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"What is there to not love about England. Real life castles, Princes and Princesses, stunning scenery, and historic streets lined with lively pubs everywhere you go!”

Aryan, Travel Director

Admire the British capital from the London Eye

Watch London unfurl from the iconic 135-metre height of the London Eye. The unmatched views extend in every direction, reaching Buckingham Palace, the river Thames and the famed clock tower of the Palace of Westminster. All London’s highlights in one peaceful, 30-minute rotation.

Take in the views of Britain's Lake District

Delve into Britain’s natural wonders and take in the panorama of rolling hills, rocky mountains and glittering waters of the Lake District. Abounding in outdoor opportunities from cruises to hilltop walks, you'll find serenity in this national park resting between Leeds and Glasgow.

Visit the Roman baths in Bath

Turn back the clock 2,000 years at the remarkably preserved remains of the Roman Baths. Still flowing with steaming, geothermally heated water, the ancient stone pavements reveal the culture behind the simple daily task of washing. Let time stand still staring at a spring filled with 12,000 Roman coins.

Enjoy the guided tour of Liverpool

Sink into the nostalgia of the Beatles, cruise along the Mersey River and sample real ale at the Albert Docks. A visit to Liverpool is an invitation to uncover the many layers of British culture; the UK's fifth largest city means more than the passion of its football club.

See the Stonehenge's stone monoliths

Southwest England’s soil is rich with mystery. Stand in the shadows of Stonehenge’s stone monoliths and let your imagination be sparked by the secrets of this 5,000-year history. Weighing up to 30 tonnes each, the weight of history will leave its mark on you.

Our top 5 things to do in England

Mysterious stone monoliths and preserved ancient baths prove there is so much more to see beyond the limits of London city. Let Trafalgar turn the pages of the history book that is England.

The British Museum

The British Museum is a ticket to relics that reveal some two million years of human history. Feel small standing beneath the colossal presence of Rameses II and contrast the myth and reality of Troy with the graphic world of Manga. This London highlight will take you on a journey of time travel.

Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum takes you on an unfathomable discovery of the formation of the solar system and its path to the present. Trace the origin of our species under the shade of a T. rex and glimpse rare meteorites straight from the surface of Mars. If this doesn’t shake you, the earthquake simulator most certainly will.

Victoria and Albert

The Victoria and Albert Museum is an encounter with the very best of human creativity in almost every medium. Here you will design your own bioplastic bag, step behind the creative lens of Christian Dior and take a literal walk in history’s shoes admiring a 2,000 strong collection spanning 3,000 years.

Best museums in England

A cultural epicentre of the planet steeped in royal heritage, the museums of England sparkle like the Crown Jewels. Let Trafalgar guide you through the very best the region has to offer.

Fish & Chips

It’s hard to separate the partnership of fish 'n' chips. Try this traditional meal both from a gourmet restaurant and a local 'chippie' wrapped in newspaper. Always with lashings of salt and vinegar on top.

Sunday Roast

Embrace the traditional English Sunday lunch with roast meats, a side of vegetables and an indulgent topping of gravy. The joy of this simple culinary experience is best served in a traditional English pub complete with football on the screen and a few stouts.

Full English breakfast

The full English breakfast is a requisite of a trip to England. A hearty plate piled with fried bacon, grilled tomatoes, buttered toast, mushrooms, eggs, beans, and black puddingis hard to resist.

Best food in England

Food is at the heart of every journey when you travel to England. This is a country of warm and hearty meals, our trips will show you the very best of it.

What to pack for England

People packing for a tour

With a high chance of experiencing four seasons in one day, an umbrella is a must when visiting England, both for rainy days and occasions when the sun beams down.

Digital maps

It's always good to have a backup of digital maps on standby when you're out exploring in your own time. Download them prior to your trip so you can reach them even when your phone is offline.

Travel adaptor

Though many hotels will have adaptors available for use, being prepared with your own will ensure you're always charged and ready to go.

A good book

With a seemingly infinite list of parks found in England, don't forget to pack a novel and immerse yourself in a good book should the occasion arise.

With days full of adventure and numerous souvenirs tempting your strolls, a day pack will ensure your hands always remain free. Split the weight across your back with a double strap bag for extra comfort.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and toiletry bottles.

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10 Tips for Being a Good Tour Guide

  • More: Preservation Tips and Tools
  • By: Emily Potter

In the spring of 2013, when a hint of warmer weather got us ready to think about being outside, we put together a toolkit with ideas to help you organize a tour in your community . But don’t let the current chilly winter season stop you from giving―or going on―tours.

Instead, use these 10 tips, compiled by Johns Hopkins, Executive Director of Baltimore Heritage , to help you be the best tour guide you can be. (Not a tour guide? These tips can also give you insight into being a good tour goer.)

1. Face the crowd, not what you’re talking about. Tour guides often get so wrapped up in their subject they forget to face the people they are addressing. One secret to avoid this is to designate somebody in the crowd to interrupt you if they can’t hear you.

2. Be personal. No matter how much we love buildings, it’s a fact that people connect with people. So it’s good to have a few personal anecdotes ready, even if they’re just about past tours you've done. You’ll build a more personal connection to your group and create a memorable tour.

3. Tell a story (historical or contemporary). Make sure you have a few fun and compelling stories to tell about the buildings and sites you’re looking at. People are more likely to feel engaged when they are listening to a story, rather than a list of dates and names.

Tour guide leading group

photo by: Marcin Wichary, Flickr

Tell a story, share your passion, get your tour group engaged in the places and sites you're excited about.

4. Get moving right away. Tours often get bogged down before they ever begin with tour guides doing the “big wind-up”―introductions, setting the theme, providing context, etc. Plan to scrap 90% of it.

Hint: If you have a script, the first line should tell you: “Move thirty feet up the street before you say anything.”

5. Don’t worry about being perfect. People don’t expect you to be perfect. Set the stage for human imperfection by acknowledging that people who may know more than you should speak up and share their knowledge with the group. The more interactive the tour is, the better!

6. Get help to get organized. Try to get a volunteer to check people in so you can chat with tour goers. People give tours for many reasons, but a big one is to meet new people, and the time before the tour is a great chance to get to know your group.

Hint: If you don’t have a volunteer beforehand, ask somebody on the spot. (They’ll love it!)

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7. End on time. (Or try very hard to.) Try like crazy to end on time. Nobody wants to feel like they are in tour jail. Tours on paper always seem too short and on the ground are always too long. Two hours is the absolute maximum. An hour to an hour and a half is better.

8. Limit your number of speakers. It’s hard to talk for just five minutes, so when you have multiple guides talking about different subject areas, it’s easy to lose track of time. Avoid it if you can, but, if you do have several different guides with you, designate one as the lead guide and the others as experts in a specific area.

9. Send a follow-up email. Follow up with an email―it can be as simple as a “thank you” note. If you can follow the tour with another contact, by email or otherwise, that’s another step towards creating a better link between the tour taker and your organization.

10. Avoid these traps:

  • “12 (or 20…) people on the tour is the max.” Rather, let the space and tour guide set the scene.
  • “You MUST plan everything out ahead of time.” In fact, a little spontaneity is good.
  • “Don’t do outdoor tours in the winter.” People will still come, even in the snow.
  • “Always have a backup plan in case it rains.” Don’t worry, people will come out in the rain, and it’s much easier than rescheduling.

A version of this story was published on 1/5/2016.

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Here's what it's like to to book an adventure abroad through Viator, Trip Advisor's tour and excursion booking platform

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  • While in Croatia with my family this year, I used Trip Advisor 's activity-booking platform Viator to book boat charters abroad. All operators are pre-vetted by Trip Advisor to guarantee credibility and safety. Excursions range from $15 for a walking tour to thousands for luxury experiences.
  • Booking independently through Viator saved me significant costs compared to using a travel agency, and helped me plan my vacation in advance, with clear pricing and reviews from past guests.
  • I had a great experience with Viator and would use it again — but with a few changes. Next time, I'll make sure to ask more questions first, so I don't face any surprises. Here's what you should know to do the same.
  • Read all Insider Picks travel reviews here.

Insider Today

I'm a lifestyle journalist with a focus on travel and trot the globe frequently with my husband and five-year-old twins. So I think of myself as pretty savvy when it comes to calling upon Internet resources (not to mention intuition earned through experience) to make bookings, even in places I've never before been.

This summer, I went on a two-week vacation with my family in Europe, hitting Greece and Croatia, plus bordering countries along the Dalmatian Coast. We spent a fair amount of time off the beaten path and there were a lot of moving parts. But I felt confident, and competent, that I could independently plan our trip, without the help of a travel agency. I know my way around search engines for flights, hotels, and deals.

But there was a blind spot. How would I book tours and excursions such as chartering a speedboat for our family to Croatia's famous islands?

