotting

astrology travel guide

You're the traveler extraordinaire, Sagittarius. With an ever-growing bucket list, you rarely need recommendations on where to go or what to do. Typically, you seek out larger-than-life vacations—for example, opting to backpack through Europe. "You have a powerful confidence even when you're immersed in unfamiliar locales," says Marquardt.

Because Jupiter is currently transiting in your third house of short-distance travel, however, you'll have an easier time with trips closer to home at the moment.

Capricorn: historically rich travel

astrology travel guide

Capricorns appreciate a learning excursion, or any trip that activates the mind or higher intellect. "They love to sink their teeth into the rich history of any place they visit through educational activities like going to museums or ancient ruins," says Marquardt. To that end, they also don't like having their time wasted—and if you're a Cap, you may very well be known to get fussy over the specifics of an agenda.

Because Mercury and Mars meet up in well-organized Virgo around August 19, you could feel a particular gust of travel-planning energy on that date.

Aquarius: the buzziest locales

astrology travel guide

Eccentric Aquarius seeks out the new and different on any trip they take. If they're from a beach town, for example, you won't find them vacationing on an island, and if they're from the mountains, they're not bound to choose hiking while traveling. "Aquarius is not afraid to do the weird or unusual, and tends to be on the cutting edge, too, visiting the soon-to-be-hyped hotel or restaurant before it's cool," says Marquardt.

If this is you, you've likely traveled this year or feel the urge to do so: Jupiter has been and continues to remain in your sign, sending big travel energy your way. Just avoid planning a trip for mid-December, when your two ruling planets , Saturn and Uranus, will be in a direct, oppositional square.

Pisces: spontaneous travel

astrology travel guide

Like your element of water, Pisces, you are a go-with-the-flow traveler—which can make you an indecisive planner, too. "If you try too hard to control the trip, you'll feel let down should things go amiss," says Marquardt. As such, you'll travel best alongside loyal companions who help sort out the logistics and necessities, while leaving the rest of the itinerary flexible for spontaneity. Given your mystical, dreamy energy, you'll particularly enjoy exploring the world's depths—whether literally, via scuba-diving, or figuratively, perhaps by uncovering untouched landscapes on a hike.

The cosmos generally supports travel for Pisces throughout the rest of the year, though Mercury and Mars meeting in Scorpio on November 10 could present a chance travel opportunity, adds Marquardt, perhaps through an invitation from a friend.

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astrology travel guide



The Arians like to explore new places that too at very great speed. They would take the fastest means of transport to their destination, mostly by air. Adventurous holidays including water rafting, bungee jumping or horse riding pumps their adrenaline. Since their heat and energy level is very high they would naturally prefer cool places like the Swiss Alps for holidays.

The lush and rolling hills are ideal for holidaying for the Taureans. Good comfortable living is their number one priority. Everything is pre-planned from ticket booking to hotel reservations. Basically they are homebodies and so travelling to unknown places is not preferred by them. They feel safe holidaying in familiar surroundings.

Geminis love to travel a lot with their friends or relatives with whom they can talk to. Mercury their ruling planet wants constant interaction and mental stimulation. They get easily bored so they prefer to go on a package tour. Geminis would probably pack their cell phones, books, magazines and novels on holidays.

Cancerians are always happy when they are near water. They would love to swim, sail or boat on holidays. Water has an added attraction for them. They are not very adventurous so they normally keep visiting the same destination year after year. But they never ger bored.

The majestic and royal Leos love to holiday in style. They dont like roughing it out on holidays like trekking or cycling but instead want to be pampered with good body massage or pedicure/manicure. They would stretch their pockets to include luxury cruise or five star stays. Holiday to the east would be their natural choice.

Virgos are basically worriers and so before a holiday starts you would find them with a list of things to do, places to see and if possible they would like to know if they can learn something useful like cooking, painting, etc on holiday. At the back of their mind they feel guilty about wasting their money and time. So an environmental or architectural holiday is just an ideal one for them.

