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Korath was a Klingon scientist who, in an alternate 2404 , created the chrono deflector , a time travel device. He was a member of the House of Korath .

In that year , Admiral Kathryn Janeway entered into negotiations with Korath to obtain the chrono deflector, as part of her plan to change history by returning the starship USS Voyager to the Alpha Quadrant sixteen years earlier than it had in that timeline . Korath agreed to provide Janeway with the deflector in exchange for the admiral using her influence to secure Korath a seat on the Klingon High Council . Janeway honored her end of the agreement, but Korath refused to give her the deflector unless Janeway also provided him with ablative generator technology. In response, Janeway stole the deflector and evaded Korath's ships in SC-4 , her Starfleet Command shuttlecraft . Using the deflector to generate a temporal rift to the year 2378 , Janeway was successful in altering the timeline and returning Voyager to Earth in that year. ( VOY : " Endgame ")

  • 1.1 Background information
  • 1.2 Apocrypha
  • 1.3 External link

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Background information [ ].

Korath was played by Star Trek veteran Vaughn Armstrong . The character first appeared in the 1998 Star Trek: The Experience attraction, the Klingon Encounter , set in the year 2371 , in which he was also played by Vaughn Armstrong. He described this form of the character as "young and all-out," also revealing, " I asked them in the audition, 'We're not talking about anything subtle here, are we?' And they said, 'No, go for it!' and I did! " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 9 , p. 44)

Shortly after portraying recurring character Admiral Forrest for the first time in the Star Trek: Enterprise pilot episode " Broken Bow ", Vaughn Armstrong said of the earlier role, " I like to think of Korath [...] as a mad scientist who loved to play with these toys of destruction. He was a warrior who had lived beyond that age and had become a kind of consultant and turned all his efforts into making better weapons, and he'd gone mad doing that. But at a convention some Klingons told me they thought he was a bit like a Ferengi because he was without honor in his dealings with Janeway; he changed the deal midway. But the way I look at it is that we hadn't quite made the final deal. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 9 , p. 44)

Korath figured into an ultimately undeveloped story idea that Vaughn Armstrong devised and pitched to Star Trek: Enterprise . In that tale, Korath seized the chrono deflector back from Janeway. He then used the device to travel back in time to attempt to prevent Admiral Forrest from launching Enterprise NX-01 and thereby sending Captain Jonathan Archer out into space with Klaang , in a crossover with events depicted in "Broken Bow". ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 2, Issue 9 , p. 44; [1] )

Apocrypha [ ]

According to LCARS data that flashed across one of the workstations on the bridge of the Enterprise in the Klingon Encounter , Korath is from the House of Monak ( β ) and is the captain of the ISS Boreth , a B'rel -class Klingon Bird-of-Prey . He achieved command following the assassination of K'holt, and was recognized for his part in the Battle of Khitomer , earning the Sword of Honor and the Kahless Medal. Korath developed a deep hatred of Captain Jean-Luc Picard back in his days as a cadet in the Klingon Imperial Corps, after coming in a close second to then- ensign Picard while competing in the Federation "Outreach Games". News reports indicated that Picard attempted to congratulate Korath after the awards ceremony, only to have Korath spit in his hand and swear vengeance for "the dishonor before the entire galaxy ."

While none of this is explained during the attraction, Korath's plot for revenge is the focus of the story. Using a cloaked temporal distortion , Korath attempted to abduct a group of early 21st century Humans into the 24th century . One of these Humans was an ancestor of Jean-Luc Picard, and Korath had planned to erase Picard from the timeline. Korath's plan, however, was disrupted when the USS Enterprise -D , acting on information from Federation Intelligence, intercepted his transporter beam, and returned the 21st-century Humans to their own time in a shuttlecraft. Korath's ship was destroyed by the Enterprise in the skies over Las Vegas after both vessels followed the shuttlecraft back in time.

Korath, son of Monak, later appeared in the novel Watching the Clock , in which he is depicted as being the foremost temporal physicist in the Klingon Empire . In the novel, it is implied that Korath was the man whom the adult Alexander Rozhenko met in the Cambra system in an alternate timeline in the early 25th century and who offered him the chance to travel back in time to 2370 , as was depicted in TNG : " Firstborn ".

In Star Trek Online , a class of timeships from the 29th century that can be obtained by players of the Klingon faction are named for Korath.