I was relieved when I stumbled upon the activity-booking search engine Viator , which is owned by Trip Advisor. After reviewing various offerings and reading reviews, I booked two separate boat charters through the company. Both boats were clean, comfortable, beautiful, more or less as advertised, and operated by companies I would not have known how to access without Viator. 

I'd recommend the platform, especially to anyone staying at an Airbnb without a concierge like I did, or looking for cheaper options than what a hotel or travel agency might suggest. But I'd offer a caveat from my own experience: savvy travelers must make sure to cover their bases to avoid potential pitfalls such as the one we experienced. 

What is Viator?

Viator is Trip Advisor's platform for booking all kinds of activities during travel. Consider you might find 4x4 and camel tours in Dubai, a skip-the-line tour of the Colosseum in Rome, or a tour of the Grand Canyon by helicopter from Las Vegas.

Really, you'll find just about anything. The search engine includes options for a truly whopping 200,000 bookable activities in places all around the world making it unlikely that you won't find what you need. All operators listed are pre-vetted for credibility and safety backed by Trip Advisor .

Importantly, the site also aggregates millions of reviews, like what you'll find on Viator's sister site, Trip Advisor, so you have a pretty good sense of what you're getting. 

How is Viator priced?

Naturally, price points on Viator range dramatically based on the location and the excursions' complexity. A basic walking tour might cost under $20 while a day-long excursion or charter could cost hundreds more. The more expensive of the two trips I booked came in under $1,000, and the rates on the site can soar depending on what you're booking.

The site is optimized for mobile booking, offers around-the-clock customer service in multiple languages, a lowest-price guarantee, and a 24-hour cancellation policy, which makes the financial risk in booking feel low. 

In fact, I made use of that cancellation policy a few times to cancel and rebook similar activities when I changed my mind on the specifics, and also to flatly cancel a sightseeing tour I'd booked for our first day in Greece when I realized we'd all be too jet-lagged to bother.

I made both Viator bookings using my Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card  — both in U.S. dollars — and faced no trouble making these changes.

What did I book through Viator?

I'd never been to Croatia, but knew I wanted to see its beautiful islands. We were staying in an Airbnb apartment (a rare choice for me) instead of a full-service hotel with concierge, so I was on my own for finding out how to do this. 

Poking around on the Internet for tours, I discovered Viator , which was previously unknown to me. I appreciated that like its parent company Trip Advisor, Viator heavily incorporates a review system, and the Trip Advisor backing gave me confidence. I booked two tours, each about three weeks ahead of our arrival.

For our stay in Dubrovnik, I booked a half-day private speedboat tour to the Elafiti islands , which earned an impressive five stars overall, with over 100 reviews on Viator. The trip for four people for four hours came in just under $400 after I used a 10 percent discount code. 

Then, for the portion of our trip in the northern area of the country, Split, I booked an all-day private sightseeing tour with five proposed stops , including the famous Blue Cave and Hvar island. This trip also had an overall five-star rating on Viator, but with far fewer reviews, just 27 as of the time of this writing. The eight-hour trip for four people on the private speedboat charter cost $873 after the discount code.

These prices might seem steep, but consider that it's priced for four people, as well as the alternative. When I briefly felt overwhelmed with planning, I reached out to a Croatia-based travel agency. The land-only quote for a week in the county for our party of four was 12,000 euros. Booking on my own — including these two-day trips through Viator — cut our expenses to less than half.

My booking experience with Viator

After so much planning, our trip was at last underway. We spent a morning at a Dubrovnik beach club before our scheduled boat tour for the afternoon. That same day, the highly responsive tour company reached out through WhatsApp and email to coordinate transportation for us to the marina, where we'd be meeting our skipper and the boat.

They called a rideshare at their expense to meet us at the beach club and we arrived at the marina to find an impeccably clean boat and friendly skipper.

As promised, the boat was just for our family with amenities like shade cover and a USB port to charge up phones and stay ready for photo taking. 

We set out for the afternoon on the Adriatic and were able to customize our itinerary, checking out bays, beaches, and caves at our own pace. The skipper snapped family photos and offered snorkel masks and drinks.

At the end of the afternoon, our skipper called us an Uber to take us back to the hotel. Overall it was a successful, fun day. And at under $400 for four people, felt like a great value for all we were able to do.

Unfortunately, it didn't foreshadow the more challenging experience we had on our next excursion, which was the full-day boat charter from Split.

For that trip, I had more difficulty communicating in advance with the operator, who was less responsive. I didn't get all my questions answered before booking, and miscalculated by making some critical assumptions that turned out to be false.

We arrived at the marina to find a boat that exceeded our expectations. It was a rather luxurious looking speedboat with room for 12 and was larger and fancier than our previous boat in Dubrovnik.

It was also more powerful, at 250 horsepower. While some people might appreciate that, the speed of the vessel scared our young children right away.

Our skipper was a devoted and experienced older brother, so he was well equipped with strategies to help calm our kids and took pains to make them comfortable. He even let my son "drive" the boat and honk the horn, which was a huge hit. 

But my daughter was still uncomfortable as the boat sped through the open ocean. Off the bat, I wondered if this was something any ambitious American traveler would attempt with such young children had they known how rough it would be.

The skipper warned us that the Blue Cave would be backed up and crowded, and the timing might correspond to a bumpy afternoon sail. So we opted against it and chose a custom plan to mitigate the intensity. I appreciated that we were able to change the day's itinerary to better suit our needs.

Our skipper took us to a gorgeous, remote beach on the island of Vis, which was a true highlight with crystal clear water and a sense of true isolation. We swam from the boat to the beach, snorkeled, and took lots of pictures.

Afterward, we sailed to glamorous Hvar island, where we passed an hour or so with lunch in Hvar Town.

But it was after that, on the way back to the harbor in Split, when our challenges started in earnest.

It was squarely afternoon by then, and the winds had picked up; the open ocean was very choppy. That is to say, our boat caught full air and slammed back down — over and over again. There was nothing the skipper could do as this was the nature of the boat and typical conditions.

Although my kids (mercifully) don't suffer motion sickness, they were terrified. Anyone with young children and those who do suffer from motion sickness should inquire about conditions before booking any similar boat ride as I wished I had.

My son could be placated by heading back to his post as the boat's "driver," but my daughter was miserable for the full 75 minutes it took to get back to the marina and the waves soaked our family. Making matters more concerning, there was only one kid-sized life jacket on board.  

I was regretful that I'd gotten us in this position. I hadn't adequately confirmed that this was the right trip for our family.

And although I generally feel like a diligent and capable planner, I'd continued with the booking despite not waiting for the answers I needed: Would there be child-sized snorkel masks? Would there be two child-sized life jackets? Was the water likely to be rough? Will we get wet or seasick?  

The bottom line on Viator  

Overall, I wouldn't trade either of the stunning boat excursions I booked through Viator . They made for essential sightseeing experiences for any visitor to Croatia.

The operators on both experiences were professional, and the services were provided as advertised. I also found the prices to be reasonable, much more so than if I'd booked through a travel agency.

I'll book through Viator again, but next time, I'll make sure I'm asking more questions and getting the specific answers I need first.

If a particular operator is vague or reluctant to respond to the specifics of an important matter, like child-sized life vests, or typical water conditions, I will move on to another operator.  

As a now-seasoned Viator user, I'd say: book with confidence. Just make sure you ask a lot of questions specific to your needs and make sure you get them all answered explicitly before you show up on the day of your booking.

With the sheer number of bookings available on Viator, you should have plenty of options to keep moving onto another suitable tour operator until you find one that gives you all the answers — and confidence — you need.  

Book a Viator excursion, large or small, anywhere on earth .

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Mastering Tour Guide English: Essential Phrases and Examples

  • LLS English
  • November 1, 2023
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Are you a non-native English speaking tour guide looking to improve your language skills and provide a better experience for your guests? Look no further! Mastering tour guide English is essential for effectively communicating with tourists from all over the world. Whether you are giving a walking tour, leading a bus excursion, or guiding a group through a museum, having a strong command of the English language will make your job easier and enhance the overall experience for your tour goers.

In this blog post, we will provide you with essential phrases and examples to help you become a confident and proficient English-speaking tour guide.

Tour Guide English: Learn Laugh Speak Helps

Learn Laugh Speak is the perfect solution for busy professionals who want to improve their English language skills. Our program offers 12 levels, from Pre A1 to C2, allowing learners to progress at their own pace.

Whether you are a non-native English speaking tour guide or any other professional looking to enhance your language abilities, our comprehensive curriculum covers reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

With 33,000 exercises and resources, Learn Laugh Speak provides a structured and effective learning experience. We understand that as a busy professional, time is limited. That’s why our program is designed to be flexible and convenient, allowing you to study whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for you.

By choosing Learn Laugh Speak, you’ll have access to interactive lessons, engaging activities, and personalized feedback to help you progress and build confidence in your English speaking abilities. Our experienced instructors are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the guidance and assistance you need to succeed.

