
Panorama Bubble Seelisberg

Auf den Spuren der Schweizergründung

In unmittelbarer Nähe zum Gründungsort der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft -

dem Rütli und beim Start vom Weg der Schweiz liegt Seelisberg.

Dank der unvergleichlich schönen Landschaft in einer Höhe von 850 m.ü.M. gelegen, wird Seelisberg auch die Sonnenterrasse über dem Vierwaldstättersee genannt.

Unsere Bubble-Suite befindet sich etwas oberhalb vom Dorf Seelisberg mit einem herrlichen Blick in die Urner Bergwelt.

Seelisberg von oben.jpeg

Preise &  Verfügbarkeit

Von Ostern - Oktober CHF 249.- für 2 Personen/Nacht inklusive Bettwäsche

Kurtaxen Alle Gäste, die in Seelisberg übernachten, müssen Kurtaxen bezahlen. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Abgabe, welche auf dem kantonalen Gesetz sowie den jeweiligen Gemeindeverordnung basiert.

Erwachsene: CHF 1.50 pro Person und Nacht Kinder (6-16 J.): CHF 1.00 pro Kind und Nacht Kinder bis 6 Jahre: Gratis

Die Kurtaxen sind direkt bar oder via Twint vor Ort zu begleichen.


♡ Bubble (3.6m Durchmesser mit Tür und zwei Fenstern, 100% giftstofffreies Soft-    PVC)

♡ Bequemes Doppelbett (140x200cm) inkl. Bettwäsche & Wolldecke

♡ Solarlichter

♡ Kleiner Tisch mit zwei Stühlen im Aussenbereich

♡ WC  befindet sich gleich im kleinen Stall neben dem Bubble 

♡ Die Dusche befindet sich im grossen Stall ca. 100 Meter vom Bubble entfernt. 

Die Bubble-Suite befindet sich ca. 50m nebem dem BNB Oberhofstatt und etwas oberhalb vom Dorf Seelisberg. Die Bubble ist bequem per Auto und/oder ÖV erreichbar.

Seelisberg liegt wunderschön gelegen in der Zentralschweiz  zwischen den Urner Bergen und dem Vierwaldstättersee. 

Eure Gastgeber vor Ort:

Bnb Oberhofstatt

Familie Truttmann

6377 Seelisberg

An- Abreise

Check-in ist ab 14:00 Uhr möglich Nach der Buchung bekommt ihr per Mail ein ausführliches Factsheet mit wichtigen Informationen für eure Übernachtung in der Panorama Bubble Seelisberg. 

Check-out hat bis spätestens 10:00 Uhr zu erfolgen Wir bitten euch, die Unterkunft so zu verlassen, wie sie auch ihr gerne vorfinden würdet.

Unsere Bubble-Suite ist mit dem Auto erreichbar. Auf dem Gelände hat es Parkplätze für unsere Gäste zur Verfügung.

Alternativ ist die Bubble auch per Bus erreichbar. Hierzu könnt ihr mit dem Postauto (Linie 311) bis Seelisberg Tanzplatz fahren. Von dort sind es dann noch 5 Minuten zu Fuss zur Bubble.



Ein leckeres Frühstück für 2 Personen ist im Preis inbegriffen.

Falls eine Lebensmittelallergie, Gluten- oder Laktoseintoleranz oder ähnliches vorliegt, bitte unbedingt als bei unserem Partner vor Ort melden!


Die Bubblesuite befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Dorf mit Restaurants und Feuerstellen, wo ein feines Abendessen genossen werden kann.

♡ Taschen- oder Stirnlampe!

♡ Wir empfehlen der Witterung angepasste Bekleidung sowie gutes Schuhwerk, allenfalls Regenjacke und -schirm, Zahnbürste, kleine Apotheke für den persönlichen Bedarf

♡ Bei kalten Temperaturen empfehlen wir zusätzlich ein Stirnband oder eine Mütze sowie warme Socken zum Schlafen

♡ Powerbank (Es ist kein Strom in der Bubble-Suite vorhanden.)

♡ Getränke & Verpflegung (falls nicht dazugebucht)

♡ Kleingeld für die Kurtaxen

Bitte beachte, dass Du dich auf 850 M.ü.M. befindest und die Temperaturen in der Nacht, insbesondere im Frühling und Herbst, kühl werden können. Wir empfehlen daher, einen Pulli und ein Paar warme Socken mehr einzupacken – ganz nach dem Motto «abzieh chasch emmer!"

Igloo Braunwald

Igloo Braunwald

Panorama-Bubble Klewenalp

Panorama-Bubble Klewenalp

Panorama-Bubble Engstlenalp

Panorama-Bubble Engstlenalp

Igloo Gitschenen-Isenthal

Igloo Gitschenen-Isenthal

Glass igloo Furgelen with Hot Tub

Glass igloo Furgelen with Hot Tub


Do you have questions about our bubbles or would you like to become a partner?  

Then write to us via the contact form or directly to our email address [email protected]

Thanks very much!


Bubble Suite Engstlenalp


Profitez du calme relaxant, du murmure relaxant du ruisseau de montagne et de l'air pur de la montagne et soyez très proche de la nature.

Un séjour en forêt redonne de l'énergie au corps et à l'esprit. Une nuit en forêt est une expérience unique pour tous les sens ; regardez dans la cime des arbres, observez les habitants de la forêt, sentez l'odeur de la forêt, écoutez le chant des oiseaux et sentez le vent agréable sur votre peau.

