Efrat: The story of one of Israel's most unique, successful settlements

Efrat regional council head oded revivi spoke to the magazine about the israeli settlement municipality he has managed for the last 15 years..

 NEW BEGINNINGS: First day of school, 1983. (photo credit: Libby Reichman/Sippur Mekomi Archives)

Oded Revivi: Running the local council of Israel's Efrat settlement

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  • Sep 21, 2011

Efrat: An Oasis for Olim

Updated: Jun 11, 2019

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Nestled in the Judean Hills just eight miles south of Jerusalem, Efrat is a picturesque community and a popular destination for English-speaking Olim.

Efrat boasts excellent schools, an efficient service-oriented local government, a beautiful library with an extensive English book section, many Torah classes for men and women, a mix of retail stores and restaurants, lovely parks, and an active community center offering dozens of programs for adults and children.

The largest settlement in Yesha’s (Yehuda and Shomron) Gush Etzion region with almost 10,000 residents, Efrat is divided into seven neighborhoods, each named for one of the seven species of the Land of Israel: Gefen (grape), Te'ena (fig), Rimon (pomegranate), Dekel (date palm), Dagan (grain), Tamar (date) and Zayit (olives). Dagan and Tamar are now under construction, with plans to build 2,500 housing units, which will double the size of Efrat.

Efrat rises to a height of 3,150 feet above sea level, and shares the same beautiful mountain climate as Jerusalem, offering relatively mild summers and cool winters. The city’s population is primarily Dati Leumi (religious Zionist) and also has a Chardal (Charedi Leumi – or Yeshivish Zionist) crowd.  There are more than twenty Orthodox shuls – mostly Ashkenazic, but Sephardic and Yemenite synagogues also exist – in addition to several post-high school Yeshivas and Kollels, plus there is an active women’s learning program.

Most residents work in the greater Jerusalem area or have home-based businesses, while some travel to Tel Aviv or farther away via car or the train in Bet Shemesh. Thanks to a highway linking Jerusalem with Gush Etzion, Efrat is a mere twenty minute drive from Jerusalem. Efrat is accessible via public and private transportation, although living there without a car can be challenging.

Efrat’s English-speaking residents comprise 35% of the population, and are very active in all aspects of the community: they provide leadership within the local schools, and are involved in many important chesed projects and in local shul programming – delivering shiurim and running educational, spiritual and social activities.

Efrat in some ways mirrors the Jewish communities located abroad, as families are often drawn together through their connection to their shuls, and their social lives to some extent revolve around their synagogues.  What only thirty years was merely a dream of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin - then a young rabbi at the Upper West Side’s Lincoln Square Synagogue - Efrat has grown and flourished while retaining the intimacy of a small town.

“My Israel Home” is a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. Gedaliah Borvick can be reached at [email protected]

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'An extremely big present': Israeli settlers welcome US policy shift

Announcement that settlements no longer considered illegal is another blow for Palestinians

M ahmoud Yaqoub, a 49-year-old Palestinian farmer, is hemmed in on two sides by an Israeli settlement. Standing on his roof, he points up the hill at olive trees he says are his. But he cannot reach them as a metal fence has been erected around Efrat, confiscating part of his family’s land.

Yaqoub’s sheep are confined to a metal shack next to his house. He says the Israeli army banned him from shepherding them on his land as it is considered too close to the settlement.

Until this week, the US – in line with overwhelming global consensus – had considered settlements such as Efrat to be illegal under international law. On Monday, the Trump administration announced that it believed this was no longer the case.

“There is nothing left of our land. With this decision the settlement will expand,” Yaqoub says, adding that he worries his home will taken next, as other Palestinians’ homes have been. “I don’t understand this blind support.”

On the other side of the metal fence, Efrat looks like a Californian suburb. Bicycle paths snake through neighbourhoods; roundabouts are filled with colourful flowers; houses are mostly uniform, with red tiles on the roofs; and children run around in playgrounds.

More than 12,000 people live here. There are signs of occupation but you cannot immediately see them – a watchtower in the distance, pistols in the backs of trousers.

International law forbids states from moving their civilians on to occupied land at the expense of local populations. But as far as Efrat’s residents and much of the Israeli public is concerned, this is a legitimate Israeli town, not an unlawful outpost built on Palestinian land.

