Ramazith's Tower

Ramazith's Tower is a location in the Upper City of Baldur's Gate in Act Three . It is the home of the wizard Lorroakan and can be accessed through a portal in Sorcerous Sundries .

  • 1.1 Top floor
  • 1.2 Middle floor
  • 1.3 Bottom floor
  • 1.4 Related locations
  • 1.5 Related quests
  • 1.6.1 Creatures
  • 2 Notable Loot

Overview [ edit | edit source ]

Ramazith's tower is made up of three floors.

Top floor [ edit | edit source ]

You will arrive here from a portal in Sorcerous Sundries , and the portal on this level leads back to the same portal you entered there.

Lorroakan and his elemental myrmidons are found on the top floor of the tower, waiting for information about the Nightsong . This is where the quest Find the Nightsong reaches its climactic conclusion.

From this floor, you can jump down to the middle area via a series of floating pieces of furniture on the northeast side of the room.

Middle floor [ edit | edit source ]

This floor consists of an indoor inner area and an outdoors outer ring, which can be reached by jumping through the windows on this floor, demolishing the barrier X: 4960 Y: 688 , jumping down a series of floating tables/shelves, or Feather Fall / Fly from the top floor balconies.

Scattered around this floor are five pillars, each with a 'Weave Button' and an invisible labelled plaque in front of them.

  • The Below button (Northwest) teleports your party to the bottom floor.
  • The Cleanup button (West) activates several Cloudkill traps around the room.
  • The Security button (Northeast) activates four hostile Arcane Cannons .
  • The Vault button (Southeast) teleports the character who pressed it to the Sorcerous Vault .
  • The Artillery button (Outer ring), located on the east end of the outside ring, fires a fireball off the top of the tower.

Bottom floor [ edit | edit source ]

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Inside a trapped case (DC 15) nearby, a Heavy Iron Key can be found, which opens Vault 1 in the The Counting House . Additionally, a Sorcerous Sundries Mystery Door Key can be found here, which opens the door leading to the "Elminster/Karsus/Silverhand" room in the Sorcerous Vault .

Related locations [ edit | edit source ]

  • Sorcerous Sundries
  • Sorcerous Vault

Related quests [ edit | edit source ]

  • Find the Nightsong
  • Gather Your Allies

Notable characters [ edit | edit source ]

Creatures [ edit | edit source ].

  • Air Myrmidon
  • Earth Myrmidon
  • Fire Myrmidon
  • Water Myrmidon
  • Arcane Cannon (on the middle floor)

Notable Loot [ edit | edit source ]

Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Gallery [ edit | edit source ]

The view from the tower. You can see both the Upper and Lower cities from here.

The view from the tower. You can see both the Upper and Lower cities from here.

Another angle

Another angle

Different angle

Different angle

The same view

The same view

Notes [ edit | edit source ]

  • Rolan will take over the tower if he survived Act Two and Find the Nightsong is completed by siding with Dame Aylin .
  • Act Three Locations

Navigation menu

Tour de Ramazith Baldur's Gate 3 : Comment descendre et obtenir les trésors ?

Liée à la boutique Magie et Sorcelleries, ainsi qu'à sa cave, la tour du magicien Lorroakan est assez pénible à explorer, la caméra de BG3 rencontrant des difficultés avec la verticalité. Découvrez comment débloquer le bâton légendaire et les différents accès dans ce guide.

Vous l'ignorez peut-être, mais la Tour de Razamith était déjà explorée dans Baldur's Gate 1, et naviguer à l'intérieur était déjà pénible. C'est toujours le cas dans Baldur's Gate 3 , Surtout qu'elle est devenue nettement plus complexe. C'est une zone assez importante, liée aux quêtes personnelles de Gayle , ainsi qu'à son propriétaire, Lorroakan , qui compte bien mettre la main sur Chantenuit .

Baldur's Gate 3

Le magicien propriétaire de la boutique Magie & Sorcelleries, ainsi que de la Tour de Razamith propose une prime en échange de la précieuse relique. Découvrez les différentes options possibles et leurs récompenses dans ce guide, afin d'obtenir le meilleur résultat.

Comment entrer dans la Tour de Ramazith ?