L'Englstenalp à proximité avec le romantique Engstlensee est l'un des lieux de pouvoir les plus connus de Suisse. Ce lac de montagne unique vous invite à vous attarder, à vous promener ou à vous baigner. La région offre de nombreuses activités et des sites impressionnants. Nous avons créé une vue d'ensemble pour vous sous «Foire aux questions».

La Suite Bubble est particulièrement adaptée pour un séjour romantique et pour tous ceux qui veulent sortir de leur quotidien et se vider la tête.

bubble travel ch

Des prix &  Disponibilité

La suite bulle peut être réservée de mai à octobre.

Prix par nuit CHF 269.- pour 2 personnes/nuit petit déjeuner compris

Plus place de parking et utilisation du chemin privé CHF 8.- Plus taxe de séjour CHF 2.80 par personne/nuit

Si vous le souhaitez, un dîner ou un dîner aux chandelles peut être commandé directement au restaurant Wagenkehr. Le paiement s'effectue sur place.

chiens Vous êtes chaleureusement accueilli et pouvez passer la nuit gratuitement. Veuillez noter les points suivants :

Vous devez apporter votre propre nourriture et votre bol. Nous ne sommes pas autorisés à utiliser de la vaisselle à cet effet.

Veuillez ne pas laisser de traces d'urine ou de matières fécales dans et autour de la suite à bulles.

Les chiens ne sont pas autorisés à dormir sur nos lits, couvertures, couvertures ou matelas de secours. Veuillez apporter votre propre couverture et votre propre matelas.

Il n’y a pratiquement aucun moyen d’enfermer le chien.


♡ Bulle (diamètre 3,6 m avec porte et deux fenêtres, 100 % PVC souple non toxique) ♡ Lit double confortable (140x200cm) comprenant linge de lit et linge de lit. tapis ♡ Petite table avec deux chaises à l'extérieur ♡ Toilettes et toilettes Douche au restaurant Wagenkehr à environ 30 m


La suite bulle est située à côté du restaurant Wagenkehr (à environ 30 m) en lisière de forêt. La suite à bulles est intégrée dans un décor de montagne unique.

Restaurant / Panorama Hôtel Wagenkehr Retour du wagon 471A 3862, Innertkirchen www.wagenkehr.ch

Le restaurant Wagenkehr est situé au début d'un chemin privé qui mène à l'Engstlenalp. Une place de parking est disponible.

Au bout du Gental, dans l'Oberland bernois, se trouve l'Engstlenalp avec l'unique Engstlensee, qui borde les cantons d'Obwald et de Nidwald. Cette vallée alpine sauvage est entourée d’un impressionnant décor montagneux et de nombreuses cascades. L'Engstlenalp offre d'innombrables possibilités de randonnées et est également intéressante pour les vététistes. En été, par exemple, l'Engstlensee peut être parcouru dans le cadre de la randonnée d'altitude des 4 lacs entre Melchsee-Frutt et Engelberg.

Arrivée Départ

La suite Bubble peut être réservée de mai à octobre.

Le check-in est possible de 14h00 à 18h00. Le check-in après 18 heures est possible sur demande. Veuillez prendre contact directement avec le restaurant Wagenkehr.

Une fois la réservation effectuée, tu recevras une confirmation par e-mail. 

Le check-out doit avoir lieu au plus tard à 11h00.

La Bubble Suite est accessible depuis Meiringen, Inntertkirchen avec le bus Engstlenalp (respecter les horaires), en voiture ou à pied. L'étroite route privée menant au Gental se trouve entre Innertkirchen et le col du Susten.

La Weggenossenschaft Mühletahl-Engstlenalp demande une taxe d'utilisation de la route de 8 CHF.

Petit déjeuner :

Un délicieux petit déjeuner pour 2 personnes est inclus dans le prix.

En cas d'allergie alimentaire, d'intolérance au gluten ou au lactose ou autre, merci de le mentionner impérativement comme remarque lors de la réservation !

Le repas du soir :

Un dîner raffiné peut être commandé directement sur place au restaurant Wagenkehr, à la demande et contre un supplément. Le paiement se fait également sur place.

liste de colisage

♡ Lampe de poche ou lampe frontale ! ♡ Nous conseillons des vêtements adaptés à la météo et de bonnes chaussures, éventuellement un imperméable et parapluie, brosse à dent, petite pharmacie pour les besoins personnels ♡ Par temps froid, nous recommandons également un bandeau ou un bonnet et des chaussettes chaudes pour dormir ♡ Banque d'alimentation (il n'y a pas d'alimentation dans la suite à bulles.) ♡ Boissons et nourriture (si non réservées) ♡ E-mail de confirmation papier ♡ Petite monnaie pour la taxe de séjour ♡ sacs poubelles si nécessaire (les plus grandes quantités de déchets doivent être éliminées par vous-même.)

Veuillez noter que vous êtes à 1 200 m d'altitude. et les températures peuvent devenir fraîches la nuit, surtout au printemps et en automne. Nous vous recommandons donc d'emporter un pull supplémentaire et une paire de chaussettes chaudes - fidèle à la devise "enlevez-le, c'est emmer!"

Helena & Wäly du restaurant Wagenkehr Wagenkehr 471A 3862 Innertkirchen www.wagenkehr.ch

A Smithsonian magazine special report

Five Things to Know About Travel Bubbles

Neighboring countries are striking agreements that permit trips across their borders. Is this the future of travel?