So, whether you’re a tour guide in Mexico or any other professional looking to improve your English, choose Learn Laugh Speak as your trusted learning partner. With our proven methodology and dedication to your success, you’ll be well on your way to mastering English and providing an even better experience for your tour goers.

How to Describe a Person’s Personality in English

Mastering the Basics: Essential English Phrases for Greetings and Introductions

Welcome to the first section of our blog post, where we will guide you through the essential English phrases for greetings and introductions. As a tour guide, making a good first impression is crucial, and having a strong command of English will help you achieve that. Try these tips to improve your tour guide English!

When greeting your tour goers, a simple “Hello, welcome to our tour!” goes a long way in setting a positive tone. You can also add a personal touch by asking questions like “Where are you from?” or “Is this your first time visiting?” This shows genuine interest and makes your guests feel valued.

When introducing yourself , use phrases like “My name is [your name] and I’ll be your tour guide today.” Be sure to speak slowly and clearly, especially if English is not your first language. It’s also helpful to provide some background information about yourself, such as your experience and expertise in the area.

Remember to maintain a friendly and approachable demeanor throughout the tour. This includes using phrases like “How can I assist you?” or “Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.” This encourages your guests to engage with you and ensures they have a positive experience.

By mastering these basic English phrases for greetings and introductions, you’ll create a welcoming atmosphere for your tour goers and make a lasting impression. So let’s dive in and take your tour guide English to the next level!

Essential English Tourism Vocabulary

Make Progress With Your English Today Easily & Correctly A1 to C2

Explaining It All: Key English Terms for Describing Points of Interest

When guiding a tour, it’s essential to be able to effectively describe the points of interest to your guests. This section will provide you with key English terms to help you explain and highlight the significance of various attractions.

One important phrase to remember is “This is…” or “Here we have…” as an introduction to each point of interest. This helps direct your guests’ attention and prepares them for the information you’re about to share.

Additionally, use adjectives like “impressive,” “beautiful,” or “historical” to describe the attractions, making them even more enticing.

To provide more detailed information, you can use phrases such as “This monument was built in [year] to commemorate…” or “This building is known for its stunning architecture, particularly the…” These phrases help paint a vivid picture in your guests’ minds, making the experience more immersive and informative.

It’s also beneficial to use terms like “landmark,” “iconic,” or “symbolic” to emphasize the importance and cultural significance of the attractions. This allows your guests to appreciate the value and historical context of each location.

By incorporating these key English terms into your descriptions, you will enhance your guests’ understanding and appreciation of the attractions. Remember to speak clearly and confidently, ensuring your guests feel engaged and informed throughout the tour.

A Effective Guide on How to Learn Idioms

Troubleshooting with Confidence: Handling Issues and Complaints in English

Being able to handle issues and complaints with confidence is an essential skill for any tour guide. In this section, we will provide you with useful phrases and strategies to help you troubleshoot and resolve any problems that may arise during your tours.

When dealing with complaints , it’s important to remain calm and empathetic. Start by actively listening to the guest’s concerns and acknowledging their feelings. Use phrases like “I understand how frustrating that must be” or “I apologize for the inconvenience caused.” This shows that you are attentive and genuinely care about their experience.

Next, try to find a solution that addresses their complaint. Offer alternatives or options that can help resolve the issue. For example, if a guest is unhappy with the itinerary, you can suggest alternative attractions or activities to accommodate their preferences.

If the issue cannot be immediately resolved, assure the guest that you will follow up and take necessary action. This can include contacting management or offering compensation if appropriate. Throughout the conversation, maintain a positive and professional tone. Remember that your goal is to provide excellent customer service and ensure that your guests have a memorable experience.

By using these phrases and strategies, you can confidently handle issues and complaints in English, showing your guests that you are dedicated to providing exceptional service.

Learning English Can Also Improve Your Confidence & Self-Esteem.

Engaging Your Tour Group with Fluent English Dialogue

Engaging in fluent English dialogue is an essential skill for tour guides, as it allows you to connect with your tour group on a deeper level and create a more immersive experience. Here are some conversational tips to help you engage your tour group with confidence and flair.

Firstly, encourage interaction by asking open-ended questions that stimulate conversation. For example, you can ask, “What aspects of this attraction are most interesting to you?” or “Has anyone had a similar experience in their own country?” This not only fosters engagement but also creates an opportunity for your guests to share their perspectives and experiences.

Additionally, be an active listener and show genuine interest in what your guests have to say. This can be achieved by maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and responding with thoughtful follow-up questions or comments. This demonstrates that you value their input and makes them feel heard and appreciated.

Furthermore, utilize storytelling techniques to bring the history and culture of the attractions to life. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to paint a picture in your guests’ minds. Incorporate anecdotes and interesting facts to captivate their attention and make the information more memorable.

Lastly, create a comfortable and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome to participate. Be mindful of any language barriers and adjust your speech accordingly. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace, and offer clarifications or explanations when needed. This ensures that everyone can fully engage in the conversation and enjoy the tour experience.

By implementing these conversational tips, you can foster meaningful dialogue and create a memorable tour experience for your guests. So, let your English skills shine and engage your tour group with confidence and flair.

English Vocabulary for Tour Guides

English Should Be Is Easy to Learn & Not A Mystery For Students To Solve

Improving Your Tour Guide English Day by Day

As a non-native English speaking tour guide, improving your language skills is an ongoing process that takes time and practice. The key to becoming a confident and proficient English-speaking tour guide is to make consistent efforts to enhance your skills day by day.

One of the best ways to improve your tour guide English is to immerse yourself in the language. Listen to English podcasts, watch English-speaking tour guides in action, and engage in conversations with native English speakers whenever possible. This exposure will help you become more familiar with the language and build your vocabulary.

Additionally, practicing your English with fellow tour guides or language exchange partners can be extremely beneficial. Set aside dedicated time each day to speak and listen to English. Focus on areas that you feel less confident in, such as pronunciation or using complex sentence structures.

Use Learn Laugh Speak to help you improve your tour guide English. Learn Laugh Speak provides a full learning platform that helps students learn English at the exact level specific for them.

Lastly, remember that mistakes are part of the learning process. Don’t be afraid to make them and learn from them. Embrace opportunities to practice your English and don’t shy away from challenging yourself.

Improving your tour guide English day by day requires commitment and dedication. By implementing these tips and consistently practicing, you will gradually become more confident in your language skills and provide an even better experience for your tour goers. So keep learning, keep practicing, and enjoy the journey of mastering English for tour guiding!

Still have some questions regarding tour guide English? Contact our teachers on the website chat below!

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Private Guide in Japan: How to choose the Right English-speaking Guide

We, at Kanpai, have been collecting and publishing helpful information on how to prepare and enjoy trips to Japan for a long time, and we are aware that there are as many different ways to appreciate Japan as there are types of travelers.

Additionally, our community is made of members who like searching for the most accurate information and share relatable visit tips, especially on Kotaete , our community forum space.

What are the benefits of hiring a tour guide in Japan?

Even with thorough preparation, one of the best ways to enjoy a trip is to be accompanied by a local Japanese and English-speaking guide.

Many simple reasons are in favor of hiring a guide:

  • To overcome the language barrier . As many Japanese struggle to speak English (nor any other foreign language), and allows for an unrivaled perspective of the country compared to traveling alone;
  • Tour guides facilitate to make your visits enjoyable to the fullest : They know the places to discover (sometimes hidden from tourists), uninteresting or overrated places, and shortcuts to optimize your time of visits and see as much as possible;
  • Having a guide makes the visit comfortable , as there is no need to worry about logistics or the itinerary;
  • Polyglot expats or Japanese guides offer an exceptional experience sharing their sharp insight of Japan with you and can act as interpreters while interacting with locals on the spot.

With a good guide, it really is possible to save time, stress, and money!

Select your guide

When it comes to guiding services, because the varying types and levels run the gamut, it is complicated to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The Licensed Tour Guide

The first natural move might be to look for a Japanese government licensed tour guide.

There are a few thousand, most of them of Japanese citizenship. There are very few foreign guides as the exam is quite hard and the knowledge required is similar to an absurd cramming (as a ridiculous example, examinees can be asked who the Japanese ambassador to Zimbabwe was in 1973). On the other hand, foreign language usage is not as thorough as it should be, especially regarding the speaking part, according to many testimonies. It came to be sometimes considered an overrated certification and it seems that Japanese government intends to reform it in the near future.

However, the biggest disadvantage might be the guides’ lack of flexibility, as they will most probably want to stick to their set itinerary. Japanese licensed guides usually don’t create custom tours for their clients but they have a set route, with a tight schedule, and they unfold a history class routine speech, which can be boring. Notwithstanding the fact that their English proficiency might not be the best. Their rates are very expensive: up to ¥40 or 50,000 (~US$318.60) for a half a day tour, and it usually doesn’t include their meal or transportation fees!