C'est un peu bête, mais avec le contenu coupé de Baldur's Gate 3 , la ville haute n'est pas présente, il en va donc de même pour l'entrée physique de la tour. Heureusement, les développeurs ont trouvé une astuce. Après le couronnement de Gortash, vous avez enfin accès à la ville basse de la Porte de Baldur. Vous avez de nombreuses raisons d'aller visiter la plus célèbre boutique de la ville, la très reconnaissable boutique de Magie & Sorcellerie , dont le toit est recouvert de vitraux colorés. Gayle souhaite visiter les lieux afin d'obtenir un livre sur la couronne de Karsus dans sa cave.

Baldur's Gate 3

Une fois dans la boutique, grimpez à l'étage, et parlez à l'image de Lorroakan . Mentionnez que vous disposez d'informations sur Chantenuit. Il va alors ouvrir 4 portails. Il faut prendre le portail bleu, tout à gauche . Nous n'avons pas essayé de prendre les autres, mais nous sommes certains que le résultat ne serait pas positif.

Baldur's Gate 3

Une fois à l'intérieur de la tour de Razamith, vous pouvez parler à Lorroakan et décider comment conduire votre transaction avec lui. Nous vous suggérons de revenir avec Chantenuit pour le tuer afin de piller ses biens tranquillement.

Baldur's Gate 3

Comment descendre dans la Tour de Razamith ?

Les magiciens étant de sales élitistes dans cet univers aussi, il n'y a pas d'escalier dans la tour . Les gens incapables d'utiliser la magie sont considérés comme étant aussi des handicapés à leurs yeux, et ils ne sont clairement pas disposés à mettre une rampe d'accès.

Vous disposez de plusieurs méthodes pour descendre aux étages inférieurs : celle à la disposition de tout le monde consiste à sauter sur les meubles volant au milieu de la tour . Imaginez que vous jouez à un jeu de plateformes. Sautez de table en table jusqu'à atteindre l'étage inférieur.

Une méthode nettement plus rapide consiste à utiliser le Vol, Pas brumeux, ou un effet de réduction des dégâts de chute , afin de descendre en une fois. Vous pouvez aussi le faire depuis l'extérieur de la tour, en passant par les fenêtres .

Baldur's Gate 3

Une fois à l'étage intermédiaire de la tour, vous allez rencontrer des monstres, des pièges, des tourelles arcaniques (utilisez des dégâts de foudre) et surtout des Boutons de la trame. Consultez la petite plaque à l'avant pour connaître leur fonction. Certains vont activer les mesures de sécurité de la tour.

Baldur's Gate 3

Deux boutons de la trame en particulier nous intéressent : " En bas " dans le coin Nord-Ouest qui permet d'atteindre le niveau inférieur sur lequel les meilleurs trésors sont stockés, et " Cave " menant dans la Cave de Magie & Sorcelleries. Certaines plaques sont invisibles, prévoyez une potion, un sort, ou un autre effet pour lire leur description.

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

La plus célèbre boutique de magie de la ville et de la licence cache bien des secrets dans BG3. Découvrez dans ce guide comment résoudre l'énigme des téléporteurs afin d'atteindre le livre de Karsus pour Gayle, ainsi que d'autres objets uniques.

Comment désactiver la barrière arcanique ?

Afin d'accéder aux deux trésors protégés par les sphères, il y a une petite énigme à résoudre. Une fois encore, vous avez besoin de voir l'invisibilité. Utilisez un sort, une potion, ou faites vous opérer violemment par Volo . Lorsque vous avez détecté les deux leviers, vous devez réussir un D20 d'Arcane afin de les activer. Gayle avec le sort d'Assistance est de loin le plus compétent dans ce domaine. En cas d'échec, un piège va se déclencher.

Baldur's Gate 3

Lorsque les leviers auront été utilisés, les sphères disparaitront, et vous pourrez ramasser vos précieux objets, un bâton légendaire et la Robe de la Trame.

Baldur's Gate 3

Le cirque propose des quêtes insolites, après Akabi, voici le faux clown qui vous invite sur scène, et le besoin de fouiller toute la ville pour le rapiécer grâce à la nécromancien. Découvrez la position de sa tête, de ses bras, de son tronc et de ses jambes et autres dans ce guide BG3.

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Fan de nombreux types de jeux, j'accroche surtout quand il faut faire souffrir ses méninges et peaufiner son gameplay. Des raids WoW, je suis passé aux CRPG, puis des tacticals aux 4X, mais aussi les jeux FromSoftware.


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baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

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baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Baldur's Gate 3: How To Solve The Ramazith Tower Puzzle

Crack the Ramazith Tower puzzle in Baldur's Gate 3.