Melissa Locker

Contributing Writer

Sydney Opera House.jpg

As summer creeps closer and the coronavirus pandemic rages on, people are accepting the reality that vacations and travel as we knew it are not happening this year.

Would-be tourists with wanderlust are dreaming about travel returning to normal, but so are businesses. The U.N. World Tourism Organization estimates that international tourism could decline by up to 80 percent this year over 2019, putting at least 100 million jobs at risk.

While most people are sheltering in place and many countries have closed their borders to prevent the spread of the virus, some essential travel has been allowed. People travel for family emergencies, for instance, while doctors and nurses head to hotspots to help treat those in need.

For those who have embarked on international travel, it typically requires two weeks of self-isolation to see if any coronavirus symptoms appear. While that works for people returning home or staying in a destination long-term, spending 14 days inside is not an ideal vacation for most travelers.

There is one glimmer of hope: travel bubbles.

What is a “travel bubble?”

Travel bubbles, also called travel bridges or corona corridors, do away with that waiting period for a select group of travelers from certain countries where the coronavirus has been contained. “In a ‘travel bubble’ a set of countries agree to open their borders to each other, but keep borders to all other countries closed. So people can move freely within the bubble, but cannot enter from the outside,” says Per Block, an Oxford University researcher in social mobility and methodology. “The idea is to allow people additional freedom without causing additional harm.” Travel bubbles are an extension of one of Block’s research specialties —social bubbles, where people expand their quarantine zones to include more people they consider safe. Block is one of the authors of an Oxford study that suggests social bubbles could be an effective strategy to alleviating coronavirus isolation, although the findings have not yet been peer-reviewed.

How does it work?

Travel bubbles do require a certain amount of faith and trust in partner countries and their ability to contain the virus, including widespread testing, contact tracing and effective quarantining. That’s why Block notes that the easiest time to form a bubble “is when two countries have no more cases” and thus, very low risk in allowing travelers from the other country. Australia and New Zealand, for instance, are some of the nations close to coming to such an agreement.

The two nations both managed to contain the spread of COVID-19 within their countries, after almost completely shutting their borders in March. As both countries appear to have successfully brought their coronavirus outbreaks under control (currently Australia has just 15 new cases; New Zealand has zero, per Google’s virus tracker ) and so long as new infection numbers remain near zero, politicians are weighing options to safely ease open the border, just a little. In late April, they announced plans to form a travel bubble to allow residents to fly back and forth between the countries, sans quarantine; the countries are still determining when to implement it . “If there is any country in the world with whom we can reconnect with first, undoubtedly that's New Zealand," Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said last month.

Of course, zero transmitted cases is unlikely at this point in the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean low-risk travel has to wait. “A travel bubble can also make sense if neighboring countries have a similar number of cases and respond in the same way to the pandemic,” says Block. “In that case, for neither country there is a need to close the border to ‘protect’ their citizens from a higher incidence of cases due to travelers from another country.”

What are the economic benefits of a travel bubble?

A travel bubble would help both countries’ flagging tourism industries. As CNN points out , Australians make up almost 40 percent of international arrivals to New Zealand, with tourism being that country's biggest export industry . Chris Roberts, chief executive of New Zealand's tourist board Tourism Industry Aotearoa, told Justin Harper at the BBC that if the correct health safeguards are followed and the technology is in place, travel bubbles could be an effective means to opening up the country and could serve as a model for other countries to follow. “If New Zealand and Australia can show this can work, then it is likely to be adopted elsewhere,” he said, noting that otherwise “it could be 12 to 18 months before we return to open borders.”

If New Zealand can make their travel bubble work with Australia and keep new infections at zero, which appears to be their bar , they may expand the bubble to include other countries that are effectively containing the virus, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, per the BBC . Fiji and other Pacific Island nations have also suggested they are open to joining in any expanded trans-Tasman bubble. Singapore may be in the mix, too, although they have said their borders will stay closed until a vaccine is found.

What other countries are considering bubbles?

The prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand have stated they will not open their borders “ until it is safe to do so ,” which may not be for months. Meanwhile, the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania opened their borders to one another on May 15. It’s a move that Lithuania's Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis called "a glimmer of hope for the people that life is getting back to normal" in a statement, reported by the BBC . While citizens and residents can move freely between the three nations, anyone arriving from outside the zone will have to continue to self-isolate for 14 days.

If the virus levels stay low, Finland and Poland may be next to join the Baltic travel bubble, the BBC reports. Elsewhere in the European Union, France is allowing people traveling from other EU countries to skip the 14-day quarantine requirement, the editorial board at the Financial Times writes .

Czechia plans to open its borders on June 8 to residents of countries that are deemed safe, most likely Austria, Slovakia and Croatia. The specifics of that opening are still to be determined, as currently even Czech residents returning home from abroad must show a negative test result or quarantine on arrival, Reuters reports .

Germany is also planning to open its borders with France, Austria and Switzerland on June 15, so long as virus infection levels remain manageable. Other neighboring groups of countries, Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Greece, and even the non-EU country of Israel have been in talks to create a similar bloc, per the Wall Street Journal . While the EU has indicated it wants to establish universal criteria and standards before allowing free movement within the bloc, which would allow all members to lift their restrictions at once, things seem to be moving piecemeal with neighboring nations banding together. It’s a move that Block thinks makes sense. “This is very intuitive, because borders are more relevant for humans than for viruses,” says Block. “If you live in Germany near the Swiss border, why should you be forbidden to travel five miles to Switzerland but be allowed to travel 500 miles to the north of Germany if the policies for what you can or cannot do are the same in all places?”