For Libras the holidays have to be with style and elegance. They are made for glamour and luxury. Camping holidays are not their cup of tea. The journey has to be short and comfortable. You would never find a Libran on a tiresome trip. Physically they would like to look good so stylish luggage with elegant clothes is always with them.

Scorpions love to holiday in those exotic places that normally others dont go to. Visiting the Pyramids in Egypt and the Great Wall of China would always appeal to them. They can withstand any climatic conditions. Package and guided tours are not their idea of holiday.

Sagittarians will not go for a peaceful quiet holiday away from the hustle-bustle of town. The idea is to have fun and frolic on holidays rather than lying with a book. They are born travelers and so they would visit all places given on the tourist guidebook. They wont mind a trekking and camping holiday.

Capricorns love high places and thrive on mountains and hills. Though they would love to go on a luxurious and comfortable holiday , they also love their money. Even on holiday a Capricornian would keep himself fit and trim and never indulgences in over activity. Ancient forts and palaces appeal to them naturally.

Aquarians are not much of planners, so generally the holidays are not pre-planned months before. They like to visit off beat places. Sitting cross-legged , meditating and seeking inner peace is their idea of eternal bliss. Finding a companion for such a holiday may be a problem for them.

Pisceans love water and would head straight for some coastal land. Perhaps scuba diving and snorkeling on holiday is their dream holiday. They are generally very emotional and romantic, so would love to holiday with their mate.

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Travel Guide, Good and Bad Days

Travel Astrology

In general, Moon in Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Magha, Hasta, Anuradha, Moola, Sravana, Dhanishta, Uttarabhadra, Revathi are considered as best nakshatra days for travel. And, during waxing period of moon (between newmoon and fullmoon days) : 2,3,5,7,10,11,13 lunar days are considered auspicious. Other days are discarded for long distance and business travel. Also, suitable Ascendants (rising signs) and lunar days (tithis) have been prescribed for travel in certain directions. These combination days can be picked for successful journey and expected results. In case of emergencies and short distance travel (within a distance from where you can return and reach back home on same day), these rules and below table need not be considered.

Weekdays, Nakshatras, Ascendants and Lunar days (tithis) NOT suitable for Travel in particular directions

  • Towards East : Lunar days 1 and 9, Monday, Saturday in weekdays, Moon in Jyeshta and Dhanishta nakshatras, Ascendants of Libra and Aquarius are not suitable.
  • Towards North-East : 8th Lunar day (Ashtami) and Newmoon day, Wednesday, Gemini Ascendant are not suitable.
  • Towards North : Lunar days 2 and 10, Tuesday and Wednesday in weekdays, Moon in Poorvaphalguni and Hasta nakshatras, Ascendants of Taurus and Virgo are not suitable.
  • Towards North-West : 7th Lunar day (Saptami) and Fullmoon day, Sunday and Tuesday in weekdays, Aries Ascendant are not suitable.
  • Towards West : Lunar days 6 and 14, Sunday and Friday in weekdays, Moon in Rohini and Pushyami nakshatras, Ascendants of Leo and Sagittarius are not suitable.
  • Towards South-West : Lunar days 4 and 12, Monday and Friday in weekdays, Cancer Ascendant are not suitable.
  • Towards South : Lunar days 5 and 13, Thursday in weekdays, Moon in Aswini and Sravana nakshatras, Ascendants of Scorpio and Pisces are not suitable.
  • Towards South-East : Lunar days 3 and 11, Thursday and Saturday in weekdays, Capricorn Ascendant are not suitable.

Above conditions need to checked only if planning a pleasure trip liesurely. If travel is urgent and cannot be avoided, then starting at home between 4 AM and Sunrise is best possible time to travel in any direction on anyday.

However, travelling in these combinations of weekdays and transit nakshatras of moon have been found to give accurate results and they can be experienced within the number of days (given in last colum) from the commencement of journey.