Quick Links

How to find the ramazith tower puzzle, how to solve the ramazith tower puzzle and take the legendary markoheskir staff.

Every magician has their secrets, and the wizards of Baldur's Gate 3 are no exception. Within the widely-acclaimed Sorcerous Sundries, more than just rare tomes can be found within its secure walls. For the daring, nosey adventurer, those unique treasures could be yours.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: How To Complete Shar's Sanctum

But stealing from a magician means you'll need to be far cleverer than whatever magical traps they have devised. With your Arcana in one hand and a list of cleverly prepared spells in the other, prepare to jump straight into the heart of the city's most well-fortified magical puzzle.

The Ramazith Tower Puzzle is situated at the top of Sorcerous Sundries. To reach it, you'll need to enter Lorroakan's study. You can do this by:

  • Speaking to the front desk associate.
  • Speaking with the associate on the second floor.
  • Entering the left (blue) portal.

As you enter Lorroakan's study, you must find a way to abate him and finish his dialogue. How you do this is completely up to you and your playthrough.

However, once Lorroakan is somehow dealt with, you can find the puzzle by walking to the north side of the room and looking over the balcony where you'll see floating furniture.

Jump over the railing onto this furniture. Descend and jump off at the end, careful not to trigger any traps on the floor.

For the remainder of the puzzle, you must have the spell "See Invisibility." You can gain this as a wizard, through a potion, or through an enchanted item.

Use the See Invisibility spell to see the plaques in front of the Weave-buttons in this room. The button you are looking for is by the large, sunny window on the northwest side of the room.

The Weave-button opposite of the one for this puzzle will send you into the Sorcerous Sundries vault below the building.

After clicking the correct Weave-button, you'll be transported into an area with two blue, magical domes and a few small display cases of valuables and keys.

To turn off the magical domes, you'll need that handy spell See Invisibility again to spy the levers in front of each of these domes. However, the struggle doesn't end there.

Before continuing, we recommend saving. Failing to use these levers can result in an immediate disintegration of your characters.

To use these levers, you must pass a DC20 Arcana check. This is likely best done with your resident wizard (like Gale) or another high-Intelligence character with Arcana proficiency.

You must pass twice in order to lower both barriers. If you fail and are not disintegrated, the character that failed cannot try again and will (upon trying) always be struck with the trap.

The western barrier houses a set of robes within it. These robes are the "Robe of the Weave."

Robe of the Weave (Very rare clothing): +2 to AC. Gives +1 to Spell save DC and spell attack rolls. When the wearer succeeds a Saving Throw against a spell, they regain 1d6HP.

On the east side of this room, the arcane barrier is guarding the legendary staff, Markoheshkir.

Markoheshkir (Legendary quarterstaff): Versatile weapon; +2 enchantment. Deals 1d8 + 2 + Strength Bludgeoning. User gains +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and spell attack rolls. Gains a free cast of Kereska's Favour and can, once per long rest, allow the cast of one spell without the use of a spell slot.

With both in your grasp, you must teleport out of the room via a waypoint, having taken the real prize of Sorcerous Sundries.

NEXT: Baldur's Gate 3: How To Enter Bhaal's Temple

How To Solve The Ramazith Tower Puzzle In Baldur’s Gate 3

Steal a legendary weapon from right under the wizard's nose.

How To Solve The Ramazith Tower Puzzle In Baldur's Gate 3

Sorcerous Sundries, the domain of Lorroakan in Baldur’s Gate 3, is home to numerous puzzles and awesome loot. Solving the Ramazith Tower Puzzle in BG3, at the top of Sorcerous Sundries , can lead players to unlock a legendary staff for their characters. However, the greater the reward, the greater the challenge. The Ramazith Tower puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3 is quite a complex one, but luckily, we are here to help you solve it with ease.

How to get to Ramazith Tower

Baldur's Gate 3 Ramazith Tower puzzle

As mentioned before, the puzzle is at the top of Sorcerous Sundries. This is present in the Lower City section of Baldur’s Gate 3, near the southeast side of the map. The location is quite easy to see on the map as it’s a large circle.

Now, inside, go to the second floor, and here, you’ll see some portals. To reach the Ramazith Tower, choose the white portal on the left side of the orange portal. Once through, you’ll end up in a large round room with different levels and paths. From here, look for an opening and aim for the level below the one you are on. Jump or teleport down.