In Asia, Beijing is considering expanding its “travel bubble” covering mainland China to include Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau as well as South Korea, the Asia Times reported. Ralph Jennings at Voice of America notes , Hong Kong is reportedly weighing opening a bubble with Macau, a popular recreation destination located just an hour away. Taiwan is also reportedly mulling opening travel to “low-risk” countries and exempting their visitors from 14-day quarantines. Chiu Cheng-hsun, a deputy director of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital near Taipei, told Voice of America , that to make such an arrangement work, visitors would be asked to take their temperatures daily and report any suspicious symptoms. Vietnam and Thailand are also reportedly considering creating a travel corridor over the next few months, Julia Hollingsworth and Kocha Olarn at CNN write .

Unfortunately for travelers coming from the U.S., the lack of unified response to the virus, combined with the low rates of testing and contact tracing, make it unlikely that the U.S. will be invited into a travel bubble any time soon.

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What you should know about 'travel bubbles' -- and why they're so important to the industry

Victoria M. Walker

When you think of a "bubble," particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic , the NBA's use of so-called bubbles to sequester players, coaches and members of the media in Orlando might come to mind. People in the bubble were able to move about freely, albeit with some restrictions, such as daily testing and, of course, not being allowed to leave. It functioned as a veritable city: Meals were catered by on-hand chefs and the bubble even had its own barbershops .

Travel is much more widespread than even the largest basketball organization, of course, but several countries are considering adopting a similar model to restart the industry.

Here's what you need to know about travel bubbles around the world.

For more TPG news delivered each morning to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter .

What is a travel bubble?

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You might be hearing much more about travel bubbles (also called travel corridors, green zones, air bridges or green lanes) in the weeks and months to come as travel begins to reopen in destinations around the world.

Basically, travel bubbles are agreements between countries believed to have controlled the spread of COVID-19. They allow travel — including nonessential trips — across otherwise closed borders, often without lengthy quarantines or other significant restrictions such as mandatory testing.

Travel bubbles to watch

bubble travel ch

United States-United Kingdom

Right now, non-U.S. citizens from China, Iran, the European Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South Africa and India are banned from entering the United States.

Of those countries, none is perhaps more critical to the travel industry right now than the U.K.

The travel industry has clamored for a travel corridor between the U.S. and U.K., and even made its case during the G7 meeting, mounting pressure on the respective governments to open a long-awaited corridor between the two countries. CEOs of each of the airlines that offer nonstop service between the U.S. and the U.K. as well as travel organizations joined forces in support of the corridor.

Why do travel providers so badly want a corridor between the U.S. and the U.K.? The answer is mainly financial.

According to Skift , the airlines said that reopening the corridor would boost the U.S. economy by $4 billion this summer alone. Domestic air travel has picked up recently, with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screening more than 2 million flyers for the first time since March of 2020 -- but business and long-haul international travel remain depressed.

For two economies still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, it seems as though U.S. and U.K. leaders listened. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week quickly agreed to work toward reopening transatlantic travel.

"We're pleased to announce a joint [taskforce] to help facilitate the reopening of transatlantic travel," the U.K.'s secretary of state for transport, Grant Shapps, said in a tweet .

The travel industry reacted positively to the news.

"The travel industry enthusiastically applauds the Biden administration and U.K. government for being responsive to the calls to advance a bilateral travel corridor, and hopes to see it implemented by early July," the U.S. Travel Association , an organization that represents the travel industry, said earlier this month.

Even with travel officials on both sides of the Atlantic pushing for a travel corridor between the two nations, however, there are still hurdles. It's clear that both countries are still in the early stages of discussions, with Britain's foreign secretary telling a news station that a travel corridor was "not something we'll be announcing imminently."

Both nations also have several restrictions -- or outright bans -- on travelers from the other country.

Most U.S. travelers are still required to quarantine for 10 days upon landing in the U.K. And even with nearly half of its population fully vaccinated , the Delta variant, which accounts for a significant portion of new COVID-19 cases in the U.K. has posed concerns. England also delayed lifting lockdown restrictions by an additional month due to the variant.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also still lists the U.K. as a Level 3 "high risk" nation, even following last week's advisory update . The U.S. State Department on June 16 listed the United Kingdom at its second-highest designation, " Level 3: Reconsider Travel ," due to COVID-19. And while 55% of U.S. adults have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, experts have said widening gaps between rural and urban vaccination rates could extend the pandemic.

U.S.-European Union

Not to be confused with the U.S.-U.K. corridor in talks, as the U.K. is no longer a European Union member, the EU added the United States to its so-called travel "white list" this week. The list will allow vaccinated visitors to skip quarantine requirements and move freely between the 27 EU nations.

The EU agreed to add the U.S. and seven other countries or territories — Albania, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Macao, North Macedonia, Serbia and Taiwan — to the list of nations from which travel is allowed. It remains unclear if the addition of the U.S. to the list will take effect immediately, though the approval is a promising sign for Americans.

But, as noted in the section above, for a full corridor to be possible, the EU is still looking for the U.S. to relax its travel restrictions on EU countries before the transatlantic corridor fully reopens.

Hong Kong-Singapore

Singapore and Hong Kong serve as significant financial and travel hubs in Asia, so a corridor between the two destinations seemed inevitable. But the launch has been postponed several times.