External link [ ]

  • Korath at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Abdullah bin al-Hussein

Screen Rant

All 12 star trek characters played by vaughn armstrong.

Vaughn Armstrong played 12 different characters over the course of 27 episodes of Star Trek, making him one of the most prolific Trek actors.

  • Vaughn Armstrong has played 12 different characters in 27 episodes of Star Trek, making him one of the most prolific actors in the series.
  • Armstrong's characters have ranged from Klingons to Cardassians to Romulans, often requiring extensive make-up and prosthetics.
  • His most well-known role is Admiral Maxwell Forrest in Star Trek: Enterprise, where he played a key recurring character who supported Captain Jonathan Archer.

Throughout Star Trek 's long history, several actors have appeared as multiple characters in various Trek shows, but Vaughn Armstrong has appeared more than most. Beginning with a one-episode Klingon role on Star Trek: The Next Generation , Vaughn appeared in 27 episodes of Star Trek and played a total of twelve different characters. Even prolific Trek actor Jeffrey Combs hasn't racked up as many roles as Armstrong, although many of Combs' roles may be more well-known. Vaughn has played mostly aliens throughout his Trek career, many of which rendered the actor unrecognizable under extensive make-up and prosthetics.

Most Star Trek fans likely recognize Vaughn Armstrong as recurring character Admiral Maxwell Forrest on Star Trek: Enterprise , but he also popped on TNG , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , and Star Trek: Voyager . Armstrong has a prolific career outside of Star Trek as well, and he has appeared in many iconic films and television shows since he began acting in 1977. Here is every character Armstrong has played in the Star Trek Universe.

The character of Admiral Forrest was named after Star Trek: The Original Series actor DeForest Kelley, who played Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy.

How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

12 captain korris, star trek: the next generation season 1, episode 20 ("heart of glory").

Vaughn Armstrong's only appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation comes in the show's first Klingon-centric episode . In TNG season 1, episode 20, "Heart of Glory," the USS Enterprise-D responds to a distress signal from an abandoned freighter to find three Klingon passengers. Armstrong portrays Korris, the captain of the Klingon trio, who has rejected peace with the Federation. Korris tries to convince Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) to join his cause, and while Worf desires more connection with his Klingon roots, his loyalty remains with Starfleet. In the end, Korris threatens the safety of everyone on the Enterprise and Worf kills him to protect the ship.

11 Gul Danar

Star trek: deep space nine season 1, episode 3 ("past prologue").

In his second Star Trek appearance, Armstrong plays Gul Danar, the Cardassian commander of the warship Aldara, in one of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's earliest episodes . When Danar arrives on space station Deep Space Nine looking for a Bajoran terrorist named Tahna Los (Jeffrey Nordling), Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) stalls Danar in order to hear Tahna's request for asylum. After Sisko grants Tahna asylum, Danar angrily departs, only to be called back when Tahna hijacks a Starfleet vessel. Although this is Danar's only appearance, Armstrong would go on to play a different Cardassian in DS9 season 7 .

10 Dr. Telek R'Mor

Star trek: voyager season 1, episode 7 ("eye of the needle").

After portraying a Klingon and a Cardassian, Vaughn Armstrong takes on another villainous Star Trek species, the Romulans, in an early episode of Star Trek: Voyager . In the Voyager season 1 episode, "Eye of the Needle," Armstrong plays Dr. Telek R'Mor, a Romulan scientist conducting research in the Alpha Quadrant who countered a small wormhole. During his study of the wormhole, Telek received a signal from the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. After the two ships established communications with one another, Voyager soon realized that Telek was from twenty years in the past. Despite being an enemy of the Federation, Telek connected with the plight of the Voyager crew members because he, too, had been separated from his family for a long time.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7, Episode 21 ("When It Rains...") & Season 7, Episode 24 ("The Dogs of War")

The second Cardassian portrayed by Vaughn Armstrong, Seskal, appears in two season seven episodes of DS9 . Seskal was a member of the Cardassian Liberation Front, a rebellion led by Legate Damar (Casey Biggs) to fight against the Dominion occupation of Cardassia. In his first appearance, Seskal comes into conflict with Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) about potential military actions. Later, Seskal pilots a shuttle carrying Damar, Kira, and Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson) to a meeting on Cardassia Prime. After Seskal beams his passengers down to the planet, the Dominion opens fire on his shuttle, destroying it and killing Seskal.

8 Lansor (Two of Nine)

Star trek: voyager season 6, episode 2 ("survival instinct").