Oded Revivi, the mayor of Efrat, regards the US announcement as part of a decades-long move towards backing the settler argument that they should hold the land indefinitely. “There is a growing change in attitudes,” he says. “And the current administration is certainly spelling it out.”

He believes Donald Trump has something to gain from his support for the settler movement: rallying pro-Israel voters before the 2020 presidential election.

Speaking at his offices in Efrat, the mayor has come straight from a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, who had celebrated the news with settler leaders on Tuesday. “I think he understands that something came wrapped up as an extremely big present on his table,” Revivi says of the Israeli prime minister.

As president, Trump has repeatedly made moves welcomed by Israeli hardline nationalists and settlers, at the expense of Palestinians who want to build a future state in the occupied territories. He has recognised the contested city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, slashed humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees and closed the Palestinian diplomatic offices in Washington.

Netanyahu has sought to take credit for these decisions, playing up his relationship with Trump to appeal to rightwing voters. In September, days before national elections, Netanyahu said he intended to annex Jewish settlements and declare them part of Israel.

Settlers have been sceptical, as this would lead to a diplomatic fallout that Netanyahu may not want to provoke, but they see the latest US policy shift as helping to push their prime minister in that direction.

“He understands what happened yesterday has significance,” says Revivi, who is also a member of the Yesha Council, the main Israeli umbrella settler organisation. “Now is the time to take action.”

The kink in that plan is the political paralysis that has engulfed Israel after two elections this year. Netanyahu is battling for his political survival while his rival Benny Gantz tries to assemble a coalition government . The deadline to do so is Wednesday night and it could end Netanyahu’s 13 years in office or lead to another election.

Gantz presents himself as a centrist but equally panders to hardliners and has also pledged to take permanent control of at least large chunks of West Bank. “It’s hard to tell what is the difference between Gantz and Netanyahu,” Revivi says.

In practice, the government already treats settlements in many ways as an extension of its territory. Unlike Palestinians, Israelis living there have full citizenship rights and can travel freely between the two territories.

Many of Efrat’s residents commute daily to Jerusalem, and it is fully connected by public transport to Israel. Around 30% of the people who live there are foreign-born Jews, and Revivi says a person could probably get by there without any Hebrew. Major Israeli burger and deli chains have opened branches and there is even a travel shop selling flights for European getaways.

One 16-year-old resident, eating a panini at a salad bar in Efrat, says he enjoys the lifestyle, with a gym and a basketball court. Born in New York, he moved to Efrat as a young child. He says he “doesn’t think much about politics” and has not heard about the US announcement.

Outside Efrat’s gates, 2.5 million Palestinians live under military rule and are less nonchalant. “Why does [the US] want to please the Israeli government at our expense,” asks Jamal Saleh, 54, who works in a restaurant and lives near the settlement of Psagot.

“America put itself in the same square with the settlers,” he says. “It is the United States of settlements.”

Additional reporting by Sufian Taha

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Caliber 3 Training in Efrat

December 31st 2014

Caliber 3 Training

Alongside their professional operation, Caliber 3 offers a distinctive form of tourist activity they call Commando Tourism. Most participants are interested in the basic program, which is a two-hour introduction to learning how to shoot firearms. Other courses include armed civilian training for those who carry guns, two-hour and four-hour introductions to the Krav Maga martial arts system that was developed in Israel – and more intense programs for those who are looking for more intensive military-style training experiences. The longest program offered at Caliber 3 is a 10-day survival course.

caliber 3

The sprawling Caliber 3 training complex includes a tactical training center, an indoor gym for Krav Maga, three ranges and hospitality facilities for dining and lodging.

caliber 3.1

Customized programs can be created for Bar and Bat Mitzvah families that will be remembered as a major highlight of your trip to Israel. As expected with a professional training force, every effort is taken to ensure the safety of each participant. For example, younger children are given the opportunity to shoot paintball guns instead of real guns.

A perfect destination for Bar and Bat Mitzvah and other family trips, the Caliber 3 Training Range is located in the city of Efrat in Gush Etzion, just 20 minutes from Jerusalem. You can easily combine a few hours at the Caliber 3 Training Rage in Efrat with other exciting activities in Gush Etzion, such as a zip line, nature hikes, springs, award-winning wineries, Biblical sites and museums.