The travel bubble between the two cities was initially set to launch in November of 2020. However, it was delayed because of a spike in cases in Hong Kong. It was then pushed to May 26, though that has indefinitely been delayed again. According to the South China Morning Post , the travel bubble was put on hold for a second time in mid-May amid a rise in untraceable cases in Singapore. Now, the two countries will review the travel bubble again in July.

St. Lucia-Caribbean

St. Lucia has a travel bubble with 11 Caribbean countries. Travelers moving within the bubble can skip quarantine, but they must still present a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken no more than five days before arriving in St. Lucia.

The U.S. is not included in the bubble, and international visitors from outside the St. Lucia travel bubble will be required to remain at their COVID-19-certified property and only participate in certified tours and activities for the duration of their stay.

Australia-New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand launched their long-awaited travel bubble for quarantine-free journeys between the two countries in April.

People looking to travel in the bubble must have spent the previous 14 days in Australia or New Zealand only. However, travelers who have been to Victoria, New South Wales or Queensland cannot travel to New Zealand from anywhere in Australia until at least 14 days after being in those destinations. This pause is expected to last through June 22 .

And don't expect the U.S. to be added to the bubble. It may still be some time before New Zealand and Australia open their borders to other tourists. New Zealand has indicated that its borders may remain shut for 2021, while Australia says its borders will be closed until 2022.

Have there been travel bubbles before?

bubble travel ch

Still reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, the travel industry has experimented with travel bubbles on a much smaller scale.

These bubbles still aim to accomplish the same task: controlling who is or is not allowed into the bubble.

For instance, multiple U.S.-based airlines now offer COVID-19-tested flights. Delta Air Lines, for example, announced last month that Italy would reopen to any Americans who travel on specific flights . American Airlines and United Airlines also made similar announcements.

And Hawaii earlier this year launched an "enhanced movement quarantine," or " resort bubble " program. Guests participating in the resort bubble program can move about the property and access pools, dining and beaches during the 72-hour quarantine period. During the three days of mandatory quarantine , however, guests can't leave the resort except for medical care and must have their movements monitored by a bracelet. Travelers who arrive in the country without a negative test can't participate in the program.

Travelers must proceed directly to their resort bubble either by hotel transport or a car service type of ground transportation. No rental cars are allowed until the traveler is released from the bubble program.

Even though travel bubbles have been in the works since last year, they will still clearly play a crucial role in safely restarting travel all over the world — and even facilitating easier trips much closer to home.

From HFUnderground

General Mobile Radio Service

22 channel voice and data service, shares frequencies with FRS service. License required. Very simple license requirement. Repeater operation allowed on 8 specific frequency pairs (repeater outputs are also used for simplex operation).

Not to be confused with the similarly named General Radio Service (official name for the 27 MHz CB radio service in Canada).

GMRS (and by extension, FRS) evolved out of the original 465 MHz "Class A" CB service. Calling frequency 462.675 MHz CTCSS 141.3 Hz (sometimes referred to as the "travel channel" - FRS channel 20). See page for FRS for information about combined FRS/GMRS "bubble pack" radios. As of late 2017, the FCC legalized the 8 "GMRS only" 462 MHz frequencies as part of the FRS service, changing the number of shared frequencies from 7 to 15 and legalizing the use of all 22 channels for simplex use under the FRS rules. GMRS license holders are still granted higher transmit power privileges and use of repeaters under the new rules. See also, the FRS subpage for standardized calling channels, emergency channels , etc.

Maximum power 50 watts on GMRS is except on shared narrow band channels (FRS channels 1-7) where maximum power is 5 watts. Wide band FM (25 kHz or 20K0F3E, 16K0F3E or similar ) or narrow band FM (11K2F3E, 11K0F3E and several other emissions with even narrower bandwidths) allowed on the 16 GMRS only frequencies for repeater or simplex use. Low power mobile and portable radios generally use narrow FM for compatibility with other handheld FRS radios aimed at the consumer market.

Like the FRS service, the FCC permits use of digital transmissions on the GMRS service. Digital transmissions are limited to text messages, requests for text messages, group chat messages, in-range location "ping" transmissions to verify that a radio is still within range of another radio (automatic range transponder capability), GPS location transmissions, GPS location requests, etc.

GMRS Frequencies GMRS Channels

  • Channel 01 - 462.5625 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 02 - 462.5875 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 03 - 462.6125 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 04 - 462.6375 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 05 - 462.6625 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 06 - 462.6875 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 07 - 462.7125 MHz - 5 watt power limit, simplex only
  • Channel 08 - 467.5625 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 09 - 467.5875 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 10 - 467.6125 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 11 - 467.6375 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 12 - 467.6625 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 13 - 467.6875 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 14 - 467.7125 MHz - 0.5 watt power limit, unlicensed FRS simplex
  • Channel 15 - 462.5500 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 16 - 462.5750 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 17 - 462.6000 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 18 - 462.6250 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 19 - 462.6500 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 20 - 462.6750 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 21 - 462.7000 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex
  • Channel 22 - 462.7250 MHz - 50 watt power limit, simplex or repeater output, shared with FRS simplex

Channels 1-22 are shared with the FRS service. FRS users may operate simplex only.

Channels 8-14 are simplex only and limited to 0.5 watt power output. GMRS users may transmit up to 5 watts on 462.5625 MHz, 462.5875 MHz, 462.6125 MHz, 462.6375 MHz, 462.6625 MHz, 462.6875 MHz and 462.7125 MHz (channels 1-7).