In Star Trek: Voyager season 6, episode 2, "Survival Instinct," Armstrong portrays former Borg drone Lansor, who had been part of the same collective as Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) . When Seven, Lansor, and two other drones were disconnected from the collective, Seven then connected the four drones together before they were retrieved by the Borg. Lansor and the others later seek out Seven to disconnect the link and give them true individuality. Once disconnected, Lansor and the former drones will live very short lives, but they prefer this to being a part of the collective. Lansor chooses to live out the rest of his days at the Markonian outpost where Voyager was docked at the time.

7 Vidiian Captain

Star trek: voyager season 6, episode 23 ("fury").

Armstrong appears in a later Voyager episode as an unnamed Vidiian Captain from an alternate timeline. In Voyager season 6, episode 23, "Fury," former Voyager crew member Kes (Jennifer Lien) returns seeking vengeance against Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and the Voyager crew. Kes travels back in time to the first year of Voyager's journey through the Delta Quadrant. While in the past, Kes contacts the villainous Vidiians, and Armstrong's Vidiian Captain agrees to take Kes back to her homeworld of Ocampa in exchange for information about Voyager.

6 Alpha Hirogen

Star trek: voyager season 7, episodes 9 & 10 ("flesh and blood").

Armstrong plays another unnamed alien in the Star Trek: Voyager season 7 two-part episode "Flesh and Blood." When Voyager answers a distress signal apparently from a Hirogen training facility, they find a holographic ship and discover that several holograms have gone rogue and killed the Hirgens on the ship. Armstrong plays an Alpha Hirogen whose ship also answers the original distress call from the training facility. Although the Alpha Hirogen is initially reluctant to work with Janeway and the Voyager crew, he eventually helps them locate the hologram's vessel. The Alpha Hirogen and most of his crew are later killed when they fall for one of the hologram's traps.

Star Trek: Voyager Season 7, Episodes 25 & 26 ("Endgame")

In the two-part Star Trek: Voyager series finale , Armstrong plays a Klingon scientist named Korath, who created a time travel device in an alternate 2404. That same year, Captain Janeway develops a plan that would allow Voyager to return home sixteen years earlier, but she needs Korath's device. Although Korath initially agrees to give it to her in exchange for a place on the Klingon High Council, he later goes back on his deal. Janeway then steals the device and successfully returns to Earth with Voyager in the year 2378.

4 Klingon Captain

Star trek: enterprise season 1, episode 14 ("sleeping dogs").

Vaughn Armstrong had already made his Star Trek: Enterprise debut in the show's pilot episode as Admiral Maxwell Forrest, but Forrest wasn't the only character Armstrong played in the Star Trek preque l. In the Enterprise season 1 episode, "Sleeping Dogs," Armstrong plays the Klingon captain of the ship Somraw, which has become trapped in the atmosphere of a gas giant. The unnamed Klingon captain remains unconscious for most of the episode, as Sub-Commander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) , Lt. Malcolm Reed (Dominic Keating), and Ensign Hoshi Sato (Linda Park) find themselves trapped on the sinking ship. In the end, the Klingon captain is angry that the Enterprise crew members messed with his ship, but he doesn't have enough fire power to attack them.

3 Kreetassan Captain

Star trek: enterprise season 1, episode 22 ("vox sola") & season 2, episode 5 ("a night in sickbay").

Once again unrecognizable in heavy make-up and prosthetics, Vaughn Armstrong plays a Kreetassan Captain in two episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise . The Kreetassans were known for being very particular about manners and social cues, and they were easily offended. Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) and the Enterprise crew have to apologize to Armstrong's Kreetassan Captain on two separate occasions for various offenses. "A Night in Sickbay" focuses on Archer and his dog Porthos, who offended the Kresstassans by urinating on a sacred tree. Although Archer blames the Kreetassans after Porthos gets sick due to an unknown pathogen from the planet, he eventually swallows his pride and apologizes.

2 Mirror Universe Captain Maximilian Forrest

Star trek: enterprise season 4, episode 18 ("in a mirror, darkly").

Vaughn Armstrong had portrayed Admiral Forrest in a recurring role on Star Trek: Enterprise and he got to play the mirror version of the character in season 4's "In a Mirror, Darkly." Both parts of "In a Mirror, Darkly" take place entirely in the Mirror Universe and follow the evil Mirror Universe counterparts of Captain Archer and the Enterprise crew. Like most of the stories set in the Mirror Universe, the plot is full of betrayal, torture, sexual undertones, and violence. The Mirror version of Forrest is captain of the ISS Enterprise before Archer mutinies against his command and takes over the ship. Forrest is later killed when Tholian vessels destroy the Enterprise.