Baldur's Gate 3 Ramazith Tower puzzle

On this floor, you’ll see four windows with stone blocks in front of them. Once you go up to them, use the See Invisibility, which will reveal a plaque button in front of it. To find the right button that will take you to the Ramazith Tower puzzle, you can go around and see what each one is labeled. The one you are looking for is labeled Below .

Another way is to go for the window that has the sunlight coming straight in from. That is the right one you need to interact with.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Ramazith Tower puzzle solution

Once you are down in the lower chamber after the correct button, you’ll find yourself in a circular room. This room has two large blue orbs, along with a small display case and a chest. The chest has some valuable items, so don’t miss those.

Now, for the Ramazith Tower puzzle, you need to remove the magical blue orbs. For that, you need a specific spell called See Invisibility, which will reveal the levers in front of them. Both of these levers need a successful roll to remove the orb. At this point, it is better to save so that you can load if your rolls fail.

To remove the orbs, you need to pass a 20 DC Arcana check . This is an Intelligence skill that can be wielded by Warlocks, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Druids. Once done, you’ll get access to two items.

The reward for completing the Ramazith Tower puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a piece of clothing called Robe of the Weave, which is a Very Rare armor piece. It increases the Armor class by +2, and gives +1 to spell saves and spell attack rolls. Additionally, whenever the wearer succeeds in a saving throw, they regain 1-6 hit points.

However, the main reward for which you should come to the puzzle is a legendary staff called Markoheshkir. With the staff, you gain +1 bonus to Spell Save and Attack Rolls. On top of that, the unique bonus of the staff grants Kereska’s Favor. Because of that, you can cast a spell for free without consuming a spell slot. This bonus can only be triggered once per Long Rest.

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Ramazith's Tower is a unconfirmed  location  in Baldur's Gate 3 . On this page, you can find the information about the map, quests, enemies, notable items and other useful tips about Ramazith's Tower.

Ramazith's Tower Map

ramaziths tower map final release bg3 wiki guide min

Notes & Tips

  • The tower belongs to Lorroakan , the name were mentioned on multiple occasions in ACT 1. 
  • You can use the portal in Sorcerous Sundries to reach this Tower.
  • If Rolan is alive, he will be the new owner of Ramazith's Tower after Lorroakan's death, and become an ally in Gather Your Allies .

ramaziths tower jump final release bg3 wiki guide min

  • You can find MARKOHESHKIR  and Robe of the Weave  in the lower level.
  • Find the Nightsong
  • Underneath the upper region of the tower where you fight Lorroakan, there is a series of floating furniture items you can jump down. After jumping down to the bottom, you will be on a platform
  • To solve this puzzle, you will need the status "See Invisibility" from either a potion or a spell. Luckily, the player character can get this status permanently by letting Volo the Bard perform surgery on them. There will be two (invisible) levers that require a DC 20 Arcana check to activate, and if the check is failed, a trap will activate. If the check is succeeded, the Dome of Invulnerability will disappear and the player can access the items. 
  • The Northeast button has a plaque that reads 'Security' and will summon several Arcane Cannons that will attack immediately. They deal force damage, have weakness to lightning damage, cannot move, and will only be harmed by attacks that deal more than 22 damage. 
  • The Southeast button is labeled 'Vaults' and will take you to one of the rooms within the Sorcerous Vault sub-area. Here you will find the legendary book "The Red Knight's Final Strategem" and several pieces of valuable equipment and scrolls. 
  • Finally, the Southwest button is labeled 'Cleanup' and will activate all of the Gas Pit traps on the floor, creating areas of Cloudkill that can only be removed by throwing an object on top of the vent.  
  • Sorcerers Vault

Notable NPCs:

  • Rolan 

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

I can't pick the items up. I see their animation, but their names don't show and thus can't be taken. Does anyone else have the same problem? Or know of a fix?

I didnt have gale, so those arcane checks on the invuln bubbles were tough. What i did though was put the intellect necklace on astarion and then had guidance and it gave me enough bonus to past 20. Also having insipiration checks helps too i bet, also the luck trait helped me get the other one .

anyone know what the artillary button does?

I don't even know HOW you solve this puzzle. I just...picked up the items through the shield....

!! YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE INVISIBLE TO OBTAIN THE 2 ITEMS !! I personally used elemental arrows to shoot the bubbles from the front & it triggered the diceroll that way.