Licensed GMRS users and unlicensed FRS users are limited to 0.5 watts on 467.5625 MHz, 467.5875 MHz, 467.6125 MHz, 467.6375 MHz, 467.6625 MHz, 467.6875 MHz and 467.7125 MHz (channels 8-14).

Licensed GMRS users may transmit up to 50 watts on 462.550 MHz, 462.575 MHz, 462.600 MHz, 462.625 MHz, 462.650 MHz, 462.675 MHz, 462.700 MHz and 462.725 MHz (channels 15-22). GMRS users may use these frequencies for simplex (non-repeater) use or as repeater output frequencies. Because of the extensive simplex FRS use of all 22 channels, GMRS users are strongly encouraged to use CTCSS or DCS on any repeater pair and for simplex operations.

GMRS Bandwidth - Deviation "12.5 kHz" NFM and "25 kHz" FM

GMRS license holders (licensed GMRS users) are permitted to use regular 5 kHz deviation FM (16K0F3E emission or 20K0F3E emission - referred to as "25 kHz wideband" or "25 kHz channel" in Motorola literature) on channels 1-7, channels 15-22 and the 8 repeater pairs (output frequencies are, of course, channels 15-22). 5 kHz deviation is often referred to as wideband mode, "WIDE" mode or "FM". Narrowband (12.5 kHz channel) 2.5 kHz deviation - 11K3F3E, 11K2F3E, 11K0F3E emission - "NARROW", "NARR" or "NFM" mode on most radios use is required on channels 8-14 under FCC regulations. Use of narrow mode on channels 1-7 when communicating with FRS units is recommended. Use of narrow mode on all 22 channels is recommended when communicating with FRS units in the simplex (non-repeated) mode.

When using a repeater, generally 5 kHz deviation (wide mode) is used. Check with the repeater owner/operator to see if their repeater is operating in 5 kHz deviation or 2.5 kHz narrowband deviation. There are some advantages to running a GMRS repeater in narrow mode (2.5 kHz deviation). This is especially true in urbanized areas and other locations where the GMRS repeater input frequency is subject to large amounts of adjacent channel interference from simplex activity on channels 8-14.

  • Channel 01 - 462.5625 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 02 - 462.5875 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 03 - 462.6125 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 04 - 462.6375 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 05 - 462.6625 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 06 - 462.6875 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 07 - 462.7125 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 08 - 467.5625 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 09 - 467.5875 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 10 - 467.6125 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 11 - 467.6375 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 12 - 467.6625 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 13 - 467.6875 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 14 - 467.7125 MHz - NFM mode (narrowband) required for all users
  • Channel 15 - 462.5500 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 16 - 462.5750 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 17 - 462.6000 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 18 - 462.6250 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 19 - 462.6500 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 20 - 462.6750 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 21 - 462.7000 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users
  • Channel 22 - 462.7250 MHz - NFM or FM allowed for licensed GMRS users

GMRS Repeaters

Gmrs repeater tones.

Many GMRS repeaters require a CTCSS tone or DCS code to "open" the repeater. The majority of the time, the repeater will transmit that same tone/code on the repeater output, allowing for use of full tone squelch by mobile/portable units associated with the repeater and the added benefit of not having to hear interference from simplex users of the same frequency as the repeater output.

The 141.3 Hz " GMRS travel tone " (associated with GMRS 675 / FRS channel 20 - the GMRS "road channel" and GMRS calling channel is frequently used, as many GMRS users have this tone set by default. However, use of 141.3 Hz by GMRS repeaters is by no means standardized.

Just like with simplex-only FRS, there are some tone/frequency combinations which should be avoided to reduce the chance of interference from FRS simplex users on the same frequency. See the FRS page for more detailed information.

GMRS Channel Names Frequency Designators

Many GMRS users refer to the wide band GMRS frequencies by the three digits after the frequency in MHz notation:

  • GMRS 550 - 462.5500 MHz
  • GMRS 575 - 462.5750 MHz
  • GMRS 600 - 462.6000 MHz
  • GMRS 625 - 462.6250 MHz
  • GMRS 650 - 462.6500 MHz
  • GMRS 675 - 462.6750 MHz
  • GMRS 700 - 462.7000 MHz
  • GMRS 725 - 462.7250 MHz

However, the FRS channel numbers are also frequently used, since all 22 channels may be used in simplex mode:

  • 462.5500 MHz - Channel 15
  • 462.5750 MHz - Channel 16
  • 462.6000 MHz - Channel 17
  • 462.6250 MHz - Channel 18
  • 462.6500 MHz - Channel 19
  • 462.6750 MHz - Channel 20
  • 462.7000 MHz - Channel 21
  • 462.7250 MHz - Channel 22

Resources and Further Reading:

List of Grandfathered GMRS Users Licenses - Grandfathered GMRS Entities by Zip Code

MyGMRS.com GMRS user resource

MyGMRS.com GMRS repeater listing - GMRS repeaters nationwide

ArtSci Publications - nationwide amateur and GMRS repeater listing

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Travel Wanderlust

What is a travel bubble and should we care?

what is a travel bubble - Singapore travel bubble Changi airport

Since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, as we looked on in dismay as we watched the travel industry slow down to almost a standstill, the concept called “travel bubbles” had already started generating conversation. The concept centred on certain countries being able to get their outbreaks truly under control, allowing for there to be non-quarantined travel.