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I had nowhere to turn. efrat saved my baby's life. and transformed mine.”.

Over 35,000 women throughout Israel have abortions each year, often due to extreme financial stress. Together, we can change that.

‍ From pregnancy to birth and beyond, EFRAT provides financial and emotional support to women in crisis, so they can bring their babies into the world with dignity, joy, and peace of mind.

She wants to have her baby. she just doesn't see how she can..

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We're here to give her hope.

When a woman dials our number, it’s because poverty has cornered her into believing that abortion is her only option. We give her a safety net and a listening ear. We ease her concerns and support her dreams. We help her make the choice she wants to make, instead of the choice she feels forced to make.


Real mothers. real stories., efrat moms speak.

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We had four lovely children and our own home—we were happy. Then, when I was 42 and my youngest was 9, I found out I was pregnant again. My husband, who loves our

Even before we got married, David and I dreamed about having a big family with at least four children. But then I gave birth to my first child. It was traumatic, both

We were newly married and struggling financially. My husband tried to open a small business but it didn't work out, for reasons beyond his control. Then I found out I

My financial situation was very bad. When I found out that I was pregnant, it was clear to me that I needed to have an abortion. So when my sister called EFRAT and had

The thought of trying to manage financially with another baby terrified me. My husband was pressuring me to terminate the pregnancy so we decided to abort.

My husband Yossi and I were in dire financial straits. Our restaurant business has failed and we were in danger of losing our home due to debt. We could barely afford foo

Soon after I became pregnant, my husband left me. I was torn between my deep desire to have my baby and the harsh reality of being on my own with absolutely no support. .

My husband already had one foot out of the marriage and used my pregnancy as an excuse to leave me. I turned to my family, expecting their support, but they encouraged me

My boyfriend was okay about it—until he told his parents. They began to pressure me, insisting I abort the baby, and he agreed. I felt so alone. How could he not want our


Supporting women—before and after birth..

We don't only assist her through the immediate crisis. We offer ongoing support post-birth and resources for a sustainable path forward. EFRAT helps her break the cycle of poverty and reclaim a future of physical, emotional and financial security.

Under the direction of a licensed social worker, our volunteers provide counseling and emotional support, giving women much-needed comfort and helping them feel less alone.

Baby supplies and equipment

Every EFRAT mother receives a complete package of baby essentials at birth, plus a box of baby products and food every month for the first 2 years.

Medical consultation

Women who have received a doctor’s recommendation for an abortion can get a free second opinion, if desired, from our team of experienced medical professionals.

Navigating bureaucracy can be overwhelming, especially for new mothers. We offer advice, guidance, and advocacy to help women get the government benefits they're eligible for.

Vocational counseling

EFRAT helps women achieve financial independence through vocational testing and support, free educational opportunities, and childcare vouchers.

Safe housing

We'll soon provide rent-free lodgings during pregnancy and for 6 months after birth, giving women who are homeless due to an unexpected pregnancy a safe roof over their heads.

“If she chooses to continue the pregnancy, she knows she won't be doing it alone.”

Our volunteers know how to listen to each woman and give her space to quietly make her own decision without pressure. The women who turn to us are looking for a way not to have an abortion. They feel in their hearts that it's not the right choice for them . . . The decision is always her decision. But if she chooses to continue the pregnancy, she knows she won't be doing it alone—that we'll be right there with her.

For $125 per month for one year, you can help one woman bring her precious child into the world

With 150+ trained volunteers, EFRAT's overhead costs remain low, so more funds go directly to helping women who need it.

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Sign up to receive updates and stories about EFRAT's work, the women we've helped, and how you can get involved.

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Things to Do in Efrat, Palestinian Territories - Efrat Attractions

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1. Efrat Baseball


2. Aor Hbib Synagogue

3. chabad of efrat english division, 4. aor hbib synagogue.

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5. Pat Bamelach Bakery


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Israeli Settlements Expand by Record Amount, UN Rights Chief Says


FILE PHOTO: A general view picture shows the Israeli settlement of Efrat in the Gush Etzion settlement block as Bethlehem is seen in the background, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank January 28, 2020. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun/File Photo

By Emma Farge

GENEVA (Reuters) -Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have expanded by a record amount and risk eliminating any practical possibly of a Palestinian state, the U.N. human rights chief said on Friday.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said that the growth of Israeli settlements amounted to the transfer by Israel of its own population, which he reiterated was a war crime. The U.S. Biden administration said last month the settlements were "inconsistent" with international law after Israel announced new housing plans in the occupied West Bank.