Anyone know what the Heavy Iron Key that says "Vault One" unlocks? I've already looted the vaults, was it supposed to be an alternative to the puzzle? It's found in a trapped display case right next to Markoheshkir and Robe of the Weave

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Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

In Baldur's Gate 3, the Ramazit Tower is a building that you can visit according to the plot of the game in the 3rd act. In this place there is a trading shop called Magic Supplies, where you can find valuable loot.

Don't miss the best Black Friday deals!

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

In this guide we will tell you where the Tower is located, how you can get there, as well as how to get into the witch's cellar, and what treasures are in hidden there.

How to get to the Tower of Ramazith in Baldur's Gate 3

Treasures of the tower of ramazit (markoheshkir staff), magic supplies storage, witch cellar in baldur's gate 3, where to find the book “the last stratagem of the red knight”, where to find a curious lamp, where to find the book “careful in a good court”, how to get the book “tarchiatic codex”, how to get the book “annals of karsus”.

The building is located right in the center of the Lower City, below we have marked its location on the map.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

The Song of Night storyline will lead you here. A young man named Aradin will be standing at the entrance. We recommend that in a conversation with him you lie and say that you did not find the Song of the Night. Otherwise, during the next long rest, he will attack your camp, and not alone.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Once you are inside, run to the second floor and talk to the projection of the magician Lorroacan. It is this hero who is the owner of the entire building. The projection will open 4 portals. Enter the blue one, where you will meet a powerful wizard.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Note that to explore the Tower it is not at all necessary to kill its owner. We talked about who to choose and how to defeat Lorroacan in a separate article.

By killing Lorroacan you will acquire additional weapons and armor. By choosing the mage's side, you will receive him as an ally in the final battle.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

To see many objects that are hidden in the Tower, you will need the Elixir of Seeing the Invisible. The Volo Artificial Eye is also well suited for these purposes.

Once in the hall of Lorroacan, you have to go down the floating objects. Next, run to the Weave button labeled “Down,” which will take you to the Magic Barrier. You can read about how to remove it in our separate guide.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

For solving this riddle you will receive the legendary weapon Markoheshkir staff and a rare robe.

Ramazith Tower in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Next, go to the Magic Supplies storage. There are two ways to get here.

The first method is the simplest – through the Weave Button, as with the Magic Barrier. Only this time you need to use the button labeled “Storages”.

The second method is more complicated. You need to use the Tolna Scribe portal. It is located on the second floor of the Tower, in a locked room. Use the invisibility spell and run past the guards, pick the lock and enter the room. On the right, find the book that will open the portal.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

This place is full of traps, so you will need heroes who know how to pick locks. Astarion can handle this best. The reward for exploring this area will be 4 rare books and a curious lamp.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

One of the books is in the display case of the topmost room. You will find yourself in the right place if you use the first method of movement.

If you moved to the cellar using the portal of the Tolna Scribe, you will need to open the door, which is located near the northern wall. In this place you will find a display case with a reward. In addition to the book, you will also find a rare scroll here.

The Tower of Ramazith in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

If you leave the room where you just found the book, you will find yourself in a corridor. On the left there will be a chest against the wall. Move it and go through the wall – there will be no obstacles. In the room you will find a lamp – you can use it to move to the genie.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Run into the room where the blue portal is located and behind it you will find a door. Enter it, there will be a corridor and a similar wall as in the place where you found the lamp with the genie. You just need to go through it – it is illusory. Inside the room you will find a reward.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Follow further along the corridor, where they took the second tome, and you will find another door called “Ramazit”. It will need to be opened – do this and go inside.

The Tower of Ramazith in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

You will find yourself in a room where there are three more doors. This is a kind of puzzle, your task is to open doors in a certain sequence. One of them is easy to get into – it is open, and the other two are locked.

First, go to the one called “Silver Hand”, then go to the door called “Evocation” – upon entering it you will find the “Desire” door, and behind it you will find a lever. Activate it and go back. However, along with the lever you will also activate traps, so you need to quickly run to the door marked “Gate”.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Now follow the Barrier door and behind it you will find another door called Silver. Once you open it, you will find another lever that needs to be activated. Run back again and enter any door – in our case it is the door called “Wildness”. Act quickly, as you will also activate dangerous traps.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

As a result, you will find yourself in the very first room with three doors, now they will all be open. Run through the first door “Elminaster” – behind it is Elminaster's storage room.