There have been a few stops and starts around the world. Asia’s first bubble, between Hong Kong and Singapore, failed to take off, at least twice now. Another one-way travel bubble from Singapore to the Indonesian islands of Batam and Bintan has come to a halt.

READ MORE : We had a discussion around the COVID-19 vaccine and the impact on travel

But, what do we really know about travel bubbles and does it really matter. We discuss this and more in our latest travel community post.

What is a travel bubble?

busy airport - travel bubble

In short, a travel bubble is a controlled return of quarantine-free air travel between designated cities or countries. Also called travel bridges or corona corridors, remove the mandatory waiting period or quarantine for a select group of travellers from certain countries where the coronavirus has been contained or eradicated.

It is called a travel bubble because the countries agree to open their borders to each other but still maintain a quarantine or restricted entry policy to other countries outside the agreement. This means they have unrestricted access only within the travel bubble area.

How does a travel bubble work?

A simplistic way of looking at this, revolved around two countries trusting each other that they have things in order. In order for a travel bubble to really work, two or more countries have to agree to lift their travel ban with each other. However, the reality is that the countries in the partnership require the ability to contain the virus, including widespread testing, contact tracing and effective quarantine methods.

travelling in a travel bubble

However, anyone with symptoms while travelling still won’t be allowed to enter. The same applies to anyone who has travelled to a country outside the bubble within the last fourteen days.

READ MORE : We discuss what’s coming up for travel in 2021

It is important to note that zero cases are not a requirement for a travel bubble to be considered. It requires a steady and low rate of transmission that is trending downwards and both countries need to have a similar rate. This allows for there to be a low risk of spikes in transmission due to travel.

Why did the Singapore travel bubble not work?

changi airport - Singapore travel bubble

Hong Kong and Singapore postponed the quarantine-free travel bubble for the second time following a Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore. Scheduled to begin May 26, the delay will only be discussed on June 13th.

Discussions and plans have been in the works since November 2020, but it was postponed due to Hong Kong’s rising infection rate at that time. There have been a number of disappointed travellers on both sides who purchased tickets, with flights selling out in minutes. Travel is still possible between the two countries, but the mandatory quarantine periods are in effect, making it a challenge for most.

Another notable failure in this regard was the first European travel bubble back in 2020. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were the first EU countries to form a travel bubble within these three countries. The Baltic states had very few cases of Covid-19 between them so they decided to reopen their borders to each other. However, it did not last long as transmissions rose and they soon had to close borders for safety.

Why did the Australia travel bubble with New Zealand work?

Australia travel bubble - reopening travel

As early as late 2020, there was a strong possibility this might be the case. Both nations managed to contain the spread of COVID-19 within their countries, after almost drastic measures such as total isolation by completely shutting their borders in March.

However, it wasn’t smooth sailing. Repeated outbreaks delayed the launch of the travel bubble and New Zealand rolling back permissions to certain states during outbreaks.

However, both countries appear to be closing brought their coronavirus outbreaks under control and the travel bubble has seemingly been a success. This does mean that it can work, but requires a lot of luck, planning and a strong programme in place.

  • travel bubble



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  1. Bubble Travel

    5 Billionen Sterne Outdoor Übernachtung. Dich trennen nur wenige Schritte von Deinem unvergesslichen Abenteuer. Wer seine Komfortzone für eine Weile verlassen möchte, findet bei uns einzigartige Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten in der ganzen Schweiz. Ob Bubble-Suite, Jurte oder Baumzelt - die Verbindung zur Natur ist definitiv spürbar.

  2. Bubble Travel

    If you want to leave your comfort zone for a while, you will find unique accommodation options throughout Switzerland. Whether bubble suite, yurt or tree tent - the connection to nature is definitely noticeable. Bubble Travel is a booking platform for unusual, adventurous overnight stays in Switzerland.

  3. Bubbles

    Our unique yurt with a glass door, two large panoramic windows and a glass dome is located directly on the Grotzenbüel in Braunwald at 1559 meters above sea level! Enjoy the tranquility of the Alps and a unique experience of nature together with chamois, marmots and cows. End the day with a romantic sunset and wake up in the quiet of the Alps.

  4. Bubble-Suite Engstlenalp

    The Bubble Suite is located in the middle of the forest, just below the Wagenkehr restaurant (approx. 100m away). The Bubble Suite stands alone and is protected in the forest and is embedded in a unique mountain scenery. The Wagenkehr restaurant is located at the beginning of a private road that leads to Engstlenalp. A parking lot is available.

  5. Bubble-Suite Engstlenalp

    Die Bubble Suite ist ab Meiringen, Inntertkirchen mit dem Engstlenalp-Bus (Fahrplan beachten), dem Auto oder zu Fuss erreichbar. Die schmale Privatstrasse zum Gental befindet sich zwischen Innertkirchen und Sustenpass. Die Weggenossenschaft Mühletahl-Engstlenalp verlangt eine Strassenbenützungsgebühr in der Höhe von CHF 8.-. Verpflegung.


    Buche jetzt dein unvergessliches Abenteuer! Das 5 Millionen Sterne Hotel / Bubble Hotel wartet auf dich! An einzigartigen Standorten in der Schweiz!