We have tried such guided tours too, but we felt it was rather overpriced for an overall, unpleasant experience.

The Volunteer Guide

On the opposite spectrum, the volunteer or goodwill guide, is a good fit for low budget trips, and especially sought after by young travelers.

As a consequence, their availability is very limited (often only on the weekends) and private tours are out of the question. As they do not provide a contracted service, it is not possible to secure the tour date or to complain if the service is not of the expected quality or even abruptly canceled.

Oftentimes, these Japanese volunteers characteristically guide as a layman: Impossible to be sure if they are indeed citing accurate facts or not. Most of them are nice students or elderly persons and they tend to use guiding activity to practice a foreign language. So in the end, you might find yourself to be the one accompanying them for their benefit!

Note that while the guidance is free of cost, you will still have to pay for the volunteer’s meals, transportation and admission fees.

The Expatriate Freelance Guide

It has increasingly been easy to find expats freelancing as guides on the Internet  📶 over the last years. However, many of them are foreigners who married Japanese citizens and have a hard time finding a fixed or long-term job in Japan, mainly due to their lack of suitable Japanese-language proficiency.

The last point is the most problematic: How is it possible to label oneself a professional guide when not being able to read a map, a sign or a restaurant menu properly, discuss with locals on any subject or ask for information in Japanese? Moreover, they, too, often have their own set itinerary and don’t try to personalize the experience.

Beware of hidden fees as well: The displayed rates, often attractive, can double when adding the guide’s meal expenses, transportation and admission fees or if you want a private tour.

Lastly, be aware of the fact that these "freelancing guides" may be working undeclared from the Japanese authorities and without insurance, a reason for them to require a payment in cash only.

Particularities between June and September 2022

Since June 10, 2022 and the steady influx of tourism back in Japan, choosing a guide is an even more important matter.

The Japanese government indeed required that the guide accompanying the travelers be at least a Tenjoin , that is to say "Certified National Tour Conductor". Obviously, 99 % of the volunteers or freelancers don’t have such certification, and additionally certified guides are now required to work in cooperation with a travel agency. This requirement has been lifted on September 7, but it shows how important it is to check a guide's credentials for a travel in Japan .

Our Recommendation: Keikaku

We believe that an established and registered travel agency can offer one of the best experiences for guided tours in the archipelago, including safety and quality. Of course, good guides can be found everywhere, but authorized and registered travel agents are submitted to regulations that guarantee their staff and guides’ professional skills collectively.

Kanpai thus recommends Keikaku , whose team of bilingual guides in Japan organizes private guided tours in the most attractive destinations:

  • Tokyo , the must-see capital, from which access is easy to Kamakura , Nikko and Hakone ;
  • Kyoto , the traditional city, close to Nara , Osaka , Koya-san or Himeji ;
  • An airport guidance service, in three of the busiest airports in Japan: Narita, Haneda and Kansai Airport.

Click on the Keikaku logo below to discover their services:

Keikaku logo

Keikaku is a human-sized travel agency managing a great group of certified guides in Japan, able to cater to any needs, with a friendly customer centered approach.

High-end but affordable guiding services are provided, with rates varying according to the tour length and / or to the number of participants: from ¥5,000 (~US$31.86) per person. And there are no hidden fees as Keikaku guides’ expenditures (meal, transportation and admission fees) are all included.

Their availability calendar is updated in real time and helps decide the most favorable dates for a tour, with lengths ranging from half a day, and up to three consecutive days, and even evening tours.

It is even possible to contact them to arrange a guide for the entire length of your stay in Japan.

What is a guided tour like with Keikaku?

The secret of a good guided tour lies in its preparation.

Each reservation with Keikaku is private and the guide will create your tour according to your needs, before your arrival in Japan. You will exchange with them by e-mail to explain what you want to do and decide on an itinerary and it is even possible to talk with the guide beforehand via Whatsapp, Skype or other video apps.

On the day of the tour, the guide will come to pick you up at your accommodation. In addition to the guidance, they can help you to get your JR Pass , order train  🚅 tickets and, of course, tell you many anecdotes about life in Japan.

Discover Keikaku

It is strongly advised to place a reservation on your preferred tour dates as soon as possible, as Keikaku guides are often booked well in advance, especially for peak touristic seasons ( April , August , October , etc.) or holidays periods. Fortunately, it is possible to place a reservation up to 12 months in advance, to ensure getting your preferred dates.

Let’s follow the guide!

  • Flights and Airports
  • Accommodation
  • Transportation
  • Internet & Phones
  • Budget and money
  • Japanese Food
  • Visit with Kids
  • Seasons: spring / summer / autumn / winter
  • Weather forecast
  • Time in Japan
  • Holidays & Festivals
  • Natural Disasters
  • Customs and Duties
  • Works and Closures
  • June 6 -- Beginning of the rainy season (Tsuyu) in Japan
  • June 21 -- Summer starts in Japan
  • July 1 -- Season start for climbing Mount Fuji
  • From July 1 to 31 -- Gion Matsuri Festival in Kyoto with float processions on July 17 and 24
  • July 15 -- Sea day / Umi no Hi in Japan (holiday)
  • July 17 -- Tokyo Day
  • Tokyo : Shinjuku , Shibuya , Harajuku , Asakusa , Akihabara , Odaiba , Ikebukuro , Ueno , Roppongi , Chiyoda , Ryogoku ...
  • Around Tokyo: Kamakura , Nikko , Hakone , Mount Fuji , Mount Takao , Yokohama ...
  • Kansai: Kyoto , Nara , Osaka , Mount Koya , Himeji , Kobe , Kinosaki , Kumano Kodo , Ise ...
  • Japanese Alps: Kanazawa , Matsumoto , Takayama , Shirakawa-go , Nakasendo ...
  • West: Hiroshima , Miyajima , Shikoku , Onomichi , Naoshima , Izumo , Kurashiki , Matsue ...
  • South: Kyushu , Okinawa , Yakushima ...
  • North: Hokkaido , Tohoku ...

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  • Temples and Shrines
  • Gardens and Parks
  • Hiking and Trekking
  • Observation Decks
  • Public Baths (Onsen and Sento)
  • Festivals (Matsuri)
  • Amusement Parks
  • Visit on a Budget / Luxury

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Keikaku is a travel agency specialist of Japan and providing different kind of services:

  • Japan Rail Pass
  • English speaking Guides
  • Pocket Wi-fi
  • Japan Nightlife
  • Working in Japan
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Arts and History
  • Movies / Animated Movies
  • Japanese Music
  • Studio Ghibli
  • Photos / Videos
  • Weird Japan
  • Translations
  • Kana & Kanji
  • Japanese Swear Words
  • Honorific Suffixes (san, kun, chan...)
  • Introducing yourself
  • Thank you / Apologize
  • Count / Say Your Age
  • Say the Date / Tell the Time
  • Happy birthday
  • Enjoy Your Meal
  • Writing your name

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The Train Diaries

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The 6 Best Hamburg Boat Tours (For English-Speakers)

Are you trying to find the best Hamburg boat tours for your next trip to the city? As someone who lives in northern Germany close to beautiful Hamburg, I believe that boat tours are among the best ways to explore this fascinating city. From taking in breathtaking views of the skyline from the river Elbe, to discovering hidden gems along its picturesque canals, boat tours provide a unique perspective of Hamburg that every traveller should experience.

However, while there is quite a wide selection of Hamburg boat tours on offer, many of them are run only in German, making it a bit tougher for us English-speaking folks to absorb all the interesting facts about the sights of Hamburg. So to help you out, here is my guide to some of the best Hamburg boat tours for English-speaking solo and group travellers!

Table of Contents

1-Hour Harbor Cruise

The popular 1-Hour Harbor Cruise offers a great chance to explore Hamburg from the water. While on board, you will have live German commentary from your guide, or a free audio guide available in English – just don’t forget to bring your own headphones and a fully charged phone. Over the 60-minute trip, you’ll be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the city skyline and get up close and personal with some of its most famous sights, including the historical Speicherstadt (warehouse district) with its canals, the modern HafenCity, the numerous bridges over the Elbe River, busy locks and container terminals, the Köhlbrand Bridge, and much more.

Drinks aren’t included but are available for purchase on board if desired – just be aware that it’s not allowed to bring your own food and drinks on board. Lastly, I’d recommend arriving approximately 30 minutes early for this one, as there are quite a few boats at the starting point so it can be tricky to find yours! Plus, once you’re on board there are no assigned seats, so getting there early gives you a better chance of finding somewhere suitable.

This 1-Hour Harbor Cruise is a great way to get an introduction to the city of Hamburg in a short time – whether you’re visiting for business or leisure this tour is perfect for squeezing in a sightseeing activity during your trip. Alongside admiring some stunning views of the cityscape, there’s also plenty of time to learn more about its culture, history and local attractions through your audio guide (or the lively commentary if you happen to understand German). It’s sure to provide lots of entertainment and stand out as a highlight during your trip to Hamburg.