Forrest actually died twice in Star Trek: Enterprise season 4, as his Prime Universe counterpart had been killed several episodes earlier in season 4, episode 7, "The Forge."

1 Admiral Maxwell Forrest

Vaughn armstrong was a recurring character in star trek: enterprise..

In his most recognizable and well-known Star Trek role, Vaughn Armstrong plays Admiral Maxwell Forrest in 14 episodes of Star Trek : Enterprise throughout seasons 1, 2, and 4. As a Commodore, Forrest oversaw the NX Project, which saw him work with the Vulcans as humans continued to improve warp technology. Sometime after he was promoted to Admiral, Forrest chose Jonathan Archer as the captain of the Enterprise NX-01 , and Forrest remained in contact with Archer throughout his captaincy.

Forrest worked closely alongside Vulcan Ambassador Soval (Gary Graham) and the Vulcan High Command as they helped oversee Earth's first steps into the galaxy. After the success of the Xindi mission that took place throughout Star Trek: Enterprise season 3, Forrest welcomed the Enterprise crew home as heroes. While visiting the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan, Forrest lost his life in a terrorist attack as he protected Ambassador Soval from the blast. As the only human character Vaughn Armstrong played in his lengthy Star Trek career, Maxwell Forrest made quite an impression as one of the few good admirals in the franchise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star trek: deep space nine, star trek: voyager, star trek: enterprise.

Korath The Pursuer (Korath-Thak)

Korath-Thak Korath The Pursuer

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A warrior agent of the Kree Empire , Korath the Pursuer is a cyber-geneticist who endows himself with superhuman strength. He uses his intellect, might and arsenal against Kree opponents and outworlders.


When the Inhuman Royal family destroys a Kree space station, the Kree’s Supreme Science Council elects to use cyber-geneticist Korath-Thak’s Pursuer Project to eliminate the Inhumans. They create a solidified holographic template that tracks the Inhumans, then condenses it into a malleable energy-mass state for transmission to Earth’s New York City; but instead of encountering stone or metal first to absorb that material’s properties to enhance its strength, the template hits a cockroach and uses that material instead. 

The hybrid Pursuer fights the Inhumans and immobilizes them until the Inhumans’ dissident Kree ally Falzon sprays an industrial strength pesticide in the Pursuer’s face, dropping it. It awakes in police custody and escapes, resuming its hunt for the Inhumans. Sometime later the Pursuer gets recalled from Earth by its creators, its ultimate fate unrevealed.

Korath-Thak spent the next few years making the Pursuer process more cost-effective to develop cyber-genetic warriors for the militia, but new Kree leaders, Generals Ael-Dan and Dar-Benn , decide that the project will not be viable quickly enough and terminate it. A bitter Korath-Thak receives reassignment and transfers to a munitions plant where he re-creates another template and bonds it to himself, thus becoming Korath the Pursuer.

Pursuer Template

The Pursuer template has greater strength (lifting 1 ton), reflexes, and durability than that of an average Kree, sensors to track anomalous genetic/energy patterns from miles away, and can recover from exposure to poisonous gasses. The template transforms on contact with any available organic and inorganic materials into parts of its body. It carries a scepter that rearranges matter to create tentacles and hands from asphalt and a brick building, transparent globes from air, and can fire energy blasts. 

When the American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) absorbs into the template, it can go 1 month without water, 2-3 months without food, and eat any organic substance it finds. It is unclear if the bug’s abilities carry over into Korath the Pursuer.

Korath’s strength, durability, and reflexes are also greater than the average Kree’s, presumably close to the template’s levels. He carries two “beta batons” that can stun or kill opponents either on contact or by firing energy blasts, and flies using jet boots. Korath had some combat training, but limited real combat experience. He is also a leading researcher in Kree genetics and cybernetic systems.

Outworlder Opponents

Korath battles the Avengers on a few occasions and faces the likes of Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America , and suffers defeat by Wanda Maximoff, AKA Scarlet Witch , and Astra .

During Korath’s time as part of The Phalanx, he goes up against Wendell Vaughn, AKA Quasar , Heather Douglas, AKA Moondragon , and Adam Warlock as well as the deadliest automaton, Ultron , but is ultimately killed by the sentient robot.