The Tower of Ramazit in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Here you will find chests with useful loot, as well as a display case, behind which another book is hidden. Take it and read it, as a result of which you will receive the Tarchiate Code debuff. Don’t be alarmed that it is eternal – it’s quite easy to remove it with the help of a priest or the “Remove Curse” spell. And instead you will receive a permanent buff of 20 HP.

The Tower of Ramazith in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

Return to the very first room with three doors and now go through the door called “Karsus” – it contains the Karsus Vault. Go into it and you will find another book, “The Annals of Karsus.” After reading it you will receive the “Overthrow” scroll, and after searching the room you will also find valuable loot and weapons.

The Tower of Ramazith in Baldur's Gate 3: how to get into the cellar and find all the treasures

We hope that with the help of our guide you will easily find the treasures hidden in the Magic Supplies.



Baldur's gate 3: how to get past arcane barrier in ramazith's tower.

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If you need help getting through the Arcane Barrier in Baldur's Gate 3, this guide can help.

Of the notable spellcasters in Baldur's Gate 3 , you'll discover that the wizard Lorroakan is probably the most pretentious. He resides in Sorcerous Sundries, a magic shop that is more than meets the eye.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Wizard Spells, Ranked

If you want to steal from Lorroakan and take the spoils of the arcane for yourself, you'll be up against devious traps and puzzles. Pack some scrolls and potions, and take a long rest to prepare to heist the most well-fortified mage tower in the game.

The Ramazith Tower Puzzle

If you're done shopping, head up the stairs to be greeted by Lorroakan's illusory assistant . He will engage you in a line of questioning about your knowledge of the Nightsong. You should be able to handily figure out which portal to head through - the farthest left blue portal . In case you aren't sure which portal is correct, the stands beside each portal will tell you which portal stands for which answer.

Once through the portal, you'll find the real Lorroakan in his study. If you killed the legendary Nightsong he will be angry, but won't kick you out of his quarters. If the Nightsong lives, he will tell you he wants to use her to gain immortality just like Ketheric Thorm. Regardless of your response, you're permitted to explore. You need to reach the next lowest floor and there are two ways to do so: Head out onto the balcony, cast feather fall, and hop down to the next level; or hop along the floating furniture to make your way down.

Be wary of traps that trigger poisonous gas or armored sentries.

If you came in from outside, hit the weave button and then bust your way through the barricade to get indoors. If you hopped down via floating furniture, start poking around. Be careful - pressing the wrong weave button could be fatal. You'll need to see invisibility to proceed safely.

If you let Volo remove your eye in Act 1, you can permanently see invisibility as a passive. Otherwise, you will need a potion or scroll.

You'll need to press the weave button marked 'below'. This is the button in front of the large window at the northwest part of the room. You'll be teleported down to another floor of the tower.

The Arcane Barriers

On this floor, you'll see two arcane domes protecting two very powerful objects. You'll also find some keys nearby. But you need to still be able to see invisibility to reveal two levers, one in front of each dome. Each lever requires the character to pass a DC 20 Arcana check, so pick a spellcaster like Gale to do the lever-pulling. Be warned that failure may prove fatal - you could be disintegrated. Be prepared with Guidance, potions, or inspiration. Passing the checks results in the levers being pulled and the arcane barriers dissolving, allowing you to get your hands on the arcane treasures within:

  • Markoheshkir is a legendary quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to spell saves and spell attacks. You gain Kereska's favor, which allows you to cast a spell without using a spell slot once per long rest.
  • The Robe of the Weave is a very rare clothing item with a +2 to AC. You will gain a +1 to your spell saves and spell attacks. Whenever you pass a saving throw against a spell, you'll regenerate 1d6 HP.

NEXT: Baldur's Gate 3: Complete Guide And Walkthrough

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baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Get Past the Arcane Barriers in Ramazith’s Tower

Image of Melissa Sarnowski

In Sorcerous Sundries, you meet with Lorroakan, a Wizard searching for the Nightsong. After you deal with him, you have plenty of time to explore his tower, including taking a legendary staff from him. Here’s how to get past the Arcane Barriers in Ramazith’s Tower in Baldur’s Gate 3 and grab Markoheshkir and the Robe of the Weave.

How to Get Past the Arcane Barriers in Ramazith’s Tower in Baldur’s Gate 3

Unfortunately, part of opening the Arcane Barrier requires luck in the form of a skill check. Make sure you bring a character with high Intelligence with you to get any rewards.