This boat tour is a great option no matter the weather, as there’s both a sun deck and an air-conditioned lounge on offer. Depending on conditions, your boat will either have an open top or a closed glass roof, so you can rest assured that you’ll always get a good view. Not only that, but the tour departs at maximum 45 minutes all year round (with departures every five to 15 minutes in the high season), so there’s plenty of opportunity to make it part of your Hamburg experience.

Harbor Evening Lights Cruise

If you’d prefer to experience the city as the sun starts to set, the same tour company also run a Harbor Evening Lights Cruise . This unforgettable excursion takes you on a boat trip through the beautiful and colorful harbor and historic speicherstadt district, where you can marvel at the illuminated ocean liners and container cranes as they stand out against the evening sky.

On board the cruise vessel, treat yourself to a spectacular view of Hamburg. You will be able to take in amazing panoramic sights like the Elbe Philharmonic Hall,the contemporary Hafen City – all while afloat on the river. Catch a breathtaking view of St. Pauli Piers all the way to Überseebrücke with Rickmer Rickmers and Cap San Diego museum ship, before heading back to the port of Hamburg.

As before, the live commentary is only available in German, with an app available to download for an audio tour in English. Bring your own headphones and device so you don’t miss out!

Boats depart at 6pm every evening (except for Christmas) from Hamburg port for those who wish to take part in this unique experience. Tours last approximately one hour and offer guests an unforgettable opportunity to explore Hamburg’s stunning attractions from an entirely different point of view.

City Cruise on Alster Lake

If you’ve explored around the harbour and would like to try something a little different, then why not take a boat tour on Alster Lake? Also known as „Perle der Innenstadt“ (the “pearl of the city center”), from here the 1-hour boat trip takes you past the famous Alster Fountain and under the Lombards bridge directly to the Outer Alster.

Here you will be able to admire beautiful residential areas and sights like the Hotel Atlantic, Blue Mosque, U. S. Consulate General or Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten. This tour provides a stunning panorama of Hamburg’s church spires and bridges as well as an opportunity to observe the natural life along the lakeside with its many water birds and other wildlife. What’s more, if you’re lucky you may even spot a few swans!

The traditional steamers used for this tour have been a familiar sight on the Alster for decades, and the tour guides are very well versed in the popular sights and world-famous buildings of the Hanseatic city. Departing four times a day, the first cruise leaves at 11am and the last one at 4pm, meaning you can fit this unique experience into your plans. The guides on this tour are German-speaking, though if you would like commentary in English you can take advantage of the audio tour (you’ll need to bring your own headphones).

If the weather isn’t so great, you can still enjoy this Alster Lake pleasure cruise, as the boat has a glass roof. In better conditions, you can also enjoy sitting outside at the back of the boat if you wish. There are no food or drinks provided on this tour, so make sure you’ve grabbed a snack before you get on board.

Sailing trip on the Hamburg Outer Alster

For something a little more intimate, you can experience the beauty of Hamburg and set sail on the Outer Alster Lake, one of the city’s most iconic waterways. This sailing trip offers you a chance to explore Germany’s second largest city from a whole new perspective, from the comfort of a beautiful wooden two-master from the 60s.

With an experienced captain at the helm and life jackets provided, you can sit back, relax and enjoy a leisurely sail as you take in some of Hamburg’s most impressive sights. You’ll be able to admire St Michaelis Church, built in 1786, and one of Hamburg’s main attractions; City Hall, which overlooks Binnenalster lake. Plus, with opportunities to help set the sails or just observe your surroundings, there’s something for everyone on this unique attraction.

Though your captain speaks both German and conversational English, don’t expect a typical guided tour. Instead, this boat ride is more of a sailing experience where you’re welcome to ask questions if you wish. Or, of course, you can simply sit back, enjoy the ride and take in the beautiful views of Hamburg. As the capacity of the boat is so small, there is a possibility it will be cancelled if not enough people buy tickets (or if there’s poor weather). If this happens, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund.

If you’d like to take part in the sailing trip, be sure to keep an afternoon free. It departs only twice a day, at 3pm and 5pm.

Hop-on hop-off on the water with the Maritime Circle Line

The Maritime Circle Line is an exciting and unique way to explore Hamburg on the water, particularly if you want to include a museum visit as part of your trip. With a hop-on hop-off service, passengers can alight at up to nine different locations, including the BallinStadt Emigration Museum Hamburg, International Maritime Museum and Elbphilharmonie concert hall (although you should note that admission tickets not included in the boat tour).

The round trip takes 90 minutes and departs three times a day, with the earliest departure being 10:55am. Passengers who decide to get off will need to wait for the same boat to pick them up on its next circuit, so if you are planning to stop off somewhere, make sure you get the first boat of the day.

On board, you’ll be provided with live commentary from the Captain in both German and English over a speaker system, and there are also drinks available to purchase if you’re feeling thirsty. This is an ideal tour for anyone wanting to explore the heart of Hamburg from a unique perspective. It’s perfect for families, couples or individuals looking for something out of the ordinary.

Plus, it provides an extra opportunity for people who may have limited time in Hamburg but still want to experience as much as possible of this beautiful city. Immerse yourself in all that Hamburg has to offer by hopping on board this fantastic maritime adventure.

Saturday Night Boat Party

Lastly, for something a little more lively, look no further than the Saturday Night Boat Party . While it’s technically not a boat tour, it is a fun way to experience Hamburg from the water while also starting your Saturday night off with a bang. Setting off at 8pm, you’ll spend three hours aboard a luxury passenger ship, where you can take in views of the Hamburg Harbor at night and admire the city lights.

A cold and warm dinner buffet is included in the ticket price, as are unlimited beers, wine and soft drinks. If you fancy something a little stronger, cocktails and shots are also availavle to purchase. The ship’s on board DJ provides the tunes, creating the perfect atmosphere for an unforgettable party evening on the Elbe. Departing fom St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, if you’re not quite ready to hit the hay yet, you’re in the prime position to venture into Hamburg’s party district to carry on your Saturday night.

This one is perhaps a little too lively for my tastes, but the Saturday Night Boat Party has been running for more than 20 years, and promises to be a fun-filled way to spend an evening on the water.

Bear this in mind when booking your Hamburg boat tour

Despite being an international city and a popular tourist destination, there aren’t a huge number of English-speaking boat tours available in Hamburg. If you do choose one of the 1-hour tours with English audio commentary on the app, remember that English audio tours from an app will not be quite the same experience as listening to live commentary from a tour guide.

Audio tours lack the personal interaction and engagement that a live tour guide can provide, and lack the ability to answer questions or provide additional context on the spot. If you check the reviews for these tours, you’ll find that some people were left disappointed with the audio tour, or had trouble even accessing the app.

Really it’s down to your personal preference if you should opt for one of the other tours where you’ll get live commentary in English, or if you’re happy to simply experience seeing Hamburg’s top attractions and sights from the water. If you go in with an open mind and a relaxed attitude, you’re sure to have a good time regardless. Enjoy!

You may also be interested in:

  • The Best Day Trips From Hamburg In 2023

Avatar for Beth

Beth is a freelance writer and creator of The Train Diaries. When she's not writing, she can usually be found petting dogs, watching horror films or creating her true crime podcast, Case Remains.

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Jennifer Lopez's Rough Month: Cancels Tour Amid Shaky Sales And Rumors

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Jennifer Lopez canceled her “This Is Me… Live” tour to spend more time with her family and children, she told fans in a statement , saying the decision was “necessary”—though the tour had been plagued by reports of low sales and multiple canceled dates.

The "This Is Me... Live" tour was marred by poor sales. (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Lopez said she was “heartsick and devastated” in a statement posted to her website Friday afternoon, telling fans she is “taking time off to be with her children, family and close friends” and that tickets would be refunded.

The tour had previously been marred by reports of poor ticket sales, with seven dates canceled earlier in March, reportedly citing a “logistical issue through the promoter.”

The cancellation comes amid a rough several months for Lopez, who has faced widespread speculation about the state of her marriage with Ben Affleck, and viral posts ridiculing her on social media.

The tour had also previously been rebranded from a promotional effort for her latest album, “This Is Me… Now”—which struggled to sell and only peaked at No. 38 on the Billboard 200—to a greatest hits tour spanning her entire catalog.

Lopez announced her tour, then titled “This Is Me… Now: The Tour,” in February, originally intended to support her latest album. But the album sold significantly less than her previous releases, selling just 14,000 copies in its debut week , just over a third of the 33,000 copies her previous album “A.K.A.” sold in 2014—which was her lowest sales week at the time. The new album was one part of a reportedly self-financed , $20 million effort that also included a film—“This Is Me... Now: A Love Story,” inspired by her relationship with Affleck—and a documentary. The trailer for the film went viral on social media because of its seemingly bizarre plot, though it was generally well received by critics with a 75% score on Rotten Tomatoes . Lopez’s tour was set to span 30 cities in North America between June and August and would have been her first headlining tour in five years.