Travel check table with combination of Weekdays and Nakshatras

Abhijit (Meaning : Victorious, One who cannot be defeated) is the Sanskrit name for Vega , starts from 06° 40′ to 10° 53′ 20 in sidereal Capricorn i.e. from the last quarter of nakshatra Uttara Ashādhā to first 1/15 th part of Shravana. It is not a regular nakshatra with four padas or quarters, it serves as an intercalary asterism most of the times. It is not mentioned as frequently as other asterisms in mythology. Moon or Chandra is said to have 27 (not 28) wives with whom he stays for one day in a sidereal lunar month. Each of the 27 asterisms is feminine, only Abhijit is masculine. Moon transiting in Abhijit Nakshatra is an auspicious time according to the Hindu Calendar. Abhijit Star fell from pole position in about 16000 BC. That was the period of rains when the Sun was in Dhanishthaa. Thus, the year started with Varshaa (rains), so year was called Varsh.

Legend : P.Phalguni : Poorvaphalguni, U.Phalguni : Uttaraphalguni, P.Shada : Poorvashada, U.Shada : Uttarashada, P.Bhadra : Poorvabhadra, U.Bhadra : Uttarabhadra.

NOTE : Vedic weekday starts from sunrise and one needs to look at moon’s nakshatra at exact time of start of travel. For example : If you are travelling at 6:05 AM on wednesday, moon was in Hastha nakshatra till 6:25 AM and local sunrise time was 6:20 AM, then you need to consider that Your travel started on tuesday under Hastha nakshatra and result would be Comforts . But if you started at 6:21 AM, then it would be combination of wednesday and Hastha nakshatra and your result will be Happy, Victory . And if your journey starts at 6:26 AM on same day, then it would be combination of wednesday and Chitra nakshatra and result will be Fear of Death, Accidents .

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Year of the Dog

astrology travel guide

Dog is men's good friend who can understand the human spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. Chinese people regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, it symbolizes the coming of fortune. In Chinese legend, the invincible God Erlang has a loyal dog partner to help him capture monsters.

Earthly Branch of Birth Year: Xu Wu Xing (The Five Elements): Tu (Earth) Yin Yang: Yang

astrology travel guide

As Chinese zodiac is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, people who born in January or February maybe were not born in the year of the Dog in the lunar calendar. Want to confirm your real zodiac sign? Just check the chart below or fill your birthdays in “Find your Chinese Zodiac”.

Lucky Numbers and Colors of Dog

Lucky Things for Dogs:

Things should be avoided:.

  • Strengths: Brave, loyal, responsible, clever, lively
  • Weaknesses: Sensitive, conservative, stubborn, emotional
  • Dog Men: Men born in the year of the Dog are observant and straightforward. The outgoing characteristics always make them popular among friends and colleagues. However, they may feel sensitive inside and cannot stand any ambiguity. The stubbornness endows them the ability to march forward courageously and never give up easily.
  • Dog Women: Women in the year of the Dog are very cautious. It is hard for them to trust anyone easily but they will try their best to help trusted friends. And they care about their families deeply. Sometimes they may be a little sensitive, especially when enraged. But in most time, they care about others’ feelings and are adept at working with people.
  • Personality by Five Elements: Which Type of 'Dog' Are You? Based on 5 basic elements, people born in different years of Dog show diverse traits and horoscope. See what kind of Dogs you are.
  • Dog’s Personality by Blood Types • Blood Type O: With high self-esteem, they are competitive in work and love the idea of freedom. Outstanding work abilities and good tempers make them achieve a lot. • Blood Type A: They are faithful and genuine but may not be very eloquent. It makes their popularity among friends but also brings some troubles at work. • Blood Type B: Persistence and justice are defining characteristics. They always try to achieve success by their own efforts and abhor evils as deadly foes. • Blood Type AB: With high self-control and prudence in their nature, they always obtain bosses’ recognition but they are prone to be less communicative in life.
  • Best Matches: Rabbit Rabbits have the best love compatibility with Dogs. And Dogs are easily attracted by them as Rabbits are always gentle and considerate. Compared to Dogs, they care more about the details. Dogs and Rabbits just complement each other when they make up a family.