"Settler violence and settlement-related violations have reached shocking new levels, and risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian State," Turk said in a statement accompanying the report which will be presented to the Human Rights Council in Geneva in late March.

War in Israel and Gaza

Palestinians are mourning by the bodies of relatives who were killed in an Israeli bombardment, at the al-Aqsa hospital in Deir Balah in the central Gaza Strip, on April 28, 2024, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the militant group Hamas. (Photo by Majdi Fathi/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Israel's diplomatic mission in Geneva said that the report should have included the deaths of 36 Israelis in 2023. "Human rights are universal, yet Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism are ignored by the Office (of the High Commissioner) time and time again," it said in a statement.

The 16-page report, based on the U.N.'s own monitoring as well as other sources, documented 24,300 new Israeli housing units in the occupied West Bank during a one-year period through to end-October 2023, which it said was the highest on record since monitoring began in 2017.


It also said there had been a dramatic increase in the intensity, severity and regularity of both Israeli settler and state violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, particularly since the deadly Hamas attacks on Israel on Oct. 7.

Since then, more than 400 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces or by settlers, it said.

Israel, which captured the West Bank in the 1967 Middle East war, claims a biblical birthright to the land where settlements are expanding. Its military says it is conducting counter-terrorism operations in the West Bank and is targeting suspected militants.

Turk's report noted that the policies of Israel's government, which is the most right-wing in the country's history and includes religious nationalists with close ties to settlers, appeared aligned to an "unprecedented extent" with the goals of the Israeli settler movement.

It has documented cases of settlers wearing full or partial Israeli army uniforms and carrying army rifles while harassing or attacking Palestinians, in a blurring of the lines between them. Sometimes they were shot at point-blank range, it said.

The five-month-old Gaza war has put a renewed focus on a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as foreseen by the Oslo accords from the early 1990s.

But there has been little progress on achieving Palestinian statehood since then, with the expansion of settlements being one of the obstacles.

(Reporting by Emma Farge; Editing by Alex Richardson)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Nikki Haley during her solidarity tour in Israel, May 27, 2024 | Photo: Oren Ben Hakoon

Nikki Haley, former US ambassador to the UN and one of the prominent voices on the American Right, says Israel should ignore the restrictions that President Joe Biden is imposing on it regarding the war in Gaza. Instead, in her view, the fighting should continue until Hamas is eliminated.

Video: Excerpts from Nikki Haley's interview with Israel Hayom / Credit: Moshe Ben Simchon

In an exclusive interview with Israel Hayom , as part of her first tour of the country since the outbreak of the war, Haley attacked Biden and said, "You can't hold back weapons from an ally. So if we want to be a friend to Israel, the best thing America can do is let Israel do its job and just support we shouldn't be preaching to Israel, we shouldn't be telling them how to win the war, we shouldn't tell them what they can or can't do. We should just be saying, what else do you need? Bottom line? That's it. That's what I want to see America do is be a friend, a true friend, and make sure all the other countries that are aligned with us are a true friend with Israel too."

Q: But the administration has not been doing that. Rather, it has been telling us what to do. For example, 'Don't enter Rafah, bring more and more humanitarian aid' – which goes to Hamas – and so on. What, then, should Israel do? Abide by what the administration says or choose the path of war as we see fit.

"Israel needs to tune out the noise and finish the job. We know that they have to go into Rafah. I know they have to go into Rafa because that's so much where the Hamas movement still is. For them not to go into Rafa is to lead the terrorists still in power. I also know that a lot of the aid that is going into Gaza is feeding Hamas, fueling Hamas using they're using it, and the Palestinians really aren't getting much of it. But this goes back to the fact that if the Palestinians want a better life, they need to get rid of Hamas. They need to change leadership; they need to understand that they are in this situation because of the leaders around them. This is not Israel's job to save the Palestinians, the Palestinians should want to save themselves by getting rid of the terrorists who are trying to control them who are using them as human shields."