Key Background

Lopez has had a challenging month, with rumors swirling about the state of her marriage to Affleck, and social media users scrutinizing her past behavior. A years-old interview went viral in March in which she shared her bodega order she would purchase while growing up in the Bronx. “Ham and cheese on a roll with an orange drink — if you know you know — and a small bag of chips,” Lopez said, sparking confusion among social media users, particularly New Yorkers, who did not know what orange drink she was referring to. Lopez clarified in a Harper’s Bazaar interview this week that the orange drink “came in a little plastic container with a little bit of aluminum foil over it” and it “wasn’t called anything except orange drink or grape drink or whatever.” Some posts went viral on social media this week alleging tension between Lopez and her “Atlas” co-star Sterling K. Brown, including one interview clip where Brown says to Lopez: “You’re Puerto Rican? Get out of here,” and starts speaking Spanish while Lopez explains her “comfort meal” of rice and beans to the interviewer.

Lopez’s relationship with Affleck has been the subject of wide speculation in recent weeks as tabloid reports suggest their romance may be on the rocks. Less than two years after the couple married in July 2022 (and two decades after their first split in 2004), speculation grew following reports in May that the two were spotted together for the first time in six weeks, and that Lopez was seen looking for houses in Los Angeles without Affleck. Affleck also skipped the May 21 premiere of Lopez’s film “Atlas,” reportedly because he was filming “The Accountant 2.” Lopez shut down a reporter who asked about the state of her marriage at an “Atlas” press conference on May 22, telling him: “You know better than that.”

Lopez’s acting ventures have seen more success than her music lately: Her film “Atlas” debuted on top of last week’s Netflix chart with 28.2 million views in its first three days, one year after “The Mother” became one of Netflix’s all-time biggest hits (though critics reviewed both films poorly).

Further Reading

What To Know About Jennifer Lopez’s Tour: Rebrand, Canceled Dates And Low Ticket And Album Sales (Forbes)

Jennifer Lopez Quietly Rebrands Tour as Greatest Hits Show Amid Weak Ticket Sales (Variety)

Rumors Swirl Around ‘Bennifer’: A Complete Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Timeline—As Both Celebs Are Spotted Alone (Forbes)

Conor Murray

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German tour operator FTI is filing for insolvency and canceling future trips

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BERLIN (AP) — German tour operator FTI said Monday that it is filing for insolvency protection from creditors, and trips that haven’t yet started will be canceled or scaled back.

FTI Group, which describes itself as Europe’s third-biggest tour operator, said parent company FTI Touristik GmbH, was filing an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings at a Munich court.

Since an announcement in April that a consortium of investors would come on board, “booking figures have fallen well short of expectations despite the positive news,” the company said in a statement.

“In addition, numerous suppliers have insisted on advance payment,” it added. “As a result, there was an increased need for liquidity, which could no longer be bridged until the closing of the investor process,” making the insolvency filing a legal necessity.

The operator said it is working to ensure that trips that have already started can be completed as planned, but “trips that have not yet begun will probably no longer be possible or only partially possible from Tuesday.”

A support website and hotline were set up for customers affected.

The Munich-based FTI Group has over 11,000 employees.

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1. Private All-Inclusive Day Tour: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Mutianyu Great Wall

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2. 4-Hour Small Group Tour to Tiananmen Square and Forbidden City

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3. All Inclusive Mutianyu Great Wall and Summer Palace Private Day Tour

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4. Small Group Tour: Mutianyu Great Wall, Summer Palace & Bird Nest

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5. Mubus: Mutianyu Great Wall Daily Bus Tour (8:00am/10:00am)

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6. Beijing Essential Full-Day Tour including Great Wall at Badaling, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square

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7. Beijing Forbidden City Admission Ticket Pre Booking Service

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8. Private Mutianyu Great Wall Trip With Speaking-English Driver

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9. Forbidden City and Royal Treasure Museum Half Day Tour

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10. Private Great Wall Encounter in Beijing

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11. Beijing Hutong Walking Food and Beer Tour at Hidden Restaurants

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12. Private Mutianyu Great Wall Trip with English-Speaking Driver

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13. Full-Day Small-Group Great Wall Hike: Simatai West to Jinshanling

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14. Great Wall at Gubeikou and Jinshanling Private Sunset Tour

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15. Private Night Sightseeing Tour of Beijing

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16. All Inclusive Private Day Tour to Mutianyu Great Wall and Summer Palace

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17. Private 4-Hour In Depth Walking Tour to the Forbidden City

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18. Beijing Private Tour to Temple of Heaven, Panda House and Summer Palace

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19. Private Full Day Tour: Forbidden City, Tiananmen & Summer Palace

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20. 2-Day Beijing Highlights Small-Group Tour

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21. Beijing Private Tour of Temple of Heaven, Tian'anmen Square, Forbidden City

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22. 4-Hour Private Beijing Walking Tour of the Forbidden City

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23. Beijing Private Hutong Food Walking Tour

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24. Universal Beijing Resort with Private English Guide and Driver

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25. Beijing to Xi'an See Terracotta Warriors with Bullet Train Round Trip Transfer

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26. Private Trekking Day Tour to Jinshanling Great Wall

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27. Private Trekking Tour from Gubeikou to Jinshanling Greatwall

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28. Mubus: Mutianyu Great Wall Day Tour with Options

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29. Chaoyang Acrobatics Ticket

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30. Private Tour to Mutianyu Great Wall Cable Way Up & Toboggan Down

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What Skills Make a Tour Guide With 5 Star Quality?

By Erick Tomaliwan

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Not just anyone can be a good tour guide. As both the front line and backbone of the operation, tour guides carry a huge responsibility to make the guest experience memorable, entertaining, informative, and seamless. The job is much more than reading facts off a sheet.

So whether you are looking to hire a tour guide or thinking about pursuing this career, there are a few must-have qualities of an effective tour guide you need to know about. Of course, every tour (and guide) is different, but the best of the best tour employees have a particular set of skills that are few and far between. 

Let’s quickly go over the top ten characteristics of a great — nay, unicorn — tour guide who has 5 star quality . (Stick around for bonus skills of a tour guide at the bottom of this post). 

Top 10 characteristics of a great tour guide

A female tour guide walking in front of two guests on hiking trail

1. Powerful communicator

“Can you hear me at the back?!” Megaphones might be a tour guide’s best friend, but a good tour guide can project and leave that clunky amplification device behind. 

Communication is one of the most important skills of a tour guide. Guests rely on tour guides to provide direction, share facts and information, and keep them entertained throughout the tour. As such, a tour guide must speak fluently and coherently. Not to mention, be able to command attention despite the inevitable distraction of surrounding sights and sounds. 

2. Memory like an elephant

Many aspiring actors and comedians take on the role of a tour guide, and it’s not hard to see why. Like the road to stardom, tour guides become masters at memorizing scripts and delivering performances that come across as natural, rather than rehearsed. 

However, unlike their actor counterparts, tour guides should also be good at remembering names and faces. Although tour guides interact with different guests daily, they can quickly transform a tour from average to extraordinary by addressing every guest by name so that they feel valued and not just another tip. 

Tour guide hack: Learning names on the fly is no doubt a tricky task. With the Daily Manifest , tour guides can memorize names beforehand, making it easier to put names to faces during the round of introductions. 

3. Storytelling chops

Delivery is everything when it comes to tour guiding. Anyone can regurgitate a script word for word, but an exceptional tour guide can add a little bit of zest, make it their own, and take guests on a journey through storytelling. 

In fact, tour commentary helps bring life to the subject matter, captivate an audience, and give guests something to remember/pass on to their friends for years to come. If a tour guide can tell a story with animation, expression, and a plot twist — they’re a keeper. 

4. A good sense of humour

No one wants to stand or sit through a dry, boring, humourless history lesson — they zone out, get bored, and, worse, turn to their phone for amusement. Get off your screen, Becky! Be in the moment. On the other hand, making guests laugh out loud is a surefire way to show them a good time and land a super positive review.

That said, slapstick comedy doesn’t bode well in a professional tourism environment, and repeating dad-joke after dad-joke might get more eye rolls than laughs (unless it’s a Father’s Day tour). Instead, a funny tour guide is someone who can banter with guests, poke fun at themselves, and share humorous and relatable stories. 

A charismatic tour guide taking a selfie in a tour boat while it rains.

5. Charismatic and genuine

It’s one thing to make guests laugh, and another to laugh with them. A tour guide who is likeable and personable can light up a destination and make every guest feel like the most important person in the group. 