Dog's Compatibility with 12 Zodiac Animals

  • How to Get along with Dogs

Most Dogs are not good at expressing, which sometimes makes it difficult for others to feel their passion. So if you are too hasty and aggressive, they may not feel so comfortable. Dogs tend to be more thoughtful when being in a relationship so it is suggested to create a romantic environment and carefully arrange your date when getting along with Dogs. Also, remember to be genuine as Dogs hate all the cheats and betrayals.   

  • Best Jobs: Lawyers, judges, teachers, doctors, civil servants, programmers, advertising planners, bloggers…

Dog Luck in 2024

  • Career:  Dog people would have a good luck in career at the beginning of the year 2024. Later, it may get worse somewhat and they would face ups and downs. They may be trapped in the unpleasant atmosphere for the strained relationship with colleagues, and it’s advised to arm themselves with more useful knowledge and skills.
  • Wealth: They are blessed to get a stable wage via hard working, however, it’s difficult to earn more in the year. Risky investment is not advisable, and they should have a reasonable plan of consumption.
  • Relationships: Their luck in love is not so good for they may have a bad temper and quarrel with their lover more often. It’s not easy for the singles to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, while married couples may face some actual troubles such as family finance crisis.
  • Education: The students are passionate to learn more and explore the world perhaps, especially the young kids. They could adapt to the learning environment quickly, which is beneficial to get good school records; but they’d better make a proper study plan and stick with it.
  • Health: Their health fortune is not good as expected for they may get sick at times. The kids and elderly people of zodiac Dog may need to be taken good care of to prevent from possible slight illness or old diseases. It’s important to have a healthy diet as well as ample sleep. 

China zodiac - Rat

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A bi-monthly look at what's to come for your sign courtesy of T&C's master astrologer, Katharine Merlin.

Headshot of Katharine Merlin

June 1—15: The 3rd and 4th are brilliant days for you to reach out, try something new, and follow your heart. With a new Moon in your sign on the 6th, startups and new directions are blessed. You’ll face stormy emotional weather from the 8th through the 12th; it’s all about learning to ride it out and present yourself winningly despite the temporary stress.

december 2021 horoscopes

June 1—15: The period between the 2nd and the 4th urges you to take a reading of what’s going on around you and then, by the new Moon of the 6th, to resolve issues and prepare to launch new ventures. Everyone will be hypersensitive near the 8th, and aspects near the 9th are about waiting out resistance. Be prepared to be on a learning curve on the 11th and 12th, and take your time.

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June 1—15: The 3rd is the time to inspire others to join with you, and the 4th emphasizes covering new ground and meetups. Unfortunately, with Saturn entering the scene on the 8th, problems, especially of the financial kind, will be cropping up, and you should be prepared to readjust your focus near the 11th and wait out delays on the 12th.

november horoscope 2021

June 1—15: June starts off with brilliant aspects on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th that encourage you to leap into new situations, especially professionally, and the new Moon of the 6th emphasizes startups. With gloomy Saturn forming harsh aspects from the 8th to the 11th, though, others don’t appear to be going along with your plans, and you’ll have to make adjustments. Be patient.

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June 1—15: Jupiter, now in Gemini, is emphasizing contacts at a distance and inspiring new directions. It’s time to reach out and communicate, but after the new Moon of the 6th, Saturn calls attention to various tasks and health-related matters that, until the 12th, will keep pulling you away from your exciting plans. Being flexible is the solution—and also trying not to rush the pace.

december 2021 horoscopes

June 1—15: You’ll be getting great responses near the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and not only is more security emphasized but positive changes involving lifestyle matters. Don’t be surprised by the way others suddenly change track after the 7th, though, and don’t get discouraged. It’s a matter of riding out the changes until Saturn stops forming difficult aspects by the 13th.