Video: Nikki Haley visits the Gaza-border communities affected by the Oct. 7 atrocities / Credit: Moshe Ben Simchon

Haley stressed that Israel must make sure to finish the job the lest Hamas resurges and do the same atrocities it committed on Oct. 7. "The best way to make sure it doesn't happen again is to do it right the first time. And we know that as long as Hamas exists, it can happen again. That's why I've said from the very beginning you need to finish them once and for all."

Haley recently announced she was dropping out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, having surprised many by finishing second in the states she contested. In an interview with Israel Hayom , she addressed her political future and explained, among other things, why she will vote for Trump in November despite the harsh criticism she leveled against him on the stump. Additionally, she called for imposing American sanctions on the international courts at The Hague and demanded that the Biden administration use its veto to protect Israel at the UN. Haley emphasized that the US faces a threat from terrorism by extreme Islam and noted that the treatment of Israel is a test for the Western world.

"I want Israelis to know you're doing the right thing. Don't let anybody make you feel wrong because Israel is not wrong in this. There are a lot of countries in the world that are wrong because they're siding with the terrorists, and that needs to end. And we need to acknowledge the fact that the last thing Israel needs is for us to go stab them in the back when they when they're already down."

Her visit to the country was organized by MK Danny Danon, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN. The two have been close friends since serving together at the UN as representatives of their countries. The conversation with her was held in the office of the mayor of Sderot, Alon Davidi, who hosted her Tuesday in the city as part of a tour of the southern communities hit by the Oct. 7 terrorists.

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In the interview, which will be published in full on Friday, the former governor made a serious allegation that Russia passed intelligence to Hamas. "I think that we know that Russian intelligence was involved in helping Iran and Hamas do what they did. And I think that's very important that people know that that this is, you know, Russia is trying to play both sides of the fence; they can't play both sides of the fence. Russian intelligence was used to learn about Israeli bases to learn what had happened, all of those things, they need to be held accountable for their part in this, they can deny it all they want. But the Russian intelligence was involved, Tomas wouldn't have had all the information. The second thing is that Russia was struggling with Ukraine. They'd lost 87% of their fighting forces that started the war, they raised the draft age to 65. They did not win it in five days like they thought they were going to do. And so they were getting weaker. And how is it that all of a sudden, you've got this happen on October 7? And what happened, the world's eyes turned from Russia and Ukraine, and started looking at Israel. It's the best birthday President Putin ever got. Because all of a sudden, it turned American, the West to now look at Israel."

During her tour of the south on Monday, Haley received security briefings from senior IDF officials. Later this week, she was set to meet with the country's leadership, including the prime minister and heads of security organizations. On Tuesday, she headed to the north, learning about the war there. The world should start exacting a heavy price from Iran since it is the one behind the attack and poses a great danger to America as well.

Q: Iran is very close to acquiring a bomb. Even during your time as ambassador to the UN, and in fact for many years – maybe two decades – US administrations have imposed sanctions on Iran, but these have not been enough. Isn't it time to stop Iran's nuclear program by military force simply because there is no other choice?

"First thing you have to do is where everything is not being done, that should be done. So, if Iranian sanctions were put on, why are they being followed. so much Iranian fuel is being sold to China. China's giving all of this money to Iran, Iran takes that money they give it to their proxies. Why aren't we enforcing the sanctions? The second thing is sanctions were lifted that need to come back down on Iran. So, certain sanctions have not been put back, and America needs to put those sanctions back on. What I saw at the United Nations and since then is that when Iran gets money, they don't give it to their people. They go and fuel their nuclear program. And then the rest of the world has to acknowledge what we've seen is that whenever you give Iran money, they continue to fuel terrorism. And they'll lie, and they'll cheat. And they'll steal, and they'll do whatever it takes, but they are going to continue to get closer and closer to a nuclear bomb. And they're very close to it now."

Q: But are sanctions enough? We have tried that for many years. 

"First, you have to follow the sanctions and enforce them. The second thing is I have said, I think that it's really important that we go after key IRGC members, and make them feel it, we have to start letting them feel what it's like to be weakened. And they haven't had that. I don't think we go into a full war in Iran. That's not what we're talking about. But we do need to send some messages. And that means uf you have to take out some key IRGC members..."

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