Out of all the good tour guide qualities, this one is probably the hardest to come by. Many extroverts end up talking too much, and although public speaking is an essential part of the job, real charisma comes out in conversation, when a tour guide has the chance to build rapport with guests — like asking where they’re from and what they do for a living.

And a tour guide who shows genuine interest, listens intently, and recalls details later on, can make a far greater impact on the tour experience than the attraction itself. 

6. Quick-witted and flexible

A tour guide isn’t up on stage, delivering lines to a passive audience. Guaranteed, guests will have random questions and comments at one point or another, and a tour guide must know their stuff while being able to respond with authority and enthusiasm.

Also, anything can happen in an hour-long tour (or more). Next to communication skills, adaptability is essential because people are unpredictable. Guest might stray from the group (or uninvited guests might lurk), roll an ankle, have a bathroom emergency, or simply ask for an ice cream break. A tour guide must be ready to handle things as they come.

7. Sensitive to guest diversity

Tour guides encounter guests from all walks of life, who undoubtedly come with their own cultural expectations, social norms, and special needs. Although we’d like to think the tourism industry accepts everyone and embraces diversity, we still have a long way to go. 

Since tour guides spend the most time with guests, they have a moral responsibility to:

  • respect cultural differences, all abilities, and language barriers
  • tailor their deliveries accordingly
  • demonstrate a hospitable attitude on behalf of the destination
  • inspire tourists to leave a positive social impact  
  • and reinforce a tour company’s core values

For reference, here’s a list of do’s and don’ts in tour guiding .

8. In-depth knowledge 

Even if a tour guide isn’t born and raised somewhere, they should know the place inside and out. As I mentioned earlier, guests will have tour and destination-related questions — like where are the best places to eat, what do locals do for fun, or how much water flows over Niagara Falls? (The answer is 2,832 tonnes of water per second).

While it’s tempting to tell guests to g oogle it , a tour guide is far more impressive when they can answer anything thrown their way. After all, guests expect guides to be destination experts, so knowing relevant facts, figures, and tips better than Google is part of the job.  

9. A whole lot of passion

Most tour guides have a passion for travel. It’s only fitting. They want to live the dream and scratch off as many countries as possible on a world map. And working as a tour guide allows them to do that. But if travel is the only reason they go into guiding, they won’t last long. 

Being a tour guide is tough. Sure, they get to show off the places they love and meet travelers from all over the world (outside of covid times, of course), but they also have to work long hours, often on their feet all day, in the peak season heat, while dealing with demanding guests. It’s not for the faint of heart. 

Why be a tour guide then? Because of all the other boxes the job checks off. The best tour guides have a heart for serving others, making new connections, and getting involved in the community. They also desire to advance in the tourism industry and prove that by researching more than expected and learning how to be a successful tour guide . 

10. Organized and punctual

Being orderly, efficient, and dependable might be common lies listed on a resume, but are essential qualities of an effective tour guide. Guests shouldn’t have to wait around for a tour guide to get their act together. Everything should run smoothly from check-in to check-out. 

Otherwise, the entire schedule can fall behind, and a tour guide plays a huge part in making sure bookings stay on time. Think of it this way; if guests are asked to arrive ten minutes early, why would it be okay for a tour guide to show up late with an iced coffee and an excuse?

4 bonus skills of a tour guide

Female tour guide leading two guests on city walking tour

1. A res-tech whiz

As more and more tour operators start to take bookings online, tour guides everywhere are having to learn how to use booking software in their day-to-day. On top of leading tour groups, guides are often tasked with front desk responsibilities — like checking-in guests, editing bookings, issuing refunds, and collecting forms and signatures. 

This kind of tour guide work experience means they’ll be eager to download the mobile booking app and optimize the dashboard to perform multiple actions in just a few clicks will make a tour owner’s life so much easier. Luckily, Checkfront is simple, straightforward, and takes as little as five minutes for tour guides to master . 

2. A creative eye

Tour guides often double as photographers. Although people are getting way better at taking selfies, setting up tripods and self-timers, or attaching GoPros to gear, it’s still not uncommon for guests to hand over their phone to the tour guide for a photo opp. 

Since that might be the only thing to commemorate their once-in-a-lifetime experience, the last thing they want is for the photo to come back with a smudged finger in view, cut-off foreheads, or a mid-blinking face. Pictures like that rarely get shared and tagged on Instagram — which is a missed opportunity for the tour company. 

If a tour guide knows how to take better photos on tour , guests will be forever grateful for the share-worthy souvenir. At the same time, if a tour guide has an eye for photography, they will instinctively notice magical moments to capture, giving the tour company plenty of content to fuel an aesthetically-pleasing Instagram feed. 

Bigger bonus: a tour guide who understands social media marketing can make extra cash on the side by amping up a tour operator’s online presence. 

3. Gutsy at sales

I get it. Persuading guests to spend more money can feel icky. But a good tour guide sees upselling and cross-selling as less of a dreadful job requirement and more of an opportunity to add value to the guest’s experience. 

“I can’t believe we got to see a tapir and three toucans today! Good luck must be in the air because last night’s tour group spotted an orange-kneed tarantula. I bet the tarantula is still in the same spot. You’re still here for one more night, right? You should totally join us on tonight’s night trek; we still have space left.”

It can even be intimidating to ask guests for a review at the end of the tour. But if tour guides don’t ask, guests might not think to do it. Getting over that fear by coming up with a friendly blurb is one of the most underrated tour guide qualities. 

4. Multilingual

Hands down, when a tour guide delivers a tour in a guest’s first language, it makes a world of difference. Although English has become a universal language and many tourists prefer confident, English-speaking guides, a tour guide who can switch it up depending on the tour group will be much more appreciated than a handheld audio guide.  

Plus, this versatility is beneficial to the tour operator for plenty of reasons, such as:

  • it allows them to appeal to a broader audience
  • it gives guests more choice and personalization
  • it represents diversity and inclusion

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Fully Guided Tours & Trips in Japan

Find the right fully guided tour for you in Japan. There are 255 trips to choose from, that range from 5 days in length, up to 28 days. The month with the most departures is October, making it the most popular time to visit Japan.

250+ Fully Guided tour packages in Japan with 4,530 reviews

Japan Golden Route with Hiroshima Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Japan Golden Route with Hiroshima

Wonderful tour! Well organised, good accomodation, and we saw a lot!

Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima Tour

  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima

The tour was great, we got to see many of the popular sites and the accomodation was always comfortable and clean.

Highlights of Japan - 7 Days Tour

  • Train & Rail

Highlights of Japan - 7 Days

Packed full of information about japan's hisrory. Also lots of interesting japanese cultural sights.

Japan: Castles & Cuisine Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Japan: Castles & Cuisine

All good. Very immersive and worthwhile experience.

Japan Adventure Tour

Japan Adventure

Another great tour with an awesome leader Zoe! Won't hesitate to travel with them again.

Central Japan Tour

Central Japan

All was excellent amazing

Essential Japan Tour

Essential Japan

The itinerary was appropriate and well planned. The hotels were of a good standard.

Japan Delight with Hiroshima(private 3 star hotel rooms) Tour

Japan Delight with Hiroshima(private 3 star hotel rooms)

Definitely would recommend to friends and family. 10/10 experience.

Wonders of Japan End Osaka Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Wonders of Japan End Osaka

This was a great tour of Japan and its culture. All of the accommodations and meals that were included were excellent.

Discover Japan Tour

Discover Japan

the tour was good. I thought the hotels could of been better

Japan One Life Adventures - 14 Days Tour

Japan One Life Adventures - 14 Days

The tour was well organised and gave me an experience of a lifetime.

Contrasts of Japan Tour

Contrasts of Japan

The hotels were hit or miss, but I loved the hotels in Kyoto and Okayama. The location and rooms were great.

All Inclusive Japan Classics- 9 days Tour

All Inclusive Japan Classics- 9 days

The accommodations were top-notch and spacious. Meals were of high quality and portions were more than adequate.

Japan: Tokyo Nights & Kyoto Temples Tour

Japan: Tokyo Nights & Kyoto Temples

Mack is the best tour guide ever!!!! We had such a fantastic trip because of him!

Japan Real Food Adventure Tour

Japan Real Food Adventure

June 2023. Take this tour and you won't regret !

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Japan

We had an amazing time on this tour. We visited so many places in such a short time. Our tour guide Yumi was friendly and fun, providing tips and helpful information along the way. Our bus driver Shingo was a great driver, manoeuvring his way through the traffic with ease. He was so much fun as well. The tour itself provided a diverse mix of activities and meals, as well as allowing some free time to explore. The hotels were of a good standard and size, always convenient to public transport.
We just returned to Australia from our combined stay and tour package. The tour was great, we got to see many of the popular sites and the accomodation was always comfortable and clean. Hiroshima Hilton was a highlight. David-San and Kiko-San were very knowledgeable guides and overall the transport, accommodation, fees and experiences meant a good balance of expense with comfort. Cough Etiquette and mask wearing for coughing passengers could be further spruiked as there were many unwell people on our tour, which lead to my travel buddies and myself becoming unwell at the end of our trip.
I like the tour.zu is good guide.frindly ,and she try the best. I like her to be my guide again.