december 2021 horoscopes

June 1—15: The 3rd and 4th are especially fortunate days for you, especially where partnerships and close relationships are concerned. When Saturn makes a nasty aspect near the 7th and 8th, though, difficult issues are bound to crop up, and the most important way to neutralize any negativity is to not react. The 11th and 12th test your ability to stay centered and not play power games.

november horoscope 2021

June 1—15: You can capitalize on your accomplishments near the 3rd and benefit in various ways. The new Moon of the 6th will inspire you to launch plans, but be prepared to field various disappointments that come up between the 8th and 12th, and don’t take anything personally. A kind of negative charge hangs in the air when Saturn takes over—so look to the future and soldier on.

november horoscope 2021

June 1—15: With an emphasis on the part of your solar chart that has to do with entertainment, creativity, and romance from the 2nd to the 7th, you should lighten up and live to the full. A harsh aspect on the 8th, though, will bring you down to earth—so be ready to square your shoulders and face facts that demand much patience until the wind changes direction near the 14th.

december 2021 horoscopes

June 1—15: Lifestyle and personal developments near the 3rd, 4th, and particularly around the new Moon of the 6th will be getting you on a fresh and encouraging new track. With sensitive Venus afflicted by Saturn on the 8th, though, some kind of disappointment is in the air, and the 11th and 12th hold pressure and difficult decisions. Let go and move on, because positive change is in the air.

december 2021 horoscopes

June 1—15: Upbeat aspects on the 3rd swirl around friendships, group interactions, and fresh directions. The new Moon of the 6th will be lighting up the part of your solar chart that is all about communication and making connections, but by the 8th everyone will be reeling as testy Saturn enters the scene. Try to remain objective and do some stepping back until its influence wanes by the 14th.

november horoscope 2021

June 1—15: The first six days of June hold inspiration and promise, especially when it comes to new arrangements and financial plans. Then a dark cloud seems to descend near the 8th, and you should be prepared to put controversial issues aside until the astrological weather clears by the 13th. Do your utmost to avoid power struggles near the 10th, and be a patient Taurus.

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Daily Press

Things To Do | Outer Banks’ Ocrafolk festival returns this…

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Evening Edition

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Things To Do

Things to do | outer banks’ ocrafolk festival returns this weekend.

astrology travel guide

The event, celebrating its 24th year, features musicians, storytellers, artisans, characters of Ocracoke Island and more.

Produced by the nonprofit Ocracoke Alive, musical performers include a mix of old and new with blues, country, soul, funk, classical, bluegrass and spiritual genres.

More than two dozen artists will perform, including Diali Cissokho and Kaira Ba, Clements Brothers, Cold Chocolate, Lipbone Redding, the Rev. Robert Jones, Cassie and Maggie MacDonald, Jacob Johnson, Biscuit Eaters, Donald Davis, Saltare Sounds and Blue Cactus.

Other performers are Beleza Trio and Berto and Vincent, Martin Garrish and the Ocracoke Rockers, Jay Turner and the Swinging Doors, Molasses Creek, The Fontanelles, Aaron Caswell Trio, mahalojazz, Brooke and Nick, Bob and Jeanne Zentz, Ana Luisa Chavez, Louis Allen, Jef the Mime, Paperhand Puppets and Ballet Folklorico de Ocracoke.

In addition to the performances at four stages, there are kid’s activities, such as making fish-print shirts with locally-caught fish, a square dance, a giant puppet parade, workshops and an artisan village to wander through. Artisan work includes pottery, woodwork, paintings, photography and metal, leather, glass, cloth, tea, soap and jewelry.

Tickets range from $25 to $90, depending on length of stay and advance vs. walk-up purchase. Children up to age 17 are free. New this year is a pass for local residents.

For details on this, tickets and other information, visit ocracokealive.org . Proceeds from the festival support student and community programs.

More in Things To Do

Daily Horoscope for June 09, 2024

Daily Horoscope for June 09, 2024

Putting one foot in front of the other will get us somewhere sooner or later. Action planet Mars is entering grounded Taurus at 12:35 am EDT, setting us up for six weeks of methodical and careful creation. The Sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, imposing clarity upon our inner drives and reminding us to listen to our senses of intuition. The Moon then leaves Cancer for Leo and finishes the day with an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, encouraging transformation inside and out.