Starforce Colleagues

Korath-Thak’s Pursuer Project is used by the Kree’s Supreme Science Council to eliminate the Inhumans, but his project fails. He goes on to continue it and becomes Korath the Pursuer as a result.

The Kree’s Supreme Intelligence assembles the Kree Starforce team, employing his Supremore android, to help him rule again. Team members include Korath, Roco-Bai, AKA Shatterax , Ultimus, Minn-Erva, AKA Doctor Minerva , Att-Lass, AKA Captain Atlas , and later, Ronan the Accuser . Alongside Starforce, Korath faces the Avengers in battle. He and his teammates overwhelm them but later suffer defeat by another Avengers team.

Korath is assimilated into The Phalanx, who are allied to Ultron, and becomes a Phalanx Select though Ultron later turns on Korath when he fails in the capture of Adam Warlock. 

Korath joins his people in the Kree- Shi’ar War and upon orders from the Supreme Intelligence, he and Starforce attempt to assassinate the Shi’ar leader Lilandra Neramani . After the Kree fall from a devastating attack secretly coordinated by the Supreme Intelligence, Korath joins the Shi’ar to help rebuild his race under Shi’ar rule.

A Cyber-Geneticist’s Chronicles

The Supreme Intelligence had Korath the Pursuer join his new Starforce on Kree homeworld Hala, where he attacked a group of Avengers before being defeated by Captain America. Recovering, Korath and Starforce again attacked the Avengers, overwhelming them. 

However, both teams were powerless to stop the royal Shi’ar renegade Cal’Syee Neramani, AKA Deathbird , while she killed Ael-Dan and Dar-Benn. The Supreme Intelligence sent Starforce to kill Shi’ar Majestrix Lilandra in retaliation, but they were defeated by the Shi’ar Imperial Guard and a second Avengers team. When all sides learned their mutual enemies, the Skrulls , had tricked them into the war, Lilandra freed Starforce member Ultimus to inform the Supreme Intelligence of the plot and kept Korath and the others as collateral, but the Kree Empire fell before that plan succeeded.

Lilandra sentenced Starforce to serve as personal guard to the new Kree Viceroy, Deathbird. In that role, they chased off Quasar when he came to help rebuild the planet, and helped put down a prisoner revolt when outlaw Admiral Galen-Kor broke out of prison, and aided the alien Deviant Blackwulf (Lucian) against his father, Lord Tantalus . 

When the Shi’ar occupation ended, Starforce, branded as defectors, was forced into exile. Korath eventually settled on the Kree fringe world Godthab Omega. When the exiled Ronan the Accuser made his way to the Kree colony, Korath gained his aid against assassin Gamora and her Graces , who were trying to take their land. While Ronan took the fight to Gamora, Korath learned of Negative Zone ruler Annihilus ’ invasion. Korath convinced Ronan to abandon his battle against Gamora and help evacuate the planet from the advancing force. 

After the Armistice ending the war was signed, Korath went on a covert mission to locate Herbert Wyndham, AKA High Evolutionary , who was secretly creating genetically perfect Kree for the Supreme Intelligence, but fell prey to the robot Ultron and his new Phalanx allies, a techno-organic race. Transformed into the first Phalanx Selects, Korath and his allies Shatterax and Xemnu failed to capture the just-awakened Adam Warlock. They reported this failure to Ultron, who slew Korath as an example.

  • Marvel Universe

Other Aliases

  • The Pursuer

Place of Origin

  • Kree Empire
  • Not publicly known in Kree and Shi'ar empires

Known Relatives

  • Super-Strength
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Superhuman Durability

Group Affiliation

Marvel Unlimited Logo on Comics Background

Fan Film Factor

Exploring the world of Star Trek fan films.

Fan Film Factor

R.I.P. – STEVE “KORATH” ATWELL (1967-2023)

korath star trek

It is always a sad moment for the Star Trek fan film community when one of our own embarks on a final journey to what Shakespeare called “…the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.” Earlier this week, cosplayer STEVE ATWELL, who played the role of the Klingon Korath in multiple episodes of VANCE MAJOR’s CONSTAR CHRONICLES saga, passed away at the too-young age of 56 after battling an illness that he could not defeat.