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"I think this was the best tour that I chose thankfully, I had some help from my mom in order to choose which one so for whoever is trying to decide which one to do this one’s perfect you get to do multiple things visit multiple sites and also have 3 to 4 hours free time which works if you wanna go visit other places or shopping to just keep in mind that when you choose you can to do other things after you visit the sites with the tour guide and the group

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"Very good value. The hotels were better than I expected. Breakfasts had lots of choices. Bus ride was smooth and the tour guide spoke excellent English.

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Intrepid Travel

"This tour is very expensive for what you actually get, as nearly all of the travel is on public transport which is very time consuming. So much time was taken up on public transport that there was not enough time to explore the places we visited.

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13 Tips To Be a Better Tour Guide

Jessica Malnik

Being a tour guide is a fun, exciting, and rewarding job. You spend your days sharing your knowledge and chatting with guests. 

While you will improve your skills naturally with every tour you provide, there are some things you can to more proactive build your skills. 

In this post, we’re sharing 13 tips to help you be a better tour guide, including: 

What Are the Key Job Responsibilities for a Tour Guide?

Tour guides have to manage various responsibilities throughout their day to provide memorable experiences for guests. Successful tour guides enjoy working with people, are excellent storytellers, and solve problems independently. 

Tour guides have to manage multiple responsibilities throughout their day, including:

  • Greeting visitors and interacting with them before the start of the tour
  • Letting participants know about the tour’s itinerary and rules
  • Planning and managing the itinerary 
  • Learning and memorizing interesting details and facts and turning them into stories 
  • Having a strong understanding of your tour’s layout and location 
  • Setting up and maintain equipment before the start of a tour if necessary
  • Being prepared in case of an emergency
  • Ensuring guests remain safe and follow all proper protocols  

13 Top Tips To Be a Better Tour Guide

Successful tour guides continuously build and improve their skills throughout their careers to provide memorable and engaging experiences. Learning new information and skills also helps keep the tours and experiences you deliver engaging and fresh for you. Your enthusiasm and enjoyment will show to guests and help capture their attention.

So whether you’re just starting out as a tour guide or have been working in the field for a while, here are 13 ways you can continue to build your skills as a tour guide. 

1. Skip lengthy introductions or setups at the beginning of the tour

Introductions to the tour and a review of rules can help provide structure and context for your guests. That said, you don’t want the introduction information to go on so long that you lose your guests’ attention. 

When planning what to say at the start of the tour, look for ways to provide the necessary information while keeping guests engaged and maintaining their enthusiasm for the tour or activity.  

Depending on the type of tour you provide, you may have to first cover safety measures before moving visitors to a location, so use your judgment. If you’re unsure whether your introduction is too long, consider asking a fellow guide to listen to your opening. They can provide you with feedback on what it’s like from a visitor’s perspective.

2. Bring information to life through a story

People love stories. Your guests are more likely to remember, understand, and appreciate the information you share when you can tell it through a story. The stories can be historical or contemporary. This strategy increases the likelihood that guests will ask questions and engage with you, making the experience more fun for everyone.

You don’t have to tell everything as a story, but sprinkle them in throughout the tour to maintain everyone’s attention. If you feel uncomfortable telling stories, you can build your storytelling skills. You can listen to audiobooks or podcasts of famous or popular storytellers or take a public speaking course.

3. Face guests when sharing information

When you’re discussing something, it’s natural to point and look at the object. As a tour guide, you’ll engage your audience better by facing them. This strategy allows them to see your gestures and hear you better. 

You can teach yourself to turn toward the group. To help learn this habit, consider identifying one person in the group that you will look at when you first start talking. To ensure the whole group feels engaged, be sure to move your gaze to other visitors soon after you start talking.

This strategy provides you with a consistent cue to help you develop the habit of turning towards the group when you start talking. After a while, you’ll naturally turn toward the group when you’re giving your tours. 

4. You don’t have to know everything

As a tour guide, you purposefully try to learn everything you can about the locations on your tour. That said, you don’t have to know everything. You may have a guest who has unique expertise or insider’s experience. Let them share with the group. Everyone will have a richer experience, and you can potentially incorporate this information into future tours. 

5. Avoid exaggerating information

You want your tours exciting and engaging, but you also want to be known as a credible and knowledgeable expert. Therefore, resist the urge to exaggerate information. Your guests won’t trust what you say or recommend the tour if they discover you’ve provided inaccurate details or facts. 

Sometimes exaggeration can sneak in when telling stories, so make sure your stories are based on facts and verifiable information. 

6. Provide anecdotes when possible

Telling personal anecdotes can provide a special touch and experience for your guests. These can make the tour more engaging and help you connect with visitors. 

While you can plan ahead of time what anecdotes you will tell, being able to spontaneously provide anecdotes and insights tailored to the group can help enhance the overall experience. You can take a local improv class to help practice this skill.

7. Be punctual (and ideally early)

When people are on vacation, they often have carefully orchestrated plans. If one part starts late or goes too long, they may miss another planned opportunity. Your guests will appreciate you starting and ending your tours on time. Being punctual will help build their confidence in you as a professional and expert. 

When it’s possible, try to arrive early for tours. This strategy will give you time to get to know participants before the tour starts. This strategy helps you build rapport and start learning what types of information they want so you can tailor the experience to their needs. You’ll also be able to answer any questions people have about the area before the tour begins. 

8. Be attentive to guests’ needs 

Being attentive to your guests’ needs is about more than just guiding them from one point to another. It’s about creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience. For instance, if you notice guests looking tired, suggest a short break or a slower pace. If a particular topic sparks interest, consider diving deeper into that subject. This adaptability shows that you’re not just following a script but are genuinely committed to providing a fulfilling experience.

Moreover, being attentive means being prepared to answer questions or provide solutions to unexpected issues. Whether it’s a question about local dining options or needing assistance with accessibility, your readiness to help can significantly enhance guest experience. 

9. Be passionate 

Your enthusiasm and passion for the subject matter are infectious and can enhance the tour experience. When you speak about the history, culture, or landmarks with genuine excitement, it engages your guests and makes the information more compelling. This enthusiasm can transform an effective tour guide into a truly 5-star tour guide.  

However, it’s important to balance your enthusiasm with the ability to read your audience. Some guests may prefer a more subdued approach, while others might enjoy high energy. Tailoring your enthusiasm to suit the group’s dynamics is key. 

10. Use humor 

A well-timed joke or a witty remark can lighten the mood and enhance the overall experience. It helps in breaking the ice and making even the most difficult customers feel more comfortable. However, it’s crucial to exercise guest discretion. Tailor your humor to the audience and avoid jokes that could be misunderstood or that touch on sensitive topics. The goal is to add a light-hearted touch to your tour, not to make anyone uncomfortable. 

11. Offer personal recommendations

Take a nod from hotel concierges by offering personal recommendations towards the end of the tour. This adds a special touch to the experience. Sharing your favorite local spots, eateries, or hidden gems provide guests with insider knowledge they might not find in guidebooks. These recommendations should be tailored to the interests of the group and can range from the best places to catch a sunset, to a local café known for its specialty dishes.

12. Invite feedback and follow-up

Inviting feedback at the end of the tour is a great way to show that you value your guests’ opinions and are committed to improving your service. Encourage them to share their thoughts and suggestions. This feedback can be invaluable in refining your tours and making them more enjoyable for future guests.

Additionally, offering to stay in touch for any further questions or recommendations can leave a positive lasting impression. It shows that you’re not just interested in providing a service but are genuinely invested in their experience. This openness to feedback and follow-up can lead to more positive reviews and recommendations, which are essential for a successful tour guiding career.

13. End with a memorable conclusion

Summarize the key points of the tour and leave your guests with a final thought, story, or anecdote that encapsulates the essence of the experience. This could be a poignant story, a surprising fact, or a humorous observation. A strong conclusion ties the entire tour together and gives your guests something to remember and talk about long after the tour has ended.

Moreover, a memorable conclusion is an opportunity to not only thank your guests, but it gives you an easy opportunity to ask for a review. This can not only increase the chance that you’ll get a nice tip but you can also wind up with more customers from the 5-star reviews they leave.  

In sum, being a tour guide is a fun and interesting job that allows you to interact with various people. Like many professions, the more you practice and work on building your skills, the better everyone’s experience, including yourself.  

Incorporating these strategies and tips can help you elevate your tour from good to great, making your visitors more likely to tell others about your tours.

Pro Tip: Not a customer but interested in checking out Xola? Explore all of the features including guide management.

Writer Jessica Malnik

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