  7. Panorama Bubble Seelisberg

    Die Bubble ist bequem per Auto und/oder ÖV erreichbar. Seelisberg liegt wunderschön gelegen in der Zentralschweiz zwischen den Urner Bergen und dem Vierwaldstättersee. Eure Gastgeber vor Ort: Bnb Oberhofstatt. Familie Truttmann. Bergweg 8. 6377 Seelisberg. An- Abreise. Check-in ist ab 14:00 Uhr möglich.

  8. Über uns

    Die IP SA mit Sitz in Huttwil stellt seit 2020 hochwertige geodätische Kuppeln her. Seit 2024 dürfen wir erstmals auf eine gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit zählen und ihre Bubble-Home an ausgewählten Standorten zum Einsatz bringen. Durch ihre hohe Qualität eignen sich die Kuppeln für einen reibungslosen ganzjährigen Betrieb und können selbst ...

  9. Panorama-Bubble Klewenalp

    Monday to Sunday: CHF 360.-. The price is for 2 persons from 10 years/night (dogs are not allowed) Including cable car tickets, bed linen and breakfast. Dogs are not allowed. Furnishing. ♡ Bubble (3.6m diameter with door and two windows, 100% non-toxic soft PVC) ♡ Double bed (140x200cm) including bed linen.

  10. Panorama Bubble Seelisberg

    The Bubble is easily accessible by car and/or public transport. Seelisberg is beautifully situated in central Switzerland between the mountains of Uri and Lake Lucerne. Your hosts on site: Bnb Oberhofstatt. Family Truttmann. Bergweg 8. 6377 Seelisberg. Arrival- Departure. Check-in is possible from 14:00.

  11. Bubble Travel

    Einzigartige Outdoor Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten - ob Panorama Bubble mit Hot Tub, Glas-Iglu oder Jurte in imposanter Bergwelt - Übernachte in einer 5 Billionen Sterne Suite!

  12. Panorama-Bubble Engstlenalp

    Panorama-Bubble Engstlenalp. This unique bubble suite is located at the entrance of a wild alpine valley, surrounded by high mountains and turquoise streams. Immerse yourself in the world of Gental, Engstlenalp and Jochpass and leave everyday life behind you. Togetherness, a breathtaking view of the starry sky, embedded in a unique mountain ...

  13. Order tickets online

    Our bubbles are all located in unique destinations. Discover now and book directly. A unique adventure awaits you! Do you have a voucher (12-digit code starting with MBUB or BUBB)?

  14. Kontakt

    E-mail Telefonummer Kontakt Adresse Bubble Travel. E-mail Telefonummer Kontakt Adresse Bubble Travel. top of page. Home. bubbles. Glass igloo Isenthal; Glass igloo Braunwald; ... Then write to us via the contact form or directly to our email address [email protected]. Send. Thanks very much! up. [email protected]. imprint. Book ...

  15. Bubble Travel Switzerland

    Bubble Travel Switzerland. 2,373 likes · 1 talking about this · 70 were here. Abenteuerliche Übernachtungen im Tipi, Baumzelt, Bubble-Hotel oder Jurte für Familien, Gruppen.. . Bubble Travel Switzerland

  16. Bubble-Suite Engstlenalp

    Le check-out doit avoir lieu au plus tard à 11h00. La Bubble Suite est accessible depuis Meiringen, Inntertkirchen avec le bus Engstlenalp (respecter les horaires), en voiture ou à pied. L'étroite route privée menant au Gental se trouve entre Innertkirchen et le col du Susten. La Weggenossenschaft Mühletahl-Engstlenalp demande une taxe d ...

  17. Five Things to Know About Travel Bubbles

    A travel bubble would help both countries' flagging tourism industries. As CNN points out , Australians make up almost 40 percent of international arrivals to New Zealand, with tourism being ...

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  19. Bubble Travel GmbH :: Switzerland :: OpenCorporates

    Free and open company data on Switzerland company Bubble Travel GmbH (company number 1488300), Würzenbachstrasse, 12, Luzern, 6006. ... CH-100.4.812.048-7 Business details: Swiss Federal Statistical Office Enterprise Identification Number CHE-323.608.970 Business details

  20. What to know about 'travel bubbles' -- and why the travel industry

    The travel bubble between the two cities was initially set to launch in November of 2020. However, it was delayed because of a spike in cases in Hong Kong. It was then pushed to May 26, though that has indefinitely been delayed again. According to the South China Morning Post, the travel bubble was put on hold for a second time in mid-May amid ...

  21. GMRS

    Calling frequency 462.675 MHz CTCSS 141.3 Hz (sometimes referred to as the "travel channel" - FRS channel 20). See page for FRS for information about combined FRS/GMRS "bubble pack" radios. As of late 2017, the FCC legalized the 8 "GMRS only" 462 MHz frequencies as part of the FRS service, changing the number of shared frequencies from 7 to 15 ...

  22. What is a travel bubble

    We may see a return of travel in some countries if all goes well. In short, a travel bubble is a controlled return of quarantine-free air travel between designated cities or countries. Also called travel bridges or corona corridors, remove the mandatory waiting period or quarantine for a select group of travellers from certain countries where ...

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    The historic handshake was captured on television. Three-and-a-half years after that, at a total cost of £4.65 billion, the Channel Tunnel opened. In a way, Britain ceased to be an island on May ...

  24. Solved Instead of waiting for bubbles to traverse the

    Calibration Procedure for Burrets 1. Clamp the buret vertically on a support stand. Also clamp a plain glass test tube, large enough to hold a thermometer, in the vicinity of the buret.