Vance contacted me yesterday to ask if I would write a blog about Steve and noting his passing. Unfortunately, I did not know Steve and never even met him, and aside from watching his performances as Korath and occasional appearances on the CRITICAL NOT CYNICAL video podcast, I knew nothing about this unique man. So I suggested that Vance, who was quite close to Steve as both director and friend, write Steve’s eulogy, and I would publish it here.

I now turn the blog over to Vance Major…

korath star trek

My loyalty is to my house, as your loyalty is….

– Krorath (“Much Afraid”)

How do you sum up the life of one man into a few paragraphs? You can’t. Something is going to be overlooked. All I can tell you is what Steve Atwell meant to me and his impact on this community. He is known by so many of us as “Fan Films’ Greatest Klingon” for a reason: he lived the part so much.

I met Steve a few years ago at TOPCON when STARBASE STUDIOS had been part of the event, and I was asked to help out with the bridge there. As people from every fanbase walked by, I noticed this cosplay of a Klingon that was so detailed that I had to know who guy was.

I followed Steve around for a while before approaching him, as he is a pretty intimidating guy…especially in Klingon garb! But he was so warm and receptive to me and my questions. We discussed what I was doing in fan films and his involvement in cosplay and exchanged information.

It was a little over a year before I actually was able to get him into a film, as I was still new to creating my films at the time. But he took to it really well, and we became fast friends. I trusted him to change dialog if it didn’t fit what a Klingon would say, as he was not just an actor, he was a guy with experience with Klingon culture. It stemmed from cosplaying for years as the character of Krorath. He lived this. When I brought Steve on, it was not me making the character of Krorath for him, it was more like we were bringing his character of Krorath from cosplay into the fan films, and it worked. We had a trust that I began to put on screen that was very much behind our characters…a bond, if you will.

korath star trek

I am not sure how many of my films Steve was in; I’m sure if I tried to count them, I would miss one, but there are a lot. I’d say close to 20 films if I’m being honest, as he would do anything from big parts to voice-overs. His presence was felt even if he wasn’t in them.

A few years later, he began to do podcasts and streamyard shows on my YouTube channels. He joined me for a Pizza Roll Diaries a few times and actually hosted the show “Critical, Not Cynical” with FRANK PAREKR, ZAMEER PATWA, and I. He continued to be part of not only the fan film community but the No Budget Productions community that we built…his knowledge of geek culture blasting most of us out of the water with so many obscure references it was a wonder to see. His passion constantly brought fans back for more, and the man was so full of life. Steve was one-of-a-kind with all he did, from the cosplay and the fan films to the podcasts. He was a guy who lived life to the fullest, usually with his cat right beside him.

Steve had his health issues for a while, and I wont go into them, but he always continued to push on with a warrior spirit and a quick wit. He always maintained a brave face for his audience, and I respected him for that. My friend loved life, and he was a very compassionate man. He was fair to others, and he laughed even when things were heavy and difficult. He was a larger-than-life man, and his absence will leave a huge hole in so many of the hearts of the fan film community.

I am honored to have worked with you, Steve. I am honored to have had you in my films. I am honored to have called you brother. I love you, Steve. Wherever you are, I hope you are raising your bat’leth and singing with that gleem in your eye that only you had…because that’s how I will always think of you, old friend.

korath star trek

Steve’s family had posted this on his facebook, putting his account in legacy status…

Steve left for Sto’Vo’Kor on Wednesday of this week, and will be missed by so many. He passed on, for those not understanding Klingon. We in his family mourn his passing, celebrate his life, and wish the best for you.

In his honor, a prayer to Kah’less. 

‘Iv wInej?  qeylIS.  chay’ wISam?  matay’taHvIS. (qeylIS), maleghmeH yIwovmoH.  reH  wInejtaHvIS reH So”egh’a’? not.

To those who would like it translated:

Whom do we seek? Kahless How do we seek him? Together Give us light to see Forever Will he hide from us always? Never

With all of this, I say to my friend from all of us in the fan film community and all of the lives you touched: Qapla’ !

A few others in the fan film community had a few things to say on Steve…

GEORGE KAYAIAN ( STARSHIP ANTYLLUS ) — I never had the honor of filming with Steve, but I felt I knew him as a Facebook friend, following his posts and his observations about life in general. He was smart, observant, and relatable. But I first knew him through his acting…and his indelible Klingon persona. It seemed a perfect fit. He found a niche, and he had the charisma to pull it off. He had a Klingon soul, but there was balance: part warrior, part poet, a twinkle of the eye, and a lust for combat. So entertaining! And now we yell at the heavens to let them know a Klingon warrior is on the way. Here on earth, we celebrate his life and legacy and appreciate the short time allotted to all of us. The fan film community has lost a brother. We mourn…and then we remember our friend. Rest well and in peace, Steve. We here at Starship Antyllus will take it from here.