Arcane Barriers’ Location

To get to Ramazith’s Tower, use the white portal on the second floor of Sorcerous Sundries . The plaque says that Nightsong is an immortal being, which we know is true after Act 2. You can find and open the Arcane Barriers while Lorroakan is still alive. Just hop down to the lower level and use the Weave Button with a plaque that says “Below.”

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

This takes you to a platform with two Arcane Barriers. One has the Robe of the Weave and the other has Markoheshkir. The levers are invisible, so you need to use a potion or spell to see them. Or if you have Volo’s Ersatz Eye like me, they’ll appear when you arrive from the permanent See Invisibility effect.

Dispelling the Arcane Barriers

Use your high Intelligence character to interact with the levers. An Intelligence Skill Check with a DC 20 pops up, and you want to use Guidance and other bonuses if they’re available. If you fail the check, you’re locked out of trying again, making it impossible to get the item in the barrier. Alternatively, you can use Inspiration to reroll if you fail. Then, take the robe and staff as your prizes.

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

That covers how to get past the Arcane Barriers in Ramazith’s Tower in Baldur’s Gate 3 . As you approach the final battle, it helps to have all the nice equipment you can get your hands on. Then, check our BG3 guides hub for more Act 3 topics like how to defeat Orin the Red or how to find the Morphic Pool .

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

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Sujet résolu : barrière arcanique


Salut, quelque sait comment faire disparaître une barrière arcanique ?

Je suis dans la tour de Ramazith, il y a deux loots dans des barrières arcaniques.


Jet d'arcane de 20 sur les leviers Si tu rates tu peux plus les avoir les objets


Les leviers Spoil Afficher Masquer sont invisibles.

Le 14 août 2023 à 18:07:37 : Dac, c'est mort, j'ai rien repéré merci pour les réponses

Utilise une Spoil Afficher Masquer potion/sort qui permet de voir les objets invisibles. La perspicacité ne fonctionne pas visiblement.

Le 15 août 2023 à 18:07:35 : C'est bon, j'ai récupéré les objets en utilisant une potion


Oui, certaines énigmes sont éclatées dans cette partie du jeu.

l'énigme kneel for all your worth est pas mal non plus dans le genre .

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Sujets à ne pas manquer.

  • [Blabla] La taverne de la porte de Baldur

Skindred announce ‘Smile (Again)’ UK 2024 Autumn tour

The band played a handful of shows in the UK and headlined Wembley in March

baldur's gate 3 tour de ramazith

Reggae metal band Skindred have announced new UK tour dates set to take place this Autumn – see the full list of dates below.

  • READ MORE: Mdou Moctar – ‘Funeral For Justice’ review: rock revolutionaries remain wildly exciting

Earlier this week, the Welsh band took to social media to announce a new slate of tour dates across the UK, marking the second trek in the region in support of their 2023 album ‘Smile’.

Dubbed the ‘Smile (Again)’ tour, Skindred will begin their run of shows in Hull on October 18, and will conclude the tour at the O2 Academy in Oxford on November 2. Other shows include Liverpool’s Olympia, Glasgow’s Barrowland and Leicester’s O2 Academy among others.

Tickets to all shows – excluding Leicester and Oxford – are on sale now. Tickets to the Leicester and Oxford shows will be available at 10am local time today (May 17). Get your tickets here .

Skindred’s ‘Smile (Again)’ UK 2024 tour dates are:

OCTOBER 18 – Hull – Hull University 19 – Glasgow – Barrowland 20 – Sunderland – Fire Station 24 – Holmfirth – Picturedome 25 – Liverpool – Olympia 26 – Leicester – O2 Academy 31 – Portsmouth – Guildhall

NOVEMBER 01 – Bexhill – De La Warr Pavilion 02 – Oxford – O2 Academy

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Skindred (@skindredmusic)


The tour announcement comes just months after the band performed a small handful of shows in the UK in March, which included a headlining slot at Wembley. Before that, they embarked upon a tour of the UK and Ireland in late 2023 in support of ‘Smile’.

Earlier in 2023, Skindred became unlikely TikTok  stars after their song  ‘Nobody’ sparked a new dance trend on the social media platform. Following their viral moment, the band made their debut appearance on  Later… With Jools Holland  to perform ‘Gimme That Boom’. 

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