News | Hundreds gather at Fort Monroe to honor enslaved African people who died crossing the Atlantic

From beach reads and sports books to histories and culture war, our 44 titles for the next three months. Get reading.

Books | Summer books 2024: It’s summertime and the reading’s easy. Or epic. Choose your own adventure.

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The Virginian-Pilot

Things To Do | Fun to Do: Bluegrass and brews, Ben Folds,…

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e-Pilot Evening Edition

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Things To Do

Things to do | fun to do: bluegrass and brews, ben folds, music festival and more.

The Coastal Virginia Bluegrass and Brew Festival is coming to The American Theatre in Hampton June 7-9. (Courtesy of American Theatre, File)

Virginia Arts Festival presents Emmy-nominated singer, songwriter and composer Ben Folds . Folds will bring his “Paper Airplane Request” tour to Virginia Beach. Lindsey Kraft will open the show. 7:30 p.m. Friday at Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Market St. Tickets start at $41.25. To buy online, visit vafest.org .

Enjoy two days of food, fun and live entertainment at the 45th annual Seawall Music Festival this weekend. 6 to 11 p.m. Friday and 2 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, featuring children’s activities from 2 to 6 p.m. and fireworks at 9:30 p.m. High Street Landing, Portsmouth. For the lineup, visit portsmouthparks.com . For more information, call 757-393-8481.

Three days of music and beverages begin when Coastal Virginia Bluegrass and Brew Festival comes to Hampton. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday at The American Theatre, 125 E. Mellen St. Tickets start at $35. To buy online or to see the lineup, visit hamptonarts.net .

Postponed: Wave Fest, featuring Sexxy Red, Mariah the Scientist and others, scheduled for Sunday at Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion, Portsmouth. The new date is July 21. Tickets start at $56. For more information, visit pavilionconcerts.com .

Ynot Wednesdays, free weekly concert series, kicks off from 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 12; through Aug. 28 at Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Market St., Virginia Beach. For the series lineup, visit sandlercenter.org .

Emmy Award-winning actor, writer and comedian Craig Ferguson brings his “Fancy Rascal” tour to Norfolk. 8 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at The NorVa, 317 Monticello Ave. For ticket availability, visit thenorva.com .

Events may change. Check before attending.

Patty Jenkins, [email protected]

More in Things To Do

Putting one foot in front of the other will get us somewhere sooner or later. Action planet Mars is entering grounded Taurus at 12:35 am EDT, setting us up for six weeks of methodical and careful creation. The Sun in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, imposing clarity upon our inner drives and reminding us to listen to our senses of intuition. The Moon then leaves Cancer for Leo and finishes the day with an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, encouraging transformation inside and out.

Daily Horoscope for June 09, 2024

The event was the 13th Annual International Day of Remembrance — a spiritual ceremony honoring African men, women, and children who perished during the Middle Passage of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

News | Hundreds gather at Fort Monroe to honor enslaved African people who died crossing the Atlantic

From beach reads and sports books to histories and culture war, our 44 titles for the next three months. Get reading.

Books | Summer books 2024: It’s summertime and the reading’s easy. Or epic. Choose your own adventure.

The event, celebrating its 24th year, features musicians, storytellers, artisans, characters of Ocracoke Island and more.

Things To Do | Outer Banks’ Ocrafolk festival returns this weekend

Trending nationally.

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  • Sick checklist linked to Rex Heuermann, newly accused of 2 more slayings in Gilgo Beach case
  • 3 moms sue Florida, saying state only helps parents who want books banned
  • What’s up with the canceled tours and slow ticket sales for arena concerts?
  • Giant Joro spiders could arrive in Massachusetts this year: ‘There’s no stopping them’


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    For more information, call 757-393-8481. Three days of music and beverages begin when Coastal Virginia Bluegrass and Brew Festival comes to Hampton. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday at ...