TREY NARR (editor of CONSTAR CHRONICLES ) —  Steve was the consummate Klingon for Star Trek fan films as the bombastic Krorath.  I had the privilege of editing some of Steve’s work in several video and audio productions and found he was a true talent who put his whole heart and extensive knowledge into every job.  He also had a great appreciation for popular culture of the past, and I would look forward to reading about which old films, music, radio, or other classic entertainment he was enjoying at the moment.  Steve’s passing is a shock to me personally and a tremendous loss to the fan film community.

FRANK PARKER, JR. ( CROSSROADS – PROJECT GEMINI ) —  I am saddened to hear of the passing of my friend Steve Atwell, Krorath to many in the fan film community. I never met Steve in person, but I worked with him many times on our “Critical, Not Cynical” podcast. Steve always brought great insight and knowledge, and it was fun bouncing ideas and opinions off him. He was a good man, a good human being, and I will miss him. His contribution to the Constar Universe was always a pleasure to watch. I am saddened that he will not be able to contribute to Crossroads – Project Gemini . We had written him into one of our future episodes as Krorath. My friend, you will be missed, and tonight I howl for a true and brave warrior who enters Sto’Vo’Kor. Qapla ’ and Jolan Tru from your Romulan brother.

GREG MITCHELL ( STARSHIP ARMITAGE ) —  I never met Steve in person. In fact, I’m not sure I ever even spoke to him. I only knew him as an editor knows someone after rifling through hours of raw footage, pulling together a performance. But in those moments between takes, I grew to appreciate and admire Steve and his dedication to his portrayal of Krorath. As one of the editors on The Constar Chronicles , I always knew I was in for a treat when Krorath was in the film. Steve is one of the few actors whom Vance allowed to entirely rewrite his dialogue! Steve always brought a level of authenticity to his performance. He wasn’t acting, he was just being himself: boisterous and passionate, surly and, above all else, a man of principle. I can only assume that Steve possessed those qualities in real life. I am greatly shocked and saddened to hear of his passing, but am grateful that I had the chance to add to the legend of Krorath. Steve will leave a large hole in all of our hearts, but Krorath will live forever. Qapla’ !

JOAHUA IRWIN ( AVALON UNIVERSE ) —  I didn’t have the opportunity to know Steve well, but we did share a lot of common interests. It’s amazing how loving the same things will bring people together who may have never known each other. We both loved Star Trek , martial arts, and many other things. I knew him best from reviews he did with Nerd Tube and from seeing him act in Vance’s films. He was a very talented actor in those films, and I feel like he missed a calling in that regard. He gave a powerful performance in a relevant film he did during the lockdowns. I felt that film was in the best tradition of what Star Trek represents. He touched the lives of those around him, and really, that is the most important thing a person can do

Vance provided links to the following three fan films that Steve Atwell appeared in as Korath and was most proud of…

And finally, Vance, Frank Parker, Jr., and Zameer Patwa poated the following tribute to their departed friend in this touching video podcast…

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2 thoughts on “R.I.P. – STEVE “KORATH” ATWELL (1967-2023)”

Steve would want to be remembered with honor. That’s all I wanted to do. He made me part of “the house of krorath” and I took that seriously, we always saw the symbolism is our art. I’m going to miss him

Very nice tribute. Thank you both Vance and Jonathan for this post. So very sorry for his passing. Gone far too soon, but it would seem he lived a life that touched others in a positive way. That is a wonderful thing, that is a life well lived. RIP and God Bless

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Star Trek: The Experience - The Klingon Encounter (1998)

Vaughn armstrong: korath, photos .

Vaughn Armstrong in Star Trek: The Experience - The Klingon Encounter (1998)

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    A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant.

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  4. Korath (24th century Captain)

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  8. R.I.P.

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  15. Korath Uniform

    The Korath Uniform is the 29th Century uniform, the Klingon counterpart to the Wells Uniform worn on Federation timeships. It is available in the Lobi Store for 200. Upper Jacket Loose Wrist Attach L/R Sash Pants tucked high Boots Belt. ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.